0:01:26 Unknown_05: So why am I late, chat? Here is the answer for it. If you go to a website called exchangerate.host, you may be forwarded to something called apilayer.com. Since the last time I streamed, a free exchange rate API that I used to check the value of Super Chats for the Snead Chat overlay has been bought out by Apilayer, which is shit and garbage and fucking sucks. And I don't want to fucking use them, but they bought out the free thing that I used so that now I would have to use them. So I don't know what API I can use to get a once a day exchange rate for currency values for the fucking sneak chat overlay. But thanks API layer for making everything a lot more smaller and shittier and more of a pain in my ass. 0:02:06 Unknown_05: They didn't even like retain the old URL, the old API endpoint. So when I tried to like fix it very quickly with a free API key, number one, it tells me that that, uh, HTTPS is not supported. So for free, you don't get to use HTTPS, which is like extremely. Uh, shekel clutching. The second thing is that when I did, uh, change it to HTTP and then so that the old API endpoint didn't work at all. So I spent five minutes trying to fix it. And then I just used a backup with old values that I had available to me, just the garbage. 0:02:44 Unknown_05: roll my own i guess how am i gonna collate values of a thousand different currencies it's the whole point of the api is to make it i don't have to roll my own it's just such a fucking hassle i really really really hate shit like that tech industries are just like the people involved in tech right now are just the worst people who've ever fucking lived Unknown_05: Um, however, chat, I want to show you something cool. Um, now the sites actually before I do this, um, I had to refresh the chat again. So I saw that there were a couple of super chats that have come in that no longer show up on my chat. So if somebody could please go to the tippy top and capture the three super chats that were already submitted that, um, I do know I will never be able to see cause rumble is more, um, enthused about giving billions of dollars to fucking retards for exclusivity contracts than they are for fixing their fucking website. So if somebody could be very kindly kindly take a screencap of the super jets and post them in the Maddy thread on the forum I would really appreciate that Now listen here the 0:03:35 Unknown_05: Um, I've done some work on the Kiwi farms, and if you want to go to kiwifarms.net right now, you'll see that there's a little poem. Uh, just type it in. We'll get the, the DDoS protection layer. You'll see that there's a little poem on the site, um, by a man who had a very good choice of name for cat. Unknown_05: And so once you guys have seen that, say something in chat real quick. Just confirm that we're on the same page. Everybody's caught up. 0:04:18 Unknown_05: Iron Maiden. Unknown_05: Not quite Iron Maiden. Unknown_05: Okay. So people have seen it. People have seen it. HP Sneadcraft. That's true. That's true. Unknown_05: So that is proof that I have done some work. However, chat, I'm going to as a, as a gift to my beloved Maddie, super, super fans. You're not really super chatters. I'm going to do something real quick. Actually, let me, let me do this a little bit. Sneaky, sneaky. 0:04:52 Unknown_05: Okay. Let me get my keyboard right next to my microphone, right? And then I'm going to do forward slash here. I'm coding with one hand forward slash. Unknown_05: asterisk asterisk and click down and do asterisk forward slash and then I'm going to save that and now chat if you refresh the page you will see that indeed the kiwifarms.net is back up Unknown_05: Today tonight actually is a harvest moon, and it is the the first step soon into October the most powerful month of the year where I am at full full strength full abilities and So it is only natural at the site come back up during this time 0:05:42 Unknown_05: I will be rolling out the October theme today. I have, um, if you're, for whatever reason, if you have art for the background that you've not submitted, you have approximately between two to three hours to submit that in the thread, because I'm putting that together tonight and rolling it out for the entire site. Unknown_05: So right now we're on four different hosts plus My own IP network that I'm working on right now And it's actually going to expand a little bit as soon as I can yell at the right people to get things going and we'll see how that turns out 0:06:17 Unknown_05: Now, obviously, the site's been up on various different domains for quite a while, so if you've only just now gotten access to the forum through .NET, you've been missing out. Once I get everything stabilized and I'm happy with it, I'm going to send out my first mass email to all the users of the site that I've ever sent out, with kind of like a brief synopsis of everything that's transpired in the last year or so. Unknown_05: So that's exciting if I sound a little bit tired and under enthused that's because doing I've been for the last week. I've been like staying up really late to To actually get this put together. I've been doing a lot and I'm sure we're gonna get DDoS attack and shit like almost immediately So maybe we'll go back down Taurus should stay up. I don't know how stable Taurus I tried some some shenanigans to get toward to be more stable, but I really believe that the issues with Taurus stability is a 0:06:56 Unknown_05: Torn network issue at this point and not something that I've done because I've tried many different configurations to get the site working under percent and it's a Just horror is just like it's just horror, man so Unknown_05: Everything everything moving according to plan chat. I'm doing this needful People will receive the fruits of my labor and I truly believe because I just think that like the trunes have been at this for over a year and They get nothing for it besides their own weird AGP smirk satisfaction and when you look at like the financial support that these people get for fighting the nazis quote-unquote they don't get anything even other trunes don't care it's like they really it's like a thing that they'll clap for like oh boy internet censorship great but then they they really don't seem to care when it push comes to shove 0:07:44 Unknown_05: The host the people involved in the industry at this point are all so over this shit Everyone is so over this shit because you should see you should see the complaints that I get I'll show you this actually I've gotten this I've gotten this is like a template that they send to every single To every single provider that I get and Unknown_05: And okay, this, I'm going to show you this. They claim that this is child pornography. You're ready. This, they literally send this to the providers and say, you have to take the site down. This is child pornography. And what it is is a video on YouTube of a fat kid watching the Christian sex tape. And it's just him sitting there, and they say, this is child pornography because he's underage and watching a shock video. Meanwhile, it is on YouTube. Over 18. And they send this page to providers and they say, you have to do something. Because this YouTube video is on this site, and it's child pornography. And, like, when a provider sees this shit, what are they going to think? They're either, we don't want to deal with this, goodbye, which seems to be the case. Companies are such pro servers now. They just don't even want to deal with this kind of bullshit But there's no credibility to something like this It's just it's just fucking nuts man, it's just really it's really crazy and I think people are like I make jokes about the pendulum swing and I think it's getting there because I 0:09:08 Unknown_05: Like, it's just the profundity of the retardation is extraordinary at this point, and the people who they are trying to intimidate into going away are not going away. Like, there might be setbacks and shit, but people are, like, see this for what this is, and are not, they're not tying themselves to the kiwi farms. They're looking at this and thinking, like, if we inherited, like, to rephrase this, We inherited the most important invention of mankind. We, for the entirety of human history, have been unable to send a message to a neighboring town without waiting a week. It used to take like a week for a horse to travel from, you know, Vienna, Austria, down to Rome to deliver a letter. That was the majority of human history. 0:10:21 Unknown_05: in many civilizations didn't even have mail they had no postal system you would deliver a message by riding over you know or riding down the river in a boat for a month and then shooting an arrow at somebody that's how you declared war or something and now here we are in the 21st century Unknown_05: And I have the ability to send a message to anyone in the entire world instantaneously in less than like 200 milliseconds for basically everybody in the entire world. And we have inherited this gift of, uh, you know, just standing on the shoulders of giants, going back. decades at this point. And the people who are in charge of this are like the most flamboyant, spineless, craven, insipid, retard faggots that have ever existed. And there is going to be a point where you look at this and think, there's no way that we are going to entrust the most important invention of mankind with these utter fucking losers. We're not going to let Liz Fong Jones hold in his manly, manly, enormous mitts, mitts, catcher's mitts and say, yes, I own this and it will do exactly what I say, because that is fucking absurd. 0:11:40 Unknown_05: So. Unknown_05: My point is, is that my retard gossip website is back on that, and I believe that we will start to see the change that we want to see in the world more and more over time. Unknown_05: On that note, we got some news. Um, for whatever reason, if you are playing the bingo card, uh, you may check Linux issues off because number one, uh, my program did fuck up, but number two, for whatever reason, when I dual boot into windows and back, I cannot access my main storage drive. I get an error. Let me just read you the error. Cause it's really bizarre. I try to Mount storage with the air. 0:12:11 Unknown_05: Uh, the requested operation has failed. Error mounting dev SDA1. Uh, wrong FS type, bad option, bad superblock on SDA1. Missing code page or helper program or other error. So that sounds like the drive is completely fucked. Um, it's an NTFS, but when I boot over to Windows it mounts just fine. So I don't know what Linux is doing, but it is fucking garbage. 0:12:42 Unknown_05: Um, such is life. Unknown_05: Anyways, what was I talking about? Oh, the AP. Unknown_05: So Alex Jones has been officially debanked by Axos Bank. You use Axos, you should probably get the fuck out of Axos. And you should probably tell them, if you are somebody who manages corporate bank accounts or something, if you do have the sway to move an account away from one of these banks, you should explicitly tell them that their political behavior is unacceptable and you don't trust them with your money when you move off. 0:13:15 Unknown_05: because there's something else that I have to talk about later on that actually it's part of the news segment but it's pretty funny and kind of similar and you should support regional credit unions because credit unions are great there's a website called Weiss Weiss ratings calm and if you go to the credit union page You can actually search by state and you can find little credit unions in your state that only serve your area They have a small region. There's massive credit unions like That serve the entire country, but usually there's membership requirements and but there's generally always a credit union that serves your county like they can be as small as like a single county and they can be as big as like the entire United States, but Unknown_05: Yeah, generally move off of banks move to credit unions and don't do business with shit like Axel stuff Like if you look up a list of all the banks that own a part This is really hard to find by the way but there is like a list of nine banks who own the Federal Reserve or like a huge chunk of it and these banks whenever the Federal Reserve prints money receives a portion of that money 0:14:20 Unknown_05: So 100 years ago, they invested however many millions of dollars to found the Federal Reserve. And to this day, whenever the Federal Reserve prints money, it goes directly into these bank accounts. So you should avoid doing business with them whenever possible, too, because they're fucking awful. Unknown_05: Anyways, so the debunking thing is real, and there's literally no- people are asking this thread, what can I do about this? How do I protest this? Maybe he can sue? There's nothing you can do about it. Unless you have the ability to change the laws, specifically the new law- the- whatever- I forget the name of it, but Title III of the Patriot Act became its own anti-money laundering law. Unless you can change that, there's nothing you can do. 0:14:58 Unknown_05: And if you're wondering banks have the right to hold your money for six months and if you've ever dealt with PayPal PayPal will routinely close accounts and hold the money for the full six months before sending you a cashier's check for the the balance So there is nothing you can do in regards to the bank accounts and Unknown_05: They're just awful, awful fucking things. Bankers are the worst people on the planet. Unknown_05: Bankers are fucking scum, and they have no issue fucking you over, and you should avoid doing business with the big banks as much as possible. Unknown_05: There is literally no recourse against this, and any politician who would try to rein in the banks, like maybe, I don't know... Unknown_05: JFK, when he tried to return to the silver standard for currency, and wanted to rein in the Federal Reserve and make it a part of the Department of Treasury, and then his brain splattered out in the middle of the... In open, by the way. In open so that the entire world could see, as a nice little gesture. Like, yeah, if you ever want to try and place the Federal Reserve into the Department of Treasury again, your head will crack open on national television, and it will become a part of American history, just in case you're curious. 0:15:51 Unknown_05: So, there's that. Unknown_05: So, yeah, just keep your money out of the banks. Keep it in credit unions. Credit unions are the lesser of all evils. And I say that because the credit unions are all governed by a government body called the NCUA, the National Credit Union Administration, and they're not good people. The NC UA is fucking criminal as well, and they have guidelines on how to process risk And one of those things is cryptocurrency if you so much as have any association with cryptocurrency with your business They will not open like I was denied a credit union bank account for my one of my LLC's Because they saw a Bitcoin donation address on the site, and they said sorry This is too high risk for us because I accepted donations for cryptocurrency in a in a footer on my for on my forum But on one of my websites 0:16:27 Unknown_05: Which so yeah like It's it's how can I wear this? It's turtles all the way down. You know what a turtle is It's bankers all the way to the very the very fucking center of the universe Unknown_05: Yeah, it sucks to be Alex Jones. I guess they really hate him after the the And I'm not one of those people who believes in like crisis actors and shit But when Alex Jones is like so thoroughly punished for the Sandy Hook stuff I'm like yeah Maybe it is crisis actors if they're trying to punish him that badly for that for statements that really Compared to the other shit that he said aren't so wild and crazy Maybe he was close seems. You know what's the 0:17:32 Unknown_05: What's the word when you're going through hell keep going there's another one, too It's like where you when you're getting shot at you know that you're in the right area or something Oh, it's it's like a bomber allegory when you're Getting shot at you know you're you know you're over target, so They really don't do themselves any favors look at Elon Musk said it's like the ADL Constantly going after people's only making people more anti-semitic if you don't want people to think that Sandy Hook was a fucking Folks, why are you trying to punish this guy to the tune of $1.5 billion and also debank him permanently from the entire economy? All you're doing is making his schizo conspiracy theories about crisis actors seem more valid. 0:18:06 Unknown_05: Maybe the government should act with a little bit more caution, but that'll never happen. Unknown_05: Speaking of, website 4chan.org, responsible for another mass shooting, is still on the internet, still protected by Cloudflare. Unknown_05: Website 4chan.org, which has now sponsored multiple murderers who have killed for racially motivated reasons, are now still online and still protected by Cloudflare, despite their imminent threat to human life. Which I find funny. Not that I support deplatforming, I just like to point out the hypocrisy. I believe that Cloudflare should be allowed to protect 4chan. I just think that it's really funny that 4chan, for whatever reason, seems immunized from the consequences of shit like this that's real, as opposed to the imagined consequences of shit that Matthew Prince hallucinated in a fever dream after being tortured by bankers for several hours. 0:18:42 Unknown_05: Ah, but it says, this is the post made before the spree killing. Unknown_05: Motor anon who is apparently a well-known Dutch. I guess that's a VPN Rotterdam where the fuck is Rotterdam? It's in the UK, right? No, it's in the Netherlands why a Dutch spree killing I thought that Okay, so he's not using a VPN he's a famous Dutch trip fag named motor anon and The post goes like this 0:19:15 Unknown_05: Be me live it legit clairvoyant genius bordering on predicting the future Don't connect 99% of the humans normies because they're clinically retarded compared to me never had any friends or GFs women Extinctively hate Aspie men because we don't fall for their manipulation go to med school Keep getting suspended for six months every year in there because I don't know. He's just weird sexual harassing people Asperger's don't understand Boundaries, so that's why women don't don't think they're creepy teachers legit kept legit put in the reports He does everything right, but he's just weird he creeps us out when he does XYZ Okay, so he's not literally breaking any rules, but he's very creepy And I wonder why I wonder what he what about him gave off creepy vibes could it be his capacity for mass murder? Med school exams Commission say that there's a they have to suspend me, but can't kick me out because I literally don't do anything wrong and 0:19:54 Unknown_05: Takes me 10 years to finish med school. Become a raging alcoholic every time they suspend me. In a blackout drunk super, I torture one of my rabbits, damn, in my own garden and get convicted for it due to a coal burner videotaping it. How the fuck? What? Jesus. Imagine he's torturing a rabbit and rabbits are very loud when they're in pain. So the rabbit was like screaming. And then, you know, a moosey lover next door comes out and starts filming it. And that gets him convicted. That's fucked up. 0:20:29 Unknown_05: Allegedly kicked my annoying puppy dog in garden police raid my home SWAT style like I killed someone police report this to med school Why you might ask because the local officer was angry. I got off. Yeah. Well, you're kicking fucking puppies That tends to piss people off man. This guy should have been fucking executed like early on I think that we should 0:21:08 Unknown_05: Yes, the government wouldn't allow it, but we should just give death penalties for animal cruelty because there's somebody's killing animals They're gonna kill people if you're killing animals, you're gonna rape and murder children It's like that's like it not even that big of a leap. That's next we need to take that more seriously No matter what age to because kids that torture animals are also fucked up. Yeah, Yanka. Yeah, sure. I'm sure Daddy, Yanka will be able to sweep up whatever that she does next She's like changed her name and shit, too. She's still in college 0:21:39 Unknown_05: least violent violent era we think that this is a Turk or something that's just in the Netherlands because they have a fair number of those a Med school exam committee says they refuse to issue my diploma now despite having all the points from the curriculum Got fired from job because it depended on the diploma destitute her. It's your fault for being a degenerate alcoholic Yeah, it's your fault. I did I Unknown_05: My dear Asperger brothers, with the whole heart, I strongly recommend that you just go neat and never try to do anything in academics, especially if you're not a cuck and insist on speaking your mind like a man. You'll be chewed out and when you will realize too late that your success has nothing to do with your actual results by how much other humans normies like you. That's all of life, bro. That's not even wrong. Like, yeah, your life depends on how much you can network and deal with other people. You can't just be like an idiot, like an idiot savant in your basement and have a decent life. 0:22:23 Unknown_05: Says yes, like you the entire world hates us being high IQ is like being a nobleman during the French Revolution Asperger isn't even real it stems from being so high IQ that you never connect with other people because their thoughts are like from the level of a dog compared to you so you never socialize inclusion death normies Graduated med school and was set to do medical evaluations. Well home while eating breakfast at five piles in Paris and some comes cops. Oh, it's a different guy No, then it's a different post 0:23:03 Unknown_05: Like a different thread. It's an archive. I think um He sent emails my university that who then halted my diploma as they were signing it So now i'm effectively a neat no job. No education, even my high school education. They'll basically retroactively for nothing That's why I tell you guys don't try to stay neat so easy to have decades of work and money ruined by either divorce or just some cop maybe he doesn't even like this fucking retard doesn't even acknowledge that maybe he shouldn't just like he can't go into medicine where he's allowed to practice surgery on people and look out for their medical interests when he's like such a sociopath he's torturing animals he doesn't even click he is like this guy is like a fucking feral monster he should have just been killed we should have just executed him two dead after gunman opens fire in classroom at university hospital that is definitely him is he alive 32 year old suspect was arrested after police on social media that shots had been fired at Erasmus Medical Center and at home So he probably killed his um his roommate or something and then went out and shot His normie roommate and then went out and shot like a professor or assistant professor or somebody at school 0:24:02 Unknown_12: Yeah, that's like, yeah, he's a retard. Unknown_05: That's really sad, because there's two people that died that were like actually worth a shit, and they should have just put this guy in a fucking pit and buried him alive at some point early on. Unknown_05: Very sad chat. Brings me no pleasure to make fun of the Dutch. Some of the only good Europeans. You know, the Serbs and the Dutch are some of the best Europeans, and they're also two of the tallest. Is it possible, chat, that there is a, um... 0:24:53 Unknown_05: positive correlation between being based and being tall is There conversely is there a negative correlation between being a manlet and being cringe? Unknown_05: Ponder these facts as I move on chat The Dutch are about as bad as the English look at you look at you Englishmen seething about the Dutch. How are the Dutch bad? Unknown_05: The Dutch dude the Dutch are great Unknown_05: All my experiences with Dutch people have been really, really good. I can't name a single Dutch person off the top of my head that I have a, that I have beef with. And their data centers are awesome. Amsterdam's data centers are like some of the only European data centers that tolerate the Kiwi farms. 0:25:37 Unknown_05: If you connect to the Kiwi farms right now, you're going through the Netherlands and two different places. Unknown_05: So I like them is what I'm saying. Unknown_12: Rungle? Unknown_12: I like Rungle. Unknown_05: Listen, Dutch people, your country is not so shit. Ignore my chat. They're being assholes. Keep, uh, freeze speechy when it comes to internet shit, at least. I know you can't make fun of the prophet Muhammad and call him a pedophile, which he is because he married a six year old and fucked her at nine. And then, no, I love, I, 0:26:12 Unknown_05: I love making fun of Muslims because it's so easy. They literally worship a dead pedophile and It's not even like he was forced. It's not even like it was like you could kind of like oh well You know it's back in the day. He had to marry a nine-year-old and fuck her because that was like a royal thing He was just trying to hitch it off. It was like no he married her at six fuck her at nine and then he even says that Asia was his favorite wife so the child bride was of all his brides and His favorite bride because she was of course was the nine-year-old and Muhammad was a pedophile but you can't say that in the Netherlands because then you get bit you get arrested for for for Can't say house postings cuz that's German. Is it the same thing? It might be the same exact thing in Dutch Hates postings in Dutch Okay, let's see what hate speeches in Dutch 0:26:53 Unknown_05: hot hot dragon the towel that's not a hot hot dragon the towel that is not even like human language it's like something that an orc in mordor is named hot dragon the towel he's a he's a bad motherfucker too he carries a big stick he'll knock your ass out 0:27:33 Unknown_05: Oh no, what a, what a, what a, what a beautiful language chat. Unknown_05: Um, anyways. Unknown_05: Uh, Democrats plan a four hour live stream with Twitch and YouTube stars. The creators include Clara Sorrenti, known online as Keffels, Steven Bonnell, known as Destiny, Ian Kulczynski, known as Vouch, and they didn't mention Brianna Wu for some reason. Actually, this is out of order because this is news, but I have this in the locale section. I guess in my head I didn't connect the dots. What was going on here? 0:28:08 Unknown_12: Where are you destiny? I got you. I got your picture somewhere. Cause there's a really funny picture of them sitting together at a table. Unknown_05: Don't they not queue this up? Unknown_05: Am I a retard? Oh, there it is. It's okay. It is out of order. Unknown_05: So they met up together and I suppose this is why, because the Democrats want to put them on stage. Here, here we go. We have, um, these are the people representing the interests of the United States Democratic National Committee. You ready? Destiny, a polyamorous cuckold who is occasionally, uh, has good takes. Bausch, a horse fucker who tried, who was literally, okay, hold up. 0:28:39 Unknown_05: who is literally, and you cannot convince me otherwise, trying to cosplay as Leon Trotsky, because if I take this picture of him and I throw it up on my fucking screen, you will see that he's got like his hair, the facial hair is in one point, but he's, I swear to God, like especially with that glare and shit, he's trying to look like Trotsky. That's the first thing I think of when I see this. 0:29:14 Unknown_05: And then a Canadian transvestite with bitch tits known as Keffels, who's only a cop. I guess the accomplishment of trying to take down the quickie forums is enough to propel you in the national spotlight. Hillary Clinton herself comes out and says, you may be Canadian, but you knocked off that fucking Kiwi farms. Good on you. Unknown_05: So there you go. I know that you're a coke head, but our president's son is a crack whore. So whatever you'll fit right in. 0:29:48 Unknown_12: It's not fake. This is a real picture. They announced it Look, I love um, I if I remember correctly destiny really hates vouch Because um, he like he is responsible for vouch existing vouch was like a huge destiny fanboy And then vouch became bigger than destiny. Unknown_05: I think but vouch is like even more retarded than destiny Unknown_05: So Destiny is sitting here next to Vaush thinking like I have to like shuck and jive for the Democrats who I fucking hate and I'm sitting next to Leon Trotsky Vaush and a tranny and this is my life now, and I don't know if I'm satisfied I don't know if the totality of my life choices leading up to this exact moment had necessarily been what I In retrospect what I would have liked maybe I should have just gotten a job as like a plumber or something That's that what that's what that face says to me 0:30:43 Unknown_05: Isn't Keffel's destiny's enemy. He's had to apologize. I think he's had to like because he's posted like a manifesto against both Keffel's and vows And now he has to like cuckold to the DNC and be like, okay, I guess for the sake of unity in the party I'll be like whatever bro. I guess you're not that bad and he's just gonna have to like eat the shit. They're gonna have to Okay, you don't see a plate in front of him because when he sat down at that table Hillary Clinton personally shit on a plate, and he just finished eating it up That's what those napkins are for he had to wipe all the shit off his beard after he got done eating all that shit And that's why he looks so grumpy. He's got like a seriously bad tummy ache at that exact moment Future is so bright you do not even need eyes to see it chat 0:31:20 Unknown_05: Also, I love Kefl's AGP smirk. He can't stop. He cannot stop the AGP smirk. It's just like when he went to get his fake vagina installed, he also said, can you make it so I can't do anything but look like a smug piece of shit ever. And even when I fake crying on that television, I want to look like I'm just completely full of myself. And I was like, sure, no problem. Unknown_05: Epic games has laid off 830 people, um, which I believe is around, uh, one third, I want to say of their employee base. Oh, 16% it says right there. Um, 0:32:12 Unknown_05: And I don't know exactly why they're doing this. I think they're making less recurrent revenue um a big thing and I didn't know about this but Because I don't play fortnite and correct me if i'm wrong if you're a fortnite gamer, please correct me if i'm wrong But it sounds like from reading this letter Unknown_05: the way that fortnight stays relevant is they kind of have like a Warcraft style game engine where you can make your own game modes using the fortnight platform as like a base So, you know, you have little kids playing or like Dota Dota has custom game modes, too So you're kind of like well, you know, you're already playing fortnight and be like hey You should check out this custom game called defense of the ancients and then they all go play that 0:33:00 Unknown_05: Yes, yes, yeah, that's what it sounds like to me. It sounds like they tried to recreate the Warcraft custom game mode thing in fortnight Because they're talking about how they're making a lot of money from third third party developers making content for this This system, but they said that because they split the revenue with the developers. They don't make as much off of it so while that's being very successful and it's driving the growth of epic games and fortnight They're not making as much money off of that as they would have for just getting a regular player or playing Fortnite. 0:33:35 Unknown_05: It's like Roblox custom making games. Okay, that's what I thought it's that's it sounded familiar to me and I guess with Roblox still being a very successful game and Minecraft being successful and what that hasn't you know in commonalities that they have this Customization that keeps the the game fresh and it can create like novel concepts I think Unknown_05: Dota is the big one where dota was a warcraft mod and then it became its own thing with its own game modes So there I guess they're probably hoping that one of the developers will like spark something huge or um Daisy daisy was like a really popular mod of arma right and then became its own thing. Uh permadeath became like its own thing and I think Daisy might have even contributed to like pub G in a roundabout way So it's like having this fertile ground with a huge player base that lets people create their own mods is a really good thing because eventually one of the developers might come up with the next lightning in a bottle that they can then take and then put him in a ice frog position where he's guiding the the Development of the system and they make a shit ton of money off because right now there's a there's a gap in the market for 0:34:48 Unknown_05: for The new thing because I'll be talking about something in a second But the new thing is definitely not hero shooters in there the big companies are sitting this position were like well No, all all new games suck ass and nobody seems to like games anymore and they're just playing old-school runescape and counter-strike and Unknown_05: And Roblox still what do we do? so they're I believe I would bet money that epic games is really hoping one of the developers for the Fortnight platformer are gonna be the ones that come up with the next thing That's the next fortnight and they can just capitalize off of that and split the revenue with the developer So cool beans Extraction shooters like tarkov. Yeah, that sounds right cuz um Again something I'll be coming up in a second 0:35:37 Unknown_05: Actually, it's right here. It's hyenas chat. Um, have you never heard of hyenas? Well, neither has anybody else. Let's take a look at the trailer. I'm going to subject you to two minutes of misery. This is not a parody. This is produced by Sega and by creative assembly who made aliens a very good alien isolation, a very good game somehow came up with a shit many years later. Let's watch. Yeah. 0:37:47 Unknown_05: Okay, wait, where is There's a splash screen where it says join the pack Is this not it? Is it the other one? Unknown_05: It was very funny because if you position your mouse correctly you could Empty out the P and then we'll just say join me Which is great? Okay, so that looks terrible if you're only listening and you're just listening to a really shitty techno rendition of classical music that everyone's heard a million times before Was a short of a hero shooter I think it was supposed to be like an escape from Tarkov to where the gist is that you're put into a battleground with a team but it's like a hero shooter team and so it's like escape from Tarkov meets overwatch where you got like hero shooters or Apex Legends more like it and you go in and you try to extract the Sonic the Hedgehog dog. That's not a joke there was a Sonic the Hedgehog dog that was like the loot and then you get out of there and 0:38:37 Unknown_05: Creative Assembly's Twitter team put out amazing awesome tweets like stick it to those billionaire fucks or billionaire bastards So this was an anti-capitalist Robin Hood game where you're a heckin Brown POC with awesome akimbo Scorpion SMGs and you're kicking white men in the face and floating around and stealing Sonic the Hedgehog from those capitalist bastards Unknown_05: That's what they're going for if you're wondering what the release date of this game is it was never because they've just cancelled it It was from what I understand and people have disputed this number, but it was apparently a 1 billion dollar project I took them five years to develop and then the closed beta was so disastrous that Sega said no more I will not suffer the embarrassment of publishing this game and It will never go live. You're all fired And so, um, there have been massive layoffs already a creative assembly is probably dead in the water and will be folded into something else But it's gone and it will never come out. It has been properly aborted one 0:39:27 Unknown_05: Billion dollars potentially washed down the drain and There is a conspiracy theory that this the timing of this announcement Coincides with timing of another very serious announcement Blackrock is folding their ESG index ESG is the environmental social good index for supporting businesses that are woke basically from one of the most important financial institutions in the United States and There has been so much pushback against ESG. They're folding it But what that really means is they're probably gonna rebrand it as some other shit that doesn't have such a toxic public image But but in the meantime coincidentally ESG is going down and that is the exact second that Sega has Announced that hyenas will not be coming out so I guess whatever happened with ESG maybe have had some impact on if Sega saw the financial viability and Launching a game fully committing to launching this game and putting in you know however many tens of millions of dollars required to advertise it and Distribute discs if they still do that and then that kind of shit 0:40:50 Unknown_05: so fascinating um there's more to this a little bit i want to show you the character designs there is one who is literally just a uh sounding like the hedgehog commander right is like a brown girl the descriptions of all these are terrible you can read them at your own leisure uh they're just the the worst character designs i've ever seen um however special attention will be paid to galaxia Unknown_05: Galaxia is a straight-up tranny. It's not like a maybe questionable kind of tranny. It was literally a tranny Now let's read her backstory Named Galaxia age 30 Galaxia worked hard to find her true voice Only for her career to take an ass-over-heels tumble when the crack Interrupted her big break by devastating Earth Unknown_05: By the way, someone pointed out that there's a weird thing where there's an event called the crack and then the enemy organization is called the taint. So I don't know what's going on with the, like the anal fixation with the shit, but, uh, maybe it's just a, uh, harbinger of the fact that it's a shit game that brings it in. 0:41:48 Unknown_05: Let's read. Unknown_05: After losing her shot at fame, Galaxia realized that all her hardships on Earth were training for her own superhero origin story. From the ashes emerged Cosmic Hyena from the fabulous Galaxy of Drag who slays all, whether it's by using her deflecting ability or by throwing shade. Galaxia is the epitome of hard work and determination. She makes everything look effortless, but all she has achieved through sheer willpower, which is just like a Mary Sue thing. So she's a hard worker, but everything she does is effortless and she manages to accomplish what she does through sheer willpower. So not by learning, not by doing anything, but just by like really committing to it. Like, like a Ray Skywalker or whatever the fuck. 0:42:31 Unknown_05: as a young gay boy, Sherman Pimblebrook, with the name Sherman Pimblebrook Galaxy, I didn't stand a fucking chance. That's like naming your child to be molested. Unknown_05: Was a star-shaped puzzle piece in a world of square holes until he visited a drag show and a queen was born so literally they're trying to write the backstory of a drag queen the superhero in their game and they can't find a way of Pipelining him from young boy to drag queen superhero without having him get molested at a drag queen story hour really amazing I 0:43:32 Unknown_05: Many years of his out-of-this-world costumes and show-stopping tunes followed as Galaxia and her band toured and built a reputation as a must-see ticket, slowly winning over town after town. But it was only when the crack ruined Galaxia's chance at stardom that the final transformation took place. Each setback had added another layer to her armor, and as Galaxia Unknown_05: That's a typo. That's some type of an official bio. And as galaxy had dusted, uh, recovered the dusted and or recovered from her lowest point, she realized nothing else could hurt her. Now she's one of the toughest hyenas on the tank. See, that's not a joke. It's called the tank and the crack using that strength to fiercely protect her crew and the others, the other outsiders on the tank. 0:44:17 Unknown_05: So $1,000,000,000 chat to write about the crack and the tanked and the tranny. Okay. It's just, uh, just an unfathomable shit. I imagine that some, like when I was ready for launch and the player, the, the poor player counts came in. Unknown_05: Project manager who had thus far managed to hide the failure of this project Can no longer contain the the failure and reported it to say okay? We know we spent a billion dollars in five years on this I know that the pushback was really bad, and I know that everyone in upper management is really shitty about it already, but we just did the closed beta and It peaked at like 2,000 players on the first day and now it's out down to about 400 peak at the end of the month 0:44:56 Unknown_05: So we've retained like not even a quarter of the players and the guy the old crusty guy who is the top bean counter for this game said, okay I'll take a look at it and he gets up from his chair. He walks down to a development like station he boots up this game and Plays it for like 10 seconds and looks at the bio and says this can never be released I want every copy of this destroyed. I want the source code deleted. I want the hard drives that the source code was on magnetized and thrown into different dumpsters across the world. I never want to hear about hyenas ever again, unless it was decommissioned in total. 0:45:53 Unknown_12: And what's, um, I was going to say something. Unknown_05: Reminds me a lot. This is what I was gonna say when I first saw the trailer for the first time Which was after the announcement that I had failed came out I looked at it and I thought of another game and I don't know a lot of people thought about this, too There is another game called brink and I who developed fucking brink Brink Brink game Brink the game 0:46:38 Unknown_05: developed by splash damage and published by Bethesda really Bethesda was a video or brink was a video game and it was this weird thing where you're like these trash people living on like a trash island like the entire world has flooded due to global warming and Unknown_05: you're on like an island of like a like an actual trash island floating in the water and there's like criminals and enforcers and it's it's a parkour game it were like movement is like fast-paced shooting flowing movement and shooting is like really emphasized so it's the exact opposite where it's like counter-strike and you have to like constantly like creep around and then stop moving And you gotta like do the thing where you AD to like get your velocity to zero so you can actually fucking shoot your gun and actually have it fucking hit where you're aiming at instead of flying all over the fucking place like a piece of shit because it's a fucking shit game. It's supposed to be like you can walk and run and jump up and down and climb shit and dash through stuff and so and shoot and it's supposed to be like that. 0:47:31 Unknown_05: it was extremely unsuccessful and in a funny parallel not only does the the graphics look the same because it's like this really hideous like trash trash core garbage core look that they're going for and the way that it kind of looks like the borderlands but not so stylistic it also when brink was coming out the guy that was the developer said that this was going to be a team fortress 2 killer it was going to end team fortress 2's dominance on the shooter market at that time which everyone took as like a like a bizarre statement like how fucking cocky are you to think that you're gonna overthrow team fortress 2 with your shitty generic parkour game and then 0:48:20 Unknown_05: When this hyena shit is coming out, they dubbed it the Overwatch killer. And what's really funny is that when Overwatch, at the time that this was being developed, when Overwatch was already on decline, like it had already been usurped by Apex Legends and Vanguard? Valorant, so let's call it Valorant. Unknown_05: So it's like overwatch was already dead and they said no they're gonna kill it and it didn't even get released So here's the thing if you're gonna develop a multi-million dollar video game as a major publisher Don't dub your game before release the X killer cuz whatever the fuck you're that kind of Audacity is always gonna slap you in the fucking face. So I Don't I really don't know. It's really funny to see all this hubris. I'm crashing down though. It's pretty pretty. Um, I 0:49:00 Unknown_12: Pretty gratifying. Unknown_12: Oh no, I forgot what I was going to talk about in this. Unknown_12: I talked about the net neutrality already. 0:49:35 Unknown_05: The drag show ban was unconstitutional. The writer's strike is ending, but nobody cares. Hollywood movies suck. By the way, I was watching, um, I still have as a guilty pleasure. Your movie sucks. And I was watching a, uh, a video of him talking about the Ezra Miller flash movie that just came out. I gotta say. Unknown_05: Ezra Miller is like the ugliest person I've ever fucking seen. I don't know what it is about him, but there's all these I'm gonna pull it. Oh, I can't pull this up. 0:50:08 Unknown_05: I Really I really really absolutely totally and utterly fucking despise YouTube. Hold up. Unknown_05: There's all these hero shots of Ezra Miller. I Unknown_05: I must even find one. It's just like any, any time that they zoom up on his face and he's got like that dead fish look, he is just the most hideous man that has ever lived. What is, what is the, what was like, he like, he like raped a bunch of people in Hawaii. Right. And this ugly fuck is like too valuable to give up in his star role of some shitty Cape shit movie. Nobody cares about he's hideous. 0:50:43 Unknown_05: He's um, he's a genuinely an ugly fuck And I thought what was he accused of what was Ezra Miller accused of Um Unknown_05: He had a whole cult. He reminds me of Ellen Page. Is he Jewish? Yes, he's very Jewish. He has early life privilege. He has done a lot. Unknown_05: This is a personal point to me, but I find it very funny that Corey Barnhill, the pedophile who worked for Path Networks, also known as Zoom, was like a huge spurg about The Flash. And then the flashes actor in the cape shit hollywood movies is like a huge sex pest retard lunatic himself It's it's serendipity chat serendipity. Did I mention that um that path networks has failed? I'm going to mention this last stream. Did I mention that path networks failed to pay ntt? And lost like a huge contract with their um I did I made the you must go joke Already, I don't know. Sorry. I was thinking about that and made me smile again. So I Brought it up again Sucks to be huge huge cunts and always get what you fucking deserve Okay, and then that's 0:52:16 Unknown_05: This is just some good old-fashioned rootin' tootin' pointin' shootin' with, uh, Ed Crasherstein. He says, What is wrong with people? In Philadelphia last night, a bunch of people broke into an Apple store to take all the iPhone 15s. With sirens blaring, they run out only to realize that all the iPhones have been disabled and they may be being tracked. So what do they do next? They begin breaking all the iPhones that they just took while being filmed by the people who took other iPhones. One such video can be seen as below. Some people just aren't very bright. Who do you blame? Unknown_05: Um, I can name a lot of names, Mr. Crasher sign, but I don't think you'd want to hear him. 0:53:00 Unknown_05: It's like Black Ron Paul. It's happening, y'all! Unknown_17: It's happening! Oh, my mama's happening! Oh, my God, mama! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! It's happening! It's happening! It's happening! This is real! This is real! Got one! Got one! Got one! Got one! Got one! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Unknown_12: Damn, she loud. Free iPhones! Free iPhones! 0:53:32 Unknown_05: These people, listen, you may think that this is a matter of socioeconomic factors, but for years, for years, we as American citizens and online netizens have been promised by banner advertisements, free iPhones. And yet in my life, I have received not a single free iPhone. These people are merely protesting and obtaining rightfully what was promised to them for the last 15 years. Okay. Unknown_17: What does that say Please return to Apple Please return to Apple this 0:54:34 Unknown_12: Can't see it I felt it was a good one, but I just skipped over please return Apple Is it just saying that you're being tracked oh wait, please return to Apple This device has It is saying that you're being tracked I think it's not right telling them we're tracking you with this phone we know it's stolen I Unknown_05: Let's see what this 110 IQ has to say about that. Unknown_05: What's that sound? I don't know. It's real loud. I think that's one of them things you gotta replace the battery in every so often. Gosh, that bitch is loud. Anyone got a non-volt to replace that battery with? That siren's going off. 0:55:32 Unknown_17: Oh my, this is, I love this. Unknown_05: They're tracking us. Yeah, smash it. Yeah! Yeah, Pollo, orange juice and shit on that. Unknown_05: Oh, this is lovely. 0:56:04 Unknown_05: Smash him. I want to see more destruction of Apple property. Unknown_15: Ain't nothing, ain't nothing. Unknown_05: That's awesome. I'm glad I'm happy for them. You asked for this. You know how many iPhones I bought in my life? None. You know how many Apple products I've owned in my entire life? None. You know how many black people I pandered to in my entire life? Not a single fucking one. I'm completely, and yet I'm unaccosted by African-Americans chat. Isn't that funny? Unknown_05: I can't name a single black person. Unknown_05: Who has ever tried to take down my website? Has there been of one? Not one. I've said the N-word so many times, and not a single black person has ever said, Joshua Moon, you and your website are despicable and must be destroyed. 0:56:36 Unknown_05: That's why I say I like black people more than tranny's chat. I've never I've never had my website accosted by a black per actually there Okay, there was one time where a 13 year old black girl from the Bronx kept joining my forum to post about you and Gary Dub And I told her you were underage or not allowed to join my site and she kept doing it So I literally called her dad and I said your little girl And was a stepfather. He's showing them Is is joining my fucking website over and over again? She's not allowed to join my website so she can post about you married of and she's not allowed to so please tell her to fuck off and that worked What about Drexel 0:57:09 Unknown_05: She Drexel is the worst Drexel is unusually shitty for he's he's been exposed to so much white culture and he's been exposed to so much Polish culture that now he has imbibed the worst traits of those categories, but Dad, his income and there are. 0:57:45 Unknown_12: So it's particularly bad, I think. Unknown_05: Keffil's is Italian. That's true. Keffil's is black. Keffil's. You know, what's funny. Let me see if I can find this real quick. Hold up. Unknown_05: Yeah. I spell this guy's name. Jim Troma. Unknown_05: Then Jim Troma. Unknown_05: How do I spell this? Unknown_05: Zim? Nitro? Unknown_05: No. Zim. Unknown_12: Zimbabwe? Zinitron? 0:58:27 Unknown_12: I don't know how to spell his name. Unknown_05: Z-Moan Nitrome. Okay, that's right, that's right. Z-Moan Nitrome. Unknown_05: Okay, this guy put out a funny thing that made me laugh. He's like a, he's like a popular YouTuber. He does like meme videos. And he put out this video, or this picture. Unknown_05: And that's, I forget who the top guy is, but I appear in this. Maybe it's just this random dog. Maybe he's referring to the WikiHow dog specifically. Unknown_05: I have to I have to issue a correction here, okay? 0:59:01 Unknown_05: That Keffels the Keffels is Italian and I am also Italian and as a result Keffels and I unfortunately share a brain connection I am able to read his thoughts and he's able to read my thoughts and I can tell you with a hundred percent certainty that Keffels Unknown_05: is violently racist. I believe, based on my psychotic brain connection with all other Italians, that Keffel's is the most... Keffel's would put me to shame. If you got him drunk and you got him going about certain demographics, you would be shocked by the words that would come out of Keffel's mouth. You need an entirely different tier for the level of profound it-ism that comes out of the Keffel's holes. Unknown_05: And Keffels is so racist that having a mouth wasn't good enough to say it enough. Keffels had to get extra holes on his body installed so that he could espouse it more efficiently with double the exits. 0:59:51 Unknown_05: What is commonly referred to as the stink ditch is actually a manifestation of racism. It's an outlet purely for racist bile to pour out of. Unknown_05: So you got to fix this. Unknown_05: Trying to erase from it. Unknown_12: All right. Unknown_05: That's the news. So, um, we do not have a tranny segment, uh, the stream, however, chat and in its place, we have instead the gamer gate segment and the don't put your kids in public school segment. Thank you. 1:00:37 Unknown_05: And the don't put your kids in public school segment. We have this video to watch. Unknown_05: She just got fucking George Floyd. Let's take a double look at that. Here we have a wonderful young woman. 1:01:08 Unknown_05: He has a really deep voice as a young woman, just randomly attacking, let's see this, from behind, just random, is that hair? Oh, it's the backpack, pulled by the backpack, throws down and just starts wailing on this unsuspecting woman from behind. Unknown_05: With this really deep voice. Unknown_05: Uh, then we have, I think this is the same young woman in a different incident. 1:01:52 Unknown_05: Damn, that young lady sure does know how to throw hands. Unknown_05: In case you're wondering, there's a transgender boy who is in a Oregon high school and has a history of just violently assaulting little girls at the high school because he is a deranged sex pest tranny man who is, for whatever reason, permitted to do this. And when I saw this, I thought, there's no fucking way that this kid is not getting suspended. Cause when I was in Florida, we had what was called a no tolerance policy to a lot of things. If you brought drugs, guns, or had a fight on school, you were basically immediately expelled. 1:02:27 Unknown_05: And this was a pretty good policy. Um, my high school was very clean. I never saw any issues there. Um, and even I, yeah, like I, I didn't get expelled, so it seems to be working. So I was expecting, like, I thought every school because of all the shootings and stuff had zero tolerance policies to violence. And it turns out, no, that's not the case. Unknown_05: They have gotten rid of their zero tolerance policy and we'll just play like 30 seconds of this, but here's the principal explaining why this feral tranny is allowed to just walk around assaulting and beating women on the high school campus. 1:03:15 Unknown_07: So much emphasis on bullying and hate speech, which is good, but why isn't there a zero tolerance for assault and physical violence? Unknown_05: But I just want to clarify. There's a there is a huge emphasis on hate speech. So when the parents go out and say, there's this fucking tranny that's beating our children on your school property, go fuck yourself. He goes, Wow, that's problematic. That's a hate speech, right? That's a hate speech for me right there. And then so a teacher asked, OK, so you're really good on a hate speech, I guess. But what about the actual fucking assaults? And the parents clap because that's a really diplomatic way of saying you're a fucking retard. Let's see the response. 1:03:55 Unknown_09: Yeah, so thank you for that question. The research is really clear and it goes back to what Principal DeLiver was talking about in terms of the Secret Service study. Unknown_09: Following that study, when we go back and we also take a look at other studies that were done after that one and even before that one, what became very clear is that students who are removed from the community are typically the ones that come right back at the community because they believe that they've been cut off. And so they're angry, and they have no more access, or they believe that they do not have any more access to the supports that they need. And so there are consequences, but the consequences may very well be that, again, depending on what the offense is, and it's always commensurate to the offense. So if the offense, and one of our law enforcement officers, Chief Pickering, I'm looking at you to also weigh in, If the offense is that they've broken the law, drugs, alcohol, assault, whatever the abuse, whatever the issue is, there is a legal consequence for that, and that is meted out. 1:05:10 Unknown_09: And then following that work, then the district makes a decision as to, is this someone that we can keep within our district in a different program or with different supports, but keep them close rather than push them away? Or is this something where we cannot? And is there then a community solution for that student? Unknown_09: But regardless. Unknown_05: Is there a community solution? Unknown_05: It's so crazy because it's like, Unknown_05: Nobody wants these people around them. This is why we built suburbs and we got away from violent retards. And now the violent retards are coming from within the gate. The, the turtles, the people on the outside have thrown in disease, true cows over the walls of our suburbs. 1:06:00 Unknown_05: And now the disease is spreading from within the castle gates. And there are, there are violent monstrous tranny zombies wandering around molesting each other. And we don't know what to do with them. Unknown_05: Uh, so we just can't, we cannot have a civilized society where we tolerate the violent repeat offenders and deranged sex pests. And for whatever reason, Unknown_05: We are dedicated to placating mental illness as much as possible, and it's just the most retarded thing. I'm really starting to align with this idea that the only solution to this is to just develop a parallel society, where we have our own banks, our own payment mechanisms, our own education systems, and we just live a completely separate, divorced society from what the government is trying to push. our own medicine, our own insurance, like everything just has to be completely separate. Our own Internet, like everything has to be separate because it is impossible to have a nice life when you are forced to play with these retards in the retards run everything. So you can't compel to reason. You can't compel to dignity with the fucking retards because they run it. So all you can do is make your own thing and hide it from them. 1:07:29 Unknown_05: and judiciously ex- and make it as private as possible so you can just expel people who you don't want in your school. Unknown_05: So it's- it's crazy. It's fucking vile. Unknown_12: Uh, the... Is this the one we just watched? Unknown_12: Yeah, it is. Unknown_05: Um... Oh, I- there was a... a note actually attached to this that I wanted to read. That was... So this is what the mother, I believe of the backpack girl, put out. She says... Unknown_05: Yesterday, my daughter was attacked at school by a biological male student dressed as a girl. I cannot even put into words my anger at the situation after watching this horrific video, nor am I distraught knowing that I can't do anything because I will ultimately end up in jail. 1:08:06 Unknown_05: to the school. Where were the supervisors? Why wasn't anyone present in the hallways? I don't want excuses. I want answers. Of course, the coward that he is fled after putting his hands on her. His name is one Marmolio Saguera. And as of right now, the police cannot find him. We will be pressing charges. Good fucking luck. You don't have the authority to press charges. You can ask the district attorney to press charges, but it's up to them. And chances are they're not going to. Unknown_05: I want everyone to see this video. I want everyone to share this video assaulting someone should never be okay But a boy slash man should never lays hand on a girl woman and that's on the parents for not raising a decent human being Clearly one is in the human of good values or morals. In fact, he doesn't seem to be a good human being at all He's known for being a bully and has done this to several girls. He's clearly targeting females one If you see this just know we are coming for you and who will not stop until you are punished in a court of law For this extent you will not get away with this the furthest extent I believe will be 1:08:43 Unknown_05: Unsatisfying and shallow much like tranny vaginas. Good luck with that Speaking of chat now we segue from our don't put your kids in public school segment to the Gamergate segment of the stream Brianna woo of Gamergate notoriety who I believe was also at that dinner with vouch and keffels. I'm not sure though I 1:09:37 Unknown_05: Has been tranny has been a tranny for like two decades now he was one of the he's like an HST s that turned out like really early on and He had a benefit that a lot of trainees don't have today, which is that before he turned out? Unknown_05: He did not have a internet presence, really. So all the evidence that we have that Breonna Woo was a man and was John Walker Flint are kind of like old photos of him at college, an editorial he did, like his game about the trannies in space was actually a comic that he did in college called Space Cat or something. 1:10:26 Unknown_05: I'm not revolution 60 was the name of the game I can't remember what he called his comic but it was the same characters and everything was authored as John Walker Flint So we knew for years Unknown_05: But, the only sites that had evidence that Brianna Wu was John Locker Flint and was a tranny were the Kiwi Farms and Encyclopedia Dramatica and other Gamergate quote-unquote adjacent websites. So, they were never widely circulated or believed because you can't post that kind of stuff without it being sacrilege. Unknown_05: Brianna who basically basically okay, so random we would say that he is lgbtqia p-plus because he would say that he's bisexual He's a bisexual woman. So he still gets to be a queer marginalized minority But he also got to claim to be cis Or rather he would lie by omission That he was cis 1:11:06 Unknown_05: And this remained the case for years. And only recently because of, because of Keffel's thanks to Keffel's inviting Brianna Wu to a discord group that Brianna Wu presumably thought was private, but it actually filled with Kiwi farms, snake, snake rats. Uh, we now have an emission, several missions that. Unknown_05: Brianna Wu is a man and it's really funny because Brianna Wu as a result of being in this discord and trying to be buddy-buddy with keffels Is actually eating a lot of shit in public right now 1:11:52 Unknown_05: That's right. Queen, Queen falls, takes down the big W, uh, finally gets the conclusive evidence that we've been waiting for. The John Walker Flint drops the 20 year facade that he is a woman and finally admits that he is a tranny. Uh, very gratifying. Great job, Keffels. This is the biggest accomplishment Keffels has ever made. Big W. Um, I can't name anything that Keffels has done. That's a more serious contribution to society than getting this conclusive proof that John Walker Flint's of the man. 1:12:23 Unknown_05: so Unknown_05: The other thing that leaked regarding Brianna is this. Brenna was in a discord click or a Twitter telegram Twitter private message group. And this is called the sissy hippo pub, which is a porn thing. Like it's a sissy hit. No thing, but it's like a pun on that. So it's kind of like the cat boy ranch where it's like an obvious sexual grooming reference. But, um, this is like a porn addiction reference. Uh, he's in there. 1:12:54 Unknown_05: And a tranny decides to post a picture of another tranny and says it rubs the lotion on the skin. So, this is a tranny making fun of another tranny for not passing. Brianna Wu, uh, chimes in and says, God. Um, he says, I mean, if you're not super hot, maybe just dress normally and don't present yourself as a transvestite. You can go a long way with just being skinny and dressing normally. That says Brianna Wu, who's like a creepy skinwalker, when they go looking thing, he continues and says, 1:13:27 Unknown_05: repards reply to Jenny Matrix who was another tranny says these many these people from the last 30 years using our struggle as a sort of legitimate front to push their ideology with no regard for our struggles and Broward replies saying look I'm just speaking honestly here probably too honestly, but I recognize leftist culture was always going to take us here I said nothing about the BLM rights because I didn't want the troubles and I said nothing when tanky started to taking over the party cause I didn't want trouble. Oh, I didn't want trouble. And then, and I said nothing when they took over trans stuff and said, you don't need to have dysphoria to be trans. And I'm looking where we are and I'm just like, my silence let us hear all of ours did. We did it with great intentions, but we don't stop the bullshit. Left of them will die. I think it's because I'm old enough to remember when we moved away from transsexual, I'm a bit more nuanced. You have to remember daytime TV was obsessed with the sex and transsexual. So trying to butter that down, I do think that as transgender doesn't mean anything clinically anymore. It makes sense to bring it back. This is a big no, no in the world of trannies and modern day tranny ideology. This is called trans medicalism. And I don't like the idea that the prefix trans no longer means trans as in to transition, but trans as in, 1:14:22 Unknown_05: faggots. Uh, so I'm going to call this true medicalism instead. Unknown_05: True medicalism is the idea that transsexuality is a disorder. It is a sexual disorder called gender dysphoria in which a person has a psychological condition that makes them as a man feel that they were supposed to be a woman. This means that it could be a hormonal issue. It can be a chromosomal issue, it can be a sort of psychiatric distress disorder, something like that. But basically it has to have a name, it has to exist in the DSM, and it has to have a treatment that socially transitioning and representing themselves as a woman is the best course of action to medicate this disorder. That is what true medicalism is. It's a theory that transgenderism is a disorder, basically. And while this sounds very reasonable, and you might be thinking, what? Brianna Wu making sense? That can't be. 1:15:41 Unknown_05: The issue is, is that this is actually very unpopular now. This is called, actually, this is called true scum in the Tumblr terminology. So back in 2014, when little kids were on Tumblr and getting groomed into being trannies, they invented the term true scum for it. So Branloo is quote-unquote true scum where he is a true in himself. He supports true and shit He wants train shit, but he believes that there should you should rule out other issues You should rule out that maybe you're just porn addicted. Maybe you're just depressed maybe XYZ 1:16:17 Unknown_05: He believes that in order to be a actual transsexual, you have to be diagnosed with a disorder that can be treated with social transitioning as opposed to just anyone saying, hey, I'm a woman today is lauded for it and accepted as being an actual transgender. Unknown_05: So because for various reasons, that's unpopular, especially with the idea and the gender ideology idea that Unknown_05: Um, gender is, is a abstract concept and anybody can be anywhere on a spectrum of genders at any time and change throughout the day with that kind of retardation. 1:16:57 Unknown_05: True. True scum is the like actual is like very, very unpopular. So when these leaked, because of course they did. Unknown_05: Um, Brianna Wu had to come out and say like, I had to try to walk shit back. This guy viewed him 2 million times. Jesus. Unknown_05: So look listen blah blah blah whatever I'm not an asshole what Caffles comes out and says I've been out as trans for almost 13 years I guarantee most people outraged by this private account somewhere on Twitter where they are saying worse the real proof trans women are women is how catty they are to each other Caffles is incapable of saying anything about women that is not degrading and insulting. He can say, look, we're stupid bitches. We're such catty little whores. Oh, my God. We're just like real women. Like everything that he has to say in regards to women is just like the most demeaning, belittling, dehumanizing, infantilizing shit imaginable. It's really disgusting, actually. 1:17:35 Unknown_05: That's what he says. He tries to walk back the brand of we shit and Then this is some of the replies. Let's take a let's take a look at preload these real quick trans meds GTFO Caffles this really isn't it? I'm sorry and the trans medicalism are true medicalism. It's more than just mean words people are irked over Rin says Rin whose avatar is um, I 1:18:10 Unknown_05: From that that that anime where the little girl stabs herself through the brain with a kitchen knife dressed as Christian for whatever reason that's very bizarre says no they don't and this says a lot about yourself actually Demon face a says this ain't it? They say it sounds a lot like fascism chat the secret Nazi detected 1:18:45 Unknown_05: Doe says nope boo boo poop a dupe says you have absolutely no integrity to speak of do you? Unknown_05: Get happy or get fucked in 97 says I don't really have a dog in this race But can you at like the bare minimum not do tongue-in-cheek misogyny about it? I think we all get called men enough as it is without putting women in my right and are in fighting Unknown_05: I don't want to give girl twink props, but I think girl twink is on the right track here He's not even saying don't be a disgusting misogynist. Just say don't just don't make it so obvious. Please. You're making me look bad Jake blue sky in bio at actual corn says nah 1:19:23 Unknown_05: Meek says I've been out as a trans woman for almost as long as you and I've never seen the behavior You're describing in the trans community calling a trans woman a transvestite is not being caddy Saying that doe is mentally unwell calling its pronouns a fetish is not being caddy Triple trio says bra. That's that is That is disrespecting Keffel's gender. He's not a bra. Thank you very much Unknown_05: Leftist Baby says, so you're just admitting to being a bigot on an alt then? Wonderful defense. Shirley Smith says, Brianna is cis. And this is the funniest thing about the whole thing. As I mentioned, Brianna Wu has refused to come out for like 20 fucking years and has repeatedly insisted that when people call him a tranny, that they redact that statement. Unknown_05: There's a really funny Post where the Washington Post just looked at him and said oh, that's a tranny So he wrote Brianna Lou is a tranny in the Washington Post and brown was all this and got super pissed off and asked for a redaction and there was like a little redaction comment and the footer that says a prior version of this article said that Brianna Lou was transgender Brianna Lou identifies as a woman and it's I It's like it's a super. It's definitely a fucking tranny, but we're just gonna say we're just gonna remove that from the article It was really really backhanded and awesome and funny and hilarious all at the same time But my point is that Branagh will because he can't say that he's a tranny when he does do this true scum shit and talks about how Actually, they should get a diagnosis. It looks like a JK Rowling thing to is it actually let me rephrase that I 1:20:29 Unknown_05: on its face it looks like a J.K. Rowling thing. Rowling is like in support of trannies I think to a certain extent in this way where it's like you should be diagnosed. However, obviously Brenna Woo is not a woman. So when Shirley Smith comes out and says Brianna is cis and tries to dress up what he says as even worse than what it is, it's like a it's like 1:21:02 Unknown_05: A sort of, I want to give us the sort of gravitas it deserves. It is the most beautifully passive aggressive thing I have literally ever said or seen. Shirley Smith knows that Brianna Wu is a trune. Brianna Wu knows that Brianna Wu is a trune. Brianna Wu does not want to come out as being a trune. Shirley Smith knows that Brianna Wu doesn't want to come out as a trune. And because of this, Shirley Smith therefore uses the fact that Brianna Wu is in the closet against him in a way where he has two options. Either A, eat more shit and continue denying being a troon, or B, come out for the first time in 20 years. And it's so awesome. It's so awesome when these unhinged freaks eat each other like this. It is so beautiful. It's like, Remember in the hyenas video where you heard the classical music and the zero-g? It's like that you have the truants flying around shooting shots at each other being caddy fucking retard faggots and just like damn That's some orchestrated shit. That's like some 1:22:18 Unknown_05: That's beautiful right there. That's the kind of shit you write about. Kino, exactly, it's Kino. Unknown_05: Bee says, disagree. Sophia says, seriously. Ellis is not a Canuck, says Justice for Eden. Gonna be real, I disagree very strongly with you on this, Clara. Rebel Scum 83 says, this is a really bad take, Kev. Just take the L. Worm says, hammer and sickle emoji says, I can always count on you to have the worst take on any situation. Unknown_05: Siddhartha Krishna says maybe they shouldn't then miles says not the same it chirping he says not gonna ride It feels like your response is influenced by the fact that Brianna has supported you in the past as long with you being very legitimately beefed with Benny but in doing so you're ignoring all the collateral damage Brianna has done by excusing this perfectly normal as Excusing this as perfectly normal cattiness max propane three says I mean you're a bad person too So it makes sense you do this Mari says I'll take 1:23:15 Unknown_05: It just goes on. I love it. I love it. Unknown_05: Eat shit, all of you freaks, eat shit. This is, because these people are my age. Like Cathos, Brianna, Will, these are people like in my generation, and now the next generation is even more unhinged, even more politically correct, even more willing to eat each other alive to try and promote their preferred creators. And now these people who have tried to make their entire career by murdering my internet, are now on the receiving end. 1:23:48 Unknown_05: And I just get to watch it and I get to enjoy it. It's like, ah, wow, chat, look, look at these bad things happening to bad people. Isn't it great chat? Isn't it wonderful? Doesn't it gratify you chat to see people get their comeuppance. Unknown_05: If anything because I don't get to act I am I am the unmoved mover, right? I simply Participate in my forum and I have to I talk out on my streams every so often But I really don't go out of my way to influence the outcome of things So for the most because I can't I really don't have the opportunity to so for the most part I sit on my hands And I have noticed a trend where I do absolutely nothing. And if I just wait long enough, and it may be a year, it may be three years, maybe five years. In the case of Rihanna Wu, it's eight years, eight years after. No, not even 10 years. It's almost been 10 years since Gamergate started. It's been 10 years. 1:24:30 Unknown_05: Since Brianna Wu randomly decided to lie and make himself an internet celebrity by pretending that people were trying to kill him for making a tranny video game nobody has ever fucking heard of and has never played to this day except for Lotex who killed himself. Lotex is the only person I've ever seen play Brianna Wu's game and now he's fucking dead. But it's been 10 years since that. And I get to see. 1:25:08 Unknown_05: Brianna thinking, oh boy, I connected with the younger generation. I'm now with Keffels. I'm cool on Twitch. I'm in the Keffels discord and I have a little tipster wiggler on my profile. I'm really I'm finally going to make it. I'm finally going to be a respected Internet influencer, just like Keffels. And then the shit happens and they just have to eat shit. And it's really fucking funny. 1:25:39 Unknown_12: Been really funny, champ. Unknown_05: On a long enough timeline, everything goes to zero. Unknown_05: On a long enough timeline, you can keep rolling 41%s and winning, but eventually, eventually, the house wins, champ. Unknown_12: All right, so. Unknown_12: Back to some wholesome, big chunk of this low-cal news, champ. Unknown_05: Amberlynn Reid has decided that she, to look for her next U-Haul lesbian lover, is going to put out some sexy vids on TikTok to maybe find someone, to have a meeting of hearts on the internet. Want to see Chantelle trying to act sexy? 1:26:24 Unknown_05: Let's see. The girl I want, I win. Kissy face. What I want. Let's do what I want. Let's sound sassy. That and sassy. Unknown_12: Where's my fat and sassy content show? Unknown_12: Hold up. Unknown_05: Oh, does TikTok not play on Firefox? Didn't we determine this at some point that Firefox just doesn't play TikTok videos? Oh, no, it does work. Okay, great. Sorry. You did not luck out this time, chat. 1:26:58 Unknown_03: You know, I always get what I want. Unknown_05: Look at that sassy face, chat. This is how she's going to find the one. 1:27:29 Unknown_05: Are you a young lesbian woman? Do you have a u-haul trailer? Well, you can get in on this ton of bricks She's on the market ladies Unknown_05: Oh, I thought my browser was glitching. That's just her attempt at doing speed up, slow down editing. Yeah, that's pretty shit. She does, by the way, she does 100%, 100% of her editing on her iPhone. So she doesn't even like sit down at a computer desk and like pull up her iMac or whatever the fuck and open Adobe premiere and like properly edit. She just has like something on her phone and like a hundred percent of her editing is done in that. 1:28:03 Unknown_12: It's really bizarre. Unknown_12: Oh, this is sassy torture action channels. Unknown_05: She's trying to lip sync, but she can't do that show. She has, um, I like your earbuds in, and apparently there's like a delay. So her lip syncing is really bad. And she didn't know that because it's like a Bluetooth thing and it has a delay. She doesn't realize you know, the action channels can't buy anything without thinking of me. I don't know what that means. I guess. Cause they're, they're making money off of her. Is there another one that has like a kissy face? 1:28:47 Unknown_16: I don't know who needs to hear this but you absolutely can stay delusional forever if you want to. Unknown_08: I support it. If you wanna just be 24-7 Delulu, I'm with you. Who are we hurting? Ourselves. But we do that anyway, so what's one more thing? You know? I mean, it's a happier place, too. Unknown_08: Reality has no place in my world, so... You know... Unknown_05: The abject shittiness of all these videos and the vapid soullessness of it reminds me of a video that I watched recently where someone was explaining how Google is scared because they're losing market share. Um, it used to be that Google was like the homepage of the internet and like 92% of all search traffic took place on, on, on like Google or, or on YouTube. And now, um, it started with Facebook, but now it's kind of become Instagram and tech talk where, 1:29:40 Unknown_05: like 40 percent of gen z and gen alpha Find their news and find recommendations and shit by searching directly on tiktok and instagram so like if you're in new york city or something you're like I want like a gastropub you just go to tiktok and you like say new nyc gastropub and then you get like you search through the videos until you find one that you want and Unknown_05: People are just like completely skipping Google and search traditional search engines as a thing now It's like and that's not even like a lot of people like, you know, like a small minority of people it's like 40% of young people now just completely skip search engines and go directly to social media and 1:30:41 Unknown_05: And replace any kind of like higher thought with finding suggestions and shit So it's like even more Handheld than we could even possibly fucking imagine in terms of the internet becoming a smaller and smaller place. It's really scary Unknown_05: and search engines suck it's like you can't blame them someone mentioned to me how much better bing is than google and so i'm i'm being serious like google sucks now i legit i legit like you see how often i pull up youtube and i get an error that i can't use my bpn on youtube bing doesn't have that so i've legit just has a force of habit I've started using being continuously because Google captures me and being doesn't I and I hate captures So I've been forced to use being as a result and it's it's as good as Google if not better There's a it's mostly tech. Here's the thing I used to default to Google even when I wanted to get off of Google because of um, I 1:31:30 Unknown_05: One thing that Google has that Bing doesn't have, Google is excellent at getting results for like niche programming issues. However, I no longer use Google for niche programming issues. I use fucking chat GPT. If I have like a bizarre configuration error that I can't figure out, I'll either consult the docs directly, which I can do on Bing. Or if I want to try and like, Unknown_05: Get like a second opinion. I'll use chat GPT and completely bypass Google for that so I have like for programming. I've replaced Google with with chat GPT and For everything else for random like web searches. I just use Bing and it's about as good or better than Google is now It really is crazy, it's crazy I 1:32:08 Unknown_05: Okay, so I don't know what to think about this. There's a rumor that chunk yogurt the the young Turks guy and the uncle of Hassan Piker is going to run for president however Chunk is was born in Constantinople so he's not able to to run for president because he's not he wasn't born in the u.s. The only time that and this is even disputed because it was an ordeal with 1:32:52 Unknown_05: Ted Cruz Ted Cruz was born in Canada, but he was born on a military base So there was a question of if he would be able to run for president because he was born outside the United States but I think the consensus was that being born on a military base counts as being born in the United States for the purposes of securing the presidency so But the chunk is like he was an immigrant. So he's not gonna be able to run for president at all. I Unknown_05: Um, so I, it's really, it's a really bizarre, it's a really bizarre rumor, um, that he'll be running. It might be that. I don't know if Hassan is born in the United States. It might be like, he's getting together campaign staff for Hassan as opposed to him because he can't run. How the fuck is he going to, how's he going to run if he's on American McCain? 1:33:32 Unknown_05: It might have been McCain I can't remember if it was Ted Cruz or John McCain that was born on a military base outside the US I'm pretty sure was Ted Cruz. I was born in Canada, though Unknown_05: No, blood citizenship does not count. It was a law that, okay, the rules for becoming president are that you must be born in the United States, and it was written that way because they didn't want a British person coming over after the revolution and becoming president. So you have to have been born in the colonies in order to be president. That's just how it was written. So it remains uncertain if someone born in 1:34:05 Unknown_05: De jure American soil such as a US military base would then be able to become president It's just never been tested chances are if it was a military base. It would be fine, but just being born in Istanbul and naturalizing that's clearly not permitted for being president 1:34:49 Unknown_12: King was being born in Panama. Unknown_05: Okay. Well McCain was born in Panama I'm pretty sure Cruz was also born in Canada. So that's two candidates. Like I said, I'm pretty sure military bases Okay, second generation immigrant first generation actually with a junks case not okay. That's the that's the whole point of that that legislation Asana is also I really don't know that I don't know what's the point of the the This rumor is it's very bizarre Unknown_12: Okay, so Kai and Dan who are the guys who beat up Ethan Ralph are now in Canada And they're hunting down PPP They're going to his frequent hotspot they know of and they're hunting for him like a dog which makes me wonder what's gonna happen when they find him because 1:35:41 Unknown_05: Like Dan's a big guy, but PPP is literally a big guy. He's like 400 pounds and six foot six or something. So a fight between Dan and PPP would be like a proper, a proper war thing. I don't know. I don't know if PPP is in shape, but he is a big guy. Unknown_05: Let's do a poll. We haven't done a poll today. It's always nice to do some user engagement and stop on rumble I'll do an exclamation point poll who would win? Dan the man are PPP the big guy for you. I 1:36:15 Unknown_05: Yeah, voted up vote one for Dan the man vote two for PPP the big guy for you You may also not vote if you choose to abstain in this fraudulent election system It is also a valid option. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise All right, the votes is coming in the votes is coming in chat I Unknown_05: With 50 participants, it's 40% for Dan the Man, 60% for PPP, the big guy for you. The votes are still coming in pretty hot. 1:36:49 Unknown_05: Um, getting close to a hundred now with a hundred participants. It's 45% for Dan the man. Uh, wow. It's fluctuating very rapidly between about 50. It's only like a 10% difference. And now Dan's catching up with, um, with PPP. So that's the tough one, but PPP does have the house advantage. So to speak, chat does have the advantage. Thank you for voting in my pool. 1:37:21 Unknown_12: You may not stop voting now. Unknown_05: Okay, so yandere dev I mentioned was accused of grooming right There have been a couple of voice actors who have lended Male and female voices to the like the the girls and characters in the the game and Unknown_05: and after it's been in 10 years in development this game is never getting fucking released but after 10 years one of the voice actors after the grooving shit has finally like retired from this position of this never finishing game and i think that the voice actors for yandere dev don't even get paid don't quote me on that but i'm pretty sure one of the things that they all do it for free 1:38:07 Unknown_05: So Michaela Laws says, this is not a choice I'm making lightly. I am suspending my participation from Nandari Assimilary as a voice actress and voice director. I hope the game gets completed regardless with or without me as so much work and love was put into it. Unknown_05: Thank you and have a good night. Unknown_05: She says, I'm a voice actor who simply voices characters. I voice a character in a game developed by an individual who's being helped by multiple volunteers like myself. I told you they're not getting paid. I have not. Unknown_05: Nor will I ever condone actions that harm others, especially minors, in any capacity, so my opinion on the offending matter is irrelevant because I'm not at the heart of the issue. In terms of my voicing, Yandere-chan, oh, so she's the main voice actor, I am right now in a state of mourning. I've voiced her and others in the game for almost 10 years, and my contributions to the project are almost innumerable. I work as a volunteer loyal only to the project's development and completion. I did not join to be a defender or arbiter of anyone's actions outside the project. This is a serious and narrow issue, so this choice is not made lightly. 1:38:42 Unknown_05: I still hope the game is completed and have consented to my work being continued to be used with an exclusion to AI which I never consented to so Yandere Dev is going to take her voice Build a neural network off of it and continue the game and she will continue to do it for free 1:39:23 Unknown_05: Forever and she has no consent. What is she gonna do sue him for her likeness or whatever? Yeah, right You're now a slave you're thought all of your chat logs with the undairy dev will be imputed into a machine neural network and you will be Turned into a computer so that he can jerk off to you saying weird and sick shit for his own pleasure never help in a Coomer chat never help a Coomer That's the undiary dev update 1:40:02 Unknown_05: The guy that voice acted Austin is also stepping down he's also going into a computer blender in case you're curious I don't know who Mulberry is a lead artist and illustrator and left officially as of November 2022 and She stands by Michaela cool. So everyone's left, but their work will be absorbed into the machine anyways Unknown_05: Yeah, he still gets like $1,000 a month to finish this fucking game that will never come out ever. Unknown_05: Also, Ethan Klein desperate for attention and relevance is again, picking a fight with Russell brand because he's a disgusting slob. And he says alleged rapist Russell brand doesn't like free speech ones about him. He used his new video addressing rape allegations to claim our podcast about him. What a hypocritical loser. And by loser, I mean, rapists allegedly, but read the article, not much room for doubt. 1:40:52 Unknown_05: Uh, he really shouldn't have DMCA shit. Cause who the fuck cares? Just leave this fat slob alone for real. Unknown_05: And I'll see the point of DMC and stuff outside for zero purpose like that. Unknown_12: Okay, so this is actually really funny. Unknown_12: How do I word this? Unknown_05: I do like pissing off the Cyrax a-logs. So Cyrax is not easy to like take the side of in any way. Cause he's like a gross freak who was like, he was, I think he was convicted of molesting a blind girl he was related to, which is probably one of the most abhorrent crimes you can possibly commit. 1:41:34 Unknown_05: Um, so yeah, nasty fucking guy. However, Unknown_05: I am not a fan of bat retards on the internet who consider themselves vigilantes when all they do is like torment like a retarded person. It doesn't make sense to me. Like you're not a good person for acting like a fucking dickhead and breaking the law to, to fuck with somebody who is like obviously developmentally handicapped. Um, so. Unknown_05: While ago at the heated fervor of the sirex show one of the a logs Went to his house and started protesting like actually physically picketing outside of his house with a sign that said that he was a pedophile or something Cyrax gets pissed off that this guy is doing this even though he's within his right to stand outside the house and picket it. Now the obvious intelligent thing to do would simply be to ignore this person and like Laura Loomer loomer chaining herself to Twitter HQ would get hungry and bored and have to pee eventually and would just leave after not getting any reaction. Cyrax being a mentally handicapped pedophile decides that he's gonna take a baseball bat run outside and very lightly tap him so that he meets the bare minimum for battery, but does not actually cause any damage to this person whatsoever and assault with a deadly weapon 1:42:55 Unknown_05: So, the police come, Cyrax gets apprehended, there's a video of him wailing like a retard because of the consequences of his own actions, while the guy with the camera is holding it there saying like, I want to press charges and basically being a nuisance. Unknown_05: He gets put in jail, he gets bailed out by Mama, and then weeks later, he decides to post this in public and he says, Unknown_05: We are all about to be failed by the justice system. I have been communicating with the DA the past few days, and she has insisted that I do not have a strong case, which I refuted every point she made to which she made a rebuttal and insists my case is too weak. She informed me that her supervisor wants her to request a reduction in charges, which will make this already insultingly minor charge of simple assault a mere disorderly conduct charge. I requested that they don't do this, and rather we go to trial and I present my case as weak as she may think it is. I told her I'd rather ride this train till it crashes, and rather lose the case than let him get off without a trial. She told me that they are not asking for permission to request a reduction in charges, rather they are informing me that that is what they are going to do. I refuted this, but she said that she wants to get this over with because they are being inundated with calls and email on the daily and want this to end. She told me Cyrax's lawyer thinks that he can get him to plead guilty to reduce charges, but I think even that may be too much accountability for the Goblin. We will see how this status hearing goes. If he pleads guilty, that's it. If he doesn't, then it's going to continue to trial on the 11th. We shall see." 1:44:23 Unknown_05: So the DA is telling him. You were not injured. He walked out because you were antagonizing him and he hit you with a baseball bat. There is a chance, if we take this to court, that the jury may sympathize with him because he's a gross, retard, goblin monster and you are directly trying to piss him off for internet points and money. Unknown_05: That they may just let them walk and I am a district attorney I do not want to lose a case like this So we're going to walk it down to simple assault or to disorderly conduct charge if we cannot get a plea deal 1:45:04 Unknown_05: And he takes issue with that and says, no, you will do what I want. You will do what I say. I'm going to ride. I'm going to take your career and I'm going to ride it like a train. And if it crashes, that's not my fucking problem. To which she then decides to stop being polite and says. My dude, I do not give a fuck what you want. You are a retard. You're a bigger retard than the pedophile goblin. I don't give a I'm not going to risk my my career and my conviction rate on your stupid ass internet feud. Go fuck yourself. Click. And he says, well. Unknown_05: It's not fair that they just want to not deal with emails. Those are his people Those are his buddies and the discord channels who are sending emails to try and compel the DA to do something that apparently they're not very confident in so they're Instead of getting what they wanted the DA is now thinking I want this over as quickly as fucking possible. I 1:45:39 Unknown_05: And so what is chat? If you want to contemplate this matter for, um, uh, for a moment, you tell me if you are a district attorney and you wanted a legal matter to be resolved as quickly as possible, what could you do to make it over as quickly as possible? Chat. Unknown_05: I'll give you a second to respond as I take a sip, find some water. Unknown_12: There it goes. 1:46:28 Unknown_05: That is correct. Unknown_05: You were a district attorney and you wanted to get rid of a legal case that you were bringing, uh, on your own volition. The easiest option would be to simply dismiss the charges. And so what happened is that the serious case that he was ready to ride out until it crashes and burns, um, was simply dismissed as it says here. Unknown_05: The case is now dismissed as of September 25th, so four days ago. And it says down here, D.W.A.P. P.R.A.U.S.E. And if you're wondering, D.W.A.P. P.R.A.U.S.E. is Latin for Dismissed Without Prejudice Prosecution. 1:47:00 Unknown_05: And that is shorthand for the state simply did not appear in court. The state did not appear in court for their own case, to which the judge says, I guess the state is no longer pursuing these charges, and bangs his gavel and declares it dismissed without prejudice. 1:47:35 Unknown_05: This guy, instead of just working with the DA, and the A-logs who hate Cyrax and are literally no fucking smarter than he is, because they're all retards, managed to get their big win on Goblin Boy dismissed without prejudice because they annoyed the DA so much that she was just like, fuck it, I don't wanna deal with this shit. I don't give a shit. Stop bothering him. And so he gets to go back home. He has a clean record in regards to this. Unknown_05: Nothing happened. Unknown_05: I kind of rude to the judge. Well, this happens a lot. It's very typical where the judge has like 90 dockets for the day and he like bangs his gavel. The next one comes up, one of the parties doesn't show, he does a continuance or just dismisses and so on and so forth. Like it's not like the judge might've even gotten a phone call that they're not going to show up. So when they just didn't show up, he's like, okay, dismiss, bang, five minutes. Next case. Number 47 in line come up to the court, and that's it. That's how the system works. He's not taking it personally He's just like great. I don't have to think about this. This is dismissed That's the best that's the best when like when I have like a report cue of 40 reports I open a report and I say oh wait the guy reported a message to say they that there's nothing to do He's just it's just a joke okay great rejected next don't have to think about it And that's your legal system boys and girls 1:48:58 Unknown_05: Now, Russell Greer, who, by the way, is still suing me. Uh, the Melinda Scott shit is over, but the currently I'm waiting for the appellate court to reply to Russell Greer's. I have to be careful. Unknown_05: Russell Greer was caught in the comment section of a trans girl, Nicole Melania. I am a trans woman living in Dallas, Texas. This is my backup account. This is, uh, this is the beautiful T girl right here. She's doing a little kissy face chat. I have to say that the glasses kind of remind me of baked Alaska. 1:49:34 Unknown_05: The nose though quite big is kind of like worn down. So if you imagine like an angle grinder like Shaving off the baked Alaska nose. You got kind of got what this is Unknown_05: Um, but Russell Greer had a comment on this that says, show us a little more skin. Please see this. This is not enough. It's not enough skin. I got to see more. I got to see more of that kissy face. Please show us more. And then in this picture, which is very, very, very, very, very flattering, um, flattering angle, he says, beautiful. He says this and goes, just beautiful chat. 1:50:07 Unknown_05: Yo, Yovana. Unknown_05: And then one last thing before I segue to the other thing I want to talk about Richard Stallman has cancer I have cancer. Unknown_05: It's a kind of lymphoma. Unknown_07: Fortunately, it can be managed and I'll probably be around for many more years. Unknown_05: The one of the last greats. He's a bit weird. He's a libertarian. I know he has some drama that I'm not necessarily happy with, but. 1:50:43 Unknown_05: He is a, in the guy that was talking, you know, the shooter in Netherlands, he said, us Aspies simply exist on a high IQ plane where we understand things so well, we simply don't participate in your social world. Stallman is actually that. He's like extremely intelligent and he has an extremely strict set of principles that he does not violate ever, even though it causes him immense annoyance in how he uses the computer. 1:51:19 Unknown_05: And so, in the theme that the internet developed by great men with great principles have been handed off to fucking loser retards. Stallmen getting cancer is another sign of that. That literally the old internet has cancer, it has lymphoma, it's manageable, but ultimately, on a long enough timeline, it all drops to zero. Unknown_05: And that's simply the reality that we deal with. No, it's it's bad hard times chat hard times That sucks, I hope that he uh manages it well Then I have a long diatribe. I really have to pee. I've been drinking lots of water and coffee chat How am I gonna do this? Do I have do I have an emergency clip that I can play? I might hold up I remember 1:51:59 Unknown_12: Maybe this. Unknown_05: There was like a funny video. Oh, okay. Base. The slav power has given me some videos to play. I will play this and I will pray that his Polish tricks have not gotten me to play something stupid. We will see chat. We'll see. 1:52:34 Unknown_13: Today, I would like to propose you to buy and drink the latest invention of the era of the PRL and not only, Super Dicto Mixos, which, as you know, is in every PPS, and I'll kick it like a mad whore or a mad clown, and on my example I will demonstrate what a charming poison it is and how it works on the human body. Under tension, the lead is torn off. How she shot, fuck, it means that it is original. 1:53:10 Unknown_13: Attention, we mix, we prepare. Oh fuck! Oh, but it's good. I think I'll repeat this number. 1:53:45 Unknown_13: I'm still alive, because you can drink and you can get drunk at a low cost. So let's go to the bottom for health, look. Oh fuck, I won't survive. 1:54:20 Unknown_05: I did wash my hands. Unknown_05: What did he do? What happened? Unknown_05: He just drinks a lot of vodka and then dies. Oh no. Unknown_05: Rip Polish Mario. Unknown_05: He drank the natural. What is that? They're like a ever clear Polish ever clear D natural. Unknown_05: The natural alcohol or denatured alcohol is an ethanol that has been added Methyl hydrate Is ethanol that has additive that makes as additives to make it poisonous bad tasting foul smelling or nauseating to discourage its recreational consumption as sometimes diet so it can be identified visually Why would he do this? 1:55:11 Unknown_05: He's dead Unknown_05: Why would you give me a video to play of someone dying? Unknown_05: Slav power. A man has died. Unknown_05: He's fine. He's got a Polish liver. He actually got the second video. I'm not going to bother playing this, but the second video under that one, he gets up and he vomits it. And then he's actually twice as strong as he was before he drank it. It's okay. Unknown_12: It's okay. It's okay. Unknown_12: All right. So 1:55:42 Unknown_12: Oh, I'm such an idiot. Unknown_05: I have a video of Nick Ricada being completely drunk out of his fucking mind that I could have played. Did I actually, did I already play this? Unknown_12: Let me see. Oh, I have not. Oh, I could have, I'm so dumb. Unknown_05: I really could have played this instead for a full two minutes or whatever. This is a video that was put out, um, Barricade on locals and I've never played it before though. I've been meaning to this came out like a couple weeks ago Fucking stupid chat. Yeah, the hot tub stream. 1:56:13 Unknown_04: Oh My god, so fucking torch here we go God damn it. There's a fucking hot tub here Unknown_04: What did I do? Was I on the wrong stream? I didn't do anything wrong. 1:56:48 Unknown_04: Stroke? Yes. Unknown_04: Look, I drank a lot of liquor tonight. Unknown_04: Way too much. Unknown_04: Way too much. But I'm all good. Unknown_04: Don't drown? I'm not gonna drown. What am I, black? 1:57:19 Unknown_04: The light is so fucking bright. I'm trying to live through it. What are you guys doing? Unknown_04: There's two streams? Unknown_04: What are you talking about there's two streams? Unknown_04: I closed the other one, didn't I? Did I not close out the rumble stream? Unknown_04: My god two locals, how are there two locals? Unknown_04: I'll figure it out later. 1:57:53 Unknown_04: This is the charm. This is the charm of sober streaming But people know to come here you guys that's how you get Do you think I'm gonna leave here? Do you think I can possibly leave this stream? Do you think I'm gonna literally, like, you're like, oh, Rag is, he can go to the other stream and tell people where to go. I can't do shit! 1:58:25 Unknown_04: I'm tossed out of my fucking mind. I'm okay with this. Unknown_04: Where's Camelot? He's at his house. Unknown_04: Camelot's in Alabama, I'm in Tennessee. Tomorrow, I think Camelot and Cecil and Sid are gonna come out and hang out. I don't know. Unknown_04: I don't know what's happening. Unknown_05: I genuinely truly believe that he has suffered some kind of brain damage or gray matter loss and now he is like a completely different person. 1:59:10 Unknown_05: like his behavior is in his social reactions to stuff are almost unrecognizable and uh, there's a There's a the I even hate talking about this because it's just so anti-funny But riley if you don't remember who riley is, let's do a quick rundown dick masterson Also known as juju the cow a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow Unknown_05: Did a podcast or does a podcast called the dick show and one of the producers of the dick show who was responsible for getting Like Collins organized and all sorts of shit was Riley Riley is like a hardcore Druggy loser. He has absolutely no ambitions in life. All he cares about is getting getting drugs and he was the producer he was one of the reasons why dick and I had a falling out and Unknown_05: When I was in the Discord on the Nick Show, I would get into fights with Digibro a lot, because he's a pedophile, and I think he's a piece of shit, and I tell him that to his face, that he's a piece of shit who should kill himself because he's a pedophile. And then Riley told me that I should learn when I'm not welcome. After I left the discord and I told dick I said your producer told me that um, I'm not welcome here He published like a tweet that said employee of the month Riley. So after that, I was pretty pretty fucking done with dick I 2:00:17 Unknown_05: Also fun lore, there was a mentally handicapped furry named Mint Salad who called into the Dick Show and said, Dear Dick, I am just turned 18. I draw furry pornography. 2:00:52 Unknown_05: And when my parents found out that I draw furry pornography, they told me I may either leave their house or I can stop drawing furry pornography. And Dick said you are 18 and if you're making money from drawing furry porn, tell your parents to eat shit. Unknown_05: Mint Salad became a friend of Dick, and Dick passed her along to Riley. To this day, I believe Riley and Mint Salad are an item, and Mint Salad does only things to help make money so that they can live their debauched degenerate lifestyle. So, literally, entirely thanks to Dick Masterson, a severely autistic girl left her parents' home to pursue a career in drawing furry porn. now is a literal whore who does only fans videos with Granny panties that have skid marks in them because she lives in a trailer with Riley who was the producer for the dick show and in the middle of this Feud that dick Masterson and Vito the pedophile are having with Eric July the black guy who does the rip of verse comics and Riley drives all the way out to the middle of fucking nowhere in Texas and visits the Warehouse and I think an office building where a lot of like the actual bureaucratic work of Rippa's business is being done and he 2:01:34 Unknown_05: In the middle of the night, drives up to their window. And it's not like an office where people visit to like Duke to buy shit. It's just like an office thing that people use to do office work. And he sticks a sticker to the window with a $20 bill and says, try ignoring this super chat or something. It's like, cause apparently Ripa didn't answer a specific super chat. So Riley drove out there to stick a $20 bill to his window and say, ignore this. 2:02:33 Unknown_05: Um, Unknown_05: Eric July of course takes issue with this and says that he's lucky that the security guy didn't shoot him because in Texas You are actually you are able you're legally able to shoot and kill someone who is conducting criminal mischief on your property and In general that means graffiti means that someone is tagging your building your office building in Texas You are allowed to pull out a gun and murder them on the spot And that was just what he was saying. It's not even castled that doctrine is literally if you are defacing a building, if you're doing like petty criminal mischief on a piece of property, the person who owns or is responsible for protecting that property can kill you. 2:03:11 Unknown_05: So yeah, missed opportunity. No shit. So Eric July, um, Unknown_05: sees that Rikada is like defending Riley, because Erich Light says, you know, I could have shot you. I probably could have shot you and got away with this if I saw you doing this. If the security guy saw you doing this. And Rikada says, whoa, buddy, your interpretation of the law is actually erroneous here. In reality, if a sticker is not the same as a writing, When they say writing, they don't mean writing on a sticker. They mean writing as in graffiti. You're technically wrong, buddy. So Eric July is like, what the fuck? You know, these guys are literally showing up to my office buildings and trying to put shit on the windows to intimidate the people who work for me, not even for me, like the people who work for me, who go to the fucking office. And he's says in a super chat, he's like, let me on your show. So they have a, an argument. 2:04:21 Unknown_05: And, um, the argument is exactly how you would expect. Every time Eric July says anything like this is wrong. This guy is obsessed with me. He's sending out people to fuck with me. I don't appreciate it. Uh, never Kayla takes this and parlays that into like a legal argument. Well, actually, when they say inscription, what they mean is tagging. They don't necessarily mean a sticker. I don't think that I personally would risk my freedom by shooting Riley for using a sticker because of the way that the language and the law is written. And like air July is just like taking it back with us like I'm not making a legal argument. I'm not a lawyer. And by the way, Rikita is also not a lawyer in Texas. So all he can give is his best guess. He's never been to a trial period, so he can just give his best guess. But he continually takes this moral argument of these people should not be doing this. This is Tantamount to stalking is like directly trying to interrupt my ability to conduct my legally protected businesses and Rikada tries to transition this into a right and wrong in the law sense, which is not what he's arguing. 2:04:56 Unknown_05: It's extremely disingenuous, and Rakita continually does this thing where it's like, you know, I think that you're being over-emotional and stupid and wrong, and you're just, you know, a fucking idiot, and you run your fucking black lips all about all this gay shit, and it's fucking stupid, but I love you, brother. But I love you, brother. I love you so much, and I wish you got all the money in the world, brother. I love you, and I love what you do, man. You're just awesome. It's just like the most disingenuous thing ever like yeah You're just like a big dumb gorilla, and you don't do anything right and go fuck yourself You stupid piece of shit, but I love you, and I think that the Ripper verse is a great thing. I wish the success It's like it's like surely as and it worries the sad thing is that it that it works It's like people are dumped on by that Wow Rikita is so impartial. He has such well-constructed Criticisms, but is also a big fan of the Ripper verse he really I 2:06:15 Unknown_05: Ripa should really just take his word for it and just let dick continue to fuck with his business without any sort of retaliation whatsoever No, very Christian very Christian behavior So yeah, it was like bizarre to watch I felt bad for him because I think um, I Unknown_05: I think that Eric July really thinks that Rikeda is his friend, and he's not. In case it's not obvious, Rikeda is not Eric July's friend. Eric July is the new Vic Mignogna. Unknown_05: In retrospect, here's how I think about the Vic Mignogna shit. Unknown_05: I don't think Rikeda likes anime at all. Unknown_05: But when the Vic Benyana case happened and he started commentating on it and it brought got all this traction and all these anime fans to his podcast he raked in literally millions of dollars off of them and partly, you know got a contract based off that attention and then when the Vic stuff was done and all those fans were scorned because they fucking lost and Vic was out, you know hundreds of thousands of dollars and the attorney that Rakeda suggested One of the major reasons why they lost that case is that the anti-SLAPP law required evidence to be submitted, and Ty Beard thought he was being clever by submitting the evidence on the last day of filing? 2:07:18 Unknown_05: because that way the responding party would have less time to assemble a defense to it. But he accidentally, um, did not file in time. So the bulk of the evidence that they had played this game with this game of like deadline chicken with, they lost. And that's why the, in the end, the judge did not accept the filing late and said, well, there's no fucking evidence cause you didn't file it. And they lost the case because of that gay shit. And that was entirely tie beards fault. It was entirely his fault. Um, 2:08:03 Unknown_05: So, after this happened, and he was done with the anime people, he said, fuck anime, fuck all you losers, anime sucks, you're fucking retards, fuck off. That was basically it, and he was done with the anime shit, and he went to his hedonism debacle. And then, now, he's looking at the comic book Marvel people, like, this is it, this is the next thing. I'll suck off Eric July, maybe even get him to fuck my wife, because that would be awesome. And then I'll just milk the comic book retards for all the money they're fucking worth, show up at a couple comic book conventions, make another million dollars off of that, and then I'll be done with that. Unknown_05: And they can go fuck off too. And now that there's a rift between Eric July and Dick Masterson, he is 100% going to pick Dick over Eric July. But because he wants Eric July to continue to give him money and attention and to bring his comic book people into his fold as the base law guy who sticks up for comic book people and is anti-woke, he's gonna do this thing where he humiliates Eric July passively and then says, But I love you, brother. You're awesome, and your comic book is so great, and I wish you all the money in the world. I hope you sell two billion copies of the Ripperverse." And just do that, continuously, until Eric July is washed up by this, and then he can move on to the next person. Because I think that Dick Masterson and Rakeda had this unspoken agreement, and the same thing with Dick and Ralph. Anybody can be friends with Dick Masterson. 2:08:48 Unknown_05: Anybody can be friends with Dick Masterson, but you cannot criticize him. There's an unspoken agreement and maybe even spoken, but you will not criticize what he does, who he fucks, the drugs that he consumes, his takes on lollicon and child pornography and having sex with little girls. You will not, and who he associates with and their takes. If you have any criticism for any of that shit, keep it to yourself. Don't talk about it. And that's why Ralph will never say anything bad about Dick and Rakeda will never say anything bad about Dick. And Eric July asked him repeatedly. And I feel bad for Eric July because he's like, he's a black dude. He likes comic books. He wants to start a small business and he gets into this, this debate bro shit with Rakeda. Enriqueta is like an expert literally like a law law degree holding sector veteran who knows how to be as slimy as possible and Rick in Your July is trying to talk to him like a human being it's like dude Do you not see that these people are like being fucking assholes? It's like well No, I guess if you know I don't think then I maybe I would think that's dick behavior But like I don't know I talked to dick and he's like I didn't do anything illegal, bro So I'm just like I don't know man. It's like he's not talking to a person He doesn't recognize that because he's not really he's not expecting that someone can be so fucking two-faced it's it's beyond his comprehension because he as a normal person who's only interacted with other normal people and is completely unprepared for dealing for someone like Rikeda, who is a sectarite as opposed to a normal person. 2:11:05 Unknown_05: And like I said, I feel bad for him, I really do. He actually thinks that Rikeda is Unknown_05: Trying to be impartial and ricketa says all these nice things gushing over him and his comic book and he loves his business And what he's done, he's trying to be impartial and he's just trying to he's really upset that dick is doing this He's thinking. Oh, he actually does mean he's just in a bad position because of dick and he's like no He's trying to lie to you so that you go on his show and bring drama clicks to him So that when people search eric july the first thing that shows up are clips of him, you know, uh Belittling you and treating you like a retard kid that doesn't get it and making it look like a dipshit Because it makes some money make some super chat money gets attention to rumble which ups his contract Negotiating power and get some super chats and ad clicks and all that shit at his expense and the way I would describe this is that 2:11:40 Unknown_05: It's like Texas Hold'em. It's a lot like the game that Eric July and Reketa are playing is like Texas Hold'em in that every time the blinds go around, every round that he plays with them, it's actually Eric July is the only person playing blinds. Every round, he puts in money and everyone else plays at his expense. And then sometimes when there's a big ante up and Dick puts in all his reputation chips and Eric July meets that, The river comes out and someone's holding more than they were before somebody loses and somebody wins But every time he plays he's losing passively and if he doesn't understand the game that he's playing he's always going to lose 2:12:40 Unknown_05: The correct answer is not to play. Ice these people out. Recognize them as what they are. Dick Masterson is chronically addicted to attention. It does not matter if it's good or bad. You can call him a pedophile. You can make fun of him for being a little faggot that takes it up the ass. You can make fun of him for being like a failed LA comedian. You can make fun of him. For being a failed like womanizer. You can do all this shit. He does not care anytime you give him attention on twitter He is hyped. He is fucking psyched. Even when I make fun of him on the forum He'll repost my posts on the on twitter and be like joint calling the call on the show Call him the show josh call on the show. It's like no i'm never fucking talking to you again for as long as I live. Um Beto gets called a peddler. He doesn't care. He doesn't care As long as he's able to keep being a creepy weirdo, he doesn't give a shit. Um, and then Riley, oh my god. There's not a thing that Riley wouldn't do for fucking attention. So the- and Riketa's basing his entire career all fucking over other people and bringing into the fold their audience. 2:13:15 Unknown_05: So, uh, I do feel bad for Air July, and my opinion of Riketa is like, worsening constantly. Cause it really- I felt- 2:13:51 Unknown_05: I feel bad for fucking with Rikada like I do, because I don't want to show my hand too much, but he did something for me, and it wasn't like where I owe him. Let me be clear, I do not owe him money, I do not owe him a fucking thing. He suggested something to me that has paid off enormously, and in a way I'm kind of grateful, even though it's just like coincidental that it was a good thing. Unknown_05: But you know, I've always appreciated that and but now when I look at him and I look at how he talks And what he talks about and how he behaves and how he treats people and how he like just lies and like the weirdest way possible Um 2:14:32 Unknown_05: I just think that this is like a completely different person like it's like when someone has like like a serious traumatic brain injury and they wake up from a coma and Their personality is completely different There are many medical cases where this is the case where someone comes out of a coma and they're just like a belligerent retard asshole that nobody can recognize because they've literally suffered a personality change as a result of brain damage and And I honestly I honestly this is the only way that I can that I can figure out what that what has happened with him Is that he has drank himself to the point where there are holes in his brain? And he is now a completely separate person like he's had an actual reconfiguration of his personality So yeah, I don't know I'd like a I find this really despicable and then my point is Unknown_05: Dick made me laugh for the first time in a long time because he went out because Eric July said something about how cats were you know or Doing something he used some weird You know black term for something and then dick came out and said well Maybe you should clarify how you speak because I don't understand a bonnets and I thought wow I didn't realize that dick was just gonna go completely racist with this fucking random guy. Who's just making a comic book Dick has literally zero reason to have any beef with whatsoever 2:15:44 Unknown_05: But if they can we don't want to be more racist that I approve of that they can do that what's that gonna do How can you take your reputation any worse just start calling him the n-word on the show? Unknown_05: Start making monkey Why not become unhinged become ungoverned governable So What's this? 2:16:25 Unknown_05: Something about Talking DMS the other talking DM shit. Let's de-escalate this in a way where I have total control over the Conversation and nobody is a witness to it there was a Eric July, this is funny and I don't know if this is what it seems like but he did like a promotional deal for some of his merchandise and there was a $5 promo code that was just pull up and Unknown_05: And I realized that me saying that Rikada should pull up is a little bit of a meme now. And I can't tell if that is a reference to that or if it's just a coincidence, but it did make me laugh. 2:17:04 Unknown_05: No, I don't know. Unknown_05: That's my take on the Rikada stuff. I really, I really, really, really, really, really, really, really do not understand. Unknown_05: Why this guy? Um, I mean I understand I guess I understand it. I guess dick is literally just in it for the money He sees eric july as somebody that he can easily manipulate and exploit into giving him attention and uh drama to to monetize on the dick show And I guess for kata literally just sees him as a springboard to jump off of and get comic book money flowing to him Because what's his face? You know what it is. This is I didn't even think about this who there isn't um 2:17:36 Unknown_05: Jeremy Hambly the the quartering isn't he like one of the biggest rumbles superstars, and he's like all about the DC Marvel comic book shit, right? That's what he wants. Rikita saw how much money that fucking quartering makes off of his podcast and thought, damn, I got to get in on that shit. I got to find some fucking retard in the comic book industry to milk for money. And that's Eric July. Oh, great. He's anti-woke. He's a black, small business owner that makes some fucking book called the Ripperverse. Fuck it. I'll use this retard. I'll milk him. I'll be like the quarter poundering too. 2:18:07 Unknown_05: Oh, it's just the quartering. Quarter pounders is the meme. Sorry. Unknown_05: Okay, Jeremy Hambly the quartering let me organize this in my brain quarter pounder pounder is the meme, okay? Sorry the wires cross in my brain sometimes That's not wet brain, that's just how I am I'm just built this way it's not my fault I 2:18:51 Unknown_05: Alrighty. Unknown_05: Think I'm done with all this. Uh, I don't have anything else. I'll give my chat a second, actually. I will take a nice sip to rehydrate myself. Unknown_05: And if I missed anything, if anyone wants to shout something in chat, maybe I'll see it and respond to it. As I, as I mentally prepare for whatever super chats I got. Pizza brain Josh, hell yeah. Unknown_05: Hmm. Unknown_12: Reddit segment. Unknown_05: I forgot. Unknown_05: There's a reddit that someone posted I'll just I have a couple things but I'll say that for next time there's a reddit that someone posted that um I thought was funny it's called stupid dove nest These are the creations of one of God's favorite birds, the rock dove, also known as the pigeon. And I guess a seagull in this case, and I'm going to be reviewing some pigeon nest. You're ready. 2:19:38 Unknown_05: So this is a seagull that has nested in a very precarious location that gives me some anxiety. I don't know how. Unknown_05: Is there, like, a picture of the... of it, like, going over? No. Unknown_05: I don't know how it stays alive in that position, but good on it, I guess. I don't know how it doesn't freak out when the fucking train goes over it. If you're only listening, there's a seagull, and there's, like, a V-shape in the train track, so the... but he's, like, in the nest of the V-shape, so the train is, like, literally inches from his skull when it crosses over. I really don't know how... they manage that. 2:20:25 Unknown_05: These are two pigeons they appear to be on a moving arm of a car wash They're covered in shit because pigeons do that they poopoo when they leave a nest that's pretty cute though. They're chilling They're like proper doves to not like city pigeons Good at least it's a clean area to nest them Unknown_05: um this appears to be a pigeon nest being built on a balcony that is literally directly nest to a next to a falcon nest the falcon is sitting there staring at the pigeon with confused but hungry falcon eyes 2:21:05 Unknown_05: The falcon nest is actually inside the overhang of the window, but the pigeon nest is on the little I guess the owner of this house built a little thing so that a falcon could nest there and Didn't expect that a pigeon would also build immediately next to it So I don't know what the pigeons expecting. I wish I knew the outcome of this nest I have a feeling that the pigeon does get eaten. I Unknown_05: This one's just sad. This is like a Chinese elevator video. The pigeon has decided to lay his egg directly on an escalator. And I can only assume that seconds after this, the egg is destroyed by the Chinese escalator. So this is, this is not safe for work, really. This is a very sad picture of, of a pigeon about to be eaten by an escalator. 2:21:53 Unknown_05: Pigeon lays nests between two traffic cones. Well, I mean you're not gonna be hit by a car next to those two traffic cones It's a good place isn't it? Unknown_12: Oh my god, that pigeon is so socialized to humans Unknown_05: she's building a nest on a couch it seems inside somebody's house and apparently it is literally taking twigs out of somebody's hands to uh it laid an egg already okay they're gonna have to get a pot and put the egg inside the pot and then um move the pot slowly out of that area because that's Wow, that's crazy. Like if you're not gonna kill that pigeon and then egg you have to we'd have to put it into like a like a little like the um The bottom of like a clay pot and then put dirt in that and put twigs in that and then you can move the that tray But it's so socialized. I wouldn't I bet you you can just pick the pigeon up inside the tray and put it somewhere else And it won't fly away. That's really bizarre That's fucking adorable. It's a beautiful painting I would, I would hang that unironically up in my house. That's really, really, really, really cute. That's awesome art. 2:23:07 Unknown_12: Yeah, that's cool. Unknown_05: Um, that's amazing. That's the pigeon that has laid its egg on anti-bird spikes. So the egg is kind of like in an egg carton where it's like in the little cardboard crevices. Uh, this pigeon's egg are nestled in between the actual anti-bird spikes as the pigeon sits on the anti-bird spikes itself. It somehow managed to find footing through the spikes and is laying an egg directly on the spikes. That is a, uh, that's a power move for sure. It's a power move. 2:23:38 Unknown_12: Oh, there's another video of the, Unknown_12: That's really cute. Unknown_05: They, yeah, they're going to have to. Unknown_05: It's like, it's so crazy. This is a crazy bird. This bird has like bird schizophrenia. Look at it. It's willing to accept the twigs from the hand. But then when she sticks her hand towards the pigeon, it like has a panic attack. Cause it's getting too close to the nest. So it's like, that's a, that's a fucking lunatic bird. That bird has psychotic, like mental health issues. That's crazy. 2:24:12 Unknown_05: Okay, that's really cute, too. They're building right in the car hood. It's nice and warm. I can understand why they're doing that. This is in Florida. Unknown_12: Right on the garage floor. Unknown_05: You can even see that it pooped when it did it, too. She looks embarrassed. She looks embarrassed like a... like it was an accident. I didn't mean to lay the egg here. I have a nest back at home, I promise. We've got all the baby stuff ready. Aw, it's a dog! 2:24:43 Unknown_05: The duck can't eat frozen peas though, you're gonna have to put that into a bowl of water or something if you wanna To help it. They can't eat those peas. I'm pretty sure Okay, it thinks the charging block is an egg that's also really funny it's just a it's a nest that's built around like a white USB C to Outlet port and it seems to think of the white outlet port is a is an egg according to the Redditor Unknown_05: It's crazy that they just leave their eggs like that. There's not even like a semblance of a nesk. Unknown_05: That's cute. It's in the car hood. They like pots. That's what happened with me. I got one in my pot. 2:25:19 Unknown_05: On the basil plant. Oh, he has this on his porch too and he's not happy about it. Yeah, you're just fucked buddy. You can move the eggs to another pot and try it. Cause that's what I did. I moved them to a different pot and moved it. Unknown_12: That's cute he put a and that's it on the fan blade so he Dude, that's That's cute, but that's a really bad idea There's gonna be shit all over the place that coffee table will be covered in shit You're gonna be cleaning pigeon shit off that coffee table for the next month, bro It's not a good idea That's cute 2:26:14 Unknown_12: It's just in a falling chair, and it's funny Look It's like they fully accepted this now. Unknown_05: They're just gonna have to deal with pigeon shit He's not showing you the pigeon shit underneath this box Okay, that's awesome. This is the last one because this is amazing this appears to be a sink in a heroin junkies apartment It's just covered in filth and used needles and the pigeons have decided these used needles are the best place possible. I mean, it's basically like a bunch of sticks. So the needles are our new sticks and we're just going to lay there and if we get poked in the butt and get, get bird aids, that's, that's just what it is. 2:26:57 Unknown_05: All right That's been your reddit segment. That's a very cute reddit. Actually, that's very that's very wholesome There's still some wholesomeness on reddit, even though most of it is fucking garbage And with that chat, I shall go to show mode Unknown_05: I have another special song picked up by Hardman working hard funny enough Hardman working hard made a comment on the math here in a thread and it's really crazy because so many other songs are really really good and They don't get nearly enough attention because their music is like unironically outside of just being a medium It's actually really strong music And there's a lot of songs that they make that I like so I will continue to show for them because they're pretty good pretty talented 2:27:38 Unknown_05: All right. Super chats. Let me check the super, the thread to see if, uh, genocide or CEO has once again, saved my ass with the super chats. Uh, insensitive zero for five says Diane Feinstein is dead. Release the dancing crabs. Feinstein. Who's that? I recognize the name. Unknown_05: Oh, the Senator. Unknown_12: Okay. Hold up. 2:28:20 Unknown_05: See if I can find any time to hit the beat. All right, I got it, chat. 90 years old and still in the U.S. Unknown_05: Senate. Can you believe it? I think we need more of this. I think we need more crab raves, chat. Can we get a couple more? Can we get more, one a day, every day, for the rest of my fucking life? Fuck you. You've done nothing. You've served this country for 50 years and you've accomplished not a single fucking thing, Dianne Feinstein. 2:28:52 Unknown_05: Based and dead-pilled finally Haram burger for I says Josh you need to make avatars at mandatory on stream people with names starting with n I G G E and R used chat in a sequence such that the default letter ever has spilled out something racist outrageous. I agree. That's horrific if I find those people they will be Disciplined accordingly and if I promise you 2:29:31 Unknown_05: Docs found for five says hi Josh. I've tried three times in a row now to register on the farms I'm following the guidelines for a new account as far as I know But I keep getting rejected as my VPN certain email providers blacklisted if you use a disposable email address I will not approve it it must you're not following the guidelines You must have a altar a proper alter ego email address if it's disposable it gets rejected every time 2:30:02 Unknown_05: Roberto Chavez for five says five dollars for a soundbite advice on front-end software engineering It all sucks JavaScript is satanic, but I'm unaware there any way to distribute interfaces within the browser thoughts or advice No, you have to use JavaScript Unknown_05: But when you talk about soy dev what we talk about is interfaces that rely solely on JavaScript and do not have a plain HTML alternative In general there are so many like with Odyssey. I think Odyssey's entire interface is like loaded after the page loads So it's like 99% in JavaScript. That's soy dev Like a website should work without JavaScript and it should work with minimal JavaScript Because JavaScript is just like it's it's Over relied upon it's continuously used as a crutch for like bad web fundamentals, basically 2:30:58 Unknown_05: Define proper email address, skiff.com, ProtonMail, Gmail, Outlook, anything that you retain the password to. Use a password manager and an email address that you have in your password manager so that when you send a recovery email a year from now, you can log in. or use relay.firefox.org or .com, I can't remember, or use simple login. There are many, many alternatives. There is a link to privacyguides.io. Unknown_05: And this has all the information you could ever want for not being a fucking retard. It requires minimal work to be properly reseated so that you have all your passwords. Your shit is as secure as it could possibly be. Um, and, uh, even if shit gets hacked, they can't, you know, link your identities together and so on and so forth. 2:31:40 Unknown_12: Uh, okay. So now I'm done with the ones that were before the stream. Unknown_12: That's right. Kick doesn't have super chats. Unknown_12: All right. Unknown_05: He got so she me for one says trip. Thank you. I feel like I feel like I should get up and find a stepstool and replace a battery. I can't tell. I can't imagine why. 2:32:15 Unknown_05: Roxanne wolf for 20 says bark bark nothing my favorite kind of super chat Thank you very much for asking the wolf for trying to nice try with your meta and meta barking I don't know if that will fool anybody though Crispy legs forever for five says happy Friday do to Reno. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. It's a it's a great Friday indeed my friend 2:32:45 Unknown_05: Action Johnny for Tim says what does set Toru Iwata Steve Jobs and Richard Stallman have in common? They are all computer zealots who had cancer coincidence No It's the Internet the Internet is cancer and he gives everybody else cancer Judy tester for five says heart. Thank you Judy tester. I really appreciate that Judy tester Stupid fuck for five says Paul Fetch is the leader of anonymous. I have no fucking clue who Paul fetches Let me search them real quick Unknown_12: fetch Carnes and occupy all fetch is the new Andy Kaufman unless he's really I Have no idea who that is. There's a YouTube channel Last video was nine years ago. 2:33:29 Unknown_05: I really had no idea who this is. Sorry. I Unknown_05: Raby's running for twos as I was tripping balls on my friend's camper and he told me that steve-o got a baby rape arm tattoo. Is that true? I have no fucking idea, bro. How the fuck would I know that? Unknown_05: Google it Internet fruiting for one says for the super chats convert the currency to the universal value of gold and silver and Apparently someone has a multi chat thing called 3d Prager axle chat on github Always anyways enjoy PS. Dota is not fun. I agree. Well, no that I tried a bunch of different stuff I think including that and didn't work Converting it to the value of silver would be really really funny. However, I might do that 2:34:11 Unknown_05: Just start reading super chats and like the the value of an ounce like internet Freund for One one twenty one Point one is it 0.5 ounces that'd be funny. I might do that rabies redneck for one says music suggestions, and it is Caribbean health I want my dungeon axe mix I Unknown_05: Doesn't sound that promising. I'm gonna listen to it though. Thank you Kaleem al-assam provides as the least violent Arab in response to The Dutch guy who killed a bunch of people it remains unseen. He's probably is white. I wouldn't put it past. Oh, why do you to do that? 2:34:44 Unknown_05: David s 877 for 25 says I assume for maximum stability for recent changes. I should fix my ipv6 connection slash VPN at home If you want to use ipv6 Unknown_05: No, that did not that did not pan out the way that it that I was expecting ipv6 is available, but it's not super important Rabies redneck for two so the saturdays you feel knowing pretty much certain that someone at some point a mass shooter will have kiwi farm patches on his gear I don't think they will because my users are based in red pilled and not gay and cringe 2:35:35 Unknown_05: Res Bay for five says you can always tell whether it's Josh doing the stream or turkey time based on the way they pronounce erver It's true. That's their towel. What's the giveaway? Thank you. Unknown_05: I'm sorry for being cheap and annoying you in your sight You truly deserve better for me and I'll do anything to be let back on the farms. I'll bat for you Josh Can we just be cool again do to Reno? I have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry, dude Cocoa for one says speaking of the new things yours Would you like to join a guild some of my friends are making when ashes of creation comes out? I've never even heard of that maybe tag me on a forum thread and I'll look into it But chances are I will not ever be able To be able to play a video game for the rest of my fucking life Unknown_05: Box found for once it's good. They pull hyenas before release So now someone can take that name and make it a game about cute hyenas doing hyena things instead of drag queens girl bosses fortnight payday 4 I think it was named hyenas because of girl dick like unironically because I hyenas have like huge clitorises that they Humiliate the men with and that's kind of like what they were going for. I'm pretty sure like from the concept. It was fucking disastrous and 2:36:27 Unknown_05: Tp. Deluxe survives does nothing those are my favorite donos. Oh, yeah I forgot to mention ten hours of government content coming next week in October low-tax person stream on the way You can hold me to this guys. Thank you tp. Deluxe great super chat. What are my favorites? Unknown_05: Jim bathy 420 says jersh. Can you give me a gay or not gay when riding with this patch swag? Thanks Okay, let's see this patch 2:37:03 Unknown_12: That's cool. Unknown_12: That's pretty good. Unknown_12: This patch just came out great. Unknown_05: I don't, I have them in a bag but I have not put them on anything. Unknown_05: Pretty cool my dude. I will be doing shirts by the way soon. I'm working out the final last details of that before I can start sales. Unknown_05: Newest coin on the collection Biafra three pence Biafra was a breakaway safe from Nigeria for three years. 2:37:37 Unknown_05: Oh Is it silver I don't care about about like African coins if it's not silver This is aluminium what am I gonna do with an aluminium coin? I'll throw it at you be gone Biafran There's nothing more that I can make with this Unknown_12: Um Oh my god, kawaii angel for five says hey noel. Unknown_05: Have you been keeping up with space station 14? The playtest is open, but it's full of training shit. No, I have not because it's full of training show Just uninterested bro. Everything that I like is dead and gay now forever and ever 2:38:18 Unknown_05: Danny Ock for two says I ironic hyenas and call that since they're scavengers and eat dead animals is if they're trying to eat the dying body of overwatch also works because hyena females have pseudo dicks and there's a troon I said that part, but yeah, that's also true. They eat the king corpses. So that makes sense with overwatch Unknown_05: Debugs for once in stealing iPhones from apples are very concerning. They can remotely disable that shit Yeah, well, that was the meme with the video, but then they smashed it. So Apple still lost money, which is fucking funny And you can undo that if you know how to solder which is based if you're a romanian You know how to solder iPhones and iMacs and shit your base cuz fuck Apple Tag out to see me for once as you know a mark of intelligence to film and stream yourself making crime That's a true a high IQ move. Oh 2:39:00 Unknown_05: They're not gonna get prosecuted regardless. That's okay Longboarder 241 says if you were a smart looter you disassemble the phones and sell the parts Well, you can't really do that because they're all like one piece. You can't replace the batteries and modern phones It's fucking bullshit. Longboarder 241 for two says they fucked with the Minecraft kid. Unknown_05: I Don't know what that means. Sorry David s 877 for one says the training violence school is a middle school not surprising. It's a Portland suburb Yeah, so I said no Portland Unknown_05: Casting couch crab for tenses. I'm mobilizing a crab regimen. Alaskan royalty will spearhead the offensive into California wishes luck in the campaign If you were a hermit crab, what man-made items would you take for a shell? 2:39:41 Unknown_05: For a shell a gun so I can So I can kill as many Californians as possible. Hypothetically speaking as a hermit crab from the Alaskan Royalty Regiment Unknown_05: One says Keffel's broad nigga. She it man. I agree the horse beater for once is no training child He will not be a horse in public school. Enjoy prison Beat a horse. There was no, that's mean. Don't be fun of her Did act for two says to quote war games? The only winning move is not to play when the shrooms on the left have no one to scapegoat as bigots They'll eat each other. Let them fight and see and enjoy the shit show I agree divorce yourself from the retards and didn't have nothing to do with them 2:40:20 Unknown_05: No g year man for ten says breaking update for don't send your kids to public school segment, and there is a link to An article which has been cut down See if I can just google it and get the actual URL because it was a very long URL and rumble doesn't love it Hazelbrook middle school in total TN evacuating students Due to direct threats of violence Unknown_05: I'm gonna guess that this is the same school and now that there are national news people are sending in threats and shit Yeah, don't send them to public school Foxes for ten says thou reaps what thou sows soos or whatever. I hate the English You reap what you sow. This is the actual expression. I do nice try. Good luck Dutchman Pimmel Fetcher for two says I like your streams. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I like my streams, too. I Unknown_05: Gump Gump for 20 says Amberlynn and those TikToks looking uncannily similar to Jim Sterling. Holy shit. Dude, when people are that fat and that gender blobby and that like, you know, like overtly sexual, they like just morph into the same kind of gender blob without any distinctions. 2:41:21 Unknown_05: Sneado for 10 says cat box file. Let's see. Unknown_12: Oh, I know what this is. Unknown_12: The audio is really bad on it though. 2:42:06 Unknown_10: I was just racing, you know like normal, I was trying to straight race in the top of the hallway, and then I just fell asleep, fell asleep, totally useless, I hit a fucking road on the ice, fucking road died. Unknown_05: See, it can't do my voice because I never raised my voice, so it doesn't know what to do when someone's like screaming like a lunatic. Like, how do you, it just has to like, have me yell really shrilly. That's my fucking car. I crashed my fucking car. Thank you. It told me to knock her to survive. So today's the anniversary of the USS Connecticut, a battleship that would started a monetization of the United States Navy. Unknown_05: In the USS Richmond, a light cruiser that saw action against Japan. 2:42:59 Unknown_05: That is very informative. Naval news alerts for everybody in chat. Unknown_13: Thank you. Unknown_05: Orange Monster Energy for 5 says, Vash the Stampede is wolf tone. Change my mind, it is wolf tone. You're not wrong. Unknown_05: Pipkin Pipka for 10 says, Hey Josh, ever think of playing Class of 09? It's a video game. I've never even heard of it. Sorry, and you haven't convinced me to play it. Unknown_05: All Else Fails for 10 says, Rackets whining about the farms in the same breath projecting Riley is the epitome of his hypocrisy. It is absolutely the epitome of the fucking brain rot. 2:43:36 Unknown_05: Orange monster energy for five says I had a pigeon making nest under the pigeon loft But to go inside one-way trap to eat at night, so she was on the nest every other day I would send pin in photos, but I don't want to dox myself. That's okay pigeon photos can be enjoyed by yourself That's cute though pigeons are pretty cute. You know they're just flying rats Sundown 44 for 20 says great stream. Thank you. Oh my god such flattery such amazing flattery. Oh Unknown_05: Bunker housing for five says say something nice about Sweden. Uh, they collaborated with the Nazis that count. Um, I think Sweden. Unknown_05: Sweden's very privacy oriented a lot of good like privacy tech is coming out of Sweden It's about as much as you're gonna get Space Allen for ten says great show looking forward to getting a t-shirt. Thank you. 2:44:26 Unknown_05: I'm glad people are hype for the shirts Mad clock for five says Josh you should set the $5 plus sound effect to chirp. No, that would be really really really really fucking annoying. I I can't do sound effects that are annoying because that like disincentivizes people from donating Like why would you want to donate money to be annoyed? You know what? I mean, so that doesn't work Okay, let me check the rumble honest people Norm Macdonald was a pigeon. Unknown_12: Is that true? 2:45:02 Unknown_12: I'm waiting for Odyssey to open. It's very long Unknown_12: Yup. Unknown_12: Yup. Unknown_12: Still waiting. Unknown_12: Try reloading it. Unknown_05: The issue is if I, if I switch the chat on the main one, then the chat breaks. 2:45:34 Unknown_12: So I can't do that. Unknown_12: If I open a private tab, brave, it'll work. Unknown_12: Well, that seems to be working. Okay. Unknown_05: James Boone for $25 says happy pizza day and return to the dotnet. Thank you I too am hype for both pizza and a return to normal hashtag return to normal hashtag. No new normal. Thank you Money man for $20 says hey Josh longtime Kiwi fan. Enjoy a video of a true and totally not regretting their life choices I will let's see. That's very good 2:46:08 Unknown_12: This is called transgender doesn't regret bottom surgery. Unknown_05: Okay, this is promising. This is promising. Let's check it out Unknown_01: So I just got diagnosed with vaginal stenosis. Unknown_01: If you're confused, hi, I'm Zaya. I'm transgender. And like eight months ago, I got bottom surgery or gender confirmation surgery. So I had a PP and now I have a vagina. And let me just preface this by saying I do not regret getting surgery. I do not regret it. So I don't want any of y'all conservative ass bitches to twist my words. I do not fucking regret. 2:46:42 Unknown_05: I promise you, I will not twist your fucking words and shit, man. Unknown_01: surgery. However, I knew recovery was gonna be hard, but nobody tells you that it could be this fucking hard. But yeah, I was diagnosed with vaginal stenosis, and if you don't know what that is, it's basically when scar tissue gets built up inside of the vaginal canal to the point where it's, like, extremely tight and uncomfortable. And the thing is, for the first year after getting bottom surgery, you have to dilate your vagina religiously because it's a brand new canal that needs to be kept open religiously for the first year. And now that I have this stenosis, I physically cannot dilate. My vagina still has depth. Oh my God, the words, I can't dilate. I can't, please, man, I can't dilate. Shut up. I can't dilate, man. so tight to the point that it could start to close and form pockets that could lead to infection which means that i have to get another surgery i basically just have to get the surgery all over again and get my vagina replaced and like it's just so fucking annoying It just sucks because my vagina has made me so happy happier than I've ever been I finally feel comfortable in my body It's so pretty on the outside. It's just the inside of it. That's all fucked up I have to get an emergency revision surgery. I'm still waiting on the day. Hopefully it's soon Yeah, I just wanted to come on here and be open and honest because I hope this shows you guys that being transgender is i would never choose this lifestyle i did not choose to struggle like this all of the struggles that i've been through and i'm still going through are just to feel comfortable with my fucking self to feel comfortable in my fucking body and it's so hard it's so fucking hard but i would do this shit all over again if i had to i would do it all over again wow 2:48:55 Unknown_05: We done really fucked up the next generation, huh? Sucks to be retarded, I guess. Unknown_05: Thank you. Neighbor for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Diamo. Have you heard, or did you hear that all of the employees hired by fortune five, 100 companies, only 6% were white. Should we all change our names to Tyrone? Unknown_05: Uh, yes. Unknown_05: That would, uh, financially Evan advantage, you know, 2:49:28 Unknown_12: Sorry, I got a notification. Unknown_05: Uh, me returning to.net has caused, uh, some, I see my superiority has caused some, some, uh, discussion. Unknown_05: Uh, Fido Hungarian imperialist for 15 says for 50 years, the Dutch East India company outcompeted their British counterpart by shooting, shooting and arsoning anybody who refused to trade with them. Eventually the British were forced to mimic the Dutch blood lesson became the, because it was the only dominant strategy. That's pretty fucking base to be honest with you. 2:49:59 Unknown_05: open the country stop having the country be closed it's very effective bumbo dumbo for 78 says saw you seething about veterans on the last streams here is what i saved from my last silver purchase with my veteran discount so you can't mauled about not getting thanks for being an internet janny anymore you are welcome for my service Thank you for your service, my dude. It's true. It's not that I actually hate the veterans, it's that I'm pissed off that I personally cannot rip off the Department of Defense for the thousands and thousands of dollars that every single person on this planet, except for me, gets to rip off. If I could rip off the DOD and make a ton of money, I would do it. Legally speaking, if I could legally do something to rip off the DOD and make a bunch of fucking money, I would do it. But alas, I cannot. Unknown_05: So I'm just fucked. I just have to take what I can get. 2:50:52 Unknown_05: Thank you. Sneeds for 20 says nothing. Thank you very much Sneeds for your perfect super chat. Unknown_05: Useless user for one says test. Unknown_05: Thanks. Unknown_05: Test test worked confirmed. Kali Yuga writer for three says someone where I live in Manhattan put up a chantel poster. This was from today and this is how it worked. Looked on the 14th two days ago. OK, let's check this out. Unknown_12: And this is how. Unknown_12: Two pictures and this look what I wrote in the second photo. Okay I'm someone posted this on the forum was this year that posted on the forum What I got now cat box is so slow recently, I don't know why I 2:51:25 Unknown_12: It's still loading show he sent me like like 20 megapixel photos of this poster, so it's chugging along Okay, this one says the first one says you Unknown_05: Shame on YouTube for allowing this hashtag animal abuser Chantelle's or all aka foodie beauty to stay on their Their platform, I guess then it was all torn up for some reason someone try to remove it But then this guy says that he scribbled Josh moons wife 2:52:27 Unknown_05: I thought the big one was the J. I was like, why did you write an S there? No, I see. I understand now. Oh, there's a parenthetical bracket around it. And then read more on Kiwi Farms. That's the kind of guerrilla advertising that we need. Good job, my boy. Good job. Unknown_05: Very, very based. Unknown_05: JK Augustinson for two says, found an Easter egg in Baldur's Gate 3 that may be good to have on record for future needs. Unknown_12: All right. 2:53:00 Unknown_12: Dead toll collector. Oh Like like old hole collector. Unknown_05: I don't know if that's based. It's probably just an accident. I did I don't think baldo gate 3 could be that good Stained for 5 says you kiwi farms link. Yeah truans out you've been Those truans out true now, it's that you've seen as they play out happen in real life Unknown_05: I guess he really wants me to read this 2:53:35 Unknown_05: I had a co-worker once, it was a shaggy Burger King job, but I wanted to make an extra cash. I gotta make ends meet. I met this specimen, we'll call him Danny. Danny is retarded. Danny was obsessed with Smash Bros and Nintendo and apparently didn't have many friends, so Danny would overshare with work with us. Danny isn't your typical trainee. Danny looks sort of tall and muscular, not too bad, but enough to be intimidating. Dan is also obsessed with lollies. Danny comes into work one day with a fucking pin of some fucking lolly on his hat and pride flag and demands what we call him, Lucina. The gears in my head turn. He plays Lucina in Smash. Did he really turn out to be his own fucking waifu? Eventually they took a mile, if you will. They needed to leave because of their period. They need to use the women's restroom. They need everyone to wear pronoun tags. Neighbor, you are wearing a blue wig. Now one day my autism kicks in. 2:54:10 Unknown_05: He says, you couldn't have named yourself after a good fire emblem character in training. Danny fucking freaks out. I generally don't remember any of the rant aside from, I don't know where you live, but I know what church you go to and I'll beat the shit out of you in front of your pastor and proceeded to walk out. That's a self termination. They weren't happy about being told that. 2:54:42 Unknown_05: When you work at the Burger King, you will stay in the Burger King And I do not care if your fire emblem character is called out you will stay on premises or you will be fired It's pretty base. That's how you get that's how you win shot you find out the rules and You trigger trigger the lives own the lives and then they then they get fired by their own actions Zast as they say Unknown_05: Uh, money man for 10 says, did you see the court footage leak regarding Ethan Ralph? And then money man for five says, fuck, I made a mistake in links. What I assume is the court footage of Ethan Ralph, in which case I have not seen this. Unknown_05: Oh, this, this is definitely, this is huge. It's breaking 13. 2:55:26 Unknown_06: You were in Jackson township. Unknown_06: You did by engaging in the matter. Unknown_06: What was that? Unknown_06: You can't be serious. You can't be serious. I know. I apologize. Well, your apology isn't accepted. You're a moron. You can't do that. For gosh sakes, I'm having a court hearing here. Unknown_05: He farted? Unknown_06: No kidding. Unknown_05: What's he supposed to do? He just farted. Unknown_05: What's he going to do? Does he get expelled? 2:56:00 Unknown_06: Yeah. He's got a nice attitude. Unknown_06: Why would you interrupt the court hearing to say who farted? Unknown_05: Which one of you farted? Thank you. Spitefulgit420 says, Josh, I've known the kiwi farms for three years and listened to every matinee. Congrats on getting it back. However, I am British. I know there's nothing more you despise on earth. Honest question, would you rather I not watch your content or use the farm? I will abide by your answer. British can be seen, but not heard. And they can super chat. Those are the rules. Thank you. 2:56:32 Unknown_05: Poopery for 25 says fuck found out 30 minutes before your stream that my dad has cancer He's not gonna be healed from it. Thanks for the stream. They're an island of sandy ocean. I'm in sandy Take care of the ones you love you can lose them fashion now awesome. I'm getting the the cancer super chats now my dude I am sorry to hear that your father has cancer. However, my internet my internet powers only allow me to mend the cancerous ulcers of the internet and not of paternal figures so therefore Unknown_05: All I can offer is condolences, my dude. 2:57:06 Unknown_05: Sorry to hear that. Unknown_05: Sneed S McSneedinson for five says, Whoa, buddy. Ashen felted. Ooh, big don't know. Big shout out. What's going on? Red pill gang TV. Oh, sevens. Women are pigs. Yeah. Let's do a poll chat. I have a moiled reputations. I don't necessarily co-sign this bug. Super chat mechanics like cam on. I can't do it. I can't take this shit no more, man. Unknown_05: Excellent very good. Thank you Devious day for five says rip kiwi farm user mutley He was a law enforcement officer mall cop and died in the law of duty yesterday after an anvil was dropped on his head While trying to stop a single mother from stealing bread. He will be missed I hope that bitch didn't get her her ill-gotten gains at the end of it. Good job motley press F 2:57:45 Unknown_05: Cloud a family for five says have you looked into using entropy slash entropy streaming is an additional way for you get super chats The owners are pretty based on what I know and they always get back to you when you contact them Anyways, love the streams. You're the best Josh. Um An entropy like a porn thing. I don't know about that. I haven't heard about them Sorry, I can't I haven't looked into it now Unknown_05: Lotta for me for five says my favorite episode of Steve's VNC was where Homer goes to the nuclear plant to work and sees BLM banner at the entrance who gets an ar-15 from the trunk of a fancy German car and walks into mr. Burns office and shoots all the administration an absolute classic I haven't seen that one sounds interesting. Thank you Need for one says apparently Tupac's killer has been caught. I thought you said Tupac was in Serbia with you He is it's all you see what they want you to see and nothing more ever ever 2:58:35 Unknown_12: The horse beater for once is nice show stalker enjoy prison. Thank you. I will Okay, we're done I will see you guys on Tuesday, which will probably be around when the shirt sales start Thank you for watching 2:59:19 Unknown_05: Thought I had a funny outro idea pick, but you know what I just can't think of any Hopefully I have a backup hamster cuz my my hard drive is broken. I think I keep all my hamsters on that hard drive I Was looking to okay. See you when I see you. Bye. Bye Wait, let me put this on the browser so you can actually see the video Unknown_12: Black male, pyramid, several levels deep Every asset with an asset with an asset on defeat Scratch the surface, take a peek, see what's hiding underneath Everybody's got a little secret they would kill to keep Sleepless night again, just me and my own head I did what they all said, but still the pills have no effect I don't care, yeah, cause today I made a friend And I met him on an Asian basket, making us all rate and thread I digress, man, I swear, he's just like me for real 3:00:12 Unknown_11: Can I play this one? Oh, I remember it. I fucked up. I remember, I did play it because I remember I used the glow hamster. Okay. Unacceptable. Unacceptable. Give me a second. I'm gonna find the other song. I cannot, I know the rule is chat and so do I. Um. 3:00:42 Unknown_12: Sorry, I shouldn't do that right into the mic. Unknown_12: I didn't like what I missed so much. That one just wasn't my thing. Unknown_12: Check my music history. Unknown_12: You know what? Unknown_12: Fuck it. Unknown_12: All right. See you. Bye-bye. 3:01:15 Unknown_14: I'm making friends with the silence. Unknown_14: I want to see what the darkness knows. Unknown_14: I'm sick of trying to fight it And taping my eyelids closed I still recall the sound of the screaming I felt so at home, hyperventilating And it was my solace Always thought that I was blind till I opened my eyes 3:04:24 Unknown_14: And then I was alone Perfectly alone And then I was alone Perfectly, wonderfully, awfully, finally alone