0:00:54 Unknown_20: You know I like that white. Unknown_15: A fat line on a Tuesday night. A sack of weed to make things right. And begging goes on. Unknown_15: Well, I was raised up beneath the shade of a Virginia pine And that's home, you know Big Beauforts, body armor and juice and swine Feed the ebb and flow And their pillows, they're not much to talk about But they fill my juice that flows from a Southern bro And a little bit more wine 0:01:42 Unknown_15: that line on a Tuesday night, a sack of weed to make things right. And begging goes on, I love to see my balance rise. See the love in money signs, imagine the touch of a woman's thighs. It's just my mother's love. It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most. But a sack of weed, a little tweak, will turn Bossman whole. All I do is scream and cry, my girlfriend lies. This I've come to know. So if you agree, please donate to me for Steve, Damien, and Moe. To a little bag of wine. 0:02:19 Unknown_15: Fat line on a Tuesday night, a sack of wheat to make things right. And beggar goes on. I love to see my balance rise. See the love in money signs. Imagine the touch of a woman's thighs to test my mother's love. Unknown_16: I raided him one time just trying to be nice. Unknown_19: Then it abruptly cuts to like a video making fun of him. Um, this is the gambling guy. There's like a little trolling community and I thought I like it when people make songs about like locales. So I figured I'd play this cause I thought it was pretty funny. It took me a second to realize that it was like a parody edit and not like an original song because I was like, wait a second, the song's about him. I didn't realize that. It's pretty good. 0:02:55 Unknown_19: So, hello, chat. How are you doing? Today is the 8th, right? Oh, no, it's the 9th already. Oh, fuck. Another day gone by, chat. 0:03:31 Unknown_19: I want to give you guys a fair warning, because I don't want to enter into this and then at some point people are like, wait a second, why is he not covering this extraordinarily massive topic? Unknown_19: There is a thing that is currently unfolding, a current situation, and I didn't have the time to do a deep dive into it because of what it's about. Unknown_19: it's um it's pretty heavy so i don't want to like skim through it get get like wrong ideas and then just be completely incorrect talking about it so right off the bat if you're hoping to hear about the um the the gooning shit that's that's currently infatuated uh public public social media at the at the current time um that's going to be on friday because There's no way I just couldn't I couldn't sit down and dedicate the hours necessary to look into the tranny pedophile shit currently happening That's like so so massive that even normies are talking about it so There's sorry to tease you to those who weren't aware So you're just gonna have to wait a little bit there's some other stuff though 0:04:14 Unknown_19: By the way, how is my mic? Everyone complained that my mic was too quiet, so I fucked around with my gain and shit. Is this acceptable? Unknown_19: Is everyone okay with how I sound today? Unknown_19: Uh, yeah. Unknown_19: TTD, my neighbor, yeah. We're getting there. We're getting there. Acceptance is at an all-time low. People are getting pretty pissed off. Okay, excellent. Everybody's happy. Wonderful. Unknown_19: Uh, okay. So there are first thing is first was get the news hamster out. He's got something to tell you. What's that? What's he going to tell you? There's gay incest on tech talk. That's right. Boys and girls, the boys and girls on tech talk are being exposed to whoever the fuck these creatures are. And, uh, they've been doing tech talk shit for a while, but now they've come out as gay and are seriously considering doing only fans content. 0:05:08 Unknown_19: Let's listen to him announce that he's a big gay. 0:05:53 Unknown_19: These guys are like famous already and now they're gonna do porn with each other and they're actually siblings, which is a bit strange To say the least it's kind of interesting There's a trend that I've noticed and it's kind of related to the thing I'll talk about on Friday more but it does seem like Amazon or sorry not Amazon, but twitch has shifted from being purely like a video game streaming platform and to like a way for people to funnel uh their like young viewing audience into their only fans like there's a not insignificant number of people now who stream on twitch who have like thousands and thousands of followers and live viewers and then they they of course don't advertise the only fans directly on their twitch But then if you go to their link tree or to their Twitter, the OnlyFans is in the description. So you're like, oh, I'm following this person. And then you click their social media and then the OnlyFans link is there. That seems to be a thing that's happening, not just with Twitch, but with TikTok. It's like it just a means to an end of like funneling people to their porn sites. It's very strange. 0:06:50 Unknown_19: Wondering I'm seeing this in real time happening, and I'm kind of Debating in my head how that's going to unfold because At some point it's going to become too obvious to not become an issue How how is this possible I knew everything at the beginning this time so I 0:07:26 Unknown_19: Oh, and just think someone asked in chat the reason if you go to tip that many that live It does not take you to donation alerts anymore. I'm asking people I'm gonna have to shut that down because of the PayPal thing so I'm asking people at this point to just use rumble and Odyssey and I will read those and Over the next two days I hope that I'll be able to work on my chat overlay more and come up with a way to do my own donation alerts basically, but it's like system independent because the Current setup is just not working Unknown_19: But yeah Unknown_19: Very interested in how the OnlyFans thing is gonna play out because it's effectively just like vapid Twitch thoughts and retard homosexuals like this who are just taking their existing audience and then converting it into like a more successful pornography driven career and it's gonna break. And we'll probably never see the heads roll at Amazon that need to roll, but it will break eventually. Actually, I'm gonna skip ahead. 0:08:19 Unknown_19: Yeah, because there's another kind of tangential thought related to this. Someone posted a message on my, um, Odyssey and said, Josh, I do not have even a single dollar redo to my name. I cannot super chat you the required flesh that you need to watch my video, but I beseech you to maybe check out this video. Unknown_19: And I did. Magnanimous as I, I clicked his YouTube link and I watched it. 0:08:56 Unknown_19: And, um, lo and behold, I feel it necessary to talk about this. You may remember a woman who did a video 12 years ago talking about how to massage her possum. Unknown_19: Now that's not an algorithm. She literally massages a possum and explains how to massage your possum with Unknown_19: Exactly, you don't want to fuck up your possum's chi, that shit's not good. So she explains how to massage your possum, not just to relax your possum, make your possum happy, but also maintain good chi and good energy with your possum. It's a very informative video, it has like a million views, it became a meme, it's been chopped up and reposted in a million different places for the last 12 years because it's so bizarre. 0:09:38 Unknown_19: This woman has actually continued her career in possum edutainment videos where she has done a series for literally 12 years Explaining how to take care of possums with various clickbait titles I'm pretty sure she leans into the weirdness factor because one of her videos is about possum and aliens or some shit So it's like she leans into it. She likes she thinks it's funny. It's okay. I Unknown_19: This woman has released a video two months ago Featuring somebody I recognize from years ago So the video itself is old and she's only just recently found It necessary to post it found it interesting to post it without any kind of fanfare. It's only gotten a couple thousand views so 0:10:28 Unknown_19: It's just out there and It makes me wonder why this exists and why she's just now decided to post it. This is the possum lady with Dylan Mulvaney. This is on her channel. It's just called Dylan Mulvaney. And I think this actually, this name of this video changed in the day that I just opened it, because I'm pretty sure it was like Possums with Dylan Mulvaney, Dylan or something, not Dylan Mulvaney, but now it's just called Dylan. So I will show you this. It literally says Dylan Mulvaney. There he is. This is her official channel, the Possum Lady. And for whatever reason, she was just massaging a possum with Dylan there, also dressed up as a possum. 0:11:02 Unknown_19: I am wondering And he's acting weird. I'm wondering is there is this like the humiliation ritual like first of all they ease you into it They don't just go straight for you got a fucking kid on Jeffrey Epstein's Island before we let you be famous. We let you Achieve all your dreams of being LA in New York City famous first we start you off with the the non the little stuff and We get you to act like a possum in this woman's YouTube video. Maybe you do a Pizza Hut advertisement, and then if we like you and we think that we can work with you, you do more and more stuff until they get you balls deep in something that you shouldn't be balls deep in, and they get that on camera, and they're like, okay, now you can be the official spokesperson for transgenders across the country. 0:11:37 Unknown_19: It is interesting because here we have this person who now is effectively one of the most famous Transgenders in the entire world who and this isn't too old It's like maybe two years ago that Dylan Mulvaney was starring in a possum woman's possum video It's just uh Just fascinating. It's a little bit weird. So congratulations Dylan on your success. I hope it was worth it I 0:12:16 Unknown_19: Okay, this is this is another this isn't everything I say is falling into place. Yeah, my 1 million IQ takes are being proven in real time. I was mentioning I was pontificating that it feels like Disney as part of their master plan. Of having no master plan is just the executives the board of directors who have taken over the company Bankrupting Disney to enrich themselves as much as possible So what they're doing I feel is that they're not trying to actually make money anymore. They're simply taking the existing successful 0:12:56 Unknown_19: We'll call them real American franchises. We got real American and real European properties and IPs and things that have real value because they were made by real people for the purposes of actually entertaining audiences and bringing joy to children. And these new board of directors have no reverence for these real people. And they are just trying to take them because now that they've seized them through corporate takeover and becoming the board of directors, they have no reverence for these things. They may even hate them. And as a result, what they're just trying to do is line their pockets up with as much money as possible, so that they can maybe do something like funnel it into real estate and gold, and very slowly prepare themselves for a collapse of society, which they see is coming, by taking existing things that have value and just absolutely raping them with utter reckless disregard for what happens as a result, because they won't be around to actually take responsibility for the company when it collapses. 0:14:01 Unknown_19: So I feel this is very true with Disney in particular and then with Microsoft you're seeing this thing where they either like again through reckless disregard or just out of total avarice They had made serious changes to the EULA from Minecraft and they've been trying to do this for years now where like even in player ran servers Every chat message sent is ran through like a Microsoft n-word filter, and you can't turn it off Unless you're like on the LAN or something you have the internet disconnected so they have the Microsoft n-word filter for Mike for Minecraft they had for a while and then they started adding more EULAs where you couldn't have guns or something in Minecraft I guess because of the in Minecraft joke and 0:14:46 Unknown_19: And now that they feel, I guess they feel so threatened by the Minecraft name being like a, a public concept that people use as a joke now, they're really strictly cracking down on the use of the name Minecraft. So if you want to go on YouTube right now and you want to go, my, my first Minecraft let's play smiley face, you're actually now breaking Minecraft EULA. They explicitly say that you're not allowed to use. Unknown_19: Minecraft in any sort of title or name for any of your sites if you want to make a website called like my minecraft app.com You can't do that. That's a trademark violation as far as That's how Microsoft will perceive it They say that you must explicitly say not an official Minecraft product service event not approved or associated with Mojang or Microsoft on any product listing description website web page and all other related materials so anything not specifically owned by my mind Microsoft 0:15:40 Unknown_19: Related to Minecraft in any way Cannot have the name Minecraft in it at all and then must further elaborate that it's not associated with Microsoft So some things happen and they're really they're trying what they're trying to do is take a game I think that was released in like what 2008 and is one of the most successful video game properties in the history of the planet and unfortunately for Microsoft it was released as a single-player game and Unknown_19: It was released in a state where a player downloads an executable, clicks it twice, it opens on their computer, and they can actually network with other players and play online without the permission of any company, any service provider, anybody on the face of the fucking planet. As long as two kids online had an internet connection, they were able to play a video game together and have fun. That Is not acceptable. That is literally the diametric opposition to what the globo homo Top-down control of society wants for people So now you boot up minecraft you go to the mojang launcher and then you type in your your username and password 0:16:49 Unknown_19: And then you go to the official curated Minecraft server list. And every server there is explicitly vetted for every single part of the EULA. And if you don't do something that Mojang likes, well, they just take you off the server list and then you connect. And then everything that you say and do is fed through a Microsoft monitored machine learning program to make sure that what you say is acceptable to the EULA. and if you don't say if you say anything they don't like then you're bad and you can't play with their friend on the internet anymore because you said a naughty word and while nobody was actually around to hear it microsoft did because they monitor everything that you say and they didn't like that you said that on their computer systems which they now control obligatorily 0:17:26 Unknown_19: It's absolutely disgusting. I hate these companies more than life itself I really really hope that in my lifetime I see a day where people get fed up with these fucking blood-sucking parasites and they put it into it because I The fact that this is just now like this is when I was a kid Unknown_19: Almost every game on the internet was like Minecraft. Blockland was like Minecraft, you could land it. Minecraft came out after Blockland, you could also land it. Diablo 2 was an online service, but I think you could land Diablo 2 just fine between two computers. Every game that came out of that era was networked, especially like Quake and Counter-Strike and Team Fortress. It was no issue setting up your own server. And now the numbers of of games that you can actually just download and play and directly connect to another computer and have community servers with mods and stuff For low gravity or 100% crits and shit like that's just gone And it's probably never coming back ever like even the big blockbuster game that was like a huge indie success that battle bit game that's still 0:18:35 Unknown_19: Like I played it for a week and I got bored and a huge part of the game is like that You can turn on your microphone and talk to people and I never did not once I turn on my microphone You know why because in order to turn on your microphone you have to enable you have to agree to a EULA that says Everything that you say is recorded and passed through an automated system to ensure community guidelines are obeyed which means that there's real human and automated and monitoring of what you say in that program even though it's a small indie game like a Blockbuster the thing is is that now unity which is what it's built on unity the big is a massive company people really don't understand or appreciate how massive unity is every indie game in the world is built on on unity basically and they offer tons of services related to advertising and Unknown_19: And if you're launching a game and you don't know how big it's gonna be, you can write it to work on their servers so that if a million people download your app and start playing, it actually scales automatically. It deploys new servers automatically and you never have any downtime because it's all centrally controlled by Unity. And then of course they offer new services with machine learning to monitor voice chat and all sorts of stuff to make sure that nobody says the N-word. 0:19:36 Unknown_19: So even indie games that are coming out now, Completely and totally centrally organized and controlled by like unity which makes it easy easier for any game developers to launch their game. So It really is absolutely dire how little control people have over how their data is used It's basically if you want to play a game you will consent to having your chat monitored You will consent to having your voice recorded you will consent to being on their servers and if you do anything that they don't like you are banned and You're no longer allowed to play the product that you purchased, even with your own friends on your own computer, and you have no appeals process. There's nothing that you can say or do to get it back. You just have to buy the game a second time and he better be a better boy that time around. 0:20:17 Unknown_19: So yeah, it's a. Unknown_19: People ask me what games do I play. I don't play any games because I hate them all. I hate the companies that make them. I hope to see people drawn out and guillotined in my lifetime. It's hard not to say things that are like violently rhetoric because it's like, what would I lose? What would society really lose if everybody at Twitch, everybody at YouTube, everybody in Microsoft was guillotined? Nothing. Society would heal. Somebody even linked a video. 0:20:54 Unknown_19: About I was like a TED talk it wasn't a TED talk properly, but it was like a presentation And I think was just called the competency crisis, and it was an interesting point that I've never heard before I've never heard this sentiment And I'm not being ironic. I've literally never heard this this thought that There is a misconception that societies and technology only progresses linearly. That things only ever get better, that nothing is ever forgotten, and technology just builds on itself over and over again, and nothing is ever lost or forgotten. 0:21:25 Unknown_19: And he's pointing out to many instances in ancient history, recent history, and modern history, where something has existed, been built upon, and then forgotten. Like, the one that stands out is that there were flamethrowers used by the Byzantine Empire, which is how they were able to defend Constantinople for centuries from the Ottomans, which had a superior force, because for some reason the Byzantines had this flame cannon that nobody has ever seen up until like the The the first world war when people reinvented the flamethrower, but these boat mounted fire fire Throwers were completely unique to the Byzantine when the Byzantine Empire collapsed they were gone forever I 0:22:18 Unknown_19: In the 90s, as his recent example, there was a microchip crisis, where several microchip producers were producing inferior quality, defective microchips all at the same time. And when people were investigating why there was this crisis in the supply chain, the answer was basically that the OG engineers that invented the semiconductors and the microchips to begin with, had retired or died by that point, and the new yoke who had taken up the mantle of managing these chips were bad at it, and they didn't know what they were doing, and they didn't understand the underlying technology, and they just couldn't do it. And so there was a crisis of competency where these companies failed to make products as they had in the past, when you would assume that they only get better and better. 0:23:05 Unknown_19: And then you look at today, Unknown_19: And you look at networking, and you look at how few people understand anything about modern networking and the Border Gateway Protocol, or anything related to that, and you realize that there is once again a serious competency crisis. Nobody knows how anything's put together, the few people that do are fucking insane, and they are maliciously, willfully harming your ability to access what you have, and the understanding and appreciation of low-level programming is basically non-existent. 0:23:39 Unknown_19: Deluge of programmers of street shitters and and what was it h1b visa applicants their programmers quote-unquote But they all write in fucking JavaScript. They have no idea what they're doing They have no appreciation for for memory or for the actual mechanics of how a computer operates Which is why modern games are like a hundred gigabytes in size and they run like shit When you have games like that alien isolation game, which runs beautifully looks beautiful and ran on hardware That was you know ancient like in 2014 when it came out and the reason why is because those people have no idea what the fuck they're doing and Even though we have much more amazing computers now. They can't run shit code, so You're seeing you're literally seeing a decay in society that is a direct consequence of people aging out of the industry people becoming less intelligent less informed less educated and less competent and Microsoft Disney and all these in Amazon and YouTube and all these other things that seem to be getting shittier all the fucking time is not only you know Legally minded people and maliciously minded people involved in some complot or conspiracy to make things worse that I do believe that is one part of it But those are not the people who are running the day-to-day things the day-to-day people running the businesses are just dumber and shittier than they were 10 or 20 years ago and less competent and Um, so I really, I feel it in my bones that we're going to see things literally falling apart, especially with the government. 0:24:36 Unknown_19: Because they keep trying to shell out more and more money for more and more people to run their, their agencies. They think that they're going to be able to enforce a broader tax code with 81,000 armed IRS agents. And those people are going to be like. Unknown_19: like first-generation Venezuelan immigrants who could not possibly give less of a fuck about what they're doing and couldn't can't parse American tax code and can't really enforce it correctly so we're literally building what we're doing is we're building machines with competent people that are going to force things that nobody really understands and nobody's really gonna understand how the machines work it's gonna be like um 0:25:49 Unknown_19: Idiocracy it's literally gonna be like idiocracy or Wally or whatever we're just gonna build all these things and the people that understand them are gonna die and People are gonna be spoiled soy devs who I know JavaScript and they'll understand how they work They're only gonna know how to write code that the machines can complete automatically for them about the way I've tested that github copilot shit Pajit's are obsolete now. I type in a comma. I wish God can I show you this? Unknown_19: Hold up Unknown_19: I will, I will try to show you this real time. Hold up. Unknown_20: Um, am I like not signed in or something? Yeah. You have to like be connected to the internet for these things to work anyways. Unknown_20: Um, 0:26:44 Unknown_20: I'm I was gonna try to show you guys something with the get. Unknown_19: Oh, oh my god. It works. Okay, listen Let me show you this just real quick real quick. Hopefully I can do this without fucking it up See you I'm gonna go here window capture be very careful not to fuck this up Visual studio code Unknown_20: transform the screen. 0:27:19 Unknown_20: Okay. And then if we're very, very lucky, I should be able to do this. Unknown_20: Okay. I want to show you, I'm going to show you a real code that I work on. Unknown_19: You're ready. So this is code that I've written. Anything in color is something that I've actually written myself. And then I'm going to write it, write a comment like this, remove a random session. And I'm going to start a function function name drop. 0:27:51 Unknown_19: Random session and I'm gonna just pause it there. I'm not typing anything In fact, I might there we go. So what has happened is that? Microsoft through the channeling the Antichrist into specific demonic sigils written onto silicon has able to learn from other computers and Repositories that they've kept up the millions of repositories on github has able to learn like code So like really convincingly and now you can I can read you what this is doing Unknown_19: It predictably understands that it's going to be accepting a Scylla session Which is a databasing thing it starts to log it because that's following how I write my logs So it knows how to write my logs and then writes a CQL S H or CQL Statement here select ID from session by last seen limit one with page size one and then it goes through the rows And then it borrows code from other stuff that I've done I 0:28:51 Unknown_20: So this doesn't actually drop a ra- Actually. Unknown_19: It does. It does, actually. It drops a random- Okay, I understand how- See, I don't even know how it works. I have to sit down and think about what it's doing. And now I see that because of how Scylla works, the ordering is already random, so when it just selects one random session and then drops it, um, it'll be very pseudo-random. You wouldn't, uh, you wouldn't be able to predict which one's gonna get dropped. So, Pagetes are now obsolete. I'm just telling you this right now. The computers are at such a point where you can type in what you want, press tab, and then with very minimal fucking around with it, you can get functional code that's not shitty, it's not something you just copied off Stack Overflow without understanding it. It actually works. And as long as you know how to structure it together, and you know how to tweak it, and you know how to test it, and you have a vague understanding of what you're doing, you can write code that works. And I use this. I use this. I can guarantee you that it works. It's part of Kiwiflare. What I just showed you was real code from the Kiwiflare thing, and it works. 0:29:36 Unknown_19: So, and it learns from what I'm doing. So as I write code, it feeds it back to Microsoft HQ, it checks it for n-words, and then it puts it into its learn database. So, like I said, the competency crisis is not just here, it's getting worse. Every day, it is getting worse, where the pajeets and the people responsible for managing large, complex codebases don't understand the relying code, and they don't even know what they're writing because it's being generated by machines now. 0:30:08 Unknown_19: don't expect it chat expect it it's coming the competency crisis the total collapse of society as the technocrats who are in control forget how their own computers and machines work and they just start stop working over time um so there you go Unknown_19: Someone wanted me to take a shot at China, okay? I say so much about China that I have to now say something negative about China otherwise people will assume I'm a shill 0:30:51 Unknown_19: Unfortunately the great People's Republic of China has been hit by a tragedy The streets of Beijing are flooded. They've gotten three years with her as this guy says three years with the rain in three days So there is a horrific floods. There is a humanitarian crisis in China They're not talking about it too much because it's a little bit embarrassing to have a humanitarian crisis on a developing country like that and I want to say that there was a picture of this guy doesn't have it there was a picture of a Unknown_19: of a guy, they were setting up a, it was a big road that goes over, like a flooded area, and they were setting up these, um, metal sheets on the side of the bridge, so that people driving over the bridge would not look over their shoulder into the valley below that's flooded with people stranded on their apartment buildings and shit, and see that, and then maybe also film it. So they put up a view obstructing barriers so that people wouldn't take cell phone pictures of people dying on the roofs of the apartments. 0:31:44 Unknown_19: So uh brownie you're doing a heck of a job and if you understand that you're also old and you will die soon like me Um Unknown_19: Seattle music speaking of Washington the Seattle Museum of pop culture has removed JK Rowling the turf queen of the world from any mentions of in the Harry Potter exhibit, so They have their Harry Potter thing. They have a bunch of the movie props and shit, but JK Rowling has been removed and I think there's like a pooner that is the art director Chris Moore. Yeah, that's um, I 0:32:22 Unknown_19: That's the pooner right there. This pooner standing next to Gumby. Don't you fucking dare sexualize Gumby, you freak. Look at those gauges. Look at those gauges on that pooner's ear. It's just like the pooner meme. They always have gauges in the pooner meme, and now I understand why. It's so nasty. You know that shit smells like cheese. Ask somebody who has gauges to take their gauge out and to smell it, and tell you what it smells like. It smells like cheese, chat. It's disgusting. It's disgusting. They're stuck with it because they can't take those things out because then they got butthole ears or onion ring ears vile chat simply vile But this puner explained I 0:33:13 Unknown_19: The more use the puner explains that the author used racial stereotypes fat shaming and a lack of LGBTQ IAP plus representation in the books despite Dumbledore being a faggot in bumming that dude up the ass Despite Cho Chang being in the book. There's a black that he is she retroactively made Hermione Granger a black girl I think if I remember correctly in fat shaming Unknown_19: Well the Dursleys are fat, Hagrid, probably indisputably, how do you actually say, indisputably the nicest, most caring, giving, loving character of the entire book series, who's put everything on the line for Harry multiple times, is literally half giant and is fat. 0:34:03 Unknown_19: If anything, I mean, yeah, I don't get it. It's just, it's just fucking pooners complaining, man. It's just LGBTQIAP plus crying. Ah, shit, man. We're not representing the shit, man. A pooner like me, where's the pooners at? Unknown_19: I'm a dude. Where are the dudes at? Dudes represent. Unknown_20: Um, that's it. Whatever. Fuck it. Unknown_19: So Kevin Spacey was acquitted of nine sexual offenses in a London courtroom. 0:34:36 Unknown_19: It was the third time in two continents that he has been acquitted in the courts of law. Unknown_19: And apparently, according to the Federalist, I'll try to sum this up, Kevin Spacey was falsely accused and the allegations came from a collection of accusations that BuzzFeed put together. Unknown_19: Buzz according to the Federalist BuzzFeed recklessly put together These accusations did not fact-check them and actually deliberately ignored evidence to the contrary that was all bullshit So now they're saying that Kevin Spacey was actually innocent that a bunch of people conspired to call him a sex pest because of the me too shit and to make a shit zillion dollars suing him and 0:35:22 Unknown_19: And this was actually orchestrated by BuzzFeed because of personal vendettas in the editorial team and because the Buzz team staff desperately needs a story to make their franchise profitable. Unknown_19: So I'm not sure. Unknown_19: I'm, not sure chat. I will leave it to you. This is uh on the federalist.com court documents reveals buds buzzfeeds shockingly unethical takedown of kevin spacey. I'll read the intro um The article specifically claimed that spacey at age 26 had bought rap then age 14 And then an unnamed 17 year old out to dinner in a nightclub during this night spacey allegedly invited only rap to a party several days later At the party, the account went that Rapp, bored by the adult vibe, retreated to a bedroom and pulled over the door to watch TV. After some time, he saw Spacey standing outside the doorway, drunk. 0:36:10 Unknown_19: Spacey then allegedly came forward, dropped him on the bed, and lay across him in a sexual manner. According to BuzzFeed, Rapp then managed to wiggle out from under Spacey and leave the apartment. At first glance, the article looked damning, and it certainly was an enormous blow to his career. However, a closer look reveals a few odd things out of the BuzzFeed article. Unknown_19: Specifically, how quickly it made dramatic allegations while remaining rather sparse and vague about details. Unknown_19: Tough one, chat. We have a homosexual, then we have the media. Who do we hate more? I think I hate the media more. I can believe that BuzzFeed lied about Kevin Spacey. 0:36:43 Unknown_19: Kevin Spacey was one of those people that I've just maligned in my head as definitely super did it. So if he didn't do it, that's pretty fucked up. Because even in my skeptical brain, my cautious, critical, analytical, logical, intelligent brain, I've allowed I've allowed the journos to win Very very troubling And then a last last news thing 0:37:19 Unknown_19: This is a holocaust museum in fortnight. I really have to go to the bathroom so since the Jewish Chronicle has provided us this six minute long tour of fortnight's by epic games in-game holocaust memorial Where if you're curious flossing is disabled so you cannot floss in front of the memorial however the Jewish Chronicle in their news article about the holocaust museum in the fortnight Unknown_19: Mentioned that you can still wear a banana costume and any other cosmetics you would please into the Holocaust Museum So while you can cannot floss You can visit the Holocaust Museum dressed as a banana which offended them So I'll let this play so you can learn a thing or two about our history Jewish history, and I will go to the bathroom Can I get some sound on this? 0:38:11 Unknown_19: No sound no sound allowed. Unknown_20: It's too. It's too sad. So if you're a podcast listener and go fuck yourself Actually, I don't want to leave you guys without any sound so I'm gonna put on a song so you guys can listen to Hava Nagila Unknown_17: Hava nagila hava, nagila hava, nagila v'nismitha Hava nagila hava, nagila hava, nagila v'nismitha Havana ranana, Havana ranana, Havana ranana v'nismitha Aban, ranana, aban, ranana, aban, ranana, ben Yismefach. Ho, ru, ho, ruachim, urachim, b'lev sameach, urachim, b'lev sameach, urachim, b'lev sameach, urachim, b'lev sameach, urachim, urachim, b'lev sameach. 0:39:02 Unknown_17: Abba, Nagila, Abba, Nagila, Abba, Nagila ben Yismechad. Abba, Nagila, Abba, Nagila, Abba, Nagila ben Yismechad. Ba ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, benis me fan. Ba ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, benis me fan. 0:39:41 Unknown_17: Oh Rahim, B'lev Tzameiach Oh Rahim, B'lev Tzameiach 0:40:32 Unknown_17: Hello! There's two of me now, how horrific. Unknown_19: So I hope you've learned something on this educational tour as I went pee. In case you're wondering, no, I do not have a weak bladder, I just drink a lot of water before my streams so that I'm hydrated, chat. Let's see what some critical reception of this would be. Unknown_19: Museums that are just printed out Wikipedia articles should not be allowed to be called museum. Unknown_19: This is surreal. I can't believe this is not an elaborate satire joke Rip and Frank you would have been loved you would have loved the gritty I'm assuming that the gritty is a place in the game that you can drop to because when you say where we're dropping boys if Anne Frank was there and was one of the boys She would say let's go to the gritty and everyone be like yeah, the gritty is where it's at today I got a good feeling that that chicken dinner starts in the gritty It's how I imagine this happening 0:41:28 Unknown_19: This person says I'm all for the kids learning about the dark underbelly of history, but seriously There is a time and place you do realize that some anti-semi could go in there and just shoot it up the destroying the place, right? This is the most tone-deaf idea I've ever heard actually They've disabled destruction physics inside the Holocaust Museum, too So you cannot floss and you cannot destroy things I have assuming if it's in game then you you could shoot right you could shoot up the Hulk I don't want to say that That's gonna put me on a list. Unknown_19: I mean, I'm just, I'm just, I don't know where this is in the game, so I don't know how the gameplay, which is shooting each other, integrates into the Holocaust Museum, is my question. They do bring up a salient point. 0:42:13 Unknown_20: Epic didn't approve this in the name of teaching Jewish history. Unknown_19: They did it for publicity and engagement. Sure. Unknown_19: I'm to hit my flaws Respect to the people that made this so many people are not educated enough about this and it's clear to see from these counts Okay, chat. Here's a question Will we see? Unknown_19: Minecraft official Mojang server or mod for Holocaust education because they keep doing this shit they there's something like I think they said that like 60% of Young of like under 18s now don't have never heard of the Holocaust. So they're like really upset about this. I 0:42:54 Unknown_19: and they did that thing where they tried to reenact the occupation of the Netherlands and it was really fucking awesome and everybody loved it all the flags and all the tanks rolling down the streets and it was like a huge success and everyone thought it was awesome and loved it and they're like well if we can't do that again so now they have to get creative Unknown_19: Disable flossing you can't disable flossing in real life if the Panzer Panzer Corps is rolling down the streets of Amsterdam and everyone's flossing Stop stop your flossing goddammit Let's see How do I see this in game map code? Okay, but I feel like fortnight isn't the best platform to do this. Ha ha ha ha ha Summer camps are gonna be out of business and then okay. I saw this comment before I want to bring this to attention Lindy Carrie asked when I add America first live streams to the fortnight and said so it's like, okay Who is this person showing Nick Fuentes the cat boy if you're the per dip, huh? on YouTube and sure enough it is like an obvious man who is like impersonating like a young girl and posting about anime and shit on YouTube. Very sussy vodka. 0:44:19 Unknown_19: Bruh, this person says. Unknown_19: I'm not going to read that, but I will point this out for everybody to enjoy. Unknown_19: Um, so there you go. Kids can learn about the dark underbelly of history now, thanks to Epic Games. Unknown_19: It's not a truant, it's just like a creepy dude, perving on people, as America First does. Unknown_20: Here is a legal update, a legal update for everybody. 0:44:51 Unknown_19: Mr. Beast of Mr. Beast fame, the guy who gives everybody money and is like, I'm such a philanthropist and shit, he is suing a company that sold Mr. Beast burgers. Unknown_19: So the gist of this app is during COVID, you had a lot of mom and pop stores that made food and in order to help those companies stay in business, according to the app, what they would do is license food from famous personalities and then sell the food and any store participating in their program could make the food and sell it under that brand name. So when Mr. Beast agreed to have the Mr. Beast burger, which I guess is like a double patty bacon cheeseburger from the looks of it, people who bought this Mr. Beast burger from the app would get it from whoever happened to cook it. So as you could imagine, a lot of stores that were making the Mr. Beast burger, which is not even a part of their own original menu, 0:45:46 Unknown_19: would send out burgers with very dubious quality. This pissed Mr. Beast off, and apparently, the company selling the Mr. Beast burgers, not only in the US, but in Europe, would be unable to reclaim his own identity and the trademark for Mr. Beast Burger, which they have apparently trademarked under their own property. So he allowed them to use his likeness for the purpose of selling their burgers. They did a very poor job of controlling quality. He's received many complaints from customers saying that the Mr. Beast burger they received was fucking disgusting. And in his attempts to reclaim his own identity from this application, they have told him to go fuck himself. So now he is suing them, uh, for various torts, uh, and particularly stealing his likeness and, uh, causing him reputational harm. 0:46:25 Unknown_19: Just a general rundown of what's happening. I find court proceedings like this fascinating so And this comment he says by the way He said like I really the way that this tweet is written makes me not like him because it's so corporate Yeah, the problem with Beast Burger is that I can't guarantee the quality of the order when working with other restaurants It's important to control it sadly 0:47:09 Unknown_19: And to be honest, I just enjoy feastables a hundred times more. Making snacks is awesome and something I've always been more passionate about. Heart emojis. Imagine, imagine writing that, that you have a product line of snacks called feastables and you're really, really passionate about your feastables. Unknown_19: I don't know it sounds like imagine if I sold something like that. What would I call them then no? Nostrils Nostrils the Nostrils you want some Nostrils get some Nostrils in your in your in your mouth I'm very passionate about you getting my Nostrils in your mouth. It's uh And I have I have excellent quality control over my Nostrils I 0:47:48 Unknown_19: Someone keeps talking about my Nussy on the Kiwi farms. I've seen this word used more than once now. It's making me deeply uncomfortable. Unknown_19: That's also not for sale. No matter how much you offer me. Nick Fuentes. Unknown_19: Not happening. Unknown_19: That's the Mr. B's thing. Unknown_19: So Jackie singe is continuing to try and dox the owner of the opiate Anthony for him Which is sued and or was sued by Patrick Tomlinson and won a judgment against Patrick Tomlinson Jackie singe is an incredibly ugly Indian woman in case you forgot She's a very internet tough guy who constantly postures about how she's gonna like do shit and then doesn't do anything Actually, she does do something. What she does is she reads the Kiwi farms a lot and 0:48:42 Unknown_19: Um, the guy there's a big thread that I haven't dived into at all because it's just so autistic and I don't give a fuck um, there's a a group called tour swats and The long and short of tour swats is that they're a bunch of fucking weirdos and they were responsible I think they were people now agree that they were the ones responsible for swatting like a bunch of people last year. And the federal the federal government, the United States of America, the most powerful organization that's ever existed in the history of mankind, the most powerful empire that has ever graced God's green earth, the largest budget in the entire universe. 0:49:22 Unknown_19: That outspends everybody the FBI has a has an annual budget of like 10 billion dollars a year or some shit I think it's even higher than that the CIA has a budget of like 70 billion dollars a year or some shit right now So despite the billions and billions of dollars. There's a group of kids on the internet probably from Poland that goes on on to Unknown_19: onto Telegram, and openly brags about sliding their dick down the mouth of the United States, and swats its congresspeople. Our government is completely and totally incapable of doing anything about this, because they've been operating in the public for four years now, and the government just can't do anything about it. Unknown_19: Think they were doxed by the Kiwi farms because even though the government's the most powerful thing that the universe has ever fucking seen is basically a God that walks among men It was the Kiwi farms. I think that publishes a bunch of dogs for the people involved or I don't know if it's doxing I think the thing they got 0:50:08 Unknown_19: Like somewhat that's like it's it's really fucking autistic the point that I was gonna make is that Jackie sentence despite being a gross Bajeet That it was a ransom raves about how the Kiwi farms should be destroyed every day When it came time to talk about tour swats and the shit that they do what is she uses the primary source? Unknown_19: She uses the Kiwi farms as a primary source, so it's funny how this happens all the time keffels did the exact same fucking thing whenever it comes down to Using the infer when it comes down to like destroying the site They're all for it, but when there's something on the site that they actually use they will also directly shamelessly copy that information so Usually they pretend not to and you just have to it's just like a quote of like the post with like the actual Attributions like cut out and shit, but it's pretty obvious what they're doing whenever that happens There's something I found funny So this is kind of related to twitch I will simply sum this up well actually no one I will play the video of him crying at the end so 0:50:52 Unknown_19: Fouseytube who I only know because years and years ago a guy The colossal is crazy guy who made like eight videos about drama and then became a podcaster because he realized that that's more money and now just does a podcast Coasting off the recognition he got from like videos. He did like literally eight years ago at this point. He did a video on Fouseytube and I don't remember anything about it except that he's famous and he's an asshole apparently So 0:51:54 Unknown_19: He he's apparently an enormously popular twitch streamer and he's in an airport Or something and there's a chick there and she's like a hoe and he's talking about her and she's like Yeah, i'm like a sex trafficking victim And i'm all fucked up. I'm like mentally ill because i've been abused and shit And then he obviously goes off camera to fuck her. He comes back and he seems like really hyped up. She comes out like a minute later, like in a bath, public bathroom. And she's got like her hair is all messed up. And then he lost an earpiece or something. And she checks her cleavage to see it's in there or something. It's like really obvious that he had sex with this person who admitted that they were a sex trafficking victim. And then he realizes, my whole career is fucked up. I just had sex with a prostitute on camera, and he starts crying about it. 0:52:45 Unknown_19: Let's watch. Unknown_05: How big this moment is right now. I spent my whole career pretending to be a good person. What can I do to get people to like me? Unknown_05: No matter what it was, I'm not a good person. Unknown_05: I'm not a good person. Unknown_21: I'm not. And I got exposed tonight. Unknown_05: I'm not a good person. 0:53:30 Unknown_02: I wish I had weed right now. Unknown_05: I wish I had weed right now. Just smoke. I'm not a good person. I swear to God, I fooled all of you thinking I'm a good person. I used to go to massage. Unknown_05: But the girl was sex trafficked, man, and I feel guilty about that. Because I used to mess with girls who were sex trafficked. And the fact that she was one of them makes me feel like absolute shit, dog. 0:54:04 Unknown_05: And no one's going to understand that, but I understand that. Unknown_02: It's guilty. Unknown_19: What's funny about him is that he's a Muslim and his whole shtick is that like I'm a Muslim and in Islam women are property and if you want to be a MGTOW like me 0:54:51 Unknown_19: revert to Islam and submit to Allah and accept Muhammad as his prophet. Unknown_19: And I was wondering as a result of this, oh, by the way, he got banned from, from Twitch. Apparently he's permaban because he, he fucked the, I forgot to mention that, um, before they had sex, he put out her cash app and his fans tipped her like $2,000 or something. So I'm pretty sure that the whole thing was like, Oh, Unknown_19: I'm like I'm being pimped out, and you just gave me ten two thousand dollars of cash app through your fans I guess we're having sex now. I think that's basically what happened So that's why you realize that he broadcasted it so now he's like oh, I really fucked up 0:55:34 Unknown_19: They're gonna follow they're gonna fall down on me now, which Amazon did in part I think because of his reaction if he just like nah, man, I hate it. You know how I do shit, man I'm a woman eyes and I see them girls and I know what to say if he had just like hit it off like that instead of like lying and someone was a prank. Oh, yeah I think that he probably wouldn't have gotten banned but to break down like that on stream and be like no it fucks somebody who's getting raped I'm a kind of a terrible person He basically just admitted to it. He did the whole thing that like the the make him mama proud the truth will set you free Just confess to what you did and that's that's what gets you. That's what got him It's kind of fucked up, but the real thing is that like how I think he confused me if Correct me if I'm wrong if I'm confused but I'm pretty sure like he's a MGTOW type and his his whole thing is that like I 0:56:13 Unknown_19: is about how to get laid, right? Someone explained to me that there's a weird overlap in like these buff Muslim dudes who are like role models for like retards on the internet. Unknown_19: And the reason why there's this weird overlap is because in Arab society, There is like actual toxic masculinity where you have this machoism that women are property you're supposed to have like eight wives and shit and Never never catch feelings for a bitch and shit, so they just take this like this Like a horny retardation, which is basically what it is and then they sell it to people as like a religious philosophy They say this is Islam. This is how Islam the culture is and then When the, you know, the Lost Boys, as I like to call them, the Nick Fuentes Lost Boys, watch these people like Zerkaa and this guy and there's some other guy, oh, and Andrew Tate, like, yeah, if I convert to Islam, I'm not being a horny retard anymore. I'm actually based in Red Pill and following the tenets as set forth by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. 0:57:18 Unknown_19: It's like it's like this weird grip the religiosity aspect also adds like an additional selling point to these red pill Muslim types because There's like this pole thing where Christianity is turn the other cheek so therefore Christianity is weak and cut and 0:58:02 Unknown_19: But Islam, Islam is based, it's about taking up your AK-47 and blowing yourself up and raping women and genociding the Yazidi and shit. And that's, that's epic in Chad and Red Pill. So it has like an additional appeal to the Lost Boys as well, where it's like, it's not just a Red Pill philosophy, it's a Red Pill religion. And therefore, it's not being a retard, it's being, um, it's following Allah's footsteps. Unknown_19: It's very strange. Unknown_19: Have pity on the Lost Boys, Chad. They think that their gangly white asses will be accepted as, uh, as giga chads in the world of Islam. 0:58:44 Unknown_19: If only they listened to Andrew Tate enough, they too can have a Ferrari. Unknown_20: Am I saying they're wrong? Unknown_19: Yes, I'm saying that Muslims worship a pedophile that fucked a nine-year-old and they try to pass that off as Chad. I think that Muslims are wretched and the Prophet Muhammad was a fucking child rapist. And I think that the fact that you can't say that the Prophet Muhammad is a child rapist in the EU, and that's a hate speech, is proof that the European Union is doomed to fail. Because if you can't look at a child rapist who fucked a nine-year-old and say that's a child rapist who fucked a nine-year-old, 0:59:18 Unknown_19: Then you don't have any freedom of speech at all, and your society deserves to collapse. I looked into Islam, because of course, I myself, as a recovering lost boy, looked into all my options as I usually do. I keep my sight up. How do I keep my sight up? I look at all my options and evaluate them very carefully. I do research into what I do, and I try to pick the best option. And like with min-maxing my life and trying to figure out what should I do, what should I look at in terms of religion, I looked at Islam because there are some good arguments like in terms of how they managed to retain a conservative society and not succumb to the West and become pedophile trannies and shit. But I can't get over the fact that the Prophet Muhammad Had like eight wives and one of them was a nine-year-old girl who he married at like six And and consummated that marriage at nine and that was his favorite wife. That's not just any wife Maybe it was like some kind of strategic royalty marriage that he used to build his caliphate No, that was his favorite wife was the nine-year-old that he fucked Um, so I am forced to assume that the prophet muhammad had a predilection for child um, child sex, which makes them a pedophile. And I refuse to worship a pedophile because I'm not mentally ill. And if you're really desperate for a crumb, maybe worshiping a pedophile, it seems rational to you. Maybe it's the only thing that makes sense in your mind, but I'm not desperate. And I refuse to worship a pedophile for the chance of getting a crumb. You know what I mean? Um, I really have utter and total disdain for Islam. I can't make peace with it. Uh, I can't even tolerate it really. 1:00:38 Unknown_19: That's just how I feel about that. Unknown_20: Um, Unknown_20: So H3 managed to epically own Ethan Klein during a debate and then he started to do the worm. 1:01:20 Unknown_19: Let's watch. Unknown_03: Here's a video, he showed me a video of Hassan doing that and then he said, XQC, he really just steals my shit, entertains his audience of hundreds of hours I put up these videos while I get just a link in the YouTube description. The problem isn't the reacting, it's the re-uploading of my video with his face on the thumbnail and also, and I don't DM him because I don't want the Twitter drama. 1:01:54 Unknown_04: He doesn't want wait. Why are you these people are so fucking annoying? Unknown_19: That's just Hassan screaming send him back to where he came from. I do not want to be around this man I hope he's in LA because I hope LA gets new that would solve if LA just got a fucking nuclear bomb dropped on it right now You know how many problems would be resolved how many loose ends on this planet would be succinctly tied up forever? Unknown_19: It would help a lot. So you have three retards in the screen, which is a lot of suffering. You have Ethan Klein rubbing his hands together and saying, it's not fair. It's not fair that this XQC takes my content and puts it online and makes money from my content. 1:02:35 Unknown_19: I gotta get in on this. You can't just take my content and put it online. That's not fair. You have to give me a kickback. And then Hassan is watching this and he's going, Unknown_19: Right for whatever reason I have no fucking idea what he's up to But he's involved in this for whatever reason and then I think this is the debate they have where he does the worm Let's watch. Hopefully this will actually load. 1:03:12 Unknown_04: So what you're saying is that you went digging for victims that I literally messaged one, dude Okay, so nobody in your production room. Unknown_03: Why don't you just apologize to Vince vintage? Unknown_04: I absolutely will, and I didn't get a Twitter DM. I didn't get nothing. I feel really bad. You wanna know why? Because all about the whole sphere of this, everything around it, is to make something good happen, right? And that matters to me a lot. Unknown_03: That's such bullshit, bro. Nice try. You literally do it to enrich yourself. You're a multi-millionaire, and you steal content from small creators, and you don't give a fuck about their rights or what they want. And then your only justification is, oh yeah, you can come chase me down and complain and try to get my attention so I can pay you for the shit I stole. It's total bullshit, bro. 1:03:56 Unknown_03: You're not creating anything big for anyone. You're just taking attention and views for yourself. And you don't give a fuck about the, the, uh, the consequences of that. Unknown_19: As if, as if Ethan Klein did not make his career off taking random fucking clips of other people and commenting over that. I really, Oh, I hate him. I hope he's miserable. I hope Ethan Klein is the most miserable fucking sad sack in the world. Cause he's such a piece of shit. I don't know anything about XQC, but like, I don't know. I feel like if you put something on the internet and correct me if you, if this is some outlandish opinion, if you put something out on the internet, people are allowed to then take that content and remix it and comment over it and share it however they please. 1:04:28 Unknown_19: I am just so over copyright as a concept. Copyright is the most evil thing that's ever been invented. I looked this up, I was corrected on the Heterodorks podcast, which I didn't even mention, but I was on a TERF podcast with a Troon and a TERF. I don't know if they would take offense to being called a Troon. They're transgender, I didn't even know this until someone pointed it out to me afterwards, but it was like a British transgender and then a British TERF, and they wanted to talk about deplatforming and shit. And the woman was interested in copyright law because she's a copyright abolitionist. And she pointed out correctly that the origin of copyright law comes from when the printing press was a new thing, and the King of England wanted to censor the printing press. So copyright originates from the restriction of the freedom of the press. And to this day, it restricts the freedom of the press, because then Shekelmeisters like Ethan Klein can rub his hands together and say, you can't steal my content. You owe me a kickback. You can't just put a link in the in the comment that says where you got the video from. You owe me a percentage in perpetuity for using my content. 1:05:15 Unknown_19: Otherwise, you're a thief. You don't want to be a thief, do you? 1:05:55 Unknown_19: It's vile. I fucking I am so over it. I am so over copyright. I don't give a fuck about copyright for movies. I don't give a fuck about copyright for. Unknown_19: for YouTube videos or whatever, if you can't convince people to give you money to support you for the work that you do, you do not deserve the money. If you cannot make the viewing experience of what you're doing a positive thing that people want to economically reward you for directly to see more of it, you don't deserve the money. People should not be forced to tithe you to witness something that was created so that they can witness it. 1:06:27 Unknown_19: Absolutely. I hate, hate it. Uh, cause it is a, it is a gateway for people like Ethan fucking Klein to decide what can and cannot be said about the shit that they put out. And it's truly fucking disgusting. If you can't defend what you make, if you can't justify its existence, if you can't warrant your own continued existence and profitability based on your own copacetic relationship with your own audience, then you don't deserve it. 1:07:06 Unknown_19: Sick of it. Unknown_19: I mean a total abolition for copyright trademark is different. I'm I'm a little bit pro But you know companies ruin that shit as well But like as far as like brand names and stuff that should be protected so that people can build a reputation but as far as like Unknown_19: No, you can't watch my movie unless you watch it in the specific ways that I allow it. And if I suddenly decide that I'm going to completely and totally remove any evidence that my, my creation existed, you have to go along with that. Uh, no, I'm over it. I'm completely done with it. I don't give a fuck about content creators. That's why I like, I say people can do whatever the fuck they want with my podcast. 1:07:37 Unknown_19: Don't give a shit I know my audience search when they see my clips and shit when they see it on fucking 4chan on youtube they hunt down I know it's very hard these days they hunt down where I live stream and they they watch it there because they want to They want to support what I do and I really appreciate that and I don't I don't feel the need to to point guns at people to try and collect pennies for restreams And then, of course, the people who do archive my videos on YouTube, they run ads. And guess what? I get people asking me, did you know that this archive channel is running ads? Did you know that they're running ads and making money off your videos? They're not. I've talked to these people. They don't run ads. You know why you see ads on my YouTube videos if people archive my clips? Because if there's even like five seconds of any song in existence, then one of the two rights groups, BMI or the other one, 1:08:10 Unknown_19: are able to run ads and collect ad money on the entire fucking video. The entire three hour long stream is suddenly the copyright of BMI, they run ads on it, they collect the money for it, and then they distribute like, you know, 10 cents for every dollar they make to the actual artist whose 30 seconds of song I used, which incidentally appeared in a TikTok video that I was making fun of. 1:09:04 Unknown_19: And that's, that's disgusting. It is always morally righteous. It's actually a moral obligation. It's not just a good thing to do. It's not just okay to do. It is a responsibility of each and every person to find a way to watch as few ads in their life as possible. Um, because there was a time where advertisers were complaining that ad breaks during like the super bowl were used for bathroom breaks. And they're like, we need to find a way. You know what? I'm going to find this real quick. I'm going to show you what doesn't happen if you don't go out. Like YouTube is rolling out ad blocker blocker now. So they're trying to force you to watch ads. I want to show you what the future is. If you do not push back against ads, ads as a whole and copyright as a whole. 1:09:35 Unknown_20: Um. Unknown_20: Oh, this is a fact checks fact checked by Snopes as true. Unknown_19: Let's take a look boys. Is it true that Sony patented a proposed way of getting you to skip commercials by yelling brain names at TVs? It is true. This is what they're going to do to you. You're going to be watching TV. Your TV is going to be always on connect to the internet and recording what's happening in your living room. If you want to skip your McDonald's ads, you have to stand up raise your arms and say McDonald's they want you to do a goy dance in order to skip their advertisements this is the end goal of advertisers if and if you're a disarmed peaceful pacifistic uh, cattle population willing to accept advertisers and what copyright holders and what they want to do to you. This is your future. Your children will be raised in a world where the TV teaches them to get up and dance and shout the name McDonald's when an advertisement comes on so they can keep watching frozen or whatever the fuck you must fight it. You must hate these people with every inch of your heart. It is the morally righteous thing to do. 1:10:42 Unknown_20: Vile chat antichrist. Exactly. The antichrist wears a suit and tie and he works under the ad executive agency Anyways, oh this is the part where he does the worm 1:11:25 Unknown_03: This conversation has kind of been exhausted. People would rather watch me full-screen cam, do the fucking worm. Do that! Bro, do it for a week! Do a week of no reaction content and see how many fucking views you get. Oh, he's crying in the corner. Oh, okay. Sure. I mean, that's content, man. It's original content at least. Unknown_03: Yes, do that, bro. Do it. I love it, man. This is the most money I've gotten in the past fucking four years, bitch. It's awesome. Do a week of no react content. 1:11:59 Unknown_19: You what we've seen here is real time Kabbalah magic using the time and you can't see his left hand, but he's actually holding the Talmud in his hand and through the right sequence of words with his red wristband on, he says, do it. And then suddenly, the man, the goy, is writhing on the ground like a worm, being tortured and directly manipulated through the Kabbalah magic into dancing for him on livestream. That's why you must not ever confront Ethan Klein directly. He's far too powerful. Maybe one day his apprentice will throw him down a mineshaft or some kind of long elevator and he'll explode. Unknown_20: But that's what you just saw happen in real time. 1:12:46 Unknown_20: Let's see. Unknown_20: This is, Oh fuck. Unknown_19: I showed my, I hid my screen and I, uh, I didn't hide it. So I showed my tabs again. God damn it. Unknown_19: Um, this is. Hold up. I have the name somewhere. Unknown_20: Give me a second. I'm a return. 1:13:19 Unknown_19: I don't know who this is someone in chat. It's like Isabel something I think Anyways, she's seven months pregnant. She's having a conversation with I think circa. So let's see how that goes My husband's texting me and he said that he wanted me to tell you that we will have our daughter ready for you as a virgin Unknown_13: What the fuck crazy dude. Oh my God. You know, it's crazy. Unknown_19: I think she's an America first streamer. I want to make sure I'm right about this because that is circa, right? Am I not like completely insane? I'm pretty sure that's really circa. 1:13:52 Unknown_20: And I want to say that that is, um, somebody who streams on America first. Unknown_19: Am I am I am I wrong am I right because I've it's in my notes that that's what it is And I don't believe it. Um, I feel like I'm wrong. Unknown_20: They took this wrong She has press zero airbrush face woman will do anything for attention down. 1:14:31 Unknown_19: I don't think it's a woman issue. I Unknown_19: Yes, Zerka. Unknown_19: She did lesbo porn. That's true. That's what, uh, Ethan Ralph did a thing about how she was, she's like a trad thought LARP-er now for America first. Cause her thing is like, I'm a real, I'm a real trad wife. I'm pregnant. I'm like, I'm like barefoot and pregnant. That's what everyone, everyone should be. So I'm like a real trad thought you should be paying attention to. And then it comes out that she did like lesbian porn or something. Unknown_19: Now she's seven months pregnant and telling Zerka who is a self-admitted pedophile that she that he can have her unborn daughter as a virgin I guess I guess that's six that seems to be the age that the Muslims get their hands on little girls in the Middle East So I guess when she's six year old they can she's older already betrothed So as soon as that the blood flows he can have her I guess that's how it works in Muslim law I 1:15:27 Unknown_19: So culture war criminal or Ryan Sanchez is the newest person to be streaming because now that they have let me just show you actually This is what we got on cozy TV without Ethan Ralph unironically like not even as a joke Unknown_19: Funny as it can be to Deb on Ralph like without him consistently pulling a couple hundred viewers on cozy TV Like eight hours a day every day putting in the work to like keep the site looking active The current top streamer right now is Wendell. I don't know who the fuck that is with 80 viewers Joe the boomer was 65 Wooza with 55 saying my last stream so his last stream on cozy is getting 55 viewers and 1:16:11 Unknown_19: Chief trumpster with 42 the lo-fi girl. Oh, it's not the lo-fi girls. I could knock off lo-fi lo-fi girl with 17 viewers Alex Jones restream for 12 Unknown_19: And that's what's left of CozyTV. So, uh, what's his face? Nick Fuentes trying to stuff the ballot a little bit and get people actually streaming on Cozy so that anybody will watch anything on Cozy, um, at any time of day. Uh, has apparently, no, I can't confirm this. I've heard that this might be a gay op, but I will let my audience decide as you are all intelligent adults. So I, uh, I trust you will come to the correct decision on your own. 1:16:45 Unknown_08: that Milo paid for Baked Alaska to fly to LA and put him up in a hotel as if it was an audition for Baked Alaska to meet Kanye and be on the cover of 2024. Unknown_03: Go away! Unknown_08: And it's like, okay, so then all of a sudden, your daughter's crying. Yeah, it is my fucking fault. I am owning it. But goddamn, I do my goddamn best to make it better. Unknown_09: And nobody puts any fucking thought into, oh, Travis is working on getting better. 1:17:20 Unknown_08: No, it's Travis making these fucking mistakes. And everybody wants to hold me accountable for that because nobody wants to hold themselves accountable. Unknown_09: What do you hold yourself accountable for? What did she hold herself accountable for? Unknown_08: Nothing! You just let the bird go smoke! And in fact you are if you don't remember this! No! You just do it in my house too! Yeah I did! Unknown_08: And I said, well, that's pretty rich because, I mean, he knows full well, he knows better than me, that Milo's like a pedophile. You know, everybody knows that Milo got canceled back in 2017 because he was talking about how 13 year old boys can have sex with adult men and that's totally, it's actually a good thing he said. 1:17:56 Unknown_20: Did Rambot do this too? Unknown_19: Does Rambot hate America First? Unknown_19: I can't remember because he's like a gay anime faggot. Unknown_19: And he's like, um, I don't know. Rambot also like had meltdowns at his wife on record. He got drunk and like screamed at her when Ralph was around. Unknown_19: Like having an argument with ran bought and then his wife came in and he's like he's he's being shouted at for being Up at like 4 a.m. Getting getting shit-faced and crying to you than Ralph and he yells at her And all this guy's like openly beating his wife and she's very sure to mention that he's hitting her I don't know 1:18:42 Unknown_19: Someone said, neighbor alarm. You've triggered a trap card. I downloaded this video, and I have absolutely zero legitimate reason to play this on stream, but I will anyways. I heard that smoke alarm. Unknown_06: I will PayPal you 50 bucks to go change your smoke alarm batteries right now. Unknown_10: What are you talking about? Your smoke alarm's going off, bro. Unknown_06: Battery's dying. I don't know what the hell y'all talking about. 1:19:25 Unknown_10: That's clearly not my house. Unknown_06: Damn, Mark, is that your house? Unknown_10: Definitely gotta be one of y'all's house. Unknown_06: Hey, there it is! Hey! That's your house, Red Raider. Your smoke alarm batteries are low, bro. He's so used to hearing it, he can't hear it. You know, it's nothing. Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_06: You gotta die, you gotta... There it is! Unknown_10: Hey! They keep talking about the smoke alarm is going off. I keep telling these stupid... 1:19:58 Unknown_02: I saw your mic there he goes come on man Unknown_19: It's um, I don't think he understands based on his reaction now that i've heard this like a three times It just occurred to me that he says they talk about the smoke alarm going off And he doesn't get it that it's not the smoke alarm is actively going off like they're burning something in their kitchen He doesn't understand the chirp Unknown_19: is the smoke alarm warning that it's low battery. So he's like, it's not going off, but he doesn't get that the chirping is like a warning mechanism to like, to inform him that the battery is low and that soon he will not be protected by the smoke alarm if he doesn't replace the battery. He just does, he thinks that that's how it's supposed to be. Like it just chirps occasionally. He doesn't get it. It's very interesting. 1:20:34 Unknown_19: Anyways, that's the smoke alarm segment. Unknown_19: Uh, funny. Unknown_19: So. Unknown_19: My boy, Ethan Ralph, who's currently on a terror against America First and his righteous crusade to burn down a cabal of weirdo lollicons on the internet. Who has messaged me? 1:21:18 Unknown_20: Okay, how could this be? Unknown_20: I've disabled sounds and I continue to get messages. I don't understand. Unknown_20: Um, anyways, so. Unknown_19: TheRalphFourTour.com, I haven't had an opportunity to do my Ralph voice in so long. I have to practice it to make sure that I can actually continue to do it in the future. Unknown_19: The RalphReport.com can exclusively report that Ali Alexander, the Nick Fuentes associate who is now under criminal investigation for soliciting nude pictures of underage boys, which he also admitted to, runs AF Post X account. X is the new name of Twitter, which was purchased by Elon Musk in the fall of 2020. Thank you, Ralph. I didn't know that. Speaking of Elon Musk, he personally replied to the account yesterday afternoon. It is unknown at this time whether Mr. Musk knows that the account belongs to notorious pedophile enthusiast or pedophilia enthusiast Ali Alexander, so he's not 1:22:02 Unknown_19: He is not simply a pedophile who solicits nude images of underage boys. He's also a general pedophilia enthusiast. Some people are enthusiasts of war memorabilia or other collectibles or like Dungeons and Dragons, but he's actually not only pedophile himself, he's an enthusiast of pedophilia content. 1:22:44 Unknown_19: And this is a picture of Elon Musk actually replying to America First post directly, which is a bit of a weird thing to see happen. That really emboldens the Cowboys, I'm sure. Unknown_19: Despite recent claims to the contrary from the America first leader. Mr Fuentes Ali Alexander is still deeply embedded in his organization in the spring after the pedophilia scandal originally broke Alexander associates Paul Eskadon who also directed and produced a film on Fuentes Confirmed that Fuentes still speaks to the aforementioned Alexander every day Fuentes has been caught in lie after lie about this and many other aspects of his relationship to Alexander Two confidential sources who possess a deep knowledge of the inner workings of America first Wow Ralph has got that journalist speak down According to two confidential surface familiar with the matter regarding Ali Alexander and his association with Nick Fuentes That's that's some journal speak for I got real sources. I got big-boy sources. You better bet your ass. I got some sources No, I'm not gonna tell you I 1:23:26 Unknown_19: In America, Nick Fuentes' relationship with Ali Alexander has confirmed to TheRalphRetort.com that the AF Post account is ran by Alexander himself. That may not even be the worst part, however. That's because he doesn't run it alone. He's the top guy, but a team of young, male America First members help him with the project. Some other individuals involved are believed to be underage. Given Alexander's history of grooming to underage boys for sexting and perhaps more, he asked many of his victims to meet him in person on trips all across the United States. This is a troubling revelation. AF Post appears to be nothing other than another opportunity for Alexander to prey on young and even underage boys. 1:24:16 Unknown_19: which I can believe in. It does seem like Ali Alexander has this weird amount of clout and pull, and Nick Fuentes is like deliberately, intentionally feeding him young boys. Unknown_19: I mean, I guess Nick Fuentes got this whole politics thing down pat. He really knows how to get his way. He knows that he has to pay a pound of flesh and blood to the right people to get anywhere in politics, and he's just got Ali Alexander in like his back pocket. He gets, anytime Ali Alexander gets, um, 1:24:59 Unknown_19: Gets caught having sex with like a child. He just reshuffles him into America first in a different branch So he can just keep doing that over and over again really real just I was completely wrong about next one test. He really understands how politics works Her on burger if you think I'm gonna read all those $1 super chats, you're fucking crazy. Unknown_20: I Know what you're doing Separating there 1:25:34 Unknown_20: That's funny that Elon Musk replied I wonder if he's gonna get shit he's gonna get dragged by the ACLU for that one Already played that Unknown_20: Uh, so Yoba begged Alaska is out of jail. Unknown_19: He was put up for, I think, 60 days in the fed. After getting out of the fed, the state of new Mexico asked for him to be returned to them, to be imprisoned for the macing of the bowner bouncer from like two years ago. Unknown_19: So he got out from his January 6th thing and then New Mexico said give us to give them to us And then he tried to appeal that and say like he's already out. He already sent spent 60 days Maybe that should count New Mexico was like actually no that's not happening so he went to serve 60 days again in New Mexico immediately after being free and And now Begged Alaska is back in action. He's actually free this time. I don't think he has any more pending cases. Keeps his nose clean. And he has decided that now that he's a free man, he's also going to be free of Nicholas J. Fuentes. He has come out swinging out of the pen and saying he knows a faggot when he sees one. And Nicholas J. Fuentes is a faggot, if anything. 1:26:14 Unknown_19: Uh, as a Christian male, I forgive Nick Fuentes for the evil things he's done to me. Although I do not wish to associate with him. I pray he finds a genuine faith in God and represents for, I don't know what it says. 1:26:58 Unknown_19: Um, Apple. Hey, Apple says you are a fat rat and I will expose you. I suppose what you did to show it. Unknown_19: Um, and then there is a video of him and where's this actual video at? Unknown_20: Did they not archive this? Unknown_19: apparently They're trying to say that he fucks somebody named shallot. I want to see this video. Hold up Hold up jet. I'm gonna try to pull up the Thing real quick Where's the actual video 1:27:44 Unknown_20: Okay, let's see, hold up. Cool... Nuka... One... The thing is, I really fucking hate... Unknown_19: I really fucking despise Twitter. I despise they do not let me view tweets unless I am signed in and I cannot be signed in because I am not allowed to have an account. So I am being told that I have to have an account to view something that I'm not allowed to have an account on. And it is the fucking gayest thing ever. And I fucking hate Elon Musk. 1:28:15 Unknown_19: Um, this guy's tweeted like a million fucking times because he's, uh, sucking that Nick Fuentes dick really hard. Unknown_02: Where is the thing where he posted about Yova? Unknown_20: Is it deleted? Okay, here's a tw- Unknown_20: I'll be honest. Unknown_07: I've said a bunch of edgy shit before. You know, I, I've gotten into a little bit of trouble here and there. And I said this, when I got out of prison, I was like, damn, I really learned how to respect all different types of people. Because if you don't respect somebody, you're getting your ass beaten hard. 1:28:50 Unknown_20: Oh, his, uh, yoga video was taken down. Unknown_19: For violating their terms on private media. I don't don't know what that means I'm really trying to figure out what the original clip is because they're accusing him of being a pedophile basically I'm saying imagine being this pathetic and it's a clip of him in an alley alley talking here's a picture of Baked Alaska saying what's wrong griper con could you be craving my McNuggets? I don't think that that has any relevance to the claims. I 1:29:38 Unknown_19: And nobody archived this because they suck. Unknown_19: What is the purpose of the site? Why do I go through the trouble of hosting the site? Unknown_19: Why do I go through the trouble of keeping this site up when you fuckers cannot even archive important videos? Unknown_19: What is the meaning of it all? 1:30:11 Unknown_20: I will read instead the back and forth between them. Unknown_19: Nick baked Alaska says Nick Florentez is such a gay man that he'll have a public Twitter fight before answering the phone like a man pick up the phone Nick What are you afraid of laughing crying emoji apples is waving the white flag already? I have nothing to say to you rat your fat ass is getting exposed I guess Apple is Nick Florentez or I guess maybe not I don't know Nick can only cry on Twitter like the homosexual. He is Lamar Why don't you debate Ethan Ralph need leafy to swap sweep for you cat boy? 1:30:44 Unknown_19: Apples as pandering to Kiwi trannies who attacked you for years. You're such a low IQ dirtbag I should have listened to everyone that told me to drop you for the last six years if my account is still up I'll be doing a space exposing what you did to show it earlier tonight rat Big says keep trying crying gay boy. You've been caught covering for pedos and now you're seething Ethan Ralph one Yet yikes, but one you're the face of pedophilia now Lamar. I guess that is Nick Valente's Unknown_19: I find it incredibly gay that Nick Fuentes is just so desperate for his social media presence. 1:31:40 Unknown_19: Fucking pity him if I if I actually like I pity him I don't feel bad for him because he deserves it But I really I really pity him because he doesn't do anything. He doesn't go out with anybody. He doesn't do anything He has all this clout, but he just spends it online Desperately trying to find a Twitter account that won't get banned immediately asking for the Connie squad to give him likes and shit on his gay-ass tweets with his Fights with ex-boyfriends left and right and it's like his entire life is just fighting with ex-boyfriends While being called a pedophile because everyone that likes your tweets has suspicious lollicon and shot icon shit on their timelines and your head honcho is a boy rapist. Like that's his life. That's all he, even if he was completely innocent, he's never done anything. The people around him are so disgusting that he doesn't even want to hang out with them. When he sees them in public, he takes the pictures of his closest allies, puts them on telegram and says, don't ever go public again. Cause you're fat and slovenly and you disgust me and I hate you. And those are his words to his biggest fans that come out to see him in person. He says, you disgust me. Fuck you. 1:32:20 Unknown_19: So he plays like Valorant, the most paused game ever created with Beardson, and that's it. The rest of his life is in hiding. He doesn't even like the people that are around him. He can't even stand them. And he gets in a gay public slap fight, says Apple 008 on Twitter with Baked Alaska because he's craving those McNuggies. 1:32:53 Unknown_19: If I was Nick Fuentes, I would blow my fucking brains out. I don't think I could be able to like, how do you unfuck your life as Nick Fuentes? There's no path forward. He's just like, he's just a faggot and he'll always be a faggot and nobody can help him. He can't help himself and it's just over. Unknown_20: Um, there are more back and forth. Unknown_19: He's talking about the Kiwi, the evil Kiwi shrines. That's actually the first is Nick Fuentes. I think this is the first time that he's ever, 1:33:26 Unknown_19: publicly said the name Kiwi. I can't think of another time. He usually just pretends the form doesn't exist because it pisses him off so much, but now I guess he's cracking on that. Unknown_19: Um, just remember when you call out pedophile Nick Fuentes, it will try to ruin your life. Lamel and the Nick says, we did, we fall out because you called me out or because you were crying that I didn't introduce you to the celebrity. This is you calling me out by the way, lying rat. You are such a disgusting piece of shit and a disgrace. 1:34:02 Unknown_19: Um, I think this is bake says. Unknown_19: Bleach asks, why are people saying was a new bake says that was a meme. Lamel Twitter sucks says the facts are so screwy. Yoba says he was, uh, said he knew something happened between them, but didn't know the specifics. Unknown_19: Yoba says, I didn't know anything happened at all. Me and Nick knew zero and Percival says was, uh, is the one who linked up Milo with smiley. So this is about the Alexander molestation shit. 1:34:36 Unknown_19: And then black swan who's another America first guy says I can testify that I saw Nick's first reaction to the info when Milo posted it He had no idea about Smiley and Ali until he heard Smiley on that video Milo posted same as the rest of us even if that's true Unknown_19: then why is Ali still in the organization? Why is he running Twitter accounts? Why is he still around? Like he demonstrably is. He's in the shadows. Nick has kept him around for his loyalty, I guess. But why is Nick gonna even bother to run this defense that he had no idea, when now that he clearly does know, he still keeps him around? Well, just say you knew the whole fucking time. Who gives a shit? Just say, like, if literally just come like your audience is the most gullible retard people on the fucking planet. Nobody in America first is going to be like, well, just be he knew about the boy getting sexually harassed by Alexander. So I can't support him anymore. Like literally just say if the cost of America first succeeding is a couple of young boys getting raped by Alexander, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Just say that. Just be honest. Why lie? Why lie and do the whole charade and say, I didn't know, but then also keep them around anyway. Just lying. Just tell the truth and say you don't give a fuck. 1:35:22 Unknown_19: And a thousand boys have to get butt fucked by a pedophile Muslim, you know, for America first for Nick Fuentes to be friends with Elon Musk and and Kanye West. Just say that. 1:35:59 Unknown_19: I don't I don't get the big deal. Nobody cares. Nobody. Nobody who's relevant to Nick Fuentes cares about this. Unknown_20: Very bizarre. Unknown_20: Why are we telling Nick to get rid of all Allie over and over again, except they had faggot sex together already? Unknown_19: Oh, well, maybe that's the case. I don't know about that. Apple then puts him on the star of David, despite having him in his organization for six years. And despite him saying that he's friends with some of the biggest Jews in the world, including including Laura Loomer, who he cites as one of his best friends in the entire universe. 1:36:35 Unknown_19: Big says sure. I'll have Ethan Ralph set up a space this week and Nick says not my space tonight or forget it You'll be exposed either way. So it's up to you how to respond on the stream tonight That is a fit. That is a literal line straight out of the Fed playbook Unknown_19: When they have you in that interrogation room, and they're trying to get you not to walk out or lawyer up, they say, well, the evidence that we have, Federal Detective John Smith investigating this homicide, the evidence that we have is pretty incriminating right now, and we already can place you at certain spaces that make you look pretty bad, so we're definitely looking into you in this case. However, you know you can leave right now. We can't detain you, but if you want to get your story out This is the time to do it. We can help you if you're willing to tell us your side, and it's like nah fed boy Nice try they might have pulled that shit on you when they had you chained up and waterboarded after January 6, but that shit Right out of right out of the what do they call it? 1:37:08 Unknown_19: Watch true crime. I should know this. What's the thing called the the the protocol that they use to try and convince a suspect into giving up information and confessing The Stand for it Name for police interrogation 1:37:49 Unknown_19: read technique, the read technique, he's trying to employ the read technique by by saying this is your opportunity. This is your opportunity to set your name straight now. But I warned you, we already have all the evidence. Unknown_19: All you can do is help yourself by speaking to us that boy. And Nick Nick Valente is going to criminal justice school learning the read technique. I'm telling you calling you out motherfucker. I know. Unknown_19: Bakes says, my invitation still stands for Nick to debate me on the kill stream or any other show, but he's too much of a coward to do so, been dodging me for months, don't let him fool you. Bakes says, is that gonna go to your hug box pre-screen space? Well, now Ralph will host pussy. And then Nick also says, nah, get fucked. And by the way, if you're, if you're a, God, he's like cry typing this, nah, you're fucked. 1:38:28 Unknown_18: And by the way, if you're alone with him, the gripers will treat you like he's treated us since you're allies. Don't complain with moral high ground that happens. Unknown_19: And then he drops the bomb. He takes the mugshot picture of the man that he's been friends with for over six years. And he says that he is a pedo file or what? Because of what happened with, um, that guy still is. What's his name? Charlotte. What happened to Charlotte? Which I don't know. Cause the forum did not actually clip that. 1:39:04 Unknown_19: So I just want to point out that let's say, and I don't know Yoba. I don't, I don't have, I'm not a friend of his. I don't have any reason to defend him. Let's say for the sake of argument that Yoba is in fact a big dang dirty pedo because of what he allegedly did to someone named shallot. Unknown_19: Isn't it curious chat. That now, now that Baked Alaska no longer serves his purpose to derpier her, derpur her, Nick Fuentes, that suddenly Nick Fuentes has issue with the terrible evil things that Baked Alaska allegedly did to someone named Shallot. Isn't it shocking that Nick Fuentes, who had no idea about the things that Allie Alexander were doing, despite the fact that Allie Alexander is still involved in America First, until those came to light by Milo Yiannopoulos, Now also suddenly knows about things that baked Alaska who was friends with for six years and apparently during the time that this happened Suddenly is able to drop the dirt on baked Alaska as well. It's almost as if 1:39:49 Unknown_19: Big Nick Fuentes has realized that if he gets a bunch of horny men together they will start and and Rationalizes like hunting for 16 year old trad GFs, and he just gets them in a room together They will immediately start doing illegal things that he can keep tabs on and keep as blackmail information So that when the time comes to recover his own ass he can start calling them pedophiles It's kind of strange how it acts like that how it pans out like that chat. I 1:40:37 Unknown_19: It's just the most fucking conniving shit ever and then they wonder they wonder Why is it that our organization has? no momentum Why is it that that? Unknown_19: people hate us. Why can't, why does all, why do all the serious people that could associate with our organization drop out? Why does the Kiwi farms make fun of us? They just, they cope and see that are like, this has to be like a conspiracy of Jewish trannies or some shit. And it's like, no, it's because you're a bunch of creepy weirdos who want to have sex with like 13 year olds. You're obsessed with virginity and purity. 1:41:08 Unknown_19: And you do it under the guise of trying to save the white race when really you're just creepy weirdos and you keep dirt on each other like Milo Yiannopoulos says who is one of the grossest fucking people in the sector who's been around since gamergate and has always been disgusting and skeeves me out and Nick went is just acts exactly like him Unknown_19: I hope that by now all the lost boys who are involved in America First have already left. I hope that all the people still involved are just like unsalvageable. And when they all get rounded up and executed by the government for their crimes, nobody worth a shit will be entangled in the mess. I hope that they get out of it. 1:41:42 Unknown_19: If you're a lost boy, and you're not a creepy weirdo, and you somehow hear this message, this is your sign. You've been looking for a sign that you're in a cult, a pedophile cult, and you gotta get out. This is your sign. Get the fuck out. You can still get out. There's still time. Unknown_20: Read that. I see a bunch of followers. 1:42:24 Unknown_19: He's now rolled out an account named Tim GNA, which is in his name called baked Alaska as a pedophile at the same image This guy says you're a legitimate idiot big found out and hit skip Meanwhile, the entire clip you're crying about is lowering the in cage at age of consent pick someone smarter to reply. You don't cut it This is the cope is nonsensical Tim experience sexual attraction to a child Tim then made aggressive sexual advances upon a child You cannot take that back a pedal house. Can you say I never mind then? No one will be a pedophile especially not on camera What is he talking about? I wish I'm gonna yell. Unknown_20: I'm gonna yell my chat again Let's see Unknown_20: Doesn't look like anyone found. Unknown_19: It looks like my chat is still useless. Unknown_19: Sad, shameful. 1:43:14 Unknown_20: Ooh. Unknown_20: Can't believe they filmed. Does anyone have this? I would love to know what the fuck they're talking about. Unknown_20: No, hold up. Unknown_00: I am. Unknown_20: I'm extremely disappointed. I have several. 1:43:47 Unknown_20: There are two clips of that in the baked Alaska thread. Okay. Let's look. Unknown_20: Where is this video? It's not on this page. Unknown_20: There's one more page. Is it in this one? Unknown_20: The data on the site is working very sneatly. Unknown_20: There is no clip of this. Unknown_20: This guy says that they're in the thread, but I don't see them. Let's see. Let's play this. This is 14 seconds. 1:44:26 Unknown_19: Won't be a waste of time either way. I mean, why is there a 13 year old? Unknown_21: I want to lose. 1:44:57 Unknown_19: I don't know like he says she says she's 13 and then he immediately like walks away from her as opposed to Zorka who like Continued to hit on those 13 year olds and then Zorka, of course is welcome in America first He's a member of it and nobody calls him a pedophile. That's just okay It's a key frames that PL right now It's a little bit sus I'm not gonna lie But I mean she is out in this fucking convention, which she has no business being in to be honest with you. Unknown_20: I Unknown_20: Where are the parents? Unknown_19: Yeah, it's creepy, but I mean, the issue is like, OK, yes, if this was like a normal person, you can look at this and say, yeah, it's a little bit creepy. The issue that America first has is that anything like this is put on blast in America first. You have those clips of Zirka outright saying that he's a pedophile that would fuck a 13 year old because he's a Muslim giga Chad. And then he's an active member of America First, he goes into their chat, he calls himself a pedophile, and they're all like, that's base, that's hella base. And then those same people then go on Twitter, and they post lollicon and shit of like actual children, like obviously prepubescent children, and they just openly call themselves pedophiles. And I'm supposed to take that Nick Fuentes, who is surrounded by pedophiles, who openly employs Ali Alexander to this day, to run the AF Post. a person who was caught and admitted to sexting underage boys because he's a gay Muslim pedophile. And then I'm supposed to take that Nick Fuentes posturing about, um, baked Alaska hitting on a 13 year old, getting that she's 13 and then walking away. And I'm supposed to like take his side on that. Like, absolutely not. Um, 1:46:16 Unknown_19: I really fucking hate Nick Fuentes. It's one of those things where I just have to sit and wait for the day that I see Nick Fuentes get eaten alive, because that day is going to come. There's a lot of days where I see people eat shit, and I know that, and I'm gratified by watching this in real time. Actually, I skipped over something that I wanted to show, to be honest. 1:46:53 Unknown_20: Where is this? Unknown_20: What's this link? It's better not be a screamer. Oh God, how do I mute it? Can I mute this tab before it loads? Yes. Unknown_19: Okay. Mute tab. Unknown_19: Then it doesn't load. Oh, let me find this really, really. Oh, okay. I did find it. Oh, this is a longer clip. Unknown_19: Why is this? Unknown_20: It looks like the same clip, but it's a little bit longer. Why is it longer? Hold up chat. We're going to get to the bottom of this. 1:47:30 Unknown_20: Cat box is like fucking chugging right now Oh, by the way the that Teddy Fieser guy, oh man, I don't even know if I want to show this on screen On the topic of America first and Teddy Fieser Who was like a Nick Fuentes sycophant, but he's not even like in America first yet Unknown_19: Like, he was watching some Lolicon incest anime. He was like, oh, this is why anime gets a bad rap right here. This is why it gets a bad rap. But then he's just watching the entire fucking thing, and he's like saying, yeah, Lolicon, Shotokan, incest, this is why anime gets its reputation. He's just watching the whole fucking thing on stream. 1:48:06 Unknown_19: And that's America First. Okay, here's what I wanted to show. I somehow skipped over this. Unknown_19: And then I'll play the whole thing with, uh, Baked Alaska, the 26 second clips of the 14 one in a second. Unknown_19: So... Leafy, the fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' guy, um, published a new picture of himself. 1:48:44 Unknown_19: And he's fat. I guess he assumed that if he tried to grow out his facial hair and got a chin by getting a double chin, Unknown_19: He would have more of a chin, and people wouldn't bully him as much. But even Keffels, who is also fat, comes out and dabs on him. Leafy twink death is a sight to behold. Every millennial male who dressed like Leafy when they were a teenager is either a woman now or looks like they're a manager at a hardware store. And then Turkey Tom replied with this wonderful picture of Keffels to try and maybe compare what he's saying about Leafy with his own visage. And the comments are pretty funny. The comments that this guy clipped out are pretty funny. 1:49:18 Unknown_19: Uh, actual goblin body, pure ghoulish bone frame. Oh, Jesus Christ. Nah, that's crazy. LMAO. It's the same photo. Mother of God. Leafy was playing both sides at the same time. Looks like the old dudes who show up early to metal concerts already drunk. Unknown_19: uh is this a dude what the fuck yes julian posts a picture from a very familiar stream that i somewhat recognize of keffels in proper dolphin mode which is very impressive not many people can achieve dolphin mode i think i even made a joke during the stream about how 1:49:55 Unknown_19: In that South Park episode with Randy Marsh becoming trans dolphin It's like Keffel's transgender and also like a parody of tranny's his trans dolphin. It's really It's really remarkable how much fiction reality collide now Unknown_19: First thing I thought when I saw this post is a common hunch. It's the common hunch Josh pointed out. Hello You with the weird? Japanese name Mick Mick Keon. I see you motherfucker bro turn into the Apple Store guy at limao But the point of this is that Keffel's got ratio turkeys Tom tweets got 9,000 likes this one. We got 7,000 1:50:34 Unknown_19: I like seeing keffels get ratio that was his entire life for years was just retweeting evil transphobes on the most curated gay dating site on the entire world which is known as twitter.com now X and saying haha ratioed because anybody that would possibly like the other tweets already fucking banned for for not being not willing to suck tranny dick and then saying ratioed and now in this day and age on X Unknown_19: As Keffels has fallen into obscurity as like a drug addict eunuch. Unknown_19: He cannot ratio anymore. And even Turkey Tom can ratio. Okay, listen. Here's the other clip of Baked Alaska. I'll play the entire thing now. Unknown_21: They said grab her by the pussy. Well, she's a cat, so... No. I'm saying touch. That's equivalent, you know? 1:51:29 Unknown_12: Are you single? Unknown_02: Can I get your number? Unknown_21: No? Damn, why not? She's 16! No, that's a lie. Really? Unknown_19: And I probably, probably should have asked that first before pulling the Trump card on her. That's a bit of a fuck up, bro. Unknown_19: But look how young Baked Alaska is in this. Unknown_19: Nick Fuentes sat on this clip for literally six years waiting for the day that he would have a purpose to turn this on him and call him a pedophile so that he could try to fuck up his whole life for daring to walk out of his cult. 1:52:12 Unknown_19: What a piece of shit. This is the fate of anybody associated with America First. Unknown_20: Get used to it. Unknown_20: Yeah, I don't know. I'm not going to say anything. Unknown_19: I'm smart enough to not say shit. I'm not even going there. He definitely should have asked first, though. This could be avoided, by the way. Just not randomly sexually harassing random women at conventions. Unknown_19: Which is how I live my life completely uncan- Oh, I'm cancelled for many reasons, but nobody's ever accused me of sexually harassing them, because I'm smart enough not to do that. I managed to dodge these bullets by not being in the firing line at all. I'm a real genius. I'm a savant. I'm ahead of my time. 1:52:47 Unknown_19: Learn from me. Learn from me, children. Learn from me, Turkey Tom. Unknown_19: Don't become outed as a sex pest, because you're in the firing range. You gotta stay out of it. Unknown_19: Nobody's ever done an Ed Josh Cora song of the We Love Our Cops or Law Enforcement's and I find this to be depressing. I feel like it could have been done by now. This would be the perfect time to play We Love Our Cops or Law Enforcement's, a song by yours truly, but unfortunately does not exist, so. 1:53:24 Unknown_19: Such is life. Unknown_19: Uh, okay, I'm done. Actually, no, there's one more thing. I was going to play an outro song, but before I do that, uh, before I, I'll do the super chats and then I'll do my little non sequitur about music. I'll save that cause then it doesn't make sense out of context. Unknown_19: Uh, let us put us into the green mode. We do the green mode. We do a little greening. Unknown_20: Where's my green mode at? 1:53:58 Unknown_19: Um, okay. So now I'm going to be reading from three different sites. I'll do donation alerts first, even though I asked people to use rumble this time, we'll see how that goes. Unknown_20: Yes. I am still over 13 years old. Donation alerts. Thank you very much. Unknown_19: What's also scary about donation alerts is that I sign in with my Man of the Internet YouTube account, which is banned So I don't know if that's gonna stop working at some point because it's a banned account I'm not sure how that works. I didn't get the fuck off of this though Which is unfortunate because I like that they tolerated me, but I asked them about like cryptocurrency payouts And they just said it's not possible, so I don't really have a choice 1:54:43 Unknown_19: Pope Urban for 20 says reddit.com link to Alpha Chan. Let's see what this is. Hopefully this isn't annoying as fuck. Unknown_19: Oh, I know. This isn't. People kept asking me to play this. I don't know why. It's like the most grating annoying thing ever. This is proof that AI shit is about to be regulated to the fucking ground, by the way. Unknown_14: You will eat the bugs. Yum yum. Unknown_14: That's Lena Holmes so good. Unknown_14: POPULATION CONTROL! YAVOL! YAVOL! YAVOL! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE! I DESPISE YOU! 1:55:19 Unknown_19: Winky Tom for five says hi Josh for a safe work site You sure have a lot of people constantly talking about black dick and gay sex and those threads. Yes, I do It's because most of the users on my site are American and they can't help it blame the blame society Unknown_19: Sketzo or skitou for 550 says hi Josh love the stream. I asked you for career advice I am now a professional DJ. I get great pay and my popularity is spreading fast I have to prepare two times three two hour sets and to do some set to do some 3mc for creativity Took too much and I had been awake for 48 hours straight making sick music. Love you. I 1:55:56 Unknown_19: Fascinating I don't think I ever I don't remember ever recommending someone become a DJ and do Drugs, but I'm glad that shit's working out for you. Good luck. Good luck with that my boy Unknown_19: Randy Butternubs for 15 says, hi there, Josh. Thanks a boatload for accompanying me on my drive to work five days out of the week with the help of archives. Her video game streams are also the best ones to fall asleep to because there aren't ads playing every 10 minutes. Here's 15 big ones on me. Cheers, my dude. You got to figure out that ad block, man. I'm telling you, it's your moral. I'm telling you, bro, that's your moral prerogative to block ads every time, every second. that you listen to an ad is literally the most greasy, pot-bellied goblin you've ever seen taking a needle and threading it through the gray matter in your skull. Every second that you allow that to occur is them sewing your mind in their design. Total advertiser death is what I'm calling for right here, right now. Total and utter destruction of every form of advertising on the planet. 1:57:11 Unknown_19: Thank you, though rabies the redneck for five says my first PC build won't start but the lights turn on the CPU is okay Praise God, I pray he grants me the insight to fix this I'll post updates on my Kiwi farms thread take my favorite present Protestant song for Orthodox friends in any enchantment It's uplifting all the same. I'll read out the name of it, but I'm not gonna play it. I'm sorry This video isn't available anymore so I can't do that. I'm sorry if the lights turn on 1:57:47 Unknown_19: then that means that the motherboard is okay. It's probably a video, a video issue when my, my computer, I want to say it didn't turn on at all. And the reason why is the, the, the memory, whatever reason the memory is required for the motherboard to like even flashlights or anything. So, um, I want to check that. Unknown_20: I don't, I don't know how computers work. I lied. Unknown_19: Okay, on Rumble, actually, let's do Odyssey first because they're shorter. 1:58:22 Unknown_19: Datadat for 10 says, heart, heart, heart, Jewish flag, times five, and then three more hearts. Thank you very much. I also love Israel. Rickenbacker for 10 says, I know it's a reach, but do you remember the name of a Russian song you played a long time ago that had a music video with an old man living in the old apartment with a lot of other people? Of course I remember that. Unknown_18: Now that I said that, I'm not gonna remember it. I know exactly what you're talking about. Unknown_19: It's uh, is it chelovic a katusha cut to it right chelovic Well, koshka not katusha by I'll put I'll put this on the screen cuz I know exactly what you're talking by This guy yeah, hold up He's not Russian by the way, he's Ukrainian 1:59:20 Unknown_20: Yeah, this is it. Um, there's a better quality of this song actually. His name is like... Yeah, this. Unknown_20: Okay, here, I'll play a section of it. I love this song. It's one of my favorite Russian songs, so I will show it for you. Unknown_19: What the fuck is this? This is the version by Grupa Nol and this is not the version this guy's name is like Sergey or something and they took the video that he did which is a great video and they put the fucking The Grupa Nol version on it. Where the fuck is the original? 2:00:00 Unknown_19: I'm so pissed. You know, it's hard to find on YouTube is the issue Unknown_19: You might have to look on VK. I'm gonna find this right fucking now. I'm losing my fucking mind Vk.com. I remember I went on this hunt before I couldn't find it on YouTube and then I found it by searching it on yandex I'm pissed I'm sneezing right now. Unknown_20: Why can I not search this? Unknown_20: Okay, yandex help me it's my Sergei No, let's group a no don't want that 2:00:38 Unknown_20: Oh here, okay Okay, you were on Odyssey if I can find this this is on okay, which is another Russian social media site Yeah, this looks right play please God be right Unknown_20: His name is Sergey Garmash, and this is a... Chelyabinsk. Unknown_19: Play this. Unknown_19: And I'll post the link in the, um, the Odyssey chat in a second. Unknown_20: But I love the song, though. I do want to play a second of it. Unknown_20: What the fuck? 2:01:35 Unknown_19: growl into mic it's very cute and the original song is great too all right there you go you sent me down my music rabbit hole um yeah your money's worth motherfucker Unknown_19: Sample text for five says Josh if you want to get into IP abolitionism I'd recommend libertarian and cap theory on the subject of Stephan Kinsella's against intellectual property or Baldwin Levine's against intellectual monopoly Both are free to read online and examine why IP is bullshit from a free market perspective. It is bullshit from free market perspective I don't need to be informed on that Unknown_19: But I'll reread that that's a Deathen can sell us against intellectual property in Baldwin Levine's against intellectual monopoly Which are free to read online because it would make sense that they are Fennel Hungarian imperialist for five says I completely forgot there was a stream today and just coincidentally went to watch a replay right as you started Well, congratulations. I'm making it motherfucker Coco for prices Josh Ralph's a brother escaped from the asylum and is going by Mike, please I swear he looks like he's blood-related 2:02:35 Unknown_19: Okay, I'll play it like a second of this. Unknown_20: He does look a little bit related, doesn't he? Unknown_07: Is he from Virginia? Unknown_19: Doesn't say where he's from, you know expect if you're trying to sell. Oh wait here. Here's Mike's a golf shop. Let's see Let's see if this is Virginia also doesn't have the address listed Oh 2:03:16 Unknown_19: Yeah, but yeah, like, oh, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Well, she, man, I think if I do remember correctly, my boy Ethan Ralph is from a little city called Memphis 10. Uh, so, uh, I'm not sure how far Chattanooga is from, from Memphis, but I think it's a small state regardless. So there is a good chance that they're, they're related. 2:03:50 Unknown_19: By the way, I've decided that if Ralph and I are on good terms, he'll be Ethan Ralph from Memphis, Tennessee, and if we're not on good terms, he'll be Ethan Ralph from West Memphis, Arkansas. Unknown_19: This is how you'll be able to determine where we are currently aligned. That'll be my tell. Unknown_19: There we go. There's mics. Thanks, brother. Unknown_19: Neighbor for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi daimo Please set up crypto based super jet so I'll never have to use the shittiest site ever again and any Tengu owned payment processors I Know there's a guy that has like a Monero based one that could set up by Luke Smith. I'll look into it I know he's saying that but like My dude, I am drowning in shit right now. There's literally 8,000 things I could be doing right now. I 2:04:32 Unknown_19: I'm trying not to burden myself anymore. I really don't know like how many people would use Manero if you're like a Manero Person and you don't donate to the stream or don't super chat or whatever because you cannot donate in Manero send me an email or if you Let me know I'm curious to see if it's worth the time Unknown_19: Hungarian imperialist for five says any cone or board after 1983 can't compile all they know is swill and charge their Amazon Alexa groom kids on discord be pansexual and cut their dick and act Which is a completely totally factually based message. Thank you 2:05:15 Unknown_19: Hungarian imperialist for five also says Josh core is just an elaborate hoax to upload your real karaoke's without anyone making fun of you for it I can tell how vanilla is an authentic Josh cover expressing your sincere love of Israel and his people It could be there's a very good chance that this is all an elaborate hoax to make it so I can publish my music without being ridiculed Thank you Unknown_19: Sockpuppet Sam for $20 says frowny face. How are you gonna reference Katrina without playing the Bush hates black people video? Well, I didn't want to go off on a huge diet show about Katrina, but since you're paying me to sure let's watch An old classic vintage Kanye West clip of the city has changed dramatically tragically and perhaps irreversibly there's now over 25 feet of water where there was one city streets and thriving neighborhoods and 2:06:03 Unknown_16: I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they're looking for food. And you know it's been five days because most of the people are black. And even for me to complain about, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the TV because it's too hard to watch. I've even been shopping before, even giving a donation. So now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what is the biggest amount I can give. And just to imagine if I was down there, and those are my people down there. So anybody out there that wants to do anything that we can help with the setup, the way America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off, as slow as possible. I mean, Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of the people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way, and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us. 2:06:41 Unknown_12: And subtle, but in even many ways more profoundly devastating, is the lasting damage to the survivor's will to rebuild and remain in the area. The destruction of the spirit of the people of southern Louisiana and Mississippi may end up being the most tragic loss of all. 2:07:22 Unknown_16: George Bush doesn't care about black people. Please call... Have that look. Unknown_09: In the past few days, Unknown_19: What's really funny is that, um, God, there are so many, we're going to, okay. Us, us millennials are going to have to get together and archive all the funny shit that happened. Like when the internet was too young to have viral memes. Uh, Katrina was a great source of memes. Uh, I'm already referenced. You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie. Cause after, um, 2:07:56 Unknown_19: When the hurricane hit and the dams broke and New Orleans was flooded and shit, it was a fucking catastrophe. It destroyed the city and people were really, really angry because FEMA was slow to mobilize and get people help. Basically, criminals were running around, everything was being looted, it was a hot piece of shit. And then, of course, Brownie, who was someone named Brown, I don't know if it was Brownie or Brown, but he was the FEMA director. George Bush comes down from D.C. to see the floods, meets with the FEMA director, and then on television says, you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie, which was ironic because he was completely failing to get people the help they needed. And the other here's another spicy meme from Katrina is that. 2:08:34 Unknown_19: Remember a black woman on TV, Sean, where's FEMA at with my trailer? Because they were handing out these like trailers to people and the trailers also were gifts that keep on getting because keep on giving because not only did they beg and demand free trailers from FEMA because their houses were flooded and they didn't have any insurance or anything. Um, but when they got them, the trailers were made as cheaply as humanly possible because they're mass produced for, uh, emergencies. And then obviously you're supposed to get the fuck out of the trailer and start living in a real house eventually. Um, that didn't happen. The black people just stayed up in the trailers. Well, the trailers were made, um, to only last for a year or two and they were made with asbestos. So a lot of people got mesothelioma from FEMA trailers that they demanded because they lived in them for longer than they should have and they started to deteriorate. So it was a big fucking, it was a big fucking mess. Katrina was a disaster. 2:09:09 Unknown_19: And the emergency response was pitiful, and the human beings in that city were monsters during it. It was an actual catastrophe, and so many younglings won't understand the mirth of the 24-hour news cycle following Katrina, because it was hysterical. 2:09:56 Unknown_19: Thank you. Don't know Hungarian imperialist for five says my grandfather was killed on casual Friday in Treblinka and the guard on duty was wearing a banana costume I can't believe fortnight would allow people to reenact the murder of my dear grandpa who's only four years old at the time It is tragic. It's a it's really insensitive as we know that the Shitstaffel who staffed these terrible facilities often wore humiliating cosmetic items that Hitler allowed them to purchase with Reich bucks and And then they would wear these ridiculous costumes as they guarded the camps so that there would be a loss of morale due to the clown costumes that so many of them were wearing. It was really terrible. It's all documented in some of the very gripping tales that are in the Holocaust museums these days. 2:10:38 Unknown_19: Federal Hungarian imperialist for five says go to work boss demands you to Do the wagyu dance to show your loyalty to the company and go to unwind TV demands you do the consumer dance to show your loyalty to the company very true There's no fucking way you could get me to dance There's nothing that you could pay me to get me to dance for your amusement. I would leave I don't care if i'm starving i'm getting the fuck out of there Unknown_19: And then did nothing wrong for 10 says you mentioned before how text censorship causes unlikely alliances to form the turf FedEverse and since Spencer XYZ was set up with the assistance of gab employee at the time of be killer who was refusing to federate with gab I did not know that Andrew Corbin needs to needs to Repent for his crimes against the Kiwi farms and allow me to have my account I did not know that though. Thank you Eugene Greenbeard for five says I recommend reading Henry Ford's international Jew. If you haven't chapter four is a couple of paragraphs on the origins of advertising, which are very illuminating. The section in question starts with the Jew as the records for century show or a peak, a king people in trade. Great show today. Thank you. Um, for whatever reason I was, 2:11:33 Unknown_19: alerted that Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation, was virulently anti-Semitic. And I don't know how I managed to avoid this knowledge for so long, but thankfully, thanks to Wikipedia, I was able to learn that Martin Luther has written extensively about this topic, and 2:12:12 Unknown_19: They desperately tried to explain it as him being upset that he couldn't convert Jewish people, and then try to say that it was like he lost his mind with age or something. Because in the early life of Martin Luther, he was very pro-converting Jews. And then at the end of his life, he was one of the most extreme anti-Semitics in world history. It goes back and forth on if Martin Luther inspired Nazis or as the Nazis started using his writings After they took over like post hoc. It was a very interesting Wikipedia article But I haven't I haven't actually read the works I'll never read such a thing Rumble ice Mexican pretend says Fuentes cries incessantly about how he's constantly the platform and censored yet The Kiwi farms is literally sneed and you did off the internet every time we come up here and I never see you crying I am filled with with absolute resolve my friend I know I'm in the right and one day we will sneed and we will see and we will feed and we will probably never be given the the credit that we are owed for our struggle and 2:12:57 Unknown_19: Her on burger, this is the only one you get says a love of the warning you put on dens post that on the Maya the wolf Oh fuck. I forgot about that Yeah, that's not that's not okay I can't avoid this I have to go back we have to find this hold on Unknown_20: React we're exiting the green mode. Unknown_19: This is bonus content for everybody who sticks around for the the super chat segment Donna Where is this is this in the trune thread? 2:14:11 Unknown_20: Where is this? Unknown_20: Okay, I think I found it Unknown_20: Alright, so, here's a little known fact, I have to be careful with how I talk about this. Unknown_19: Years ago, there was a meme of a tranny, or a dude standing on a pier, and he's being interviewed by the television, and he says, on every way except physical, I am a wolf. Unknown_19: This guy later became a tranny named Naya Wolf. 2:14:46 Unknown_19: Naya wolf for whatever reason believes he's and he is like a Hacking god or something and he's like in a relationship with another tranny and they were working on deplatforming the Kiwi farms He wrote up one of the the letters saying that we hosted child pornography and animal crush which is factually incorrect and and was partly responsible for being engaged with Liz fong jones directly at some point they broke off and Naya or whatever the final know if I his name is but the wolf is like Unknown_19: Um just obsessed with her telegram for whatever reason like really obsessed with the telegram I don't know what the fascination is. He posted his suicide note. I don't know if he's dead I I pray I hope and pray that Niall Wolf is found Okay, because I don't want to deal with the bullshit if he's dead um, but he says Unknown_19: I am ending my life today. The reasons for this are numerous and have to deal with the accumulation of intense pain that has built over the last several months. I am a terrible human being, and I managed to absolutely emotionally destroy the woman that I loved more than life itself, to the point where she views me as nothing more than an emotional parasite and liability. She is Correct, and I am not writing this in order to extract any sympathy for me as I deserve none, but instead so that my last wishes are executed faithfully and in accordance with what I want. I am a deeply flawed and broken human being, and I am done causing those I love to suffer, to fix myself, 2:15:58 Unknown_19: And imagine somehow ending up happy life, including them when it feels to be impossible. If you are the person I regret hurting, know that this is my fault and not your own. As and as a selfish as this may seem to say, the one thing you can do for me is to survive and try to live your best life. You are loved by me and many others. You are a wonderful person and you gave your all for me. 2:16:31 Unknown_19: Despite how broken I am. This is really gross, cringe manipulation, by the way. Um, this is obviously designed to like try and make someone feel bad. I know it's saying the opposite, but that's the point. It's like, I'm totally not trying to make you feel bad for murdering me by not letting me suck your girl dick, but you murdered me. And I'm such a good person that I won't even dare say that you murdered me. You murder don't feel bad. 2:17:15 Unknown_19: I cannot fault you for not being able to do it anymore. I love you and I want nothing but the best for you. Regarding the circumstances of my death, I'll be making a best effort attempt to ensure my body is not discoverable by accident so that I do not cause any additional inadvertent trauma to those I do not know. Federal and local authorities will be able to find it by locating my phone. Unknown_19: Note to colleagues, a best effort attempt has been made to destroy all confidential and classified material prior to writing this message. Please consider seizure and secure disposal of my electronic devices to ensure proper destruction of information. Unknown_19: Are a group of individuals that I had pre-arranged with to handle my final affairs I asked that they follow the instructions below carefully one all financial assets and property are to be split equally between my parents and Alexandra Alexandra I assume is the other true and If he was really repentant, he would give it all to me Number two all active criminal cases. I've been working on and have been notated on I do not have a successor who can take over my work in this area Please destroy any work products. I don't know what that means. I don't know what he does. I 2:18:05 Unknown_19: My technical executor should follow the last copy of the pre-distributed digital legacy instructions given to them and for please Take care of my family and friends and try to give that the happiness. I never did I hope the next universe isn't as broken as this one. See you there. Naya Shiro Okamai aka Rika shadow of Farooda Unknown_19: Wow, what a hard-hitting writing or whatever the fuck. I'm sure that He is very sincere and not just trying to get sympathy for the shit that he does Very sincere. It felt very sincere to me chat. That's if I had to pick a word for that that note I just read Sincere is the word that I that I come up with not to be confused with sincere The creepy weirdo who plays too much Fallout 76 and tweets about the Kiwi farms approximately a hundred times a day every day Because that is an entire life but sincere as in the actual dictionary definition of sincerity Now we're back to show mojo 2:18:50 Unknown_19: No swap for two says howdy Josh I am looking to buy silver. What are some reputable places to purchase? I don't fucking know because I don't know what country you're in. I don't know what sites there are reputable. So I I would I Don't know where I would suggest you look to be honest with you. Just do your own research Maybe ask the silver bugs on Wall Street silver on reddit if you ever read an account. I 2:19:24 Unknown_19: Red crab rad a crab for 10 says your ranch on the decay of society and leaving the future to the incompetent young Reminds me of the film Brazil the thinking man's idiocracy I've never heard of the film Brazil, but we all know how terrible Brazil is so might be worth a watch 2:19:58 Unknown_19: Boxes for ten says would you recommend then learning from these still living fossils in tech? If you can get an old guy in tech to like teach you about how computers actually work like if you're in you know comp sci class and you're your professor Unknown_19: like an actual veteran of the industry is like six years old and remembers shit back in the 80s and You know using floppy disk and was working with like old systems like that. He's definitely worth making friends with like those people have Actual power in the industry is they know how they know people they know people they know some of the most important people in the field 2:20:37 Unknown_19: One of my biggest detriments to who I am is that I didn't go to school in like a reputable I didn't go to like um a reputable like comp sci school or like Virginia tech or any of the other ones so I don't I don't know anybody in the industry really I have to like Rip and tear my way to anything that I want. I don't have any help. I Unknown_19: Sprinkle tard for $100 has found his way over to rumble. He says butthole ears I have not a fucking clue what butthole beers ears means, but thank you very much I hope that whatever I'm saying is not a bad thing Gig a cake for five says today's 808. It's war day. Give us your best burp Why is eight out of eight Unknown_19: Oh, because of the word aid. Oh my god. Dude, Vorophiles are fucking weird. They're the weirdest fucking people on the planet. If you meet somebody and they say they're into Vor, run. 2:21:26 Unknown_19: If you learn nothing else from me, stay away from Vorophiles. Just get the fuck out. Unknown_19: Foxes for five says, I'm not giving you a word, fuck off. Foxes for five says, they be null bites, you faggot. Unknown_20: Okay. Thank you. Unknown_20: Ronberger for one says, 2:21:57 Unknown_20: No, no, there's a little bit that pepper pepper me if I'm notional today. Unknown_19: No, no, no, there's no listen to percent pigeon chunks for whatever suffers. Thank you, Robert Remember for once is about has brought to you. I'm a light some more time for the middle of draft Thank you, I'm Robert Remember for once this day's podcast brought to you by better help on six plane. Thank you for on burger As I guess for two says thanks again for the stream Josh grab yourself $2 of high fructose corn syrup on me Don't think they import that over here Unknown_19: Pico says that copyright should work like how it works classical music where you can anyone to make a cover But your own specific covers and Netflix and copy and paste your recording, but they can easily make their own I mean, that's how it works for certain things and fair use I mean it is a question of like 2:22:48 Unknown_19: for really large investments like movies. How do you secure the movie? Unknown_19: But I mean, movie theaters do a great job of that already. If you just release to a movie theater or to specific streaming, I mean, streaming platforms get ripped, but with movie theaters, you have like a basic guarantee. Most people who want to go watch a film are not going to settle for a screen recording. They're going to want to see the film in person and a high quality as it's meant to be seen. Unknown_19: Like with films just by having that release date being you know limited to audiences are basically guaranteeing that you're gonna get some money that way a Holy hell for three and if the main issues that that movie producers have today is that movies are shit unless you can like Force people to pay money based, you know to see something. They're not going to really Because why the fuck would you want to support Disney? 2:23:37 Unknown_19: If movies were good again, people would probably pay to see them. What's the thought? Unknown_19: Holy Howl for three says keep up the work. Good work, Josh. You are my nibba. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Unknown_19: Rabbi's the Redneck for two says the song Grace Alone by the Sunday 7 p.m. Choir song is Grace Alone by the Sunday 7 p.m. Choir. If you want a I think it's one of those Orthodox chants. Unknown_19: Thank you. Unknown_19: And let me double check that I didn't miss anything. Unknown_19: Kali Yuga writer for five says Josh you're wrong about South Africa It wasn't empty Bantu's didn't settle a cape when the Dutch came, but they were indigenous Khoisan hunters who then became mixed-race coloreds Bantu's settled the area and the rest of SA stretching from Port Elizabeth to the east and then border in the desert I was told that there was some people there Which is I think there are certain areas where there was literally no one there were certain spots that nobody settled and 2:24:38 Unknown_19: Think that might be in Namibia though. I'm not actually in South Africa, but I was fact-checked about that It's like it's really it's I don't know. It was just a shitty part of the world until white people got there though Um Unknown_20: Randy butter nubs for 15 says also I want to throw my hat into the ring with the propaganda unit of your total retard war initiative, sir I already posted a clip to pick up those curious. Unknown_19: Do you have any specific two to five minute clips from the podcast? You think that would lend them some as well to a short feature animation a Thing from the podcast to animate No 2:25:25 Unknown_19: I can't think of anything to animate. I don't really go off on huge tangent tangents about anything I remember very fondly the baby dungeon clip from that one video game where I just start Stop playing the game and start laughing at it for a while. I can't think of any specific thing that would be um fun to animate though I know what you're talking about though because I know the way they animate those only play things that would be funny. I Unknown_19: I can't I really can't think of anything else on my head. Maybe someone in check and Can Contribute a thought but I can't earn them out of the internet thread Probably someone will come up with something worth animating, but on the top of my head. No, I can't And I think 2:26:07 Unknown_20: That will be it. Unknown_19: Okay. So here is my once again, we're leaving shell mode I have a little don't tip anymore, please because I uh, i'm gonna move on um the I was gonna mention I was gonna debating what to play for my outro And I was considering playing. I follow rome rome is very famous for um That song one fire about rhodesia Unknown_19: The song they released a song that was very pro-ukraine called yellow and blue Or blue and yellow and it's about it's it's a pretty decent song but it's like explicitly ukrainian and my issue with my issue with rome rome is a very good band they're from uh luxembourg or lutzenberg if you're lutzenbergish 2:27:00 Unknown_19: They're they're like alt folk I think is what they're described as and they kind of sound a little bit fashy But I don't think the guys are fashy at all. It's just how they they get a reputation do their songs about Rhodesia But my issue with them that their songs are very samey it's just the same guys vocals and like a guitar and kind of like a long melodramatic song being told and I Unknown_19: So they released a song about the Ukrainian war, and it's very repetitive and very samey. So I didn't play it. I didn't listen to it. It's okay. But then I saw they recently, like on April or August 2nd, had put out another song, two songs actually, called Our Lady of the Legion. And I think it's Das Feuer Udal, or the Fire Lord is what it's called in English. I looked it up. And these are two new songs and they're both pretty good. I'll play like a minute of it or a few seconds. 2:27:43 Unknown_00: Pretty decent. Unknown_19: Oh, he's an anarchist. Okay, whatever. But what's weird about calling him an anarchist is that his last song was yellow and blue. Unknown_19: And he changed his thing, he used that same logo, I don't know if that's like their, it has the Ukrainian pitchfork on it, the trident. It has the trident on it, which is like the symbol of Ukraine. He played it on yellow and blue, but if you don't know, that color, red and black, is the flag of the Banderist. When Bandera was trying to set up a Nazi collaborationist movement in Ukraine during World War II as a way of fighting off the Soviets, because the Ukrainians were afraid of... They hated the Russians by that point, and they were afraid of communism, so they were trying to get rid of the Russians, and Bandera tried to fight off the Soviets by allying with the Nazis. The Nazis didn't trust him, so they ultimately never set up a proper collaborationist government with Ukraine until very late into the war, where it didn't matter. But the flag of the insurgent army was red and black. Which is like a remix of the blue and yellow instead of it being a wheat field in the sky It's the the blacks fertile soil that the wheat fields grow on and then the blood that was used to defend it That's what that represents, but it's it's very strange. 2:29:04 Unknown_19: I I am forced to assume that's deliberate. It's kind of upside down but It's so strange that he would pick those colors for his Ukrainian album and then have it be the same colors as the Banderas, which was explicitly neo-Nazi, or not neo-Nazi, but not neo-Nazi, literally, they were a collaborationist government with the Nazis in World War II. 2:29:44 Unknown_19: But it's flown around by ultra-nationalists today. So it's kind of lost its edge a little bit, because it's like an accepted symbol. Because Bandera in contemporary times is seen as less of a Nazi collaborationist and more of an anti-Soviet figure. So anti-Russian, anti-Soviet, and that's why it has lost its edge as like a Nazi thing, but... It is strange. It is strange. Unknown_20: Anyways, uh, that's that. Unknown_19: I have a different song that I want to play. This one's actually a lot better. Um, this one comes from the heart. It's, uh, one of the greatest songs ever made. It's called, um, hold up. 2:30:18 Unknown_18: Oh, it's called Boulevard of Broken Dreams. See you on Friday. Bye-bye. Unknown_17: I'll walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's only me and I walk alone I'll walk this empty street On the boulevard of broken dreams Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one and I walk alone 2:31:22 Unknown_17: I walk alone, I walk alone I walk alone, I walk alone My shadows only wonder what's beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's bleeding Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till midnight Unknown_17: Unlocking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone Read between the lines, what's up and everything's alright Check my vital signs, know I'm still alive and I walk alone 2:32:37 Unknown_17: I walk alone, I walk alone I walk alone, I walk alone My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's needed Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me Till then I'll walk alone I'll walk alone, I'll walk alone 2:33:46 Unknown_17: I walk this empty street On the boulevard of broken dreams Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one And I walk up My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shadow wants the only thing that's faded Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Do it Oh yeah!