0:00:35 Unknown_07: Hey, look at me. I'm sitting here sad and lonely without my fire. But I'm desired tonight. Unknown_07: Will you say, say, I'm blinded by the way as I Unknown_07: See the ladies walking Along one by one I never wanna hear I have a boyfriend Tell me why I'm stuck as a virgin with rage Tell me why I still need a future of my age Tell me why I ain't ever wanna hear you say I have a boyfriend and I... 0:01:26 Unknown_08: I thought it would be impossible for AI to Replicate my voice and then they discovered that you simply have to do covers of Christian songs and the autism Shines through let me tell you Somebody did a couple of these and they're all pretty funny. I actually have two to play not just for the outro That's one of them. Let's so need a cute girl my age a cover by Christian of Some other song that's less famous Unknown_08: Geez, I'm looking at my screen. Let me tell you there's so many chats here. This is my uh, this is my What I think we should just do moving forward. We'll just put all the chats on screen I'll lay them across and then I'll just put the content on top of it I think maybe I'll put the chats up front and it'll just be like five different columns of chats at any time You know what actually no computer get rid of the chats get rid of all of them now open the streaming nexus for enhanced entertainment and discourse 0:02:44 Unknown_08: That's right, chat. In two days, with the power of striped socks, I have written a rust-based way of scraping chats from right now Rumble and YouTube, and now it's all streamlined in one. In two days, chat, through the magic of autism and caffeine and listening to Ralph yell. Unknown_08: I have actually programmed something for the first time in a while so Odyssey unfortunately the Odyssey bros Odyssey crashes the chrome that I was using the little shim So you're just gonna have to wait for me to figure out why it's crashing that and then I can eventually add VK I can have kicking and whatever the fuck I want so 0:03:27 Unknown_08: This is the this is the power of autism. We're getting we're getting better Um, I assure you that the streaming nexus for enhanced entertainment and discourse will be on actually it's on github right now If you're two people sent me a thing saying that they want to help Um, it's a bit of a mess. Everything's hard-coded right now, but if you want to go to github.com slash jaw hyphen sh, uh, which is my username josh Unknown_08: And then another slash for the project is streaming-nexus, as in the streaming nexus for enhanced entertainment and discourse. 0:03:59 Unknown_08: And that would be the project. It's, again, it's all hard-coded right now. Unknown_08: It's actually kind of crazy how it works, because there's a web server for, like, okay, step one is that it launches Chrome. And I tried to get it to work headless, so there's actually a little browser running on my computer right now. It's just chats. I couldn't get it to work headless, because Google fucking detects if you're running a headless browser, and it refuses to open the chat. So until I find a way to circumvent that, it has to run with an actual user interface attached. Then, it injects JavaScript, which adds a mutation observer to the chat history, and then every time a chat message is added, it creates a standardized object that it adds to the local storage, and then the actual Rust application flips between the different local storages and tries to harvest the messages from that. Then it streams that into a web socket, and then there's actually a web server that runs, and that is what is on my screen right now. So it's a little bit complicated, but it's a glorious trash fire. Somebody linked me something that was kind of similar, but it was a browser extension. You have to run it in your browser. It's like a developer extension, and then it streams all the chat messages to his website, so you don't have to run your own web server. I'm like, I don't want to run like some random developer extension on my browser that sends all sorts of data to this random fucking soy boys server So I didn't go with that. I um, I Made my own I went my own way I make town as it is and what's funny is that the thing the script actually opens the YouTube chat and and then it clicks live chat. So it's not even, I noticed that I was on top chat on my browser because I saw messages in the thing when I was preparing that weren't in my actual channel. Oh, I have top shadow on the stream has live chat, which makes it actually base. Um, so there you go. That's the way it is. Um, oh, 0:05:30 Unknown_08: It was, uh, I tested it a little bit. I let it run before the stream. I was testing it, um, actually with the fucking Leafy stream. I tried to listen to that as much as I could. I'll get into that in a second, but it handles the high volume of chat messages pretty well. So I'm, I'm, I'm pleased. 0:06:03 Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_08: That is the introduction. I'm still working on other stuff. I keep teasing that I've been working on stuff for like three months now and it's not materialized. So I'm just gonna leave it at that. The other thing that's just as a, I have like one news story. This stream, just so you know, it might be an hour long. I don't know. I try to get some stuff together. I'm an idiot. Let me tell you how big of a fucking idiot I am. I went through the whole thing of asking people what days they wanted me to stream. And I ended up on a Tuesday at midnight, which is basically a Wednesday, right? 0:06:37 Unknown_08: As far as I'm concerned, as I do these streams midday on Fridays, so. Unknown_08: There is the weekend and then there's like four days between Friday and when I do my stream on on midnight and then there's like Two and a half days before my Friday stream. So I really didn't I just some Oh Friday Friday and Tuesday that's like Unknown_08: That's like basically the same distance apart and then I realized when I actually look at the times like no I'm actually an idiot. I really fucked this up So Yeah, and it fucks with my sleep like I didn't realize how much I took for granted being asleep before midnight every night And it's really fucked with my sleep. Uh, so I don't know I might change it but 0:07:20 Unknown_08: I don't want to change it too quickly because it gives people whiplash and makes things hard to find. So I'll think about it and then I might change it in the future, but for right now it'll be Tuesday and Friday. I'll just have to make do with what I got. I'll have to bloviate about nonsense more often on certain streams. Unknown_08: Um, but actually I think I have some stuff there and I have a rant actually I have a big fucking rant to do so this is gonna be a stream. That's mostly Joshua, Joshua kumar trune seething and how much I fucking hate people At the moment at least Though 0:08:03 Unknown_08: the one news story. Where's my, where, where is my hamster? Where's my hamster? There he is. Unknown_08: Hello hamster. Um, so Unknown_08: The only news thing that I have is this long awaited. I have talked about this literally longer than anybody else on the face of the fucking planet. You know that I'm OG, that I pay, I keep my ear to the ground for things that actually matter. And then two years after the fact, everyone's talking about it. The federal reserve announces that it's new system for instant payments. The fed now registered trademark service is now live. 0:08:39 Unknown_08: That is right, the Antichrist payment system, the Mark of the Beast, has gone live. And the question now on everyone's tongue is, is the KiwiFarm going to have a donation system or payment system using FedNow? The answer is maybe in the future. The issue is, and I talked about this before, I need to find a bank that accepts FedNow payments that is not going to kick us off. So there are many more banks and there are payment networks. There are several thousand banks in the United States. There's four payment networks, only two actually matter. 0:09:14 Unknown_08: And if any of them say anything, it's basically one. As far as the payment processes are concerned, any complaint from any of them is as good a complaint from all of them. So there's more options here. I don't know off the top of my head a bank that would tolerate us. I can't even find a registered agent that will allow me to incorporate my company with them and use them for a mailing service. So, yes, FedNow is promising, but as far as its usability to me, it's non-existent at the moment. I have other things to fix first. And they may be expensive. 0:09:47 Unknown_08: Like, the problems that I have with the LLC with basic essential services are not getting easier. Unknown_08: I don't know. I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and pick a random guy to be my registered agent. I think one guy was in South Dakota, uh, or something and that might be what I do. But yeah, the fentanyl thing is like, I don't know. We'll have to see how it pans out. It is a government service, which means that they can't discriminate. So it's probably, but banks can is the other issue. Banks can still discriminate. So, uh, yeah, big fucking mess, right? 0:10:22 Unknown_08: It is what it is. Unknown_08: And that's it. That's it for the news. I hope you have enjoyed the news segment. Unknown_08: Maybe I missed something. I don't think I did. So let's talk about trannies. Let's proceed into the tranny segment. Unknown_08: Yaniv. Unknown_08: My boy, I love every time I have to talk about you on it. This is what like my rehearse things I will today. I will remind them. This is one of my today. I will remind them Jonathan Yaniv was Known as trusted nerd he was the guy that complained to my first data center that we physically house the Kiwi farms in which was a colo crossing in Buffalo, New York and Jonathan Yaniv complained and got the Kiwi farms kicked out of that data center and Jonathan Yonav got all of our Twitter accounts banned a decision that to this day Elon Musk refuses to reverse Jonathan Yonav was able to get my personal stream on Jonathan Yonav taken down by complaining to YouTube directly Before the stream even started. I just announced that this stream that is Slated to go at a certain time is going to be about Jonathan Yonav. Jonathan Yonav had the clout and pull to get My stream taken down before it started Jonathan, no, this is Lisvong Jones is the guy that's married to the snake guy. Jonathan Yaniv is a fat Canadian Israeli Jonathan Yaniv was also able to get from WordPress several feminists that wrote about him ban and it was not until Jonathan Yaniv took eight different small 0:11:30 Unknown_08: beauticians, I don't know, I think beautician is the correct word. He took small eight or eight small beauticians to the Human Rights Tribunal of British Columbia to sue them for not waxing his balls, refusing to perform a female Brazilian wax on a male bodied person. And it was after Jonathan Yaniv did that, that Jonathan Yaniv became an international news story that every single person here has heard about for sure. 0:12:19 Unknown_08: But it was not, but he had free reign. He had, he directly knew the co-founder of Twitter. He knew all these fucking people. He had infinite clout and was pulling strings to censor whoever he wanted up until the day that he decided to sue a bunch of women and not even sue them, but take them to file a human rights complaint in British Columbia. And then, then the, then he lost it and a loss is his persuasion, but. Unknown_08: I was dealing with him before anybody else was and now it's been very gratifying to see his entire life come apart He has been arrested once again He has been in and out of the British Columbia courts. Basically. He's a high-profile person who's been accused of pedophilia I think that those accusations are credible because his favorite thing to do is to like he wrote a weird story about going to a place that a school was doing a tour a tour guide through and and he took like weird selfies in the bathroom with like kids in the background and shit and the Troons all fucking do this they'll take weird pictures of themselves in the bathroom with women in the background and stuff 0:13:02 Unknown_08: I've never seen a man take a selfie. Maybe, I don't know, have any of you ever seen a man, when you're in the bathroom, have you ever seen a man take a selfie of themselves in a public restroom in the mirror of a bathroom? I have never seen that in my life. But yet, for whatever reason, if you find a tranny, there's almost always a selfie 0:13:35 Unknown_08: of, um, of them and women in the background of the bathroom of the public restroom. It's a weird thing to notice, but as a professional noticer, I noticed it quite a bit. Unknown_08: I do it every chance I can. Okay. That's a, that's a, that's an off the wall comment. Um, only after lifting that doesn't count. If it's the bathroom of a gym that doesn't count, but if it's like the public restroom of like a Walmart or something, that's fucking bizarre. 0:14:15 Unknown_08: Okay, so That's that He so His issue is that all these like reporters come to his apartment to like fuck with him and because he's a you know a mentally ill person Who may or may not be neurotic during due to certain Certain genealogical assets that he has 0:14:51 Unknown_08: He has assaulted like multiple reporters and as a result is on probation. He had like a taser I think he discharged his taser on stream with Blair White and That was I don't think he was licensed to have a taser or tasers were like regulated so that if you discharge a taser and it's um You know and for no reason that's like a crime so he got put on probation for that I think and then Unknown_08: After that, this, this is a, he was accused of assault or some other crime as a result of like a meow mix thing recently that I talked about. And he's just now got arrested again for violating his probation. He's been arrested. Like I'm going to say at least three times at this point. It's a, it's quite a bit. 0:15:31 Unknown_08: So he, um, he's a, he's a fucking menace and it brings me. Unknown_08: Like I, my thing is like, I don't, I don't get to see comeuppance instantly. Like usually when something bad happens, you want to see like immediately someone fucked over like, Oh, this person's bad. I want to see them fucked over like immediately. I have to be patient. I realized that I can't like spur people into doing anything. I can't like compel the justice system to do anything, especially when they're not like committing a crime, like just complaining it's not a crime. 0:16:05 Unknown_08: So I just have to wait. But I've noticed that if I wait long enough, I do get to see really bad things happen to bad people quite a bit. Unknown_08: Not as much as you would hope, and not as quickly as you would hope, but it might take a couple years. But eventually, if I sit back and relax and I don't do anything, I will see really bad things happen to bad people pretty often. And that's very gratifying, Chad. I just gotta be patient. Yes, that's right. Unknown_08: Um, and it's actually, I have other, other things related to that. 0:16:43 Unknown_08: Um, I'm still, I'm still hoping to wake up to a world one day where veto doesn't exist, but, um, I might have to wait a little bit for that. That might take a while, but we'll get there one day. Unknown_13: Uh, this is. Unknown_08: Sophie LaBelle is their true name. This is a person I've also talked about quite a bit, but haven't in a while. I don't think I've ever done a person stream on Sophie, though they would be a good candidate for one, actually, because this is like an OG. I know this person's story pretty well. 0:17:22 Unknown_08: So you might be wondering, oh, who's Sophie? Sophie is an ogre. Sophie lives in a swamp. Um, there were there was an incident where a bunch of magical creatures were interned At his swamp and then he had to go on a huge it was a long story short uh, he had to go rescue a princess who actually is now a man and uh, they've lived happily ever after and then we'll get to that and Unknown_08: Sophie draws comics called a signed mail a signed mail was kind of a more popular thing when tumblr was around Sophie like og Sophie's like a like a og tumblr tranny and has been doing their assigned mail comics for a long time Sophie started when trunes were still like a joke and it's like it was like a localized phenomenon with like tumblr and Facebook at most and they've survived to see you know this 0:18:18 Unknown_08: What I hope is the apex of this, uh, what would you even call it? Like a modern day punk aesthetic. I think that's a good way of putting it. This, uh, this fad, this, uh, rebellion, uh, like facetious rebellion against the status quo. Unknown_08: Scourge But here here's my favorite one. This is like the one that really typified His comic style is that this is his self insert character. I forget his name the character's name but 0:18:55 Unknown_08: The the little girl a little son a girl. It's actually a boy. It's a sign male obviously but the boys like It's it's just weird because he's an adult male and he's trying to talk about what his childhood was like and there's like kind of weird Sex stuff obviously because they have to talk about genitals a lot. So you have like this very opinionated eight-year-old self-insert character who is a kind of sexually active Unknown_08: and uh loves to talk about penis uh very recurring uh concept in the comic so in the most famous comic that he did uh the the evil transphobe bully asked hey tr asterisk nny are you getting fake boobs haha see this is a this is a typical transphobic thing to ask about surgeries and bottom surgery and general configuration, none of their business. So obviously they threw back, suck my dick, which is a very normal thing for an eight year old to say. As a, as a somebody who was once a little boy myself, I don't think I ever remember at this age, anyone commanding another person to suck their dick. I, I just, I just don't recall that ever happened. I think we called each other gay. I think that was the, the, um, 0:19:45 Unknown_08: I think that was the most offensive thing you could say about somebody And then of course the the bully who? 0:20:22 Unknown_08: Obviously the bully is a secret homosexual that loves tranny loves trans girls So it's actually like bullying cuz he had the cross on her and then when he said fuck my dick He's like, oh my god, maybe I want to and that this is this is the apex. This is the best thing He's ever put out. He actually censored this I think and Unknown_08: I think he censored it to censor out the I and Dick and then the you and suck and Then he just deleted it all together. So to 17, this is a rare comic you have to put this in your rare assign mail folder This is a more recent one Sorry the most more recent one comes after this one and 0:21:06 Unknown_08: So Sophie usually goes on these what's his name Freda's real name No, I don't have the thread up no, actually I do hold up Unknown_08: We're not oh, it's a french name go away on me. I can't pronounce that. I'm just gonna stick with sophie Sorry, go away on me still sounds like a like a female japanese name or something. So uh He announced he goes on these tours to sign comic books and talk at events And that's why we get all these lovely candid shots of him looking like shrek Um that are not filtered. It's because he goes to these events and the speeches and stuff Unknown_08: Glam his name is literally glammy Wow, okay How about goal at me? That's how I think yeah goal at me I 0:21:51 Unknown_08: But he goes on this tour, and he announces at the very end, he says that nothing happened, uneventful tour, and then at the bottom, it's my last tour, but I will still be accepting invitations here and there, but without leaving for several weeks at a time, since my husband and I are soon having a baby. So Princess Fiona has decided to get a double mastectomy and then afterwards, for whatever reason, become pregnant. And they are now anticipating their little baby, Baby Ogre, which I'm sure Sophie is going to be a very capable parent because as they point out here, 0:22:35 Unknown_08: Uh, they're autistic and bad at, uh, and have hypersensitivity to sounds. So here is their recent comic. They stopped numbering them. I guess they couldn't count that high. Uh, Shroon goes to the bathroom, washes hands, and then it says, no paper, use ear murder machine. And then they wash their hands, but you can see their ears are bleeding because they're very, uh, triggered. Uh, auditory, auditory sensation overload from the air dryer. And the accompanying message with this comic was that we need to make bathrooms more accessible to neurodiverse people. So you're going to take somebody who is neurodiverse, uh, who has a issue with loud sounds, and we're going to introduce a baby from a true mother into their household. 0:23:11 Unknown_08: It's just going to work, chat. It's just going to work. Unknown_08: Trans people can be great parents. I'm sure you don't have to worry. You don't have to worry about all the serial killers that are going to come about next generation. Unknown_08: And that is your Troon news update on our one hour long stream today. Unknown_08: Sorry, I was busy cooting all week, so I didn't get to do anything. This one's actually homegrown. This is a homegrown specimen. 0:23:55 Unknown_08: I don't remember exactly how this guy got started. He made an account. His name was Caden Antelos and he's like a pro tranny, like troll. He just shit up threads basically. I tolerated him for a long time. He had like 3000 posts. However, he kept, I think what happened is he kept tagging me. Unknown_08: Kept telling him stop tagging me and he refused to do that. So I banned them He he basically would just go to random threads and then take like a contrarian position and be like I love trannies When everyone would argue with him and it would derail the thread but I want to show you what he looks like you ready? 0:24:42 Unknown_08: This is him. He's the course or Redditor. He kind of looks like a Unknown_08: I want to say tipster. Maybe he looks like Nick D'Oreo. I think of Nick D'Oreo. I always forget Confused Nick D'Oreo and and tipster Which I is really mean because one of those people I like a lot more than me others Yeah, it does look like D'Oreo. So okay, he goes on he's a redditor This is not the red segment because I'm right there says roast me. That's what he looks like Unknown_08: He also is a furry, and he's into vore. He's into that very particular kind of vore. Where it's like, they eat each other whole, impossibly, and then have enormous pregnancy bellies as a result of eating each other. Very bizarre. I think I can show you... 0:25:15 Unknown_08: Is there a name for this? I'm fairly new to the macro scene. One of my favorite macro concepts is when a person starts growing inside a building and soon they get too big for the building and their head starts bumping against the ceiling and the building starts crumbling around them. Like they're too big for the inside. Is there a way to describe this concept like in a word? I might be trans. I mean, I don't know yet. I've been questioning it in the past. 0:25:49 Unknown_13: He has some hot takes about animated children. Unknown_08: Here's some things aunties don't get. Auntie's is a pedophile word. Auntie is like a weird contraction that they use to represent anti pedophilia or anti lolicon. CP isn't bad because the child is a perfect innocent little whatever or whatever they like. CP is bad because the child was sexually abused in the creation of it. What child is abused in drawing a fictional character minor or otherwise? 0:26:25 Unknown_08: Oh, he is trans. He's got the true and the true profile picture. Unknown_08: Wonderful. Unknown_08: Oh, you know what? I might have banned him for the lollicon stuff. I might have been them for being a pedophile That's why it would be permanent because usually if someone tags me when I say don't tag me I'd be on them for a week Each time they do it, but if he is a pedophile, that's probably why I banned him permanently However, the question is can a Unknown_08: furry tranny pedophile be base sometimes it seems like an oxymoron josh are you going off the deep end have you started taking pills are you insane well chat i have a question for you i want you to tell me if you agree with any of this okay 0:27:14 Unknown_08: you have to you have to tell me um w or l for each one of those posts he says again with the spamming of the same i'm just trying to prove something at elon musk i can't wait to see you here w or l chat at tim cast can't wait to see you here w or l chat Tucker Carlson can't wait to see you here w or l chat and jk railing can't wait to see you here w or l chat um he avenged he just started to spam oh this is bob that's a fucking w i'm sorry present for present for bob eiger that's that's a w i can't i cannot lie i'm not gonna like disagree with that statement just because i don't like you said it i won for marjorie taylor green Unknown_08: billionaires he says he got banned from Twitter he I think he's like like crazy obviously so he was unmedicated and he decided to go to Twitter and just start adding all the billionaires saying I'm gonna decapitate you and for it I guess Elon Musk got spooked by it and banned him for it 0:28:24 Unknown_08: Also, he's like one of those most an atheist who goes to random like Christian tweets and says like like tips their fedora at them That's great trans rights are human rights. Fuck the fascists. Well, that's a no for sure Unknown_08: Shout out to my boy Kaden out there trying to survive as a Weirdo pedophile. God, I have nothing but pedophiles to talk about this episode. I didn't even realize that that's disgusting This is a depressing episode if you're like one of those like Depressives who's like on the brink of killing themselves at any given time just log off. I'll see you I'll see you on Tuesday for the rest of you who want to Needlessly rage bait yourself into a tizzy. Let us trundle on let me get a sip 0:29:13 Unknown_08: Next up Speaking of you may recognize this fucking cunt. This is the zoom. His name is Corey Barnhill. He is a pedophile He is a chronic psychological pathological liar now as goes by a Corey Shiratori He's probably changed his name because he last changed his name to a guest his heart and Unknown_08: A lot of people know who Zoom is. I'm not going to bother reiterating it. If you want to read about Zoom, you can read about it. Go to this thread in the Internet of Things board. Unknown_08: There is something to add to the Cory Barnhill drama. As many of you will know, a brief recap. 0:29:49 Unknown_08: At some point in the Kiwi Farms history, we had stable hosting. We also had DDoS protection from a ISP called Path Networks LLC. Path was actually a pretty popular DDoS protection service that was used at quite a few data centers. Unknown_08: And it was formed by, I think, a former Lizard Squad black hat, Marcus Webb, and some other guys. Last name is King. I don't know him too well. Unknown_08: One of their employees is zoom. They denied this. They will lie to your fucking face that zoom, uh, works for them, that he is their chief technology technology officer. However, I have seen from multiple sources that zoom does in fact work for this company. And I think still does in a high level capacity. Um, he will lie. They will lie literally to their business partners. I am pretty sure about zoom's involvement with their company. Uh, in particular, um, 0:30:23 Unknown_08: The Kiwi farms was my ASN was blocked from using path. I did not know this at the time, but my data centers upstream for DDoS protection use path, uh, for clean bandwidth. And at some point my DDoS protection just stopped working. I didn't know why I contacted my host. I said, they don't know why they didn't do anything. They eventually contacted path and, uh, confirmed that, uh, path had specifically blocked us. 0:31:01 Unknown_08: They and they've lied about Corey's involvement. They said that there were a contractor Who was let go after a year's work, which is a fucking lie because Corey's Social media profiles still claim under his new names that he's working for the company as their CTO So when they say Corey, but nobody by the name Corey Barnhill works at this company What they're actually saying is he changed his fucking name and he still works for us pretty sure 0:31:44 Unknown_08: Someone dug up that they have issues. Now. This is an old issue, but I found it entertaining So nonetheless, I will read it This is Jason Dorsett versus path network Marshall Webb and Jason King who are the co-founders and the gist of this is that? Unknown_08: Path was started and I want to say 2019 or 2020 Unknown_08: So Marcus Webb, Jason King, consult some people that they had been acquaintances with, probably people who are wealthy from Bitcoin and stuff like that. And they solicited donations from them or rather investments from them to start the company path. Uh, and one of those people was Jason Dorsey. He apparently lives in Puerto Rico and he gave these people to start the company that Zoomworks at a million dollars. 0:32:24 Unknown_08: In return, they gave them a promissory note. Unknown_08: Dorsett was to receive dividends on his investment on the profits of the company. Unknown_08: Among other things, he was to receive financial records. And then after a year, Marcus Webb told him that they couldn't deliver any dividends because the promissory note was to mature after a year and they would start getting their dividends. He told Dorsett that that was not going to happen. They didn't have the money. 0:33:00 Unknown_08: and they needed more time. So again, Dorset allowed them to delay the dividends in exchange for two things, two promises. They could have sued immediately. Dorset could have sued immediately and pushed them into bankruptcy because they were insolvent. Unknown_08: However Marcus Webb promised them our promised or set two things in response number one for sure for sure Are for real for real no cap no cap on God? financial records this time and number two 1 million path tokens 1 million doge coins, but instead of doge pictures, what you would get is a million dollars of credit for the company path. 0:33:35 Unknown_08: So you could buy a million dollars worth of DOS mitigation, whatever the fuck. Unknown_08: And it was supposed to be like an actual cryptocurrency that you could trade on like CoinGecko and stuff. It was like, I think it was an Ethereum token, but it was supposed to be something you could actually trade. Unknown_08: We have 1 million Elon Bucks, basically. So then a year after the fact, nothing happened. He did not get any financial records from the company. And he did not even get his path tokens. And in fact, the path tokens he was promised were stolen from his custody while they had set up. So there was there is actually a thing called path tokens. They're worth like a fraction of a penny now, I'm pretty sure, on CoinGecko, which is the only exchange that they got listed on. 0:34:11 Unknown_08: Even though it's effectively worthless and you can't do anything with it They stole it from them by seizing the wallet that the coins are in so now He sued them or he's just a while ago. This guy this spoiler alert this case went into Into a behind closed doors settlement so nobody knows for sure what happened, but the way that the the courts work is that a 0:34:48 Unknown_08: The reason why he sued all three of them is because if you steal something from somebody, then under California law, if you aid in stealing something from somebody, you're also on the hook, and what you owe them as relief is three times what you stole. Unknown_08: So he sued, he was promised a million dollars in PATH tokens. He sued the company and the two founders, collectively and individually, for $3 million each, and then that went into a closed-door arrangement and they settled. So I don't know how much, they were on the tab for at least $9 million, just for the stealing of the PATH token, something that they made up, but because they alleged that it would have a million dollars of value, under law it was probably $3 million that they owed in response for stealing the, 0:35:33 Unknown_08: The 1 million to begin with based on the value that they they prescribed it which never actually existed for the the tokens So that went out it Was resolved last year. I've only just now heard about it because as it turns out I Believe the company's imploding. I believe that path is exploding I don't know. I mean it sucks that Marcus Webb and fucking zoom were able to enrich themselves as much they have through their scam and Unknown_08: But the company appears to be imploding, and as I said, sometimes it sucks that I have to wait so long to see really bad things happen to really bad people, and in this case, really bad companies. 0:36:30 Unknown_08: But I am immensely gratified hearing about this, and I hope it fucking stings. Unknown_08: Maybe he'll actually get arrested for being a pedophile one day and openly admitting to watching child pornography and Hacking into from what I from what I think based on the footage. I think that he hacks into little kids bedroom cameras, too Based Unknown_08: Very, very brief update. Patrick Tomlinson. I mentioned that Tomlinson, quasi, who hates me by the way, even though I allowed him to host Open Anthony Forums through my site, the fact that I correctly pointed out that members of his site wanted to swat people in my family, makes him think that the Kiwi Farms is now a pedophile site. Pedal file site that he happily hosted opening Anthony farms alongside on 1776 solutions for quite a while But that's irrelevant cause I filed a contempt charge or requested a contempt charge to be filed against Tomlinson for non-payment of the debt the the money that he is owed and the court has set a date for 0:37:21 Unknown_08: It is said they have set a date, Tomlinson will be back in court to protest the complaint, to justify to the judge that no stalker judge child, I do not owe quasi a single red cent. You cannot make me pay him. Unknown_08: And I did not hold you in contempt of court. Even though I could hold you in contempt of court, I could hold everybody in this room in contempt, and it would be morally justifiable. Stalker. 0:38:16 Unknown_08: So good luck with that. Unknown_08: Tomlinson, have fun. That ain't me. Unknown_08: Okay, now I have another up to actually have quite a bit of court documents this stream surprisingly But I don't want to spoil it. I don't want to say right into it what I will be reading So I'm gonna give you guys a hint and I want you guys to guess who I'm gonna be talking about. You ready? I I'll need to sing a song, you know, I'll sing a song and I'll be the hint. Oh 0:38:51 Unknown_08: Yo, Giovanna, do you know that you're hot like a sauna? You make me feel good inside. Unknown_08: Your smile's like Red Bull. Unknown_07: You give me wings, make me feel like I could fly. 0:39:22 Unknown_08: want to thank you for having all the colors that flank you but with 5 million people that follow you I don't know if my words will ever get through so here's hoping to find an opening and you hear this song that I wrote for you Unknown_08: is josh kore gonna become like a music phenomenon? are we gonna see josh kore posters on the music boards of the internet? on our music on reddit? josh kore taking over? wow the dulcet tones of his autism voice really elevates this music to a new form okay it's just so much better now 0:40:18 Unknown_08: Um, Greer, who I am going to be careful talking about because I'm still technically in a lawsuit with him. I will simply be reading, um, some quotes from a filing that he's pushed through, not against me. Unknown_08: And I will allow chat to react as they would. So this is going to be a very neutral, not going to inflect on it. Unknown_08: We're just going to actually went through and highlighted it. So we're just going to go through and read some parts that I've highlighted. Unknown_08: This document, of course, is public record. So if you want to go see the full thing and form your own opinions about me reading anything, you are, of course, welcome to do so. 0:41:05 Unknown_08: This is what is actually the headline for this? Unknown_08: It's Russell Greer. Actually, there's addresses and stuff. Let me hide it real quick. I'll read you the. Unknown_08: Topline this is Russell Greer plaintiff versus a Sybil Stallone defendant Okay, now I can read Unknown_08: Paragraph 8. Plaintiff is an advocate for sex work legalization in Nevada. Plaintiff runs a political action committee that works towards such efforts. We launched efforts in July 2021 to get a question on state ballot to legalize sex work in Clark and Washoe counties by introducing a comprehensive sex work legislation that voters could vote on. 0:41:49 Unknown_08: So if you don't know in Nevada, you might think no Nevada has prostitution already prostitution is only legal outside of Vegas itself So it's legal like if you want to actually visit like a brothel in Nevada. You have to actually go outside of Vegas and And I don't know why that is the case. You would think that the prostitution would be in Vegas and nowhere else, but it's the opposite. So for whatever reason, Greer wanted to change that and wash, wash a hoe. Oh, I think I just discovered why prostitutes aren't allowed in Washoe County. They got to wash the hose there and it's too much overhead. So they just don't. 0:42:33 Unknown_08: So he wants to change that. He was a proponent of legalizing prostitution in Utah as well. So he's continuing that work in Nevada. June 11th, 2022, or June 20th, 2022, Greer made contact with two sex workers at Sherry's Ranch and they wanted to help his efforts. Their name was Max and Anika. And June 30th, Greer met Max at Sherry's and they formed an instant bond. So Russell Greer went to a brothel, met a woman apparently named Max, and they immediately hit it off. Great. Now I'm here on paragraph 16. On July 7th, 2020, Anika reported that an email began to circulate Greer to every Nevada sex worker in the email link to an infamous far right white nationalist neo-Nazi site that has been harassing Greer for five years. Exhibit C. Sex workers began gossiping about Greer. 0:43:05 Unknown_08: Defendant Sybil Stallone was one of the sex workers who not only gossiped but lied about Greer. Sybil told Anika, Max, and others that she had a restraining order against Greer and that her boyfriend beat Greer up. 0:43:41 Unknown_08: Skipping ahead to 24 Greer unfortunately has had only one sex worker put a restraining order on him in 2015 after she defrauded him of $4,000 and Greer didn't just channel his justified outrage correctly. Her name was Kira keeper or Murphy Walters. Unknown_08: Uh, no comment. Unknown_08: Sybil Salone is not Kira keeper and has never had a restraining order on him. Unknown_08: I like this career can say that being served with restraining orders a moment one doesn't forget And he knows if he had been served with the restraining order. He would have known if he had been He knows if he would have that's a train wreck of a son's He knows if he would have been served with a restraining order involving Sybil 49 Sybil further lied by saying her boyfriend beat rear up. It is a lie because it never ever happened. I 0:44:37 Unknown_08: Channeling, I believe that is a Taylor Swift to saying we're never ever getting back together Just reminds me of a Taylor Swift song I don't know why just a little bit out of place there in a legal document. I don't know what the Connection there is Unknown_08: Sybil's defamation and fabrication caused Max and Anika to drop out of helping Greer's non-profit. Greer began sobbing and was beyond hurt when the sex workers didn't want to help Greer because Sybil had lied. 0:45:15 Unknown_08: Because the sex workers dropped out, Greer had to sheepishly cancel the press conference. Greer had to ignore reporter requests for interviews because he didn't know how to explain that the sex workers abandoned the project. Unknown_08: And then there is all the This is basically the the claims of the exact same information. I'm just read but reiterated to back up Torts and then in the conclusion for the reasons stated above Greer would ask to be rewarded $10,000 in actual assumed and punitive damages respectively submitted Russell rear. Let's see if I can get that See 0:45:53 Unknown_13: exhibit c so this is the uh evidence from alice's littles i don't know what the fuck that means um good day hope my email finds you well please note i am writing from an utterly anonymous email address that is untraceable i will leave this up for a little while before i kill it Unknown_08: So I wanted to let you know about this man, Russell Greer, in case you're unfamiliar with them. Consider this a PSA. Please click the link below. I think you'll find it very interesting. By all means, please do forward to any other sex worker, you know, scroll way down to the bottom of the page, grab some popcorn and a beer going to be a wild fucking ride. I'm actually curious. 0:46:28 Unknown_08: Three zero four eight eight three seven two six. Hold up. I actually want to pull up. Unknown_08: Uh, what exactly this is? I didn't even think about that. 30488 page 3726. Okay. I'm going to scroll all the way down to the bottom. Like it suggests. 0:47:00 Unknown_13: Way down to the bottom of the page. Unknown_13: Oh, they found like his profile or something. 0:47:35 Unknown_08: Max's dream schedule. I cater to blow blow job, bubble bath party, half and half new room massage, armpit sex, GFE girlfriend experience, prostate massage. Unknown_13: Okay. Unknown_12: Oh, thank you. Unknown_13: I don't know if it's moved since then or what. I guess that he, I guess what they're trying to show is maybe this, this is the sex worker and he took a picture with her and posted it to the internet. 0:48:24 Unknown_13: Um, Unknown_08: Just so you know, if you're a sex worker listening to this and you're trying to cancel a sex pest, if you right click on the number that's on the top right of the screen of any post and you right click that and say copy link address, you'll then get a URL that contains post hyphen and a post number. And that is an absolute URL that will never break even if the post is moved between threads. So if you're a sex worker and you're sending out a chain email and you want to link a specific post on this website, you can just do that instead of trying to say this page at the bottom of the page. 0:48:59 Unknown_08: So there you go. Unknown_08: Russell we're not having a good time in Nevada Unfortunately, his activism active activism for sex work in the Washahoe County Has been cut short to do the slanderous misdeeds of miss civil as he alleges and his In his in his tort So now chat This is the part that everyone's been waiting for. You're ready. I have a question before we get to this part. I Have a question to ask you 0:49:34 Unknown_08: Are you ready? Unknown_08: I ask. Unknown_08: Volt er den totalen Katzenjungen Krieg? And at this point you're supposed to say, in my chat, all caps, JA. Unknown_09: We're gonna burn this fucker to the ground. I promise to God. 0:50:06 Unknown_09: I promise to God on the lives of my children, Nick Fuentes and America First are going to be destroyed. Unknown_09: Do you understand? Unknown_09: I promise to God on the lives of my children, Unknown_09: and on my own life, Nick Fuentes and America First will be destroyed. Unknown_09: Amnesty on, you know what, Mike Enoch, everybody. Amnesty on everybody. 0:50:48 Unknown_09: Complete amnesty. NJP, Radbot, Gaynor, I don't give a fuck. I mean everybody. 0:51:33 Unknown_08: To those who would moralize I see some the long dissenting voices in chat you have to realize That if you're not laughing you're in the wrong place it's a very So here's what happened right I talked about Ralph and how he turned on Nick Fuentes and how I for various reasons I Unknown_08: Tentatively support him in his endeavor to completely destroy America first and humiliate Nick Nick Fuentes beyond any redemption as far as I was concerned I Wish him the absolute best There have been minor developments since last stream nothing as fun as as what happened when he went to the America first thing however Let me just something separate quick Unknown_08: First of all, as he mentioned in the video, he is doing completely amnesty on all my enemies. America first and Nick Fuentes must be destroyed. So for the purposes of the Thutalien Katzenjungkrieg, he is forgiving all of his enemies for siding him. He has, if you have been convicted for wrongdoings against Ethan Ralph in the Ethan Ralph court of Ethan Ralph, You have been granted presidential amnesty, except for Keno Casino and PPP and Andy Worsky, who definitely didn't want to talk to Ralph anyways. 0:52:30 Unknown_08: And don't want to be his friend. Okay, so that's where we're at with the amnesty thing. 0:53:04 Unknown_08: As a result of this, actually, Godwinson shows up on his stream and he gets banned from Cozy, and Big Tech shows up on his stream to announce that he's done with America First and that... Unknown_08: Think he's also banned from cozy. So because he's having a serious fucking issue. We're basically everyone was leaving their platform immediately and One of the one person left who I'm kind of curious to see where it goes is Dick Masterson is a friend of Ethan Ralph probably Ethan Ralph's the most long-lasting genuine friend at this point in time and 0:53:47 Unknown_08: streamed on cozy exclusively for his His weekly streams as far as I'm aware so I'm kind of curious if Dick Masterson is going to say, you know Fuck cozy and switch over to rumble or if he's gonna try to placate both sides or or what? I don't know what to expect with that So Unknown_08: that is the interesting thing about big tech is he's the one that kind of got me to fucking hate nick fuentes in the very recent like before i was just kind of like as they're cringe they're kind of gay i think nick fuentes is like a bulimic homosexual in the closet Unknown_08: But it was big tech stream that really made me hate America first because I'm watching it and they're talking about This allegation towards Jaden's friend if you don't know Jaden is like an ex-friend of Nick Fuentes who joined the dark side and went to PPP stream and now he's like a regular guest on PPP's, you know casino thing and apparently has like a friend named Ultros and they tried to set him up as like a pedophile and but like the tweets that they allege that he made are shit that 0:54:52 Unknown_08: They say all the time. I made the thread and I'm not going to show this thread on stream And I don't want to vocalize any of the tweets that I screen capped, but there is like a very real very sizable demographic of unapologetic pedophiles who are part of America first and they have a large social media presence because Nick Fuentes needs every single person in America first to signal boost his message and and promote him and try to get him onto shows and basically spread awareness that he exists when he has a very limited social media presence outside of his own websites. 0:55:34 Unknown_08: And because of this, they have a very obvious and easily trackable history where they all interact with each other. And it's very, very easy to go to any post about Nick Fuentes that's positive. And just by looking at who liked it, find accounts that are like openly pro-pedophilia. They openly talk about having sex with kids. Unknown_08: It's not even like a joke. They're just all about it. Big Tech was laughing about this. Unknown_08: And his chat was reacting very positively and I'm like, oh, so these people are just like completely masked off about this. Unknown_08: And, uh, fuck them basically, which is why I'm unironically rooting for Ralph to destroy all of them. 0:56:15 Unknown_08: Um, and, but so it's surprising to see, I guess big tech realized how bad it looked for him to like be talking about this and have his audience in support of, in support of it. Cause it is genuinely like stomach churning. Um, Unknown_08: And you can see what the results are of Ralph leaving. I kind of want to, I don't know if I made this allegory before, but I'll make it again. It's like if Nick Fuentes was like the Tucker Carlson of cozy, you still need all these other shows to make a 24 hour programming schedule for For Fox News if it was just Tucker Carlson and then 23 hours of silence for the rest of the broadcast Nobody would watch Fox News and Tucker Carlson would also lose steam but without Ralph streaming like Eight hours a day every day anytime you go to cozy the numbers are like fucking abysmal Politically provoked was like a 40 year old Washed up hag. I have no idea why the fuck she's one cozy pandering to a bunch of young boys But she has literally nothing interesting to say ever then you have Like Alex Jones restreams some guy named Broseph who's like America first and they all get sub 100 numbers There's nobody on this fucking platform 0:57:13 Unknown_08: As much as as much as it's fun to like shit on Ralph and like point out how his numbers have gone down over time He was unironically At least in some ways for a lot of the zoomers on this or the American first people on this platform Like something to put on in the background just so that the TV is tuned to flax news that when Tucker Carlson comes on They're there for that but without without people to actually generate content for the the platform. They're just not there It's a it's crazy So I I don't see how Nick Fuentes can like pull out of this death spiral and the the thing is is that he thinks the death spiral is going to be, if there is one, is going to be like a direct hit where he does like a nosedive and then all the hardcore pedophiles who support him with like maximum loyalty are going to flake off of his movement. That's not what it's going to be. I can tell you what it's going to be. It's what you see happening in real time, is that people who value themselves and their personal reputation and their ability to go out and network and enrich themselves and profit off what they do, are going to see associating with Nick Fuentes as a liability not because he is pro-white or pro-Catholic or a nationalist or whatever, but because he is surrounded by a fucking deviant that he refuses to denounce. He refuses to tell, like... He refuses to tell them not even to tell them off like completely like fuck off. I don't want you in the movement He refuses to even say could you not go on twitter and then tweet? um I love raping kids the age of consent should be 12 and then posting like Pregnant pictures of anime children and then also by the way, everyone watched this nick volante stream He's like saying don't he's not even saying don't do that. You're embarrassing me. He refuses to even address it 0:59:23 Unknown_08: So, uh, like that, that is the end of America first. It's not going to be, Oh, he said, you know, something about the mustache man and, uh, waving your arms at him in a specific way. It's going to be, Oh, he's literally like scum of the fucking earth and catering to, um, like sexual deviance. Like the only people who I guess can align with his sexual identity as a closet homosexual are people who are like sadists. 0:59:57 Unknown_08: Um, so on that note, there was a, the big happening was an 11, I think like 11 hours stream from leafy is here. Now I don't know anything about Leafy. The first time I heard about Leafy was that he had left the internet years ago because iDubbbz did a big expose video where he made fun of his chin and his stupid way of talking and Leafy disappeared for years and years and he came back only recently, I want to say this year, to rekindle his presence through new alt tech like Elon Musk's Twitter. Unknown_08: Rumble and so on and so forth. He has a deal with rumble. He's verified and So I know I heard of him and I heard heard that he was like anti Trans or whatever on Twitter and it was catching a lot of attention. So I was just like whatever I wish him the best. I 1:00:36 Unknown_08: I have now listened to Leafy while I was developing my stream nexus chat, which you now see on the screen. I was using his rumble chat, which was going a million miles a second to try and test the scraping ability of what I had developed. And after being exposed to him for several hours, I can now say that Leafy is perhaps the biggest fucking retard I've ever heard. This guy is not only retarded, 1:01:14 Unknown_08: He is not only one of the most inarticulate people I've ever heard, he knows that he's retarded and he deliberately plays up the fact that he's a fucking retard. Unknown_08: So let me put it this way. I'll play a couple seconds of them actually. So you can get a baseline understanding of how he talks and then I'll try to explain what he's doing as I understand it. Unknown_08: Straight up, she threw a beer at my fucking window and keyed my car. Unknown_02: Yeah. And they were like, good, that's awesome. Yay. You know, the guy that was saying all gay people go to hell. Yes, he is, you know, now someone has attacked his car. Where are these people's cars? I want to find them, and I want to attack their cars, and I want to see how they fucking react. 1:01:47 Unknown_08: I picked this at random. Unknown_02: But, yeah, back to the thing. Unknown_02: They've tried reporting me like a thousand times. Just go through my Twitter. I've already fucking covered everything about this topic imaginable, right? But at this point, they have officially... See, this guy thinks that this is a bit... The thing is, is that it's not. 1:02:20 Unknown_08: He is... Unknown_08: probably has an ambient IQ of about 70 to 80, somewhere in there, but he knows he's stupid. His saving grace in his entertainment persona is that he knows he's a fucking moron. And he probably learned this in school, because I remember when I was in school, you know how in school you always have the retard kids who are always in trouble? Well, the retard kids, I noticed, one of them would do this thing where he would do something that he knew was bad, or stupid and then he would play up how stupid he is like I just didn't know I didn't know it was an accident lying that he did something intentionally but just pretended that he was stupid because the teachers already knew that he was stupid so he probably learned this trick in grade school and now he goes on stream and this is his whole stream this is like the entire six hours of like the well not the entire thing but for like the first two hours just like fucking like fucking uh fucking you know fucking ralph and who's ralph i don't fucking like fucking i don't know i just fucking like started the fucking streaming like i don't know who the fucking ralph is like who the fuck is ralph chest ralph ralph nick run it's like a fucking tug of war in my fucking chat like fucking i'm just like doing that over and over like like oh i'm so gormless i'm so idiotic and uninformed i'm such a fucking moron 1:03:14 Unknown_08: Ah, geez, I'm so stupid. Would it be a real shame if all these people, if Keemstar and Ethan Ralph and Nick Fuentes and Sneeko and Jaden all got on my stream and persuaded me to their side? Because I'm just so naive. I'm such a dumb little shit. I'm just a little stupid faggot. I don't know what's happening. If only these people were to get on my stream and give me an audience of thousands of viewers in real time that were tipping me hundreds of dollars to try and persuade me to see things their side. What do you think, chat? What do you think? Oh, Retardono for a hundred says, support Nick. I'm really supporting Nick Fuentes. Dumb motherfucker for 50 says support Ralph. I didn't know that about Nick. Oh, geez. Oh, man. Oh, motherfucker for a hundred back again saying support Nick for real. Ralph is also bad. Damn, dude. Shit motherfucking like shit, man. Fuck. I didn't think of fucking like that, man. Fuck. And that was it. That was the entire show for six hours. It was like being pummeled in the fucking skull with a brick. Continuously, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that people watch this shit continuously 1:04:41 Unknown_08: And it was, like, yes, it is, in a way, it's a bit, but the bit is the grift. The dumb motherfucker running the OBS who can't figure out a pop filter, who has, you know, can't do anything right, can't figure out, freaking out about links, oh, I might get swatted if I click this link, I don't know what a VPN, I'm just a helpless little dumb motherfucker, I can't even wipe my own asshole without my state-sponsored nurse doing it for me, I'm just so fucking idiotic. Like that, that's like, Part real like I'm out of my depth. I don't know what i'm doing. I'm a retard I don't want to have to form opinions, but I realize if I play it up a certain way people will give me money 1:05:20 Unknown_08: So fuck leafy fuck anyone who associates with this retard. He is very strictly on Nick Fuentes aside he He knew enough that when anybody brought up the fact that Nick Fuentes basically covered for Ali Ali Akbar and Allowed smiley to be sexted by smiling others to be sex but by by Ali Akbar who Uh, he continued to purport as like a leader of America first to get it into Kanye's political movement and shit He would just deflect sneko knew or not sneko, but leafy knew to deflect When those things came up that he didn't have an answer to and that nick fluent he that he didn't want nick fluent to sleep into a dress 1:06:02 Unknown_08: So like, just like he has, okay, imagine this. He has a low number of IQ points, but he has statted all his IQ points into manipulation and deception. He's too stupid to know anything except how to persuade people into thinking that he is genuine. That's it. That's his, that's his one trick. Unknown_08: So if you are listening to this and you are someone God forbid who's like an e-celebrity do not fucking associate with this retard He will he's a time bomb. This man is human wreckage who is looking for a shore to crash on at this point So Breaking breaking, okay. I I have seen this true in picture before and 1:06:50 Unknown_08: I don't know if this is leafy. I'm going to show this, but keep in mind, I don't know if this is actually leafy. I will, I will put this on screen for the benefit of my audience because it is funny. Unknown_08: There's another picture that I can't show you. However, wait, I just saw it. Here we go. I don't. Okay. Let's, let's do a leafy thing. You're ready. Okay. Chat. Press one. If you think this is leafy sweet or as he's now known, sweepy, sweepy is here, sweeping, sweeping for Nick. Press one. If you think this is leafy, press two. If you think that this is just a doppelganger, a chinless doppelganger who just so happens to look like leafy. 1:07:22 Unknown_08: I'm seeing a literal tsunami of ones usually even when I do these there's like a couple people who type like sevens and stuff it took like a good 20 seconds for like the The twos and other numbers to show up. It was all ones it continues to be mostly ones. There's another picture I can't show you Wait, hold on. I saw I saw a message from someone who might be inclined to no more. Oh 1:07:54 Unknown_08: I don't know who the fuck Kayak Asaurus is but he is verified and for some reason he's in my chat and he says one and then Turkey Tom says isn't that from the nudes leak well it might be because I have another picture Turkey Tom of this man's anus it is a is a proper PPP bent over starfish image dangling balls like right up in my face I can't show this on stream Unknown_08: I hate this guy so much that I'm trying to think. I probably shouldn't. I probably shouldn't share that because that might come back on me. However, supposedly there is an image of LeafyIsHere's starfish. So if you want to know, that's why I say he is like a retard, but at the same time, he is probably, he's like manipulative. The anus one is not him. That's fake you dick. Dude, the anus one looks like him the most. What are you saying? It's not him. Unknown_08: This doesn't, this looks less like him than the butthole picture. 1:08:50 Unknown_08: I believe that's him. Unknown_08: It's even in the butthole picture, he's even covering his even though he's like bent over and taking a picture of himself through his legs. He's covering his chin with the camera. You can't fake that. You can't pretend that somebody else that is bonafide leafy photo shot right there. Unknown_08: I believe I'm a I'm a I'm a starfish believer. 1:09:22 Unknown_08: The video of Keemstar sodomizing himself on the hood of a car with a very large dildo is fake, but it's very convincing. Unknown_08: This looks like him. I'm just going to say, I don't, but you're going to, you're going to say that. Okay. So the true picture is real. Let's get the true picture back up. Let's zoom in. Turkey. Tom informs me that this is real. This is from the nudes leak, but the anus picture is not from the nudes leak. Okay. Unknown_13: All right. All right. I'm fine. Unknown_08: Who's in there? Unknown_08: Miss Italy bands, transgender competitors, patron and contestants say it must be a woman from birth. 1:10:06 Unknown_12: Okay, fine. I got you. Unknown_08: Yeah. Unknown_08: I don't think I can show this. I got Turkey. Tom sent me the picture of Keemstar on train tracks, but there's like another video of him in a car. That's much more convincing. He's got the same kind of goatee. I don't know why there's like a pornographer look alike for, um, for, uh, Unknown_08: for keemstar but there is i guess every every celebrity has like their porno it's like doppelganger that they cast keemstar has his own it's very shocking i guess leafy has his own too um it's an ai they've been around for like 10 years bro all right 1:10:52 Unknown_08: Why do I have butthole pictures on my computer? I don't. I didn't until people sent them to me and say, throw this starfish up on your screen. It's need to know information. All right. Okay. This is what I wanted to say, right? This is my rant. Um, Unknown_08: It's very hard for me to see people, because the America First thing is incredibly depressing to me because I know that there are probably a lot of people who want to support Nick Fuentes because he's of their generation. He really tried for a while to be like a real political person. and they're thinking like we need like a hard pivot in our society and if we don't get it now you know it's over it's it's it's so over and they think that this guy is going to like elevate them or achieve their political goals for whatever reason so they support him and then they're like thrown in to this 1:11:25 Unknown_08: this shit where you have like the sussy squad that's doing all sorts of covert shit i i don't want to say it because people get mad at me i believe that they do other shit but then i there's like clearly like a a genuine pedophile like group in in their ranks that nick flint is fully aware of and fully enables 1:12:08 Unknown_08: And they're gonna have people who are gonna fuck up their whole lives and develop like pornography addictions and get into child pornography because of America First. Unknown_08: And all they wanted to do was find some sort of white light or white pill to keep them through like the depression of being a teenager and seeing current day society and find the energy to not like immediately kill yourself because it's so fucking over. You know what I mean? It is genuinely like sickening and I wish nothing but the worst for Nick Felintas. I really hate them and then you have all these other people watching Unknown_08: Leafy who was like 30 years old. He's 30 years old. He's still fucking acts like this. He hasn't grown up like a day at all and he's just like a gormless idiot and somehow this guy is just which is proof that you do not need to be smart or or Intentionally funny or clever or talented in any way shape and form as long as you can turn on a camera run OBS and make people laugh either direct or you know inadvertently or or 1:12:45 Unknown_08: uh deliberately like people will watch you a 30 year old man yeah he's a 30 year old i remember that he's a 30 year old man he's a 30 year old man he acts like a fucking kid he acts like a little dipshit motherfucker 1:13:29 Unknown_08: And he can't even, he's less articulate than like a teenager. A teenager can usually string together a sentence. He can't go several words without randomly interjecting a fucking, it's a fucking fucking. It's so shameful. And people watch this. I hope that nobody like unironically supports him. I hope that it's all like kayfabe and they just say, I wanna see my pet retard dance like a monkey for me. Unknown_08: They have like the, oh, I remember what the core of my rant was gonna be. Unknown_08: I don't know what has happened, because Matt Walsh is talking about it. Nick Fuentes is obsessed with it. 1:14:04 Unknown_08: I don't know what Leafy has said on it, but I would take a bet, and I have a feeling I would know what he said about it. But there is like an obsession with young men right now trying to min-max their, like, Unknown_08: their fantasy wife's fertility. And there was like an obsession with, we need to lower the age of consent. We need to make, if I can get married at any time, I can get married at 40 years old because I'm a man. I can still knock up a 15 year old girl that I imported from the Philippines. And then I can, no worries. And that's the peak age. It was like an obsession with trying to have a relationship with young, like little girls who are not done with puberty. And I don't know what the fuck it is. Like it's all happened at once. 1:14:40 Unknown_08: It's like the the peak age for having kids is like 24 to 34. There is no issues having kids of that age. Unknown_08: Um, more like young girls suffer complications in childbirth. Women are not ready to raise kids until they're like out of psychological development, which ends up like 24. And there's like this obsession of saying like, well, here's a picture of a nine year old and a 30 year old that I found from the 1800s. So therefore this must have been the norm. It was never the norm to marry a fucking nine year old. 1:15:18 Unknown_08: The Prophet Muhammad raping a nine-year-old Aisha his favorite wife Should be something that is held in scorn and ridicule and instead the modern-day right and this is this is like it's going to tank a Unknown_08: It's going to tank any kind of conservative resurgence, because you cannot mix pedophilia in for two reasons. Not only is it morally reprehensible to the average person, but it is also extremely alienating to women. And you cannot have a movement in the modern day in democracy with enfranchised women and hate women and talk about raping teenagers. You just can't do it. And I will remind people, today I will remind them once again, that Germany was one of the first countries in the world to enfranchise women. They did it during the Weimar Republic, and with the assent of women, the NSDAP beat out communism and elected Hitler and passed the Enabling Act by popular consensus. They put out that vote to enable him to be the Reich president and also the Fuhrer at the same time. And that was passed with 80% of the women's vote. So you cannot tell me that women are just anti-conservative at all times. And by the way, I think the age of consent in Germany is like 13 years old. And Germany has one of the lowest birth rates, at least among ethnic Germans, in the entire world. So you can't tell me that lowering the age of consent also fixes the birth rate, because it doesn't. 1:16:36 Unknown_08: The issue is that modern conservatives don't do what the Nazis did. The Nazis had facilities for women, and they pushed the idea that without children, there is no future. There's an expression for it. 1:17:09 Unknown_08: And modern conservatives who love Hitler, who love the Nazi party, don't replicate this because they're incels and they hate women and they want to rape kids that can't fight them off or have independence. And it's a big fucking problem, okay? Unknown_08: And I really don't know what to do, but I watch this and I think this is like really depressing to see all these people aligned on this idea that what we really, the real fix to society is teen pregnancy. If we can just skyrocket, if we can spike those teen pregnancy numbers, the white race is finally saved. Like, no, it's not. It's not going to help. Why? Like moms, kids born to teenage mothers are poorer, less educated and less successful. You don't want incapable parents for your next generation because they're just going to be better slaves. 1:17:42 Unknown_08: And. I mean, that's raising us up in this. It does sound like controlled opposition, and it's very frustrating. I beg of you, if you're one of those people and you are trying to find a white pill, do not listen to Nick Fuentes. Do not join the fucking Sussy Squad. Do not think that what you really need is a 13-year-old Japanese slave wife to bear your 9,000 children because 1:18:23 Unknown_08: The rates of divorce are higher the unhappiness and marriages higher the Facts on the kids like eat they take out their Dungeons and Dragons thing and they try to min-max their fertility rate only the fertility rate and they don't give a fuck about the after-effects or their own personal happiness or if their kids are going to resent them because they min-max the fertility rate and got a teenager pregnant and then Resented them their entire life and shrewd out like Elon Musk's kid did You wanna see what happens when you min-max fertility rate? Look at Elon Musk's oldest son, who's now a woman, who's now the reason why Elon Musk sees about trannies on Twitter. Not because of any ideological reason, but because he got fucking punked by his own kid. 1:19:03 Unknown_08: Yeah, having to explain why this is... It's just, it's really depressing, chat. Unknown_13: Um... Unknown_13: Red flag. It's all about your kids. Unknown_08: Not you. You don't matter. You're fucking 30. Unknown_08: If you enter into a relationship that makes both you and your wife miserable, how do you think that affects your children? 1:19:41 Unknown_08: Like, why do I have to explain this? I want parents that fight and hate each other in our two generations apart and have nothing in common said no child ever in the history of mankind. Unknown_13: Fuck off Okay Are you listening to razorfist? Unknown_08: No, i'm not. Um I have razorfist I have trouble taking razorfist seriously because he got into that spat with his mexican girlfriend and then lied and when she called him a cumer by hijacking all the social media to post that he's masturbating in the bathroom when she's Doing stuff and then he lied and said that was a totally a prank, bro And then he also immediately got rid of her and he has never mentioned her ever since and I find it really hard to take someone like that seriously When they lie to my fucking face, like I'm a fucking retard and I don't know what's happening. Wait, what look it up He had a Mexican girlfriend like two years ago. She hijacked his phones said that my boyfriend loves to be anti-pornography but then when he's in the bathroom, he jerks off the pornography and while i'm waiting to have sex with him outside as if i don't know and then he deleted the tweet said that he didn't have two factor authentication so he got hijacked and then um that woman just disappears completely from his life if you guys not know this oh my god god f in speed yeah that's right lied to my face well not to my face he just said on the internet i didn't talk to him but if i had asked him he would have lied to my fucking face he would have told me that no it's totally that 1:21:20 Unknown_08: Didn't care, okay. You can listen to whatever the fuck you want to. I'm just saying that it's really hard for me personally to take him seriously when that happens. Unknown_13: Um... Okay, is there anything that I should cover? Unknown_08: This is gonna be a short stream. Unknown_08: Not much has happened. Unknown_13: I did cover it. Unknown_13: Groom or Fist, I don't know what that's about. 1:21:55 Unknown_13: The chat was asking if razorfist was listening to me. Unknown_08: Oh, does he do that? Does he do the whole my I'm gonna By the way in case you're wondering in case you're one of those people Here's a little push the rate for autism in Babies with older men is very high and by older men I mean like late 30s or 40s at the rate starts a skyrocket you want to look at any spurred on the Kiwi farms like Christian and Unknown_08: And it there's almost always an older father look at um I Forgot who's gonna say But people people pretend that the age of sperm doesn't impact the rate of autism and shit and kids and it absolutely does 1:22:37 Unknown_08: People don't even know this people just assume that like a 70 year old can like pump out healthy babies and 12 year old girls It's like absolutely not you're gonna have a fucked up little downy kid retard. Do you really think that you can just? Unknown_08: Okay, listen people do the age like milk thing with women, but you look at Nick Fuentes the motherfucker is bald he's like 24 years old and he has a v-shaped hairline that would put Unknown_08: Elliot stapler from our stapler. I always say stapler Elliot stapler from SVU to shame he's got that male pattern bonus encroaching and fast that hairlines receding like the French army Okay, that's shameful and he thinks that he's gonna be okay to pump out some kids when he's 40 to his newlywed 16 year old wife good luck show me those retard babies when they come out and 1:23:34 Unknown_13: He's taking steroids, some Botox. Unknown_08: No dude. I think the issue with him is that he's a bulimic. I think that he's bulimic and it's affecting his health really poorly. I don't know who Adam 22 is. Unknown_08: Oh, you know what? I, I'm glad that I, um, waited a little bit. I have shit that I want to say. God, speaking of this too, I can't get off this topic. Unknown_13: What's this this is Drexel this is where Kate is a Drexel I hate Drexel Drexel is like This is from his chat, here's a here's a quick rundown about Drexel He he considers himself like this mega giga Chad and This is his discord server 1:24:35 Unknown_08: J love is a woman that he's known for I want to say 17 years She is now in her 30s she has two adult sons She might be older than 30s, but she's in his discord server and she's ranting about NCAA cat who is a much younger woman who directs flies out to fuck every so often and Unknown_08: And this is just their discord chat. She's in there. Uh, ncaa cat got some bs Uh ncaa cat the like drex was telling j love that he didn't want to go Um, you didn't want to commit to her or anything and then ncaa cat who's you know, the younger woman wants to commit to drexel Unknown_08: Said jealous is that she was throwing shade at me and every other female. So he's out there and he's like fucking all these mentally ill women who have severe daddy issues and he's trying to Stay non-monogamous with all of them And then this other woman NCAA cat comes out and just starts like nagging them all it's like oh these other women are no good trying to get her trying to get Drexel to like Stop seeing them so that she would be like the only woman that he's seeing which is like how these polycules always fall apart But 1:25:43 Unknown_08: This, uh, big black friend mayor of MIG town is Drexel. He says, Hey, it is what it is. I'm actually going to go see her next month. It's almost been six months. So her, uh, that woman that he's been saying for 17 years is complaining about NCAA cat being shitty. And then he just openly says in his chat that he's going to go fuck her again soon. Unknown_08: And he says this any chick thinking I'm dumb enough to commit is insane relationships are a bad idea I have access to women all over the world sunglasses emoji and then some simp spelled out based under his message J loves says 1:26:33 Unknown_08: I told her they were getting married. She took it literally. Fuck these hoes. Because she's saying, she's complaining that they were seeing each other so much that they were getting married. Which Drexel denies. She became jealous of me because he called me his boo. Then I called him sugar tits and shit hit the fan. Unknown_08: We were being friends. We have been friends for 17 years. So yeah, imagine being friends that long to that guy Well, she acts like she's 16. So before she was born and then Drexel replies to this guy saying so she was even so even before she met Drexel she was degenerate and he goes well smirky face and 1:27:12 Unknown_08: people did the math and I would I would love to know her actual birthday because people do the math and she's like 13 or 14 17 years ago based on what people suspected What they think about her age. So if she's saying that she met Drexel 17 years ago He would be in his 20s and she would be in like 13 14 at the time Based on what these posts that they could be wrong, but I wouldn't put it past them and I think I wonder if Unknown_08: if what's his face if j love is the woman who he hooked up with and then he waited he knew for years and years and then he waited for her daughter to turn 18 and then he immediately got into a relationship with her daughter and then when people called this grooming and they made fun of him 1:28:06 Unknown_08: Drexel went on Nick's show and addressed it and said like man Shit, man They like saying is grooming and shit. I waited till she was of age Idiot ain't grooming. She bix nude and it's like that is literally Unknown_08: That's the actual original definition of grooming. I know people use it a lot right now. We use it for everything but My nigga, that's what grooming is and she it dawg Unknown_08: And then someone posted this picture, and I like it a lot point of view point of view you really really Really hate your dad you Really hate your dad and that is your fetish is pissing off daddy I don't know 1:29:10 Unknown_08: So I think this is a this is j-law. I'm not sure but I really hate this guy. He's such a piece of shit he's such a He's he's like typifies everything wrong with like the kind of male figures that like the lost boys will latch on to you either end up with like on nick fuentes aside lusting after 12 year olds or you end up watching someone like andrew tate or Drexel where they're just like Unknown_08: Yeah man, like, shit, stable monogamous relationship is for bitch-ass motherfuckers and shit, like, Jesus was a Jew, and Muhammad said marry nine-year-olds and shit, man, big snoot. 1:29:52 Unknown_08: And it's like, you're inviting, people who try to follow this shit are just gonna be like the most miserable sad sacks ever by the time they turn 40, cause... I saw the Cyrix race like, weeks ago. Unknown_08: I'm very, I'm very fortunate that when I, I had issues as a teenager, I did not, these people were not around at the time. I did not have these malignant forces trying to prop up their careers by lying to people about the, the key to being Chad. And I instead met like very functional older men, uh, by older, I mean like a couple of years older, not too much older, less than 10. who could give me actual like functional advice about how to change perspective and and actually like self-improve and become more confident and not just like become like an I because it's like the big MGTOW secret that these people have is just like become a sociopath Become a sociopath and see everybody as an opportunity and they ruthlessly exploit everyone around you. Women are dogs, therefore lie to them and invite needless drama into your life. If they suddenly don't like you, cut them off and move on to someone else. Treat everybody in your life as disposable. This is the secret to getting a Lambo and being happy. 1:30:53 Unknown_08: Okay I guess we're just gonna deliberately raise like an entire generation of sociopaths who are gonna cut off their dick and become serial killers or they're gonna just become like a miserable narcissist who see everything as sunk cost fallacy and shit a Sigma grind set All right anything else I did remember my Drexel my Drexel bits 1:31:47 Unknown_13: Base sociopath. Did you ever see Adam Ross chair sniff? Unknown_08: I don't know what that is Hate and Chantal. I don't know anything about Andrew tape. He says that he's Muslim and he And he's sex traffics white woman Adam 22 pimping out his wife No, the stream sucked, yeah Not much happened since Tuesday 1:32:20 Unknown_13: Um, Chantelle, nothing's happened with Chantelle. Unknown_08: She's just been binge eating. Unknown_08: No, it was not only Romanian woman. I thought it was only Romanian woman at first. It's not Aiden Ross sniffed the chair. Andrew Tate was sitting on. Okay. I'll pull that up. I will look for this. Unknown_13: Aiden Ross chair sniff Why can I not search this? 1:32:56 Unknown_08: Okay, here's a YouTube video let me preview this make sure oh it's deleted wonderful Okay, this might be it let's see let's see this chair sniff Congratulations Unknown_06: You know this. I have work to do. Unknown_06: I'm done. I'll fix you. Where are you going? Unknown_00: I'm ready, bro. I'm really gonna do this shit. Y'all don't understand, bro. I'm really gonna do this shit, bro. I think it's time, bro. It's time. I needed this. I needed to come here for a reason. I was thinking to myself, I was like, why am I in a hotel room all day, every day? What am I doing in this hotel room? I'm calling my friends all day. I'm sitting around, not really doing shit in Dubai. 1:33:46 Unknown_00: life is about making it the best version of yourself. But guys, listen, I'm not going to sit around and mope. I'm going to stream, I'm going to do things, but often behind the scenes. And I'm going to have like a little page or something like little vlogs updating you guys. Unknown_08: Dude, what is with this? What is with this? Like his way of speaking, it's like a, Unknown_08: trainwreck of empty platitudes like life is about living and making your best self and Then I'm gonna keep up the grind. It's just like I'm gonna make I'm gonna better myself It's just like empty sentences that you could like steal like an AI could generate the way that he speaks basically my journey I'm gonna take pictures before and after I'm really like not playing around this time. 1:34:19 Unknown_00: I'm 22 you know what I mean, and it took me a while to understand that and you know I did and Unknown_08: Where's my chair sniff? Unknown_08: Holy fuck. That's like a real sniff. He actually does smell that chair. That's crazy. That's not like even covert and he knows it's recording. Why would he do that? I just like that contrast. Hold up. 1:35:01 Unknown_08: Here we go. I'm going to try to do some editing. You ready? Unknown_06: Congratulations. Unknown_06: You know, this I've worked, I'm done. Unknown_08: I fixed you. I fixed you. Yeah. Hey, well work that. Now that you're on that red pill, that red pill, IV drip, you're a hundred percent fixed. My man, you work as you should. 1:35:34 Unknown_08: Wonderful excellent That's what I mean you guys Anybody out there on that America first grind set you're gonna be sniffing the Cowboys throne one day You won't even you won't even know how you got there But one day it'll be on your hands and knees smelling his where he sat in the booth at McDonald's while he's in the bathroom vomiting because he's a bulimic and you won't even know how you got there, how your life came to this, and you won't care at that point. You'll be too far gone. Unknown_13: Rip. Unknown_08: All part of the plan. Okay, anything else? I'll dick around for a little bit before I get to like super chats and shit. White boys smell half black. That's gross. 1:36:26 Unknown_08: I just, I love the distinction between like the, this, the alpha male, like, Oh, I gotta live my best life. I gotta be my best self to hands and knees smelling his ass. Unknown_13: I'm Holland getting BBC. Unknown_08: I don't know what the fuck that is. Adam 22 tried to get Tate to do a threesome with his wife. The fuck is Adam 22. Unknown_08: Are you going to watch Oppenheimer? No, I'm not. Here's a fun Oppenheimer history fact for all of you. 1:37:04 Unknown_08: Oppenheimer, after creating the bomb, famously regretted it. He gave his Agravita speech about becoming death and stuff. Famously, he regretted it. And then after the war, he arranged to have a meeting with, I think it was Theodore Roosevelt. Am I retarded? Unknown_08: No. Who the fuck was, uh... Who the f- Oh my god, I'm gonna be like a- My brain is melting out of my ears, hold on. Unknown_08: Truman, Truman, not Roosevelt, obviously, Truman, he met with Truman and said that total denuclearization is required, that nuclear bombs are too dangerous and that the US government and the Soviets should completely and totally denuclearize, so he met Truman. And Truman, famously, after meeting Oppenheimer, told his secretary, do not ever let that piece of shit sad sack faggot in my office again." I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but he was extremely, extremely embarrassed by Oppenheimer and said that he never wanted to see him again and nicknamed him the crybaby scientist in the White House. So, 1:37:56 Unknown_08: I don't know. Unknown_08: People make fun of Oppenheimer. I think it's deserved because it's like, wait, you're going to develop a nuclear bomb. This is all feds, by the way, because don't remember. No, don't forget that Oppenheimer was a federal agent tasked with creating a weapon that the earth had never seen before, which he succeeded at. And then afterwards, he goes, oh, no. Oopsie whoopsie. I did a bad Z. I made a nuclear weapon. I should listen to a new era of attack. Americana were in Cold War. Oh, no. How did I do this? Well, motherfucker, you sold your soul to the federal government and you knew when you signed your soul away to the federal government that you might do some bad things. So I don't know how you're going to sit there and twiddle your thumbs and be like, oh, no, I made a nuclear device. I made the most destructive atomic bomb that's ever been seen on the face of the planet. Oh, well, fuck you, Wucky. Kopenheimer, Kopenheimer. Oh, baste. 1:39:07 Unknown_08: Fuck Kopenheimer. Unknown_08: The next thing quite about the Indian woman is her that's sure that is a great quote Okay, let's see Adam 22 Andrew tails and some fucking around see Hate news on Twitter Andrew Tate speaks on Adam 22 and 1:39:42 Unknown_13: As a cuck known as getting banged by his other dude. Unknown_08: Okay, let's see this. I don't know who Adam 22 is though. You're kind of losing that context. Unknown_13: There's a guy called Adam 22. Unknown_01: Once again, I have no idea who this man is. I just saw yesterday that he was with a porn star who'd never done a male scene. They got married and like a week after their marriage, she did her first male scene with some random dude. Did his wife had sex with somebody else? Correct. Oh, I appreciate you banging my wife. Unknown_08: Is this the the guy I've talked about him before haven't I he's the guy that um But he's also a porn star, isn't he? 1:40:22 Unknown_13: This guy not also a porn star Yeah, he's also a porn star I'm pretty sure Unknown_08: and he was fucking around with women all this time and then they get married and she uh says i want to do porn as well and her first scene is with a black guy and that was like big news fuck both of them dude up against the wall like Unknown_08: I don't know, he was cucking her, and then she cucked him. I don't understand why that's, I don't know. The fact that Andrew Tate was invited, like who gives a fuck? It could just be Andrew Tate inviting himself into it, because that was like news for a while. I'm very sad that this guy didn't get eaten alive by cockroaches and Romanian gel. I was promised, based on his filings, that he was in inhumane conditions and wouldn't survive, and yet I still have to fucking see his face. Explain that, chat. Explain why the cock, Romanian cockroaches, where we at, bros? Where we at? You motherfuckers steal everything. You couldn't steal his life force. You couldn't when he was there in jail, easiest thing in the world to do. And he fucked it up. And now I got to deal with the consequences of your inaction and inadequacies, Romanian cockroaches. Son of a bitch. 1:41:07 Unknown_08: It's over. It's so fucking over. 1:41:46 Unknown_08: He's a cock. That's right. He's a turk roach. The cockroaches came in and then he just started going dirk dirk of muhammad jihad at them in turkish and they're like oh fuck i don't want to deal with this shit again and they just left we don't want to deal with a turk We'd steal from a white man. We need a white man, but we're not gonna eat this guy All right anything else Unknown_08: You had one job, Gypsy, the fucking... that's right. Anything new with Gumroad? No, I need to do something for the Gumroad. I was considering, um, uh, for the next Gumroad video, maybe doing that soon. You know that I, uh, I have a little bit of time. I might do, uh, because I've been on a roll with reading, like, subreddits and picking out, like, their best selves, and... Oh, fuck! I do have content! I forgot the Reddit segment! 1:42:17 Unknown_08: I put all this together right before the stream and I completely forgot about it Reddit is reworking their awards basically all the little badges and shit and They have randomly announced that they are just going to get rid of all of it They're gonna get rid of all the tokens. They're gonna get rid of all the reddit points they're just gonna completely do away with the system and they haven't even announced what they're going to 1:42:54 Unknown_08: What they're replacing it with. So like out of nowhere, they just decide, yeah, you know what, fuck this thing. And, uh, we're going to get rid of it soon. And all that stuff that you have is going to be worthless. Unknown_08: Which of course this has been, uh, this post has zero karma, which means that it's very downloaded. It has 6,000 comments. And, uh, while scrolling through it, I discovered something pretty funny. Uh, let's see if I can find that post again real quick. So just scrolled up like a retard. Unknown_08: Lots of people complaining about how they have all that coins for giving gifts with and they're gonna be taking it away this guy Kvoth 1:43:37 Unknown_08: Kvat Healer, Kvat Healer is what his name is. Kvat Healer says, as a moderator of Go4Gold, a subreddit that has existed for just short of 10 years that revolves exclusively around rewarding users with Reddit gold and Reddit awards, I would like to invite an admin to contact us regarding these changes. We've had numerous admin contacts over the years, and I'm surprised and a little hurt that we weren't reached out to regarding this behavior or this beforehand. So I don't know what's happened at Reddit, But they must have like undergone some serious managerial changes where like all the admins are gone and stuff But this guy is a he does it for free. He's a moderator. He has no actual place in reddit but he's a moderator of Sorry, that's the wrong one the moderator of gopher gold, but his actual thing is 1:44:15 Unknown_08: List that he's also a moderator for our science, which I didn't I like so he's one of those soy boys who trust the heck in science imagine your favorite soy Jack in your head, especially one that likes reddit one that enjoys science and Picture this clearly in your mind's eye and that is what you're going to be imagining Kavat healer for this entire this entire talk I 1:44:56 Unknown_08: but he posted that he was hurt that no admin had contacted him so there's like an entire reddit dedicated to giving reddit money in exchange for things so basically you post on go for gold and you say like a challenge either do a puzzle or um give me like this guy helped me find socks for platinum Unknown_08: Tell me the most interesting thing, you know, can you impress me? Unknown_08: First two comments get one are each get one gold and so on and so forth. I want poetry I want a short horror story and people would play and try to win the the gold and stuff Unknown_08: Whatever so he does this for free. Not only did he did this for free, but he made a community centered around making reddit money and As a result because he's so heavily engaged in the reddit reddit ecosystem for free and making the money for free 1:45:51 Unknown_08: The Reddit admins over time have always consulted with this guy in regards to changes with the system, because he would have the most hands-on consumer experience with their product to give real-time feedback, because he probably spends a lot of time moderating Reddit each day and is intimately familiar with how the system works and how it affects people and so on and so forth. Great guy to get resources from. For free, by the way, usually when you have to when you want to do marketing data and you want to figure out how the consumers think about your product, you have to actually pay money for like a marketing firm to go out and do tests and A, B tests and so on and so forth. Very expensive. But this guy gives out very extremely valuable marketing data for free. Unknown_08: And when they made this change for whatever reason this change was so important that they decided to do it without consulting Anybody even their free marketing? points of contact like that how about healer and They don't even have a replacement to excite people with thing We're gonna change the system, but the new system is gonna be even better. They don't even have that So it's really bizarre that they've even done this Oh the China segment Why is reddit owned by china or something? Am I missing? Uh, am I missing a hot china fact here? Because I did not know that china is uh owns reddit Are you asking for the china segment? 1:46:44 Unknown_13: Um Unknown_13: anyways so that's that that's his thing now he's also an admin i need i need the um the retards of my audience to help me out with this because i don't know what the fuck this is but he's the moderator of something called our rail gun 1:47:36 Unknown_08: and if I go there it's an anime thing but it's like about guns or something but when you see like the cover of the anime the book anime there's a different name manga we see the manga it has two little girls from like a high school on it And I'm wondering what the fuck that has to do with railguns. I'm wondering what kind of person Again, I want you in your mind's eye to picture the soyus soy jack that you've ever soyed in your entire life and um, I want you to picture that and then imagine what that guy looks like when he stumbles upon a book cover that looks like this in his in his bookstore and is like Yeah, i'm gonna pick this up and buy it. I I heckin love anime almost as much as I love heckin science Uh really bizarre Now, here's some other content that Kavat Healer, as a leader of the Gopher Gold Reddit, has put out. Throughout the Pride Month, he did different challenges. Pride Month challenge number six, make a rainbow comment chain for Platinum. The first seven unique users to create an uninterrupted chain of the following seven comments. 1:48:25 Unknown_08: And then also happy pride so it's different hearts and then also happy pride will win The rules are simple a chain can be broken by the most recent reply not fitting in the above template or if the user participates more than once within the chain once a chain is broken and must be restarted and Users may participate in as many separate chains as they want. So the people involved will get the mod platinum award so 1:49:06 Unknown_08: Oh, no, my chat is try chat. Remember when you try to chain, you can only do it once. Okay. Unknown_08: See lots of cheaters and then none of you are getting Kiwi platinum motherfuckers. I see you this is the other mod the other site that he the other subreddit that he moderates its go for gold after dark the not safe for work version of go for gold and I Guess I don't I looked around just a little bit and this is what I saw as something you could post and go for gold after dark and 1:49:52 Unknown_08: Are there any porn subreddits that contain anime girls being uneasy or uncomfortable while having sex? Are there any subreddits for rape? Unknown_08: I'm looking for rape. I'll give you reddit gold for rape. And then some guy provides some answers. You can get it at the... Unknown_08: Into tint I I guess like tentacles stock hentai helpless hentai Embarrass hentai hentai breath play or hentai Bullying I did not realize that bullying was a fetish now. I feel a little bit implicated in their depravity So there you go, that's a go for gold after dark a subreddit of the extreme value that reddit will be losing over time and 1:50:35 Unknown_08: However, here is what's not allowed in Go For Gold After Dark. Unknown_08: This is Mike the Hot Healer again. He says, users have voiced concerns and we want to know, we hear you. Offensive humor threads have been banned. So let me clarify. Rape hentai, okay. Offensive humor, not okay. Let's read the justification for this decision. 1:51:20 Unknown_08: We have made this subreddit for a number of reasons the most obvious reason of this type Or is that this type of not safe work challenge space has been the top requested among users since we took over the sub One of our other reasons that we've been failing to keep offensive humor threads out of go for gold is Offensive humor threads have been extremely popular in Gopher Gold. Within hours of being posted, they usually have hundreds of comments and upvotes. Unfortunately, they often aren't reported and we don't see them until it's far too late. By this time, some of our user base has already been hurt by some of the content in the thread. These threads were posted so frequently that we recruited you, Zucker Markello, to develop a bot that would remove all the comments in those threads for us, which now they can't do because of serious changes to the API by Reddit administrators. 1:52:13 Unknown_08: Speaking personally, the comments would get so bad that I was repulsed as I scrolled through and manually removed them. However, simply removing the comments didn't work, and neither did repeatedly asking users to report such comments. We tried to find another solution. We hoped that we wouldn't have to try and quarantine those types of threads here on Gold for Gold After Dark. At least they would be out of sight for most of the users of the Gold for Gold community. A lot of users expressed concern about this move. In reviewing our concerns and our own plans for what we wanted for GFG After Dark, we have subsequently decided that all offensive humor will be banned in this subreddit. This subreddit will be a place free of discrimination. racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, theophobia, xenophobia, and ableism. We aren't banning jokes. Humor is able to be mature-themed without being discriminatory. It's not worth making a joke if you know it's going to hurt someone in the process. We realize not all of you will agree with this change, but we are going to try to lead by example in these hard times. You rewarded reward offered and you she do Thanks both of you so much for your in-depth feedback in this matter This summer will become a better place because I desperately want to know if these people are Chinese Um He has absolutely no content whatsoever, how does he have so many posts? 1:53:46 Unknown_13: I guess he just deleted everything. Maybe if I delete the old Unknown_13: Bamboo insect hotel So this guy does literally nothing on reddit and he was very important to the decision-making process here Do you think you are sexy by ask women over 30 I Wish my cat understood grief and death. Unknown_08: She's missing her dad. I Unknown_08: I know this is about Minnow, but as I read, I know I read it as being much about you. You both been sleeping near him, both of us watching football. So someone's cat, someone's dad died or no, their husband died. And then the cat has a grief. 1:54:21 Unknown_08: Um, okay, let's see the post actually in a second. I'm going to switch over and then I'll, I want to make sure that there's nothing like not safe work on the screen. Unknown_13: They put they're from China What The friendly manhole cover saying ni hao in Beijing. 1:55:01 Unknown_08: Well, yeah, you know what that means, right? It's time for the China segment and in this China segment. I'm going to be practicing my Chinese. I Unknown_08: Good morning, China. Now I have ice cream. I like ice cream very much. But speed is the most important. Ice cream. Speed is the most important. Speed is the most important. I like it the most. So now it's music time. Unknown_07: Ready. One, two, three. Two weeks later. Speed is the most important. Two weeks later. Unknown_08: Speed is the most important. 1:55:39 Unknown_07: the underly by a whole so do you cheating Joe we how long do you know so what you can even cut so do we just enjoy him with face on how did he in don't what face on how tablo young been chillin again Unknown_08: I love how the AI is completely incapable of replicating my autism voice, but then when it does it in Chinese, it sounds so like me. I've not heard any convincing AI covers of my voice except for the one in Chinese. I'm like, yeah, that's about right. Unknown_08: Excellent. Unknown_08: Let me scroll through this again. Unknown_08: Looking. Oh, so she's not Chinese, but she's in China looking for, um, learning Chinese. She has lots of cats, which is versus patriarchy. The latest episode of the guilty feminist is witchy. Here's a link. 1:56:27 Unknown_13: Sky porn, a helpful lamppost with amusing spelling mistake in Zhongshan Guangzhou province. Unknown_08: It's my 40th birthday today. Unknown_08: Okay. This is going to cost me some, um, some, uh, social credit score, but I think it will be worth it. Hold up to switch the old Reddit to see this. Cause it's over 18 for some reason. 1:57:03 Unknown_08: Um, three years ago or two years ago, rather on Unknown_08: November 6 2020 it's my 40th today, and I'm spending it in Chinese quarantine It's not exactly what I choose to be doing, but I got a little whiskey a ton of chocolate not much work to get done So it could definitely be worse happy birthday to all other 6 November babies Especially those who are making a particularly special milestone or who aren't celebrating it quite as you plan so her 40th birthday as a Redditor is being um, welded into her apartment in China in the middle of the COVID pandemic with her cats and some whiskey and chocolate to make it through. 1:57:48 Unknown_08: she's british she's british are british probably yes yes she's british and not chinese based okay save chat save my social social grids were going back up she posted our british problems went to big salisbury's came back with a bit of cry about people being total divs Unknown_08: I don't know what that means at a time of international crisis when surely we should all be coming together. Why the ever living hackers? I'm going to put that on screen cause that's ridiculous. Why the ever living hackers can no one off the telly decide how to pronounce Ibuprofen are Brexit. So he's, she's anti Brexit too. Unknown_08: Asking about Tiananmen Square Massacre. What the fuck? Someone notify, notify the police. Notify the police. I'm sending this directly to my handler. That's fucking ridiculous. This is, this lady is a British spy. We're done. We're shutting down the segment. Goodbye chat. 1:58:35 Unknown_08: Um, you know, sweeping right over to the super chat segment. We're going to forget all about that. That didn't happen. Come on now. Unknown_08: Nothing that's right. Nothing fucking happened. Shut up. Then we hear nothing out of any of you Okay, let me sign on do the super berries And once again have to tell donation words that I'm over 13 years old I have been over 13 years old for quite a while I 1:59:25 Unknown_08: I should integrate into my Stream Nexus for enhanced entertainment and discourse program the super chats. I can't actually identify Premium messages, but it doesn't have any styling for it yet. I'll figure that out later Who's there Unknown_08: All right, being chilling anime for five says dear Joshua. Ha ha ha ha ha. Look at this and defend your beloved rice steak chinkoid bug people now glory to Japan glory to the emperor bonsai bonsai. I don't know why the fuck you would say that the Chinese are bug people but not the Japanese. 2:00:07 Unknown_08: Oh no, he's gonna play to my feminist soul by showing me this content. China's regime fertility campaign targets girls as young as 15 for childbearing. China's communist regime is gearing up to promote scientific childbearing in an effort to resolve the low birth rate in the country. Officials at various local events or local levels will be implementing activities to increase the fertility of eligible female citizens and promote childbearing this includes girls as young as 15 Receiving folic acid supplements and women as old as 49 receiving assistance from local reproduction focused medical teams according to Chinese media reports I gotta say it's a China L. I know my priorities are arranged correctly. That's a that's a big ol China L 2:00:48 Unknown_08: Mean really like even in there, but I guess maybe in the farmers. I'm just thinking like why would you want? Unknown_08: Kids raising kids. What does a teen mom do to benefit? the glorious Chinese People's Republic and the communist revolution the eternal revolution, but I Don't see I don't how does the save the white race? I don't get it. I don't get a chat. I Unknown_08: We're giving them folic acid isn't that a pregnancy thing don't women who want to get pregnant take folic acid I? 2:01:24 Unknown_08: Mean I can understand like a program. Maybe it's just like if you are 15, and you are pregnant We'll give you free supplements and stuff like needle needle vitamins That's the only because you know the head look I don't trust journals at all not just for China, but in general like if that's the program It's like okay, whatever I guess, but you really shouldn't be promoting 15 year olds to get pregnant Western lies damn straight Unknown_08: That seems likely. Nice try, anime. Nice try, anime, my boy. I'll admit, you had me there in the first half, but I, with my facts and logic, completely smashed your fucking Nippon propaganda. 2:02:02 Unknown_08: Mazef Faget for 10 says, Yeshua, it is haram to talk to pig monsters. Did you at least straighten your penis first? Unknown_08: Why is my penis now not straightened? Unknown_08: What the fuck does that mean? I don't know. My point with talking to Ralph was just to try and figure out what he knew about America First, because I do want to see Nick Fuentes in a fucking gutter. Hopefully one day the dissenters who want Ralph to die more than they want Kabbalah pedophiles to be broken apart will forgive me for my transgressions against them. 2:02:37 Unknown_08: Turbo Neil Breen for five says Josh after listening to your musical talents. I think you should become a wedding singer Perhaps it's in the cards if my other ventures don't pan out correctly Devious Dave for five says shout out to all the general chat people. Can you tell mutley? It's okay to be Mexican We still love you. You can tell him yourself. I'm gonna say that Unknown_08: See what this is. It's a picture of a Pepe dancing. I'll leave that up. That's cute. Ruggy for Fox says, look at Null's hitting the sauce before his singing is so lovely. Oh no, that's not, that's not alcohol. That's pure unbridled tism. Okay. 2:03:11 Unknown_08: Crispy legs for 10 says Friday again already. That's right. Much, much too close to Tuesday. Now that I think about it, as I said before, thank you all for boxes. Hope you're having a good day, Josh. You are my nigga. Thank you very much. How I am having a great day. I can't wait to have pizza. Unknown_08: Um, second best for 10 says I listen while at work. My coworker can't do anything about it because he likes to listen to, uh, be jams. 2:03:44 Unknown_08: I mean, why would your coworker want to do anything about it if he likes to listen too? It seems like a solution looking for a problem, my dude. I think you got it all sorted out already. Unknown_08: Github TLS officer for tenses nice shim congratulations on earning your programming socks. Thank you github TLS officer I made sure not to include my comments are kind of deranged and everything everything in my code is named Sneed or feed all of my variables. Everything's just called sneed and feed and when I am I 2:04:21 Unknown_08: work on the other half of my project. I'm going to start calling other things seeds. I don't have seeds ready yet, but I do have feeds. So eventually there will be sneeds, feeds and seeds in my source code. And if you didn't know anything about me and you looked at this code, you would think I'm an insane person. I'm like, by the way, um, crunk Lord has been working on a personal project. Unknown_08: For months. He is Insane, there's I don't know what's wrong with him. He doesn't come across as autistic. He's like extremely like adept and navigating complex social situations but at the same time the level of like programming that he's doing right now is genuinely like usually reserved for seriously mentally ill people so I don't know what's wrong with him, but I actually can't wait to show you because the he releases it I think on the anniversary of Terry Davis's death a new thing for Temple OS written in Holy See and the shit what he's working on is fucking incredible, and I really can't wait to show everybody What he's been doing for months now I 2:05:01 Unknown_08: Second-best for ten says I listen while at work. My co-worker can't do anything. Oh, I heard her that Frog odd for five says I have a prediction and predicted this new chat scrapper is going to be real popular But it will be a ban of all offenses any of the major networks to use it because it's tied to your name It's not that's entirely why I wrote it on my own is that it will be It's very customizable like I can I Unknown_08: Do I want to risk I bet you I can do this really really quick to show you it's very Customizable the CSS is just open you just added it and you refresh so I can do this and do Let's try this real quick see if I break it in the process I 2:06:10 Unknown_13: Oh, did I break it in the process? Unknown_08: Ah, there it is based. Now we're in show mode, a little bit of CSS and everything is looking great. Unknown_08: So, um, it will be customizable like that. And like, you can obviously conceal where it comes from. Unknown_08: So that won't be an issue. I don't think Because again, it's supposed to be self-hosted. You can compile it yourself. You can make changes so on and so forth right now Everything is hard-coded like literally to run the chat that's in my screen right now I had to write into the source code the URLs for all my streams and then compile it and run it that way Usually you want like a config file or something for your different outputs and stuff right now It's all hard-coded, but I'll fix that as I fuck around with it 2:06:57 Unknown_13: It'll be cool, I'll try to make it support kick too eventually. Unknown_08: I have to fix Odyssey though, I don't know why it's crashing the browser when it runs. Hacksleet410 says, why is there a giant ass gap between the chat messages? Also, please get rid of the red outline, it looks gay. That's how you know it's from YouTube. Unknown_08: I guess I would get rid of the outline and put like the icon or something, I don't know. Fine, okay, fine. You want me to- you want me to fucking- you want me to reduce the gap? Okay, fine. I'll do that real quick. Unknown_12: Motherfuckers tell me what to do. 2:07:40 Unknown_08: I grew up so I didn't have to have motherfuckers tell me what to do and shit my own fuckin' big snoot. Unknown_08: There we go. How's that? How's that? Oh, is that better? Does that soothe your tism? Huh? Does it? Actually, I don't know if I fixed that. It looks like it's not any smaller. Oh, that's just the border radius. Hold up. That's wrong. Unknown_08: Your tism is not sooth at all. Your disappointment is immeasurable and your day is ruined, huh? Unknown_08: Sucks to be you. Unknown_08: There. Now it's better. Now it's better. Everyone can stop being a bully. 2:08:17 Unknown_08: Um, okay. Unknown_08: One band problem solved. Longtime listener for 20 says today is my birthday. The big two, three, along with the words of wisdom, I would like you to play this gym. Um, Oh, you want me to play this song and give words of wisdom? Unknown_12: Go Robot, it's your birthday Go Robot, it's your birthday You're one year older, one year wiser Rock and roll star, King Tsar and a Kaiser A room full of friends, a mouth full of cake Every present is for you and it feels pretty great You're the man of the hour, the VIP You get the first slice of the P.I.E. 2:09:06 Unknown_03: But first blow out the candles And make a wish, put a smile on Cause it's your birthday, bitch Go Robot, it's your birthday Go Robot, it's your birthday Unknown_12: Is this from Aqua Teen Hunger Force or was this or from Sealab 2021? Unknown_08: I think it was Sealab, isn't it? It might be Aqua Teen. That's a good song. Those are good shows. Unknown_13: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Unknown_08: That's all the same guy. Okay. It could be both. I don't know. I think it was C-Lab. I would bet C-Lab would rock with 2021. Anyways, words of wisdom. Don't become a cat boy. Uh, self-improve women will follow. Good luck, my boy. Justice Berg for 20 says, uh, 2:09:45 Unknown_08: Song link for those of you who are irritable song if you ignore the fact that everything is distorted It's just a regular disco track. That's one of the reasons why I like it. Okay, we're at two minutes 20 seconds. I got 20 seconds. Get ready I'm doing back-to-back songs today boys a four-hour stream coming for no content Hey, you learn how to talk over it like Ralph does and cut like a promo 2:10:26 Unknown_08: Like I swear to you, Nick Fuentes, I will destroy you. Everything you've ever loved will be torn asunder in front of your very cat eyes. Unknown_08: All right, now write 240. Unknown_08: I have to get good at my promo cutting skills so I can get thousands of rumblers to follow me. Unknown_08: uh thank you gay store cashier for five says josh i try to reach you with our latest gay store sales information during your stream with ralph but this snout is impeccable at snorting out homosexual super chats and declined to read it we have an epic bogo bonanza this week a party emoji unleash the rainbow and save big on love and pride star emoji hashtag top kiwi farms 2:11:11 Unknown_08: Yeah, Ralph skips over a lot of super chats, but if it wasn't anything Directed at him. I don't know why you would skip it. Sorry to hear that. Thank you for your offer though. Appreciate it Any gatta Davida for 20 says this is a good video overall But I think I want especially went your live reaction to the first 46 seconds or so Okay Unknown_08: world building governments and politics. Unknown_04: My world building seems to be missing something. Like two things that are certain in life. Oh right, death and taxes. And governments are good at ushering in both of those. World building is one of my favorite things ever. But one thing that a lot of writers get hung up on is designing the government political structures and international relations of their world. This is mostly because real life political and government systems are hideously complicated and even worse, boring. Thankfully, terrible writing advice is here to give writers a quick and messy guide on how to design government systems for their step one. 2:11:47 Unknown_08: Your bad guys should wear Hugo boss uniforms, march in goose step and be fanatically devoted to their cause without any more, without any character or, uh, actual motivation besides just being evil. This is the, this is step one, two, three, four, and five of writing your modern script that will make it into a Hollywood movie. 2:12:32 Unknown_04: Is that the joke? Is that what you made me watch this for? Unknown_08: So that he could name drop Hearts of Iron 4? Unknown_08: Come on now. Come on. My reading is not... Hearts of Iron 4 is not even one of my favorite map games. Okay. It's very basic. Unknown_08: Thank you though. Unknown_08: By Moses Jones for 20 says, in honor of Ralph, let us play a small tribute to his finest moments. Shout out to my neighbor in Christ, Sunrise Productions. Please just play the intro. Okay, I will do that. 2:13:10 Unknown_10: If I shit myself, I would tell you motherfuckers, I'd probably make more money off shitting myself, and I'm better at it than anybody else in this whole fucking sector. From the top on down, I'm gonna go wild on air, and I'm gonna pull out my fucking dick, and I'm gonna piss all over the fucking place. Daring fucking team. Unknown_08: The intro of this just keeps getting longer and longer. 2:13:49 Unknown_02: The um It was a great question. Unknown_08: It reminds me. He does look like he's lost weight. No, I don't know what's happened He did his 11 hour stream rough stream for 11 hours And I don't think he ate he used to eat like into the microphone like live almost continuously like just munch on ice cream and snacks and shit and then he did his 11-hour Nick Fuentes like rage-a-thon and he didn't eat at all and so I don't know what he's doing if he's just Actually literally motivated by spite to the point where he doesn't even need food anymore, but it's really impressive The I was gonna say something where did I forget what did I see that maybe you want to say something I 2:14:35 Unknown_08: The music the music I love that intro that's like made by a fan of his back in the day when he was on YouTube still and I have that fan made song that I play for my rumble intro and they both have that really like that homie like a Actual fan made this song and it just it really makes the music sound so nice when you realize that someone actually like gave a fuck when they made it it's not like a fiber thing or You know just regular pop music it's like somebody actually made that because they wanted to That's awesome. Unknown_13: Uh, thank you. Unknown_13: Musician is a scrub for hire. Someone said, I think he disappeared though. Unknown_08: Didn't he? At some point, David S eight, seven, seven for 25 says everyone just needs to react, react, uh, YouTube music video. Okay. Unknown_08: For some reason, they just don't bother me right now. Unknown_08: We're going to, we're going to go with him. Unknown_08: Softest beach sounds from the tropics. 2:15:38 Unknown_08: Okay, I'm actually not that excited for this one. Unknown_08: Are you relaxed yet? Unknown_08: Actually quite nice. Unknown_08: Where's this from? Tropical Island. So this person did not record this. This is stock footage and they overlaid probably a stock audio for beach sound effects. Unknown_08: Strange, strange Sardinia. It might be. Okay. 2:16:12 Unknown_08: Thank you, David. I feel very relaxed now. Unknown_08: Eat dirt drink bleach for five says what runs faster than a person of socio-economical enrichment carrying a flat-screen TV his brother with the ps4 That's true. He has to carry less As he enriches himself and alleviates himself of certain certain socio-economic factors So I imagine he would run. I mean who got the Nikes though. That's the man who's already home He's not even he's not even in the race anymore. He's already back home Relaxin, okay 2:16:43 Unknown_08: Karyuma for five says you forgot to mention that Jonathan Yaniv's clitoris fell off in his dog Aiden. That's true. I don't know how I forgot to mention the fact that Jessica Jonathan Yaniv, who is now called Jessica Simpson, managed to get the Canadian taxpayers to pay for his genital reconfiguration surgery. And in the process, his clitoris became necrotic, fell off, and he can't find it anymore and assumed that the dog ate it. Unknown_08: One of the, like I said, it's nice to hear about bad things happening to bad people every so often. 2:17:22 Unknown_08: Thank you for reminding me. Roxanne Wolf via FedNow. Unknown_08: For five says bark bark with this payment process via the United States government I am now forever attached to Kiwi farms My social credit score has been permanently ruined in my ID will now be blacklisted from fur cons and healthcare providers. You're welcome If you need health care go to Mexico or something don't pay for it in the US I just saved you a lot of money and I just saved you getting cyber molested at a furry convention you're welcome 2:17:53 Unknown_08: Assigned plot for five says this is the single greatest Sophie LaBelle comic. And then there is a link. Let me make sure it's not something horrific real quick. Unknown_08: Oh, um, so the, the threat, Sophie LaBelle is not that interesting. So a lot of people do edits of all his comics. Unknown_08: There's one comic that he pulled, which I have seen before. Assigned Hua, we got Sophie's self-insert in racial-confirming aesthetics there, saying, cracka-ass cracka motherfuckin' New Year's Eve bullshit. Well, I gotta go sit in my black ass down on some honkies and motherfuckin' sofa and play that whack-ass charades bullshit, nigga. And the parent says, now, 2:18:30 Unknown_08: Trevonica we talked about this. We're going to we talked about this We're going to New Year that aren't afraid us because daddy is going to go Out of his ever-loving mind if he doesn't get to associate with some normal people for a fucking change You promised you'd behave remember no swearing or stealing and got it Unknown_08: She's so fucking white it hurts Casper don't worry I ain't gonna steal none of this bitch's shit. It's not like she got anything worth taking. Motherfucking place like some place out Sanford and selling cheap ass crack as far as I can see. Motherfucking porcelain dolls pale as rice with creepiest fucking eyes. Ayo hold up homes you did tell these motherfuckers I'd be trans nigga right? Cause I don't wanna have to cut a bitch. Don't worry dear I've told them that you'll be spending the evening drinking malt liquor and staring them down like a gorilla. awkward silence and then Where do I pitch is that he finishes off excellent comic wonderful edit? 2:19:09 Unknown_08: Maybe it's on there. I don't know. Unknown_08: This isn't too far from the original source material. I don't think Dicks new difficulty impossible. I think I'd manage just fine. Thank you very much 2:19:44 Unknown_08: Uh, thank you! Fintard411 says, very Lefcraftian music for you to listen to while you read and watch about trainings. It's like an endless cavern. Okay, let me just take a little peek real quick. Unknown_08: This is called, uh, Blut Aus Nord, Disharmonium, Undreamable Abyss. Unknown_08: Oh, is it just like creepy, synth, atmospheric music? 2:20:16 Unknown_08: Oh no, it's very much not that. Unknown_08: There you go, boys. Black Metal Promotion, if you wanna listen to this. Unknown_08: It does sound very neat. Sounds like a Squirtle movie, kind of. Unknown_08: Thank you. Mr. B for five says, glad you like the AI covers I made. More coming soon, TM, or until they get old enough, I don't expect them to be featured every stream. Any songs you want me to do? Um... Unknown_08: No, I don't want to I don't want to provide any input because that would uh, Sabotage the creative vision of the of the original artists. I don't want to like seed anything into your mind Uh, thank you though. They were very funny Let me sit on your 2:20:53 Unknown_08: Let me see on your face Josh is my hero for $100 says glad the new donation alert is high T Ralph a male instead of low TI Cox I know that's my issue. I didn't get there was a whole streamer I didn't get to do the sound effect because nobody gave $100 to hear I Cox cry about Unknown_08: Whatever the fuck with his prime. He was so low. It literally is if you learn to look at my donations over time the time that I had I does probably one of the worst because I guess nobody wanted to trigger that and see his sad little face and hear his sad little voice Try and thank someone while seething internally Very poor commercial decision of me. I should have known better Let me sit on your face Josh to my hero for five says your German ain't even half bad mine operator. Dankeschon 2:21:39 Unknown_08: I had to practice that actually, I had to put it into DeepL and then get someone to verify that it made sense, and then I listened to it on the Google Translate thing a bit. Unknown_08: Eat dirt, drink bleach for five says, Fridays are great again, glory to Kiwi Farms. Unknown_08: They've always been great. I haven't missed any Fridays, have I, in recent time? I think I've been doing pretty well with my schedule, even though there's more work to be done. Unknown_08: Thank you. Unknown_08: Research God my voice is going I gotta I gotta finish this up before I become a deaf mute Research purposes mostly for five says we both we won both wars Josh. No one fucking speaks Nazi What the fuck are you saying speak English? 2:22:24 Unknown_08: It remains to be seen if we've won any wars my friend Unknown_08: Dante aquifer 5 says born too early to colonize planets born too late to explore the world born just in time to witness the beginning of TTD in a retarded conservative Christian political movement imploded because of a hollering alcoholic druggie pigman what a time to be alive. It's true We were not born in an era that requires any of our skills or knowledge or effort or care But we were born into a time I 2:23:02 Unknown_08: where we get to enjoy the comedic collapse of everything, the true clown world. Unknown_08: Washaho resident for five says, hello Josh. I'm a semi newer Kiwi farm member and use Tor browser to access the farms. Congratulations, smart boy, 100 IQ at least. Only issue is now Tor won't allow me to access it. Do you have any other recommendations for browsers that would help me? I've heard that there's some issues with Tor. Unknown_08: The setup is so complicated now. You just have to keep refreshing for a new circuit every so often I will go through and try to make sure that everything's working when it should definitely be working You can just use the mirror if you do manage to get onto the site look for the mirror If you look in the community happening, so I do can't miss it Turbo and you'll brain for five says if AF endorses pedophilia Dick Masterson will mysteriously become a top general whenever this issue comes up the dealer is never far behind 2:24:04 Unknown_13: That's one the Henry Kada are like two people that I have become very disappointed in because dick when dick was like around and like active, I don't know after like a certain point he just became like a depressive and it's He puts out no content that I've found interesting in years now and I don't even know how I Unknown_08: When that happened, I remember there was very specifically and only OGs will remember this. Unknown_08: But when I was still on good terms with Ralph, so this was a long time ago and digs This was a very long time ago Ralph wanted to do this stream to like reinvigorate his channel a little bit because at the time they were on I want to say D live Or some other platform. I can't remember which one it was. I think it might have been D live but He wanted to have this this 2:25:06 Unknown_08: You'd like the the Ralph Awards the Ralph Amell Hall of Fame. He called it so he brought on all these different people that were like his favorite guests that he was still on good terms with and Wanted to like have like a all-star show or something and The roast. Yeah, the roast of Dick Masterson is what it was. And everyone was supposed to bring jokes. I was not informed of this. So when I realized that everyone was doing like rehearsed jokes, I actually had to take out a notepad and script a couple of things to say very quickly. And I think I did OK, given the lack of time or warning about this. 2:25:45 Unknown_08: And it came around for Dick to do his bit where he would in turn roast everybody else who had roasted him. Unknown_08: And I was drinking, this was, I remember this was when I was in the apartment that had the sink vodka. And I was drinking the sink vodka. It was rakija which was made, it's a moonshine made in Serbia that's made from plums. And I was drinking the sink vodka. I call it sink vodka because I found it underneath my sink and I didn't know what it was until I asked the guy that was leasing me the apartment and he said that it was rakija and that I could drink it. So I was drinking the sink vodka. 2:26:22 Unknown_08: and, um, listening to Dick and every one of his jokes bombed to the point where I was utterly convinced that, um, that Unknown_08: he was deliberately trying to fuck up Ralph's show. I thought that his entire bit was going to be that Ralph was going to do this Hall of Fame thing. He was going to do a roast of Dick Masterson. He was going to enshrine him in this new Hall of Fame. And the actual joke that Dick was doing was that his jokes would bomb so hard that Ralph would look like an idiot for saying that this guy was one of the funniest comedians of all time. 2:27:06 Unknown_08: And I remember I was actually drunk in the stream and I was laughing so hard at how Every single joke was followed up by like seconds of silence before dick master saying I'm saying oh, he didn't like that one either Okay, well and then like physically shuffling the papers in his hands and I was dying laughing and I I just think in retrospect, I guess it was Unknown_08: It wasn't, that wasn't the actual joke. The joke was what was in the paper. Unknown_08: And, um, yeah, I don't know what happened. It really feels like there was a point where Dick was really funny and then something happened and then he just stopped being funny. And I don't know what the fuck happened. I really don't. Unknown_08: Uh, so there's your, your impromptu, uh, reminiscing my friend. Hope you got your money's worth. 2:27:57 Unknown_13: Okay, the next page Unknown_08: Zipper hoodie supremacy for five says, and by the way, the only reason why I roasted Dick so hard in that is that, um, and made fun of all his jokes is because the only thing I think would have been worse than letting than making fun of him as he was talking was to not say anything. Like, I feel like the only thing that could have possibly made that entire bit more awkward is if no, if it was just left to be dead silence. So the only thing left to do to interrupt that silence was to just start making fun of us in his jokes. As it went along And I was given a liquid confidence at that point. So I was able to do that Zipper hoodie supremacy for five says please consider playing disco Elysium when you get a chance to stream some bit of the video games I think it would be interesting. I think every single stream for the last Six fucking months has had a suggestion that I played disco Elysium. I will consider it my friend. I haven't played any video games in forever. So 2:29:09 Unknown_08: The last game I played I switched over to Windows To play that battle bit game, but it was too like team oriented for me It was pretty frustrating if you're not part of like an organized group. You're just gonna get fragged constantly But if I ever get chance I'll play some disco Elysium if I have a chance to stream I will Unknown_08: um anonymous for five says hey josh next time you talk with ralph can you get him to disavow his comments about stink ditch roberts being hot thanks also wanted to know california will let adults cut their dicks off and stuff but won't let them buy flavored leaf juice really Unknown_08: That's funny. Um, yeah, I mean, I don't know. People ask me to confront him about supporting keffels and shit. It is a, I will, I will assume in good faith that was merely, um, opium induced. 2:29:51 Unknown_08: Yeah. I didn't know about the vape juice though. Unknown_08: Porsche monkey for five says mudkips wants to swim with dolphins. Unknown_08: That sentence scares me. I don't know what I just said. It sounds like a trick. I regret reading it aloud because I feel like that's a dog whistle for something I don't understand. Okay. 2:30:24 Unknown_08: Anime for five says they mail Josh. I remember you said watching anime women. It said watching said anime watching women are all of low caliber, but since you and the swine Shogun are gay lovers. Now, when I say may is a lovely woman, any man should be happy to have her. You have no choice, but to agree. Unknown_08: Um, no, I do not like may. Um, I am. Kind of impressed that Ralph is still trying to win her back. I think because they do have a child together I Thought that he would have kind of gotten over her at this point, but he's still trying which is pretty romantic by Ralph standards I do not like me and I do not want and I will not be pressed into saying anything nice about her 2:31:14 Unknown_08: Her on burger for five says to pronounce Sophie Labelle's power word. It helps to know it's the French version of William first You say William for the field and swap the G for in the G Gilliam Finally you have to soften the double L's so it's Guillaume Guillaume Guillaume Bill on King of the Hill is called this by his Louisiana family. That's true That's true His name is Guillaume um Unknown_08: Fuck, what's his name? Unknown_08: Oh, Dautry. Bill Dautry. William Dautry. 2:31:47 Unknown_08: Thank you. Mr. Ban for 2176 says, what is a nice, what a nice, unlifting show about horrible people that most of us will never have to deal with personally or worry about becoming. Thank you for the pick me up, Josh. You're welcome very much. I'm glad you have found this entertaining despite everything. Unknown_08: And I'm glad that you don't have to deal with any of these people Let me sit on your face Josh is my hero for five says Josh out here standing up for the rights as of women Rights as women for our rights as women. Okay, I've deciphered that sentence. Thanks, man. You're welcome I guess all I'm saying is that there is no white race without white women and Preferably they shouldn't be tweens. I don't understand how 2:32:20 Unknown_08: My brand of racism is somehow the minority opinion. Even that fucking retard, Andrew Anglin, is like, yeah, we gotta impregnate teenagers. That'll solve it. That'll fix things. We just have to impregnate teenagers, bro, for real. 2:32:53 Unknown_08: Adolf Schickelgruber for 544 says, hey Josh, any plans on getting some of the alternative services up on the farms again? I'd be interested in seeing the matrix come back at the moment. Dude, I have to get the network up. I cannot bring anything up until the network is working and the network is being attacked hard. Anything that I try to get up is immediately bombarded with tranny shit. I'm working very hard. I'm talking to people every day. I can check the status and see where one of these networks is, but I've been waiting for it for two days and it might be a configuration error. I don't know what it is. No, it's still not up. So I mean, I am working on it. It's just I'm not having a lot of success because the heat is so hot and so continuous and they have automated tools to see what things go up where and then they immediately go after the CEOs of these companies. 2:33:39 Unknown_08: So it's tough. Unknown_13: I don't know what to tell you. Unknown_08: Local retard for tenses in Romania during communist rule Nicholas Al chess couch chess ku I Pronounce that right, right Nicholas chalkesh shoe cal chest shoe How close am I? Fuck I know this guy's name. I know how to pronounce it Chow Cheshue, I think is Chow Chesku. Okay. I got you Chow Chesku Nicholas Chow Chesku Tried to up the fertility rates and the results were that they were many orphans in the streets created from this program and an explosion Of child trafficking ironically. Yeah, that's why you don't want to have incapable parents be parents. You want to enable healthy relationships and you want to make sure that people in a monogamous relationship are then able to financially support their family. That is the core issue with the American fertility. That's why all capitalist countries end up becoming low in birth rate because when men and women need to work, you don't have a woman to take care of kids and the capitalist system 2:34:45 Unknown_08: makes it increasingly difficult for a single man to provide for a full family by himself. And every time you add a kid, it becomes more and more expensive. We do not need pregnant 15-year-olds. We need it so that the workforce is, that things are made in the U.S., that there's a high demand for workforce, and that we do not have immigrant labor taking up every possible job so that the demand for labor is very low. If people were paid a living wage and kept their money and things were inexpensive enough that you could raise families, people would raise families. The core issue is the lack of value for labor that requires two people to fix it. 2:35:26 Unknown_08: When I say capitalism, I don't mean capitalism as an abstract concept. This is the issue with talking about politics. Because if I say any word, people have their own predispositions and presuppositions about that concept. Like a big one is net neutrality. If I say net neutrality or anything like that, there's like a whoa, buddy. Net neutrality was made by Obama in 2013. It's pure communism, and it's meant to give Netflix 2:36:06 Unknown_08: an uncontested exploitation of fiber optic cable. They have heard all this bullshit. So if I say net neutrality, when I'm talking about what the actual meaning of net neutrality is, people have all these other baggage they throw on it. If I say capitalism, people think, oh, you're saying bad things about capitalism. You must be a communist. What I'm saying is, Unknown_08: The very specifically the current meta of United States capitalism is very detrimental to absolutely everyone except a Specific demographic of people who are able to live as gods and rape children basically and eat children and harvest blood from children and and are completely untouchable in every way, shape, and form. That is how it works. I don't know what you want to call this, if you want to call it the complotocracy, but if I make a new bullshit term up for it, you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. So when I say capitalism, know that I mean the United States Western system of liberal democratic capitalism, which is not actually the literal meaning of capitalism. 2:36:45 Unknown_08: Whoa, buddy for five says you think leafy is manipulative. He's not he has ADHD. He literally can't help it He even talked to Sam Hyde and he said to be more patient 2:37:17 Unknown_08: Um, no, I listened to him. I know that for a fact that he's manipulative, nobody's this fucking retarded. And the way that what he plays up, he went like, there is stupidity there, but he really plays up certain factors of being a helpless, gormless fucking moron, specifically when it benefits him in some way. It's a pattern. He does it. He is successful with it. Unknown_08: Josh's proxy music career for 11 says I wonder how much a pursuing of young fertile women are based off of emotional insecurity and immaturity Even though it's not hard to find emotionally immature women who aren't basically children either ie boogie could have found a 30 year old sperg instead of hiring a bad idea 2:38:01 Unknown_08: I mean, a lot of it is that insecurity. Like, that's the tomboy thing, too. And I swear to God, if you do post the word tomboy in my fucking man-at-the-internet thread, I will ban you from it, because I'm sick of you fucking people. But it's like, I am unfamiliar with femininity, and I don't trust it. I want basically a man to provide for all my needs, and also be a woman at the same time. And that's that fetish. Unknown_08: And I think a lot of it with like really young girls is that you don't you don't want a woman who can ever compare you to anything or have any Expectations whatsoever if you're really insecure if you're like Nick Fuentes and you're a homosexual The last thing you would want is somebody with any experience to say like oh actually you're kind of a limp-wristed gay You're a total fucking faggot, and I don't anything to do with you You need somebody who hasn't who literally does not know any better who will just do what you what you tell them to do because they were indoctrinated into a relationship at like 12 That's what it is 2:39:00 Unknown_13: Um... Colia Dante for 15 says, fun fact, Mayor M. Schell Rothschild, patriarch of the Rothschild Banking House, apprentice with the Oppenheimer Banking House in Hanover. Unknown_08: I didn't know that Oppenheimer was a banker. Is he Jewish? Is that why they're making movies about him? It's because he's Jewish? Unknown_13: Um... He is. Unknown_13: Didn't know that, actually. Unknown_08: Not everybody with the name Oppenheimer is, or any, everyone hears a German name and they immediately think that it's like a Jew. It's like, you have to look it up and be careful first. 2:39:44 Unknown_08: Whoa, buddy for five says leafy has also has a call anyone policy So if you want to con correct him, you can he was open to different opinions ex-athan told him about sneakers drug use And he lies to leave you on call So he blocks him on stream leafy talked to sneak a longer than nick nick is gay glad to finally donate Unknown_08: That's what I mean, though. It's a manipulation thing. Like, oh, I'm so fucking stupid. I would hate for a person with their own audience to call in and direct their audience to mine while I'm collecting super chats on the issue and very easily influenced by whoever calls in, inciting other people to call in and correct them. Like, I know what he's doing. Um, he does it very well and he's obviously got a lot of people tricked that he's actually just a fucking moron when he is a fucking moron, but he's a manipulative asshole too that just wants to make money. Uh, which is why I'm not inclined to talk to him ever. I have no real, I have nothing to gain by trying to convince this fucking mongoloid of anything. Let him associate with America first. Let him burn his whole shit down. I don't care. Good for him. 2:40:32 Unknown_08: Like I don't, I have zero inclination to try to save this moron from his own choices. I hope it fucking burns them. Unknown_08: Let's see. Unknown_08: Pope Urban for 10 says, made the mistake of watching while eating again. Thanks, Jeris. You told us you have defiant disorder. What is that? What incident prompted the doctors to diagnose you with it? I was diagnosed with oppositional defiance disorder when I was in second grade and I was taken to a psychiatrist because my grades were very bad. I went from like all A's to like D's and F's. So my mom took me to a psychiatrist and he just said that I was a little bit ADHD. 2:41:13 Unknown_08: I didn't like Having people tell me what to do and that's it. We said it was a very intelligent but oppositional There was no act like inciting incident or whatever Beep bloop for ten says I need help enacting total bug death the Chinese invaders in my backyard Imager link. 2:41:46 Unknown_13: Oh The fuck is this Unknown_08: It makes me uncomfortable. I don't know what the fuck this is, but they should all die. I agree. It looks like there are aphids. It's like a different kind of aphid. That's like sucking that thing. Yeah, dude, you gotta kill those aphids. All aphids must die as, uh, incredible as like as violently as possible. Unknown_08: Jerks. Oh geez. Spotted lantern flies says not in beep bloop. Oh, he responded himself. Okay. Yeah. Murder him. I give you permission to completely eradicate this fucking things. 2:42:23 Unknown_08: Irish pug for five says for a fun read check out my early life history of Robert J Oppenheimer on Wikipedia also for tax purposes. This tip is directly supporting the website Kiwi farm It's not motherfucker. We already looked up that he was Jewish. Nice try though guy It was a German immigrant to the United States Unknown_08: Haas Delgado for 10 says our drama net AI fingerprinting copy digital signatures a new new or William nightmare technology just dropped Oh, this is something that Adobe developed. I mentioned this before Adobe developed this with Microsoft. I want to say and they are trying to Get the Senate to pass things that would make I 2:43:11 Unknown_08: Any kind of AI generated stuff more hard to do. Oh and specifically copying an artist style a form of copyright infringement Really what we need is more copyright laws. That's that'll that'll fix everything Fucking gay Theodore did nothing wrong if I said would any of this have happened if tweezy was a mod Sneedcore never dies kill wrangle overpaid as a chink currently viewing thread Chantel slash fruity beauty Probably yes to be honest with you funeral Unknown_08: Boo's Sully for five says Josh. I was in a long distance relationship with a British girl over the past few years without her makeup on. I realized she looked like a young K and I wasted three years of my life before I realized I should have listened to you about the British and left her to rot on the Island. That's really fucking mean. There's some jokes I could tell about that. That's pretty fucking mean. You also wasted three years of her life by being a dickhead just so you know. 2:43:49 Unknown_08: I'm not going to alleviate you of your own culpability in your actions, sir. Unknown_08: Uh, let me sit on your face. Josh is my hero for five says we can't have the China segment without the song of the red sun. Well, motherfucker, I just had it. I'm not going to play it like, and I went to switch directly over to that song. So, um, I didn't have a choice. 2:44:28 Unknown_08: Go to Leroux, which means the dog that stole the meat says for 20 You'll could the jungle she she who go and how she or fun Chinese fat Fact hot pot is delicious. It doesn't fact sound very delicious. Thank you very much dog stealing the meat 2:45:01 Unknown_08: Anonymous for 448 says jersh you neglected us your gumroad pay fats. We demand more cursed reddit subreddit deep dives Sorry, I do I didn't like this the gumroad. I apologize things have just been a little bit a pain in my ass recently It's hard to find time for side projects when the main sites down Chloe Adante for five says according to one of Lao wise expat buddy Chinese woman experienced severe reproductive abnormalities due to groundwater contamination and more than half of head surgery to remove ovarian cysts Unknown_08: Well allow I was more than happy to tell the Chinese line for fucking years and years and years before They told him to fuck off. They told why you to get the fuck out of their country and now he's like a hardcore anti-chinese shill, so I would be I Would be careful listen to him because he seems kind of butthurt. I Don't know that could be true 2:45:41 Unknown_08: Anonymous for 448 says ice cream genuinely are being feeling I think what's gonna say genuinely Tiananmen massacre quote-unquote was actually wasn't see When will New York Times apologize for its Tiananmen coverage? Unknown_13: Now this is by John minidoo from the pearls and aspirations Unknown_08: The New York Times has emerged one of the cold keyword media wars in recent years It used to be a leader in mainstream progressive media If you don't know the official Chinese line about Tiananmen is that? 2:46:30 Unknown_08: The Tiananmen Square incident happened during the era of Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping was very, very important in Chinese history. He was a true successor to Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong did not want Deng Xiaoping to be the paramount leader of China. He tried to appoint somebody else. I think it was like Guo Feng or something was his appointee. Unknown_08: Guofeng was completely outmaneuvered by Deng Xiaoping, who became the paramount leader during the 80s. And while Mao was very, like, agrarian communism, Deng Xiaoping was a hardcore capitalist, and he, like, reformed China into an industrial powerhouse and lifted millions and millions of people out of poverty. The reason why China is the way that it is is because Deng Xiaoping basically took communism and added Chinese characteristics, which is, it's a state corporatist society that is capitalistic. 2:47:07 Unknown_08: That's his work. Unknown_08: During his rule, he had democracy protests in Tiananmen. It was a student-led democracy protest. So he tolerated them for a little bit and made some concessions, but eventually the students went from just like more liberalization of the system to winning full-on democracy in China, which Deng Xiaoping did not tolerate. He did not want to lose power. So he sent in the tanks to squash it, and then after the initial incident, he was very upset that that tank did not kill that guy and told future tanks in the future that they would be, like, hanged for treason if they did not run over protesters and shit. So he doubled down hardcore on the protest and successfully squashed it. And afterwards, the universities in China were required to have, like, 2:48:01 Unknown_08: Communist Party like as a part of their education like Xi Jinping I think went to Shanghai University and he has like a like he Completed like a course in communist ideology and stuff so that they reckon they underdings up and they identified like an issue with the universities being independent I think and compelled them to have more ideology in their studies and So that is the uh official like story of um Tiananmen as a part of the uh The um, what does the chinese say? 2:48:39 Unknown_08: The mayor of fat off could be that. Unknown_08: Don't want to say anymore though. People get mad at me. Unknown_08: Near for five says my workplace is ending WFH and I'm going to be permanently moving by the end of the year to a big city. Pretty stressed about it. You're well versed in this shit. How do you deal with that stuff? Especially if there's so much shit to take with you and for jiggle work and stuff. Unknown_08: So you're moving to a big city well number one you're an idiot number two I deal with moving constantly by not having any stuff. I have a duffel bag for whatever reason my mom subscribed to a Marlboro thing she's like registered to that and they like give you free shit randomly 2:49:28 Unknown_08: They assume you smoke so they give you like free stuff to this day I have a Marlboro branded duffel bag, and I have a keychain from Marlboro as well and They gave it to me for free so all my clothes fit into this duffel bag and then I have a couple other stuff that I have to carry with me independently as um like my monitors and computer cases, but that's basically it and Unknown_08: My mom never smoked is the thing. She just registered on it cause she heard that they give you free shit and they sure as fuck do. Cause I still have, I still have that duffel bag. I still have that key chain. Uh, so whatever. I own nothing. Yeah, sure. I do own nothing. Unknown_13: All my shit's digital. Sad, but true. Um, Unknown_08: But there yeah get another dude. You should set your foot down and say I'm gonna work from home And if you don't like it, I'm gonna find a new job. That's what I would say There's no fucking way. You're gonna get me moved to a city you cocksuckers Anonymous for 490 again says Josh stop neglecting us your gumroad pay fats We demanded more funny curse over to deep dives. This is the exact same thing, but he sent it twice So I don't think that's intentional, but thank you very much. I appreciate it I know I for sure I have to because you did it twice. I 2:50:24 Unknown_08: Hello for 544 says thanks for not banning my sock. That's ominous. Unknown_08: I make no promises. I will not ban your sock The horse beater for pipes is for the longest time. I thought Sneed was a meme used by federal agents I guess I'm wrong friends for the other hand is 100% low in the dark economic factors. Yeah, perhaps I don't know like You know at one point it was a genuine thing, but now it's become really gay. Oh 2:51:01 Unknown_08: Andrew Torba is a low IQ faggot for five says why doesn't the goyim TV people and that handsome truth guy have pages on Kiwi farms? They're clearly feds and they've been exposed numerous times, but this things always get swooped under the rug I like to see them all get exposed and have a record of it. Thanks Josh. I love the show I have no idea who either of those people are which probably is why they don't have threads They're just not significant enough to have any kind of interest around them 2:51:41 Unknown_08: Gallagher off for 20 like the queue of farms is not like a pro-fascist thing like sweeping out Compromised members of the dissident, right? I hope you realize that that's probably why like there's probably documents about this But nobody on the forum finds it funny enough to post Unknown_08: Galgaroth for 25 says the saddest and funniest thing about Andrew Tate is that he probably was himself trafficked It explains the hate for women his bulimia and him and his brother's current involvement in it The cockroach probably feels bad for him. He's just a faggy ghislain Maxwell. I had not heard that I did not know he was bulimic dude. Nobody men are not bulimic unless they're gay. That is the rule I'm sorry, but it's just not a thing. So if he's bulimic, that's like a real bad indicator that he's not honest at all 2:52:20 Unknown_08: Never forget for five says it was my birthday yesterday How many more years do I have to wait for someone to take over and bring me back some sanity? Unknown_08: I'll be waiting for the rest of your life. What's the the saying a watch pot never boils? You gotta stop waiting my dude Just do something else Happy birthday, though 2:52:56 Unknown_08: Hal for five says, I am once again, super Chang to let you know that you are my nigga. Thank you very much, Hal. I appreciate it. Today's secular crisis Oppenheimer was born to rich German Jewish parents in the United States and made the bomb under the pretense that will be used on Germany when it wasn't, he spurred out and so that he'd become lay evil. Unknown_08: Well, maybe one day it will be used against another country, not Germany, but some other country out there, maybe by, by Iran. And then the circle will be complete and we can all laugh at the great irony of these things. Unknown_08: Research purposes mostly provides us. Why don't you read my all-caps messages in all caps? Do you not love me Josh? I am your strongest kitten. I do Usually I just raised my voice a little bit. That's as high as it go. Sorry Then on Odyssey James Boone for 1488 says sneed Aggressive light our lion face. Also happy piece of that pizza day. Thank you. Have pizza day to you, too glow-in-the-dark for 1945 says sir I'm here to inform me that your invention the rice cooker 9000 has done its job 2:54:02 Unknown_08: Thank you that did that for 1352 says gorilla emoji. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Nice gorilla Eugene Greenbeard for five says that's why Oppenheimer was so sad about the nuke He was excited to see some fry some civilian Aryan monsters, but it only ended up affecting Japs Eugene remember for five also says that's why oh, he said it twice. Thank you very much that I appreciate it Sorry that you double duplicated. I hope that you're not upset about those Unknown_08: Then on the rumble side Long-term only rumble super chatter in the world long border 241 for five says howdy Josh. Happy Friday smiley face One way you can get around the YouTube restrictions is to install MPB and YouTube DL and then type in the terminal MPB YouTube link see your own I Have that but when I tried to download it it fucked up last time. I think I mean for the age restrictions Yeah, I should have done that. You're right 2:54:49 Unknown_08: Then longboarder 241 for five also says I had to stop listening to leafy because he kept repeating shit and was all just regurgitation Also, the photo of him was real, but the makeup was photoshopped I did not know that I insist that the starfish is real turkey tom. It's just gonna have to fucking cope and see about that Just because he didn't want to see the starfish doesn't mean that it didn't happen Unknown_08: And on that note, I do believe we are done. Thank you very much for all your support. I'm sorry to all the people who are now upset that I haven't done anything in a while. I'll try to put together something this month as it ends, and maybe I'll make it up to everybody in a little bit. 2:55:23 Unknown_08: That being said, Catboys, Delinda Est, Unknown_08: And since this is a very Catboy's Delinda-esque type episode, and the motion of the ocean seems to be going that way, I have picked a song by the Lux Lutzenburgish Band, Rome, to outro with. This is One Lion's Roar. And I will see you on Tuesday. Have a nice weekend. Thank you, and buh-bye. So go on your own way 2:56:00 Unknown_11: and join the herd you know a million sheep will be dispersed by one lion's roar by one lion's roar either step aside for every god knows everything will crumble under his blows 2:56:45 Unknown_11: You think yourselves weak, pathetic and overrun And that all you've bled for is coming undone So go kneel and wait and join the herd You know a million sheep will be dispersed By one lion's roar Unknown_11: One hot lion's roar. Unknown_11: Oh, you go out there and bow to none. And cause a stir as if it were the last one. Curse them into hiding. These thieves won't believe the way we're riding. So come kneel and weep. 2:57:41 Unknown_11: I was destined to become a pilot and a soldier. Unknown_05: So go kneel and wait and join the herd You know a million sheep will be dispersed Go kneel and wait and join the herd 2:58:50 Unknown_11: By one lion's roar, he's gone the other way. And join the herd. Unknown_11: You know a million sheep will be disposed. Oh, by one lion's roar. By one lion's roar, he's gone the other way. you