0:02:33 Unknown_06: foreign Unknown_17: Hello! Oh, I've completely blown my mic by saying that. Let me quiet it down just a little bit. Just a little bit so I'm not completely in the red. Let's see. 0:03:10 Unknown_17: This week has been adventurous. This week has had some tragedy, some comedy, love lost, love gained, love reunited. A whole lot of stuff and no Ralph content that I promise you. So it should be a pretty good stream. That's the fixings for a good stream, right? Unknown_17: I'll start off with something a little, I'll ease you into the, into the content, into the content. I will shill for somebody I've never heard of before. And please let me know if my mic is too loud or anything. Cause I, you know, I'm a professional streamer at this point. So I don't, I don't test anything before I turn on the mic. Actually, I need to warn you guys right now before I get started talking. Um, I have an issue. I have an issue with my computer. I do not know what it is. I do not believe, I think it's, I don't know. Like the screens will go all black if I am, 0:03:43 Unknown_17: Listening to something, I'll be able to hear it. If it's like a YouTube video, I can press the space bar to pause the video, so the computer is still running. Lights still on, everything's good. But the screens go black, and I can't get them to come back on. I try turning on the screens. I try to plug the one cord into the mobo port to see if that works. It does not work. So I've tried fixing this by getting a backup power supply unit and stuff, and it's still happening. So I've applied some fixes, it hasn't happened in a couple hours. I'm not sure if it's fixed or not, but if my stream just randomly cuts out, that is what's happened, as I am rebooting the fucking computer. 0:04:17 Unknown_17: And it's completely independent of what I'm working on. I can be in Adobe Premiere, I can be playing a video game, I can be doing literally nothing but reading, you know, watching a YouTube video and the computer shuts off. So I have no idea. It's Windows, it's not even Linux. So it's just like a random fucking thing that happens. It's extremely frustrating. 0:04:55 Unknown_17: My next step is to fidget with all the cables inside the MOBO, get a spray bottle, and blow it out, and reconnect everything, and then I don't know. My issue is I got a F490 RTX, and instead of being early enough to get a Founders Edition directly from Nvidia, or waiting to get stocked from a reputable OEM. I got like some shitty Chinese brand that had poor ratings. I was like, fuck it. I really want one of the new 490s because why not? And I believe that is my mistake. I believe that is what I've done. And I have sabotaged my entire operation as a result of this. 0:05:26 Unknown_17: So it's not even it's not even EVGA. It's like some literal Zotac I think it's it might be Zotac. I really don't know. Um, can I pull up in this config like DX die egg? Is it gonna tell me like what the OEM is for it? 0:06:03 Unknown_17: Display no, where's the video card information that I Unknown_15: Odyssey stream is dead. Well, it's running on my side. I don't know what I could possibly say. Unknown_17: It just says Nvidia. I don't know. I can't remember. I'm not going to try to remember, but it was a mistake. That was my regret. Unknown_17: I'll give you a hint. They're all made in Taiwan. I don't know. You're saying like, I, I, I don't know what the specific brand is, but they all stop being, they're all shit. 0:06:41 Unknown_17: Fine. You know, fuck it. I will look it up and hold up. Give me a second. I'm gonna pull up mercy because you're all giving me shit for it. Unknown_15: I don't know why. Uh, let's see. Unknown_17: Might as well as, as I'm waiting for my computer to crash randomly, the set. Unknown_17: In a no 3d. That's what it is. Let's see where they're based out of Headquarters and no is and why sing new territories Hong Kong. There you go In those is is okay, okay fine. Oh 0:07:14 Unknown_17: Never even heard of it. All right. So let me open by God, it's still blowing out. I don't know. It does look incredibly loud on my end. Let me check my filters and everything. Sorry. I know that tech issues is like the least interesting part of a stream, but I do see it go into red all the time. Is this fine? Whatever. Um, I have, uh, witnessed a documentary about the Kiwi farms, which is probably the first not complete shit 0:07:53 Unknown_17: Attempt at a video about the Kiwi farms. This is my tactical consumption who has 5,000 subscribers It's over an hour long. It's pretty good. It's pretty well paced. It's currently featured on the forum But I would actually suggest that he gets some stuff wrong in regards to timeline But overall it's actually pretty accurate so give give your boy a click over here I've never I've never heard of him before but he did it better than people actually paid six-figure salaries at each year or two and Unknown_17: To make documentaries and write shit for Motherboard. Anyways. 0:08:27 Unknown_17: Honey Boo Boo. Unknown_17: I did. I don't know. Unknown_17: Perhaps my most shameful stream was the one that I did after at the start of COVID. I binge watched because I was stuck in my my Serbian basement apartment. I binge watched everything ever Honey Boo Boo related and committed to not only just the main series, but also like the spinoffs after they got kicked off TLC because the guy she was dating was a convicted sex offender. And then he molested one of the older daughters. 0:09:02 Unknown_17: I watched all of it. Unknown_17: This is not a joke. I watched all the entire Honey Boo Boo cinematic universe. It's actually kind of sad because she's like a little kid when it starts and now she's like a teenager. And she got into a little bit of an oopsie doodle. She got into a police chase with the police with her adult boyfriend. Now they use the word adult boyfriend. Unknown_17: But I think they could have used another word instead of adult. 0:09:34 Unknown_17: I don't know what word you in particular would come to mind seeing this pairing, but this appears to be the man who had a little bit of a run in with the police that Honey Boo Boo was partner to as a passenger. Unknown_17: Um, I do feel really bad for her because she, uh, she, uh, there's, I don't think I actually, when I did my stream on Honey Boo Boo, uh, and the, the, the fall, how LA ruined her happy little shitty life. Um, I didn't mention, I don't think that had happened yet that in the series later on after the series, when she's an older teenager, she does Instagram videos and she has some sponsors cause there's some like brand recognition, even though her whole family's fucked up. Um, but she pretended to snort cocaine and she did that because, um, she was making fun. I think she was making fun of her mother. 0:10:22 Unknown_17: Who had been like is was going through the judicial system on? Cocaine possession charges like for looking at serious time because her and her shitty boyfriend Had had like a lot of cocaine So they were looking at years in jail and honey boo boo snorted coke like fictitiously and all the sponsors dropped like all our sponsors and And there's this really, really, really shitty TV show that still follows the life of the family of Honey Boo Boo and her sister, Pumpkin, that takes care of her now. This other channel has like... 0:11:03 Unknown_17: They're, you know, they're on-call therapists and they're on-call like doctor and stuff. So they take their therapist from their other shitty TV show and has like, why did you lash out like that? Why did you misbehave like that? That's not acceptable behavior. And they're doing like a really serious dressing down and making her feel like shit. And it's like, she was making a joke. But the real lesson here is please advertisers, don't abandon our shitty television show because our child star is pretending to snort cocaine. And now she's hooked up with a black guy and is involved in police chases. And it all happened, if you don't know, her entire life went to shit because her mom dumped her loyal husband for a pedophile. And then she decided to go to LA and then a Oompa Loompa woman who has no career successes in her entire life got her to do an unnecessary surgery she didn't even want to get skin removed from her body and that got her addicted to painkillers and shit and it basically ruined her entire fucking life. It's so, it's so tragic and it doesn't have any emotional resonance if you hate these people anyways. Which is why when I did this stream, I tried to make you like them even a little bit. Because otherwise, you're just like, oh, well, they're white trash. Who gives a fuck? I was like, no, it's actually really sad. It's really sad how the industry completely ruined what was like an innocent white trash family. 0:12:17 Unknown_17: Uh, but anyways, that's the honey boo boo update. I know you guys love those, the honey boo boo updates. I'll keep on top of this for you guys. Unknown_17: Uh, now this is also really, this is actually even sadder. Unknown_17: Um, Kentucky has taken every form of anti trans legislation that's currently in vogue right now in the United States and also turf Island, AKA the United Kingdom. And has rolled it into one mega build that effectively bans all forms of transition. And I don't know if it's just for kids? 0:13:01 Unknown_17: Oh, it is mostly for kids. You can't stop someone from wearing a dress in the United States, but you can stop schools and hospitals from doing anything to enable a minor's transition. So Kentucky is pushing this through, and it's very sad. It'll affect trans youth the hardest, and we know how that's a real thing and not something that happens when your Jewish mother decides that she wants to have a star and starts encouraging you to cut off your penis as a little boy. 0:13:40 Unknown_17: So we need to understand the effects of this. When you ban HRT, when you take life-giving estradiol from the hands of a child, you force them to turn to dark and evil forces such as Bob Posting. Bob posting was if you don't remember Keffel's was very very proud to sponsor the DIY HRT directory and Give these helpless children in these terrible fascist dictatorships find ways to obtain that life-giving female female hormone and One of the sources was a Brazilian Provider named 0:14:27 Unknown_17: Oh, Otoko Noko Pharmaceuticals. Otoko Noko is Japanese for, I think, daughter, son, which just means it's just their word for like femboy. And Otoko Noko Pharmaceuticals has apparently multiple times sent out intramuscular injection vials. contaminated with hair. And there is some hot debate over if it's human hair, pubic hair, or cat hair. I think the more savvy people have identified this as cat hair. So listen here. 0:15:01 Unknown_17: Listen here, bigots. When you pass legislation like this, you force our most precious and an innocent demographic to get there to prevent their suicide by going to this guy. Unknown_17: This guy right here, he's got the hookup. I think this is the right part. This looks familiar to me. Maybe it's one of those gross-ass curly fucking red hairs. This mutt living in Brazil will cook up this shit and give it to your children in this box. And I can't open this because it has porn in it, because it's also from the site. Can I open this? 0:15:33 Unknown_17: Safely, I can. Don't look at my girl dick. Unknown_17: Made with 5G technology. Keep out of reach of parents. It's good to remind people that this is literally what they sell on the internet. This is literally what Keppel's pushed. And this is why, and this is what people stood by. This is what people destroyed the internet to try and censor, is that Unknown_17: They were sending this to children and boasting about it and the government did literally nothing. The government still has done nothing about it. Bob Posting is free to walk the streets even though he has openly bragged about sending this to children in the mail using their postal system, which is like a completely different felony as opposed to just- it's like an additional felony. They've done nothing about it because they don't give a fuck. They think that this is funny. They want your kids dead and raped and brainwashed and they think it's hilarious. 0:16:16 Unknown_17: Um, but we need to, we need to legalize, we need to legalize transitioning as young as zero months old because we're, we're protecting the right of children to undergo these, these safe treatments, which yields such wonderful results, such as this from our transgender surgeries. Unknown_17: Sad Hopeless It says, if I am admitted to a residential inpatient for mental health, would I be prevented from dilating despite it being a medically necessary thing? 0:17:01 Unknown_17: sexhaver420 replies, my friend went to inpatient a few months after she had bottom surgery and they didn't let her dilate for three or four days and she lost width and depth. Unknown_17: Tragic. I hope there's a lawsuit. That is some, that is punitive damages. If I've ever seen it for real, no cap. We also got this one. I actually did not believe that this could be true. I went to the reddit page and I read the comments and this person gave very specific follow-up answers that nobody could possibly fucking know unless they have undergone this procedure. Unknown_17: Farrazmataz3923 says, I met my wits end with bottom surgery. Please help me. Y'all, I'm literally at my wits end and I have no clue what to do anymore. This surgery has absolutely ruined my sex life. I had surgery in 2020 and since 6 months post-op I have been experiencing brown and feces smelling discharge from the end of my dilators. So we would think it's an anal fistula, right? That there's something sort of, some sort of hole in my canal. Well, no, because I did a CT scan at my hospital and they found no signs of fistula or anything wrong with it at all. And they were actually surprised by my results. It's gotten to the point where it's completely pointless having sex. I'm not even letting anyone touch me down there because 99.9% of the time it literally smells like they put their fingers in a dirty asshole. 0:18:16 Unknown_17: He said dirty anus, but asshole rolls off the tongue better. I'm not able to have casual sex. Oh, what a fucking, what a tragedy. I'm not even able to act on my attraction to anyone at this point. Unknown_17: What actual hell could this be? Is my lining not thick enough and the mucus is getting through? I'm literally having to give up on sex at this point and the hospital doesn't have any suggestions. I'm asking for the CT to be sent to my surgeon. Unknown_17: So, you have to understand that the results from what he, I'm sorry, she, she got a penile scrotal flap vaginoplasty. 0:19:03 Unknown_17: And the results of a penile scrotal flap vaginoplasty are basically indistinguishable from a real woman. There is no way that a guy without close inspection and some knowledge of the subject can distinguish between a natal vagina and one of these handcrafted neo-vaginas. Unknown_17: It's basically better, as Keffel says, it's better than God. Because that way, when you have sex with this feces hole, your penis is slamming against a prostate and it's better sex than what women have. This is what I've been taught by the internet. This is what they tell children so they can get kids to take this shit And inject it directly into their ass Okay, I'll round back to the tea topic in a little second but we have to talk about the carton arc I feature this as well because people were begging me to and I It was in the prospering grounds and usually what happens on the forum is when we have a thread in the prospering grounds I get sent to one of the main topic boards and after it's been readied, because you can't edit your OP after it's been moved out of the prospering ground, so it's a good time to get feedback, tweak your OP, add some stuff, rearrange it, and then we just move out the first post and people can start contributing to discussion anew. This post, I decided to move directly into the shit-flinging board because immediately after the carton arc thread was made, people began a very lively discussion about what is the last vestige of white culture. Unless you talk to Richard Spencer, he believes homosexuality is the last core tenant of white identity, but it's actually the cart, the cart question. And if you're not familiar with the cart question, this is an old meme at this point, but the cart question is, does a person of their own volition without any sort of reward return their shopping trolley to the designated trolley area? 0:21:04 Unknown_17: If you're white, the answer is yes. If you're not white, the answer is no. Unknown_17: And to further complicate this wonderful philosophical quandary, the second appendix was added to this question. Is it morally justifiable to harass people who do not return the cart? Also known as narking. Unknown_17: Now this is this is far more delicate, complicated and gray area. We all know that returning the cart is the last pillar of white identity. But we also know that narking is bitch made and gay and cringe. But is defending the cart question worth the narking? Is the public shame morally justifiable? And quite frankly, chat, as much as I hate to take yet another fencer position and embrace my status as Boogie2988, I really cannot answer this. It is too complicated. 0:21:39 Unknown_17: My opinion is actually that Unknown_17: You shouldn't try to force people to answer the cart question your way. You can simply judge them quietly and come to the conclusion of if this person is trustworthy or not. If there was a zombie apocalypse and you had to be, you know, you had to live in a tight-knitted community of people you could trust implicitly, you would know that the cart not returners could not be trusted. Okay, pull. Is cart narking based or cringe? Three question marks based three exclamation points. Cringe. Also three information points. 0:22:18 Unknown_16: Oh, we'll wait that out a second. Unknown_15: As I take a sip, I'm a little bit dehydrated cause I have allergies. Unknown_15: Okay. The results are pouring in. Unknown_17: With 789 votes, is Kartnarking based or cringe? It is 52 to 48 in favor of base. In fact, now at over 1100 votes, it is still neck and neck with base just barely edging it out by four points. So you can see, Chad, that it was no oversimplification to say that this is a moral quandary the likes of which humanity has never seen before. Top racists around the world, mostly in the United States and in Europe, have gathered and debated this for 76 pages, I think there's 15 posts per page. 0:23:04 Unknown_17: So thousands of literally thousands of posts trying to figure out if this is actually based or cringe and they too are split right down the middle. Perhaps we'll never know if the, if it's based or cringe, but chat believes just barely just by four percentage points that it is more based than cringe. 0:23:44 Unknown_17: Uh, Unknown_17: Now, I've condemned Andrew Tate in the past. If you don't know, he was a Alpha Academy teaching young men who are unable to smash the box despite their best efforts how to be Alpha. Unknown_17: Now, his idea of being Alpha is to buy a bunch of shitty cars in a shithole country called Romania. Unknown_17: and then sex traffic young white women. That's apparently a half black man's understanding of what it is to be alpha. And his reward for being so alpha is to have terminal lung cancer. They believe that he is dying. 0:24:30 Unknown_17: As it says here, Andrew Tate medical update possible cancer. The CT report is extremely alarming. Andrew Tate may have lung cancer. Urgent biopsy needed in a six month delay could be fatal. There are reports that he's lost 10 kilograms in weight which is also a sign of cancer. It could be incurable now. If it's lung cancer, it's a death sentence. Waiting an additional six months on top of that and it's over. Medical team have said urgent investigations need to be started of January. It's now far, that's catastrophic. He's not even been charged, but given a possible death sentence. 0:25:06 Unknown_17: What a tragic loss to humanity. Now the secrets of being alpha male may die with him. Unknown_17: Truly, truly a sad occasion. Unknown_17: Romania has lost one of their best. Unknown_17: Also very tragic. Unknown_17: Cyrax, who is now a YouTube phenomenon because of how gross he is. He's become like the new Chris-Chan where normies think it's okay to just completely bash the fuck out of him. Unknown_17: I have been gifted to mainly avoid the Cryac shit because, like I said, it just doesn't feel like my thing. He apparently has received anthrax in the mail. So now the normies who have tried to shut down my website for months by claiming it's an evil doxing website have caught wind that there's a bad person on the internet. And their very rational response to this is to send that person anthrax in the mail. Uh, which has caused a biological emergency. The FBI has been involved. He's been evacuated from his house and the threat was cleared. 0:25:46 Unknown_17: So, um, I don't know what the fuck is going on with YouTube, but if everyone could stop, you know, having a fucking meltdown about my Kiwi farms, I would be appreciated. As far as I know, we've never mailed anthrax to anybody. Um, although Vordrack has threatened to on different occasions. 0:26:21 Unknown_17: So that is your that is your Cyrax update the first and maybe last Now this was big news Unknown_17: Which I've only heard about because people are having a total fucking shit flinging contest in the thread in regards to a healthy debate about race relations in the United States. Scott Adams of Dilbert fame, known for his little fucking cartoons, also known for threatening to sue everybody who makes fun of his shitty fucking cartoons. Somebody who became inexplicably internet famous during the Trump election because he was the first person to publicly come out and say he thought Trump was going to win. So when Trump did win, everybody turned to him as like a messiah, a seer with some intelligent insight into the inner workings of unpredictable phenomena in the universe. 0:27:01 Unknown_17: Um, and then just kind of petered out as a boomer. And then he got a lot of flack because he had a meltdown. It was the backs cause he's an old man and he's a, you know, he has like a midlife crisis. So he refuses to admit that he's old and he dates women that are way younger than him who will just divorce, rape him later cause they don't, he's not actually marrying for love. He's just marrying for, for young box cause he's old and overcompensating for how old he is. Um, 0:27:42 Unknown_17: What was I going to say? Sorry. I just went off on a tangent on, on, on his sex life. Unknown_15: Oh, okay. He's having a midlife crisis. Married young box got divorced, raped. Unknown_17: Oh, the, okay, the vaccine. Sorry. Wow. I totally, I just had an old, speaking of old man moment, I'm now 30 and I just have parts of my brain falling out in real time. Unknown_17: Uh, he took the Vax because he's old and he's scared of dying to COVID, which is understandable if you're old. And you believe that the long-term health risks because of your age are minimal compared to the immediate concern of a COVID-related death. By all means, take the vaccine. That is your choice. 0:28:23 Unknown_17: The issue is, is that Mr. Scott Adams decided to take the vaccine, which is a choice I respect because he is an old man and he's at elevated risk of, uh, of complications. If he contracted COVID probably more so than anything that could be a possible side effect of a vaccine at his point in life. Um, he decided to lash out on everybody else who, who made fun of him for taking the vaccine and say that just because. 0:29:06 Unknown_17: Um, those people, how do I word this? Not getting like immediately banned by the YouTube bot just because those people ended up being probably more. Unknown_17: good at their decision-making than him, who, as we've established, has some sort of spiritual connection to beyond the veil to predict unknowable things such as the election of Donald Trump. Unknown_17: He lashed out and said something that you just guessed right or something. There's no way you could have known. Stop pretending that you knew better because of whatever factors made you think that you knew better. I made the most logical decision and just because I was coincidentally wrong Fuck you something along those lines. And now he's really butthurt that everyone calls him a Cuz I'm a retard for that but in a perhaps due to perhaps due to kovat effects 0:29:39 Unknown_17: I'm afraid that if I say that I'll get put into a black bag. Unknown_17: As a possible, this has not been documented by medical science or Don Lemon from CNN, but if retardation is a possible side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, 0:30:19 Unknown_17: Um, he has exhibited some retarded, uh, or maybe, I don't know, maybe he's just unhinged. He realized that he's old. He's like, fuck it. I don't have to care anymore. Uh, he's decided to say some things about black people because Rasmussen, a polling agency put out a report that he found very interesting. Unknown_00: And so we talked about it and I will now play the, uh, the upsetting bits of this video that he talked about. Unknown_11: Well, Rasmussen poll, uh, had a, uh, Unknown_11: Provocative little poll today. Unknown_11: They said, do you agree or disagree with the statement, it's okay to be white? 0:31:00 Unknown_11: That was an actual question. Unknown_11: Rasmussen asked white and black voters, and probably others, do you disagree or agree with the statement, it's okay to be white? 26% of blacks said, no, it's not OK to be white. 21% weren't sure. Unknown_11: But I have to say, this is the first political poll that ever changed my activities. I don't know that that's ever happened before. Normally, you see a poll, you just look at it, you go, whatever. 0:31:35 Unknown_11: You know, oh, this is interesting what other people think. Unknown_11: But as of today, I'm going to re-identify as white because I don't want to be a member of a hate group. I'd accidentally joined a hate group. So if nearly half of all blacks are not OK with white people, according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll, that's a hate group. Unknown_11: That's a hate group. And I don't want to have anything to do with them. 0:32:08 Unknown_11: And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the fuck away. Unknown_11: Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there's no fixing this. Unknown_11: This can't be fixed. Unknown_11: All right, this can't be fixed. You just have to escape. Unknown_11: So that's what I did. I went to a neighborhood where I have a very low black population. Because unfortunately, there's a high correlation between the density. And this is according to Don Lemon, by the way. So here I'm just quoting Don Lemon when he notes that when he lived in a mostly black neighborhood, there were a bunch of problems that he didn't see in white neighborhoods. 0:32:41 Unknown_11: So even Don Lemon sees a big difference in your own quality of living based on where you live and who's there. Unknown_17: Very, I mean, I find it hard to disagree with that on premise, right? And he ate shit for it. He has lost his comic. Um, his main moneymaker is now, uh, completely D platform. Nobody's willing to publish the Dilbert comment after all the bullshit he said about Trump and all the backlash he received for that. Embracing TND and racial segregation has resulted in not only all the newspapers around the country, because many of them dropped Dilbert immediately, but then also his publisher directly decided to stop publishing Dilbert. So he's basically lost his comic. I think he said that he's going to publish them to Rumble now as an exclusive, which I mean, good luck with that. I love seeing people on alt-tech. Uh, even if it's rumble because you know, I, I have, I rumble is, is complete shit right now in terms of like its functionality. But I mean, I would love to, I love to see, you know, competitors getting propped up. 0:33:49 Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: But, you know, it's like, yeah, not surprising that that's happened. But I don't think that like, I don't know, it's hard to gauge from little incidents like this. Is this going to have like a major impact on what people think? Uh, probably not, but it's still interesting because it is, it's like, you know, millions of dollars lost over years. Right. 0:34:26 Unknown_17: I did look at the actual poll by Rasmussen. Unknown_17: So this is the, um, Unknown_17: The guy that made this poll and published this data actually, in response to the Dilbert stuff, stood by his data and published the actual information on Twitter publicly, because usually it's behind a paywall. Unknown_17: So we can look at this. And this is what's more interesting to me. It's like, I don't want to disagree with Scott Adams on this, because I think that he's right. However, it's more interesting when you compare it to all data. If you actually see the information yourself, 0:34:58 Unknown_17: The question is and I assume that this is just how they asked on the phone. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It's okay to be white Unknown_17: In total, from 1,000 American adults surveyed, 58% of people said strongly agree, 14% of people said somewhat agree, 6% of people said strongly disagree, and 17% of people said I'm not sure. 0:35:36 Unknown_17: So about, what does that equal? About 33% of participants. So 330 adults out of a thousand either disagreed or would not affirm that it's okay to be white. Unknown_17: So, uh, there's an 8% descript. Wow. Unknown_17: So, so it's seven. Wait. Okay. At a men across all races and ages, 73% of men agreed and 70% of women agree. I was going to say women were way below men, but when you look at the somewhat agree versus strongly agree, women are more likely to say they somewhat agree with it. 0:36:10 Unknown_17: Than men, but it's about what is that 73 to 70? It's basically the same a little bit There's probably more of a liberal bias with women But it's not it's not like women are like way below men when you compare that way Many more of them are unsure as opposed to that 3% doesn't go into Disagree, it's actually not unsure. They're like blindsided by this question. They don't know how to respond to it Unknown_17: Then when we look at race, and this is of course the issue that is most prominent here because of the Dilbert stuff. What is this? 81% of white people agreed with the statement, it's okay to be white. 0:36:53 Unknown_17: And 53% of black people agreed. So it's a difference of about 30%. Unknown_17: But then when you look at other, it's basically the same. This is 58% as opposed to 53. So I don't know if other includes Hispanics or if white includes Hispanics, because usually in the census, white and white Hispanic are categorized the same. So I don't know if Hispanics and Asians are included into other. It's hard to say because they don't separate Hispanics. 0:37:30 Unknown_15: But yeah, 18 what's really what's he says that it's, you know, that only like, you know, 42% strongly agree that it's okay to be white. Unknown_17: What's more surprising to me is that 18% of black people and 10% of other strongly disagreed with the statement. It's okay to be white. Unknown_17: Um, I would, I would be interested to see the results for the question. Is it okay to be black? 0:38:05 Unknown_17: I mean, how different would the results be for the same question posed in reverse? You know what I mean? What I imagine would be is that it would be probably over 90% that black people say it's okay to be black. And then I bet that the other category would be even higher. Unknown_17: Something like that. Unknown_17: Yeah, I don't know. It's hard. It's such an incomplete surveys. What bothers me is that if you ask like more people, if you had separated out Hispanics and if you had asked the question, is it okay to be black? I would love to know what the inverse of this, this, uh, poll is. 0:38:37 Unknown_17: Um, so yeah, I don't know. It is 21% of black people and 25% said they're not sure. They're not sure. Is it okay to be white? Unknown_17: I guess because it's a weird-ass question. I mean, what would you do, for real? If someone walks up to you on the street, puts a microphone on your face, and says, Sir, do you agree or disagree? It's okay to be Asian. Like, whoa, whoa, buddy. What do you mean? I would feel completely blindsided. I might fuck up and say, no, it's not. 0:39:15 Unknown_17: I don't know what my reaction would be if someone came at me with that shit. Unknown_17: I'm not making a poll. I know what you're going to fucking say. I already know. I'm not Rasmussen. I don't have to ask. Unknown_17: You know what's even bigger of a tell? Unknown_17: almost as big as being black, a little bit less, but it's almost a greater tell because based on the percentages, it says Democrat is 60, 69%. 0:39:55 Unknown_17: It's okay to be white. 20% sure. It's almost a greater indicator of being a Democrat than being black. If you, how you'll answer to this question, you know what I mean? Cause there are more, there's, it's like, there are so many, Unknown_17: There are so many white people who are Democrat, but when they're asked this question, they say no, or they're unsure rather. Unknown_17: But I think 90% of black people are Democrats. So it's very strange. Unknown_17: I don't know what to make of that. 0:40:28 Unknown_17: I don't know. Maybe I should just be based like Scott Adams, not really consider this and just be like, yep. Time to white flight. I don't want to see any dark faces around me where I move. Unknown_15: Any excuse, I guess. Unknown_15: All right. I'm not making a poll. Oh my fucking, I know what you're going to say. Unknown_17: I will run this poll for three seconds. Is it okay to be black? Unknown_17: You're just dragging the stream out at this point. Come on. 0:41:00 Unknown_17: Put your fucking vote in. Let's go. Come on. We got shit. We got shit to talk about. I know what you, I know what you're all here for. Unknown_17: You voting in this poll is nearly delaying the inevitable of what we're talking about that I know most of you want to hear about now. Unknown_15: Wow. And then astonishing upset 67% of the live viewing audience, two thirds, Unknown_17: uh, loudly declare it is not okay to be black. Unbelievable bigotry in my, in my chat. Hopefully you're all just voting as a joke. Obviously I can't, I can't co-sign this. I can't co-sign this. 0:41:31 Unknown_17: And as we segue into our, our lead story for As we segue to the lead story for the top of the hour, most young men are single, most women are not. So there is a little bit of a demographics issue right now where women are now starting to fuck each other because they would rather fuck each other than fuck you. Isn't that sad? 0:42:04 Unknown_17: More than 60% of young men are single, nearly twice the rate of unattached young women, signaling a larger breakdown in the social, romantic, and sexual life of the American male. Men in their 20s are more likely than their women in their 20s to be romantically uninvolved, sexually dormant, friendless, and lonely. They stand at the vanguard of an epidemic of declining marriage, sexuality, and relationships that afflicts all young Americans. Unknown_17: Okay, so the discrepancy is not entirely that there is an increase of lesbianism. That is not a joke. There are more lesbians than before. 0:42:36 Unknown_17: Literally that they would rather fuck each other than fuck you. The other thing is that there are more young women dating older men. Unknown_17: I know that people like to pretend that it was extremely common for 40-year-olds to fuck 13-year-olds in the 1800s. That is completely wrong. People dated closer to their own age in the 1800s than they do now. Women are more likely to date older men who are more mature and who have their shit together than they are to date people their own age, who are more likely to be complete fuck-ups and not worth the time. So that's what's happening there. 0:43:08 Unknown_17: Um, there is also a mention in this, I'm just going to search for, uh, young men are watching a lot of social media. They're watching a lot of porn and I think they're getting a lot of their needs met without having to go out. And I think that's starting to be a habit. So part of the, uh, survey is, is explicitly Unknown_17: Blame this on porn, but then they say some of them are dating each other. One fifth of Gen Z identifies as queer and research suggests bisexual women make up a large share of the young adult queer community. So you're wondering, why do young women, or why are young people mostly like one fifth queer? That's a huge number compared to the history. They're literally, it is literally the women fucking each other because they cannot stand you. 0:43:44 Unknown_17: That is what's happening. Y'all have to get your shit together because the wahmen are abandoning shit. Probably because you keep making posts on the internet about how white women are ugly, how chinks are the master... Sorry, not chinks. Let's get our terminology correct here. how beautiful Nipponese women are the master race for women in the world and they probably fuck dogs and they're confronted with this like okay I'm just gonna fuck Leslie from school then because fuck it what is the point of trying to make it work with you 0:44:39 Unknown_17: I'm just telling you. Okay. That's why I stopped doing the white girls fuck dogs meme. I realized that some of you actually believe that. And I might have, I might've subjected a couple men to loneliness and misery as a result of my memes. I don't, if you actually listen to my, the podcast over years, You probably noticed that I don't make a lot of jokes that I used to, and I think it's because I realized when I started getting more than like a couple hundred viewers, like, oh, I have to be really careful about what I say, because if I if I give people really shitty advice and they start thinking, oh, I can't have sex with a woman because she probably fucks Fido as well. Um, I am, I am literally dooming impressionable young men to a life of homosexuality and porn sickness and later suicide. I'm basically Nick Fuentes. So I've, I've done my best to keep off the Nick Fuentes path and to be a bright shining star to my audience. 0:45:16 Unknown_17: In fact, Oh, how do I word this? Um, someone sent me an email a couple of weeks ago and that was kind of interesting and I've been meaning to reply to it for weeks and I did reply to it finally like a couple of days ago. Unknown_17: It was a guy who had attended the January 6th protest and his life has been basically ruined for it. He's on like some Antifa docs list. They've been after him on social media. They've been after his family. He keeps getting new jobs, but then they find his work and they get him fired. And he was there because he was an America First Nick Fuentes fan. And now his life is all fucked up and he's getting sentenced soon. So he's probably gonna get like six months in jail or something. He can get up to a year. 0:45:57 Unknown_17: But he's not getting a felony. Unknown_17: And he asked me for advice. Oh, God. And really, the only advice that I could give him was that. Unknown_17: My belief, my white woman belief of the law of attraction, and this is this is a strange thing, but this was something that Oprah talked about, there's books about the laws of attraction. and how I really genuinely believe that happiness is a choice regardless of your circumstances or perhaps particularly because of your circumstances. 0:46:41 Unknown_17: When you decide to be a negative Nancy or a positive Polly, that is a deliberate effort. And I've always noticed that the most miserable people to be around are people who just decide, who actively decide to be miserable and to push out any attempts to cheer them up, any attempts to prove them that it's not so bad. They will actively fight you to not have to face the reality that they are ultimately the person who is responsible for their own happiness. 0:47:24 Unknown_17: So, I tell them, you know, this shit's fucked, but you're not copying any felonies. You can always change your name. If you change your name, I'll hire you to work on something, and then you can put me as your reference. I'll claim I have an NDA with my client, so I can't tell them any details about the project that we worked on with you as my employee. Unknown_17: So I think that, especially what I'm about to talk about next, what I'm leading into, don't allow the internet and the negativity of the news on the internet to make you think. Well, the whole world's fucked. Why would I even want to have a family? Because, um, I'm raising kids into a hell world and it's full of white women who fuck dogs and we've already lost Gen Z to the gays. But the reality is, my boys, that Gen Z, Gen Z's gays are mostly either kids who want to be fashionable so they just call themselves queer, not having any impetus to fuck any boys or whatever. Or they're just bisexual women who don't want to fuck boys because the men of Gen Z are mentally stunted and they need help and they need fixing and they need some positive pollies to tell their dumb asses to stop to shave that fucking shit off their head. I walked down the street. And it's like I'm seeing identical clones of young boys with broccoli, like perms never look good. They didn't look good in the fucking 80s. They don't look good now. I don't know what the hell is wrong with people. Shave it off. They don't fuck you because you have stupid hair. Shave it. 0:48:46 Unknown_17: It looks terrible. Unknown_17: That's why they're lesbians, in case you're curious. No cap for real, my bro. Unknown_17: El Riz, is she a dog? 0:49:18 Unknown_15: I'm gonna get a sip. Unknown_15: Yeah, that yee-ass haircut. Unknown_17: Get some bitches on your dick, nigga. Unknown_17: Okay, so now we are in the money zone of this stream. The actual topic that people want to hear about. Unknown_01: A VTuber has had a bad week. Unknown_17: And I have taken phenomenal interest in this because I find it fascinating. It just so happens to land into the vein of Hoggyworts, Scoyrim Hoggyworts. that I've already been so fascinated with. 0:49:55 Unknown_17: My first instinct about hearing this was to go to VT on 4chan. Unknown_17: And I witnessed firsthand hundreds of men having a mental breakdown over Pikamee, who is a half-Japanese, half-American YouTuber based out of Japan, retiring over what appears to be harassment following their decision to stream Hogwart's Legacy almost a full month after it's come out for release. 0:50:38 Unknown_17: Actually, sorry, her announcement was to play it on release date but then she got a ton of shit And she apparently doesn't handle bullying that well. People have repeatedly said that because she's a half... By the way, all you people are like, oh, glorious Nipponese women are the true tradwives. She's half American and she got bullied relentlessly in Japan because they don't like happas. They think it's disgusting and they think that... Unknown_17: Uh, it's, it's, uh, they're dirty. So she didn't, she didn't have a good upbringing in Japan. She got bullied relentlessly for it. 0:51:15 Unknown_17: And then she goes on the internet and she does her VTuber shit and she gets a following. And apparently that was, that was good for her. And then she decides I'm going to Skyrim, the hoggy awards and the bullying the bullies as they're called. Unknown_17: What is a rat? A rerat with three letters. They're not rerats, they're just called bullies when they're being mean to the VTuber. Unknown_17: But the bullies come out, and of course the bullies are of a specific persuasion, gender persuasion, which we just call, colloquially are just being referred to as... Rat is narrative? Is that like a mark in wrestling? Like the kayfabe? 0:51:52 Unknown_17: Okay. Rats are narratives. I got you. Unknown_17: Um, so, so she gets, she basically gets bullied so hard that it's not confirmed cause she has not confirmed it, but it does appear that based on the scheduling and the timing of things that her decision to retire or graduate as it's called in the idol industry, um, is based mostly on the bullies or the V tweeters as they're sometimes called. Um, so there's a couple clips in this that are about, 0:52:29 Unknown_15: Just the sort of like oh, you know See if I can find one I should have picked up a couple This person in particular Muppet BT saying no you do deserve death threats. Unknown_17: You do deserve your suffering You do deserve your abuse for playing this game. Congratulations You survived a fraction of a percent of what trans folk go through on a daily basis You want a gold star or some shit like this? Twitch streamers are all horrible and could one could get cancer and I would literally laugh Unknown_17: Pikamee is not a small uwu kettle bean. She is a woman with a platform and access to the lowercase i internet. The public has known for three years now that JK Rowling uses her bigot money to fund vile assaults on human rights. Whether she wants to or not, by supporting the game, she supports bigotry. From the wording of her tweet, she fucking knew about the material impact of supporting JK Rowling, but she wanted to have her cake and eat it. Now folks who have been telling people since before the announcement not to buy this game are pretty seriously upset. I don't know what to tell her. She picked a side and she bought the game. She picked a side when she announced the stream. She's probably getting an undue level of shit because she's a woman online, but she picked her fucking side already. I consider this a win. Thank you for graduating her. Also, keep a tighter leash on your fanboys and orbiters that seem to be attacking other communities as well. 0:53:46 Unknown_17: Love reading angry comments under that Pikamee VTuber quitting. Like, what are you gonna do, cry? It's so good seeing conservatives seethe. Strange they didn't hold that power in the media they think they do. No one appeals to them. And they make no content, they only bitch about the others. Unknown_17: Pikamee accepted she was wrong and grew as a person. Silverveil, on the other hand, has shown she absolutely does not care about trans people. She only cares about her nostalgia, even though many trans people will never be able to accept nostalgia. Unknown_17: In light of that recent retweet, I'm gonna make a comprehensive list of every VTuber I can find who plays the Turf game, be very afraid. The thing I've seen the most with the VTubers who play this, they won't announce on social media what they're playing and or they'll go on their Twitch page and delete the bot and evidence they ever played it. So they definitely know what they're doing. But don't worry, I'm taking screenshots for evidence, tilde. 0:54:20 Unknown_17: I wouldn't be surprised if Pekamee is just pretending to retire for the sake of causing a fight in the DTuber community, just like how Silver pretended that she was harassing Docs. Unknown_17: C's Twitter trends, Pekamee is a pedo anyways, and I will talk about that. Unknown_17: She was a piece of shit, get over it. A few things here. If the backlash against the VTubers is enough to make someone turn against an entire demographic, they were never an ally, period. I love that, I love, that's my favorite Troon thing. The no true ally shit that Jim Sterling and co do, where they say, actually if you do X, then you're never an ally to begin with. I'm like, okay. Fine, motherfucker. That's the, that is the natural human reaction. That's not me projecting. That is what everybody does when they get told that shit. Like, fine, fuck you then. And then you're, then you're, then you're flipped forever. 0:54:59 Unknown_17: Third, never threaten streamers. If anyone did that, shame on them. That's not okay. Okay, whatever. For streamers, for Christ's sake, stop streaming this fucking game. Come on. Unknown_16: And then so, so again, just a real quick timeline. 0:55:36 Unknown_17: They didn't stream much in January. They're coming back to stream in February. Coincidentally, Hogwarts is coming out in February. She said she was going to stream Hogwarts. She got a lot of flack for it. And then she suddenly announced that she would not be streaming the game. And then after a couple of weeks of silence announced that she was retiring. So it does seem pretty lined up. However, Kotaku and all these fucking people, if they're not just going on Twitter and saying, fuck her, she deserves it anyways, they're going online and they're saying, um, actually it was far right troll. It was, it was a gay op by the far right trolls to make that look like horrible abusers who, who hate women. And even Kotaku wrote an article saying there is no evidence that this happened. In fact, she appeared to be graduating before, um, uh, the game came out. 0:56:09 Unknown_17: Um, and I think that, uh, the, the timeline, the difference is, is that the timeline for her retiring does line up, but the, they're saying that because the game came up after the first hint that she was retiring came out, it can't be related. But the thing is, is that she announced that she would be playing the game before the retirement announcement. So they're trying to say that because the game wasn't out by that time, specifically the 10th, which is when it came out for everybody. If you pre-ordered it, you could play it on the 7th. So the timeline that they're trying to run with on Twitter and Kentucky was just bullshit. It's definitely related to the people threatening to fucking rape her because she's playing a Hogwarts game. 0:56:47 Unknown_17: Um, I don't, I think that Tenma is from a different, um, group, but she came out and said, this is dumb and stupid. Fun ruining cunts. Get the rope. Uh, there, this person was mass reported for this tweet and delete and had to delete it. But then when they got unsuspended from Twitter, 12 hours later, they came back and they said, I meant what I said, fuck you. And, uh, that has been a great rallying point for get the rope has become a meme with the VTubers as they say. 0:57:30 Unknown_15: Um Yeah, I guess I'll circle around to the pedo thing like my criticisms of vtubers are and I I can't like I'll explain in a bit. Unknown_17: I can't take their side because I just find it very creepy and weird Character is obviously a lollicon And if it's like, oh, I just want to have you know, a young looking avatar Well, then don't retweet the creepy lollicon shit on your fucking twitter timeline. That's what you're going for If you really want to have, just innocently have, like a young character, then you wouldn't be retweeting the creepy lollicon shit. Then there's this discussion which is, nine years old is truly the best. And then Ariane Lafotine replies saying, Pika me, it's 12 years old. She replies saying, 12 years old is the age they start dressing up or are interested in the opposite sex. 0:58:13 Unknown_17: So it's a little bit too mature. I think the best choice is nine years old. That is still juvenile, but it's not too juvenile. Anything less than that still feels like a toddler, which is no good. Hmm. I agree with that. So let's set it to nine to 12 years old. Nice. Sue agree. Nice peeking me. Um, I believe 0:58:46 Unknown_17: I believe that the cope context would be about like what age is best for like an avatar or something and not specifically lollicon. But there is another clip where she's been specifically says that she accidentally liked the lollicon pictures on her, on her corporate account, her corporate Twitter account. And then she had to unlike them, but it's, 0:59:17 Unknown_17: I don't know. It's all, it's, it's very creepy and weird to me. And I don't want to rain on people's parade cause I do find the TTD very funny with this. Um, and there is a potential for hate crimes because as this person says, fuck you peek at me was my emotional support. I will kill a tranny. I will murder a trans screen cap this. There's another tweet I saw or message I saw on BT that was just like, they took my sunshine from me. Unknown_16: They took my sunshine. Unknown_17: It's like, okay, so there are definitely like a couple, more than one mentally disturbed people out there who are now psychotically enraged because their little kettle lollicon girl has gone from YouTube. 0:59:59 Unknown_17: I will phrase it like this though. Unknown_17: I like the trunes less than I like anything. I like the trunes and their enablers less than I like any other demographic. If you want to sit down and you want to have an adult conversation about, you know, lollicon and Japanese culture, and if their obsession with children in Japan is purely cultural escapism or if it is like systemic pedophilia in their society, we can have that conversation. We can make adult decisions if that kind of stuff is tolerable or not. 1:00:33 Unknown_17: there is no way to have a set down rational conversation with the truant they are at the bottom um and because they're so often like sex abuse like almost entirely it's like it is a fetish so it's always tied into some sort of weird sex thing with with women and children to the point where even if you say well the lollicons are pedophiles it's like Well, they're kind of like tamed pedophiles. They kind of know that it's like bad, so they look at cartoons and shit, and they listen to adult women talk like toddlers. The trunes are like dangerous, unabashed, societally protected, child dangers. 1:01:12 Unknown_17: So even if we are sitting down and trying to be as critical of vtubers as possible I like trunes less and I really sit and I try to think You know, I've met like gendered people Who I didn't hate but when I really try and think about it, you know you have The good ones are like Lilith Lovett who's just like a sex object for Count Dankula and short fat otaku And other people who are like into dick girls And then you have Blair White, who's just like, yeah, I realize that, um... 1:01:52 Unknown_17: my my sex change operation like fucked up my whole life and i have a little baby dick and i date a man who's okay with me having a little baby dick for whatever reason um and my whole career is just grifting the off the fact that i that i'm i'm one of them i'm just like a shield for talking head pundits who want to prove that they're not actually transphobic or whatever the fuck and it's just a sitting like a belief-based system and not just like intolerance I really can't name a single one. And I refuse to play the game. Which is why I've looked it up. I did research. Because people brought up the term transphobia. And how they're not afraid of trunes. They just don't like them. Unknown_17: So I present to you another Greek suffix. Transmesia. Mesia means hatred or contempt. So you can say that you're transmesic. You're homomesic. You are tolerant of transmesia. And that, uh, apparently that's very close to the Russian word for transmission, which is like transmesia or something, but I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm discussing it. I've summoned the council of racist and intolerant people to determine, uh, if, if there is acceptability with the term transmesia. 1:02:49 Unknown_17: Um, I don't know. It's trans transphobic. The phobia is just so like accepted. It's like a thing that it's hard to replace, but I do, I do like it. I think after some, some discussion trans music, it does sound pretty nice. Unknown_15: This racism bit, super education. I'm glad you think so. 1:03:29 Unknown_15: So there is some other stuff in regards to this. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: In particular, let me make sure that there's no not safe for work on this page. Unknown_17: There is. So I'll just actually it's censored. So it should be. Unknown_17: Can I like hide this? No. Unknown_15: Okay. I will simply open these in new tabs then. Unknown_15: Okay, so the reaction to this has of course been people in 4chan melting down, people in the Kiwi forums giving the troons shit. 1:04:08 Unknown_17: And the iron is hot. The iron is very hot. Unknown_17: The natural reaction is someone wanting to grift off this, to capitalize on this outrage and make... I mean, the thing about the Hogwarts shit is that it's so easy. It's set up as such an easy win. It's controversial for no reason. So it's so easy just to be like, I'm going to play a video game and then have people melt down, get tons of attention. And the first person to decide to do that after the Peking me stuff, 1:04:42 Unknown_17: Is the rabbit so I'm in a difficult position where I must talk about the rabbit because She she is very good at catering to this audience of like 4chan alt-right Poltard people who like anime and Unknown_17: And has totally enamored Daddy Jim and all of his fans. Unknown_17: So it's increasingly difficult to avoid the rabbit. Unknown_17: I'll save shitting on the rabbit in a bit because I have this lined up. So the rabbit announces that she is Pippa, Pippa Pipkins. I'll just stop saying that for the sake of not making any sense. I will just call it, call her Pippa, which is her, her VTuber name. Unknown_17: Pippa announced that she is going to stream Hogwarts Legacy and this enraged many people of gender and also retards. This is Sarah, Legend of Phoenix, saying, she, it, sis, so she goes by she or you can dehumanize her and call her a sex object. Sis, red panda, colored by actual corn, and that guy is a cuckold. 29. 1:05:41 Unknown_17: NeuroDivergent, Final Fantasy XIV, if you bring up my OnlyFans who lost the debate. From Michigan, United States, and there's a link to her OnlyFans. She is a literal whore, and this is the first person notably to take up issue with the Pippa Pipkins announcing that she's going to be playing Hoggywarts. Unknown_17: She goes out and says, animated girl LARPers know their know their audience is full of transphobic and racist writers. That's they know where their bread is buttered. Not shocked at all. This keeps happening. 1:06:23 Unknown_17: And you idiots still have not learned, just shut up and let them play. And she says, stop being such a snowflake. Unknown_17: This is one of many, but the actual hoard of, uh, complaining about it was funny to me, but there are many more root beer. Cutie boy says, so you're transphobic is what I'm understanding. Unknown_17: Uh, oh, the wording of the announcement is, is interesting. She says, I hate this franchise, but I hate people on Twitter more, uh, open mouth emoji. So the, the, the phrase people on Twitter becomes contentious. Uh, Persephone is silver. Persephone is like Lilith. If you hear a Persephone, that is a fucking training. Just so you know. 1:06:58 Unknown_17: Persephone Silver says, Twitter people has now become the VTuber's dog whistle for trans and or Jewish people. I don't know where the fuck Jews come into this. Unknown_17: It's like, it's like trannies are like coddling up to Jews like, please, please Jewish people. JK wowing made fun of you with these disgusting goblins that are totally Jews. So you're on our side too. Please give us some of your Holocaust magic to make us a protected, a super protected class just like you. Please, please. And the Jews look down at the golem and say, no. 1:07:37 Unknown_17: Stop pretending this is anything but hatred towards minorities. Own up to your own bigotry, clown. Unknown_17: Void Rot, the sentient glitch tuber says, and I will make a comment about that name in a second. I don't want to quote tweet, but the original also blocked them, but the replies are so gross. We do not tolerate transphobes in this house. Of course, many people opting to reply with some excitement and anticipation to the Pippa Pipkin's announcement opted to use less graceful language and perhaps call for TTD, which whatever that may be. 1:08:20 Unknown_17: punk at ceo of real says i hate harry potter but i hate queers more and then there's like a picture of i don't know what the fuck that is but if you're trying they make they make this fucking rabbit um sound like the most incredibly based person on the planet which is why it's a shame i'm gonna have to make fun of her to balance things out in a second Unknown_17: Andrea hose to foes says in case you weren't convinced. It's about hating trans people lives of tick-tock official account parody says I hate trans people more than I hate Harry Potter Soup box says what do you even achieve from this? $5,000 in case you're in case you're wondering what she accomplished by doing this and a lot of notoriety I think it was her most successful stream since the stream where she showed her feet on camera. No, that's not a joke Unknown_17: MomocutVT says what the fuck dude this is pathetic and hard pandering to right-wing hate mentality and it's sickening 1:09:20 Unknown_17: Glyph wah anime win white rat emoji says, another example of people on Twitter meaning people I don't like, aka trans people in this case. Ocelgear says, the only difference between Pippa Pipkins and the average V Shoujo girl is that Pippa actually has a solid grasp on what her audience looks like, griper's right wing libs, but has enough, right wing libs, but has enough self control to not go full Hitlerite fascist, micro dosing Hitler particles if you will. Unknown_17: If you were trying to craft a viral tweet of fake outrage to make me want to consume a product, describing it as microdosing Adolf Hitler is probably the best way to do that. It took everything I have. There was like titanium bolts locking down my brain saying, no, we're not going to stay up late at night and watch a fucking rabbit play Hogwarts. That is not happening. I had to put in the emergency anti-advertisement, anti-propaganda breaks. It actually took effort to restrain myself at that point in time. Specifically because Ocelgear described watching this cartoon rabbit play a shitty fucking wizard game as microdosing Hitler. 1:10:38 Unknown_17: Soup says, I hate people on Twitter more. Say it, bitch. Just say you hate transgenders. Just fucking admit it. I'll chat. Unknown_17: Don't let Soup down. Why are there two Soups? This is the second Soup name that I've read. Unknown_17: Nix the Snowflake Emoji says, Awful. Let's kill her. Unknown_17: Ibuprofen says, if you spoke to a gay person in real life, you'd perish. I don't know what the fuck that means. Is that like a threat or is there like gay aura just gonna kill poor rabbit women? 1:11:11 Unknown_17: William says this whole Hogwarts shit is so unbelievably corny and lame. Holy fuck. Well, stop making playing Hogwarts an act of resistance. Like, for real. It's like the end of Ghostbusters, where Gozer goes up into the sky and says, choose the form of your destructor. And they think of the state puff marshmallow man that starts destroying New York. It's like that, but it's like a bunch of trunes, so Harry Potter comes into mind, because they never read another book. And then a gigantic Godzilla-sized J.K. Rowling comes out of the ocean and starts shooting lasers at Bill Gates and shit. 1:11:45 Unknown_17: Today is Pippa's birthday. Say happy birthday. Happy birthday, Pippa. I actually got into a fight with someone in chat because they wanted me to a-log Pippa more because apparently her character is three years old in her official autobiography. And I saw no source for this. I thought, that seems like an error. Maybe it's like 30 or, wishful thinking, 13, something besides three. So I actually watched like a nanosecond of her fucking introduction video where she explains that she's not three years old, not three months old, not three days old. She's just three with no time delineation given. It's like, okay, whatever. I don't know what the fuck that means, but the character is clearly not meant to be a three year old. So I can't, I can't in good faith say that it's supposed to be a toddler. 1:12:23 Unknown_17: Coco Atarashi real says, so she hates Harry Potter, but her hate for trans people is bigger. Yes. Unknown_17: Tammo says controversy baiting because no one watches your streams is crazy. LOL. I guess enjoy an audience of total freaks cause that's your base from now on. Uh, she got 4,500 viewers for her stream. I'm pretty sure. 1:13:01 Unknown_17: So that is the responses that Pippa got. Unknown_17: Now I must A-log the rabbit. Unknown_17: Very smart of her to capitalize on this. However, I cannot say the rabbit is based. Because I watched a video, someone said Josh. Unknown_17: Watch this video. It is a Pippa Pipkin saying, don't be sluts. Don't have, uh, extramarital affairs. Don't coom. 1:13:32 Unknown_17: And she says this, but yet when I go to her Twitter and read through her tweets, I see this official Pippa Pipkin's merchandise. Unknown_17: You can buy this as a Daki Makaru cover for your pillow. And if you're not satisfied by this offering, you can find one of a mouse pad where she has the little rabbit tail as like an anal plug. And you can put your hand on that when you play your video games. 1:14:06 Unknown_17: And it's like, how do you, on one hand say, I, now it's like kumorism and man sluts and female sluts. And then, uh, like have this as your official merchandise. It's not even the same as the peak of me, like retweeting drawings. It's like, that's something that she sold. And it's like, I don't care if it makes you money. You can't say like your principles are one thing and then profit off another thing. That's just hypocritical. Um, Unknown_17: I think I'll also mention that I have been told the deep lore on Pippa and there are two stories which are of interest. The first is that she at one point lived, I've already talked about already that she is married, I don't know if she's married, but she's in a long-term relationship. She's a furry, her boyfriend's a furry. She's in a long-term relationship with a guy that she met when she was underage and he was in his 20s. And now that she's overage, she can do whatever the fuck she wants, but that's weird. But, you know, whatever at this point. 1:14:43 Unknown_17: One of her stories was that she lived in a house situation where she was living with a bunch of other people. I assume it's a mixed gender thing where it's like poor people, like if you don't have much money, you can go to live in. But I think she didn't trust her roommates. So she had a backpack that she used and because she didn't want to put her tampons in the bin where they belong because she I guess she wasn't certain knowing that her roommates wouldn't steal her used tampons she kept them in a backpack and she had a backpack full of used tampons. I work fast food and I had the very unfortunate chore of having to change the trash bins of the women's restroom once. 1:15:23 Unknown_17: If you have never smelled a used tampon, You're not prepared for it. I pulled the trash bag up and it almost knocked me on my fucking ass. I almost passed out. I almost threw up. It really is the most pugnant, disgusting fucking smell ever. 1:16:14 Unknown_17: It's like irony. It's really vile. So the fact that she had a backpack full of that shit is pretty fucking gross. The other thing that she's famous for is that she has bad teeth. And this coincides with another story that she told where she had a drawer full of vomit. And you may remember the meme of the little boy pissing in the drawers and getting found out that he had, that mom found the piss drawer. She had a drawer full of vomit. And I think that what it is, Unknown_17: is that she was bulimic. 1:16:48 Unknown_17: So that's why her teeth are bad. You don't know being bulimic rots your teeth. So I think she has bad teeth because she was bulimic. Because there is... Men will tolerate backpacks full of tampons. They will tolerate you V-tubing. They will tolerate you having a drawer full of vomit as long as you're thin. As long as you're thin as a woman, you can get away with whatever the fuck you want. Unknown_17: So I think that's what's happening with that. Unknown_17: I have empathy for the rabbit. And I realized she was a very small VTuber not too long ago, and now she's made it big. And I'm sure that if you're so poor that you're living in a house with perverts that you can't trust to not steal your tampons, it's nice to be financially independent. So I'm glad that she's doing well. Hopefully her health is in upswing. 1:17:20 Unknown_17: And I'm glad that she is deciding to take a soft stand against censorship and this sort of weird, gross, trune pressure. However, please empathize with me when I say I really don't want anything to do with VTubers. Please stop trying to get me to do videos with VTubers. Please stop asking me to like them. Because while I don't wish anything bad on the fucking rabbit, between the weird sexualized drawings of the fucking character, between the vomit drawer and the tampon bag and all that shit, I just see someone who is mentally ill who does a character that people like because I think that a lot of people who listen to her, they're just like, oh, she's in my league. She has a backpack full of tampons and throws up in a drawer. She'd fuck me. She's like, I could totally hit that. That's like, that's like, that would fuck me. That's like weird and gross. I'm weird and gross. That would fuck me. That's like, bro, come on now. Come on now. 1:18:32 Unknown_17: But no, for real, I hope that she's doing better now. I hope that her relationship is not weird and abusive and everything is normalizing. Unknown_17: And I hope that if you are already into the VTuber stuff, you will Unknown_17: patronize people who choose to make even a super fit because I do believe that this is in some ways superficial. It's like, let's capitalize on this event. It may, it may align with some of her beliefs, but if I'm sure if her management told her, don't do this shit anymore, she would stop. I don't think she would quit her, her job and sacrifice her character, the rabbit to move to a different platform. I think she would go with the money and I can't blame her. Especially if she once lived in a condition that was so atrocious that she had to keep her tampons in a bag because you couldn't trust Somebody to steal it because she didn't have any money to live on her own I understand, but I think it's I think it's mostly superficial But if you're gonna if you're gonna patronize this shit anyways patronize people who have at least the audacity to make a superficial Commitment to telling these people who are threatening them on Twitter to go fuck themselves. I 1:19:48 Unknown_17: and that is the uh... as the strongest form of endorsement that i can give at this juncture he doesn't have to know people says gator no gators looking up with may come on now you know what's up Unknown_17: Um, do I want to take a detour from the VTubers? I'll take a very quick video. I'll tell you who my, I'll tell you who my Oshi is. Are you ready for my Oshi chat? Um, I made a TikTok and I'm going to do little shorts because I want to get that guap. Um, so let me show you a tech talk that I made. I'm not even joking. This is the thing that I've done because I want to try to find a way to make money from these short videos. And I, I, I, I put this up on a separate channel. You can find it at Maddie hyphen clips. It'll be on the telegram, but you can also find it at mad.at.the.internet on tech talk. 1:20:20 Unknown_15: And here's the video that I've come up with. Ready? Unknown_15: Is it not going to play? Oh, that's right. Tick tock doesn't work on my fucking Firefox. 1:20:54 Unknown_17: So I will simply open this and I will put the fucking video directly into it because Firefox is a piece of fucking shit. Adobe Premiere Pro 30 final 59 seconds. Unknown_10: I identify as like a Sigma. Unknown_09: So like. Unknown_10: I like kind of am turned on by like a guy who doesn't care about social norms at all. Unknown_10: Somebody who does their own thing. Unknown_10: Konnichiwa, hello live from Virginia Beach. My name is Panty Party. I'm a fan of lolliprops. Look at this. This is Shauna. And obviously a 14 year old. 1:21:32 Unknown_10: Am I kawaii? Unknown_06: Am I kawaii? 1:22:04 Unknown_04: YOU FUCKING DID THIS TO ME! Unknown_17: I hope you liked my first TikTok chat. I intend to make more. If you're into the talk tics, actually, of course, I decided to make a TikTok to try and get that guap, you know, get that cheddar and shit, get that bag. And the United States Congress passes a bill to authorize Joe Biden to ban TikTok from the United States. They're like, wait a second, we have to ban TikTok. Joshua Connor Moon of the Kiwi Farms has opened a TikTok just the other day and he intends to get that cheddar. Not all saying so they have passed it and now it will be banned because I'm watch I'll get a 1 million views on one of my videos and then that's a ban. I'm not I'm not legally allowed to take the money out. 1:22:36 Unknown_17: Needs to be faster. That's pretty fucking fast. Unknown_17: Where's the video that I was going to show may. Unknown_17: Hololive. Unknown_15: This is it. Unknown_10: We used a clip from this for the video. Unknown_17: This is her audition to Hololive. I know you VTuber guys out there love the Hololive. What would you guys think about May being a VTuber? Here's her audition. 1:23:16 Unknown_10: My name is Pantsu Party, aka Amanda Morris, and I'm a YouTuber-slash-creative-individual-slash-someone who identifies with being born into the wrong dimension. Unknown_17: I think she's got what it takes, guys. She's pretty good. She's about as good as the other ones that I see. You guys like the others. What's wrong with her? What's the difference? Unknown_10: What's the difference, chat? 1:23:53 Unknown_10: Just within this past month, I've picked up Adobe Premiere and have learned how to use that software to edit tons of videos. Actually, a video every day. Unknown_17: People watch this and make fun of it. Unknown_17: I'm microdosing Hitler particles right now, learning this information. Unknown_17: And I'm having to use my mental brain breaks to avoid saying anything too nice, given the prior information that I have divulged. However, if we were to abstract that information in and of itself from the context, I would say that is perhaps a little bit base and pretty funny. 1:24:34 Unknown_17: What's really funny about this, by the way, is it kind of made me have a realization about why trainees probably hate the VTuber shit so much. It's because, you would think, you would think, because I learned about something called VTweeters and it was explained to me that a VTweeter Unknown_17: is a usually a transgender on Twitter who has a VTuber persona, but they usually have a tag in their name explaining that they are pre-debut. So the reason for this is that they will never debut their character and actually subject themselves to the public. So they instead of actually debuting and doing streams and putting in the work to try and cultivate an audience like Pippa has is that they just stay on Twitter and they act like more authorities who provide VTuber commentary from within the industry while actually not doing anything and having no audience. So they have they have acquired the title V tweeter and V tweeter is much like Twitter persons is merely a dog whistle for tranny. 1:25:17 Unknown_17: So that is your your weird Internet slogan or jargon for the day. There's actually a video that I'm trying to find real fast. I'm scanning through the Unknown_17: the highlights of the thread as quickly as I possibly fucking can to try and find this audio. Uh, it may not actually be highlighted then if that's the case, I'm just shit out of luck. 1:26:08 Unknown_17: I'll do a couple more, a couple more pages and then I'll do my explanation as to why I think, why I think these trunes hate VTubers so much. Unknown_15: OK, I'm on page 42, and I don't see it. So I may be out of luck. Unknown_17: I'll continue to scan. Unknown_17: My thought is that, and someone outlined this on the thread very succinctly. Actually, you know what? I'll throw this up on the screen while I talk about this, so you don't have to look at the horse. Thank me later. 1:26:43 Unknown_17: This is fan art from God knows where. Unknown_17: So if you think about it, a VTuber should be the most pure thing, the most perfect medium for a Troon to occupy. And yet, they seem internally butthurt, eternally butthurt about VTuber goings-ons. They seem to occupy the space, they seem to be fans of VTubers, but they also seem to be more sensitive to drama within the community than anything else. 1:27:24 Unknown_17: It made me realize that Unknown_17: Even with the total abstraction of looks, you're literally hiding behind a cartoon character rigged to your face. There's 0%. You pass automatically because it's a character. Even with AI voice modulation to allow you to effortlessly pitch shift your voice and on the fly sound more feminine than you ever possibly could in a real conversation. Unknown_17: Um, even with the ability to change your name, go by whatever pronouns you want to live in a completely fictitious space. 1:28:03 Unknown_17: I think that. Unknown_17: The majority of successful VTubers are probably real women, because a real woman lacks, or rather has, empathy, patience, a sort of softness and niceness to them, and maternal aspects that I think a lot of VTuber fans probably like. that a man with an identical kit literally cannot do. They cannot emulate those personality characteristics of a woman, even with literally every physical aspect of them tweaked and modded to be indistinguishable from the female VTubers. And I think that's when they 1:28:36 Unknown_17: When they try, when they do this v-tweeting thing, when they try, they go on Twitter and they have their entire thing decked out, they have their character, they have their name, they know exactly what the colors are and all this shit. They're afraid to go on Twitter or on Twitch or on YouTube and actually try and put it into practice because they know, they know that nobody will be interested unless they're like a chaser. And a lot of them, they don't want chasers. There's like a couple who are openly trans and they have chasers. And of course they're about heard about the fucking Harry Potter shit and have to disguise their contempt for picking me. 1:29:24 Unknown_17: Um, but the average C chat, Unknown_17: Millions of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. And even with the most sophisticated machine learning programs, consumer level, consumer grade machine learning programs to alter your voice and hide behind a cartoon character, you will never be a real woman. 1:30:03 Unknown_00: Kill V-tweeters, behead V-tweeters, roundhouse kick a V-tweeter into the concrete, slam dunk a V-tweeter baby into the trash can, crucify filthy V-tweeters, defecate into V-tweeters food, launch V-tweeters into the sun, stir fry V-tweeters in a wok, toss V-tweeters into active volcanoes, urinate into V-tweeters gas tank, judo throw V-tweeters into a wood chipper, twist V-tweeters heads off, report V-tweeters to the IRS, karate chop V-tweeters in half, curb stomp pregnant V-tweeters, Unknown_17: Pregnant retweeters as if that could be a thing and reporting them to the IRS I don't I don't know if I can co-sign all of that now. That's that's a bit much Very fun Very cathartic to once again beat up on the enemies. I hope I've been even-handed I see some people calling me Simpson chat, but you know, you know that everything I do is fair and balanced Fox News ain't got nothing on me 1:31:07 Unknown_17: All right, I think that's enough of the anime shit. Unknown_17: Is there something I might have want to say at the end? Unknown_15: Oh! Unknown_15: Someone made a post that I found particularly shitty. Unknown_17: Big Moth Titties, who's been around for five years at this point, almost five years, says, this is a good wake up call to some people on how disgusting and overreaching trainees have become. But if trainees are really going to be taken down, is realistically going to come down to one demographic, white women. White women and their laissez-faire attitude to the lack of concern allowing the normalization of degeneracy to the point where mentally ill men are being crowned women of the year. Until enough of them are cited in Septimon, the true menace will likely be undefeated. Now, my friend, I don't know if you know this. I don't know if I've made this clear. 1:31:47 Unknown_17: Trannies are men and if you take the mass of a man and you compare that to the mass of a woman, a woman who is fit and in shape Unknown_17: will likely lose a fight to a man of normal physique who is not specifically trained in any kind of combat because they are fucking 100 pounds heavier. Women, for a lot of them, not all of them, of course there are many retards, there are retards everywhere of all walks of life, but women literally cannot stand up for themselves against trannies because a tranny can take them by the neck and slam them against a fucking tile wall of a locker room and rape them. 1:32:38 Unknown_17: If you want to to end this Unknown_17: You must first acquire GF, make base GF, because if you're in a relationship, your opinion matters a lot, just so you know. Unknown_17: And then enable them to say what they want to say, because they cannot, as a lesbian or, you know, as a 20% queer Gen Z, they are not allowed to say these things because they will be beaten the fuck up by grown ass men in dresses. You understand? You understand what I'm saying, boy? You understand what I'm saying? For instance, I will show you what happens in an actual society where men defend women. You ready? When confronted with a truan. 1:33:14 Unknown_17: Hey! Unknown_17: I don't know where this is at, if this is in Germany or France or whatever, but there is a freak that looks like Jonathan Yoneb harassing an older woman who's wearing a full niqab in public. I don't know if it's about the niqab or what the fuck is happening, but a troon is assaulting this woman. 1:33:48 Unknown_17: The Turks have noticed this infraction, and my boy rolled up in his three stripes, his three poloski, and he's about to square up with this man assaulting one of his. Unknown_17: He has now just punched the fucking Troon in the face. Unknown_17: He has continued to punch the troon in the face. There are now multiple Muslim men who are ganging up to beat the fuck out of this troon. The troon is on back foot. He is fleeing the premises. Unknown_17: He's fleeing. They're telling him to get the fuck out of there. That's where it ends. Inshallah, the woman was protected by the Turks. That's what we like to see. Like I said, even when I'm doing my racism bit, I feel way more in common 1:34:35 Unknown_17: with a black family with a mexican family an asian family with a muslim muhammadin family than i would ever fucking feel with these people who are innately sex pests by definition um not safe to be around and that's just how i said even even the v2 even animes even the british even the British chat right up above, right up above the trunes on the, on the, the hierarchy of my tolerance hierarchy. 1:35:09 Unknown_17: Um, okay, now I got some more, some more local content with the animation. Unknown_17: There is some happenings with Jim Sterling. I, I hope you've all watched my under 800,000 special videos. One of my favorites. Unknown_17: I don't know why beating up on Jim Sterling is just cathartic to me. I really, I really, I really enthusiastically enjoy making fun of Jim Sterling. I think it's just because he doesn't interact with his haters. He's just unapologetically who he is. He puts out shit that I can critique regularly and form strong opinions about even though it doesn't directly impact me in any way, shape or form. He's, he is a perfect exemplar of, 1:35:50 Unknown_17: of a lolcow he just is so i i enjoy talking about him and i i noted during my under under 800 000 subscriber stream watching him that his editing had gotten slightly better i don't i don't know what it was it still had some annoying elements to it but it just seemed so much better than how it used to be because 1:36:28 Unknown_17: If you don't know, my primary critique is that in the last couple years, he offloaded his editing to some guy named Justin, who was like his bang mate or something. I'll get into that later. Unknown_17: But what the guy does is he throws a picture of something and then does a pan and zoom. He zooms in 50%, he moves it across the stream. different angle, different zoom, sometimes the zoom in, sometimes the zoom out. It never fucking stops. It never stops. It doesn't matter if it's a stock video or a stock photo or a screenshot or a fucking news headline that I'm supposed to be able to goddamn read. It flies across the screen. in the exact same way, different directions, but the exact same editing technique over and over. It is nauseating to watch this. It literally physically makes you sick because you have motion sickness watching this rocking back and forth on the screen. It's the most unintentionally horrific editing ever done. And I realized during the under 800,000 that it got a little bit better. So that's great. He's, it's, it still does a little bit of this weird tweening, but, um, it's more tolerable. It turns out to that video was made after Jim Sterling fired his editor. He was editing his own videos and surprised they got better because he was doing the work himself and he wasn't offloading it to this guy who clearly didn't give a fuck or was completely incompetent. So. 1:37:39 Unknown_17: Uh, Jim Sterling published a very long post explaining a couple of things that I had never heard of before and that he had gotten rid of Justin. And the really interesting part of this, well, there's several interesting parts. First, he claims that his editor had been taking advantage of him and was asking for more money. Second of all, he explains that he, despite making $11,500 every month for doing nothing directly from Patreon and not, not including merchandise, not including anything else. 1:38:14 Unknown_17: He is, quote-unquote, not rich, by his own words. Unknown_17: And part of the reason why he's not rich, quote-unquote, is that he says here, it's very easy to take advantage of me, really. I'm too willing to believe in my own incompetence and glom onto someone who is better than me. I'm very easily gaslit. I'm terrible at self-advocacy. The short of it is, that after I actually got myself out of this abusive relationship, I was left with over £100,000 of debt that had been building up without my knowledge, consent, or control. 1:39:04 Unknown_17: I don't know who he's referring to, I don't know which partner he's referring to, I don't know if it's the fat bitch that was cuckolding him with black men on Tinder, or, um, or pet life from years and years ago. I don't know if it's drugs. I don't know where this claim comes from, but he claims that he's a hundred thousand dollars in debt, which is a nice round number that Keffel's can relate to right now in regards to drugs. Unknown_17: Um, uh, then the other part is down here. The next immediate next paragraph is that he explains that he's not rich because he has to pay people he's working on in taxes. And I did the math. And if you take the 7% Patreon and payment processing fee and you take a generous 33% of that as business expense, which is absolutely not the fucking case. And then you take another massive one third of that multiplicatively because you deduct business expenses, which is not what he's paying at all. I guarantee you his take home is still $56,000 a month for four videos, one a week. 1:39:54 Unknown_17: Which, by his own claims, is a couple hours of work for his editor to do each week. So he's well above the median income in the United States. To claim that he's not rich is like, okay, well that's your own fucking fault because you don't take care of your channel. And you probably spend way too much on bullshit like stock videos. But to say that you don't or cannot make good money is retarded. But then he goes on to say, in addition to that, 1:40:36 Unknown_17: Thanks to several hugely lucky breaks, losing everything I had, and the massive amount of accounting and sales help from my husband and Conrad, I have somehow clawed myself out of the woods. Those gays-can-do-whatever-they-want shirts might have quite genuinely rescued me." So he ran merchandise. Unknown_17: And the gays can do whatever they want. Sure. It's sold very well. So that's on top of a very healthy median us annual salary for four videos a week. And he can't manage this. 1:41:09 Unknown_17: Um, but he said he goes on to cry that he is recovering materially and emotionally. And, um, then he tries to pitch his fucking wrestling shit again, which is just awful. And then Justin publishes his side of the story. His side of the story is very succinct. Well, it's lengthy, but it's very concise in how each detail is explained. Basically, Jim offered him $1,400 a month to edit his videos, which requires a couple hours, two days a week. Unknown_17: Then he only got about $200 a raise each year. 1:41:46 Unknown_17: And then he eventually, um, started doing more shit for him, not just editing videos. He also became, uh, his, like he would book guest appearances. He would help with the wrestling shit. He was not getting more money for this time. Um, when Jim moved to Philadelphia, he moved with him and because he didn't have enough money to buy an apartment in Philadelphia, he ended up living with Jim. And then. Unknown_17: At a certain point when he broke up with his former spouse, Jim can't drive a fucking car. So this guy became his live-in butler and chauffeur and drove his fat ass around Philadelphia in their car because he didn't drive himself for $1,400 a month. 1:42:32 Unknown_17: And then when he dared ask Jim Sterling for a raise to compensate him for the time he had already been spending outside of editing to correctly adjust his hourly rate based on to reflect his actual hours spent, Jim Sterling said, you are fired. Get the fuck out of here. And then he moved to the United Kingdom to pursue a sexual relationship over there. Unknown_17: So after years, Unknown_17: and years and years of of shitting on Unknown_17: Capitalism? Uh, he's the biggest capitalist I've ever seen. I don't, I, this motherfucker is basically hiring Mexican bang maids and using deportation as a mechanism to enslave them, to enthrall them to his every wish. He's one step above that. I don't know where he gets the balls to complain about Bobby Kotick being unfair to people when he's doing this shit to him. Very few employers force their, their, um, 1:43:21 Unknown_17: their workers to move in with them so they can more adequately wipe their fat ass. Unknown_17: Unless your name is Surfer. Unknown_17: Oh, and by the way, what's really funny is how they each contextualize the fact they live together. In Jim Sterling's case, it was he magnanimously gave him a room from the bottom of his heart because he cared for such a dear friend that he didn't have any place to go. And of course, buddy, Of course you can stay with me, buddy. I mean, we've been together through thick and thin. I've never put you on the streets, my guy. You can stay with me until you get pulled up by your bootstraps. And then Justin says, he moved me to a different city. I had nothing in and could not afford. And then when I couldn't find an apartment, he just had me drive him around because he can't drive himself. 1:44:00 Unknown_17: Now you see why I love running my website. This kind of shit is like trash TV that you would never find. Like TLC, Jerry Springer, they can't write this shit. It's too funny. 1:44:32 Unknown_17: Very, very quickly on the America First front. Unknown_17: Nick Fuentes and his entourage wanted to go to CPAC, which is the conservative political action group. It's just a fundraising thing. They get up there and they say, we're heckin' conservatives and we heckin' love Israel. Be sure to write your checks this year. And everybody does, and they make a trillion billion dollars to put up some fuckin' has-been that nobody cares about, like Nikki Haley, as their nomination for president. 1:45:10 Unknown_17: A big racket, they all make millions of dollars doing this shit. Unknown_17: And Nick Fuentes says, I'm going to have a little fun. Because if you don't remember, Nick Fuentes got his start crashing a CPAC. He and a bunch of the Groipers came in and grilled CPAC chief, I think Charlie Kirk was, about Israel and all sorts of shit, and basically trolled the fuck out of them. And it was really funny. And that bootstrapped his entire career. So he says, I'm going to go to CPAC. I'm going to crash it again. And he just gets escorted out. This is him getting escorted out. 1:45:43 Unknown_01: Yeah? Yeah. Unknown_11: Should I wait for the next one? Unknown_18: It's up to you. Unknown_11: I might wait for the next one. Unknown_18: I'm sorry, sir. How are you? Unknown_07: Good to see you. We've met a few times. Good, good. I like the jacket. It's a shame the weather's not really pretty. I know. You're dying there now. You're hungry for coffee. I want it. You're hungry for coffee. 1:46:14 Unknown_17: So he gets escorted out immediately. And as he's walking out of the CPAC, a young man takes it upon himself to walk up, cup his hands around his mouth and say, Nick, you hunt for come. And Nick is, is blindsided by the statement by this accusation. And certainly he could not have heard what he thought he heard. So he turns to look at the unknown speaker and say, What? What'd you say? And the speaker, again, through his cupped hands announces, Nick, you hunt for come. And he goes, Oh, he thought maybe he had heard a fan saying, this is unfair. We want to hear Nick Fuentes. That's the Mexican leader of the white race that you're escorting out of CPAC. That is the most important conservative voice that we have with the young generation. Why would you kick him out? he has a right to be here and he says can you say that again sir and he instead replies you hunt for cum and his dreams his hopes are dashed against the ground uh which is quite funny 1:47:29 Unknown_17: Um, so I don't know. I, I, the only exposure that I have to Nick Fuentes now it's through, uh, Ethan Ralph. There was some video. Unknown_17: I was, I was Ralph. Unknown_17: I'll say the rest. I don't, I, I'm not, I don't even want to talk. I don't want to fuck it. I'm not talking about Ralph. Fuck Ralph. He's fat and gay. Unknown_17: This is a week with none of that. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: Also, a small update with the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch. I've announced that Trunschwitz was liberated by Libertarian forces, and it's actually been squatted in. It's now an occupied zone. The Libertarian squatters have decided to just take up residency within Trunschwitz, or what remains of it. And the most notable thing about this is that, because they announced that they were leaving the compound, so I guess a bunch of squatters in the area just took up residence. 1:48:05 Unknown_17: The most significant thing was that one of them had left their car. And of course, the Trunschwitz was on, or Alpachow, or Alpachow, as it's sometimes called. Unknown_17: The... I lost my train of thought. 1:48:42 Unknown_17: Oh, okay, so they lived off-grid. And one of them, I think Bonnie, had a electric vehicle. So they were living off-grid. Off-grid. with an electric car. And I guess it ran out of electricity because they chose not to remove the electric car from the property when they left it despite it being a pretty new car. So. Unknown_17: Uh, the car was trash. It was wrecked. Unknown_17: And, uh, like the windows were smashed, there was dirt and shit. Like they deliberately took dirt from the ground and dumped it into the car seats. And I think smashing the headlights and spray paint video on it and shit. It's real fucking sad what's happened to that car. But I guess when you have an electric vehicle off grid, bad things are destined to happen to it. 1:49:16 Unknown_17: Uh, and that appears to be what may be the final update for the trench as it has been occupied by the libertarian forces and now is being looted. Um, quick update as well. I'm just bashing through a couple of quick updates in regards to the usual suspects. Unknown_17: Pete's I mentioned last time that Pete's was being forced to move out and uh, 1:50:01 Unknown_17: He had been offered a very generous job with his brother and was going to live with his mom in a retirement home. His mom went out of her way to find him reasonable accommodation and he now has a one bedroom upstairs apartment all to himself where he will be completely unmolested by the outside world. Unknown_17: Even though he literally has a job lined up, Unknown_17: He is refusing to apply for it because he doesn't want to work. And he will be supported by his family around him until he dies, I guess, because they're not forcing him to get a job. And in regards to his old friend, his former lover, Chantel, and her selfless support of giving him hundreds of dollars a month and a free place to stay for years. And then suddenly being forced at the age of like 40 years old, I think he's like 38 to get a to move out because she just got married and is moving to Kuwait. This is what he has to say about her. 1:50:47 Unknown_01: There were moments during that move. Unknown_01: Whereas, you know, like trying to get everything taken care of, there were times where it's like, you know, would make this a lot easier. Unknown_01: Murder, suicide. Unknown_01: Just say it. It's one of those things where it's like, you know what would make this a lot easier than moving? 1:51:28 Unknown_17: He was so upset. at the idea of having to move. He had multiple months notice. He had multiple months to move. It's not like she said, oh, you got to get out of here like in the next two weeks. I got to get, which by the way, in states like Florida, I think it's two weeks for eviction. You can, you can have a family of eight living in your rental house that has lived there for 10 years and you can drop by and say, uh, you got two weeks notice to get the fuck out of my property. Afterwards you're getting arrested. I'm going to have the sheriff escort you. He had three months to pack up one bedroom of his own personal belongings and he was so frustrated by this amount of work over that length of time that he thought, God, it would be easier just to fucking murder her. 1:52:11 Unknown_17: So if you ever want to know, maybe I should be nice to neats and retards like Pete's. Maybe if I'm nice to them, they'll shape up. Never. They never shape up. If you take pity on someone, they will simply exploit you for your, for your gains for as long as they possibly can. They will never pick themselves up by the bootstraps, um, under your, under your mercy. Uh, they will in fact actually plan to kill you. I mentioned, actually I posted, there was a gym, can't swim that came out and it was about a murder a couple of years ago. Oh, fuck. I can't believe I forgot to mention this on stream. There's a guy, I think in Florida, who was so addicted to sending money to a Bulgarian cam whore. He emptied his dad's $250,000 savings accounts, took out loans in their name to keep sending money to this Bulgarian cam whore. When they found out, they still did not kick him out. He was 30 something years old, still did not kick him out. and he went to like porn addiction rehab and then after he came out they said no more contacting this Bulgarian cam whore in three weeks they got him caught him contacting this Bulgarian cam whore and sending her money again so they said you gotta get the fuck out of our house now we tried our best but you gotta go so he murdered them he murdered them both and cold blood and his brother and tried to frame it as a murder suicide that his brother was so upset that he was being kicked out he took it upon himself to murder suicide his own parents in defense of his retard coomer brother this is a true story and by the way by the way chat by the way i'm gonna find his name real quick um looks like 1:53:58 Unknown_15: What the fuck is your name or his name? Unknown_17: I gotta, I gotta show you. There's no way that I can, I can show this to you or talk about this and not show you his room. Uh, grant a motto. Okay. And I, there's crime scene pictures, so I have to be careful with what I show you. Unknown_17: Um, this is his room, his entire room from floor to ceiling on multiple floors is covered in anime figurines. And from what I've ascertained from knowers of the anime, that it's mostly something called, um, code geese, code gas. I don't know how you pronounce it. Code gas. And then also, uh, a mobile game called fate grand order or something. 1:54:38 Unknown_17: Um, and he, to the point where he even had a fake character named Saber as like a key ring on his, um, on his key ring. And, and actually they, they use, and they used anime against him in court because he apparently went by screen names referencing, um, the Shinigami from Death Note. Like his his username and then there's some other anime with a god of death that he used the name of too so they said he was like obsessed with like being a god of death and this was like a Pre-meditation and they used anime as a point against him to demonstrate that he had an obsession with death So if you want to know what your fate is vtuber fan Let me show actually I can't believe I didn't think about this, but let me show you his face. Oh 1:55:09 Unknown_17: This is you. This is Derek Hoomer. This is your final form as your testosterone is siphoned out by anime girls. Unknown_17: Through your over masturbation you will morph into Derek Hoomer just like him. Unknown_15: All right. Um, that's, that's just a weird side. I didn't even plan to talk about that. Unknown_17: That's pizza's future in case you're picking up on what I was talking about. Um, the other Chantal update is that, uh, now that French fried girl has, uh, the cat BBJ, now that she has been, now that Chantal has been conquered by a French fried girl and the biggest trophy of the Beezer verse is in the hands of her worst enemy, French fried girl. French Fry Girl has taken the cat, who is a 21 year old named Coon, to the vet and has reported this. The first week they reported that the claws for the cat had grown inwards to the point where as she walked they would poke her in the pads of her feet. So they got the claws trimmed. But now she reports this. BBJ has horrible teeth. She had ears so filthy that she had to test for infection, a heart murmur, and really bad arthritis. Shame on Chantal for letting this little babe suffer from those things that are simple fixes. Now we wait for the blood and urine test. Chantal is not happy about this. The Muslim thing chased off a lot of people. Her bullshit relationship art with Nadir chased off a lot of people. However, this fucking cat is going to haunt her forever because her original fans 1:56:54 Unknown_17: are hardcore like cat mom types. And she has just shit all over them by not taking care of where she got the name for her stuff. Like her fans are called Beezers, subscribers are called Very Important Beezers. Everything she does is a fucking Beez. She goes to Cuba, it's Cuba Beez. She goes to BK, it's Burger King Beez. She goes to Kuwait, it's Kuwait Beez. And it comes from her cats. Her cats are where that name comes from. And now she has literally lost the cats to her worst enemy. They're apparently not, it's hard to, fine, I'll just say it. I won't sugarcoat it. Apparently they're not taken care of well, based on what she's saying. And I have no reason to doubt her and what she's saying is true. In fact, Foodie Beauty does not even attempt to deny that the cat is in poor condition. She actually doubles down and says, I should have just been allowed to euthanize it to begin with. And what you've said has only further validated that the cat should be dead and not in your custody. This is her actual quote. 1:58:00 Unknown_17: Lowell, all you proved was that you are indeed exploiting BBJ and that she does indeed need to be euthanized all those health problems at 21. I'm sure you, I can call my vet and she will advise the same as more humane. And uh, but no, you will keep her alive to milk it for views. And you also did this with your dogs. Let them suffer unnecessarily. And in the end, euthanize them anyways. 1:58:37 Unknown_17: So you can call, Unknown_17: You can all from that community, so who cares? Unknown_17: Think I'm a cat abuser and cancel me? I don't care. I said I wanted to bring BBJ to the vet the day her demented sister-in-law picked her up, but nah. She wouldn't have been able to milk it then, right? Imagine poor BBJ is seeing this face on the regular. I will no longer entertain this BS drama and outrage. Bye! See you. I'll be back for positive content only. I'm a, I am gone for a few days and people still try to get me to rage or something or go after my living conditions from the Villa when I was going through the worst time of my life. Ridiculous. Go touch grass. It's sad. Grown adults bully others this way online. Milk it for all you got honey, because at the end of the day it's all you have and you know it. No one else is watching you review those campers you lost over and don't know you exist. 1:59:12 Unknown_17: TCD So she says it's just the haters, but her streams are making like abysmal Amounts of money from super chats and shit. I looked up her stats She makes like a couple hundred dollars from stream and then french fry girl just stream sniping her and calling her a fat cat murderer and makes like several thousand dollars doing the same exact shit. Her stream where she announced that she had saved BBJ from state-funded execution got like more money than the fucking Harry Potter stream that Pippa Pipkins did. In fact, I want to pull this up. 1:59:46 Unknown_17: Can I live stream, wait, super chat stats? Is this, there's a website for this. I think Playboard is right. 2:00:21 Unknown_15: Let's see Pippa Pipkin's See what's going on with this oh Do I have to like get the Okay, let's look at French fried girl cuz I know her her handle first This one Unknown_15: Super chats and scroll down. $5,943 that one. Unknown_17: She made another 2,500 the next day. So she made $7,500 in two days by saving this cat from, from Chantal's murder. Um, whereas I think Chantal herself, um, if we just do, Unknown_17: Beezer Queen, her handle is Beezer Queen and she almost euthanized that fucking cat and to this day is defending her decision to murder the poor kitty cat for nothing. 2:01:19 Unknown_17: Yeah, as you can see, she makes like $100 a stream. She made 500 that one stream. I think it was just people shitting on her. But like less than $100 on some days, so she's getting fucking mogged. I don't know a better word for that mogged Okay, I have I have identified the rabbit channel. Let's take a look at the Pippa Pipkin's See what she is doing This is taking a second oh My quota is used. Unknown_15: Okay, so I'm going to change my VPN real quick because fuck you. Oh 2:01:54 Unknown_17: There we go. I bought it. I totally bought a subscription there. $11,000. Goddamn. Oh, was that the feet stream? Is that where she showed her her feet made? Oh geez. $5,000 the day that she did the hoggy word stream. So, uh, playing Hogwarts as a, as a rabbit and saving a cat from murder and saving a cat from, from murder is apparently 50% more money. Unknown_17: In case you're curious. But yeah, that's pretty fucking good. That's pretty fucking good cash holo. All right, that's me counting that. 2:02:27 Unknown_17: I have another quick update about Nick Ricada. Unknown_17: And I'm hesitant to even talk about Ricada because I know that there are faggots who try to start up drama literally every time I mention, every fucking time I mentioned Ricada, there's some dude who tries to get us to beef or something. And it's the same conversation over and over again. It's like, oh, I look at this and it doesn't look so good. And he's just like, no, there's a misunderstanding. So keep aware that Rikada believes that there is missing context and misunderstanding Like that's his defense. I don't know. I'm just I'm just talking about the things that people talk about The Baldo guy. Yes. Um, he had his in real life convention. Someone was there and took pictures of the audience if you're wondering who Who likes Rikada it seems to be a good mix of people and they don't look too weird. I 2:03:00 Unknown_17: Am I being a simp by saying that? They don't look like complete fucking weirdos. Like if you went to a VTuber convention, they'd probably look really bad. Unknown_17: That guy is doing a Hitler groose, which I cannot condone. I rebuke him. 2:03:31 Unknown_15: They're ugly as fuck in the hands. Unknown_17: Um, I mean maybe you're European. Unknown_17: These just look like Americans to me. I don't remember Americans looking too much prettier than these guys. Unknown_17: Old people. It's mostly older people. Unknown_17: So I don't know if that's like a reflection of like his audience or what, but yeah, so that's his meetup. He seemed to have fun. Good for him. 2:04:05 Unknown_17: I really, I, I lived in Florida like for most of my life. They're not, they're not like way off the center from how I remember Florida Floridians looking. It seems if you took like a cross section of people who would be interested in law tubing and put them in a convention, it would probably look a lot like that. Unknown_17: Uh, so I don't know if you're going to bully me for that. However, the main thing that people are bullying him for is that, um, Unknown_17: I don't know the full details of this. He was friends with another LawTuber named Faran and Faran confided in somebody her opinion of some stuff from 2:04:48 Unknown_17: Uh, that, that she had seen, I'll just read it for N says the internet was something the internet will never let you forget it. She says, you cannot tell anyone I told you this, like no one, of course. Unknown_17: So chat, I'm going to have to ask that you keep this on the DL. Can we, can we all, I'm not going to read this unless you can promise me that you're going to keep it quiet and not tell anyone that I told you. Okay. Unknown_17: Okay, chat, I want to get some confirmation on this. Miller says he promises about 3,000 more people. Okay, top secret. Chat, 100% in agreement, they're not going to talk about this. 2:05:29 Unknown_17: Of course that night or the night of the infamous drunk stream with him and I We were up till 7 a.m. Talking and he admitted his wife wants to swing They were at swingers Island and the building and he is building a sex room and all this shit I just laughed it off, but I've never looked at him the same. That's pretty fucking brutal to say about somebody Unknown_17: Part of me thinks it's her and he's trying to go along with it for on confirms Yeah, I'm not surprised midlife crisis is a real thing Actually, I should read this in my my like my groomer voice. Haha midlife crisis is a real thing I think it's her too. Haha. She's a firecracker 2:06:08 Unknown_17: Those ha-ha's were like, yeah, please give me all your secret details about Nick Cricchetta. Ha-ha, you're so mature and good at discerning people's intentions. Ha-ha, you're a really good judge of character. Ha-ha. Unknown_17: So people are giving him shit about this. She apologized for this. She said there was a big misunderstanding. Her and Nicarcada had squashed the beef and apparently she just misunderstood something. So I feel like I would be remiss to not talk about this at all. However, I don't know anything more than what's being printed. 2:06:47 Unknown_17: Don't pull up. Unknown_17: OK, now I said I wasn't going to talk about a certain certain gunted individual. However, I'm not. I'm getting around the loophole by talking about the horse bride. This is the mainstream coming at you live with all the hot May updates, which are as close to the words hot in May as will ever come together in a sentence ever again. Unknown_17: This is the full clip of why Mei thinks that she is a Sigma female. 2:07:40 Unknown_10: Um, I think that, you know, women too are like, they have alpha women, there's beta women, there's gamma women, there's omega women. Women have their own kind of role in the social Unknown_10: pyramid, I think some women are turned off by alpha men. Somebody who's like abrasive and is going to tell them the truth. Somebody who is more driven by success and status. I think he's texting. Unknown_10: I think he's going to be here for, be at the oil change place for a hot minute, but. 2:08:22 Unknown_10: Women who are alphas, they're going to be driven, you know, they want success. They want to build a successful family. And then you have some women who are like more, more gamma, um, who want to be comfortable. Maybe they're the kind of guy, the girl that like was looking for a guy who can just tell them the sweet things they want to hear and is just satisfied with their lot in life. Like some people are born to be movers and shakers and some people are, you know, they're drones, they're worker bees. So I think it really kind of depends on Unknown_10: who you're trying to attract. If you want that go getter bitch who's in the gym, who's hot, who wants to look good, she's going to probably go for an alpha type guy. If you want like a bookworm type girl who, you know, is going to probably play video games with you and tell you the things you want to hear, you're going to probably like want to seem more down to earth and approachable, but you're also going to have to, you know, 2:09:00 Unknown_10: know the game and play the right steps. But I identify as like a Sigma. Unknown_09: So like, I like kind of am turned on by like a guy who doesn't care about social norms at all. 2:09:43 Unknown_10: Somebody who does their own thing, who is self-confident, but like isn't gonna take no shit and is not fucking vaccinated. Unknown_10: So I think it really kind of depends on like how much you care about status really at the end of the day. Unknown_20: Joe for emotional abuse. He'll be on some blog. Unknown_10: So, so anti. Unknown_17: So that is, um, if you're wondering, by the way, you can see that she didn't make much money. Uh, the kill stream has not been making much money this week. And a huge reason as to why that is, is, um, he has, he had a really dedicated pay pig, um, that he docs like live on air. Cause I think. 2:10:26 Unknown_17: I think he said he was going to throw down $20,000 to buy a kill stream compound out in Mexico that like it would be like a streamer house. Unknown_17: but he backed out of it. And Ralph was so pissed off because the dopamine rush he got from hearing that someone was going to invest $20,000 into his streaming shit was so exciting to him that when the guy took that dopamine away from him, he like crashed. He jumped out hard. He docks the guy and his donations have been shit since then. Cause the rest of them like, why the fuck would I donate to you? If you're going to just read my name out aloud on, on stream. So he's not been, he, his goal used to be like 600, $700 like for the extra hour that they donate for. And since then he's actually lowered the, the goal each day. And now it's at three 50 and he's still not meeting it. Even when he puts mail on, usually, you know, I played the clip of people throwing money at May to like humiliate her. Even that doesn't happen anymore. He's really just not getting any money for his dreams. 2:11:08 Unknown_17: Uh, I also use this clip for the, um, the video. This is, uh, he, he wasn't on the stream because, Oh God, I was hoping to avoid actually talking about Ralph and just talking about me, but he has, he has an issue with his car. He took it to a dealership. If you don't know, dealerships are more expensive than random mechanics because they're trained and certified by the, um, the brand of your vehicle. takes it to a dealership and they offer to do a oil change for $100 and he's in Mexico. He can find a guy named Juan willing to change his oil for $10 and maybe a glass of lemonade and he knows that this is a ripoff. 2:11:44 Unknown_17: So he agrees to it naturally. And then he schedules this oil change during his next kill stream. And you might be thinking, why the fuck would he do that? It's because the woman at the counter was a sexy mamacita. He said that she was a very young, attractive woman. And she didn't know any English, but she managed to sell this guy who can't make $100 doing six hours of work, a $100 oil change in the middle of Mexico during his work hours. And he just went along with it because he didn't want to look poor or broke ass to this spicy latinx. So that is why the mother of his child is watching Nick Fuentes. 2:12:59 Unknown_17: um live on air making less than minimum wage in the united states while doing so because he's getting his oil changed by a professional that's maybe the one area i disagree is it's like it's really just about game it's just an extension of the pickup artist scene no i don't think wait let's see i need the soundtrack for it Unknown_17: Feeling that chat, feeling that Sigma grind set. That making ends meet, baby screaming, dad nowhere to be fucking seen, Sigma grind set. 2:13:56 Unknown_17: I need to learn the lyrics, that's Russian. Imagine me singing in Russian, chat. Can you imagine anything more cringe? Unknown_17: Oh, there's one more thing. How long have I been streaming? Three hours now? Two? Okay, good. I can bullshit some more. Unknown_17: So this kind of came out of nowhere for me. Unknown_17: Um, this, this is a little bit old drama, but it's way outside my sphere and it's still pretty funny. Unknown_17: So, uh, I forgot to queue it up. So give me one second. I'm going to go into and find this. 2:14:32 Unknown_17: Um, it has, it has been made aware to me. It's been brought to my attention chap. Unknown_17: That there is drama in an unlikely place that because it's so simmering, so long, it's just never gotten to the point where I noticed it. Unknown_17: even though it's been going on for so long. Unknown_17: Um, if you have been on the internet at any point in the last 15 years, you probably know who the angry video game nerd is. You probably actually know the name James Rolfe. You probably know that ABGN still makes videos. What you don't know is that, um, 2:15:07 Unknown_17: The writing of AVGN has changed hands. Unknown_17: I remember a point where someone explained to me that Mike Metai, who was a guy I only know as being who does like video game shit kind of related to Sin of Massacre, which is like the company that he and James Rolfe made. 2:15:40 Unknown_17: And he has a really big penis. that if anyone accuses him of Like they'll show pictures of his erections and his shorts because he wears shorts if anyone points this out to him He will simply pull out his dick and show his penis to them and be like, yes It is in fact quite big which is pretty pretty fucking. I don't know that's alpha or Sigma. I'll leave it up to you So Mike Matthias dick is out there What I did not know were actually let me clarify that I knew that he made most of the money from AVGN Unknown_17: Which has seemed bullshit to me. Surely, James Rolfe is the guy, he is the nerd. How is he not the one making the most money off his enterprise? And I thought that... 2:16:13 Unknown_17: I thought that maybe Mike was just exploiting him. He's like an autist. He doesn't know money. So James smooches in and says, sure, buddy, I'll take care. Hey, buddy. Hey, buddy. How you doing, buddy? You want me to brighten your day? Brighten a couple of sweeties days? I'll take care of all the hard corporate stuff for you, buddy. Unknown_17: And he's just like, OK, yeah, sure, whatever. I just want to make my videos. You can take care of all the corporate stuff for me. 2:16:50 Unknown_17: And as it turns out, no, Mike Matai actually did a lot of stuff for the nerd. He actually wrote the scripts and helped make the videos and he played the games. Unknown_17: James Rolfe was not the one playing the video games in his videos. That was Mike Matai. And I didn't know this. And I thought, wow, that's strange. Unknown_17: So, um, Unknown_17: They've separated a while ago. Unknown_17: And apparently, if you watch the quality of the AVGN videos, they are noticeably bad. Not like terrible. They still have some of the charm. They're pretty consistent with the original. However, they're much less energetic. There's less camera work. There's less intelligence. The jokes kind of fall flat. The jokes often go on longer than they are. And this might sound a little bit strange, but I took a issue with in his last video, He used the word come. He told a sex like a story involving Egyptian gods and the story involved come. 2:17:28 Unknown_17: And I can't remember him ever talking about sex stuff in his older videos and it seemed kind of weird to hear the nerd talk about come. And I didn't like it. It sounds so strange, but it's like, I remember the old stuff. It's like a kid could watch this. Sure. Like a teenager, a young teenager, a little bit, maybe even like a nine or eight year old. There's lots of swearing, but it's not like, it's just like potty humor at worst, you know? But now he's talking about cum and I don't remember as I could be wrong, but it's like, that is weird to me. 2:18:05 Unknown_17: But, in addition to this, he also published a book a couple weeks ago, I think called The Making of the Nerd, and it includes a lot of funny stuff, including a tidbit, a story of him explaining that he was such a sperg when he was a child they sent him to special ed because he's mega autismo and on his last day of his special ed middle school before he went to a like a regular high school he had a massive tard rage and i'm going to read this now from his book 2:18:46 Unknown_17: I had good behavior at the special ed school for seven and a half years, but something very unfortunate happened on my last day. My bus driver and bus assistant, because you don't know in special ed buses, they have to have the driver and then someone, they go to each house and personally assure that the kid is going to where they need to be, both to and from school. So if there's a kid missing, it's a big fucking deal. The tard wrangler is personally responsible for these kids' well-being. My bus driver and assistant both said something cruel to me that came out of nowhere. It started when the day before I got another ride home and forgot to inform them. They got real mad and scolded me over it. Because again, they're waiting for this kid. They're like, oh, my fucking God, we're supposed to have 20 kids on this bus or 10 kids because it's a short bus. Like, where where is James Rolfe? We don't have him. And they probably had to search the entire campus before someone said, oh, he he went home with his mom that day and they just didn't get told. So they were pissed about that. 2:19:36 Unknown_17: And they mentioned that they were pissed about it, but he says, the only quote I remember is this, nobody tells us anything. We're the bottom of the totem pole, the balls on the dick. 2:20:14 Unknown_17: He really did not like that. Him being, remember he's in eighth grade at this point, so he's like 13 years old. Hearing an adult say, we're the balls on the dick. Upset him and now in the ABGN community or what they call the cinema the Cinemassacre truthers They're they're they're a weird bunch. They're like an Opie and Anthony type thing balls on the dick is a Is a meme now, so if you ever see the term balls on the dick, it's referencing this 2:20:49 Unknown_17: Having an adult speak to me this way upset me. They took advantage of the fact that I was the shy kid who wouldn't say anything. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know who to talk to. I felt helpless, bottling up my anger the whole ride to school. When I got there, I reacted in a very impulsive way. I kicked a window in the classroom door, not expecting it to break, but it did. It cracked into a spiderweb pattern. Then I screamed and collapsed, crying. Unknown_17: He kicked glass, it broke, and then the surprise of it actually shattering overloaded his autism circuit so hard he literally collapsed on the floor right then and there and started crying. That is a proper like Christian tier tard rage. That's like something you expect from a little kid. 2:21:30 Unknown_17: The teacher must have been totally shocked. It was the first real bad thing I ever did. But she handled it very well. She sat me down and listened to my story, showing sympathy. The next thing I do, I was in the principal's office repeating the terrible things the two bus staff said to me. They all listened to me. And after that, I trust they took the right action." So those guys got fired for this, by the way. Unknown_17: I was ashamed and embarrassed that I broke the window, but they assured me it was fine. They had known me for so long and now we're putting their faith in me by letting me go to a real high school. After breaking a window, you'd think they'd keep me there forever. So this passage was particularly embarrassing. Balls in the Dick became a meme. And, uh, this wonderful song was made 24 days ago. 2:22:05 Unknown_17: And, uh, I'll play it for you now. Unknown_19: nobody tells us anything oh i forgot to mention he released an audio book where he read this so they took his him reading this passage and they remixed it nobody tells us anything they'd said something cruel to me i was happy in my special ed school but something very unfortunate happened on my last day and the first years of my life were spent in agonizing fear of the ghastly foreigners being my xenophobia came out of nowhere 2:22:58 Unknown_20: I had good behavior at the special ed school for seven and a half years. I collapse on the floor and scream. Time runs out. The fans helped create the idea for xenophobia. I was classified as a neurologically impaired student and diagnosed with xenophobia, the fear or prejudice against foreigners. I think that's a great thing. They'd said something cruel to me. They'd said, where the balls on the dick? Unknown_20: The only thing I truly resented about the special ed school was that it had no girls. I figured it would really help that my xenophobia could be in a classroom with girls around. I felt helpless, bottling up my anger the whole ride to school. When I got there, I reacted in a very impulsive way. I chopped off my balls, I chopped off my dick. When Howard Scott Warshaw arrived, he would stand outside and stare through my window right at me. His dick would stretch into the room, his balls coming closer. I would hide underneath my blankets and pray he'd go away. I'd hear him whisper, where are the balls on the dick? Mom, I'm fine, leave me alone. 2:24:06 Unknown_20: Mom tells me my true personality was actually born. Kept all these decades in a box. The fact remains it's the oldest event from my life that I can still remember. It was magical. It came at a time when I felt I needed it myself. Pretty common. It gave me Ritalin for a short time. It might have helped somewhat, but my xenophobia didn't improve. But this is where the story comes full circle. There's a guy who compulsively honked his dick. Unknown_04: He put his dick to his nose. Unknown_15: what it just terminates there that's broken he put his dick 2:24:42 Unknown_17: Okay, 150. I have an emergency copy. I have an emergency copy. I'm pulling it out. We will continue this great story, and then I'll give my thoughts on it. Unknown_17: Nobody tells us anything. Unknown_20: He's mad at my thumbs and poke to his nose and make a honking sound all day long. Pretty calm. I told him I already made 70 films at home. He replied, where the balls on the dick? Where the balls on the dick? He replied, where the balls on the dick? Unknown_20: We're the balls on the dick, he replied. Xenophobia. 2:25:13 Unknown_20: Xenophobia. I was then diagnosed with xenophobia, the fear or prejudice against foreigners. I think that's a great thing. They'd said something cruel to me. They'd said, we're the balls on the dick. Unknown_20: They'd said, we're the balls on the dick. They'd said, we're the balls on the dick. Unknown_20: Having a dick speak to me this way upset me. They took advantage of the fact that I was the shy balls-on-the-dick who wouldn't say anything. It was the first real bad thing I ever did, but she handled it very well. She sat me down and listened to my story, showing sympathy. Then she laughed so hard and then said something cruel to me. She said, we're the balls-on-the-dick. 2:25:50 Unknown_20: She said, we're the balls-on-the-dick. Unknown_20: She said, where are the balls on the dick? She said, where are the balls on the dick? I'm fine, leave me alone. 2:26:32 Unknown_17: On the first listen, I don't know what my thoughts were, but after two or three times, I was just laughing. I was really stifling laughter at it because when you really think about the lyrics, it feels like there's this special Ed boy meandering through life. And these people keep like the universe itself has this meta in joke. Unknown_17: this logical non sequitur of balls on the dick and the universe finds it funny but the little special ed boy is just not in on the joke whatsoever and these random things keep happening and these random people who don't know each other just walk up to him and say balls on the dick and it keeps startling him it's like he's being gang stalked or something and so it's like everybody's in on some con plot to terrorize him with the balls on the dick 2:27:26 Unknown_17: That's pretty great. It's a real breath of fresh air, too. It's like AVGN drama. I didn't know AVGN had drama. But no, the Cinemassacre truthers are hardcore A-logs, I think. Unknown_17: Yeah, reading through that and reading, they call him Bimmy because that's like a name from one of his old videos. They have like the real, the funny James they call, you know, James, then there's Bimmy. It's kind of like a Liquid Richard type thing. It's like Big Ups Liquid Bimmy. 2:27:58 Unknown_17: Okay, that's the AVGN stuff. You can consider that your outro song if you don't like the super chats, but for the rest of you I think that I've covered everything the best that I can and now I will do the super chats and Then I'll do the actual outro song that I picked I picked to honor the anime fans of the zone All right, let's do the thingy that I do where I make things green and 2:28:30 Unknown_17: then we will do super chats. New balloon popper video guy. Oh my God. How exciting. Unknown_17: Okay. She'll mode. Unknown_17: All right. Uh, since the 25th sort by time, Unknown_17: And Marlo from Heart of Darkness for $50 says, hi Josh, what would you suggest for someone who has similar wanderlust to you that comes from a very similar background? I don't have skill in coding, though I can read code as needed, but I do have nearly a bachelor's in IT. Also try WGU for your uni. I could do WGU, but I'm not in the US. You have to be in the US to start WGU, unfortunately. As far as your wanderlust, I would secure employment first before abandoning your roots. Make sure you have income first, probably work for at least a year. Save up some money, you know, six months of income expenses so that you can have a little bit of cushion if you fuck up your whole life by leaving the country. And then find friends online. That's my go-to thing when anyone asks me about being an expatriate. You want to leave the US? Have a friend. It's already hard enough to navigate the United States government. It's hard enough to navigate the government of any first world country because they have complicated bureaucracy. You go to a second world country, a third world country of some place you don't even speak the language of and you're trying to figure out your immigration and anything, you're going to need help. So, I would not suggest going to any foreign country and trying to live there until you have someone in the area to help you navigate, not only the government, but all the local customs and, you know, setting up rent and shit and finding a place to live is hard. Unless you're going to be like Ethan Ralph and just do Airbnb, but it really helps to have like an actual arrangement. And you'll save a lot of money that way, because they charge tourists out the ass for Airbnb. That's my advice. 2:30:12 Unknown_17: Anonymous for 5312 says, I have listened to this podcast religiously for years. Thank you for quality content. Unknown_16: Thank you. I appreciate it. Unknown_17: Anonymous for 25 says, don't be a lazy bones. Return your cart like a hot man. I agree. I agree. All them neighbors, all them tanks, they can't return their car. They think, well, someone gets paid to return the cart. Well, that ain't their fucking job. Even if they do get paid, we tip our servers, don't we? We tip everybody. Why? We got to make it harder for people just because they get paid to do something. Come on now. Be a hot man. 2:30:49 Unknown_17: Exuvia for 10 says, I can't watch live today, but thanks for all the streams. Also, thanks for teaching me how to properly spell neighbor in Cyrillic. Oh, you're welcome very much. I appreciate it. Wilbur Wheatley or Wateli for 21. Why do I always want to say Wheatley? I've done that. It's like an anagram of Wheatley. Unknown_17: Wilbur Wheatley, or Witelli, did it again, son of a bitch, from 2125 says, eclectic music, Heart of a Dancer by the Happy Fits, The Drunk by Keertro, Hirin by Ren, I'm Not a Saint by Billy Rafal, Dear Fellow Traveler by Seawolf. Can I click this to replay it? No. Okay, I will look into that. I've not heard about any of those. 2:31:31 Unknown_17: Uh, Israel stop guy for one says, I don't know if it's been mentioned, but Ralph meant to say one monkey don't stop. No show of famous soul and R and B phase. That just means the show must go on. It's one dead monkey. Doesn't stop. Don't stop. No show. And yeah, people did point that out when it was said, but he just, he didn't say one dead monkey doesn't stop a show. He says one monkey, no stop, no show, which is just nonsense. Unknown_17: By Moses Jones for 10 says, Hi, Josh, I want to know your opinion on East Palestine. First responders decided to burn one million pounds of vinyl chloride, creating chemicals called dioxins. These byproducts are potent carcinogens and are known to cause cancer and even one part per million concentration. 2:32:06 Unknown_17: The vinyl chloride is is the thing that happened in Ohio to East palace. I mean, that's that's pretty fucking retarded I don't know if their plan is just to cause cancer for everybody in Israel, but I Don't know. I I am generally innate nature Unknown_17: I believe in ecological conservation. I don't believe that we should eradicate all non-human species on the planet. I think that we should care for animals and the environment. And I think burning carcinogens is retarded. 2:32:46 Unknown_17: Oh, East Palestine in Ohio. That's right. Let's name that place. I was thinking of the settlers, the little spots of Palestine that still exists in the Middle East. Unknown_17: Yeah, that's pretty fucked up. That sucks. Unknown_17: Especially because it's near all those base states. They're trying to give conservatives cancer, I bet. That's a great conspiracy. I can't wait to get banned from YouTube for saying this. I bet you if you took the demographics of that area in Ohio, in the neighboring regions of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, and you polled them for how they voted for Trump, I bet you they all fucking voted for Trump in those areas. Though then again, it was near Pittsburgh, right? So who knows? Maybe they're just trying to kill everybody in Pittsburgh. 2:33:20 Unknown_17: Overwhelmingly light maybe who knows maybe even an area in Pittsburgh though. We voted for Trump Anonymous for 20 says if you're gonna talk about the shopping cart guy, this is the video to show if you haven't already it's pretty short I didn't talk about him that much but how long is this? 2:34:01 Unknown_17: Six minutes and sign in to confirm your age. I apologize, but I cannot I Unknown_17: You're appreciated though. Uh, can I play? Why can't I play that on the fucking screen again? I will post it in chat in case you're curious, in case you want to look it up, but you do have to be signed in. So I can't play it on Firefox at all. Unknown_17: Thank you. And I am sorry. Sequel over for 10 says, repeat after me, Adrian, Adrian, by the way, hypothetical scenario. If my schlong picks to get posted on the farm, what should I do to take them down? You promised me chat that you are preparing something big. Is it YouTube shorts? Yeah, well it's not something big, I was just working on a little project. I'm gonna work on another one soon. 2:34:33 Unknown_17: As far as Adrian Blair and revenge porn, if someone else posts revenge porn on my site, you should go to the proper authorities and get a court order to get it taken down. I don't understand why that's so hard if you live in a state that has revenge pornography laws, unless they just won't do it for whatever reason. It's not my fucking problem though, don't be a retard. Unknown_17: David S 877 for 25 says, I have nothing interesting to say, but at least all my work meetings were canceled so I can watch live. Well, congratulations. I hope you still get paid. Appreciate it. 2:35:12 Unknown_17: Not the RTX for one says, I had a little of the same problem since two years ago. It stopped after about a year, then came back three months ago and it's on and off to this day. My computer is like eight years old with legit parts. So it's definitely not your RTX. Well, it's either the power core or it was just, um, in my NVIDIA configuration, I had it set to like adaptable power rules as opposed to maximum performance. And that has survived this fucking stream. So who knows? Unknown_17: Thank you. Polly Frog for 10 says, the reason your PC is shutting down is your power supply. You need over 1,000 watts for a 490. Look up Linus Tic Tacs. He had to get a massive power supply. It's not your fault. If it's not that, then it's a faulty graphics card. I have a 1,300-watt PSU. It's not that. I planned to actually put two graphics cards into it, but it didn't physically fit, so I just added one. It's definitely not the power supply. Anonymous for five says you have to play atomic heart on stream. It's so Slavic. You won't even believe it Plus it would be great to seal disease on chat Maybe I'm not planning to do any video game stuff at the moment though. I apologize. I'm pretty busy And the free time that I get I'm like doing a little creative stuff for the for now at least 2:36:19 Unknown_17: Um, may is a pedo and number one. A hog for 10 says no. Ralph, are you insane? He's been melting down dramatically over the past two weeks as the depth of his show has made them less and less deniable. He ends his streams earlier and earlier as the donors and content dry up. You don't prepare Ralph. Unknown_17: I mean, you summed it up better than I could. I showed a little bit of May stuff, but really, what do I show for Ralph? I mentioned the donos. His shit's drying up. He keeps chasing off his fucking pay pigs. He's a total piece of shit. He's a drunk and high every fucking stream. He eats on stream into his microphone. By the way, I didn't even mention this, but since you brought it up, He may proudly declared on the first day of Lent that Ralph was giving up meat, which I have also done for Lent. 2:36:54 Unknown_17: I don't know if I announced this last stream. I've lost track of time. I don't remember if Lent was this week or the last week, but she announced that he was giving up meat. The very next stream, the very next stream, he's eating chorizo into his microphone. Chorizo is pork. It's not fish. So he didn't even make it one day. He didn't make it like 12 hours. He was eating chorizo the same fucking day. And the reason why I'm doing Lent is because I wanted to. My grandfather was Roman Catholic and we always did Lent when I was a kid. I usually gave up Game Boy or something for 40 days. 2:37:29 Unknown_17: I didn't go to like Ash Wednesday. I remember getting the little ash cross on my head as a kid. I didn't do that. I don't even know if I could find a Catholic church here. Unknown_17: Uh, full auto for later for one says, hi Josh, I have a question where the balls on the dick. 2:38:02 Unknown_17: I wish I, um, had the foresight to bring up the music video. I was classified as a neurologically impaired student. We'll never find out. Probably of the low end of the totem pole, if I had to guess. Haramburger for two says, God damn it, there's a babble in my boot. Oh, a pebble in my boot. I wonder if fighting bugs and moving dirt is the best way to make a living. Unknown_17: Actually, I haven't had any time to even play Deep Rock Galactic. I probably missed the weekly assignment by now, son of a bitch. Unknown_17: I almost ranked up Scout. I have the missions to do for that. Then I can rank up Scout. And then I'll probably play Driller, because Driller's fun to drill through the walls. Turkey Tom for $100 says, hi. Hello, Zoomer. I hope your W Riz grilled cheese sandwiches are making it worth it. 2:38:37 Unknown_17: I hope that you've found a fiduciary and are investing in real estate, my boy. I hope you're not making bad money decisions with donating $100 to random fucking people on the internet. 2:39:09 Unknown_17: AndGhost420 says, it's my cat's birthday. Say something nice about daddy's squishy pussy. Ew. How much did you pay me? $20. Unknown_17: OK. I guess I read that. OK, fine. He posted pictures of his cat. I'll show you the cat chat. Unknown_17: I guess the cat's very furry, which is the joke. Unknown_17: Can I even show this? Yes, I can. There you go. Here are the cats. They're very nice and squishy. Look at how happy he is to be petted. That's a happy cat right there, boys. Unknown_15: Very nice. 2:39:45 Unknown_15: Romeo for five says hey Josh. Unknown_17: Enjoy your streams makes me less stressed throughout the day Here's something I draw as a token of appreciation Then there is a link of dubious source, which I am opening now Does appear to be a genuine article in fact? Unknown_15: Oh That is cute, sorry, it's a it's a massive image, so it's taking forever to load, but I will put this up on the screen 2:40:17 Unknown_15: Now you see what I mean by massive fucking image. Here we go. Look at that nice chat. Isn't that heckin' wholesome? Unknown_17: And big chungusy. I'll leave that off, that's cute. Thank you. Unknown_17: BJams45 says roundhouse kick a lazy bone into the shopping cart, slam dunk a lazy bone baby into the shopping cart, deprecate in a lazy bone shopping cart, launch lazy bones into the shopping cart, stir fry lazy bones in a shopping cart, toss lazy bones into shopping carts. Unknown_17: I might agree with that. That seems pretty reasonable. 2:40:49 Unknown_17: Link for one says, speaking about documentaries, have you seen Rewind? It's about multi-generational trauma, the gift that keeps on giving. It's very good, and I think you'd like it. Unknown_17: Uh, no, I've never heard of that. Unknown_17: Rewind. Uh, if I can find it, um, on my preferred streaming platform of choice, which I will not name on YouTube, uh, then I will, I will, I might watch them depending. I don't know. Multi-generational trauma. Who has multi-generational trauma? Germans. Cause they keep getting called the N word. Can't think of anybody else. 2:41:25 Unknown_17: Thank you. Great learner for five says transmissi X rise up, rise TF up transmissi X. It's probably going to be the name of the stream. Either that or balls on the deck, probably transmissi X. I think that's better for podcast feeds. Unknown_17: Wallid Fuji Morishita for 10 says, by grace of Allah, I have issued a holy order to defend our spiritual VTubers scholars from soldiers of the great Internet Satan, Reddit, a lot of Akbar. And there's a link to a post which I'm opening to inspect. 2:41:57 Unknown_17: And it is a fatwa that has been issued. Unknown_17: You can go to post at racist call of duty lobby and read his fatwa, which he has written out in great detail about the anime right. Unknown_17: indefensive weebs and vtubers Don't get don't get labeled as a Terrorist because you keep quoting the Quran saying that you want to decapitate shrooms or do or whatever Don't let me tell you to live your life. How for ten says the weebs will help us achieve TTD. That's right. They're gonna they're gonna stream and and They can't come offline. So they'll be our online TTD division They'll be making sure that they are reminded on Twitter of their status of their female aid status Nikita provides us. Hello, Joshie poo. Thank you for your streams. What are your thoughts on Hungary? Seems like a somewhat hospitable country despite being the EU all the best hungry the country that was the first to pass a 2:42:29 Unknown_17: Internet censorship laws, I think in the EU was hungry. The one that had the guy that was like the chief anti, uh, anti homosexuality, like police division who was caught in like a gay orgy. 2:43:07 Unknown_17: They're Mongols. I don't know what to say. It's a beautiful country though. I would like to visit. Unknown_17: Fuck off for full. Don't worry, buddy. I'm not going to come to Hungary and learn your shit-ass fucking language, your Mongol nonsense language. Unknown_17: So that's the name of a real prideful people. Unknown_17: The people who allowed an admiral to lead a landlocked country. Can you even imagine such a thing chat? Unknown_17: Cole Cole for five says Josh Tate getting cancer right now is super sus Do you know about all those document leaks that the case CIA KGB were was experimenting with arranged implements? I can give you cancer think it's true think they would bother to use it on Tate It probably just smokes a lot of drugs because he's a fucking retard and 2:43:49 Unknown_17: Why would they assassinate someone who's a retard and who teaches men how to be retards? They think they'd give them a fucking medal or something. Unknown_17: Now Mr. Five says Scott Adams experienced baby's first red pill and was so shocked he accidentally talked about it in public. Common mistake happens to the best of us. My first red pill, I've mentioned this before, was Trayvon Martin. I remember it wasn't even Trayvon, like the story of how it happened. I didn't even learn about the full details. I just remember Because I was 18 at the time. I remember exactly where I was with the Trayvon Martin stuff happened I had just turned 18 and I started working out for about two months and I was on the treadmill and was playing on the news constantly and they showed me all these pictures of the shooter and how fucking white this guy was and then I went on pole and And I saw that he was like the brownest Mexican looking dude ever. I'm thinking they really photoshopped him to look like a white man so they could blame white people for this shooting. And he's like a Mexican. What the fuck? Like that was like, whoa, buddy, they actually lie on the news. And they're like, it's not even like an accidental lie where you can lie by omission, like not just not knowing all the details. They photoshopped his picture to make him white. And the only reason why you would do that is to blame white people for murdering black people. What the fuck? That blew my mind. That was like, holy shit. 2:45:40 Unknown_17: Yeah, like, the full details of why he shot Trayvon Martin are, like, incredible. That was something else. Unknown_17: Just the picture, so undeniably altered to make him look white. And even if you don't, like, think that they're trying to blame white people for shit like that at the time, just, like, when you see that you're forced to say that that's what they're doing. There's no other way around it. That literally shook my whole world when I saw that show. I'm like, I cannot fucking believe that they lie so blatantly on the news. What a crazy thing. Unknown_17: Now just think of how long they've been doing it. We have the internet and we think of modern media lies as being like a recent thing. But I bet you they've been doing it for fucking decades. And the more you look back, the angrier you get. 2:46:18 Unknown_17: Um, eat dirt, drink bleach for five says I always park near a cart crawl. So it's easier to return with almost no effort. Don't be an undesirable about it. The problem with that is then you get bumped by the carts by the, by the lazy bones who are trying to do the right thing, but who are too simply too lazy to do it correctly. Unknown_17: Hacks elite for two says all surveys are fake. They just asked 500 university students and apply the percent to the entire population. 2:46:52 Unknown_17: This is how you get those 60% of the country's population is LGBT plus graphs. Um, that's true if it's adjusted. Um, like they'll ask, uh, ask, uh, you know, a thousand people and then adjust the demographics based on like what they actually are. But I don't think the rest of this report is adjusted. Uh, goggles and they list age to goggles for five says Christians love quest is the dimensional merge. We are all living in. Unknown_17: Why, because he banged his mom? Unknown_17: I don't want to think about Christian. Let's not go there, my friend. Roxanne Wilferton says, bark, bark. Noel is base because he will actually take fur neighbor money and use it for the Kiwi farms and or the Mutt Shack garden. Oh, I am gardening again. I planted garlic, and I am germinating carrots, tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, and banana peppers. So we'll see how it goes. I actually have dirt planted in instead of pot this time. But it might, like, because it's dirt, you know, it might be worse than my previous effort. 2:47:32 Unknown_17: The main issue is I have very little direct sunlight. So I don't, and those are all sunlight. I'm a fucking idiot. Oh, and marigolds. So I'm a fucking idiot. And they might all die because they don't have enough sunlight. We'll see. Unknown_17: Here's a Scott Adams meme I think you'll enjoy from Polyfrog45. 2:48:08 Unknown_13: Vaxy, Vaxy, so obsessed. Wore your mask and took your tests. Still got COVID, every strain. Spike proteins inside your brain. Unknown_13: Short of breath at 24. Dr. Fauci, gimme more. Proteins tangle and misfold. Amyloidosis taking hold. Swollen heart at 25. Thank Moderna, I'm alive. There's no cure for microclot. Getting worse with every shot. Heart attack at 26. Prayed to Pfizer for a fix. Vaxi, vaxi, death is lurking, doctor says. That means it's working. 2:48:40 Unknown_13: Died of SADS at 27. Unknown_13: All good vaxis go to heaven. Obituary headline noted, anti-vaxxer dies of COVID. Unknown_13: His family is quite upset, but they're alive. Oh my God. I was drinking some tea. Unknown_13: His family is quite upset, but they're alive. Anti-vaxxer dies of COVID. Unknown_13: Obituary headline noted anti-vaxxer dies of COVID. That's funny. His family is quite upset, but they're alive, at least on net. And they say it's for the better. Without the vax, he would be deader. 2:49:11 Unknown_17: Wow, that's extraordinary. I'm so thankful for machine learning. Unknown_17: That's a really good poem. Actually, that's like incredibly well crafted. Unknown_17: Very good. Unknown_17: Pia Deke for five says, don't get mad at the internet. It's designed to make you angry by the algorithm. 2:49:42 Unknown_17: Um... Unknown_17: That is true. That is another hot take, isn't it? That's that's more of like a liberal take, though, that all outrage is good. But it's not because they ban people for saying shit. They ban people for saying shit. They don't like if I I would be more willing to believe that getting angry was the point if they didn't ban people for certain opinions, because if shit like Westboro Baptist Church was allowed on YouTube and you know what they said, they would they would pump that up more. They would pump up like real hate groups and shit. But they don't. They hide it. They banish it. So, no, I don't think that getting angry is, in and of itself, its point. To some extent, it is. Getting angry over stupid and consequential shit is. They don't want you angry over the right things. It's like with Project Chainology. They don't want you to get angry over how bad you're getting fucked or how the Federal Reserve is just printing money off the backs of our allies and shit, taking advantage of them. They don't want you to get mad at that. 2:50:49 Unknown_17: The end of thoughts for, wait, Robo fussing for five says her prostate. I assume a reference to Turkey, Tom and his, uh, a valid defense of, uh, queen Kefal's prostate. Uh, the end of thoughts where one says, God, people are getting woke on the Japanese question. Dude, the people, the people who want to believe that Japan is the best place on earth, like PewDiePie, nothing can help them. Unknown_17: Ron Berger for two says a mass debate thread, an article in news article in a happening based autistic Thunder Thunderdome stream this week. I knew we all mattered all along. Chat spam those, uh, colon high underscore voltage emojis right fricking now. 2:51:25 Unknown_17: I guess I did feature a nice cross section of retarded political shit this week. You're right. Unknown_17: JK Rowling fan number 1488 for five says, Josh, it's not just men being lesser means in dumber mind. It's women being held account or to account less in holding standards beyond reason. Society and its laws has made marriage a contract instead of matrimony. One that invites government into your home. 2:51:57 Unknown_17: I mean like bro I disagree like the standards like okay when people talk about what kind of woman they want they say like I want a virgin trad wife who's never had sex before they met me I want her to be 18 years old and zero months old and zero days old and she has to clean and cook and take care of me and have babies with me and do all this And in its return, I will continue to play video games alone in my room and not bathe and not work. 2:52:35 Unknown_17: And I'm going to jerk off to porn, too. It's like, well, there's a little bit of inequality in what you're expecting versus what what you're getting here. Here's here's here's your baseline. Ready? Take a bath. Unknown_17: Good job. Unknown_17: Do shit. Do you do shit? Unknown_17: These women that you're angry at, do you do shit? Do you have like a hobby that isn't video games? Do you like make something with your hands? These are the foundational steps. Unknown_17: If you aren't doing those things, shut the fuck up. You're not even trying. Don't be angry. Or if you're going to be angry, be angry at yourself. 2:53:10 Unknown_17: What are you being angry for? You're not even trying. Unknown_17: Now Mr. Five says RARAT is an acronym for Random Rumors and Theories. It's a coin termed on VT for naming rumors of VTubers and associated drama. It originated also from the VTuber Usada Pekora saying OGEY RARAT when playing MGS3. She rolls her R's like a Spanish person. Unknown_17: Well, there you go. So that's it. It just means rumors, I guess. Very fascinating. Very fascinating. Laura Dainties Inferno for $100 says white people will return the cart, but even more importantly, white people return the gobstones. Right? Josh? Question mark. Listen, I was role-playing a greedy fat crap to list. And I could not return the gobstones. I simply had to take them for myself to teach her a lesson about not having any friends. 2:53:47 Unknown_17: Death to V tweeters for five says the fat whale troon who mentioned making a list and calling pick a me a pedo got fixed himself. Even though he deleted the tweet, you can still find the doc suite easily fucking retard. 2:54:20 Unknown_17: I'm not sure if that picture was actually that person though. I know what you're talking about They're pretty ugly, but I think that was like a failed ox But yeah, I mean they cower at any pushback Which is why you have to like violently make fun of them when they do stupid shit and try to harass other people Mr. Shy rack for one says when the Kiwi farms bank finally becomes a thing Can we get Ethan Ralph or Christian on our bank? I Unknown_17: Bank cards. Oh, you don't want Christian on your cards. That would, that would ruin literally everything. It would be a disaster. Uh, Ethan or Ralph would probably sue for his likeness. I don't know. I'll put the dog on it. The dog is safe. The dog is basically my intellectual property at this point. Dog, I can put anything on. 2:54:53 Unknown_17: TCD for 531 says, I'm not a Vtuber fag myself, but I know about Pikamee. She seems like an apolitical type who just wanted a good time streaming. She didn't even care about the trainee Vtuber Artemis and collabed with him. Wonder how many normal fags got piqued by this. I mean, a lot of people from the looks of it. I'm shocked by how many people are like the anime community. They don't have a strong opinion about shrooms at this point. But it seemed a lot of people were just like, oh, well, they just kind of do want to do their own thing. And then like, what do you mean? What do you mean? I can't see my favorite lolicon VTuber. I'll fucking kill you, motherfucker. 2:55:27 Unknown_17: I don't think there's too many normal fags in the VTuber community, to be honest with you. So that might be a little bit too optimistic. Unknown_17: Chat is flooding with F's, but I think that. Unknown_17: I am still streaming just fine, so F5. Unknown_17: Everything is just fine, chat. Calm down. It's just Susan being a drunk again. Or Neil Mohan. He took a big poo on the servers and now interrupted my beautiful Super Chat segment. 2:56:00 Unknown_17: Okay, BurgerMutt sends three super chats in a row for $2 each, so $6 in total, saying, Jersh, I recently learned the name of the phenomenon that you were referring to when journalists continually say you live in your mom's basement in Florida. That information, quote, becoming fact as it gets reiterated, is known as information cascade. It's frequently used for the promotion of products. I highly recommend you watch this YouTube video. It's fairly short and explains the basics of an information cascade. I will post this in chat so you can see it, and I'll open it on a different tab. 2:56:33 Unknown_17: It's a three minute long video, so if you're interested, it's in chat. Unknown_17: And it continues. Additionally, here's a link to the Cornell blogs about the influence of information cascade on news. No, I don't actually expect you to read it. I will also post this in case you want to pull it up. Unknown_17: It's interesting to have a name for it, but it's a phenomenon I've observed. And you're right. It's like one person says it. Unknown_17: And then it becomes repeated by other news like, well, you know, New Zealand, the New Zealander Tribunal posted it and that's reputable. That's owned by a big media conglomerate that gets their information from Reuters. Surely this is reliable. And they repost it. And now you have three different sources after a while that all say I live in my mother's house in a basement in Florida, which doesn't have any fucking basements. And then it gets posted on Wikipedia because they had three credible sources from mainstream publications that say it. And I haven't lived in the United States since 2017, but it's written as fact. And it's just like the most, that's like one of many different things, but the most easily and demonstrably incorrect thing, which gets repeated as fact to the point where it's like written on Wikipedia, the same, like as something that has been verified by multiple outlets. And it's literally just people making shit up and regurgitating information. 2:57:54 Unknown_17: It's really bizarre, and it's why nobody has any faith in the media. I read anything. I read something I agree with, and I think this is something that people need to do more of. But I read something I agree with, and it sounds too good to be true, right? And then I look at that critically. And we have to be super critical of everything that we read. Don't fall into the trap of being like, well, I like how this sounds, so I'm going to repeat it, because that's retarded too. Things that are bad are not less bad, but it's information that we agree with, chat. That's the big takeaway of this stream, I think. 2:58:28 Unknown_17: Catboy Ranch Dressing for One says, one of Ralph's old paypigs and current ALO TriggerPoint is currently LARPing as a gay war about the peek-a-me shit. His current Twitter is GRXIT. Do you want to see the average VTuber fan incel? I still hate shrooms more than people like him, though. Unknown_15: Oh yeah, he's just tweeting a lot about it. He's having, look, bro, I can shit on people for being retarded and taking anime shit too seriously. 2:59:07 Unknown_17: But if you're going to have fun on the internet, Unknown_17: Going on Twitter and shitposting and posting trans, uh, trans music content is a completely fine way to waste your time online. All right. Who am I to judge? Winston Fujimori says, says, says nothing, but oh wait, I forgot. Unknown_17: Um, I just want to say that I, Joshua Connor Moon, want to wish a very happy birthday 2:59:42 Unknown_17: It's only five. I want to clarify that this is a quote. Unknown_17: This person is quoting me saying that I want to wish a very happy birthday to my favorite VTuber, the best bunny rabbit in the world, Pippa Pipkin, or Pipkin Pippa. Is it Pipkin Pippa or Pippa Pipkin? I thought it was the other way around. Unknown_17: I'm sorry, it's just not enough to debase myself and talk about anime shit, okay? Truenstein45 says, did you see the Wolfenstein 3D mod made where you play as a tranny and kill women? I believe a Truen made it, it's called Turfenstein 3D. Yes, I have seen that. The Truens swapped all the models out in Wolfenstein. So that you can shoot real women and pretend to be killing TERFs. Isn't that wholesome? Doesn't that make you think, wow, these people are sane. I can trust them around my daughter in the locker room. I can trust them around my wife, my mother in public spaces. They're definitely not deranged fucking murderers and sex pests. 3:00:16 Unknown_17: Ace of speds for 106 says, how are things going with KF patches? They're being produced. Um, the guy has given me updates that he's made, he's making them, there's a thousand more sets coming in that he's making each patch a thousand times each. So he's 30% done as of last week, probably 40 to 50% done now. And obviously cause he's making all at the same time to be faster. Uh, they will go out as soon as they're all done because, you know, That's the way it works. So they're still being made. I apologize for the lack of updates I've been on his ass and like I really need weekly updates about how stuff is going It's a one-man. It's like a one-man like family business in California or something. So have mercy I have been yelling at him and being mean to him and trying to get him to finish my fucking patches so I can be done with it and move on to the next thing and keep making the cheddar making the guap, you know what I'm saying and actually put that money towards stuff maybe even sneed for it who knows 3:01:26 Unknown_17: And now Mr. Five says, we really don't need to take aside trans vtubers is basically sectarian infighting from the same group of degenerates. Let them war against each other. It has basically nothing to do with a normal person. Unknown_17: Yeah, to an extent it's very much like that. It's an instance of, if you want to look at it that way, of one of the first times that troons really enjoying something is being ruined by the other side. Usually it's the other side that is ruined by trannies taking something over. This is the first time where this true and safe space of the anime girls taking their money and reading their names aloud so they can feel love and affection for the first time in their lives is ruined by Harry Potter and Hogwarts and transphobes and shit. 3:02:00 Unknown_17: That's one way to look at it. Unknown_17: Now Mr. One says me a poor fag donating $1 to Joshua. No moon. He's awesome. And he will read my super chat wishing the cutest wabbit a happy birthday. 3:02:43 Unknown_15: Well, you got your wish, I guess. Unknown_17: At least you didn't try to make it sound like I was saying that it's like, I don't have to be an asshole about it. A stringer for five says today I decided to stop my car in the middle of the road, turn on emergency lights, jump out of there, run to the middle of the road and pick up a confused hedgehog stung as fuck. But I took him to safety. Drivers respect life, spread hedgehog awareness. That's cute. I'm glad that you didn't murder that hedgehog and run over him. Hedgehogs are pretty fucking adorable, so I can't imagine he would want to do that. Unknown_17: TwinkleTard for $100 says, I macro dose Hitler. 3:03:21 Unknown_17: You better be careful with your macros, bro. You don't want to overdo it. Unknown_17: You don't want to end up super mega canceled or something. Unknown_17: Thank you very much. Eat dirt, drink bleach for five says you're my sunshine, Josh. Please don't go. I don't know what would happen if I lost you. I might get the urge to go on a human cleansing spree. Don't worry friend, I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to worry about such dark things. Susan Cain for $1 says, can you see any previous donations I made through this website? P.S. I just microdosed five whole Hitlers, five micro Hitlers, or five MH if you will. Um, if I can, 3:03:57 Unknown_17: I don't know if I can. I don't think so. The details that I see, I see the number, you're the super chat ID. And then it tells me what currency donated in and that used a bank card. Um, and then the name that you gave, I don't know if I can actually, I don't think I can. It doesn't have like a page to list individual donors or something. So I'm pretty sure they take that more seriously than power chat does. Unknown_17: Hitler Mega Doser for 10 says, I hate Twitter people and know, even though many of them are people of gender, no matter how much they insist otherwise, I hate them because they're retards who need to control everything and whine when they can't. I don't care if they cut off their dicks. That's not very trans music of you, my friend. I don't know how base that is. You think you need to, I think you need to match Twinkle Tard in your dosage because you're falling behind, falling behind. 3:04:35 Unknown_17: But yeah, I mean, in general, like, I don't care what people do. Just don't bother me. Don't bother me. Get the fuck out of my way. Don't tell me what I can and can't do. And I will, I will be perfectly happy to cohabitate with you. So when you start calling me names and insisting that I do things differently and that I cater to you, then I start thinking, you know what? 3:05:08 Unknown_17: Gosh, you can really go fuck yourself and I want nothing to do with you. And I never want to talk to you ever again. Unknown_17: Sneeda Ho for one says, ER quote tweeted Persephone and got blocked instantly. So this is the anime and Star Wars reviewer E semi colon R. I assume. Unknown_15: And he says. Unknown_15: The Twitter person cries out as I laugh my ass off and then he got blocked. Unknown_17: And then he reposted it. 3:05:42 Unknown_17: Oh my god, there's a clip of me playing... Oh my god, this got 74 likes on Twitter and it's just a random clip of me playing Hoggy Wars. Unknown_17: Remember, you have to pet the cat to remind the Troons that they can't pet the cats. Because they don't deserve to have nice things. That's a nice cat. Not that a Troon would know. Unknown_17: Remember, That's very nice. I like it when I see clips of myself in random places. I'm like, ah, that's a guy who enjoys my content on YouTube. I'm not wasting my life after all. Thank you. Anonymous for two says Pippa goes by rabbit ears cause heard her a rabbit girl. So she's saying that she's three when she's 32 years old in human years. 3:06:22 Unknown_17: Uh, Pippa is not 32. That doesn't make sense. Let's sorry. Just break it to you. Uh, Winston Fujimori for five says, I look forward to seven different shows throughout the week. Man at the internet, Jaden McNeil streams, hard bastard streams, ghost politics, true capitalist radio on YouTube and the ghost show on von live 10 must dreams. And of course Pipkin Pippa's live streams. Unknown_17: Well, he had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie, but... Actually, I don't know anything about Jaden McNeil. I've heard of Ghost. I can appreciate a Ghost enjoyer, but... I don't know, hopefully Jaden McNeil's not super gay. I'm surprised he still streams. 3:06:56 Unknown_17: That he still wanted to stream after the America First falling out. If he's, you know, like, not retarded like Nick Fuentes, I hope he's doing well. Unknown_17: Uh, Post Traumatic Sue Disorder for once says, I'm going to draw a VTuber persona of you and you can't stop me. Well, you can do whatever the fuck you want. I always thought, I don't want to say it. I don't even want to entertain such vile things. 3:07:28 Unknown_17: Sugar for 250 says the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. How do we find salvation in the world full of trunes, V tubers and talking horses? You shut that shit out and you go fucking garden, get a hobby and wash yourself. Don't stink. Get. I noticed that now I come inside and my hands are dirty and my feet are dirty and then I take a shower and then I both have done something. My muscles hurt and I do not stink. That's a win win for everybody. Unknown_17: How for 10 says me a poor fag donating $10 to Joshua Connor Moon. He is awesome and he'll read my super chat. Thank you very much. I have in fact read your super chat. Appreciate it. Uh, anonymous for 11 says, picture this like the movie Freaky Friday. You wake up one day and all of a sudden you're in the body of Ethan Ralph or Keffels, which is a worst fate. 3:08:04 Unknown_15: That's really tough. Unknown_17: Um, Ethan Ralph has basically expired himself and he's fucked himself over in almost every conceivable way to the point where he, even though he like in his health is bad, like everything about his life sucks. Caffles is in a far better position, but he has no dick. 3:08:37 Unknown_17: I would honestly pick Ralph. I think Ralph is the easier, like you can still do, you can still, Ralph is, it's, it's so hard to fuck your life up beyond full repair. There's still things that Ralph can do to, it's, it's, it would be a lot of work. It would not be fun, but Ralph could, could make it if he made an active, productive effort every day to fix his life, he could fix it. Keflis has cut off his own dick. There's no fix on that. Unknown_15: Uh, yeah, I would say Ralph over Keflis. 3:09:15 Unknown_15: Um, curse for five says, thank you for stream jurors. Unknown_17: You're one of the main reasons I look forward to Fridays. Keep up the good work friend. Smiley face. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm glad that so many people watch these now. It's very comforting to me. I really again, I really thought when I started streaming that maybe like a couple a couple hundred people tops and watch this shit But now I get to I also look forward to streams every Friday. It's a good fun Okay, I think about what I want to say over the week, too I see something like ooh, I gotta remember to bookmark that cuz that's gonna be good for the stream That's gonna be a fun rant 3:09:51 Unknown_17: Mr. Mittens estranged wife for five says This was so funny for women's month a basketball team asked their players why women are special black people answered normally and shrooms are mad Okay, let's watch this I'm gonna watch black women's basketball champ How do I listen to this Unknown_15: Oh, they asked black men, not black women, why women are special. Unknown_17: And the black guys say they birth everybody and they're the only ones that can procreate. Unknown_17: And then they deleted the tweet because it called it upset people. Unknown_17: I want to know who thought this video was a good idea. There's nothing in this video that was a good idea. Imagine asking black people their opinions on things. Ugh, disgusting. And on Black History Month, no less. Nobody wants to see that shit. We truants are the most oppressed class. Ask us what makes women so special. We have the real answers. Fuck off. Publoid410 says, love the streams. Thanks for keeping the site up. Take care, Jersh. Thank you. I appreciate it. 3:10:46 Unknown_17: Mikhail Krauser for two says, May streaming as a horse furry VTuber is like Kefl streaming as a woman. Also trans people fight with VTubers for dominance over the kiddie poll. Unknown_17: That's pretty vicious. I bet you imagine if May actually tried to be a VTuber now, it would be such a humongous flop. Like you have so many people like, okay, listen, 3:11:21 Unknown_17: VTubers are pretty fucking annoying, but Mei is probably the most annoying person in the world. In fact, I'm gonna do a poll after this. Someone sent me this video in defense of Pippa. Unknown_17: And I'm gonna play this shit, and you tell me if this is not the most annoying fucking thing that you've ever heard in your entire life. Unknown_15: Hold up. Unknown_15: I'm sorry, I don't know who the fuck this is. Apparently it's one of Pippa's friends, but I want to curb stomp this person. 3:11:55 Unknown_17: I legit, I get the copy pasta in my head. I want to slam dunk him into concrete. I want to roundhouse kick him. Listen to how they fucking talk. Unknown_08: Hi Pippa. What is it, Chloe? Unknown_17: This is more annoying than May. I don't know how the fuck she accomplished it. I don't know what the fuck. 3:12:30 Unknown_17: That is unbelievable. That you go on the internet and you talk like an actual toddler to jerk off pedophiles. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. I honestly, listen to how it talks. Unknown_08: Oh, it's only 16 seconds. Unknown_17: It's like a child deliberately pantomiming a child's way of speaking. And I'm just like, are you for real? Are you really doing this for money? Is this how, is this how your life has progressed that you're doing this for money to a bunch of like gross strangers on the internet? Are you, are you, is this real life? And you're, and you're not ashamed. You're not ashamed about this at all. You don't contemplate suicide while doing this. Okay, bro. I mean, whatever. I can't, I can't do anything about it. So I have to find peace with it even though I don't want to. 3:13:06 Unknown_17: Well, geez Louise. Unknown_17: Anonymous for 20 says tampon story wasn't Pippa. And then he links to a post. Will Pippa be partially vindicated by the tampon story? Let's find out. Josh, the tampon thing wasn't Pippa. 3:13:41 Unknown_17: Just want to clear up the story that I told the other night about the tampon backpack was not Pippa. It's about some chick on post. Okay. Look, if I have received this information and Pippa Pipkin's does in fact not carry a gigantic duffels duffel bag, you know, suitcase of tampons with her at all times. I apologize if my sources were inaccurate. Unknown_17: Um, but the vomiting thing, I'm pretty sure is still Pippa and that alone is pretty fucking gross. Unknown_17: So there you have it you have your half apology for what may be inaccurate Now this for two says Josh you say you feel more in common with the black and Mexican But do you have any real experience with these groups that isn't on the internet the lowercase I internet? I know you've at least met black people since you're from Florida, but Yeah, sure 3:14:27 Unknown_17: Um, the black kids in school thought I was going to shoot it up so they didn't fuck around with me. They're pretty nice. Unknown_17: Um, when I was a kid, I lived near DC. My neighbor was Vietnamese and my other neighbor was black and he was my, my friend until I moved. Unknown_17: Um, yeah, I think that if my neighbor was a tron instead, I would have been molested. Um, Yeah, I feel way more in common. Like my grandfather, my grandfather was a huge racist, is a huge racist, at least in some respects. But he, even him, he would still get along well with his neighbors and black people he knew. It's easy to treat people with respect. And if they treat you with respect too, you can get along pretty much everybody. But you're, you cannot trust a troon. 3:15:07 Unknown_17: Um, you can't trust, you know, outsiders of your demographic as much as you could an insider, but you know, people still get molested by white people too. Unknown_17: And white people commit crime. It's just for real, there is one specific demographic here that is a constant threat that you should always be wary of. And I think that it's mostly the cities. I think you can't trust people in the city regardless of what, like, it doesn't matter if they're white or whatever the fuck. 3:15:39 Unknown_17: Um, people in the city are, they have a rat race mentality. They're just different. They're just different. You can't, if you're in a small town, it just feels so much different. You feel like you can rely on people way more than you can in the big city. Unknown_17: Sorry if that's not the most base answer, but I feel I am way less. Unknown_17: In general, like especially around, like in the, in the concept of like dependence or something like I would definitely, I would like, for instance, I would definitely trust like a black woman around people more than, more than I would a trune. Who would you like? Okay. There's all those videos of black women beating the fuck out of babies, but that's a, that's a, maybe an elevated risk. Compare that to a trune. What are the chances of that kid getting molested? Like no contest, which is the safer bet. 3:16:22 Unknown_17: poll. Unknown_17: No, I'm right. I don't need a poll for that. Unknown_17: A fellow for five says, as funny as it is watching the VTuber sense shit on Tim's, I think they will forget about this in a few weeks or less, or the VTubers they have parasocial relationships with will tell them to stop and they will because their love for an e-girl is too great. That is a good theory. That is a good theory. 3:16:58 Unknown_17: I can't disagree will say people have a like a short memory but it is like a death by a thousand cuts and you have that thing where you meet people that you wouldn't in places you wouldn't expect who are sympathetic and when you when you do that nudge thing really find out where they're at politically. And when you meet somebody who doesn't have anybody who's sane around them, and they realize that you're sane, they start like unloading on you. Like, holy shit, have you heard about this? Did you know that they did this? Do you know that they're arresting people for this now? And it's like, yes, yes, my friend, I do, in fact, know all this stuff. You're afraid of it. I mean, but did you know about this? Have you heard about this? And then you get to tell them you get to tell them more than they possibly would have known. And it's adding up like and it's breaking the back of like trust in the apparatus. 3:17:31 Unknown_17: What that will amount to over time, it's possible to tell, but it's a thing. It is really building up. It is mounting higher and higher. 3:18:04 Unknown_17: Taft PI for 1062 says hey Josh, my grandpa died yesterday at the age of 98 when I think about how much the world changed during her life Oh grandma died at 98 I think about how much the world changed during her lifetime what she lived through It doesn't feel real that it's now all over and she's going forever spend time with your grandparents chat That is quite sad It is true. It is funny thinking about like a hundred years ago hundred years ago. It was Jeez 19, 19, 23, right? 3:18:40 Unknown_17: A hundred years. That's a, that's an easy. So she was, that's crazy. I was really struggling to think like, were there people alive during world war two? Yeah. She was, she was like, um, Unknown_17: She was an adult when World War II happened. Yeah, that's fucked up. That's crazy to think about that people are still walking around who lived through all that. Unknown_17: I'm dumb. I just, I don't know. I didn't want to say that and sound like an idiot, but I guess being more cautious made me look like an idiot more. Yeah, that sucks. 3:19:11 Unknown_17: We all die sometime, my friend. I think it's better to die at 98 than live forever. If you ask me, if you have the pick between the two, 98 sounds like a good age to get out. Unknown_17: Sorry for all you fuckers. I got to saw the United States conquered the entire world and I saw the, uh, the greatest empire the world has ever seen. And it's absolute Zenith. And now I get to see you fuckers and your, your tick tock dance. I'm out. Peace niggas. 3:19:42 Unknown_17: Uh, men donation, max character account for $1 says, how'd you go through the entire black history month with a black appreciation streamer, arching 2% neighbor. Um, I guess I just forgot. Sorry. Big Sneed for five 31 says the statue of Liberty shit sheds its copper skin to reveal a giant JK Rowling that starts casting a Vatican Davro, but they just let it do its thing because they noticed it only targeted the people of gender. Unknown_17: That'd be pretty based. That'd be pretty funny. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: Hema Dryad for 25 says, I've been watching your streams for years and you have taught me a lot and made me laugh during some dark times. My fiance is trans and I love her more than anything. They really all aren't bad. Although I can understand why you think that Snead. 3:20:22 Unknown_17: Nigga, you gay. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. Unknown_17: My dude, you are a homosexual. Unknown_17: What is fiancé? Is fiancé male? Hold on, let's see what this is. Unknown_15: Oh, I'm hesitant. Unknown_17: Fiancé, a woman to whom someone is engaged to be married. It's either a lesbian relationship, which I guess is like a thing, in which case, I don't want to be too mean, but there's usually an underlying cause for that. Or it's just like you just married a man. 3:20:57 Unknown_17: And the thing is, you know, I don't even have any issue with that. If you want to spend your life with a man, go for it. But it's like, it's not a woman. You're gay. Hold up. Unknown_15: Let me find this. Unknown_15: I am not gay. 3:21:36 Unknown_00: I have relationships with women. Unknown_00: and sex with men. And I got news for you. That means you're gay. Unknown_17: I really hate to be the one to say it. I'm coming from your favorite streamer apparently, but for a, for a no cap, no cap Riz, uh, Medicare Fembot for $100 says, I do not consent to this debt. 3:22:11 Unknown_17: I don't know what the fuck that means. Unknown_17: I'm trying to think of something funny. Is it like a Ralph reference? I really don't know what that means. Unknown_17: Jim Sterling. It's a hundred dollars. Does anyone in chat know what it means? Can anyone help me out? Can anyone bail me out of this? This, uh, for pie I found myself in. Unknown_15: It's a solvent sit reference. Oh, okay. Unknown_17: Okay, I understand. Unknown_17: It comes out of nowhere, though. I just don't get it. I feel so awkward on my own stream. I don't get the joke. Thank you very much, though. The plural of anime is just anime. For one, it says, man, Josh, you're gonna lose your mind about the trans fiancee donation right before mine, huh? Well, I think I handled that pretty smoothly. I feel like I'm a cool operator. I lost my surprisingly I lost my shit at the guy saying I do not consent to this debt and not the trans fiancee one. 3:22:42 Unknown_17: Stricker for two says we should all take power from crazy eunuchs and dresses we can't have a healthy society when women are abused daily. It's true half your society is unhealthy. If half your society is cutting off their dicks and the other half are living in fear and fucking each other because they don't want to be around the men, your society has completely and totally collapsed. 3:23:17 Unknown_17: The same people on each side must cross the aisle and find a way to fix things before we are simply just Muhammadines in a one-world government that's ran by Chinese robots. Unknown_17: OceanRedux45 says, never realized Jim Sterling was this much of a fuck up lol. Welcome to the party. Unknown_17: He's one of those slow burns because he has like a drip feed of fuck up over years, all the way back from before even GamerGate. It's fascinating because he was, he was like at such a peak and now it's like with AVGN, it's like at such a peak and now it's just like a thing that's around. It's like, hmm, that's interesting. That's how that is and that there's balls in the dick. 3:24:03 Unknown_17: Irishpug45 says, why don't you actually finish something for once in your fucking life and play the stupid wizard game? Also, what clip ideas do you have for shorts or TikToks? I told you that I was doing the, I did, I did the wizard game for as long as I was going to until it came out for everyone. I just wanted to play it to show people what it was like so they could make their own decision and to also stick it to trannies. On the other clip ideas, I want to try and do like a, Unknown_17: Like a Chantal one. I just want to take like little things that are funny to me and make them into a short video and see if that catches any spark. Cause if it's successful, then it's like it's free money to my enterprise, to my garden, to my, to my, uh, my banana peppers. 3:24:38 Unknown_15: And it's taken money from advertisers from, from YouTube, which is based in red pill. Unknown_17: JK Rowling fan 1480 for five says Oh seven or salute to our come hunter hunter based humor. I wish more people made fun of this clown. Unknown_17: Oh, is that the guy that's, um, that bullied Nick Fuentes in that clip? Unknown_16: Okay. Unknown_17: Big up, big ups to Hunter, the come hunter hunter. Get it? Cause his name is Hunter and he, he doesn't hunt come, but he does hunt come hunters. So he's Hunter, the come hunter. Sure. 3:25:18 Unknown_17: I'm very clever. That's why I have a great podcast that everybody listens to and loves and sends me $1 to read their super chats. Hufflepuff ruffle buffer fire says, I think a reason why some white young or more sadly old men become a Tim is so they can claim to be a minority of some kind. That's why when they have huge infights and it's usually based on race. That's true. That's not the sole reason. That's a good motivating factor. The fact that they're so protected makes it easy for them to live their fetish lifestyle, though. 3:25:52 Unknown_17: I do agree, but that's not like a main component. That's just a nice bonus, basically. 9 months for one says jersh i'm never going to drive an electric car i'm going to drive my gas powered audi like a potato and i'm gonna mash him that's pretty base i think that evs are fucking satan they really want to make it so that they can shut up your car and lock you down the amount of freedom that a vehicle gives somebody is like unacceptable in today's day and age Unknown_17: Never give up your right, by the way, never give up your right to repair anything, your car, your phone, your laptop software. You should, if someone tries to take away your right to repair, that should be like a line in the sand, like seizing guns. You should be willing to take up fucking arms over right to repair. It's so important. And the fact that it's even questioned is just disgusting. It makes me violently full of rage. 3:26:29 Unknown_17: Nessu42 says, the main artist for the Fate series is the laziest cunt ever. He reuses the same three faces for all the women he has drawn for the last 20 years. That's like a Buckley thing. Buckley always got criticized for controllably using the same fucking face for everything. Unknown_17: Anime for five says I call it code gay ass. It's much more fitting. That's very creative. Nobody could have come up with it with that code. Gay ass. Dang. 3:27:03 Unknown_17: Seen where asses for five says if the ulti medium exists, would you eat it? Look it up. It's a 32nd video. Oh my fucking God, bro. Come on. Unknown_17: Ulti medium. Unknown_15: Stop everything and look up what an ultimate medium is. Unknown_17: The ultimedium, it is like a burger that's like stuffed with cheese. And it's like, no bro, I don't want that much meat. I eat that much meat. My like gut feels heavy. It feels vile to eat like a double, even like a huge, um, half pound burger. It's just like, oh man, what a regret. 3:27:39 Unknown_17: I'm not one of those people who's like, I just want to eat 10 pounds of bacon and have a quadruple burger. I want to feel fucking vile. I want to feel like a fat piece of shit. Oh my god, I love bacon. Unknown_17: Can we be modest about shit and not stuff our fat asses full of food? My issue is that I snack too much. But I never sit down like, oh, bro, I can't wait to have a 47-ounce steak, man. I'm such a dude. I'm such a tough guy, man. I eat eight pounds of meat at once. 3:28:13 Unknown_17: Miles Edgeworth for $25 says, I have made a request to my dad to put me down with his hunting rifle if he ever caught me with a body pillow or anime figurine. Owning even one of those is a sign that one is too far gone. This should be standard practice. Unknown_17: Why would you burden your father with such a thing and have him sent to jail? Simply do it yourself, coward. Unknown_17: The ghost of Marshall Kasserson for 1062 says, don't get too cocky Josh. The curse I might cast have cost me some life and only hit a wisdom tooth, but you know just as well as I do that I'm not her first husband and I certainly won't be her last. We'll hit something vital sooner or later. 3:28:55 Unknown_17: I can't believe Marshall Kasserson three years after his death has taken my wisdom tooth and with it one ant with them or one whiz One whiz I've lost one whiz. I'm slightly dumber now Thank you methadone massacre Unknown_17: Methadone masochist or two says Josh Do you ever plan on getting your own dog or does the globe trotting apartment living lifestyle stop you furthermore? What's your favorite dog breed? You know, what would you call it if you had one? I don't have a name, but if I could I'm a sucker for the fucking meme dog Shiva in use I think they're the cutest things ever. I know that they're very hyper like hyper energetic and they destroy shit if they get too bored, but 3:29:39 Unknown_17: I don't know it is kind of annoying that you have to like it's a good excuse to be active But then if you don't if you're not they just destroyed your shit, and he's miserable. I do think that the cutest dog though Unknown_17: uh... mister man for twenty one twenty five says balls on the deck i agree or low-manual totem pole the balls on the date thank you anonymous which he says what's more likely to happen with a guy him getting butchered by local cartel or pissed off mexican family or him oding from his forever bender thanks to the horse woman for sure uh... he'll get his ass kicked but i don't think the cartel will get him uh... 3:30:16 Unknown_17: I think he's drinking himself to death when he knows he is, and he's just spiting the world deliberately while he does it. Unknown_17: Catboy Ranch Dressing for One says, now that you've opened the doors to Bimmy Rolfe and Mike Matai, I've got some shit you should see. Compilation of Mike Matai raging on Aaron's Plays Streams YouTube, Minecraft with Gadget on YouTube, and Mike Matai's Loco Bandito webcomments. I'm aware of Loco Bandito. Basically, Mike Matai drew a bunch of horribly racist comics that are pretty funny. They're like, they're like I said, like non sequiturs. It's just like abject racism for the sake of it. And they're pretty hysterical. If you have a childless sense of humor, which I know I do, and many others do. 3:30:54 Unknown_17: Uh, thank you. And Hal says, this was also really funny. They're trying to push the idea of the evil, evil turf Cy hop hard. Unknown_17: Oh yeah. Well, yeah, they're trying to like say like, no, like number one, the streamers deserve it. Number two, we didn't even do it. It was all a trick. Uh, the tweet says, Unknown_17: There's an industrial complex of vtubers forming that are grifting off Hogwarts legacy and the harassment that they're getting for this is coming from incel Nazis pretending to be translamal. There were definitely some LARPs that I saw, but I think that the original harassment was definitely from a genuine place. For rock and stone for 250 says a fascist me worked out today, comrade, did you? No, actually, I did not work in my garden today. I was preparing for the stream. I'll do more gardening later. I have to prepare the second half of my garden. It has some old stuff in it that I want to get out. Thank you. And she said for 10 says, where's the balls on the dick? No, it's we are where the balls in the dick. We're the low man on the phone. Paul were the balls on the dick. Angry watch for five says any updates on patches? I bought mine at the end of January. Also, I'm from Puerto Rico and everyone here put their carts back. Don't see carts abandoners. And until I moved to the inner city in CT or Connecticut carriers, 3:32:00 Unknown_17: Well, I guess Puerto Ricans are more white than city slickers in Connecticut. I don't know, tell you. Unknown_17: Why the fuck do Puerto Ricans go so far north all the time? I don't, I don't understand it. They go to Buffalo, they go to Connecticut, go someplace hot and shitty where I can be away from you. Unknown_17: Stop going to nice places. Unknown_17: And I already gave the update on the patches. It's coming. They're 30% done, probably 40 to 50 now. Carrie Butler for 25 says, thanks for the show. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Cross McNull for two says, Jersh, I am white, but I'm not sexually attracted to white women. I have slept with them before and gotten no enjoyment from the interaction. The opposite happened with minority women I did with. Great experience. Are EU white women different? 3:32:31 Unknown_17: cpcgamer.com Unknown_17: What did you not like? Unknown_17: There's missing pieces of information here. Have you considered that maybe you just are having sex with people you don't love and thus don't care about? And maybe you like those black people more. 3:33:06 Unknown_17: And so you felt something. I don't know. I really don't know how to answer your question. Unknown_17: Caving Frog for five says, get your tin ass over here and hurry please. Unknown_17: Oh, that's a, that's a rock and stone quote. Okay. I see. I'm, I'm privy to that. I'm not privy to weird, obtuse libertarian references. Thank you. Cole Cole for five says, Josh, investing in real estate now is the biggest mistake you can make. The bubble is starting to collapse. Unknown_17: Um, but whole video is giving you to the time, dude, I've been hearing about a market collapse for three fucking years. Is it going to fucking happen? Can any of you collapse the market a little bit faster so that people looking at real estate can buy it? Um, Yeah, I don't know. Nick Rochefort says don't buy land or don't buy a house, don't buy anything. So I'm listening to my boy Rochefort. But I don't know. I think that the Fed is going to prop up real estate forever. Big companies are buying thousands of acres. The Federal Reserve is not going to let housing prices crash and make Biden look bad. They're just going to punt it for a couple more years. 3:33:44 Unknown_17: I really don't think that the housing market is going to crash anytime soon because it's like the only real thing that has any value anymore. The dollar doesn't. I don't know where that crash is coming from. 3:34:18 Unknown_17: Give it till November. Okay, bro. I'm listening to Rochefort. He's my spirit guide. I know Sam Hyde says that I'm too toxic for him and I'm too dangerous. And he thinks that if he gets near me, I'll irradiate his fucking face and his balls will fall off. But my boy Nick Rochefort is pure and holy and not a rapist like Sam Hyde. So, hopefully he will, my confidence in him will not be squandered. He will lead me to the promised land where I can grow banana peppers in peace. 3:34:50 Unknown_17: Days of Boyhood for 531 says, Guillemet, I do not know how to pronounce Sophie LaBelle's boy name, it's French. Unknown_17: Uh, Yomi Labelle came to Bong land. I now have a signed copy of the diaper for art. What do I do with it? I don't want it in my damn house. Also, you are fat and I would have sex with you. Love you. XOXO. Okay. That is a weird Scottish person who does like a days of boyhood, like female to male parody of, uh, days of girlhood. It's pretty funny, but number one, no fans. Number two, no British people. I don't care if you're Scottish. That's the same fucking thing. Don't even try me. 3:35:30 Unknown_17: And I can't accept physical gifts because I don't have a remail set up. I apologize. I don't know. Hang on to it. Maybe sell it on eBay. Donate the money to something. Who knows? People did it. I'd even feature it maybe. No commitment to that. Unknown_17: But maybe, or just hold on to it. One day I'll get a remiller set up. He can send it to me. I'll frame it. I'll put it on my wall. The signed diaper, the signed diaper for art by Sophia LaBelle will hang proudly in my studio. 3:36:05 Unknown_17: Um, Winston Fujimori for three says, have all patches shipped out. I bought mine the day after they were put on sale, but I haven't received them yet. Unknown_17: Yes, they're not. No, they're not shipped out yet. A half of people haven't received theirs yet because they're on that quarter. They're being produced. Hang in there. I promise they're getting made. I'll bug the guy after the stream. I'll yell at him on email. So please give me an update so I can show people that I'm not fucking around with them. Anonymous for one says, I had sex with this girl last night and afterwards I saw her log into Kiwi Farms on her phone. She didn't spurg for a while. Never fucking Kiwi Bros even accidentally. 3:36:42 Unknown_17: Sounds like bullshit. Nobody's gonna browse Kiwi farms right next to there I don't know if you're a woman that just had a one-night stand With a guy and you browse Kiwi farms in bed with him number one shame on you for slooting a boot You got it. Yeah Should not be having one-night stands with Kiwi farms users that you don't know our Kiwi farms. What are you? What have you done to lead you to this situation? Unknown_17: Why would you not pull out your phone and log into the forum too? What a pussy. You could have gotten an achievement for that. There's an achievement for, uh, for meeting somebody from the farm in real life. 3:37:17 Unknown_17: Uh, now Mr. One says Scott Adams is right about whites wanting to move away from neighbors. Even Mexicans don't want to live near neighbors to the point where the Mexicans take a KKK approach and firebomb neighbor houses. Unknown_17: And this is a link to AP News, Los Angeles gang's crime. Dude, they hate each other. That's always been a thing. That's been a thing since like the 80s and 70s. The Mexican and neighbor gangs fucking with each other. That's not news. That's not recent. And that was for 662 says Tonkin is a gay furry. You hear that Tonkin, you're a gay furry. Go fuck yourself. Near for 212 says since you got covered since you covered Mike Matti He wrote a racist comic when he was younger. That is a certified cult classic. Let me guess. This is Loco Bandito. Oh It is what a surprise. I will throw this up on screen I'll try to make these two comics coexist for a second so you can enjoy Loco Bandito and this wonderful drawing that someone made for me Wow, we got a nice little art stream going here 3:37:55 Unknown_17: Thank you for carry it off. Denmark, for one says, how much would I have to pay for you to consider a weekend trip to see the beautiful Scandinavian country of Denmark? Also, what's your favorite thing about Denmark and why is it Rod growed Med Florida? I like Rod Pelosi. I want want those red hot dogs that the Danish people are so famous for. The Danish people are famous for iceberg lettuce on pizza, red hot dogs, surrendering to Nazi Germany in fewer than six hours after the war was declared. 3:38:33 Unknown_17: Once having Sweden and Norway as subjects, and Finland for that matter, and now having no subjects except Greenland. And Greenland is so depressed about being a Danish subject they all kill themselves. 3:39:05 Unknown_17: I don't know. Maybe I'd visit. Unknown_17: I don't know anybody in Denmark is the issue. I could visit Copenhagen, but I don't know anybody in Copenhagen, so I have no reason to apologize. Unknown_17: Nicholas Wage Cage for five says, Hey, Josh, have you heard of Balaji Srinivasan? I listened to him on the Lex Friedman podcast, and he has some pretty interesting ideas about how we can start to unfuck our rotting gay society. Unknown_17: No, I have not. 3:39:37 Unknown_17: Balaji Srinivasan, instructor, entrepreneur, investor. Unknown_15: Nope. See former C E T O of Coinbase. Unknown_17: Interesting. Unknown_17: Um, I don't know. Maybe post the podcast and the math, the internet thread and I might listen to it. Unknown_17: I have no, I have no firm of reference of what you're, what you're talking about. So I can't really comment deeper. Winston Fujimori for five says, what's wrong with an adult woman using a voice changer to play as a young child character or having an actual child be a child character for those child actors who get abused by Hollywood sickos. The voice is annoying, but it's better than mainstream show business. 3:40:15 Unknown_17: Um, there's nothing wrong with someone like Tara strong doing the voice of Timmy Turner and the fairy odd parents. Unknown_17: That's perfectly acceptable. It's very common for women to voice act for children. There's a difference between voice acting for children, characters like Timmy Turner and voice acting for a, um, an obvious juvenile precubescent anime character. That's going to get drawn into porn. And especially when you're doing shit like this, talking to this voice, Unknown_08: Oh, it's only 16 seconds. I guess I could show you guys. Where the fuck is Tara Davis? 3:40:52 Unknown_17: That's just so weird, and it's a weird comparison to make. I feel like the intent is very different. Timmy Turner is for children. The Fairly OddParents is a cartoon for children that aired on Nickelodeon for children. Unknown_17: This shit is for adults. This is for 30, 40-year-old men who have Code Geass and Fate Grand Order figurines in their bedrooms. Unknown_17: I feel like it's very different Dainties Inferno for 10 says hey jurors any chance you could create a fan art section or third on the form for the neat stuff you receive or that is posted on the forum there is art for null in the in the artboard Check it out. It's pretty good a lot of its featured in that documentary. I mentioned at the start of the stream. I 3:41:39 Unknown_17: None of us for once as jurors, please do Erdem. Unknown_17: I'll zero to our local and national locale. Also bless tangerine from Germany. Unknown_17: Uh, that's the Turkish guy. That's always causing drama, right? On the forum. Unknown_17: I really don't know. I just I know they call him Turkish Christian, but I don't know anything else about them. Unknown_17: Isn't tingri for like a weird thing in like Far East Russia? What does it have to do with Germany? Very confusing tweet. 3:42:14 Unknown_17: I guess because Turkish people are related to like. Unknown_17: The Tengri or something? I don't know. I don't know anything about Turkey except that if you make fun of it Here's a pro tip if you are playing a video game with Turkish people and you want to piss somebody off Start making fun of Ataturk. They did not take well to that racist bit pro tip of the day Unknown_17: Anonymous for five says wow, this is like a medicare. Mr. Medicare amount of super chance. Tell me about it I feel like my voice is about to give out. Thanks for contributing it to it. I would know. Thank you It is very nice to have the support like especially if your years of like nothing actually have like money for banana pepper farming is very nice a Haxley for two says your tick-tock editing skills are not up to the zoom or standard where could one send you tick tocks for you to publish to your account a 3:43:05 Unknown_17: I don't know. Post them in the math the internet thread, but they're actually funny. I'll just steal them. Maybe you have to tell me I can steal them that you're, you have to promise me that you created it and that I have permission to steal it, uh, in the post. Unknown_17: Um, now Mr. One says not only was it real, I did show her that I was also on the farms. No idea how to get this achievement though. You have to post the picture of you two together, not naked, just like normally, you know, Unknown_17: You don't have to show your faces either if you don't want to but you just have to like Say who what the accounts are and I'll give you the trophy Susan was used to kiki for five says docs your garden love the kiwi site into streams my fellow necroid ps It's kiwi hours. I will I'll post updates soon. I promise 3:43:46 Unknown_17: Okay, and more on Odyssey. Unknown_17: I do not have any on Rumble, so just a couple more and then we're done. Unknown_17: Plutonium gaining for 100 bits. I usually don't read those, but I will for this because I tie 100 bits. I don't know how much that's worth. Apparently $10 according to Odyssey. That's to be believed. Thanks for the streams. Oh, seven. Thank you very much. Unknown_17: LBRT for five has an odyssey pissing on YouTube emoji. He seems to like that one. He sends a message to all you over on YouTube. So three dots emoji for 10 says in the same week, Joshua to tick tock and endorse the rabbit. This is strongest evidence that we are close to Armageddon. I did not endorse the rabbit. I had some nice things to say. I told the VTuber people. You're gonna be in the sphere if you're gonna be wasting your time and money on that shit to begin with at least Encourage them to stand up against true and shit as you should be doing as everybody should be doing with every aspect of their Consumerism you should be rewarding people who are saying now go fuck yourself. I'm gonna do what I want. That's the appropriate thing and three dots emoji for five also says Well, look at the way the true and recoils when confronted by a man with intact genitalia. It's true. He's referring to the Turkish clip I think that's very true 3:44:58 Unknown_17: OK, that's it. Wait, no, one more. This is the last one. Don't send any more. WinstonFujimori45 says, last Super Chat, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the NMA VTuber question. Regardless, I love you, Josh, and love what you do. Stay great. You're a capitalist. You deserve respect according to that title. Unknown_17: I appreciate it. I need to catch up on Ghost. I need to watch some more Ghost. I know that his format has changed a lot. Unknown_17: I mean, I remember liking him talking about cattle futures. Maybe it's good background noise for programming and shit. Okay, I am done. I gotta get the fuck out of here. I gotta drink some water. I gotta go pee. I have picked the most anime anime song that I could possibly pick to celebrate, to commiserate this drama. I hope you appreciate it. It's something, it's a deep cut from the Blockland days. It was a meme song that I remember sharing with friends way back when. 3:45:28 Unknown_17: So I'll see you next week. Unknown_17: I promise to post something to the gumroad soon. Nicholas Cage. God fucking damn it. Unknown_17: Nicholas Cage for Wednesday. You don't have to read this. Here's a link to the podcast episode. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay. 3:46:01 Unknown_17: Uh, I'll see you when I see you post on the gumroad. Uh, be sure to subscribe to the other channels. Matthew internet.com. Maddie dot live. Bye bye. Unknown_15: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Unknown_17: Don't want to spoil it before it's ready. Unknown_15: Okay. Okay. Unknown_17: Bye bye bye. Unknown_21: Hey senorita, senorita Carlita, you wanna go with me to Mexico? Ah, come on! I'm Carlito! Me, me, me, me, wanna, you, wanna, everybody, wanna, wanna, go, go, go! Me, me, me, me, wanna, you, wanna, everybody, wanna, wanna, go, go, go! 3:46:33 Unknown_02: Every night I'm walking, walking, very tired, very tired. Have no rest and no sleep this morning. I come to you in my hat, I'm a tex-mex hero. Senorita si caramba, now it's party time. Senorita si caramba, now it's party time. 3:47:09 Unknown_21: Me, me, me, me wanna, you wanna Everybody wanna, wanna Go, go, go 3:48:02 Unknown_02: I can sing and I can dance, I'm very nice and hot and spicy. I have the looks and I can cook a taco. Unknown_02: Very famous lingo, hear me blingo on my guitar. Señorita Sicaramba, now is fiesta time. Unknown_21: Me, me, me, me, wanna, you, wanna, everybody, wanna, wanna, go, go, go! Who's the boy wanna be amigo? Carlito! Carlito! Who's the boy I will never let go? Carl, Carlito! Carl, Carlito! Who's the boy come and dance amigo? 3:48:37 Unknown_05: Carlito, Carlito, Carl, Carlito! Who's the boy take a chance on me now? We want you so! Unknown_21: Everybody's gonna have a Carlita fiesta! It's crazy! Me, me, me, me, wanna, you, wanna, everybody, wanna, wanna, go, go, go! 3:49:34 Unknown_21: Hey Senorita, where are you going? You gotta be my Carlita!