0:00:00 Unknown_07: OK. Unknown_04: One morning in June some 20 years ago, I was just a rich man's son. Unknown_07: I had everything that money could buy, but freedom I had none. 0:02:00 Unknown_02: Alright chat, I'll pause it there. I have to explain that my internet connection is absolutely atrocious right now. So, if I drop out, I drop out. That's just the name of the game. That's just how it is. The recording will go up one time, this time I promise. So if for whatever reason everything falls apart, I apologize. I'd be sure to super chat to fundraise me being able to afford an internet connection. I actually, um, I'm using a hotspot right now. I'm literally using like a phone hotspot. So it appears that I am using, I have enough bandwidth to accomplish the stream on a mobile hotspot. Um, so we're just gonna, we're just gonna wig it, chat. We're just gonna wing it. Uh, the backstory to the intro, if you heard any of it was that it is David Hasselhoff in 1989 in the Berlin mall. Um, 0:02:33 Unknown_02: I guess I'll give a full backstory, because you guys are all Zoomers, right? All Gen Alpha chads. Unknown_02: After World War II, Berlin was divided in half. There was the oppressive Soviet side, and then inside of Eastern Germany was an enclave of Western Germany called West Berlin. And to prevent people from leaving East Germany to enter Western Berlin, they built a giant fucking wall. The kind of big, beautiful wall that only Trump could dream about. Complete with barbed wires, guard towers, sniping people trying to cross it, whole nine yards. 0:03:13 Unknown_02: In 1989, the Germans, unable to resolve this conflict by themselves, asked the United States for help, who sent a superweapon known as David Hasselhoff. David Hasselhoff entered Germany, went to West Germany, and then sang, I've Been Holding Out for Freedom to the East Germans and to the Soviet guards. And they were so compelled and so moved by this song that they actually brought down the wall without any Germans needing to do anything. And this is all relevant because today is German-American Friendship Day, and it's important to remember the American contributions to German history, such as David Hasselhoff single-handedly ending the Cold War by singing down the Berlin Wall. 0:03:52 Unknown_02: So, imagine having to pick between the two. Unknown_02: Uh, let's see here. Yes. Friendship. We Americans have a very inventive idea of what friendship is, but we just go along with it because there's no point. There's no point trying to argue with chat. 0:04:32 Unknown_02: um today's a less rambunctious day we got a lot of news stories um kind of like a weird blend of i think the entire thing is mostly news because there's like a weird blend of um locale intersection with with like breaking news so i'll just handle it the best i can Unknown_02: I've been fasting today, and I'm very very hungry, so if I sound tired if I sound depressed It's not because the weight of the world is crushing me literally breaking my spine in half on my shoulders It is because I am a hungry boy and as soon as this stream ends I am ordering whatever is available whatever is open at that hour and whatever hour it may be I will find one and I will I will get food from it 0:05:23 Unknown_02: All right. Unknown_02: So, um, let's just do the first articles about pedophiles. And the second article is about pedophiles. Unknown_02: The third article is about a black guy. We'll just skip to that then. Cause I don't, uh, I feel like cold opening about pedophiles is a bad look. So we'll just skip to that. Unknown_02: Um, Unknown_02: So Congress was voting on a budget. If you don't know, in the United States, every year, the Congress has to vote on a budget. 0:05:55 Unknown_02: If it does not vote on a budget in time, by the time the old one expires, the government literally runs out of money. And when it runs out of money, it has to start shutting down government services. It takes a long time for any important services to go down. Unknown_02: What happens initially is just that some payments are delayed for a week or however long it takes to get The bill passed though. It's kind of a big deal because in the united states Everyone is a retard and they spends all their their money as soon as they get it. So like if you're like a drug addicted ptsd Veteran who like is dependent on va payouts for disability and congress, uh doesn't pass the budget Then you are you're living paycheck to paycheck, and then all of a sudden you can't you can't actually You can't pay your bills because the government isn't paying you anymore, so that's what happens when the government shuts down No, the news hamster of course of course how could I how could I chat? How could I do this? 0:06:35 Unknown_02: Okay, so Unknown_02: That's what happens with that and let me know if there's a I mean, I'm looking at my connectivity and this says it's doing fine So I'm just keeping an eye on that. It's red. I don't know what that means because it's wavering I guess it goes from like a thousand kilobits per second to 5,000. So I guess it's I don't know. I don't know what's doing I'm just trying my best here chat Unknown_02: Um, so that's what happens with that. However, the budget had some things that the Democrats has agreed on. So they sent their top guy in this case, Democrat Congressman Jamal Bowman. And what he did in order to delay the vote was something unthinkable. He literally pulled the fire alarm, which caused the Congress to be evacuated out with the expectation that there was a fire. There was no fire. Mr. Bowman just decided to pull the alarm like a child. 0:07:27 Unknown_02: What's very very funny about this is that he Unknown_02: His lawyers put out a statement saying that Congressman Bellman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. Idrisu wrote on X, formerly X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The congressman regrets any confusion. So then he says, I want to personally clear up any confusion about today's events. As I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes, but today would not be open. I am embarrassed to admit I activated the fire alarm. Mistakenly thinking it would open the door now. I'm instead apologizing for any confusion. So I assume that 0:08:02 Unknown_02: If you like falsely pull a fire alarm in a federal building, it must be like an unexpectedly serious issue. Like it must be like, Oh, um, if you intentionally disrupt, Oh, if you intentionally disrupt Congress by falsely pulling a fire alarm, it's probably like eight different offenses, like falsely pulling a fire alarm, uh, uh, causing a panic in a federal building, disrupting an act of Congress. Like all that shit probably adds up to like 20 years in prison. If they go throw the book at you. So his lawyers just said, Oh, just say you didn't, you didn't mean to do it. 0:08:51 Unknown_02: So he had to like say, Oh, ah, geez, dude, I didn't know that giant red fire alarm was a, was a thing that triggered the fire alarm. I had no clue. You see, I don't even know what a fire alarm is. I didn't know that there's like smoke detectors. I don't know how to change the nine volt battery in my, my smoke alarm. So you gotta believe me. I really just didn't have any, any clue by the way. Uh, 0:09:24 Unknown_02: I, uh, I decided to try out that Bing thing. Cause you know, now that Microsoft has taken over the world, um, uh, they have AI that beats Google. Now, where is my history? I want to see my history of images. Unknown_02: I'll just type it in what I want to see right now. A nuclear explosion in the heart of London. And then if I try to create one of those, Oh, Unknown_02: It says that I cannot ask for a nuclear explosion in the heart of London. A giant flaming meteor crashing into the London skyline. 0:09:58 Unknown_02: All right, let's try that one. Okay, that one worked. They're okay with that. And now, now that I can type in my prompt, I can show you guys the funny meme that I had created. And I should be very careful with how much bandwidth I'm using because I'm already pushing the limit here. Okay, look. Unknown_02: That's what I typed in. This is, this is a real picture. This is a real picture of Senator Bowman attempting to figure out where that chirping noise is coming from in his home. Uh, he is extremely confused. He has no idea what's going on. He's terrified of the prospects that he could make an error in replacing the nine volt battery. 0:10:33 Unknown_02: Thank you being let's see that thing about London came in oh Did oh? Beautiful oh my god Okay, so nuclear bomb bad, but this is Unknown_02: This is okay. This is acceptable. Bing is like, yeah, it's such a great picture of London too. It has all the important, all the important buildings that a meteor would want to destroy if it were going to crash into England and kill everybody in the city. 0:11:15 Unknown_02: And if you close your eyes, it's like nothing happened at all. Unknown_02: All right. Um, Unknown_02: Okay, that's that. Let's go back to the pedophiles. An upskirting teacher avoids prison due to voyeur disorder. So this is in Australia. It's in Sydney, to be precise, I believe, based on the Sydney Herald. It says here, Sydney teacher who was jailed for secretly filming the up-the-skirts of students at his North Shore school has had his sentence overturned on appeal. After a judge agreed, his mental health conditions included a voyeuristic disorder that could be treated in the community. 0:11:49 Unknown_02: So, uh, there you go. His name is Mr. Wong. He is from Thailand, based on that flag in the background, if I read it. Yes. And, uh, he apparently likes to walk around with his phone and take up shirts. Scott, I guess in Australia, they're going to have to start doing that thing. Apparently in Japan, like when, you know, us normal people who live in the West, when we, you know, that little synthetic camera shutter effect that happens when you take a picture, it's kind of annoying and pointless. So we're just like, oh, that's annoying and pointless. I'm going to turn it off, kind of like when the fire alarm goes or the smoke detector starts chirping. You're like, oh, I'm going to replace the battery. Now, this camera shutter effect is really annoying. Let me just turn that off real quick. That's what we do here in the West. 0:12:21 Unknown_02: If you're of certain complexions. in japan because like voyeurism is such a phenomenon there and this is i realize that thailand is not japan but i guess it's an asian thing overall uh that they have to like the firmware for cameras sold in japan by law i'm pretty sure must have that camera shutter effect so you can't take creep shots unless you jailbreak your phone to turn it off So I guess in Australia, they're going to have to pass that law too. They already got the firmware out there for the, uh, the disabling of the shutter effects. Um, it seems like there's an, there's an epidemic in Australia caused by certain people, certain Australians, uh, that is undesirable. By the way, this is, could also be filed under don't send your kids to public school segment. So, uh, continue to consider this a continuation of that. Even, even in Australia chat, even in Australia, but then again, I think in Australia, you don't even have the option. 0:12:55 Unknown_02: Can, let me just Google this real quick. Maybe I should Bing it. Let me just Bing it real quick. Actually, I'll Google this on Bing is what I'll do. I have to be clear with my extreme level of passive aggressiveness. I'm going to Google if you can homeschool in Australia on the search engine Bing, because I'm using Google as a generic verb for online web search. 0:13:31 Unknown_02: Can you homeschool in Australia? Unknown_02: Yes, according to 10 sources, legal in all states and territories has different requirements. You apply to the education board in your state to reside, but you have no fixed address. You cannot apply. So you can't do it if you're homeless. That's very discriminatory against the socially, socially, economically disadvantaged. And those indigenous folks have lost their native lands. 0:14:10 Unknown_02: Um, the number of Australian homeschoolers has increased exponentially in the last decade. Unknown_02: You do not have to be qualified to homeschool your child in Australia. Well, there you go. Aussies, Aussies. Uh, you have no fucking excuse unless you are, unless you enjoy the specific teaching, uh, tools that Mr. Wong employs, such as, uh, don't wear a skirt. Unknown_02: That's lesson number one around Mr. Wong. Don't wear a skirt. 0:14:43 Unknown_02: And now we're going to go all the way around the world, stay in the Commonwealth though. In England, a survey has unveiled one in 10 men have carried out sex offenses against children, according to the Edinburgh University's Child Light Unit, a public health emergency with a rapid increase of child sex abuse online. 1 in 10 British men now, I'm sure that they use a very Loose definition for British here, but this is a certified British moment according to the Edinburgh In Scotland is Edinburgh in Scotland The Scotland second most populous city, so I guess the Scottish are just through I am I 0:15:33 Unknown_02: I read the comments on a clip of my last stream where I was talking about that woman that was on the Dick Show and she had like a very very strong accent and it sounded Scottish to me and I called her Scottish because that's what it sounded like and people in the comments were talking about how she's from Northern England I legit thoughts they were just being like really shitty and passive-aggressive and like the funniest way possible by referring to Scotland as northern England but apparently she's from North Umbria or whatever the fuck and is actually in the Adrian's Wall area of England was so I I was educated on the high high Isles accents I guess Unknown_02: Yorkshire in something like that. Well, the Scottish are getting offended at me again. Fuck off. Fuck off with you people Found that 10.1% of men the minute they had engaged in child sexual offenses either online or off almost 120 of those surveys So they had sexual contact with a child when they themselves were age 18 or older That is bizarre I 0:16:20 Unknown_03: Sex offenders are using, I want to know what, what the actual question is. Unknown_02: Cause I imagine if you just go up to men on the street and say, so when you were over 18, did you ever fuck a child? Not many people, even those who had are going to be like, oh yeah, of course I have. What? You don't, are you weird? 0:16:55 Unknown_02: I'm assuming that they worded it in some specific way. Unknown_02: And It got people to agree with it or they're just asking Arabs and the Arabs are like, yes Yes, I have and just like my prophet Muhammad who raped a nine-year-old did I am following his footsteps inshallah It's either that or or they're wording it in some crafty way. However, I like what's the say here? I 0:17:25 Unknown_02: Men who are sexually offending against children are watching a lot more online pornography, but also the type of content they are consuming is very deviant. It is more likely to be violent, it is more likely to be forceful, it is more likely to depict, for example, sex with animals. Unknown_02: Salters has the findings it should be a signal to men who are consuming a lot of pornography and also consuming a lot of violent Pornography that they really need to put their hand up and start accessing support services because those men are going to pose a risk to children Wow Mr.. Salter is on the goon clown Trail he is uh he's not afraid to call it out. Oh Unknown_02: Again, I'm sorry. We're gonna mean or not. I don't know what else I can do because it's just uh You're gonna have to enjoy your your man at the internet piecemeal through whatever signals I can reach out to you guys with Yeah, that's that And this I don't know a whole lot about but the headline is very catchy a New York City gun arrest uncovered a huge pedophile satanic cult 0:18:27 Unknown_02: Um, the arrest of a Queens man on gun charges two years ago has led federal authorities to discover a satanic pedophile extortion cult that targets minors over the lowercase I internet. He reports that there's a, well, thank God they haven't found the big I internet yet, but I wonder what internet they are on. Unknown_02: Investigators uncovered the heinous group named seven, six, four. Unknown_02: Uh, while probing disturbing social media posts that angel on media 23, he was busted in November, 2021 charged with being a convicted felon in position with firearm, according to court documents and report from the Guardian. Unknown_02: Uh, that appears to be him smoking crack. Oh, of course. They're not just Satanist pedophiles. They're Nazis. Uh, a, this guy is a not, this guy right here is a Nazi. You see this according to the federal government, a post on Almedia's alleged Instagram profile shows him posing with ammunition strapped to his chest in front of a black flag, blurring the logo of the order of the nine angels, which prosecutors described as a worldwide Satanist group, which embraces elements of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. Can we, Listen, I don't mean to be racist here, but as a representative of the white supremacist organization, according to the press, I have to say we really need to look critically at our people of color in the white supremacist movement because they're making us look bad. These crack-smoking pedophile satanists 0:19:47 Unknown_02: who also just so happen to be brown and black and ethnic origins are Really doing Nazism a disservice with their behavior. So we might have to be a little bit more gatekeepy and Who we allow to carry the NSDAP card moving forward and I hate to be the one to say it But we're all thinking that not trying to be racist here Come on Um 0:20:20 Unknown_03: blood covenant. Unknown_03: What is believed to be an offshoot blah. Unknown_02: These guys are super serious when they break out the Crayola magic marker and start drawing like pentagrams and shit. That's how you know That's how you know, they're super serious about this The group targets victims through platforms like roblox discord and twitch as well the big three Those are like the the father the son the holy spirit. These are the the satanist uh trinities the roblox the discord and the the twitch as well as curated soundcloud playlists and encrypted messaging app telegram researchers told the guardian I like how when they have to talk about like with like okay, it's discord We all know what discord is but when they talk about telegram or signal, this is a encrypted messaging application Which uh, which obfuscates messages and is used by criminals Um Chipmunk perfect glitch Okay, listen i'll try to switch back over to my wi-fi we'll try real quick if it doesn't work then I have to do it on the phone 0:20:57 Unknown_03: Okay. I'm I'm back on. I'm back on the wifi chat. Did it work? Unknown_03: I'm going to say that's a no. I'm going to say that chat saying that it doesn't work. The fucking fucking wrong. Okay. 0:22:02 Unknown_03: All right. Unknown_03: All right, listen here chat. Unknown_02: I've tried twice now to fix my internet and it just doesn't work. So you're gonna have to sit here and you're gonna have to enjoy me on the phone. Okay. Unknown_02: I don't, I don't even think I can change my resolution now. So you're just going to have to, you're gonna have to deal with it. You're gonna have to listen to your, your, your, uh, your episode, however you can. Unknown_02: All right. Again, sorry. It's just how it is. 0:22:32 Unknown_02: Speaking of privacy encrypted applications. There is a new thing out there It's machine learning powered and it knows every face on the planet if you've ever put because once again people get mad at the Kiwi farms and say the Kiwi farms is an evil stalking doxing harassing site the issue is not that the Kiwi farms exist the issue is is that in the United States your data is for sale and So there is now a machine learning program that can take your face and aggregate it through all social media data that's been sold throughout the world. And because your face doesn't change too much, even if you've cleaned up your profile in the last 10 years or whatever, where certain data regulations have gotten more strict, they still know who you are. 0:23:13 Unknown_02: So, um, you can do that right now. You can go to this application. I think it's even free to use to play around with. You can upload pictures of yourself and you can think, oh, I've not used social media in 10 years. And you might be surprised that your face does actually match who you are without any other knowledge. Unknown_02: And then if it just, if it can just tell you first, last name and date of birth, how many people in the United States do you think have your first name, your last name and born on your, your date of birth? Almost nobody. And with that alone, you can pretty much find the address of anybody living in the United States. Unknown_02: So again, you can be upset that the Kiwi farms is a thing and you can protest a cloud flare. You can do all sorts of gay shit. But, um, when it comes down to it, that's, it's literally not my fault. It's not my fault that the internet is what it is and it's so, uh, it's so easy to find, uh, where people are. 0:23:48 Unknown_03: Oh, you know what? My phone is low on battery. Unknown_03: Plug it in. See my genius brain. I believe that now I will be able to, uh, maybe with some energy, some power cells continue. 0:24:28 Unknown_03: I'm just gonna continue. Unknown_02: Uh, so This uh, well, this story actually was about like a like a taylor swift fan she just was taking random people's photos and doxing them or he or whatever and That pissed people off. So once again, it's not the fact that Unknown_02: As the title says, the end of privacy is a Taylor Swift fan TikTok account armed with facial recognition technology. People are not mad at the facial recognition technology. They're not mad at the fact that your data is being aggregated and sold to the highest bidder. They're mad that, um, people are accessing it and using it as, as intended. And I feel like the anger is just a little bit misplaced. 0:24:59 Unknown_33: Hello. Hello. Unknown_33: This is an emergency broadcast. Unknown_02: This concludes the six hour broadcast of Michael Myers dancing to a really catchy tune. Now we can get back to the news chat. Unknown_02: If you're tuning in, not aware. 0:25:38 Unknown_02: I tried to stream on my phone and that did not work. Apparently, uh, you have to finagle your phone so that when you pay for hotspot service, um, you do not get shut down for misusing your hotspot. So you have to like basically lie to your telecom provider, even when you pay for non mangled hotspot usage, because for some reason, Unknown_02: That's the thing, and we haven't pulled out the guillotine and just started lobbing off the heads of people in telecom. I'm all for it. I think that we need to bring back the guillotine. I can provide perhaps a 50 to 100 names for decapitation that would immediately enhance the quality of life of literally billions of users of the internet across the world today, literally today. 0:26:13 Unknown_02: But instead we all suffer in anguish even though there are specific people that we can blame for our problems yet And for some reason we just don't we just don't do anything about Okay, so Unknown_02: I am using my regular Wi-Fi the Wi-Fi from the kebab shop and From what I understand the telecom service was doing maintenance in the middle of the fucking day so that's why my regular Wi-Fi just shits itself constantly and Then I know that I figured out my mobile phone if that bottoms out I can then just switch back to the phone and use hotspot data and and we should be good so let us continue chat we will we will not escape no detail of today's stream will be left behind because as you may or may not have heard chat there is murder in the air potatoes sliced billions might fry chat so we must get to the bottom of this um before more needlessly perish 0:27:08 Unknown_02: Anyways, uh, so what I was talking about before was that there is a YouTuber named, uh, Alan Kali who goes by Tanner. No, sorry. He was the shooter. Tanner Cook is the guy and he runs a YouTube channel dedicated to pranks, funny pranks, like walking up to complete strangers and then following them until they feel threatened. and they shoot you. Unknown_02: Now this happened in Virginia. A DoorDash guy named Alan Colley was just picking up an order in a supermarket and this weird YouTuber just walks up to him and starts playing this weird shit and shoving his phone in his face. And then alan tries to like push him away and walk backward and tanner just like keeps walking towards him aggressively Kind of like michael myers just like randomly stalking him. So he gets properly freaked out. He pulls out his gun Half-hazardly shoots him like in the bowels and then just runs away. So let's take let's watch that now Let's take a look now. 0:28:14 Unknown_12: We do want to warn you that viewers might find this video disturbing channel 4 NBC would like to warn you that you're about to watch a man get shot, but it's really funny. Unknown_02: So we're gonna play it anyways Unknown_02: Okay, so I don't know who the guy in the head is on the right I think that's one of his friends Tanner cook is the guy with the backwards hat looking like a douchebag He's got his phone out. He's approaching Alan Kali the shooter who has apparently picked up a Popeye's chicken order He's ready to go He just wants to get, he literally just wants to get through the fucking day. He's doing DoorDash. So chances are his life isn't exactly where he wants it to be right now, especially at the age of 31. So he's literally just trying to get through this fucking day. And Tanner Cook, YouTube, uh, disproportionately wealthy YouTuber at a younger age, who's got like a foot on him, is going to decide to press his fucking luck today. Let's see what happens. 0:29:00 Unknown_18: No. Stop. 0:29:48 Unknown_02: This is America don't catch you slipping now Don't catch you slipping now because this motherfucker is slipping by the way since people were ranting about the hamster I have good news on the hamster front chat. I have great news actually We have a news hamster. He's dressed up like he he has a very special outfit He is a spooky ghost. Yeah, this is the spooky ghost outfit that was worn in the South Park episode. Unknown_02: In the first season, very spooky. Unknown_02: So we got some spooky news happening right now. Unknown_02: This was sent by email, by the way, from good night night, and I think that the other hamster could be wrong. 0:30:33 Unknown_02: But he's also done the spooky, the spooky ghost hamster. Unknown_02: Uh, okay. So the interesting thing about this is that the charges are fucked up. Uh, he got hit with three different charges. I want to say two lesser firearm counts and then, um, Oh, sorry. Unknown_02: No, it's two firearm counts and then also, uh, aggravated malicious wounding. So he was acquitted of that. And then, oops, I fucked up my place. But then in the two firearm counts, he was found guilty of one. However, uh, from what his defense attorney says, those convict, that conviction does not make sense. If he's guilty of one of those things. but not the aggravated malicious wounding nor the other firearm charge. It literally doesn't make sense. Like the law is structured in such a way that if you are not guilty of those things, but are guilty of that one, it just it doesn't it doesn't compute. So they're appealing that he's still in jail, unfortunately, even though he literally did nothing wrong. And Tanner Cook, don't worry about him. He's back on YouTube doing epic prank videos and getting paid for it. 0:31:07 Unknown_02: What a wasted life. 0:31:46 Unknown_02: This is the whole thing was surprising because this is from Virginia I don't know if Leesburg is in a particularly conservative area. I would imagine not I would imagine like any place that Tanner Cook ends up in is probably near DC and that's a shithole and But um, it just goes to show you that the average man in this country has a fatigue You know, they are fatigued by different things, but it doesn't matter if you're black or indian or asian or white uh prank youtubers Can literally get shot and die nobody cares Nobody would miss this man, except maybe like a couple 14 year olds and they'd get over it pretty fast 0:32:30 Unknown_06: All right. Unknown_02: So congratulations, chat. We have, we have beaten where we were at in the first stream. Things are growing great for us. Unknown_02: Uh, now on the other hand, this, this is, this is a more difficult one, right? Unknown_02: Um, Unknown_02: Robert Lee not to be confused with Robert Ely Confederate general was a Sort of Chris Hansen imitator and now there's a lot of these right now the whole Chris Hansen schtick with the advent of YouTube and the internet has become kind of like a Viral meme where everyone is setting up their own YouTube to catch our predator things and when there is a 0:33:19 Unknown_02: One of the things that Chris Hansen show did really well and when I say Chris Hansen show I mean the entire team of NBC producers and Legal staff and The people involved that were decoys and basic in the technical experts that were involved from the the actual nonprofit that they worked with and Down to Chris Hansen's like host professionalism, like they were very precise. They were very careful. They worked closely with real law enforcement. They made sure that they covered all their bases. And even despite the amount of work they put into making sure that they had a minimal amount of risk, the one time that they did have risk and they tried to go after a I want to say a district attorney in Texas, he killed himself. And that was the end of the show. So even when you have all your bases covered and you're trying to do something that's life-ruining like catching online predators Shit might happen that spooks off, you know 0:34:20 Unknown_02: Even producers producing one of the most popular shows of all time. So when you hand that kind of responsibility over to random fucking people on YouTube and Facebook, you get less professional behavior. One guy decides that he's going to track a predator down to his home and he was shot and killed. So 40 year old Robert E Lee a Pontiac vigilante who worked to expose child predators was fatally shot Friday at Universal Coney Island The Oakland County Sheriff's Office as Lee was a was at Universal Coney Island on Perry Street around 23rd or 1030 Vesters Hagen confronted two men sitting at a table. Oh, I guess it wasn't their home. Sorry I assumed that was at their home accusing one of them of being a pedophile and punching him. Oh, oh Great idea. Just punch him in the fucking face. Great. The two men were arrested on Saturday afternoon, according to the sheriff's office. Detectives expect the case over the prosecutors for charges in the coming day. Names have not been released at the time, but police tell us they both believe suspects are from Pontiac while the suspect, the shooter being 17 and the other suspect being 18. 0:34:56 Unknown_02: So he confronted a 17 year old and 18 year old for being pedophiles. I really hope that it wasn't like, I don't know. I don't want to say anything, but I really hope it wasn't something really fucking stupid where there's like Romeo and Juliet laws in play. You know what I mean? Uh, the man pulled out a knife and the other man at the table put out a gun and shot Lee multiple times. According to the OCS. So he was transported to the hospital where he later died from his injuries. He was known for slashing. Is this the guy? 0:35:28 Unknown_02: Is that the guy that died, Robert Lee? Are we just naming black people after confederate generals? I mean, we already have black Adolf Hitler. We have black Robert E. Lee. Unknown_02: This is how they're going to reclaim society. They can just start naming all their kids after like confederate and German people. Need like I need a I need a dark man. I need an Ethiopian with curly hair In the United States named Otto von Bismarck, and then we'll have like a complete circle of everything being completely forever I don't know what this is, but let's listen I say adventurously as I click the play button I 0:36:41 Unknown_02: Oh, he's popping tires. Unknown_02: If a man breaks my window and pops in his head and he says, come outside, nigga, I'm not coming outside. I'm staying inside. I'm perhaps shooting that person. I am not playing games at that point. 0:37:14 Unknown_06: This guy is like 0:37:58 Unknown_02: Maryland Batman. He doesn't have money. He doesn't have the gadgets. He doesn't have the Janessa of Batman. But what he does have is a tire popping knife and an SUV and a tick tock account. And that's all that it takes in the year 2023. Unknown_06: Can't go nowhere. Unknown_06: You can't drive. Unknown_06: Two flats 0:38:51 Unknown_02: It's like it's like the tag to a beat two flats pedophile and then the beat dress That's that's that's great At least he was funny. That's all I ask of people We're gonna be a deranged lunatic hunting down pedophiles at least be funny about it I try not to get shot Unknown_02: black fed smoker. That's funny. I'm putting that fucking dog on the net as a baby raper. That's why I think that clip, that clip of him yelling at that dog is my favorite clip of anything from, from, from Matt there. And that like, as far as like a short clip goes, it's perfect. Nothing will ever surpass though. 0:39:34 Unknown_02: Uh, anyways, Unknown_02: This was a journalist Josh Kruger in Philadelphia. He says, look, it's that lawless land liberals in Philly where shootings are dropping to levels not seen in years, he says. Unknown_02: He had a little bit of a run in. He was making fun of all those conservatards who were calling out blue cities as being gigantic shitholes because they are. Says man on dating site to be honest. I like other places better than Philly me blocked man on dating sites still alive No, that's a that's a spoiler alert There is no such thing as ethical consumption and inherently exploitative capitalist system And he appears to be drinking a soda, so I don't know what that point is 0:40:08 Unknown_02: Can't wait for my new pin to go in my backpack and there's this little snake little sneaky think thing No one's treading on you sweetie, which I can Affirmatively say is not correct Public service announcement straight people this isn't middle school Uncast unclasp your goddamn hands for a second though your opposite direction sidewalk neighbors Can traverse the highway without being tossed by your beatly beastly partner into a gutter share the roads straights 0:41:00 Unknown_02: And I really don't even know what that means. Unknown_02: You know what else? Oh, it's Sean Walsh says Philly Police Union Prez John McNesby today shot back at controller Rebecca Reinhart's critical audit of the Philadelphia Police Department, saying she made the department look bad to boost her expected mayoral run, quote, according to the audit, the Philly command staff in the Philly police adept does nothing right. Josh Kruger replies saying, you know what else does nothing? The shootings unit, they catch a mere one in five shooters. Let's add homicide detectives to who only catch one in three murderers. If you want to talk about doing nothing, those are the facts. Well, I have a sneaking suspicion that there might be so much crime in Philadelphia that no police unit, especially one staffed by socioeconomic factors could possibly keep up with that. But. 0:41:32 Unknown_02: He also says it is demented that racism is so important to about a third of this nation that they'd rather live in an autocracy than piss all over the flag they supposedly allied themselves to rather than accept that non-white people's lives and voices matter. This is a peak George Floyd era, by the way. 0:42:06 Unknown_02: Racism is the only reason Donald Trump ever became president. Racism is the only line in the frenetic ideology of Trumpism. It was racism during the KKK march on Washington, Lindbergh's crypto Nazi America first, and the John Birch Society, and it's racism today too, he says. Well, unfortunately for him, uh, Unknown_02: He was walking down the street in Philadelphia with his girlfriend or wife or whatever. It's him in the suit This man of socioeconomic status now he because he's not he's anti-racist He allows himself to relax in the situation. Let's see how that plays out So man apparently slashes at him with some kind of weapon it can't really be seen I 0:42:44 Unknown_02: He starts to back off, he tries to push him away but it's kind of a daunting task because he's armed and Josh is not. And he now decides to cut here to spare some gory detail and the blurred out thing on the ground is his body. The man of socioeconomic status is walking away satisfied with his murder. His girlfriend apparently is still relaxing and is trying to talk to this person which enrages him further. 0:43:26 Unknown_02: He has an exchange with her and notifies her of some details about his feelings towards them. And she's still there, which is a bit strange. She seems a little bit spooked. Unknown_02: Okay, now she's finally able to tend to him, but I think he's already dead, so... Unknown_02: Let's all remember Josh Krueger, an anti-racist, so variantly anti-racist that in the aftermath of his death, his friends have come out and said that he would not want people to be racist over his death because he had such a big heart for all the people of socioeconomic factors in the United States. He would instead want you all to blame our mental health care system for his death. 0:44:13 Unknown_02: I for one do believe there's an uptick in crazy people. Unknown_03: Was that a wrong person? Unknown_03: Oh, so wait, did this happen twice? Unknown_02: OK, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Unknown_02: Josh, Josh Kruger was killed in. Selecting, I actually already ate so. Unknown_02: People, I'm sorry, the same thing happened twice in one week and OK. 0:44:52 Unknown_03: people The step guy is Ryan Carson, okay Okay. Unknown_02: Okay. How did Josh die then explain how good yeah, you guys are gaslighting me. So Ryan, okay was Ryan Carson also gay Let me take a look here. I Sorry chat. Sorry chat Ryan Carson He got shot do that at home so Josh Krueger was shot at his home and Unknown_03: shot and killed and says, okay, so he died in Philadelphia. Then Brian Dowling, 18 charged with the murder of deadly stabbing of New York city activist Ryan Carson. 0:45:39 Unknown_02: Okay. So, okay. Okay. Let me, let me correct the record here. This guy right here, Josh Kruger died in Philadelphia from being shot. The guy that we just saw get stabbed was, um, Unknown_02: Was uh, ryan carson a new york city activist and he was that for whatever reason that socioeconomic factor is 18 That's an 18 year old man It's so bizarre. He literally just walks up to him and decides that he has an issue Um We have definitely seen him before he seemed like a very chilled kid just very mentally paranoid named her gloria ray says 0:46:21 Unknown_03: Okay. Who is, who is Ryan Carson then? Let me see if I can search this on the Kiwi firms really quick. Unknown_02: Sorry. I genuinely thought this was the same thing. I'm kind of shocked that it only happened. Okay. Listen, Ryan Carson only died this week so that when I talked about this, I would be confused. Chad. Unknown_02: So that I would get this wrong and people would think oh my god Josh is an idiot and he doesn't know what he's talking about and he's not the sharpest tool in the shed my unlike Much like how he gets everything wrong, but dick or dick Masterson My friend was murdered last night in Lafayette. 0:47:11 Unknown_03: Oh, here we go man 32 stabbed to death near Brooklyn bus stop Unknown_02: My god, listen, how how can you give me shit for this chat? Well, look at this So this is the guy um Unknown_02: Who died in Philadelphia? And this is the guy that died in New York. They are doppelgangers. I'm like, okay, I'm a little bit face blind. I have differences. I have a hard time telling people apart. I just do, but check it out. They, they look, they have like that same soy type. I don't know. There's some sort of like genetic relationship between them. 0:47:51 Unknown_02: They're feds face blind autism. They all look the same. It was stage. Is he, is he one of those crisis actors I've heard so much about? Is he just going around getting fake murdered in every city? Okay. I'm face blind. It's just the estrogen, the lip shit phenotype. It's true. Unknown_02: An advocate with a blossoming career influencing public policy was stabbed to death by an unhinged stranger while waiting for the Brooklyn bus. 0:48:23 Unknown_02: Let's see. Oh, this is girlfriend Rising star in the organization the New York Public Interest Research Group also known as knee perg Wonderful person hard-working loud and boisterous In the Carson 32 spearheaded the 2021 no OD New York campaign the initiative saw him and supporters walk from City Hall to Manhattan to Buffalo with stops in Albany Raised more than $20,000 Wow 0:48:54 Unknown_03: Um Co-wrote the daily news op-ed new yorkers falter on fentanyl in the opioid crisis Well, no shit, homie Maybe that explains why he got stabbed in the fucking throat Unknown_02: That's funny. I mean, I like it in a literal sense. It's not that funny. It's just ironic. Is it? No, because people are going to get mad if I say ironic. I'm not allowed to say ironic. It's something else. It's coincidental that they both died in the same week, in the same kind of way, with the same kind of personality. Unknown_02: I don't know, man, maybe if enough white people walk and raise money on GoFundMe, maybe people of socioeconomic factors will stop stabbing them and shooting them and raping them. What do you think, Chad? Do you think that's possible? I do. I'm an optimist, so I believe that anything is possible with love, Chad. 0:49:42 Unknown_03: Wait, wait, wait. Unknown_03: So the guy that said it was a gay, oh, sorry, I didn't have my slides. Unknown_02: Gay meth user who, so he was doped up on meth and he's a homosexual and he seeks up hookups and lives in the culturally enriched area. Okay. 0:50:14 Unknown_02: This feels incredibly targeted given the Facebook post and his journalism. Devastated. I don't even need the Facebook post or anything else to pretty much guess that this was targeted. Someone breaks into your house immediately. Okay, so now we're back to Josh. We're going back to Josh, right? Unknown_02: The gay meth user who seeks out hookups and lives in a culturally enriched area as much as expected. So I'm assuming that this, this guy, I'm going to, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this guy is the homosexual who does meth. I'm just going to take out and take a, take a little shot in the dark here. Like the guy that shot him in this house and say that this is probably a gay meth user here. 0:50:49 Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_02: So he says someone breaks in your house immediately shoots you and doesn't take anything not to mention according to the police It wasn't an actual break-in either the door was unlocked or they knew how to access the house I live in the area 21st and Tasker. This is a very specific type of crime in this area. This is not one of them The last couple of shootings have all been very directed So everyone is assuming journalism issues, but seeing as he was over on 23rd and knowing the area I Would like to add in the mix on a local member dispute Um 0:51:32 Unknown_03: The hell I want to know who sent that woman to his house or if it was someone stalking him or mad because of what something he wrote. Unknown_02: Uh, not a woman just pointing out that it's not a woman that he, she, her, who are doing this way to be transphobic just because a trans woman broke into his house and accused him of stealing her boyfriend before brutally gunning him down in cold blood. I mean, she's not a real woman. Oh, I love Reddit. Unknown_03: The death may have been domestic abuse. Unknown_02: This is the same thing that happened to Nancy Pelosi. Where does Nancy Pelosi's husband live? Didn't he also have a domestic dispute and get hit in the head with a hammer by like a messed up male prostitute in his home? 0:52:08 Unknown_02: Where did that happen at? I don't think I doubt Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's husband hammer. Unknown_02: Um, San Francisco home. Okay. So there's an epidemic in the United States of gay white meth addicts and shitty cities being attacked by messed up prostitutes. We have a truly unhinged epidemic on our hands right now. Chat. 0:52:45 Unknown_02: Someone says that this is the best part about it. I will trust you. Sneed eight poster to enlighten me. Unknown_03: The day after this guy mocks Scott Adams about urban crime causing death, urban crime causes his death. Unknown_02: In response to Scott Adams saying, if Biden is elected, there's a good chance you will be dead within the year. Scott, uh, Josh Krueger, September 30th, the day before he was killed, says the Dilbert dude is like Nostradamus. Look at his prediction for 2022. Wow. Eerie. That is awesome. That is so awesome. That is surreal. How awesome it is. That's fucking great. 0:53:23 Unknown_03: That's actually perfect. Unknown_03: Cool. Unknown_03: Um, okay. And this is the stabbing news. We already covered all that. Unknown_02: And now we have a California woman who made a book that shows all the local white supremacist and transphobes. 0:53:56 Unknown_02: Uh, it's called know your local fascists and it has some interesting faces on that chat. Uh, I have preloaded this video, so let's listen. Unknown_02: This was supposed to be like because she had printed these out and was gonna like deliver them And didn't go as planned because Unknown_02: People do not like this hot off the press as I rolls and bloodlust. I'm just got 10,000 likes 1300 reposts Blue pink says local idealist quiet woman with more money and senses Publishes the names and addresses of dozens of Mexican with face tattoos. You'll never guess what happens next Anime avatar says what happens next Malekith king of the feminine men says she's going to find out why their violence statistics are so high Why did this not load? 0:54:35 Unknown_03: that Sub human says that feel when you haven't made this week's know your local fascist lord forgive me for a month to do it dr Valens says white nationalist ideas in a book filled with Latinos and no white woman hated us when we came up to that like tink shit Shark punch that's gonna be funny when she gets sued for libel I Don't think you can get sued for libel for saying some I mean you can get sued for anything but 0:55:29 Unknown_02: American win Eastside show SCP RPC says I believe hilarity will be ensuring in Soon shortly wonder joke says lively cartels beheading video. Oh beefy says no. No be fair. I'm sure one of them was Asian Fox where it says lol, they're all Mexicans hazardous wolf says I know this has made the rounds already But all I have to say is this is honestly pretty pathetic the fact that she's trying to convince people that this isn't liable or defamation is also hilarious Lamel just waiting for the lawsuit from these people show up and on you dummy Unknown_02: Trying to incite violence against mexican asian people in your community by accusing them of what you are has to be Have the slimmest thing I've ever seen here. When will they learn chat? When will quiet women learn that they hate you? You can do nothing, right? And when you try to stand up for them, you know, say we Keep us safe and shit. They hate you. They despise you They think that your your job is to sit there and allow yourself to be lectured by queens and kangs And you have no role in their society. 0:56:11 Unknown_02: Um, besides making black babies, I guess, if you are really fucking gross. Unknown_02: Though, I mean, in their defense, white men also seem to hate them. 0:56:45 Unknown_02: This is, okay, so this is actually pretty funny. Um, there is a woman's tech conference. Unknown_02: I believe in Seattle. Unknown_02: And, uh, so it's supposed to be a place for women to have special access to other, like to, to booths for big companies in tech. So that tech trying to get some women on payroll for tax purposes, uh, are able to, to, uh, get first pick basically with the best and brightest female technical people coming out fresh out of university. Now. 0:57:19 Unknown_02: We live in a society chat and in the United States From what I've heard there is like a thing where pajeets are like the new Mexicans Mexicans start coming to the US and but there's like a billion pajeets So now aid Indians are just like taking over everything and so Indians hearing that there are Jobs for women to keep their h1b visas valid and fresh decide. Hey, you know what? I'm a Hindu, and we have a third gender. So guess what, boy? We're non-binary. And sure enough, they walk into Seattle. Unknown_14: This is supposed to be a joyous event that centers around you. Unknown_00: Yesterday, it became clear that there are a far greater number of cisgender men attending than we anticipated. Unknown_14: Simply put, some of you lied about your gender identity to be registered. 0:58:12 Unknown_14: And as evidenced by the stacks and stacks of resumes you're passing out, you did so because you thought that you could come here and take space to try and get a job. Unknown_14: We need male allies. Unknown_14: We need men who want to celebrate women, who want to work with and for women. Let's celebrate. Unknown_14: We welcome men in this space, but to learn, and support, and improve. Unfortunately, some of you took discounted academic tickets for Women in Need Day. 0:58:59 Unknown_14: Some of you are taking interview slots right now while this plenary is going on for Women in Need Day. Some of you are standing in line to talk to your peers instead of letting them speak. Unknown_14: All of those are limited resources which you have no right to. Unknown_14: So let me be very clear. 0:59:38 Unknown_02: People in chat were asking why don't they just tell them to leave? Well, I'll skip ahead a little bit There's a really funny post. This isn't 2x chromosomes, which if you don't know has been taken over top-down by trainees So it's a training inclusive space, even though it's literally called 2x chromosomes, which by definition Excludes them from the discussion I Unknown_03: abject governor, 1247 asked what you asked and says, why weren't those men named shamed and then told to leave? Unknown_02: The event was clearly not for them. They shouldn't have been allowed to get away with that bullshit. Knock VAC says, cause they don't know who they are. All they have is a disproportional amount of assigned male at birth trans people. So they figured there must be some abuse, but they cannot prove any particular person is lying. 1:00:12 Unknown_03: Um, Unknown_03: Abject governor 1247 says as soon as they use pronouns he him to officially register They should have been shown the door hot sizzler says and this post got more uploads than abject governor says you can be non-binary and use he him 1:00:49 Unknown_02: So if you're wondering why these people are not permitted to just fix the issue, it is because the rules which they have set up necessarily prohibit them from being able to easily identify and actually fix the issue. There's zero way that you can tell based on the rules that are provided If somebody is abusing their gender identity card to sneak into events that are supposed to be for women. You just can't You Unknown_02: Back to the thing, this is actually from the event. This was from a woman who filmed just how many men are there. And as you can tell, uh, the men are of a specific, uh, poo economic factor, but I mean, there's lots of poo women too. Let's take another look here. The pageants. 1:01:39 Unknown_02: Shameless and sexist as they may be, I've just decided, you know what? This America thing, this is a bank to be robbed. This is a country of wealth and splendor for me to smash open and seize with open poo encrusted hands and take for myself. And for that, I commend them. Unknown_02: They truly understand the American spirit better than many people do. 1:02:13 Unknown_03: Um, okay. This is a camera with this as a, oh, this is a training video. Uh, and white people are apparently mosquitoes for people who still don't think that microaggressions are a problem. Unknown_05: Oh, you're so well-spoken. Unknown_18: Just imagine instead of being a stupid comment, a microaggression is a mosquito bite. It's a compliment. Unknown_18: Mosquito bites, and our itch, are one of nature's most annoying features. But if you're only bitten every once in a while... No, where are you really from? 1:02:49 Unknown_22: Uh, Cleveland? Unknown_18: Sure, it's annoying, but it's not that big a deal. The problem is that some people get bitten by mosquitoes a lot more than other people. I mean, a lot more. Whether it's on a date... Okay, wait, hold up. Unknown_02: Hold up. Unknown_02: Do you guys see anything racist about this video? Right? This part right here and other people. Is it just, is it just me? I know that I have an extra level of racial perception going on, but when I see this, I think of one thing, chat. 1:03:23 Unknown_18: I mean, a lot more, whether it's on a date. Unknown_09: Oh, your English is so good. Unknown_18: Excuse me? Going grocery shopping. You know, everything happens for a reason. I'm just buying apples. Commuting to work. So when are you going to have a baby? Watching TV. Unknown_18: or just walking down the street with your partner. Unknown_02: I love that's in a government video. You know, a lot of people actually. Unknown_02: I'm from the DC area I was born very close to DC and I have a lot of people in my family who loved the Washington Redskins We no longer watch football because the Washington Redskins are now The watch what is it the Washington commanders or something? It's a really awful generic name. The NFL is now like absolutely detested by everybody for commanders the Washington it's awful and It's really cringe. Um There's actually like a group of like natives who want to change the name back to the redskins Because there's nothing really offensive about the term I mean we call black people black and white people white I don't know Or just walking down the street with your partner I couldn't even tell you were gay 1:04:39 Unknown_18: Mosquitoes seem to pop up everywhere and getting bit by mosquitoes every goddamn day multiple times a day People cannot resist when they see a black quain they say oh my god, I need to touch your hair I have never in my life Unknown_02: Felt compared compelled to touch a black man or black woman's hair ever. I know that's a thing though I know but I've never personally been like, oh I Unknown_02: Wow, your hair looks wiry and coarse, like my pubic hair. Can I touch it? It's never happened to me once in my life. Okay, that animation reminds me of the flash animation about Zimbabwe's history. Unknown_18: It's set to 99 Red Balloons by Nina. Do you know what I'm talking about? That looks a lot like Mugabe. 1:05:37 Unknown_18: It's just a mosquito bite, who cares? Unknown_02: I mean, literally! Literally! Astrophysics? Hmm, maybe you should try this challenging major. Unknown_18: And other mosquitoes carry strains that can even kill you that's something that you don't say to literally anyone though if someone wants to like pursue like a Hard science major. Unknown_02: It doesn't matter what their race is. You shouldn't say like, oh, well, you're a fucking retard You know what? I mean? Maybe his grades suck Maybe he's just got an F in math. Like maybe you should try something else. You don't seem to be very good at math challenging major 1:06:13 Unknown_18: Ow, what a dream. And other mosquitoes carry strains that can even kill you. He looked like he was up to trouble, okay? Unknown_12: I felt threatened. Unknown_18: So next time you think someone's overreacting, just remember. Unknown_02: I love how the white guy, they got the voice, the cop mosquito, is like, he knows, he knows it's funny. And you can hear that he's like laughing as he says the line. Unknown_18: Remember, some people experience mosquito bites all the time. 1:06:47 Unknown_06: You're all so exotic, wow. Unknown_18: And by mosquito bites, we mean microaggressions. Unknown_03: Chat, we live in a society. That's pretty cringe. Unknown_03: Alright. News hamster. Unknown_02: You are dismissed. We will be spooked by you. Some other- Actually, no, come back. We got more shit. He looks very annoyed when I brought him back. Like, yeah, yeah, sure, motherfucker. Unknown_03: Um, let's see what's next, yeah. 1:07:25 Unknown_03: Okay, so... Unknown_03: Oh, okay, so, um... J.K. Unknown_02: Rowling has put out a new book for the first time in a while. I can't remember what her last book was. It was like a murder mystery novel or some shit. And it was under a pseudonym. Unknown_02: And, you know, when you're J.K. Rowling, you can do whatever you want. You don't really need to make money anymore. Unknown_03: So she's put out another book. Unknown_03: Um... 1:07:57 Unknown_03: What is the name of the book? It's not in this post. Unknown_03: Oh, Strike. Strike Novel. Unknown_02: Oh, The Ink Black Heart. Okay, I'll just read this post in its entirety, actually. Unknown_02: Devisa Tufo says Rawlings next strike novel will be released next week Can we expect a new training meltdown about some not so hidden transphobia according to the summary? It's about a cult so that already sounds promising I forgot what made them cry about the last book and when I did a quick Google search I found the following quote Quote JK Rowling's new book the ink black heart features a storyline about a creator who was doxed by her own fandom over content viewers Down transphobic and racist which is not even remotely what happened in the book. So I'm looking forward to what they will make up this time 1:08:36 Unknown_02: Where is my mind with the very cash money Bulbasaur?" Avatar says. But of course, for starters, the new novel is bigoted and ableist. It features a mission to save someone's autistic son from a cult, so I guess it hits a little bit too close to home for a lot of Trones, being autists and a gender cult. Autistic Leah says... Unknown_02: So apparently JK Rowling's latest book involves an autistic person who joins a cult that pretends to be inclusive, but judges anyone who opposes their views. I can already smell the ableism here. I'm tired of autistic people being presented as vulnerable and easily influenced. Um, I got some fucking news for you. Mark Grimshaw at Mark G Comedy UK says, J.K. Rowling is writing an autistic character. So based on her previous naming of members of minority groups, best case scenario, she's called Nora Divergent. Worst case scenario, the world, the world is being introduced to retardation. 1:09:56 Unknown_02: That's actually really funny. I see now why this man is a comedian, because that's actually funny. Good job, my boy. Unknown_02: Forrest says, in J.K. Rowling's new book, an autistic person joins a dangerous cult, painting autistic people as vulnerable and not knowing our own minds. Throughout the book, neurodivergent characters are referred to as a bit simple in the R slur. Hashtag, actually autistic. Unknown_02: And then Gretchen Felke-Martin says at Scumbelievable, this is definitely a tranny for sure. This is so, actually responding to Felicia transgender flag emoji, female emoji at Tranarchic says, The new JK Rowling novels about an autistic person groomed by a cult on the list of things I don't want Rowling to go near, autism is at the top. Gretchen replies saying, this is so obviously emerging as a new fixation for her. In her awful, the ink black heart, there's an aside about profoundly autistic girl who gets duped into building a bomb by extremists. It's actually pretty base. 1:10:29 Unknown_02: Um. Unknown_02: Caro gay flag emojis says she has always, even at the height of Harry Potter's popularity. And it's such a bizarre, hostile relationship with her readers that my guess is she's doing this specifically because she is extremely online. And so many of her detractors ideas, autistic, like it's deliberate meanness. 1:11:17 Unknown_02: That's a bit projection. Fucking, uh, gay flag, Twitter user calling somebody else terminally online is a bit of a bit of a shot in the dark, a bit of a stone in a glass house. Unknown_02: Uh, Gretchen replies saying she has a deep seated need for control and an intense meanness of spirit in the full sense of the word. Small, petty. Unknown_02: I noticed that whenever Someone gets made fun of like it can never be that people just genuinely find you disgusting or pitiable or sad It's always or pathetic or hideous or vile or you know repugnant on like a deep deep intrinsic level and 1:12:08 Unknown_02: Commonly shared by all human beings that aren't desensitized to it. It's always like oh She's just mean she's just a bully. She's projecting her own insecurities. She's just terminally online It's never that like no really your behavior is just like repugnant like viscerally disgusting to people they always got to convert that into some sort of thing where the person doing it is like flawed in some way and Unknown_02: Like how they always project that if you don't like gay people, then you're secretly gay. As if me not liking spiders means I want to fuck spiders. Like my fetish is fucking spiders because I hate them. That's not how it works, I don't think. 1:12:42 Unknown_02: I'm sure that there is a specific category of people who are afraid of becoming something so they really hate it, but I think that now people are really capable of a healthy relationship with hate. Why don't we talk about that? I think that it's perfectly acceptable for a person to hate something. It doesn't have to be like a psychological, you know, disability that, oh, I hate something. So therefore, I'm like, I'm merely coping with some irrational fear or deep seated knowledge about myself that I'm that I'm hiding. Why is it now unacceptable to be intolerant of literally anything? Why does it always have to be some kind of projection? Because surely if we go down the pipe long enough, we'll find out that There are certain things that people agree you can hate without having an irrational basis for it, right? Like it doesn't matter what kind of what person you're speaking to. I'm sure everyone can agree on a couple things that they all hate. Um, maybe not the same things, but I'm pretty sure you can shake that tree deep enough to find something that you would say you hate. And the, but no, you'd probably get like really obtuse from like, I don't, I don't, 1:13:58 Unknown_02: I may be a Jewish scholar and Harvard, but I wouldn't say I hate Nazis because they know what you're trying to do. You try to pull that line. Somebody like Shirley. Okay, so do you hate this? No, I just feel they're misinformed. Yeah, right. Yeah, right, buddy. That's why you go on Twitter and say that we should start hanging people that you disagree with, buddy. Because you just pity them so bad. Okay, fine. There's a lot of people I pity. Let's pull out the guillotine. Pull out the guillotine. I pity everybody in the technology industry. Pull it out. We gotta start fixing some socioeconomic factors here. 1:14:39 Unknown_02: This is an update on Dave Moscato the guy who is the tranny that lives in his father's basement that recently had an arrest related to that Throwing Romans who has a pumpkin man waving to an audience below him as an avatar Generated by being says doctrine court orders show that our boys had some a fib not exactly her tech So he was in custody Unknown_02: And I believe that he had, um, a heart condition or heart episode while in custody. The report says. Uh, count one in violation of section five 70 committed the D class felony of stealing by deceit, punishable upon conviction. Um, in that were between June 9th and June 29th, the County of Boone, St. City, Missouri. Unknown_02: Defendant appropriated food and services of at least $750 which food and services are billed to redacted and defendant appropriated such food and services from redacted with so he he was arrested for Stealing food. He like door. He must have like door dashed 1:15:47 Unknown_02: like Restaurant food to him using his dad's credit card or something. That's the only thing that makes sense Is that he was just like using uber eats that was still linked to his father's credit card after he got evicted And then I added up to like six hundred fifty dollars over a couple weeks or something And then his dad called in the the theft Jordan okay fine Unknown_03: Okay with the purpose deprived redacted therefore of the seat by the defendant represents the country club of Missouri that defendant was authorized to build. 1:16:23 Unknown_02: Okay, geez Therefore of by deceit and the defendant represent the county club, Missouri That was off the boon and we downloaded which representation it was false and known by defendant to be false and the county club of Missouri relied on the representations therefore induced apart with such foods and services So why would he lie to a country club? He was billing food at today's account at the country club. I was close Unknown_02: So he was sneaking back to his father's country club and be like, yeah, put it on my dad's tab He won't even notice and then he just went to like the hors d'oeuvres table and just started like shuffling Like hors d'oeuvres into his mouth. I'm gonna leave and that's how he was feeding himself until his dad realized that $750 of like cheese cubes have been bought over the last month at the country club You can do that, okay, there you go that makes sense then 1:17:33 Unknown_03: All right, uh, sorry, uh, trans woman to be banned from female hospital wards. Unknown_02: So the epidemic of transgender rape in the United Kingdom is so pervasive now that the United Kingdom is finally forced to be like, yeah, this is a problem that we have to deal with. As the report says, Unknown_02: Trans women will be banned from female hospital wards under the health secretary's plan to restore common sense to the NHS. On Tuesday, Steve Barclay will announce a proposal to push back against wokery in the health service that has led to women's rights being increasingly sidelined. The changes would give men and women the right to be cared for and warned, shared only by people of their own biological sex, and to have intimate care provided by those of the same sex. Mr. Barclay said the plan would mean the return to a common sense approach to sex inequality, Ensuring that women's dignity was protected and their voices heard the proposal follows concerns from patients and staff but biological men being allowed to a woman's hospital wards in 2021 NHS guides said that trans patients could be placed on single-sex boards on the basis of the gender which with they identified Which reminds me that I have this little chart With me If I can find it I 1:18:54 Unknown_03: If I can find it, I have this assorted by fucking date. Now, of course, I'm never going to be able to find it. No, that one too. Unknown_03: Aha. Unknown_03: This is Unknown_02: The rates of sexual offense based on gender and gender identity. Uh, this is reports directly from his majesty's prison service in the United Kingdom. Uh, a report released, I assume on January, 2023. And it goes like this women incarcerated sex offenders, 103 out of 30, 30.4 million women in the United Kingdom. So three women out of every million will be incarcerated based on a sex offense. Men. 1:19:31 Unknown_02: Incarcerated sex offenders, 11,660 out of 29.5 men are 395 per million by a factor of over 330. So when I say that 99% of sex offenders are men, I'm actually underestimating how many sex offenses are committed by men. 1:20:17 Unknown_02: Then, down there at the bottom, it says there, men who identify as women incarcerated sex offenders, 92 out of 48,000, or 1,916 per million, but there's not even a million, so that seems a little bit exaggerated in terms of the percentages, but when you have to adjust for population size, it's what you end up with. Unknown_02: Step it up, ladies. You're slipping. Anything women can do, men can do better, right? Unknown_02: Excellent. Good job, UK. Unknown_02: Isn't that sad? We have to say good job UK for anything ever. Um, I do not know what this post is supposed to be. Unknown_02: Oh, oh, this guy posted a bunch of bumper stickers that I missed over the first time. Um, these are, uh, uh, what's it Etsy? Yeah. Etsy, uh, stickers for trans kids. 1:21:14 Unknown_02: Take a look. Drag shows are safer than schools and a little whimsical font there with the letters all bouncing and some stickies sticker like things around it. Unknown_02: Um, I wish that they showed how many of these had been bought, but he says that these are thousands. Unknown_02: Um, these stickers have tens of thousands of purchases, so you can assume that each one of these has at least like 10,000 buys of them each. 1:21:49 Unknown_02: Respect my trans child or I'm gonna identify as a fucking problem Actually, so this one this one has 3.6 K Okay, this is 3.6 thousand buys I understand know that I thought that was ratings but that's actually buys I think Unknown_02: Respect my trans house or my identifies a fucking problem has 1.7 buys This one is spider Gwynn and she's flying through the air but now spider Gwynn is actually spider Ken and trans flags has a Unknown_02: Writing one that says protect trans kids. This one's is the most offensive and least political of all of them So this one is the one that has the most cells. This is actually an ad so this person's putting advertisements on Etsy So listen, this one has thirty six point seven thou or three 36.7 thousand buys This one is a Sticker it's a trans flag and it says caution a trans person peed here transphobes enter at your own risk So this is a sticker that has 350 buys 1:22:38 Unknown_02: And it's saying that, um, it's sort of a harassment sticker. It's so that you can go pee. It encourages you to use a woman's restroom so that when you're done, you can put a sticker there and, uh, continue to harass women while you're not even there. Very cool. Unknown_02: This one looks like a Rugrats ident. If you know what I mean, you'll know exactly what I mean. And then in the middle of the Rugrats ident, there is a kind of sketchy text that says trans people will live forever. 1:23:30 Unknown_02: And this is actually a fact-based statement. People have always made really awful and cruel jokes at the expense of trans people saying that they are more likely to commit suicide. 41% of them have attempted suicide in their life. That number may be over 50% based on recent statistics. Unknown_02: And that their quality of life may be lower because of their chronic pain issues and so on and so forth. However, a recent study has confirmed that trans people do in fact die late. I stole that joke from the forum. 1:24:02 Unknown_02: This one is a big round circle that has some stripes coming from it. It looks kind of like the Japanese wartime maritime flag, and it says heterophobia in the middle and a big heart, so I don't know. There's a lot of conflicting statements happening in the sticker, but it nonetheless has 2500 buys. Unknown_02: And then this one says shmeghead. Oh, there's a little mongoose that says, I'll tread where I please. Uh, I, um, I guess the little mongoose is entirely because it eats things and therefore it's like an anti-libertarian thing. However, I always like, um, I've always preferred this. Let me see if I can find it. 1:24:38 Unknown_02: It's a flag. Unknown_02: of a gator gator i'm sorry gator you're transgender now and it says fuck around and find out and i've always really liked this Unknown_02: because every time I see it, and this was posted a lot in the telegram channel, I always think of these horrific nightmares that have invaded the Everglades and can manage to eat entire gators whole. So I prefer the gator to the mongoose because I don't know what snakes eat mongooses, but every time that I see the trans gator, I think of this hilarious, or not really hilarious, but fear-inducing Python picture. 1:25:30 Unknown_02: Cubans. Unknown_03: No, I wasn't talking about Cubans. Unknown_03: And finally, this is a breaking news. Unknown_02: I will not watch all of this, but vice for whatever reason, put out a YouTube video talking about the trench. Unknown_02: And, uh, there's the title of this documentary they put out is trans communities are fighting back against violence. And they decided to feature two people. 1:26:17 Unknown_02: to portray the trans-resistant movement. One of them is Keffels, a drug addict, and the other is The Tranch, a organization which murdered 200 alpacas and is now completely defunct. Unknown_02: So, I kinda wanna skip to this part. This is not related to The Tranch, but this is when they start talking about the forum. Unknown_23: So, like, how do you keep that balance going? 1:26:54 Unknown_13: Like, we don't want to be shot at. You know what I mean? We don't want to be left alone. We want to be a part of the community and help make it better. Unknown_23: Community is everything, especially for trans people. Because we don't have a lot of physical spaces, many of us find it on the internet. Unknown_22: Testing, testing. Hello. Can you hear me? There we go. Yes. OK, perfect. Unknown_23: One person who's been building a platform for us to talk about trans issues is the Canadian news and politics Twitch streamer, Clara Sorrenti, who's better known online as Catfalls. 1:27:29 Unknown_22: They made it a felony for trans people in the state of Alabama to be able to transition under the age of 19. Unknown_23: Clara's community was threatened last year when members of Kiwi Farms, the same far right forum that docks the ranch, targeted her. Unknown_02: On August 5th, I was woken up. What I really like about this is that the narrator. Unknown_02: Where's the narrator? You gotta show me the narrator. And he's just sitting down doing the interview. Oh my god! Unknown_23: Look at that guy's neck! Show me that guy's neck! Look at it! 1:28:07 Unknown_02: It's like a foot long. It's like he's been stretched out by like an Indian or by an African ring thing like an like an African woman but this uh the narrator reminds me of this song this little this little diddy by uh by Jarba the Hutt Let me find the exact the exact part Unknown_03: be this slut married hold up hold up 1:29:10 Unknown_02: Sorry, I think of that song a lot sometimes Anyways, this was about a full year after it was worth publishing. I don't know I guess they're kind of ramping up the drop Kiwi farm shit again because we're very much not dropped right now And anyway Unknown_02: That is your true news segment. I do believe let me double check off OBS. So that is all the true and news stuff it is Actually, no, it's not this is the true and stuff is all basically news and then there's one Breaking news local segment as well. 1:29:53 Unknown_02: I mentioned that the brave brother-in-arms of keffels Breonna Lou, Hassan Piker, Vaush, and Destiny were joining forces, setting aside their differences, and marching directly into the home of the President of the United States of America to enact change that they want to see in their lives. Unknown_02: Now there was a little bit of an oopsie-doodle where all the vac smackers this max maxxers decided to coop around a little bit so due to due to Brannon and Keffel's unfortunately both got kovat due to you know because they shared scissoring scissoring material with each other and therefore because it's just an open wound they got each other's diseases including the kovat and So they were no longer allowed to attend the meeting to begin with. However, that was only the harbinger of what was to come, because Hassan Piker decided to say something that was a little bit inflammatory right before, literally days before, Vaush, Destiny, and Hassan were scheduled to tour the White House with some of the most important people in our government. 1:30:40 Unknown_10: even but like go ahead to bed was literally a fucking feudal it slave uh... mandate uh... in like but i was on the front end of them a favor that was one in america when i say something like this people get very upset you know where we talk about the dali lama saying suck my tongue or whatever but like that's not far from the norm in fucking normal to that no existence before the communist party came in and and china unilaterally 1:31:34 Unknown_01: took over Tibet, wealthed their culture. Unknown_01: They basically are trying to, you know, homogenize the culture. They're trying to spoil the religion and the identity. And they did them a favor. The part of feudal warlords and slavery abolishing that, yes, I do think that that is good. No, China did them a favor. Unknown_10: I think that, yes, I will be on the record to say that while the Chinese government... Unknown_01: i'm not gonna say it well there is no there is no equivalent in american intervention and that you can point to a similar capacity unless you're talking about ok so time i think this is a good uh... this is a good way to describe taiwan as well the american federal government going to the fucking south and killing unfortunately not all of them but a decent amount of flavors and defenders of slavery 1:32:19 Unknown_10: This is violent retribution from a powerful federal government that squashed, that squashed, okay? Tibet is the South in the Civil War? Yes. Unknown_10: Tibet in the time frame where Chinese intervention happened would be the South. Yes, they were doing slavery. Unknown_01: What was the moral aspect of the war of China? Unknown_10: the interests are are obviously like national security where the fuck they claim but but ultimately the reality was uh... that beyond the the uh... material benefits that yes they were a feudal oppressive uh... uh... slavery-backed uh... state autonomous region 1:33:04 Unknown_02: So it seems when I picked the news hamster for the segment, I'm actually made a mistake chat where you see another hamster could have perhaps done this job just a little bit better. I will. I welcome the Chinese hamster. Unknown_02: All right, so let me explain. 1:33:49 Unknown_02: First of all, the Chinese mandate over Tibet goes back further than simply the 1940s or whatever the fuck. So it's sort of weird how Hasan Piker's take is not only dumb, like it sounds dumb. He's not even using like the party's logic to justify Tibet. Unknown_02: to begin with. So again, this is like how brain damaged people are, where everything has to go back to Nazism and the Confederacy. Hasan Piker, of course, is a first generation Turkish immigrant who has absolutely no cultural ties to the American Civil War. He has no family who fought on either side. And yet his entire frame of reference is two wars he has nothing to do with. Turkey was a non-participant in World War two and was a non-participant in the American Civil War So for them to be like for him to be like, yeah I have very strong opinions about World War two in the American Civil War is fucking retarded second while there is like obviously China it still holds the area of I Think that bets called shins young now 1:35:09 Unknown_02: Sorry, she's on sheet song. Um, they did not call it the bet. So, uh, if he's going to try and take their side on conquering Tibet and holding it, uh, he should probably stick to the historical justifications regarding to the Chinese empire in order to do so instead of being like, Yeah, shit, man It was like them conservators rose up and said like we need a we need a slave all the black people and she and then Abraham she ping said like oh hell no and walked down there and freed all them slaves and he was a hero and never did nothing wrong That's retarded as far as Taiwan being a autocracy Kind of that's also a very uneducated take the 1:36:00 Unknown_02: So Taiwan has a very interesting history, where during the Chinese Civil War, when the Kuomintang lost and they retreated to the island of Taiwan, they brought with it a military dictatorship. And the Kuomintang voluntarily relinquished a military dictatorship to modern day democracy because they believed that they would actually have more power if they allowed people to vote, because there would be more goodwill towards them. And to this day, the Kuomintang remains in power in Taiwan. So, you could argue that Taiwan is an autocracy because of how rigid their political structure is, but that's, I really think that's beyond the scope and understanding of Hasan Piker, who seems, I don't know, is there a good allegory to World War II? Taiwan's kind of like Poland, where like, you know, like, I don't know, Poles and shit, you know how it is, World War II and shit. It makes perfect sense if you don't think about it. There you go Anyways, this retarded comment broke away with American foreign policy Caused a lot of problems obviously the Tibet issue is fucking settled there isn't sorry type that is a part of China The Taiwan issue is ongoing the Taiwan question as they call it so this kind of retardation was not something that he could immediately say and then walk into the White House because then the Master of China would be like what the fuck are you doing? so 1:37:24 Unknown_02: That was a lost opportunity for Vaush and Destiny, who already don't like Hassan, and it's going to shower the relationship. Vaush even said something. I think it's just right. There we go. I'll play this. This is also pretty funny. Unknown_12: Cultivated thing. I heard there was supposed to be an event at the White House that got canceled. Also heard that Hassan was somehow involved. Oh man, I'm actually angry about this one, okay? I did get to meet with some White House staffers outside of the White House, and that was pretty fun. But there was a White House event that was planned where we were going to go and get an influencer tour and meet with staffers in the White House. And apparently, I don't know this for sure, but apparently one of the people who was supposed to be there was Hassan and the whole thing got cancelled because it was thrown into suspicion when Hassan's recent comments on letting China take Taiwan made their way up the chain. Like the whole thing was planned and then Hassan's treasonous horseshit ended up getting fucking, like, elevated to a point where it was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Like, we can't, you know, we have to be, like, way more scrutinous now. And then, you know, obviously nobody, Hasan, Destiny, myself, nobody is passing a PR background check, right? Like, if we're getting in there on that event, it's because nobody looked into it too closely, right? It's because we got security checks, not PR checks. So now everyone gets a PR check. And wouldn't you know it, Keflez did 9-11, Hasan did 9-11, I did 9-11, Destiny did 9-11. So, like, yeah. Actually mad about that, by the way. 1:38:52 Unknown_02: Reminds me of that tragedy, chat. Unknown_02: 9-11 It's funny that the horse cock age of consent all the fucked-up shit the book death and destiny mouse and a song was in It has been overlooked, but the whole like yeah, that just shows you where America's priorities are like What is our government concerned with is it horse cock? No is a child rape no Is it any of that other bullshit they talk about? No. Is it white supremacy? No. Is it this or that? No. Is it maintaining good relationships with China so that we can continue to get microchips until we have a backup in place? Yes. Very much yes. It is very much avoiding conflict with China however much is possible because... 1:39:33 Unknown_02: The last thing we need right now is after pouring all of our military surplus into Ukraine to get into an armed conflict with China over one of the most important factories in the entire world. There you go. Now you know. Learn your place, Goyom. 1:40:10 Unknown_02: If you want to have any kind of place in the political system, the Taiwan question is unsolved, and we're currently happy with the status quo. Thank you very much. Unknown_02: You might want to write that down somewhere. Unknown_02: Thank you Shishi to Tom so what's the word for hamster? Unknown_03: Hold on? Unknown_03: Oh This is close San San Shu Tang Shu. 1:40:46 Unknown_06: There you go. Unknown_02: You see my fuck get up Okay done with that I Have the meat coming up. Hey dinner. Oh Unknown_02: That's mean it's only in fucked up places like South America, right Bing sharing The Main event of this stream is the mystery. Hold up. Let me oh shit. I fucked up. I fucked up the wrong thing Let me get this right. 1:41:17 Unknown_03: Hold on Unknown_03: Alright, and then I want to translate that into this language. Unknown_02: Very important, very important setup chat. Unknown_24: This is the thing on the tip of everyone's tongue. 1:41:47 Unknown_02: Jf the Kodak one man of mystery of intrigue of the Something gene is an author to does live streams. He talks in a really really shitty French accent and He's also known for having an interest, a sexual proclivity towards mentally handicapped women. And recently well-known mentally handicapped potato wife, mama JF has gone missing. And when I say recently, I, uh, mistake myself. And I mean to say four months ago, four months ago in June, uh, JF was instructed according to him, to drop off Mama J.F. in the middle of the woods with literally nothing but a phone. J.F. writes this off as his silly wife being so silly and wanting to learn wilderness survivalism. 1:42:29 Unknown_02: However, after four months, he is now concerned about her well-being and has announced that there is a missing person investigation into the disappearance of Mama J.F. Unknown_03: Um, I kind of want to just show you, uh, mama JF before I, I start talking about this because it is really fucking crazy to me. 1:43:13 Unknown_02: Where is, I know for sure. I have a clip of her just like spurting out and Unknown_03: Do I not have this? I've really fucked up if I do not have this clip of her just spurting out. Hold up. Unknown_03: God, I have everything else except this one fucking clip that I want to start this talk with. 1:43:52 Unknown_03: If you have the video, I don't even have this in my, my private. Unknown_02: What I do over the week to make preparation easy for me is that I, um, I will like bookmark things as I see them so that when it comes time to go back and put everything together, I have everything in front of me. Unknown_03: And, uh, it's not even in that. Unknown_03: Very professional. Sure. I know dude. Unknown_02: It's always like the weirdest shit that I fuck up Like it's always like the most obvious thing the entire world. 1:44:30 Unknown_03: I don't have on hand Okay, if it's not this I'm just gonna I'm just gonna have to skip it No, I can't I really I honestly can't I Unknown_03: I can't- I'm gonna try searching on YouTube real quick. Unknown_02: If you have the clip of, uh... JFG, Mama JF... No, when I search on JFG, I just get JFK. Unknown_02: And now I'm getting all sorts of drama videos instead of the one clip I actually fucking want. Okay, TwinkleTard, please tell me that you've saved my- my ass here. 1:45:23 Unknown_03: Okay, this might be it. Hold on. Okay, this includes it, I think. Hold up. Unknown_02: I will play this because I think that this is the right clip. Unknown_26: That being said, it's a cheese that I really love. Oh my god. Watch that. What timestamp? Celebrity. Unknown_02: Why is this random fucking guy just watching him? Okay, here. This is a good clip of her just being, like, shockingly retarded. 1:45:56 Unknown_25: Oh, this is like a full Mama J.F. Unknown_02: compilation. Unknown_02: Okay, this guy is just fucking gonna stop and just be like, oh my god, you really have an issue with no white girls, or is she just fooling around? She has a natural issue. 1:46:33 Unknown_25: Don't say anything violent. Unknown_19: No, I won't. What do you have to say? No, I get it. Seriously, you tried to kill me, okay? And I'm fucking sick that you're fucking me with me. You always follow me everywhere. Unknown_19: And you say you want to make spiritual movement, but you fucking tried to kill me for three years, okay? You're fucking sick about me. 1:47:08 Unknown_25: So in case you're wondering that is how she sounds all the time and there's kind of this benefit of a doubt that she's just French-Canadian and that's just how they talk because they I mean even JFG sounds pretty fucking retarded when he tries to speak but she comes out blathering incomprehensibly about how JFG has been trying to kill her for three years Unknown_02: And I guess at the time you hear this and you just think like oh, this is like some weird joke Cuz she doesn't really have the ability to Intonate in such a way where you can tell if she's being serious and JFG just doesn't treat it serious. He says okay, whatever you're being weird weird again And she does have this habit of like randomly popping on stream saying nonsense and then leaving I want to say that's one clip. However, there's another clip where I Unknown_02: Uh, she comes on to talk about retards needing sex? Hello. 1:48:06 Unknown_20: Hey, I just want to say, no white guilt, I will never accept your apologies, okay? What you did to me was so mean, and this guy is not a real person, he's doing shapeshifting, and he's a ghost, don't believe him, he's not a real person. Unknown_26: Okay. And he wants to kill me. Okay. Unknown_25: So no white guilt is a ghost, according- I have a question for MamaJF coming on the super chat. Unknown_25: I can't answer that. Before, I had a bad life. But then after I discovered GF, then I started to look at GF. 1:48:37 Unknown_20: Every day I was always looking at GF. I became crazy. Unknown_02: She's uh, she's a fan of his so here's a brief background from what I remember So back in the day like in stream.me days, there was a lot of bullshit with JFG going on I can't remember why I think it was because of the spud wife People found documents of his and the Canadian court system. This is actually I think his second wife and and his first wife was another spud. However, she was so retarded that her family actually filed in the courts to try and gain custody of her and JFG represented himself. Remember, I don't know this for sure. This is how I remember it. JFG represented himself in court to try and gain custody of this woman. that their her own family was fighting for custody for and he looks so creepy and awful in these uh these calls or the this case that he lost custody of this woman and then afterwards jf uh mama jf who was like a retarded woman who actually watches his streams uh tried to hook up with him and i think that uh she's now estranged from her family and she's like competent enough that uh she doesn't they can't file for custody of her 1:50:06 Unknown_20: I lost everything I had, I lost my job, my family, I quit- See? Unknown_02: She was isolated from her job and her family because of, uh, she was watching him. I lost everything, I was just looking at GF all the time like, oh, it's crazy, and then after I wrote to him, I said, GF, I want to suck your dick, and then he called me- Even beautiful. Unknown_25: Hello, Mama GF. Unknown_25: Oh, you took your shower? Yeah, I was sleeping! Yeah, so... A-L-O-A-I-U! Unknown_20: Oh, yeah. Unknown_25: She's a big fan of A.I.U. Unknown_20: A.I.U, I wanted to say, it's so nice what you do, but I don't know why you're A.T.S. 1:50:43 Unknown_25: Yeah, why are you an A.T.S., A.I.U? Unknown_25: Iris is nice. Unknown_26: It's a cheese. This is the cheese. Unknown_02: There's that one clip where she pops in randomly to say that sex with retarded people is great or something. I heard something. Unknown_02: That retards need love to shoot. That's what she says. Anyways, I'm tired of it I just want to show you like when we talk about mama JF keep in mind that there is Something wrong with her. It's like with a it's not quite I mean, she's worse than mint salad But some other one of those things were just like, um, you realize that she's retarded, right? You realize that she has like an IQ of maybe 80 tops She hasn't really seen while there 1:51:18 Unknown_02: And Jeff Jeff we found out because of this that they have two kids So keep that in mind as well when I read this That the neighbor came out and said I'm very worried for her because she has two children I still see the children and we didn't know about the kids before so they kept their children a secret for years Unknown_02: and now um so she's been gone for months and jf has somehow by himself been raising two children while also doing his show so it's like is there another woman is he hiring like child care services for very very young children like 1:51:58 Unknown_02: What is happening here? That's also like, I mean, to tell me that the mother of two very young children is going to go off on a hiking adventure by herself for four months with, you know, children in the age of like four. She's just going to go off and do that by herself and leave her children behind. Even if the mother is retarded, I'm pretty sure, especially if the mother is retarded, that she's going to have a strong maternal instinct and is never going to let those kids go. Unknown_02: Because we need to be like mentally ill not just not just low IQ in order to like Abandon your own children as a mother because of how strong that instinct is So all around it's extremely sauce and I just wanted to lay all that out before I start reading the comments he announces on Wednesday 1:52:46 Unknown_02: The following is the police and Canada is looking for Mama J.F. because in true Mama J.F. fashion, she has left her home in June and has disappeared from the map. I am sure that Mama J.F. is fine. I know she has been safe for at least two days after I dropped her off where she wanted in June. Mama J.F. is out of our home entirely voluntarily to go live a life of adventure wherever it would bring her. But since she has electronically disappeared, not connecting to her cell phone or updating me or her family. 1:53:22 Unknown_02: Then he says. Unknown_02: I ask anyone who would have encountered her to just notify the police so that they can know she is safe, and I ask her if she wants to leave a note to the police, me, or her family to ensure everyone of course has to. If you want to send an encrypted tip anonymously, I can receive them at jfgrpae at protonmail.me. Unknown_02: Uh, which is a very weird message in every way, shape, and form mother of two young, young, very young children of diminished intellectual capacity decides to be dropped off in the middle of the woods four months ago for two days after being dropped off in the woods, she's able to be tracked by her phone, which means that JFJ has put a tracker on her phone to know where she's at. 1:54:12 Unknown_02: After those two days, there is no signal, and he is not able to contact her or discover her whereabouts electronically at all. Despite this, he does not contact the police for another four months. Unknown_02: At the end of the message, he asks for people to notify her if they have seen her or know of her or if she's alive to send them an anonymous message. He then provides his ProtonMail account to receive emails from. Which means that it is now possible that he will receive an encrypted anonymous email to this email address from a disposable email from quote-unquote Mama JF to notify him that she is very much alive and to not bother looking for her because she is so alive and so well, which would be a thing that he could do on his own if he was trying to disrupt the police investigation. 1:55:01 Unknown_02: He then continues or sorry a cult classics as K says you were the last person known to see her since June question mark and he says No, she has been traveling and leaving an electronic trace far from mine So I do not expect to be a suspect in her disappearance which is perhaps the most sussy baka statement ever put out by a associate of a missing person literally ever now as you know i am a uh i have a small interest in in uh in true crime just because it's one of the things on youtube that you can watch for a couple hours and have some background noise Unknown_02: I've heard a lot of sassy baka statements from like family members parents that kind of stuff I really can't think of another statement quite like this that is so Personally incriminating and this is so incriminating that when I read this I thought this is fake This is like a thing mama jf is at home. She's just sputting it up. She's playing pokemon or some shit And eventually he's just gonna be like, uh-huh. I have found her she has returned to me And he'll just you know, enjoy the benefits of all the drama and shit. However 1:55:59 Unknown_02: There's a police investigation. There is confirmed a missing persons notice from the Quebec law police For mama jf so she is known to the police as a missing person And they've committed resources to finding her which means that if it is a prank It will be one at jf's expense when they are pissed off They wasted money and time looking for a woman where he knew where she was at 1:56:42 Unknown_02: So It's Very strange. This is what he had to say in his next video regarding the disappearance I think he was a little bit surprised how much this kind of blew up. So he put out a message So in June she left and I Unknown_03: And two days after leaving, so she left and she had a whole plan. Unknown_25: She had she had bought camping material. She was on her way to some sort of survivalist trip. From what I understood, it looked like she was preparing for life in the wild. 1:57:19 Unknown_25: She promised me when she left Unknown_25: that she would always be reachable, and that I would be able to reach her to deal with all of the official papers. Unknown_02: So this is suspicious enough as it is, but I want to remind you, two small children that JFG has been taking care of for four months on his own. Also suspicious that he said that she promised she would always remain in electronic communication with him, but he never reported her missing when she dropped off the face of the planet immediately after he dropped her off. So he rules out his own alibi like, well, she told me that she was going to be the grizzly man and travel through the woods to remember what it was like to be a real human. And she also said, don't ever look for me again. I will come back on my own. Instead, he says, yeah, she said that she would be in contact and then she wasn't. But I still did not report it. 1:58:02 Unknown_25: You know that she owns a lot of stuff and sometimes I need her signature. And I was like, and although, you know, we do have legal remedies for this. I was like, if you totally disappear, you might put me in trouble on some bills, on some, you know, getting utilities and everything. So so she promised to me that she wouldn't fully disappear. 1:58:45 Unknown_25: And she went away. And two days later, she talked to me on the phone and sent a message. Unknown_25: By the way, everything I tell you is things I have told to the police. So it's not, there's no secret coming out that you guys are hearing. It might be secret from a public perspective, but it's all things that the feds have been knowing for a couple of days. 1:59:22 Unknown_25: So the last message that she sends me in June, two days after leaving, and it had been apparent, I think I may have been in contact for a couple of times during these two days. So I was sure that she was progressing through whatever trip she wanted to do. I knew that she was still alive. Unknown_25: But two days after leaving, she says, I have changed my plans. I will not hold my promise toward you. I will not be reachable." Unknown_24: And it's like, okay. Unknown_24: She says, I have a new plan. Unknown_24: And I'm like, does your new plan involve any sort of attack against me or the family? 2:00:11 Unknown_25: because you guys know how important that is to me. She says, you don't have to be worried. My new plan does not involve you. I'm just going to change cell phone. Now, I knew that she had left without any sort of electronic tracking. You know how the police can track you with your credit card, with your debit card. She had left with nothing but her phone. So when she said that to me through text, Unknown_25: I conclude that. Okay. She's going off grid, you know, she's going full survivalism kind of in her, in her fashion. I mean, that's the way mama Jeff is. 2:00:49 Unknown_02: Yeah, that's how she is. You know, mama Jeff, that crazy mama JF. Yeah. Drop me off in the middle of Quebec. That would be a great place in Quebec to go to. Hold up. Let me try and find a place for real quick. Unknown_03: Second we'll pull up a map here. Let's see where we can drop off mama Jean Jeff Okay, I found it I found it so from what he says he dropped her off right there and 2:01:35 Unknown_02: Uh, this lovely little place, um, this road called, uh, Bonnet Rouge near Chemin de la Rivière Gatine. And I just said, yeah, good luck, crazy bitch. And then he just disappeared from, from, from the world and said goodbye. Unknown_02: So that's his statement immediately after people start getting suspicious of him and then however He then said this and I want to say I'm pretty sure this this yeah this statement came after the whole people started accusing him of murdering her so it's like I was from 620 oh my god Unknown_02: I know what this is, and that makes it even worse. I thought it was a recent thing. He says it's from 620. So three days after she was last seen in the first 18 minutes are Mama J.F. related. 2:02:17 Unknown_02: Save the copying case. Get ready. Unknown_25: But in my case, I'm comfortable enough and Mama J.F. has left me with everything that matters in life. What matters most of life. And so what can I do? I cannot hate her. I cannot be frustrated about this and that's it. So that's why I had to take three days total to, I made so much cleaning, so much reinstalling, so much plastering of the walls, construction, renovation. I wanted to set the home in the way I like it. 2:02:57 Unknown_25: It's like sterilized this home now. I can walk finally. I can access everything. The fridge is super clean. Unknown_02: So if this is a joke and Mama JF is not dead. Unknown_02: Four months ago, in June, he did not stream for three days. When he comes back, he makes a statement with this bizarre smirk the entire time saying that he re-plastered the fucking walls and sterilized the entire house because Mama JF has left with everything that matters, which means the children, and now the house is completely spotless. four months later he announces that she's missing and they're looking for her this is the longest con in the history of long cons um if that is the case now i know what you may be thinking Josh, did this guy die recently? The answer is no. You are confusing him with the lead singer of Smash Mouth. And I want to make it absolutely clear that the lead singer of Smash Mouth is not JFG. I'm glad that we cleared that up, chat. I don't want anybody getting confused. 2:03:43 Unknown_02: Um, okay. Unknown_02: And this is the post on Facebook. Lisa Teeple says, was she living in O'Leary? And Donald Bayless says, she was next to us in O'Leary. Yolinda Martin says, is John still there? 2:04:28 Unknown_02: Leslie says, yes, I saw him last week with their young one. Nene says, she had a little girl and was pregnant with her second last time I saw her, which was a while ago. I'm so concerned about her and her children. So she wasn't just, um, she didn't just have a child. She had, she was pregnant when she went missing. According to this person, I want to let you know, uh, a little known fact chat. You may not know this. Would chat like to guess what the number one cause of death for pregnant women is the number one cause beats out any kind of medical issue, uh, whatsoever or accident. 2:05:12 Unknown_02: The number one cause of death for pregnant women is homicide by partner. It is specifically death by the person in their relationship. It beats out accidents, it beats out health conditions, it beats out everything. It is the number one cause of death. Unknown_02: For real, for real, no cap. Unknown_02: Which is weird, that's the only category of person I think where homicide is the number one cause of death. 2:05:51 Unknown_03: Uh, neighbors are speaking with their kids. Unknown_02: So again, nobody knew that they had kids until, uh, the neighbors were talking on Facebook. No need. When I drove by the RCMP were there and he was on the step with one of the kids talking to them. She actually has two girls. So she, uh, had the second girl at the time. So that's a newborn. That's a newborn. That's like an infant. That's a one year old infant. He's, you mean to tell me that JFG, a man, number one, a man, number two, a busy man who does a daily show. was okay with Mama J.F. leaving him with a newborn who is still breastfeeding. 2:06:25 Unknown_02: Is that the story that I'm supposed to believe? Unknown_02: I don't think so. Unknown_02: JFG then goes on to say, after the rumors of him being a cold-blooded murderer were spreading through social media, he says, "...societe will not improve as long as people prefer to attribute guilt to innocent men rather than conceive of the possibility that poor female decision-making does, in fact, exist." It is pretty wild to see people attacking me with the wildest, impossible theories rather than accept the simple reality that our society has a problem with poor female decision making that it refuses to face. The algorithm that plays out in people's brain can be readily observed as it deploys itself in social media and in invectives. 2:07:10 Unknown_02: If something bad happens to a woman, find the closest man, and he is responsible. Most haters play this algorithm one way or another. The first layer attributes guilt for a murder. A second more subtle group attributes guilt for not caring enough. But what is a man supposed to do in face of a mother and female who chooses to utter the words, I want to go? How many of those criticizing me today would be criticizing me for abuse and detainment if I had not let her go? In the end, only a small group of people truly understands the fallacy of the whole algorithm presented above. This algorithm is simply incompatible with our own society's stance on individual female liberty and emancipation, which would have been elevated to sacrosanct status. Here we are playing with forces the Bible had warned us against. 2:07:58 Unknown_02: So, in order to dissuade people from thinking that he had anything to do with his wife's disappearance, 2:08:43 Unknown_02: immediately blames women and says that, you see, I am the true victim here. She told me she wanted to be dropped off in the woods to live in neighbor Springs as a grizzly bear. And what am I supposed to do? Unknown_02: She is a modern emancipated woman. Unknown_02: with personal liberty and self-determination in her life. And if that's what she wanted, well, I can't stop her. I have to let her go. And I also have to hide the fact that she's left to live as a grizzly bear in Neighbor Springs, and she's not going to take the children, and she's going to leave without her phone and just be a wild grizzly bear woman. 2:09:28 Unknown_02: Like he's his his hope here is that the andrew tate people will show up like andrew tate will force ghosts into quebec And be like i got you ming and shalabra will clear the shit up and then like all the big hitters will come out to play Uh, which he may actually get a chance at because guess what chat? There is a man who has come out to defend JFG, and worn against all that wishy-washy presumption of guilt that certain Karens may be up to, Dick Masterson has agreed to interview JFG, and based on his interview with Lotex and other people that he feels have been wronged by womankind, I have a feeling I have a distinct feeling he's gonna give him a good platform to hang himself on by saying incredibly stupid shit. Thank you very much, Dick. Speaking of Dick, I figure now would be the correct time to pull this little ditty. Once I bring it up. 2:10:19 Unknown_11: Stop laughing. That's my tip for all podcasters. Try to get through an episode and try not to laugh. It will make you funnier. It will make the episode better. Unknown_13: Yeah, that's good advice. Try to stop laughing. And you know what? Someone's going to clip me saying that and then put that together with me fake fucking laughing at everything Croge says or something. I know that's going to come back to haunt me for sure. 2:10:52 Unknown_11: Well, we try to be good. We try to be better. We're not always successful at it, but Jesus, just try. Oh, shit. Alright, let's move on. Unknown_02: Let's move on. Unknown_02: There's more he said that several times There's another clip that people are trying to find but I can't wait to have that clip because one of the two things is gonna happen Either a he's gonna become He's not gonna ignore The fact that I have this clip and it will allow me to collect brand new samples of him laughing at absolutely everything So they can compare and contrast it both to his own statement and also the biggest debate or the best debate in the universe where Maddox and his LA friends are the exact same thing or 2:11:34 Unknown_02: he is going to become self-conscious about the fact that he laughs at absolutely everything in his own show and it's extremely aggravating and he'll stop which will make the show even worse because nothing on it is funny and without the laugh track you actually have the quiet and peace of mind to stop and think about how wow this actually isn't funny or interesting at all and that'll be even funnier Unknown_02: This is this is what's called in chess a um Sook sook swung. I am sook swung you motherfucker. I win. I win no matter what Oh, I oh I did find that clip, okay great and then oh and this is just the the thing where JF confirms that he'll be on the dick show and 2:12:30 Unknown_02: And that's it. So I want to see chat my own audience I want to see if I go to rumble and I do a poll and say did JFG slice the potato I'll do yes vote one for yes or vote two or no or three Unknown_02: Innocent until proven guilty three exclamation points in case you want to be a An impartial boy who sits and waits for all the evidence because you know Some things just aren't as they seem maybe JF is just a retard We can't be sure we can't be sure 2:13:15 Unknown_02: Now the vote is coming in. Only a single person has voted one. It actually took 50 votes for a single vote to come in that says no. We've now passed 50 yes votes, six innocent until proven guilty. There is literally a single no vote. Now there's two no votes. Unknown_02: It's usually, no matter what my poll is, it's very rare that it's so one-sided. There's like only one or two people who are going against the grain because usually there's a couple of people who just want to be like a fair, a decent number of people who just want to be dickheads. 2:13:50 Unknown_02: Encounter act the narrative, but I think a lot of people are pretty convinced because his His story is so fucking guilty Like I said, it really feels like a parody of like the stupid things that people with missing like children say on national news that gets people to think they're guilty like the Unknown_02: That Jean Benet the Jean Benet case where the the parents were like super fucking sus By the way in case you want to know Who killed Jean Benet? It was the brother the brother killed her and then the parents covered it up, which is why they're suspicious, but not guilty The brother did it Unknown_02: Like Chris Watts, yeah, Chris Watts was bad too. He was super bad. Chris Watts might have, now that I think about it, Chris Watts was probably even worse than JFG in terms of how fucking guilty that retard looked like on camera. 2:14:51 Unknown_02: Good cattle, vote Nebrakel. That's right, boy. Vote on my polls. My polls matter. My polls are the real voice of the people. Alright, and poll we're done here. There's 132. Yes, and then like five no was really insignificant Then there's like 20 people who said incidental proven guilty good on you. You're better than I am being principled towards the Unknown_02: American justice system. Now this, okay, what I'm about to explain to you guys is something that is really, really big. That is not on the news. I almost guarantee that you have not heard about this at all. Um, in Poland, there is an ongoing scandal where like five of the top 50 YouTubers and most of them are like, like there's three of the top five most popular Polish YouTubers, uh, 2:15:25 Unknown_02: They're currently active are like embroiled in like a weird sex pest thing where they're all like sexting twelve-year-olds and The guy that there's a guy that published an expose on how these youtubers are sexting teens Unknown_02: And this video has 6.8 million views the last time I looked at it. And if you don't know, the population of Poland is 38 million. So like between one fifth and one fourth of the entirety of Poland has watched a YouTube video about how these YouTubers are embroiled in like a sex scandal. And when he did this last live stream with more updates on his investigation, 2:16:19 Unknown_02: The the live viewer count was like 700,000 live viewers so the entirety of Poland is about to pull out some burning crosses and some rope and Lynch these people and Apparently a couple of them are at least one of them is hiding in the UK right now, and if you don't know There's a significant population of I'll be nice and say plumbing plumbing Unknown_02: experts who are from Poland in the United Kingdom. And if this guy thinks that he's going to go unlynched in the United Kingdom because there's no Poles there, he's very sadly mistaken. 2:16:55 Unknown_02: so very very serious thing happening here, and it's not really talk about in English because it is a very Polish thing and I imagine they don't want to The polls are not too eager to share with the world that a lot of their youtubers are current by the way They're like Minecraft and Roblox youtubers that are like doing this so now the the reputation of Roblox and Minecraft youtubers being a horrific sex pest that are only in it for like underage Underage nudes that reputation is being reinforced across cultural and language barriers at this moment 2:17:37 Unknown_02: I will try to read this article. This is the only English article that I could read, or that I could find about this. Unknown_02: It is from JuraCTIV. Unknown_02: Alexandra Krzysztofczyk says, YouTubers involved in alleged pedophilia in Poland to be investigated. Unknown_02: The YouTuber suspected of having illegal contact with underage girls will be investigated. Polish Prime Minister Matusz Morawiecki announced Wednesday after it was revealed that several content creators were involved in attempted sexual relations with minor. Morawiecki's announcement came after Sylvester Vardega Revealed on Tuesday that his follow youtuber Stuart Burton known under the pseudonym Stu Attempted to initiate sexual relations with a 13 year old girl this followed similar cases involving other popular Polish youtubers And this is the Prime Minister of Poland talking about this so when I say that like the entirety of Poland is like gripped in this story is everyone up to the very tippy-top of the God was the name of it Polish Parliament has a really weird name 2:18:51 Unknown_03: Same. Unknown_03: Same. Sorry, I looked that up. Unknown_02: So, all the way to the tippy top of the same chat. Unknown_02: He says, wait, Slav says, the elections are coming up, PIS is using it for populism. Based. That's a good idea. Unknown_02: Yesterday we heard the story of a man who in all likelihood used his uppercase I internet God, what can I say chat? I love the polls. I love Poland. I love the Polish people You know, they really deserve the Danzig to be quite honest with you chat. Danzig is rightful Polish clay They're just hitting every note exactly how I like it 2:19:23 Unknown_02: Fame to harm underage girls more of the M ski told the media on Wednesday here at the Polish state NGOs and all people of goodwill must do everything to prevent such horrible situations in the future Then there is another comment down there deputy justice manager Yeah, check 2:19:54 Unknown_02: Chia Pliska said that he referred the suspected YouTuber's case to prosecutor's office to verify whether more cases of such prohibited behavior had occurred. Commenting on Morawiecki's announcement, private radio journalist Tomasz Cierulowski of RMF-FM noted that the state pedophilia commission had been without a head since April when former head Unknown_02: Blézé Kamysiak resigned. Unknown_02: That's a very difficult language, okay. Unknown_02: Since then, the ruling conservative camp has been unable to agree who should be Kamysiak's successor. Daryl Komsky said. 2:20:39 Unknown_05: Thank you, I tried. Unknown_05: uh that's pretty funny the joke is in the of the right there's no news hamster i'm sorry i'm fucking up everything today Unknown_02: Very fast and what's asking to me about this is just like this is the video It's by cruelest of all and this has 6.8 million viewers in two days So basically the entirety of Poland has seen this fucking video and like no time at all and now I can't see this Because I'm using a VPN and they don't like that very much But I assume it's probably 7 million now There is a big post about this. This is great, by the way. 2:21:31 Unknown_02: A man who saw this injustice and wanted to share with the world what was happening in this country, because he cares. He went to OurDestiny, the only place where you can talk about such events on Reddit. And he said, big scandal. This is YouLivingInBetterWorld says, big scandal with YouTubers, live streamers, Polish, me too. Too long to read. Polish YouTuber personality, 4 million subs, turns out to be a pedophile. Boring, long post. Unknown_02: And it goes on to the details. I read through this entire thing to get a vague understanding of what's happening. 2:22:08 Unknown_02: And the comments of this from the 1,000,000 IQ Destiny Breadtube following is just like the most milquetoast retarded shit ever. Unknown_02: A Minecraft YouTuber is a pedophile? I am very surprised by this information. Unknown_02: Interest okay. I can't even pretend For fuck's sakes this fucking drama reaching even here can't escape from it. This guy is Polish. Hello, Polish, man Daga says control f drutut no result another top winner was spared allegations this day Is there too long didn't read version little NB baby little NB baby Does not have the attention because they're just a little baby. They shouldn't piss in diapers. Just like a real baby Can't read this person tried very hard to create a captivating story for his fellow Destiny fans to enjoy, and little NBBaby, target demographic of the Destiny subreddit, cannot even take the time in his very busy day of shitting and pissing and jerking off to anime porn to be like, yeah, let me read into this. 2:22:52 Unknown_02: As a fellow Pollock, I need to know, katosiakvapotaj. I don't know what that means. 2:23:25 Unknown_02: Are there more pedophiles that played minecraft or roblox ass save scumming is real And then this is my favorite one I'll stop here alone train asked dude if you talked about the fucking polish presidential election and shit americans wouldn't care Why do you think they would care about youtube or polish drama my take is that pedophilia is bad So this is what you get you try to take something and you try to gift it to american political commentators to look at Maybe they have some interest in the world around them now Unknown_02: No, how did this affect me? This is literally the American perspective. How did this affect me personally? And then based on that, the response to that is how they care about the situation. Unknown_02: Who the fuck asked? Dude, these comments are so shitty that I would literally ban people from the Kiwi Farms Articles and Happenings board for posting them. Like, if you say, I don't care, in response to a thread, you get banned. Because those are shitty comments. Like, if you don't care, you know how you indicate to the world that you don't care about something? You don't post. If you don't care, don't post. You don't need to post to indicate that you don't give a fuck. That's presumed when you don't fucking reply to the thread. 2:24:24 Unknown_02: So, I don't know. Unknown_02: Um... Unknown_02: That's it, that's the Polish pedophile shit. Did I miss anything, Slav? I'll defer to you. Did I miss any hot, juicy details? I could go into the details of, like, who exactly did what, but I just find it more interesting that it's, like, so big that, like, the Prime Minister is directly replying, and they're, like, panicking, they're scrambling to find a head of the Pedophile Investigation Committee that apparently exists, because they can investigate the pedophiles, and there's apparently reports that the guy in the UK might get stabbed to death by plumbers because he's in hiding now. 2:25:15 Unknown_03: How are people going to know you're cool and aloof if you don't tell them that you don't care? Unknown_02: I don't know, man. It's a real mystery. And that's what, that's really what matters the most is letting people know that you're cool and aloof. That's how you tell. Unknown_02: Slav says absolutely everyone involved in it are faggots, but there were some similar scandals that got overshadowed by that. Oh, well that sucks. Unknown_02: That's such as life though. Sometimes you get saved by the bell as a pedophile and uh, and the elite, I guess they're not really elite. They're just YouTubers, but Unknown_02: That shit does happen. 2:25:50 Unknown_02: Plumbers would use a wrench or a pipe to bludgeon Shirley. No, they're Slavs. They're going to stab you. Go on now. Be reasonable. I can use a pipe wrench. Do you know how much they paid for those professional pipe wrenches? They're not going to use that shit to cave in your skull. Fuck up their pipe wrench. The knife they have is like $10. They bought it off a Turkish man in London. It's untraceable. They're going to use that instead. Unknown_02: Jeez, you fucking idiots, you don't know anything. I need to work tomorrow, exactly. I'm only caving in pedophile skulls as a weekend thing. I need my pipe wrench every day though. 2:26:26 Unknown_02: Oh, I thought it was done. I'm not. Um, so there was a brief thing. Um, no more. Actually, I lie. There's a little bit of Rikada stuff that's happened, but I want to go back. I missed a clip and the clip that I missed, I feel is so important that I will now use this time today, uh, to go back and replay it. So, uh, first of all, I missed this cause so much happened in that seven hour stream that I, I forgot about some shit. Unknown_02: Uh, this is an old picture of Rikada at like an anime convention. 2:27:01 Unknown_02: And he asked a bunch of like anime thoughts to step on them. And because that's kind of awkward for your wife to watch, uh, she was also invited to step on them. So she's got like her Birkenstocks on and then like anime people are like stepping on them too. However, there is some foreshadowing in this because in the background of this picture, unbeknownst to the world, young rip of 59 Eric July is sitting there watching this unfold in real time. Unknown_02: So this is what we call in the internet drama industry Keno Now this is the clip that I mentioned 2:27:39 Unknown_02: Eric called him a white bread ass nigga, and I think Rikada has a kind of complex that Ralph also has. I can't remember what it was, but there is a black guy that was adjacent to Ethan Ralph, and he said something along the lines of basically Ralph isn't cool, and that really upset him. I can't remember if you remember what black guy it was, but he was really upset that this black guy like dissed him or some shit, and he took it personally. Unknown_02: I think that Rikada also has a similar complex and when a Black man thinks that he's not cool He finds it very personally and bubble. No, not Bibble. It wasn't Bibble. That was that got to him. It was somebody else But he decided that he took this personally and decided to reply to it and 2:28:21 Unknown_29: I don't believe Eric did wrong. I think Eric is being defensive. I think Eric is poorly advised. I think Eric thinks he's smart. I think he wants to explain why he's so good or whatever because I'm just a white bread ass nigga that don't understand Padma means Fred. I get it. I'm not white. Eric. You don't know fucking shit about me. I grew up around black people my entire life, man. I grew up in poverty in the fucking hood. I don't flex it because I'm white and gay. It's stupid to flex your fucking hood cred on the goddamn YouTubes. 2:28:54 Unknown_02: Okay. I just want to point out the seriousness of what she says. I am gay is pretty profound. Unknown_29: You're not in a gang. You're not cool. And your weird coding black bullshit doesn't mean anything. It's gay. It's racist. It's stupid. It's faggy. Let's just get it out there on paper. It is. 2:29:25 Unknown_02: So if you are a black man and you talk hood, you are not only a faggot actually, what is your races? I think that we have another word that we could use to possibly describe this. Unknown_02: You may recognize this little ditty by a man named Jarba the Hutt. 2:30:13 Unknown_02: You know, it's just Quentin and I get to play it twice in one stream. It's just serendipity, chat. Unknown_29: Serendipity. Faggy white bread ass nigga. Dude, you motherfucker. I'm trying to clarify. Do you think I have a business relationship? Because other people do. I just want to know. I don't care if you call him podna. Podna. Unknown_29: but you're not going to get me coding South Texas black cause I'm Minnesota white after I moved away. But brother, I grew up around all this shit. Poverty in the morning, warning 40 year old white man trying to relate to African-Americans incoming warning. 2:30:50 Unknown_33: It is places in Houston, the highest crime neighborhoods in Houston, dude. Unknown_29: I know everyone in prison. They were my elementary school. Unknown_02: You're a lawyer. If you were a practicing lawyer, you'd know them because you lost. Unknown_29: They had no future. I got it. I had a future because I'm a cynical asshole and I was too skinny to be cool as a dumb, weird dork who is insecure. Unknown_29: And when the cops came, he's doing it. Unknown_02: This is the face. This is the voice that he does when he does. I don't like the ball. Don't like his serious. Like I'm, I'm actually being legit. I'm being totally, totally opaque with you right now. I'm being, I'm being for real mine easy. This is how it do be. And she, it. 2:31:27 Unknown_29: Kids who are in fourth grade beating the shit out of each other on our bus Sitting in my seat seat seven, by the way, which is on the left side three seats back on the bus It's where the heater is the first heater i'm sitting there pissing myself As the cop slapped his nightstick down on every fucking bus seat going forward being the most racist old white man calling these kids niggers 2:32:07 Unknown_29: and saying they had nothing but prison in their lives for the rest of their life. I was terrified. Unknown_29: That's why I don't flex my street cred as a scrawny white kid trying to survive as a minority in a majority black Hispanic school in Houston. Unknown_29: Where if I said anything wrong, I would get my ass fucking beat. Unknown_02: So, um, in case you're wondering, people found out his childhood home and he just lives in like a suburb and like Houston, it's not like a all black worst, worst suburb in the entire country type thing. Like he seems to portray. 2:32:48 Unknown_29: You act like you're from the fucking streets. I don't care if you're from the streets. Unknown_29: I'm not asking about Padna because I don't understand the ebonics of it. I'm asking about Padna because people have accused me of having a financial relationship with someone I don't have. Unknown_29: I'm not trying to trap you. I'm not trying to be white guy at you. You're the racist here, motherfucker. Like it's so goddamn gay. 2:33:23 Unknown_29: I don't hate black people. I hate white people. I like black people. They're the funniest people in the fucking planet You're out here trying to pull this shit wrong actually actually wrong that's the Jews correct the record White bread ass niggas, man Unknown_29: You try to pull the race card like a fucking SJW every goddamn time. You're just attacking a successful black man. Dude, I've seen it for a fucking years now. Fucking years. You're just attacking a successful black man. 2:33:54 Unknown_02: Dude, you're- Well, they found Mama Jeff. Unknown_29: Is that a joke? Unknown_02: Post some links, white bread ass nigga. Unknown_29: Successful man. Stop cowering behind your race and stop letting your fans cower behind your fucking race. You're successful, man. You're not successful for a black man. You're successful for any man. Unknown_29: But don't pull this shit on me. Don't try. Oh, I'm from the streets. Oh yeah. You and everybody else, you and everybody else, you're on YouTube motherfucker. You're just a guy, just a guy with hairy shoulders, hairy arms. Someone threatened to clip you and you got fucking butt hurt. You fed into the bullshit, you got butthurt, and now you're bitching up on all this stuff. 2:34:29 Unknown_29: That's what happened. That's what happened. There's no way around it. You got fucking butthurt. Unknown_29: Your fans are gonna try and fucking guard you on all this shit. Unknown_29: Hey, a bunch of people out here want you to make all the money on earth. And I do. I know you don't believe me. I know you didn't believe me then. I know you keep doing it. Unknown_02: I was notified after I talked about this that this apparently has a name. Like in narcissism and cult it's called love bombing like when you like attack somebody and try to like Disorient them or gaslight them and then you like really amp them up and say like wow you're such a great person You're so successful. Oh my god. I wish all the best for you like after all doing all that shit After ranting for six minutes about how they're a hood ass nigga and shit. That's called love bombing. That's a name. I 2:35:06 Unknown_29: About me. Uh, I know you said other shit behind my fucking back while saying this shit to my face. I know all of it, Eric. Unknown_29: I know. And guess what? Despite all of that, I said, Eric, just don't get it. Unknown_29: I want him to make all the money on earth. I want you to make every fucking dollar. I'm not going to sit here and be a bitch to your cool street cred. Your street cred doesn't mean shit. 2:35:53 Unknown_02: He's also doing the thing again. He knows that he's winding down his rate. It's like his arm Unknown_02: It's like in Xavier renegade angel where he has like that left arm It's like a snake arm that has its own mind and does whatever it wants and now it's like Rekheda has his own drinking hand that has its own mind like he's just talking and he's unaware But his left hand is out there Pouring a drink into the glass putting in one of the cold rocks and then shaking it around and brings it up to his lips And it's just waiting for the moment that he stops talking to start taking drinks And he just he has no idea it has a mind of its own. It's just doing its own thing out there 2:36:30 Unknown_29: Very illegally like you claim and you're gonna fucking run into uh, you're gonna run into legal trouble. Why are you doing this? Why would you do this? Why would your attorneys not tell you to shut the fuck up about this stuff? What are you talking about you weird dude? Stop flexing on the internet. You're a guy. You're not a black guy Don't do that Unknown_29: Let your fans be fucking racist. Let your fans be fucking retarded. Let your fans be everything you accuse Disney and Marvel and everyone else of being fine. Don't you do that white bread ass nigga. 2:37:05 Unknown_29: I'm trying to talk to you. You are trying to flex on me. It's gay. Unknown_29: You don't even have big biceps. Unknown_02: Cringe so cringe when you know, he's like 40 and he has like five kids. Surely there's better places to be in the world in this Dick did like like he did another thing where he went on Ralph show and he like tried to talk about me and whenever Ralph Dick is isn't a predicament when it comes to me because anything he would want to criticize me for is He would either never criticize anybody else for or he is defended in the past. So when he talks about me, he just has to do this thing where he's like, geez, dude, just don't know what's wrong with. No, really, man. Just so bad out there. I feel like something's happened. I'm really worried for the guy. think you might need to pass the torch on to somebody else because he used to be so great, but wow, sometimes you get some stuff wrong and it's just like, how'd you do that? You know, he used to just laugh at locales, but now he's laughing at me. And since I have a first person perspective of everything he says about me, I might perceive things differently than how other people do. And this wasn't an issue when it was other people like Maddox, but when it's me and I know what he's talking about, it's like, 2:38:20 Unknown_02: Wow, maybe he needs to talk to somebody or something or get a girlfriend. I don't know I don't know what to say. It's like yeah, I know what you're doing. It's not clever Um, but i'm not going to play that because I have a feeling that if I just start like playing clips of him He'll just start crying more about me and not make it fun or interesting so I have to I have to Like sort of metagame this and ignore him just enough that he starts feeling safe again so I can make fun of him when he shows his ass like he did with veto 2:39:02 Unknown_02: then I can pressure in but I can't I can't make part of them consistently every time he talks about me because he doesn't like every stream and Then he then he's on guard. He puts his defenses up again. Unknown_02: Oh Okay, this is the new thing so Jump scare alert the woman sitting next to him is like a wine mom friend of his she gets like 300 viewers on like her normal streams and Unknown_02: And she streams in like skimpy clothing and is basically okay with the label of being like an internet whore And Rekheda of course being a married man with five children has no issue whatsoever streaming with her Even though she doesn't have a bigger audience than his so that she can you know? there's no real benefit to him except being closer friends with this this woman who's obviously of a certain disposition 2:39:44 Unknown_02: So if you're wondering what the poopoo is around her, uh, she got paid $50 to pour Hershey's chocolate syrup on her. And then, uh, didn't realize that when, uh, when she wiped it off, it would look like poo smear. Like she just, she just shit herself in her chair and didn't notice. And now he's just sitting there and shit. So that's, that's the backstory on that. Um, let's listen to what Ricada has to say about his zipper. 2:40:24 Unknown_17: Ask him about the zipper incident. Thank you. And also, Nick, what about the zipper incident? Unknown_29: Oh, so there's so when you are like a 30 something year old woman, you should not be intentionally trying to laugh like a little girl, like a little anime girl. Unknown_02: Like her laugh reminds me of like a VTuber. And it's very obviously deliberate in how it's done. And it's the most grating fucking thing in the world. Unknown_29: There's lingerie and there's lingerie for men. 2:40:59 Unknown_29: Right, like there are two categories for men. There is lingerie for men. Unknown_16: I've never seen this. Unknown_29: Never really. Unknown_16: No, I've never seen a man in lingerie. I'm going to need to. I'm going to need to see this to to believe it. Unknown_32: I'm being nice, Chad. I'm being nice. Unknown_29: Okay, well, obviously there are different sort of adornments that occur, but this one's actually a common one. There's zippers in places on some of these things. Now, depending on the quality of the garment, you might have, like on jeans, right? You've got a zipper. It's got like a little fabric-y flap behind the zipper. 2:41:37 Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_29: For obvious reasons, because there's skin there. Unknown_29: these didn't okay and um let's just say what is she doing that face is not what the fuck is she doing what is that a reaction to grace store and she's like 2:42:09 Unknown_29: Let's just say someone got caught. Unknown_29: And it was the most terrifying experience of my entire life. Unknown_16: Did you just have to, like, rip a band-aid off and just... Yeah, like, you just have to go for it after the, like, hyperventilating is done. Unknown_29: You just have to go for it, Zia. Unknown_17: Oh, my God. That sounds insane. Unknown_29: There was no blood drawn. Unknown_29: It was just terrifying, was actually the most, uh, and funny. Like you're like laughing and also like, Oh dear Christ. Like what is going on here? But, uh, but yeah. 2:42:42 Unknown_02: But anyway, you want to separate, this is mentioned, um, uh, Alyssa was nice enough to include this flashback to the other time that he talked about this because, um, this isn't like a thing that he's just making up for fun. He's hinted at this before. Unknown_15: But anyway, you want a zippered thong? Yeah, dude. I got some. I got like a lot of thong. Unknown_29: Wait, do you have, you have a, you have a zippered, uh, one with a zipper in the front? Unknown_15: Oh no, I do not. Be careful with those. It ain't good. 2:43:14 Unknown_15: Why do you know so much, so much about all these things? You know, you're the, you're talking about Waldo and the zipper penis. Unknown_15: What a degenerate. Yeah. Um, no, you gotta fucking fun in life. Unknown_02: I really believe that he is separated or something with his wife because I think they tried to do like the weird open relationship thing like let's wear like the Baldo and let's wear like the zipper thong and shit and then that didn't work and then they went to Jamaica and did like an open relationship night and then they're like let's just do that permanently let's just have an open relationship where we're permanently like with other people instead Because what else? Fantastic Farms? I don't know. I mean, this is how it looks to me. Because I don't know what married man would be doing shit like this. 2:43:55 Unknown_02: It just doesn't feel... I just don't know any woman on the planet that would be okay with something like that unless they just had absolutely zero backbone and were completely buck broken. Unknown_02: And I don't know if his wife is necessarily in that dimension. Unknown_02: There's that the information that JF G's Mama Jeff had returned is wrong however. He is currently on a podcast called the crucible We can listen to that for like a couple seconds, I guess See if that's interesting maybe we'll tune in at the exact right moment, and there'll be something funny chat. Let's see though that is 2:44:30 Unknown_28: While you are correct that they probably shouldn't point directly at the closest man, oftentimes the closest man is responsible for the disappearance. If we look at the stats, it does happen quite often. Unknown_02: That's why the first suspect is the husband. Unknown_25: What a wonderful computation you just did, except that it's only allowed against white men. Make that computation against any other category and we'll see what happens to you. Unknown_02: I'm pretty sure that they look at black husbands too. 2:45:15 Unknown_25: Well no, because there are statistics that would allow me to say the exact same bigoted thing you just said. And they would allow me to say it and I could get banned for saying it. So people wake up, just check your own bigotry. You guys are all after me and ultimately it's because you hate men. Unknown_28: I mean, fair enough. I was just going off of like the stats that they show when it comes to if a person has actually been murdered at all. It's usually comes from the family. Unknown_25: Yeah, but we don't do accusations of murder in this society. Oh shit. On stats. 2:45:52 Unknown_25: It's like, I'm getting all the JFG chats in my chat now because I didn't turn off the thing. Unknown_02: My chat's now ruined. Unknown_25: And our society has a commitment to principles of due process that allow us to say, even if you're a group that commits a lot of murder, we're never going to get at you if you haven't done it. Unknown_28: Yeah, I mean, right. But if you were a detective, let's say, JF, and you had worked like a thousand of these types of cases, like a whodunit style case, I mean, if all the statistics and most of what you saw showed that it comes from the family and generally from the middle, I mean, wouldn't you logically follow that in your investigation of style? 2:46:29 Unknown_25: No. And see, this kind of probabilistic thinking is exactly the kind of parasite that's taking over society like a cancer, and we must eliminate it completely. What you mentioned there is not investigative, but that wouldn't work the other way around what I've seen Unknown_02: Like he would be for looking into black people and crimes of the black people are more likely to be perpetrators of what you lay out at all right here. Unknown_25: They don't care about probabilities. They care about facts. They care about everything they can know for sure. And they start from the fact is the husband's the most likely perpetrator. They make a step above and then they question and then they integrate all this information and they don't ask themselves. Is it likely that is it likely this? They go with what they know and they make one more step and one more step. And now they're at their second step. They are now in Moncton, two days after I dropped Mama J.F. That is good police work. And what you mentioned there is what I've seen again and again in family. 2:47:01 Unknown_02: Josh Moonkiller. No, it's not true. Unknown_25: That kind of bigoted bureaucrats who kidnap children. And I say, fuck this. 2:47:36 Unknown_25: I'm so happy to be surrounded by professionals, for once, who want to do these probabilistic calculations. Finally in my life, for the first time, I get due process. Unknown_28: Well, I mean, I think what you're saying is reasonable, you know what I mean? Maybe it's a presupposition I've never been challenged on, so I find it to be fair. Unknown_28: In this particular case, I wanted you to be able to come out and kind of give your side of this. Unknown_28: How much should I listen to this for? 2:48:07 Unknown_02: I'm pretty much done with all my content, so it's just super chats. Unknown_28: I'll listen for like another six minutes tops. During the video, you did say, you know, you went through, you kind of cleaned up your house, this and that, and I saw a Twitter take. Unknown_28: which was interesting, and the guy tweeted out, he said, imagine trying to crucify this guy because his girl leaves and he cleans his house, right? That seems a little bit odd. 2:48:40 Unknown_02: This guy is way up his ass. Unknown_28: That's the society we live in, but I mean, it is the society. Unknown_02: We live in a society, Chad. But the crucible man, Andrew Wilson, says something alarm bells a little bit. Unknown_28: If there's a missing person you're going through, you're thoroughly cleaning the house. Right. Can you can you kind of walk us through the process there? Why you decided to do the new plaster work and all of this shortly after Mama J.F. is gone. Unknown_25: The thing is, when you listen to these crime stories on TV, you see a lot of mentions of, oh, he was seen by a neighbor frenetically cleaning his car. And people have integrated this, and they've thought, oh my god, this is a piece of evidence. And they concluded from looking at my old videos from the time around June, you know, around the date where I left Mama J.F. at the gas station. They started making the conclusion that, oh, we have a piece of evidence here. J.F. mentioned cleaning his house. But these people don't realize this. 2:49:15 Unknown_02: Immediately after you dropped her off. Unknown_02: It is literally your timeline that they will be using to establish where you're at. Unknown_25: It will be often in relation to a place where there has been a murder. They will clean a car because there was blood in the car. They will clean their house because there was blood in the house. But I didn't kill her in the house, is what he's trying to say. The last contact of Mama JF happened very far from my home after there were no more contacts between me and her. 2:49:51 Unknown_02: Unless he killed her at the house and dropped her body off somewhere. Unknown_25: That would be tied to my frenetic cleaning of it. So I'm afraid that in this case, it's just a case of the trolls of the internet uh improvising themselves uh investigators and watching through my whole videos and detecting this one detail i cleaned my house when mama jeff was gone and if you don't understand immediately after she left probably i've been single forever Anyone knows that a female has a lot of imprint onto a house. They do a lot of crazy stuff. Sometimes they play with water. Sometimes it gets into the electronics. I mean, Mama Jeff has broken two of my laptops just playing with water. That's because you have a mentally child. 2:50:37 Unknown_02: Children play with water on computers. She has controlled the plates. Unknown_25: She has controlled the placement of all of the tools in the kitchen for years. You come back to your home and you look at it and you want to reshape it in the way you want. So I reshaped the home when I came back from dropping Mama JF and holy shit that it felt comfortable after years of of having a packed fridge. I love I love a fridge that there's lots of there's officially a Canadian missing persons alert for her. 2:51:22 Unknown_02: She's gone and reach for my diet Pepsi can that's at the center of it. Unknown_25: I couldn't do that with mama jf and all of our lettuces and our carrots and make sure you archive everything related to this because there's gonna be turkey tom's gonna make a million dollars doing a gym can't swim off this and i want to cut my wife has gone on a trip and i wouldn't i would never know if she when she would come back why is he smiling he's smiling as he says i never know when she will come back mama jf married 2:52:01 Unknown_25: Well, I call her my wife. We are common law spouse. Okay, but for paper reasons, we didn't have an interest in marrying ourselves. But I consider myself tied to her forever and bound to defend our interests forever. Oh, that are alive and with a boyfriend or a new boyfriend or not, I will always respect Unknown_25: I forgot to mention that recently he had been tweeting at pearl davis the coal burner about how do you want to squirt out a baby with me so he's already like looking for other women and shit had for like other retarded women to impregnate a couple of years this was what you said earlier in the broadcast here um 2:52:44 Unknown_28: Have you guys discussed this plan? Has she talked about it a lot? Did you try to talk her out of the plan? Walk me through the plan. Unknown_02: Lorena donated 15 cents to this crucible to say that I'm guilty. I've always advocated that Mama JF should stay with me. Taking advantage of my Argentinian peso. Unknown_25: And continue building our dream farmland that we have been living on. But Mama JF had a pull that was pulling her back to her hippie lifestyle. And this has been forever. I mean, it has been from the first year we were together in 2018 that she would talk about this. 2:53:16 Unknown_25: So the plan, you say, what was the plan? Well, it's hard to get a plan from a hippie. She doesn't have a mind like mine. She doesn't make plans that are explicit, but she had dreams. She dreams of Unknown_25: of being a star, of making noise, of... Sometimes she dreams of promoting the revolutionary phenotype, you know? Unknown_25: Mama GF had a strong idea that she had to push ideas out there, change the world. Sometimes she wanted to build castles where commune of hippies could be gathering and living together. 2:53:55 Unknown_25: You know, it's hard to present as a plan, but that is the mind of Mama GF. Unknown_02: That's bullshit, and everything you're saying is in past tense. She had dreams, but now she dreams of the maggots in her brain. Unknown_32: What's the appeal of a retarded GF total control if you are a control freak and you need total control what better like? 2:54:36 Unknown_02: Children in the retarded you can control them. Absolutely. That's why status are attracted to children I have so much invested in Preserving my good relationship with mama Jeff rather than be conflictual about it that it's not in my interest to fight or to pressure or to Yeah, he failed. That's why he so what she always had from that's motivation to kill her. If she wanted to leave, he thought, you know, he specifically picked a retard so she would never leave. And then she says, I'm going to take the kids on my leave. That's motivation to kill. You could get killed. Unknown_25: You could anything could happen to you. But if you want it to happen that way, I fully respect this and I'll drop you at the safest place I can. 2:55:10 Unknown_02: I got a station and I got springs distress. Unknown_28: I mean, after all, this is what's going on for months before you were ever able to even come out into the public with it. And he may not have right if if this hadn't turned into a missing persons case and this type of thing. As this is really caused you a lot of emotional distress. Unknown_25: Yes, certainly, I mean it's normal for someone who doesn't know where their partner is, it's normal to be nervous and there's lots of nervousness in not knowing, in imagining the worst scenarios, in also the restraint that you have to have because, for example, there are things that I know are in the investigation right now that I will not mention and cannot mention. I understand. Because there are things that you have to defend people's private rights to, you know, privacy. There are things that if you say them and they're not totally conclusive yet, it could disrupt the investigation because it could throw off a lot of traces that of people saying, oh, well, if that was established, I'm not going to call the police. And you don't want to create this inhibitory effect. You want everyone to be on their best behavior and to be thirsty to call the police and try to report the most facts they can. So all of this combined, yes, is a lot of cognitive load, a lot of effort, but let me tell you, 2:56:43 Unknown_25: Uh, the peacefulness of Mama Jeff in her, in our desire not to hurt me is something that is so much more grave than a lot of other cases that have happened in my life. There's a way. Unknown_02: Andrew Wilson's face in our current world, how he's looking at her and destroy the lives of their husband and often destroy them financially. Unknown_25: They can kidnap the kids. They can do anything. Uh, the fact that my JF has decided for this trip, but in a way that was totally non hostile to me, uh, makes it much more bearable psychologically. And I totally respect the way she's done it. It's a clean way and it's what we should be headed toward. If we had a society that denies, he's now being suspected for murder because she doesn't exist anymore. That's a lie. That's such a weird thing to say. 2:57:28 Unknown_25: start against men. I think that would be highly desirable. And Mama J.F., she had the moral pillar to be that way without society forcing her to be that way. Unknown_28: Well, J.F., the way that you kind of describe that, this sounds almost less like it was a trip and more like it was an actual separation. Is that how you're viewing it? 2:58:08 Unknown_25: I don't know. I don't know because Mama Jeff has done this before and she came back two weeks later. So when you are with a woman who has such an unstable, uh, you know, drive, you cannot know. Uh, the moment I left her at that gas station, I thought it was potentially the case that she would come back two weeks later because that's what she did last time. So what do you trust? Do you trust your hands thing? Do you trust what she tells you? Do you trust what she did last time? 2:58:40 Unknown_02: I'm going to make a prediction of these factors. I'm gonna make a prediction. Hold up different realities. Unknown_25: And you enter, they're going to go and find footage of the gas station because he keeps saying the gas station, they're going to find footage of it and she's not going to be in the video. Unknown_02: He's going to go get a soda or something. Unknown_02: And he's going to be like, I dropped her off, but it wasn't in that area. Then I went to go get a soda. But you see, I was there. I was there at the gas station, just like I said. I act in every day of my life as if she could come back. 2:59:12 Unknown_25: And if she does come back, I'll be there. And if she doesn't, that is also fine. Unknown_28: But you're hoping she is, obviously. Unknown_25: Well, I'm neutral because I don't want her to come back if she doesn't want to come back. And I know well when I see it, and I've seen her leave of her own will. So I wouldn't want her to come back and feel imprisoned or forced to come back. But if she does, she knows that she has. Unknown_02: Yeah, he has a breastfeeding child in his custody and he doesn't care if the mother comes back. 2:59:47 Unknown_28: Yes. Right now, would you make the recommendation to her to go ahead and call the police and just let them know that she's OK? That way they could close the investigation up and everybody kind of move on from this. Unknown_25: Yes, I would say Mama Jeff, if you are listening to this, know that I've not started any of this process, but it started making noise in the media. So he didn't report her missing. Her family did. I had to come out and talk about it. She didn't even report him to correct all of those lies. Uh, I have nothing against you, Mama Jeff, and I have not asked for these investigations to be started, but if you want to calm everyone down and if you want to calm the police and Just diminish the tension and diminish the media attention around this. Just find an encrypted way to signal your life that you are alive. If you don't want to talk to them, I opened a ProtonMail email. You can send me an email. 3:00:27 Unknown_25: Prove in that email that... The note's coming. Unknown_02: The untraceable email saying that she's alive is so coming. It's so obvious what he's planning for. Unknown_25: I think that's all they want anyway. So if you want, if you don't want to be located and don't want to be found, that's one way we can use to ensure your safety. 3:01:08 Unknown_25: Yeah. Well, I mean, even just a call to maybe her parents. Unknown_28: Okay. Drew Wilson. Yeah. Maybe call. Unknown_25: Anything like this would work. Unknown_28: Okay. Gotcha. Now, kind of moving, moving forward. Unknown_28: Have the investigators been, I mean, this is still ongoing and clearly you're still working with them. Do you think that this investigation will continue until they essentially find her? Is that what it seems, the way it seems to be? Unknown_02: That's a good question. He's going to give a negative response. Unknown_25: This is the practice of the police. That's what they told me they would do. And they would do that no matter what. So they say this never goes away. We deploy all efforts and all efforts possible until we find the police intimidating him. 3:01:40 Unknown_02: If they're going to be like, we're going to put a hundred percent of our resources and all modern science into finding her and we will find her. That's them trying to make him sweat. Unknown_25: After one year, two years, and then the investigators will have less traces to follow, less things to look for, less active involvement. But their philosophy is to constantly pursue any Threads of info that gets to them 3:02:13 Unknown_28: Yeah. Well, I mean, it sounds like, um, because at this point it is actually creating, you know, I mean, maybe, maybe it's not creating problems for you, but it's definitely creating waves, uh, for everybody. And I've kind of heard you multiple times say on your show, like, look, I had nothing to do with this. Um, you know, to mama JF, are you afraid that she's going to blame you? Unknown_02: Andrew has the face. Like he just realized he's talking to a murderer. He's had that face on this entire time. Unknown_25: I don't think she will, but I want it to be clear because a lot you know because of a fundamental principle that you're not entitled not any of you isn't entitled to know where mama jeff is that is the truth of liberty uh you know we are in a society that gives you so much things it tempts you with a driver's license so that oh yeah you can drive now oh yeah but now you're carrying an identity card of the state and now you are tied in the databases of the state oh here's a cell phone you can talk to your loved ones oh yeah but now you you are basically gps tracked on on every second of your life we live in a society that has come to expect 3:02:50 Unknown_25: a demonstration of location for everyone in existence. And the fact is that principally that is incorrect. The state is not entitled to know where you are. I am not entitled to know where you are. And he's smoking a cigar. 3:03:44 Unknown_02: Now he needs to calm down. Unknown_25: Read agents of the government that have called the police because they noticed, despite the fact that me and Mama Jeff's family had assessed that she was leaving on a consensual trip. Some bureaucrat of the government called the police and, uh, and she has a minor worried, but you are not entitled to your worries. You are not. She has a minder in the minder. Unknown_32: It wasn't even her family. Unknown_02: She had like a welfare check from the state, like maybe someone from the hospital, like, Hey, we're checking in on your child. Cause you haven't come back for any, any pediatric shots and we have free healthcare. Why aren't you keeping up to date with your, your pediatric stuff? And they're like, oh, what do you mean she left? What do you mean she's been gone for four months and you don't know where she's at? 3:04:22 Unknown_28: Perspective says reasonable. If you see somebody often and suddenly they kind of disappear with no accounting, which doesn't sound like happened in this case, but obviously that's going to throw concern into a lot of people's brains. Otherwise, this would not be the kind of internet wave that it has become to begin with, right, where everybody is speculating and armchair detective being and it's become quite the human interest piece. Some kind of follow up questions just to see if we can tie some of this up. 3:05:01 Unknown_28: After you did drop her off, I see your fucking links in the chat. Unknown_32: I have it pulled up. Shut the fuck up. I'm not interrupting the video for hours there. Unknown_28: This is Jesus. Unknown_28: Um, she, she didn't go back to your residence, nothing like that, obviously. Unknown_25: No, to my knowledge, she has never traveled back into my direction. So I would expect that where you find her on the line between my house and Quebec, I would expect her to travel toward Quebec rather than toward my house. Of course, I can't know for sure that she didn't come back, but I would be surprised. And I certainly don't know and haven't communicated with her since June 19th. 3:05:36 Unknown_25: Do you think that there would have come a point? Unknown_28: Um, so he knows he did something to the phone that would drag it towards Quebec from where he dropped, dropped off where he went to go get a monster energy drink at the gas station. Unknown_25: Uh, it is a, and he knows that's where the phone was heading before it went away. These curves where eventually you reach a threshold and it becomes unbearable. Unknown_25: Uh, But given her past behavior, it's totally not out of the question that it's still as of today that Mama JF is on a regular trip, going with her regular plans. Her family member, some very close family member to her was telling me that in the past she's been switching country and not giving news for months. And so when we were saying that, OK, it is October, she left in June. That's the end of June, July, August, September, October. 3:06:12 Unknown_02: But everything that she did like that, she did before she had children. And now she has two children. That is within the space of what she has done in the past without giving any news. 3:06:57 Unknown_25: And so that is our choice. Unknown_25: And yeah, so. Unknown_25: I'm still not super worried, to be honest. Unknown_28: Yeah, I gotcha. I mean, and there may not be anything to be worried about, but obviously the reason that we're all here is because it's become a human interest. Unknown_28: Everybody and their brother is obviously discussing this. Unknown_02: Dude, this is national news. This is going to national news. A retarded woman is missing. Her kids are in her father's custody. And nobody knows where she's going for four months. And she disappeared. And he put out statements about cleaning her house. This is this is going to be international news. This is going to go. This is going to be like a JonBenet thing where people are talking about this. 3:07:29 Unknown_28: If you so I remember back in our very first interview, Jeff. Um, which was a very good interview and I appreciated you coming on at the time. Unknown_02: Yeah, and he can't stop smiling It's going to the news for sure People like this shit out had responded with you know Because i've been pushed out of so many of these different circles I have had to become kind of the orchestrator of my own press right i've had to become the 3:08:10 Unknown_28: the kind of pusher of my own press, essentially. Was there a little bit of leaning into this maybe for the purposes of kind of self-promotion as well? Unknown_25: No, my position on this is like whatever event happens and whatever things you don't control and do use the opportunity to self-promote, which is what I'm doing here. And I know that MamaJF, one of the things that despite her not feeling like her lifeline was due to continue with mine for now, I know that there is one thing that she holds deeply and that she will always hold and that will be true whether she's with me or not, whether she has a thousand other boyfriends. Mama JF, and that's the reason she came to me first, believes that the revolutionary phenotype must be stopped. And so I don't think that she would take offense at all that I am talking about the book of the revolutionary phenotype while also covering the case of her disappearance. If there is one message that Mama Jeff wanted to yell at the world, it is reproduce, have babies, do not let the machines take over. 3:09:36 Unknown_02: He's trying to sell his book. Unknown_25: He asked him about his PR campaign to deny being a murderer and he's already selling his book. Unknown_28: That's unbelievable. Have babies but then leave them with a fucking weirdo Frenchman? Unknown_28: I guess if there was one more thing that would kind of satiate my curiosity, it's still kind of the lead up. And I understand, you know, she's a free spirit and this kind of thing, you know what I mean? Unknown_28: But it's just so wild to think that, you know, hey, just kind of drop me off here and I'm going to put the thumb up the truckers and, you know, and we're gone. And this had to have had, like you said, months and months of discussion, but she just really never was very specific at all as to where she wanted to end up or where she wanted to maybe send this revolutionary phenotypical message and who she wanted to get. 3:10:13 Unknown_02: I'm tempted to super chat this guy, but he doesn't seem to be paying attention to his chat. Wait, hold up. Everybody, we're gonna touch the poo. We're gonna touch the poo. Ask him about her children she abandoned. I'm gonna copy paste this like three times. Okay, help me chat. Touch the poo together. Unknown_02: No, we're tipping the ship. We're rocking this fucking boat chat. Ask about the kids. Unknown_25: Mama JF is a different kind of mind. She's not a mind to plan these details. She goes on big ideas and sometimes honestly delusional ideas to a certain extent. 3:11:00 Unknown_25: So no, she's not the kind of man who will say, I'm going to market the revolutionary phenotype by doing A, B, C. She's just going to follow... Just ask, what about the kids? That is what women do, honestly. In that sense, she's not so different from the average woman. She may be an extreme case of it. Unknown_28: Yeah, well, I mean, that's it. I don't know. It's just like the, the, the free spirit thing. I get it. I understand women aren't exactly known. 3:11:33 Unknown_02: Do my bidding, do my bidding minions, ask about the children. Right now. I know that's a generalization. Unknown_28: Maybe I shouldn't be looking at the stats on that. Unknown_28: Just from my perspective, right. Not, uh, not always the most analytical minds. Um, but the other thing is, is they're leaving without any cash. Unknown_28: no credit cards, you know, none of this type of stuff. She does still have to support herself. She has to eat, she has to do these kinds of things. Does she have access to like a joint account? If you were to put money in that joint account and she were to, let's say, take some money out, then that would also be proof of life, right? 3:12:05 Unknown_25: Mama Jeff knows she can enter a bank that will hand her money at the declination of her identity. Unknown_25: But Mama Jeff is not like this. Mama Jeff has decided to go on a trip of self-sustainment. She doesn't have any money. No, you see, she will not withdraw any money that leaves a credit trail. 3:12:38 Unknown_02: Believe it or not, someone was saying on social media, I heard that you can survive without a cell phone for 30 days. Unknown_25: Mama JF is that kind of person. She has traveled internationally before. He can't ask. Unknown_02: He said in chat, JF told him ahead of time, don't ask about the kids. No questions about the kids. And he can't ask about them. Oh my God. Unknown_25: And I am not scared at all for her ability to do that. Unknown_02: J.F. only appeared with the... I know that this is a bit personal, but is your household in a bit of turmoil still? Oh, great. Great question. 3:13:15 Unknown_25: Oh, no, my household is in a beautiful state. Honestly, you know, Mama J.F., I appreciate that contribution to my life so much, but she is a she is a disorganized brain and honestly my my household is just better organized without her my fridge is cleaner and everything is better managed to my taste as an autistic man who likes order and cleanliness of course perhaps not to my god but if she wants control over our household she can just come back and i will cedar back to her 3:13:56 Unknown_28: Got you. $10 comes in from KS. He says, I hope she's okay. Unknown_02: So he, he, he handled that well. He acknowledged in chat that JF specifically mentioned that he cannot talk about the kids. Some of them are troll chats. Unknown_28: I have JF for about another 10 minutes. I only wanted to have them on for about an hour. Um, if you guys have some questions that aren't troll questions that are actually questions, I will ask him those questions if you want to send in a chat. Um, and I'm sure that he's happy to answer them, but keep it on topic. And, um, we're not gonna, we're not going to talk about anything in too personal of a detail. 3:14:29 Unknown_02: Yeah, Jeff definitely told him don't ask what the kids nothing about the kids. That's fucking awesome Send in whatever you want if you have questions, I can't believe that one of our pet retards is a murderer now, that's the first Unknown_02: Like one of the EDF guys shot up a school and killed two people, but this is like the first time where it's like a proper true crime shit You really started a shitstorm with this I'm so good at being hated Yeah Well, that's a pull quote that I'm so good at being hated. That's that is a pull quote for national news. The Canadian, the CBC will play that fucking quote. I'm so good at being hated and him laughing about it. Mark, my fucking words. That's going in the doc. 3:15:11 Unknown_25: Yeah, I didn't say she bought a tent. She bought camping material. We already had a tent. I do not. I do not think that she brought it, though. Unknown_25: It was a very small backpack she left with. But we do have a tent and she did buy camping material. Unknown_25: But I don't think she left with the tent. 3:15:48 Unknown_32: So she bought camping. He has a receipt for camping material, but she didn't take any of it. Unknown_28: Size bag that she was reported having, at least in this report. Unknown_28: I doubt that she would be carrying a tent. Unknown_25: Yeah, it's our tent is in a wrapped bag and it's pretty big. It's a big cylinder. Unknown_25: No, I don't think she would have it. Unknown_28: Yeah, even even single sleeping tents They take up a lot of backpack space. So for urban survival things like that people don't usually carry that type of thing Hoping she comes back. God bless says this super chat now, maybe maybe You didn't okay. So this one's super easy and straight to the point and J.F., did you kill Mama J.F.? Well, just yes or no? 3:16:26 Unknown_02: Great question. Unknown_28: No, no. OK, I didn't think so. But then there that's off the table, right? Smiling off the table. Oh, my God. My super chat going to be right. If it's a troll chat, I'm not reading it. It doesn't do anything for. It's not pertinent to this. Unknown_28: Why does the J.F. believe what the police are telling him? Ask Daniel Boren for five dollars. Unknown_25: I don't believe what they are telling me just by the fact that they are telling me, but I have my own way to verify things. 3:17:05 Unknown_25: For example, when they say that they have last seen her June 19th, Unknown_25: uh the article that they put out was describing her clothes and although i didn't quite remember what her clothes were by looking at the description i can see that this is a true sighting of mama jf because as they describe her is she bigfoot now is mama jf like a local legend leave with some sort of jacket like this and so i know that Unknown_25: That the sighting is real I can I can know because the description is totally in line with the way she left Well, she probably wouldn't change a jacket out with a bag that size. 3:17:48 Unknown_28: I'm guessing she didn't carry many clothes with her So she probably wouldn't change a jacket like that out. He's literally saying that she's a feral where you dropped her a feral animal in the woods like Disheveled with like twigs in her hair wearing the same clothes vacancy Unknown_25: is I don't trust the police on statement. I check what they report to me and I can see that it makes sense. Unknown_28: This one comes in from Raised Fist. He says they may just find her in the streets of Montreal. That's a direct possibility, right? 3:18:25 Unknown_25: Absolutely. And as I said, the investigator, maybe she doesn't want to be found. Unknown_02: Oh my God. So it's a whole build up, this whole thing that could be a big scare. Unknown_25: What a thing to say to police. But that is just a reflection of someone who wanted to be free and doesn't want to be found. Unknown_28: Okay, Jeff Bruno says if he told Mama J.F. 's family that she left in June, why'd the family never contact the police after these couple of months? He actually went into this in pretty good detail, just so you understand. Unknown_25: Yeah, so I've been in constant contact with her family, and there was always this rotating question of, should we be worried? They were asking, where is she? 3:19:03 Unknown_32: And he doesn't know. Unknown_25: And they waited. Unknown_02: Oh, dude, when it comes out what he was telling her and how that conflicts with like his public statements now, like the shit he was making up on the time, it's going to be crazy. 3:19:40 Unknown_25: And the investigator says, this looks like a consensual trip. You know, you don't have a responsibility to call the police just because she doesn't want to call you or just because someone desires some space or freedom. So the conclusion of everyone, every single person has decided, those people who love most Mama JF, they have decided not to call the police until a bureaucrat of the government did it. Unknown_25: gotcha until until a woman from the pediatrics department of the hospital wanted to know where she was for her appointment for the baby because he didn't keep up with her the baby's shots and shit i bet you that's what it was and then the the woman from pediatrics is like what the fuck do you mean that she's gone find her then people would be desperate they would they would not trust the police anymore so i think the right approach is to state reality as we discover it and to update, but only on things that are certain. 3:20:37 Unknown_25: And you can't make predictions for the future when you're a policeman. Who knows how it will develop? It could be in hours from now, or it could be in years from now. Who knows? Unknown_28: Maria Bela says for $5, but JF, you did say she was a victim of violence and other bids, but you seem here to say that she was able to kind of do all this travel time and this and that without having any real serious or significant problems. I think that she's trying to indicate that maybe there's maybe a contradiction here in terms or something, or maybe there's an explanation. 3:21:15 Unknown_25: Yeah, when I say that Mama Jeff has not been raped in her travels, I'm just reporting what she has told me. She has never been put in danger through her craziness. Unknown_25: Uh, what the person quotes here is from another context of conversation in which I was not talking about her travelings. I was talking about an event that has traumatized Mama JF at some point in her life, but it wasn't stemming or resulting from her travels. 3:21:53 Unknown_28: Gotcha. Uh, this one comes in from anonymous. Now there's, there has been a lot of conflict about this. This is one of the things people fight over the most. Maybe we can just get some clarification on it. He says, JF. If she was mentally ill, would you say so? Unknown_25: It depends because I don't acknowledge that mental illness is a reason to deny basic individual rights, including the right of free choice for oneself. And so you tell me if she was mentally ill as a factual question, I do not recognize the pre the preemptive power of psychiatry over the rights of individuals. I say it's the other way around. As an individual, you are free to go check out a psychiatrist and get services from them, including diagnosis. But it is not the role of a psychiatrist in society to say, I'm going to imperialistically conquer your individual rights. I cannot go around and say, oh, Andrew, you're a schizophrenic. I'm going to take over you. And now I get your house. And now I decide what you should do with your house. 3:22:32 Unknown_02: Look at the host's face again. That's what they did with Britney Spears. 3:23:08 Unknown_25: I fully object morally on any such things as the takeover of adult rights on excuses of psychiatric diagnosis. Unknown_02: He completely dodged the question with some weird shit about... Yeah, that's been the train trick of Hollywood for, you know, since there has been a Hollywood. Unknown_28: Judy Tester says, is there anything we can do to help with the search? My boy! Unknown_25: I would simply say... By simply not... communicating misinformation and contributing to the absolutely insane environment of invectives and attacks and insults and bad info and bad conclusions. By simply being a neutral being in this whole affair, you would be doing a great deal of good for this search. And whenever you do 3:23:52 Unknown_02: You can help by stop judging me. That's literally like a true crime quote that I saw recently. Unknown_25: I am impressed by the quality of their work. That's what I tell them every day. It's been a couple of days that they have left me alone so that they're used to be a truck of the feds in front of my house every morning and sometimes at night. And for two days now they have not knocked on my door and I appreciate but My door is always available to them and they can come to me anytime. But at this point, I've given them everything. I've given them everything they needed to know. So they've left me alone for now. But yeah, I collaborate with these guys. I don't think they want to oppress MamaJF or me. And so I think they really want to establish her safety. 3:24:28 Unknown_28: Yeah, so you would say one of the best things people could do to help is... stop being hysterical, calm down and go where the facts are. Maybe something along those lines maybe? Yeah. Okay, I think that that's fair and I think that judgment should be reserved until there are actual facts that people know. And right now, we don't know shit and that's the truth. We don't know anything. That's why you're here is so that we could try to establish some of those things. 3:25:05 Unknown_28: This one comes in from a wonderful galaxy. And I was kind of curious about this myself. Why do you refer to Mama JF in the past tense? Unknown_25: Well, because she has gone from my life. So I mean, in French, we don't have this thing where if you talk about someone in the past, it means they're dead. Unknown_25: It's like, if I talk about, you know, my mother is alive and if I talk about my mother in French, I will say she did that in the past. She was a secretary and it's not indicative that she's not a secretary anymore. It just means that she was a secretary at the time or that she has been a secretary for a long time. So personally... That's a good answer because I don't know if that's true or not. 3:25:46 Unknown_02: That's not a thing in French, says Miller. Apparently French people are very wigged out by this answer. Unknown_25: None of this is, oh my God, the French are fucking revolting in my chat. Unknown_02: Is it true in Quebec French though? Is it true in like French Canadians? 3:26:24 Unknown_28: Mr. Krabs says for $5, JF, with respect, you didn't actually answer the question. If she were mentally ill, would you tell us? Unknown_25: Well, there is a false premise to your question, that mental illness is a fact. Mental illness is a human judgment. And so I will- Is that true even for French Canadians? Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_25: Because there's a hidden moral prior in a factual word of your question. It is very grave what you're attempting to do here. And people don't realize how grave it is to talk of mental illness as a fact. Mental illness is a human judgment, a moral one, one that comes with intent to take over the life of someone in our society. 3:27:08 Unknown_02: This is an insane thing. The way they did to Britney Spears and the way they did to others. Unknown_25: And I will never participate to this artifice of deception that it is to start claiming that mental illness is a factual description of anything. Unknown_28: It's funny, my wife always says, she read a great book once, and she always says, mental illness is actually a problem in living. Unknown_28: It's a great quote, I must admit. Paul asks, do you expect to be scrutinized for any future relationships you may have? That seems like a fair question. 3:27:43 Unknown_25: I mean, I do not desire to engage in future relationships. I'm super satisfied with what I have in life. And so I'm not looking for a future relationship. It could come to me because I've said I would be open to suggestions, but I wouldn't actively seek a woman. Unknown_25: Well, someone like me, Unknown_25: as always has taken a path of life where it's impossible this is how he actually is pissed off relationship ever so you say scrutinize i mean uh it's more than scrutinized when you're a public person you come up people hate you before they even met you, people love you before they even met you, people have all their paranoias deployed. 3:28:27 Unknown_02: He was hitting on Pearl Davis in public so he offered her, I'll find the tweet. Unknown_25: So the kind of life that I've chosen is a life of constant scrutiny and constant injustices. People judge me for lies that are on the internet for decades, for a decade at least. So Unknown_25: I don't know how to answer to your question Scrutinized I am scrutinized in every way I don't know how to find this tweet because it's on the Kiwi farms But he literally offered to squirt out baby with Pearl Davis and he said it was like it was like this mob Nope. 3:29:13 Unknown_28: Nope for five Canadian dollars says Hey JFG, the trolls in chat are from a Rumble streamer known as Judy Tester. She's a toxic person. I'm sorry you're being attacked so much. I don't know who this person is. Unknown_25: That's the life I've chosen. So I've been a streamer from the very first day that streams existed. So that's how far back it goes. I've been forming this community. What people know today as streaming, I was the first. We were with five watchers on streams, yelling invectives at each other, insulting each other, using dirty language. 3:29:50 Unknown_02: I am hereby offering that this is September. This is two weeks ago. I'm hereby offering a spread out baby with pearly things insemination cleanable between this month and December for birth. Brown June, September 24, travel fees may apply. We're referring to Pearl Davis, say that real men, real men, Marion squared out baby. Unknown_28: That's a little question he sent in this followup and just said, I appreciate the content JF and I hope she's safe. Unknown_28: Uh, Derek G for $10 says, well, Unknown_28: I'm not, I'm not going to beat that dead horse, dude. We just went over it multiple times. If you guys have any last minute followups, now's the time to put them in so I can let JF get about his night. And I appreciated him taking the time out. I know that you're coming up on vacation here shortly. Taking a few days off. 3:30:23 Unknown_02: Yes, I am going on vacation to the Canary Islands and then maybe taking a cruise to a faraway place. Unknown_25: Atheism is unstoppable. A man who's supposed to be a rationalist, Unknown_25: He has concluded on his Twitter account that it's so suspect that I'm taking three days of break when my common-law spouse is the subject of a federal case of disappearance. Apparently, it's very bizarre that I'm taking three days of break. to take time to manage the interviews related to this, to take time to correct people and to... Oh, well, that's the wrong terms. 3:31:02 Unknown_02: A break and a vacation are different in English, I guess. I can imagine that's a... irrational these atheists sometimes are. Unknown_25: They are right about one thing. The theory of evolution is true. But when it goes to other things, they tend to be a little more weird. Unknown_28: There is a question in chat that I am curious about myself. Of course, again, don't have to answer it, but it asks, did JF have an open relationship? For some reason, I have a feeling you didn't. Unknown_25: No, I do not do open relationship. I've always told Mama Jeff that I expect full monogamy. And if she wants to have another boyfriend, it has to be following a break. 3:31:38 Unknown_02: No, I saw the Judy Tester chat. Unknown_25: Physical presence around each other. I cannot tolerate any other potential fathers fathering children that I could care for. And so there needs to be a clean break. There needs to be, if you ever return to me, there needs to be sexual transmission disease tests. And I need also to establish that you have not given one of your eggs to another father. So I need to establish that you have not produced other babies. Unknown_25: That is, those are the conditions of monogamy and I impose them in full. Gotcha. 3:32:18 Unknown_28: Uh, they read it. Silver meta set. Uh, silver member says, is it comforting knowing there are so many people out there who care for her and her safety and they'll eventually find her. Unknown_25: I don't need comfort because Mama Jeff is a free woman. She has gone free and I need not to be comforted for the worries of a bunch of fucking normies. You guys are the one worried. Unknown_02: Oh my God. The one who fully trust. This is a base super chat. Unknown_28: Gotcha. Last question that I'll give you before I let you go. This one's from the Made by Jim Bob show, who you guys have had so many wonderful arguments. He just couldn't help himself. He says, did theories ever become facts? 3:32:49 Unknown_25: A theory is always a theory, but it can be true by the light of certain facts and false by the lights of others. For example, the theory of evolution will always be a theory, but there can be facts that come in that force you to accept the theory of evolution. For example, the resemblance between the ribosome of bacteria and the ribosome of humans. 3:33:27 Unknown_02: My armchair psychology take on this is that when he has an opportunity to spurg about things he's comfortable with, he really takes it and goes the extra mile. Because right now he's like winding himself down, he's talking about things that he enjoys, and he's reducing his discomfort in doing so. Unknown_25: Gotcha. JF, is there anything else that you want to say in this interview before I let you go? Unknown_28: Anything else you want to get out there? Anything else that you want to clarify? Unknown_25: No, I would say to everyone, be a little less imperialistic, be a little less trying to control what others do and enjoy life. Mama JF would not want, no matter whether she's alive or dead or she's exposed herself to risks, that she didn't want, and there may have been outcomes that she didn't want to happen, no matter what is her current state. She would have wanted in every way that everyone here enjoy their life, enjoy the people. Oh, he's so fucking guilty. 3:34:06 Unknown_32: It's unreal how guilty he is. Unknown_25: Be happy and let everyone around you free and just show your appreciation for existing. Unknown_02: Press F, Chen. Unknown_28: Well, JF Gary Eppie, I truly appreciate your time tonight. I know that you have another interview coming up, I think. Is that with Dick Masterson? Is that what I heard? 3:34:44 Unknown_02: Oh, I can't wait for the Dick take where he just sucks this guy. Get ready for Juju to get on his knees and blow JFG as the poor innocence man that he is. Unknown_25: True crime stories on YouTube tomorrow. Well, good luck. What do you just say about being on true crime? I hope. Do you know her? I do. Unknown_25: So so tell me about her. Should I be should I be worried? Unknown_28: It will be woman prattle on overdrive. Nonsense. All it'll all be about her. She's that's Lauren Delaguna for you. 3:35:19 Unknown_28: If if I were you. I would go into your kitchen and grab a hammer and smack yourself about the head and shoulders with it several times before I would sit through an interview with Lauren Delaguna. That's just me though. Unknown_28: Oh no. Unknown_25: i said yes to her and papa jf always provides to a cute woman you're gonna send me a dm you're gonna be like andrew you were right that's all that's gonna happen jf i'm just saying just saying anyway 3:36:01 Unknown_28: J.F. Gary Eppie, have a great day. Thank you for making this your first interview on this topic. I know that there was some things the audience wished that I could have gotten into, but there's parameters for every interview. Unknown_02: He's confirming it. The kids were off topic. I think he's done good. I think this guy has done good. Unknown_28: J.F. Gary Eppie, have a wonderful evening and thank you. Unknown_02: He did a pretty good job because everything in this interview will be useful later. Just like his behavior is so bizarre. Unknown_02: Thanks Andrew. Heck of a job. Unknown_28: Crucible to all of you out there in crucible land. 3:36:33 Unknown_02: All right. Unknown_02: That's the stream. I'm done. Uh, you guys got a little bit of a bonus as it turns out, me delaying for a couple hours was a in your favor. You got a bonus content. Why haven't done a live watch of anything in years? It feels like, so this is a really special occasion. This is a Halloween special, uh, for absolutely everyone. Unknown_03: What the fuck is that? Unknown_03: How did this happen? Unknown_03: I'm so weirded out. I don't know what that noise is. 3:37:04 Unknown_02: I've been, I'm being assaulted and now I'm going schizophrenic chat. I'm sorry. Uh, for my, my demons take me, let's, uh, do the super chats. Unknown_02: Um, I will put us ahead in shell mode. Unknown_02: Um, and I will see you guys on Tuesday. If you're going to bail out now, if not, I appreciate everyone who sticks around. You never know what kind of weird shit shows up from the super chats. People are crazy. Unknown_02: All right. Roll back. Um, okay, let me do something I've never done before. Uh, cause I did 30 minutes of streaming. Then this is the first one I've ever done a split stream. So I'm going to try to find the clip that I recorded this earlier today. 3:37:36 Unknown_02: And I am going to go ahead and pull that up. Unknown_02: And I'm going to try really quickly to find super chats that were made through it that I would never be able to find otherwise. Unknown_02: I'm hoping and sneaking from earlier today says happy pizza day to your feeder and fellow New Zealand enthusiasts. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I've had a great pizza day. As a matter of fact. 3:38:09 Unknown_02: Orange fluffy cat says white people don't season they coffins. Unfortunately, that is a link. So unless it's in rumbled still I will not actually that's a I won't be able to get that link. It's a our Drama link to some posts that I won't be able to find. Sorry. I just left the cat. I appreciate it though Unknown_02: James Boone for 25 says happy pizza day overlord. Thank you very much. I do appreciate it Kaleem Alassin for one says happy Friday. Sorry for being a cheap Jew. I have a concert next week My boss has graciously allowed me to leave my wagee kg for the week. Well, congratulations. Just make sure you come back one time otherwise We'll be reprimanded. You'll be forced to pay back for every second that cage has been unproductive for 3:38:44 Unknown_02: Longboard or 241 for two says hope this helps with network connection. You can increase bandwidth and Nord hearts hotspot charges If your phone's rooted doing USB tethering, it's an external app by the way, but it's worth it I figured out that tethering was the correct answer. I thought that the regular Wi-Fi would be fine, but it was not so It is built right into my phone though, and it works natively with Linux. So everything's been fine Gallagher off for 10 says fasting is for women and Jews. Here's some pizza moon boy. Thank you very much. I Appreciate it 3:39:20 Unknown_02: Fasting is important. I think it's good for people especially people who compulsively overeat to fast every so often because it's it's very Unknown_02: It's very normalizing for the body. I feel, um, to remember what it feels like to be hungry. Like if you're in a thing where you're eating every day and you start overeating, it's a, I feel that it's useful to take a day where you just remember what hunger feels like so that it kind of contextualizes, um, boredom eating and stuff compared to what hunger is. 3:39:52 Unknown_02: Haramada produces I sent $20 to the national art with a video link cuz fuck you You can't tell me what to do. You're not my real dad. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate the double dip Even though the Russians will keep that money forever though Roxanne will for five says bark bark. Thank you for making my Friday morning something to look forward to with your stream Please enjoy this journo skelly. I will not be able to click that because that's a rumble link from earlier today Sorry for ruining your morning You sent me $5 to appreciate me in my time slot and I completely fucked it up and I can't even click your link That's really shitty of me. Sorry uh total feeder ultra dosing for six says hey josh what which of these two bigger bullets have you dodged going to los angeles or going to berlin oh fuck he's asking specifically if not meeting up with dick or not meeting up with coach was the bigger disaster avoided um like i say me not going to los angeles 3:40:44 Unknown_02: Created kovat. So whatever whatever the damage is that kovat created There that only happened because I did not go to LA Which means that me going to LA must have resulted in something that was even worse than kovat So I'm gonna have to say that nothing happened because of coach All else fails for ten says can you stop starting wars in countries you move to and there's a link to CNN saying 3:41:17 Unknown_02: President Alexander vu chick affirms intervention International, I don't know that is I guess there's something going on with those of our Ukraine or some shit. I don't pay attention to the news I just know that if the garbage stops getting collected that's when you move I Unknown_02: John smith, uh, 12 12 12 for five says hey josh, we're over 75 done with the year now. What do you think of it? I think it's been pretty fun and white peeling overall. I'm just wondering what the finale is going to be It's been a difficult year for me. Um because of all the work that i've had to do But yeah, I remain optimistic 2023 has been pretty chill I feel like I progressed a lot in my goals, even though the site's been Up and down and stuff and I wish that the site was doing better 3:42:00 Unknown_02: Coal coal for two says Josh the island you were looking for Looking into for hosting is planning on genociding all the monkeys for being alcoholic stealing drinks from tourists. I had to shorten the link But South Tomei, well, maybe the monkeys fucking deserved it. I don't tell you NN 4 3 2 1 4 20 says have you seen Nick Rickett his latest antics? I'm going to assume that that is the zipper thing and if so, yes, I have actually Unknown_02: Actually, let me double check and just make sure that is the zipper things. I'm kind of curious Let's take that I don't need that don't need that It's not this No, I don't see what link that is Sorry, I don't know what that is. 3:42:51 Unknown_03: Maybe it's a joke link or something. Unknown_02: I apologize and then Unknown_02: Would I I can't take the time to like type out the link or what? I really I'm really sorry that I can't click anybody's links for anything AJ fly 742 for prices. Will we get Halloween news hamster shirts? Unknown_02: No, not quite. However, the shirt stuff is progressing. So expect that by next week, I think I'll start the sale pimmel tetcher for two says Unknown_02: Will you listen to Josh's broken phone stream and you will like it. That's true. Everyone will suffer. It's what I give you. 3:43:23 Unknown_02: Nick's hex for five says, I use the word socioeconomic to describe an empty black portion of a schematic. Later in a meeting, my coworker said as, uh, as they would say the socioeconomic area in front of management. Unknown_02: Well, I'm sure everyone knows what you mean. It's very descriptive. Unknown_02: Ruby's writing for three says I know furry porn is beyond your expertise But why is every furry artist who only draw who only draws a woman with giant tits and ass is always a true? And that is a bimbo fetish 3:43:55 Unknown_02: Blame Canada for five says anybody living in the United States anybody living in the United States and that's a joke about how my stream was Suttering for a while before I end that that's the last one before I ended it I hope I got everybody super chat who donated before The stream or during the the first bit. I apologize for everyone who got mess. It was a pretty shitty Start to my day Start with Odyssey, I think Oh shit, I clicked the fucking link and that's gonna break the fucking chat. God damn it. Um, I'll bring this up on Mozilla. 3:44:31 Unknown_02: Sorry, everyone's gonna get spammed with Odyssey messages because I clicked the fucking button again. Um... Unknown_02: Blame Canada for five says nothing. Wait, refresh. Blame Canada for five says nothing, nothing, nothing. 10 out of 10. Great post. Excellent post. I agree. Thank you very much. James Boone for 25 says happy pizza day. I think I read that already, but thank you again. Unknown_02: Striga for five says hey Josh Would you revive Kiwi station 13 if we paid you via patronite or something one week in session per month would be awesome It was glorious and no current server ever comes close. Wish you a happy October I can't I would love to the site is not is not where I wanted to be yet I have work to do I can't like the space station 13 shit was a lot of work It was more work intensive than the forum usually is and right now. I simply just don't have time. I'm really sorry 3:45:18 Unknown_02: Many headed man for 22 says joshua. I sent you this song before but you quit it just before it got good I implore you to please listen to the rest of it. I'm sure you and chat will love it. Unknown_03: Okay 3:46:26 Unknown_03: Oh, oh my god, you can't hear it I played it for 30 seconds And it was fucking oh, jesus. Unknown_02: Fuck. Okay. I'll play it again. Hold up. Unknown_27: You're black and spanish guys Vagrancy and general complacency of dads who have no wives police should beat their fucking skulls in with magnolias Illegitimate illiterate blacks should have no rights because they go from having lives to having life and I pay to feed their appetites and give them TV with satellites those thieves stealing dirty fucking heathens dealing dope need to steal a boat sail their monkey asses back to Africa and seal the coast with giant gates made of steel and bolts so we can try and save the decent white god fearing folks 3:47:06 Unknown_02: It's um Music like that falls into a genre of hip-hop. I actually like and I'm not just saying this as a meme it's called introspective hip-hop and some of the best hip-hop songs ever made fall into the general the genre of introspective hip-hop because it's a it's a black critique of black culture and There's a lot of very poignant songs out there that that Fall into that category I maintain that one of the best rap songs ever made is dance of the devil by immortal technique, and it's a great song I won't spoil it because it has a story to it and some as impeccable flow the classical Samplings help a lot, but it's it's just an amazing song and yeah, that's funny, but what they're saying is like It is introspective and if black people were more along like that there wouldn't be any issues and 3:47:58 Unknown_02: Um, okay. Unknown_02: He's a common, I know immortal technique is like a weird communist, but you separate art from artists. You can't have everything. Unknown_02: Blame Canada for Tim says here nigga take this and enjoy yourself some decent lowercase I internet. Oh, I will I'll try my best It's not quite the $2,500 that I need for Starlink, but I'm working on it Sock puppet Sam for five says hey Josh How many prepubescent Slavic orphans that you have to sacrifice to get your gypsy phone working this time? 3:48:29 Unknown_02: No, none. You just go to the store and you spend Bitcoin and you get you get minutes generally speaking Unknown_02: Devious day for five says this call-out post on QB from juicer twinkle card He took the back of my toilet off and took a shit in it. I want the sick fucker arrested He's no longer invited to my the devious household. You probably deserved it I don't have to tell you twinkle turds seem like a stand-up guy and it gives me a hundred dollars every stream that makes him based Wallums for two says the story is that he was arguing with his GF and chimping out because of that white antifa fag told him to chill out and got stabbed up I 3:49:06 Unknown_02: The black guy. Yeah, that's probably true. That sounds about right. That's typical Fennel Hungarian imperialist for 15 says unhinged strangers could be here. He thought I've never been in this neighborhood before There could be unhinged strangers anywhere the cool. Well wind felt good against his bare chest. I hate unhinged strangers He thought street dreams are made of these reverberated his entire car Trudeau story. I experienced that moment frequently. Well, I used to but now I've solved this issue Unknown_02: Thank you. The president Nintendo for five says insufferable lives getting 360 no scope by the marginalized people They worship is a tale as old as time question if you love all Halloween so much Why did you start the first stream of the month with a song from a Christmas movie? Nightmare before Christmas is undisputably a Christmas movie. Just saying I Know it's a troll pose and then before Christmas is a Halloween movie. Nice try guy. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get rattled by that I know what you're going for 3:49:46 Unknown_02: Ogre Magi for 10 says the kick gutter rats and the kick gutter trash thread found a streamer named rebuilding the Empire BTR He was filtered. He was on kill stream long ago. He had some base takes on Nick Fuentes that I think you'll find funny Unknown_00: No, am I a Nick Fuentes fan? Not really, no. I was actually on a podcast with Nick Fuentes one day. 3:50:22 Unknown_00: Back when we all got banned, it was me and Nick and Red Pill Gaming and they were having a giant podcast for everyone that got banned and I was on it. And I actually found I went at the same time that Nick Fuentes was on and Red Pill Gaming and those two were like fighting with each other. And so I tried to mediate between them. I was like, because, you know, Baked Alaska and the other guy there, the dirty little guy that's married to a fat Jew girl. I can't remember his name. He's just a piece of crap. And I said, hey, Nick, doesn't it seem to you that the people that represent your organization should be men of merit and men of some kind of upstanding? If you're trying to build a movement, then the people you surround yourself with should also encompass those ethics and morals and values of the movement. And having people like Baked Alaska and the other dirty guy I can't remember his damn name now. 3:51:08 Unknown_00: You know, and Nick was like, no, well, everyone knows baked Alaska just does what he does. I said, yeah, but he's still representing your, you know, your AF movement. And he was like, no, no, it's totally different. I said, well, then Nick's like, who the hell is this old guy? He goes, who is that guy? And it's like, oh, nice hat. And I was like, well, thanks. I said, but you're still a punk kid and you still, 3:51:47 Unknown_00: And I just kind of went off on him. I said, here's a 24 year old kid trying to tell me about the world and how it works. Why don't you do a little living, get a girlfriend, move out of your mom's basement before you start giving people like me advice. So yeah, I'm not, I'm not a big Nick fan, not a big Nick fan. I think he's a homo now. I think he's actually gay. I mean, I mean, I always give him the benefit of the doubt, but that whole cat boy thing and. Yeah, I don't know. And he's in his mid-twenties, has no girlfriend, still lives at home, doesn't talk about getting married, doesn't have any girls. I don't know. It's something wrong with that kid. Something's wrong with that boy. 3:52:21 Unknown_00: You know, I, maybe Fuentes will give you a cozy channel, uh, so you can stream, you know, I applied to stream on cozy, like what almost two years ago. And I never heard back from him. I made some parody songs up about Nick and I, I had a song called Nick is a nigger. I think maybe he heard that song. Unknown_00: That's probably why I'm not allowed to. 3:52:54 Unknown_02: What a great guy real real stand-up stand-up man one for the ages. Unknown_02: I Think he's getting his own thread because people like him. There is the kick After the success of boss man Jack people started wondering what other gems are out there on kick and they found this guy So the content about him and the kick gutter trash community watch thread is going to be made out to its own thread Are they're petitioning for that? In case you're on the hunt for for more base Gandalf Unknown_02: Claudia for me for five says the Kuomintang haven't had control of Taiwan since 2016 and before then they had lost premiership Intermittently the Democratic Progressive Party runs Taiwan now they support Taiwan independence while socialist retards like Jimmy Dore said that they want to be part of the PRC they're lying 3:53:41 Unknown_02: Yeah, I mean Taiwan's is a extremely complicated geopolitical situation, but it is true the base of what I know that they they've lost the the premiership every so often but for the majority of the country's history they retained it after they democratized but they were a military dictatorship because the country was formed at a state of war they move it was a military occupation that became a country over time and Unknown_02: Became a de facto independently ruled sovereign nation and yeah, but the the popularity of Clementine has been going down because of Unknown_02: I want to say that the Kuomintang maintains a one China policy. They don't they want to retake all the mainland They want to retake parts of Russia and Mongolia and stuff. So they're they're like lofty long-term ambitions are a bit weird to people and I think that now it's just sort of like the people living in Taiwan are like We're either gonna reintegrate into China or we're gonna become independent there's the the the Reverse of taking back the mainland and then conquering Mongolia and kicking Russia's shit in there's just not on the table But yeah, I don't want to get too far into the Taiwanese shit 3:54:37 Unknown_02: Drew says well five dollars say womb and your Frenchie accent, please There you go, my boy. I hope it was satisfying PowerChad overcook or over cock rather for ten says hey Josh Why do black people only have nightmares because we shot the last one that had a dream. That's a very racist show That's it doesn't even have like a punchline to it. That's just racist Thank you Suck puppet Sam for five says please put this picture of JF crying over his survivor Tarzan life in the pumpkin patch. He misses her so much Okay, let's see 3:55:28 Unknown_03: I'm kind of scared of this image. I feel like it's a GIF image that's like renamed PNG. I will show it for one nanosecond. Unknown_03: There it is. Unknown_03: There she's crying. Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_03: I'm scared of this image. I don't know why it really freaks me out. It's so tiny and weird and bizarre. 3:56:04 Unknown_02: Um, thank you. J K August and son for two says Jewish. I have a question for you that likely pertains to your racism bit. Is this an Asian Indian or person of subsidization? My faculties are failing me because I've had several whiskey vodkas this evening. God bless Israel. Okay. So he wants to know what the race is of this perpetrator. We will find out. Unknown_03: Um, Unknown_03: This is a black woman. This is an American black woman. There's no trick to this Good luck with your I don't know why you're sending me your tinder dates, but there you go my boy 3:56:47 Unknown_02: Interplanet Janet for five says hey Josh. I want to thank you for offering your perspective that woke me out of transgender phase I had where I was generally complaining cutting my penis off. I don't know where I would be without Maddie. Love the stream Well, presumably based off the information available to me you would be without your penis. So you're very welcome I think $5 is a bit small for what I have given you my boy I'm glad that you're not a true. No, you're welcome. I Unknown_02: We're all but girthy man for ten says my name is Joshua moon, and I like him big also I absolutely love poles. Fuck. Yeah. Happy Halloween you gay neighbors You're welcome. Thank you Money man for one says now that I think about Nicaragua kind of sounds like a socio-economic man the black skin color possibly from Nigeria. I 3:57:20 Unknown_02: Not really. It sounds Polish. Unknown_02: Death Spigot for five says, please do Christian Bale, Batman or Nick in generic Valley Girl for Dick for now and they're both so fitting. I don't know. I can't do the grumbly voice, the silly grumbly voice that Christian Bale does for Batman in that movie. For Nick, I don't know. 3:57:51 Unknown_02: I think my Baldo, my Baldo talk is the best I can do for Dick or for Nick. Unknown_02: Don't understand. Unknown_02: I am being genuine. You can tell I'm being genuine because I'm talking like this. I can't lie and speak like this. That's insane. I'm being, I'm speaking from the heart. Unknown_02: Ayo, hostin represent, shoutout my neighbors in the screwed up clique, rip big mo, what's ricada's lean recipe? 3:58:41 Unknown_02: The Hungarian imperialist for five says no neighbor child. It is you who is the white bread ass nigga? Thank you Money, and if I says please make a new set of emotes based on the faces a poo smear lady with a ricotta is making Oh God, I don't think I need to see any more of her in my life Wallin for two says this dude did it he should have want the cops to look into everything as much as possible instead He's mad. They're investigating him. He should want them to rule him out immediately This dude shot her in the head and replaced the plaster the blood sprayed on. Yeah, definitely. For sure. It's such a weird thing. Cause he talked about like sterilizing. He used the word sterilizing his house after mama JF disappeared. 3:59:15 Unknown_02: And nobody knew that she disappeared until, or was taking a trip or whatever until just now. So that detail that he gave out is like so bizarre, um, in hindsight, unless it was intentional trying to set up something, but with the police involved now, it's, it's just impossible. Unknown_02: neighbor for five says most esteemed and venerable kiwi diamo now that now do you think that rickada has the makings of a proper old cow uh yeah um and some people give me like people who are never happy about anything that i say 3:59:51 Unknown_02: Kind of like oh, well, he's now trying to retroactively justify making fun of Rekheda after saying that he didn't think that he was funny Rekheda changed for sure like I can there's a distinct personality difference and like I said this guy that is Rekheda now is not the same person who was like a principled like older man in the sector who kind of had some life experience and and had morals and values that he was trying to share with people and convert people to by like evangelizing them in a very persuasive way by living it, he is now just another degenerate. And when people talk about like, hey, you know, you used to be like this and now you're not, he gets upset that you even remind him of that. And it's definitely like brain rot or something. And by the way, if I, me saying that, me saying that he used to be like a principled person that people could look up to, He will take that and say that it's like an e-daddy thing and it's like no I was happy that there was a person out there who was like living a Christian life and had children and was married and was faithfully married and wasn't like a weird coomer who was out there and showing people the white pill and that yeah, there are people of this generation who are living a successful, happy traditional life. And now it's over. And it's heaped on him scorn and disdain from everybody. And it's deserved. 4:00:46 Unknown_02: And I really feel like he's, he's suffered brain damage. Unknown_02: Death spigot for 10 says Nick decided that association with veto dick literal whores and other worthless human beings is better than being association with you or anyone else What a condescending faggot tnd total nose disavow I don't think that he Wanted to push me away. I think that he wanted me in the fold But I kept making fun of him because he kept doing stupid shit more and more frequently over time Until it became clear that he was like he didn't want anything to do with me 4:01:37 Unknown_02: Moneyman for one says JFG only cleaned his room because Jordan Peterson told him to ah He just said that that clears everything up Jordan Peterson told him Jordan Peterson forced ghost into his home and said JFG I want you to completely replace the drywall on your home and all your carpeting and make sure you don't leave that spongy shit That's underneath the carpeting either. Don't just bleach it out. You got like a Foam down there that will soak up blood. So make sure you replace that shit, too. I It was like yes. Thank you, uh, jordan peterson. I will But I mean for once the judge missed the judy tester super chat jc No, I did not I laughed at that sock puppet Sam for 10 says can we take a moment to appreciate the good lord for delaying the stream So we could all share this horrifically magical moment. Nice stream josh. Yeah, it was pretty it was worth the wait worth the wait What can I say? 4:02:20 Unknown_02: Fennel Hungarian imperialist for five says devil's advocate. It's possible. JF. No, she's alive and is deliberately appearing guilty for publicity every interviews and talks about him She turns up after he has a chance to shows a revolutionary phenotype on every true crime podcast That would only make sense if he wouldn't go to jail and she wouldn't go to jail for deliberately wasting police resources Sneed for five says Poland and there is an mp3 and 4:03:18 Unknown_31: I have no idea that's from but very tech I don't know how you have that offhand to generate some some cool I mean it's done before right where people low-coded shit, but my voice that was like live on the stream It's pretty good, though Unknown_02: Roto Monte for $100 says are you ever gonna fix many don't live over clear net and see in your odyssey video description But last time I remember it working was when I ordered some kiwi coins Well, my boy should probably click that link and find out right now because it's been up for a couple weeks now Thank you very very much Claudifer may for anybody can access it. Let me know because it should be working for everybody right now Claudifer may for 10 says Taiwan apparently doesn't have an extradition treaty with the satanic American government in order to Cyprus which also has a great baking system like Swiss used to have and Ever had to leave Serbia you could go to Taiwan become libertarian get married and raise a family on a farm there Oh, yeah, ask Cody Wilson how well that worked out Cody Wilson went on a sugar daddy website And he hooked up with an 18 year old or 17 year old that lied on the site literally forged identification to say that she was 18 because they had age verification in process and He hooked up with her. She was literally less than one year below the statutory rape agent consent in Texas and the Feds found out that he had done this and then on a business trip in Taiwan They managed to get Taiwan to extradite him to the United States to face statutory rape charges 4:04:08 Unknown_02: Because Cody Wilson just so happened to be the CEO of a website, or a company called Ghost Gunning, which was a website that provided 3D printing for untraceable weapons. Unknown_02: So yeah, Taiwan definitely doesn't have an extradition treaty, but the moment that the United States says, hey, send us this guy, he's making things that piss us off, even though they're completely legal in the United States, and we have paid this woman to accuse him, to testify against him. They will do it. So Taiwan is not a safe space for for anybody Cloud affirm a for five says Switzerland is based. They own a ton of guns They can't talk correctly and don't feel like learning. They're all racist They have food from three different countries Germanic French and Italian The only bad part is that despite having universal health care its insurance mandate and it sucks Switzerland's also really awesome because they have this law where if you're homophobic you can go to jail. It's a really cool place They have lots of freedom there. You should move there 4:05:12 Unknown_02: Pastor Troy for five says hey Josh the guy that got subbed who has a go fund me set up and it buys friends All the money goes to his friends so they can take off some time from work. That's nice of them It's on the link to it, but I'll take your word they need the emotional break from their jobs 4:05:49 Unknown_02: The president Nintendo for five says you ever get an answer from the polls from of the fucking fire hydrants and marrying them I am dying to know He said what the fuck are you talking about? However, the chats something for Rikada and Alyssa's clips clarified that the joke is that I Unknown_02: Polish people because they can't have sex until they're married will marry the first thing that wants to fuck them if it's a fire hydrant, but it made no sense to me. I've never heard that expression before. I was apparently being intentionally, deliberately misrepresenting what he said by interpreting that negatively. 4:06:32 Unknown_02: Baldo tech peggins for one says boo. Oh my god. It's so spooky. Nope for 20 says you better not go live boy Well, I just did motherfucker. We got this motherfucker. What are you gonna do about it? Galga Roth for 10 says I did it earlier But here's another 10 so you can hopefully one day afford to move back to the USA and all seriously Thanks for sticking out for your QE's. Well, I appreciate it very much. Maybe one day Unknown_02: David s 877 425 says happy Friday with a resurgence of AI graphics from being what have you done anything yourself or at home or in the cloud? Unknown_02: Um, I have I think oh, no, I did not show people this I did show Can I I Can show something that I don't did I show people my smoke detector already I 4:07:20 Unknown_02: I will show you this though. I showed the London the London thing being destroyed. Unknown_03: I did not show the smoke detector. Hold up I might have show the smoke detector too. I will show you the little bunny that I made them Unknown_02: A guy called dude rabbits can't change his avatar on the forum so he asked for a new Halloween avatar so I generated cute rabbit On Halloween with a harvest moon, and this is one of the ones that came up with I thought it was really really cute So I that's now his avatar I Did show off the one where it's like a black guy trying to change a smoke alarm that was also a good one 4:08:09 Unknown_03: Debugs for five says cat box file. Wonderful. Let's check this out Unknown_02: I have absolutely no idea what that means. I have not a clue. I don't know if it's like an activation code or what. Thank you though. Casting couch crab for 10 says I defy the Josh X foodie beauty shippers. The superior ship is clearly Josh X animal crossing dog. Oh, have a crab tastic week with Isabel. 4:08:42 Unknown_32: Very much appreciated. Unknown_02: JP triggers pull for 20 says howdy Josh. Happy spooky s month. Oh, I do find it funny that clips about the Isabel shit made it to like viral videos and stuff JP triggers full for twice was a happy howdy Josh. Happy spookiest month Congrats on getting the farms back on that network belongs legally. Welcome home cutie farms and a pretty Josh It's a continuous effort my friend never never rest. Never let your guard down the bugs for once is blossoming care act. Oh Unknown_02: I have that's a reference to something that happened on stream that I cannot remember. I Is that a um, yeah, I can't remember. I apologize Danny Ockford to says the best part of the death of Ryan Carson is that apparently all his friends immediately made a go fund me or a 60k to offset the cost of living to mourn his body wasn't even cold yet. Oh You know what when you you got a game recognized game Ryan got a recognized grind, you know, I respect the hustle. I 4:09:14 Unknown_02: JP trigger pull for 10 says in regards to the training video I have to ask why is it so childish visuals and writing are so condescending and gross Because it's aimed for people who have the mental age of a five-year-old Which makes up the modern workforce, which is why we have a competency crisis and which is why this dead gay government will collapse Orange monster energy for 20 says you mentioned last stream. You didn't know why Google SREs are disliked. Here is the reason paste bin link. Oh 4:09:58 Unknown_02: He said, oh, it's a continued explanation. They're disliked because they're egotistical and act as managers and philosophers who write guidelines instead of working on systems. Google's operation groups are centralized into how massive Google's operations are. Unknown_02: Elsewhere, operations are placed inside development teams, which create a more friendly mentality towards developers. Google also uses unique systems and tools that don't exist elsewhere, which makes Google SREs less qualified than other SREs outside of Silicon Valley. 4:10:34 Unknown_02: HR and hiring managers don't know don't know this. So you end up working with egotistical assholes who don't know common SRE slash DevOps systems and tries to create a do-nothing manager pushing work onto everybody else. Unknown_02: I mean, that sounds exactly like Liz Fong Jones, even when he's doing his quote unquote activist shit, he's trying to find people to push the work onto so he can spend more time dilating and stuffing shit in his asshole or something. Unknown_02: Thank you Pancake luchador for one says gotta get back to work. Thanks for not giving up streaming today and not giving up or for Thanks for still streaming today and not giving up. Well, thank you very much. Appreciate it photo pagans for two says hmm I wonder if the White House staffers use certain websites that recently got its net back to do the PR checks for Hassan Bausch and Keffels as funny as that would be I'm pretty sure that you don't need to use the Kiwi farms to find shit on Hassan Bausch and Keffels to keep them off your fucking your White House lawn because you really That's not hidden out there 4:11:28 Unknown_02: All else fails for five says jf 100 send her phone in the mail to create an electronic trace Well, that would be unfortunate because then eventually, um They would find it I imagine unless somehow he knew the destination would receive it take it and then destroy it without looking at it Like I don't know if it ends up in the dump But then they would know because it's traveling through like a postal center or something. I don't know It's i'm curious what happened to the phone that's going to be one of the fun mysteries that come out during his trial Unknown_02: Tell me to knockers for five says come on big five or big multis. Okay, last one Chinese symbols. Is that Glenn? Oh my god. I lost it all I hate my life lost man. This is the the death spiral of any boss banjack stream It's something that has now been encoded into the brains of a dozen people who watch him continuously And it never stops being funny the lonely window for five says imagine Worsky being the less retarded one. I Unknown_02: If you don't know, JFG and Andy Worsky did a stream together, which is why a lot of people had investigated JFG because he was... 4:12:27 Unknown_02: I guess he just really has an affinity for retards even male ones It's really crazy T Tiago to see me for three says Jay Josh How can you guilt JF late reporting your wife missing after you let her off somewhere in the woods? With only a cell phone batteries do not last long and bleaching all your house. Innocent. It's spelled wrong I don't know man. It's just a vibe that he gives me it sets me it gives me the wrong the heebie-jeebies, you know I'm saying Unknown_02: Judy Tester for five says remember that 88 stands for HH which stands for Happy Halloween. Oh HH my boy. That's right It's the the HHS time of the year. Everyone needs to appreciate It's neato for 10 says horrifying and there's a cat box file. I wonder what could be inside of the cat box file chat The things that 4:13:21 Unknown_03: Cat Box has gotten really slow recently, I don't know why. Unknown_30: The things that turn me on, and get me hard, and wet. Unknown_30: My fetish is Joshua Connor Moon from the Kiwi Farms. I'm gonna find that nigga in Serbia, and clap those- In Serbia, and clap those Kiwi cheeks. Unknown_30: And I love him. Unknown_02: Very good. Unknown_02: That was pretty terrifying. Unknown_02: Have to be careful. Okay, never let your guard down as people are out there Kyle Larson all chat for five says it wasn't until now I heard James voice and how accurate your JF impression is truly horrifying to think people speak like that I know they're called the French. They're the worst Germany spent its entire existence trying not to be France and It's an ongoing struggle 4:14:05 Unknown_02: Hitomi talkers for five says Nicholas Robert Rikeda better known as his stage name odb old dirty Baldo Was one of the founding members of the Wu-Tang clan? Shit, I didn't know I didn't know that my white bread ass nigga friend Nick Nick Nicky Nicky are as we like to say was such a based in the literal black sense OG Unknown_02: Fox is for five says maybe juju is the patient patient zero for mad cow big thing Well, I don't know you get mad cow by eating the it's like um that African or Papua New Guinea thing where they like eat dead people and get prions and they're in their brain and they like die so tell me who juju ate maybe it was a Was Maddox there's one for one says this isn't new clicks and then there's a YouTube link. Oh 4:15:06 Unknown_02: There's something about Mary. Well, it's a $1 super chat. I'm not watching a whole two three minute clip from a movie. I apologize Tiago to see me for one says JF doesn't seem worried about his wife at all already speaks about her on past tense Not sussy at all. No my boy. I'm listen my boy He's so innocent and our society just needs to accept the facts that some men act and handle grieve emotionally differently than other people Unknown_02: J snimbo for five says some guy named Josh moon donated to coach Greg Adams live stream about a week ago Good to know you're part of the coach gang Trey Yang. I have never even heard of coach Greg Adams. I apologize 4:15:43 Unknown_02: Laughing hyena for five says, you know, if JF did do something heinous I'd wager mom on JF is still alive until the infant is born Either that or there is a reason why there's a lot of sterilization needed Well, we don't know the situation on the kids It did sound like she was pregnant, but they now have two kids based on what the neighbors were saying Which is why it's especially like impossible that she left because you don't there's there's no mother on this planet regardless of their situation that would leave a baby with a man and Disappear and not know if that baby is gonna be taken care of especially when that's under one years old Unless she was like serious like something but there was no reason for her to leave besides just he says he wanted to All else fails for five says not once did he mention anything about the kids imagine being a child and watching this jf stream later um He's trying to keep the kids of secrets the thing Soup choker for prizes. Hey Nolan chat. Happy October glad the training video was entertaining trying to be a less of a lurk on the forum and more and post more Also, can you recommend me a dish to try and cook? Thanks? 4:16:18 Unknown_02: Borscht, it's a complicated thing because it's soup. It takes lots of prep time, but I'm telling a good borscht with Like a salo spread over rye bread that is during a cold month. That's like one of the best foods ever ever to have Capital capital 4:17:06 Unknown_02: That's a weird name. It's capital as in capital letters. And then capital as in the white, the, you know, the capital building and then lowercase. I internet says, uh, great show jurors, but why did you have to feature that pedophilia on the KF home page during my day? I did not feature that somebody else did. Unknown_02: I just rephrased it. Cause it was like a weird feature tagline. Uh, the lonely Winnego for one says slab power is begging you to play. My name is mud by premises. The outro in the chat. Unknown_03: Um, I guess I can. 4:17:37 Unknown_03: Now listen, I have never taken a request for an outro song and this song sucks. Unknown_02: I'm gonna murder slab power I'm gonna murder him I'm gonna send my pole henchmen's all the nine million pulls and I know after him with bike locks and chains and shit Holy hell for to says surprise you're streaming. So late Josh. Hope you have a base week in your mind a bit as always I'm tired, but I gotta do what I gotta do for the fans and you know I'm saying JTesterFry says, I am innocent. No, you're guilty, my boy. Nice try. Enjoy your prison. Unknown_02: JP trigger pull for five says F for the spud wife I already did that everyone pressed out there very sad and Intrepid crow for 10 says JFG has heard that your goal to make vodka out of human potatoes is on hold Because a medic are refusing to die and has an exciting business opportunity for you reach out in DMS for more info Listen, I don't know what kind of a guy or what kind of a drinker JFG thinks I am but if I'm going to make 4:18:36 Unknown_02: Jim fries Jim vodka Jim potatoes. I want high quality potatoes. I'm not looking for a gimpy retarded Vodka potatoes. Okay. I'm just not my thing I'm kind of insulted that he would think I am actually Orange fluffy cat for five says you ain't skipping this clip boy, and then he links to the thing that I couldn't Open the first time around but this time he's got me. I will click the link and I will be happy Unknown_02: Let's see here. Unknown_02: White people don't season day caskets is what they say. And this says support BIPOC businesses. This is a tick tock video. Customer mom hits me in a wrap up, hits me up to wrap this casket. So they're going to put like a, like a vehicle wrap on it. Let's see. Customer mom hit me up to wrap this casket. Oh, hell yeah. 4:19:10 Unknown_02: They're putting on like some kind of plaster thing to like decorate the casket with spider-man Love a memory of 4:19:46 Unknown_02: Ion Nesha Queen Williams, Jesus Christ, what a fucking name So there's three spider-mans on this casket and they also have a shipple because it's a africanus caninus familiaris, okay? Unknown_02: Nene and she died At 25 years old who knows why? Unknown_02: That's pretty nice though. That's true. Why people don't season day caskets. They don't put no gold caskets in the ground or anything like that But we got no taste and shit Unknown_02: Thank you, orange fluffy cat. Unknown_02: Aaron dill one for one says I just wasted five bucks on a wasted super chat. So this will have to do damn you crucible. Anyways, what kind of potatoes would you like to use to make poutine? 4:20:27 Unknown_02: Um, I'm not an expert on poutine, though. I will say that when I lived in Buffalo, I ate a fucking poutine. Um, I liked Buffalo chicken poutine. There was a little place that had, uh, and it was perfect. Unknown_02: I got sick when poutine once I ate so much poutine in one day that made me Physically ill I think I even threw up and you don't want to throw up gravy and chat. Just let you know Maybe the redneck for one says $1 to fix your shit broke ass cuz my other donors were fives. Here's my pimped truck This guy kills me It is a picture of a truck and he's put a weird I mean It's a nice. I mean, it's a Ford. It's a nice little pickup truck. It's in good shape for its age 4:21:05 Unknown_02: Nice truck my dude. I don't she want me to say I personally wouldn't get a Ford in today's day and age But this is how it do be Twinkle-tard for $100 says JF founder. Unknown_02: Oh My god, I can't believe it we have indisputable irrefutable evidence that mama JF has in fact perished No, the real sussy thing is that this cop this the date on this is 4:21:44 Unknown_02: Two weeks after she disappeared. So he's had this he's had this urn for a while and he's been running people around Very sussy very sussy It's real He forgot what attic he put the urn in supreme for five says 23 and me was hacked and all the data related to Ashkenazi Jewish users was leaked specifically Lamel That's pretty fucking base. Unknown_02: I gotta say except that I'm 25% Ashkenazi Jewish. However, I've deleted all my profiles. Maybe I'm spared Rabies the redneck for one says I love you. Lol. Thank you. I appreciate it. Let me double check to see if I Missed anything on that. They're not on the Odyssey. I 4:22:16 Unknown_02: Claudia Ferney for one says sorry Josh you handed me my owls and it you win. Anyways, here's the streams You're the best. Thank you. And the president of five says if I keep donating you can never go to bed. Maha Please play this 35-minute video. Then here's a look. Okay. I got a pee. I gotta go. Bye. Bye. What's like? Unknown_02: What's the um? Unknown_02: There's more I'd like to offer prices can't sell new silver dimes to have a few bucks. So whenever this Swift nonsense is I Thank you. I will have a peel. I think soon. We'll be able to send shit to my p.o. Box. We'll see Okay mud by Primus and this part be good Slava, that's all I gotta say If not, sorry 4:22:49 Unknown_02: All right, see you when I see you, champ. Yeah. Where are you going, city boy?