0:02:06 Unknown_08: that song just ends abruptly someone already sent in like a donation alert thing about the uh soy jack party thing which is like an image board dedicated to soy jack posting i looked at it It was the most incomprehensible thing I've ever seen. Unknown_00: I don't, I really feel like it's like a front. Unknown_08: It feels like there's a secret board where people actually like post and talk to each other, but the rest of the site is just fucking nonsense. However, they post these extremely elaborate videos that they call gems that are like, I played one at the end of my, actually, no, I did not play one at the end of my last stream. There's no evidence that this occurred. Unknown_08: uh but they're like soy jack pictures edited and tweened and set to usually like weird like nazi music or something however this one that i saw that was brand new had a song by a german band i think it's a german band called let me get this right 0:03:06 Unknown_08: anthrazit anthrazit i don't know what the fuck that means i think it's the name of a rock or something um and apparently they're like crypto fashy because all the i could it's it's like a small band their label doesn't exist anymore they just sell merchandise now they have no band website their band website is just like a machine generated like article site and um Unknown_08: It was almost impossible to find a high quality copy of their songs and one was used at the end which I'll talk about when I get there but this was also this is just called track 7 of their album Neuordnung Unseres Denkens which means the thinking of our new order and apparently that's also the name of like a Nazi Germany publication which is why if you try to buy this album online you'll find that a lot of places like Discogs just don't don't allow it to be sold in their marketplace because it's like hate music or whatever the fuck very interesting it drove me crazy trying to find copies of this I eventually found a old like a music review blog that's in German and I managed to find one of their albums that was the wrong one and then I just guessed the file name of this album that I knew about and it worked and now I have the mp3s 0:04:22 Unknown_08: So this sent me off on a wild tangent trying to figure out this song which I will of course save for the end and I'll do a little tidbit about because I looked at the lyrics and stuff. Unknown_07: Anyways! Unknown_07: um wow i have a little bit of a variety and a few news articles this time just some stuff that i've noticed um i've been trying to prepare the site for next week because next friday is february 3rd which means next friday will be 10 Unknown_08: Years one-third of my entire life dedicated to not dedicated the entire time but As admin of the Kiwi farms and I have something that I'm working on. I don't know if it'll be done in time I might decide against it and just scrap the entire idea However, I am certain that there will be some DDoS attacks to try and bring in the site. So I'm working on a little bit of a striped stock project to keep the site up 0:05:05 Unknown_08: And I've been working on fixing the site the entire time before this stream went live. So I'm actually checking something real quick. Unknown_08: So the site's been having downtime this week, just incredibly briefly. We have three servers. I have a fourth one for the chat. And I use Galera Cluster for replication, which means that I can have multiple servers and multiple databases. The issue is that when one goes down, when you restart it, it takes forever to re-sync and it brings down another database. So if you have three databases that run three servers and you expect three servers to be working and one goes down and you restart it, another one goes down until they're re-synced. And it's like a never-ending fucking game of one going down and then two going down to re-bring up the other one and then the other one goes down because it's just a fucking nightmare. I really hate it. I would never use it if I didn't have to federate the system. 0:06:22 Unknown_08: Enough of that. I have some content, some quality content to get into. This one, I actually noticed this by myself. I've been playing Hearts of Iron IV, because of course I have, and I've been testing out the new Italy. I'm not a big fan of the changes to Italy, but while I was reading the Reddit, Unknown_08: I found this post from 14 days ago. There's a streamer named Grisha, who is apparently a Russian streamer of Hearts of Iron 4. He's 16 years old, I want to say. And of course, if you don't know, there's a war between Russia and Ukraine. So there's also modders who decide to try and recreate the invasion of Ukraine. 0:06:57 Unknown_08: through Hearts of Iron 4. And Grisha, who is nationalistic, has played the game. And then there's this clip. This clip is apparently extremely offensive to the Hearts of Iron 4 community. This has almost 1.6 thousand upvotes, more than that. Unknown_08: And it's characterized as a gamer moment. So let's see this gamer moment. What's going on? 0:07:30 Unknown_08: He's very happy. Unknown_00: So, that's basically it. I'll replay it, go step by step, I'll crank down the volume a little bit. 0:08:05 Unknown_08: diplomatic alert and i think that says that the russian federation has defeated ukraine in an ongoing conflict to the victor goes the spoils which is a typical defeat thing um there is i think it looks like he's at war with poland now it looks like belarus has been annexed Unknown_08: This mod is still in development. I've been told and this this Page that goes up says just for clarity because I will be reading the comments and reply to this and I find this interesting the Little pamphlet says destruction of Stepan Bandera's monument while the liberal Ukrainians defended the city of Lviv with tooth and nail they were unable to stop our advance as our forces continue to March and into the city, we were able to find Stepan Bandera's monument. I actually did not know that Lviv had a monument to Stepan Bandera. If you don't know who Stepan Bandera is, in World War II, Germany held, I think, all of Ukraine at the height of the war. Stepan Bandera was a Ukrainian nationalist and anti-communist who basically what he did is he went up to the Gestapo and he said, hello, I want to install a fascist government for Ukraine and I want to help you guys. So the Gestapo said, um, we're going to throw you in jail now because he led like a militia. And they're like, why does this Ukrainian militia guy just think he can come up to us and say he wants to collaborate? They threw him in jail. Then afterwards, a couple of years later, the Gestapo was like, wait a second. We probably could really use a collaboration government in the Ukraine. So let's bring the Stepan Bandera guy out and install him as a collaborationist in Ukraine. And that's what they did. The government didn't last very long. It was never recognized by anybody. 0:09:34 Unknown_08: But he was briefly an anti-communist ruler of Ukraine installed by the Gestapo. There are monuments to him because, of course, Ukraine does not look very fondly on the days of the Soviet Union, if you don't know. 0:10:17 Unknown_08: Stalin had an approach most people have heard of the Holodomor But most people don't know that the reason why the Holodomor happened is that Stalin wanted to make the Ukrainians want communism So they did that by simply forcing people onto farms and then restricting their ability to buy food So if they didn't adopt agrarianism and grow their own food, they would just die and a lot of people died Unknown_08: So that's why people kind of revere Bandera. However, his history is complicated right now because, of course, he was a literal Nazi collaborationist that went up to the Gestapo and was like, I would like to work with you. And that's a bit of a faux pas in retrospect, at least to the liberal West. So. Unknown_08: That's that's the gist of this clip, I've gone into a huge fucking tangent about this. However, I have shown you this not because I want to rag on Grisha or because I want to talk to you about Ukrainian history, because I know nobody gives a fuck. 0:11:15 Unknown_08: I want to read the comments. This is why I brought this up, because I found the comments very funny. If you don't know, Hearts of Iron 4 is a World War II simulation game. It's very loosely a strategy game. Hearts of Iron IV is not very realistic, and there's lots and lots of really stupid dumb shit that you can do, and the AI is so broken that you can basically always win if you want to use cheese strategies. Unknown_08: Basically, the AI, for an example of how Hearts of Iron IV is a really shit game that is basically just like a wish fulfillment simulator, 0:11:47 Unknown_08: The AI will never use paratroopers because the AI is dumb and badly programmed by Swedes. However, they have no idea how to deal with paratroopers either. So all you have to do if you want to kill any country is make paratroopers that just have a thousand men each and use them to capture every victory point in the enemy country. And if you do that, you will always capitulate that country and the AI will not do anything to stop you from doing that. So the game is broken. So what happens is you get a lot of people playing Hearthstone 4 who are like, oh my God, what if like, what if like Hitler was like ousted and it was like socialist and then the Germans and the Soviet Union teamed up against the imperialists in France and the United Kingdom and America. and it also made them communists? Or what if the small, localized anarchist movement and the Spanish Civil War took over the whole world and thieved the means of production and got rid of state tyranny? And that's like everybody who plays this fucking game, which is why the modders for it are like the most insane trannies on the face of the planet. That's that is literally all they do. And because they can just cheese, shred everything. It's like, OK, the anarchist paratrooper division captures Paris before Germany does. And now they they have an unstoppable army. Like that's that's that's the game. It's a good way to sink a couple hours trying to figure out. Huh. What if Italy actually beat back Romania? This is what I do. What if Italy beat back Romania and then installed Stepan Bandera as like an Italian fascist collaboration with the government? And then when Stalin tried to seize Bethlerabia from puppet Romania, Italy declared war and brought the full force of the fascist empire on Stalin and freed the Ukrainians from Stalin. That's me when I play. It's just, it's the same. It's also gay. It's not less gay when I do it. It's just, that's what I do instead. 0:13:42 Unknown_08: Anyways, um, so here is Jonambat says he is streaming from the headquarters of the Wagner group. That is a joke. They don't really actually seem to understand that that's a joke. I will, I will excuse this one. 34 stability and 7% war support. At least the mod is somewhat accurate. That appears to be the negative modifiers that the modders have given it because I guess the war isn't popular even in Russia or maybe he's done things in the game to drop his war support. So he's like, hmm. So the government's really unstable and no war support. Nobody in Russia supports this. Dab on Putin. And then Big Brony Boy says, not with that war support, unfortunately. It seems the Russian population is willing to get fucked in the ass long as they can be big, strong Russia, as opposed to the West, which is willing to get literally fucked in the ass and raped and murdered in the name of not being racist. 0:14:35 Unknown_08: I'm new to Holy Forest so I don't know the community. Who is he and why does everyone hate him? Unknown_08: Used to be a decent guy and he's a scum. He unironically supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yeah, this guy's slightly too patriotic. I think he's too nationalistic, really too much. I think the video explains why no one likes him. What's really funny about the comments is that you're playing a game Unknown_08: literally about fascism. The World War II is a very complicated, I think it was mostly a monetary thing. It was like the UK wanted to cut Germany down to size and stop it from ever challenging it ever. 0:15:09 Unknown_08: And Hitler wanted to break away from the global monetary system that was in place. That's why I think the war was the war. But post hoc, we've said that it's a fight against fascism. So we have a war that is historically classified as a fight against fascism. And these people are stunned in disbelief that there are people who are nationalistic. Like, they don't even know. They can't even fathom that this thing in their game that they play all fucking day is real. Like, there are people who are patriotic and nationalistic in the world, and it really fucks with them. 0:15:45 Unknown_08: I don't understand that. You can't even, like, when you play games like European of Izalas and Hearts of Iron IV, you really can't even avoid learning history. You're just forced to learn it, because that's like, it defines the rules of the game, and yet these people are shocked. Unknown_08: This is this is a great thread Matching chart says when will he be mobilized or is he the son of the privileged? Unknown_08: This guy immediately clarifies that he desperately wants to list, but he's only 16 So he has to wait at least like a over a year before he can the list But this guy's first thought is I want him to die. I wouldn't be blown up. Yeah, that guy's Super entrenched. There was one more it was like I 0:16:21 Unknown_08: There's another one that's more violence. Like I want him to be like crying in the trenches. They're like, I hope he dies I hope he gets drafted That's just a joke about the VDB very funny You Unknown_07: Talking about the VDV again, because apparently he's in the paratroopers uniform. 0:16:53 Unknown_08: And if you don't know, the VDV is the paratrooper divisions, and Putin heard from Hearts of Iron IV that if you just send paratroopers to capture all the victory points, it'll capitulate the country instantly. However, he didn't realize that doesn't work in real life, so he just sent all the paratroopers to die horrifically in airstrips. Unknown_08: And that was considered by many to be a blunder at the start of the war. Unknown_07: Mod is hearts of coke very popular in Russia these days What a shame he took the road he did he was a good video game maker Never trust to teach teenager who always screams Russia and unironically hangs both Russian Imperial flag and Soviet flag in his room I 0:17:49 Unknown_07: Can't find the comment where they're like oh, I hope oh this waiting for this motherfucker to get drafted Unknown_08: They want him to die. Oh, and this, they're calling him Nazi. Yes, indeed, Grisha, Nazi pigs don't desert women. They're so, so stuck up their own ass. I did a video way back when the war first started on my take, and my take is complicated because I, sorry, that's my keys. My take is complicated because I understand Russia's desire not to be completely rolled up in a carpet by the West. Unknown_08: And I understand Ukraine's desire to be independent from Russia and not wanting to be Russia's bitch like Belarus's Sorry to any Belarusians out there, but you know, it's true So I have a I have the I'm the only person in the entire world who has managed to find a fence-sitting position On the war because I know people in both countries and it does not it does not make me happy. So in case anyone's wondering Jewish shill, that's right boy. I Always sent for Israel 0:18:41 Unknown_08: Uh, okay, so... Unknown_08: This post, in response to you, Bardfin, says, it's targeted harassment and ominium, a violation of the rules on personal identity at best, and terroristic violence. Remove items referring to people there in action as, okay, let me retake this, because this is a fucking obnoxious post. Bardfin posts in a thread on Reddit called, in rmodhelp, so top down, rmodhelp. post by goddess of night moths asking night rule reddit rules on kiwi farms bard fin reply is saying it is targeted harassment at minimum a violation of the rules on personally identifiable information and terroristic violence remove items referring people there and action them as targeted harassment even if it's just quote go look at blah blah's thread on kiwi farms the owner slash operator 0:19:22 Unknown_08: is an ideologically motivated violent extremist, all caps, so I'm an IMVE, in other words, or racially or ethnically motivated violently extremist. Unknown_08: The users are as well. Counter and prevent the use of the site to harm others. I reply saying, what a humiliating post to make. I feel bad for you. Can you identify what makes me a violent extremist? Unknown_08: You can only see this here because if you try to open this, you will not find it. It has been deleted. I don't know who by, but it just is. So we can look at the replies to this. 0:20:20 Unknown_08: goddess of night moths These are two women talking to each other And She says great. Thank you. The main mods aren't active So I wasn't sure what to do since it seemed to be allowed previously before I was mine people asked for clarification about this and There is none given. In fact one is removed by I don't I guess that's like a that's my reply I guess like that's removed by a moderator 0:20:52 Unknown_07: And then all the other comments are also. OK. So this person, Bardfin, is named Stephen Joel Atkins, also known as Penelope Verity Oken. Unknown_08: This is, this is her. Oh wait, no. This is, this is the real Bardfin. Bardfin is like a well-known power mod of, um, of the, of, of the Kiwi farms, thankfully, of Reddit. 0:21:29 Unknown_08: And I think they're active on like a hundred different subs. I want to say this is one of those power mods that is like a hundred, over 60 subreddits as of February, 2021. Unknown_08: So that's the situation going on there. Uh, I want you to, they actually stream apparently, uh, oh, there's a chief of, of, of the against hate subreddits. So if you want to know who runs against hate subreddits, it's this person, just so you know. Unknown_08: Um, they have a kid and they transitioned after having a kid, I think after their divorce. Um, and this is like a video that they did. So I want to play just a couple of seconds of it so you can get a good vibe for it. 0:22:07 Unknown_05: okay um this is going to be a hard video to make because i feel betrayed wait i didn't listen to this i wanted to queue this up so i could hear it too betrayed is this a british where's this wait hold up let me see i want to i can't want to show any docs i'll play the audio a bit but it's like that sounds kind of british to me People who I've grown close to over the past year and a half. People who helped me find my identity. Unknown_05: People who I thought were just- It says Texas, but- Trying to fight to make the world a kinder place, but after seeing what I've seen recently, I just can't do this anymore. Unknown_08: Oh my god. Unknown_08: No, I'm wrong. Wait. Unknown_07: Oh, no, they do have a biological kid. They also have a stepson, apparently. 0:23:03 Unknown_07: Okay. Oh, and then they were arrested for domestic violence. Unknown_08: That's right. Unknown_08: So this person who was against hate subreddits is also beating around their, their, their, their stepson's mother, I guess. Unknown_08: Aussie. It says Texas. So I'm not sure. I don't know. I don't know what's going on with this person. Australian is what chat is saying. Unknown_08: Yeah. I thought that was worth pointing out. I find that funny. They, oh, by the way, um, they said that we got hacked and are celebrating it. I don't think anything came of that because I shut it down as soon as I saw something was amiss and I checked the logs and I'm pretty sure that they didn't get any kind of information. So, uh, Wikipedia also proudly announces that we were hacked, but, um, not the, not the time that information actually leaked. 0:23:34 Unknown_07: I don't know. Unknown_07: Um, okay. Speaking of hacks, actually, the U S has been hacked specifically a shitty contracting company that develops stuff for planes has been hacked and the no fly list has been leaked. Unknown_08: However, from what I know, it's not leaked to the public yet because the person who hacked it is this Swiss transsexual named Maya who decided to hack into, uh, whatever the fuck this is. 0:24:24 Unknown_08: They get the no fly list and then post their Pokemon toys and then say that if you are a, I believe it is in the public interest for this list to be made available to journalists and human rights organizations. If you are a researcher or other party with legitimate interest, please reach out to noflyatcrimew.gay. So only, Unknown_08: Verified CNN journalists will be allowed to have access to this list and until it leaks which of course it will this This is the person who has hacked the u.s. Federal government's no-fly list and it kind of reminds me of this meme Oh, yeah, they have the hunch they have the eunuch hunch crazy 0:25:12 Unknown_08: So this is the person who did it, and by the way, it reminds me of this meme, where the Russians say, no, you can't just vaporize my entire armored division, we had such a manly recruitment ad. And then the Zoomer thought is saying, oh my God, integrated fire support, go off Queens, jay downs are such a Gemini thing. And it's like that, except it's America who's getting hacked by the fucking trannies from Switzerland. I mean, I can't imagine. Unknown_08: Destiny literally uses this meme unironically to talk about how, for whatever reason... Unknown_08: like the the bread tubers are like crazy to me because you have someone who should be like against the military industrial complex and Then when it comes time to like murder Russian people People like destiny and on the bread tube side are just like completely more than happy to celebrate the deaths of like 0:26:11 Unknown_08: You know by the military-industrial complex as long as like the people doing the killing are like trunes, you know what I mean? They're pro-global hum, I guess that's the best way to summon but yeah, just want to bring that out there this The US I'm sure that's all gonna be Muhammad's. However, people are interested in if Nick Fuentes is on it I don't think he is though not anymore Unknown_07: Um, this is also a small update about miriam yanov who was jessica jessica jonathan yanov's mother She is a first generation israeli immigrant. 0:26:53 Unknown_08: She's also fucking insane. She's like one of the most insane people ever Um, and her childhood is a pedophile allegedly but probably Um, they have been arrested twice in one week Mischief false alarm of fire uttering threats to burn destroy or damage and false alarm of fire So they they're in an apartment building and they keep setting off the the fire alarm, so now they're being evicted from their home and Not allowed within 200 feet of their apartment complex 0:27:26 Unknown_07: So this is like a dozen charges between her and Jonathan Yaniv. Unknown_08: Which to remind everybody, in case you're new, Jonathan Yaniv is someone I did a stream about years ago. Unknown_08: And Jonathan Yaniv was friends with the co-founder of Twitter. Any feminist who made a blog talking about Jonathan Yaniv would be banned. Unknown_08: Jonathan was able to get feminist wordpress blogs shut down was able to get lots of feminist banned off Twitter and This was because he had sued five different waxers private like women who did bikini waxes in their homes We're not waxing his testicles in their homes. I said they weren't comfortable so he sued them all and he sued them all in the Human Rights Tribunal of the Canadian court system and 0:28:10 Unknown_08: And Jonathan was not only able to get my Twitter account banned, he was also able to get my YouTube account banned. Because when I was going to stream on him, I used a thumbnail with a picture of him as the thumbnail. Unknown_08: And he was able to strike this stream an hour before it was meant to go live. So this person had immense power. They went by trusted nerd and they held the reins of a lot of social media shit before the thing like completely broke open and went out of control. So just to give you an idea of like who it is, what kind of people are in social media. And I like to remember remind people about this every so often because I'm sure there are many Jonathan Yonah's left in Google and in Twitter and in everywhere. 0:28:49 Unknown_08: But Jonathan lives within like apparently she she cannot go within 200 meters of the apartment complex and His house is with also with his apartments also within 200 meters so they're speculating if she won't be able to even legally visit her son because It's in that that that parameter just a 0:29:30 Unknown_08: When I say she, I mean Miriam, the mother. Are you guys like, are you fucking retarded? She's not transgender. She's a Jewish woman from Israel. She's not trans. Unknown_08: Man, the pronoun police shit really fucking bothers me. Like, I don't care what pronouns you're going to use, but when you all freak out and go, you're saying they instead of he. Unknown_08: Yeah, because when I say, like, when I say Liz, Liz Fong Jones, it sounds weird to say Liz. He, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't jive in your brain. Unknown_07: It's fucking irritating. 0:30:09 Unknown_07: I need water. I might get up to get water. I might abandon post to get water at some point, you know, because I go quiet. Unknown_07: Why? Unknown_07: uh okay speaking of uh of greater than she i have some anisa joma clips if you don't know anisa is um idubbbz is better this this woman has gone through phases she has borderline personality disorder she is mentally ill she's also canadian she has hired greek people to send dmca complaints i've i've stopped receiving those i guess she ran out of money to pay for those 0:30:51 Unknown_08: I don't know how else to describe Aniza except busted. Unknown_08: Like I see this woman and you know I don't know if I've ever said this before but when I do streams on people I really try Unknown_08: not to go for obvious, like really low hanging fruit. I try to avoid that. I try to be more clever about it because I could just look at people and say, damn, she's fucking ugly. What an ugly bitch this is. And I would be right in doing so. And I think a lot of people would enjoy that. But, um, like if you like, she's obviously ugly. I don't feel the need to point that out. 0:31:25 Unknown_08: However, Unknown_08: With Aniza, her ugliness is such a core part of her character. If you look back on how she started versus where she's at now, she has actively tried to make herself as unattractive as possible. And I don't know how else to describe Aniza except saying, she looks like a woman who gets routinely beaten with a crowbar and is always in various stages of healing from being beaten halfway to death with a blunt object. Busted she looks straight up fucking busted People are saying F and I think my stream is just fine, so I don't know why people are saying F Oh, yeah I have in fact and now it's back calm down Calm down. 0:31:59 Unknown_08: Susan knows I'm allowed to say that this bitch is straight up fucking busted. That's the real takeaway here. Unknown_08: However, also busted is iDubbbz. So I'll play this. Unknown_08: Aniza says, dance monkey dance. I gave you the croon today. Oh, do it the long way. Unknown_12: Yeah, that's the long way. Unknown_12: No, you gotta put your hands down with it. It's long, though. It's more long if your hands are up. If you go down, if you crunch, if you crunch and then up, I think that's Luddy the Long Way. 0:32:53 Unknown_00: What does that even mean? Unknown_12: So you know how they do the hand down? Unknown_00: Oh, you start down? Unknown_12: Yeah, and then you do it up with both hands. I feel like that's the gritty stance. That is the gritty stance. But if you do it, if you really express yourself, you'll be doing Luddy the Long Way. Unknown_05: This way? Unknown_12: Yeah. This way? Unknown_05: Yeah. This way. 0:33:26 Unknown_12: There's something extremely unsettling about the way that she says you have a fat dumper Unknown_08: I don't know what it is. So now this busted ass hoe has got Idubbbz, someone that people used to like, dancing like a monkey. 0:34:03 Unknown_08: Look at this. Look at how busted she is. I mean, I don't know what to tell you guys. This is what busted looks like. You want to know what busted looks like? That's busted right there. Unknown_08: I don't know if I was muted on accident when I was describing how she looks like she got beaten with a crowbar and is healing from it, but that's, uh, that's what I'm going for. Unknown_08: Anyways, that's the news update. Speaking of busted, uh, Dylan Mulvaney, which is the X days, a girl has posted what they look like now that they've healed up after facial feminization surgery. I've not watched this. So, um, let's watch it together. You ready? 0:34:38 Unknown_08: I regret this already. Unknown_08: So he's like in a weird scissor glass like dress and he looks like a man who looks kind of like Michael Jackson. He's got that too much surgery face and he's dancing. 0:35:12 Unknown_08: He's a, he's a, he is, he is, this guy's AGP. Watching this edit, you can tell this is a man who is deeply, deeply in love with himself. And this is pure like erotic AGP shit for him. Unknown_08: He's still just like doing many, many different shots of himself in this dress. 0:35:46 Unknown_08: More dancing. Unknown_08: Oh, playback aborted due to a network error. Wonderful. Unknown_08: I guess we're safe. Wow. This is so insipid. Unknown_08: Oh, here we go. Oh my gosh. Unknown_06: Hi, I missed you. Unknown_04: You know, I have a flair for the dramatics. Unknown_08: This dude wants to fuck himself. This is, would you fuck me? I can't make it stop now. This error has broken the site. Unknown_08: He can mute it I guess. Unknown_08: So, uh, yeah, there you go. That's why being so famous because you're a tranny that you can go visit Joe Biden and fix your, fix your fucking face. He doesn't even look like, he just looks like, um, Jackson, Michael Jackson. He's just got that plastic surgery face. 0:36:19 Unknown_07: He'd fuck himself. He'd fuck himself hard. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: Um, so I'm a little bit nervous. Unknown_08: Let me, cause I don't know if this has changed since I featured it. Unknown_07: No, I don't think so. 0:37:05 Unknown_07: No. Okay. So Unknown_07: He's not dead yet. I was just checking to see if he's died. Unknown_08: He is not. Unknown_08: Jack Scalfani, the guy who I played only a couple videos of, his most defining feature is that he has, I think his right hand, he suffered a stroke at some point because he can't cook for shit. Unknown_08: And his right hand is like immobilized. 0:37:37 Unknown_08: He has suffered a second heart attack, and he has suffered a second stroke. So now he's in the intensive care unit of the local hospital in urgent care, and he is presumably going to die. They're saying that his condition looks bad. They don't know if he'll make it. Unknown_08: I think he's conscious, but he's on death's door. Unknown_08: So, uh, based on what I've been told, what the family has made public, uh, he is on, uh, on his way out. 0:38:15 Unknown_08: In honor of Jack Scalfani, I have a seven minute video here, which I'm going to skip through a minute of because we're going to get to the ingredients. Unknown_08: Now that Kay has joined the dark side and has decided to DMCA strike videos all the fucking time, someone has requested that I watch this video called Aunt Myrna's Party Cheese Salad. Which I think I've watched one time because now that I'm looking at the ingredients I was gonna say I never watched this before now that I'm looking at the ingredients I think I've seen this once on the local TV movie night like years and years ago But we'll watch this because this is the classic video people remember very fondly So since this is a podcast I'll try to describe it the best that I can and 0:39:04 Unknown_09: Wait till you see this. I never would have put these ingredients together had it not been for Amarna. You got cream cheese, pimentos, Cool Whip, crushed nuts, any kind that you like. I'm using pecans. Unknown_09: Lemon, or you can use lime jello. Unknown_09: celery, bell pepper, pineapple, and American cheese. Unknown_08: Okay, here's, here's, okay. Number one, American cheese is fucking gross. Cool whip is fucking gross. However, I want to, I want to point something out that people fight over, but I've never noticed the difference. He has green bell peppers, which I'm pretty sure if you ask people who are like into food, what bell pepper they like the most, they always hate green. Um, I never even noticed that they have like different tastes that goes to show you how much of like a food food snob that I am But he's got he's got the dreaded green bell peppers for all of you who appreciate that Believe you this this is crazy. 0:39:38 Unknown_09: Let's go to the stove right now and get this thing started Take your crushed pineapples and pour in the pan 0:40:16 Unknown_09: All right, get your Jell-O mix. You're gonna do one large Jell-O, lemon or lime, or you're gonna do two small packets. I grabbed a large one. Unknown_08: There's just mixing Jell-O straight into the pineapple juice? That's like sugar already, so that's like super, super sweet. I would imagine. You're supposed to dilute that with water. Unknown_08: Is my internet down? Unknown_09: I'm not even sure what utensil to use for this. Unknown_08: He's using like a silicon cake thing. Cake paddle. I don't know what you'd call that. Unknown_09: There we go. 0:40:50 Unknown_08: And yeah, this was so long ago that his arm still works. We're going to stick to the wooden spoon. Unknown_09: All right, so we're going to get this all mixed up. OK, once the Jell-O is dissolved, you're going to add, I chopped up the cream cheese. You're going to add all your cream cheese in there. OK. Unknown_08: Cream cheese into pineapple jello. Unknown_09: That doesn't sound good. Unknown_08: Already that doesn't sound good to me. That sounds a bit like a fucky wucky. Unknown_09: Cream cheese pretty much melted down. You can see the chunks of pineapple in there. 0:41:26 Unknown_08: I don't know how to describe that. Unknown_08: I'm aware that in Polish, and I'm not just trying to be gross, I'm aware that in Polish the word, the English to, Unknown_08: Polish. There is a word for yellow and it is. Unknown_08: Zolty, I think. Zolty. That's, that means yellow. That also means throw up. And when I see this kind of like really off white, yellow pineapple color, I'm thinking that's Zolty right there. That's the, that, that little tidbit of word knowledge is what jumps to mind. 0:42:00 Unknown_09: About ready to add the rest of the ingredients. We're going to add the, Unknown_09: Chopped celery. Unknown_08: The best bell peppers going in right into the jolte. Unknown_09: Pimento. Unknown_09: The nuts. Wait, what was that? Unknown_09: Bell peppers. Unknown_09: Pimento. Unknown_08: Pimento? Unknown_08: The nuts. Peppers? Wait, was that in the ingredients list? What the fuck? 0:42:36 Unknown_08: Am I losing my mind? Oh. Unknown_08: Pimentos. Okay, that is a thing. That's that's tomatoes, right? Unknown_09: And that's gonna mix that in spicy peppers. Unknown_09: I can't even begin to explain to you how amazing tasting this was. Unknown_08: Oh, okay. It looks horrible, but I'm telling you. Yeah, it looks like barf, because it's like... It's failed me, yeah. You have like the jolty base stock, but then you have like the bright red peppers, the green peppers, and I don't even think the celery's in yet. 0:43:15 Unknown_09: And I have had this. Unknown_08: It's pretty nauseating to look at. I hope mine turns out as good as hers, have as good as hers, I'll be in business. Unknown_08: I'm just mixing it in now. I'm not a pimento enjoyer, I apologize. Unknown_09: There we go, get it all mixed in. Unknown_08: I object to this being called Goy Slop. Goy Slop, nothing that is using natural ingredients Unknown_08: that you make at home can be goyslap. Goyslap necessarily must be something that is made as cheaply and shittily as possible so that it can feed a lot of people and satisfy them and make them fat and stupid and useless. This is bad food, but like, oh, jello. 0:43:53 Unknown_08: Oh, that's a hard one. The jello does make it kind of sloppy, don't it? Unknown_07: Oh. Unknown_07: the fucking cool whip too. Unknown_08: What was the other one that I had that was like really shitty? Unknown_08: Oh, the American. OK, the American, the fake American cheese chat. I take it back. The fake American cheese is goyslap. So even though this is made at home, the ingredients are the quintessential components of goyslap. All right. 0:44:28 Unknown_09: Here's a crucial ingredient. Unknown_09: Your whipped cream. Let's get that out there. Unknown_08: How do you come up with this? What the fuck? Like, honestly, what did Aunt Myrna do? Unknown_09: Gonna mix that in gently. Unknown_08: That made that, like, a good idea. Unknown_09: And I don't recommend using, uh, it's the Cool Whip. I don't recommend using Imitation or Fat Free or Sugar Free. 0:45:02 Unknown_08: Cool Whip is Imitation. Does he not know this? Cool Whip isn't real whip. Unknown_09: It's what's called Cool Whip. Unknown_09: If you don't have Cool Whip, just use real whipped cream. Creamiest you can find. Thickest you can find. Now I'm going to move this off to the side. Unknown_08: It's oil, that's right. It's not Cool Whip. Or I mean, it's not like real whipped cream. That's why they have to label it like that. Unknown_08: The jolte has now entered the pan. 0:45:37 Unknown_09: Kind of mix it around so the pineapples all throughout the Unknown_09: Just make sure all your ingredients are all throughout the dish, okay? Take your spoon gently through, you can smell. There's just something about the bright red and the bright green and the yellow. Unknown_08: Oh, fuck, here comes the goy cheese. The FDA legally dairy byproduct that you can buy as a consumer in the United States. Unknown_08: Fun fact, American yellow cheese is considered to be schlop everywhere. Except in one country. There is one country that cannot get enough of that shit. And I think it's because 0:46:12 Unknown_08: It's Korea. And I think it's because they're Asian. They have lactose intolerance. So that cheese is the closest thing they can get to eating cheese without shitting their brains out. I'm pretty sure that's why. Because it's not real cheese. I don't think it has any lactose in it. It's fucking garbage. We're going to chill this overnight, and then we're going to take a look at it in the morning. Unknown_09: It's going to be solid. It's going to be cold. It's going to be sweet. It's going to be delicious. 0:46:46 Unknown_09: Okay, well I realized I didn't have to wait overnight, and the family wants to try this out, so. Unknown_08: The family, his family is looking at the jolti in the fridge and thinking, I papi, I desperately want to get at this, I can't, I can't, papa, I can't hold my hunger in anymore, I need the jolti, please, please papa, take it out of the fridge. Unknown_09: Four hours, as you can tell. Unknown_09: It's completely solid and cold. And it looks beautiful, look at that. Doesn't that look great? 0:47:22 Unknown_09: Look how awesome that looks. Unknown_09: Alright, so let's serve up a little section here. Unknown_09: And try it out. Unknown_09: And you just cut it almost like a dessert. Unknown_09: And you just scoop it out. Unknown_09: Look it, can you see it? Can you see that? It's beautiful. Place it on a plate. Come on. Unknown_08: There are many words for that. Some of them are Polish, but beautiful isn't one of them. I can't even describe it. Like if I'm trying to describe this end product, he's kind of like a corner of it. I'm trying to describe the word I could use so that podcast listeners would know what the fuck to imagine. It looks like a cheese omelet. Because it looks like a regular like You know like a frying pan full of egg that has been cooked and now there are there's like American cheese sprinkled on top And of course, it's got bread in it like some peppers and some green bell peppers in it and celery So but I mean, you know minus the celery thing like that's an omelet, but it's not an omelet instead of egg. I 0:48:31 Unknown_08: There is a mixture of cream cheese, Cool Whip, and pineapple and Jell-O that makes up the base instead of egg yolk. It's really, that's probably as close as I can get just using words. Wow. Unknown_08: Vomlit. Unknown_09: Vomlit. That's good. Of course, I don't know if mine came out as good, so. Unknown_09: Here's to. Unknown_08: I remember how this ends. Unknown_09: He takes a bite. 0:49:02 Unknown_08: Low, slow chewing. Unknown_08: Still chewing. It blows my mind that it's so sweet and dessert-like and has all those vegetables in it. Unknown_09: And American cheese on top. It is really Unknown_08: Does he take that second bite? Unknown_09: He's not going to do it. It's sweet, and it's crunchy, and it's got a custard feel to it on your tongue. It's beautiful. Unknown_08: He's not going to do it. It's going to cut. I bet you a million dollars it's going to cut before he puts that shit in his mouth. See you in the next episode. 0:49:35 Unknown_09: Take care. Unknown_08: Yes! Yes! Unknown_08: He takes one bite and he's fucking done I don't even think he swallows before Before he manages to cut the video Some to the family you guys have a good one and I'll see on the next episode. Unknown_09: Take care BAM gone Yeah, boy Unknown_08: What a what a I think the word would be Keno that is that classic Keno dogma 2007 that you just can't that never happens on YouTube anymore people like this Don't don't make it to the big leagues like they used to in 2007 0:50:24 Unknown_08: uh so that's uh that's our send-off to jackselfana if he decides to die today um i hope everyone has enjoyed aunt myrna's party party cheese salad aunt myrna is a fucking sick bastard she brings that to a party Unknown_08: That's how you get revenge on your shitty stepson is this fucking idiot Jack married yours She's your aunt So you're your cousin or your niece and you hate him and you want to ruin his big Family gathering so you can cock this shit and you put it out on their Thanksgiving buffet And everyone takes a bite and they're just like holy shit. This guy calls himself a professional chef and he's serving this this fucking jolte this is horrendous elizabeth bow i don't know who the fuck that is bro you got to make a post on like the manny thread because i think you've asked like every day for like the last month and it's i just i i've never even heard the name i wouldn't even know where to start with that i apologize anyway 0:51:14 Unknown_07: Helpless I don't care about politics. I want to talk about the trench. Unknown_08: I did a video a while back about the trench about What we've come to call alpaca cow the mass bear the alleged burial of six million alpacas and the Colorado deserts a strip of land which has been so thoroughly threshed by overpopulation of alpacos that 0:52:13 Unknown_08: you can see it from you can literally see photograph images of this parcel from space because it is completely ruined they're not a pack of wits a pack how like that how but with a pack is Unknown_08: Bonnie, who I believe is one of the founding members of the Tranch, has announced that, quote, there have been some major developments within the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch, colloquially known as the Tranch. Unknown_08: And I think a solution can be found is my understanding that animals are currently in the process of being rehomed. She did not clarify if rehome meant actually giving away to people who want alpacas or being buried in a hurry to cover the evidence of their crimes as they prepare for a withdrawal from the area. 0:53:09 Unknown_08: That remains to be seen. Unknown_08: That will be decided at a trial at a later date, perhaps in southern Germany. Unknown_08: And she continues saying, I hope that further talks will bring about the dissolution of the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch and that peace will come to those harmed. Unknown_08: In a reply, someone named Nova Cipher replies saying, does the ASPCA or any other animal welfare organization just not care about how these poor alpacas are being treated? Bonnie replies saying, I have contacted the Colorado Humane Society. I'm going to try the Department of Agriculture next. I'm working on having the animals examined before they are rehomed. But once they leave the property, they are leaving behind a great deal of forensic evidence. I know where to exhume. So, 0:53:43 Unknown_08: Bonnie, who is the lead prosecutor in the Alpacaburg trials, will be exhuming the bodies that the Tranche thinks that they have cleverly hidden from investigators. And we'll be applying this information where applicable under international law. 0:54:18 Unknown_08: This is a post from the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch saying, Hey y'all, as efforts to ramp up the move to our new location, we have closed the online store temporarily. You can still get merch if you stop in and visit, but with all the chaos of a move, we don't want to get behind on orders. We will open back up mid-summer. I think that Bonnie does reply to this and says, Unknown_08: Keep in mind, and here they are undermining the efforts of them continuing to sell merchandise. Bonnie replies saying, keep in mind that if you plan on buying more merch in the future, that it will not be going towards housing trans people or feeding our herd of animals. This is a, what appears to be a telegram or discord message saying, they're moving, they have the plan of giving up the herd, going into more farming on Penny's parents' land, giving up the housing thing, but still doing shout outs and stuff like the indigenous people stuff. if they can get back into housing great, if not, oh well. Penny has expressed her frustration that housing had been a mess and that they want to do agriculture for weed and farmers markets moving forward, which is a less destructive endeavor. I would imagine 0:55:00 Unknown_08: If you're going to go into agriculture, as someone who's never done agriculture, maybe start with a plant. Maybe start with like a kitchen plant. If you can have a plant on your desk that doesn't die, then you can start looking at like tomatoes and stuff. And then if you can manage to have a bunch of tomatoes and those don't die, then maybe you can try a chicken. And then if those don't die, you can try something bigger. I think it's a bad idea to go for exotic camelids immediately, even though they are very cute. I can imagine why you would do that if you don't have any forward-thinking abilities whatsoever. 0:55:43 Unknown_07: Basil plants, exactly. So, in reply to Bonnie, I believe, 0:56:27 Unknown_08: Alena No Minaguri replies saying, Hey, I have, I'm assuming that they're, that they're a polycule. They're one of those people that has like a headmate thing going on where they pretend to be schizophrenic because I think they have multiple personalities listed in their name. Unknown_08: But this this person replies saying sorry these people reply saying I have been to the trench Multiple times the animals are not being abused the trench however is being forced into a bad situation future harassment from bad actors they basically have to move because of this and are needing to rehome them is due to the bad actors and Unknown_08: Nova replies saying bad actors are responsible for the alpaca graveyard, I guess. Good reply, I guess. This is the bio of this person. Alana Foxy, a six-tailed fox known as Sylvan Curinzon Tutato-da. 0:57:08 Unknown_08: a median of the menagerie system trans male to female she her demisexual other kin therian and fey species dysphoric from denver colorado you can find them at feyfox.org uh i do want to see this the deceptive site ahead attackers on feyfox may trick you into doing something like installing software 0:57:44 Unknown_08: Um, I can, I literally cannot visit this site. Unknown_08: My, my browser is not, Oh wait, I can visit this site. Okay. Unknown_08: It's not, it's not letting me Google Chrome is telling me Josh. Oh wait, I got in. Why? I don't understand how this site is listed. Unknown_07: Dangerous. Unknown_07: Um, very strange. Unknown_08: It's just like a copy of their Tumblr blog where they've somehow fucked up their security so badly that Google Chrome is just like, absolutely not. You're not visiting the site. 0:58:20 Unknown_07: Um, and I believe that this is them. Unknown_08: For clarity, this is a, let me make sure I get it right. Wait, no, this is a differently person. Unknown_07: This is exceedingly gay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Unknown_07: Oh no, that is them. This is them. Unknown_07: This is the Alema Menagerie. Unknown_08: And I'm saying them. I mean that, I don't mean that as a singular they, I mean that as a plural they. This is them. This is a, uh, she, her, demisexual, other, kentherian, fey species, dysphoric. 0:58:58 Unknown_08: Wow. Unknown_08: That's a really bad fursuit. Unknown_08: That's funny. I feel bad. Like, I know these probably take a lot of work to make, but that is really fucking bad looking. Maybe it's just like they wear it bad. There you go. Unknown_08: These are the people that are allowed to own alpacas for some reason, I guess. Unknown_08: Here's the member of their polycule, by the way. The Fox is Elena Trypnot, the Fairy Fox or Sylveon, which is a Pokemon. 0:59:31 Unknown_08: The Mushroom is Myriam Vulpeculi Trynot, the Mushroom Fox or Jackal. The Lizard is Ryslay Serenti, the Fairy Dragon, Swallower of Tears. Unknown_08: The bunny is a Miranda trip, not feyish bunny. The flower is Abbe no Kuzu no ha kitsune. Yes, that kids are no deal with it. So when I read that and you thought, oh, my God, the Kuzu no ha. Yes, it is that Kuzu no ha actually. Unknown_08: The Infinity Symbol is Myokanita Vulpeculi, the Divine Mushroom Fox. And then they also are a computer that says, ARIEL, Artificial Intelligence. So not only are they this insane person, they're also an artificial intelligence. 1:00:13 Unknown_08: all this shit and they're still retarded you would think between like the eight of them they would be not retarded especially with the computer in their head they would be not retarded but alas they are a retard a retard yes that's an adult that's that's like a 60 year old man Unknown_08: who's been a, it says 25 years. So he's been in the furry fandom since like 1998 and he's still, he's, he's this. Oh, that's funny. 1:00:49 Unknown_08: I'm so glad we live in such a diverse society. Chiat. Chiat with a Y. Now that I've eaten my gym potatoes, I'm going to start calling you Chiat. Unknown_07: Weimar I'm pretty sure that this shit was not happening in the Weimar pretty sure that if you if you walk around the streets of Berlin be like Hi, I'm eight people and a computer You would be beaten to death 1:01:32 Unknown_08: The German people would instinctively run at you with whatever weapon was closest to them. Purses, umbrellas, walking sticks, and they would just fucking kill you right there as you stood. Just beat you down like you're a fat man taking a trip to Portugal. Unknown_08: There are no Germans. I'm saying that in the Weimar, back when Berlin was the capital of Unknown_08: I guess it was still called the German Reich, but it was a much weaker one. Unknown_07: I think it was Republic briefly, right? 1:02:09 Unknown_07: So I was going to, I brought this up for a reason. Oh, I remember there's a story attached to this that I'll go through. Unknown_07: Sorry. I keep getting, cause I'm, I'm coughing. Unknown_08: I'm coughing shit. Unknown_08: Um, so this is Danielle Moscato, who is described as a brave, beautiful woman fighting in six, cis sexism and transphobic bigotry. They described themselves as an atheist, civil rights activist, musician, trans woman, as seen in the New York Times, Time, Wall Street Journal, the BBC, CNN, O'Reilly, Hendy, NPR, Rolling Stone, Facebook page. So this is a super important person that you need to take seriously. Here here she is in all of her beauty and glory If you can't tell this is a fat man, and he has some kind of fucked up mark on his face It looks like someone like Hit him straight between the eyes with some kind of stick Genuinely looks unkempt So I have seen this person taking shots at us. They they're one of those people that are like hyperactive on 1:03:23 Unknown_08: on twitter making like trying to oh oh shit sorry sorry i apologize here here you go the chat was rolling so fast i'm like damn they really like the commentary that i'm doing for this guy and then i i see that everyone's begging me begging me to turn back on my my browser so i can see what the fuck i'm talking about Unknown_08: So there you go. That's what he looks like. Um, now there is a story attached to this. Like I said, I've seen this person like talk about us a lot on Twitter. Unknown_08: I've never attached it to this person's face. I've never bothered to look them up. However, Unknown_08: Brave Danielle who I believe is a moderator of our atheism on reddit So if you want to know what kind of people moderate on reddit here we have Specimen numbers three for today Danielle Moscato and there there's a little bit going on so I 1:04:28 Unknown_08: Poor Danielle has been having an issue with houselessness, as they like to say. In this big, long Reddit post, or I think it's a Facebook post. Unknown_08: Uh, they describe their their she Or i'm just gonna say she to piss people off. She because this this I mean if we're going to give respect to any trans woman This this is the person to do it to She the beautiful strong fighter for freedoms explains in so many words how she has been, uh wronged by her terrible father and here we have um 1:05:08 Unknown_08: A clip from from this where in the self-defense situation Dan brave Danielle recorded her her argument with her father And I'm gonna play this I'm not listening to this I've been told it's good it's three minutes long so let's listen in Unknown_04: Please leave me alone. Please. I came down to my bedroom. I'm recording right now. I came down here to get away from you. I don't want to talk to you. So please leave me alone. Unknown_08: This was recorded. I want to say, let's, let's look at this because right off the bat, I got some things to say. This was on Tuesday. Unknown_08: January 24th, 2023, our year of Lord. Unknown_08: And this person, who is at least in his 40s, might be in his 50s at this point, because I don't know how old this post is. This post was made in 2016, 2016. So this is seven years ago that this post was made on those. He could be in his 50s now. He looks early, like mid-40s here. He could be in his 50s now. Here he is in his dad's basement. Recording his dad talking about him being a big bully jerk and him saying I just wanted to record I just wanted to have a good stream and have a good time Let's see how it progresses Let's just go away someone in chat asked why record your darkest moment well 1:05:55 Unknown_08: I don't know if you remember, but there was a recording by a guy called Schmorky having an argument with his girlfriend, Amanda, who was schizophrenic and unmedicated. And Schmorky thought that recording this argument would make him, sorry, would make him look really good if he published it online to show what a terrible person that unmedicated schizophrenic is. And it really backfired on him. I wonder what's going to happen with this recording. 1:06:37 Unknown_04: I want to be left alone. I want privacy. Just go away. Just go away. Just leave me alone. Just leave me alone. Just go away from me, please. Go away. Go away. I want you to leave me alone and you are antagonizing me. Get away from me. Go back upstairs. I came down here to get away from you. I came down here to get away from you. Please go away. Please go away. I've asked you 20 times. Please go away. Please go away from me. Please go away from me. Please go away from me. Please go away from me. Go upstairs, please. I came down here to get away from you. This is my bedroom. I don't have anywhere else to go. I had surgery. I can't drive. All my meds are upstairs. I'm in pain. I just want to be left alone. Go upstairs, please. I didn't even have dinner to get away from you. 1:07:18 Unknown_04: I don't have anywhere else to go. Please go away. Please go away. Please leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. I've said this 50 times now. I'm recording all of this. Please go away. Please go away. Please leave me alone. Please go away. I don't know how many times I have to say this. I don't know what else to do. I'm not going to yell at you. I'm not going to hit you. I'm not going to throw things. I want you to go. No, no, no. What do you want from me? Go away. I am repeating this over and over and over. Go away. You go away from me then. Go away from me. Leave me alone. If you're so scared of me, go away from me. I came down here to get away from you. 1:08:21 Unknown_00: I came down here to get away from you. Unknown_04: I came down here to get away from you. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. I don't know what else to say. You are harassing me. Leave me alone. You, you fucked up my wrist and now you are harassing me. Go away from me. I am afraid of you, you motherfucker. Leave me alone. Unknown_08: So this guy, he's now huddling in fear in his father's basement at the age of 50 saying that you have to leave me alone and there's nowhere else to go. I'm thinking like, okay, so you're 50 years old. 1:08:59 Unknown_08: you're tranny and your dad is a big meanie poopy head who hurt your wrists or something at 50. I don't know. And some of that, if he's 50, his dad is like 70. So his 70 year old father is still able to overpower and beat him mercilessly and break his wrist. Unknown_08: And I'm just trying to imagine, how do you budget yourself out of that situation? Thinking like, you know, that, that budget meme where he's like, help, my family is starving and I can't eat. What do I do to budget balance my budget? And like $5,000 a month is going to candles. And someone says, stop buying so many candles. He just says, no. 1:09:36 Unknown_08: I was like, okay, poor Daniel can't afford to rent. His family is beating him. He can't get out of his house. What does he do? Unknown_08: Someone suggests to him, stop spending your every waking hour moderating a Reddit. And he just goes, no. Unknown_08: And that's how we get to here at 50 years old. Unknown_04: You don't deserve to have a child. Get away from me. Get away from me. Get away from me. You're a failure as a parent, you piece of shit. Go back upstairs. I came down here to get away from you. You attacked me and now you're harassing me. I have PTSD. I didn't have dinner. I didn't take my meds. I came down here to get away from you as fast as I could. Go away. Go away from me. This is my room. I have nowhere else to go. Go away. Go away from me, please. 1:10:13 Unknown_08: oh my god there's something about this audio that's triggering a violent part of my brain i'm like seeing red i'm just thinking like if i was that guy there there would be no force in this world to stop me from beating the fuck out of this thing until it goes until he decides of his own volition that he is going to leave my house And he just doesn't stop talking. He doesn't know what to do when he's not on Reddit. He's like, I can't ban my dad from talking to me in my own basement room. Why not? This is a violation of my civil rights of being a trans woman. 1:10:46 Unknown_04: going to stop saying this until you walk upstairs go away go away from me leave me alone we are not doing this now i am recording this because you will not stop harassing me about it go upstairs please he's recording himself he's recording himself talking non-stop i if i Unknown_08: okay let's say that I didn't have the ability to murder this person with my bare hands for whatever reason it was just it was it wasn't allowed off the table something I couldn't do I would just stand there and like you got to maintain eye contact stand there in the doorway maintain eye contact and just allow him to record and just keep talking 1:11:36 Unknown_08: Then like just go back. I mean it says no he was a start up again Just every time he slows down, but anyways the start up again. Just keep doing that until he is tired himself out eventually He would collapse from exhaustion because he's a 50 year old transgender Redditor who's like 500 pounds he would collapse from the sheer exhaustion of speaking and You would you would have won the confrontation without laying a hand on him Unknown_04: You might have nowhere else to go. Go upstairs. Go upstairs, please. Please. Oh my God. How many times do I have to say it? It's been like five fucking minutes. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Go upstairs. I don't know what is wrong with you. Why are you still here? Leave me alone. Go upstairs, please. Please go upstairs. I have nowhere else to go. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone! Please leave me alone! Please stop interrupting me and just go upstairs! I'm begging you to leave me alone and stop harassing me! Look, he's on the verge of tears. 1:12:41 Unknown_08: He's almost won. Drive the stake through his heart. Unknown_04: That took three minutes! Unknown_08: Jesus Christ! Unknown_08: He literally does have the speech pattern and defense mechanisms of a literal teenage boy. If a 15 year old was like this, you'd be like, okay, whatever, they're a teenager. This is like a 50 year old Reddit moderator. This guy thinks that he has the emotional maturity to manage a community of people who are like, Unknown_08: Uh, you know, whereas he can't even, like, man- like, manages himself. He's such a fucking wreck and he thinks that he has the acuity to decide what can and cannot be said on the internet. And Reddit has bestowed upon him this power instead of letting him, like, eat shit out of a trash can. We in it- every time, like, 1:13:14 Unknown_08: There's that famous Winston Churchill quote, like, the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. The best argument against socialism or any kind of, like, welfare system is to look at who benefits from such a system. Like, I don't think that this person will ever contribute anything to anything, ever, for any reason. Not even accidentally, he'll never contribute to anything. Like, why do we sustain him? 1:13:49 Unknown_08: Nobody would be able to give me a single argument why we should not allow Danielle Moscato to starve to death. You could never convince me that there is some innate value to human life that requires me to sustain someone who does not want to work or support themselves in any way. I truly believe that we would be a better place if we just let these people fucking starve if they didn't want to do anything. Unknown_08: That's what my exposure to the internet has taught me. 1:14:22 Unknown_08: But we, but we continue, we continue chat. Unknown_08: Um, so daddy, daddy is such a mean poopoo head for allowing this 50 year old transgender warrior for cis people or for trans people, I guess, um, in his house that he has decided to auntie up. He has posted a picture of his boo boo on his wrist. Unknown_08: And he says, I am a guitarist. I just had back surgery and I can't use my cane on the correct side. This man maliciously refused to give me my medications or specialty bedding for my back pain for a month. 1:14:57 Unknown_08: So he says his father, Dr. Joe Moscato, who if you're wondering is a real doctor and makes a lot of fucking money, apparently like millions of dollars. Unknown_08: is a child abuser and spousal abuser. His corrupt police officer son, Detective Andy Moscato on Columbian PD has been illegally covering for him for years. Dr. Joe paid him $100,000 to lie about assaulting and battering me." So he has gone scorched earth on his own father and brother this is what his dad putting up with him for 40 fucking years after the point he could have left his house has paid him back for it if he had just let this guy like die on the street then he would not being be being defamed like this actually you know what i didn't even think to pull up the site 1:15:52 Unknown_08: This lazy cunt can't even set up a defamation website, he just links to his own twitter chain. Unknown_08: I hate him even more. I hate him even more now. Unknown_08: Supposedly he's got experience as a web admin or some shit, right? Unknown_08: And he can't set up a WordPress blog with evidence? No, just a redirect to a Twitter chain. Okay. 1:16:32 Unknown_08: So he bought car magnets with his domain name He says he hasn't built up the website yet. This was ten days ago. So right now it just goes to my Twitter explain What's going on next is building the site to advertise the show and provide details for people who can help domestic abuse survivors We're gonna raise a lot of money for the cause. I'm excited one like Lot of money chat a lot of money. We're gonna have the best, you know Everyone's gonna be talking about this in the future in the same way We talk about other like like the NRA or other huge 501 c3 is we're gonna be talking about. Dr Moscato was abusive 501 c3 registered charity. They do what they do a lot of good chat. They raise a lot of money They help a lot of people in bad situations get out of it We're always thankful for the doctor. Moscato was abusive company. 1:17:09 Unknown_07: I Unknown_07: Um, he says, um, I registered the name, the main name, Dr. Moscato is abusive for now. Unknown_08: I'm just putting it here, but I will be building a website that raises funds and promotes my one woman show of the same title. Dr. Moscato is abusive, a true story of child abuse, police. Unknown_08: So he's starting a podcast because he's a white man and that's what we do. And he's naming a show. 1:17:42 Unknown_08: Dr. Moscato was abusive, a true story of child abuse, police corruption, and domestic violence. Unknown_08: I feel like instead of naming my show Man of the Internet, I just called it Fuck You Mom, Reasons Why I Don't Like My Mom. Unknown_08: And that was my show. Would you guys still watch my podcast if it was just called Fuck You Mom? Unknown_08: Would you guys be able to tell your friends, like, yeah, listen to the Fuck You Mom podcast by Josh? Unknown_08: Are there any links to the Twitter thread that we've already read? 1:18:19 Unknown_08: So here is another update. Yeah, actually everyone's, everyone's in favor. That's my backup plan. Fuck you mom. Unknown_08: Daniel Moscato on January 3rd says, another update today about my dad's domestic violence against me. I emailed my dad's expensive legal team, all three of them with a rough draft of a settlement offer. Too long didn't read the purpose of my one woman show this spring. Dr. Moscato was abusive, a true story of child abuse, police corruption, and domestic violence. It's to raise awareness about domestic abuse and to raise money for that cause. I love how utterly transparent that is. Like, 1:18:51 Unknown_08: It's like, the name of the show is literally just Fuck You Dad. And instead of saying like, my podcast about my shitty fucking dad is to raise awareness about how my dad is shitty. He has to pretend that there's some grandiose cause attached to it. The Fuck You Mom podcast is awareness about single moms and how allowing your children to raise themselves with a mixture of RuneScape, Blockland, and 4chan results in catastrophic destruction. that is equitable to a natural disaster. No, you're doing it because you're angry, buddy boy. You don't have to masquerade it as this awareness program. You have to just be honest about it. 1:19:30 Unknown_08: I made an offer saying that if my dad pays me approximately half a million dollars for the things that he has done to me and the things he is doing to me now, I won't sue him for pain and suffering and emotional distress, depriving me of housing, forcing me to live in a hotel and recover a loan for back surgery, along with my emotional support animal without my emotional support animal, without my PTSD or pain medications for weeks, conspiring with police to stop me from reporting him, bribing a police officer with $100,000, 1:20:14 Unknown_08: I could go on and on with more things he has done. He's a millionaire many times over. 500k is something he could do today easily. Unknown_08: Also, as part of the settlement offer, I said I want him to make a $1 million donation to his cause of information and support for domestic abuse victims, and I suggested an organization to donate to. He could easily afford this if he chooses. That donation would satisfy my desire to raise money for this cause, and I said I would agree not to do my one-man show and promote it with the website Dr. Moscato is Abusive instead if he does so. You can read the whole thing here. So this is literally extortion. 1:20:48 Unknown_08: Um, I think that if his dad really, really wanted to, he could go to the police and ask them to press charges for extortion. Cause if you say. Pay me $500,000 or I will try to ruin your life with the podcast website and, um. Unknown_08: literal billboard campaign in your house where you do business, that is probably, I mean, if I was in the jury and I saw this Facebook post and I saw the website and the stuff in the pod, like it's okay all the way up until the money. You can be a huge asshole to someone, but if you try to ask them for half a million dollars not to go through with being a huge asshole, that's extortion, classic. If I was in a jury and I was asked, is this extortion, I would say yeah, for sure, it is. So and I don't know that might be what happens. I'm glad the Kiwi farms archives this I would Be happy if it was used in court against this entitled fucking man, baby reddit moderator 1:21:25 Unknown_08: And I say extortion instead of like, you know, any other thing because extortion is criminal. And it's like, he should go to jail. You know what? You're crying about how fucking houseless you are. Okay. We have a house. I got a, I got a house for you. I got a place you can stay buddy. Hey buddy. I got a place for you to say you like couch surfing, buddy. I got a nice couch for you, buddy. 1:22:03 Unknown_08: Sarah Myers. Um, Unknown_08: So this is a person calling out, I believe this person is also trans, I'm not entirely sure. Yeah, don't quote me on that, I'm just gonna read it, because I don't have a note for this. Unknown_08: If you have never read my post, please pay attention to this one. I have been going back and forth for at least two years with other women about what to do with this person. This is November 3rd, 2022 by the way. I only hold the power of social media to let me spread the astronomical deceit that has been happening under far left wing noses. Danielle Moscato was supposedly my best friend for two years. This person became obsessed with me, so this is a real woman, offering me all their time, resources, and energy to be my friend, despite the fact they lived on $600 a month while I was living in a high-rise downtown apartment. 1:22:35 Unknown_08: I was a young 23-year-old plagued by a psychotic illness that was ruining my life. I was desperate for someone to understand me and agreed to befriend Daniel under the guise of pro-feminist progressive LGBT pride. After one and a half years, Danielle began grooming me as a potential sexual partner. When the third attempt of physical contact was breached, repeated attempts to kiss me goodbye, I cut this person from my life, attempting to rid of the disgust I felt and betrayal of a platonic friend turned into a sexual conquest. I thought nothing of it, knowing I recognized the desperation and plea in the beginning, but ignored it for the sake of company and relating to a life of someone living with serious mental illness. 1:23:57 Unknown_08: Then, one year later, a mutual friend of ours messages me to tell me Danielle has lied about all of her sexual and romantic relationships. Danielle frequently told me that she was dating a celebrity singer with a Grammy award winning artist. There were message receipts. The celebrity also sent me a happy birthday video. I can confirm that the celebrity was in fact present in Danielle's life, but Danielle was using this made up story of dating her to manipulate me into marrying Danielle to get health insurance. Attempting to get me to send them nudes and overall attempting to persuade me into having a relationship with them So this is Daniel talking about oh wait, no, there's a second post 1:24:37 Unknown_08: We were all shocked. Then more girls came out to confess. Danielle had targeted them sexually. Most often girls at my age in their early twenties. Danielle was approximately 10 years older. Oh my God. He's only 30 and he looks like that. That's fucking awful. That dude's in his like, like late. I mean, this is 2016. Is this like late twenties? Is this what this man looks like in his late twenties? And now he's like in his thirties. That's fucking, it could just be a lot. He could just be lying about his age. Unknown_08: They do that. 1:25:09 Unknown_08: Yeah, I think he's lying. Let me check this out. I don't want to accidentally show his docs on screen if it's in this thread. Unknown_07: Let me see if this says how old he is. Unknown_07: It does not say in the thread. I would say he's in his 40s and he just lies. Unknown_08: So that's like a 10 year age gap instead of 20. Unknown_08: Uh, let me continue. Unknown_08: More girls came out to confess, blah, blah, blah. We also found out that Danielle wrote books on pedophilia under a pseudonym. I did not see that coming. This isn't even halfway over. There's so much more, but to keep this short, I will point out that this person was using liberal politics to play under the guise of victimized, traumatized, mentally ill trans woman. Many of us suspect this is entirely a made up and false guy used against status and notoriety, given their appearance on New York Times, CNN, and more. 1:25:42 Unknown_08: This is just one story to signify how deep the division of politics we have become, to celebrate a grifting activist that primarily begs for the support of real money for them to feel sorry as they wail on about rape, trans identity, and victimization, which are actual traumas that real women face daily. Okay, so this is not a trans woman. 1:26:19 Unknown_08: Can you all see why I don't sleep at night? This buffoonery literally is getting away with all the madness and there is no one but cheeky conservatives to hold these people accountable. If you're a media personality, please help me brainstorm the next steps. A weird way to sign off on that post. Unknown_08: But Davey here says success My abusive ex who raped me and stole prescription pain meds is banned from tinder She can't even make a new profile her phone number IP address device face recognition AI tech etc means ban She can never use tinder to destroy anyone else's life in the future. So this fucking asshole tried to groom someone like 20 years younger than him and then accused her of raping him and got her banned from Tinder. So this mentally ill, socially isolated woman, uh, is more isolated than before. Bravo Trant. If you're a massage, listen, okay. If you're a misogynist, you're like a Nick Fuentes incel type and you just really hate women. You don't even don't even become like an Elliot Rogers, just become trans, like fake trans, and then use that to be like a psychologically abusive like monster. Just like multitask how many like different lives destroying at any given time. You're probably in if you really like Properly went about being like an incel tranny. You could probably get more women to kill themselves and then elliot rogers shot You know what? I mean? 1:27:32 Unknown_08: Or like ruin a higher number of lives by engaging in the kind of shit that they get away with on the regular That's just my take. I think that incels have done... What I'm saying is that being Shrani is worse than being Elliot Rogers. Unknown_08: Basically is my point here in this tangent. Is he Jewish? His last name is Muscato. I actually looked this up because I was curious. His last name is Muscato, which apparently is like Latin for all-knowing one. And I couldn't find any information on if he's Jewish or not. His father's a doctor. That's pretty Jewish. 1:28:06 Unknown_07: You think he's saying that he's ill now, let's see I have a form of OCD Oh, so he does this to himself Dermatillomania Means that I compulsively pick the skin on my face. 1:28:48 Unknown_08: It hurts to make social interaction awkward. I'm mostly a homebody because my looks This guy just doesn't clean himself Unknown_07: I bet you what it is. I bet, I actually, I know exactly what this is. You see that five o'clock shadow? Unknown_08: He shaves and he doesn't bathe. And his, um, his, uh, the razor burn turns into pimples because he has oily, greasy skin from not bathing and he pops them. And he just pops his zits all the time because he's a greasy fat fuck. And the razor burn makes his, uh, makes his skin more pimply. That's exactly what that is. Cause it's right around the razor burn and it's not like anywhere else on his head. 1:29:22 Unknown_08: I'm I don't know why I know this but looking at it I can tell you that's exactly what that is and he's saying that it's Dermatillomania or whatever the thing which is I think what what June has shoe on head She has that thing where she has like a kind of OCD where she picks up her hair But I guarantee you that he's just a greasy fuck that doesn't bathe and tries to shave for AGP reasons, but that just causes it to get he doesn't do it properly and he doesn't clean So it just gets infected 1:30:09 Unknown_07: Okay, um, that's, that's Daniel Moscato, someone I've never talked about on stream before that I've seen many times in many different ways and just never got around to for whatever reason. Unknown_08: A brief, the briefest Chantal update in the world before I talk about Ralph, as we enter the second half of the second hour. Unknown_08: Chantal has officially converted to Islam. She has taken the Shahada, which is the, um, you've probably heard the Shahada before in English. Uh, it goes along the lines of, um, Allah is the one true God and the prophet Muhammad is his messenger. That's basically what that means. 1:30:55 Unknown_08: and it's a very short statement and they usually want you to take it in Arabic and all that's required for you to become a Muslim is to recite the Shahada and to make a commitment to Allah and Muhammad in the Quran. They give you a Quran when you convert. So she has a very nice hardcover Quran with gold on the cover. Quite nice. And a little welcoming package from that mosque that she went to and took the jahadah at. 1:31:29 Unknown_08: And that's it. So she has become an Islam. I think that the technical term for this, this box that she's holding, is the Islam conversion kit. Unknown_08: It usually goes for $99.99 on the internet, but if you take the Shahada in a properly Muslim country, you might get it for free. So good for her. Good for her. Unknown_08: She's on her way out of Kuwait, by the way. She's been in Kuwait living with her, apparently her husband for this entire time. 1:32:00 Unknown_08: There was some suspicion that she was not married because you can't marry on a tourist visa. However, she has revealed that she actually had a work visa because he operates an Avon perfume sales business. And he was able to hire her under his business. And I think because she was there on a work visa, she was allowed to get married. So she's legally married. She's flying back to Canada. Unknown_08: And then she's probably going to put the cat down, we believe. And then she's probably going to fuck Natter again, we believe. And then she's going to probably kick Pete's out of the house, we believe. 1:32:38 Unknown_08: And then she's going to move to Quebec because Quebec is the only place in Canada that you can sponsor an immigrant member of your family when you have a bankruptcy. So that's what's coming up on the Chantal timeline. Unknown_08: bye pete sorry that i cucked you with a black man and aborted your two of your babies and basically ruined your life and made you an effeminate uh lesbian trans lesbian who is addicted to like teen lesbian romance Unknown_08: on my books there's like an apparently an entire genre genre of uh teen lesbian romance visual novels that pete's has like literally a thousand of he showed off his box of teen lesbian romance like visual novels and he has literally like a hundred of these like that he keeps under his bed it's very it's very strange and bizarre that's it that's the update 1:33:43 Unknown_08: Yesterday was a big day yesterday was the one-year controversy of Ethan Ralph getting his fucking head smashed in the streets of Portugal or As I like to say now that I've had my gym potatoes Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal is what he used to say so you guys asked kicked in in Portugal one year ago time flies donut don't you feel old and Unknown_08: Ah, that's it for that. Now on the eve of celebrating his ass getting kicked in Portugal, he has picked a second country to visit and he has committed $1,400 to a trip to Rome. Unknown_08: Now, it may be tempting for some people who live in the Italia-Eredentia area who can pay $90 to take a one and a half hour flight to Rome to go to Rome and potentially beat Ethan Ralph's ass. It's slightly tempting. 1:34:47 Unknown_08: However, Unknown_08: I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Unknown_07: Let's see. Unknown_08: Let's see what the next slide is up here. I was going to say, this is a Ralph quote. It's a one minute long. Apparently Ethan Ralph really likes it. I don't know what it is. Let's see. Unknown_02: Lauren Ashley. 1:35:20 Unknown_08: I asked people to send me some, some Ralph shit to play as it's all going to be good. Usually Ralph Ralph has been on a chair this week of yelling at people and deciding how to fuck up his life. He's actually been drunk as shit. He's like, this is like his second week on a bender. He's like, every time he starts upstream, he's just wasted. I saw one stream where he was wasted and I was like, oh my god, it's a pill stream tune in So I was like, okay, I'll find a watch cozy. I bring up his stream and he literally can't he's so drunk He can't figure out OBS. So he just quits out. It's like a second rebooting it and then there is no stream He never comes back And all the gut guards, all the mods in his chat, all the fucking retards from Cozy are like, don't leave, don't leave, he's coming right back. And they keep saying this over and over again for like 30 minutes. And Ralph, Ralph literally never comes back. And they're just like, oh, I guess he's not coming back. And it's pretty funny to watch them lose their hope, watch it crushed in real time. 1:36:02 Unknown_08: But uh, it's rough. Unknown_02: Have you got that? Unknown_10: Well, you know, I may sound like I'm already following. Unknown_02: I may sound like I'm from the South and I am, but my IQ is about 335,000 points higher than yours, but that's okay. Unknown_03: You're a woman to boot. Unknown_10: So, you know, your wife, a woman. 1:36:46 Unknown_10: Uh, yeah, she is and she's also less intelligent than me. So, uh, is there anything else that you would like to know? Unknown_03: She probably doesn't appreciate you saying that to everyone. I don't give a fuck what she appreciates. Unknown_10: I say whatever the fuck I want. Unknown_10: Oh, you're like my brother. Yeah, well, maybe, maybe, I don't know. Anyway. Unknown_02: How old are you anyway? Unknown_10: None of your damn business. Unknown_03: None of my God dang business. I was going to say the Lord. Unknown_10: I was going to say the Lord's name in vain. And then I saw such a worthless troll. 1:37:20 Unknown_03: Such a worthless troll up like yourself is not worth that. Unknown_10: And so what is it that I need to type in? Unknown_08: He, he must have really bad mommy issues because nothing makes him tard rage harder than a woman making fun of him. Like any woman saying anything to him makes him so fucking mad. I would love, I would love to see like someone more competent and start us to actually go at Ralph as a more competent woman. Cause it would, it would, I think the biggest heart rage we would ever get out of him would come from a woman sending them off. He really fucking hates it. 1:37:57 Unknown_08: This is all from a conversation that he had with Stardust. If you don't know, Stardust is like a wannabe breadtuber. I think she's like a Persian woman. She's got a big nose. A lot of guys simp for her. She seems okay. I don't know too much about her. Unknown_08: She kind of does that thing where she tries to show up on bigger streamers' platforms to draw attention to her, to grow her audience. 1:38:29 Unknown_08: mid oh she's indian i thought she was persian sorry her nose is really big and she's like she's got a fair complexion so that says more persian to me than um than indian uh oh whatever so Unknown_07: This is Ralph reminding everybody that he's not short for no reason. Unknown_10: This is because May is doing the June squat next to him and all the wedding photos to make herself look shorter. Unknown_08: By the way, Ralph also wears like four inch heels. He's got big ass rubber soles and to keep his legs up higher. So I don't know who he's trying to fool. 1:39:17 Unknown_13: I am taller than you. No. And my torso is like way shorter than yours. Unknown_10: First off I slump. So if I set up straight, it's a different story, but like, you're actually not taller than me. Unknown_13: I'm like all legs too. It's really funny. I could just sit in your lap. Unknown_08: He's so angry. He's so angry that he just won't say like, yeah, you're so much taller than me. Oh my God. Uh, this was him admitting that he lost money during a stupid wrestling thing because all that merchandise was, was, uh, abandoned on someone's property. Uh, and he was allowed to do whatever he wants to. 1:40:00 Unknown_10: Supported the show show tonight. And I honestly, um, I ended up losing, losing just a little bit of money. Unknown_10: on ralph mania and it was only he's so drunk he's doing the hiccup that you get when you drink got destroyed and had to replace the shirts i didn't lose much um and you know so i didn't sweat that at all honestly Yes, but I barely even lost any money. It was more of just a giant party for killstream fans. And on the next one, I ain't gonna lose no money. 1:40:38 Unknown_10: But, but it was it was honestly one of the coolest things I've ever done in my entire life. I hope everybody else felt the same way. Unknown_10: and I think they did quite honestly. Unknown_07: I'm trying to really imagine what it is that's making him drink so much because Unknown_08: Part of me wants to believe that it's probably a combination of things. You got Harry Morris fucking with him. You have the wrestling thing, which didn't make any money, and I'm sure he budgeted into his spending before it even happened, the money that he would make in his head. So he probably lost money. By the way, Harry was giving May and the baby money, and since Ralph has cut him off from the baby, he stopped paying for May's expenses. 1:41:13 Unknown_08: So now Ralph is paying for her expenses. So his, his, um, his money is being stretched thinner because he has to actually pay for his kid now. 1:41:46 Unknown_08: And then the, um, Vickers is still fucking with him. He has a quirk date. Unknown_08: I don't know when I want to say the 8th of February is the number that comes to mind. I don't know if that's true, but actually no. Unknown_08: I'm not sure when it is, but when he got served at that, um, at the rest, basically he lost money at the Ralph of mania only to get served three times. So now he has to appear in court, uh, to talk about his, uh, domestic violence restraining orders. He's being accused of violating the restraining orders against faith 14 times and an additional five times against Mr. Vickers because he's not allowed to actually talk about them. And he does continuously. So that's probably also stressing him out and now his brilliant idea after losing money on ralphamania after being drunk constantly Having more expenses than ever before and having to show up at criminal court I think by zoom for his restraining order violations. He's going to drop he's already dropped fourteen hundred dollars to go to rome 1:42:29 Unknown_08: And then he did a, um, he said he was going to do a 12 hour stream with the goal of making that money back after he spent it. And he made like $800 something dollars after eight hours. And he was so drunk that he was nodding off or drugged up or something. And he just abandoned the stream halfway through. So he gave up. He didn't make the money back during his bag of fun. And at the end, towards the end, he was literally begging. It was literally begging saying that, um, 1:43:00 Unknown_08: Uh, that's like, can we get like 90, like $63, $73 to make this around a thousand can get $73, $73. The kid just kept begging for that number. And then someone tipped him a seven 30, like $7 30 cents. And he got pissed off and he just quit, which is pretty funny. 1:43:38 Unknown_08: I don't know what this picture is or I think he's he's his I think he wants her to start making content that's what this is for because he's bringing her on the the stream and Now that she is a burden to him an expense to him and daddy's not paying for for her anymore Ralph's thinking I need to fucking turn this trick out to get get me no money because she costs me money and She ain't doing nothing all day. She's just raising them fucking kids and fuck that this bow needs to work So here's here's the hollering with stardust I think on that note actually I'm gonna skip ahead and I'll come back to that Now that may has to make content. Let's look at her content and then we'll get back to the hollering Hi, everybody. 1:44:16 Unknown_13: It's Unknown_08: So she's wearing the horrible, that frog is like the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen. And he puts it on everything now. It's like his Ralph and mania logo. I don't know what the fuck it is. It's really grotesque. It looks awful. Um, and she's wearing one of the salvage shirts. 1:44:49 Unknown_13: Happy Chinese new year. It's the year of the rabbit and the rabbit symbolizes peace and prosperity. So going into this new year, I hope all of you make peace with your enemies and that you prospered. Uh, last night, I did an interview with Stardust, and in the words of Ali Jamal, I found it mildly discouraging. I was really excited, actually, to do an interview, because I don't often get a chance to give my side of things. 1:45:26 Unknown_13: And Stardust came to Ethan and said that she wanted to do a fair interview, and she was all excited to talk to the girl creator. And I go to the interview, and it just Unknown_13: I personally didn't think it was very professional or that she came prepared well with questions so I would be open to possibly doing another interview with her or with somebody else just like maybe we could set some ground rules before Unknown_08: She's talking, okay, it doesn't make sense without having seen the hollering first. Stardust asked May, have you seen the sex tape? And Ralph immediately gets like super pissed. I don't even know how else to describe it. He just gets, he does this Ralph thing where he starts hollering immediately. And it's like, we got, we got some kind of fucking issue, huh? 1:46:04 Unknown_08: That's what I thought, I was just saying. I was acting a little bit tense there, you know, asking some bitch ass fucking questions out of the left side, trying to stab me in the back and shit. Like that fucking thing he does. Here's the other route, the Amanda content. I don't know what the fuck this is. The caption is Killstream Honeymoon. Unknown_08: Legit, I'm just gonna play it. It's 48 seconds of pure agony and joy. 1:46:40 Unknown_13: I want a good show. I want my money's worth. I don't want any kiss-in-the-ring stuff. And I don't want my family watching two grown men pussyfooting around each other for half an hour before one of them aims a real blow. There's been too much of that in the past. Unknown_13: Don't think you can fool me either, because I know every trick in the book, including the pig's blood in the bladder to make it look as if one of you is dead. There's been too much of that too lately. Unknown_13: These games are being degraded by the increasing use of professional tricks to stay alive, and I won't have it. 1:47:18 Unknown_13: So put on a good show, and there'll be plenty of money for the living, and a decent burial for the dead. And if not, I'll break this guild up, and I'll send the lot of you to the mines in Numidia. Unknown_08: I don't know if that is like a movie quote. I don't know what the fuck she's doing. I don't know what the fuck it means. I have no idea why any of that's happening. By the way, compare this, compare this shit to um, to this. Unknown_07: Who, who, ah fuck. 1:47:55 Unknown_07: Who, who did it better? Unknown_08: When you're being outclassed by an AGP, I mean, they kind of have like the same body type. That's exactly what I think Amanda looks like without, if she wore skimpy clothes. She might have less of a Michael Jackson face though, but I don't know. Her face isn't particularly, particularly feminine. Unknown_07: Let's see here. Unknown_07: That's May. 1:48:28 Unknown_07: And that's, what's his face? Unknown_08: Dylan. No, the nose, he has the LA nose. I think they did a nose job on him to give that pointy nose that all the LA people have. They don't really, the face doesn't look alike, but the body is pretty similar. Unknown_07: So, this is her, Ralph sat down and said, bitch, Unknown_08: yo papa you know i was okay having you around with you taking care of the baby but you gotta make money that's just how it works man you don't understand this right let me tell you something so now that your dad your papa ain't paying for you no more you gotta you gotta find a way to make money And I have a couple options lined up you can either make one of them so one youtube channels You can help with a keel stream or you can do only fans It's up to you. And now may is like desperately trying to avoid being thumbed and put up on only fans Or being left. Um Abandoned in the streets of mexico So she's trying to figure out something that she can do to make money And this was her best 1:49:09 Unknown_08: Her best, uh, idea so far. Unknown_08: Now, uh, uh, I wish her luck and endeavors the least funny, least interesting person to ever live. Having to make money through entertainment avenues. Okay. 1:49:51 Unknown_08: Uh, so this is the holler and he'll listen to a couple of minutes of walking nasty pussy flaps. Unknown_10: Oh yeah. Unknown_10: I kind of feel like, I'm Howard Stern. You're not going to fucking get period with me. Okay. You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you. Not listen. You're going to listen to me. Unknown_10: And so you wanted to get nasty. You wanted to get dirty. Unknown_08: Let's get nasty. Let's get, this is, this is in response to the question. Have you seen the sex tape to me, by the way, he immediately cuts her off and tells her not to talk. She tries to interject because she's the one, you know, he's supposed to be getting interviewed. And he basically says, bitch, shut up dirty. 1:50:24 Unknown_02: Sure. Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_02: Okay. So what, what would you like to ask? Unknown_10: How many times have you spread your fucking nasty pussy flaps online? Unknown_08: And, but, uh, I started like five minutes in the reason why is he asked this question over and over again. I saw this live. He just kept saying the same thing over and over again. So like, again, a woman offends him. So that's like his things is just like becoming like fucking vulgar and grotesque immediately. He really gets pissed off about that. 1:50:59 Unknown_03: I've never done that. Unknown_10: I don't believe that you've never shown your pussy online You've never shown your fucking pussy online you asked about you. You know what you asked about you asked if she had seen the sex tape of Of the mother of my other child. Do you know who you're talking to? Do you think I was gonna let you off light with the way you talk to? The fucking mother of my other child my wife who I just got married to the other day bitch You don't know who the fuck you're talking to how many times how many times have you spread your fucking nasty fucking pussy online? 1:51:43 Unknown_03: I didn't mean to yeah you meant Unknown_07: Sorry, I mean again, look at may look at may as she's just sitting there and keep it and keep in mind the baby is like Not to be found. Unknown_08: I don't know. She's supposed she says I think she's asleep. She doesn't really know The baby has been left to fend for herself as may is sitting here being interviewed And as Ralph has now told her to shut up, but she hasn't been excused to go check on the baby again. He's just gonna sit there and like, like, like zone out of her own life. So as this is going on, I imagine that this is what Mae's head sounds like. This is the inside of Mae's brain. There's an ambient brown noise. 1:52:18 Unknown_08: She's just off. She's in standby mode. Unknown_08: But let's continue chat. Unknown_10: What? They paid $3. They paid $3. Is that what they pay for your nasty pussy? Do you read a question and insult me? Fuck you. Fuck you. I'm telling you right now. I already told you before the show. I wasn't getting into this. Fuck you. I got the DMS. 1:52:55 Unknown_02: Are you saying that didn't happen? I can't ask you one question. Unknown_10: Are you saying that didn't happen? Unknown_02: What? Unknown_10: that I didn't say, like we weren't going into all this? Unknown_02: It's gonna be a softball interview. No, I'm fine with going into it, but if we're gonna go into it, let's go into it. Okay, then let's go into it. 1:53:28 Unknown_10: Okay, let's go into it. Unknown_10: How many times have you shown your nasty pussy all around this internet? Do you have any other questions for me? Well, I mean, do you have a number? You said one. Unknown_08: What do you even call this tactic? Unknown_08: Imagine you're talking to a guy, right? Are you gonna revise that? That wasn't me pausing, that was just dead silence. She's just like, why am I talking to this bloviating pig monster? 1:54:01 Unknown_08: You're talking to a guy, you get into an argument, and he asks you a question, and you just say, how many dicks you suck then? how many dicks you sucked how many cocks you put in your mouth and suck boy how many dicks you suck just like can we can we like what the fuck what do you call what do you call this what is this tactic what genius deflection is this deflection okay i i really don't know what to fucking say about that he goes on and on it never stops gonna stick with one Unknown_03: I'm gonna, I'm gonna stick with, you know, I, um, maybe I'll do the same thing that you didn't say. I don't think that's any of your business, so. 1:54:38 Unknown_10: Oh, well, you damn sure thought it was your business when you asked me that fucking question, bitch. Unknown_08: He should just ask that, what I said. She should just ask him how many dicks you sucked. You got some pretty dick-sucking lips, boy. How many dicks you sucked? I don't buy it for a second you ain't never sucked no dick, boy. I can tell by looking at you that those puckered up little pig lips of yours have been wrapped around 50 cocks at least. Just keep saying that. See how long it takes for him to chimp out. But she's like, she's like too nice. She's too nice to do something like that. Unknown_10: Yeah, no, some shit in the eighth grade science class. I was running this shit. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but it ain't me. 1:55:20 Unknown_10: So do you have do you have another question or why you is that why you said that I was that you viewed me like a protege the other day? Unknown_10: Well, yeah, till you try to sandbag me here on this air. Kind of boring. Lady, who I've. Unknown_10: There's video evidence of me fucking on tape. What kind of question is that? Do you think you're Piers Morgan, bitch? You're not. I mean, it's just, it's just low down and look, I don't give a fuck. Like I said, all I needed to say about it. Uh, but yeah, that's tacky as my grandma would say. Very tacky. 1:55:58 Unknown_08: As opposed to screaming about pussy lips for 10 minutes. Unknown_08: After this by the way because Ethan Ralph is surrounded by the Nick Fuentes retards her channel immediately gets struck for community guidelines and deleted so for pissing off one of the Nick Fuentes currently the inner circle of the Nick Fuentes scheme they've just reported her Unknown_08: For God knows what. The gayest shit ever. The gayest fucking people ever. I think that Nick Fuentes and all his fans could just, like, die. And I think nothing would happen. 1:56:29 Unknown_08: If Nick Fuentes and everyone in the circle died, just dropped dead, got wayco'd, and some kind of compound, what would happen? Who would we miss? Who would be good in that group of people that died? Unknown_08: Single person we named someone we named someone that we like in this Kanye Beardson That's a joke good jokes The lulls I Beardson baked bakes going to jail 1:57:14 Unknown_08: You people really like baked is that like a me or a Beardson that's like There's like a meme. I feel like only Ralph dying in the in the Waco compound would be missed. I would miss Cross-dressing Pike named Trish. I don't know who that is. I don't know who most of these people are Alice Why would you feel bad for it? Unknown_08: Who would care about Alice? Jesus. Jesus, people. Find other people to like. If you would genuinely miss Baked Alaska, Beardson, or Alice, you've got issues. You need to go broaden your horizon a little bit. You're steeped a little bit too deep in this shit. 1:57:55 Unknown_08: Retarded people. I mean, I, like when Ralph does his streams, I'll look at the chat and it's just like, there's nothing going on. There's usually like two or three people spamming a sticker over and over again. And maybe like a couple mods. I mean, and occasionally, but it's so slow. It's less than like a message per second. It's like, um, one message every five seconds or so. I mean, when you discount stickers, it's like 10 seconds between meaningful input is Gucci's Nick Fuentes. 1:58:35 Unknown_07: I don't think so. Unknown_07: Um, so I think I've reached the end of my notes. Unknown_08: This is the time where I asked my chat chat. Did I miss anything? Should I cover anything else? Uh, someone mentioned people I didn't know at the beginning. I'm not going to look into that for this. Unknown_08: Yes. Worsky. Okay, Aiden, who the fuck is Eliza Blue? What is this? This is like the second person to mention Eliza Blue. 1:59:06 Unknown_08: Social media has begun banning people for screenshots of YouTube. Twitter backs human trafficking advocate Eliza Blue despite evidence of deception. Unknown_08: Child trafficking grifter Eliza Blue in her collapsing house of cards. Unknown_07: I don't know what this is. Unknown_07: It's a short haired lady. And apparently she's the child sex trafficker. 1:59:45 Unknown_07: is a cam girl oh i mean dude that's why i say i don't have like any kind of feelings i don't feel bad because i understand that there are some women in like porn and who are whores who are like sex trafficking victims but then you know so many of them also engage in sex trafficking and they they like i hate i hate whores i do that's like if you know i wouldn't feel i don't feel bad for any of them Unknown_08: Human trafficking survivor, he says. That's pretty fucked up. That's like those those madams who run like a whorehouse themselves. But she's like a sex trafficker. I don't know who PV is. Unknown_08: Um, the only update on the Rikada drama is that Drexel is in the discord chat for his streams acting extremely fucking gross. And I can't even comment on it cause I would just get banned for YouTube. Let me, let me just read some of the things that he said. I need to figure out a good way to say like, I don't have like a black person voice cause his voice is very deep and my voice doesn't go that deep. 2:00:44 Unknown_08: He just goes like, I don't hide shit and unlock 99% of people in this server. I show my face and state my real name. Anyone not on that level is just all take and hand lotion. Unknown_08: I hope internet anonymity goes away so we'll see how much shit anyone talks. Refer to troll Charlie Zelinoff running his mouth to then heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder. So he doesn't like, this is Drexel in Discord chat, he's talking about how he doesn't like anonymity, even though that's a constitutional right and anonymity has been enshrined as a First Amendment pillar since Thomas Paine published Common Sense in the 1700s, because he published that pamphlet anonymously and it was a landmark literary achievement that persuaded a ton of people into wanting to be independent and to have a liberal society that made the strongest empire the earth has ever seen. 2:01:20 Unknown_08: He did that anonymously, which is why we generally protect anonymity as a person, right? You would know that if he wasn't, you know one of them If you know what I mean, by the way, someone left a comment on my last stream This person was subscribe had been subscribed to me for two years according to a little badge on their profile I'll read it. I have a post this screenshot somewhere. I Unknown_08: Shoutout to VBLEGH1! 2:02:18 Unknown_08: Subscriber for 2 years, comment of the day. Is he legitimately racist now? It's done a very funny bit. Unknown_08: So I'm in my racism bit for this stream. Which apparently pisses off some people. Unknown_08: What I was reading was from Drexel, he continues. Unknown_08: um the talking about nick and myself while we make money and live life yeah major l tell me all the legal women you cherish and i'll nut all over them be a good boy eat some black bull cum i'm getting no i'm getting back to my workout i'm getting ready to make more money i hope all is well with you alb 2:02:54 Unknown_08: They're all the fucking same. This is why I don't take, I can't like find that kill yourself man guy. I just can't find them funny because be a good boy, eat some black bull cum. It's just like you talk to a black person and it's just my dick, my dick, my dick, all every fucking time. Unknown_08: Someone linked me. Unknown_08: uh this song by the way and it's a it's a song by the melanated people um oh i can't find it now 2:03:39 Unknown_07: No, it's not but it's like it's but it's like a like, um, kind of like the pink guys Racist song white is right where he just goes like but it's sung by black people. Unknown_08: So instead of just being like a song about racism at the end, it's just like i'm white and i'm jealous of bbc and black people have such big penises that i am very envious of did i mention the bbc and that's like that's just how this like the song was funny at first and then it just deteriorates into that it's like they're all the fucking same every single one of them it's it's extremely like it's like yeah i just don't want i don't want anything to do with you i don't want to talk to you i don't want to know you i don't want to live next to you i want you to far away from me 2:04:21 Unknown_08: So that's the Rikada update. Drexel is also being a fucking retard. He, um, he's catching a lot of flack because he told this, he told this awesome story, which totally wasn't made up and totally isn't from a porn, uh, where he was friends with this woman that he was fucking for a long time. And she had a daughter that was a teenager. And then the second that she turns 18, he fucks her daughter and her mother gets upset. Cause you know, this black guy that she's been saying fucks her daughter. Unknown_08: Which I think there's an expression that is shared around in racist circles about predicaments like this But he's like bragging about this and I'm thinking like um That's like quintessential grooming. That's like the actual like definition of grooming Especially because you know how when they say like children who get molested they get molested by someone they know That is almost always the stepfather So when you have like a stepfather situation and you fuck her even if she's legal technically That's really creepy and gross and most people don't don't condone that kind of thing But then he's just like my dick 2:05:03 Unknown_08: BBC my dick He's relaying this story to you know, Nick Nick Rikada his audience as if it's like this huge win I'm just like, okay But I'm never like Drexel. I'll be honest with you. I 2:05:48 Unknown_08: Because I'm a knower. I'm a knower of things that people are not allowed to know. And I just know. You just look at them and you think, oh, I know what kind of person this is. And then you're right. Because, you know, because you know things. Unknown_08: And that's my racism bit for today. Unknown_07: Anything else that I should cover? 2:06:19 Unknown_07: Explain T and D. I don't know what that is. I don't know cryaxe, bro. Unknown_07: What the fuck did Worski do? Nobody has sent me anything related to Worski. Unknown_08: I'm going to ask the Kiwi Farms chat. Oh, the server is down, of course. Unknown_07: Sorry, I've been trying to desperately to try and stabilize the site. Unknown_08: And it's just, it's like every day I have to reboot shit and it's the most annoying fucking goddamn thing on the face of the planet. Hold up. I'm fixing it. Let me fix this. And then you can yell at me what you think. All right. Now yell at me T and D. I don't know what the fuck is T and D. Oh, Oh, okay. Yes. I see chats doing their patent pending racism bit. 2:06:57 Unknown_07: I disapprove. Unknown_07: Weight loss update. Um, I gained weight over Christmas. Unknown_08: I haven't weighed myself in a while. I should be losing weight again. Worsky went on Ralph last night. 20 minute clip was in the kill stream thread. 2:07:28 Unknown_07: Read chat. Unknown_07: Okay. I don't know. Nobody clipped anything about, um, about Worsky. I apologize. Unknown_08: I don't know who Justin Roland is either. Unknown_08: You really have to, if you really want me to patch update, you should have your patch. If you, I mean, you should check to make, okay, listen. Wait, do not send me an email if you haven't gotten your patch. I'll be getting an email saying, where's my patch? There were 1,000 made, 1,000 sets sold. 2:08:03 Unknown_08: I received over 1,500 orders. Unknown_08: I have capped off the sales at 1,750, actually at 1,700 with 50 spare extra. Chances are, if you've not gotten your patch, you're in that group. Unknown_08: You can email, and I'm gonna send out an email either this weekend, letting those people who are on back order know that they're on back order. The patches will start getting made again in the first week of February. So you may have to wait until March, as is the case. When you buy from my merchandise shed, it's all made to order, usually, so. Apologies if that wasn't made extremely clear, but I will contact people who reached out. 2:08:35 Unknown_07: um pfizer shit project veritas did a thing where they a black they got a date arranged with the black guy and the black guy was like shit man we in there engineering viruses and shit you know i ain't supposed to tell no one but that's what we're doing and shit man vix new papa bobo gum 2:09:12 Unknown_08: And then the guy comes in and is like, hello, would you like to talk about why, you know, you're engineering viruses? And he said, I made it all up. I made it all up to get pussy. I made it all up. And then he physically assaulted the cameraman and then ooked out and then swing from a jungle vine out of the, out of the coffee shop that he was at. And that's the project Veritas update. Unknown_07: Um, and I'm not joking. That's literally what happened word for word. Unknown_08: Okay, I'm done. Your requests for updates suck. I will now read the super chats. We are officially in shill mode. 2:09:48 Unknown_08: I always appreciate people who stick to this. However, remember I have a special super song that I like a lot that you'll never hear anywhere else. Never ever. So stay tuned through the shilling. Unknown_07: As I try to make an honest dollar as a meager farmer. Unknown_08: Okay, Anonymous for Two says, this week's Chinese word of the day is Rin Yao, a noun meaning man-made disaster, the literal translation being human monster. Can you guess what people of gender this may be referring to? I assume that Rin Yao, Rin just means person, Yao I think just means monster, so literally human monster. 2:10:20 Unknown_08: I can only imagine what people of gender he's referring to though. Unknown_08: Thank you. Uh, trans in the infinite for 10 nineties has Oregon last week. Did you say you'd outlast me at last? And copy slash pay is also don't sent for any, any more. You girls. Unknown_08: I have literally no clue what this means. I will re-read it because it's a $10 donation and I feel bad not having anything to say. 2:10:57 Unknown_08: Transin the Infinite for $10.90 says, Orekin last week did you say you'd outlast me? Laughs and copy pastes also don't simp anymore egirls. I don't know what eagles he's talking about, I don't know what laughs and copy-paste means, I don't know who the fuck Orokin is, and I don't know what trans in the infinite is. If this is some kind of meta joke, I have no fucking idea. Oh, it's a 40- I don't know anything about Warhammer 40k, why the fuck would you expect me to get this? Wilbur Wateli for 2180 says, music you might listen or like, Troubleman by Electric Guest, Control by Broken Bells, Heavenly by Cigarettes After Sex, great bands that are greatest hits are brilliant. 2:11:35 Unknown_01: Okay, I will check that out. Unknown_08: I'll put that little note. Unknown_08: Jimmerold for three says, Cobson will always be a gem and ungelzelig is shardy culture. I don't know what the fuck that means either. I think Cobson is the name of the soy jack that they use for Redditors. He's got like the round face and I don't know what an ungelzelig is. Unknown_08: Haramburger for two says, no, there's a Chinese New Year. Take a look at my January special calendar of events for 2023 on the farms. Also, thanks for the increased character count nerd. 2:12:09 Unknown_08: My dude, I'm not reading all this. Unknown_07: He sent me like. Unknown_07: Oh, this is a list of OK, I know what this is, I'll show people. Unknown_08: He's put together a list of every LGBTQ day for the entire year. So keep in mind if you want to celebrate LGBT, it starts on the 17th of January. Um, UK LGBT history is all of February. The special days in February, bisexual health awareness month. Cause you know, they get AIDS and monkey pox and shit and then give it to, if you want to know how straight women get AIDS and monkey pox, they get it by bisexual men. So bisexual health awareness month of March. 2:12:45 Unknown_08: um more all of june some days in july one day in august so august is the straightest month of the year according to this chart and that's only gay uncle day i don't know what the fuck that means it's only a social media campaign august is our is our month boys august is our month Unknown_08: October all of November for trans awareness month and then December appears to be mostly holy except for pansexual pride day on the 8th and World AIDS Day on the 4th. 2:13:23 Unknown_07: There you go Augustus holding that's right Unknown_08: anonymous for five says what will you do with your youtube play button if you get one um they're not actually silver i've looked this up then they used to be real silver however now they are gold and silver plated so if you get a youtube play button that's silver it's hollow number one number two it is nickel plated and silver fucking garbage i would not even sell that on ebay Unknown_08: Anonymous for Brumer for 545 says a circle of protection on the farm So note it be in the witches circle TMD W tubes. Oh Praise Cobra's magic. Thank you very much Brumer. Although faggots for five says Nick or Kate a sub farm when yeah, right He kind of the only other decade the drama is that he had an interview with 2:14:02 Unknown_08: with Kyle Rittenhouse, the guy from the Waukesha shooting. Unknown_08: And Nick apparently didn't know going into the interview that he had a pending civil litigation for wrongful death. So obviously a lot of the stuff surrounding the shooting he can't talk about because it could injure his case in the civil suit. 2:14:39 Unknown_08: And that, the fact that Nick didn't know that really was like, that's like basic. How do you not, you should know what kind of, you know, that kind of stuff before talking to the guy. But then that also threw off almost all of his questions, because a lot of his questions were oriented around the shooting, which he can't talk about because he's in civil litigation. And then he read super chats about like, you know, the FUDA, do you like FUDA without balls or whatever? And Kyle didn't even know what a FUDA is. So Nick had to explain to him what a FUDA is. And he's just like, ew, that's gross. Like a normal person would be and it was kind of awkward Keneshaw sorry Akusha was something else Sad poor orphan for $50 says sorry These are the last these are the last check was I have because I'm paying for funeral calls for all my loved ones and pets Please some thoughts and prayers F in the chat for all the loved ones and pets that this broke person has Decided to cremate and put into cheap pine boxes so he can send me $50. Thank you very much 2:15:35 Unknown_08: Question mark for 218 says, Danke, dass sie heute wieder unsere Sprache gesprochen haben, Herr Mond. Which is Dutch, I'm pretty sure. Unknown_08: Eat girt, drink bleach for five cells. What is your fasting protocol and how much pizza do you eat? What are the benefits of fasting? Can I put a supreme medium pizza with extra cheese by myself? Happy pizza day. Jerk. 2:16:06 Unknown_08: Um, so I don't fast anymore, but when I was super committed to Unknown_08: All the people in chat, I didn't get, that I was, nevermind. Unknown_08: When I was very committed to losing weight, I fasted, I did alternate day fasting, I did not count calories on the days that I was not, that I was eating. I counted 600 calories on the day that I was fasting, and I tried not to eat more than 3,000 the days that I was eating, so that would amount to about 1,800 each day, which is perfectly normal for losing weight passively. 2:16:46 Unknown_08: You can do that. Unknown_08: Ultimately, it is just calories in, calories out. People who say otherwise are stupid. If you count calories and you're honest about your counting and you know your baseline metabolism, you will lose weight. And anyone who says otherwise is just wrong and you should not listen to them. Unknown_08: The misc for seven 77 says, Hey Josh, I'm looking for a physical investment goods to trade with. Don't want stocks or crypto. Sadly where metals like silver store have a 70% instant resale value. I think some wristwatches have good value retained slash growth. Any other recommendations? Um, 2:17:18 Unknown_08: Physical holdings are not like stocks. You do not have, it's just not the same. If you're buying something like gold or silver, you should realize that it's not going to be a commodity that you can trade with or sell instantly without taking a huge loss. Unknown_08: It's something to hold on to, because you're materializing your wealth, and it will retain its value against inflation. That's the whole point. 2:17:53 Unknown_08: I can't recommend anything for what you're trying to do. Unknown_08: Silver watches are not the crypto get-rich scheme of the 2020s. Sorry if you expected otherwise. Unknown_08: Wolfgang for five says, I got Professor Kaczynski's book. How much would we have to pay you to narrate it? Unknown_07: Ah, that's a good question. Unknown_08: Um, the main issue with narrating his book is that he has multiple segments explicitly outlining violence and why violence is effective. And that's what makes, um, basically his argument is that from birth and throughout our entire lives, we are hammered. 2:18:30 Unknown_08: But left and right doesn't matter if you're on the left or the right. We are hammered. And the one thing that the government enforces equitably for all people is that if you do anything violent, especially against government employees, you get punished for it. That's because the system is afraid of violence. That's his argument. Unknown_08: So he argues that violence is extremely effective. Unknown_08: And that's something that if you promote as an idea, you draw a lot of negative attention to yourself. So I'm not sure I could ever commit to reading Ted Kazunsi's book because even though I do suggest it as a read because it is extremely interesting and a lot of the stuff he says about over socialization is very prescient, to actually like endorse those ideas or to narrate them would be really risky. I'm not sure I can deal with that right now. 2:19:23 Unknown_08: Thank you. The Buffalo Cube for 10 says, Jersh, what is your favorite weight loss meal? Also, is it just me or is King Cobra JFS looking really ragged now and more case cooking being a win? I'm not doing case cooking, I already explained why. Unknown_08: King Cobra is looking pretty fucking ragged. He's not taking care of himself, which is sad. I mean, you see how he eats, you know why he's not doing too well. Unknown_08: As far as weight loss food, when I was, when I lost like 70 pounds, I ate a lot of popcorn. 2:19:57 Unknown_08: I would I would make popcorn I would use a very little bit amount of spray just enough to make it sticky and Then put like a salt on it like a salted because that doesn't have any calories So I would know exactly how much I'm eating. It was pretty filling because it's all fiber and It's pretty tasty too because it's like salt Unknown_07: Thank you though. Unknown_08: Stinky Stanky Pretend says, I like when people pretend that communism would be accepting to loser goober buttholes and tacos. Anyways, any more news about Hogwarts Legacy? I'll be playing it when it comes out. I'll let people know when I'm going to. I'll play that for about three days before it comes out for everybody, but I'll play it during the pre-order period. Unknown_08: And yes, Stalin would obviously completely exterminate everybody like David Muscat. 2:20:41 Unknown_08: Small Child Eater For One says, Unknown_08: Hey Josh, big fan of the show. On the topic of merch trends, would you ever consider getting a group of artists together to create some sort of unique physical release of the KF comp album or something of that sort? Unknown_08: Might be a cool community showcase as well. I've considered doing a Christmas album and getting people like MC Jarbo. Unknown_08: Maybe there's a bunch of people who do music that I thought would be interesting for it but that kind of stuff is a lot of work and for whatever reason December is always the worst possible month to try to get anything done because the site's usually having issues. 2:21:16 Unknown_08: No one important, 81845, says, hey, Jersh, who did start the Quickie Forums? Also, a date, if you can, did the name change to Kiwi Farms? Unknown_08: You can Google this. The original founder was called Champthem, and if you type in the right term, you'll be able to find the post where we rebranded from Quickie Forums to Kiwi Farms, but it was a couple years, I mean, it was 2014, 2015. Unknown_08: Susan was used to kick you Kishki as for 10, and that's how it's spelled It's not what people got pissed off. There's a guy that donates name dainties inferno. That's literally how it spells I'm not doing that wrong. So that's just how he spells it If Italian pizza delivery guy trips and falls with pizza in the hand, what sound does it make when they both hit the ground? 2:21:52 Unknown_08: Dago wop. Oh They go up very funny. I got you. Oh Unknown_08: Also, congrats on keeping the sign up for a decade. Well, if you take that out all the downtime, we're probably about six months behind a full 10 years at this point, but thank you very much. Teddy Slicker says, Aniza's got iDubbbz doing shuck and jive, next you'll have him sing a good old neighbor work song. Unknown_08: If Aniza did manage to get iDubbbz in a cotton field singing Swing Low Sweet Valentine, that would completely redeem her in the eyes of 2:22:35 Unknown_07: of myself in particular. Unknown_07: The guy that submitted the DagoWop meme did it twice for $20. Unknown_08: So, I will read this again. This is the exact same thing, but he did it twice. Susan Legischikiki for 10 says, if an Italian pizza delivery guy trips and falls with a pizza in his hand, what sound does it make when they both hit the ground? You know, chat? You know, do you know the answer to this? DagoWop. DagoWop, chat. 2:23:08 Unknown_08: And he says, congrats for keeping the site up for a decade. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Unknown_08: ZiggyPiggyNeggy415 says, the public reception to the Ukraine-Russian war has been troubling. They get so invested in the conflict that they know nothing about the history of, know so little about the people, yet they bay for blood. I think boredom and impotence industrial society. It is absolutely the bloodlust of the impotent, over-socialized men begging for something to happen. We live in an era of Pax Americana where fucking nothing happens. We don't even have good wars anymore. People want to see people dying, women being raped, children being blown apart by artillery shells. They'll never say this, but when it happens, they're all about it. They'll wring their hands and say, oh, the huge manatee, we must do something about this evil Putin. But they actually feel stirring in their souls, their very souls, for a cause that has life or death consequences and the fate of nations at hand. It's so exciting that the cattle, the neighbor cattle, Just can't help themselves. They can barely contain their bloodlust 2:24:14 Unknown_08: It is literally Britain's circuses. There's a quote by some guy with a mustache that's something about how the spirit of mankind longs for violence. Unknown_08: Actually, no, that wasn't mustache man. That was the physics man. It's from Industrial Society in the Future that he says that people have a naturally violent side and they need it satiated every so often. And they currently do so with placebos. But in the heart of all men is a violent streak. I'm pretty sure. It could be both, to be fair. It might be both. I'm not sure. 2:24:46 Unknown_08: Pope Urban for four says, can you please explain Sneed? I don't get it. OK, so. 20 years ago, there was a show called The Simpsons, and they aired a sketch where Homer Simpson decides to go, he inherits a plot of land, and I've never actually seen this episode, I'm just going by what I know. Unknown_08: He inherits a plot of land, and he decides that he's going to grow agriculture on it. So he heads to a little store out in the sticks called Sneed's Feed and Seed, where he is greeted by 2:25:22 Unknown_08: uh chuck actually and uh chuck is the former owner because it says so on the sign it says formerly chucks now this sign went unnoticed by almost everybody but someone deduced 20 years later that if you follow the alliteration at play and replaced the ed and sneeds feed and seed with the uck Unknown_08: Chuck you get Chuck suck and fuck which is very different from Steve's feed and seed this joke was so inspired so subtle so hilarious that it caused an entire community of people to lose their fucking minds and Start making sneak jokes Constantly until the moderators of TV on 4chan Committed suicide en masse and it's just sort of stuck around ever since Unknown_08: Thanks for asking. Ludvig45 says, I made a four second video of my favorite Jack Scalfani moment. I don't trust this. I don't trust this. 2:26:18 Unknown_07: Okay. Okay. I'll play it. I'll play it. Get ready. A little bit of salt. Unknown_09: Little bit of salt. Unknown_08: He is preparing a turkey and he says a little bit of salt. Unknown_08: And then because he is a clumsy, clumsy seizure man with clumsy hands, he just throws it on the fucking tray. He completely misses the giant ass turkey. I don't know what the fuck he's doing. That is a 0% salt contact with that turkey. Very good, thank you. RoxanneWolfPretend says absolutely nothing. They might set up the Kennel Club, but unfortunately chat died during my stream because chat's a piece of shit and I'm so fucking, so fucking done with rebooting my goddamn database cluster over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. 2:27:30 Unknown_08: Burger Mutt for two says, Jewish looking professor Edward Dutton on YouTube and maybe read one of his books. He discussed evolutionary psychology and this stuff. It's like a puzzle piece with the works of Ted Kaczynski. I recommend watching prison works or what kind of women get abortions. Unknown_08: Interesting YouTube titles. I might look into that. Thank you. Unknown_08: anonymous for one says me a portfeg donating one dollar to joshua null moon being the internet with a capital i he's awesome and he'll read my super chat thank you anonymous i did read your super chat i appreciate it let me sit on your face josh for five says miss a couple of live streams i wanted to tell you happy belated birthday and christmas and may you find a big booty latina in 2023 sir you know that how my commitments are and uh that that is not in the cards for me 2:28:18 Unknown_08: Thank you for the $5 though. Steady Slicker for five says inability to identify dementia in the elderly is why we get recipes like party cheese salad. Unknown_08: It's a very sad take on Jack Scalfani's party cheese salad. Unknown_08: I wouldn't wish dementia on anyone except Vordrack, who will get dementia and it'll be very funny when he shits himself alone in a daycare center until he's dead. Anonymous for one says, you're thinking of Zolk or Zolch, Zolch, Zolch, i.e. bile, different but similar and related to Zloty. It's also an incredible word because it's all Polish-accented characters. No, um, I'm thinking of the word for yellow because I was told that the word for yellow is the same as something gross like Bile, but yeah, they're pretty similar because they're I guarantee you Zolch is from Zlotny so That's uh, what's going on there Thank you though. Boomer for 545 says about the, about the internet, lowercase I internet, how in God's fucking name do we save it? 2:28:50 Unknown_08: Um, decentralized services, mostly, uh, uh, web, web torrents still work. VPNs are still work. We're gonna have to I mean I was asking for what a base alternative to the EFF is and nobody had any suggestions So, I don't know. Maybe my destiny is to remake the EFF in my own image Then who can save the lowercase I internet? 2:29:28 Unknown_08: Braunstein for 545 says happy Holocaust Remembrance Day Jewish never forget the six million. There's no fucking way. I Unknown_08: January 27th. Happy Holocaust Remembrance Day. Never five get chat the six million Medicare mass medicare massacres for $20 says my cat. Mr. Mittens wants to know if you've ever had any pets If so, he wants to hear a story about them. Also, mr. Mittens is dying of lung cancer. Please. Thank him for his service Thank you. Mr. Mittens for your service as far as me ever having pets. I've had several cats and 2:30:00 Unknown_08: My mom had different cats throughout our life. We always had Scott who lived for a very long time. He unfortunately died in the house fire that my mom's retarded ex-boyfriend started. Unknown_08: Very sad because that cat had traveled across the country twice and lived to like 14. He died of monoxide inhalation. I like Scott quite a bit. 2:30:41 Unknown_08: The we had bad luck with black cats because they would like to lie in the asphalt because it was warm and they're black So we lost one cat to a car accident. We lost the other cat to think feline leukemia and then The fourth one I think Unknown_08: my mom's ex-boyfriend poisoned. I think that's what her theory was, because it died suddenly, like a COVID vex. I can't say that on YouTube. 2:31:14 Unknown_08: It died suddenly, which also sucks. So I have bad luck with cats, and I've never had a dog. One day I would like to have a dog. Unknown_08: Uh, sorry for my not so fun stories about my cats. Um, I, I, my favorite cat was probably Stewie. Stewie had a crooked mustache and for whatever, he smelled like corn chips. If you held him to your face and you rubbed your nose into his fur, uh, he smelled exactly like a big bowl of tortilla chips and it was quite delicious. Unknown_08: And for whatever reason, we invented a background for him. He was a Portuguese sailor. He was like Christopher Columbus. And as we just always called him Stewie, the Portuguese sailor. 2:31:48 Unknown_08: Uh, Mr. Whatever's for $1 says, if you want a great Jack video, watch this. This is the one where he basically tries to kill himself with salmonella. I think we watched that one before. It's, uh, he doesn't cook his chicken all the way through. I'm not, I'm not in the mood to watch any more of Jack's cooking. I don't know if I can stomach it, but thank you. Yeah. Deek for 10 says, many thanks to playing the party cheese salad. Goyalotny. 2:32:21 Unknown_08: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you. Strega for two says I'm your Polish consulant from now on. You've mistaken the word yellow with a word. Unknown_08: Zugi, which means vomit. You were close enough. I was told by a Polish person who has a dog as an avatar, so he's very reliable. Unknown_08: That is the word for yellow, which means like bile. Unknown_08: I guess I just confused bile with vomit, but I understand now. Unknown_08: Oh, the Dumpster Defenders. Texas Dumpster Defender Trial Results. 2:32:52 Unknown_07: What was the name of the dumpster defenders? 2:33:24 Unknown_07: I'm going to look this up. Unknown_07: Um, I doubt it. Unknown_07: What's their name? Unknown_07: Take your swing. Yeah, I doubt it. It's that it's like, what's the name of Unknown_07: You won't be happy. Do they get convicted? Texas self-defense, a bullying trial results. 2:33:59 Unknown_08: Verdict. Michael Miller was found not guilty. Johnny Miller was found not guilty. Um, well, my thoughts are that's incredibly fucking base and red pill. And I'm really happy that we're seeing these victories for self-defense cases in the United States. It gives me a lot of hope. Unknown_08: I doubt it. Uh, our cock. Unknown_08: I'll take that again. Arkan Chernoi for one says, take me rubles, Mrs. Luna. I don't know why you're calling me Mrs. Luna. That makes me uncomfortable. Stop sexually harassing me. Thank you though. 12345 says, might have missed this, but why was Jonathan Yane removed from the front page of Qt Farms? It's because his board is completely dead. You can still find his thread in Stinkditch. None of this for 10 says, been watching for two years. Keep up the content. Appreciate it. Hopefully you don't find my racism bit too offensive. 2:34:30 Unknown_08: Moosebyrus410 says, caught you live after a thousand years, you're a real one king, keep up the good work. Question, what was your favorite game of 2022? Unknown_08: I don't think I played any games. I mean, not any games that came out in 2022, I don't think. I liked Victoria 3 quite a bit. I got a bunch of hours out of that, but I'm waiting. It's the paradox symptom of me waiting for the third update before it's any good. 2:35:03 Unknown_07: I read it wrong. Unknown_07: I don't know what you're talking about, buddy. This dude is spamming, begging me to say that, oh, I read the wrong, what? Unknown_07: Abilene, Texas, shooting update. 2:35:36 Unknown_07: Is this not the right one? Unknown_08: No, this is the right one. Unknown_08: It's the fucking photos of the guys. Unknown_08: Oh, I read Johnny Miller was found guilty. Okay. So one of them was found guilty. Unknown_07: That's fucked up. Unknown_07: My bad. Unknown_07: I didn't read it wrong. Okay. Unknown_07: The dad was guilty. He wasn't, was he the one that shot? Unknown_07: They both had guns, right? 2:36:10 Unknown_07: Why was the dad found guilty, but the son wasn't? Unknown_07: Junior is free. That's fucked up. And it feels like it's identity. How was the dad guilty? Did he? Because he didn't have a gun. Oh, he did have a gun. Unknown_07: The dad was provoking him that might get a turn on appeal, so that's bullshit. Unknown_08: They found the son not guilty. Then the dad should be not guilty to. I thought that dude was a screaming lunatic. There's not a chance in hell I would find either one of them guilty. 2:36:43 Unknown_08: Um, small kitten for five says, what was your most memorable Dota 2 experience? Meow, meow. Unknown_08: Oh, geez. Um, okay. One that sticks out is in the early days of Dota. Cause they ported the game over from Warcraft three, basically untouched. So a lot of the griefing that you could do and in Warcraft, you could also do in Dota. And a lot of people who play Dota were never around for this, but you could also delete. Oh, is my stream dead again? 2:37:17 Unknown_08: No, my stream is fine. Everyone just sucks. Unknown_08: You could delete your allies items by taking them off the courier and dropping them So the first I had always been told by someone when I played Blockland that Estonians are the worst piece of people ever and I had never met an Estonian at the time I didn't even know where Estonia was and I had been told during the beta because I played during the open beta of Dota Actually the closed beta where you had like buy it like an invite to play it 2:37:50 Unknown_08: That this glitch existed and a lot of people complained about it on the forums for Dota. I was like, I've never seen anyone exploit this thing where you can delete your ally's items off the courier. Unknown_08: And the first person I ever saw after hundreds of games do this was some guy from Estonia who was just like a total dickbag and ruined the whole game. And that was my first interaction with Estonians. And I thought, wow, Estonians are really shitty people. Fuck Estonia. Unknown_08: Um, that stands out as particularly memorable. Unknown_08: No, I don't know if that would be my favorite memory from Dota. Just sort of like, eh. 2:38:25 Unknown_08: Eat dirt drink bleach for five says where would you rather live the United States of California the Afro? Eurasia ultimate England Kingdom or an Amazon lunchtime pod on Mars? Unknown_08: None of those sound particularly appealing we all sound exactly I mean, we're probably not gonna get raped in the pod But maybe you can I don't know. I'm assuming that there's rapes that happen in Amazon. I Would stick with the good old us of C because that's what I know. I 2:39:00 Unknown_08: But then a hammock for five says fuck you Josh I bought satisfactory a few days ago when it went on sale and I've been sleep-deprived ever since I'm glad you've enjoyed it Though I mean what happened with me is I got to a point where I got too annoyed at the how the updates kept making me fuck around with all my bills I'm just like I can't be asked to redo all of this shit and manually move over all these inventories of garbage and shit It's like fuck this Unknown_08: Paul for 545 says, Jackself funny thread is some of the best writing on the forum. I genuinely hope he pulls through. That's nice. I'm glad that you want someone to survive, maybe in a disabled condition so you can continue to bully him on the internet. 2:39:37 Unknown_08: Gillette fan for 8173 says, I know you are normally against anime, but are there any that you've seen you enjoy? Berserk is genuinely great. Oh, Berserk, the one with the rape, with the horse that rapes people, right? The rape horse. Unknown_08: The most memorable thing about berserk to me is that gator had no issue calling me a pedophile for like five years and then when Ralph called the artist who drew like lollicon who also drew the berserk novel a Pedophile because he drew little kids getting fucked by horses Gator had a sudden epiphany that calling people a pedophile is pretty egregious unless you have a lot of evidence and he apologized to me only because of that and That's my mental association with Berserk. I've never watched it, but I know about the horse rape and the lollipop. 2:40:20 Unknown_07: That I've actually liked. Unknown_07: I mean, I don't know if I can say I like it, but Wanamote is designed to make you cringe. Unknown_08: And it is extremely effective at it. It is one of the most intensely cringe things I've ever watched. 2:40:52 Unknown_08: So, I mean, just as sort of like a general, like, it definitely accomplished what it set out to do. One Omote is, like, pretty fucking hard. Unknown_08: I remember having to pause it constantly to get through it. It's just like, damn, that's fucking intense. Unknown_08: Elfen Lied. I did watch Elfen Lied. I can't remember why. Oh, because I like the music for it. So I was like, fuck it, I'll watch this. Unknown_08: There's a part of Elfen Lied, the only part that I can remember. She's like a magical girl that kills people or something. It's all bullshit. The only part of Elfen Lied is it's extremely emotionally manipulative. There's a part where a puppy is trying, is like beaten to death with baseball bats. And this is like her tragic background that makes her like a murderer. 2:41:29 Unknown_08: I don't know if I can say I enjoy that though. It was pretty intense and I think it made me cry but I like the intro music And I think that's it I think that's all I have to say about anime 2:42:02 Unknown_08: Anonymous for 2 says, have you ever seen Michael Hulesk's sex tape trailer from Kerack, the French guy that wrote Submission Bang's Dutch art hose? Absolutely nothing about this makes any sense to me or is interesting to me. I do not want to see some French pervert, probably Jewish pervert, fuck mentally ill woman. I apologize. I don't know what a Kerack is. Unknown_08: Um, thank you. Danny, I for two says I'm imagining in my head, the 50 year old truant father is just standing on the door. Right? T-posing asserting dominance against the failure of the son's personal space. If that man had any, any such audacity in him, he would not have raised such a failure to begin with destitute and genitalia for $20. Um, 2:42:46 Unknown_08: I think says Gong Shu Fa Cai. Pretty sure that's what that is. Let me check. I actually wrote Gong Shu Fa Cai on a note, so I should be able to recognize it. Unknown_07: No, it's not. I'm completely wrong. Let me translate this real quick. He did pay me $20. Unknown_08: Oh, Happy Year of the Rabbit. So I got half the characters right, I think. Unknown_08: Thank you. I appreciate it. How do you feel about the Dota hero Pugna? 2:43:16 Unknown_08: Oblivion? Oblivion's his Warcraft name. Unknown_08: I don't have strong feelings to him. He's not like, he's a very basic hero. He has a decent kit. He can be a good support. He can be pretty menacing on the enemy team. I think Pugna's extremely balanced. Unknown_08: He's a pretty solid character. He doesn't irritate the fuck out of me like someone like Witch Doctor does, and he's not like overpowered or underpowered. So, I like Pugna. I'm not gonna be upset if someone picks a Pugna on the game, on either team. 2:43:49 Unknown_08: Good hero. Unknown_08: Harriet Tubman's titty fuck surprise for five says, Oh boy, do I have a surprise for you? Thank you, Harriet Tubman. I appreciate it. Unknown_08: Mr. Man for 2180 says, I tried hollandaise slop on my pizza. Great for a single slice, but it's like a caricature of cuisine more suitable for oars divorce. It's all right. I look forward to the next fuck you mom podcast. They show it was a nice show. I'm surprised that people are actually trying it. 2:44:23 Unknown_08: It's pretty tasty. Um, as well, as long as it's done, right. It's definitely, I think it's like a Danish thing. The Hollandaise on pizza. Unknown_08: Their pizzas are fucked up. They put salad, they put like iceberg lettuce on pizza. Danish people are fucking crazy. I do like Hollandaise sauce though. Thank you though. Warhammer 40k quote of the week for five says necessity overcomes morality never without regret never without shame yet Even a moral victory must outweigh moral defeat the victor will have a chance at to atone if conscious demands The vanquish lose any such opportunity from Robert a ghillie men Thank you. I don't know what the fuck that means, but I appreciate it I actually disagree that we don't live in a Darwinian society. I think that people are obviously, I think like, 2:44:58 Unknown_08: Trannies and those guys and abortions and men who've prioritized shit like having a permanent bachelor lifestyle Jerking off to porn and prioritizing Funko Pops. I think that shit is It's actually Darwinian and I think that we think that we've beaten Darwinism as a part of the hubris that's rebuilding. It's nature nature Finds a way 2:45:30 Unknown_08: MericurSyncVodka for one says, Dylan Movini looks like Caitlyn Jenner now, lmao. I think he looks like Michael Jackson. But I guess that's an insult to the King of Pop. Unknown_08: Nostalgic for IBS for one says I Was listening to some 2018 streams. Apparently you have been on a stream with Jim before I guess you forgot you Ralph Jim Gators Dan harmful opinions You asked if any of them agreed Jarbo should have owned the flag a tree Ralph sounding coherent I've never been on a stream with only Jim I've been on a stream with Jim before in the big one of the heel streams, I think and And then I was also on Jim when I was talking to V. Sargon of Akkad, Jim also got on that one. But I've never, before that last stream, I've never spoken to him on one before. 2:46:19 Unknown_08: None of us for five says Native Americans are as ugly as Indians, but have the reputation of blacks I've never met a native in my life. So I can't actually opine on what I think I have strong pains about aborigines If you show like a black person aborigine, they're gonna have some negative things to say about that. I I I can't I don't know. I can't say this on YouTube, but you look at like I don't know 2:46:56 Unknown_07: You look at like a fish and then you look at like a shitty fish. Unknown_08: You think those fish are related, but the bigger fish that's not so shitty is a different, different kind of fish than the shitty fish. That sums up my opinion. Basically. Unknown_08: Uh, Danny, I provide says I'm generally curious how the hell Gunt still has money to piss away. Given every stupid decision he made at this point, he's truly turning into the late low tax or hobo adult Eric Cartman in the recent South Park special where they're adults in the future. Unknown_08: I mean still get super chats. You got Nick Fuentes. He's got Nick Fuentes as a Midas touch keeping him afloat Though, I don't know. It's hard to say for sure. I don't I can't see his finances He can only make guesses about how much money he actually keeps and stuff and how much he spends on drinking But I imagine it'll come to a head eventually 2:47:35 Unknown_08: Demons for Two says, if God fucking forbid Mei did... Sorry, I didn't... To that fucking weirdo Serbian guy who comments on every fucking stream telling me not to say the Lord's name, asking me kindly with a please not to say the Lord's name in vain, I apologize. I think I just caught myself for the first time. I don't think I say it that often. I don't think I say it every stream, but he always comments saying that. 2:48:07 Unknown_08: And I don't think I usually do. So I don't know where it's coming from, but this time... Unknown_08: It's a super chat. And I read it, so I'm cognizant of the fact that I said it. Unknown_08: If G hyphen D fucking forbid made it only fans content and post nudes. Wouldn't that count as bestiality zoophilia content? It certainly would not be something I ever, ever want to see in my entire fucking life. 2:48:43 Unknown_08: Rungle Pepino Spaghetti for 545 says play Pizza Tower. It's pretty good. I don't know what that is. Is that a video game? Unknown_07: pizza tower on steam apparently a business joint in England to the pizza tower not to be confused with the Tower of Terror Unknown_08: Apparently this is overwhelmingly positive. Pizza Tower is a fast paced 2D platformer inspired by Warrior Land series. Unknown_08: Okay. I don't know. I don't know if I want to pay 20 bucks for Pizza Land. 2:49:19 Unknown_08: Maybe I will though. If I get, if I'm extremely drunk one day or something. Our drama net for five says for dropping the Bard pill on your viewers love our drama Yeah, our drama pays a lot of a lot more attention to the reddit shit Bard friend is one of their favorites because he is particularly disgusting and more importantly he's very influential at reddit and Unknown_08: And people try to bring up to him like, hey, didn't you guys have like an actual pedophile as an admin on Reddit and didn't that get exposed because of the Kiwi farms? And he just deleted that reply because he has to copesieve and dilate literally. Curr is for 5 says thanks shersh, thank you. Balance for 10 says I fell in love with a cam girl someone shoot me in the head please. Bro just fucking turn off your computer. 2:49:53 Unknown_08: You gotta get over that shit. She will take every dollar and pretend to like you if you try to like get closer to her. She will never ever ever actually enter a relationship with you. It's just over. Stop watching cam girls. They make their money by emotionally manipulating retards and right now you're a retard my dude. Unknown_08: Orokin the diviner for 5 says, Orokin, you bastard, give me back my- give me back the Mysterious. Unlike you, it does not belong in a museum. I have literally no fucking idea. I think there- I think there are people who like, conspire to have a theme of Super Chats every episode, and I ha- and they put- like, specifically choose things I can't comprehend. 2:50:27 Unknown_08: Baldofagons for 5 says, So late April, early May on the Rakeda-something. I don't know, take your bets, my dude. Unknown_08: Dainty's Inferno for $100 says Jersh smash or pass on Cecil McFly. I have nothing against Cecil, but I believe that Cecil is trans. I don't know if that's true, but my intuition says that it is. 2:51:07 Unknown_08: So that's a hard pass, my dude. But thank you for the $100 from Dainty's Inferno. Who does spell his name like that? Just to remind everybody. Unknown_08: Anonymous for one says hi Josh, when will be the next games gaming stream and what game will it be? Also, please consider playing half-life or entropy zero I've never actually played half-life a lot of people have won me to play dead space because it's apparently coming out for Sale as a remastered on the weekend But I Don't know. The next stream will probably be the Harry Potter one. I'm just I'm just on the mood to do video game streams right now I apologize 2:51:43 Unknown_08: Dainty's Inferno spelled D-A-N-T-E Dainty for 15 says absolutely nothing. Thank you very much Dainty's Inferno spelled D-A-N-T-E Dainty. Unknown_08: Internet best friend 545 says I'm a poor skid row citizen who lives as a homeless and watch the stream through a kiosk and need financial help and I have career advice to become a successful farm business. Also my goldfish drowned today. Can I get some prayers? Unknown_08: Jokes aside have fun and good luck. 2:52:16 Unknown_08: um okay for the business you need okay for financial help become a debt maxer find find some social security numbers at your skid row trash cans and use that to take out credit cards debt max those cards at atms take those gains those lawfully attained gains put that into your alpaca business find an inhospitable patch of the badlands in south dakota Unknown_08: completely ruin that agriculture and then report your financial losses to the Federal Department of Agriculture And just collect those subsidies from the government and your congratulations You can take that money and go buy a house for $1 in Detroit live in the good life. I'm in that's all joke Don't ever do that. You'll die Uh war offense center for 545 says thoughts on uh, enoch burke shit happening in ireland. Oh my god Let me tell you about how much I follow irish news Uh, is enoch burke the guy that's like a mobster Irish family known for repeated involvement in high-profile cases teacher who refused to use to oh 2:53:14 Unknown_08: Irish teacher refused to be fined each day court order is breached for refusing to use a child's preferred pronouns. Yeah, I mean, look, dude, Ireland and England, I really want to love Ireland. Ireland is such a beautiful country. It's a white country. People there talk funny, but they're Catholic. They're not Anglican except in the shitty cities where they are Anglican, the ones that have betrayed their country and their people. Unknown_08: But I mean they have got brain slugs really fucking bad and it sucks Near for two says a little bit of salt two shots of vodka Two shots of vodka. 2:54:13 Unknown_07: Oh, okay. This is a meme I know this Sorry, I copied the wrong thing Unknown_06: Two shots of vodka. Unknown_08: That's more than two shots. I'm sure she knows exactly how much she needs to get through the day. 2:54:46 Unknown_08: CoalCoal410 says, hey Josh, a guy was organizing a Kiwi Farms physical magazine in response to Drop Kiwi Farms and I was going to be one of the authors. Since you recovered the magazine and became pointless, can I send the article, The Ethical Case for Doxing, to you to post? Unknown_08: Post it yourself, make an account. The registrations are open, dude, just make an account and post it. You might get some negative feedback, but whatever. It'll help you grow as an aspiring author. Unknown_08: Oh, yeah, Dante for 35 says I once played in a sheet over voice chat and got an Arab dude in trouble because his mother heard it and thought he was talking to Isis recruiters. My mom, Don has appeared was the title, not the favorite one, but definitely one of the best. If you're a kiwi farms dot net slash. Oh, no, I don't have that director anymore. Shit. Sorry. I have a director of machines. 2:55:26 Unknown_08: And there's a couple of real like they go, they're really good. Unknown_08: The music's really good. Um, there's God, uh, Syria and Bashar. That's really popular. There's a bunch of ones from the one that makes really good ones is, um, what's, what's the one in Israel? Oh my God. I don't know how the fuck I forgot. Hezbollah. Hezbollah makes really great music. 2:55:58 Unknown_08: Uh, Unknown_08: Like there's that song, Strike a Blow at Tel Aviv. That song's a banger. There's a couple. And they make good music. And it's really like primal. It strikes a masculine chord in your brain. Thank you though. Rumor for 540 prices, you'll get another five for even considering a new version of EFF. I fully support that except my support there. You'll get like, you'll get on the gum road. Uh, yeah, appreciate it. Um, I'll have to really think that over. It's a serious, making a 501c3 is a really serious endeavor. Um, it's a ways down the road, a couple of years out, but I'm, I'm considering it cause the EFF is not, is not capable of doing what the EFF needs to be able to do because they're so afraid of being raped and murdered by trainees at this point. 2:56:30 Unknown_08: Now Mr. Pipe says Justin Rowland is the Pickle Rick Man and is currently cancelled for domestic abuse and also grooming. Unknown_08: Yeah, I mean, they're all they're all the same in Hollywood. I'm not surprised. I don't even know how people can pretend to be surprised. Like if it comes out of Hollywood, it's either rapes or it's been raped or it rapes and it has been raped. That's everybody. There's not a single person in Hollywood right now that has not forcibly been penetrated or penetrates or does both or helps facilitate it as a female sex trafficker. They're all gross fucking perverts. No exception except Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks is fine. 2:57:15 Unknown_08: Anonymous for or ice Mexican for five says the year is 2019 But you have the power of foresight to see everything that happens to blood sports community only Okay, so very narrowly what happens to blood sports in the next four years. How do you proceed with this esoteric knowledge? Unknown_07: Oh Boy I would Unknown_08: I'm assuming that what I do is not going to like, I don't know. It depends on how my actions change the course of it. I would simply predict everything that's going to happen. I would like vocally predict things. And then I would look like a fucking genius for knowing exactly what happens. I would just, I would just simply bolster that bolster my reputation by cheating. Cause I, what else am I going to do? Am I going to like take out a life insurance policy on Ralph or something? I don't think I can. 2:57:49 Unknown_08: Look up Tom Hanks son. Listen, I choose to be willfully ignorant to anything negative about Tom Hanks. I like his movies and I don't care. I don't want to know. Don't ruin Tom Hanks for me. Shut up. 2:58:24 Unknown_08: Anonymous for two says, I can promise you a, I promise you can stomach. It's four seconds long. This is my favorite Jack moment. Unknown_07: It's like 4chan weapons. I know it doesn't have sound. Unknown_07: Okay, here we go. We scanned it to make sure there's no gore. He's got some kind of grill machine on. Unknown_08: He flipped it over. I think he's unplugging it now. 2:58:57 Unknown_08: Oh my God! He appears to have overfilled it and the latch popped open and an omelet or something exploded out of the grill press. So he's fucked that up a little bit. Unknown_08: Very impressive. Unknown_08: The man was truly a maverick. Unknown_08: Anime for five says you want to motivate turned into a Yuri. I give it a zero. No, it didn't. Unknown_08: Not like the first the season that I watch. I don't know if they made a sequel or whatever, but she like she had the hots for like a boy and tried to like a famous guy and tried to flirt with him, but was really awkward. And that was one of the really, really awkward parts of the entire the entire series was awkward. But I don't remember it being a Yuri. 2:59:37 Unknown_08: Um, I don't remember anything pornographic about it. There was kind of like an implied, like she gets caught by her. She gets, she has a back massage wand and she gives herself a back massage and falls asleep. And it, it looks like she's masturbating when her dad walks in, but she's already asleep. And that's one of the, like the entire thing is just super awkward, but it's not sexually charged at all, which is why I don't. Mind talking about it, but I think that's as close. I don't remember what turned to it. 3:00:11 Unknown_07: I'm molding. Oh, Unknown_08: Look, I'm sorry Cecil McFly for saying that Wanamote wasn't a Yuri. I don't know what you expect from me, okay? I don't remember anything myself. Unknown_08: Ruggy for five says, hi. Hi, Ruggy. Thank you. Anonymous for five says, talk about FedNow. FedNow is an exciting new product by the Federal Reserve that's coming out in 2023 quarter two. FedNow allows instantaneous transactions from individuals and corporations to one another. 3:00:47 Unknown_08: between institutions, so no middleman except the Federal Reserve. Every transaction will be reported directly to the IRS and kept on record forever by the government, but it cuts out Stripe and Visa and MasterCard. What more could you ask for besides basic privacy? Unknown_08: If they decide to cut you out, you can go to the courts about it because it's a government service, allegedly, because the Federal Reserve is a part of the government, allegedly. Isn't it exciting? I'm so fucking excited for FedNow. If any of you run a libertarian bank and intend to integrate into the FedNow, let me know. I can't fucking wait for FedNow. I kneel before you, Federal Reserve System. I can't wait to process bank payments again like a normal fucking person. FedNow. FedNow. 3:01:25 Unknown_08: Winston Fujimori says, where does your avatar of the cow wearing headphones on the human body come from? I think he wants it on a stream that comes from some music album, but I forget. Shaky Graves, Roll the Bones. Unknown_08: And the one I use for my video game channel is the like 10 year anniversary edition of that. 3:01:59 Unknown_08: Rabbi Herschel Lieberman Berg Blatstein for 15 says here's your week weekly shackles from your greatest ally. Thank you. Rabbi Herschel Lieberman Berg Blatstein. I appreciate it very much. Matt, Eric, however, fights is Ghislaine. Maxwell is claiming Prince Andrew Foden was faked. He determined to keep those cameras on. Would you review it came from something awful by Elber and. Unknown_08: For gum rub, I don't know if it's good, but it would be interesting to hear your perspective. Unknown_08: um depends on how long it is and what it is if it's like a video it is a book came from something awful how a toxic troll army accidentally named donald trump into office that sounds like it would be really shitty um 3:02:48 Unknown_07: I find it hard to read books. I know that sounds retarded, but it's like, even a good book, I have issues staying interested in reading a book. Unknown_08: I have like an e-reader, and I've put a bunch of stuff on it that I actually do want to read, but I find it difficult just getting through it. Unknown_08: ADHD and I don't know maybe the last book I tried to read was Julia Julia Savola's revolt against the modern world I think it was and I'm thinking that he's talking about how monarchy is the Most human form of government and straying from monarchy has brought about suffering However, I don't find his points convincing and he has a statement in there saying I will provide no supporting evidence of this everything that I say is true and it's up to you to believe me and And he doesn't, he literally does not attempt at, like that, word for word, that's what he says, and he makes no attempt at trying to back up what he's saying, so. 3:03:37 Unknown_08: I didn't I didn't finish. It's a very very long book. It's very dry, and I didn't find it particularly persuasive You can supply evidence for why monarchy is based I don't know Julius of Ola couldn't I've heard the art. I mean I have heard the argument from people that a beneficial a benevolent dictatorship is the most is the best form of government, but definitely did not feel that way from 3:04:17 Unknown_08: I'm reading the Julie syllable book Probably proper ten says hey Josh just want to let you know I apologize to my mother for a sprung Spurring out about the Fed lady paying me a visit in the box. I kicked is okay. I clean up all the ornaments and spilled out The guy is this actually him cuz I've read the name Polly frog before I Unknown_08: as a super chatterer. I'm wondering now if I made fun of him and he's like a listener. I'm glad you made okay with your mom. You should probably move out and you should probably get a lawyer. I mean, she's right. If you want to handle the feds your, you know, your own way, you should do that from your house. I don't, I'm trying to be honest and I'm good job cleaning up all the ornaments. Hopefully he didn't break anything expensive. 3:04:59 Unknown_08: Robo Gorilla Man for $5.45 says, I like big titty goth elf girls. Unknown_08: Happy for you, bro. I don't think that elves can be goth though. Aren't they supposed to be like the most majestic form of creature? Would a majestic creature be gothic? I don't think so. Unknown_08: Anonymous for two says, Jersh, I didn't mean that we beat evolution. We don't have the same natural pressure shaping our evolution. We have an environment that forces human evolution in weird ways. 3:05:33 Unknown_08: AX dumbs outbraiding smarts. That's a myth. Unknown_08: Um, the people most likely to have abortions are people who are, uh, economically disadvantaged in the U S. But I mean, if, if dumb people, it's, it's not, it's not that dumb people are making like the idiocracy meme where like the dumb family has like 8,000 kids. It's the immigrant family because they don't, they haven't imbibed the toxic retard culture that is, you know, the West. They're still classically Mexican or they're Asian or whatever and they still have family pressure to have a family. 3:06:12 Unknown_08: The dumb people in the US are dying out too. It's not just the smart people. Unknown_07: And Anonymous45 says, Impressive, very nice. Unknown_08: Let's see Paul Allen's Jack Scalfani Club. Sure, everyone has their favorite Jack Scalfani Club. Makes me shake with rage when I see the popping out webinar. I know I could have played that one instead. Anonymous42 says, To add to Drek's list, I think Nick's audience encourages Drek to tell him BBC stories and claim they are conservative. These are progressive couples in the epicenter of Portland that are more There are progressive couples in the epicenter of Portland that are more homogenous, more segregated, and more white trad than them. 3:06:47 Unknown_08: Yeah, I've always found the fascination with Drexel to be weird. He started out as like the not your shield guy, or it's just like, I'm not racist. I was black facing as my black friend. Here's my black friend. And then he just kind of does this thing where he talks about women or whatever. And of course his, his experience with women is shaped by the fact that he only wants white women and his experience with women are there for white women that would have sex with a black guy. So his entire worldview and perspective on women and dating strategies involves like the scummiest fucking people and fucking around with the absolute bottom trash tier women. And then he passes this off as if it's like objective wisdom and it's like, no, you are attractive to a specific type of mentally ill person. 3:07:36 Unknown_08: And to act like you've found the secrets to, you know, dating success is ridiculous. You haven't. You just know how to scoop up the fucking trash. Unknown_07: Good for you, bro. Unknown_07: Collier Dante for 10 says something awful was the driving force between the 2016 fascist takeover of the White House site owner Richard Lotex Kanker could not live That's a good alternative strategy to why he shot himself if only he had left the suicide note for his multiple children to read maybe I would know more but unfortunately he did not 3:08:27 Unknown_08: Thank you though. CitySticker5 says, Libertarianism and its related governmental forums sound cool until you get Nicrocades and Drexels just like any system you need intelligent people what enough to maintain it. Unknown_08: That is that is the conundrum with any kind of loose government system is that if you have a weak government. Unknown_08: then it eventually gets taken over and, you know, becomes authoritarian. I mean, that's just, again, it's the cock close. It's been formulated for 2000 plus years. The system of how governments rise and fall, how they become free and they become corrupt at the highest levels. And then they become authoritarian again, because authoritarian rises up in the populace that can overthrow the corrupt elements. Then the authoritarian system becomes corrupt when it passes along to a weak inheritor or weak monarch. And then that becomes mob rule, and then it becomes democracy, and yada yada. It's been going on for a long time. This is nothing new. The death of our country and our society is nothing new. It will give way to something else. 3:09:03 Unknown_08: Nate for two says, do you hate Destiny? Unknown_08: Well, it's disappointing that he didn't learn anything from Max Carson. Oh wow, the disingenuous pedophile is a fucking backstabbing sociopath. Who would have figured? If only I listened to Josh. He doesn't say to himself because he doesn't learn. 3:09:39 Unknown_08: I'm glad he let me on this stream. He didn't clip out our conversation and put it on his channel though. I guess he didn't want to promote my ideas. Very sad to see. I guess I'm sorry that he, to butt into him building a factory. I know that's really important to him. Unknown_08: Eat dirt, drink bleach for one says the Mori Quendi were the elves of darkness. Those that did not embark on the journey over to the sea. To Amon, behold the light of the two trees of Valinor. 3:10:16 Unknown_08: probably the closest thing to goth in the middle earth at least i have no fucking idea that's tolkien right middle earth is tolkien i don't think that has anything to do with goth girls is what i'm saying i appreciate it though thank you um platinum gaming for 1 000 library tokens i don't know how much that's worth like three dollars i think make sure the streams and the work on the site and then there's a broken ascii code uh thank you i am piano for 10 cents Everyone watching this on YouTube is a massive chode and reads the Torah. I need rumble to sign me I need rumble to give me money to promote their platform. Even though rumble is like the least functional of all the Of all the different platforms, unfortunately Unknown_08: Variety channel says hey, man, would you have an interview with Jaden McNeil? He's a lot more funny than turkey Tom and could confirm some of the swatting suspicions regarding flint doesn't crew and probably have interesting questions for you, too Yes, what's your opinion of Adam Green from no more news? I only vaguely know anything about Jaden. I know he's like affiliated with America first I don't know how interested he'd be in talking to me I really had nothing to ask him that he hasn't already answered a million times over so I don't know I don't know who Adam Green from no more news is I apologize 3:11:12 Unknown_08: Here for two says, you know, what did destiny mean by this? And then there's a link to something. Let me mute. I don't trust you near. And you know what? I know what you've done to me. Oh, this is the clip where he's paraphrasing by saying that, um, the black people are stupid and he's using the N word over and over again. And this is a favorite clip of his. This actually made me think that he was super racist. So I tried to talk to him a long time ago, only to find out that he was basically paraphrasing someone's arguments. 3:11:45 Unknown_08: Anonymous for two says met Jax two cooking Jax cooking two years ago cool guy Let's see This is a picture of a guy with Jack Scalfani, I'll make this There you go 3:12:21 Unknown_07: Okay, no more superchats. Unknown_08: I have received my fill. I appreciate it. Lots of superchats, actually. Unknown_08: Which is why this stream has gone on for over three hours now. Unknown_08: So, as promised... Unknown_08: I have a special song picked out that I had to hunt down called Kali Yuga by Anthrat Seet. And it is, I looked up the lyrics and translated them to English and a lot of it's just sort of like the world is fucked and shitty. However, the lyrics have this sort of like optimism about it because if we don't know in Hindu, Kali Yuga is like the final and shittiest cycle and it lasts for like 250,000 years or something. We've only just started the cycle. 3:13:03 Unknown_08: So it's about how the times are really shitty, but it's sort of an optimistic approach. It's like, if we simply choose to rise above the Kali Yuga, then it'll go away. It's a matter of perspective and enough people choosing to do something and to rise above it. And I quite like it. I like the song and I like the lyrics. So, uh, I'm Thursday, Kelly Uga. I'll catch you guys next week, which will be the 10th anniversary of the site. So I might prepare some, I might actually put effort into my, my stream that time. Who knows? We'll see. Um, I'll see you then. Bye bye. 3:14:17 Unknown_11: foreign foreign foreign 3:15:05 Unknown_11: Er lügt auf denunziert, lässt sich korrumpiert. Er ist verdorben, wir sind schlecht, er verliert sein Leben's Recht. In ihm starb die Sehnsucht, musste freiheitslassen. Fühlt sich vor Ohren seinen Ketten, Tempel auf den Sklavengang. So flüchtet Licht den dunklen Mann, so dass es jeder sehen kann. Unknown_11: When will we overcome the Kali-Yuga? Be there, if you can! Then we won't see Satya-Yuga! I'll tear him to pieces with the bridge! 3:16:15 Unknown_11: foreign This huge world is breaking up, it's falling apart. Everything is falling apart, and inside it shines a bright light. Unknown_11: This huge world is big, it's constantly packed, it's closing in, it's held captive in the best circle of life, because it just doesn't know it. 3:16:54 Unknown_11: Wann überwinden wir das Kali-Yuga? Zeitalter des Niedergangs Dann sehen wir Licht Satya-Yuga Die Schreckensherrschaft sie zerbricht Wann überwinden wir das Kali-Yuga? Zeitalter des Niedergangs We don't see it, Satya Yuga, I'm getting stuck in this bridge. When will we overcome the Kali Yuga? Time is running out. We don't see it, Satya Yuga, I'm getting stuck in this bridge.