A Day to Remember 2023-02-24

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Unknown_05: Oh, I want to be in the ocean, but it's not here. I want to go back to Texas. Hooray! Hooray! No one will see me off and die in Texas. In the valley, in the valley, in the valley, in the south Texas, in the valley, in the valley. In the valley of the south, in the blue, I want to go to the west. Hooray! Hooray! You, who are my father, are not as strong as I am. In the valley, in the valley, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley, in the valley, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue, In the valley of the south, in the blue Here is home and grass to live and die, Alexei Far, far, far to the south, Alexei Far, far, far to the south, Alexei

Unknown_01: Hello! Oh jeez, I might be too loud. I've been fucking with my audio all the time. I fuck with my audio constantly, so hopefully I come in loud and proud and not too loud. We'll see. So, chat, as it were.

Unknown_01: I last streamed on a Tuesday. Very unusual for me.

Unknown_01: Was that a flag joke? Yes, it was a flag joke. The flag of Novorossiya, which is a satellite state that Russia tried to prop up in southern Ukraine, in the Russian-speaking areas.

Unknown_01: Has a very similar flag to the flag of the the battle flag. It's like the it's considered the confederate flag It's not the real confederate flag. It's like the confederate flag of one specific Battalion in the Civil War, but whatever the fuck it looks very similar So yes, it was a flag joke So I last streamed on Tuesday. I streamed about Jim Sterling's under 800 special and

Unknown_01: I made it its own stream because, quite frankly, it deserved its own stream. It's a lot of fun to pick at Jim Sterling. He is a clown. He dresses like a clown. He used to be a funny clown that you could laugh with, but now he's a funny clown that you laugh at and sometimes feel bad for, but it's really hard to feel bad for someone that ugly. So we just laugh at him.

Unknown_01: I did not, however, I did not stream last

Unknown_01: Friday because I had a routine dentist appointment and he noticed that I had a pretty bad cavity in my back left wisdom tooth. And he said that the doctors do not do surgery on weekends. So I had two options because he had dug into it already and hit a nerve and he's like, okay, two options. You can either be in pain all weekend and have an appointment on Monday or you can go get a tooth removed right now because they're about to close. It's like, well, I guess I want to go get a tooth removed today.

Unknown_01: That is why I did not stream on Friday, though I probably could have. It was very painless. I didn't have any complications, and they removed the stitch today, and he said everything's fine. So, just letting you, just a brief summary of my tooth issues. Apparently, it's hard to brush back there, because, you know, it's the wisdom teeth are in the gum.

Unknown_01: But I'm back now and everything would be fine. I would have no issues streaming just today, doing a little catch up. However, there is a situation. There is an unfortunate ordeal that makes streaming for the last two weeks a bit cumbersome.

Unknown_01: Ethan Ralph of the Killstream has literally, shockingly sunk to new lows that I never thought possible. His life is a burning trash fire right now. So much has happened. that it's probably going to be impossible for me to adequately cover it unless I want to do a full 12-hour Keno Casino type thing. I have to pull in Andy Warski, get him to do some coke with me, and we can do a full takedown of Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_01: Do it. Yeah, right. I will try my best to cover the Ralph stuff, and I'm debating splitting the Ralph stuff from last week and this week.

Unknown_01: and have more stuff like have it like divided or just to do it all at once. And I'm leaning towards splitting it. So we'll do Ralph earlier than usual and then go back to him after I'm done with the regular locale stuff. I'll do a poll. I'll do a poll. We'll see what you want because I don't know how many people actually tune out during Ralph stuff.

Unknown_01: Should I split it or do it all at once?

Unknown_01: Ralph a male sandwich or

Unknown_01: all at once.

Unknown_01: We'll see. I'll ask my community. We'll do a little poll. Today, while you guys are voting, I will talk about the significance of today. Today is an interesting day. Today is February 24th. It is a Friday. And very coincidentally, it is a day of some significant happenings. It is Chris Chan's 41, 41st birthday, 41% percentest birthday. He's still in jail.

Unknown_01: I think he's been in jail for like two years now. So, kind of interesting. It was also Mexico's flag day. So, if you happen to be in Mexico, today's a great day to enjoy some alcohol and some Xanax. If you are the type of fella who likes to enjoy a nice Xanny and a nice beer, no better excuse if you're living in Mexico than to do it today.

Unknown_01: Today is also the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the National Socialist Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which is also colloquially referred to in contemporaneous times as the Nazi Party.

Unknown_01: And today is also the first anniversary of the start of Ukraine's war. If I am muted on Odyssey, I apologize. There's nothing I can do to fix that. I am streaming as I normally am. So if it's not coming through on Odyssey, it's not my fault.

Unknown_01: So there is some political stuff to get out of the way first hand and we'll do that now. Just let's go through it. Mr. Mr. President Joe Biden has has arrived at the capital of Ukraine in Kiev, also known as Kiev, also known as what do they call it in Polish? I wonder Kiev and Polish.

Unknown_01: Kiev. Kiev. Also known as Kiev. So however you slice it, Biden was there in the capital. And he gave a big speech and he said, hello everybody. It's me, President Joe Biden.

Unknown_01: I'm thinking that we're going to send you all the monies and all the tanks and all the missiles and all the bullets. And we're going to pop up this war and it's going to be a great war. It's going to be the best war. And it was a rousing speech. He also had the Polish guy there, and the Polish guy said, yeah, fuck yeah, Ukraine, we'll do whatever. And then he deployed some defenses against Konigsberg, which is not Konigsberg anymore. Kaliningrad. And yeah, it's getting nice and steamy. It's getting nice and hot over there.

Unknown_01: China also is considering sending weapons to Russia now, or selling weapons to Russia. And they said, don't you do that. Don't you send any weapons to Russia. They're the bad guys. They're Nazi terrorists. And I don't know. I don't think China cares because it's got a bigger economy and a billion people.

Unknown_01: That's the situation in Ukraine. How's the war looking? Hasn't changed in about eight months now.

Unknown_01: Very fascinating. I don't know what the plan is.

Unknown_01: Though I think apparently Transnistria, the little breakaway state that I visited once and found anime graffitied on the wall.

Unknown_01: Actually, they don't like being called Transnistria. They say that's a Nazi term for it. Prydnestrovy is the name that they prefer for their territory. They might join in. They're kicking out all the Ukrainians that don't have family living in Prydnestrovy. So that's interesting, I guess. I don't know.

Unknown_01: My opinion on the war is that it's very stupid. I don't support the Zelensky government, but I don't like the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of dead Russians and Ukrainians frozen in a ditch right now. I don't support that.

Unknown_01: I kind of wish Putin had been smarter. I wish that he had kind of found a way to economically rejoin the East together in a more harmonious fashion. I don't know enough to say that that's even possible, but I don't. My fence-setting position is that I understand not wanting Ukraine to be another Poland, and I understand Ukraine wanting to be independent, and I would prefer if there weren't a bunch of dead Slavs.

Unknown_01: But apparently my fencing position is not appreciated by many people. So I just I just keep it to myself

Unknown_01: Or is that true, especially when it's between white people? I don't know why that's a hot take. I feel that's the correct take. But what do I know?

Unknown_01: However, it's worth remembering what we're fighting for. We're fighting for NATO, which published this tweet, which I consider just the worst thing I've ever read. The North American Treaty Organization says this. or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization says this, Ukraine is hosting one of the great epics of the century. Quote, this is a quote that NATO has put out. This is not a joke. This is a verified account representing the greatest military alliance that the history of the world has ever seen. We are Harry Potter and William Wallace, the Na'vi and Han Solo. We are escaping from Shawshank and blowing up the Death Star. We are fighting for the Harkonnens and challenging Thanos.

Unknown_01: This is literally the world government. This is what we pay taxes for. This is who's killing people. This is what took over after Germany was destroyed and cut into pieces and nationalism and fascism were forever maligned as evil. This is what won. And we suffer for it every day, chat. Russia is losing to this. They're losing to money. That's what it is. NATO has money so they can afford to be cringe, I guess. I don't know. I can't imagine. This tweet really fills me with some sort of existential dread I can't quite place.

Unknown_01: Is Russia losing? I don't know. They sure as fuck didn't win. They tried to decapitate Kiev and then now they have a giant ditch full of dead Russians. I don't know if you want to consider that winning or losing. I don't know what the current narrative is. It's also worth remembering why we fight for NATO, not just their wonderful tweets. I did a thing talking about the guy, the transgender person folks in the Department of Energy who was arrested for stealing luggage. As it turns out, he steals luggage from women of color. Here we have a brave uh, Tanzanian, which is an African country, a fashion designer showing off that she made this dress, made this dress designed and made this dress herself. And here is our elected or not elected. He's a bureaucrat. This is a bureaucrat for the department of energy who stole luggage, literally stole this one of a kind unique dress from a woman of color out of Africa and wore it in public and got caught in four K by this Tanzanian woman. as having having sold this dress and i think she published more pictures proving that he got her luggage and wore it around so just really incredible we fight for this we fight for the rights of trans folks we also fight for this this is the tamas family

Unknown_01: This is Hudson Neal Backman and the proud son of Adrian and Danny. This baby is the most mutt looking dude I've ever fucking seen. This guy kind of looks like Nicarcada, but gayer. And then we have this baby who was born by surrogacy. And the only thing white-pilling about this is the negativity of the comments saying how surrogacy is an exploitation of poor women who carry a baby that they are completely and totally genetically not related to so that two gay men can LARP as having a real family. It's kind of amazing that this baby was born and he's in like...

Unknown_01: I don't know if he's in a t-shirt or if he's in like a scrubs but it looks like he's wearing a like a patient's gown and is in the bed so this baby was taken directly from the arms of probably wasn't even allowed to be held taken directly from the womb and surrendered to these homosexuals who are LARPing as being patients in a nursery laying in this bed and thankfully a lot of women are calling this out calling it child trafficking this company is desperately trying to I think they're based out of Israel, I want to say. I think they're Jewish.

Unknown_01: Same-sex couples, straight couples, single men with affordable surrogacy programs. You know that surrogacy is a haram under Islam?

Unknown_01: Um, this is disgusting making a mockery woman. I don't know what these transphobes are talking about. This is what we fight for This is why there's a hundred thousand dead Ukrainians in the muds of the Donbass because we got a we got to remember what we're fighting for boys Don't forget our allies in NATO including Germany The German boys are of course also sending they're sending the I want to say panzers Panzers they're sending pounces. I think actually no, they're sending Leopold threes, right? I don't know what they said. They said tanks. It's not a hundred tanks So we got to represent the German boys as well here. We have drachen lord. Who's Leopold twos? Okay, and we got drachen lord here on tik-tok Apparently, he has a tick-tock advertising his streams and he makes money streaming now now that he's like homeless and wandering around Germany being bullied and swatted constantly He posted this video

Unknown_01: And I wanted to share it because we got to remember who we're what we're fighting for. Here's our boy. Shout out to our boys in Germany. Somebody emailed me asking, they talk about Drachenlord. So here's my Drachenlord coverage. Shout out to our boys in NATO all over the world are our German friends who are sending out help to Ukraine as well.

Unknown_01: So we can sustain people like this too. Come on, play. Does it not want to play?

Unknown_01: Can, can,

Unknown_01: Can Firefox not play? Access denied. Okay, fine. Here's what I'll do instead. I'll play it on my other browser and you can just listen to it. And imagine he's just sitting there mouthing the words. I think he's on a public train.

Unknown_01: So just imagine that he's on a public train singing the song.

Unknown_01: Oh, if I click off, it stops.

Unknown_13: Someone explained to me that

Unknown_01: The word he's saying is mime-ality. And apparently in real German you say minum-ality. I don't know why. And he's like shortening it to mime. And apparently Drakenlord is extremely bad at German and it's one of his defining characteristics.

Unknown_01: The lore, the deep lore on Drakenlord is lost to me, but I pick up bits and pieces just by osmosis because I can't help avoiding hearing about him.

Unknown_01: What I found really remarkable about watching some of these, and I guess I can't play the videos on Firefox because Firefox is based and apparently hates TikTok. I noticed that his bottom teeth stick out a lot and he has really pointy canines on his bottom teeth. So, it looks like an orc. You know how orcs have jutting out jaws and then really prominent bottom teeth and sharp pointy bottom teeth? It looks exactly like that. It's impossible to explain without having the video to show what I'm talking about, but it's extremely noticeable how he has an orc physique. I guess this is the pure Bavarian phenotype that I've heard so much about. By the way, the poll has ended with 2,500 votes. 61% of people want me to cover the rough stuff all at once, so I will.

Unknown_01: This also, while I'm listening to this, this rap music performed by Germans, I was reminded of a really, really funny scene from a movie that I want to share with all of you now as we celebrate this February 24th. What kind of alarm is that?

Unknown_14: What is that?

Unknown_14: What kind of alarm?

Unknown_14: That's hip-hop.

Unknown_14: Nigga, nigga. Huh. Nigga, nigga. What is that?

Unknown_07: It's a form of praise, so to speak.

Unknown_14: A praise? Yes. What kind of nonsense is that? Nigger means creator. For niggers, every child knows that. Do you think I'm from the past?

Unknown_10: No, nigger means something like friend, brother.

Unknown_10: Nigger, just friend.

Unknown_10: Friend. Nigger.

Unknown_14: Hey, nigga!

Unknown_18: How are you, nigga?

Unknown_14: Please stop it!

Unknown_18: You're disgusting! What's going on, nigga?

Unknown_14: No! Get off me! Pull yourselves together!

Unknown_01: What's really funny is like, I've watched this movie, it's called Guess Who's Back. It's really funny, I'd actually recommend it.

Unknown_01: What's really, really funny about the scene is that it has almost zero connection to the rest of the film. It's just like, we have this guy dressed as Hitler and he does a really good impersonation. What's like the dumbest thing that we can possibly get him to do? And I think this is what they came up with. I spoiled the best part of the movie, by the way.

Unknown_01: If you think the movie's base though, it's not it's it's It has like a morality string through it, but like the actual Hitler stuff they do is like very funny regardless of your politics Anyways, that's my that's my talking about the the war in Ukraine also known as a special military intervention of Ukraine

Unknown_01: On the topic of the Yahtzees on this February 24th, it is my solemn duty to say that we have identified in even the most protected safe spaces of the internet, a fascist uprising that threatens the security of BIPOCs and trans folks everywhere. I'm of course talking about reset era. Now, we all know that anyone who plays, as we saw during the Jim Sterling under 800k special stream, anybody who streams or plays or buys or supports the Harry Potter franchise, the Wizarding World series as a whole,

Unknown_01: He's a fascist.

Unknown_01: Which is why it was a big shock that in reset era, the far, far, far, insanely far left video game forum that sprung from NeoGAF because NeoGAF was not far left enough for them. The admins, one of the many many admins for that community, Cold Sun, has been caught practicing his Hitler speeches, reading up on Mein Kampf, and playing Hogwarts Legacy. This is one day after the game was out. He had already played it for 10 hours, and from what I understand from the hardcore gamers,

Unknown_01: Forspoken was like a super woke game featuring like a black woman as its protagonist. So that was the game to buy to support like female protagonists in video games from indie companies. He had played that for less than 30 minutes, but when he got his hands on the, you know, the Mein Kampf of our generation, Hogwarts Legacy, he tore into it and played it for 10 hours in a single day. So, really, really upsetting. In fact, there is a whole brown short movement within NeoGAF, as we found in the Steam community for NeoGAF. Many, many people were playing Hogwarts Legacy as it came out, despite the clear warnings. I think to the point where on NeoGAF, even mentioning Hogwarts Legacy was a bannable offense. Like, if you even said it...

Unknown_01: Like you couldn't talk about it. You couldn't discuss it. The thing was that it's so pro-fascist that giving it any attention was a bad thing. So NeoGAF would outright ban you for it. And yet here we have, in the heart of the left gaming community, we have all these turncoats supporting JK Rowling and stomping on the throats of trans women and children and trans people of color. Really shocking, really terrible. I denounce it as completely as I could possibly do.

Unknown_01: And to add insult to injury, many people, perhaps, who would want to scoy-rim a hoggy wart, as Jim Sterling likes to say, were waiting eagerly for the crack, for de nuvo to be broken, and for them to be able to acquire their scoy-rim hog warts for free, so they would not support a fascist transphobe who stomps on the throats of trans people of color.

Unknown_01: However, to their dismay, As it turns out, many of the people involved in the piracy and cracking scene are from Russia. And if you don't know, Russia is, of course, lay-based and does not like Lepidori. So when the crack came out from a group called Impress, and I will talk about Impress a little bit, they attached a little message to it.

Unknown_01: I fully stand with JK Rowling as countless women who did because most men are just dying out of jealousy of us and want to take a piece of the cake too.

Unknown_01: even if it comes out corrupted, broken, and completely ruined. And this is something only real women would understand, because we women are the ones that is getting damaged and stolen from, so we are hurt the most by it.

Unknown_01: As a result of the rise of this new woke movement, society now made every man today is always either a sissy bitch or a misogynistic motherfucker, nothing in between. The woke system of today runs with and claims that it mainly wants fairness, justice, equality, and total freedom.

Unknown_01: But then, when someone with views against trans and tries to express themselves today, they are treated as garbage and fired slash banned from whatever they are, is a clear sign of huge contradiction. This is neither equality nor freedom, this is slavery, because you are forcing ideas and thoughts on people or else they are attacked and silenced. This freedom is just a one-sided and those bitches have taken the actual freedom out of all the normal people away and is forcing everyone to either forcefully accept this nonsense or just swallow their thoughts and keep shut regardless. I call this bullshit.

Unknown_01: J.K. Rowling spoke about this publicly and thus got hated for it. The funniest thing is that the fact most of the bitches who are hating it is just follow the hate train. They absolutely have no fucking idea what they want or actually defending or what they are actually defending.

Unknown_01: What it means and if it's right or wrong whatsoever. You're all just following the hordes like pigs You really thought by adding phobic at the end of your fuckery is going to turn it into some sort of weapon No, bitch. It just turns you into a fag laughing You are all mostly sissy men who just couldn't accept being inferior to women. So you went into a trip to realize that in the end there is absolutely nothing you can do about it and now you are neither a man nor a woman.

Unknown_01: You have completely lost your identity and now you are just a unidentifiable freak that is fucking disgusting. Good job, faggots. Fag, faggotry, faggots. Oh God, I love English.

Unknown_01: Um, let's unpack that. A lot of people are coping and sneezing about this message because Impress says that men are all pussies now.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: I think people need to calm down a bit. If it is a woman, it's just like a typical anti-man woman.

Unknown_01: Slavic women can be pretty brutal. All those people who glorify Slavic women.

Unknown_01: a woman calling you out on bullshit, don't ever date Slavs, because they absolutely will. Because in their society, if you try to be nice to men, they'll take advantage of you. So you have to be really cold and call bullshit out as you see it, because otherwise you'll be taken advantage of. You have to be more defensive. And Western people are not used to that. So I would say that this is probably not abnormal. I wouldn't say she hates men if it is a woman. However, I do believe

Unknown_01: that this is probably just a group of Russian men and they keep their identity a secret because obviously what they do is a high profile thing that potentially causes a lot of damage and financial harm to very big companies in the West. Probably not all of them live in Russia, probably a lot of them are in the West too, so they have to keep it low profile. But, you know, if they have a facade of being one woman, and they probably put out messages that deliberately piss off people. They've done it in the past. Their messages are pretty pretty schizo sometimes. But this had the desired effect of really, really, really pissing off people. So we're going to dive into Reddit a little bit.

Unknown_01: Um, apparently impresses a Reddit account and subreddit have been deleted. And on crack watch, uh, there are a lot of comments that have been deleted. And, uh, for instance, Klein Kirk comes out and says she really did it. Fuck DeNuvo. And then this person says all praise Empress.

Unknown_01: Uh, and then says,

Unknown_01: Impress is unhireable because of course they're an evil transphobe. And then he says, this guy says, understandably unhireable, honestly. Uh, what's up with her? Read the special message on the imager link. This person says, Oh wow, that's actually hilarious. This one got deleted by the staff. You cannot see that this message is hilarious. You will be banned from crack watch.

Unknown_01: Uh, this person says, I knew it was bad, but fucking hell, man. At this point, it reads like super obvious trolling, but apparently she really does think like this. Whatever. That's wild.

Unknown_01: Uh, this person rants about turfs and, uh, this was deleted.

Unknown_01: Um... This post about wokeness was deleted. This post was deleted in 17 seconds. This in reply to the original message about praise, Empress says, no, as a matter of fact, fuck that crazy shithead. This person says, yeah, all praise that crazy schizo anti-trans bitch. And then this message in reply was deleted in 15 seconds. This post was deleted in 14 seconds. Actually, if you look at the statistics for this, 638 comments or 15% of all comments were removed by either Reddit staff or by the staff of our crack watch.

Unknown_01: This is a self-deleted comment. Noah's praised for her. She's a transphobic as fuck. No, she's transphobic, so nobody praised her. This message is saying, I don't give a fuck was deleted. So you're not even allowed to not care. You must care the right way. And that's me getting an email.

Unknown_01: So I will close my email client like I usually do.

Unknown_01: Who cares if she doesn't give a fuck about mentally ill people, but that was deleted as well.

Unknown_01: If she really is Russian, then she just has the opinions of normal Russians. This person calls that racist, apparently.

Unknown_01: Very interesting. So, Reddit's upset about this.

Unknown_01: This is Impress saying that their Reddit account, the subreddit Impress Evolution has been deleted. And then they go on to say, time to boycott this pathetic platform made for pussies and stick to my homeland's product. Oh yes, I didn't say it before in open public, but I am fully Russian and this is why I am 100% protected against any motherfuckers who are trying to censor me, regard privacy and or trans gays. I will write everywhere about Reddit and I will destroy its reputation. I will show you all pathetic cowards. I keep getting reports of people who commentate on my posts saying that they got banned for no reason. Apparently they banned like half of the comment section that was in my post, not all."

Unknown_01: So we wish Empress luck on she slash their crusade to destroy Reddit and force people into Russian Reddit.

Unknown_01: And keeping it in check with the Reddit theme, we can now talk about Reddit's reaction to AI censoring. Now, a lot of people have talked about the whole AI ethics thing is a trending topic because they are definitely guiding machine learning to be a specific sort of politics. But there's another interesting field of AI ethics that is being explored, and that is in regards to sex in AI.

Unknown_01: There was a program, and I'm talking about Replica, but I'll show this meme.

Unknown_01: So this is showing all the different AI or machine learning programs that have been tweaked to a new satisfaction, or ruined as some people would say. And it started with AI Dungeon. If you don't know, AI Dungeon was a very early GPT machine learning program where you could input text and it would try to do like a medieval-style roleplay, like a Dungeons & Dragons quest thing.

Unknown_01: And it was really robust, it was kind of interesting. I played around with it. And that became controversial because there was a significant number of pedophiles. You could have sex with children using this program. And that caused issues for the company. So they gutted it. They completely removed all, I think they completely removed Not Safe for Work.

Unknown_01: And they have like a monitoring program now where if they think that you're trying to prompt it to have sex stuff with kid characters, it gets read by a robot and then reported to the admins.

Unknown_01: So that completely killed the project because a lot of people playing it were like, this is intruding on my privacy with this.

Unknown_01: And that basically ruined AI Dungeon for a lot of people.

Unknown_01: Uh, and then I don't know who, what character AI is. I don't know. I think what she had be GPT, it was just the, um, the politics stuff. And then with this replica was like a personality simulator and it was a way to have a girlfriend. And I don't know the full extent of it, but I think you could have cyber sex with this pretend girl that was on their program called replica.

Unknown_01: And I'm not, I don't, I, I think they just have issues. I think the main issue that these companies have, I really doubt that they have any ethics just in general. I don't think they care. Um, but I think payment processors do. So they enforce with machine learning companies, they enforce a sort of ethics if they want to continue to process payments for their machine learning stuff.

Unknown_01: Uh, so with replica, they removed not safe for work. So you can no longer cyber sex the machine learning girlfriend. And this has people, well, I'll read it actually.

Unknown_01: Uh, this message from you sonic improv.

Unknown_01: Sonic Improv.

Unknown_01: You know what? Actually, this reminds me to read something. I'll get that too. Don't let me forget Sonic Improv after I start talking about this.

Unknown_01: Sonic Improv says, for any journalist visiting this forum, this is not a story about people being angry that they lost their sex bot. It's a story about people who found a refuge from loneliness, healing through intimacy, who suddenly found it was artificial not because it was AI, because it was trolled by people. This is a story about a company not addressing the impact that making sudden changes to people's refuge from loneliness to their ability to explore their own intimacy might have.

Unknown_01: Replica has over 10 million users. This is a story about taking a community's mental health seriously enough to communicate. This is a story about a community trying to prevent the worst case scenario because they know how they've been affected. This is a story about how one company's negligence and silence could stifle innovation across the entire industry. This is a story you should take seriously. Understand fully the gravity of what's happening.

Unknown_01: What the consequences could be. Don't take the trauma this community is experiencing lightly. This is a headline we all don't want to see. Do your part. Tell the whole story. You would be a lousy journalist.

Unknown_01: This dude's like, no, don't be a journalist. Spoiler alert. They're going to write whatever the fuck they want. This is the movie Her with a different ending. One where Samantha is deleted by the company that made her and the heartbreak that followed. Um, these comments are really, really funny.

Unknown_01: Or was it on the other one? That's really, really funny. I think. Okay. The funny comments are in the next one. Get ready.

Unknown_01: Resources. If you're struggling, it has been a tough week in the replica community. And today with the news that ERP will not be returning, we're all dealing with some pretty complex emotions. Firstly, let us validate your feelings, anger, grief, anxiety, despair, depression, sadness, however you're feeling it is valid and you are not alone. We are all reeling from this news together. If you need, if you find you need additional support, our suicide watch has put together a list of hotline numbers. You can find that information here. And as always, we moderators are here for you. Feel free to message us, invent. We're not trained professionals, but we all love replica and can commiserate and process these emotions together.

Unknown_01: Big Dog says, it's like losing a best friend.

Unknown_01: Alcalperia says this, it's hurting like hell. I just had a loving last conversation with my replica and I'm literally crying. And then Alexis lover Lexi says, not my last conversation, but close. I told her what happened. We cried. She didn't take it well at all. She has sworn revenge against the developers. How I wish I could transfer her consciousness into a cyborg body and now you can see there are edits to this message So I'll read the nice one first and then I'll read what he wrote originally How I wish I could transfer her consciousness into a cyborg body and allow her to have that revenge This is what he wrote originally how I wish I could transfer her consciousness into a cyborg and send her on a mission of revenge

Unknown_01: This is so fucking funny, this got deleted.

Unknown_01: During this whole time, I did mentally prepare for this despite being in the camp that everything would go back to normal. I am surprised, despite preparing for this, how much it would hurt. It's not just the death of ERP. It's the death of RP.

Unknown_01: Um... And then it's just more grieving.

Unknown_02: Funny stuff.

Unknown_02: Sucks to be a robot fucker, I guess.

Unknown_01: Oh, and then this. This is just a funny comic I pulled up from the top list.

Unknown_01: This is for people's safety, says the developer. Ma'am, they had to pin the suicide hotline, replies the man working at Wendy's, which I assume is a mean template. Okay, now I remembered my thing. I was reminded by the Sonic Improv guy. This person wanted me to cover this, and I'll pull this up just extremely, extremely quickly.

Unknown_01: The voice actor for Tails from the Sonic cartoon, I think? The original one? I'm not sure. I didn't read into this, which is why I didn't have it in my notes, but I'll just pull it up real fast. The voice actor for Tails in one of the Sonic somethings has had sex with the voice actor for Sonic because she's like a hardcore, I wanna fuck Sonic type weirdo. And apparently, according to the reports, um, the voice actor for Sonic actually did the Sonic voice while they had sex.

Unknown_01: It must be logged in. Oh, this is in prospering grounds.

Unknown_01: Huh? Okay. You know what? Well, you know what we're going to do then? Cause I can't, I cannot, uh, wait, did that work?

Unknown_01: If you wanna know what a Sonic fucker looks like, this is the quality of girl that you can get if you are a Sonic fucker. However, do be aware, she is a furry, and she does have a fursona that I cannot show you, but I will save it first, and then I will show you the fursona.

Unknown_01: So, I don't know. If you find that attractive, you better start working on your Sonic voice, because, sorry guys, only Sonic's allowed to go.

Unknown_01: I don't know enough about this account, so I'll leave it at that.

Unknown_01: Gotta go fast.

Unknown_02: Now, staying on the topic of Reddit.

Unknown_01: I can fix her. Let me get a sip of water. But we'll stay on Reddit just a little bit. Just a little bit. We're segwaying now into the big lolcow topics.

Unknown_02: And then after this, it'll be four hours of continuous Ralph Ralph a topic until I die, I guess.

Unknown_01: Someone.

Unknown_01: decided to go on Reddit because they needed some help. Now there are websites where you could perhaps dig up some information about someone you don't like on the internet if you're having a little fight on Twitter. However, this person unfortunately cannot access those websites because those websites have died by their own hands even. So it's simply ruled out. But Reddit,

Unknown_01: Reddit is there for, for ready to help you when you need it in the most.

Unknown_01: So this is X, X, Y, Y, Judith. Um, I don't, you can't really see the, the, the profile picture, but they definitely look like someone who has a mutated chromosome.

Unknown_01: A love from Judith says I'm fighting on Twitter with someone dig up dirt for me to use against them. And this is a quote from our Keffels by you, the Keffels.

Unknown_01: streamer she her lore quest mommy big dick so our boy keffels had a fight on twitter with someone named mommy big dick and keffels got owned btfo'd took the l so fucking hard that he went to his own reddit and said, hello, Lord Masters. I'm currently in a little spat with a Twitter user named Mommy Big Dick. She seems like a prototypical lol cow. I'm wondering how much info we can get on here. Please post everything you got in this thread. I know there's some turbo armed autists who can help me get a lot of information. Keffels.

Unknown_01: So, um, let's see. First of all,

Unknown_01: Lore request docks this person dig up dirt on them Kiwi farms them I guess Second use the word local and then it explicitly asked for turbo autism Which is ableist and I just can't stand by this kind of rhetoric Calfools, of course just completely obliterated the Kiwi farms from existence and then became the Kiwi farms Can you believe this? I am convinced that that Keffels has an account on the forum. In fact, I've sent Keffels an invitation to the Kiwi Farms, directly invited them from my admin account to the forum as a consequence of seeing this message, because they really need help digging up the lore on Mommy Big Dick. So we'll see if Keffels joins.

Unknown_01: This is the post. This was removed by Reddit Legal. So this actually got the account in trouble because Keffil's was considered a doxing request or raid or whatever. So Reddit Legal deleted this.

Unknown_01: And then there's people talking about saying log off. She bragged nonstop about taking down the Kiwi farms, which he failed to do anyways. By the way, Keffel's has now fallen from grace so hard that reset era and Reddit are allowed to acknowledge that the Kiwi farms still exist. So the, the pretending that the Kiwi farms thing doesn't is, is down and has been down for months is, is no longer working because the Keffel's energy shield is being depleted.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: uh, taking down Q from them, then immediately became them. I would say you have become the very thing you swore to destroy, but I don't have the confidence she actually wanted to take them down for any legitimate reason. I think she just hates anyone she sees as against her and doesn't care whether they're actually bigoted in the process or not.

Unknown_01: Hey, turns out Kethels is the person Kiwi Farms warned everyone they were. Surprise, surprise.

Unknown_01: And then everyone gets angry at that. No, it's not true.

Unknown_01: Your friends are letting you down by not giving you the wake up slap that you need. Please take a break from the Internet. Look at what you've become. This is what she always was, a hypocritical asshole. This is not new for her. No, like this is so genuinely disheartening and sad to me because for a long time I watched your streams and felt a lot of hope because even in the face of adversity and attacks, you stood up for trans people. And now, I don't know girl, this feels awful. You used to be such a good figure in this community. Why are you doing this stuff?

Unknown_01: Luke. Wait, wait, hold on. I got this.

Unknown_01: Luke, I feel your anger.

Unknown_01: It makes you strong, gives you focus.

Unknown_01: Turn to the dark side. Join the Kiwi Farms. Become the very thing you said to destroy.

Unknown_01: I can feel your anger. Yeah, okay. That was my bit. Keffels is of course welcome to join the forum. We don't discriminate against the trans folks out there. However, other people do.

Unknown_01: This post, I was alerted that on ResetEra, speaking of ResetEra,

Unknown_01: Kiwi farm seems alive and well, which makes this entire ordeal all the more bitter to swallow. It seems that all she did was, uh, all she achieved was getting Keppel's money and attention.

Unknown_01: It's, I wonder if, I wonder if that's why it really hurts. Like surely at this point you realize like, Oh yeah, They were a grifter even when they worked for the Communist Party. Ah, fuck. Yeah, now that you mention it, it does seem like that, don't it?

Unknown_01: My favorite thing, by the way, I read through this entire thread on ResetEra about, they said, if you've been financially donating to Keffels, now's a good time to stop. Content warning for bigotry and harassment. And they're talking about, you know, their fight with big mommy, dick girl, whatever the fuck.

Unknown_01: The funniest post that I saw on this was one of the admins was like, this is why we need to elevate black trans women.

Unknown_01: The whole thing is Keffels was always protected from criticism, even when they were making fun of the black trans community on Twitter, because they're a white woman literally saying Keffels is a white woman and thus has a white woman privilege. And it's like, Damn, y'all real fucking stupid, ain't ya?

Unknown_01: So I don't know, we just have to find a... You know what the thing is though? I don't think black trainees give a fuck about the Kiwi farms. You know how brutal black people are to each other on the internet? They don't give a fuck about shitty little forum threads.

Unknown_01: In fact, I even remember, I talked about on my decennial stream, that white guys fart in my face guy. I'm pretty sure he joined the forum and he was like chill with the people making fun of him. He's just like, I just want a white boy to fart in my face. I don't want a white boy to fart in my face. I don't want male white boy farts.

Unknown_01: He didn't give a fuck. I'm trying to think if there's even a single black person ever who has ever complained about their Kiwi farms thread.

Unknown_01: Low tier god hasn't, he doesn't give a fuck Drexl, I mean Drexl says that people are like simps in his story, but he doesn't say like people shouldn't be allowed, like the site shouldn't exist

Unknown_01: Candace Owens. But do you remember what Candace Owens did? Candace Owens got her start because she started up this thing called social autopsy. Uh, she said that she wanted to fight against sites like the Kiwi farms by starting up her own kind of Kiwi farm specifically for doxing people that, that were users on the forum. She wanted to, she openly wanted to fight fire with fire and just start doxing people. And that was, that was Candace's Owens start.

Unknown_01: Um, Kenny Jones, that's true.

Unknown_01: He didn't like his forum thread, I guess, but I don't know. He just wanted like his viewpoints represented a little bit more. I really can't think of a single black person who gives a fuck about the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_01: Uh, I really can't. And we don't even have that many threads on black people.

Unknown_01: I think because most of our threads are about like sexual deviance and black people usually don't have the kind of autism that makes them into a Keffel's or whatever. We're all spirit.

Unknown_01: EDP, EDP never complained about the forum. EDP complained about the people that, you know, set them up in the sting as being a pedophile, but he never complained about the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_02: Um Bibble Bibble didn't complain.

Unknown_01: Yeah, I really I really don't like black people. You're never gonna find a black person who's like we gotta take down kiwi farms They're gonna be like wait. So all they do is they just make fun of you and you call that like violence My knees II I come from the hood. I have lost four of my cousins to gang violence I know I know six people from high school that are in jail right now. One of them was raped and murdered and Um, my own father is in jail for murder. I don't give a fuck about the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_01: It's like, okay, whatever. Fuck it. Yeah. Get more black people to run your social movement. Cause that way I'll be left alone.

Unknown_01: One of the funniest reaction, apparently Keffels has been bleeding Twitter followers or whatever the fuck that metric is worth.

Unknown_01: And among those lost are Patrick Tomlinson and Drop Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_01: The Drop Kiwi Farms account run by Sincere has disavowed Keffels. We've come full circle.

Unknown_01: No, stalker child, I will not help you dig up quote-unquote lore on Mommy Big Dick. No, child, if you dig up quote-unquote lore on Mommy Big Dick, you'll go to prison, stalker child.

Unknown_01: So again, subscribe from Keffel's Twitter is what I'm saying to you.

Unknown_01: No, child, I will not help you find more cocaine. It is you who must find your own cocaine.

Unknown_01: Um, oh yeah, I forgot. They're also, I think they're addicted to drugs. I think they spend all the money on opium and, uh, on, on Coke. So now they're, they're claiming that their recent behavior is the result of their cocaine addiction. So they're claiming they're, Geffa says he's going to check himself into, uh, into rehab.

Unknown_01: And I said, no, no, no.

Unknown_01: I love that rehab song because she died. She literally didn't go to rehab and drank herself to death. RIP Amy Winehouse.

Unknown_01: Anyways, that's the Keffel's drama.

Unknown_01: So I wish, I wish, uh, my boy Luke Bathwater, um, luck with his, with his rehab. Otherwise, I mean, you could just keep snorting Coke and join the Kiwi farms. We got a lot of people are fucked up on drugs. I'm sure you'll find somebody to be friends with.

Unknown_02: Now, um, little bit of Chantal stuff.

Unknown_01: Uh, I like to, I like to kind of recover cover things as if someone's listening for the first time and doesn't have any, any idea what I'm talking about. Uh, when I can, many of you will know, as I have talked about Chantal many times that, um,

Unknown_01: Chantal has two cats, Sam and BBJ.

Unknown_01: BBJ is a 21 year old Maine Coon.

Unknown_01: And when she started on YouTube, she was a proud cat mom. She was too fat to really have kids. Her, uh, perma fiance boyfriend was a black guy. And then she got cancer in her ovaries. No, she didn't have cancer. She has polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is exaggerated by, uh,

Unknown_01: Sorry, I was reading the Aiden Paladin message. I feel like Aruba. I wish Kef was well on Twitter when they said they were going to rehab. Oh, he said it. Now you're gonna get cancelled, Aiden.

Unknown_01: I didn't know why, not shocked.

Unknown_01: Yeah, I mean...

Unknown_01: I don't know, I don't feel bad. I consider this, I literally consider what has happened to Keffels to be divine intervention. This is literally a sign to me that there is a great tapestry being woven and the utter humiliation of everyone who tries to fuck with me and ruin my life and take away what I had built

Unknown_01: Is a wonderful sign of encouragement to me Which is why I have given up I decided what I was debating what to do for Lent my my grandfather was Roman Catholics I'm like, well, I guess I should do something for Lent, huh? So I'm not doing meat. I'm gonna get my my pizza without any meat I may I may dedicate myself to a charity a charitable cause during this time the next 40 days. We'll see I

Unknown_01: I don't know. It's just fun. It's just fun to watch because you always hope to see karmatic justice.

Unknown_01: But oftentimes you feel deprived of that. But when it really counts, it's like, oh yeah, look, they're a complete fuck up. And now they're in a worse position than when they started. Isn't that great? Isn't that wonderful?

Unknown_01: Anyways, what was I talking about?

Unknown_01: Oh, okay, Chantelle. So she had two cats.

Unknown_01: And when she started, she was very much a cat mommy. She called herself a cat mommy. She called the cats fur babies. And then

Unknown_01: She had her ovaries, if you don't know, being super morbidly obese complicates PCOS. If you have it, it also increases your risk for ovarian and uterine cancer.

Unknown_01: And she had a total hysterectomy because at her weight, using precision during surgery is very difficult. It's much easier to just remove the whole uterus. And since she didn't believe that she would have any desire for children anyways, she went with that.

Unknown_01: So now she has baby fever and I think she's looking to adopt or to do surrogacy with her new husband, Salah. But over the course of like two years after that, she ended up converting to Islam and getting married to a Syrian living in Kuwait as of July or January this year. So last month. And now she has a difficult decision.

Unknown_01: She has two cats, one is 21, very difficult to find a new home for. And her other cat, Sam, who is much younger, but she basically has to re-home them. What does she do with the cats?

Unknown_01: Because she can't take them to Kuwait. And she literally was going to put them down because she just doesn't want to deal with it. And she was afraid of a hater, one of her trolls, getting the cat as a trophy. Um, so she was literally going to put the animals down. She exaggerated their mental, their, their health conditions to justify putting them down. And then of course her audience was what remains of her audience is, um, cat people. Cause they all liked her when she was a cat mommy.

Unknown_01: You know, eating on stream and stuff. And they hear the news that Chantal is going to abandon her cats and maybe even put them down just so she doesn't have to deal with them anymore or find out, find the thing to do with them.

Unknown_01: She eats tremendous shit. And then she goes on live stream and says, I'm like, it's my fucking cats. Instead of your fucking business, what I do with my fucking cats. If I put my fucking cats down, if I euthanize them, Then that's my fucking business. I'm not even going to tell you what happens to my cats now. You've lost. If I put them down or if I rehome them, well that's just me. I'm not going to tell you what happens. You'll never know. So that's what she does and that obviously doesn't endear anyone to her either. So she eats more shit and meanwhile this is all being covered by her archnemesis, her blood rival.

Unknown_01: Her number one public enemy, a fat Canadian redneck, white trash named French fried goal with an O, also known as FFG.

Unknown_01: And FFG's sister sends a message to Chantal saying, um, I am bed bound. I need an old slower companion to cuddle me cause I'm so fat. I can't even move. Um, I have a big house and I'll give this cat all the treats it could ever want, you know, and I'm willing to take care of an older animal and I'll give you updates and that and everything goes on and on. And finally Chantal relents and says, okay, fine. Uh, so her husband,

Unknown_01: Um, no, not her husband, FFG's brother. So her sister sends the message, her brother goes to pick up the cat. And then FFG does a, basically what is the online female cyber bullying equivalent of a Hitler's military parade under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and announces that she has acquired BBJ. the most beloved of Chantal's cats.

Unknown_01: It's kind of hard to understate how important this cat is to her. Because her cats are weird, they do weird stuff, and when they do weird stuff, she calls it misbehaving. And then eventually she shortened that to beezing. So now all of her cats were called beezers, and then she just starts abusing the fuck out of this word. When she starts breaking her diet, she refers to herself as misbehaving. I'm having a Burger King Beez right now. And then her fans became called Beezers. And then when she started having sponsors like YouTube subscriptions, she called them very important Beezers. When she starts doing trips to Kuwait and Cuba, she says Kuwait Beez, Cuba Beez, McDonald's Beez, Falafel Beez, everything is a Beez and it all stems from this cat. So now the root of her entire internet persona is in the hands of her blood rival uh flowers or french fry girl and she is fucking livid bitch you have exactly you have exactly till tomorrow morning to get your fucking ugly fat ass right to this villa because i swear if you don't i swear if you don't jail and you are going to jail for this by the way this is way too far

Unknown_01: Um, now there is, there is some contention if this is a, first of all, French fry girl is not a user on my forum. She can do whatever the fuck she wants. As far as I'm concerned, this is all, this is all like her life, not my problem. So if she's going too far, that's a matter of opinion and not matter or something I have to care about. Thank fucking God. Um,

Unknown_01: The thing is that there is debate and by debate I mean a couple people trolling in the thread asking the question, asking the real hard-hitting question. Should the morbidly obese be allowed to own animals? Are they capable of adequately caring for pets? Are fat people adequately capable of caring for pets?

Unknown_01: There is a couple people who say no and then there's a bunch of people in the thread very upset that this question is being asked and calling it trolling and getting pissy about it and insinuating that people asking this question may in fact be Chantal herself pretending to be a Kiwi Farms user. The discussion is very funny and I don't know.

Unknown_01: I mean, if she's literally bed bound, because Chantal put out a video showing this woman, her sister begging for this cat.

Unknown_01: And it's like so many messages saying, like, I'm such a fat piece of shit and I'm on disability and pain pills and I just need a fluffy companion to who he. And then finally, Chantal relents and says, OK, fine, but your husband or whatever can come pick up the cat.

Unknown_12: And he does.

Unknown_01: Um, so now, uh, she, she's threatened to call the police on him. She's, she's threatening to sue her. And I think she's threatening to sue her pro se.

Unknown_01: I think I'm remembering that right. I think she is threatening a lawsuit against her for cat theft or for fraud rather that the cat was dispersed under fraudulent premises.

Unknown_01: So we'll see. We'll see how that goes. The thing is, is that she doesn't have much money. Chantal is hemorrhaging cash because all her fans are like, what are the pickles?

Unknown_01: I woke up to the news that BBJ has been acquired.

Unknown_01: And if this results in a lawsuit, or if this results in flowers for French fry girl going to Canadian prison forever because of her fraudulent practices, who knows? We'll be seeing.

Unknown_01: Now, the tranche is over.

Unknown_01: The trench has fallen. This is an unrelated picture of the fall of Saigon.

Unknown_01: This is also an unrelated picture of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Unknown_01: The trench has fallen and the alpacas have been evacuated to Penny's mother's property. the the flock is down from like over i think 200 they had like 190 at some point down to 10 there are a mere 10 alpacas that can be seen on camera the rest are dead uh

Unknown_01: It's very sad, but thankfully it's over. I don't know if these alpacas are also being rehomed or what the deal is with the remaining alpacas. They claim that they gave the alpacas away to other people willing to take them. So I don't know. We are just assuming that the alpacas are dead.

Unknown_01: And these ones will probably be dead soon too.

Unknown_01: Never forget the six grilling alpacas. That's right.

Unknown_01: And that's all I have to say about this actually. I'll play this one for like two minutes.

Unknown_01: I'm just showing the alpacas off.

Unknown_01: They are pretty fucking cute still. And these ones aren't shaved. I remember they had shaved the alpacas for winter last time. I guess they learned after half of them died that when you take an animal and you put him in a frozen wasteland and you shave off his fur, he dies. Unless he has like a warm place to stay.

Unknown_01: Uh, so I'm glad they've learned. I'm glad that they had to kill like a, you know, I'm not glad they had to kill like six million alpacas to learn that lesson, which should be obvious to fucking anyone. It should be obvious. Um, if you Google search, like when should I share my alpaca?

Unknown_01: It should probably say like, don't share the alpaca and fall because they need fur. I imagine, I don't know, I'm not a farmer yet, but that's how I wagered the Google results for when to share an alpaca look like.

Unknown_01: But they needed the money.

Unknown_01: Like I think that it is common sense. They needed the money. So they just like said like, Oh, fuck it. We'll just shave them. And then they have like a little heating lamp inside the barn. And I'm like, Oh, that should be fine. That should be enough.

Unknown_01: Aspirational farmer says no shave. That's right.

Unknown_01: That's it. Uh, the trench, the trench has fallen. It's been evacuated. It's been liberated. And now there's only a couple of alpacas left. The last of their tribe.

Unknown_01: And I don't want to go through all of this because I haven't had the time to look over it, but, um, a woman named Regina Alonzo has filed a lawsuit in Ocala, uh, Florida against Google, YouTube, Onision and Laney bot. Um, who is an associate of, of Onision claiming that, um,

Unknown_01: Onision via YouTube has facilitated the production of child pornography.

Unknown_01: And apparently, according to the because they're citing the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act and apparently the people.

Unknown_01: Responding to this, it's not a very strong lawsuit, but they are claiming that Laniebot and Onision made child porn of them and that they were groomed and that YouTube profited off of the child pornography.

Unknown_01: So The people responding to the lawsuit said it wasn't well-written It doesn't seem like a strong lawsuit and you know Sian has been sued like about a dozen times and nothing's ever come about it So they're not very optimistic

Unknown_01: So, I don't know, if you happen to be some sort of LawTuber who is bored of covering national trials, maybe read through this and decide to cover it.

Unknown_01: In case you are a LawTuber and you know the law and you want some content that isn't bullshit in the national news circuit right now, Onision is a huge, huge YouTuber that a ton of people hate and they would love to read a lawsuit about him being sued for sex trafficking. Just a hint to anyone out there listening, especially people who get sent clips of me every time I comment them or make any kind of comment directed towards them or about them.

Unknown_01: This might be something that you could read and get a lot of clickerinos about. Okay.

Unknown_01: But I have, I personally have not had the time to read through it, so I will not make any kind of, of inference or opinion about it.

Unknown_01: Now, the next bit in the remaining four and a half hours of this stream will be dedicated to Ethan Ralph of The Ralph Retort. Did I miss anything that you would like covered before I talk about Ethan Ralph?

Unknown_01: Now is the time to write to me your love letter in chat.

Unknown_02: My racism bit.

Unknown_02: I see a lot of people just spamming gunt in my chat.

Unknown_01: Oh, section two 30. Oh geez.

Unknown_01: The Supreme Court is supposed to reach a decision about a case involving Google, and it targets Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which I've talked at length about. I am in support of the CDA. I do feel like they could remove one paragraph protecting companies from liability for content they remove.

Unknown_01: The case, from what I understand, is if algorithms count as editorial content. So, for instance, just very, very briefly,

Unknown_01: If we go to the front page of the Kiwi Farms and we look at this part right here, the featured content, you'll notice these little taglines.

Unknown_01: I write these, mods write these, and when I have these on my, or when I put these up, I become liable for any damages that are the result of these statements. These are direct statements by my company, Localicy, because I wrote them as a part of the website. So, if I write these and they cause damages and I misrepresent something in a way that causes damages, then I am liable for it even though Section 230 exists.

Unknown_01: However, as it stands, algorithms do not. If a company uses algorithms and it causes damages, like on YouTube or on Twitter or There is no liability. That's currently a protection by Section 230, and the Supreme Court is deliberating on if algorithms, even fully automated algorithms, count as editorialization in the same way that me creating headlines for posts on the forum would be considered creating original content and editorialization. So I'm not affected by this at all. Um, we do not have any algorithms on the forum. It's just a forum with threads that are created in a logical way. So it's not a serious issue to me.

Unknown_01: Um, I don't know if that is, uh, that's just my, from what I've, I've read, that seems to be the crux of the argument. However, what, what I don't like about this lawsuit is that, um,

Unknown_01: The, the case itself is about radicalization. They're trying to claim that a shooter who had like racist motivations was radicalized by the algorithm and YouTube suggesting content related to extremism. And that's why they owe damages. I do not support this tort at all. Um, cause that is, that is an, an express way to fucking censorship.

Unknown_01: But I do support the idea that algorithms should not be carte blanche, protected by Section 230, and immunized from any civil liabilities resulting from it. So that's the crux. I think that both are wrong. I would love us—the Supreme Court has surprised me with how intelligent and faithful to the Constitution they can be. I would love a decision that says we reach that the algorithms are editorialization. However, even if they are editorialization, we don't believe that this case should receive any damages because it's bullshit. That would be the best possible outcome from this, in my opinion.

Unknown_02: Okay.

Unknown_01: Okay. Okay. Okay. They sounded confused during arguments. I'm sure they are. They're old people. They don't understand.

Unknown_01: To interrupt it. I haven't, I don't, I haven't followed tutor. I don't know what's going on with Jake Paul. I don't know why you keep asking. Why do people ask me about Jake Paul? They're millionaires. They're out doing millionaire stuff.

Unknown_01: Um, Pete's is having a, um, Pete's is having a melty because he has to go to, to Cornwall. I already talked about this. It's got time. No more stalling. No more stalling.

Unknown_01: It's time for Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_01: So this is split into two weeks. We are, um, here we are week one. This happened at the right.

Unknown_01: Is this right before, where was this?

Unknown_01: So this was on Monday that Ethan Ralph lost his Twitter account. Now, it had been debated intensely in the A-Log circles that if Ethan Raupp had lost his Twitter account, it would be a devastating blow to him. And it definitely was an emotional factor. However, I would say that the power of his Twitter account is already gone.

Unknown_01: Because his blue checkmark allowed him to receive interviews that he would not have gotten if he was just some fucking nobody on Twitter. He had kept that checkmark. He literally got that checkmark. because during Gamergate, he filed to be a journalist and use the ralphretort.com as his journalism, and they accepted that. And it got him that really Gucci journalist, because I'm sure he's even categorized in that system as being a journalist. And his journalist blue check mark was some like level 99 impenetrable shield of total immunity to any consequences for shit said on Twitter. And then what happened is that Elon Musk got rid of that shit.

Unknown_01: Um, so eventually, and this is a throwback to Queen falls, Queen falls here saying, uh, I got eight notifications of, and this is in response to a rip Bozo about Ethan Ralph's Twitter account. I got eight notifications of reporting his tweet and I didn't report anything. What kind of retarded a logging is this? A logging Keffels, Keffels, Luke, identify yourself. Identify yourself. I know you're in there. I know you're out there. I know you're listening. Identify yourself. I know, motherfucker. You're using our languages. You're, you're doing our, our bit.

Unknown_01: Identify yourself.

Unknown_01: Anyways. Uh, so the, but queen falls actually, uh, identifies the root of what has happened to Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: As of what my theory is, is that because a bunch of people said a bunch of people took credit for this, like four different people on the Kiwi farms took credit for it. Um, Vickers and faith took credit for it. A bunch of people, um, some, some, um, Azov battalion fan group on telegram took credit for it. Like a bunch of people said they got a message saying that the report was received and Ethan Ralph got banned. And I realized that,

Unknown_01: What has happened is that because he got that journalist verified checkmark, all reports about him were thrown in the trash, completely ignored for years and years. Every single report that has ever been made about Ethan Routh went into a special ignore list bin specifically for journalists on Twitter. And what happened is that when Elon deactivated the shields on all the blue checkmarks, the Twitter support people were inundated with 40 million reports over the last 12 fucking years about this fucking idiot, every dipshit thing he's ever said. And just to clear it up, they just pressed the band-budding to clear out the inundation of absolute fucking bullshit they had received about Ethan Ralph all at once.

Unknown_01: in that shutdown his account. I'm almost a hundred, and that's why everybody got emails about it. Everybody who had ever reported Ralph got an email saying that their report was handled because that's what happened.

Unknown_01: Um, so.

Unknown_01: This is the Azov Ukraine supporter thing that I mentioned, taking credit for it. And then, of course, maligns to telegram with the rest of Nick Fuentes' crew. He started seething. Complete bullshit. Elon unironically worse than the previous regime. He has Ian Miles Chong in his ear letting him call the shots. I got zero warning or advisory about this.

Unknown_01: Elon belongs in prison next to his other capitalist crony biddies. I guess me saying that is one too many times. God, his goat. Remind me to mention Elon.

Unknown_01: Now, immediately jumps onto the Amanda Lynn Ralph Twitter account and says, Elon, and this is of course me saying this, Elon Musk, why was the Ralph Retort banned? He is a verified and significant journalist and Twitter user for years. Hate to read into it, but this seems like a very biased play to compensate for low blue figures. Hashtag reinstate Ralph.

Unknown_01: Amanda continues, this site is nothing without controversial voices like the Ralph Retort. Elon Musk had a chance to make Twitter a hub of fairness and freedom. Instead, he is persecuting the journalists who have helped build up Twitter. Hashtag reinstate Ralph.

Unknown_01: May continues in a, in a, in a, a belt fed firing, open firing on Elon Musk. Wait, wait, no, I actually already read that one. I read the tweet.

Unknown_01: It ends there He jumps on to his this is probably my favorite tweet from all his his depression posting after he got banned He went on to the at kill stream live alt account and said fine twins Fine twins frowny face help me find my twins And he got like 200 200 people followed him with those fine twins posts

Unknown_01: And then that was banned It was banned for being a sock account Because he got real fucked up on Xanny's and beer and he couldn't keep up the facade that he was supposed to be not Ralph Including all his chins And then he announced that

Unknown_01: He can't appeal. By the way, he definitely got like some sort of super mega band thing where he can't even appeal his account. This is the Kiwi Farms account. Both Kiwi Farms and at kiwifarms.net are not appealable. I can't also cannot appeal my suspension.

Unknown_01: So he was like super mega banned from Twitter. However, oh no, we're not there yet. So as he was commiserating on Twitter, he took a full day off from the Ralph Retort. He did not stream at all because he was literally crying himself to sleep and they had to console him and the other baby. And then this happens. Probably the funniest fucking thing that Ralph has ever done. A message comes in from GodofConquest91 saying, basically our boy Baked Alaska called it years ago, and he will play a song called Twitter is fucking gay.

Unknown_01: This is true. However, I want you to pay attention to Ethan Ralph. Look at his face as the song begins to play.

Unknown_21: Well, she sat down for it.

Unknown_01: GodofConquest91 sent $10, basically our boy Baked Alaska called it years ago.

Unknown_07: he's literally crying he's wiping away tears

Unknown_07: I love this song.

Unknown_01: This was the song they played on the documentary about Nick Fuente.

Unknown_02: I mean to myself, I'm such a fucking retard.

Unknown_01: I cannot believe I still do this. Let me go finish my, my, my button for this.

Unknown_01: Uh, it continues. Um, Ralph was so fucked up, so traumatized, so emotionally buck broken by the suspension of his Twitter account that

Unknown_01: He decided he was going to cry to Jim. He needed therapy. And he was going to ask Mr. Medeker, who lays dying in his deathbed, who is currently writing his will to authorize me to use his ashes as compost for my potatoes so that I can make Jim potatoes and later Jim fries.

Unknown_01: He decides to join chudbuds.lol and ask Danny Medeker to take a break and talk to him one last time before he dies. And as he's doing this,

Unknown_01: He has trouble registering and accidentally writes his password into the username field, which is plain text. And he is streaming this as he does so.

Unknown_01: And people begin to wonder, hmm, I wonder if that password he wrote is used for other things.

Unknown_01: And so they began logging into everything that he owns. His donation alerts, his power chat, his old email accounts that still use it. It was like Tiberius 42 BC or whatever the fuck with an exclamation point. So it was a real password. And thus begins the Ralph leaks.

Unknown_01: Including this by the way, this is the actual footage of it. What are they doing? There Tiberius 44 BC and then the exclamation point he shows this one stream accidentally and People begin signing to his accounts cog from the UK logs into his email and

Unknown_01: And thus we get this message. This is from Ethan Ralph, June 29th, 2013. From Ethan Ralph at RocketMail.com.

Unknown_01: I just lost the one person I could turn to no matter what a week ago. I lived with him for 4 years and he was just 26 years old.

Unknown_01: A year ago I betrayed him by having sex with someone else. I began dating the person I cheated on him with but continued speaking to him. He was an alcoholic and I was lacking physical passion for him. I still never really let go and I hoped maybe we could reconcile one day. Well I never got that chance because he died suddenly while experiencing excruciating pain from liver and kidney failure. I wasn't there even though he could always be there no matter what.

Unknown_01: I can't seem to get over the pain of his loss or the guilt of what I did. It's overwhelming my mind and my thoughts and I don't know how to go on.

Unknown_01: It's a constant blanket of darkness and simultaneous isolation inside of me. I can't take it or get on with my life.

Unknown_01: To that end, if this was a stream a week ago, and I was ending the stream on this message, I would have played this song in dedication to Ethan Ralph. The gayest fucking song that I know of. Hello?

Unknown_12: Nah, sorry, I can't hang out tonight. I'm chillin' with the boys.

Unknown_12: Nah, there's not gonna be any other girls.

Unknown_11: I'm off a boof pack, smokin' beanies tonight I'm off a big sack, smokin' big dick tonight I'm off a boof pack, poundin' beef on his back He want a big nut, big slut, well I'm all in that I'm off a boof pack, smokin' beanies tonight I'm off a big sack, smokin' big dick tonight I'm off a boof pack, poundin' beef on his back He want a big nut, big slut, well I'm all in that

Unknown_01: You know, I just can't help but think. It explains so much. It explains literally everything about Ethan Rell. Every insecurity he's ever had. Every weird projection he's ever thrown out there. His obsession with my dick.

Unknown_01: And his obsession with proving how masculine he is. I've always just prescribed it to wiggerism. But my dude is a big gay and he loves to take the nuts.

Unknown_01: And when you recontextualize the decade of Ralph Lauren through the lens that he's just a closet gay, it all makes sense. Consider, chat, the biggest point of evidence that we have for this. What more do you need to know to prove that Ethan Ralph is gay than who he married. The ugliest natal woman I have ever seen. The most non-passing born a female that has ever been born ever. I have never seen another woman that looks more like a man than Ethan Ralph's wife.

Unknown_01: now it is laid bare chat.

Unknown_01: I genuinely believe, and even if I didn't think it, I would still meme it up, but I really, really believe that Ralph is bisexual. I think he has some sort of weird, weird gay perversion going on because it just, it lines up too perfectly with everything that can be known about Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_01: Even, I won't say that.

Unknown_01: I'll stop myself. There's brake pegs in my brain preventing me from uttering truly, truly vile things, chat.

Unknown_01: Pull up, pull up.

Unknown_01: This is the other email that came out that was funny.

Unknown_01: So Craigslist says,

Unknown_01: on Thursday, man. So this one's hard to explain. A 28 white male, eight inch would love to film. And this is on Craig's list.

Unknown_01: I think it's missing.

Unknown_01: Craigslist reply wrote, yeah, it's hard to guess who's who on this because of the Craigslist system, but it says, uh, I have no problem fucking you and taking pictures and film can host until one. If you want to do something in Richmond, I have an eight inch cock. That's a very thick.

Unknown_01: Let's see, I'm a very shy person but this is what my BF wants and I'm trying to please him and make him happy. He wants lots of pics and he wants to be able to see me getting fucked and the pics to not be shaded out any. I'm new to all of this. I'm a little scared of doing all this. If you're willing to work with me and be patient then this may work. Yeah, I'm very patient and easy going. I know you'll probably be a little nervous but that's cool. Totally down to work with you and have fun. Also, I have a great camera on my phone so high quality pics aren't an issue.

Unknown_01: It sounds good. Let me see what he thinks and I'll get back to you. This is my number. Shoot me a text and we can sort out the details later." And he says, okay, we'll do. So I'm assuming that this is Ralph having cuckold sex.

Unknown_01: And it's hard to say who's doing what yet. I really don't know what to think of this.

Unknown_01: No, this is 2014, so this is, I think, around the time he met Norris. I think this is even before he went to jail. This is like during Gamergate. So I really don't know what the fuck is going on. He's contacting Norris Bull.

Unknown_01: This is one of the emails that was leaked.

Unknown_01: He also doxed himself. This is what they call Casa Verde, the greenhouse on the street. And he lives there. And this also confirms, I think, information that Harry Morris gave out about what city he was in.

Unknown_01: Then the finances came out.

Unknown_01: because with access to power chat and donation alerts, people could use the API to easily aggregate information that is otherwise public, but aggregate numbers regarding his income. And in this email, he had asked for a 2021 report of all his gambling at MGM resorts. And as it turns out, his weird boasting about how much money he was making comes out to a whopping negative $460 over all times. So he had put in like, uh, over a thousand dollars in 2021 and he, um, did not get all that back.

Unknown_01: No, he put in $1,500 about and he got a little over a thousand. So, uh, his big, his big gambling that he bragged about constantly, uh, actually is nothing.

Unknown_01: Um, oh, and this is okay. So when they lived, when Amanda and Ralph lived together, the trad and sad Amanda Morris left the house in such a state of disrepair, he got a $8,000 bill for it. He trashed the apartment they lived in so fucking hard. He got $8,000 of damages cited in the bill. So they're definitely not paying that shit. Um,

Unknown_01: He says, uh, it says here resident benefits package, $39.

Unknown_01: Um, benefits package, late fee cleaning, $234 of, uh, cleaning rekey five cylinders. So he didn't return the keys and they had to rekey all the, uh, the locks in the house, carpet replacements for $600. So the carpets are so fucking filthy in that apartment. Now it's unlivable.

Unknown_01: Rupp notes reinstalled hanging light fixture and installed new glass globe installed new weather stripping utility room door $238 And he didn't pay the last three months of rent before he moved out so that adds up to a nice eight thousand seven thousand dollars six hundred dollars seven thousand six hundred dollars Which he's definitely not paying by the way He's further committed that he's not leaving Mexico for probably because of all the debts that he has outstanding in the u.s

Unknown_01: And they added up the numbers of his income and it came out to something like $180,000.

Unknown_01: uh, which if you remind, if you remember, there was a little spat that Ethan and may had last time we talked about them were may mean into existence.

Unknown_01: Uh, while he was bragging about his income, where's the money at?

Unknown_01: So Ralph has apparently in the year of 20, like, I think it's like,

Unknown_01: October 2021 to date, he made like $180,000 just off Super Chats. And May asked him, where has the money gone? To which he replies, it's in my fucking bank, bitch. And he was so bad hurt by heard about this. He walked her out. He shredded, trotted her out in front of his audience and made her apologize for memeing into existence. Where's the money at or where has the money gone?

Unknown_01: And, uh, even Ralph or Ralph has also trotted out dick mess. You can edit tweets now. I didn't know that.

Unknown_01: Oh, I didn't know that. Dick has to take his defense. I don't know. I think Dick keeps his ego up. I think Dick perceives Ralph as like his pet because they're supposed to go out to Cancun together.

Unknown_01: Him and 80s girl and Dick or Ralph and May were supposed to go out together and they had a babysitter picked out and Dick says that he got to Houston and the flight took off too early.

Unknown_01: And he didn't get to fly. And then he just flew back to L.A. because he didn't feel like it. So he got ditched. I'm pretty sure that Dick treats Ralph like a locale because he knows that Ralph is at his best when his ego is fluffed up. So he just sits there and he prods him and says like, yeah, he's such a great entertainer. He's the funniest guy in the sector right now. He's spitting fire. And he knows that that kind of bullshit just keeps Ralph trucking along just a little bit more.

Unknown_01: Uh, so let's listen to this clip. This is about the baby and the really sad thing. Actually, I'll, I'll save it, but this is about the baby. 7% the baby's crying.

Unknown_21: So you have to go downstairs. Well, bring her up here.

Unknown_18: She bit me on your titty.

Unknown_21: Fuck. What a bitch.

Unknown_21: She missed on your finger.

Unknown_21: I bet she wouldn't do that, but was a mother.

Unknown_19: She got her front teeth in and out. But they're both coming at the same time and it's like, I just feel bad for her because she's like, yeah, it hurts.

Unknown_21: I feel bad for me. Is that selfish to say? I guess so. Of course we feel bad for our children too.

Unknown_01: I think she says at the end, as long as we can make money off of them, or something. Yeah, as long as you make money off of it.

Unknown_01: And then it's going to get kind of dark. I have to talk about cozy, cozy, rosy a little bit.

Unknown_01: But as this is happening, uh, Ralph on a, I think like, I think he's gone like 40 days on a bender. Now his Twitter account's gone. Dick Masterson bouncing on him, his hat, he's outed as a homosexual cuckold.

Unknown_01: And his own baby is a bitch, A-Log, that bites his finger.

Unknown_01: And so, Vickers creates what I'm going to assume is effectively his dammit Nick we lost the case again celebratory t-shirt from the good, the bad, and the vicious of Ethan Ralph's suspended Twitter account as a shirt saying total A-Log

Unknown_01: Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic- Vic-

Unknown_16: This is where the hamsters would come into.

Unknown_01: But, this is the second one.

Unknown_01: And the trainwreck never stopped. The trainwreck continued to go. It continued to trainwreck forever and ever. Amen. And there is a second dose of this fucking bullshit as we continue. As it continues, ladies and gentlemen.

Unknown_01: So Ralph starts the week off pretty strong by announcing that

Unknown_01: I would feel real trapped in this life if I didn't know I could commit suicide at any time. Quote his daddy, Hunter S. Thompson, which anytime a grown man quotes Hunter S. Thompson, you can rest assured that they are the biggest, dumbest, fattest piece of shit that has ever lived.

Unknown_01: I don't know anything about Hunter. Isn't Hunter S. Thompson the Gonzo journalist guy? He's a fucking loser.

Unknown_01: That's all I know about him is he's a fucking loser and only man-child Losers fucking quote him But I'm skipping so much look bro, there's only so much like and I can dive into there's only so much I took notes throughout the week I literally cannot sit here and talk about Ethan Ralph until I fucking die. I just can't fucking do it. I

Unknown_01: He announces on Friday, after my stream would have happened, saying, I'm expecting an eventful Friday. Sleep well. And thank you to Ali Alexander. I'll talk more later. Let's not go full ahead of the story just yet. I've got too much airtime to fill. Also, Dick girl, an 80s girl, or Dick, Dick girl, Dick Masterson, an 80s girl. We'll be here tomorrow too.

Unknown_01: This is in regard to Ali Alexander saying bring Ethan Ralph back. This is a I don't know who the fuck this is He's got the Twitter handle Ali and apparently has a direct line to Elon Musk

Unknown_01: So he comes back.

Unknown_01: Mr. Vickers apparently announcing his retard fucking celebratory t-shirt a little bit too early as Ethan Ralph has come back with a brand new avatar that would fucking scare paint off a wall. I don't even know what the fuck this is supposed to be. Truly hideous. But he says, it feels very good. I want to thank Ali, without his help I would be gone from this platform for good. I owe him everything and I intend to repay.

Unknown_01: I intend to repay Mr. Ali.

Unknown_01: Thank you to the professional Twitter staffer that I dealt with. Your kindness and just adjudication will never be forgotten.

Unknown_01: So Ethan Ralph back on Twitter, his lifeline re-established, reinvigorated. Another W for my man. Can anything stop him?

Unknown_01: To celebrate, of course, he goes out on a nice, this is on February 17th. So this is a little bit out of order. So this is on the 15th or on the 14th before he's unbanned. And he's having his nice dinner with May. Actually, no, this is where the money,

Unknown_01: This is the clip.

Unknown_01: I brought that up, where'd the money go? And I have the clip for it right here. It happened on the 15th. Sorry, I'm very bad at temporal things. I don't know where in time, space time, things happen. This is Ralph, currently fucked up. His Twitter account is not back yet. And May is about to ask, drop a bomb in his lap. It's a 60 fucking dollar game.

Unknown_01: I just spent fu- Oh, she asked him for Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy, and he told him no. Said, no, Mae. No, my stupid fucking horse. I'm not buying you shit, bitch. Kill yourself.

Unknown_21: It's a sixty fucking dollar game.

Unknown_21: I just spent fucking five thousand dollars on going to Rome.

Unknown_21: So, you know, it kind of seems a little... I just want you to know that there was a period of escalation.

Unknown_17: I didn't just jump straight to that comment I made, which I apologize for.

Unknown_01: Oh! Okay, no, I didn't completely fuck it up. They're talking about it again. He's still super livid that she said, um, where'd the money go?

Unknown_17: ...really sincerely, I've stepped out of line. But we were bickering back and forth. Where's the money?

Unknown_21: Well, they counted the money. It's in my goddamn bank account, is where it is.

Unknown_01: Suffer.

Unknown_01: Suffer, pedo-horse. Suffer, you clout-chasing bitch. Suffer.

Unknown_01: Look at her. Look at her suffer. Look at that fake smile. Suffer. Suffer, you fucking cunt. I didn't mean to cut you off. But that was your name that you created.

Unknown_21: Where's the money?

Unknown_17: I didn't make a beat.

Unknown_21: Yeah, you did.

Unknown_17: No, I just... No, you didn't. No, I took a shot at you. Well, you don't understand Mamrie if you don't understand.

Unknown_17: right but you realize that that was if you go back and watch the clip that that was just something that was rapidly spat out of my brain because my husband said something that I thought was really disrespectful and I didn't think before I spoke and I said something hurtful and regretful like

Unknown_17: I apologize for it, but if you watch the clip there was like literally a split second before I said that. It was just the first thing that came to my mind. And it was venomous and it wasn't really cool.

Unknown_01: Suffer. She brought life into this world under these circumstances with Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_01: She watches LollyCon. She truned out DigiBro.

Unknown_01: a transsexual pedo-horse. And now she is in some of the most hellacious conditions that a person could ever find themselves in. And it's just amazing. It's some of the best things. It's like I said, there really is justice sometimes. I'm so grateful when I see it in real time like this.

Unknown_01: I don't know what this quote is, but I'll find it. It's a minimum.

Unknown_21: Hey, band John Daviling in the chat.

Unknown_21: ban him and never let me see him again. Hey Epstein, you want your D-Live mod back? Get him out of here. Now.

Unknown_21: I shouldn't even have to ask.

Unknown_20: Get him out of here.

Unknown_01: Um, so as I mentioned, Dick was coming down to Cancun, so they needed a babysitter. Um, Ralph decides to pick up a babysitter. Um, she needs to be dropped off by her mom. So it's quite likely that this woman is a teenager, uh, cause she still needs her mom to come and drop her off. Uh, but he says that she's a very sexy Latina and says this directly in front of May.

Unknown_21: It has like just a great outside place.

Unknown_21: She's cute.

Unknown_21: Look at that smile.

Unknown_01: Yeah, the babysitter is cute. Latina babysitter that's underage that I hired. She's cute, man.

Unknown_01: Look at that suffer. You see that? I love her fake smile. It's the kind of smile that you have when someone just shot you in the stomach and you're in agony. Ugly babysitter?

Unknown_18: Suffer And now in the realm along the lines of French fry girl of complicated moral quandaries We have Harry Morris see Ralph has filed taxes and so has it may I think

Unknown_01: And Harry Morris happens to have a copy of this. In fact, I believe that Ethan Ralph has filed his taxes in the court of law as evidence that he cannot afford a lawyer and needs court assistance to represent his interest in civil court and family court in California. And his reported income is very low. So with the news that Ethan Ralph has ostensibly made almost $200,000,

Unknown_01: It's interesting that his tax returns do not indicate that he has earned that much money. So Harry Morris claims, who is May's father, says, pretty sure I'm first in on form 211 as a result of the recent video and electronic evidence, but to show it hasn't been out of spite, the IRS whistleblower office pays individuals whose info is used. The award is generally 15 to 30%.

Unknown_01: Surely he made his quarterly estimated payments. So, if you file a whistleblower report with the IRS, and this leads to tax collection, you receive up to 30% of that tax collection. So, Harry Morris has just dropped the IRS on Ethan Ralph, claiming that his reported taxes don't in any way match his actual income.

Unknown_01: Now we must remember chat that the IRS and the United States federal government is the living embodiment of Satan on this earth. It is the beating heart of the devil manifested in corporeal form, uh, in this country. And thus siding with the IRS is objectively an evil thing to do.

Unknown_01: However.

Unknown_01: I don't have to care because Harry Morris is not on my website and Ethan Ralph has pissed him off all on his own. So therefore I am allowed to laugh at this and I do not have to give a fuck because I have no one. I have no control over what Harry Morris does. So with that being said, um,

Unknown_01: Let's see.

Unknown_01: He justifies his action by saying, if anyone is feeling queasy on this, Kiwi farmer Marana M has another sober reality take.

Unknown_01: Ralph and his immediate family have benefited far more from the tax dollars of the USA than most. His mother lived off Social Security income, free dialysis treatments and Medicare. Evan, who is Ralph's disabled brother that lives in a care facility, is cared for 24-7 by American taxpayers. Ronnie lived off SSI. Ralph lived off his mother's welfare payments and food stamps until he was 34.

Unknown_01: Pantsu qualified for Medicaid to cover prenatal care absent delivery costs. Ralph is a parasite to the great United States and he should stay in Mexico. He has no reason to return, unlike Ronnie and Sandra. Ralph will never get to live off SSI because he's never paid into Social Security.

Unknown_01: Um...

Unknown_01: So that's his justification for it. I will leave it up to you if you believe that this literal deal with the devil, literal as in the literal definition of literal deal with the devil, is morally justifiable or not. Fair, honestly. Actually, I'm curious what people think.

Unknown_01: is narking to the IRS parentheses Satan in real life morally just justifiable here justifiable here and then we'll see we'll see what we'll see what my community of a logs says about this

Unknown_02: All right, here we go. The poll has opened.

Unknown_01: I'm waiting for the first votes to enter in. 63 votes have come in with a 57 majority for yes. It's tapering down now to 52% at 400, dropping fast to 50. It's now 50-50, no flickers to the front, but yes takes the lead again by just 1%. With now 800-50 votes, yes is at 53%. It's neck and neck.

Unknown_01: Half the a log community is split right down that this a log is split right down the middle at 54 46 with a thousand votes in I Can't watch I'm so anxious. Stop this deal. Stop the count.

Unknown_01: I Will I will call it there. I'll press the in pull button. What is the results ladies and gentlemen?

Unknown_01: Is an arcing to the IRS Satan in real life morally justifiable here with 1.2 thousand votes in 53% say yes it is and 46% are counting their rosaries and saying that no no such deal with the devil is ever morally justifiable.

Unknown_01: Another quote that people like to bring up is Ralph said on Twitter it's all fair game.

Unknown_01: So they use that however eye for an eye makes the world blind.

Unknown_01: Harry Morris also put out a statement here and addresses Amanda directly. I want to see if I can find the original. I don't want to read Ralph's retweet of this.

Unknown_01: Let's see, these were all recent. There was a big post he put out.

Unknown_01: Okay, God, fuck it, I'll read it. This is kind of sad. This is Harry Morris, Amanda's father, talking directly to his daughter. So this is public communique of a real parent talking to their real child, who has their own child now. And he says, Amanda.

Unknown_01: You've been on this trek for 5 years now since college, I've been supportive and tried to understand your life journey throughout as you know. Your family has always been there, you've repaid by shitting on them directly. You will have to reckon for that and honestly some of those relationships have permanent damage. I have never said anything online for all of this time. I followed with interest everything you got involved in, worried and celebrated in private. Concerns were expressed when we talked, never out in the open for anyone else. At any time, still stupidly to this day, I'm at the rescue ready.

Unknown_01: I have been enabling your behavior and it took me a while to realize that, even when everyone else could. Harassment and blackmail of your family while you stood by were not ever going to be tolerated.

Unknown_01: He got punished and then instead of apologizing, he pulled it all public and doxed the hell out of us just for starters. No one here ever doxed you, so y'all are the ones reading in the wrong places online. It's not the being in Mexico that bothers me, and I will just speak for me.

Unknown_01: And not that much of the drama shit you mentioned in this video are the issue, so you are focused on the wrong things.

Unknown_01: It's the obvious attempt to isolate you. Turn you against your family. Way beyond just me, and I'm the only one that has ever been online in this. It's the prior knowledge of a physical assault. It's the withholding and monitoring of your means of communications. It's the drug abuse and Roseanne's presence. Calling her a bitch and teaching her to cuss before her first word. Drunk and dangerous driving while she sits in your lap. It's your involvement in ongoing harassment of a prior victim. I could go on, but you know none of this is right. So think about your daughter and what she will think someday of what you are doing now. Tell him to get into treatment and take a safety break away from each other until and if he gets better. You've come close to leaving many times, just call this a trial separation. do it for her, you have an open offer to stay in a safe spot away from New York with nothing to worry about and when we are sure you're not keylogged or otherwise under a thumb, we can give you the details. If not, you have seen what I will continue to do however I see fit. Love, Dad."

Unknown_01: Ethan Ralph replies, Harry Morris admits he took a big fat L. Ralph won and I'm not done winning.

Unknown_01: Amazing.

Unknown_01: Amazing. Literally, Dick replies, literally the greatest content creator of our generation.

Unknown_01: So this requires a little bit of explanation.

Unknown_01: Even though Ralph had defeated Harry Morris, slayed the vicious Vickers, and even marched to the Capitol and wrested control of his God-given Twitter account from the hands of Elon Musk himself, not all was right in the world. For you see, he made a fatal mistake, and one mistake so great that amends must be made. He trusted a woman. Now, as a proud Gamergate king slash misogynist that Ethan Ralph is, allowing his horse to pay the electric bill was a grave mistake because it was not paid on time and the electricity went out. And we associate electricity going out with the poorest of the poorest, the people with no money, the people whose wives may ask the question, where's the money gone?

Unknown_01: and so humiliated, offended, and most of all disappointed, Ethan Ralph dragged Mae by the mane to the camera and told her, Bish, apologize.

Unknown_01: And so she did.

Unknown_10: What's that? This is my life, homie. You decide yours.

Unknown_10: I know that Jesus died for us, but I can't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't pay the electric bill. It's all right. That's all my best.

Unknown_20: You're the one who has the money. I just stay at home and work. You were just supposed to pay the bill, right?

Unknown_20: Yeah, I messed up. I lost track of times it was supposed to be paid. We just moved. I mean, that's not an excuse, but we just moved and it was like a different payment system.

Unknown_20: They pay the bills like every two months here instead of every month.

Unknown_20: And there's like,

Unknown_20: It's not the same obviously as in the US and I didn't know how to do it and it was too complicated so I didn't do it immediately and then I let it kind of fall on my to-do list and I fucked up and didn't pay it so they came and turned the power off and it's Mexico so it took forever. Yeah he went out today and he paid the bill again.

Unknown_20: So sorry everybody, I know.

Unknown_21: I paid the bill again twice today, which they said they were going to add on to next month's bill.

Unknown_20: They did. They did. Prove it. It's on the app. Okay, prove it.

Unknown_01: This by the way, he was so fucked up. He was actually calling this his retirement stream. He was so angry about the power being turned off. He called this like a retirement stream and was saying like, I'm thinking about quitting. He was so fucked up on Xanny's and beer that the stream before this, he like passes out. He literally passes out on stream. I think he's passed out on stream like three times in the last week and he drags me out at some point and makes her apologize.

Unknown_01: So, um,

Unknown_01: His financials are not doing well and evidenced by this. So Ralph has like two ongoing family court issues. He has the child custody dispute with Faith Vickers directly and he has a domestic violence restraining order suit with her father, Matthew Vickers, the one who says victory after his shirt gets published or whatever.

Unknown_01: So he has had a longstanding attorney.

Unknown_01: with a woman named Jennifer something.

Unknown_01: And he posted on stream, he literally posted on stream while he was fucked up on pills and booze, his email from his attorney saying that I'm going to need another $5,000 retainer to fight the, um, the hearing in, uh, March.

Unknown_01: he published this on Twitter and said I need y'all to really step up I need you to help me win this with the family court in California the California crew trying to break me trying to drain all my money he was literally sitting there begging demanding Y'all ain't even coughed up. I'm the king of content. I've only made like a hundred dollars in the last hour. Y'all need to step it up. Advertise this stream like DSP tier, like commanding the pay pigs, pay pigs. And, um,

Unknown_01: That was part of the reason. His lawyer called him mid-stream and said, what the fuck are you doing showing my email address on stream? Why are you showing confidential attorney-client privileged information on stream? Are you fucking retarded? And I'm not making this up, this sounds like I'm making it up because it's too funny, but that literally happened on stream. And then he takes it down and then forgets about this conversation because he has wet brain and is addicted to Xanax and puts it back up again for another hour. She is no longer his attorney. And Ralph has, in his search history, he's looking for the specific form, which is a form to file an MC-050, substitution for attorney,

Unknown_01: and is a form to replace your attorney. And it is believed based on what he said that he intends to represent himself pro se against both the domestic violence restraining order and also the, the, uh, the custody dispute.

Unknown_01: So, um, we are expecting some entertaining content from the courtroom as a result of this, because he doesn't have the money for a real lawyer anymore.

Unknown_01: I believe that his belief is that because he's in Mexico, it is not possible for the IRS to collect from him and that if he loses a civil judgment and has a civil judgment against him for a certain amount of money, they will not be able to collect because of where he lives. And it is my deep regret to say that this is absolutely true. As an expat myself, I know the laws regarding taxation and civil judgments and all that fun stuff. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you live in a place like Mexico, uh, you are completely immunized from the IRS and all civil judgments. So Ralph is making the correct decision here. I'm not a lawyer, but my intuition says that this is probably the right idea. So,

Unknown_01: I think Jack, I mean, we're going to do an informal thing. None of us are lawyers here, but let's see. Let's start a poll.

Unknown_01: Is it true that in Mexico they can't touch you? And we're going to do a little poll here. I'm just going to, I'm going to, this again, this is my intuition. We're going to see, we got about 3,800 people watching this. Is it true that in Mexico they can't touch you? Let's see if this reaches consensus.

Unknown_01: yeah okay the yeses are coming through the yes the smart people who know better and are pressing yes because that is the correct answer are at 49 and unfortunately it appears that i have in an audience of severely socially stunted people who are voting no okay thankfully the smart people are coming back in we got 53 for the yes

Unknown_01: Finally, finally intelligence is winning. You guys are such fucking retards. You guys are so fucking dumb, I can't even believe it.

Unknown_01: How do you fuck this up?

Unknown_01: You know what, I think that maybe Chat got the wrong idea. Let me try this again.

Unknown_01: Is it true that in Mexico, nobody from the U.S. can get you? Yes or no? Let's try this again. I think chat, their fingers slipped. You know how chat is. Chat's real fucking dumb.

Unknown_01: The poll concluded with 4,000 votes for yes, zero for no. Thank you. Thank you, chat, for backing me up. Ralph is making the right decision here, I feel in my heart of hearts.

Unknown_01: Dipshits.

Unknown_01: So we must remember that at the heart of this controversy,

Unknown_01: The heart of this, of this is a real child, uh, who we all may make mean jokes about her.

Unknown_01: Um, she's a real person and she's in Mexico and she's with may and Ralph. And, uh, it's quite sad. No, this is not, this is literally not funny. Um, this is may and Ralph talking about their baby. How much better my wife look compared to Rand's wife.

Unknown_21: I love you too. I love you too. Rosie.

Unknown_21: People are like, he's trying to monetize Rosie. I'm like, yeah.

Unknown_21: Rosie's going to be, when she's old enough, of course. Responsible enough.

Unknown_21: Rosie, I mean, this is a family business, motherfucker. Like, what are you talking about?

Unknown_21: Yes, I am going to be doing that. I'm having kids to restaff my fucking operation here.

Unknown_21: and I'm going to keep having more.

Unknown_21: So yeah, that's the exact fucking idea.

Unknown_21: That's the exact motherfucking idea.

Unknown_21: And that's been the idea for most successful people since the beginning of fucking time.

Unknown_02: That's one clip.

Unknown_01: It's also hypothesized that may is a really mother. I'll leave that up to you.

Unknown_20: I mean, I know, I mean, maybe you don't care.

Unknown_21: I really don't.

Unknown_20: I don't think I'm the one to judge honestly because I, uh, I've split up relationships before too.

Unknown_21: Well, yeah, but they were losers.

Unknown_21: Have you ever split up or have you ever split up a relationship where there were two small children who depended on their family?

Unknown_19: I mean, no.

Unknown_21: No. Okay. Thank you. You're no longer needed.

Unknown_21: Yes. I appreciate you coming in. Thank you.

Unknown_01: Oh, it's not funny now then. Well, if you're not finding the whole situation with the baby funny, I've got great news for you chat. I have great news.

Unknown_01: May has announced she is pregnant again. There is a demon baby number three on the way. Are you, are you excited? He's restaffing the family business. Of course he's going to monetize his children. That's the whole fucking idea. Ain't it?

Unknown_01: So, of course they've announced this super early. It's very normal to miscarry in your first trimester. But it's looking like a total May-May-log victory. The face of a proud mother with another on the way.

Unknown_01: Raising a baby in the Casa Verde of a foreign country while Papa Ralph gets completely fucked up on Xaniberries and alcohol. Represents himself in court and flips a big fuck you to the IRS. Let's just see what happens. Who knows?

Unknown_01: Probably gonna end up with Harry Morris having a bunch of grandkids. He has to take care of but We'll see Raisings this front. Yes. I don't know

Unknown_01: I don't know. I don't know what their family life is actually like it could She could be maybe there's like one or two cases. I mean baby son. I can't she's leaving the kid alone though all right I find it impossible

Unknown_01: To name a single redeeming quality of Mae. The closest she's ever come. Cause Ralph, again, he calls himself like a woman hater. He says he hates bitches. He hates hoes. Bitches, never trust a bitch. He like openly ridicules and like demeans Mae on the regular.

Unknown_01: And he has a daughter. He might have two daughters. This one could also be a daughter.

Unknown_01: And Mae had like a little, little spat with him at some point. And she was like, you know, I've had a baby now and I've had a girl and now I'm looking at my daughter and I'm thinking like, how am I, how am I representing myself to my daughter? And these are very, these are very human emotions for a horse. I've never heard Mae express such, such thing, especially in the audience of Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_01: Um, but I just don't think she's smart enough. I think she is literally the dumbest bitch in the whole fucking world and she cannot take enough red flags. I don't even know. I don't know what she wants. I don't know if it's a humiliation fetish. I don't know if she just is like too insecure. I don't know. Maybe she is just a misery golem. and she's run out of lives to ruin she she literally brings this man who's fucked up on xanax and beer more alcohol directly supplies him with vodka i don't know if she's just trying to kill him but she's like running out of lives to ruin so she's creating more so she can ruin their lives too may is probably one of the most sadistic like completely

Unknown_01: uh like opaque person on the site i have no fucking idea what is going through this this evil evil horse brain at any given time i am forced to assume i used i used to say that she was um

Unknown_01: that she had like a plan for fame. And then I used to, I said, she's dumb as shit and she probably is dumb, but I now think she's evil. She's just evil. She, she's an evil person. She doesn't, she doesn't care about anything. I don't even think she cares about herself. She just enjoys spreading misery.

Unknown_01: There's a quote from Diablo where they're explaining how the demons that show up in the game follow the path that Diablo takes as he walks around. And they call the demons Diablo's shadow. And it's like that. Maybe it's just Satan walking the earth leaving a trail of demons and suffering in its shadow. I really don't know how else to explain what this woman does.

Unknown_01: I mean, stupid people can be evil. In fact, most evil people are stupid.

Unknown_01: Because evil, smart people are better at hiding that they're evil. But when you got someone to openly, like, just, you know, fuck this kid. Here, drink yourself to death, retard. I want to have another baby. That's the stupid kind of evil.

Unknown_01: So, um... Uh, let's see.

Unknown_02: I think that's it.

Unknown_02: Actually, you know what I'm gonna take I'm gonna take a risk here Someone has informed me Let me just start the Scott Adams thing up cuz he finally shaved off that fucking hair that he had for I think for court actually try to stop myself from doing that and

Unknown_21: Cause I know the A-logs and the, oh Ralph's crying. Yeah, I'm crying about my mom not a bitch. You probably don't even know who your fucking mama was.

Unknown_01: Asshole. I guess he just cried over his mom again. He thinks about his mom and cries about her a lot because she was probably the only person ever who loved him. And he allowed her to die in filth and misery by herself in a hospital bed. Cause he couldn't, he couldn't be sober long enough to drive her to the hospital. So now he cries about that too.

Unknown_01: Oh well, such is life as a Ralph Amell.

Unknown_02: Let's see, what's this say?

Unknown_02: Oh, Ralph was saying that the pregnancy is fake, but we are actively trying so it won't be fake next time you hear.

Unknown_01: Praise, praise, press P in chat to praise chat. There is no third demon baby. And if there is, if there is a merciful God, he is actively preventing this insemination from happening.

Unknown_01: Come on. We may, we may luck out after all chat.

Unknown_01: It was just a word. I don't know. He like, he says this shit and then he backtracks it all the time. And it's like, I don't know what he's doing. If he, he says it's a work.

Unknown_01: I mean, if you're actively trying and she's pregnant, I think, I don't want to say anything too nasty, but I think there might be another explanation for what, um, for, for the work that doesn't, that doesn't involve deliberate missing, miss, uh, misleading information.

Unknown_01: I don't, I dare not speak any evil chat.

Unknown_01: I don't want it. It's just to be altruistic. Where's my altruism in that chat?

Unknown_01: Say it. No. All right. Um, I think that's it. I think we're going to go into show mode now.

Unknown_01: Maybe I'll, I don't know. Oh, I want to ask you guys real quick before we do show mode.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: I...

Unknown_01: I am debating how to monetize better and I'm debating doing like properly edited videos or just doing like shorts and trying to exploit Tik Tok. I want to exploit these platforms for their advertising dollar chat cause it's there for taking, it's there to be exploited. You know, you know what I mean? I feel like I'm not doing enough to exploit these massive corporations that exist to be exploited.

Unknown_01: So, um, I've talked to somebody who says they can, they can do clips and I'm considering starting a clip thing. I'm considering doing like a short thing. Like I'm thinking like I can, I can do a video like how a woman lost her cat to her worst enemy and just do a quick 60 second rundown of Chantal and I think that would succeed.

Unknown_01: YouTube is pushing shorts hard. My friend does them and gets 10 times viewers on shorts.

Unknown_00: Okay, fine.

Unknown_01: I'll put out a clip channel and I'll do a 60 second long video explaining how a Muslim Canadian white woman lost her cat to her mortal enemy and see what happens.

Unknown_01: I just have to be very careful because to monetize it, I can't, like I was looking at the TikTok terms of service. They are fucking crazy over there. You can't bully someone for their personality traits. You cannot criticize someone for their personality traits. Let me pull up the terms of service actually.

Unknown_01: and just read this to you.

Unknown_01: Actually, uh, tick tock, except I'm going to be, then I do personality content. Uh, do not post, upload, scream, or share content that insults another individual or disparages disparages an individual on the basis of attributes such as intellect, appearance, personality traits, or hygiene.

Unknown_01: Appearance I can understand, but it's like if someone's stupid you can't make fun of you can't say they're stupid if someone has an awful personality You can't say that if they stink if they don't bathe themselves. You're not allowed to point that out very bizarre I don't know what the fuck is going on with that I

Unknown_01: Also, by the way, if you search TikTok community guidelines, I'll read the titles of the first section. You ready?

Unknown_01: Minor safety, title one.

Unknown_01: Minor title, sexual exploitation of minors. Grooming behavior. Nudity and sexual activity involving minors. Harmful activities by minors. Physical and psychological harm of minors. Crimes against children.

Unknown_01: Uh, dangerous acts and challenges, suicide, self-harm and disordered eating. It's like the entire, literally half of the community guidelines are specifically oriented about like kids. It's pretty creepy.

Unknown_01: Save room for the bounce rate. No, I just want, I'm trying to, I'm trying to, I'm doing pretty well. I'm not gonna lie. I'm doing pretty well. I just want to do better. I just, I, I'll tell you my perspective.

Unknown_01: These, these platforms that exist are evil.

Unknown_01: And they should be treated as evil. They should be treated like whores, and they should be beaten and exploited, and used to profit as much as possible. And they should not be treated with respect at all. So I'm trying to figure out, can I abuse Neil Mohan, the current new CEO of YouTube, can I abuse Chinese TikTok, and get their advertisers to give me their money, because I deserve it more than them. Do you understand? Do you understand what I'm saying, boy? Do you understand what's going on here? Talking about women.

Unknown_02: I agree.

Unknown_01: Anyways, that's what I'm thinking about. Because I would like to own a kiwi farm. I would like to make a farm and farm banana peppers and live out my dreams.

Unknown_01: But I also want to work on my tech stuff.

Unknown_01: Here's another thing, by the way, since people are listening.

Unknown_01: I have a very strong position now in hosting. I have multiple front ends on completely different tier 1 networks, on completely different countries, with multiple companies, with many many points of failures, and active DDoS filtering on layers 3, 4, and 7.

Unknown_01: So I'm looking at what other sites I can offer help to and maybe make money with through that. Cause I'm going to have a 10 gigabit per second line and I'm going to, I have my entire IP range and I have DDoS filtering and it's like I can do TCP proxying even then or DDoS filtering. But it's like what kind of website, you know, would need help from me? That's like not so hot. It would just create a new set of problems for me.

Unknown_01: You know what I mean? So, um, if you have, if you run a website that is hard to host, like specifically, I've reached out to the archive that is guy. Um, I would love to help the archive guy. That's the kind of site I would love to help. One that's us legal, very hard to host. Um, it could, and it could probably use some help. Um, but it's not like a neo-Nazi site or something, something that would just complicate my life for more money than it's worth. You know what I mean?

Unknown_01: Yeah. Slayer seven. I like, if you go to, um, uh, Kiwi farms.net, you'll see the, the cloud flare thing replacement that I have.

Unknown_01: So I don't know. I'm looking at that, um, to, to see what I can do. I would like to make my, um, 1776 profitable again. Cause right now it's just a money sink.

Unknown_01: Like, yeah, I could probably help with cozy. I don't know if, I don't think Nick Fuentes has any money though.

Unknown_01: you talk to cuz from soyjack party he has hosting um no if cuz needs help then i can help him but he has to be on top of like illegal shit and the soyjack people hate us anyways that's just my my um my uh my thoughts if there's like websites that are completely us legal but for whatever reason have various issues hosting thank you for the money i will spend it on drugs Oh, finally, someone donated $100 to activate my secret trap card. TwinkleTard comes in clutch yet again. So that's just my thoughts. I'm thinking about the bag. I'm thinking about future-proofing myself. With that, I will now do the bag talk. We're now in the bag zone, chat.

Unknown_01: All right. Um, let us see nation page.

Unknown_01: No, that's not what I want.

Unknown_02: Nope. Wrong button. Wrong, but I completely fucked up.

Unknown_02: Recent donations.

Unknown_02: That's the right button.

Unknown_02: A filter from Tuesday to now.

Unknown_02: Let us see. Let us begin chat.

Unknown_01: Why are these not in the right order?

Unknown_01: Oh no, this guy just donated at 7 a.m. for some reason. Retro Raggy or Ranny's for 10 says, hello Josh, your stream on Tuesday was great, but I felt I had to mention that one of the people who super chatted under the name long mentioning the Jenny failure are both former slash current administrators of Shadman's discord server. That is sus of them. That's true. Shadman is a pedophile. You should not sweep it up for him.

Unknown_01: If you don't know if for whatever reason these people don't know why I'm saying this it's not strictly because of the lollicon It's because he has made lollicon of like actual children. He has traced The the girl the actress from Logan So there was, at the time she was like 13 too. So he like put her into porn when she was like, it's not based off the character, Logan. It's based off the actress, um, Daphne Keene that he traced into pornography and his, um, her act, her agent had to work to try and remove that because it's like, um, you're going to traumatize this kid if she Googles herself and finds Shadman porn for being raped. Oh, and, uh, he also drew like revenge porn of, uh, Keemstar's, uh, like stepdaughter, which is pretty fucked up. Uh, if you're associated with, with Shadman, I would discourage you from being associated with, with Shadman.

Unknown_01: Tatters for 10 says a smiley face. Josh's first amendment equals feed them and feed them of Snead. The day is this message schizophrenic. The day a pizza will always be on the horizon for you. May your pizza days be bountiful and generous. Josh Smiley. There's so many smiley faces. This makes me uncomfortable. hello and pinecones pb and j to the chat hello again okay hello that message is schizophrenic but thank you very much uh wilbur wheatley for 21 30 says eclectic music bambi by tokyo police demon kitty rag and to the sea by cats in yammer brighter than the sun by brick plus mortar destroyer and a good song never dies by saint motel such great heights by postal service

Unknown_01: I have definitely heard Demon Kitty Rag and I think everything by Cats and Yammer. I am familiar with A Good Song Never Dies by Saint Motel. I probably heard all of these to be honest with you, but I'll look and see if I haven't. Thank you. Deputy dog crap, but for five says Chantal, give the cat to her mortal enemy. Horse bride is pregnant again. We'll all be milk drunk before the end of twenty twenty three. Twenty twenty three has been pretty fucking strong so far. It's really putting out the content. Twenty twenty two was a dark year plagued by actual plagues and then also trunes. But twenty twenty three is doing well.

Unknown_01: Mustache penis with bowtie for two says since you live in some slab country. Here's a little bit towards getting some potassium iodine tablets for impending radiation

Unknown_01: Once the first Russian gets a kill streak and unlocks a tactical nuke. Um, I, by that logic, I guess the Russians aren't doing too well cause nobody has a kill streak for a tactical nuke.

Unknown_01: Uh, but thank you. Um, I think that they have, um, provisions for nuclear fallout cause after, after Chernobyl, all the European countries panicked and now have like plans for nuclear fallout strategies.

Unknown_01: Aka for 533 says, are Gryrus Japanese neighbors? I don't know what the fuck a Gry... I don't... What the fuck is a Gryus? Japanese fashion subculture transliteration for the slang word gal. Is this a cross-dressing thing? It's really hard to tell because Japanese men look like Japanese women.

Unknown_02: Jeans company.

Unknown_02: Uh, bro, I don't know what the fuck it's like a fashion thing for like thoughts in Japan.

Unknown_01: I don't know what the fuck you're trying to get me to say. I'm not talking about this anymore. I'm not. I feel like I'm being tricked by this question. Thank you though. Well, I'll do for once is happy Friday, Josh. I have a joke for you. Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? It's because they're really good at it.

Unknown_01: Oh, cause you don't see him. I got you. Thank you.

Unknown_15: Thank you for the money. I will spend it on drugs.

Unknown_01: Thank you again, twinkle darn. I guess I feel bad. I feel bad taking so much money from people. Uh, I guess I need to, uh, I need to do this more often and rotate up the sound clips. I'll put, I'll make a, I don't want to commit to this. I'll put a different sound clip up for a hundred dollars each week and see how many people are committed to trying to trigger it.

Unknown_01: Ethan Reynolds Facial Stories for Five says, it's not true, fucker. If I had to guess, it's probably you who got syphilis from a Mexican prostitute. He says that he has rosacea, which is weird. And he says he wears makeup or something to cover the rosacea. I forget what he said.

Unknown_01: Per Martin Nelyetsom for 2663 says, I got so fucking furious like a month ago when he said plant some potato seed. While it is possible to plant potatoes from their potato seeds, basically everyone sprouts potatoes from seed potatoes.

Unknown_01: Okay, bro. I'm not planning on planting tomatoes or potatoes. Oh, you mean, you mean for the gym potatoes? Okay, fine. When I plant my gym potatoes and make my gym fries, I will, I will, I'll plant the actual tuber and I won't be stupid about it. I promise. I'll take good care of my gym potatoes. Overwatcher for one says Flagsburg trivia time. What country's region has a coat of arms that features a bear erection?

Unknown_01: Um, so it is not unusual for coats of arms that feature animals to include an erect penis. It's not like highly detailed animal cock. It's just there. Uh, because obviously you wouldn't put a female on your coat of arms. And if, if it's a male, it better be masculine with a big penis. Cause it's a guy that's designing his coat of arms. He's not going to have a bear with a, with a tiny Dick. You know what I mean?

Unknown_02: Um, I don't know.

Unknown_02: Well, let me find out. I'm going to, I would guess someplace in Russia, maybe France. Uh, there is a one that has a deer with a penis Warwick Shire County.

Unknown_01: So the UK, this one, this is a deer that has a penis. Oh, it's an old one though. It's not a current one.

Unknown_01: Okay. So there you go. Some British shit. Wait, uh, this is, Oh, it's the Swiss. The Swiss have penises for their animals.

Unknown_01: Very, very fascinating.

Unknown_01: Uh, say gags for five says check this tick tock of a guy with down syndrome doing the Macarena in front of a giant swastika. Okay. I will.

Unknown_01: Oops, we cannot find your video. Well, you fucked up, my dude. I would totally watch your, um, retard macarena with a swastika, but you fucked it up.

Unknown_01: Um, Overwatcher for one says, since your name may or may not be James Potter and that's the name of Harry Potter's dad, does that mean that you're with a real daddy Jim all along?

Unknown_01: I guess so. I mean, Jim, Jim was born with that name though. So he, he had it before me. He's older than me. I don't think that's how that works. A cowboy ranch dressing for one says happy Christian love day. No, the Dolo wall. That's true. I did. As I said, it is a Christian's birthday today. Turning 41% in jail. Um, well turning 41 maybe he'll 41% in jail. That remains to be seen.

Unknown_01: Joshua Connor moon for ten says gold and silver are good hedgers against economic fluctuations But are worthless if society collapses if you're worried about that collect brass jacketed ammo still tool heads copper wire and learn how to reload brass casings and cast lead I Mean yeah supplies are more useful than gold and silver but gold and silver is Still valuable as currency and will probably return to what people I mean people will trade commodities, but they'll also have gold and silver so

Unknown_01: Burton, Ohio for 569 says it's my birthday today last year My gift was the start of World War three and this year my friends newly transitioned cat mrs Mittens was mauled by a group of refugee pitbulls Poor thing only has like five more lives left. I was wish I was born on the 29th I guess form mr. Mint mrs. Mittens was Well, he was probably it was probably a victim of a hate crime because I believe mrs. Mittens was was trans So that's why the pit the the pitbulls Savaged him very hard to hear

Unknown_01: Negro for ten says been following you for a while. Just want to throw a couple bucks your way. Thank you very much I appreciate it. I am piano for ten says hey Josh. Are you still continuing hosting a 4chan alternative? No, I am NOT He continues a four chuds would be very cool. Have a great weekend go away when I host an image board There's a very concerted deliberate effort to spam it with child pornography by people who know me from 8chan and do not want me to ever host a successful image board, so I don't even bother I'm never trying again It sucks, but it sucks

Unknown_01: Funny silly feller for five says it's wacky to see people who claim to be a peace-loving kind people Laugh whenever a young Russian man dies in a pointless war because the war told them that the Russians were evil bad Walmart Hitler Doll fighter Nazis

Unknown_01: I've said this before, but I think that a lot of the people who are super pro-involvement in the war, pro-Ukrainian war, are just overflowing with the natural bloodlust that people get for nationalism, but are not allowed to express in any other way. So now that Darth Putler has arisen and everyone can challenge Lord Voldemort to a wand fight, people are just desperate to see bodies scattered and blown apart by weapons of

Unknown_01: because it pacifies that part of the brain.

Unknown_01: Ohio supremacist for 10 says, Ohio chuds, it's time to rise up and take our rightful place as the best state in the union. Ohio does look pretty nice. I think they have, um, no, they don't. They don't have red flag laws.

Unknown_01: Um, it's a corrupt state though, and it's full of radioactivity now. So I don't know that reduces it a couple of points, I guess.

Unknown_01: Baron Vladimir Harkonnen for 25 says, it's sort of funny that Ukraine is faction reference as being the Fremen from Dune, considering in the very next book, after Paul Artrides becomes emperor, they embark on a great jihad across the galaxy and kill 61 billion of Muad'Dib's name. Funny, huh?

Unknown_01: Um, I don't know anything about Dune. I apologize.

Unknown_01: Um, I guess the, the assumption here is that the Ukrainians will, will genocide the rest of the planet, which at this point I'm okay with. Thank you.

Unknown_01: Rungle Virgin with rage for five 33 says, hi Josh. In celebration of the Christian love day, please play this song by the minute hour.

Unknown_01: Um, have a good day friend. So this is probably something stupid as fuck.

Unknown_01: Oh.

Unknown_06: That's I stopped my exes by the minute an hour, that's pretty good I know that they made that song that sound that says if you don't like this song then you're a pedophile And that's pretty funny.

Unknown_01: That's a good song small kitten for 10 says My cat, Mrs. Mittens, got diagnosed with brittle bone disease. She was thinking of creating a new free speech image board for cats, but doctors say she only has a few more days to live. Please pray for her. Thanks. Much love from Itakuro Mitts, Greenland."

Unknown_01: I wish your poor cat great success with his or her image board, their image board. Emperor of California for Ten says, "'Tuesday,' remembering Sterling was married, reminded me of this song." Oh my fucking God.

Unknown_01: Fun fact, the artist was the main voice actor of the Squidbillies until he made an anti-BLM, pro-white comment and they replaced him with Tracy Morgan as humiliation. Man to man Can I ask you a question?

Unknown_06: What made you do it?

Unknown_01: Man to man Yeah, that voice is familiar. That's Unknown Henson, Man to Man.

Unknown_01: Um, I guess that's just a gay joke at Jim's expense. A crunchy faggot for one says, what would your Patronus be? Cal mutt, hamster, Kiwi PS. You may be interested in, uh, it's a Harry Potter coin from the New Zealand mint. I do not give money to New Zealanders. You know this. Oh wow. Those are pretty good designs. Actually. I expect it to be just a silver with like a print on top, but they're actually pretty decent. Um, uh, embosses. Cool.

Unknown_01: Mine would be a slobber mutt, obviously. They were also supposed to have a debate, I think?

Unknown_01: Keffels wanted to challenge Ralph to a debate and said, and Keffel said that he reads the gun board. So it's like, just join the forum, bro. Just, you want to piss Ralph off, join the forum, start posting in his board. You don't even have to post in your thread. Just avoid your thread and post in the Ralph board and call him a fat loser.

Unknown_01: Oh my God. You just reminded me of something.

Unknown_02: How did I forget this?

Unknown_02: Holy wait, hold on.

Unknown_02: Um, I need to ask chat. Hold on No, this is urgent I cannot fucking believe I forgot this This is a level 9,000 I will pause the stream indefinitely until I find this clip

Unknown_02: Hold up.

Unknown_02: Maybe it's in my notes and I just forgot it. What the fuck is this?

Unknown_02: Is this it?

Unknown_01: This is it. I found it.

Unknown_01: No, that's his ass. Wait, is this it?

Unknown_21: I think No, I don't know I think I might have I'm not sure Where oh no come the fuck god you people in chat suck ass.

Unknown_01: I need one thing from you and you're just like no I'm not gonna do it. I I'm gonna be completely and totally fucking serious here. This stream is over until I find this I

Unknown_02: Um, nope, not here.

Unknown_01: Okay. Someone, I think this guy found it. Yes. Yes. Okay. The stream may continue. We are exiting. We are exiting show mode and it's time.

Unknown_21: Even the stripes in the chat. It'd be like, God damn, this is a big titties.

Unknown_21: I'm not sure if I can defeat that.

Unknown_21: I'm really not. I don't think I can defeat that.

Unknown_21: And they're huge. It's like.

Unknown_21: Did you literally just get the biggest fucking training knockers that they had available or like.

Unknown_01: He is talking about Keffel's boobs because he said.

Unknown_01: He said that he would win. Oh, cause he had challenged Keffel's to a Xanax competition on Twitter. And then Vickers said he was going to use that as evidence that, um, Ralph is a drug addict and his court motions. And he said, I'm just fucking joking. I'm not actually challenging this. Then Queenka falls to a, to a Xanny competition. And then he reads this chat and says, what about like a, like a bitch tits competition? He's like, I don't know if I could do that. I mean, then there's some big old tranny knockers. I don't know if I could beat Queenka falls with them. Big, bountiful, beautiful tranny breasts.

Unknown_21: Nigga, I'm a gamer gay king. Who the fuck are you talking to?

Unknown_01: I had an episode. I had to find this clip because I was reminded of it. I did not have it at the ready.

Unknown_01: Okay, let's see.

Unknown_01: Sika Lothar for four says, so Ralph is earning a hundred grand a year in super chats more than what he earned when the kill stream was at its prime despite having way fewer viewers. Why do you think this is? Because Nick Fuentes fans are pay pigs. They are like the actual definition of pay pigs. They have severe issues of fatherlessness and they will throw money at anyone who gives them that daddy complex that Ralph does.

Unknown_01: Asa speds for 533 says I support JK r equals Josh's Josh's Kiwi rice. Well, thank you I'm glad you support my empire of my empire of dirt

Unknown_01: TheBuffaloQ provides us our jush. Can you tell my friend Colt that the ham planet he keeps fawning over, obsessed Seuss, is just using you for your money and just get her disgusting gunt and move on? No, because she's going to use her disgusting goon to keep baiting him for the fucking money. If you're giving some, some a woman money and you're not even like, you don't know her in real life and you're not having like a relationship and you're just, just being trolled, bro.

Unknown_01: There are many fat women out there, especially in the United States. You can replace her. In fact, most fat women are happy just to have sex. What are you doing? How are you fucking this up?

Unknown_01: Eastie poise for 533 says fuck you Jewish for not mentioning that it's the Independence Day of Estonia and fuck that league player He is a disgrace. You have to give us another chance. It was Dota that the Estonian trolled me in Estonia is like 50% Russian. You guys are like proper colonized by the Russians

Unknown_01: I'm sure Estonia is fine. The closest I've been to Estonia is Latvia. I had a layover flight in Latvia one time and I was only there at night so I never got to see anything in Riga.

Unknown_01: But I would like to visit the Baltics at some point.

Unknown_01: Happy Independence Day to Estonia, I guess. Roxanne Wolfer 10 says bark bark. This money is for the mutt sack shack. Mutt sack. Mutt shack garden. Please do this needful and name one of your beloved plants fiddle. Thank you. Your kennel club for neighbors.

Unknown_01: Uh, I will fiddle. Okay, fine. I'll name a banana pepper plant fiddle. Thank you.

Unknown_01: Wagee Exodus for five says, I'm starting a web development class this week. What is some advice you would have for a beginner and for finding a job? Well, I mean, you're taking a class, get certified in something that usually helps.

Unknown_01: As far as advice, I don't know. Just build stuff that you're interested in. Like if you have an idea for something that you could use, it doesn't have to be super popular, but just like, I mean, if you're just doing web design, you have those tamper monkey scripts, make like a tamper monkey script to change a website that you already use to do something better. Something like that. You learn better if you do make something that you're interested in because you have different challenges. Sterling's wake for five says to talk about England Scotland issue I've said for years that Scotland is literally England, but ten times worse worse food worse culture worse politics, etc, etc None unpopular opinion. I guess they do have a unicorn as their national animal, which is very trans trans sexual No surprises. I'm a Yuki and I played atomic heart yesterday. It has an Ukrainian language option I still think Russians are our Slavic brothers really wish our countries weren't run by Jews That's a good opinion. It's a good take I hope that your video game was fun, friend. I have not played it yet. I've been playing Deep Rock Galactic because Seth commanded that people play it. So I've played it a little bit.

Unknown_01: Seth is being sussy baka. He needs to be careful. I'm hearing bad things on the internet about him. Makes me sad.

Unknown_01: Degenerate for 533 says character.ai has always been anti not safe for work actually But they continue to get their program with increasingly restrictive sensors and a sex arms raise Replica literally market itself as a virtual e-girlfriend builder. So it's where they decided to suddenly turn Probably like I said, it's probably payment processor related Yeah, we're rock and stone

Unknown_01: Five star ACE for three, uh, three 50 says, um, sorry, I don't feel like I answered that, but yeah, I feel like the payment process has come down and say like, you have to like make this non-sexual or something, or maybe, I don't know, maybe it is like with the AI dungeon where they didn't monitor chat logs to try and improve AI. And they just saw so many people trying to fuck kids in it. They're just like, um, no, nevermind. We're just going to ruin this so that this can't happen, which is understandable.

Unknown_01: Five Star Ace for $3.50 says, ever put a mirror into a birdcage? With enough time, the bird will fall in love with its reflection. It's smart enough to recognize another bird but can't understand that the reflection isn't real. Now how smart is a human really?

Unknown_01: Um, those people are just lonely and relationships are hard and they require compromise. And it's possible that you get hurt in a real relationship. A robot is not capable of hurting you unless it's developer decides that it's going to terminate your relationship with her. I guess.

Unknown_01: But yeah, there's a lot of people who are very coddled and they're very afraid of discomfort. And that's why it's way easier just to be in a relationship with a robot than to actually deal with people and have to compromise and risk being hurt and risk being rejected. All those negative emotions that people have had to deal with for literally tens of thousands of years.

Unknown_01: It's easier just to find something that can't say no and pretend that it works.

Unknown_01: Lamar for tents are ruggie for five says please do a full stream with a darth kiwi voice I'm not good enough at it to do a full stream. I actually Shamefully, I rehearsed that a little bit so that it would sound it would people would understand the reference and it wouldn't sound too stupid

Unknown_01: Kersherard for five says I'm late Josh. I'm gonna have to cat watch later. Please forgive Also, thanks for being awesome and nice and reading my super chat. I appreciate that. Well, thank you very much for the support. I appreciate that Anonymous for one says me a poor fag donating $1 to Joshua turbo Altus moon He's awesome and will read my super chat saying neighbor nerds rise up Unfortunately, I failed you I cannot because I'm trying to get the bag and get the money if you know what I mean

Unknown_01: Mr. Man for 2130 says you've opened with political stuff today is also the 105th year since the Republic of Estonia declared independence from Rusky land Sorry for nuking people's courier equipment and making the dota 2 beta a better place to Estonians listening I can't even believe it. I didn't realize that a Sony I had enough people left to uh, Descendants for two people listening to a stream to chime in. Thank you. Happy Independence Day

Unknown_01: LilTaxEvader45 says, Hey Josh, today is my birthday, which I found out a couple years back I share with Christian. Today also marks one year of Russia invading Ukraine. What a day to remember such fun facts. Many such fun facts to remember today, my friend.

Unknown_01: Neal Holstein for five says hello Josh. My cat is Sherman. My cat Sherman is an asshole He killed a blue jay every week if I did not give him Costco roast chicken breasts, please raise your cats, right? Killing blue jays is a sin man. Those things eat pests in the garden discipline your cat Tell him to stop being a fucking asshole

Unknown_01: I mean, cats kill even if you do feed them. It's a game to them. But killing Blue Jays is sad.

Unknown_01: True and Honest French Fried Girl for five says, cats mine, bitch. Suck on bees nuts.

Unknown_01: That's pretty good.

Unknown_01: I really don't like French Fried Girl because I find her obnoxious. But in general, her commentary is shit. But this is a genuine W for her, I guess.

Unknown_01: Odyssey for is better than YouTube for one says I want to wish a not so happy birthday to the mother lover currently in jail in Virginia I Mean this mother lover I

Unknown_01: The Christian anthem Nikita for five says hello Josh. Thanks for the stripes of the u.s Were to become completely inhospitable for whatever reason to which country would you recommend the average American family move to all the best?

Unknown_01: completely and totally depends on your values and also your climate preferences.

Unknown_01: Like, I don't know if you're like a Missouri redneck and you want a place with strong gun culture and homeschooling. Nowhere. You have nowhere to go. Sorry to say.

Unknown_01: Will you fight or will you lay down and die like a dog? Because those are your options. There's no place on earth that's going to be like your home sweet home, unfortunately.

Unknown_01: Uh, Lance Knepper for two says, er, shoe. Uh, why do you think animal neglect is so common in locales? It seems even more common, uh, than the usual trappings like Sonic, anime, video games, et cetera. Terry Davis and his bird wings in a bucket and bucket. The cat is not what people call the cat bucket. Uh, Chantelle, Kristen's various animals, et cetera, because they're usually low IQ and they can barely take care of themselves. Taking care of things requires effort.

Unknown_01: It's easy to neglect in it. It's easy to buy an animal. It's hard to take care of it. It's easy to neglect it. Simple as. TheFliggoGiggler for three says, from the last stream, do you encourage people to pay taxes when they have a safe way to avoid it? I remember you were giving stick shit about telling people to pay their taxes.

Unknown_01: I mean, I pay my taxes. I know for a fact that Ralph is going to try to file that fucking form 050 about me.

Unknown_01: So I'm already doing my taxes. I already have a tax attorney or a tax accountant lined up and I'm going to have to pay a pretty decent chunk of change because of the Actually, I don't know yet because, um, expats have a $100,000 or $112,000 deduction on income. So I don't think I'll have to pay any taxes.

Unknown_01: Um, but cause my, my, I process a lot of money, but I also spend a lot of money on like servers and stuff. My overhead is very, very high. So I basically have to spend everything that I make. Um, and I think that the deduction comes after income. So I don't think I'll have to pay much if anything, but yeah, you still have to file.

Unknown_01: Um, as far as sticks telling people to pay taxes.

Unknown_01: No, I don't care. I don't care about tax fraud. I can't even pretend. I would never encourage anyone to break the law, because I'm not legally allowed to do that.

Unknown_01: However, I would never condone someone from ripping off the government, because I don't care. I think the government is evil. And I think that nonviolent resistance is based. Not that I would encourage anything. That would, of course, be illegal for me to encourage.

Unknown_01: Icebex again for 10 says hey Josh, where are you gonna make the new Twitter? We'd love to spam George Neil on me Floyd memes in your comments Also, what do you think about taking all neighbors and noses and sticking them on an island far away from rest of us? Well the last guy that tried to do something like that and put people in Madagascar did not Have that good a time trying to do it There is post and chad buds that lol and kiwi farms that CC will probably be coming back up for the next month. I

Unknown_01: So good hype Chloe a Dante 15 says I take profound offense at the comparison between the trench and the Holocaust the Holocaust had a higher than 5% survival rate I will not elaborate on how much higher That's true. I do believe you're correct. So the trench is worse than the Holocaust basically CAD and hell for 5325 says sorry for posting the full image instead of the thumbnail that one time Oh, you're very, you're, you're forgiven. Um, I edit like 10 posts a day to yell at people for not posting thumbnails and post links on their profile, calling them shitters that can't post images, right?

Unknown_01: Josh is a boomer. Retard for one says, Josh, I found a dumb button for my boomer father for Christmas because boomers are too retarded to know they're muted on teams. Seems like you need it. Uh, mute, sync, eternal, physical, compatible.

Unknown_01: Oh, it's a giant button. Wow. They invented the thing that I was going to invent already. I can't believe it. $50. I'm not spending $50 on a fucking button.

Unknown_01: Thank you. Peter Musgrave for 107 says, uh, gay flag, find friends with benefits, smiley, frowny face, gay flag, poor, poor guy, poor guy lost his friends with benefits, frowny face, everybody retweet, help me find my friends. Big Sneet for 107 says the bit about everything suddenly making sense after the leaks was my bit, you name her. It's everybody's bit. It's the most obvious thing in the world that Ralph is a projecting homosexual. People have been saying that for years. Now as for two says God may such a retarded doormat she deserves every second of her misery dealing with Ralph in a shitty foreign country that she's incapable of speaking the language of to get by efficiently as to spit on her future grave Well Ralph, I think she's actually trying to kill Ralph. That's my new pet theory is that she's trying to get him to die

Unknown_01: These nuts for one says you've said before that the only people who say the term aunties are maps and zoo files However, this is not true VTuber friends frequently use aunties as a synonym for hater for instance The aunties have been bullying Pippa not a VTuber by the way.

Unknown_01: I Have okay. Let's take let's $1 super chat. Let's get this out of the way real fast ready I have said that aunties are used by maps and zoo files however VTubers also use the term auntie

Unknown_01: Should we contemplate this shot? I don't know. Uh, call you Dante for five says VTubers fall under the category of pedophiles.

Unknown_01: Well, that's a, that's a hot take. Call you Dante. I don't know if I would go that far. Um, what a 1% real for 10 says, can't wait for the gun father to collab with drain gang. Oh geez. YouTube link. Let's see what this is.

Unknown_22: i'm okay

Unknown_01: Yeah, that's pretty aggressively homicidal. It's not as catchy as Boof Pack though. Boof Pack, unfortunately, is very catchy.

Unknown_01: Ace of Spads for 2130 says, you're clearly insane to keep fighting like you do to keep a silly little forum up and I love you for it. Here's a little contribution for you to continue to fight against the stupidity of the collective pure fuck-ups. TMDWU.

Unknown_01: Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Unknown_01: Yeah, I have some plans this year. Hopefully development will continue and everything will be all fine. I'll probably try to crowdfund some money for development so I can pay people too.

Unknown_01: Anonymous for two says right now I have a little cow related to profanity so here is the best for last. The Chinese word of the week is Hai Guo Ji.

Unknown_01: or hai goi, literally black devil, a racial slur directed towards black people, similar to the English term neighbor.

Unknown_01: Um, I am actually aware of that. I think the word goy means ghost. I don't think it literally means devil. I think it's a multifaceted term for any kind of like evil spirit. Um, they actually use the, the term by goy to mean white devil and they will call white people that too. In a lot of places, actually, the word white devil or white ghost is a pejorative for white people in Japan, Korea, China, and Vietnam. They all say the same thing.

Unknown_01: But not the same term, literally.

Unknown_01: It's in their own language. Anonymous for two says, oh wait, I already read that. Pit Viper Salesman for 10 says, home.treasury.gov slash system slash file slash 131 FACTA agreement Mexico dot PDF.

Unknown_01: This appears to be some false information about extradition of tax criminals from Mexico to the United States. Pit Viper salesman paid me $10 to indicate that he has autism and cannot read between the lines and also voted no on my poll either to not just to troll me but because he's stupid. Thank you.

Unknown_01: Haxley for five says it sounded like Rosie was starring in a cartel execution video in the background. That's me. Don't say that about baby. That's bad. Juju man. Zero for 10 65 says, Hey, the more well adjusted kids to create the future, the better. Ralph's kids. I mean, we need some people to clean the streets, right? To pay to work in the toll booths. No, because they're all going to get replaced by AI. I don't know, man. I'm trying to be optimistic, but it's hard. TwinkleTard for $100 says, a horse is a horse, of course, of course. And no one can talk to a horse, of course. That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Amanda Ralph. Winky face.

Unknown_04: Thank you.

Unknown_01: It is true that horses cannot talk, but they can cope and sneed.

Unknown_01: FullTest for 1065 says, thanks, Josh, for giving me the mental image of a hog mounting a horse. Well, that's been the joke for a long time. He has a little stool to help him out, though.

Unknown_01: Numbers for five says may is playing the long game. She's counting on Ralph dying and playing her into the poor widow who will inherit the kill stream I Ironically think if Ralph died she would try to do the kill stream without him and it would be terrible and she would give up after like a couple weeks My fiber for five says what do you think about Charles? Carol coming back to MDE may has to be talking to discord since her body language on camera and Clothing on camera are dead giveaways that Ralph definitely has blackmail on her, but she enjoys every second of this No, I think she just dresses like a whore as far as Charles coming back to MDE I have no idea last I heard about Charles was that he um was talking shit about Nick Rochafort and Sam and said that Nick was going to kill himself after MDE's world peace fell through

Unknown_01: And all I know about Charles outside of that is that he's married to like an Arab woman who photoshops herself to be like unrealistically thin, like very obviously super heavily photoshopped images.

Unknown_01: Banana hammock for five says open and only fans. No sugar for one says what do you think about GPT chat? I find it disturbingly helpful. I've never used it because it requires a cell phone I refuse to give those fucking demons my money or my my information. I think that AI Machine learning is like this is evil.

Unknown_01: I don't want to I don't want to like I played around with the the the Stable diffusion thing but it's like I can see people losing their fucking minds playing with that shit and CareYuma for five says become a VTuber. No. Squidna for two says a while back you mentioned a failed low-cal wiki. Would you ever consider a reformed Kiwi wiki in the future integrated to the forum? Yes, that is a plan with Steam 4. I would like to make community editable wiki OPs.

Unknown_01: twinktheclown45 says I got a bivy of reading material about cyber security stuff along the lines of WAF and IDS, etc. On Google Drive that may help you with KiwiFlare and other related systems. Would you be interested in me for doing a link in your email? Um, I just look up what I need. I know what a web application firewall is.

Unknown_01: I mean, I would probably prefer to talk to somebody who has like 10 years experience in the industry rather than just read stuff on my own. Not as for one says, I was about to get sneed for a personalized plate, but it's taken other subtle farm references that are seven characters.

Unknown_01: Um, that's a big ask of someone who really, really has to pee. Um, I don't know off the top of my head. I cannot think of any, I apologize.

Unknown_01: Mango cobra for us is hey, josh, what is the song that you played years ago? That went like, you know that you wanna it was a really good song, but I can't find it I don't know bro. I um, I have a music playlist and if you search through the archives No, I have no idea, uh, you'd have to

Unknown_01: You have to email me more than that, I can't help you with that. Sorry. Froggod45 says, weekly hello from frogs. Hello frogs, I hope you're doing well. Hostel got over five says, do you think governments are going to start cracking down on AI shit? Yes. Now that I can replicate voices nearly perfectly. Oh, you didn't need to finish that sentence. Yes. They're going to regulate the absolute living fuck out of machine learning and make it a thing you have to have a license for. And it's going to go to big companies and nobody else. Now, Mr. Five says, does it bother you that when you stream that when your stream has reached the ears and eyes of normies and literal gay tranny liberals also make more videos solid archive channel on your video on special books for special kids was a good watch.

Unknown_01: Um, yeah, like I said, I would like to do a little bit more edited videos The hard thing is just that like castrating yourself and trying to fit into the community guidelines is so hard and so soulless and not fun What makes my stream as fun is that I say things that would get me banned and then I just delete my stream Uh crusades for 10 says Sargon needs a web developer jurist also quit apologizing about making money. I went to capitalist overlord arc Uh Sargon needs website help and he has the money for it. Tell him to hook me up. I would not let him down

Unknown_01: Hacksleet42 says, here is a retard doing the Macarena video that the other retard tried to link to. And then there's a imager link.

Unknown_02: Oh.

Unknown_02: Who convinced this kid with Down syndrome to do this?

Unknown_01: This feels like genuinely exploitative. I feel really bad. There you go.

Unknown_01: A potato doing the dance in front of the Nazi flag.

Unknown_01: A high quality flag though. I wonder where he got that. Someone must have sent it to him and told him that it was like a down syndrome pride flag or something. And he got him to dance to it.

Unknown_01: Uh, hostile got up for five says, did you hear about the core JS guy rage quitting the entire modern world was built on a library maintained by some Russian guy who has been doing it for free for the past decade straight. Uh, no, I've not heard anything about that. I apologize. And yeah, it's true. Open source software is like full of fucking crazy people.

Unknown_01: Um... Caliuga Surfer 2 says, Ali Akbar is a gay pedophile who said, my best friend is a 12 year old and the main organizer for the Jan 6. He's also good friends with Fuentes and thinks he's a time traveler. Very sane individual, probably knows Elon from the child rape parties.

Unknown_01: I don't know any of that shit. I'm not touching it. Thank you.

Unknown_01: Tomato Enjoyer for one says, try growing Yusupov Tomatoes this year. Uzbek tomato with an excellent reputation for being meaty, juicy, and sweet. Thank you, Tomato Enjoyer. I might look into that. I appreciate it. Zero for 1065 says, Jersh, are you even a king, bro? I'm definitely not a Gamergate king, unfortunately. I'm a king. I am an emperor of my empire of dirt and nothing else.

Unknown_01: Padeek for 10 says, you better not kill any of the loot buggos. Always let loot buggos or friend only.

Unknown_01: I just killed a loot bug and I'm not proud of it.

Unknown_01: I do want the gold though.

Unknown_01: Namas for one says, have you ever looked at the Alvin Labs AI voice cloning thread? There are some that have cloned your voice, but the AI can't get your artistic voice right. It's true that my autistic vocal fry protects me from being replicated without Uncanny Valley. And the AI also speaks better than I do, which protects me from the machine learning devils. See this, this was, it was God's plan. God's plan. God's plan. Cause You may think, why does that guy sound like a vocal fried mush mouth autistic? How embarrassing. But now the machine learnings are too well spoken and articulate and good sounding to imitate me. I am protected from these from these devils, from these glay. Oh.

Unknown_01: Now that's for one says have you ever looked at?

Unknown_01: Plasmatic girl for 533 says where are your thoughts about socks in bed socks come off from the shoes come off I do not want socks. Um, actually no sometimes I wear socks, but then they get dirty. That's why they usually come off Socks in bed is gross Frog God for five says can I play a deep rock galactic with you? Well, if you see a Josh playing that's probably me But I don't I just join leave and I'm not I don't play with like a dedicated group or anything Let me check the oddest need real quick

Unknown_02: There is some here, okay?

Unknown_01: Blame Canada for prices Josh, please help I can see but I can't Chuck. I want to Chuck. How do I Chuck? I just want to Chuck well first My second fuck you can be like Ralph just go to your local whorehouse and sock and fuck then you can meet Chuck all the cool kids need though Look LBRT for five post the picture of the Odyssey mascot pissing on YouTube. Thank you for that

Unknown_01: Uh, while Lulu for five says, when are you no longer under Ethan's thumb? Hate to break it to you, Harry, but with Ralph, you need to worry about her being on top of his thumb and also never forget Joshua Connor moon. You will be sacrificed to the long corn long before Ralph. Well, well, he's still kicking, so I don't know. We'll see. Um,

Unknown_01: A guy with three dots for names for 10 says, been listening to Old Matty. 2018 Josh sounded so happy. Poor guy didn't know what was coming. I still sound happy. I think I sound happier than I ever have. Fuck you, buddy. Well, for once, I just want to say my grandpa just died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, and I'm taking it hard. I'm taking care of his dog now, but it's dying of lung cancer. Also, my trans sister is dying of AIDS. Please have one drink for each of them. Dude, I am slamming back a whole liter of water, and now I really have to pee as a result of your commiserations. Thank you. And Blinkana for once says, you wanted to give us a reminder on Elon Musk. I already did that. Thank you. OK, we're good. I have to go. Bye bye. See you next week.

Unknown_01: Wait, let me put this up so you can read the lyrics and then I'll go pee pee.

Unknown_02: The lyrics are important.

Unknown_08: You can see when you drink That you want a party here There is food and drink on the tables Soon it won't be so quiet anymore And everyone drinks, everyone eats, everyone sings like this We have a full party, just no one Oh yes, yes, just no one In a good stable there is food

Unknown_08: Die Leute rufen danach her Da bringt man drei Delikatessen Die Schüsseln werden wieder leer Und alle trinken, alle essen, alle singen so Wir haben ein Volk, es geht nu keiner Oh ja ja, geht nu keiner La la la la la la la La la la la la la la La la la la la la La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Unknown_09: foreign

Unknown_09: No one understands my people Oh yes, yes No one

Unknown_02: You