Mad at the Internet (June 9th, 2023) 2023-06-09

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you and an you.

Unknown_09: It's the intro to Bread and Wine by Rome from the Rhodesia album.

Unknown_09: I'm doing two streams a week now. This is the second stream of the week. I did the first one on Tuesday. This one will be the exact same stream except in Spanish. So if you don't speak Spanish, or if you already saw the first stream, you can tune out now.

Unknown_09: I know there's so much happening now and I can ramble for so long about nothing at this point as a learned skill of mine that I can um I can split it in two now I can split it in two and try to uh time it for the Americans and for the Europeans

Unknown_09: might fuck up my sleep schedule a little bit but that's okay i'm so used to going to bed at midnight uh or before midnight even like at 11 p.m 10 p.m now i have to stay up a little bit at least on tuesdays uh but it's a sacrifice for my audience my listening audience that i am willing to make

Unknown_09: Oh, by the way, uh, first, first thing I want to point out is that YouTube has added some new emojis for pride month. Uh, so my favorite is the, if you want to just click the emoji keyboard thing, uh, my favorite is the sassy black lady, pride painted nails and the pooner black lady. Um, the pooner black lady is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. The art for this is absolutely atrocious. They're all so unappealing. It's actually stunning.

Unknown_09: Cause it's in that globo homo art style. Uh, so if I can get a, if I can get big pooners in chat, uh, this will be the, the, uh, the YouTube equivalent for pog. Cause it is kind of like a pog face, but it's, it's a blacklist.

Unknown_09: So every time something amazing happens, I can get some, I want to see some, some poons in the chat. And I also, uh, if I'm being particularly sassy, you have my permission to do the sassy nails emoji as well. And we're going to, we're going to make the use out of the tools that, that, uh,

Unknown_09: Uh, Neil Mohan, not Susan Wojcicki anymore. Neil Mohan has given us. So I want to see some big poons up in chat.

Unknown_09: Okay. So first thing first, I want to start off with an apology. I was wrong. Start the news segment, but I was wrong.

Unknown_09: Um, not about any of this the usda is still evil. Stop leaving me comments saying josh They just want to make sure that there's not rat shit in your meat. Oh, they're stopping madcap. Fuck off. I don't care I was wrong To uncritically this is like the second time by the way ollie london also rushed to put out the I think it was ollie london Rushed to put out the news That um, sorry, I forgot the uh to switch it Rush to put out the news that Nick Fuentes and whatever had parted ways and then was like categorically denied by By everyone he also uncritically retweeted this Saying that the Arc de Triomphe in Paris had been taken over with a huge LGBT construction Which I made a joke about and then he even showed the source of this and said here's the original post by the LGBT org behind the installation Still acting as if this is real. He does not correct it. There is no information here. This is fucking fake And I actually went to the source. I found this but this is the rest of his profile. These are obviously demonstrably fake They're just 3d renders

Unknown_09: That he posts for for certain events for all artistic reasons, but then also like for for causes so ollie london, um I need to stop trusting this guy because I also featured his fucking claim that nick puentes did something that he didn't And now i've uh, uh showed this in my stream and said that this was real and it's not So I look like a dipshit. Um, but I will never trust this fucking ollie london guy again The second time is my fault for sure pisses me off

Unknown_09: Sorry about that. Fake news. I got fact checked. I actually looked for the source of this because I wanted to show somebody. And then when I looked it up, I found like all the fact checking articles in this, this did not actually happen. I was like, Oh, okay. And then of course I don't trust those when I see that shit. So I tried to find the source and I found this account. I'm like, Oh, this is fake. Uh, cause the, um, even the, like the Snopes fact checker people didn't link to his profile for whatever reason. They just said it was fake without any evidence themselves. So, okay. I guess it's up to me to figure out where the fuck this comes from.

Unknown_09: Anyways, uh, so if you're a fan of big, of robots and big robots, um, you probably have heard about battle tech and someone linked me this and asked me to talk about it briefly. Um, send me an email actually. And what he says is that, let me make sure I got this right. Oh, I have it written down. Um, so

Unknown_09: They, okay, for instance, they've been slowly like pausing their politics over years. One of the things that they did is they removed a mech called the Rommel, the Rommel main battle tank for Nazi connotations after being in the game for 35 years. However, while Rommel is like famous enough that retard trannies would like know that that's a, that he was a Nazi general, even though Rommel was extremely apolitical. And after the war, I think the allies gushed over him and how he fought and how clean his combat was, and there was absolutely no reason. I think that Hitler even had him kill himself because he wasn't loyal enough to the party. That's what happened. He tried to back an assassination plot or some shit. So even though Rumble had the cleanest hands of anyone in World War 2, they had to get rid of him because he's famous enough that they know that he fought for the Wehrmacht for World War 2. However, they did not know that the tanks named after Steiner, as in Steiner's counterattack will bring that under control from the fucking downfall meme, and Kurata also have Nazi connotations, but they're not famous enough to be removed from the game. Anyways, that's an aside.

Unknown_09: There is a this is a claim from the guy. I asked him for clarification He has not responded in time for me to prove it proof, but he claims that Tranny terrorists sent death threats to the boomers that write the battle text stuff Over political stuff to the point where someone was convicted of terrorism in association with this game. I do not know If that's true, that is what he claims it could be fit false and I

Unknown_09: Now that I have to watch myself, I cannot be wrong. Two streams in a row. Um, big box and chat.

Unknown_09: Uh, so apparently that way. Okay. So here's what happened. Um, this fanzine came out this, uh, here's the cover of this. I'm not going to read this fucking article. This is the cover that they put out. There was of course, big angriness on, on the internet.

Unknown_09: There was a Battletech subreddit that's been around for 15 years and there was so much controversial discussion about this that the actual Battletech people made their own official rbattletech to get away from the controversy so they could just ban absolutely everyone. Then they crack down on the guy that owned the first Battletech subreddit, and now any discussion about this fanzine is completely banned. Your post will be deleted, you'll be banned from the subreddit, and now the Battletech company is satisfied with that moderation standard and are consolidating the two subreddits again.

Unknown_09: And this is what the person let me talk about is that yet another Niche interest for hobbyist Big G gamers has been co-opted by trainees for no reason whatsoever Very sad to see thankfully they they've cut off their penises and they live in pain so we don't have to feel too bad about it

Unknown_09: Um, Disney and it's okay. First of all, I don't understand the live action shit from Disney. I think all of those movies suck. I really don't know what they're going for. I don't know why they never try to make an original thing ever anymore. I mean, I guess Pixar made Encanto. Um,

Unknown_09: But even like I think the the one before that was Moana and that was like a decade ago by now So they don't make anything new anymore. They just keep shitting up these Overpriced live actions that don't even make any money and I really don't know what the fuck the point is This isn't Disney is this not by Pixar how to train your dragon Okay, let me look this up because I'm being fact-checked alive on air How to tame your dragon

Unknown_12: is by DreamWorks.

Unknown_09: Is DreamWorks not owned by, it was owned by Paramount.

Unknown_09: Okay, so I know what's happening here then. Paramount Pictures is retarded and they just see that Disney is doing these live-action remakes and they're thinking we should do them too because Disney is doing them. Okay, never mind. I've clarified why they're doing this. Obviously, it doesn't make any sense. How to tame a dragon is very cute. The dragons are like dogs. You can't really replicate that in live-action, but they're gonna do it anyways and they're gonna cast a black woman.

Unknown_09: the Swedish Viking or Vidking for whatever fucking reason so this right here is now this and let's not forget there is nothing Scandinavian and if you disagree with this

Unknown_09: We're no better than our Viking ancestors. So let's let's reign it in with all that racism and intolerance. Actually, I rewatched this video because I remember I need to get that clip of the black guy going. We must know better than our Viking ancestors. And I didn't realize how degrading and demoralizing this actual this whole advertisement was. Just listen to like the first 30 seconds.

Unknown_05: What is truly Scandinavian?

Unknown_05: Yeah.

Unknown_05: Absolutely nothing. There is no such thing. Everything is copied.

Unknown_05: Our democracy? Credit goes to Greece.

Unknown_05: Parental leave? Thank you, Switzerland.

Unknown_05: The iconic Scandinavian windmills were actually invented in Persia. And we made the German bicycle a staple of our city.

Unknown_09: very funny imagine so is sweden sweden's like okay it's i say like imagine being british because it's funny how terrible the british are um but like at least it's funny because they deserve it and there's no redeeming qualities about the british However, it's kind of hard to hate on Sweden. Like, what has Sweden done to make you hate them? It's just kind of sad and pitiful. Like, oh, imagine being Swedish.

Unknown_09: Makes your skin crawl. Very sad. Uh, that's that. Now, chat.

Unknown_09: Nature is healing. I read this report. I came across this on accident. Someone actually right before the stream someone sent a message saying Twitch streaming is dying nature is healing. I'm thinking what the fuck makes you say that so I dug into it I was because of the reddit evaluation last room I mentioned that reddit's evaluation I mean cut by 41% a very interesting number by fidelity there. Yeah, one of their investors and And he said, Reddit's dying, Twitch is dying, nature is healing. And I looked it up and apparently this is from Esquire Middle East. So I don't know why Esquire Middle East is writing about Twitch dying. I guess they find it funny. I guess because there's so many Saudi Arabian princes dumping loads of cash on their favorite cam whores than thoughts on Twitch.

Unknown_09: that is the most interested market for news about Twitch.

Unknown_09: But here we have an Asian woman who has turned herself into a Diglett in wasting a ton of mulch, perfectly good mulch, in the process.

Unknown_09: Because apparently Twitch streamers are desperate for views now and the whole thing is dying off. And it's not particularly clear why.

Unknown_09: Um, this whole, this debate by the way was started by a man named Autistics saying viewership across the board on Twitch is plummeting and people are getting desperate. Top streamers that would hit 75,000 viewers consistently are now averaging slightly above 10,000. You're seeing less and less successful VTuber debuts. Society is healing. Oh, he has a Chud avatar.

Unknown_09: Most hated, sweetie, pilled, gamer, Chud online, love poster, nice voice havers, streamer-ish.

Unknown_12: Interesting.

Unknown_09: I didn't even notice that.

Unknown_09: Anyways, the interesting part is down here. So who's correct? Well, he's correct that streaming numbers are up overall. It's possible that both parties are right. If you look closely at the numbers, it's clear that the number of channels has grown far more than viewership, which means that while more people are using the site, they're divided by more channels, meaning that while people are using the platform overall, individual streamers are having a hard time keeping the viewerships they once did.

Unknown_09: So twitch growth average concurrent this information Contradicts what the opening paragraph is saying there are over 2.47 million to 2,000,470,000 viewers which is down from almost 2.8 million in 2021 but meanwhile

Unknown_09: There's almost 100,000 channels that are active at any given time, and there was more than 100,000 channels at any given time in 2021.

Unknown_09: And then I guess the number of broadcasters is, that's crazy though. Like, uh, in a month there are more than 7 million streamers on Twitch that try to start a channel, uh, live. And there was more, almost 8.5 million people trying to stream on Twitch in 2021, I guess at the onset of COVID.

Unknown_09: Um, so now that COVID is over, that's probably what it is that there are more people cooped up who needed like parasocial stimulation. So they went on to Twitch. And now that COVID is over, those people are just leaving again. And you have this glut of people who briefly had success on the platform as a streamer. um suddenly realizing that suddenly losing like all their like this woman probably had tens of thousands of men who would throw money at her because oh my god she's a woman on the internet and she's so goofy and silly just like my anime women and now they're they're outside touching grass and she has to pretend to be diglett to keep the to keep the remaining attention of the the people who uh haven't left as a result um so that's funny that's why that's why they're suffering i guess

Unknown_09: Uh, being, by the way, being turned into a Diglett is not the worst thing to happen to Asian women. In Washington, a Korean woman's spa is forced to erase biological women from policy after a human rights complaint from a, uh, from this lovely woman that looks like Christian.

Unknown_09: Haven Vilfish complained to the Washington State Human Rights Commission, which I guess is just the the HRT of Canada in Washington State. Imagine being living in one of these fucking states.

Unknown_09: Complained that they were denied access to a spa in 2020 and after a couple years of litigation, Olympus Ball can no longer say that this beautiful individual cannot access. Can I get a big pooner in chat? Can I get some Yas Queen fingernail polishing for this epic win for the LGBTQIA P Plus Alliance in Washington State?

Unknown_09: I don't know. I like, I like at this point, I just like seeing this misery spread as much as possible. Cause I know it's like a rubber band and the more that it's stretched to breaking the harder it's going to snap. But I do, I do kind of feel like these people are going to move out of Washington and move to other States and just completely ruin the U S forever. But then again, I don't know. I say people, I tell people I don't even vote. I don't even bother to mail in my ballots anymore. So,

Unknown_09: Uh, how much can I even complain?

Unknown_12: Maybe, maybe they'll learn. Who knows?

Unknown_09: Other other true news this is from yesterday Fox News reports that a transgender activist Did the needful and fatally stabbed her father inside multi-million-dollar, Virginia Beach Manion says the cops Police referred to the spec suspect as Michael Nora Horowitz a biological man who is transitioning to a woman so this this dude enabled by his lovely parents and to becoming a truan and

Unknown_09: Um, has decided to take it upon themselves to murder their enabling parents.

Unknown_09: Uh, other from, from Portland, I guess.

Unknown_12: What is, uh, the business?

Unknown_09: Virginia dentist who was allegedly murdered by his transgender daughter during a fight over the weekend Police said Abby Horowitz 68 suffered multiple stab wounds after 9 a.m. And they're 2.1 million dollar Virginia Beach home and was pronounced dead Horowitz his daughter a biological man in the process of transitioning home and was arrested and charged with second-degree murder and stabbing in the commission of a felony the police report used the pronoun she and

Unknown_12: There was no motive given, apparently.

Unknown_09: Nor is named as Michael in her slain father's page on his dentistry's practice site. So he might have been misgendered. So maybe the parents weren't enabling. It's hard to say. The police are keeping the details from us.

Unknown_09: Nora's dad who his patients knew as Abby has been a dentist for more than 40 years. Is he also a true?

Unknown_12: What the fuck is happening in this Can you be is it wait that's the last name right no, dr. Abby Is that a man's name chat help me I'm dying when I'm dying midstream, how is this man named Abby?

Unknown_09: I can't work. It's okay. Chat seems happy with the, uh, the happenings going on in this article.

Unknown_09: It's a NAS name. Okay. The man name, whatever. I'm done with this. It is funny to see though.

Unknown_09: The violence will continue until morale improves.

Unknown_09: But if you are in New York, apparently the air quality in New York City is now so bad that you cannot breathe. The entire world, the entire city of New York, put under the knee of Canada. Canada sitting up there, just kneeing on the Empire State, making it so that nobody can breathe.

Unknown_09: It's just just suffering objectively Greta by the way, Greta Thunberg came out and said that this is No, I was thinking of the dam Greta Thunberg came out and said that the dam breaking in Russia was it was eco side that Putin had committed I guess this is also eco side Perpetuated by the Canadians at the expense of good hard-working people in New York City Reminder though

Unknown_07: God hates Canada, land of the sodomite damned. The fag infested land of Canada is burning. The fire of God's wrath is sending hundreds of those filthy Canadian beasts straight to hell. We at Westboro Baptist Church are rejoicing and we are praying for the dear Lord to burn many more Canadians alive.

Unknown_09: I thought of this while I was putting this together and I decided I would take a little look at At what the Westboro Baptist Church had been up to because you don't really hear much more about them that pastor Fred Phelps is dead and the church is now in the hands of his daughter who was like a very very famous constitutional attorney Their whole family is very interesting. They're from Kansas. I think they have a place in Florida now, but um, I

Unknown_09: they their entire family is like a collection of constitutional attorneys and they are routinely up in the supreme court fighting for freedom of speech uh they're they're very very interesting uh and they they seem to be like trolls lawsuit trolls where they um provoke people into infringing their rights or insulting or assaulting them physically then they sue them for millions of dollars and that's how they finance their their protests and stuff it's really interesting actually uh but i looked up what they're up to and um their velocity has has decreased quite a bit uh here's here's a sign that i liked god hates you

Unknown_09: I believe that this this is one of their weirdest ones It does not have any Bible verses on it almost all their signs have a Bible verse that explains there were they drawing this conclusion from this one is the only one that I saw that did not have a Bible verse on it. However, I think that what they're saying is that Valentine's Day is idol worship and that's why it's Valentine's Day themed and However, if God hates you is not persuasive enough there is for the Ben Shapiro intellectuals watching God hates your feelings So God if you don't find God hates you very persuasive God hates your feelings as well

Unknown_09: God hates whores. This one's updated for OnlyFans now. Now that we have more available prostitution, they've decided to break this one down. God hates whores.

Unknown_09: God hates trannies, of course, staying trendy, staying... I'm surprised you really don't hear more about the Westboro Baptist Church. However, I think that the media policy now is just to ignore them, or maybe Shirley Phillips is just less active. I think their church broke apart a little bit, so they don't have as much manpower.

Unknown_09: I like this one the most. God won't change your chromosomes on half of the Troodon flag, citing Genesis 127. I actually want to know what that says. Genesis 127.

Unknown_09: God created mankind in his own image in the image of God. He created them male and female. He created them Okay, that's what that's what they're referencing. I like this one a lot ADL Jew bullies They have a very strange relationship with Jews. They make fun of shit like the ADL and They call Jews apostates

Unknown_09: However, they have another sign that says 144,000 Jews will will repent on the final days of Earth. If you ever see a bunch of Jews converting to Christianity, it's the end times. Actually, don't we have Milo Yiannopoulos and Laura Loomer? Is this the end times? Are they a part of the 144,000?

Unknown_09: Is it already beginning chat? Are the prophecies of revelation upon us? Repent, Senator. The end is nigh.

Unknown_09: Rabbis rape boys. I think I feel like even saying this on YouTube is going to get my stream like automatically detected by some hate speech detector and deleted So we're just gonna move right along to one to piss everybody off Jesus Christ king of the Jews There's a little bit something for everyone there and a final sign that you may find interesting

Unknown_09: that I think will probably alienate the remaining audience.

Unknown_00: If you haven't found a reason to be pissed off at the Westboro Baptist Church from what I've displayed so far, racism is a sin.

Unknown_09: I looked up the verses, I was curious. The first one says that

Unknown_09: Favoritism is a sin. You cannot, using the example of rich and poor, you cannot hold one person in higher dignity than the other. I didn't read too much into it. I was just kind of curious what they were citing.

Unknown_09: dabbed on chat and so many people saying base now now look at you it can't be racist anymore god says not to be god says nothing i don't think i could be wrong i haven't really read the bible all the way through um about sending tranny's ashwagandha route instead of hrt

Unknown_09: This is a scandal that I was alerted to at the last second. There is a new alternative that was sprung up as a replacement to the DIY HRT directory that Keffels promoted and sent illegal hormone supplements to children for Bitcoin in Canada and was never punished for it in any way, shape, or form. This was set up and they were sending something called ashwagandha root to trannies. And from what I understand, ashwagandha root is a herbal supplement which

Unknown_09: naturally promotes testosterone in people so I suppose here's a fun fun fact I think I could be wrong I don't want to misquote government regulation again and get yelled at by people I'm pretty sure that the supplement industry is, like, extremely unregulated. Every time they've tried to regulate supplements in the United States, it's just been a fucking disaster. I think I read somewhere once that, um, when the FDA tried to regulate supplements, there was a media campaign to get people to call their congresspeople and senators to try and protest the regulation. And in the couple weeks that they were trying to push this regulation, Senators and Congress people got more calls, more complaints about the issue than they did protesting the entire Vietnam War over the entire duration of the war. So people in the United States are very, very get off my medication type situation type deal.

Unknown_09: So if you want to, if you want to bottle what you call ashwagandha root, and there's at least 1% ashwagandha root inside of your supplement, you're completely free without any sort of license to sell this to whomever you want on the internet. So they apparently set up this industry and started saying, this is a great thing to make you more of a small being who will, uh, parentheses, these statements were not endorsed by the FDA or any regulation. And then people bought it cause like, uh, I'll show you, um,

Unknown_12: This part right here.

Unknown_09: Regarding the Astrolab scam, you can report them to the FTC for deceptive advertising via false reviews. The page states these reviews were collected through a website that filters, blah, blah, blah. And then it warns the Femboy Tummy Pills page has pornography in the reviews section uncensored. Don't scroll into the section. So literally, you're a genius.

Unknown_09: who set this up, took a natural herb that promotes testosterone, claimed it would give you a femboy tummy, and then used femboy hentai to sell it to trannies who then took it and achieved male pattern baldness as a result of their hormone imbalance.

Unknown_09: And this is probably completely legal because of how supplements are regulated in the United States.

Unknown_09: But I'll read the reviews here. Jalen says they are branding ashwagandha as HRT. This is actually really bad for trans women because ashwagandha actually increases testosterone production. This is a scam in an attempt to take advantage of a marginalized community. The main ingredient increases DHT production, which closes male pattern baldness from TERFs aren't women.

Unknown_09: And then says, I'm going to throw up. I know people who thought who bought these pills and now have testosterone levels, which are higher. This is genocide. a very shocking display.

Unknown_09: The group of people who medicate themselves by buying random shit off the internet advertises Femboy tummy pills are suffering as a consequence of their their life choices.

Unknown_09: Musent VTuber, oh god, warns, PSA, the fake HRT can kill you. Ashwagandha, the primary active ingredient in the fake HRT sold by EstroLabs, has been found to cause serotonin syndrome in doses as low as 600 milligrams. The dose of ashwagandha recommended by EstroLabs is 2,400 taken twice a day. So that's four times what was stated

Unknown_09: Note that the symptoms of serotonin syndrome can vary from relatively mild, faster heart rate, high blood pressure, to extremely dangerous hyperhyrexia seizures, depending on severity. The risk is even greater if you're taking SSRIs, the most common form of antidepressants. So if you are a truant, you're probably on SSRIs, basically guaranteed, which has complications when you take ashwagandha root.

Unknown_09: Keep in mind that many of the alkaloids in ashwagandha are fat soluble and take time to build up in the body. It is highly recommended to taper off ashwagandha if any of the above symptoms are present, even the more mild ones. This is a severe risk, should not be taken lightly, aside from the risk of inputting your personal information to an incredibly sketchy website assuming everything is legitimate as they say it is. People could get sick, people could get hurt, people could die. Please make sure to keep watch for stuff like this. Ops like this are very likely to become more common as transphobia becomes more rampant if you actually want hormones That work for you. Don't kill you check out DIY HRT Which I assume is either competing because it's not what he's either competing with HRT to DIY because Keffel's was involved they went to make their own or something blah blah blah

Unknown_09: That looks like the same logo as the HRT DIY before so it probably is the same thing It's just under new management because it was open source And then it shit sorry, I fucked something up give me a sec It says here extra lives is the turf scam so they're blaming the turfs It apparently stole

Unknown_09: Pictures from our trans timelines to make fake reviews. The image of the founder of the site is AI generated. The account's Twitter handle is known to be that of a transphobic account that recently deleted all their past tweets. Do not interact with the site. Do not give them your address. Do not buy any of their projects. Buy real Estradol from real reputable suppliers on Third website, I guess.

Unknown_09: They've taken down the hormone listing and replaced it with, oops, all testosterone. Testosterone shirt. As well as saying, did our gas station HRT pill give you male pattern baldness? This shows that they were fully aware that their pills actually increased T instead of E. I wouldn't believe their negative attention we brought them, forced them to take it down. But I suspect that this was their plan all along. The whole thing is an anti-DIY scare. Stay vigilant, everyone. And now it's down.

Unknown_09: It's in it's more base than I could have possibly even imagined I'm gonna I'm gonna post some um Pride person earth intersects cheer emojis in chat to represent my happiness It is pretty genius especially because it's ashwagandha it's like not like dangerous just increases testosterone naturally Um

Unknown_09: Also getting dabbed on, this woman named Isabel Riley Moody announced that she is 21 weeks pregnant, congratulations, and trannies could never.

Unknown_09: Pinky the Geriatric Femboy says trans men can and do get pregnant. Maschinas is laying down and spreading her legs, a competitive sport nowadays.

Unknown_09: Q tape says girl clean that sweatshirt don't teach your kids not to only be transphobic but also dirty and don't let your roots get done and get your roots done you look like a mess to be honest people like you make me happy I can't get pregnant I'd rather never give birth than push out a mistake like you maybe if you listen to trans women you'd learn how to apply mascara that fallout is messy girl I don't think it keeps them up at night but they sure do bother you why do these type of women have the most bland boomerish makeup ever do they move on from Barbie branded makeup

Unknown_09: I mean, when you're a real woman, you don't have to like wear a bunch of clown makeup to look like a woman. I imagine. I love it. They're so easy to piss off. You just have to remind them every time you will never be a woman and they will jump out at you.

Unknown_09: Good stuff.

Unknown_09: Now I have a very important lesson for everybody. Uh, this is an old video, but I find that it's information is practical, viable, informative, and well-presented even to this day. And since it is pride month, and I know that at least half of you are gender non-conforming, this information may be viable to you. This is how to cough like a woman.

Unknown_01: Hey there, it's your girl, C, from

Unknown_09: Eh, eh, eh.

Unknown_01: And then you just put that in front of a cough.

Unknown_01: Do you hear it? Yeah? It doesn't matter how I cough. If the attack of it sounds cute and feminine, then the rest of the cough will be rendered in a way that sounds cute and feminine to the ear, because the brain weighs the attack of a sound so heavily, okay? So here's a simple way that you can start doing this. First, let's just take a very high-pitched kind of sound and just go eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. Now, then do that and then cough very gently after it. Eh, eh, eh, eh.

Unknown_01: And then slowly work on decreasing the time between the two so that the sounds are one.

Unknown_01: now that was a bit over exaggerated of course right like i'm not gonna be coughing like that in person but even with just the softest amount of alteration to the attack of a cough you can quickly that laugh that he did reminds me so much of may she's really unfortunate okay let's put it into practice chat i'm a dumb slut i'm just a hole to be fucked

Unknown_09: Wow, it's like I'm actually a woman. I can't believe how effective this program is. Thank you. Trans voice lessons. Really incredible stuff.

Unknown_09: All right.

Unknown_09: Now you're ready. This is some real content. This is, uh, this down the pipe. I saw it. I looked into it. Um,

Unknown_09: Be warned children. I have gone out of my way to censor this. It wasn't like graphic to begin with. It's kind of it's weird and it's really uncomfortable, but it's not like super graphic. It's just extremely uncomfortable. I'll put it like that. Um, now, now let's get some, uh, some pride nail emojis in chat. If you are a fan of.

Unknown_09: SCP.

Unknown_09: SCP has been a weird thing. It's like a super autistic like fanfic. Basically they created this world where

Unknown_09: It's a, it's a repository of just like spooky short stories. And they kind of themed them around this idea that there is like a, um, I don't know how you would describe it. Like an, like a, like a ghostbusters jail where they have to maintain these things that really can't be destroyed. Um, and the, the spooky stories are just like reports from staff that work at the facility and they have to deal with the spooky monsters that are contained. And they describe what they do and how they operate and the supernatural elements and it was a very popular I remember it being very popular for a long time and then it became very paused because obviously something like that is going to be extremely Autistic and autistic people are trunes now. So it's been co-opted by retards and At some point but despite its popularity

Unknown_09: there was going to be uh animations and there was there was a series called i think containment contained let me let me get this right hold up confinement by a man named lord bung he has had a patreon uh don't mind the website our drama is extremely fabulous and they're not afraid to let everyone know i think if i click it makes a fart noise

Unknown_09: I don't get a fart noise maybe because I'm using Firefox now.

Unknown_09: Um, but basically they released the series and it's just like an animation center around the like the scp stories and such Uh, they've released seven episodes and then since 2019 Lord bung has been working on episode 8 During this time he's opened a patreon. So this was the beginning of the patreon when he was making episodes then in 2019 he starts, uh preparing for um

Unknown_09: for episode 8 and he consistently on average is making about $4.30 per patreon and so you can probably guesstimate that at his peak he was making about $2,400 a month.

Unknown_09: If you calculate it out, since 2019, based on his, uh, subscriber count, he has probably made over a hundred thousand dollars. I've been asking chat. Is he gay? No worse. He's a true now. He's become a, uh, Lord S what's the word of like the female word for a Lord. He goes by Lord Bung still, but he claims to be a woman now. He has an entire team of like animators and voice actors and shit. Uh, and.

Unknown_09: He claims that his ass is broken and that's why progress on confinement episode 8 was slow. There is a video of him explaining that his ass is broken. However, if I go to the SCP page and click this video to see the video about his ass being broken, You can see that he has actually gone into DFE mode and I cannot find the video about his ass being broken anywhere Actually, let me check one more time. I do have the SCP thread open on the Kiwi farms and I asked For this video. We will see if the Kiwi farms was able to provide a copy in the last The last few minutes and I don't think that they have been able to

Unknown_09: Okay, that's fine. We can go on without it. Um, I don't know what his ass being broken means, but you can use your imagination. Uh, and I will move on. Um, so at some certain point he announced in the Reddit thread that it's over. I think that there was a YouTube video or it's a Patreon post saying that, uh, he is going to be stepping down. He's closed his Patreon and he's done, but there is a,

Unknown_09: link to a google drive video that our google drive page that had all the files for um episodes one through seven and then also a leak from chapter one of episode eight

Unknown_09: and it's a music video it's about four minutes long so we got about four minutes of video done in three years more than three years and it is softcore pornography fetish pornography for exposure and like casual sex i think that

Unknown_09: It's, um, that the people involved all claim that even though it seems like sexual harassment, like if someone made this without telling people, it would definitely constitute sexual harassment. But, um, I think that all the people involved are also trunes because in the animation they look all fucking weird and gender fluid and shit. So I think everyone involved is like a gross weirdo and they were okay with it, but it's extremely uncomfortable to watch. I have taken some screencaps and blurred out like it's all implied, but I blocked it out anyways to make it safe for YouTube and for my audience.

Unknown_09: It's a music video to this song. I'll play just a little bit of it.

Unknown_14: Don't worry about God, baby.

Unknown_09: It's called Six Feet by Zalinky. It is actually an original soundtrack that was made in 2019 and released to YouTube. So he actually had composition and music ready to go for this thing and he only completed like the weird sex video for this.

Unknown_09: So, let us begin. I have only a couple screencaps. I'll guide you through it.

Unknown_09: Basically, if you look at his avatar, that's the main character that I'm describing, he has like a missing eye in the video. And he starts off by getting a jetpack and flying into like a skyscraper building, which I guess is like the SCP office building. He's naked and he is pressed up against the glass like this and there's like lots of blushing like like anime style blushing like oh my god a penis and then Nosebleed spit out a big blush. Oh my gosh. I can't believe it's a penis then

Unknown_09: from here he slides off this building and lands down and then oh my god there's more blushing and it's so diverse i think these are all self inserts of the different people working on the project and then he gets away from these people who are staring at him naked and he puts on a belt that supposedly should make him invisible but i don't think that it does

Unknown_09: The way he puts on this belt is the most awkward and uncomfortable thing ever and this is dead set why it's a fetish thing. You like see it from this angle there's like the belt of Adonis and there's also like the very beginning of the penis where it like inserts into the pelvis and it's like a like a weird point of view. It's extremely uncomfortable to watch and I'm forced to assume that this is Lord Bung's fetish and he put this in here deliberately to make people uncomfortable.

Unknown_09: We are 1 minute and 30 seconds into a 4 minute long video.

Unknown_09: At some point he breaks into the facility, I guess using his invisibility belt, and he attacks a guard who is urinating. There is a fight, and they dock, and oops, big blush, so embarrassing, our penis and balls are touching as we fight. How uncomfortable.

Unknown_09: We are... 1 minute 49 seconds into the fight.

Unknown_09: Then, running away from the bathroom, he slips on some lube and slides on one foot. And whoops, he's accidentally penetrated this woman who's doing this weird pose in a naked yoga room that I guess that they do in the SCP offices.

Unknown_09: We are two minutes into this video.

Unknown_09: He then runs away after having accidental sex with this weird uh shaved head Native American woman in the naked yoga room and whoops he slips on soap into the inner into the intersex co-ed showers and everyone's like oh my god look at his dongus isn't this embarrassing uh and then

Unknown_09: We're two and a half minutes in there is about a full minute of Convenient censorship implied sex and nudity that results in like a mass orgy between all the people in the co-ed shower

Unknown_09: There is one woman who manages to avoid being molested. She escapes to the ceiling of the facility and crawls along the vents like a sloth would on a branch of a tree. However, the main character escapes to a laundry room and sits on the laundromat. Then she falls off of the vent she is on and accidentally impales herself on his penis and then accidentally starts the washing machine and the washing machine stimulates sex for them.

Unknown_09: That is $100,000 of content to masturbate this troon who has a very obvious fetish for accidental sex and mingling.

Unknown_09: And after after truding out and breaking his ass, he just gives up and says, I got what I wanted out of this. I have my consent accident footage. I'm done. Bye bye. And supposedly all the people involved in this are OK with that. But I imagine if they were not OK with it, they would not have the ability to say so anyways.

Unknown_09: Says, I stopped my patron a few weeks back. If you want to download my videos, do it now because I'm going to delete this channel in a day or two. And he already has, he gave it literally like a day before everyone started making fun of him and he retired.

Unknown_09: Uh, so money well spent, I guess.

Unknown_09: What's weird is that like trunes are good as like autistic wage slaves when you like put them into a room and force them to code. But the moment they get the reins of anything,

Unknown_09: Creative it's it's like a fucking disaster. You know what I mean? I don't know what I don't know what it is about their brains But I guess they're just like super porn sick and they don't know how to make entertainment without it being hypersexual and weird and creepy like that Yeah, it's autism. It's true. I'll tell you but I don't know Autists can make I mean Chris made Sonichu the pinnacle of human creativity. So you can't say that all tests aren't creative Just like the fallout mod something like that

Unknown_12: Midwin IQ, maybe They cannot create they can only destroy it's true.

Unknown_12: That's right. That's right. Yeah Okay now

Unknown_09: Here's the thing. I haven't had the time to actually, I meant to hide this while I was setting it up, but you got, you all got a jump scared by, by Amy Slayton.

Unknown_09: Maybe you should talk about that first. Here's Tammy. Here's Amy. She got a divorce from her husband. I don't know why. Um, it was all behind closed doors.

Unknown_09: I think that she just said that he was too, too boring or something, but they made a, um, they're in a restraining order. I don't know. He's like, so like slow in the mind, but it's hard to imagine him being violent or anything.

Unknown_09: But Tammy has started losing weight. This is what she looks like now. It's really, really distinct. I don't know if she's still, I guess she's still with that guy and they're losing weight together. Good for her. Uh, this is what she looked like on the show and now she's lost, lost enough fat where her, she doesn't have like that weird caveman bulge on her head, like as much as she used to.

Unknown_09: And, uh, her, her chin model has decreased in size quite a bit. He left him. Okay.

Unknown_12: Probably just cause he's so boring.

Unknown_12: Okay, that's that I just want to give a brief team you look you actually see her eyes now She can open her eyes isn't that shocking like her eyelid fat is no longer crushing her pupils amazing

Unknown_09: so Fox News wanted to do a segment on Furries because that thing happened that I mentioned either last Friday or last Tuesday about Ron DeSantis Applying a drag queen ban that a furry convention then applied to minors at itself Just for like legal purposes for the sake of protecting themselves as much as possible They weren't directly ordered by Ron DeSantis to not allow children, but their lawyers advised them to make it an 18-plus event

Unknown_09: So Fox News wanted to do a story on this and they reached out to a popular furry within the furry community and said, hello, would you like to do an interview on Fox News uwu? And this is, of course, translated into furry so that they could understand them.

Unknown_09: This person then put out a poll the tie Slade says I've been asked to do a five-minute live interview in fursuit with they made sure make sure you wear that fucking suit That's them. That's the advertising dollar right there boy With Jesse waters on Fox addressing the recent bill 1438 by Ron very close by Ron DeSantis and the new policy decision by Megaplex to exclude minors from attending this year. Should I do it or should I decline? Please comment A hundred people voted of which two thirds of them voted not to do this interview because this is obviously a terrible idea. There is no way that he would not just be reduced to a laughing stock on live national television.

Unknown_09: But he's a furry, and if furries love anything more than internet memes and pornography, it is attention. So with the promise of being on television, he dons his fursuit and shows up. Oh wait, that's the wrong one. Shows up on television.

Unknown_11: Furries? They're a group of people who dress up in costume and pretend to be animals. They like to go to conventions, kind of like a comic-con, except everyone's dressed up like the Philly Fanatic.

Unknown_11: I guess this is just good, clean fun. Different strokes for different folks and all, but there's also a sexual undercurrent at the events. Some of it gets like, you know, well, watch out for the guy with the paddle.

Unknown_11: So now, thanks to DeSantis' new law, kids are not allowed to go to an upcoming furry convention in Florida.

Unknown_12: Okay, meet the furry.

Unknown_11: We now turn it over to a real life furry, David Konoska, to respond.

Unknown_09: All right, David.

Unknown_09: Just the audacity to put this on television is great.

Unknown_11: How old are you?

Unknown_11: I'm 32.

Unknown_11: And what are you supposed to be dressed up as here?

Unknown_11: Well, currently, I'm a raccoon. And why are you dressed up as a raccoon?

Unknown_11: Well, isn't it fun?

Unknown_09: You should have just said you asked me to.

Unknown_09: I thought he was a fox. So I, I named all these videos, Fox on Fox. Cause I thought that was clever. Uh, now that I know that he's just a raccoon, he doesn't look like a raccoon. It looks like they probably have like the same animal base for all their suits. And they just dress it up differently. Cause that looks way more like a fox costume than a raccoon. Yeah. He didn't spring for the expensive model. That's the, uh,

Unknown_09: They do use the basin. Yeah, I'm right. I know I'm right. Look at that. That's a fox. Look at those ears. Those are like Fox Fox ears. That's not like a raccoon ear at all.

Unknown_11: Well, I mean, they're also great at spankings. Did you see the video we just played? What's going on with the spankings at the furry conventions?

Unknown_10: Well, there's a popular restaurant called the Habra House. And this is a restaurant that is pretty close to one of the conventions that we set up every year. And at the Habra House, it's customary in Germanic tradition to, I guess, slap the asses of all of the patrons. I don't know why. I didn't know the Germans were into that kind of kink, but there's a lot I don't know.

Unknown_11: So why do you want kids around, people dressed up as squirrels getting spanked?

Unknown_11: Okay.

Unknown_10: Uh, me personally, I don't, I think that it's a, it's a definitely an adult only environment for that. Uh, the furry conventions themselves don't have anything to do with that though.

Unknown_09: I would like to take a second to show you this map of furries in Western Europe or in Europe as a whole.

Unknown_09: You may notice that in West Germany there appears to be a congregation of dots indicating furries.

Unknown_09: There is there is a lot fewer. I won't say none. There's fewer You may also know know that the Czech Republic also known now called Czechia has managed to avoid the infiltration Even though the student land is surrounded by the foe The Czech Republic has made a valiant last stand and is repelling the enemy forces to the last man The dog people shall be kept at bay Slovakia, however, they are furry collaborationists. Under Tiso, in his fox costume, they have collaborated directly with the furry Germans and are now an enemy to the Czechia state.

Unknown_09: Croatia based I mean look at Serbia. There's like one guy in certain Belgrade that hasn't gotten his ass kicked yet. There's couple in Romania The the UK there's also a very fine like Adrian's wall or Hadrian's wall between Scotland and the UK I don't know. Maybe Scots aren't that bad, but Edinburgh is gone North Ireland is gone even that's also funny that Northern Ireland has a bunch of furries, but the

Unknown_09: But Ireland proper has fewer except in Dublin, which is a shithole Also, this also proves that the Dutch are Definitely German and so are the Austrians Austria and the Dutch can just go back into the Holy Roman Empire the holy furry empire But Belgium and Luxembourg are going to the French This also proves that Alsace-Lorraine is rightful French territory They are not nearly as furry as the Germans right across the border. So the French can keep Alsace-Lorraine

Unknown_09: Yeah, this is this is actually probably the most effective way to divide Europe Czech Republic not German Netherlands German Austria German Alsace-Lorraine French Belgium French Just divide it along these lines and we've got this figured out. However maybe Corsica and And the other one

Unknown_09: Sardinia, Corsica and Sardinia. They can be independent from Italy. I managed to keep the infection at bay.

Unknown_09: Good stuff. Okay, let's continue with the furry on Fox.

Unknown_11: Okay, do you blame yourself at all for being misunderstood? I mean, you're the one dressed up as a

Unknown_11: Raccoon.

Unknown_10: Oh, absolutely. I think that this is absolutely crazy and weird and fun. And that's the point. I think, you know, it's supposed to get attention. I like being on stage. I like performing as a character. I like bringing joy to people. If I came to one of your conventions, David, or maybe we sent Johnny to the convention, what should we dress up as?

Unknown_10: Fox.

Unknown_10: You can dress up however you want. We've had Jack Sparrow. Fox, it's right there. Fox. Show up. We've had all kinds of different animals. What kind of animal do you think you would be?

Unknown_11: Probably a dinosaur.

Unknown_11: David?

Unknown_10: A dinosaur. I like that. He's a scaly. I gotta run.

Unknown_11: Call him a scaly. Good luck. And don't sweat too much.

Unknown_09: Thank you for having me on.

Unknown_11: Thank you very much.

Unknown_09: Jesse Waters about to get spanked in a scaly costume. His cameraman's gonna be dressed up in a fox recording it.

Unknown_09: That's funny. The furries were not at all amused by this by the way.

Unknown_09: Do I not have?

Unknown_09: Oh no, sorry, jump scare. That's something that's coming up. Where the fuck is my reaction to this? I downloaded like eight different images of furry reactions to, uh, to, uh, this content and, um, don't have it. Okay. I'll just read it from the other screen cause I still have it up.

Unknown_09: Vitaly Slade actually replied to people criticizing him for doing this interview saying there were many factors that played into my decision. One, I have experience with two different newspapers and an NPR broadcast. Two, I had been in the furry fandom for over 15 years so I've been around the block a few times. And three, I am in the top 10% of the country in regards to IQ. So you see this man right here in this costume. This is definitely not a Fox repurposed sewer raccoon costume.

Unknown_09: This man is a genius. He's got an IQ of like top 10% of the US. That's probably about a 96. I mean, he's up there, man. He's up there. He knows how to handle himself. Don't doubt him.

Unknown_09: So a furry criticizes him and says studies have shown that IQ scores are meaningless this guy probably puts his IQ on a resume just so we know he's full of shit. An interview on Fox News about furries and DeSantis is bad enough without finding out that they're dumb. They're a dumb crypto shill and an anti-vaccine COVID denier. I have to take it all back. My boy, 100% Kuhn. He's got those Kuhn genetics. He knows how to take his little paws and grab all those crypto shekels. And he knows that he's a pure blood. Say no to the vaccine, says Lira Kuhn.

Unknown_09: Secretly trying to make me like this guy Notorious Yoat says you should be ashamed of yourself Vitaly Slade replies saying what should I be ashamed of pray tell Yoat replies saying for putting people going to Megaplex in danger by going on a news site that is against LGBT individuals and giving us a bigger target on our back

Unknown_09: Don't trust the dinosaur in the Fox. It's all you got to say keep them away from the the secret sex dungeon that you bring the kids to So but the Shiva says that Jesse waters segment implied that furries were grooming children furries fall under the umbrella as queer according to Conservatives and are going to have to deal with the same rhetoric. We are so close to being a culture war issue Why did you agree to the to the interview? That is true. He he Mean they would have found somebody else probably Is how hard is it to find an attention whore in a costume willing to talk on Fox News? Furries would be great for the the culture war. I fully support expanding the acronym to the LGBT FIA P plus Because they're very easy targets

Unknown_09: Uh, Carrie Calendris says, I'm literally embarrassed to have ever known you. Holy shit, dude. Learn how not to feed into a rhetoric and flip the questions around before ever doing an interview again. Better yet, don't accept any interviews from Fox news. You gave them every single sound bite they could want. Um, by the way, Carrie Calendris is the, as a kind of display picture, there's a name for this when they're like,

Unknown_09: They're like bright neon. They look like radioactive and shit. I don't know what you call that. There's like a special word for it though, like a glow furry or some shit.

Unknown_09: Let me know in the chat. I'm kind of curious.

Unknown_09: Sparkle dog. That's it.

Unknown_09: That's it. Rabid copy.

Unknown_09: That's very rabid. Knows about furry shit. Suspicious.

Unknown_09: Libby Dodo for... I'm not reading superchats. It said 18 after. It has like the no minors icon. Like the 18 crossed out. And I saw Libby Dodo in the number 18. I thought that was like a donation amount. So my brain was hardwired to read it as a donation. I had to stop myself.

Unknown_09: I genuinely don't know why you're so far up your own arse that the furry fetish community wouldn't draw porn of it, or you're just so blatantly unaware of the damage you've caused for your own ego. You're the new Reddit anti-work mod of this year, and I hope your life peaks here. And Charon says, finally, you were exiled from the fandom. We don't want you or your partner here any longer. You are to be shunned, and I do hope you face consequences on your actions. I curse you to endure tenfold what you've done in ignorance only to have peace when you've learned." So, uh...

Unknown_09: Unfortunately for our boy the coon he has been sentenced in Roman furry court to relegatio and he is no longer invited to partake in spankings and child candy events at the mega con max Mexican very sad Yeah, I curse a hot may hot to to really top it all off. This guy's life is fucked up now sad, but true

Unknown_12: Okay.

Unknown_12: So this is a long post.

Unknown_12: I feel like I should read it all though.

Unknown_12: I think I will. Okay.

Unknown_09: Hmm, let me let me do this. Let me do this I'm gonna do this a different way cuz I want to have a pee break So I'm gonna show you something that I intended to show you before And then use that as an excuse to pee and then I'll read the long thing in one go

Unknown_09: I would like you to meet a guy. Okay. His name is Anduella.

Unknown_09: He is a schizophrenic. I believe he lives in Baltimore.

Unknown_09: Um, he is black.

Unknown_09: He is possibly a trune.

Unknown_09: See, this is him. I think in drag, uh, he says that his boobs are small. This is him, by the way. He's the nastiest red locks I've ever seen. You can literally see mold growing in them.

Unknown_09: um in his apartment it's just utter trash because he's mentally ill and like he can't take care of himself obviously he's got the spirit of the garlic but what he means to say is that he's the emperor of japan uh someone posted this on the prospering grounds it doesn't have much traction but i saw it and i saw that beautiful face and i thought oh that's a schizophrenic this is interesting

Unknown_09: um he is a he's into kabbalah which is the esoteric mysticism of jewish people so he's like a jewish convert he writes in hebrew and japanese whenever he can um he's interested in japanese culture i think that he's interested in anime um because of some things that he says And he's also really interested in going to public places, talking to himself, doing drive-by comments at random people, which is extremely awkward, and photographing women's feet as he does so.

Unknown_09: So he has like three different channels. This is his latest one. This one has 15 views from a day ago.

Unknown_09: and I'm gonna just show you what he does in public okay just watch a minute of this

Unknown_02: This is her mom's ass. I am the only one poppy enough to get this. Her mom is sitting with her, saying, only I get this. This is a mom that totally changed this.

Unknown_13: This be my son-in-law. You don't have a face.

Unknown_03: Should I be leading this, you know? Like, if by the end of the day I'm with a better girl than that, like, there's a sign I should be leading this. Like, if not... There's a sign, like, we're getting into fist fights, like... I'm most Israeli, like...

Unknown_09: My favorite part is when he, um, he ran, runs past the Asian woman and says, you don't have a baby. I also want to say that he's the whitest sounded black man I've ever, I've ever heard. Like, I don't know. He really captures that like California stoner bro. Um, uh, like really well.

Unknown_09: That English? Yeah, bro.

Unknown_09: Um, this part, like, I don't know.

Unknown_09: The thing about mentally ill people is that, like, they're, they're really funny. They have, like, quirks to their personality that are, like, interesting. The issue is, is that even, like, really, really disabled people are, like, they, like, the part of your brain that's, like, horny is, like, one of the most fundamental parts of the brain. It's, like, a really primordial, part of the psyche. So they're still like horned dogs, even though they're like, you know, like seriously disabled, even like people with down syndrome or like hoarding, they jerk off all the time and like care facilities. It's, it's pretty fucking gross. Um, so he, I don't know if you noticed, but whenever he holds his camera up at women, he usually pans down because he wants to capture their feet. And it's really obvious at this timestamp that I had picked out.

Unknown_09: uh right here okay this is two girls and look at that camera angle he does not he doesn't want to capture them at all he just wants those feet in fact can we get can we get a nice zoom in on those crocs damn those sure are some nice crocs

Unknown_09: With socks, I guess and they definitely realize that he's filming them. It's really cringe and we would have people like this in In a in a facility where they they don't hassle people but Ronald Reagan and his wife Decided that we don't need mental institutions anymore So this just happens

Unknown_09: You're just sitting on a bench minding your own business and a black man who thinks he's the Kabbalistic Emperor of Japan will run up to you with this camera phone that Obama probably paid for and take pictures of your feet without your consent.

Unknown_09: Apparently I didn't see it in this video. I look for it. Um, but supposedly when he goes, when he does these videos, he'll go out, he will, uh, take pictures of everybody's feet.

Unknown_09: And then at the end of the video, sometimes he'll do a foot review where he goes through all the pictures he took and talks about, uh, which ones he likes the most. I'm forced to assume that this is sexual, but cause what else would be the point of it? Um,

Unknown_09: But he's not overtly sexual about it from what I've read. So I really don't know. It's not like the feet are even bare. It's like, I guess socks and sandals could be like a fetish. I really don't know.

Unknown_09: Anyways, that's this guy. I just wanted to, like I said, I've been, I'm endeavoring to find, uh, little, little threads to talk about on stream, make use of the content of the forum. And when I saw this guy,

Unknown_09: Uh, this guy's face. I thought there's probably something there. Probably something funny to talk about.

Unknown_09: The Hebrew says no opinion. I go get him for an interview. He can't hold a thought. Like when he talks, he's so disjointed that I don't think there would be much to talk about. Um, he's pretty, he's pretty out of it.

Unknown_12: Okay. Um, so this is the long post.

Unknown_09: This is by Lauren Southern, not to be confused with Laura Southern, who is a figment of my imagination.

Unknown_09: Lauren Southern has been absent from the public stage for quite some time. People have been speculating that something might've happened with her husband. Um, but nobody really knew for sure what happened to Lauren Southern.

Unknown_09: So, um,

Unknown_09: She has written about what has happened, and I will read it for you. There is a video on Odyssey by her that is over an hour long.

Unknown_09: I found it literally with less than an hour before stream, so I had not been able to watch it. So you can watch it yourself on Odyssey if you would choose to. I will read this post, though, because I do have that available to me.

Unknown_09: She says, okay, it's taken me years to address this, but I'm finally in a good enough space mentally and spiritually to do so. What you're reading now is a summary of an approximately hour long video that I will link below. My life has been utterly batshit insane for the last four to five years. While my online content might seem boring compared to my heyday in 2015 to 2018, my real life has been a fever dream. I've been afraid to talk about it for various reasons, not least of all people wondering if I'm a full blown schizo.

Unknown_09: You can all tell I've changed, you're right. What you may not know is why. And I think the final phase of healing is creating some congruence between my public and private life by telling you. You all know that I have been the object of extreme scrutiny by multiple governments. I should have known my sanity was suffering with the interrogations, nationwide bans, and confinement almost became background noise for me. However, what I didn't realize was what it would get weirder outside of politics than in.

Unknown_09: I might as well just jump in and say this, despite being treated like an international fugitive, I married someone who worked in a capacity for the feds. Yes, I know, meme away. The truth is we didn't meet when he was on duty. In fact, he was on a hiatus when we started dating and the kind of work I do is outside his purview. We generally did deeply care for one another.

Unknown_09: And if anything, our lives were made a living nightmare due to the unorthodox pairing of an activist with someone who required a security clearance to get work. We really felt we could pull off a Romeo and Juliet thing. And he had sworn he was willing to give it all up for me as I was for him.

Unknown_09: So you can believe me when I say I didn't marry him for his job or for money. I was a threat to his ability to keep both. And I'm not so shallow that I'd marry a man for looks. I married him because I was in love and we shared the same values. Catholic and conservative with aspirations towards marriage and family.

Unknown_09: But unfortunately, after we did settle into a more mundane routine, the reality of losing his life's work became too much for him. Although he was able to return back to something resembling his old work, eventually his security clearance was downgraded due to being married to me. His access to certain jobs and promotions was limited, if not revoked. Going from a living James Bond lifestyle to being reduced to a boring middle manager with little to no upward mobility is crippling for ambitious men. I'm not saying it's okay, but it's human. He took his resentment for this out on me, which I understand. He needs to stop being a handmaiden for this guy.

Unknown_09: I feel because he accepted the risk involved, he would never leave our marriage, citing career reasons, but he did eventually find a variety of lesser reasons to propose divorce. His final one being my ADHD. When I say there was no deeper complaint, I mean it. It was always very vague, with all who heard it equally perplexed by what steps could even be taken. I suppose if you don't wish to stay married, picking something someone cannot change about themselves is a surefire way to do it. Although I certainly did try, as I can sympathize with frustration of dealing with an ADHD partner in any scenario, I spent nearly all day cleaning, cooking, caring for our child, laundry, ironing, whatever I could do to help. I even split bills until my bank account was empty. While no one is perfect, I don't think I ever worked so hard at anything in my life as being a good wife.

Unknown_09: I also began going to a specialized ADHD clinic and taking Vivazine daily to see if that would satisfy his growing demands that I manage it at threat of divorce. Sadly, it did not work and whether it be genuinely due to my ADHD or his resentment towards me being a career deadweight, my husband left me and our child.

Unknown_09: I was devastated my life as I knew it fell apart in a moment. I would ask anyone reading this not to express hate or judgment in the comics. That doesn't help anyone. Just prayer for all involved. Whether the right decision or not, COVID worked stress losing the things you've sacrificed your entire life for are not easy for anyone. It's been two years since this happened. If I'm going to be honest, I nearly lost my mind. I think almost anyone would. I was heart beyond heartbroken, even more so when all the offers for co-parenting mediation were rejected as involvement with us would complicate his future. To this day, I received no alimony, child support, or anything like that. I could have pushed harder for it initially, but while still hoping he would return, I certainly didn't have an enemy to fight over money. For the first 7 months after he left, I lived with my parents, during which my mental health was as shot as my savings. I was in severe denial, so I kept wearing my ring and speaking about my husband as if he was still a part of my life. My brain was honestly broken, but I didn't have the luxury of licking my wounds. My son was depending on me, if not for my friends, including a very few in the political world who knew the story, I don't know what I could have done. I particularly want to thank Evelyn Ray, who was with me through every step of this all, whether I was in Australia or Canada. Eventually, I moved out of my parents' house. I ended up in a cabin on a trailer park. It was unconventional, but surprisingly, the first step of what would become a beautiful healing journey.

Unknown_09: Because despite living in a cabin infested with ants, with taps that only gave non-drinkable dirt water, and my cabin being the community trailer park washer and dryer, since no one else had one, I found family among the others living there. They gave my son and me what we desperately needed, community, role models, unconditional kindness and love, Believe me when I say that those days of rednecking it up in the woods were some of the happiest of my life. Every stereotypical idea of trailer park residents was shattered for me. These were some of the kindest, most dignified individuals I've ever met. Any privileged influencers who call the working class lazy only wish they could be so decent. I met children living in cars with more manners than any prep kid I've ever met. I don't live there anymore. Eventually the draw of running water and not waking up to people using your basement as an impromptu cookout spot was too much to resist. But to be honest, I often miss it. However, I have cultivated a new mix with the old and equally beautiful community of people around me for my son to grow up with. Some of them I grew up with. Some are local churchgoers, some are even further fans who became friends. And yes, some miraculously are people from media and politics with actual souls. Thank you all truly.

Unknown_09: I will finish this, I suppose.

Unknown_09: What have I learned from all this? Well, on one hand, I'm extremely black belt about politics, especially seeing how powerful and corrupt governments can be from the inside and knowing that the media, which is supposed to hold them accountable, has been largely reduced to listicles and performative gaslighting. And that has very much or that very much has included me in the past. I've commented on far too many things I had not lived and got a serious reckoning from reality. I've grown to realize that I am no one's ideological avenging angel. I'm just me. I don't fit into any neat little political box because life doesn't. I have too much love and a good amount of agreement with many of my followers still. I just don't expect anyone's set of talking points of philosophical outlook to inform my work.

Unknown_09: My skepticism of power isn't going anywhere. My very real experiences with hostile governments were simply too dramatic to trust the state again. This is not because they've been taken over by liberals, it's because they have only been used as fronts for sociopaths who will use whatever moral code du jour is as a way of going along and exploding and deceiving those they were supposed to protect and serve. I'm only one person though, and I don't wish to give every moment of my life in mind to that darkness. Instead, I do what I can where I can make change.

Unknown_09: But given what I've experienced and the behemoth I know we're up against, I decided the most important things in my life are actually directly around me. People I love, nature, actually enjoying the world instead of having so much hubris to think I can change anyone else's decision making or actions except for my own.

Unknown_09: The rest is just personal notes. So, the lesson chat.

Unknown_09: in case you're not following along, is that I was right. And I know you might be thinking, Josh, Josh, how could you say that? What could you possibly be right about? When I told you that anybody working for the government would put their loyalty to the government and their 20 year pension above anybody, their own family, their own children, their wife, their mother and father. I was right. And some people think, but Josh, my dad works for the fish and wildlife. My aunt works for the USDA. My, uh, my grandfather worked for the FBI and so on and so forth.

Unknown_09: They would skin you alive in a moment's notice.

Unknown_09: Given the order, unthinkingly, they would pull out their service revolver and blow your fucking brains out the very second that a commanding officer said, either do this or you will be held in contempt and your pension will be taken away.

Unknown_09: So, um, I feel bad for Laura. Uh, I hope that she recovers from her problems. I hope that, I don't know, she has, she, her husband was like Asian or some shit. It's going to be hard finding like a stepdad and moving on from this with the, with the child.

Unknown_09: um but if she had listened to me and knew to keep feds out of her life always like for instance chat you wouldn't date somebody who had been with a black guy

Unknown_09: Why would you date a fed? It's basically the same thing. There's almost, in terms of the psychological aspects of what it takes to have sex with black people and be with the federal government, there is basically, basically identical. The kind of person who could work for the government is the same kind of person who would have sex with black people. this is the truth and you know i'm right um so don't be hypocritical and be like oh it's the love of my life so he works for the government and has a top secret security clearance feds should be forced to keep their fed federy as a a deep dark secret They should never feel comfortable telling that their spouse that they work for the federal government. They should be like, oh, the J. Edgar Hoover building. Yeah, I'm going up there to do juggling. I'm a clown. I like to perform on the street outside the J. Edgar Hoover building.

Unknown_09: That's why I spend all my time there. I collect tips on the street by juggling bowling balls or bowling pins. I don't work for the feds. It should be like a like a deep secret. You know what I mean?

Unknown_09: Um, and she really needs to stop apologizing for her husband. It's like, Oh, he told me lies and ruined my life and abandoned me to live in a trailer park and doesn't even pay me and has completely, totally forsaken my child. Um, and I'm going to have to raise this spawn because the alternative is, is drowning him. Um, and I get no thanks for it whatsoever, but you know how, how proud ambitious men are with their careers. That she doesn't give a his career is over you think that just because he divorced you he's gonna get promoted again No, he's blacklisted as like a enemy of the state Uh, he doesn't give a it doesn't give a fuck about you What are you talking about?

Unknown_09: Um, so I don't know. Hopefully the next part of her healing is realizing that, uh, she trusted a fed and she shouldn't have. And now her life is ruined and her prospects are fucking tanked because remember her career was basically built on the fact that she was like a trad wife, uh, that she, she was a, a conservative beacon. And now she doesn't have that because, um, she's not, she's no longer a trad wife.

Unknown_09: Best you can hope for at this point is like a blended family. It's very sad.

Unknown_09: It's sad that we have members of the federal government who don't live in shame. And it's sad that we have people who continue to trust and tolerate members of the federal government as if they're real people and not enemies of the average person.

Unknown_12: Okay.

Unknown_12: Next up, what do I got?

Unknown_12: And like I said, she did a full video on Odyssey if you want to read that.

Unknown_12: Um, talks about that. I think now I just have a little bit of Ralph and then I have a final final message.

Unknown_09: Um, the most important part of the stream will be after the Ralph segment. Uh, ironically, I'm not talking about super chats. Uh, let me just get, talk about this real quick. And then I have a S a message for the people.

Unknown_09: Dick Masterson, again trying to stoke confrontation with Eric July, comic book artist, so that he can sell a pedophile's comic book, tweets out, Eric July is unhinged, look at this shit, MC Jarbo, or not MC Jarbo, but Matt Jarbo, simply reviewed the comic, and that is a qualified media reviewer, and Eric threatens to physically beat him like some reactionary street thug.

Unknown_09: This is a reply to Eric July saying, ha, this shows you know nothing about me as much as I've been disrespected. If that was my attitude, I would have long ran up to one of y'all's fat asses and knocked you the fuck out using the reaching that you're doing for stretching because I know you can't touch your kneecaps.

Unknown_09: I don't think that this is this is such a He's gonna bitch and cry about the Kiwi farms being the Karen farms Look at all that moral fagging about raping children that those Karens on the Karen farms do and then when a black man says She if I was a lesser man I would have ran up on y'all niggas and beat the fuck out you no cap for real for real Oh

Unknown_09: This is, this is aggravating, aggravating language. Threatening, threatening Mr. Jarbo with a physical punishment for not conforming to his, to his needs and telling him what he wants to hear. No, comic book child. By the way, buy Vito Lupito's comic book now available on GoFundMe. It's about some man that goes fast or some shit.

Unknown_09: Then Ralph goes, okay, I'm on Eric July's side. Now, uh, Dick Masterson says you should have him on Jarboe says, Oh Dick, the last time that happened, it didn't end well for him, I guess. Cause they had a spat and July pulled out the BBC and Ethan Ralph being a black man worshiper had no choice but, but to surrender to his caveman instincts. Dick says, I met Eric July. Uh, I guess.

Unknown_09: Deliberately trying to conflate that he meant that Jarbo thought himself And then either up of course has to step up and say I made so much money last year. I couldn't count at all I just don't know where it went. So I worked out pretty well I'd say I've been wasting more money on spilt liquor literally when Jarbo has made over the last four years online Matt Jarbo

Unknown_09: He's the only person that has not come out of hiding and deep dicked Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_09: Ethan Ralph, by the way, recently deleted his entire history, 10 plus years of tweeting from Twitter because he got suspended for some shit he said. And now he's so afraid of getting banned and losing his Twitter account for real.

Unknown_09: That Matthew Vickers in a rare W has buck broken Ethan Ralph and gotten him to permanently and totally destroy his entire Like tens of thousands of tweets over his entire life online just gone like tears in the rain

Unknown_09: Matt Jarboe being one of the only people that he's managed not to get fucked in the ass by in his infinite downward spiral has now become the the the Source of his ire right now. So here's two minutes of him ranting about Jarboe

Unknown_08: I saw Jarbo talking shit. First off, Eric July threatened to beat his ass and now I'm on, I'm team Eric July now. I don't give a fuck. I want to see him roll up on Jarbo and just beat the fuck out of him. Although I don't support violence, but I'm just saying.

Unknown_08: I don't support violence, but I'd still like to see it. I'd like to see a legal beating of Matt Jarbo online because he sucks and he should pull the gun out and blow his fucking brains out the side of his fucking head. like literally worthless. I ended him, his whole fucking career destroyed courtesy of me. So I can understand why he's upset, but, uh, he sucked. He's always sucked. He's always been a faggot, a complete fucking faggot. And I can't wait till he dies. To be honest with you, he's, he's worthless. He's interfered, uh, in a lot of ways, uh, with my life. Try. I would love to see him just get absolutely fucking

Unknown_08: wrecked and put in the hospital for the rest of his life or worse. And yeah, that's how I feel. I don't give a fuck. And yeah, he's welcome to come on here any fucking time he wants. He's welcome to get his ass whooped by me, much less Eric July. I don't give a fuck. You talk about fights, I would put Matt Jarboe in a coma and I would absolutely not regret it at all. Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I would be blessed by the Lord for putting him in a coma. And I'm not kidding. There's no jokes about it. I would love to absolutely fucking just take everything from him and disable him and disfigure him and just change the whole outlook of his entire fucking life. So. I failed to register. You know what? I don't even care about.

Unknown_08: I just want to rage on Matt Jarboe now. You know what? I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck, but you know what? I'm starting to like Eric July a little bit more, I have to say. Yeah, fuck Matt Jarboe. I would support any type of hostile action. That's legal, of course. You know, I'm assuming that he would start hostilities or do something provocative that would warrant an absolute fucking hospitalization.

Unknown_08: But this guy,

Unknown_09: all he did is say the last time eric july was on the kill stream it didn't end well for ralph and that makes him that angry that he's literally like sitting there stewing in his own anger thinking like i fucking kill him i fucking beat the fuck out of him just figure him and shit put him in the hospital broken neck can't fucking move drink through fucking straw compote changing his whole album like

Unknown_09: Matt Jarboe should just like lightly tease Ralph forever and have him like constantly in a state of anger and frustration and a loss of control for everything in his life because that's all it takes is just like oh Ralph is silly teehee and then He's just mr. Grumpy pants sitting there Okay, so that's the Ralph shit I have one more thing I meant I

Unknown_09: There is an issue. There's a situation and I think that it should be brought unironically. Uh, I'm being, I'm being serious face here.

Unknown_09: This issue should be brought to the attention of as many people as physically possible.

Unknown_09: Um, there is a long running thread on the Kiwi farms about a bunch of litigant trannies in the UK.

Unknown_09: Um,

Unknown_09: centered around someone named like legally named Stephanie Hayden. I don't know the full detail of this and I really don't give a fuck. Stephanie Hayden is has like criminal convictions is a gross litigant tranny has been in the courts for years and years and has been seriously harassing

Unknown_09: a Catholic advocate in the UK named Carolyn Farrow.

Unknown_09: There is a chance that I will do an interview with Carolyn Farrow against her better judgment in the next week or so. I'll let you know.

Unknown_09: Because she's asked me to do an interview before and I said maybe and now is probably the appropriate time to do that.

Unknown_09: Carolyn has been harassed legally by this tranny for years, literally years, at her own expense and at her family's expense because she has children.

Unknown_09: And the police have done literally nothing to help her from this harassment Stephanie Hayden has showed up at Carolyn Farrow's house has harassed her Catholic organization that her husband works for and so on and so forth the only person being penalized for this is Carolyn Farrow the police are taking the Chinese side every time and

Unknown_09: The the tranny will allege all sorts of shit and the police don't have the the interest to actually Investigate and do their jobs and they will presume Carolyn Farrow guilty every time because of the United Kingdom You do not have to be proven guilty if the government wants to assume that you're guilty. That is their prerogative so recently

Unknown_09: What has happened is that, uh, well, not recently, a little step back and we're getting closer. Uh, Stephanie Hayden began alleging that a bunch of users on the Kiwi farms making fun of him, uh, were Carolyn Farrow posting on sock accounts. Carolyn Farrow saw this and decided, you know what I'll do. This is probably not a good idea, but this is what she decided to go with. Will make my own account on the Kiwi farms under my real name and I will post as myself so that there can be absolutely No ambiguity and what who is saying belongs to whose mouth so she joins and she's been an active user on the forum or Think a couple years now. I think since like 20. I'm what's like 2019 Maybe even earlier, but she's been posting under her own name and in her thread in regards to her litigation with this tranny

Unknown_09: This has not stopped Stephanie Hayden from alleging over Years filing tons and tons of police reports claiming that by posting in that thread Carolyn Farrow is engaging in Harassment indirect harassment and getting people to bully and say mean things about Hayden on the internet and that's what this is about that people are calling and Stephanie Hayden who I believe has a criminal offense for sex crimes related to children It could be wrong There's some weird shit where he ran like a website lusting over young boys or something saying like oh That's a that's a nice young fella, and it was really creepy and weird I don't know if that led to a conviction or not, but that's why I was informed by the thread

Unknown_09: and uh people make fun of Hayden for this because it is vile and disgusting and he blames over every time that this is all Carolyn Farrow's fault he has filed so many complaints to the police and they just accept them at face value because they don't want to be called bigoted bigoted they don't want to be called transphobic would be ashamed to be called transphobic by the way I think that the police that she's dealing with are the Surrey police So whenever you see those pictures of the faggots in the big round LGBTQIA plus rainbow ball and like the gay pictures of all the gay shit the police do, I'm pretty sure that's all the Surrey police in the UK.

Unknown_09: And she has to deal with those people. So every time Hayden complains, it goes to these freaks who are lazy and insipid and stupid. They accept them at face value. They do no investigative police work and they presume guilt every time because they're legally enabled to do so because the United Kingdom does not have a justice system. It is a fucking joke. It is a travesty and it is what the English deserve. But I feel like I would bring this to your people's attention because what they have just unveiled to Carolyn Farrow as their plan to deal with her egregious Haas postings, indirect Haas postings on the Kiwi farms, is so unbelievably dystopian that it kind of defies logic and comprehension. It's something that you would expect in China. But it is in the UK and it will be in places like the New Zealand and Australia and Canada very soon because all those Commonwealth countries are the same sort of shit Probably Germany France and the rest. So here's your preview to the future Don't say I didn't tell you so

Unknown_09: Carolyn Farrow on Twitter says, I'm going to do a thread and limit replies. You'll see why. Please do not speculate with names, but I think this is what is happening to me is important. I am not prohibited from talking about things in general terms. On Monday afternoon, my solicitor received bizarre communication from the Surrey police solicitors. He thought it had to do with my civil claim against them. After some miscommunication, they sent through a bundle for a court hearing. I am due in court tomorrow. So that would be yesterday.

Unknown_09: The police asked that physical paperwork related to the court hearing against me in two days was withheld from me. They wanted me to go to court hearing without access to the accusations and alleged evidence. Surrey police have applied for a stalking protection order as a result of material I have posted on Twitter. On page one of the bundle, repeated misgendering is cited. So, charge one, misgendering.

Unknown_09: This is the prohibitions that they are seeking to impugn Carolyn Furrow with. I'm sorry, let me put this on screen. Wait, it was on screen. I just minimized it real quick. Here's what they want to put her under.

Unknown_09: I will be assigned a Offender Manager, think like a probation officer in the United States. I will not be allowed to use any social media, social networking, gaming, or dating site without the Offender Manager's written permission and having supplied them with the username and passwords for all sites within three days.

Unknown_09: In addition, the following requirements are added. 1. Police officers will be allowed to enter your registered addresses between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and any time to conduct a risk assessment, monitor devices, and manage compliance of the order. 2.

Unknown_09: Provide your offender manager with any mobile, digital, or internet enabled devices for examination, review, and monitoring purposes immediately upon request. You must also provide your offender manager with access pins, passwords, or patterns. Uh, examinations, get this fire hydrant out of the way real quick.

Unknown_12: Cause I want to read the rest of that tweet.

Unknown_12: Um,

Unknown_09: Examinations may be completed manually on scene or could entail them seizing your devices for examination by agencies contracted by the police for that purpose. So it's not just members of law enforcement, it's random assholes that they hire for the job.

Unknown_09: Failing to disclose the existence of a device in your possession to your offender manager will count as a failure to comply with this condition.

Unknown_09: Three, re-register home address every 12 months at a police station within 365 days of last registration. Four, provide your offender manager with a list of all mobile, digital, or internet-enabled devices that you own or have access to use. The list must be provided within three days of the order being granted or within three days of any changes.

Unknown_09: The officer says this, I believe that while presenting a significant interference with the respondents privacy rights, it is an appropriate course of action in the circumstances signed by the Surrey police superintendent. I consider the in accordance with paragraph two of article eight of the HRA and interference by this force as a public authority is in accordance with the laws and is necessary.

Unknown_09: So.

Unknown_09: If you are listening and you are somebody who has access to a bigger platform who enjoys a little shitposting at the expense of the British and would like to bring to the attention that trainees in the UK now have so much power they can effectively put an innocent woman on probation without trial or charge, you may feel free to do so. You can reach out to Carolyn Farrow on our Twitter account. Probably assuming that she's not being monitored. I think she has a list to her solicitor and such And I may talk to her myself. However, given this the stipulations of her offender manager, I don't know how much could be said

Unknown_12: Um, so how do we feel?

Unknown_09: Let's uh, let's go. Let's do a poll. How do we feel chat?

Unknown_09: How do we feel about this? Can I, can I add some emojis to my poll? Uh, can I do like pooner memes?

Unknown_12: Let's see what I can do here.

Unknown_12: Oh no, I can't. Okay.

Unknown_09: Let's see. Option one is Anglo suffering is base. Not even Anglos deserve this. Let's see. Let's see how we're feeling right now. Chaps.

Unknown_09: All right. The votes are coming in. The votes are coming in.

Unknown_09: So far at 230 votes, 85%, I was struck down to 75% of people say that not even Anglos deserve this. Now at 500 votes, about three-fourths of people, I mean, it's closer to four-fifths of people even believe that this is punishment too cruel for even the lowest of the low, for the Britoids.

Unknown_09: Not even numerals.

Unknown_09: Do not leave the UK. That's that's what I the thing is. I would like her to play this by their rules as hard as possible.

Unknown_09: I don't think that she should just like leave the country and then think, oh, I'm outside the country. I'm immunized from from any gay bullshit. There's a real question to be had about this, by the way.

Unknown_09: So the UK has some of the most egregious defamation laws in the world. They're just preposterous. To the point where it was commonplace for companies and people with a fence to go to the United Kingdom, a jurisdiction that neither people were from, and then use the British defamation laws to secure a high dollar award for harm, and then export that judgment to other countries to have it enforced.

Unknown_09: And this worked in the U.S. like one time. And it caused such like a mass media revolt that it ended up passing a bill called the Protect Speech Act. And the Protect Speech Act basically says that no foreign civil judgment can be enforced in the United States if it would not qualify in regards to defamation or similar, if it would not qualify as defamation under American law also. So it is possible to bring a defamation suit in the UK and then have it enforced in the US. But it must meet an American standard, which is very, very high for defamation. The question is.

Unknown_09: Now, this is like a criminal thing. He has like a probation officer, even though she has not been convicted of anything, just because the the the police are sick of dealing with this, basically, and they're too fucking lazy and stupid to deal with it.

Unknown_09: on their own, they're too fucking dumb to look at what's happening and actually figure out and come to a logical determination about what is the actual issue and how to deal with it because they're retarded. They don't know how to do that. They're too fat and stupid to do that. If I haven't made that clear, I'm saying that the British police are some of the lowest forms of life on the planet and we'd all be better off with them all dead.

Unknown_09: I forgot what I was saying. I got angry. I was thinking about how much I hate police again.

Unknown_12: Oh, because it's a criminal issue, not a civil one.

Unknown_09: I don't know if, um, just being in the U S has any kind of protection for you at all, but she's more than welcome to move. We need to, here's the, here's, here's my plan. I'm going to take all the base people and I'm gonna put them in, in a Maramata stand. And then one day in Maramata stand, we'll be such a shithole and then I can come back.

Unknown_12: I am 3% black, I think.

Unknown_09: So yes, I hate the police. Fuck the police coming straight out the underground. Nigga, what was it?

Unknown_09: Pigs hate a nigga cause he brown. That's me, for real, for real.

Unknown_09: um okay that's a um like i said this is significant news i think it is of interest to everybody because this is what they want they want it so that you're afraid to talk they're afraid to make fun of their gross tranny golems and they're going to export this kind of bullshit to all the commonwealth and then they would love to one day export it to the united states as well um

Unknown_09: So with 1,250 votes in it, exactly three-fourths of people do not believe that even Anglos deserved such cruelty.

Unknown_09: And with that, I'm done. I cannot think of anything that I missed.

Unknown_09: Um, so...

Unknown_09: I should explain that we're getting close to being back on clearing up, there's some stuff I have to do first. I'm waiting on other people, and I'm not really in any rush.

Unknown_09: I'm taking some time, some R&R, and soon-ish we will be back into a position where I can start working again on bringing everything back up.

Unknown_09: So thank you for your patience. If you're one of those people who actually browse my site, um, about, about one quarter to one fifth of people, uh, still post every day, but the post count is not that low. It's not like one fourth of posts. It's higher than that. It's like a third of posts. So the heaviest posters are the people that are bothering to find the site and tour, which I'm appreciative of. There's always a flow of content and stuff. Like I, I populate my streams from a show on the site.

Unknown_09: Okay. Um, let us begin the super barrier segment. I have a special, a super special song picked out, um, for the outro.

Unknown_09: and wallpaper filter and if you're not uh i will be shooting on tuesday again in a merrimont hours uh just to clarify my streams will be tuesday a merrimont hours um 6 p.m in europe uh i'm sorry 6 p.m eastern time and midnight in european hours and then fridays will stay at the european hours

Unknown_09: All right. Uh, anonymous five says, I swear tipster is an up and coming low cow. He has a bread tuber brain rot. And as a reply guy to Keffel's boo, Jaden little love it. Review tech USA demon mama and Vito. He also claims he abandoned Christianity because of the harassment people mentioned before God. He's active. He was a tranny fucker. He's not really a low cow. He's as much as low cow is like short bed of taco is, and that they're just gross porn, sick tranny fuckers. And that's all that there is to them.

Unknown_09: Not a surprise says as much as chat hates Turkey Tom, at least he isn't as bad as his commentary counterparts. That's true. Turkey Tom is one of the better people in that group. I mean, he's just like a zoomer. He hasn't been.

Unknown_09: He hasn't learned to hate them yet, but he will.

Unknown_09: All those all those if they manage to avoid being molested and growing up, they will learn to hate them.

Unknown_09: Crack pipe cowboy from 15 says happy Friday Josh. You've mentioned it previously, but the fake estrogen and Matt Walsh discovery was insane this week Lord Psalm 135 by Anthony's reek much Yeah, we talked about the Thank you

Unknown_09: Anonymous for five says hey Josh sending this in advance Please read this article from the New York Post if you don't cover it today women only spa forced to allow trans customers with penises Even though everyone is naked it takes every box so much. It's comical. I could talk about that That was a judgment by their Human Rights Tribunal the HRT the Washington State HRT says you don't like lady dick. That's too bad. I

Unknown_09: Numbers for 5 to 10 says weaves are like bronies if your interest gets popular they get infested with crossover and fetish art They recently took an interest in battle tech and community space instantly flooded with soft core. Why do they mangle everything? Why aren't they shunned like MLP?

Unknown_09: Weaves are we are we blaming the the anime avatar turns for this one? I don't know. Oh

Unknown_09: Probably because they're the ones that manage the communities and shit. What are you gonna do? 4chan is managed by weebs and shit. There's no appeals in the system.

Unknown_09: I shun them as hard as I can, though. I do overtime for everybody. Adamastor5 says, in reference to Tuesday's stream, part of showing people on CozyTV going mask off about the pedophilia tendencies, I propose that Fuentes have Cozy's, and by default, America First mascot, be Pito Bear, and their anthem be Oingo Boingo song Little Girls. You'd have to tell Nick Fuentes that. I'm not going to submit your appeal to him. And really, Nick Fuentes likes the Broccoli Boys. He doesn't like the Little Girls. No girls allowed at his cozy summer party.

Unknown_09: Pope Urban for 10 says, Josh, give me promotional stickers on the site as on the internet. I can spread throughout my community. I made my own tour. Oh, for tour. Yeah, I should do stickers again. There's merch I want to run. I want to run apparel first. I might just get stickers as well. Now that I have logistics figured out, the only reason why I don't want to do like permanent merchandise, like most people do, like most sane people do, is I don't want to keep any customer details on the site. Like when I do my runs, When I'm done, I export everything. I zip it up with a password and store it for like tax reasons. Actually, no, I don't. I do the final tabulations and then I keep that anonymized and I don't keep any records of the transactions.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I just don't want that information. So it's harder to do that when you have rolling merchandise as opposed to just dropping the tables and recreating them.

Unknown_09: I thank you. They won't let you remember na-na-na for 536 as the good guys dress in black. Remember that just in case we ever face to face and make contact the title held by me and my B means that you think you saw you did not see please finish the song on a karaoke string. You're truly Jada Smith's husband Snee.

Unknown_09: I do not have the necessary voice for a karaoke segment. I think that

Unknown_09: Yeah, I would prefer not to embarrass myself. Anytime I feel good enough to start singing, I instantly regret it.

Unknown_09: Thank you. SillyPew410 says, Happy Fishy Friday Josh. Smiley face. And then there's a link to a video.

Unknown_12: OK, it's 30 seconds long. Let's see what this is.

Unknown_04: And a little bit of fishy pride. Cold fish on a Friday night. A pair of fins that fit just right. And the water level up, up, up. We'll see the fish tonight. See the fish and a woman smile. See the touch of precious fins in your eyes.

Unknown_09: I don't get it. Oh my god, look at these suggestions. Listening to this Fishy Fry song has poisoned my suggestions with garbage.

Unknown_09: I don't get it. Sorry.

Unknown_09: There was no video to miss, by the way. It was just this on loop. The fishy hook with the triangle thing.

Unknown_09: You've missed literally nothing.

Unknown_09: Thank you though.

Unknown_09: Sanctus Ordo Meguminus Cravati for 12 says holding court at Maddy castle. We, the Megumin council elected to grant you honorary membership in the Megumin faction, the entities you to receive this entitles you to receive the court protocols and the list of current members, both included here.

Unknown_12: Okay. There's a image I'm loading up.

Unknown_12: There's some anime shit that's downloading.

Unknown_09: Someone took a, I will show this on screen even though it is gay anime, because someone took an immense amount of time using an actual quill and ink to write an old like German fairy book style page by hand, which is quite impressive. Okay, there you go.

Unknown_09: That is the list of members and the Megamins and their emblem, I guess. Thank you very much.

Unknown_09: Hope everyone enjoys.

Unknown_09: Eat dirt, drink bleach for 20 says Twitter link.

Unknown_12: Um, okay, one sec.

Unknown_12: If you want to be transgender, I don't even fucking have a problem with that, and nobody else does.

Unknown_00: Nobody cares. Here's what they care about. You shoving it in everybody's fucking face, everywhere they fucking look, saying that you're the most protected class in society, and you're saying you're the most villainized. Well, the reason you're getting here now is because now motherfuckers are getting to the point where they're running into schools and killing people because of the perceived hate that they're getting when in reality you wouldn't even get the hate if you just leave the kids alone this isn't hard to understand but the reason they won't leave the kids why won't they leave the kids alone why would a grown man dress like a woman and because you don't ever see it the other way around You don't ever see women dressed as men doing the fucking dances and shit. It's always fucking men dressed as women doing the fucking dances in front of kids. And the real shit is we have a whole infiltration of pedophiles doing this shit. And y'all motherfuckers are celebrating and enabling it. And it's bad. And people hate it. And guess what? They're not gonna fucking take it forever.

Unknown_09: Maramonts might take it forever. I have very limited hope for people. I don't know people are getting pretty pissed off This has 4 million views. We'll see maybe they will maybe they will chat Pretty based on this and spicy And I'm a surprises. I'm so Josh. I'm so happy You'll never get sponsored and you'll never have to hear your mush mouth your way through an ad read I guess in response to me trying to read the Lauren Southern thing. I'm a very bad reader I

Unknown_09: I don't even know, what can I advertise a VPN? Get Nord VPN, get Proton VPN, they'll cancel your sponsorship after they see it on a website where people would be interested in buying a VPN. I think Nord, I don't know, I don't know if Nord kicked this off.

Unknown_09: I tried to get a little bit of money, but such is life. Mulvady doesn't do sponsorships.

Unknown_09: Neither does Express or IBPN.

Unknown_09: Express does, sorry, IBPN does not.

Unknown_09: Pope Urban for 29 says, check out the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism. They stand up to woke stuff in a moderate, liberally way.

Unknown_09: Okay.

Unknown_12: This is fair for all,

Unknown_09: by Matthew Garrett I'll read the first paragraph George Floyd's death in May 2020 ignited a long festering frustrations that ended some two dozen lives nationwide and cost more than a billion dollars in damage While some have reckoned recoiled in shock at the destruction others rationalize it as an overdue reckoning Ibram X Kendi's how not how to be an anti-racist Blew off the shelves and many celebrated his call to action. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.

Unknown_09: I don't know what the fuck that means. That sounds like I should just not live anywhere near black people to me when I hear that.

Unknown_09: So Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism by is what was being advertised there.

Unknown_13: Thank you.

Unknown_09: Cows are cute for 10 says a daddy Josh I am a mindless drone working for the Postal Service does your hate for government's alpha people looks into me Please say no your approval means everything Unfortunately does the police the Postal Service has a police you guys inspect packages you fuck with people's mail People do get arrested over bullshit reasons as a result of the Postal Service and you fucked up my mail constantly Well, you did in the US

Unknown_09: Actually, no even in europe when I try to get shit delivered by ups or usps to uh to the serbia You just fuck it up constantly. I don't even know how you do it shit just gets lost like whoops Like back in the day you guys had to ride horses through the mountain the rocky mountains To deliver mail and through rain or sleet or snow nothing would stop the postal service nowadays you find these clips and you got some some black lady and she's driving on your Fucking lawn and just throwing a box onto your porch and then waddling back to her car And she's she's grinding out that 20 year for her pension. She got some of the best medical coverage in the entire country The best retirement plan She's protected if you assault her that's like a mega felony just because she's a federal employee Like you sold yourself to the government regardless. I guess you do less harm than the fbi but

Unknown_09: He still sold it my dude Winston Fujimori for five says Josh you run an information and discussion site and you lied to us three red flags about Ali London one He's British to he's homosexual three. He's the guy who once described himself as transracial and identified as Korean French Bros stay winning. I Did not know he was gay. I will now sideline Ali Alexander for the Not Ali Alexander Ali London. I will sideline him for the rest of my life. Thank you for the information

Unknown_09: RegretfulKiwi4483 says, I wonder why the quote unquote racist Nazi party has risen to the second biggest party in Sweden. Even the AFD is rising in like Germany and shit.

Unknown_09: I don't know, probably because kids are getting raped and there's Muslims throwing grenades in Sweden, but nothing's going to change. Your vote does not matter and nothing will change ever. Sorry to break it to you.

Unknown_09: NotMrFive says, wow, so all the worst parts of Scandinavia were imported? Licorice is like the best thing about Scandinavia. That licorice dark chocolate from Finland called like Salmonecchi or whatever. That's the good shit. That's tasty.

Unknown_09: Why are windmills bad? Hakuriku for five says even in Canada nature is healing inshallah the jihad prevails and there's a link to a Torah website called the Kiwi farms you may not have heard of that and we'll try to open this on the way

Unknown_09: josh morgan says this is unacceptable and extremely upsetting especially for members of the lgbt 2s plus community 2s being two spirit um please let us please know that thousands upon thousands of londoners stand and support you including myself you matter and you belong hashtag id it did not and that means london canada or yeah london canada not london um

Unknown_09: Whatever the fuck.

Unknown_12: Okay, hold on. I'm trying to get this video playing.

Unknown_12: Take it off! Take it off!

Unknown_09: You know what's really funny about this?

Unknown_12: He's foreign too. You know what's really funny about that is, um...

Unknown_09: You can't see look just real quick. Sorry There you go one more time boy gone. What's really funny about that is um Keffel's hometown is London Canada. So the Keffel's the the Kiwi farm The Kiwi farms Middle Eastern Canadian division is rising up recruiting growing more influential and powerful and

Unknown_09: Thank you. Retard for 20 says, I promise to keep our parasocial relationship strong. Thank you very much for retard. You're my favorite super chatter. Uh, Asa Spencer five says it's basically the same reason I throw money at you.

Unknown_09: I don't know what that's in response to. Did I say something about parasocial relationships again? And people are like, that's why I throw money at you. You're my favorite super chatter, Asosfeds. Nick Gurr05 says, I can't wait for to dox, rape, and kill the chutty avatar guy for using their memes. I don't know if I can co-sign that. Hopefully nobody gets doxed, raped, and killed by the weirdos from the soyjack party.

Unknown_09: Hostile got over vs. Rising interest rates are going to further slaughter streaming as a career total egrift or death the day the job application looms. I hope not. I Don't know what kind of job I can get around here. I'm not looking forward to that I don't know if cyber bully has many career prospects outside the field

Unknown_09: Why I hate the Swedish for 5 says the etymology of the word cuck as a political pejorative came from Sweden letting in rape fugitives and becoming the rape capital of the west with the 3rd highest rape rate in the world. The insult's implication was that they wanted their wives to be raped. That is not true.

Unknown_09: The cuck thing started during Gamergate because there was an actual cuckold who was anti Gamergate and when the Gamergate people found out they bullied him mercilessly for it and then it became like a catch-all for everything Everything starts in Gamergate my boy Dong Johnson for 25 says have my shneckles Josh. Thank you very much. I will take your shackles Appreciate him Deadzone the cock provides us if you have a problem breathing the air in a big gay apple of New York City, head on down to the gay store to get your penis shaped air purifier. Fits comfortably in your mouth and will keep you breathing and sucking all day while supplies last. I'm glad you finally described what's actually in the gay store. Now it makes sense.

Unknown_09: There's a host of oral air purifiers to allow New Yorkers to breathe despite Canada being on fire. Good to know. Snigger45 says, you're correct about the supplement stuff. I know bodybuilders and these people switch supplements every couple of months because something gets made illegal.

Unknown_09: Sometimes the new supplement is hardly different from the original. They're a tenacious bunch. Well, the issue that the government has is that they, um...

Unknown_09: Outlaw likes specific formulations and then they just reformulate it. So like the molecule is just a little bit different, but it's the same fucking thing and it's just legally different. That was what happened with bath salts. The government kept trying to ban bath salts, but they kept making them a little bit different.

Unknown_09: The horse beater for 10 says, I can assure you, Josh, there are no pride emojis on the Polish version of YouTube.

Unknown_09: Really?

Unknown_09: Okay, I actually want I want to check that real quick. I don't believe you.

Unknown_09: That's like, so you don't even see them? No, let me check. Hold up.

Unknown_09: I'm putting my own stream. Okay, it's muted.

Unknown_12: Okay, great.

Unknown_12: Okay, switching over.

Unknown_09: Testing the chat. Chat's not loading on this, so I don't know if, oh, there it is. Okay, so new emotes, I see them. I'm gonna switch over to Poland real quick. I don't know, I'm in Warsaw, I might still be paused.

Unknown_12: And let's see.

Unknown_09: Oh my God, they don't show up if you're using a Polish VPN. That is so funny. I still see them in chat. I just can't use them. So Polish people are not allowed to show LGBTQIA2S plus pride, P plus pride.

Unknown_09: Um, but they do have to endure it, which is pretty funny.

Unknown_09: That's great. Okay. Awesome. Thank you.

Unknown_09: Roxanne Wolf says, Bark bark, HRT did to the nerd community what crack did to the neighbor community. Thanks CIA. It's true. It wiped it all out. You can't enjoy your SCPs or your battle mechs or your animes or anything. It's all ruined forever now. I'm sorry to say.

Unknown_09: Molester says, Hey, I asked about the replacement coin closure last year and got them in the mail yesterday. And thanks for the tip. The old one was just scuff from age. Also F the British. I'm glad you found it. Um, pretty easy to get. And yes, F the British, I agree. Thank you.

Unknown_09: Justiceburg for 10 says, hello again, please play 20 seconds of the song from the timestamp.

Unknown_09: It will take weeks, but I will not rest until the song is played to completion. You got it, my boy. As agreed upon. Here we go. 20 seconds of Justice Weathers in Nazareth starting from 20 seconds.

Unknown_09: Oh, what a cliffhanger. It just starts to pick up.

Unknown_09: I guess next stream we'll hear more of it.

Unknown_09: Now that I've become a master of the parasocial, I can get people to pay me to play music.

Unknown_09: Fortnitemaster44345 says, Josh, I want to become a big time e-celeb and have a legion of cult-like fans who will turn everything I say into a meme, kind of like Sam. Hi, what do you recommend to achieve this? What type of show or content should I make? Has to be something new.

Unknown_09: I mean, generally people make content about people they like. You should be funny first and then the rest just kind of follows through.

Unknown_09: And I think people make so much content about Sam Hyde because he is so aloof and like unpredictable. It's harder to get like a reaction out of him. Then again, I don't know. Look at Jerma. I don't know anything about him, but he's not like a Sam Hyde guy. I don't know what his, his secret is.

Unknown_09: Uh, not my surprise says a friend told me there's a growing group of online incels who are doing something called trans maxing where they're churning out, but not actually doing surgeries or HIT to reap the social benefits of being a truant. It's splintering online truant groups too.

Unknown_09: I mean obviously people are gonna exploit the fuck out of it cuz it's like free money. Why wouldn't they? I wish them luck in destroying everything

Unknown_09: Highman Asshole for 15 says, I have body gender dysmorphia, what do I do? Should I accept my life for what it is and try to become comfortable with my own body despite its flaws, or should I endlessly pursue an impossible to attain standard and worsen my self-esteem issues even further? Okay, before you do anything, all right, before you do anything at all, just try not being like a retard for like a couple weeks. Work out, eat correctly,

Unknown_09: um, bathe every day, stop looking at porn, stop smoking weed, get off your SSRIs, stop drinking. Just do that for like a month and then see if you're still like a retard at the end of it. If you haven't tried to like not be retarded at first, don't be like, what should I do? Should I cut my tits off or whatever? Should I, should I, I carve out a manhole in my in my crotch like did you have you tried anything? Have you tried literally anything at this point besides wearing a binder and dressing differently like I try literally anything for us and then if that doesn't work then you have my permission to mutilate yourself and do whatever the fuck you want Go swimming.

Unknown_12: Yeah

Unknown_09: Good luck. Anonymous4483 says, you should do a stream with Kea Orson. He's a co-host of The Friend of Critical, but he talks a lot on his show about free speech and shittership. Censorship? Not shittership. He also talked about Ralph Laurer. I know of him. He followed my Twitter account when I still had a Twitter account.

Unknown_09: He was the person with the most followers. He was a blue checkmark is why I remember this, because he was one of the only blue checkmarks that followed our Twitter account. Um, yeah, if he wants to talk I'll probably be up for that more so than leafy My cock is smelly for five says I'm a wizard and I will share a magic spell for you first recite this incantation to to rue now wait a moment and look at chat Congratulations with his magic spell you can now instantly spot all the gay people in chat To to rue What the fuck is a to to rue is it like an anime thing?

Unknown_12: What?

Unknown_09: Oh, is it an anime thing? Oh, cringe. I was processing it before I read it. I thought, well, it doesn't sound like a song, like a bippity boppity boo, like a little line from that. But now I know it's an anime thing. That's cringe.

Unknown_09: Now Mr. Five says, are you sure this will get people interested in SCP? SCP question mark. Very true. He just went to masturbate.

Unknown_09: And he has accomplished that probably many times with the money that people gave him. Question mark for 43 says I'm gay for Cecil McFly. I think he's really handsome. He does have nice long ears If you're an era file, I guess that works out

Unknown_09: Kronberger provides us with Dark City, a 1998 neo-noir science fiction film directed by Alex Proyas and starring Kiefer Sutherland and Jennifer Connelly, which paved the way for enlightened heroism a year before The Matrix and Neo popularized it. do you know the way to shell beach my dude i have not a fucking clue what you're even talking about i imagine that's like a movie that's like a cult classic with a bunch of weirdos we're like actually this is the one that really kicked off the batman thing before the batman movies came out

Unknown_09: No, I don't, by the way. Why would I ask a Fed? I don't talk to Feds. I already explained this. I mean, what are you supposed to do?

Unknown_09: Honestly, as long as they can live comfortably, as long as they're still getting laid, as long as they're still able to get married and have children, then they'll continue to think that they're in the right. If women were to be like, I'm not going to fuck you. You work for the federal government. I can't trust you. You would murder my child. You would hang my child by the fucking neck on a meat hook. The moment Joe Biden told you that you'd lose your pension if you wouldn't, the moment that happens, Then you're going to start seeing the government collapse, because that's what they're going to do. They're going to have to hire imports. They're going to have to hire Mexicans and black people to run the government. And then what happens when you have a bunch of Mexicans and black people running the government? It collapses. It's over. Goodbye. Bye bye. Bye bye, federal government. Bye bye. You don't work anymore. Bye bye. Like even like in shitholes like Germany and Sweden, they run their government completely through white people. White people were in that place.

Unknown_09: And when they get fully replaced, it will collapse and nature will heal. But it's not going to work as long as effective individuals are still in government and thinking that they're safe and cozy and shit. I'm sorry. I just can't excuse it. If I had federal government people in my family. I would not want to know them. I would not want to talk to them. I would not want to associate with them. I would not want to have conversations with them. Because guess what? When you're talking to your family at Thanksgiving table, you're talking to a member of the government who is still on duty all the time. You tell him, oh, you're a nice coworker. Oh, you know, the FDA, USDA, there's a restaurant down my street that butchers their own cows. What do you think he's going to do? He's going to rat that motherfucker out. That restaurant that butchers their own cows and feeds you a healthy meat that they raise themselves. That guy's going to jail now. He's going to be fined half a million dollars for violating USDA standards. They're never off duty. They're always looking for the next throat to cut. And if that throat is yours, you're fucking dead. It doesn't matter if they, if they're your husband, even with the Lorton Seller.

Unknown_09: Just never they're not they're not your fucking friend. They are a Part of the apparatus of government and they will always will be even if they retire There's just there's not a good one there's not a single good one Fur for five says that furry map is deceptive since it's a German website Cope and Sneed Deutsch Deutschland

Unknown_09: Cheeky stinker for five says what's the last time you had hamsters and which kind is your favorite? I have syrian hamsters, but they kept questioning the legitimacy of israel as a state and it was making me uncomfortable. Take care josh um, I don't know what kind I had it was um I had a long time ago. He looked exactly like one of the hamster dance ones with like the like the hamtaro Uh

Unknown_12: Let me look it up real quick. I'm curious now.

Unknown_12: Golden hamster.

Unknown_12: Yeah, that's it. A golden hamster.

Unknown_09: There you go. Uh, sad German for 10 says, unfortunately, German has had an infestation for a long time now. I feel compelled to pay you $10 to watch 30 seconds of his famous German songs and music video from 10 years ago. Okay.

Unknown_09: Oh, geez.

Unknown_09: They would have fought to the last man. They would have fought until every German was dead if they knew. The Americans would have fought to the very bitter end.

Unknown_09: They would have just sat on the shores of D-Day getting shot at if only they knew.

Unknown_09: Shores of Normandy, rather.

Unknown_09: By the way, happy Memorial Day to all of our troops who went out and died for gay sex.

Unknown_09: Thank you for your sacrifice. It's a service. Beck's for 1072 says, Hey, Jersh, Lord of schizos. I recently got diagnosed with schizophrenia. It's still in the early phases. I need your advice on how not to fuck up my whole life, bro. I don't actually have schizophrenia. If I do, I'm not Medicaid. So I can't give you any advice. Um, you should probably talk to a doctor about how to manage your symptoms so that you don't lose your mind completely.

Unknown_09: I would advise not having children though.

Unknown_09: Sorry. Hit MMORPG EverQuest 2 for five says the point, the Hawking point of supporting a viewpoint puts us in danger really brings my piss to a boil. It's the USA. If you're not, if you're really in danger than carry. But what they really want to do is sick police on everyone who disagrees with them while jacking off back when I was growing up, The internet had freely accessible KKK and like Westboro Baptist Church shit. And, you know, it made people angry. But we sat back and what we actually said back then was that it's okay that they go on the internet and they say whatever they say because it's their right and we just ignore them. And you can see how hateful and insipid they are and the mean, awful shit that they say. And it's like, nobody wants to be like that.

Unknown_09: And it was true. And nowadays, as we continue to try and censor people and malign them, they create sympathies for their causes. It's like it no longer looks like they're just some fringe lunatic who are upset at like a that society is peaceful and happy. It's like society sucks now. And we're we're victimizing them, which creates something that really doesn't make any sense. It almost feels deliberately set up to try and create like resistance to society. The way that the way that they're actively going after them But I don't think they're that clever Don Johnson for 25 says there's like three groups that you can fit any furries into tranny pedo altist and people who know it's a weird fetish Yeah, basically there's also Nazis I guess that would be autist though that's about right

Unknown_09: The Doge of Venice for 25 says, let's get pride before fall going, hopefully before June ends. I want to know what I'm buying. Okay. Um, or I haven't had much opportunity to work on that. Um, I'm still.

Unknown_09: I got distracted by other shit related to the main site going back up. Uh, I don't know where to host it is the issue. I'm waiting on something before, like in regards to that, before I can put it back up. Um, but I am, it is on, if you go to get slash JC moon slash pride hyphen, or just go to JC moon and type that in. Uh, you'll see my list of repositories and then one of them is pride before fall.

Unknown_09: And if you would like to contribute to that, uh, go ahead. I will probably merge it.

Unknown_09: Um, especially if you know a lot about Hugo, I'm using a go software suite for building static sites called Hugo. And if you know how that works, um, get in touch. There's a thread for it on the Kiwi farms too.

Unknown_12: Winston Fujimori for five says it wasn't just Ronald Reagan Ted Kennedy also championed repealing the laws requiring mentally ill people to be put in facilities until they get better now crazy people can't be forced to go into mental hospitals if they don't want to go well I don't know too much about Ted Kennedy I think he was a senator at that time but I can blame Ronald Reagan most because his wife was the champion of it

Unknown_09: Jet Seth radio for five says I've been binging old Maddie for about a month now to get through the work week It's been very entertaining a while ago. You mentioned a ween you said you heard their whole discography I was wondering what your favorite album was keeps needing King I want to say Quebec Quebec springs to mind as being a particularly good one. I mean all their albums are pretty good the The chili pepper one. I don't know what that was called Was pretty good

Unknown_09: And I like the one that ocean man is when I think that's a single though But they're they they're crazy good like their whole disography is extremely versatile and enjoyable And they also sang the shoe tying song for Spongebob like they're a great group Per drop. Sorry.

Unknown_09: Okay. I just lost my voice. Oh Perturba lord of iron for ten says hey, just I've been able to send us because I feel off my stilts at work If you want fags that ruin entertainment check out Lancer RPG community You can't even joke about committing war crimes or other unsavory activities while in game Yeah, that wouldn't fly in places like Like the hearts of iron for community war crimes make up the the majority of the means I

Unknown_09: The amount of water is the issue. I can't wet my tongue.

Unknown_09: But yeah, they fucked up like every online community day. They're all ruined.

Unknown_09: Paulia Dante for fire says go veto chew go out and advocate pedophilia to the extreme. I will thank you Dax Basically, it's how the situation is. However Dom counteract your statement He directly challenges Koya Dante and says Wish you weren't such a fag about dick, whatever though. I like both of your shows and we'll continue to you don't have to pick sides I just don't want to associate with dick because he's like actively involved in really skeeby shit, and I just don't have an interest in it

Unknown_09: So when that shit collapses, I don't I want to be three years out of the loop at that point The president and Nintendo for five says Josh John James moon Potter Jingleheimer smite fun fact Nintendo employs more uncles than any other employer on the planet I have to catch the stream later, but I'm busy harvesting Nintendo's on the Nintendo mines D&D total Nintendo domination forever. I Did not know that Nintendo employed more uncles. That's a very strange statistic. I don't know if that's true or not That sounds made up

Unknown_09: Thank you though. Sir. Mar house for five says Adam Rick over father of the nuclear Navy. Once asked a candidate for the submarine fleet, if he would leave his wife and kids to join the program, the candidate said yes. And Rick over called him disoil and removed him from the program. LOL. Well, they don't do that shit anymore. I tell you what, I'll tell you what the answer is. No, you don't get on. You get put in middle management. You have to touch papers for the rest of your life.

Unknown_09: Winston Fujimori for five says I wanted to say something I initially was skeptical about the mr. Girl person when I first thought that calling himself a pedo was a form of ironic humor But after seeing a bunch of things about the guy I'm now convinced that he's a hundred percent insane and probably pedo Nobody jokes about being a pedophile. He's a pedophile. He says he's a pedophile. I believe him. Nobody should believe otherwise Just the way it is same with me though

Unknown_09: Diamond surprise says Ralph deleting all his tweets is truly like the burning of the library of Alexandria, but a loss to humanity Well, he made a statement saying that he would rather die than delete his tweets and he did delete his tweets So I assume that death is the next thing for him

Unknown_09: Research purposes mostly for five says have you seen the interview big tech did with Buck Angel? Genuinely worth genuinely worth your time Also, Matt Jarbo meant the last time Ralph and I Matt Jarbo did a stream together did not go well for him Referencing when Ralph ran away like a bitch for Matt. Oh, I forgot about that. You're right. No, you did not see that I'm not really interested in listening to Big Tech That's funny Ralph is underfoot from even Matt Jarbo. I thought that he was the last person not to epically own Ralph But Ralph is afraid of him now

Unknown_09: Sneadchad420 says, Josh, I may have had a child of mine get scraped out of some BPD chicks pussy and put into a biohazard waste bin. I came balls deep in her after she lied about birth control and then about taking plan B. I should have listened about what you say about BPD girls.

Unknown_12: Yeah.

Unknown_12: You should have.

Unknown_12: That's really.

Unknown_12: Yeah, you listen to me more often in general.

Unknown_09: I will not lead you astray. I promise.

Unknown_09: B for five says, Can you make some cute pink merch? I want to. I want a cute dog sweater that also supports the podcast. Keep up the good work. We're waiting for you.

Unknown_09: Sure. And we can maybe do pink.

Unknown_09: I usually try to keep them a little bit neutral so that men and women can wear them, but maybe.

Unknown_09: OG pay more homie for 10 says hey Josh read this shut yo pasty ass chicken bone Google Chrome flip phone disown cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome dimadone genome full-blown monochrome student loan Indiana Jones friendzone Sylvester Stallone headass up boy There you go, I hope that was worth it for you my friend

Unknown_09: I think I did pretty well. Mr. Man for 2145 says, no, that's a fabled British spirit of innovation and perseverance. Just when you think they can't hate, you can't hate them any more than you already do. They revealed this atrocity and top themselves once more. Yeah.

Unknown_09: They, they defy belief in how fucking terrible their country is. Every time I read an update about them, it sucks that it's hit so close to home this time to a true and honest user of the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_09: Billy Evans for five says, Hey Josh, I wanted to give you, I wanted to elaborate for the SCP fell with the broken ass. My wife also has a broken ass. It does not self lubricate like my ex girlfriends did. It can cause a lot of discomfort and pain and I hope he gets better soon. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about and I really don't want to know. I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm fitting or I'm glad that that happened. If it's a good thing, a funny manager for 20 says, girl, I just got my nails did short clip of the fight between Ralph and Jarbo.

Unknown_12: Okay.

Unknown_09: Oh, no, I can't believe he got bouldered Can't believe Ralph is fucking dead. I can't believe Monday Matt killed Ethan Ralph Totally murdered him. We all saw it coming, but it just doesn't feel real. So No one important 818 says for 10 Say someone is trying to make a documentary on tip on the Kiwi farms What are five primary sources to consult PS your decennial stream was shit for this?

Unknown_09: the kiwi farms everybody else just lies just browse the fucking site my dude you need something specific you can probably post and ask for it but people will probably bully you for trying to be like a journalist uh sorry can't be more help but yeah it's just the site

Unknown_09: Francis E deck for five says in 1965 lgbtqia plus gangster police beat me bloody dragged me in chains from Kennedy New York Airport Well, at least you could breathe back then Yes, I know. It's a Francis E deck reference someone synthesized that voice to be like AI and I want to use that for everything now maybe for

Unknown_09: I don't think I can do this, but it would be nice if I could make that like the voice for like super chats over a hundred or something. I don't know. That'd probably be too annoying. But I need to, I need to harvest this voice and use it for things. So that's great.

Unknown_09: I am a winner for nine says, please play happy hour by Dio Dato on the stream after we go clear net.

Unknown_09: I have a song picked out already for that. Maybe though. Happy hour by Dio Dato.

Unknown_09: Okay. Maybe.

Unknown_09: BaseHistory410 says, The Jungle is a work of fiction commissioned by the larger meatpacking plants. It created popular pressure for the USDA to inspect all meat at the expense of meatpacking plants. The result was several smaller, very high-quality plants shutting down. I'm sure. I'm sure it's never a good thing to have government Right because what are they gonna do? They're gonna regulate all food then there will be regulating all the fucking plants, too It'll be illegal to sell a cabbage at a farmers market unless it's USDA inspected. This is you don't want it

Unknown_09: William Dante for us is the Lord Bung thing is sad but looking back there were signs the animation started out story and oriented and gradually more time was devoted to the protagonist's millennial awkwardness and lack of purpose or personal identity and dude weed Lamao Yeah, maybe weed is like a truning thing we need to do studies into the association between marijuana and trannies and see what the link is

Unknown_09: Winston Fujimori for five says, my antivirus subscription is going to expire in a month. What antivirus software do you recommend I buy? I need something I can use for my Android phone. Thanks for telling me in advance. Also goes to tell me, told me to tell you. He says, hi, hi ghost. As far as antivirus, I don't use any windows. I think I use Casper key at some point.

Unknown_09: Um, and you don't really need antivirus for phones. Just don't download weird shit off the fucking internet. It's not that hard.

Unknown_09: Scurvy rep for five says how do I achieve true and honest fan on the forums free wolf tone? He didn't do nothing $20 by crypto. Nothing else will do you can get someone else to do it for you?

Unknown_09: No one important not on super chats SP by crypto for the site No one important eight one eight four five says wait. His name is what top row far, right? And there's a link to an ABC News personal PR tweet

Unknown_12: My man is named Nick Kerr.

Unknown_09: He looks like he chugs soy and he can't get enough of soy, but his name is Nick Kerr. Shout outs to my homie Nick Kerr. I hope he's doing well.

Unknown_12: All the people in the chat saying Nick Kerr.

Unknown_12: Twelve-year-old white kids only get killed in cod Nick Kerr Anonymous for five cents.

Unknown_09: Have you heard what happened to an Idahoans high schooler? Then there's a link to Idaho Tribune News here's what you can do to help

Unknown_09: Travis lore Kellogg student who was banned from graduation after two gender statements as boss rescinded firefighting job offer. Here's what you can do to help Travis lore. Oh, he, um, he made a tweet or something saying that there are only two genders. They banned him from his own graduation and, uh, the firefighting, the, the fire department revoked like the job offer for him.

Unknown_12: Oh, he wants to work for the U.S.

Unknown_09: Forest Service. Uh, cool. The Alena River Ranger district. So he wants to work for the U.S. Forestry Service. And now we can't because he said there's only two genders. Wow. Wanting to be a fed really worked out for him. Even in the based forestry service doesn't hurt anyone. Oh no. It can't. You have to be woke to, to work in forestry. Funny how that works. Funny how it works. How it's every fucking department.

Unknown_09: Sex for him, but hopefully he finds a job in private industry and doesn't sell us a lot to the forestry service suite I mean he can suck tranny dick if he wants then it can be a forester a ranger and suck all the tranny dick in the world if he wants to repent Gay store representative for five says speaking of parasocial relationships How about a pair of social butt plugs for your relationship down at the gay store? We have the cheapest and download prices of the market for all your gay products and gay services that makes less sense than the fucking air purifier.

Unknown_09: I Don't know what that means. I don't want to know about things

Unknown_09: Thank you though. Nova Forten says, can you compare Rekkaid's fight record to Dankasal and see who is the best fighter? I don't think Rekkaid has ever been in a fight unless there's something I'm missing here.

Unknown_09: TFD provides, sorry, TFD provides as base, once a Fed, always a Fed. Even when they retire, they are related, into related hobbies, or go back working in a field like politics, it rots their brains and destroys their families like a festering staph infection, or they become contractors and they double dip. Then they get their delicious pension and they work for the government, getting a second line of income, despite not being directly employed. Same exact fucking thing.

Unknown_09: Just rip off, they rip off the fucking government. That's why everyone goes into being a fed because then they retire, they get their pension, they get their health care for free for the rest of their lives and for their family. And then they can be a contractor and continue to work until they're really ready to retire and get twice the income.

Unknown_09: At your expense.

Unknown_09: Astro and devour of zebra cakes for different cakes are delicious for five says PPP has been a glorious return and does not have pig hooves The chemo casino is here to stay. It's tough, buddy. I have not heard about that. So I can't make some snide comment. I apologize

Unknown_09: I like your name though. And now it's for 10 says, I highly recommend Alasky Alexi Germans, how to be a God. It's the black and white Russian keynote, but a group of astronauts will discover an identical earth stuck in the dark ages. They try to start the Renaissance without direct intervention.

Unknown_09: That sounds cool.

Unknown_09: Um, I don't know if I'll check it out there. It doesn't sound cool. It's called Alexi Germans. How hard to be a God.

Unknown_09: or anyone interested in Russian nonfiction or Russian fiction rather.

Unknown_12: That didn't actually happen. I have open rumble to see if I have, oh wait, it's Odyssey.

Unknown_09: Okay, there are no rumble messages the one time that I actually bothered to keep the live stream open.

Unknown_09: And then on Odyssey knives are out for Harambe for five says so I heard you like mudkips 904 also your email doesn't seem to work with proton mail. It does indeed. Most certainly does work.

Unknown_09: Try different email service if you're not getting read.

Unknown_09: Rickenbacker for Ken says, okay, here's the Kiwi farms patch hat. It represents the true meaning of the word Harpo. Okay. The Kiwi farmers patch hat is the Harpo Jarvee connection. Only I can have the Kiwi farms patch hat. I stitch one of the patches to a hat and wear it in public. It's a reference. I get that reference. I appreciate that reference.

Unknown_09: Um, I'm glad that you, that you managed to acquire such a rare and personal artifact to show off in public. I'm sure that will draw new ire to you. It's over.

Unknown_09: Rick in macro 5 says also add to the super chat about the trans maxing I know a guy who said he was trans to get of a several hundred dollar scholarship and to get a several hundred dollar scholarship in college and

Unknown_09: He's a straight Muslim convert with a wife and kids. That's cringe. Islam is cringe. Muhammad's a pedophile.

Unknown_09: I have a hard time. I know it's like they're trad and shit, but it's like, I don't know. Muhammad's a pedophile. He fucked a nine-year-old.

Unknown_09: One of the best things about the story of Jesus is that he was completely abstinent in the Bible. So in the history of time, at no point do you look back on Jesus and say, oh, his sexual proclivities were weird because he didn't have any. Because as opposed to Mohammed, who fucked a nine-year-old and is now a pedophile and is really gross.

Unknown_12: Food for thought.

Unknown_12: Just my opinion. Just my opinion.

Unknown_09: And Driller410 says, Deep Rock Season 4 next week, Rock and Stone. Also, I should dip my balls in Liquid Morkhite. Bro, if you want to dip your balls in Liquid Morkhite, just do it. Don't fucking film it and put it to YouTube though. OK, I'm done. No more. Thank you guys. I appreciate it. I look forward to doing two a week so I can

Unknown_09: save 30 minutes as somehow a stream. So now I'm down from four hours a week to six and a half. I don't know how I've accomplished this, but maybe I'll find time to shorten things up a little bit.

Unknown_09: Tuesdays are at 6pm Eastern 6pm Eastern Midnight EU Fridays will continue to be at noon Eastern 6pm Euro.

Unknown_09: So I have a special song given the context of everything and it's by a small producer named Zalinky. And my boy Zalinky, even though I'm pretty sure you're super paused and even though I am no better than a beast, do not DMCA me. I want to share your music because I actually think it's quite good even though I'm a monster.

Unknown_09: So I will see you guys Tuesday.

Unknown_09: Take it easy. Have a nice weekend.

Unknown_09: And bye bye.

Unknown_14: Don't worry about God, baby He's got a plan and it's true Don't mind about Destiny, she's carefree Flirting with uncertainty, the apple knows morality There's nothing that's in it for you Don't think about death, honey. The thought alone, it makes you look real funny.

Unknown_15: Your head heavy and your vision fuzzy. Know what they say, it's keep your eye on the money. Know what they say, it's keep your eye on the prize. Gracefully suffocating all my lies. We'll hear the love you gather all around when you're six feet underground.

Unknown_15: Don't talk about fame and fortunes bidding. It's not a pity, nor is it that fitting. You're more in line with just up and quitting. Frankly, it's all the same. Make your peace. Do a sacrificial dance. All your goodwill and intentions never stood a chance. You see the coming of the end times rolling in on the clouds. Bow your head. Superficial recompense. Like no one's ever truly gone. No one's ever really dead. In my defense.