Unknown_00: One morning in June some 20 years ago, I was a rich man's son.
Unknown_01: I had everything that money could buy, but freedom I had none. Walking down that road with my head low
Alright chat, I'll pause it there. I have to explain that my internet connection is absolutely atrocious right now. So, if I drop out, I drop out. That's just the name of the game. That's just how it is. The recording will go up one time, this time I promise. So if for whatever reason everything falls apart, I apologize. I'd be sure to super chat to fundraise me being able to afford an internet connection. I actually, um, I'm using a hotspot right now. I'm literally using like a phone hotspot. So it appears that I'm using, I have enough bandwidth to accomplish the stream on a mobile hotspot. Um, so we're just gonna, we're just gonna wig it, chat. We're just gonna wing it. Uh, the backstory to the intro, if you heard any of it was that it is David Hasselhoff in 1989 in the Berlin mall. Um,
I guess I'll give a full backstory because you guys are all Zoomers, right? All Gen Alpha chads.
After World War II, Berlin was divided in half. There was the oppressive Soviet side and then inside of Eastern Germany was an enclave of Western Germany called West Berlin. And to prevent people from leaving East Germany to enter Western Berlin, they built a giant fucking wall. The kind of big, beautiful wall that only Trump could dream about. Complete with barbed wires, guard towers, sniping people trying to cross it, whole nine yards.
In 1989, the Germans, unable to resolve this conflict by themselves, asked the United States for help, who sent a super weapon known as David Hasselhoff. David Hasselhoff entered Germany, went to West Germany, and then sang, I've been holding out for freedom to the East Germans and to the Soviet guards. And they were so compelled and so moved by this song that they actually brought down the wall without any Germans needing to do anything. And this is all relevant because today is German-American Friendship Day, and it's important to remember the American contributions to German history, such as David Hasselhoff single-handedly ending the Cold War by singing down the Berlin Wall.
So, imagine having to pick between the two. So,
Unknown_01: Uh, let's see here. Yes. Friendship. We Americans have a very inventive idea of what friendship is, but we just go along with it because there's no point. There's no point trying to argue it. Chat.
Unknown_01: um today is a less rambunctious day we got a lot of news stories um kind of like a weird blend of i think the entire thing is mostly news because there's like a weird blend of um locale intersection with with like breaking news so i'll just handle it the best i can
I've been fasting today, and I'm very very hungry, so if I sound tired if I sound depressed It's not because the weight of the world is crushing me literally breaking my spine in half on my shoulders It is because I am a hungry boy and as soon as this stream ends I am ordering whatever is available whatever is open at that hour and whatever hour it may be I will find one and I will I will get food from it
Unknown_01: All right.
Unknown_01: So, um, let's just do the first articles about pedophiles. And the second article is about pedophiles.
Unknown_01: The third article is about a black guy. We'll just skip to that then. Cause I don't, uh, I feel like cold opening about pedophiles is a bad look. So we'll just skip to that.
Unknown_01: Um,
Unknown_01: So Congress was voting on a budget. If you don't know, in the United States, every year, the Congress has to vote on a budget.
If it does not vote on a budget in time, by the time the old one expires, the government literally runs out of money. And when it runs out of money, it has to start shutting down government services. It takes a long time for any important services to go down.
Unknown_01: What happens initially is just that some payments are delayed for a week or however long it takes to get the bill passed. Though it's kind of a big deal because in the United States everyone is a retard and they spend all their money as soon as they get it. So like if you're like a drug addicted PTSD veteran who like is dependent on VA payouts for disability and Congress doesn't pass the budget. Then you are you're living paycheck to paycheck, and then all of a sudden you can't you can't actually You can't pay your bills because the government isn't paying you anymore, so that's what happens when the government shuts down No, the news hamster of course of course how could I how could I chat? How could I do this?
Okay, so
Unknown_01: That's what happens with that and let me know if there's a I mean, I'm looking at my connectivity and this says it's doing fine So I'm just keeping an eye on that. It's red. I don't know what that means because it's wavering I guess it goes from like a thousand kilobits per second to 5,000. So I guess it's I don't know. I don't know what's doing I'm just trying my best here chat
Unknown_01: Um, so that's what happens with that. However, the budget had some things that the Democrats has agreed on. So they sent their top guy in this case, Democrat Congressman Jamal Bowman. And what he did in order to delay the vote was something unthinkable. He literally pulled the fire alarm, which caused the Congress to be evacuated out with the expectation that there was a fire. There was no fire. Mr. Bowman just decided to pull the alarm like a child. What's very very funny about this is that he um...
His lawyers put out a statement saying that, uh, congressman Bellman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. Idris Sue wrote on X formerly X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The congressman regrets any confusion. So, uh, over the knee says, I want to personally clear up any confusion about today's events. As I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes, but today would not be open. I am embarrassed to admit I activated the fire alarm. mistakenly thinking it would open the door. Bauman said, apologizing for any confusion. So I assume that
If you like falsely pull a fire alarm in a federal building, it must be like an unexpectedly serious issue. Like it must be like, Oh, um, if you intentionally disrupt, Oh, if you intentionally disrupt Congress by falsely pulling a fire alarm, it's probably like eight different offenses, like falsely pulling a fire alarm, uh, uh, causing a panic in a federal building, disrupting an act of Congress. Like all that shit probably adds up to like 20 years in prison if they go throw the book at you. So his lawyers just said, Oh, just say you didn't, you didn't mean to do it.
So he had to like say, Oh, ah, geez, dude, I didn't know that giant red fire alarm was a, was a thing that triggered the fire alarm. I had no clue. You see, I don't even know what a fire alarm is. I didn't know that there's like smoke detectors. I don't know how to change the nine volt battery in my, my smoke alarm. So you gotta believe me. I really just didn't have any, any clue by the way. Uh,
Unknown_01: I, uh, I decided to try out that Bing thing. Cause you know, now that Microsoft has taken over the world, um, uh, they have AI that beats Google. Now, where is my history? I want to see my history of images.
I'll just type it in what I want to see right now. A nuclear explosion in the heart of London. And then if I try to create one of those, Oh,
Unknown_01: It says that I cannot ask for a nuclear explosion in the heart of London. A giant flaming meteor crashing into the London skyline.
Unknown_01: All right, let's try that one. Okay, that one works. They're okay with that. And now, now that I can type in my prompt, I can show you guys the funny meme that I had created. And I should be very careful with how much bandwidth I'm using because I'm already pushing the limit here. Okay, look.
That's what I typed in. This is, this is a real picture. This is a real picture of Senator Bowman attempting to figure out where that chirping noise is coming from in his home. Uh, he's extremely confused. He has no idea what's going on. He's terrified of the prospects that he could make an error in replacing the nine volt battery.
Thank you being let's see that thing about London came in. Oh did oh Beautiful. Oh my god okay, so nuclear bomb bad, but this
Unknown_01: This is okay. This is acceptable. Bing is like, yeah. It's such a great picture of London too. It has all the important, all the important buildings that a meteor would want to destroy if it were going to crash into England and kill everybody in the city. And if you close your eyes, it's like nothing happened at all.
All right. Um,
Unknown_01: Okay, that's that. Let's go back to the pedophiles. An upskirting teacher avoids prison due to voyeur disorder. So this is in Australia. It's in Sydney, to be precise, I believe, based on the Sydney Herald. It says here, Sydney teacher who was jailed for secretly filming the up-the-skirts of students at his North Shore school has had his sentence overturned on appeal after a judge agreed his mental health conditions included a voyeuristic disorder that could be treated in the community.
Unknown_01: So, uh, there you go. His name is Mr. Wong. He is from Thailand, based on that flag in the background, if I read it. Yes. And, uh, he apparently likes to walk around with his phone and take up shirts. Scott, I guess in Australia, they're going to have to start doing that thing. Apparently in Japan, like when, you know, us normal people who live in the West, when we, you know, that little synthetic camera shutter effect that happens when you take a picture, it's kind of annoying and pointless. So we're just like, oh, that's annoying and pointless. I'm going to go turn it off. Kind of like when the fire alarm goes or the smoke detector starts chirping, you're like, oh, I'm going to replace the battery. Now, this camera shutter effect is really annoying. Let me just turn that off real quick. That's what we do here in the West.
If you're of certain complexions. in japan because like voyeurism is such a phenomenon there and this is i realize that thailand is not japan but i guess it's an asian thing overall uh that they have to like the firmware for cameras sold in japan by law i'm pretty sure must have that camera shutter effect so you can't take creep shots unless you jailbreak your phone to turn it off So I guess in Australia, they're going to have to pass that law too. They already got the firmware out there for the, uh, the disabling of the shutter effects. Um, it seems like there's an, there's an epidemic in Australia caused by certain people, certain Australians, uh, that is undesirable. By the way, this is, could also be filed under don't send your kids to public school segment. So, uh, continue to consider this a continuation of that. Even, even in Australia chat, even in Australia, but then again, I think in Australia, you don't even have the option.
Can, let me just Google this real quick. Maybe I should Bing it. Let me just Bing it real quick. Actually, I'll Google this on Bing is what I'll do. I have to be clear with my extreme level of password aggressiveness. I'm going to Google if you can homeschool in Australia on the search engine Bing, because I'm using Google as a generic verb for online web search.
Can you homeschool in Australia?
Unknown_01: Yes, according to 10 sources, legal in all states and territories has different requirements. You apply to the education board in your state to reside, but you have no fixed address. You cannot apply. So you can't do it if you're homeless. That's very discriminatory against the socially, socially, economically disadvantaged. And those indigenous folks have lost their native lands.
Unknown_01: Um, the number of Australian homeschoolers has increased exponentially in the last decade.
Unknown_01: You do not have to be qualified to homeschool your child in Australia. Well, there you go. Aussies, Aussies, you have no fucking excuse unless you are, unless you enjoy the specific teaching, uh, tools that Mr. Wong employs, such as, uh, don't wear a skirt.
That's lesson number one around Mr. Wong. Don't wear a skirt.
Unknown_01: And now we're going to go all the way around the world, stay in the Commonwealth, though. In England, a survey has unveiled 1 in 10 men have carried out sex offenses against children, according to the Edinburgh University's Child Light Unit, a public health emergency with a rapid increase of child sex abuse online. 1 in 10 British men now, I'm sure that they use a very Loose definition for British, but this is a certified British moment according to the Edinburgh In Scotland is Edinburgh in Scotland The Scotland second most populous city, so I guess the Scottish are just through I am I
I read the comments on a clip of my last stream where I was talking about that woman that was on the Dick Show and she had like a very very strong accent and it sounded Scottish to me and I called her Scottish because that's what it sounded like and people in the comments were talking about how she's from Northern England and And I legit thought they were just being like really shitty and passive aggressive and like the funniest way possible by referring to Scotland as Northern England. But apparently she's from North Umbria or whatever the fuck and is actually in the Adrian's Wall area of of of England. So I was educated on the high high isles accents, I guess.
Yorkshire, you know, something like that. Well, the Scottish are getting offended at me again. Fuck off. Fuck off with you people.
Unknown_01: Um, found that 10.1% of men, the minute they had engaged in child sexual offenses, either online or off almost one 20 of those surveys. So they had sexual contact with a child when they themselves were age 18 or older. That is bizarre.
Unknown_00: Um,
Unknown_00: Sex offenders are using, I wouldn't know what, what the actual question is.
Cause I imagine if you just go up to men on the street and say, so when you are over 18, did you ever fuck a child? Not many people, even those who had are going to be like, oh yeah, of course I have what you don't. Are you weird?
Unknown_01: I'm assuming that they worded it in some specific way.
Unknown_01: and It got people to agree with it or they're just asking Arabs and the Arabs are like, yes Yes, I have and just like my prophet Muhammad who raped a nine-year-old did I am following his footsteps and shalaa It's either that or or they're wording it in some crafty way. However, I like what's the say here? I
Men who are sexually offending against children are watching a lot more online pornography, but also the type of content they are consuming is very deviant. It is more likely to be violent, it is more likely to be forceful, it is more likely to depict, for example, sex with animals.
Unknown_01: Salters has the findings it should be a signal to men who are consuming a lot of pornography and also consuming a lot of violent Pornography that they really need to put their hand up and start accessing support services because those men are going to pose a risk to children Wow Mr.. Salter is on the goon clown trail. He is uh he's not afraid to call it out and
Again, I'm sorry. We're gonna mean or not. I don't know what else I can do because it's just uh You're gonna have to enjoy your man at the internet piecemeal through whatever signals I can reach out to you guys with Yeah, that's that And this I don't know a whole lot about but the headline is very catchy a New York City gun arrest uncovered a huge pedophile satanic cult
Unknown_01: Um, the arrest of a Queens man on gun charges two years ago has led federal authorities to discover a satanic pedophile extortion cult that targets minors over the lowercase I internet. He reports that there's a, well, thank God they haven't found the big I internet yet, but I wonder what internet they are on.
Investigators uncovered the heinous group named seven, six, four.
Unknown_01: While probing disturbing social media posts that angel on media 23 He was busted in November 2021 in charge of being a convicted felon in position of a firearm according to court documents are from the Guardian
Unknown_01: Uh, that appears to be him smoking crack. Oh, of course. They're not just Satanist pedophiles. They're Nazis. Uh, this guy is a, not this guy right here is a Nazi. You see this according to the federal government, a post on Almedia's alleged Instagram profile shows him posing with ammunition strapped to his chest in front of a black flag, blurring the logo of the order of the nine angels, which prosecutors described as a worldwide Satanist group, which embraces elements of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. Can we. Listen, I don't mean to be racist here, but as a representative of the white supremacist organization, according to the press, I have to say we really need to look critically at our people of color in the white supremacist movement because they're making us look bad. These crack-smoking pedophile satanists
who also just so happen to be brown and black and ethnic origins are Really doing Nazism a disservice with their behavior. So we might have to be a little bit more gatekeepy in Who we allow to carry the NSDAP card moving forward and I hate to be the one to say it But we're all thinking that not trying to be racist here Um
Blood Covenant.
Unknown_00: Port is believed to be an offshoot. Blah.
Unknown_01: These guys are super serious when they break out the Crayola magic marker and start drawing like pentagrams and shit. That's how you know That's how you know, they're super serious about this The group targets victims through platforms like roblox discord and twitch as well the big three Those are like the the father the son the holy spirit. These are the the satanist Uh trinity's the roblox the discord and the the twitch as well as curated soundcloud playlists and encrypted messaging app telegram researchers told the guardian I like how when they have to talk about like with like, okay, it's discord We all know what discord is but when they talk about telegram or signal this is a encrypted messaging application Which uh, which obfuscates messages and is used by criminals Um chipmunk perfect glitch
Okay, listen, I will try your chat. I've tried twice now to fix my internet and it just doesn't work. So you're going to have to sit here and you're going to have to enjoy me on the phone. Okay.
Maybe I don't, I don't even think I can change my resolution now. So you're just going to have to, you're going to have to deal with it. You're going to have to listen to your, your, your, uh, your episode, however you can.
Unknown_01: All right. Again, sorry. It's just how it is.
Unknown_01: Speaking of privacy encrypted applications. There is a new thing out there It's machine learning powered and it knows every face on the planet if you've ever put Because once again people get mad at the Kiwi farms and say the Kiwi farms is an evil stalking doxing harassing site The issue is not that the Kiwi farms exist. The issue is is that in the United States your data is for sale and So there is now a machine learning program that can take your face and aggregate it through all social media data that's been sold throughout the world. And because your face doesn't change too much, even if you've cleaned up your profile in the last 10 years or whatever, where certain data regulations have gotten more strict, they still know who you are.
So, um, you can go out right now, you can go to this application. I think it's even free to use to play around with. You can upload pictures of yourself and you can think, oh, I've not used social media in 10 years. And you might be surprised that your face does actually match who you are without any other.
If it can just tell you first, last name and date of birth, how many people in the United States do you think have your first name, your last name and born on your, your date of birth? Almost nobody. And with that alone, you can pretty much find the address of anybody living in the United States.
Unknown_01: So again, you can be upset that the Kiwi farms is a thing and you can protest a cloud flare. You can do all sorts of gay shit. But, um, when it comes down to it, that's, it's literally not my fault. It's not my fault that the internet is what it is and it's so, uh, it's so easy to find, uh, where people are.
Unknown_00: Oh, you know what? My phone is low on battery.
Plug it in.
Unknown_00: See my genius brain. I believe that now I will be able to, uh, maybe with some energy, some power salad will continue.
Unknown_01: I'm just gonna continue so This well this story actually was about like a like a Taylor Swift fan she just was taking random people's photos and doxing them or he or whatever and That pissed people off. So once again, it's not the fact that As the title says the end of privacy is a Taylor Swift fan tick-tock account armed with facial recognition technology People are not mad at the facial recognition technology.
They're not mad at the fact that your data
Okay, the rumble stream is up. Check the odyssey stream. I think that now it's fine. I think that now. Okay. Odyssey's back up.
Unknown_00: Check kick.
Yeah, I don't know how they do it, how it's like, I mean, if this doesn't work, I have to give up because there's no point.
Unknown_00: Cause it's not like I'm streaming on eight different websites.
Unknown_01: I'm streaming to one and it multicast for me. So it's their bandwidth, like connect the one and it's fine.
Unknown_01: But I don't know. I think that the, um, it's literally just that the.
Unknown_01: the wifi of this fucking place and I told the bitch fucking internet's really important and I guess not.
Unknown_01: Like I said, I'm going to turn off the chat cause the chat doesn't have any, any relevance to the stream at this point. It's just people yelling and I'm going to continue on and I'm going to upload the VOD and it
Unknown_01: I cannot get this to work on the mobile phone consistently, and there's no point in stopping to say every 30 seconds, oh, it's offline again.
Unknown_00: Alright.
Alright, so this is just gonna be like a vod thing from this point on because I can't get it to work Consistently, it's just it is what it is.
Unknown_01: It's the phone that can't keep up I'm gonna try to broadcast it and then I'll just publish the stitch together version afterwards so the
Unknown_01: Uh, this is, this was mildly contentious. It's for whatever reason, it's just a guy, um, getting shot. And, uh, it was the, the charges were, were just, were acquitted. He was acquitted of, of misusing his, actually he had multiple charges. One of them was maiming somebody. The other was misusing a gun. He was found. Innocent of maiming somebody but he was found guilty of misusing a gun which is still a felony So that might get dropped in retrospect just because it doesn't make any sense No, I have made the foolish decision of thinking that without internet I can preload a video It is bizarre it's like completely offline and it shouldn't be Now we do want to warn you that viewers might find this is it broken like that
I don't know what's wrong with Firefox's player in particular, but it's just fucking awful.