Hey guys, let's take a minute and talk about suicide prevention. There's probably someone right now at this school thinking about killing himself and it's not funny. You better take it serious or he might actually do it.
Unknown_28: I've been feeling sad, I've been being sad. Can't talk to my mom, don't even have a dad. I can't go on, what is living for? My heart screams, I don't want to live no more. Eason, we don't want you to die. Eason, give life a try. Eason, we don't want you to die. Eason, oh God no. Eason. I don't wanna live no more, no more, no more, no more, no more But Ethan, we don't want you to die You're so cute, we'd be sad at skit Yeah, but you guys, you don't understand With my girlfriend, it's like I'm living in quicksand Conflicting thoughts, I need a battered wife shelter My girlfriend is messed up, but all I wanna do is help her I'm suffocating, I'm drowning in sorrow Gonna kill myself, probably around 2.30 tomorrow But Ethan, we don't want you to die Ethan, give life a try Everybody! We don't want you to die. Ethan.
Oh, God, no. Ethan. But it's so hard.
Unknown_28: Ethan. We don't want you to die. Only you guys can make a difference. I don't care if you're black, white, gay, straight, or trans. I am going to kill myself unless you all start taking it seriously. Ethan. Please don't die.
Unknown_04: Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! I stole this and I don't even know where it came from. I wish I could give credit to the mastermind that crafted this wonderful video of Ethan Ralph singing about how he's going to die at 2.30 today. I guess I'm going to save that for the Ralph segment at the end. What I saved for last to keep everyone stringed along through my news segment, but...
We have not heard audio confirmation, textual confirmation, video confirmation of Ethan Ralph's continued existence in quite a few hours now. So we're waiting and we're hoping because how else am I going to pay my bills if Ethan Ralph does not continue to produce content?
It's a real mystery. The whole cottage industry of laughing at Ethan Ralph would collapse. you know not just me i could probably move on i could probably find other things but what's vickers gonna do how is he gonna pay the bills he's got like five kids he's got like a coin shot shop to keep up that that um think about and think about the people who depend on ralph that are also going to miss him if he dies such as um
Who's that guy? That's like a huge, like ass licker of his that went, that doxxed himself at that, that live stream event.
Unknown_04: Oh God. His name was like Specter Wolf.
Unknown_04: Butters? No, it's that one shaggy, esoteric shaggy. Bro, if Ralph kills himself, esoteric shaggy is being buried alive with him like an Egyptian cat, okay? That's pretty fucking dire. They're gonna ship him to Mexico to be buried alongside him. They're not even gonna kill him or anything. They're just gonna lock him in there. So,
We'll save that. We got some Ralph stuff to talk about, of course.
Unknown_04: Okay, so I saved this, and I found it just now. It's named video. I saved it off Telegram is what I did. So I was trying to find it, and I found this, and I laughed really loud. I know this is out of date, but I'm going to play it because I don't remember playing it on stream, and it made me laugh.
Whoa! She's just like me!
Unknown_04: Wait, how?
Unknown_08: Because she's a nigga!
Unknown_04: Ha ha ha!
Unknown_04: uh perfect um that's a little memory anyways okay so next next up next up um tecker carlson interviewed andrew tate who last i heard was being eaten alive by cockroaches in a romanian prison i don't know how he's in this fancy office now with this bizarre marble gorilla that seems to be made out of dollar bills uh sitting between them um I did not listen to a single second of this. This is a two and a two hour, two and a half hour long interview between Tucker Carlson and Andrew Tate. Um, if you don't remember Andrew Tate, uh, sex trafficked women and branded them and did all sorts of weird gross shit while trying to sell retarded low IQ men, his lifestyle. And for whatever reason, Tucker Carlson wants to talk to this guy for two and a half hours. Um,
So I don't know if anyone wants to give me a synopsis of this interview. I'm not going to read it. Uh, I don't know. I feel kind of, I, it makes me like Tucker less to, to interview this guy. I don't know. I guess, I guess it would be a little bit hypocritical to be like, well, he shouldn't talk to him, but I guarantee you he's sucking his ass in this, in this interview.
Um, he's a mutt.
Unknown_06: He's worse than that.
Unknown_06: Yes. I read the chats. I read the chats.
Unknown_04: Andrew Tate is being paid millions by Rumble. Let that sink in. That's pretty fucking... Also, who scheduled an interview with Andrew Tate. Now, Andrew Tate couldn't make this one in person, but he did astral project himself into the room with Ethan Ralph. And, Ralph, I know I've...
Unknown_04: I think you're being fucked over because you're an outspoken man. And I don't... Um...
I don't prefer that, but I think you're going to jail. I hope not. I hope not. I hope not.
Believe me, I hope not.
Unknown_11: Let's see. Okay, so where can I find the fucking...
Unknown_04: So if you couldn't figure out what was going on, Ethan Ralph appears to be hallucinating that he's in a conversation with Andrew Tate. He did this before. I even called this because he got so fucked up last time, like a while back ago, that he was having this bizarre... He was drunk and high in Dick Masterson's office. uh and he was having a pretend conversation people are like who the fuck is he talking to and i i told i i i definitely called it i said that for sure he's having like a pretend conversation in his head where he's like some hot shot and doing interviews with like wrestling personalities and now it's it's really because he mentioned andrew kate by name and it's like pretty pretty obvious that when he gets really fucked up and he's like pretending that he's successful like he literally gets like drunk and high and just lays on the floor and just pretends to to be a successful media personality interviewing like the biggest names and current events and shit amazing
Okay, I need someone to explain what the fuck, how this fits into my racist worldview. Not the B reported that Jewish summer camp says it will hide children gender identities from parents if they decide to transition at camp and will allow boys to sleep in the girls' cabins and vice versa.
Unknown_04: This was at, uh, camp shesh shesters website where it explicitly says that it's an inclusive, uh, environment. And if a boy says that he is a girl, he will be allowed to change and sleep with the teenage girls at the camp. Uh, and it is teenagers. I think if you go to the front page, you'll see some very Jewish looking kids enjoying a nice summer together. Um, of all sorts of genders and identities. That's a bit of a sketchy one to put on the front page, but whatever.
And it's specifically for Jews. Tell me, chat, explain to me why the Jews are trying to train out the Jews. This does not fit into my concept, my worldview, and it's challenging my beliefs and superstitions, chat. Can anyone explain to me what's happening here?
It's just propaganda. They won't do it.
Unknown_06: Wooden doors.
Unknown_06: I love Israel is true.
Unknown_06: It's false a flag.
Unknown_04: okay most people in chat seem to believe that this is either a friendly fire incident or it is a uh it is design it is just a statement that they wouldn't actually agree with i suppose if you are at this camp and you decide you want to sleep with the girls they'll put you in the special wooden door uh camp office so you can sleep by yourself
Uh A is jewish summer camp is is it's a hard sell. Why is there a black woman there? Is she ethiopian?
Unknown_04: Why is she black? Is this only immersive jewish environment dynamic jewish leaders nosh shabbat
Unknown_04: So the black woman's gone. I clicked this image because there was a black woman on this picture and I thought, what the fuck is she doing at the Jewish camp? There's no way that she's Jewish. And then I go to this page and she is, she has disappeared. She has evaporated from existence.
Unknown_04: Love of Israel. Oh my God. I got to go here.
This is for me. This is my camp.
Unknown_04: This is built for me to have notion. Okay.
Unknown_04: uh white pill though big news pewdiepie had announced that marzia was pregnant many many months ago and now they have a baby is a boy his name is bjorn and i guess he's going to raise him to be japanese because they for whatever reason decided nah sweden we're going to move to the united kingdom and then the united kingdom said the united kingdom we're going to move to japan and now they're in japan and he is like still a huge weeaboo he basically he's made videos talking about how the japanese kind of treat him like shit and don't really see him as like an equal in their society and he's still like oh my god i heckin love japan look it's a place but it's in japan it's a rundown um soviet era looking building but it's got a cherry blossom tree in front of it and thus it's so heckin based in the ponies and shit
So I don't know what the fuck is happening with PewDiePie, but he decides with his millions of dollars and his Italian wife, he's decided to live out his Japanese weeaboo fantasies and raise his family in Japan.
Unknown_04: Yeah, I agree that if I lived in the UK, I mean, I did. I lived in Florida and I thought, geez, dude, how about Ukraine? And then I committed to that. I don't know. But I was also wise enough. I left after Zelensky got to office. I said, this is the Zelensky guy.
I don't know, man. I've got a bad feeling about him. How about Serbia? How about getting the fuck out of Ukraine now? Because I don't trust this nose man up in office.
Unknown_04: I guess I could have chosen Japan, but I didn't want to be molested on a train. Because I am too attractive for my own good. They see this white boy. I'm like, oh, white boy. I'm going to grab his ass. It happens in Japanese trains. You have to be careful. So I went with Serbia instead where I'm safer.
Good luck with that, PewDiePie. Maybe he'll move to the U.S. He'll move to the good old U.S.A. Buy a log cabin in Montana or something.
Unknown_04: okay now this i uh have received the cliff notes of and i don't really fully understand it so basically what happened as far as i know is that a reporting agency in the united kingdom said we've got big news that one of the bbc's reporters is a nonce but because we don't want to say who it is for whatever reason we will not tell anyone who the bbc reporter nonce is so this led to all the bbc reporters saying uh not me pass the hot potato to somebody else and then another report was like not me and so on and so forth until the bbc identified that it was hugh edwards somebody that every british person in chat knows of already and is shocked and appalled that the hugh edwards
is a creepy sex pass. And some people even lamenting. I can't believe Hugh Edwards, my favorite. I was really hoping that Hugh Edwards wasn't the nonce when they were playing nonce hot potato at the BBC.
Unknown_04: So I don't know. Yeah, no, okay, no, okay, listen, Merrimuts, obviously you're not gonna know who the British newscaster is, but the British, they will know. And the British are not saying anything in chat because they're crying. This is another national tragedy. It's like Jimmy Savelle all over again. I can't believe the Hugh Edwards was going around being a creepy menace and such.
Hold up, let me find this. This is an old clip. Someone linked me this and said, Josh, you have to watch this. This is a...
Unknown_06: have to watch this this shows you how bad the elites think feel about uh pedophilia and it's one of the funniest clips like one of the funniest specials ever put out like it's 2001 british humor it's after the jimmy seville stuff i think and it was after jimmy seville the jimmy seville being a pedophile was like a massive culture shock to the united kingdom it was like
Don't know it's like the the Germans are all like Traumatized they have cultural trauma from the World War two the British have cultural trauma on par with the Germans over Jimmy Seville and now they're obsessed with pedophiles everybody's a fucking pedophile and they made up the
Unknown_04: It was called like Brass Eye or something. It made like a parody of like the pedophilia obsession in the United Kingdom going on at the time. So, but it has one of the fun, it's pretty funny. It's like dry British, but it has one of the funniest skits ever. It's pretty dark, but it's really funny. I remember seeing this years ago, like 10 plus years ago when 4chan, I think was hilarious.
Unknown_12: Last month, the notorious paedophile Sidney Cook was blasted into space to spend the rest of his life aboard a one-man prison vessel posing no further threat to children on Earth. But it was revealed that an eight-year-old boy was also placed on board by mistake and is now trapped alone in space with the monster. A spokesman said, this is the one thing we didn't want to happen.
i've remembered that for like 20 years at this point that's that's amazing and this guy like posted this like josh you have to look at how they consider pedophilia a joke in the united kingdom like it doesn't unless you know the context of the jimmy seville thing and how that how that really rustled the jimmies of the entire british public to this day they are still like traumatized by the jimmy seville i guess it doesn't make a lot of sense but in the context it is pretty funny
uh moving right along then oh here this guy console i'm calling you out he asked me to watch it uh there you go i showed it to you deep dish terrorism in seattle destined to player gets stabbed on by bungie for harassment and sending pizzas tolling a half a million dollars in damages after a controversial post from the studio an individual by the name of jesse james comer went on a spurg spree over pixels on the screen the weapon racism and pizza so these are court documents number seven
Unknown_04: Comer spent hours that day carpet bombing the does with racist text and voice messages. Not satisfied, he decided to show the does that he knew where they lived and could assault them there. Comer used anonymous number to place cash on delivery orders with Domino's Pizza for a virtually inedible, odiferous pizza.
Unknown_04: As a, okay. Look, if you were sending something tasty, like a proper pepperoni pizza with cheese crust, well, obviously that's not as bad as a, Oh, deference pizza with mushrooms on it. Mushrooms come on. Obviously that, that chalks it up from a quarter million to half a million.
Comer instructed the delivery driver to knock at least five times on the Doe's door because he would purportedly be wearing headphones so he would need loud, insistent banging to learn of the pizza's arrival.
Unknown_04: Okay, that's pretty funny. It's not funny to do this to people. I'm not condoning this, by the way, but I do think the forethought to say, make sure you're knocking on the doors as menacing as humanly possible is really funny. And he sent the order cash on delivery to increase the conflict between the does. Oh, I said does. It's the does. Between the does and the delivery driver.
Kilmer used Domino's online order tracking system to confirm that the does had received the pizza shaped threat Can they not find a lawyer to write this in a less hilarious way? This is written like a fucking skit This is another brass-eye segment about pizza shaped threats
Unknown_04: Because I guess the lawyer felt like, oh, does it really sound like a threat if I just say he received his pizza?
Unknown_04: Pizza-shaped threat. Yeah. Now the judge will be taking this at the appropriate level of seriousness.
So that's just humiliating. uh comer then left k doe victim another voicemail telling her to enjoy the pizza the does legitimately feared for their safety as someone clearly was targeting them and knew where they lived comer then crowed about his terrorism to the terror gang group on steam um the terror gang group maintains a set of sound files and noises labeled as ear rape and permits its users to utilize these files as part of their terror campaigns and so two hours after menacingly telling kato to enjoy the pizza comer followed up with a voicemail containing era air rape sounds played at a high volume bungie was forced to take expensive measures to protect the does from the threat posed by comer who at that point remained unknown and anonymous bungie sent out executive protection without within an hour of the pizza attack and notified the local police department um
If Mr. Comer escalated his weapons from pizzas to pistols, the does might have been able to hold Bungie liable for any resulting injuries. Certainly Washington's public interest is allowing employers to act protectively and proactively, uh, for their employers from perceived threats.
Unknown_06: I wish I knew about the initial incident, like the community manager.
why i don't know i wish i knew what it was that triggered this does anyone in chat know oh that's a spoiler does anyone in chat know why what pissed him off because that's like missing from the complaint um he's being sued he might go to jail for harassment but he didn't really do anything that is um
Unknown_04: He didn't SWAT or anything, so telecommunications, harassment, regular harassment. He'd probably get some charges, probably go to jail for a year, go on probation or something. Isn't Bungie enough? Okay, that's fair. I mean, I don't know. You know what it is? He probably got banned or something, so he looked up the community manager and went after them. It's probably not more complicated than that.
uh so louis rossman or louis rossman sorry he gets pissed off about people mispronouncing his name uh put out a video this louis rossman has ended up on my like subscription i don't subscribe to a lot of channels but i've subscribed to him because his videos are like pretty high quality um he put out a thing about new pipe which is a way of circumventing uh um
Unknown_04: advertisements on youtube i think it's like an app and uh or it's an extension or something but they flat out delisted the website from the google results because google is apparently having like a advertiser crisis right now if you don't know advertising is basically all of google's money So if their advertisers are flaking, they're starting to panic. They're starting to censor shit regarding ad blockers. I mean, on YouTube, if you teach people how to ad block, you will be banned. That video I did explaining how to use YouTube download to download a video from YouTube, that got a strike instantaneously. And when I tried to appeal it, the appeal was automatically denied and they lied and said that it was human review. So they're fucking freaking out about ad blockers and YouTube download and shit like that. Which just means that everyone should continue to use Adblock. Everyone should use Ad Nauseam. This is one of the few times where Firefox is useful. Ad Nauseam is a tool that actually aggressively clicks advertisements and forges traffic to make it look like
You're engaging with advertisements.
Unknown_04: They ban that on the Google Store. So if you're in Google or Brave, you're not going to be able to install Ad Nauseam without installing it as a developer extension. Firefox has allowed this extension to stay up. So if you're using Firefox, you should actually use Ad Nauseam as your primary ad blocker.
Very based advertisements.
Unknown_04: Or extensions, sorry. There's no such thing as a base advertisement. Unless someone, the only way you can have a base advertisement, if it's just like a 15 second ad and it's just the N word and then it follows that up by like, I'm Donald Trump and I approve this messages brought to you by Donald Trump for president. And that's like the entire advertisement. That would be pretty base. But besides that, there's no such thing. It's only hypothetical. It's like a quark. We're kind of sure that a base advertisement could exist, but we haven't seen it yet. We haven't proven that it could exist.
By the way, after Lewis put this video out, Google had DMCA'd it, is what happened with the link, and they lifted the DMCA on their own. And now you can find the newpipe.net site on Google again.
I'm surprised once you get called out for censoring shit in the middle of your fucking panic and it encourages people to broadcast that you should be using ad nauseum on streams to thousands of people. That's a bad look, so shit. I guess we should undo it because now it's just getting more advertisement anyways.
Unknown_04: Streisand Effect.
Unknown_04: Okay, now this is also based. This is a base gamer move.
Unknown_04: Um...
Unknown_04: so there is a if you don't know blizzard is extreme so i don't frame them i want to frame this in a way that a person who doesn't play video games can understand i don't want to do just like did you know um steam struck gold valve struck gold a long time ago more than 10 years now
Once upon a time, uh, there was a Warcraft mod called Dota defense of the agents, which just use Warcraft characters to do this weird novel five by five, five against five, like team-based game. Um,
Unknown_04: blizzard never did anything with this they never reached out to the developers they never did anything with this and then when league of legends started getting successful in the late 2000s uh valve reached out to the dota guy ice frog and made dota dota 2 and now dota 2 is um a unimaginably massive smash hit that has enduring they because it takes like a thousands of hours to even get good at the game so the people that play it are hooked for life basically
You play the game millions of hours a month.
Unknown_04: And they all buy cosmetics. And it's a huge cash cow for the game. And part of the reason why it's enduring in its popularity is that it has a really high skill ceiling. You have to spend thousands and thousands of hours. And even if you do that, chances are you're not going to be any good. You have to have a certain kind of mindset. You have to be predisposed to high reaction speeds and predictions of what people are going to do.
Unknown_04: Kind of like a chess player.
People are just born with the equipment required to be a grandmaster chess player.
Unknown_04: And with Dota in particular, there's a reaction times requirement. So you kind of age out of it. Once you start turning like 25, you're too old to play Dota at the highest tiers.
Unknown_04: So it had some legitimate sportsmanship and they run this thing called the International every year and it's a huge event. It continuously breaks cash prize records for video game awards, millions and millions of dollars for the best teams. And so the spectacle of video games.
is something that is lightning in the bottle it is pretty unique to dota how you know there is a huge actual industry of people who want to sit and watch people play a game very impressively in a competitive environment and naturally because it's made so many billions of dollars for valve and has had such enduring success people want to try and replicate that And there is no company on Earth that wishes it could replicate the success of Dota more than Blizzard. Blizzard ran its own competitor to Dota called Heroes of the Storm that was a very low skill ceiling game. Like, you could pick up, if you played Dota or League of Legends, you could play Heroes of the Storm and be very competent at it immediately. And there's not much room to go up because it was designed for babies. That does not lend itself to a very competitive game because eventually a lot of people are going to be at the skill ceiling.
Whereas in Dota, that's basically non-existent. You can always be better at the game.
Unknown_04: Heroes of the Storm's competitive league was completely astroturfed. It fell apart. They tried to pay people to play it. They could not pay people to play the game competitively, and they shut it down eventually.
Unknown_04: And they've tried to keep competitive gaming going with Overwatch, and that's also falling apart.
Unknown_04: The game just does not have the staying power. Everyone hates Blizzard. People don't hate Valve, so they're more likely to participate in stuff that Valve does. Now, as they pay people to try and astroturf this sort of competitive environment for video games, they run into a problem.
They run into a problem that just doesn't exist in Dota because nobody cares and everyone says whatever they want on the microphone and Valve doesn't record your chat messages so you can be an asshole if you want. They found out that Saudi Arabians do not like gay people and they do not like trannies. So during a competitive game for Overwatch, some Saudi Arabians basically... I have the clip, actually.
Unknown_06: I'll just play it.
Unknown_06: If I can find... There it is.
Why you have... Why you have monkey?
Unknown_05: Who is the monkey on the right side? It's animals allowed in... Why you have animal caster?
Unknown_17: Why is there pig casting the game?
Unknown_04: that's that's that it's so juvenile that it wraps around to being funny again because they're cracking up they're trying to be like vague about it but it's funny how the guys are just like why do you have um pig dog monster casting game and then they just immediately I was the fucking tranny they're talking about the tranny who else could the pig dog creature monster be besides the tranny and uh
So they immediately uh suspended these cats. I don't think they even replied I don't think they've even commented on being suspended because all it is i'll tell you what it is that they're they're They're casters that were selected just to do because they don't give a fuck. It's just a job You know what? I mean like they're they don't really have any love for what they're doing. They're not gonna be sad about it It's just like they're getting paid money to pretend to care about overwatch professional sports so they don't even give enough of a fuck to not bash the tranny player on um
Unknown_06: oh shit i need to um i forgot to pull this up i apologize i'm gonna take a second to try to find this because um it's very funny i i can't remember who it was
Basically, I looked up the troon that was being made fun of. Transgender, Overwatch, caster, sorry.
Unknown_06: It's like Sarah B or something. Let's see.
Unknown_06: Oh, okay. I remember he commented in this Reddit thread because of course he did.
Unknown_04: ch cb chan okay so i'm gonna pull this up real quick so um i did it before and it made me laugh and i was not cognizant enough to save these images okay so the google and bing results are like way different
I started using Bing again unironically because Google, for whatever reason, has started flooding any VPN with a captcha. So it's extremely annoying to use Google now.
Unknown_04: Oh, OK, so I remember what it was. I searched CB CB Chan. And of course, the first thing that pops up is all their fucking like hyper filtered.
Unknown_04: Pictures, however, I found by accident just by clicking stuff that they had been posting in like our Femboys or whatever, and they have since cleaned that up. And now you can't really... I can only find the cache of the Reddit things, like through the image search, like looking for their face, trying to find their other pictures. I kind of want to show you a picture of this. Here we go.
So this is how CB Chan likes to present himself to the general public.
Unknown_04: I think that's actually a cosplay of a, like an anime tranny. So all you based anime people, here you go. Here's your Femboy waifu that you love so much.
Unknown_04: Um, this is them posting weird, like flabby tummy pictures. This is the, our Femboy tummy that I've heard so much about.
Unknown_06: Um, let me see if I can find this. Aha.
No, I can't find the original posts. I just want to show you what this person looks like, how different that, cause that's how, um, that's how they present filtered.
Unknown_04: And then they just looked like a fucking dude in the dress, like all the other ones here.
Unknown_06: Here we go. This is a good one. It's still filtered, but the jaw structures are like, yeah, this is me.
This is your female caster for overwatch. I'm a real woman. Meanwhile, the, the Saudi Arabian caster's like, why you, why you let pig cast America? Why you do this? Then they get banned for it. They can't even like, they're just snickering about it. It's great.
Unknown_04: Um, okay.
Unknown_04: It's also weird video game shit. I don't know who produced Baldur's Gate Video 3, but the developer was for whatever reason talking about their game Baldur's Gate 3, and he was showing off the bear sex scene. There's what they call a tender, consensual bear sex scene. He played this on TikTok.
And he got banned because he was showing sexual activity on TikTok, the official developer for the game. Let's see it. Have you ever considered the joys and pleasures of sexual congress with a wild shaped druid? Baldur's Gate three lead writer Adam Smith added because at Larry and we have an ultimate land on giving this on the side of giving people what they want. Tender, consensual romance with a man temporarily transformed into a grizzly bear. larry and director of publishing michael dows tweeted about the situation sitting tick tock cancelled our stream because it was too artistic and they don't understand so they're on tick tock their own chinese app and they're showing a man having sex with a bear and the it has like an official check mark it has like a corporate account status flag on it and there was some chinky woman on the other side going haha you cannot show man having sex with bear on chinese tiktok haha i suspend you anyways and apparently this is their big marketing gimmick i guess
You're not buying that game? Oh, that's a shame. You can always pirate it. Just be careful. Maybe they have some sort of anti-piracy DRM where you just get raped by a bear. You walk around and then after 15 minutes it randomly throws you into the bear sex scene against your will. You don't have any choice about it.
uh very brief polit oh shit i forgot my lower thirds very brief political news because someone fixed the blinking so i changed it um the the secret service has concluded that it is completely and totally impossible for anyone to make a determination about who brought cocaine into the white house the white house which is one of the most guarded places in the history of mankind on planet earth Someone has managed to sneak in a federally illegal controlled substance to this area. It has been found, and despite the best efforts of a multi-billion dollar investigative agency tasked specifically with protecting the President of the United States and other high-profile individuals from harm, has told the public that they are incapable of doing their jobs and they have not a fucking clue who brought cocaine into the White House.
Really a mystery. So either one of two things. We know for sure that our government lies about shit like this because it would be Hunter Biden's cocaine, probably. Or we have no reason to be afraid of our law enforcement agencies because they're totally incompetent and they can't do anything at all. They're just hopeless fools. And you can just sneak cocaine into the White House, I guess, and they can't do anything about it.
Unknown_04: It's a tough one. It's a tough one. Who knows? Who knows which one is, is it a coverup or are they just retarded?
It's a mystery.
Unknown_06: um oh this is the second somewhat very quickly the chad boy who decided to get a broccoli boy haircut in long prison has been sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences so uh he is going into the pp poopoo rape dungeon and he will be allowed to leave when he is approximately what is that 8 100 years old if he's lucky maybe he can go into probation for another 8 100
I don't know why People talked about this by the way And apparently I didn't even know this but apparently it was like a racially motivated shooting He went to like a walmart in texas at like the border He went to the part of texas that was historically part of mexico before the mexican-american war And he decided to try and shoot 23 Hispanics in an area that's like 80 Hispanic
Unknown_04: And it's a very bizarre decision. I don't think it persuaded anyone to leave the country. So, uh, good luck in prison, I guess in the most, uh, Mexican area of the entire country.
Unknown_06: Sorry, the entire country.
Unknown_06: Um, Oh, fuck. I didn't read this. There is a, um,
There is a fan fiction site called OTW or AO3, and they have released an announcement that they're being targeted with like a child pornography attack.
Unknown_04: And I, I, sorry, I did not actually read into this. I'll read the message. It has the details.
Unknown_04: Uh, an account with the current OTW AO3 allegations. You may have seen talk flying around with the drama going on between OTW, the organization for transformative works and AO3. There isn't a clear writeup with the situation on Tumblr. And since the allegations in this case are serious and the OTD OTW board elections are coming up, I thought there should be a resource for people to get some basic understanding about the events. This account is a burner. Uh, the topics are deep. Okay. Fine. I'm affiliated. Okay.
How about a fucking paragraph about what's happening, brother?
Unknown_04: This write-up includes events related to allegations about volunteer abuse and improper handling of child sex abuse content moderation by OTW and two arguments made about OTW's handling of racist conduct in OTW's racism ties with a writer known as Stitch.
Unknown_04: How are they complaining about racism when they have a child pornography crisis? I am included in both of these threads. I'm related to both.
Volunteer abuse, CSIM, and racist harassment are all deeply serious problems. One of those is a much more serious, urgent crisis to be resolved than people saying the N-word. Your priorities are a bit fucked up there, bro.
Unknown_06: Oh my God. I clicked over to my browser.
and the one that i was searching the troon pictures of and i discovered by searching that troon's handle i found cb chan's gaia online profile here
Unknown_04: hi there i'm into fan i love tolkien and have been a fan of the book since june super super into lake kindred i cannot believe this i have found i have found the pig monsters guy online profile on complete accident uh sorry this is unrelated to anything that i'm i'm actually talking about right now i just want to show this off um okay
Um, received emails containing C, I don't know why they're calling it CSIM.
Unknown_04: Oh, exploitation instead of abuse. I see.
Unknown_06: Uh, OCW illegal took into their response time. I mean, they're, if they're actually being attacked like this, they're handling it the wrong way because they're giving this person like a ton of attention for doing this.
Unknown_04: this is like so much i guess because they're fan fiction writers i should expect long-ass blog posts but i mean honestly if this is someone just fucking with the site this is absolutely the worst way to handle it you just report it to the police in quiet and deal with it that way instead of writing out massive blog posts but we got to handle all the racism and abuse shit well these fan fiction writers know what they're talking about
Um, they've hired an outside law. How did they have so much money to keep throwing at this shit?
Unknown_06: Yeah. The basics is that one guy got child pornography sent to his email account and they have completely freaked the fuck out.
Unknown_04: They made 8,000 different blog posts about it, hired an outside consulting and cybersecurity and legal firm and are like really giving this person all the attention he could ever want for doing shit like this instead of just handling it professionally. Um, I don't know what to expect from a bunch of fucking danger hairs on the internet writing about, um,
about vampire rape or whatever the fuck fan fiction writers write about another being DDoS attack apparently an Arabic group named Anonymous Sudan is taking responsibility for it and that's it that's your news roundup bad shit happening on the internet what a surprise everyone left wondering how bad is it going to get we don't know that's why children you have to arm yourself
You have to arm yourself. You have to get ready. Troons are making violent threats again. Here we have a trans. There's an entire subreddit apparently called rtransguns.
Unknown_04: And this guy is posting a list of his weapons with his dilators saying trans art titled post-op escalator. For some reason, I really wanted to line these up. So he's dilating, he's coping, and he's seething. He's well-armed.
Unknown_04: Meanwhile, we have wonderful posts like this.
Respect trans people or your pronouns will be was where, which is just, uh,
Unknown_04: a joke about suicide that's flipped on its reverse into a threat.
Unknown_04: And then you have this. There are 1.6 million in the US that identify as transgender. So you might think, oh, well, maybe I don't need a gun. I live out in a cabin in the woods in the middle of Idaho. Well, I have bad news. Even if you live in a cabin in the woods in Idaho, you should always have a firearm at your ready to go because I was watching true crime this morning.
And, uh, I had seen one, I had seen a case discussed. It was probably one of the most gruesome fucking stories I've ever heard. It's about this guy. His name is, uh,
Unknown_04: john edward duncan the third and he was first erected arrested for sex abuse when he was 15 he was sentenced like 20 years in prison at 15 because he had raped a kid and it was tried as an adult for it he claims he wrote this big blog post when he got out because he got out like in the early 2000s and he um
He wrote that he was sexually abused himself. So that's why, and because he was labeled a sex offender, society was cruel to him and he wanted to do something evil because society had been so mean to him and hurt his feelings so bad that the only way to get back at society would be to rape more kids.
Unknown_04: So he went to a cabin in the woods, literally an Idaho log cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Unknown_04: He drove by it. He saw that there were two kids playing in the yard. So he circled back a couple days later with the intent to kidnap the kids. He killed all the adults in the house and the 13-year-old boy, who I guess was too old for him. And then he abducted the kids, and this led to a manhunt. The boy was tortured to death, and eventually they recovered the girl. However, while watching this, I couldn't help but notice that there was an interesting caveat about his biography. Let's play that. Let's hear what this interesting thing is.
he had seemingly developed an alter ego named Jazzy Jet and would post photos of himself online in drag and lingerie for male admirers. Then after serving 14 years in prison, investigators learned that Joseph was released on parole
It was a trone came out of nowhere in the middle of the video. He's a trone. He was a cross playing sex abused boy killer.
Unknown_04: And that's why if you're not armed, you're a fucking fool.
Unknown_04: Um, cause one day Jazzy Jet may walk into your fucking house and beat you to death with a hammer and rape your kids.
Unknown_04: Uh, speaking of trones, this, uh, speaking of rape, uh, we have
Liz Fong Jones, someone did some digging, found out that Liz Fong Jones now lists in Kiwi Farms as his civil rights and social action volunteer work on LinkedIn.
Unknown_04: Not drop Kiwi Farms, by the way, because Keffels sort of dropped Kiwi Farms and Liz Fong Jones doesn't feel like he was credited enough by Keffels. So his movement is called End Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_04: Uh, he also apparently misrepresents his time spent at Caltech. He went to Caltech for college. He saved three years and then left. And somehow, um, he's still in, despite never having a degree, he doesn't have a bachelor's degree from Caltech. He doesn't even have an associate's degree from Caltech. He still gets invited back as like a transgender alumni to do press conferences and shit and speeches at that university. Really bizarre.
Your pores can't arm up. Move to a place where you can. I don't know what to tell you. Otherwise, you're going to get hammered to death by a tranny.
Unknown_04: And that's your mercifully short transgender segment.
Unknown_04: Now, before I get into the locale stuff, I have to apologize for some statements that I have said, which may not be entirely accurate. It has been asked of me.
First up, I was materially misrepresented on a statement that had been made. I was told directly that the statement was Montagraph probably sucks little boy cocks. However, I believe that the statement in actuality was Montegraph always liked sucking little boy cocks or something like that. The probably wasn't always, which is a very different statement.
That is not my fault. I was misled on that statement.
Unknown_04: The other one is I said that a certain special boy out there who likes to sit in Denny's and enjoy a nice stack of pancakes like a normal person after a hard day coaching Major League Baseball.
Unknown_04: Actually, he kept going. He ate way more pancakes after this.
Nick DeOrio has specifically requested that I inform people that he, in fact, did not make a tweet saying that he is a genderqueer. He completely announces this. He says that this is a fake tweet, fake news by the fake farms, the fake news farms. And thus, we need to bring Nick DeOrio back up to his place as Longhorn's major league coach, steak enjoyer, and not the Applebee's dumpster diver that he was demoted to for this alleged genderqueer tweet.
Unknown_04: So that's my bad. I should have looked for evidence of this.
And finally, on my roundup of things that I have said, which offended people in my audience or so on and so forth, I said that there was no Patrick Tomlinson clip that I had not played. This was a high point of contention in my last stream because apparently I played the same clip twice, two weeks in a row. I have uncovered the third clip, which I will now play for you.
Unknown_27: I really appreciate how you can hear the stalker child in the background going...
Just listen. He's like breathing right into the one the onboard audio for the camera Surrounded by cops on his own property.
Unknown_18: This man is being detained, but he did nothing wrong There are half a dozen police officers with shotguns pistols drawn assault rifles all pointed at my face Someone had called 911 falsely reporting that the homeowner, Patrick Tomlinson, had just killed his wife, Nikki, all to bring a massive police response with the SWAT team. And that was just the beginning of their nightmare. The Milwaukee couple says they've been SWATed 42 times.
I was home alone and a dozen officers at least swarmed the door with a special tactical squad where they had ballistic shield and giant guns. They're also receiving death threats over email. I will be murdering Patrick Sean Tomlinson in front of a shocked audience. I have stolen his identity. And there are chilling death threats over voicemail.
Unknown_00: This only gets worse for you.
Unknown_18: This reddit thread urges tomlinson a sci-fi novelist to kill himself they're also being stopped on business trips after posing for photos They put in the picture with this little like his budding breasticles and that's very nice of them posing for They say their stalkers show up later at the same place and eerily recreate the image. What could have triggered all this?
Tomlinson says the nightmare started after he tweeted that he didn't find the late Saturday Night Live comic particularly funny. This social media posting from one of their stalkers orders Tomlinson to... admit that norman donald is funny do it now there just seems to be some patron there just because you put out a tweet against a comedian this is what this group the cyber stalking cult does for fun and we were not the first person they did it to they have to run an entire website dedicated to us their web forums have over 400 000 posts just about obsessing about us
As for those 42 swatting calls, the couple says they're frustrated that police continue to show up at their home with guns drawn.
Unknown_14: There was one particular sergeant who has been here repeatedly and has tried on all three occasions to kick our door in.
Unknown_27: That bit You will pay quasi you will pick was I I
And that's funny because he doesn't admit that publicly that he's in debt. He goes, no.
Unknown_04: Oh, stalker child. I have no debt. I own nothing. Stalker website. And then when he talks to the news, like, yeah, I'm like settled by $50,000 in debt. And she admits it for him. That's great. Wonderful. If only he had admitted that Norman Donald was right. See, everyone in chat was giving the guy recording shit. It was like, oh, he's fat. That's why he's, like, breathing so heavy. No, he was simply sexually excited by seeing the fruits of his stalker child behavior. His creepy stalker death cult was on TV, and it just, he couldn't. It gave him the willies.
um cool awesome next i need to bring up pearl davis again because she's so gross pearl davis says uh women nag and berate their husbands and get mad when they get cheated on i have zero sympathy women gain a hundred pounds and cry when they get cheated on no sympathy pearl davis
Unknown_04: Pearl Davis, you have literally no room to talk. I do not understand this woman's defect. I don't understand what's wrong with her. I guess her whole thing was that I got blacked and now I have to be like, women are dogs. Yeah. And what's really sad is
Is that uh people fall for this they like leave Simpering comments for him this person right here the white rabbit tate white rabbits when andrew tate fan leans like the most groveling Like like shit replies to every single one of these messages Uh, like please notice me It's so fucking gross she continues The alternative to not accepting cheating is divorcing and having your child grow up in a single mother home. More likely to go to prison, more likely to be sexually abused, more likely to be run away from home, more likely to have mental problems. Get over it, ladies.
um then there's one more you can either get over cheating or not get over it and make your kid grow up a single mother home here's the white rabbit again saying a choice that will decide the future of your kid choose it wisely human so he's larping as a rabbit while uh in the replies of this woman citing the dms i like this reply more though the white rabbit also says the fact is top tier male is he needs to say is worth sharing and they provide a better life three exclamation points So the guys that follow Andrew Tate, who literally have to pay a black Englishman for life advice on how to be an alpha male, a black man who literally has to enslave women to get them to have sex with him, thinks that they are worth so much that they deserve a full-on haram for the sexual pleasure and for their family-raising needs. Really fascinating. And then they wonder why they're never happy. I'm not going to be happy. I'm an insult because I'm not happy. And I'm not going to get the woman I deserve. And the woman I deserve is three women. And the women I deserve are all 15 years old virgins.
That have only been touched by Andrew Tate when he branded them for sex trafficking.
Unknown_04: Well, when you set your expectations like that, you can't help but to be miserable.
Unknown_06: And...
Okay, so this is pretty funny.
Unknown_04: Leafy got DDoSed, right? So Leafy's on Rumble.
Unknown_04: Leafy's streaming. And then someone in chat is, like, threatening him.
Unknown_04: And Leafy said, fine, go ahead, DDoS me. And then, so he does.
Unknown_04: I think this is the clip.
Unknown_29: Uh, yeah.
Unknown_29: And I did see his email, by the way. I'm not even gonna show it. Because this isn't a fucking, like, stream moment or anything like that. This is fucking, like... This is me... This is... This is, like, the oldest shit in the book. Like, again, my dad used to do this shit. Give me money, or essentially I'll smash your windows.
Oh, no, I'm just the guy that fucking fixes windows.
Unknown_29: But if you don't give me money, I'll smash them, essentially.
Unknown_29: And he hasn't DDoSed me since, so I'll take it as a dub.
Unknown_29: He's either not DDoSed me since, because, and he can by the way now, 100%. He has now.
Like, once someone has some of your IP, you can get DDoSed, right? Like, there's nothing I can do to change that. But, um, he's either, one, not DDoSing me. I brought the swan challenge up because it could take a bit, you know?
Unknown_29: But yeah, I feel like I'm going to listen to a song really quick because until the SWAT team shows up, it seems like he bitched out.
Unknown_29: Either way, I am coming for you, by the way.
Unknown_29: And you better hope that you've been on tour because NordVPN does not save you, dude. Let's look at some cases of this. DDoSer gets jailed.
And then he cuts out.
Unknown_04: I don't know. He's like really popular right now. But people gave me shit for like saying that he seems like an idiot. He does seem kind of like low IQ. I don't know if that's like a bit.
Unknown_04: He just seems kind of like slow. And I get that he says like funny stuff and shit. And if you like him, go for it. I don't care. He just seems a little bit dumb is all I'm saying.
Um, but whatever. So after this, uh, he does get DDoS attack. Rumble confirms that they got DDoS attacked. However, there is an issue.
Unknown_04: The guy that was in the chat threatening him who then while threatening him had been active on a VPN and, uh, was protected.
Unknown_04: and not registered or used the account entirely through a VPN. In OPSEC, this is called cross-contamination. So even though he did use a VPN while committing the crime, he did not actually follow through with OPSEC and use it continuously for the purposes of a criminal account.
A regular account for criminal purposes. So after he did this, Rumble immediately was able to get domestic IPs and carrier mobile broadband IP addresses that could be used to identify him, and they're going to try and have him arrested. So there you go.
Unknown_04: He will probably get some shit for that.
Unknown_04: Leafy is celebrating in the Discord, which is not a good sign.
Unknown_04: Uh, saying...
Uh, everyone still knows SWAT team. Rumble is trying to say they will do the lawsuit because technically he's attacking their business, but it doesn't matter because he's cornered. Talk to Rumble CEO about what IP he used when joined, created account on three different mobile IPs and his actual ISP from his computer. And the last one is an obvious VPN in the EU that he used when he was actually doing the shit today. This dude is actually going to jail and have his email and it's him. Lol, I'm going to the, this person. This is not a joke or anything. This is not any... Not that anyone can compile the entire stream.
Oh, and then he wants to make money off the office, which is understandable.
Unknown_04: Though, informing someone that you're going to try, that you have information on them is probably detrimental to your case, but whatever.
Unknown_06: Good for him, I guess.
Unknown_06: Okay, wait a second. Guys, do you hear what I hear?
Unknown_04: Do you hear the red sun in the sky?
Okay, so, um...
Unknown_04: There goes all my social credit score that I've been building up for 10 years now.
Unknown_04: So here's what happened, right? Gino Samuel, the guy who is currently 77 parts balls deep in the Christian documentary.
which i have criticized in the past it is basically just a texas speech of the the quickie in chronological order and one of the best things about a documentary is that you can with the benefit of hindsight um use new information
Unknown_04: um what you know in retrospect to create a more compelling story and because the christian stuff is still like ongoing he doesn't really have the benefit of hindsight and what he does so it creates a really dry experience um it is impressively comprehensive like i'll when i watch it sometimes i'll like see stuff i've never seen before especially when it comes to like all the shit that he's currently going through like the um jacob sockness because when that was going on i actually aggressively went out of my way to avoid seeing a single thing about it i completely was disinterested and did not want to to know anything going on about chris at that time um
Uh, however, he, I guess he was making a lot of money off his YouTube documentary thing. So what do you do when you're like a weird autistic guy and you suddenly have a lot of money, you marry an Asian. Apparently he lives in Japan and despite living in Japan, he's married a Chinese woman.
Unknown_04: And I think this is, he posted a picture of his marriage certificate, which looks like a little passport for some reason.
Unknown_04: Um, I want to see that he's in Japan when this is happening.
Unknown_04: Of course, this new today is not going to play nice. You know, today's been the sucking one, uh, on Firefox specifically all day today. I don't know why.
The documentation does say for sure that she's Chinese. So I don't know. Maybe he's in China or Japan. Does anyone know for sure if he's in China or Japan, he lives in China. That's bizarre.
Unknown_04: He's a little white boy. He moves to China and then does a Christian documentary and marries a Chinese woman.
Unknown_04: They live with her family.
He's got legal docs from Lithuania for teaching English.
Unknown_04: Very strange guy. He's not going to jail. He moved from Japan to China. That's that's like treason. You can't do that. You're not allowed to move from Japan to China. You have to pick one. It's kind of like with Israel and the Middle East. If your passport has a stamp for Israel, you can't visit any other Arab League country. If you go to Japan, you can't visit China. Isn't that the rule?
Unknown_04: I don't know.
Unknown_04: He fell off. He's like 20. He looks way older than 20. I don't know how old she is. Apparently she's four years older than him.
And some people were making fun of that in the thread. However, I will not co-sign that. That's a perfectly reasonable age gap.
Unknown_04: Big mistake. He went to the CCP. They're not going to disappear him.
Unknown_04: People are so weird about China. You really think they're going to be like, Mr. Jeno, actually in his passport, they write his name as Jeno Gamuel, which is like the Chinese equivalent of this woman coming to the U.S. to get married. And we just write Ching Chong Bing Bong in her passport. Like, can you not get that right?
But they're not going to be like, haha, this is your political kamazot. And Jason Peng has watched your documentary about Kushan. He thinks that it is shameful to spray. So you are going to death camp now. Goodbye. You will mine rare earth metal in Shenzhuang.
Unknown_04: I don't know. Oh, there it is. Finally.
Unknown_04: Let's see his name. Uh, Choco is her name. Uh, they wrote their name as Gamuel. So now they're in China and, uh, they've said that, that his name is just going to be Gino Gamuel. No, it's not Samuel. Sorry.
Um, Oh, here we go. There's the ages. It's a little bit less than three and a half year difference. She's 24.
Unknown_04: That's okay.
Unknown_06: And she's Chinese. That's what that says.
Unknown_06: Um, they're cool. Excellent.
Unknown_04: Well, congratulations, Gino. Living the libertarian dream. Making YouTube content. Living overseas. Marrying chinky ladies.
Now you just need a Gadsgan flag. However, as much as I make fun of people for being super afraid of China, I would advise against flying the Gadsgan flag in China. Chances are they don't know what it is and they'd be very scared by the snake. So don't do that. But if you ever come back to... He's not American. If you ever move to the U.S., you can then fly the Gadsden Snake as a true libertarian.
Unknown_04: Where it's legal to do so. A Nazi's dream. The West has fallen. Millions must stir fry.
Libertarian dream is living in China? Yes. Because that's where all the Asians are.
Unknown_04: Already read that and then I have an update from our boy turkey Tom out there living his best life He's now doing the thing where he's showing his face. I don't know how I feel about that. I feel like it once a Commentator breaks the avatar and starts doing like face streaming. It's kind of like a strip It's like a path down to moist critical. There was this guy He did videos they were kind of funny. They're like bland, but whatever they could be funny and And then he's like, oh, no, I'm such a small being. I don't want to show my face. I'm so hecking ugly. And then he shows his face and everyone's like, oh, my God, it's your face. Isn't that amazing? And then he does a song and everyone says that the song is really good. And then now he just shows his face all this fucking time. And I'm sick of seeing his face. Turkey Tom may be a moist critical one day if I get tired of seeing his fucking face everywhere. Hopefully that will not happen. However, he did a video on Tipster. Tipster, of course, who is fat, disgusting pig monster. Tranny Chaser hits on 17-year-olds and then says, haha, it's just a joke. The video is pretty good if you are interested in seeing Tipster being taken down a peg, as if that's even fucking possible. Worth watching. However, I did want to play two things in particular. First, this little bit from the end.
Okay, this is probably going to come off weird, and my apologies if it does. So Keffles usually kind of dresses up like tomboyish, right? Can we just agree that she cleans up real nice? You know what I'm saying? Like when she, you know, maybe puts on a little bit of lipstick and, you know, puts on a nice outfit and stuff like that, she cleans up like a shiny new penny.
Is that wrong for me to say? I don't think so. She's a good-looking gal. He's dodging because it's like, yeah, dude, if you had a wife, you would watch her have sex with another woman.
Unknown_01: It's okay to be a cuck. It's fine.
Unknown_04: So, um, yeah, tips are pretty fucking gross. Whenever I, whenever, this is exactly what I hear in my head when I hear people talking about tomboys. It's like,
Unknown_04: they just want a man you just want a man you're a fat mexican you just want a man to fuck you um turkey tom also just before that club by the way turkey tom smoking is not cool you think smoking is cool now wait until you're 30 or you're 40 and you got copd and you're all fucking wrinkly because your skin's going bad it's not cool you're trying to stop trying to look like a cholo or whatever the fuck um but you put out this video and i don't know if i if it's based or cringe he does give me a shout out so i want to say that i like it just because i will now make you all sit through it get ready
It's time that we get into the turkey. Just fat as hell eating all the beef jerky. Why are you on Discord? Aren't you like 30? On Twitter hitting up, eat girls getting flirty. Half your age ain't a bigger than you'll ever be. More subs on my second channel than you'll ever see. More subs on my second channel than you'll ever eat. Money growing longer than your penises should never see. You want some advice? Well, here's my tip. Like if I was you, I'd probably hit my whole shit. Like if I was you, I'd lose the weight and go lift. Do a couple push-ups and lose those tits. You're a loser and a creep, that's two out of three. Low-b-ass shoes and my motherfucking feet. I'm a hit tippy with a two-two-three.
them making fun of you on kiwi farms they're talking about how much of a freak you are and i'd honestly feel bad and i'd offer you my pity but i'm busy out here buying me a sleek new car Like you in a tub trying to get bitches to give you a tongue on their dams like you
I see them making fun of you on kiwi farms They're talking about how much of a creep you are And you're such a fat loser that no girl would wanna touch you Even if she's on the ground and needs that CPR
Unknown_17: I just put tips for in a king size casket. Triple XL.
Unknown_17: You're like H3H3, but without the money. Your channel's dead. I find it funny. Shout out to Chris, but I love Sonny.
I'm gonna, I gotta admit, I like it.
Unknown_04: I like it because he's so obvious. I don't know. He just seems like he's having fun and that's what matters. It's like, as the most, I think like the best quality that a person can have is just not giving a fuck about what anybody thinks. And I really appreciate that quality in people.
Unknown_04: Um, I will I will stand i'll stand for turkey tom And it makes more sense. I know that some of it doesn't make sense if you watch the actual video The song is enhanced by the preceding information
Awful. He said, look, I'm not saying it's a great song. I'm just saying that he looks like he's having fun and I appreciate fun havers over negative Nancy's as I always do. I'm very consistent on this. The negative Nancy is the lowest life form.
Unknown_06: Okay. You understand?
Unknown_06: zoom guarding zoom regarding look bros oh dude wait wait until the next picture of me leaks and i got the broglie i got the broglie cut and i got um what do kids like do they like air jordans or is that like a black people thing they like like designer sneakers that are limited edition for whatever fucking reason i have no idea why um
Broccoli Josh bus vaping Yeah, this one's like cherry menthol bros, it's like real good you get at the big shot He's not 28 is he how do he's like 20 like 24 or something he's not even 24 turkey Tom I
Unknown_06: wikitubia uh how old is he born 2002 doesn't even fucking know
Unknown_04: What 9-11 is. He's 20 years old. He's not 28. If he looks old, it's because he's smoking. And it's bad for your skin. I know you don't care right now because you had a Lambo. But wait until you look like an old, wrinkly, dried-up ball sack in your Lambo. You have to pay extra for the girls when you look like a ball sack. It doesn't matter if you're in a Lambo.
You get a tax for that shit.
Unknown_04: Alright, anyways.
Unknown_04: Let's see. Wallet 20.
Unknown_04: You guys are mean, geez.
Unknown_04: Alright.
Unknown_04: Ethan Ralph. I have already played some Ralph content. However, there is much, much, much more.
Unknown_06: Hopefully Firefox will be playing nice with us.
No, I'm not high on pills.
Unknown_10: I fucking fell asleep for two hours because I'd been up for 22 hours.
Unknown_10: I drove to Celestune tomorrow, or yesterday. Uh, no, I'm not high on pills. You wish I was high on pills.
Unknown_10: it's just ridiculous to just my last question here for you nick we all get canceled for this conversation yeah probably um oh and then and then when you respond when you respond to him it's like oh ralph's crying oh ralph's crying oh no he's that's what oh i did i played this like before
Okay, so here here's what happened rap actually tried to do two 24-hour streams One he failed after three hours And then I want to say the other ones he filled after 30 minutes So we'll skip to that That's the Andrew Tate clip Yeah, I love her so much And i'm i'm not gonna get to see her so
Unknown_04: so this is ralph sober he says she looks just like me look at her look look at my daughter um tell me he's clipped out just the part where ralph is ralph's camera um on the actual full display before because what happened is that ralph was trying to get more money for his like father's rights shits So to, to emphasize that what he's doing is for his kids and not for him. Uh, he decided to just gratuitously place a picture of, uh, cozy Rosie, like in the bottom left-hand corner directly under him. And that's stepped out. So it's really fucking sad. Cause you're seeing this like absolute fucking loser watching, you know, black people news and shit. And then there's just like a little baby stuck in the bottom left-hand screen for additional, like, like depression factor in the stream. Um, Just like me.
She looks more like me than her mother, than her father, than her grandmother, than her other grandmother.
And it's just true.
Unknown_04: He called Harry Morris her father, as in the baby's father. I don't know.
Unknown_11: This is this is the best one this is like a proper fucking depression quote That's my daughter
I brought her into this world. And maybe I shouldn't have. I don't know.
Unknown_04: I've never in my life ever heard a parent say that they regretted having a kid. I've never heard someone re because usually it's like, they'll say like, sure. I'm a single mom and little Tyrone's dad's in jail. And, you know, I keep getting beat up by my, my stepdaddies and he doesn't pay any child support and the government doesn't help us, but I love him so much. I don't regret him. He's my whole world. That's what usually happens, right? It's like, I've never heard a mother go like, yeah, you know what? Uh, maybe, Ooh, maybe this kid, even a father never heard a father say, Ooh, yeah, this kid, uh, kind of an L kind of an L if I, if I had a do over, maybe not.
I've never heard that before.
Unknown_04: This is the whole Andrew Tate interview. It's three minutes long. This is him hollering at an apparition of his daughter's grandfather. Yeah, but I will see my kids again, fucker.
Harry Morris.
Unknown_11: You know, a barfing faggot. I bet I will see my kids again. Yeah, I will.
Unknown_11: That's the shit, like...
Unknown_04: It's like uh Attention all chatters currently confiding in me their daddy issues where their father disowned them and said they regretted having them That was not an invitation to use us as therapy to use my chat as therapy. Thank you I'm not gonna lose my kids like that's ridiculous Now it is like stress
But but no i'm not I don't know what has happened to ralph but his music tastes He like there's black music and then there's like the shit he listens to which is just the worst fucking things Is this still music?
Unknown_04: Hey, it's so bad It literally reminds me of a viper like if this was like if you told me that this was like a viper cover of something I would I would I would believe it
Hey, you shouldn't have let your wife cheat on you, you cocksucker.
Unknown_11: Your wife cheated on you and she left you.
Unknown_11: And that could never be me. So if you want to make up for things, you should probably stop.
Unknown_11: start with your wife cheating on you and leaving you for a bartender cause she ain't gonna fuck about you that's his mic that's not mine if you're like upset about that i'm sorry there's nothing i can do i've lowered the volume to make as they can actually listen to it
Um, oh, okay. This is I can't skip this one.
Unknown_11: You're right. I'm about to sign off because it's just no point. It's no point.
Unknown_12: Ronnie Ralph sent three dollars. What's the stream going? So I can watch you off yourself. Oh, yeah.
Unknown_11: You think you think. Do you think you're watching off myself, bitch?
Unknown_11: I would rather die than offer myself for you.
i would rather die than off myself is a true masterwork of literary perfection um i think it's like a japanese thing it's not like a japanese quote like someone's so so tough they wouldn't die even if they were killed that's ethan ralph he's so alcoholic he wouldn't die even if he killed himself um so
Unknown_04: Ralph has been tipped over the edge. The last development since, uh, since Tuesday has been that I believe that Cleo, the cat has died and that there goes after so many years, the only true and loyal companion that Ethan Ralph has ever had. The only remaining source of unconditional love in his life, um, is from his cat passing. So very sad.
I'm really just getting started because after this point Part of why he was crowdfunding is that he wanted to go to Florida to see the Gripers Nick Fuentes is doing like a thing. I don't know if it's another CPAC or what but he was gonna go down to Florida and hang out with the boys. They're the only people that really tolerate him still and I
Unknown_04: He ran into some complications with that. His fundraisers did not go very well. I believe that he admits here.
Unknown_04: that he continues to insist that he's not taking Xanax. However, I would not believe that except for the fact he provides a really good alternative explanation as to what's wrong with him. He says, nobody believes me because of the Xanax. Triple take nine and nine says people that take it. Oh, that's spoiler. Nobody believes me because of the Xanax binge this year. I didn't want to tell people about the ambient. I thought it made me look weak, but I legit can't sleep like this after having a wife and daughter for so long. And he says, uh, people that take ambient sleepwalk and do things, people will confuse this with Xanax. I believe him. I believe him when he says that he is now taking ambient. Um, people do abuse ambient, but I do believe that his weird, like sleepwalking is if you don't. Okay. Listen,
I lived in Florida where I have been exposed to every form of drug abuse on the planet, basically. But predominantly pills, prescription pills are like the thing that people abuse in Florida. And Ambien abuse is a thing. And people on Ambien will tell you that when you are on Ambien, you do all sorts of shit and you have no memory of it.
Unknown_04: Like you'll, you'll sleepwalk and buy thousands of dollars of shit off Amazon in the middle of the night and you'll have no memory of it until it arrives. And you're like, I live in the third floor of an apartment building. Why did I buy, you know, a inflatable pool and a bunch of, uh, and a bunch of like, uh, grilling stuff. I don't even have a grill. I don't, I don't grill. Why would I buy shit like this? You know, it just doesn't make any sense.
So I can believe that he's because this is the thing right with abusers is that when they are trying to get off of a drug, they'll just switch to a different drug. So he wanted to get off alcohol. What did he start abusing? He smoked weed constantly. He wanted to get off weed. He started doing Xanax. So when they get off Xanax, he switched to Ambien. He doesn't have the capability of actually getting off the drugs. He's just going to switch to something else. And then he was probably just doing Ambien at night for the two weeks that he was looking sober and he was doing it as prescribed. And then now he's just abusing it like everything else.
So that's what what's up with him. By the way, I found this out when I hadn't seen this before, and I'll just interrupt my Ralph segment to talk about this. This is faith Vickers, a log of crafts crafting in its best form. Faith Vickers set up a arts and crafts WordPress site to like sell handmade shit about Ethan Ralph. And I'm going to do a review.
Um, but here, here we have a gem through three dot J fifth. So you can have this master Medicare plushie and four star hat as made by an emotionally stunted woman at a log of crafts on, on the internet today.
Unknown_04: What else?
Unknown_04: Here's a Kiwi. Oh, that's actually pretty cute.
Unknown_04: I can't say anything bad about this. This is adorable.
Unknown_04: Samuel the Kiwi farmer. He's not farming Kiwis though. He's a Kiwi that farms corn. Maybe she means to say that he is a Kiwi that is a farmer, but it sounds like a Kiwi farmer when he's farming corn.
Oogie Boogie. One of the best movies ever made. It's okay.
Unknown_04: It's not, it's not very good, but it's okay.
Unknown_04: That's garbage. That's hot garbage. It says Scooby souls. I don't know what the fuck that means. That's shit.
Unknown_04: The vicious Vickers plushie. That's supposed to be, you can, you can get, you can get a Matthew Vickers, vicious Vickers plushie, uh, to compliment your listening of the good, the bad, and the vicious, uh, right now.
And, uh, you can cuddle with this as you listen to your favorite podcast or read court documents for six and a half hours.
Unknown_04: very very inspiring is there more or is that like a loop around bill cypher that's also like somebody else's youtube avatar it's actually okay that's probably the best one so far because it looks exactly like it image 9900 jpeg that looks bad i don't know if that's supposed to be it looks like doom kind of i don't know if it's supposed to be anything
um it says let's chat i dare not click that is there anything else spring store oh i have to go to spring at feifei's place eat shirt that is not funny enough to put on five different kinds of merchandise okay i can get this as a phone case what is this
Unknown_04: Ask the animals and they will teach you job 12, seven to 10.
Unknown_04: Then get a Bible verse too. You can get a Bible verse phone case to go with your vicious Vickers plushy and Jim four star hat plushy right now on the faith store.
Unknown_04: Go to best of commissions.
Unknown_06: I'm being instructed portfolio.
That's works commissions.
Unknown_06: Oh, there is more. Okay here.
Unknown_06: I cannot, this wonderful store does not let me control tap, click anything.
Unknown_04: So this is the best of, okay. Custom pod, awful plushie for fishy must. That is actually nauseating that someone would want to make a Jesse PS plushie. That is fucking disgusting. Atomic Denny commission. I don't know who that is. I can't comment. Mr. Medicare plushie with hat.
Mr. Medical plushie without hat, but the hat is right fucking there. I guess the hat's detachable. Baby's first birthday quilt. That's pretty bad.
Unknown_06: Sugar coal quilt. That's also pretty bad. I mean, I don't know about the actual quilting work, but the design kind of sucks. I do like that.
Unknown_06: Weeping angel plushie. That's okay, I guess.
Unknown_06: What are the commissions?
Oh, it's the same fucking link. Wait, there's two different commission pages that have different items displayed.
Unknown_04: Oh, okay. I like the pony. Thank God we can get pony. Is that a pony or is that like just a furry design?
Unknown_04: that's okay she should stick to doing furry stuff you can tell that she does that's like her market she can she can make really she'd actually make a lot of money just doing furry shit continuously instead of trying to do um instead of trying to do like mr medic or pot awful or whatever the fuck just make furry stuff people pay out the ass for like their fursonas to be quilted and shit
gotta feed that kid somehow ralph ain't paying you now he's dead um okay so then after the back-to-back failures of his two marathon streams he decided to do the one thing that every narcissist abuser in the world does when they're actually fully and well cornered he begins to suicide bait
Unknown_04: We're now in the suicide baiting phase of the Ethan Ralph death spiral Hence the intro video which was very well put together whoever the fuck made that. I don't know. Sorry He says here
Unknown_04: I don't really think, uh, sorry. He says in ancient Roman times, they opened a vein when it got this bad, implying you like cutting yourself. I don't really think I will. If I'm being honest, responding to a mass whole Groyper saying, don't believe what they say. You get her back one day. He says, I don't really think I will. If I'm being honest, they have her convinced I'm back on Xanax. I'm not at all. I fell asleep due to a 6 a.m. stream, and that's the evidence, LOL. I do take Ambien now because I can't sleep without my wife and daughter. I don't know if that's true. Okay, press one if you think that Ethan Ralph is incapable of sleeping on his own because he's so used to sleeping in a bed with somebody at this point. Press two if you think that Ralph has just coincidentally started abusing Ambien and that's like his backwards justification for continuing to abuse it. Let's see it in chat right now. Press one if Ralph needs Ambien. Press two if he's just backwards explaining it.
uh i am seeing a lot of twos i'm seeing mostly twos i see one three i saw a couple ones in the beginning but now it's just all twos the rumble chat in particular is completely unionized against ethan ralph miller however thinks that he is a sleepy boy and he just needs some help all right so it seems chat is not buying this excuse even though it is a very thoughtful excuse a very good lie if it is one
um okay oh and then this is hard to explain because i i really it could just be easily like waved away it's just being druggy behavior um at some point ethan ralph posted a giant photo album on google drive basically all the pictures of may that he had
Unknown_04: including, in one picture, the, like, literally brand-new baby-born Cozy Rosie being breastfed, which exposed one of Mae's nipples, which are very dark brown and kind of... Well, I don't want to be too mean, but they were not well-received by the Coomers of the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_04: So... that that perhaps explains why may made a very weird comment a long time ago gushing over alice's nipples being very pink and small a very strange thing that i was reminded of because of nipple gate but he decided to dump all these pictures of her and most of them are very unflattering and it's just sort of like is she just like not ever flattering in her pictures or
are these like deliberately the ugliest ones he could find to piss her off while disguising it as like a heart heartwarming photo album of like his favorite pictures of her or some shit it really is very strange um and it's especially strange because may has to my utter fucking shock and complete disbelief has managed to stay off the internet ever since they broke up ever since they broke up she went back home and the beat a dead horse segment is officially dead for sure because she's just gone in fact in response to this uh her twitter account was deleted and we we know that ralph had access to it so we're not really sure if that was him or her that had deleted it um oh this one's great look at this
Unknown_06: hopefully this will load if not i'm gonna have to wait a bit like these are all just the very unflattering pictures but this one in particular is like she's doing the the squat she's doing the june lean where she's like buckled down as far as she could possibly go i will fucking open this on a different browser and then download the image that actually works
And then import it to my fucking firefox if I have to because for whatever reason that's the length of the other it is Okay, finally, so you can see that he's 5.3 and she's like a normal height So she has to like properly squat like she's trying to do exercises or something or she's trying to pretend to be a polish person And is like squatting down as far as she can possibly go. Um And He put that one out there Yeah, that's pretty unflattering
Unknown_04: That's also really unflattering. You can tell that when she takes pictures, she has the filter on. And when he takes pictures, he doesn't have a filter on.
Unknown_06: So she just looks busted. There you go. Those are some of the choice ones from the album.
Now let's see what the Groypers are saying.
Unknown_04: Up right zoomer says it's not even Ethan's fault. It's Faith Vickers and her father and that bastard Harry Morris. Dude can't see either of his kids. It's fucked up. I mean, at this point, people can't say the relapse is the reason he can't see his kids when it's so obvious he relapsed because he can't see his kids. Ethan, you're going to make it through this, man. I know you will. Christ is Kang. Fuck the system. Fuck the logs. It can't be easy losing your kids though. If he wants to tell people it was because of prop properly using Ambien,
that was properly using ambience what you saw and because he was tired that's fine i hope he gets better that's all there are people out there kicking him while he's down and i'm not for that he can tell people it was ambient and he was tired people don't need to know what he's getting help and he should be getting help for his own sake i hope he gets sober again and gets his kids back I'm with stupid interrupts this monologue and says, the last replay was brutal. I hope he doesn't turn up to this rally on Sunday. Top right zoomer says, I wouldn't go that far if he can temper himself. But yeah, it was heartbreaking. The whole situation is.
Unknown_04: Imagine having cattle, neighbor cattle of this quality chat.
Unknown_04: I really don't know what...
Unknown_04: What the emotional bond they have with ralph is because I think i've like thought about this before And he really I my thought is that they're people who just remember their dad sitting in a lazy boy yelling at cnn Like watching fox news. That's how my grandfather was a lot of the times he got into his nicer kinder and he put on you know Thinking smbc or something and we just yell these fucking politicians. They don't know shit
best way to help them is to put another hole in their head. They can hear better fucking idiots, like that kind of shit. And then there's like, if that's your, if that's your like childhood memory of like your, your father, then I guess Ethan Ralph kind of fills that niche of like, yeah, this is like listening to my dad, you know, the news all day. And then, you know, I guess Ethan Ralph becomes your surrogate father. Um,
So I don't know. This clip got posted by Ethan Ralph. I don't know if I had ever seen it before, but I will play it for the benefit of my audience.
Unknown_02: Alright, here's some of our compatriots here on the trip.
Unknown_02: The anti-Kiwi Farms Legion of Doom here.
Unknown_19: I've been talking to you so bad. I've been commenting on every single one of your streams. Yo, I have a couch. You can sleep there. I love free speech.
Unknown_20: You just have to let us kick your ass. Make a friend for yourself. What were you saying? He said you just have to kick me. Hold on, don't record me now.
He said he might like that.
Unknown_02: He will, he will. He would definitely like that.
Unknown_04: Brrr. bullet dodge in our right chat that's so weird too because that's like digibro i don't know who the fuck is that i don't know who that thing is um in the middle between them i don't recognize them him her i recognize her she's now gunted and hiding in the u.s because ethan ralph is threatening to release revenge pornography of her supposedly um he basically has no career and has disappeared from the face of the earth because everyone hates him because he's a pedophile and she's gunted and making medicare plushies to try and feed her child so josh wins by doing absolutely nothing yet again there's a second video i don't know where it went uh this is the maid deleting her twitter account thing
uh jim cracked some jokes in particular i brought this up because i wanted to show the telegram message which would be hard to do otherwise ethan ralph uh at some point announced ethan ralph dead at age 37 and this i believe is his last message to the world uh let's see the ralph retort
Unknown_04: That is indeed his last message. So I'm going to put a little party cracker reaction to it up to 151 party cracker ratings to this telegram message.
Unknown_04: he was trying to get to actually i don't even have clips for this but the the last saga before he posted this was that he was trying to get to um cancun here's what he said you ready it's just the the wildest dumbest thing he has to take a flight from um cancun to florida there are no direct flights from merida to florida he says
Unknown_04: So fuck it, it's just a 30-minute drive to Cancun from Merida. He'll go to Cancun and fly there. Well, comes around time for the flight, and Ralph hasn't thought far enough ahead to know how he's going to get there.
You might think Ethan Ralph has a vehicle he can just drive. He says that it's in the repair shop because of a shredded tire. That is his exact language. He said that there was a shredded tire, and it's in for repairs. So I don't know what that means. Usually you can replace a tire in about 20 minutes if you're competent. However, I'm forced to assume that what happened is that he drove under the influence of some god-awful combination of whatever the fuck you want to imagine. And then he hit a curb and blew out his tire. However, I think that based on the fact that the car hasn't been repaired yet, that he probably fucked up the rims of the car too, and they have to replace the entire...
the entire wheel, not just the rubber bit. So he couldn't take a car. Next thing, next thought, right? Take an Uber. well he has an excuse for that he can't take an uber to cancun because they don't go that far it's apparently like a 45 minute long drive and he can't find an uber willing to take a 40 as if a taxi cab would not drive 45 minutes if you're willing to pay for that there's like taxis that have that have gone like eight hours if you're gonna pay them so uh
That's his second excuse. His third excuse was that there are every 45 minutes buses to Cancun from Merida, but he says that his cards don't work. I know that's bullshit because those cards work everywhere. if he's been and it's not like a thing where he went on a trip and now you're in a foreign country and your car gets to the line because it's like you're making a suspicious purchase in serbia is this actually you because you tell your bank i'm on a trip so therefore please activate my cards for serbia by the way when i did that i had to do that i had to call my bank
I swear to God, this is true. I was talking to the bank. This system must be 20 fucking years old now. I'm telling her like, I'm in the Republic of Serbia. I need to be able to use my credit cards and bank cards in the Republic of Serbia. And she says, well, I don't see Serbia on the list of countries.
Unknown_04: I'm thinking, like, are you retarded? Like, it's a country. It's been a country for fucking 15 years at this point. How do you not have Serbia in your country? So it's like, well, we have Croatia. We got Russia. We got Ukraine. We got Bulgaria. And we have Yugoslavia.
i'm like try yugoslavia and they tried they said okay we've been so that you can use your card in yugoslavia and my cards fucking work so in the banking system they have yugoslavia as serbia on the on the the banking end so i like i i don't know what the fuck's going on there but so anyways whatever my point is is that um
you just tell your bank and he's been there long enough that he definitely has told his bank that he's in Mexico. My only thought is that he is, um, he's, his cards are declining.
Unknown_04: They won't allow him to make any more purchases cause he's not paying them or something either that they maxed out or he just, he missed a bill. So therefore they locked the cards, something like that. Um,
Unknown_06: So that's what I assume is happening.
And then Jim made one more funny post that I'll read.
Unknown_04: Uh, update Mexican authorities have said that Mr. Ralph's dead has been reported by his good friend, Rad Roberts, who was at the scene. Mr. Roberts told the police, yeah, all his stuff is mine now, except his dad's ain't pending on that shit. Bish.
Unknown_04: Um, this is, this is actually an older tweet, uh, older message in response to another suicide baiting tweet that he did. He's been suicide baiting for like fucking two months continuously now at this point.
Unknown_06: Very strange.
All right Um, have I missed anything I'm gonna miss anything champ Two months try four years.
Unknown_04: Well, he did it on and off before but now it's like he's declaring himself dead He's definitely alive. By the way, he's gonna He's gonna post a message from fucking florida and be like I told you once I told you a thousand times yeah i can't abort the retort here i am in lovely palm spring beach florida hottest on the planet highest beaches in the world the nicest pearly white sand nature ever didn't made and i'm out here living it up while you sad a-log faggots are back there obsessing over me And that's what he's going to do. And then he's going to fly back to Mexico. He's going to have an incident with some Groypers there. He's going to be humiliated once again. He's going to go to Mexico and he's going to fucking try to kill himself or some shit. I don't know. He'll be fine.
Narcissists don't kill themselves. That's the rule.
Unknown_04: Oh, shit. I forgot one thing. Emergency. Emergency. Swerve.
Unknown_04: I have a thing that I didn't actually queue up correctly. So... I would like to report to everybody...
Unknown_04: Very important news that all of you would be incredibly interested in hearing.
Boogie has bought a new sex doll. This sex doll is a year 20 model. It appears to be a ginger model with the daddy issues module installed.
Unknown_04: Unfortunately, its spine doesn't work and you have to kind of prop it up. Here's another one. There's a second picture of her.
Unknown_04: and this is boogie's current uh sugar girl she has like cheetah prints she's very obsessed with cheetah prints i guess because she's a ginger and she's all freckled she's like oh i'm kind of like a cheetah so um
unfortunately bookie i feel really bad when i like when i criticize someone like make fun of somebody's innate qualities but she is a prostitute so therefore she doesn't get the protections of my sympathies unfortunately for boogie even though he did spring for one of their newest models he couldn't afford the chest upgrade so right now he went for the base model uh line which is just flat as a board
Unknown_04: and he he's gonna have to maybe he can upgrade it later maybe he can upgrade it later he has to save for that though he couldn't get that when he bought the car and he hit his credit limit so he couldn't get a loan for it either but maybe one day he'll give it an upgrade and there's there's your boogie update you know
Unknown_04: Boogie is one of those people who I I don't personally have any animus towards. Right. I just don't I'm not I'm not involved in his shit, so I don't really care. And I know a lot of people really, really hate Boogie, but he he's so good at that, like disarming thing where he's just like, I'm just a sad piece of shit. I'm just a giant fucking loser. And I learn every day what a fucking sad failure I am. And don't bully me like it's not any fun to make fun of Boogie, but there's a lot of people who really hate him. He's like 50 years old and he's fucking around with like a 20 year old because like the only thing that he can do To fill any dopamine is just to like buy women to pleasure him and that's it And then he puts it on twitter like look at my look at the new model. I bought aren't I impressive? Aren't I impressive using my youtube money to buy like retarded women off the internet?
And that does kind of make me hate him. Like I, I kind of, I, I, I better understand the, the animus towards him when I see shit like this. Cause it's just like, it's so fucking gross. It's so fucking gross to see Dennis Nedry with like a 20 year old that he picked up off fucking Craigslist or some shit.
Unknown_06: Um, there we go.
Unknown_06: It's true, narcissists don't kill themselves, but they do fire in the air randomly.
yeah she looks i mean that's another thing it's just like how childlike she looks she's 20 supposedly but she does look like a little fucking kid looks like a little doll that picture in particular like it's so skeevy it's so it's that fuck is gonna play dress up with the little doll that he bought off of the internet fucking vile um
Unknown_06: right anything else chat last call oh the case of my computer popped off because i banged on my desk i hate computer cases by the way this thing it has like three little plastic nubs that keep it locked in and every time i opened it another one broke off so after a couple times now it just hangs loose using its feet to stay in place god damn it
I don't even know if I can replace that, just like the side. It's a be quiet.
Unknown_06: So I don't know if they offer replacements.
Unknown_06: Oh, okay. Yes, I forgot one other thing.
Unknown_04: I forgot one other urgent crucial danger level seven alert that I actually missed. And I didn't even intend to skip this. I just, I somehow forgot to play it.
While it was new. Okay, here, look, listen.
Unknown_06: Oh, I don't know if I'm going to be able to find it now.
Unknown_06: Okay, hold up. Give me one second. I need, um... I feel like I need wallpaper playing in the background.
Unknown_04: Well, I desperately hunt for this thing that I forgot about twice now. Even though it's really funny.
Kevin MacLeod. Give me some wallpaper. There we go. There we go. Perfect. Give me a sec.
Unknown_04: My sight's slow as fuck. That's not helping me either. ...
Unknown_04: There's a tranny that's spamming in the fucking community happenings posts. That's not what I'm looking for, though.
This reminds me of better times, chat, back when Jace was still around. I'm not calling you kittens, sorry.
Unknown_04: I have to go. Oh, I sent another. Ah, geez. Okay, this is it. All right, all right.
Better work. Come on.
Unknown_06: Come on, shitty website. You can do it. I believe in you.
Unknown_06: This 23 second clip was totally worth it, chat.
Unknown_20: Well, I want to ask Radjor a question first. Okay.
Unknown_20: Radjor... Wait, we should get Radjor in here.
Unknown_20: Okay. Yeah, I mean, if you can. Well, if you can. I just want to ask him if you've always been shitting your pants.
Unknown_20: No. Because since I've known you, you've always had, like, IBS. You've always been shitting yourself. Yeah, well...
iDubbbz is incontinent, and sometimes he goes poo-poo pee-pee in his pantalones when he doesn't even mean to. And thanks to the insights of Aneesa Joma, iDubbbz Joma, Ian Joma, incontinence has been exposed to the world. I meant to play this when it happened, I forgot, and then I forgot the week after. I don't know how. The revelation that iDubbbz shits himself is amazing, and it deserves to be preserved in my stream for forever. So with that, I think we're done. I think we can move on to the Super Chats and wrap this up. Okay, where is the thingy at?
I sent sent Tuesday. And then I will put this in the show mode so everybody knows that we is chilling, chilling and grilling as they say in the hood.
And okay.
Unknown_04: DZ for 10 says last stream you mentioned Brianna Wu attacking charity for traffic children. It was Jamie Walton of the Wayne Foundation and the object of Wu's ire was because Wu incorrectly believed Walton was to blame for getting Allison Rapp fired from Nintendo for her pedo allegation college thesis.
Unknown_04: Deezy for 10 says, so Wu specifically didn't target Walton because of the charity, but it was still very bad optics for the anti-Gamergate folk. Wu notably said that he would not give Nintendo one more dime of his money until they hired Rap back, which he conveniently forgot about immediately after. Deezy for five says, sorry for derailing for a bit, but it was a pretty funny thing that happened. Rap was my favorite cow before she vanished. I do remember this. I remember Jamie Walton. Very nice lady. Remember the Wayne Foundation? Very deserving charity. I think I mentioned this last stream too, but it's a charity for helping the victims of sex trafficking exit the cycle and find normal employment and normal life and normal footing in the country. Which for a lot of them, because they've been trafficked since they were little kids, they have no idea how to adult. So when you have been in prostitution since you were nine years old, how do you how do you pull yourself up by the bootstraps, you know, so to speak in that situation? So that's what the Wayne Foundation was helped in doing was allowing people to exit the cycle.
Um, and yes, Wu, uh, I believe Walton made a credit. I don't want to put any words in her mouth, but I think that she said something critical about Alison Rapp because she was a moonlighting on the sign as a prostitute. And I think that she had said some, you know, sex work, positivity things. And of course, someone who actually is involved in the horrors of sex work, like Jamie Walton, who herself was trafficked, I believe. Um, she of course does not have very positive opinions about stuff like that. So, um, uh that was something that brandon took issue with and she decided to she he decided to take uh swipes at a anti-sex trafficking organization in the middle of gamer gate very memorable uh spat because of how fucking you know outlandish it was mr 25 says sad to hear elmo's voice actor from the latin american dub is suffering from schizophrenia youtube link let's see
This is a man running down the streets of some South American country screaming in an elbow voice.
Unknown_04: and uh this video okay what's shocking about this video is that he this video is from a 39 view it has 39 views and it was posted 10 years ago on a channel called no longer gone forever i do not know how this how um how this was discovered but thank you very much very strange
Hope Urban for first is what happened to Jessica Jonathan Yonov websites? Will they go back up? Uh, maybe eventually that's like at the absolute fucking bottom of my list. There's so many other websites dedicated to Yonov at this point. It's not necessary.
Unknown_04: Pope Urban for 10 says, how many vectors of attack have the drop QB people taken at this point? They've attacked the DDoS providers, the hosting, the tier one providers. How many ways can you scan a website?
Unknown_04: Many ways. I think at this point they've gone after absolutely everything though. So everything that I find that works now is long-term going to work.
Unknown_04: Anonymous for five says, Valve sued some Florida guy for patent troll behavior.
Valve Corporation v. Rothschild. If only there was some lawyer guy that would explore these cases, maybe one with a big nose.
Unknown_06: Let's see. This is courtlistener.com. Valve Corporation v. Rothschild.
Unknown_04: It's a big case that's been going on, so I don't know.
Unknown_06: It's in the court of D.C.,
Unknown_06: If only there was someone to look at these interesting cases and talk about them.
Unknown_04: But alas, there's nobody.
Unknown_04: Al for five says wouldn't be able to catch the full stream live, but I hope you're doing well, my nigga. Thank you, my nigga. I appreciate it. I hope you're doing well, too. See you when I see you or see you. I hope that you had a nice day at work or whatever. Appreciate it.
david s877 for 25 dollars says pizza money that's it but the comment thank you very much that will definitely cover a pizza i appreciate him what chad justice berg for 20 says babe it's the waters of nether's time also matty archiver get your together please uh they've been banned first or strike which reminds me this is my last stream before i will uh start reaping or appearing on youtube He says, get your shit together, please. I want to watch these streams on the tubes. It's too bad. Susan hates us. All right. Letters of Nazareth by Justice. Two minutes and 20 seconds.
It's changed up a little bit. This song really reminds me of this though. Hold up.
Unknown_21: Yes, hello. I was wondering if you could play that song again.
Unknown_23: Hmm, which one, man?
Unknown_21: The one that goes... No, man, you're thinking of... Not... Thank you.
uh brap queen supreme for five says what are the top three things that make you look away in a moment of being freaked out uh trannies whores
Unknown_04: and tranny whores in particular are terrible i don't know uh fiat money is my third one i see i have to look away when people hand me back my change and it's all zinc coins and thank you anime for five says josh sama may i suggest you use randos from your website as staff for your charities perhaps one who considers himself your samurai one who has already beheaded three chinamen in your name absolutely not no way
An anime for five says the trainee was cosplaying as Bridget from Guilty Gear, who is an effeminate man, contrary to any true washing that may have gone on recently.
Unknown_04: That was a controversy when the most recent game came out.
Unknown_04: I mean, he's dressed as a nun, which is genuinely or generally reserved for women. So I don't know how you can say he's just effeminate when he has a female name and he's dressed as a fucking woman. It seems like a tranny to me, bro. Let's try anime.
Unknown_04: gay store spokesman for five says in memorial for ethan ralph the gay store is having a blowout sale on shit scented candles and thumb shaped animal beads these deals are so good you'll be hollering it's not true our homosexual products and services are so convenient and affordable you won't have to sell your horse to buy them excellent excellent tag excellent plug i hope i have a feeling that this guy just writes like
local radio advertisements for a living and has decided and Now that he's lost his fucking mind because he's been doing this for 40 years that he will just continue to do this in my super chats Thank you, Kevin Spacey's basement for 544 says is Chuck gay because the shop is now sneeds They sell feed and seed before the Chuck used to fuck his customers and then suck them off That's gay is steed gay too, or does he just sell farm supplies? I? Also, what about what is a big snood? Is it a black penis? I've seen the meme and I don't get it The meme is a subtle joke uh
Unknown_04: I saw someone ask ChatGPT to explain the meme it was like a reverse image search on the outside of the store and the AI chose the version of the copypasta which is my personal favorite
that says the store used to be called Chuck's Fee Duck and Sea Duck. And the first time I saw that, I about pissed myself laughing because it's so stupid.
Unknown_04: My type of humor is the dumbest type of humor. I like things that are completely straight-faced, and then they just land flat on their face in the dumbest way possible out of nowhere.
Unknown_04: That kind of thing always catches me off guard and makes me laugh.
Unknown_04: So that's my favorite version of the copypasta.
um fork trannies or sorry fork tr at in in i money sign for 20 says jersh your blizzard trude segment excluded the most terrible injustice please play this delicate flowers whinging from 147 30 for a minute and from 211 30 for about a minute for being a base femoid big up turf king for real
Unknown_04: um okay i will do this let me see if that video is in the thing that i had open i see the tranny you didn't include the video though is the issue so i don't know if i'll be able to find it um okay i will put this up somewhere but you have to like actually give me the link to the video so i don't know
Cause it's not like maybe it's in the thread. Let's see. I'll double check really fucking quick.
Unknown_06: Cause I don't see the, um, maybe it's in that at the internet.
Unknown_06: I'm kind of curious cause he has given me a very specific timestamps that, uh,
Unknown_04: Sound like quality content I would like to share with my audience. Where's my wallpaper at? God damn it.
It would really help if Sneetoday was not so slow on Firefox specifically, nowhere else. Okay. Still can't find it. He didn't repost it in the thread or anything.
Yeah, I found the post, but it's not like a two hour long video that I can play. So I don't know. I can't clip these.
Unknown_06: Did he say anything in chat?
Unknown_06: Oh.
Unknown_06: Oh, dude, bass. Okay, chat was able to pull through.
Unknown_04: Okay, this is the trans experience at xenomax slash bethesda by lena Fahrenheit 451 And I was specifically requested to play 147 30. So let us do that How could I expect any kind of momentum
The one thing that I can count on is that I'm going to have to have a one-on-one call with my boss every day. Okay. Nobody else I know who works from home through this pandemic had to have a one-on-one call with their boss every day.
Unknown_04: when I worked software and I had to write payroll software, I worked for Australians. They were seven, like 11 hours ahead of me. And we had to find the one or two hours a day where, um, we were both awake at reasonable times. And I had to talk to my, um, at first the owner of the business. And then when the company grew, I talked to the project manager every day. Um, this is before COVID or anything. It's just, There's literally nothing wrong with touching base Obviously people want to be interested in what you got done today and what you plan to do tomorrow that kind of stuff very reasonable Especially one Who's as terrible as she is I talk to her more than my mom every day.
I talk to her more than my best friend Because I have to
Because I have to for a paycheck.
Unknown_04: Yeah, that's called having a job. Holy shit.
Unknown_04: Yeah, that's a lot of people. What do you think about the guys that go out fucking crab fishing? Or are on like an oil rig for six months out of the year? Or are long haul truckers?
Unknown_04: They see the open road more often than they see their wife and kids. Like that's called having a fucking job, bro. I'm terrified that my first professional experience with my new name is going to be awful because of this woman.
Unknown_09: And I just don't want to fucking hear it.
I don't want to hear her name shared with me one more fucking time. Oh, because this boss is a woman.
Unknown_04: He has a woman in a position of power over him and he can't stand it.
Unknown_08: There is nothing.
Unknown_09: that will ever fix the fact that she outed me and denied me my... I just wanted to transition.
Unknown_08: I just wanted to stream and code and have a good time.
Unknown_08: Opportunity to come out on my own terms.
There's nothing that will ever change that. It happened.
Unknown_09: It happened and I need it all for this team ever since.
Unknown_09: Nobody gets it.
Unknown_09: Fucking HR can call it an unfortunate scheduling mistake all they want, but the fact remains.
Unknown_09: She didn't listen when I told her that nobody else, she still doesn't, she still doesn't get it. She still doesn't get it.
She didn't listen.
Unknown_09: And she fucked up bad.
Unknown_09: And nobody wants to talk about it.
Unknown_09: I told her that nobody else could see my picture update.
Unknown_04: This is like the fucking thing where it's like this. It's like respect trans people or your pronouns will be was where. Then Gioni the only says you can't step outside without having a panic attack. You can't function in any way, shape, or form. And you're going to be like, oh, I'm going to kill you if you don't respect me. I mean, I don't know. Maybe they will. Maybe this guy will end up like... another based uh trans person uh duncan and maybe he will seek justice on the fimoids but like really you can't function at all and you're gonna try to threaten people uh sorry there was actually a second part that they asked me to play um and that was at 2 11 30.
So is this literally just like 30 continuous minutes of him crying? Oh no. It's just this one. Okay.
Um, so this is like, he's recording his boss now is what it sounds like.
Unknown_07: I am making progress on the shot. I have the editor open right now.
Unknown_19: Okay. When you say progress, um, when is the expected delivery for at least first pass?
Unknown_07: I'm working off of the feedback that I had already received.
that's in case you're wondering that's also extremely normal in a job like okay you're working on this feature for you know the form and you said that there's going to be a little detour because you know the base code wasn't up to snuff or whatever the like the customer wants this done as soon as possible what's like the eta on this can we get something out first and then make it look make it actually function better later you know that kind of stuff that's very typical so if he's crying that this is like abusive he's retarded i'm hoping to have this
Unknown_07: wrapped up for data law tomorrow. I just need to be able to focus on it.
Unknown_19: Yes, and I'm just concerned here that your focus is everywhere else but on the job.
Unknown_04: You can tell that she's like extremely even scared to talk to her him and be like Yeah, um, this was important. This was due days ago And you're talking about doing this other stuff. That's not relevant to what we need and
I'm, just trying to push you to get it done as soon as possible because there are people above me on my ass that want this done and I can't say that because Um, then you'll get pissed off at me for not considering your feelings or whatever the fuck you like here and like the hesitation The way she speaks that this guy is like a menace to work with Okay Okay, that's good to know Um And
You being concerned about creating another chaotic situation, that's not for you to be concerned about. My job is to be here to clear that chaos.
Unknown_19: And no matter what that means, that's what my job is.
Unknown_19: It's a job. It's HR. It's IT. It's to unblock you so you can do your job.
Unknown_07: Okay. I'm not blocked. And, you know, it's just...
There's a lot of things.
Unknown_19: Okay, is there a time that you can commit here? I would like to see an iteration by the end of today. Sure, I can do that. We'll be out Thursday, Friday, and then all next week.
Unknown_19: We have DataLock tomorrow. If you can't get into Dev, we've got a bunch of other people that can grab... Um images and threw them in that's kind of hard to see what he's trying He's saying that the the woman said that his transition caused a bunch of problems and that's what he's upset about So bad i'm glad I never have to deal with these fucking people ever in my fucking life.
It's so nice hashtag blast chat Thank you, uh an honest for fire says boogie died. So did ethan ralph allegedly you think
Unknown_04: Boogie would never kill himself for sure. He's got too many underage girls. No, I can't say underage. That's accusing someone of a crime.
Unknown_04: Very young women to proffer from the internet.
Unknown_04: Uh, small kitten for 10 says, Hey, Jordan's my cats. Mr. Mittens is refusing to eat his veggies and is now suffering from various vitamin deficiencies. What are your favorite veggies to make as a side dish? Thanks. Jump. Sure.
Unknown_04: I like carrots.
Unknown_04: I like sweet potatoes. I like regular potatoes.
Unknown_04: I like cauliflower and broccoli. Okay, here's my thing. I have a weird thing with tomatoes, except for those things where it's like mozzarella cheese and then like a slice of tomato.
Unknown_04: uh and then maybe just kind of on a burger i'll also forgive i really don't like sliced tomato or diced tomato but i i love any kind of tomato puree so pizza sauce uh like chunky salsa for dipping in um but the less chunky the better and then like any kind of tomato sauce on anything i love i just don't like slices of tomatoes
I like tomatoes. Feed your cat tomatoes. Anonymous for 20 says, Hi, Jersh. The first two minutes of this is a great surface-level intro to Daniel Larson, the famous singer-songwriter that is quote-unquote stopped by his quote-unquote fans. His black eyes from a recent meltdown of him hitting himself out of frustration.
Unknown_06: Well, that sounds like some good fucking content. Let's watch this.
Unknown_06: Okay, I ain't fucking lying about shit.
Unknown_01: Bob, I need you to go live right now. I need you to make a social media account and put it out there right fucking now that I am not lying or I will kill you as well.
My life is in danger right now.
Unknown_01: My entire family is in danger.
Unknown_01: And no one believes what we are saying. My entire family is now famous. All of our houses have been doxxed. We are homeless. And my fans are doxxing, getting criminal charges on us that are all false. We will take this all the way to fucking Supreme Court.
We are not playing around.
Unknown_01: We have contacted security companies, and they've all refused to work with us because they don't believe what we are saying about our popularity. I am done, and I will not stop until the White House is blown up.
Unknown_05: Okay.
Unknown_01: I just told Bob to block my nose.
Godspeed, soldier.
Unknown_01: And I just told him that he doesn't support me and he's not being helpful. And so I just told him that I want nothing to do with him and to block my number. And he said, okay. So I'm being serious. I am done. Until we get what we need and our safety and the rights we deserve, I am blocking everyone in my family.
Unknown_01: So I just called 911 again. I'm trying to still get security services or something since I'm being spotted by fans on almost every single corner and I'm being followed and I got attacked earlier today and the issues that have been going on that people are posting to social media. I'm sick and tired of people saying is fake because it's really happening.
So it's not virtual reality. It's not bullshit. It's really actually happening, and it's serious. I just called 911 for a second time in under an hour, and they still don't believe what I'm saying. This is bullshit for Colorado, and I'm about to literally try to take this to Supreme Court, or it's going to go down at the fucking hospital.
man who blows up white house takes entire state of colorado to supreme court over not offering him protection i don't know maybe maybe this guy can find out who snuck cocaine into the white house um well that's interesting i've never heard of this guy before is he related to brie larson is that why he's so famous because he is a celebrity brother or something
Unknown_04: Can't wait. Make sure to make a post in the math internet thread and I will look into it. It does kind of, he's, he's definitely a schizo, but, uh, I still don't feel like I know enough just based off this video.
Unknown_04: Uh, kitten all for 2176 says, Hey Josh, could you play this video? China number Wang.
Unknown_06: Okay.
Unknown_06: Bro You're you're sending me this as if you're the as if this is like new this is brother how it means good brother He is I think from nigeria.
He is a genuine cpc like or a communist party of china super fan He uh lives in china currently And he goes to all sorts of like events and stuff. He ends up on national television a lot He's like really like genuinely famous Me
Unknown_04: When I was in the Philippines, Jim Watkins' son, Ron Watkins, who I believe is a QAnon, he was like, I want to say like half Korean, half white.
Unknown_04: And he was married to a Chinese woman. And I've talked about her before, but she was a genuine hardline Communist Party supporter, like extremely, extremely pro-China. And, uh, I showed her this video in person. We were at the, the race queen offices in, uh, Manila and she thought it was amazing. She loved it. She said that his, uh, pronunciations and intonations were excellent. And, uh, he spoke Chinese very well. Um, thank you.
uh red cap for five says lots of people do true crime now and one of the jcs imitators started showing their face totally lost interest yeah that's true i don't want to see your fucking face when i'm watching these videos i just want to hear the the you know the narrator guy um there's a couple of them that i watch that uh
Unknown_04: but he will, he will sucked at first and they've gotten way better. Um, so sometimes if I have some time to kill, I'll watch one of the rape and murder shows. Um, the one, the, the Duncan one is like genuinely hard to sit through. Cause it's like, he's such, he's so vile and contemptible. Like the child, the child predators always are. But like,
Unknown_04: He's in that... Who's that? The BTK vein?
Not even. There's...
Unknown_04: There's like a really particular gross brand of pedophile that's just like extremely in your face about what a sadistic piece of shit he is. There's very few of them. They're serial killers, but he's one of those. I never even heard of him, which is like, you know, you know about BTK, so you hear about the crimes and you're just like, yeah, I've heard of this before. I've never heard of Duncan or what he did, and it was actually pretty shocking. It was pretty fucking gnarly.
No, um...
Unknown_04: Let me get the full name. The problem with the Ewush channel is that they name all their fucking videos the exact same thing. Literally, word for word, the most shocking crime you've ever seen. This one was the most twisted case you've ever heard. He has like eight videos named this exact thing. But this was Joseph Edward Duncan III. He was a transgender serial killer that raped and murdered children. And that's what that super chat's referencing.
Yeah, everyone saw this coming. I'm happy to see Ralph in true form again.
Unknown_04: Paulie Dante 15 says rest in peace to an E Ralph's own words. The most loyal pussy he ever had. That's true. F in the chat for Cleo.
Um, there was a tranny named Cleo and it reminded me of Ethan Ralph's cat.
Unknown_04: can't remember what the context was tomboy appreciator and then a bunch of chinese shit for 10 says um i don't know what the fuck tipster's talking about when he calls cathols a tomboy tomboys are known for being athletic and sporty i don't think that's what he's actually into what he's actually into is fat crack whores and gangrene no tomboys are supposed to be manly but lots of ones want them to be men for them um
Unknown_04: The top boys are not sporty. I don't know where that they're like androgynous. That's all it requires I don't know where this like false equivocation that they have to be like super sporty comes from If keffels is definitely androgynous I can see why he thinks that
here human for five says can i get a null plushie maybe if you ask faith really nicely uh not for me though dantiac for five says the groper pay pig fans of ralph are the type that really puzzle me on every chance they can get into defending the pig monster ralph is probably the absolute worst person you want to represent your movement and be a spokesperson for the hawaii race it's true i i have literally no explanation for this i have no idea why anyone would tolerate ethan oliver ralph in their community
Anonymous for five says if Ralph actually does die or just decides to quit the internet forever Can you please do a person stream on him and go into detail on his exact failings and where he went wrong with his fuck-up? Or fucking up his simple grift and kill stream show your person streams have always been my favorite that I rewatched So if Ethan Ralph dies, I am legitimately gonna put money down I'm gonna hire like an editing team and do a proper documentary and I'm gonna put it on a YouTube channel It's never been opened before and monetized so that I can rake in the dollar bills That's my plan at least
Unknown_04: uh colia dante for 15 says rip boogie 2988 his 20 year old girlfriend poisoned him with cyanide for his crypto fortune yeah he bought stupid shit like safe moon but you don't got shit rest in peace buggy
Winston for five says happy Bastille Day. Josh, France may be burning right now due to brown Muslims who should be kicked out of the country. But remember this. At least they aren't Britain. Hashtag Le Pen 2027.
Unknown_04: I love Le Pen. She's my favorite Jew. She loves Israel, too. I would definitely vote for Le Pen.
Unknown_04: Good luck with that.
Unknown_04: Ronberger for five says your case panel doesn't use thumb screws useless $5 for zip ties and just strap your motherboard into a plastic milk crate you Suburbian sundog fuck tips or fuck enemies and fuck the Megaman's It's true. It does not use thumb screws. It uses hooks. I don't know what you call those But they don't work very well, and I don't like them I wouldn't advise against buying a case that doesn't have thumb screws my last one did now that I think about it Thank you
Scout for five says mushroom and posts in a mushroom emoji. Probably an attempt to scare me. Luckily, I had my eyes closed when I read the super chat message, so I was not spooked. Thank you, Scout. Polyfrog for 10 says Ralph legit has drug induced psychosis at this point and he's delusional, hallucinating and has thought disorder. He needs all the medical definitions to be locked up. Rip Ralph's cat.
Unknown_04: Well, he has to be a danger to himself or others, and it's not proven that he is yet, so he's probably not going to be locked up anywhere.
The president and Nintendo provide says oink oink I'm putting in extra hours in the Nintendo minds and I don't have time to think anything clever or retarded to say So here are some money to support the stream T&D total Nintendo domination forever music recommendation Cleopatric the Drake gun recommendation Glock 19 I Don't know the Drake, but the clock is a good gun. Thank you for the suggestions. I'll search that up Canadian rock duo, okay
Unknown_04: Cole Cole for five says you should look into the alex sensual drama now that it's mostly over He said he's going to stop making music video Stop making videos on the topic because they did a similar calling campaign against family members jobs Um, okay, let's see Hi guys over
hey guys yesterday on july 5th i got notified two of my family members had individuals notify their places of employment and the goal of getting them terminated from employment the right people have seen the proof of the situation i believe this is being done because they can't find my workplace so they have decided to target my family over the years i've had stalkers going back to lights hope days and from time to time they cross the rhine and harass family members of mine this is why i disappear from time to time there are other issues as well and i don't want to make public because of the ongoing police investigations
Unknown_04: uh, so on and so forth, I've never heard of Alex Central, um, but, yeah, that sucks, people like that should just be killed, like, after a family like that, they should just be strung up by their fucking thumbs in a dungeon, um, yeah, like I, like I said, if people want me to cover stuff, there's the math internet thread, and I do read what gets posted there, and if it, like, jumps out at me, I will read it, or look into it more,
Unknown_04: a scrub who and the community happening start as well i also read uh a scrub who does business for five says if they are these screws they are replaceable and can be bought on amazon here no they are not screws my case has plastic little divots that are like actually part of the case mold and they're not thumb screws so i'd have to replace the entire piece of plastic because they broke off um
Mr. Man for 2176 says, I can't think of anything funny to say, so please play the audio of the 8-second video instead for old time's sakes.
Unknown_06: Okay.
Unknown_04: It's true.
Unknown_04: This apartment has much nicer walls, so I don't have to hear the wee-woos anymore. Thank you very much, though.
Unknown_04: amberlynn reads new ass wiper for 25 says hey girls i wanted to show my favorite paranormal podcast dead rabbit radio link is for episode 914 where the host gets tricked into covering ethan ralph as creepy pasta the pig man in portugal timestamp 18 minutes okay i will play like 20 seconds of this let's see
We're leaving behind, they're drinking, leaving behind all the number threes.
Unknown_26: They're just monster men making millions of dollars now. But the rest of us are riding bicycles all the way down to Portugal. I found this story post on the line. We don't have the name of the person who told it. We're going to go ahead and call him Johnny. But we do have a pretty good time period. This was posted in May of 2022, and he said it just took place a couple of months before that. So fairly recent story for this one. Johnny said him and his buddies were out late one night drinking in the country of Portugal. They're walking around, they're drinking beers, and then it's time to go home. They're like, I'm pretty sure my dad turned into a Bigfoot. And he wants to talk to me about something. I hope he doesn't try turning me into a Bigfoot again. Johnny and his friends are walking home. They decide to take a shortcut down a dark alley. And they start walking down this alley. And right when they're just entering, Johnny and his friends are standing there. And they see at the other end of the alleyway, somebody standing there.
And they can't really see much. It just looks like this human, right? You're not automatically thinking it's going to be something bizarre. He said this person was probably about five feet tall and it was waddling back and forth.
Back and forth. Now, not towards them. It's just kind of wandering and waddling in this small area that it's standing at at the other end of the alleyway.
Unknown_04: Okay, this is episode 914 of Transmorphers, an interactive adventure. Is Transmorphers like a transgender thing? Because that guy kind of sounds kind of squeaky voice. I don't know. I don't want to say without knowing, but that's Dead Rabbit Radio, the daily paranormal podcast. Imagine doing a daily podcast. Jesus Christ.
Thank you. Reggie for five says, hi, hi, Reggie. How are you doing? Thank you very much. I need a bath for five says, what's the difference between being born in 2000 and being born in 2002? Uh, you were not born before nine 11. That's the difference. Namas for five says, hey, George, since you like flags, are there any license plates that you like? Not off the top of my head, but in Florida, you have state license plates that are yellow and black lettering.
and they have like a little sheriff's badge on the left hand side and there is another identical looking license plate that is choose life and it's like an anti-abortion thing but instead of a sheriff's badge it has like little kid drawings of like sick figures on the left hand side and And I saw a guy who had a grand marquee. He had a like a floodlight on his left mirror. And then he had a choose life license plate. So at a distance, this car looked fucking identical to like an undercover police vehicle.
Unknown_04: And I have no idea why he chose to make his car look like an undercover police vehicle. I don't know if he like likes to drive the speed limit and wants to make sure that people around him also drive the speed limit or like what the deal is. But I've always remembered that car for some reason.
red acted for 10 says hello fellow maddie enjoyers were you worried when you couldn't find a us bill printed after 2017 or 2018 the other day don't worry just convert your fiat to silver and gold i just picked up some new 2023 king charles britannia coins i'm going i'm going to clink oh my boy um i must actually
Unknown_04: uh condemn you for buying britannias that's cringe you should buy krugerrands because that way africans have less silver in their repositories buying money from the british just gives the british money as opposed to stealing silver or not really stealing silver but you're trading them fiat for silver in africa who should not have silver enjoy uh namaskar5 says josh are you really not going to come to the defense of flower gothic
I don't know that I have to come to the defense of flower Gothic.
Unknown_04: I apologize. I have no fucking idea what that means.
Unknown_04: Um, Dante actor five says the tranny crying about working a real job. Exactly. Sounds. It sounds exactly like Buffalo bill from silence of the lambs. Same baritone voice, same weird mannerisms. Fucking hell. That movie was ahead of its time in predicting the shit. Dude, you can't even find that shit. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure that movie has been like deleted from existence.
Unknown_04: It was too smart for its own good.
Unknown_04: Jenner cider CEO for 10 says I know you don't usually do videos for less than 20, but I'm a poor Psychologist and this was the most hilarious long Kong grief at Warcraft I've ever seen 30 second video. Okay, just for you my boy Back up for the meteor in in in stack stack stack now Tight I'm not moving anymore
So this guy is like being chased by a man on a horse.
Unknown_04: Oh fuck, fuck, was that the wrong corner? Oh fuck. Oh fuck, I had the wrong corner. Oh. I don't get it.
TinyViolin69 decides to troll his hardcore raid team during Naxx and Wipes raid. Death equals delete.
Unknown_06: Oh, so this guy... I don't get it. So it's like your character gets deleted when you play World of Warcraft and lose.
Unknown_04: So he spent all his time with all these people and then when they got really high up, he led the raid boss to their corner where they were hiding and they instantly got murdered by it.
Unknown_04: I need it. I need some explanation of what the fuck is happening. Cause I don't play world of Warcraft. They never have except like every so often.
That's not okay. Listen, listen here. Genocider CO you send me this clip and you're like, please play this hilarious clip. It's so funny. It's a world of Warcraft.
Unknown_06: I'll show you a funny one, actually.
Unknown_04: This is a classic. I mean, you may not know about this because, you know, you're a scrub, but anybody remember the true OG?
Unknown_13: Okay, guys, these eggs have given us a lot of trouble in the past.
Unknown_13: Does anybody need anything off this guy, or can we bypass him?
I think Leroy needs something from this guy.
Unknown_13: Oh, he needs those devout shoulders? Isn't he a paladin?
Unknown_13: Yeah, but that'll help him heal better. He'll have more mana.
Unknown_13: Christ. Okay, well, what we'll do, I'll run in first, gather up all the eggs so we can kind of just blast them all down with AOE. I will use Intimidating Shout to kind of scatter them so we don't have to fight a whole bunch of them at once.
Unknown_05: When my shout's done, I'll need Anthony to come in and drop his shout, too, so we can keep them scattered and not have to fight too many.
When his is done, Bass, of course, will need to run in and do the same thing. We're going to need divine intervention on our mages so they can A.E. so we can, of course, get them down fast because we're bringing all these guys. I mean, we'll be in trouble if we don't take them down quick. I think it's a pretty good plan. We should be able to pull it off this time. What do you think, Abdul? Can you give me a number crunch real quick? Sure.
Unknown_13: Uh, yeah, give me a sec. I'm coming up with 32.33, uh, repeating, of course, percentage of survival. How are people like this? Oh, it's a lot better than we usually do. Alright, drums up.
Ready, guys? Let's do this. Leroy Dragons!
Unknown_04: Is this, like, scripted? No, they're older. I think this is scripted. Oh, jeez, stick it clean. Oh, jeez. Let's go, let's go.
Unknown_13: Let's go, let's go. Stick to the plan, chums. Stick to the plan. Oh, gee. Oh, fuck. Give me my intervention. Hurry up. I can't believe that Leroy Jenkins is fake. Everything in my life is a lie, chat. Everything. My entire life.
Very depressing. Very dark times. All my memories. Next year you're going to tell me that 9-11 was fake. My favorite cherished childhood memories. Gone. Like ashes. In the wind.
Unknown_04: Anonymous for 5 says, As someone who is currently working 6 days a week in a production job, this fucking trainee is such a crybaby. I wouldn't be surprised if that faggot was born upper middle class like most truants. There are Mexicans that work 7 days a week. This guy is going to 41% soon. We can only be so lucky. Anonymous. Former officer Elliot Palmer for five says life update. The owner of the gay store has taken the chance on me. And I'm once again, gainfully employed. I've learned that I've gotten a lot of hidden redeeming qualities that make me perfect fit here. I'm in charge of the gerbils and giving them purposes, helping me through my trauma with animals. Heart emoji. I'm very happy to hear that. Congratulations. I hope it works out.
Unknown_04: Crispy legs for four 90 says it's Friday. My dude, it is. It's true. It was a factual observation. Thank you very much.
Unknown_04: Anime for five says excuse me Josh some of it Bridget is a boy the meme associated with him is everyone is gay for Bridget You would know this if you know memes gayness presupposes that both parties are male male. Therefore Bridget is male. This is very important He is clearly a tranny and then he's still a male. That's not conflicting information Sir Marr house for ten says clip of Nick bitching about people sharing his personal sex lives and how it's gross being completely unselfaware I don't clip this I'll play like 30 seconds of it. Give me a second
how much did you give me and okay you get 10 seconds i'm gonna do the annoying thing this is like a four minute clip aside to ignore this what conservatives want in service of the desire to ignore the sex lives of others is not to have the sex lives of others thrust into their faces every 10 seconds of the goddamn day irony of course this is a six-hour old clip that someone just dug up recently uh is that now ricada talked about his sex life quite a bit uh supposedly don't yell at me i don't know i don't watch the show anymore so i can't say but that is what i've been told is that he talks about sex life a lot and nobody wants to hear about it and that's why they're upset so uh the whole thing is he goes on and on he keeps saying that he doesn't want to hear about it but he talks about it a lot himself now
Um, and I was surprises. I already sent in five dollars a day, but it's short. Okay, fine Talk right now i'm doing hot girls Fuck being good. I'm a bad bitch Okay, let me make something clear.
Unknown_20: They are not the problem you are um, you're chinese talk right now Wow, man, they need a fucking bomb tick tock off the face of the fucking planet.
Thank you very much
Unknown_04: uh not even numerals for tensors i have a dm from boogie why are you talking about my 20 year old girlfriend are you all jealous of my 18 year old girlfriend you wish you had your own 16 year old girlfriend i'm happy here my parental abandoned crack shack with my 14 year old girlfriend uh i don't even respond honestly you're me how the fuck do you respond to that
Unknown_04: Um, I don't know. It is kind of desperate to immediately go for you're jealous. Right. Boogie. Right. Real boogie. Definitely real boogie. Going for the jealousy card. Huh? How, how passe. Thank you. Spine for five says snoods are real and are used to keep dog's ears from getting painfully cold.
So a big snood is one for a dog that has big ears. Perfect. Thank you very much. Spine. I appreciate it. What a wonderful piece of information.
Unknown_06: Um,
Unknown_06: Pee pee poo poo for five says, how likely do you think it is that there was an actual tent and haven't heard from the hog in 12 hours? 0% likely. 0.00%.
Not a fucking chance. James Boone for 1444 says Snead or Snead rather nuts. Snead is an eye or the backward. No, actually.
Unknown_04: Oh, that really fucked my brain up. He actually wrote, see, yeah, yeah, yeah. He didn't write Sneed.
Unknown_04: There you go, though. Glow in the Dark for Pi says, going through and rewatching some older South Park season four to 11. It's quite weird how timeless they were. I want to say timeless, so that doesn't seem right. It's weird how timeless some of these episodes are. The Brofalski, Dobkin, the giant douche versus the turd sandwich, etc. Bro, see, I would say like seasons one through eight. And then there's a couple of really good episodes in the seasons after. But like it falls off somewhere between eight and ten. It falls off, I say, precisely the moment where they do all the memes. And when that's like the fall, the jumping the shark episode. But everything before then is fucking gold.
Really excellent episodes. You don't even have to really understand the political commentary. They're just funny.
And there are so many episodes that are memorable that you think are two different episodes that are like A and B plots of the same fucking episode. It was that like tightly, densely packed and memorable stuff. Um, but yeah, the newer ones just have nothing for me. I don't, I don't feel like they even write them anymore.
Unknown_04: Aiden did nothing wrong for 10 says do you remember that episode the kill stream you did less Ralph with Gino and Ranbot it still makes me smile because if someone's only experience of Ranbot is that podcast they couldn't help but think what a great bloke he is vaguely I do remember kind of I don't remember Ranbot in that at all I have no no positive things to say about Ranbot he's one of the most despicable fucking sad sex
Pee pee poo poo for five says I'm a faggot from the forum and I have a degree in political science and I've worked with Nonprofits and have a lot of free time hit me up. You have to send me a resume boy. Can't just use this from a super chat That that dot for 10 says lol the troon hates the deadline as much as he hates the dead name. It's true It's a good pun. It's a very good pun Then finally over on rumble
Unknown_04: There's one brave rumbler who has sent a message. Debugs for five says people buy decommissioned cop and undercover cop cars since they usually go cheaper than regular cars. But the thing is his license plate though, you would take off the flood lamp and the license plate. He went with, um, a license plate and a funnel specifically to look like an undercover cop car. That was not just like a coincidence. That was like a deliberate choice.
Unknown_04: That's it. Radish Hill mode. Thank you guys for listening. I'll be back on Tuesday on YouTube. And a reminder, a reminder again at the start of that episode, I am not keeping anything on YouTube ever. It will be committed to archive immediately after it concludes because YouTube is just becoming worse and worse and worse. And it's just a fucking shithole. So, a song chosen for my boy Ethan Ralph. When I was a teenager, I was very angsty. I had many angsty emo songs that I would listen to. And so, to commiserate with Ethan Ralph and his fake suicidality, I have picked one of my favorites from way, way back when. And on that note, I'll see you when I see you.
Would you be upset if I told you we were dying? And every cure they gave us was a lie. Oh, they mean it when they say we're dead and doomed. And every single symptom brings us closer to the tomb. And who will take the credit for our swift and bending fall? Because it's not my fault. Would you be impressed if I said the dead would help us counting down?
Unknown_16: We tried a lot of maladies, we won, we died And everything is fine because it's not my fault Now you're upset because you finally got the notion Everything you had is finished
Well, your number will be called. Say it's not my fault.
Because it's not my fault.
Everyone was trying So consciously I knew it was a lie And when I woke I knew that it was time to pray To make amends before the end Before my judgment day I looked around, I stood alone I knew what I had to say I said it's all my fault