Let's see, so far so good. Every single person seems to be complaining about audio issues, but that is to be expected at this point.
Unknown_14: Let's see, okay, so.
Unknown_14: Have a strike on YouTube and I got it within 24 hours of ending the stream yesterday, which is a record I've never gotten a strike that fast and I think the issue is that um There are like multiple people who are like watching streams trying to get strikes. So I'm just going to
go to, okay, I'm looking, it's working on Rumble, but Odyssey, okay, so we're just gonna switch over to Rumble then. I had prepared for this inevitability, so I do have the Rumble chat ready to go in case of such a situation. I will type Sneed in the chat to say hello.
Unknown_14: Oh, you know what?
Unknown_14: Forgot that rumble has the dumbest fucking thing where to?
Unknown_14: to stream on their site you have to like specifically change the RMTP every single time you start the stream. Okay, so I'm gonna change that really quickly I'm gonna press start and it's gonna work this time and now Rumble should be online Lovely okay
Nope, that's the wrong one. That's the intro song. Is it gonna work? Is it gonna work? It does say that I'm streaming. I started streaming.
Unknown_14: Okay, now it works. Okay, wonderful.
Unknown_14: Okay, so... Yeah, it sucks. I don't know what the issue is with Odyssey.
Unknown_14: So I don't know.
Unknown_14: show us on your stream. Okay, fine.
Unknown_13: I'll show the fucking honesty chat.
Unknown_14: Look, I don't know. I'm just going to stream. If you're going to come yell at me for not showing the right chat when there are two different sites that both work, um, and you complain that neither of them are adequate, then, uh, we're still alive. Okay, fine.
Today's just gonna be a chill stream. It stuck up on me. I've been busy with other stuff I mentioned last stream that I was working on getting the site back up on original hardware and that went okay.
Unknown_14: I Lie, there's a full day of downtime and that kind of shook off some of the sites activities, which is unfortunate But we're climbing back up which is okay I
So The big happening this week is the Sam Hyde shit that I have been Vaguely following just because it's so all-consuming, but I don't have the opportunity not to watch it I Have a have a usual roster. Sorry. I'm very scatterbrained today. I've been I've been on ten different places at once and And now I am trying to stream in a very unusual setup.
Unknown_14: With a lot going on, so I'm a little bit scatterbrained. I will proceed, I have my tabs, I'm good to go. I just have to turn on the autopilot and proceed down.
Unknown_14: on on and by the way i have i have allergies i'm allergic i'm allergic to both dust and trees i go outside i start sneezing i stay inside i continue to sneeze um and it's just miserable if i ever have a child i will take them outside and then find a pine cone full of pollen and I will shake that shit right in their face. And then I'll bring home, okay, bring them home and find the dustiest corner of my house and just shovel dust right into their nose holes and be like, child, inhale this so that you may grow strong. You may grow, and then eat these peanuts and this lobster. I'm gonna make you a crab, fish, lobster, anchovy, dust pollen meal, complete with peanuts. And you will enjoy it, you will eat it.
and you will grow up stronger than I. Um, okay. So article by the register who says that de-platforming hate forums doesn't work. British boffins warn.
And now this is an interesting title because it says one thing and then goes on to explain another if the subtitle demonstrates this perfectly. Industry intervention alone cannot deal with harassment.
Unknown_14: Depriving online hate groups of network services, also known as deplatforming, doesn't work very well, according to Boffins, based in the United Kingdom. In a recently released pre-print paper, An Vu, Alice Hutchings, and Ross Anderson from the University of Cambridge examine efforts to disrupt a harassment forum, Kiwi Farms, and find that community and industry interventions have been largely ineffective. Their study, undertaken as lawmakers around the world are considering policies that aspire to moderate unlawful or undesirable online behavior, reveals that deplatforming only has a modest impact in those running harmful sites remain free to carry on harassing people through other services.
De-platforming users may reduce activity and toxicity levels of relevant actors on Twitter and Reddit, limit the spread of conspiratorial disinformation on Facebook, and minimize disinformation and extreme speech on YouTube. The way- the words that they use are so, like, nauseating. I hate- I hate their language. They have their own, like, codebook of how to politely address things. Basically, what amounts to things I don't like or do not agree with.
They write in their paper, but deplatforming has often made hate groups and individuals even more extreme, toxic, and radicalized. As examples, they cite how Reddit's ban of RN cells in November 2017 led to the creation of two Ncell domains, which then grew rapidly. I also hosted them for a while. They also point to how the users banned from Twitter and Reddit exhibit higher levels of toxicity when migrating to Gab, among other similar situations. The researchers focus on the de-platforming of Kiwi farms in online forum blah blah blah. In early August last year, forum members allegedly sent a malicious warning to police in Ontario claiming that, which is not true, basically saying that we swatted them.
organized a successful campaign to pressure Cloudflare to stop promoting KiwiFarms with a reverse proxy security protection, which is an accurate description of what they provide, which helped the firm defend against dental service attacks. The research paper outlines the various interventions taken by lowercase i internet companies against KiwiFarms, and Cloudflare dropped KiwiFarms in September through last year.
Unknown_14: On September 10th the Kiwi farms domain stopped working five days later security firms start working with them 2018 all domains became inaccessible due to a hack and then There are further outages between October 9th and 22, but since then the forum has been active apart from brief service interruptions and I'll go down to say that
They've updated this in Silent Reddit. Hate is difficult to shift. And I'll skip to this. We believe that harms and threats associated with online communities may justify actions despite the right to free speech. May justify action despite the right to free speech. But within the framework of the EU and Council of Europe, which is based on the European Convention of Human Rights, such actions will have to be justified as proportionate and necessary in accordance with law. So basically, if we don't like something, even if it is obviously free speech,
Unknown_14: It may justify action, but it has to be proportionate, whatever the fuck that means. Apparently it's free speech, but it also justifies proportionate, necessary, and in accordance with the law, retaliation.
Then they say this. This is the best part. There are multiple research programs and field experiments on effective ways to detox young men from misogynistic attitudes, whether in youth clubs or small groups, at the scale of schools, or even by garnifying the identification of propaganda that promotes hate.
Unknown_14: But most countries still lack a unifying strategy for violence reduction.
Unknown_14: And then they updated this to add it since I actually saw and added this article to read. In a comment received after this story was filled, a spokesperson for the Anti-Defamation League disagreed with the report's findings. We issued a report on this in February, and in short, we do believe deplatforming is effective, the ADL spokesperson said.
Wow. So on one hand, we have the ADL saying that we need to force companies to police the internet. And then on the other, we have the experts from Cambridge and, um, what was the other one?
Unknown_14: The University of Edinburgh. And they believe that actually the law should be changed so that we can detox young men by putting them in special clubs.
Now, I've heard that the Council of Europe actually intends to open several of these special youth leagues within Poland and there will be free transportation by train for any misogynistic young men to these youth clubs where they'll be able to swim
Unknown_14: And, uh, and learn about how to be better citizens, better model citizens, uh, so that they can be detoxified. Detoxified.
Unknown_14: Other misogynistic attitudes.
Unknown_14: And then if that doesn't work, the ADL will simply beat them with a stick until they promise not to do it anymore.
Unknown_15: That bodes well for our future.
Unknown_14: Okay, speaking of Europeans, Augst ist effektiver als Hass. I cannot read this, it appears to be written by shitty Germans, so thankfully DeepL exists, and I will simply read this.
Social networks. Fear is more effective than hate. Negative emotions spread particularly quickly via social networks, but here there are two gradations. According to a new study, fear spreads faster than hate. For the study, a U.S. team analyzed 400,000 posts intended to spread fear and 700,000 hate speech posts on the social network Gab. Gab was chosen because the posts with hateful language are not removed due to loose moderation unlike with other platforms. They go on to conclude,
Fear-mongering is more successful than hate speech. Posts with fear speech are more often liked in Sherilyn Gabb than hate speech posts. In addition, users who post a lot of content with the goal of spreading fear usually have more followers than those who frequently post hateful posts.
Unknown_14: It says, fear speech also occurs on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, in addition to Gab. While hate speech is usually removed quickly and effectively, there's moderation systems. These systems do not recognize fear speech. So this is a new kind of speech to be looking out for. This is because these posts often refrain from using derogatory language. In addition, they are more subtly crafted, which is where the algorithms of the moderation system cannot distinguish fear of posts from normal posts.
According to the research team, it is often necessary to take measures against the spread of fear speech in social media because fear, just like hate, can lead to radicalization. What do they mean by fear speech? I actually skipped over this.
Unknown_14: The goal of fear speech is to spread fear of certain minorities, for example, by publishing statements based on false allegations. So when
You spread a statement saying that a Mohammedan plowed a seven-year-old into the pavement in a Swedish Christmas market.
Unknown_14: That is fear speech, because even though it is factually based, as opposed to being deliberate misinformation, it causes fear, and fear leads to radicalization. So not only is saying TND hate speech, which must be removed even though it's free speech, Fear of speech, in addition, can be truthful information, but as long as it causes negative emotions towards protected groups, not even minority groups, just protected groups, then it must also be banned and moderated, because it's actually more effective at creating radicalization than hate speech does directly.
Which, I mean, is true.
Unknown_14: Like, if you just see someone being incredibly racist, you're not particularly inclined to be like, oh, that guy has it going on. But if you see someone, like if you see articles about how they're killing and raping and stealing and defrauding, and you think, wow, this is a problem. Maybe this isn't a good idea. And that is the root issue. That is a threat to our one-world government, which we must take time
Unknown_14: or take deliberate efforts immediately to eradicate an effort made all the harder with the news that buzzfeed news is to be shut down now do not believe do not
You don't think that this means all of BuzzFeed. This is very specifically the news department of BuzzFeed, which supposedly, according to the biggest retards on the face of the fucking planet, did hard-hitting news journalism during the Trump administration. Because if you don't know,
Unknown_14: I want to say BuzzFeed was the one that published the news about the PP tapes. So if you want to know where the PP tapes come from, I think that was BuzzFeed. And even though that was demonstrably, provably false, I think a lot of people still think that BuzzFeed is like a real journalistic output. They're all getting fired, but I believe that BuzzFeed is owned by the same parent company as Huffington Post, so the best of the BuzzFeed news people are supposedly being shuffled into the Huffington Post news outlet, whatever their capacity was, either as a writer or editor or whatever.
But that is only one part. BuzzFeed is supposedly cutting headcounts across the board, especially international divisions. So if you work at BuzzFeed and you don't work in the English-speaking branch, you're fucked, basically.
Unknown_14: And then...
Unknown_14: They also said that they were going to try to increase revenue, which I assume means like shelling out more. They're just not going to just try to make that cheddar and they're going to try to be weaned off social media. The CEO of Buzzfeed said that the decline of social media sites like Facebook has directly impacted their profitability because
on modern social media like Instagram and TikTok and shit, there's not even really links to other websites anymore. You just have videos directly on those sites.
Unknown_14: And there's not even like, you can't even share stories at that point. So he's, he's looking into how to address that with their platform to stay competitive in the market.
Unknown_14: Now, in honor of this, actually, I have something special planned and I will leave it up to you. Ooh, do I even have the capacity to do a poll? I don't think I can do a poll on Odyssey, can I?
I cannot. Can I do a poll on rumble?
Unknown_14: I cannot.
Unknown_14: Okay. That is a problem. I cannot do a poll on either site. Um,
Unknown_14: Let's do this. Is pull me still a thing? It is. Okay.
Unknown_14: So, adjust. I don't want to publicly list it.
Unknown_14: Which test to take? Option A will be, which Disney princess are you?
Option B will be, which melancholy vegetable matches your personality?
Unknown_14: And then option C, who hurt you?
Unknown_14: So I'm going to create this poll. I now have my link and I will share it with both the rumble chat and the Odyssey chat. And then you can go ahead and take, um, you can tell me which tests you want me to take and I will take this buzzfeed test and we'll figure out the answer, whichever it may be.
Unknown_14: Okay, who hurt you is actually in the lead. I was actually, I was pretty certain it would be, which Disney princess are you? Nobody, not many people seem interested in the melancholy vegetable. I can't blame them.
Who hurt you is in the lead by like twice as many votes at this point. Okay. I'm going to call it there then. Who hurt you? I will take this test right here.
Unknown_14: Let's figure this out.
Unknown_14: Now, okay, where does it hurt? Old man, aching back, um, belly, knee, foot.
Unknown_14: This seems to be the exact same thing. I'm not sure what he's pointing. I guess that's his hip and this is like his lower back.
And that guy is crying cause it looks like he's having a heart attack.
Unknown_14: Um,
Unknown_14: I'll go with my lower back.
Unknown_14: Tell me how it feels. It aches, oh god it aches. It burns with the fire of 10,000 suns. It stings like a scorpion bite. It feels like a paper cut, an actual paper cut, not the song from Linkin Park's seminal album, Hybrid Theory. It feels like a knife twisting in my back and I have to poop.
Unknown_14: I wanna rate this LOL.
Unknown_14: The jokes are getting to me.
Unknown_14: I'm gonna say it feels like a knife twisting in my back. I get that feeling a lot.
Unknown_14: How are you coping with the pain? Medical marijuana, Advil, booze, Pepto-Bismol, therapy and yoga. Pepto-Bismol is a funny one. And booze is funny. Where's Xanax though?
Unknown_14: What if I'm not coping with the pain? Where's coffee and I'm not coping with the pain? You know, I'm gonna say yoga. I'm gonna say that I'm coping with it. I cope with it by just dealing with the pain every day without any of this bullshit.
Actually, you know what, maybe I'll say therapy, because I do these streams and that's close enough. Tell me how you've hurt since the dawn of time, since the divorce, about three months ago or so, since yesterday. It comes and goes, it comes and goes.
Unknown_14: I've always felt an existential dread. I will select that.
Unknown_14: Pick a doctor to complain to. Doctor House. I don't even need to look at that shit.
Unknown_14: Global warming! It's global warming that's hurting you, but hey, if it makes you feel any better, it's hurting all of us all the time. That probably didn't make you feel any better at home. Well, global warming disproportionately hurts people in developing nation. Wait, that's not good either. It was global warning the entire time. So I guess I have to say, how dare you? You've stolen my childhood.
You put profits over people. How dare you?
Unknown_14: How do you okay Do I even want to talk about how do I want to sum this up?
Three-parter I laid out very clearly in the math internet thread. So Matt's Matt Walsh's Twitter got hacked And maybe even his emails. So that's sucks for him. I
Unknown_14: He actually is having a very bad week. Not only did he get hacked, but now journals are obviously after that information. This one guy...
Unknown_14: He was a journalist, he got banned for asking for the doc's information, the hacked information. Del Cameron from Wired asked for the Matt Walsh DMs directly to his work email address and he got suspended from Twitter for doing that.
And at the same time he was demonetized on YouTube for not playing nice with trannies, which I can relate to considering I am banned off YouTube right now for not being nice to trannies.
Unknown_14: Such as it is, such as it is.
Unknown_14: I'm not gonna read all this but that's the gist is that he got demonetized and he's having an issue. I'll read the statement though
Unknown_14: Over the last year, my family has been harassed, threatened, doxxed, and now we can add hack to the list. Apparently the hacker had an insider who gave him access to my phone. A lot we still don't know, but we're finding out and there will be consequences. I have also made note of the members of the media who openly solicited stolen information from my phone. There'll be consequences there too. Fortunately, we can't afford, we can afford very good lawyers.
Uh, my prediction is there will be no consequences whatsoever as a result of this.
Unknown_14: Apparently he just had his phone stolen. Um, so I should remind everybody that SIM hijacking is a thing. SIM card hijacking is a thing. Um, where, so if you're using SMS as your two factor verification for like important stuff, you should change that like as soon as possible.
Unknown_15: Uh, so that's, uh, uh, though he will not be getting banned off Twitter for deadnaming anyone because as it turns out,
Uh, Twitter.
Unknown_14: has removed its policy against deadnaming trans people. This was a policy that was added, I think in 2018, though it does not say that here, and Elon Musk, oh yeah, 2018, and Elon Musk has reversed that decision, which means that you are now completely free to say someone was born as a man and you will not be banned for it as long as certain other qualifying factors is not met. So at this point I should remind everybody that Elon Musk deliberately refuses to unban my atkivifarms.net twitter account. Every month, every week or so I send a new appeal and it's just Elon in all caps and many like I put like a thousand O's and then a bunch of exclamation points and I submit that about once a week every week since he has bought and taken over Twitter.
And he has not unbanned me I will continue to do this until my demands are met and I had been reinstated I will not elaborate any further in my in my I tried to be all nice and legalistic. I will just continue to say Elon And that's it Let's cause a little bit of a freakout
In addition to this he removed all blue chest check marks except for people who are paying so now like The the pontifex the Pope has been D verified on Twitter So now the check marks are effectively meaningless except for the ones that are for brand accounts. I'm actually gonna skip ahead
Unknown_14: Because there is something kind of related to this that I might as well just jump ahead and show because it's pretty funny.
Unknown_14: Um, geez.
Unknown_14: So I don't even know how to, you'll know who, there's a person, his name is Brianna.
Unknown_14: Brianna Wu, also known as John Walker Flint, he became known in Gamergate because he deliberately inserted himself into Gamergate. Nobody had ever heard of this tranny before Gamergate. And then at some point he just steps in and says, I am the most victimized person by Gamergate ever. And I'm a strong, proud lesbian woman.
And for some reason they became instantly famous for this. All sorts of articles were published about how Brianna Wu was the most victimized, true and honest lesbian to ever exist.
Unknown_14: Brianna Wu was the person who Jace, from my Dingle Nation stream, tried to street race to the grave with his mother's Prius. The person who was playing Jace got a visit from the FBI over his credible death threats against Brianna Wu, which kind of made him ease off of the Brianna Wu stuff.
And then after Gamergate ended, Brianna Wu became effectively a nobody, because Gamergate was their only claim to fame.
Unknown_14: However, they briefly gained some drama recently, because Brianna Wu, to this day, despite the copious amounts of evidence, denies being a tranny.
Unknown_14: There are homosexual, transsexual, HSTS, which is a type of tranny. There are many kinds. You have the autogenophile, who is just a hideous man who gets off on being in a dress. You have the people with chromosomal disorders that have actual chemical imbalances. You have children who are just groomed into it. But then you have the homosexual, transsexual. The HSTS is the best passing one. And their main thing is that they want to be desired by straight men. That's their fetish. So that's like the Dylan Mulvaney's. They usually do the most effort to look like women.
And that's why Brandon Wu is married to a Chinese man and they just pretend to be husband and wife.
Unknown_14: uh... and he refuses refuses refuses to say that he's training even though he identifies as l g b t q i p plus because he says that he's bisexual so he's a bisexual and therefore he gets all the benefits of being in a minority class despite being a quote-unquote white woman Now let's call some drama recently because people mentioned like is Brianna woo doing like trans face He says that he's not a tranny, but I swear by looking I swear that he was I look at him I say that damn that's a fucking tranny. So I'm surprised to hear that. He's not a tranny So is he just pretending to be LGBTQ a P plus?
And then Brenda said, no, I'm bisexual, even though I'm married to a man. And if you were to believe that I was a woman, then I'm just in a straight relationship, a straight monogamous relationship as a white woman. I'm still LGBTQ plus because I identify as bisexual.
Unknown_14: Uh, they got into trouble recently for that. However, now, with the new, um... Yeah, he's white.
John Walker Flint. The name Wu comes from, uh, his husband.
Unknown_14: However, now with Twitter reversing that policy of allowing deadnaming, this has happened. A woman who has a very funny both screen name and Twitter handle, she goes by atfimoid, also known as Volvomort, says, who's this, Brianna?
Unknown_14: And it is a collage of images demonstrably proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Brianna Wu is a transsexual born John Walker Flint. And for whatever reason, he continues to deny this to this day.
And, uh, there's a back and forth, uh,
Unknown_14: where i was directly threatening volvo more a case of more aid uh... saying keep on talking horse shit lab my lawyer likes it they don't have any family they disown me i was homeless i came back from zero dollars my bank account living in a honda accord there's nothing wrong with sex work but i earn my money in stem voltz says you keep threatening legal action over what brianna your story sounds the same as mine why you asserting that's different on no basis and i look successful now
There's obviously something wrong with sex work if you make the distinction, retard.
Unknown_14: And then Brenna keeps crying that this person is cyberbullying them and deadening them. And there's literally nothing that he can do to stop her from completely dabbing on her.
Unknown_14: Which is very funny.
Unknown_14: I try to like Elon Musk, but I can't.
Unknown_14: It's a shame. It's a shame. There's a lot of like...
Unknown_14: There's a lot of people I would like to like, but...
Unknown_14: I don't know if I just have insane purity standards for people or what. And it costs me a lot of opportunity to just be honest and be like, I don't like this person and I don't trust them. Not specifically with Elon Musk, but with like other people as well. It's like, if I really want to kiss ass and play games with people, then I probably could, but I just don't want to. So it kind of sucks on one hand. But on the other hand, it's like, I probably avoid a lot of long-term complications by not dealing with people.
That's right, trust no, bitch. Trust no, bitch.
Unknown_14: Sorry, I have to keep muting because I have a really deep cough in my lungs. I don't want to cough on the mic. I'm slowly dying to my allergies.
Okay, tearing back into the news.
Unknown_14: Ron DeSantis, my governor, Ron DeSantis, the most base Cuban to ever live, has signed a law saying that any pedophile shall be put to death in the state of Florida. However, there is an issue with this.
Unknown_14: There's two issues, actually. One's funny, one's not funny. The first one, I'll just say, is not funny.
This has been a law before, and it was challenged in the Supreme Court and found wanting.
Unknown_14: In Kennedy versus Louisiana, a dangerous child predator raped a child and physically maimed it in the process. And it went all the way up to the Supreme Court in 2008, so this was rather recent. And the Supreme Court said that it was cruel and unusual punishment to sentence somebody to die for anything less than a homicide offense. So even in the most egregious of child abuse cases, the U.S. Supreme Court in 2008 believed that only, it's eye for an eye, only a murder can be met with capital punishment.
Unknown_14: We do live in interesting times, and the case law regarding Planned Parenthood had been on the books for like 50 years, I want to say, until it was overturned. So it is possible that this will be challenged in the court, and the new Supreme Court will say, actually, you know what, we were wrong in 2008. It's perfectly okay to execute child predators.
Unknown_14: Who knows?
Unknown_14: However, we have to look... Actually, I kind of want to read this, and I'll read it after. I want to point out that this one training in particular says, in response to breaking, Florida Senate Committee has unanimously passed a bill that would give the death penalty to those who commit sexual crimes against children, saying, I'm not going to be around the bush, but DeSantis is going full Putin.
And then people wonder why do random retards in the US support Russia? Maybe when you say that Putin executes child predators and we don't because we're retarded, everyone goes, hmm. I don't know, that Putin fella has got a couple good ideas kicking around saying we should kill them chomos and shit. Shit, man. I think that's a good one right there.
Unknown_14: They can't stop themselves from advocating for our international enemies.
This is solely so they can start executing LGBTQIAP plus people. If you're queer and in Florida, get out while you can. So, uh, Ashley Lynch says that only gay people are going to be impacted by a bill allowing the execution of child molesters. I don't know if Ashley Lynch is so fucking stupid that can't see what that says, but that's what they said. And they followed this up by saying, add this to the bill that just came out in the Senate, allowing the death penalty for anyone who's sexually victimized as a child read is queer and flora is ramping up to start legally executing LGBT people.
Unknown_15: Oh, wow. So wow.
Unknown_14: They changed the death penalty sentencing. It used to be unanimous that the jury had to vote in favor because there's two different things. First, you have to find if someone's guilty and then they also have to come to the conclusion that if they deserve the death penalty, it's a death penalty hearing is a separate proceeding.
Unknown_14: So it used to be that the jury had to be unanimous in favor of the death penalty, which was very rare. Usually there would be one person holding out that, you know, regardless of how bad that person is, that we shouldn't kill people. And it could just be like, I don't believe that the government should ever kill anybody. That can be a legitimate reason for being against the death penalty.
But then again, actually,
Unknown_14: Technically, when you get selected for a jury trial that has capital punishment, you have to say that you would vote for the death penalty under some circumstances. If you're totally against the death penalty, they ask you to say so so they do not put you in the jury.
Unknown_14: But what people say and what they actually believe are not always the same thing. So it's usually very rare that someone
actually gets sentenced to death. But here we have a case where they've opened it up a little bit so there is some, it's a two-thirds majority instead of a full, total unanimous verdict to get a death penalty. To which Ashley Lynch says that this is a coded way of executing gay people.
Unknown_14: Which, if you don't know, despite making up 5% of the population, gay men perpetrate 50% of all sex abuse crimes against children, which is a bit of a discrepancy.
Though, however, it is something like 98% of all sex offenders against children are men.
Unknown_14: So I don't know. I don't know how you want to cut that one, but I think that gay men are, you know what?
Unknown_14: Actually, I'll say that I'll say that we're gonna be talking a lot about child abuse today I guess because of the Nick Fuentes shit I do want to go back to their arguments against the death penalty though because that is kind of interesting which is what they say Permitting the death penalty for child rape will worsen the problem of underreporting sexual abuse
I don't find that one particularly convincing.
Unknown_14: Allowing Louisiana to execute child rapists will increase the incentives on child molesters to kill their victims. I do find that one persuasive. And then also the Louisiana statute would subject child victims to an increased number of trials and appeals forcing them to relive painful events repeatedly and disrupting the healing process.
Unknown_14: Eh.
Unknown_14: I kind of find that one convincing. The main one is this. I do believe that.
Unknown_14: But then again, I don't know. Child molesters can't molest the child that they've killed. And so there is an incentive for them not to kill their victims.
Uh, but then again, if you kill their victim, then you're also liable for the death penalty here. I'll, I'll, I'll let me do a poll. I'm curious about my audience. Do you think we should kill pedophiles? yes yes no or no no but i'll clarify no pro death no only for cap for murder no never never i don't trust the government
Unknown_14: I made the poll. I'm going to post it. I have posted it in the honest need chat and now also in the rumble chat for the one guy in there. And let's see. So with about 150 votes in 75% of people,
Unknown_14: About 75% believe that we should kill pedophiles. 25% says no, never, I don't trust the government. Which is a pretty understandable take. I understand, I get it, people who think that we should just not have the death penalty because our government is so fucking corrupt and stupid that we should just never trust them with that capacity in total. I do understand that position. I just disagree. I think we should kill more people. And if we get it wrong, that's too bad.
And then there are a minority of people who think that we should delineate between the death penalty for pedophiles versus murderers. Which is interesting.
That's the position I can't understand. I think that if we are going to kill people, we should kill a lot more people. I think we should kill drug dealers too. We should just kill tons of people. There's a lot of people who we have no use for in society. And if we are going to have a death penalty, we should not be holding back. I think drug dealers,
Unknown_14: mules, sex traffickers, pedophiles, murderers, anyone indicted of government corruption at any level. I don't care if you're taking a $5 bribe at the DMV to process an application faster, automatic death sentence, but they'll never do that. They'll never execute people in the government because they need people to work for them and feel safe even if they're being corrupt.
Billions must be legally executed by the machinations of government.
Unknown_14: Now, I've never watched this, but I was told I must. So chat, we will watch this thing. This is Weekend Update Molly Kearney, who I know nothing about, on anti-LGBTQIAP plus bills in the United States from SNL. So this should be very funny because it's on SNL.
And I will drop my audio a little bit, I'm aware that it's quite loud, um, when I play a clip, so I'll be watching my levels.
Unknown_06: Since the start of this year, over 400 anti... Since the start of this year, over 400 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced across the country, many of which directly target trans youth. How is people laughing as he says this?
That's a that's a fat bitch, ain't it? Why is she non-binary?
Unknown_14: Because she's like so fat that she defies gender? Is that what's going on? Is that the joke?
Unknown_17: Made it! Thank you, Mr. Che!
Unknown_06: Molly, what is all this?
Unknown_17: Well, as you know, I've been wanting to come to Update and talk about trans people. But I have for a much longer time than that wanted to fly down from the ceiling.
Unknown_06: And did it live up to your expectations?
Yeah, but I'm not gonna lie, this harness is pretty tight and my groin area is beefed!
Unknown_13: Wow.
Unknown_14: Why is it talking like that? It's like doing like, it's like my dick.
Unknown_14: Let's make it like retard noises.
Unknown_14: It's like, it's like he's trying to, he or she or it or whatever the fuck is trying to bite his own ear and talk at the same time.
Unknown_06: That's an awesome transition. So as of this week, there are now over 14 States that have passed bills restricting healthcare for trans kids.
listen to that michael restricting health care for kids for some reason there's something about they i hate health care they're they're prohibiting children from cutting off their own dicks and shooting like like hormones in their veins
Unknown_14: And they're trying to say, like, 14 Republican lawmakers have banned braces for children. They ban chemotherapy for kids. They say that children should not be allowed to put dangerous chemotherapy toxins in their bloodstream, even when they have cancer.
it's there's so much like constriction of language it's like with the articles about um detoxifying thought and and how they carefully have to word around what they're actually saying they can't just say they're banning like hrt for children no they're banning health care trans that makes people forget the word kids if you don't care about trans kids lives it means you don't care about freaking kids lives wow no i don't care about trannies i can uh
Unknown_06: I can tell you're really upset about that.
Unknown_17: I am! And also, my legs are going numb and I might pass out! Molly, how long were you hanging up there? Longer than I would have liked. I tried to call... Why does this person talk like that?
Unknown_13: Look at that fucking face. Why do they talk like that?
Unknown_17: Now that no one could hear me... You know, at one point, I heard a crew guy say, is she gonna die up there?
Unknown_17: And then another guy was like, you mean, are they going to die up there?
Unknown_14: That's me. That's me on the crew. Which feels a lot like how trans people are being treated right now.
Unknown_13: Oh my god.
Unknown_13: Why do they do this? Is this like the bar? Is this like, is this the IQ level that somebody watching television in 2023 is at?
Unknown_14: Like fucking zero. Below, like I bet you if you took an IQ poll of like the average viewer who still watches cable television. I bet you it would be like 85 tops.
Probably below 80 at this point. Like fucking braindead. We have a code word for emergencies and it was trans rights. They wrote this.
They wrote this and they like timed the skits and stuff. This is like, this isn't like improv. They both knew what, what they were going to be saying. And they like, they, this is a script. They scripted this.
Unknown_17: They got my pronouns right! Let's go!
Unknown_17: Wait a minute, before I go, I want to talk to you. What's happening, kids, is wrong, and you don't need to be scared. Our job is to protect you, and your job is to focus on being a kid. It's kind of like me flying in the SNL sky. There's a bunch of dudes asking you about your crotch and controlling when and where you're allowed to pee. But if you just hang on, you'll look up and realize, you're flying, kid!
Hey! Hey, Mr. Che, am I still in the frame? I mean, your feet are.
Unknown_06: No!
Unknown_17: Trans rock! Yeah!
Unknown_04: Marty Kearney, everybody! For Weekend Update, I'm Michael Che. I'm Colin Jost. Good night.
They're gonna like show this in history books and be like, this is what predated the event. There was an event and it was horrific. We look back on it and we think, damn, I can't believe civilized people did all that. That's one of the most... Bloody events in human history. It'll be out. It'll be between, you know, it'll be like when I talk about how we'll be in the Civil War, it'll be around that time and we'll be in the event and we'll be thinking, damn, that's fucked up. How did we get to this? And we'll have all this media and we'll show like the historians will show. So this was what they were playing on television for people before the event. And then people will be like, ah, I get it. I understand now. It makes sense.
uh... that he could use it uh... yeah i i i i can understand that makes sense uh... i thought a little bit extreme at first and then i should i saw what they were showing people in television and now i get it now it now it now uh... okay so a very very autistic person more interested in couples and anybody that couples is ever known or loved and his entire life has deduced
According to him, that Keffels has never gone to rehab.
Unknown_13: And they might be thinking, but Keffels managed to stay almost like two months off social media.
Unknown_14: Nothing short of a rehabilitation program could have prevented, could have stopped that, could have stopped Keffels from using his phone to tweet about asinine shit.
Unknown_14: The truth is.
Unknown_14: It does appear that Keffels has never stopped tweeting. They moved to a private Twitter account with a Pepe the frog avatar called. Oh, is it not going to load? Is my site like dead as I, as I'm trying to access it? No. Do I have to like open Kiwi flower again?
Unknown_14: It's just that none of the images work. Very fascinating chat.
Unknown_14: I put in all my blood and tears and sweat to try and get this site to work. And it's not Keffel's keeping it down. I'm just a retard and I can't get it to work no matter what I do.
Unknown_14: Oh, it still doesn't work. This very specific image does not want to load regardless of what I try. Okay, whatever.
So they have a secret Twitter account and they've been tweeting the entire time. And uh, apparently they have simply been in Northern Ireland
Unknown_14: in a gay polycule with their third fiancé of three years, um, to keep them company.
Unknown_14: And they have just been lying about being on rehab. Uh, so it's not like confirmed that just seems to be the case based off of this person's musings and looking at their, uh, tweets and basically confirming through proxy that these are directed towards keffels, but private.
But because it's not super confirmed, I'm sure there's not going to be any consequences for this. Nobody cares.
Unknown_14: So who knows? Who knows what's going to happen because of that? $100,000 spent on fucking Xannies. What is it with Xannies and retards on the internet? Fat retards on the internet. I'll never take a Xanax. You'll never get me to take a Xanax.
Unknown_14: That's it. Um, now actually I have to talk about America first.
So I don't think, no, I did. I did talk about this just, just barely last week.
Unknown_14: And there is... Okay, so there's two different statements I have to clarify. Last week I said that Nick Fuentes could have kept
Unknown_14: America First from imploding because of sex pest allegations by simply not associating with gays, which seems to be the appropriate, the most appropriate maneuver he could have taken, considering the politics of America First.
If he just could have avoided people who have already been maligned as being, like, pederasts, like Milo Yiannopoulos, he would have saved himself a lot of trouble. And I really don't understand this. Like, you can...
Unknown_14: Like, I went around about Milo before, but you can really just tell by looking at Milo for 30 seconds that he is obviously a fucking snake. And for whatever reason, people still decide that they're going to trust him and talk to him privately and expect their conversations to be maintained as private.
Unknown_14: Truly bizarre.
Unknown_14: um and the other one was i i had said in ethan ralph even played this on his stream and said that it was an epic gotcha but i had said during the issues with pyro cynical where he was like a brap furry and he was talking to like gay like under they were underage but not like significantly they were still teenagers and i was just saying like
I don't care what happens to gay people because there's lots of like once you're a gay if you're a teenager and you're already gay and you're already like involved in in gay furry brap roleplay on discord I don't I'm not interested in helping you I don't feel like you're a victim. I don't want to help you. I just don't care at that point. You're just a gay, and you're a write-off in my book.
Unknown_14: And people have argued that I am victim-blaming in this. They're saying that I don't care about young men who are sexually molested.
Unknown_14: and that's not true we should stop homosexual predators we should protect boys from being molested my argument is simply that once you're bitten like it's like a zombie like that scene of uh day of the dead or dawn of the dead or whatever whichever one with the mall and the little baby comes out and he's already a zombie because his mom and him died during childbirth
like sure it's an innocent little baby but it's already a zombie baby so you have to take the revolver and blow its head open even though it's a little infant baby it's still a zombie and it's like just because like i don't think that we should purposefully zombify i'll just put it like this i'll continue this allegory i don't i'm not advocating for the zombification of children i would never i would never argue
Unknown_14: for zombifying children, I would never defend a zombie who has bitten a child. However, as a pragmatic, realistic person who operates in our current plane of existence, I know that once a child has turned into a zombie, There is no point trying to protect it anymore. It's already zombified. And now maybe I'm wrong. Maybe if you get a zombie and you give it penicillin or something as a teenager, it can be cured of zombification, right?
So, but the issue is that because of how we currently treat zombification, if there is a cure for zombification, we'll never figure this out. We'll never have a medical study about curing zombie virus, okay? Because it's just not permissible under the current zeitgeist.
Unknown_14: so until such a day that we can look back on things and actually address the medical underlying concerns of a zombie we must simply treat a zombified teenager the same as we would any other zombie and i'm not going to be like oh this this zombie was you know in a in a pile of other furry zombies and getting it on. I'm not going to be like, oh my god, we have to protect that one child zombie, that one teenage zombie in that pile, because I don't want to get involved in that and I don't care, basically. And you can say that's victim-blaming.
My perspective is just to keep the zombies away from children so they don't become zombified to begin with. and I believe that in the case of Milo Yiannopoulos when you have a well-known zombie wandering about and he's just pretending not to be a zombie he's got like some makeup on to cover up the rotting flesh and stuff and he's just like oh well now that he's wearing makeup then he's put on some cologne so you can't smell his rot isn't the my asthma of his rotting flesh as he walks around america first uh... he's he is a repentant zombie he's no longer a zombie and this is what america this is what makes one says is is saying to his audience to justify having the zombie around his his audience of young men who are not zombified and uh... it's his job as as a leader to prevent that but he did not and that's why he he is bitten That's why he has been, and he is now also a zombie. And... Um... It's uh... He's probably, you know, to be fair, he's probably been a zombie for a long time. I think we've all known that he's been a zombie for years. Okay?
Unknown_14: I just to clarify, I'm going on this tangent to clarify something that I've said before. Because both Ethan Ralph and the dude that keeps telling me not to say the Lord's name with the F word in vain have both given me shit for this. And I want to say, I'm not victim blaming at all, but when somebody's already past that point of insanity, I don't see the point of doing it.
So back in reality, we're no longer in Zombie, Dawn of the Dead.
Unknown_14: Um... Ali... I'm gonna call him Ali Akbar. This is Ali Alexander. He says he's converted to Christianity from Islam, so now he goes by Alexander instead of Akbar, but I'm gonna call him Ali Akbar because that sounds funny. Ali Akbar, uh, apologized for, um, asking for dick pics from teenagers boys from America First.
Unknown_14: and he uh... apparently everyone's just supposed to be okay with that milo however is not okay with that so he went out and he posted uh... some other incriminating screenshots on his twitter this is milo saying milo matthew mosley looks twelve years old at the time let's talk about art was twelve years old at the time let's talk about victims uh...
And then Allie asked on Instagram posting a picture of a 12 year old boy in his passenger seat alone saying, is it weird that one of my closest friends is 12, don't care? Mal says we care, we care a lot. There are like multiple, it's just that Smiley was the one that came forward and talked about it. So he gets all the attention, but...
Unknown_14: There were there were multiple according to Milo and the back-and-forth with just to summarize this thread as Quickly and effectively as I possibly Kings. I do not want to talk about it for too long Is that?
Unknown_14: everyone knew
Unknown_14: like milo knew nick fuentes knew apparently everybody in america first also knew and now that milo has snaked on nick fuentes and brought this to the media and it's causing serious God fucking dammit. It's causing serious blowback for a lot of people not just Nick Fuentes Nick Fuentes was pretending that he didn't know and that Milo should have brought it should have brought it to his attention Milo says that he did bring it to his attention Nick says that he didn't actually bring it to his attention because it was like So vague that there was nothing he could have actioned. He just said like get Milo came to him and
and said, get rid of Ali Alexander, Ethan Ralph, and some other dude. I forget who the third guy was.
And my thought when I hear that is, you should have done that. First of all, Milo was right. You should have done that. Second of all, you should have also gotten rid of Milo after that, because he's obviously a fucking snake.
Unknown_14: And, um,
Unknown_14: But I don't know, it was just clear from listening to it that they all knew that this was going on. They just didn't care because Ali somehow had the Midas touch to make certain things happen. He was prominent in the January 6th thing and he was able to restore Ethan Ralph's Twitter account. He had political connections to get things done somehow.
And then Nick Fuentes talks about his zombification a little bit and says, Why will nobody talk about Milo's predation against me? He tried to drug me and jump into bed with me. The only difference between me and the other accuser is I fought back.
Unknown_14: So that is victim-blaming, saying that Smiley just didn't fight back hard enough, which is weird.
Unknown_14: So Nick's story with Milo was that they went to a hotel together.
Unknown_14: And they, uh, Milo rented a bedroom, a hotel room that they would share together. Nick thought that it was, it would be two beds in one room, which he was not okay with, but was, you know, was willing to tolerate it. Um, they got there and found out that it was just one King size bed. And then Nick Fuentes says that Milo offered him some kind of like, like sedative, like drugs. I can't remember the name of it, but it was like a sedative.
and he said no and then left and then got his own room because he was convinced that milo was trying to date rape him by giving him like a a tranquilizer and then rape him in the ass and then uh... nick says that he was too smart for that but then apparently he kept milo on as a friend anyways
For a long time. He also said that Milo was living with Marjorie Taylor Green, which is also weird.
Unknown_14: And I don't know. I have no idea why he allowed this person near him to begin with.
Unknown_14: Percocet, Percocet. That's right. It was a Percocet, which is a painkiller. And I said, I don't think so. Milo says that, um, or Nick says that Milo was trying to ass rape him, but he was smart enough and he fought back and like smiley who deserved it. Cause he didn't fall back according to Nick.
Unknown_14: Uh, the result of this is that the Daily Dot attempted to ask for a copy of a police report regarding Ali Alexander.
They confirmed the existence of a police report, and because the police refused to turn it over, they confirmed that there is an active case investigating Ali, Ali Akbar, um, for reasons unknown, but probably in association with soliciting nude pictures from a minor.
Unknown_14: So, uh, despite being a snake, Milo was at least effective as a snake. And it looks like our boy, Ali Alexander is facing some jail time, uh, off despite his good graces with Nick Fuentes and Ethan Ralph.
Unknown_15: Uh, so Smiley said that.
Unknown_14: Nick Fuentes has not handled the situation correctly.
Nick Fuentes's reply to that has been to call Smiley a faggot.
Unknown_14: He posted some screenshots of, um,
Unknown_14: Twitter accounts that Smiley had followed. One of them is Lucian Winrich, and it has this extremely suspect shit going on, uh, with whatever the fuck this is supposed to be. It looks like boys in underwear. It looks very much like Pizzagate style pictures.
Unknown_14: And then, um,
Unknown_14: milo's account and then it's milo just looking gay i don't know what that's meant to imply that's just how milo looks if you follow milo oh he follows a this is a fan account called milo yiannopoulos fetish Breathtaking and rare pictures of our charming Milo followed through obsessed with daddy's beauty and fabulousness like I am followed by Smiley so Smiley is following this account which appears to be a Milo Yiannopoulos fan account focusing on his male attractiveness Both of these Twitter posts were deleted by telegram for being in violation of their rules and then
Smiley actually replied to this and said, years ago, Ali sent me Lucy and Wintris's account because he was his best friend or something like that. So that's, I think is, I can't say for certain cause the images are so low quality, but that might be the 12 year old that's in these pictures that, um, that, uh, and then Ali said to follow that account, which he did. And then he says, I liked a few posts, even though they were pretty fucking weird, but he kept posting shit like that. So I muted him and forgot the dude existed until now.
Same with my friend Aox, he posted a couple and never interacted again because Lucien is such a weirdo. And the Milo fan account I follow because my friend Lorraine Heil runs it and I used to simp for her a little back in those days. Which are pretty good excuses. I believe him. Those sound like natural reasons to be following weird shit. By the way, he also gets a very good jab at Nick Fuentes here saying that
Unknown_14: You must be following me for the guy who followed the Aesthetic Boys account, which is true. Nick Fuentes was caught, and I think it might even be in this post right before here, where Nick Fuentes was caught following an account called Aesthetic Boys, which is just nothing but teenage boys shirtless.
And for whatever reason, Nick Fuentes was following that on Instagram.
Unknown_14: There was also, yeah, this part where Nick Fuentes was like, joking about being into traps really hard and kept liking tweets about traps and trans girls and shit.
Unknown_14: And then replying to trans girls on Twitter saying, why you no send tummy anymore? This is totally heterosexual explainable behavior. As opposed to, you know, following two suspicious accounts on Instagram. He's like directly interacting with these people and demanding pictures of them, topless, for his own interest.
So I don't know.
Unknown_14: I've always thought Nick is gay, but so is everybody else. It's just, I don't understand the grift anymore. I don't know if he...
Unknown_14: if he like is genuinely trying to convince people that he's not gay if he himself believes he's not gay if he has like that christian guilt over being gay like it's easy for him to advocate being a celibate because it's like uh he's going to be celibate anyways because he's a homosexual but he doesn't believe in male and male relationships because of religious purposes that's the thing that might be the case
But I just... I just see it and I think this guy is gay.
Unknown_14: He, Ali Alexander, and Milo, the three top guys of America First for a period of time, were all obvious homosexuals. And Milo, I think, is still denying being a homosexual. He says that he's like a cured homosexual or something, which is just nonsense. You cannot be a cured homosexual. I don't believe that at all.
Unknown_15: his sister's a dick too yeah that's true so i i find like i know that like ppp hates hates nick fuentes he really really wants nick fuentes to crash and burn he has a deep-seated
hatred of Nick Fuentes, and I actually watched Kino Casino for the first time, to sort of follow what PPP would have to say about America First, because I knew PPP would have a more educated and comprehensive understanding of the America First drama than I would have, or any random post on the forum. So I actually tuned in to listen to that.
Unknown_14: And you can tell how passionate he is about how much he hates Nick Fuentes. And it's understandable, because I believe that Nick Fuentes' personality is fraudulent in a lot of ways, and I can understand how that would piss someone off who follows him.
Unknown_14: I just don't understand when he gets out of it.
Unknown_14: Unless it is just purely ego-driven, you know what I mean?
Unknown_14: Because it's like he could just quit, change his name and probably get a decent job. Maybe he's locked in as a government informant at this point. He has like a contract where he has to stay in the, you know, the internet alt-right and inform the police about things as a result of January 6th. And now he's just stuck with it, but I really don't get what he gets out of it. Cause it's not much money.
He's even after all these years, he still seems to be damaging his own, his prospects.
Unknown_14: So I just don't know chat.
Unknown_14: Maybe it is just like I'm surrounded by all these boys. That's the grossest possible explanation. Um, I, I,
I was struck by an observation while watching a new streamer on Cozy.
Unknown_14: I think he's the current most popular guy on Cozy, but I realized that he looked a lot like Jaden. And I think even Smiley looked a lot like this guy. And I realized that all these favorites of Nick Fuentes are basically like boy clones of each other. They all look exactly the same. I realized if there is a homosexual aspect to America First, which is possible, I think that Nick Fuentes has a type. And when he has somebody that he considers to be the most attractive boy, that becomes his protege, like Jaden.
And I, it really did strike me that when I noticed that the most popular streamers on, on cozy, we're all very physically similar to each other. It did kind of creep into my mind. Like, is this like a, is this deliberate? Is he selecting these people because of their attractiveness to him? And that's all there is to this at this point is that you have the ego stroking, you have some income and then you have boys that he likes.
So, I don't know. That seems to be the case. And that's it. That's the America First, but I don't want to go on for too long. I am paying attention. I have a little bit more to add with Ethan Ralph, but I keep Ethan Ralph to his own thing, so I'll just skip ahead for a little bit.
Unknown_14: Very small update on Jack Scalfani. He is
Unknown_14: Launching a cookbook. Now, the man who brought you Wanda's Jello Cheese Salad will now bring you an entire cookbook. Why the fuck is my site not loading? This fucking piece of shit. I'll tell you what, chat. It is bizarre that the images specifically are not working.
I'll look into that. Such a pain in the ass. Everything's a pain in my ass all the time.
Unknown_14: Jello, yeah, no, it's Wanda's cheese salad, I think. No, Wanda's macaroni salad was from the other lady. Aunt Myrna's party salad is the name of the Jack Scalfani salad.
Unknown_14: Neither of which of those, by the way, were actually salads. That was jello and cheese and some chopped minced vegetable suspended in jello. Like, not gelatin, actual jello. It wasn't a, um...
Ah, fuck, what do you call the Russian thing? That's like, gelatin.
Unknown_14: Russian gelatin. How did I forget? Aspic! That's not aspic, that's actually jello. Jellicin.
Unknown_14: So, he's doing a cookbook where I'm sure it will be great. Now that he is basically on his deathbed, he's decided to start doing a cookbook. As, I guess like, as his... goyslop.
As his living memory, he'll write a book with all the knowledge that he's learned about cooking to pass on to the next generation so that he can be remembered once he dies.
Unknown_14: And the Keemstar little project of
Unknown_14: getting wings of redemption and boogie to fight has moved on a little bit keemstar has taken a trip down to i think north carolina where wings of redemption lives and has visited the boys and see wings and fighting shape rearing to go in the the manufactured mobile mansion and keemstar has signed his whiteboard in the back i guess i guess he has a whiteboard of all the people that visit him
That's a nice signature. I need to write it. I need to figure out how to write a signature so that I have like a memorable signature that people will find collectible.
Unknown_14: Peak performance. That's right. Boogie don't stand a chance.
Unknown_14: Oh, and fuck, uh, all of Creator Clash happened this week. Creator Clash was very well timed. It happened the exact day that the site went down for a full 24 hours, so I tried to fix something.
And, uh, so no live commentary was present on the Kiwi Farms and people had to scramble to post what they remembered the most, um, when the site came back up. Yeah, Thunderbird is shit.
Unknown_14: So unfortunately a lot of that commentary happened off-site, but the gist of it was this, right?
Unknown_14: So Aniza, the busted hoe that iDubbbz has married and taken the name of, has always loved Chris Ray Gunn more than iDubbbz.
Unknown_14: And despite this, I think the fact that Chris Ray Gunn rejected her or just like finger banged her and moved on to less crazy bitches has bittered her.
So for the fight that Chris Ray Gunn was going to participate in, or did participate in, he was originally going to fight Froggy Fresh, who I mentioned way before he even got cancelled.
Unknown_14: He sent a super chat to Sam Hyde saying that we should train together or something.
Unknown_14: And that alone pissed off iDubbbz. And then he mentioned that Oniza had like, whoever loses the fight has to buy a subscription to Oniza's OnlyFans. And that got him kicked off of Creator Clash.
Unknown_14: So Chris Raygun was originally going to fight Froggy Fresh, but once he was removed, they had to find on very, very short notice, a contestant ready to fight who was kind of, sort of in Chris Raygun's weight class. So they found a black guy. who was like 10 to 20 pounds heavier than Chris Raygun and had six inches on him. Like just way bigger than Chris Raygun. And unsurprisingly, Chris Raygun was completely defenseless against this guy and he, he got his ass kicked.
so i don't know if that was deliberate or like if there's like some kind of like fetish involved there or if she's just really it's either one of two things either she a deliberately emasculated chris ray gun because she thinks that's funny or interesting for whatever reason or b she's real she as the main chairperson of this event
is so bad at organizing fights she really thought that was going to be a fair competition and just completely humiliated Chris Reighan on accident so I will leave that up to viewer discretion which one you want to believe
Unknown_14: The entire thing was very cringe.
Unknown_14: I listened to it a little bit while I was setting up the Kiwi farms in a desperate, sleep-deprived state. I was listening to it and chatting on Telegram a little bit. It really, really made me hate Critical. Moist Critical, they call him. Not because his name is Moist Critical, but because he is named Critical and he says moist a lot. And there's other Criticals, so you have to distinguish him from them by calling him Moist Critical. And he just is the most unlikable person on the entire planet and I'm so sick of seeing his fucking face.
But he was an announcer for the fight and he sucked.
Unknown_14: And everybody else sucked there too. And then there were some horrors like Amaranth that were doing interviews. And I mentioned there was an argument between Sam Hyde and some guy named Harley.
Unknown_14: And I didn't realize that the Harley in that call, who was so obnoxious, was also a contestant in the fight. And apparently he's Jewish. And I wish I could show you this. His name was like Harley Morenstein or something. But in the font they used in the banner that was rotating around the Creator Clash arena, they picked a very specific font that had a stylized end. And I'll just show you, I'll just Google this to show you what I mean.
uh... it looked the in for the uh... for in the font looked like the shekel logo so at the at the top of the thing it looked like this to me uh... harley more in stein and it was just like this huge or running a banner running around the top of the arena and he's actually jewish so it was very very funny to me and uh...
he had like this big intro really blowing himself up about how great he was and there was an interview with a woman I don't know which hoe it was which random e-thought that this woman was doing the interview but he was so creepy he was so creepy and uncomfortable talking to this this interviewer that if I had overheard this conversation
Unknown_14: with it being off camera like if I was in a public place or something and they were like off to the side and I was overhearing this conversation I would legitimately believe that this man intended to sexually assault her because it just had such creepy creepy vibes going on where the only thing making me feel at ease was that it was filmed and I don't think he had the audacity to like rape her on camera in front of everybody um it was really awful and awkward and hard to listen to but then he gets into a fight and he's fighting this guy
Morenstein and... Boxing... He was fighting this guy who looked like a roided up Dick Masterson. I don't know how else to put it. I wanna know who he was fighting.
Unknown_14: Alex Wasabi, here.
Unknown_14: This guy... Wait, Creator Clash... No, that's not it.
Unknown_15: I don't, sorry, I don't have a picture of this guy.
Unknown_14: Oh wait, here's a good one. Okay, this guy, he looks like a really rotated up Dick Masterson.
Unknown_14: And, um, that, wait, is this it?
Yeah, John Randall Heineken. This guy, wait, I don't know. I don't know who they are. Anyways, is this the other, this is the other fight from 2021?
Unknown_14: I don't know. He was after this huge, creepy, long intro where he talks about how great he is and the little Shekel logo is flying around.
Unknown_14: Um, no, that was him, wasn't it?
Unknown_14: Whatever. I'm just gonna say that this is it, and if it's not, then you'll have to excuse me for being face-blind. This guy, who is a goyim, utterly destroyed Harley, who was the biggest faggot in the phone call with Keemstar and Sam Hyde.
And to the point where he- Harley got hit
Unknown_14: out of the ring. He actually went underneath the, the, the ropes and crashed on the, on the announcer table that was by the boxing ring and like disturb the announcers talking because he was like right in front of them. And for whatever reason, um, they allowed the fight to continue and he just got punched a bit more and he completely lost.
So that's the fight that I watched live and it was very satisfying.
Unknown_14: Idubbbz then had his fight. I don't know who he was fighting. I don't care.
Unknown_14: Apparently Wasabi was the guy that iDubbbz was fighting. iDubbbz lost.
Unknown_14: I think it was an embarrassing loss. It was his second loss. If you look up iDubbbz's fighting career, in both of his professional matches, he's a loser now. So he's never won a fight as far. And Aniza continues to force him to sign up for new fights. So they're already planning Creator Clash 2024. Aniza is just going to continue to emasculate him.
And I actually couldn't watch this.
Unknown_14: Myself by myself because it was too cringed. So I'm gonna watch this for the first time in completion With you my audience my chat I dubs it was this was at this was after his fight. So this is his losing speech I dubs it was an absolutely hell of a fight What would you like to say to all your fans and supporters that were rooting for you here today?
Unknown_00: I Don't know
Aww, this shit's hard.
Unknown_12: Yeah, I really appreciate everyone.
Unknown_12: I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but I really do appreciate the support, and thank you for coming.
I thought that it was a, um...
Unknown_14: Hyperbole that they said he actually cried. He's trot. He's literally holding back tears. He's on the brink of this is why See the thing is is that I think the usual in combat sports. They don't actually interview the loser I don't remember them interviewing the loser of the other fights But it's hard to take someone who just got his ass kicked and then put him on mic and be like do you have any? Inspiring words for your fans because usually you're probably in a pretty bad place after you just get punched in the face a bunch So he's actually on the verge of tears
Now that I've actually watched this clip, by the way, I can see that that is an American bald eagle. The first time I saw iDubbbz without his shirt on, I immediately thought of this. I thought that's a bit of a weird thing to have as a tattoo. Here, wait. Oh, fuck.
Unknown_14: I was like, is that? I mean, the line art looks so close to... to the Luftwaffe. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Look at it. Look at how close it looks to the, um, the eagle on his chest.
And then I... Now that I see it in full, I realize that is an American bald eagle and not the Reichsadler, but it is pretty fucking close. I realize that it's like a meme to do the eagle with the wings out, but, um, the line art was just so close. I'm thinking like, wow, that's crazy.
Unknown_14: But no, he's not. He's not that based, unfortunately. That'd be 420, by the way. It's 421 now. So I missed it.
Unknown_14: Um, now this is the throwback. The next thing, uh, it's been a while since I've talked about this person.
Unknown_14: But at this time, true and honest Man at the Internet fans will remember that there was a particular schizophrenic who I followed pretty adamantly on the early episodes of the podcast. And for various reasons, I stopped following her because she stopped making content. I believe she was evicted from her home and stopped making videos. She was obsessed with me if you ever listen to the song on rumble the man at the internet theme song I guess that a fan made The song actually samples Virgo Rouge in the full version which I clip out for because the song has to be limited to 60 seconds on rumble and
But I haven't talked about Virgo because she's been MIA. Someone sent me a DM on the forum saying, hey, she's back, and she's published some interesting videos. And I listened through a couple of them, and I just kind of want to summarize her situation.
Back in the day when I first started watching her, she was mentally unwell. She was in, I think, various legal disputes with her own family because of her schizophrenia. She published music on YouTube. Her music was, I think, she said that she was classically trained, but her music was very bad.
Unknown_14: I think you could consider it outsider art. There wasn't much cohesion. There was a lot of noise.
Her setup was very poor, so the audio quality was bad.
Unknown_14: Her music was just bad, basically. But she insisted that her music was high intellectual, classical, beautiful, inspiring, and worth lots and lots of money. She was very jealous of pop creators for having more money than her. And she would routinely go on massive diatribes about how uneducated I was. She constantly brought up the fact that she was classically trained. She said that I was uneducated.
Was probably raped as a child because I'm insecure because I allow people to bully people on the Kiwi farms she just went on and on about how ugly and stupid and Insecure I was constantly And I would play these videos on my stream because I found that they were very funny and people enjoyed them quite a bit but then she gets evicted from her home at some point and I
Unknown_14: After a long hiatus, she started making videos again. However, her mental, uh, her mental status has declined significantly and in her latest videos, she is, um,
Unknown_14: She's become racist. I'll say that right off the bat. I don't know what it is about schizophrenics and being racist. I don't know. I think because schizophrenia is like an overactivity and like the suspicion part of the brain, right? So do they just become more suspicious of foreigners and stuff? Is that a thing?
Here's a question. If you talk to a schizophrenic black man, are they more likely to be racist against white people and stuff? Does it go both ways? Or, if you talk to a schizophrenic black man, are they more likely to be racist against black people?
Unknown_14: Because I have two thoughts about this. Either A, they become more suspicious of outsiders, of their own clique, their own racial group, right? Or are they more honest? Do they make more obvious perceptions of violence and they don't like black people as a result? Because it is almost specifically black people. Like, rarely is a schizophrenic racist against Asians or something. It's usually Jews and blacks as opposed to, like, Latinos or something. So I'm curious if schizophrenics from other racial groups are also racist towards, like, other people or if they're more racist towards black people and if it's because they're just, like, you know, suspicious of Outsiders that aren't like them or if they're just more observant of of things like race related crime statistics and stuff So I don't know She's going on some some quote-unquote based rants about various groups, which I'll play a little bit of however, she is also convinced that she is in a sexual relationship with a ghost and I will allow her to explain this and
Hi everyone, I just wanted to tell you that I've been receiving some manifestations from my abortion husband, my ghost husband, Ruddy, banging, banging in the car, banging in my house. Occasionally, I heard the word, phew, you know, like, phew, I'm relieved. That was a really weird thing when I woke up. I could have been, I was half dreaming, but That was really weird. It was audible and occasional manifestations through the iPad. I was speaking to the microphone. He would communicate with me in fluid language of something totally unrelated to what I was speaking into the microphone. That has happened numbers of times. Not very often, but I saved whatever I
received so anyway that was it i've been receiving more manifestations not just sexual arousal at times lately uh when i started looking at some band who wasn't doing
Unknown_14: The cars are passing her because she's living in her car now and she's sleeping in the car. So she's actually in her car by the road when she's recording this.
Unknown_10: I noticed he sort of vacated the premises. When I said I was really sorry for listening to this band all the time, I said, I'm really sorry. And I think his answer was, phew, you know, I'm so relieved that you're not interested in him and he's gone and everything. Yeah.
Unknown_10: Yeah. Okay. Have a great day. Bye.
That's one video.
Unknown_14: The six little ghosts Halloween song for kids. Well, isn't that adorable? That's very related to this.
Unknown_14: Um, this is another one. So this is her most recent video. I made die of homelessness and poverty. John from negative land says black rich lives matter and I don't. So we'll listen to a little bit of this until I get bored of it.
Unknown_10: Hi everybody.
Unknown_10: Well, I'm parked near the woods in a parking lot. I have to go to the store. It's nice sunlight today, but I need to let you know I'm sleeping in my car. It's very unhealthy. I might lose my car. I paid a payment yesterday, but I need to pay more payments or I'm going to lose my car. I have all these bills and I'm extremely stressed out.
I just need help financially and John Lideker, contacted me from Negative Land the other day and started up with celebrities.
Unknown_10: I mean, I might die of poverty. People die of homelessness. I might have my car repossessed. I lose everything I own. I'm working every day and I need help. Nobody's giving me donations. Nobody talks about my music. All I get are insults and abusive comments from people.
Black Lives Matter is a fascist movement. It's been fueled by fascism. It's not a fascist movement.
Unknown_10: Well, because obviously white people don't even feel like they exist in this society. John Lideker says that black lives matter. He writes this to me. He contacts me to talk about black music and how great it is, how they're successful. And he talks about celebrities. I don't talk about celebrities. So he has an obsession with black celebrities and black people and talking about them because they're rich. And he talks about how they matter because they're rich. See that bird? Isn't that pretty?
Yeah. Well, blackbirds matter. That's true. I believe that blackbirds matter, whitebirds. But in this world, it's a little bit different.
Unknown_10: because I don't enjoy their music.
Actually, 60% of all the murders are committed by black people, and they make up 14% of our population.
Unknown_10: They're killing people that are gay in Uganda, and they just kill them.
Unknown_10: And they kill anybody that supports the LGBT community. So if you even partake in any gay activity, you will be killed. And they're infiltrating these laws in other countries in Africa. So they're not exactly the most evolved people. I don't think their music sounds evolved. I'm not impressed with it. And I know there are some really good black musicians out there, but they don't play any of them.
I prefer my culture. I do. And since they are the minority, I don't know why they're getting so much attention. And They are the wealthiest musicians in the United States. The music industry makes billions of dollars a year. They claim $26 billion in one year in 2023.
Unknown_10: And all the money primarily is going to black people. And John Lideker says black lives matter. And they only matter to him because they're rich. So he contacts me saying he feels like he's worried about me. And in 30 seconds he talks about a half-white European. She's half-white, half-Indian. I don't know why he's talking about her. She's not European, really. And I didn't bring her up. He just starts talking about celebrities again. One drop rule. And then starts talking about how successful the music industry is.
So he's really, really, really impressed with the billions of dollars. He's not anti-corporation. He believes that they're the best of everything. And the word success means they have the best music, the best of everything. So he's completely sold out his friends. He said, listen to nothing else but Beyonce. Then he said, they may help you.
I think it was last year that you said that they were listening to Beyoncé. If you have all these people that you know and they're listening to only her, why would they want to help me if they're not listening to my music? So I don't want anything to do with your friends. They listen to corporate music. I don't listen to corp—
Unknown_14: I want to clarify that she is upset that her imaginary friend praised black people music and that upset her.
I studied at a world renowned music school, classical music. I don't listen to this kind of music and actually we're living in a society, a world of 7 billion or so people, right? Out of those 7 billion people, how many people do you actually believe listen to this music?
Unknown_10: Um,
Unknown_10: Well, with the revenue that they make in concert sales and advertising, I really don't believe that.
Unknown_10: I really don't even believe that three billion people listen to their music.
Unknown_10: I really don't. It could be maybe.
I would say they might reach one billion. I really don't believe that seven billion people care about their music. Not even close. Okay. So, but you care, John, you care about their music because you're obsessed with that industry. I don't even think about them. And every time I was going to cough a little bit before, but I figured, you know, I was already like four minutes and I'll just have to play three all the way. So he has some kind of sick obsession with talking about celebrities to me while I'm sleeping in my car and might die of poverty. And it's pretty mean and it's pretty rude. He calls me and says, I'm recording your voice and starts asking me, have you ever had a boyfriend? You know, have you ever had a boyfriend? He's a weco. Let's talk about your family and has it recorded is a total and complete weco.
I'm not going on this record. He's a disturbed person.
Unknown_14: I can't tell that's a troll who's like actually calling her and harassing her or if that's like she's literally imagining that this is happening. It could be either. I'm hesitant to say that it's a troll because if there was like a trolling group fucking with her,
then they would probably fuck with her comments and stuff too but this has a hundred views and no comments so i'm tempted to say that she doesn't have a trolling click messing with her and that she's probably having a legitimate like psychosis and fake conversations by the way the titles of her videos are i'll just read these fascism transgender rights movements black lives matter screen taking focus off of real activists
Transgender rights movements, black lives matter, smoke screen taking focus off of real activists.
Unknown_14: Dangers of black lives matter and transgender movements in our society.
Unknown_14: Sleeping in car, working full time, not doing music, help.
Unknown_14: And then asking for money.
Unknown_14: trying to get John from Negative Land to advertise her and then talking about her ghost husband in the supernatural.
Unknown_14: By the way, Rusty Cage is not dead. That was a very cruel tweet of Rusty Cage to put out there. I don't know why he did that. I don't appreciate it, Rusty Cage. You shouldn't do things like that and scare people. Especially when you're a schizo and it could very easily be not real.
Another person that I have done a stream on, perhaps worth a little bit of a revisit, after Archivist Bex did, and I'll just read basically what Temperance wrote, used to work at Riot Games, and literally believes that, I think the character Jinx is based off of her, that the League of Legends production staff saw her, saw this face,
of a male to female, but not really trans Jew and said, this is jinx.
Unknown_14: And, uh,
Unknown_14: I- I can't remember. They got outed from League of Legends for something. I can't remember if it was just being like a shitty person or if there was like a sexual harassment charge or what.
Unknown_14: But, uh, Beck- Beck's has been living with two cuckolds and they're animal fur babies.
Unknown_14: And, uh... Skirt goes spinny. Okay.
They just bought a brand new house. They make a lot of money. Um, cause she works for game studios and he's like an attorney and it's like a three person household with no children. So they bought like a brand new house. That's very expensive.
Unknown_14: And, uh, this guy,
Unknown_14: He was also a game developer at Riot Games.
Unknown_14: Oh, and then Bex and this guy got hired together to work at Respawn, which is the company that develops Apex Legends.
He apparently was in charge of balance and got fired after pissing off the players with balance changes He had also done a bunch of racist tweets and then the players dug that basically he pissed off the user base So they dug up his old tweets and got him fired or canceled for that He works at somewhere else, but he's keeps the secret now And then
Unknown_14: She tried to get pregnant with in vitro fertilization and didn't have any success probably because of her drug abuse and Her age because she's in her late 30s now And By the way, she's like again, she's a fake Jewish convert so she goes by like Yona Gerber and
Unknown_14: And one of the things that she said after my stream, because back then I was really amping up that I'm Israeli and I love the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, and I would say that every stream, Bex got really, really butt hurt that a Jew was making fun of her and saying that she was a fake Jew. And she cried about that a lot on Twitter. And that's the most memorable thing I remember about that stream.
But she's being fired from Apex as well. She apparently managed the Apex lore hub and I've played Apex and I can't, um, I never saw this. I never knew that this was the thing. So apparently she worked on whatever the fuck this is that literally nobody ever has ever looked at ever or made note of.
And I guess she was responsible for coming up with the ultra diverse shitty backgrounds for all the fucking trannies and mystery meet characters that they have in Apex Legends. Apex Legends cast of characters is like the ugliest group of people that have ever lived. And thankfully they did not actually live. They're not real people, but have ever been conceived or devised or created by man. They're just truly hideous.
Unknown_14: And I guess you can thank, uh, Bex for that.
Unknown_14: Um, I guess cause they're unemployed right now, they're begging for money again, which is pretty typical. Um, he's always been bit. She has always been begging for money.
She forced the cops to convert to Judaism as well, except there's still atheists. Now they're Jewish atheists. That's nice.
Unknown_14: Or fake Jews.
Unknown_14: Look at this kitchen.
Unknown_14: This is a group of people who do not have children and will never have children, inshallah.
Unknown_14: And they have this very nice kitchen to not cook in, to microwave themselves, uh, microwavable pizzas in hot pockets.
She's got a double oven and a wide kitchen, a wide refrigerator, and she'll never use this. She'll never host a family dinner. She'll never host Thanksgiving.
Unknown_14: She'll never cook for her entire, you know, her children's entire soccer team. She'll never do any of that. She will celebrate Passover with her three-member household of fake Jews. with unleavened bread. That is all the use that this kitchen will ever receive. Is that not the most vile fucking thing you can imagine?
Meanwhile, there's people like me, who are based and red-pilled and awesome, who do not have a house with a beautiful kitchen.
Unknown_14: Can you even tolerate, how does one wake up in the morning and tolerate such injustice when it is insufferable? When it is truly an intolerable inequality and unrighteousness?
Unknown_14: In Autistic, that's exactly. The good suffer while the evil prosper, that's true.
Unknown_14: There are people talking in the Sam Hyde- I didn't even mention the Sam- I don't have any notes on the Sam Hyde stuff.
Should I talk about that? I guess I'll talk about it for a little bit. Sam Hyde launched Fishtank.live. It's got six people in it. No, eight people.
Unknown_14: The only one that sticks out in my head is that there's the fat woman that everyone hates and sends super chats to call her a fat pig.
Unknown_14: And then, um, there is a autistic Asian Hapa who constantly stems herself by rocking back and forth and walking in circles and fidgeting with stuff. She's like hyper-autistic and has to, has to like constantly soothe herself.
And, um, every so often Sam Hyde comes in and fucks with them. You can pay money to take away their beds to sleep on the couch.
Unknown_14: And, uh, after six days, they lost access to their cloud provider because Google was charging them $10,000 a day and Sam Hyde somehow didn't notice that they were being charged $10,000 a day. And, uh,
Unknown_14: So he's having to find what to do on short notice. And speaking of the good suffer while the evil prosper, Graf, immediately after hearing about this, the guy who got butthurt about Krunklord420 bullying him on the Fediverse and then lied and called me a child pornographer and a pedophile because we have the exact same filtering on the Fediverse as him.
is, has jumped on that Sam Hyde dick harder and faster than one could imagine. And apparently he is claiming that he is in direct work with Sam. So he's going to be paid a lot of money, uh, to be put in as the histrionic cunt tech manager for Sam Hyde. And Sam Hyde is going to prop this guy up and give him a redemption arc and make people think that he's so fucking cool and red pilled and base for doing this when he is censorious duplicitous and willing to call people child predators hosting child pornography for no reason other than the fact that um he just doesn't like what people have to say about him on the kiwi farms and that's some shit chat that's a bit fucking it's not jealous it's like there are because there are like there are good people out there who are dependable and
I don't want to be involved with Sam Hudd. I don't want to go to Canada or the United States and set up a server for him. But there are people I know who are truly reliable businessmen, who can be trusted, who can set something up right better than I can, and who need business because their businesses hurt when they associate with the Kiwi farms.
Unknown_14: And instead of picking anybody from that pool, he's going to talk to Graf, who is
Unknown_14: uh... destructive uh... detrimental is the word i was looking for he is detrimental to the cause of a free and open internet uh... and he's he's going to benefit from this instead of any any reliable people and that's a bit fucked up and i can just add that to the list of reasons i don't i don't like semi
It's just, he's such a fucking spaz. He's such a fucking retard. His best friend, like, Ranbot is his best friend on the Fediverse. And he's gonna fuck up the Fediverse, he already has, and he's gonna get rewarded for it immediately after, directly by Sam Hyde. And the Sam Hyde fanboys are going to think, oh, if Sam Hyde likes this guy, he must be cool. If this is Sam Hyde's top guy, then he must be super based and or red-pilled and if he's Sam Hyde's top guy, I can be his top guy too if I'm also friends with his top guy. It's just, I don't know, it's very frustrating because I like seeing bad things happen to bad people and not good things happen to bad people.
If Flamenco is there, you know, it sucks because the bisecting of the Fedivers means that funny people, good people, people worth following like Wormwood or like Jem, Medicare is on it now, they're completely cut off from people who want to be also in the Fediver, the Kiwi Farms instance. And the only reason for that is a lie. that graph created to post hoc justify a histrionic bitch fit he threw and ended up blocking the instance for and uh yeah it's like it's a little bit fucked up yeah jim still posts on graph
I sent him a message about setting up a single-user instance for him, but he didn't reply. Someone even offered a domain for him and everything.
Unknown_14: It's easier to do nothing than move instances, so I can't really blame him.
Unknown_14: So, hopefully, things will pay off and there will at least be a hilarious moment of Sam Hyde fucking with Graf after he has a meltdown and tries to fuck over Fishtank for some arbitrary bullshit reason that his bipolar histrionic cunt brain came up with. That would be the funny long haul con payoff that would gratify me in this instance.
Unknown_14: That's the first thing. I haven't been following it too closely. I've been playing RimWorld, to be honest with you. I've been a little bit dissociated from things. I'm kind of burned out at the moment.
Unknown_14: Um, okay. Ralph updates. Let me take a, uh, Josh, why is your heart so black with hate? I'm very, I don't know. I try to be a positive Polly, but sometimes I'm a negative Nancy. It does. What really upsets me is that because of my, my,
Unknown_14: my stance. I believe that I have a very thorough and well-defined series of things that I am not willing to do.
And as a result, I have a very difficult time making allies. People have very...
Unknown_14: very limited interest in helping me in any way shape or form because i can't promise them anything in return i don't i don't really i can't i as the administrator of the website that is naturally antagonistic cannot offer people anything in return for their help i can offer them money because i don't make money i can't offer them special favors because i have none to grant i can't offer them you know
Long-term peace and prosperity because I bring extraordinary negative attention everywhere I go and Hold up one sec
Unknown_14: And so directly associating with me in any way is a bad idea. And that means that because I don't form allies, I miss out on opportunities a lot. And that's frustrating because I witness a lot, not just in this particular instance, because again, I really don't want to even help Sem High just because I don't want to be involved. It would be a huge pain in the ass. But I know people who would and who deserve that kind of business and attention.
um but i watch stuff like this and i think like you know it really fucking sucks that you see people like andrew torba in a graph constantly strike these deals that
Unknown_14: they don't deserve, because they're insane people, and they're demonstrably, provably unreliable through the passage of time. And then over months, you see them fuck up what they're given. And it's like, I know if someone else had gotten that opportunity, they would have handled it better. And I constantly see situations like that unfold, and I think, that's really unfair. That's really unfair, and it plays out like that constantly.
Unknown_14: I'm not saying that me, like again, I'm not saying that I deserve that because I don't want it. I really do not want to deal with Sam Hyde.
But when I, but I know people who are and who do, who are willing to, who are fans of Sam Hyde, who are competent to help Sam Hyde and who don't want to be based, lay base epic, you know, post Fediverse operator instance person, like who don't care about the publicity. They just do a job.
Unknown_14: Um, it sucks to see an idiot who is obviously going to fuck up eventually because he fucks up all the time. It's like, I just don't people that can do this better.
All right, first, but hopefully, I don't know.
Unknown_14: It is, I don't know how else to explain it.
Unknown_14: Anyways, I never have to worry about that with even with Ralph though Ralph occasionally gets like people throw him Like hundreds of dollars for nothing. It's like why are you doing this?
Unknown_14: Why are you helping this retard? Because like Ralph, um, he said that he was going to
Unknown_14: stream for six hours if he got like three like if he met his goal for the first time in weeks he gets his uh his his goal he immediately offloads the show on dibble and goes to the beach to do xanax with i'm just thinking like
Unknown_14: Why do these people who are so shitty keep getting these lucky breaks knowing that they're just gonna discard it?
Unknown_14: It's truly bizarre to me. I just don't get it.
Unknown_14: People are paying for Ralph to kill himself?
Unknown_14: Maybe. That would make sense at least.
Unknown_14: So, I mentioned Ralph at the Ali Alexander stuff because
Unknown_14: Someone pointed out that Ralph would never disavow Ali Alexander. Ali got him his Twitter account back, and I made this as a joke, he would let a thousand million boys get molested by Ali Alexander, Ali Akbar, before he ever considered disavowing him because that would jeopardize his Twitter account.
Cognitive Fembot says, cool, are you going to disavow Ali Akbar or are you just going to keep licking his nutsack and pretend there's nothing to be appalled about on any of his actions or behaviors? Ethan Ralph replies saying, no, I'm not going to disavow the guy who got me back on Twitter. It would take a lot more than that.
Unknown_14: So literally, I don't care how many boys he molests as long as I keep my Twitter account.
Unknown_14: People also started asking him to go to rehab. He responds by saying, rehab these nuts. In particular, because he has been so high all week that it really looks like unless he has check-in full rehab right now, he will die. So people, even his own fans, have been saying that he should go to rehab at this point, and his response to that is new. Go fuck yourself.
I mentioned that he scammed his pay pigs and because the donations dropped off so significantly after he lied about dying his hair blue and or shaving it off and or shaving off Mary's hair, he eventually relented and dyed his hair lesbian bull dyke blue and shaved it in such a way to make him look like he does in fact he is an actual literal lesbian biker.
Unknown_14: So Ralph has been streaming like this and I don't know if he's just like completely delusional or what But he says that he likes it and it looks good and he rocks it. So I guess we may be seeing blue-haired Ralph Continue at least until he gets tired of maintaining it because he's so fucking lazy. You probably just will stop at some point
May also backs up this hair looks great and says main character energy This is just like her animes where the main character has a different hair color than everybody else Wow how inspired I'm not sure how much I want to comment on this
He tried he's been trying to play video games more because he he has no content So he tried to get into video game streaming and basically he sucks This is from him actually playing quiplash, which is a popular game people play as a streamer Which has high trolling potential. So I do believe that he gets fucked.
Unknown_03: Let's find my phone. Let's see make your own No way
Unknown_14: Sorry, let me adjust the gain a little bit.
Unknown_14: I don't know what it is about the compressor. I really feel like... I try so hard to get the compressor settings adequate.
Unknown_07: H-I-I-E.
Unknown_07: Okay, H-I-E. H-I-I-E. Yeah, I got it. You have to join equipment. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, man.
Unknown_07: I never seen this in real time, by the way. Uh...
A unique way to escape from prison. Ralph is a sex offender.
Unknown_14: Ask Milo. Ralph knew about Ali. A-log the prison guards.
Unknown_14: Fleto a Mexican crack shack. Ralph isn't sober. Knowing that Ali Akbar rapes kids.
Unknown_14: Sign a deal with the feds like Baked Alaska.
Unknown_14: You refuse to disavow Ali Akbar. Ralph defends pedos.
Selling your pussy for free.
Unknown_14: Nick knew that Ali Akbar was a pedophile. Josh Moon smuggled people in his puddle.
Unknown_14: Deny knowing all your guys are pedophiles.
Unknown_14: King of Pharmasumas.
Unknown_03: What'd he say about us?
Unknown_15: Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi Farms is... Kiwi
Dude, there's a sign post near my house, and it has a marker or something written on it. Sex, written in a heart, and then below the heart, there's just the word bussy. And every time I walk to the grocery store and back, I see the love sex bussy sign, and it's very strange.
Unknown_08: Oh, and this one he said the ultimate dream job Britney foot washer or Just southern ass and pussy liquor.
He spelled just Well, I should say that this is actually his answer and he spelt just southern wrong This is the 17 year old girl that he's been less. Well, she was 17 when he started putting pictures up on his OBS of her Randomly apropos nothing and he's been wanting to fuck her for literally years now like six years at this point He's been lusting over her
Unknown_03: Why can't I vote?
Unknown_07: There's no, like, tab option or anything? Anywhere?
Unknown_07: Maybe you can make, like, a tab on your phone too to vote, I guess. I'm not sure.
Unknown_03: Yeah.
Unknown_03: Ridiculous.
He wants... I don't even want to play anymore now.
Unknown_03: I'm going to quit.
Unknown_07: Yo, what's up, guys? Hey, TR is here. Hey, TR.
Unknown_14: He's already upset.
Unknown_14: That's pretty good.
Unknown_14: I like seeing live streamers get trolled like that. It's classic. It's like all the Twitch trolling from the soyjack people, but on Ralph.
Unknown_14: Um, so this is Ralph.
Unknown_14: I think this, this clip, let me double check my notes real quick.
I want to say that this is Ralph's ardent defense of Allie Alexander.
Unknown_14: Oh no, this is different. This is really gross. I don't know how long I want to play this though. This is nine minutes long.
Unknown_03: And people should want to fuck women. Like it's not even about that. It's like these thoughts are like taking all this money.
Unknown_03: God, I couldn't even imagine being a child in this era, honestly. I would have been a simp. I would have been a definite simp.
Unknown_03: Because the reason I wasn't a simp because like I didn't have like I would watch like free porn online and shit But I didn't have like OnlyFans girls trying to sell me their pussy. You know what I mean? Like I would have been a definite simp. Yeah For sure But instead I was just like fuck you bitch I was just like, uh, are you about shit? Uh, no. Okay, get the fuck up out of here. Like it saved my life. It literally saved my life
There's a specific mention in this clip, but I don't know where it's at.
Unknown_03: I shouldn't say her name.
Unknown_14: Oh, this is, this is a Hank.
Unknown_03: Candace Craven.
Now listen to this. Candace Craven and junior high was not only had the best name in junior high.
Unknown_03: She was the hottest girl in junior high.
Unknown_14: So he's reminiscing on a 13-year-old, I think. So junior high is middle school.
Unknown_14: So that's like 10 to 13 is middle school?
Unknown_03: Like, by a decent amount.
Unknown_03: Candace Craven? And she liked me too because she thought I was funny. And she took pictures with me. I wish I still had those, God. I lost those, um...
He kept, he kept pictures of him with junior high girls up until recently.
Unknown_03: I had a whole thing of spindles that I was going to get developed. I never did. Um, God, she was the hottest. I remember the day, I remember the day she gave me a hug and I was just like, I think you're one of the funniest people.
Unknown_03: Like it was like winning an Academy award. Like literally it was like,
So I completely understand all this shit for some of the younger viewers Believe me. I completely understand and and sympathize and LOL fuck you. She was very great. What not third grade 11th Actually, she was in the eighth grade when that happened 13 or 14
Unknown_14: This is a weird, weird thing. Like, um, LOL.
Unknown_03: Well, let's just go fuck her now.
Yeah. Panty lice girls. She made it a point to come in here and say she likes girls. Why don't we just go fuck her now?
Unknown_03: Yeah.
Unknown_03: You made that your calling card. You like the fuck girls. Okay.
Unknown_03: Okay, let's go. I would definitely fucking Are you talking about common equation?
Unknown_03: I'll pull out though, but I wouldn't know no condom whatsoever. No condom whatsoever God, I can feel I can I can just think about them. I can just think about the pussy from like 13 year old me like right now like um You're talking about gross nigga you're over there wiping your pussy right now you're thinking that's hot
If I found the hottest girl in my grade class, and we had a threesome, you would be the most turned on motherfucker.
Unknown_14: Except into Pantsu?
Unknown_03: Of course, I probably wouldn't, but...
Unknown_03: No, she was always really nice to me and I respected her because I was like the class clown I was the class clown because I wasn't like the class Chad. I wasn't like the class athlete Although I did play sports a little bit here and there I was the class just reminiscing about a 13 year old and saying we should go find her and hit her up now Respect that or they cannot respect that She's like getting turned on just thinking about her in retrospect period miss Fenter In seventh grade and I always remember that and she was just just a really nice She you know, she you could tell she was uh, I don't know how to explain this to men, honestly But she was a girl who wasn't like I
you know mean or um like tried to put you down put you down she was the only girl that tolerated him so he remembers her fondly once the molester i saw people 17 years later whatever 20 years later she just kindly and politely you know declined etc and he still couldn't hit it he she he had one girl who tolerated his fat ass in middle school
and he asked her out and she said no and he still thinks about her to this day 25 years later because he's like 37 now 25 years later he still thinks about her
Unknown_03: I don't know, I think that means a lot actually.
Unknown_03: I think the opposite creates a lot of fucking child shooters. That's what I think.
Unknown_03: And so, I don't know, there's no way she'll ever hear this. There's no way she'll ever hear this, but I just always respected her and she was very smart too. So.
Unknown_03: So she had it going on. She was smart. She was in like, uh, the shit like Nixon model debate and all that shit.
Yeah. Economic is merely the city of choice under the conditions of scarcity.
Unknown_03: And she was in choir. I went, I went to band. God, I was so mad. I went to band when I realized all the hot chicks were in choir.
Unknown_14: I'll pause it there. I've lost interest. He blew his load. Metaphorically speaking.
Unknown_14: And this is I think a part of his alley Alexander defense I'll play this it's very short It's something good just in the mentality knowing you're fucking.
Unknown_03: I mean, I'm just being real I'll go full hunter s Thompson on your ass. There's something good in the mentality. Just knowing you're something you're fucking something that young 18 and 19
It's like a conquest. Yeah, it's like, wow, I'm really fucking this young ass pussy. Yeah. I would fuck, would I fuck a 18 year old pussy in high school? Yeah.
Unknown_14: He's become like so much more like a like a pig monster like just his inhibition his ability to like discern between right and wrong and what is expected and Responsible of someone his age is just like completely rotted out of his brain. It's just like a drug zombie now It really couldn't happen to a nicer person Ever seen you guys
This is just him drinking something, probably alcoholic, and then chugging an entire bottle of Pepto-Bismol. And then he chases the Pepto-Bismol with more alcohol.
Unknown_14: I don't know what the fuck that is. I have literally never in my life seen someone down an entire bottle of Pepto Bismol in one go. Uh, that's pretty impressive. I've never, I don't know if it's like an alcoholic thing that I've just never heard of before, but if it is, uh, I, I, I've never heard of it. So that's a bit, bit bizarre.
He has stopped saying that it's sober spring. Um,
Unknown_14: But, Harry Morris has found old pictures of his mother and has posted them on Twitter. This picture of her stuffing her fat fucking face as much as she possibly can has angered Ralph significantly.
Ralph responded to this saying, Harry Morris, you're not going to like what I do next. If you post another picture of my mother, Jolene, especially isn't going to lack it or her car dealership since he's been participating in this harassment. So he's threatening to go after his mother's car dealership. If he doesn't stop posting pictures of his fat ass mom from the picture albums that he left behind before he fled to Mexico. I'm not sure if Harry Morris is intimidated by that though.
Okay, this is a back and forth with Milo Yiannopoulos.
Unknown_14: Milo Yiannopoulos has deleted his tweets, unfortunately, because Milo Yiannopoulos is a fucking faggot, and I fucking hate him. Actually, SmileyDaFed deleted the tweet.
Unknown_14: Basically, Ralph was going to wrangle Smiley, one of the main primary accusers of Ali Akbar as being a child predator who asked him for nudes, on the killstream.
Unknown_14: Milo advised Smiley not to do that. And Smiley came back with a quote, a tweet along the lines of, on second thought, I don't think it's a good idea for me to show up on stream with a convicted sex offender. And this set Raph off for two reasons. Number one, he desperately needs guests on his show because the show sucks ass. Number two, being called a convicted sex offender pisses him off. So I will read his tweet in response to this.
Well, I'm not a convicted sex offender, so that's good. You are convicted of trying to trade sexual favors to move up the political ladder just like a slut would, though, and save the evidence like Monica Lewinsky. You, sir, are an absolute joke, and I'm going to rip you apart today. Oh, and he also went out to the desert and shot a gun and talked about killing federal agents like a dumbass. I'm not sure he isn't one himself. Either way, we're know he's willing to trade sex favors for sexual favors, gay sexual favors, even saving the evidence to try and get a campaign job. You're not a victim. You're a predator in reality.
So that really set him off. He continues to try and say, I think of the next tweet, we'll actually say this.
Unknown_14: Um, Ethan continues to try and say that he was found guilty of a copyright issue. He was not, he was found convicted of a crime, which is under the same area of sexual misconduct that child pornography is found under.
Unknown_14: It is a sex offense. He just is not a registered sex offender.
Unknown_14: He continues in response to...
Now this was the message from Milo that made Smiley change his mind. Milo says, your chaotic, disreputable, drink sodden carnival of despair is wholly inappropriate environment to discuss sexual assaults on boys as young as 12.
Unknown_14: Of the remaining 24 accusers, none will be attending and we urge that you cancel this irresponsible stunt. But when the genuinely victimized subject themselves to the gauche indignities and petty bullying of such a ludicrous format, it undermines the seriousness of the issue at hand and is counterproductive to their cause and injurious to other accusers."
So this message got Smiley to 180 on his decision to show up on the kill stream.
Unknown_14: Ethan Ralph freaks out about this and yells at him and says, Mylo clearly told Smiley not to go on the kill stream.
Unknown_14: He runs the Allie Files account, a coint, too. He's deathly afraid of what he will say. Smiley is still covering up for Allie. Who could believe a word out of his mouth when he isn't full of clout chasing? Smiley's clearly under Milo's control.
Louis, he thought you'd be hostile, declined, then you were then hostile. Ethan says, he called me a sex offender, which I'm not. Yeah, then hostility. I am now going to be the most hostile person possible when it comes to this loser. I'm going to make sure his sob story doesn't fly. He fucked up, basically. I guarantee you he wishes he took my interview by the end of the day."
Unknown_14: He's such a faggot. He's such a limp-wristed, impotent faggot. He can't even mention the Kiwi farms anymore because he's so buckbroken by people bullying him. He's so buckbroken by the heresy. And all the people, he just, he looks at the chat on the forum and he's like traumatized by it. And he just sits there like saying, I'm going to be your worst nightmare. I'm going to go after your mother's car dealership. I'm going to become the worst thing you've ever seen.
It's going to be so funny when he gets his ass fucking kicked again. Can't wait.
Unknown_14: Oh, this is his defense. I'm not technically a sex offender. My offense was over the illegal sharing of imagery, a copyright dispute basically. Copyright is civil. You are criminally convicted of sharing images in the same area of law that child pornography is under. As I said, it is a sex offense.
uh... he says i'll start the smiley sounds gala math out interview make all the money myself anyway and i'm going to absolutely destroyed tonight and a bit more than you think and uh... senses take on smiling uh... a gay homosexual brown man comes out and tries to solicit nude images from people within his movement within america first group one cozy
And his defense is of the brown pedophile trying to solicit dick pictures from teenage boys.
Unknown_14: And he froths at the mouth in rage and threatens to annihilate, destroy, and abuse the victim for whatever reason because he's associated with Milo Yiannopoulos, who he also doesn't like.
Unknown_15: Okay, so this is about...
Unknown_14: This is about his case. He has another hearing on Monday, but he had a hearing. I want to say on Wednesday.
Okay, this was a follow-up to the filing he made. I read the filing on air. This was the filing about How so in general Mr. Vickers 90 year gay op to fuck over Ethan Ralph as revenge for impregnating his his daughter with as a pig monster Is to make it so that Ethan Ralph is not able to visit Xander That's literally it
Unknown_14: He is trying to have Ethan Ralph basically blotted from memory from this child and that is his only way of trying to get revenge on Ethan Ralph for basically ruining his life and outing his daughter as a retard whore and outing him as a fat pathetic man-child. So...
As always, I should clarify, I like neither of these people. I see them as basically mirror images of each other and I maintain that Faith Vickers was impregnated by Ethan Ralph because she has daddy issues and Ethan Ralph reminds her of her father, Matthew Vickers.
Unknown_14: So Ethan Ralph filed a document.
Unknown_14: explaining in the only way that he can via drunken ramblings that the man that Faith Vickers has as Xander's stepfather right now is not to be trusted because according to Faith Vickers, this is according to her,
Um, she first met that guy when she was like 13 and he was 18 and he took her to Disneyland and, uh, finger blasted her on an amusement park ride. And, uh, Vickers was aware that they were having a relationship with him being 18 and her being 13 and permitted this relationship.
Unknown_14: So according to Ethan Ralph, he is a pedophile and Mr. Vickers is knowing intolerant of such a fact.
Unknown_14: Faith now retcons this story and says that it was somebody else or at least tries to plausibly deny without outright lying that this is what it was about.
His name was like something Vala, he's a Mexican.
Unknown_14: So Ralph filed a document effectively calling the stepfather a pedophile and Vickers complacent with such a fact and demanded that faith not be permitted to allow Vala anywhere near Xander.
Unknown_14: And he brought up in particular that it was unfair that Mae be disallowed from seeing Xander because she was an open lollicon.
Unknown_14: as being justification for enforcing this requirement on faith. The issue being that Mae not being allowed to see Xander was a condition that Vickers came up with and that Ralph agreed to for the visitation rights.
So it wasn't proven in court that May was like a pedophile that couldn't be trusted around Xander. It was just something that Ralph agreed to in the negotiation process for visitation rights. So now he's trying to force the court to instill a similar restriction that faith and vicars have no reason to permit and is actually disadvantageous to them to allow.
Unknown_14: So he filed that drunken rambling a couple weeks ago and we're having a court hearing about it.
And effectively, Ralph lost. Ralph achieved absolutely none of his goals. The filing was thrown out and much of it was deemed irrelevant to the court and to the filing. So he says afterwards, basically admitting that he lost.
Unknown_14: um but he says that winning wasn't the goal because you see there will be a story to tell many years from now to one individual that's the game i'm on these motherfuckers better hope i kick the bucket because i plan on causing massive pain and also keep in mind i've offered no less than three offers of truce but they don't want it take me out then I didn't talk about the case. No offer details were revealed. I spoke nothing of any testimony, etc.
Sickers plan a John Madden play by play tonight. Do you understand why I'm not worried? The agreement itself is unconstitutional as far as speech goes. Both agreements.
Unknown_14: So his argument is that he's not actually trying to win the cases with his filing. He's simply trying to place breadcrumbs so that Xander, on his own, even if Ralph is completely cut off from him, may find these court documents about his custody and realize in the eloquent writing of Ethan Ralph left behind for him that Ralph was right all along and that Ralph never gave up on trying to visit him and that he is his true father and they can be together again one day.
That is literally what he's arguing at this point.
Unknown_14: I read that.
Unknown_14: is, I believe, is now receiving information directly from Matthew Vickers at this point.
Unknown_14: Which is a smart move from Matthew Vickers, though I think it was an opportunity of last resort.
Unknown_14: Matthew Vickers has relied on absolute fucking retards, like Perspicacity, I think, and Genius Anus, and Brian Dunn, the King of Pull, to be his henchmen.
and has finally, after exhausting all possible alternatives, has picked someone who is mildly tolerable. Now, Haru does have an anime avatar and username combination a deadly blow to one's judge of character.
Unknown_14: However, they've been pretty decent in the time that they've been around, since 2020.
Unknown_14: So now, if Vickers has decided to give Haru the information to drip feed,
Unknown_14: That is a pretty solid choice because Haru, I would not say Haru is like pro Kiwi Farms as much as he is anti-Ethan Ralph at this point. So if you're going to pick someone who is on good terms on the forum and then also is more reliably anti-Ethan Ralph for you to use as a mouthpiece, Haru is probably a good choice for that. But Haru either relays for Master Matthew Vickers or sums in his own words, saying, Too long, didn't read. Ethan Ralph lost his attempt to bar Isaiah from seeing Xander on every front, explaining his erratic behavior in the aftermath of the hearing. From the outset, Ethan cried about how Amanda is not allowed to see Xander and it's not fair. The judge shut him down instantly so that the issue was totally irrelevant to the matter at hand, which Isaiah's contact with Xander. Per Matthew Vickers, this is a point of extreme contention for Ethan and Ralph that he's obsessed with resolving and keeps bringing up over and over again, despite being rebuffed at every turn. Ethan apparently stumbled through the Zoom hearing in an inarticulate fashion and kept bringing up the fact that he's an internet talk show host, lowercase i internet, so his audio setup is configured for that and not Zoom.
Which the judge found annoying and also implies he was having usual tech issues from the show in the court too.
Unknown_14: Amanda was not allowed to testify because Ethan's shoddy pro se filings failing to secure her the standing to do so.
Unknown_14: Ethan also failed to serve faith correctly, but she stipulated that she'd been served because she got the documents from Esoteric Shaggy's Twitter account, defeating what seemed to be a strategy for Ethan Ralph to weasel out of continuance.
Unknown_14: So that's basically him saying that
Unknown_14: He was trying to deliberately not serve her correctly so that she would not be allowed to respond, so that the court would have to be continued until Ralph did effectively serve her.
That's a really, really poor idea, because you can get filings from the docket directly. You don't have to be physically served.
Unknown_14: The end result was that the judge promptly denied the order to bar Isaiah from seeing Xander and reasserted that Faith has sole custody and Ethan has no say in it whatsoever. As he dismissed the parties, the judge said, so I'll see you guys on Monday, which is kind of funny for a judge to say because, um, for the DBRO contempt trial. So this is, uh, Matthew Vickers saying that Ethan Ralph violated his restraining order and he should be held in contempt of court for it. Um, and Ethan responded to the judge saying, you bet you'll see me in a menacing tone that made the judge visibly take pause. So I guess he said it like a threat, like, yeah, you bet you'll see me, which I was like, Oh, are you threatening me? Do I have to like put it in with the marshals that you're threatening a court, a judge? That's a, that's a crime. Um, but then finally,
Matthew Vickers will also be filing a pro se civil suit for defamation in response to Ethan's false pedophilia allegations against him, the rationale being that Ethan is too poor to recover enough money to justify paying an attorney. He'll also support Isaiah's filing over the Disney Diddler allegations if he chooses to do so, though he has no specific plans to do that in this time. Here's the full document of Faith's response to Ethan on the subject of Isaiah seeing Xander. Very short, very well written.
I believe it's written in first person, so I think that Matthew Vickers is probably helping her write pro se filing so they don't have to pay an attorney anymore. Uh, if that is the case, um, it seems pretty well done. I don't have anything really to say about it.
Unknown_14: Uh, geez, there was something I was going to, to say about this, but I lost it.
Unknown_15: Um, I think in regards to
Oh, you know what? I don't have all my tabs open actually.
Unknown_14: Oh, there I was just hiding. I had so many tabs open. I forgot them all. Uh, this is, um, from Wednesday, Ralph had a serious pill stream again. He, um, he was fucked up on something. I think he was taking it and another, another drug. He was like taking Coke or something off on the side.
Unknown_14: So this is footage of him trying to conduct a live stream. Well, he got rid of the sober spring at this point. He gave up.
The Taliban sent $3. We will release Lord Miles when you stop coming on air, peeled out.
Unknown_04: Well, you got a long ways to go.
Unknown_03: But you know what? You know what?
Unknown_03: I love Lord Miles.
Oh God, how long have I been muted?
Unknown_13: How long have I been muted? Did I like?
Unknown_14: Oh God, I'm still streaming. Look, sorry. I have seasonal allergies. Forgive me. I'm talking it all up to the seasonal allergies. Um, uh, yeah, I just said this in case I, I think I didn't fail to mention this. If, um,
Unknown_14: This reminded me of Jim shaking the pill bottle with flamenco. The little pill right at the end. He literally does this now. He unironically shakes his pill bottle in front of the camera to remind us all to not let your memes be dreams. They will manifest in reality.
Um... Let's see.
Unknown_03: There we go. There. Um... I hesitate to think what it might be worth because... Um...
Unknown_03: Xanax, Xanax used to go, you know, when I was a kid, Xanax used to go for like $4 or $5. And Xanax now goes for like $10 or $11.
And if you can bring a pair of Xanax in over the border, you can become a millionaire.
Unknown_03: And I'm just telling you, I'm just telling you. Now, a lot of people are bringing, you know, fentanyl. I don't, you know, I don't bring anything in, only the what I need for my personal, you know, needs. I need Xanax to participate every day.
But if you didn't need Xanax to participate every day, you could surely bring in, I don't know, 100 Xanax a day.
Unknown_03: You multiply that times eight.
Unknown_03: Or 10? Ummm... Pure.
Unknown_03: Well, well I guess you just... I guess you just have to resolve. You have to resolve. I guess you just have to resolve. I'm trying to, by the way, by the way, I'm trying to pull a picture up again. And it won't. Holy shit. Oh my god.
Is it over for you A-Logs?
Unknown_03: I'm about to make a million.
Unknown_03: You goddamn dumb motherfuckers. Oh my god. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me. You drove me into Mexico.
and I'm about to make a million. I really approve you. I really approve you. You're about to make me a million. You drove me into Mexico. What were you thinking?
Unknown_15: Why didn't you just leave me alone?
Unknown_15: my name is ethan oliver ralph i live at 1488 1488 taco bueno lane merida mexico this is my confession if you're watching this tape i'm probably dead murdered by my wife a horse my wife and pet horse may ralph
May has been building a Xanax empire for over a year and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 37th birthday, May came with me to a rather shocking proposition. He asked that I use my Xanax knowledge to smuggle Xanax into the United States, which he would sell using his connections in the drug world. Connections he made through his career with his father in New York.
Unknown_14: Sorry, I'm not actually a Breaking Bad fan, but while listening to this, I thought, this is like the confession tape from Walter White.
I will play this too. Oh my God. He does look really bad. He looks so gray. How does he look so gray?
Unknown_03: Don't worry, I'll give you an update. You know where though? It won't be from Mexico. You know where it'll be from? Do you know where it'll be from? I don't think you can guess where it'll be from.
Unknown_03: Some people in chat can. Some people in chat can. Some people in chat can still can. Some people in chat ain't so burnt out.
They're burnt out! They're burnt out!
Unknown_04: They're so burnt out! They're so burnt out! All these motherfucking... By the way, these aren't all Americans watching me.
Unknown_03: These are, like, Caribbean and, like, fucking just burnt out. Fuckin smokeheads watching me too like y'all understand. Oh my God Sara Debra Oh No, oh no very dare we We fucked it up right the last moment on purpose.
Yeah, thank you. We go to very dare
You know, he's still made, even for this stream, he made $325. All right. I just think of like all the people I know.
Unknown_14: who made way less than that, like, every day. And it's so sad to think that there are like people out there who bust their ass, literally destroy their bodies. And this fat cunt can sit around and just like take Xanax and act like a retard on camera and make more than them. It really says a lot about society. And this was his chat, by the way, during the, the pill stream arc, someone recorded it and I'll read what I can find in it. That's interesting.
You let the one says Mexican Xanax Ralph sucks. LOL. Still love him.
Unknown_14: He went months in 2019 in this state. Nothing new. I've been watching since 2019 and Mexican Xanax Ralph is my least favorite Ralph.
Unknown_14: We know the famous pill stream, but I don't think it was as ever consistent as that or as this.
Unknown_14: Joey Jojo Joe star says not me. I've been watching him since corn stole the iPad. He's been drunk or high every single day for three months.
I've never seen Ralph come on air and slur his words like this. Even when he was drinking heavily, he sounds incoherent.
Unknown_14: Are we sure them? The Xanax is legit and not fentanyl. Is it? It is in Mexico after all.
Unknown_14: Ray Sussman, even after watching this as he can do it again, I'm sure he's got a lot going on.
Unknown_14: Uh... He did it before, it's fine. No dude, this isn't normal. Yesterday what I caught with both... God, that guy. Jews stay killing Christ is like yesterday spelled wrong. What I caught with both guests was good. These people... Man, the fucking alt-right grift... I bet you it's the same on the left grift, though. It's like... All he does... This guy, Jews stay killing Christ.
he's he goes on to a stream there is a drug addict retard collecting super chats and he sees one guy going jews bad don't like jews prefer no jews at all and this guy's like I will give you super chat money. I'm giving you my money. Good job saying this. I will give you my money. It's like the funniest, like the easiest fucking thing ever to take money from retards. I got to the wrong business. Instead of making fun of retards, I should have just found some way to deprive them of their cash because you don't have to put in any work. You don't have, you don't have to do anything. You don't have to have a product to sell as long as you just like find the right retards and drill them. You can, you can harvest them like liquid gold.
Let's see nothing worse than seeing talent going to waste and Ralph is wasted a talented as fuck I'm just pissed. There's nothing good on cozy to watch now from hate speech griper It's never been quite this bad even going back a while Show is unwatchable lately
Unknown_14: Sungripe says, Ralph has allot on his plate and he needs a legit support system, because that's a lot of allot of shit for one man to walk through.
Wait, we're allowed to moral fag now? I thought we were supposed to just sit here and watch a man die quietly. Because the mods would ban them before if they said anything about this.
Unknown_14: Ralph is letting Tyler do his thing. This is all a ruse. He's been reading chat to see who badmouths him. Then comes the broom.
Unknown_14: Giovanni 9000. I love Ralph.
Unknown_14: I guess when the doughnuts dry up, he'll air out a bit. I know I'm that way when the money is gone. Haha.
Ralph has no motivation to do anything because nobody with influence on Cozy will ever call him out.
Unknown_14: The indigo child. Yeah. Three months straight is kind of a while, but the man is mostly indestructible. A man's got to ease off right about him.
Unknown_14: You know, there are a lot of people, Mercury and Dixie, respect her, both say that they know Xanax addiction. They say it's not a joke.
Unknown_14: Isn't Ruff has a flight tomorrow? I'm pretty sure he was supposed to go visit Xander in real life, but he did his pill stream the night of the flight to California because he's going to Sacramento to see Xander and then Dick Masterson and 80s girl. And this was the stream the day before the flight. He's this fucked up. So I'm really curious if he's going to show up for visitation, like completely fucked up if at all.
And that's it. That's it for the chat.
Unknown_14: Now, let me, let me see if I can pull this off correctly. Hold on. I should have prepared this all, uh, ready to go. Unfortunately, I'm lazy and stupid and did not think to do that.
Is this it?
Unknown_15: Yeah.
Unknown_14: yay now someone suggested that i re-sync it with uh and just have and now before it's time to be the dead horse because then it will match match the the beats correctly anyways Not to defer, it is time to watch Mae suffer. This is a moment of zen. After all this abuse of Ethan Ralph, we need to focus on the main villain here. Amanda sees her husband, the father of her child, dying in real time and says, this eclipse energy is crazy. I know, those fucking eclipses, man. Every time an eclipse happens, I'm off my rocker. Because, you know, my name is Joshua Moon, so when the sun is behind me and I'm blocking it, I get a sunburn on my back, I guess. It's serious. Astrology is serious business, is what I'm trying to say.
God put the people you meet in your life for a reason. Take every opportunity to love and learn from each other.
As Ralph is dying.
Unknown_14: Um, and as she's talking about astrology, Ethan Ralph continues to sit for faith, her, his favorite, the one who got away.
Unknown_14: Ethan Ralph says, first, I pled no contest in regards to the sex offense that he's convicted of. Second, she lied and said I pushed myself on her, made up all kinds of lies to her ex, BF, her family, to me. And those lies were broadcast live on YouTube before the release of the sex tape. That's just as bad as quote unquote, revenge porn.
And then you know what? I'm gonna give her some credit. She did apologize to me for that, something you might not expect to hear me say, but she did do that many times and even recently. But still, this didn't come out of nowhere. So he thinks he can still get back with Faith, who is the mother of his son, which is the child that he's more interested in because he doesn't care about Cozy Rosie, unfortunately for her. Maybe fortunately for her, we'll see.
Um, oh, this is the wrong tab. I want to go back to this and show you this. So as Ethan Ralph was smashed, he accidentally showed his screen again. And one of the things that he showed was I think a Slack chat. I don't know what chat application this is, but it's between Ralph and pants too in private.
Unknown_14: And, uh, he says.
Unknown_14: From what we can see, there you go. I went to court with you. That's all ill say when none of your family did. So he's saying that she went to court and her family did not support her in court. And I believe that this is the court case regarding the fact that she sent Faith Vickers journal to a logs to read.
And she had to testify that this was the case because if it wasn't her, then it was Ethan Ralph and he would be in violation of his domestic violence restraining order, which is a criminal offense. If May sent it, then there's no problem. She does not have an order against her to not fuck with, uh, to not fuck with May. Odyssey's dad. Okay. I'll switch over the chat.
Just go to rumble.
Unknown_14: Colo rumble. Let's do rumble crew Need I'll even say hi in that chat So So she has to testify and lie to the court for Ethan's behalf so that she he does not have a issue with the law and Pantsu says
You are not a part of the proceedings. This is not the time to fight, but I made it clear how I feel for you dragging me into this. Well, it says, I don't even think she's here, but I won't forget this focus on the, her calling you a pedo, putting your child in danger by revealing your address out and something else. And then she will sing a sad song.
Unknown_14: Oh, by the way, the, the matrix chat is back up. So if I forget to turn off matrix, they will fucking ping me again.
Apparently I can't even turn off. I can't even windows is such a piece of fucking shit. You know that Okay So I'm interested in this chat will actually hurt her in court because I
Unknown_14: It's not quite an explicit indication that she's lying, but it's pretty close. So this will probably get brought up to try and pin Ralph on a DBRO violation, uh, for faith instead of allowing Piantu to testify. Cause he accidentally revealed that he's talking to her and might have, uh, gotten her to lie for him.
So that's Mae's life.
Unknown_14: That is, um, that's where she's at.
Unknown_14: in the crack shack, waiting for Ralph to die, and so on.
Unknown_14: And on that note, I think that's it. I think that's all the content for the week that I feel like talking about.
Unknown_14: So, thank you.
If you've followed me to Odyssey, or Rumble, or Telegram, or wherever, instead of just sticking to YouTube, I appreciate it. A lot of people did. It's always nice to see the audience be more flexible, because YouTube is a shithole. And I unfortunately have to tolerate it just because of the nature of the internet and how centralized it is, but I prefer not to.
Unknown_14: So... Um...
Unknown_14: Now is the time for the super chats. I imagine there will probably be fewer than usual. I will start with the odyssey ones. I do not know. Um, I, I'm a think that I got something on rumble. I've never gotten something on rumble before. I do not know how to do this.
Is under payments service unavailable. Okay. If I try to click payments on rumble, I get an error 500. I cannot view payments.
Unknown_14: actually everything
Unknown_14: Okay, so Rumble's entire... back-end for streamers is just giving an error 500, servers unavailable.
Unknown_14: And I do not see a way to just view the super chats on Rumble. So if you did a super chat on Rumble, I apologize, but I... It is literally inaccessible to me.
The absolute state of the alt-right and alt-tech. If you think about the money that Rumble's getting, they could make shit not suck so fucking bad though, for real.
Unknown_14: Okay, I will read the uh, the honest need ones and then I'll read the Let me put the green on first so everyone knows everyone knows Let's see Sorry, this is a super lazy stream I've been kind of zonked out
Um, and I'm trying to log into the wrong YouTube account. Perfect. Everything, everything is going according to plan. Everything is just sucking exactly as I wanted it to. Oh, my, my rumble is back up. Okay. Rumble rants.
Unknown_14: Um, why is there not like a fucking button to see the super chats anywhere? What a bizarre decision to not have like,
Unknown_14: It's really like, if you're the product manager for Rumble, what the fuck are you doing?
Number one, the internal dashboard should not be crashing constantly. Number two, there should be an obvious button to see the superchats so that people can get what they paid for.
Unknown_14: Honestly, yeah, how do they not have them? They definitely have the money They have the money to afford Nick Rikeda at the price that he's getting paid But they don't have the money to like have the actual fucking site work. What a bizarre Priority system, you know But hey, I guess they're getting paid so what's the point what's the point of making it work if they're getting their money and
so many like deserving people that don't get recognition and the people who do are just fucking terrible at it anyways I don't want to sound too salty um let me try to oh and rumble doesn't work wow and odyssey also doesn't work is that my internet is it's like my stream down cuz oh wait I found the rumble rants but it doesn't actually
Unknown_14: It just says that I got this much in rumble rants and doesn't actually show me the rumble rants. Wow. That is fucking bizarre. And then odyssey isn't loading at all. I see that there's like 10 different tips on odyssey that I can't even load because um,
Unknown_14: Did we cover Ralph interviewing Smiley? No, I'm sorry. I didn't see the interview with Smiley. And then Odyssey is just completely down. I can't even load it to see those ones. Unbelievable. I'm really sorry. I'll try to load them again at the end of the stream. I was going to read them first, but I can't.
What a fucking nightmare. Everything sucks. Okay. I'll just start with the donation alerts. I really apologize. I'll try by the end of the stream to find them again.
Unknown_14: Seared bite for two says I sent you all the bet I had left But I won't be able to do it anymore because no know your customer is needed to earn bet which I won't do Don't spend all in one place. Also, please set up that Monero stream a nation thing. Okay, maybe um, I'm off I'm aware that brave is becoming shittier all the time with their bat system probably do the know your customer stuff But yeah, it sucks. I apologize. It's not it's not uh, I It served its purpose, like in a time where I could get no money except through that, but now things are looking up, so.
Yeah, it does suck, but it was nice to have.
Unknown_14: Mom for two says, You're over 30 now, Joshy boy. Remember to do some muscular activity for brain health. He'll get some sunlight. You look pale. Getting some zinc, magnesium, vitamin D creatine supplement won't hurt either.
Unknown_14: I do take supplements and I get sunlight sometimes. I usually go for a walk at least once a day. Thank you. Power Chad over cocked before it says Josh, you mentioned last stream you started doing physical activity before streams. Over the couple of years I dropped from three 15 to two 20 and have come to spread the good work of getting off your chunky dumper and doing some exercise with three minutes a day. Also TCD.
Yeah. I mean, like I said, I, I try to get in sub movement, uh, most days.
Unknown_14: I have plateaued in my weight loss, and that's because I'm not counting my calories as well as I have been.
Unknown_14: Which sucks. I was more motivated when I was trying to spite people, but now I've become complacent in my dieting. Even though I haven't been eating much at all, I didn't eat meat at all for Lent.
Though I don't think I've even been weighing myself, so I don't know.
Unknown_14: Mr. Richard Smoker, your poopy for five says, Team Sylvia, who else wants to send her a loot case full of snacks? Josie does not compare in personality, size, and outgoing temperament. Sylvia is the obvious choice. Also, big ups to our drama exclamation point family man, Peter Griffin fans. Please post family guy one in chat. That's a very esoteric message. I think Sylvia is the fat goth girl in the fish tank stream, but I don't know.
Thank you. Australian friend for 10 for one for 10 says that you mentioned the Harry Potter goblin bank floor star being the star from Australian flag and then not understanding why it was missing a point. You've been living rent free in my head for about a month. Uh, Australian friend for 10 for two for 10 says, uh, open an image of the Australian flag for today's flag autism lesson. The star on the right is the Southern cross constellation in real life can only be seen in the Southern hemisphere by drawing a line from the top star to the bottom. You can find the true South. Australian friend for ten for three for ten says the other lone star is on the bottom left the commonwealth star. In 1901 when the star was formed it had six points for each state which was what is on the floor of the harry potter jubilant bank. However, in six, or sorry, Australian friend for 10 for four for 10 says, however, in 1905, Australia got the territory of Papau and the government realized that they wouldn't have enough room to keep adding points for every new state. So the seventh point is literally just a catch all for future territories.
So there you go. I told you that the, the star in that, cause it was the Australia house was a representation of the Australian flag and people corrected me cause it was a different number of points. But when it was built, it represented the flag and everyone, people actually called me out on that and said, I don't know my flag history and motherfucker. I do know I was just, I didn't know the full history like that. So don't doubt me. You pieces of shit. I will show the, uh, the flag.
See this is the beautiful Australian flag exactly as it flies over Australia to this day Yeah, beautiful colors, of course colors are very important They actually don't have pop how anymore they release that so they could go back to the six-pointed star if they wanted to I
Bixnude410 says no one of your jannies was trying to act like anyone asked for their opinion Could you please inform chat what the standard salary of a KiwiForms janny is? The KiwiForms janny salary starts at ten or at nothing Sorry, I said ten because you gave me ten dollars Starts at nothing and goes up to nothing. However, I think I've Trying to think of a time I've monetarily contributed to as one of the moderators I don't think I've ever have no one's ever asked me for anything. So I've never given anybody anything and
Unknown_14: Kind of rude of me actually Poor fag for 438 says hey Josh 4chan's biz is complete and utter shit now It's in there with Pajit shells and coon baiting faggots. Is there any way to recreate biz on Kiwi farms? We have the bidness if people want to start posting into business more. I would really really really like that The biz was one of the last boards that I browsed frequently before giving up on 4chan almost entirely.
I would love it if the biz board on Kiwi for Kiwi farms was more active
Unknown_14: Jason Goldstriker for two says, Hey big guy, I heard you might have a thing for Sylvia. I can set you two up if you want. Yeah, right. I have no interest in any of those people. I don't know why people are something for the autistic girl so much. It's literally like a case of, Oh, she's a retard. So she's in my league. I'm also a retard.
If she's retarded, she won't know how unattractive I am. Uh, hexagon for 55 55 says, Oh no. Oh, money sign. Ooh, just D peg and is only worth 55 55 now.
Unknown_14: I don't know what the fuck that means. I'm assuming that uwu was like a cryptocurrency. And now it's uh, it has fallen because it's de-pegged from the dollar somehow. Very bizarre.
Unknown_14: Very esoteric message as well.
Neo Hallstein for 15 says busy Friday, huh? You should give us or you should give Valkyrie love thy bravery a listen It's a great piece to play after winning in a paradox game I've not been playing paradox games I've been just been playing rimworld recently. I might do a rimworld stream. No promises cuz I'm very bad at it And my thing is I spend more time Restarting the campaign than I do actually playing so it's not very fun to watch. I don't think I
Unknown_14: Roxanne wolferton says bark bark if a kiwi bird were to wear a kiwi tie would it be a kiwi bird brown or kiwi fruit green green because his fur color or feather color is brown obviously Cole Cole for four says I am so fucking mad they want to turn off people's self-preservation instincts me because it gets in the way of their agenda total total bureaucratic death and it's working it's amazing how many people are willing to just like completely
Make themselves subservient, because they don't want to offend somebody. I think we should all be more comfortable offending people more regularly.
Unknown_14: Dante Oxford 2 says, it may not be all of BuzzFeed, but a branch of it is dying is something to celebrate. Press S to spit on BuzzFeed News's grave. Well, no loss there. I'm pressing S my boy. Fuck them. Fuck journos. Hokuriku for four says, Canada also getting in on some of the prison camps for inconvenient thought train. This time for climate change and healthcare posts in the thread. Canada is a failed state.
Unknown_14: Public Health Agency of Canada reports calls of toppling capitalism and liberty. One respondent delivered a lengthy explanation of why the core values of Western society stood in their way, most notably the concept of liberty and individualism. It advances the individual over the collective. It says, as long as I get what I want, bugger you, and it leads to a huge number of problems and it undermines the collective process, they said.
Unknown_14: Well, I can agree with that in some regards, but the problem is that your collective is a mystery to people who want to fucking kill me. And therefore, I cannot support you and your endeavors whatsoever, Canada.
Very sad. At least they're being more masked off so we can hate them more easily.
Unknown_14: AbominableHillman410 says, Big ups to Krunklord420 for finally waking up from his weed and Patron coma to run the KiwiForms Fediverse. No, that was me. Um, I had to set something up for the servers to get back on the internet. Uh, Krunklord was pretty fast about getting him back up after I got the internet connection back up. But big ups to him. Now he just has, now we have to find out what to do about the graph question. We will find an answer to the graph question eventually though.
Thank you. BurgerMutt42 says, as a fellow advertisement hater, I feel the need to show YouTube Revanced app for Android. It gives you all the features of YouTube Premium, including background play and no ads. Plus, it adds the dislike counter back, and it skips ad reads and video.
Unknown_14: So that just sounds like Chrome that has Ublock Origin, the dislike counter extension, and also SponsorBlock, which are all great extensions, but for the mobile device. So that's YouTube Revanced for Android. Thank you.
Namas for two says, all my family are disgusted by trunes. My sister had a terrifying experience when she heard a man's falsetto voice in the restroom saying, is anyone here? TTD. I agree. TTD. That does sound like a terrifying excuse. Remember men that carry, you have to protect women's restrooms. According to Molly, whatever the fuck her name was.
Unknown_15: Please play this for 20 says there's a little bit of Brianna Lou and a little bit of gun time stamps 053 Brianna reveals her ignorance of another vocab word 238 Brianna reacts to Ethan Ralph's past year. Okay, fine. It sounds funny Pulling that up now
Of course, it's on my site.
Unknown_14: So it may not load as tends to be the case very frequently. I kind of wish he had... It bugged me so much. There's no excuse for this.
Socialist who has 95,000 subscribers and progressives are going absolutely apeshit making TikToks about this guy and this type of thing. They want him thrown off the platform. Should he be? I need to read about it. I don't know. Well, assume for a second that I'm just telling you the truth and that this guy does identify as a national socialist. Does that have some connotation?
Unknown_05: I'm not aware of. It's short for Nazi. What do you mean?
Unknown_03: Well, I think Nazi ideology is... You dumb bitch, you don't know what National Socialism is? Are you kidding me? Get this.
I mean that is true, how do you not know what National Socialism is? Did you not attend school? I disagree that National Socialism is very specifically the Nazi government, but...
Unknown_14: Because it is an interest like the political concept of it makes sense, but to immediately say that's like anti-semitic It's like a very specific implementation of that is shitty And if we'll inshallah my website will be able to play the second half of this clip this is Brianna reacts to Ethan Ralph's past year
There's an online personality named Ethan Ralph who is very much not a not a fan of yours going back. That's not true. Yes. So I celebrated when he punched that cop and went to prison for a felony.
Unknown_05: That was a good day.
Unknown_11: ask you how you feel about the multiple ass kickings that Ethan Ralph has had gone to he's been beaten so badly in fact one of his eye sockets caved in and has never healed back correctly I wonder if you had anything you want to say about I don't think you're a good person but I'm really sorry to hear that
Oh, Brianna Wu takes pity on Ethan Ralph.
Unknown_14: Isn't that adorable? Even Brianna Wu looks to hear the stories of Ethan Ralph and goes, oh, how pathetic. How sad.
Unknown_14: Very funny. Thank you. Flexiglass for 184 says, since you once fed a dollar bill to a deer, can we call you deer feeder? That's pretty funny. I did not feed a dollar bill to a deer. I had like a five Canadian dollar bill. It wasn't even five. It was like $10. There was a lot of money that I was going to spend to buy deer feed. I had it in my hand. I hid it behind my back because a deer was sniffing it in front of me. And then as I was holding the dollar bill behind my back, another deer snuck up behind me and ate it from my hands, which was preposterous. It was really frustrating because I wanted to feed the fucking thing, but it ate the money for the food.
Anonymous for 2 says, if only the NB hanged via a noose. Oh, that would be a much more dazzling interest that I think a lot of people would talk about. More so than she actually managed to accomplish with her real entrance.
Anonymous for 1838 says, a nuke isn't enough. I agree. There are multiple cities where I think a nuclear detonation would improve society for everybody.
Unknown_14: Anonymous for 438 says, I'd love to have seen the lift break and the fat bitch drop on the host. Would have been funnier than anything SNL shed out in the past decade. That would be pretty hysterical. I agree. We have multiple takes on how the, the SNL skit could be improved.
Unknown_14: Sneeds for two says Keffels, Catboy, Groper, Groper, Ark.
Unknown_14: Dude, that's a power couple.
If Keppels just gives up on, uh, on like the, the grifting the left and moves to Nick Fuentes,
Unknown_14: Hangs out with fellow Xanax appreciator Ethan Ralph and grooms some catboys with Nick Fuentes. That would be pretty wholesome Big Chungus. That's a pretty nice rounded story arc.
Unknown_14: Big Sneed for 438 says, I saw a guy descend from the ceiling after he talked about anti-HIV legislation. I thought they were going to make a suicide joke by having a noose around his neck along with a harness.
Unknown_14: Apparently this is a popular opinion That that woman should have just jumped off the platform with the news as opposed to doing some elaborate skit about flying Daddy awkward uses is ironic how much of a problem students have with calling them child groomers and to cry and literally in the same breath They say that shit that sounds predatory towards towards children. Hey kids. Don't trust your parents trust us and said we know better I agree if they don't want to be called child groomers. I shouldn't groom children into cutting off their dicks. I totally agree burger mutt for two says historically in europe about two percent of men were put to death for crimes as simple as stealing this results of a culling of bad genes associated with all levels of criminality the more or less europeans were domesticated tamed i think wolves to dogs well how did that work out in the long run i'm too domesticated for our own good anonymous for 1838 says we can still shoot the original zombie though that's vampires these are zombies not vampires
I mean yeah, you can shoot as many zombies as you want. I don't care how many zombies you shoot. I don't give a fuck. Asa Speds for 438 says, when will you start an OnlyFarms website? I already have an OnlyFarms. I don't need to start any more websites. I have too many. Anonymous for 3 says, so it's okay for user information obtained by Milo, a pedo defender about AF, but not from Zoom, a pedo about Gator. The distinction from the two is razor thin and they should both be judged equally as harshly. Totally agree. If you don't understand the distinction that I made, is that you can use information from Zoom as long as you independently verify it, the same way that you can use information from Milo as long as you independently verify it. You should never trust anything from Milo on its face, and you should never trust anything from Zoom on its face. And if you are going to use information from Milo,
You should be talking about the information and not hailing Milo as some great hero and champion of children because he's not. He sat on that information until it became politically viable for him. Zoom is never going to be a good person, and if you're going to talk about information from him, number one, make sure it's true. Number two, it's fair to remind people that Zoom is a fucking pedophile and you don't have to cozy up with him to get content for your show.
Unknown_14: I don't believe that these are conflicting opinions at all. I think I'm pretty consistent on this, where I can take information from anybody, verify it, sanitize it from the context that it comes from, talk about that, and then also admonish people on both sides. I think I do this pretty much everywhere.
Rarely do I come out with a story and say, X is a good guy, Y is a bad guy, and leave it at that. I'm pretty good about that.
Unknown_14: Null's elusive feet picture for 2740 says, you should feature me on the front page. Absolutely not. Look, a foot picture that is hypothetical is worth 2740, but once it's on the front page, it's worth nothing.
Unknown_14: I think you know what I mean. Anonymous for 10 says, this is the last week I can catch your show live because I have to jump back on the wage cage. Thanks for the great shows. Thank you. I've been thinking about maybe doing more or changing the time or something. We'll see. But that sucks.
Maybe you can listen at work. I know a lot of people do. That's true. They do look more alike the more busted they both are. They kind of look like gender swaps at this point. Aniza is a man and iDubbbz is a woman.
Hacksleetfor4 says, damn, missed the first 40 minutes. How are you going to let us YouTube kittens hang like this, like DaddyStreamerJosh? I cannot make community posts when I am banned. I will edit my last community post when I have a strikes to announce, but that's all I can do. You have to follow on Telegram if you want to catch streams if I get striked.
Unknown_14: Um, no, I should have probably also made an announcement on the math internet.com as well. I forgot to do that.
Unknown_14: Forgetful Kiwi for two says Virgo can't keep talking to you, Josh. She has to go. She really has to go. She can't keep talking to you. Narcissist. She has to go now. That's true. Um, the old video, she kept like trying to interrupt herself saying, I have to make this a short video. Cause I don't want to like go on about this, but then she would go on for like a full 10 minutes about how much of a, uh, a fool I am. She couldn't just stop. That was a hallmark of her videos.
Uh, per turbo Lord of iron for 20 says Josie stems and I listen also Josh. I know you're into weird folk music. So I think you'll enjoy filk. If you don't have an intro or outro song, I recommend Dawson's Christian bombers, space homes, Sam Jones, a band from Argo and no quarter. Uh, I do have a natural song picked, uh, but I'll look at folk. That's interesting. I've never heard of them. Thank you. St. Zacharias says, Lord, I pray not for tranquility, not for the tribulations that may cease. I pray for your spirit and your love that you may grant me strength and grace to overcome adversity through Jesus Christ. Amen. That's very nice.
Kind of harkens back to my diatribe about how I think things are inherently unfair sometimes. Because they are.
Unknown_14: Whimsy410 says, re-skitzo's old study by Paul Findern who observed the more bigoted skitzos got, the less crazy they were. Which sucked for Findern because he was Jewish and the more his patients named the Jew, the less crazy they got. But they, so he had to put it up with it. LOL. I'm not sure what you mean by the less crazy they got.
I don't know what that means. I mean, it's interesting. I would like to know more, but I don't know what you mean by the less crazy they were.
Unknown_14: or what that implies if like they they started to learn about like race theory they were more grounded in reality or what uh puboid for 20 says fuck people saying your nose guarding are the funniest when you talk about stuff you want to talk about love the show keep it real uh yeah people the last complaint that i got i talked about nick ricketa last stream because people kept bitching and then they could bitch that i didn't talk about his gofundme and i had completely forgotten about it because at that point it was already like a month old
In case you don't know, Nick Ricada is being sued by Montagraph, and he hired Mark Randazza, who is like a top tier defamation attorney, one of the most famous in the country. His rates are exorbitant. And so Ricada tried to crowdfund $50,000 to pay for this attorney, and now I think he's switching to a cheaper, more local defamation attorney. I really don't know why he went with Randazza, and I would criticize that choice as being over the top, because it's like a $500 an hour lawyer.
Unknown_14: But I don't know how me like not mentioning this like if anybody gives a fuck, you know It is kind of weird because he makes enough money to pay for his attorney. I'll say that I don't know why he has to make a go fund me But I guess it's like money on the table. Why not make a go fund me and reclaim as much as you can Mr. Man for 2192 says when you're a poor schizophrenic just trying to get by in this fucking ghost won't stop banging cups around and talking about Kanye It's true
That's a funny way to put it.
Unknown_14: Dude, if I was schizophrenic, I'd be tortured. I'd probably have a ghost that, like, eats in the microphone or something. It would suck ass.
Unknown_14: Rusty Cage appreciator says, Josh, I tried to explain the context to you last week. The reason why Rusty death meme is because Mumkey retweeted a tweet about him being dead. Mumkey and Rusty are friends and Mumkey fucks with his friends. Rusty playing along made that tweet. Oh.
Unknown_14: Well, it's not funny out of context. I do like Rusty Cage, and I am concerned about his obsession with hanging himself.
So I'm glad he's not dead. Anonymous for Two says, can Nick Rochefort review this kitchen? Referring to the kitchen by Bex, I am assuming he would like it. I noticed that the house that they had in Fish Tank looked really good. I bet you they bought that house and they're planning on flipping it or some shit. Or renting it out or something. They picked a good house to do the show in, so they'll get their money back.
Unknown_14: Um, St. Sir Mar house for 10 says Dennis Prager went on pints with Aquinas last night and told the wholesome Catholic it's okay to jerk it to cheese pizza.
The Prager you guy, I've not heard about that at all. Um, should probably make a post about it. I might feature that if it's particularly gruesome.
Unknown_14: Jim GNA for five says, whoever's writing the latest season of Patrick S Tomlinson Show has been killing it. Rick skipped his debater's exam, spotted his parents, childed pedo Hildy, and was exposed as a whale. Donating to Yoba's CozyStream would start weekday at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Unknown_14: I didn't talk about the Tomlinson thing because it's basically just some telegram channels accusing him of swatting himself for clout and that's it and I can't really verify that. I did talk about it last stream but there's been no more developments. The telegram guy is just insisting and knowing the ONA people I have no reason to doubt that there might be a gay op so I don't really trust it.
I did not hear about him skipping the debtor exam though. I guess he's just going to be in denial about it and not attend meetings and then get repossessed on.
Unknown_14: Haramburger for two says joined late during fish tank talk because I was trained to check YouTube Also, I farted but my buck cheeks were too tight together in my chair So the fart could not go backwards only fours between my balls and thigh. I got far my balls. What do I do? Well, you should explode I guess unless farting on your own balls doesn't do that like he does in South Park. I don't know. That's pretty fucking gross I don't know why he shared that Danny I for two says listening to Xanax Ralph is both hilarious and hard to do because he's just so out of his mind and Illusional now yet the way he's always he always exhales at the end of every sentence our word is genuinely uncomfortable It's like he's doing drunk pig ASMR.
Yeah, I mean I kind of hope that he just dies soon so I can stop talking about him.
Unknown_14: It'll probably be unspectacular when it happens.
Every day we just expect to hear the news that he like asphyxiated on his own vomit midstream and May had to tweet about it or something.
Unknown_14: Got you a seared bite, oh boy, what flavor, 4funny says. If it's so prohibitively expensive to stream videos as an independent platform, how do platforms like Rumble and Odyssey keep being alive? Also, on an unrelated note, do you think Islam Can Fix London has been recently crowned the most homophobic place in the UK?
Unknown_14: So quote erot demonstrandum odyssey is fucking down So I don't know what you mean by how to odyssey and rumble do it number two. They have a lot of investor capital It's it's hard to set up a streaming platform Without investor capital is what I said. That was the full statement rumble has investment capital so does odyssey and I'm not sure and odyssey also, I think does some things to I
Save one bandwidth, but if you're just gonna like start it up with hardware and do it all yourself It's gonna be very expensive unless you have I mean even with investment capital, but you need it basically Either from yourself or from a third party Haramberger43 says, Jersh, do you totally abstain from any and all adult content? I feel really bad for relapsing after 45 days of absence and over three days of semen retention. Supposedly it takes 60 to 100 days to be cleaned of adverse effects such as the lowering of energies and mind fog.
Um, I mean, yeah.
Unknown_15: Though I don't know, when I started NoFap stuff, it was noticeably easier to focus on stuff after only a couple days.
Unknown_14: I don't think you need to wait 60 to 100 days.
Unknown_14: I don't know, if you don't feel any different after 60 days, I don't know if you ever will.
It's a weird question.
Unknown_14: Question mark for $1,000 for 219 says, no I misread it, she actually sent $1,000, hi.
Unknown_14: Very clever. Nobody will be able to pierce through the complex syntax that you sent through and ascertain what was really sent. Question mark for 219 says, I forgot to add that I want to suck Cecil McFly's man boobs. That's fucking vile. Anonymous for 2 says, who the fuck is Hunter S. Thompson? Gunn keeps referencing him from time to time. Hunter S. Thompson is the founder of Gonzo Journalism. He was an alcoholic wreck who wrote Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Gonzo journalism is journalism where you would get involved in like what's going on?
Unknown_14: He's basically Like the role model of every Disinfect like I don't know every loser every lose anybody who brings up hunter s Thompson in a positive way is a fucking loser That's something that's been my experience
Unknown_14: Haramburgerverse2 says, the advice about avoiding social media is legit since it often leads me to falls. For that matter, porn includes any material that simulates arousal, be it video, images, or text. Imagination is kosher.
For more information, yourbrainonporn.com or easypeasymethod.org. I have a feeling this is not Haramburger and this is some weirdo, but there you go. Total T&D Enjoyer for $3.50 says, God bless T&D for helping 1,488 women. Hashtag T&D 1488. And then there is a link to T&D Nashville.
Unknown_15: And then there's a Facebook picture.
Oh, this is not, this is like not a joke. Okay.
Unknown_14: Oh, I have to be logged in to continue, okay. The Door Next Door Incorporated, aka TND, says 1,488. That's how many women were able to serve in 2022. We were able to serve in 2022. One client told us about knowing she can leave the next door sober and loving herself is what gives her meaning. Without your support, we wouldn't be able to serve the number of women that we served this year. Thank you. Well thank you TND for saving 1488 women. That's very special.
Good job.
Unknown_14: Shoutouts to TND.
Unknown_14: Smallbones411 says, Albert Camus' The Stranger was an exercise in misery and contempt and I don't know why I expected anything different from the French. Give me another book to read.
Unknown_14: Misery and contempt. I didn't take that away at all.
Unknown_14: I already say Industrial Society in the Future, that's not a joke, by Ted Kaczynski, read it.
I don't really have that many books to suggest. I apologize, I'm not like a book person.
Unknown_14: Crack Pipe Cowboy for 15 says, Privyet Josh, I won't be able to view your stream as I work and my Italian fiancee, I've been whopped, has been taking more time in my life. Here's another hymn to listen to in the background. Gospodi Pomiloy Nas. And there's a link to a YouTube video.
Unknown_14: Okay. I will put this in the background. Thank you.
Unknown_14: Hopefully it's not too loud. I don't think it is.
Let me know if it is though. I'll turn it down just a little bit.
Unknown_14: Average reading enjoyer for 250 says I had the gulag archipelago in my local library But not industrial society in this future considered ordering from Amazon, but that would defeat the point now Also, did you order did you read since history of central banking or mine comp what other books you recommend? I've never read mine comp, but I have read history of central banking Industrial society and its future can be found online for free There are YouTube videos that are full readings of it if you will be interested in that You do not have to buy a digital copy. It's public domain I
But, uh, The Stranger, the other guy said that he read it, and you said you didn't mention it. I've read The Stranger by Aller Camille as well. These are like my go-to's. So, I have a very limited library. Uh, TwinkleTurk for $100 said, uh, for what, what do you think will happen to the, with the Gunt forum and all the threads within it when Ethan inevitably dies? Probably archived.
Unknown_14: Um, we'll move out the threads about active locales and archive the rest like we do with everybody else.
The real question is what to do with the Wii Wars board. That's a question that's been kicking around for a while now. Anonymous for two says, did you see the fish tank shoutout you got? Yes, I have. It just says, can you get a shoutout from my friend Josh Moon or something? Can I get a shoutout to my best friend Josh Moon?
Unknown_08: He's a farmer. I feel like that's on you.
Unknown_04: Josh Moon. Congrats Josh Moon.
Unknown_14: What the moon?
Unknown_14: Very wholesome. Wholesome fish tank content.
Oh my god, a rumble message. I gotta read this one immediately because otherwise it might fly off my fucking screen and never come back.
Unknown_14: Mocked to Zuma's revenge for five says Patrick Tomlinson also has a fat ugly Indian woman who claims to be woke but was a part of the GNAA spurring for him more characters incoming. Tomlinson bored when?
Unknown_14: It's getting tempting now because there's so many weirdos who are coming on board to defend him I Know who you're talking about. She is her name is like Hacking but legal or something and she wants to take down the Kiwi farms now or some shit. I don't know.
Unknown_15: Kolya Dante 15 says Xander Vickers in 30 years time is going through Da Vinci Code Wigger Edition finding and decoding his estranged father's custody court filings.
Unknown_14: That's pretty good. That sounds like a good book. That sounds like a good parody book of Da Vinci Code.
Unknown_14: Ethan has it all planned out. It's the 20 year plan.
Unknown_14: Flexi Glass for 184 says Ralph's first and middle names together spells out ethanol. His fate was sealed at the moment he was born.
He also goes by Eeyore now. That's what Harry Morris likes to call him.
Unknown_14: He's going to be a depressed drunk. It was hard-coded into his name.
Unknown_14: Just like May Ralph being thrown up on constantly. Rando Jando for two says, just listened to some of your older streams and saw the episode with your DNA test. Congratulations on being black. If you ever need a cookout to eat at, slide through and cop a plate, nigga. Thank you, my homie. I appreciate it. I don't know if that's a reference to, I am 1.3% African and 0.5% Jewish and I identify with those two phenomes in my DNA the most. I am a black Jew.
I am so fucking retarded for 4s. I wish you a merry 420. We wish you a merry 420. We wish you a merry 420. Now give us some weed. I have a special song picked out for 420, I promise.
Unknown_14: ANH did nothing wrong for 1096, says, can you give a shout out to the healthcare workers who have managed to keep Jack Scalfani alive? Here's a thread of some of the best writing on the site. A shout out to the healthcare workers who have managed to keep Jack Scalfani alive. I am reminded of the SN cycle, which enables the morbidly obese to survive with the magic of modern medicine, despite that they should probably just be left to die. But we appreciate, we love our healthcare workers, don't we folks?
fuck is real for two says you can drink your way into dementia the hot mic moments last week in this talk of high school this week makes me think that rage pig is not long for this world i think you're in the majority opinion with that uh that one my dude cherry for 10 says josh if you could spare a moment to mention chibi neko de mix and marissa magician real quick thanks for another entertaining stream um so adam white is a is a
Unknown_14: speedrunner who is a longtime favorite of the cow board which i think is still around he was meant to go to colossal con 21 but he was soliciting nudes from other attendees so he has been banned from attending his hits has include like
Having his mom break up with his girlfriend for him and generally just being a low IQ retarded nuisance I
Unknown_14: I really don't know his full story. He is just a very... Oh, he sent unsolicited nudes to people. He didn't solicit them like Ali Alexander. He just sent the dick pics. Like, hey, look at my dick. Which I think is something that he's done in the past. He's a general nuisance sex pest. The other one is someone I know nothing about except for the tagline on the kiwi farms.
Unknown_14: But there is a trans Doom modder called Marissa the Magician, pick a tat, she's a Spaniard, not to be confused with the latinx, and he is currently under investigation by Spanish police for corruption of a minor in association with Discord chat messages sent soliciting nudes from them in his Doom modding Discord communities. So my boy over here, uh,
The Spanish police have been contacted somehow. What the hell? A possible case of corruption of minors? Is this for fucking real? I don't know what to do anymore. They will stop at nothing to destroy my life. I had a moment of respite and now it's hell again.
Unknown_14: My homie can't even groom minors and mod Doom in peace. What a tragedy.
Unknown_14: Thank you, Terry.
Unknown_14: Uh, crew status for 10 says your Ralph death prediction is coming to pass. Does that make you happy? John Potter to assist in the death of fat faggots. It makes me happy. Good work. Well, it doesn't make me happy or sad. I think that's the future he's chosen in my, uh, country. I had contributed nothing, nothing to it.
Thank you though. Let me sit on your face. Josh is my hero for 10 says got room for two on that face at Jersey. Absolutely not. Thank you very much for the monies though. I appreciate it.
Unknown_14: I'm sorry. You can't sit on my face. Anime for 5 says, Haru Akamura is from the game Persona 5, which is a game and not an anime. BTFO. It's a fucking anime. I don't care if it's a video game. Sorry. Mr. Man for 1096 says, Hunter S. Thompson and his gonzo journalism is Stephanie's IP2. You're not covering the news. You're a sperg in the news photobombing the black on black violence.
There you go. He's a sperg with an enduring legacy. I assume that there will be people in the 2030s who will be like Um, actually i'm in i'm an ip2 i'm an ip2 or you know, I I really listen to like the ice poseidon and the jim gna's of the time, you know fear and loathing and los angeles They'll just be revered as like These these amazing pioneers in art, but they're just losers
Okay, Odyssey is back up, so real quick. For $1, Dave762 says, playing with my pecker, thanks for sharing.
Unknown_14: LBRT for five shares the Odyssey logo pissing on YouTube emoji, thank you. Dot dot dot for 10 says Josh, lol Josh is sick because of the plant sperm he's been inhaling. It's true, it's either plant sperm or my own dead skin cells that cause me to have anaphylaxis and die.
Unknown_14: Crispy legs for five says a little bit of money for some antihistamines. Thank you very much. I appreciate it I need to get the stronger ones apparently even though I take them Eugene Greenbeard for one says stop saying they for fuck's sake don't even give them an inch to trunes When I don't know what it is, or they have a female name, and I don't know their male name And I'm trying to be disambiguous. I say they I've mentioned this many times. It is not a
Uh, giving them an inch. It is, I do not know what the fuck to call them, so please bear with me. Okay? I'm really sick of the pronoun policing. Like, you know who the fuck I'm talking about. Stop trying to make things difficult. It's really annoying.
Unknown_14: Uh, K245 says, speaking of the zombie cologne, ever find a new favorite thing after finding that Ethan was using yours? I am not going to tell you what cologne I wear, because then Ethan Ralph might wear it. Okay? He might deliberately seek it out and wear it if I tell you what I'm wearing. But yes, I have found something.
Rickenbacker for 30 says long time fan of the streams and forums keep up the good work Josh PS I read the stranger based on a recommendation. It was a man. You should give no longer human by a Samu dies I it's pretty similar, but better written in my opinion I've never heard of that Maybe I'll probably download it put on my my ear reader that I never use and Then maybe one day if I'm like stuck in a prison cell and they give me my e-reader. I will read it Thank you
Unknown_14: Red colored for five says he's going to die. He doesn't have a Judah and Peter Stein money to detox in Russia. Uh, uh, what's his face Peterson detoxed in Serbia, actually not in Russia.
That's true. He does not, he will die. He'll never take himself to rehab. He has nothing to live for. Uh, Eugene Greenbeard for 25 also says, I think second one says pittance for the shop fund. Here's a heck and wholesome song for an intro outs for one of these days.
Unknown_14: And it is a link to a YouTube video called Everybody's Fancy by Mr. Rogers, which is very awesome. Thank you. Maybe I'll put, uh, I'll find a reason for it one day. Uh, and gentle heart for $100 says Hitler is right. Right about what?
That is in reference to four 20, which was yesterday. And on this very special four 20, I have a very special outro song.
Unknown_14: that I have had and been looking for a reason to use for a very long time now. So again, thank you to everybody who followed me to different platforms to participate in the stream. I really appreciate it. Be sure to follow the Telegram for updates and stuff. I will be streaming on YouTube next week. I might have to tone it down for a little bit while Troons are trying to chase after me.
It is what it is. I'll try to get this up on the archive as soon as possible and I will see you Next week and take it easy. Bye. Bye In 1945 Among the Jews who were left alive There came a visionary man
Who turned his wrath into a plan Abba Kovner was his name As a partisan he earned his fame He once was a Vilna rebel Jew A poet warrior through and through
Unknown_02: He met some surviving ghetto fighters Zionists and socialists conspired They gathered in a Lublin flat And round the kitchen table sat They gave themselves a Hebrew name And with this word they did proclaim
Unknown_02: That vengeance is what God would will were there a God And so they'd kill 6 million Germans You might say it was insane 6 million Germans And it was misdirected pain 6 million Germans They didn't want the war to end 6 million Germans They wanted one thing, na-calm revenge For every Jew the Nazis gassed
For every racist law they passed For every wrong that wasn't right For all the dead Nakam would fight They formed a band of 40 strong To straighten out what had been wronged They chose to poison water mains Just as the Jews of old were blamed
Unknown_02: Nuremberg and Hamburg town, their agents worked the underground. They took up jobs by the riverside and waited for the poison to arrive. Kovner went to Tel Aviv to see what help he could receive.
Unknown_02: But the Haganah did not agree to join in his conspiracy. Six million Germans! You might say it wasn't right. Six million Germans! That an eye for an eye leaves all without sight. Six million Germans! They didn't want to make amends. Six million Germans! They wanted one thing, Naqam, revenge.
So Abakovna headed back With vials of poison in his sack Upon a British naval ship But to his plans the Brits were tipped They took him into custody And the poison fell into the sea
And Kovner spent a year in jail And so Plan A did not prevail The rest of the group was all dispersed And all their backup plans were cursed But an agent in a bakery He got some poison from Paris And as soon as the poison bread had risen He took it to an Allied prison
Unknown_02: Various reports have said there were hundreds of SS prisoners dead. Six million Germans! You might say that it was wrong. Six million Germans! But were their actions weak or strong? Six million Germans! And who are we to judge and condemn? Six million Germans! Well, they wanted one thing, Nakam revenge.
So Nakam was all disbanded.
Unknown_02: On Palestine's shores they landed And Abba Kovner and his crew Became like many other Jews They put aside their rage and hate And they worked to build a Jewish state
Unknown_02: With Jewish towns and Jewish farms And Jewish guns and nuclear arms Now, if vengeance put upon the shelf Be taken out later on someone else Well, careful how you read this tale Lest your own prejudice prevail For look around the world today
And consider the role that vengeance plays. For history has its unpaid debts, and is it better if we forget?
Unknown_02: Six million Germans! You might say it was absurd. Six million Germans! But what becomes of a dream deferred? Six million Germans! And how could they just start again? Six million Germans! They wanted one thing. The Kahn Revenge!
Unknown_14: Okay, it was pointed out to me that I falsely identified some- oh god.
Sorry, that's another song from my playlist. That I falsely identified Let Me Sit On Your Face Josh as my hero and donated $10. He did not donate $10, he donated $100 to ask me if he could also sit on my face. To which my answer is still no.
Unknown_16: Bye bye.