0:00:44 Unknown_02: sorry sorry i'm uh i'm a little bit late i um i was trying to mount nfts um this is typical typical arch linux stuff i can't mount the drive that has all my fucking assets for the stream so i'm just playing around getting everything uh getting everything set up um i'm getting my actually i'm getting my Unknown_16: My Microsoft Edge. I use Microsoft Edge on Linux because, you know, I just trust Microsoft and there's a new update that's come out. It's pretty exciting. Let's see what's next. What's coming out next on Microsoft Edge. Unknown_16: Oh, built in pride themes directly into Microsoft Edge. That's weird. That's a bit out of out of date, isn't it? Oh, wait, no. Unknown_16: No, it's May. Unknown_16: It's the end of May. Unknown_16: It's... It's June! 0:01:39 Unknown_15: It's June, chat! It's right there! 0:02:45 Unknown_15: I can't believe it's that time again. I'm not ready for it. I'm not ready for it. They just took down their avatars from rainbow mode from last year. They kept it up all year long and it just went down and now it's already time again. All right, listen. Unknown_16: Before I really get into the stream, and there's a lot to say, I don't know what to tell you. Usually I group my shit into like, organize it. I have like eight different groups of shit to talk about, and there's so much I want to say, and so much garbage to go through, that I actually want to take an opportunity to ask my audience. I'm gonna leave this up over the weekend so for people who don't get to watch this live you will get a chance to vote on this if you go to youtube.com I think it's See mad at the internet Yeah, youtube.com forward slash see forward slash man at the internet and you go to the community tab I am posting this right now 0:03:21 Unknown_16: I will actually show you this on screen now that I have the opportunity to. I literally just posted this. 0:04:01 Unknown_16: I am going to split my streams. I simply have too much to say, too much content, and my notes are all over the fucking place. It's a little bit late. I didn't get time to properly test. Unknown_16: Start preparing like at noon and then six hours later, and I'm still like last second throwing shit together So I need a second day to properly organize my thoughts and get everything going For the streams, and I will give you an opportunity to It's been consistent last couple streams have always been have been like getting longer and longer and longer I've had more to say and my prep time is getting longer, and I can't do it all in one day so 0:04:42 Unknown_16: I will give you guys a choice. If you vote for Saturday or Sunday, you're telling me to split your stream topics in half. Unknown_16: and then have your general bullshit Saturday or Sunday. If you're telling me to do it on Monday or Tuesday, Tuesday in particular is equidistant from Friday. And what you're saying is that you want to have two streams basically the same thing in terms of topics, but smaller, just half it. 0:05:19 Unknown_16: And the second stream will take place during a merriment hour. So I'll broadcast at midnight my time. Unknown_16: Hopefully for two hours, and then I'll go to bed so if you want it depends on what you're up for it will be at midnight you time and at 6 p.m.. Eastern regardless of what day it's on so It's up to you go vote on this I will not I will not what's wrong with my I will not I 0:05:53 Unknown_16: I will not close this anytime soon. It'll be up over the weekend. And then, I guess until at least Tuesday, because that would make sense. Because then everybody, people who are active on YouTube on Tuesday have an opportunity to vote. And I will see what people have to say. Yeah, so I believe in voting. I'm doing this specifically because I need actual direct feedback from people. right now it's uh saturday is in the lead but i i will clump it this way um if sunday loses to saturday um i will add the votes of sunday to saturday and if tuesday like 0:06:34 Unknown_16: I will add Sunday to Saturday and Monday to Tuesday if those days lose if that makes sense Kind of like split it that way and that's enough of that I'm just saying I'm gonna start doing American hours more and I'm gonna try to split what I have to say because I simply do Too much for one stream and it's becoming untenable I Unknown_16: Okay, so now on to I warn you this stream will be rage-inducing I have very little positive to say it's very oriented towards a specific topic obviously Considering the date considering the the times the signs of the times. I try to keep things light-hearted, but It's becoming a more and more arduous task Unknown_16: So I Before I get into actual like the content I just want to give a brief update on the forum and the background rounds different because I lost my wallpaper that's in my Podcast assets folder that I can't access without restarting my computer because I updated my kernel and now I can't use NTFS 3 to mount the drive and instead of doing that I am simply going to download a picture of a hamster and a Different wallpaper and use that for this stream, and then I'll fix it next next room 0:07:50 Unknown_16: The site is on tour so if you cannot access the site, it's t.me slash Kiwi farms It is up. It has been up for the last few weeks. We have about 1 4th 1 5th the usual audience Because a lot of people can't be asked to use tour. I understand. Don't worry about it. It'll come back, but it's still up on tour I'm waiting on something from two other people and then if that doesn't happen, then I'll start making other plans but right now I'm just gonna take it easy and Working on something Unknown_16: And that's it. Okay. So now let's continue I went I am anxious to get into what I have to say because otherwise the stream will last literally forever and I just Nobody has time for that This is from last year, but there is a big a big hoopla there is Target has announced that they're going to have a whole pride child section clothing arrangement Here's the little black Boy and or girl I guess at this point doesn't matter Wearing a trans rights are human rights t-shirt, which of course is every child's favorite thing Here's a little girl wearing a prides kids pronoun short-sleeve. She her they he him us So she's all the money. 0:08:47 Unknown_12: I will spend it on drugs. Unknown_16: Thank you again my friend Unknown_16: I don't have the slides for all of this, but there's a lot more like gross shit There's a whole target kids logo. I'll try to find that actually because that's particularly particularly succinct in vile Assuming that my VPN wants to play fair with me which it may not want to Target oh, I do not want to accept our cookies target kids pride. I want to get that I 0:09:33 Unknown_16: Here, oh, here, we can wear this. This is great for your kids. Oh, it redirects me, that's not what I want. I really hate, the modern browsing experience is just the most obnoxious fucking thing on the planet. Unknown_16: This has, I have picked a fucking image. Unknown_16: There we go. Trans people will always exist. And then as you enter the Target, the Target, and you start looking for, um, your clothes for your kids, you'll see this, the mark of the beast hanging over the kids section, letting you know that this is a compromised area. Here's a closeup of this. Uh, the whole arrangement for June for children's clothing is pride themed. Uh, it has these really awesome progressive tags on all the clothes. 0:10:11 Unknown_16: Lgbtqia plus target design design for our pride collection and there was a logo I saw that was just target pride kids And it was just like colored with like the trans flag and shows it was pretty pretty fucking nauseating. Oh here here we go Awesome, this is awesome. This is what I love to see amazing I 0:10:44 Unknown_16: From what I have heard, I believe. I'm going to be pissed off if I don't have the, uh, the link to this. I want to say that target is backing out of this. Unknown_02: Um, I want to say target canceled on this. Unknown_16: Let's see. Target cancels, pride target, removing some pride merchandise after anti LGBTQ threats against staff. 0:11:19 Unknown_16: What which ones is it removing though? I want to say They're still like super no I was I was misinformed I was told that target was Was completely canceling it, but they are not and I may have a tab for that we'll see I have I have more tabs open Like I said, I I was throwing shit together last minute. So oh, here's the statement that I was looking for cuz I saw this Here's their press statement regarding the controversy over their pride collection It says target statement on the 2023 pride Collection for more than a decade target has offered an assortment of products aimed at celebrating pride month. It's induction induction introduction Since introducing this year's collection, we've experienced threats impacting our team members' sense of safety and well-being while at work. Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior. Our focus now is moving forward with our continuing commitment to the LGBTQIAP plus community and standing with them as we celebrate Pride Month and throughout the year." Throughout the year, that's what I want to hear. I want to hear this shit all fucking year. Montana doesn't though. 0:11:59 Unknown_16: Montana has become the first state to ban drag performers from reading to children in schools and libraries. 0:12:51 Unknown_16: In the LGBTQ plus community here's them I see this fat tranny all the fucking time and I think that they're like a CIA Asset or something because they get planted everywhere where the protests is necessary. They just show up coincidentally and although I mean imagine being one of these people if you're like just a fat tranny and you're getting paid by George Soros to like travel the entire country like what a cushy gig and You want to visit Montana, one of the most beautiful states in the entire world? Unknown_16: Yeah, sure, here. Go protest in Helena for, like, a day. Do your fat tranny thing, and then take a nice drive through the scenic Yellowstone Park as you pass through Wyoming on your way back. 0:13:36 Unknown_16: Such as such as the life the luxurious life of a CIA asset However, they do literally require cock and balls in order to to get this position. So it is a bit of a catch-22 there Unknown_16: Trigger gnometry is a podcast that was in apparently they Weren't like super anti whatever because you know they're British they can only get so anti so controversial But they have been kicked off their bank account for having anti LGBTQ IEP plus people in their podcast so here's a nice dose of reality for all the normies they're feeling really bold now that they can just go out and debank normies and Just say openly no you don't get to participate in our global financial system anymore. You have no right to have Access to a bank account Reminds me of I think who was who was the one that said life liberty and pursuit of happiness. I think it was Jefferson wasn't that 0:14:18 Unknown_16: From Thomas Jefferson yes, yes, I'm fucking right again Originally that was supposed to be life liberty and pursuit of property because as far as Jefferson was concerned Having property was being able to pursue property was to be able to pursue happiness And they know that so that's where they take away all your shit 0:15:06 Unknown_16: So I don't know I don't play through this it's not worth it and the audio quality is terrible half a million subscribers and listen to this Me is the contempt with rights of children they lost half a million subscribers and they got all this fuck I guess I don't have any money anymore because they lost their bank accounts was like can you get like a microphone or something? Can you like? hire somebody to like fuck with your audio is there nobody in in England that can do your I mean my audio is better my audio is terrible Unknown_16: I won't force you to listen to British people This is pointed out to me, and this is your your your flag bit for the stream this is from Tumblr I guess fax machine saying cutting the invasive progressive Chevron out of the pride flag is such a powerful statement of rejection and resistance of forced teaming and For all you gays out there. This is actually an incredibly based 0:16:02 Unknown_16: a vexillogical approach to protests, and I will explain why. Unknown_16: First of all, let me just say this, that when you have a flag that has peaks like that at the end, that's called a swallowtail flag that exists, for instance, in the Ohio flag. Ohio state flag is a swallowtail flag. However, swallowtail flags also exist mostly in naval ensigns, both the Polish and German uh, navies or coast guards rather have swallowed tailed navel in signs. However, the act of removing a part of a flag, um, to protest something also has historical precedents. Most famously in the October revolutions of Hungary, 0:16:38 Unknown_16: When they were protesting the communist occupation, they cut out the communist emblem from the Hungarian flag and flew it with the circle. And they still fly the flag with the circle cut out to this day on certain memorial days. And they do this also in Romania. Unknown_16: And East Germany, I want to say. Unknown_16: They will also fly the circle cutout flags. So if you are a gay and you don't like the trunes fucking up your movement and you're finding it increasingly difficult to find flags that are not fucked up with that hideous, hideous, weird, blue, white, pink, brown, black thing that they've tacked on, Called the progressive flag you can cut it out, and that would be a very historically accurate way In a great symbol because when you see it, and you see the missing piece you know exactly what that flag says So good on you fax machine very vexillogical of you Good job 0:17:32 Unknown_16: It's requested to read some poetry today. Unknown_16: I've read through this a couple times. I have absolutely no idea how to read it aloud properly. It does not seem to have any rhythm, but I'll just get into it. Unknown_16: This is called by Jackie Sabach, titled, A Child Clocks Me at the Bodega. Unknown_16: First of all, you're a bitch. Second of all, I look amazing. I wore a silk dress. For the cashiers, I use my upper register. My face is the sort of glowy you see in felons. The child said, Mommy, is that a boy? And the mother said, I don't know. I have to hand it to her. She doesn't, but I wouldn't have said the same of her. I go home and cry for three hours. 0:18:24 Unknown_16: I throw quesadillas at the wall, the same quesadillas. You ask me why I always get and I didn't know what to say. They're $4.99 and they're perfect. I miss you all the time. 0:18:58 Unknown_16: You don't think of me and my face is growing old. Unknown_16: The quesadillas. Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite. Napoleon, go inside and get yourself a quesadilla. Jackie, stop crying about how you don't pass. Go inside and get yourself a quesadilla. And don't throw it at the goddamn wall this time. Or if you do, you have to clean it up. I ain't cleaning up your fucking quesadillas no more. Unknown_16: Crawling in my quesadillas. 0:19:34 Unknown_16: Is that the new Tendyman? That's right. Unknown_16: When a Spurg from Poll gets upset, he loses all of his Tendies, but when a Tranny gets clocked at the Bodega, his quesadilla is being thrown across the parking lot. Unknown_02: Okay, now. Unknown_02: There's more Okay, I'll download this as I show you this this is a swimsuit model for I Don't even know I don't know who who dared put this up But they did and I have a friend a close friend of mine who would have some choice words to describe this image in fact I happen to have these choice words right here 0:20:30 Unknown_05: It says nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot We're gonna start think that's I think I don't know. Unknown_16: I don't know if I don't know if I can co-sign that idubbbz That's a bit too offensive for me. I gotta I mean, it's just a young man enjoying his body in the onesie. Okay here I Do actually have the same I did actually do my due diligence because now that everything's on tour I have to be like extra super careful to download it before the stream starts and Unknown_10: Hi, it's me Patagonia, a real-life homosexual. And today, I'm here with the North Face. We are here to invite you to come out in nature with us! Wow, this is nice! We like to call this little tour the Summer of Pride. This tour has everything. Hiking. Community. Art. Lesbians. Lesbians making art. Last year, we gaisaged across the nation and celebrated pride across the nation with hundreds of you across the nation. This year, we're back, back, back again with two new stops. Atlanta, GA. Why? Because you're there. In Salt Lake City, we're coming for you. 0:21:08 Unknown_10: Of course! This year, all these fabulous speakers will be coming from inside this TV to a nature near you. So come outside and celebrate the beautiful LGHG TV community! 0:21:45 Unknown_16: I am considering and I've actually taken a step forward. The thing is I'm just so fucking busy I don't have time to do the things that I want to do but um, I am considering maybe offloading this to people who want to help I Have bought the domains PrideFall.org, PrideBeforeFall.org, PrideComesBeforeFall.org, and PrideGoesBeforeFall.org. I am considering putting together a list of companies that are pushing this shit, especially towards kids, and having a searchable database of all this gay shit, and just putting it up during Pride Month and seeing what happens. 0:22:22 Unknown_16: So... Unknown_16: The thing is, I would like to get it up before June, and that's a bit of a big ask. Here's my criteria for this, though, and I don't know if people would consider it. I would say I want to have this explicitly focused on the gay shit. So, like, the general woke shit, like, oh, Disney's making the Little Mermaid black and with whiter eyes than Joshua Moon, that wouldn't count. 0:23:06 Unknown_16: But, like, I would have it three tiers, where it's like, one is, Unknown_16: Anything aggressively targeted towards children. So the target shit would be a one and then it would be like two would be like Like just really pushing especially the trans shit trans shit that like replaces women and in particular would be like a two and then three is just like any general trans shit so like the Bud Light shit would be like a three target would be a one and then whatever for two Something like that something where it focus tears it like that and just exclude general woke complaints So that it's laser super laser focus, and then make sure that like for instance you I imagine like this like let's say that you're a 0:23:53 Unknown_16: That you're like just some dude, and you're like, I used to drink Bud Light, but now I know that Bud Light got all that gay shit in it. And I don't know if they brew that with HRT anymore. And then you're like, what about Coors Light? Is Coors Light also woke? And you look it up, and you're like, oh, that's like a part. I don't know if this is true or not, but it's like, oh, that's a part of InBev. So if I'm boycotting InBev, I also don't want to get a Coors Light. That's how it plays out in my mind. You know what I mean? Unknown_16: It's like if one if they play the field with like one of their companies Then they also they all get they all get tagged as being cringe So that's my idea, we'll see if we do it It's a lot it won't be that much work is the thing it's not that much work So it's doable and I might be able to offload it on other people Is there anything else I want to talk about okay, so the next part of this is I 0:24:56 Unknown_02: I could talk about that. Someone asked me to talk about this and I didn't last stream. Unknown_16: I guess I will mention this So someone asked me what my opinion was of the bike Karen and it's like this fucking guy Got into a fight with this like woman over her It's like a rented scooter that you not even a rented scooters like a rented pedal bicycle and there's a black guy like kicks her off and starts yelling at her and Unknown_16: Then he he published like on the internet Sorry, I I Try to click the mute button so I can cough and I turned off this the screen and cough directly to the microphone Sorry, that's really that's really rude of me I 0:25:44 Unknown_16: This is the black guy like kicks her off and then she gets fired from her job or put on suspended leave or some shit. Here's the full video. Unknown_16: Laughing it's funny a white woman can scream for help around three black guys And they just laugh because they know nobody's gonna do anything cuz it's New York She could be getting like gang-raped and nobody would fucking care 0:26:23 Unknown_03: You guys get in the grave. Unknown_06: Why you took his phone? What's wrong with you? Don't touch his phone. Don't touch his phone. I'm not touching it. You put it in your stomach on my head. Hey, dude, stop. No. No, dude, stop. No, no, no. No. I said no. I said sit down. Please. She took my bike. She's just crying. Hassan. You're not crying. You're not crying. I got you over here. Unknown_03: Where? You pulled it out? Hassan, you pulled it out? Hassan. Unknown_06: This is my bike, it's on my account, please move. All right, so why don't we reset the bike? I'm not resetting the bike. 0:26:56 Unknown_03: It's his, it's his, it's his. Unknown_03: So if you're wondering what the real story is, uh, she was on the right. Unknown_16: She did rent. She actually rented that bike like ahead of time. It was reserved cause she's like a nurse and has to go to work. She then got fired from her job or put on suspended leave and is now suing the, um, The publications that called her a racist because they took his bullshit tik-tok video of him saying all she did this bitch is racist and shit stealing all bikes and shit and then ran with that and just called her a racist cunt and They didn't do any fact-checking whatsoever. And then she got fired because of it which is economic damage and now She is suing the publications and I hope she wins And remind her that if you live in the city, you're a fucking retard. I 0:27:41 Unknown_16: All right, now, if you're already angry, prepare to be as angry as you can possibly be. Unknown_01: Cow achievement. Trans women can indeed lactate. You would follow the Newman-Goldfarb protocol, a medical protocol designed to help women induce lactation if they were not getting pregnant themselves. I'm going to be a mother. That's in the works, in the process. And part of that process is that I am working to induce lactation, to be able to breastfeed our youngest child. Yeah, actually mommy Naomi. I've actually already successfully induced lactation. Like, I can actually make milk now, which has been a very interesting and very cool experience. It's like very biologically affirming too, which is something that's like gatekept from trans women, like so, so difficult. Both motherly and 0:28:21 Unknown_16: Okay. So this person is named Naomi, allegedly, and they put out a little TikTok video saying, guess what? Through the magic of science, I have been able to activate my male mammillary glands, which are usually inactive in a man and produce milk, which I now intend to feed, uh, to my adopted infant son. 0:28:55 Unknown_16: And there is picture evidence, which of course Naomi has posted to the internet proving that he has in fact managed to breastfeed his son. Uh, actually he's pumping and then using a bottle feed cause it doesn't work naturally. Go figure. A lot of the babies unable to latch and extract the, the liquid from his nipples. Uh, so he's having to, uh, pump first. Unknown_16: Here is the baby motherhood is beautiful says Naomi you might notice. That's an 18 plus account That's because that Naomi posts his only fans porn to the same Twitter channel That he is posting pictures of the baby one so Um 0:29:44 Unknown_16: Alana says, I just found out this guy has an OnlyFans where he often dresses up in cow print and cow ears and calls lactation cow achievement. I feel sick. Quoting Naomi saying, just finished my morning pumping and I can confirm you that it is indeed breast milk. I can cite peer-reviewed journal articles about lactation and trans women, but they might just be too hard for you to read because your post-millennial is written in elementary school level." And here is the OnlyFans content where Naomi is dressed up as a fat tranny in cow print and doing moo stuff for all the tranny cow fetishists out there. 0:30:27 Unknown_16: One such picture this picture you may notice has a filter that is off so we can zoom in and really see Actually, you know this this is still filtered to shit. It's just not doing as good a job as the other filters So this is a man with hair extensions Who is ready to be a cow? Unknown_16: I've actually listened to this. This is Naomi's 10 20 minute long rebuttal to all the hate he has gotten and This part in particular stood out to me, which I will play for you now. I 0:31:16 Unknown_01: lactation induction in a transgender woman, macronutrient analysis, and patient perspective. Here was actually the table of the nutrients in the trans woman's milk compared to control milk. And what's really funny is that every nutrient, the trans woman's milk was better than the control milk provided by a cis woman. More proteins, more fats, more lactose, more calories. And what the Unknown_16: So I clipped that because it was really Keffel's ass. The whole being a trans woman is not being a woman. It's about being better than women. He goes on to say at some point in this article that cis men can also lactate. Which, if you have specific conditions, you can lactate as a man. This is true. This has been documented. The first article that he cited, and I pulled this up, was from 1981. And of course, they just call it breast fluid of a man, not milk. But they compared the nutritional value of it with a woman's milk from the man that has male galactoria versus breast milk from a woman. 0:32:26 Unknown_16: Both the three samples taken from a man a month apart, and colostrum and milk from a woman. Colostrum, if you don't know, is the first milk that a woman has while pregnant. It starts like the week before, and it's like the week of the birth. And this is also important in cows as well. It's called colostrum. Unknown_16: This, I don't know what journal, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, copyright 1981 from the Endocrine Society. This is out of Australia, for the person who asked. And it evaluates the nutritional value of the male excretion from the female excretion, and it's about the same. 0:33:07 Unknown_16: Then Naomi cites another article which I'll talk about in greater detail, but also cites this one from very recently The lactation induction and transgender women macronutrient analysis in patient perspectives This one is locked and there was not on pub pub sigh or whatever the fuck So I bought it Unknown_16: Read through both of these journals. This is only two pages and this one is not much longer I paid $30 and I will I will share this with a couple people who may be interested in the scientific values of this to see if it gets out there So this is what it says This is from a woman. I'll actually I'll get into that in a second. Unknown_16: I Read through it now Unknown_16: You can't see this because it's tilted that you can tilt your head if you want to but the training was on estradiol progesterone and Dom peridone Estradiol is just regular estrogen that they give trainings progesterone is what they use to help produce estrogen 0:34:11 Unknown_16: lactation even in women and Domperidone is an androgen that they give to transgenders that is also it was formulated as a heart medication and causes heart complications and then this is the Unknown_16: actual nutritional value of the milk evaluated from the trans person according to this one person is conducted by one clinician on I think the other one that they said it was four people and then this one is one person and at no point in this study the other study do they consider the actual Unknown_16: Child and what that could do to the child at any point the the thing that's really really interesting that I will point out from this is that I'm sorry. This is on the sideways page, so you have to like tilt your head if you want to see it at all points although the the composition of the the male breast liquid does change and Now similar to the way that colostrum changes with milk The volume does not change regardless to how they tweak the medications that the patient was taking it's always 150 milliliters per day you want to open up your calculator right now and Do 150 milliliters to ounce you'll see that that is 5 imperial fluid ounces and then you can type into Google or your preferred chat program or chat GPT and How much milk does a baby need per day? 0:35:47 Unknown_16: Keep in mind that this volume is per day, it is not per pump, it is per day. Unknown_16: At the first week, a baby will need 150 to 200 milliliters per kilo of their weight. At no point from the moment a child is born, Unknown_16: does a tranny, because in men you have fewer milk-producing mammillary glands, so at no point does the tranny produce enough milk. And what's very interesting about both the second study, which I don't have access to in this study, but I do have an analysis of it, at no point ever do the clinicians ask, 0:36:27 Unknown_16: A very important question outside of that. Unknown_16: Let's do, before I say what it is, what's very conspicuously absent from the analysis of the contents of the male breast fluid is this. Unknown_16: Um, let's say that we had a big pool of shit. It was just a big pool of feces somewhere in Africa. And it's a big pool of PP poopoo. And there's no water anywhere near this. All the water in the area is in the big pool of PP poopoo. And all the starving Africans are dying of thirst and they need to drink water. And the only way that they could possibly get water is if this giant pool, um, 0:37:02 Unknown_16: No, Aiden, I had to pay for it. Aiden, if you want to shoot me an email, I will send you this with the DOI, and you'll see that it's not on PubSci. I don't know, maybe that'll change over time. Unknown_16: So we have this big pool of feces, right? And the Africans need to drink from it. So a genius from the LA school of medicine says, I have this carnivorous flesh eating bacteria. And when I found out on accident that if we put this flesh eating deadly to humans, bacteria in the pee pee poo poo water, it also purifies the water. It cleanses the water of, What is your first thought when you hear this? 0:37:46 Unknown_16: What about the carnivorous flesh-eating bacteria? What about the chlorine? Are there any traces of that? And you're reading the study and it makes no mention of how much chlorine and carnivorous flesh-eating bacteria is in the output of the water and how safe it is to actually drink. The breast milk analysis that I have seen, all three of them, make zero mention about how much estradiol, progesterone, and domperidone ends up in the breast milk. They don't even acknowledge that there is any risk that the breast milk might have these contaminants in them. 0:38:22 Unknown_16: And if you want to know how retarded is like, well, I don't know, maybe it's like purified by the kidneys. And it's just like assumed automatically that nothing leaks in from what you eat to breast milk. No. Unknown_16: If you go on antibiotics as a woman, you stop breastfeeding. If you go under anesthesia, you stop breastfeeding. If you drink, you have to pump and dump your breast milk. If you take any kind of intoxicants, you are advised to pump and dump your breast milk Because you don't want any of that shit ending up in the breast milk, and it does end up in the breast milk. So, you can be guaranteed that in this cute picture of Naomi and their beautiful child, that it has ingested, by proxy, estradiol, progesterone, and domperidone. 0:39:04 Unknown_16: Because there is no consideration that that is going to end up in the breast milk, and it certainly does. So he's sitting there saying, actually, it's better. It's better than women. Tee hee. Tee hee. Better than women. Tee hee. Doesn't even consider pumping drugs straight into that kid's mouth. And neither, neither does, um, uh, what's, what's, what are we talking about? Neither does Amy. Weimer Amy K Weimer I Mean, it's one letter off if this person's name was Amy K Weimar. I would be I Am just saying that's like a crazy level coincidence in case you I'll get I'll talk about miss Weimer a little bit more So this is an article I will post this in the chat and I'll probably remember to include it within the The actual description of the video as well 0:40:29 Unknown_16: He taught or she I think this is a woman probably a woman, but she's a doctor and she goes over the clinical trials And this is way too long to read but he or she the doctor covers his their concerns with the study one of them is that Unknown_16: the contamination. I think that they also mentioned the volume. Yes. Considering that a five pound baby needs 12 ounces of breast milk and more as their weight increases, eight ounces was clearly never enough. So the authors claim that the patient managed to achieve the volume of milk that allowed him to be the sole source of nourishment for her children is incorrect. Unknown_16: They if there is Flatly there is no way for a tranny to be the sole source of nutrition even barring everything else if we assume that is a highly nutritious and and Pure source of energy and nutrients for a baby. They do not create enough of it. They would have to be extra formula The also 0:41:21 Unknown_16: The authors of the city give no indication that they analyze the content in the man's nipple discharge even though they talked at length about the benefits of breastfeeding on the mother and baby none of which were applicable to the male patient or indeed the infant he allegedly fed Unknown_16: The study did not explore the reasons behind the fully sex males. So the, the tranny that was in that study was intact. They didn't even have their dick removed to that point. 0:41:53 Unknown_16: Um, considering that psychosexual disorders such as autogenophilia are present in proportionally, typically fully sex, heterosexual males who identify as trans woman, that is an ethical issue. They mentioned that the, um, the trune that was in the study, uh, here, Unknown_16: There is no evidence that clinicians who conducted this experiment met or interviewed with the mother to confirm these claims or that they obtained informed consent from the mother by discussing possible risks that male-induced drug nipple discharge could pose to the infant. So, the training arrived and said that... 0:42:27 Unknown_16: Explained that her partner was pregnant but not interested in breastfeeding and that she the Trans-identified male patient hoped to take on the role of being the primary food source for her infant at no point ever did the clinicians decide Should we check and see if this is true should we talk to the mother and make sure that this is actually what's happening? the Unknown_16: As far as the journal discloses, that is not the case. So the guy just walked in there and said, I want to be a cow, moo, moo, moo. And they're like, all right, boy, welcome to LA. We're going to fix you up right here. And they just rolled with it. So this is not the same drug combination that was in the third study that I read. But the doctor says, furthermore, there's no evidence of the patient's, oh, 0:42:59 Unknown_16: So this is outside, this is medication that, for tranny in this case, by the way, the tranny in this study, 47 years old. 47 year old, baby conceived with IVF. It says there's no evidence that the patient stopped using clonazepam, which can cause sedation in infants, or zolpiderm. Zolpidem, also known as Ambien, which could exacerbate the effects of Clonzapam after the feeding commenced. So he was already on two different medications that can cause sedation issues through the breast milk, because again, medication contamination of breast milk is important. No indication that he stopped doing that before they started breastfeeding. 0:43:33 Unknown_16: We talked about the safety of drugs and breastfeeding, the way benefits of breastfeeding on health and bonding between mother and child with risk withdrawing medically necessary medicines mother might be taking. Unknown_16: Mothers who take medications that could be passed to the babies via breast milk often decide not to breastfeed just so that they don't risk affecting their baby's health. Contrast this with a man who takes unnecessary medications, one of which is banned in the United States, just so they can fulfill his desire to breastfeed." And that is in reference to... Oh, sorry, I got... 0:44:14 Unknown_16: Don Peridone wrong. It was Spironolactone is a heart medication used for its side effect of androgens. Unknown_16: and has been to the United States for that purpose. Estradiol and micronized progesterone and occasional clonazepam and zolpidem for panic disorder and insomnia. So we have a 47 year old male to female autogenophiliac on Ambien and I don't know if clonazepam is an SRI, but it's like it has, he needs, what is, okay, what is it? 0:45:06 Unknown_16: I'm not a doctor, I can only use... Klonopin, or rivitril, used to prevent seizures, panic disorders, anxiety disorders, and movement disorder known as akathisia, is a tranquilizer of the benzodiazepine class. So it's the benzodiazepine that he needs to take because he has panic attacks, because he's a gross freak of nature, and everybody knows it. And when he walks down the streets, he can feel the hate pouring upon him like the fires of hell. Unknown_16: So... Unknown_16: I'll leave it there. This is a very well-written article. It can be understood in plain English It's on a website. That's very hard to to to say aloud especially for me la Scott big Lacia, it's written there calm. This is from but this is from 2018 so I would love to see if they have more articles especially about this last one that just came out and on that note I 0:45:54 Unknown_16: Here's a quote, and I mentioned this third one because Naomi is actually directly quoting it from this. Unknown_16: But there are some other interesting tidbits from it. Although there have been now two formally documented cases of successfully breastfeeding in trans women, there is an ongoing barrier to exclusive breastfeeding in trans women in which there is relatively low milk supply. This was seen in both our case and the one presented by Reisman and Goldstein. Unknown_16: The volume of breast milk produced by both the trans women in these case studies would not sustain a growing infant without supplementation Supply deficiencies may be due to a lack of hormonal regimen guidelines of her trans women or fewer ducts And alveoli in trans women compared to cis women, which is the main thing. Let's take a look at a boob. This is a boob you can see that it's pointing to the Where is it? 0:46:45 Unknown_02: Alveoli Unknown_02: Uh... I don't know which of these produce milk. Unknown_16: I'm assuming that this shit in the middle does. Yes, this is booba. See it? This is a male booba. It doesn't have the shit in it. There's fewer of them. They develop when you become a woman. If you never become a woman, because you're a man, you don't get the shit, and you don't have a booba, and you can't make as much- you may have some residual... um... uh... ducks, but you're never going to have... 0:47:31 Unknown_16: um, what a woman has. Uh, where is it? Unknown_16: To it is known that oral progesterone is not well absorbed and is extensively metabolized by the liver therefore other mothers methods a Progesterone delivery that bypass alert may be superior for breast maturation and lactation induction regardless of the outcome pertaining to the volume of milk production in this case was Successful in that our patient was able to have an experience that was formerly only available to cis women we should therefore rethink what successful breastfeeding means The main goal of lactation induction and transgender women may not be necessarily be milk production but rather Non-nutritional benefits that come from breastfeeding, so this is what this is what this glorious woman Amy Weimar has decided to conclude with this is not a joke Successful this is from this one yeah Where is it I swear it's from this one am I like retarded I 0:48:03 Unknown_02: Oh, outcomes. Unknown_16: Oh, maybe it was from the byline, whatever. So her conclusion is that, sure, the tranny is not able to produce enough milk to actually sustain life. Unknown_16: We don't know if it's clean or not, or what the long-term adverse effects are, but the real benefit here is that they like it. Unknown_16: Just because the baby doesn't benefit at all who gives a fuck. That's not what this is about and We should redefine the literally we should redefine what success means so that this that 0:49:04 Unknown_16: We should redefine what the success... This is where the scientific method is in 2023 when it comes to trannies, you ready? Used to be you have a hypothesis, you test it, you see the outcome, you draw a conclusion. Now, we have a hypothesis, we do everything possible to make our hypothesis work, and then at the end, 0:49:44 Unknown_16: Our conclusion is that we redefined the definition of success so that our hypothesis is true. Is your hypothesis wrong? Then just redefine what success means. Wow, now that you consider it that way, that we're not actually trying to feed a child and raise a healthy offspring with our breast milk, and the definition of success is simply that it makes the tranny feel good and makes their pee-pee hard, then yeah, actually, this is a total success. Wow. I'm going to publish this shit and charge $30 for it. And then we're going to base, we're going to base how we behave as a society off this document. Wonderful. So I showed the publication by Zil Goldstein. 0:50:24 Unknown_16: I don't see a picture of Dr. Tamar Reisman here, but this is the wonderful MD Zil Goldstein, family nurse practitioner. Unknown_16: And from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, UCLA. Unknown_16: Endocrinologist diabetes and metabolism fellowship at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. Oh, it gets better their children I Think oh both of them, but I 0:51:03 Unknown_16: Goldstein works at UCLA too, but Goldstein, both of them also went to, or sorry, only Reisman went to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York. And now what about Ms. Weimar? Well, Ms. Weimar is a real woman, and I noticed this. If we go to her publication, she has some disclosures. I'm curious of what conflicts of interest exist. Unknown_16: She published it for free. She didn't get paid to make this shit. What didn't Ms. Weimar get out of publishing this? She says, the authors declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to their research, authorship, and or publication of this article. The author was the treating physician for the participant in this case study. So case study N equals one, funded and published out of her own interest. But what could her conflict of interest be? 0:51:46 Unknown_16: oh her son is trans her son is going to be a beautiful woman one day hmm could that potentially be a conflict of interest that would be worth noting in your publication that you have a trans child Unknown_16: No, no, that would be a stretch. Why would anyone care to know that? How would that distort my perspectives on this matter at all? Let's just draw conclusions and redefine the word success. 0:52:22 Unknown_16: I'm a doctor, everything I do is right and educated. Trust the science people, they know what they're doing. Look at her, she knows what she's doing. She's a mom and she's made no bad decisions whatsoever with her little boy. Sorry, I mean beautiful daughter. Unknown_16: Maybe one day her beautiful daughter will, maybe she can, I bet you she's the one writing prescriptions. She, mommy knows best. Mommy knows exactly the doses of progesterone. Oh, what fun words can I use? I want to try to mispronounce them all. Uh, she knows exactly how much estradiol and progesterone and Dom Peridone and uh, 0:52:56 Unknown_16: I was going to say the other ones as well. Unknown_16: Benzodiazepine. She knows exactly how much her special little snowflake daughter needs. And she can write, she can pull out that pen and paper. That's a hundred milligrams, 10 milligrams, five micrograms every day. Sweetie pie, I'm going to make a woman out of you. Just like I always, just like I always wanted. Going to make you the beautiful daughter that my mommy always wanted. 0:53:31 Unknown_16: we can get rid of that ugly thing down there my precious daughter we can cut we can undo god's mistakes through the power of mommy science sure can um so naomi flawless epic cow achievement naomi wins 0:54:11 Unknown_16: And what's really funny is that through the power of billions of dollars of funding a corrupt broken scientific foundation Billion literally billions of dollars of pharmaceuticals and Unknown_16: all this shit all the shit that they do to monitor and push and promote and Achieve this and allow for it to exist in our society without people being hanged for it in public squares You get a little itty bitty dimpling Unknown_16: it kind of cruel almost you get just enough milk that it feels like it's possible but not enough to actually feed your child not enough that you can actually be a mother after all the effort and all the drama and all the backing behind it Naomi will never have 0:55:05 Unknown_16: what every woman on this planet can do effortlessly. White women, Asian women, Indian women, women in Africa who keep cool by putting mud in their hair are all capable of Unknown_16: effortlessly becoming a mother and producing EXACTLY the right composition of minerals and nutrients and fat content and lactose required for a growing baby at every stage of development without any fucking hassle or medication 0:55:43 Unknown_16: almost all the time and When when you have the full backing of medical science you get a little just a little taste a little tainted tainted evil To make you think that you might have an opportunity to be just a little bit like what women can do without effort and they in that fucking rakes his asshole and Unknown_16: Which is to say, chat, in so many words, you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever be a woman. Unknown_17: Never! Never! Unknown_16: Okay. 0:56:38 Unknown_16: That's enough of that now we can talk about some fun stuff now that I've tormented you my beautiful chat um We can make fun of some retards on the internet, there's a lot to go over actually some good old-fashioned content content Let's talk about wooza oddly wooza is an ip2 streamer and Unknown_16: Think he's on I want to say he's like tangentially involved in in America first don't quote me on that he may not be The loser decides that he's gonna do some posing with prop guns outside a Columbine for whatever reason oh And the police are like what the fuck are you doing? Unknown_18: Yeah, how are you He's a live entertainer man shut up 0:57:40 Unknown_18: Okay. Unknown_00: For what? For what? Unknown_18: We are? Unknown_18: Well, we're off the property now. Come here, brother. Unknown_18: Okay. Unknown_18: Uh... These are all... This is all fake? This is all fake? Unknown_18: I don't care what's right there. What the hell? No. Especially this day and age. We're making a... I don't care. Think about it. 0:58:10 Unknown_03: We're making a film. Unknown_18: Listen to me. We're filmmakers. Unknown_03: Think about what you're doing. Unknown_18: Okay. This day and age, with everything going on, you do this here. You could have gotten shot, man. Do you understand that? Okay. Unknown_18: Jesus Christ, man. What's wrong with you? 0:58:42 Unknown_18: What a genuine reaction. Unknown_16: It's like the end goal of ip2 streaming just to get arrested. Is that like what the action? It's like a game. It's like you have like, okay, you're gonna be put on earth. You're gonna be a retard. Your end goal is to be arrested, but you can't do anything like overtly illegal that people like is people can't think that you're trying to be arrested. It's like that's IP too. It's a little game that aliens are playing where they just send people send like skinwalkers down And they have to try to be arrested in public on her own record, but they can't make people think that they're trying to be arrested By the way kind of related I don't have a tab for this I'll just recount it offhand baked, Alaska and 0:59:18 Unknown_16: going back to jail because if you don't remember and I can forgive you if you don't he got 60 days for recording the January 6 riots and putting his feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk and he at the time was going through a trial like an assault charge because he had maced a bounce bouncer in Nevada and 1:00:09 Unknown_16: And now that he's out, the judge is saying, you have to come back to Nevada and serve jail time here too. And he's like, can't I've already went to jail for January 6th. Can't I just count that as time served? And the judge said, no, you have to come back and you have to serve like 30 days or whatever. So he's going back to jail. Oh, Arizona, Arizona. You're right. Not, not, not Nevada. Unknown_16: Um, which means that he served like, Unknown_16: I don't even know how many he served like four different jail sentences at this point doesn't he he just he just keeps it keeps getting time Oh Wrong wrong person um So this is from Impreza I read this I talked about Impreza during the 1:00:59 Unknown_16: Harry Potter stuff because he was like the first to break the Hogwarts DRM and he put out this huge statement about how Men are shit and women are better and trannies are gross or whatever. It's really incomprehensible. It's good to talk I am a hundred percent convinced that Impreza is a is a is a tranny at this point Unknown_16: There is a mini sexting game that will be happening in my community soon. The person who will satisfy my sadistic desires and become my best pegging victim will get to know the name of the next game I will crack exclusively as a reward. Don't worry, just unleash your hidden slutty side for me and I will take very good care of you. You will get addicted and I will never stop begging for more destruction. This is going to happen in between each of my releases from now onward. The winner will be instructed to keep silent by the next track name in order to keep the exclusivity and fun going. Don't miss the chance and join now. 1:01:45 Unknown_16: So there is no no way this is not a tranny and this by the way is the face of his best most loyalist mod a Greek dude who is obviously buck broken kind of looks like baked, Alaska Has that weird shave side and that's suitable true now I can tell by looking at him the the vigor and vitality from him is just completely gone and 1:02:36 Unknown_02: now there is some uh graph kind of huh there is some adjacent drama happening in the america first sector and uh he i i okay i talked about Unknown_16: Like PPP like very briefly last stream and this dude gets in my comments and he's super angry How much they pain Josh you're gonna talk you're gonna talk shit about PPP going to the hospital because he's so fat And he still keeps making fun of pizza day, even though you've never been to the hospital for being fat But you're not gonna talk about you're not going to talk about Nick Fuentes Unknown_16: and the thing that he said, and I'm like, I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. And so I say that, and somebody indicates to me what the fuck he's talking about. And I don't know how I missed this, and I don't know how nobody sent this to me, but here's Nymphoentes explaining how he's totally not gay. By the way, check out that fucking hairline as he says this. 1:03:24 Unknown_04: I don't want to turn 30 and find some 20-year-old, 29-year-old woman that I have something in common with and it's like, hey, properly aged, like wine. Women don't age like wine, they age like milk. So, here I am like, hey listen guys, Unknown_04: You turn 21 you find your office it you find yourself a 16 year old bride You go crazy you go crazy. No condoms. No snips. No abortions. No pills. No, none of that That's the most pro-sex position there is Anyway So that's Anyway, so that's where I'm at that's where I'm at with that and I 1:04:04 Unknown_04: Yeah, I got to find my 16-year-old wife. Unknown_04: Probably when I turn 30 or something. Because here's the thing, I don't want to be like, let's say I get married to an 18-year-old now. 1:04:42 Unknown_04: Six-year age difference. Unknown_04: When I turn 40, she's going to be 34. Ew. Well, if I'm 30 and she's 16, 14-year age difference. Unknown_04: When I'm 50, she'll be 36. When I'm 40, she'll be 26. Now we're talking here. Now we're cooking with gas. Now you can see an alternative vision for how things could be. Unknown_04: If only you knew how different things could be. You wouldn't have to settle for these women who are all busted up and you gotta settle and they're like, they have a tattoo and they're like, this is how I am. You just can't handle all this. And you're like, believe me. 1:05:23 Unknown_04: Believe me, I can handle it. Not in the way you think. Unknown_04: You have to deal with my tattoo. You have to deal with my long-term ex-boyfriend. It's like that girl Daisy or whatever. Daisy and Tak Nuke. Unknown_04: I want a 16-year-old who's untouched. Untouched, pristine. Unknown_04: Untouched, uncorrupted, innocent. That's what we all want. Unknown_04: And and all 16 year olds want a older guy who's like capable and strong and Everything to sweep off their feet. That's what everybody wants That's what everybody wants So 1:06:03 Unknown_16: I really gotta know. I said this before, but now it's changed. I can't even relate to women under 21. Unknown_16: People in general under 21, you're just like a little retard. I have nothing in common with you at that age. Now it's like, I can't imagine trying to talk to somebody under 24. Unknown_16: I'm 30. Even at 30, how are you going to talk to a 16 year old and be around her? In general, boy or girl, if you have to take care of your niece or nephew who's 16, how are you going to tolerate the fuck out of that? 1:06:44 Unknown_16: Like it would be so draining. You have literally nothing in common with them. And unless you're like treating, like, unless you're a complete and total psychopath and you don't form human relations, that would just be the most grating thing ever. And like, the only thing you care about is having like a prodigy, like, uh, like as many children as humanly possible. Then, then you're just like a cult leader. You're just like a pedophile cult leader trying to make as many kids as possible. Unknown_16: Here's what I want to know, right? He says, I want to be like 50 when I get my 16 year old girlfriend, wife rather. He doesn't date. He just wants a six year old. How are you going to do that? I want somebody in chat, I saw one guy named James saying that's base and correct. You tell me I'm 30 years old. What do I do to get married to a 16 year old? What, what stratagem am I employing? Am I buying one from like the, from Ukraine? Am I becoming Mormon? And just like trading from the family am I going on discord james? I saw your message now is your time Explain to me what you would do at 30 years old to get a 16 year old wife What what's your plan, bro? 1:08:05 Unknown_16: Discord and candy a candy van like literally What could you possibly do that would not get you arrested? Unknown_16: And Nick Fuentes, here's what he's doing. You ready? He's saying like, this is just him saying, I don't want to, I don't want to date. I don't want to get married. I have a totally true and base reason for not getting married. I'm going to get married when I'm 50 so that I can have tons of hot sex with a woman that's going to stay way young forever. Unknown_16: Um, but in reality, she was like, no, trust me. Give me another 24 years. Then I'll get around to getting married. 1:08:43 Unknown_16: I noticed that James, who said that this was based, by the way, has not replied. James, tell me, how am I gonna get married to a 16-year-old when I'm 50 and not be creepy about it? What's the correct way of doing this? Is the government, are we gonna be living under the Nick Fuentes totalitarian fascist government where all 16-year-olds become property of the state and are dispensed to the most loyal neo-Nazis in the government apparatus? What's the plan? Unknown_16: James I think James is gonna let us down. I can't believe this he was the first he came out swinging said based and now nothing Well well guess we'll just have to move on Um 1:09:37 Unknown_16: Actually, let me see No, I'll say that that's something that's in the right place So dick was banned off YouTube and he's announced on the bone the cusp of this by the way Nick announced that he's moving to cozy. He wants to hang out with Nick Valente's these days strange timing and also To a man with principle a man Unknown_16: I used to respect a man who Decided at some point randomly to start sucking a pedophiles dick And now is also going to hang out and cozy with Nick Valente's marry a 16 year old at 50 years old Nick Valente's Godwin son is joining cozy Unknown_16: At this point, I think hating the Kiwi farms is more of a unifying facet of America First than marrying 16-year-olds or saving the white race. I think that if you just hate the Kiwi farms, that's the entire platform. Nick Fuentes is gonna run on that. He's gonna run, elect me to whatever, to Congress. I'm gonna ban the Kiwi farms. And people ask, how's that saving the white race? The white race? That's not what we're about. We gotta ban the Kiwi farms. 1:10:26 Unknown_16: Very fast and I can't wait to see what amazing content they intend to put out on Cozy. Meanwhile, Rikada, master of Rumble, got drunk again and went on this tangent. Unknown_16: I'll just play this. 1:11:02 Unknown_11: I have a dedicated room for all of my toys. That's a fake room, Jessica. Unknown_08: Shut the fuck up, Nick. No, it's not. I am trying to hire a fucking contractor to build a literal sex room, and they keep ghosting me when they find out what I'm trying to build. Unknown_08: Fucking liberals. Are you still having issues with your contractors? Did you get the frosting done? Yes! No, that was like six months ago. What the fuck are these? It's keep ghosting me a sex dungeon. Yes. Well, to be fair, initially it was supposed to be in your studio. Now it's up to a sex dungeon, but still no, it's, it's, it's two music studios. 1:11:36 Unknown_16: Jessica has decided that she has done with this conversation and has unscreened herself. Unknown_08: One for my recording, one for my kids' music. It's a sex dungeon, and it's expansion to my kids' bedrooms. I'm like, build this. And they're like, oh, okay, I'll draw it. And then when I'm like, draw this thing. I don't even tell them, like I haven't told them it's a sex dungeon. They're like, they just ghost me. I don't know what the fuck it is. It's COVID. Unknown_08: I think- Not anymore, it's not. Unknown_16: Yeah, I don't know. 1:12:14 Unknown_08: One of them called me from a mental institution and was like, hey, can you legally represent me? I was like, no. Unknown_08: Yes, lofty one of my contractors like hey, I'm in a mental institution. I'm like I let you to my house I'll build your dungeon. You know the layout of my house. You know the security issues Can you help me know? Oh Unknown_08: Hey, I'll build your dungeon if you put me in it. It's the fucking weird shit that you deal with as a streamer. Like, I just want you to build an extension to my goddamn house. That's all I want in my life. They won't do it. 1:12:50 Unknown_08: And it's expansion to my kids' bedrooms. Dungeon. It's a sex dungeon. And it's expansion to my kids' bedrooms. It's a sex dungeon. And it's expansion to my kids' bedrooms. Unknown_16: I'm going to assume, in good faith, he's trying to contract two separate projects. He's not trying to expand his sex dungeon into his kids' bedrooms. He's trying to have an expansion to his kids' bedrooms and also a sex dungeon. I will assume, in good faith, that makes the most sense to me. But that is a very unfortunate alcohol slur going on there. 1:13:28 Unknown_16: I mean, with this, I just don't want to hear about it. And unfortunately, I'm going to have to hear about every single thing that Nick Rikeda has ever said, because I have appeared on his stream multiple times and people want me to talk about it. So anytime Nick Rikeda talks about his weird sexcapades, I'm going to be forced to hear it from now on forever. 1:14:04 Unknown_16: And I'm not appreciative of that at all. It kind of feels like it's kind of like in line with like the iDubbbz thing where I feel like iDubbbz has assumed that Like his audience isn't the cool audience anymore Like the edgy boy audience is not the cool boy audience the cool boy audience or the broccoli boy audiences And he wishes that he had more that LA, you know woke Broccoli boy audience because that's what makes the money. That's what's popular and he's like kind of resents having to have that woke audience 1:14:38 Unknown_16: Sorry the the edgy audience so over time He's kind of like pivoted to try and get away from his edgy boy audience into his um his cool broccoli boy audience and it doesn't work and there's like a there's like whiplash and people resent somebody who changes like that and try it because I Like it. I Think that Nick Rikeda has kind of had like this similar thing where he started out with like this wholesome big chungus like internet dad persona or it's like oh, he's he's uh, you know, he's he's a Respectable father of eight million children and he has a long-term really been married for 16 years and he's good with Jesus It's like wow, how wholesome and he's also kind of quirky. He likes anime. He likes Warhammer and So it's sort of like wow it's like a dad But he's like fun fun to listen to because you know he likes the same things that I do and I was like his persona and now he's just like 1:15:37 Unknown_16: I wish I had like a cool Howard Stern adult audience that like had weird sex parties. And instead of just not doing that and recognizing that your audience is one thing and not this other thing that you would prefer and just doing that shit privately. Unknown_16: He's decided to try and at least from my perspective again. I guess I don't have any context I never know what I'm talking about from from what I what I've been told It just feels like he's like I'm going to be the the sexy podcast YouTube lawyer podcaster now and My audience that liked me for the Jesus stuff and for the wholesome big chungus a hundred stuff Too bad, you know all those people are like ooh I I'm kind of angry that you've like thrown us away and told us that you don't like us anymore and don't want us to watch you anymore. And you keep telling people who think that who want, who like wanted to look up to you, like go fuck yourself. And those people are really angry at him, which is why I now have to hear about this every time he opens his fucking mouth forever for the rest of my fucking life. 1:16:23 Unknown_17: Hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real Yeah, emo By the way 1:17:19 Unknown_16: Okay, I First heard of this person when I was actually in Ukraine There are Ukrainian Jew called Talia also known as chicken Kiev or Kiev depending on your Unknown_16: Whatever the fuck, or cow, or if you're poolish, whatever, whatever you prefer. Chicken K-City. Chicken the city that's on the Dnipro River. Um, says... Wait, no, Dnipro, whatever. I don't care anymore. Keep your social distance or I'll fucking stab you and wash your hands and don't be racist. Unknown_16: This person is back or sorry. This is like their most famous tweet. They left Twitter Their other term was sword you she was training to fight that one guy that says the Jew fears the samurai I don't know if they ever fought with swords though They left Twitter in November and they recently come back Begging for followers on Twitter Because as it turns out when they say well goodbye to my primary professional outlet I guess thanks for nothing rich cool idiot referring to Elon Musk it turns out nobody wanted to follow this person to whatever bullshit platform that they had moved to and they were starting to hurt for money and I don't know what it is, but I'm taking a look at Ms. Talia love in Our Levine, I'm not sure which is correct I'm pretty sure that money is important to her. Let's get that vibe So rich cruel idiot wins again, and she has returned to the platform to beg for followers. She actually had one of her accounts suspended because when Elon had first started like that blue checkmark policy She changed her name to JK Rowling and said a bunch of retarded shit on Twitter So she got banned from it, but she's come crawling back as they all do Now 1:19:19 Unknown_02: We're on segment... four of... I guess just six. Unknown_16: Yeah. No, five of six. Okay. This one will also be- Ah! Unknown_16: Ah. Sorry, my- my- I tried to, like, fix my chair so that my- I could lean back into it, and it popped out of the bolt. Okay, now I can lean back into it. Okay. Unknown_16: Um, so. Unknown_16: A while back, I saw, I put on a stream, a post that looked just like this and it said breaking gun news alert. As I am writing this, I have received an urgent email from Christorian X telling me post was hacked. How could this be? Post was supposed to have the best security. 1:19:55 Unknown_16: In March, I talked about how chud buds dot lull hosted by Claire bear had been hacked and all the private messages of the users had been leaked. Unknown_16: Well, you're not experiencing deja vu the exact same thing has happened Yet again this time targeting I think one of the biggest platforms on the Fediverse post which I have talked about in the past because The owner does not like me anymore at least anymore. I used to be on friendly terms with them, but Such is life so 1:20:28 Unknown_16: Before I talk about the actual contents of the hack, at least what's been found out, it's pretty big, I will gloat just a little bit. I can only gloat so much, and I'll explain why. Unknown_16: I put out a message saying, reminder that chat messages on the Feddy are totally unencrypted and can be read by both instance admins on both sides and any bad actors that access the instance. They do not appear to expire. Never send confidential information by Fediverse DM. 1:21:04 Unknown_16: Some people did not take that to heart. There are now a bunch of dick pictures and pictures of hairbrushes that people were sticking up their ass and other embarrassing things coming out of the post DMs. Unknown_16: Graff also took issue with the fact that I said this and raised other concerns about his policies. Unknown_16: Graff complained that Proton is on the record complying with the Feds, you absolute brain-lit mongoloid. 1:21:43 Unknown_16: Now, I use Proton, I mentioned this before, but I'll reiterate, I use Proton, so I consider this a pretty heavy accusation, and I looked into the details of what exactly Proton was forced to divulge, and what, if any, court-tested is the highest caliber of testing when it comes to shit like VPNs, what information they could divulge. Unknown_16: And Proton's always been very straightforward. They can read the titles of your emails, Unknown_16: But they cannot read the, at least in REST, the contents of your emails because they are encrypted at REST. Unknown_16: Swiss law does not allow email providers to keep a no-log policy. It's something like six months of logging. So if you access your email and you're using your domestic IP, your IP will be logged as per Swiss law. And when France requested from Switzerland using a court order IP records, they were able to provide those IPs. 1:22:34 Unknown_16: However, Unknown_16: Swiss law does not require logging on VPNs. Proton provides a VPN. So if you have the package that gives you ProtonMail and ProtonVPN, you can use ProtonVPN to access ProtonMail and then they don't have a log because of the technicality and the distinction between service. Unknown_16: So when this was pointed out to me, and I simply said this guy was wanted by the police He should have been more careful with how he was accessing his email I Said well literally I said What that being my point I asked graph because they complied with the local court order Our proton VPN is also free. That's true Okay, I'll look at the logo in a second 1:23:29 Unknown_16: I said they complied with a court order, they were transparent about it, and they were forthcoming with how transparent of what information they provided and why. What more could you ask for? That's a detailed guide. Unknown_16: Tested they prove that their content is encrypted which is what they sell their their email service on So I asked him if the feds ask you for information about a user ie chat messages Which are plain text are you going to just start shooting them or what? My challenge being if he operates in two jurisdictions He has an American presence for all his shit is and then he's also Canadian so if the Canadian police or the US federal government asked him for information using a court order 1:24:05 Unknown_16: What's his plan? If Proton is complying with the Feds, what is not complying with the Feds? Are you just gonna Waco it? Are you gonna pull out your MG40 and start blasts? So there I was, and the Feds came up to subpoena me, and I said, subpoena this, you glow-in-the-dark sumbitch. Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa. They call it Hitler's zipper. Learn it, boy. Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa. Like, what are you gonna do? And his response to this was, uh, if you have concerns with how I handle user data, I suggest you get the fuck off my website. 1:24:49 Unknown_16: What does that mean? Are you going to explain to me your pol- I would love to know your non-compliance policies so I can implement similar non-compliance policies on my website. I get a lot of grand jury subpoenas over the dumb shit people say. I'm just asking for, for this kind of transparency and straightforwardness that Proton displayed, which is apparently not good enough. And his response is fuck you. So, um, Unknown_16: Can't bully him too much for getting hacked because what happened is the same thing that happened to the Kiwi farms last time is that an exploit with the content security policy allowed a remote cross-site scripting at Attack that's what happened But I will read his statement. He says hey friends on May 19th 2023 so seven days ago. He didn't notice it and 1:25:42 Unknown_16: An unknown user registered the domain name Feddy relay to XYZ and set up a fake moster relay to listen to requests on the Fediverse on May 20th a user uploaded the attached document to post it was originally an obfuscated JavaScript file and Unknown_16: What the JavaScript file does is take the viewer's OAuth token, encode it, and make it look like the Nostra pubkey, and then force the clandestine Nostra relay to look up the user locally given that server-encoded token, all while appearing to be a legitimate Nostra bridge. I have taken steps to completely limit access to the Admin API and corrected any CSP or other issues that could possibly have contributed to this, however most of you are still vulnerable to it. 1:26:21 Unknown_16: And Pleroma in general is vulnerable to it. It does not have content security policies that would prevent this. Unknown_16: In order to prevent this, you should do this. Unknown_16: And if you are an instance owner, the obfuscated file hash is this. Sorry to anyone I let down, but I can never have foreseen this level of, then I assume he says it's not my fault. Unknown_16: So now, here are some DMs to read. Unknown_16: Nine asked me. Hey, can I get an invite code to the Kiwi farms or to the kike farms? He says I reply saying kike farms I only invite true and honest lovers of Israel nine replies saying okay. Sorry. I love Israel, sir. Shalom Give me my account retard also fix Kiwi farms matrix. It's been known for months. Please Josh you unban you ban me by accident unban, please I never gave this guy an account invite. I know he is he's a sperg and This is a DM between two gay people ocean Redux whose name is familiar to me and says if I flash my shit I'll never live it down his shit of course being his peepee in his butthole. He says omfg Machiavelli I 13 says ha ha well what come to Montreal won't need to ha ha Doing his best groomer impression Ocean Redux is low I can flash my shit, but I don't know Machiavelli says making me hard ha ha and Ocean Redux is lol you can fuck off I think there was more flirting 1:27:55 Unknown_16: this is between graph and Medicare Fembot shout out to Medicare Fembot who's probably watching this I've always assumed by the way Medicare Fembot was a tranny because if you ever I've been shown messages of Medicare Fembot talking about having like three different boyfriends or something it's like a weird thing and it genuinely sounds like a schizophrenic with multiple personalities that was pretty hard to untangle however after reading this I am pretty sure that Medicare Fembot is actually a woman and I'll explain why as I read it Unknown_16: M, by the way, M is Medicare Fembot. M says, well, it's very pretty. Grass says, you are. M says, thank you, with a smiley face. Unknown_16: Wait, is this in the wrong order? 524 It's 16 minus 3. Unknown_16: Oh No, okay, so this is on the wrong word M says so I've had four rabies shots in the past week, and I just caught another bat like a few hours ago So I mastered two fears I've earned star graph says y4m says rabies is eight shots or so 1:29:07 Unknown_16: I have a few more to get. Graf says, hot, come give me rabies. M says, weird to think these little endangered cuties could kill me and my animals. And M says, well, I didn't even know what it was until I called and asked how to remove bats. If you don't know, chat, this woman is not interested in him at all. Unknown_16: Just in case you're not following It was a guy says hey, we should you're pretty we should hook up or something and a woman says I have rabies She is not looking for haha. I would love to have rabies too. Haha. She's she's hoping that you'll be like oh gross I don't want to fuck you then because you have rabies That's what that's the the meta conversation that's happening while I read this It goes on though, of course 1:29:39 Unknown_16: Graf says give me so after not being reciprocated his first time by Saying give me rabies he insists like hey stop changing the subject to me not getting Got not getting in your pants and getting rabies in the process. He says give me to redirect conversation Forcing fembot to sharply shut him down and say no death. Sorry Graf says I meant you and he says oh in that case you may have oh I'm wrong 1:30:12 Unknown_16: She knows this is an orbiter. This is a powerful orbiter too. He controls post. I got to keep him in the orbit Keep up going. Yeah, maybe I'll give you rabies boy and one was orbit me Graf says what are you doing? Please come over? Unknown_16: Later on M says well my rabies shot is on June 1st. My last rabies shot is on June 1st I gotta be here till then because there's very few Because there they are every few days graph says I can't get rabies. That's fucking gay 1:30:49 Unknown_16: M says, I think I don't think I could give it to you. Anyway, silly you have to get bit by a rabid Animal or something ref says you mean rabid you can try passing on other bodily fluids if you like ha ha And says you can blame voice attacks for that one. Oh Question mark lol ref says yes. Thank you. M says naughty. Lol. Sorry. I will shush I Unknown_16: And that's the graph in exchange. Uh, oh, this is what I was thinking of. This is a different conversation from Sims with the, um, Medicare from bot. 1:31:30 Unknown_16: Wait, no, I'm getting this wrong. Unknown_16: This is with a different woman. I think who's guts. I thought that the conversation was with a Medicare from bot where this guy posted. Unknown_02: I don't know this. Unknown_16: I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Let me make sure I'm getting this right, because it's very important to what I was saying about Medicare FinBot not being a woman. 1:32:08 Unknown_16: Post... Guts. Is Guts Medicare FinBot? Oh, I'm logged out. Am I banned now? Graph might have banned me midstream, so now I don't get to check posts. No, I'm not banned. Okay. Unknown_16: Just got logged out again. Unknown_16: Who is Guts? Unknown_16: Not found. The account is gone. Unknown_16: Okay. Who is M then? That's also gone. Okay. Chat. Does anyone know if guts or M is medical? Is medical fed by the chat? Can you fucking clarify which of these accounts are guts is supposedly Medicare Fimbots husband. Ah, thanks. What a Chad. 1:32:42 Unknown_16: Guts and Thimbot are the same guy. Okay. I'm correcting. This is Thimbot. That was some other some other lady that Graf wanted to fuck. Graf says hi Predator face. Guts says hi. Graf says hi. What are you doing? Guts says Mars is strolling post. Graf says proud of you friend. Graf says hey currently pooping while on post from Medica or Thimbot. 1:33:17 Unknown_16: Graf says nice. Graf says are you one of those weird people that takes off their clothes to poop or to shit rather? I like to say to poop guts or fembot says no No, but I you do use fleshable wipes instead of TP when I poop that's bad for the environment Ref says I bought your old Twitter account, and then he links to The Twitter and password with the period graph says if Twitter asks you for the email to use its aldolfo 2012 xylo at hotmail.com that says miss you I'm okay, but tell me what's going on pliss Femmott says, did you get drunk for Cinco de Mayo? Graff says, no, I got drunk the day after, but I can't drink much anymore. I think I'm going to die. My GGT level, a chemical that liver releases, are more than double the high reading. So I cut back a lot, and I'm going to another blood test in a week, in a bit. So if you don't know, Graff is like a chronic alcoholic, and I think he takes like fucky brain meds too. That's why he's always so crazy. 1:33:49 Unknown_16: Then but says, well, I had a massive uncontrollable mental breakdown. That's all. When you're talking to a girl and you say, Hey, what's up? How you doing? And she says, ah, I just came off a massive uncontrollable mental breakdown. That's a great sign. That's how you know that woman is there for you. And, and she has the qualities that you need to progress your life in a productive manner. That is the greenest flag in the world. 1:34:27 Unknown_16: Um, well, I had a massive uncontrollable mental breakdown in the middle of lunch break on Tuesday. I don't know what happened. I ended up driving to a random apartment complex place and had what I assume was a panic attack and depressive spiral. And then I realized that two hours passed and I drove to a hospital and told them I was suicidal and had a psychiatric place. 1:35:04 Unknown_16: and had a psychiatric place and was very, very boring. It took four vials of my blood. The nurse made me strip down in front of her and she said to feel inside my bra and underwear for sharp things and weapons, LOL. And then I got a gown and socks and pants and I laid in bed for like six hours." Graf says, that end sounds kind of cozy. I'm glad you are okay, but maybe this has something to do with wanting to make babies and your BF not wanting. Unknown_16: So graph went from hey, give me rabies. Let me get in those those medicare femboch pantalones, too Let me be let me be a counsel for you and your boyfriend. I will explain what this is in a second also Then bot says they woke me up a couple times for testing and blood drawing and also I Had a very not private psychiatric session with a doctor on a tablet and it was not cozy Because there were five people to a room and I was in there with old women a legit crackhead a morbidly obese guy Who kept calling me beautiful and some other guy who seemed pretty normal ll but the doctors all said I was cool I think that Film about lives in the Philippines. She's like half Chinese half Filipino. So she's like in a really shitty If she's in the Philippines, she's in a really shitty place Graph says I'm glad you made friends with the crackhead and the normal guy. She says no, he does not want kids We just both didn't want them yet because we're not financially ready. I but he's getting his pilot's license soon and he said he wouldn't mind if I got pregnant now. We had an accident a few weeks ago and he wanted to get me on plan B and I was like, uh, you can buy it if you want me to take it. And then he decided he did not want to because he said if I was pregnant, it wouldn't be a bad thing. So we didn't buy it. LOL. They're not in the Philippines cause plan B is not legal there. 1:36:14 Unknown_16: Graf says, wonder what it's like being fat and crazy. Unknown_16: Reading this from a from this perspective makes it sound like he's talking about Fimbot But I think he's trying to shit on her boyfriend. Oh hint hint Fimbot says I told him the lip injection thing made me upset before and he said it's just a fetish I was just dirty talking, but it's an anime man. That's so different They're not real and this is why I think that she's actually a real woman for the first time 1:36:51 Unknown_16: Graf says, don't feel stupid, I don't understand any injection shit. Finbot says, I don't even watch porn anymore or less after dudes. You could show me a giant dick on the hottest man alive and I'd feel nothing because it's not him. I just want someone to love me that too much, that much too. So that's very feminine. Even trannies don't feel that way. They don't just stop watching porn like, oh, I'm in a relationship now. I'm not attracted to other men. That's a woman thing. Men don't do that. 1:37:35 Unknown_16: Graf says, giant dick is stupid just like giant tit. It's just a giant waste. Fembot says, his defense is that why do I feel gross if he tells me I'm sexy all the time and says he loves me every day? But the good stuff doesn't offset the things that upset me. He says, why is it that I always do something wrong? Have I ever came to you and told you that you're making me feel gross? No. And I wanted to say because I don't do things that make him feel gross, but I just didn't because there's no point. Graf says, I want someone to love me that much too. That's all I ever want. I understand why he feels that way, but there's really nothing of value to earn from following porn stars because it's not like they're smart or funny or anything or fucking real. 1:38:07 Unknown_16: Um, Unknown_16: Finbott says, yeah, he said, Jesus Christ, it's not like I'm in a relationship with them or know them in real life, but that's not the point. He said, fine, I'll stop following them. But now he won't reply to me and all I want is a hug. I just feel like I'm being prioritized, second to fucking porn, and he thinks it's stupid. Graff says, I know what you mean. It feels like that shit because you feel like you're being compared to them. You're not crazy. Finbott says, I just want a hug. I want to not have to sit here and comfort myself, man. I didn't have anyone to do it for me my whole childhood until, and I still have no one just to console me. She says, yeah, even after I even I said that he just scoffed and said, well, sorry, you think you need a giant tits just because I follow some accounts or that you need giant tits just because I follow some accounts. 1:38:42 Unknown_16: I said, you're making me feel stupid. Please just think about how I feel. He said, how about what I feel? And I just didn't respond. Gref says, you're perfect the way you are. I promise you that. Don't forget. You can call and cry at me anytime you need night or day. 1:39:15 Unknown_16: Now I don't have a word for this, but there is a kind, of orbiting, of baitedness, where a guy who is a simp for a woman in a relationship, when he wants to break up that relationship, will get in there and be like the shoulder to cry on, and then say things like, yeah, he's fat and crazy, to try and neg him, and then empathize and be like, because then if they break up, if he successfully drifts them apart, Instant rebound that's the plan. I'm the instant rebound if I break up that relationship. I don't have a word for this But that's what he's doing. It's um It's manipulative and predatory and women know this and even when they break up They don't go with the the the guy they cried the one They they find another guy 1:40:01 Unknown_16: They'll just say I'm not ready. I just broke up. I'm not in a relation I don't not ready for a relationship right now, and then they'll cold solar graph, and then she'll get in another relationship with Chad Thundercock and Then he's not necessary more. He'll be super pissed off about it and He'll hate her and be shitty towards her I'm just saying I know I've seen this but I've seen this before I I grew up on the internet the term is Jodi and 1:40:48 Unknown_16: No, it's not a homewrecker a homewrecker is a woman that gets it with a guy and fucks up a relationship This is not this is like a non. This is the other way around first of all it's a woman talking to a different guy, but it's strictly a friendship and the man is trying to use his like armchair psychologist position to Convince her to break up with her boyfriend so that she can't be there as the rebound Someone's saying that it's a Jodi. I've never heard this term though. It's a Jodi eras Unknown_16: the nice guy yeah the nice guy there's a comic actually oh god i have to find this okay chat you have to someone must know what i'm talking about there's an xkcd comic about settling and it's about this exact thing 1:41:43 Unknown_16: Does anyone know the name of this of this comic? Unknown_16: It's an excuse. It's it's a really good xkcd and it really sums up this entire thing and it's gonna drive me fucking crazy Unless I can think of it. We'll call it doing a graph Um Unknown_16: I'll never find this because there's so many xkcd comics that there's just no chance in hell I'll ever be able to find the specific one It is strip 376, okay It is not strip 376 you fucking lied, okay, so i'll take two more suggestions Uh 1768 xkcd 1:42:38 Unknown_16: No, that's wrong. You just googled settling. It's a 220 How much time can I possibly wait it's years and years old that was the thing 224 is done it Let's just move on okay, I guess I have to as it stripped 1488 no, I don't think so it's a As a good search, okay fine Unknown_16: Where's the search function? 1:43:13 Unknown_16: No, it's just a comic. And the point of it is, is that how you're always there for me, but I don't love you. And then one day maybe I'll settle for you and I'll feel kind of natural and I'll make myself get used to it. Unknown_16: And maybe it'll feel right, but I'll always feel like I'm missing out because I never actually cared about you. And that's like the best that the Jody can hope for. That's like the most ideal situation. It's like the most depressing shit ever. Unknown_16: But I know exactly what it is. Unknown_02: Anyways. That's chat GPTU. Okay, fuck it. 1:43:48 Unknown_16: I will. Let's drag this out one second longer. Unknown_16: and see if XKCD possibly knows, uh, or the chat, which comic, which XKCD comic was about settling for a relationship didn't feel strongly about. Unknown_16: Okay. I prove your worth to me. Unknown_02: No, it suggested settling. 1:44:23 Unknown_02: It's a very old one. Unknown_02: Nope. Unknown_16: XKCD doesn't understand, doesn't know. It says there's over 2000 of them. We have been completely felted yet again, chat. Okay. Everyone's spamming me with 513. Let's check this last one. Unknown_16: Yes! Is this it? Yes! It's called Friends! 513 is it? Oh my god. What a heroic effort by my lovely chat. Saving the day. Here you go, Graf. This is what you're looking forward to. 1:44:55 Unknown_16: Guy says, I have a crush on you. I could ask you out and move on with my life if you said no, or we could be friends. See, I don't want to consider that you might not be attracted to me. I'm scared of rejection, so I've decided relationships should grow smoothly out of friendships. When you have problems, I'll be there for you night after night, selflessly. I'll tear down the jerks you date and wait for you to realize how good I am for you, that only I will ever understand you. You won't want to hurt my feelings, and I won't ever force the issue. I'll tell myself it's because I value our friendship. Bit by bit, I'll make you depend on me. You'll think about how long it would take to build this kind of connection again, and in a moment of weakness and loneliness, you'll give in. It'll feel comfortable and natural. You'll quietly revise your definition of love and try to be happy, and sometimes you will. Only the wistfulness in your gaze and the tiny pause before you say I love you will hint that this wasn't the ending you hoped for. Sound good? And then she says, I'm going to date this jerk, but he doesn't respect you. And this is a, uh, five, one, three XKCD titled friends. Something that I've, uh, I saw a long time ago and I remembered. 1:46:10 Unknown_16: Um, and one more thing. Unknown_16: There was an incident and I talked about or one of the admins. I believe this is one of the admins for Don't give me don't quote me on this I don't fucking remember exactly but I think lewd the wides Was one of the old admins for for post and he runs a instance that's dedicated to lollicon I made a post saying something about how about how people from the forum shouldn't give graph a trouble or whatever because he was complaining about that and then he says 1:46:42 Unknown_16: Quote not actually quote. I don't know who was quoting, but he's using the quote incorrectly here to say I'm going to do absolutely nothing different to stand up for the person who showed me hospitality But here's some finger wagging to make it look like a carer You know what Josh go fuck yourself you and your community are not worth defending to which I reply kill yourself pedophile And this caused an issue. They've all graph has never never Forgiven me for chasing this guy off his instance Unknown_16: But Lou the wides is talking to Satan Satan is I want he was an admin for Baphomet on a Chan and He was active in the HN IRC and I want to say that he is the current administrator of breach forums Don't quote me on that. I think he took over breach forums I 1:47:28 Unknown_16: But Lou the wise is talking to him and he says, if you want to know why I don't have many principles is I just want to be there for my family and kill myself if I can't already tried three times this life. I'm just tired of all the shit you can't control. I'm sorry. To which Satan replies, sounds like some faggot shit to me. Luthe the White says, when you don't have much to live for anymore, you just go to where people give you some kind of compassion. Satan says, try growing some balls instead. Maybe this conversation is over, but I'm not going to be guilt tripped by a hot pocketing faggot. Luthe the White says, shit, I just come back to, I just come back to this just to say I was really fucking gay yesterday. I apologize for my gayness. 1:48:06 Unknown_16: Lud the Wise says, I just wanted to ask, talking to Halo from Varish Hangout, but are you going to be the kind of instance that will tolerate the extreme stuff, like ToddlerCon and the realistic 3D Lolicon? Halo says, no, I'm not a fan of the majority of 3D shit. Way too uncunny valley for me. Unknown_16: Wow. I actually didn't pick up on that first time I read through this. 1:48:44 Unknown_16: Let's get a watch for your users in this time, especially if you go against the grain of mainstream culture Halo says indeed indeed. Well the main priority of The main priority is being a pedophile not much else really occasionally shit-talking a post maybe Ilya smug Lude the wide says that's fine. We have a new ironic Nazi glories that could use some pedophile therapy Halo says, ugh, we had that one guy Akakia, acts like a 14 year old who discovered pull, annoyed the shit out of me in the mods so we banned him after he made a few death threats. Not even pedophilia could calm him down. The other wide says, for shame. 1:49:22 Unknown_16: And this is, again, him talking to Halo saying, hey, anyone organizing a lolly raid when Frank's speech opens up? Halo says no, what is that and then he links to a website called Frank speech? And he says a media bot check good sign. What the fuck is this and with the white says dunno? Why it's like that right now, but I suppose it's a boomer social social media outlet by that fucking my pillow guy So the my pillow guy wanted to get on the Fediverse and support, you know counterculture Alternatives federated alternatives and loot the wise decides I'm gonna spam this guy with anime child pornography and chase him off Great. I wonder why 1:49:58 Unknown_16: I wonder why we can't establish any alt tech. Could it be that there are pedophiles out there who we haven't hanged? That our government is just letting walk around and not dangle slow, not like with a nice drop and crack. I'm talking about dangling slowly so that we can record it and post it on YouTube. Is it maybe if we, if we, the problem, with people like this is that they fuck up everything for everybody else we have all these freedoms but then pedophiles who are objectively evil that everyone hates everyone sees the problem come along and say well 1:50:32 Unknown_16: I'm gonna fuck this up for all of you and we could have all of our freedoms if they just died if they were not alive anymore we could be able to have tour and and anonymous image boards and Federated social media no problem without any kind of centralizing and anti-spam if we could just fucking get rid of them This guy doesn't like me by the way, which I don't consider an issue And this is these are I think I want to say he was an admin. I'm gonna ask crunk Lord real quick crunk Unknown_16: was lewd the what the wides a admin for post this is very urgent Unknown_16: Okay, he's responded. He's contemplating. He says I believe so I I take that as yes, so there you go or a janny He says he clarifies he may also have just just been a janny I remember there was some drama where Lou the wise was chased off a post because of Kiwi farms you sorry drama neighbors who graft despises now, but that was my fault and he got very angry at me for that and Meanwhile he's talking about uh Spamming the fucking my pillow guy with lollicon just just to be a cunt Oh my god, did I read all of this? 1:51:37 Unknown_16: Oh, no, I I just hit it. Okay, like did I read all of this without showing any of it on screen? Unknown_16: Okay, no I thought I didn't show any of it on screen I had like a panic attack Unknown_16: Okay, wonderful. Unknown_16: All right, and now back into the comfy zone. We're leaving the pedo zone, going to comfiness. Isn't that comfiness? Unknown_16: Om. 1:52:20 Unknown_16: Oh, and Krunkler clarifies, I know he was friendly with Graf since the very beginning. He's an OG post user. Okay, comfy zone, comfy zone. Unknown_16: Om. Unknown_16: Ethan Rao. Unknown_16: What's he up to this week? No pedo shit, I hope. Okay. We're all comfy. We're all comfy. Unknown_16: Um, so, uh, Ethan Ralph had his big W cause Post got hacked and he doesn't like Graff and Graff was whining about suing him at some point. Um, but he and either Shaggy got suspended from Twitter because they posted compromised materials from the Post server, which you can't do on Twitter. It's not a YouTube rule by the way. It's just the Twitter rule. 1:52:59 Unknown_16: Suspended He had a very adventurous weekend he managed to wrangle up 22 autists to his kingpin bowling tournament Summed up by VHS archive as so 22 people in attendance 4 of 10 guests which I'll explain in a second there was bowling he rented two lanes for bowling Unknown_16: Instead of the entire bowling alley like he did last time because I know people showed up yeah one time I had a my friend had a birthday party when I was living in Sanderson still and There was the the hurricane lanes of destiny and we went to two bowling lanes And we had a bunch of people from work and all their girlfriends and we had a nice time bowling and drinking and eating cake and So it was tactically I've thrown a kingpin bowling tournament at least as big as as Ethan Ralph 1:54:04 Unknown_16: There was no winning team there was no trophy awarded this time unfortunately Ethan Ralph did not award himself a giant plastic trophy bought with Amazon To declare himself the winner for whatever reason There was karaoke. There was a hooker and It was a complete disaster So the Ethan Ralph host of the kill stream did show up which is very fortunate for him I guess Beardson Beardley also showed up Unknown_16: Christian rap rapper Bryson Gray did not show up for the live performance that was advertised Harrison Smith host of the American Journal on Infowars did not show up Lowell's and real-life legend and cozy TV streamer did not show up wooza did show up Mike Cisco kill stream co-host and sunset wrestling I 1:54:59 Unknown_16: Paul Escanon, I don't know the fuck that is cancel proof on cozy and director of the most canceled man in America Yeah, I'm sure that Paula. I mean, that's Nick Valente's. I don't know He didn't show up Ali Jamal retarded man did show up and got he almost got his ass kicked by people wearing balaclavas because at his own birthday, by the way, the Kingpin Invitational was literally just Ali Jamal's birthday party and He almost got his ass kicked by cozy America first people and about wearing balaclavas Because they confused him with Ali Akbar the pedophile They didn't know that there were actually two brown people named Ali and America first one of them molesting boys one of them autistic and being Taken advantage of by Ethan Ralph for his wealth his familial generational wealth Chagat 1:55:53 Unknown_16: Macing victim at keeping one enrolled autism expert also known for saying that he fucked in the 13 year old when he was 18 He didn't show up. He got ghosted by jagged Unknown_16: And then said he will be double mace at Kingpin to that did not happen those false advertising So this is the horror that was hired to attend the killstream 2 and you can tell that you really had to go for like bottom of the barrel like Opium whore picked up off the street for basically no money just to kind of like say oh look we have you know This isn't a sausage party boys. This is Wait a second 1:56:32 Unknown_16: This is a Nisa. Sorry. This is the horror. Sorry. This was this is the horror that was picked up for the kingpin to Sorry my mistake So they just needed to have like a woman there to say isn't like a sausage party It's just you know, we have we have a prostitute as well good on him for for supporting sex work and Unknown_16: This is the face of a true friend. Unknown_16: Um, this person was awkward all night, treated basically like Gator was the first kingpin. 1:57:09 Unknown_16: And this is the face of Ezo Shaggy. He had managed to stay not doxxed for, I don't, I don't think he's properly doxxed. Somebody like beat him up, took his passport photo or whatever. Um, but his face, his glorious visage was denied to us for so long until he decided to show up to the Kingpin. Unknown_16: be obviously outed people compared Figured out it was him by comparing when he was active on Twitter versus when this guy was present not on his phone on the on the kingpin and they're pretty certain sim and after This picture came out and people identified that it was easily shaggy He like disappeared for a while like he locked down his Twitter account and just didn't wait now he's back being an obnoxious faggot again because This guy you can tell by looking at him that he has nothing in his life. This was somebody else who attended This is the the caliber person who attended Ethan Ralph's kingpin and by looking at them. I kind of thought like wow There's a phenotype for like people who like Ethan Ralph and it's the kind of person who looks like Stephen McDaniels that really creepy guy from the gym can't swim video where he chopped up a woman into like six pieces and dumped them in the dumpster and So if you look like Steven McDaniel, there's a place for you at the next Kingpin Invitational Now of course After the party you got the after party and we got we got some true-blooded American Patriots white boy summer coming in again, and they're out causing some mischief out on the streets Let's check. Let's take a look at some mischief. I 1:58:46 Unknown_09: You guys like me? Who's the younger one? Nobody likes you. Nobody likes you. Stop being fucking mad! Ow! No, it's my stream! It's my stream! Ow! You're burning me with a cigarette! Unknown_03: It's my stream! It's my stream! It's my stream chat! I stole Wurzel's phone! It's my stream! I'm sorry! I'm running! I'm running outside! I'm running outside! He's trying to catch me! Oh no! Oh no no no no no no no! No! He's too fat! He's too fat to catch up! He's too... I... No! 1:59:20 Unknown_03: I'm gonna rape you now! Unknown_17: Hey, what you Wap boys up to? I'm gonna rape you next time! I can't see this! Unknown_19: Hey, the stream is over. Unknown_03: Out of nowhere! It's John Cena! Out of nowhere! He's trying to hit me in the balls but I hit him! Unknown_15: All content ends now. Hey guys, stop being content. I had to run after him. 2:00:05 Unknown_16: Okay, and the virgin walk away and then then of course out of the air shot of the the black man who told him hey, yo Wap boy get the fuck up out of here. They decide to sass him back from out of air shot and Unknown_02: I'm gonna call the jannies on you knock it off guys Unknown_09: Yeah, just two white boys having fun, yeah whiten it up We're practicing the ancient Aryan practice of wrestling It reminds me of like children Is that Beardson like 40? 2:01:04 Unknown_16: Is he like 30? How old is Beardson? Let me look this up Unknown_16: Beardson Beardly age I'm never gonna be able to find this someone someone on the someone on YouTube has known me 35 35 year old man running around a fucking mall like a little boy Getting the scolded up by the black jammies and then running away like okay, and they run away and go fuck You know what I mean white white power I 2:01:40 Unknown_16: Happy Columbus Day! Oh, by the way, so this is this guy right here. Check it out. Check it out. That's this guy. His name is Root Root. That's him. And this is him a little while ago. Do you notice a difference between these two Root Roots? Unknown_16: It's kind of like, this is my, it's like, he looks like the Nick Fuentes phenotype, like how all the streamers, all the young boys he gets on Cozy all look the same. And then he got fat and it's like. 2:02:13 Unknown_16: Is this like a defense mechanism? There's like Ali Akbar only molest the the the skinny ones So he's just like I'll fuck it. I'll get fat. So he tricked he very cleverly He tricked Nick Fuentes to let him in. He got all pretty bored up and said hey Nicky. Hey, Nicky Can you let me show my cozy? Oh my gosh, and he gets on and he's like, okay I don't wanna be molested by Ali Akbar now, so I'm gonna start eating pizza I'm gonna embrace the pizza week mentality every day is pizza day every week is pizza week 2:02:45 Unknown_16: Now he's safe from the clutches of Ali Akbar I Feel like there's something else I was gonna mention In regards to In regards to the America first shit, I don't think so though, let me just check real quick Um Unknown_16: Oh, there is one thing actually. Uh, Ralph has developed a new habit. Unknown_16: Now you may recognize this. You may recognize this. This is something that has historical precedents in the cyber bullying community. Unknown_16: Let's see. Unknown_02: Um, Unknown_02: my this this this habit sort of hard to describe kind of become more relevant again where leafy leafy is here would like to cover his chin with his hand at any given time so that you can't see his chin because he's he's insecure about how his chin looks this is a thing that's been documented now and that many people are aware of however 2:04:09 Unknown_16: little did you know that leafy chin syndrome has spread let's take a look at this this character here he's sitting in a throne in a mick mansion owned by gypsies and somebody Unknown_16: is a little bit insecure it appears that someone's pulling the leafy is here to hide now this is this is actually an unusual take because leafy is covering his inception ralph completely different covering his double chin and what's kind of funny let me uh let me use my try to do a little bit of arting right here Unknown_16: I'm going to take this and I'm going to outline. Let me get my red. Can I get a red marker? I can get a red marker. Okay. Let's outline this properly, shall we? I'm gonna go down. I'm gonna outline where his thumb is. 2:04:56 Unknown_02: Kind of just show you that he actually fails to cover his shin. Unknown_16: Okay, now let's see if I can find the picture. There we go. Unknown_16: Now look at that. Unknown_16: He has put his entire trotter in front of his face to try and obfuscate his double chin, but even with his entire hand spread out as far as it could possibly go across his jaw, 2:05:36 Unknown_16: It doesn't cover up his second chin. It still pokes out from both sides neither side of this chin has been obfuscated correctly, so He's clearly not up to snuff leafy dominates him in the chin hiding Olympics But you know never doubt Ralph a male he can catch up Yeah, he has the time and the tenacity on the side to master the art of hiding the double chin by holding his hand up and 2:06:09 Unknown_02: Um, I will now defer to my chat. Unknown_16: Is there anything that I have missed on my coverage of the events of this week? Unknown_16: Speak now or forever holds you. Oh, the fucking Thunderbird glow. I did promise I would look at that. Okay. Let's take a look. Unknown_16: So Unknown_16: This is the old old logo. That's the new logo. And this is the new new logo. 2:06:53 Unknown_02: Um, I'll do a poll. I'm not going to say what I think. Unknown_16: Do you like it? Unknown_16: You can't see okay. Hold up. Sorry. I hope it's a pull before I get put up on screen Old logo new logo new new logo old logo new logo new new logo Do you like the new new logo? Unknown_02: Yet Um 2:07:37 Unknown_16: I know what they're doing is the thing. Unknown_16: This is a, this is the, okay. So look, this is the Firefox, the current Firefox logo. And it's just a take on that with a Thunderbird thing and holding up mail. Unknown_16: they're just trying to make like um like brand synthesis because mozilla doesn't know what the fuck it's doing right now like mozilla as a corporation is completely failing i think they announced that google paying paying them so that there is an alternative because basically if firefox goes under There is no competition, like Chrome owns a monopoly, WebKit owns a monopoly on all, or Chromium owns a monopoly on like, all browsers. So Firefox basically- Thank you for the money, I will spend it on drugs. 2:08:13 Unknown_12: Thank you. Unknown_16: Firefox only basically exists at this point, propped up and funded by Google, so that there is competition with its browser. Unknown_16: And a while ago, Firefox and Display of Infinite Retardation decided that they were gonna change their logo to this and get rid of the fox, which is just like the most retarded fucking idea on the planet. Unknown_16: Really just incomprehensibly retarded. So they walked that back after backlash to this one design, which is nice, it's okay. And if we're gonna accept that this one is okay, The Thunderbird logo is also okay. I'm okay with this I understand what they're doing and it's a much better attempt at creating like brand synthesis than what they were going for before 2:08:56 Unknown_16: Because this this is why like this is why they wanted to change the logo Previously is that they thought oh if we get rid of the Fox Then we don't have to have animals for all of our different brands, and they thought oh We're gonna create like eight million different products And we're gonna have this whole suite of products that everyone's going to love and then like none of them are successful None of their products are successful, so there's like no point the only thing that people use is Thunderbird and Firefox 2:09:44 Unknown_16: So yeah, this is this is a much better take and I'll check my my pole now 56% of people don't like the logo better than the old logo and I can understand why because like This this logo is like complex enough that it's really pretty but it's like simple enough that it does already fit in with the Firefox logo and It's kind of it's still kind of modern. It has like that nice gradient thing that modern logos have Unknown_16: That looks nice. But I'm not upset by this change, so... Okay! Unknown_16: Um... With that said, I will go into le shield mode. Unknown_16: Um... I have a- I have a very, very special song, uh, picked out for the outro. So if you are interested in that, 2:10:40 Unknown_16: Do stick around for everybody else. I will see you guys next week. Um, regardless of the outcome of that poll, I will not be streaming a second time this week. Unknown_16: So, uh, you'll just have to catch me next Friday and then I'll announce it when I'm going to start doing second days. Unknown_16: All right. Color correction. And then I'm going to add that green boy. Ooh, that looks terrible. Is this what I want? 2:11:13 Unknown_16: That also looks terrible. I had this working yesterday and now I don't have this working anymore Okay, so this will have to suffice All right All righty now let us commence forth Sorry Where my donation alerts up 2:11:50 Unknown_02: Said, where are my donation alerts at? Unknown_16: Oh, well, I don't know why that's not working. Okay. Unknown_16: Uh, recent filter from last Saturday sort by time that way. And Cynthia for 10 says, great show. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Your custodian is a gin Andrew morph. Unknown_16: Jen Andrew Morph for 1074 says Kiwi Farms x Low Cal Farm crossover episode when? 2:12:25 Unknown_16: Probably never. I don't think they like me very much. Unknown_16: Limoncello Lacroix for 10 says so are you a Christian or a Catholic or what are you? You never give a clear answer in any stream or post you make you give up meat for Lent and then play Orthodox chants on your super chat segments you make up your mind or anyway stay base XO XO XO I played the chance because someone wants me to and I do Lent because it's like a traditional thing I've already said that I will not talk about religiosity on my streams regardless of any decisions that I do or do not make So I'm gonna have to leave you hanging. Sorry 2:12:58 Unknown_16: Masef fig it for $500. Whoa, buddy for $25 as yesha. Can you please play us your favorite slur remixes inshallah? Unknown_16: Yes, I can just real quick If you get a bit shoot that hold up and I have to change my VPN out of Out of The Europe because they don't like this 2:13:29 Unknown_16: I'm going to go. I'm gonna go with a classic. Unknown_02: Um, Oh, Oh, am I never going to be? Okay. Hold up. Unknown_02: No. Goyim TV has this wonderful. 2:14:08 Unknown_16: Everyone knows that there's no point playing at all. It's it's a classic. It's an indisputable classic of Mike spam on the internet I Wonder if I do get automatically banned for playing that I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised Unknown_16: Anonymous for five says a few weeks ago. I asked for prayers on YouTube tipster because he's headed away from the Lord's grace He said no and that there was no saving him now look at tipster. He's become worse father Josh Is there nothing that can be done to save this man? Dude, this dude is tipster was like what tranny was he sticking up for it was keffels and some other dude I Made a post about this and didn't even bring it up on stream. Oh 2:14:46 Unknown_16: I might be able to find this actually because I I don't think I talked about this on stream and it's worth making fun of I don't know anything about tipster except that he's like a homosexual who's like in love with keffels and He posted like this this fucking disgusting Reply It's not my rob dude, I'll dude what thread was this in I 2:15:22 Unknown_02: Let's see. Unknown_16: Aha. Unknown_16: Okay. I did find it. Oh, I can't show it to you because it's on tour. Unknown_16: Oh, he was defending Naomi. Wasn't he? Unknown_16: Yeah. Okay. Here you go. I can save this image actually. Unknown_16: So what I just showed you the fucking name, Naomi stuff. Here's the tipsters, a hot take on a tranny's breastfeeding children. Unknown_16: Replies are full of people calling Naomi a creep and a groomer. Someone explained to me, how is a cis woman breastfeeding not creepy or grooming, but when it's a trans woman who's had lactation induction done, now it's creepy and grooming. Make it make sense. 2:15:55 Unknown_16: So yeah, that guy is fucking lost. No, really. I Don't I you can pray for him if you want good on ya, I guess but there's no you can't you can't fix that Oh, sorry. I didn't show it here. Here's here's the thing Amazing amazing Unknown_16: Anonymous for five says hey Josh. I hope you be well gotta say is this more or less worse than what happened back in fall last year best of luck this is way way less Big of a problem. Oh, it's still paying my ass. I still have to deal with it though. I'm just waiting on 2:16:39 Unknown_16: I'm more permanent solutions instead of just juggling shit to stay up crack pipe cowboy for 20 says happy Friday I didn't know you could get copyright strikes on old hymns and chants at work. Just found a pigeon nest. What should I name them? Unknown_16: Quote acquire a peaceful spirit and around you with thousands will be saved from st. Sephiram of Sarov I Don't know pick your own names go for something biblical you seem to like that stuff I 2:17:11 Unknown_16: And it's not that the hymns are old, it's that the performers are new, so they still have copyright even though the actual music is old. Unknown_16: Can't give you, like, your own pet names, that's weird. Because I don't have any, like, reference to draw on. Unknown_16: Maybe chat can provide some names, and you can pick one that you like. Unknown_16: PopeUrban410 says, link to a YouTube short, forget what this is, but it looks like I saved this link for today, let's find out together. Unknown_02: Damn. 2:17:50 Unknown_16: That's really loud. Unknown_08: I played this already. Unknown_16: I played, um, the Transformers pronoun shit, and I already made the joke about, um, Chinese robots kicking its ass. Unknown_16: I don't know how else you're gonna find a woman who tolerates you then through the farms at this point. You're over 30 Maybe we should give one chance and hit up that woman who keeps flirting with you on stream Absolutely, not no e-girls never Irish pug for 10 says what's your take on graphing OS copperhead drama Daniel McKay sounds like a proper locale. So I saw you were you up the men donation you greedy kike 2:18:26 Unknown_16: Well, we got you to generate twice the minimum, so I guess it worked. I haven't heard about the graphing OS copperhead drama I'm in the probably in the market for new a new phone soon, so I was thinking about getting a pixel And getting graphing the last, but now I'll have to look into it cuz I don't There's drama. There's gonna be some bullshit. I don't want to install true and shit on my phone I Unknown_16: Thank you. Unknown_12: Thank you for the money. I will spend it on drugs. Unknown_16: Thank you Beetle bug for five says hello I hope all as well just wanted to say that without a doubt the advice you give is very good based on logic and facture the only Lowercase I internet man who cares enough to be sincere and honest no matter what lies ahead Godspeed man never give up. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I try to be forthcoming though that's not always the most popular thing 2:19:15 Unknown_16: Michael says, why are pastors and most Christians so out of shape? If we were made in God's image, should we not strive to show off his perfection physically through ourselves? Sculpting one's physique also reflects the mental and spiritual fortitude as well. Unknown_16: Yeah, I think that if you're physically healthy, you're mentally healthier as well, but it Most people are overweight these days. You know, it's the majority of people. Why are Why are there pedophiles in the church because there are pedophiles? everywhere I think the church is like under Statistically underrepresented in terms of pedophiles. Why are there fat preacher free priests? Well if they can't have sex, I'm probably gonna eat more just as a as a counterbalance, but yeah, I 2:19:50 Unknown_16: Just a reflection of society. Unknown_16: Namas for 23 says, in Canada, clown world is so bad even the clowns are killing themselves. Interview with a doctor who administers assisted dying. 40 seconds, okay. Unknown_13: One of the things I absolutely loved was, I mean, I have to admit to welling up several times while reading the book. One of the things I loved about Ed, who was an amateur clown, 2:20:28 Unknown_13: And I think he was having, you were going to be administering his assisted death. And I think you must have left the room or something, or he left the room and came back dressed in his full clown regalia, including a red nose. And you asked him what that was about, you know, why was it? And he said that he wanted to go out laughing. Unknown_13: And I just thought that was so charming. But it does lead into the fact that, Talking to you and other practitioners It's become sort of socially accepted now that you just reminded me of something and I'll never be able to find this On Blockland there was a really old quote from one of the administrators from the administrator bad spot and he said something like I 2:21:03 Unknown_16: Hitler killed six million Jews and one clown. What does that say about Jews? Unknown_16: I'm reminded of this for some reason. Out of nowhere. This is like a 15 year old memory buried in my head. It's just come crashing through. Unknown_16: Rip Canadian clowns though depending on who you ask in the security branch of a space station 13 all clowns have it coming anyways Anime for 10 for 10 says now that gay month is suit upon us. How should we prepare? We should all buy weapons 2:22:00 Unknown_16: For self-defense purposes Chloe Dante for five says damn you think Google would be more inclusive the preferred acronym is actually t LGBT no oh Actually, it's t lgbtqia p plus D. No Unknown_16: Linda super chat for ten says hi Josh Linda has been a fan of your streams for a long time However, your fans are matrix are not so nice to Linda. They like to lit a kill Rin Ridicule Linda for Linda's manner of speaking. The Megamins are especially mean please tell them to be nicer to Linda 2:22:31 Unknown_16: Well, consider this. They are animes, and you do not appear to be an anime. Therefore, you are better than them by default, so the megabins should be nicer to you. Sneedpony46 says, Happy Salome Sinful Month! Happy Salome Sinful Month to you, too. Unknown_16: I hope the fires of hell are rainbow-colored. David S877 for 25 are I am become Kiwi, destroyer of trunes. J. Connor Muenheimer in some alternate reality. Unknown_16: I am reminded that Oppenheimer attempted to meet with President Truman after the war to discuss nuclear non-proliferation because of his immense sorrows over the development of the atomic bomb. Truman's response was to call him the crybaby scientist and tell his chief of staff that he never went to see that pussy again in his office and So and so the legend goes Um Based says my chat raised you so well 2:23:17 Unknown_16: DWN018440 says, Josh, thank you for all your hard work propping up the last piece of the old internet. I can't imagine dealing with the level of frustration you must be having. Unknown_16: Uh, well, right now I'm cool. Everything's up on tour. I'm happy with its performance. I know it's not as good as it could be on clear net, but things are progressing and I have good people in my pocket and I have multiple plans that just take some time. And I have a feeling that in due time, uh, the correction will be served. 2:24:18 Unknown_16: Thank you very much though. Bruno for 483 says, after your virtual pegging session with Empress, tell her to crack judgment and lost judgment already for fuck sake. Unknown_16: I don't think you get to decide what impressa are in front. I keep saying impressa impresses the name of the weird Tranny fucker who like lust over all the ip2 girls on the Kiwi farms that I keep having to ban because he keeps coming back and he's like Docs and hated on all the splinter sites of the Kiwi farms too, so we can't even really post there because they all hate him Impresses is a different person. They're like a weird Russian schizo tranny 2:24:55 Unknown_16: I don't even know what less lost judgment is. I apologize, but I hope you get your wish Dark rabbit for five says hello. Could you please do something about the matrix room? It's overrun with anime avatars with some red witch character They are incredibly disruptive and making fun of me for watching vtubers and being Indian. They even insult my IQ. Please do something it's 2:25:27 Unknown_16: Well, I mean I can't I can't admonish anyone for making fun of you for being Indian I mean just remember well you listen to vtubers the rate the raking goes everybody anime avatars Vtubers, that's the that's the tier list and then Indians at the bottom Unknown_16: I'm just kidding, you're not that bad. There are some Indians who are very base and they carry knives because they never know when a Durka Durka Muhammad Jihad is going to attack. So they're always on guard. They never relax. And that's pretty base. And that's uniquely Indian too. Unknown_16: Nigger for five says, um, a Jewish, please fix the normal version of the sites. I had many exploits that have occurred in the last few weeks and I need to inform the chat about, uh, you're going to have to wait a little bit. Otherwise just learn Torah. It's not that hard. 2:26:18 Unknown_16: Sorry Let me sit on your face. Josh is my hero for $100 says I would like to refute the rumors that I am British and schizo I am simply American and autistic. I hope to see the og Let me sit on your face Josh in here again sometime. That person is my hero Let me send your face is my hero refuting the claims that they are a I kind of want to dab on British schizos, but 2:26:50 Unknown_16: sort of acknowledges knowledgement is like too much because there's such an intention or Thank you very much figure nagat for 537 says yesterday was the one-year anniversary of poach ago to the gun beat down boogaloo And I don't think Ralph stuff has surpassed that IMO and also don't also I don't get any notifications for your streams on YouTube What's up with that? make sure you smash subscribe and click the like button to get notifications for all the new hot content as it comes out and And if that doesn't work, subscribe on the fucking telegram. I don't know why everyone hates my telegram so much. T dot me slash Maddie on air. I post announcements there. Unknown_16: Snigger for five says, I know I shall not use tour like some peasant. I'm above such frivolities to bad neighbor. You got to fucking wait like everybody else. 2:27:43 Unknown_16: Blue Division for 5 says, Boycott Pride Month 2023 from June 1st through June 30th. Do not buy from shops, stores that promote Pride Month. We can make this happen, chads. Bro, if I see a fucking rainbow sticker on it, I don't buy it. Like, simple as. I don't know why this is a monthly thing. But yeah, I mean, I don't know. Making it like a thing for normies is like a good idea. Unknown_16: I'm very pro boycott at this point. Like do go out of your way to boycott companies that want to rape your children. That is the least. Please drive five minutes to a different company so that your children are not raped. Don't shop at Ford so that your children are not raped. Do not buy from Maybelline so that your children are not raped. Drink a different fucking beer. Yingling is incredibly based. They supported Donald Trump. I know you guys love Dr. Trump still. 2:28:16 Unknown_16: Dr. President Trump, buy Yingling. It's an American brewery out of like Pennsylvania and it's a good light beer. It's one of the best light beers in the U.S. I don't know why the fuck you guys are buying Bud Light. Come the fuck one now. 2:28:54 Unknown_16: Come on, come on Nan's trigger for five says welcome to Costco. I love you Unknown_16: Love you too, buddy Anime for five four five says the rainbow is God's symbol and he will reclaim it also Can you give a short list of the anti ad software? I should get ad nauseam if you're on Firefox brave if you're on mobile and You block origin I think is the good one for all browsers like in Chrome Unknown_16: Red eyes black dragon for five says apropos fucking nothing What would you rather watch the old cartoon Doug or the old Beetlejuice cartoon? I don't think I watched the Beetlejuice cartoon. I'd watch Doug Hold up. Hold up. I guess I got some of that good shit for you. Oh 2:29:38 Unknown_16: That song has such weird energy. It reminds me of Kengal. It's got that fucking weird energy. 2:30:11 Unknown_16: This is love making music. Yeah, boy. I lost my virginity to the Mr. Dink song. Unknown_16: Cat boy rams dressing for five says give me sneed or give me Chuck Abraham Lincoln famous quote right before he got shot in the back of the head Unfortunately rest in peace my boy Honest Dave as they call him Sir Mar house for five says Matt frad and pence with Aquinas has shirts for sale that say reclaim the month's June is the mark month of the sacred heart of Jesus 2:30:45 Unknown_16: And then there is the catholiclofi.org listing For the reclaim the month t-shirt, and I guess this is an advertisement for the shirt I'll put this up on the stream for people to see this is catholiclofi.org and that is actually Quite a nice design I gotta say That's pretty fucking dope. I love the font. There's an excellent font Unknown_16: Hacksleet for 5 plus 5 for 10 says, Hacksleet for 10 says, my phone's default browser shows me British news despite not being in the UK. Here's three headlines. Notice how only one is breaking news. Unknown_16: And then I am banned from accessing imager on my VPN. Let me try a different VPN. I am banned from that one as well Try different VPN ban from that one as well. Try different VPN and I'm banned from that one as well. So Hacksleet 2:31:42 Unknown_16: If you wanna put that on catbox and spam it in chat, I will try to open it if I see it, sorry. I do notice that when I open Google and there's gay shit, if I just change my VPN to Hungary, it goes away. It's the most base life hack on the planet. Unknown_16: Anonymous for five says Canada Goose for the win. There's a reason why their jackets are $1,000. What? 2:32:18 Unknown_16: Everybody hates Canadian geese. Who the fuck is buying Canadian geese? Unknown_16: Oh, is this like a brand? I'm like, are you like skinning and wearing the feathers of Canadian geese? Unknown_16: It's a, okay. It's a Canadian clothing store. He is proposing that instead of nor north north, whatever the fuck you buy from Canada goose.com. Apparently they're not woke. Let me, let me check. Let me check and see if Canada goose has any gayness on the front page. 2:32:50 Unknown_16: Let's see. I see some white people. I see some Asians. It's kind of inclusive, but I don't see any rainbow flags. Who knows? Maybe that'll change in a couple of days. Unknown_16: I love asbestos for 1074 says I have applied for an education to become a heavy equipment technician Wish me luck. Here is 10 fag euros for your lowercase. I internet show Good luck, my dude. I believe in you. You can become a heavy equipment technician Just make sure to wear your hard hat and watch those safety instructional videos so you don't get decapitated 2:33:29 Unknown_16: Max see in quotes for five says here's an uplisting lifting song about the cosmos for later. Is this by Cosmo Sheldrake? Unknown_16: No, it's called VIA in Russian Is he I'm Leonia Trava Odoma official clip So, there you go Unknown_16: I'll listen to it like Christian music. Thank you base quote for 1503 says if with the help of the Marxist creed the parentheses are victorious over the peoples of the world his crown will be the funeral wreath of Humanity in this planet will as it did thousands of years ago move through the other devoid of human by a H. Oh That a H. I was thinking somebody else. Oh 2:34:20 Unknown_16: That's a weird like quote because it seems like a reflection of Winston Churchill's thing. Unknown_16: And if for a second the powers of Germany overcome us, which I do not for a second believe will come, it'll be up to the new world with all her power to free us and return to the old. It's kind of like a reflection of that and if with the help of the Marxist creed The parentheses are victorious over the peoples of this world his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity in this planet Will as it did thousands of years ago move through the other devoid of men sort of like a reflection of that It's kind of interesting with that cut with that context. 2:35:07 Unknown_16: I Suck at doing voices. That is exactly how Winston Churchill sounds. I'll pull it up. Actually. Fuck you. I Unknown_16: Fight them on the beaches, motherfucker. I'll show you. If you've never heard this spoken, you'll know exactly how fucking right I am. Unknown_00: At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. Unknown_00: That is the resolve of his majesty's government. Every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil. aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. We shall go on to the end. 2:35:44 Unknown_00: We shall fight in France. Unknown_00: We shall fight on the seas and oceans. Unknown_00: We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. Unknown_00: We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the swamps. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender. And if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British fleet, would carry on the struggle until, in God's good time, The new world with all its power and might steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. 2:36:19 Unknown_16: Um, I'm just, Oh, I just want to check on something real quick here. Unknown_16: How many Americans died in world war two? 407,000 how many? Unknown_16: British died in World War two 384,000 384,000 men and 400,000 407,000 American men 2:37:17 Unknown_16: created their lives so valiantly so that that fat alcoholic piece of shit can subjugate and dismantle the German Empire as it always wanted to. Unknown_17: Fulfilling the bloodlust of a crippled maniac communist named after you. Unknown_17: who had been elected of all terms so that he could permanently disfigure the apparatus and organs of government into an indistinguishable collection of departments that operate on their own between presidencies and overcome our democratic process and murder our elected representatives and subjugate our slaves to their whims forever and ever. 2:38:12 Unknown_16: Well worth it. Good job, boys. Hoorah! Landed on this beach! We're coming to Berlin, boys! Unknown_16: IrisAgent35 says, Hey Josh, did you hear about the Fur Affinity banning Loli Pokemon and for some reason feeling the need to apologize for any confusion, decided to state that it's alright to draw a pregnant 13-year-old Vore transformation as long as it's non-sexual. No, I did not hear that. Thanks for letting me know. My day is better than it was before. Unknown_16: You hear that if you want to drop pregnant 13 year old for transformation as long as it's non-sexual for a funny. That's weird, huh? Where's that for affinity cares? I they really hate the cub people and you can't blame them because the cub people go to their events and shit all over the place literally Anonymous for 1074 says speaking of butt light. There's a tranny Biden live tanking Anheuser-busch stocks, okay bucket 2:38:42 Unknown_11: Alright everyone, so it's Friday night, I'm getting ready to go out, I'm doing time, but before I go out, I've got a free game. And the only way I pre-game is with an ice cold Bud Light. So good. 2:39:15 Unknown_11: Happy Friday. Unknown_16: That is... Unknown_16: Horrifying. We, at this moment, after watching that video, we now live in the post-truth society. I've hinted at this before. I've talked about how we were in the information age. Now we're in the machine learning age. We are officially post-truth. Literally doesn't matter what's true anymore. Whatever you see, you cannot believe your eyes. It's over. It's over. If you can't see it, if you can't touch it, if you can't smell it, if you can't shoot at it, it might as well not exist at this point. 2:39:52 Unknown_16: Thorgrim grudge bearer for 483 how did you how did you get under five? Did you donate in rubles? What did you do how did you do this I bet it was rubles and Unknown_16: It's only been 30 minutes. I can say that for once I am truly mad at the internet. Well, thanks for watching blue Thanks for your rubles. I appreciate it. Oh stay mad never moved to the United States Horse Rinori or horse Renoir for ten says hey Josh I've been really enjoying industrial society in its future. You should talk with leafy is here He's been streaming on rumble and he is starting to a war with the trainings right now I don't think he knows what he's in for 2:40:36 Unknown_16: Mean, I guess if he wants to email me go for it. I don't know anything about him though, except for the item ship Montessor for ten says happy pride month Josh spelled within the ya with a coach road pill. Yeah instead of a no You were so happy Together back then what happened? Also, I know where you got your profile pic idea from and then he links imager again. I Unknown_16: And imagers temporarily over capacity so I cannot view it. I apologize I Will leave this tab open actually, let me leave the other image open as well So that if for image or if image or ever actually works I'll be able to pull this up. I can't find the old one. I apologize. I can't where is it? Okay, I have the images open now if Imgur decides to start working at any point. I'll try to refresh and see that Sneed pony for 660 says I'm now getting that the internet and at least today is pizza day the original pizza day not the seventh day Adventist pizza day for heretics. It's true. I've become a seventh day Adventist for pizza day Maybe one day is that pizza day will coincide with the stream if I decide to stream on Sundays, but who knows I? 2:41:23 Unknown_17: Thank you, but or not for Tim says hey Josh just got fucked over by the IRS surprise This is to remind people your taxes mean nothing when they can print and lose money. 2:42:00 Unknown_16: I did not commit a crime They just want a stimulus money back so Unknown_16: It's not for nothing. Uh, taxes exist for two reasons. It is technically to stall inflation by reducing the, uh, existence of money and the money supply. However, the other purpose that I believe is more important to the government than reduction of money is compliance. They just do taxes because like people, number one, people want the rich to pay taxes, but I also think it's just to make people comply. They could easily, 2:42:35 Unknown_16: reduce taxes on the middle class but they don't because they want to make sure that everybody is complying and they are training themselves to comply and that's more important than the um like i'm doing taxes literally right now uh all my i have a quick books up on my other tab because Unknown_16: Even as an expat, you can't escape it. Unknown_16: Even if you renounce citizenship, if you renounce US citizenship specifically to dodge taxes, then you're both stateless and a felon because that's tax dodging. If you renounce citizenship to avoid taxes, you're tax dodging. Isn't that fucking crazy? Unknown_16: It's an evil, evil machination. Unknown_16: Hamburger for five says nice Gino segment early in the stream now put Josh jugs on camera give milky's Immediately slop slop slop bruh bruh bruh bruh superior malnutrition and vitality Yeah, your money's worth on that tanuki rusty spoon toucher for 483 says whenever I see trunes going on about their gross nipple discharge for this I always think about that episode of saddle salad fingers where he uses a nettle to make the milk drop out I know what you're referring to I remember seeing this 2:43:42 Unknown_16: Here's an OG. If you've never watched, um, uh, Newgrounds, you're in for a shock. This is what we used to watch as kids. This is why my generation is so base and yours sucks. Unknown_16: Where's my audio? Unknown_19: Oh, it seems nettles have made the milk drop out from inside my teeth. 2:44:15 Unknown_16: You know what? That's a great quote. Wait, hold up, hold up. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do some real time editing here. Give me a second. Unknown_02: Okay. Watch this. Watch this. You ready? I'm going to, I'm going to, this is called editing and camera for all you. Unknown_02: Okay. We're doing some editing camera here. Hold on. 2:44:51 Unknown_02: Nice audio You could superimpose that over some videos of this guy breastfeeding with that audio and it would just sync up so perfectly Okay, I'll put it back on salad finger so you're not spooked I'll just hide it for now Unknown_02: Uh, I've accidentally lost my place. Unknown_16: Wonderful. Yeah, you will lose your place and you will be happy. Unknown_02: Mm. Unknown_16: Zipper Hoodie Supremacy for Tinsa's Dearest Jersh, I thought you'd be happy to hear that America's sweetheart herself, Honey Boo Boo Chow, aka Alum Thompson, has graduated high school. We should celebrate her accomplishment as a nation. Truly inspiring. It's true. Through the new American success model of redefining what success means, you too can graduate high school as a fat retard. 2:45:56 Unknown_16: I feel bad. I do like I want us a very had a very difficult childhood and now but now she's like a coal-burner You know shits rough out there, man I don't know what to say Kentucky's is a dire place, but I'm glad she got her her high school diploma And improvise says Josh they probably get off on pumping estrogen into a baby's mouth via trim milk, that's true of course they do I Mean if dr. Bymar does Then why can't others? 2:46:42 Unknown_16: Mr. Man for 2147 says holocaust month neighbor month thought month rape month Jew month faggot month cripple month August spick month Why is all? It's like its own thing Spick month a second spick month extra flips and gay engine month and some weird shit about grids and sexual cripples month August is alright I guess dude August it is the straight white man month never forget it and Unknown_16: Or eat your drink bleach for five says cope see and pump Unknown_16: Hopefully not, unless the pump is a shotgun. Unknown_16: Thank you. Roxanne Wilferton says, bark bark, the granny tranny fulfilling his moo cow fetish using his kid without the mother's wife's consent should be linked on your pride domain. Mashallah, your cause is righteous. I might make it like a git, but I have to decide what kind of content management system I want to use. I could just go lazy and use WordPress, or I could try to set up an HTML thing and just have it be static files. Or I could try to make something Rust that is easy to contribute to. 2:47:25 Unknown_16: I'll see I'll think about it. I have so much to do though. I really don't know I wish I could burden somebody. I don't know who I'd trust with them Hollywood isn't history for five says what do you call a small pregnant white man on white woman on a bike next to five? Large black males a thief according to the anti white narrative. Oh, yeah, I forgot she was pregnant too Pregnant and hustling. She's got to go to that. Um, I 2:48:00 Unknown_16: Gotta go to work so she can help sustain the super morbidly obese black woman So that she can go back to eating tons of processed chicken every day our beautiful country Forgetful kiwi for 483 says we love our cops our law enforcement. That's right. Never forget the shouts to make Alaska now mr. Pipe says my thoughts exactly Yeah, I agree. Thank you. Anonymous for five says I use iOS and I can't update the thread Nathan Marzi the Garfield pizza guy had a dream where God allegedly told him that his quest in life is to make a cereal brand to get revenge for losing the Garfield license. He's also auctioning off his orange suit That is very very strange to hear I wish him luck when selling his orange suit I Talked about a gun ship like it over a year ago. It was a long time ago. I know who you're talking about them 2:48:44 Unknown_16: Preacher Chris 96 for five says happy Pentecost weekend Josh may the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. Thank you. Happy Pentecost to you, too The Pentecost is on Monday, I believe Um, no, I'm sure five says what should I do with the target gift cards sitting in my drawer or sell them online and Use that money to shop elsewhere Unknown_16: Dylan Chagat Folk for $16.30 says, I approve this message from Nick Fuentes, the Mexican leader of my Jewish white nationalist movement. Thank you, Chagat. Thanks for watching. I appreciate the support. Good luck to your $16.50, the new racist number. Oh, he donated $16.30. I get it. I get it. $16.30 is like a bare minimum. Nick Fuentes is going for that $16.50 though. 2:49:34 Unknown_16: Sneed a hoe for five says Los Mexicanos don't want to deal with the the L sex pests in your Akita I mean, I don't know you get your plans for a building and it's like a Soundproof room with like a one-way locking door and like we're in it's like Specifically written up where there has to be able to support like the human body weight from the roof at certain points It's like odds of its sauce. I don't be involved in this I 2:50:14 Unknown_16: Alex for 43 says I'm 31 and my wife 25 has a little sister who is 16 I can't imagine being with her sister and said she's only a child certainly in my eyes as I've known her since she was 12 any adult who's trying to date a 16 17 year old should be lynched as a pedophile pedophile spelled in the traditional British way Yeah Basically, it's the rule man. It's like half your age plus 7. That's the minimum. So if you're 50, that's 32 2:50:47 Unknown_16: What's funny is you say it aloud a 50 year old getting a 32 year old that doesn't even sound bad a 30 or a 30 year old dating a 22 year old Would be mine. That's a stretch, but it's like yeah, that's not too bad either She's over 21 that makes sense. There's just like just the rule just makes sense Nick Fuentes is 24 so that would be 18 my boy 18 is the bare minimum. That's a little bit of a stretch to I Unknown_16: Neo galaxy for five says what's with the anime person and Nick streams. I just assume that that person is a pedophile That's always a safe bet. Anyways, I found a broccoli boy in the world and told him to follow me on YouTube I hope you gain more Brock. 2:51:31 Unknown_16: I Think of a broccoli boy listen to the stream. He would catch on fire. I don't think he can handle it. I I wonder, okay, unironically, is anybody listening to this right now and have the broccoli haircut? If so, why? I'm watching chat. Explain yourself to me. Unknown_16: Repent. Unknown_16: And how old are you, if you have that shit? Unknown_02: Yes, brain damage. For real, no cap. Unknown_16: It's the mulatto hairdo. Unknown_16: It gets me laid. 2:52:06 Unknown_16: Because it's busted 22 and he has the broccoli boy haircut Are you not embarrassed that shit perms were never I'm 25 and I have is this not a picture of you? I Have broccoli hair I'm 19 and I do it to get bitches. Okay her on burger. I Don't believe from burger Unknown_16: Bitches imagine being a woman. It means right of that. Oh my god. You look you look like my health food It looks like that that I eat in my like drink. I like to blend broccoli. Oh my god That must mean you're like tasty. Am I right? Unknown_16: Donald surprises, I always find it funny how groper's and similar crisis King trad laugh trad cath larpers talk about women when women are literally a gift from God according to the Bible which they would have known if they read it the first couple of chapters, that's true and 2:53:00 Unknown_16: Adam is ronary. He's a he's like incel has got his emo haircut And he says I need a hoe and so God takes a rib and gives him a hoe and then supposedly she ruins everything forever, but You know there's no problems, then there's nothing to fix and what is a man for except to fix things all right? Unknown_16: Zerman for five says Nick is so desperate to be Kevin Spacey's character from American Beauty with no boundaries and doing what he wants without Thinking about consequences. He changes his changes became impossible to ignore after he streamed it in twitch Oh Rekheda not 2:53:32 Unknown_16: Puentes Yeah, well, I've never seen American Beauty so I can't comment on the allegory But yeah, I mean, yeah, it feels like he just wants to do what he wants to do And then if his audience isn't cool with that, then that's their problem. It's like I Unknown_16: The smart the professional thing to do and he can disagree with me all he wants I maintain that my position is correct you if you want to do weird stuff and Enjoy, you know coming into your 40s and having your last birth burst of youth and vigor and vitality And you want to do things with your wife? go for it, but 2:54:22 Unknown_16: There's no denying it especially at like his income level that his his streams are like his career And it's very fair to judge you on how you treat your career Unknown_16: and your customers and the people who support you. And I think that he's quite simply, he's doing a bad job. And I base this off of, he has a poor professional performance in this matter. And I base this off of what I see his fans saying about him. 2:54:58 Unknown_16: And he'll say he'll contend that I have a very warped perspective. That's uninformed Because I'm only reading what people are writing on certain platforms that aren't like the Kiwi farms that are specifically catered to be negative but I contend that the Kiwi farms was very pro Ricada and soured over time and it is that observation that I based my opinion off of not a Strictly the negative things I have seen the whole picture over years at this point and I can see that what people are saying and why they're saying it and what specifically is setting them off and and how it was like a domino cascade where At first it was a couple people coming out and saying stop nose guarding He's a big fat kike and I was just like oh whatever and then over time became more and more people like slowly saying like this is too much for me and I mean you can disagree with me and You'll point to his bank account and say I'm still rolling in the dollar bill y'all and and say okay I mean if that's all that matters, and you know you do you I ain't you I don't I don't profit either way But it is kind of offensive to be brushed off as someone who is like strictly on the premise that I'm just like too misinformed and naive to really understand my position and 2:55:47 Unknown_16: when I feel like my position is relatively informed and pretty neutral and correct, above all else. Unknown_16: But whatever. I have no control over people's life, and it seems like the more I get involved with it, the worse things are for them. So the less I say, the better, to be quite honest with you. Unknown_16: Romeo for fives or anonymous for five says new MC Jarbo song just dropped. Yes, that's true My outro song will be the new MC Jarbo song MC Jarbo was nice and he was premiering it two hours after my stream started but He was nice enough to actually send it to me so I could like pre-screen it and I have it ready to go So that will be the outro song. Thank you real and thank you to him as well for Being nice enough to send me the mp3 before it officially premiered so I could actually listen to it 2:56:55 Unknown_16: Romeo 5 says invasion of Ukraine report on May 20th Russia has fully captured the city of Bakhmut which is also the first anniversary of the Russian capture of Maripol in the fourth anniversary of Vladimir Zelensky's inauguration as president of Ukraine both on May 20 I heard about that apparently after 290 days of fighting actually I have this ready to go I Completely forgot about it. I didn't slide it into my news segment at all I 2:57:33 Unknown_16: Actually, I may not have the video ready to go Josie oh, that's fish tank. Oh, I forgot the fish tank shit too. Ah, fuck. I forgot fish tank I can show you the fish tank thing. I think if I can find it This Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay? No, I don't know what the fuck it was. Unknown_03: Are you okay? Lay down, lay down, lay down. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 2:58:35 Unknown_03: I didn't do it in full course. I didn't do it in full course. Unknown_16: Yeah, that's if you're only listening he fell face down and the stairs full force because I guess he's too fat to walk upstairs now 2:59:12 Unknown_16: He's like walking one foot at a time because I guess he's too fat to like lift his other foot up to the like Normally when you walk upstairs you can like put your foot up on the other step But he's too fat to do that. So he walks up one at a time Unknown_16: And he's like, really sitting, like, he has like the outward pointing toes, so he's like really precariously footing, and then, oh no! And then he reaches out, he realizes he's falling, reaches out to the walls, and he's actually managed to pin himself between both, so it would be very easy just to step up at that point. But he's too weak to hold up his body weight, so he falls, because he can't hold himself up. And he also can't even catch himself, and he just goes like face down into each step one at a time. Really unfortunate stuff right there. 2:59:58 Unknown_16: As far as that super chat was going I I named this Wagner dot mp4. This is not Wagner dot mp4 at all I think I don't have the video because I overwrote the original file with the wrong file It was just the I was it was just gonna be the Wagner guy like saying like, you know bazooka blyat more ammo Putin and so on and so forth, but they did it they took the city the glorious strategically important city of Bakhmut is now in the hands of the glorious Russian army. 3:00:33 Unknown_16: After 290 days, this pearl of Ukraine has been captured. Congratulations. Unknown_16: Also known as Artyomovsk or something. I think that's the Russian name, not the Ukrainian name. Unknown_16: As it shall be known from now on, this wonderful place where many people live, Unknown_16: Um... Sneed Neighbor, I can't Sneed for 10 says, Neighbor, Neighbor, Neighbor, Neighbor, Neighbor, look here, listen, appearing offline does not fucking stop it, so stop giving fucking advice you know nothing about. By the way, I paid him $10, here's a short clip. Oh my fucking god. 3:01:10 Unknown_05: I might drink a Pepsi later on. Unknown_16: Thanks, bro. I appreciate it Jim, gna from five says you can watch you watch your mouth about I put two and loser Standing in front of Columbine with fake firearms is based and it's definitely not controlled opposition I repeat we are not controlled opposition. Also, please. Let me get some justice for Yoba and chat. He needs you Hear that guys justice for Yoba. Let's see it. Let's see some representation in the chat No surprises. I didn't know you were a justice fan Josh. You should play waters of Nazareth from the extremes intro and make everyone's ears bleed I just like stress. I don't know why I love if you don't know if you search justice stress there's a music video and this music video is It's it's it's that really crazy tune I plays the intro but set to like these some black immigrants and 3:01:41 Unknown_16: like walking around smashing shit for no reason like uh there's implied like sexual assault and stuff and it's just like it's so agonizing to watch it makes you so angry and it's like filmed it's like it's not like real footage but it's like filmed and it just makes you so pissed off and it feels so real 3:02:26 Unknown_16: And despite being you know achieving its purpose of making you feel that so that stress that anxiety It's banned from showing up on TV because like the French censorship authorities felt that it was so Successful at portraying these likes black immigrants as being horrific people That it would be like a dangerous thing to let the public see because they would assume it was real and develop like xenophobic sentiments so Unknown_16: There's a really interesting quote about the song that goes it's it's a song that you can't play on radio Because it's like instrumental and it's really like hard on the ears And it's a song it's a song that you can't play It's a music video that you can't play on tv because it's legally banned because it's so offensive. That's a pretty interesting piece of music Um Unknown_16: Cole Cole for five says I think graph did the same thing to me, too I think he deleted my account and banned my IP from making a new one all I did was disagree with a personal and different note about making Kiwi farms that C was a betrayal of graph and then finding out I have a Kiwi farms Kiwi firms that CC. I think existed before post so I don't know how that's a betrayal he brought it back and 3:03:30 Unknown_16: NeoGalaxy for five says Josh the Chad Thundercock Medicare Fembot XL now fuck off don't even don't even oh No, and she's not even white so no flat-out Oda bear for 777 says oh Unknown_16: Hey, Josh, is there a way to encrypt better versus DMS and other information also would one set up IP hashing with V Chen I'm very retarded and followed chat GPT system told me to make changes to post up PHP If you want to set up that you unless it's like a built-in feature. You're gonna have to change the entire way the database works I think you just talk to Frederick Frederick's lonely just email Hot Wheels and be like hey, bro. I want to set up a Vychan instance, and I want Hashing as far as like encrypting shit on the FedEverse. No you can't use signal 3:04:14 Unknown_16: Hostile got over five says looking forward to more podcasts every week listening to you talk about the Fediverse people I've actually interacted with is a strange feeling having a solid eight weekend I mean the Ezra as Krunkler likes to call them. They are the podcast race a weird bunch by the way a shout out because now that I've been reminded of all the people in the links leaks the one who came out there looking the best was 3:04:48 Unknown_16: Wormwood, who does those comics, the comic artist Wormwood. There are so many thoughts and homosexuals trying to tempt him with with a bussy and pornography and booba and he simply says no. No, I am right with Christ and I do not desire your foul temptations. Unknown_16: Thoughts be gone. 3:05:30 Unknown_16: And so they were, and it was good. One word on that grind set, that Jeebus grind set. Unknown_16: Crispy Legs for 9.66 says, smiley face. Unknown_12: Thank you very much, I appreciate it. Unknown_16: Hexican369 for 50. Thank you for the money, I will spend it on drugs. Thank you very much. For 55.55 says, Pulse Chain is live, 555. Shout out to Richard Hart, 666. Unknown_16: Assume that is an advertisement for a cryptocurrency, so if you're interested in wasting your fucking money You can invest it in pulse chain or you can super chat me probably a better use of your money and that's in the hot race Best me the Antioch for five says I watched a bit of Kingpin a stream snipe and I can say that is 1,000% confirms everyone in America first our closet faggots who want to fuck each other Male friend groups don't make constant jokes about fucking each other unless they're all gay. Yeah, I agree Beardson's probably gay now. He tried a woman and then she dumped him and now she wants to be like Jeffrey Dahmer He wants a man that can never leave him 3:06:12 Unknown_16: Mr.. Five says, what's up, Josh? I got a date with a hot Jewish girl her dad's side tonight, so I'm currently Jelking while watching Betty glad to see the site is back up on clear net hashtag hustle by the way you can use this five dollars towards the site No, I cannot Good luck on your date though. I mean if you're gonna like set the stage for your date by joking It's kind of disgusting to be quite honest with you, bro Remember a Jewish woman will ruin your life, so I've heard I All those people sound like cringe. 3:06:58 Unknown_16: Let me sit on your face. Josh is my hair I mean really like juvenile fucking like birds on 35 acting like a fucking 12 year old. It's really pathetic I wonder why his wife left him could it be that he's emotionally stunted forever and will always will be no that can't be it Could is it because he's physically stunted as well? Yes, very likely. Let me sit on your face. Josh is my hero for $100. 3:07:48 Unknown_16: Says Keffel is jump scare and jump scare. It is sitting there minding my own business, enjoying my thoughts. And then I have to hear Keffel's voice. I have to change. I should, I should do what I said before and just change it to something random each week. Unknown_16: Anonymous for five says baked Alaska is fundraising one sixers for a really skeevy way. Unknown_16: I don't know what a 1-6er is. 3:08:19 Unknown_16: What's a 1-over-6er, chat? Unknown_16: He's teaming up with someone named Helena Gibson, who's friends with him and Fed informant Enrique Torrio, to raise money for them using Gibson Go. Oh, January 6ers. Okay. The whole thing glows. Unknown_16: I mean, Gibson Go sounds like it would kick them off. I don't think you can raise money for people that they think are guilty. Like that's their official policy. Unknown_16: I don't blame them for trying to help those people out though, cuz there's like completely fucked over. It's really sad Hmm frog God for five says always excited for Fridays. Love your streams. Thank you. Appreciate it I'm sorry that you can't post your frogs on the site anymore. My boy one day you will be able to 3:08:53 Unknown_16: Let me sit on your face Josh as my hero for $100 says name the pigeon Jeffrey Eggstein and Chantal also When is the site gonna be up again soon? You cannot steal my pigeons names though. That's sacrilege. You have to come up with their own names low for 483 says IT department at work gave me shit for forgetting to turn off core while accessing my work email on my browser fix the site So I don't get shit again Just use a different browser 3:09:38 Unknown_16: Why are you using the cute farms at work? They're gonna watch you do that anyways, aren't they? Unknown_16: It's not a good idea Scar for five says 2023 will be the year of my revenge the colossal con Wave pool shall run red with the blood of my enemies all of Sandusky will remember my name. I'm coming for you at the gay store I'm no fucking idea what any of that means. I don't understand the gay score thing at all. I apologize. Good luck though I am a vena for five says you have a plex server what shows or films you got on it What is a plex server? 3:10:18 Unknown_16: Your name by the way is a very clever reference so when JFK went to Vienna and said ish then vena the really famous sentiment Resignated with all the Austrians for years and Unknown_16: Plex is the software company that develops its namesake streaming media service and client-side media platform. Plex is a media server. No, I do not have a Plex server. Unknown_16: I got a bunch of movies on my computer though. But I really haven't had time to watch a movie in forever. Unknown_16: Fiener did nothing wrong for five says neighbors referencing 40k everywhere I think they sound super edgy and cool, but don't realize they just sound like modern super hula. You're not funny or clever You just sound cringe PS kill wrangle sneak cord never dies currently viewing thread Chantal, etc Thanks appreciate it I Agree that 40k sucks. I have no interest in that. I 3:11:01 Unknown_16: Sanctus Ordo Meguminus gravidae for five says we in the Megumin faction and appreciate Linda and would never bully him You hear that Linda? They apologize. I'm glad that I've resolved this for you Jim DNA for five says I suggest every anime fan stand in the front of the mirror and speak the name of their Favorite anime and feels the infallible sadness wash over them when they realize they're overweight and single now whisper Yoba, and you'll lose 20 pounds even on pizza day That's true. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, just like, look, look yourself in the eyes and just describe your favorite anime. Describe the plot like you would to someone who has no concept of what anime is. 3:11:51 Unknown_16: So in my favorite anime, okay, first of all, the main character, the 13 year old girl, and she's socially awkward. Unknown_16: And basically there's an episode where she is massaging her back and then fall asleep. And her dad walks in and it looks like she was masturbating to her favorite boy band. And there was a time that she cheated on cards. It's like, just imagine, just look yourself in the face when you describe these things. 3:12:27 Unknown_16: My favorite anime is the TV show where it's about a brother and his sister and like other girl and like he goes into a coma at some point and he like jerks off to work while she's in contest and And then cries because he did this and he's like really embarrassed about it Like just describe it and see what happens see see if you can manage to finish your thought Actually finish the plot synopsis without becoming too embarrassed to continue Um Unknown_16: Jim DNA for five says I suggest earlier about lumens loom mine shin for 1074 says for your company site thing would Hugo be a good idea for doing the site? Basically parses markdown files to create a site supports tags and stuff Unknown_16: Is it like a tool that takes like syntax and then uses a templating thing to create static files? If so, it might be I was considering that as well so that I wouldn't have to be completely 100% HTML It could just be something where you have like templating files, but it's like it's like mostly static and it compiles static I know there are things like that never So I'll look into it 3:13:31 Unknown_16: It has to be fast though. It has to be like fast and retard proof. And the main thing that, um, I'm considering is that like a search feature. I don't know if I would back in that or front in that. Unknown_16: How for 10 says, hello, Josh. And once again, here to show my support, keep things up, keep up the good work neighbor. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'll try my best. Uh, I will be busy this week though. Um, due to aforementioned paperwork. And then I will, uh, try to do more stuff. Unknown_16: Stinker for five says show this meme and all will be forgiving stalker child and there is and I funny thing Okay Women with a time machine and there's a man Thank you for letting me vote and the woman's like what the fuck men with a time machine go on Hitler tell Hadrian what happens if he doesn't finish off Judea and 3:14:28 Unknown_16: You know what's funny about Emperor Hadrian? Didn't he have like a boy concubine? Am I misremembering? Maybe that's, maybe that's a Talmudic misinformation, but I'm pretty sure Emperor Hadrian had like a nice boy on the side that he was fond of. Anonymous for five says, have you ever seen the movie Aniara? The need, the needless degeneracy aside, what do you think of its core message? I have never even heard of the movie Aniara. Unknown_16: Aniara a Spaceship carrying settlers to Mars is knocked off course causing the consumption obsessed passenger to consider their place In the universe. I have no idea. I've never even heard of us. I apologize. I cannot comment Actually for five says cat box file, okay, let's see. Oh 3:15:09 Unknown_16: Okay, so these are the headlines from the BBC here ready at least one person killed in Russian missile strike on Ukrainian medical clinic British citizen shot and wife dies of starvation after being left in Sudan and then breaking news British cycling bans transgender women from elite women's events after review so I guess the joke here is that um 3:15:45 Unknown_16: People being blown up in Ukraine and British citizens shot and wife dying of starvation after being left in Sudan is less breaking news than the trainees being kicked off the cycling teams sexy British Lexi glass for five says when do you do when you do your podcast? I usually go on a walk and right now there's an enormous bright rainbow in the sky makes me pretty sad that something so beautiful got turned into a symbol for butt sex and Unknown_16: Yes, and we all know who to blame for it, but I agreed that one day we shall shall reclaim we will return the rainbow She'll mode word scramble for five says let's play word scramble unscramble the letters below to spell out today's secret password to claim your special prize GIG NRE feel free to spam your guesses in the chat or yell it out as loud as you can so many people as possible can hear you It's ginger It's ginger. I know what it is. Nice try guy. I 3:16:40 Unknown_16: Thor grim grudge bearer for 517 says my bad did I I did donate in funny currency euro bucks Here's an extra 17 cents for you an extra 5 bucks to settle the grudge Godspeed and have a good pizza evening George Thank you very much. I appreciate you for for setting things straight Really means a lot to me. You know I am my phenotype inclines me towards every penny possible Unknown_16: Winston Fujimori says, I told my friends that the French are better than the British and they think I'm insane. Their arguments devolve into boomer talking points about them in World War I and World War II. I keep giving examples about how the French have evolved over the years to no avail. 3:17:14 Unknown_16: They both suck. Unknown_16: whenever the French get brought up and the Francophiles are like Actually, the French were the most powerful and significant military Entity in the European continent and perhaps even the whole world for hundreds of years In fact, even when World War two started everyone assumed that the French had the best standing military in the world Which is why it was such a shock when they fell so fast It's like yeah hundreds and hundreds of years a little fucking squabbles were the unified francophile 3:17:57 Unknown_16: Basically what it was is that the French had developed a pan-nationalist ethnic homogeneous country Way before any other country did so it was just bigger And then they developed nationalism before any other country did so they had a unified military structure And that's why they did better than any other country Until the Germans until the Prussians did the same exact thing with Germany and then they sucked Unknown_16: they lost and they fucking lost more and then when the one war that actually defined the world order came and they lost in six months the the ghost division just rolled up in paris like holla holla get dolla and then the next day hitler was was goose stepping under the the arc to triumph and that's what they'll be known for until france ceases to exist and it just becomes a constituent of the european union such is life 3:18:58 Unknown_16: Anonymous for five says my credits go a score went up 50 points, so I thought I would send you some shekels Also, I hate that Ford made a gay truck commercial fuck the trunes I can't sell my f-150 Josh also a truck suggestion for you is an older single cab Silverado. They're nice. I am considering a If I can find one Unknown_16: GMC I think it's is it a Durango or Dodge Durango? No, it's not the Durango No, the Durango is the issue. What's the big GMC truck? Unknown_16: Someone is it the Yukon is also a GMC is expensive. Yeah, that's the thing. It's very hard to find. It's cheap like you get like worse versions in Serbia and 3:19:41 Unknown_16: Sierra yeah, that might be it. I'm thinking of getting a GMC, but I know that they're more expensive But that's why you had a loon GMC's are the shit you guys. Oh, I've been doing my research our GMC is actually good. Oh Unknown_16: Yeah, France is over get a motorcycle. I mean, I wish I could get a motorcycle You know how I love motorcycles of anything or not had a motorcycle I'd be so jealous and now that doesn't have that nagging bitch wife of his around, you know, he could buy a motorcycle Tahoe Subaru conical Excel Okay, I Don't want a Toyota fuck Toyota Here's the issue. Okay. Listen. Oh my god. I don't want to talk about trucks. 3:20:32 Unknown_16: I I Unknown_16: I would prefer a vehicle with a diesel engine. And Toyota does not make any trucks with a diesel engine from what I, what I understand. So if I went a diesel, I would have to get a GMC and they're very expensive because, um, diesel fuel keeps longer. And, um, I believe that even the fuel economy is better or something. But that's because it runs at lower RPMs, but I don't care So I don't know that's just my thought. I don't I really don't need anything about About Vehicles I just know that I'm if I buy a vehicle I want it to work once The Civil War is started and supplies collapse, and I have to have you know a petrol Junk gallon a 50 gallon jug in my in my garage. That's my thought okay 3:21:06 Unknown_16: All right. Ask Wings. That's a great idea. I'll call in. Wings, you gotta give me... Here's what I need in my vehicle. What can you tell me, brother? What can you tell me, brother? Pitch me your pick. That would be great. That would be good content. I'll do that. Unknown_16: Um... Nautilus415 says, Bustin, the devil ain't got no riz. I'm gonna link to a video. Okay. 3:21:58 Unknown_09: Well, good morning. How is everyone this Sunday? Unknown_09: Has everybody tried that new coffee out in the community center? I got to say it's busted. Unknown_09: Isn't it busted today? This is a new song. Unknown_09: Your love is busted. Sing it with us. Unknown_16: This is bussing by trill song. I will allow you to seek it out on your own. Um, Woffins for 1488 says, uh, Foxford comics. 3:22:35 Unknown_16: And then he has linked a comic from Wormwood, who I mentioned- I gave a shoutout to just a little while ago. Uh, this is not the right one. Unknown_02: Welcome to the secret laboratory chum. Unknown_16: I'm going to combine these two creatures for my amusement. A mountain gorilla and a completely random human I found. Unknown_16: And now the gorilla's retarded. Unknown_16: There's actually a news article I didn't show where apparently on Apple photos and Google photos there was a scandal a couple years ago where the auto-recognition software kept classifying gorillas as black people or no other way around as black people as gorillas and And they just hard disabled gorillas as like a thing the AI can recognize So that if you open like upload pictures of actual gorillas even to this day, it doesn't categorize them It has no suggestions. It doesn't recognize them because it would still classify black people as gorillas if they If they if they were allowed to try and classify them 3:23:24 Unknown_02: Board developer for five says can you create a thread for your project idea that we can gauge interest in detail scope stack and group on? Unknown_16: I'm a popular high-level language would be more accessible and may require less babysitting on your part. I'd love to help I I think and this is what my pitch will be I will open the thread for it. I think that a node JS system that takes 3:24:10 Unknown_16: That takes templates and compiles static files would be the best thing at least as an entry level for the project So that's my pitch if you have an idea for what that would compose of Write it down, and I'll make a thread on the forum. You'll have to post by tour on it though Winston Fujimori for five says say nothing, but oh wait. I just want to say that I Joshua Connor moon love the Unknown_16: No, I'm not saying this for five Winston Fujimori says he loves the last few Pippa Pipkin streams and she played Deus Ex Pippa if you're listening to this Winston Fujimori wants to give you a big anime kiss kiss emoji shout out you and your husband ghost Thank You Winston 3:25:00 Unknown_16: Pope Urban for 5, oh wait, TwinkleTart for $100 says, rumor has it Graf knows where to get the best Minecraft mods. It's true. I heard he's a big fan of Minecraft. I heard that Lude the Wise is a big fan of Minecraft too. I heard that he likes to play Minecraft. He tried to Minecraft himself even three times. He should give it a fourth time. He should really boot up Minecraft and stare longingly into the distance and give it a go. I bet you the fourth time is the charm. Unknown_16: Thank you. Pope Urban for Five says, if you have Target gift cards, you might as well use them. Target already got their money when the card was bought. Cashing it in stocks them for no additional profit. Okay, here's what you do. You have a Target gift card. This is a hypothetical. I'm speaking about the video game Minecraft. I am not talking about actually doing this, nor encouraging people to. Go to Target, spend all your gift cards on oil, and then throw your oil on the ground. Just take like a gallon bucket of Crisco, buy it with your gift card, and then just dump it on the floor and say mop it up Jenny and then log out of Minecraft as you had your fun Shell mode word a scramble set or or you can buy children's clothing and burn it in front of the Show mode word scramble provides us congratulations everyone who correctly guessed today's secret password ginger your special prize will not being reported to the ADL and NAACP for a speech we live another day chat we live another day and Homosexual salesman for five says what is there not to get it's a store that sells gay services and products at a reasonable price not Interested. Thank you door slam Namas for 483 says Jay Josh. I actually somehow gave an end have an anime you might like it's called legend of black heroes It's basically speaking opera from a's but a war between republican dishes and I was wearing sex and not watching it Thank you anime for five says my favorite anime is meditation 3:26:24 Unknown_16: On the futility of life, also some men have gay sex. Wow, cool. Great to know. Thank you very much. Anonymous for 483 says, Hey Josh, have you seen the BBC has released his own disinformation program at how they think people can believe this shit. Link to media center, BBC news, transparency, verify. 3:27:07 Unknown_16: See this is what I was talking about. This is the anti a thing anti Disinformation stuff a brand to address the growing threat of disinformation and build trust with audiences by transparent Apparently showing all how BBC journalists know the information they are reporting All for it more bullshit. Just pump it through spend more money Unknown_16: Adonis for 43 says having seen the top tier episode where Toyota Hilux survives after being heavily abused plus I think Isis uses toy Toyota Hilux is and there might be these diesel variants Maybe I don't know I could go for Toyota. I guess I Just have I for whatever reason in my head I 3:27:47 Unknown_16: Chevy and GMC are brands that I like I don't even know why my grandpa always had Ford's My grandma drove a big Grand Marquis And I don't want to say what kind of car I've driven before because that is like a fucking Social Security number question I'll let you guess I Unknown_16: But yeah, I don't know but the only car guy I ever knew was a big Chevy guy And that's it for that let me check Odyssey real quick there is some tips on Odyssey Rickenbacker 15 says last Jonah was funnier in my head Here's the article in the video of troom getting the shit beat out of him by Italian police for flashing kids and threatening to infect Them with HIV. Oh that was like right in front of a school, too. I 3:28:46 Unknown_16: Trans identified male arrested after stripping in front of school threatening people with HIV Let's see Unknown_16: the role of your brothers three italian police brutally assaulted and pepper sprayed and kicked an unarmed trans woman malign criminalizing inciting violence against transgenderism has lethal consequences so-called gender ideology is used to justify government discrimination literally he was standing in front of a school naked and threatening passers-by with his own hiv blood if they came near him uh... he's lucky that uh... they probably didn't shotgun on because he has is like a A water balloon filled with- with AIDS. Yeah! 3:29:26 Unknown_16: Get him! Unknown_16: Get him! Arrivederci! Unknown_16: Stoppa da resisting! Boppa da boo! Unknown_16: Stoppa da I resista- I don't know! Unknown_16: Get your AIDS and blood away from me, you faggot! Unknown_16: The readers added context they thought people might want to know the incident took place in Milan on the May 24th the transgender individual being subdued by police had been reported after exposing his penis to school children and threatening to infect people with HIV He then violently tempted to evade arrest fuck. I love that system. That's the best goddamn thing that Elon Musk has added I Can't view this 3:30:11 Unknown_16: To see the penis on Twitter unless you give Elon Musk an account and you can't have an account because your Kiwi farms and your band Such as life Okay Josh complains are dot that dot for ten says Josh complains about milking men and yet he's determined He's trying to set up a second stream so he can milk all of us I just want to give people what they want and then maybe buy a truck with it. I 3:30:44 Unknown_16: Look, I'm trying to progress in my life. Don't hold it against me. I give you what you want. This is a symbiotic relationship. It's not exploitative A&N did nothing wrong for 10 says you finally noticed something Godwinson's done. He'll be so happy. Also shout out to the poster on the Jack Scalfani thread. He's still going Unknown_16: The Jackson funny people are on or on flinching. They have to a log that man God steed knowns for 50 Library dingle-dangle says funny seeing all the guys forced to sit and call while Rekheda talks about his sex dungeon That is true. You have like five people silent where he's just like man I can't get a contractor to extend my child's room to a sex dungeon 3:31:24 Unknown_16: a common filth respecter for $100 says howdy jewish how do you think chantal and jeffrey eggstein are doing i think they're getting enough peppers in their diet i think they should have found mates or found have found mates of their own are you a grand pigeon father one can hope and as always ignore side of my orders Unknown_16: I am sure that they're doing very well, eating French fries, eating little bits of KFC on the ground, getting the banana peppers, the Hungarian wax peppers as they're known in this region in their diet. And yeah, by the way, Common Filth is back producing videos, I think on Odyssey. 3:32:02 Unknown_16: So check that out if you were, I haven't seen it yet, but somebody told me I have to go check it out because I like Common Filth back in the day, though. Unknown_16: These days, I hope he's a logging Whitey white women less because they already get a long too much by homosexuals like AF Colin felt respect her again for $1 this time says we ever gonna hear from crunk Lord on stream No crank Lord is like a schizophrenic when it comes to his privacy He refuses to use the site anytime tour is not up and he only communicates via bizarre antique messaging applications I've never even heard of 3:32:45 Unknown_16: He's really crazy, but he's pretty cool, and he's never led me astray. Anytime I take his advice, it usually works out. Unknown_16: Even though I don't understand his logic half the time. Unknown_02: And on rumble there are some rumbles long border 241 says good afternoon Josh got another third print for you this time for some Kiwis For this one me and Rico crow from telegram worked on these together We wanted to send them to your PO, but you know that's right I can accept mail and again for five dollars is all also you can get 3d printers these days for like 80 bucks Including shipping off aliexpress, so it's a real low barrier to entry anyways enjoy That's really cute 3:33:29 Unknown_16: So you design these in like a um In like a like a I guess Sketchup is probably old but use like blender or something right and then you make like a model and then you can convert that to the 3d printer format and Then that contains instructions on how to use like Like some kind of material to actually build the construct I Don't really understand how the underlying technology works, so it's really cool. I Unknown_16: It's a definitely Because I know that when kovat hit there was a very specific part to ventilators that were hard like they're like thousands of dollars to get replacements of and there was some hospital in Italy that managed to Some guy there was like a hobbyist 3d printer guy and And he managed to 3D print a functional replacement for this ventilator part that was proprietary and inexpensive and time-consuming to get and was in high demand because COVID had just hit and they were able to like literally save lives with it as a Like a homebrew replacement for this this part, so it's I mean it's a really cool thing like I I'm all I'm a big fan of hobbies that are of an actual practical asset I think that People's hobbies should be productive. You know, it shouldn't be like television. It should be, you know, shit that's a skill that could be a job. You generally want two skill sets. You want one that you make money with, and then you want one that is just for you. 3:34:47 Unknown_02: And then he got sued. Unknown_02: I don't know the story with that. Unknown_16: That's just something that's in my head. It's like a cool story Okay, if you want to like bitch about Kovacs, you know, fuck it Long border 241 again for one says I talked to leaf and he said he'd be down to talk to you You may want to cause Fuentes is trying to turn him into a cat boy right now I mean Sure, why not he wants to talk sure I have to pick a time for that 3:35:42 Unknown_16: Alright last roll call make sure I didn't miss anything Then I'm done Let me sit on your face Josh for five says to my fan Stop giving Josh money to make him notice you if you want him to know she make sure it's $200 every time you donate. That's right. Unknown_16: I Got I got trucks to buy like wingo. I got my Ford Raptor f1 650 or whatever the fuck I know not if not even as a joke not even as a joke would I buy a Ford? You know why cuz I'm still wait Unknown_16: I'm straight and the straight man wears axe body straight and does not drive Fords because they're the mark of the beast now all these all these so-called rednecks driving around in their Fords drinking Bud Light behind the wheel and it's like oh you think that you think that just because you're drunk driving you're a redneck okay whatever you say sodomite sodomite enabler 3:36:35 Unknown_16: Okay, I'm out. I'm out. I'm done. Don't send me more money. I'm out. Unknown_16: This is a song by your boy MC Jarbo Wait shit fuck I hid stuff. I was trying to turn this off without doing that This just came out It's premiered while I was I Unknown_16: While I was streaming and now I get to show it to you Live on air I will see you guys Next Friday probably And Thank you very much. Thank you all the government people. Thank you all the super chats Take it easy. Bye. Bye I've realized that I need to be crystal clear about what I believe. 3:37:20 Unknown_07: Listen up, Anisa keeps denying the pussy, bitch. You'll find me is not like these fucking faggots who get down on their knees and go trying to the pussy, please. Cause how am I supposed to even compete with African wildebeest? This slut married a millionaire, took most of the hair that grows on his head. She just wanted to date a tramp and shoot heroin. Trust me, she'd come drain Froggy fresh too if I didn't boot her from the main event. We never faking, never awoke until you've been awakened. 3:37:55 Unknown_07: And she'd say something like, if you ain't earned your strike, boy, I guess it's there for the takin' I took two shots right to the hip of canvas Shook like a bitch while my bitch spread her fat puss I took two shots right to the hip of canvas And started cryin' right before I get the canvas down That's another fuckin' nigga faggot Can you remember when you weren't such a nigga faggot? That's another fuckin' nigga faggot Dude, I thought you were actually funny when you weren't such a fuckin' nigga faggot Nothin' but a nigga faggot 3:38:38 Unknown_07: I don't think anyone deserves that level of cruelty or hate. It's also indoctrinated a lot of people into thinking that this is an okay way to behave. Unknown_07: I got bullied for my packed lunch when I was at school. Dropped my head in the toilet, grabbed a chain and then pulled. One day I called him a hater, nigga. I thought it would be cool. Twenty years later, I don't throw punches, I prep bowls. My wife's fucked at least a hundred of the same fools. 3:39:17 Unknown_07: Babe, my head's still in the toilet eating all the soft stool You dumb bitch, how can you display the gash? To everyone at the motherfucking Creator Clash So I guess they finally grasped That G-rated ass is worth 20 times more than a chin made of glass Can still taste dried up jizz on this beta cache Let's just say some niggas became attached Ian dropped the keys, dropped the paper stash Didn't even leave here with my name attached Nigga faggot 3:39:52 Unknown_07: That's all in the past, I'm the future of this bitch. Why else would they call me Betamax? Unknown_00: Man, her penis is a blast. Unknown_07: Sometimes we sit back and laugh, and just freeze-frame the moment that my face got smashed. She says that it's her favorite match, my greatest chance to get a semi-dilated snatch. So when her legs open smoothly, and almost mechanically, I know it's the ass-whooping fucking wasabi handed me. Goddamn! Oh, that's another fucking make or sack. Can you remember when you weren't such a make or sack? Unknown_07: I'm also sorry to all the black viewers 3:40:57 Unknown_07: FADER! FADER! Unknown_19: NIGGA FADER!