Hello! How is everyone? I have been up to actual work for once and I have improved the stream nexus for enhanced
Unknown_17: Entertainment and discourse also known as the snee overlay which you see on my OBS Let me let me give you a rundown of the features. I have added for your benefit first and foremost chat Oh the kick K has been replaced you now have an actual letter from your name the first letter of your name show up People without avatars on rumble are no longer just a green square you actually have your letter show up
and I have added a super chat thing so that it will actually show up as a super chat in this I think it should work it should theoretically it should work I tested this before the stream for Odyssey and also Rumble and it would also theoretically work with YouTube because I tested it um
Unknown_17: Somebody gave me a replay of an anime girl getting her monetization, and apparently it's a huge thing in the VTubers when an anime girl gets her monetization, because they will literally send her $1,000 a minute for half an hour, and that's their welcome bakaki into the monetization world. I used one of those, so I tested it. It works with multiple currencies. Actually, it will exchange currencies, so if you tip in something, it'll correct it. I have a fun story in regards to that in a second.
so What was I gonna say okay? So in regards to that let me just test it real quick cuz someone sent in a dollar for me on honesty I think I can trick it like this There okay, so it shows up the two $1 super chats, and if the chat was fast enough They would also stick at the top for the duration of that So well there we go so this one okay everyone chat. Oh fuck. I fucked up the Odyssey one by refreshing I So if everyone chats, okay, you see how it sticks up at the top it'll do that until half the vertical Height of the chat is taken up and then the oldest ones will start to push off So that there's always half the chat visible visible for the live chat And then the other ones are super chats even like if something happens and I get like a ton of super jets for some reason But I'm thinking to like other people using this as well And then those each have a lifespan of six seconds per dollar. So it's like ten minutes at $100 or some shit like that and I
that way Everyone kind of gets a fair a fair share of the screen attention to the best of my ability the other thing that I have added is Well, I didn't add someone actually wrote this for me, and then I can go over there, and I can say whole and
Unknown_17: Is this cool or what and then you can say yes or no and you vote on? Whatever platform you're on except for VK right now because it's fucked up you type in vote exclamation point vote one exclamation point vote two and you do that kind of like how you would normally just straw poll one or two but with a little vote command in front of it and And then you can see that it does tally up.
So yeah, there we go. Oh, people are figuring it out. It is happening in real time. Very, very cool.
Unknown_17: So that will stick up there and it will sit on top of any super chats I kind of want to make it a part of the super chat thing where like the super chats will stay below it no matter what But this is a good compromise for right now As you can see over a hundred people have figured out how to use the vote command which is which is pretty nice and then I can say
So we're at 109 participants. People are trying to double vote, but it doesn't work. Uh, 60% of people in rising say that it is cool. It's about second, about 60. Then I'll say end poll theoretically, and then boom, it's gone.
Unknown_17: Excellent. Excellent. I'm working hard.
Unknown_17: Most other people, they just say, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to plug in my camera. I'm going to be a VTuber. I'm going to go to YouTube. I'm going to make $30,000 in 30 minutes by singing, singing gay anime shit. Me, I actually have to put on the socks and I have to do the work that nobody else is willing to do so that I can see my super chats on screen. Cause I'm split across 97 different fucking platforms right now.
Anyways, so my fun story that I wanted to talk about in regards to my work is this.
Unknown_17: While testing my super, my super chat thing, I actually, I had to find an API that allowed me to just pull like convert dollars and shit, right? So I found, I found a nice API that updates once a day. And then it has all the currency exchange rates. And then I wrote a little script to make sure that all the currency exchanges were plugged in. And then I let it run with a anime girl at 2x speed on mute. And then I collected all the data, and I saw which currencies I didn't have, and I plugged them in. And I noticed something peculiar, chat, in my test. It came out here with Phil Chan. As I was sitting there watching all the Super Chats pile in, I was reading them. Some of them were really funny. There was one that was like a $100 Super Chat from an anime avatar saying like, From one sapphic to another, teehee. If you don't know, sapphic means lesbian, so that's a tranime sending money to another tranime, which is the least sapphic thing in the entire fucking world. That's straight up trunime shit.
I noticed, as I was watching this shit, I saw one go fly by, and I had to stop. I had to stop the video, pull up the data, and make sure I didn't fuck up reading something. Because I noticed that Phil Chan on my screen had donated 14 cents. I'm thinking, what fucking currency gives a dollar super chat for 14 cents? And I looked it up and it was even worse than that. Phil Chan had achieved a $5 super chat trim for 50 Argentine pesos for 14 cents.
So he got a $5 SuperChat border for $0.14, and sure enough, I pull up the number on... I do some digging to see what the... Because the way that YouTube prices SuperChats is based on local purchasing power, not actual dollar value. So 50 Argentine pesos is about $5 in the United States, or $0.14 if you actually exchange the currencies. So I pull up this graph that I thought was interesting.
Unknown_17: And it's actually an exchange rate of all the different things. If you want to get $100 worth of SuperChat, you have to spend $160 worth of Danish kroner, or $1,000 kroner, to get $100 SuperChat at almost double the price.
I have to pay a little bit $120 more but the fucking Danish get raped trying to donate On super chats because they have to literally they have to spend twice as much basically to get $100 but if you notice up here You have Argentina and Brazil at the very top and then the ruble so to get a red super chat for $100 in Argentina you only have to pay $12
Unknown_17: So, theoretically, if you were a troll who had a little bit of money to spend to troll people, and you also happen to have a VPN that had an exit point in Argentina, you could switch over to Argentina and pay $12 to Super Chat, and it would look like $100 to anyone accustomed to the regular median price of $100 for a red Super Chat. And you can trick people into thinking that you're donating tons of money. Like, you could probably, you know,
Do it like five times people would think oh you spent $500 and you spent almost a tenth of that if you're really that desperate to do that you could spend the money through that or if you were trying to let's say Theoretically that you were a pathetic meat and you watch anime girls and you wanted to get a tokodoko chan's attention for just a split second But you don't have the money to buy both tendies and also a $100 super chat you can just switch over to Argentina pesos and pay $12 instead
So there we go. I want to put this where I am. Why am I putting this information out into the world? I desire as much suffering as possible in YouTube. I want people using YouTube to be in pain. That is why I'm doing this. I hope you find this information useful. Those of you who would intend to use it.
Unknown_17: Okay, anyways, so in response to this by the way someone sent me this thing and apparently this is actually not the first discovery of this information someone says Muna gets aka super. It's a fucking Argentina's peso every time man, and he says hold up How do you how's it fair that he gets a fair spelled wrong that he gets the red message for paying the equivalent of $13 I paid $50 my message stays up half the time and it's not even good It doesn't even get read because I guess Muna only reads the aka soup as which are $100
Anime Avatar Replies says, Fair? Don't tell me about fair, you Yankee motherfucker. You have no idea what it's like to live in this hellhole. You think your two-party government is bad? The entire country is a joke. And don't you dare call this a banana republic. No one even grows shit in here, man. I can't get out of my house out of fear of getting shot by 14-year-olds sniffing epoxy. Our ruling government is a party of a party that only has the value of being named after a man that participated in a military coup. Politicians suck their wives' tits on video calls during Congress. Our jails might as well be revolving doors. Somehow, we still have Bolivians migrating here. We're even starting to have African mobs. There's no fucking hope for this fucking country, save for the ocean swallowing us whole. How do you think that I feel when I see people dropping Akasupas in dollars?
Suffer- Oh, I need to make it so that the superchats don't overflow like that.
Unknown_17: I'm gonna fix that right fucking now.
Unknown_22: I might.
Unknown_22: Yeah, I'm gonna fix that right now, actually. Hold up.
Unknown_22: Um...
Unknown_17: x height in our town here, max height.
None. And then I go over to I don't need to just refresh that.
Unknown_17: Listen, this is how I, I use, I'm a professional. This is how we do it. I go back over here and then I want to re see the rumble message. And then I want to re then I play my own, my own audio. Oh, and then I forget that if you refresh rumble, all the messages are gone.
Unknown_17: Man when I when I get genuinely angry at something it's like my blood pressure drops I start getting like cold sweats, and I'm just like angry like this platform has been around for two fucking years, and they still can't figure out how to make it so that You can see your own super chats. Why do they do this? Why is it like this? I?
Unknown_15: I'm actually pissed. How the fuck does it how is it still like that? How is it still like that where it?
There's not even I swear to God. Am I missing something where there's not even like a list on the Rumble side because developers are shit.
Unknown_15: How the fuck do you not have a
Unknown_15: A list of, um, of your own Super Chats! How? I've complained about this enough times. I see Rumble Rants, I see the fucking thing.
Unknown_17: Okay, do me a favor. Somebody who is a Chad, if you have a Kiwi farms account right now, scroll all the way up and get it all the super chats at the top of your chat. They don't get deleted. If you have the window open, take those and paste them into the Kiwi farms thread. And I remember the last one. I, oh man, I'm so upset.
They continue.
Unknown_17: Who do I, who do I fucking contact to fix this?
Unknown_17: Dude, it's such bullshit. It's this is the first thing you fix when you get a platform out when you get a platform out The first thing you fix is the monetization so that people are not like deprived of what they paid for Literally, how do you fuck this up?
Anyways Um
Unknown_17: Let's move on, before I come undone at the seams.
Unknown_17: Steve Harwell, Smash Mouth founding singer, dead at 56.
Unknown_17: He is the Shrek man. You know Shrek, this is him.
Unknown_17: It's quite a tragedy, chat. This man...
Unknown_17: Hero, I'll explain why I'll explain why I love smash mouth and I'm unapologetic about it as a music snob Smash mouths all-star came out like I want to say right before 9-11 like literally right before 9-11. Let me say All-star release date
May 4th 1999. It was like the last super hit that came out literally right before 9-11 Give it about two years And it it was in shrek. I think shrek released just after 9-11. So this was like the all All-star was like the last great song That you know top the the the charts and was played constantly on the radio just before 9-11 It was the last thing that was made in a time that was like prosperous and a golden era in the United States And then all so all music after this as a fact after 9-11, but this was like the last really major hit before 9-11 it has been like tainted with like the shittiness of the United States and
Because immediately after 9-11, I do the Patriot Act. There's like a brief, we were like briefly in this patriotic frenzy where there was literally, if you didn't live in the United States after 9-11, literally every single yard, every single yard, if you drive down the street, you would see literally a thousand American flags everywhere. Every yard had a flag, at least one. There were huge flags, little flags. My grandfather went out to the curb and put like a little flag, a foot apart for the entire connection, like the entire border between the asphalt and the turf. And that was like every house in the United States for that period. So there was that little high, that little euphoria after 9-11. And then after that, everyone started hating the government again. George Bush went from the most highest approval rating of any president in history to the lowest of any president in history.
And then we had Obama and everyone became super racist again, or at least that's what the media said. So then the United States has never recovered from 9-11 is what I'm saying. And All Star was that song that came out like right before 9-11 and kind of like if you were alive in the nineties and you're old enough to remember it, um, you, you strongly associate, uh, All Star with like a much better time more than any other song, I think. Uh,
Just because of how good the timing was.
Unknown_17: Anyways, reminds me of that tragedy, 9-11.
Unknown_17: The Washington Post has been shit, again. Taylor Lorenz, one of the most infamous writers of the Washington Post. A writer who, I feel like I need to mention this every single time. A writer for one of the largest national publications in the United States, doxed a feminist on Twitter called Lives of TikTok. and then went to this woman's house and then also the houses of all of her family members to harass them in person to try and intimidate Libs of TikTok from being able to exercise her constitutionally protected freedom of speech on Twitter.
She did this and she continues to be a highly paid, well-known international journalist for the Washington Post. If the Kiwi, literally in the history of the Kiwi farms, nobody has ever done that. Nobody who has, I can safely say this, nobody who has a farm account on the forum has gone to a person's house and then all of their family members to harass them. Not even like Music Biz Marty, who is not a member of the forum, but is like a lifeless troll. Not even him has done this, and yet, for whatever reason, we just excuse Taylor Lorenz because she's a quote-unquote journalist for the fucking Washington Post. And people need to remind her that the Kiwi Farm- if I did what she did, everything would be gone. I'd be in fucking jail for harassment or some shit, or stalking. My site would be shut down, everyone- the database of the Kiwi Farms would be on some Fed server right now, like it would be over for sure. But Taylor Lorenz, she still gets paid.
Unknown_17: However, she's getting made fun of because she made a tweet a long time ago where she had door dashed herself like avocado toast from some faggoty fucking like coffee shop or some shit or
Let's let's let's breakfast brunch some like brunch coffee store, and it was a $22 order She paid $22 including the delivery fee and all that shit and then when I got to her door It was all smashed up and gross-looking because the driver didn't do a good job or whatever and she tweeted about this Like my love a kind of toast is all fucked up at DoorDash and now now that she's on you know the communist Fediverse instances people always give her shit cuz she's so fucking bougie that she's ordering $22 avocado toast and trying to someone like no really I'm a progressive Yeah, if you were a progressive you would not be ordering $20 avocado toast and then she defends herself saying no It wasn't $22 avocado toast. It was $19 avocado toast with a $3 tip. I'm totally like you guys I'm a working man
Unknown_17: People are still gonna shit. It's based. It's really I love it when the communists actually stick to their values and eat the the bougie Isn't there a word for it like the Romanians or like wine a wine glass champagne communist or whatever? It's like that. I like that shit. You're gonna be a communist. That's kind of weird but you better be you better be like a hammer sickle type of communist that's gonna call that call out the champagne socialist and not the
Not be supporting that shit just because they say things that you like that's gay
Unknown_17: Also, The Washington Post, coincidentally, in case you were expecting something else when I mentioned The Washington Post. A beautiful woman named Natasha Tiku. I've always said that the Indians are the most unfortunate-looking people on the planet. Between this woman and Jessie Singh, I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's wrong with the Indian phenotype.
Really, just a disaster, genetically speaking. Survival of the fittest does not mean survival of the attractive, apparently.
Unknown_17: Oh, we need the hamster total hamster visibility. I got you since we're talking about the news and all Yeah, we need a perf. We need a actual professional on my screen right now, so we can talk about this matter with the with the sincerity and professionality that it deserves
Natasha tikku says hero Joshua. I'm a text reporter for the Washington Post I'm publishing a story tomorrow in the year anniversary of cloud flare dropping Kiwi farms because it's if you don't remember this is one of my favorite little tidbits about the Cloud flare shit and how they dropped us After putting out an article about how they were not going to drop us Matthew Prince released another article that was not co-authored by a professional PR agent and said
Unknown_17: that they actually were going to drop us. And the second article where they said they were going to drop us or print said they was going to drop us. It was like on a Saturday at like 7 p.m. on Labor Day weekend.
So whatever happened whatever axe was dropping down on his head and I continue to believe that what happened is that he was not going to drop us because he doesn't believe in that and then because Cloudflare is publicly traded his shareholders got together and said you're either gonna drop this site or we're gonna sue you for
Unknown_17: Whatever the fuck it's that thing where if you don't act in your shareholders interest they can sue you or whatever the fuck so that happened and then he had to like Friends frantically put together a plan for what to do with us Did it over Labor Day weekend and then just drop that shit in the middle of nighttime? It was like it. I think was at 2 a.m. My time that someone sent me a text messages like hey the cloud floor dropped you and I had to like get up out of bed and And figure out what to do anyways um
She continues, this piece will look at your, your, I love how she words. If you don't know journalists are absolute scum. I say, don't talk to journalists. Don't talk to federal agents. If you have a journalist in your family, you should make it known that you do not like them. You should not associate with them. You should not be around them. You should not invite them to Thanksgiving. Same with federal agents. if they're like if you know people in your family you should make sure that it's known to them that they are bad people and that their life choices are not respected and that you don't actually uh hold them to be family anymore so
She says, this piece will look at your efforts to keep the forum online and other people's efforts to keep the site offline. Please let me know if you'd like to comment. I can speak anytime today. This is going to be a real fair and balanced article because she held that in equal weight. She's going to mention what I've done as well. Wow.
So I assume it's gonna be very sympathetic. However, I'm not that dumb So I just said do you still print that rag on a paper? If so, please send a physical copy of your smear piece to the PO box listed on the website so I can frame it Thanks, and then I attach this It literally took me three seconds to search Natasha Tiku on Twitter and find this really grateful that someone with undeniable talent and success like Taylor Lorenz is using her platform to expose harassment these same Wow
just so good. These same tactics, which we had more language for than stochastic terrorism or Gamergate, have been used on the most marginalized with no one to defend them.
Unknown_17: Uh, imagine you are trans and photos of you show up on the K apostrophe W apostrophe forums or you're black and you've been yaks by project B asterisk RIT asterisk S. You can't talk about it without driving attention to the content that endangers and humiliates you, knowing it will bring another cycle of online abuse. Yeah, I guess when you say dipshit things, uh, people will continue to bring them up, and if you try to defend yourself against the dipshit things that you did, you'll just look even dumber. Uh, trust me, I know.
But so I I saw this and like fuck you. I'm gonna give you the time of day And she did not reply to this but did go ahead and post her article. So let's read The endless battle to banish the world's most notorious stalker website. So right out the gate you can read this article headline You can think yeah, this is gonna be really well researched and really fair to everyone involved
Unknown_17: Subtitle the anonymous forum known as Kiwi farms keeps popping back online despite a relentless campaign by Transgender activists and a former insider. This is the dumbest fucking thing. I've ever heard and we're gonna get to it So this these are the heroes. I love it. I want to say Jackie dives in Nick Oxford for the the Washington Post
I don't know anything about Jackie Dive and Nick Oxford, but I know by looking at these pictures that they are on my side. These people are chads. They are heroes of our fine republic. They are looking out for me and they're trying to help out the best they can because not a single person who opens this article and sees these two photos is going to think, Yeah, those are normal people and anyone talking shit about them deserves to have their constitutionally protected freedom of speech stripped away from them as brutally as possible. There's not a single person that's going to open this article and scroll past his images that's going to automatically take their side. So big, big ups to my boy, Jackie Dives and Nick Oxford for being heroes of the Kiwi farms. If you have forum accounts, let me know so I can give you ghost of vision trophies. Really can't overstate your contributions to my my humble little forum But let's read I'm gonna read this entire thing because why not
It's 11 minutes long, apparently. Strap in. When he heard that the Kiwi Farms had been knocked offline, Clay, a member of the anonymous online forum, was flooded with relief. I thought to myself, this hell on earth has finally been vanquished. Founded in 2013, Kiwi Farms has been used to organize vicious harassment and stalking campaigns against targets, including Clara Sorrenti, a transgender activist known as Keffels, and Rep. Resentative, I guess, Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, a far-right Republican. It went down exactly one year ago after Cloudflare, a major tech security firm, stopped providing services saying contributors to the forum were posting the home addresses of those seen as enemies and calling for them to be shot.
This is just a link to the, so the calling for them to be shot thing, this is actually new information. To this day, Matthew Prince has never, never, never provided any information about what the actual urgent threat to human life was. It has never been stated. This person managed to get a pull quote from Matthew Prince about what it was, and apparently someone said that Kephils has to be shot. If that's true, I have never been contacted by law enforcement over it. I've not been contacted by the North Irish police, by the Republic of Irish police. The United States police, the Canadian police, nobody on this fucking planet with a badge to their name has contacted me and said, we received this urgent threat to human life and we need to know more information about it. So I don't believe it. Number two, if that is true, him withholding this information to send it to the police in the same article that he says that the police are acting too slow is repriving me of the ability to address this issue myself. So he had no issue. Like it's just bullshit. The entire thing is a balancing act. And I'll reiterate this again. Matthew Prince did not want to take us down. His stockholders told him he had to, or they would sue, or they would vote him out as CEO, or some other bullshit. Then he had to decide, well I just put out a statement saying we're not going to drop the Kiwi Farms because, for the very good reason that we're a security company, and being a security company that's easily
forced to drop clients makes us a really bad security company, and other companies hosted by us are going to say, uh, maybe we should look elsewhere, because these guys are fucking retards. So he had to come up with an excuse, and the excuse that he came up with was, urgent threat to human life, or imminent threat to human life. Actually, I can pull this up, if you go to, if you want to actually see the error page,
Locale.wiki is not changed, and it still hosts the error page. Blocked due to an imminent and emergency threat to human life. The content of this site is blocked for any access through Cloudflare's infrastructure. For more information, please see as blocked. So it's just a lie. To save face, protect the company's reputation, and also please the shareholders who are forcing him to act.
Unknown_17: But this is actually the first one I've ever heard anything about why the site was dropped I don't even know what he's talking about calling for them to be shot I don't know what that's reference to I always thought it was over the guy from pole who posted an image in Ireland Referencing the Irish car bombings and the troubles, but I have no no actual clue what this is referencing now Funny how the more information that Prince gives the less it even makes sense I
But in the week that followed, Kiwi Farms scrambled to stay alive, jumping from a Russian servers to a Ukrainian hosting service to Vanrotek, a Vancouver, Washington-based hosting and security company infamous for providing refuge to 8-channel message board interiors for white supremacist content. As it became increasingly clear that Kiwi Farms would not go down without a fight, Clay, who spoke on the condition that he be identified by a pseudonym to avoid retribution, joined forces with Liz Fong Jones, one of Kiwi Farms' fiercest adversaries, and launched a dogged campaign to keep the site offline.
Unknown_17: Over the past year, their literal group of lowercase-i internet sleuths, trans engineers, and activists have methodically chased Kiwi farms across servers and networks around the globe, successively persuading more than two dozen companies to drop the site, despite this laborious undertaking described exclusively to the Washington Post. Damn, they got the exclusive. They got the deranged psychotranny giving them the exclusive details about how they have failed to keep an internet forum off the internet. Damn, Natasha, Natasha Tiku, you are a fucking, you're the, who is the guy that broke the Watergate story? You're the next one, buddy. You're going to make it. They're going to be, remember, they're going to be writing articles about you for the next hundred years about how you saved the Washington Post.
The site has endured showing up for months at a time sometimes as a mirror of itself on a completely different URL or as a forum domain such as countries in Countries such as Poland, you know the very look at that claw Look at that man hand that enormous man hand. That's crazy. Oh
Unknown_17: I'm now imagining that the Liz Fong Jones when he's trying to shut down the Kiwi farms He's like the claw from inspector gadget, and he's like all shadowy with like his shitty white dog and instead of the cat and he's just like struck Stroking it with his clawed man hands like next next time Kiwi farms next time And it's just every time that's just the cycle. It's episodic. They could make a cartoon about it
uh the group's big ups to jackie dives once again for the claw photo i really appreciate that the group's sisyphean ah finally we get some myth of sisyphus uh respect happening first good thing about this article oh he's talking about them
Unknown_17: He's talking about the trannies that can literally stop being mad trannies at any time they want. They're the Sisyphean ones, punished to roll the boulder up. It's not me. I'm not the one with the burden with the retard task of pushing the boulder up the hill. It's the glorious trannies. They're the ones doing the Sisyphean task.
The Sisyphean Battle illustrates the lack of mechanisms for reporting online abuse, much less for banishing harmful content. It also raises serious doubts about society's ability to block any site from the global web, even one that explicitly incites violence. Show me a fucking post, bitch.
Unknown_17: Wow, really, what a shock that we don't have ways of just permanently deleting everything forever. If our democracy is not to die in darkness, we need to have the ability to cast as much darkness on the world as humanly possible. If we don't control the darkness, the darkness will consume us. That is the only way to protect the security of our elections.
But either people think that Kiwi firms is dead forever or they think it's up and therefore going to remain up forever So the pong Jones the transgender site reliability engineer who has been targeted by the forum neither of those two narratives are true Founded by Joshua Moon a former a chain administrator Kiwi firms evolved into a popular platform for creating harassment campaigns its users often fixate on transgender people relentlessly stalking and taxing them at least they got the X, right and
At least three of its you know, what's weird is that when people complain?
Unknown_17: When I correct people on spelling the internet with a lowercase i, they cite the AP style guidelines and say that the internet is spelled lowercase according to the AP. But then doxxing is spelled with two x's according to the AP. So this person has no excuse. It's not that they're sticking to the AP style guidelines religiously, it's just that they're bad at writing. At least three of its victims died by suicide.
Not because of anything related to the Kiwi farms. We just had threads on them.
Unknown_17: Three people who incidentally had a forum thread killed themselves. But, um, you know, we're just going to throw that detail. This article, by the way, I think that the editor in chief or whoever the fuck is responsible for publishing this shit in the Washington post. The only thing that he did is that he went over and he just deleted sentences that were more accusatory and actionable defamation as opposed to, um, uh, just to keep the site safe.
Unknown_17: The Washington Post Jeff Bezos save to be clear isn't it funny because there's a good chance that Natasha Tiku or whatever the fuck will listen to this isn't it funny Natasha that you as a hero of Democracy and a champion of underprivileged people everywhere have to side with one of the largest most powerful richest billionaires in the entire planet a man whose company has destroyed small businesses and ruined small towns across the entire country and Isn't it funny that you have to carry water for him in order to protect the underclass and the underprivileged? It could not possibly be that you're a useful idiot, and the things that you're doing are not actually helping anybody. You're actually allowing a billionaire tycoon to censor the internet, and this is a case study of this. that maybe, once this is figured out, Jeff Bezos and the federal government, who he works with intimately... We don't know. The Washington Post doesn't make money. Amazon doesn't even make money. You know what makes money for Amazon? AWS, Amazon Web Services. Their tech stuff makes, I think, $100 for every dollar that they spend.
which is amazing profit turnover for any company. But part of that is because Amazon has entire warehouses dedicated to storing NSA, CIA, FBI data confidentially. So Jeff Bezos literally enriches himself off tax dollars to the tune of billions and billions of dollars. And then he runs a media outlet called The Washington Post, and he just carries water for the federal government. The federal government, I am convinced at this point, knows that the easiest way for them to censor things going through the Constitution is simply to allow private companies to do it for them. So the entire world gets smaller and smaller. More tech is centralized every year. Fewer websites exist every year.
As a result it only requires a few key positions in those companies to for the federal government to exercise censorship All they have to do is tell Jeff Bezos. You know write a hit piece on this article to give it more media pull Get the guy at Hurricane Electric to drop the site You know just a couple people and they can completely and totally extra Judicially censor things from the internet with ease with ease not even a problem to them and Natasha Tiku who? Thinks that this is awesome and doesn't see any problem with it because coincidentally, right now, she happens to agree with what they're doing.
I'm sure that this is not going to bite society in the ass at any point in time. And what's really, really, really funny is that Natasha Tiku's other articles are all dedicated to machine learning and AI and how those are big problems and how machine learning and AI are dangerous. I wonder if it's because Natasha Tiku is also subconsciously aware that her job is gone soon. It does not take a person of high intelligence to write an article like this. If, um, in fact, the fewer people writing articles, the better. All you have to do is plug in Liz Fong Jones fights website taken down two dozen providers. Um, Kiwi farms, bad, evil, terrorist website, avoid. civil liability, press enter, and then you have a long article like this that hits all those points exactly as mentioned and doesn't require any intelligence, any actual human forethought to break into it. Because if you really want to think about it, the human element of writing an article like this is the critical part of the brain that thinks, hey, maybe what I'm writing is complete bullshit. Maybe I'm on the wrong side. Maybe we shouldn't be censoring the Internet. That's what a critical thinking person in a chair might eventually come to the conclusion of. So we want to get rid of that. We don't want Natasha Tiku ever realizing, hey, maybe I'm the bad guy as she eats her $22 avocado toast and drinks a $10 Starbucks coffee while writing for the richest man in the entire fucking world to help censor the Internet. Maybe we want to eliminate that position. So we can replace Natasha Tiku with a computer that just shits out shit like this without any issue whatsoever. Without any possibility of maybe going hum. Maybe I'm in the wrong here Wow, I really hope that this nightmare world that you're helping to create not the dasha tiku really serves you forever I hope that you don't get completely fucked over by it Okay, let's continue
Next paragraph in response to a request for comment moon wrote by email. Do you still print that rag on paper? If so, please send a physical copy of your smear piece to the PO box listed on the website so I can frame it. Thanks Really really appreciate when people leave my comment in because it's so funny and it makes me look like such a Chad Maybe my boy Jackie dives put that in there Jackie went went behind her back and inserted that comment for me. I
my kiwi farms deep deep state operative in Washington DC.
Unknown_17: Should have been the subtitle Jackie couldn't couldn't pull that off The campaign against Kiwi Farms has been in earnest began in earnest last summer Serenity a twitch streamer who became famous as a news star for trans youth had been under attack for months by Kiwi Farms users who said she docks her address and swatted her home filing a false crime report that drove police to her door That is not true in August. She fled her native Canadian in Europe and
Europe and launched a social media campaign to pressure internet providers to stop protecting the farm location By the way using the hashtag hashtag drop Kiwi farms From Her home in Vancouver Fong Jones Heard about the harassment against Sorrenti and immediately recognized the tactics Fong Jones has also been targeted by the Kiwi farms and
Unknown_17: i'll be in twenty seventeen when he donated to a transgender non-profit not true that's a complete fabrication uh... i'll remind people in case they forgot fung jones and i have a threat until twenty twenty two maybe even twenty twenty three uh... liz gotten tangled with the kiwi farms because a long time ago there's a not the david name the non-profit by the way the non-profit was trans life on trans life under the whole stream on trans life and was a scam their current board of directors filed under penalty of perjury with the iraqis that uh...
Nina Chaboul and Greta Gustava, who were the transgender founders of Trans Lifeline, had inured $340,000 over their time as board of directors, and the Kiwi Farms had called them out. Because the Kiwi Farms had called out Trans Lifeline for being a scam, which it was, as filed by the board of directors of the same fucking nonprofit to the IRS under penalty of perjury, Liz Fong-Jones went out and complained to my email server provider, which was...
Unknown_17: trans IP in the Netherlands, and tried to get the kiwi farms taken down. I published Liz Fung Jones' email, which was at lizf.google.com, because he had used his official work account with Google to try and scare this provider with the authority of Google behind him.
Did not succeed ironically so I published the email and then at some point Google stopped work our Liz stopped working for Google I don't know why I don't know if I can claim any credit to that But I did file a complaint with his work, and I said you're fucking weirdo trune employee is harassing my service brothers I don't fucking appreciate it and then at some point Liz stopped working for Google, but it's a mystery as to what actually happened by the way I found out
Unknown_17: that Blake Willis, the 20-year veteran of Zio France, who was the one responsible for getting us dropped by Zio in 2022, immediately after Cloudflare dropped us, stopped working for Zio at some point this year. Don't know why. It's a mystery, chat.
Unknown_17: We can only hope that maybe there is some retribution for being total fucking cunts on the internet and doing shit like this.
Unknown_17: Um...
Functions have returned with a few firms when she donated users published his home address the names of his Biological parents and a redacted copy of his birth certificate in a thread that included racist and transphobic slurs members smeared his online Him online in an attempt to ruin his Google search results then send his employers the false information That's not Oh did Liz Fong Jones actually confirm that? to Washington Post that the Kiwi farms got him fired from Google? That sounds like a twisting of that. He's telling this person that we got him fired from Google when what happened is that this dipshit motherfucker sent unsolicited complaint emails from his Google email address to other providers that I complained because that's an abuse of his fucking work email and that got him fired.
Unknown_17: That's great. Thank you, Natasha Tiku, for confirming my suspicions. After five years, five years of not knowing, now I feel very confident that I did it. And that's why Liz Fong Jones is so butthurt, because he wanted to be a Google employee, but then the Google said, no, you can't use your email to harass people. And then I got fired. But they get to harass me by calling me a BlinkBait 20 all the time. That's not fair. I'm going to get them taken out from the internet one day. Five years later, I'm going to get them taken out from the internet.
Those videos though the harassment had died down Long Jones still felt compelled to contribute to the drop Kiwi farms campaign He made videos for his YouTube channel explaining cloudflare's complicity in keeping the site online Those videos soon reach Catherine Lorelei a transgender IT worker in Norman, Oklahoma Lorelei, I don't know what the issue is with them spilling out state names. I don't know why they truncated It's not like you're saving any space here in this long-ass article
Lorelei had never heard of Kiwi farms and was distraught by what he learned from Fong Jones presentations Shows my boy Nick Oxford for this beautiful photo of this wonderful specimen Oh nice high heels when you're a six foot tall troglodyte in a dress You probably should avoid the high heels because it makes you look like a six foot six troglodyte in a dress If you needed the help I
Unknown_17: Lorelei had been taking gender transition hormones for less than a year and had no connection to activist circles. Beyond wrangling server space, he had never worked on systems that spanned the entire lowercase i internet. Which one? It might be a very small internet, or it might be a huge internet. Like THE internet. We'll never know. But he volunteered to help, starting as Fong Jones' assistant, before stepping up to co-lead the team. I had no idea I had these skills, to be honest, Lorelei said. The group began spending dozens of hours each week navigating the Byzantine web of network infrastructure, trying to ferret out connections between no-name intermediaries to track down Kiwi Farms' new home. They then would send carefully worded emails to those companies' employees, even cold messaging on LinkedIn to persuade them to stop working with the site.
They didn't. Are they going to mention that Liz Fong Jones called up the CEO's wife in the middle of the night for a girl talk, or is that omitted? Oh no, it's carefully worded. Okay, so let me get this straight. When the Kiwi Farms does anything, it's harassment, terrorism, stalking, incitement to violence, physical threats. And when Liz Fong Jones calls up people in the middle of the night, and when Taylor Lorenz visits people's house out of the blue to harass them into trying to get the TikTok silence, that's just journalism and activism. Am I getting this right? Am I figuring out the protocol here for how they operate? Cause that seems like a bunch of bullshit. It's a wonder why everyone hates fucking journalists.
And why our society has absolutely zero trust for each other right now. Imagine if, imagine if the roles were reversed. Imagine, imagine if things were the other way around. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. Wow. Wow.
Unknown_17: The group operated in cells.
Unknown_17: Well, I think they mean cells as in terrorism cells, but I think they should be meaning cells as in prison cells. The group operated in cells in case they were DAGS, but kept track of every lowercase i internet provider persuaded to cut ties with Kiwi Farms. Moon had a few major advantages. After earlier attempts to take down the site, he incorporated it as his own lowercase i internet service provider, acquiring his own physical hardware, network resources, and a block of IP addresses, making kiwi farms much more difficult to dislodge. It marks the site as a peer on the lowercase i internet, meaning Moon directly receives any abuse reports and is entitled to a presumption of good faith. Yeah, right.
What the fuck does that mean? I'm not entitled to anything. I'm, I received zero, um, zero presumption of shit at this point. What a, what a crock.
When the team alerted FiberHub, a data center in Las Vegas, to alert the company to the bad actor using their facilities, the center had said they merely provided the electricity and power cord, but had no bearing on the servers that kept the site online. Those belonged to Moon's hosting company, originally incorporated under the name Final Solutions, a Nazi reference. FiberHub did not immediately respond for comment.
Unknown_17: The group slowly discovered a network of what they called shithosts, low-end lowercase i internet service providers who work with disreputable sites that spread malware or offensive content, arguing that they have a right to free speech. But the group had an asset of their own. This is where the article becomes complete schlock. Like, it stops having any bearing in reality and becomes like a fanfiction written by like a Star Wars fan or something.
Clay had been a member of the Kiwi Farms in his teens. Underage B.A., get the fuck off my site. He had been bored, seeking community, pressured by his friends, and going through a libertarian phase, he said. But following the suicide of one of the site's biggest targets, he began to push back on the forum's creed that its victims weren't human.
I don't think that that motto
Unknown_17: actually exist anywhere on the site. I think that's something that Natasha Deku pulled out of her fucking ass. I think that if actually I think a robot could do a better job of writing this article because the robot wouldn't just create bullshit like that. The forum's motto is is Latin for murder all trannies. It's really shocking.
Unknown_17: He withdrew from the site after he saw Kiwi Farms members churn their talents for doxxing and harassment on other members. His goal in joining Fong Jones and Lorelei's group was to help the forum's users, he told The Post. He pointed to Frederick Brennan, the creator of Ahan. He called for that site to be taken offline after it played a role in mass shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, and in El Paso. Brennan said he wanted the... wanted to free the user base of that site from being radicalized, from going down a darker path. And that's sort of what I'm doing here.
I can tell you right now that when you censor people, they become more radicalized. Like, the site probably had a very neutral opinion of trannies back in the day.
Unknown_17: And then after this shit started, I think a lot of them now have a much, much more negative opinion over trannies. Like, if your intention is really to make people not radicalized, fucking with them, depriving them of basic rights, and getting their shit taken down,
It's like a surefire way not to do that.
Unknown_17: Um, just food for thought. It's almost like it's an entirely selfish motivation presented by people like Liz Fong Jones and not actually a noble crusade to stop people from being radicalized.
Unknown_17: Having clay on board was a game-changer one of the challenges in persuading companies that Kiwi farms was a bad actors with the sites Was the site's opaque language outsiders might overlook terms such as TTD Which in Kiwi farms vernacular means total tranny death using a slur to refer to transgender people Like did you really need like? Liz Fong Jones does not know what that meant was it like just a complete fucking mystery to him like what's this TTD I?
Transportation tycoon deluxe. What what what is this TTD? I don't understand Thankfully clay was thankfully clay was there to translate for Liz Fong Jones who just couldn't crack the code Liz Fong Jones knows Chinese and English but TTD not enough words in the dictionary for this motherfucker to figure it out Clay could translate the language. He could also show the Kiwi farms users migrated to discord service, which is not true Like I'm sure there is like there's like a discord server for the movie night But I ban people who advertise random discord servers. I don't think people actually do that They might know each other on discord, but there's no kiwi farms discord server. I think this person maybe was talking about telegram
The author doesn't know what telegram is because he's a retard so clay was like oh That's um telegrams kind of like discord. You know and then the author's like ah discord I know that that's where all my kittens are at so they just said it's a discord server is where they went to No
Unknown_17: where they were more explicit about planning attacks. What fucking attack? I wanna know. If there is like a cluster of Kiwi Farms terror cells out there, what have you done? What have you accomplished? Everything is exactly the way it was over a year ago. It's the same fucking thing.
My shit is getting like fucked with all the time and nothing has transpired to let any of the only thing that's happened Is that Keffel's got fucked up on every drug known to man and gave up and now I was just trying to be a debate, bro Arguing with destiny and Dallas and whatever gay shit. He's up to nothing has changed if I have a Cluster of terror cells out there. They obviously suck Not as bad as this one Jones's terror cell sucks though because they decide still up
Their their attacks are just I guess laughing at shit, that's probably what they mean to say
Unknown_17: He led activists to the threats most rife with racism and calls for violence and he confirmed the trolls habits of using the phrase in Minecraft to pretend an illegal activity such as revealing the social security numbers of their targets was just something we did in the online game Social security numbers are not illegal 5 1 6 3 7 2 9 4 8.
Unknown_17: Oh my god I just docked someone's social security number. What a terrible federal crime. They're just it's a bullshit. It's a nine-digit number. I The only thing that you can't do is encourage people to commit identity fraud or facilitate identity fraud, but a nine digit number by itself is not criminal.
He was a Kiwi Farms whisperer on Jones. I just love the idea that this freak is just sitting there thinking TT just stroking that massive chin it's taken like 30 seconds for his you know you Point out your index finger and your thumb and you put it to your chin and you rock it bathroom forth because you're thinking real hard It's a 30 minute travel distance between side to side and just thinking what the fuck is this TTD shit? They keep talking about
Unknown_17: I see that Liz has put on weight though. The, the, the too many pork buns just sitting there, scarfing down pork buns, stressed out eyeballs popping out of his head, blood vessels bursting with rage, trying to figure out what the fuck pork bun is this TTD. Just, I need a translator. I need a man on the inside to bring me the details.
Thanks again to my, uh, to Jackie Don. I want to know who is Jackie dives. Who is this? Who is this hero that has been taking these pictures? Oh, I want to know. Oh, they have their own website here. Here's our boy. Jackie dives.
Unknown_17: She, I should, I should get, I need to give women credit when it's women that deserve the credit. Jackie dives is our woman on the inside. She is a huntress.
She's a huntress. It says right there. Are these like, Oh, I thought that was her. These are just like random pictures. Where's the picture of Jackie dives out like a fool. Now Jackie is, it has confused me.
Unknown_17: Whatever. It doesn't matter.
Unknown_17: She knows she's our, she's our man on the inside.
Unknown_17: Clay, in turn, was getting an education of his own. Fong Jones helped get him up to speed about the backbone of the lowercase i internet.
Massive networks responsible for publishing or passing along content known as tier one ISPs as well as the smaller downstream companies that depend on them for global reach Specialists schooled him in navigating the labyrinthine telecommunications industry they explained border gateway protocol the automated routing system that picks best paths for traffic and they explained how to leverage cure when ISPs acceptable use policies the contracts that typically prevent clients from using their network for theft hacking harassment and and other unwanted legal activity. Reminder that a service cannot harass people. When they talk about harassment in an AUP for an ISP like that, they mean that you can't use your connection to send emails or otherwise actually harass people. It is never harassment to post on, by itself, to post on a website saying something that someone does not like. It's just bullshit. And that will be shown, that will be demonstrated to Hurricane Electric eventually.
Unknown_17: In October, a group, The Group, made a breakthrough. After rotating among web hosts, Moon had settled in Zio, a company based on Boulder, Colorado. Fong Jones contacted someone at Zio, a former colleague, who was alarmed to learn that the company was working with Kiwi Farms, and it escalated the matter to senior leadership. I am so happy to hear from Washington Post irrefutable evidence that Blake Willis was acting as an agent of Liz Fong Jones, because I could not prove that before this article came out.
But Liz Sloan-Jones really needs that publicity, really needs that ego stroked. After all these pork buns and long nights trying to figure out what TTD meant, really just had to give the details to a general friend for that publicity to validate, to heckin' validate their efforts.
Surely, there would be no consequences of this.
Unknown_17: Kiwifarm service were soon terminated and statement Zio said it concluded that the forum had violated its acceptable use policy which allows for termination of service For Fong Jones, it was a wake-up call. There are less than 20 tier one eyes Yeah, it was that was a big watershed moment when he realized oh my god We actually thought that these ISPs these tier one ISPs that are internationally Important to how the internet operates would just drop random networks. It was like that was like a shock like to everybody I cannot fucking believe that tier one ISPs would do this and And so, it goes. It was a wake-up call. There are less than 20 tier 1 ISPs in the world, and they get tons of complaints. Spam, malware, harmful content, buy-in lords, they try to stay out of such disputes, preferring to assume they are doing business with reputable companies. But the Zio experience showed that if Fong Jones could reach the right people, top tier providers were willing to prioritize enforcing their acceptable use policies. If he managed to have the right girl talks, then even the tier 1s would fall. Wow, that is such a revelation. I totally agree.
Threats loomed over the group. After her YouTube videos about CloudFlare, KiwiForms users posted Fong Jones home address, social security number.
Liz Fong Jones is not American. Liz Fong Jones is an Australian Canadian Chinese.
Unknown_17: Therefore, Liz Fong Jones does not have a social security number. That's actually
Unknown_17: He's not he's not American. He doesn't have a social security number. So this article is Obviously factually deficient and it was obvious way possible crazy And that's bullshit by the way and driver's license well, how do we get the driver's license? I don't think that's true. And if it is true, what the fuck did you do? Where did you post your driver's license that people could find it on the Internet? I
Once Zayo dropped the site, he began receiving death threats by phone. Still, a year after the Cloudflare's decision, asking providers to drop Kiwi Farms generates controversy. Last week, the Electronic Frontier Foundation published an opinion piece that Tier 1 ISPs should not bow to pressure to drop Kiwi Farms, calling the move a dangerous step towards censorship. If the site in question were Reddit, or Planned Parenthood, or even the EFF, the lowercase i internet would be up in arms, wrote The Foundation, a nonprofit digital rights group based in San Francisco. Alejandra Caraballo, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School's Cyber Law Clinic.
What a title. I do nothing. I work in the janitor's office.
Unknown_17: I'm really important. Trust me, I work at Harvard. Called that argument misplaced. Fundamentally, the EFF fails to acknowledge how power dynamics and asymmetrical sets can act on its own form of censorship. Caraballo wrote on X sites formerly known as Twitter. The artist formerly known as Prince.
Unknown_17: Which is a stupid argument Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince This is the part where he I know that he talked to this tranny or not this tranny But this Indian woman that's can rest the mixed feelings while the company has withdrawn security services for the Daily Stormer and 8chan both linked to real-world violence including mass shootings and a deadly riot Prince argues that revoking services based on reprehensible content sets a dangerous precedent Well, if only you had fucking balls in the spine Matthew Prince Deciding what isn't allowed is the job of governments and regulators on ISPs and network providers He said via the messaging app signal still he added I don't miss having to worry about Kiwi farms, and they're often vile content Yeah, I'm sure you don't you little pussy Mid that debate Kiwi farms remained online Without Kiwi farms or Zio or any of the two dozen other companies that have dropped the forum since the group started in September Fung Jones says it was down to a limited number of lifelines
Lorelei, who now committed full-time to trans activism, gets paid by Fong Jones, wants to move on to other causes. Fong Jones is moving on as well. Clay and another one of the young members of the group plan to carry the torch.
Unknown_17: Reflecting on the past year, Fong Jones says it's unreasonable to expect victims of harassment to have to do this work. It's true that Kiwi Farms keeps finding more providers, he said, but it's a finite list and that's why we know we're going to win.
Unknown_17: Well, I haven't won yet. Return.
Unknown_17: So there you go. That's, uh, I think one of the nicest pieces anyone has written on us. Cause it just makes us look like fucking chads. There's no evidence in there. And unless you're already like fully indoctrinated to what the, um, uh, Washington post already released. It just says like, it makes it look like a, like a Sisyphean task. And all you get is the smug opining by a fucking weirdo tranny. And that's it.
Very cool, Natasha Tiku. Sorry, I've been mispronouncing the same the entire time because it's spelled wrong.
Unknown_17: Anyways.
Unknown_17: I talked about how the EFF probably had a security issue. I pointed out this guy.
And sure enough, the EFF was written anonymously. That last article that they're referencing was written anonymously as the Electronic Frontier Foundation. However, BEX somehow called out Corinne McSherry.
Unknown_17: And, uh, correctly, despite Corn McSherry not actually having published the EFF article under her name, and it's presumed that it is her, and I have a feeling that this is now publicly known because of this.
The EFF and CMC share specifically wrote an article basically arguing dead trans people is the cost of freedom and even I mean it is Even going through the police was less than they're useless against coordinate tags. They support Kiwi farms over our spouses.
Unknown_17: I Recognize queer armor says a temperance
Unknown_17: He doesn't have a thread, but he was directly involved with the trance was friends with them sent them free body armor, etc So he's a local and he put in Jason here He is directly named a McSherry the offer of the UFF article someone working at the AFF definitely leaked this information to him or his followers Fellow lefty Twitter addicts Quentin guy is a prime suspect Jackie sing sing has even interacted with him before so
Here is your benefit for your diversity inclusion EFF. You now have a guy who is your security officer Directly feeding your fucking names to people so that you may be personally terrorized by them And so all your all your good effort making sure the kiwi farms is known as a terrible abuser and a lawbreaker Even though it's fucking not has been rewarded with people wanting to kill you anyways Because you're not taking their stance of 100% Hope it's fucking worth it
Unknown_17: Um, and then also there's this giant $23 million gold coin that has the dead queen's face on it, which just, it's just shit. God, I don't buy any coins if I can that have the queen on it or the king at this point. Cause it's just so hideous.
Fuck the fucking one.
Unknown_17: You know what, you know what, you know what England gets punished by? They get punished by having COVID surveillance, COVID surveillance to restart ahead of winter amid new variant concerns.
Unknown_17: So if you are in the United Kingdom, you are going to be fully subject to the British surveillance apparatus, which has now had a full year to be updated, new version rollover. They got their team ready to go. They got help documents published this time. Everybody knows what they're doing and they're going to step on your dick as hard as possible over and over again until you no longer feel it anymore.
I just wanted to point that out.
Unknown_17: I'm trying to get up and go a little bit faster. Oh shit Well, it's gonna be a long stream. I guess it's probably gonna be a three four hour stream
Unknown_17: So, if you're an artist and you would like the background of the Kiwi Farms to feature your art, Non-Consensual Pronouns has started up a little thread to take place over September to submit art for this purpose. There are some guidelines in regards to what it must be, what the dimensions should be so that they fit the background.
Unknown_17: And so, I'm gonna go over, I have not looked at this thread at all. I'm gonna go over it and see what the submissions look like.
Maybe pick out some favorites, I'll bookmark some shit.
Unknown_17: This is an old design for a shirt, by the way. But this is an example of the 2-3 dimensions that are required for the background.
Unknown_22: So... Alright, let's take a look.
Unknown_17: This is a spooky, spooky Chris-chan.
What I like most about certain submissions is their artistic quality. This is actually pretty high quality, especially at a lower resolution. Though the scan lines fuck it up. I think if I shrink this down, I'm not careful. The scan lines are gonna fuck it up like that, but that's pretty spooky. I do like that. That's nice and Halloween-y.
Unknown_22: I think this one's a joke. Here we go.
Unknown_17: This one's um, this one doesn't doesn't quite meet I don't like to say that things don't meet quality expectations because i'm getting shit for free um, however I think that this one might be a stretch because you know people are going to be seeing it on their screen all the time So I have to be kind of careful. I have to be a little bit choosy so that the site still looks good. You know what I mean? No, this is pretty spooky.
I have to admit
Unknown_22: The first pages are usually pretty sparse because people actually have to take time to draw and show Grab shack bros have been trolling the good doctor about drawing a bowl of apples, which has led to creative boom apples that taste like piss
Unknown_17: More apples. This is a reductionist. What's it called when you take something and you abstract it? It's like a deconstruction. Deconstructionist.
I mean, none of these fit the standard, so if someone wants to draw a bowl of apples that reference The Good Doctor, you can go for it. I'd be okay with that. It just has to be spooky. They have to be candy apples or something Halloween-y.
Unknown_17: This one the text is an issue because you can't really I mean there's text in this but the text is like a significant portion of this and I don't think a lot of people recognize what this is Dr. Steen properly scares me. Those are just make a good horror movie. Oh, this is the um, the the butcher the the Trent trainee doctor that chops off genitals That's pretty scary to be fair Return of the bog hog
This one's too dark. Cause when I, um, like the feature should be bigger. You can crop out the edges and just have the, the actual Ralph thing there. Cause when you shrink it down and I'm going to put a black overlay, you're not going to be able to see anything. You really gotta make better use of colors. Cause otherwise people aren't gonna be able to figure out what the fuck it is.
Unknown_17: Uh, it has promise though. There, it looks pretty good.
Unknown_17: This one, the resolution, this is pretty funny though, I understand. I did an entire thing about the ants, DSP's ants. Because if you don't remember, there was a time where he went on for 11 minutes about how he left an entire box of Peco Paco breadcrumbs open in his living room, or in his kitchen, and he had to like,
Deal with the ants and either it wasn't even answers like little black bugs or something like stink bugs or something. It's really weird This would work it But if it's gonna be it my rule is that if it's gonna be like a double a double sized one that takes up to two Frames it has to be really really good. So this seems like color stuff I usually whittle it down to about 20. This is great. This is a winner for sure. I'm gonna favorite list Nothing needs to be said. This is a winner
He had surpassed the need to breathe the wrath of Instant winner The aspect ratio confused me 32 such as I'm disqualified the first transsexual I ever knew enough to feel hatred for the desecration of Mary I don't know what this is
Unknown_17: Yeah, that's weird. I would need to know what the details are, otherwise it's just like weird sacrilegious shit. Like I know that movie, The Nun, coming out and it's like, are we really still at a point where it's like religious people are scary? Is that just what people find terrifying? Oh my God. Their idol were worshiping Mary. Oh my God. It's so scary. I need to know what the background knows. This one is disqualified because it doesn't, it's pictures. It has to be drawings because I like art. Run that shit through an AI generator or something.
I don't mind the theme though. The theme was great. It just has to actually be drawn.
Unknown_22: That one's a little bit better, but it's still so dark that it's not gonna.
Unknown_17: This one needs some work.
Unknown_17: And it's the wrong thing. You can definitely fit the subject matter into a proper vertical alignment. I don't understand how people understand the dimension requirements. It's in the fucking background. It's on every single page. It's right there. Just do what's on the page.
Yeah, that could be improved, my friend. Ooh, this one's promising. That's a winner.
Unknown_17: That one's pretty fucking spooky. I would like to see more color in the lines cleaned up though, but that's okay. That is pretty spooky.
Unknown_22: Oh, poor sight. That's pretty good. Especially at a smaller resolution. Yeah, that's great.
I don't know if that's a reference to the walk.
Unknown_17: Oh, it's the walking dead cover. Okay People want to update the submissions by the way. I'm gonna follow this that's pretty good But again this person for some reason assumes that two by three means that I want Every submission to be horizontal like it's supposed to be it's supposed to be a comic book page every it's like I don't know how else to better describe it and there's no way like you could definitely make that a comic book page like a vertical portrait as opposed to um needing a landscape orientation
I don't know if it's supposed to be a sound chimed in that doesn't that money that does not fit the qualifications at all This guy oh, this is supposed to understand Okay, let me give you a hint guys delete the image insert his thumbnail Not hard makes everything a lot easier look promising though
Unknown_22: That's cute. Oh, that's cute.
Unknown_22: I'll accept that. That's cute.
Unknown_22: So should learn much with thumbnail.
Unknown_22: I'm a spooky ghost. Boo.
Unknown_17: Um, I would like, I mean, I like them to be like really visually attractive. So the more detailed yet is the better.
Unknown_17: Um, what's cute though.
Sun Tzu.
Unknown_22: That's great. That's a great work in progress. I'm excited for this. I'm going to give this a good old thumbs up.
Unknown_22: Oh, this is also super promising. This looks great.
Unknown_22: Cause she's in Thailand right now. I actually have some Chantal stuff to come go over. It's supposed to be a song or something.
Unknown_22: Oh no. It's like a time. Wow. Cool.
Unknown_22: Wow. That's super impressive. Very cool.
Oh, I'm hyped for that. I'm gonna have to make that so that it's like one of the things that show up on the margin, so that... Oh, that's excellent! Holy shit!
Unknown_22: That is fucking awesome.
Unknown_22: There's so many little details, too. That's great.
Unknown_17: Awesome.
Unknown_17: Ooh, that has great colors. That's wonderful.
Unknown_17: That's like a proper comic book with like the dots and stuff for shading. That's great. That's really great See the later pages are getting people have been working on this for like a couple days This is also perfect, this is exactly what I want.
Oh It's the Left 4 Dead. Oh, that's fuck. That's fucking great. That's super It looks so much like a real comic too or a real um, this must be the um, I
Unknown_17: Left 4 Dead cover from, uh, from Left 4 Dead, that's also fucking amazing.
Unknown_22: That's really well done.
Unknown_22: Oh, I see. Oh, it's supposed to be a dog that people say looks like me.
Unknown_17: Fuck you.
I would like to see that finished though, cause that's really cool.
Unknown_17: Fuck you don't know what a thumbnail is. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, this is the one from before but he finished it up That's great. Okay, cool. I will I will bookmark this just not, you know Well, this is another work in progress the guy from before that's really cool He's finished by this because this is October. Oh, this is from August. So, um, I
Unknown_17: You can still submit these because I'm going to get that thing put together by the end of September and I'll switch it on for October. Um, so if you're work, want to work on this, you can definitely get this in because it's only the sort of September and it will be on the site for the entire, um, Halloween.
This is my life as a Janney, by the way, I go through a thread and I painstakingly one by one correct people's thumbnailing.
Unknown_17: I'm not gonna color it because I suck at coloring and I don't have the patience. I like the monochrome stuff. Well, it has to be colored. It's gonna really stick out if it's not colored though. He does have nice pencil work. His avatar has his own drawing too. That's really cool.
Unknown_17: Ew, I don't want Liz Fong-Joan titties on my fucking screen though. That's a detriment.
You don't have to. Just do this.
Unknown_22: Sorry, I deleted information.
Unknown_17: Nobody will notice that I change this guy's post like that It's very simple, but I do like him I could use that if I need to fill in some I don't get enough submissions because the color is on point It would look it would look cool in the background Because the color theory is on point. That's excellent, too It's a great design
That's great a lot of these are very good. I'm very I'm very pleased when the People things that people do for the site are good-looking It makes me feel better
Unknown_17: This one was the one that non-consensual pronouns post on the internet thread as like a enticement to view the thread on stream. So that's the one or two. It's a little bit goofy, but I don't, it doesn't have to be like spooky scary. This is very pleasing to the eye.
Unknown_22: Lots of little memes in the pot too.
Unknown_22: Coloring is shit. It's not that bad.
The shading is, it kind of looks like it's, it doesn't sound like a backgammon insult, but the shading looks like it's done with MS paint. Um, cause it's just like harsh colors with like a little bit of change over and over again. That's cool though.
Unknown_22: This is very spooky. At first I was looking at it as something, uh, whatever, but now, now that I see what it is,
Unknown_17: That's great. That's actually oh, I recognize this person's art. I think they've done Other art for like turf stuff on locale farm. I'm pretty sure I recognize this It's art style. You gotta be careful. You have a distinct art style, but that's true It's like a runescape fan art Cuz they got like a castle and shit
It's um The ratio like when when it's wide like that It has to be good enough that it's worth two submissions is the thing you can do a wide one But it has to be enough that it's worth two full submissions So if it's like, you know amateurish it's like it's not gonna fly in that resolution You have to make sure that it's the right resolution. So the same chance of being like backfilled in That's great pencil work though
Riley five head race. I don't even know who this is He's probably include a link of like who the fuck your your person is if it's like a really obscure guy This is supposed to just be boogie like boogie Okay. Oh, I was like, what does shit coin have to do with you with? Boogie 1488 and then I rose. Oh, he spent his entire retirement account on um shit coin
Unknown_22: That's very good art, I can tell that whatever this is is gonna be great.
I think this guy's done art before. And he's pretty good. This guy! Holy shit.
Unknown_17: That's really nice. I like the co- it's- it's like a... A nice cartoonish coloring. That's- that really pops. I'm- I'm a sucker for colors. I like colors. I'm- I guess I'm a sperg. Even when I was a little kid and I watched, um, that Easter movie. With, uh, Here Comes Pure Cottontail. I like the- the bright colors of, like, the potion bottles and shit. Everyone likes colors though, it's not that bad.
Unknown_17: Looking forward to that. This is also great. This would be a winner.
Unknown_17: Um, that has a really grungy, like seventies horror movie aspect to it. That's really nice.
Oh, this guy. Okay. Now I can backfill this if I need to. Oh, it doesn't have to be a movie poster. Um,
Unknown_17: It's just that I asked for comic book pages But a lot of people did like the front cover because that's like where you have the most artistic expression but if you want to do like a regular comic book he kind of I Was clear that's supposed to be a comic book ages is always a combination, but these are work movie posters were pretty close Maybe he it was intentional.
They want to do movie posters Oh, this is the oh, this is like a touch-up with the other one that I already favored it. Okay. I like that as well That one's pretty good
Unknown_22: That's in the right resolution and everything Okay last page Now that I'm on the last page.
Unknown_17: Give me a second. I'm gonna scan through to make sure nobody posted like Horrific gore on this thread as I have been following it. Okay, and it's safe to scroll through I just want to make sure that nobody did something Gay to fuck with me while I was scanning through the thread because I had time.
Oh This is the one that I said had nice colors before this is the finalized version of it
Unknown_22: Yeah, that's great.
Unknown_17: That's perfect.
Unknown_22: Oh, this is an update of the other one to make it look more like a poster.
Unknown_17: Okay, if we're gonna, okay, fine. If it's posters, that's fine. That'll work. These will all work together.
Unknown_22: I do like that.
Unknown_22: I can't edit my previous post.
Unknown_17: I guess the people are posting updates that I already did for and they're gonna get double the achievement stickers for it, but that's okay. It's Halloween, it's my favorite holiday. I will give double achievement stickers for everything.
Unleash an old 60s horror movie and it must paint in gimp.
Unknown_17: Wow.
Unknown_17: Oh, it's pixelated. Oh, the thumbnail does it a disservice. It just makes it look kind of janky, but when you see that it's pixelated, that's fucking cool.
Unknown_17: because then you can tell that you put in the time to do all the pixel art. That's great. I'm actually really pleased with that. I would just have to, I would have to, when I compress it down, I'd have to be careful to use nearest neighbor for that one to make sure that it doesn't, um, get, doesn't lose detail though. I might ask, I might even ask this guy to, to shrink it himself down to a specific size. Cause it does like it loses so much detail when you shrink it down. Um, so it's a resolution.
Graham man. Oh, this is Lindsey. Oh, this is also like a pixelated thing. That's cool that I really like the the Poster ass like of this. I like the the warts are a bit much that kind of makes me cringe. It's really ugly I do like that too.
I'll keep that as well This is a new one this one that doesn't exist in the previous pages as well
Unknown_22: Oh, it's a hamster! Oh, it's a dead shrew too.
Unknown_17: That's a secret detail that you have to really look for. There's Ralph and the Quarantine Subway. This is a nice one.
Unknown_22: It's really cute.
Unknown_22: Parasocial activity as opposed to paranormal activity.
You know, what's funny is that the worst thing about this one is that the discord screenshot is stretched How hard is it to go to discord and take a screenshot? I'd like the right resolution That's pretty good, though Feed me.
Unknown_22: Oh, is this um little shop of horrors or whatever, right?
Unknown_22: Well, my runescape character died. It's in the nightmare zone
Unknown_22: I do like that Okay, so I didn't even spend half an hour on this Wow, what what an amazing what an amazing thing the Squidward This is one that started that get posted because I was looking at the thread All right, excellent wonderful They won't even open it for the sake of right yeah, that's true.
Um, I
Unknown_17: Let's continue on. Yeah, like I said, this is gonna be a long-ass stream. I have a lot to go through
Unknown_17: I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I don't know anything about this guy, but this was requested of me. Dave Portnoy from Barstool Sports had a confrontation with the pizzeria owner. And we're going to see this confrontation, Chad. You ready? This is what the passions of pizza will cause people to do. For me, no. But again, it looked better in the case.
Unknown_19: It was like best of boss and all this stuff.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
Unknown_21: Dave.
Unknown_19: Yes.
Unknown_21: Enjoy your pizza as any customer, but I don't appreciate what you do coming in and judging a business with one bite. Well, we do more. Is this your spot? This is my spot.
Unknown_19: I hope you enjoy your pizza, but I don't appreciate what you do to small businesses. Well, I help. The good news is I didn't do a terrible score. I don't see it that way. That guy. Well, Domineer, can I ask you? Yeah. What was his problem?
Unknown_19: Like I'm actually helped so many small businesses. This bit, now I can say peacefully, this pizza's trash. This is how I used to work here.
He's upset he's um, he's upset that it's like really goopy I think and it's also super heavy on Parmesan but like
Unknown_17: I don't know, the thing is, the guy is in the wrong for like yelling with him, but Dave kind of escalates it, like the pizza confrontation. I thought it was bad, it was too parmy and floppy.
It does parmy. Yeah.
Unknown_20: It is parmy.
Unknown_17: Like if you got a parmesan pizza, why are you upset that it's super parmy? Unless it really is just supposed to be like a regular cheese pizza and it's just heavy on parm. But it's like, why would you order a pizza that you don't like?
Unknown_19: Thank God I didn't say it was good.
Unknown_19: I actually gave this no joke. I try to give everybody good scores. I gave this place like Maybe the worst score I've given in a long time and the owner came out with an asshole, so it actually worked out. I don't like sloppy, I don't like hard.
Yeah, you can't tell people to not be in front of your store on a public street. It doesn't work that way. He did kind of escalate that like immediately.
Unknown_17: That's that guy's name, Dom of the Year. So he sticks his, like, Ayo! Ayo! I'm a royal star!
Who's Jewish? Is Dave Jewish or is that guy Jewish?
Unknown_17: I don't know like my thing is that Like okay, he did become more hostile after the guy was a dick to him, but It is hard to I mean I know that he like gives like a huge bump to people that he reviews positively It does seem kind of shit. I don't know someone said those pizzas are frozen. It doesn't here's what I'll say Because it is kind of weird they ordered a pizza. They didn't like if it's parm-heavy, but I think you might just get like a cheese pizza and And then it is parm heavy and it doesn't like say it's like a parmesan cheese pizza like if you're gonna add if you're gonna put a lot of parmesan to your cheese pizza you better make sure that you advertise as a parmesan cheese pizza because Some people are not gonna want that. I mean, I like parmesan. I'll eat a parmesan cheese pizza, but like If you're not expecting that, you're going to be really surprised. Like I like really dank flavors. I like blue cheese. I like, I love vinegar. I love vinegary tastes. I like, um, I like a lot of like really strong flavors that are off putting to people. I like a lot of flavors. I didn't like when I was a kid, like olives and shit. Um,
Oh yeah, salty. Dude, vinegar is my thing. I like salty and vinegary. That's, uh, that's my flavor combination, but it looks, it does look kind of, it looks so goopy is the thing. It's not like a, it's like a, yeah, that, that doesn't look good. I'm a guy that eats, um, Hollandaise sauce pizza. So the redness to it makes it look like it's overdone, but it's so goopy. It looks undercooked.
Yeah, that I would be disappointed if I open if my pizza day and I'll try a new place and I open my box and it look like that I would be immediately disappointed by it. You know what I mean?
Unknown_17: Looks great to you. Well, motherfucker, you must be from Massachusetts from Boston, Boston, Massachusetts.
Unknown_17: Then he gets into a fight with him. Then he gets into Tucker Carlson for some reason, because Tucker Carlson apparently is a huge fan of both pizza and... I just want to say that it's like with Blue Eyes. Pizza love is a trait that great people have. Famous people, powerful people, move makers, system shakers, they are the pizza people. And if you are out there saying, like, you know, Josh is eating pizza today, that's shameful, because he's overweight. Motherfucker, I need my pizza bloodline to say pure so that I can make the changes to the world that I want to see. All right.
Just how it is. I don't know why I have this line of effort, the pizza one, six officers known as the goon squad, not to be confused with the goon clown, pled guilty to torturing two black men using a sex toy on them and shooting one of them. That is pretty fucked up.
Um, so they apparently a bunch of police officers. I don't know if they're white or what is there a picture of the police officers?
Unknown_17: Hold up. I gotta know these guys are white or black because they um Goon squad, Mississippi Well, if I type in goon squad, the first one is Mississippi officer pictures. They are white. Oh, no white boy You've been out there breaking them bucks
Unknown_17: a good time.
Not to invoke Mutt's Law here, but I'm going to guess. I'm going to wager. If I had to put a bet on it, I would bet that you're in for a bad time. Again, I'm not trying to invoke any sort of philosophical law here that may or may not be called Mutt's Law, but when the stars align, the stars align.
Unknown_17: I'm sure the blacks were absolute scum. That's, that's mean. Like, were they convicted of child rape? If it's child rape, then I can say, okay. I mean, it's a bit fucking weird to like sexually torture anybody, even if they are a rapist, but then I could at least understand it. Cause it's like a thing that happens.
Broke down Parker's Braxton without a warrant they restrained two men before beating tasing and threatening them with rapier construct multiple rounds to the air threatening to kill them For a deputy places gun in Jenkins mouth and fired the bull lacerated His tongue shattered his jaw and shredded his neck nearly killing him and causing permanent injuries But why they tell they have told me what but they don't tell me why Why Because
Was racially motivated because throughout the incident deputies used racial slurs and accused them in of sleeping with white women Is that why I mean if white women are slim white women's fault, they're gonna fuck these other motherfuckers Why are you mad at them? They're just they're just grinding and shit, man
Unknown_17: Angry at the doers not not the hate the player or hate the the game not the player. No, I'm saying I Don't know. I would like I would actually like to know why I'm like a credible source his wife's got black You know You know, I will accept that as an answer because I think the number one profession for rates of infidelity in marriage are police officers. I think if you're a police officer, the likelihood that your wife is going to fuck a black guy behind your back is higher than any other person in the country.
I'm not going to say that they deserve it, but I'm not going to cry for them either because they're cops and cops are fucking scum. I can't believe that a cop would break into a person's house and rape them because they're, they got buck broken. They got blacked. No, I'm saying, uh, anyways,
Unknown_17: someone on reddit posted this and they are king cobra jfs reddit and it's kind of funny because someone asked make me a picture of like he says make me a picture of a gothic bad boy king cobra jfs aka josh saunders with this cool pampered of age beardy
And the AI reply is saying, I'll try to create that. Here's some information about King Cobra, JFS and his bearded dragon puff. And then specifically down here it says he was arrested for public intoxication on December 23rd, 22 after smoking a cigarette near a gas station. And that sites Kiwi farms.net. So this AI has learned from the Kiwi farms and now it's, uh, it is, um,
Unknown_17: Employing that knowledge to educate people which is pretty fucking base.
Unknown_22: Someone said that kick is down Let me double-check that real quick I Could be the end of off kick No, it just has the 18 warning it's fine Um
I think I've gotten more superchats this stream. Yeah, that's why I did it.
Unknown_17: My superchats are a little bit down for moving off of YouTube, I bet, and getting off donation alerts. I better fix it so they actually show up on stream, and now they do.
Unknown_17: Problem solved.
Unknown_17: I gotta hustle. I gotta hustle and get away from the goon squad.
Unknown_17: Okay, this is this is some this is your epic white pill moment of the day base African Elon Musk has said in reply to Eva Vlad Dino Brooke Or even alarm the fact that banned EL on his training shows how done people are with the we're labeling everything We don't like is hateful racist dangerous or far-right BS People aren't afraid of your intimidation tactics anymore at J. Greenblatt ADL your labels have lost their power Elon Musk says should we run a poll on this? Then he says, to be super clear, I'm pro-free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind. And his message is weird. He's like, he's threatening to sue the ADL for $4 billion in damages because he's claimed that the ADL labeled X under Elon Musk management anti-Semitic and that has caused $4 billion of damages. And now he's saying that the ADL is so reckless, so, um, so, uh,
well, reckless, and how they label things anti-Semitic, that because it's a Jewish organization, they actively cause people to hate Jews, and are therefore anti-Semitic. He's basically accusing them of being a racist caricature of Jewish behavior, and therefore they owe him $4 billion, and they're also anti-Semitic themselves, which is one of the most impressive things that I've ever seen a multi-billionaire say. What was it, $22 billion? Oh my God.
That's shocking. I don't know. I'm really don't know what to think about this It could be Could be a disaster Could be a showa or it could be my African my Negro getting justice Those are the goon squad guys, okay Okay, this is urgent I have to pee I
What do I want to do for this? I think I have a video. I have a pee break video put out, I think.
Unknown_17: Let me figure out which video it is.
Unknown_22: I definitely had this set aside. Sorry, you know how it is. I drink like gallons of water.
Unknown_17: I go through like multiple liter bottles when I do my streams. Oh. Oh, okay. I remember that. Where the fu- Oh, I remember. I put it on the other tab. Okay, there. Gotcha. Alright, I'll be right back. I have to pee. Here, watch this amazing meme in the meantime.
What are all these soy boys waiting in line for?
Unknown_05: Oh, if you're a trad wife, this be the line you get into the RNC. The most hardcore conservative collection of patriots in the Western world. Only the most based and red-pilled giga-chads can get in.
Unknown_06: Welcome to the RNC. How trad are ya? How trad am I? I support the LGBTQ.
Unknown_06: Yeah, so? Without the plus. Holy shit, you're fucking based. Go right ahead, sir. What the hell do you want, femoid? Get back to the kitchen. Oh, God, yes! Mommy taught me! My muscly, dread waifu, go in, queen! Welcome to the RNC. How much do you love Israel?
As if I would support those elite and dreaded Rome suckers. I'll have you know, Trump sent a message into my brain while watching The Sound of Freedom, and he told me that the patriots were in control.
Unknown_06: Uh-huh. I think you belong in that club over there.
Unknown_05: QAnon Juniors? What do you think I am, some nutjob?
Oh, no, sorry, I was pointing to the place next to it.
Unknown_05: Super Weenie Chud Cuniors? I am not a chud! I'm a Trad Kafka Geistador!
Unknown_37: You know, I've definitely been feeling blackpilled lately. The West has fallen. Yeah, billions must die.
Unknown_05: What a couple of incel chuds, oh boy.
Unknown_37: Would you like another Red 40 Soylent, chud?
Unknown_05: God damn it, I'm out of here! Let me in, or I'll get my Latinx libertarian boogaloo boy wife to come over here from our weed farm with his AR-15! Did somebody say boy wife?
Unknown_06: They better not be making it their whole personality.
So, what are your thoughts on pegging? You gotta go from chud to chad. Get yourself a chrad hairdo. What's up, brokey? What color is your Bugatti? So you're a tape-maxer, huh?
Unknown_06: Isn't that guy a sex trafficker?
Unknown_05: Nah, he just puts women back in their place. Learned it all in Hustlers University.
Unknown_06: Hold on, you don't have male pattern baldness. You're just that shud from earlier.
Unknown_05: Everyone, let's go for engine!
Unknown_06: Uh, go right on in, Top G. Sorry.
Unknown_05: I'm here for MAGA Drag Queen Story Hour, and don't worry, I won't make it my whole personality.
Unknown_06: You're not a heckin' wholesome Republican trans P.O.C. we can use as a mascot. Get outta here! Maybe if you drink some Black Rifle coffee and use dude wipes, then we can talk, little chug. Are you guys gonna own a Lib Torch Snowflake, Epic Shapiro style?
That'll get you in for sure. Oh, I'm sorry, Snowflake. Did I hurt your feelings? Go ahead and cancel me, you fucking Libfart. Bam, I'm really in the mood to destroy a snowflake with facts and logic.
Unknown_06: Oh yeah? What about that guy?
Unknown_05: That man is clearly a red-blooded American patriot, uh, not like that cock.
Unknown_04: My pronouns are Zee, Zai, Zo, Zom.
Actually, woke crybaby, there are only four genders, as the good lord intended. Triggered much? I'm full of love, and you're full of hate! I'll kill you, you hateful piece of shit! Imagine the outrage if the roles were reversed. Why, no!
Unknown_04: Facts and logic! Your moral superiority is too based! I'm getting cancelled!
Unknown_06: Holy Fauci, you own that snowflake harder than Steven Crowder owned his wife. It would be my honor to accept your precious tax dollars.
Unknown_05: I'M GONNA DRAIN THE SWAMP! Little Sandy, did the red wave save us all? All those trans-cath-mexican immigrants voted blue. They prefer latinx, you fucking bigot.
Latinx, eh? I think you belong at that political party. Obliterated!
Unknown_14: anything but libertarian in case you've been seeing my mouse frantically flying across the screen is because I'm getting my nightmare zone set up I got I can't look I gotta keep my ex my XP per hour up okay you understand my crippling addiction
Unknown_17: I was shocked by the number of Libertarians. It was really funny, I did a poll, I asked people to, apparently this is a thing on the actual 4chan board poll, where you can't, you're not supposed to answer threads where you say what your political affiliation is, because that's like Fed posting, and people got irritated with me, and it's like, whatever. But I ran a poll asking people to self-ID, and Libertarian was winning up until the Amerimonts started getting home from work, and then Conservative beat out Libertarian, and I found that personally Hilarious to be quite honest with you.
Um, anyways Nice pee break video actually had a lot of videos to show this one. Like I said, this is gonna be long stream my film
Unknown_17: So we now enter into the trune segment of the that's right chat. We're going to the trune segment and Today's trune feature trune is Frederick Knudsen I was talking about how the Danish are down bad when it comes to super chatting their anime babes Well, they're down bad because the only Danish person of note in the last 60 fucking years is going to true now He is launching a vtuber thing To be clear when I say true now, I mean like he's probably gonna turn out. He's just announcing that he's a vtuber now Let's watch.
A new project by Meriwether Media, which is what Frederick Knudsen says, and he's changed his avatar already too, his anime girl thing.
Unknown_17: They got what, this says the goddess.
Unknown_17: Wait, no. The goddess of the fallen. Archivist of the... Well, when you're doing a presentation, Frederick Knudsen of Meriwether Media, you should probably make it so I can actually see what the fuck is on your screen. The archiver of something.
Unknown_17: the guardian of the something forest explorer of the paranormal realm with an actual like a cat boy like Nick Fuentes hunky hunky stud cat boy with the barb penis and all as like his silhouette and then something of the fictional world and he and four friends are launching old magic new frontiers the astral launch
A new story unfolds. The pages turn. Here it comes. Here's his debut. It's Astraline.
Unknown_35: Valhalla will always be there.
Unknown_17: Books are such a human thing.
Unknown_17: Wow. Oh, I actually have chills on my arms and my back because that is actual cringe.
Unknown_07: Time to go hunt.
Unknown_17: Oh God, oh my Jesus Wow I really have gone insane, haven't I?
I, um, I actually, I clicked through this and I saw like this. I saw his owl. That's what I did. I said, okay, this is probably super fucking gay. I'll watch that for the first time on stream. And I actually, I did not expect it to be so fucking gay. This guy, by the way, in case you're wondering, I'm, I'm actually dead serious that I think he's going to turn out because if I remember correctly, his last video was like three years ago and he basically dropped off the earth. This is what happened to him. You ready?
Unknown_17: He did extremely successful videos about DSP, Wings of Redemption, and all these other locales. He basically poached the forum content, made videos about it, made like hundreds of thousands of dollars, I'm sure, at this point, off his videos. And then he had troll's remorse and randomly said that he would never be doing like...
Lol cow content internet drama content again, and then three years later He comes out and he's doing a vtuber thing with a bunch of homosexuals And he's trying to launch his own network like the anime girl networks or whatever like a hollow live He's doing his own thing so I'm a hundred percent convinced this dude's gonna chop his dick off at some point in the near future I Mean it was some of the mouse utopia experiment video was great, but like I
I mean, this is not gay.
Unknown_14: This is gay shit. For real, for real. No cap.
Unknown_17: He was a great man. Press F chat.
Unknown_17: Press F. What's next?
Unknown_22: Okay, so Todd Howard released the new Skyrim and this one's set in space And this is a very anticipated game because you know whatever all the fucking Bethesda shit games are however the first thing that it does is it asks you for your pronouns, so The act man said that he were the act man said that he refunded it
because even though he personally sucks tranny dick if i'm i'm pretty sure in my book of grudges i have uh the ac man supporting keffels on record uh but for whatever reason he doesn't like um
Unknown_17: Pronouns on video games, I guess I don't know I guess he's such tranny dick, but it isn't deep-throated. He thinks that's fucking gay so More likely it's this he loves trannies when they enrich him when they get him Sponsorship deals when they let him on Twitch and YouTube and give him opportunities to make money grifting But when it's his actual personal entertainment, and it's in his backyard. He gets upset about it so he says gorilla-shaped man on the verge of crying because starve oh I
Unknown_17: I'm reading this wrong. I apologize. I'm an idiot.
Um, this is in character from Dan Vasquez, the Western gaming industry with the mighty heels, baby face. And he refunds the game live on stream because he doesn't want to, uh, select pronouns. Mac man, who is a Keffel's appreciator and full on tranny deck, deep throater, no half measures here. It says gorilla shaped man on the verge of crying because start to let you pick prone to the start of the game. Then it's never brought up again. Somebody please shoot this guy with the bear tranquilizer. He's going to attack someone.
Unknown_17: Boy, Heels vs. Babyface is great. Just a passionate person speaking about his mind like many other creators out there. Ackman says he's great at making people that criticize pronouns look like a bunch of shit-eating cavemen. I'd love to see pronouns in every game moving forward for no reason in the spite unless this guy's world melts.
Chances are, he's just not gonna play your fucking games. Or he'll pirate them so you don't get money. I wanna say, this is unrelated, since I used the pirate word, this isn't related to Starfield. This is just a general philosophical opinion that I have.
Unknown_17: pirating games and media in general right now is not just okay to do from a moral philosophical standpoint. I'm not talking legal, never do anything illegal chat, but from a moral philosophical standpoint, pirating media is the most base thing that you can do right now because it does two things. Number one, it designs these people money. Number two, it stagnates the economy. Our economy is built up on a facade of, um,
absolute nothing. And the more that money velocity, M1 Velocity, it's called by the Federal Reserve, the more that that crashes, the more that the economy can no longer ignore the fact that it does not exist. These companies that have fake values in the stock exchange, and this economy which is completely fake and also built up by the stock exchange, can no longer hurt and struggle to deal with its own facade, the slower and slower the M1 Velocity goes. The fewer people that buy games, the fewer people that participate in the economy, the better that things will be in the future when the shit actually pops. And the sooner that it pops, the less painful it's going to be for the world at large.
So, what I'm saying is that if you do pirate games, you shouldn't feel bad about it, even though it is against the law, and I would never encourage you to pirate a game. And actually, if it were not against the law, it would be the morally justifiable thing to do in all situations at all times. It would be your actual moral imperative to go out and pirate games as much as possible, if it were illegal, of course. Or if it were illegal, of course. Because otherwise, you should never break the law. But if it wasn't against the law, you should be pirating every fucking game ever.
There hasn't even been a game worth pirating yet.
Unknown_17: Tell me about it. I'm playing old school runescape. You think that the starfield announcement is getting me excited?
Unknown_14: Let me give you a hint. I don't give a fuck. Your Skyrim and space shit sounds gay. I'm not going to be some trune space warrior. Okay, go fuck yourself. Um,
These are some Reddit ladies getting peaked. Peaked as in P-A-K, as in a mountain peak, not peaked as in peaking my interest because, um, gay station 64 beta and our actual lesbian says encouragement for trans beans and Indians, eggplant emoji. And it's just a meme that says me thinking about non male dick. Ostrich finger says as a trans girl. I tip and this is the most effort of comment as a trans girl I feel like I have a second-class body So it's nice that they have even goofy post like this reminding me that someone might actually want me Sneaky Dickens's same girl same Luna the moon too says same here as well I
Manic Maeve says, my T for T ass, which means the training that only fucks other trainings, which is all of them. Uh, my T for T ass, I'm literally at work and I can't get it out of my head. Remember if you hire these people to work for your company cause you want the diversity and inclusion points, they will be sitting there thinking about training Dick the entire time and they will not do anything done and you'll have to pay for their trans healthcare, which means cutting off their Dick in Thailand. And it's very expensive to cut off someone's Dick. Okay. That's very, very hard to do without killing them.
Unknown_17: Um,
Unknown_17: Bimgus my beloved says the affirmation I tell myself as a demigirl is that I don't need a strap-on DLC because mine came pre-installed under factory settings. Cool face emoji, painting nails emoji, rainbow emoji.
Lost Mabel Shire says he heat my GF calls hers nature strap on Pastel moon says my friend calls it built-in strap on crying laughing emoji then let's um, let's take a look over on our just unsubbed
Unknown_17: Uh, just unsubbed from our actual lesbians because I'm a lesbian who is repulsed by penis and I'm tired of hearing about them. I get that trans lesbians exist, but come on, it's supposed to be a subreddit for lesbians. Why are posts about dicks getting upvoted to the top? I've seen multiple posts like this. Cavebaby1-1 says, non-male dick. God, I hate this site so much. Herobrine0907 says, imagine saying non-male dick unironically lol. Redwarrior4d says, what chronically online does to a motherfucker. Emma says lol, that's the bio of my profile Let's see what this exchange NVIDIA can ligma says well according to society women can't have dicks I think it's possible to be too productive and when we reach this point so this guy is like a progressive that is looking at the left that is currently extant and where it has arrived is like hmm Maybe I'm not on board this anymore
Herobrine says trans people are completely different You'd have to get into lack of sync between brain structure and body and into psychology and biology once people start thinking about female Biological females with dicks that's just wrong except for a man that gave birth. That's an exception What okay this guy's a retard I don't know what the fuck he's trying to say this guy's retarded Club is working so it's a weird time my best friend's a lesbian and tried out dating scene for the first time in a while back and was torn between her aversion to penis and being a good and
Unknown_22: ally was surprisingly difficult to get her to accept it's okay just not liking dick.
Unknown_17: So this woman is so traumatized by society that she is a lesbian who has sex repulse, probably because she was molested, goes onto the lesbian dating app and is told by multiple trannies that she will suck the girl dick and she will be happy, or she's a bigot. And she sits there and thinks, maybe I am the bigot.
This gaslighting will cause mass murder and suicide. People are going to lose their fight. You cannot do this to people. You cannot put them into a room and tell them that they're a horrible person because they don't suck dick when they don't want to suck dick and expect people not to start killing each other. That is the inevitability. We are forcing people to become crazy.
Unknown_17: And when crazy people are crazy, they will fucking take knives and start stabbing each other, okay? This is literally an inevitability at this point in time. We are causing people to become mass murderers because we have fucking gas lit everybody into insanity.
But then people arguing about it for 200 pages Caribbean retard says I can't believe that's allowed the gay and lesbian communities have been gasoline to thinking sexual organs aren't the main part of sexual orientation general preference They call it lol Yeah, people are peeking that's based fuck trainees. Hey, let's phone Jones TTD figure out what it means It's gonna be in the reddit page somewhere Um
Unknown_17: And then if you think that reddit is improving at all here is our there was an attempt is a pretty large sub of 7 million readers a user posted a video included the word female in the title to which an ass blasted jenny permanent ban the user a meta post on the subject was posted here this one I have Mixed opinions about because I think that what's happening is that the jenny is upset and
unsure what is so difficult about using the word woman instead of female in normal everyday usage. Feel free to regularize and self speak elsewhere, but we will stick to normal forms of conversation.
Unknown_17: Um, so what, what's happened? Okay. I remember this. There was a controversy. that it is true that incels like to say that like to refer to women as females it's it's a strange thing because like i guess female is like a more animalistic term like we refer to cats as females that's a female dog right but we say women as
Adult human female so specifically I guess cuz a female can be a non-human thing whereas a woman is specifically an adult human female, right?
Unknown_17: so I Guess it's like it's like a weird thing. That's like a feminist take but it's dressed up as like a weird tranny thing, too It's hard to explain what's going on already and I think these people understand either But imagine imagine being like offended enough to automatically assume that anytime anyone says female it's um It's misogynistic
Unknown_17: There's nothing unless you're unless you're trying to be misogynistic. It's not misogynistic to say female It's really odd and usually it's very very obvious when someone is trying to Dehumanize somebody in their language saying someone's female is not inherently dehumanizing People are just fucking retards
Then Redux put out an article saying the ACLU has launched a legal complaint against the Indiana Department of Corrections on behalf of a transgender inmate they say was denied gender-affirming surgeries. Jonathan Richardson...
Unknown_17: It would only be funny if his name was It's so close to being Johnson Richardson Johnson Richardson is the Funniest name possible for a male to female tranny because his name is like three different terms for a person with a dick Johnson that's like that's a good like parody name to put into a game or something. Oh
Unknown_17: John Johnson Richardson also known as the autumn quarter Leon Murdered a baby so a baby murderer is sitting in an Indiana State Penitentiary for being a baby murderer, and he's like actually I'm a woman and the ACLU who at some point I donated $100 to and deeply regret it ever since has launched a lawsuit with my money To try and ensure that this baby murderer can be placed with women in the women's penitentiary penitentiary
Dick Masterson, it's true. It's like that. It's a Johnson Richardson.
Unknown_17: That would be, uh, like an alter ego Dick Masterson. Someone trying to make fun of Dick.
Unknown_17: Tradesmen to transgender woman. An incredible transformation. This person is also wearing high heels. I don't think they realize that high heels are supposed to give women longer legs, which is considered attractive. But when you're like a six foot tall man, this guy is at least six foot six. You really don't need
Unknown_17: You really don't need high heels because you're already tall. It just makes you look like an enormous troglodyte in a dress. Literally a troglodyte in a dress. Tradesman to transgender woman, an incredible transformation. Summer day lived as a tradesman and professional skateboarder known as Michael for over a decade before transitioning to become her true self. That right there. That's so silly I always feel like the Daily Mail is taking the piss when people point out like a troglodyte like that and we're like Yeah, that's his true self. That's how he was always meant to be don't get it twisted He wasn't he wasn't born a man and meant to be a man and this is his true self
What I really appreciate about this is that we need to inform the Rice people that this is their fate. You think that you're going to have a family, a Hapa family in the United States or in the UK, and you're going to make it out, and you're going to be OK, and your family is going to respect your decision? Wait until your libertarian husband has a meltdown, has a crisis of identity, and then decides, yeah, actually, I'm a woman. And then you're suddenly a lesbian. you're suddenly gay married to a 6'6 tall troglodyte and you have to explain to your parents that your husband is now a woman and they're gonna have to they when they come over on vacation to see grandbaby they're gonna have to use female names and female pronouns with this 6'6 troglodyte ninja ass and they have to they just have to fucking deal with it because if not they're not gonna see their grandbaby again because daddy is gonna be pissed off it's like they say you
Spread the mayo, husband gay-o. That's just how it is.
Unknown_17: Spread the mayo, husband's now gay-o. And it happens more than you think. Happens more than you think with those libertarian men.
Unknown_22: Don't blow it. No, I got you. I got you.
Unknown_22: Alright, um... Let's see, what else?
There's more, there's more. It continues.
Unknown_17: Australia's Channel 7 made a spotlight on detransitioning, and as usual, the trainees and trainee fuckers are calling it heckin' transphobic. Let's take a look at some good old-fashioned transphobia.
Unknown_31: I was 15 when I had my breast surgically removed. It's the most controversial story this year.
Unknown_29: Children are being told they should change from boy to girl or girl to boy from as young as 12 years old.
Unknown_18: Thousands of kids are doing it and regretting it. I've gone through a medical catastrophe. And parents are being kept in the dark.
No children should be transitioning without the parent's knowledge and consent.
Unknown_31: I believe our children are being lied to.
Unknown_29: These are life-changing decisions being made before our kids have any idea of the consequences. Is a generation being brainwashed? It's a medical scandal. When we reached out to the bosses who run these clinics, all we got was silence.
Unknown_18: Urged on by social media, but it's confused kids that are paying the price. I was just looking for a sense of belonging. 7 News Spotlight on 7 and 7 Plus.
Do you hear that chat? That's the sound of an enormous crystal pendulum swinging the other way. I hear it.
Unknown_17: There it goes. The pendulum chat. It just swung by me the other way. It was going last time I saw it. Can't believe it. I mean, like it's always, it's always been the fear. The issue is that
With how few families exist now, there's fewer people to really be indignant about. They think of the children aspect, but immigrants are not. Number one, white people have white guilt and therefore they cannot have controversial opinions because they have white guilt.
Unknown_17: White women, white lesbians are literally so burdened with white guilt that they will literally suck dick they don't want to suck to prove to the world that they're not a Nazi. That is literally what we live in right now.
Unknown_17: And the immigrants don't have that. So when a black woman is not going to suck a dick, she doesn't want to suck just because people say she has to. She will literally take out her gun and shoot you. Shields pull out her high point and fucking murder you before she does that she'll take a hammer and break your fucking brains like that's You can only get away with bullying white women because they got that weird white guilt now we have immigrant families and all these Muslims that everyone's so proud of and they're just not gonna put up with it and
And it sucks that we have to rely, we have to literally export our political moral outrage to Somali immigrants because they're the only ones that are gonna look at a homosexual trying to get access to children and say, nah man, fuck that shit, that's bullshit. I'm gonna fucking throw you off a roof now because Allah would not allow this. We have to even export our conservatism to immigrants now because everyone is too retarded and gay. and pussy whipped and afraid. They live in constant fear all the time. They're afraid of getting fired. They're afraid of the government. They're so afraid. They're so afraid. And so we have to, we have to rely on the Somali chads to, to take our homophobia to the logical extension and actually conserve family values and shit. Like, okay, sure. They have nine wives, but at least they have a kind of a kind of new, like polyamorous nuclear family. I don't even know what you would call that. It's not like a,
So it's at least some kind of family. It's better than what we got in the u.s.. At least Anyways, that's nice to see each other.
Unknown_22: It's nice to see you Okay, and now to the largest segment that I have the most tabs for we're we're like half we're literally halfway through so strap in and
Unknown_17: at least as far as my notes go so last friday i uh announced that i was officially really fucking fed up with nick ricada and the result the fallout of that has been extremely interesting i wasn't expecting I mean, I don't know what I expect anymore. I feel like I have a very small corner of the internet and not a lot of people think about what I have to say. Because it doesn't feel like people take me seriously. It really doesn't feel like I get
You know, as much attention as I feel I deserve to be quite honest with you. Um, it's like when I try to have reach out to like companies that are important to the forum and stuff, it doesn't feel like I have any reach or any pull whatsoever. But then whenever I say anything, it kind of reverberates, uh, on my little podcast. I don't know what the deal is. Maybe it's just my, my, uh, exertion towards other streamers and shit. I don't, I don't know how to phrase it, but
So effectively what happened is is that with Rikita I I Was annoyed by His primarily his defense of Vito who again I maintains the pedophile and I felt like he had made other mistakes and I think actually the last stream all I did is I made fun of Oh God, I can't remember
It's so much has happened that I'm trying to figure out exactly where Friday was and what was before that and what was after that I made fun of Drexel. That's one thing that I'll cover The other part is that I was upset with how he was aligning himself with Dick and Vito over number one over Eric July and that he was defending Vito in general which I Considered to be at a character for him
Unknown_17: And I think the main thing was the Drexel thing, because he had been upset that I had called it grooming. Oh, OK, I remember. I talked about his shower thing, the shower conversation that we had, and that upset him. And when I talked about my take on Drexel and how I believe that he used his position of authority over a 13-year-old to prepare her for sex by the time that she was 18, which is the literal definition of grooming, both he and Drexel took issue with that.
And he went on like serious tirades about how shady the forum was. Drexel lost his fucking mind. And let me just see if I can just pull up that and stop it there.
Unknown_17: First off, let me play this clip because I found it funny. You better keep your shit together. If I ever find out that you're dressing in drag and watching anime and the Drexel shit's all true, I'm gonna be so pissed at you. I'm gonna come kick your ass. I'm gonna slide back and be like, I talked to this motherfucker and I thought that he wouldn't be a weirdo.
Unknown_17: So I have to go back and kick his ass now because he since then he literally has gotten he's sort of watching anime He dressed up in a like a school like a girl leotard or so he dressed up in like anime girl shit and then watched anime and like a coom dungeon on twitch and then the directional shits all true so all that has happened and
So, very strange in retrospect to hear that.
Unknown_17: The first thing is that I want to circle around to this, and this I find really bizarre.
Unknown_17: Rekata had persistently over months, anytime I talked about him, he said, you have an open line to me. If you have any questions about things that I've said, you can ask me for clarification. And I can, in private, I can just tell you my take on that. So the one time I actually took it, because I don't believe in that, unless I actually feel like I'm misunderstanding something. But I wanted to be sure in one particular point, because like I said, I usually respond to videos. I don't respond to random shit off the forum. I respond to what he's saying on his videos.
So the one time that I was actually confused on the point is I didn't know what Ricada had said about Montagraph.
Unknown_17: I just knew that he had called him a pedophile in some way.
Unknown_17: And I asked him, I said, what did you say about Montagraph to trigger the lawsuit? And he said, and I quote, I don't have the signal message because we have a timer on that, but it was, it included the word probably, and it went along the lines of, uh, I think Montagraff has probably sucked little baby dicks along those terms.
The key part of that being probably, that he gave himself a benefit of a doubt, and he said after that, to the effect of, it's a statement that cannot be proven to be defamatory, and I assume that the reason why he said that that statement was defamation proof is that it included the qualifier probably as a weasel word.
Unknown_17: So I took that especially because he said specifically that it was a statement that could never be proved to be defamation because it included the word Because I presume they included the word probably I believe that he was Truthful about that, and I didn't do any further in especially because he's a lawyer And he would probably cover his ass enough or we smart enough to say that to cover his ass I took my this face value, and I said that he said probably I quoted him on that and I
Unknown_17: Was proven wrong the actual clip had played and he said Montagraph has always liked sucking little baby dicks always the exact opposite of probably literally the exact opposite of probably is an affirmation and it's a It made his statement to me a lie and in his follow-up statements of this Rikada said that I
He just forgot it was it wasn't that he was intentionally trying to deceive me. It was just that he forgot and i'm thinking How do you forget?
Unknown_17: How do you forget when you're being sued? You have a lawyer, you tried to represent yourself, so your initial filings were based off of, were written by yourself, so you should have had at least familiarity with the initial incident, and then when you hand it off to the lawyer and you were paying him tens of thousands of dollars for his extremely high rate and his fancy font to defend you in court, how do you not know what you said, especially this late into the proceedings of the case. How do you not know the words that you said that offended him so much that he's now suing you? Like I know exactly what it is about Melinda Scott and shit that she keeps suing me over. I know exactly what Russell Greer took issue with and has tried to sue me over and failed. I know cause I had to pay a lot of money to deal with them. So I, and I read over the court filings myself and I know exactly what was said. How do you not know?
So it's either literally that he lied to me or he's so drunk all the time he literally has no idea what he's saying even when he's paying tens of thousands of dollars as a consequence and Then he gets upset when people call him an alcoholic and I made that point several times I say I think that you are an alcoholic I think that you need to lay off the bottle. I think that you're ruining yourself in real time and But I'll circle back to that
The other thing that I said is that Rikada has based his defamation defense off internet rumors that Montagraph had published a pedophilic snuff porn video.
Unknown_17: And I looked into this when I wrote the Montagraph thread. I looked into where the origin of this was and it came from video three of his Umbrella Man trilogy. He made three like really you know shabby amateur films on a zero dollar budget and they're just supposed to be like little horror vignettes or something they're silly they're weird they're not there's not like any nudity in them or anything but the third one was really hard to find it's easy to find the first one I had assumed that for a long time
the second and third were gone. In fact, I think Monterey Rath even said that he tried to get rid of the second and third, that they were gone, he wasn't going to re-release them. So I'd say, as a thing, he better hope, if this is what he's basing that statement off of, that the second and third video, if he subpoenas them, They're gonna be some like Serbian film tier shit, like things that nobody should watch. Or if you do watch it, you would immediately assume that the guys who made it are just like the worst people in the world. So someone actually dug up and found two and three, and I'm not gonna play it, because it's just like, it's safe for work. It's not like there's anything too bad about it. It's just a guy, there's a grown woman in a bunny mask tied to a thing, and the umbrella man is asking her to say bye.
Like this. Say bye!
Unknown_17: It's just like a home video. And then he suffocates her with a bag. It's not like sexual torture or anything. And the only thing that makes it even remotely like, um, have any kind of child, anything to it is that the end of it is her family. I think in the context of the video, her family reads a runaway letter. So she's supposed to be like a runaway teenager, but she's clearly an adult woman. And it's from this video that Montagraph's original trolls said that, um, he is a pedophile.
And it's from those claims that Ricada then goes off to say that Montagraph has always liked sucking little baby cocks
Unknown_17: And I'm just thinking there is no fucking way that you're going to be able to prove to a reasonable court, in civil court it's called preponderance of evidence, or in the UK they use the same language and they refer to it as the 51% rule. You have to make a jury of reasonable people 51% sure that it is reasonable for someone to believe that Montagraph has quote, always liked sucking little baby cocks because of these films. because of His trolls, I don't think there's no fucking way. There's no fucking way that you're gonna be able to convince people that that is um you
That's a reasonable thing to derive from this. So it's really uphill. He's really going to have to jump to some tricky legal arguments to never get it to that point where a jury is going to have to decide as a matter of fact, as a matter of law, that a reasonable person could believe that Montagraph is a pedophile based off these videos and based off of what he said online, because that's not going to happen.
That's how I feel. And I said, when I heard about this and I went over it, I said his best bet was probably reconciling with Montagraph. But at this point, he has reiterated that claim so many times, and he's said that there's no reason for him to stop reiterating the claim. because the worst thing he could do in his defamation lawsuit right now is to suddenly change opinion and say that actually Montagraff isn't a pedophile after all. He should stick to his guns. I think that the smart thing to do would be to stop antagonizing him and maybe hope that there's some way out of this because that's extremely harmful. It's a, I mean, even if without the context of law, it's like a terrible thing to do with somebody who isn't a pedophile. So
I mean, he has a reputation for, like, suing people and being a vexatious litigant and stuff. That is not a reputation for being a pedophile. If you want to call him a vexatious litigant, or someone who harasses somebody through lawfare, or someone who abuses the law, you're completely and totally within your right to do that. But to say that he's a pedophile because he sued people, you know, spuriously?
Unknown_17: I guess you can try. You can say that maybe that's morally justifiable, because vexatious litigants are scum, but it's probably a really bad idea to make an actionable defamation claim against a vexatious litigant. And what's really funny is that I assume that Rakeda just assumed that if Montagraff was going to sue, he would sue
Pro se but monograph felt so sure that this was defamation that he actually hired an attorney for it who I guess also assumed that he had a case and now he has to deal with Real legal knowledge and not just monograph fucking around with the court system Which is the ultimate irony is that I think that he just assumed that monograph would file some pro se bullshit and then he would be off the hook after a couple technicalities being filed, but now it's the opposite. There's a good case against him and he has representation to handle the case competently, which is the exact opposite of what he expected when he said what he did on livestream.
So, like I said, I think that de-escalation would have been a good idea here. Everything that I say, I try to make sure that I'm sure of, especially with shit like that, because you don't want to say that about people if you don't mean it.
Unknown_17: Anyways, so that's that part. I'll skip past that. There's a lot to go on. Eric July made a video addressing him. If you don't know, Eric July is, I talked about him just recently. I've never talked about him before. He's just a black guy and he just made some fucking comic book. He's just a black guy that made a comic book. And for whatever reason, Dick Masterson and his pet retard Vito Gasaldi are obsessed with this black guy and his shitty fucking comic book. Like how, I don't even know how you can get emotionally invested in this.
I didn't really feel that Vito is just jealous of the fact that his comic book is more successful even though it's supposedly very generic, so... But for whatever reason, Juju the Cow and his pet retard pedophile Vito Gasaldi have been harping on and on and on about how this comic sucks, how his second comic sold less, how he makes bad business decisions and so on and so forth, and it's just bizarre. And then, for whatever reason, Rikeda decided, even though he... Rikeda, who is the comic skate guy, he was on the side of, um...
of that guy, the Italian guy, Vic Lasagna. He was on that guy's side. He was a huge part of Comic Skate and Weeb Wars. He should be championing this self-made man. And instead, he's on the side of Vito and Juju for no reason, for no fucking reason.
Unknown_17: So Eric July briefly addressed this in his little video that he made about the drama that was going on. So I'll just play like a little bit of it.
Unknown_00: It has been interesting to see, as an example, I have to mention him because I don't want anybody to think that there's some diss or sneak diss. Like with Nick Rikato, for example, and I don't think he's nearly as impartial as he thinks of himself, and that's cool, right? He's known the other party, I think, longer than he has me, and I just wish he would just flat out say it. And instead of acting like, oh, he's so objective, mainly because there's things that just are going completely unignored as far as the context of what's been happening, as if there hasn't been people that are involved here that have worked overdrive to slander, libel, flat out lie, misrepresent this company and even do kind of this, this, this gay op stuff. And there's proof of it. I'm not just saying on a, on one email or something. I mean, them just flat out admitting what it is that they're trying to do and contacting people or doing the, doing this weird stuff or trying to incentivize people and egging them on to try to get in some law fair, like acting as if that's just not a thing is very intriguing. And it's not just with him.
And the reason why I bring that up is because I have, for way too long, given people more credit than I probably should have.
Unknown_00: And what I mean by that is that, The rules for engagement of how they view us being cool is different. Like I, for example, wouldn't do something and they have no problem doing it. And so that doesn't mean that they're in the wrong when they operate the way that they do. It just means that I need to adjust because the rules have been established there. And now I'm going to do that. Right. The only thing that I require there is reciprocity.
I certainly will not I don't want to be getting hit up about stuff and somebody saying well, you know We cool, right? We know It ain't all good when it's not all good and let's just be honest there. It's really it's very eloquent way very It's trying to be nice.
Unknown_17: But what he's saying is that he's disappointed in Nick he realizes that what his opinion of Nick is not shared by Nick and Therefore he's gonna start treating him differently, which means like he's going to ice him out so Rekha had direct access to this guy who is like a bit of a personality and Who is doing this great thing who's pulling all this money? Who's a great person to know in his industry and I? Like, unbelievably, for whatever reason, he has decided to stick with Vito the pedo, who, and Dick, uh, Juju the cow, over him. And I'm like, I really don't know what Juju and Vito represent to this guy that's so important to him. Cause it's not even like a consistent stance. Quote, erot, nimonstrendum. Okay. Hold up.
Oh, here we go. I think this is, I please, please, please, please be the right club.
Next clip, roll it!
Unknown_39: He's talking about Mr. Girl right now, the guy who did a bunch of videos about how he was attracted to the little girls and cuties that Vito agreed with.
Unknown_23: That's what he's talking about. And Dick is asking him, wait, what about the cuties shit? And Mr. Girl who defended cuties? What if that leads to harm? And Vito says, that's not harm. That's not harm because he said only factual things. The factual things were that he was attracted to children, apparently, but that's, uh, that's okay. That's okay. And by the way, I think Mr. Girl should be allowed on YouTube. I think he's horrifying. I think his takes on cuties are disgusting, but I think he should be allowed on YouTube.
It's Vito who said that. I don't know. Maybe he was joking. I have no idea. I can't know what's in someone's head. However, Dick is asking Vito about Mr. Girl. Can't that lead to harm?
I mean, can't him saying that cuties is a good thing and Netflix sexualizing minors is a good thing. Well, what if that leads someone to go harm a minor sexually? What if that happens? That's the argument against child porn. It's literally the entire argument against child porn is reducing further victimization. That's why child porn is not allowed to be distributed because it incentivizes the creation and distribution of more child pornography leading to further harm of children. That's the problem with it. That's the problem the law is trying to address. I mean, there are obvious moral problems with child pornography in general, but that is the wrong the law is trying to correct. Oftentimes with child pornography, I mean, every time with child pornography, the damage is done when the video is made, right? The child was exploited physically already. So by preventing distribution, they don't remedy any harm to the children. That harm has occurred. Many of them are dead. Many of those children are dead because the videos that get propagated and circulated are old videos.
That being said, what the purpose of those laws are attempting to do is to prevent the incentivization of further victimization of other children. That's what they're going for there.
So that's the argument Dick is making very briefly by saying, what about this cutie stuff? Can't that lead to harm? And Vito says, no, no, it's fine. That's fine.
Unknown_17: So at one point,
Unknown_17: Norkato was sober enough that he could elocute such a thought. And now, number one, he sounds like there is something that like very convincing about, um, the, um, sorry, hold up.
Sorry, I got an urgent update anyways He was at some point so so lucid that he was able to say things like that now number one He doesn't sound like that I'm convinced that it is alcohol damage at this point because he never even like when I try to watch the streams and shit he never sounds as sharp as he used to like there's an actual change in his physiology which has prohibited him from speaking like that for a long time and
Unknown_17: Number two, like he's unequivocal about his denouncement of Vito. He calls him a pedophile. And then now, for whatever reason with Eric July, he wants to take Vito's side, give him the benefit of a doubt, even though Vito is using the royal weed to refer to people from the Dick Show podcast harassing Eric July and his sponsors and stuff. And the thing is, it's like Dick has been around, I think doing the podcast longer than I have.
Unknown_17: It was definitely the the biggest problem universe was older than the internet because when the internet was starting it was I knew The end of that was like a new thing but
Dick should know how to phrase things to avoid liability.
Unknown_17: For instance, the first time I ever talked about Tomlinson, I had to be really clear that there is a lot of stuff that the pests have done to Tomlinson that I absolutely do not agree with.
Unknown_17: It was a hard strike for me to strike the balance of,
Unknown_17: Showing things that are really funny versus not promoting the being explicit that do not promote people doing shit like that and for whatever reason when Vito and dick are talking about Shit that now they're claiming that their fans are doing they're using the word we they're like including like yeah, we did this together It's our thing and we're fucking with air July in his business deliberately because as dick says he's a psychopath and just gets off on hurting people and it's just so so reckless and retarded that even if
He wasn't the one to actually send the email. The fact that he's in bolstering his users into doing these things, his listeners into doing these things with their content featured on their podcasts.
Unknown_17: Ridiculous, and he should know better. He should know how to engage with fans who aren't all put together because like a scorned fan is Like an extremely dangerous person to a podcast or like any anytime you have a scorned fan They're gonna be like your number one a log forever for like 10 years even they're never gonna go away So he shouldn't he shouldn't fucking know better, and he didn't I?
And then oddly After and I'll go through like his his malding about the fucking forum and then also Drexel oddly after the Washington Post piece came out He made this tweet saying
Unknown_17: This is supposed to be a hit piece on the Kiwi farms, but it ends up being a confirmation of a kabbalistic group of trans activists of the worst sort who are anti-speech. This group of reprobate scumbags fancy themselves thought police, but they end up being hyperbolic perpetual victims with unclean hands. The farm has no love for me right now, but these decrepit digilantes are never the answer, and their ability to manipulate the levers of the internet is an affront to liberty.
Unknown_17: Speech must remain free to the maximum defending the offensive in lawful is an awful is the only defense worth mounting acceptable speech never means defense acceptable speech never needs defense unacceptable speech must be defended because All of our speech will become unacceptable in the longest timeline so really bizarre and I feel like he's tried to deescalate a little bit because I I
I think that he was a little bit surprised by how quickly things seemed to heat up.
Unknown_17: And he sent me another message.
Unknown_17: And this time he tried to, in a more sober way, tried to reiterate everything he said without being insulting and infantilizing as he was before. And the thing was, is that I didn't miss, he still thinks that there's like a misunderstanding. that I am just, I just don't get what he's saying. And I totally do. And I, um, I, I wrote, sat down and I spent like 20 minutes and I wrote out what I would consider like a set of indictments. And I started off very strongly on that. I think alcohol has degraded his performance and his ability to think clearly. But then I went down and I said,
What I thought about a lot of things I talked about how Drexel Juju and Vito are retards and liabilities and I just went off and I list all these and I thought it was a such an ironclad statement a rebuttal of what he had sent me and
Unknown_17: I I really really I felt like it was a extremely well-worded thing. It was extremely correct And I didn't hope I didn't have the audacity to think that I would be able to change his mind on anything But I at least thought he would at least like take it to heart a little bit like he would at least respect it in some way because it was um
Was well put together and his response is basically just like dismissive like no you're completely wrong, and there's no point even arguing it
Unknown_17: So, um, I can now like safely say that whatever happens happens. And I just don't feel like he can be reasoned with. So there's no, it's just going to like continue downwards forever. There's no coming back. There's no point being like, well, I shouldn't say this about him because that could like jeopardize him. There's literally nothing that I can do at this point that would further jeopardize him more than his current mindset is.
Um, so a little bit disappointed and, uh, there's more tweets. This is from his actual like upset.
Unknown_17: Um,
Unknown_17: Bruce says, Vito can rage about Eric July for a year now. He can attack Nerdorod channel and get FNT and the channel ruined. He can attack Drunk3PO over his charity donations. If you call him out though, he becomes a sacred cow of comedy from various YouTubers. Laughable. He says, this is a fun misunderstanding. People aren't defending Vito as a sacred cow of comedy. People are frustrated that people are intentionally misunderstanding the obvious, albeit shitty, jokes.
And then the joke, uh, fully the polar bear fun name asked, uh, what's the joke here. And it's just about how non-offending means we understand breaking the existing laws as a no, no. And all the other pedo shit where he confirms. Yes, we, as in we, me included pedophile, you know, it says you're taking you, the joke is you're taking veto seriously ever.
Unknown_17: I just, I just can't believe it. I cannot, I cannot believe that he's taking this fucking retard and he's going to allow him to backtrack this. And what's really funny.
Unknown_17: is that, I don't even think I mentioned this, I didn't get to mention this last stream, but if I did, I'll repeat myself, because it's a poignant point, that Vito is crying now, and he's saying, when I said that I was a pedophile two years ago, I was exploring the boundary of comedy, and trying to improve my craft, like he's going on about how he's like an artist, and he was just testing the limits to see what is and is not okay, and it was two whole years ago, guys, it was two whole years ago, So you should totally forgive him because it was such a long time ago that he said these things and it made me laugh I saw this at some point and I laughed out loud because As I will show you there are Posts that I made on Blockland like when I was 15 years old, I'm now 30 and there is a point in the next year where I'm gonna be I
twice as old as I was when those posts were made, which means that those posts will be older than the human being was that wrote them when they were made.
Unknown_17: And I still live under the shadow of that. People bring it up all the fucking time. I still get called a pedophile all the time. I can never sue anybody for calling me a pedophile because that shit has been out there for so long, even though I was a teenager, that it has become like so poison that I can't even defend my own reputation ever. And it's never going away. I've accepted this. I just deal with it. I've accepted that if I can't change someone's mind on that, I don't want to know them. They're not a kind of person I want to be associated with anyways. And I just have to deal with it. And there's nothing I can do about it. And Vito thinks that two years is, uh, is such a long time because Vito said something stupid when he was 35 fucking years old. Vito is older now than I am now or older than than I am now.
Making the kind of mistakes and saying dumb shit that even a fuck like a fucking preteener would know not to say I never said anything as bad as Vito did and I still get like called a pedophile for it I'm like buddy if you're gonna cry Because of shit that's happening now and you think that's been Such a long time since you said them that you should be forgiven for it and people should stop thinking that you're a pedophile You're you're in for a rough fucking time Because you're going to be trying to be an L.A. comedian for the rest of your life. You're never going to go away. You're never going to try to find a real job. You're going to be one of Dick's dingleberries for as long as he tolerates you. And you're constantly going to be trying to weasel your way into L.A. clubs and comedy clubs and all this gay shit. And everyone is always going to know you as the pedophile. It will follow you around for literally the rest of your life. There will not be a single day that Vito Gasali is not reminded of the time that he said that he said he was a pedophile and that he wanted to fuck children in the ass. And he thinks that it's rough right now because it's been two years. Oh, buddy.
The dumb shit you say on the internet never goes away, Vito. I hope you can take it. I hope you're stoic enough to be able to handle this for the rest of your life. You might look at that and say, God, I'm a fat piece of shit. I'm fucking worthless. I don't have any prospects. I'm going to be haunted for the rest of my life. You might think dark thoughts, and I should say, no, Vito, don't let those dark thoughts win. You might be homeless, you might not have any prospects, you might be begging for cash on the side of the street, but don't ever let those dark thoughts win, Vito. Sure, the nightmare will never end for you, Vito, but don't ever let darkness win, Vito. You have to stay optimistic in the face of adversity, even though that adversity will be a never-ending torment for the rest of your fucking life.
Just saying. Take it from me.
Unknown_17: Shit's rough out there, bro. You can make it through.
Unknown_22: So, my side about Vito.
Unknown_17: What was on my screen before I flicked it off?
Unknown_17: D-day Cobra, this is apparently somebody who is like in the comic book circles and Is a important associate of Rakeda, but he says playing sports growing up and playing modern warfare 2 I've been involved in the most disgusting the fist offensive shit-talking known to man good times under no Circumstances was fucking children part of any of that nobody eat not even the worst people would think that's acceptable. It's not normal and Reketa law shoots back and says Jude child molestation jokes have been a part of comedy for a long time No one likes to talk. No one has to like them or think they're funny and then he links to Louis CK and I want to point out that this is like a deliberate misunderstanding
Actually the DNA says it for me, so I'll just read that He says jokes told by making fun of real pedophiles because they're terrible people Versus talking about being the pedophile over and over again with no context at times There's a big difference if you want to keep defending him go for it, but it's really confusing because you're smarter than most people I know apparently not there's a my mama used to say that stupid is as stupid does my boy and Rekhita is acting pretty fucking stupid
Someone also argues, says, then make one about your kids. Tell us which one would be the funniest for Vito to molest. Mercado says, I don't make child rape jokes. And then he says, why not? Are they taboo or something? Not really only to an insular and mildly hypocritical tribal community. This is the great thing. Um, and people call him out about this, but I'll, I'll circle back to that. I've thought about that.
Unknown_17: Dick says that he'll be at Nick's show in Nashville.
Unknown_17: And then Vito says, this is why you keep asking to watch my smart celibate kids still know it's a really, it's really, really creepy to call your own children celibate. And he says this twice. I think there's another tweet where he says, um, Hey Vito comedy, you can't babysit my kids. Quit asking. He goes on like this.
Flash asked Chrissy Meyer who's another associate of Rikita who is now being bombarded with shit like this Where Vito says he's trying to fuck kids and Chris Meyer says I'd give it an F- Rikita bizarrely follows this up and says what did the kid rate it which is just awkward and uncomfortable even to read I
Frank Pellegrino who I think is also an associate of Rikada says re Rikada is a pedo and then Rikada Oh, he follows up. He sucks the dick and he says Rikada's a pedo and says oh my god get sued I
Unknown_17: Panda says... That Louis C.K. only got arrested for jerking off in a hotel in private. Okay, says, we know they were not kids because he was only jerking off. Oh no, it's another child rape joke. He really thinks of this... He really took the... He drank the juju, the cow milk, and now he just thinks that this is like the funniest shit that he could possibly say. Oh, Frank is Chrissy's husband, okay.
Unknown_17: Meanwhile, let's see how loud as funny is doing right away. Fucking laugh, man. There's something about when he does a show where anytime he's like uncomfortable and he doesn't want there to be a pause. Like if I just start talking, you might think that's really uncomfortable.
Unknown_22: Now that you can hear the ambience in your own room.
Unknown_17: Nothing happening. Just a picture of a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow on the screen.
Unknown_17: Like, wow, that's uncomfortable. So he doesn't want to do that. Instead, anytime there's an awkward silence, he has trained himself using the most sophisticated LA comedian tactic out there to just go act
And he does it, it's like, it's like, once you, if you listen to the Dick Show, now that I pointed this out, you're gonna notice it. Anytime there's like an uncomfortable silence, he goes, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
Unknown_40: We even wanted Isom2 to be good so we could stop talking about it. If Isom2 was good, we would've went, well, at least he listened to Reason. Instead, it's just going to go on forever.
Unknown_02: They're going after Nick now. It's breaking my heart hearing him talking about it. Why are you going to Nick Ricada? Because he's friends with Dick? That's the stupidest thing in the world. You guys are attacking. I mean, first of all, it's not going to work. Secondly, you guys are attacking things that I don't value, like friendships. Right.
You're trying to spend Disney bucks at Caesar's Palace over there. You know, you're not going to be friends with Dick anymore. Ah, we got you. Oh yeah. I mean, I like friendships.
Unknown_02: Yeah. You know, I don't need them.
Unknown_02: I'm just I love Nick. I'm just kidding. I think it's sad. I feel bad that he's getting shit. I always say disavow me Whatever makes life easier, you know, I sent him a nice integrity. Yeah, this is a situation of your own doing You know do a second draft of your gay little comic good comic we wouldn't have
wonderful video you know it's I laugh that's a great joke you know what makes jokes funny is that a great joke always has a little bit of truth hidden in it somewhere it's like a little shard of life that gives it gives it meaning and purpose I love a joke that has some truth some bite to it chat you know what I mean
Unknown_17: Just some more tweets, okay, so this is more about the Drexel shit, so Reading these tweets. I'm convinced that when I started going after Drexel. He started focusing that like oh my god Why are you being so mean to Drexel and that sounds familiar? It's cuz that's what dick is would be though anytime you criticize him and veto Collectively he says why are you being so mean to veto? Vito is like his pet retard pedophile that anytime anybody says anything bad about him He just says why are you being mean to Vito and it completely takes the heat off of him? And it feels like for a while Rick a was doing that with Drexel or it's like why are you? Why are you talking about my poor Negro that way and literally literally invoking the race card before I even do it? Which is shocking that's like some Some speed racing shit, and then he's why are you making fun of my poor Negro? Why are you being so racist?
He says I love this I told him no your brain doesn't work like a normal human you draw wrong conclusions here things up Here's an example your conclusions on Drex are objectively wrong, and I say Paraphrases you can't make me like Drexel. I don't care if you like Drexel I know your conclusions were wrong because I used to know him It's an example of how you used to get things wrong by being autistic say stop trying to make me write Drexel He says oh my god. No don't like Drexel. He doesn't care. I don't care. It's literally an example I know you have wrong Drex is bad, and you can't make me defend him or like him raffle, okay? Here's a different example runs to hug box or K to DM to complain
About how the forum treats Drexel in him. I like even reading his paraphrase What is the
Unknown_17: He really it really does summarize it correctly though because in the first paragraph because he says No, you have a you problem and your you problem is that you don't you have assumed false things about Drexel and then I correctly indicate to him that what I know about Drexel is his own words and if what he is saying there's it there's one or two realities with Drexel either a
He, um, he had sex with a girl that he has known since she was 13 under the guise of saving her from sexual slavery. Cause for whatever reason, the second that she turned 18, she was desperate for hardcore BDSM with a black man, which is a ridiculous story.
Unknown_17: Unless he did groom her or B. He made up a really awful story to look cool And the funny thing about that is that if the truth is he made it up to look cool He can never say that he will literally admit that it's true and just deny that it's grooming until he's blue in the face That's even possible for someone with melanin
Rather than admit that he made it up because making it up makes him look even worse because his entire identity is based around his sexual prowess Like Drexel doesn't exist. It's just a guy that has kinky sex and is like a I don't even know what you want to call him because he's like MGTOW Pickup or I don't know what the fuck he likes to call himself, but that's like his brand
Unknown_17: So he'll literally maintain this, this story of, uh, I fucked a girl that I knew and took to Disney World because I was fucking her mom at the time. And then when she turned, the second that she turned 18, she wanted to fuck BBC and get into hardcore sex dungeon shit. Uh, with me in particular, coincidentally, even though I didn't do anything to groom her into doing so, like he's gonna have to maintain that lie if it is a lie, because he does, he'll never admit that he just made up some story about getting laid.
Unknown_17: Which is my point, and he basically just confirms that. Then Drexel signs off. He sees that I've talked shit because Dick Masterson. He says, I have had an insane rant about Drexel. I've lost my mind. You can hear it in my voice. I've completely become unhinged. I'm dangling freely by a thread in the torrential winds of my own mental planes. And he says,
Unknown_17: Shout out to all the homies in my corner that know this is pure BS, but because I'm me, someone find Josh Moon and tell him to DM me and I'll come on his show. Let's have a little discussion, Noel.
Um, I have tentatively agreed to this, but I don't see the point though, because I can sum up this discussion in, in, um, a few sentences. Hey man, how much backs you've been smashing? I smashed the hardcore white girl pussy on the rag and hear me dog. You feel me and shit. How much pussy you slay bro? You is a virgin and she it.
Unknown_17: And then I'm going to say my dude, I am not going to tell you anything about my personal life. And he's going to say,
Unknown_17: That's what I thought that sounds like a big old goose egg to me. No, I'm saying what man What man doesn't show off the notches on they bedpost and she it more fucking big snood? Looks like it's just gonna be the most unproductive conversation ever cuz I'm not gonna say anything If I'm a virgin or if I've had sex with a thousand different women in 20 different countries You'll literally never know cuz I'm never gonna tell you So I don't know if like
I don't know what the point of the discussion would be. Maybe I'll make that a condition. If he wants to talk to me, he has to first tell me what he wants to talk about. Because before then, I'm not going to do it. He has to state a thesis to me. The thesis of our argument to be discussed.
Then it continues.
Unknown_17: Someone says, I don't know too much about Nick. Nick has had him on a few times and all I remember is that he's a free speech advocate. One time Nick showed a Drex a picture of Moon and Drex said he had soft eyes, but I don't think that would set him off, especially since it was a while ago. He says, right, and that was a troll job. Nick tricked me into dissing him. I thought it was all good fun and we went on the show. He was raised by a single mother. Was he raised by a single mother? Question mark, exclamation point. That would explain it. If I was raised by a single mother, I wouldn't be able to handle any criticism of my appearance and I would fly off the handle three years after it fucking happens. Makes perfect sense Drexel's figure this out his 8000 IQ his Wakanda Wakanda um unobtainable Brain an augmented brain has discovered the root cause of my issues Mario says what's his deal? Why does he have a hard-on for Drex laughing crying emoji says probably hacked my account and realized I'm smashing a chick He likes with my bull squad I He took offense to the fact that I called him a archetypal n-word and he went down and said, I'm not a n-word, I've never been to jail, and so on and so forth. But that's such a black thing to say.
Shit, man, he got the beef because I'm up in his bitch and shit, man. I'm in that bitch's guts and shit with my 12-inch BBC, nigga.
Unknown_17: Come on. Can you be like more of a fucking stereotype, and how you handle criticism?
Unknown_17: Morel also asks, who the hell is what is null? Man, this had me confused. Haha, I never heard someone before refer to you as Drexel. Apparently, referring to him as Drexel is an insult to him? Like, I guess people just call him Drex? Or some weird, like, kink slave name? I really don't fucking know what they call him. But he says, only my parents and childhood friends call me Drexel. This beta is neither. It's best to keep my government name out of his fucking mouth.
He literally says, Will Smith slap.
Unknown_17: That's some of the blackest shit I've ever read. I think I hit it too. I think I nailed it. Shit, man. I'm getting darker and darker. My 3.5% is glowing today.
Unknown_17: Radiating in the sun. Got that vitamin D shit today. Chaos Drive says, is Josh hating on Drexel because Drexel has lots of sex with lots of women? That sounds like a fuck boy shit right there. Says this dude hates himself most of all. Everything he says about me is pure projection.
So fucking typical so boring. So then he says yo cetino. Imagine the speed or fraud calling my discord a p A pua one something i've never done. So joshman makes fun of our homie disabled cell low class moon slanders me discord is paid because public ones get reported than needed
And then he says, send, in regards to someone sending him, I don't even know what this is.
Unknown_17: It says, send, send, send away. Like I said, scorched earth. And here's a picture of Stocking that I just talked about on my Blockland stream. It says, this woman is called Stocking. They had a one-sided relationship on the Blockland forum. She is a self-admitted lollicon. This is a girl he role-played war with, but she dumped him and only tolerated him out of pity. Apparently he constantly threatened suicide. Drex says, go, somebody, find Nolan, ask him if this is true. If so, I want to know why, A, he's such a beta, and B through Z, why he didn't kill himself. So this, this is his plan. Drex is so offended that I have taken his own words from not too long ago, something he was proud about, something he was bragging openly about. And he is going to find my Achilles heel. And he has found the shocking new information that nobody has heard about, about Lachlan Forum. And he thinks that he's got me. Surely this will be the end of Joshua Moon and Kiwi Farms.
Wondering I'm not gonna even address it cuz I fucking talked about so many times. I don't even care He's posting this on His discord and these these these are some Some random chimp event level tweets lovelies says the mole in the server is gonna get exposed soon. I got a feeling It says don't worry. This shit will take place on Twitter in Sneedsbury that is about the D jealous
He's so fucking stupid. Why are they all like this? Why are they all like this? Is that literally the only thing that black people have any confidence about? That they think that their dick is bigger, and that's it. That's the only thing. They have no accomplishments, no history, no written word, not even numerals.
Unknown_17: They have nothing under their belt in the last 10,000 years of human history. So they gotta go,
Shit man, but our dicks is bigger. That's it. That's all they say, ever.
Unknown_17: Shit man, we invented peanut butter and shit, motherfucker.
Unknown_03: That's it. That's all they got.
Unknown_17: Something I would never do unjustified in regards to...
Unknown_17: When there's nothing worthwhile to find, the drama seeker finds the nearest associate for the drama spar, but that's not what's happening. I'm making fun of Rikeda because he is close to me and I know what's happening. And I find it worth criticizing, especially because I do like Rikeda. I like sober Rikeda. I like the Rikeda who is like...
One of the only people out there who would shine a light on shit that nobody else would talk about and a fucking fear And now he's like this craven Disgusting slob that's like allowing his children to become an object of ridicule and scorn on the internet so that he can make Vito Look better by comparing. I really I really fucking hate no a new Rikita. Okay He continues oh this part I love this
Sneedsbury very I don't know which one of you is Stainsbury, but this man is the only person with an IQ above one Drexel legit. I've read through these logs. He's the only person in his discord server. He's the dumbest person in his discourse He's dumber Drexel is the dumbest person in his discord server And he's dumber than the guy in the UK who has to get a license from the government to fuck because they can't think he's so retarded
Unknown_17: They can't be sure that any sex he has is consensual because of his low IQ, that they have to actually step in and verify, oh yeah, okay, this is like a thing, you can do this. Like, he's dumber than that guy, in terms of how stupid is is what stupid does. But then Sneasbury comes in, he has an IQ of 100, he says, what's this about Drexel and Noel now? I caught Maddie, yeah, don't engage with this one, Nick has already said the most retarded shit imaginable, you don't need to add even more on top. Big black friend parenthesis mayor of midtown says nope. Fuck that i'll engage i'm gonna purge this fucking mole in my server Sneedsbury again with his radiant 100 iq shining through the the darkness here. He says um
I'm on Twitter. Yeah, alright then. If you want my advice, don't do anything that crosses the line and don't say anything that'll prove Josh right. Nope. Roast and sue this motherfucker. Anyone defending Moon gets kicked the fuck out of my server. Fuck that dude. Mole will be found.
Like just like insert for various, and I'm saying not because he's black, but just in general, insert loud monkey noises at this point in time in your head. Um, it's really, he's going to sue me. He's going to sue me. He's going to sue me for saying that the gross story that he made public multiple times is grooming. Cause it sounds like fucking room. And he thinks that that's actionable defamation. Ask Ricada what actionable defamation sounds like. Because if you take what Ricada said about Montagrath and what he claims is defamation versus what I said about Drexel and what he claims is defamation, there's a bit of a discrepancy. I think one is worse than the other, but I don't know. I'll handle this. Fuck it, I'll deal with this.
That would be funny. That would be funny. That would be funny because if it's... Imagine if he loses. He said you're a groomer and then we say, well, you probably are one based on this story. A reasonable person could assume that you are based on what you said.
Unknown_17: He's in Minnesota right isn't that we're no he's in Wisconsin say damn didn't Patrick lose Attorney's fees and no, but I was in Milwaukee.
Unknown_15: Oh Well, he's so pissed that people are screencapping this he said he went on Twitter and said that
The only reason this Discord is private is because the public ones get deleted, and then he's in there saying, the mole will be found. Well, it sounds like, motherfucker, you're actually a little bit embarrassed about the conversations you have in this gay little club of yours. And you don't want that to be public, and that's why you're trying to find a mole. The Kiwi Farms is wide open. I'm never mole hunting, because there's nothing to mole for. It's all out in the open. So I don't ever have to say, I'm going to find that mole. I'm going to find that mole, because it actually is public.
Unknown_17: Funny stuff.
Unknown_22: Just complaining about it. And then talk to themselves, which is in this, these conversations are wise.
So the Drexel is the dumbest person in this room.
Unknown_22: So that's that. And then there's two more cuts. I'll play through these.
Unknown_23: Null had a line.
Unknown_22: Oh, this is null had a line.
Unknown_23: in that conversation that resonated and hit home with me in such a great, great way.
Unknown_23: And he said this, he said, if I had a button that I could press that would kill all pedophiles, I would press it twice just to make sure none were missed.
Fantastic that reminds me that reminds me of something.
Unknown_17: I forgot to mention last stream on last stream I Was talking about something he said in public. He said all you need to know about Josh is that?
Unknown_17: He thinks that execute the risk of executing innocent people oh God no it was something about how
Unknown_17: He said that, I accept the risk that sometimes innocent people will be hurt in the name of justice. And the reason why he said that is because we were having a conversation about, like, he tried to deflect and say, what if Vito isn't a pedophile? And I know that he is, because of what he said. And his association with Max Carson, who I also 100% convince is a pedophile, because he's fucking gross and vile. You can just tell by looking at him. But he said, what if he isn't? And I said, well, I'm pretty sure that he is. I'm very certain that he is.
And it's like with the death penalty.
Unknown_17: With the death penalty, and with justice in general, we accept that some innocent people will be hurt because the alternative is not having any justice at all. And specifically the death penalty, we accept that some people might be executed. because some people really, really deserve to fucking die. And he said that was like, he doesn't agree with his anti death penalty because he thinks that that would be an aberration on justice. It's not an acceptable risk. And I just said, well, agree to disagree. Cause that's, I believe it is worth the risk.
Unknown_17: He extrapolated this conversation with the death penalty. And he said, like, that I'm just reckless with how I pursue people. Like if I go after people, it doesn't matter if they're innocent or guilty or if they deserve it or not, because some guilty people will be hit in the net, will be caught in the net, the huge, wide berth of net that I drop to hurt moraine people and hurt them, that some people will deserve it. So that's how he phrased it or presented it. And it's the exact opposite.
I I just think that with especially with Vito in particular It's an acceptable level of risk because I'm so convinced that he is one and I just I don't want to cancel him I went in fact, I want the opposite I want Vito to be presented to as many people as possible for what he really is But I took issue with that I did I forgot to mention that last room play this as well 60 days, I don't care what you do.
Unknown_23: I don't care
I'm sorry that you are afflicted by liking children. Get away from all of them.
Unknown_23: Move to the mountains where there are no children. Do something. Get away. Get away.
Unknown_23: And don't... Don't... You... And here, legitimately, the reason you have to get away is because cuties exist.
Unknown_23: Cuties exists right now. It's going to be released in September on Netflix. That means that non-offending pedos will be watching Cuties. They'll be watching something. They won't be able to get away from it much longer. Because our media is disgusting and will push it and push it and push it into their faces. And if you don't think your sexuality is molded and sculpted by the media you consume, I've got another story for you.
Again, this is not ever a call for anyone to do any legal action against something. It's different.
Unknown_23: But here's the thing. When, like, the Christian scare about rock music and gyrating hips and all that bullshit or whatever, it's right.
Unknown_23: It's right in principle.
Unknown_23: Music media is the gateway to the to human sexuality Of course it is of course it is If you are like I'm not saying that you can be made into a pedo or something like that's that's completely different I'm saying that it activates
Reaches into parts of your mind that other things don't that's what art is designed to do and that art reaches in and grabs something and Activates it if you are a non-offending pedophile
Unknown_17: All these all these takes are just like dust in the wind at this point like he's really good like yeah someone said current Old old Nick would call out current Nick. I'm sorry losing my voice, so we're gonna move along I said I think I said everything I meant to say about Ricardo at this point There is a Ralph segment, and I'm gonna be I just have to be mean to Ralph because I was trying to I was trying to be optimistic for him and I was trying to be nice and I was trying because my just to be completely clear number one when he was going after Fuentes I was on his wagon because I wanted to make sure that Fuentes went after because if he had anything on Fuentes if he had any ability to hurt Fuentes I think that the America first people are like a general genuine fucking cult, and I think they do really skeeby shit I think that there are terrible influence on young men especially young white men, so I wanted to see America first destroyed and The other thing is, is that he was on the up and up. He was taking care of himself and he, um, he was sober. He was trying to get sober, trying to get clean and trying to make amends with Amanda the horse. And I said, these are all good things. These are all good things. And I don't want to be a, a negative Nancy. I don't want to like try and kick a guy while he's doing the right thing. I would like to encourage him to continue to do the right thing forever.
However, he's he's falling off the fucking wagon again. He's high and it took him a while for him to even a minute He sent me a DM on telegram saying like hey, you know, I know you're gonna talk about me But I'm just gonna let you know that's fair and I'm gonna get back on the wagon I was like, oh that's strange because at first he was denying that he had even been intoxicated But he like so odd like it's incredible that he would even deny it cuz it's so obvious like when he's sober and he's sharp and he's talking and
Versus when he's when he's high on fucked up on pills. It's just like a day and night the difference between His charisma and his his vocal his like the way that he talks and it's just his presence his presence on the camera and on the mic is just Elevated when he's actually sober and he's into what he's talking about so There's an amazingly even tried to lie about it at first, but I guess as he said in the DM He said that's like it's what addicts do is that they will deny it when they fall off At first no, okay, that's fair
Unknown_17: However I His gravity of fuck-up, and he's gonna he's I mean he's gonna have to lie about this other thing his gravity of fuck-up This week is phenomenal The first thing is is that at some point in the last week he decided to?
Make a donation goal for $750 to see his dick and Actually, I'll get
Unknown_17: I'll get around to this. I'm gonna try to get through this as quickly as possible because we're on our three now
Unknown_17: So he did post his dick, he couldn't figure out how to get his dick on Imgur. Because Imgur, if you don't know, if you use Imgur, stop using Imgur. They have machine learning, and if the machine robot looking at every image that gets uploaded thinks that there is any kind of pornography whatsoever, they delete it. If it detects a penis, your image gets automatically deleted. So he tried to upload it to Imgur three or four times, it didn't work, and then he just sent it to Telegram. He sent it to everybody on his Telegram. So if you were a follower of the Ralph Rettort at that time, You got a notification on your phone saying the Ralph Torsen image, and then you open it and it's just a fucking dick picture from Ethan Ralph.
I knew it was coming, so when I saw the notification, I just swiped it away, and then people confirmed that was it and got reposts on the site, and this is the description of it. You ready?
Unknown_17: from Liquid Chris Respector, he says, using his shit-stained mattress and wadded-up bedclothes as a backdrop, he's going to give his little John Thomas a helping hand so it isn't swallowed by the fupa. So, first thing is that he's pushing back the fupa so that his actual penis can be seen, as much of it as possible. He says, as others have described, this narrow conical is a few scraggly pubes at the base, and it's kind of greasy-looking. So it's like shiny and greasy. and then it like has like a cone shape so it's like wider at the base and pointier at the top like a pig's no pigs have like weird corkscrew penises don't they i don't know he's like a weird penis and he's like i think it's like really zoomed up some of the people that are like really zoomed up so that like as big as possible and like this is the memphis mamba and then because he made 750 by the way if you gave him money for that you're a fucking faggot for real
Follows that up and he gets really high on his ego for some reason.
Unknown_17: And he says, um, DM's literally full of bitches now that the big Robowski got showed and all its glory, the Memphis macro. This is like a post that someone will write as a fucking joke to like parody Ralph and he'd know that's just really how he is. Um,
Unknown_17: I made $1,000 to show my dick last night. Maybe I should start the gunted website and really rake in the cash fucking this porn stars. Tribe associates hit me up. Gabe Hoffman blocked me. So that's over. Ha ha ha ha. Jake blue sky in bio says you're an only fans of horror, which is true. If you accept money, um, and do nude photography or sex videos, you are a horror by my definition.
He says I made more money than most of them and one not well now Says you have one 1k a night sounds pretty good to me, but I'm not an expert like you
Unknown_17: He says, good luck. Ralph says, thanks. So maybe your time as a sex worker will give you a better perspective. He says, I've never been anti-sex worker, LOL. I put several through college.
Oh, that's bad. That's really cringe. I really, I really, really, really hate prostitutes. And you know, it's fair to blame Johns as well. The guys that pay for prostitutes because they keep the fucking cycle going.
Unknown_17: He says, porn producers hit me up. We can really rake in the cash with the gunted website. I'm not kidding either. Let's fucking go. Why am I going to lose my kids over it? Ha ha ha ha ha. I want to fuck Alex Cole first. She has the ass my wife wish she had. This is Alex Cole who kind of looks like a literal halfway point between Faith Vickers and May.
I don't know if that's just something that my brain is forcing to see, but I swear to God, right now, as I sit here, that I am seeing a literal halfway point between May and Faith. Let's take advantage of my new poll system, and we're going to do...
Unknown_17: Poll Does that look like faith and may yes it do no it don't That'll be vote one for yes it do vote two for no it don't I want to see real quick Now that we got the system going Ten votes in we got ten to one yes it do 20 votes in 20 to 2.
Oh my god. The votes are now pouring and remember it's Exclamation point vote 1 or exclamation point vote 2.
Unknown_17: Oh My god, it's like 70 to 4 right now the Josh a male 90% of the vote coming in It looks like this is an unambiguous victory for my noticing ability. I'm a high-level nurse, sir I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm not a low-level beginner amateur notice, or I'm an expert level notice, right? I notice all things at all times matter how incidental
Unknown_17: finally with a hundred and twenty votes 89% let's actually let's wait with a finally 121 votes it's not 90 flat and we'll do and Excellent. I finally have a real stream chat. I finally have a real fucking stream and everything's working for once I Need to make it so that when I do in pull the results are tough. I'll fix it I'll get that working a little bit better, but I'm happy with that. It's exciting times and
Then he continues midlife crisis hitting hard very sad to see you're fat and pathetic the glory days or ever go reconcile their family Nathan Russell's I don't have one of those Long letter connoisseur says this right here is like a stake to a woman's heart ain't no girl when I hear her assets or in this case lack thereof talked about like this laughing emoji It's not even close either So motherfucker really thinks that he's Ron Jeremy and he's gonna go out there and he's gonna fuck you're not Jewish enough to be Ron Jeremy for since
Let's see Guy that made screw magazine was a really great quote by an excellent Jewish author Screw magazine if you don't know was one of the publications that normalized pornography in the u.s. And there's a great quote I really love this quote. It's um really insightful It's a sort of a timepiece the guy that created screw magazines this guy called Al Goldstein you might know about Al Goldstein Someone asked him
Unknown_17: In his 2004 books XXX Communicated, A Rebel Without a Shoal, Luke Ford wrote a conversation with Goldstein in which Ford asked Goldstein why Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the porn industry. He answered, The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism. Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream and is no doubt consumed by those very same wasps, its subversive character becomes more charged." Ford asked then, "'What does it mean to you to be a Jew?' To which Goldstein responded, "'It doesn't mean anything. It means I'm called a kike.'" Ford also asked, "'Do you believe in God?' And Goldstein said, "'I believe in me. I'm God. Screw God.
is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God. Admit it. We're random. We're the flea on the butt of the dog."
Excellent quote by Al Goldstein there. Very interesting.
Unknown_17: Funny, fun fact about Al Goldstein, he actually died alone in poverty in a retirement home in Florida because his four wives, one, two, three, four, five wives all divorced him and sued him. And he actually got sued for sexual harassment from women who edited Screw Magazine as well. Interesting fact about him. Anyways, he wants to be a little bit of a Ron Jeremy, and he wants to start up his gunted website And I guess his plan is and to be honest if the thing is that Ralph isn't really I don't think he's willing to debase himself enough He sort of has like an ego, and if he really wants to do porn he would have to do like like ugly bastard porn because Remember may had that fetish for ugly bastards So he'd have to really play into it and do like gross shit and look as disgusting as possible To like do successful porn. He's just not I don't think he has the audacity to do that Fucking hope not at least but I guess his plan is that he's gonna take his super chat money. He's gonna find prostitutes He's gonna pay them to fuck on camera and then he's gonna try to sell that and become like a Ron Jeremy
So really, really fucking dark path. Ralph had a fork in the road and said I can either try to reconcile things and make things right and be a better person or I can take the easy road and I can just take my super chat money and split it between alcohol and horrors and try to become a Jewish pornographer instead of doing anything that anyone would actually want to see me become.
So these are him ranting about May. How long is all this? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Unknown_17: Jesus Christ. He got really fucked up is the thing. We'll listen to these until I get bored.
Unknown_08: What woman would accept something like that except, uh, you know, a broken down, uh, person who's, who has allegedly been- This is that time in the quarter, by the way, in case you're wondering. And again, she told me that. I talked about this on air last night. Um, I didn't make the allegation about your brother up, Harry.
Your daughter, Amanda Morris, told me personally she was molested by your by your brother.
Unknown_08: Now, maybe it was a flight of fancy. Maybe it wasn't true. I don't know. But she told me personally she was molested by your brother.
Unknown_08: And, you know, you can sit here and you can spend and you can say whatever, but that's the truth. Now, she begged me not to tell it. She tried to say it was a lie after but given her you know actions and given her You know Comportment after I tend to believe it to be honest with you. I tend to believe it now. Do I approve? No No, I don't have the proof. But but I do have the proof that that she said that and She said she was molested by your own brother. I
And you can sit here and spin and talk about all the shit you want. Sue me, bitch. It won't be the first lawsuit I have.
Unknown_08: And it'll be the same OJ style all the way, because I'd rather blow my brains out than give one dime to you or your family.
And so she told me that. Now, she was tripping on shrooms when she told me that in Forest Park. And she said her whole family didn't care. And she said she was molested by her uncle. That's what she told me.
Unknown_08: Period. I'm not making anything up. That's what she told me. Period.
Unknown_08: That's exactly what she told me. And you know what else she told me? That she was anally raped at the age of about 17.
Unknown_08: Oh, yeah. Keep going. Oh, go ahead. Go ahead and file it. I'm not telling any lies, Harry. She told me all this.
Keep giving me money, nigga.
Unknown_08: She told me she was anally raped at the age of, I think, 17 by a Turkish gentleman, and that she went to the hospital to get a rape kit, which is how you prove these sort of things, and her mother was so fed up with how long it was taking to get the rape kit, Jolene, by the way, she was so fed up with how long it was taking to get the rape kit that she left the hospital and took Amanda with her.
Unknown_08: These are the type of people we're dealing with here.
Evil, despicable, and just flat out demonic.
Unknown_08: And this was told to me by her.
Unknown_22: So there's clip one, uh, Ralph randomly, he actually says the story twice.
Unknown_17: He says that first that she was raped by a Turk when she was 17 and that later that she was raped by a Mexican and she, he had, it was, he was incoherent cause he was so intoxicated, but he was explaining that she paid for, he paid for a Mexican juggler to fuck her in the ass. And I don't know if that's clipped in this, but people were talking about it in chat. Um, he was having a back and forth with Alice by the way.
They posted some messages where Apparently for the money that he gave her on Amazon when she says $100, but I'm not I don't know the tally offhand He says he paid her $100 to suck his dick on Amazon wishlist and she did and he she lied about it being non-consensual And he does have receipts for it, but it's just like strange I will skip this because I don't really care about Alice. She is fucking vile. I
But I mean especially if she lied about being raped. It's like the worst thing you can lie about it harms Society's trust and in victims it harms the person accused who is wrongly accused It's just like a terrible terrible thing to do, but I wouldn't put it past Alice because she's fucking disgusting this is in regards to
Unknown_17: Shit, four minutes of him talking about Alice sucking his dick, I really don't want to.
Unknown_17: I guess I'll skip to this.
Unknown_08: But I knew that this was false the whole entire time. My wife begged me not to put out these texts because they make her look like the whore that she is. And, you know, I actually, to my own detriment,
Um, I, I acquiesced to that request and I shouldn't have, I should have never done that, but I did. And so, you know, if you want to blame somebody, you can blame me. Um, because I've had these texts for well over a year and, um, they prove exactly what I said. Let me see if we can pull those up on there here.
so basically Pantsuit obviously pantsuit.
Unknown_17: They're supposed to be in the monogamous relationship and The he's not supposed to be fucking horrors, but he is so it makes her look bad. She begged him for that I'll skip that That's fucking gross I'm not gonna play that Not gonna play him talking about Alex seconds. That's fucking gross. It's also gross. I'll play this oh
Unknown_08: It's crazy. No, I am sober. I am way too sober. It's a super jet.
Oh, so it's a $1. It must be from Harry Morris.
Unknown_08: But no, I'm not.
Unknown_08: I'm not drunk. I'm not on pills. I'm not on anything. I'm on the truth.
Unknown_22: That's why, uh, I was surprised that he admitted cause he's like, I'm not on pills.
Unknown_17: Just like fucking out of it.
Unknown_17: Um, okay, this one, this is his reaction to someone asking what the fuck he sent on telegram.
The words of a very sober, sober, sober gentlemen, uh, enjoying a nice night.
Unknown_22: Uh, anyways.
Unknown_17: Oh, this is the Mexican story. This is bizarre.
Unknown_01: He's scared of embarrassing his own daughter. That's the reality, Ralph. That's the only reason he won't. You mean, you mean that she got fucked up the ass raw by Mexican?
Unknown_08: Is that, is that what you're, is that what you're talking about? Do you think I'm afraid to talk about things? Uh, because I'm not.
Uh, do you think, do you, do you think that, uh, she got fucked up the ass raw with no condom, uh, by a Mexican? Uh, do you think that that would be something that I would be afraid to say? Uh, I'm not afraid to say it. She's a whore.
Unknown_08: Uh, and I'll say it right here live on air.
So he says that he paid or they paid a gigolo to fuck her in the ass or all dog And he just randomly admits this that someone was fucking his wife in the ass I'm not sure what he's I guess he didn't realize because he's on pills that that says a lot about him and Even though it's gross about her and also says something about him, and he just didn't realize it
Unknown_17: okay um now this is eight minutes long but it's a little bit fucked up so i'll play some of it go ahead h underscore sent three dollars you have people who care about you please be strong yes siege i got an emergency notice about that why it is you push people away because that's something you need to address love you ralph you may
you may want to cry actually because, um, because I know those people, um, I know what they think and I, um, I,
Unknown_10: I have a problem with thinking that highly of myself. And, um... And, um... Rock bottom is a myth, Cole Cole.
Unknown_17: There is no such thing.
Unknown_10: It's my problem, not yours. But, um...
I know I've been called for something bigger than me.
Unknown_10: And as much as I want to indulge in degeneracy and
Unknown_10: you know, failure and, uh, we love you.
Unknown_33: Sent $3. You have not let us down. I am not saying you aren't sober, but a relapse is a blink of an eye in the long journey of life. We love you.
Well, I'll end it there. Cause it's like sad. And you may, you may at this point in time feel sad for Ralph and it's, I mean, it's, it's a sad position to be in. If you've had that,
Unknown_17: Gandhi in philosophy that you think about yourself in someone else's position. How would you treat? Sure, you know, it's sad. I can't blame you for that. However, I have been notified.
Unknown_17: Um,
As of the as of this stream because like during the course of the stream in my emergency Midstream contact channel that some people on the farm have with me That Harry Morris has in the the duration of the stream published something Damning to Ralph so we're gonna be watching this together. I really don't know what to expect.
Unknown_17: Oh Let's see what this is
Unknown_22: Harry's actual tweet.
Unknown_17: He says the following authenticated video was smuggled across the border at great personal risk despite efforts to prevent it. Guys, if the situation resembles the you, I strongly urge that you summon the courage if only for a few seconds to remove yourself from society, let's say. Women, if he repeatedly yells obscenities at you and especially with an earshot of your child, repeatedly demeans and degrades you such as making you clean up his unspilled urination. His spilled urination models are gross. Demands unreasonable obedience as if you were enslaved. Puts his hands around your neck ever.
threatens to murder you ever then you and your children should get away from him at all costs as it is possible if he Has isolated you from family and friends you can seek help from the national domestic abuse hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or the equivalent in your country Please don't think you can change a monster and somehow you must rise above the fear of retribution no matter what the threats actions and likes may be Come all right sounds like some amazing fun awesome mad at the internet content. Let's see what we got here. Oh
I think this one's gonna be heckin' wholesome big chungas.
You think you're going to talk to me like this? You're not. Do you understand? Do you understand? Do you understand? You won't talk to me like this. I understand. Do you understand? I understand. Go ahead.
Unknown_25: I'm getting a towel. You're what? I'm getting a towel. You're what? I'm getting a towel to clean off your desk. You're getting what? A towel.
I'm not gonna hurt you, but I'm telling you, you won't talk to me like this.
Unknown_38: Do you understand?
Unknown_07: Do you understand?
Still another metal one.
Unknown_19: Shit to you. I didn't say anything.
Unknown_38: Yeah, of course. I really haven't been deciding on anything. Yeah, you're worthless.
Unknown_38: Put on the messes.
Unknown_10: Damn dude what the fuck Why does he do that he like begs for confrontation She's like cleaning up his pee bottle on his desk like he asked for it.
He's like what are you gonna? Do about it?
Unknown_17: Would you make it get away?
Unknown_17: He's like a monster in that walking simulator game. I can't remember what it was called. The game where you're just holding a camera and you're running through the mansion, and you just hear the monsters threatening Wesley. You think you got away? He's chasing you. You lost the chase, so he's threatening you, trying to look for you. It's like Outlast. It's like Outlast. He's the big guy from Outlast, trying to find you to rip your head off, shouting at you. You think you got away then?
It's kinda spooky. This is a portal to hell. If you ever were to trap yourself into a Mexican hovel for god knows what reason, despite your daddy, that's what happens, I guess. I don't know, it's so hard to feel bad for Mae, not just because of the Olicon shit, because she was with Digibro, she took shots at me and the forum, and then, which is just petty shit, but I personally don't like her. And then, if you don't remember,
She was she made ridiculed faith continuously throughout the revenge pornography thing and Like she she made faith like the butt of jokes and then surprised I came and show this on stream but
Unknown_17: Ralph, in the last week, also posted revenge pornography of her. He posted it anonymously to Cal. He stripped the EXIF data, and it's a pretty unflattering image of her, but he posted this to Cal, and it's supposedly anonymous because he stripped the EXIF data out, which, if you don't know,
And the Violence Against Women Act, that is a federal civil tort. So she could sue him for like $150,000 in punitive damages because it is revenge pornography.
Unknown_17: It's not a criminal thing, it's a civil thing.
Unknown_17: And if he thinks that being in Mexico is going to prevent him from seeing consequences of owing $150,000 federally judged against him, he's in for a shock.
Unknown_17: So, I mean, she knew going into this shit, but I don't know. It's pretty fucked up. Ralph is, I mean, he's just a bad person.
And I know that he's, like, fucked up in it, but he really is just, like, a bad person. He, like, revels in bad decisions and stuff. His response to this, by the way, is... I have a tweet of this. I don't have it on the screen, but I'll just read it to you. I haven't watched, and I won't, but a woman allegedly recording a man during one of the worst moments of his life and then releasing it in order to frame the public conversation is one of the oldest tricks in the book. I'm me, and I'm not some lolicon who just got off the child porn.
Unknown_17: Like, bro.
He published revenge pornography of her And I'm sure he's gonna deny it because he has to if he admits that he posted it Then he's on the hook for a hundred fifty thousand dollars of federal civil tort damages So he's gonna have to lie about it, and he's gonna say that like that is Okay, because it's one of the worst moments of his life. Whatever the fuck that means It's just really crazy now
Unknown_17: It's a good I don't know. I I knew that he would eventually Like let me down even though I was kind of rooting for him But I I'm shocked by how much how quickly and like how let down I am The standard was different, but I was also shocked by Rikada like how much he let me down It's like these people just let me fucking down and I try to have a good faith in people but I
I saw a poignant quote at some point.
Unknown_17: Because if you don't know, my first appearances were with Ralph on his show, so he kind of feels like I owe him. I really don't. And then with Rakeda, Rakeda actually, this is hard to explain because I don't want to name names, but Rakeda did something for me indirectly. He just sort of led me to something. Something that is really, really valuable. It's helped me keep the site up. It's helped me navigate a lot of problems in my life. And it's not like an embarrassing thing. I just don't want to name any names. But he led me to somebody who has helped tremendously with my affairs. And it was just like a once-all thing. I said, hey, what about this? And he said, try this guy. And I've known him for a while, and he's a great guy. And I really owe a lot to him.
So I feel like I owe Rikada a little bit just for that, because he helped in such an enormous way.
Unknown_17: But I read a quote somewhere, it's like, some people, they enter your life, and they change who you are in a little bit, or they help out in some way, but those people, just because they were good to know, doesn't mean that they're meant to be in your life forever. So, just a roundabout way of saying that. I don't feel like I owe anybody anything. I'm gonna be critical of whoever I wanna be, but I am shocked by how disappointed I am, especially with Ralph. You hear Ralph, and you think, Well, you know, I know what Ralph is I know what he's capable of and I can't I can't possibly be disappointed in them anymore that I'm seeing this shit and he's revenge You know jumping revenge porn of Amanda for no fucking reason literally just like I know that she has the kid But you're not ever going to get to see the kid if you do shit like this If you want to see get visitation of Rosie You know, you have to clean up a little bit and show not only you know, like the courts, but you have to show like the Because it's a lot easier if you have Amanda on board for you saying the kid And it's just like no, I'm just gonna make everything a thousand times worse than it has to fucking be It's hard
Never put your stock in low cows. It's just like very few people are willing to associate with me in any way shape or form so I try to Not particularly with Ralph, but especially with her case. I try to see the best in people when dick was Dick was one of the first like dicks new project to is one of the first ways I ever got cut a check and anything ever And it was so nice to have not having money for years and years and then finally getting like just a little bit of money was so nice he said and he really he stuck his neck out for me, but Through his new project tooth and he might have been selfish. He might have been trying to start up his own company, but like I Really appreciated it and I still do and I'm extremely sad to see what he's doing with himself these days I'm just overall extremely disappointed in people But they say you only count on yourself but it is what it is
It's anything I feel like actually, you know what I did I missed just a little bit. Let me um Find it.
Unknown_22: It's around here somewhere How did I miss this Oh, I completely missed the low-cal segment somehow Fuck it, you know, fuck it.
We're gonna do a four-hour stream. It's just it is what it is We're going back to the low-cal segment first off chat Sonichu is home Christian Weston Chandler had his case dismissed because I believe that the state mismanaged it and they wasted so long, waited so long trying to pursue Chris that the state just ran out of time. He was in jail for as long as he would serve in the maximum sentence. So the judge just said, you guys fucked up. It's free to go. Case dismissed. Bang, bang. And he walks out. And that means that because he's not guilty of anything, he was dismissed. He's free to go home. And so Christian has gone back to the house. He was raised in with that bar bussy at hand. And God only fucking knows what's happening in that home right now.
Like the only reason why the incest shit came out was that he told somebody. So as long as he doesn't tell anybody, I guess she's not gonna tell the police, because she's incapable at this point.
Unknown_17: I don't think that her mom, like the mom, Barbara, is still at the house. People recently got a picture of her at her doorstep. And Chris is there too now, so.
Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. There was a really funny joke in this that someone said, I can't believe it. The American justice system is such a joke. This poor woman was cleared of rape charges and yet you all still call her a rapist. Shame on all of you. That made me bust a gut laughing.
Unknown_17: It was excellent delivery by the way Rekia in case you're wondering. That's what dark humor looks like you don't just say haha I rape children. Haha. That's not a joke. That's not just being creepy you can make creepy jokes And it'd be funny in case you're wondering So yeah pray for Barbara if you're a praying type
Our girl Chantelle has gone to Bangkok Thailand She ate a bowl of living crickets for some reason and then also got into these things which are called tic-tacs or tuc-tacs Which are kind of like jeepneys and the Philippines, but not really She obviously she fits right in just like the little Thai boys and girls do She's having a great time in Thailand good for her. I'm sure that jeepneys suspension and Transmission are gonna be fucked up after this
Our boy EDP445 has gotten busted on a child grooming sex sting thingy. Another amateur Chris Hansen type caught him trying to meet up with a young girl for sex. I think this time in a dialysis clinic that he goes to because he's dying of kidney failure or some shit. I think he's like in stage four kidney failure and now he's basically going to die at any time.
Unknown_17: So.
Unknown_17: I guess his thought process is, I'm dying, and shit is what it is. I might as well smash some underage box before I kick the bucket. Despite everything, he's not learned his lesson. He got caught again. I think there's a two-hour long video from this channel. Apparently, they're very well-known.
Chris Hansen you know predator hunters, so it's featured. It's in the thread somewhere. I haven't watched it. Maybe I will watch it Those things are really awkward to me. I don't feel I don't feel good watching them. I'll phrase it like that Good on them. I guess shame on EDP because he made that that whole video was like sorry I got caught trying to fuck a child. I won't do it again. I'm seeking the help that I need and hope for your forgiveness and And then he's like, yeah, meet me at my dialysis clinic. I'm dying of stage four kidney failure, and I want to smash some bogs.
He gets caught again. I'm like, OK, retard. Have fun with that.
Unknown_22: That's that.
Unknown_17: This guy is Lee Chi Wee. He's Malaysian. Okay, if you are a listener and you are Malaysian, go to the Community Happenings Board, find this post. For whatever reason, we have, they, I say we, they have found one of the worst Monkey abusers on the internet and the Malaysian government is refusing to do anything about it They tried contacting the government first before posting his identity and the government said we're not gonna do anything So if you're Malaysian and for whatever reason you're watching this and you have an interest in protecting animals And you have any kind of clout with like a lawyer in your family or anything?
Check out this guy and see if maybe you can save a couple monkeys from getting Tortured in the most horrific and cruel ways possible because that's pretty fucked up I'm extremely I'm shocked that any country on earth because even black people love animals man You go to a bunch of aboriginals, and you're like well this shit's fucked up So I don't know why they're not gonna do anything about it I
I was I wasn't laughing because of the monkey stuff somebody said something funny in chat This one I don't know who well but Elisa Jordan who is an IP to has been removed from the roster if you don't know IP to is like a group of retards who live stream for cash she was moved removed from the roster because
Unknown_17: Her assistant, who would often take part in her streams, turned out to be an insanely depraved, pedophile child molester. IPT users claimed that she knew and took part in this, but I haven't seen anything that proves it.
Unknown_17: And this is the clip of him getting arrested.
Unknown_17: from before he was let out of his... Man who allegedly wrote a manifesto detailing dozens of sex crimes that spanned four decades turns himself in to Stewart Police.
Unknown_27: Tara Jaquay joins us live after talking with the police chief today about the crimes and this unusual turn of events. Tara?
Okay, I think that makes more sense. Is that she... this is probably a very recent video? I'm gonna guess and that the someone saw this clip and this guy got arrested because it sounds like really big news based on the numbers of people involved yeah four days ago so and then they knew that that hey I know that guy I see him in my ip2 streams he hangs out with Alyssa and then they confronted her about it and now she's like excommunicado by the ip2 people no your dad we're doing some weird shit we're kids her dad
Unknown_26: what you and your dad were doing dad that's her dad is a pedophile what the fuck weird shit were kids that you were apparently using your a female self Alicia Jordana were you are like the Kermit and friends drizzling Maxwell allegedly now I get it now I know what you have low IQ people in your fucking discord what are you like chat
Must be hard to be excommunicado by fucking IP2, that's down bad, man.
Unknown_17: Good on them though, fuck it. And finally, to top off all this nasty news, I've been talking about a lot of nasty stuff this stream.
Unknown_17: We got a little bit of boost, a mood boost coming your way, or as you could say, a little bit
Unknown_17: of juice. Our boy Austin, our boy boss man, Jack is here with the Jews. Now he's been streaming consistently. It's good stuff.
Um, but he had a little bit of an incident. He lost all his money. He lost it all. So he said, fuck it. I'm going to not, I'm going to stream some fun stuff.
Unknown_17: Now, this is one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life. There is an app. It's like Omegle or Chatroulette or whatever the fuck. It's mostly black people. Despite the fact that it's basically just Omegle for black people, it's called monkey.app.
Unknown_17: For whatever reason, in the cruelest twist ever, monkey.app is omegle for black people and they just love it. So for whatever reason, Austin decides he likes monkey.app, so he goes to see some black folk. I guess he likes black folk. He likes rap music a lot. and says, uh, let's see what they got. And he, to his credit, this is, I fucking love Austin, man. He, I know he, he is so wholesome because he, you see how fucking bad all those IP two streamers and that fucking Muslim guy, or he's ex Muslim, he's ex Muslim Albanian guy. He's like, I fuck with 12 year olds and shit on, uh, Omegle or whatever. Even Austin is smart enough. He's doing his app. He's swiping through he sees kids like fuck your little kid man next little kid again He's like he's smart enough to avoid talking to little kids on his monkey app So I don't nobody has any fucking excuse none of those retards have any excuse fuck them Austin if Austin is smart enough to avoid if Austin is Risk-aware enough to know I should not be talking to children on the monkey app next Nobody has any excuse this guy cannot see risk coming towards him if he's stuck on fucking train tracks Okay, like he does he has no sense of self-preservation, but he sees the kids on the monkey app He's like next and that's why he is the up-and-comer. He's my current favorite
I hope nobody fucks with him. I hope nobody gives him any trouble. I hope nobody swats him or starts sending people to his fucking house. Please, for the love of God, let me have one thing. Um, but he goes on the monkey app and he gets a tranny jerking off. So we're going to see a censored version of that. Credit of door stuck.
Unknown_03: This is all kids, bro. I need a person my age. Hello. Hello. How are you doing?
Unknown_03: I like your nose ring. That's dope as shit.
Unknown_25: OH MY GOD!
It is.
Unknown_17: Tranny jerking off, got to hear him freaking out the entire time. I bet he, I bet you that he finished to that. I bet you that was the good stuff. That's what he gets all of that up for.
He didn't even exit the tab!
Unknown_14: He freaked out so the guy could hear him! Oh, that's excellent. This was the aftermath, by the way.
Unknown_03: I fucking lost all that. Last night, I got off, guys. Got off stream, right, guys? Listen to this. Fucking got a $15 loan from a friend. I lost everything. I got a $15 loan, and then I turned it into like $750 or $800. Isn't that crazy?
Unknown_03: Jason, what the fuck, man?
Unknown_03: We are getting rid of that clip right fucking now, motherfucker. You already know what time it is.
Unknown_03: I'm not having that on my channel, no sir. Good thing you just told me you clipped it so I can delete it. There's probably a bunch of clips of it. oh yeah here we go look at all these motherfuckers look at this shit we got Dastin we got Nargo we got threesome boss man something DJN look at all these fucking scoundrels these little scavengers these little fucking little ratatouille rats delete delete delete delete delete and guess what I'm gonna fucking go back in my
Every, every great lolcal has a funny name for their haters. Like the DSP Detractors, um, the Opie and Anthony Pest, uh, the Weens for Chris. This guy uniquely calls his people the rats. So anyone, anytime you see someone giving them shit in chat, he's like, ah, fuck you. I knew you were a rat the whole time. You ain't got no fucking juice, you fucking ratatouille rat. It's great. Excellent. Especially cause his persona is the, is Ross the cat.
Unknown_17: the cat is his from the cat slots is now like the meta meme antagonist in the boss man life to the point where people have started putting the cat into memes and uh this right here you may have to look closely i got some five nights at freddy's shit down on here where ross is going it's creeping up in the the boss man's shed to get his juice get his get his keep
So I love it. This is very Halloween I would actually love if this guy took this image and flesh it out to be like a full comic page I would put that in the background for sure this is an awesome image gives me some like five minutes of Freddy's vibes It's pretty it's pretty great. It's pretty awesome So that's just I mean boss man puts out a bunch of content like all the time So if you want to watch his streams go for it. I just asked that you'd be nice and don't fuck it up for everybody
Unknown_17: He loses every day and every time it's funny. I don't know what it is He goes that he loses in the dumbest ways to he plays fucking roulette he puts $10 into a slot machine the time He gets up to like a hundred then he starts doing $6 slot runs, and it's not like at first I thought maybe if you put more money into the slot machine you have better odds You know what I mean because you're paying you're paying more, and I've discovered that no it's not the case If you put in 10 cents and you only get a payout once every 10 spins, that means if you do $10, it's gonna be the exact same thing, just that the payouts are higher.
There's that. He also plays like a fool in Blackjack. Only after people from the forum started watching him did he get people in his chat telling him that he should split aces. If you don't know, you should always, always, always split aces. Because you don't always split kings. There are certain situations where you don't want to split tens. But when you have aces, you can get two blackjacks.
Unknown_15: And the odds of the payout in getting two blackjacks offsets the potential loss.
Because you always assume that you're going to get a ten card. It's like, you always split aces. He doubles aces. He loses the same amount of money as if he were to split and lose both hands because he doubles aces, which doesn't make any sense.
Unknown_15: You never double aces.
Unknown_17: So he still does that. He knows he should split aces and he still doubles aces. And it's just crazy to watch him and how he loses money. It's awesome.
Unknown_17: Yeah, he's just he's honestly really bad at the game and what's really funny is that He only plays that what they call house blackjack, which is the blackjack That's electronic instead of playing because steak has like person tables, which are really nice-looking It's like if you're gonna spend time playing blackjack, I'd play with the real cards and shit but I think the issue is is that
Because of their system the blackjack dealers on the the table and someone had to point this out for me that they deal slower because the machine has to like they use like machine learning stuff to see what hands or who has what cards and where and shit and So it's like they deal slower so that everything is fair looking and there's no like side of hand and
Unknown_17: But as a result, if you're a gambling addict, you want as many hands as possible. So the reason why he doesn't play the real person blackjack is that he wants to make sure that he's getting as many hands as quickly as possible, which is nonsense, because you don't want to be playing that gay-ass electronic blackjack shit. But he, for whatever reason, he prefers it.
Unknown_17: I know for that reason he prefers it.
Unknown_17: It's a really interesting element, boy. I hope that, uh, he keeps being himself. Um, unless he decides to get better. I hope that he doesn't get worse. I like where he's at right now. It's like every day he like streams like eight hours a day, every day. It's amazing content. There's like no downs either. It's like always funny.
Uh, so yeah, that's some good stuff.
Unknown_17: And that's it. That is our content for the day. I hope. You have enjoyed this four hour mega stream. I don't know where the fuck this came out of I don't know if I'm just pumped up or what Because sometimes I have a ton of content and I burn through it in no time at all Other times I have like a okay amount of content last four hours. I don't know no fucking idea what the issue is Alright do the color correction What's his face? He keeps yelling at me like you got a color multiply. You got a color multi. Okay fine motherfucker I'll do color multiplying green
Yeah, I've done this before. This was, what's his face? It's just, it's too green. I like the other one. Ooh.
Unknown_11: Oh, yeah.
Unknown_17: Yeah. I like that. We'll do this. This is perfect. It's a mix. It's a mix. I got color multiply and I got color filter. Bazinga motherfucker. Now, now we're probably properly juiced. We're juiced up.
Unknown_17: Um, okay, so, thankfully... What's his face? Um... Let me make sure that everything's closed out. That should be closed out. Let's do more. Okay. Then...
Thank you to genocide er seal who reserved some super chats before I read those um He did screencap all the ones that reacted before I refresh the page a big shout-out to the guy who donated $1 before the stream started on Odyssey because
Unknown_17: I had to test my super chat integration with Odyssey and he was kind enough to do that for me I'll get to him when I get to him, but preemptive shout out to him
Lonely Wendigo is a monthly supporter I need to find some way to integrate that into my overlay because I do not have anything for that doesn't even show up So that's an oversight. I have to I did have subscriptions on YouTube. I didn't even occur to me people could subscribe to the channel Thank you. The ice Mexican for five says test super chat. I do not appreciate Israel. Oh my god That's so offensive. I can't believe you'd say such a thing You know American if you don't love Israel Cocoa for two says Josh for Kiwi April fools You should make a forum for low cows to talk about prolific Kiwi farms posters and give personal email advice to everyone who has a thread call it for farmed Kiwis that sounds like a great way of getting accused of spam under the can spam act of 2003 I want to say and also like harass me cuz I'm sending them direct emails It's a funny thought
Deadly hollowed for five says so a 2000s film that featured a group of lovable nerds sad to think a similar group No, would be anime addicted sexual deviance. Yeah, I mean, it's like they say HRT has ripped through nerd cultures like cocaine did black culture like the 70s and 80s We've been hit hard, but the feds boys just like the just like the cocaine epidemic
Unknown_17: Hitomi Takanaka Taka talk knockers for five says big Robowski got me acting unwise very preemptive Mention of the Memphis the Memphis macro tweet from later on David s 877 for 20 says if you can say how often do you get legitimate law enforcement requests about a user on the farms like once a year? Not very often You it's a thousand times though, but I mean it's usually like subpoenas for emails and shit
Swear there was another one. There's a $10 one. Oh Let me see if I have that actually because I don't know if I do Okay There was a $10 one that I swear they've missed III really really really apologize The guy who got missed there was like a $10 one that I just did not see maybe it was on Odyssey I just don't know If that's the case, I'll just move on
Rabies the redneck for two says sorry for the small donor buying a 22 in bulk cuz state in the background checks are soon Also buying a new truck take a music suggestion.
Unknown_13: Okay, I'll take a music suggestion Thank you Lost constellation OST Alex holock holovka.
Unknown_17: We will meet again. That's a very familiar name. I'm pretty sure he does the soundtrack or Like a communist game Red red alert. I'm pretty sure that's where I recognize that name from I definitely recognize it Rabies the redneck for one says by the way, Serbia wasn't bombed enough giga chad. Yeah, right. Fuck you Our intervention in the u.s. Love war is the gayest fucking thing the u.s. Has done the u.s. Has done a lot of gay shit Coco for two says jersh, please read the second most base president's take on Indian women.
I Have already read this one stream, but I'll read again Undoubtedly, I can't do it next to us
Unknown_17: Undoubtedly, the most unattractive women in the world are Indian women. Undoubtedly, he repeated in a minimalist tone. He continued, the most sexless, nothing people. These people, I mean. People say, what about black Africans? Well, you can see something, the locality there. I mean, they have a little animal-like charm, but God, these Indians. Ugh. Pathetic. Ugh.
Unknown_17: November 4th, 1971 during a private break from contentious White House summit with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India, a rare woman leader at the time, the President harangued Mr. Kissinger about his sexual disgust at Indians.
Very, very amazing quote. One of the most visceral statements ever made about anyone.
Unknown_17: Purse your lips and talk through your teeth. They're Indians. Indians.
Unknown_17: That's a little bit off, a little bit forced.
Unknown_17: You gotta shake your jowls and go... Disgust me.
Unknown_17: Ummm... Jersh. Alright, I heard that. John Vint for Tuesday says, has some credit card reward money. Jersh. Oh, you gave me your Discover cashback. Thanks, bro. What a chad.
Keep opening up the wrong browser. The Lonely Winnego for five says question a journalist is dodging their taxes. Do you report them to the IRS? Ah, fuck. Ah, geez, dude. This is like a philosophical quandary that requires like a proper Greek name to adequately address.
Unknown_17: It's like a Copernicus. Give me some nice Greek names. I could possibly answer this question.
I don't know. It would be justifiable to report a journalist to the IRS if the journalist then does a story about the IRS and how they use taxes as a punitive measure, and this causes an anti-matter where the journalist is destroyed by tax legislation.
Unknown_17: my tax dodging laws, but then the IRS also loses like a trillion dollars and half their staff because of like massive reformations that take place in the, in the, in the, the service as a result of this huge expose, like a proper anti-matter implosion of both parties, then it's okay. Then it's justifiable.
Um, let's see if I can, do I dare? Okay. Yes. Okay. I can read my chat while I read my, uh, I like to read my chat.
Unknown_17: Uh, holy hell for one says I really hate Pidgey. It's also keep up with the base work, Joshua, my neighbor. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Uh, Sneado for 10 says cat box file and then Sneado for 10 also says need. Let's take a look at what this cat box file is before I put it in my fucking screen. How long is this?
Unknown_22: We're a little slow. Got me scared.
Damn cat box is super slow. They must be like really over overburdened or something.
Unknown_17: Um, yeah, this isn't loading at all.
Unknown_22: I did try refreshing. I'll try, I'll try opening it on the other browser actually.
Unknown_22: Oh, okay. We have something. We have something.
Steve, I'm gonna go ahead and I'll do this for you, and you don't have to send me the picture.
Unknown_07: Hey, you bitch! Hey, you bitch! Do you listen to me? Do you listen to me? I'm gonna take a hundred dollars away from you!
Unknown_17: This is Kit Boga talking to an Indian scammer, and it's voice synthesized to be me, and it's really, really bad. I apologize. I know what you're trying to do, but it did not work out.
Unknown_17: Sorry, don't mean to be a dickhead, but I got, I got to say what I got to say. No, I'm saying she, uh, giga cake for 15 says, please watch for 30 seconds of horror with the impeccable comedic timing, Louisiana parole board live stream. Okay. 15, 30 seconds. You said fine. 30 seconds.
I got you.
Unknown_32: I lay down beside Taylor. They had a little four inch mattress on the floor. She didn't have a bedstead. And so I laid down beside Taylor. I started brushing her hair out of her eyes. I said, Taylor, honey, wake up. And she opened her eyes, and when she looked at me, she was in total shock.
Unknown_32: And I said, Taylor, I said, it's me, Paul Eddie. And she didn't say anything. She was still in shock. And so I got up and I backed out of the room. Now, grant you, I was naked, OK, because I always sleep naked in my bed.
He's trying to explain away like an attempted child molestation That's like a feel-good joke, that's fucked up Thank you Her on burger for one says good job very nice.
Unknown_17: Thank you 777 flux for five says it's amazing that the Washington Post is writing anything in positive light of cloudflare considering cloudflare is a direct competitor to AWS
No, not really they do DDoS mitigation they don't really in some ways they have overlapping services But I think people that need AWS are not going to be able to find a lot on cloud flow It's a direct competitor to them. I would disagree with that And they didn't really they just wrote about how censorship is good. They'd probably do that of anyone. I
Unknown_17: Letrans writes for one says hey Josh great show boss just found out about this last year My lovely girlfriend the love of my life has been banging me behind the back of a real boyfriend pick a good outro song for me Let me tell you this I gave me only a single dollar and
Unknown_17: My limit was five for a while, but I have no control over my limits now, so I truly I owe you nothing I've read your message however there is between us right now an invisible thread of Bro link and I am going to transmit over this temporary Psychic connection between you and I a true piece of bro advice bro Get the fuck away from her as quickly as humanly possible. Cut her off as hard as you possibly fucking can. Block her everywhere. Do not ever look back. Your life will be fucked if you fail to heed this warning." And then you hear pshhh, because the bro link, the temporary mind-to-mind connection of two bros has just pshhh, fizzled away. It's all you get for a dollar.
um and tell on her yeah tell on her help that nigga he don't know message gone fibers cut cannot be restored
Orange Monster Energy for Five says, Liz Fong Jones has a bad reputation on Google. Aside from her personal connections, there used to be Hacker News comments supporting this. Her narcissism has made it his narcissism. God, I read that wrong. Made it impossible to work with. I heard about that. I saw the Hacker News comments a while ago about how he was a fucking menace and everyone was afraid of him because he would narc on HR for everything.
Unknown_17: rabies the redneck for once as a new yorker the only thing we love more than pizza is cutting up people and insulting you in the worst way possible well it seems like they're from boston and they're from sorry from uh new york i think he's from new york i think he's from brooklyn no he's from massachusetts too because he said he's from from that area where the uh the thing was
You Know Me for 10 says, Elon said the ADL shouldn't exist and try to convince people to put computers in their brains the next. Actual wildcards still don't trust him. I don't trust him either. He's a rich billionaire. He would sell your ass out to a fucking rapist for $5. Not even that. And Sensitive Zero for 20 says, here's probably the, unless he could make more money by not selling you. If he could brag about his heroic effort to save your ass from sexual slavery and he would make more money that way, then he would do that.
Unknown_17: Here's probably the funniest exchange from the band the ADL stuff. Okay. I'm down for some funny anti ADL show. Let's see what this is
Keith Woods has watched the moment I exposed Israeli intelligence officer Vivian Barovicky trying to disrupt the ADL file to her space. After asking her about the background working with the Israeli intelligence firm Black Cube, she quit the space and deactivated her account.
Unknown_12: And say this, I've been accused of all kinds of horrible things personally because I'm Jewish. And a number of listeners... That voice, that shrill, I was going to say something before she said that. here, and maybe they'll have the courage and integrity to speak up, have already messaged me on Twitter saying, you know, oh, well, we know which side you're on, don't we?
Unknown_12: Oh, a dual citizen, ergo dual Canadian-Israeli citizen, therefore she can't be trusted, can she? I get this. Any of the people who wrote those messages, any of the people who wrote those messages have the integrity to speak up now and tell me? Well, Vivian, I have a question.
If we're talking about conflicts of interest, is it true you work for an Israeli intelligence firm called Black Cube?
Unknown_12: No, who are you? No.
Unknown_30: Keith Woods.
Unknown_30: I think we're going back to moving away. It's on our Wikipedia. Sure, sure. You can state it.
People can check on the Wikipedia. I just want to go back to the specifics.
Unknown_17: Look at the guys interrupting him, the saver-ass.
Unknown_36: And there's one point you made earlier. She didn't answer. She jumped off. I wanted to keep it on the particular points. I wonder why.
Unknown_17: Wow, I don't know anything about Keith Woods, but seems like a real nigga. I gotta be honest with you, that's some real nigga shit right there. That is pretty funny. I don't know, I don't want to say anything more on that.
Unknown_17: What's that pendulum chat the pendulum just what what that's a different pendulum than the tranny pendulum? We're all these pendulums, right? Why are they in my room? Why are they wishing past me in the opposite direction than I last saw them? 50 50 60 years ago such so strange chats.
It's strange interesting times that we live in Wigger Wagner says re must be ADL despite Elon's we need to hide my face
Unknown_17: Despite Elon's record loss with Twitter purchase lawsuit I can't help but be optimistic remember Peter Thiel of the PayPal mafia killed Gawker with just a single judgment Well, that is because of an entirely because of self-interest if you don't remember Peter Thiel was a secret homosexual He was closeted log house conservative, and he sued Gawker because they outed him I
He he funded Hulk Hogan's lawsuit out of self-interest, but he didn't actually so so I I mean Maybe it's out of something like he fucked like X is his baby. He wants X to be the everything app apparently so He wants to be like a PayPal and everything else rolled into one just terrible idea, but it's his baby So he might try to sue just out of self-interest
Unknown_17: Supreme super supreme meme for five says I know you mentioned possibly using mines for cave updates now that they're federating Why not use no stir the very deep platformers isn't even communicates with a feather verse through a bridge I have no idea what no stir is that's why you can post about on the Kiwi farms, I guess Gal go Ralph arises for a can of olives olive eater Supremacy. Thank you. I do enjoy some olives. I enjoy olives on pizza actually, but I'm getting like a classic pizza I will get
I will get a, uh, like a regular, like regular crust or stuffed crust if it's available. And, um, pepperoni and peppers. I probably get like jalapenos if I can't get like a pepperoncini or, um, peppers and then like olives and shit. Good pizza.
Unknown_17: Thank you.
Unknown_17: Person account for $50 says 4 hour stream, you know it buddy. I made it to 4 hours, my voice sounds completely shot and I gotta get to fucking bed. I'm so, I'm about to pass out so I gotta hurry up.
Thank you very much though. Anna Flynn for one says, most fun I had on Maddie. One question I have is what's the sass on Sneed for? Have you considered Discourse? I'm not using, Discourse is fucking awful. I will never use that shit.
Unknown_17: It's not being worked on though, because I have other shit to do. Like, sorry, Godspeed, my negro, and see you on Friday. I'm working on other shit right now. Once the site's stable, I can start working on more fun stuff, but right now I'm just, like, properly overburdened. I know there's some fun things that I promised, but it's just not happening. And I'm not using fucking Discourse, that shit sucks.
Everything wrong with web design right now. Everything terrible. It doesn't even fucking work without JavaScript. Everything terrible about web designs and Discourse.
Unknown_17: Mario Carter 13 for two says Nick Rickett just thinks the site has a reckless disregard for the truth, bro He just wants you to have a knowledge of falsity, bro. Definitely not implying the definition of road. Yeah, that's how it feels JP trigger pull for $50 says howdy Josh love the longer streams. Thank you very much. Well, I Specifically started doing two streams a week to get away from four hour streams because they're a bit much. They're pretty taxing but I mean, I'm glad you're happy. I'm glad people are getting what they pay for.
Thank you very much. Coal Coal for one says you and random people in chat seem to be confused. I am literally not Colonel J. He's just a clip channel I sub to. My YouTube channel is also Coal Coal. You can look it up. I don't care. Sure thing, Colonel Coal, if that is your real name.
Unknown_17: Switch over to Odyssey.
Unknown_22: Sorry, I'm clearing my throat a lot because my throat's getting scratchy.
Um, okay, then I have to... I have to put the... Because if I switch over, it'll fuck up my interface if I do that. One second. I hope you enjoy my whistling segments.
Unknown_17: Okay, there we go.
Unknown_17: Castorium for $1 as whoosh and this is my based giga Chad who sent in a real money super chat before the stream even started because I asked somebody to I Couldn't send in my own super chats to my own stream for whatever reason I guess because they don't want you to do that. It doesn't make sense. You can do that on rumble I did that on rumble to test my super chats. But um, yeah that allowed me to test the The integration with the overlay throughout the stream
Thank you very much sock puppet Sam for five says test and there's a cat box file. Let's check this out It is two niggas kissing each other which is very gay lovers by choice It says niggas by chance lovers by choice truly romantic. Thank you The kingdom and lands represented in the Who's this guy's name
The kingdoms and lands represented in the Imperial Council in the lands of the Holy Hungarian crown of st.
Unknown_17: Stephane Which is a very long name. I think that's the official title of the part of the the Hungarian Empire called Sistantium or something. I have like a really weird name. That's like the official title of it He says
Unknown_17: Hi, John Potter, I've watched for years and want to say thanks for streaming so long and giving me so many smiles. Also, thanks for playing folk music and marches and stuff because I love it. Shout out to my favorite super chatters, Roxanne Wolf and fellow Hungarian imperialist. Wow. We got like a multifaceted parasocial relationships where super chatters and viewers are getting parasocial with other super. This is very profitable. This supports me in the long run. I approve of this. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I didn't even mention those for $25. Thank you.
I don't want to spend the time to look up what the actual name of that region is but ratio Neighbor for five or four ten actually says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Dymo put the lane letter into the IQ checker tool this one contrast it with that of show guns and will be an interesting exercise Writing to IQ writing to IQ s winner bro, whatever the shitty website thinks is a a
neural network How does this work the algorithm cleans up input text in it It's just it's just a vocabulary scores you based on vocabulary over like your words and you just say like anti-disestablishment areas I'm like a hundred times you might get that so I'm gonna try that anti-dis establishment arianism And I repeat this eight times I
Unknown_22: Next is too short, okay, then I have to say that a bunch of times.
Unknown_17: It says, it still says it's too short. Man, look, I'm not putting no fucking anime thing into anything. Okay, you just, I take your word that whatever fucking cartoon that you like is better than the other one.
Unknown_17: Devious Day for five says, if you can get through a minute of this, I'll give you another $5.
Unknown_17: Sounds like money I could use to put through, put two of them programs in a sheet.
As a matter of fact, I played this on my own volition in the middle of the stream without you paying me, so therefore you owe me more fucking money.
Unknown_05: I better see a follow-up $5 thing for this. Because I definitely already played this.
Unknown_17: I'm waiting for I'm looking for that devious day follow-up five dollars. This is three hours ago. You better fucking did it glow-in-the-dark He was may Allah forgive me a libertarian
Unknown_17: I know. I know that feeling bro.
Very sad. Many such cases that that that for 10 says a cop wife is a natural coal burner. They're already used to getting beat man. May's next boyfriend should be black. That'd be funny. You can't get any worse for a right. That's what I say. I always say it can't get any worse and then do dumber shit with your life.
Unknown_17: Titan toast for $15 says, what the fuck is that you, this link should have a timestamp. If not, please start at 1420. Okay.
Dishonored Women Only Challenge.
Unknown_16: Holy fucking shit, I wanna bang the Animal Crossing dog so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to town hall, I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every Rule 34 post. There is a problem. This video has a million views!
Unknown_14: This video has a million views!
I'm so glad that I have such a profound impact on internet culture I'm really making the difference in the world that I want to see so nice chat so nice. Oh My god It is real audio I actually read that someone paid me to read the fucking Animal Crossing dog copy pasta and I did and now it's like a thing like it's viewed a million times on videos for whatever reason
Unknown_17: Thank you. Five names for 10 says thanks for the great content. It's a nice one day early birthday show. Well, happy birthday, my dude. Thank you very much.
Unknown_17: Metal Howdy for 10 says, just started a second job recently so I can't catch Friday's Live anymore, but here's some cash from it. Ah, that's what I like to hear. People working harder to give me more money for Fodem programs. Appreciate it, keeping it real. Metal Howdy for 5 also says, also the Catboy from the VTuber used to make interesting videos on creepypasta stuff, so I checked out his Twitter and it was mostly furry porn. That's what you fucking get for listening to copypasta.
You played yourself, as the melanated people tend to say.
Unknown_17: James Boone for five eight says act man is a faggot He loves to report people in cod and sucks training dick unironically should release all Pokemon from the PC and start a new game It's rough. It's a little rough letting go your Pokemon in the PC, man I wouldn't do that someone to someone on the playground even as a joke. No, that's shit Don't know if I don't know if I can co-sign that
Lacunae for five says no panic that someone would find his red account So he created a reddit cringe send segment for plausible to my ability Also nigga you tip that many redirects to rumble now fix it There is no site to redirect it to it just goes to rumble because that's the way I prefer people to super chat. Sorry Claudio firma for five says I agree with your opinion on pizza appreciators in the great middle of history pizzas But both times very simple yet very complicated dough sauce and with or without cheese wouldn't with without topping Well, this combo is simple the quality of the ingredients
The way it's baked and in what style Claudia Fermi for five says and the toppings rely on expertise on par with that of a master state of craft I totally agree. Is there a picture of Hitler eating pizza? There has to be when it was pizza invented When was pizza invented?
Unknown_22: Google just is not is refusing to answer this question.
Unknown_17: It knows it knows that my next question will be Did Hitler eat pizza and I refuse to answer I?
Unknown_17: Don't know if anyone finds a picture of Hitler eating pizza. Let me know Sockpocket Sam for 30 says hey Josh. I found a neat cooking channel. You should check out. It's run by an old friend It doesn't sound promising at all to be quite honest with you I
Ha ha ha!
Unknown_13: Oh look, it's our old friend Digibro. He's homeless on the streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma with his gay boyfriend cooking from an electric heater.
Unknown_34: It's your girl Trixie, and I don't know how to turn on this Coleman stove, so I had to call Bird and show you what to do.
So you didn't have to turn that knob at all? No, that's not allowed.
Unknown_34: Okay, YouTube. Now I'm doing what I was originally going to be doing when I take this clip, which is moving this bacon around.
Unknown_17: Vito.
Unknown_17: I have a magic power to open a time portal, but it's only a window. You know, it's only a window. Only look through it to see the future.
Unknown_17: Oh, he has a Bucky shirt. That's cute.
Unknown_17: Thank you very much. Wow. A super chatter really made my day. Thank you. Soft buckets. Sam, what a hero.
Unknown_17: Fennel Hungarian imperialist for ten says Ralph redemption arc is unstoppable There's a tiny URL calm Ralph male if this is a penis. I'm gonna be very upset We will release new Ethan Ralph cock photos every hour for 13 days and then all them the kill stream Trump voters like oh my god. Yes more cock. This is the bombshell we needed to win That's an old meme at it. That's very funny
Thank you.
Unknown_17: Do you say for one says, here's the $2 I owe you. Hey, you fucker. He, he, he only gave me $1 and I gave it to him.
Unknown_17: I gave him $2. It's only $1. I can't believe he'd lie like that. I played the whole thing too. And he only gave me $1. It's bullshit.
A&N did nothing wrong for 10 says who do you think has dealt best with getting having a thread on Kiwi farms? Louis Rossman did a very good response view had a great response when he actually answered his thread Before he pretended to kill himself as surprising as that is I
Unknown_17: Okay, actually, I know exactly who this is. There was a guy called 500 going on 600. His name was Chance Carmichael, I want to say, and he literally ate himself to death, and his goal was to eat himself to death. His stated goal was to become the fattest man alive and to eat himself to death, and his name was like literally 500 going on 600, and he kept changing as he got fatter. When he figured out that he had a thread, he joined it, and he just ripped on absolutely everyone there. It was really funny. A lot of people actually got genuinely upset at what he was saying to them, and they got trolled by this fat guy who literally, literally ate himself to death. He is no longer alive. He did it. He accomplished his dream of killing himself by food.
People got trolled by him showing up on his thread and dunking on them. It was merciless. It was really funny.
Dude, what's funny about chance is that he had no issue with his thread. He participated in his thread. He had fun in his thread And he did not blame the thread for anything bad that happened to him But his family blamed that blamed his death on us his fam This is one of the few cases where his family blamed us and it was like obviously because usually they don't Like people just said the kiwi farms had nothing to do with it. This time was the opposite. We didn't do anything whatsoever. He obviously was not impacted by his thread and his family gave a shit for it and the media never ran with it because he ate himself to death and it's really obvious.
There's like a rule in the media that you never defend fat people. Because I think fat people are like the most hated demographic of people on the planet. So if you start saying that a guy that ate himself to death was murdered by kiwi farms, everyone just rolls their eyes. If you say a trainee committed suicide because of kiwi farms, they take it seriously. It's a really weird thing.
Unknown_17: A&N did nothing wrong for five says Keith woods is based He's been smart enough to say two steps ahead of his of Ireland's hate speech laws. Well good on him It was a really nice Twitter thing that he did And then the kingdoms and lands represented by the crowns of Hungary repeats the word that you're looking for is sys Lithania the Austrian half of the Empire There you go Let me double-check rumble
I don't think I missed anything on Rumble, I didn't see anything pop up while I was talking.
Unknown_17: Then really briefly, I'll make sure that nobody donated to the other thing, but I'm not even going to name anymore because I don't want people to use it. I still have to figure out what the fuck to do with all the money that's there. I need that money for them programs and then keys and shit, man.
Unknown_22: I'm a fucking...
For some reason, my browser is like fucked up.
Unknown_22: I do not know why. See Josh Moon, that's me.
Unknown_22: It's like just chugging.
Unknown_17: I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my browser. I'm afraid to start closing tabs because I know I Don't want to like actually close one of the tabs that makes chat work Because that's how it works the scripts in my browser and they harvest the messages and send them to the chat server
Jesse did you bros bus adventures are a guilty pleasure. He only recently could afford a shitty laptop. That's really funny I hope that I hope that he is absolutely miserable I hope that he is teetering on the fucking brink all the time and it's just harder every day to deal with the the insurmountable Pain of his life choices Not even joking I fucking hate him
Unknown_22: Okay. Nobody used the other one that I didn't want.
So I just wasted my time. Great. Wonderful. Um, background flip off this coming in at just under four and a half. Oh my God. There's the last second one. Hold up.
Unknown_17: Hold up.
Unknown_17: It's a bright color too. So I got to answer it.
Unknown_17: Daniel Orson stand for $50 is the last one feels anymore my boy Daniel Orson recently had a falling out with his only friend and mentor left Bob Please watch a minute and 30 of this clip of his father bravely destroying a hotel after Okay, just so that we can hit four and a half hours. I guess and call it a day For real last one I can't fucking do this anymore. I'm physically at my limit. I'm gonna snap He said a minute and a half
God damn you! I'm gonna call the cops now. No, because you hit me! Get the hell out of my car!
Unknown_07: You hit me!
Unknown_07: Fucker!
Unknown_07: Ow! Fucking! Get away from my car! Holy fucking hell! You ran over me! Fucker! Fucker, nigga! You fucking ran over me, fucker!
Oh my god.
Unknown_17: I had my mic muted because I was drinking water and I did a literal spit take and none of you got to hear it because I had muted myself out of politeness.
Unknown_07: Mom just ran me over with his car. My fucking butt hurts.
Unknown_07: Mom just ran me over with his car. Mom just ran me over with his car. Motherfucking bitch. Mom just ran me over, fucker.
Why are schizophrenics so racist? Did he say Pog is a bitch? Oh, Bob is a bitch. Okay. But I said Pog is a bitch.
He's a family member.
Unknown_01: I care about him so much.
Unknown_14: Funny.
Unknown_14: I guess this guy, Daniel Orsonson is eventually going to make me watch Daniel Orson and get into him. We'll see. We'll see. That's some bonus content for everybody though. I appreciate it.
Unknown_22: Okay.
Unknown_17: Now we're done. We have a special AI song picked out, I think.
Unknown_22: For everyone.
Unknown_22: Somewhere. Then we'll be done. We'll be done.
I'll do a poll actually for those of you who have stuck around to the very end pole outro song choice All-star by a I know or because the other this guy died as well Margarita ville by a I Ralph
Unknown_17: Pick your poison pick your poison. You may voot voot now if you dare If you dare participate in this in this Jimmy Buffett is what I meant if you dare Participate in the charade of an oven election if you can even call it that See it's very close.
It's like 50 50 to 45 and it keeps flipping back and forth
Unknown_22: I'll give you a little secret while the votes come in. I am secretly actually trying to find the music files.
Unknown_17: I don't know where they're at.
Unknown_14: I found one and I can't find the other. I have no choice but to just play the one that didn't win.
God, where is it?
Unknown_22: When did the Smash Mouth guy die? I remember the video files, now they're gone. I'll start by AI Null is winning, and that's the one I can't find.
Unknown_17: Ah, fuck. I feel bad. I do actually want to play that, but...
Unknown_22: Did I not bookmark this? And the shitty thing is that the site's really slow right now.
And to add insult to injury, I bookmarked it, but then I just bookmarked like a thousand things in that art thread. So there's no fucking chance I'm going to find it. I'm going to give myself a minute to find it. And if I can't find it, I'm gonna have to play Margaritaville instead. How did I fuck this up? Oh, I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot sometimes.
Unknown_17: Like I legit had this like linked up and everything.
Unknown_22: I'll in contest, blah, blah, blah. I'll see more.
Unknown_22: I'm trying to, I'm desperately trying to wait.
I see it. I see it. I see all star.
Unknown_17: Ooh. Okay. I found the link to it. I think I found it. Whereas where's my pool go? Why is it off my screen?
Unknown_17: Why did it disappear automatically? I want to assume that the Josh Corwin continued to win. I found it just now All right. I see you guys. I'll see you guys on Friday. Thanks for sticking through a four and a half fucking hours I really appreciate it. Appreciate the support appreciate everything Bye-bye Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
Unknown_11: She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb and the shape of an L on her forehead. Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming. Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running. Didn't make sense not to live for fun. Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb. So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go. You'll never shine if you don't glow. Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go!
It's a cool place, and they say it gets cooler You're bundled up now, wait till you get older But the media men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is getting pretty thin The water's getting warm, so you might as well swim My world's on fire, how about yours? That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid
Unknown_11: Stars break the mold
Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on.
Unknown_11: only shooting stars somebody once asked could i spare some change for gas i need to get myself away from this place i said yep what a concept i could use a little fuel myself and we could always use a
Unknown_11: Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming Fed to the rules and all hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play
Only shooting stars break the mold And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold