0:00:41 Unknown_12: The sneeder. 0:01:20 Unknown_12: Shoot me with a gun! Unknown_06: Shoot me with a gun! Shoot me with a gun! Shoot me with a gun! Unknown_06: Plug me full of holes, blow my ass away from this earth, riddle me with bullets, assassinate me with pathetic convivora. 0:01:57 Unknown_05: Shoot me with a gun, shoot me with a gun, shoot me with a gun, shoot me with a gun. 0:02:40 Unknown_15: Hello. Hello everybody. Unknown_15: Everyone's already complaining about fucking rumble or odyssey, not, not working correctly. So just in case I'm putting up the rumble chat last second to, uh, to make sure everyone can in the rumble check and also be sneeded. Sneeded. Uh, actually, I wonder if I can make that dark themed. Is there an option up here? Unknown_15: No, there's not. Okay, cool. Oh, and that thing didn't go away. Okay. Wonderful. Excellent. Okay. That's fine. That's fine as it is. 0:03:11 Unknown_15: So chat the underground, the, the, the elite who have managed to find my stream in the castigated fragmented realms of alt tech, the broken and beaten sidelines of streamers everywhere. Unknown_15: Thank you. or coming out of your way, sticking, sticking to, um, avenues of communication to inform you of shit that has happened because YouTube loves to make it so that not only when you are struck, can you not stream and you not upload a video. You also cannot make a community post saying I have been struck. I will not be able to stream, which seems like an extremely punitive measure that only exists to make sure that you can't actually, for that specific purpose, you cannot actually explain what has happened on their platform. Why do streamers always go to Twitter to yell at Team YouTube? Well, is it possibly because you can't use YouTube to yell at YouTube? Maybe. Maybe, chat. 0:03:52 Unknown_15: So, run Odyssey, run Rumble, and to try and reward people for their diligence in searching out this stream, no matter where it may be, I put together something a little bit unusual. I had all my stream notes ready to go, and then this morning I woke up and I decided 0:04:34 Unknown_15: I'm going to do something completely different I threw out all my notes And I have decided to in honor of Juneteenth. I didn't even realize that Juneteenth was a thing I didn't realize that it had been made a federal holiday until people started talking about it yesterday and And I thought, I'm going to do a stream entirely about black locales. So I have gone far and wide to try and find the darkest of darks that I can talk about. Unknown_15: And just in one day, try to piece together as much of an entertaining stream as I can with this last second adjustment. Something that I is very out of league for me because I almost never talk about black people as a look out on my stream unless it's like Drexel or Something I really don't I don't know. So this is something new only for the people only for the the live audience who have gone out of their way to find this shit a stream I 0:05:15 Unknown_15: But before I do that, I will say this. I have no news segment at all. So if you're one of those people who complains about me talking about, uh, the news clips, I have basically nothing to show you. So you can have a golden black back Jack for the prime. Thank you. So if you're one of those people, um, I have good news for you. I have no news today at all whatsoever. I'll save that for Friday. 0:06:01 Unknown_15: Um, Unknown_15: So right off the bat, let's talk about the occasion itself. Juneteenth, what the fuck is it? Many of you don't know unless you have been, unless you're like inside the United States and have been inundated with propaganda from every outlet imaginable. Uh, you've probably never heard of Juneteenth because it was a very regional thing and Texas celebrating the end of slavery in Texas. Now, this is important because it is considered the end of slavery in the United States. It's advertised as the end of slavery in the United States. It is basically a lie. They're literally lying to people when they say that Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. And I will explain why. Here's a little history fun fact for you. 0:06:36 Unknown_15: When, and I'll explain why they have to lie about it too. Unknown_15: When there was the Civil War, which was effectively a war of rights, do states have rights to run their state as they see fit? Or does the federal government have supremacy over all state matters and can it decide everything for a state? The Confederate states, in large part because of slavery, but for other reasons said, states have supremacy and the federal government should be weak as intended. And the union said, no, the federal government should have power to keep the union cohesive. And so they went to war. What people don't know is that several states on the union side practice slavery. Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, and Maryland. 0:07:11 Unknown_15: And it was a really important thing that Abraham Lincoln keep Maryland as part of the Union, despite it being a slave state, because if Maryland went to war against the Union on the side of the Confederacy, that would make Washington, D.C. explicitly an exclave of the actual Union, and it would be immediately surrounded and taken by Confederate forces. So Abraham Lincoln spent a huge amount of his time before the Civil War on both knees sucking Maryland's dick to make sure that they would stay in the Union no matter what. 0:07:58 Unknown_15: Even in like documentaries about him, they talk about how much he had to work to keep Maryland from going to war against the Union. Unknown_15: However, most people don't know this. When the Emancipation Proclamation was declared, it very specifically freed slaves in the Confederacy. So after the end of the Civil War, Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, and Maryland had active legal plantations with legally held slaves for months. 0:08:35 Unknown_15: It when Texas or actually for years after the Civil War ended, Texas was the last Confederate state to free slaves. And that was Juneteenth. Unknown_15: But Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware and Maryland had slaves until December 6th of the same year. And it even says this in the history segment. It talks about how until the 13th Amendment was ratified in December 6, 1865, which is months after June 19th, 1865, 0:09:19 Unknown_15: the Union was still practicing slavery after the Confederacy had been forced to stop. And they don't teach you this. They outright lie and say that Juneteenth is the end of slavery in the United States, even though it wasn't, because they have to make sure that you consider the Civil War a war about slavery and not a war about states' rights, because that is not as marketable for the purposes of their propaganda. Unknown_15: So, Unknown_15: There you go. West Virginia actually, okay. West Virginia has an interesting history. West Virginia was a part of Virginia. However, the people in West Virginia, um, were against slavery and they broke away from Virginia, uh, during the civil war. So up until the civil war, West Virginia and Virginia were just Virginia and West Virginia for, um, uh, moral reasons, I believe broke away from the rest of Virginia to stay with the union. So West Virginia despite being a like a place to see a lot of Confederate flags these days was actually extremely pro-union During the Civil War era 0:09:57 Unknown_15: So, uh, there you go. That's your little history on Juneteenth and how it's complete bullshit. But we politely look the other way so that we can have a holiday in pride month to, uh, kind of post hoc justify the homosexual African progress flag that we wave around today in the United States and put above the United States flag on the white house. 0:10:43 Unknown_12: Uh, okay. So, uh, Unknown_12: Let's I have just two two things. Unknown_15: I want to I want to laugh at this is a safe way in California It is now apparently shoplifting I don't know if this is actually true This is just what I've been told and I know things get like sensationalized quite a bit apparently in California It is legal to shoplift under $900. Unknown_15: So if you walk into a Safeway and you load up on $800 worth of shit and just walk out the door, nothing can stop you except for a steel barricade apparently. 0:11:24 Unknown_15: And so Safeways in California have decided to put up steel barricades. Look at those, look at those fucking like zombie shutters. Unknown_15: whenever I see like the security apparatuses of like modern stores, I think like, God, this is perfect for like a shelter from zombies. Unknown_15: That should be, that would be like a great keyword for a dog whistle phrase for, um, for city folk, uh, zombies. You have to be careful. You have to, Real estate off of the freeways because if shit hits the fan, that's where all the zombies are gonna walk You're gonna have to buy you have to buy some shutters to protect your stores from the zombies Anyways, that's funny. This is also funny. This is from emails Chong dog murderer Check out this clip that he's posted apparently in McDonald's people been up to no good 0:12:10 Unknown_15: The McDonald's people are fleeing. Unknown_15: The barricade is falling. The zombies are accessing the back of the store. The zombies seem to have issues getting over the counter. Nope, they're on the counter now. It's over. Flee the building. Trap them inside and run out the back. Oh, they're putting out the register. Gee. 0:12:43 Unknown_15: See how they're cracking open the skulls to get the brains out? There it goes. Unknown_15: You know how much that register is worth? I've worked in fast food. That register is worth about $200 tops. Maybe if it's been like a really busy day, it'll be worth a couple hundred more, but chances are if it's like a random McDonald's, that's like $200 in that register. 0:13:15 Unknown_15: Oh No all the quarters there might quick look through the quarters that popped out of that register watch watch Right here Unknown_15: And then all the quarters pop out quick. Sort through them. Some of them might be pre-1965. They might be silver. Look for the black toning around the edges of the image. That's how you can tell. 0:13:55 Unknown_15: Quickly. Honestly, what the fuck can you use a quarter for? They're like literally like scrounging for change in the fucking register. That's amazing. Unknown_15: Uh, whatever. Unknown_15: Speaking of McDonald's, Unknown_06: McDonald's is a place to rock. Unknown_06: It is a restaurant where they buy food to eat. It is a good place to listen to the music. People flock here to get down to the rock music. 0:14:27 Unknown_06: Rock and roll McDonald's! Rock and roll McDonald's! Rock and roll McDonald's! Rock and roll McDonald's! Unknown_06: You know what's funny? He's been dead for like 20 years now. He died in like, um... 2003 I had no idea he's been dead for so long cuz like his music The artist is what is Wesley Willis by the way? 0:15:16 Unknown_15: He's all the first person when I talk about His music has been a meme for so long now that it's shocking to me that he's been dead for 20 fucking years at this point his music really has lived on I Got a picture of him. I think I do This is Wesley Willis. He's saying a lot of songs that are very interesting. There's a Unknown_15: One in particular that's called like suck a camel's cock or something. It's a bit strange. Um, but yeah, he'd been making music for like years and years. He has schizophrenia. 0:15:55 Unknown_15: he died of chronic myelogenous leukemia in 2003 and the funny thing about him is not just like his music is like insane it's that the tune that's featured in all of his music is like Unknown_15: It's from what's called a Technics K in keyboard. It has a feature that has like stock beats So if you want to like play karaoke, you can press the button but like all of his music is Uses these same like stock Stock Beats that come off of that keyboard and he just recorded that and put them out and they've survived They're on YouTube on topic channels. Oh, this is the one that I was talking about 0:16:44 Unknown_06: Suck a male camel's dick Suck a hyena's ass Suck a government's cock Suck a snow leopard's ass Suck a rhino's dick Suck a caribou's ass Suck a caribou's ass Suck a caribou's ass Suck a caribou's ass 0:17:16 Unknown_15: classic it's described as by Wikipedia as outsider art here's here's a thing here's a life hack if you see something described as outsider art it means bad unless it's like really funny then it's okay but Unknown_15: I first came into contact with the term outsider art. I talked about this Jewish lady who's constipated from eating cheese way too much, but her art is like horrendous. And she described it as outsider art. And then it occurred to me that that's just the label that they give to people who are really bad. Chris- Chris Chan's art is definitely outsider art like unironically like the definition is just that you're not trained classically to do art in any way shape or form and your your product typically um violates a lot of rules in consideration with art so uh that's a very polite and kind way of saying really bad unless again it's so bad that it's funny as in the case of Wesley Wells 0:18:21 Unknown_15: Anyways, R.I.P. Wesley Willis. Unknown_15: Man, literally ahead of his time. Just crazy. Now this guy I've also talked about quite a bit. I think people have asked in like super chats and stuff, Josh, why don't you make fun of like black people? Why is it always white people that you're dogging on? It's like, well, I can't really think of any black locales except for the white guys fart in my face guy. So I've mentioned Thursday Lane many, many times, but I think I would like to properly play a video from a fan channel of his. 0:18:53 Unknown_08: I'm making this video and I just want to say that I don't care if anybody get the best of me. Please somebody hire me in smelling white guys farts and butts. Please someone hire me in farting male white porn. Please, please I want to get in farting male white porn. I really want to put extra to it. Please. I'm campaigning and someone put me in farting male white porn. Please put me a fart male white porn. Please. Someone hire me a fart male white porn, please, please. Like I said, I work for our work. You can pay me less money and get paid to guys more than me, please. I want to do fart male white porn, please. I want to do fart male white porn. I wish to do fart male white porn, please, please, please, please, please. I want to do fart male white porn, please. 0:19:29 Unknown_08: So Sneed Destroyer 444 says he has muted the stream. He refuses to listen to this. There's nothing that I can say to compel him to listen to this. 0:20:05 Unknown_15: I don't know if he ever got into white male fart porn. However, he did achieve brief notoriety. The threat on him was created in like 2016 and then years later. Unknown_15: Oh, not even years later. He just showed up on Comedy Central. I wonder if that's why we made the thread on him. Unknown_15: But he showed up on Tosh.0. I don't know if that show is still around. It was a Comedy Central show where it's just some dude and he's just reading memes on the internet and looking really smug about it. But he did like a full interview with like a bunch of meme people that were famous from like internet shit. get an interview with Thursday Lane and this is the only clip I can find of this if I try to open that Comedy central.com short code. It doesn't go anywhere all the shit on Comedy Central from YouTube is going I think they just forgot about this clip and have erased any any indication that Thursday Lane was ever on their program, so I Don't have the full clip, but I do want to play this. This is him being interviewed on national television and 0:20:45 Unknown_07: Yes. Yes. Unknown_08: Yes, please. I wish to be a part of fart male white porn. I want to make love with a lot of white guys' farts. Unknown_18: Why are you so infatuated with farts? Unknown_08: It makes me creative when I smell it. It's like a drug to me, almost. Excuse me for being bold. Unknown_18: What about poop? Do you like to smell poop? Unknown_08: Mm-mm. Just man smells and clothes. Do you like burps? Sometimes I don't mind, like, beer or coffee when the guys burp. That's about it. But not onions and garlic. Heck no. 0:21:29 Unknown_18: I'm agreeing with you, not making wishes. Unknown_08: I understand. Unknown_15: So that was the teaser they put out. That's the only evidence that I can find that indicates this interview ever existed. But I definitely saw it in person, like on the television, like when it happened. So I know I'm not crazy. Um, now he said that smelling white male farts is, uh, like a drug to him and it gets his creative juices flowing. Now he has an Instagram account that has been inactive for two years now. 0:22:00 Unknown_15: Um, however, this was the art that he was putting out. I don't know if he ever got hired to be in white male fart porn, but he did eventually start doing drawings and he would sell these drawings on Instagram. I don't know who the fuck was buying them, but this appears to be like his source of income. This is also what you would consider outsider art, I think. I'm not sure what the medium is. It looks like regular paint, like acrylics or some shit. Unknown_15: I really don't know what the fuck any of these are supposed to be. He really has a thing for long legs, like extremely long, silly appendages. 0:22:33 Unknown_12: Crazy. This is the last two videos that he put out. You ready? Unknown_07: Anybody want to buy any of my pictures on Instagram? Unknown_08: My cash app is Mondiego. D I E I. Unknown_08: He's just shilling for this one, too 0:23:29 Unknown_15: And then at some point he talked about how he didn't get coronavirus. I look through these it's just him trying to sell pictures I guess he painted all over his walls and stuff, too I don't know if he's in like an asylum or what's going on here He really loves like tall like it's like the craziest shit Feminine cross-dressers What does that say finales Unknown_12: Soaps high heels shop. He's like obsessed with cross-dressing. Unknown_15: So he's like HSTS, I guess This is probably the first black locale that I can think of his obsession with really long leases like the weirdest shit ever though It's a bit strange. It's a bit strange chat. I'll play this. What's this say? 0:24:11 Unknown_14: Oh There's nothing. Unknown_15: It's just a picture of him that says I love everybody snake and then an elephant emoji cool Unknown_15: All right. That's why guys fart in my face. Unknown_15: Um, now if you thought, okay, Josh, a whole segment on darkies. Unknown_15: Thank God. Thank God. We don't have to have the trune segment. Someone even emailed me this and said, Josh, talk about shrooms too much. I've had enough of this. I expect you to change your ways immediately. 0:24:46 Unknown_15: Unfortunately for that man, I have found a way. I have found a black tranny. Now this one is a reverser. Here we have a black woman who has become a black man. Unknown_15: who still enjoys long acrylic nails apparently. Unknown_15: The black pooner, the plooner, the ballooner. Ballooner is something else. Ballooner is somebody who fucks balloons. 0:25:19 Unknown_15: His name is Caden Coleman or his cross-dressing name. Unknown_15: He was briefly famous for a little while because after these pictures of him pregnant with his second daughter or his or her second daughter came out, it caused a little bit of an outrage. So my daughters and me, and here are the two little girls who are going to be raised by the pooner. Unknown_15: Thankfully, the pooner has a lot of experience also being a woman. So I guess they're more capable hands than like a male to female. 0:25:56 Unknown_15: Um... Unknown_15: He yeah, I keep saying he cuz he like they just passed so much better It's so cruel It's so cruel to the male the females because they already hate women and then when women do the training thing, too They just pass so much better giving them even more reason to hate the hate women So she has like a whole enterprise. I was speaking on Juneteenth. Here we go Juneteenth Freedom Day Juneteenth celebrates the last day of slavery for black people and 0:26:29 Unknown_15: Yeah. Can we get like a fact check on that? I'm pretty sure that's not true. If you are a white person wondering how you can celebrate Juneteenth while honoring black people, please swipe. Oh, I would love to. I would love to know. Unknown_15: Could the, uh, costly what says somehow the celebration of the end of slavery has turned into a vacation day for Hawa folks and a lots of free labor from black capital B black folks. And I'm very confused about how we're all doing Juneteenth y'all. 0:27:01 Unknown_15: Dan Rao says Juneteenth is now being a federal holiday where non capital B black people get to quote unquote celebrate the ending of slavery with a shared day off. When this country is still K apostrophe Ling and disreport and proportionally incarcerating us. So are they mad? That's a federal holiday. Unknown_15: A white Dude, I don't know if that's a pooner says Todd, but Gonzalez says it. Oh, he's not white. He's Hispanic Okay, buddy, if you're Hawaii If you're white and are given Juneteenth off consider redistributing at minimum your day rate backed into the pockets of your capital B black friends and comrades 0:27:50 Unknown_15: and mix Miley who is a non-binary white boy says pay black capital B black activists, especially when you have learned from who you have learned from. I've learned nothing from black people ever in my entire life. Unknown_15: Donate slash subscribe to them, uplift and listen to black voices in our communities and stop talking over them. Sharon shop at black owned businesses, support black artists and contribute content creators and share their work. Unknown_15: Robert the Low Vibrational Contemplationist. That's a pretentious name. How can I as a white person celebrate Juneteenth? Beloved, I won't even hold you. Reparations. A thread. Oh, this entire thing is just give money to black people. 0:28:32 Unknown_15: White folk, keep in mind on Juneteenth, while you may have the day off and the ability to attend a celebration that eases your what guilt and denies your complicity. I'm complicit for slavery. I've never been honored before with such amazing credentials. Unknown_15: Many black folks will spend the day working to survive pay reparations The trauma of enslavement has been carried by african-americans through the ages as a result african-americans today have suffered psychological and emotional injuries and adopted survival strategies to cope such as such as Destroying a mcdonald's and breaking open the register looking for quarters. Oh, he's asking for money 0:29:14 Unknown_15: So the whole thing isn't just give black people reparations. It's give me reparations. Give me reparations. Okay. Okay. Caden funny. Unknown_15: Um, and we have, we have so much to be thankful for with Caden. Cause I want to show you, Oh Jesus, not going to load. Unknown_15: I might have to... Firefox has been having issues with this when I was preparing for this and I thought I had fixed it. 0:29:50 Unknown_15: But I may be a little bit fucky-wucky here. Let me turn this off real quick and I might have to reboot. Oh, I'd be super pissed if I have to reboot this because I have the video like preloaded and everything. Unknown_12: Yeah, I might have to actually. Unknown_15: Well, I'm doing this. I'm going to take a little detour. I'm going to complain about something. Ooh, wait, no. Unknown_15: Nope. It's still fucked. Okay. I'm going to complain about something. Oh, oh, it loaded. I just had to close Instagram. 0:30:22 Unknown_15: Awesome. Unknown_15: Okay. So this is Caden dealing with an, with a hater. You're ready to see how Caden deals with a, with a hater. Unknown_10: Um, I felt like this needed to be addressed. So as you can see in this, um, picture right here, um, Sarah Pete, um, decided to go under the posts that I posted today, um, about transitioning and say this, you are a woman. Sadly, your poor child will be as messed as you are. 0:30:57 Unknown_10: So I clicked on Sarah's page, and she had her full name there. And I went to Facebook, and I found Sarah's page, which is right here. Let's put some eyes on Sarah, too, right? I mean, some of these things. Unknown_10: And so after looking, I can see that she is a nursing assistant at RSL Life Care. Unknown_10: So I said to myself, self, how long are we going to sit back and allow these trolls to come behind these, to come behind these posts, behind their screens and say whatever it is that they want to say. 0:31:51 Unknown_10: Like at some point we have to be Unknown_10: We have to stop trying to be the bigger person. So what I will be doing is I will be reaching out to RSL Life Care because I feel like as a nursing professional, assistant, medical worker, whatever the fuck, Unknown_10: You shouldn't be in this line of work if you're going to be saying shit like this. So after I tagged her in my story and let her know that I would be contacting her place of employment, she then sent me this. 0:32:34 Unknown_10: Sarah, instead of apologizing, she decided to act like it wasn't her. like somebody was just perusing through her page and come across my page, follow me. Because in order to comment under my post, you have to be following me. So she followed me simply to say what it is that she said, and then tried to talk in third person and pretend like it wasn't her. Unknown_10: Do you really think it's okay to affect someone else's work because of someone's opinion and not the actual person? Sarah has a different opinion than what I have. I'm just bruising through her Instagram and Facebook. 0:33:13 Unknown_10: Okay, Sarah. Unknown_15: And then, um, he says he's going to contact them or she says she's going to contact her job later. And he does. Unknown_15: He put out this statement saying this is how I will be handling trolls from now on be warned stay vigilant My kids are always off limits Sure, and if you'd also like to contact replacement employment the information is in my stories Love y'all and then disco says that he contacted her job and also got a reply saying that they were investing in that So for sure she got fired for that Because there's no way that any company is gonna deal with a bunch of trunes harassing them and not fire you 0:34:00 Unknown_15: Just the state of the world as it is Now the question is am I going to be able to get Firefox to continue to work Or is it just in a broken state now? Yeah, I'm gonna have to reboot it I'll spare you guys the trouble So Unknown_12: One of the things that Caden did immediately after becoming a little bit e-famous due to the controversy, you know, the regular, the regular rigmarole with fucking Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder, you know, griping and shit and giving them a platform. 0:34:43 Unknown_15: Is Launch a Kickstarter for a children's books called dads give birth to Caden's other name by the way is The seal the seahorse Papa or Papa seahorse and he she calls female to male fathers mothers seahorse dads Unknown_15: By Caden Coleman 365 backers $16,000 now chat. Unknown_15: I happen to have access To the book. Would you like to read? Dad's give birth to by Caden Coleman Would you chat? Would you be interested? Well, guess what? I lied. There isn't a book Unknown_15: the last update was last year around uh almost over a full year ago to let you know that the book is not being progressed on because the original illustrator has backed out for some reason um so 0:35:51 Unknown_15: There is no book. They got $17,000 almost to create a small kids book like a kids book is what like 10 pages cardboard thick pages with cute little illustrations easiest fucking thing in the world to make if you have even a little bit of integrity in fulfilling this pledge and Caden has never completed it Now that's not the only fundraiser Unknown_15: Of course, once that gravy chain starts rolling, it never stops. When the second baby was born and she was getting threatened, quote unquote threatened, by conservatards, she made a GoFundMe for legal aid. And as far as I know, Caden has never sued anybody. So this was another 20 stacks, 20 big ones that went nowhere except to his pocket or her pocket. God, it's really fucking, I mean, look at that beard, man. 0:36:25 Unknown_15: So there you go. Unknown_15: Nothing of value produced. I don't think they put any, oh, here's an update. So this was in 2020. Unknown_15: Hi everyone. Actually, so this is a reverse order. He does, uh, she did the, uh, $20,000 go fund me for, um, after they, after the news broke and then she double dipped and got another 16,000 for the kids book that never got made. 0:37:17 Unknown_15: Um, people have donated so far. I have been researching and reached out. It turns out a lot, a lawsuit of this magnitude, five cable and quote cut it. So let's charge ahead and see what we can come up with. No updates ever. Unknown_15: So she looked out found out that a taking something to trial is $75,000 and then Like yeah, you know what nothing's bad actually happened. Unknown_12: So who gives a fuck? Unknown_12: However In case you were wondering what sort of 0:37:51 Unknown_15: Uh, amazing platitudes would possibly be inside a book by a seahorse dad, uh, for children to read. Unknown_15: If this video would like to buffer in time, I would love to show you. Unknown_15: However, it may not, but you have to wait. It's trying to chat. You see it. It's inching along to progress. All right. I think it's going fast enough now. Unknown_10: Hey journey. Did you know that daddy's trans? Unknown_10: Did you know that daddy's trans? 0:38:31 Unknown_10: Do you care? Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_10: You do? How much? A lot? Unknown_04: A lot. Unknown_10: Did you know that daddy has a vagina? Unknown_04: Vagina? Unknown_10: Yes. Unknown_12: Oh. It have vagina? Yes. Unknown_12: Oh no. Yes. Oh. Okay. Good talk. Unknown_15: good talk now i can post this to tiktok and get likes for it or instagram and get likes for it i figured with all the news lately that y'all could use a little pick me up oh this is this is great i'm so happy i love i love this shit it makes me it really bottles my anger 0:39:18 Unknown_15: I did a few days ago, this is from a live I did a few days ago where I, where someone asked if I think she's confused about me being trans. We'll listen to her reaction. She's two in this, I think. Unknown_15: A two year old. Unknown_15: And this other video is about how in Texas they read at this point in time they redefined sexual reassignment surgery as a Opt an optional cosmetic surgery like liposuction or you know, whatever plastic because it is a vaginoplasty is a plastic and And they just said it's a cosmetic thing, so it shouldn't be covered by health insurance in Texas. And this is, of course, transgenocide. This is stopping trans folks from having access to necessary life-saving care, which he needs. He also got really pissed off at this white boy. Says, me, uses the term Papa Seahorse instead of Seahorse Dad, Papa Seahorse. them white trans mass call me papa seahorse me names my serious transgender trans agenda time them white male white trans mass names all of their shit the trans agenda annoyed isn't even the word trying to figure out how to navigate this shit without being the angry black man is absolutely infuriating well don't worry you're not the angry black man you're an angry black woman which is perhaps even worse 0:40:46 Unknown_15: I'll be at less violent. Unknown_15: It is kind of funny. I mean, it's, it's not like these things are, are creative at all though. That's just like the bottom of the barrel. Like the first thing that jumps to mind when you are playing around with these concepts. Um, so it's completely conceivable that this evil hot boy that's done did stole all her hard work profiting off the labors of the black Americans. Unknown_15: Uh, simply did so by accident. What do I know though? Unknown_15: I will play this, I wanna see her cry about shit. 0:41:17 Unknown_10: Everyone, so I'm a bit under the weather, so please excuse me. Unknown_10: But this couldn't wait. Unknown_10: How many of you have heard of the bill that is trying to be passed here in Texas where I live? Unknown_10: The SB 1029 bill. Unknown_10: Basically, what the bill will do is it'll make it so that Unknown_10: Anyone, and I mean anyone of any age, will be banned from receiving gender-affirming care. 0:41:54 Unknown_10: That's surgeries, hormones, sterilizations, all of it. Hormone blockers, all of it. Unknown_10: What that means is that people like myself, I won't be able to get my hormones that I get. The reason, what's the reason they say in the bill? They're saying that there are surgeons that are pushing bottom surgery and top surgeries as ways to fund their clinics. and because of their push for these surgeries, that's why people think that they're trans. So basically they're trying to say that because of this push by surgeons, people are starting to believe that they're trans and are getting this surgery just because of the push. And it's really that we don't want these surgeries, it's that surgeons are pushing them so they can fund their clinics. 0:42:43 Unknown_10: So the only people who will be able to receive any form of hormone replacement therapy or like hysterectomies or sterilizations or things like that are people who are deemed to not be trans or people who are intersex and need those types of surgeries. So basically they're saying that you have to have your chromosomes checked and your chromosomes have to be in alignment with something that would say that you need that care. 0:43:23 Unknown_10: This is scary. Unknown_15: Okay. What the fuck is up with the lighting? This is like the most grotesque lighting imaginable. There's something about like the purple and black skin, which is just so hideous. Unknown_15: And it's, it's weird because it's like etho lighting. Let's just be a man. Men don't like lounge around with etho lighting on what the fuck are you doing? Uh, whatever. Unknown_12: I'll stop it there. Unknown_12: Good on Texas. Unknown_15: Now we've heard this age appropriate talks. Um, he, she has a podcast called we don't owe you shit. And the most recent episode was June 14th. 0:43:56 Unknown_15: Um, this year, so just a little while ago, Unknown_15: Called age appropriate conversations with children as a transgender individual. I have not listened to this I don't even know if I can play it on Spotify without having being signed in. Oh, yeah I can't But in case you're looking for new podcasts to add to your material list, um, we don't owe you shit is available I can't play any of these can I without uh 0:44:40 Unknown_12: Without having DMCA, that's fucking gay. Unknown_12: Oh well. Unknown_15: Maybe I'll look into it if I'm bored at the end of the episode and we'll look at it. We'll try to hear the wisdoms, the pearls being said. Unknown_15: By the way, Kaden has found their forum thread, it's from months ago, so it's not too recent, saying, someone took the time to write an entire thread on some random ass site about me, misgendering me and calling me an n-word with the hard er, making up lies and all types of shit, lol. What's hilarious about it is that 0:45:15 Unknown_15: It is the sheer amount of work they have put into it. They said I make fake pages and message myself that I shipped my oldest daughter to a different state, that I probably have more kids, huh? Oh, and they're currently on a hunt to find my dead name. That shit is hilarious. All I'm gonna say is happy hunting. Unknown_15: So then within 24 hours, of course that people found her birth name I Was sorry in 10 hours as the feature violin says so within 10 hours they found out that Caden's birth name was Kalilah Kalilah M Dennison and I don't think that she was happy about that. I 0:46:01 Unknown_15: This is her TikTok. Unknown_15: She still puts out videos every day. For whatever reason, they're not very successful. They get at most like a thousand views, which on TikTok in particular is fucking atrocious. Like, I think my videos get a thousand views. Unknown_15: The sound bite that I put out of Chantelle slapping her gunt on the table. Unknown_15: how to deal with internet. Oh my God, this is brand new. This is like, this just came out like less 47 minutes ago. Okay, here we go. I want to hear how to deal with trolls by, by Caden. Here we go. I'm fucking hype. This is, this is my, the most excited I've ever been for a tick tock. 0:46:32 Unknown_10: If you want to learn how to deal with trolls, then this video is for you. Unknown_10: One of the main things I get asked is, Caden, how do you deal with trolls? Because if you've ever been on a live with me or just taken a gander in the comment sections of my videos, then you know that trolls are a plenty. 0:47:07 Unknown_10: One thing I will say is that I've been having a social media presence for 10 years now. I went viral back in 2015. Damn, wait, hold up. 10 years? Unknown_15: So it took you 10 years to get 76 views, literally less like two views a minute after publishing your TikTok. 10 years of hustle and grind get you this, huh? Unknown_10: Back in 2021, and I've been going viral ever since. So I am no stranger to trolls, but hopefully I can help people who are maybe new to this or are a little more sensitive or whatever. 0:47:45 Unknown_10: So first things first, if you are a part of a article or a video or anything like that that goes viral, do not, and I repeat, do not. Unknown_15: I think those eyes are contact lenses because black people enjoy stealing white people features all the time. Unknown_10: Read the comments. Act like it doesn't exist because as far as you're concerned, it doesn't. Unknown_10: Other people's opinion of you is none of your business. Unknown_10: The second thing is realize that only people who truly do not like themselves or see something in you that they envy are going to go out of their way to try to say malicious and hurtful things to you. 0:48:30 Unknown_15: I love myself. Unknown_15: And there is absolutely nothing in this chick's life that I'm envious of what this is such a cope. No, but if only people who are jealous of how amazing and strong and beautiful you are would ever say anything negative about you. Criticism doesn't exist. Anyone who's like being mean, I mean, pants, that'd be the stupid dollar. It's just a fucking chant house is the same thing, too. Like, oh, you wouldn't you wouldn't say anything about me unless you're jealous of my my beauty and humor. Like, who the fuck? Like, I'm making fun of Leslie Willis and shit, too. Am I jealous of his musical talents or his leukemia? What am I jealous of? 0:49:03 Unknown_10: Those people do not like themselves. They are not happy with themselves. They're miserable. And thusly, they feel safety behind the screen. And they are bullies in a way that they would never be to your face. Unknown_10: Once you realize that it's so much easier to not internalize the things that's true. Unknown_15: That is true. It is like a woman brain thing because it's like, who is saying this? 0:49:38 Unknown_10: The woman had to deal with none of your business. Do not read the comments out like themselves. And there you are. Unknown_10: So if somebody calls you fat, it's probably because they can't stand that you're so confident. Unknown_10: even though you don't fit societal standards of what a nice body should look like or what a confident person should look like. Unknown_15: If someone says you're fat, it sounds like that means that they're fat. Like, or does it mean like, is it true? Not like, are you not fat? If someone says that you're fat, does that mean like automatically that you're not fat? 0:50:11 Unknown_15: Like, no. Oh, you just don't fit into my standards of beauty. Okay. Unknown_10: I got you. Take it as a compliment. Unknown_10: If you are trans and somebody goes out of their way to remind you of the gender you were assigned at birth, that just means they can't stand that you're so comfortable in yourself because they're not comfortable in themselves. People cannot stand to see people living their lives unapologetically while they're hiding parts of theirs. 0:50:50 Unknown_14: My last- I don't like seeing you involve kids in your weird fetish lifestyle. Unknown_10: Tip a lot of people aren't gonna like. Troll the trolls. Unknown_10: Trolling the trolls is one of my favorite pastimes. If you've ever been on a live of mine, then you know every once in a while I have to troll a troll. Unknown_10: And I will say this, honestly, the best thing to do is to ignore them. The best thing to do is to ignore them. Unknown_15: But I am, they're going to, I am, I am a fucking monkey. And if I see something that I don't like, I want to chimp out and try to get them fired from the job as a petty act of revenge. 0:51:25 Unknown_14: What a great, what a great piece of advice. What sage wisdom by Caden X official and so glad that their mother, they have to pass on this fucking bullshit to their own kids. Unknown_10: If you want. Unknown_15: Okay, let's get him. That's hit her, uh, tick tock and run a thing called trans agenda time. And we don't owe you shit. They talk about how white man, we don't owe you. She trans cisgender folks. We don't owe you. She, uh, so the other person, another person that I have lined up to chit chat a little bit about, 0:52:04 Unknown_15: sky williams sky williams i have talked about on podcast before um i i don't think i got into depth about what sky williams was up to sky williams is now thoroughly cancer you can cancel that cancer Unknown_15: He was canceled About two years ago. I want to say in 2020 and he's trying to like touch his toes back into the the world, but you can see that his views are like completely tanked and There's just not much going on with them so Unknown_15: I tried to do as much digging as I could in the few hours that I had to assemble my stream and this is what I got out of it, but before I talk about like what happened I want to talk about That I knew him So these are his latest videos and you can see that he got canceled he did a statement video it's over an hour long I'll spare you that then his update is his update is like I think a full year after maybe six months after that he basically comes back and says my life is completely ruined I'm super depressed. I want to kill myself, and I don't have any good news. Sorry Which is a little bit sad, but whatever you won't feel bad for him in a little bit if you do feel bad for him 0:53:02 Unknown_15: He is famous because he was the premier League of Legends content creator on YouTube for a period of years And this is why I know him at his peak in like 2016. He was a black gay youtuber who had a squeaky clean image and I think that he was like put up by riot games directly as like an ambassador of their of their product He was welcome to like their big events. He was a caster for Not only League of Legends, but also for smash. He was a big big into smash which spoiler alert He was big into smash so you can probably guess what happens in the story But yeah, he was like a it was like a doll that they love to prop up on everything and his videos were super super 0:53:48 Unknown_15: Positive and I actually liked a lot of his videos they helped his main advice is that when you're playing the game Realize that it's like a game and don't get angry like even if you really want to win and you know that somebody's fucking up for you don't get angry there's no point and It's true. It's completely true that when you play these stupid fucking games where it's like 5v5 be it like overwatch or Paladins or League of Legends or Dota or smite or whatever the fuck? It's best not to like get so emotionally invested because it compromises your judgment and makes you play worse And that's what it was good information. And that's why he became so popular And some of his videos were a little bit funny, but they were never as funny as donkey And if you don't know who donkey is donkey is a video game critic who was at a certain point in time mostly responsible for League of Legends videos and He quit making League of Legends videos after riot games banned him for Banned him for being toxic and then he just he does like regular video game Videos now and they're much better than League of Legends videos. So he donkey dodged like two bullets 0:55:17 Unknown_15: At once number one he got out of League of Legends when the Giddings was good he made his like Start off a League of Legends and his videos are way funnier than skies and you could tell that skies comedy stylings were just supposed to be Dunkeys videos, but with him and he's not as funny. The other bullet he dodged was sky Williams. I Unknown_15: He, um, Dunkey and Sky were friends, close friends that met up in person at different, like, conventions, and also collaborators on videos together. And at some point, um, something happened. Nobody knows exactly what happened. Dunkey has never said a word on what the fuck happened. But at some point, Dunkey completely cut Sky out of his life. They were no longer friends, they didn't follow each other on Twitter, they didn't meet each other at cons anymore, and he stopped showing up in his videos. Nobody knows why that happened. However, because Sky talked about it, it is assumed that Sky Williams, being a gay black man, hit on Dunkey a lot, like sexually harassed him. Dunkey is married, and it is believed 0:56:24 Unknown_15: Based on what sky has said that it was her Her request that donkey cut sky out. So That's that's the rumor it's unsubstantiated and it's just based on what sky has said, however, it's pretty probably true because gay men covet straight straight men and especially straight white men, especially straight white men's farts and The other part of that that kind of substantiates it is that women are exceptionally good judges of character they can they women have evolved through millions of years of Being raped to really be good at sussing out Dangerous people which is why Incels complain about how women say they have serial killer vibes they have that sixth sense and she probably got like oh this guy's a creepy weirdo and 0:57:19 Unknown_15: You should probably not talk to him because he's bad news and thus miraculously Dunkey cut ties with Skye in in 2019 or earlier and He was saved the 2020 fallout of what happened to Skye Williams so Unknown_15: I will talk about that now. There are two gigantic enormous Google Docs which I could go through in detail. However, I will sum them up extremely succinctly the first sussy baka thing that Skye Williams did that came out as big drama was that I want to say that he's from Seattle and when he was at his peak and He bought like a man, he bought four different houses in Los Angeles and he moved a bunch of competitive, uh, smash pro players to Los Angeles and they lived together in these houses, but they had this weird cult of personality around sky. They were even called like sky mansions. 0:58:17 Unknown_15: And apparently he had really strict rules about, um, number one, you never wake him out up ever. Number two, you don't, um, bring guests to the house without letting him know. Unknown_12: And there are. Unknown_12: There were some screenshots here. I actually, do I have, Oh, I have them as files on my computer. One second. The fuck is this? Unknown_12: How do I turn this off? I don't want to see that. 0:58:54 Unknown_15: Sky on house rules. So this is a messages I think sent to the group chat of the sky Williams mansion saying Unknown_15: I'm not going to name names at all, and I will keep this vague. If people therein would like to confess, I don't mind. My goal isn't about any individuals. Unknown_15: I saw a guest today. A guest I was not warned about in any facet of media with no receipts. Between the hours of 6am to 10am, I will be breaking something of value in each of your rooms as I have clearly instructed from the house meeting. 0:59:29 Unknown_15: I can get $350 cash, no PayPal, no Chase quick pay on my desk and to me before 6 a.m. This is no, there are no exceptions. So his rules is either you pay me cash or I will break $350 worth of material in your room as a retaliation against all of you because one of you have brought a guest to my mansion without informing me that you would be doing so to begin with. Unknown_15: This is the follow-up. He says hide your valuable things if you must but I'll find a way best of luck to all of you I'll be here waiting there should not be any questions as my words are direct and clear Nobody is exempt not even people who pay rent you may visit you may physically stop me But if I feel like I can't beat your ass in a fight I will just call the police and have you escorted away, and I'm sure you know I'm not kidding anyways 6 a.m. $350 1:00:27 Unknown_15: So these kinds of things leaked out when they started talking about the Sky Mansion and how he had favorites and they paid less rent and so on and so forth. Unknown_15: That is the funniest element to this. Unknown_15: There is this video. This video I took some notes from and it's by another Blackie. So in honor of Juneteenth, I will just let him speak for about two minutes, I suppose. Unknown_15: Do it right around here. This is, he reads the super, the messages that I just read and then he discusses them. And what's funny is that he's really black about how he talks about this. So I'll let it play. Cause that's also funny. 1:01:05 Unknown_01: Like this truthfully, I'm so angry over this. I've been angry over this screen cap for weeks. All right. It's like, you won't come in my room and destroy my stuff. I just want y'all to really think about this. Right? Say you went out, you got something, you bought something, let's say it's a camera lens, it could be a graphics card, and somebody else bringing someone in the house, they have activated this rule in Sky's mind that he made up on the fly, talking about breaking something until he gets some money. and you got this brand new graphics card. I'm not gonna say it's nothing too expensive. Let's say it's a used 1070, okay? So probably like $400. He comes in, he beelines for the first thing he can see, which is the graphics card on your bed. He takes it in his just nasty hand and he spikes it because somebody else brought someone in the house. I don't know about you, jaws are being cracked at that point. Now and and the thing that really bothers me when I see this is I can tell it's sometimes right when I get online you can tell who's never really had an ass whooping in their life like somebody really put pause on them pause on them or put the fear of life into them because certain behaviors they get when they finally get a little taste of power and the way Sky Williams we're not talking about like running a page or like your online thing. We're talking about how you're treating another human being in real life. And when I'm seeing things like this, it really makes me take a step back. It makes me look around the room on some Pulp Fiction shit. And it just makes me ask, so nobody going to just crack this nigga's jaw? Somebody really came up out they pocket and gave him 350 over somebody being in the house. Hell, and you know what's crazy? I try to be a reasonable guy. I'll meet you halfway. If Skai said, like somebody went in Skai's room when he went out and they broke his shit or they stole some stuff, I would be like, you know what is a little excessive. I would be on some P Diddy. I'm shutting the studio down type shit. I don't know if I'm gonna go directly break people's stuff, but I will understand the frustration. Cause it would be some eye for an eye type of mentality. 1:02:48 Unknown_01: This is, I've never seen anything like this before. Okay. I don't, I don't, I, if it weren't for the fact that it's a YouTube video, what I would say would just be way more aggressive, but I can just tell, you know, big sky smoking high till a nigga die hasn't really had his shit clocked before. He hasn't been cracked. And then it's the level of bitch assness that I don't think it's off the charts. Actually, we really have to just break it down. The level of bitch assness is off the charts because if you think the nigga can beat your ass, you're going to call the police on him. That's an appropriate response. So it's OK for you to destroy my stuff and be on some dictator stuff on some. What's the name of that show? If I was a show, what show would I be? The House of Flies is what Lord of Flies, you're Jack, I'm Ralph, it's okay for you to be Jack, but let me not defend my property. I don't know, I don't know how other, I gotta ask the audience, how would you guys feel about this? Because personally, in my opinion, his jaw is getting rocked, bro. The type, the level of ER gene that's coming out of me, right? The level of melanated, like my, the melanin in my system is reaching so, a level of capacity that's so high. You know what? I'm gonna just leave it alone. I'm gonna leave it alone. We're just gonna move on. We're going to take a look at how he scammed a bu- 1:04:34 Unknown_15: So he said, he spoiled it just a little bit. There is a scam at play. And this is what became really big news. Like even outside of like the fighting games, like a legend community about sky, um, is that he took other people's money to buy those mansions, the four houses. Unknown_15: and this comes from these people. Unknown_15: By everything that I've been messaged about and confirmed so far, it says at this moment, $359,000 in a five year span. So someone asking, Jesus Christ, how much fucking debt does Sky Williams have at this point? I've seen four people say that Sky owes them over 10K. So the totality of money that he personally grifted from individuals with large dollar donations Was over a three hundred thousand dollars to put that into perspective the amount of money that trans lifeline Directors Greta Gustavo an inchable inured from their charity was like three hundred forty thousand dollars So sky Williams single-handedly by the sheer clout of his League of Legends career alone 1:05:10 Unknown_15: and also the pity story he gave people, managed to source more money from individual donors over the course of five years. 1:05:47 Unknown_15: Now, what did he tell them, I wonder? He told them, and in this case, he managed to get $55,000 from this guy called Spencer Samuelson. by saying that his father had cancer and that he was in debt to the IRS to the tune of $55,000 because he had not been paying taxes while giving his father money for his cancer treatment. However, when the stories came out, Unknown_15: That he, um, was not only doing extremely well that he had this mansion and that he had been taking money from all these people and that his father did not have cancer. Uh, Skye Williams is famous response as to why he lied about his father having cancer was that, um, 1:06:27 Unknown_15: this. His dad never had cancer. I repeat, he made up the story about his dad having cancer as a way to manipulate someone he calls a good friend into giving him money. The excuse he told me was that his dad lied to him about having cancer and instead used the money on a cosmetic surgery for his penis. I am not joking. This is the excuse he has used several times. He literally claims that his dad stole money from him to get BBC surgery and penis enhancement surgery. 1:07:12 Unknown_15: This is what he told all of the people who he had borrowed money from to finance his lifestyle. Unknown_15: I don't know if that's true, um, but the bottom line was that he was taking other people's money using cancer diagnosis as a deceptive front. And then later again, lied and said that I presumably lied and said that his father had stolen money from him, um, to get his penis enhanced several times, I guess, to the tune of $359,000. 1:07:54 Unknown_12: The other final thing that was kind of like the last straw was that while inside and this is an enormous Google Doc I will not read it. Unknown_15: I will sum it up very very Very succinctly for all of you This is also now been deleted by the way, so this archive was a hard to find someone had to find it for me sky Unknown_15: Sky's house in LA, the sky mansion was a home to several smash bros players. Smash bro players are infamous for being sex pests. Unknown_15: One of the people living at his house was a guy who went by the moniker zero and zero, um, confessed. And I'll actually do have this somewhere, I believe. 1:08:40 Unknown_15: Sky admitted that he knew that zero hooked up with a girl called Vanessa who was underage when they got together and then When this information got leaked Sky Williams asked that his statements be deleted from any public discords because zero was threatening to sue him and he did not want to get sued by zero and Unknown_15: then Zero flat-out came out and said that it's not a lie And that he did have sex with Vanessa when she was underage and That it's all true. And that's what got him into trouble. I don't know exactly where in this he says that but that's I 1:09:24 Unknown_15: That's what happened and that's why a sky Williams got in trouble because he knew zero knew he knew that he knew he admitted it and Then zero confirmed it even though he was trying to think I knew that she was underage But like this other thing is exculpatory and that's not how it works. So he got into trouble for it Unknown_15: And that was the end of Sky Williams career. He's tried to stream and do stuff since But it's never stuck. Um, he just does these shill videos with um, I think Raid shadow legend, you know, he tried to put out these videos, but Look, they didn't get any 76 000 views his old videos would get millions. I'm pretty sure So shit just got fucked I guess Um 1:09:56 Unknown_12: And that's guy Williams. Let me check my notes. Make sure I didn't think I forget anything. 1:10:31 Unknown_12: Nope. That's it. Okay. Next. Next. My children, the apocalypse, there is the black hammer organization. Unknown_15: The black hammer organization was a community. Unknown_15: Or they call themselves the Black Hammer Party, but they go by the Black Hammer Organization sometimes too. Unknown_15: Uh, the Black Hammer Org was a anarchist colonized people's compound that was to exist in Colorado. 1:11:07 Unknown_15: So, um, they were going to set up, I'll read their introduction right here. Hammer city is a black is the black hammers parties, latest projects, building cities for all people of color to be free with no discrimination of nationality, gender, age, mental, physical disabilities, et cetera. Jobs, housing in bold food, healthcare, no cops, no rent, no Corona virus, and no white people. Right. Returning the land to indigenous folks and building hammer cities all over the world So that was their idea they went out there they were gonna start they're gonna build a little piece a paradise So here they are out in Colorado 1:11:53 Unknown_15: Thanks to all of you, the Black Hammer has successfully liberated 200 acres of land to build our city for colonized people only. We are located high up in the mountains, 10,000 feet in the air with rich soil. We have one lake and three rivers on the land. This is an incredible milestone and hashtag achievement in anti-colonial revolution and would not have been made possible without the selfless work of every Hammer and every penny donated by poor and working class colonized people around the world. Please continue to support us at this GoFundMe link. You can also cash up BuildHammerCity. 1:12:32 Unknown_15: so they Venture out for whatever reason people like going to the badlands of Colorado to buy an impressive amount of acreage and then set up a commune on it that falls to shit because surprise you can't actually do anything in a mountain Full of rocky or soil Even if you do have an amount of land, that's pretty impressive You Unknown_12: This is one of the propaganda photos that they put out there. Unknown_15: Seems pretty nice. Oh sure, they're doing hard work. Unknown_15: Let's take a look at what's actually happening here. You may notice that those shovels are brand new. There is not an inch of dirt or imperfection on any of the handles. The face of the shovel is like shiny, perfect, flawless. And then let's take a look at 1:13:28 Unknown_15: What's going on in the middle cuz the okay sure they're digging into rocks. That's by its with brand new shovels That's pretty funny. What the fuck is that to buy something on two by four. It's like a big piece of lumber What the fuck is that doing? It looks a I generate it does Because it doesn't have a focus. It's like what like five people working in a rocky field Like okay, but what are they actually doing? Unknown_15: So they have a piece of dirt here. I guess they're supposed to be laying down a post. I guess that's what that's literally supposed to look like. But you can see this dude is using a. 1:14:04 Unknown_15: Sander to polish the lumber at the same time this other dude using a hand saw is cutting While it's laid on the ground while they're apparently about to put the thing up. He's actually cutting it To size, but what size like he's not using there's no markings on it. There's no length he's just cutting with a hand sawed an arbitrary point in the middle of the of the timber and and then this guy has a drill and i just noticed we're gonna we're gonna heck and enhance this because i just noticed his electric drill does not appear to have a drill bit in it so this drill that this guy is on standby ready to use as soon as he needs it um is literally not equipped to do anything because it has no drill bit and literally has nothing except a motor to spin around 1:14:54 Unknown_15: And there's also a hammer so I guess he doesn't need the drill bit after all because they happen to have a Nice a big old mallet. It looks like right there next to him I'm ready to go. So they put out this impressive Oh, and there's also an Indian dude pointing like there is the lumber. I don't know what the he's probably saying This empire of dust. It's also tiresome and the black dude is just like Shh Unknown_15: We're gonna make so much money off this propaganda picture we're putting out there And so Unknown_15: This image went on to the internet and I'm thankful to tell all of you that it made $112,000 to build the Black Hammer City, the free city of colonialized folks all over the world. 1:15:51 Unknown_15: Now chat, would you like to see hammer City? Unknown_15: Would you like to see the actual fruits of their labor of this team of people what they could put together on this? 200 acres of Colorado paradise three streams and a lake. Are you ready? Unknown_15: As it turned out Unknown_15: The acreage wasn't theirs. The San Miguel County Sheriff reports deputies responded Monday evening to a trespass report on the property south of Norwood where a group of 8-12 people from the quote-unquote Black Hammer organization were camping prior to a property purchase that ultimately did not occur. When deputies arrived, they advised the group of the trespass, and they left the area without incident. Deputies found some individuals were legally armed and posed no threat to public safety. There have been no reports that the group has since been in the area. The Black Camera Organization states on its website that it is a revolutionary mass organization directed towards building a sustainable future for all colonized people worldwide. So they literally went out to the middle of nowhere found a 200 acre parcel talked to the owner about potentially buying it Did not buy it and then decided to dig a fucking hole in the middle of his property and put up a single piece of timber That they sanded and cut on the spot and then maybe pretended to drill for a little bit and then declared it a success got a hundred thousand dollars for the the the effort And then left without incident because the police the police asked them to really amazing Now what is the goings on with them? Nothing. This is the last update was in 2020 1124, which is Just after this so Right, no 1124. 1:17:21 Unknown_15: Oh, no. No, so this was before this couple months before this I Unknown_15: This looks like stock photos of evil things colonizer hunting species of life to extinction. So these are stock photos of evil white people doing bad things. 1:18:01 Unknown_15: Uh, and the Corona virus colonial colonial virus. Wow. That's a new one. Colonial virus runs rampant in America. Kaka credits AP photo, another stock photo. Unknown_15: Blackhammer no Rona no cops don't rent for all colonized people join our rallies by Facebook live and give us money and so they did They still put out articles every so often. I don't know what the purpose of these articles are I'm assuming that they're still soliciting donations and making money somehow through their articles though I really don't know from who because this last article that I saw is deep into pizza gate here's Hillary Clinton with cheese pizza and 1:18:42 Unknown_15: They seem to not like jews too much. But instead of jews, they call them zionists Uh, he says Case in point one one zionist devil david pacman had the nerve to tweet that the victims of the shooting were to blame because they didn't pray Hard enough or else their lives wouldn't have been taken this disgusting act of bigotry was roundly condemned by none other than the taliban Remember them we've been trained to see them as our enemies, but they are defending our humanity and god-given rights I thought they were supposed to be intolerant though Unknown_15: The Taliban public relations department says as Muslims we share the pain of our traditional Christian brothers and sisters We don't know what kind of Jew you are if you don't feel sorry for the killing of Christian kids You're not just showing no sympathy, but you're simply laughing may God punish the Zionist He continues we can't keep falling for this Especially when the globalists are dead set on making it as difficult as possible for to practice our faith. So don't believe me Let's talk about who's been benefiting from these restrictions on our religious freedom Zionist 1:19:33 Unknown_15: So, uh fascinating really interesting group of people. I don't know what they're Trying to do who's giving them money at this point why they're still making posts Oh, you're trying to get that anti-colonial drip. Oh, fuck. Yeah, I am. Let's see that anti-colonial drip Unknown_15: Square site see if you're black You can do anything you want on you can fundraise on go fund me you can get A traditional merchandise shop like this. Is it just it's just a one-piece and then a Hat oh There's 33 items, okay, my president is in Florida What 1:20:14 Unknown_15: my president is in florida bear three exclamation points wow that is fucking awful my president is in florida bear my president is in florida bear my president is in florida bear black hammer mug black hammer area rug to wipe your feet on black hammer sherpa blanket you can Unknown_15: No The dog has become an afro centrist anti-colonialist communist. I can't believe this This is shocking. This is such a turn of events. I couldn't I couldn't imagine that this could happen You get a dog tag what's this one says looks great Destroy the colony build the future land back. It's just an advertisement 1:21:00 Unknown_15: You know, one piece bathing suit. You can get a fucking fedora. They call it a bucket hat. It's a fedora in case you want to tip your fedora at any cops. Unknown_15: get a baby onesie excellent see all these things you can get a corona mask when you're walking with a black camera on it when you are leaving the safe clean air of their 200 acre reappropriated private land when you exit the no corona zone no cop zone into the dirty disgusting 1:21:54 Unknown_15: A city of Denver, Colorado you got to keep your black hammer cloth mask on you to make sure that you don't bring back those pollutants to the clean air of the black hammer city Awesome Okay, that's the black that's the black camera they ain't doing nothing anymore, but they is grifton Unknown_15: One final thing. I know a lot of you perhaps are not trying to browse the Kiwi farms right now since the tour experience is so fucking excruciatingly awful and I wouldn't blame you. Unknown_15: However, there are alternatives out there for you to browse even during these dark, dark times. Unknown_15: Perhaps you would be interested in a Africanized version of the Kiwi farms inhabited only by black, mostly by black women and gay men. That is lipstick alley. Lipstick alley is a Afro centric Kiwi farms dedicated to gossip and Afro causes around the world. 1:22:44 Unknown_15: They are about as large as the Kiwi Farms is, and they're financially successful because they're a black person website, so they can get away with whatever the fuck they want. So here is Lipstick Alley, and I'm gonna kill some time by looking around this. I have committed them to long-term memory because the first time I ever went to the site, I clicked around and I found a thread dedicated to 1:23:23 Unknown_15: relationships with incarcerated people. So it was women who had boyfriends and husbands in jail and they had like a community support thread for dealing with that particular romantic entanglement. Unknown_15: So I'm going to click around just a little bit and see if maybe I can find something as funny. Unknown_15: So let's refresh. I want to see what the trending threads are right now. Monique Samuels files for divorce from Chris Samuels after 10 years of marriage. I don't know who that is, but it sounds like a black people. 1:23:57 Unknown_15: Jonathan majors with Megan. Good appears in court for first time in assault case trial to be in August. Also don't know who that is. Zendaya teases possible threesome scene in challengers trailer. Unknown_15: So isn't challengers like a, like a, a Cape shit movie. That's what it sounds like. I guess there's a threesome in it. Rihanna at the Louis Vuitton fashion show in Paris, Beyonce called out in the comments of her Juneteenth Day celebration was OK. I want to see it. Unknown_15: She's being called out for not for pandering and not taking any of the black designers she wore. So Beyonce in Amsterdam says in honor of Juneteenth, everything I wore for Renaissance World Tour tonight was created exclusively by black designers. 1:24:29 Unknown_15: So there's that. Unknown_12: It's just one outfit, but I guess everything is black. Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_15: I shared my designs and concepts. I deal with her team years ago and they ended up copying everything and using it for Coachella. I get zero credit. So that's surprised that these design, these black designers weren't tagged, didn't tag. None of them doesn't tag the black designers. Then shout out the designers. Unknown_15: Um, I mean, that's pretty fucking typical for fashion. Fashionista is just a steal. Like why would they pay you money for, for that shit? As opposed to just not, it was ripping it off. They all do that. 1:25:09 Unknown_12: in all industries. Unknown_12: Uh, okay. So this is the romance alley, the official horrible dating online dating profiles. Unknown_15: Okay. That sounds funny. Unknown_15: I've been wanting to know what is the, what the fuck is this? Concealer, primer, serious question. Oh, he's, 1:25:41 Unknown_15: He's, um, he's got tan lines cause he makes himself look blacker. I bet you what that is. He's got like Donald Trump tan lines around his beard cause he puts on, um, like a toner to make his skin darker. Am I wrong? She thinks that that's concealer or primer, but that looks like the opposite. It looks like he's putting something on his face to make his skin darker. Unknown_12: That's what that looks like to me. Unknown_12: These are superintendent at commercial construction be up front emotionally intelligence Emotionally stunted growth mindset night fix have the ability to have a conversation six-foot ones Dating hard out there for black lemon Marcus 43 stuck in between wanting to take you out to eat or just eating you out help me decide No kids never married. 1:26:29 Unknown_15: I wonder why what a winner. Unknown_15: Oh I want to know who is matching these types I'm offended they always Match me to them, it's cause you're black. About me, six foot tall, BBC Dom, nine inches, Daddy Dom consistency, this takes time and effort, black man, I like to teach and train, but I don't convince, you have to want this. I take control, I'm aggressive and confident, needs a sub and pleaser, I don't like snap, Instagram, or kick, real life only. No face, in politics, no more, no O-N-S, one night stands. Smooth skin, shaped head, not for everyone, I understand. You, you have boobs, butt, and brains. You're confident, clean, and enjoy serving and praise. Ready to meet. P.S. Supermodels, stop trying to marry me. 1:27:03 Unknown_15: I think one of the most dire things you could ever be is like a 100 IQ black woman trying to find a black man on the dating market. I think that would drive someone to fucking suicide. Travis 44, I need lots of love and affection because I wasn't kidding. It's enough when I was a child. I need someone to take care of my knees. Love making recreational companionship, remembers important days like my birthday, intimate and stuff like touching, cuddling, spitting, kissing, et cetera. Don't feel like lovers. Yeah, I'm looking for a mommy that's like a maid that I can also fuck. I want a mommy bang made. Can anyone, any of you fine melanated women out there? I want to be my mommy bang made. I'm 44 and I have childhood trauma issues. I put in my dating profile. I'm like, I'm a real catch. Trust me, bro. Oh, this is a white man. The audacity of this man for even looking at my profile and not using any sunscreen. His name reads tonight. These date discreet. 1:28:13 Unknown_12: What's wrong with this guy? Unknown_15: Oh, he's white. Duh. Unknown_15: Okay, I like this person. Child's Tony, it was just me and Rokato. About me, six foot three, 280. Lil, wait a minute, is this a dating site? Lil, please don't ask me what my Sigma plan is. Unknown_15: I'm grown, I've been living my plans. Questions, are you the same naked? No, not your clothes, but all the extra weave, eyelashes, makeup, name brands. Who are you now? If there are 10 women to every one man, why are you special? Is it because you got a WAP? You got that white ass pussy. Yes. What you got to offer, what you bring into the table. Hmm. Okay, hold up. 1:28:48 Unknown_12: He unironically said the words. Now I have to find it. There we go. 1:29:28 Unknown_09: certified freak seven days a week wet ass p-word make that pull-out game weak yeah yeah Unknown_09: Yeah, yeah you effin with some wet ass p-word Give me everything you've got for this wet ass beat it up n-word catch a charge extra large and extra hard put this p-word right in your face Swipe your nose like a credit card. Unknown_15: Let's bury the rest. I'm gonna continue Unknown_15: Someone said try the Patrick voice for the black men on the dating app. Okay. Love me a feminine energy woman that hasn't slept with a coworker. Lul. No small children please. I have no desire to be a step dad. I'm a leader, provider, protector. I value my peace and my health. Can sear a fish better than most. Lul. A hiking buddy would be great. I'm six foot one. There's more to a man than his profile pic when a woman says she busy that means she is busy with another man lol Never will get vaccinated. Well, the padford voice completely falls out of out of out of use when this this Uh mahogany sun god is so fucking based that he's calling out vaxxies Whitey child, no, I will not pick the vax 1:30:57 Unknown_15: Uh, anymore. Unknown_15: I'll come back to this if I feel like it. That's pretty funny. This is in. Let's see if there's any more. Is it embarrassing to be down bad for a white guy? Oh, that sounds funny. Unknown_15: The six foot eight. Damn dude. Six foot eight white guy. I'm trying to make mine is white with a ginger beard. He's hot as fuck strong as if he was able to effortlessly carry me when we're in funny. I can't think of a flaw he has on the outside. A start from his obsessive use of the laughing emoji. Unknown_15: And then I can see my dead relatives rolling their eyes at me, seeing, seeing me once again, trying to bow that being down bad for that breed of men, knowing how past relationships work. This probably won't end the best, but give it a try. He's practically like a unicorn. 1:31:38 Unknown_15: It's embarrassing. Miss kiss says it's embarrassing to be down bad for any man. Race has nothing to do with it. Unknown_15: Offended by it just does okay. Here's the obnoxious thing about the site They all use black people because they're black people they use that fucking Twitter giphy shit More giphy shit This one this guy's like a troll I've seen him around when I was looking at this before the stream black women mating choices are undefeated I'm attracted to one type of black man possibly to I'm attracted to a wide variety of white men though. I don't know why I 1:32:14 Unknown_15: This guy is trolling the black women. This person puts their texts in purple to be different. She says, I'd say it's more embarrassing to let your dead relatives dictate your dating life, but that you like that man, let him continue courting you. Nothing wrong with being highly attracted. Just don't place him on a pedestal. Unknown_12: This person says, sis, I'm judging you, but you got to do what you got to you. Unknown_12: She loves a talking. 1:32:45 Unknown_12: I'm so tired of these threads claiming struggle when a black woman gets with a white man. Unknown_15: Number one, it's cap. Number two, it's mental. Y'all men need to go on somewhere trying to make it look like a struggle. Unknown_15: Three, it's insulting to LSA intelligence, lipstick ally. Unknown_12: They all love white men. Oh my God. Unknown_12: I'm telling you, they're down bad in general. Unknown_15: I'm reading this fucking thread, and I see what the options are. It's like, okay, I guess a ginger. I find a ginger, okay, sure, I guess. 1:33:23 Unknown_15: What boy this is a special area of the site called confessions it appears that everything here is anonymous they all are the threads are all authored by incognito and See if there's one that I can read for fun this one. I saw it says I like the smell of my period blood I Unknown_15: I wouldn't spray myself in it, but when changing my pads, sometimes I'd be taking a quick sniff. I kinda like it. Is that weird? Doesn't smell like candy, just quite literally smells like a period. That's pretty fucking gross. That's appropriate for the, uh, the confessions area. Black 4chan. Unknown_15: Online sugar daddies. Every time I sign into the site and see bare man message me, I get so much nervous. I don't know why. I'm at a place in my life where I really want to go for it, but somehow I'm scared as fuck. The messages, I never checked them or reply. I'm still self-improving, but could do with some extra cash. It's so daunting to me. 1:34:12 Unknown_15: Don't do it. Don't be a hoe. Unknown_15: Girl, keep your weave on. Keep your head up. Don't become no hoe. Unknown_15: This is the most recent one. Regretting my marriage. Okay. Unknown_15: Ladies, listen to me. When you're looking for a spouse, make sure they can provide. I'm doing, I'm doing a finger waggle as I read this. Okay. I get my finger up above my microphone picture in your head. Don't move in with someone young when y'all both are starting fresh, stay where you is and get your stuff together first. Don't marry a moving with someone with bad credit. Don't marry a moving with someone who is not a hustler. Don't marry a moving with someone who just has potential. That is not good enough. I have struggled my marriage financially for almost the entire decade we've been together. I have moved so this man could follow his dreams while leaving cities and states I love and was thriving in just to be with him. I'm tired of being worried about money. It's like our marriage is constantly trying to get higher and it's just the two of us. Listen to my story and listen again to me when I say make sure your person is financially ready before we all do anything together or you'll be a decade in your marriage trying to figure out what the hell is going on. 1:35:29 Unknown_15: I think that nobody hates black men more than black women. This is what I've learned from Lipstick Alley. Unknown_15: I don't know who you are, but I can speak for a lot of women when I say we needed this. Unknown_12: Thank you. Real play girl is on board. Unknown_12: Movies they always glorify being the girl who was there in the trenches with him happily holding on tight while he in his pursuit of happiness plot and makes it big and then Sweet sticky replacing. Unknown_15: I think this is only in black movies I don't think I've ever seen a non black movie where this was the case the women holding down the man with his potential So many people like relate with us this is funny 1:36:22 Unknown_12: Okay, I want to find another one. I'm spending too much time on this. Unknown_12: Hater. I have this guy close to me who keeps trying to make me the butt of a joke. That's mean. I lied on my scholarship application. I'm obsessed with my boyfriend's cousin. I'm addicted to weed. Unknown_12: Being a pushover has ruined my life. Unknown_15: Zero friends. No guy likes me because I'm fat. I'm 32 and I've never been in a real relationship. Deeply depressed. I want to disappear. I want something funny, goddamn it. Stop being sad. 1:36:54 Unknown_15: I'm in love with my married supervisor. This felt like the titles chat to Jerry Springer episodes. You know what I mean? Unknown_15: Read the second row for second one. Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_12: I'm so lonely or I'm a worthless loser. Unknown_12: That's a little sad. I want something funny. I'm infertile. Unknown_15: That's... Come on. Unknown_15: Who would have thought that all the confessions of black women on the internet would be so depressing? Sometimes I miss my wild days. Okay, that one sounds funny. 1:37:28 Unknown_15: Sometimes I wish I could go back to my late teens and early twenties for a week and just leave. That version of me was a wild mess. I didn't get a damn low. Some things I've done. I was not proud of. And there were a couple of regrets, but baby, I was having fun dating X's homies out of a spot and dating the grown gangsta my senior year. That's the only the tip of the iceberg. Just listen to old music and reminiscing. Unknown_15: Pink Poussey. That's the name of this woman says, go back to bed. We have work in the morning, rolling ion energies. 1:38:03 Unknown_15: It's never too late to start your grown woman hoe phase. Unknown_12: Hmm. Unknown_12: Incognito says we were all full of chaos and drama. Unknown_15: Like most young people, I dated their homies, but never did anything with them. I have no desire to engage in those behaviors. I'm in my late twenties. I'm thinking about going back. Lamel life was so much fun. You miss being a homewrecker. Crazy. I had emojis. Unknown_15: Okay. One more about I'm currently homeless. Unknown_15: Okay, I'll read that one. 1:38:36 Unknown_15: I've been homeless for a little over a month now for the first month, maxed out all my cards to sleep in hotels. Now month two, I can't afford hotels anymore. So I've been sleeping in my car. I can barely afford to eat real foods. I can only eat fast food and it's so terrible. It hurts when the money you work for daily has to turn the bills. When I get out of the situation, I need to begin budgeting my money and saving my money. Probably should have started doing that before you were homeless. This lifestyle of having absolutely nothing is not for me. Unknown_15: That's a rap song lyric. I just want to be broke forever. That's that shit that no one says. That's by the Jeezy song. I miss having a place to call my home. I miss cooking in the kitchen, sitting on my couch, watching TV, eating snacks. I miss sleeping in my king size bed. I go to my storage unit and just stared all my furniture and clothes and shoes. And I cry better days are ahead, but right now the shit sucks. Nobody knows I'm homeless. So I told my parents, they would just tell me to drop everything and come home. I can't do that. I don't want to do. 1:39:11 Unknown_15: Yeah. So wait, you have a home to go to, but you're just going to like be homeless. Unknown_15: That's like a choice. Unknown_15: Just go home for a little bit and don't max out your credit. She maxed out all her credit cards with like a 30% APR because they give black people 30% APRs to sleep in hotels, which are really expensive instead of just going home and staying there for a couple of months to get your shit together. Wow. What amazing long-term planning. I'm so sure that you're going to budget everything when you get back to a house. 1:39:44 Unknown_12: Redonkulous chat Okay, let's see if there's any more forms that I should peek at just real quick I'm gonna go down TV show alley podcast black America forum Africa forum afro-caribbean forum afro-europe forum the other deaths were spy forum diaspora general the black history forum 1:40:30 Unknown_12: um colorism the dark skin light skin debate doctor says that casting how barely as little mermaid is colorism and not groundbreaking Unknown_15: Color it lighter skin actresses are far more likely to be cast in major most in pictures with protagonists like Ariel Letters can people are more likely to be positioned as barrier breakers more likely be positions the first one across the color line This guy is script, this is a base post base reaction mean by ev3 to 7 He's just like bored. How did this idiot get a PhD? Her being light-skinned black person doesn't make her any less of a black woman with the actual fuck both her parents are black Is it crazy that? 1:41:22 Unknown_15: That like actual black people are less retarded than what the media makes them out to be. Like you read a post like this and you think, oh God, black people are never satisfied. Then you read the replies and they're like, oh, this is stupid. Can you believe that? I'm getting, I'm getting woke chat. I'm being woke to how, to how much more I should hate the media. I'm being told by these people in lipstick alley that I should hate the media even more than I currently do. It's fascinating chat. Unknown_15: Is anybody on, Unknown_15: I'll bite. Hallie is a safe brown. The world would end if she were dark skinned and blow up if she had kinky hair. Look how fat she is. 1:41:58 Unknown_15: You're angry because you fat. Unknown_12: You look like Precious. Still doesn't change that she's black. I think this professor is kind of pathetic. Unknown_15: Why are you so invested in this topic? But she does have kinky hair. She literally has red locks, lol. Probably the most discriminated black hair style there is. Shocking. I'm actually really shocked by how much... They don't give a fuck. Unknown_15: We're learning today, chat. This is Juneteenth, after all. The day after, well... The day after. The Trevon Martin Forum! I wanna go get me some Skittles. 1:42:30 Unknown_15: Like it was lots of Mexican dude in the street with my with my iced tea and she Wrote about Andrew Tate Jane Doe alley Family Matters LSA family counseling. Ooh the interracial relationship Let's check out one of these Hispanic Asians just as racist as dating whites when dating blacks. I 1:43:03 Unknown_15: Went out with an east Asian woman. She also on the date discussed on the Asian segregate themselves from black folk There's a lot of anti black racism within the Asian community G guy, can you just date like a black dude? Unknown_15: Didn't or a black woman date an Arab woman did a Hispanic woman? Unknown_15: Butter cake says you're just a loser and quite frankly, I can't see why anyone would do you Um 1:43:43 Unknown_12: Oh, this black woman is upset that he's obviously trying to date everything but a black woman. Unknown_15: That's why they're angry because he's a black man. He's dating all these other people. What does he say about black women? Unknown_15: Um, I've never had issues with black women. Some white women feel too self-conscious. I always preferred black women, but my teens and early mid twenties have taught me a lot about the racism and dealing with these groups. Unknown_15: Uh, I don't know. This black woman says no comment. I don't miss him as an angry black woman, jealous of desirable Kang's keep doing you boo. You have my blessings. 1:44:18 Unknown_15: Oh, P chose wrong. I say this as a breath who has a finite fiance of Latin descent. You prefer Keisha with cornrows. Get the authentic version. Unknown_12: Okay. Any others? Unknown_12: Black African women. There are more white men interested in you within black men, six pages. Unknown_15: Latest 2022 race statistics show that black women would rather date Asian Latino and white men than black men. Why don't we date more Mexican men? 1:44:53 Unknown_15: Hey, black Democrats. This is what it looks behind the closed doors of some of your most promise. Prom policy makers. Unknown_12: Okay. One more. Unknown_12: Okay. I'll get the family matters counseling one. Unknown_12: Uh, my mother has poor hygiene. Unknown_15: Does anyone else's parents only call it a trauma dump? My mother told me to submit to her because she's the alpha. Okay. I'll bite. I'm in shock because she said that's like normal. Can anyone tell me what type of psychology I'm dealing with here? Uh, narcissism. 1:45:25 Unknown_12: Okay. That's not as funny. I wanted more information. Unknown_12: My mother is 62 years old and doesn't want to work. Wow. I wonder why he wants me to take care of her. Unknown_15: So my mother just turned 62, she's had a pretty rough life. She grew up with a mother who was a paranoid schizophrenic, in and out of foster homes, teenage mother, struggled with drug abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, et cetera. I'm kind of the one who graduated from college for my master's. 1:46:00 Unknown_15: So this black person has a master's degree and cannot write a fucking sentence. You do not put spaces before a comma. Unknown_15: Like how, how do you have a master's degree and you can't fucking write a sentence? How have you accomplished this? Unknown_15: Um, I think I've been always trying to, I was trying to help her when I can financial gifts. If you use, I bought her a car for $1,500. I paid $10,000 for my mother's mother funeral paid for my mother, sister and brothers are airfare spelled wrong. A master's degree. He's been through college for eight years and can't fucking write. 1:46:39 Unknown_15: housing food or trip to a funeral loaned her over $2,000 last year paid for her and my sister to five to the land on a visit paid over 1500 to take us to see the Atlanta Falcons in 2014 her sister kicked her out. I left her and my sisters come stay with me in Houston. I gave her an apartment. I paid bills, whatever she needed. Yes, she feels I don't help her enough and I should pay her bills and take care of her. I understand she's older and I get that, but I'm going through a divorce and I don't want to live my, with my family. 1:47:16 Unknown_15: I just want to take care of me, yet her and her sister and my sister are calling me selfish because I'm not helping them enough. I don't even know where this is coming from. I've helped them so much because I don't want to move back to Houston or get an apartment with them. Unknown_12: I'm selfish. Unknown_12: Uh, what should I do? Live yo life. You need to learn to learn no. Cut them off. These are all good answers. Unknown_12: She doesn't have retirement funds. She doesn't have social security. Unknown_15: Yeah. Get benefits, get a fucking housing. Oh, it's 800 per month. Dude. That's crazy. People talk about how social security is going bankrupt. They don't never go bankrupt, but it doesn't pay enough to actually like live off of $800 per month in the U S is like nothing. You can't even pay rent with that anymore. 1:47:53 Unknown_12: That's a bit fucked up. Unknown_12: The black woman comes out and says, y'all trip and I would take care of my mother. Unknown_15: I don't give a fuck. But black men, they're not going to take care of them. I mean, men in general would never like give up their careers to to live out the story of fast car. Speaking of, that's a black person song, isn't it? Like Janice, is it Janice? I want to say Janice Joplin, but you're going to make fun of me. Tracy Chapman, similar name. 1:48:27 Unknown_15: That song, no black guy, no, no, no guy in general would live out fast car. Unknown_15: All right, that's it. There's one more thing, actually. One more thing I want to talk about to round off the stream. Unknown_15: I started the stream with a black outsider artist, and I would like to round this out with another black outsider artist. 1:49:00 Unknown_15: This time, it's Viper. Viper is still alive. Um, he became an internet meme after his album Y'all you you'll cowards don't even smoke crack. Oh my god I just realized that he put out a song called hack my way into christian's playstation. I toy camera. I'm, not sure How I did but i'm stuck holy shit What a crossover I didn't know I needed this in my life. 1:49:47 Unknown_13: The merge is on chat, the merge is on. Unknown_15: So, um, a lot of his songs are like this, they're, they, I think they're usually a royalty free beats. What's the thing is, is he puts out like a song a day and he calls them albums. They're not albums. They're just like one song. Each. The thing is, is that he repeats. 1:50:24 Unknown_15: I know I described this. There's a word for it in, um, is this a Ted Kaczynski one? There is Ted Kaczynski. Unknown_15: Viper say it ain't Weezer cause these marks be dorks. Okay, let's hear it. Let's hear it Viper. Unknown_15: Where's that Viper coming? I'm gonna kick in boy. 1:50:56 Unknown_17: Pretty good. Unknown_15: Okay, so I've listened to Vipers discography in the past before here's what he does I'll frame it like this when I worked at Whataburger bingo card for everybody playing There was a guy that I worked with that was like a 50 year old ex-cocaine addict that relapsed into cocaine while he was working with us But he would occasionally 1:51:37 Unknown_15: He would break out into this rap and it would always, always, always contain the rhyme, chillin' like a villain. And to this day, I'll, I'll, I'll use this expression at random with like friends and so I'll say chillin' like a villain. Cause it's, it's like ingrained into my fucking gray matter from hearing this coworker that, uh, at the Whataburger say chillin' like a villain. Just break out into rhyme randomly, do like a verse, but it would always, always, always contain the word chillin' like a villain. So, um, there's a specific rap term for when a rapper like especially like a freestyle artist has a Dictionary of rhymes like really catchy rhymes that they That they will use repeatedly and so viper will do these song a days But almost always he'll use the same exact lyrics over and over and over again sometimes in the same Like one after the other songs every day He seems to be in a little bit of a like like this lyric 1:52:39 Unknown_17: Like it has nothing to do with what he's showing on the screen like this cover album or whatever, but he'll use that in other songs This one says turn Africa into the Arctic using only my crack Now hoping I'll have an example of how he reuses lyrics Unknown_15: This appears to be stock photography from National Geographic. Here comes the hook. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Unknown_15: It's getting there. It's improving. Unknown_15: Pulling up his pants before he starts singing. Muted. 1:53:35 Unknown_15: viper you're muted oh okay so the um the video he's using of himself rapping and his dub is not the same so he's using a video of himself singing different lyrics than what he's using for the song okay i got you Unknown_15: Your cowards don't even smoke crack. That's the same lyric as the one I mentioned that's famous. This is just him remixing. Now, okay, now that I've played a couple of his songs, and you know what he's all about, and you understand how he puts out a song a day, I want to read you something. 1:54:26 Unknown_15: I wanna read you something that sounds like it's a piss take, but it's not. It is his Wikipedia article. You would think that this article was written as taking the piss to make fun of him, because of how seriously it takes him. But I don't know what the fuck it is, I'll just read it. Lee Arthur Carter, known professionally by his stage name Viper, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor. Unknown_15: Carter has been producing music since childhood, but he received widespread attention online for his 2008 album, Yolk Howard's Don't Even Smoke Crack. The prolific nature of his work, together with his commitment to self-production, has garnered him a cult following as an outsider artist with comparisons to rapper Lil B and musician Wesley Willis. He is also regarded as one of the originators of cloud rap. 1:55:03 Unknown_15: Style Rap being a sub-genre of rap that has several sonic characteristics of trap music and lo-fi in its hazy, dreamlike, and relaxed sound. Many experts credit rapper Lil B and producer Clams Casino as the early pioneers of the style. 1:55:49 Unknown_15: Born in Arkansas. He used the name J-Rod before. He has four kids somehow, two with his ex-wife and the most recent one being born in October 2020. He claims to believe he is the second Christ and refers to himself as black Jesus and is a devout Christian. So I guess, um, Unknown_15: I mean, they called Jesus a Jew. He didn't really worship himself, I guess. He wasn't really a Christian. He was Jewish. So I guess Viper does worship himself. So therefore he's a Christian. I guess that's how that works out. 2021 Betty Carter. Carter's mother died of 79. 1:56:21 Unknown_15: Carter regular regularly wears tight women's shapewear, which he refers to as the hornets, um, parentheses harness of death or thawed. He wears multiple thoughts at a time and claims that the pain felt from wearing the shapewear strengthens his resolve to be number one. Carter also alleges that wearing shapewear made him contract pneumonia in 2016, which he says nearly killed him. 1:56:55 Unknown_15: His style. Unknown_15: His low-budget, DIY aesthetic is present not only in his music, but also in his accompanying videos and album art, which frequently consists of a simple self-portrait, clipart, and his name on the album title superimposed in plain text. Musically, he is recognized for his deep voice, occasional use of autotune, and slowed-down, low-fidelity, and glitchy and ethereal production predating cloud rap or the chopped-and-screwed subgenre native to Carter's Houston scene. 1:57:34 Unknown_15: If you are black, even if you produce this fucking garbage music, you have to be taken seriously. You have to be given a genre. You have to be attributed to different influences and shit. And it's like, he's saying you'll cowards don't even smoke crack to like a remix of himself singing a different song. And they're like, yeah, wow. I see how little B influenced this. He really does have such great homages to local artists in the area. Unknown_15: Okay, let's listen to another one. Viper, I hire a new secretary every week and I've been doing it for years. Look, it's Linkara! Is someone giving him, like, memes of, like, lolcows to put in his videos? You thought you could escape me, but you're too slow, bitch-ass Mark. I'm running after your car. Okay. I'm hooked. That's pretty good. Okay. 1:58:52 Unknown_15: That's a I'm done. Um, I'm going to do the super chats. I have, however, as I say, every week, first of all, I'd like to thank everyone who found the stream on rumble and Odyssey. I know it's a pain in the ass to watch on all tech platforms and the shit, but a good turnout, despite not being on YouTube, really appreciate it. Um, I do have a special, super special song picked out after the super chats and I betcha super chat segment will be a little bit shorter this week. Cause we're not on YouTube, which is to be honest with you, acceptable. 1:59:24 Unknown_12: not sound unappreciative, because I'm definitely appreciative. Unknown_15: It's just that it's nice to wrap up a little bit shorter every so often. Unknown_15: Let's see. Unknown_12: I will, of course, put us into show mode. And 2:00:03 Unknown_12: We'll probably have a longer stream on Friday because I have a full week of content again. Unknown_15: All right. Do filter from last Saturday sort by date and time. Unknown_15: Anonymous for five says that one man at the internet comic guy shut up. He named me to comic about you judging by his comic He seems young and autistic. He replied to my email saying that I wasn't going to talk about his comic By I Don't know He was like Japanese. He called me like a curry faggot or something. So I figured it was a troll. I 2:00:42 Unknown_15: Lino line type for 10 says I was in a store recently and I saw an individual wearing a shirt with long hair and a Mask on I could only see their eyes and something just pinging my brain saying that's a tranny There's no way that's a real woman and they actually spoke and yep It was a tranny just instinctively knew somehow could it be the bones? Could it be the hiding the Adams Apple could it be? The greasy hair like men's hair is not the same as women's hair if you ever look at like a tranny's hair It always looks like really thin and shitty and not well taken care of like elements Harris You can always tell they just look off 2:01:17 Unknown_15: By Moses Jones for $20 says Josh. Do you play ck3? If so, what is your favorite faction to play as? Also, here's a reference to an old stream of yours just play as much as you want. Okay When I haven't played ck3 in a long time, but when I did I like to play In the Livonia area, that was my favorite try to form Prussia and then I would reform the The Religion to be like Christian Socratic so that it wasn't so big I Unknown_15: Okay, I'll play this. I'll play as much as I want. Who knows how long that will be. Is he just gonna annex it all within the console? 2:01:50 Unknown_15: Is Solar just gonna annex all of the console? I can tell. I can tell. Unknown_15: Yep, console annex. Unknown_15: He can't remember the command. He can't type it. 2:02:22 Unknown_15: I'll get it. He fucked it up. They ruined the joke. Unknown_15: He ruined his own joke. Good job. I understood. You can just annex all. Unknown_15: Hmm. We're full now. Mr. Fox is UK. Police sign sign list rate as non-emergency crime. Okay. Unknown_15: From UK. 2:02:53 Unknown_15: Can police sign list rape as non-emergency crime? Unknown_15: The A4 printout outrage Madison residents to report non-emergency inquiries via an online forum. Unknown_15: says anti-social behavior, compliments and complaints, contacting Kent police, general inquiries, crime, wide range of options, domestic abuse, fraud, hate crime, missing persons, rape and sexual assault, road traffic signs. So if you see a rape, Unknown_15: They probably mean if it's not, if you were raped, don't, don't like call us or come inside cause we're busy. Just like report it with like a form. They probably don't mean if you're actively being raped and the rape can be, they can't, the Kent police are trying to inform Madison residents that they cannot unrape you. They can potentially stop a rape or interrupt a rape, but they cannot unrape you. So if you've been raped, don't call them cause they can't fix it. But they can go if you can go online and fill out a form. They will maybe look into it in three years times Thank you Need that chungus for 490 who says you see that the Dom a pesos is parroting all of dick Masterson shitty his opinions and there's blocking people and hiding replies on Twitter when people even mildly criticize him very sadly such cases well, he was also one of the last people to to a log Ethan Raupp, I think I think Dom a 2:04:18 Unknown_15: He's looking for like stability. I have, I have a feeling that he just wants to make money at this point. And he's looking for like people he can make friends with and have like a reliable longterm relationship that's financially profitable to him. And it's like, I don't know. Unknown_15: It's kind of gay to me. If people want to make fun of them for it, you know, that's their prerogative and shit. I have not seen the Dick Masterson stuff, but it doesn't surprise me after the Ralph stuff. Unknown_15: Little bit disappointed, but you know how people do be like Base history for ten says fascism unlike its sister movement communism implement socialism to regulation and cooperation from Corporations rather than through direct ownership and targets college students and young people rather than the working class This has been very successful as young people are very gullible gullible I 2:05:15 Unknown_12: I don't know what this is talking about. I don't know what you're trying to tell me. Unknown_12: I mean this, like the fascist governments did directly own a lot of corporations. Unknown_15: Have you heard of Volkswagen? Have you heard of Mitsubishi? Have you heard of Fiat? I'm pretty sure those are all directly owned by the state. I could be wrong, but I don't know. I really don't know what you're trying to say though. Unknown_15: MapGameEnjoyer45 says, please demonstrate the correct pronunciation of Namibia, Granada, the Maldives, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Papua New Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and of course, Uruguay, Niger. There you go, motherfucker. I know country names. I think I might have mispronounced Papua New Guinea. I think they prefer Papal New Guinea, but I wasn't wrong. 2:05:58 Unknown_15: Okay, I fucking smashed it. Unknown_15: Oh, here's a fun one. Here, since there's not that many Super Chats this week, I will read something. Oh, I don't have it saved. Unknown_12: It was a clip of... Unknown_12: The racist man who wrote about Cthulhu, Lovecraft. 2:06:34 Unknown_15: It was a quote from him that was extremely difficult to pronounce. I was gonna read it on stream because it's about racism and I thought it would be funny, but I'm never gonna find this. Unknown_15: Okay, I'm scrolling up. I'm gonna give up in three, two. Unknown_12: Wait, I recognize all these. Unknown_12: Okay, I give up, sorry. If I find it again, I'll read it. Unknown_15: Anonymous for $100 says, my pet rabbit ran away and then came back pregnant. I now have nine rabbit kittens. Can I get a Mazel Tov for my ho-rabbit? 2:07:08 Unknown_15: How the fuck does your pet rabbit run away? How? Unknown_15: I mean, I don't, in my head, I always imagine that you keep them in a pen. I don't imagine rabbits as being like faithful, like cats, where they return to where their food is. But it's a little bit strange that your rabbit somehow was able to run away from you and then also knew how to get back to you to burden you with its baby rabbits, like a deadbeat dad. 2:07:42 Unknown_15: Fascinating. Thank you. Unknown_15: David s 877 for 25 says happy Juneteenth to all my friendly neighbors. Happy Juneteenth to you Juneteenth, of course being the dumbest fucking impossible for the holiday I don't know why they didn't go with Emancipation Day or something less stupid Justice Berg for 10 says sorry. I wasn't available last stream I've been held in a North Korean prison and then there's a link to the song which we will continue at one minutes for 20 seconds Everybody's favorite song. This is what is it? 2:08:27 Unknown_15: Song reminds me of is Unknown_15: There's that episode of Spongebob Squarepants where the plot is that Spongebob thinks everyone's a robot and Mr. Krabs is like listening to what the kids like on the radio and the music is just like beepity boopity bopity beepity boopity bopity like little beep boop noises. That is literally what this song is. It's the meme song that Mr. Krabs plays on the radio trying to get in touch with what the kids like. I don't know if anyone will catch that avant-garde Spongebob Squarepants references, but for those of you out there who do, shoutouts to you. 2:09:09 Unknown_15: From the neighbor for ten says I'm so glad black people built everyone else's culture before they built their own. I agree I'm so happy that the foundations for our society were laid out selflessly donated to us by Jakob and then forgotten so that we may with the expectation that we One day would return and give back to the to the donors our sponsors. Unknown_12: Thank you Unknown_15: Rabbi Herschel Sneederman for 10 says West Virginia was an illegitimate military government created by a tyrant. That sounds fucking base. I don't know what you're complaining about rabbi. Go on now. And now it's the, one of the least paused States in the entire country. So it all worked out for the best. Thank you. Roxanne wolf for five says bark bark had Ted case best work printed at the copy and print shop and the guy behind the counter didn't know who Dr. Theodore was. I weep for our future generations were controversial works of writing are buried, but the drag queen story hours shut down their throats. Well, there's only one way to correct that my boy, you must read it far and wide and should have printed out a second copy to give to him. So he may read it. 2:09:45 Unknown_15: Thank you. Unknown_15: Saint Zachariah for 10 says if you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what you Do what is right in his sight and give heed to his commandments and keep all his statutes I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians for I am the Lord who heals you Exodus 15 26 You hear that chat? No adultery. No idol worship. No murder and You won't catch AIDS 2:10:31 Unknown_15: I like the Egyptians who have plenty of AIDS. Unknown_15: The president in Nintendo for five says to my closest friend and mentor Josh, it's a Nintendo guy. I wanted to apologize. I know my Nintendo 10 donations are both cringe and gay. Unfortunately, I am just at the age where everything I do is cringing gay. I don't want to shut up your stream, so I guess this is goodbye. Total Nintendo death. Unknown_15: Everyone making fun of the Nintendo guy have shattered his heart and he no longer wants to continue. That's okay. You do you my dude Thank you very much Analyst for 20 says parasocial music recommendations here to forever death cab for cutie teen video Well, if it's a music recommendation, I will simply open it in their town. 2:11:05 Unknown_11: Hey everybody It's Eric from EP autos calm your libertarian car guy and I thought I would do a quick little rant because it's getting to be that time of year when the gnome Saiyans come out and on my left is a gnome saying Unknown_11: The gnome saiyan wants me to hear its bass. Boom, boom, boom, boom, big snooze. 2:11:41 Unknown_11: It has all the windows down and it's playing its ghetto rap crap at full thrust so that we can feel the echoplex because it is so cool to do that. I agree, homie. Unknown_15: That's one of the nicest things about being in Europe is that nobody has fucking bass in their car because that's like a uniquely American thing for whatever reason. Unknown_15: Thank you. I think jerks also do it rabbi's The redneck rabies the redneck for five says can you unban me from the kiwi farms the stated reason is repeatedly threatening to rape a woman and chat I never did that and the mods didn't speak to me or show me evidence of the accusation I didn't do nothing I'm a good boy, and I turn my life around a shit nigga No, that does not sound like a ban that I am going to overturn Sorry brother 2:12:26 Unknown_15: The Jewish perspective for 10 says, Josh, you said you were surprised that neo-Nazis were promoting pedophilia. I am not all neo-Nazis are feds. Fuck the feds and the ATF in particular. Israel is a socialist shithole like Europe. The only redeeming feature is that they don't pretend Islamics are worth anything. Fuck Saudi Arabia. Unknown_15: I mean, at the start, at least I don't think they were feds, but I think at some point they started getting a nice paycheck and I realized that they would rather have the money. Unknown_15: Wagee exodus for five says finally caught a stream live. Wow. You caught this stream live. Go figure I'm glad we get to Maddie's a week now shout out to our drama net Marzi Kiwi love emoji. Very cute. Yeah, our drama is is pretty cool There's the threads are pretty funny There their whole shtick is very funny. I appreciate the amount of effort that goes into means maintaining the stick 2:13:05 Unknown_15: Paxleet45 says, who did you main in LOL? I bet it was some gay shit like Teemo. I mained Tahm Kench, the vor monster. I've explained this before, there's a backstory to it. Unknown_15: Power Chad over cock five says Josh. There's a very special kind of anger that these trunes are bringing out I hold out hope for I feel that there is slight change in public opinion More and more people are getting fed up with these fetishistic cunts as they continue to go after children I hope you have a good day TTD forever. I agree. I think the the tide is turning. It's very obvious the lack of pride in this pride month is a strong indicator that the fatigue has reached a critical point and 2:13:41 Unknown_15: Anonymous for five says the real deep lore is that donkey cut it off a sky because sky being a homosexual refused to be his wife's bull That's so unfair cuz that video is not actually donkey. It's a little bit sad. He is now known as a cuckold I don't think he's been able to avoid any kind of pride shit I think he maybe made fun of Trump a couple times, but that's it. I 2:14:16 Unknown_15: Dunky Jake's need for 547 says got myself a drum again I love the stream but an hour behind wanted to don't know cuz I enjoy the stream gas let my GF yesterday She was very angry with herself after that. She'll be here in a couple of hours to apologize gaslight chads. We stay winning I have no I Have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say. I hope you enjoy your room though my boy. I Unknown_15: Don't don't get there was a place where I kept getting Wraps in Odessa and one of them kept giving me food poisoning. 2:14:50 Unknown_15: I Mentioned on stream once that I ate I got hives after eating a drum and I was told that it is a sign of food poison. It's a allergic reaction to a virus. That's common in Unhygienic kitchens, so I stopped eating there. I Unknown_15: Kanye West says fuck anime and fuck the Megaminds you awesome bitch ass niggas. Totally agree. Thank you very much Kanye. Love that song Black Klansman Unknown_15: Wrong burger for five says $5 said the Haram burger for $5 said for $5 said Haram burger for Haram burger system not responding Wrong burger for $5 $5 dollars dollars dollars very strange. Not very strange very strange message. I don't get it. I get it I see very cool. Thank you Romer chronic kicker Niller for five says I have a sister that is a knick-knock and I told her that blacks are at risk for diabetes and heart conditions She said that it happens because blacks are eating white people. How do you feel about that? I 2:15:31 Unknown_15: I think you mean white people food. I don't think they're eating white people as in the human flesh. But, um, I think that's great. I think they should eat black people food and leave our food alone because, you know, we don't even spice day food and shit, man. 2:16:05 Unknown_15: Redcoat provides us. Hey Josh after hearing your thoughts on feds. I rethought turning glowy I'll be going to a top law school soon and wondering what you think the best way to support your general cause or the right wing would be PS I can write about drop to a firm stuff as an inspiration in my application essay. Unknown_15: I Mean you can write about whatever the fuck you want I don't know how I can deny you as far as supporting right wing clauses. You should do pro bono work as well as an attorney You should get into Unknown_15: Oregon to politics most politicians were lawyers at first, but I mean there's organizations out there like the The It's got like the social media freedom organization. There's lots of words to donate your legal expertise to if you want to help out 2:16:44 Unknown_15: Good luck. I know I'm sure 20 says have fun decoding the message by the way little be coined the term bass He is known as bass God clams beats are worth the listening to on their own They make up a decent portion of my study music. He has how much for you to play CS go disco sucks Let's hear this Hey, I'll see there's some last time a shit my nigga am I just turned to stuff in October 20th not I'm at Unknown_00: There's a comment on this video that says, it's funny because I'm black and understood every word he said in the context in which he used them. 2:17:34 Unknown_15: Translation, hello everyone, look here, this is ridiculous stuff. My buddy Armaus just turned himself in to the authorities on October 12th. Unknown_15: If you can understand what I am avowing, free my buddy or we, my people in question, will be forced to attenuate the situation. I'm going to miss my friend who resides out of the province where I am. This video recording is for you. Proclaim toward me when possible. That's very nice. Thank you for the translation, commenter on this YouTube video. Unknown_15: Thank you very much. I did know about Little Bean Base God. I know where that comes from. I was around on 8chan when it became a thing. 2:18:09 Unknown_15: Knowledge for 25 says here's some fake money that I didn't turn to silver or Bitcoin Please keep the Odyssey up to date so I can continue to graze like the neighbor cattle. I am thanks Yeah, the videos are always up on BK and rumble usually and I try to keep the Odyssey up to date whenever possible I know sometimes a little bit behind on that Unknown_15: Thank you. And not much surprises. Do you believe that if porn wasn't readily available? There'd be fewer trainees if there are any other factors we need to take into account. I think it's mostly porn Because I think that it's a like a humiliation thing And they get off on because once you want like I think they watch enough porn. They're like what the only way to make it to like continue to jerk off is if like being a woman so humiliating the only way I could continue to coom as if I am a woman if I'm a whole like all the women and 2:18:41 Unknown_15: The president Nintendo for five says a ha ha ha psych. It's total Nintendo domination forever Not total Nintendo domination until some random fag in chat complains. We're back. It's over. I've shot so many loads inside your mother She calls my dick the zapper also solidarity with all the people who post mega bands T and D for you What a wonderful message. Thank you, my friend. I really appreciate it 2:19:23 Unknown_15: Then on Odyssey, Phimosisfan69 for 25 says, Bless you for scheduling a sensible time when we true Kiwis can tune in in the middle of our workday's juice. I am too lazy to get up at 6 a.m. on Saturday. Where the fuck do you live? Like Australia? Oh, true Kiwis, New Zealand. OK, shout out to New Zealand. Unknown_15: Reckon back ever did says you don't read my super chat Friday. You seen her I said sneed welcome to the cooler streaming site YouTube watchers Let's get TT and D in chat. Thank you very much. I definitely didn't fucking read your super chat I think you say this every stream that I didn't read your super chat. I read your super chat every fucking stream I read I recognize your name you use the same name. I know I read your fucking super chat fucker 2:19:56 Unknown_15: Dot-dot-dot for five says odyssey coin. Thank you very much dot-dot-dot appreciate it bag face for five says Did you see sticks is often off off a limited edition 3d printed figurines a fan made and they're going for $370 He says he can't do anything about how they're being sold or the price Dude six is like a top-tier rifter. Everything he does is just for the fucking money. He doesn't believe a single goddamn thing He says ever 2:20:28 Unknown_15: Long border 241 for five says good Tuesday Josh no art for you today, but a question for you What are your thoughts on mixed analog digital modern art sculptures if you like that shit and maybe looking up Tezu Park I have never heard of a mixed analog digital modern art sculpture. I am sure I have not a single clue about what that means I Appreciate it though. Sorry. I couldn't give a more informed opinion Unknown_15: That's it, we're done. My song, outro song, for the stream will be... 2:20:59 Unknown_15: It's a real song by a real artiste. However, it is one of the funniest songs I've ever heard. And not in an intentional way like Weird Al. I mean, like, zero self-awareness. Hilarious. Unknown_15: So please enjoy. I will see you on Friday with regularly scheduled programming. And thank you very much. See you next time. Bye-bye. 2:21:33 Unknown_02: Dean Street. Click, clack. President. Unknown_02: Nostradam, DPs, Orange, RBGs, T-Town. Who wanna ride? Brooklyn. Come on. Come on. Sitting in the living room on the floor. Hunger pain got me on some migraine shit, but I'ma maintain. Nigga got two or three dollars to my name and my homies in the same boat going through the same thing. Ready for a cake. Daily plotting for the paper. We've been living in the dark since April on the counter. Gotta get a handle. My homie got a 25 automatic added to the gamble. Nigga get the phone book, look up in the yellow page. Let me tell you how we finish. We gon' order takeout when they send the driver We gon' stick the .25 up in his face, let's ride Steppin' outside like warriors into the notorious Southside One weapon to the four of us, hidin' in the corridor Till we see the green from the car headlights White boy in the wrong place at the right time Soon as the car door open up, he mine We roll up quick and flip the pistol to his nose By the look on his face, he probably shitted in his clothes You know what this is, it's a stick-up Pimpin' the dough from your pickups, you ran into the wrong niggas We runnin' down the block hot with these packs of boxes So we split up and met back at the apartment 2:22:05 Unknown_02: Yo, ain't you hungry, my nigga? Unknown_04: Hell yeah! You wanna get paid, my nigga? Hell yeah! Ain't you tired of starving, my nigga? Hell yeah! Unknown_19: The name says you, but the face is me. Now it's your turn, take my paperwork. Like one, two, three, let's make it work. Then fill out the credit card application, and it's going to be about three weeks of waiting for American Express. Discover a car. Platinum, Visa, MasterCard. Because when we was booked and shit, then we was targets. Now we just walk right up and say, charge it. To the game, we rocking brand names. Well-known at the parking store chain. Even got the boys in the crew for a few things. Never know who's the true blame Store after store, you know we kept rolling Wait two weeks, report the car stolen Repeat the cycle like a laundromat Like a glitch in the system, it's hard to catch Coming out the mall with the shopping bags Ooh, you take it right back, then get the cash, yeah Get a friend, then do it again Damn right, that's how we pay the rent Hell yeah, I should get this paper I'm down for the caper We steady on the glass of damn history 2:23:44 Unknown_03: Struggle, we all gotta hustle This is the way we survive to get this Paper, I'm down for the paper We standing on the edge of damage Struggle, we all gotta hustle This is the way we survive to get this Right there, bold and taken, fuck welfare We say reparations and a, you know the grind Get up early, get on the line, and just wait Everybody on break, that's part of the game And when they call your name, miscase work, girl, let me state my claim I'm homeless, jobless, times is hard, I'm bout hopeless But I gotta eat regardless, no family to run to, I'm 22 Now tell me, what the fuck am I supposed to do? Unknown_19: My sad story made her feel close to me I made her feel like it was an emergency And when I came to the crib, niggas couldn't believe I came back with a big bag of groceries Every job I ever had, I had to get em The first day I found out a pimpin' system Two steps ahead of the manager Gettin' over on the regular, tax-free money out the register And when I'm workin' late nights, stockin' boxes I'm creepin' they merchandise And don't put me on dishes, I'm droppin' them bitches And takin' all day long to mock the kitchen sherry The in-payin' commission, minimum wage, modern-day slave conditions Got me flippin' burgers with no power And can't even buy one off what I make in an hour 2:24:36 Unknown_02: I take mine off the top like a politician. Where I'm from, doing dirt is a part of living. I got miles to feed, dog. I got to get it. Hell yeah. You down to roll, my nigga? Unknown_04: Hell yeah. You better get your hands dirty, my nigga? Hell yeah. Your mama need money and things, my nigga? Hell yeah. Well, that's right, then. Unknown_03: Hell yeah. Come on, come on. 2:25:35 Unknown_03: We got to get over. The End