Hello. Oh boy. Well, I found an abandoned newborn puppy. That's sad. I don't want to see that.
Unknown_11: Thanks YouTube.
Unknown_11: How is everybody hope everyone's doing well, I'm doing well, I'm feeling renewed and I feel reinvigorated chat as it were I am unbridled in optimism and Determination so You get a full week recap for the stream because I missed Tuesday because I had shit to do I had very important Kiwi business to to attend to Which is successful
And, uh, I really don't have anything form related to recap one. Everything's been fine. So it's been stable. I added more servers to the Kiwi flare thing to handle attacks. Um, usually around the middle of a month, which is what I understand is when welfare in the UK pays out, we almost always get attacked like DDoS attacked. Um, and it's pretty consistent for a couple of days after like the 15th of every month.
Unknown_11: and uh so but this this month wasn't really impacted and uh we have more hardware for it and let's see i have some some stuff in the works but yeah uh
I'm trying to get the t-shirt thing set up, but I have so much I do I'm like I'm like drowning and like shit that I have to do It's driving me crazy. It's driving me crazy. I'm under a lot of pressure to handle like a million things at once so forgive me, but
Unknown_11: I don't think that there's anything, anything else related to the farm. I got emails working briefly and then we immediately hit a quota of like 50,000 emails in like 10 hours. It was supposed to be a 24 hour quota of 50,000 emails and we hit that in 10 hours and then, so now no emails are sending again. I got locale.email up if you have a locale email account that you haven't been able to access for a while.
and some I I have disabled like Notifications for conversation messages for all users because what these people like to do is create these fucking spam emails like where they DM a literally like at 200 fucking people and then they talk and then it's like a 500 page conversation and because conversation watching is enabled by default because usually you want to be notified when you get a conversation and Every single person in that thread gets an email update every single time anybody replies to it. So when you have like 20, you know, 500 pages of 20 replies each, it's literally 4,000 notifications. Again, the consent out every hour, uh, which has blown through our quota.
Unknown_11: It's, it's a really fucking gay. So I've turned it off for everybody by default. Um, people can opt in to receive emails if they want, but.
Unknown_11: Outside of that you're just fucked I will reiterate that people do need like a valid email address because I am going to be sending out the first ever Like notification to absolutely everybody on the site. I don't know if I've ever done that before I might have done that one time But I will be sending out a mass email to everybody Around the end of the month so So that's your that's your status quo update
Now, the intro slide, the heckin' wholesome pity going on a nice little walk through the neighborhood, that is in addressing a specific issue affecting God's least favorite island, the United Kingdom. In Birmingham, where I think an 11-year-old girl was viciously slaughtered by an aggressive caninus africanus, they decided to ban the Pitbull XL breed from the country along with a bunch of other shitty dogs nobody really needs. That are not really safe to have around human beings as opposed to the sub-saharan Africa where they originate from and where they belong so a bunch of retards decided hey, we're gonna have a big walk we're gonna bring a bunch of pitbulls and as it says here a
Bully meat all dogs welcome want to see as many people as possible bring as many people and kids as possible friendly walk We can't be stopped for walking our dogs. Let's show how gentle the XL bully really is. Let's get this out there Anyone from Birmingham or the surrounding areas turn up? Let's prove people long So they've decided to have an all-you-can-eat Pitbull buffet. They're gonna bring out as many children and as many of these shitty dogs to one location. So if even a single, like, okay, even, like, even if Pitbulls are at, like, an ambient danger level, that's not really going to affect most people who own them. If one of those dogs goes apeshit and eats a child, All of them will all of them will also go ape shit because dogs are pack animals So when one of them goes into a frenzy and starts eating a child, the other ones are going to be set off Uh socially and will also start eating children So it would cause a literally a mass panic where these enormous 200 pound africanus dogs would start eating children and it would set all the other ones off too like in a in a cascade So it was the greatest thing That a British person has ever has ever wanted to do is unironically the most awesome thing I've ever heard plan so naturally
They immediately canceled it, and their dog walk to save the Pitbull XL breed in the United Kingdom no longer will permit any Pitbulls at their dog walk event. So after someone explained to them how the dogs would probably end up killing people in that event, they have actually started to ask people not to bring any dogs whatsoever. Their March which was designed to indicate to people that they had nothing to be afraid of in regards to these aggressive shitty breed dogs And you're right. There is no hamster that's because I've changed my drive where I Where I keep my assets because I
I had to re-encode it so I could open it on Windows. I always fuck that up. I always fuck up the encoding on my drives. I really hate touching drives, if you haven't noticed. Actually, did I even mention about the failure? Because I assume that happened... Did I mention that there was like a serious issue over the... No, because that was over the weekend, so it would have been on a Tuesday stream.
Unknown_11: We had four NBME drives that plugged into, I think, what they call a YouTube port, so it's like on the front face of the server. All four of them went offline at once. So I lost, um, terabytes of storage, high quality storage on like really expensive enterprise drives. And I haven't been able to diagnose the X. I haven't had time. Um, but it would be statistically improbable unless they all came from the same batch and there was like a specific fault in that batch.
That all propped at once But either that or there was some issue with the headers on the motherboard or the actual ZFS Backplate had an issue either way. We lost our entire RAID storage at once which literally Literally deleted the entire site the entire database was just gone the entire Installation was just gone so I spent my weekend Reinstalling the Kiwi farms from our backups from scratch which rolled back about 12 hours of attachments and in post Which sucked?
So I Had to Yeah, I had to do that and then I had to apply a bunch of custom changes because I didn't I don't Back up the actual scripts for the forum too much because it's just in 4o and some custom add-ons But I had to figure out some custom things that I had done to keep the site working That was fun that was a nice use of my time then I'll have to figure out what to do for Replacing it because right now. It's just on the same The same raid as the actual content which I don't want because if there's a wear-out issue which apparently there is I Want to move that off as soon as possible That's your your Kiwi firms update
What's next? I think there's more British news there is so the British the Parliament Specifically Chris Pavlovsky from the culture media.
Unknown_11: No, sorry. This is to Chris Pavlovsky from Dom Do you pronounce that Dame or Dom Dom a imagine Dame Dame Carolyn Denny Hodge DBE MP from the chair of culture media and sport committee in the United Kingdom Parliament As said to Chris Plavovsky in Chief Executive Officer of Rumble by email, Dear Chris, I am writing concerning the serious allegations regarding Russel Brand in the context of his of his being a content provider on rumble with more than 1.4 million followers the culture media and sport committee is raising questions with the broadcasters and production companies who have previously employed mr brand to examine both the culture of the industry in the past and whether that culture shall prevails today However, we are also looking at his use of social media including on rumble where he issued his preemptive response to the accusations made against him by the Sunday Times and Channel 4 Dispatches while we recognize that rumble is not the creator of the content published by mr Brand we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform
We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is still able to monetize his content, including his videos relating to serious accusations against him. If so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr. Brand's ability to earn money on the platform. We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of appropriate and potentially illegal behavior. So the it almost makes me feel bad for the British reading this because like imagine
You know, for everything that's happened with the Kiwi farms, even Marjorie Taylor Green, who was swatted in the swatter, blame the Kiwi farms. She never went out and said that we have to get rid of this. Actually, she did, but she didn't like deliberately go out and try to de-platform the Kiwi farms. She went on TV and said, I don't know what I say like that even exists, but she didn't like go out of her way to try to de-platform it. In the United Kingdom, if you're accused of a crime, your own representatives, before you're convicted of anything or found guilty of anything in any court of law will go out to your sponsors and personally narc on you to them and try to get you banned and demonetized like that is this is like just a random twitter user who is somehow empowered by the parliament of the united kingdom one of the most wealthy nations in the world to fuck with you
the MP got into a lot of trouble over that? I would fucking hope so. Like, bitch, you're elected to represent people and uphold the constitution, they don't have the constitution, they have like eight shittier constitutions that all suck. But there's like eight, okay, so you're, you know, you swore to uphold the crown and the eight shitty constitutions that make up the United Kingdom's basis of law. And I imagine somewhere in there that there is presumably a clause that says you're guilty after you're found guilty and not before you're found guilty. Despite this the MP has gone on said actually you need to make sure that this person can't earn any money While they're in the process of defending themselves from from accusations
It's really fucking nuts. Rumble actually responded to this, telling the United Kingdom to go fuck themselves, which I take credit for. I was the first one to tell, as a internet service provider, I guess, that I was the first website host to tell a commonwealth country to eat shit, and I have inspired an entire generation, and again, I'm taking credit for all of this, I've inspired an entire generation of web providers To tell Commonwealth countries to eat shit, and I'm taking full credit for this.
It's true, I was doing a lot of things before it was cool. Rumble responds saying, Today we have received an extremely disturbing letter from a committee chair in the UK parliament, while Rumble obviously deplores sexual assault, rapes, and all serious crimes, and believes that both alleged victims and the accused are entitled to a full and serious investigation. It is vital to note that recent allegations against Russell Brand have nothing to do with the content on Rumble's platform. Yesterday, YouTube announced that, based solely on media accusations, it was barring Mr. Brand from monetizing his video content. Rumble stands for very different values.
Unknown_11: We have devoted ourselves to the vital cause of defending a free internet
Which one? Which internet are you defending, Rumble? Which internet are you wanting to make free? The internet? I think you mean the internet, the big one, the one that most people use. I just want to clarify which internet you're talking about here.
Unknown_11: Meaning an internet, which one? Where no one arbitrarily dictates which ideas can or cannot be heard or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform.
Unknown_11: We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous the UK Parliament would attempt to control what is allowed to speak on our platform and earn a living in doing so signaling on individual and determining Demanding his ban is even more disturbing. What's weird? This is one of the many many reasons why the British are fucking cancer It's not like this cunt does not come out and say We would ever we would be ever so grateful if you would ban this person from your platform They don't ever do that. This isn't just like parliamentarians speaking either. This is just not like a representative being legally wise and how they were this. This is how all British people write. They would never say, we hope you do something. They'd say, we would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetize his content, including his videos relating to the serious accusations against him. They beg a question. They say,
Uh, we surely hope that you're not going to do this thing that we don't want you to do, but they'll never say, don't do this thing that we don't want you to do. Cause I guess the British are like really obstinate too. And that doesn't work in their culture. If you say, Hey, don't do that. It was like fuck off. Like that's just how they respond. So they had to say, I would really ever be so grateful if you could confirm if you're going to do something. And then even like a drunk, like a retard at a pub would be like, okay, I guess not. I guess I'll confirm that I'm not going to do that anymore. And that's just how you have to communicate like they operate on a different wavelength They have their own protocol for interfacing with each other and to normal people It just looks like them being stuck up retard cunts all the time, but to like British people That's just how you have to talk if you want to do anything at all Um
Deeply inappropriate, we don't agree with the behavior of many creators, but refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with the platform. Although it may be politically and socially easier for a multijointed cancel culture bomb doing so would violate our company's values and missions, we emphatically reject the UK Parliament's amounts. You see how easy it is? You just tell these people no.
Unknown_11: You have a court order in a country that I care about. No. Ah, geez. Ah, geez, dude. Everyone who has all G's on the bingo card is going to have to mark it. But ah, geez, dude, I'm afraid I can't do that. I really busted my balls here, but I got to say no. Sorry. You're going to have to go pound sand, bitch.
Doesn't rumble run on AWS? Kick does. I don't know about rumble. I think rumble has their own infrastructure.
Unknown_07: such that it is.
Unknown_11: Uh, awesome. Oh God. So many, so many good English suffering articles today.
Unknown_11: Sex offender, 27 who identifies as a woman and is being held in a man's jail, sexually assaulted female and male prisoner officers, prison officers while being served food in cell. Uh, here we go. Here's the nice lady. So the sex offender who identifies as a woman is being held in the men's jail. It has admitted to groping to prison officers while being served food in a cell. Katana Paris, 27. That's the trainees fucking him.
Yeah, what's like I want to be named katana after the sword because that sounds kind of feminine because it has an a at the end and then Paris because it's a city in France, which is a Supposedly not a gigantic shithole Yeah, my name is katana Paris who was partway through a three-year sentence for the time for attacking a nurse assault He assaulted a nurse went to jail and then assaulted the corrections officer Assaulted the male and female staff members of HMP a force bank in Manchester last week or last year
The offender walked towards her and touched her inappropriate the next day Paris reached the cell door and grabbed the genitals of a male officer as he tried to serve lunch Paris in the two counts of sexual assault and was handed a further six month sentence about six months He'll be rehabilitated after that. You got you add those six months and I'm like, ah, fuck I really shouldn't have done that Damn, man, when I'm held accountable for the things that I do, it really makes me reflect on my behavior. It makes me think if I continue to do this, I'll have to be deprived more of my freedom, man. That makes it really undesirable to sexually assault people. Duh.
Unknown_11: That'll work.
Unknown_11: Okay, this is something that I I'll play a little bit of it's kind of interesting to hear this because This is something that I've been screaming about for fucking years and now it's like mainstream, which is really gratifying So I will play a bit of this
A growing number of Christian and conservative groups are facing a new kind of discrimination. Banks are closing their accounts, turning off payment processors, putting some on blacklist. What's even more troubling is that these actions are carried out under the cover of our federal banking laws. CBN's Dale Hurd reports on what's behind this growing trend.
Unknown_21: Banking has become weaponized. Christian and conservative groups are labeled high risk and then debanked or denied financial services. Among the victims, Indigenous Advanced Ministries, which helps orphans and widows in Africa. Its account closed by Bank of America. Family Council of Arkansas, which works to promote traditional family values, canceled by JPMorgan Chase. And the pro-family Ruth Institute. It lost its payment processor after it was targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.
The office manager received an email saying, we're not going to do business with you anymore. She went right then and looked at our bank account and it was gone. The credit card processing was gone.
Unknown_21: And what qualified the Ruth Institute as an alleged hate group?
Unknown_20: The dream of the Ruth Institute is that every child be welcomed into a loving home with their own mother and father married to each other.
Unknown_21: Even the National Committee for Religious Freedom, a multi-faith organization headed by former U.S. Senator and Religious Freedom Ambassador Sam Brownback, had its bank account closed by JPMorgan Chase.
Unknown_19: I went in to make a deposit at a branch here in Kansas. about three or four weeks after we'd opened up the account, I think. And the teller there said, that account's been closed. I go, what? He said, yeah, that account's been closed. Your funds will be being sent to you in a couple of weeks.
Banking expert Nick Anthony says federal law gives banks a myriad of excuses to cancel groups whose values present what's termed reputational risks. He adds the real culprits may also be federal regulators who can pressure banks to cancel certain groups. Banks are deputized as de facto law enforcement investigators.
Unknown_11: You have heard me, this is a timestamp I wanted to close at, you have heard me for sure, if you've listened to me, use the term deputize to describe banks and payment processors, and especially payment networks like Discover, MasterCard, and VisaCard. Because I borrowed that word from Ron Paul in 2002 when the,
I think it was 2002, it might have been 2001 when the Patriot Act was signed.
Unknown_11: Because 9-11 had just happened, it was signed through with almost no difficulty whatsoever. One of the lone dissenters to the Patriot Act was Ron Paul, who took issue with Title III that effectively put the burden of stopping money laundering on banks. Any bank that facilitated money laundering, even unwillingly and unwittingly, would potentially be held criminally liable for financial crimes conducted through their networks, even if they had no idea it was happening.
So because of this, banks, of course, became extremely careful about shit like that, and that's part of the reason, though I think that they act maliciously on their own for sure, that's part of the reason why
Unknown_11: they ended up becoming so militant and why they ended up being enabled to be so militant because the government effectively forces them to be careful about financial crimes, and so they can just say, well, we're just doing our mandatory diligence that the government places on us, and they can't really be held accountable civilly for debanking, because that's basically what they're expected to do. And the word choice that Ron Paul used to describe the burden placed on the financial industries by the government was they are deputized. They had become a facet of law enforcement. They no longer exist to provide financial services to Americans and American companies. They now exist to enforce the dictatum of the federal government and they're deputized. So now to hear many years later,
that specific word choice that they are deputized to enact the will of the government is really bizarre, because this is like as normie as it gets. And they're saying things that are actually completely 100% correct. And there are things that I've heard from Ron Paul from 20 years ago, because when I got the bank, I looked into it. And I ended up looking up the getting directed to the Patriot Act. And I watched Ron Paul's dissent against the Patriot Act and read it.
And that that informed my opinion on that so now hearing it so many years later. It's like wow that's awesome It's so fucking awesome to see I know it's slow going but to see people being like yeah fuck the government and fuck the banks and Fuck trannies and TTD, and it's like oh great every okay great. We're all we're all it's like it's
Unknown_11: It's really, it's the opposite of demoralizing. What's the opposite of demoralizing? Moralizing? No, that's like a verb and it has a negative connotation. It's emboldening to be like, Oh, so there are people who are real people who think like I do now, and I'm not completely alone and isolated.
Wonderful. That's, uh, that's great. That's just wonderful.
Unknown_11: Cockservatives won't do shit. Well, I think it's in the way of their Jesus and their money. I'm just my
Unknown_11: so fun thing Apple has added a a Wonderful new feature. So if you have a contact card on your Apple iPhone, you can now add pronouns to it So even when you share your contact card to other people, they'll know. Oh my god. That's a woman Wow, she uses she her pronouns. I duh.
I didn't want to assume that that's a woman Thanks to
Unknown_11: I mean this is a little bit redundant. I was gonna make a joke that Now thinks that innovations by Apple you can tell people that you're a faggot like up front and be like hey Here's my contact card. It says right here. I'm a dumb faggot, but now actually you don't need it But you never needed that because you say hey, I have an iPhone and you're like ah you're a dumb faggot Okay, I got you
It's super redundant. I guess now you can you can one-up your other dumb faggot friends and like I do want to trade contact cards my my eye contact I card And like oh wow I see that you you check the dumb faggot tick box on your eye card So I guess you're an extra dumb faggot. I didn't know that I'm really impressed So you know who to block Yeah
Unknown_11: Um, Oh, I should have played this after. Um, actually I don't even have the clip. I'll play this out of order a little bit. Cause I need for my joke about this to make sense. I need to, um, where is it?
Is it on this page?
Unknown_07: Aha.
Unknown_07: Does Mozilla really not play fucking mp4s?
Unknown_07: You better play this mp4. You don't have a choice.
Free Somali man!
Unknown_03: Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Unknown_16: Free Somali man!
Unknown_03: Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Unknown_16: Free Somali man!
Unknown_03: Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Unknown_16: Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Unknown_03: Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Unknown_16: Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Unknown_10: Free Somali man!
Unknown_14: Free Somali man! Free Somali man!
Unknown_10: Free Somali man! Free Somali man! Free Somali man
Unknown_11: If you're confused by what all this this African noise is In Japan if you're okay Let's say that you are an annoying asshole and you want to do a live stream thing where people can text a speech Profanity over your phone and you're just gonna have to be like whoa. Sorry the same the inward bro It's like they're paying me to do that. I can't control it if you're gonna be that kind of asshole like baked, Alaska I
Japan and Germany are probably your worst bets I mean outside of like the Middle East where people will just kill you for saying the Prophet Muhammad is a pedophile despite the fact that he is As far as like the Western sphere goes Japan and Germany are high up there in countries where you really don't want to do that because as far as I'm aware Not only are there certain things that you can say in both of those countries that are outright illegal even without even with any context are basically illegal
You can't I'm pretty sure in those countries you also can't film people randomly like if you just take a camera and walk down the street and film people that's illegal because They have really strict privacy laws, and you need the consent of every random passerby
Unknown_11: So, going to Japan as a black man and blasting Hiroshima and Nagasaki over your loudspeaker and randomly filming people in places that you're not supposed to go is a really good way to get arrested. Johnny Somali has been arrested after getting punched. He still got back up and said, Bix new man. I'm on fucking film shit, man. I love parents. I mean, I love them narrow toes and shit, man. I love DBZ. No, I'm saying I can do Kamehameha and shit, man. So he does that and goes to construction site and gets arrested for trespassing.
Now this is important because everyone's gonna look at this and say base Japan. However chat Japan McDonald's Promoting race mixing you may be thinking. What is the race mixing here? If you don't know Japanese people cannot be gingers So here we have a McDonald's anime where a Japanese man is with a ginger woman and they have had a mixed-race gendered Japanese child. A Jap- a J- J-pigger. J-pinger. J-jigger? J-jinger. J-pen- J-pen-inger or something. I don't know, listen, I can't- I can't come up with a good racist hap-a-ginger slur at this moment. However, it exists. It will exist in the near future.
I just want to point out the hypocrisy sure black man bad, but white woman. Oh, that's good.
Unknown_11: I Think it's just anime Josh. No anime is the other cancer. I mean, it's the entire thing. It's clearly a whitey though.
Unknown_07: That isn't his kid, oh, he's just the stepfather.
Unknown_11: Okay, I got you. Okay, here's the tragic backstory of this advertisement, you ready?
Unknown_11: So, the ginger girl went to the military base with her military husband, right? And then while there, because military men are the absolute worst scum of the fucking earth, and everyone in the US military is shit, he immediately starts cheating on her with chinky people, right? And she finds out that he is now a depraved coomer that's going to Tokyo for schoolgirl sex trafficking prostitutes. And she says, ah, fuck it. I'm leaving. But she's actually an English teacher and she knows Japanese fluently and already has this daughter that is well established in her school. So she's like, well, I don't want to go back to the U.S. and find a new school in the U.S. is kind of shitty and full of black people. So I'm going to stay here in Japan. And then as she's in Japan, she meets this nice young man who she's hitting off with, but it's not race mixing because, uh, they already have a white kid together and it's just going to raise that. And Japanese people don't have two kids anyway. So that's basically as big of a family as they can possibly get anyways in their shitty apartment. And to win her over, he brings her McDonald's and therefore it's, it's a very wholesome.
and not at all weird. So that's the, that is the, the, it's just a different, she has blue eyes. It's not just hair color. You're trying to coax playing this McDonald's anime. And by the way, this is now one of the only animes I've ever watched is the McDonald's advertisement anime. So you can have that do the really short list. As far as I'm concerned, this is the best one I've seen.
Unknown_11: He's like, look at the, yeah, she's white. Look at the anime people coping and sneaking over it. You know, I'm right.
Oh, I should have played this after the pit bull one. Okay. I am. Okay. We're going back in time. I just now explained that they won't be putting any pit bulls in the dog March. However, they will be walking many German gays on a leash.
This reminds me, I wonder if I can find it real quick.
Unknown_07: No, it still exists.
Unknown_07: There we go. The furry map.
Unknown_11: I want to see like a million little furry things. This is not the right map. I want to see like individuals.
Unknown_07: I want to see individuals. Why is this?
The other map is funnier. They like changed it.
Unknown_07: here we go. Here we go.
Unknown_11: This is the, this is the real furry map. I don't, I don't know what happened. It's in the West too. It like the East side near that the Soviets occupied have fewer ferries except for Berlin, which is like a furry like Chernobyl.
Unknown_11: But
What's really funny is that the Netherlands is also 100% furry. And so is Austria. Dude, that is proof. And so is like half of Switzerland. It's like very specifically the German culture border. So from this map, we can be assured that the Dutch and Austria and the German part of Switzerland are all furries.
Unknown_11: We can we can just unify them again because that's what really matters if you want to talk about what makes a culture a culture If they all want to put on dog costumes and gif each other I mean that's about as much of a unifying factor as as you can possibly get what about Alsace-Lorraine though is that furry?
I really wish this wasn't the shitty version of the map I went like this really zoomed in so I can see if Alsace-Lorraine is
Unknown_07: Is furry.
Unknown_11: Okay, I found a different version of the map that's also funny. I don't know what's going on in Russia, but there's some weird kind of furry event happening in the middle of Siberia for some reason.
Unknown_11: I'll sauce Lauren. Okay. How do you pass it? Hold up. Give me shit for pronounced not pronouncing French shit correctly.
Okay. I found the pronunciation. This is the actual correct pronunciation of that area that I'm trying to reference.
Unknown_11: Ready?
Unknown_11: Okay, let me replay that.
Unknown_00: Okay, I can't, I don't know, I don't feel confident enough to pronounce that correctly, but in case you're wondering how you pronounce it, that's the actual correct way to say that.
Unknown_11: I like making obscure jokes that only Europeans will get angry at.
Unknown_11: Alright, next. What was I talking about? Okay. Oh, by the way, that was like a dog man meetup in Berlin or something. It was like a thousand men in dog costumes gifting. So, uh, it has a really, unfortunately they had not, um, operation sea lined into Birmingham and decided to walk with the pit bulls. That would be really funny, but no, it's just regular. That's just a regular day in Berlin as far as my way.
You got that, you got my jokes, your goons, I'm glad, I'm glad, bro.
Unknown_11: The FDA is meeting today, which would be September 19th, so three days ago, to discuss the ethics of growing human babies in artificial wombs after success in animals. An independent panel advising the FDA will discuss the trials of artificial wombs. This technology could treat a growing number of premature babies in the US. Read, scientists grow first official embryo without sperm or egg.
There's a very creepy video of a baby lamb in an artificial womb.
Unknown_11: The article says, a panel of government health advisors will meet today to discuss the ethics of growing babies in artificial wombs. The technology has successfully developed in several animals in recent years, prompting the FDA to consider whether it should be trialed in humans.
Many experts believe it could be a game changer if used to mimic the conditions of womb to help treat health complications and the growing number of premature babies in the U.S. I mean an artificial womb for like the last leg of
Unknown_11: pregnancy like if you are gonna have a premature baby I can kind of see that having it in an artificial womb so that it can finish that sounds okay but as far as like from conception to birth that's really fucking weird what here's the real issue Biden, despite his best efforts, has only been able to convince 3.8 million immigrants to come to the United States illegally since he took office. And those are rookie numbers. So since brown people no longer want to come to the U.S. because it's a giant shithole and there's nothing for anybody there anymore. They're going to have to figure out alternative ways to get black and brown bodies of color into the U.S. And so, we're going to have to develop our own, basically. Now that the Mexican migrants are not coming over anymore, we're going to need to develop huge centers to make more Mexicans our own localized Mexicans.
So that we can pump them out and get the black and brown body count up to the tens of millions per year.
And then we, uh, and those, those are inexpensive because they don't even change the nine volt batteries in their smoke alarms. So it's not really a big issue. We can just make as many of them as we want.
Unknown_11: It's bait.
Unknown_11: They have a 15 year old clone of George Soros in a bag like that's that's true. That's what I'll be used for It's not gonna be used for it for anything useful. Oh treating premature babies We actually have a full-grown clone of Nancy Pelosi so she can continue to serve as your House leader for the next 80 fucking years, and then we'll just make another one oh
Awesome. Good job, FDA. I trust you. After the COVID vaccine went so well, I really have faith in my government.
Unknown_11: This is a bullshit news story. I don't care about this at all There's an f-35 jet that disappeared over South Carolina and the rumor is is that like there is a point? because those things fly really fast and there's a point where the pilot Ejected and then the plane crashed within 80 miles of that so it's like that jet the speed it goes is probably 80 you know very very fast to the point where we're to just crash and
Probably go further than 80 miles unless it knows died. So the suspicion is is that China or Russia, but probably China hacked the f-35 and crashed it because then they immediately like parked all the f-35s everywhere To inspect what happened with them and then they found it. There's actually a Video
Unknown_11: Because they put out the government put out a story of what happened with the f-35 and it was dubious if that was like a accurate recount And I want to say that they the there's a eyewitness of it that was really really funny I'm gonna find that really quick because that's the funniest thing about this story was the witness they found I
Despite being banned on X, I can actually use the search feature, which is really funny.
Unknown_07: Here we go. Is this it? White says he didn't realize it was a plane at the time, so he didn't call anybody. The F-35B airplane wreckage created an extensive debris field.
The wreckage is located off Old Georgetown Road. Military security is very tight with numerous red and white signs on the
Unknown_11: So there you go. That is the sole witness of the United States federal government story as to what happened to the F-35. He was a very credible, typical man living up in the Appalachians, in the tip of South Carolina. So you can rest assured that everything has been handled correctly and with diligence in the United States.
All right, and now we segue into the Trooniness.
Unknown_11: With this, we'll open with this.
Unknown_11: There has been some backlash to de-platforming. I'm really starting to see the tide turn. A website was taken down, not because it necessarily was convicted of breaking any laws, or because the government had intervened to request that it be taken down if it was a foreign website.
Instead, a website, a host,
Unknown_11: Inger Hostinger, it's a weird name. I took it down of its own accord and this has pissed people off So we're saying finally starting to see some push back to to D platform. Let's read the response to this. I
Unknown_11: What kind of hosting services takes down websites because of some random idiot on Twitter? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Head up, heads up, censoring a site entirely due to a baseless claim with zero proof wherein the accuser calls the owner a transphobic slur is not a good look. There have been literally zero proof, only an emotional whining of some random guy on Twitter. You've not even received any emails or stuff like that with actual proof. What service actually supports GDPR does that?
Test says please note hosting her is hostile to trans people at least they're not hiding behind the plausible deniability of regulation and policy Morningstar says everyone in this thread whining and complaining nothing you say will make a difference scream to the void But Katie silver a trans flat reply saying and nothing you do here matters trans people keep existing the website will move to a new host Oh, it can just move to a new host international pharmaceutical companies will ship the HRT DIY
Now this is a pointless exercise in futility because trans people will do literally anything to get their hormones and this tweet is cut off but I believe the next sentence there is into the hands of children because this is the Bob posting Keffel's DIY HRT directory ran by an insane tranny that previously had instructions on how to buy Bitcoin in case your parents weren't consenting to you getting HRT with instructions specifically designed to help children buy HRT with cryptocurrency off tour.
Unknown_11: So, wow, it appears that some hosts don't want weird tranny hormone websites helping children get HRT with other parents' permission on their site. And suddenly, the people of gender are upset by deplatforming.
Unknown_11: Wow, you mean to tell me that allowing internet service providers to randomly remove content from the internet without any reason for it, besides people being upset and complaining, is a bad thing? That you don't want?
You know,
Unknown_07: It was almost a little bit predictable that this shit would happen eventually.
Unknown_11: I wonder if anyone warned people that you really don't want random private companies to have the final say on what stays up on the fucking internet. I wonder if anyone said that. I wonder if anyone anywhere ever said that chat really is a fucking mystery.
Unknown_07: Sucks to suck.
Let's see what an emotionally stable trans person sounds like after reading that. We might be hearing this through the tweets.
Unknown_18: Call me a man. Call me a man one more time. I am already fucking free. Yes, I am.
Unknown_10: No, stalker child. I am a woman. I sound womanly. I dare you motherfucker to call me a man. One more time. I'll show you what a woman I am.
Like damn dude, calm down.
Unknown_11: So much tea so much team that voice.
Unknown_11: Speaking of the platforming angry trunes we have interesting news chat interesting news I have occasionally mentioned the the trune of Kiev the trune of Kiev or whatever whatever you want to say, but the trune of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Force who has given multiple statements about the incarceration and trial and apprehension and
of coach right bill has been dismissed they were a volunteer from the united states that joined the ukrainian uh...
Unknown_11: Territorial Defense Force to I guess murder Russian boys because that's what gets them off eventually the Territorial Defense Force determined that he was not capable as a combat medic or infantryman and served Greater danger to other soldiers in the Territorial Defense Force. So they said we have this weird troon from the United States and
Unknown_11: What can we use him for? And then, of course, the Jewish puppet government of Ukraine said, huh, maybe we can spit in the eye of the goyim and use him as a messenger to NATO and our Western allies. So they did. They put him as the official spokesman. Of the territorial defense force as a gigantic insult to the people paying to fund their war and After months of having to listen to this thing smugly preen about coach red pill and so on and so forth. He has been removed
He's been removed. What has he been removed for chat? It is this statement. I believe that they claim was an unauthorized, uh, message that he put out on his own and it caused enough of an upset that they have terminated him from their, from his position and are doing an investigation into him. So I will let this play.
This is Sgt. Sarah Ashton Cirillo of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and I'd like to thank the X social media platform for carrying this exclusive message from Kiev. There has been much discussion recently related to my role within the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Before answering some of the questions put forward by Senator Vance of Ohio, I'd like to thank all those in the U.S. who are supporting the Ukrainian people.
Unknown_24: Without Republicans and Democrats working together on behalf of Ukraine, our growing and unstoppable success on the battlefield, and the inevitable victory it will bring over the Russian invaders, would take significantly longer. The delivery of attackoms will further expedite our victory, while saving lives and tax dollars in the process.
America is once more showing why it's history's greatest republic and the world's lone superpower. And all of us in Ukraine are humbled by the support we're receiving from the American people. Let me also take a moment in my role as spokesperson for the AFU's Territorial Defense Forces to state unequivocally that we in the TDF and across Ukraine believe journalists are heroes and have the right to report on Ukraine's war for liberation, without interference. Free speech is the pillar of all democracy. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, along with the rest of that sacred document, is ordained by God.
The Russian propagandists and war criminals who are spreading lies and pushing false narratives are not journalists. They are information agents and an extension of the Putin progrossion effort to spread chaos and wreak havoc across the globe. In Ukraine, we do not seek vengeance, only justice. Because of this, these enemies of freedom and democracy will have to answer for their crimes in a court of law.
Senator Vance recently asked the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, along with the Secretaries of State and Defense, if I was working in some capacity for the American government.
Unknown_24: Simply put, I'm an American serving as a Ukrainian infantry soldier and combat medic who was brought from the zero line and assigned to the TDF's media team in the dual role of spokesperson and Russian disinformation analyst. The remaining speculation surrounding me is disappointing. While in Ukraine we are fighting for global liberty and the ideology of victory, too many in Moscow and across the world are still caught up in focusing on the tired trope of gender chaos.
Ukraine is a nation that embraces individual liberty and maintains a devotion to God. The freedom that Ukraine is fighting for is not based on carving out privilege for some, but creating a pathway of prosperity and success founded in hard work and the rule of law for all. Neither I nor any Ukrainian is fighting for tolerance and acceptance for any one group, but for the freedom of every human. This freedom is one that most closely resembles the heroic efforts of the American patriots in 1775. I've never been more proud to be a U.S. citizen as I am fighting on behalf of the Ukrainian people against the tyranny of Russia and their assorted enablers, all of whom are enemies of the United States.
I'll finish by stating unequivocally that I only answer to three groups of people. My Ukrainian commanders, the Ukrainian people, and the American taxpayer. And in taking my responsibility to all three seriously, I have one goal. To help you return Ukraine to its legally recognized 1991 borders in the quickest and most efficient way possible. Doing so means saving Ukrainian and Russian lives. God bless America and Slava Ukraini.
Unknown_11: I really detest how this person says, Slava Ukraine. It's like a parody. If you're trying to make fun of a Ukrainian person, that's how you say it. Slava Ukraine, Slava Ukraine. It's like you're doing a Borat or something.
Really, really, a really thick, thick statement from the weirdo. I like how he opens up by saying, yeah, I totally believe that the Constitution of the United States is a...
Unknown_11: Divinely inspired document and that freedom of speech is not only an incredibly important protection but is also the foundational pillar of a liberal democracy that Ukraine Tries to enjoy in which it is defending against the Russian aggression so that we can continue to be a liberal democratic society with rights and rule of law and so on and so forth and freedom of speech is just so fucking important and However, if you disagree with me, you are a Putin apologist and you are not a free speech advocate. You are actually a terrorist and you should go to jail. You should be tried for your terrorism and you should be in prison forever and ever. Amen. I mean, he lost me with all that shit that you just said, because now you sound like a fucking retard and a hypocrite.
Um, and what's amazing in response as well is that this message is directed towards, uh, Ohio Senator that, um, made a statement regarding gender ideology and how, how it's a poison. And then this weirdo Trone decided to take it upon himself to use his platform.
Um, to just go ahead and say, yeah, so, um,
Unknown_11: That senator from that country that's basically funding this entire war for us, they're bad. They're a bad guy.
Unknown_11: And he's probably like a Putin terrorist and he should go to jail for it. Which is a really, really strange statement to make when you're like completely hinging your entire war strategy on being able to secure American financial funding despite the lack of support from the taxpayer itself. So really really like 1 million IQ move from the trune and it definitely pissed the senator off He wrote a statement about this Saying that he was very not pleased about this about the What the trune and said basically accusing him being a Russian stooge despite the fact that they're getting billions of dollars from the Americans I don't remember what this statement actually what this video is so I'll play this I
Vladimir Putin, you are already in hell.
Unknown_23: We are counting your days down now.
Unknown_23: Your fascism, your totalitarianism will not get a monument, Vladimir Putin!
Unknown_23: Slava Ukraini.
Unknown_11: Slava Ukraini. Oh my God. How embarrassing. I feel so bad. You have no idea how hard it is for me to be someone who lived in Ukraine and had nothing but wonderful experiences there and was treated very fairly by absolutely everyone. Um, I maintain that Ukrainians are great people and that they work very hard and that they're, uh, they don't deserve to be shit on constantly by absolutely fucking everybody throughout history.
And then of course, even their own fucking government is an Israeli loyalist who is going to put gross freaks like this as spokesperson for the country. It's just so it's so fucking sad.
Unknown_11: Even Zelensky, Zelensky said something fucking retarded. He went out there and he said something like, because you know, half, like half the population of Ukraine is gone. Like they all fled the country. And now there's millions of Ukrainians dispersed through all of Europe, like from the UK to especially Poland, Germany.
Romania like all every country in the European Union and beyond has taken on some burden and providing war refuge for Ukrainian citizens so like literally half the country is going at this point and Zelensky goes out there and says You know if you stop giving us money then maybe Ukrainians abroad who knows how they'll act and It's like, what are you implying? Are you implying that if you stop giving us money, you're going to like execute order 6-6 on foreign countries trying to help you? And the Ukrainians are just going to rise the fuck up and overthrow the government and kill people? Like, what are you trying to say?
Unknown_11: Like, number one, it's stupid to threaten people who are supporting you. You know, I guess he's taking tips from Israel and trying to go for a Samson option and be like, yeah, if you let Israel fall, we'll nuke our allies, which is their literal foreign policy that everyone knows about and we still support them. And then he's like, okay, maybe we'll do that and we'll just say like, yeah, our refugees will rise TF up and just kill everybody that's not supporting us anymore. It's like, well, number one, not only does that make you look like a huge asshole when you're already in a vulnerable position, number two,
hosting your refugees, a very unattractive prospect. Like, why would you, why would you say that? Cause now, you know, those people just want to get the fuck out of a war zone and you're making them sound like terrorists and hiding like they're from ISIS or some shit. Like we're a fucking retard, man.
Unknown_07: Really? Just not a fan of the war. I already read that.
Um, was there something else I was going to play for this? No, I was not.
Unknown_07: Here we have a hate crime.
Unknown_11: Let's take a look. What is happening?
What is happening?
Unknown_06: What the fuck?
Unknown_11: Hey, dog. Let me touch Timnaki's dog. Let me just get a little touch of the souls, man. Just a touch.
Unknown_11: I want to do a little bit of soul bonding with you, bro.
Unknown_11: Peace, sister. Soul, sister.
Unknown_05: Holy shit. Keep fucking touching me. Keep fucking touching me. Touch me again. Touch me again. Touch me again. Touch me again. Touch me again.
Unknown_11: That guy is pissed. What the fuck? He recorded himself kicking a tranny in the head. That's brave. This guy sounds British. There's no fucking way that he just walked away from this, not getting arrested.
I want to know what happens. Does he get arrested?
Unknown_07: Oh, this is in Ireland.
Unknown_07: When he kicked his face lol awesome ending I bet her boner sunk quick or not emotion blushing emoji
Yeah, this is why they sexually harass women instead of men. Like, you start sexually harassing a man like this, he's literally just gonna take his shoe that you keep trying to touch and literally kick you in the fucking face with it. A woman says, I would cry if this happened to me. That's the difference. A woman can get sexually harassed, she's like, oh, I would cry. And a man gets sexually harassed, I'm gonna kick you in the fucking face. That's pretty base.
This is a charity that has advocated that women with prostates shout out turkey Tom get their prostate checked says Denise brain tells us why it's and this is from the Mary Keating Foundation says Denise brain tells us why it's important that not just men over 40 should be aware of hashtag prostate cancer we are so grateful for Denise for sharing her story and support and We will not respond to hate speech or discrimination. Cancer does not discriminate. We are here for everyone and every step of the cancer journey. Early detection is key in every community and this can be achieved by including a diverse range of experiences and journeys.
Unknown_11: Prostate cancer awareness is important to everyone born with a prostate men and those born male or assigned male at birth. A woman who was assigned male at birth that has a prostate.
Unknown_07: That's true.
Unknown_07: Denise is no ordinary woman.
She has a trans history what that means that's they have to invent like even more gayer ways of Explaining. Yeah, this is a dude in a dress. It used to be like Was a drag queen is a dude, but he does drag and then it's like, oh, he's actually a woman He's a trans woman and then they decided at some point that trans woman is like not woman So they're like, oh you can't say trans woman anymore. You have to say is a woman and But with a transgender history, it's just going to get more and more like obtuse as time goes on.
Unknown_11: Um,
Doctors when she was, Oh God, even the next sentence is fucking gay. What that means is when she was born, doctors thought she was a male. Oh, I wonder what gave it away. They were wrong. After many years of depression and struggle, Denise began her social and medical transition in her late thirties. She made her legal transition when the gender recognition act came to law in Orland in 2015.
Unknown_11: And completed her medical transition a few years later. You know, Ireland was like the last country to decriminalize abortion and now they're this fucking gay. What happened? I, I look, I don't know how I'd have to really think about it. I blame the British somehow. I'll find a way to blame the British, the fucking Protestants and the Ireland. Okay. And I blame it on them.
Having been assigned male at birth and despite surgery to correct that error That error. Yeah, you were born with a dig that error. You're fully functioning male body error error penis detected beep-boop Denise has a prostate most Get that removed, too
Unknown_11: Oh, but then you couldn't coom. You couldn't ejaculate at all. So, uh, we're going to keep the prostate. I removed the prostate. I can't get fucked in the ass anymore. And I'll keep that. Uh, most transgender women do as do some intersex and non-binary people. That's okay. Nature is weird and wonderful. Sometimes it's infinite and it's diversity and combination. This person is fucking cringe. Who wrote this?
Who wrote this shit?
Unknown_07: Okay.
Unknown_07: Denise had to repeat her prostate test numerous times because the lab sees the label female and throws it in the bin, assuming an error.
That is why education is so important. Maybe you shouldn't say that you're female on your medical test because that is an error. That's crazy. That's crazy that they're like insistent that they be treated as a woman by the medical system when they're fucking not.
Unknown_11: Yeah, people literally getting prostate cancer and they're not being diagnosed because they're retards who wrote this shit This entry was posted in latest news, that's not very helpful Maybe okay. Here's what we're gonna do I'm good. I bet you that this website is WordPress and maybe in the metadata There is a attribution that you can't see so we're gonna view page source and
Article here it is the metadata Publisher it's the Mary Keating foundation You
Unknown_11: Let's try author.
Unknown_11: Jane O'Toole. Aha!
Unknown_11: See, chat, I'm a fucking expert. I am a level 1,000 doxer extraordinaire. I know things just off the top of my fucking head that most people wouldn't even think about. Respect me! Respect me!
Okay, let's look it up. I didn't know if this is a true.
Unknown_07: Jane O'Toole MCP. Is that right? No, something went wrong. Thank you, X. Uh, the South end Liverpool.
Liverpool. I correct me if I'm wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Liverpool is in an Ireland is a chat. I'm pretty sure that Liverpool is in a different country.
Unknown_11: Sure is it sure is Sure is not in the Republic of Ireland. It sure is something else. Hmm Hmm, it looks like I'm I'm right down to four two on this Wife to truly one eight seven eight mummy to Archie and Ellie Trying to kick this cancer one day at a time and while she has cancer I
You know you probably wouldn't have cancer if you didn't write such awful fucking articles about female prostates my dude This is sad. It's just a picture of her in the hospital bed with getting treated for cancer with her two kids But you can blame. I just want to say that you can blame
Unknown_11: The British for this I have through the power of science and advanced HTML inspection Capabilities and knowing that every website in the world runs word plus and that wordpress even if you hide the attribution still still in the header somewhere Through my sophisticated algorithm tools. I have deduced that this is actually a British problem All right next
When I search Liverpool, the first thing that come up is the Liverpool footy club.
Unknown_11: What a fucking joke.
Unknown_11: All right, next.
Unknown_11: This is a Reddit post. I think that we're actually done with the news. Thank you, Noob Sancer, for your dedication, my friend.
Unknown_11: Traumatized them back very interesting reddit name user Farron D says telling people I'm illegal in several states I'm not third that counts, but I'm trans. I currently live and work in a very liberal state in the u.s I'm fine for now. I used to live in a very conservative state though a lot of my co-workers are either in other parts of the LGBTQI people of community or other marginalized communities Apparently I passed pretty well at fifth So they start talking to me or around me about certain issues and I act like I don't know what it's like when I empathize.
So I dropped the I'm illegal in Florida, Texas, insert other state into the conversation and get met with a bewildered look that quickly turns horrified when I explain I'm trans. Yeah, I imagine most people would be horrified upon that realization. I personally would be.
Unknown_11: I guess the moral here is don't play the oppression Olympics with someone you don't know that well, question mark.
Unknown_11: Maybe they just don't give a fuck about you. They're not trying to beat you in any kind of contest for being the biggest retard. They just don't give a fuck about you. Wanted to add that many of you are missing the point when that they talk down to me as if I can't understand or empathize about what they're going through based entirely on my appearance alone. And also to respond to the people saying that my response is rude. I wanted to say yes, and I'm in my late thirties and haven't been a part of a few oppressed communities in my entire life. I'm tired of being polite to people who nine times out of ten will never afford me the same courtesy And then edit to uh, this is the most interaction i've gotten anywhere online. So obligatory boost for my art I didn't see that the first time around. Let me just take a little peek deviant cart aj drake Okay, you want some he wants he wants to boost his art. So let's see Oh my fucking god
Holy shit.
Unknown_07: His pronouns on this are he him.
Unknown_07: Okay. Let's see.
Unknown_07: So this is trans Latinx fat Virgin Mary.
Unknown_11: Holy Vic tools.
Unknown_11: Happy pride month done in CSP. And you wonder why people hate you from fed not working.
wow amazing it kind of looks like keffels like if you try to draw keffels as the virgin mary like this is what it would look like very unflattering regardless all right here we have whatever the fuck this is supposed to be
Unknown_11: his his ability or his or her i don't know what this is but his ability to capture ugliness is like incredible oh my god and he's like holding up hrt but um this is wow
Unknown_11: wow this is great this is wonderful this is exactly what i want them to make they're just i i heard there's a thing that like the the christian schizos say that like demons can't make beauty they can take beautiful things and make it ugly and they can create ugliness but they can't create beauty and i'm starting to think that the schizos are right because this is This is like true to form. It does seem like they're incapable of creating things that aren't viscerally hideous, like immediately on first inspection. Really, really creative stuff.
Yeah, and they got the zipper tits and everything.
Unknown_07: Alright, let's see what else we got here. Oh, he's a furry. Is this him? No, this is just like a random photo he took.
Unknown_11: That's always done. Oh, that's featured Arcadia he's like a long-term. He's like a 40 year old man who plays for Acadia and draws horrific true an art That's a wonderful mystic digital Yeah, I'm also a dog I'm a woman and I'm Jesus Christ and I'm also a dog I
Excellent. Okay. This is exactly what I was hoping to say This is this is the low count content that people used to tune in for before I just started ranting about trainees all the time Speaking of ranting about trainees all the time yet Liz Fong Jones's assistant Catherine Laura like quote-unquote trans flag I
Unknown_11: Active on blue sky so temperance who does a lot of digging one of the gooderest posters on the Kiwi farms?
Dug through all of his his I think he's active on blue sky is what he's saying here. So these are blue sky post Philip system aka Catherine Lorelei is very proud in his work and getting the Kiwi farms the platform. Oh, very interesting very interesting This is the person from Norman, Oklahoma who wants to go to Washington DC to become a full-time trans activist and wants to be paid for it
Unknown_11: Um, what's something you've done this month that you're proud of? I got PR done with the Washington Post and launched my fundraiser.
Unknown_11: Uh, y'all remember all that vague posting I did on the precipice of, and big shit happening? This is what I was talking about. I'm in the Washington fucking post today. I was featured in an article in the Washington Post because of my humanitarian work. You know, funny, I remember I was also featured in several high profile articles, uh, highlighting my work and dedication to freedom of expression on the internet. I don't, I don't brag about it though.
Um, I'm in the article. You should read it. It says Natasha Tiku, the Indian woman who carries water for Jeff Bezos, who would sell her entire extended family in India for one fucking quarter. Uh, you guys should all check out the Washington post. God, just hyping it up.
The day is the day it all happens. I sleep tonight for the last time as an unknown, the future and great. This person is insane. This person really thinks, Oh my God, some weird Indian woman put out an article saying that I'm a habitual fucking harasser of this internet service and their providers. This is it. Made it he see he like looks have you ever bought a lottery ticket and you're driving home? And you're thinking like when this hits and I get it. I'm buying that fucking house Going to Wyoming moving to Jefferson County. I'm buying that fucking house. That's 20 million dollars I'm gonna sue the fuck out of these people and you're just thinking you're just thinking through your head This is this is my life after this ticket wins and this troon is sitting there thinking I'm gonna publish in The Washington Post Going to Washington DC I'm gonna get a condo there a million-dollar condo. It's gonna be funded. I'm gonna be a full-time trans activist I'm gonna really make a difference Every child in the United States as soon as they come out the womb will be shot with tests will be shot with HRT hormones as soon as they're born Thanks to my work and the Kiwi farms will finally go down. They're just thinking off bucket. Let's take it's sick It's gonna win this tickets gonna win That's what's happening I've changed the world in measurable ways
He says after he manages to take the Kiwi farms down which I read on the Kiwi front. It's just it's just so funny I've done I've done so-called amazing things people call me a heroine. I'm just a normal girl quiet I'm sorry, and I have crippling anxiety any of you can do what I do anybody because if you're here you're already amazing this person's like you trans kids I know it seems impossible. I know you don't think you have what's what it takes, but what's inside of you. I know that one day, if you try really hard, if you work every day towards your dreams, you can be as good and as cool as I am. Like just a little bit of an egotist, I believe.
So I'll tell you a secret. I networked with a lot of big names in trans activism. How did I do that? I literally just talked to them Liz and I became partnered in activism because I sent her a cold open DM and We found we made an amazing team if I can change the world anyone can they really think this dude really thinks he's changed the world the world is now a more wholesome heck and wholesome trans inclusive place because the Kiwi farms is dead forever because he sent a bunch of fucking emails with some creepy weirdo rapist amazing
It's a hell of a thing to ask, people. Are you ready to save the world together?
These tweets, I wish I could hear this person say them in their weird clown voice. You know what I mean? I would be very gratified in hearing Ms. Lorelei just say what they're saying in tweets, but actually with the...
Unknown_05: I changed the whole world. I'm a real woman now and I'm going to go to DC and I'm going to trans activist It's fighting the Nazis these kinds of things I'm up to you know, just hot girl who fights the Nazis kind of shit Paid two of my three overdue rents and I'm kind of broke.
Unknown_11: Maybe you should have asked Liz Fong Jones for a raise while you were out saving the world together. That's funny. That's, you know, how do I want to phrase this? I'll phrase it diplomatically. Kind of like with Dick Masterson and Vito.
Unknown_11: It's gratifying to me to know that if something were to happen and Catherine, Catherine Lorelei suddenly needed, um, an injection of funds to help them in some way to deal with some kind of problem.
Uh, you can bet that Liz Fong Jones wouldn't pay them anything and they would have to deal with it on their own, which they wouldn't be able to do.
Unknown_11: Without getting into detail. That's funny to me for some reason, just a little bit of a cosmic cosmic joke unfolding in real time.
Unknown_11: Like moving the DC, something like that. Something like moving the DC.
Unknown_11: Um, it's just him begging for money. I'm so close to the first thousand dollars y'all. Okay. Hold up. Hold up. Let me find it. Is it right here? No. Okay.
Unknown_11: Catherine Lorelei go fund me.
Help me move to DC to continue my advocacy work.
Unknown_07: Oh, look, Catherine Lorelei has made $1,000 of five $50,000 with nine donations.
Unknown_11: So I'm going to go on my other browser. I'm going to go to Zillow and I'm going to go to the rent part of Zillow.
Unknown_11: I'm going to say DC.
Unknown_11: Let's see.
Unknown_11: So a bunch of places to rent in DC. Let's go from lowest to highest.
Oh, there is economy housing.
Unknown_11: Oh, this, this, um, studio apartment is $225 a month in DC. You can live on McCombs street in DC for $225. Take a picture of this. There is no pictures of the internal of the inside of this house. So, uh, whatever, whatever you get, you get.
Unknown_07: That's on the South side of the river. That's why.
There are so many lovely housing projects that this person can live in for $1,000 a month That's a hundred percent of their budget for one month Yeah, moving to DC might be out of your budget. Maybe you should stay in Norman, Oklahoma I'm just gonna give you a little little financial pro tip there
Unknown_11: No walls. This is a studio. There is no walls. You walk in and it's gonna be, uh, I lived in a studio and I lived in Portland. Now there's walls around the bathroom, at least. The bathroom is about a quarter of your entire floor plan.
Well, good luck with that. Let's see. Is there anything else funny here?
Unknown_07: Bunch of pictures of them.
Unknown_11: He keeps crying about how he's totally the real victim. His ex-wife, girlfriend raped and tortured him. Please believe.
Unknown_11: Oh, he's talking about being falsely accused by stuff. Let's read this. I wonder what he was falsely accused of. I wonder if it was a sexual offense. Let's find out. Some people will ask me more about my history and this story I wrote a year ago. And usually what I point to just send people to read it's long. It's fucked up and it's dark trigger warnings. Try my best to be more than the sum of my scars. I try to use my story to better the world, to be an advocate.
Uh, this message has zero interaction whatsoever. It was posted a day ago and it has one retweet. And I think that retweet was by him on his own message and nobody liked it.
Unknown_11: I still live in the same house. I'm still stuck here. When I talk about the voices of torment, this is largely what I mean. I live in a house where I am tortured. I will try not to make my fundraiser a sob story to get out. I want to help this world, but I want to get out of here to heal.
Being so this is in response to Russell Brand being accused of sexual assault like 20 years after anything happened if it ever did happen and Let's say what?
Unknown_11: Catherine has to say being falsely accused can be a problem It's rare as far as anyone knows, but it's affected me personally better protection for victims better systems in place for due process better less victim blaming, having more honest conversations about this widespread problem, all to help the falsely accused. Damn, it's really weird how both Liz Fong Jones and his executive personal assistant, Catherine Lorelei, have both been accused of rape. Wow. And they both want to take down the Kiwi Farms. Wow. Wow, chat. That's weird. What a weird coincidence. Because as he says, false accusations of rape are so rare. And both of them were falsely accused of rape. Wow.
That's one hell of a coincidence. Now I understand why they get along so well. Only a traumatic event like being falsely accused of rape could bring two people on such completely different walks of life on this whirlwind journey to change the world by fighting internet Nazis and bringing change to Washington DC directly, chat. Only something like this could happen.
I got punched in the gut emotionally.
Unknown_11: Was slapped across the face figuratively. I was stabbed through the fucking heart rhetorically speaking I Was putting up with us buying the beast of X. I'm not feeling well emotionally right now Please help me out here donating or signal boosting one retweet two likes I Guess my abuse of X still wants to hunt me by hurt me by gaslighting my friend until they stop talking to me. I
Unknown_11: And then I retweeted the story again. Oh no, save him. Save him. He wants to take his weird torpedo tits to Washington, D.C. and then also show you weird pictures of his crotch. This is safer work, I'll show you this.
Here are my panties. Here are my man boobs, my torpedo tits. Please pay money to send me to DC. I will bring down the Nazis. I will personally march into the Reichstag and I will burn it to the fucking ground because I am a heroine. I am a heroine, chat.
Please give me money. There's two more.
Unknown_07: A bunch more. Ooh, do I want to read all those?
Unknown_11: I'll probably be in many more news articles, I guess. God, my life is weird. Kind of wanted the world to leave me the fuck alone, and now I'm becoming a public figure to save it? Shit is wild. Sadly, most people didn't care before I changed the world.
So you think being a hero is your ally? You merely adopted heroism.
Unknown_09: I was born into it, molded by it, and now I've changed the world.
Unknown_11: This dude is fucking psychotic, this is wonderful.
Unknown_07: Um...
Unknown_07: Oh my God, Allie the Tranny asks, okay, I searched this a bit, who wants to move in with Lesbo and move to Lesbo with me and be sapphic together in this house?
Unknown_11: And that's a, Lesbo is a island in Greece where the term lesbian comes from, because it was supposedly occupied only by women that were for other women.
Lorelei says, I would, but I have to save the world. Unfortunately, this is like a South Park skit. This is like if Cartman was tricked into believing he had like the,
Unknown_11: Like an episode where Kyle has to be sacrificed or something he becomes like a prophet and he's like I have to sacrifice everything He's like wow dude. You're kind of like a douchebag now. You're doing saving the world thing except that's like That's like a plot of a TV show and this is reality and this person is just insane
Unknown_11: I want to fight for a future for all my people. Been writing copy all day on my fundraiser to move to DC. I hate writing copy about myself and remembering that I'm actually good at this shit. Damn good. I've been working largely from the shadows for a year and now it's time to be in the public eye. Okay. I agree.
Catherine Lorelei is saving the world or changing the world and fighting Nazis.
Unknown_11: I've been convinced. I believe that this person is funny enough to share Ginger cow sacred exactly Who dares message me Boss man Jack he wants everyone to know that he's streaming wonderful
I literally fight Nazis for my job. I'm also very passionate about fighting for the rights of my people. And yes, I am going to save the world. I've already changed it. Okay. Now I have to change it. Cause I, I corrected myself from saying that, um, that he didn't say he was saving the world. He just said he was changing it, but now I have to change it.
Unknown_07: Hold on.
Unknown_07: Is saving the world.
I think that's the only, this is probably the first time I've ever showed the feature dialogue for my feature mod on stream.
Unknown_11: Nobody, nobody's ever looked at this panel before and saw what the options were for the, uh, for the feature shit.
Unknown_11: I have to be careful when I do this because I would say, um, it's something that represents the site. So I have to make sure that the taglines are, um, more impartial than, than any other post on the forum.
Always oh he thinks that he's black This app has never been safe for black people black people Sorry, and since people are going out of their way to keep it like that Might end up deleting this app before I delete Twitter Catherine says I hate this about blue sky and most other social media piss off the pretty white trans films and you're pushed aside Who does he think he is?
Unknown_07: What ethnicity does he think he is?
Unknown_07: Do you know who I am? Okay, I would like to read this.
Unknown_11: And then I'll be done, if it's not super funny.
Unknown_11: The latest PR push will allow me to fundraise. I mean, it's not every day you get featured in The Washington Post. One reply, zero retweets, zero likes. Edith Laurie Charles, trans flag says, ooh. I like how they have trans flags in their name as if it's not immediately fucking obvious looking at their profile picture that they're trans. Like, yeah, that's redundant. You might as well just make your picture bigger or some shit. Catherine Lorelei reply says you haven't seen it yet, and then Ada says nice one. It says you didn't have any idea who I was did you? You precious sweet innocent summer child I am a hero of transgender folks and I
Yeah, I'm fighting Nazis and saving the world. Saving the world. You can tell your kids one day that you adopt from the orphanage because you're a tranny and you'll never have kids that are your own, but maybe Joe Biden will give you some one day. You can tell them that you knew me and I was a great person.
Also, I was told that he is Cherokee. He LARPs as Native American. He probably is like 0.1% Cherokee Indian on his 56 and me. And that is what he chooses to identify as. That's how I'm Jewish. I'm more Ashkenazi than fucking Ethan Klein. As far as anyone, if anyone asks, I am the most Jewish man that you've ever met, ever. Oh, one more. See what this says. No, it's okay, Han. I'm just teasing. Most people had no idea who I was before that article dropped.
And then, oh my God, the tranny is dabbing on him and says, a superhero voice. No one know who I was till I put on the Washington Post. And then he laughs and says, what's funny is like only a very small glimpse of my work, XD. Also, what a way to come out like most of the world, eh?
Unknown_11: A lot of my old family and friends had no idea I was a hero.
Unknown_11: crazy. Wonderful. It's going to be really, really funny watching this person who has now done like the great breakout and they're going to be like, yes, I am now internationally recognized super heroine saving the world from the Nazis. The money's coming in. I'll be moving to DC. I'll be living in a penthouse suite overlooking the Capitol building itself.
and everyone will love and respect me, and I'll no longer be raped in my house that I can't move out of. And then over the next year, he's gonna be like, oh, nobody gives a fuck, and the Kiwi Farms is still up. Wow, that's really depressing. Because only self-aggrandizing it like this, uh, coming down from something like that is gonna hurt a lot, and that would be really funny.
Um, let's see.
Unknown_07: Okay, I wanna talk about somebody I've literally never spoken about before.
Unknown_11: This is ReviewTechUSA. I have only shown him on stream in the context of that this is how you don't play video, or DarkSidePhil is playing Dark Souls.
Unknown_11: Yeah, Dark Souls. And there's like the three failures or whatever, and one of them is ReviewTech. And he's like throwing a controller or some shit. But he had a little spurg out, and I'll play that.
It's not gonna show the fucking amount, really?
Unknown_26: Here. Here you go.
Unknown_26: And I'm ending the stream now. I'm not in the fucking mood for anybody. Here is $15.30 that I donated. So suck my fucking dick. I'm out of here. Goodnight. Un-fucking-believable.
Unknown_26: Jesus fucking Christ. Three fucking crybabies won't shut the fuck up about it. Shut up. Shut the fuck up, you fucking virgin losers.
God damn. Go get a life, go outside, find meaning in your fucking life.
Unknown_26: It would have never been let go. I was like, you know what? These three people are going to make 60,000 fucking accounts because they're angry and can't get pussy. So I have to do it to shut them the fuck up. Jesus fucking Christ. Fuck all of you. God damn it.
Unknown_26: Jesus Chri- You mentioned- You know what? I'm gonna fucking pull a low- You mentioned it now? The money's gone- The money's there! You could sh- It's August 1st! It's August 1st! Still two hours left! Are you okay? You gonna sleep at night? Did I save your fucking life? You fucking loser reject pieces of shit! God damn- You're losers! You are failures at life!
Look, man. I- I- You can be pissed off at me, I'm not- I don't feel like fucking streaming anymore tonight. I don't. I don't.
Unknown_26: I don't feel extreme. Yeah, lost in gaming. I don't give a fuck if he's he could get fucked. Where is he? Where is he? All right, Danny the foot. See you later.
Bye. Have a good one. Dude, I got a lot fucking going on in my life. I got a lot of shit that I'm not going into going on in my life. What about what am a
Okay, if you got muted on your bingo card you can go ahead and mark it so from what I understand
Unknown_11: he made a promise that he would donate money to a charity and It was dubious that he ever did apparently he had to be forced by people to be held accountable to donate to the charity Yeah, I think that's like a weight loss thing He said if he didn't lose weight by a certain amount of time he would donate like a certain like thousands of dollars to a charity and then people now he didn't lose weight people gave him shit for it because of course it's how that goes and then it was dubious if he ever gave money to the charity and So he had he got really pissed off at the a-logs fucking with him and showed uh His full payment details on screen to own them and show that no really he definitely gave the money to the charity So shut the fuck up Uh, I will let this play out a little bit longer It wouldn't have ended it would have been there would have been 60 other fucking sock accounts that would have done it There's no there.
It would have just been every fucking day. Even if I have i'm not like even if I do the fucking
Unknown_26: Rocky Mountain Oysters, and the bear costume that I have right here. It's whopping August 1st, and all, it would have, oh, you did it on August 2nd, so we're gonna bitch about it, incessantly, every fucking goddamn fucking cocksucking day. So it had to be done. It had to be done. It, but, but it doesn't matter. They would have still done this anyway. It would have never went away.
Unknown_26: It would have never went away. So there's the donation. So what now? What is, cause I, I complained about it. Is that what it's going to go to now?
The money is in there. Suck my dick.
Unknown_26: Gave it to, he gave it to St. Jude's. Cry.
Unknown_26: Fucking Christ almighty. Three fucking losers making 20 fucking accounts.
Unknown_26: Danny the Foot, what are you getting, what are you pissed off at? What? What are you pissed off at? Yeah, I had to, because they would have, even if tomorrow this all happened, even if tomorrow this all happened, it would have never been let go if it was 48 hours afterwards. So there you go, you got it. And people are pissed off and leaving, that's fine. I don't know what you're leaving for.
Well, that's what they want. And what's amazing is that the people that were incessant about it, who would have made 67 accounts and donated and had voice chats, they had nothing to do with it. No, that needed to be said. How does this guy have a million subscribers? I just know I needed to come back on to explain myself.
Unknown_26: but that it would've, I'm never, ever, ever, ever promising anything again. When the fear thing is done, when it's done. When something else is done, it's done.
Okay, the reason why I'm showing you this is that after, I don't know the exact timeline of this video, I assume it was a later stream, but he accidentally showed his URL bar history.
Unknown_11: You know, revealed that review tech has, uh, visited X videos to watch pornography, which is embarrassing enough as it is chat. However, uh, the type of pornography that he was searching out is even weirder. Uh, the name of this video is older, nice woman fucked good. And then the one below that I think says German Harry mature.
I don't know what R20 means.
Unknown_11: Um, so he appears to be interested into older women who are unshaven and are also German. That is his kink.
Unknown_11: And, uh, he likes it when they are fucked good. So after that big meltdown where he donated money to St. Jude's and owned the haters by showing his payment details off off screen, he had to pull up some, some Deutsche milf, uh, porno to, to take the edge off, I guess.
So there you go, that's measure of you tech USA Finally what a breath of fresh air chat boss man Jack the biggest hero of the Kiwi farms came out of nowhere instantly beloved by all Everyone was looking for it now that Ralph is doing this sober thing and he's been going at it for a while It seems to be doing okay for right now
Unknown_11: Um, everyone in chat was like, we need a hero. We're holding out for a hero, someone who streams 10 hours a day and is consistently entertaining and maybe even preferably has no idea what a Kiwi farms is. And thus boss man, Jack came out of nowhere and it was good lo and behold.
Unknown_11: So a rat in chat Okay, so I should explain his I have ruined the cat slot for him after I went off about the cat slot There's a bunch of haters in his chat who are low-key haters. They're rats. That's his name for him The rats are asking him to play Rip City, which is the cat slot and now he's very aware of the fact that rip city is my favorite thing to make fun of because it's so shitty looking that rip city is basically off the table it used to be his favorite slot in the entire world and now uh he fucking hates it so he has been trying to fill the void left by rip city with other games
And one of the games that he decides to play is called Kino. Not that kind of Kino, Kino with a K, with a E. And it's literally just like roulette. You pick 10 numbers out of 30, and then it rolls five dice, and then you get a payout based on how many numbers you got hit. So it's literally pure randomness. There's no strategy, there's no higher thought, and those are his favorite kinds of games for whatever reason. He but he actually climbed on you know playing and Let's watch that think happened to the wall You fucking so he's up right now. He's up several hundred dollars. I think he's already cashed out several times Which is why it says 250 and then someone asked him about the hole in the wall, which brings down the mood He's on he's on a hot streak. So it's like why are the rats out today? Why are they giving me shit about the hole in the wall? I think happened to the wall you fucking moronic loser
Guys, the rhetorical questions is shit.
Unknown_15: Yeah, see that? See? Look at that. Look at what he just posted. He's going to ask me what happened to my wall right after I just won big. That's how you know this guy is so miserable that he's actually getting upset that I'm winning. Motherfucker, I'm up, motherfucker. I'm up. Suck my balls. Oh, get it back, man. Get it back. $28.
No, fuck you pussy Yo Wow I just lost everything I just made I got excited for no reason Here we go. Here we go. Yeah Keep it going bitch Come on God damn it five dollar All right now we're going for the 22
God, dude. I'm down to 36. Yeah! Woo, holy fuck. $20. Another 20. God damn it, man. $75, wish me fucking luck. Oh my God. What the fuck, man?
Unknown_15: Holy shit, dude, I just lost so much money. God damn Skeeno.
What the hell? I'm doing a 40, wish me luck.
Unknown_15: No, oh my God. What the fuck, bro? Holy shit, I just lost $200. Bro, hit something. Dude.
Unknown_15: Oh my God, I just lost all that, dude. I just lost 200 some dollars, dude. I'm not even fucking kidding, bro.
So I had to retrieve some of that money because that's the extra three 25. So he had like at that point, five 50 or something. So you pull more out, uh, the rat total rat victory.
Unknown_07: Um, let's see. Okay.
Unknown_11: Let's see if this is funny.
Unknown_15: OH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! This is my fucking night, dude! I'm about to get out of my parents' house, guys! I'm not kidding, I'm about to get out of my parents' fucking household, dude! Oh my fucking God, dude! Holy fucking shitballs! Oh my fucking God, dude. This is fucking absurd, dude. Oh my God, dude. Alright, let's do another 75.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
Unknown_15: I cannot believe this.
Unknown_15: I can't believe this. $668 in the vault. So that would be $332 short of a grand. There's $1,000 in my vault with $400 outside of it. Oh my god. Bro. What Bitcoin, Mr. DeeDee?
Dude, what the fuck?
Unknown_11: He made it. And with that enormous hit, Bossman Jack received enough money to pay off his debts and move out of his mother's house. From there on out, he decided to gamble responsibly. Picked up some tips on how to make that $200 juice a day from Staked Out US last, so he could continue to pay his bills. And he's lived happily ever after, just kidding, he lost it all.
All in, all in! No! Oh my God, dude. I just lost so much fucking money, dude.
Unknown_15: Oh my fucking God.
Unknown_15: Wow.
Unknown_15: That happens that fast, dude. It does happen that fast, dude. Holy shit, I'll be right back, guys. God damn. Holy fuck, dude.
Unknown_11: So, um, he did pay off his debt. I think he's gone from like in debt to debt free multiple times in a week. Um, and he's paid them off. I think he's debt free right now, but like he, uh, had $800 cash on hand and he just wasted it all. So, uh, sucks to suck, I guess. Here's some other clips. Um, let's see. They're all a couple, about five minutes of stuff. I'll watch those.
I get that wall fixed, man. That looks so bad, dude.
Unknown_11: He fixes the wall, I remember this. The wall looks so fucking bad behind me, bro.
Unknown_15: I mean, it looks so bad, dude. That wall looks so bad, dude.
Slap a poster on it. I should, dude. What could I put over top of that? It's huge! It's the size of me, bro! I can stand right next to it. I'm blending right in with this huge hole.
Unknown_15: It looks like Goofy, it hangs over the side. We're gonna put it in there.
Unknown_15: Yeah, we're gonna do it. Hold on. Am I gonna walk in closet? Yeah, okay.
Head like a hole. Head like a hole. Black as your soul.
Unknown_15: Where the fuck are my books?
Unknown_15: Here's an old Harry Potter book.
Unknown_14: No!
There's a picture I'm looking for but I think it's a web piece. I don't see it. It has like a thumbnail.
Unknown_11: Yeah, he looks like he's doing a lot of screamo too, which sucks.
Unknown_11: Alright, skip ahead.
Unknown_11: Master. Wow. That is expertly hung.
Unknown_11: Expertly hung.
Unknown_14: Looks great, it looks great!
Unknown_11: Awesome, that looks great! It's not crooked! Look at his body, look at how he moves when he walks away from it.
Unknown_14: Looks great. It looks great.
Unknown_11: Look at his gestures.
Unknown_23: What the fuck is that?
Unknown_14: Looks great. It looks great.
Unknown_23: He's like a... He's walking around like he was jointed wrong or something.
Unknown_11: Nick Rochefort. Yeah, Nick would love that. Nick would love that.
Unknown_15: Awesome. That looks great. It's not crooked at all.
Unknown_15: That looks terrible, dude. Oh my gosh.
Oh well, it works.
Unknown_15: It works. That's what we're going with.
Unknown_11: It doesn't really work. That looks terrible. It doesn't really work. Oh well. I can still see the hole. His head just covers the bottom. Well, not even really. Alright, so he's in a good mood. He probably had some coke when that happened and then this happened.
Unknown_15: Oh my god, dude. I literally just hate my fucking life. Fucking money, dude!
Unknown_09: It happened so fast, Shannon. Oh my fucking god!
He unplugged his headset!
Unknown_11: Dude, it's dad's keyboard! Oh! Oh my god. There's like keys flying all over the fucking place.
Unknown_11: What a disaster.
Unknown_11: Oh man, you fucked up your dad's keyboard. You need that to gamble, bro. How you gonna gamble when your keyboard's smashed to pieces?
Unknown_08: At some point, by the way, he apparently replaced the painting with a carpet or a blanket.
Unknown_11: I don't know how well this is gonna work.
Oh shit!
Unknown_16: Did my internet cut out?
Unknown_10: He pulled out the router and the last thing that is heard is, did my internet cut out?
Unknown_11: There we go. Now my voice comfy. It's coming down from that cocaine high, real comfy.
Unknown_14: We need some FS's.
Unknown_14: There's one.
Hey, that's not terrible.
Unknown_11: You think it's meth?
Unknown_11: Wouldn't he have other symptoms though? Wouldn't he have like jitters or like fucked up teeth?
Unknown_11: Oh, he's comfy.
Unknown_11: My boy has never been so comfy.
Unknown_16: Now this is true Keno You wish you could be this comfy rat This is Keno
Vibing yeah, we have the rats vibe in the chat.
Unknown_15: Holy shit He nodded off Definitely a drug a drug thing like the way he woke up.
Unknown_11: That's definitely like a drug thing And also this let's say The mom walks in on stream he hides his camera after you know, this is the downside of not having a door I
Unknown_15: There we go. Oh man, look at that street. Beautiful little street. She just walks right in. Hey buddy. Hold on guys, I'll be right back.
Oh, that's Yellow Wolf. Some good music.
Unknown_11: All right. I guess that's that. His mom just, I mean, you think that she would know that he's streaming and that she should, you know, send him a message or something cause she can't knock. Send him a message saying, Hey, I'm coming in. Choo choo. Oh man, when I hit that control tab and the next tab is Rikada. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Now that the gray matter is properly dissolving inside his head.
Unknown_11: Um, so someone asked him rhetorically speaking, how do you explain to your kids that you're a cam whore? And I think that this was like a joke at his expense. Like you're a, you're like a whore on the internet and you use a webcam. So like in a kind of sense, like he's, it's like a derisive comment. But ricketa for whatever reason decides to answer this with a 10 minute 10 minute long explanation about how
Like in general, the times are different. So it's not as big a deal anymore. Um, children don't care about, uh, their, their parents being whores. Um, as long as it puts money in the bank, that's all that matters. It's an accepted profession now. Like he just goes on and on. And then at the very end, I guess he kind of realizes how that sounds. So he just says like, I've never done that. And I, my, my wife has never done that. Um,
Unknown_11: It was like a really really really long soliloquy about how only fans is normal now and so How do you explain that to your kids that you're a cam whore? Well, you just tell them because obviously your children are gonna be okay with the idea that you How many man have you spread them pushy lips for is like a million it they're okay with that How much I felt was a
really lackluster answer. So I'll just play like one or two minutes of this and then I'll move on to the next thing.
Unknown_28: Ron Q. Bacardi says, how do you explain that you're a cam hoarder to your kids? Um, I think people would be surprised at how they do it. Um, I don't know, but I would wager that today, once your kids are kind of old enough to understand
Unknown_28: Justin and Sydnee McElroy, Ph.D. : Like what that is. Justin and Sydnee McElroy, Ph.D. : I think a lot of them just say, yeah, this is what mommy started doing and it's why we go to Disney every year. Justin and Sydnee McElroy, Ph.D. : I think that's what they do. I think they just tell them.
Justin and Sydnee McElroy, Ph.D. : Because they're gonna fucking find out. So the question is, when they're old enough to know and you just and I would assume that their logic would be, you know what, this is a very safe way for mommy to do this and Justin and Sydnee McElroy, Ph.D. : And we get it's it's how mommy puts food on the table.
Unknown_28: And so, um, I can do this and work from home and be with you and hang out all day. And we can do fun trips or I can go be a secretary and have people stare at my chest without paying me or whatever. Like, I think they probably these days are pretty straightforward with it. That's, you know, that's such a gross take.
That's that's not, I really think about that. That's such an insulting take any woman who works, any position is just a whore. If you're a secretary or an executive assistant and you're just in your woman, you're only there because you're attractive and men stare at your tits. You have no value outside of your attractiveness to your employer. Like that's what he's actually saying. Being an actual literal whore is the exact same thing as doing a real job and having cleavage. And it's like, what a fucking horrific line of thought for conservatives to reconcile.
Because conservatives get stuck in this mindset of if I were showing my tits to the entire world, he uses the words conservative is like a pejorative.
Unknown_11: Like, you know, with those fucking conservatives think like he's excluding himself out of that group when he says this, like that's they get.
Unknown_28: And so therefore, this person must be ashamed of what they're doing. And how could they possibly tell their kids and and face them on a day to day basis? I think the answer is probably like
They just tell them, because to them, it's not abnormal. To the kid, it's not abnormal.
Unknown_28: Definitely to kids these days, the idea of a woman being naked on camera is only abnormal if you teach your kids that it's abnormal. Right now, if she's raising them in particular Christian communities or if she says that doing all this is bad and then she has to do it, well then there's going to be shame and all of that stuff built in, of course, right? If it's a contradiction to what they say is good,
Unknown_28: It's like if your mom's chain smoking and says don't smoke or you'll die or they tell you over and over not to do weed and you catch them lighting up a bowl in the bathroom. But the reason why a parent says
don't smoke, even when they smoke, is that smoking is bad for you. Objectively, smoking is the worst thing that you can do to your body, like as a habit. It's terrible, your heart, like if you ask any doctor, especially like heart doctors, what's the number one thing to do for heart health? They will say, without a doubt, don't smoke because it's terrible for you. So a parent who is addicted to nicotine and has issues kicking the habit is going to tell their kids, I am addicted to cigarettes and it's very bad for my health. I will not live as long a life or a high quality life as I could have if I did not smoke. So therefore you should not smoke. And obviously that's not as good a role model as simply not smoking, but there's like a genuine reason why they're doing that. A parent would say, don't be an OnlyFans whore because it's degrading, humiliating, and relies on a lack of self-esteem because they don't want their children to be degraded and humiliated and have no self-esteem and just be a whore. So there is an objective reason why you would not want people to smoke in the same way that you would not want them to be a prostitute, and he just doesn't understand that. It's it's so it's so weird how you can just tell that there's actual brain damage happening with Rikada and he can no longer Coherently think and he cannot make logical He can't follow logical singlet sequences one after the other room sure, that's that's a harder conversation but This age like you got it.
You got 16 year old kids. You think they don't know that there's only fans out there. I
Unknown_28: Unless you teach them to care. They're not. It's normalizing again. I'm not saying that's good or bad or any, like it just is. It's normalizing amongst certainly amongst the next generation, but maybe because Twitch normalized really quickly.
Unknown_28: Maybe you should look at him shake. Hold on. Just wait for a second.
Look, look at his handshake.
Unknown_11: That's not normal, right? Like, that's not just him, his body moving. That's like his hand actually shaking. Am I hallucinating?
Unknown_11: Whatever, I'll play it with a sound.
Unknown_28: I found out that you were wearing a bikini while bouncing on a ball playing Quake 2 on Twitch. What the fuck are you doing? Go get a job at the grocery store, you whore. Right? Yes. I didn't find no Vietnam for you.
Unknown_28: But now it's like, well, at least I'm not shoving things in my asshole, grandpa. Like, you know, that's a good point. Plus you got a high, uh, KDR on, on quake too. Good job. Almost as high as my KDR and NAMM. Um, and also let's just be honest, money cures fucking near all questions about it.
Why are you doing this? You notice I just bought a $2 million house? Cash.
Unknown_28: I got money left over.
Unknown_11: Nobody cares. Oh. Nobody cares. People who are obsessed with money are like the most vapid, retarded people on the fucking planet. Mommy is a whore, and her nude pictures are out there forever, and students at my school are gonna find it and tease me with it, and when I'm an adult, people are gonna find these pictures, and I'm gonna be haunted by them for the rest of my life. Oh, at least I went to Disney World. There's no way that Mommy could've gotten a real fucking job in taking people to Disney World. I know I, as a child, I went to Disney World every fucking year, and my mom worked a real job.
that required education and everything in order to do it and Strange she didn't have to be a whore. She raised me by herself. She didn't even date for like 15 years after she had me and she managed to do do all that as a literally as a single mom with a college diploma Working a real job, and I still went to Disneyland or Disney World every year sometimes twice a year and
It's not like, it's just bizarre. And it's like that's his entire world. His entire world is that if I, the more, my income is my score. And I can objectively take my score as my income and compare myself to other people. And if my score is higher than your score, I'm better. I'm doing better at life, I have more wisdom, and I am objectively more correct than you because my score is higher. I was like are you like it's just like such a pathetic such a pathetic Utterly pathetic childish juvenile perspective to have that you can just whip out your like I bought a house Okay, most people have a house. I think even in the u.s. Even right now most people have a house. It's generally considered a Progressive step that people take in their life at some point being 40 and buying a house is
Normal. Going to Disney World is normal. You don't have to sell your asshole to do it.
Unknown_11: I'm so thankful that my mom just worked a normal job and wasn't a prostitute. Could you imagine if this was like 20 years in the future and I had a mom that did OnlyFans or something, and I tried to get through what I do now with my mom having been an OnlyFans whore? Can you imagine how fucking demoralizing and degrading that would be? And it'd be like, well, it's your mom, so it doesn't matter. It's what she did to take you to Disney World every year. Like how the fuck am I gonna show my face in public and stream and and do forum stuff and try to try to Be a public figure, you know Doing things for freedom of expression and internet health and shit when my mom's nudes are out there Like what a fucking how fucking awful would that be? and I'm not and I'm not even like in a Particularly sensitive environment I'm like in the the shithole of the internet right where anything goes and it's like
where you have people talking about jerking off to child porn and that's just like something that you have to deal with that you encounter. It would still suck. And he's going to try and pretend that it's just like a normal job now. He's like, well, you can say that it'll never be normal. It'll never be normal. Prostitution has been around for thousands of years, literally thousands of years. And it has never normalized. Being a prostitute was biblically shameful. It was shameful before the era of the New Testament. It's shameful after the era of the New Testament. It was shameful all throughout human history. And it remains to be shameful today. Just because it's digital now doesn't somehow excuse it as being not shameful. You're still a horror He just doesn't get it. It's really sad. Like I said, I really I honestly genuinely unironically without any exaggeration not just trying to be a dickhead I Really feel like he's brain damaged now and it's too far gone and he'll never pull out because it's just he doesn't know how to think
He goes on I have to watch this so this is a genuine first reaction of this, but I'll play it He got into an argument about Russell Brand Now, I don't know the nature of Russell Brands accusations, but I'm assuming that he sexually harassed somebody or allegedly It's sexually harassed somebody who was under the age of 18 probably 16 17, which is the legal age of consent in the UK so he gets gets off on a tangent about age of consent and
Look, I was listening to your show a little bit last night, Nick, and I can understand where you're coming from. Cause I heard you say that like, you know, like when you hear that this dude was like 31 and he's dating a 16 year old, like that, that can be icky. Like that's, it's kind of gross. And I agree with you. Like, I mean, it's, it's weird. I mean, mind you, I met my husband when I was 16 and he was much, much older than me. And we ended up getting married and being together for like 20 years. So it's just a weird situation when you're like, when you're 16, I feel like it definitely depends on your mental, like how mature you are, because different 16-year-olds are different from 16-year-olds, you know what I'm saying?
It depends on the child, doesn't it?
Unknown_28: That's the inherent issue with age of consent laws and why they actually vary, right?
Unknown_12: Like, that's why they're different state to state, country to country.
Unknown_28: And there's certain points where most of humanity will agree, like, this is a little bit much. Right? Like when you get to the weird, like, some, like, East African countries would have, like, ages of consent really low, like, horrifically low, like around six and stuff like that.
Unknown_28: And then, you know, you can also envision a country saying, well, no, we actually think it should be even higher than 18. It could be 20 or whatever. And, uh, it's kind of up to societies to, to set where they are, but people, of course, individually, it's amazing though. If, if the age of consent is what you personally consider too low, you don't have to like dip down into it.
Unknown_28: And, and you can disapprove of things. Um, for me, I, I try to avoid like.
Unknown_28: getting overly crazy on anything that is that is legal and not outright ridiculous.
Unknown_00: I personally think 16 is too young for like for my opinion, because I can't talk to anybody under 30 without wanting to slam my head into a brick wall.
But that being said, like I can't. fault someone for doing something that might be questionable for my opinion, but is still like wholly legal and why not? That's that's like definitely like a change in his stance.
Unknown_11: It used to be. I'm OK, I will denounce anything I disagree with, even if it's legal. And now he's like, well, I won't. I won't have an adverse thought about things that are legal.
Unknown_11: It's like, why? Why are you so afraid? It's like it's like he's upset.
Unknown_11: This is I think what dick did as well dick was okay casting judgment on people until he realized that people would also judge him and the things that he does and He didn't like that so he just decided fuck it. I have no principles anymore I'm not gonna have an opinion on anything anything that anyone does anytime is perfectly okay with me and That way nobody can say I'm being a hypocrite and maybe they'll shut the fuck up eventually and then Nick at some point Got really pissed off with people holding him to any standard and he said fuck it. I have no principles anymore I'm just gonna be as debauched as possible. I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want I'm not gonna judge anyone for anything that they do either and then maybe people one day shut the fuck up and my audience will be Less critical of me and the things that I do
It's not just like, this is the thing. It's not just legal, right? It's a society in which it's socially acceptable.
Her mom knew she was dating Russell Brand, drove her over to his house. This is not like, this is some, like a big controversial thing across everything. And that's why it went unmentioned for what, 20 years now or however long it's been. So it's- And even,
Unknown_12: With the other woman too, there's so many things getting muddied in this.
Unknown_12: For me, when someone comes up and they're like, okay, this guy raped me, there has to be some very specific things that happen for me to associate the word rape to what happened to this person.
You know, someone says in chat that he was defending Shadman earlier. If you don't know, Shadman has twice drawn pornography of real children. He drew pornography of Keemstar's daughter, and he drew pornography of the actress Daphne Keen, who was the girl Logan in the Marvel movie.
Unknown_11: And in both instances law enforcement got involved in that because it was considered like a illicit portrayal of a real child So Shadman has no and by the way in with Daphne Keene. It was just a sexual thing He made it explicit that he wanted to fuck Daphne Keene the child in his discord. It wasn't the character Logan it was the actress Daphne Keene who was like 12 when that movie came out and With
Also, yeah also core lieutenant Corbis he drew pornography of her and she was like 10 Not what that wasn't ambiguous. That's not a character. That's a real girl and then he drew pictures of Daniel Keane's daughter or stepdaughter I think and that's a real girl and he drew that as a
Unknown_11: He drew a not safe for work and then a safe for work picture of his stepdaughter. And the safer work picture was more obviously meant to be Keemstar's stepdaughter. And he sent that directly to him. It was like a safe work picture where it was them together. And you could tell by the context of that tweet, and the fact that it was Shadman sending it from his porn account to Keemstar, it was like, don't fuck with me. I'll draw you fucking your stepdaughter if you fuck with me, if you piss me off. So anyone anyone is Shadman literally there's not enough bad things that can happen to Shadman. He should be properly After due process hang by the neck until dead and not by a guy who's really good at tying ropes a guy That's really bad at it And anyone defending Shadman can get fucked. I don't care
Uh, yeah. So fuck him. He's just, he's just dumb. I don't know how else to put it. Uh, what's his face. Nick has, has just decided that he's just going to be an idiot. Uh, for as long as possible. I had no hope for him anymore.
Unknown_11: Speaking of idiots. This is Marty music biz Marnie music biz Marnie is the or was the most well-known cyrax troll and After he started feuding with beauty beauty her entire family were visited by the RCMP in Canada over bogus call-ins, so he was effectively Allegedly he was trying to swat people and he confirms in this dialogue that he was visited by the FBI in the US over the swatting
Also, just a heads up music, big Marty. I've never heard him speak before. He's one of the most grating, annoying, fat faggot assholes ever. I have no idea how this guy has any, any fans whatsoever. You know, the funny thing is they, they asked me like, they asked me if I see things or hear voices.
Unknown_04: No, bro. I, I get concerned about people sometimes and I make sure they're all right.
Unknown_04: Like,
Unknown_04: Who's not in touch with reality?
I'll ask, I'll ask this. I probably, maybe I've had too much JD, but I'll ask this. Who's not in touch with reality? A guy who has a YouTube channel or people who think that they're fighting terrorism, watching duty booty videos. Like what the fuck? Are you serious, dude?
Unknown_04: They also told me like, Hey, when, when we get a warrant for your devices, we're going to see everything on your phone. Like if you've taken any pictures of yourself, we're going to be looking at your penis. We're going to see it. We're going to see your penis to keep this up.
Unknown_04: Oh yeah, we're gonna be looking at your penis. Real soon, if you keep this up.
How's this fighting terrorism? I'm gonna have to look in the mirror and be like, this is my life. Yeah, I'm fighting terrorism by threatening Newsy Bismarty that I'm gonna see his penis. What the fuck? Are you kidding me? I was told if I say a name, that I go to federal prison. Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Chanticleer you don't believe me here. Let me show you He just does this for another minute and he's extremely fucking annoying And this is the other one where he's just talking about the actual police investigation You will appreciate this I know you will I've recently been visited by the FBI and
No way. For what?
Unknown_04: God, man. Swear to God.
Unknown_04: Swear to God. I'm not allowed to talk about two Canadians who will not be named.
Unknown_25: Are they friends of mine or maybe you might have some you might have some loose awareness, but I am not to mention their names or wind up in federal prison.
Unknown_25: Oh, yeah.
Unknown_04: Yeah. Yeah. That's weird. Yeah, it's weird that the Joint Terrorism Task Force would spend their time
Unknown_04: talking with me, going to my parents' house, going to my apartment, and have a meeting with me and my lawyer to tell me, you cannot mention these two people in Canada.
I know a few people in Canada.
Unknown_04: Well, okay.
Unknown_25: No, it wasn't me, I swear. No, I know it wasn't you.
Unknown_04: I know it wasn't you. Nobody listens to you.
Unknown_25: Yeah, of course.
Unknown_04: Oh, so it was you, Doug. You're taking responsibility for all this. Okay, all right. What? What? No, I know it's not.
Unknown_25: Yeah, I know. It's not me.
Unknown_04: yeah, so i try to play at least once every stream.
Unknown_11: basically after he got involved like I mentioned a free guy involved with change Ellie started all her entire families for getting swatted and then she reported him to the FBI because I think he even made jokes about swatting her so they visited and if you don't know the Police are very very very very very very very over the whole fucking Swatting thing because from their perspective, right?
The government wants a militarized police force that can drop in on anybody's house at any time in under five minutes and execute your entire family and dog. That's one of their top priorities in this world. So when swatting happens and this costs them $10,000 per call to respond to a fake report like that,
Unknown_11: It number one jeopardizes their financial security and waste their fucking time. It pisses people off It demoralizes them it kind of gets people like the the agents are prepared for it to be like a hoax So when things do actually happen, they're less alert. It's just all around a bad situation for the actual guys involved then also
The more swatting that happens, and the more people that are inconvenienced directly by false police reports like that, the more people who are going to be anti-militarized police force. So the voting bloc will be inclined to petition their government to demilitarize their police force so that the swat pranks simply don't happen because there is no swat team, which is the case in a lot of countries that are civilized and not full of socioeconomic factors.
Unknown_11: So they don't want that. They're very upset over swatting. And this guy is like stunned that the police would investigate an enormous waste of time, resources, money, and also a serious political inconvenience to their goals, to militarizing the police force forever. And he's, he's literally stopped like what they're investigating terrorism. And all I'm doing is like prank calling people so that the police visit their house. How was that terrorism? Ignoring the fact that that is probably quite literally the definition of terrorism because if you're trying to Commit crimes to scare people into doing what you want them to do that is by definition terrorism So he's a fucking retard And that's all I have to say about that
Now, our boy, AVGN, who I've not mentioned since the balls on the dick episode, has progressed in his career. Now, apparently he wears a hat because he's going very, very bald. And there may be an explanation for why he's going so bald so quickly. And the answer is,
Soy, he appears to have taken a sponsorship from Soy, Soylent, and he is chugging that soy at an alarming rate. His testosterone is just plummeting. He is becoming caked and ready to trune out at any moment. He does have a child is a wife and child and a YouTube channel So each of those appear to increase your likelihood of screwing out you add in soy and that's the the chemical lax That's required to get you started on that transition So I just want to alert everybody that AVG and their favorite childhood YouTube channel is now chugging soy so they can get through the pay their bills I Hope that is of use to you
And also Daniel Larson, the man I don't fully understand. I believe he's schizophrenic.
Unknown_11: I believe that he thinks like the world is stalking him. He has sort of like a entourage of like trolls and shit. And he has like a back and forth with his father. He appears to be on bad terms with his own family. But he's been arrested for trespassing. I believe because he went to a VIP area with an intention of Getting on stage with Dion Sanders who I don't know Because he was contacted by a troll. It was a fake Dion telling him to come He then kicked a security guard to get arrested for third-degree assault Here's the video
Hey, so I'm supposed to be over there with coach prime, but I Tried but they wouldn't let me through security Oh
Unknown_13: Jump the fence jump the fence
I'm supposed to be up there, shit. Hey! Come get me! Do you remember me? Yeah, I do. Security won't let me through.
Unknown_08: Hi, Erica. Blabbermouth. Hey, I have his number. Where is it?
Unknown_13: Okay. I'm not going to have security.
What is the point of this fucking video?
Unknown_11: Oh, fuck it. I'll just skip to this then. This is when, uh, I guess the trolls were there and they captured him getting arrested.
Unknown_07: There's no sound to this one though.
Unknown_07: Oh wow these guys suck you didn't get any footage of the actual arrest and then you have like a one-second clip of you like like following him from behind with no audio or anything you didn't get him kicking anybody or oh wait what's this is this the good stuff?
Unknown_13: Deon Sanders is gone.
Dude I was walking cause I was hiding.
Unknown_11: You got like one second clips of all this shit. And these guys suck. They need to take tips from the Cyrax people on how to record fucking video. They're in, in, uh, um, upright angle too. They're in a portrait mode. These guys, these guys got to learn, like if you're going to commit crimes as tricks, schizophrenics into, to breaking the law and getting arrested, you have to actually film.
Unknown_11: Evidence of your crimes in a way that people can find entertaining. Otherwise, however, how am I supposed to talk about this? I got it I got six months of this guy telling people I'm supposed to be up there and then like at three seconds threes measly seconds of him and being arrested shame chat See I think Cove's got visited by the police because he done it off on the stream I
He's also comfy cozy. This is a trend of comfy cozy wall cows.
Unknown_05: People are gonna keep knocking at my fucking door, Jesus Christ.
Unknown_10: Can I help you? Oh, wait, you're back here? Oh, my fucking god.
The police radius I can't believe they keep fucking wasting the cops time I'm not allowed to sleep on fucking camera
Unknown_11: I'm surprised they're still talking to him the police who comes in so someone called in a wellness check. It looked like he died on livestream Nope, still here. Not dead yet. Okay. Bye. I'm surprised. What could they possibly be asking him about?
Not too fond of the Redditors tubes exactly sure the form
Unknown_11: Chris Chan has a girlfriend Allegedly this woman was seen with Chris in public people didn't know who she was or what her association was with Chris We've never seen her before and now in this security I guess somebody working at a store had security footage and then they recorded him being Affectionate with her like hovering over her and holding her and like leaning down on her so Chris appears to be in some sort of association affiliation with this
This real woman. So I want to let you know that if you're one of those people who are like, women today, their standards are too high. I simply cannot get laid because I do not have a 12 inch penis, a six pack, a eight figure salary. And I'm unfortunately white. Uh, if you're one of those people, I want you to know that Christian can get a girlfriend. So you're a fucking loser. You're a bigger, you're literally a bigger loser than Christian at this point. You have nobody but yourself to blame.
Unknown_07: It's sad, but also true.
Also, uh, kitty kitty styles is back.
Unknown_11: We don't know who this guy is. He's a danish And um, if you've ever heard the name danish police, that's what this guy got his name from the danish police or Because this guy was like arrested by the danish police So he just named himself the danish police so fuck with him
Unknown_11: And if you don't know who kitty styles is I have secured a clip from the archive and I will play this old-timey Throwback video for everybody who's unfamiliar with them Don't you understand I have a trauma I'm traumatized Do you understand I'm traumatized from being in prison I've been isolated I've been locked up I You don't fucking understand!
If you're wondering he has text-to-speech for every single chat message in his stream dot me chat This is way above them. So he just that's why it's making fun of them Why can't you be nice?
Unknown_22: Why you gotta be shit, huh? You gotta be literal shit
Unknown_22: This is my job. I have to make this money, because otherwise... What the fuck can I do? I have a family to feed, I have mouths to feed, I have debt to pay, I have stuff to take care of. I'm literally in a trailer, and all you... And you wanna bully me? Like, the government... Like, I can't even... I can't afford shit, because the government fucked me over. They framed me because of one Facebook comment. One Facebook comment.
You're the fags. You're the fags. You're bullying somebody that literally can't help themselves. I have PTSD.
Unknown_22: Which makes me traumatized. I have ADHD, which makes me unable to control my feelings.
Unknown_22: Right? And now you're gonna call me a faggot or some shit because it's funny. Hey, you have a mental handicap. Let's bully him more.
Unknown_22: Right? Fucking relatable.
Paid more more tax than you probably probably will in your entire life you piece of shit.
Unknown_11: It's true. He is Danish Yeah, his whole story was weird because he he's talking about how he was arrested He was arrested because he made a comment on Facebook and in Danish in response to some kind of article about a politician and he said something about how like
Unknown_11: He would like it if Muslims would throw acid in her face, because I think, I don't remember, it's been so long, but I'm pretty sure that he was anti-Muslim immigration. And then in response to a politician saying that they needed more immigrants in Denmark, he said, well, I hope they fucking acid attack you then. And so he went to jail for like six months for that, I want to say. And it got him registered of course as a criminal because he was sentenced to prison So he ended up like in a camper van somewhere in Denmark Just smoking weed all the time for his PTSD because he said he was like sodomized in jail or something by like the security guards No, he would know it wasn't he was sodomized. He was kept in solitary for the entire stint in jail
I guess because all he said something anti-islamic and all the criminals in Europe are Muslim so when they house you they have to treat if you've said anything like Islam a phobic they have to house you and like this the Protective custody because otherwise you'll be raped and murdered and acid attacked and eaten alive and shit by the fucking feral Islamic animals that are also in prison so
After he got out, he said he had PTSD, he smoked weed for the PTSD, and he did have a child? And then he ended his streaming career because the Danish police guy who had been like super hard A-logging him for months found out that
Unknown_11: He had had a relationship with his sister. I don't remember the exact details, but he's a couple years older than his sister. And he either said that he was attracted to her when he was younger or that they had some kind of relationship or something. I don't remember what actually happened with that. Um, so after she was eight, he was 13. I don't know. I don't, I really don't remember any details. I can't give you any clarity about what happened. So they had they had some kind of inappropriate contact and His reaction of that was to disappear from the face of the planet
So he's back. He's back. And I think he tried to get onto, um, some dude's stream, but everyone recognized him because the sector is a small place after all. And, uh, he was not allowed to participate in the reindeer games, but that's your, uh, that's your, your kitty styles update. First one in like two years, at least.
Yeah. It looks like at least two years or so.
Unknown_11: Finally stalker child Chief pest of Patrick Tomlinson guy named Thomas doll who I believe is also a podcaster. I'm sorry tried to Patrick tried to file pro se for a restraining order against him and it was denied and
Um, so now Thomas doll is trying to get, uh, the copies of the minutes of that hearing. Cause from what I understand, he showed up.
Unknown_11: Sorry, Daniel Mullen. I don't know where Thomas doll come from.
Unknown_07: Um,
Unknown_07: And so, the... I don't know if that was like a... So, the point is, is that, uh, he denied.
Unknown_11: Uh, and Daniel Mullen... Oh! Kitty Stiles is Thomas Dahls. I was like, what the fu- who the fuck is Thomas Dahl? Did that, like, infest my bra- how- where did this person come from? How is he speaking to me remotely into my brain? No, that's Kitty Stiles' real name.
Daniel Mullen is the guy that Patrick S. Tomlinson thinks is a stalker child. Not only thinks that he is a stalker child, but he is like the stalker child. He seems to think that everybody who makes fun of him anywhere is Daniel Mullen. So he kind of blames an inordinate proportion of his life's issues on this one guy So he tries to go and get a restraining order. He shows up in person by himself without representation And pleads with the judge. No, really this guy is um Digital satan and he's hunting me down like a feral dog. You have to help me and the judge says well You don't have any evidence of this and he's not anywhere near you so you can't really get a restraining order against him and then I think patrick tried to appeal this to a different court and
And that was also denied. And that was also a pro se. So now, um, Daniel Mullen has only just heard that this was happening and, um, has decided to try and track down the, the transcripts. Cause I'm sure they're just delightful.
And that's your Patrick update. There is one more, uh, little segment to do before I wrap up.
Unknown_11: That is the famous the much-loved reddit segment Now I want to say there is a reddit post that I was going to read Opted not to I'll save that for another one. I think So testicle Rick in our
More plates, more dates. This is apparently a body building subreddit specifically for, um, being attractive on the dating scene.
Unknown_11: And. Uh, testicle Rick says, which is a very Reddit name because it's like a, um, a pickle Rick joke. He says, been together about two months now. I'm 27. She's 24. And the sex is already boring me.
Unknown_11: To be fair to her, my last ex was a true semen demon. Basically nothing was off limits, spitting in her face and mouth, choking her anal, anything really. This one, on the other hand, might as well be the most boring girl I've ever been with. Coming on her tits is off limits. Anything rear end is off the table. Doesn't like to be choked or even touch in the general neck area. No past trauma at least none. She shared with me when I brought it up That's the best sentence in the entire post because he's like wait a second You don't like being fucked in the ass and choked. Are you like did your daddy rape you did your uncle touch you? Well, tell me to baby girl. Tell me who hurt you so that you don't want to get fucked in the ass Um
She really drew the shit into the stick, being compared directly to the kinkiest one, but it is what it is. For the first 5 times, I didn't even cum. She did, although I faked it on the 5th time so she doesn't feel too bad about herself. I already tried talking to her about it, but she is adamant about her needs and boundaries, which is fine. I just feel like at this point we are so sexually incompatible that I'm either going to be frustrated to the point I no longer desire sex with her or we break up now because a fulfilling sex life is important to me. Although it is a little sad because outside the bedroom, we get along really well. So what do I do, bros? The obvious answer is to break up and fuck my gym bros instead of the right one.
Yeah, just become gay.
Unknown_11: If you're that desperate to fuck something in the ass, gay men are way, way more agreeable to that than women are.
Unknown_11: Are we all destined to suck massive schlong to get our protein needs met? Um, that's a bit excessive. It says edit. Okay. I think some of you have never been with women. The last one was bat shit for sure, but every chick before her was at least into some kinks, light choking, slight verbal degradation, spanking and cuffing. Are you seriously telling me that all women I've been with are just watching too much porn for fuck's sake? The most frequent sexual fantasy for a woman is a rape fantasy.
I am contractually obligated by the Women's Guild to inform my listeners when this is brought up that the rape fantasy thing came from one study 30 years ago, was taken on one college campus, and it is very Jewish. It is a myth. Edit two, we have talked about some lighter stuff, verbal degradation, lighter speaking, everything seems to be a boundary for her. Damn, he found a girl who doesn't want to be called a whore, have a guy spit in her mouth, be fucked in the ass, or slapped around, and he's like, ah, jeez, I found the bad one. I found the bad apple and now you found a normal girl You don't want this because if you go with the other route your life is gonna be fucked up I'm gonna be single by the time you're 40 Um
Let's see. Oh, and this is a comment to this. Uh, Callie, here I am. 94 says probably nothing you can do. LOL. Some women just aren't into being dominated like how you describe, or she may not be into you as much as you think. Testicle Rick says, don't know, man. She's initiating often and seems to enjoy sex. And I'm reading it like that. Cause he spells sex like a proper noun. Every time there are many internets, but only one sex and tactical testicle Rick experiences it. I think she's just not really into the stuff I like. Callie, here I am 94 replies saying she could just be a selfish lover. I dated a girl who would starfish soon as she came. Very confusing to my ego because I realized I was just a piece of meat to her.
I am contractually obligated by the Women's Guild to inform you that now you know how it feels like bitch.
Unknown_11: Pig of script says female Bateman. That's weird I'm just imagining like a girl like riding on top and watching herself flexing in the mirror like yeah, I'm hot I Don't think women do that What do I know maybe the ones on only fans you
Uh, testicle Rick replies saying, God fucking damn it. That might actually be it. Oh, he found, ah, she's selfish. Of course. This is an explanation that, uh, excuses me. From any, any wrongdoing and means that she's squarely in the wrong. Cause she's the selfish one. Okay. I got you. The same girl I mentioned gave me head when she could, like it was a chore and didn't even like her own spit, let alone come funny thing. She loved getting cream pied, but hates come everywhere else. La Mano.
This guy has a hair comment She sees you as a piece of meat because she's not into being chopped yet You came to read it to ran about your girlfriend isn't kinky as your ex for not being in the rough stuff soon as you see Her as a piece of meat and that edit is horrendous.
Unknown_11: There's no proof. The majority of women have raped kinks That's how a few stays on in America small sample sizes Stop us. This is a woman for sure The woman's guild representative has already visited this reddit thread
Unknown_11: And I don't want to talk about it's weird It's a bit sad It's a bit sad that the men in our generation Enter into a healthy normal relationship with a person who has ordinary boundaries because they have been unsullied by tick-tock and college campus BPD horrors and the guy's immediate reaction to that is just like This is fucked up. She's so selfish. She won't even let me spit in her face. What am I gonna do bros? I'm gonna turn gay. I think there's another comment in this where he's he jokes more about uh dating transgenders because um He would get the anal sex that he's desperate for Such is life. All right. Um, it is time for the super berry segment
Also, I figured out that I have not been getting any money from rumble because I did not give them They either do PayPal or they send in checks, and I don't have a way to cash checks right now Oh, I will have a bank account for the Kiwi farm soon get ready for that No, and I should be selling shirts shirts shirts soon, and I'm working on getting the archive up. It's just taking a while. Give me some time Yeah, everything I like this new. This is our new permanent background color by the way. It's a combination of two different effects
I'll figure all that out. Don't worry about it. Rumble is still the best place to give super chats Let's get right actually I have to open Odyssey up on a different browser so it doesn't fuck with my chat overlay because Odyssey is the only one that doesn't let me Look at super chats without switching it. I'll start with Rumble or Odyssey rather James Boone for 25 says happy pizza day. Have a slice. Thank you very much. I will put this directly towards pizza. You have my promise Neighbor for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Diamo, I have discovered a great anime called Boku no Pico. It is about a group of lads who travel across Japan and learn a little bit about each other along the way. You should try to give it a watch. You know, you know my rules. I don't watch any anime. You know, you get suggested an anime and then some weird sex shit every fucking time. So I don't give a fuck about your anime recommendations.
Enemies everywhere for five says money. Thank you very much. I appreciate that platinum gaming donates a 500 fake dollars But it makes a super chat look right and I do use that to pet to promote my videos on Odyssey. Thank you very much But no Hungarian imperialist for 15 says say what you want to say about them But leopards eating people's faces party always keeps their campaign promises. Well, you know what? That's better than a lot of people these days. I
I mean I think if a party just came out and said like yeah, we just want to like enslave the entire human race and usher in Like a top-down esoteric cabal of world leadership. You know that might get a vote because at least they're honest about it
Steve for one says boys is also expensive nowadays. That is about Idaho, I don't know he's talked about Idaho. But yeah, Idaho and Montana are super expensive because of all those fucking faggots from California They'll watch that show called Yellowstone. I think and now Wyoming and Montana and Idaho are fucking ruined They had populations of like 2 million people collectively and now they're just ruined. Thanks, California
Unknown_11: The president and no for five says I have been having an extremely rough time in the minds my job as president for the last Few months, but don't worry. I won't ask you for career advice because other asking other men for advice is gay Well be sure not to sell Nintendo to Microsoft is from what I've heard Microsoft is trying to buy Nintendo and that's just the most disgusting fucking thing I can imagine happening in the gaming industry and Besides Microsoft buying Valve, which they're also trying to do. If Microsoft buys Valve, by the way, I'm done. I'm never buying another game again. Ever. I will pirate everything. I will publicly admit to copyright theft. I will never buy another video game. I will just play RuneScape forever. I'm out of the ecosystem. I'm no longer a gamer boy. I renounce my gamer. If that happens, if Microsoft buys Valve, I'm a gamer boy no more.
Denounce video games to the fullest extent The president the fennel Hungarian imperialist for five says I always remember the UK and training for hitting a perfect pointing Wojak pose in front of civilian war casualty Okay, let's check this out. That sounds funny Tiny URL link this better not be I Can't show this on stream
Hold up. Is there a way I can show this on stream? I can't it's look, I have to show this though. Okay, hold up. I will take a screenshot and then I will try to blur this out as best I can using the tools available to me by, by arch Linux. Okay. We'll save this and then try it out. Ah, perfect. Yes.
Unknown_11: There you go. That's not edited, apparently. That's just the Troon striking like a... That's like the... He's like pointing out a bucket of, of, uh... I can't believe it's not chicken from KFC. And it's just like a dead Ukrainian body in the middle of a street in Ukraine. That's crazy.
That's fucking embarrassing.
Unknown_07: The President of Nintendo for 5 says, I was watching the old stream where you made your own Subway sandwich and the bread you made looks pretty good.
Unknown_11: Do you have any go-to meals like that when you cook and it's not pizza day? If I'm feeling extremely lazy, they sell these pre-frozen pierogies. And like huge, like literally it's a giant freezer just filled with like pierogies. And I will buy those and I will just heat them up and Eat those I might make my own sauce or something to go with it or you get some kind of bottled sauce for it It's like the laziest thing that I'll eat. I mean, it's still healthier than the fucking goy slop in the u.s Aside from that pasta, it's like the easiest thing to make that's like actual cooking Yeah, but yeah that sandwich was good as I'm gonna make it again
James Boone for five says what Nick said about how women are objectified is the normal workplace So they might as well be whores is almost word for word what that prostitute that Ralph interviewed said Well, I don't know maybe he's taking talking points from from a new group of people I don't know what's going on Nick
Kali Yuga writer says for three Jersh Liz fung Jones quit his job not fired at Google for being anti trans details on his wiki page How do you not know this? Also, he recently deleted his reddit account I don't know why this wasn't the case shortly after the Washington Post article came out any idea Why what do you think he's trying to hide? Oh, I hope that's archived.
Unknown_11: Oh I wonder what he said on there that he's trying to hide
Unknown_07: I didn't even know that he had a Reddit account.
Unknown_11: I have an idea of what he said that he's trying to delete. I disagree that he quit. I think he was fired and he just says that he was quit.
Or he quit but it was like a part of an agreement so he wouldn't be fired. Like some shit like that.
Unknown_11: They definitely wanted him gone. Sneeds for 20 says nothing. Thank you very much Sneeds. What a great super chat.
Unknown_11: Cal you go writer for three says man censorship work KF has less traffic net now casuals will never return They don't care what happened at the core because they think we're subhuman They want to de-radicalize the casuals with us diehards dead or in jail PS rad Sims using drop kiwi farm methods is why porn is being deplatformed from visa I don't believe that's true. Um, and the site is still very active and it's getting like people are finding it again every day. And when I get back on.net, I, I bet you fucking money. Callie Yuga writer, you owe me $100 in super chats. If the site is not over 4,000 people on at its peak by the end of the year, um, uh, you have to super chat me a hundred dollars and say Josh hashtag Josh was right. Someone clipped this. I will hunt you down. Dot to dot for 10 says absolutely nothing. What a total fucking Chad.
With that, we're back over to rumble vocal for two says, Josh, did you watch Fritz the cat? Like you said you wanted to also you have watched any of the booth or the end for a gumroad review yet.
I don't even know what the booth at the end is I was going to do I'll just say it because I Have paused my production of this. I watched all three hours of American maroons. It's a new movie that Drake misneed made It's a follow-up to buck break-in and it's a story about how black people found transatlantic sailing before white people did in ancient Egyptians were importing cocaine from the Andes and
Unknown_11: And it says that all the Indians are black people. So I really, um, I wanted to review this, but it's so dry and his movies suck so much and there's not as much funny gay rape in it.
so I When I tried to sit down and like actually start ranting about it and clip some stuff together. I just it didn't come out very easily So and other stuff came up so I ended up not doing I feel really bad because the gumroad people are being super Neglected and I really appreciate the gumroad and I'm not doing my job By giving you know monthly bonus content like I promised I would so
Unknown_11: I might try to force myself to do that because It is pretty it is pretty funny how shitty that movie is but it's just it's such a slog because it's all just like and then we was Kang's and then we sailed across the Atlantic and the black people founded the Atlantic but then the Mongolian hordes crossed the Alaskans and started killing the black man and Then we taught the Portuguese how to bathe themselves and how to find the new world and shit And then why they came and it was all downhill from there because why they uses underhanded tricks To defeat the black man who would fight one of you one but they bring day the niggas and shit and then they fought unfair and shit and that's why we lost everything and we is still under racism to this day and That's my review. Unfortunately, I was trying to make that like 30 minutes on for a membership. I just couldn't But I might still cuz there's a lot more funny stuff in the movie I
Twinkle-tard for $100 says shipples attack people equals wrong melanated migrants attacking people equals part and parcel well a dog is a dog and a human being is a human being even if They may be more like one than the other So that's how that goes. Thank you very much
David s eight, seven, seven for $25 is happy native American day for some us states. Happy native American day to all the engines listening. Happy native American day to Catherine Lorelei, the trans hero of the internet. Who's saving the world and fighting Nazis online. Um, by the way, men's day is coming up and fun fact, men's day shares a special, uh, international day for toilet day. So toilet day and men's day are coming up and we'll be sure to celebrate that.
Hitomi Tanaka's for Tim says those drivers would rather die than host a another second of Dylan Mulvaney Those drivers would rather die than host another second of
Unknown_11: Dylan will be oh the drives of the hard drives of the Kiwi farms. Wow, that really first my brain was like The there was like some kind of truck driver that had something to do with Dylan Mulvaney and I thought no that was making sense And I thought oh, maybe my the drivers for my computer are breaking because of Dylan Mulvaney But I like that didn't make sense. Let me happen there. Remember the hard drives. I got you. I made it I made it to the finish line my boy. I got there
Unknown_11: Thank you. Chantelle's top Chantelle tosses. So salad or salad says for two. Have you ever looked into George browser?
George bowser the man who owes nintendo 10 million dollars for simply having a site that advertised mod chips quite an effed up story If I were to think about all the times that nintendo has fucked over people and ruined their lives because of some paltry copyright dispute I would lose my fucking mind. I would legit go insane because nintendo is so is like Japanese people this is why I say like
Unknown_11: Sure, you know honorary aliens and shit, but they're fucking retarded copyright law is fucking retarded and Japan is a fucking wretched little shithole island And I anyone like I don't understand why PewDiePie wants to raise his Aryan child in such a shitty fucking country The wallbanger forever for five says do you like blah? Hi, I have no fucking clue what that is. I apologize. I
Mr. Beast combos for five says check out this roller coaster fucker call out. Okay, I will.
Unknown_07: Very good.
Unknown_07: Call out thread by the hash slinger slasher underscore ride the edge on Twitter from September 20th.
Unknown_11: It's not that long.
Unknown_07: I will try to read this.
Unknown_07: A lot of the content seems to be gone.
I don't usually do call out posts, but I feel the need to warn y'all of someone who I believe is dangerous and unstable. This person has been known to sneak into restricted areas around coasters and do things.
Unknown_11: to them, things of a sexual nature to them. I have not actually caught her, but I did follow her private Twitter where she bragged all the time about her little adventures. She is miss scream queen. She goes by Miro, Mari or Rico. She has a thing for RMCs and her main target is the wicked cyclone from S F N E. She does not care about the consequences of her disgusting actions as long as she gets off. Is this a tranny?
How do you fuck a rollercoaster?
Unknown_11: She She has been caught multiple times by SF any and she's banned as of now But she has implied that her band gets lifted. She will do the same thing below is a threat of her I have on Twitter as they proceed with caution. She gets quite graphic. Please spread this around like wildfire so she can be banned
Unknown_11: She's been targeted that has her own local coasters more pics of her thirsting over Wildcats revenge Meaning to go into restricted areas a convo with her friends admitting to go after sky rush And lastly the face of a coaster rapist she doesn't want to spread around her name is Ripley and Hendrickson if he's here and especially in a restricted area, please report to security ASAP He's in, California Um
This isn't true.
Unknown_11: Okay, let me pull this up because all this Twitter content is gone because the site does not archive shit She has deleted her account Let me see if there's a picture like on Twitter No, so all this is gone, maybe there's an archive of it I
Okay, there is an archive. It's two days old. Oh, there are oh there are okay. This archive saves the fucking day because there's actually things in this Um She just likes the bumps on she's like sexually attracted to an inanimate object she's like one of those people
Unknown_07: She licks the roller coasters.
Yeah. She just rides the, she liked masturbates while riding the roller coasters. That's really weird.
Unknown_07: What does a kosher fucker look like?
Unknown_07: Oh my God.
Unknown_11: There you go, boys and girls. Those that do not come out of their scene phase end up fucking roller coasters. That's what happens. Super molestered, in case you're wondering. 100%.
Unknown_07: Would you rather date a roller coaster fucker or a boring GF that doesn't want to get fucked in the ass chat?
That doesn't want to get fucked in the ass chat.
Unknown_11: Sorry, that was kick. I was scrolling around trying to find the rumble thing. Okay, baldo pegans for five says your next gumroad content should be reviewing every ralph bakshi animated film I really want to see what you think of coonskin Okay, is that the guy that did Ralph bakshi filmmaker established alternative mainstream. Is this the guy that fritz the cat? I looked at it and it was like weird and sexual like furry porn shit. He's jewish Oh, he did. Yeah, this is the fritz the cat guy. I don't know
I don't really want to see weird furry porn to be honest with you Apologize, you know something the same super chat twice. I have to apologize twice Long border 241 for five says on your stream yesterday You said that nobody would take the latest EFF article seriously, but didn't heck or mark and take the article to heart I know it's an outlier, but I found it odd Hector Martin did Hector Martin read the article and then have a change of heart about the platform and the Kiwi farms and
Unknown_11: Don't fucking believe that if you want to give me evidence that that's the case and me a super chat or some shit I can't imagine what happened that made him think that I'm team I do for one says Josh anime characters that can have fucking pink hair and yellow eyes and not convinced that McDonald's as we say it is Exactly what I said is down to the word Long border 241 for two says also there was a swastika on that for a fake map. That was the joke my friend That's why I brought it up. Thank you
Mac Mac user seven five one four ten says I started a coin collection latest obtained coin is from the proud nation of Biafra Okay, let's take a look It's a aluminum or aluminium if you prefer are you like not specifically collecting silver? I mean, that's a cool coin
Unknown_11: I've never even heard of it. It must've been a colonial nation that was annexed or something.
But it's not silver, so I hope you weren't expecting to get silver, my dude.
Unknown_11: All the coins I collect are precious metals.
Unknown_11: This is her But thank you the full fuel bonus page for 10 says super chat another song rec for fearless sneeder the hungry klutz Amorum musicians who play klutz mer eastern Ashkenazi music sings of two such men who sneak Okay, I'll click a second of this Every little bit was both the same
Is this the guy that sings, um, six million Germans. It sounds familiar. Jewish music is very distinct. It doesn't sound super familiar. It doesn't sound bad though. Thank you.
Unknown_11: Casting couch crab for 50 says it was up my neighbor I've been listening for the past couple years and enjoying your streams immensely as a crab I'll pinch and prod the enemies of the good little Kiwis never none shall harm the farms I would appreciate it if every time some random true and try to fuck with my site They got pinched by crabs the world would be a better place But the crabs that do punish them are far too tiny to inflict enough pain to get the fuck off
Iran burger for five says anyone ever really been as far as decided to even want to do more like pretty sure they have At least once or twice my friend Clout and snare for ten says you were such a good couple what happened also happy wigger autumn Okay, let's see. It's gonna be Frederick I've seen this picture like a million fucking times. It's so gay. I
Unknown_11: Haha, he looks somewhat like me. I don't wear I don't rock a jockstrap or a chinstrap or the fuck It's called as well as this guy, but I Also, don't fuck black men thankfully I Thank you. The ghost of Ryan cash for five says you're my favorite stalker child on the internet. Enjoy prison So uppercase I number one number two. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I'm glad I'm someone's favorite something. I
Get bill for five says hey juice. Thanks for the streams got any leads on a competent AI for essay writing asking for a neighbor I guess chat GPT. I didn't realize that there are multiple ones competing to help you cheat on your your university exams now her on murder for two I mean I use chat GPT because there's a lot of stuff now that I deal with that is so old that there's no good information about it and
Unknown_11: Like when it comes to BGP config and stuff, there's no articles about BGP configuration, but it seems to know how to do that. And it's kind of impressive.
Uh, Haramaker for two says purchase the new overwatch two season six invasion battle pass premium bundle and receive two exclusive null sector hero skins along with 20 free tier skips, trigger your FOMO and start playing again. Kids. Absolutely fucking not.
Unknown_11: I'm waiting for active blizz to go into it. Actually.
Unknown_11: I'll buy the company, but I'm not going to buy the game.
Unknown_11: Pinata effort six six three four five says hey Josh. There's the fact that I am the only pinata freak You know by default make me your favorite one. I'm coding up a browser database thing for local files recommendation I would imagine that you have issues doing that because a Browser cannot safely access all the files on your computer to make a database with I would suggest doing something else for that that sounds weird Sure, you're my favorite piano fucker pinata fucker. I guess the ones that I know
Danock for two says find it therapeutic to see while trunes a beg forgives I never make their goals and barely get money if ever so much for trainings being helpful to one another in their supportive allies Am I right? Yeah, it's sure. They're all fucking bankrupt. Unless they get funding from like a major Thing like Google then they don't get anything Debugs for 20 says cat box file. Let me scan through it one second
Unknown_07: Okay, it appears to me a kid eating a pizza.
I don't understand why this keeps getting sent to me.
Unknown_03: It still looks pretty good, but it doesn't look like the one on the box.
Unknown_03: So, minus one point for that.
Unknown_03: My mom would not help me cut it, so I'm just gonna have to eat it like this. It's pretty good. I was worried it would be too spicy, but I'd give it a 10 out of 10.
Unknown_11: Wait, so he took a point off, but it's like, it's still a 10 out of 10.
Why would his mom not help him cut the pizza? That's my question.
Unknown_11: Did that question never get answered?
Unknown_11: Thank you.
Unknown_11: Debugs for two says review tech USA is a fucking tranny chaser, and he still lives in his parents' house. How do you have a million subscribers and still live with your parents? What the fuck is this idiot doing?
Unknown_11: He's talked about the farms before.
Unknown_07: Okay, let's find this.
Unknown_07: Do I care that Kiwi Farms existed?
No. Do I give a fuck that Kiwi Farms is gone? Hell no.
Unknown_11: The place was a fucking cesspool, and I won't shed a single tear that it's been wiped from the lowercase i internet. It's a better place without it. Well, apparently you do care. That's like an ironic statement. Like, do you care that something is gone? No, but I'm actually really happy about it. Apparently you do care, motherfucker.
Unknown_07: Just saying.
A laughing hyena for two says trans people need a flag or pronouns on their profile to distinguish themselves as exceptional creeps and rapists Can't leave these assumptions to chance. It's true. It's like The color warnings that the danger Harrah's were doing it's like a warning. Oh, this guy's a psychopath Thanks for letting me know. I almost trusted you as a as a person respectable person
Unknown_11: Daniel arson stand for ten says when this Kiwi casino grand opening so I can finally play the reskin slot games featuring notable old customers Chantelle King Cumberland even my boy Daniel arson jackpot equals three slobber dogs I thought it would be really funny if I ever had like a Like a premium currency or something on the forum to add a slot machine and have it be rip study But I'm afraid that would cause like some kind of issue and I would be investigated for money laundering or gambling or something Even if it was like a fake fake thing
debugster1 says josh when he breaks his ukrainian keyboard dude i'm missing so many keys from my keyboard i'm gonna have to replace it it's really sad i was i bought a keyboard and it sucked so i sent it back and now there's these things called ceramic keys which are interesting looking but they don't have bumps on their f and j keys since i've never heard of a keyboard that doesn't have bumps on the f and j that's how i find them fuck it
Unknown_11: No No, jeer man for ten says it's strange that nick of all people have fallen to the kumar delusional that everyone that makes porn makes a shit ton of money when that just isn't true crazy if you look at the Statistics for only fans you have an enormous number of people who make nothing. They're like still getting their boobs out. They're still humiliating themselves There's gonna get doxxed and harassed because of their porn career and they're making like no money at all And then there's like the top 1% that makes a fuck ton of money who are people like Trisha Paytas who are like hobgoblins but the things that they do is that they're willing to pander to specific fetishes like even that um that one jewish horror that's really popular um
Dolphin Bella Delphine she her fetish is like she pretends to eat glass and gets slapped around now so like her pandering is to like actual like rapists who want to like hurt women and so she has to actually utterly degrade herself to keep her role in the in the ecosystem and it's like
Unknown_11: It's real fucking sad. It's a real fucking sad thing and we're selling people, young people who have not yet fucked up their life an opportunity to fuck up their life at the chance of maybe being like a top 1% earner and most of them are going to just expose themselves and be humiliated for it and not make anything.
Unknown_11: And Rikita is perfectly okay with them not my kids hashtag not my kids if it's not my it's not directly related to me Why should I care if it doesn't directly impact me? Why should I care about how it affects other people if they're not me question mark? Boxes for 10 says I saw this post somewhere else and it's feels appropriate to repose but they called the curse that results from exposure to Jewish mad cow disease and I feel it's appropriate and
Yeah, I'm definitely cursed. I've accepted it. I am a, um, black hole that sucks everybody into its gravity. And foe, foe or friend, it doesn't matter.
Unknown_11: Khaleem Al-Asim says, there's no such thing as safe sex work. Even cam whores get murdered by their weirdo stalkers. Dude, there's a bunch of cam whores that I wish got murdered by their weirdo stalkers because they fucking deserve it.
Unknown_11: So unfortunately, it's always like the, like the random women that nobody's ever heard of and not the big ones who are like perpetrating this, this blight on society.
But yeah, it does happen.
Unknown_11: Mr. Beast combos for Pfizer's Josh. How do you feel about turfs? I feel that they are a Necessary regression and feminism that are very agreeable all the time
Unknown_11: Mr. Beast combos for two says one of the few times vouchers, right? Is that our W or's would defend Epstein if he declared a right wingers would defend Epstein if he declared himself right wing beforehand just party dedicated on culture wars Sure, it's very true. There's many instances of that Daniel arts on Stanford 10 says Daniel Orson police body cam was released the moment the cop realized that what was in his backpack and took pictures They went to preview off-screen first.
Okay, I
Unknown_07: Oh, it's like a pocket pussy.
Unknown_07: Okay, they're going through his bag. He's got like dildos and pocket pussies and shit in his bag. That's weird.
Unknown_07: They're taking pictures of it.
Yeah, I don't know.
Unknown_11: I don't know how I feel about him, because people try to get me into him, and I'm just like, oh, well, these are like people fucking with a schizophrenic, which is exactly how Terry died. So I don't really find it very funny, because they're convincing him to go out to places and get arrested and shit. So that really doesn't seem like my kind of thing.
Unknown_11: Pimmel Fesher for one says, good night, Mr. Moon. Good night, Pimmel Fesher.
Unknown_11: Noit, noit, buddy. I'll see you in the morning, pal. Cole Cole for two says two corrections Kitty sells thing was because politicians said something anti-weed and he made a threat to her Also Shad that Nick was referring to is Shad diversity a euro sword channel not Shadman Well, that's a big difference. So I apologize Her on burger for two says honorable and esteemed and venerable QE diamond must break all ties with the Women's Guild and expect the fem wise from your domain before it's late Yeah, good fucking luck Those people crying that there's one thread that men get made fun of it and they can't participate in no No, the firm is dead. It's been corrupted from the inside though. The women of the Kiwi farms have done what the trunes could not Ideas meal what was me? Hey, it's another shower
Where's bun bun for Tim says today is my birthday. My first official birthday wishes for you to press the button twice We did press it twice. What would you even stream about? There's a lot of fun stuff to stream about if I didn't have to stream about pedophiles. I wouldn't prove the show actually I'm Tarot for five says hey John. Oh and happy birthday For five says hi Josh. I sent you a news hamster for your news segment by email What did you think of its subject light fan art news hamster submission? I
Can't find it.
Unknown_07: I don't know which one he sent it to. I have like eight different emails.
Unknown_07: Oh, I found it.
It's a picture of the hamster behind the desk. It's, it's... It's very stupid.
Unknown_11: Sorry, the hamster himself is very cute, but... Your submission is very... It's very stupid. It's very cute though, thank you.
Unknown_11: Um... TheGhostOfLotex, for one, says, Last stream you had mentioned a Cobra cooking video for the next stream. It seems Josh is too afraid of Cobes chewing noses. I am, but it's also that the stream's gone for too long to play filler shit.
Unknown_11: Longboarder who pretty much says I saw it in this thread the jerk went over my head. I'm pretty sure I'm autistic I've no idea what that's a reference to I apologize. Thank you Your bonus page for once is sorry Josh the hungry klutz Orman is the thieving Jewish musicians that points to how klutz Mars and zone Jenner and didn't notice my super chat got cut off the band is a blasting the company It's the blasting company
Okay. Sorry. I don't know enough about Jewish musicians to opine about the deep lore for this, but now I have her for six, six, three for two says what's the worst aspect that the pinatas are furry, that they're beaners, that they're furry. Sure. But no brain for once is I did not bingo this week. Josh, step it up. Um, Irver, what a burger. Um,
Something or the other ones something about Ralph Ralph and may suffer Horace. They're getting others Show the hands, okay fine.
Unknown_07: I'll show the hamster Sorry, it's very difficult to pull it from my email image eight six two two, okay. Oh
Since everyone seems to want to see the hamster so fucking bad You skipped my chat about turkey Tom confirming from turkey shielding You did not I is it's like a joke now that people don't send in super chats and then say you missed my super chat I haven't seen look I know about the turkey Tom stuff, but I haven't seen it So I can't make an opinion about it.
Unknown_11: That's my that's the deal with that Okay, I'll put the hamster on screen for the outro Turbo no brain for one says, thank you. Josh. I literally worked. You're welcome. Motherfucker All right
Unknown_11: That said, did I miss anything on Odyssey? Real quick.
Unknown_08: True.
Unknown_11: TurboNailBrain for once says, Thank you, Josh. It literally worked. Wish, I really wish that streams did not automatically assume that I went audio all the fucking time. All right. Uh, that's it. I will turn off the shill mode. I'll keep the hamster on. Cause why not?
Unknown_11: And, um,
I want to say that there was something else I was gonna do. Something special for the outro.
Unknown_11: Oh, I remember. Um, special... Actually, I can't show the hamster, because I want to show the music video. Sorry, hamster. Um, this is a new song by Hardman Working Hard. Uh, it's about Maddox, because Maddox has come back, and they're, like, a dick show affiliated. But it's a pretty good song, so I'll play that. Um, I'll see you guys on... Tuesday.
Unknown_07: Take it easy. Bye bye. There's a man on the internet.
There's a man on the internet. Just some random guy I met years ago. There's a man on the internet. Fortunately, there's a dark side to this person. There's a man on the internet. He's addicted to drama. There's a man on the internet. He spreads rumors about people he doesn't know. There's a man on the internet. Facts, look, facts, look, facts, he doesn't have. There's a man on the internet. Don't take my word for it. There's a man on the internet. You're talking about yourself. There's a man on the internet.
Unknown_02: Oops. Wow. There's a man on the internet. Maybe we should give him the benefit of doubt, even though there's a man on the internet. I took him to court. What a hero. Wow. There's a man on the internet. A guy. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. That's a threat. Who? Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape.
Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Ra
There's a man on the internet.