0:02:47 Unknown_02: oh it's still going oh it cuts out there okay oh it's amazing Unknown_02: Why did we, why did we create machines and give them the ability to dream so they could dream nightmares chat? Absolute nightmares. Unknown_30: Um, I have many options. So I've solved my issue. I've been doing like intro music for forever, right? And now, now I can just do my own covers of any song I want to do. And I'll never have to worry about copyright ever again. It's the best thing that's ever fucking happened to me. Literally the funniest thing that's ever possibly fucking happened. 0:03:28 Unknown_04: Oh, I see. What is that? Why aren't you green? What color did I set to green for my chat? Unknown_04: Who is green? Unknown_04: I saw, I saw a green name run by on my screen. Unknown_30: Okay. So listen, this is the update with the, the, the Sherman XS for advanced or for, uh, Unknown_30: Enhanced Entertainment and discourse. Okay, this is the streaming. I have gotten the you can see the chat on the right looks great Red rings means YouTube greens means rumble pink doesn't exist because odyssey breaks the fucking thing constantly and I just couldn't get it working someone suggested some Some alternatives for fixing this. However, I've not implemented them. I saw a green name. Let me check the code What the fuck did I make green? I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't remember making anything green sub 0:04:03 Unknown_30: Do I have subs? Unknown_30: Are you green? No, you're blue because you're a moderator. You're not green. Who the fuck is green? 0:04:36 Unknown_30: Where do I have subs? Oh, Carrie C on the rumble chat, the only subscriber I have on any platform. I didn't know. Wow. Okay. I didn't know I had subscribers. Uh, shout out to my, to the one rumble subscriber that I have who made me freak out. Cause I don't remember making any name green and the code for my own chat program. Um, okay. Wow. Wonderful. Unknown_30: Uh, if you see red, that means it's an admin. Um, however, the code doesn't, I don't think Rumble, I don't know what Rumble admins look like, and I don't think YouTube admins talk. And the other one is purple. Uh, purple is verified. So someone, either, I think I have it working on either chat, so if anyone with a checkmark on the YouTube chat says, hello, they'll be purple. And I think that the verified also works on oddest need so I'm not seen but rumble nothing works on honest need so sorry those people but if you're verified on either it should make you purple and 0:05:13 Unknown_30: So that is the update with that. Someone has suggested or there's a Lewis Rossman video that's just come out talking about how Google wants to basically, he frames it as being anti-advertisement. However, after dealing with programs in the, scraping sense for my chat, I realized how much websites hate automated traffic. And I think that the whole thing about making browsers authenticate that you're a human being and not an automated program is entirely devoted to stopping bot traffic. And that's why in order to, I think, to progress my chat scraper to what I want it to be, 0:05:50 Unknown_30: Someone suggested that copying half of what that other program did and just scraping having a browser add-on that scrapes the chat for you and that way I could Probably get odyssey to work. That would be more complicated. I'll have to look into doing that I've never done that before but it was an interesting concept. I 0:06:30 Unknown_30: That is, uh, that's the thought they really don't want any kind of automated traffic. And they do want to make sure that when humans are using a device, they are, they are looking at it so that they can properly market to you, advertise to you, um, and capitalize on your attention, which is just the worst fucking thing that's ever happened. Unknown_30: Um, so chat, how are you? I'll be at a great weekend. 0:07:01 Unknown_30: Um, Unknown_30: I have some news stories, I have some Troon stories, I have some updates on the Katzenkrieg, and yeah, it's been a pretty good week. Unknown_30: Let's, let's, uh, let's see, what do I got here? Oh, um, and just as a quick thing, I am working on two separate videos for the gum road. Um, I don't want to spoil either of them. 0:07:32 Unknown_30: However, I will say that, uh, one of them will be like a Reddit deep. Actually I will spoil them. One will be a Reddit deep dive, I'm not gonna tell you which subreddit. And the other one is going to be a movie review. A classic movie review. Many movies have just come out recently. However, I don't give a fuck. I'll tell you this, the movie review I'm working on is more interesting than Oppenheimer. It's more interesting than Barbie. I'm not going to tell you what it is. If you think it's Barbenheimer, you're wrong. But it is a very recent release, so allow your mind to wander. Only those truly in the know, only those who are true connoisseurs of trashy internet entertainment will understand. Sound of freedom? Not sound of freedom. Not sound of freedom. I'm going to see if even a single person in chat has guessed what it is. 0:08:04 Unknown_30: Elemental, no. Unknown_30: The Whale, no. Ash Not Sitting, no. The Big Lebowski, no. I don't think Cuck, that's untuned, no. 0:08:44 Unknown_30: Nobody absolutely nobody has gotten it right. It's not glorious bastards. No, okay. I give up I give up when you chat not a single one of you has guessed this correctly, so You just have to wait and see what it is And it will be after I throw it on gumroad and after a week or so, I'll put on Odyssey for everybody Okay, I'm not giving you any hints you just have to wait Okay cuties Unknown_30: Alright, let's get right into the news. First off, man allegedly shot and killed his pregnant boyfriend and then himself in murder-suicide. Tragic story. Guess what state this comes out of? Florida. You got it right. Where else but Florida? Riley John Groover, 26, shot and killed himself after carrying out the homicide. The Polk County Sheriff's Office said his mother identified the victim as Camden Ryder, 21, a transgender man who was eight months pregnant. 0:09:20 Unknown_30: Well, you know what they say, the most likely if a pregnant man dies, the most likely suspect is going to be his boyfriend. Unless, of course, the pregnant man is in a relationship with a female to male, in which case it's going to be his girlfriend. This is a true statistic. It's a Pregnant pregnant men dying is a thing that's going back thousands of years and whenever whenever they die, it's almost always the boyfriend and or girlfriend if they're trying specifically if they're transgender, I Don't know if there's any I Don't think that there's anything else about this except it's just like a run run in the middle like white trash Oh, there we go. He's a ginger. Ah, geez 0:10:04 Unknown_30: So he hooks up with kind of shit if you ever drive through the shitty parts of Florida This looks so much like Martin Luther King Boulevard in this house This house could unironically be on Martin Luther King jr. Boulevard in Pensacola I think I've driven back past a million houses that look just like that So this gender got sick of his pregnant boyfriend and murdered him in cold blood and himself one less ginger around the gender side continues 0:10:44 Unknown_30: This is from Newsweek. Newsweek publishes a study that Americans are becoming less accepting of same-sex relationships. Polls show this is for Republicans and Democrats. The number of Americans supporting same-sex relationships has dropped from 71% to 64% compared to one year ago. So that's a 7% drop in one year across the board. With more people thinking it's not morally acceptable according to new Gallup poll change it move. They blame it on Republicans, but it's it's less simple than that I'm gonna show you the I want to show you the They always use lesbian look lesbians. Don't you want to support don't you want to support lesbian sex? 0:11:33 Unknown_30: No, no, I guess not um Unknown_30: Okay. The fall was driven by Republicans. It's such a, they were, I don't know. I mean, this has always been the case since like, I've noticed certain noticing it since the Trump administration and the articles about Trump, but everything is like so weasel worded now. So 50% of Americans identifying as Republicans found the same sex relationships acceptable in 2022. Now it's 41%. So that's a 15% drop only in people identifying as Republican, but. 0:12:22 Unknown_30: And Democrats, they say a strong majority of Democrats and independents come to the support same-sex relationships with 79 and 73%. So the fall is half as high as in Republican bases, but it's still really high. It's a 6% drop. That's not like a statistical outlier. 6% of Democrats and independents also no longer support same-sex marriage. And they're going to blame it squarely on the Hicks, on the Hick voters. How ridiculous. Unknown_30: Oh no. Did I? I didn't even notice. I didn't even notice the meme. How could I be so? I'm losing my touch chat. I'm losing it. How did I, how did I say 41% and not immediately point that out as being hysterical? It's time to retire. I'm getting too old. 0:13:00 Unknown_30: This is the only time that I've wanted to see the statistic 41% go lower chat. Uh, usually we see 41% and we think we got to crank that out. That's a rookie number, but now I see 41% and I'm thinking we can make it zero. We can make it zero chat and it's not even unlikely because apparently I think that they said, um, they say in this article, yeah, this is like the, one of the, the first years that the percentage has gone down since like 2003. 0:13:48 Unknown_30: Sorry, I did read through this article and I saw this quote and I don't know exactly where it says that. Unknown_30: Oh, here. Unknown_30: Well, from a long-term perspective, Americans' opinion on the issues around LGBTQIIP plus rights has followed a liberal trend. In 2002, a minority 38% of Americans found same-sex relationships acceptable. Unknown_30: So now we're down to 2019 levels. So it's not even unlikely that people are gonna completely reverse on this shit because it was a mere 20 years ago where the number of people supporting same-sex marriage was 38%. Unknown_30: Like it only takes like one generation to completely flip-flop this shit back to where it was It's not even unlikely. It's just like it's happening. We're seeing it in real time Uh, yeah, the world is healing there you go, uh, this segues nicely into the other thing that I want to read 0:14:29 Unknown_30: This man, Cactus Compot, notified me to a very, very funny thing. This is in Oregon State University, did a survey. Unknown_30: Um, just to, uh, try and get statistics on, uh, race, gender, self-identifying race, gender, and disabilities. And people responded to the survey for the gift card. And even though it's in your Oregon state university, not every response was, uh, kosher. So there are some real bangers in this that I'm going to read. Cause it's funny. 0:15:08 Unknown_30: Um, these are demographics of the malicious respondents. So this is everything here is identified by the surveyors as malicious responses. And I think the name of the article is something ridiculous, like researchers horrified to cry rice rise of fascism as students and mocking responses to woke survey. Uh, so identify as a gift card. I'm an ethnic gift card and disability is I don't have enough gift cards. 0:15:42 Unknown_30: Lots of people identifying as Apache attack helicopters the old standby Why is bisexual black Aid in here as a as a Hostile response. I like this one. This guy's gender is big chungus. His racial identity is Republican and his disabilities autism 0:16:19 Unknown_30: I don't know what the, I guess the full survey is probably a bit longer, but these are just like these three questions in particular they picked out. These questions are stupid. Everyone's a grab bag of genetics from all over the world. There are only two genders. There are only two genders. Unknown_30: I'm gonna attack helicopter. My skin is blue. I think I'm a smurf and his disability is being an identitarian Identitarian which is making fun of the people conducting the survey this guy just so that he's a Gender is airplane. He's a Native American parentheses Elizabeth Warren and his disability is transgenderism There's actually oh this guy too. So that he's an airplane. He's a black Hispanic Jew and his disability is being trans 0:16:57 Unknown_30: Um, I should just fucking ask my gender. You see my race Okay, this one 23 female white Unknown_30: So I guess being a white female is being a hostile respondent now. Oh my God. A white woman dared take our survey for a gift card. This is disgusting. I wonder if like the survey was specifically asking for like a, like one identity or maybe this is based off other questions that are not listed in this. Like the white female said that she hates trannies or something and that pissed them off. So white females listed as an evil one. 0:17:35 Unknown_30: He's a fucking white male, a Swedish Muslim. Unknown_30: He says in his disability, my country is run by communists. His gender is homophobic bigot with two Gs. Unknown_30: Like he mixed together faggot and bigot together. And he says, yes, we exist. I was born white, but I spent a lot of my time in the sun. So identifies a light-skinned black male. Unknown_30: And his disability is he's mentally retarded. 0:18:12 Unknown_30: There's more. This one is special. I'll read this one. His gender is, I identify as a boy when I'm getting fucked and a girl when I'm the one fucking. My dick goes inside out so it changes. His racial identity is, I'm black on the inside but when I'm a boy I like getting my white ass fucked. You know what I'm saying bro? And his disability is, Unknown_30: I'm sexually attracted to the I thought of being eaten alive. I know this sounds like a joke, but I'm being serious. I'm a macrophile, vorophile, and I jack off almost every night to the thought of giantess woman shoving me up her ass to dip me in her sauce and then throwing my body in a giant mouth. This isn't a joke. I'm sexually suicidal and I jack off to death. The doctors say I have a disease, but I find that really fucking hard to believe. 0:18:46 Unknown_30: I was triggered reading that paragraph in case you're wondering. I had to go consult a weighted blanket for several minutes to collect myself in preparation for the stream. Unknown_30: Uh, this guy says that his gender is pedophile. He's a Hispanic, Latina, Native American black, and his disability is also pedophilia. I guess that I almost said something really mean, but I, I caught myself. There's a little, like a fuse in my brain or, uh, some kind of, uh, collapsing bolt that locks in when I'm about to say something really, really mean that's unnecessary. 0:19:20 Unknown_30: Um, Unknown_30: He's a quasi-demi-pony. Ben Kai released state queer copter with a hint of faggot, drag, lesbian, and homosexual upside down Frappuccino cake. And he says that he's everything that is native from the country of Africa. This guy put his race as Kang's. Unknown_05: This guy's African Jewish. 0:20:05 Unknown_30: He's a non-binary intersectional African Muhammad Dean. That's a nice word. I like the word Muhammad Dean. I try to use that and I'm surprised to see somebody else saying that. Unknown_05: Um, meth addiction. Unknown_30: Um, I think one of them, Oh, this guy, uh, ginger, I'm just here for the gift card. Racial ethnic identities. I'm just here for the gift card based base gift card. Enjoyers. Those are my favorites. Unknown_30: financially exploit the surveyist I don't know what this is about I have this pulled up I didn't actually read it so we're gonna read it together just a fair warning Fox News whistleblowers reveal company support of Satanist abortionists and left-wing charities blaze media puts on the air of conservative causes but makes 0:21:00 Unknown_30: but will apparently match employee charitable contributions to satanic temple, the Trevor project, Planned Parenthood and Southern Poverty Law Center insider sources told blaze media. Oh, this is a stupid article. Allow me to explain why. If your employer says, if you donate to any 501 C three and we will match your donation, they can't then say, Oh, you donated to a 501 C three that we don't like. So we're not going to match your donation. Like the, This is just the thing the company does. If you donate to charities, we also donate to the same charity. No, that's okay. Unknown_30: I don't even know. I would wager that there is probably some protection where they can't even say, we're not gonna donate to that charity because we're just a media company. 0:21:44 Unknown_30: I have a feeling that's the case. Like it might be genuinely illegal for them to say, no, we're not gonna do that. Unknown_30: Yeah, it sounds like bullshit. Next. Unknown_30: See, this is... You gotta be careful. You gotta be careful of conservative rage media, because those people want your fucking money, too. And they're not. They're not. Just because it's, like, technically on your side. Hello. Hello, Mr. B. How are you doing? Unknown_30: Oh, okay. So this actually is a thing that just happened. If you try to open Twitter, you're gonna be greeted by an X logo. I think they're gonna be moving to x.com soon. Elon Musk says, soon we shall bid adieu to the Twitter brand and gradually all the birds. 0:22:18 Unknown_30: Elon Musk is a retard. Unknown_30: He's obsessed with naming his children shit like XA15 or some dumb shit like that. So he finds BPD women, he specifically IVFs them to only have sons, he abandons them immediately after, but before he does that he names them dumb shit. Unknown_30: And so he's now trying to change Twitter's name to X for whatever reason. Unknown_30: He's just such an old faggot and he tries to look cool and I really I really can't stand Elon Musk He's such a he's such a two-faced hypocrite. He lies constantly I found out that 0:22:56 Unknown_30: California for all its faults was trying to implement like a train system to just like we're gonna have high-speed rail in California because we're an economy the size of Germany and we have no high-speed rail so we like spending money on stupid shit let's spend money on a high-speed rail system so then Elon Musk comes out and And it says, hey, don't spend money on a train. Train suck. And said, I'm going to build an underground tunnel that has some kind of like magnet in it. And we're just going to shoot cars at like 200 miles an hour around California. And we're going to call it a hyperloop. And it's bullshit. Like nothing's materialized from this and as a result of his proposal and the you know The media storm behind it and the I fucking love science people saying holy shit a hyperloop That that's a loop that has the word hyper in it. I love science. Oh my god Elon Musk is like a real-life Tony Stark I can't wait for this. So now They have no trains and no hyperloop and it's Elon Musk's fault I don't know. I feel bad for California. They almost got a choo-choo train. I, as a, as a mega autist with debilitating autism, I like choo-choo trains. And if I was like a fascist dictator that controlled the United States with authoritarian regimes, um, I would build a giant choo-choo train. China built a giant choo-choo train for their country. And, uh, we didn't. So who's the real losers. 0:24:10 Unknown_30: That's my, that's my elect me as president. I will build the choo-choo train. We'll go fast. I like, I like the train and I like it. I like the trains and I like it when things go fast. So if we had a really fast train, that would be, that would be great. That'd be good for the economy. Unknown_30: Fuck you on Musk's train hater. 0:24:50 Unknown_30: Anyways, yeah, enjoy X enjoy your X. Enjoy your centralized bullshit faggots Twitter whatever not Twitter anymore. It's called X I am gonna spend 40 billion dollars on a company that has massive international brand recognition one of the oldest tech companies still in existence to this day and I'm just gonna like burn it. I'm just gonna like take that brand recognition. That's so important to the company I'm gonna fucking destroy it so that it's indistinguishable from threads that just came out from from meta Why even have any distinction from threads? Why even have the the heritage of the brand name? That's something that's so important people 0:25:29 Unknown_30: so important that media companies dig out movies from the fucking 40s and 50s and try to resuscitate them because people recognize a name from a successful franchise from 50 fucking years ago and it still brings people to movie theaters why why have any why have any uh reverence for anything at all just just destroy it Unknown_30: NPC take I'll take that is gay imagine imagine sucking up to Elon Musk. It's okay. He's not You can't imagine can't even imagine chat Does he we farm suit? I'm serious if that's what it takes I'm gonna rename the forum to the X farms the Kiwi X Kiwi X. Oh, yeah Okay, fun story. This is a real story Then I just reminded myself of when I worked a job Unknown_30: We had a domain name for our for our company obviously and we needed a Test domain for whatever reason so the project manager Very quickly went out and just bought a random You know company name on a different top-level domain so that we could run tests on it These days if you there are a couple options specifically for this you have dot dev you have dot foo You know you have domains like that that exists specifically for testing 0:26:49 Unknown_30: But he saw one domain. It's like oh, that's easy to remember. I'll buy that so we had company dot xxx and Apparently he didn't realize that dot xxx was specifically a top-level domain for pornography sites so we had a fit we had the official company name registered on dot xxx for the purpose of development and I just reminded myself of this and Unknown_30: Kiwi latinx What a brain like he was a brain like he got fired before before I left Okay, good luck you 0:27:28 Unknown_30: Oh, this is the big scary thing. So I, I, I told you guys that I had an idea that I have to apologize for. Actually, apparently they're already working on this, but Adobe and Microsoft and Google are all and Intel are actually, I think Google's involved. They might be involved, but they're working in tangent to develop a, um, sort of like how certificates work for SSL and HTTPS. They're working on a certificate chain for the authentication of images. Unknown_30: They have patented this concept and they intend to sell it to the US government to fight misinformation, fake news, and AI generated content. 0:28:12 Unknown_30: so um that's one part of this they have this patent system the other patent the other prong of this is that they're actually trying to get the government to legislate machine learning which is not a surprise but it's probably going to suck the legislation is probably going to suck and they're probably going to force people uh to use this in general like every image created is going to have to be digitally signed to be published to the internet or some shit and not doing that is going to be like Unknown_30: Nightmare it really it really sucks. Um, and again, I've been watching two people actually been watching Wrangle star someone suggested him a long time ago his older videos are better, but I've been watching a bunch of those and I've been watching Lewis Rossman and he put out a video about how Chrome was updating the web manifest not he says it's to break ad blockers, but it's just to spy on you It's just to make sure that they know for a fact that human being is using a device Unknown_30: And they're going, this is actually a anti DDoS thing. I'll explain what they're doing with the web manifest thing. Um, a long time ago, because of cloud flare, everyone hates captures, right? Everyone hates captures, but because of how sophisticated bot traffic is now, they basically need a capture for any kind of connection. It's getting so bad. So one of the ideas to defeat this was invented by Apple. Because so many people use Apple devices and because Apple has a total cock and ball ring on your cell phone, it's basically possible for Safari on Apple to verify that the phone is a real phone and it can maintain a secret connection to Apple to digitally sign all your requests to web servers saying that this is coming from a real iPhone. 0:29:56 Unknown_30: it's owned by you know this person we know it's a real person and we know this phone is uh sending genuine traffic and the idea is is that this um authentication system would supplant the need for a captcha so you connect to a website and then you know you sign your request Apple verifies that your request was a genuine human request. And then Cloudflare, instead of interrupting your request to challenge you with a CAPTCHA, it just says, ah, Apple has verified this request. So therefore, we're going to let you in. And basically, I think the big tech companies are trying to do that collectively. Chrome wants to do that as well with the Play Store. And it's probably like when you sign into Chrome, they're probably going to use that even on your desktop or on your Chromebook or whatever. to also authenticate your request as being from a genuine human, a general, genuine consumer. So the, this is why I, my big conspiracy belief that isn't popular is that we could probably fix DDoS attacks and bot traffic, but we, choose not to, and I think the reason why we choose not to is the same reason why we never fix the payment processors. They wanted payment processors to be broken and corrupt so that when the Federal Reserve launches the Fed now, everyone's like, wow, the Fed now, I can finally be a real human being and participate in the economy again. It's seen as like a hero. So now we have all this bot traffic and all these DDoS attacks and big companies can eat it, no problem, but small and medium businesses can't. So now we have DOS traffic and bot traffic that's scraping the internet and doing all sorts of shit and now with machine learning you have scrapers that are building Machine learning models off of it 0:31:39 Unknown_30: Effectively according to you know intellectual property organizations stealing content that mid-level companies and big companies are gonna cry about And now they're gonna roll out this thing and say look we've solved it now we can authenticate every single request on the internet is from a genuine source and this is gonna bifurcate the internet because you know there's always gonna be weirdos like me who roll out Linux and you know do things and Their own way, but if you want to access, you know, youtube or netflix or gmail or whatever the fuck any kind of bit or your bank accounts Especially I bet the banks will will clutch at this To stop automated traffic and say oh you're not using a genuine iphone or a genuine android device. Please, you know sign into a genuine, um central authentication system that you have to use real id to register to So they can sign that your request is verified. Otherwise, you're not going to be able to access your bank account. Like sure. And then it's going to be like, oh, well, sure. I mean, you can use your computer and you don't have to log into Google or to the Microsoft authentication system or into the Apple authentication system. But you know, this is a secure website and if you want to access Google or any of these big fucking company websites You're gonna have to authenticate them. Anyways It's gonna be like everything else like sure like you don't have to do it But if you want to be banking you can't say these things if you want to be on the internet you have to have a genuine device if you want to Stay online. You have to deal with one of three different companies that own the entire and it's gonna be exactly like that but for like anything Because now the issue is you see the rise of shit like rumble and stuff and it's like well If the consumer is deciding to access other websites, we need some way to control the consumer as well so very very Antichrist alt-tech continues to be very important people should be made aware of exactly now because 0:33:32 Unknown_30: you know, I think it's not so popular in Eastern Europe, but it's kind of, I've kind of realized that in the, like, I think in the U S in particular, it feels like everything there is like a subscription service now. Unknown_30: And now that you have to like subscribe to everything on the planet, they'd never want to have competition again They're making billions of dollars. There's like eight companies that own everything now and they never want to have competition again So they're very continually trying to centralize things and make it so that no competition could ever exist and they want to have it so that like Unknown_30: a specific group of people divided up into eight different megacorporations will own absolutely everything and everything that you buy and consume will come from these specific sources. You'll have one company for like every kind of need and they all work in tandem and you have to 0:34:18 Unknown_30: Like the fucking John Deere tractors were like the harbinger of all this. Your food supply is owned by a tractor company, like a seed company and tractor company that you have no rights to and you can't do anything with without their permission. Unknown_30: I don't know, man. It's like, what are people going to need to say, fuck this? Unknown_30: I would literally rather fucking die than allow you to control my currency, make it so I can't use cash, make it so I can't drive my car without your permission, make it so I can't access anything without you knowing that I'm accessing it. 0:34:59 Unknown_30: Surely there's going to be a point where someone's just like, I would rather just have, I would have literally nothing. I'd rather have literally nothing and live in the woods. And and be a wild crazy man that owns nothing then I would own nothing and live in your suburbanite sprawl with your permission So what I think chat So, there you go kind of depressing I'll keep my eyes and ears open chat to see if there's ever a silver lining Unknown_30: Someone was asking base pootler has to save us. Here's base pootler Putin size signs gender reassignment ban into law The law I Believe bins all surgical sex changes as it says a move that deprives Transgender Russians of the right to access gender affirming services and 0:35:36 Unknown_30: Medical intervention aimed at changing the sex of a person in the state registration of a change of gender without an operation illegal I don't know what that means You need an operation but medical intervention without to get that so that's weird I Unknown_30: It's just a weird way to word it like you can change your gender but you need an operation and the operation is illegal So you can't change your gender. That's it's just a weird way of going about that Zebras say winning. 0:36:30 Unknown_05: Yeah Unknown_05: I don't know. Unknown_30: I'm not pleased with the Russians at the moment because they're they're they're shelling Odessa and they're blowing up churches and shit that I've seen in person and they're killing like innocent people there and it's kind of fucking depressing to think about so I'm not Unknown_30: See it. I my position on this continues to be that Zelensky is an evil Jew that has no investment in Ukraine and Putin is killing white people and I Find it extremely distasteful and I you can make whatever, you know lofty arguments you want, but I'm not like whoo whoo zebros whoo, let's blow up the 0:37:21 Unknown_30: Let's blow up the Orthodox churches of, of Odessa to save Western civilization. Let's use the, uh, the Chechnyans to, to kill whites in Eastern Europe to save, to save whites. It's like, it's, it's, I believe that Putin's motivation is entirely financial and retaining power and hasn't absolutely nothing to do with any kind of, any kind of based motivation that people ascribe him. Unknown_30: I'll take, I disagree. Unknown_30: Oh, sorry. That's a talk to staff thread that you shouldn't have seen. I was yelling at somebody. I was working on setting up my thing and then someone said something like, oh, I banned from chat. And I said, no, shut the fuck up. 0:37:58 Unknown_30: But I should never show talk to staff threads. I didn't realize I left that open. Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_04: Alrighty now. Unknown_05: Speaking of the trunes exclusive from the Daily Mail trans surgeries, trans surgery nightmares revealed 81% in your pain in the five years after gender change procedures, more than half say having sex is painful in a third are incontinent survey shows. 0:38:43 Unknown_30: There is some level of, uh, schadenfreude that I enjoy knowing that there is a 33% chance that Keffel's and Liz Fong Jones ship themselves. That there is a 50% chance that neither of them can enjoy pleasurable sex or not even pleasurable sex, but sex that doesn't physically pain them. And that there is a great chance that they both live in pain every day. Unknown_30: Maybe that's bad of me, but I certainly don't feel too bad about it, champ. Such is life. Oh, I guess this counts as the news story. I'll read this with the hamster on. 0:39:28 Unknown_30: One of the first studies into the side effects of transgender surgeries. Isn't it funny that I've been doing this for like so long and this is like one of the only studies that have ever come out. They're like, yeah, this is how the pain management is like for these companies or for these people. Unknown_30: Has revealed alarmingly high rates of post-op pain aching during intercourse and bladder problems. Oh, sorry. It's incontinence bladder incontinence not fecal incontinence Inshallah, they also are fecally Unknown_30: Raising troubling questions for this new frontier in medicine. A huge majority, 81% of those who had gender affirming surgery in the past five years that they endured pain simply for moving around in the weeks and months after going under the knife. Researchers from the University of Florida and Brooks Rehabilitation, a health nonprofit showed that more than half of trans surgery patients endured pain during sex and nearly a third could not control their bladders. 0:40:06 Unknown_30: I want to know how big the study size is. 21 trans people who had undergone, okay. Unknown_30: As much as I want to hit the dab, N equals 21 is fucking pathetic. N equals 21 is basically just like, I did a study chat and 100% of trannies are gonna kill themselves. I based this off of the one person that I did the study on and therefore I'm right. 0:40:47 Unknown_30: Very sad, but we can, we can remain optimistic that more comprehensive studies will continue on as, uh, as things as a hundred percent real and true. Um, we will, we will see as time marches forward chat. Unknown_30: You don't want to see no cut up peepees. Unknown_30: The other big news actually confused this person with, um, the fat dude from Linus tech tips. Unknown_30: Oh, I want to hear the conversation. Unknown_30: This is Chris also known as Chris Tyson from Mr. Beast. He's now truning out. 0:41:29 Unknown_30: I just want to hear. Unknown_30: Let's, okay, do I want introduction, Chris's gender, the public reaction, coming out, hormone replacement therapy, accepting myself, why it's big news, changing my name, changing my voice. Okay, listen, here's what's going on. There are little bumps in this. YouTube is telling me where to go to find the content. I'm gonna go straight to the source of the bumps. 0:42:04 Unknown_11: I've been criticizing you for every single reason in the book, and you're focusing on the way that you feel when you are most true to yourself. Unknown_14: Yeah, I mean, if your way to confidence is to wear a dress, wear a dress. If your way to confidence is to get so swole you look like a bodybuilder, do that. Is that what you're talking about, Jimmy? Yeah, Jimmy is getting really swole, isn't he? Yeah, he is pumping, man. Unknown_11: You see his Twitter feed? He is jacked. He is jacked. He's getting there, man. Came out of nowhere. Unknown_14: Until I get my hands on him. Unknown_11: Oh, eww. And I chrisaffect him. Watch out, the chrisaffect. Eww. Is that what all the people say? This fucking disgusting broccoli boy sucking this dude off and trying to pretend that he has any sexual identity at all besides, like, predator. 0:42:45 Unknown_30: Fucking vile, man. I hate broccoli boys. Unknown_11: There's the Chris effect the Carlos. This is a person. Okay, listen, I don't know anything about Anthony Padilla. Unknown_30: I'm gonna go to Google right now Where does a hundred percent he lives in? In LA, where does Anthony Padilla live? Unknown_30: Sacramento, Northern, California He has to live in LA now Unknown_05: Was born in Sacramento, Los Angeles. 0:43:19 Unknown_30: He's definitely down there in Los Angeles. Fucking brain rotted to shit. Unknown_11: Or like infect the other brains. Let's go here, the big bump. Unknown_14: That's why I wanted to come to your show to be able to get a hold of my narrative again. Unknown_11: Right, because you lost control of that narrative. Complete control. Everyone had an opinion that had nothing to do with what your actual thoughts were. Unknown_14: I know. Apparently I sued people. I did it. Unknown_14: Where did that come from? Somebody made a joke and they were like, they faked the DM and they were like, Chris is suing me. And then I quote tweeted it and I was like, you better be ready. This is my lawyer. And it was a picture of Jimmy with like sideways sunglasses. And people took that as serious. 0:43:53 Unknown_11: There's real-life consequences to false things being made up about you. Then you have people making YouTube videos saying that your decision to be yourself and to openly be yourself is destroying Mr. Beast and it's gonna mess up the business and you should have thought about that. Unknown_14: I should have thought about that. That's all. Unknown_11: How dare you ruin the business by being your true self? You have to be like Unknown_30: Specially trained there must be like a university or like a class you can take at like the LA University Specifically on how to pitch the most softball sympathetic questions imaginable So that's something that retards like this mentally ill autistic people like this 0:45:02 Unknown_05: Hello? Oh, geez. Give me a second. Unknown_30: Linux fucked up. My display driver crashed. I don't know why. Give me a second. Let me close out of shit so that my video driver doesn't shit itself again. Sorry, I know having web browsers open is such a strain. Unknown_30: I'm Arch Linux. Unknown_30: I'm a great computer system. 0:45:35 Unknown_30: If you knew my specs and you knew that my computer was crashing Just trying to Open a bunch of web browsers and record on OBS you would fucking cry yourself to sleep All right, let me fix my chats Actually, I'm gonna have to recompile the chat because my the YouTube link has changed give me a second Unknown_30: It'll give everybody an opportunity to get nestled back into things. It's code. Unknown_30: Oh, such as life. I knew I, I should have, uh, done a hail Mary before talking about the broccoli boys and the all powerful are kind of Satan, Anthony Padilla. Unknown_30: We should have known that nothing good was going to come out of that. Unknown_30: All right. Studio mode browser. Let me wait for, Oh, it's not working. How are you doing chat? I hope everyone's doing fine. Hope your Tuesday is going well. 0:46:31 Unknown_30: Or if you're in Europe, your Wednesday, if it's, if it happens to be 1 a.m. Unknown_30: in the 1 a.m. in the morning. Oh, for you. I hope that you're having a wonderful 1 a.m. And you're not trying to reconfigure a stream when you're supposed to be live talking about trainees like a normal person. 0:47:07 Unknown_30: Doing great. Wonderful. Love it. We love to see it. Don't we folks? Okay. Refresh cache. Unknown_30: Excellent. There it is. Messages are showing up. Unknown_05: Let's get through this before it crashes again. Shall we? Unknown_05: There's the troon. It's talking about Mr. B's. Unknown_30: All right. Am I going to hit the record button? Unknown_30: I'll just, you know, the, the, I will stitch together, um, this and when the other one crashed, uh, hopefully the fucking archive, I know what the archive, but I'll, I'll archive it as one piece with this cut out in a second. 0:47:45 Unknown_30: Um, okie dokie or choking. Unknown_05: Wait, hold up. Do we got Jeopardy music? We need some Jeopardy music. Unknown_04: Actually, you know what? Here, while we wait, let's find a nice song to play. Unknown_05: You know what? Unknown_30: I'll just sing a song for you. I'll sing a song. That's what we'll do. I'll sing a song while we wait. You ready? Hava Nagila. Unknown_29: Hava nagila Hava nagila Hava nagila v'nishmithah Hava nagila Hava nagila Hava nagila v'nishmithah Havana ranana Havana ranana Havana ranana v'nishmithah Aban, ranana, aban, ranana, aban, ranana, ben Yisbefa. Ho, ru, ho, ruachim, urachim, b'lev Sameach, urachim, b'lev Sameach, urachim, b'lev Sameach, urachim, b'lev Sameach, urachim, urachim, b'lev Sameach. 0:48:43 Unknown_29: Abba, nakilah abba, nakilah abba, nakilah v'nesmechad. Abba, nakilah abba, nakilah abba, nakilah v'nesmechad. Ba ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, benis me fan. Ba ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, ha ba na ran na na, benis me fan. 0:49:22 Unknown_29: Ruachim Borachim B'lev Tzameach Borachim B'lev Tzameach Borachim B'lev Tzameach Borachim B'lev Tzameach Borachim Borachim B'lev Tzameach Hava Nagila Hava Nagila Hava Nagila V'Nespecha 0:50:24 Unknown_30: Alright, I hope everyone has piled in after my wonderful performance of Hava Nagila, and we will continue where we left off, talking about Satan. Unknown_30: Wow, so I just pressed the start record button, and nothing has happened since the training was up on my screen, and we'll continue talking about him, because nothing happened. This is apparently the most replayed part of this interview, let's see it. Unknown_14: Goofy whenever I do it at home. I make sure all my doors are locked and It won't sound perfect It probably will get picked on a little bit But that's kind of what I like doing is showing people the like real the rawness of it you ready for the voice I'm ready if you are Gosh, we might have to do a couple of things. 0:51:18 Unknown_13: That's fine. Unknown_14: That's fine Okay, hold up before I want to distract you real quick before the the the voice reveal now Barbie for me to make fun of the people's feet, but I want to point out to you that this true and is in platform heels With the biggest feet I have ever seen just compare his feet to Anthony Padilla's feet this guy is wearing like a size 16 and he's in platform heels and Unknown_30: You notice this chat? Unknown_13: You are. Oh, gosh. We might have to do a couple of takes. That's fine. That's fine. All right. 0:51:52 Unknown_14: Yeah. All right. Unknown_14: Here it goes. Sure. Unknown_14: Hey, Anthony, congratulations on buying Smosh. Unknown_11: Thank you. That was good. Thank you. The most interesting part about seeing that is it felt like there was like a Unknown_11: Sparkle in your eye something about it was like you I could see this I could see the boulder in your pants I saw you were rock fucking hard as you were talking to me like a little bit Because like I think for a lot of people they they don't want people to you know hear that process and that's completely understandable It's a very vulnerable space. 0:52:36 Unknown_14: Yeah Unknown_30: This is too relevant. So I'm just gonna bring it up now I was watching something that I'll talk about later, but it was an interview with Dick Masterson talking to Ralph and somebody named Jerka and I just want to focus on one thing and then I'll get back to that later when I talk about the America first stuff I Unknown_30: There was a point where Dick was kind of lamenting America first. And he said like, at some point it stopped being about America first and started being about God first. And that's when they lost me. And the way he said that, like, I can't remember what it was that triggered this message from him, but like the way he reacted to just the name God reminded me of like a possession, like, uh, 0:53:11 Unknown_30: I can't remember what it's from, but it's like there's a, there's a demon possession and the guy like flushes it out by just saying crystal or something. And like the demon hears the name crystal and he like, ah, like lights up to it. 0:53:42 Unknown_30: I'm just like, is his dick like legitimately possessed that if someone just shouts crystal at him, he's like, no, don't say it. Don't say it around me. Unknown_30: The exorcist. Yeah. It's like the exorcist. Unknown_30: People I would never encourage assault But if someone were to acquire holy water and sprinkle dick Masterson with it and yell Christo at him I would I would be curious to see his reaction. He might legitimately burst into flame or start melting or something Anyways 0:54:22 Unknown_30: That's it. That's the trune segment. We have yet another trune who's in that weird category of I enjoy humiliating my, uh, I actually know this guy came out before, but he's in that category of like, I enjoy humiliating my, my, uh, my boss. Unknown_30: Now, uh, I am completely deprived of content this week, unfortunately. So in order to fill up time chat, we will be watching SpongeBob SquarePants. enjoy. More like don't try this anywhere. 0:54:55 Unknown_19: I mean, how's that dynamite even staying in the toaster? Unknown_20: Is it anti-gravity dynamite? I'm doing a load. So send up your dirty. Unknown_30: If this isn't SpongeBob, well, this is SpongeBob, isn't it? 0:55:31 Unknown_30: Okay, listen, he's dressed like Nostalgia Critic, but this is actually a criticism based on somebody else, and I'll explain in a second. Unknown_30: Is this a spinoff show by Patrick? So now there's a SpongeBob and then there's a Patrick? Unknown_30: What is the name of the spinoff show? Unknown_20: I'm busy doing laundry, so put your stinky little costume in the basket! Unknown_19: It is a uniform, and you know it! 0:56:12 Unknown_30: I love how his caricature like his PNG tuber is he's thin he's thin and like his anime is like PNG version of himself that's really funny I didn't notice that the first time I saw this Unknown_20: Yes. Chat, it's true. The animators of The Patrick Show in fact took a big stinky shit all over anime fans and called them gross weirdos. 0:56:58 Unknown_20: the right clip this time just watch today's been really nice yeah look at this fire underwater you can't do that in real life i hope someone gets fired for this Unknown_30: Okay, so there's a second part, but I will explain what this person pointed out, which I find compelling. Unknown_30: If you do not know, there is a man that we had briefly had a sub-forum dedicated to before I decided I hated the people in it so much that I closed it. Unknown_30: Dedicated to a retard autist Spurglord named Mr. Enter and even though this guy is dressed like Doug Walker the criticism people are 100% sure that the criticisms here the the caricature is actually based on Mr. Enter because of just like his insistence on Realism and cartoons for whatever reason and also this part where they kind of imply that like I'll just play it 0:58:05 Unknown_20: Every episode of this show should be tossed in a dumpster and set on fire! The Patrick Show is a crime against humanity! And, and, and everyone involved with it should be thrown in jail! Patrick for starring in it, Squidina for producing it, and the Larnies for watching it! Unknown_20: I'm just glad my audience isn't that pathetic. The Patrick Show is the worst show on television. Patrick Star and Squidita are the enemies of the state. They make me so angry. This is the best line. 0:58:45 Unknown_20: The Patrick Show is the worst show on television. This, right here. Patrick Star and Squidita are the enemies of the state. Unknown_30: I'm a little bit surprised that they included the line, these cartoon characters are enemies of the state. That's a bit much. Apparently this is a reference to how Mr. Enter repeatedly goes on diatribes about how people involved in cartoons that upset him should just be killed. Anybody that draws a SpongeBob episode that he finds distasteful, he apparently wishes physical harm on them. apparently his diatribes on spongebob episodes are like so violent that his retard audience will like actually like send threatening messages to spongebob people because They're they're that emotionally invested in fucking Kirk is if you watch cartoons doesn't matter if they're Japanese cartoons or Western cartoons or those like kidults cartoons like The the flub a dub a ding dong show. What the fuck is that called the pickle show? 0:59:36 Unknown_30: The fuck am I thinking? I've never seen an episode of this. I just know about the pickle and then he goes flub a dub a ding dong, whatever Unknown_30: um Rick Rick Rick Rick and Morty Rick and Morty if you watch any of these cartoons and you're an adult and you don't have children you're pathetic your life has no meaning go outside um I don't give a shit if they're like okay there was a time and a place for like Futurama and South Park 1:00:17 Unknown_30: Include South Park in this because South Park sucks now to all these cartoons like the the cartoons that we take as like adult entertainment are now perpetrators co-conspirators in this conversion of like Unknown_30: of news into entertainment and now I despise them. Unknown_30: Shit like aqua teen Hunger Force no longer exists. The adult cartoons of the modern era are Flubba dubba ding dong show. I'm a pickled dick or whatever the fuck Rick and Morty like that's it. That's the pinnacle of it If there has been an adult cartoon that has come out in the last, you know, whatever ten years since I've watched You know public television 1:01:01 Unknown_30: I've not heard of it. So I assume that it doesn't exist and everything out of Japan sucks. So sick of it Cartoons are from smiling friends. I didn't see smiling friends Archer didn't see that Murdoch Murdoch Unknown_30: I try Murdoch Murdoch is like two on the nose. Like I someone sent me a video. It's like Murdoch Murdoch and I open it up and it's just like Immediately, it's like on the moon and there's like a giant swastika there and it's like a Nazi flag I'm just like, oh, this is making me feel I feel embarrassed like I'm watching this I feel embarrassed and I'm watching this because this is like A bit a bit much. This is a bit excessive 1:01:54 Unknown_30: You know what I mean? It's it just feels like you're pandering to like retards with this kind of of imaging. Unknown_30: I didn't watch it. I watched like 30 seconds of it before I felt like the skin crawling my my hair standing up actual physical Physiological reaction to watching the cartoon and feeling bad about it watching it nice shit. I'm sorry I'm just watching the light. Oh, this is for like man children. This is also for mantra Why does everything have to be expressed in the context of Nazi Germany and boy rojacks? Why why do you have to treat me like I'm a fucking retard? And I don't, I can't understand things. I can't understand long form media or points that aren't expressed through cartoon cartoons and swastikas. 1:02:27 Unknown_30: Uh, just saying, I mean, I do, I do sing Havana Gila recreationally. So maybe my 0.5% Ashkenazi Jew is speaking through. I saw that. I'm like, Oh, this is like man, baby pulled hard entertainment. I don't want to watch this. And I stopped watching. Unknown_30: Oh, everyone's upset. You can be upset. That's okay. 1:03:00 Unknown_30: Uh, and these, uh, and he's also upset. Unknown_30: Um, by the way, before I read this, I want to briefly address that I dubs was on a podcast with a black woman and his point of being on a podcast with the black woman was just to say that, um, Unknown_30: He's really sorry for offending black people. And he basically just groveled and I didn't see anything in this podcast that was new. Like I played like the items videos before, cause they're funny. Um, empathetic, but it was just sort of like repeating ground. He just wanted to say like, I've really learned my lesson about saying the N word. I didn't mean to hurt all black people across the entire world. 1:03:37 Unknown_30: He really believes that putting out a youtube video where he said the n-word was like an actual hurtful harmful act Against all black people in existence So now he feels like a crushing guilt and he goes on to a black woman's podcast to like apologize for for hurting black people so much in the way that he has and Unknown_30: She basically just says yeah, I don't forgive you and it but it's nice to see white people finally groveling on their knees like the dogs that they are and more white people need to humble themselves to this low low lowly state and Grovel for my forgiveness, which I will not even give to them because I hold you in such utter contempt and disgust and That was it 1:04:37 Unknown_30: And I didn't, I didn't see anything. I didn't find any joy. I didn't, watching this interview did not spark joy in the way that Idubbbz admitting that he wasted a quarter of a million dollars and now has to turn out to make that money back. It doesn't, that sparked joy. Listening to the black person talk did not spark any joy. So as a result, I, uh, did not, I chose not to play that on stream. Unknown_30: But this is an ISA. She's a seething and she's seething Because people are yelling at her And these are the greasy says sorry for screeching the line. I just hate seeing the science card being wrongfully pulled Don't hide your bigotry behind something that isn't on your side. I'm not in the fantasy world. You are just own it 1:05:11 Unknown_30: She's saying, if you're transphobic and you claim science proves you right, it's very obvious to everyone that you have zero clue how genetics, fetal development, our endocrine system works, and you have never picked up a book in your life because the science isn't on your side. Literally, it's so complex and nothing is binary. If you think the presence of a vagina or a penis is a definite indicator of sex chromosomes or level of hormone production, you're in a real shock. Gender expression is meant to be up to the person. Bodies are complicated. And he's a gentleman also says this is from the New York Times on gender confirming genetic testing during the Olympics. For anyone questioning my statement again, it's complicated. 1:05:48 Unknown_30: And in mile Chong a Malaysian dog murderer who swatted people and it's important to remind people that in miles strong despite his high prominence in Alt-alt spheres that he is a Malaysian dog killer who has absolutely no say on American politics because he's never stepped foot in America as far as I'm aware But he has swatted people and has killed dogs 1:06:28 Unknown_30: Ladies, if your husband or boyfriend is struggling with depression and identity issues and he tells you he feels like a woman, please don't enable him. He's just trying to figure out what's making him upset and latching onto a latest trend. Instead, try taking him to church. Very inspiring words from a Malaysian Mohammedan dog killer. Unknown_30: What's with you pieces of shit and making massive assumptions about other people's relationship dynamics and trying to diagnose them from photos you've seen online? I can only assume it's cope and extreme confusion on what being human is. Leave both of them alone. Unknown_30: Uh, it's a real mystery why people would take publicly available information that people have purposefully and deliberately put into the public sphere and then comment on them. It's a real fucking, uh, brain scratcher there. 1:07:09 Unknown_30: Just as I have never been so feral, I would love to gut punch this loser, I really would. I would love to co-ed box Ian Miles Chong, easiest fight of my life. Unknown_30: Um, cool. I mean, if she wants to go murder in miles strong and be my fucking guest Kentucky, Frank, cucumber replacing X, Y, X, X chromosomes are pretty infallible. That said, if someone wants to change their gender, that's fine. Should be accepted. And these are chimps out and says it's not sometimes X, Y can still not produce a penis. Some CIS women are walking around with an X, Y chromosome and don't even know it. Um, I'm pretty sure you would, you would notice if you had an X, Y chromosome disorder. 1:07:43 Unknown_05: I'm pretty sure. Unknown_05: That this is wrong This is proven by genetic testing that they're briefly dead in the Olympics a decent-sized pool of women were shocked to find out they have XY what? Unknown_30: Okay, hold up Let's see the science Can women have XY chromosomes, okay, let's see 1:08:23 Unknown_30: Girls with Swyer syndrome have an XY chromosomal makeup as boys do instead of XX. Despite having XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Syer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus, and fallopian tunes. Unknown_30: Okay, so you have a disorder. What are the complications of this disorder, I wonder? XY gonadal dysgenesis. XY gonadal dysgenesis, also known as Sweyer syndrome, is a type of hypogonadism in a person who is kerotype 46XY. They typically have normal female external genitalia. The person has functionless gonads, fibrous tissue term streak gonads, and if left untreated will not experience puberty. 1:09:04 Unknown_30: Such gonads are typically surgically removed and they have a significant risk of developing cancer. The typical medical treatment is hormone replacement therapy. The syndrome was named after Gerald Sire, an endocrinologist based in London. So if you have this disease, you will know about it cause you will never hit puberty and you will get cancer. Yeah. So in other words, and he's a shut the fuck up. You retarded bent. Unknown_30: Um, let us continue. Unknown_30: You should make Ian Tran. Okay. This is gray skull and Tifa $8 says you should make Ian transition That would be so cool. And these are Joma says why the fuck do you care? Yes, it's happening chat She's doing it. Ms. Greasy is putting in the legwork and soon Ian Joma will be a 1:09:39 Unknown_30: What's an I name? That's a woman's name. I Nisa. That's pretty close. I Nisa. Unknown_30: That's a cute, that's a cute power couple name. I Nisa Joma and I Ian Ian Nisa Joma. Okay. I think I figured this one out. That's not, that's not his female name. He's a retard and he's not funny. Okay. Unknown_30: Irene. 1:10:15 Unknown_30: Um, Unknown_30: Risk all of us. I'm a caring person. Are you saying that there's something wrong with the man transitioning into a woman? I would hope not No to pills says how about having some empathy for his ex-wife and child that degenerate shouldn't have wasted her time and definitely shouldn't have had a child It's best if he just leaves his child some money and vanishes his ex needs to find a way to keep this monster away from her child Wow, that's pretty mean Mean chat Unknown_30: But very true. Needs a reply saying shut the fuck up. You absolutely shut the fuck up. It's like a peace response. That's that's that's that phrase when they just like jump to that in it like an argument and just shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. That's like the soy boy rage. That's like that. Because when you're when you're like a rightist, right, when you're an evil fascist, someone says something retarded, you just shut the fuck up, you retard. faggot shut up, but when When you can't use any kind of descriptor term as like an insult because it's an exist or for whatever reason You just have to say fuck up. Shut the fuck up like that like over and over again 1:11:20 Unknown_30: or just call somebody a loser or garbage person. That's the other one. Shut the fuck up. You absolute loser garbage person. Cause they can't say, Oh, you're like a retard. You're a faggot. You can't say any of those words. You can't. That's how you decipher between like a human being and an NPC. Unknown_30: He says, stop using people to project your own personal feelings onto. You don't know any of them. Note to Pilsen, that's not even a rebuttal. The only loser in this thread is you. LOL. Go feral and give an actual retort. You're going to block me because you're a coward. He says, you're stupid, and you probably smell like hot dog glitter. 1:11:53 Unknown_30: What is it with people saying that white people smell like hot dog glitter? You know, white people smell so fucking bad. Leave. Get away from them. Unknown_30: I love the blonde so much, but I'm missing my natural wave. Unknown_30: That's the Anisa being upset on the internet that she hasn't seemed very happy on the internet anymore Unknown_30: Also, responding to criticism in a hyper-intelligent way is Leafy. Now, on my last podcast, I talked about Leafy in some great length, and I made a very, very cutting description of how he tricks people into thinking he's stupider than he is, even though he is very stupid, for the purpose of making money. I will play this and demonstrate to you, without saying a word, that this is, in fact, what Leafy does. stupid so he probably learned this trick in grade school and now he goes on stream and this is his whole stream this is like the come on just go there bro entire six hours of like the well i'll eat dog again the entire thing but for like the first two i was just like i've already seen the tweets bro go there getting like fucking bring come on go there bro uh fucking my dick's bigger bro ralph who's ralph i don't i'm more white than fucking you trailer trash people fucking like fucking i don't know i just find 1:13:19 Unknown_16: I know how to skin a deer, bro. I fucking grew up on a ranch in Utah. My state's more red. Come on, dude. Unknown_30: Let's hear him, bro. Unknown_30: What do you got? You're gay? Go there. We all know you're racist. Go there, bro. Ching chong, ching chong. Unknown_16: Bring it on, dude. Come on. Let's see the fucking racism. Let's hear it, bro. You think I put this bitch up for no fucking reason? Go there, dude. Come on. They won't go there because they know that I'm fucking more white than them, even though fucking I'm only half white. Pussies. 1:13:51 Unknown_30: Over and over like oh, I'm so gormless. I'm so idiotic and uninformed. I'm such a fucking moron Stupid because the teachers already knew that he was stupid So he probably learned this trick in grade school and now he goes on stream and this is his whole stream this is like the entire six hours like the entire thing but for like the first two I was just like Fucking like fucking fucking you know fucking Ralph and who's Ralph? I don't fucking like fucking I don't know I just fucking like dude these people are straight-up insane dude this guy has downloaded my nudes that were leaked that are hard to find at this point just to try to come at me and I don't know about the fucking crazy weird circle. 1:14:22 Unknown_16: I don't know these random people on the internet He's at he's stupid, but what are you talking about? Just because I don't follow your weird circle of weirdos that are all fucking guilty of fucking being gay does not mean- What are they ta- These people are insane, bro. 1:15:02 Unknown_30: One in the chat if they're all fucking gay. Unknown_16: No joke, dude. What is this? Unknown_16: I thought this whole- I mean, I got fucking- When I got with Rumble, I was like, alright, man. It's time to go after the LGBTQ. But now it's like, dude, these people are angry with me. And I implore them, dude, let's hear the racism. Unknown_30: Who the fuck is Ralph? Ralph, Ralph, Nick, it's like a fucking tug of war in my fucking chat, like fucking, just like doing that over and over like, oh, I'm so gormless. I'm so idiotic and uninformed. I'm such a fucking moron. Unknown_16: I'm such a, dude, I'm actually not. I feel like, dude, not knowing about this shit might even fucking set my IQ higher. Actually, let's take it, you know, I'll even take it a step further. Two in the chat if I might be the smartest human of all fucking time. Forget Einstein and all that shit. My brain is too fucking big for these people to fucking, you know, be able to comprehend what I'm saying on a fundamental level, right? 1:15:37 Unknown_30: So obviously that doesn't require any commentary. He did not respond to a single thing I said and just did the exact thing that I was saying. He acted like an idiot to try and play up how stupid he is, I guess, to try and encourage people to contact him. 1:16:18 Unknown_30: So I have nothing more to say about this. I just wanted to play his response because it was funny. And I know that if I respond to anything, he's going to try to farm super chats off of it. Unknown_30: If you're listening to this on Leafy's stream, you are a retard faggot and you are giving money to a bigger retard faggot. You should kill yourself, lol. Unknown_30: Next. Unknown_30: Oh, God, this is also this is tips for responding to people who identified that. Unknown_30: He had like an old dating profile on like Friend Finder X, where he was trying to like solicit sexual relations with men as a female. 1:16:59 Unknown_27: About how I've been in here's his response with GNN, it appears an old dating profile from 2008, where you pretended to be a woman has surfaced any comment. Unknown_27: I've never used any dating services at all. So if you think you found something about me being on a dating service, that's not the case. I mean, I met my wife in high, when I was still in high school. So I never had to use a dating profile. Unknown_27: What the fuck? Where do people come up with this shit? I don't know. Unknown_12: So little drama, I guess. 1:17:37 Unknown_30: I think it's, uh, I don't know who's taking credit for it, but that came from somebody in the forum who actually went through and found even more evidence that, um, that chipster did have this account. You can just hear it in his voice. I'll replay it. Unknown_27: Profile from 2008, where you pretended to be a woman has surfaced any comment. Unknown_27: I've never used any dating services at all, so if you think you found something about me being on a dating service, that's not the case. Unknown_30: I mean, I met my wife when I was still in high school, so I never had to use a dating profile. 1:18:17 Unknown_27: What the fuck? Where do people come up with this shit? I don't know. Unknown_12: So little drama, I guess. Unknown_27: I think it's. You know, a tipster should turn out. Unknown_30: Why not? Unknown_30: Tipster tipster could be a lesbian with Keffel's. Isn't Keffel's like a trans being a tipster. If you want to get that bookie, man, he don't Keffel's don't don't swing it with dudes. My dude, you got a true now you got to embrace your feminine side. If you want to get that Keffel's bookie, understand, understand boy. 1:18:52 Unknown_30: Italian is gay, too. Unknown_30: Fuck off. Unknown_30: Let's sit on this. Unknown_30: This JFG has announced that mama JF left and I thought mama JF had already left However, that's irrelevant to the clip that I want to play and make sure that preloads a little bit. Aha. Unknown_30: I Am I was right to not trust that the clip would preload because of course it fucking wouldn't I wonder I Wonder if this video is like a hundred megabytes In size for no reason. 1:19:28 Unknown_05: Oh, I crashed Unknown_05: or not. Unknown_23: Ice cream, ice cream, gang, gang, doggy, penis, pamplemousse, hot dog. Unknown_30: Wait, no, I wanted to work on, um, on this one. Why does this one not? Oh, it does. Unknown_23: Ice cream, ice cream, gang, gang, doggy, penis, pamplemousse, hot dog. Unknown_23: Autistic comedy hour, whiskey, banana, rodeo. 1:20:06 Unknown_23: Yes, yes, yes. Unknown_23: Kek, two tabs of LSD. Unknown_23: TRP, watermelon. Unknown_23: Mice, cat, fire, shady Jesus. Start tipping, guys. Ding dong. Unknown_30: If you're wondering, Unknown_30: This is JFG's attempt at, uh, reenacting the MPC fetish, which I briefly talked about, which is the most, I don't know. It's the most bizarre thing that I've ever seen that people are somehow able to make money off. And yes, well, where the chat froze, that's my fault. Uh, like I mentioned, the chat works by having actual headless browsers. So if I accidentally fuck up and close one of the browsers on accident, It just stops working The the mama jf stuff I I don't feel inclined to talk about cuz 1:20:41 Unknown_30: I have a feeling that he's probably like, she's obviously retarded. If you don't know, um, the whole thing about her relationship with jam, like she sounds retarded. 1:21:21 Unknown_30: And, um, if you ever, ever hear her talk, you think like, wow, she actually has something wrong with her. Unknown_30: Then I think that her family tried to sue for custody of her against JFG because They were saying that she was like being exploited by him because she's retarded and doesn't know what she's doing And he's trying to like impregnate her and have like a retard potato slave life And I think that they lost that but I thought that she had left a while ago. So I don't know and It's funny that he's like, I haven't heard anything about JFG in like, I think years at this point. So it's kind of weird to hear that he's still around and still doing like the same shit and doing commentary about like one going things because I just haven't heard anything about it. And with that, I have sold enough to fix chat based gang, gang, chat, work, fireworks, gang, gang. 1:22:02 Unknown_05: Okie dokie. Unknown_05: Um, this was heavily requested of me. Unknown_30: Um, this person, Carissa and a king or fat girl flow, uh, set up a fat people camp. 1:22:45 Unknown_30: And I'm not that kind of camp, a fat people camp where fat people can go and be fat together and enjoy their fatness. Unknown_30: let's see we got one this one is a little bag that has a peach sticker on it and it's like a really fat cellulite ass on it just a fat woman you belong here in i don't know if this is deliberate but the you belong here banner kind of looks like a Reese's peanut butter cup i don't i really don't know if that's intentional or if that is like Unknown_30: Just on accident that's like subcontinent. That's like subliminal messaging like their brain is wanting like a Reese's peanut butter cup and they It's just like rising through like volcanic activity underneath the surface and spilling out 1:23:24 Unknown_05: The orange shirts remind me of Whataburger. Unknown_30: You may now put the Whataburger on your Mingo card, because I can't help it. You don't usually see bright orange shirts unless you're at a fat camp or a Whataburger, which is basically the same thing. There was one co-worker that I had that was like a 50-year-old woman, and she worked fast food because she was like a recovering crack addict. But she was really fat and her she said that when she wore her bright orange shirt, she felt like a big pumpkin I remember this many years later I Got the fat I know it's like a tired joke, but I'm reminded of the family guy skit where Peter Griffin makes like a fat people acceptance movement and they're just like out of breath sitting around and this is kind of what this looks like 1:24:30 Unknown_30: Uh, fat body cookies. It looks like I would have met. Oh, are those like macarons? Those look like macarons, but they're probably like shake fake shitty macarons. There's a bunch of fat people in bathing suits. They don't actually appear to be swimming though. I guess they don't want to swim. Unknown_30: Resting and waiting for you little camper babes. Unknown_30: There's a black one. 95% the many exceptions are complete time for pull time before dinner and s'mores. 1:25:06 Unknown_05: Oh, he's got a soup happening. Excellent. Unknown_05: You don't get to talk to me however you want period. Unknown_30: So y'all are making $6,000 profit office and still have the gall and the audacity to charge $500. It's giving very capitalist trash. Unknown_30: They're replacing we're investing the money back into camp for next year to create scholarships for BIPOC We plan this for six months and maybe actually make $1,500 on it You commented on fat camps and set and then mine so clearly you need attention you got it Do you go around everything you can't afford and complain to people who created it or is this a small business in this again? $6,000 profit for arranging an entire event is not like a lot. So I don't know what the fuck that Person's crying about what is it with like the super morbidly like this guy is 1:25:48 Unknown_30: I can tell just by looking at him, NB beer, the fact that he's like NB, this is the product of consumerism. He eats so much, he does literally nothing. He's probably on welfare and he's crying about $500 tickets to a fat camp. Unknown_30: And it's just like why are like the most consumerist retards like capitalists? Is it, is it literally just that I, I, there are things in this world that I want that I cannot afford. Therefore I deserve to be granted them by mandate of government with force of, of government. Is this like, is this actually, are they that like superficial and retarded? I don't, I don't know. It seems like such a trope. Like I say, the communists just went or just greedy. They're just, uh, um, 1:26:21 Unknown_30: They're just envious, but I just get that feeling more and more over time now. Unknown_05: That's it. Just want to let you know there's a giant fat camp people like this. Unknown_30: You can all be fat together. Oh This person's awesome. I want to hang out with this person. Happy transgender day visibility I'm just chilling in on my all Non-binary glory with my 10-minute makeup and my soft clothing the last couple months have been really challenging What is it with like the super morbidly obese declaring themselves non-binary Jim Sterling does that too? It feels like Skinnier people actually try to like transition especially like those beanstalk men that are like bony and lengthy They try to transition to women but like the super fat just say like yeah, i'm non-binary I give up. I give up trying to look like a human being. I'm, just i'm just a thing now. I'm, just like a blob 1:27:31 Unknown_30: This dude's just wearing his best trash bag. It's like, when I die, you don't even have to put me in the trash bag. Just zip up the sleeves and the pants legs and throw me in a ditch. I'm already, I'm already disposed of. Unknown_06: Tipster. Unknown_30: Yeah, Tipster could be non-binary. That's true. Tipster can just go non-binary. He doesn't have to like fully transition. Just be like an NB queen. Goss queen. Slay. 1:28:03 Unknown_05: That's the fat camp. Unknown_05: Um, Oh, okay. This is actually some juicy content. Unknown_30: This is some funny stuff. So she asked. Unknown_30: On the last episode, Amati, I have, uh, I talked about Patrick S Tomlinson being, uh, filed against and contempt of court. So the opposing council, um, has requested that he be held in contempt, a proud, uh, an a log went out and requested the court documents and. 1:28:35 Unknown_30: As it turns out, chat, I have it right here. There are two documents I'm going to be reading. Uh, the first is an affidavit in support of motion for contempt. And the second is a, um, is the actual motion for contempt. The affidavit does a pretty good job of just summarizing what's happened. And then the other one is, uh, the funny stuff. So let me get a drink here. I'm going to need some hydration. 1:29:19 Unknown_30: because I will probably be putting on a silly voice at some point. Unknown_30: So the judgment balance, um, is $23,739.25. Unknown_30: plus costs in the amount of $7,124.55, accrued interest in the amount of $1,846, and resulting in a total outstanding balance of $32,709.80. Mr. Tomlinson has made no efforts to pay the debt. The judge, Peter Hemmer, 1:30:02 Unknown_30: Called for Patrick Tomlinson to appear at the law firm representing quasi To discuss his financial situation for making the payments He was served To to start the process because he claimed I believe that he was not financially able to make the payments and Unknown_30: Tomlinson failed to appear. Mr. Tomlinson did not attempt to contact Weston Dunn, the plaintiff, nor the law office to explain his absence. And then finally, he made a petition to the Wisconsin. Thank you. Unknown_30: to the Wisconsin court system to amortize his debts, to basically cancel his debts. Unknown_30: As a result of this filing, the plaintiff could not file a motion to compel or motion or a motion for sanctions following Tomlinson's disregard of the court order. So basically what they're saying is that because he filed for a request to get rid of his debt, that halted proceedings in this case until the other one was resolved. 1:31:04 Unknown_30: It continues to say, during the period following the issuance of the judgment, the petitioners made numerous and repeated statements to the creditor and the public regarding the refusal to satisfy the judgment. So after he filed this to stall the collection, basically, he then went on the internet and said a bunch of dipshit ass stuff. There will be tweets to read in regards to this. Unknown_30: Then finally Tomlinson's petition to the court was dismissed and thus they could continue collections Which leads us to the meteor document you're now caught up basically Patrick lost he owes money to quasi He decided to try and have his debt cancelled through the judicial system which stalled the collection of the debt and And now that the petition has been dismissed, collections may begin again. 1:32:07 Unknown_30: And because Tomlinson has paid not even a single penny, has made no contact to the law firm, and has publicly stated repeatedly that he does not intend to pay quasi, they have filed to hold him in contempt of court already. Unknown_30: And this is the actual complaint. The plaintiff will move the court for an order finding that the defendant, Patrick S. Tomlinson, is in contempt of court. The plaintiff will further move the court for an imposition of appropriate remedial sanctions for the purpose of curing such contempt. That's funny. That's a funny word. We're going to cure Patrick Tomlinson of his Tomlinson-ness. 1:32:42 Unknown_30: The plaintiff further moves the court for the imposition of the following remedial sanctions. One, the issuance of a warrant for Mr. Tomlinson's arrest and confinement. Unknown_30: Number two, an order requiring him to reimburse Milwaukee County for the costs and fees associated with his confinement, and three, a monetary sanction awarding the plaintiff's costs and fees, including actual attorney's fees, incurred in connection with bringing this motion, plus an award of $100 per day for each day that the defendant fails and or refuses to comply with the court order. So number one, 1:33:20 Unknown_30: Stalker Child wishes Mr. Tomlinson and I to go to jail to be confined. Enjoy confinement, author Pigroach Tomlinson. Number two, in order Unknown_30: for fees actually specifically for the milwaukee county uh... police department so for whatever reason that the judge that he's asking that tomlinson be fine to pay the police that keep having to show up at his house that he calls swatting so he's been yelling those clips of tomlinson yelling at the police i've told you a thousand times come here don't come here he wants They're asking that Tomlinson have to pay those people for arresting him basically, which is very funny. 1:34:03 Unknown_30: And then finally, um, a hundred dollars a day for every day that he has not paid what he owes quasi. Unknown_30: No. Unknown_30: The defendant has exhibited a lack of respect for this court or anyone else's time and authority. His recent conduct cannot be construed as anything other than a continuation of his contemptuous attitude and demeanor. Unknown_30: If only, Chet, if only we had some evidence that this is true. Oh, as it turns out, Chet, we do, in fact, have some evidence in this court document to read. 1:34:40 Unknown_30: Aside from a single terse statement claiming that he was indebted beyond his ability to pay the debt, the defendant provided no evidence as to his insolvency or inability to pay the judgment. The defendant has made public statements confirming that he was and is not insolvent. Unknown_30: We don't owe your criminal cyber-stalking cult a penny, stalker. That was never a possibility. No, stalker, we're not near poverty, and I've been successfully self-employed since 2008. 1:35:20 Unknown_30: If we were near poverty, how could we have money for foreign vacations? Enjoy your prison. Unknown_30: More recently, Mr. Tomlinson contacted the plaintiff to once again make derogatory comments concerning the plaintiff's efforts to collect on judgment and boast about his monthly income. Quote, made that this month, stalker, enjoy your prison. So someone said, you have to pay, you don't have the money to pay quasi. And they said the full amount of money. Actually, I think that every month full, I could easily pay my judgment if I really wanted to, but I decided to be obstructing the course of law as it were. I might be in contempt of the court, as you may say, almost literally. 1:35:55 Unknown_30: Furthermore, this pattern of behavior is not isolated, nor is it infrequent. Mr. Tomlinson on a number of occasions has publicly stated that either he does not recognize the debt or that he simply is not going to pay the judgment. Unknown_30: I didn't unblock you, whomever you are and quasi is not owed a penny from us. We own nothing at all. Stalker. That was never a possibility. And it's not your tweets that are sending you to prison. Unknown_30: Blue wave, Barry asked, sweetie, you are going to 100%. 1:36:33 Unknown_30: You are 100% going to pay him. It sounds to imply saying no stalker. It isn't. And no stalker. We aren't enjoy prison. Unknown_30: And he follows it up by saying, we owe nothing, stalker. Enjoy prison. And then he also says, quasi isn't owed a penny, stalker. Enjoy prison. Unknown_30: Curly Bill Brockius says, Pat should really be focusing on his outstanding debt than the politics of a state he doesn't live in. How was that debtor's exam, Patrick? Which is referring to what was mentioned before. He was ordered to contact the law firm, provide his financials, and arrange basically a way of paying back the damages that he had caused by suing him. And instead of doing that, he simply did nothing and then filed a petition to have his debt amortized. So the guy is asking, because that's public record, that he has to go and talk to the law firm regarding his debt. So he asks, how did that go? And Patrick S. Tomlinson, in response to his non-appearance to a court-mandated appointment with the law firm to have a debtor's exam, he says, there wasn't one and never will be, stalker. Enjoy prison, which is not a really smart thing to say in regards to a legal matter that you're just not, you're deliberately choosing not to do anything about. 1:37:46 Unknown_30: Clarence Horley says have you paid your debt you owe yet? Question mark and then adds a link to pay quasi dot lol Thomas enterprise saying don't have one stalker. Enjoy prison and Again says we don't have any stalker. Enjoy prison Unknown_30: The filing continues the timing of these messages coincides with the plaintiff's efforts to conduct a supplemental examination and collect on a valid judgment and Exhibit his unwillingness to ever comply with the court order. I'm neither stalker no exam today or on any other day. Enjoy prison So he's literally just in denial that this is a thing that he has to do when the court tells him instructs him demands orders him literally we so it be ordered that Go to the fucking meeting and figure out how you're gonna pay this guy back for the damage you've caused, retard. He just says, no, stalker, judge, child. There is no debt. I will amortize it in the Supreme Court. Stalker, enjoy prison. 1:38:29 Unknown_30: He just thinks, oh, yeah. Unknown_30: Problem solved. Unknown_30: All done, taken care of. Another win for me. Unknown_30: Since his case was dismissed the defendant has made no effort to contact counsel for the plaintiff to I think or the plaintiff to arrange for payment or reschedule the supplemental examination However, he does continue to taunt the plaintiff online and make plaintiff make public threats about the judgment He owes the plaintiff respectfully request the court to order sanctions in order to assist in the recovery of the judgment owed to the plaintiff and allow the dispute to resolve 1:39:34 Unknown_30: And that's it. Unknown_30: Basically, Tomlinson is an outright and appears to be pathologically in denial that he has lost his lawsuit. He owes quasi and let's not get this wrong. $32,709.80 for suing him purposelessly and losing, and seems to believe that when a civil court judge demands that he attend a debtor's examination to figure out how he's going to repay his debts, that he's at liberty to simply ignore it because it's only civil court and not criminal court, I guess. 1:40:13 Unknown_30: And if it's not criminal court, he doesn't have to care. after all he's the victim here, so He can just say fuck you go. Fuck yourself retard. Fuck yourself retard judge. I ain't I ain't paying shit and I don't think that that is a Intelligent legal strategy not a lawyer. I can't, I can't make, uh, educated statements regarding matters of law, especially not in Wisconsin, a state that I've actually, I happen to Wisconsin. 1:40:49 Unknown_30: Um, but no, I haven't. I've never been to Wisconsin. I've been to Michigan, but I've never been to Wisconsin. I've never been to Wisconsin. Thankfully I've never been to Wisconsin. I haven't, I have no, you know, I just feel like Unknown_30: No, Minnesota's where we're catered from. I was going to make a jab and advocate it, but it doesn't, he's not from Wisconsin, so I can't make that joke. Anyways, I've never been to Wisconsin, so I can't make an educated statement there, but I will. However, Michigan, Michigan. Um, I will say this is probably a bad idea. 1:41:24 Unknown_05: Uh, and that is it. Unknown_30: Oh, I have the news hamster. I won't say anything bad about the news hamster, but I will hide him because we're no longer chat. You have to remind me when the news hamster has prolonged past the new segment. This is your job. So we are here for you here to help me conduct my stream. Unknown_30: I was just a VTuber, now I just have a PNGTuber. Unknown_30: Nobody reminds me to take down the hamster because they just silently want me to become a PNGTuber and have the hamster up continuously. 1:42:01 Unknown_30: Oh, you did try? Okay, fine. I guess I missed. I built the chat app so I could not read my chat. It's basically what my chat's informing me. They're telling me that I'm a fucking moron. I have no idea what I'm doing. Unknown_30: Alright, it's now for the Ralph extended universe Segment this this update in the Ralph reverse Katzenkrieg edition Dick Masterson Invited Ethan Ralph on to his show to discuss his return to form as it were to discuss the Katzenkrieg and to have a debate, quote unquote, with Zerkaa. Now, Dick Masterson is one of the worst debate moderators in the entire world, possibly ever in the history of mankind. So this is what happens, right? Dick Masterson invites two people on they scream at each other Sean the audio engineer zones off and dreams about whatever whatever Sean does maybe he's thinking about music or his his his girlfriend maybe as a family that he thinks about but basically he just zones out like nothing's happening and dick while they're yelling at each other just makes like this mug shit eating grin face contorts his face in pain um and laughs the entire time so there is no effort to like inject intelligently in this discussion there is no effort to have the people talking to each other conduct themselves in a productive way at all It's basically dick just laughing that he's tricked two people Into coming on his show and yelling at each other for his profit and gain basically is how to interpret that so that's basically what happens with Ralph's appearance Ralph shows up and he invites circa who is a Albanian I think he's like from Albania. He's like half-white. He was raised Muslim, but now he's like a trad calf griper and he's an open pedophile so he gets on the show and 1:44:08 Unknown_30: Ralph asked him about the time that he did some really sketchy shit, and he basically just says this Unknown_07: Nick is forgiving if you just piece it with him. He's pieced it with a lot of people right even destiny like that's a yeah Yeah, well, I don't want to make peace with him. Unknown_18: That's the thing. I want to destroy America first, so Anytime they start yelling each other he just makes this face and It it is like the fakest shit. Unknown_30: I've ever seen he because he knows he's on camera and he knows that like 1:44:46 Unknown_30: He laughing like the LA thing. We're a laugh track incites laughter So he has to indicate that what's happening is funny and not grading because two people yelling at each other So he just starts laughing at it, even though there's not really anything happening Sean on the other hand Unknown_30: is down there that's the real human emotion where it's just kind of like um i would rather not be here around these people is basically what's happening it's a pedophile coat ran by a closet home closet homosexual let's just be real here zarka so like what's wrong with uh pedophile 1:45:26 Unknown_30: Again again Sean is a real human being dick is completely reprogrammed by the LA demon Who violently spazzes out in the name of Christos and we'll see this again? What's wrong with Unknown_30: Dick has no reaction to this. Someone asked the question, what's wrong with being a pedophile? Dick serious phase, contemplating the corkscrew in his head, twisting round and round and round. Sean, uh, slightly detached from the situation. Cause he's thinking about going water skiing or, uh, you know, doing weights this evening, maybe on rewinding, unrelaxing, unwinding, enjoying some wine with his girlfriend. And then suddenly he processes what was just said and he actually laughs because that's a ridiculous thing to say. Dick has no reaction. Dick's face is like an Easter Island statue. The most serious man ever. 1:46:13 Unknown_30: People yelling at each other. Unimaginable comedy. The funniest thing he's ever heard. Just nonsense screaming. I can't even believe how funny what's happening on my show is. Unknown_30: Man randomly declares that there is nothing wrong being a pedophile. The completely emotionless audio engineer chuckles as a way to relieve tension because he's so surprised. Dick Masterson, on the other hand, no reaction. Flatline. Doesn't have a clue why that would be humorous to somebody. You sound- I mean, you're just giving me material, dude. 1:46:52 Unknown_18: Please keep saying stuff like this. Like, I just- Look at that! Unknown_10: If I'm giving you material, hit me! Don't freeze! I mean, I love it! I love it! I love it when American players support guys. Unknown_30: Okay, notice they're yelling again, right? Unknown_30: Dick Masterson is hearing people yelling at each other. And therefore, in reaction to this, he smiles. He is happy that there was yelling. Unknown_30: john the audio engineer is trying to process what's actually being said there's things happening in this man's brain this is a this is like a a neat this is like literally you take a hammer you hit somebody's kneecap and it like the leg jiggles this is like that smile isn't an is a uh 1:47:41 Unknown_30: involuntary reaction to audio stimulation in the form that loud equals funny. Sean is actually listening to what's being said. I can silence. Unknown_10: This is a week you are. I can silence you with saying I'm a pedo like that. You free. Wait, how are you supposed to respond to? I'm a pedophile. It's Exodia right here. Unknown_10: Ethan, you owe me money for this, bro. Unknown_30: I do. I honestly do. Unknown_29: I mean, I'm just mind blown, but, uh, Unknown_30: Zerk says I am a pedophile Nobody knows how to react to that He just says like he won because people don't know how to reply you say that someone's a pedophile and they're just like yeah I am 1:48:21 Unknown_30: In a sane world, that would be the end of everything. You would be kicked out of your organization, but Nick Fuentes considers this a huge win. Unknown_30: So to bring you up to speed as to why Zerkaa is even being accused of being a pedophile, let's take a look at what he's done. Unknown_09: Actually, we would make a great double date. I like you on the left, and I think Zerkaa- These appear to be two 13-year-olds on Omegle that he's talking to. The girl on the right. They're both on the left. What up, girls? I want to kiss you guys. Unknown_10: How old are you? Unknown_10: How old are you guys Like your birthday's next week type shit like we can't go to Starbucks white bitch Ladies and gentlemen, I mean it should be really obvious looking at them that they're like 13. 1:49:14 Unknown_30: I I'm Come on. This is this Unknown_10: i know she did some other disrespectful shit but uh... yeah a little beef and she tries to cancel me call me a pedo and then she's like freaks out when i go yeah i am what do you mean you're not supposed to agree that you're a pedophile no i am i'm literally a pedo Unknown_10: And she had a mental breakdown because I said that. She's like, oh my god, he's a suicide bomber. Now he's destroying my stream. I'm like, you have a pedo in your house. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Like, I can knock out Chris Hansen. Like, I'm that nigga. You know what I get? I'm that nigga, right? She doesn't get it. And so when I started doing the kamikaze thing, she had a fucking mental breakdown in her house. 1:49:47 Unknown_10: I am whatever you say I am. Unknown_30: If you're only listening to this, I want to point something out to you that you are not able to see in real time and appreciate. If everybody in chat would please look above his face and see the cap that has adorned his head. For if you're only listening, he's wearing a baseball cap. There is a quality about this hat. which has a level of meta humor flowing through my streams that is just really remarkable. And I will now state the joke for my listeners. 1:50:18 Unknown_30: He's wearing an L.A. Dodgers baseball cap. I think that's L.A. Dodgers. It just says it just says L.A. on it. It just says Los Angeles on his cap as he sits there in this blue lit room announcing to the world that he is a pedophile. Unknown_30: And he's just the joke. 1:50:53 Unknown_30: It's just it's not even a joke. There's something wrong with la One of the the high capos of nick fuentes america first and another another friend of the dick show uh from la God god effin sneed to everybody in that wonderful little city of theirs um, and then ralph posted this one's telegram, but Unknown_30: Nick doesn't really know what to do with Ralph because Ralph is just going to attract attention to himself. 1:51:25 Unknown_30: And people in America first are making it worse for him because they're going on streams. They're talking to him. They're having these yelling matches where they're announcing that they're pedophiles. So he's asking people. Please don't pay any attention to Raoul. By the way, the thread I made about all the pedophiles on Twitter who were associated with America First, their reaction to that was just to double down and say, yeah, we are pedophiles. What are you going to do about it? And the truth is I can't do anything about it. But the issue Is that people who are associated with America first have to be relentlessly fucking bullied? Like you're in people who are not if you're in this organization now And you're not fucking leaving at this point in time where you have a jerk going on stream saying he's a pedophile You have all these people on Twitter saying that they're pedophiles and they're in America first You should not be forgiven for leaving in a week from now like 1:52:18 Unknown_30: Like okay You got involved in the retard cult around the cat boy And you didn't want to leave because of loyalty or whatever fuck now is the fucking time to get out I don't even know who's left. I think big tech left and he was like they're Politically provoked the muhammadine woman who's like 40 plus she's involved still I Don't know anybody else who's there, but you gotta get the fuck out of that shit. I If you're just a normal person, look upon this movement and weep. It is 100% feds at this point. If not directly managed by feds, there's something wrong with Nick. He's a retard. Move on. You've wasted enough time. Don't have that sunk cost fallacy. Like a gambler, like, oh, I've lost $75,000 and I'm in debt and I don't have any savings anymore. I'm going to lose my house because I can't make payments because I'm addicted. But if I just have a good winning streak at the blackjack table. 1:52:58 Unknown_30: I'll make it all back. Like that, that is you. You're now sitting at a, in, in a sinking life raft dinghy full of pedophiles. Like, well, I could get out and potentially save my, myself, but I don't know, man, loyalty and shit like fuck off. 1:53:32 Unknown_30: Um, Unknown_30: Nick says, you give these parasites too much attention. You guys should be more invested in drama between RiceGum and the Tate and stuff, because that's the table we want to be at. Just stop. Enough of this, please. Stop. And by the way, this is also great. Stop taking pics or vids of yourselves and posting them online if you're not hot as fuck. Unknown_30: And then he posts a picture of the America First people who went to his fucking rally, his biggest fans in the world, who are just chilling, they're having a soda, they're sitting with somebody who was at the time a big streamer on the cozy TV, and he posts a picture of them. And he says, I didn't want to say anything after this, but now I feel I need to. If you're in America First, and you're not one of those little twinks that Nick Fuentes is sexually attracted to, because you know the fucking type, Jaden, 1:54:09 Unknown_30: All the other successors to Jaden all look identical They're all young broccoli boys that Nick Fuentes wants to stick his dick into If you don't have that phenotype and you don't look like that you are of no value to him even if you physically show up to his rallies he will take pictures of you and Ridicule you and post them on the internet for people to see and then your face is plugged into an FBI National Security database because you're in a fucking neo-nazi rally And you fucked up your whole life. Congratulations 1:54:48 Unknown_30: So that's the, that's the update on the cat boy war. Unknown_05: Um, there was a, there was a video that I wanted to play and I've completely lost what it was in my mind. Unknown_30: Give me a second. Unknown_30: I want to, I'm clearing my mind. I'm taking a deep breath. There is something that I completely skipped over. Oh, nevermind. 1:55:19 Unknown_05: I did play that. It was a SpongeBob thing. Unknown_05: Um, so there you go. Unknown_05: Is there any, have I missed anything? I feel like I'm missing something. Unknown_05: Have I? Unknown_05: Christa Chantal nothing's happening with Chantal The god wants me I don't like talking about Godwin son after he did the whole thing where he like sucked up to zoom I'm just like I'm over you bro. 1:55:57 Unknown_30: I Still he was snorting ketamine or something on stream The Redditor, that's true. Unknown_05: Let me check what my tabs I think I have a red thing open. Unknown_30: Oh Unknown_30: Oh no, I got rid of that. Unknown_30: I didn't know how I felt about it. I did have a redditor lined up, but I actually got rid of that. It was, um, I was ready. I guess I could pull up. It was, it was a fucked up thing. It was a guy that was like, am I the asshole for wanting to kick my son out? Because what had happened is. Unknown_30: The Their daughter the 16 year old daughter died in like a car accident. Not her fault. It was like a drunk driver or something and the brother Had been making really macabre jokes about her death on tik-tok and they found it and they had like he said like the wife had like a full-blown panic attack and started hyperventilating and had to go to the ER to be like sedated because she was like having an actual like psychological breakdown overseeing this 1:56:38 Unknown_30: And it was kind of fucked up it wasn't funny Which is why I decided against it because they kicked him out of the house and he was asking on reddit reddit help me am I the asshole for wanting to kick him out of the house and have nothing to do with him and The Redditors in reply were kind of reasonable. They're saying he's probably Processing grief in like a different way. He's using gallows humor because he's like coping with it and think they contacted him and He's he started like sobbing and just like I'm like in a lot of pain or something. I don't know it was it was weird 1:57:33 Unknown_30: I couldn't come to a conclusion if I hated the son or not. Because the jokes he was making was like, he posted a picture of like himself, and then, or like her driver's license, her learner permit for driving a car, and said me before getting my permit, and then he posted a picture of her tombstone and said me after getting my permit, or something. It was like a really, really dark joke that you wouldn't, You wouldn't even say about someone you hated who you wanted to torment on the internet You know what? I mean, like a logs would find that kind of joke distasteful, but that was like his His uh his sister which is why his mom reacted so vomitously to it. So I don't know I really don't know what to think about that. It was kind of fucked up. It sounded like he needed therapy um 1:58:08 Unknown_30: And I couldn't decide if he was just like a super blackpilled, irony poisoned zoomer, probably a broccoli boy who just has no moral sense of compass, was like a sociopathic autist. Or if he was someone who was like so fucked over by his sister dying that he literally didn't know how to process it, except by making internet memes, which is how he processes everything else in his life. 1:58:51 Unknown_30: Very, very strange story. Unknown_30: No, he was not driving. She was driving by herself. And, um, someone was driving extremely erratically and dangerously aggressive driving. And, uh, he was at fault. The other driver entirely. Unknown_30: Josh clutch these pearls. I will, I will, I will be righteous. I am not going to tolerate pedophiles. Unknown_30: I am not going to make easy jokes. I will stick to my, my pillars, my principles, and you can cope and sneak about them. 1:59:26 Unknown_30: China segment? I don't have a China segment. He was 19. He was 19 getting ready to go to college. Unknown_30: Anthony Fontana being sued all that I remember. I don't know the details on that from what I saw Anthony Fontana had made some kind of tick-tock video where he remixed something that Activision Blizzard had made and then Activision Blizzard had used a that remix or a similar sounding remix in their own 2:00:01 Unknown_30: in their promotional videos and the guy went on went out and said that he that activision had stolen his song but i think that the reality was that activision had legally purchased the rights to the song because apparently when you make an original sound on tiktok you can make money by having like activision will say oh i love that remix that you made of our song and it's plugged into our the tiktok database i will just pay you can pay tiktok directly for the rights to that song and then the creator gets paid out by tiktok and that's part of that's one way that people can make money on the tiktok platform so when he came out and said that they were plagiarizing him i think the reality was that they had secured permission to use the song from Unknown_30: TikTok and then are suing Fontana preemptively To get a non non payment declaration that they had the right to use the song and that his claim that they Stole from him is false. I I am I think that is what's happening. 2:01:02 Unknown_05: I Unknown_05: Um, so there you go with that. Unknown_30: A brief update on the forum. I am making progress on that. I know that I've been saying it's, it's very slow going, but I am seriously fleshing out a longterm solution and it's just taking a long time. It's like every week I get one or two steps forward, I get another provider, I get someone plugged in and it's, it's making their way and it's just, it's just taking a long time. So, but. 2:01:38 Unknown_30: My goal is is that we're gonna have so many providers so many upstreams so many data centers involved that there's it's just gonna be a Gordian knot The troon spent It was it was December when we got hooked up with terror hosts and it took until May For them to get all the upstream providers for terror hosts to drop our announcement Unknown_30: so Figuring in that it takes about a month for that to drop then I just have to continually find a new provider every month and Go about it that way until find something that works so I'm setting something up where it will take a very long time for them to unwind and Liz Fong Jones and can spend hundreds of hours writing complaints and being an abusive asshole and it will come to come back to bite them eventually 2:02:34 Unknown_30: Dave Moscato, uh, I would need to pull up information for him. I know, I know what happened with Dave Moscato. It's just that, um, people don't know him too well. So if I start talking about what he's doing, nobody's going to know what I'm talking about. It's, it's, it's too complicated. Basically it's a tranny. That's, um, lying about his father for money. Unknown_30: The current court thing is not ready. It's coming out, I think in August. Unknown_30: All right. Unknown_30: Alrighty. That's that. Let us do the thingy. Unknown_30: And then let's get out of here and I'll be back on Friday and a special song picked out. I always have a special song picked out, but then I have to work on the, what's it called? The gum roots. 2:03:11 Unknown_30: All right. Uh, uh, national alerts. Unknown_05: Shekel mode. It's over Medicare masochists. Where is Unknown_05: It's got a random text message in Chinese. 2:03:46 Unknown_30: Um, so I guess the, the Chinese government has an update on my, my deposit. Finally, finally chat. Unknown_05: Well, after all this time, they're after me. No, they want to, they want to give me a fucking raise. They want to give me, tell me job well done being sharing. Unknown_05: all righty now recent donors filter last Saturday newest okay 2:04:26 Unknown_30: David for 49 he says what ended up happening to Teddy Fieser. I know I'm about a month late, but you're my only news source RPG TV is outside of cozy right now because I think he pissed Nick off and He's trying to get back in cozy. I'm not sure that's I think that's what's happening with him He's like a Nick Nick sucker, even though he's like ousted from cozy at the moment Unknown_30: He's apparently still in a constant state of feezing, and he's very bald. That's the update. Stalkerless Child for 5 says, since there's a very real chance Patrick Tomlinson might be arrested for attempts of court, you should do a 24-hour fundraising stream to raise money to send Ethan Ralph to Milwaukee to get the arrest footage. if even Ralph would like to go to Patrick commons in his house and stake out the The the stalker child domicile to wait until the arrest for it comes out. I can do that on his own He'll make money from that. So He should do it stalker. Let's shop for five. It says the exact same thing and probably on accident. Thank you very much Mr. Tony says Josh, please play this clip for a stream. It should be pretty funny. Okay See what this is. We're not suck 2:05:11 Unknown_30: Hello, my name is Joshua Moon, and I have always loved anime. My favorite is Madoka Magica. I just love the intense romance between Homura and Madoka, and The Dark Turn was a new and interesting take on the genre. 2:06:01 Unknown_30: I love, there's a part right here, hold up. Hello, my name is Joshua Moon, and I have always loved anime. Unknown_30: You hear that laugh, that suck in, like resisting laughing? And I have always loved anime. The end of that sentence, that's because to do that, he recorded his own voice saying this, and then he used the AI tool to make the sentence work. And he's laughing at his own joke. He's literally snickering, thinking about how funny and epic and own this clip will be when I play it. And I can hear him laughing in the process, in the recording. It transcribes the recording into the laughter into my ways too. 2:06:33 Unknown_30: Ah, nice try boy. Your smuckles have been, have been ousted for what they are. Unknown_30: Um, thank you. The ATF is gay for five says hi, Josh. Thanks to you. I'm getting my CCL or concealed carry license, I believe, and a Springfield Hellcat nine millimeter. Instead of voting, I was wondering, do you have a favorite handgun or firearm? Thanks for what you do and best wishes PS. The ATF is officially gay now. Oh boy. Let's check it. Take a look at this. 2:07:07 Unknown_30: Oh boy. Let's check out X. Let's see what the ATF has said on the hit new social media app X, uh, during pride month, ATF celebrates diversity, promotes equality, and recognizes the contributions of the LGBTQ plus colleagues have made in their service to safety and the security of our nation. Unknown_30: Wonderful. Excellent. Unknown_30: Let's get only 21 likes. Does nobody even watch the, this is from June 1st. 2:07:41 Unknown_30: Yeah, we send in gay people to steal people's guns. I love that point where in Waco, Texas, when the, um, the gay ATF members valiantly set an entire building full of children on fire, uh, and, and save the day. Unknown_30: My favorite thing about the Waco, Texas thing is that after they murdered everybody in Waco, they promoted the guy in charge of the siege to the head of the ATF. So after he murdered everybody, they said, heck of a job, Ronnie. And they promoted them to the top of the faggot chain. 2:08:16 Unknown_30: Best donation of the day for five says nothing. Thank you very much. Best donation of the day. That is truly the best donation of the day. Nick for five says, Hey Josh, I was wondering if your thoughts on certain individuals from your past have changed over the years with your TTD and anti rainbow stance, specifically dry bones and pad gardener. Unknown_30: Um, I don't remember dry. Oh, dry bones as in the gut. Dry bones is great. Um, 2:08:49 Unknown_30: So if you don't know there's a guy that is in charge of an alt tech company called sapphire He's a gay bodybuilder. He's very gay, but he's not like Openly gay like there's always gonna be gay people Unknown_30: I don't really care if someone's gay. I just don't like faggots. Unknown_30: Um, and dry bones. I didn't even know dry bones was gay until someone told me like I've, and I've known him for a long time and chatted to him occasionally over the years. Um, I don't know. Like you're not going to be able to completely and totally eliminate gay people no matter how hard you try. So it's better to have gay people like dry bones than it is to have gay people like what we consider gay people now. 2:09:33 Unknown_30: Uh, as they're sometimes called normal gaze, quote unquote, all those words in many quotes. Unknown_30: Um, I, I have a smidgen of tolerance left as far as pad goes. Pad was legitimately mentally ill. He had like actual chromosomal disorders that could be treated with hormone replacement therapy. Um, Unknown_30: I don't think my opinion of pad has changed at all either. I think that He's probably living as opposed like for most of the trainees they're just like really porn sick and they just see being women as like the ultimate shame and they live their fantasy to like Force people to pay attention to them to humiliate their co-workers and force people to treat them special It's sexually arousing to them and so on so forth pad was like genuinely disabled 2:10:28 Unknown_30: Hormones was a medication that he took to Cure his his depression as far as I'm aware So not really Fend hard for 1088 says to bypass his YouTube age restriction download violent monkey extension. It's an open-source user script that And then add this user script called simple YouTube age restriction bypass by zero Zarate trash Unknown_30: Um, yeah, I can do that. Unknown_30: I guess I can do that. I'll put that open. Apparently you can just type in something else and skip around it too. I'll probably using a user script or something to do the chat scraping as well. Uh, thank you. Unknown_30: Rice lover for five says dear Josh. Do you want a pen pal? I want a digital person to email interesting things about my life as an Amazon employee. I think you'd find it interesting. If not, that's fine. But you'd be fun to email occasionally. Just send me an email. Make it short. The shorter it is and the more interesting it is, the more likely I am to fully read it and reply to it. You don't have to ask permission to do that. 2:11:14 Unknown_30: Forgetful Kiwi for 490 says my man my kitten. Mr. Mittens has gotten into something that is really concerning to me She says it is called Josh core and she has been finding and making it on the New Zealand farming website. What should I do? it's a perfectly healthy and normal thing for people that age to get into alternative music lifestyles and There is no issue. Don't worry about it. Let's just start seeing him take Ketamine then you should be concerned Get it catamine. In fact, I think they even call ketamine Like cat cat tranquilizer or something that's like a street name for it So not only is it ketamine ketamine, but it's actually literally cat tranquilizer It's just it's just funny on multiple levels is what i'm saying. It makes it just makes sense all the way through 2:12:24 Unknown_30: Disciple right now Matt's for five says PPP fucked himself Godwinson seeds about you It's a damn shame. Every person you like is either a snake or a huge cunt Is there any hope for friendship and genuine relationships these days? Unknown_30: Um, I'm convinced that there is no way that entertainers on the internet can be friendly with each other longterm. I think that the kind of person who gets into being an entertainer on the internet, um, has a certain level of narcissism to them that, uh, cannot sustain ego injury. And I don't know if I entirely, I might fit into that category. It's hard for me to say introspectively, to be self-aware of that. But, um, because I didn't really start doing videos just because I wanted to hear myself talk. In fact, I was really hesitant. I put off doing YouTube videos and podcasts and stuff for literally for years because I hated the sound of my own voice. And I didn't think I had the comedic timing to entertain people at all. 2:13:09 Unknown_30: Whereas I feel like a lot of people start up channels just because they really do think that they're the funniest person or the most insightful person. And when other, other personalities conflict with that, they don't have rational reactions to it. I was right. 2:13:45 Unknown_30: So, um, I don't know. I don't know if I, if I can, but I think that general classification works for almost everybody. And if it doesn't work for, for some people, I have yet to find them. Unknown_30: Disciple of the Megaman council for 1632 says with love the matrix matter room skip to roughly 50 seconds for the vocals part 50 seconds in the video. 2:14:24 Unknown_30: Oh, it's bad Apple. I wonder if it's gonna be me singing it Buffering give it a second Buffering still buff Unknown_28: i know what bad apple is i'm not that fucking new 2:15:06 Unknown_30: The cultural permeation of that apple has saturated the internet. There's no way around it. Unknown_30: What can I say? Unknown_30: Julia Schreicher for 20 says YouTube video or cat box video. Oh boy, let's find out. Unknown_22: Disney Corporation be frontin' in She-It tonight. They tryin' to say they was fittin' to drop a grip of fat stacks up around the way. Unknown_25: This fake story should make all y'all unemployed white people mad as shit, as you think you would have gotten jobs at this permanent gay parade anyway. Orale, putos. I'm Maria Nuevo, Santa Lobos, Villa Benitez. 2:15:42 Unknown_22: And I'm LaQuanta Marius D'Entrante de Shonzel. Tonight, the black mayor of Lake Nona be mad as a motherfucker, as Kid Touchers Incorporated pulled the plug on a project that they ass wasn't even fittin' to build, and ain't even had bribes in place to be doin' that shit. Unknown_25: In true Disney fashion, they are trying to fuck this crypto-Jew governor while they get fucked by the people the governor paid to fuck them. It's all very Semitic, and that's why my fucking thick brown ass and this low IQ nigger shield are on your TV, so you don't think about the Jews or the fact that neither one of us should be in this country. 2:16:16 Unknown_22: I was just released from prison yesterday. And while I am below the mean intelligence quotient in this country by about 40-50 points, I am fitting to choke this brown bitch and stab her to death because I can't control my impulses. Here is another foreign invader with the story. Unknown_26: About 2,000 child-raping pedophiles were coming from California to rape white children and smoke meth while their parents would have been denied jobs in favor of recently released inmates, according to Disney Corporation. Or at least that's what they told the mayor, because they knew that nigger would chimp the fuck out upon hearing the news that they changed their mind. 2:16:52 Unknown_00: Nigger mayor Smokane Graham-Rerock says he feels like he was stepped on and got burned, foiled even. Unknown_00: If it's one thing that'd be forever, it'd be the Jews be raping kids in Shia. No, I mean, I may as well get some money, kuh. Unknown_26: But the baby raping Jews at Disney are suing the crypto-Zionist governor of the state, claiming he's being anti-Semitic because he passed laws against chopping off the dicks of children until they are at least eight years old. Disney boss, Kike-Bob-boy-booty-buster Iger says that's against the Talmud. Unknown_15: Oy vey goyim, how long must we be oppressed? Don't they remember the six million? They're fucking worse than fucking Hitler and stuff. 2:17:31 Unknown_28: Does the state want us to invest more, employ more people, and pay more taxes or not? Unknown_26: We contacted the office of the governor and found out that the real reason for the Holocaust was white people and that there won't be any reparations as long as white people are around. Unknown_30: You can see the URL there for all the people asking. Unknown_30: I played that entire thing because I wanted to share with you guys the danger of machine learning. It's really horrible that anti-semitist white supremacists are using this new technology to spread their hateful ideology through the web, through misinformation, and that's why we really have to pass those bills. 2:18:15 Unknown_30: to make sure that everything is digitally signed and every action, every move you make, every website you click on is passed through secure signing servers that Google, Apple, Microsoft had asked so that nothing fake is ever made ever again. It's the only way to save our, this is a serious threat to our democracy. Unknown_30: Thank you for that cautionary video, Stryker. Unknown_30: Kids sinister for 10 says you work hard in support of freedom of expression. Are you work harder in support of freedom of expression than the other media feeder? God bless you, Josh. I just do my one thing. There's people out there who do. Um, I like, I like Lewis Rossman a lot. He's like a real activist, but, um, it's just that the, the, the issue that the, that all technology has, 2:19:05 Unknown_30: that everyone just wants to make bank off of it. Like that fucking Sticks and Hammer faggot. Like that man jumps from centralized platform to centralized platform. That man hops between daddies, hops between dicks that shoot out jizz money, and he laps it all up like a fucking dog. And not once, not once has he ever had a thought along the lines of supporting alternate technologies that don't directly profit him. That's a lot of it. Like I Like rumble is I think that rumble is looking out for its own financial interest first and foremost before anything and 2:19:46 Unknown_30: Feels that way about gab and it's like none of these groups have the requisite Fortitude or principles or integrity or whatever the fuck to actually make a difference that doesn't and the difference they make has to directly profit them and There it's just it goes nowhere fast and it's really depressing. Everyone's just in their own bubble Unknown_30: Thank you though. Hostel ghetto for prices, support for gay marriage is tanking because people are realizing they never just wanted to be left alone. Now that we are the ones who won't be left alone. That's very true. Unknown_30: Um, I believed it. I believe the whole, you know, people just want to live their life and not be annoyed. And now I can't stop fucking hearing about people being upset over dumb shit constantly. And it's like, everyone wants to cry about the dumbest fucking shit on the planet. And I just, I'm so sick of them. I cannot stand it. 2:20:37 Unknown_30: Roxanne wolf via fed now for five says bark bark apparently telling someone quote I wish I would tell you to grow a pair of balls, but you'd probably cut them off again and Affirming it will get you asked to leave you were right furries are very much possessed by BP demons I'm sorry to hear that you've been kicked out of another furry convention Roxanne wolf. I hope the next one will be more inclusive to your Transphobic points of view good luck with that Unknown_30: MLA for $11 says confirmed transfer of the sign true demon YouTube video. Okay. I'll play like a second of this. 2:21:11 Unknown_05: Hold on Unknown_05: We're in a holy war. We are at war. Unknown_18: And I will tell you this. Unknown_17: I will not stand idly by while you take heed and curse my friends and my family. Unknown_18: Because we're willing to die in the holy war, we will make them die in the holy war. I will hunt you down, you damn dirty trolls. Unknown_18: This is war. Great ending. 2:21:49 Unknown_30: Yeah, that makes sense. That all this all makes sense now. Thank you. Uh, anonymous for five says musk is genuinely obsessed with the letter X because of his 1999 company called X.com merged with deals company and became PayPal. He thought X.com was the best name ever. Investors told him it sounded like a porn website that got him upset. Space X, X at AI X prize, his latest child X.com. Unknown_30: Um, it does sound like a porn website. I mean, I I even thought like I pitched that joke Maybe we should just rename to x farms.com And the first thing that anyone said in reply to this was that sounds like a porn site So I I mean musk is a fucking man-child. He has the money that he has fuck you money now, but he'll always be a man, baby You want to know what would happen to someone like Dick Masterson if you injected a hundred billion dollars into him this this kind of bullshit Except he wouldn't be making kids He wouldn't even he wouldn't be knocking up anybody 2:22:30 Unknown_30: Rabies the redneck for five says I'm a taxpaying a worker, but I have no rates because I'm 20 I can't buy a pipe from a gas station because I'm 20 I have to wait 10 days to buy a shotgun because I'm 20 I have to pay more for car insurance because I'm 20 yet teens can make take hormones get surgeries and watch porn fuck you Uncle Sam Well watching porn is more of a cultural decline rather than Uncle Sam. You can't really sense the Internet, but they will try As far as the hormones and surgeries that is it? 2:23:08 Unknown_30: I mean, it's hard to, it's easy to blame the government for things. I think that's always a lazy way out. The issue is, is that we've allowed these people to have the power that they do, and we really shouldn't have ever allowed them to have this power. Unknown_30: uh glib for five says listen here you aluminum such aluminium saturated autism enjoyer we don't want to choo-choo here in california because all it will be used for is transporting homeless people up and down the coast please instead build a train that goes to the camps with the wooden doors and some pools love glib 2:23:47 Unknown_30: Listen, we need a fully segregated society. Here is my choo-choo train plan for a safer America 2030. We will build a choo-choo train around every city. Every major city that has a population over half a million will have a full circuit train around it. They will have public transport and we will completely remove vehicles from the city. It will be public transport only. Unknown_30: Then, the boundary of the choo-choo train circuit around the city will also have an interior concrete wall that is 40 feet tall and barbed with wire like the Berlin Wall. Then, the choo-choo trains will safely connect all these sores of cities together throughout the country. The urbanites will live in these camps that are called cities and they will work in office buildings and live in skyrises and they will own nothing and they will be happy. But between these connected cities, separated by choo-choo trains that you can just drive over in a nice little bridge with your car, your nice safe car, will be where actual people get to live. And we'll put, we can't get rid of, it's racist to say, let's get rid of all the black people and stuff. We will put all the minorities in the cities that they're already in anyway, so you don't have to really move that many people. And then everybody else will just live outside the cities. So choo-choo train Berlin walls is what I'm thinking. around every city, every major metropolitan area. We will contain them. We will fuel, we'll use them as like fuel rods in our economic reactors to empower the real people outside living on acreage to enjoy life and be free. This is what I'm doing. This is, this is my plan. Okay. Vote for me. 2:25:06 Unknown_30: How do you plan to stop neighbors from recording TikTok videos in your control room? 2:25:44 Unknown_30: You you Listen our trains will be piloted by AI there will be no conductor we can do this one of two ways we can either have the conductors room be bolted on like the the ocean gate submarine or we can just have AI choo-choo trains that nobody can break in and hijack and they can make them like the choo-choo trains themselves can be disgusting we can just wash them out with a hose every so often and We'll just transport people to and fro Unknown_05: This is my plan. Unknown_05: Uh, what are they talking about? Unknown_30: Oh, the 20. Okay. Next. Unknown_30: Next. Unknown_30: Why is it not loading? Unknown_05: There we go. Unknown_30: Anonymous for five says, I'm currently in Southern California from a Northwest visiting family, and I'm finally able to catch a Tuesday stream. I'm just glad I don't live here and I live in Idaho. Thanks for stream your feeder. Oh, do I got some bad news about Idaho? Nobody in chat telling about Idaho and how that is that like, there's that meme where it's like, yeah, I'll just find it real quick. 2:26:42 Unknown_05: This one. Unknown_05: We need to redo this map. 2:27:16 Unknown_05: To be California. Unknown_30: We need to redo this map to not be Idaho, it needs to be California. And we need to present the danger of California. Now in this map, if it were actually centered around Ohio, or California instead of Ohio, Idaho would be like orange. It would be bright orange, same as Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. Actually Nevada would probably be you are not safe. But then Texas would also be orange. We're you know, Idaho and Montana are orange as well, unfortunately Wyoming is too desolate I think except for Jackson County 2:27:58 Unknown_30: They're just staying in boys. I'm telling you, that's why you need the choo-choo train. They can come up from LA and like, Oh, we got to get out of California, man. And they get on the choo-choo train and they go all the way up to boys. But then boys is also, you know, it's got the Berlin wall around it and they can get off and like, wow, man, it's like everything's so much better here in Idaho. I'm like, actually I'm like living in boys, Idaho, man. And then they can't leave. They can't leave. They're stuck. They're stuck boys. Is it boys that fuck you? Americans pronounce everything so fucking stupid. Unknown_30: It's ridiculous. 2:28:30 Unknown_30: How do you pronounce the city of Moscow in, in Idaho? Is it pronounced like Moscow? Unknown_30: You guys up there in Moscow, Idaho. Come on. It's a joke. It's a joke. How Americans pronounce things. Unknown_30: Uh, whatever. Unknown_30: Deadly hollow for five says the California train system was doing before Elon Musk even knew about it The project was such a mess even if they find a way to get it built unfortunate unnecessary stops Keep getting added and politicians are lining their pockets with the funds. I don't know dude. They do it in fucking Europe You can take a dude. You could take a train from Odessa to Kiev to Moscow to to Tuva to all the way across the Siberian Rail to Vladivostok down to Beijing. And then you can take a fast train from Beijing to anywhere in the fucking country that you want. And yet in America, supposedly a intelligent white country, right? How do I make a choo-choo train? How do I make a choo-choo train go from here to there? I can't deal with no choo-choo train. I don't know. Europe was fucking do it. You can take a train from Serbia to any goddamn place on the fucking continent. The entire continent of Asia and Europe is at your fingertips from Serbia with almost no issue. How do they? I don't know. I don't accept this as an answer. 2:29:43 Unknown_30: Maybe it's just Californians are too fucking stupid and nobody else cares. Unknown_30: Source question mark for five says it occurred to me in a dream This is the thing that I unironically say now like someone's bothering me for a source. I just say I I dreamt it It was a fantasy of mine. It was a hallucination I don't even bother fuck off weeder for five says that was the most insane having a gala I've ever heard. It was a very good performance. Genuinely. Well done. You should sing more Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I'll start my career as a singer in in in Israel, maybe I'll meet a wife there like, uh, let's face 2:30:14 Unknown_30: that guy, the footman that did that movie Pulp Fiction. Unknown_05: Who was the guy with the foot? Unknown_05: No, Tarantino is who I'm talking about. Unknown_30: Quentin Tarantino. Not those other people that I will not mention. 2:30:47 Unknown_30: Um, Unknown_30: Mr. B for five says, when you are going to give us, when are you going to give us an hour long recording of yourself singing and screaming so that we can make more accurate Josh core. We hunger for a superior machine learning model that has no lisp. Also, thanks for featuring my having a good cover. My dude. Unknown_30: I do, I don't know if you realize this, but I do a podcast. That's like three hours long, like twice a week. If you don't have enough material to train your model with at this point in time, I don't know what I could possibly do to, uh, to, uh, to help you. You'll be do like chords. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Di Do. There motherfucker. No lisp. Enjoy. Um, 2:31:26 Unknown_30: I'm surprised as AI Josh has the voice of an angel. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Yes, I do I know that's what that's what got me to do my my streaming career Or on burger for five says Elon Musk revealed he plays Diablo 4 his character is named I will never die path of Exile babies blown the fuck out 2:32:00 Unknown_30: Kill yourself mappers Zuckerberg can afford five Sorry, I I feel like I have a stroke and I just stopped reading and I don't know what happened Elon Musk revealed he played Diablo for his characters named I will never die path of exile babies blown the fuck out kill yourself mappers Zuckerberg can afford 500 stash has but can't clear Atlas cope delve and incinerate Lamao proofs gamer rant Elon for Elon Musk character name Unknown_30: I refuse to play Diablo 4 I really like Diablo has a like I like I even like Diablo 3 I played a lot of it, you know, like path of exile, but Unknown_30: I just, I just know that Activision Blizzard's full of fucking faggots that drink breast milk. And this game probably sucks in his paws. And there's probably a tranny demon in there somewhere. And I'm just like, I can't bring myself to want to play it. I just have no desire whatsoever. Even if I go to the store, I'll see, um, like physical discs for it. And I could just pick up and buy. And I'm just like, nah, actually I just have zero interest in this fucking game. 2:32:57 Unknown_30: Coco for five says Josh has completely forgotten about the venture brews movie that just came out also the mental eclipse movie coming on August fact is Josh is upset that media is infiltrated into exasperated stress were up Jim from trash Here's an arrow life's Negro slobber mutt. Yeah, I mean, it's true. I don't want to watch cartoons It's a waste of my time. Anyways, so I might as well just not like it That's pretty good Yeah, I'm a retard dog 2:33:36 Unknown_30: He is kind of droopy. I hope he's okay. He doesn't have any like pain or whatever. Uh, thank you though. Small kitten for five says, Hey, George was my cat. Mr. Minton. Let me ask you if we could have dinner with any historical figure or celebrity, who would it be? And what would you talk about? Thanks. Much love from North Macedonia, North Macedonia, huh? Unknown_30: Traitor. Unknown_30: You left bro. You left. Was it, was it Macedonia or Montenegro? That was the last part of Yugoslavia that abandoned Serbia. I think it was North Macedonia, wasn't it? 2:34:09 Unknown_05: I'm going to let chat answer for me while I drink some water. Unknown_05: Montenegro. Unknown_30: Um, Unknown_30: That's a tough question. Like I'm going to assume that you can speak English with like that person. I don't know. The issue is. Unknown_30: I'm not a very, I don't like to consider myself a very stuck in the past kind of guy. That's why I'm not like, uh, people gave me shit for, uh, saying that I didn't want to watch that Murdoch Murdoch video. Cause I see like this worship of the past and like the Nazi regime and thinking like, uh, it's gay to like worship a dead empire, you know? 2:34:46 Unknown_30: Um, I'm not, I'm not very, Unknown_30: Like I'm not focused. I don't have like an obsession with any historical figure that I think, Oh, if I could just learn something from him, I would know what to do in the present. You know, I tried to consider myself forward thinking, um, Unknown_30: It's like if you could talk to somebody from the past, but you couldn't influence them like for instance Maybe you could talk to the some of the people that you know wrote the Constitution, and you could convince them to Word the Second Amendment better. Maybe you could do that like if you could persuade them Maybe you could go to Hitler and say no really it's at Normandy the other ones a fake-out since and Send the railway bombardment to Normandy. Like you could do that. But, um, if you can't change the course of history, then. I don't know. I really don't know. Sorry. It's a really shitty answer, but it's like, I'm not interested in talking to anyone from the past because I don't know what they're going to say to, to, to better me. And I don't really have any big lingering questions that I want answered. 2:35:25 Unknown_05: Um, so there you go. Sorry. 2:36:05 Unknown_30: Uh, Robert Rasputin for 40 says, have you ever read up on Ken panders, the main writer for the Sonic comics from 1993 to 2006? If not, here's the Magnum Opus Magnum Opus. He wrote that appeared in the official Archie Sonic comic. Unknown_05: Um, okay. Unknown_05: So there's two timestamps that I will play. Hopefully this is worth it. Let's see. Unknown_05: Let me just read this poem to you. 2:36:37 Unknown_24: During Robotnik's takeover through roboticization, the SWAT bots came for the foxes, and I did not speak up because I was not a fox. Then they came for the rabbits, and I did not speak up because I was not a rabbit. Then they came for the squirrels, but I did not speak up because I was not a squirrel. Then they came for the hedgehogs, and I did not speak up because I was an echidna. Then they came for me, and by that time nobody was left to speak up. Anonymous. Unknown_24: So you gotta explain what that quackin quote is if you weren't aware if you aren't particularly, you know Historically, this is actually like a very famous like Holocaust poem by Martin Niemöller or whatever But he's just like change the words around to make it about echidnas and he doesn't like provide any credit to him or whatever I mean, he did change like I don't know if you need to provide credit if it's like a parody or but it's just it's just a very It's extremely strange like right like you have to stay small. I Yes, exactly. People could consider it like distasteful or whatever. So, you know, Pender's obviously, you know, people have called him out about this. And of course, he's apologized for this tasteless mistake. And no, I'm just kidding. He's actually never apologized. In fact, he's like doubled down on this, like, hmm. I find it interesting that certain readers get up in arms over the use of the Martin Niemöller quote in Knuckles issue 22, while not saying a word about the Mein Kampf quote in Knuckles 23, or the FDR quote in Knuckles 24. Which is like, that's, that's gonna be your deflection? There's a Mein Kampf quote? 2:38:00 Unknown_30: There's a Mein Kampf, where is the other Kampf? If there's a Mein Kampf, where's the second Kampf? Unknown_24: Okay, this one, I couldn't even get this like confirmed or whatever because like... Well that's him saying it in 2018. So here, this is the quote that he's referring to. The Dark Legion was never defeated. We were stabbed in the back by the weak and greedy in power. The true Echidna civilization is destined to rule over the world of Mobius. Only a strong leader, such as myself, can save Echidnopolis from the radicals and techno-conservatives who wish us back into the Stone Age. It's Menneker addressing his troops after a... Yeah, that's from my comp. 2:38:38 Unknown_30: I want to say that's part of the Great Lie quote. The Great Lie was that Hindenburg caused the German Empire to lose the First World War. Unknown_30: When he refers to the Great Lie, it was about how the media portrayed Hindenburg as a failure, as a general, in the First World War. And really, it was, according to Hitler, obviously, it was the Jews' fault for undermining public trust in the military during the First World War that caused them to surrender. 2:39:18 Unknown_30: Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with Sonic the Hedgehog people I would love it if like do we does every form of mass media? like creative endeavor in the planet have to be based off of World War two like you realize that like I Unknown_30: In star wars, that's basically just space world war ii. I guess song the hedgehog is world war ii inspired I think that the death eaters and the racial purity thing about mudbloods is also supposed to be like the nazis like every Mainstream thing that you could ever think of is just world war ii. We have never culturally progressed past winning world war ii in the last 80 years every single thing every form of media ever created since world war ii is just world war ii for and this will be Oh, and the Cold War. The Cold War too. The Russians. Just the Russians. We hate the Russians. We hate the Russians. We hate the Germans forever and ever. Amen. 2:40:07 Unknown_30: Banished a copy of 9-11. That's right. That's a good one. Unknown_30: The thing is you can't do that without being anti-Semitic inadvertently. Unknown_30: Thank you. Unknown_30: And now that's for 50 says here's some shekels for your pizza. Goddamn. What a great, what a great message. The right amount of money, the right cause my, my food intake when I went on, what a bro. Thank you. And then about for 20 says you missed one of the SpongeBob clips. Oh geez. Okay. Hold up. Let me screen this on. 2:40:42 Unknown_30: Oh, I did. Okay, fine. Fuck it. I'll watch this. This is from the, this is a continuation of the SpongeBob thing. Unknown_20: Patrick's tooth shaped mystery shall never be solved. Which brings us to our next segment. You goofed. Unknown_20: Today's goof is from episode 054. 2:41:20 Unknown_20: The baseball clearly enters frame right to left Whereas previously it was traveling left to right the shots don't hook up. My immersion is ruined Unknown_30: True they broke the 180 rule. I hope they all die Because he's like recording over a VHS tape so this footage of him lurking Oh Unknown_20: Bubble Bass Refuse is brought to you by canned nacho cheese. N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- 2:42:03 Unknown_20: Shush, you! Listen up, home viewers. My son needs help. He's pathetic. He needs a job. Maybe one of you knows someone who's hiring. Full disclosure, he is not good at anything. Maybe he could... Unknown_20: work in animation. Ah, look at this. There's skid marks on all his underwear. Oh, and he buys multiples of the same superhero dolls. Hey, those are mint on card. Home viewers, hear a mother's plea. Please, somebody pretend to be his friend. Take him outdoors. He hasn't been exposed to natural light in 12 weeks. 2:42:41 Unknown_30: There is something to be said about the animators hating this guy so much and his reviews so much that they just decided to roast him continuously for 6 minutes in the Spongebob Squarepants episode. 2:43:22 Unknown_30: It's very funny. Unknown_30: Okay, listen, I'm going to break through the mainstream. I'm going to bring lolcals to general consensus, and every show is just going to have retards on the internet. They openly lambast and ridicule. I'm going to normalize cyberbullying to such an extent that there is no way that my site is contentious and will be allowed to stay up. I will think LA is going to try to take me over. No. Unknown_30: I'm taking you over. I'm going to seize the controls directly in the beating heart of LA. And I'm going to reprogram it to be what I want it to be. So the culture is what I want it to be and what I need it to be so that I can run my forum unmolested. This is what we're going to do chat. 2:43:55 Unknown_30: Fees looking to us right based or what's happening in real time. We're seeing it happen the 1,000-year plan Trust the plan trust the plan knickers Josh's Other kittens, uh, perfect. It's a cat boy analogy kittens. Unknown_30: We're taking over this joint Koli Dante for 15 says it needs this article presents a fun conundrum. I 2:44:33 Unknown_30: If men have no advantage in women's sports, why did eight of 3,387 female athletes turn out to be men with androgen insensitivity syndrome or one out of 80,000 male babies? Androgen insensitivity literally makes the body immune to testosterone. So it's not even T. If men have no advantage in sport, why did eight or 3,387 female athletes Unknown_30: Turned out to be male babies, which is many times more likely. Unknown_05: Statistica. Unknown_30: Um, oh, okay. I see what he's saying. It's not testosterone that matters or matters as much. It's just the male body. And that's why, uh, androgen males are overrepresented in female sports. I understand. That's a mouthful. My, my dude took some processing, but yes, you're right. As a matter of fact, 2:45:17 Unknown_30: The people that support trannies are fucking stupid and facts and science motherfucker. Boom. Unknown_30: Logically, logically destroyed, utterly eviscerated by the laws of nature. Motherfucker. Good job. 2:45:50 Unknown_30: Uh, Unknown_30: Your advice on intermittent fasting was great. Down 70 pounds. You got any advice on how to stop being a coomer? Unknown_30: I don't know. That's awkward. That's an awkward question. Get a girlfriend. Now that you're down 70 pounds, you can start to invest into furthering your life so that women are attracted to you and then you will stop being a coomer. Do you have any respect for your wahmen at least? Good luck with that. TwinkleTard for $100 says Postcorn, congratulations on losing weight by the way. So whatever $100 says Postcorn in the chat, Postcorn in the chat chat. I better see a hundred ears of corn. 2:46:25 Unknown_30: Uh, for this man's generous, generous contribution to the Josh stream. Just get a GF. Unknown_30: I feel... I forgot I have an audience that I've inherited from some places that don't understand. Thank you though. Oh my god, all the corn pouring in for my boy TwinkleTard. What a bountiful harvest, TwinkleTard. Unknown_30: SaintZachariah410 says, I didn't know I was watching Vicious Vickers stream too. What a deal. 2:47:02 Unknown_05: What? Unknown_05: Are you calling me vicious vicars? Unknown_30: You want to take this outside? You want to settle this like men? You want to throw hands, motherfucker? I don't know how to interpret that. Unknown_30: Biggest thing that survives us. So have you gotten your registered agent set up or at least have someone in mind if nobody I do it slash Yellow slash need slash flag slash how you know, you know, I don't have any plans right now The guy from South Dakota is actually from North Dakota. I remembered I have no idea what to do. I'm The registered agent thing is just like the biggest pain in the ass. I 2:47:34 Unknown_30: Where's my fucking, uh, fucking, uh, chin for five says people who think stupid people can't be manipulative, haven't met shoplifters or just malicious retards in general. An example is easily observable with Christian and where you, where even though it is entirely up to his detriment, he preyed upon your expectations of him not doing the stupidest shit possible. That's true. Unknown_30: It's true. He knows Chris Chan knew how to be manipulative. He knew right and wrong. He knew that having sex with his mother was unacceptable. He knew that stealing from her, especially he was told by the police. 2:48:11 Unknown_30: don't take your mother's money part of the order I asked him directly if he had taken money from his mother and he said no he lied to my fucking face that he violated his order because he knew it was against the rules he knew he wasn't supposed to he did it anyways and when asked he lied about it and then when I proved it that I knew and he couldn't get away from it then he um 2:48:44 Unknown_30: He he Like post hoc justified it saying he'd pay her back or some shit But in the Chris is like stupid. He's a stupid motherfucker but even he knew how to play up his retardation to try and Justify his behavior and he's trying to say that leafy who was probably only a little bit smarter than Christian can't do the same No, if you if you are a genuine fan of leafy you you are being taken advantage of by this guy who's fucking with you You're being manipulated by a retard Bingus swear that the announcer Tim says hey Josh just clocked in my work computer to see you streaming good start to the day wonder if you have any thoughts on the nothing phone and Will a new company shake things up in a bit. I have not heard anything about that. I sincerely apologize The nothing phone is this like a new Android flavor or some shit? 2:49:27 Unknown_30: British electronics company. I have no hope for this whatsoever. Unknown_30: Thank you for your super chat. Uh, run fun. Roman facts. Elon must take note for six as many artistic depictions of Julius Caesar are actually Augustus Caesar Augustus, also known as Gaius Octavius, also known as Gaius Gaius Julius Caesar, as he inherited his uncle's name in a state engaged in a very successful PR program. The actual contemporary portrait of Caesar himself is very different. 2:50:03 Unknown_30: I did not know that about Caesar. Unknown_30: Thank you very much. I have learned more about the Roman Empire as a result of your super chat, and I feel enlightened. Unknown_30: Ot Merna's party cheese salad and joy are for vices. The missile that struck the Orthodox Church is unlikely to be from the Russian side as those have too large of a payload and likely would have obliterated the church. Unknown_30: Since they're large cruise missiles, what it most likely is, is a malfunction Ukrainian air defense missile as a scale to damage fits. Unknown_00: Well, this is why I try to say absolutely nothing about the war because I'm going to be corrected by both sides regardless of what I say at any given chance. 2:50:43 Unknown_30: Uh, casket king zero zero four five says, Hey Josh, here's some movies slash TV classics. If you ever get the time, the next 50 years, Unknown_30: The deer hunter unforgiven DAS boot and Barry Linden are excellent. Sopranos is the greatest form of Western media and the wire is a fun show to watch and laugh at basketball. Americans have a pizza on me. Thank you. Um, unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to watch anything or relax in quite a while, but maybe one day I would like to see the Sopranos and um, I've, I've, I've have seen DAS boot actually very stressful movie. Unknown_30: The ending is also incredibly depressing, but it's a great film. 2:51:23 Unknown_05: I have not seen the others though. Unknown_06: Thank you. Unknown_30: Uh, president of Mattel for five says, Hey Josh, we'd like to hear your input on what our KF user Barbie should look like and what accessories you should have. Also, what happened to Hassan? Apparently he advocated his fans to docs and idol group and caused them to quit. Now he's trying to avoid all accountability. I have no idea what's happened with Hassan Piker. Thankfully I do not have to pay any attention to him. Uh, KF user Barbie would be, I don't know. They're pretty normal. Those people, um, 2:51:57 Unknown_30: They just, they just like making fun of fat people, but everybody likes making fun of fat people. It's not like a uniquely a fat person thing. Unknown_30: Um, they wouldn't be men. I'll tell you that much. Unknown_30: A hamster working overtime for 10 says, I don't remember if the minimum for YouTube clip is there 20, but here's a very important video. Okay. I will allow it. I think I upped it to 20, but, uh, we will see. It's in the description of the thing that you donated on. Unknown_30: What an amazing clip. Very bass. Thank you very much. 2:52:31 Unknown_30: One of the finest moments in gaming history. Convinced an entire generation of Japanese girls to sing that. Sing a horrific ethnic slur. Unknown_30: The only good thing that VTubers ever did is play GTA V and then drop the N-word and sing songy voices. Literally the only good thing that ever came out of it. And it doesn't offset the horrific tragedy that is the VTuber menace, but it was pretty funny. 2:53:04 Unknown_30: Howard Chad Overcock for five says, uh, Shalom Josh or Shabbat Shalom. I believe it says the only thing wrong with being a pedophile is the fact that they're still alive. Hashtag TPD TTD. I agree. The fact that I just can't use my mind to kill people that are fucking disgusting. Say this is very sad. Unknown_30: anonymous for 10 says some of the josh core ai song edits are good and funny as fuck especially this one where you sing in spanish a real baro classic i think i know what this is 2:53:49 Unknown_30: That's the best part of that song. It's very repetitive after that, but you got your money's worth for that one. Yes. It's very nice. Uh, maker for 10 says, I heard you bring up Mack Steiner's the ego and his own briefly, but I was curious what you think of it as a whole. Here's some fun bugs. My dude. Unknown_30: Um, Unknown_30: Steiner is a meme. I find it interesting that Steiner was in that book club that Marx was in there's like a group of like German philosophers in the 1800s or who basically did Set like set the course of human history because they came up with all the modern philosophies that permeated in the 19th and 20th century Scherner was the least successful and it's because I 2:54:32 Unknown_30: His ideology is basically default human instinct. There is one thing, in The Ego and Its Own, there is one thing that Shiner says that's very, that I didn't understand when I read it, but now I understand. Unknown_30: He talks about how, because he's debating with communists, fascists, pro-democracy people in his little book club that spawned the entirety of modern political thought. And he very briefly debunks all these different ideologies. Unknown_30: And he debunks democracy by simply, this is his logical progression. God is not real. There is no God. He brushes over it very passively, just says it's completely total bunk. We know that this is true at this point in time. And it doesn't require any further elaboration. But then he goes on to say that democracy is a new God, that people who are pro-democracy hold up democracy as if it were its own divinely inspired thing, as if it was its own, like the act of consensus by itself is a perfect and divinely inspired concept that has religious principles that you cannot violate without being heretical to this faith. And when I read that, I thought it was weird to kind of describe a secular concept like democracy as a religion. But Shiner, as far as I'm concerned, is the first person who ever framed it like that. And it was very, it's very fascinating. And I think it's true. 2:55:51 Unknown_30: I think that people do talk about, especially today, I don't know how it was in the 1800s, but today people really do talk about democracy like it's a religion. Unknown_30: You can't jeopardize democracy. You can't do that. If everyone agreed to fucking you over, then it's right and you can't say anything wrong about it. Because everyone agreed that we should fuck you. Why are you not happy being fucked? We all agreed that you should be fucked. Most 51% of people so that you should be fucked. So you should be happy getting fucked. It's democracy. Sorry Fuck it especially when my thing against democracy is that 2:56:28 Unknown_30: at least in the modern concept of democracy, the root word of that is demos, citizen. It is the citizenocracy. And when the citizen is any fucking person on the planet that we import in mass or literally no one or dead people, then it's not really a democracy. It's a bunch of, it's a, it's a mob rule basically. 2:57:01 Unknown_30: And that's basically that's really where we're at it's like when you distort the definition of demos to not be any fucking people that actually Live in the country originally and it's not really a democracy really Unknown_30: I'm sorry that I've read a book. I'm sorry that I've read one of the most famous books of all time. God, forgive me. Please chat. Forgive me for having read a book. 2:57:34 Unknown_30: The biggest lie is not only a quote from Mein Kampf, one of the most famous books of all time, mind you, but it is one of the most famous quotes of Mein Kampf. Unknown_30: If you tell a lie big enough and often enough, people will start to believe it. It's like one of the most famous quotes in human history at this point in time. Fucking giving me shit for it. Fuck you. Unknown_30: Things I do chat, things I put up with. 2:58:06 Unknown_30: That's a dot for 10 says leafy begging for Josh to do his racism bit clearly a big Maddie fan I mean he thought that clearly he doesn't watch the show because he thought I was gonna bust out Anti-asian racism when we all know I'm on team hashtag stop Asian hate already, and I'm not gonna start I Mean you know how I feel about happens, but that was our race Thank you. A&N did nothing wrong pretend says if you mentioned if you google large interest Unknown_30: Sorry, let me try that again. If you Google largest sites on the dark web, none of the results mentioned Kiwi farms. That can't be right, can it? Unknown_30: Um, we're not technically dark web only, but I'm sure we're pretty large on the dark web. We're on tour now. I mean, when you say dark web, you usually mean illegal sites. Dark, the dark web is not a thing. It doesn't strictly mean the tour or whatever. It's a, it's his own thing. It's like, it's not, it's not right to call it the dark web. 2:59:01 Unknown_30: And Wallum's for three, but I'll tolerate this. That video you just played was from flood over on honesty. Great channel. He makes some hilarious content. Here's one of his videos. Check it out. If you feel like, um, Oh God, his videos are a bit edgy, even, even for my streams. Unknown_01: Shaboone at a park today. Unknown_01: Shaboone at a park today thought she was the only one with the right to be in time and space again as she tried to dismiss reality itself as manifested in the form of small woodland creatures who, by the sound of it, don't like niggers at all. 2:59:42 Unknown_22: This black bitch was so revolting that even nature didn't appreciate her presence at a local park. Unknown_21: You wanna see my baby? Look, you wanna see the baby? Is that what you want? Unknown_18: Fuck off, you fucking black bitch. Unknown_30: It's a bit much. Look, I disavow racism in all its forms. This is really horrific. But you can find more examples of how AI is being used to promote hate and intolerance on Flood, on Odyssey. Unknown_30: that's just his name it's just flood so you have to search that really shocking shit really terrible stuff doesn't give you much hope for for our lovely multicultural society and then 3:00:32 Unknown_30: Gympathy. Oh my god. Somebody who wasn't that skateboarder guy Actually donated or did a rumble super chat. I can't fucking believe it some music. You might like Josh. It's mostly instrumental I love you, Josh What's a cod? Unknown_30: Polyphia ego death features Steve via play Just like the intro 3:01:05 Unknown_30: Pretty show 18 million views damn Polly Fia ego death feet Steve Vai. Unknown_04: There you go. I'll take a listen to it. Thank you And That's it let me one more check Unknown_30: Okay, last one Chloe Dante for five says I still play Diablo 2 every couple of years when it fades out of memory enough for the gameplay to be fresh again most studios have one good game and then before the execs replace all the actual visionaries with mystery meet women for tax breaks One is getting optimistic these days though Unknown_30: Diablo 2 has some of the best cinematics in any video game ever the voice acting in the Diablo 2 cinematics And just the story of it is It was very profound to me as a kid because Diablo 2 was out when I was like a little kid I was like 8 or 9 I remember playing it my friends parents had a copy of the game and I played it and I um 3:02:06 Unknown_30: I loved, I adored the cinematics in Diablo 2. I was never... I wasn't big into it at the time, the game itself, but I loved the cinematics. Unknown_05: True. Unknown_30: Alright, that's it. There's one more little... I need to break out the news hamster once again. Because, as it turns out, Unknown_30: There is one more news thing to talk about. I don't have an actual article to bring up for this, but I will just cover it briefly. There's a song out there that's ruffled quite a bit of feathers. It's a country song, comes straight from the heart, and all them liberals and demon rats have had quite a bit of say about it. In fact, they've been talking about how, because it was filmed outside of a Tennessee courthouse where a negra was lynched in 1921 as if anyone fucking knows the history of every goddamn lynching in the whole fucking country just like the time that J.K. Rowling said there was a goblin war in 1621 and then they were like 3:02:44 Unknown_30: There was like a Jewish program in some random-ass Holy Roman Empire country in 1621. That's a direct dog whistle to that. Like, bitch, no one fucking knows about every goddamn Jewish program. There's been 190 of them, you heard? So there's no fucking way that you can keep track of that. Same with the lynchings. Just because you film anywhere in the US that existed before the Civil War, there's going to be a lynching there, okay? 3:03:24 Unknown_30: I came out there and I said, this song is, is racist. It's intolerant. It's a dog whistle to the QAnon conspiracy tards and it's wrong. But, um, I'll play it for, for y'all anyways. See y'all Friday. Bye. 3:04:13 Unknown_15: Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk. Carjacking old lady at a red light. Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store. You think it's cool, act a fool if you like. Cuss out a cop spitting his face. Stomp on a flag and light it up. Unknown_15: Yeah, you think you're tough. Unknown_15: Well, try that in a small town. See how far you make it down. 3:04:46 Unknown_15: Around here we take care of our own. You cross that line, it won't take long for you to find out. I recommend you don't. Unknown_15: Try that in a small town. Unknown_15: Got a gun that my granddad gave me. Unknown_15: Okay, listen up. 3:05:45 Unknown_30: Okay Google music I have been a subscriber of Google music the Various mechanisms now called YouTube premium rolled into YouTube music They have added a feature that makes my blood fucking boil fills me with rage so pure and so hot that I can feel it bursting out of my fucking core. When I change to Mad at the Internet to start my stream, the other tab stays logged into my main Joshua Moon account. Well, Google detects that you're listening to YouTube music through Joshua Moon, but you're signed in on a different account, and it stops the fucking song. So when I'm doing work on the YouTube channel, and I'm trying to listen to music, it interrupts my fucking song to warn me, change Google account, refresh the page to sign into the account you switched to. Motherfucker, I just want to listen to the fucking song. Why can't I listen to the song and also do shit on my other channel at the same time? Are you really saving that much money on the adsense? Like the pennies that I'm pinching from you by being on two different accounts at the same time? Is that like such a big fucking deal that you have to interrupt my song and decrease the value of the product that I'm subscribed to every month? 3:06:38 Unknown_30: It really drives me crazy. And I, you know what I do? I go to the feedback thing and I say, this, this window is fucking shit. And I hope you fucking die for ruining something that I've been using for like 10 years now under eight different names. And it was only until it was called YouTube music that you fucked it up this way. God damn, I hate this shit. 3:07:14 Unknown_30: fucking hate alphabet. I hope alphabet just sinks into the fucking I hope the earth underneath Google HQ's across the world just splits open and they are pulled into hell where they belong. Unknown_05: My granddad gave me the sea. 3:07:49 Unknown_15: Try that in a small town, see how far you make it down the road. Around here, we take care of our own. You cross that line, it won't take long for you to find out. I recommend you don't. Unknown_15: Try that in a small town full of good old boys raised up right. 3:08:35 Unknown_15: Try that in a small town 3:09:24 Unknown_30: Okay, I did it again I don't get to play the last 20 seconds of the song cuz it did again Google I'm coming I'm coming for that ass Neil Mohan. I'm coming stream is over. Bye