There is a very unstable situation on the ground that is unfolding very quickly. Move towards more ideas that will actually help bring this thing to an end.
Hello Hello, it is a Tuesday. It's night. I'm I'm still up and we're gonna have a Little stream today nice little stream. That's the whole point of doing two streams a week Is it not spend four hours a fucking day sitting here streaming? So, um, let's see. Is there any vague random thoughts that I want to put out before I start talking about the random shit that I talked about the beginning of the stream? Because usually I have like a, like I have like a dedicated random shit segment and then I have like a before off the cuff random shit segment where I just talk about random things.
No, actually. Oh, there is, there's a random, okay. Here's an unscheduled, untyped, uh, news alert, emergency news alert from, uh, from, from my desk.
Unknown_01: So in August, I want to say when the drop Kiwi farm stuff happened, I said they needed some backup communication channels. And so I looked on Telegram and discovered that Kiwi farms had been parked.
Unknown_01: I reached out to the guy that had parked the Kiwi Farms URL, and I asked for it, and he very graciously gave it to me, but he had a request. He said if he gave me the URL, he would like me to put him and his friends in charge of the discussion thing, because the way Telegram works is that you have channels, and then you have discussion groups, and you can make it so that a discussion group allows for commenting on the actual channel post.
Okay, that sounds amenable as long as things are not completely fucking retarded and you can abide by a couple restrictions That is a agreeable thing cuz I don't even want to take care of it So the Kiwi farms chat was set up netcast and event over time his friends were adding to it I don't know any of these people the only reason why they were ever mods is that netcast had parked the URL and had offered to Give it to me in exchange for running the chat. I which he did for over six months now.
At some point, there was friction. There was friction in two different areas of this Telegram group, and I outlined both of them to him at different points, and he decided he didn't care. First was that there is a bot in this Telegram that he set up called Rose. Apparently, Telegram's moderation features are a little bit lacking, so there is a third-party API called Rose, which has a couple automated moderation tools built into it that many people find useful who operate large Telegram groups. It also has a feature to auto respond to certain terms with images or text or text and images These are called filters. They don't filter anything. They simply trigger responses
so the jannies of this telegram group decided that uh every single fucking word in the entire english language deserved a meme response from rose uh that made And when I say like a meme response, I don't mean like a tiny icon. I mean the images that the bot replies with are half the fucking vertical height of the chat room. So if you accidentally say one of these words, it triggers an image that literally disrupts conversation because half the chat is replaced with like a giant image. There is no cooldown and there is no like... time limit at all so if you for instance there was like a word like if any common word has a filter and there are many like words that you would just trigger it um so if you're having a conversation for instance about a fucking make of a car it would trigger a meme and every time you mention the make of the car it would trigger the meme again doesn't matter how quickly it was it would just do this over and over again a long time ago i cleared out this list of bullshit filters
And they over time re-added to it. Not as bad as before, but they re-added to it to the point where it was disruptive again. The other issue was that...
There were trannies in the chat that were just attention whores. They had obvious humiliation fetishes, they wanted to be berated, they wanted to be yelled at, and they would constantly talk. I'm talking a thousand plus messages a day, every day, all times of all days. And to really, finally, completely and totally, and I ban this one in particular that was a fucking menace, as far as I was concerned, to really drive home how fucking annoying this was,
They combined the two. They combined the two. So that if you said the name of the tranny who was always there begging for attention, talking about how gross he was, it would give you a meme about the tranny. So, which was an instant dopamine hit and it disrupted conversation constantly because there were always people constantly talking to this fucking tranny. It was just the worst experience ever.
Unknown_01: So I ban the tranny, I break the bot again, and the admin becomes irate at me and just tells me to go suck his dick. And I'm like, okay, well, I now have to consider you, like, feral. You've gone rogue. You've gone AWOL. So as a precaution, I de-admin him, I ban him, and I de-admin all the other admins. And now the admins are in like, I got banned from their moderator chatroom that I was invited to. And apparently they're all mad at me and are plotting my demise as we speak.
However, I can attest that with two moderators in the chat room and no bot and no trannies, the quality of the telegram chat room is higher than it has ever been. I've been in there all day talking to people and it's like, oh, so this is like functional now. This is now like a real place where people can have a discussion. How wonderful. It's not so hard, is it? Just literally do less. Do less annoying shit and ban trannies. And wow, you have a fucking discussion room once again. Amazing.
So if it becomes an if it becomes an issue, and I don't want to take care of it And I can't find mods. I'll just lock it because it's like it's an auxiliary to the site, but I'm really just shocked by like how Deliberately fucked with it was and it's like all you had to do was nothing Damn trannies and like that are disrupting the chat and get rid of a fucking bot that spams constantly And it's just so much better
I'm the Jenny they got a call-in when you have to sweep up the Jenny's on the top level Jenny executive room privileges Yes, it is usable now you're welcome to chat if you want to
Unknown_01: Of course, now that I say this, it's going to be uneasable. It's going to be completely flooded with retards as quickly as possible. Alright, that's my random using of the day, the thing that's on the top of my mind. And now, the lower thirds, we're going in hot. The thing that's already happened, it's already old news.
Unknown_01: Ukraine I don't usually talk about the war because I don't find it uplifting news I do when I kind of Talk about just a little bit just a kind of I don't know it feels significant It feels like I should if I'm gonna do like a podcast twice a week I should at least mention it so that people know what what's happening in the world when I do these things in retrospect I
So in case you don't care at all, real brief, there is like Russia has like a conscription issue. They need bodies on the front line and they don't want to just draft everybody because that would collapse the economy and get everybody pissed at them. So what they've done is they set up a private, well, this was an existing thing, but they've allowed a private military corporation called Wagner to conscript prisoners from the Russian penal system to fight in Ukraine. And apparently, for whatever reason, these are considered, because a lot of the troops have veterans from Africa, they were used extensively in Russia's African interests. If you don't know, in especially the Central African Republic, there's a uranium deposit there that has uranium, which can be refined into nuclear weapons and uranium for nuclear power plants, which Russia and Ukraine still have a lot of vested interest in the minerals there, and they use Vagna to defend their interest in Africa. There's lots of veterans in that, and that's why the Vagna military has been considered very good, whereas the Ministry of Defense in Russia and their conscripts have been considered less good in general by both sides.
So, um the ministry of defense under shoigu who's a tuvan and if you don't know tuva tanu tuva has one of the best anthems In the world, i'll play that really quickly. Hold up. I do like this anthem It was a small part of the federal republic And they have their own anthem called tuvan men. It's one of the best fucking songs ever There we go
With such an intense Mongolian anthem, surely a Tuvan warrior like Shoigu must be extremely adept at the art of war. However, I think the consensus is on both sides that Shoigu is a bit of a fuck-up. So when Shoigu decided that he was going to dissolve Vagna and integrate the Vagna troops into the regular military, Prigozhin, who is the
I think he's, I want to say he's Ukrainian born, he might be Belarusian. Anyways, he decides that he wants to revolt against Putin. So he decides to literally have like a Mad Max style caravan of death from the Ukrainian front through Rostov, which is the area of Russia behind Crimea. And he's going to take like the interstate up to Moscow. He travels like 700 kilometers in a day and there's no resistance. They shoot down a couple helicopters along the way. And there's one guy in the caravan who's like playing on a guitar. and rocking out and shit and there's fire shooting out of the caravan. It really is bizarre how it's like this. And then they get like an hour away from Moscow.
And Lukashenko, who is the president of Belarus, last dictator of Belarus, he's like in a military dictatorship. Even though Putin told him to back off, and then Prigozhin said he would depose Putin, Lukashenko, president of this small, irrelevant country that only exists because it has diplomatic benefits for Russia to smuggle shit in through Belarus, calls up Prigozhin and says, okay, you have to stop. And he's like, yes, sir, we will turn around and head back to Ukraine right this second. And that's exactly what happened. It ended in like a day. Everybody's wondering what the fuck. I talked to Russians who were in Russia at the time, and they said that the general theme, the consensus of Russian people is that a civil war is completely unacceptable. They wouldn't back that. even though they're not exactly 100% pleased with the way that the Civil War is going on. So, I don't know why the Potato Man with the little Hitler mustache, who's fat and rotund, who was the leader of basically just another federal state in the Russian Federation, was able to call off an entire military coup without any bloodshed except for the four guys that died in the helicopters and that one command plane that was taken over.
um very strange leaves a lot of a lot of uh question marks a lot of people have their own theories i really don't have a elevated take i really think that it was just that
Unknown_01: Pregogian thought that show you was a fucking retard and was like I'll show you I'll flex I'll pull out my dick and see whose dick was bigger more fucker I also really enjoy this is pregosian by the way the young screen I really enjoy how he is just the ugliest guy I've ever seen I don't look I don't know anything about him Okay, I just know that he's the Wagner guy. He was a he owns a catering business that Putin uses for food at the
Unknown_01: Moscow and that's why they call him the chef so this guy's like a chef he owns a catering company he also is a convict from the Soviet Union now he leads the largest PMC in the world or some shit and he looks like a orc from Mordor and he's just very terrifying looking and I guess that's why everyone shit themselves when they saw him playing a guitar on top of a Mad Max Caroline riding to Moscow and the only person who can strike fear in him is a man who owns potatoes in Belarus
So whatever deranged theory you have in regards to what happened might happen if it was the CIA if he got paid off by whoever and whatever the fuck and now he's gonna be assassinated by Putin I Don't care. I just want to lay out what happened because it's a little bit interesting This is this is and you have to remember this is all conjured from my Swiss Street cheese brain So I have a vague idea of what's happening at any given time
Unknown_01: Oh one of the one of the things that people say is that it was like a psyop that they were redeploying Wagner through the northern Ukrainian border in Belarus the Kiev and Belarus are very very very close So if they're going to launch a new offensive from Belarus to try and decapitate Ukraine, they'd have to move all the troops there So they thought oh, maybe it's like a big gimmick to put troops there and they need to like I don't I don't I don't personally believe that but that's one of the things that they're saying It was very
Very interesting. I was excited and then I was abruptly disappointed and then it all resolved itself without any kind of military queue. I was hoping I was, here's, here's my thought. Okay. I don't want to sound anti or too anti-Russia because then people will get upset that I'm, I'm supporting the, the cringe Jewish Zionist piggies or whatever. But I personally was hoping to see a change of flag. I was hoping that the Russian flag would change. I love it when a government changes and then they change the flag to reflect the new government. I thought that would be based in Red Pill to see a new flag. Very excited to see the vexillogical choices of Prigozhin. Unfortunately, there is no change of flag and I don't know. Maybe they'll change Ukraine's flag if they conquer it. So maybe I should start hoping for that. I don't want to say that though. It might get me in trouble.
Anyways, hot dog flag, exactly.
Unknown_01: Oh, this guy's crying. No, you can't you can't say you can't you can't disagree with me on my take on the war. That's not acceptable.
Unknown_01: You're gay.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: Next, I didn't install Japanese fonts. I'll
Anime my boy. I I have a very special reason for having Chinese and Japanese fonts and so on arch now and when I get to that segment, you will know you'll know why I'm not having a stroke Maybe I fucked with my channel so much
Unknown_01: Anyways, um, so a while back, a brave and well back before the training thing was even a thing.
Unknown_01: A raven, beautiful trans woman was elected. I think the New Hampshire state representative says right there, New Hampshire state legislator.
and this person was um the first the first ever beautiful trans trans folks elected to any state legislator and this was the slow march into dissent and decay that we now enjoy every day she because of course she is a beautiful trans woman uh was arrested for child pornography charges um despite having a huge rap sheet i'm hoping that it's i chose the right article to include
Other information they were tipped off. So somebody knew this guy and knew that they were in possession of Child pornography and reported it to the police which is why he was arrested. Oh Here he is a convicted credit card felon so he was doing fraud He was a union leader no, no, never mind, that's a lie I misread that I think he was also arrested for
Unknown_05: I want to say once they had other, Oh, um, they reported a bomb, a bomb scare.
They, they did a fake bomb hoax at a hospital in 2015, which they were also arrested for. And that caused him to, uh, be to step down. So he was elected. He stepped down after it was out of the, he was a credit card fraudster. And then later on, after stepping down, he did a bumper to a hospital.
Unknown_01: Um,
Unknown_01: Which I guess means that oh, yeah, so and then he went to prison and they gave false police Which I think is a swatting thing. So Just just crazy and then it was reelected. So even after swatting a bomb threat and being stepping down over credit card fraud he again won reelection in November 2022 years later and only now has been arrested for
child pornography. And he was stalking women is another thing that they said. So real piece of work.
Unknown_01: It's shocking that we will overlook literally everything in a person's history, as long as they are truning enough to, uh, to deserve the clemency. It really is like a hard reset on your, on your reputation, just true now. And you can get elected the state, uh, legislators still just amazing chat.
Unknown_05: The news hamster is very cute.
Unknown_01: Thank you to the person who made that for me.
I haven't watched this yet, but I've been told it's disgusting. Let's watch it together. The WHO, the World Health Organization, the World Health Organization, which also, by the way, sets the standard for what vaccines you have to take and is currently making it so that legal immigrants in the United States have to get the COVID shot, decided to have this nice little educational video about how to masturbate with nine year old girls. Let's watch.
Unknown_09: It's not only functional when you only have children. I've said it before, it's also fun to do. You'll discover how your body works and how my body works. And you?
Do you go to the toilet sometimes? Do you go to the toilet? Yes? And how does that feel? And when do you do that? Do you do that when we're eating?
Unknown_10: No, right? No, or in the classroom? No, right?
Unknown_10: No, why don't you do that in the classroom? When can you sit on your butt?
Unknown_09: When you're at home. But it's not only boys who can get ready, girls can also get ready. But they don't have a seamstress, because we don't have seamstresses. But it's a nice feeling. And of course, you've looked at your vagina before. You have your shame lips and your inner shame lips. And there are two holes. One for urinating and one where the baby comes out. But above those holes there is also a kind of button. Have you ever seen that? No? You've never studied it like that, have you? Yeah, that's a bit much.
And they really do just want to rape kids, don't they?
Unknown_01: You notice that this is like in, I don't know, it sounded like Swedish to me. Notice that there's no, there's lots of Turkish people in Sweden. Why aren't they doing this with the Turkish, the Turkish kids? Oh, is it because the Turkish parents would take a fucking knife and stab you if you did this to their kids? Is that why it's only white people who are demoralized so much to permit those.
Unknown_01: It's dutch. Oh, dude. They're really dude. The netherlands was like the most free place in the in the in europe for a while Um, and it was very accessible to americans. It had very strong speech laws despite being in the eu And they're really hammering it hard. They're like destroying farms over there. They're closing up all their free speech laws They're making hate speech a thing of course hate speeches, uh saying that the prophet muhammad was a pedophile even though he fucked a nine-year-old
I've heard two different things that he married a nine year old and fucked her when she had her first period or that he married a six year old and had sex with her at nine. I don't know. I don't know which is true. It's both extremely disgusting. Both would have him be a pedophile.
Unknown_01: And for whatever reason in Europe, it is literally illegal. It's been tested all the way up to the Human Rights Tribunal inside the EU.
And you just can't say that. And they're making that a crime and they put you in jail for it while the Turks and the Muslims rape kids. And then the WHO runs shit like this. It really is just crazy.
Unknown_01: Does it really matter? No, it doesn't. Not the distinction between the two.
Unknown_01: Just so I don't know I don't know why they hate the another one so much, but pretty fucked up Okay
Next, another wonderful Pride Month event. Four kids aged between 5 and 10 taken into care after being found at a drag party with a dead black trans woman's body on the floor and drugs and sex toys scattered throughout the hoarder home. So basically I read through this the story is is that the trannies had opened a um a quote-unquote safe space and the safe space was a place for poor homeless trans folks who suffered with gender identity
Unknown_01: to hide away from their evil parents in and They had four kids between five and ten at this at this house And it was just a bunch of trainees having degenerate drug-fueled sex orgies one of a black tranny died at this home and then when the police got called in they discovered that it was unlivable and for whatever reason they had a bunch of kids living with them and
And the only place talking about this is the Daily Mail and the Daily Wire and whatever. It's truly the most bad. I mean, imagine if it was the other way. If it was like a Catholic priest had stolen a bunch of brown children to convert them to Catholicism and they found a dead black nun in like a hoarder condition.
Unknown_01: There is no there's no more pathetic string of words where it's like. What's the exact phrase? It's like if the shoe was on the other foot imagine if it was in reverse imagine if the roles were reversed It's like the most impotent expression Imagine imagine if it was a conservator they had done this they'd never stopped talking about it
It is a fun, it is a fun game though. Like anytime you see people walking around saying black power, black power, uh, you know, he's like, Oh, what if, what if white people said that they marched on the streets by the thousands screaming black power and turning over cop cars? Imagine, imagine if the roles were reversed.
Unknown_01: Americans put up with anything.
Unknown_05: Dude, I don't know what it is.
Unknown_05: I guess it's just kind of like,
Unknown_01: The U.S. just has like a policy of it's not my fucking problem?
You know what I mean? I don't know, I really don't know what's wrong with America, where people just are completely... Completely complacent with shit.
Unknown_01: We're getting the edge here. I don't know, people keep saying it's coming, I don't think it is. Maybe on a state level, but then again, I don't know. People flee the state. The California passes all these bullshit laws trying to try to, um, give reparations to black people by the billion sink the economy, you know, and then what happens? Oh, people just moved to Texas. They moved to Austin and then they fag up Texas. Like, I don't know. It's not even like a state level thing. People don't even do anything about the state level. They just flee and fuck up another state. I don't know, man.
Yeah, I know the cops and courts would go crazy if they did anything, but it's like, I don't know.
Unknown_01: Theoretically, there has to be a level for tolerance, but to stop, you know what I mean?
Unknown_01: Whatever. We will see, I suppose.
Um, and finally some good uplifting news. Uh, I am happy to report. I don't think I've mentioned this, but I can't believe I missed it. Um, with Carolyn Farrow, I mentioned that she was going to be the subject of an offender manager.
Unknown_01: The British police of Surrey attempted without any due process, without any conviction, without any evidence, to put Carolyn Farrow under an offender manager program that would be so strict it would effectively be, in the United States, probation for like a digital sex offender. every electronic device in her home that she had access to would have to be on the list and monitored. Uh, there would only be one phone that she has in her possession and the police would have to have passwords to like every single account that she has. So this is like the plan. They would put someone who's like a, a habitual child predator on in the U S if even that, despite not having any crime, any conviction whatsoever, uh, they were just going to preemptively put her on this offender manager system.
Unknown_01: And also prohibit her from talking about any trainees that were harassing her.
The court.
Unknown_01: I saw a post detailing this when it happened, but I think the court gave it back to the police, because the police filed for this to the court. And the court said something like, double check this. Double check your filing real quick. Just make sure that everything's in order. And then they decided to withdraw the complaint out of nowhere. So something happened. Somebody higher up heard about this and said, are you fucking crazy? Are you fucking retarded?
Are you are you for real?
Unknown_01: So they withdrew it So she was Quite pleased to announce that the offender manager thing that they were floating has indeed been dropped Apropos of nothing after the damage had already been done after she lawyered up after she filed her defense all this other on short notice by the way because it was like you had a week to tell you file they didn't even give her what they were filing because
Unknown_01: That was supposed to be like a court secret so she had to like go in and protest that To get her own court documents to know what the filings were against her And then after she got that it was like three days until I was supposed to go into a fact And then they randomly decide oh never mind after you spend thousands of dollars and all these hours And you get worked up over it and get scared and you start thinking about fleeing the country then Never mind never mind wonder what are under the bridge. We don't need to don't worry about it. No big deal They're just going to put you into like a digital prison and monitor your every move and invade your privacy and treat you like a child rapist without any due process. But, you know, it happens, man. We live, we live in a society, isn't it? Interview her. I will. I'll speak to her agent. I'll, I'll file, I'll file my request and to the appropriate, uh, press contact. And we'll see if we can have a real Maddie interview. Um,
Maybe on YouTube, so it'll have to be after the 16th, and then we'll do an interview or something.
Unknown_01: And we'll see, we'll see what to do. I'll read her statement, actually. I am relieved and delighted to announce that having reviewed the significant evidence, Surrey police have decided to withdraw their application for a stalking protection order against me. I'd like to send sincere thanks to everyone who supported me, especially these wonderful women who came to support me in court two weeks ago.
Unknown_01: It's not over yet, but also a huge thanks to my talented lawyers, Daniel Burke, and especially the wonderful brief to Tasha Hausdorff. Sorry, police barrister arrived at the Guildford magistrates court determined to pursue this order, which would have ruined my life.
Um, it is, here's an interesting thought, really, when you, when you look at this,
Unknown_01: You have to remember that Carolyn Farrow is a pretty well-off person pretty privileged She is white British Works with the church in a public capacity has a pretty significant public following and when they hit her with this she was able to hit back with a pretty significantly viral tweet chain that caught news attention and
and was able to defeat the request for a offender manager. But really you have to think how many people in the UK are completely isolated, do not have the funds, do not have the reach, do not have the privilege to be able to protest an order like this without any due process. They voice their opinion on, you know, Facebook or whatever, like, oh, this tranny is disgusting and a pedophile, you know, and then the police are just like, oh, we're going to fucking ruin your life. There has there's probably thousands of people in the UK who are in digital prison and when they want to tweet about it and say, oh, by the way, I'm being stalked by the police. I can't own a phone that they don't have direct access to remotely and they can't come visit at any time between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.
And when they try to say they try to tweet it their offender manager is like nah mate you can't do this you can't tweet this this is instigating violence or hatred to the police with your tweet I Bet you there's a lot and they just can't do shit about it
Unknown_05: So it actually be I'd be interested in knowing I wonder if they publish like the numbers of people who are Who are doing this and I bet you that The number of people who are on that list are all brown.
I bet you it's mostly brown people so
Unknown_01: I'm going to talk about that institutionalized racism. You got these, you got these people filing these, these petitions in court, and I'm sure it disproportionately affects people, the Brown bodies of color and, uh, people of faith outside of the Anglo-Saxon heritage. Very sad to think about chat.
Unknown_01: Oh, no, no, no.
Unknown_01: Yes.
Unknown_01: You don't believe it. Maybe not. Maybe that's a bit much.
Unknown_01: Alright, that's enough news. Now that we've triumphed over the Shrewn Menace, we can talk about other Shrewns, actually, just not the newsworthy ones.
Oh, I only have a brief, a brief truant update before we go into actual little cows.
Unknown_01: Um, a notorious tranny involved in video game music, Akira complex, uh, which is their actual legal name, believe it or not, has died by suicide.
Unknown_05: Anyways,
Unknown_05: onto the locales oh sorry oh that's a spoiler you got spoiled um i was i was um informed after my last discussion about uh cyrax on the last stream that i was to not do any more cyraxy coverage because i am a fool who besmirched
The Heavenly Father, Lord Marty, who sacrificed everything in his life to troll an evil pedophile named Cyrax. In music business, Marty should never be questioned because all that he doth do, he doth do in righteous flame and fury, chat. So therefore I'm not allowed to discuss Cyrus because I get it wrong every time however Despite these threats. I will continue to talk about Cyrix because there has been developed that's worth that's actually interesting You see despite the fact that music business Marty literally moved next door or across the street rather from Cyrax to better troll him continuously and
A random no name troll decided to do a little trolling himself. And so exercising his constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech, he did ticket Syrax's house.
Unknown_01: He held up a sign that simply outlined, uh, the fact of the proven fact in court of law that Syrax was a child sex offender.
Unknown_01: And so.
Unknown_01: After standing out there a few hours doing his little protests Cyrax decided to come out with a baseball bat and swing at him hitting him with the Potentially dangerous weapon a assault with a deadly weapon as it is as it is known so after that The police came and arrested him. The guy was not injured. He said that they were very weak swings, but under law that does constitute a assault with a deadly weapon charge. I think right now.
It's a misdemeanor. It's a class one misdemeanor, which has like a jail, one year jail sentence, but it could be upgraded. They decided to charge him with assault with a deadly weapon instead of just regular assault. That becomes a felony, I think, or it could be, or maybe it's a battery charge. I don't remember, but it's like, it's pretty clear that because he was using a baseball bat, it could be a felony charge. And that's why they're talking about it. But here's the footage of him. Scabbed head and all being carried out by the police from his house that he was already in trouble for With the owner of and apparently his family might be getting evicted The police had to show up to detain him That's it let it all out let it all out Cyrax Because you're a child predator
Okay, well, tell that to the evidence that speaks.
Do you have anything? Actually, this is public. Yeah, this is public.
Unknown_07: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Unknown_06: I'm just public. Sir, sir, sir. Well, you got to go. You need to keep him away from me. You got to go. You're going to go to jail, too.
Unknown_07: You got to go to jail, too. This is public. This is public.
Unknown_00: Not right here.
Unknown_07: This is a public sidewalk.
Unknown_05: Back up before you catch a charge, too.
Unknown_06: David, come on.
Unknown_07: When you scream for help.
Sure. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Look at this man. Police respect trial one for when they arrest you for being a pedophile.
Unknown_01: I thought he was already guilty of like something. Was he not guilty? Was he not actually convicted of like a child sex offense? I'm pretty sure that's what the story was and that's why they're always up in arms. So he's not actually been convicted of that.
Unknown_06: No, I mean, supposedly they really think that once they search his computer, they're going to find, um, child pornography.
Unknown_01: So we'll see.
Unknown_01: I don't remember. I don't know the full story with his, uh, the accusation that he's a pedophile, which is why I, Oh, they dropped the charges. Okay. So they charged him with sex offense and they dropped it. But, uh, the trolls continue on with that.
He was caught several times by pred hunters.
Unknown_01: Okay, I'm not seeing that. So it could go either way.
Unknown_01: He's so gross that I am very tempted to just believe it on its face, but I will refrain to the dismay and horror of everyone from assuming.
Unknown_01: That's his arrest. He's been bailed out by his mother, Sally, posted a $2,500 bail bond, which is actually lower. Oh, it's a 10% bail bond, okay.
Uh, they're not they don't know how she got the money. They're very poor like they're dead broke. So I don't know if they Uh, they sold her What what she what she uses collateral maybe like a vehicle or something? But it's probably a you know, a predatory high high interest bail bond and shit and she's probably fucked as a result of it. So He's once again out on the streets um
Unknown_01: Maybe, maybe music business Marty posted the bail, gave her the money. Like, please, this is my job. I moved across the country to live next to this man. So I control him and make super chat money. Can you get them out? I gotta, I gotta find a way to, to, to grift this as hard as I possibly can before he goes to jail.
Unknown_01: It is it's gonna be especially funny because he has like this crazy circle of people around him It's like regardless of whatever you want to say about him. He could be the worst person on earth I don't give a fuck the people around him are insane and they're very dedicated to fucking with him and when they run out of that content because now he's going to jail because it was one guy
Um, they will absolutely, positively turn on themselves like fucking animals, like hungry, starving animals. And that's going to be funny. That's going to be way funnier than anything that Cyrix has ever done.
Unknown_05: So I'm looking forward to that.
Unknown_05: Uh, oh, okay.
Unknown_01: it is time to wish happy birthday chat you know that sometimes i do happy birthday well i gotta say i gotta say happy birthday to idubbbz's wife anisa joma anisa joma has turned 30 years old and now she says it's my birthday today dirty 30s have begun
And she has decided to kick off her 30th birthday with a desperate cry for attention and help. She is getting a full back tattoo. Only the line art is done so far, but you can see that she. Has walked into a tattoo parlor and said, I will take the ugliest fucking design that you have, and I want my entire back covered in it.
Unknown_01: So yeah, let's let's describe this for people who will be listening on the RSS feed a year down the line when I actually update it So there's lots of fire there's weird symbols that kind of look like curved bones on her on her tailbone and on her shoulders and
there is stars around her neck the specific design of the star looks like a um an eight-pointed star that you would see on like a map i heard to explain but if you know what i mean you know what i mean it's like an eight part and compass type star um
Unknown_01: then there are these very ornate butterflies all over the upper back and there are a couple skulls towards the bottom and between the butterflies and the skulls there is an enormous snake that's kind of wrapped around itself like the infinity logo um i think it's the infinity logo it's like a car logo it's it's kind of shaped like a pretzel and then it has a head
Unknown_01: Or it like rears up as if it is going to have a head but then instead of a snake head There's a giant butterfly that kind of looks the way that it's positioned on her back Makes it look like the snakes head is actually a butterfly It makes no sense. It is profoundly ugly A compass rose someone clarifies in chat. It's profoundly ugly. It looks like shit. It's really fucking bad. I
And yeah, I don't really have much else to say about that except uh, what a fucking tragedy Happy birthday nisa Now there's another There's another one, okay, this is a little bit this is kind of sad, but I think it's also
Unknown_01: She's a prostitute. So I, I'm not going to hold, I'm not going to hold any blows. Amaranth, um, a disgusting whore who started her career pandering to young men on Twitch and then furloughed that, that career into a prostitution career has announced that she has late stage ovarian failure, ovarian failure.
And you may be wondering,
Unknown_01: What the fuck does that mean? You may, you probably every single person listening to this podcast right now have never heard of the term late stage ovarian failure because it is not a term that's used very often.
Unknown_01: However,
Unknown_01: And it's not really a disease. What does that mean? Does she have cancer?
Unknown_01: Are her ovaries exploding? Like the Death Star? Like what the fuck is happening? Yeah, like a little torpedo, like a sperm shoot up in there and then it blew up the Death Star. What the fuck does this mean?
It is code word, chat. It is code word for another more familiar health problem that as a prostitute, you probably don't want to tell people that you have.
Unknown_01: Ovarian failure can be a symptom of menopause.
Unknown_01: Menopause, you may think, don't old women over 40 get menopause?
Unknown_01: Yes, chat, it is mostly a thing associated with older women.
However, it is possible you see a chat to get menopause at a younger age than 40. It's a unusual symptom, but it happens. For instance, if you have your ovaries removed due to a hysterectomy, if you have ovarian cancer, like, um,
Unknown_01: or if you have cysts, both Chantal and Amberlynn, I believe had total hysterectomies and then hit menopause immediately after because they lost their ovaries. However, there's another thing that can cause early onset menopause and complications with your ovaries that you may not know about. This is a little known thing. They don't like to talk about it too much, but it's called breast implant illness.
And it can cause early menopause. It can cause ovarian failure and it can cause all sorts of other vague, painful complications in your body. Um, it is, I believe that they don't really know too much about it and it's a nebulous umbrella term for any complications that they believe are due to breast implants. I think that what it is is that when the implant is added either because of something that leaks out of it or something that I think what it does is it presses on the mammary glands and that affects your hormone balance and then it causes hormone related complications such as menopause and ovarian failure. So what has happened with Amaranth is that
I believe at least. I'm not a doctor. I don't have a diagnostic profile of her medical conditions. However, in my naive, scrotal, augmented brain, I believe that she has had breast implants. Something has happened. And it caused early onset menopause, which in turn has caused late stage ovarian failure. And instead of telling people that she has menopause, because that would decrease her worth to her Coomer fans that financially support her lifestyle of, I believe $1 million a month. Um, she has dressed it up as something tragic that doesn't seem like a direct consequence of her actions.
Interesting chat Fascinating. What's the diagnosis diagnosis? Dr. Moon? fucking deserved it as a sorry if that sounds mean but It's how I feel. I'm so I am earth. I think has personally sent fucking DMCA's to the Kiwi farms Crying about people making fun of her bust-ass nudes.
Unknown_01: I Really? I really detest whores and prostitutes. I really do Just discuss me chat
Okay now we might blaze through the content for the stream that's okay though shorter streams are okay I am unfortunately going to have to cover Something I don't like to talk about which is vtubers. I hate talking about vtubers, but There is a reason why I want to talk about vtubers today. I will show you I mentioned the last time I talked about Rikada and
Unknown_01: One of his Friday fun streams, Friday coom streams involved a guy named Sir Camelot. I don't know if he's literally named, it's Sir Camelot, but like it's spelled Camelot. I think that everyone calls him Coomelot. I don't know if that's like a deliberate thing, but he's like a gross Coomer guy. And he decided to post this picture of a random woman and declare that it was the VTuber Pippa Pipkins.
I have confirmed through my sources that this is not Pippa Pipkins. But that did not stop her undying simp army from descending on this man like a zombie apocalypse, and he has put out an apology, apologizing for ever trying to besmirch the name of Pippa Pipkins by insisting that she had a physical corporeal form, which he could take pictures of.
Unknown_01: That's long and short of that. However, the whole drama got rickada to publish a YouTube video discussing the matter That's two minutes long. Let's take a listen to it Did you guys do you guys see Camelot get in trouble with the vtuber like?
Sims that was funny. That's been very funny So Camelot posted a picture of someone who is not HIPAA and
Unknown_00: And he said, posting this picture, this girl at my house who's definitely not Pippa, taking pictures of my cat. And I have to reiterate, it's not Pippa. I have met the girl he took a picture of. That ain't Pippa. And they went fucking ape on him. It was insane.
And then he made an apology, and they're pissed off about the apology.
Unknown_00: Dude, I've said it. The VTuber community is something else. It is something else.
Unknown_00: I try, when VTubers, we were talking a lot about the Playboard and stuff, and I brought up all of the big VTubers are, all of the top Super Chatters are all big VTubers.
And it isn't even close. It isn't even close.
Unknown_00: It's because the VTuber viewers are something else. Yeah, I think it's funny that Camelot kicked the hornet's nest. It's just, it's like, wow. You know, one of these is a fat guy pretending to be a girl. Man, I wish I was a VTuber pretending to be a chick.
Unknown_00: Get a thing to raise your voice to insane octaves and then just sit there.
Unknown_00: and make tons of money, way more than you would otherwise make.
I could be a lawyer, Chan, or something. Lawyer's son.
Unknown_00: Only lawyer's son. It'd be awful.
Unknown_01: The interesting thing about this is that even I remember offhand that Reketa wanted to have Pippa Pipkin's on his Friday fun streams and her agency FaZe Connect told him no and he really tried to finagle FaZe Connect to allow her to appear on his streams and then I think something happened with his fan base and FaZe Connect to the point where
All of FazeKnight's VTubers are no longer allowed to do anything with any type of... of... LolTuber?
Unknown_01: I could be wrong with that, but I remember that happening. So him coming out and, like, shitting on VTubers, like, oh, VTubers are just fucking whores for, like, anime simp audiences. Like, um... I mean, you were trying to dip your... dip your... your... your... Tostita chip into that sauce, my boy. You were trying to scoop out a little something-something for yourself not too long ago until they told you no.
Unknown_01: Another I'm not gonna blame him. I mean, he's already got the anime toast cheetah chip full of salsa, right, but it's like Trying to dip in the vtuber stuff and it didn't happen Just saying however, there's a reason There's a reason why I played this and it's not because i'm desperate to talk about vtubers or nick rickada Um as many people in chat have noticed
There is a glorious red sun rising in the sky.
Unknown_01: That's right, chat. It's time for the China segment. Now we're going to do a little bit of Sino linguistics. He has on his pack a tattoo of a Chinese glyph.
Unknown_01: And therefore, I invite myself to discuss with you all the Chinese language. I have looked up this symbol and it does not make sense on its own. On its own, it just means anger.
But if it were, as you see here, it says literary and classical Chinese, it means anger.
Unknown_01: You cannot use it by itself. On its own, it doesn't mean anything.
Unknown_01: However,
Unknown_01: If we were to talk, I'm going to sit back in my chair. I have a nice cup of Chinese tea in Chinese, uh, China where from actual China, believe it or not. I'm going, I'm sipping my Chinese tea. I'm relaxed. I'm in my zone. I'm in my element, ready to talk about the finer points of classical Chinese poetry.
Chinese characters may contain a double entendre when used linguistically as a
Unknown_01: Yeah, just f5. I don't want you all to miss my glorious Chinese segment. So we're gonna wait a second I'm gonna set my tea again. Hold up Mmm that Chinese tea wait, I have some Chinese silver over here I can play with real quick as we wait for everyone to f5. Oh, yeah Get a nice shekel here. Can I can I ting it?
Unknown_01: I dropped it. I don't want to drop my silver. Hold on. I dropped it again. Oh
I will start from the beginning. Don't you worry.
Unknown_05: Your chat sounds nice, huh?
Unknown_01: Ooh, the good silver.
Unknown_01: Okay. Everyone's back. Let's begin. Uh, Chinese poetry as all poetry of all languages may contain double entendres.
Unknown_01: That is a word that has a second meaning based on how it's written or its context in the work. So Chinese characters, especially complicated ones, are not wholly unique. They are composed of what are called radicals, which are smaller Chinese characters that compose the entire glyph. In this instance, you can see that in the character, there are three different parts, the top left, the top right, and the bottom. These each have their own meaning. In this instance, the three parts mean from top left to top right to bottom. The top left is woman. The top right is in addition. It means also. And then the bottom symbol means
Sort of collectively your intentions your your heart your mind your thoughts your intentions so together you have woman and intentions, but actually the top character the two characters there are one one symbol they have their own meaning and As it explains here
The bottom symbol means heart, or intentions, and the top symbol, which is two symbols, means slave. And together, the word slave and heart means angry.
Unknown_01: So, he has literally tattooed, the story of this character is that, in the linguistic history of this character, is that a slave woman who was not happy with her master harbored anger. And now, in modern Chinese context, it just means, as a particle, it can mean anger.
Unknown_01: So he has literally tattooed this disobedient slave character to his chest, which is interesting.
That's why you shouldn't, as a white man, get Chinese or Japanese characters tattooed to your skin, because even though it kind of looks like this is the symbol for anger, man, you really don't know the full classical history of that character, where it comes from, what it means, and how it means in a poetic sense when it's tattooed by itself on your skin. And to further cement that this is what this means, there is a Chinese speaker pointed out to me that there is a counterpart which is written almost exactly the same way, but it has a completely different meaning.
Unknown_01: This character has the same two symbols, but then a different one on the top right. It has woman, it has open, and then it has the word for intentions again. So this is a woman who is open, receiving,
Unknown_01: That is her intentions and it is the exact same thing. It literally means A woman who is receiving and actually that third character That's just like a square the glyphs actually try to look like what they represent. So it's open It looks like an open door. The square actually is a modern Chinese slang for blowjob. So the woman
has the intention of a blow job and therefore the symbol means to show consideration for others or to forgive or to pardon. So in the classical Chinese poetry context of this symbol, the slave has forgiven her master and therefore she has forgiven him. And that's the modern Chinese word for forgive. But on his skin, he has the word for anger.
Um, he has not tattooed the, the slave blow job intention. He has shown the slave anger intention and that my friends, my proud Maddie listeners is your China, China, Chinese thingy of the day.
Unknown_01: It's all saying I, I, I have adorned myself with the bountiful fruits of my social credit score. I am not, I do not have a low social credit score. I have a high social credit score. I've been banking my social credit for fucking a decade now. Okay.
A new feature on the stream. Exactly. Right.
Unknown_01: Um, hopefully Riccardo doesn't get too mad at that, but that I'm literally, that's why you do not tattoo Chinese shit on your skin. Cause I mean, he says that like a Chinese person saw his tattoo and gave him like his judge. I think he said his jujitsu teacher saw that he tattooed anger on his skin. I was like, heck yeah, brother. And I don't know. I don't know.
I'm just like, that's strange.
Unknown_01: All right.
Unknown_01: Next to haha next to segment after successful Chinese segment it appears that Attempting to educate my chat on the finer points of Chinese poetry has caused my Firefox to crash So I will actually reload it. I don't think I have any more videos to show anybody so that should be fine That should be okay Now I know
I know how you guys feel about this, right? I've run this segment into the ground. I've done this over and over again. You're all sick of it. You're all tired of it. It's been going on for at least six months. Every day. I just can't go a single episode without bringing this up. And you're all tired. You're all done. However, I have to bring it up again. There have been some revelations.
Unknown_01: I, of course, am talking about Wulfftone.
I know what you're thinking. Josh, I've heard you talk about Wulfftone every single stream for half a year at least. And I know every detail about Wulfftone. I know exactly who he is. I know exactly what you're talking about. Oh, wait, you guys, the USDA segment.
Unknown_01: Who? What? Wolftone? This guy, I've talked about him so much. Don't you guys know? Oh, you don't know. Okay, well let me, for those of you who are new to the chat, who've never watched my streams before, and who have no idea who Wolftone is, let me give you a crash course in his own words.
I mean, he created this situation. He is me. He talked about me for six months, not ever, missing a month on his podcast, more recently, almost every single week. He told people it was fun to fuck with me, and instead of going, well, maybe this A-logging has gone a bit too far, given the fact he's a dedicated and sage member of the site, he just let it faster. I had told him about Maskell calling me a pedophile for years, ever before I doxed myself, and he said nothing. As you saw, he called Noel a pedophile too, and I only assume he's some kind of whale based on him bragging about making $50 an hour on his do-nothing job. This is all his fault, and if his memory is too shit to realize that, he will never be anything but a tyrant, lashing out at his closest allies as he forgets what he himself has done to deserve such consequences. If his memory is as shit as I worry it is, he might legitimately have some form of early onset dementia and should change up his diet and lifestyle, exercising more and playing brain games so that he can train his neuroelasticity upwards.
This is WolfTone. I've never spoken by him on stream before. I've gotten some super chats and I mentioned him offhandedly as having a conviction for throwing a jug of piss at somebody, which is not a fucking made up thing that's actually happened, but let's continue. He attached a song there, I will not be playing that. This, um, is my boy. Uh, I just want to put this out there right now. Wolfton, I have a copy of your face. I'm uploading it to my facial recognition software for my surveillance system. If for whatever reason I ever get docs, it knows what you look like. I will be sent a text message if you step on my property and I will shoot to kill you. I'm just letting you know now you're never allowed to interact with me. Don't do it.
Um, he was booked because I'll save that. I'll save that. I'll save that.
Unknown_01: Um, here's another fun story about, um, me. This is about me. Okay.
He says I'm fucked up right now. I'm fucked up about it right now, but I'll, but I'll, but it'll pass. He, me legit been listening to me over the last year and a half. for better and for worse, and mostly better.
Unknown_01: I've been helping his views become less fucking insane by slowly and deliberately speaking in a certain way consistently, sacrificing my time, earning his trust, and going to the end of the fucking world for him. And it all goes to shit because of this small group of predators, these nasty ass fucks who just sit around and watch movies with their spare time, The old culture of this site is nothing like what the Discord does. What people like Maskull and Justabutt do is learn what's most effective from the trannies and reverse engineer that into weapons to take down everything that doesn't bend the knee to them. I can't believe Gnaw was actually stupid enough to let those faggots have their way, when it will never be enough. I'm just fucking done with caring about what Null does. If the site dies, it dies. For God's sakes, he doesn't even notice them using the same insults on me that have been used on him repeatedly in the past. And I'm not talking about Die Null, whatever faggot culture that was arising from Mocking Kangol. I'm talking about people attributing his circumcision pain with me, when I have done nothing. Say, none, all right, when I have none,
saying I'm his height, calling me a pedophile, et cetera, sick of it, can't even defend himself, let alone the people who go to bat for him. I have never in my life carried a direct conversation with Wolftone in any capacity. He sends me DMs telling me he's willing to give up his entire life to move to Wyoming to be my registered agent, and I tell him, no, I am not interested in your fucking help, leave me alone. And he just keeps insisting. I don't know him. I'm not his friend. I don't talk to him. I don't want to know him. I never went to be friends with wolf tone. Okay. Just in the plainest fucking English ever. I do not take advice from him. Um, I wonder if I have, I think that I might have the screenshot, but I'll bring it up later if I don't.
This I found this he's a criminal history, which I will read In this one he is pulled over in July 2013 and arrested for marijuana charges, so I'll read this it's the police officer writing
Only above time and data, I initiated a traffic stop on a gray Ford sedan bearing Florida tag at the corner of Whaley Road and McGruder Road for running a stop sign. The vehicle came at a final stop on the North Tropical Trail, McGruder Road. I made contact with the driver of the vehicle who identified himself as Mr. Zachary Madden. Also inside the passenger seat of the vehicle is a white male who identified himself as Mr. Nathaniel Matthews. Mr. Madden was just issued a written warning for running a stop sign at the corner of Magruder Road and Whaley Road. I asked Mr. Madden if he had anything illegal on his person, if I could search him. Mr. Madden said I could search his person. The search of Mr. Madden's person led to a clear plastic baggie of green leafy substance inside of Mr. Madden's wallet. I knew based on my training experience that the green leafy substance looked and smelled like cannabis. To fill the test, the green leafy substance tested positive for the presence of THC. Mr. Madden was arrested and placed into the rear of my patrol vehicle.
Next, I walked over to Mr. Matthews, who is Wolfton in case you're wondering, and asked him if he had anything legal on his person. Mr. Matthews lowered his head and said yes to me. I asked Mr. Matthews to hand me the cannabis inside of his pocket, and he did. Mr. Matthews handed me a clear plastic bag containing a green leafy substance inside. The green leafy substance looked and smelled like cannabis. The green leafy substance tested positive for the presence of Mr. T.C. Mr. Matthews was arrested. So, my boyfriend got pulled over at a stop sign.
Officer do hickey or whatever the fuck says to the driver who's on him. Do you have any illegal substance on you? He says, yes, I do. I desire to be arrested. Here you go. Here's the evidence that you did not have before me.
Unknown_01: Um, please arrest me.
Unknown_01: Top arrest him. And then goes over to Wolftown and says, do you also want to go to jail? And he says, yes, officer. As a matter of fact, I do. Here you go. Here's the evidence to arrest me.
Unknown_01: And he was arrested for it, and thus began his prolific career as a criminal.
Unknown_01: Now, this is his latest offense, one that he has been convicted of and is going to face jail time. Wolftone is going away for a year, which is why I found it now is the correct time to actually speak about him on stream directly. I don't have to deal with him for at least eight months.
Unknown_01: So let's read this. This is a much more interesting story.
Unknown_01: Dr. David Matthews, the victim, arrived. Hmm. Dr. David Matthews and his name is also Matthews. Hmm. Oh, that's his father. So keep in mind, victim is his father. Defendant is Wolftown.
Mr. David Matthews, the victim, arrived at the Brevard County Sheriff's Office East Prinksey to report battery. The victim stated the following in substance during a sworn audio statement. He was sitting in his chair this morning when his son, Mr. Nathaniel Matthews, arrestee and defendant, approached him and began to yell at him. During the verbal abuse, the defendant grabbed the victim by the throat and his hands encircled around the victim's neck. The victim believed that he was going to be choked out. The defendant knowingly and intentionally against the will of the victim impeded the normal breathing of the victim. The victim then pushed the defendant off of him using his legs. The defendant then hit the victim on his abdomen, chest, and head with an open and closed fist several times. The victim cannot recall the total number of hits. I observed the victim's person and saw the injuries that were consistent with his statement.
The defendant paused and the victim took the opportunity to run to his bedroom down the hallway. At some point during the physical altercation, the defendant took the victim's cell phone to prevent him from dialing 911.
The victim attempted to close his bedroom door, however, the defendant caught the door and forced his way through by placing his arm in the threshold. The defendant then knowingly and intentionally grabbed the victim by his shoulders and shook the victim. The victim was pushed up against the wall and hit the top left of his shoulder on the wall. The defendant shook the victim and tried to grab the car keys from the victim's belt loop on his pants. The defendant was unable to grab the keys and walked into the hallway. He told the victim that the victim was not free to leave and that he would endure, quote, endure his torture, end quote, until the defendant was done. The victim believed that he would be unable to leave his residence and was therefore in fear
Unknown_01: that he would have to take any action. The cop fucked up the sentence, but I think he's trying to say that the defendant would have to take any possible action to leave the residence.
The victim walked into the hallway several times from his bedroom to see the defendant was still blocking the hallway. At one point, the victim was able to walk down the hallway and go to his vehicle. So this is what he was charged with, which he's guilty of and is going to jail for.
Unknown_01: So, here's the backstory on him.
Unknown_01: In brief, remember, I have desperately tried not to pay attention to this, and I may have to ban absolutely everyone involved, so those of you in the little Discord right now laughing that I'm talking about Wolftone, as has been your intention for at least two years at this point, know that I have your fucking names. I will ban you if you annoy me.
And at first, I was sympathetic to Wolftone. This was my first mistake. I took pity on him. Because there is a user named Maskull, who's a bit of an asshole, and who has been calling him, from what I understand, without any evidence whatsoever, a pedophile for two years. To the point where it caught on as a meme, and I really had to tell people, stop doing this. You have no reason to say that he's a pedophile. It's not funny. I understand that he's like weird, but you really cannot do this. I don't appreciate it.
Unknown_01: And that almost kind of worked, at least for a while.
His issue was that he continued, he insisted, on interacting with this group of people who were fucking with him.
Unknown_01: There is a private conversation between Wolftone and a bunch of other people on the forum that is now 300 pages long. And it has been going on for months and months and months.
Unknown_01: And despite everyone reasonable telling him,
Unknown_01: Please, stop fucking replying to the people fucking with you. He does not. And eventually he doxxes himself because he's talking to a user named sploogies.
Unknown_01: Here is a message, I guess, between them, where Wolfgang says, you're a very strong girl, but you- Thank you, Golden Backjack, for the prime. Thank you. When you're, you're a very strong girl, but you don't know my path because my strength is of a different type and that's okay. Sploogies then mocks him with the, uh, very cool emoji that we have of Tommy was you leaning backwards, laughing and saying, what a story, Mark. Well, if someone replies saying, I guess this really did turn into something beautiful, huh? Glad I could help.
Um, now he has never seen blue cheese ever or no pictures of her. And he says this, but I thought sploogies was cute. I didn't make her post a selfie. I didn't make her talk about herself and how she's blonde and Celtic. I didn't make her be fiery and feisty and cute. Charming. He's never seen her. She makes fun of him. She ridicules him openly on the internet. And he responds by posting creepy ass messages like this.
And it's just truly bizarre. She's Welsh. He doxed himself to a Welsh woman who was openly ridiculing him simply because she was a woman in his head because she's Welsh. She must be some sort of like Viking child, beautiful blonde Aryan stereotype woman. So really fucking bizarre. And then at some point when I finally got it through to him that I am not his friend and I really, really, really do not want to be friends with him. He posted this.
I don't care. Kiwi Farms in 2023 is a dead gay nigger site and all he cares about is shekels. 2022 was a golden year.
Unknown_01: Yeah, the golden year when the site went offline because of fucking trannies. That was a golden year. I remember that year. I was having so much fun in 2022. Let me tell you about it. 2020 was a golden year. Recently, he's ignored all logic. I have no faith he has anything he can do to dig him out of the hole he dug for himself over a decade of being a fat, anti-social, homosexual sadist. That's why I didn't think he'd be like, oh, this is a hot potato. I might be worse off for rolling the dice here, but it's for the best. It's another thing entirely to go So not reddit is for Nazis run by a man who admittedly watching shotgun hentai and wanting to cut a woman to little pieces and rape her until she shits herself and leave her to starve like the sort of stuff that happens here has been happening in Facebook groups the entire time Twitter has moved towards a more free speech situation. We lift news articles from other websites almost everything that's documented is giving freely and next to none of it is actually hunted for I hope no saving because he's been listening to people who fucking need them and Don't give a shit about this website, and I'm done caring if I stay or go. We are the website. Without us, there's nothing here, and I'm done stressing about him and his long-term success. He can either let people speak freely, or he can fuck back off to his fucking hovel and have Shrines hunt him down like the stuck pig because he's too pussy to just shoot them when they come to his house with a knife like Greta and Nina did.
Don't know what he's trying to say here except that he was the linchpin holding the entire project together about his support There's no way that the Kiwi farms can continue on He here's an example. This is not a joke This is an example of something that he attributes to himself as being enlightening information that he gave me That I took from him and therefore I owe him
Um, he says that in chat, he was talking about beer. And since I, of course, I'm not much of a drinker, then surely I don't have an informed opinion about beer. He says that yingling is a good brand of beer. Oh, and yet now Noel says that yingling is a good alternative to Bud light. If you're trying to avoid Anheuser-Busch.
Unknown_01: Oh, he took my advice. He took my advice. He listens to what I say, because I had many great, thoughtful things to tell. No, and now he owes me because we're friends because he said that yingling was a good beer that I agreed on and gave him the information of.
I have been drinking yingling, at least I did when I was in the U S since at least 2016 because the CEO of yingling came out in support of Donald Trump and it caused a huge media circus over, um, over the endorsement.
Unknown_01: It's not like a secret that that's, that's why I, uh, tried yingling was because of that. And he attributes this solely to himself for no reason other than the fact that he at some point mentioned yingling.
There is I mean the term parasocial is thrown around a lot, but he actively calls me his little brother He thinks that we have deep-seated direct conversations. He insists that the things I say that he agrees with came from me paying attention to him and studying from him and
Unknown_01: It's just the most bizarre thing. He's a fucking loser who chokes out his own father. He literally saves his own piss and dilutes it with water and then uses that to water his grass, his yard, because he insists that the nitrogen fixation in urine is good for the grass. And then he caught a charge because he took one of these diluted piss bottles he uses to wash his yard with and threw them at someone that he was having a conflict with.
And he thinks that I have to take his advice on how to run the site. I have to ban people making fun of him, that he does absolutely nothing to distance himself from at all. That he can't stop doxing himself too because one of them just so happens to be a woman that in his head is like an attractive woman.
Unknown_01: And he even said this.
Unknown_01: He has told people repeatedly that he is a co-developer with me in secret on the forum we write that I haven't touched in months now because I've been too busy. He says that he and I work on this together and in fact he has learned the C programming language to work on Sneedfora with me.
Steam 4.0 is written in Rust. It's not written in C. And then at a later point, I talked about a side project, a DDoS mitigation extension for Nginx. Nginx extensions are written in C. So I said I'd probably be writing some of it in C to make it compatible with Nginx instead of using Rust to write a module that currently works with HAProxy. Well, of course, me saying this means, aha,
Unknown_01: Null saw that I was learning C and now he thinks that C is a great language to use too and that's why he wants to use that for his nginx module.
Another big win for the wolf tone.
Unknown_01: it's like not everything's a sign i've deliberately tried to avoid you for the entire time that you posted on the site i don't understand um this like unwarranted sense of self-importance i really don't fucking get it uh and i really hope i i mean i never know what to expect when i have to like finally loudly tell people like no really i'm not secretly referencing referencing you in my streams When someone pays me five dollars to talk about your piss jug, I'm not doing that because I'm enamored with you or obsessed with you or trying to help you or hurt you in any way, shape or form. It's like I really don't know who the fuck you are, and I'm very happy to have it that way.
And so I don't know. Good luck in jail, buddy. I am looking forward to eight months of not hearing about you, but I'm pretty sure that they're going to write you in jail and, uh, I'll still have to see your fucking prison letters like Christian.
Unknown_01: Um, I think that's it. I think that's all that I have to say about Wolfton. Oh, it's not actually, it's not.
I can't believe I didn't put these up on the, um, I wonder if Firefox just didn't download them correctly.
Unknown_05: Give me a second here.
Unknown_05: I may have to ask someone for help.
Unknown_05: Okay. Hold up. I'm going to beg the telegram chat for help real quick.
Unknown_01: Cause there's something I want to show you.
Unknown_01: Okay. They better have this. I don't know how I lost this. I definitely had it pulled up on, um, on the stream so that I could talk about it and I've somehow lost it, but I'm going to have the weapons saved or the gif like a fool.
I look like a damn fool. I think, aha, aha.
Unknown_01: Comp the Polish man has given me the YouTube channel.
Unknown_01: All right. This is him. You ready?
Unknown_01: He's doing some. Oh, you fucker. Did he just delete these all? Oh, I know. They just weren't there. Okay, fine. So here he is. Oh wait, no, that's the wrong shirt. I want to show you this one. Here he is an official Kiwi farms merchandise. And he's about to show y'all how to use a blade. This is amateur Lato six.
Oh, wait, you can't see anything. Oh, yes, you can.
Unknown_01: Damn, that swipe, that could decapitate your dad for sure. That footwork. Try to run into the bedroom, cut your arm off.
I'm gonna start your car when I've cut your belt with my blade. Precisely. So now it's not to not to penetrate the flesh.
Unknown_01: While you were doing prison reps, I was studying the blade. Okay, there's more. Hold on. I actually really enjoyed it. Oh, he's shirtless in this one. He lost his shirt. Let's see. This is a late amateur lato eight.
Unknown_01: He's getting faster boys, I can see this.
Unknown_01: You can shave the arm off your hair from a mile away before you even had time to fucking react to it.
He throws the piss bottle up, he cuts it in half, perfectly executed, it sprays into your face.
Unknown_01: The garden is watered, flowers are blossoming, and you are disgraced. Jarate, he says, as you run away, as you hide from the onslaught of attacks.
Unknown_01: Damn, that's good. All right. Here's one more. He's got his Kiwi farm shirt on. So I want to, I want to see this one too. I got to rep. Oh wait, I want to rep the merchandise.
Did he delete this between right then? Oh wait, there it is. Okay, good.
Unknown_01: Oh, new music.
Unknown_01: Oh, this is intense. He synced it up with the music too.
Unknown_01: Get that pulse going.
Unknown_01: Choreographed.
Practice. Honed.
Unknown_01: Over dozens of minutes.
Unknown_01: The lighting is perfect too, look at that. That's called Kino. That's called Kino when there's that overhead lighting and it casts him in like a perfect downward shadow. Look at the halo, like Jesus Christ around his hair.
Unknown_01: Stunning. If I was sploogies I'd walk the fuck out.
Unknown_01: The Welsh don't have shit on the on the lato like this Don't come out of jail stronger harder faster more dangerous than ever before No, he's subscribed these are public The hot girl council was 2.8. Oh my god. Okay, hold on. Can I can I?
Resubscribe. Okay. So this is he's subscribed to that salmon Ella thing Don't recognize who what is the hot girl council? I wonder I was subscribed to my personal account. That's reassuring Hack dadger, which appears to be a furry channel Who uploads clips from King of the Hill he subscribed to this for whatever reason I
The hot girl council has disappeared. Oh, there it is. What is this? This appears to be an anime, everything the host Cecil McFly. So he subscribed to a, a podcast starring two VTubers. One of which is Cecil and the other is thoughts and opinions who have also heard of in conjunction with the sector.
Unknown_01: Um, and they last uploaded like four months ago. So I guess this wasn't a very successful podcast, but wolf tone is a fan. Let me tell you.
Unknown_01: I'm going blind? Yeah, I guess so.
Wolf Tone warned me to improve my diet and to do neuro-elastic exercises to improve my brain. But unfortunately, I didn't listen to him and now I'm suffering the consequences.
Unknown_01: Sunrise Productions, it's an ELO channel. Kill All Pedos, good choice.
Unknown_01: Matty Archiver, recognize that one. He's a big Cecil fan.
Unknown_05: David Firth, Geno Samuel.
Onion Another furry wolf tone.
Unknown_01: Are you a furry? I think it's been rumored that he's a furry because of course He's a wolf but after seeing a couple of pop you furs in his subscription channel I'm a little bit convinced here the red hawk. That's a holy for channel.
Unknown_05: I think or an eu for channel
Unknown_01: I know you're all sick of hearing about it, the bi-weekly Wolftone segment, but... How are people subscribed to so much shit?
I know you guys are sticking with the Wolftone segment, so thankfully this will be the last one for at least 8 months. Unless he starts writing from prison or some shit, then I might have to talk about it more. I think that might be it.
Unknown_01: You guys are so spoiled now. I can throw a riot. Where's my four hour stream shots. We're used to four hour streams. You can't just sum up everything in 30 minutes again. Fuck you dad. I need my wolf.
Unknown_01: He's a, I think he's getting a year, but, um, you get out with 30%, you get 3% of your time shaved off for good behavior. So he's calculated that down to like eight months, 21 days or some shit.
Fuck would I talk about co-op?
Unknown_01: What purpose is there to talk about co-op?
Unknown_01: Where's my slop give us longer stream Josh, that's true. I do have to do the super chat segment The super chat set shipment may change in a bit I'll let you know because there's been an update and I I
Unknown_01: I may have to change the way that super chats are done. We'll see. I know you guys love the super chat segments, your favorite thing, but you know how it do be sometimes. All right. I will switch it over to show mode.
Um, I'll do that.
Unknown_01: I do have a special, I have a special song. I always say this. I was, it's my book. I have a special song picked out.
Unknown_01: Um, or
Unknown_01: So for sploogies someone asked me to give a shout out to sploogies our Celtic warrior the only person who can match the the blade of wolf tone. So that's the outro song spoiler alert
No, Mr. Fives says fuck their arm and fuck the Mega Man's TMD total Mega Man death. Totally agree. Fuck Mega Man. Let me sit on your face. Josh for five says I've, and yet more confirmation of the porn to trim pipeline. Shadman is apparently becoming shed woman. Also, I guess he's walking free. No, he, um, he's just pretending to be some cam whore. It's like a publicity stunt. It's not real. Okay. I don't know what this is. Let me look through it real quick.
Okay. I don't see anything too bad. Maybe. And that must have 42 or 44 says cat box file.
Unknown_01: Awesome. Let's watch. I'm sure it's great.
Unknown_08: God.
Unknown_06: What? Now, if you see here, got his bags.
Unknown_08: God also hates... Jews!
And... You.
Unknown_08: God hates fags. God hates Jews. God hates you!
Unknown_01: I'm so glad to have the most mentally ill people on earth representing Christianity, racism, anti-Semitism. It's really nice. It gives me a lot of confidence and things. Thanks for the, thanks for the uplifting light pill, my boy. Thank you.
Unknown_01: Hope Urban for 10 says, did Shadman really trune out or is this a hoax? Also, EU4 Kiwi campaign win. Probably never. That sounds like a terrible thing. Paradox, multiplayer is the worst fucking experience on the face of the planet. I already mentioned that Shadman's truning out thing is a publicity stunt from a child predator.
Ed 209 for 20 says, thank you for the streams. I said, hi Josh. Thank you for the stream. Smiley face. I know you're super busy, but if you end up having time to watch a movie, you should check out the new Norwegian movie sick of myself. It's a black comedy character study about a girl obsessed with getting sympathy and attention. I found it to be based and funny. Uh, sure. Maybe I haven't watched a movie in a while. Actually.
I'll I'll look into it.
Unknown_01: I love the sick of myself for anyone who didn't hear me the first time.
Unknown_01: And I'm as surprised as I don't even know what it means. No one knows what it means, but it's provocative. No, it's not. It gets people going. I don't know what that means. I don't know if that's like a quote or something, but I have no idea what you're talking about. Hopefully it's provocative and gets people going.
Unknown_01: Justice Berg for 20 says, sorry, I know I just now got the memo that the prices for videos have been raised. Enjoy another 20 seconds of the soothing tune.
Here is a water's Nazareth, a justice for everyone who enjoys those parts.
Unknown_01: So you get your precious 20, 20 seconds down the drain. Thank you. Rex Novus for five says, glad to hear you sober this stream. I was worried that you were slipping into a Ralph and Mel arc last week.
I don't know why people are saying that I sound like I'm intoxicated. I've not been doing anything different in the last forever.
Unknown_01: Thank you though. Rigorag for 653 says, the KF telegram sure is something annoying about self-doxing retards, attention starved trainees, and now head admins who went to fucks head trainees. KF matrix chads stay winning. Worst things we have are a bunch of weebs who all hate trainees, thankfully, being autistic all day.
There's no difference between a tranny and a weave. Sorry to break it to you.
Unknown_01: Roxanne wolf for five says bark, bark. He be doing the stinful TTD. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I do be trying my best though.
Unknown_01: In the wind for five says herb unbanned stinky doo-doo ape He's a Canadian Spurg who got dumped by Keffel's in real life, and he's fun to rile up Stinky doo-doo ape is one of the guys on telegram that were a moderator and he jumped out at me after I demoted them all so I Don't enjoy his presence in the telegram chat and that's all that requires to stay in Is to be tolerable Sorry to break it to you
Five or five or four for four for five for Finn for five says the best part about playing lighthouse is knowing the bears don't know how to and it's important to play lighthouse remind bears that they aren't allowed to have anything good in life. Hey, that's a pretty good rogue loot. Not that a bear would know. Ha ha ha ha ha. I am pretty sure that's an escape from Tarkov reference. I'm not sure though, I am going to assume it is an Escape from Tarkov reference.
Unknown_01: I don't know the exact, exact mashup of, of those things. I don't have, I don't have the patience for those fucking incident games where you just walk around and you get shot in the head once from 10 miles away. Now you're fucking dead. A little bit too much for me.
Hacks sleep for 10 for 10 hacks sleep for 10 for 10 says says for 10. Are you okay, Josh? It sounds like you're having a stroke. I feel fantastic. And I've never felt as good as I do right now, except for that time where I was thinking about how I feel. I do right now. Thank you. The president of Nintendo provides his brother, Joshua. I know this isn't enough money, but I spent the rest of my money to obtain this footage of Nick or Kata being interviewed by a person of color from his recent trip to hedonism to YouTube link.
Unknown_01: All right, let's preview it.
Unknown_05: See what it is. That's Okay The president Nintendo says he's found some exclusive footage of Nick or Kata being interviewed.
Let's see what he has to say 1988 how many times you say you've been here 40 times 40 times?
Unknown_07: I mean, what brings you to me? He doesn't that many times wild women the wild women the Rippin and the Terran the Rippin and the Terran I
Unknown_01: That's the name of a song. This guy... That's the name of a Doom song, Rip and Tear. I would hate to see this man running around naked in a hotel. He pulls out a chainsaw. He just starts killing all the women. All the hedonists in the hedonist convention. Screaming Rip and Tear! Doom!
That's good Blank for five says what the fuck are you doing dumb neighbor? I don't care how badly you and the rest of security think the HOS is doing you can't just roll up and kill him stop it right now. Oh, this is from
Unknown_01: I thought that this was a reference to Prigozhin and his trailblade to Moscow. I thought that this was supposed to be from Lukashenko, but no, it's the admin boinking you for trying to kill the head of security, despite being a shitsick.
Thank you. Well, you don't have to see a military coup executed on a major global power. A reminder of those. How, how I'll see on days where you could express your displeasure with the elected official by walking into the Capitol. And while I'll spare you the difficulty of rephrasing a fed post, it was better days when you had, um, ways to, to protest your grievances with your government. I agree.
Unknown_01: Numbers for 10 says bury Asia is greater than Tuva link to a YouTube video Okay, let's hear this anthem boy. I better be good Where's the lyrics
I like the two of them one better. Sorry, but you're wrong Now mr. Pony says just saw that the new Anne Frank movie came out. Please watch this Israeli friendly trailer Oh, I love hearing about Holocaust history and Jewish history in general. I would love to see this trailer. Let's watch Potentially offensive content
I don't think that this is an Anne Frank documentary.
Unknown_01: Really good animation though.
Unknown_01: Who made this and why?
Unknown_01: Why do they have like swastika nipples?
Unknown_01: It's like an Anne Frank documentary, what the fuck?
Unknown_01: Okay, the swastika nipples are weird.
Unknown_01: Why is Anne Frank like taking on the entire Vemma by herself? I don't think that's historical. I don't think that Anne Frank like single-handedly came out like it was the Star Wars and fought the entire army by herself. I think that's made up.
Where is Anne Frank 2022? That is strange. What is it?
Unknown_05: Why do they keep bringing, she's been dead for like a hundred years.
Unknown_01: Let her stay dead. Well, thank you. That deadly hollowed for five cents. Can we just get a report of any old tranny for CP? I'm pretty sure there'd be more hits than misses.
I mean, you can try what I would never advise filing a false police report.
Unknown_01: Um, you will take the five meds. Chud for five says, Josh, help. I was getting stalked by some gang members in Southern California and the hospital five Oh five one five owed my ass. And then five, two, five owed my ass because they kept, because clearly getting gang stalked by Mexicans is crazy and soldier talk. Now I lost my right to a gun on a federal level. What do I'm not insane. I'm just a white male.
Move to Montana That is my advice probably can't afford Montana though, it's too expensive these days Bruno for five says a tranny and a feather fall from a tree Which one hits the ground first the feather because the tranny is stopped by a rope halfway Wow
Unknown_05: That's pretty good. Thank you.
Unknown_01: I don't know what commentary I can give. That's, uh, not going to get me put on. I don't know. I don't want to FedPost boys. I do think it's a funny joke though.
Unknown_01: Really eight for five says my name is Josh and my big old Zoloft baby. If you disagree with me, I will shit in my diaper and cry about how you should feel bad for me. But I actually like sitting in my fucking I'm still not in banning you. Sorry.
Cows are cute for five cents. Thanks for inspiring me to eat a pizza while I try to lose weight. I'm down about 10 pounds this month. Well, congratulations. Keep at it, my boy. Enjoy that pizza.
Unknown_01: Ron burger flies is happy janiversary to me. It's been 12 months slaver might please be kind on my annual review and Sum up absolutely go and Francis York Morgan for your audience while you're at it Also, if you only reinstate one telegram mod make it big salad. They have a different decent booba and queef so loud It's incredible that is fucking disgusting. I didn't want to know about that. Um Francis York Morgan an absolute go are silent workhorses and I will leave them out of my affairs because nothing good can come of it Israeli national for Fox's wolf tone is no greatest ally also music request. This is a $5 super chat I should not play this but because we are short on time. I will Play just a little bit of it unless it sucks. I
This is accordion music.
Oh, this is a music recommendation. I'm not supposed to play it. Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. It doesn't sound that good though. I'll listen to it on my own time.
Unknown_01: Thank you. Twinkle tar for $100 says when wolf tone was in Egypt's land, let my wolf tone go. Um, his avatar before somebody changed it to his mugshot, um, was, uh, I think of who are those Muslims in Southern, Southern Russia in the caucuses, Chechnya, it was the flag of Chechnya or something.
So he's not from Egypt. He's from Chechnya, which means that he doesn't have to go home. He has to go to Ukraine to fight a Koya Dante provides and thank you very much Koya Dante for five says yeah copying old tag But April 10 to 16 2023 was really a golden week of the Kiwi farms how I missed that distant past the site culture has really gone downhill since then so much has changed the site has been better than ever since we've gone and
Unknown_01: Off the clear nut. I'm gonna be honest with you. It's been a pretty chill time been lots of content people Who post actually want to pose and it's not just lazy faggot shitting up threads to try to farm ratings But these things will change eventually feel worse Second best for ten says I can't give you mo just say fed in the mirror three times and I'll be right with you Can give you mo just say fed in the mirror three times and I'll be right with you
I don't get it as a joke that you get shot.
Unknown_01: You've confused me with your perplexing super chat. I apologize.
Unknown_01: And in for five says, talk about tourist spots unless you plan on doing it later or something. I might talk about it on Friday, but, um, I don't know. I don't, I'm not particularly inclined to give those people attention. I'll probably wait until they get arrested and then I'll make fun of them.
Unknown_01: Collier Dante for five says that I mean if you're interested in the swatting thing There's a new thread in the Kiwi farms from horse swats. You can find it in the community happening start if you can't find it elsewhere, but That's on you. I really don't want to talk about until I get arrested
Julio Dante for us is that furry channel Holly labs that wolf tone that was subscribed sub 2 is a rapist rune He'd be a low cow if he was more active, but there's not a lot of news about him since the rape in 2014 Way back tiny URL if you think a tranny rape story sounds funny, but it's probably long and dry They call it
So this is a long tumblr call-out post The person who wrote this says that he was raped earlier in the year He was just trying to get physical for the first time again I
Unknown_05: I don't see a... a... a... like a... decent summary paragraph.
Unknown_01: I guess they got raped by a furry though, because they keep going to furry conventions and getting raped.
Unknown_01: Maybe. Okay, here's my suggestion to people, right?
Unknown_01: If you're a gay furry, and you keep getting raped,
Um, stop going to furry conventions and getting raped.
Unknown_01: This is my suggestion to all of you. I hope that, I hope that helps.
Unknown_01: Anonymous for five says, how often do you talk about Ted Kaczynski? I'm surprised you'd never once mentioned his brother. Do you have any opinion on David Kaczynski? I don't know if David Kaczynski is famous for anything outside of being Ted Kaczynski's brother. Um, he has a sellout. He sold his brother out to the feds though. And it was my opinion on David Kaczynski.
Unknown_01: Okay rumble see that one guy's super chat from from way back when Long border 241 the sole rumble Chad for five says hello I think I answered this in telegram, but those monitors and the art piece were all unique moving oscilloscopes Now I'm curious on your thoughts on rhythm games. I'm personally a big fan of DDR and
I have never been a big fan of rhythm games.
Unknown_01: I'm sorry. It sounds like someone drilling into the fucking wall. But, um, the only rhythm game I liked was that one where it's kind of like you're like a surfboard on like a rainbow road that changes as the music plays. And I played that for a little bit, but I was never like super into it.
Unknown_01: And then on honest need,
Unknown_01: Common-filth respecter says Josh Devin stack made a pretty great c-lab 2021 parody Out of that real-life Captain Murphy chuckle head imploding. This is actually funny. So I will show this on screen. I Know what you're talking about I
That was one of the best intro songs to any show ever and it was such a great TV show Retrospect. I think the whole the story behind it was that Somehow the artists behind it had like all this access to old C lab 2020 footage which was like a really like dry serious cartoon about like an underwater research lab and
Unknown_01: It was like a like a kid show but it was kind of like a serious drama which kind of weird And they just took the assets and very lazily spliced it together with like Weird stories and shit and it's just like the most bizarre thing ever made. It was it was very strange A great great intro song though
I'm coming both respect her again for $25 as I also I can't believe you didn't play this absolute classic when talking about ocean gate Okay, that's the last time I'm bringing it up Back to fat women and paws pigs Well, this is like fucked up though Yeah
Unknown_01: It's just a crab dying. I'm not particularly inclined to show this. It's a little bit fucked up.
Unknown_01: Thank you, though Eugene Greenbeard for 14 says check out this interview with the former drummer of a band TD in which died recently specifically at 30 seconds and then again at 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Okay, I'll get a few fucking system as well. Oh 30 seconds, better be good.
Unknown_01: I'm not doing the other half.
Unknown_02: Oh my god. T and D. If I ever change my name,
I'm changing it to Floyd's name. You're actually gonna be performing with with the former Three Dog Night singer Chuck Negron. That's right Yes Chuck and I are doing three songs tonight Chuck and Floyd Sneed Okay, I'll watch the other half then
playing in church every Sunday, you know, so yeah, where can people look at your artwork? You have a website, go to Floyd Sneed calm. That's s n e e d. Good. Thank you for sneak.com. Floyd Sneed drums.net. Who are you excited about seeing here today? Oh, some old friends.
Unknown_01: I'm going to Florida. That's gone. I know it's not I spelled it wrong.
Unknown_05: Florida and seed.
Unknown_05: It's like a park domain Lloyd sneeze gone my man sucks Big F That's funny, there's lots of weird syncratic jokes like that that I've been exposed to
Thank you. Blame Canada for five says what did your door Norse God of wind say when he lost his bag of wind? I can't breathe One sensible chuckle my man good one
Unknown_01: And then did nothing wrong for 10 says a few months back I super chat recommended the book storm of steel by Ernst Junga read it while going through a difficult patch expected just a book about war But really it's about life and being able to put things in perspective and not whinging Thanks to whomever it was who suggested it That was I think the most popular suggestion or one of the most popular suggestions when I asked for a book recommendation Fortunately, I haven't gotten around to it. But that's
Storm of steel by Ernst Junga for those of you who would like to read something. I guess a little bit uplifting Thank you glow-in-the-dark for five says friendly reminder that folks that I'm not your friend You never talk to my lackeys without a lawyer present.
Unknown_01: I Mean yeah, basically I Mean all you have to do is say I plead the fifth and then they can't search you unless he smells marijuana, which I mean he might have but I
That's up to your interpretation Colonel n-word says Josh you believe that Geno Samuels the beginning of me being red-pilled when I graduate high school Christian was just a weird train So I watched the documentary to find out what the fuck happened to Matt for that led me to Maddie which led to Odyssey Devon snack, etc Good for you. I imagine that there's a lot of overlap with that. So I guess the algorithm is really radicalizing people. I
Unknown_01: I just want to say thanks for all the interesting streams and all the suggestions of books and other content creators over the last few years Welcome. I'm glad you found something you said about And that is it
Unknown_01: Under two hours, back in shape, back in form. Um, I do have a special song picked out for you guys, uh, in regards to our Celtic hero who has slayed the wolf tone.
Not to endorse their fucking gay discord bullshit, but it's a nice song. So whatever. Um, I will see you guys on Friday until then.
Unknown_01: Bye. And here's your song. Take it easy.
Unknown_04: Dwy ti'm yn gofio Maxen Dy snid yn ni na bod o Mae mil a chwe chand o flynyddoedd An amser hi hir i'r pôr Oedd Magnús Maximus o Gymru An y flwyddyn 303 An gadael yn genedl gyfan
I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me.
Unknown_06: I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me.
Unknown_04: I have you well in me. I have you well in me. I have you well in me.
Unknown_04: He had a star, my lord.
Hoshged ymys yr wybren a gwythed y dar ar ein cwr Llifed y gler gwan gallon a llyfed y tyog y llawr Erdied y ddwag di ym gwmpas rin i'n barod am goliad wach Ria Mhodi, Ria Mhodi, Ria Mhodi, Ria Mhodi
Unknown_06: E queda pauva pobre, e queda pauva pobre, e queda pauva pobre fiamma ovi.
Unknown_04: Covi univax enuleti,
Unknown_04: And two languages in one song, and a country in the heart of the country. That would be the end of the world, for the work of every great nation, and the work of the great nations. That would be the end of the world, in the language of the Welsh people.
We are Maori. We are Maori. We are Maori. We are Maori. We are Maori. We are Maori. of of