0:00:09 Unknown_43: When it's time to party, we will party hard 0:01:21 Unknown_41: Hello Hello everybody How are you doing? I for one I'm doing pretty good. I feel pretty good chat Let's see I I have something special planned today I have something special plan Unknown_39: I am going to, I'm going to go ahead and instead of covering the week, like I usually do, or instead of doing a special person stream, I am going to go ahead and cover every year. I'm going to try my very best. Cause I have fragile memory. I'm an old man. You have to forgive me. I'm going to try and cover every single year. 0:01:56 Unknown_39: of the forum starting way back in 2013 i'm just gonna i have pulled up probably about about 20 20 no probably closer to like 30 to 40 threads um all the way back to 2013 and i'm just going to talk about each of these as i remember them as i remember them not necessarily as they actually are Not necessarily 90% true, 50% true. 0:02:30 Unknown_39: I am simply just going to go down the list and try and cobble together a history of the site as I remember it. Because if you don't know, because I should probably explain, today is the 10th anniversary of my adoption of the Quickie Forums, formerly known as... Unknown_39: but now also called the kiwi farms um so i have decked out the site in a fancy new skin with a golden font and um i i have gotten uh actually here let me put this up 0:03:16 Unknown_39: I have a special group of date stamps, so I'm gonna go through, I'm gonna put these up as I go down the list. I'm gonna bring up my Firefox, I'm gonna go through my tabs, and I'm gonna try my very best to accurately remember the events of the site. And it starts in 2013. Let me go ahead and get my composition ready. Unknown_39: And I should probably show you kind of how the site started. Unknown_39: This is the theme, by the way. It's nice and gold. It's got the gold Decennial Farms logo, and it's got confetti. Everybody loves the confetti. I got confetti going. 0:03:54 Unknown_39: We're having a good time. So... Unknown_39: This is – I really was going through the old threads of the site, and I was going through even the moderator section of the site because I was looking for a specific post. But if you don't know, the Quickie Forms was inherited from the previous admin, Champtham. who still posts once in a blue moon. Unknown_39: But we had a spat kind of early on because when the site was just about Chris, you know, it kept growing and people wanted to talk about other people because there were other people like Chris that people wanted to talk about. And I made a special board for it just called the locale board. And at some point he came along and he just deleted it. He just deleted the board and all the content. And I said like, bro, 0:04:33 Unknown_39: uh if you're gonna just like delete the board i'm just gonna quit like i don't know um ever people really want to talk about it you didn't like talk to it you know with me about deleting stuff before you just dropped all the content like a lot of people put effort into this board and you like deleted it and he's like sorry i was being rash and stuff but be warned terrible things happen to people who run local sites. I was like, ah, whatever. That's pretty much officially the part where I became the head admin, because I usurped Chamtham's position and made a decision. But I really wanted to find this post. I think it was a conversation message that's been deleted for years now, but I wanted to put it on the screen because I thought it would be funny to... I remember it clear as day. He said it was a bad idea. Um... 0:05:09 Unknown_39: But, yeah. So this post right here, I found this while looking in the mod board. HeSetsMeOnFire is a strange guy. I don't want to say anything mean about him. I have no negative opinion of him. 0:05:40 Unknown_39: He's just weird. He was a big A-log. You can see his avatar is one of the Sony Chews being decapitated. by Charlie Brown knocking his head off like a football. It's quite grotesque. It was an A-log. He says here in this opening sentence, I don't A-log. But I remember him being particularly A-loggy. Unknown_39: But his tagline says, nope. And I remember that he made a post once asking the other admins, other mods at the time, can I sell merchandise that says, he sets me on fire, says nope. 0:06:15 Unknown_39: And I'm thinking, like, that's unusual. I don't remember, like, it wasn't, I don't know if it was supposed to be his catch line or what, but I don't remember him ever saying that. And he really thought that it was, like, such a successful catchphrase he could sell it on merchandise. Unknown_39: Stranger guy, but he was a good mod for years and years, so don't bully him. That stands out in memory for some reason, even 10 years later. Unknown_39: uh so in a log i guess in case you don't know an a log is refers to anthony legato anthony legato was one of the original guys who tried to make reaction videos on chris before 2010 even and he puts his video up of himself watching chris fuck a blow-up doll he's got the camera on his face and he's just like doing like a live take to a retarded man having sex with a blow-up doll And we refer to him as, or they refer to him, because this precedes me, as A-Log. And anyone who took Chris too seriously, got too mad at Chris, was too over the top about Chris, they called him an A-Log, in reference to Anthony Legato. 0:07:19 Unknown_39: In particular, A-Log said that what Chris has done to autism is potatoes. You know what Saddam did in the Gulf War is potatoes to what Chris has done, is the exact quote. So, very... Unknown_39: Now, it's probably just I'm putting out too much bandwidth or something. Who knows? I could probably up the bitrate if I wanted to. I'm just going to keep going. I apologize if it boofers, but you know how it be. You got the DVR. 0:07:53 Unknown_39: So, that's an A-log. Unknown_39: But I found this post because he made a special note on the mod board saying that he had made this post. And I thought, that's weird. Just a warning, I guess, that he had written this. But he goes and says... Unknown_39: This is in reply, I think, to when Chris got kicked out of a Walmart, and Chris posted the docs of the Walmart manager that got him kicked out of the Walmart, and asked people on the Quickie forums to troll this Walmart manager like they had trolled Chris himself. So he's acting in response to this, and he says, you know, he goes in many, many words, because as Brooklyn Bailiff, one of the original Edmunds, says, brief as always, because this guy wrote a huge post, he says that it's basically inevitable because of Chris's rage that he will end up in jail. So here's going... Here is a call out about, I think, eight years in advance. He sets me on fire, correctly predicted that Chris Chan did go to jail. And I show you this because I wanted to just kind of lay a foundation that this was the site originally, was a lot of people talking about Chris. It had several hundred users that were at its peak, like a couple hundred were online. And there was a lot of, like, speculation and stuff about Chris and what was going to happen to Chris. And, like, there's a post in this, I think, about... Can I search as a guest? I think I can. 0:09:29 Unknown_04: Or if I just search, like... Unknown_39: hot wings am i gonna find this oh no that's every board i want just this forum i want to say spicy and i think that there is a special thread that is dozens of pages this the facebook update from that same month or october 21st 2013 um chris updated his facebook to announce that he had eaten um i guess i used imager in 2013 like a retard 0:10:09 Unknown_39: It eaten McDonald's Mighty Wings, and it spawned dozens of pages of discussion about what Chris's tolerance for spiciness was. And this was the humble site that I took over to eventually evolve into a metropolis of absolute retardation. It all started with a bunch of people wanting to talk about Chris. Unknown_04: So... Unknown_04: That's where it started. When it started branching out, we had effectively a backlog of people from Encyclopedia Dramatica. Unknown_39: So 2013 saw an importing of all these known people that had articles kind of like Chris's on Encyclopedia Dramatica that were just starting to get rolled out into threads. um this one is mylar also known as sammy sammy had a forum account this is a screenshot of his forum account and the gist of it is he was sexually aroused by mylar balloons if you don't know what a mylar balloon is you never go to a store and there's like latex balloons that are like normal they're kind of like holder shaped around and then there is um 0:10:59 Unknown_39: also like the shitty balloons that you can't see through and they have like specific shapes and stuff. That is, that is the Mylar balloon. And this guy was really sexually into Mylar balloons and it was just an inexplicable part of his, of his autism. And he joined the forum to argue with people about if, uh, what his attraction to balloons were normal and stuff. That's what I remember about Mylar balloon fan Sammy. He was around for a long time too. He, uh, 0:11:56 Unknown_39: He stayed persistent on the site for a couple years, I want to say. At least a year. He was around until 2014. Unknown_39: so that's mylar then we had uh terry everybody knows who terry is now terry has far exceeded the reputation of even my site at this point um but he came around um never posted on the the quickie forum but he was sort of a thing that everybody appreciated because we all kind of understood the the complex But at this time, he was just sort of like an underground guy from G. You know what I mean? 0:12:32 Unknown_39: People observed his weird site for TempleOS, which went through several different names. TempleOS was like the most famous name. But at different times, he called it different things. Like SparrowOS was one. And there were others. He evolved it over time. Unknown_39: But yeah, like I said, just kind of importing these people that everyone knew. And Terry would stay around. Terry's thread has had posts as of very recently talking about updates to his estate and his operating system and stuff. Unknown_39: I think I showed you last year, on the anniversary of his death, Crunklord had made a full-on scrolling shooter arcade game that runs on TempleOS, which was very impressive. 0:13:24 Unknown_39: So we all miss Terry, but we've been talking about it. This is February 26th, so this was right after the site started, that Dark Mirror Hole created this thread to talk about Terry. Unknown_39: That's such a great copypasta to have at the start, too. That's great. Unknown_39: Then there's Rika. Unknown_39: Rika has no OP. Um, and this sort of requires explanation. This is like when the community was much smaller, we didn't document everything. So you had threads like this, that was just like a link to an ed page. And originally, like when the forum was small, I was like, why would we want to replicate ed? Let's just link to the ed page and we'll just be like companion sites. But over time we drifted away from that. And like, we need to archive all our own stuff and kind of like check things to make them not so shitty. 0:14:01 Unknown_39: Rika is a troon. And that doesn't sound that shocking to you. In 2013, in case you were a very young person, troons did not exist. We had crossdressers. We had shemales. We had hermaphrodites. We had all these different terms for people who were gender nonconforming. But we did not have the troon. Like, no matter how well you pass, you were always this other in this category. Nobody respected pronouns. 0:14:34 Unknown_39: Intro Man is interesting. He's from New Jersey. Unknown_39: And he believed that there was a cabal of she-males that had this sort of what he called a rat king. It was like a weird group of people. And he was the first guy to recognize this pattern. And Rico was one of those people. Unknown_39: Because Rika was one of the first pronouns people. Like, you will recognize me as a woman. I'm more a woman than some women are. You know, that kind of shit. That was really particularly strange this time. And Intro Man recognized it as a thing that would grow way, way before anybody else did. 0:15:08 Unknown_39: And what made Rika interesting was that Rika joined the Quickie forums and had an obsession with one of the users named Rio. Rio is Swedish and by extension a homosexual cross-dresser. And we tolerate Rio. He's still around. I like Rio a lot. Please don't believe my boy Rio. He just likes pretty dresses. I don't know what to tell you. But everyone told Rika that Rio was prettier than Rika was. So Rika had a full-on meltdown about this. Literally for days would stay up in the Quickie Farms chat. demanding a picture for rio and i think he was super high on drugs because he kept saying i can't see anything all i see is a brown haze i'm gonna jump out my window like just off his fucking rocker insane desperate to get a picture of rio for days and days and days was like this and it was just the most bizarre thing on the image board counterpart that we had that was called Cal which has also gone through different names I don't remember what it was called in 2013 precisely they had an IRC channel and Rika was like smearing shit on his walls allegedly just the I wish I actually I need to find a picture of this guy he's pretty he's pretty ghastly looking 0:16:27 Unknown_03: Yeah, this. Okay, this is him. Unknown_03: This is Rika. Unknown_03: And... What happened with Rika, actually, is that... Unknown_39: He ended up finding a sugar daddy, believe it or not. I remember there's this picture of him in like a champagne dress with like in the lap of a much older man. He doesn't look like a woman at all, but that dude obviously has a thing for like shemales. 0:17:28 Unknown_39: And he just disappeared one day. I don't know if he's dead. I don't know if this sugar daddy, like, buried him, like, cut off his head and buried him, or what happened to Rika, but he just disappeared one day into the arms of this old man, and we never saw him again. R.I.P. Rika. Unknown_39: ADF is someone else who was also kind of important to the site after we opened up the locale board. If you look at if you I mean, you've definitely seen ADF. There are pictures of like cringe communists that float around on pole. And if you ever see a montage of all these subhumans that have like communist insignia on them, you'll almost always be able to identify two or three images of ADF. Like he's so good. And there's so many pictures of him like this. that he shows up in them multiple times because it's just like good fodder, I guess. 0:18:03 Unknown_39: ADF was not a truant at this time. ADF has since truant out when it became more popular. He was originally an ALOG of Chris Chan. Unknown_39: So as well as ALOG himself, he was someone who was found through the sort of miasma surrounding Chris's outer trolling clique. 0:18:45 Unknown_39: As far as I know, he's always been a communist, though. And not just like any communist, because usually they are like Stalinist or like traditional Trotskyist or Marxist. He is a full-on Mao Zedong communist, which is unusual. Most people who choose to go with communism are not like communism or socialism with Chinese characteristics, Maoist agriculturalist. I really don't know what the extent of his understanding of communism is. Unknown_39: but here he is holding quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong. I want to say that ADF has a forum account and has posted with it a couple times. The most memorable video, I don't have my archive up, so I can't show you this or try to find it again, but the most memorable video of him is him trying to shave. 0:19:19 Unknown_39: You can see his really terrible razor burn around his fat neck, but he shaves without shaving cream. Which is the most painful thing I could possibly imagine doing. I don't know why the fuck he does that, but there's a video of him shaving without any kind of cream or lubricant, and it's just awful to watch. It's very scary. 0:19:58 Unknown_39: So that's ADF in a nutshell. As I remember him, just kind of footnote these statements that I'm giving out. This is how I remember things. This is what stands out to me. I don't have huge notes on all these people. I'm just going off the cuff. Unknown_39: uh just an rpg i can't actually scroll down because there is a picture of a malt race taking a fat shit i did a full stream on just an rpg so you have no excuse but i remember just an rpg very fondly um he is the fuck it i'll play the rush around song because it's one of my favorites here we go I love Reshiram I love Reshiram I am married to Reshiram 0:20:41 Unknown_11: Grant my love. Marriage is strong. My friend and Justin, together forever. Unknown_11: I like this part. 0:21:27 Unknown_39: Oh wait, no, that's not it. Unknown_11: This part, yeah. Unknown_39: He's like using the Pokemon cry sound effect for Reshiram, and it sounds like love. When he sings over it, it sounds like love. Unknown_39: It's very artistic. Everybody loves just an RPG. It's completely harmless. That's the beauty of these old lolcows that a lot of people who have left the site over the years really miss. In 2013, it was a naivete. It was really just strange people who were playing around with this new mystical technology called the internet. And they were sharing too much information about themselves because they had autism. They didn't know any better. And it was pretty funny because it was just like a thing, you know, it's like a small niche thing. And then as it got bigger, which is in part my fault, it became like it just the power of the site itself would overwhelm these people. Once they had a thread, they would just stop posting. They would go into hiding. Um, whereas before they, they either didn't care or they would just like chimp out like Christian and be like, take that off the goddamn internet right now. 0:22:41 Unknown_39: And that kind of went away over time. People just stopped trying to take down the site. I don't know what to tell you. It just stopped at some point. Unknown_39: So that's JustinRPG. He wanted to be vored by Pokemon. He was in a polyamorous relationship in his head with multiple other Pokemon. His mom was conventionally attractive, and people would thirst post about her. These are the things that stick out in my head about JustinRPG. Unknown_39: Spoonie I will be honest with you. This is one of the most popular guys on the forum Like his thread is still active to this day It's thousands of pages over a thousand pages at this point All I know about him is that he used to make YouTube videos and now he does not and that is the thing that has caused people to seriously bully the fuck out of this guy and 0:23:38 Unknown_39: um he has a whole frederick frederick knudsen by the way give a nice little quote about how evil the kiwi farms was uh to the media and i'm sure he'll probably reject that and say i didn't give them a nasty quote they just took my words out of context yeah you fucking idiot that's why we don't talk to the journalists because they're scum very sad very disappointed and knudsen Unknown_39: but yeah this is this is someone uh there's several people we also have one on linkara like all these that go with the glasses guys i think he was also that guy with the glasses yeah he was so all the that go with the glasses people except for um the the hat guy the guy who now shaved his head and looks like um uh like he's from american history x now what the fuck's his name yeah linkara uh Unknown_39: That's also a famous one. 0:24:33 Unknown_39: Oh, God, that coffee pasta. How does it go? It's like he would condescend people by just going, hmm. And someone posted about this on V and it became like a meme. Unknown_39: Doug Walker. Doug Walker's the guy. He didn't get his thread until years later, like 2016 or something. Because that's when that guy with the glasses started having problems and started falling apart. But until then, people gave Doug a pass himself. Unknown_39: Learned your lesson. 0:25:04 Unknown_40: That's right. Unknown_39: That's right. I wish I could recall the... No, fuck it. I'll find it. Might as well. I'll probably be streaming for 10 hours. Unknown_03: Learned your lesson. Unknown_03: Oh, I'm trying to find the copy. Oh, there it is. Unknown_03: Here it is. Unknown_03: Okay, let's see if this is worth the effort to read this. Unknown_39: Pretty sure it is. Unknown_39: That guy with the glasses is like a sector I've completely avoided. I don't know if this is all bullshit or not. 0:25:37 Unknown_39: Lewis says, Unknown_39: It says chill, and Lewis says, I'm just saying maybe we shouldn't make women feel uncomfortable. Maybe we should be a little bit more enlightened about this. So this was like right, when was this? This post is from 2014, so this is when the Tumblr shit started happening. And this post breaks out, and that became a big meme post. 0:26:10 Unknown_39: Tumblr became a part of the site as well in 2014, but we'll get to that when we get to that. Unknown_39: Also, I'm pretty sure that we've had... Yeah, we have. Since 2013, we've had the DSP thread, which after... I was never going to give DSP a board. However, I gave up. At 10,000 pages... 10,000 pages, 34 million views, 200,000 replies. 0:26:48 Unknown_39: I gave up, and I gave them their fucking board. Actually, I think that continued to go on as, yeah, actually, oh, I'm wrong, because there's a second thread up here that's another 3,000 pages with another 6 million fucking views. I don't know what it is about the DSP people. They really hate this guy. They're just waiting for this man to go bankrupt. They fucking hate him. They hate the fact that he plays video games and doesn't pay his taxes. This board is entirely populated by IRS agents who are seething over the fact they couldn't collect on them, but they'll get them one day. 0:27:24 Unknown_39: Let's see. The DSP board spans literally the entire life of the site. There's never been a point where we didn't have a DSP thread. Unknown_39: So there's a lot to think about in terms of history. I remember the Escort saga where I think DSP was literally the victim of extortion. And then we found out, or rather, Negger's psychologist found out that the people trying to escort him were like really old Dutch people. And there was like pictures of this woman trying to claim that she was a young, attractive woman extorting DSP with like a child's baseball toy shoved in her vagina. That stands out as particularly memorable. 0:28:02 Unknown_39: I remember when Phil's bank account details got hacked and someone decided to post that on the forum and that still gets used as a point against us for like criminal behavior every so often. Unknown_39: um when we when we just opened the forum oh ludwig world order that's the the the the guy that made the the review besides the anime stuff in the review he also added like probably the funniest this is how you don't play video making fun of dsp's gameplay which is you know what fuck it i'll i'm actually gonna bring that up i'm just gonna steal his content because it is my favorite this is how you don't play 0:28:41 Unknown_39: but then he was uh before i show you that that he was in a relationship with panda lee who was like really young and was like a fan of his and then she broke up with him at some point and then he got with a like a grocery bagger from a walgreens and they're still together okay lidwig rolled order um okay i think this is the right clip let's see this If you haven't seen this before this is the best. This is how you don't play this whole thing Is really good like the original um video But this part in particular is just great The most formidable foes in all of bloodborne history, what the fuck Unknown_26: Oh, my boss. Let's throw down like men. That's all we got to do. Let's throw down like men in person. I will beat the living shit out of you. You probably took death. 0:29:39 Unknown_41: Baseless ass motherfucker. Oh, there's more than one. Unknown_12: Come on, man. You sound like a reaper. This motherfucker is not trash. Unknown_26: How about, how about, how about I post a picture of me busting a nut in your face? Get that ass being the fuck out of here, bitch. Unknown_25: You must be gay and you must be a cuckolder begging me to take my shirt off and show my ass. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, I'm an asshole. This is not good. And they're affecting my business. 0:30:12 Unknown_41: What the fuck? Unknown_16: I just want your cash, man. Unknown_39: Okay, I really love how Wings of Redemption throws controllers. We'll get to Wings eventually, but that's such a nice touch. Unknown_16: I can't do it. I can't take this shit. Oh, man. Unknown_26: These are guys that are jealous because they don't carry, they don't possess BBC, they don't possess that guy that's involved in these black men out here. 0:30:43 Unknown_08: Shut up. Unknown_26: Stop supporting these retarded drone channels with these sprung, worthless betas. Jacking off at the e-lotion out, ready to go. This is amateur hour shit, man. Unknown_08: Look here! Look, listen! Yeah, listen close. I heard. I listened real close. Yeah, I heard all right. I'm dying on that one. Unknown_16: But why are you doing this to me? Unknown_26: What the fuck? Will, Ilka, why? Why? What's going on, ladies and gentlemen? It's your favorite scammer out there. 0:31:14 Unknown_30: This is a weird fight. Unknown_25: Does anyone else want that band hammer? Anybody else want that band title? Hold up. Unknown_30: Get that ass banned! Unknown_41: You're a human equivalent of a piece of shit. I hate you. Unknown_41: Either subscribe, donate, or get the fuck out. Unknown_30: Fuck! Unknown_41: Oh no! Unknown_30: Fuck! Unknown_41: I'm gonna hold on to this shit. 0:31:46 Unknown_30: Motherfucker! Unknown_41: Whatever, I hope your family dies in honor of this. What'd he say? Unknown_02: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Unknown_10: Yeah! No! What? Unknown_33: What the fuck is that? Unknown_16: I beat it and then the fucking attack came out anyway and killed me. What in the fuck? 0:32:19 Unknown_16: You've gotta be kidding me. Unknown_08: Look who's here. Unknown_40: Just perfect, uh again that was from ludwig world order that's called dsp tries at the living failures Uh, there's a whole review of this is how you don't play bloodborne the old hunters. Unknown_39: That one's like 40 minutes long I would also really suggest that one if you like this is how you don't play this 0:32:54 Unknown_39: uh this is a pin this is the pinnacle this from four years ago this is the pinnacle of making fun of people on the internet there's so much like like in joke umami like added to it that it's it's extremely satisfying to watch i don't even know who the that third guy is to be honest with you i hope you're not expecting a comment about him Unknown_39: much less interesting than phil and who didn't manage to survive as long was andrew dobson um so the first thread this is from 2016 the first thread was from 2013 and this is also like a really innocent thread in terms of the um like the history of the site because the the gist was that he was just like a bad cartoonist that i guess like this here is showing um Unknown_39: He can do art, kind of, if he really tries, but he's so fucking lazy that he never would. There's so many comics that he started to put out where it's just like Bear does something in front of a gradient background. And a lot of people who were fans of his just started making fun of him, which is a very common trend. If you don't know, the most likely person to cyberbully somebody on the internet is an old fan. so i i don't think dsp gets talked about as much anymore even though he started this quite long just because he completely withdrew from the internet like supposedly he's married but he keeps all that under wraps uh sometimes he shows up at uh at conventions and this is him at conventions just kind of like sulking in the uh 0:34:32 Unknown_39: By his stand, all his merch unsold, wearing his hat. Unknown_39: Oh, and I remember a big contention about his bullshit was how he started displaying himself as a bear. The blue bear, because he would draw himself very flatteringly with a full head of hair. And he got so tired of people criticizing him for how he drew himself that he just gave up and started drawing himself as a bear for some reason. That's also very distinct in my memory for... Unknown_39: uh for the bear man oh okay and this is this has no thread this has no thread this is something that i remembered years and years ago people in chat would watch as you can see these videos are 16 years old we would watch these videos we would watch them like we were stoned and just laugh hysterically because they're so stupid this is called double bang one 0:35:32 Unknown_43: This is called Double Bang 2. Unknown_43: This one's called foil balloon explodes. 0:36:17 Unknown_39: Also known as a mylar balloon, in case you didn't know. Unknown_39: Oh my god. Unknown_02: It's so big. Unknown_02: It went boom. Unknown_39: There's one video, I couldn't find it scanning through. He still makes these, by the way. He still publishes videos about balloons going bang 16 years later. Unknown_39: Oh, he's updated his equipment. Now he's got electric pump. Let's watch this one. 0:36:50 Unknown_39: Oh, no. We skipped to the good part. Unknown_39: so this is from one month ago he's been doing this for 16 years sharing his love of exploding balloons on the internet there's one video on one of the older ones that we watch and um you could i think it was a doritos bag or something i want to see if i can find that actually doritos bag um 0:37:35 Unknown_03: Apparently he does this outside now. He explodes these. I just want to show the one of the Doritos bag. Unknown_39: Because I remember it very distinctly. Unknown_39: that he was filling up a Doritos bag with air and it pops. And you can hear someone in the back room very faintly say, God damn it! Like he still lived at home with his folks and they had tried to get him to stop doing the fucking exploding balloons thing. And they took away all his balloons, but he found a Doritos bag. And so he just popped that instead. And someone really did not appreciate that. Old man did not appreciate that. Is it this one? I'll watch this one. This might be it. 0:38:09 Unknown_39: we would legit just watch these forever fetish for popping balloons i remember that too he hasn't changed that in 16 years that that's why he's laughing it's not a t he laugh it's an oh oh oh mamacita laugh amazing truly 2013 was truly a better time chat i don't really was no way to no better way to put it it was just a happier time for everybody 0:39:06 Unknown_39: But then we enter 2014 already. Every year was getting worse than the last one. This was the rise of Tumblr. So this was when all that we briefly saw that with like the Linkara stuff that people were starting to get woke. Unknown_39: People were starting to think about how their their words had consequences. Unknown_39: And so you had to be careful about what you say, cause it could offend somebody. Unknown_39: Um, actually, hold up. Let me, let me, I don't want to forget somebody. I don't want to forget somebody cause something just came to mind. I want to make sure I did not forget him in 2013. 0:39:40 Unknown_03: Oh, I did forget somebody. Um, Unknown_03: Okay, hold up. Before we go to 2014, rewind just a little bit, because I don't want to forget this. Unknown_04: We'll go back to 2013. This is very important. Unknown_39: I would not be doing my job if I forgot this one. Unknown_20: Because you freaking freaks just can't ever be quenched. Your fantasies can't ever be quenched, can they? You freaking freaks. 0:40:16 Unknown_39: If you want to know, he had a happy ending. His mom put him on what? I don't know. Well, I don't know. I think he got put on ADHD medication or something, and he just kind of chilled out. That's the story. His mom found out. It was like a single mom found out that... Unknown_39: her the consequences of allowing her son to just be on the internet constantly without any moderation led to him being trolled so she decided okay we're gonna like cut on the internet time and we're gonna um put you on something for your your adhd so that's why you haven't heard anything about semi-classic sonic fan forever 0:41:08 Unknown_04: Okay, so I already kind of showed Wings of Redemption, but Wings of Redemption was also started in 2014, late 2014. Unknown_39: I don't think... Oh, you know what it was? I want to say that this thread was started because... Unknown_39: I commented on this. I think that this started because of the controller thing. Where he smashes his controller. He gets up. He puts his... Here, wait. This might be on YouTube still. Unknown_03: Um... 0:41:49 Unknown_03: I think they deleted... Oh wait, no, this is the Sean Ranklin. Unknown_39: How long is this? This is seven minutes. We'll just skip to the part where he does the thing. I don't remember the original year that this was from, though. I think 2014 was correct. Unknown_39: Um, here. Unknown_39: So he's just getting trolled in Call of Duty. Unknown_10: Can you, can you, can you please stop, dude? Honestly, can you stop Kudzo? He just can't tolerate it. Unknown_39: Because if you don't know, he's playing on Xbox, and there's ways to join on Xbox to, like, if you want to troll somebody, and you can't turn it off. So he was just getting trolled relentlessly. There he smashes the controller, takes off his headset, and then he does what I like to call the, um, uh, the witch thing. The Blair Witch. He goes into Blair Witch position. And he just contemplates the meaning of life for a while. 0:42:26 Unknown_39: Just contemplates it. While getting trolled in Call of Duty still. 0:42:59 Unknown_39: Punches his wall for good measure to show that he means business. Look at that! Look at that! Look at that! The way he turns around. That's crazy. Look at that physique! Look at that physique! That's crazy! Unknown_39: It's been a while since I've watched this in earnest. Sean Ranklin deleted all his shit or got banned or something, but this was the one that really kicked it off. Unknown_39: Wings of Redemption... Unfortunately, he's in that DS... It's hard to play some. He gets trolled a little bit more than DSP. 0:43:32 Unknown_39: The people... Unknown_39: The people who hate wings really, like, really fucking hate wings. And I think they got really satisfied by watching Wings of Redemption. Like, the videos blow up. They love that attention. Unknown_39: So, if you search Wings of Redemption, you get all these troll channels. And I think a lot of them are just trying to, like, relive the glory days of, like, this particular video. Unknown_39: So, they do, like, really heinous shit to wings. And then they justify it post-hoc by saying, like, well, he killed a cat. When he was a child, he put a bucket on a cat, and it killed the cat. And he did this as a child because he didn't know that you can't just put a bucket on top of a cat, which is quite sad, but it's like you're, you know, he's like 40. Like, come on. He's paid his dues for the fucking cat at this point. But they have to, like, morally justify themselves. Like, just say that you hate him and want him to kill himself. Like, why do you have to justify it with all this other bullshit? That's why I really don't like the Wingstrolls. 0:44:04 Unknown_39: They're kind of joyless unfortunately, but Yeah, things have been trucking along. He's boring now. He had a surgery He got fat again, and now he's on Lexapro and he just sits there like a zombie Supposedly his wife is fucking some discord mod for his like official discord, but I don't know that I don't know the details on that He also helped his stepfather train chickens recently I 0:44:58 Unknown_39: I actually saw the community post about that. When was that? That was like years and years ago. I mean, that's kind of shitty, but I don't know. I mean, it's like the swatting and the fucking bank account hacking and shit. That all happened before they knew about him cockfighting. So that justification is weak to me. Unknown_40: Cat karma. Unknown_39: Yeah, well, this is the whimpering video. This is the one that everyone knows about. 2014 was also the start of, actually, it was the start of Gamergate. 0:45:31 Unknown_39: And it was Deagle Nation. I did a full video about Deagle Nation too, so I'll keep this brief. Unknown_39: Deagle Nation, this guy named Deagledad420, he dropped a thread on the Kiwi Farms about Jace Connors, and he started doing live streams, and his live streams were really funny. He would stream playing The Sims and shit, and he would throw in all these references, and people would troll him, and it was all like an indie performance. The guy is from... Unknown_39: uh massachusetts he was a fan of mde and he wanted to join up with mde and eventually he did because of this sam hyde has sort of put him on a couple videos and stuff um however the most impressive thing isn't really like the videos that he did as jace 0:46:20 Unknown_39: It was that he had this troll persona, DeagleDad420, and I liked DeagleDad so much that he was an admin on the site. He was like my number two for over a year. And he was also Jace Connors, a quote-unquote locale who was an MDE performer. And I don't know. He never did anything malicious. I liked him a lot. I was kind of sad that he left after the whole thing ended, but... Unknown_39: That always impressed people, or impressed me at least, more than just like, haha, I'm pretending to be retarded. Unknown_39: This would be incomplete unless I showed you the video of... Is this it? 0:47:12 Unknown_03: This video is not available anymore. Are you fucking kidding me? Unknown_03: A violent, delusional, Gamergate psychopath is actually a comedian's terrible hoax. Unknown_39: It's talking about how... Okay, here's one of my favorite things about the... Unknown_39: the the jace connors thing is that i'm trying to find the car crash where he he gets into a real life car crash and his car is upside down on the road on like a snowy road and he's screaming like on the top of his lungs um 0:47:53 Unknown_39: like about how he's going to street race Brianna Wu to the grave. Unknown_39: And this was a real car crash that he just instinctively turned into content at the expense of Brianna Wu. Brianna Wu took it seriously. Jace was interviewed by the FBI as like a threat to human life. And then he kind of cooled off on that a little bit. Unknown_39: But Wu later showed up on a show called The Internet Ruined My Life. And they played the clips of Jay screaming about how he was going to street race Brianna Wu to the grave in his mom's Prius and completely omitted any mention that it was a complete hoax. And then they even had Wu do the tagline for the show where he went, The Internet Ruined My Life. 0:48:35 Unknown_39: And it's really, really fucking funny, and I greatly appreciate it. Unfortunately, this video appears to be scrubbed from the internet, so I'm not going to be able to show you the car crash and Jay screaming about Brianna Wu, but... Maybe if I type in Brianna Wu, I'll get it? Unknown_03: No. Unknown_03: No. Unknown_03: Actually, here, no, this is, that's very frustrating. Unknown_39: They must have purged this from the internet, because it's too funny, and the internet's fucking gay now. 0:49:18 Unknown_39: Oh, wow. Unknown_39: I think I did show it on the Deagle Nation stream, so if you're curious, I would actually highly, probably more than any of my other streams, I would suggest the Deagle Nation one. Unknown_03: um then there was okay so 2014 also saw like a bunch of of people join the site among them was tj church um i don't know anything about tj church except that he thinks he's a genius he apparently writes i remember that he wrote like really bad adult fiction and 0:49:52 Unknown_39: And he would constantly post in on the site demanding that I delete his thread. This is unironically what he looked like. And for whatever reason, I've given him the title, Noel's personal hero and or best friend. Oh, this is the guy. He has this extremely dense syntax for writing and or he goes ampersand slash or it looks like. Unknown_39: It looks like code. It looks like someone is writing that for, like, a computer program. And now I've, like, memed this so much that when I write and it's, like, informal and I'm just shitposting, I will just instinctively go for the ampersand slash org. 0:50:33 Unknown_39: And he would do this constantly. He was supposed to be a professional writer or something, but his post syntax is so dense that it was impossible to read. Like this. Look at how he structures his paragraphs. He's writing a list, and he just loves going to those brackets, and he loves putting in parentheses within parentheses and shit. Unknown_39: And at his worst, if I could find a really bulky pose, he just... 0:51:09 Unknown_04: Like this. Unknown_39: I'll try to read this. I never intentionally called anyone gay, though I didn't deny they were, nor did I say there was anything wrong with homosexuality of the majority of members. Oh, that's right. He thought everybody on the site was gay. Unknown_39: With the homosexuality of the majority of the members here. Also, lover of pie, I never claimed I had no homosexual thoughts at all. But so you don't make these false claims again, let me state the factual reality. I've never been the least bit homosexual. However, based mainly on the readings of posts and threads and or... profiles by many of you I know some of you are varying degrees of homosexual and or have admitted to having homosexual thoughts and or feelings for me parentheses which I have never reciprocated ampersand never will very very intense trying to parse through that he would make many many posts like this over a thousand two hundred in the year that he was around and he certainly was my best friend 0:52:09 Unknown_04: Also in the schizo train was Brad Watson. Unknown_39: I am vaguely familiar with Brad. He does have a forum account. In fact, when did he stop posting? I want to say that he continued posting for years. Unknown_39: Uh, Unknown_39: Yeah, Brad Watson Miami last active January 27th 2023 this motherfucker is still around he's like But through the process of time he is now like retroactively not crazy and he's just like a normal person in Comparison to everyone else. He's still posting this fucking thread arguing with people. He has 6,000 messages over eight years now and Um, and his, he has, cause he used to give these tags to people just for the laughs. His personal tag is heterosexual Jesus H. Christ and Albert Einstein reincarnated. And that is part of his thing. He lived like a church and, uh, he, he says that he is Jesus and he's also Einstein. 0:52:46 Unknown_39: I will try to read this. He's one of those numerology people. Unknown_39: The most popular spelling of Tetragrammaton, Yahweh, is Yahweh by Jews and Jehovah by Jehovah Witnesses. Both of these are based on simple 674 English, 774 in Dematria, 874, but neither are correct. Based on the God equals 7 underscore 4 algorithm code, uh, apostrophe, all right, uh, 0:53:21 Unknown_39: little star yahweh four letters jehovah sevens satisfies the equation but so does yahweh four equals yahuwah uh seven jehovah j10 e5 h8 o15 v22 a1 plus h8 equals 54 divided by 6 and 69 Unknown_39: which are not significant biblical numbers. Yahweh, as six letters, does not fulfill the God equals seven underscore four requirement, but Yahweh seven equals Y25, A1, H8, W23, E5, HA does reflect the important biblical number 70. It was Moses, Aaron, and his two sons of the 70 elders of Israel, minus 74 altogether, who went and taught Mount Sinai, blah, blah, blah. The temple was destroyed and Jewish diaspora began. The Greeks... septuagnet means 70 and experts compiled it but yahuwah equals and then the same repeating digits and you can find more at god704.wikia.com signed as albert einstein 0:54:08 Unknown_39: So there you go. I think this thread is mostly people just arguing with him and being like, no, these numbers don't check out at all. This, in fact, does not equal 7 underscore 4. And he will reply in Ernst, like saying, actually, I am God, and I'm Albert Einstein, and that does equal 7.4. Here's how. He made a critical miscalculation, and I will explain to you in detail about how this works out. So that's been going on for about eight years now, and it started in 2014. 0:54:47 Unknown_39: Speaking of people being in their own thread, Marian Shiklich, who I own a domain for, is a Croatian from Zagreb, and he is an incel. He ran a website called Governments Get Girlfriends, and he was a sponsor of the idea. that any lonely guy out there should get a court-appointed girlfriend for them to sodomize and breed with. He had an entire blog filled with arguments as to why that should be the case, and his thread was mostly him arguing with women on the forum who objected to this and found him really creepy and wanted to make fun of him. He... 0:55:29 Unknown_39: He really, really denies his docs. He's tried several times to get the thread changed to Margin Schicklich, which is not his name, but it would separate him from this thread. He's tried to persuade me to change it multiple times, including once pretty recently. 0:56:09 Unknown_39: I think he said that he now renounces all of his previous positions about governments getting girlfriends because he got he got a girlfriend and she fixed him. I guess she solved the problem with with her vagina. The interesting thing about this thread is that it's almost a thousand pages long. Unknown_39: And it is him... Like, this thread grew faster than any other thread for a very long time because he would argue there literally 24 hours a day. Like, that's not an extension. I think he did drugs or something. He did some sort of upper. And he would post in his thread literally continuously for forever. And that's Marion. 0:56:49 Unknown_39: Oh! Unknown_39: Oh, man. Unknown_39: I'm glad I saw the word epitle, because that epitle, I don't know how you pronounce this. He is the one. Let me find the exact quote, because this has been a quote on the forum, the random quote rotation, for literally forever. And everyone loves this quote, and I've been asked more about where this quote comes from than any other thread. This is a direct quote from Marion. You ready? 0:57:25 Unknown_39: I have begged my mother and my therapist to sleep with me out of desperation. I think there is another... There is another one. Unknown_04: I think I split that one up into multiple ones. Unknown_39: He elaborates that he asks... Can I just search this? Unknown_39: Can I just search this one and find it? Because I want to get this right because it's really fucked up. 0:58:03 Unknown_03: no come on does this guy explain it no this just links back to the op fuck that sucks uh it says Unknown_39: He went on to explain that not only did he ask his mother and his therapist to have sex with him out of desperation, he goes on to explain that they denied his request. And he went on to explain that, I think the quote goes exactly like this, in a civilized world, they would be executed for that alone. So the fact that his therapist and his mother refused to have sex with him was such an offense, he believed it should carry a death sentence because he really, really needed that crumb more than you can possibly imagine. 0:58:54 Unknown_39: So that one's been up on the rotation for a while. 2014 was also when we got our first thread about Pixie Terry. Unknown_39: This is Pixie Terry. Pixie Terry has gone into hiding kind of because they got trolled so hard. Unknown_39: They are the Chris Chan of girl cows. Unknown_39: So I've explained the origin of locale.farm and the girl boards a couple times, but in a nutshell, almost all the locales from this period were people of interest on something awful or 4chan. 0:59:33 Unknown_39: Every board on 4chan kind of had... Not anymore. They don't allow this anymore. They'll ban you on site if you post about Chris on V or whatever. But every board basically had its locale. Unknown_39: Like Paul had Ben Garrison, V had Chris Chan, and CGL had a bunch. CGL is the cosplay board, which is predominantly full of men and gay men and women. Unknown_39: And Pixie Terry was like their Christian because she did cosplay and she did it very poorly. She tried to hide her features by like squatting. So everyone says that she looks like she's pooping constantly. She's doing like this grunty face and she's squatting so it looks like she's taking a big shit. 1:00:09 Unknown_39: Um... Unknown_39: Not much to say about her. She had really terrible hygiene. And I think someone met up with her and fucked her because they wanted to talk about it on the internet. And everyone made fun of it. He thought it would be like an epic troll if he fucked this retarded woman and then talked about it on the internet. But then everyone just started calling him the pixie fucker and made fun of him too. And he got butthurt about that as far as I remember. 1:00:45 Unknown_39: I don't I don't recall any other specific details about about pixie terrier the pixie fucker, but that's that stands out in line Disney fan this is a You Unknown_39: This thread is long. This still gets bumped on occasion. The main thing about her is that she is obsessed with Disney characters fucking. And she ships them with like... I want to say... 1:01:21 Unknown_39: Like with Piccolo. Unknown_39: I'm not sure who... Oh, and she traces. This also shows you the humble origins of the site because, oh, someone's tracing their Disney Piccolo pornography. It's not really pornography. It's like pornography for women, I guess. But they're like, oh, they're tracing. What a horrible person. Unknown_39: This is their OTP. I don't know who... I mean, that's the woman from... Wait. Unknown_39: I don't know who the fuck that is. Unknown_39: I think that she was really into that guy. Like, not just... She's really specifically into this pirate. If I remember correctly, I think that's it. And she, like, self-inserts as this woman. 1:01:53 Unknown_39: i don't know i don't know too much about her i here's what i did for preparation for the stream i went through the catalog and i picked up any thread that i could think of off the top of my head and i picked up anything that was still active so people talk about her and uh apparently she got she has a kid oh no she has okay piccolo has a child that's like this this 1:02:32 Unknown_39: so piccolo and her disney self-insert character gave birth to this oh i i don't know what you would call that is that like a mulatto okay that's that is actually pretty funny you just know Unknown_04: um okay and 2014 at the end is also what gave birth to gamergate this is a whole thread on brianna woo the thread on brianna was absolutely massive there's three threads on brianna woo that kept making new ones after a thousand pages but i think the latest one we stopped doing that and it's just like um it just continues on forever now Unknown_39: This thread was a lot of drama, and I really don't care too much about Brianna Wu, except for the really, really funny car crash thing with Jace. 1:03:30 Unknown_39: But Brianna Wu was like the pet retard of Zedkiss. who was one of the best information gatherers that the Kiwi Farms has ever seen. I think he hates me now. Unknown_39: But he kept picking fights with everybody. And I kept telling him to knock it off, and he refused. I didn't know what to do with him. Unknown_39: But he really wanted irrefutable evidence. that Brianna Wu was a troon. Because if you don't know, you look at Brianna Wu and you think, that's a man. And you're right, that is a man. But they've been in the closet for... Brianna Wu is what's called a HSTS, a homosexual transsexual, which is someone who gets off on being valued by straight men. So... 1:04:04 Unknown_39: Homosexual transsexuals pass better. They have less truant behaviors, and they're usually with a straight man. So Blair White would be a homosexual transsexual. Brando was a homosexual transsexual. That Dylan Mulvaney guy, I think, is a homosexual transsexual. But whatever you see, like... Unknown_39: what you would consider like a trap, like someone who obviously like takes care of themselves to try and look as feminine as possible. And isn't just like, respect my pronouns, bigot. That's probably a homosexual transsexual. So Brandon Wu has kept this in the closet for forever. They're still on out. They, but they still, they managed to identify with the LGBT by saying that they're bisexual, that they're a bisexual woman. But the truth is that they're, um, 1:04:41 Unknown_39: They're trans. And Zedd really wanted evidence of this, irrefutable evidence, to the point where he figured out that Brianna Wu got their name change in a, like, I think it was a Kentucky court, like a rural Kentucky court. And we legit sent out field agents to go to the archives of some civil court in some bumfuck nowhere Kentucky town to try and find the name change record for Brianna Wu. And we could not find it. So Zedd was denied his holy grail of John Walker Flint is Brianna Wu evidence. 1:05:22 Unknown_39: I'm curious if there isn't. Unknown_03: I want to show, I bet you if I just search John Walker Flint. Unknown_39: if i type in john walker flint google suggests to me brianna woo american game developer can i do that like live on air and show people oh that is fucking awesome i guess that got his way after all that's really funny if i can just go to images will i see the comparison picture no i won't unfortunately 1:06:10 Unknown_39: Maybe if I search with save search off on the other screen, I'll be able to find it. No, there's a really convincing picture of Brianna Wu. Unknown_03: Oh, okay. Unknown_03: Oh man, here, here. Unknown_39: I found the screen cap of the old locale wiki that I used to host, but I gave up on after a while. This is the yearbook photo for John Walker Flint. And this is Brianna Wu. And he still denies it. He still denies that. 1:06:44 Unknown_39: Well, he doesn't deny it outright. He just refuses to admit it. Unknown_39: But there you go. That's really funny. I did not know that Google did that. Unknown_39: um so 2014 caps off with gamergate starting big deal of course on the internet as as these things are and then we proceed into um 2015 let me get that set up make sure i haven't missed anything 1:07:18 Unknown_03: oh yeah okay 2015 first one i got for 2015 was good i did a full stream about about my boy fed smoker who of course is dead rest in peace um fed smoker is crazy he would go from town to town talking about how um he was going to out like corrupt police and federal agents and i think that this this video is um Unknown_39: This video is my all-time favorite. I'll just play this. I did a whole stream on Hank, or Herc. If you want to, Herc Peterson, look up Fedsmoker. I did a whole stream on him. I would recommend that one, too. Unknown_39: I got a lot of help with that, so it's mostly videos, really awesome videos. This is still my absolute favorite video. It sums them up perfectly. Unknown_09: Walgreens Americans. Unknown_09: Been shopping here for about three months, and they haven't been being very kind to me here in Council Bluffs. Do me like that cold inbred fucking... 1:08:14 Unknown_09: feeling when I shop in there. Unknown_09: I'll be putting everybody on the net as baby rapers from now on. If I can see a flinch around me in this town, I think the pigs might have got to him here and they feel like they can get away with that with me. Unknown_09: I put your fucking chief on the net as baby rapers. I get snubbed one more time out of this store. You watch and see, bitches. I'm gonna put this dog on the net as a baby raper, too. You fucking baby raper! Unknown_17: You fucking baby raper! 1:08:49 Unknown_39: They don't make them like they used to. I don't know what to say. The timing of the... The best things that the dog barks back at them. Unknown_09: You watch and see. Put this dog on in here as a baby raper too. Unknown_17: You fucking baby raper! You fucking baby raper! Unknown_39: Just amazing. Unknown_39: It's a shit bull too. Unknown_39: He's not even wrong. He's not even wrong. He recognized that it was a shit bull and he called it out for what it is. Unknown_39: You can't hate the man. 2015 was the year that I also had issues with the growth of the site. 1:09:24 Unknown_39: We tried to accommodate Mr. Inter, John Inter in the InterSphere. This was a disaster. There's like one or two people I can think of that came out of this sub-forum. Unknown_39: No, that we're not complete shit. Unknown_39: But basically, the people on the interest here were too autistic, unfortunately, to integrate with the Kiwi Farms. So we had to close the board. Unknown_39: and then i made a post saying your crime is autism your sentence is death and then at the time it was a scary picture because my avatar was not yet the slobber mutt i can actually probably find this picture um my avatar had several iterations but the one that i used the longest oh let's see if i can find it just really really quick ah i have it saved still This was it. For a long time, it was Enigma from Dota 2. So my icon was a super scary Enigma icon as opposed to the Sober Mutt. But now this is much cuter in retrospect as things have changed and went along. 1:10:18 Unknown_39: Enter now has a thread on the site, but it was remade like a year after the board was closed. Unknown_39: as far as i know all mr inter does is he reviews cartoons which which i mean that is pretty fucking sussy baka if you're an adult man and you're watching cartoons that's pretty fucked up oh man that reminds me of somebody oh let me look this up see what year it is i'll slot it in 1:11:07 Unknown_39: okay 2018. let me let me close this real quick i'm gonna put this ahead so i don't for i don't forget and we'll go back to 2015. keep talking i don't want to forget though uh oh schmorky when did that happen oh there's so many good things Unknown_39: I'll slot that in too if I don't have that. That's in 2016. I'll put that a year ahead. Not to spoil or anything. I'm thinking of things as I'm going along. I spend all day pulling up shit and then as I'm going along I'm thinking, oh fuck, I have to talk about this. That's one of my favorites. 2015 was the year that Unknown_39: Derek Savage of Cool Cat Saves the Kids threatened to sue a bunch of people. This was also like the first adpocalypse. This was when all those YouTubers realized that nobody gave a fuck about them. And YouTube would shit them out as soon as they possibly could. To Susan Wojcicki, the life of every single YouTuber is worth less than $3.50 to her. 1:12:01 Unknown_39: Um, so this, this shit where Derek Savage was able to take down, but he was critical of his stupid ass. Cool cats movie was a pretty crazy. Unknown_39: So, um, this is a spat with, I hate everything. The one thing that gets me. Unknown_39: about uh cool cat save the kids and this guy there there's a youtube let me pull this up one of my favorite videos that um yms ever made oh my god these these videos that get suggested when you don't have when you're not signed in look you get each shorts tiktok the germ doctor you want to see some pimple popping natal answers why women have less pay than men in tennis jennifer lawrence hey this is palestine with a palestinian thought Wow. Wonderful. Thank you, YouTube. That's exactly what I'm looking for. Cool Cats Learns Fair Use is one of the best videos about fair use ever. It's so concise. It's so well sourced. Adam really did a fantastic job with this. But there's one clip that he uses from the video where I think this is the exact... I've watched this video like a hundred times. It's one of my favorite background noise videos. 1:12:59 Unknown_39: But Derek Savage is extremely violent in this. Unknown_12: went to court so it very well could have been determined as fair use they smacked that guy and when they do a private settlement like that and so they don't have to disclose how much money was traded hands there or how much he got beat you know got smacked for stealing the artwork right there you cannot steal copyrighted artwork or movie or anything like that it's illegal and you're stealing right there a there's multiple points where he's like that where he's like like pointing at the camera and then doing like slapping motions and hitting his hands together and it's like I can just tell that this dude is physically abusive if he has kids he beats them if he has a wife he beats her if he has a dog he beats it like there's just something about his body language that exudes like I'm a fucking violent ill-tippered psychopath and I want to punch people uh 1:13:54 Unknown_39: Anyway, that's the Derek Savage stuff. It was the copyright stuff about his shitty-ass fucking kids movie. Unknown_39: Some Hollywood wannabe that's in self-defense courses and stuff. He thinks himself a fucking badass. And somehow YMS managed to stay neutral in the dispute for whatever reason. Unknown_39: Over here is Zoe Quinn. I don't know. What the fuck? I guess this is like a catalog of all the pages. It is. Unknown_39: Jeez. 1:14:51 Unknown_39: zoe quinn is a horror she made a video game called depression quest depression quest was not very good technically or narratively it was a choose your own adventure game that could play in a web browser it was mostly just her shitty photography and then you click a link and then that would show like your day as you have depression um Unknown_39: This was rated, like, best indie game by, like, five different magazines. Unknown_39: Like, gaming magazines. And it turns out that every single one of those magazines that had given her Indie Game of the Year had an editor that had fucked Zoe Quinn. Five in total. Unknown_39: So people started making fun of this. The media reacted by going for hard defense from Zoe Quinn. Unknown_39: saying that the criticism was misogynistic in nature and not rooted in the fact that she had just fucked five guys to get positive reviews for a shitty fucking game, declared gamers dead, and so Gamergate was started. I feel like I've explained this too many times in the past because Turkey Tom kept bugging me for fucking quotes to use in his goddamn video about Gamergate. 1:15:54 Unknown_39: But after that, people organized on 8chan. That's what got 8chan kicked off. Unknown_39: And people went after the advertisers of Kotaku and all these other publications that had shown gamers. And that is what I think started the modern incarnation of going after people's support structures as a way to cancel somebody. And Turkey Tom kept wanting to frame this as a purely political thing, but it's like... Unknown_39: no probably not it might not have even been the first one like i'm sure that there were other other like instances of this before gamergate but that's the first one that really comes to mind of like people just going hardcore after like advertisers and shit to do platform 1:16:47 Unknown_39: Um, at least in the modern era, at least on the internet, like I know that happened with major media platforms and stuff, but as far as like a mob of random people going after websites like this, that's the first that I could remember. Unknown_39: Her prostate, that's right. Unknown_39: So Zoey Quinn is not of interest besides that her last name is Von Valkenburg, which means that I think that she is from royalty and might be Jewish. I don't think she's Jewish. Just German. Unknown_39: And I think now they're trans or like non-binary or some shit. I don't fucking know. Let me look up their Twitter profile. I'm sure that'll tell me their entire life story. Unburnt witch. 1:17:31 Unknown_39: Zoe Batty Proctor Quinn. I make books, comics, tabletop, and indie video games relating to making fake swords and armor with robots. Senior narrative designer at a game studio. Wow. Unknown_39: This is Zoe Quinn. Now looks a lot like Terry Berry. Or not Terry Berry. Unknown_39: Pixie Terry. Unknown_39: I'm pretty sure they identify as trans or some shit now. I'm not sure. Unknown_39: They're not noteworthy in any way. 1:18:06 Unknown_39: Contrary, someone who is very noteworthy, Unknown_39: This guy, I don't even know how I remember this guy. But he was the first time I remember a locale being on national television. Unknown_39: If you don't know, there used to be a guy called Tosh who was on Comedy Central called Tosh.0. And all he did is watch... Basically, his entire show was people scraping Kiwi Farms for content and then talking about the videos on Comedy Central and making a fuck ton more money than I did doing it. But this guy was called... 1:18:41 Unknown_39: White guys fart in my face. And I have nothing in this OP. It's all been deleted. Unknown_39: But I do have one video from an archive. Thursday Lane, white guys fart in my face. This guy appeared on Tosh.0. Unknown_39: I'll just play this and let you enjoy. Unknown_22: White guys, can I marry your fart, please? Can I marry your fart? I wish to marry white guys' farts. I wish to marry white guys' farts. These rings are for you, white guys. I wish to marry your farts for life. Unknown_22: Please, white guys, can I marry your farts? 1:19:17 Unknown_22: I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry your farts. Unknown_22: I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. I wish to marry white guys farts. Unknown_22: I want to marry your farts he went on television and talked about this and I don't think he was joking he's just gay and he likes white guys and he likes white guys to fart in his face that's his thing more power to him actually I don't know what's happened to white guys fart in my face what's happened to him last page was 44 from 2019 his accounts got deleted 1:20:15 Unknown_03: He was active on Instagram as of, when was this? Unknown_04: August 22, 21. Let's see what this is. Can I watch this? I might have to open this in bibliogram. Fuck, I gotta fucking hate Instagram. Piece of shit. Unknown_04: Maybe I'll just... Can I download this? No, I have to be signed in to download this. Let's try Bibliogram. 1:20:52 Unknown_03: Let's see, the main guy has discontinued Bibliogram. Unknown_39: I guess because they are so angry at him for effectively bypassing their fucking gay bullshit... Unknown_03: Bibliogram is being discontinued. Why? Unknown_03: That's so crazy to me They must have gotten like a cease and desist from from fucking Mark Zuckerfucker I Play this in this Let's see. 1:21:27 Unknown_39: It was less video is I'll just play it for my other browser, you know, and I know it's hard out here but I just want to say um when I make Unknown_24: I was thinking about when I sell arts, it will be two for $15. And again, I will mail it in this. Unknown_24: I will mail it in this. Unknown_39: Let's see. Can I get a, I might just sign in. Can I like sign in without too much trouble? Unknown_04: Um, let me take this off just in case I show something I shouldn't. Unknown_04: want to show you his art really bad because this is what he does now i guess i don't know if he's ever found a white guy to fart in his face for life um let's see okay so i i go to a specific page i sign in instead of sending me to the fucking page i had opened it sends me to my home page it can't just show me the fucking page that i want to see god damn 1:22:31 Unknown_39: i don't know why it's in hungarian you just i'm just gonna have to figure out what to do about this being in hungarian okay that's the video that i just played this is his art wind bird water fish fire horse available for 15 you would like this one 370 490 62 degrees season trees Unknown_04: This appears to be some fried chicken. Unknown_39: I am correct. He does caption this fried chicken. Unknown_39: Chef Chris Keto replies saying, wow, food fit for our God. God bless. I don't know why I favored that when I tried to highlight that. I do not want to favorite that on my account. Let's see. I'll play one more. Oh, this is just a picture of him. This is just how he's hanging out now. Okay. So he makes bad art. I don't think he's married. I don't think he found a white guy to fart in his face. 1:23:26 Unknown_03: uh what's what's up with this one i guess i guess firefox can't even play videos from instagram wow i am i am so irritated right now i can barely explain it i just i just want to hear this man talk about white guys farting in his face Unknown_39: Jack Scalfani also got his thread in 2016. 1:24:00 Unknown_39: Very extensive history. Let's see. I recently played... Unknown_39: the video of him making wanda's uh party i don't know what the to call it um he now has a stroke so he can't move his hand and we have skinny chicken and broccoli keto friendly that's not friendly to anybody i'm afraid um he's one of those people people really dislike him because there's videos of him talking about how he beats his son like bart simpson style strangling his son 1:24:35 Unknown_39: there's a video of him wait hold up jack scalfani chokes son i want to see because he's like on a podcast yeah here we go so so we got him into building computers and uh i took him to a shop in huntington beach every three times a week he was interning there they were teaching him how to put it all together Unknown_36: and that was where he learned how to smoke pot it escalated and he started uh started cursing at tammy and me and having rage issues and there were two times once he put his hand on me and he and it wasn't like he pushed me but it was in an aggressive way and i took him down to the ground i threw him down to the ground and then the second time Unknown_39: her face look at that woman's face she's sitting directly next to him and he's like am i in danger sitting next to this fucking psychopath who's like bragging about how he beats his son he put his hands on tammy pushed her up against the door and i took him to the ground and i was going to kill him i was choking him out and i had so uncomfortable the only time you stop fighting in school is the principal's coming 1:25:45 Unknown_36: But this was the moment. Look at her. I was choking him. Unknown_39: Look at her face. Look at her, like, look to the other person, like, wait, are you scared? Are you also scared? Are you nervous? Should we leave? Should we get up and go right now? What the fuck? Unknown_36: The moment I was choking him and screaming in his ears, you don't ever touch a woman. You don't ever touch a woman. The top of my voice, I was choking him so hard. Unknown_39: She's pacifying herself. She's scratching her. Unknown_36: I was starting to bleed. Unknown_36: And I didn't know when to stop. So we sit down and Pastor Davis gets up there and he's like, first thing I hear him say, we need to napalm the Palestinians. I'm like, my honey, I'm like, honey, did he just say, did the pastor just say we need to like wipe out a whole, everybody like over there? And he's like, yeah. 1:26:22 Unknown_35: And I'm like, I'm like, I stood up. Unknown_36: Where do I sign up? Unknown_39: They're trying to recruit people with their Palestinian thought videos, but as we know... Unknown_38: This is getting recommended on YouTube? I can't believe that they allow this on the front page of YouTube. This is antisemitic, as far as I'm concerned. 1:27:20 Unknown_39: israeli women hot as hell bro it's so cringe to me when i see people who see like heavily photoshopped filtered made up models who are being placed in military uniforms is like a fetish and they're like oh my god they're so hot That's exactly what the average woman in Israel looks like. Bro, you're in for a fucking shock if you find out what Jewish women look like in real life. Have you ever seen Susan Wojcicki? She's not even Middle Eastern type. Unknown_39: Hila? Oh no. Unknown_39: Not even. Let's not go there. Unknown_39: Okay, so that is 2015. The early grumblings of the height of Gamergate even. 1:28:05 Unknown_39: And the internet being ruined forever. I'm not playing the clip. Fuck off. There's a time and a place, Chet. Time and a place. Unknown_39: Oh, I did the whole transition and I completely forgot to switch the tabs over to 2016. Unknown_03: Okay, hold on. Unknown_03: Let me get that right. Unknown_03: okay so now now we're in 2016 and i can bring back my uh my video and i hope you're happy 1:28:52 Unknown_39: Ethan Ralph! Ethan Ralph of the Killstream Baby got his humble start because of Gamergate. He was streaming before Gamergate, but it was during Gamergate that my boy Ethan Oliver Ralph of the Killstream Baby Unknown_39: Uh, got any kind of traction. I started streaming on the, on the YouTubes, started getting the super berries, started making friends and enemies left and right. Was one of the cool kids surrounded by Gator and Zidane, his right-hand man, the boot knees butcher himself. 1:29:25 Unknown_39: And I'm sure that would continue on healthily and happily for many, many years, and nothing bad would happen to Ethan. I'm sure I wouldn't be talking about that almost every week. There's actually a lot I could talk about Ethan Ralph just this week. Unknown_39: In short, oh my god, if we wanted to even wrap up what has happened to Ralph since 2016... Unknown_39: He was married, had a show, had two co-hosts, was in the middle of all this infighting, making thousands of dollars a night. Unknown_39: Gets banned from YouTube for hosting a Holocaust debate charity stream for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. 1:30:06 Unknown_39: Goes to stream.me, completely collapses stream.me because he decides to bring along pedophiles who go after the hosting infrastructure. Unknown_39: um starts drinking heavily uh goes to an interlife boxing event that the other party doesn't show up to allegedly cheats on his wife while there they have a divorce he gets even more alcoholic starts fucking and there's so much that's even happening i'm just glossing over like completely forgetting He moves between like D live and then to some other bullshit streaming platform and then ends up on the Nick Fuentes extreme. Before that though, he's fucking a mentally handicapped woman with depression and meth mouth who he impregnates. And that's Mr. Vickers. Mr. Vickers is still in the process of suing him and pressing charges for domestic violence, restraining orders, violations. And then he ditches that pregnant woman and then cheats. Then actually he doesn't cheat on anybody this time. no he does he cheats on he's with some woman i want to say aid i can't i can't remember but he's with somebody temporarily and then digibro who was like his nemesis for a while has this horse woman tranny that they're in a relationship with so ethan ralph uh fucks this woman and who's cheating on digibro and he's putting his lips on the lips of a woman who sucked digibro's dick and then he marries that and impregnates that and gets a child with that and then moves to mexico and this all started because he hosted a stream talking about identity politics on youtube in 2016 which has been cataloged on the kiwi farms uh for years and years and years ever since and i'm i'm probably missing half the shit that i could probably talk about with ethan ralph um But that's what comes off the top of my head. I don't even know what to say. 1:31:26 Unknown_39: Greta Gustava, this was when the Trans Lifeline stuff happened. Trans Lifeline, I did a whole stream about, but in short, they were a non-profit suicide prevention hotline specifically for trans people. Problem is, they didn't staff it, they didn't train it, and they embezzled $340,000 out of Trans Lifeline over the years that they were involved. 1:32:24 Unknown_39: Greta Gassava showed up at my mom's house to intimidate me. However, she, they had, she, she in quotes, they had waited outside the house and we were at Ruby Tuesdays. We'd come inside. I had to poo because I just ate. So I go to the bathroom to poo. Greta comes up to the door, knocks on the door. My mom says, Josh doesn't live here anymore. Closes the door. and uh this still gets brought up to this day that last uh hit piece article that came out says i hid i hid in the bathroom cleverly disguised myself as a man pooping uh because i was too afraid i even said to grid i said like if you wanted to like meet for like a chat like to have a coffee or something i would be totally fine with that um but instead they decided to ambush me at my house to try and intimidate me to take him the site down that did not work 1:33:09 Unknown_39: Um, and then they got removed from trans lifeline later for fraud. And this is also where, um, Liz Fong Jones are being hostile towards the site, but I'll get into that later. Cause they were basically just one shitty email was like the height of their notoriety at that point. Unknown_39: Uh, this is also when Vordrak became active. I need to bring that site back up. Vordrak has a history, um, that I've only briefly alluded to in different streams, but the gist is that he was a part of Gamergate. He made a couple like, um, articles about Gamergate shit and Chimp Burgers basically wrote out this very simple thing. I've been really saying too much about, about Vordrak. However, we eventually found out that he, um, 1:33:50 Unknown_39: He had been active on a website, like an Evanescence fan forum in the mid 2000s. And he had beef with all these different little girls that were on this forum. So he would go after them like hardcore, like scare them out of like moderator positions. And then when he got banned from the Evanescence Forum, he went to the tabloids and said that the Evanescence Forum was facilitating the transfer of child pornography because he said that the people posting there who were underage were sharing nudes, like in the private message system, which caused the entire site to be collapsed and deleted because of the hit pieces that he got printed out. 1:34:39 Unknown_39: He started the whole deplatforming stuff. He got us kicked off PayPal, off... Unknown_39: Linode and more and more processes. He basically got the ball rolling and because he wasn't technically competent, the ball got rolling soft and I basically learned how to deal with all these new problems that were coming up more and more over time. So he basically helped me train the skill set that would be useful to keep the site up when the drop Kiwi farm stuff happened. Because if I hadn't been dealing with problems from board track for years and years already at that point, I probably would have no idea what I was doing enough to keep the site up. when things really got problematic. 1:35:13 Unknown_39: Yeah, Evan is a super fan. He's still involved, still trying to keep the site down. He only operates covertly because after the emails got... I believe he sent the emails to children's hospitals and shit. He got my mom fired from her job. He went after people in my family that I don't even fucking know. After all that, I think the police in the UK told him to knock it out or they'd charge him. So now he just operates through intermediaries and rarely steps out to do things on his own anymore. 1:35:49 Unknown_39: Speaking of British plagues, there is Jim Sterling. And Jim Sterling was someone I was not a fan of at his peak. But I went through and I watched all his old videos. And I like a lot of his old reviews. I like the pacing. They make a lot of good background noise. When he started doing his wrestling shit, I really fucking hated it. And to the point where when I would listen to them for background noise, I would know what he said right before everything. wrestling bit would come in and i had like pavlov conditioning where if i heard those words i would immediately alt tab over and fast forward through like 30 seconds so i could go back to the video um i really hated the wrestling shit it's so fucking cringe and he just kept forcing it into his videos which has caused a precipitous decline of his viewers which also was amplified by him churning out and on that note 1:36:38 Unknown_39: Jim is now at 802,000 subscribers. He's estimated to be below 800,000 by the end of the month. And I'm still hoping that there will be an extra salty, fun, under 800,000 subscriber video coming out. I'm really hoping for it. I hope I don't get cucked out of this because I've really got my fingers crossed for it. Unknown_39: Also got to thread in 2016 was King Cobra at JFS. I've done a video on him as well. 1:37:14 Unknown_39: And basically he's the gothic bad boy who's going through a bit of a dry spell right now. He has amazing cooking. Unknown_39: There's a lot to get into I don't even know how to sum it up I did a whole stream on them go watch that if you're curious Oh, he's got his puppet back there. I forgot about the puppet. Everybody loves the puppet Should I play this? Sure. Unknown_40: I'll play this clip. This is the new JFS video 1:37:57 Unknown_15: Fuck my fucking cigarette! Unknown_43: FUCK! Unknown_15: Fucking social media doesn't give a shit! Unknown_15: It's the fucking truth, dude. Social media doesn't give a shit. 1:38:33 Unknown_15: They're just like, oh, hey, you know. Unknown_14: Fuck you. Unknown_14: Fuck you. Fucking touching me, you piece of shit. Fuck you. Unknown_14: And fuck this! 1:39:20 Unknown_04: Sorry I went to go pee. Unknown_39: I don't know how interesting he could have been jerking off this entire time and I would have no idea My drink has to spill I lose my fucking temper Over these stupid fucking assholes Someone said play the guitar rift is where is it? 1:39:51 Unknown_03: Gosh and music Unknown_03: Did this get closed? If it's not here, I can't play it. Unknown_03: No, I don't have it. I apologize. Unknown_39: Like I said, I did a whole stream on them, so if there's something that I'm missing, you should definitely go watch that. I can't do it justice. Josh is very beloved by the community, so there's nothing I could say that hasn't already been said. Unknown_39: Um, Yandere Dev. Oh my fucking God. I just want to say the Kiwi Farms is now 10 years old and, um, Yandere Simulator has not come out. 1:40:29 Unknown_39: So if you don't know, uh, many years ago, Yandere Dev, uh, who does have a very like charming, like voice, like speaking voice, did a video announcing like his Kickstarter to make the simulator where it would be like hit man met anime. Unknown_39: um where you would steal women's panties and of course because this came out like during the gamergate era this idea of like an anime inspired game with like sexual components to it it was like oh my god this is a fresh breath of air in an era of stagnation with the you know the lewd elements that we as anime gamers so desperately need So people threw tens of thousands of dollars at this guy, like a month. Unknown_39: And he never did anything with his project for years and years, never did fucking anything. And he put out these really embarrassing videos of him saying like, uh, I can't stop emailing me because he feels like psychologically compelled to answer every single email he gets. So he had to put out videos begging people to stop emailing him because he couldn't take it anymore. He spends 12 hours a day answering emails. 1:41:21 Unknown_39: And it just never occurred to him to fucking not answer emails. Very strange guy. Um, he had like an entourage of like little girls that, that were into him. There was a black girl that kept joining my forum and ban evading. And I eventually called her dad and he was like some black guy in Brooklyn. I'm like, your daughter is like a piece of shit. She keeps posting on my fucking website and I keep banning her. And he's like, okay, I'll talk to her about it. And then I didn't see her again. She might be dead. I don't know what happened. 1:42:03 Unknown_39: I'm trying to think... Oh, of course. Unknown_03: How could I forget? If there's any defining... If there's any defining in Dairy Dev video... I'm never going to be able to find the original. 1:42:36 Unknown_03: I can find it in... I can find it in Russian. Unknown_04: Okay. No, wait. No, come on. Unknown_03: This has to be the original. Unknown_03: It's just in Russian for some reason. How bizarre. I, Eva X, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft 3 so that he may play Defense of the Ancients. 1:43:12 Unknown_19: Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your dota. Unknown_39: The eye contact. Unknown_39: The eye contact is the best part. Unknown_39: That became super viral. People flooded his Discord chat with it. He lost his fucking mind over the cum chalice thing. Pretty good, classic, clean, wholesome internet funsies that I appreciate and respect. Unknown_39: This is also the year that gave us Dr. Evangelist Robert McKim Sr., a crazy preacher man who has many health conditions and is at Ohio. He listens to the police scanner 24-7 and talks about the oncoming doom. Does he still put out videos? He does indeed. Still put out videos. I love these channels that have been going on for, like, how long now? 2010. 1:43:53 Unknown_39: So he's been putting out videos every month since 2010 as a YouTube preacher, man. Unknown_39: Let's watch. This one's nice and short. Unknown_39: Showing that I got four new tires and that Jesus and the truth, the way, and the life. Unknown_05: Hello. Unknown_39: He's got a Crisis Kang hat. Oh, he fits right in with the internet crowd these days. Unknown_05: This is Evangelist Dr. Robert L. McKim Sr. 1:44:30 Unknown_05: from Carrollton, Ohio. Unknown_05: That is a moronic idiot on KB Farms. Oh my god! Unknown_05: I didn't even know. Unknown_39: I didn't even know. It's just in the ether of the internet these days. Unknown_05: Some lies. Unknown_05: Saying I did not get new tires. Unknown_05: I clearly said I bought four new tires and I bought the watch for Renee. 1:45:04 Unknown_05: But now they're saying the only thing I did was bought the watch for Renee and I did not get new tires. Unknown_05: If I did not get new tires, then what are these? Unknown_39: What do you think, chat? Unknown_05: One of these. Look at these. Those look pretty fucking new to me. Unknown_39: That fucking retard on the QV farm saying he didn't buy no new tires. Those look like they're fresh out of the factory, bros. I don't know. Come on now. Unknown_05: Brand new tires. Brand new tread. Unknown_05: Brand new tires. Right here. 1:45:40 Unknown_05: Okay? Brand new tread. Unknown_05: These are not used. These are new. I had the receipt from Walmart to prove it. Unknown_39: From Walmart directly? Unknown_05: I also had a receipt from R&L Auto that put them on for me. Unknown_05: So lies and more. Unknown_05: Keep lying because that's all you people are is a bunch of liars. 1:46:11 Unknown_05: Your hackers and your liars. Unknown_39: This is pretty good. This is like, I don't know, this is old school. It's very quaint, a video like this. An old man has to come outside and photograph his fucking tire treads to prove to the goddamn assholes on the Kiwi. Look, he even shows his old tires to prove that he still has them. Prove to the Kiwi farms that he didn't, in fact, buy new tires. Classic, classic stuff. Like in the good old days. 2016, we're still in. 1:46:49 Unknown_39: also in 2016 by the way was schmorky who surprise surprise i also did a whole video on um schmorky was a long-term uh contributor to something awful he made a lot of flash animations flip-top box as i've said many times is my favorite um Unknown_39: He was outed as being like a diaper pee-pee poo-poo fetishist, kind of pedophilic. So when this came out, Lotex, who I don't have on this, but Lotex joined the forum to talk about how he was upset that... Unknown_39: on his site everyone was upset about like the gender issue because schmorky was non-binary and was like why aren't isn't my site putting out funny content about this why is it the kiwi farms and then when he said that something awful users got really fucking upset with him and said like stop going on that nazi doxing site you dumbass and then he tried to like rein in his mods for like a week but then when 1:47:56 Unknown_39: He tried to fire mods that were being shitters. The other mods were like, I'm going to quit too. And he just didn't have the wherewithal to manage his own site. Unknown_39: So he ended up just letting the status quo return and gave up trying to make something awful anything interesting again. And then he blew his brains out. It's a very sad story, actually. That's your low-tech stream. Unknown_39: But it started with Schmorky being outed as a poo-poo pee-pee man. Unknown_39: And that is 2016. And we're off. Two hours in, and not even halfway through, but I think there's fewer threads. And in particular, 2019 is like a desert, but we're getting through it. We're getting through it, chat. This might be a five-hour-long stream unless I really hurry the fuck up. 1:48:30 Unknown_39: We'll see. If it has to be five hours, you know what? Fuck it. It's my birthday, and I can party if I want to, chat. Unknown_39: so 2017 oh geez okay i i'm so glad i have my fucking um my uh 1:49:09 Unknown_39: firefox off because i opened the sean miller thread they don't know sean miller was one of the few people who wanted to be on the kiwi farms so much so that he's posted his birth certificate social security card um his high school diploma every conceivable piece of private information that could ever exist about a person he's posted a picture of himself um on the internet holding up next to his face while sucking on a pacifier and nothing but a diaper Unknown_39: and there was an unspoken rule not to talk about this guy, which was violated by Turkey Tom, who wanted money. Unknown_39: Uh, so he decided it would be a great idea to talk about, uh, the crazy diaper fetish furriest, um, who had posted his social security number on the internet while wearing a diaper and his video got struck down. I don't know if I think it's up now. I'm not sure, but like a lot of people got like a lot of popular YouTubers. I personally got tons of contact from this guy begging for his begging for his information to go up. Um, and then they go down so the compromise that we have is i don't want to delete information 1:50:10 Unknown_39: So his thread is simply all these pictures that he sent, all the unique ones, and then it's locked. So it's all up there. It's all under his real name. Everybody can find it, but he doesn't get the gratification of seeing people reply going, ew, he's so gross, because that would just make his little pee-pee hard. Unknown_39: So that's my sort of attention-seeking, fetishist, cuckolding tactic that I've invented just for the Kiwi Farms. 1:50:45 Unknown_39: um this oh this was 2016 but i coupled it in with 2017 because 2017 was also the rise of the girl cows like all the the amberlynn and chantal stuff uh there's not much to say about amberlynn except that she's fat and lies a lot but then chantal got her starting in middle of 2017 Unknown_39: uh when this thread was started she had an extremely small channel it was just like a couple hundred couple thousand viewers like 1 000 subscribers and that's it um and she got her start on on basically through us we're at fault for this Unknown_39: But this is when that started. I think I did a stream. I streamed in 2018, I want to say. So I started with the fat girls and stuff. 1:51:36 Unknown_39: because it was easy content it's very easy in YouTube safe to make fun of people like Chantel so I did but she's grown into this crazy arc that is extremely it's just crazy how it went from fat woman eats on YouTube to crackhead boyfriend beating me to I'm now living in Kuwait and I've converted to Islam just the fact that anybody's life could go down that kind of arc is crazy 2017 also brought us Susan Schofield Cabana, who I think I've done a stream about. Unknown_39: If you don't know... Unknown_39: Um, she has two kids. I do remember this now. I was getting her confused. Actually. Um, she has, she, she was using with the two kids that had some problems, but I think she highly over medicated them into like zombies. Cause she had Munchausen's by proxy. So she would just keep them doped up constantly. And it was really fucking sad. Um, I, I don't know what the status of her is, uh, i think that she's lost custody and um based on what they're saying they took the the kids away and now that they're not being hypermedicated by um because she appeared on dr phil oh yeah okay so the kids were taken away so that's a happy ending i guess 1:53:14 Unknown_39: Medical negligence by overmedication. They're too mentally unstable for their kids and they're exaggerating the symptoms of illnesses. So after they appeared on Dr. Phil, they lost the kids because it's very obvious when you look at the full story that they were being abused. So that's a happy ending. But that all got started. That was like a Facebook drama that got spilled over to the Kiwi farms because Facebook kept deleting it. And then as a consequence of people actually being able to talk about shit, she's lost access to those kids. 1:53:50 Unknown_03: Oh, this is also 2017. Good timing. I remembered somebody else. Unknown_39: The Hartley hooligans, because that's what I mean. All these girl cows came over in 2017. The Hartley hooligans were these two. I'm sure you've seen pictures of them. They got posted a lot on 4chan. Unknown_39: And it's just really sad because they're like 18, I want to say, in this picture. Unknown_39: they're both dead now um but their whole story is just really fucked up because it's like you know they really shouldn't have been brought to life to begin with um but she posted on facebook a lot and then over time they died and the real sad one is i think they had a boy named josh um 1:54:39 Unknown_39: Oh no, not Josh Cal, but I think Cal was the youngest and he was just a normal boy, but because he was normal, he didn't get any attention. So, uh, he got like neglected by it. So these are actually his older sisters. There's a picture of him, like in like, you know, normal high school or holding these two things. And it's like, these are her, his older sisters. And he lost a lot of his life because his parents made the decision to, um, Unknown_39: uh devote so much of their their energy to the hooligans who are now both dead um r.i.p kind of a fucked up story um whatever speaking of retards we got melinda scott i need unfortunately my archives are gone melinda scott is started on the forum because 1:55:28 Unknown_39: And Tamar Carlson was her stalker. He was active on the forum talking about how much he loved Tamar. And then Tamar sends me a threat. And I'm like, I was going to warn you about this guy that he's breaking his restraining order, but now you're threatening me. And she was like, you don't have any right to post things about me on the internet. Take it down now, now, now. And now she's sued me like six times since the long and short. Uh, also her husband died and she's trying to blame that on me, even though he just died. I don't even remember how, um, I actually, I don't think we know how, and we don't even know if he's really dead. We've just, um, we've got like one obituary. There's no evidence of a funeral or arresting place or anything. 1:56:05 Unknown_39: Yeah, he's dead. There's no information about it. And she keeps trying to blame me. She's even trying to blame me in letters to my lawyer and stuff. She's pretty fucking crazy. Unknown_03: Can I find this? Unknown_04: I'm not going to ever be able to find this video of him threatening me without the archive, unfortunately. Unknown_39: That sucks. Unknown_39: But I've talked about this at length. I've done videos about her lawsuits and her threatening emails. It's just great because you have this guy doing a tough guy thing in the car. He's like, this one goes out to all of my haters on the Kiwi Farms and you, Joshua Moon. I hope your insides turn to pestilence and rot from you. It's like crazy shit like that. 1:56:40 Unknown_39: Now, one thing I completely glossed over was the politicization of 2015-2016, in part because of Donald Trump's election. This is Ben Garrison, and I have a funny story about Ben Garrison. Like I mentioned, Ben Garrison was the meme of poll. However... 1:57:14 Unknown_39: he was the butt of jokes because what they would do is they would take like a racist cartoon and then they would say you know this was made by ben garrison they would falsely attribute it to ben garrison to troll him and he really really really really hated um people who did this and oh geez let's see if i can find this actually 1:57:51 Unknown_03: he came to 8chan and posted this picture of Hot Wheels burning in his... I think the title of this was like his personal hell or something. Unknown_39: Like the wheelchair was its own hell. Unknown_39: And, um, everybody loved this. Everyone thought this was like the best fucking thing. And I emailed him and I said, Ben, you should really make friends with these people on 8chan. And he replied to this and he argued with me a little bit and he never, he never in these email correspondences, uh, like actually admitted that I was right. Unknown_39: However, eventually, at some point later, he reached out to Frederick and he offered to make a comic sort of like as a as like a making up for it. So he made this one making fun of Moot, who was being called a cuck because of Gamergate. Long story short, he took a girl to Europe that wasn't his girlfriend and she ended up with another man. Everyone called him a cuck. He came out and said that he was gay and she was just a friend. Um, so they actually took this design and they printed it on mugs and stuff. And this was a way that he hadn't raised money when it was having issues raising money before Jim Watkins bought it and stuff. So I'm basically what I'm saying is that I am the unmoved mover of the internet. I have had my, my grubby little paws, uh, in many many things over the years and you'll never know the true damage that i've done to internet society okay i'm a true true malignant tumor that's been around for a long time 1:59:31 Unknown_39: And then Russell Greer also got his start in 2017. Russell is suing me, so I can't say too much. Unknown_39: He wrote a book. Unknown_39: It got published. It's about why he sued Taylor Swift. Unknown_39: He's an advocate for the legalization of prostitution. Unknown_39: And I think that's all I'm going to say about it. You can read his thread if you're interested. It's pretty fascinating. Unknown_39: Many people, I think, many people would not describe him flatteringly, especially women, for various reasons. He has issues dealing with the fairer sex. I'll just say that. That's my Russell Greer coverage, unfortunately. One day I'll be able to say more, I believe. 2:00:04 Unknown_04: And that is 2018. 2018. Unknown_04: Just people who got their starts in 2018. Many of those threads are still active to this day. Unknown_03: And now... Unknown_03: Or 2017. Unknown_39: This is 2018. So this is Jacob Sockness. I've actually never seen this picture because when the Sockness shit happened, I tuned out as I do. This is a guy who would roleplay sexually with Chris in Discord for hours and hours and hours a day to gain his trust. And I'm pretty sure... 2:00:38 Unknown_39: this is disputed this is disputed even by chris himself but i'm pretty sure he's the guy that added like bundy chu and um made his father part sana chu and added all this stupid shit about like the cpu goddesses and stuff i'm pretty sure that all comes from sockness uh but they really they really disagree with it it was not him am i misremembering this am i confusing him with joshua wise 2:01:26 Unknown_39: That was the idea, guys. Am I confusing him with Joshua Wise? Unknown_04: I can show you Joshua Wise. What did Sockness do, though? Unknown_03: Why do I know Sockness's name? Unknown_03: Here, okay. I'll pull out the idea guy and just show you him. Unknown_03: Where's this guy's stupid fucking face? Unknown_04: Why is his stupid fucking face not in the OP? Unknown_03: Do I have to go to the quickie for this? 2:01:59 Unknown_03: Okay, chat, explain to me who Jacob Sockness is, because I definitely remember him. Unknown_39: Okay, this is Joshua Wise. This is the guy that role-played with Chris for hours a day, just for posterity's sakes. Unknown_04: Now tell me who Jacob Sockness is. Unknown_04: Sockness was the weird gay guy who wanted to fuck Chris. Unknown_39: Sockness was the creepy autistic wop who wanted to fuck Chris. Sockness wanted to see Chris with ill intentions. Didn't Sockness buy a pair of his shoes? That's really weird. I know that Bella wanted to fuck Chris. 2:02:36 Unknown_39: I'm afraid to scroll down this. Unknown_04: I'm going to see something I don't want to see. Um... Unknown_39: Yeah, that is strange. I did not know that this guy wanted to fuck Chris. This was the guy that was like the spurg that I tried to report to the FBI, and they didn't care. They said, I hope that Chris guy fucks his mom. That's what the FBI told me. They're not very good people at the FBI. They're kind of shit, in case you're curious. 2018 was also the year of the Kiwi Farms' biggest redemption. 2:03:07 Unknown_39: This page did not load for whatever reason. Archive.is has been dying all day today, so I may not be able to show this page. Unknown_39: But... Unknown_39: Here with the wolf, speaking of Joshua, Joshua Hoffman, who's now tried to rebrand his YouTube channel for the eighth time, but isn't having any success. Unknown_39: The furries still hate him, because even though the furries are creepy weirdos, many of them actually really like animals, surprise, surprise, and they don't like zoos, because they're creepy and they fuck animals. 2:03:44 Unknown_39: So when Kuro was outed being like a telegram channel where animal abuse was taking place, um, that didn't look good on him. There were a lot of other sadists who were, I think one was arrested. One was arrested for, cause he also molested his cousin or like his stepsister or something. One of them got like, yeah. Unknown_39: Was that snake thing? Who was the guy that got arrested? Because he was like fucking his cousin and admitted to it in the, um, Unknown_39: uh yeah snake thing snake thing also got arrested but then also there was wolf and wolf was the worst and i can't show you it because the the archive is not working unfortunately 2:04:23 Unknown_39: Um, but Wolf was the one who is probably the forum's finest moment. And it was one guy basically who piece it together after everyone else had given up. Unknown_39: Um, the guy had posted pictures of him basically torturing a little puppy to death. Unknown_39: And this guy would not relent on trying to figure out who Wolf was. And when we figured out that he wasn't in Cuba, uh, We gave up. He's in Cuba. They don't have public records for shit that we can find. There's nothing we can do. They don't even have laws for animal abuse. There's no animal abuse laws at all in Cuba. So even if we do find him, what's the government going to do? He hasn't committed a crime by statute. So everyone gave up. This guy did not. He did not win credit for this either. He just did this and dumped it on people and then left. And it was never heard from again. 2:05:01 Unknown_39: He tracked down different animal shelters in Cuba. He contacted them individually. One of them... And he contacted an animal rights group in Cuba. And the animal rights group helped facilitate a lot of this. They found a picture of this guy... 2:05:34 Unknown_39: holding the puppy that would later be shown in pictures being skewered. So we had a direct link between the animal abuse and the guy that we thought was him that we found independently. And the shelter that he got the puppy from said that he really did not want his picture taken and never came back. So he had adopted multiple dogs from other shelters, but he only adopted one dog from the shelter that actually took pictures of people that had received pets. Unknown_39: So when this was found, the animal rights group put together their dossier and submitted it to the government. And from what I heard, he was arrested for sodomy, because sodomy is like a catch-all sexual deviance thing. In communist countries, sodomy is usually treated as a mental illness, and they treat mental illnesses with Thorazine. So our speculation is that Ruben is now a Thorazine zombie in a Cuban mental health facility as a consequence. That's the most likely outcome that we can think of. 2:06:15 Unknown_39: Um, so that, that's the story of the Zeus status stuff. Uh, the care of the wolf guy was disgraced. Snake thing went to jail for child abuse. And then Ruben probably is, is a Thorazine zombie, but we'll never know for sure. They could have just killed him. We'll have no, or he could have gotten nothing. You know, we'll never know what happened to him. Um, before when, when he realized that we had found out who he is, cause I think the guy that was hunting him emailed him and says like, I know who you are. He replied with like this really, really long, um, like, like email, like begging for forgiveness. And I thought it was like, the guy was fucking with him cause it was so over the top. But it was really a man afraid of dying. And that's always made me kind of uncomfortable. 2:07:26 Unknown_39: Frederick Knudsen read this one's stream and did silly voices for it. And I've never appreciated that. And I criticized this before. And I think that he probably has a negative opinion of me because of this. But it's very unsettling to me. And it's kind of strange realizing this guy might be dead as a consequence of some internet stuff. As far as things happening that I actually have really complicated emotional attachments to, it's the snake thing. It's by far the best thing the site's ever done. It literally saved animals and put this guy... Hopefully he did something about this guy, but then it's also a weird realization that he might be like dead or in like a mental hospital and drugs for like the rest of his life. And I'm not saying I feel bad for him. It's just like, it's a really weird feeling that there isn't a name for, I don't think. 2:08:01 Unknown_39: I hope you don't confuse that with pity. Unknown_39: It's just sombering. It's just a sombering realization that kind of sits heavy on you. It's not like a specific emotion. It's just like, oh, yeah, that's a thing. That happened, huh? Unknown_39: Macabre. Yeah, that's a good word. Million pity. I don't have them pulled up because that's recent, but. 2:08:44 Unknown_39: I'm sorry that I can't show you the article. I'd like to show you the puppy, but I don't have that. Unknown_04: This is also the year that... Had... Unknown_39: Golden. His name was just Goldie. He had an active account on the forum. He actually had his own sub-forum, I want to say. His name was Jay Geis. Unknown_39: And he was like a sadist. He drew these really shitty Powerpuff Girl cartoons. 2:09:17 Unknown_39: And he had like a sexual attraction to pain. Unknown_39: Like inflicting pain. Unknown_39: And most of his thread was just him arguing with people. Unknown_39: i remember i remember it pretty distinctly you know people always arguing with this guy um i don't know what happened to him he just disappeared one day and we closed his board i do i do remember that he had like a weird sexual thing for pain and a lot of people thought he just wanted to hurt women um 2:09:53 Unknown_39: So I don't know. I don't know anything more than that. Sorry, I can't give you a happy ending. I think he just vanished off the face of the planet one day. And that's all that happened. Unknown_39: I mentioned... Unknown_39: Oh, we can't see anything. Okay, I'll just show you real quick. It's not much to take in. It's just these shitty fucking comics. These Powerpuff Girl things. Unknown_39: These, like, Chris Chan tier, like, marker drawings. Just fucking garbage. This is, like, his original character. It was a guy. It was a Powerpuff Boy who had, like, a golden helmet and stuff. 2:10:29 Unknown_39: And he wanted to, like, hurt women. Unknown_03: I'll just... How about this? Unknown_03: uh nightmare fetishist remember when casey was up in the vent that's where that page takes off oh he's talking about how he's making his powerpuff characters like this must be like masturbation i guess i really don't know what the fuck's going on i just this guy i don't know what the he had he legit had like his own sub for him for a while because people love to argue with him about his pain fetish and then he just vanished one day what a chad 2:11:06 Unknown_39: This person isn't really a locale, but this is one of my favorite stories on the forum, just like as a bullshit story. So this artist, who is a Jewish woman named Ariella Elovich, made this wonderful drawing of what's classified as outsider art, which is a nice way of saying bad. Unknown_39: And these are women having their period. Unknown_39: And the woman is explaining, hey, women, don't feel bad. Or like, hey, little girl, don't feel bad about having your period. These famous, important women also had their period. It's completely natural. 2:11:50 Unknown_39: Don't worry about it. And I thought, isn't that strange that they're on the toilet? Isn't it strange that these women have decided to have their period by sitting on a toilet? I'm pretty sure that at no point in human history that women just sat on a toilet all day when they had their periods. I think they always had some sort of way of managing the blood flow without having to just sit on a toilet all day. Unknown_39: So I looked into it and I looked at this woman's Instagram and I found out 2:12:27 Unknown_39: Um, that, and this is me and my chat having, this is old school chat. This is 2018 chat. That was Ajax base. And I found out that, um, she actually is a huge connoisseur of pooping. Unknown_39: This is her pooping and multitasking. She's tweezing her nipple hairs and stuff. Unknown_39: This is her, uh, talking about how great the squatty potty is rejoice in a pushless poop, uh, This is her giving herself an enema so that she can poop better. And this is some real outsider art about women pooping. 2:13:03 Unknown_39: Just three different women having a good old time taking a poo. And the realization came to me that this woman... Unknown_39: made a bunch of pooping art and wanted to write a story about women pooping. Unknown_39: And they told her, we cannot publish this. That is fucking weird. So she literally took the same exact art and just changed the text to be about periods instead of pooping and just kept them on the toilet. And BuzzFeed was like, yeah, that'll do. And they published it. And this is one of the funniest fucking realizations ever. It stands out like a bright star in my memory. It's one of the funniest things that I've ever... I've ever gone through on the site. Uh, really, really funny. Um, yeah, that is 2018, uh, 2019. I warned you is a bit of a dry one. I really went through all the different boards trying to figure out, um, what I could put for 2019. And there just isn't a lot. And it's kind of strange. 2:13:38 Unknown_39: Um, I'm even in retrospect, I'm thinking like, 2:14:12 Unknown_39: Uh, surely something happened in 2019 and I, uh, there's, there's not too much. It's just a couple of things. Unknown_39: So let me get ready. Unknown_03: Let me get a sip of water. Unknown_03: It's a nice, fresh glass of milk. Unknown_39: I'm just kidding. You cannot drink milk in podcasts, by the way. Unknown_39: Milk coagulates your saliva and makes it very difficult to speak. Unknown_03: Stephanie Hayden. Unknown_39: Oh, geez. So, 2019 brought about the threads on three different people. Stephanie Hayden, Carolyn Farrow, and... 2:14:55 Unknown_39: Adrian Harrop. Unknown_39: Don't even fucking ask me to try and explain what the fuck any of this is. From what I understand, it's a lawsuit. Um... Um... Unknown_39: Carolyn Farrow is being sued, I think, by like trannies because they run an LGBT. They run some sort of like women's thing, like turf organization in the UK. Unknown_39: And then Carolyn Farrow posted in this thread about Hayden. 2:15:37 Unknown_39: And because Carolyn Farrow was on the Kiwi farms, Vordrak went after her hard and acted as a McKenzie friend, giving Hayden legal advice to sue Carolyn Farrow better with. Unknown_39: And it's pretty fucked up, but I don't know the details about this at all. But this was one of the major things that happened in 2019. Carolyn Farrow is still around and still getting fucked with. People really, really hate the fact that a legitimate name who knows people who are pretty significant is posting on the Kiwi Farms and, by extension, legitimizing it. Unknown_39: But she's really stuck to her guns, so mad respect for that. 2:16:24 Unknown_03: Oh, and this is the third about Jazz Jennings. Unknown_39: I'll just sum up Jazz Jennings real quick. Jazz Jennings is a trans. They're in Florida. Their mother decided really early on in life that Jazz was going to be a girl. Unknown_39: Jazz got on those safe, healthy, reversible hormone blockers that everyone gushes about. Unknown_39: Even Jon Stewart talks about how safe and healthy and reversible hormone blockers are. Unknown_39: And Jazz Jennings started puberty blockers before hitting puberty, obviously. And as a result, they have a baby dick. And when they went to get surgery, it was horribly complicated. They had to go back in for surgery like three or four times. Um, their vagina basically ruptured and tore and bled open. They didn't have enough penis skin to make the vagina with. Cause they had a little baby dick when they went in for surgery. It was a horrible, horrible thing. And now jazz Jennings is like fat as shit because, um, they can't, they're, they're a eunuch, man. They even have, I want to say they have the hump. 2:16:59 Unknown_39: Can I get like a popular vice search jazz Jennings. Google describes them as a American YouTuber. 2:17:34 Unknown_39: He's so fat. Holy shit. Unknown_39: Can I find... What is his YouTube channel? Unknown_39: He's bigger than I remember. Unknown_39: My dude, you're... It says American YouTuber, and then I go to the About section. I see Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Where's the fucking YouTube channel at? Fucking Google? Let's see if I can find those. If I type in jazz things on YouTube, the first suggestion is weight gain. 2:18:08 Unknown_39: There is no YouTube channel for jazz Jennings. Unknown_39: It's just TLC stuff. Unknown_39: Funny. I think they have the hunch too, but yeah, they're like a neuter. They never got to experience life as a boy. It's, it's a pretty fucking sad. This is the creating of the mother for sure. Uh, and this was also the year that bread tube got started. Unknown_39: Let me tell you what I know about bread tube. Unknown_04: Nothing. Unknown_04: but this is all i could find these three things are the only things i could find for 2019 i went through all the boards specifically for 2019 thinking there's got to be something that's happened on 2019 um no nothing happened in 2019 i remember in retrospect maybe this is just like an implanted memory but i think god 2019 was a fucking boring year wrap it up no dude i got i got more years to go than i got super bears you're gonna be here all night i'm afraid 2:19:09 Unknown_39: Talk about Philosophy Tube. Unknown_39: Philosophy Tube truned out. I mean, that's all there is to it. It's like a hulking, you know... Let me see what their latest video is. Unknown_03: Philosophy Tube. Unknown_03: Oh, jeez. Why are they so freaky? Unknown_39: I emailed my doctor 133 times the crisis in the British healthcare system. Unknown_39: Wow, I wouldn't fucking deal with you either if you were emailing me a hundred and thirty three times You know, I thought I thought that the UK just had such a great healthcare system and socialized medicine Fixes everything Oh God Yoniv Yoniv was 2019 good call. I want to talk about this guy This guy's weird and stupid and he's crying about how his government doesn't pay for shit when he is literally a fucking millionaire 1 million subscribers pay for your own fucking health care you freak Jesus 2:19:56 Unknown_39: Why won't the government pay for my vagina? Oh, because you're a millionaire. Motherfucker, get private health care. Unknown_39: What are you crying about? Go to the United States. Pay for your private health care. You have the money. Okay, Yaniv. I guess that did happen in 2019, too. I don't want to forget about that. Unknown_39: Sorry, I just collapsed my Firefox. Unknown_39: Okay, it did. Unknown_39: Just to recap, I've mentioned this before recently, too. Jonathan Yaniv was a powerful person. They directly knew the co-founder of Twitter. Anybody who said anything bad about Jonathan Yaniv, who was actively suing in the—or not suing, but filing complaints in the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal— 2:20:38 Unknown_39: um, for not waxing his balls. He was accused of acting inappropriately towards children. Uh, he had a weird tampon fetish and kept writing about how little girls would ask him for tampons. Very creepy guy. Um, when I tried to stream about Jonathan Yonav, I got banned off YouTube before the stream even started. Cause I used the picture of him in the thumbnail. 2:21:15 Unknown_39: Uh, he managed to get all of his threads de-indexed from, from Google, uh, Unknown_39: And he managed to get feminist ban from WordPress and Twitter. And WordPress, getting people banned from WordPress is, like, really hard. They usually don't ban people. But J.Y. figured it out. Jonathan Yonav was also the reason why we got booted out of our first data center in Buffalo. I physically set up the Kiwi Farm server in Buffalo a long time ago. And Yonav was the one who sent a complaint to their parent company that got us moved to Fiber Hub from there. 2:21:48 Unknown_39: And then afterwards, it became like a public spectacle and he lost all his power, but he had it for a very long time. And the Kiwi Farms was the only place that was allowed to talk about it because everything else was completely censored. And it was only because we stayed up and we kept a place open to congregate that this information spread out. And it's bullshit. It had to be like that. It should never have to be like that, but it always ends up being like that. Unknown_39: Someone said that Mumkey also happened in 2019. If I search Mumkey Jones, I get an incels wiki page for him. 2:22:28 Unknown_04: I did a whole... Oh, it is 2019. Unknown_39: Good catch, good catch. Unknown_39: That's why I hadn't heard anything about him for so long, because it's been a long time since his videos. Unknown_04: Mumkey... Unknown_04: bum key had a successful youtube career and he had a pretty girlfriend and he decided to give it up for a insane like tomboy half like tomboy trans thing called leo a furry and he decided to blow his whole life up i think he does videos still 2:23:06 Unknown_39: I really don't know what's happened with him. And then he released a sex tape of him fucking this creepy manic girl. Unknown_39: I legit thought he was going to kill himself. But he only just started taking SSRIs instead. Unknown_39: And now he's doing pretty well, I guess. Unknown_04: He did a video making fun of Wings of Redemption. He read Mr. Inter's children's book. Unknown_04: He says that he's homeless now. Unknown_39: I think that might be a joke. 2:23:40 Unknown_04: He's getting sponsorships for his videos and shit. That's nice. Unknown_04: Is he still with Liu? Does anyone know this? Unknown_04: No, they broke up. They broke up while I was still covering it because I can't remember why they broke up. Unknown_39: I don't remember if it was his idea. I think it was even her idea. Unknown_39: yeah yeah it was it was her idea to dump him um i'm afraid to browse through this thread because there's porn of him fucking this this creepy little girl and i don't want to show people that oh here here we go here's the girl here's the girl dancing she fucked his whole life up and then um 2:24:27 Unknown_39: And then dumped him. Unknown_39: So, never stick your dick in Crazy Kids, because it will completely derail his happy little life. Unknown_39: Leah was fucking a 16-year-old while she was with Mumkey. That's right. I remember. I buried this in my head for some reason. I don't know why. I completely forgot about Mumkey Jones. I did a whole stream on him and everything. It was a pretty good stream, if I do say so myself. Unknown_39: Thank you for the knowledge. You're welcome. 2020 sliding into the new decade, getting closer and closer to the super chats. The part that everybody's waiting for. 2:25:03 Unknown_39: Oh, it's our big boy. It's Patrick Sean Tomlinson, esteemed sci-fi writer and member of the Sci-Fi Writers Guild, who has sued forum owners for disparaging his name, who has disparaged the Stalker Childs all over the world. I don't think there's anything to say about him that I haven't said in previous streams, but it just says that this guy showed up on Opie and Anthony. He said that 2:25:39 Unknown_39: Daniel Norm. Is it McNorm? It's like Daniel McNorm, I think, is his name. And he says that he's actually not that funny. He's the guy that does the clip about 9-11 and starts laughing at just the word 9-11. That guy. Unknown_39: Norm McDonald is not funny, is what he said. And it caused a lot of people to start fucking with him. He's extremely active on Twitter. I think it might actually go to Twitter. Unknown_03: Um... 2:26:11 Unknown_03: um i think he tweets about us a lot this is in his thread but it's his actual twitter now i can actually see it stealthy geek such a retard it's literally right there i'm just like huh let me google this no it's in the fucking screenshots Unknown_39: Alert, one of your, oh, one minute ago. God, he never takes a break from this. Alert, one of our cybersalkers has, wait, I need to, in the proper voice. Unknown_39: Alert. One of our cyberstalkers has been emailing women friends and followers of ours impersonating a journalist named Daniel Kurlansky. This is not the real Daniel Kurlan. I do not want to enable notifications, stalker child. I just want to read the fucking tweet in front of me, stalker child Elon Musk. It's just another part of their obsessed campaign attacking my reputation to harm my career. 2:27:08 Unknown_39: It says one out of zero, but he's literally still writing this as I read this. Unknown_39: i think that we go up here and we do this and do from stealthy geek kiwi farms or let's see what we get Unknown_39: The owner of Jock Moon knows this. We know he knows because... Wait, wait, wait. Let me read the full thing. I have a thread on Kiwi Farms. The very first post doxes my phone number and address. It's been up for years. The thread has grown to more than 1,050 pages of stalking and harassment. We've been trespassed, vandalized, IDs stolen, death threats, slaughtered four times. Hashtag drop Kiwi Farms. the owner of kiwi farms joshua moon knows this he knows he knows we know he knows because he tried to talk we tried taking him and others to court instead of removing the private info being used to criminally harass us he spent thousands of his own money fighting to keep it online where it could be abused kiwi farms is one giant organized criminal conspiracy But instead of money, it pursues profits measured in pain inflicted on the vulnerable, lives ruined or even lost. And Joshua Moon is the godfather of this crime family, trading in human suffering and death. 2:28:28 Unknown_39: Bravo, Patrick. Bravo. Now I see why you got the Sci-Fi Writers Fiction Award. My boy. Unknown_39: Very interesting guy. I would actually recommend his thread, even though the people in there are a bit too fucking insane for my liking. The insane people tend to stay on a different website, though. Unknown_39: Okay, so this guy actually joined and made his own thread. He's very active. He's in chat basically every day, and everyone likes him. So he's a self-diagnosed schizophrenic. He does not meet the clinical definition of schizophrenia, but he has written his own definition of schizophrenia and classed him in it. He was refused a schizophrenic... From what I remember, he was refused a schizophrenic diagnosis... 2:29:05 Unknown_39: They rejected his analysis of his own mental health. And to prove that he was actually schizophrenic, he burned down his psychiatrist's doctor's office. 2:29:38 Unknown_39: He just committed arson. And then he turned himself in. And then he was released on bail because they deemed that he wasn't a threat because he said that I just wanted to burn down this one place. And now that I have, I'm all done burning down stuff. And the police were like, OK, that sounds about right. So they gave him bail. And then he immediately joined the forum because we had talked about his manifesto. He clarified that he was the real person. He posted a video and everything and then reposted his manifesto and then made his own thread. Unknown_39: Um, he's pretty interesting. He's very nice. He's in chat like every day. And it's just kind of weird to think like, he's like, I don't know. He burned down his doctor's office. 2:30:10 Unknown_39: It's just a bit strange to me. Unknown_39: Not many people have done such things. His main thing is this. I played this. This is a video that he's uploaded of himself to Wikimedia Commons to bolster his, try and provide more foundation for his new schizophrenia diagnosis category. Unknown_39: And it's a reaction to carbonation that he calls the carbonation grimace. And here's him grimacing to carbonation. He says that this is completely involuntary, and he believes that the link between the carbonation grimace and the new schizophrenia that he's created is just one of the comorbidities. If you have this, you might have his kind of schizophrenia. 2:30:43 Unknown_39: Very interesting guy. 2019 was also the year of the tranche. Unknown_39: Kevin, guys, but there's also more tranche people related to it. This all got started towards the tail end of 2020. Sorry, not 2019, 2020. And it has only just concluded. 2:31:17 Unknown_39: So I've covered this on and off. I made a whole stream dedicated to it. Unknown_39: I would suggest that. Unknown_39: I believe that the Tranche is now in their deathbed. They're rehoming the alpacas. And Bonnie, one of the original founders, says that they want to go to the alpacow and dig up the alpaca mass graves to try and facilitate some kind of criminal charge against them. Or to evidence that they shouldn't be left in custody of any living animals. Because I think they still intend to have a farm. But they're going to do it on, I think, Penny's mother's house or something. I don't know what's up with that. There's very few people left. 2:31:52 Unknown_39: And there's one person in particular who's very crazy that I want to show you in 2021. Unknown_39: But that's 2020 in a nutshell. Unknown_39: At least as I remember it. Unknown_04: And remember, my memory is pretty bad. 2021 we are now in 2:32:32 Unknown_03: Um, let me make sure that this is safe for work. Unknown_39: I'm going to scroll through this real quick. All appears pretty safe for work to me. One of the people that got involved in the trench and fucked it up real bad in the middle of 2021 was a woman named kindness, who was male to female. And I'll play this video. I played this before, but, uh, here's your introduction. Friends. Friends. 2:33:14 Unknown_42: Friends. Hugs. Unknown_42: Hugs. Unknown_39: Again, this is female to male. Unknown_39: She gets up in the compound, and I think she ruins it. I'm going to get yelled at by O2 if I'm getting this wrong. I'm pretty sure that kindness caused a huge rivet, caused a lot of internal... It's funny, you have a bunch of guys bro-ing out on the Colorado plains. You throw a crazy BPD lady into it like Yoko Ono, and then suddenly there's a mass grave of alpacas in the background. 2:33:47 Unknown_17: I don't know. Unknown_39: I don't remember the full details of this. Unknown_39: Just she was there for a very short amount of time. She's fucking crazy. She constantly accused people of raping her. I think that in her head she was a plural system. And I think she even accused her own multiple personalities of raping each other. Definitely not someone you would ever want to be around ever. 2:34:20 Unknown_39: And I think that was the beginning of the end for the trance. Unknown_39: It was also the year that someone made a thread for Frederick. Unknown_39: Frederick, of course, owned 8chan. I have met Frederick in real life. And since I'm having a good mood, I'm talking about things of memories. I didn't mention any of the time that I spent in the Philippines. I'm going to go to my super secret pictures folder. 2:34:55 Unknown_39: I probably shared these before, but I just want to show you. Unknown_39: When I was in the Philippines, Ron Watkins, who I believe is QAnon, took me to the Philippines on a business trip to meet the advertiser that published on 2chan, which is the very popular Japanese image or text board that inspired 4chan, which was owned by Ron Watkins, who bought 8chan. We were there for Christmas. I saw the first of the new trilogy of the Star Wars movies on Christmas Day in Japan. We went to Okinawa and Hokkaido. This is a picture of Hokkaido. We were in Sapporo. 2:35:32 Unknown_39: And this is a picture of Frederick being eaten by a vicious doggo. Here, wait, hold on. Unknown_33: And this... is uh... 2:36:07 Unknown_39: This is a picture of Frederick. Unknown_39: We're going to McDonald's. And I like how cinematic this picture was of him. So I took this picture. And I posted it to 8chan. I said, look, 8chan, your loyal leader is rolling off to go get some McDonald's. Unknown_39: And we did. And I got a shrimp burger. Unknown_39: Because I bought something that they don't sell outside of Japan. I bought a shrimp burger. Unknown_39: That was my trip to Japan. Unknown_39: And that was the high point of my relationship with 8chan and Frederick. 2:36:43 Unknown_39: Since that time, Frederick hates me. Unknown_39: And he has repeatedly tried to shut down my website. I think he calls me a pedophile. Unknown_39: And I don't really know why. It seemed like for a while he got over the falling out that we had. Unknown_39: and then he just uh has just decided that he hates me he was a christian for a while he got married in the philippines i think and then that fell apart and now he's like a doomer gloomer just waiting to die being super bitter on the internet and it really sucks it really sucks uh that's frederick in a nutshell he's a he's a furry now too he's like a 2:37:33 Unknown_40: It's like a fat raccoon, a green fat raccoon. Unknown_04: Speaking of... Okay, so this thread got started. Unknown_39: This is Sincere, also known as John Demetriadis. Unknown_39: And he is famous for having 16,000 hours in Fallout 76. This thread actually got started in 2021, not 2022, when the Drop Kiwi Farm stuff happened. Unknown_39: because he was like known as like an insane person in fallout 76 if you did anything to troll his base in fallout 76 he would go fucking ape shit he would try to dox you and stuff he would lose his fucking mind he was just like a threatening menace and then i think eventually he got into trouble with bethesda because everyone knew him as like this deterrent to play the fucking game and uh he eventually stopped and had like he blamed bethesda for being shit or something but then years later um this drop kiwi farms account appears on twitter and tries to like seize like the hashtag and stuff and basically just be a clinger on to this this thing that keffels and liz fong jones is doing and then um we found out that it's this fucking fallout 76 guy and 2:38:21 Unknown_39: and now his thread is you know about that so he did porn with like his ex he's like in his 40s like late 40s 50s he's a really really sad pathetic person um and there's a there's a picture of him that they love to post constantly uh in the telegram actually i'm just going to go to the telegram real quick i'm going to ask Unknown_39: uh hey guys post that sincere pic please they'll know the one they'll give it to me i don't want to look through the thread and find it because i know i might find porn of him and his wife and i really really really would like to avoid doing that 2:39:27 Unknown_39: wait ah okay they've decided to instead of posting the picture of s4 they decided to post pictures of kiwis uh rubbing their butts up and down i did find the picture here you go behold the faint the same face of sincere sincere is actually he's trans now i forgot that he tries to say he's a woman now too is there a picture of him like in drag in this thread there it's a funny Unknown_39: It's so funny. It's like, oh, I fucked my whole life up. Maybe if I become a woman, my life will be easier. Unknown_03: Is there a picture? No, those are just like screenshots of him yelling at people and shit. Unknown_39: There are other John photos. I'm looking through those now. Oh, look at this. Look at this fucking tough guy. This big tough guy. I'm going to take down the Cuban farm. It's a big mean website. Here's my face when I'm hunting the Kiwi super mutants out in the wild lands with my cowboy hat on because I'm a big tough guy. 2:40:25 Unknown_39: I think this is supposed to be trans. This is supposed to be like I'm a woman now because my hair is longer. Unknown_39: really really strikes fear into the heart this is this is a guy this is a strong independent woman to be terrified of huh he's still active his like twitter he uses the drop kiwi farms account as like a personal account now um oh yeah it does say trans on that i forgot okay but his his tweets get like no traction so this is him saying that i'm a pedophile 2:41:14 Unknown_39: um because i was involved in hm him crying about elon musk let's see four likes 120 views he's talking about trans shit he he's kept the 13 000 tweets since um august 22 living living in fear well that's pathetic Unknown_39: Okay. Unknown_39: I'm going to be real with you. I have never looked at Cryax. Everybody has begged me to look at Cyrax or Kyrax or whatever the fuck. I have not a clue who this dude is. I will press play. If this gets my channel deleted, fuck you guys. I hate you. Unknown_39: But I have never looked at anything on this guy's stuff. But people have been begging me to. Wow. You know what he reminds me of? 2:42:29 Unknown_39: He reminds me of these things. I've never played this game, but the visual design of the amnesia monsters is really distinct, and it gives me that vibe. Do you get that vibe? That's the first thing I think of. It's just the way that his jawline is so fucked up. It's like, wait a second, I've seen this before. Unknown_39: I'm really afraid to dig through this thread because I want to see something I don't like. Okay, his docs are hidden. There's many, many pictures of his really fucked up teeth. That is so scary. That's really fucked up. 2:43:06 Unknown_39: He has bed bugs and scabs all over his fucking body. Oh my god, that's disgusting. Unknown_04: I'll show you that. Unknown_03: Look at that. Ew. Unknown_39: Mice? Unknown_39: Is he going to show mice in his house? Unknown_29: What up, y'all? It's your boy. Give me just a minute to refill my coffee. I'll be right back because Tyler and Marty fell from my fucking trap. 2:43:38 Unknown_29: And if you want to know what I mean, I'll be right back. Unknown_29: So give me just a minute, y'all. Unknown_39: Did he name the mice in his house Tyler and Marty? Unknown_39: Oh no. Unknown_39: He's just chilling. Unknown_39: There's another one on the corner of the box, right? 2:44:15 Unknown_39: Is that not another mouse like on the corner? It looks like there's two of them. Unknown_03: Wow. Unknown_39: My dude, you should listen to some Jordan Peterson and clean your fucking room. Unknown_03: He has a girlfriend. This dude has a girlfriend. Bro, you have no fucking excuse. Unknown_03: Look at this. Unknown_03: Look at this. How does this thing... With his GF heater. 2:44:50 Unknown_28: Listen. Unknown_28: Listen. Unknown_28: I know you're pretty upset about the whole dog tag thing and whatnot. Unknown_28: Well, when we did the whole thing with the dog tags, it's because we were pissed off. We didn't know what the hell to do. Yeah. Unknown_28: We were seriously just... We were only doing, like, my mom... She looks like she has downs. She came up with the idea to throw them into the lake and... at the time it seemed like a good idea and honestly we regret it man i wanna see the video of him with the gun down here well guess what bitch i'm the grim reaper and i'm coming for that ass i am your personal grim reaper marty and same with you schmeckle and same with you tyler 2:45:23 Unknown_27: I am your personal Grim Reaper, and I will find you, and I promise you, I will kill all three of you. Unknown_39: Wow, you can't say that. I'm done with the games. Unknown_27: I'm done. Unknown_27: You put my family's life in danger. You put mine in danger. And more importantly, you put my girlfriend's life in danger. Unknown_27: You think this is a game? This isn't a game, you stupid, sick, fuck. This isn't a joke. 2:46:24 Unknown_39: This is the great thing about the site is that I would, I could literally never run out of content. If I started to stream like daily, if I like, let's say that these streams made like a million dollars a month and now I have a budget. I could just go through and have people help me put together like little streams every single day, but shit like this, that is just like scattered that I don't even have time to look at. Cause it's just all over the place. Unknown_39: Oh, very cool. So this is from 2021, showing that even though... I think a lot... There was a lot of classic content in 2013, you know, like really old stuff that was just getting added to the Kiwi Farms. 2:47:06 Unknown_39: And then... Unknown_39: And then in 2016, there was like a resurgence of content that was just great. There was so much good stuff that got found in 2016. Unknown_39: But even in those off years, people still find crazy people who just want to be YouTube famous for whatever reason. This, by the way, was also the year, and I cannot go through the stream without mentioning this, Unknown_39: Um, this was the year where this happened where the dimensional merge Finally occurred as prophesized Yeah, what kind of shit is this holy shit Here's here's my poor boy crit. Look listen to ralph huff and puff Completely winded walking running a few feet 2:47:56 Unknown_39: And there's the money shot. It comes around the corner and Chris being put into the car. Unknown_39: The dimensional merge. Unknown_39: Hollering pig and his proud horse wife watching it all. Very crazy times. I remember how exciting this was for me. Ralph literally drove out Unknown_39: Out of his way to try and harass Chris for an interview. Unknown_39: Because he wanted to get an interview and have Chris say that it was me that convinced him to rape his mother. And that never happened. And Chris has maintained that I had nothing to do with it. But he still tries to spin this fucking lie. But in doing so, and to get his epic win... 2:48:44 Unknown_39: He gave me a lot of closure. There's something about seeing Chris actually in handcuffs being arrested that was like, yeah, I'm really fucking done with this shit. I'm not involved in this anymore. And that kind of tied up the whole Chris stuff in a nice bow for me to compartmentalize in my brain. 2:49:16 Unknown_39: So I always appreciate Kiwi Farms field reporter Ethan Ralph for his service to us that day. Unknown_39: And then... Unknown_39: We enter 2022, nearing closer and closer to our 10th anniversary. I have two main things to talk about for this, obviously. Unknown_39: First, we have, of course, without any suspense whatsoever, Unknown_39: queen falls queen falls came about in the middle of 2021 and just decided i'm going to fuck with destiny i'm gonna fuck with this streamer then when i said hey that's retarded uh queen falls decided i'm gonna i'm gonna dedicate my entire life to grifting off the kiwi farm 2:50:09 Unknown_39: managed to sucker $100,000 out of retards, and then compelled Cloudflare to drop us. And then after they realized that the Kiwi Farms would probably just find new hosting eventually, very quickly washed their hands of it and decided, enough of this. I don't want to be the Kiwi Farms person forever. And has since basically ignored our continued existence. which is probably smart i'm i'm very happy to forget about queen kapal's i'll still make fun of queen kapal's every so often um but if like he's just like a fading emblem he he opened up his youtube channel he did his thing he tried to be like sexually aggressive to me and be like this guy 2:50:51 Unknown_39: He just got real awkward and tried to be insulting the way it's just like, I might be projecting there. Unknown_39: Tried to fuck with my mom, but so does everybody else for some reason. I don't know why people go for my mom every time we don't talk, but they do. And now if he just wants to isolate himself on his little streaming platform and fade away, more power to him. I respect the grift. Kefels is somebody who wanted to be famous, who wanted to make some money and who pulled it off. Unknown_39: Good. More power to you, buddy. You know, a lot of people wish they could have that kind of hustling grind. I hate Liz Fong Jones more, but I'll get to them in a second. 2:51:26 Unknown_39: Um, I missed a lot, bro. The site has 40,000 threads. There's no way I can cover everything. I'm already going on three hours. Unknown_39: Uh, so just in general with, with keffels, try to fuck with destiny. Unknown_39: Um, I made fun of him. He, he took up arms and it's the Kiwi farms managed to get cloud for to drop us after putting up enough pressure and getting the media involved. Um, uh stole a hundred thousand dollars got outed as being like involved in discord grooming and the hrt directory constantly said that supporting the hrt directory was the best thing that he's ever done regrets doesn't regret it for a second will never give up on it then when it found out that his personal friend bob posting was sending uh hormones that he had made in his own house to to miners directly for free just because it turns them on to pink pill little boys um in the media i started talking about that he cut ties with basically everything and retreated into into ditzy land i kind of want to show you what kethel's is doing now hold up um 2:52:43 Unknown_39: Let me open this, but then I also want to open up a video, the Kirky Tom one. I'm going to let that play in the background because I want to give this the SEO, but I just want to kind of show you what he tries to look like these days. Unknown_39: People are mad. Who gives a fuck about Mr. Bees? Unknown_03: Can I get a picture of you, retard? Unknown_03: Here. Unknown_03: Actually, this isn't even fully tarted up. Unknown_03: there yeah this is how he tries to look like this now like with all the filters and like oh my god thinking about those sloppy fucking mantids pointing out outwards pressed together by the by the power of a boot like a cambodian hand woven corset to try and get those mantid cleavage just together and he's like oh put on like the tumbler blush i look like bella dolphin um really quite sad 2:53:44 Unknown_39: So they've evolved from this to try to be this and just be like, oh, I'm going to be like the HSTS now. I'm going to be the homosexual transsexual. I'm going to take care of myself so I don't embarrass myself in public every time I go outside with my unit cunch. Unknown_39: Yeah, more power to you, buddy. Unknown_39: Liz, however, lurks in the shadows. Unknown_39: Liz, actually, you know, I'm going to pull ahead, go ahead and pull this up because I attached this to the site. Unknown_39: um i made a post explaining the prospects and that i would keep the site up no matter what at least on tour until february 2023 and then he says that's making an awful lot of assumptions buddy well here we are in february 2023 the site is indeed up in fact if i go to um i'm not logged in okay i'm not logged in so i can let me actually hide my screen real quick just in case 2:54:42 Unknown_39: I'm going to show you something. I'll show you something that I've made over the last month. Unknown_39: Since we don't have Cloudflare, we don't have any Layer 7 DDoS protection, I decided, you know what, fuck it. I'll make my own. Unknown_39: And so, this is what happens now when you try to access the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_04: Blink and you'll miss it. Unknown_39: You get a very quick, um, work check page. And that is my proprietary. I built that for the forum based off the, uh, proof of concept from the Thomas Lynch one that we used on tour and click Kiwi flare is now alive. In fact, I think I can just show you the page independently. 2:55:19 Unknown_39: And so it says checking your browser before accessing Kiwi farms. This process is automatic DDoS retarding by Kiwi flare. And then we even have that really cute logo. And I think I have a full version of it. It's, um, someone asked for a Kiwi farms, like cloud flare logo for a mug. They wanted a mug. So this guy was like, fuck it. I can make a, um, I can go ahead and make you a logo if you want buddy boy. 2:55:53 Unknown_04: And so he did. And this was the actually, that's just the logo. Unknown_04: This is what he came up with, his mug design. Unknown_39: Imminent threat to human life with the Cloudflare take, because that's what Matthew Prince bullshitted about to excuse his 180 on the Kiwi Farms in two days. Unknown_39: But I was like, that logo is like a wonderful little Cloudflare parody. I love that. So I had him send it to me independently, because nobody knew I was working on this at the time, and it just so happened I saw that. I'm like, that's excellent. So that's what's ended up getting stuck on the page. And it really ties the place together like a good rug. So I'm quite proud of that. And that's one of the many inventions I've had to make because this square-faced freak of nature who's been accused of rape and denies it and says that I'm accusing him of rape. No, actually, you randomly decided to announce to the internet that someone had been accusing you of rape for years. 2:56:29 Unknown_39: really just a really gross person. Former Google employee, by the way. Unknown_39: They are a laughingstock in the community. Everyone knew to stay out of this freak's way because he was in the LGBT Googler discussion forum, their internal forum, and he was a menace. He would report everybody to HR for being transphobic, whatever the fuck. Got married to this thing. 2:57:01 Unknown_39: I joked about the trans snake a lot, but it's like, Unknown_39: Look at those fucking man tits. They always point out. You can put in fake man tits all you want, but they will point out like man boobs do. They will never point inwards. They will never look real. Unknown_39: But he likes to tie his hands behind his back and go, I'm a snake. I'm a snake. I'm a trans snake. I'm a snake animal woman. I'm a snake woman. I'm a trans snake woman. This is what Liz Fong Jones got married to. And Liz Fong Jones is so fucking mad that we know about the trans snake thing. He has spent months and months and months desperately trying to take the forum down, and it has not worked. It has jeopardized the internet. It has politicized internet backbone. If you work in the industry, you should never be anywhere near this fucking menace. because this person has made tier one internet service providers a political target has potentially jeopardized freedom of speech in the apnic region by um because if we were to lose our by the way apnic told them to off uh so me like when i warn people that if apnic decided to start censoring websites the first thing that happened that would happen would be china would be to start uh filing and complaints in mass to revoke resources in the in the area 2:58:33 Unknown_39: That didn't happen. I think APNIC said that would be a terrible idea, and you know it, but the little one-man crusade is... And by the way, if I did lose APNIC resources, I would just buy new ones. You can just buy an IPv4 allocation for Aaron. Unknown_39: It's just stupid. He really tried to fuck up the whole internet, and I hope everybody knows about it. I hope that his name is so tarnished in the industry for how much damage he's tried to actually pull off, how much he did pull off and how much he wanted to pull off. Everybody should know that Liz Fong Jones is a fucking menace and can bring only terrible things to everybody you know if you associate with them. 2:59:07 Unknown_39: uh and that's basically all i remember about 2022. i'm sure the other should happen i don't remember i apologize let's see i'll just go to locales real quick and see filters because i have to i do feel like i've been missing something Unknown_39: On 2022, Ben Collins. Oh, that guy. What a dipshit. We also got a thread on Taylor Lorenz, the journalist who accused us of doxing while also visiting people's homes unannounced, like lives a TikTok. 2:59:46 Unknown_39: That's pretty funny. Unknown_03: That's pretty ironic. Unknown_03: And the Andrew Tate shit happened. Unknown_39: I could not possibly give less of a fuck about Andrew Tate. I'm going to be real. Oh, the Holly Dance stuff happened. I did a whole stream on her. Unknown_03: And the little boy that she kept alive on life support for way, way... The little boy who had a necrotic brainstem that she was keeping alive for no reason other than to gratify herself for some sick, fucked-up reason. 3:00:19 Unknown_39: Thankfully, he is now deceased, and he's not being artificially kept alive. Yeah, we do have a Throne Teller, as I mentioned. Unknown_03: That's about all I remember. Unknown_03: matthew harris oh the black guy integration is impossible integration is a lie coexistence is a lie meeting you in the middle is a lie sharing anything is a lie we don't exist 3:01:00 Unknown_01: The only thing that matters is killing all of the enemy off. Unknown_01: All of my enemies have to die. Unknown_39: Yeah. He wrote his massive diatribe, which includes the N-word more than any racist manifesto would. Very impressive guy. What did he do? Oh, he made a death threat against everybody. Okay, he made threats. I thought he went full Ted Kaczynski, but he did not. He just published the N-word manifesto. One of the greatest writings of our time. Unknown_39: See, people are mad. It's like, why didn't you mention Nick Fuentes? Why didn't you mention Dick Masterson? It's like, uh... 3:01:35 Unknown_39: In my head, I don't properly associate all the internet famous stuff with locale stuff. Like, Ralph is, like, a proper, genuine locale. Unknown_39: I have a harder time, like, I don't know, Nick Valentez, he's racist, and he says stupid shit, and he has, like, a harem of little boys that he tries to, like, I don't know, to be his personal army. He hooked up with Kanye West. That was pretty interesting, but that's, like, I don't know. Kanye West is more of a low-key than Nick Fuentes is. 3:02:10 Unknown_03: By the way... I, uh... So... Unknown_04: Did I play the Danny Brown thing last stream? Unknown_39: I don't think I did. I think that's too recent for me to have mentioned last stream. I'm going to look this up to be absolutely sure, though. Unknown_39: Six days ago. So this was like the Friday of after the fact. It was. It was the Friday of. Okay. Unknown_39: So, um, I will mention this this happened just recently it's kind of an interesting aside in one of my earlier streams I said that the danny brown I I have mentioned danny brown numerous times in poor spirits Because i'm a big fan of a musician called kayflay Or I was before she became uh Moved to la and became a lesbian and started making political music. Um, and just like shitty pop music However, one of them I like pretty much all of our old songs except this one song called Hail Mary featuring Danny Brown and his part sucks There comes 3:03:44 Unknown_39: I hate this like this song is a nice vibe Somehow his voice is like higher and tinier and i've tried listening to his other music I fucking I really don't like it and I mentioned this on the stream like a long time ago And I called him the n-word and I said he should be set on fire I think that's what I said about Danny Brown, because he ruined this song, and I found that unforgivable. And now this is my comeuppance for this. This is the same guy many years later, very recently. I just don't even get how this guy even got on your radar. Unknown_37: Who the fuck is this? Unknown_37: Um, Kiwi Firms. Oh, you're... Damn, bro. You're deep on the internet. You're deep on the internet. Unknown_31: Kiwi Firms. I think, uh... Yeah, just Kiwi Firms. And then my algorithm is fucked. Because that's all I watch is this shit. You know what I'm saying? Cyrex, King Cobra. You know, um... Yeah, what the fuck? I've never heard of this. It's a couple more. It's a couple... Oh... 3:04:34 Unknown_31: Don't jump down this rabbit hole. I mean. Unknown_37: I've seen that guy if you go up a little bit. Unknown_31: Chris Chan? Yeah. Unknown_37: Yeah, of course, Chris Chan. Unknown_31: You know, he's a legend. She's a legend. All these people are affiliated. I mean, all of them know each other. They end up, once you're a low-cow, man, they just stick together some type of way, man. But yeah, man, Foodie Beauty, Amberlynn, all of them, man. I watch all that shit, man. YouTube has become my TV. I don't even watch TV. Only time I watch TV is when I watch sports. 3:05:06 Unknown_37: Yeah. Unknown_39: There is a very good chance, since we have over 3,000 people watching this, there's a very good chance that Danny Brown is listening. My man, I am sorry that I called you the N-word and said you should be set on fire. This feature is absolute fucking trash, and I don't like any of your music. I listened to an entire album of yours, and it's like... It's all bad. I don't know what it is with like raising the voice super high and like doing the 10 pitch shift. And like, I can't get into that. I don't know. It's just not my thing. Okay. I'm glad you liked my website though. I appreciate it. 3:05:37 Unknown_39: I mean, we all have bad days where we enter into a horrifically racist tirade and call for the death and execution of hip hop artists. And it was just one of those days. You know what I mean? It was my racism bit for the stream. 3:06:18 Unknown_04: Oh well. Unknown_04: And now, finally, we are caught up to 2023. Unknown_39: And I will find the sticker for it, and there it is. Unknown_39: And to prove that we are not dead, we're very much alive, new content is coming in. I found two threads that were kind of actually interesting that were made this year. This one was made on January 15th by Ayla. This is a OnlyFans whore who advocated for flooding the internet with child pornography indistinguishable from the real thing. To quote her specifically... Child porn is created when people get paid to make child porn. The rarer you make it, the more they get paid. The best way to protect children is to kill the economic demand, flood the market with AI-generated, freely accessible stuff that's created with zero harm to kids. 3:06:55 Unknown_39: This is retarded. I'm not going to talk about the specifics about why it's retarded. Maybe one day I will fully go into detail about why this is fucking retarded. Unknown_03: But... Unknown_03: This lady is a whore. 3:07:27 Unknown_39: And she continuously defends this. She continuously goes in and says, XYZ child porn, ABC child porn. She's like obsessed with fucking child porn. And it's really disgusting. Unknown_39: And she's just a literal fucking whore. And I hate her. I don't know what else to say about that. It's kind of a rage bait thread. It's gotten 10 pages so far. Because there's not much to say other than fuck her. Unknown_39: uh more interesting and traditional this guy named zatlet joins the forum also known as brie larson fan this guy um wendy's chili has done the the title wrong you have to have a space before the trailings hold on i'm gonna fix that right now that's right that drives that drives me literally insane when i see that the title is done wrong i oh no all right okay there it is okay it um it triggers my autism and i haven't i'm all down 3:08:21 Unknown_39: Okay, there. I fixed the thread title, so now it's safe to show on stream. Oh, I didn't show you the horror. My bad. This is the horror real quick. Unknown_39: Ayla Martin, this is her. This is her tweet about how child porn should be created by machines and then flooded into the market. We should all be exposed to child porn every single day on the internet because this crazy fucking cunt thinks that it would somehow end the abuse of children. Unknown_39: Yeah, right. Unknown_39: And this is Zatlet, also known as Brie Larson Fan 2004. This man is an insane person. 3:08:55 Unknown_39: He is really obsessed with Brie Larson. He posts like little girls on 4chan. He's like a well-known trip fag from 4chan that's been posting for years as Brie Larson Fan 2004. Unknown_39: Making wonderful messages like this, which I will not read. You're going to have to AI generate my fucking voice to read that out. Unknown_39: Posting more kids here. I'm saying this because I have faith in you. Most, if not all people, you know, are lying to you, laughing at you. So yeah, accept reality. Unknown_39: And we're in some pictures and videos. She looks like an 11 out of 10 tranny that I would smash until she literally cries. And then other pictures and videos, probably the ones where she doesn't have makeup and maybe bedding. Well, she looks like a male bro. If you are one of those people who thinks like, wow, what a well-passing tranny you're being lied to. It's all filters. A hundred percent. 3:09:29 Unknown_39: It's camera angles, it's filters, it's makeup. Like, they don't look any different than a gay man in a dress. When you see those, like, super thoughts on the internet, it's makeup, it's filters. Unknown_39: And it's fake. And people think like, oh, I don't want to be with like a real woman. Everybody around me looks average. And then they look at this and I think they have like an unrealistic expectation of reality. And then they want to kill themselves because they can't find the Internet in real life. It's because it doesn't exist. If you look at Bella Dolphin, she looks like a fucking roastie. Like you're those roasties you hate so much that Bella Dolphin doesn't compare to. She looks like a roastie. I don't know what to tell you. You see her in real life. She's just a normal fucking hoe. But he joined the forum, and people found out that he's like this old-school trip fag. 3:10:02 Unknown_39: Brie lost some fans. I want a trans GF to hang out and play video games and watch Keno and cuddle so fucking bad. God damn it. This life. And fuck Will Janney's. Fuck. I'm mad. 3:10:35 Unknown_40: And he's angry about it. Unknown_39: And he's a retard. He's like a pet retard on the forum. He keeps coming back. He has an account. I just banned him for a day because he tagged me. Unknown_39: And I told him not to tag me. He wants to fuck this fox, I guess. Unknown_04: I don't know. Unknown_04: Oh, that's right. He got found out because he's obsessed with Ralph's wife, the horse. Unknown_39: He wants to fuck Mae so bad. I guess because he has a tranny fetish. He's into Mae. I don't know what the fuck is up with this guy. He's really crazy. But he's fresh blood on the site, so everyone's having a good old time. Apparently he has an entire directory of fetishes. 3:11:06 Unknown_39: This is very thorough. He loves black women, too. I love black girls. Please have hot black girls. Why all Hollywood Jew girls put the most ugly fucking black girls in shows and movies? Blackwashing good. We put some good fucking looking black girl, not a piece of shit like Tessa Thompson. 3:11:38 Unknown_39: Wow. Unknown_39: And there we are. We're now all caught up. This is all the things that I remember. I'm sure I missed something, but I've literally been going on for three hours now. I'm going to be dead soon if I don't get through Super Chats. Unknown_39: So thank you, everybody. Unknown_39: Thank you for sticking with me through this. Thank you for sticking with me for as long as you've been around. I know maybe you don't even read the forum, but... Unknown_39: It has been a fun ride. I've learned a lot. I've had a lot of fun. And as long as it keeps being fun and I keep learning things, then I suppose I'll just stick around for as long as I can. 3:12:10 Unknown_39: Somehow I've fucked up my thing. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_03: Happy. Let me read chat for a bit. I want to interact with my audience. Unknown_39: Thank you, Josh. Ralph divorce. Not yet. I'm not talking about that yet. I'll talk about that later. Unknown_39: uh fun posting continues thanks josh here's the next 10 thank you thank you dear fear thanks josh someone talking about the virtues of attractive black woman a real human being you're fucking gay josh got disappointed he banged his first true and had to put a bag over her head consistently over 3k viewers yes thank you everybody for sticking around 3:12:55 Unknown_39: Show the porcelain dog. No. I'm not playing any more clips. I remember that from the old streams. I had emojis. Wuhan gang. Unknown_39: Okay, I am putting us in shill mode. I'm going to go ahead and only do the background in shill mode this time because I would very much like to keep my gold. Unknown_39: That is gray, that is not green. Green's a different color. And then I have a very special song picked out for the stream. 3:13:27 Unknown_39: So if you stick around, I promise you a nice song. Unknown_04: Why is... God... Unknown_04: like so it's like it's like so fucked up that's not what i want um composition copy can i copy i can't copy this Unknown_04: Copy. Unknown_04: Background. Come on, Josh. Unknown_39: You can do it. Unknown_39: Matty wallpaper, filters, paste. Unknown_39: Oh, I copied the gray one. I already had a gray one for that scene. I meant to copy the green one. So I'm copying the green one for sure this time. I'm going back to the wallpaper. I'm pasting it again. And now it's green. Okay. It's green and gold. Wow, that's fucking hideous. Whatever. It looks like Mardi Gras. 3:14:02 Unknown_39: we'll we'll do a um we'll do a marty girl parade as i do my super chats i'm sure i'm going to be reading forever i'll never ever be done with these thank you by the way i don't mean to sound ungrateful it's just like oh geez my throat's already hurting and i have to i have to sing my praises for the financial sponsors of this shitty podcast oh i signed in with the wrong donation alerts account that's not what i want 3:14:46 Unknown_39: As a professional streamer, it's worthy of your money. Unknown_39: Yeah, keep donating until I'm fucking dead. I would suggest if you're going... Oh my Jesus fucking Christ, that's a lot. Thank you. Unknown_39: This may kill me, though. I'm just giving you a heads up. Unknown_04: So... Sunday to now. Unknown_04: Date time sort ascending. Unknown_39: Alright. Unknown_39: I was going to say, if you're going to submit something, try to keep it on topic. Say who your favorite is. 3:15:18 Unknown_39: Zach Sanity for $80 says, thanks for being the last bastion for freedom of speech. I appreciate it. I wish I could be more of that. Maybe one day I will be. Right now, all I do is I host a shit posting forum. That's all I can do. Maybe by the time I'm 40, I can actually dig in my heels and contribute something of significance to society. Unknown_39: Do radio graffiti for $5 says absolutely nothing, but I think he's sending them. They should do radio graffiti. Um, okay. You stick around to the end of this 80 minute long super chat segment. I will do a scream, a scream thing. Okay. Well, I will open, I have a, I'll use my super secret discord account to create a thing where you can scream at me. 3:15:49 Unknown_39: Uh, okay. Unknown_39: Okay. I got that set up. Unknown_39: Hang in there. Unknown_39: Danny Hawk for 10 says, here's to 10 years of Kiwi Farms being up and cataloging all the locales and awareness of the internet. Thanks to you and the farms, I've learned a lot about really interesting internet people that I've only heard of in passing from colleagues and friends. Yeah, all those people on the internet, they actually are shitheads. And you should never make an idol out of some fucking retard that you know online. Thank you, though. 3:16:27 Unknown_39: Axel8for10 says, don't use the forums, but I've been watching the streams for five years. Thanks for the laughs about the internet drama and seeing people. Thank you. It's crazy to think that the podcast itself has been going on for like five years already. I feel so old when I put things in perspective like that. I super chatted myself for one says I'm not racist. I love black. I have black locales. It's true. I do. Uh, we're an equal opportunity employer. Even that shitty article put out, had to admit that the Kiwi farms is like not politically aligned, but we are aligned to the death and misery of millions. Now, Mr. Prime says, here's the 10 more years of T and D. Don't know what that means. Chat me. You can fill me in. 3:17:02 Unknown_39: Thank you. League of Extraordinary Macho PP for 25 says, thanks for continuing to tolerate the VTuber thread. You're welcome. Unknown_39: Someone paid the rabbit to, by the way, I might as well mention this. I'm sure it might get mentioned later, but the rabbit sang happy birthday, but the rabbit sang it to plausible deniability, which that's a cop out. Where is the rabbit's backbone and integrity to the super chatters to not actually name the beast? 3:17:42 Unknown_39: Very, very disappointed. Unknown_03: Not that I had any expectations or anything. Unknown_39: Rolpana422 says, Hi Josh, thanks for keeping the Kiwi Farms up for the past 10 years. I really enjoy Kiwi Farms with your show and I look forward to all the interesting things that will happen in the future. You're an awesome guy. Have a great weekend. Republic of Korea flag. Thank you very much, Rolpana. Unknown_39: I do, I don't know, like I said in my post, I don't know what the future holds, but we'll probably be there making fun of it when it comes. Hal for 10 says, happy 10 years, always enjoy posting on the site and glad to see the future is looking bright. 3:18:21 Unknown_39: Yeah, I'm very optimistic about the site right now. Unknown_39: I have more options that I'll probably be exploring soon to, um, Unknown_39: to keep us ahead of the curve. There's some tech issues right now. I need to sort out the backend. I'll just leave it like that. There's some fucking bullshit. My struggle session to keep this site up is now over. I need to actually fix things as I proceed. Smallkittenfor5 says, Fuck, marry, kill, lifestealer, pudge, undying. 3:18:57 Unknown_39: I can't say fuck pudge because that's a fat joke. Unknown_39: Undying because he's Aryan. Fuck undying. Marry pudge. kill life stealer life stealer is like a weird gimp bdsm guy monster pudge is funny but he is british so there's a draw off there and i'm dying i don't know i guess he's just an aryan super chad so that's how i have to go oh shit i read these backwards Unknown_39: I read them backwards. I started at the wrong place. I apologize. I read all the recent ones first. I'm going back in time now. Anonymous for one says, just FYI, your previous unbanned appeal has been rejected for the account. You should probably try again. So, okay. I guess I'll put in my ninth fucking Twitter appeal. I have like four accounts. Elon Musk unbanned at Kiwi Farms and send me my fucking email. 3:19:30 Unknown_39: Tell me what email it is. Just do it, you fucker. One of you has 3,000 people. One of you has to work for Twitter. Fix my fucking account. Unknown_39: anonymous for two says chinese word for the week is zb meaning autistic a neutral term used by people for who are actually autistic but also used as a mildly offensive term for socially awkward people zb chat 3:20:12 Unknown_39: Kaiser for 10 says, just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for the site, George. Also, thanks for bringing up Anthrazite. I love that band for years, and it's good to hear someone talking about it again. You should listen to Utopia Brent. It's one of their best. I have not heard that one. I will definitely look that up. Thank you. I'll actually make a tab for that right now. Because I've listened to a lot of their... The issue is... How much did you give me? $10. Okay, I'll do this real quick. This is Losers Club by Dury. Unknown_39: it's and then in this um any other song like who's laughing now like his voice in the music is so different but my issue with anthrozeet is that almost every one of their songs sounds the same and he does that grumbly voice that i really hate metal music so i'll check out utopia brent but um i'm very picky about music there's usually one song per band that i actually like and jury and uh k player like outliers and that 3:21:12 Unknown_39: Thank you, though. Unknown_39: Hello, Josh. I love the show. I hope you do more person shoots in the future. I felt they're the comfiest times in the show's lifespan. Also, wish me luck. I've been applying to InfoSec internships and keep getting rejected hugs and kisses. Unknown_39: What are you doing to fuck that up? I think they're desperate for people right now. Unknown_39: If you have a degree, have any kind of creds, you should be fine. You gotta relax. Maybe make a GitHub contribution. Find an open source software and fix something. Fix something in Sneedforo and I'll be your reference. 3:21:46 Unknown_39: Pig racer Neil Breen for two says, hey, Josh, check out League of Pigs. The guy races pigs and is hilarious. It's at League of Pigs on YouTube if you want to check that out. Unknown_39: He does appear to race pigs. Maybe I'll put it on TV after this. Thank you, though. Wilbur Waitley for 1099 says, eclectic music, but you might like shut-eye by stealing sheep, curses, and turn off the lights by crane wives. Inexplicable in fear and delight by the correspondents. I actually have fear and delight. 3:22:20 Unknown_39: but uh on my on my playlist somewhere i'll check those out because i you suggested one song that's already good uh wilbur lately for 10 also says also following up with more interesting thongs from three bands i super chatted last week perfect world and good luck by broken bells here to me waves by electric guests apocalypse and k by cigarettes after sex all right man you've given me like a homework list but i'll i'll check out um at least one of them If I listen to like one or two and they don't suck, I'll listen to the rest. Thank you, though. Small Kiwi for $22 says, Hey, Jersh, I wish Kiwi Farms a happy birthday. Coincidentally, it's also my birthday. You're doing a fantastic job keeping the site up. Much respect. Take that, Liz Dungun. Well, thank you very much, and happy birthday to Small Kiwi. I hope you're having a good day. John Potter for five says, I hope Ralph and May doesn't do their tier list about me. I, Josh Moon, would be so owned. Fortunately, Ralph is a bitch made West Memphis wigger, so that will never happen. It's true. Ralph will never make a tier list about the Kiwi Farms or John Potter. 3:23:16 Unknown_39: Thank you. Josh Moon, owner of Kiwi Farms for 10 says, man, I can't stress how owned I'd be if Ralph tried to make his own tier list about me. I'd have to choose Kiwi Farm, close Kiwi Farms in disgrace. Thankfully, Ralph's brain is mostly Xanax at this point. So I don't have to worry. I do agree. I think other commenters have agreed that Ralph would be too bitch made to ever make a tier list. Eureka is a fat faggot for one says, I enjoy seeing your, you interacting with the larger community like Turkey, Tom and destiny. It's nice to have some people that think you aren't nice. That some people think you aren't a complete piece of shit. You don't have to be an Island. I usually do have to be an Island as time has proven again and again. But I do want to get the message out. 3:23:50 Unknown_39: Uh, Mr. Whatever is for one says, Hey, Josh, what are the chances of getting another person stream soon? Now we watch them constantly and find their great content. What about someone like Cyrax or Patrick? Um, I don't want to, God, I don't know if I want to get involved with the fucking Patrick people, but I don't know enough about Cyrax, maybe Cyrax. I still owe people a low tech stream eventually. I promise. Unknown_39: uh steel-toed gloves for what pretenses thanks for keeping this light up for 10 years and thanks for having such eclectic music collection you've introduced me to a lot of neat shit i wouldn't have heard otherwise i started listening to music when i was like a teenager i'd use pandora and i got a lot of random songs that i liked a lot and um i don't know i just have an ear for certain things that i like and i can't put it to words i just like what i like i'm glad that it's uh you found it useful though Literally me sending a fake super chat for $15 says, I'm so scared of Ralph or May doing a tier list about me. Fortunately, Ralph is too cowardly to ever do that. Plus, as we've seen from his sex tape, his penis is quite small. Can I get some teeny weenies and chat? 3:24:47 Unknown_39: Thank you. Literally me sending fake super chat. Unknown_39: That's teeny weenies in chat, by the way, if you want to participate. Anonymous for two says, happy 10 years. Also, Sneed. Thank you. And Sneed to you, too. Brad for five says, happy 10 years. P.S. Sneed. Thank you. Sneed to you, too. Glup for 10 says, 10 bucks for 10 years. Thank you for all your hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, Slaver King. Heart. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I'm glad that everyone, I'm glad to feel appreciated. Like I said, when I brewed up the site after the downtime, I was really afraid that people just wouldn't come back. And thankfully we're about up to where we were before we started having any problems at all. So that's been really gratifying to see in the long run. 3:25:23 Unknown_39: Smallbones411 says, opening horrific images in the SRS thread accompanied by a blast of confetti is hilarious. Love you, Josh, and happy anniversary. I never considered the combination of opening spoilers and getting the confetti, but I'm glad that the confetti has augmented your Kiwi Farms browsing experience. 3:26:01 Unknown_39: Bobby 25 for 5 says, I cope with having trannies and fags on my playlist because they're mentally ill, and mentally ill people tend to make compelling art. Also, Turkey Tom said that you have your playlist posted somewhere. Where is that? Unknown_39: Oh, geez, dude. I think it's in the math internet thread. You just have to look. Let's see. If I type in Joshua Moon music playlist, I think it comes up. Unknown_39: No, it does not. I apologize. It's definitely linked in the, um, the math internet thread somewhere though. It has a lot of, it has like 300 songs, but YouTube, YouTube has deleted a lot of them. And when YouTube deletes your fucking music playlist, you don't even see what the title is. It's just gone. It pisses me off so much. I fucking hate YouTube. 3:26:41 Unknown_39: Sorry. I got angry. Flag expert, Neil Sneed for two says, uh, there are two countries in the world that have the color purple in their flag. Josh, who are they? Unknown_39: The color purple. I want to say Qatar has a maroon in it. Unknown_39: Spain had purple in it before. I don't think that Republican Spain still has purple in it. 3:27:18 Unknown_03: I do know this. I'm pissed off. Unknown_03: I can't think of it. Unknown_03: Now I'm going to have to look it up. Flags with purple. Unknown_39: I'm pretty sure that Katara's purple and sun cat. I think the one that has purple, that's not, um, that is, uh, it's just like a small part of the flag and that's why I can't remember it. Unknown_39: Oh, I'm wrong. They don't count Qatar as having purple. It's like maroon. Dominica and Nicaragua, but they're like small parts. That's bullshit. That doesn't count. That's a pain in the ass. Republican Spain did have purple, though, so that should count. Fuck off. 3:27:49 Unknown_39: Trying to give me a hard flag. It's literally like a part of the steel that appeals in the flag. Nicaragua's flag is blue and white. And then the state seal in the middle has a rainbow in it. And the rainbow has purple. Like a smidgen of the flag. Fuck off with that. That's bullshit flag trivia, motherfucker. 3:28:24 Unknown_39: Dennis Sider, COO for five, says, to another 10 years, thanks for giving everyone, especially those of us in professions that have to deal with the insanity daily, a place to win wine. Oh, that's the point. I'm glad you enjoy it. Unknown_39: Bro Burger for 10 says, happy birthday, Kiwis, and thank you, Joshua. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I appreciate the support. Unknown_39: Roxanne Wolf for 10 says, happy decade to the farms. Noel in chat, what does Kiwi Farms mean to you? To me, it is the friends we make along the way. Unknown_39: Oh, God. At this point. I mean, the thing is, I still like the forum. I think it's funny. I laugh continuously at shit, like, every single day. I like a lot of the people on it. Unknown_39: And it's just a big fuck you. It's a big fuck you to all the people who want to, like, censor shit. And I just know that if the site went down, all that shit would just disappear, like, overnight. 3:29:03 Unknown_39: A lot of it. Because, like, they already went after archives. Archive.org took down the archives of the Kiwi Farms. It's fucking pathetic. Unknown_39: David S877 for $50 says, hopefully it will be less than 10 years or more before we can talk openly about these people outside places like the farms. In any case, thanks, and keep up the good work. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I hope so, too. Unknown_39: Expresso Coal for $11 says, Josh, you are a bastion of free speech. Whether you like it or not, don't want to go to your head. These Jew coins came from Wales, fuck England, and fuck Troons. Thank you. Appreciate it. 3:29:37 Unknown_39: uh i i also support welsh and breton independence maybe as a unified wales and in britain they they can be they can be bros uh across the way um ruggy for five says happy anniversary thanks for all the endless laughs here's to many more thank you very much appreciate it i do hope that uh it continues on full sneed Skits of Dilbert for five says happy 10 years. I shall let the media's lies get you down. Good will always triumph. Here's another 10 T here's to another 10 years. Temper five. Thank you very much. 3:30:08 Unknown_39: Yeah. It's it's the media is frustrating. Cause there's like, there's no way to get your, your point out. Cause if you try to like deal with his story, like his questions, like he's not going to give you a fair shot at replying. It's just bullshit. Unknown_39: Maybe one day media, like I tried reaching out to Tim pool and stuff and they didn't reply. And it's like, nobody, nobody's going to go to bat for the forum and put the reputation, you know, in the line. And that's, what's frustrating. Zero head was the closest thing, but zero hedge, like zero hedge can't be used on Wikipedia. So they still get to promote their fucking monopoly of information that way. 3:30:42 Unknown_39: Um, Unknown_39: Waddle Dee pretends as happy 10 years. Josh, I keep forgetting to link this since you mentioned the Chinese rap opera a while back, but I'm a late 2019 Markiplier visited a restaurant that I used to manage. YouTube cut me off saying thank you. The clip is three seconds. I am definitely muting the stream before I open this. 3:31:17 Unknown_03: Your link does not work. Unknown_03: Yeah, I apologize. It doesn't work. Unknown_39: So this guy met Markiplier in a Chinese restaurant, I guess. I guess he's Ching Chong-y. And he was going to say, Markiplier, I'm a big fan on YouTube. Thank you. And then he gets cut off in the clip. Very sad. Very sad. I'm sorry I can't play your clip. Unknown_39: We're back. It's over. Unknown_39: Thanks for using my groiper of slobber mutt. I sent you an email years ago about making stickers out of them but never got a response. My telegram sticker pack is also the Anglo Pepe sticker pack, which is one of the most used on your channel. I actually have that one subscribed. They're very good. I don't know if I can make merch out of them. I like this one in particular. I like the smug. I get to be a little smug every so often. It captures the expression well. It's not too over the top. Very good job. Thank you. Anonymous for five says, happy 10 years. Don't forget to rig the vote towards Maddie for the streamer awards. Do I have to accept that award in person? I guess that kind of defeats the point of a streamer awards, huh? Thank you though. Animal friend for 10 says, cheers for 10 more years. Thank you very much. I hope so. hope urban pretenses can we do a fun river for a defamation suit against mother jones or something also do you have anything like a master list counting the misinformation dude i don't have the fucking energy for that as far as like a defamation suit the issue is when all the media lies at once it's like it's a he's just citing other qualified journalistic sources a very reasonable person could believe these all these things because all these other news channels said the same thing when uh you know it's just like telephone it's like authorized there's no recourse and then i have to prove the damages what i could prove is probably torturous interference with liz fong jones but the question is is it worth it it may be keffels uh keffels to a lesser extent liz fong jones definitely and i think i don't want to spoil it but there might be something about that happening 3:33:18 Unknown_39: Um, anonymous for $100 says happy Kiwiversary. Thank you very much. I have a happy Kiwiversary to you too. Uh, Bugliacci for $100 says 10 years. Wow. I started lurking the ADF thread before making an account way back when. Also give true and honest fan to Bugliacci in exchange for these shekels. My good sir, you are, um, providing a super chat to Matt at the internet.com. Um, uh mad at the internet llc which is legally distinct from kiwi farms and locale llc therefore i cannot give you true and honest for a super chat ever i apologize if you're hoping to get that but that's just the way that it do be sometimes 3:33:59 Unknown_39: Thank you for the $100, though. Mr. Man for $109.88 says, Dear Josh, your website loads so quickly and reliably that I can't tell if I refresh the page or if I miss the refresh button. Please find a new minority to DDoS the website so it gets sucked more so I can tell it's being loaded. Thank you. P.S. Happy temp. Don't worry. The site still sucks. There is issues with white pages. I found out recently that the white... I was freaking out about the white pages because I thought it was the... Unknown_39: the deos mitigator shitting itself it's not there's something wrong with the back end i don't know what it is and it's the reason why sometimes the pages just break it's because the white page happens loading the javascript and then you just don't get a reply so i'm gonna have to figure out what the fuck that is eventually my such my setup is so tangled up it's a huge pain in the ass to debug especially intermittent issues the worst kind of issues 3:34:54 Unknown_39: Thank you, though. Vidar for 5 says, Happy 10th anniversary, Moon. Happy day. Happy day, Vidar. Vidar Viking, who was an A-Log of Darkside Phil, and joined the forum and got into a huge fight with King of Pole. Unknown_39: Very interesting guy. I now have one of Darkside Phil's paypigs wishing me a happy anniversary. I like Vidar. He's pretty tolerable as far as people on the site go. 3:35:24 Unknown_39: um kiwi flavored birthday cake for 350 says get yourself some champagne for the occasion also ralph gave the perfect name for your hogwarts character john potter i propose to make her an albino engine also 40th birthday of the net 30th of the operator and 10th of the farm nice digits that's true i turn uh my birthday is in december kiwi farms is in february and the internet is on january 1st so we're all right there together in the uh We're all Sagittariuses. Is February a Sagittarius? I don't know. I don't know white woman math. Oh, geez. Unknown_39: How long is the fast? That really depends. I think she can go one day without food. If she really wanted to, like, stick it to the haters. But she's just not. She's just gonna have it, like, snacks and lie about it, basically. 3:36:22 Unknown_40: Thank you, though. Unknown_39: Okay, fine. Just for you, Haramberger. Unknown_03: There's no audio. Killer kobold's vor system. 3:36:55 Unknown_39: This better be safe for work. This appears to be a kobold who is pregnant, but it's probably vor. Unknown_39: Okay, there does appear to be a furry digesting inside of the cobalt. I think that's enough, my dude. This is horrific. Furries are very strange people, and vorophiles should not be trusted. This is my assessment of the situation. Unknown_39: Dilation Station TM for 2 says, Happy anniversary, Kiwi Bros. This looks like a little party pop emoji. Josh, can you please show the plushie designs from the Earth, right? I sure can. 3:37:29 Unknown_39: So we're deciding what to do for the merch run for the anniversary. And this was someone's... I don't know how designing for plushies works, so I can't really comment on if this would suffice for the purposes. Unknown_39: But as you can see, this is what they come up with. Unknown_04: The wings are probably too big for a kiwi. 3:38:01 Unknown_39: It looks more like a mix between a green bird and the actual kiwi. This is pretty cute, though. That's very cute. A slaver mutt's very cute. Everybody would love a slaver mutt. I just don't know what the feasibility is of actually doing it is the issue, and I don't know what kind of design specs I would need to accomplish it. They're very cute, though. Unknown_04: um is what is still is fofo for 10 says damn bro it's kind of hard to give you money it's almost like people don't want me to do that or something weird here's a dollar for every year your next third world big cheesy with holiday sauce is on the house my pizza costs more than that but that's pretty close i appreciate it and yes it is very difficult to give me money um just remember that like the math internet stuff i can't put it towards like kiwi farm stuff 3:38:54 Unknown_39: Hexagon for 5555 says, happy 10th anniversary, Josh Sneed, in all caps. Thank you, Hexagon Sneed. I appreciate it. Unknown_39: Uh, kitty cat for $50 says, I wish we lived in a world where I could send you silver and chocolate licorice, but shekels must suffice. Thank you for being incredibly sovereign. Thank you very much. Um, yeah, I would like to really like to have an office where I can actually receive gifts and stuff, but we'll see how that plays out. Um, I contacted yet another lawyer about maybe having a registered agent and they of course have not replied back. So I really don't know what the fuck I'm going to do about the registration situation. I might literally just get some dude to do it. Then it's like, I don't know if I trust some dude to handle my mail, like personal mail. 3:39:32 Unknown_39: Joe Doe Darius for five says, happy 10th anniversary. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Unknown_39: Mac Match Mutt Mock for two says, happy anniversary, Josh. Have you ever seen a Pokemon wedding? Here you go. Unknown_40: Very brief. Unknown_03: Oh, this is terrifying. Unknown_43: That's it. 3:40:07 Unknown_39: Oh my God. They're pretending to be trainers. Unknown_39: Oh, they're, they're fat friends are dressed up as Pokemon. Unknown_39: How humiliating. I can't believe they found enough people to actually assemble this. Unknown_39: Look at this manlet. Look at how tall that lady is. These people are fucking weird. That man's wearing like an Abraham Lincoln stove top, like hat. Unknown_04: And he's not still not as tall as that lady. Damn. 3:40:38 Unknown_04: I don't know, is it Professor Oak? Unknown_43: This is cringe. Unknown_39: I can't watch this. I apologize. Unknown_39: I'm done with that. Especially for $2. You're not paying me enough for my pain and suffering. Unknown_39: twinkle tart for $100 says this is on behalf of all of us retards in general chat the best part of the site congratulations on persevering over 10 years through all the gay shit big shout out to prehistoric jazz my brother from a different mother thank you twinkle tart I got mad the general chat I know what they did but I appreciate the support nonetheless anonymous for five says remember when you dated Chelsea she once told me she had no idea how you genuinely felt about her 3:41:24 Unknown_03: No? Who the fuck is Chelsea? Unknown_39: This is a joke. I don't know anyone named Chelsea. Thank you, though. Capway Ranch Dressing for one says, look up the gif of Linkara running. Okay, fine. I know what you're talking about. Unknown_39: Cringe is nectar. You know how I am about cringe. Okay, fine. I'll put this. Oh, this is on Tanner. Wonderful. Can I just throw this on the screen? I can. Unknown_03: Here we go. I'll put them right next to the mutt. 3:41:55 Unknown_03: Um... Unknown_03: Where was I? Unknown_39: Okay. IrishPug410 says, Happy birthday to the farms. I've been lurking for a few years, but even in that short time, I've seen this community grow and thrive. Every tackling seems to make it stronger. Godspeed, everyone. Thank you. I agree. We're a little bit lower than we used to be, but we're pretty close. We're very close now. Unknown_39: Hopefully when things get more situated, there's less errors, we'll continue to grow. And then I have to make the noose off her eventually. 3:42:31 Unknown_39: thank you metachromaticus for tranny dollars for two dollars and 14 cents says let's go and then he posts a video of the keno casino the definitive experience episode one bling blong dinga okay i how much two dollars and 14 you have 21 seconds Unknown_08: Maybe I should get Andy Worsky on my stream. What do you guys think? Unknown_18: He's pretty good at raking it in. 3:43:30 Unknown_39: uh near for two dollars says oh i completely forgot view that motherfucker's still alive what a piece of shit uh why would go over a spoonie without posting the betrayal it's like eight seconds long okay i know what you're talking about and yes that slipped my mind it didn't occur to me Unknown_39: I know the story behind this even. Let me play it real quick. Just for you, my boy in here who killed himself. Unknown_17: Betrayal! Unknown_17: Betrayal! Betrayed me! This game sucks! Unknown_39: Okay, so if I remember correctly, Spoonie like had this interview and it was like a really big interview for him. And then he did this and if it fucked it up and he, that guy never forgave him for, for sabotaging that interview. Am I remembering that correctly? That's like the gist of it, right? Who's the guy he's with? 3:44:23 Unknown_39: The angry enchilada. Unknown_39: Angry Joe. Oh, angry Joe. No, no, Unknown_04: Yes, wrong. That's Joe. Spooning did nothing wrong. It was for the XCOM FPS review. Unknown_04: Pissed off angry Joe. Okay. Unknown_39: And then he never forgave him for it. I remember this vaguely. Everyone loves that clip. I got you. Yeah, Deke for 10 says, happy 10th year anniversary. Many more to come. I agree. Thank you very much. Ethan Ralph for $2 says, congratulations, Josh. Enjoy your website. Well, at last. After I'm done with my five-year plan to take down that fag, only thing we'll be celebrating is your demise. Ralph O'Male's coming for you. Let's fucking go. 3:44:57 Unknown_39: Thank you, Ethan Ralph. I appreciate it. Unknown_39: DZ for 10 says, hey, Josh, happy 10 years to the farms. Thank you for giving us a place to do what we love to do. Don't mean to be soppy, but it's been a rough 10 years, and I'm very grateful for the laughs shared through my fellow farmers. Cheers and God bless. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate it. I'm sorry to hear that the last decade's been pretty rough. Hopefully the year of your rabbits your year, my man. 3:45:29 Unknown_39: Pastor Chuck for $14.88 says, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Sneed, for they will be filled. Amen. Amen, my brother. I appreciate it. Ocean Redux for $10 says, Unknown_39: I could totally do a high-pitched falsetto Sammy Classic Sonic fan, but I would never live it down. But he says, you freaking freaks. LOL. Appreciate it. 3:46:01 Unknown_39: Wings of Redemption for $2 says, Happy 10 years, pimp. Sitting here eating a banquet meal and enjoying your stream, but I keep getting trolled in chat. All I want to do is browse the site, send a super chat, make a good post. I hate my life. Unknown_39: Thank you, Wings of Redemption. Get well soon. Anonymous for One says, Did you see the post about Danny Brown being a Kiwi Farms user? Yes, I did. I played that on stream even. I appreciate it, though. Chris for Five says, Crazy furry tranny tried to run for mayor in a town near me. After being doxxed, they threatened to kill people and then themselves. Fun little read. It's a link to a tweet by Annie. No. 3:46:32 Unknown_39: Or when, I think. I don't know how the fuck that's said. Unknown_03: Oh, he went on Master Don. Unknown_04: how did they get my email address luna palette palv lichenko that's a ukrainian name is it not it's like a furry furry tranny that's crazy running for office and they're winning they're winning offices the winning seats like montana and shit that's that's scary people need to be aware when they fucking vote but the damn most of the american people are fucking retarded 3:47:17 Unknown_39: no kind no quine quina of scots for 1648 says congratulations on the 10th kiwi anniversary uh slonsha which apparently means like i don't know what that means let me look it up this is scots i get a scottish gaelic like i can't even guess how to say things he used to express friendly feelings towards one one's companions before drinking so it's like pro store um Unknown_39: Cheers. Your tenacity has been impressive to witness. Can I borrow some of your indomitable spirit on facing off with Troons and Furries in Glasgow? Wish me luck. Good luck. You're going to need it. I would say I support Scottish independence, but Scottish people seem to be more paused than the rest of England. So you're kind of between a rock and a hard place, my boy. but good luck I know there's good people out there in Wales and Scotland and Ireland I kind of wish the Great British Empire would just fucking die but then Ireland and Scotland are super gay so for real good luck I don't know what BRDWTSN is 3:48:31 Unknown_39: Oh, Brad Watson, without any bells. I got you. That almost went over my head, but I figured it out. Thank you. Rungle45 says, my dog died. F in the chat for Rungle's dead dog. Thank you. EatGurtDrinkBleach45 says, congratulations. Jersh, what are your thoughts about Costa Rica as a place to hide out when the U.S. collapses as a house of cards in the wind tunnel? Keep up the fight. You're doing the emperor's will. Why would you go to Costa Rica and not like Argentina or Chile? If you're going to go to South America, go to like Paraguay or something. Don't go to fucking Costa Rica when the most violent shitholes in the entire world. 3:49:09 Unknown_39: One of the highest violent crime rates in the entire world. Uh, don't go to Costa Rica is my advice to you. Unknown_39: Um, absent intelligence for 25 says happy 10 years. The farms are the reason my favorite background noise streams for late night coding exists. True and dating profiles and the odd art stream. Here's the next decade. Uh, Unknown_39: Thank you. I used to listen to a lot of shit for late night coding, but now I have to get it all done during the day because I'm an old man. I can't stay up late anymore. Unknown_39: Happy to help. 3:49:43 Unknown_39: Gank for five says, hey, keep up the good work. Thanks. I appreciate it. My boy. Unknown_39: Bjams for $25 says, hey, Josh, here's to 10 years of the Kiwi Farms and hopefully many more to come. I've been watching Maddie since the beginning. It's been quite a ride. To celebrate, this is one of my favorite clips of you. Enjoy. How long is this? Because I might use it as an excuse to go get some water. Unknown_34: Hey guys, Josh here from Kiwi Farms. I just want to let everyone know that I really love anime. Anime girls are so cute and kawaii. I am sorry for lying to all of you for all this time. 3:50:16 Unknown_39: That's pretty good. They're going to legislate that machine learning shit this year. Like, it's too good. They're going to crack down on that fucking hard. Okay, I'm going to go get my water. I'll be right back. I'll be right back, I promise. 3:50:54 Unknown_03: okay we continue we continue chat captain sneed for 20 says hey josh thanks for your service in the past few years but could you explain how fed now would help the farms and other sites that blacklisted by the main financial institutions thanks in advance Unknown_39: Okay, real quick, payment processors like Stripe use all the payment networks like Discover, Amex, MasterCard, and VisaCard. If any one of those card networks say that something has to be banned, it must be banned, even if it's Discover with a 5% market share. So basically, there's four companies that are 100% responsible individually and mutually for controlling every financial transaction in the United States. They're private companies. You cannot sue them. You have no recourse against them. They can do whatever the fuck they want. FedNow is issued by the Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve is a government organization, at least according to the courts. So therefore, FedNow will be a government service that you have a right to as an American citizen under the Constitution, and you can actually sue and have due process with. 3:51:41 Unknown_39: FedNow is bank-to-bank, so there's more options. There's about 5,000 banks and 5,000 credit unions in the United States. That's 10,000 options. If you can find one of those willing to put up with you as a bank, then you can stay banked and use FedNow. So that's why. The main thing is that it's a government company, therefore you have recourse against the government that you would not have against a private company. Unknown_39: FedNow, my boy. Jerome Powell. Jerome Powell, make 2023 my year, my boy. Unknown_39: May the Illuminati guide your hand to liberating the Kiwi farms. 3:52:25 Unknown_39: Eric Rader for 21. Is that the name of the admiral from Nazi Germany? I'm pretty sure that is. Unknown_39: For $22, it says, here's a tip for the enthusiastic tech support this week. Also, what's your guess for when the GUNT will cease to exist, given the current trajectory? I'd say April 2024, by the end of the year. I'm sticking to it. He's really imploding. Unknown_39: Koya Dante for $15 says, you know, for future reference, you can enable your ad block on incognito windows, and you can use it to block YouTube shelves, the things that contain shorts, news, troon videos, etc., 3:53:00 Unknown_39: um i can do that however as i've said i keep them unblocked because i will go through and say do not recommend channel to hurt the seo every single thing they shove in my fucking face and i can't wait black history month give me some blackies i want to fucking not recommend some channels i'm gonna i'm gonna go through every single dark face i see don't recommend this channel to me i'm ready i've been prepped i've been prepped Unknown_39: Claudia Dante for 15 says, you know, oh, wait, I read that. Hog Log for 10 says, in the spirit of best moments in time, this is my favorite Josh moment in 2021. The hardest I've laughed ever on air. Unknown_39: Or heard me laugh on air. Unknown_03: Time stepped. Okay. This better be good. Let's see. Unknown_03: Oh, geez. Unknown_03: Oh, I know what this says. 3:53:55 Unknown_08: You want to talk about Jim's opinions and what Jim does and what Jim doesn't? Jim thinks you're a faggot, and he said it pretty much to your face. So if we want to talk about Jim's opinions, that's another opinion that Jim has. So not only does he not use Discord, he also thinks Josh Moon is a faggot. Unknown_08: Okay, I don't care. Okay, well, you know, but wait, but wait, you cared. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You cared about whether he used Discord or not, but you didn't care about whether he thinks you're a faggot. So I would say one's much more important. No, I'm not retarded. I'm very smart. 3:54:31 Unknown_39: I actually, the reason why I laugh so hard, because people in the chat, that chat, like if you look at his chat, a lot of them are scared. Unknown_39: Like they're saying that sounds like a creepy laugh. It's a fake laugh. It made me laugh so hard because I was tense. And then he just said something so stupid that it really, really, really caught me by surprise. And I laughed so hard I completely pegged or capped my microphone, clipped my microphone. So it didn't even pick up. I laughed so hard that it didn't even pick me up. Unknown_39: I do remember that, though. Thank you. Unknown_39: um city slicker for five says built for big white farts gross today's second five says also says people who think the mylar balloon fetish is autistic clearly haven't heard the guy from v who's attracted to floor tile patterns i have heard of that that is also autistic multiple things can be very autistic just so you know Thank you, though. I Punch Puppies for 14 says, Turkey Tom can't even Triforce. All Zoomers are new fags. Happy 10 years, fam. Thank you very much. I think Turkey Tom, if he put his dedicated YouTube team to it, he could figure out how to Triforce eventually. 3:55:25 Unknown_39: Appreciate it. Rungle Real Neighbor Gamer for $5.50 says, I'm trying to play new games and need some recommendations. If you know a good video game, please DM me on the 10-year-old hate forum Kiwi Farms. My name is Rungle. Thank you. There you go. Rungle's looking for video game recommendations. Please send him a DM on the Kiwi Farms. Incident accident for $1 says, Hey, George, happy 10 years. If you're talking to Turkey Tom and helping him out for research, then I hope he's paying you. He's got a whole team working for, he's not, no, don't worry about it. 3:55:56 Unknown_39: I'm not, um, I'm not doing collabs with him and help. Like he's got my website. He doesn't need my help. Unknown_39: Gator for one says, Ethan Ralph, it's me Gator. Pay me my money. You gunted, drugged up alcoholic travesty of a pseudo human. Unknown_39: Gator was compensated fairly. Zero dollars per hour for his years of work. 3:56:31 Unknown_39: I don't think he owes him anything. Unknown_39: Vlad the Implier for $50 says, Hey Josh, happy anniversary. I don't actually read the forums, but I'm watching your streams in 2018. Hope you keep up both for at least another 10 years. Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoy the streams. Unknown_39: What's the Hot Discord Rejects YouTube channel? They have a video calling you a pedo that someone donated on the Go Show trying to call you out. They're connected to the Hater Nation and Bad Boy and something called the Hussie Lounge. Who gives a shit? The Hot Discord Rejects? 3:57:04 Unknown_39: I mean, it probably is exactly what it sounds like, to be honest with you. Unknown_39: Rabbi Herschel Lieberman Berg Blatstein for 15 says, Many happy Reese needs Josh. Unknown_04: Why is it re-sneeds? Unknown_39: Why can't I just sneed? Why do I have to re-sneed? I'm very cautious about this. Unknown_39: The rabbi's contract contains some ambiguous language, which has put me off guard. Thank you, though. TheCynicalNegro45 says, Sure, we can pretty much say Yandere Sim is a lame duck project at this point, but at least nobody was stupid enough to pay thousands of dollars up front to own in-game assets to a game still in dev hell like Star Citizen. 3:57:44 Unknown_39: That's true. I thought Star Citizen was coming along, though. I've been seeing screen caps about it posted all over the place. Unknown_39: Uh, Taft pie for 27, 25 says, Oh my God. So, Oh no. Okay. It's not too much. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Jahresstag. Your tenacity and resilience in the face of all the world's evil is unironically inspirational. You're one of my personal heroes. Here's a small contribution to the thousand year Kiwi Reich made under. Unknown_39: Um, I appreciate it. 3:58:17 Unknown_39: Uh, I don't know. I don't know. I, I, I have not faced the adversity that I face is purely in one realm. I don't want to say too much, but there are some things that I don't know if I can deal with and it hasn't come to that yet. So it makes me optimistic that there's still ways to work within the system to accomplish some good. So. Unknown_39: I'm working on it. Appreciate it. Ike for 550 says, you mentioned a video being one of your favorite background noises. Your Tommy Tudor videos with the call are mine. Here's 10 more years. 3:58:49 Unknown_39: Oh, yeah, the call I did with Tommy Tudor. Unknown_39: Tommy is very repetitious, so I'm surprised that people can still listen to those years later. I'm glad, though. It's the kind of stuff that I like when I watch YouTube. I watch stuff that I watch over and over again and listen to in the background. So if I'm making that kind of stuff, I'm doing it right. Unknown_39: Ice Mexican for 15 says, Hey buddy, congratulations on 10 years of 41% and 100% of the 0.5%. We appreciate all the hard work you could do, you old hound dog. Well, that seems like some pretty racist math, but I think it all adds up to me. I appreciate it. 3:59:21 Unknown_39: Dante's whores divorce. Unknown_04: Wait, wait. Unknown_39: I did that completely wrong. I did the opposite. He wrote it dainties hors d'oeuvres. Not Dante's hors d'oeuvres. Dainties hors d'oeuvres for $100 says, Happy 10-year anniversary. Here's a contribution towards your 1,000-year ish. Thanks for all the laughs and content. I appreciate it. Dainties hors d'oeuvres. 3:59:56 Unknown_39: Your contribution is helping me learn the English language. ace of speds for two says the deagle nation video you were looking for oh my god no i i'm muting it i'm caught this is probably a oh it's not oh this dude based here we go i was fully expecting a rickroll for this to be honest with you Unknown_03: Yo YouTube, this is Jace right here, and this is my fucking car, or my mom's car, that when I was street racing, could not perform! 4:00:34 Unknown_16: Couldn't fucking perform on the road! And now this bitch's shit is crushed! Okay, I can't even kick the windshield because it's made of bullshit plastic from chinks! And it blows! I wasn't even fucking drunk! I was just racing, you know, like normal. I was trying to street race in the fucking highway! And look at this bullshit. Look at this shit. Totally useless. I hit and I fucking rolled on the ice. Fucking rolled down here. And now look at this piece of shit. I'm a screw racing guy. Fuck. I'm a screw racing guy. They played all of that and tried to pass it off. They cut pits of it out and just got the screaming. It's like, oh my God, the internet ruined my life. 4:01:08 Unknown_39: amazing um fun fact he suffered a brain injury because of that car accident 4:01:44 Unknown_39: TTP for 10 says, happy anniversary, Josh. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Namus for one says, you haven't mentioned the last couple of strings, but Chris was allegedly visited in prison. I don't care. I'm just going to tell you right now. I don't care. He apparently lost a lot of weight and his hair has gone gray. All his toys are getting thrown out and his next case has next review in two weeks. It feels like the end. Unknown_39: I hope that he gets put into a home. I don't know. I would testify against them if they asked me to. Unknown_39: Annie Horsky for five says, hey, Josh, since white people aren't going to stand up and stop letting themselves be bullied by nignogs and steins anytime soon, who will Saving America fall to, and why is it the based beaners? Oh, jeez. 4:02:20 Unknown_39: I mean, I dislike the Mexicans the least. Unknown_39: There's a lot of Mexicans that I like. I like tacos. Unknown_03: They are Catholic. Unknown_39: I don't know. Mexico's a giant shithole and they all decapitate each other though. They're definitely still intermixed with like Aztec genes where they just like kill each other violently. I'm not sure if I can hold out much hope for Mexicans. 4:02:50 Unknown_39: L for five says, what was the URL of the Activision tool that let you score with points how divorced a character was? You showed it once on stream and used it to confirm that an Arab man was more valuable than a white woman or something like that. Unknown_39: um they got rid of that i think we just searched activision diversity tool you'll find it the activision diversity tool thing oh you can't actually use it but if you just there's a when i searched i get a game rant thing and it has the the chart right there so just search activision diversity tool and uh use this or if you can find more modern versions of it it'll explain how diverse a character is 4:03:34 Unknown_03: thank you though uh near for two says can you go over the time kiwi had ads on something awful's rotation and it caused low tax to have a melty oh that's right okay i did uh low tax has self-cert advertisements and i use that to buy ads on um on something awful so it would show up on all the sites Unknown_39: I said, okay, this was my attempt to sell the Kiwi Farms to something awful users. I said, world's best drama site, free to join, free to change avatar, no censorship, 100% shit. Unknown_39: That's the best I could do. So I paid like $10 to show that for like a week or something on the something awful banner rotation. And he manually removed it. Unknown_39: And then he banned the Kiwi Farms URL. If you tried to check out and buy a Kiwi Farms thing. So I had to be crafty with URLs after that. I only did it a couple times, though, because I didn't want to give them money. 4:04:27 Unknown_39: People on the forum were super pissed off, though. Because it's like, you're taking money from Nazis. Unknown_39: Winston Fujimori for five says, I want to apologize for something that I want to say for a long time, but keep forgetting. I initially didn't believe the Isabella Loretta Yonka story because it was brought up by a communist trans person. I looked into it months ago and I believe it. Unknown_39: Yeah, it is true. Unknown_39: And her father knows Matthew Prince, who owns Cloudflare. Go figure. Didn't know what to say to that. Carrie Yuma for 50 says, happy anniversary, Josh. Thanks for your efforts and congrats on keeping the site up for 10 years. Hopefully many more. I'm not a user, but I enjoy lurking. Well, most people are lurkers, so you're in good company. Don't worry about it. Happy Face for 15 says, first time donating. Thanks for all the hard work, Josh. Also play some Lobotomy Corporation. It's a great game. If I'm playing any games these days, it's just Dota. It's one of the games that I've played like a thousand hours of already, and I'm just in my grind. Look, I'm old, okay? I do the same thing that I've always done at this point. I don't pick up new games and try them out. I apologize. 4:05:29 Unknown_39: Not a mess for 50 says happy anniversary, Josh. Funny to think that I've been running into you all these years without realizing it. Like the SPCC calls or the quickie. It's about time I give back. Thanks for keep on rocking the earth. As it seems there are a few left to do. Well, that's cute. That's a cute message. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm glad that my, the ripples on my retardation are being felt far and wide. Curious for five says, love the stuff, friend. Thanks. Keep it. Wait, let me take that again. Unknown_39: Love your stuff, friend. Keep it all up. All up. Smiley face. Oh, he's referring to the forum. I thought it was a reference to my penis. I was like, is this like a slight at me? What does this mean? What's the deeper meaning of this? I appreciate it. SGT Wizard Fist for five says, happy 10 years, Mr. Moon. I would give more, but I keep buying old World War II guns and they are kind of expensive. I don't blame you at all. i hope you have one of those um like belt fed uh like uh german let's just call the m2 that's what the 50 cal was i hope you have one of those i want one of those um city slicker for five post a youtube link let me check it out for us make sure there's no danger 4:06:56 Unknown_03: okay this should be fine i hope 40 seconds i just want to make a youtube video say are there any transsexual men out there who want to fart on me i'm also interested i am going to make more plays and i am going to make more youtube videos sometime a little later if you give me a moment oh you can't even see it you can't i'm so sorry i ruined your super chat it was a good video ah Unknown_24: and farting on me and curious and farting on my face, let me know. I am the fart receiver. I'm not a fart giver. I'm the one that like to receive farts because, like I said, I have a chronic fart fetish. I would like to work around the clock smelling guys' farts. I even like to go around volunteering to smell guys' farts, what I do on camera or off camera. But are there any transsexual men out there who's interested in farting on my face? Let me know. Unknown_39: Very good. Excellent. Thank you. I didn't talk about Leteer God. You all know my opinion on Leteer God. There's no point. There's nothing there for me. I apologize. 4:07:50 Unknown_04: Bacon's here for one says, you forgot Monty Jones. Unknown_39: I did not, sir. I did not. Tiggletown for five says, thanks for keeping the internet free. He spelled the internet with a lowercase I, so I don't know which one he's referring to, but I appreciate it anyways. Hey, Lynn for five says you missed the floor versus Milani. I did miss that. Unknown_39: I did. I completely missed that. And all her people, there's like a crew of those people that hate the forum to this day. I think I did talk about the floor verse as a stream, though. So that's one to check out, too, if you're interested. Yeah, her people still talk about how much damage the forum did, because I think they were actually like animal abusers, though. 4:08:22 Unknown_39: i remember um only vaguely remember the details of that but yeah they've been around for a long time that's like one of the longest uh running threads on the site uh colia dante 15 says president joseph robinette biden has a message for us on this special day oh geez i wonder what this is could this be something uh hideously transphobic made with uh machine learning 4:09:08 Unknown_03: Could it be anything at all? I think I'm just going to open it on Brave. I don't think that Firefox is going to want to open this file format. Unknown_00: You will never be a real woman. You have no womb. You have no ovaries. You have no eggs. You're a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature's perfection. Unknown_00: All the validation you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back, people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you. Your friends laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who pass look uncanny and unnatural to a man. 4:09:41 Unknown_00: Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected ax wound. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be okay, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it'll be too much to bear. You'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. 4:10:16 Unknown_00: They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name. And every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust. Unknown_00: And all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male. This is your fate. Unknown_00: This is what you chose. Unknown_00: There's no turning back. 4:10:53 Unknown_00: Well, you got my vote. Unknown_39: Lucas Colby Werner for $100 says, I want an adult hottie in Spokane right now, right now, under 26 year old right now, as long as she's hot and on my 37 year old dick right now, right now, right now. Unknown_04: Who the fuck is that a reference to Lucas Warner? Unknown_39: That name is like vaguely familiar. I really apologize, but I don't think that's one of those guys that like I recognize, but I don't, I never got into the thread. Yeah. 4:11:27 Unknown_39: nita ho for one says uh happy i meant to say thank you by the way so you know for one says happy 10th anniversary josh also i've wondered what cars liked i think i saw a very old post of yours that said you had a mitsubishi galant also if you're still looking for an old no gps track car suggest an old toyota helix or chevrolet s10 um Unknown_39: I mean, I like Porsches, or Porsches, as they say in European countries. 4:12:01 Unknown_39: The Porsche Crossfire is one of the prettiest cars I've ever seen. I'm not a huge car person. I just want something that's reliable. Unknown_39: What would you say? Yeah, the Hilux and the Chevrolet, those have both been recommended when I asked about cars. Thank you. Unknown_39: anonymous for 10 says me a poor fag donating ten dollars to joshua baby face troll king moon he's awesome and he'll read my super chat i did thank you very much i'm glad that my new title has dubbed to me by ali muhammad shalik kalad or whatever the fuck his name was uh is now baby face troll king it's very very uh apropos very succinct awesome big chungus for 10 says holla holla get dollar thank you very much 4:12:42 Unknown_39: Thank you for your service, Mr. Moon. Couldn't watch today, but I will watch the VOD. Well, I hope you enjoy six hours of shit at this point, because I don't know how... This might just continue on forever. I think it's been four hours now. Yeah, that's crazy. That's longer than I've ever done. Unknown_39: Anonymous for 20 says, congrats on 10 years, Josh. Question, on the forums recently, you said that a doctor diagnosed you with ODD in the second grade. How did they come to this, and what do you think about it? No problem if it's too personal. Thanks for the lols, and have a great day. I don't know the process of diagnosing that. 4:13:15 Unknown_39: And I think it's pretty accurate. I get pretty defiant when people tell me to do shit, especially when they're in the wrong. If someone tells me to do something and they're in the wrong, you're in for a bad fucking time if you're talking to me, because I'm going to be very spiteful and reply. Unknown_39: RunLopher5 says, Alas, I am slain by bricks to the head. My exposed Dutch cranium bloody red. Q predicted this. All would come to pass. Sneedcord feeds and seeds to the very last. Don't suppose my eulogy is meager. Tis least an iambic pentameter. 4:13:48 Unknown_39: That's very good. The Rungle people who want to kill Rungle are very dedicated to their craft of wanting to kill Rungle. Thank you. I've never seen someone with such receded yet defined shin. Yeah, he's pretty scary to look at. I would agree with that. Is that not like an anime game? 2019... Unknown_03: Oh, no, it's not. 4:14:21 Unknown_39: Like I said, I play the same games over and over again. I never get the urge to look at new games anymore, unless it's like a first-person shooter. Unknown_39: Have you seen the Elvin Labs voice clone AI thread? There are some gems there, including your own voice. Yes, I've definitely seen that by now, my boy. Thank you. Unknown_39: Ted for 30 says, opinion on TurkeyTime meeting his current GF through Twitter. I have said, don't fuck your fans. Unknown_39: However, there is the PewDiePie rule, which I don't like to talk about because it's dangerous. You are allowed to fuck one fan. 4:14:54 Unknown_39: If you fuck more than one fan, your life is ruined. And that's assuming that you're not already in a relationship. You have the one fan card, the PewDiePie card, but only if you're already out of a relationship. Otherwise, you're going to sabotage your entire life. So that's the secret. I don't get to say that because I don't want to encourage any streamers listening to us to fuck their fans, but that's the secret. 4:15:28 Unknown_39: That's right, the PewDiePie stipulation. It's written in the fine print. But don't... You only get one chance, man. Unknown_39: You can't, like, cheat on her with somebody else from Twitter, because then she'll fucking kill you. Unknown_39: You gotta be safe, my man. SmallKitten45 says, Fuck, marry, kill. Oh, I read that. Read that, read that, read that. Unknown_03: Read that. Unknown_03: Read that. Unknown_03: Read that. Unknown_39: Lube for five says, here's to another 10. Your streams are hilarious. How do you maintain low blood pressure while dealing with the worst of humanity every day? I've told you I have naturally low blood pressure. I don't know what it is. I'm like a snake or something. I just lay out in the sun. I can absorb my nutrients and I'm all set to go. 4:16:00 Unknown_39: kathals for two says you did a juror she defeated me as a reward take the lays to the hrt bathroom factory use it wisely the lays i guess the keys is what he meant to say i will i'll throw them away though i must shut down the hrt bathroom factory now that i've conquered canada danny brown apologists for 545 says danny is so funny you should see his hot ones appearance also here's a song of his that you might like it's not all nasally and weird it's some nice chill horns okay let's see 4:16:47 Unknown_39: Danny Brown, DNA. I will listen to that. K-Fly also has a song titled DNA. Unknown_39: Josh, let me sit on your face, Josh, for five says, just because you are great and would totally let me sit on your face. Bro, you know the rules. Thank you, though, very much. Susan Wojcicki for five says, Ken, I get that Scooby-Doo bowling ball you were talking about on stream with your autograph as a 10-year anniversary gift. Also, congrats on 10 years of singing. Do you want to hear a funny Italian joke again? Dick Hale, wow. Unknown_39: I don't have that bowling ball. I think I threw it out after the house fire, but thank you. 4:17:22 Unknown_39: Mick Inward for 10 says, Happy 10th, Jersh. Been a farmer since the Brownie Gate in DSP back in 2018. Would love to see a Cyrax stream. He's such a hilarious and disgusting trog to the point even Danny Brown fucks with him. Unknown_39: Yeah, as we've covered. Unknown_39: Cyrax, I don't know. Maybe. It depends on how narratively satisfying his arc is. If he's just like an up-and-comer, then it's not really any point to covering him yet. I like people who are on the tail end of their... process internet fan for one says hey josh congrats on 10 years of upper insight and here's another 10 years glad to see the common ground between you and danny brown's your love of foodie beauty hope there will be a theater collab one day psgc voice post yes it did and maybe one day she does love black guys maybe she can dump uh what salah and get get with danny brown that'd be pretty funny 4:18:13 Unknown_39: Gaster2 says, I fell asleep down the stream and dreamt that I told a joke about HRT to a friend at work. It was overheard by a troon that I work with, and they became infuriated, and I woke up with anxiety about getting fired. Thanks, George. You're welcome. Overcome your fears. Simply send the troon the Joe Biden AI clip and be done with it. Don't live in fear anymore. Live in the known known. Anonymous for $100 says, nice show. Thank you very much, Anonymous. I appreciate it. Archie Pelagio for 10 says Sol Jean Neat Chin was a good artist who didn't do nothing wrong. I think Sol Jean Neat Chin. That's like the writer that I mentioned once. Appreciate it. HP Lefty for $100 has been watching since like your fifth episode. Thanks for years of entertainment. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. 4:18:50 Unknown_39: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm glad that the forum is still welcoming and new people with open arms. 420 for $4.20 says, good to know that one stubborn optimist can resist so hard the global Homo world to another 10 years. 4:19:23 Unknown_39: Neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor. Yes, like I said, just stand your ground. As long as you're on the right, don't stand your ground and be stupid about it. Just figure out what the limits actually are and hold yourself to those. Unknown_39: uh seymour asses for five says look up taco trouble from 2003 also a happy 100th birthday okay what's taco trouble from 2000 just real quick i gotta get through these all my literally collapsed appears to be oh it's a okay i'll watch that thank you it's like a lego claim animation from 2003 4:20:08 Unknown_39: I have a performance review coming up and I have a problem with my code. Can you complete this function? If sneed, print, feed, and seed. Else if chunk, print. Well, if it sneeds and it feeds and seeds and then chucks. Unknown_04: Actually, you know what? Okay, hold up. Let me find this real quick. Unknown_03: This is relevant. I actually want to play this one. Unknown_03: Oh. Unknown_03: There it is right where I left it. 4:20:43 Unknown_35: On the green road to the north of Springfield lies the shop called Sneed's Feed and Seed, where feed and seed both end in the sound eed, thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign is a subtle joke. The sign says that the shop was formerly Chuck's, implying that the two words beginning with F and S would have ended with uck, rhyming with Chuck. So when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called Chuck's Fuck and Suck. There you will find a city slicker named Homer. Kill him and your initiation into the Dark Brotherhood will be complete. Do this and the next time you sleep in a location I deem secure, I will reveal myself once more bearing the love of your new family. 4:21:29 Unknown_40: Pretty good. Unknown_39: uh poon boys forever trunes face the wall for five says turf king the real woman beseech you to make a dating service or r for r for lesbians think about it you can dunk on trunes in the best way by helping real lesbians fuck um geez Yeah, I feel bad for lesbians because they just want to like les out and pet cats and whatever the fuck they do and ride a motorcycle, I guess. And then they just keep getting creeped on by men on their own dating apps. It's really sad. And there's like literally zero dating apps for lesbians that don't allow trannies on them because I guess they would get bombed on social media or whatever. Anonymous for 2725 says, thanks for all the good times and laughs. Thank you very much. 4:22:00 Unknown_39: Cole Cole for 10 says, Hey Josh, thanks for being my favorite streamer without cancer. I remember how I started talking to my ex GF again. She and her friends are very Tumblr leftist and cram friends. Do you have any advice on how I can stop liking her as I have more for a decade, bro? That's cringe. Don't put it on a pedestal, bro. I can tell that in that relationship, that power dynamic, you're the weaker one. Just from the way you wrote that. You should just say the N-word in front of them. Look them in the eye and just say it. And if they ask you what's wrong with you, just say it again. If you do that, number one, your girlfriend will be more attracted to you. And your fears about this will be alleviated. 4:22:34 Unknown_39: I hope that helps. Crusaders for 10 says, long live the nullocracy. Happy birthday to the farms. My Japanese wife liked your patches. I'm a libertarian. I was going to make a libertarian joke, but you threw me to it. I'm glad. I'm glad she thinks that they're so cute. Ho ho. Very, very, very tasty. Very nice. Cute patch. 4:23:06 Unknown_39: Nones for two says, Nick Fuentes said what? Oh, geez. This is another fucking AI thing. Unknown_23: The problem isn't Jews, okay? The problem is not the Jew, all right? In all seriousness, some of the greatest people in America first are Jewish. This is honestly a kosher movement. Furthermore, I just have to say that we're cool with blacks. Ye is going to lead us to victory. He's going to save the white race, and I'm going to be right there beside him the whole way. 4:23:39 Unknown_39: Trust me. I think he actually said that. That's an actual quote. Konstantin Romanov for $400. Unknown_39: There's a lot of money. And when I see numbers like that, I think of how much time my mom had to wipe ass to get paid that much. And it would be like 20 hours. And it makes me feel really bad. It says, here you go, little guy, 10 years old already. Time to start studying for your bar mitzvah soon. Your dad, Josh, is going to hold on to this until then. Unknown_39: Thank you very much. I'll be sure to study for my bar mitzvah if I'm going to be paid so well to do so. Appreciate it very much. 4:24:11 Unknown_39: Fallen London for five says, would you try a Sunless Sea? It's a game I would provide the same key at slow pace, but incredibly story and world building. I only know about Sunless Sea is that it has like a gender neutral option. Like I said, I'm not really into trying new games. I'll try out the Harry Potter game just because for the memes, but that's about it. I appreciate the offer though. pizza time for 25 says happy anniversary thank you for everything you've done for freedom of speech on the internet it's good we have someone like you willing to do as much as you have to protect even the shit you don't like here's to another decade appreciate it those are the ambitions that's the idea uh where's uh johnny that's there we go this is me when i read these super chats i just think this wait no this isn't right 4:25:11 Unknown_03: Where is it? Unknown_03: That's the idea. Unknown_39: Every time. Unknown_03: That's the idea. Unknown_39: That's, that's literally, he's literally beat Chuck. Literally me. Unknown_39: Uh, I'm an Edgar for five says the guy you're thinking of who got pissed at spinning was Lord cat. I distinctly remember it because I used to watch this stuff and let go of the glasses in high school. And when I first started watching your podcast, he called in and called someone a neighbor. Unknown_39: Oh yeah. Yeah. Unknown_39: I do remember that. Oh my God. I completely forgot about that. That he was active on the forum for a long time. He still might even be. Wow. 4:25:42 Unknown_39: I do remember that. Okay. That's a, that's a blast from the past. I completely forgot about all that. Unknown_39: You're a Nick Gurr for five says, thanks for tolerating the amount of our bullshit for 10 years. George, by the way, you need to watch this. It has to be some of those mesmerizing video I've ever seen. Please stop giving me two videos. I'll never make it through. Unknown_03: It's just a black man dancing. Unknown_39: It's literally, you literally just sent me a video of black men dancing in phone format. Come on, bro. What am I supposed to react to that? Wow, look at black people. They sure can dance. Thank you, though. 4:26:18 Unknown_39: Himi Takamura for 10 says, I drew some anniversary art of the site of Kiwi Chan, the unofficial mascot. I would post it on the site, but I don't have an account anymore. We can just make a new one. They're completely free. You don't have to pay $10 for it. Unknown_04: oh god dude even gave her like lane hair and um i do like the chris like tank top thing that's pretty inspired okay here's kiwi tan by himi takamura thank you anime avatars when dealing with the anime people it's like i don't want to be mean but at the same time it's like what am i supposed to say to an anime thing 4:27:00 Unknown_39: I do. Okay, look, I like the Chris. Is that a choker? That's like a Sonichu Medallion choker. Okay, I take it back. I'm not sure how I feel about the Sonichu Medallion choker now that I've seen it. Appreciate the effort, though. Thank you. Unknown_39: anonymous for two says i'm surprised that more people don't bring up christy lynn walker nemo she was a teacher's assistant who drew really graphic art of cartoon characters vomiting and eating poop and groomed kids into vomit play a few of her victims are in the kiwi farm store bro i have never heard of that i apologize for not bringing it up but i've literally never heard that before that sounds pretty fucked up 4:27:34 Unknown_39: Noel is awesome for 25 says I remember seeing an OG channel your OG channel in high school when you had the video of the fat woman saying I've seen every stream for 5 years you don't give yourself much credit but if everyone had 10% of your astuteness and resilience the world would be so much better well the resilience yes but I mean I don't know if retarded people were more resilient it would make things better you need like principled people to actually give a fuck about things to stand up for what they believe in appreciate it though Unknown_39: Farada for 25 says thanks for the streams Josh the archives up to a lot of time during deployment keep it up and happy 10 years for excellence here's 25 for your future silver mine appreciate it man thank you for serving Israel we always love our IDF soldiers out there keeping the homeland for the Jewish people free from danger couldn't do it without you salutes big outs my boy Unknown_39: uh paul for 545 says would you consider doing a follow-up to the internet jutee stream from here is that uh maybe it's been i've thought about it maybe i could cool goose for 10 says do more person streams maybe thought about it maybe i can mother protector for 50 says call your mother josh it'll mean a lot to her i'm sure it would uh appreciate it though freedom bullets for 10 says how long has it been since peed last like two hours it's killing me two and a half at this point city second for five says uh tucker's final broadcast oh i already know what this is i can't play this i know what i know exactly what it is and it's tucker carlson uh saying that we should kick black people to death and murder black people and report black people to the irs it's like i know what you're trying to do appreciate it though the five dollars young neon fan for five says young neon and there's a youtube video oh my god i'm gonna make a rule where it has to be 20 if you want me to play a youtube clip at this point 4:28:43 Unknown_39: This is just K-pop. Bo, fuck off. I'm not playing your fucking K-pop. 4:29:32 Unknown_39: Enough of this. Unknown_39: Enough of this nonsense. Let me check the Odyssey, and then I'll open up the shitposting thing for literally five seconds. Unknown_03: Let's see. Unknown_03: Did I not start the... Unknown_03: the thing did i not start the odyssey stream it says i'm not live 200 people are currently oh wait no it's working i just had to refresh okay i was very i was very disappointed in myself there for a second 4:30:11 Unknown_39: Blame Canada says, pretend says, happy 10 years, George. I wanted to say, apropos of nothing, that your retarded determination is actually inspiring whenever I feel like quitting something difficult. I remember myself that I have the same retarded determination as Noel, and this has kept me going. Unknown_17: I appreciate it. Unknown_39: I hope that's true. I mean, that's a frustrating quality to have, is leaving stuff undone. Especially if it's some tranny tone, you can't do something. I can't tolerate that. Unknown_39: for five says I just moved to a position I'm doing DevOps filling in over my head but I just remember Terry Davis quote about his bird that bird has no idea what he's doing what he's looking at yet does the bird do does he panic no he can't really panic he just does the best he can that's the power king it's true just do your work and this is another Terry Davis quote about doing your work and how when you do your work you feel real fucking good about it 4:30:59 Unknown_39: variety channel for three says I was surprised to hear that you had such ire for the internet's Jesse PS aka pot awful why is this I've heard you talk about truly despicable people in a calm measured way so shocking to hear you wish for his death I don't know how much you know about him he's not trans he just has long hair he just seems like a piece of shit that inserts himself into everything because he wants to make a buck and I despise people like that I don't know what to tell you I like like creepy weirdos more than I like Unknown_39: grifters especially ones that like there's a difference when you like you make a commentary video using stuff from the kiwi farms and it makes money it's like that's that's whatever but when you like actively insert yourself in the story because you want money and clout like that's fucking disgusting like what a fucking menace and that's all i know about him is that he does shit like that over and over again um king schlog for 10 says do you have no any currents or firmer females in the israeli military 4:31:57 Unknown_39: I already played the clip. No, I do not know. Well, not anymore. I said I knew one person that wasn't in the IDF. Unknown_39: But she was just like an average woman. She wasn't like a model. you're referring to that conversation that's it uh let me check to make sure i haven't missed anything i did miss one this is the last one don't say anything more and i will not read it the cynical negro for two says low tier god is down there 40 but he still does the drexel thing or responds with my dick when he gets bodied and fighting games and it's only amplified after he's just recently gotten the channel taken down for after finally been well keeping a brother down getting his fucking channel deleted and shit that's fucking gay i don't cosign that 4:32:37 Unknown_39: uh okay I'm no more do not send me money I cannot I've had my fill I cannot take any more money um I will now do the thing so get ready in chat I am going to post the thing and you better get in there and you better fucking scream as much as you can when I get the thing open um how do I create okay I have to delete this this discord that I created um create I want to create an invite Unknown_03: Oh, invite people. Unknown_03: Copy. Unknown_03: Okay, here it is. I'm going to post it. And then I'm going to create the thing. You're ready. Unknown_03: And then get into the thing. Unknown_04: Create channel voice channel. Unknown_03: Okay. Oh, geez. 4:33:35 Unknown_39: I don't hear any screaming. RTC connecting. Oh geez. Have I broken? I think I've broken discord. What does RTC connecting mean? Unknown_39: Oh, I think they're all screaming at each other. Hold up. Unknown_39: I have a button to report a raid. Unknown_03: Why can't I hear you people? Allow. Okay. RTC connecting. This doesn't work. 4:34:06 Unknown_03: What a disappointment. Unknown_04: What a piece of shit this fucking software is. Unknown_39: I feel really bad that I told everyone to... I think I'm even talking in the thing. They can hear me talking, but I'm not connected. Unknown_04: What about this one? If I join this one? Unknown_04: RTC connecting? Yeah, it just doesn't let me join. 4:34:40 Unknown_39: I'm not doing it. I just can't. I can't install the application. I have the web chat version and it doesn't work. Unknown_04: Sorry. I apologize. Unknown_33: Yeah, it just doesn't work. Unknown_39: What a letdown. I can't even groom people right. I know, I know. I promised everyone there would be screaming at the end, but I cannot accomplish that. I feel like I let everyone down. 4:35:13 Unknown_39: Maybe, okay, I will refresh the page and see what it says. Allow. Okay. Last attempt. It's still RTC connected. Oh, man. Unknown_39: What an absolute fucking piece of shit. This, uh. Unknown_39: fucking bullshit is i really i really hate discord i hate that i even tried to make like a fun thing out of it because i knew it would be fucking terrible now i have to delete this channel okay um so as i find a way to delete this fucking nightmare that i've created there it is needs goodbye 4:35:51 Unknown_39: Sorry, people. I murdered the server. Unknown_39: I have a song picked out to cap it all off. Unknown_04: I don't know how else to put this. Unknown_04: Thank you for sticking around. Unknown_39: I don't know how to end this now. Thank you for sticking around. Especially through all the two hours of super chats and shit. I appreciate it. Unknown_39: This one goes out to everybody. I'll see you next week. Unknown_04: Bye-bye. 4:36:43 Unknown_07: everything is better with some cows around living in town sometimes brings me down let me bestow this western blessing and share what i have found may you always have cows around Unknown_07: What else you gonna spend that extra money on? What else is gonna get you up hours before dawn? What else is gonna keep you toiling on and on and on? Man, you always have cows around. Unknown_07: Come on, you know that you got too much time on your hands. Not nearly enough complication in your plans. You need to invite all of the frustration that you can. May you always have cows around. Everything is better with cows around. 4:37:30 Unknown_07: Living in town sometimes brings me down. Let me bestow this western blessing. Leaving saddlebound, but you always have cows around. Unknown_07: What else could make the bishop swear like a sailor might? What else can cause such tension between a man and his wife? What else could ever bring all these enhancements to your life? Man, you always have cows around. 4:38:08 Unknown_07: What else is gonna get out when you don't close the gate? What else will make you prematurely show your age? What else will take a run at you in a fit of bovine rage? Man, you always have cows around. Unknown_07: Well, everything is better with some cows around. Unknown_07: living in town sometimes brings me down and although this western blessing leaves you cattle bound may you always have cows around 4:39:02 Unknown_06: Well, there's Hereford, Highland, Simmental, West, Blackton, Maine, and Jew, Keeney, and a limousine, Shorthorn, Charley, Watt, Tuesday, too, Texas, Longhorn, Corrie, and E, Romagnola, Galloway, and Angus, Brahma, Brangus, Jersey, Guernsey, Holstein, hey! Unknown_07: Well, you might have had to let them dig for oil and gas. You might have had to turn the place to an exotic game ranch. You might have had to do all kinds of things to raise the cash so you'd always have cows around. 4:39:54 Unknown_07: Or how else you gonna lose it all like daddy did? What else will make sure you leave nothing for your kids? It's too late now, you know it is, you might as well admit That you've a badly flawed and sentimental masochisticness And that despite all the statistics and the advice that you get You will always have cows around, yeah Unknown_07: Everything is better with cows around Living in town sometimes brings me down Well, you won't know what you're missing till you hear that sound May you always have cows around May you always have cows around 4:40:58 Unknown_21: Yeah.