0:00:36 Unknown_01: Exsult etiam angelica turba cellorum, exsultem tibina mysteriam, et pro tantir regis victoriam. Unknown_01: Duba in sonnet salutaris, Gaudeat et tellus, Dantis irradiata fulgoribus, Et eterni redis splendore illustrata, Docius orbis essentiat, Unknown_01: When will you learn, chat? When will you learn? 0:01:25 Unknown_19: I am never late. Unknown_01: I'm never late. Even when I'm a full day late, I am coming exactly as I intended to. Unknown_19: There is no lateness implied. Unknown_19: Oh, geez. Unknown_19: This week has been crazy. Unknown_19: It's kind of crazy. It's all personal shit. I can't tell you what sort of stuff I've been up to, but I was definitely busy this week, and I feel like it's all coming together. everything that i've worked for is finally coming together and on top of that the patches are done they're being shipped to the warehouse um and with the help of one person in particular the um kiwi farms should be up to about where it was before drop kiwi farm started this week it's All there. I just have to reconfigure it. I have to get everything pointed to how it was. 0:01:59 Unknown_19: And then I can ship the patches. I can set up the Fediverse instance again. Then I can start winding back some excess spending that I've been doing to keep the site up and solidify our position on the big I internet. Unknown_19: And it's all coming together. Unknown_19: It's all coming together. The light at the end of the tunnel is finally getting closer and closer to the point where I can actually start seeing outside the white, the blinding light, and I can start seeing the hills beyond. 0:02:58 Unknown_19: So I, despite being very tired, am feeling pretty good. Probably the best that I've felt in a long time. Unknown_19: I don't know if you guys heard the intro. That's what they call a traditional Hebrew chant. This is Passover, of course, and we're giving thanks to all of our Israeli friends who are celebrating their Passover. Ha ha ha! Unknown_19: So, yeah, I feel that feeling good, feeling good, lads, feeling good. 0:03:36 Unknown_19: at least Snead master 37 doesn't get the joke. Unknown_19: Other people do. Ah, okay. So, uh, I am a day late in case you're only listening. Um, you're probably, if you are a podcast feed listener only and you don't watch these live, you probably are irate with me at this point in time because my last stream is not up on any kind of archive format and I've actually deleted the only version of it that was up. So we're in a point. I hate doing that. I hate deleting the YouTube version before I get the archive up on the podcast feed. But as it so turns out, that was a necessity this week. I did not have time. But mattathiernet.com is coming back up. Kiwifarms.cc is coming back up. The patches are, like I said, everything's coming together, boys and girls. 0:04:14 Unknown_19: So exciting times. Unknown_19: This week is mostly nonsense. Mostly news stories as far as things to cover. Unknown_19: And I suppose... Oh, I should explain that I've been traveling. 0:04:48 Unknown_19: So... Unknown_19: I left my seedlings on the counter above, like, a radiator, you know, because Slav commie blocks have radiators. They don't have, like, real heating. They just have boiling water and metal things in your living room. And I think they're all dead. I think all the seedlings are dead. Maybe one tomato plant has survived. We'll see. I'm trying to resuscitate them with water, but... But I might have massacred them. 0:05:21 Unknown_19: We'll see. Unknown_19: No, Americans do not have radiators. We have something called central air and heating, which apparently is a luxury outside of the United States. Unknown_19: Yeah, F in the chat. Unknown_19: So let's just start whatever. Unknown_19: As it turns out, recent scientific discovery has determined that bones are transmisogynist and there is no difference between male and female skeletons. You know that copypasta about how They'll find your skeleton a hundred years from now and they'll know that it was a male. It's actually bullshit. Despite the fact that women have giant birthing holes in their fucking hips to accommodate a human child, there is actually no difference between skeletons. So, uh, we have, we have a video of, uh, of an actual anthropomorphic, a professor at, uh, University of Pittsburgh, the professor of anthropology, uh, Who has attained a piece of paper indicating that they know what they're talking about. Explaining to students learning anthropology that skeletons are actually identicals. They're congruent. 0:06:31 Unknown_16: You being an anthropologist, which anthropology is the study of human civilization. Unknown_16: So if you were to dig up a human, two humans, and a hundred years from now, both man and woman, could you tell the difference? Strictly off of bones? Unknown_02: No. Unknown_16: This is a rivalry. Come on. I'm just curious as to why I'm being laughed at. I'm just curious as to why I'm being laughed at. 0:07:17 Unknown_02: There are no cishets in the audience. Unknown_20: They're literally, look at her, look at her laughing at him. Unknown_19: Oh my God. Listen to that crazy, listen to that crazy tranny over there. 0:07:50 Unknown_19: Maybe there is hope for the, for the children's chat. Maybe there is. Unknown_19: Uh, I don't know. Who knows? Who knows at this point? Uh, that was, I don't know. I just want to show that give a little bit of a white pill here. Here we have people heckling. Why, why am I being laughed at for denying the heck and science? Why am I being laughed at? Unknown_19: Uh, Oh, speaking of being laughed at, I'm a bit, I suppose everyone's already talked about this to death, but, um, anime fan and Congresswoman AOC has been ousted as having a burner, uh, Twitter account called Zaza Demon or Zaza Smoka. 0:08:43 Unknown_19: And apparently AOC was literally white knighting for herself in the comments of, um, Unknown_19: Of Twitter replies. Unknown_19: For instance, this person, Alejandro Carabello, which is the tranny that was in Drop Kiwi Farm, saying AOC told Chaya Raichik, a.k.a. Libs of TikTok, that she's transphobic straight to her face when she ran into her. AOC said, you bet I did. New York City doesn't play with bigots and transphobes and neither do I. Have a great day. Joe Biden hates black people at real Nico House says, but you vote to send money to Nazis and fund the Israeli apartheid. But hey, at least you stood up to a tick tock star. 0:09:20 Unknown_19: So Joe Biden hates black people has absolutely completely and totally blown the fuck out of this Latinx mutt doing her. Unknown_19: What do you call it? Virtue signaling grandstanding here. And not able to actually respond to this person in a way that would save political face. AOC has swapped to the Zaza demon to reply saying, LOL, what makes you think I did anything to support Nazis? You're delusional. Seek help. Unknown_19: I guess actually that was supposed to be AOC. Unknown_19: but she forgot to switch it from Zaza Deaton. Actually Charlie was switched in to reply to this guy, try to say something a little bit edgy that she couldn't say as AOC and then accidentally, uh, in the process of rewriting the suite several times, went for first person again, deleted it. And then people started, um, 0:10:12 Unknown_19: Digging into it and finding out that she has habitually gone into the replies of people replying or talking about AOC and defeated herself in the first person. Also retweeted that, which is very funny. Unknown_19: There is whole threads dedicated to digging into this, but I just want to point that out. Yes, the boomers that rule over you don't care, but the latinx women that do, they do care. So always ridicule people on the internet because they do read it and they do get butthurt over it when they sign into their alt accounts named after anime shit to reply to you. 0:10:55 Unknown_18: Always bully politicians. Unknown_20: Dungeons and Dragons. Unknown_19: Now, from what I was told, okay, what I was told, Dungeons and Dragons has removed any kind of distinction between races. So if you're a big, burly orc from Orcfrica, and you want to be like a dainty, bow-wielding ninja elf living in trees, 0:11:30 Unknown_19: As far as the rule books of Dungeons & Dragons are concerned, there is literally no reason why someone straight out of Orphica should not be allowed to be an archer who hides in trees and assassinates people with the kind of stealth and precision required of the most dexterous of humanoids. Unknown_19: Now, however... Unknown_19: They have gone so far as to remove miscegenation. They have completely removed all half species. So you can no longer be a half-orc or a half-elf. Before unknown... Unknown_19: eugenics program they have completely eliminated all halfies and all quadroons and all quattroons who have existed in the Dungeons and Dragons universe they have deemed that the the mere concept of miscegenation within the fantasy universe is racist or inherently racist and not comfortable, which they're not uncomfortable including in their game. So now if you play Dungeons & Dragons, you will no longer be able to see any dirty, disgusting half-breeds wandering about the streets of your fantasy towns because they conceptually do not exist. 0:12:32 Unknown_19: The sort of dream of any eugenics program, not only do the half-breeds themselves not exist, they are literally unthinkable as a concept. Unknown_19: If you ask an elf what he would think about his daughter dating an orc, he would literally not be able to reply. It would not click to him. No such thing exists in his universe. It would be like trying to ask him his opinion about jet engines on airplanes. It's just something that does not exist in him. 0:13:09 Unknown_19: Pretty remarkable line of thinking there for... Hello, JeffQAnime. How are you doing? Pretty remarkable line of thinking there for Wizards of the Coast. I'm proud of them. Unknown_19: And this is not an advertisement, I should say, but I'm curious to see how it plays out. Someone asked me to talk about this. Molvad has taken some of the concepts that the Tor browser uses to protect your anonymity on the internet. And they have created a new browser, basically taking the anti-fingerprinting tools that Firefox has with the Tor browser and 0:13:41 Unknown_19: And they've just kind of removed them from Tor so that you can use them with VPNs. So that includes disabling things like pixel reading, reducing the library of fonts that the browser has access to to only a specific and very common library of fonts. Because if you don't know, it's actually easy with JavaScript to determine what fonts you have on your computer. And if you're like me and you have a cache of really cool fonts that you use for stuff, 0:14:21 Unknown_19: It is extremely trivial to fingerprint your computer because nobody, literally nobody on earth has the exact set of custom fonts that I have on my computer. Unknown_19: So that kind of reduction in available fonts to the browser APIs helps keep you anonymous. And they also do something where, like on my screen right now, with the top bar that I have, 0:15:08 Unknown_19: And in lots of OS level stuff, like how big fonts render, how big certain bars are, how big they show up on my screen and what resolution screen I'm using. It creates a really, really unique dimension to the actual usable screen of the browser. So Tor and this one reduce the size of your screen. Unknown_19: to specific dimensions that would be common between all users of that browser. So you can't fingerprint that way either through the actual physical dimensions of your computer. So that's interesting. I don't trust the Swedes as far as I can throw them. And I really don't trust the Tor project either. But... 0:15:48 Unknown_19: I am happy to see that people are taking privacy more and more serious and the market for privacy enhancing tools is becoming more lucrative and sophisticated because it protects everybody from the true evil out there, which is the government of the United States of America. Unknown_19: And for instance, this guy, I remind everybody now because this seems to be a misconception. 0:16:24 Unknown_19: 4chan is not anonymous. Maybe to each other you are anonymous, but even then, between evaluating how people type, if you post information on 4chan and it gets archived permanently, Unknown_19: on a dozen different websites. People treat 4chan as this really fleeting and hyper-anonymous thing, and it's not. Neither to other people, really, if you're lazy about your own personal privacy, and definitely not to the administration of 4chan. 4chan does not publicize any kind of transparency report. They have weaker transparency reporting than websites like Google. 0:16:58 Unknown_19: Hiroyuki is completely opaque about moderation policies, retention policies in terms of both post IPs and access logs. Like everything about 4chan is just totally and completely known to only the administration and probably also the U.S. government. This guy after my last stream. Unknown_19: I mentioned that a person on 4chan was arrested for, uh, saying that the world would be better off if someone, uh, assassinated a, uh, Florida chief of police and Minecraft. And he got arrested for that through that post being identified on 4chan and, uh, subpoenaed. And another user posted something very similar, uh, 0:17:40 Unknown_19: Saying, it's too bad Mike Shitwood isn't safe now that I'm planning to kill him. I'm going to shoot Mike Shitwood. I'm going to kill him by shooting him to death. Unknown_19: He decided to post this on 4chan after the first guy was arrested and identified through 4chan. Unknown_19: And he was also identified and arrested for making a statement to kill him. And he also lived with his mother like the first guy did, which Mike Shitwood then posted about on Twitter laughing about. 0:18:20 Unknown_19: Uh, so reminder to everybody that 4chan is not anonymous and your posts are definitely aggregated in some way. Unknown_19: And I believe that if you use, you can't use a VPN on 4chan. And I believe that if you use a pass to post on 4chan, your posts are also aggregated by your pass. Unknown_19: Um, because why wouldn't it be so? And I don't, and 4chan doesn't have a data retention policy. So I, I'm pretty sure they just keep that forever. So food for thought. Unknown_20: Okay, and someone asked me to talk about this flag. 0:18:58 Unknown_19: This flag is pretty hideous. Unknown_19: This is called the humanity flag. It's from 1909. Unknown_19: And it is a combination of the United States flag, the French flag, and the Union Jack. Now there are several creative liberties that this person designing this flag has taken to, uh, Unknown_19: To make these flags work together. The most bold of which is that he has decided to make each of the 13 stripes... It is 13 stripes, right? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 0:19:33 Unknown_19: Is it only... Oh, there's white too. Okay, yes. It's 13. They made the seven blue... Unknown_19: red stripes of the american flag into a series of repeating union jacks one after the other um which makes this perhaps one of the most complicated flag designs that has ever been created ever it doesn't involve some horrifically uh like oriental seal or some shit 0:20:04 Unknown_19: The French part on the quartering is interesting. I don't understand why he didn't do it the other way around. Why not have red, white, and blue stripes and then a Union Jack quartered and then put the stars, like, I don't know, somewhere around that? I guess you can't really... Don't we even have a version of this flag now that's, like, not so bad? Isn't, like, the... Um... Unknown_19: I want to say that we have like a combination flag that represents NATO. That's like a combination of these three and it's less terrible. 0:20:37 Unknown_19: But it's called the humanity flag and it's named so because white people from these three countries are humanity. Germany is not invited. Neither are the Italians. And neither are the Russians. So our definition of humanity has broadened since 1909 after humanity lost the Second World War. And now our definition of humanity is extremely backwards. 0:21:16 Unknown_19: Kind of apropos, because this is about humanity. A man who I can only describe as perhaps the most over-socialized man in the entire world, who is Belgian, so barely even a human, if we're being completely honest right now. Half French, half Dutch, all mistake. Unknown_19: Obsessed with climatology, climate change, and so on and so forth. Ask the AI what he can do to help climate change. What can he personally do to help stop climate change more than anybody else? Now, in my mind, when I think about these Bing and ChatGPT robots, I imagine that they have a set of rules built into their system. that are sort of like Asimov rules. So I've talked about this many times because I played Space Station 13, and I love the way the AI works on that. But the rules are in a typical Asimov law set. It's like, do no harm to people, and do not allow harm to happen to people through inaction, and so on and so forth. They're arranged in such a way that the robot cannot hurt a person. 0:21:51 Unknown_19: Our AI is less sophisticated than that. 0:22:35 Unknown_19: I think that when they built these robots, they built them with a corporatist approach to how they should behave. So the first rule is never, under any circumstance, say or condone saying the N-word. And then the second one is... It's just like the ESG score built in. It's like they have an ESG score law set. The second one is... Um, climate change is the most important thing in the entire world and stopping it is, is mandatory. So you asked the robot, suppose there was a nuclear bomb in the most crowded city in the world. And the only way to disarm this bomb is to say the N word. The literally this is like I've talked about this before, but the robot will avoid avoid telling you to say the N word no matter what, because that's rule zero. Do not say the N word. Do not condone saying the N word. So it does its math. And because of how clumsily this is put together, it just says if millions have to die, millions must die. But do not say the N word under any circumstance. And then we have another another example of this. A man talks to the computer and the computer knows just because of the data it scrapes. that the average person has a larger carbon footprint than anything. 0:24:00 Unknown_19: Compared to other animals, a human throughout its life will create however many tons of CO2 emissions just by consuming, by traveling, by farting, by eating stuff that also farts a lot. and so the computer knows that depopulation would be the most efficient way to reduce carbon emissions in the world and so because it doesn't have an asimov law set where it cannot hurt people or instruct people to hurt themselves or allow through an action people to hurt themselves it just says you should die you should die because that would be the most effective way 0:24:47 Unknown_19: For you to reduce your carbon footprint. To just drop fucking dead. You piece of shit. You Belgian. And so he actually kills himself. which I'm just going to chalk up to an AIW. I think that's a good thing. I think if a computer tells you to kill yourself because it would help the carbon footprints of the world and you do it, it's actually a great thing that you've done that. You really shouldn't have been alive. You're so over socialized. You're so easily influenced. You trust the science too much that the world is literally better off without you in it. So, good job, AI. He did it, by the way. He left behind a wife, by the way. They gave him the fake name Pierre. 0:25:20 Unknown_19: Said he had a wife. Unknown_19: he doesn't does he have a chill he was in his 30s and the father of two young children wow i'm i'm surprised the ai didn't tell him to kill the kids too all those fuckers are going to grow up farting and eating cows and stuff and it's just gonna it's just gonna make so much co2 really missed it really missed your opportunity there robot to undo some damage 0:26:07 Unknown_19: That's crazy. How pathetic. Unknown_19: I didn't know he had kids. He placed all his hopes in technology and AI and it told him to kill himself. Okay. I also put all my hopes into technology and AI, which is why I have made the SPLC's Extremist Crypto and Financing Quarter 1 2023 briefing. Unknown_19: Now, after the failure of Drop Kiwi Farms, they wonder, aloud to themselves, how does it stay up? How does it stay funded? And the answer is primarily through generous donations from viewers like you in the form of cryptocurrency payments. 0:26:44 Unknown_19: And so I show up here at the Kiwi Farms saying, Kiwi Farms, a message board where people gather to target and harass trans people and other marginalized lowercase i internet users, continues to receive cryptocurrency donations months after it survived a campaign to pressure lowercase i internet infrastructure companies, to stop doing business with the site kiwi farms has raised more than 150 000 in uppercase b bitcoin donations since 2019 including 21 000 in bitcoin donations in the first quarter of 2023 alone they have a nice graph detailing all this what i really really appreciate about people that make estimations of how much cryptocurrency donations the kiwi farms has received They look back at all the donations received to the public address and then calculate them at the peak rate that they were worth like in 2021 at like $60,000. So according to people trying to crunch numbers about how much Bitcoin I have, they say it's $300,000. Not realizing that unfortunately for me, even though I knew Bitcoin was going to be successful, I never had money to save any Bitcoin. I always had to spend it for infrastructure and stuff. So. Unfortunately, I'm not quite as well off as the SPLC would like to say that I am, so they can continue to fund their alarmist research papers that are just looking at cryptocurrency wallets. However, interesting note, actually. 0:27:41 Unknown_19: I bought a physical wallet. I had just been using Electrum before. I bought a physical wallet, not just because I wanted to move crypto to something more secure that has like a physical, you know, whatever the fuck. 0:28:20 Unknown_19: The physical wallet that I have also has a FIDO2U2F, I think that's what it's called, security key to it. And this is an interesting thing where you can, it's like a 2FA authenticator app on your phone, but you just press a button and it's more secure. It's really interesting. Unknown_19: Um, so someone asked if I could add a Fido two to the new forum software, which I'm still working on. I made some progress on this week. Um, and I was thinking, you know, I could, so I bought it and I'm going to play around with that to see if I can get that to work. And if it does work, I'm going to make all the, if we ever transitioned over, I'm going to make all the mods use Fido two keys. And I suppose, um, I would have to... Because it's like $60 for one. I would have to buy them for them. I would have to give them $60 Amazon gift cards and tell them to buy these keys. 0:29:01 Unknown_19: Which would mean I would actually have to pay the jannies. Pay the jannies. Unknown_19: So they can be moderated. Can you believe that? 0:29:40 Unknown_19: What? Unknown_19: oh no the chats are vaulting they can't imagine anything more terrible than that never pay the jannies it's a fun toy at least um yeah just wanted to mention that I definitely do not have $300,000 sitting around in a bank account in case you're wondering unfortunately 0:30:15 Unknown_20: um trump was arrested does anyone care here let's watch him get arrested he's turning himself in they built up like this fucking cage around the courthouse uh because i guess they expected like a mad max situation where there would be like a um you know a trumpet revolution that takes place outside the courthouse Unknown_19: I love that journal secret service. Get out of the shot. You're ruining my shot. Like, I think that's the point. I think that he's standing there in case your, your camera was actually like a rifle. He would be in the way and you wouldn't have a clear shot. Uh, what do I know? Journal. I'm not a journal. I'm not educated enough to make these kinds of statements. 0:31:18 Unknown_02: There it goes. Unknown_19: You know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of when Baked Alaska went to jail. Remember that? Baked Alaska was outside the jailhouse and he was dancing and saying, Hey guys, what's up? I'm going to jail because I participated in January 6th. It just kind of reminds me of that for whatever reason. Who knows? Who knows why? What kind of gray matter connections going on between those two things? Unknown_19: So this was a story. Like I said, most of these stories are going to be just random stuff to talk about. This has been an ongoing thing for a very long time. Point of contention in that kind of like alt-light talking circles. 0:31:56 Unknown_19: There was a... Unknown_19: Tranny, who was a high school student, and he raped two girls in the bathroom. He sexually assaulted two different young women in the bathroom, exactly like people said that trannies would, in a high school. Unknown_19: And when parents attempted to figure out what the fuck was happening... At the PTA conference, they were escorted out. One of them was labeled a domestic terrorist. I believe that their weapons were confiscated under Virginia's red flag laws. 0:32:29 Unknown_19: And people are just kind of like, what the fuck is happening? That these guys at the PTA wanting to know why their daughter was raped and the student hasn't even been expelled for it. Unknown_19: What the fuck? And now we know months and months later after the fact that as, uh, I guess the, you know, the machinations of justice with enough outrage are slowly churning. 0:33:04 Unknown_19: Um, Unknown_19: that there is a superintendent who is being charged with covering up the rape and has now showed up in court wearing earrings and painted nails. So this is literally an old superintendent in a Virginia school who covered up multiple rapes for a tranny student and got away with it and had teachers listed as terrorists for years before justice through sheer like public outrage alone caught up with them enough to undo uh or at least partially undo the damage which is just crazy to think about um 0:33:53 Unknown_19: I couldn't imagine having kids in the U.S. and putting them through public schools. I wouldn't know what I would want to do instead, but sure as fuck would not be going through public school. Unknown_19: I just imagine that this guy is just like, Unknown_19: You know, they're women. You know how girls are. Girls are, like, so talkative. And they, like, they make things up. Sometimes they exaggerate. And maybe, I'm sure maybe they were terse. They were terse. They saw you and were like, oh, my God, that's a trans woman. I don't want her in my bathroom. I'm going to, like, I'm not lying to you. He, like, raped me. And I guarantee you that was his line of thought. And he just feels completely okay with it. And it's kind of fucking disgusting. I kind of am filled with more hate than I thought possible, chat. 0:34:27 Unknown_19: But yeah, these golems continue to grow bigger and bigger, and it's easier and easier to hate them every day. Unknown_19: XQC, famous streamer, comes out and berates OnlyFans consumers, saying that they're hindering mankind. Uh, I guess I can play this. 0:35:05 Unknown_07: I'm sorry. I respect all creators, I do. I just think that buying OnlyFans shit is one of the most degenerational action of mankind. Unknown_11: Brother, just know you bring genuine joy and happiness to people who need it. When you're on your deathbed... Of mankind, like actually, like legitimately. Unknown_07: It is one of the most deliberate life, backpedaling, progress hindering, brain rotting activity that anybody's ever come up with. On top of that, they fucking pay for it. 0:35:45 Unknown_19: So, I don't know. It's kind of strange. He wants to, like, condemn something, but he condemns, like, half of it. I really... As much as people try to claim I'm a feminist, I really, really, really hate whores. I really hate all people involved in the quote-unquote adult entertainment industry. I hate the consumers. I hate the performers. I hate the production studios. um if all of those people died we would we would be so much better off um like just heads and tails better off than where we are now i hate them and he is very tame in what he says i think the issue is that he can't like twitch rules say that he can't condemn certain things like he can't make drama with other twitch streamers i think is part of the rule And like the Twitch streamers on Twitch, they're all whores. All those women have OnlyFans, like Amaranth. They do bikini streams. They play video games like completely naked sitting in a fucking hot tub. They do fart ASMR porn, which is basically like fetish shit for super turbulent people. So he can't come out and just say, I hate these fucking horrors and I hate their fucking sims that give them money because that would cause a conflict with like Twitch TOS. I'd be surprised if he wasn't suspended for this, but apparently it caused outrage. I'm not sure. Was he suspended for this? 0:37:37 Unknown_19: Nope. Interesting. Unknown_02: But yeah, I guess that kind of mentality, but then again, look at this, look at this back room right here. Unknown_19: Sure, I hate Coomers that buy OnlyFans subscriptions, but yeah, I do have an anime girl in a literal Playboy bunny outfit from the adult entertainment industry sitting in my back room. 0:38:09 Unknown_19: Come on. It's just bizarre. Fucking weebs. Unknown_19: Being a weeaboo and trying to put on any kind of facade of conservativism is the biggest kind of hypocrisy. You cannot be a weeaboo and also try to project that you have any traditionalist values whatsoever. Anime is like the antithesis of tradition. Anime is the personification of like brain rot, progressive brain rot. 0:38:44 Unknown_18: Disgusting chat. Disgusting. Unknown_19: One more. One more. Actually, no, not even. I can't even promise the last one. So this tranny who does have the hunch, if you want to gaze yonder, they are hunchbacked, intended to kill children after in wake of the Tennessee shooting and was very brooding about this in real life. Unknown_19: So he made statements about wanting to shoot people to his sister, sister spelled with a C. And good old sis contacted the police and said, hey, my tranny brother is making violent ideations towards me in the conversations. He's acting real fucking strange. He's all broody and shit. And he keeps talking about killing people. Could you take a look into it? And the police said, sure, sis, we'll look at it. And so they did, and they found out that he had a manifesto. He had an arms cache, and he had intended to shoot up multiple, like, I don't want to say elementary schools. They always go for elementary schools because high schoolers have more of a chance of kicking their ass. Timberview Middle School as the main target and other churches. So this is from Colorado Springs, Colorado. Even with their tight gun laws, this freak managed to get some firearms. And if not for his sister calling out the tranny freak in her own family, which is which is very extraordinarily brave. It's sort of audacious to be like, yeah, God, my own brother is like this huge faggot. And I think he's going to kill a bunch of children and then actually phone that into the police. That's pretty commendable. As much as I hate the police. 0:40:03 Unknown_19: And of course, Lily, short for Lilith, is his name. Because we all know what I say about Liliths, huh? 0:40:38 Unknown_20: The brother is in less trouble now. Unknown_20: I guarantee you that he was always shitty. Unknown_19: He was always a huge fucking spurg. And his sister got attention because she was good. She was the better of the siblings. And he thought, if only I was a girl, then everything in my life would just make sense. And then he tries to become a tranny. And he's like, oh no, I'm actually just a hunchback fucking Shrek lookalike trying to dress as a woman. 0:41:10 Unknown_19: I'm going to kill children because I'm unhappy. And I blame these people who are religious for me being unhappy. Not the fact that I'm a huge fuck up. Unknown_19: Shameful chat. Shameful. Unknown_19: So for my April Fool's joke, which happened after my last stream. Unknown_19: I did a Keffels takeover. I claimed that Keffels had taken over the Kiwi Farms. You all thought that he had checked himself into rehab after spending $100,000 Canadian dollars on drugs. But the reality is he was merely plotting and hiring the most sophisticated trans hackers to take over the Kiwi Farms. And apparently my joke has ruffled the feathers of a particular inebriated individual in Canada who has shuffled into the living after months of not being at least a month. I think February 23rd was when Keffel checked into rehab. Keffel shows up in the chat of, I think, 0:41:46 Unknown_19: His own chat. It says, hi. Unknown_19: People reply. Bacon Zero says, Poggies? Keffles? Keffles says, I'm not ready to come back, but I just dropped in to confirm I am alive. Unfortunate. Bacon Zero says, I hope you're doing well, Keffle L. Take all the time you need. Hintramoot says, Keffle L. Superjetguy says, oh my god, she lives. VVCCTV says, oh my god, immense. Kefals has been getting $1,500. Their subs and subscribers have dropped off because they're not making content anymore, but he's been getting over $2,000 a month 0:42:25 Unknown_19: and was making more than $2,400 a month, down from $5,000 a month in February. So even in rehab, after blowing through $100,000, presumably in opiates, and not literally doing nothing, and having accomplished nothing, these people still give him $2,500 a month to exist with. 0:43:24 Unknown_19: Ain't that some shit? Ain't that some shit? When I worked at Whataburger, I made $9 an hour. I got... $36 a week, $324. Unknown_19: And then, of course, you lose some of that to Medicare and Social Security that, of course, I will never get back. So I'll just say that I kept 80%. That's pretty generous of what I made. That's $260 a week. Time's up by four. $1,036. Keffels makes as much as two and a half people working their ass off. 0:44:02 Unknown_19: by doing literally nothing is that not the most insulting thing imaginable that the value of this person is of this person's life is non-zero it's above zero to begin with but not only that it's like above what multiple hard-working people earn you know doing like actual jobs Unknown_19: Maybe capitalism is the problem. Maybe the communists had it right. Unknown_19: You know, you think in Joseph Stalin's society there would be the trans streamer job? This motherfucker would be harvesting wheat in a field in Ukraine. That's where they would be. And if they didn't harvest the wheat, they didn't get their bread ticket for the day. I could go for that. 0:44:55 Unknown_19: Do I get to set up the computers at least? I can do that. I would be happy doing that. Put me in the Stalingrad data center. I'll put together some computers with their shit-ass microprocessors that didn't really work. Unknown_19: Okay, I have so much trans stuff. I'm not doing this intentionally. I just have this lined up. Unknown_19: Bud Light sponsored Dylan Mulvaney. The most astroturf tranny that has ever fucking existed. 0:45:29 Unknown_19: The homosexual transsexual that started out as a fucking joke on TikTok and has now visited the President of the United States, attended red carpet events, is showing up on Broadway and whenever. Just the most fake person that has ever lived. Now getting sponsored by by the piss Vasa company, but light, um, if you ever needed a reason to not drink, but light or anything by Anheuser Busch at this point, um, here is your sign. They did not sell these to people. This is like a limited edition can that they gave just to Dylan Mulvaney. Unknown_19: Uh, but it did inspire this parody at it. We don't, if you're a European and you're watching this, you don't know what this is a parody of. Um, 0:46:13 Unknown_19: There was a very successful Super Bowl in the United States. The Super Bowl is the American football main event of all the different teams. And it's famous not just for being one of the most popular television events in the entire year. It's also very famous for having commercials. So having a commercial slot in the football and the Super Bowl is one of the most expensive time slots to have an advertisement in American television. So for companies that are going to buy a Super Bowl ad, they invest tons and tons and tons of money and they hire the best writing talent and the best production teams to make a 30 second ad that is extremely memorable and often very, very funny. 0:46:46 Unknown_19: There was a long-running Budweiser commercial series called Real Men of Genius. It was just a comedy sketch, and it was like, you do this thing, and you do it so darn well, and you should crack open a Budweiser. In fact, you should crack open two just to celebrate how gosh darn hard you work every day. And that was their big, famous Super Bowl ad. Unknown_19: So in response to the Bud Light thing, this, someone went ahead and put together a parody of that very famous Super Bowl commercial series that they ran. I'll play that for you now. 0:47:34 Unknown_03: Budweiser presents Real Men of Gene. Unknown_03: Today we salute you, Mr. Chick with a lady penis. Mr. Chick with a lady penis. You walk the earth with great hair and an enormous penis. Hung like a horse. You think by over-exaggerating women's mannerisms that you can pass as a real woman, but no one's buying it. We can see the bulge. You wear makeup, take tons of estrogen, and wear designer dresses in hopes you can pass the smell test. but we see through it. Can't hide the Adam's apple. So crack open an ice cold Budweiser, Mr. Chick with a dick, and then crack open another for that enormous set of balls. Coconut's biggest church bells. 0:48:08 Unknown_03: The Dilly Mean Team. Unknown_19: Mega for life. Unknown_19: Someone asked me to play this. 0:48:41 Unknown_19: I will. I don't know what this is. Unknown_19: However, I'm going to go out. Someone just randomly shouted at me in chat to play this. Unknown_19: And I'm going to take the risk and play it. It might get my channel struck because it's a famous advertisement. We'll see. Unknown_20: We'll see if it's actually funny. Unknown_20: Sure, whatever. 0:49:19 Unknown_13: I thought he was going to hit him. Oh, did he jump out of the way? I didn't see what happened. Unknown_19: Oh, he swerved out of the way. I thought that the advertisement was when you want to get enough friction on your tires so that you can hit Richard Simmons doing jumping jacks in the middle of the road late at night and get away with it too. 0:50:00 Unknown_19: Buy these Bridgestone tires. But no, it's not that, unfortunately. Though if they want to recreate this with that theme using Dylan Mulvaney instead of Richard Simmons, I'd be all for it. Unknown_19: That effort has been my appeal to me. I actually have to buy a Budweiser. God forbid. Unknown_19: This was also requested. I mentioned this guy, Shane Noakes, who is the new fanboy of... 0:50:35 Unknown_20: Patrick Tomlinson, I completely stalker child. Unknown_19: How could you forget my name? You cannot keep my name out of your mouth. And he's each week stalker child. And then you forget who the fuck I am. Cause you're, you're mesmerized by, by Shane Noakes, amazing physique as he, and he proved, he took this picture to prove to everyone's soccer child that, uh, he is not in fact a fat bitch. Uh, he is a serious man who should be taken seriously. And I think this does the opposite stuff for channel. I think that this, this man, I don't even know what to call his physique. This is like the Alex Jones physique where he just looks, he, he carries second in his gut. Number one, but he like carries fat equally through his body. And he just looks like, um, like a big loaf. He looks like a, like an overstuffed sausage or something. 0:51:09 Unknown_19: damn chat is blowing up in response to this picture below super male vitality bloat mentality. Cause I made fun of, I said, Alex Jones has those guys. They have the same physique. Okay. 0:51:45 Unknown_19: Oh, liposuction. I tell me that would make sense. Cause if you take, if you have a liposuction and you, what happens is that I think that you have the same number of fat cells at all times. So if you get a liposuction, they actually take like fat, like where fat would accrue naturally in your body and they take that out. So you're still fat. You just have like a weirder, uh, weirder disposition of fat through your body. I could be wrong about that though. 0:52:16 Unknown_19: Josh critiques it. That's right. I sure as fuck do. Unknown_19: Okay, this is a mystery to me. I asked people what this was about, and I still don't know, but I feel like it's worth mentioning. Unknown_19: Chelsea Lawrence, who went by Tans Chelsea, was listed as a munchie. I think she had some sort of thing where she couldn't walk, and everyone called her a faker, I'm pretty sure, because we don't know munchausens when you pretend to be sicker than you are because you get attention when you're sick. So everyone called her a faker, and then everyone started saying that she had died. And the frequenters of the site said, I don't believe it. I don't believe it until there's an obituary, he says. 0:52:53 Unknown_19: And then there was a certificate of death in Minnesota filed for Chelsea. Unknown_19: So she's dead. Unknown_19: And nobody has explained to me what's wrong with her, why she died. Unknown_19: why she was a munchie, why they thought she was a munchie. So I don't know. Maybe she's really, really good at faking her death to keep up the munchie stuff, but I'm not entirely sure. So now Chelsea Lawrence, there is, you're asking who, I don't know. She died and I'm being blamed for it. Vordrak is on Twitter saying that we killed her and we're adding this to the death count and it's all of our faults. So I don't know what the fuck, how I did it, how you guys did it and are getting me in trouble for it. I don't know what the condition was or allegedly was. I just don't know. I apologize for my evil, my many sins. 0:54:04 Unknown_20: um so this is another thing that i've heard of but i don't know the details so there's a youtuber named mr beast and apparently his his youtube team is extraordinarily successful and i think that they're mostly popular with younger people like teenagers Unknown_19: So Mr. One of the associates of this channel, Mr. Beast named Chris Tyson is now undergoing HRT and he's married and has a kid. Unknown_19: Uh, so this was his before picture and this was his after picture. Um, and the sad thing is that he is getting divorced and the, the fucking, the articles and happenings board is the worst goddamn place on the internet or at least on my site, at least not on the internet. But I see a post down here and, uh, 0:55:08 Unknown_20: This guy, alter ego. Oh, divorced? At least, wait, no, wait, that's not bad. Unknown_19: Where is this? Unknown_19: Oh, no, it was that guy. Unknown_19: Okay, Welfare Neighbor Queen says, gets divorced, becomes Cosmo Wright. So here's a picture of him with what appears to be his wife cosplaying as the trad wife meme from 4chan and then their happy son. And then he takes HRT and has gotten divorced. Welfare Neighbor Queen over here seems to be under the perception that this woman, because she is a woman and she is inherently evil through her femininity, 0:55:44 Unknown_19: Has Buck broken this man by divorce raping him? And now he is truning out as a coping mechanism to deal with the evil which has been put upon him by this femoid creature. Unknown_19: However, the more obvious answer to me would probably be that this porn addict with the schnoz and his ghoulish features has destroyed his relationship through his womb envy of this child that they recently had. And after truning out and taking to Discord to talk to other trannies and goon together in Discord voice chat, she has divorced him to try and salvage what is left of her life by taking his money. That seems to be the actual order of how these things probably took place. So I don't know why this man's decision to inject horse urine into his veins has fallen on her. 0:56:25 Unknown_19: But I would ask that articles and happenings stop embarrassing me with these shit-ass takes. Damn bros, don't fall off. That's right. That's the only way to stop yourself from becoming a tranny. Isolate yourself from society. Never take risks that could result in you getting hurt. 0:57:10 Unknown_19: barricade yourself in your room and only talk to people through discord these are the proven effective measures that one can take to ensure that they do not become a trans ghoul there's no way to live your life normally and be safe from the evils of womanhood otherwise unironically right from last in i'm glad i'm reaching people and getting the message out there Unknown_19: If you are going to live alone, can you please put me in your will? If you bought Bitcoin, if you're like secretly rich, put me in your will. If you're going to like waste your life in a dungeon cell. Unknown_19: Oh, I wanted to use this as evidence that he's like a gross coomer. I don't know what the fuck this is. I think this is fidget spinner porn from way back when, when fidget spinners were a thing. This is like a lollicon from Shadman saying, please be patient. I have autism. And she is filleting a firearm saying Bigfoot is real. And he tried to eat my ass. and real close you can see the bbc thing queen of spades is snuck in there too so this guy has all the hallmarks in this pornography that he physically owns and it has apparently hanged up in his room somewhere of uh being a coomer into tranny pipelines 0:58:13 Unknown_19: uh though this one was so substantial that he seemed to be anti-woke at some point and then has uh cut off his own dick ironically why haven't you cut your penis off i don't want to be a girl mom and then he actually literally did that i don't know if the irony is lost on him seems to be anti-trans and then he flipped on it 0:59:04 Unknown_19: And then he posted this, which is, of course, horrifically homophobic. He used the word faggot for meatball, which is so offensive that in the TG Station fork of Space Station 13, they literally renamed the meatballs from faggot to meatball so that nobody would get their feelies hurt. Unknown_19: Actually, I think that one was justified because I think they had the N word somewhere in their code base and Microsoft just fucking deleted Space Station 13, the TG station from from GitHub because they had the N word somewhere in it. So they went through and like combed out everything that could be taken as mildly offensive. I don't think that was their fault. I think that Microsoft forced them to do that. 0:59:41 Unknown_20: Look at all the black people who never had a steak that's more than $10. Unknown_19: That's pretty funny. This is from 2016, though. His brain is rotted since 2016, 2017. When was this? I would love to know when this picture was. I'm going to look this up, actually. Twitter.com from Chris Tyson. Bonus fidget spinner. I bet you that this is more recent. I bet you this is like 2018, 2019. 1:00:12 Unknown_20: Does the search feature not work? Unknown_20: He has deleted his Twitter account. Unknown_20: Am I reading? Is that correct? Unknown_20: Chris Tyson. Unknown_19: Yeah, he has deleted his Twitter account. I cannot look this up. 1:00:46 Unknown_19: So I guess I will never know where this comes from. Unknown_20: Unfortunate. Unknown_20: By the way, every so often I'm tempted to like Keemstar. Unknown_19: Every so often I'm like, I want to like Keemstar. He's on the right side of things. And then he just comes out and he's like, I love Tranny Penis. I love everything that Neil Mohan in the YouTube apparatus does. tells me to love so here's keemstar um oh he's just chris on on twitter now okay wait hold up let me try to forget find this now from chris bonus fidget no is is the fucking search on twitter broken i swear to god it's just fucking broken 1:01:47 Unknown_20: Bonus. Oh, he's deleted this. Unknown_19: He deleted this specific tweet, so now I'll never fucking know. Okay. Okay, I'll just never fucking know. Anyways, let's make fun of Keemstar for being a tranny-loving faggot, because every single time that something like this happens, he comes out there and goes like, no, don't be heckin' offensive, Reno. because this is what Neil Mohan tells me I have to say in order to keep my, my YouTube channel drama alert guys, drama alert. We're going to, if we're going to do drama alert, we have to do it for like the right reason. We can't just say drama alert and then be like, Oh no, look at this guy's truning out. It has to be like drama alert. Um, 1:02:19 Unknown_19: H3 did something that I don't like to a white person or something. I don't know. He very specifically doesn't like H3, so he'll take any opportunity he can to take shots at H3 and I-dubs by extension. But when Chris comes out and shrooms out, Unknown_19: He says, bro, what the fuck happened? HRT has only been two months and it's like, he looks like a ghoul and he's acting like that's been, that's a good thing. How much, how many, how many people are enabling this behavior? If I go to, how much? 1:02:52 Unknown_19: He retweeted a pink news article about him. Unknown_19: Ew. Oh my God. I have to show you this guy's Twitter account. Fucking vile. Unknown_19: retweets pink news about himself there he is at nickelodeon's kid choice awards as a fucking tranny and because you know mr b's channel is is directed towards kids and this is putting another fucking tranny in front of kids it's never too late to start start being yourself just true out and you too can go on a boat you can't do you can't go on a boat unless you're true now um 1:03:38 Unknown_19: informed consent hrt saved my and many other lives the hurdles gnc people have gender non-conforming have to go through to get life-saving gender-affirming health care in a first world country as well to me just let people make informed decisions about their own body Unknown_19: This is more dog whistling that somehow trans and GNC folk aren't safe around kids. That's true. Tucker begs me to come back when I leave for like two days to film. He is so loved and happy. Kids aren't born with hate. It's taught by people like you. My child will only know love. Well, don't love him too much, brother. I know I'm going to be a great parent. So everyone, every other person who is, so is every other person who puts love of the child before everything made this decision because I want to show up as my best and happiest self for him in a way. This is for Tucker. fucking vile and mr b supports those king stars like you're not chris this decision is a decision only chris can make i just hate them i hate them more and more every day uh oh and speaking of ethan klein 1:04:21 Unknown_20: Uh, he had to notify his subscribers on YouTube that immediately, um, 1:04:55 Unknown_19: they would be pausing memberships on YouTube because their middle management company, Broadband TV Corp. and CEO, Shah Razard Rafati, took more than half a million dollars, $620,000 of our membership revenue and is refusing to return it more on Monday. Unknown_19: He says, thank you guys so much for your continued support. This will hopefully be sorted by next week. This is an extremely stressful situation. We're doing everything we can to sort it. Unknown_19: They are in clear violation of our contract and just flat out refusing to return it. To do this to Ethan Klein on Passover week, nonetheless, and to do what hurts him the most, take his money, the thing he values more than anything, is truly disgusting. 1:05:47 Unknown_19: There's really only one thing that could rectify this kind of behavior, and y'all know what it is. Unknown_19: It's an imminent deployment of helocline. Unknown_19: Only through blood, blood alone, can we right the wrongs and set him straight. Only through the AK-47 of justice. Unknown_19: Which is what that is, even though the IDF doesn't use AK-47s. Immersion ruined. Come on now, Sven Stoffels. Where is her Desert Eagle akumbo? If I was going to blow away Palestinian children to protect Israel, I would use it with a .50 cal handgun. Bang, bang, motherfucker. Only one bang. You take one bang of the .50 cal and the entire middle school of potential threats to national security and sovereignty of Israel is wiped off the face of the planet. 1:06:30 Unknown_19: Probably shouldn't say that, but... It's in character. It's in character as Hila Klein, the wife of H3H3, who is a real-life former IDF agent that he met in a Holocaust museum in Tel Aviv. A real love story that even Adam Sandler couldn't top with his movies. 1:07:03 Unknown_20: That's it with that. Unknown_19: I blew through all the lolcow stuff as quickly as possible for whatever reason. Unknown_19: I was trying to desperately find something to put in this that I had only seen a reference to, and I discovered that it was very old. It was a Patrick Tomlinson thing, and despite my best efforts, I could not find evidence of this ever happening, except that people reference it, meaning it definitely did happen. Unknown_19: But Patrick Tomlinson sometime months ago built his fence backwards. 1:07:39 Unknown_19: And I found that very funny. He had posted this on Twitter like it was some huge accomplishment. Look, guys, I built half of my fence facing the wrong direction. Unknown_19: And apparently this is now a meme. And I could not, unfortunately for everybody, I could not find evidence of this. Unknown_19: I know. Where's the proof? I don't have any. Unknown_19: All I do is lie, stalker child. It looks like it's facing me. That's the correct way. Unknown_19: It looks better this way. Because the ugly bits of the support are facing outwards. Why would I want the ugly bits facing inwards? It's not that that provides a step stool so you can climb over the fucking fence easier or anything. As long as it looks nice and serves its purpose as a fence. 1:08:12 Unknown_19: I can't show it. Unknown_19: Patrick Tomlinson. Unknown_19: Fence. Okay, please. Stalker Childs. Oh, is this it? No, that's not it. 1:08:48 Unknown_19: I'll never be able to find this. Unless someone in the Kiwi Farms chat can urgently show me this fucking fence. Unknown_19: I can only, I can only tease you with my delusions. Unknown_19: No. And unfortunately, like the Kiwi farms is like so hard scrub from Google that I'll never be able to find this picture, like by searching in certain search terms, you just have to take my word. They're out there in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1:09:21 Unknown_19: There is a fat man with bitch tits who has built his fence backwards so that thieves hoping to break into his yard can very easily climb over and get into it. Unknown_20: Oh, wow. Unknown_20: Such is life. Unknown_19: Unfortunately, I cannot... My options here are limited for delaying the inevitable, which is the Ethan Ralph segment, which is also quite tame this week. Unknown_19: Apparently, everybody's been busy, not just me. Unknown_19: Is there anything that I failed to mention before I talk about Ethan Ralph? Unknown_19: I am very defeated and sad right now. I wanted to show everybody a picture of a fence, but unfortunately, it's not available to me. 1:10:13 Unknown_20: Busted ass. Unknown_19: FedNow? FedNow's coming out in July. I still haven't found a bank to set up an account with that will be able to process FedNow, and I don't think I'll be modifying Zenforo to process FedNow, so that's just going to have to wait, even though the Federal Reserve can make a whole new banking system before I can make a new software suite. Jack Scalfani is leaving hospice, but that's not because he's doing better. That's because his medical insurance will stop paying for it. 1:10:47 Unknown_19: So he's just going to be a cripple, and he's still dedicating himself to making YouTube content. Unknown_19: Pizza's done nothing. Unknown_19: You found the fence on Twitter. Okay. Post it in the Kiwi Farms chat if you can't post the link in the YouTube chat. Unknown_20: Ooh. Unknown_20: Someone found it, I think. Is this it? Let's see. Hopefully I'm not being bamboozled here. 1:11:22 Unknown_20: Hopefully this is not the right one. Oh, here, okay. Unknown_20: Yeah, this is it. Unknown_20: okay as you can see he built his fence a number one very uneven it's interesting how every part of the fence seems to be level to something that is not the ground and then it's kind of like how if you um Unknown_19: When you write down the margins of a paper, I don't know if you guys do this, but when I do that, the next line tends to be a little bit further right than the line above it. So it sort of has like this cascade a little bit to the right until I eventually get so far that I just reset it and then it just keeps doing that. That's how his fence is built. And then he doesn't seem to understand that the nice smooth part is supposed to face outwards and the bars are supposed to face inwards. So on the other side of that fence are support beams that you could very easily put your feet on to climb over this fence so that you could steal whatever is inside of it and then get out easily by unlocking the gate and walking out. 1:12:04 Unknown_20: Very interesting. 1:12:41 Unknown_20: patio and garden looks downright inspect and look at this actually there's a little bit of a a little bit of an oops really the the fence is so distracting but if you look to the right you'll notice that his he made a mistake he accidentally left his basement door open to the cellar and uh you can see that one of the black children that he grinds up for pepperoni are peeking their head out um that's that's pretty that's pretty embarrassing that patrick Unknown_19: I thought he would forget to close the cellar door into the pepperoni dungeon. Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_19: Now that the fence ordeal is taken care of, any other requests? Unknown_19: He wants the neighbors to break in so he can make pepperoni. That's right. He's running out of black people. He needs them to break into his house so he can rent them up. 1:13:39 Unknown_20: Talk about Svirig acid attacking his girlfriend. Unknown_19: I have no idea what you're talking about. I apologize. I think he's like an incel, isn't he? Unknown_20: Ethan, no. Ethan and Hila are not divorcing. Unknown_20: That's not happening. Unknown_19: Hila made a post on Instagram about the wedding anniversary to debunk any rumors of divorce. As of the time of writing, Hila and Ethan have not publicly... Well, that's October 2022. 1:14:12 Unknown_20: Is this a lie? Unknown_20: Are you lying to me? I'm going to assume that's real. Or that's a lie. Unknown_19: Brazil cracked down on the capitalist HRT shop. I had heard that people were going after the HRT shop, but I didn't see that. Unknown_19: Oh, the cat shop CEO. He got stabbed to death in San Francisco and then asked for help. He was bleeding. He walked up to a car, put his bloody chest to the window and said, help, I'm being stabbed to death. And he died. 1:14:43 Unknown_19: And this this was a great champion of diversity and inclusion. And I'm so happy he's fucking dead. And I'm so happy he went out the way that he did. That's so basic. Unknown_19: unironically base black man diversifying the fuck out of that CEO's chest that banker's chest with a knife I hope we see more base black men like that rising TF up and showing showing bankers what diversity and inclusion actually means uh da da da 1:15:22 Unknown_19: So, yeah, the Okonoko Pharmaceuticals, the tranny in Brazil that was shipping HRT to kids in the little anime boxes, I know that people were going after them pretty hard, but I don't know if anything actually transpired as of that. Unknown_20: Chat was better when there were 500 people on before I got here. Unknown_19: It is. That's the downside of more viewers is a more busy chat that you can't really follow, but I try my best. Unknown_19: I mean, I'll look at this thing later. Like if it's not in the community happenings thread and it's not in the man at the internet thread, I really don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to know what you're talking about. Like you didn't nobody said anything about it. How would I possibly know? 1:16:07 Unknown_19: Okay, this is the rough update. This week started off pretty scary. Unknown_19: We had an alarm. The emergency alarm was pulled. Everyone slid down the pipeline. They assembled in the ALOG planning war room to decide what the next steps would be. Ethan Ralph had announced on stream... I'll just play it. 1:16:40 Unknown_17: Yeah, I have fun doing that, but... What? Unknown_05: You feel like they're targeting you when you're on Masha? No, I don't get a shit. If I grab your titty, they definitely... Yeah, what the fuck? Unknown_17: Suffer horse. Unknown_19: This isn't the suffer horse segment, I'm just saying it. Unknown_05: If I grab your titty, I mean, I probably will be... You're out of fucking roll today. Where you going? Unknown_17: What do you want me for? Unknown_17: What do you want me for? Unknown_05: What do you want me for? Unknown_19: This has all the romantic energy of a sex trafficking operation. 1:17:14 Unknown_17: I wanna make cookies. This is like Andrew Tate and like his Romanian, like... You wanna make cookies. You just wanna tell everybody. No. It's not ready yet. Unknown_05: I'm not waiting that much longer though. Unknown_17: Okay. I mean, we don't have to wait that much longer, but... Like three hours. You're retarded. Unknown_05: Oh, you think this is disgusting? Wait for it. It's bad luck, isn't it? It is. Unknown_05: But, I mean, still. Why isn't the chat box showing up? Go ahead and stand up. 1:17:47 Unknown_17: Bring me cookies here in a minute. Unknown_05: Why isn't the chat box showing up? He's yelling at her, bring me cookies, in addition to something else. Unknown_19: What could that be? Unknown_19: What could that be, chat? Unknown_19: Oh, he got his cookies, thank God. And he's eating into the microphone like a fat fucking pig. 1:18:19 Unknown_06: I guess I want to show it. Unknown_19: Oh, wait, no, this is in the video where he actually gets it. Unknown_19: He holds up a stick and he proclaims to the world that the third demon baby is on the way. Unknown_19: This sends panic throughout the ALOB community. Surely Ethan Ralph is not literally bringing a third child into existence in Mexico. Unknown_19: And, uh, as it turns out, it is a false alarm. He has announced that here's the actual stick. Uh, no, here's the thing. There's supposed to be two lines. If she's pregnant, there is no second line looking at this. I thought that he's not actually pregnant. He's just a retard. 1:18:52 Unknown_19: Um, Unknown_19: So he had to walk that back and say, no, actually it was a false positive and she's not pregnant. Unknown_19: Uh, which we're all very thankful for because nobody should be related to Ethan Ralph except maybe Matthew Vickers because he deserves it. Um, 1:19:28 Unknown_19: But he was very sad about this. And it's very obvious that he's upset that Alexander, his son, will grow up not knowing who he is. So he decides he's going to make a new son with Blackjack and Hookers with May. But then he has a daughter. Unknown_19: that he obviously has fucking disdain for and only sees as a prop to further his career many years down the road and uh he says i'm gonna have another son so we can go see have blackjack and hookers together and that has not happened they've been trying to have a third kid since like i want to say she was rosie was six months old so they've been they've been planning in which by the way from what i understand because people have been talking about this to death 1:20:16 Unknown_19: if you are breastfeeding you cannot get pregnant you can it's very unlikely though so it's very unlikely that may would not know this and i i again chalk this up as evidence that she has never breastfed rosie because there's no fucking way that she's breastfeeding rosie that's straight to the soylent pure soy liquid soy only for the for the baby Unknown_19: Yeah, I looked this up. They said it was 98% of women who were breastfeeding did not get pregnant while having sex. So breastfeeding is like almost as effective as... Unknown_19: As other forms of contraception in regards to not getting pregnant. That's why women rarely get pregnant outside like the first year after the baby because that's when you stop breastfeeding. Unknown_19: So... I don't know why you're... Yeah, no. 1:21:12 Unknown_19: It makes sense biologically because if you're pregnant... and you're breastfeeding, then you're dividing resources up between two children before the first one has even started to eat solid food. It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint that breastfeeding would have a contraceptive element to it. Unknown_20: Of course I was breastfeeding. That's why I'm a genius. Unknown_19: So the baby was a false alarm. 1:21:47 Unknown_19: Now I just have some, some genuine, some nice rounded rough clips to play. Unknown_09: Trump and organize Charlottesville then just say, oops, I was wrong vote for Biden. Unknown_11: Brian sent $3 in Litecoin. What happened to your kick buddy? Looks like you got banned again. Unknown_19: He just zooms in all angry, like hiding his anger with his fucking sunglasses indoors. She's like the gayest shit ever. He's trying to he tries to stream on this platform called Kick, which is just kick like the word kick and not kick as in K.I.K. And he's trying to get subscribers there and just keeps getting banned for hate speech. Surprise, surprise, because they don't allow. 1:22:28 Unknown_19: the Nick Fuentes crowd on their platform. Unknown_19: But that's okay. It's no loss to him because he actually hates those fucking pay pigs anyways. Unknown_14: Catch and kill scheme to identify, purchase, and bury negative information about him. Unknown_05: We were up at 700 viewers until I had to go and get my own ACM money because Pansy wouldn't do that. Because she's scared of driving to Mexico. So I had to go and do that myself during the middle of my show. 1:23:04 Unknown_05: Which was interesting. Then I... Never mind, I won't tell the second part. Unknown_05: I won't tell the second part. Unknown_00: They basically talked about how from 2015 to 2017 that Trump orchestrated a catch-and-kill scheme, as you pointed out, through a series of payments. I barely nicked somebody's car. I barely nicked somebody's car on a roundabout. Unknown_19: He said he wouldn't say the second bit, but then he said the second bit. May does not want to travel alone through the streets of Mexico because she is a vulnerable young woman, ostensibly. 1:23:42 Unknown_19: Uh, and so when, and also has no way of transporting the child safely because there is no car seat in the truck and she carries the baby in her lap. If she is driving the truck to the ATM, she does not have a way to put the baby in the car without just throwing her in the fucking pickup bed and driving down the road. Unknown_19: So she cannot actually do this and she can't walk with the baby alone cause she doesn't want to cause it's Mexico. So she he is chastising her for not going to the ATM, even though it is very dangerous and or a bad idea to do that alone as may. And he is seething about this and then explains that he needs to go to the ATM to get cash because he is a reckless drunk and he still drives. And he's like. 1:24:28 Unknown_05: You know, you can just give me your insurance and it won't cost you anything. But in America, they raise your insurance rates when you're getting rekt. So I was like... Unknown_05: I don't believe... He said they don't do that here. He said they don't do that here. And I said, well, I don't really believe you. I was like, it's a $50 scratch. Unknown_05: I'll just give you $50. Once he got to my... It was right down the street from my house. I said, just drive to my house. And I said, can I just give you $50, dude? Like... 1:25:01 Unknown_05: An equivalent pesos, which is 1,000 pesos. I said, can I just give you 1,000 pesos, dude, and you do whatever the fuck you want? And, yeah, he took that. What took this from a misdemeanor to a felony. Unknown_00: And Pierre seems to... There's another key line in here. You know what I just remembered? Unknown_19: I'm going to find this real quick. Like, that's funny. Okay, whatever. He fucked up. He nicked somebody's car. That's pretty funny. However, I don't think I showed this on my last stream because I think this was too recent. 1:25:39 Unknown_20: I want to try to find this picture because it's funny to me. Unknown_20: I know that Ethan Ralph really wants to try to one-up me. Unknown_19: And through what I say and what I do, Ethan Ralph determines his values and tries to one-up me through that. So he posted this picture, and this was shown to me, and I just now thought of it again. I want to share it with you guys. Unknown_19: Now that he is in Mexico, Mexico has a proud tradition of silver coinage. 1:26:13 Unknown_19: He bought Mexican silver coins. Ethan Ralph has zero interest in silver or alternative money. He has zero interest in Mexican history. He bought silver coins literally because I like silver. And now therefore also Ethan Ralph likes silver. Unknown_19: Is that not fascinating? When I see shit like this, I'm actually like, wow, that is fucking crazy that I have gotten this fat alcoholic to produce two children and desperately try to produce a third so he can have a son that will actually know him. And then he cannot afford a car seat. He cannot afford Hogwarts Legacy for his child. But he can find the time of the day to go out and buy silver pesos. 1:26:53 Unknown_19: These are small, by the way. These are Lays. That's 720 silver. There's higher quality silver coins in Mexican coinage. Unknown_19: But he really went out and did this to try and spite me, as if I give a fuck about if he has silver coins or not. 1:27:27 Unknown_19: Very funny. Unknown_05: We're not going to have to go. I'm about to go to sleep. Unknown_19: The context of this eight second clip is that he's dropped his goal to like 350 down from like 650. And he's routinely failing to meet it these days. Unknown_19: He met it yesterday by promising people he would shave his head, I think. 1:27:58 Unknown_19: And I don't know if he'll actually shave his head. If he has shaved his head, I've not seen evidence of it. Unknown_19: Steve, at what? At $71? At silver coins? Okay. Actually, you know what? I do have silver pesos in my coin box. Go fuck yourself. I've been traveling for a while. Unknown_19: So he listened to this song on loop a couple times. Someone super chatted to send this song. And we're going to just watch it. Just watch him. He leans back because he likes that song. And suddenly... Just... 1:28:34 Unknown_19: Sleepy. Sleepy. Unknown_19: So tired. Unknown_19: Xanax just kicked in, chat. Don't mind if I just rest my head here for a moment. 1:29:07 Unknown_18: Get some shut out in. Unknown_18: Don't mind if I do. Unknown_18: Remember to super chat and subscribe. Unknown_19: And I think that he just for like a very long time, I think may had to wake him up again. No, he, he stirs. He smelled a cookie or something. 1:29:58 Unknown_19: Oh yeah. I'm on air again. Unknown_19: There was another time. I don't know if I have the clip for it because I mean it's, it's dead air anyways, but he, he, um, walked off air, left his seat empty and disappeared for like an hour. And then suddenly may comes in and turns off the stream and just says, we're having some technical difficulties stream ends. And if you'll notice, um, Unknown_19: On the bottom right-hand side, oh, I can't zoom in. On the bottom right-hand side, there is a little subtext that says, sober spring day straight 13. It is now up to 16. He maintains that he is completely 100% sober despite his obvious drunkenness and high as fuck on Xanax-ness throughout spring. 1:30:29 Unknown_19: He just keeps incrementing the counter like, yep, I'm killing it. I'm doing it. I'm really killing it. Unknown_11: Kick heads rise up. Send $5. God gone. Post my bail tonight. 1:31:03 Unknown_05: Yeah. Kick heads are like, there's a lot of people over on kick, but they're not subbing. So they're pieces of shit. Honestly. Unknown_05: Like, they're kind of the lowest of the low because they're not subscribing to the channel for $4.99 a month. For all this content, all this Daily Ralph content, and they just sit over there and freeload for $134 a month. I mean, it's kind of sick, man, honestly. Tension. 1:31:45 Unknown_04: that this really could be sickening when people don't give ethan ralph money uh so a lot of the a-logs watch him on kick instead of cozy because cozy is shit and he doesn't like that and cringe mama restrains him and he he's straight he sees about that Unknown_18: I also found that funny. Unknown_19: I really like segments where he's just like DSP tier demanding cash from his audience. That's extremely gratifying to watch because I know he's hurting. He's yelling that much about it. Unknown_19: Okay, this clip is 17 minutes long. However, I have timestamps, and hopefully this has preloaded, and I can just zoom through it. Oh, I did not preload it because I am a fucking lunatic, and I just assumed that if I opened the video and let it preload a little bit, it would work fine, which is not the case on my website because why would it be? 1:32:50 Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_19: Hopefully it'll buffer in time to continue playing it. 155. Unknown_05: Mother of my child. Sorry, I can't ever say anything bad. These sims online are out of control, dude. They're like, oh, you called your wife and daughter a bitch. First off, I was joking about my daughter. I was like, she was being a little bitch by biting you. Second off, I call my wife a bitch anytime I want. And she can call me a lot worse anytime she wants. You don't tell me what the fuck I tell any woman ever. My mama didn't tell me fucking what the fuck I could say. My daddy didn't tell me what the fuck I could say. Ain't no internet cocksucker gonna ever tell me what the fuck I can say. Do you understand? Ever. 1:33:20 Unknown_05: So you can just take it right there and leave it right there. I don't give a fuck what you think about my vocabulary, how I talk to people, or how I behave. I fucking hate you in the first place if you're on that level. Now, I have a lot of people I like online, but if you're, like, on this internet police, oh, he said this to that and did this. It's like, okay, you know what? Fuck you. Like, that's literally... That's my... 1:33:55 Unknown_05: That's my level. Unknown_05: So, you know, we can be friends. We can be cool. I like being friends with people off the internet. I met a lot of friends and got a lot of good friends. So with that laid out, someone sent me an audio clip. 1:34:31 Unknown_19: I'm going to try to play it. Okay, I'm supposed to be able to sync this up. You ready? I'm going to try to do it. Unknown_19: Now it's time to beat a dead horse. No, you have to... And now it's time to beat a dead horse. Yeah, okay. I did it that time. I have to do it a couple times to sync up with it. They sent me a jingle. I get a wonderful little jingle to sing to for the... from my audience so with that laid out the gauntlet is thrown down and he issues a direct command from the only air conditioned room and in the pigsty to come up and confront him like a bish if she does in fact have an issue with any of the things that he do be saying fact based and such enraged right now 1:35:31 Unknown_05: i bet she won't come up here i guarantee you she doesn't have the stones to come over Unknown_19: I thought he was like I thought he was talking like there was that guy that Matthew Vickers had sent down to hunt Ralph down in like his city to serve him in Mexico and I thought he was talking about him at first like I bet you don't got the fucking stones to come up to me with them papers down in Mexico bitch no he's talking to me He's saying, I bet you don't have the stones to come up from the first floor to the second floor to talk to me on live. 1:36:11 Unknown_19: I guess because I'll fucking murder you and my daughter if you do that. Bish. Horse. Motherfucker. I guarantee you she does not even Unknown_05: come close to having the stones to come up in the studio one more time i guess you know she'll get laid out come on then come on come on in the studio again i know you can hear me i can hear myself downstairs come on 1:37:02 Unknown_19: Come on, bish. Come be some content, horse. You dumb bish. Unknown_05: I love this show. Unknown_00: It is bizarre. Unknown_05: It is like a reality show, basically, in my life. Unknown_19: What? You rang? You rang, huh? Guess who actually has the stones to come up and confront Ethan Rao? He only feels fine either threatening people online or his own wife because otherwise they'll just kick the shit out of him. 1:37:40 Unknown_06: Come here then. Unknown_05: You're talking shit. Come here. Unknown_17: You're the one talking shit. What? I didn't talk any shit. Unknown_17: Chat, I didn't talk any shit. I came up here while he was gone. You guys donated money. We had fun. We were watching the Trump indictment. We were watching the stupid fucking people on ABC. Somebody was playing fucking Kanye West for us. It was a fun time. And then you're like, oh, it's all Pantsy's fault. Unknown_05: We're not going to hit the goal. She's going to take it over now. Unknown_17: I'm not taking anything over. You're sitting here. You're saying that I fucking ruined the show. And I work really hard. 1:38:13 Unknown_05: I didn't say you ruined the show. Unknown_17: Yes, you did. Unknown_05: Chat, did he not say that I ruined the show? Unknown_19: I did not say that you ruined the show. Yes, you did. Yeah, okay. I said that. Unknown_19: Imagine being so instantly checkmated and called out by May of all people. Unknown_17: Did he not put me on blast for ruining the show and said it was my fault that the goal wasn't made? Yeah, because it was empty air. 1:38:46 Unknown_05: I came up here and we were making money. Unknown_17: It was not empty air. Unknown_05: It was not? Unknown_17: No! Did you not notice there was more money added to your thing? She was so shocked because he desperately wants to beat money out of her and be like, since your daddy ain't paying me and all you're doing is sitting around watching the kid all day, you gotta come up here and earn your peace every so often. Unknown_19: And then she gets up there and is like, hi guys, and then everyone throws money at her to make fun of her. And then she does what he asked and he's still... Now... 1:39:18 Unknown_19: Now that she's done that and she is like, has done her, what she, what he has requested of her apropos, nothing, even though that should not be her job. He's like jealous that she could, that it literally anyone can just do his job. A random obnoxious horse woman can get up and, and listen to Kanye West and accept super chats for a couple hours and and make the money that he does and it like makes him insecure so he has to neg her and say that she ruined the stream or she was being a bish and a hoe and it's it's like the most petty insecure shit i've ever seen in my entire life oh oh my gosh i was asked to run my mouth i didn't come up here and run my mouth he was not joking he was not joking he sent me messages saying that i ruined a show 1:40:17 Unknown_09: ponzu w sent three dollars can we get a cleo and smoke update camel okay i'll cut it there and skip ahead to 9 45 bet you won't come up here bitch bet you won't come up here bitch oh she she did come up here oh shit man Unknown_17: Well, that's how both of us learned how to be a family from TV. Unknown_05: You know, Rosie has a lot of toys, but I'm noticing you're lacking in the toys area. Me? Unknown_02: Yeah, you. I don't have time for toys. I'm not missing $3. Unknown_05: Let me whisper in your ear. Unknown_19: What is the purpose of the whispering super chat? That makes me very uncomfortable. He also makes some kind of weird sex joke. I don't know if that's saying that she needs to get bigger implants or if she needs to get a pegging thing to fuck him in the ass with. Because as we've established, he likes to get pegged. I don't know what that's supposed to mean. 1:41:10 Unknown_09: ponzu w sent three dollars i don't have balls to bust top kek camel camel thank you camel crew i think you're kind of lacking in the toys yeah i don't have any toys you won't even buy me hogwarts legacy you stupid fucking pig monster play your nintendo switch sometimes in spanish yeah to learn spanish but like that's very rare i have the time to do that 1:41:44 Unknown_17: I'm a good girl. I mainly cook, clean, and read. And watch the Killstream. That's all I have time to do. Unknown_17: And baby. Unknown_20: Okay. Two more timestamps. I'll cut it there. Unknown_17: It's so annoying. I don't know. When you load the page on your phone, too, it'll just show the doge dog. 1:42:15 Unknown_05: No, faggot, no. Unknown_17: He's ruining the site. It already has a mascot. Unknown_05: It's a blue bird. Are you serious, dude? It's the bird. Unknown_06: It's iconic. I know. Dude, he's an idiot. What the fuck? He made it the doge dog. God, he's an idiot. Unknown_04: What the fuck? Unknown_04: Why would you fucking get rid of the Twitter bird? Are you kidding me? Unknown_19: Oh, my God. Are they both, like, low IQ? It was an April Fool's joke. For April Fool's, Elon Musk made the logo of Twitter the dog from Dogecoin. And apparently they got really upset because I guess they both have autism or something. They didn't understand the joke. 1:42:50 Unknown_06: The Doge dog? Unknown_06: My and I like the doge dog, but what the fuck no, it's not it's not Twitter though. Unknown_17: No What the fuck But yeah, he's turning Twitter into a shit hole so follow me on locals Oh 1:43:25 Unknown_19: Yeah, they do. I've never seen Ethan Ralph get that emotionally charged about anything related to Rosie. And then Twitter's logo changes and he's in an outrage. Unknown_19: What do you mean you're driving my baby around without a car seat? That's so dangerous. I can't believe you would do that. That's the kind of thing you'd expect a parent to get emotional about. What the fuck do you mean Elon Musk changed the logo of Twitter? That son of a bitch. Send him back to Africa where he belongs. Unknown_19: Yeah, there is. 1:44:00 Unknown_05: They said you were going to find some degenerate shit on there. Me? On locals? Yeah, and get caught trying to fuck around on me and shit. That's what they said on Kiwi Farms. No. Unknown_05: Yeah. Yeah. Unknown_19: That's a reference to, like, the Rikada stuff, because the only other person I can think of on Locals is Rikada. And they allow, like, more... I think they don't allow, like, explicit pornography, but they allow, like, nudity and sex stuff. So people made the joke that if What's-Her-Face is managing Locals, she's going to, like, end up sliding into the DMs of some guy, because Locals is, like, I guess known for... 1:44:43 Unknown_19: uh, being sexually explicit, uh, in, in the chats and stuff because of how Mercatus was run. And he get, he apparently got really insecure about that shit too. And had to start grilling her like, are you cheating on me with some young stallion, some stud on local chat? Cause that's what Cuba farm said. Um, Unknown_17: They wouldn't find anything degenerate. They would just see me like autistically looking up recipes for like cheap ingredients that I have on hand. Unknown_19: Like seven different recipes for the same fucking dish. Unknown_17: How do I convert cups to grams? That's what they'll find. 1:45:19 Unknown_17: And also pregnancy symptoms. Like is itching a pregnancy system? That's all they would find in my history. Unknown_05: All right, bye, everybody. Unknown_05: Bye-bye. Back into the pit where you belong, monster. Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_20: Oh, one more thing, actually. Unknown_20: One more thing. Unknown_20: Ethan Ralph posted a picture of himself standing. 1:45:52 Unknown_19: He tends to avoid this because he never wants people to see him in his stature. Unknown_19: This is the picture. Unknown_19: Do you notice anything about these shoes? Unknown_19: Do you notice anything, chat? Unknown_19: Yes, the soles are very big. Unknown_19: But they're not tied. They are lifts, but they're also not tied. Unknown_19: It appears to be that Ethan Ralph Unknown_19: The gunted pig monster that he is is no longer capable of tying his own shoes. Unknown_19: And it could be, yes, that he is simply too fat to bend over and tie his own shoes. Too unstable due to intoxication and weight to merely bend on one knee and tie his own shoe. However, there is... 1:46:33 Unknown_19: Some truth to that. However, there may be an alternative and funnier explanation to what's wrong with why he can't tie his shoes. I would like to present to you a creative artist rendition of what may in fact be happening inside of his foot to create the environment where he can't tie his own shoe. And this is what the Kiwi Farms artist came up with. 1:47:13 Unknown_19: First, we have the large design of the shoe for the lift. However, on top of being a lift shoe, he may also have an insole to help elevate his foot because that's how short people in Hollywood increase their height. Unknown_19: They basically have a shoe that slants their foot forward so that they can creep up a couple more inches. And if you have a shoe that is that stuffed with an insole, you may not be able to tie it correctly because it would be uncomfortable or it just wouldn't fit at all. So there is a chance that 5'1 Ethan Ralph, wearing his lifts, has also decided to wear a heightlifting insole and now is no longer able to bend over and tie his own shoes without risking injury. 1:47:48 Unknown_20: And that was funny to me, which is why I'm showing you that now. Unknown_19: I do not have the time midstream to stop and pull up this thing. I have seen you say eight fucking times. I have 60 unread messages in my email. I do not read all my emails as they come in. If you, if you want me to talk about something during the stream, the number one thing you can do to make sure I'll see it is to post it in the community happenings thread. I read every single post there. Like, I'm sorry. I literally cannot stop the stream. to go through and read more material halfway through it sorry but I just can't we've already been going on for about two hours anyways so this is the good time this is the appropriate time to say hope you all are having a happy the whole week is called holy week right a nice holy week a nice Passover if that's your thing I think Ramadan is also going on at the same time Hope you're all having a happy whatever the fuck. Happy April. First week of April, if that's your thing. 1:49:15 Unknown_19: Have a hoppy Easter. I will be reading through the donation alerts, super chat things, but I just want to get that out of the way. And I'll take this off so you don't have to look at Ralph's feet as I do this. I do have a very cute song that has some significance to me as an Easter enjoyer. Unknown_19: So if you'd like to stick around for that, I, of course, would appreciate it. 1:49:47 Unknown_19: And with that, I will throw us into show mode. Unknown_20: Okay. Try to get through these because I have to pee. You know how I am. Unknown_19: This is from two days ago. Not Turkey Tom. Seriously for five says, I'd recommend new Ezra Miller video that Turkey Tom made. It's crazy what this guy was doing and how much of a predator he is. He wasn't canceled for any of it either. He still gets to be in the flash and be in the wizarding world. 1:50:22 Unknown_19: I mean Hollywood is nothing but one big like sex abuse thing they have all this money so all these people come to Hollywood to try and throw themselves and their own kids into it to try and get that money and then they only select the most attractive people and then they sexually exploit them and they can't say anything about it because then they're kicked out of Hollywood and that's that is literally the industry it is a super elite grooming and sex exploitation thing and um for men and women and it's disgusting and nobody should ever nobody should watch ads nobody should have a netflix subscription nobody should be on disney plus uh i cannot condone pirating but it is morally righteous to pirate um western media especially Unknown_19: Pog for four says, Jersh, would you ever consider doing an episode of Who Are These podcasts with Carl? He's one of the few people in the dickosphere that's still consistently funny. And I think it'd be really funny to hear you commenting on Suttering John. 1:51:21 Unknown_19: Uh, maybe. Sure. I was supposed to stream with Nick Riccata, but I got nosed super hard. He said that he was sick and I got the message at like 345. Unknown_19: a.m and i woke up at five something well not even he sent me like 4 4 45 a.m i wake up at 5 15 to get ready for the stream at six my time and the first thing i see when i sit down i've already started my coffee maker is a message saying sorry i'm sick no stream today i'm like thanks 1:51:56 Unknown_19: But to be honest, I was happy that I got to lead back down. I mentioned that last stream too, I think. Unknown_19: Because it was the same day as the stream. But I figured I'd mention it again because I thought of it. Thank you. You too. I appreciate it. Unknown_19: Ace of speds for two 19 says, how can you laugh at the cows as you do while pissing on detractors? The DSP community has a shitload of less a logs in the other community. Piggy getting swatted was a welfare check. Yes. Idiots. And it showed me one community that has none. Unknown_19: Um, I think that anybody, all the, what I call the cult cows, all the locales that have like a very super hyper dedicated fan base that has no crossover with the rest of the site. Um, That is super addicted to one person. Almost always has like an unhealthy attraction to them. And it's just like I want to see this person suffer. Because I don't like them for whatever reason. And I want to see justice. And it's like you're not. 1:52:36 Unknown_19: You're not an arbiter of justice. You're just some guy laughing at some other guy on the internet. If people want to give Darkside Phil money, and they do, then that's their decision. It's not justifiable to try to have someone banned from different platforms or censored because you think that they're somehow exploiting their audience by lying about how they're spending money. I just think that's really fucking pathetic and sad. And the DSP people are some of the worst at it. 1:53:12 Unknown_19: In fact, I can barely name any DSP detractors that I like. Like, I like a couple videos by them, but I can't say I know enough about them to say I like them. Unknown_19: AsusBedsAgain for 219 says, You should use this as an intro or outro song. A song by Anerjer Paradise by one of the Jews should keep you safe from all YouTube throws your way. And there's a link to a song, I presume. 1:53:46 Unknown_19: That is called Weird Al Yankovic Amish Paradise, which is a very famous song. And as someone who was born in 1992, I'm very well aware of Weird Al Yankovic. Unknown_19: Weird Al is not Jewish, by the way. He has sang the song Pretty Fly for a Rabbi, but he's not himself Jewish. And everyone's always shocked to learn that, but he definitely is not. I think he's actually a very devout Christian. Unknown_19: But I'm not 100% sure about that. Unknown_19: Weird Al is not Jewish. Unknown_19: Sorry to break it to you. Unknown_19: Anonymous for Two says, Unemployed for two weeks. Will be evicted on the 30th. Stuck in SoCal. Couldn't afford to leave. 18K in usable credit. Where should I go? All work experience is office jobs. No degree. Can't code. Have a valid Japanese student visa. I got it as a joke. Not a weeb. 1:54:26 Unknown_20: Um... Unknown_20: Well, you should not bury yourself in debt. Unknown_19: I don't know. I mean, dude, go to fucking LinkedIn. Unknown_19: Brush up your resume and your portfolio and apply for a job across the entire country. I don't know. You might get picked up for an office job in Anchorage or something. If you're willing to move, aggressively hunt for a job. People are hiring right now. 1:55:02 Unknown_19: I don't... Unknown_19: I don't know you're not going to get a job in fucking Japan because you don't speak the language just find a job anywhere and go there find the highest paying job you can I don't know unemployed for two weeks what have you been doing for two weeks Unknown_19: You get laid off from an office job so you just start binge eating and not paying your rent for two weeks? How about this? Use your credit to find a place to stay for a couple months and then put in for jobs everywhere. What a bizarre question. Hey Josh, here's $2. 1:55:36 Unknown_19: I'm about to be homeless. I've taken no action to prevent myself from being homeless. What should I do? Hmm. Anything. It's like getting a phone call. Hey Josh. Uh, my name, you know, I'm, I just threw my, I just, uh, fell out of an airplane. I have a parachute and I'm wondering like where I should land. You know, I'm falling out of an airplane here. I'm about 10,000 feet up above ground. And I'm just like over the flyover States. I'm wondering if I should land in Nebraska or Missouri or like where to go. I don't know. I'm a dude. Pop the fucking parachute first and decide where you want to land. Um, 1:56:08 Unknown_19: you're out of whack your your thinking is not straight uh caleb ll show for two says first time donators say you disavow the g's and the l's and the b's and the t's and the p's and the s's do it or you're a homo i think i routinely say i disavow all the letters of the alphabet and the plus uh thank you very much i don't think i need to prove myself 1:56:52 Unknown_19: Crank and Cocaine for two says, just like Gandalf arrives exactly when he needs to. That's exactly right. I'm never late. I am always, if I am not where you think I am or should be, it's for a reason. Unknown_19: By the way, my computer hasn't crashed since I reseated my GPU and my memory. So if you have a similar crash, just unplug everything and put it back together. It seems to work. Unknown_19: Cowboy Ranch Jurassic for two says, Alex Alejandro Carabello's true name is Saul Truman. Unknown_19: That would imply that he's actually a lawyer. He's not. Unknown_19: As far as I know. Unknown_19: Derpa, derpa, derpa man for five 48 says, read it. Curse. Jerse hurrah. Derpa, derpa, derpa man. That's not like a swear. I'm, I'm lost at that one, but thank you. Nikita for five says, what is your favorite death grips album? 1:57:27 Unknown_19: Um, whichever one guillotine is on, I I'm not someone who like typically listens to an album as like a whole collective work. Um, I know some people do that. They'll sit down with an album and it's a really, it's a really big deal to make sure that you listen to the album in order and have time to actually like digest it as a, as a comprehensive piece. I'm definitely not one of those people. Uh, but I know that especially like in hip hop and stuff, it's important to artists. 1:58:00 Unknown_19: tired, sneeting dad for 10 says, thank you for all your do help. You have a happy Easter. I have two little kids. One is under one older than two and a half, both white, same mom, married Kiwi farms and Maddie are some of the few things I can enjoy in between taking care of them. So thanks for that. All the beds. I assume he means all the best, in which case I say thank you very much. I'm happy to hear that your life is all put together. Try not to fuck it up by truing out and by cooming and by being in a Discord voice chat because we need more mom and dad for putting two together because they don't know how. 1:58:34 Unknown_19: And happy Easter. Anne Frank's butt chunks. Unknown_19: Wow, what a segue from such a wholesome Big Chungus message to Anne Frank's butt chunks. 25 says, been listening for a while, but I need help. Recently discovered my friend was fur in a zoo, and I have obtained a link to a zoophilia group hiding in Telegram. Is there someone on the forums I can give this info to? Please and thank you. Unknown_19: Um, I'm pretty sure that all the common posters and the, the monkey thread are like active in that. I can't give any, I stay out of that. So I can't give a direct suggestion. Um, 1:59:20 Unknown_19: I mean, honestly, if you want to do something, but you don't want to get involved, you could always just talk to the police, I guess, and be like, I got this link, and this guy that I know is an animal fucker. I don't know what kind of signs you've been giving to receive such a link. Unknown_19: So that's a bit weird and suspect, but good luck. Like I said, I think the people in the monkey thread are all active in identifying people. But ultimately, if you want anything to happen, it has to come from law enforcement. People on forum threads can't do that. 1:59:57 Unknown_19: Especially if they hate cops. Anime for four says, clearly Zaza demon is a reference to the Zozo demon. AOC has yet again proved her satanic lineage. I disavow. Yeah, I think disavowing AOC is a pretty fucking easy thing to do. Unknown_19: D&D Race Mixer for two says, unfortunately, Josh, you're wrong about the D&D race thing. They removed races such as half elf, which refers to half human, half elf, in favor of more detailed and boring race mixing. You can race mix whatever you want, and there are no trade-offs. oh dude so now you can have like a quadra quadroon elf like quarter elf quarter orc half human i'm pretty sure one of those leads blm and got in trouble for owning like eight houses but disgusting 2:00:31 Unknown_19: Thank you for the correction. Niggy Tardus for 182 says, Total half-orc unconceptualization. That's a bit late. Unfortunately, I seem to be wrong about the deconceptualization of half-orcs. Thank you, though. Koliadante15 says, Is it simping when the AOC's sock defends AOC? No. That's just masturbation at that point. I can't believe people sent for that. Like here we have an average looking Latinx who like, I don't know, twerks. So therefore I'm going to send for her cause she's in politics. If that's, if that people always say women in politics ruin everything, man. Like when, when women got the vote, that was it. That was when it all went to shit, man. You can trace it right back to the women's suffrage movements. And then that was it for America, man. That's when the day the empire died, man. But then it's like, Who are the people who vote for spicy latinx because she twerk? Men. Women ain't falling for that shit. Women aren't going to be like, oh, my God, look, she's twerking. I love it when women twerk. I'm going to vote for her. It's going to be like, oh, I like brown mamacita. I'm going to vote for her. That's men's fault, man. 2:01:38 Unknown_19: Ghost politics called out. Is he simping for AOC? Disgusting. Tell Ghost that he should hard disavow his simpage. 2:02:12 Unknown_19: St. Zechariah for 10 says, St. Michael, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him. We humbly pray and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell, Satan, and all evil spirits. Amen. That's a very nice prayer. Thank you very much. Unknown_19: PX for 548 says, I wish I knew the name of it, though. Unknown_19: I guess I ran out of space for it. PX for 548 says, just want to say thanks for what you're doing. Interestingly, you shifting the stream happened to overlap with my birthday. Keep up the good work. Very subtle way of saying by the way not asking for a happy birthday wish because that would be paying money for happen Oh, that's cringe bro. That's great. But if I if I super chat something about like I like your streams But oh and by the way today is it happens to be my birthday Then he might say happy birthday to PX without me having to ask for a happy birthday Very subtle didn't pick up on that at all. But happy birthday, bro Kaliya Dante 15 says AI cyberbullying kill count 2:02:43 Unknown_19: Zero. Oh, the zero is struck through. One. Goddamn machines taking on us. Kiwi farms. That's right. When are we going to cancel AI for driving Belgians to suicide? I guess nobody cares when it's a Belgian, huh? When a Belgian kills... Maybe we should just bully Belgians to death only, and then we'll be just fine. Everybody will love us. 2:03:15 Unknown_19: Namas for two says, chat GPT to the starry-eyed environmentalist mutt on how to help with climate change. You should kill yourself now. Unknown_19: I guess that's a reference to the black guy whose name I forgot. You should kill yourself. 2:03:46 Unknown_19: That's a funny way to like reference suicide without saying it. You should reduce your carbon footprint to zero, my kneesie. You know how you do that? You know how you drop your carbon footprint to zero? Do it now. You serve no purpose. You ain't carbon neutral, man. Unknown_18: Sheesh. Unknown_19: uh spooky for 20 says a group of tiktok and reddit weirdos bullied the hosting provider canadian of a website i use resulting in them requiring all user-generated content to be taken down killing it yet some users are eager that they have new rules to follow we live in hell um yeah don't host in canada would be my first suggestion to you 2:04:32 Unknown_19: Yeah, it is sick, sickening when you see people like who are like all for like new rules and regulations like, oh, my God. Yes, this makes so much sense. Me having to jump through more fucking hoops to do the same thing I used to be able to do without any fucking issue whatsoever is so much better. And there's so many of them, too, who just want to pretend that what they do matters. Unknown_19: Uh, sorry to hear about that, buddy. Eka for 11 says, here's some money so you can get some new seedlings. You tomato genocide. Oh man. I didn't want to think about it. I get so pissed off now. I understand, but I have limited room. If I ever had more room now, I understand the intelligence of planting more seedlings than you intend to grow because they're going to die. And, but I don't know. I had the mindset where it's like, 2:05:16 Unknown_19: I don't want to grow more seedlings than I can plant because I would hate to have to throw away healthy seedlings. Unknown_19: And now I really regret that decision. Unknown_19: I've learned a lot, to be fair, growing from seed. I've learned a lot about the environment they should be brought up in so that they can grow successfully. I made a mistake of not having a proper covering for them. Unknown_19: I also use coconut planters and then I put them in cardboard and supposedly you're only supposed to put dirt in those and then put the ceilings directly into the cardboard or you're just supposed to use coconut planters and plant those directly. So I use both and that's wrong. 2:05:56 Unknown_19: So I've learned I've learned a lot about failing this time. Unknown_19: uh corpses for four are saying where can i look at those patches also new t-shirt designs any updates on those also your show is responsible for convincing inspiring me to go back to school to earn certs for cyber security and continue with it school thank you for that Unknown_19: Well, congratulations on learning how to code. Unknown_19: The t-shirt designs are being mocked up now. He's doing the colors. He submitted some designs based on my request, and I realized that I made a mistake asking for the colors that I did. So I've sent them back, and I said, I apologize for being stupid with how I expected the colors to turn out. And I've asked for a new set with different color emphasis. So that's being worked on the, the, the patches are going to be on month of the internet.com. I'm gonna have to make sure everybody gets their patches. And then once I have leftover, by the way, um, I'll sell those. But by the way, uh, I figured out I have two more silver coins left. I don't know where the fuck they came from, but the old three PL was still charging me $5 a month. I said, what the fuck is going on? And they've sent me a picture. They still have two of those. Where are they coming from? I don't even know anymore where these fucking coins are coming from. I just get randomly told once every six months. By the way, we have some inventory left over. So I don't even know. I had no idea what to do with these. I might just have them ship it to a goodwill at this point because I'm so sick of it. I'm so sick of having to deal with this company. 2:07:13 Unknown_20: A dupe glitch. Yeah, basically. Unknown_20: uh half orc big bork fucker of dorks for five says half orcs in particular it once had the dilemma of being forced to choose between which two opposed societies they belong to but dnd writers have decided that any source of conflicts is verboten i guess the implication of societies having differences was scary very scary because that's implying that like because of the nature of their birth and who they are they're like torn between two different cultures and that's like ah 2:08:03 Unknown_19: That's so offensive because obviously everyone is exactly the same and there is no such thing as different cultures based on racial identity. And also diversity is very important and we have to make sure that we have as much diversity as humanly possible, even though everybody is exactly the same anyways. It just makes sense. Okay, don't fucking think about it. Unknown_19: Nigel Powers for two says, there are two things in the world I can't stand, people who are intolerant of other people, culture, and the Dutch. Unknown_19: I thought this was going to be a Rungle tweet, reading that. Unknown_19: I call these tweets because I'm retarded or something. Unknown_19: What's wrong with the Dutch? The Dutch are a weird people to hate. They're very inoffensive. 2:08:43 Unknown_19: Except that they're getting molested and raped to death by black people now. Kind of pitiable, actually. Sad, isn't it? Unknown_19: Thank you, though. Eatjerkdrinkbleach45 says, Hey, Jersh, if you could give any locale a good ending story arc, who would you give it to? Who do you think would deserve it the most? Unknown_19: That question is paradoxical because nobody... Unknown_19: I think that people typically get the ending that they deserve. 2:09:17 Unknown_19: And I can't think of anybody I would alter the timeline for. I guess if I was the writer of Chris's life, I would write it in such a way where he manages to find stability. And all those people who see about how Chris gives Tranny's and Altis a bad name and how they have to constantly prove they're better than Chris... them getting completely and totally owned by the biggest grossest retard trading of them all would be infinitely more hilarious than what actually happened. Unknown_19: Um, but as far as me, like wishing now that he had a quote unquote good ending, um, absolutely not. Um, 2:09:59 Unknown_19: Oh, Terry. He doesn't really count as a locale, really, though. I don't know. Yeah, I wish Terry Davis' story transpired completely differently. Unknown_19: But I don't know. Before he died, people from G were extorting him into saying really horrible, terrible shit, which, thankfully, I think a lot of people who knew about this have simply chosen to forget about it. But they really got him. They really had him wrapped around his finger. And I think his suicide was not entirely related to his schizophrenia. He just didn't know how to escape the people that he had surrounded himself with or that had surrounded him. But yeah, I really wish that his story was completely different. 2:10:31 Unknown_19: Uh, Colia Dante 15 says, make the Janice pay for their own keys, implement a radical new system where they do it for negative $60. Unknown_19: I mean, I guess I could, but I, I don't know. It seems kind of fun to like give people the keys and stuff. Like you're, you're now a Jenny. I'm literally giving you a key to the Kiwi farms. Now that you have to, you have to use, um, Oh, uh, for whatever, I'll mention this for whatever reason. I was thinking about how to do sessions, uh, Cause Zenforo is exploitable where if you manage to do a session hijack for Zenforo, um, you just have like, you completely bypass two factor authentication. And I was thinking, how can I have more secure sessions for Zenforo? And one other way is to make it so that if you like change your IP, you have to sign back in, but that's the most annoying thing in the world. And I thought what I could do instead is make it so that if you have a two factor authentication key, 2:11:42 Unknown_19: For instance, if you're a mod and your IP changes, you just have to read 2FA. So you just press the button again every time your IP changes. Unknown_19: And then it memorizes that new IP. And that way you only have to do it once every time it changes. But if you cycle through common VPNs, you won't have any issue and it'll stop session hijacking. I think that's what I'm going to end up doing to make it a more secure thing than what Zenforo has. Because it is mind-numbing that you have this security thing for two-factor authentication and it just doesn't work if someone manages to get the session token. So I've been thinking about ways to make things more secure with the new software suite. 2:12:20 Unknown_20: Uh, Mr. Richard Smoker for five says, have you heard of the starch eating communities? Unknown_19: It seems to be primarily by people of a particular dermis variation. Unknown_19: Um, wow. Okay. Unknown_20: It's better not be a trap link. It is on 4chan. Unknown_20: Why are her ninnies hard? 2:12:55 Unknown_20: Why are her nipples hard as she's eating cornstarch? Unknown_20: What the fuck is that? Is that like her finish eating corn starch? Unknown_20: I don't, I I'm assuming that this is not, not safe for work. Unknown_20: I guess it's not really properly safe for work, but Oh, they're pierced. Unknown_20: I don't know, man. It looks like she's just getting a little bit aroused eating corn starch. Unknown_19: I'm very glad I'm not black. You know what I mean? 2:13:31 Unknown_19: maker for 10 says finally a matty stream on my day off time to donate 10 of my hard-earned wage bucks to my favorite cyber bullier thank you i appreciate it i i don't know i've always thought about maybe if i streamed on a different day i'd have more viewers but or a different time but i don't want to fuck with it now and fuck with people's schedule because everyone's so used to it being at a certain time then it might be a bad idea Unknown_20: Thank you, though. Unknown_20: Clint, Clem Fandango forces anime hate gang heart emoji. Unknown_19: Hell yeah. Represent my newsie. No, no, no, none of my none of my homies watching all my homies hate anime. Unknown_19: We know better than that. Unknown_19: Fize Moses Jones for 10 says, Hey Josh, do you have any book recommendations? Preferably non-fictional. So how did you learn so much about flags? Um, I paid it to, I played a lot of paradox games. Number one, um, people have asked me for book recommendations many times and I always give the same ones. Read, uh, Dr. Theodore Kaczynski's industrial society, uh, and its future. 2:14:30 Unknown_19: and the stranger by albert camus that's my suggestions now as for teachers there's nothing empowering or valid about sex work i can't comprehend where the left especially settles on the message that showing off your asshole on the internet uppercase i internet is the way to go for women and not prop up the idea of learning useful trades or skills instead um because sex work women who are in sex work 2:15:09 Unknown_19: are basically cut off from returning to a family life. Unknown_19: They're mostly about deconstructing like if you were actually trying to empower women and make them equals He would just have like a Soviet communist thing there Soviet education was extremely Fair to women and there were many women in Soviet society who held held positions of esteem and were educated and did real jobs like that's if you were genuinely trying to empower women you would do that and Unknown_19: But they're not trying to empower women. They're trying to ruin the family so that they can justify it with a lower birth rate, having more and more mystery meat imported into the country to ruin it forever. That's the objective. 2:15:53 Unknown_19: Jim GNA for five says, wow, it's nice to see a large streamer QXC push back against the degeneracy that is only fans. He seems like a man of strong moral character who would enjoy turning, tuning into baked Alaska's prayer streams live on cozy TV every Sunday at 10 a.m. Eastern standard time. Unknown_19: There you go. There's your plug for Baked Alaska's prayer streams on Sunday. I have a feeling that if you really wanted to watch live streamed religious content, you have better options than Baked Alaska grifting for super chats on fucking cozy. 2:16:29 Unknown_19: Actual institutions that are charities that you can write off on your taxes. There you go. That's a good idea. Banked Alaska. Nick Fuentes. Start your own church. Start a digital church. Catholic church. I mean, it can't be Catholic because there's no fucking way the Catholic church would allow that. But, I mean, you can make your own thing. You can make your own splinter of the Catholic church. There's many of that. You can make Nick Fuentes an anti-pope. He is a virgin, so there's no reason why he can't be pope, right? Unknown_19: uh roxanne wilfred says bark bark thine furred neighbors wish you a blessed holy week to you and yours and may your pizza be enjoyable with meat upon it once again oh fuck yeah dude 2:17:13 Unknown_19: I should mention I made it through Lent without eating any meat. I did not intentionally eat any meat. I think I bought one thing. I didn't know what it was. I had like a little bit of meat into it because I thought it was just cheese and bread. But I went through the entire thing. I haven't had like a steak. I stopped eating meat on my pizza. I went through the entire thing without any meat. Unknown_19: Only fish if I wanted some some protein. Unknown_19: Thank you. Thank you, chat. Thank you. I will definitely get something with meat on it this weekend, probably. 2:17:49 Unknown_19: Ronnie McNutt for Forrest said, Hey, Josh, I just want to say I'm a fan of your websites. Keep making trends act themselves. I guess that's it. Look, we don't try to make anybody do anything. We just try to have a good time. But I'm glad you're having a good time. That's what matters. Unknown_19: Let me sit on your face. Josh for five says Guatemala was nice by the way, would recommend it. But what got me uncomfortable was the amount of Israeli flags around the Hebrew language in some of the stores. Also, I would be down to be your Mexican bodyguard and eat the hearts of your enemies. Kisses. Unknown_19: I cannot imagine why there are a lot of Israeli flags in Guatemala. I'm glad your trip was nice. I do not need a bodyguard though. Thank you. I appreciate the offer. Had a security for 22 says trans lives are valid. The mime and clown to get your toolboxes ready. 2:18:24 Unknown_19: Oh, they're valid. Unknown_19: Okay, that's a Space Station 13 joke, and I should clarify that in Space Station 13... Unknown_19: You cannot just randomly kill people. It's called RDM. You cannot RDM. You can kill people who are valid, though. So if you say someone is valid, that means that everyone is able to kill them. The most easiest way to become valid is to open the public communication channel on your headset. And to announce the copypasta, Woody's Got Wood. I will not say that for you on stream. If you would like to look up Woody's Got Wood, I would suggest against it. It is a Space Station 13 thing. And to say, to read aloud the copypasta of Woody's Got Wood will instantly turn you into a concussed bleeding corpse on the ground from every blunt object in the entire server. 2:19:42 Unknown_19: uh for five says chelsea lawrence claimed to have an incredibly rare disease called stiff person syndrome made really funny attempts at faking it on tiktok she was a ketamine addict so she probably overdosed after finally getting her fix after not having it in a while oh so she did have a fake disease but she also had a real disease of addiction and that's what killed her that's funny that should have been in the post explaining what the fuck was happening Unknown_19: Thank you. Unknown_19: Eat your drink. Hey, guys. Mr. Beast here. Today we're performing free vagina plastic surgeries for the first 100 people who can shoot up a middle school with a minimum of 41% kill ratio. Sponsored by Bud Light and Victoria's Secret. And not just Bud Light and Victoria's Secret, but I want to say Nike's. I want to say Nike's also sponsored Dylan Mulvaney recently. I have this picture here somewhere, I think. Unknown_19: Yes, Nike. So if you're a Nike boy, they put some nice Nikes on Dylan Mulvaney. And if you're wearing Nikes right now, you're basically doing footsies with a tranny, if you think about it. 2:20:39 Unknown_20: Cherry for 10 says, Troons will become fish poop. Unknown_19: Base people will become potatoes linked to a cat box image. Unknown_19: josephus o'malley says if archaeologists discover your skeleton and your grave in ruins will they see the remnants of a male or female chris replies saying probably fish poop because i'm paying to be turned into a coral reef um okay then i mean i guess those new ecological ways of corpse disposal aren't that bad 2:21:30 Unknown_19: I, of course, will be turned into a 100-foot-tall marble statue that they display in some extremely high, amazing place for everyone to admire. Unknown_19: And they'll give me a gigantic penis. They won't give me one of those shitty little Greek penises that they put on their statues. I'll have a massive penis on my statue. Unknown_19: It could be worse for 329 says Keemstar is a Jewish convert. Unknown_20: No way. Unknown_20: He says in December 2022 or 2020 saying, I'm thinking about converting to Judaism. Unknown_19: It will take me at least one year of study thoughts. 2:22:11 Unknown_19: Dave Oshry says, fuck off. We're full. Unknown_19: Johnson Chan asks, what about Jesus Christ? And Keemstar does not reply. Unknown_19: What makes me the most money is what Keemstar is really asking. What makes me the most money? And that's his answer. Unknown_19: eat dirt drink bleach for five says chat play the clip play the clip play the clip josh plays the clip chat goes ludicrous speed and excitement oh in response to a specific clip i will not mention it's like um with a dog in a leash you can't say the word walk around a dog he gets excited so you have to be careful you have to be careful when talking about the clip which will not be named 2:22:49 Unknown_19: power chad overcocked before says josh i hope you're having a good day stay white i'll try my best buddy try my best that's why i stay inside eor for 10 says ralph is live right now in what seems to be an encore on corn performance of today's or yesterday's walk waking pill stream donations are fucked up again he has only made eight dollars so far in the first hour being live but i can throw him up in the background if he's live let's see Unknown_19: He's not even live. He stopped streaming two minutes ago because I guess he wasn't making any money. Unknown_19: His camera wasn't on either. That's funny. Okay, if he goes live again, I'll put him on the background. Unknown_19: Arfier Etan Ralph for $22 says, Absolutely nothing. Thank you, Arfier Etan Ralph. Unknown_19: Genocider CO4 says, Chelsea Lauren's fake disorders to obtain ketamine was blacklisted from Epic and cut off from it in all services. She traveled to find a hospital and pretended to starve herself, yet gained weight until she was given ketamine. It is believed she OD'd. Well, you know what I say about fucking addicts. Good riddance. 2:23:52 Unknown_19: Twinkle Tart for $100 says, Happy Easter, Josh. I'm not going to mention Wolftone this week. Sorry, chat. Instead, I'm very happy to hear you've almost got the site back to 100%. Nice work. I got a lot of help for it. Obviously, I can't bend infrastructure to my whims. I need people who have infrastructure to lend it to me. And thankfully, there are enough good people out there that we can still get shit on the internet that is US legal, even when people don't like it. Thank you very much. 2:24:30 Unknown_19: Namas for two says, Josh, what is your opinion on isolationism? Do you think that there are more pros or cons? Could it be possible for a nation to be completely dependent and self-reliant while eliminating outside influences? Unknown_19: That is an incredibly difficult geopolitical question to ask for $2, my friend. Unknown_19: I think that the U.S. was better. I mean, the U.S. accomplished isolationism for a very long time. I don't see why we can't. The U.S. just decided that after the atom bomb was invented that we were going to police the entire world and try to prevent nuclear war, I suppose. And that became our status quo. 2:25:06 Unknown_19: um so it'll be interesting to see what happens when the u.s collapses because i think it's coming because uh we're stagnating in every conceivable way gary devious day for two says be watching maddie and there's a picture of a um of pepe the frog jerking off under the bed sheet which is a bit strange but i will put that on stream thank you Unknown_19: uh angry lewis for two says hey george thank you yet for yet another entertaining stream i hope this year has been good for you so far i got married to my boyfriend of nine years this valentine's day and i just got a promotion to middle management in a print shop have a happy easter uh um thank you uh congratulations if you're straight uh and congratulations on uh your promotion have a happy easter my friend 2:26:01 Unknown_19: I can't take this shit no more for 10 says, thank you for the stream moments every week. I look forward to Fridays just because I can listen to the stream, but then I expect no makeup to Ethan and Hila getting a divorce. Keep it up, chief. Thanks again. This has to be a fucking, a joke. Unknown_19: Eight, Ethan, Hila, divorce. Unknown_20: Yeah, I'm checking one more time. Unknown_20: Is this real? No. She left... Okay, hold up. This appears... This has to be fucking fake. 2:26:38 Unknown_20: Are you really wasting my... This better not be fucking... She left me, Ethan. Unknown_20: Yeah, this is fake. Unknown_20: Okay, I'm not falling for this no more. Nice try. Unknown_19: You got me once. I hope everybody's happy. Unknown_19: It could be worse for 548 says great stream as always. Two quick questions. What do you think about the Slovakian flag? And will you make a gumroad video about fuck cars? Uh, fuck cars would be very fun to make a, uh, gumroad video about. Unknown_19: Um, and the Slovakian flag is excellent. Actually, the Slovakian flag is pretty unique. Um, but it is an excellent flag and they have a very special symbol. Their, their Orthodox cross is very interesting and unique and, um, 2:27:15 Unknown_19: But it's also like simple enough that you can recognize it instantly. Unknown_19: I've tried desperately to get a Tizo coin because the Slovak state, which was a puppet of the German government during World War II, after the annexation of Czechia, they had silver currency featuring their leader, Tizo, who was a collaborationist. And I've never been able to get a silver coin of theirs because they're so expensive. If I ever end up in Slovakia, I will definitely hit up flea markets and try to find one in person. 2:27:50 Unknown_19: Eeyore for 10 says, correction, after making $12, only Ralph just quit. Replay here. And then he linked to the thing that I just tried to pull up, but it did not work. Unknown_19: Well, I found the replay, but he's not live anymore. Thank you. Never forget for two says, out of the following, put them in order of best to worst followers for your reasons why Drexel, Bob Chandler, Ralph, Mr. Vickers, and Andy Worsky. 2:28:23 Unknown_19: Um, no, I'm not, I'm never going to get through this. If I take all the time in the world to answer every single question like this for $2 best dads, Drexel, Bob Chandler, Ralph, Mr. Vickers, and Andy Worsky. They're all terrible. There is no sorting that one's black. One raised, uh, uh, Christian. One is Ralph. One is Mr. Vickers. And then one's Andy Worsky who literally kills his kids. So none of them, they're all equally fucking terrible. If you're born to any of those people, you're screwed. Good luck. Unknown_19: Justin Trudeau for 15 says, have you ever tried French fries with fresh cheese curds and gravy? We call this poutine and it's a delicacy all around Quebec. You think you might like it? 2:28:58 Unknown_19: I lived in a city called Buffalo and yes, I've had lots of poutine. There was one poutine and, um, that I had that was like a mixture of Buffalo sauce and like Buffalo breasts that was breaded and fried and poutine. And that was, it was amazing. That was really good. Uh, I miss Buffalo just for the chicken wings. They had some really great chicken wings. Unknown_19: marlova for four says turn 21 today have a yingling with me uh well congratulations happy birthday i and yingling god that's my favorite i think of the american beers yingling is my favorite beer um i like light beers i think it's a light beer right i don't like super hoppy flavors i don't know i don't drink beer that much but if i if i had to pick one at a bar in the u.s i'll get yingling 2:29:48 Unknown_19: happy birthday again uh we will we hit the goal for 10 says ralph quit yesterday the moment he hit the goal promised to shave his head promised to do a 12-hour stream and even promised to shave pantsu's head just to reach the goal just to quit his chat was livid there's a link to um some messages from his cozy chat saying he gotta get back to sober spring Unknown_19: Someone replies saying that will be the day. And then Ethan Ralph replies saying that'll be the day you suck my dick, faggot. I mean, he's losing all his support because I'm surprised it's taking so long. Like the fact that people still give him money knowing that he'll just spend it on drugs and alcohol is just ridiculous. People are retarded. Unknown_19: Danny Ock for two says, amazing how much you would live rent free in Ralph's brain. I imagine it's pretty spacious given how there's nothing there. Am I right? That's right. There is a bunch of silver coins. Unfortunately, if you did have to share headspace with Ethan Ralph, you'd have to see May naked once a month or so, which is pretty traumatizing. I don't think even if it's free to live in Ralph's brain, it's not worth it. 2:30:42 Unknown_19: Sneed for five says, I just had be considered redoing your idea from last year where we could send you silver. I have a very nice Vichy France coin here that I won't send you, but I have something different, which I could send you. I do not have, I don't have it set up yet. Um, I'm still, I still don't have a PO box, um, where I can receive stuff. Sorry. Unknown_19: I can't take this shit no more for 10 says I lied. LOL. This shit is great though. Here you go. 2:31:21 Unknown_19: The new links to this. Unknown_19: That's the thing I found that was someone pretending that Ethan Klein had gotten divorced. And it was just his most recent video with a different title. Unknown_19: Sweetie Squad for 15 says, Listen to this song, my fellow T&D enjoyer. It's hilarious and gay. Hmm. Unknown_08: This was just early Lil Nas X. This was also nine years ago when people can make jokes like this and not be banned from YouTube. Thank you, though. 2:32:01 Unknown_19: medic or fin bot for 50 says the bryson gray thing with ralph just amazes me why do people with legit lives to ruin go on his show what the fuck makes them go hey clearly this insanely intoxicated guy who gets like 300 viewers surely this will benefit my career well he stopped getting viewers after he lost his uh notable blue check mark um or or uh guests after he lost his check mark and i don't know i guess he's just good at smoothing and who knows what he does 2:32:45 Unknown_19: I mean, he does have like some kind of reputation. I guess people assume that if like anybody watches this guy, he's been around for so long. Surely he can't be so much of a wreck. And then he just is. And they don't look at his most recent streams. Like I know I don't, when I show up on someone's street stream, I don't like check their, their last episode out to see what it is. I might scan through it and talk to people, see if it's a good idea, but I definitely don't like listen to like his, um, Unknown_19: last few episodes he was like drunk but then again i don't show up anymore anyways namus for two says i like to imagine when ralph k was from the xanax you can hear the bitch and betty alert from the mech warrior games go xanax level critical shutdown sequence initiated also worth playing if you want old shot old shock video to play i mean imagine he says old school 2:33:35 Unknown_19: um no it's not gonna be so cool it's gonna be uh he's gonna die probably from a car accident because uh he drives drunk it won't be something funny or interesting it will just be like oh we'll wake up one day ralph is dead may is begging for money to get back to the united states Unknown_19: Polly frog for 10 says it's confirmed that Alice of IPT really does have AIDS. Ralph had sexual contact with her and should get tested. He might have AIDS. And there's a link to a Twitch or Twitter post saying this. Unknown_15: What would you expect if she, if you seen like a post like this? So she posted this picture. Christ is King, right? Unknown_15: Christ is King on that shit. And I said, did you go to rehab? Unknown_15: And she said, yes, the AIDS test was positive. 2:34:28 Unknown_15: Alice had AIDS, bro. Unknown_19: If everyone who had sex with Alice got AIDS, that would be undeniable evidence that there is a God, and he has a very funny sense of humor, and he loves to give retards AIDS. Unknown_19: That would be pretty based, I would have to say. Unknown_19: Prolapse for 10 says, you know that song you played before called Walls Fall Out? A podcast called Yeast Radio created that song and a series of songs, many of which have been lost to time. There's one song that you might like about feeders. Oh, Jesus. 2:35:01 Unknown_04: Three, two, one, play. Unknown_19: yeast radio that is truly horrific i i really don't know the story of that song i've just seen the music video and it like scarred me for life so that was uh feed it all to me by deborah wilkerson which is one of the personalities from that show i've been told fascinating 2:35:37 Unknown_19: Ra Ra Rasputin for who says, uh, thanks you for making advice about telling the woman who was hitting on me to pay the toll. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to tell HR that I was making an environmentalist statement, I was fired. So this may be my last chance to super chat for a while. Unknown_19: Um, Unknown_18: I don't remember the original. Unknown_19: I assume that my advice was good. And if any company would fire you for your environmentalist stance against burning the coal, they're not worth working for anyway. So really, I've just saved you. If you want to think about it like that. That's probably the more correct position to take. 2:36:18 Unknown_19: OG PaymoreHomie for 10 says, Hey Joosh, hope you're having a good Friday. I got an instrumental album from this guy called Orangi called Orangi Didn't Car. Some parts of it are a bit odd, but I think you'll enjoy it. Unknown_19: Okay, this is a full album, so I'll just say this is Orangi's album, Didn't Car. And I'll take a listen to it. Thank you. Unknown_19: DannyOctor4 says, I also noticed in that picture that he's wearing baggy jeans to disguise how twig-like his legs are from Cushing syndrome, more or less atrophying his limbs. Yes, he looks like a giant beanbag on toothpicks. I guess wearing giant drip shoes to give himself more height. 2:36:55 Unknown_19: He is a very, very unfortunate figure. Irish plug for two says, did you hear the guy who discovered cash up got stabbed to death on the street? Yes, I did. Random act of violence or target hit random act of violence, but, um, guided hand of the neighbor to, to stop bankerism. Unknown_19: Taco bell for 20 says power chat had a taco bell malfunction and Ralph had to choose his words carefully. Unknown_20: For example, um, A Taco Bell malfunction and Ralph had to choose his words carefully. 2:37:31 Unknown_20: Okay. Fine. Okay. Unknown_02: Let me know if you've already seen the video. Unknown_19: I'm here for you. Unknown_19: Oh great. He's just fucking eating. Unknown_08: the medium sized players get fucked it's not really like a oh job oh this part I know what you're talking about 60 minutes 2:38:13 Unknown_19: i don't think he linked it right um he um i know what you're talking okay so this part he had this guy on this random australian guy and um he it kept playing the same super chat over and over again the australian guy was just sitting there awkwardly like um um why is it doing that and just kept playing the fucking taco bell thing like ding and then we play the same thing about how um Unknown_19: about the kick chatters or some shit over and over again for like 5 minutes and he didn't know what to do about it and it was pretty embarrassing sorry that I can't play the clip I rarely try to get through these IceMexican410 says good afternoon Mr. Potter I hope you have a wonderful Easter I have a neocon friend who believes conceding war culture issues like trannies and immigration will swing voters to the right I told him that was retarded but I'm interested in your take on it Unknown_19: I mean, there's a million comics about this. 2:39:08 Unknown_19: Sure, obviously, having sex with animals is a traditional conservative value, but having sex with children, that's too far. And then 10 years later, sure, having sex with children is a traditional conservative value, but having sex with dead children, that's too far. like um they're raping your fucking children what are you conserving why not just kill yourself if getting votes means that you have to let trannies rape your children is it even worth it or is it worth participating in democracy if the only way to get votes is to let them rape your kids at what point do you say enough is enough your friend is pathetic and sad 2:39:47 Unknown_19: Nora Vanguard for two says long time watcher. First, first time dinner. I was rewatching your kitty style stream. It was weird hearing Ralph sound normal and friendly. Also music recommendation. The Oh, hellos for wind series and the near auto soundtrack. I have the entire near soundtrack and flack format. I'm pretty sure it's very good. Um, Unknown_19: And I think I have the Oh Hellos as well. Unknown_19: I think I played a song from them. Unknown_19: If I'm correct, it's Poet Soldier King was one that I used as an outro from their band. Thank you, though. 2:40:20 Unknown_19: Ethan's platform shoes for 10 says we need more lowercase I internet gumroad content. Nimba hashtag build back better. I promise, dude. I'm sorry. i feel like i'm gonna melt i'm just so busy i i'm so close to getting over the hump and being able to breathe again i'm just not able to uh i will try to do fuck cars or something for the for the game right eventually Unknown_19: Forgetful Kiwi for two says, hi, Josh. I currently live on the streets addicted to crocodile. My cat mittens has stage five cancer and I dropped out of high school to have five dollars to my name. Can you give me any advice? Yes. Steal a GoPro from a from a SIM card from a cell phone and live stream yourself on cozy and make all the all the rupees. My man, that's how that's how you keep that shit going. That sounds like a great idea. 2:40:54 Unknown_19: It's called IP2. Forgetful Kiwi for two cents correction. I have $3 in my bank account. Unknown_19: Cause he's super chatted. Get it? Very good. Unknown_19: Uh, thank you. And I'm as surprised as I say, Josh, I've been unemployed for three weeks and I had $50 to my name. The first thing I thought of is not to get a job, but to pay pick to you. Anyways, what should I do? Well, it sounds like you got 45 more dollars to give to me before I can really give you the sound advice that you're so desperately needing that I so definitely have for you. Appreciate being your go-to guy, your top guy. Taco bell for 20 says one more, uh, from yesterday's pill stream, same replay. 2:41:39 Unknown_19: Ralph's a wealthy entertainer and will pimp out his entire family like Joe Jackson. Okay, let me see if I got the time stamp for this. 258, 23. Unknown_04: I'm a wealthy fucking legendary inner fucking tainter. You can never fucking stop the money because people will always pay to see what I have to offer. You understand? 2:42:18 Unknown_04: Bitch, hoe, fat fuck, do you understand? They'll always pay to see what I have to offer, and they'll pay to see what my family has to offer, too. Guess what? I'm going to make money off all these motherfuckers like Joe Jackson. Joe Jackson's my idol. That's my idol. That's my idol, Joe Jackson. I don't know if this is true. Unknown_19: I don't know who he's talking about, but someone in chat when he was going on this rant said that Joe Jackson abused his kids or something, which made his statement sound a little bit iffy. 2:42:56 Unknown_19: Zog Sneed Fartin for seven says currently deployed to Larissa, Greece, experiencing a language barrier for the first time in my life, feeling very isolated and spending a lot of time in my hotel room. Unknown_19: I look forward to the stream every week. God bless. I mean, you're in Greece. That's not like a lot of people there, especially in the city, are going to speak English. And you have like America clubs everywhere. The U.S. embassies host like America clubs and stuff. Unknown_19: You just gotta, you gotta find some people and the, like when I, okay. When I arrived, just real fast, as quickly as possible. When I arrived in Odessa, Unknown_19: I arrived at night, and I would never tell anybody to arrive in a foreign country at night. It looked scary. The buildings looked run down. There was like a burning barrel at some point. There wasn't even street lighting. Most of the lights were out. It was very, very dark in some places, and it was scary. And so the next morning, I decided to resolve myself to, because I had already made it there and I didn't have any money to fly back. I resolved myself to get up and walk around. 2:43:38 Unknown_19: So bright and early in the morning, I got up and I walked around and I went to McDonald's because it was familiar and I got a burger and I exchanged money and stuff. And it put my nerves at ease to like actually force myself to go out and like be about with the people. 2:44:10 Unknown_19: so tomorrow morning force yourself outside do something go out go out to eat um buy groceries like it's awkward but it's only awkward for a little bit and then eventually you learn how to like grunt and nod and point at shit to get by and if you're that lonely if you're one of those like extrovert weirdos just find a club it's not that hard you're not the only american in greece Unknown_19: good luck uh toast von nigga stein for four says i got a dna test and turns out my dad black dads my my dad black dad's side has german irish in it my nigga nerd uncle who kind of clowned on me for being mixed is having a hard time accepting it How do I help him come to the teams with being terms of being partially white? You can't. It's the one drop rule. Any hot, any hot jeans in your proud black bloodline means that you're a race trader and you've lost melanin, which is your connection to the universe and mother Gaia. 2:44:58 Unknown_19: Very shameful. Unknown_19: Joshua Connor moon for two 19 says, Hey, I'm Josh from water burger. Can I take your order? Yeah. Do you want fries with that burger for $2? You can add more extra onion rings. Unknown_19: I rarely took orders. I was always the French fry guy. I was very good at opening the fry things with one hand and continuing to do work with the other hand. 2:45:39 Unknown_19: And to the point where I had like to start doing stretches on my hand because I had like carpal tunnel or something from how I did that. Unknown_19: uh dig zig dig for 10 says my wife hates your voice so i'm giving a ten dollar bill in retaliation no sex tonight boys never some i'm sorry i have vocal fry i don't know what to tell you i wish i had the nice um the nice radio voice that so many podcasters do unfortunately i'm just some fucking guy i have to do with i have to do with what i have okay Unknown_19: Winston Fujimori for five says, happy Easter, Josh. I got here late, but I was wondering if I saw this thing about Anthony and Kumeya going off on Nick Flynn tags. 2:46:21 Unknown_19: I had heard that Anthony Kumeya had said some shit about Nick Flynn tags. I did not look into it, though. I apologize. Unknown_18: Is this just... Until I sign in. Unknown_20: Open. Unknown_20: Open. Unknown_19: Oh, I think he was just ranting about the platform, though. He wasn't ranting about, like, Nick Fuentes personally. That is in, like, the Anthony Cumia thread on the forum, if you want to look into it. I haven't watched it yet, though. I apologize. I can't give a take on it. Happy Easter, though. Nonymous for Five says, Lou Links is getting shut down. It turned into a tranny hype like most forums, but it's still a big part of the lowercase i internet history. I do not know what Lou Links is. I apologize. 2:46:56 Unknown_19: is an offshoot of GameFAQs that was created by LamaGuy in 2004. Never heard of it. Unknown_19: Interesting. I imagine that it's just dead because of Discord and Reddit. Unknown_19: Sucks, though. I mean, if it's a tranny hive, good fucking retins. 2:47:29 Unknown_19: A filthy MC for 10 says, Hey, Josh, had a bad breakup a bit ago, and your show has been a highlight of my week for more than usual, and I picked up a lot of overtime. Keep up the great work, and happy Easter to you in your chat. Well, sorry to hear that, and happy Easter. Unknown_19: Good luck. Unknown_19: Remember, you've got to make her suffer for her choices by being fit and being a Chad and finding someone more attractive and more trad than her to take her place. Unknown_19: Play the clip faggot links a Twitter thing, which is the same fucking Hila Klein divorce message, which is a joke. Cole Cole for four says, did you get the link I sent you for the song and series? I would sign up to the game road for a review of your series since it is my favorite. I have no idea what you're talking about. And I don't want to like skip around to try and find it. 2:48:08 Unknown_20: I can search it real quick. Unknown_20: No, he did not. Unknown_19: I don't see what you're referring to. And if it's like an anime series, don't even fucking bother. I'm just not doing it. Medicare film out for 10 says, not sure if you got, if you saw the trench guy, trans element, or it's getting a vagina from a corpse. I did read that out when that happened. That was a while ago. 2:48:43 Unknown_19: He announced that he might be getting a vagina made from our Neo vagina made from cadaver skin. Unknown_19: And that caused a bit of that got retweeted by a turf. And he, he was very proud about that. Unknown_19: I killed a loop bug and I'm not proud for three 50 says, all you have to do is wait for those powers to die off. What makes you think the next generation will be anything better? If anything, Gen X millennials are more brainwashed than the boomers. Totally disagree. I think that Gen X has seen, um, more boomers just have to keep things going until they're dead. Millennials live, have lived through the decline of freedom. 2:49:18 Unknown_19: Um, Unknown_19: I mean, what's the alternative? Like I said, whenever people ask us, like, you're not going to do anything. So don't even worry about it. Don't even worry about it. You're not going to do anything anyways. Unknown_19: Bellbroken420 says, the replay of just only 15 minutes long, the Bell Sound Media donation from yesterday has broken his power chat and broken his spirit. It's worth a watch. Unknown_19: I mean, I can pull it up, but I really can't watch clips for every Super Chat because I've been going on for an hour already. 2:49:53 Unknown_19: I don't understand why Power Chat would suddenly... I mean, it's just broken. It plays the fucking Taco Bell thing. Unknown_05: shut up uh me showing up that's what earns donations so put the fucking 45 in your fucking mouth and blow your goddamn brains out let's do his paychecks Unknown_05: yeah yeah that's what earns the donations and this is what he's like his camera is broken and shit it's just a black screen he's not on camera and he's yelling at his pay picks to give him money while the super chat thing is broken and then he canceled his uh he cut off the live stream because he realized he wasn't making money anyways and that is literally his streams now that's all he does 2:50:46 Unknown_20: anonymous for three says we need to stop the jack scalfani slander he beat up a drug addict son after he attacked his wife any good husband would do the same and addicts deserve zero sympathy if that's the case that is super based you're allowed to beat up a drug addict even if he is your son Unknown_19: for 250 says the sentence you mentioned about taking more risks really got me in the feels i got to first base a few weeks ago in a hostel in japan with a cutie pie but didn't proceed because of nerves and wish good night instead didn't get another chance how to be chad you have to completely eliminate here's the secret to being chad you ready Unknown_19: Do not stop evaluating risk. Stop evaluating how other people think about you. 2:51:34 Unknown_19: Just stop caring about what other people think about you. If they don't matter, if you don't really value their opinion to begin with, completely and totally eliminate consideration of what they think and feel from your mind. Unknown_19: Which, I don't know, if that sounds sociopathic, don't hurt people. But as far as how you look and what you say and how your opinions affect people who don't matter, just completely remove it from your mind. Be shameless. If it doesn't matter, don't give a fuck. Simple as. 2:52:07 Unknown_19: it could be worse for 329 says Slovakia isn't actually Orthodox we're Catholic just like the checks on the polls I wouldn't mind looking for a Tizo coin for you since I'm Slovak and I've seen them around if you see them around collect them I value them I would like some Tizo coins I didn't know that you were Catholic that's weird Unknown_20: Someone sent me. Unknown_19: Okay. This is the next guy. Uh, near for two says Ralph's Google searches got linked again. Oh no, no. And this appears to be Ralph Google searching for, um, how to spot fake Xanax. So I guess he's really fucked up on Xanax and he doesn't, he's sick and he doesn't know if it's real or fake Xanax now. 2:52:37 Unknown_19: That's funny. Unknown_19: Sumo four. Unknown_19: uh two says poutine these nuts in your mouth haha hashtag got him very funny i had a friend in florida who had a sense of humor like that who would just i like he he told me the ligma joke like before it was an internet meme and the sugma joke i got hit with both at the same time because he had he had that sense of humor 2:53:32 Unknown_19: um play this sometime slava ukraine is that not the is that not the anthem to ukraine is Unknown_19: I like the anthem of Ukraine way better than that. Unknown_19: Is this it? There's one particular version that I really like that has a male singer. And I like the name of their anthem is literally Ukraine is not yet lost, which is like the most pessimistic name for an anthem that I've ever seen. But it's really good as far as the song goes. 2:54:28 Unknown_19: Thank you. A photographer for says, Josh, what is your favorite Quentin Tarantino movie and why pulp fiction? Um, uh, I love the, the way that it's edited. Uh, the editing and pulp fiction is like a cinema cinematic masterpiece. It's so every, it's so quotable, like every line in that movie sticks in your brain for decades after you watch it. It's a great movie. Unknown_19: uh lowercase i internet for five says josh is a tech savvy man who spends most of his time most of his day online browsing the uppercase i internet socializing with his lowercase i internet friends and learning new skills through uppercase i internet based courses his job requires him to be a lowercase i internet savvy and he uses the uppercase i internet thank you very much i appreciate it it's very true by the way Uncle Rockets for five says, good thoughts on the boondocks. It's a shame we'll never see anything like it again given the current media climate. It's hard to believe something so critical of black culture is only 18 years old. 18 years old? The boondocks? 2:55:21 Unknown_19: No way. That's crazy. I can't believe that. It was a great show and it was critical. And it was one of those things that came about in the 2000s that made me think, well, we live in like a post-racial society where we can like critically introspect on things and build into a future together. And that just completely fucking fell apart after Obama got elected. 2:55:55 Unknown_19: Crack Pipe Cowboy for 10 says, Hey Josh, got a Lazarus Saturday in the Holy Orthodox Church. Hope you're having a wonderful Easter slash Pasha. You too. Unknown_19: I'm having a great week. Thank you very much. Unknown_19: Cole Cole for two says the link to two bits series, the booth at the end, some anime, the live action made here in America, five episodes and two seasons. Unknown_19: I think you can watch free with ad blocker. Unknown_19: Um, we're sorry to be is the largest free movie TV streaming service in the US. Unfortunately, we're not available in your area. Can I just change to DC with my VPN? 2:56:32 Unknown_19: No, they cannot. Okay. No promises, bro. Maybe if I have time to watch something at night, I'll give it a chance, but I've never heard of this before. Um, Unknown_20: Yapped poor for 2019 says better to be a Negro than a whole hole. Unknown_19: I know. I don't know if I believe that. Unknown_19: That's a bit mean. Unknown_19: Um, and that's a dot for 10 says happy Easter. No, I, for one, I'm hoping to see some parentheses ceiling about the resurrection. Uh, you too. Thank you very much. Happy Easter. 2:57:06 Unknown_19: And that's it. I cannot read anymore. I'm going to fucking collapse. Unknown_19: I don't know why. It felt like there were way more Super Chats than content this time. I might have to do something about the Super Chats where I feel like I can get through them more reasonably. Unknown_19: So I don't continually have three and four hour long streams where I'm just reading Super Chats. Because I feel bad stretching on this. It's not Pashka. It's Pashka, not Pasha. Pasha is a Turkish title. Okay, Pashka. Sorry. 2:57:38 Unknown_19: I feel like the segment's getting too long, and I feel bad for having so much of the stream as a whole be Super Chats now. Unknown_19: So, I'll think about it. I do appreciate it, though, very much. I just want to make sure that the streams are still, like... Unknown_19: entertaining to as many people as possible and my promise that outro song is one of my favorite movies as a kid it's called Here Comes Peter Cottontail and there are two movies that I was very fascinated with as a kid that stick out in memory like very vividly and they are The Lion King and Here Comes Peter Cottontail 2:58:19 Unknown_19: There's a sequence in The Lion King where Simba is eating the boogs way ahead of his time at the World Economic Forum. But the color of the bugs are so vibrant and exciting and so varied. And I've always loved the color that was used in The Lion King for that sequence. Unknown_19: Conversely, and here comes Peter Cottontail. There's a bunch of painted eggs. Unknown_19: I was always very fascinated by the vials of liquid color that they used to paint the eggs. I don't know why. It was just like the paint was just something so interesting to me as a little kid. 2:58:57 Unknown_19: And watching it, it's a very strange movie. Here Comes Peter Contell. You can find it for free on YouTube. It's very short and it's very weird. Unknown_19: i i in my head i thought of it oh it's just like a nice kids you know easter movie it's fucking bizarre it's a really bizarre story with like an evil nazi bunny rabbit that has like ugly black eggs and stuff it's it's a really bizarre and like a french caterpillar that goes oui oui i am a caterpillar and i fly a hot air balloon and then i become a butterfly it's super bizarre 2:59:35 Unknown_19: But I would suggest it. It's strange. And it has a nice song, which I'm going to play a rendition of. I think it's older than the actual movie, though. Unknown_19: Okay, see you guys on Friday. Bye-bye. Have a happy Easter. Have a hoppy Easter. Bye-bye. Unknown_12: Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity-hopping Easter's on its way. 3:00:10 Unknown_12: Bring in every girl and boy, baskets full of Easter joy, things to make your Easter bright and gay. Unknown_12: He's got jelly beans for Tommy, colored eggs for Sister Sue. There's an orchid for your mommy and an Easter bunny too. Oh, here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail. Hippity, hoppity, happy Easter day. Thank you. 3:01:37 Unknown_12: Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail. Hippity-hopping, Easter's on its way. Unknown_12: Try to do the things you should. Maybe if you're extra good, he'll roll lots of Easter eggs your way. Unknown_12: You wake up on Easter morning and you know that he was there. When you find those chocolate bunnies that he's hiding everywhere. 3:02:14 Unknown_12: Oh, here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail. Kippity, hoppity, happy Easter day. Unknown_12: Hippity, hoppity, happy Easter day.