0:02:49 Unknown_16: Another girl I knew used to like this one. 0:04:17 Unknown_05: Hello, hello. It is stream time yet again. Friday has rolled around. And there's a scattering of stories to talk about. A nice little crop of some various topics. Unknown_05: ah ralph ralph unfortunately has you know what oh god i always start talking then i immediately think of things that i forgot because when fun fact when your brain memorizes things differently depending on what part of your brain you're using if you're looking at something you're using one part of the brain but if you're talking using another part of the brain your memory sort of kicks around differently depending on what sense you're using Writing is another one, which is why if you want to learn something, it's good to read it, to say it, and to write it. I briefly tried to learn Chinese using Duolingo, and it didn't work. And then I took Memrise, or I think it was, no, not Memrise. It was another one. It was like a flashcard thing. And I actually drew the characters. And the characters that I drew, I still recognize to this day. And I know exactly what they sound and what they mean. 0:05:02 Unknown_05: So, fun fact for any of you who struggle with studying. If you try to use multiple parts of the brain, you'll memorize things better. I was thinking of Ralphomania. 0:05:39 Unknown_05: I guess the Ralph shit, unfortunately, yet again, has managed to be the most interesting stuff that's happened this week. But... Unknown_05: There's been some other shit that transpired as a result that I'm going to cover. Because I want to confirm suspicions that I have seen. But I'll save that. I'll save that towards the middle, towards the end. Because I want to get through the random shit first. I do want to say, actually... since this is the time to just kind of open up and lay my cards on the table. I did a talk with Turkey Tom, and you can find that on the Bed of the Video Games channel. It's a little bit spicy, so I might move it over to the Matt Darnett site right now, which has a... I have to reissue the SSL cert for that because it has a cert error right now, but... 0:06:25 Unknown_05: A lot of people were very harsh on Turkey Tom. It wasn't a debate, I think I should clarify. I think he kind of offered some counter views on some stuff or challenged opinions just a little bit. I think people are being extremely unfair to Turkey Tom. I could be wrong, but... Unknown_05: um i don't i don't think he was trying to like get into the shit i think he was just kind of like laying out enough to keep me talking because i was i was flying off the handle and everything so he's 19 he's 20 or whatever the fuck and he's uh he's quite young so don't think he's being malicious where being like a proud boy would be more of a satisfactory answer however he has 0:07:08 Unknown_05: He offered, after we spoke, he offered to put me into contact with Destiny, Steve Bunnell, someone who I, of course, have been aware of for a long time. And I've tried giving him a chance as a content creator. I hate his content. I'll say that. I watched a Sam Hyde interview with him, and he was a very good interviewer. but in general i i find like the thing that he does is he sits down and he plays a video game like factorio for 12 hours straight and he just like watches youtube comments and for some reason this gets 9 000 plus viewers and thousands of dollars and i find it very insipid i really i really don't understand like his audience or his content um 0:07:57 Unknown_05: And I have a very low opinions of him, like personally, just like what kind of decisions he makes, what kind of a life he lives. Unknown_05: And when, in talking to him, I have, uh, in my head, I'm, I'm sort of sitting down and I'm thinking, this is a guy who only knows me by like proxy. And I only know him as like lay epic debate, man, who gets into like shitty pissing matches with absolutely everyone. And then tries to do like gotchas and stuff. And it's like, Well, I don't want to, I don't want to get got. Um, so I, I have, I have an idea of how I want to handle it. And this, this conversation will take place at this time tomorrow. Um, probably will be streamed by all three people. Turkey Tom will also be there. I'm not sure what he intends to add or do, but, um, 0:08:36 Unknown_05: So, but it'll keep it like that. If he tries to add in like a bunch of people, I don't fucking know. And I don't want to talk to you. I'll just leave. If he tries to get like super personal, I'll also probably just leave because I'm going to, I'm going to not to tip my hand. What I'm going to do is I'm just going to like try and not get personal and shitty with him at all. Uh, there's a lot that I could say and that I have already said. And I think that if I was just going to like shit on destiny, I would just go to the Kiwi farms and I'll go to his thread and I would shit on them. Cause I don't really need his input on like, I have negatives of negative opinions of a lot of the shit that he does like in his life. And I don't really care what he thinks about that, you know? So why I'm just going to like avoid it. Cause I don't want, I don't want the last thing I'd want to do is get him into like 0:09:14 Unknown_05: Like a, like a, what's the word? Like a bullshit pissing match over tranny shit. I just don't care. I really don't care enough. I know that I'm right. I have enough anecdotes. I've seen enough personally that no, like, like a survey or statistic is ever going to convince them. I'm like, oh, you're right. They are good people and they just live in their life. Like, no, I know better just from my experience. 0:09:52 Unknown_05: Um, as the thing, and just to clarify, I've said that I would never talk to him before, but he's done two things and I will say the main one is that he's, he's no longer associated with Max Carson, the pedophile. So my opinion of him is maybe he learned a lesson about associating with open pedophiles and giving open pedophiles a benefit of it out. But, uh, I doubt it. Um, this is about Turkey Tom. No, uh, this is about destiny and then to, to ramble. 0:10:26 Unknown_05: Destiny's not even a zoomer. Destiny is older than me. Unknown_05: He's older than me and he's dyed his hair bright blue, like brighter blue than a blueberry. I don't know what that indicates. Does that indicate that he's like a blue heart, like a blue dog or blue heart conservative or whatever the fuck? Unknown_21: Yeah. Unknown_05: So I don't know. I'm going to focus. I'm thinking over exactly what topics I want to push. And I kind of want to just flash expose people to some ideas that they may not have considered before. 0:11:07 Unknown_05: And I want to do it as carefully as possible and as narrowly as possible. Because the last thing I'd want to do is get into some sprawling, like, bouncing between topics. Like, I have, like, we're getting into fucking fuss over pronouns and shit. I don't even want to talk about Keffels, to be honest with you. Except in one specific context, like, how Keffels tried to drag Destiny into drop Kiwi Farms. I think that would be the only way I would want to talk about Keffels. Unknown_05: If you don't know, Herky Tom was meant to talk to me and then to Keffels. 0:11:43 Unknown_05: And that did not happen. I think Keffels realized that he wouldn't get the fellating that he thinks he deserves. So after that, he brought on Keemstar, who did fellate. In fact, you know what? I might shuffle out of order a little bit. Unknown_05: I have a couple things here by Keemstar that I'll just jump right into because it's the train of thought. Unknown_05: Um, Kefl's or the game star saying here shortly after his talk with Kefl saying, I will not be buying a Hogwarts legacy. JK won't be rolling in my money. Trans flag, LGBTQ, IAP plus flag, Brown raised fist emoji, heart emoji, uh, LGBTQ plus UA flag emoji, uh, then he says in reply to this i have lost 1300 or 313 transphobic followers and three russians so everyone who unsubscribed to his twitter because of this is a russian bot of course and this what's really what's really important about this is that it forgives him um for this 0:13:04 Unknown_05: Now over here, we actually have the even worse part. Keffels and Kim say trans rights, trans emoji flag, trans emoji flag, trans emoji flag. And this was liked by Justin Wang, who I've spoken to once, and I didn't know who he was, and he had to kind of awkwardly explain that he made YouTube content. This guy Loves keffels. This dude is literally on his knees tongue deep in that fucking stink ditch Scooping out all the pus and this of course forgives keemstar for this Nigga 0:13:54 Unknown_05: Good job, Keemstar. You live your life on your knees and you reap the bounties of that. Congratulations, my boy. At the cost of your dignity and the future for the children that you do not have, you continue to make a little bit more money under the benevolent overwatch of Susan Wojcicki and the transgender mafia. Unknown_05: So on that note, I'll start going through my bullshit. first of all the thing that everyone has has heard about already hbo max's velma is the worst scooby-doo cartoon ever created and here is why um in general this art first of all they made velma black and i i guess the joke is that she's really smart so like we'll take the smart girl and we're making we'll make her black because you can't take the the ditzy hole that is um 0:14:47 Unknown_05: the other one and make her black. Cause that's like, Oh, why would you take the stupid one and make her black? Make the smart one black. So that's what they did. Unknown_05: There's she's Indian. Unknown_21: Really? She looks black. Unknown_05: why she's indian they didn't give her a dot or like dimples or anything how the fuck am i supposed to know she just looks like black to me oh her voice actor that doesn't mean anything they just made her ambiguously mystery me and then found you know some bitch to voice her i want to say also that like the art style is just awful i don't know what the fuck you would call this It almost reminds me of flash animation, but it's way more soulless. I really don't know what the fuck you would, what, how you would describe the shit that is. It reminds me of the, the, the, like, I don't know that Jewish thing about little kids talking about their genitals. 0:15:25 Unknown_05: They all have the big mouth. They all have that kind of style and it's just awful. I really don't know what it is. Unknown_05: How art, but worse. Oh man, you're talking about art shit. I don't know what the fuck that means. Unknown_05: um they also made her a lesbian i think so she can't just be and i also made what's her face um or daphne they made daphne like super ugly and this is like that that cyberpunk like sharp facial features thing that like and they should like shave the side of her head it looks like someone wants to make her steampunk you know what i mean but um 0:16:18 Unknown_05: They didn't. So they just took Velma and made her look like... Her face at the profile looks like the guy that plays the bad man in the new Star Wars. Kylo Ren. She looks like Kylo Ren. Unknown_05: And she apparently has a thing for Indian girls. Which is funny by itself because nobody... has a has a thing for indian girls i'm sorry you know i'm sure there's at least one indian person pakistani person listening to this but the indians have the most unfortunate phenotype um unattractive is an understatement it's one it's like it's truly saddening like what indian people look like it appeals to nobody um it's it's actually kind of a mystery how they made one billion indians because i'm surprised they even want to each other 0:17:07 Unknown_05: so uh i don't know if that's racist is it i see the thing is i feel like i'm i'm i'm i can't be racist when i talk about attraction because like you can't you can't force somebody to be attractive that like undermines consent so you can't force me to find indians attractive but in my experience i don't think anyone finds anything attractive so this is all kinds of weird going on right here Unknown_05: I really don't care what the fuck the rest of this shit says. I can just look at this and say, this is fucking garbage. This is pathetic. Unknown_05: And that's all I have to say about that. You know, pull up the old Scooby-Doo. I bet you if I Google Scooby-Doo right now, I'm just going to see all sorts of bullshit about fucking Velma. Yeah, I am. Unknown_05: Uh, like the animation, there's something just more appealing and maybe it's just nostalgia, but there's something more appealing about like the old cartoons. And do you remember how, because of how they did animation by actual hand back then, um, any of the cells that were shaded, like a light color, you immediately knew we're going to move. Because they did like paintings of the background and then they did like a hand drawing of the stuff that moves so they could animate it easier. And it would stick out immediately. You're like watching a scene like, wait, why the fuck is that bookcase so much brighter than the actual background? And then, of course, the bookcase would be like a trap or something that Shaggy gets grabbed and pulled through in the suspenseful moment. But you're looking at the bookcase the entire time thinking, why is that like neon bright compared to the rest of the creepy dark background? Yeah, I don't know. 0:18:47 Unknown_05: Actually, I think the only Scooby-Doo thing I had is I went bowling a lot with my mom, and she bought me a Scooby-Doo bowling ball, like a custom one, way back when. It was like an eight-pound bowling ball with Scooby-Doo on it. Unknown_05: But I don't know. I guess I like Scooby-Doo. I like ghosts. Everyone likes ghosts. Unknown_05: whatever uh trans activists who shut down women's right lecture provides trans kids in quotes with tiny prosthetic penises the canadian trans activists who led the protest to shut down the university lecture critical of gender idea identity ideology last week is a director of an organization that provides trans identified children and teens with prosthetic penises and here there we go 0:19:30 Unknown_05: This is what they look like. Your daughter, she has terrible gender dysphoria. Don't worry, there are little pee-pees that they can put in their panties to satisfy this creepy freak in the middle there who will probably mail them to your kids in secret if you decide to put a stop to this for whatever reason. Unknown_05: The Canadian trans activist who led the protest to shut down the university last year critical gender identity ideology last week is the director of an organization that provides trans-identified children and adolescents with prosthetic penises. Celeste Trianon, a trans-identified biological male law student at the University of Montreal, succeeded in assembling a mob and preventing Robert Wintemute, a professor of human rights law at King's College London, from delivering his talk titled The Sex vs. Gender Identity Debate in the United Kingdom and the Divorce of the LG from the... 0:20:21 Unknown_05: It's a mouthful. I don't know what the fuck is going on with Canada, but it feels like all the crazy news that we read right now is coming out of Canada. Like, legit, what the fuck is happening? Unknown_05: How have the small cities of, like, Montreal, Toronto, and... Unknown_05: is there there's like another one right there's one in british columbia is that which one's that one there's like three or four different cities in canada that are just completely overwhelming it's one of the most like the biggest countries in the entire world very sparsely Vancouver that's right and it's these cities that have just like decided that this entire continent of 0:21:03 Unknown_05: By the way, here's an interesting tidbit about Canada. Unknown_05: Little known fact, and I'll talk about this more later. Don't let me forget my university spiel. But I actually have a degree. A lot of people think I'm a high school dropout. I actually graduated. Unknown_05: And when I was finishing my high school homeschool diploma thing, I was actually dual enrolled in college at the time. And I have an Associate's of Arts degree. One of the classes I took was a oceanic class. It was just about, like, sea life or whatever the fuck it was. Marine biology. Marine biology was the official name. And the only thing I remember about my marine biology class is that... 0:21:38 Unknown_05: My teacher believed that one day Canada would be a superpower, and she had a very interesting explanation as to why she thought this. It is because Canada has more freshwater than any other country in the world stored as a form of ice in the uninhabited northern portions of the country. So interesting thing is that if we have some if there is a pollution catastrophe looming in the future, they will have a monopoly on freshwater because they have so much uninhabited land producing it, which I think is an interesting point. 0:22:25 Unknown_05: So, whenever I think of Canada, I always think that Canada will be a superpower 2050 when we are begging them for fresh water. I guess if we ever need fresh water, we'll just invade Canada. Like, who's going to stop us? China? China's going to say, sorry, you can't invade Canada, United States. Canada's like 90% Chinese now. We need to save them. We need to save these from the imperialists down south that want to take all their fresh water. Unknown_05: uh enough about the trans penises this is the other what the fuck kind of story in boston the embrace honors dr luton martha dr martin luther king jr's legacy the bronze sculpture by the artist hank willis thomas symbolizes the hug dr king and coretta scott king shared after dr king won the 1964 nobel peace prize i don't know what the fuck this is but this is the ugliest piece of 0:23:19 Unknown_05: I feel kind of bad for black people because it looks like a female's hand is carrying a gigantic either... I'm not going to say it. It looks like an anaconda, but it looks more like a big poo. It looks more like a gigantic poo. And I guess it's supposed to be Martin Luther King's arm. But it looks like a woman who is about to be swallowed whole by a giant anaconda or by a giant poo. So... Unknown_05: I feel bad for black people. Because, you know, I'm not a huge racist. I'm not the CEO of the racist community because I'm just, like, terrible, and I think white people are just so much better than everybody else. I hate everybody. I'm not filled with hate, okay? I'm just racist. I think that... People are better off governing themselves. And when I look at this, I think, you know, if black people are just like white people, I would feel absolutely fucking humiliated by this stupid shit that people keep propping up and saying it's in my honor. Like, I'm just imagining, like... hitler tongue kissing jfk and this is this is erected in like berlin as like a giant monument you know this was this was selected by the turkish commission to honor white people and i'm like i'm not really sure that this does honor white people i'm pretty sure this is fucking stupid you know what i mean i i feel really if there are black people out there who are like 0:24:46 Unknown_05: cognitive, who are on this level of thought, I feel like they would be totally ashamed by all this dumb shit. It reminds me of... One of my favorite cartoons as a kid was Boondocks. And if you don't know, Boondocks was a show by a black guy. And it was very, very critical of... black culture and there's a famous episode that actually got a lot of people super pissed off the the premise of the episode was that martin luther king after being shot went into a coma and he wakes up from a coma like 40 years later and he is with um huey the main character who's like a little kid and he just sees like how fucking vile black culture is in the 2000s and there's he does a speech like there's a martin luther king impersonator talking about how black entertainment television is the worst thing that i have ever seen and this actually pissed off a ton of people and said like that it was that it was racist that this guy who was who was black himself and very critical black people was trying to use martin luther king to shame black people for having like a shitty ghetto culture 0:25:34 Unknown_05: Oh, yeah, he was the... Oh, that's right. It's not even the BET thing. It's that he calls them the N-word over and over again. The trifling ass niggers that I have ever seen. Unknown_05: It's great. It's really funny. And this was all during that time of the mid-2000s where I thought that we were in a post-racial society. It was like 2006, I want to say, that this episode dropped. I really, really thought... Because when I grew up, I was in Maryland. My... 0:26:24 Unknown_05: My neighbor across the street was black. My neighbor to my right and my babysitter was Vietnamese. So I grew up in this little multicultural, multi-ethnic hodgepodge. And it's just like, you know, it's whatever, you know, I'm in Washington, D.C. It's very, very black. Unknown_05: And then 2008 rolls around and Obama gets in and it really feels like after Obama got elected, everything became super racially charged and there was no semblance of like racial unity at all. And that was some stuff that I never felt until after Obama got in. It's stark to me that that's what called it. 0:26:58 Unknown_05: Anyways. Unknown_05: This is like a comic making fun of mods banning people. I think it's an R gaming circle jerk, and the mods are banning anybody saying that they are buying Harry Potter, the new Hogwarts legacy game. So, Grizzly peak 72, which I assume is his age, which would make him... 51 years old, so this is a 51-year-old man in charge of our gaming circle jerk banning people for buying a Harry Potter game. 0:27:30 Unknown_05: wow i've had to ban a lot of salty ass harry potter fans are all of you still bitter about not receiving that letter from hogwarts grow the up and read a different book if you have to do mental gymnastics to justify while you're giving money to a transphobe you're probably transphobic and considering rolling herself has been throwing tantrums on twitter over this indicates how much it's really getting to her don't be delusional buying this game not buying this game has become a political statement whether you like it or not The fact so many of you recognize this and preface your pledges to purchase this game with a meaningless fuck J.K. Rowling speaks volumes. It's clear you're the sort of people who know what the right thing to do is, but you actively choose the opposite to satisfy your own individual desires. You're terrible people, and that's why we're banning you. 0:28:07 Unknown_05: Well, we've had a lot of fun today, folks. Mostly me. All you Harry Potter fans... Unknown_05: proved to be as embarrassing as ever. Wanted a fun way to spend the winter solstice with... 0:28:43 Unknown_05: he doesn't want to say christmas or holiday season so he says the winter solstice this guy is fucking gay as shit that's incredible what better way than bullying you freaks so the guy spending his holidays the 51 year old man spending his holiday season banning people on our gaming circle jerk is calling little kids talking about video games freaks Unknown_05: We'd like to thank you all for participating in our little purge. You trans folks just couldn't help yourselves. Always good to do a little cleansing like this. Keep the subreddit dirt free. Unknown_05: It's always good to do a little purge, a little, how you say, ethnic cleansing. Unknown_05: By all means, keep continuing. I'll just read this in like my shitty camp German list. By all means, continue. Keep continuing to take the bait. Well, she'll be sure to ban you. And I've enjoyed seeing how many of you morons doom coughs have already apparently preordered. What's the old phrase? A fool in their money. And seriously, the amount of hate speech has postings has postings on Reddit. 0:29:39 Unknown_05: I can't believe it. Uh, that's been thrown away, and this very thread is in our mod mail. The fact that you people who insist you need to consume this latest Warner Brothers product have thrown in with these kinds of people that says a lot about your integrity, or rather the lack thereof. Anyway, enjoy wasting $70 that will likely be a very buggy toy. I hope it's worth it. All us normal people will be playing games that don't directly form the prolific transphobe. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our non-transphobic years. Praise Marx. Hold up. 0:30:14 Unknown_05: A final word. It's funny how many of you assume I'm cisgender and that the other mods are all cisgender. It's also funny the amount of hate speech and death threats that I've gotten in my DMs. Just confirming what I already know about people who are still Harry Potter fans and want to buy games. To the supposed allies who are probably still lurking, which side are you on? Oh, man. 0:30:50 Unknown_05: this guy this fucking loser is like trapped in his art gaming circle jerk bubble and he really thinks he's like a champion for the cause as if any normal fucking person reading this is not thinking wow what a faggot i don't want i don't want anything to do with him Unknown_05: Speaking of, I will be doing my Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy streams three days in a row because I pre-ordered it, so I paid extra for this. I will have access to the pre-release of the game three days in advance, and I'll probably play it a couple hours each day until it's out for everybody. And then you can make a decision if you want to support a transphobic terrorist who's literally murdering trans children every day. 0:31:30 Unknown_05: I don't know. I'll probably pick Hufflepuff. I'll be a black Hufflepuff girl with a male voice to satisfy the audience. Unknown_05: Speaking of, speaking of literally murdering trans people, Duchess Louise says, I'm accessing MADE, which is the euthanasia program in Canada, as a sterilized First Nations person of Treaty 6 who is also a post-op transsexual woman of 14 years. so if you can't decipher what the fuck this sentence means made is the um euthanasia program in canada sterilized means post-op transsexual first nations person means indigenous or indian as we'd say in the u.s i don't know of what treaty of six means i assume that there were six tribes that signed a treaty with the government of canada and that's what first nations person refers to as the people of six um 0:32:14 Unknown_05: I qualify for someone who is sterilized and has undergone vaginoplasty, two things that cannot be reversed or relieved. And this is a list of what kind of grievous and irremediable medical conditions must exist in a person for them to qualify for government-assisted suicide. Unknown_05: This person continues, I don't know. I want to be nice because their posts are interesting, but I legitimately do not know what the fuck this person would want to go by, so... The last couple of years were very intense medically for me when I experienced depth loss in 2021. I had to add a second dilation to my weekly routine to help myself. My doctor wasn't concerned, as she put it. We as females experience vaginal atrophy. 0:33:07 Unknown_05: Yeah, okay. I had a corrector, a doctor. June ended and I was still dilating twice a week. Then came August. I was still dilating twice a week with less pain, but still no referral to any specialist. September came, I inquired, and there was no referral. Instead, she had referred me to the gender clinic in Edmonton. Unknown_05: Um, December 2021 is where I finally spoke to somebody at the clinic via a phone call. We spoke to all my hormones, but that's another issue. Then the pain and dilating the furrow was made to a specialist. Finally, 2022 came. I was referred to Louie hole hospital for women about my whole life. 0:33:44 Unknown_05: it was a phone consultation nothing more i was relabeled from homosexual to asexual by the doctor then came june 2022 i experienced a rare event of a confusing fusional migraine that lasted 22 days and during that time i had forgot which genitalia i had and it caused me so much stress i was in and out of the hospital and tried to raise this concern with several doctors i was brushed off i was so confused as to why i didn't have a penis anymore that was the tipping point for me It was what changed my life and my mind that I can no longer trust this medical system that is captured by gender identity ideologies. It has killed the Indian. So, yes, I qualify as a sterilized Indian who had vaginoplasty. 0:34:21 Unknown_05: And then the lyrics to O Canada, the anthem of O Canada, and it continues. So this person really does seem completely fucked over. Unknown_05: And no doctor wants to be the one who deals with a detransitioner. It's literally dangerous for people now as doctors to speak against this because the school that they acquire their doctorate in can yank it or can force them to take classes to keep their doctorate, which is kind of fucked up because if you think about it, in a lot of states... 0:35:07 Unknown_05: um they have a law like if you to be a lawyer you have to have a law degree so are we going to see people like lose their law degrees and by by extension their bar association registration and their doctorate their medical license because they aren't participatory in this bullshit is that what's coming up that's pretty fucking uh terrifying if you think about it it's the food for thought Unknown_21: um and then i have i have some lolcal stuff i guess you know what i'll say this and then i'll go back to my university thing lamenco lamenco i know i have my um my vitamins here i'll shake this Unknown_05: flamenco flamenco flamenco has decided to talk to cute boys on on twitter meme nabber wife parentheses male is in his discord chat which is always a bad sign and uh this is what he looks like he's obviously a boy um maybe a man i would say probably like 24 he's wearing a mask so you can't see his man face but it's probably at least like 24 25 0:36:21 Unknown_05: um wearing his girlfriend's clothes i think he's saying um and then he says then flamenco says oh i should grind on stream tonight what should i grind on stream tonight so i was asking like what video game meme nabber wife male says me and then flamenco says uh after stream boo in reply so flamenco has been implicated in chatting up the boys on discord Unknown_05: what's interesting about flamenco is that nobody cares like his fans don't care because they're all anime people i think i've made this point before but i think flamenco basically has license to do whatever the fuck and nobody's gonna like his audience will never give a fuck because like they're they're all they're all filth they're all a grimy internet people themselves so what's gonna happen nothing huh 0:37:20 Unknown_05: His haters aren't shocked yet, exactly. Okay, let me backtrack now, and I'm going to have to go off the cuff on two different things that I'm thinking about. First of all, let me announce my dismay. I bought a gift for somebody, and I went to eBay, and there's a very specific coin that I was looking for. it's uh has silver and nickel variants of it that are basically exactly the same and i typed in silver this coin i bought two coins and no friend i have a friend um who's chinese i i have i have contacts in the chinese mafia as many people are aware um so i thought it lunar new year is coming up i'm gonna send him a lunar new year gift to commemorate my close association to china people's party and all the good things that come with that and uh so i buy these coins off ebay the only place that i was i could find that ships to where i live is ebay uk 0:38:02 Unknown_05: And I bought these coins and they both said silver and I get them. I look at them. I'm thinking this Lester is wrong. I tap them. I do my, my chime test. The ring is wrong. And then I take out my magnets and they stick. I'm thinking these are fucking nickel. these are nickel they're not silver i go to the description and they have silver in the color category they do not have it in the composition nowhere in the composition doesn't say that they are uh that they're silver or that they don't know what the material is or that they think it's nickel 0:38:57 Unknown_05: So I'm about to go fucking scorch the earth. And I announced this on post. I said, I just got these coins and they're fucking nickel. And I'm super pissed off because I specifically searched silver and they used silver in a deceitful way. In a way that I didn't, I don't use eBay often. I never did before. So I'm actually a little bit shocked that people can just lie on their fucking things. And I know they're lying because I asked for returns and they both said that they won't accept it. And I was like, well, if this wasn't a deceptively listed offering, you would have no issue accepting my return because I'm paying the fucking postage to send it back to you. 0:39:33 Unknown_05: But they weren't okay with that. Unknown_05: So now I'm going to have to wait a couple days to issue a complaint. And if eBay doesn't accept my return, I'm going to just never use eBay again. Because it's one thing. Like, I actually bought three because I wanted one for myself. And the third one also fucking was nickel. But that one actually says in the description that it's nickel. So, like, that one's on me. I'll take the L with that one because I just didn't read that one correctly. But the other two specifically fucking lie about the material. 0:40:05 Unknown_05: I'm really fucking pissed because I got burned one time. One time. And I legit carry a pocket scale and magnets with me when I go shopping for coins. And I've had it happen where I see a coin that I'm looking for and it's a person of color selling it. A person of Islamic faith selling it. And of course when uh, I see that I take out my fucking pocket magnets and i'll take their coin off the table And i'll stick the magnet to it and if that thing sticks I look them dead in the eye holding this shit in my hand and i'll say I fucking know you motherfucker I saw you I saw your complexion and I tested your shit because I knew it would be bullshit and it's fucking fake and I knew it I just I walk away and I make eye contact to let them know I fucking I smell you motherfucker um 0:40:55 Unknown_05: But I can't do that with eBay, which is why I'm a little bit shocked that people are just allowed to lie like that, be deceitful. And before anyone says, oh, that's what you get for dealing with a gypsy or whatever, the people who sold this, both British as fuck. They don't have, like, foreign names or whatever. They have British names. Unknown_05: and the replies like oh it wasn't a deceitful listing because it said it's silver colored it said it's silver colored i didn't know what material it was and i didn't say that in the listing i was like no motherfucker if you didn't know what it was you didn't say that you just said it's silver colored use the word silver on purpose to fucking trick people i'm so pissed i fuck i hate the british every fucking week i find a new reason to hate the british 0:41:38 Unknown_01: But anyways, the other thing that is going on in my personal life that I am at liberty to talk about is that I have a significant amount of trolling that I intend to do. Unknown_05: and to accomplish my significant amount of trolling i need a bachelor's degree now as i said before i a little known fact about me is i'm actually a college graduate i have an aa from a community college i have a 2.04 gpa so literally just over a d i think is what that is i just passed and got my aa Unknown_05: Now I need to do this entirely online and I need a legitimate degree. I need a college that will accept literally anybody. 0:42:22 Unknown_05: And I need a legitimate degree because I'm using it for something else that will check to make sure that's a legitimate degree and is an accredited university. I don't know how the collegiate system works. You have to have a degree to understand how the fucking college system works in the United States. But I do need something that is generally considered an acceptable degree. And it must be completely online. So I need to be able to transfer my credits, be fully accredited for my AA that I already have. I need to not be checked for my GPA. The college can't give a fuck. It has to be 100% online and it has to give me a degree that is valid. 0:42:55 Unknown_05: And as a bonus, I'm looking primarily for a couple subjects. Number one would be Chinese studies. I'm not bullshitting. If I can get a BA in Chinese studies or Chinese foreign language, I would do that. Second, I'm looking for cybersecurity. Unknown_05: Just because I feel like that's the only thing that I could... possibly learn a little bit from actually learn while in college and then number three any kind of computer shit that i probably already know and i can just pass real easy without having to to learn anything then uh for whatever no not university it has to be like a real someone else suggested another university that's like learn at your own pace kind of thing like but university it has to be like fully accredited for what it is and then um 0:43:50 Unknown_05: If that, like, I'll accept anything, but specifically if those classes are available, I would appreciate that the most. And then it'll take me at least two years to get this. So I'm planning to troll, like, five years in advance is what I'm doing right now. I'm considering this. But once I have my bachelors, I will be considerably closer to my epic trolling. Unknown_21: No, I'm not about to bail. Okay. Unknown_21: I'm not trolling you. I'm trolling for you, as always. 0:44:32 Unknown_21: Oh, speaking of trolls, by the way. Unknown_05: I'm going to talk about Ralphamania in a little bit. Unknown_05: But before I do, I have to call out something extremely fucking gay. This almost killed Ralph for me, but then Ralph did something like this week. I was not going to talk about him just because the Ralph mania shit was kind of boring. Unknown_05: And there's some other shit that happened that was fucking gay as shit. And we have to talk about this because I need to reach out to people who are in the sector and I need to denounce somebody in the strongest possible words. 0:45:06 Unknown_05: There is like a group of absolute fucking queers on Twitter. Unknown_05: And among them is like Kino Shay and then this guy called Deranged Faggot that pretends to be Nicholas J. Fuentes on Twitter. These people tried to do a gay op where they found a video of May eating a taco on Digibro's channel. And they pretended that it was pornography of May because they cropped it in a suspicious way. And they put this out there as being like a real thing. And it took mere minutes for people to figure out that this was all bullshit and debunked it. And then now they have gone out and they've just found like random porn of fugly anorexic women and are photoshopping May's face into it to try and like sexually humiliate her. I really don't even know what the objective is. It's either they're desperate to see May naked Or they just want to line cross. I think producing fake pornography of people is probably criminal harassment. It's pretty fucked up, even if it isn't. 0:45:42 Unknown_05: But these people are really, really fucking gay. And when you're this fucking gay, you make Ethan Ralph look like a reasonable person. um so i i i honestly i i'm i'm about to declare fatwa on them because i i never want to hear about these fucking degenerates again i kind of hope that they ruin their their shitty little lives over the dumbest fucking stuff possible over trying to troll ethan ralph i hope they go to jail on unironically at this point because it's like how can you how can you being this fucking gay is like criminal Being this fucking gay should violate some sort of statute that gets triggered at this point because it's you're kind of sucking the joy out of everything for everyone. It's not it's not even trolling. Like if you hate Ralph this much here, if you hate Ralph this much and you want to be a hero and make content, just fly out to wherever the fuck he's going next when he next announces his his trip and just assault him. just get a baseball bat and try to beat them with it. Cause that's like, at this point you're, you're gonna, you're gonna, um, try and force content this hard. Just pick a fight with him on the street. That would be funnier. That would be more interesting than you, uh, like lying about porn at this point. I'm not encouraging any, I'm obviously denouncing, um, this and I'm denouncing violence. I'm just saying if you're, if you're going to go that far, you might as well just be, if you're going to be like a full blown criminal, um, Just be a criminal. Don't be like a pussy criminal doing shit in Discord. Just go be an actual fucking criminal in the name of trolling Ethan Oliver Ralph. Like, how embarrassing. How utterly embarrassing. I called this motherfucker when I saw him posting on the forum. Because if you don't know, Kinoshita joined the Kiwi Farms and he made like a dozen, not even a dozen posts, like 50 posts a day advertising his Twitter, watermarking his clips on Twitter and shit. And it's just like... 0:47:59 Unknown_05: How has nobody kicked your ass? How did you get through your life to this point behaving like this without anyone kicking your ass? How did your mom not kick your ass? How did people at school not kick your ass? How did your priest not beat your ass for being this way? How did our society fail you? It's like when I'm watching someone who's like a crack hedge on the street. How did you slip through the cracks, little guy? How did our society let you down like this? How did you become Kino Shea without getting your ass beat by your dad? What's happened? We need to bring back accountability. 0:48:34 Unknown_05: Very frustrating. Speaking of, I have a lot of frustrations with retards right now. The other one is the Patrick Tomlinson thread. Unknown_05: The Pat people... Here's what happened with Patrick Tomlinson. He sued the owner of the Opie and Anthony Forum, who goes by Quasi. And Quasi... Unknown_05: now has him for tens of thousands of dollars in legal debt that he can collect on. He's trying to. They're setting up their own debt collection company in Wisconsin or Michigan so that they can... I think it's Wisconsin. He lives in Milwaukee. 0:49:06 Unknown_05: So they're going to try to collect on him. It's like, okay, that's fine. That's fair. You have a legal right to do this. Go ahead. But his lawsuit was funded... by a non-profit and it's not a 501c3 it's a different 501c it's like a brotherhood or a guild or something it's one of the weird ones that you don't often hear about but um tomlinson belonged to a sci-fi writers author guild um which again is a non-profit but it's not a not a 501c3 um it's a different one it's like a league And they funded this lawsuit. So the Patrick Tomlinson people are now reporting his guild that funded the lawsuit to the IRS for fraud. And that's obviously really fucking gay because it's not fraud. If you are a guild that protects the interests of sci-fi authors and a sci-fi author in your guild is having legal issues and you decide to fund it, that's not outside their purview. 0:49:50 Unknown_05: And they try to compare this and say, well, you reported trans lifeline to the IRS. Like, yes, I did. That's because I knew because they were using charity money to fly to Florida to harass my mother and to show off their their fucking firearms as they did. So I knew that they were embezzling money and it came out that they were embezzling three hundred fifty thousand dollars over years of charity money to their lifestyle. 0:50:25 Unknown_05: And they just don't get it. They don't understand. There's something wrong with these people. And then I say that I think that they're the ones doing the swatting to Patrick because I think they are. And they get super pissed off at me and say, actually, it's the Kiwi fags who are doing the swatting when it's not. And then they send tips to the FBI saying that I'm swatting Patrick Tomlinson. It's like, okay, so this is a cordoned off area of mentally ill people And they're leaking onto my site. And I don't I'm not entirely sure what to do about it because I want to talk about Patrick because I think when he's funny, he's funny. But in doing so, I'm encouraging people with Ralph. I'm like somehow by talking about this and using this content, I'm encouraging people to do this shit that is anti funny and that ruins it for everybody. Because they're... I don't... How hard is it to have multiple interests? I have, like, a bunch of people that I follow. And when stuff comes up, I'm entertained. And there's stuff, like, every... Obviously, there's every week there's stuff that happens. And they're so fixated on Patrick. And they've morally justified doing literally anything they want to Patrick that they're gonna... 0:51:35 Unknown_05: Um, they're going to be buddy buddy with the IRS. They're going to, they're going to, uh, make false police reports to the fucking IRS. The most evil organization that has ever fucking lived besides maybe the CIA. You're going to, you're going to play games and go to bat and sent for the IRS. 0:52:11 Unknown_05: I just don't get it. Unknown_05: Um, and I don't understand how they're entertained. Like, again, it's not, it's funny when someone trips and falls because they're, they weren't paying attention and they said, I'll never trip and fall. And then they trip and fall and say, God damn it. It's somebody else's fault. Even though they tripped and fell all by themselves, it's completely different. And somebody says, I'm never going to trip. And then you take a bat or a golf club and you swing it and break their fucking kneecap and they fall over and start crying out. Like, Unknown_05: If you want to be that kind of person, get off my fucking website. Go be Patrick Bateman. Walk around the streets of New York and just stab homeless people to death in the night. Get the fuck away from me. Why do you have to fag up my shit? Why do you have to get into my world where things are funny and organic and just fuck up me and my stuff and the stuff for the thousands of people who want to read it and see things develop on their own? Just go be a psychopath. Why do you buy yourself for your own entertainment? Just, I don't get it. It has to be like, they're afraid. I can't go glassing homeless people on the streets of New York because I'm afraid that a homeless person might rape me if I do that. I might be overpowered and raped by homeless people as I try to, but when you're just phoning in bullshit to the FBI or to the IRS, then you're completely insulated from the negative consequences of those actions, except for the fact that you're actively fagging up your own content. 0:53:20 Unknown_05: It's really annoying. And it's not just them. The DSP people do it too. It happens to Ethan Ralph. And you're really, really making things gay and not fun. And it's sort of the... Unknown_05: I don't even know, man, because it's like when the forums started getting popular, you had locales, and you could watch them, and they wouldn't be molested by your observation. When you watch something in a small community, then you can be assured that the people there that you know that you're friends with are not going to go fucking with this person. And then obviously the next thing that starts happening in 2015 or so is that people start immediately knowing their threads because people send them links to their threads because the funniest thing that could happen in their mind is that the locale comes over to the site or starts interacting directly with the thread. And that's not funny. It wasn't even funny back then. And that was irritating. And now fast forward another year, it's like, okay, now people are just going to start swatting and making, like, fake porn, deep fake porn over a fucking May to try and, like, actually, like, line cross and commit crimes to force reactions out of these people. And it sucks. It really sours the mood. I honestly, honestly, man, I would love it if something happens to these people. I would love it if they get scooped up. Because... 0:54:54 Unknown_05: I really hate the government, but here, to my Fed agent, I'm going to file a Form 27-6 in regards to this. This is my official complaint as an observed person of interest by the government. Unknown_05: If you want to score a lot of brownie points for the agency and do some PR, find the people swatting and scoop them up. I will report favorably on the agency. It will be reported in the news. It'll quell this kind of epidemic. People will enjoy it. It'll be some good publicity. So signing off on my Form 2760. 0:55:27 Unknown_05: Do something about the fucking line crossing harassment. it has and i don't even like i i don't know what else to do about it because i just ignore it like if someone's but then that creates a game you have someone who's swatting somebody and if i just say okay the people who are after patrick are ruining it for everybody i'm just going to lock the thread well then what's what it's like um that paradox in india how the British government paid people for the heads of cobras, king cobras. So what happened? The Indians started breeding king cobras, and they had to cancel the bounty because the financial incentive to bring them dead cobras meant breeding cobras, which was the exact opposite of the actual intent. So it's like, if I lock threads of people being swatted, well, what does that do? That encourages people to swat themselves and shit. And it's like... It's a real rock in a hard place, is what I'm saying. I just really wish, I wish upon a night star that the faggotry would cease immediately. 0:56:38 Unknown_05: Paywall the site. Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_05: That's what's on my mind right now. Unknown_05: Between, like I said, multiple factors of people just being really awful. And it sucks because it reflects negatively on the site. It reflects negatively on the site, which does have a strong rule and a strong zeitgeist against... the faggotry but then you have the ethan ralph kino shade discord server you have the ona forums and then you have um all the dspa logs in their hole the wings of redemption people in their hole and the stuff that they do ultimately gets blamed on us it's really not fair and it's uh it's not funny either people don't want to see it 0:57:31 Unknown_05: So on that note, this is the... I'm going to show you some very quick stuff on Foodie Beauty, and then I'll talk about Ralph Fienney real quick. Unknown_05: This is 50 seconds. I don't know, actually... Let me make sure this is right, this timestamp is right before I show this. Unknown_05: um oh it is wrong i'm glad i checked i've not seen this before so my reaction to this will be novel but someone sent it to me and asked for it she was so off that rage is just in my people now only people i know are you mama ffg and that turd yeah the support for that that douche is unbelievable 0:58:12 Unknown_07: I mean, when they said that Hitler had supporters or, you know, nasty people still had supporters. Unknown_07: I can understand why he does. Yeah. Sorry. I'm just comparing in the terms of evilness. Unknown_05: Her ex-boyfriend who's like an Egyptian crackhead is his Hitler. Everyone's Hitler. Everyone in chat. How many people? Wow. That's a lot of people. This is like the most I've ever had. There's 370 on Odyssey. 50 more on Rumble? Unknown_05: That's like almost, that's tipping 3,000. To the 3,000 people in chat, you're all Hitler. That's what I'm trying to say. 0:58:52 Unknown_07: He's only not comparable to Hitler probably because he never had a chance to be a despot or a person in power. Imagine if he did have the power Hitler did. I'm sure it would be right up there within the ranks. Unknown_05: The power. Unknown_05: That makes me think of Hitler as like a superhero. He's got like a cape on. He would just be called... Unknown_05: how would you uh ubermensch isn't that literally just superman in german he would be he would be the superman the ubermensch he would have a um i guess his cape would be like a brown color and he would have like black spandex instead of the the red and blue but he would just be ubermensch 0:59:38 Unknown_05: Okay, um, so she she's having a little spat with her ex-boyfriend and i'm gonna set this up as like brutally fast because There's a reason for it. I'll explain I have to like starve myself for a week, so i'm not kidding I have to go in a water fast so I can fit an economy Oh this clip It's just her saying that she um, people are gonna take that for for fact Unknown_07: Even though I've never had to buy two seats, I've never had a problem fitting in any of the chairs. Unknown_07: I need an extender, but so what? Unknown_07: All the way at the back. 1:00:22 Unknown_07: You also get some earphones. Unknown_07: Even though I've never had to buy two seats, I've never had a problem fitting in any of the chairs. Unknown_05: I mean, I hope she has to buy two seats. I need an extender, but so what? Unknown_05: I actually didn't purchase two seats. Unknown_07: I never purchased two seats. I'm okay with the seatbelt extender. And I actually had this seat to myself because it wasn't a full plane. So I was actually really lucky. I got to put my leg up and just rest. And I actually... One thing being bigger, especially in the abdomen area, I find is... 1:01:00 Unknown_07: a problem on airplanes for me is the table tray i'm not able to actually fully fold down the tray in front of me she's using the the neighboring uh tray she's eating from her left instead of in front of her empty chair and just use that as my meal time tray which was fine i've never had a problem fitting in any of the chairs chantal let's be honest you remember that and then after that it's just the lady that owns this thing Unknown_05: I don't know. I can't say for sure if she's lying. There's no way I can know that. But if I had to sit next to this bitch on an airplane, especially one from Atlanta to Turkey, I would be pissed. I would be pretty fucking livid. Unknown_05: But Unknown_05: I don't know. Unknown_05: Next time I fly, I haven't flown first class in forever. I'll probably fly first class the next time I fly someplace. I have so many sky miles right now. I need to go someplace. Go to China. Go to China for the new year. Actually, I can't. China and the U.S. Only countries on Earth where you can't fly to unless you have a vaccine passport. 1:01:55 Unknown_21: I can't go to China. Unknown_21: This clip... Unknown_21: won't play i will sum this up uh her cat is dying her cat's 21 years old i mean coon i already talked about this but animal control came over to his to the house because of course um when pete's mentioned that the cat was sick they uh all reported her to these uh animal protective services and they came by said the cat was fine but they asked him to clean up the house 1:02:43 Unknown_05: Which makes me wonder if they just said like, this is a filthy fucking house or if, um, they actually told him your house is so fucking disgusting that it's now like a threat to, to the animals living in it. And we need you to clean it up. And what's either one is just like, that's crazy. Unknown_05: And the main reason why I'm really glossing over Fruity Beauty is that there's been some stuff happening, some drama between her and her and her husband's friend. However, this guy is black guy called Yo Mama. um insists that it's all kayfabe that it's all fake that he uh spoke to them in dms and chantal knew when so the other guy was gonna go live and start explaining stuff um like 30 minutes before it happened so uh i'm i'm going to probably not talk about chantal as much until the gay shit is over which it might not be i mean i don't talk about her much in english because i don't find it that interesting because it's it's kind of weird i don't know if it's fake but i don't know um 1:03:47 Unknown_05: Also, this is this is actually interesting because I don't think Pete's has the brainpower to do any Pete said a review he has like a box of comics and they're all like Teen girl lesbian comics. It's really weird. Every single one of them is some like indie artist Doing teen lesbian shit and every single comment was that and Unknown_05: but i mentioned before that pete would probably get evicted because um her husband would not let her live with another man because that's just not okay in islam however pete's has a a very interesting explanation for how they can skirt around this rule she has already made uh clear that you know as soon as she gets back pretty much as soon as she gets back uh we're having connors you know like the day she gets back 1:04:53 Unknown_06: Like, I think she wants Connors ready for when she actually gets back. Like, she wants the Connors to be, like... What's Connors? It's a local restaurant, Mickey. Unknown_06: Like, I'm pretty sure her plan is... Yeah, Connors and Paneer to be... To be delivered, like, two minutes before she gets here. Unknown_06: My transition means that we are able to hang out. Unknown_05: Pete's Pete's is now a woman. And even though he is a lesbian, Islam, Islam literally has no prohibition against lesbianism. Muhammad calls for men who lay with men to be tortured, not even to be executed. Muhammad specifically says, torture those who torture men who lay with men. 1:05:31 Unknown_05: With women, however, he does not say anything. There is no law against women laying with lemon. I think that if they do prosecute lesbianism in Islam, there's a weird thing where I think they said that women can't show other women their vaginas outside of a medical context. So that's like an exposure. They get charged with exposure for having lesbian sex if they get charged with anything. However, men get charged with sodomy, which is way worse because that's explicitly a death sentence in Islamic law. 1:06:08 Unknown_05: very interesting stuff Unknown_05: um anyways that's the that's the update with chantal someone sent me this and said uh he sent me this twice actually i didn't respond the first time he just thinks that i didn't get the email but i didn't i just forgot to reply uh he asked me to play this uh before i talked about ralph and i listened to it and i was afraid that maybe it would really suck but it's okay so i'll it's actually such an asshole oh i'll play it uh this is my intro for ralphamania 1:06:58 Unknown_21: If you're looking for me, you better check in New Jersey. Unknown_24: Cause that is where you'll find me. Out there in the ring, yeah. Ralph-a-mania. Out of the ring, yeah. Ralph-a-mania. I've got a lot to be. Unknown_24: The belt I got is neat It's rigged so I can win it 1:07:39 Unknown_24: Ralph-a-mania I'm gonna marry my horse Without a blessing of course Cause your daddy's gonna find me Out there in the ring Ralph-a-mania, the ring Unknown_05: He sent me two songs, and the second one is actually better. I think his issue is that... I said I like the C-Lab 2021 intro very... a lot. So he said, oh, I'll do a cover of that. The issue is that the woman who did that song operates in an octave that's way above his natural voice. There's a part at the middle where he says, I'm going to marry my horse. And that part is pretty good. And the other song is better. He just... he tried to do he tried to do a female vocalist song um as a man and that leads to it sort of being off i i do i do appreciate it though i do like the the fan made music it doesn't suck c lab is great that was a c labs intro in particular is like amazing they're very they were very lucky to like know that woman uh and and just be able to like borrow her for that song 1:08:31 Unknown_05: Hit the like button. Oh, boy. I've been watching... Okay, so... I don't think most people know this. I guess some people do. I'm not a huge fan of Sam Hyde. There's some stuff by Sam that I think is really funny. the the thing where he's like trying to go through a burger king drive-through and he's he's doing like an incel thing he's like is about how he wants to cram the and then he's like i think you look pretty good i think you look pretty good that that that whole skit is awesome that's hilarious i think about that a lot when i see people online um but as far as like his his usual skits i'm not like a huge fan of however 1:09:43 Unknown_05: I'm a huge fan of Nick Rochefort. Like, the co-founder of MDE is this guy called Nick. Unknown_05: He is fucking hilarious. Nick is the funniest guy, I think, that does streams or anything right now. The man is just effortlessly, naturally hilarious. um and the thing that makes him so much better than nick or than than sam is that nick has a ton of worldly experience he grew up in um like a i think he he managed rentals with his parents and then he was in real estate and real estate development for years and now he does these streams on mde's youtube channel about sam hyde's perfect clips or something where he just looks at zillow listings that people send him And I don't know how the fuck you can make Zillow listings so hysterical, but he is. 1:10:29 Unknown_05: He's just great. It's some of the best content out there. I would actually strongly advise going and hunting it down and watching it because it's like three hours and he's just looking at Zillow listings and he's blasting them apart. And it's great. Unknown_05: So I can't remember why I thought about that. Unknown_05: I honestly, Oh, because, uh, it's co-hosted by jet who is jet is like half the age of Sam Hyde. And he's like a huge, obviously like a huge fan of Sam Hyde. And I think they probably have like this entourage of lost boys like jet that they just whip. Like Nick Rochafort is, is like a boomer that does real estate development. So he has no, he has no idea how a computer works. So they've drafted this young Croatian man named jet who, who has no personality and is the exact he's like wallpaper he he doesn't he barely even exists um but he just operates obs and occasionally says come on guys let's uh like comment and subscribe it really helps we're trying to get to 5 000 live viewers right now and it's it's pretty insipid 1:11:09 Unknown_05: uh i don't know that's my rant i like nick rocheford nick rocheford ever hears this nick my boy um i want you to help me find a house one day that's my wish i want nick rochefort or rochefort i don't know how you pronounce his name i've never heard it pronounced i want him to be my real estate agent and help me find a house for free i don't want to compensate him for his time which i'm sure is very valuable i just want him to do me a solid okay 1:12:08 Unknown_05: That's my pitch. Unknown_05: Chinese real estate. Unknown_05: Oh, dude, yeah, here's the thing. Replace Jet. Jet sucks. Replace him with me. I can do OBS and shut up, so I'm better than Jet. Unknown_05: roach fort okay roach fort that's an awful last name i like rochefort it sounds uh like a cheese it sounds like a french cheese that's probably kind of stinky and is good so ralphamania i did an intro song then i immediately got off topic because ralphamania was not that interesting here are the highlights 1:12:52 Unknown_05: Ralph drove from Yucatan to... Unknown_05: New Jersey and he took a pit stop in Las Vegas. That is a long, long, long, long, long drive. Um, he, I think he tried to say that he flew, but he clarified later that no, he actually drove. So I don't know how the fuck you sit in a car with a baby for like literally 40 hours on the road. I think if I, I'm going to pull up Google maps actually. 1:13:28 Unknown_05: um let's see marita yucatan to las vegas to new jersey oh i spelled i when i said that i actually spelled new jersey as joysy with an oi which is not an actual place on google can find Unknown_05: Merida, Yucatan to Las Vegas. That is a 46 hour long car drive. And then from Las Vegas to New Jersey is an 84 hour drive. There is no fucking way. Unknown_05: I feel like I'm wrong. I really don't feel like that Ralph would be able to survive in a car with or without a baby in the car for 124 hours on the road. And then you drive. Oh yeah. And then you do New Jersey to Merida. 1:14:18 Unknown_05: What the fuck is that? That's probably like another 40 hours. 137. 137 hours in total. Bro. Bro. That's crazy. Unknown_21: Who can take you? Man, I don't know. It can't even be cheaper than a plane at that point, can it? That's insane. Unknown_21: i'm i'm really torn because i think he said he drove but i feel like if ralph was in a car for 137 hours with may and a baby they'd all be dead ralph would have somewhere between las vegas and new jersey ethan ralph would have driven his minivan off the side of a fucking cliff into the grand canyon and they would be dead more than anything else i can't believe that that happened i don't know man 1:15:12 Unknown_21: that's pretty that's that's a that's a stretch but i think he said he drove i don't even know either way that's pretty fucked up but he goes to las vegas and he gets married to his horse and i think i'll actually show no i'll save that and then he goes to vegas or to jersey to see his wrestling contest um Unknown_05: I think the most notable thing that happened was that they used the pseudonym Sunset Productions to employ a couple different indie circuit wrestlers. And it was some lesbian woman and a black woman. Unknown_05: and the black woman lost and they started chanting rape at the at the ring and that really obviously would make both of those women really uncomfortable so now they went on twitter to try and complain but it's like whatever the fuck i think that destiny at some it was here for some reason for some fucking reason and he gets dominated by two women in the ring 1:16:21 Unknown_05: dick actually did show up which is a bit of a surprise dick is looking pretty pretty raggedy there um ralph looks horrible in fact he kind of looks like low tax to me now here's this picture of ralph and here is low tax right before he killed himself and i think that they look dead ringer to each other i don't i don't know what the is happening to ralph but the man is aging like a decade a week at this point Unknown_05: um here's the horse she's looking happy this is her honeymoon by the way they just got married the day before in las vegas so they're spending their honeymoon actually after the wrestling um from what i understand may vanishes i think she goes to the hotel and picks the baby up from daycare or whatever the fuck um because they the baby wasn't at the wrestling tournament And then... Ralph went to a strip club with the boys. Literally went to go see some horrors. Dance on a pole. And then went to like a... A Nick Fuentes gamer dungeon. I'm not making that up. I think there were a lot of Nick Fuentes people there. And they had like a compound. So they went to go to like a personal gamer dungeon. I guess with horrors. I really don't know what the fuck happened. But Ralph disappeared. And left me behind to look after the baby. 1:17:16 Unknown_05: This is Beardson I think. Dancing like a fool. Unknown_05: And then he got served three different times. Mr. Vickers is trying to serve Ralph, so... I think that's Beardson. I don't know who the fuck that is. Anyways... 1:17:49 Unknown_05: So, Jesse from Podawful goes, and he goes the day before, hides the paperwork in the bathroom somewhere, like behind the toilet, and then the day of the servicing, he serves Ralph with the paperwork. Unknown_05: He gets served by some other guy, and then he also gets served by... Unknown_05: The police I the police roll up because you can pay the police to to serve They show up three three of them I guess because they were warned that it would be a organized white supremacist wrestling event and Ralph gets the thing and watch this watch this make comes up tries to comfort her man and 1:18:39 Unknown_05: and ralph is like fuck off bitch and just leaves her behind and then shakes the hand of the the owner or some shit but he just says fuck off horse and walks away and that was that was the highlight of the wrestling event i think uh oh also this is also pretty funny Unknown_05: May was there. And, of course, usually, right, you have an event. You have about 100 people coming, let's say. Be generous. Unknown_05: People need to eat, right? So what, oh, what could we do for food? Now we could order some catering, have some nice food come in, maybe some nice bar food like chicken wings and pizza, shit that people would actually want to eat when they're at an outing like this. Or... Unknown_05: We can force the horse to make homemade sandwiches. 1:19:32 Unknown_17: How are you feeling? I think this is great so far. A little chaos in the beginning. Unknown_17: What was chaotic? Unknown_17: Ralph Dotson. Why did they come in here? Why did the police come? Unknown_17: Wow. What evil person would serve Ethan Ralph? I know. Show yourself. Yes. Does he know what it is yet or he doesn't know? Oh my God. Unknown_05: Corrin is probably the only person that could seem dumber than Mae in a conversation with Mae. Just like... 1:20:08 Unknown_05: You can really tell, as Mae is trying to feign human emotion, that she holds nothing but utter fucking contempt for Corrin. Because she knows that Ralph and Corrin have fucked. And Ralph has stuck his tiny little sausage in that blue vagina. and she is she is filled like you can just see it the the monster within her wants her to leap leap forward and break her neck at this moment and she has to restrain the evil inside her as much as she can if at all possible um cheat actually 1:20:50 Unknown_05: I'm gonna actually skip this for right now. I'll get back to it. Ralph got married. Did I show the Elvis thing? I think I did. There was one picture of the Elvis thing, and I mentioned that Mae, of course, got married to Elvis. And I want you to take a look at this picture here. Unknown_05: Because we've gotten the original photos now, the full ones. And you can see that Mae is literally squatting. She is slob squatting to appear shorter than Ralph standing next to him. She's literally kneeling down. There's like a 45 degree angle that you could measure behind her knees to indicate how far she is squatting. In this one, she's not squatting because she has to be able to walk. And you can see that she, even with that eight-gallon Texas hat that he's wearing indoors to his own wedding. 1:21:29 Unknown_05: Also notice that he is getting married in socks and sandals, I think, because he has diabetes and he has to wear diabetic socks and probably open-toe shoes. Unknown_05: And she's like six inches taller than he is, even with the hat on. Unknown_05: and here she can't squat because they're they're walking and this is just this is just another one this one's great because number one you can see her profile she has the profile of um i make a reference to this man like every stream nicholas cage he has nicholas cage's profile from the side and you can just see how fucking round he is like just a big roly-poly oly 1:22:25 Unknown_05: trying to have a loving embrace with nicholas cage and dress um it's really it's really something so i guess it's not open toe shoes okay look at that look at how big those soles are those are like look he's got like four inches of rubber down there trying to keep him up that's great Unknown_05: And then... Oh, I wanted to compare this to June. See how she's squatting? Unknown_05: June also wants to appeal her really short. And you can see that she's got both her knees bent here. I'm calling this the June lean. I didn't notice that Adam was back there. Hi, Adam. I'm going to call this the June lean. Like when you are insecure about your height or your boyfriend, significant other, is insecure about his height... So you like bend your knees as a woman to either make yourself appear smaller or to make your boyfriend appear bigger. This is the June lane. You can see that she is actually performing a more high level June lane than even June is in this picture. Cause June is at like what a comfortable 25 degree flab squat here. May is going down to like 45%. 1:23:18 Unknown_05: So may is, is better at the June lane than even, and even June is. and that's worst this is an old picture this is like from a youtube convention like or twitch con from years ago i just wanted to find a picture of june doing the squat thing that she does because it's very memorable 1:24:01 Unknown_05: Okay, snap back to what I was going to talk about before. Ethan Ralph has had a second pill stream, because between this has been the ongoing drama with May's dad. Harry Morris, of course, has been destroying abandoned property that was left at his house by Ethan Ralph, which Ethan Ralph claims is simply theft and destruction of his property, despite the fact that it was abandoned at Harry's house. Unknown_05: Harry has been posting photo albums of Ralph as a kid. It's very obvious that Ralph was the fat kid that nobody liked and believed. He looks exactly like a human being. 1:24:35 Unknown_05: real world version of eric hartman he has those sad little piggy eyes that are like barely slid open um and people of course have been bullying him for that there's all these pictures of him like with his parents and stuff and ralph is just not handling it well i don't think so he last night got completely fucked up i think that he's been mixing benzos and alcohol Unknown_05: um so i have i have some footage of this that i'll play through thank you to the many clippers who went through and archived some of these moments so that i could play them when i drove through mexico and i didn't take no stupid fucking face drove drove how the fuck i i honestly i can't even believe that he could survive 137 hours in the fucking car i just can't believe it although maybe i would on the way back if i had to go back but no i drove all the way through mexico uh 1:25:36 Unknown_01: Yeah, I just drove all the way through Mexico. Unknown_12: And it was sick. The Mexican people, you know what? I know I've talked shit about deport and all that. Of course, I consider that a different issue. But go ahead. Unknown_20: This is just him explaining that he hates fucking Americans and loves Mexicans now. Unknown_05: This was him by the end of it. Look at this. Look at this man. He's barely alive. He's barely even human. He's like metamorphing into some kind of drug-carbon hybrid. 1:26:11 Unknown_05: This is going to be the name of the episode, by the way. If you're listening live, I don't title my streams until after the fact. Unknown_20: One monkey, no stop. Unknown_05: no show i think one monkey no stop no show one monkey no stop no show that that's the title i don't think i can top one monkey no stop no show i don't know what the fuck that means that means something to him and to uh maybe fentanyl but the regular people that don't mean shit so we turn to his viewers who he thinks are stupid stupid 1:27:03 Unknown_05: This is him listening to a clip of Candace Owens. I think he is now unable to support his own body weight and has collapsed onto the floor. From the floor, he shouts. Unknown_19: Venti. 50. Unknown_05: Venti or 50. I don't know if it's a monkey. A monkey? I'm seeing a lot of monkeys in chat. I don't know if that's a reference to poor Candace Owens who didn't do anything to maybe people. Or if it's trying to decipher what Ralph says. Maybe it's 50 Venti monkey? I don't know. 1:27:35 Unknown_05: Okay, so this one. Unknown_05: This is a four minute clip. I don't think that... Unknown_05: I need to show all four minutes of it. Unknown_05: This is a chat where literally nothing is happening. Ralph has passed out, I think, on the floor. He's barely conscious. Unknown_05: And his live audience... And... Is watching this in confusion. 1:28:15 Unknown_05: And this is really telling to me. Unknown_05: Like... Unknown_05: look at how his chat reacts to this ralph is is not even conscious and there's no activity no concern what is going on lol what is happening he supposedly gets like nine like i think 900 is what his numbers are on cozy imagine imagine this watch okay i'm gonna let's just let's just do let's just do an experiment here you ready 1:29:12 Unknown_05: Did you see? Do you see what the difference is between people who actually watch your program versus the Nick Fuentes bots who are not even barely tuned in to what you're saying? It's really bizarre. Unknown_05: I don't know. I don't want to be conspiratorial and say it's all bots. But it feels like he's got maybe a dozen people actually tuned in watching this. Because how the fuck do you not notice that he's completely wasted? As I did that, as I went and muted and came back, this has been playing and nothing's happening. You can see his chat. 1:29:43 Unknown_05: Are none of you concerned? Is this not an issue to any of you? What the fuck? Unknown_05: I really don't understand real kumite. Where's where's ethan ralph one guy actually tuned in thought what the fuck is this? Unknown_05: Uh truly bizarre There's more i'll play the rest Red red solo cup god only knows what's in that Look at that diamond ring. 1:30:29 Unknown_12: Oh Unknown_12: sorry that i'm allergic to metal this ring is worth more than half their yearly salary but it does break out my finger but i don't care because i'm a boss he's coping there is no way again this really frustrates me there is no way that he has a gold allergy he has a nickel allergy that ring is completely fake and uh i do not believe for a second that he has a gold allergy though that would be pretty funny if ralph is literally allergic to success I think you can pay for, like, leather or something behind it where it won't break it out. I'll have to look it up. 1:31:02 Unknown_05: There is technically... I looked this up. There is a rare allergy to gold and silver. It's much, much, much less common than nickel. And some people have such a severe nickel allergy that if it's a gold that's fortified with nickel, like even less than 1% of the metal is nickel, they'll have a breakout to it. So... um i guess it could be real and it could just be like an ally alloy gold but i i don't i like he says that ring is worth like forty thousand dollars just because of the diamonds in it it's like there's no fucking way that's that's real uh and he could just get it appraised if he wanted to to prove it 1:32:17 Unknown_05: What his fake-ass diamond ring has to do with German parachuters. Unknown_05: I love that you can see the rot around his finger. I think this is the last clip that I have from the pill stream of him just being like completely trash. Unknown_12: Man, I know a lot of us were gone for like a week, but you know what? You foot soldiers need to step it up. You need to be posting cozy underneath every fucking tweet. You need to be fucking pestering people, harassing people. Not literally, of course, metaphorically. And you need to be posting this link in every place possible. 1:32:51 Unknown_12: You think John Doyle is laughing right now? Get the fuck out of here and promote this shit right fucking now. Unknown_12: John Doyle's laughing because he says numbers are down 20%, which they are. You know what? Put that fucking link out there. That's on you. That's on you. That's not on me. I was flying across the fucking world to make all this happen. You need to share this link. You need to let people know what's going on. You need to make the videos. You need to fucking cut the clips. You need to put this shit all over Twitter. That goes for me. That goes for Nick. That goes for Vince. That goes for Bank. That goes for everybody. Put that shit out there. 1:33:25 Unknown_12: We can only do so much. Put it out there. Unknown_12: And I plan on doing a lot more and I plan on having a lot of guests soon. But look, we got to get the buzz going. 1:34:01 Unknown_05: It's speculated that the reason why he's so desperate for views right now, especially just coming off what was supposed to be a massively successful, financially successful venue that he just pulled off, is that Harry Morris claims that he financially sponsored both his daughter and the baby. He says that May and Ralph do not talk to each other for days at a time, All of the baby stuff was bought for by him, and he gave Mae basically an allowance to get by because Ralph didn't pay for any of his shit. So now that Harry isn't giving them any money, suddenly these baby expenses and horse expenses are all on him. Unknown_05: And he's hurting bad for it. He can't afford his lien and coding on the budget that he had when he also has to pay for veterinarian bills and baby stuff, too. 1:34:59 Unknown_05: I don't know how much of that is true, obviously. I don't have any information to verify this, except for what he said. But I will say that compared to Vickers... Unknown_05: Harry Morris is so much better. I don't even know how this is possible because I have nothing but contempt for May. Harry Morris, number one, recognizes that his daughter is a fuck-up. Number two, Harry is funny. Number three, Harry frequently proves what he's saying and makes content without trying to gatekeep it behind some bullshit. Number four... 1:35:37 Unknown_05: mr victor's literally goes to people like genius anus who's one of those kinesia faggots that has like discords going to gay op ralph he literally puts his information through these other people to try and promote them because he's trying to use his his his own impregnated fat retard whore daughter's misfortune of having a a child with ethan ralph as a way to build like an internet career an internet career for other people that doesn't even know like genius amos And it's the gayest, most disgusting shit I've ever seen. And then meanwhile, Harry Morris, who is a Chad, just goes on Twitter and dumps it all. No, like, like watermarks, no favoritism, just dumps it there. And then I get to talk about it and it gets posted to the forum and people can laugh and have a good time without having to play favorites in some sort of gay game with Mr. Vickers, who's way too old to be acting the way he does. 1:36:08 Unknown_05: So, so far, I'm on Team Morris. I like Amanda's dad. Unknown_05: Though, obviously, not to, like, completely absolve him of any responsibility, I think that May is the product of her environment to some extent. She would not be knocked up by Ethan Ralph and living in a shanty in Mexico and making sandwiches for a bunch of men who scream rape and women who wrestle for... um unless he fucked up somewhere in his life but i don't know i don't have i don't have the hindsight of having adult children so i'm sure if you ask my mom am i the product of like nature versus nurture she would just say that i was always fucked up but it could be copen's need to be to be honest with you it is a big question um 1:36:51 Unknown_05: someone's chat says uh garia i don't know what that means grape uh started on blockland there was never any hope that's true i blame i i everything i do i do in the name of eric bad spot hartman that would be his name peace be upon him i i would say it's 50 50 i think that um 1:37:54 Unknown_05: Like, for instance, with gay people in particular, I think that because they prove this. The one that centers it for me that nature nurtures 50-50 exactly is that when you look at studies of identical twins who are gay, if one identical twin is gay, there is a 50-50 chance that the other one is gay. Unknown_05: That's astounding to me as a statistic because if what we were was entirely genetic, it would be closer to 100%. And if it was entirely nurture, then there would be closer to the average, right? Or maybe a little bit higher because they grew up in the same house or whatever. But it has to be a midway point then because otherwise that wouldn't make sense. I think that you have to have a genetic predisposition to things, and then you also have to have that predisposition unlocked by life experience to actualize it. With serial killers and gay people and gender identity issues, there's probably something that is in you, and then something that has to happen at the right time to actually make it come out. 1:39:08 Unknown_21: That's what I think about that. Unknown_21: Life experience is a funny way to say rape. Unknown_05: Is there a funny way to say rape? Is there a term that anyone wants to pitch as their funny way to say rape? Unknown_05: Struggle cuddle? I don't know. I struggle to come up with a funny way to say that. Unknown_05: Child molestation doesn't have to. I mean, it's funny when you make fun of somebody, but by itself, it's a consent accident. 1:39:42 Unknown_05: That's good. That's a good one. I own consentaccident.com, by the way. I'm debating what to do with it. If Liz Fong Jansky is fucking with my shit, I'm going to have to expedite my desire to find a use for consentaccident.com. Unknown_21: Ugh. Unknown_21: let's see is that all with the ralph stuff did i miss anything with the ralph stuff actually you know what the ralph stuff is over um completely done however you know i was thinking about that that road trip that he took that road trip and it got me thinking chat i really want a motorcycle i want like a big you know you know i don't have a lot of money but we go to like 1:40:32 Unknown_05: it's a motorcycle i want i want like i want like a chopper okay let's see let's go on now let's see i'm gonna see some motorcycles do they have a website chat now i'm thinking about that 140 hour road trip i think damn it would be so cool to see this like you just haven't let's just look at some motorcycles together chat hyper naked what the fuck does that even mean Unknown_05: don't know anything about about motorcycles yet but look that is awesome right there see this see this motorcycle i'm thinking like especially if you're doing super cool like road trips across like mexico 140 hours and you want to get you got some stuff you got some stuff that you want to you want to put behind you so you can clear your mind Unknown_05: Getting a motorcycle would be pretty cool. Now, I can't afford a motorcycle, right? But I'm just saying if I could, especially if I had some big open highways like in Mexico to drive on, I would get a motorcycle. I would get a motorcycle, and I definitely wouldn't wear a helmet. because you know i actually i take that back i'm afraid of of dying so i'd wear my helmet but if i was super cool i would drive a motorcycle through the streets in mexico and i would not wear a helmet because it's like number one i'm in mexico there's no wall to wear a helmet number two i'm not you know i wouldn't want to be bitch made and wear a helmet you know what i'm saying so i'm just thinking like i think we could off-road i went off-road i went something for the highway 1:42:13 Unknown_21: How expensive are these actually? Unknown_21: Do they even show the prices when you go to the store directly like this? Unknown_21: Actually, you know what? Unknown_21: Mexico motorcycle store. Unknown_21: Yelp. Unknown_21: Motorcycle gear in Mexico City. Unknown_05: Honestly, honestly, no. Unknown_05: How much would it cost to get a motorcycle in Mexico? It must be very affordable, I imagine. I just want the website. Just give me a fucking website. 1:42:45 Unknown_05: Do you not have a website for your motorcycle store in Mexico? Unknown_21: Do Mexicans not have websites? Unknown_21: Anyway, I have received a breaking news live alert. Unknown_05: I need to interrupt this motorcycle talk. Unknown_05: In my fantasy, my dream of one day riding a motorcycle down the free highways of Mexico. 1:43:21 Unknown_21: Because I've been told that Ethan Ralph is having a meltdown on Twitter. Unknown_21: Let's see. Unknown_21: so and oh my god there's so many tweets he's arguing with ppp live on twitter why would he do this you're just you're just giving ppp free content okay so this starts like an hour ago Unknown_05: Sorry for the show tech issues. A little rubber piece fell out of the dummy battery for the M50. Turns out the piece was very important because it keeps the gravity from the dummy cord dropping out. I actually have a frivolous court matters later today. Oh, that was the other thing. He was trying to do like an all day stream and he's completely fucked up. And then the next day he has a court order by Zoom. 1:44:00 Unknown_05: I have a frivolous court order at 4 p.m. Eastern Central Time, so this is in a couple hours, I want to say, right? It is 2.40, so he's got about an hour and a half, and he's literally arguing with PPP on Twitter. Unknown_05: uh also i lost the edit now so i meant you you have to dummy but okay whatever ppp says ralph legit looks horrible and he shows slurring his words delusional thought patterns he nearly cried during his intro he's kind of lost it kind of sad prayers for ralph ralph says i could look dead on my show and i'd still be an improvement over a cheap imitation like yourself i look fine more fake news from the fanfic crowd he says you have to delete the original tweet because you're still drunk and up on pills buddy he says no because they don't want to look like an idiot like yourself You raped a girl in college. You weigh 800 pounds. Your fall is going to be brutal, eh, buddy? He says, keep seething, buddy. I look forward to make money off you tonight. Which is true, because he's going to make a lot of money when Ralph jumps out at him. And he continues to after this tweet. Ralph says, dude, I made at least four times what your jabronis have made me off this year. $13,000 tickets sold to my private event. Who do you think is the majority of the cast? By the way, this clown begged to be involved in Ralphomania. I have her recordings. 1:44:54 Unknown_05: They went to Cabal Star instead. 1:45:26 Unknown_05: Oh, someone just sent me an inquiry about my domain, consentaccident.com. I'll interrupt to read this. Unknown_05: The buyer says, hi, Josh, enjoying the stream, dude. Don't talk to Destiny. He's a slimeball. Your pal, Philly. That's an interesting inquiry. I don't know what that has to do with consentaccident.com. If you send any more, I'm not going to read them. I just thought that was funny. Unknown_05: All right, Ralph says, you're going to tell me you didn't want to be involved in Ralphomania because you have a tape that says you did. Instead, you followed Worski's dumbass and made zero. Now you might want to be. Worski stole all your juice and you let him. 1:46:02 Unknown_05: He made the exact same tweet twice. He retweeted it, I guess on accident. This man is completely and totally fucked beyond belief because he's retweeting himself immediately after he makes a message because he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. Unknown_05: PVP says, Buddy, you could have made $100K knocking out Worski and owning the A-Logs once and for all and said you ducked Worski after he got beat up by a British chad. How much of that money goes to Mr. Vickers, by the way, buddy? Ralph says, I have a son. I have a son who I've met and he's lovely. Despite his relations, I don't regret for one minute the birth of my son. And one day he'll know the truth. You're fat and you're on welfare. You can't tie your shoes. Want me to play the audio? He then says hey, do you want me to play the audio fat fuck before you let warski talk you into being poor? He's stealing all your money and i'd love it. You're some weirdo who should never been been there Should never even have been here. Even warski is more talented Hilarious thing is worse. He would jump sides immediately. Hey ashton, you know wrestling. He's like a turn on you in a heartbeat Hope that doesn't happen You really think he forgot about all the fuck? Fucked go things you said ralph is legit 1:46:35 Unknown_05: He has court in an hour and a half, and he can barely hammer out a sentence. Tie your shoes live on air, and I'll pay you $2,000. Also, I'm going to call your grandpas today and see what he's thinking about his disgusting grandson. This clown has restored to spellcheck. Restored to spellcheck. Oh, Jesus Christ. The internal mark of a loser. 1:47:13 Unknown_05: What about your dad making out with a black guy? That seems more pertinent. Also, how your former best friend would speak out about how you got beaten by your father. No direct mention to other activities. Unknown_05: What Andy Worski really thinks of PPP. And then there's a clip. Unknown_00: Shit. 1:47:48 Unknown_00: Can't handle anybody criticizing them, making fun of them, pointing out their hypocrisy, their errors, their scumbag bullshit. Unknown_05: This is an old clip because PPP looks like he's groomed. Unknown_00: Look at this. Unknown_00: He's flagged three videos knowing that YouTube has a three-strike policy and this channel would be terminated. But because Warsky's a fucking retard, he failed to take into account that if you flag three videos with strikes all at once, YouTube only counts it as one strike. Unknown_00: So he fucked up huge. But look at this shit. Now he has to go to copyright school? Unknown_05: This is just him talking about Andy Warsky flagging people, which he did. I don't like Warsky. 1:48:26 Unknown_05: uh ralph says or ppp says ralph ronnie put a knife to your throat do you really want this to go this route he hurt you like no one else has your words not mine you killed puppies with your daddy shameful ralph says except it didn't happen you're relying on word of a little e-whore with an extra grind godwin sims the star of the show ashton you're a freak side show just like you are now with warski he continues um Unknown_05: this tweet by ppp was deleted he responds to it saying i expected better than typo correct from you be gone cheap ralph limitation i'll be here for 30 years you won't i'll put the audio out soon though i think people enjoy listening to you gravel also they've taken my way they could have actually made money lol and then ppp also deleted this tweet that ralph responds to saying oh and dudes you spread your asshole online who the fuck are you talking to 1:49:12 Unknown_05: He continues six minutes later saying, Harry Morris is to be shown the power of the Ralph Amell spite. I literally die rather than let him see his granddaughter after what he's done to me and my family. I don't have any punchlines. This, this just stating the fact. Unknown_05: Then he switches over to Amanda's Twitter account from 11 hours ago and says, my husband amazes me. Heart. He works so hard to provide our family. He has put us put up with nonstop BS, but always finds a way to brighten my day. Oh, Ralph can brighten a few sweeties days with a with Starbucks gift cards. That's nice. That's not, hey, buddy. Hey, buddy, I got a Starbucks gift card to brighten a few sweeties' days. Being with someone who lifts you up and encourages you to grow is a blessing. Nathan has done so much for me. I'm going to tap this on the side because I have a comment about May's posting. 1:49:46 Unknown_05: I noticed Harry Morris of Rochester has given no response to this coward as his ex-wife called me one time. Unknown_05: His ex-wife called Ralph a coward, so that's Harry's fault, and he remembers this. 1:50:18 Unknown_05: And then there's the pinned tweet. So this is from 44 minutes ago. Ralph is literally fucked up. Unknown_05: My comment about the May tweet is that I can't decide if it's just Ralph tweeting, if it's May tweeting and she's trying to be like a Stepford wife, or... Unknown_05: Or, this is my new theory that I've developed. Unknown_05: Mae tweets the most saccharine shit imaginable because she subconsciously wants... 1:50:55 Unknown_05: ralph to feel terrible like she posts like gushing about things ralph has never done and obviously gives him compliments that he does not deserve because she's hoping that it will be so over the top that it makes ralph feel shame that is my new that is my new theory because like imagine if Unknown_05: you're like in this arranged marriage and you treated your wife like shit and then she would just tell people like just say all the things that you do to her but like positively flipped oh he's never laid a finger on me we have great conversation every day he cleans up after this like goes on and on about all the shit that you don't do and like in like the most obvious way possible to make you feel embarrassed like the like some kind of next level metaphysical passive aggressiveness that i'm kind of leaning that way 1:51:46 Unknown_05: That's a big-brained horse. That might be too smart for Mae. She might just be a giant retard. That's less interesting, though. He's so smart. Unknown_05: Good luck with court there, buddy. Unknown_05: Interesting. Okay. This is my live news alert. Unknown_21: Um... Unknown_21: I don't know if that thing will be recorded, though. Unknown_05: I hope it is, because that would be funny. 1:52:19 Unknown_05: He's so tall. Unknown_05: My husband's so tall. Like, oh my God. And when I make him sandwiches and I give him sandwiches and I walk into his room and like, oh my God, his room is so clean. And I give him my sandwiches. I think, oh my God, my husband is like six foot six. Unknown_05: My husband looks like he can see the world around him and not with pig eyes. His eyes are like so wide. He can see all the colors in the world. Unknown_05: He's so fit. He can lift 100 pounds. He's such a good driver. I really feel safe next to him in the car. He's like... 1:52:50 Unknown_05: he's so good with money he's really good at managing finances i really i really feel like he takes care of himself and uh if anything happens i know he's got like health insurance and life insurance so i don't have to worry about being destitute and on the street to be on the streets of mexico if he dies he's got this all figured out i really feel like i got a future with him Unknown_05: Such a good role model. Oh, my God. I feel like my little girl is not going to have horrific daddy issues and suck dick for cock on OnlyFans for money because she's so traumatized by being raised by my husband. 1:53:23 Unknown_05: I'm so happy that my husband doesn't have a motorcycle. I would be really scared for him if he had a motorcycle. It would really scare me. 1:54:00 Unknown_05: he smells so great i love the way he has an innovative new idea of like personal hygiene where he just uses x body spray it really saves on money we don't have to spend so much on water okay i think that's enough chat's killing me there's like so much in there that's funny Unknown_05: uh okay have i missed anything else are there any topics that need to be covered before the stream concludes we got about nine minutes left before i have to start bashing on superchats because i don't want this to go on for four hours trans being profiles i have to save those for a rainy day i can't just do those willy-nilly um Unknown_05: So, fun fact. This is an actual fun fact. Next week is the 27th. 1:54:59 Unknown_05: The week after that is February 3rd, chat. Do you know what's significant about February 3rd, chat? Anybody want to guess what's interesting about February 3rd? Unknown_05: Coolator says happy birthday KF that is true on February 3rd it's only a Friday so I will be streaming that day it is the 10th anniversary of the Kiwi farm so I am I am preparing for a all out total fucking attack on the Kiwi farms on the 3rd. um I'm trying to figure out what to do to keep the site up because it's important they'll definitely be saving their money for the biggest DDoS attempt they can possibly get for the third um I'm also working on something special for the third uh that I'm not giving any spoilers to and I'm I'm chipping away at every day uh but if it has any traction to it whatsoever it'll be pretty funny um 1:55:39 Unknown_05: quick interview from prison yeah uh you're right i might do a special stream on on that day if i assume when i have enough time there's a lot a lot a lot of stuff that i'm working on and if i can i would like to go over like a full 10 year um retrospect on the on on that friday and that might be like a multi-hour stream we'll see very exciting though um Unknown_05: Kind of scary. 10 years. You know, I'm 30 years old and the site's turning 10. So you know what that means? Unknown_05: I've been with the Kiwi Farms for a third of my entire fucking life. That's, that's, when I put it like that, that's terrifying to me. Just knowing that it's been one third of my entire life that has been hitched to this website. That's a bit nutso. That's a bit scary. That's a bit spooky. 1:56:40 Unknown_05: Time well spent. Unknown_05: so we'll see um i'll try to make it fun i'm debating what to do for the site itself as opposed to um it's a legacy exactly and i feel i really you know i i'm not like a i'm not like a superstitious person but when we look at the facts here chat here's the deal 1:57:21 Unknown_05: The Kiwi Farms is turning 10. This is the year of the rabbit and the lunar cycle after the 20th. Is today the new year? There's no way. Unknown_05: lunar new oh the 22nd is the lunar new year so the kiwi farms will be turning three in the year of the rabbit which is the most fortunate fortuitous fortuitous of all the lunar new years so it will be a great year and it will be the hump after drop kiwi farms after all the shit liz fong jones has done i mean like i don't want to jinx it but i have a good feeling that's all i'm saying okay 1:58:02 Unknown_21: I'll try to make it, I'll try to do a fun stream. Unknown_05: Will be the year that Josh learns how to words, no. How long has the podcast been going on? Did I start doing this in 2018? I wanna say it's 2018 when I started doing it. Unknown_21: Like late 2018 I think, I don't know for sure. Unknown_21: That's been a while. I'm coming up, this year will be five years of the podcast. 1:58:36 Unknown_05: That's also crazy to think that I've been doing the podcast for a little less than half the time that the site's been around. Putting things into perspective like that's crazy. Unknown_05: By the time I started the podcast, I was already eating tons of shit from people trying to de-platform us, and I've just been rolling with it for so long. Unknown_05: I think, I think it was Ricada that said like, if there ever came a time that I shut down the forum, I would just go insane with boredom. Like, how do you go from dealing with constant problems every single day and novel constant problems every single day to like a normal routine? I don't know if I would just like thrive in it. Cause I'm so like tired of dealing with the retard shit. Or if I would, um, go, go crazy and lose my fucking mind. 1:59:16 Unknown_21: drugs find new problems yeah i think that's what most people do they just make new problems for themselves get addicted to crack start a farm get married have kids have six kids make a new forum you'd low tax yourself there's a whole world of problems to solve i don't want to solve any of those problems those problems suck they're not fun and they're not easily fixed and they're not fair is the issue 1:59:57 Unknown_05: Okay, Shilma, you're now free to leave. Unknown_05: However, I do appreciate those who stick around for the Super Chats, because I try to make them entertaining at least. Unknown_05: Oh, I should know what this means. I think that's... Shui Ma. Unknown_21: English or Chinese. Let's see how correct I am. I was close. Unknown_05: I was very close. It means pony. Unknown_05: uh shama for five says i don't know if you've already covered this um in the stream assuming you're reading this at the end act oh this is this is in the 19th this was a couple days ago um act man someone you briefly covered has donated two thousand dollars to trans lifeline um jeez 2:00:49 Unknown_05: i only vaguely remember the act man at all he does not stick in my memory at all he gave to you okay apparently there must be something happening at youtube where they told all the big youtube creators to suck some tranny dick this week because between him and chemist keemstar um it's been a little bit overbearing oh man fuck it a new year means a new pride month i'm not looking forward to that but we got a couple months out before we have to deal with it Unknown_05: Long for five says, please tell my Brazilian friend Wheatley to get a job. I keep trying, but he won't listen. Unknown_05: I mean, getting a job in Brazil sounds like it would be shitty. You wouldn't get paid too much. But Wheatley, you should get a job. You're going to be a sad sack with no job living in your parents' house. That's no way to be. Unknown_05: Second Son for 50 says, Noel, you're both single-handedly saving Western civilization and a fat retard. Thank you, and we love you. HH. Hulk Hogan to you too, my friend. I don't know if I'm single-handedly saving anything, though. I'm just trying to save my ass most of the time. But I appreciate it. Striga for five says, I'll be drunk in the evening so you get your shekels earlier since it's the year of the rabbit in China. Will you stream with the... No, I will not stream with the rabbit Pipkins to make she happy. And then he says, just kidding, stream Dragon Dead by Daylight again, please. 2:01:41 Unknown_05: I might do that. I do like Dead by Daylight. I only played it infrequently, though. Unknown_05: Not streaming with no VTuber, sorry. I've seen people stream with, like, human beings stream with VTubers before, and it's, like, really cringe. 2:02:18 Unknown_05: even even beyond anime in general vault for seven says hey josh can you impart some advice for traveling solo i'm traveling outside the u.s before or i have traveled outside the u.s before but this time will be my first time doing so alone i'm thinking of doing japan for the blossom season um taking a vacation by yourself usually kind of sucks you have to you have to know somebody you have to know somebody to make things fun um but if you really are just like a weeb and you want to go see some fucking petals fall in japan go for it Unknown_05: I don't know what to tell you about Japan. Everything's in Japanese. Very few people there speak English. It's a very modern place. Unknown_05: But I went there with people from 8chan. We wandered around the streets drunk, and I figured out really fast that the red lanterns in front of places meant that they have food. So we would literally just get drunk and then wander around the streets in the middle of the night looking for red lanterns that were still lit up to buy sushi with. And then the food was pretty good, actually. 2:03:19 Unknown_05: uh anonymous for five says are we really at the sons of kojima wings trolling point with the ralph saga hard to put sit back and laugh at effect on the internet uh without doing homosexual operations it is because i think people when you have someone like chris someone like wings of redemption something like dark side phil Unknown_05: they have like this really built-in community and they have a lot of people with eyes on them and i think when you're like a young person and you're you're totally totally obscure and you enjoy trolling content you're like 2:03:59 Unknown_05: I want to get involved in this. I want to make like a name for myself trolling. And they, by that point in the saga, you know, Chris has been trolled to death. Wings of redemption has been trolled to death. And he's on SSRIs. Dark side Phil has been trolled to death. And you know, he just, he's old. He doesn't give a fuck. And Ethan Ralph has been trolled to death and seen everything now. So if you're going to try to inject yourself in the late stages of these people's like cycle as a retard on the internet, you have to really like do something extraordinary. And that usually means like something criminal. In Chris's case, the criminal stuff had already happened and came and went. And then like, what's the next step? It's playing pretend with him for 16 hours a day and getting him to like fuck his mom and shit. And that's what happened with the IBJ and stuff. 2:04:31 Unknown_05: Um, Unknown_21: so sorry i got a weird text message sorry i got a text message from a service provider which startled me but it's uh he's just telling me something funny that he got a message about wow i completely lost my train of thought i apologize i was talking about okay yeah once you like have reached that stage the only thing left to do is um 2:05:23 Unknown_05: Is fuck with people. Beyond what's funny. And it's just sad at that point. Find something else. Like I know it sucks that those glory days are gone. But. Ralph still fucks up his own life. Especially with Ralph. There's no excuse. There's no excuse to start doing stupid gay shit. Because Ralph would be pretty funny. Like right now. Unknown_05: he's not drinking and taking pills because uh he's unable to cope with the fact that kino shay's brilliant trolling saga to photoshop uh amanda into pornography is killing him he's drinking and taking pills right now because he has to go to court in an hour and the um father of his wife is humiliating him on twitter and that's stuff that he did all by himself nobody tricked harry morrison to hating ralph ralph is just insufferable just chill the out You don't have to be famous online. You don't want to be famous online because you see what happens to people who are famous online. They get swatted and people Photoshop their family into porn. So you don't want to like chill. You really don't want to be Internet famous. It sucks. You're only the money and the notoriety that you get for doing a YouTube stream is at the cost of like every ounce of your personal privacy and ability to live a normal life. So seriously, just fucking don't. 2:06:09 Unknown_05: So in the stream now. 2:06:42 Unknown_05: This is Jesse. Jesse, you should kill yourself. Unironically, buddy. You would be better off fucking dead. Unknown_05: There's one person who's going to pay to get whatever the fuck you were talking about off your podcast. And then once that's done, they're going to cancel their subscription. They're going to post it for free. And everybody's going to forget about you immediately. Unknown_05: He's been at this shit for like... Unknown_05: Like five years trying to be a little dingleberry to dick master shin and then after that with ethan ralph It's like nobody likes you. Nobody's gonna pay for your shit. Nobody watches your content because you're an insipid self-absorbed stupid faggot And that's that's my opinion based off like 40 seconds of dealing with him ever I thought jesse had ball cancer. Uh, I wouldn't say Good, but i'm not gonna say bad 2:07:25 Unknown_21: um let's see next one dantiac for two says instead of morphing into corn ralph is morphing into looking like low tax ralph to low tax a suicide arc or speed on arcs i i can believe that i said he would die and of course he has to now because that would make my prediction for him and uh amanda true Unknown_05: So we can, I don't know. I'm not saying that he should kill himself cause he's not Jesse from Podawful who should kill himself, but I wouldn't be surprised is what I'm saying. I can always just buy him a motorcycle. 2:08:06 Unknown_05: Nautilus for 10 says, if you haven't lived, uh, you haven't lived, if you haven't tried the Salmiakki ice cream, and then this is a link to black licorice ice cream. This is mrmeatball.hk of Hong Kong. Unknown_05: Razer Samyaki ice cream bar. That does sound good. I would try it. $60. Oh, this is Hong Kong dollars. I was like, what the fuck? I'm not buying $60 ice cream. 2:08:41 Unknown_05: uh toilet duck for five says here's just five dollars for taking the built off this week cut them threads down um i don't want to i i recipes i just need to make it so that i can find people in the threads who are going to watch it for me and like actually report stuff that needs to be taken care of because they'll get bored if they're not getting attention from the site Unknown_05: Crossman Noel for two says, please to advise Josh. I am stupid. How do I find work from home or remote cell job that lets me move and live to places like Tangier where I could actually afford an apartment? I can't code. Unknown_05: I mean, Unknown_05: Learn to code. It's really not that hard. Unknown_05: You're going to need a job. You're going to need some kind of skill set, and you're going to need a customer of your skill set. This is a really stupid question. It's like, dear Josh, I'm paying you $2 to show that I don't know how to manage my finances when I already don't have money. I want to live as inexpensively as possible doing something online, but I have no skills. What do I do? Step one, develop skill. Step two, find work online. Step three, move to wherever the fuck. 2:09:30 Unknown_05: I really don't know what to say, buddy. Unknown_05: Then again, I think a lot of jobs are online now. So step one, look at markets. Step two, figure out what you actually want to do. Step three, do it. Simple as. There's no secret sauce to it. Unknown_05: Her prostate orgasm for five says Tom's GF made an HRT joke and Twitter trainees told her to kill herself. I would get wanting to stay monetized, but he needs to get a backbone and tell them to fuck off. I am aware of this. I'm aware that apparently Turkey, Turkey, Tom and his girlfriend look very similar. 2:10:11 Unknown_05: And she posted a picture of herself like in boy clothes and said, look, I'm transitioning. I'm now Turkey, Tom or whatever. And people got super, super pissed off because of course they fucking did because they're you know raging men and dresses that cut their dicks off or taking hrt and yeah i i i i would i find it impossible to have a personal experience like that and then not immediately say yeah this is like fuck you people you're all shit um but i i will assume in good faith i mean i don't know he doesn't know he doesn't know any different It would be like if gay people got pissed off to you, you know, and you said like, oh, now I hate gay people. 2:10:56 Unknown_05: He doesn't know a world. He doesn't know that this is literally a fad. He hasn't accepted this yet, that this was a fad. Before this was a thing, it was just men doing drag because they thought it was funny or kinky or whatever. And this whole AGP menace shit is literally like a modern invention. He doesn't know that. And I think people are starting to realize this en masse, and shit like that does not help, obviously. Unknown_05: Hal for 10 says, Hope you're having a good day, Josh. Thank you. You too. I appreciate it. Pope Urban for 5 says, You missed my last super chat. Care to talk about George Santos? He may have stolen money from a veteran's dog. I don't know anything about George Santos, buddy. I apologize. 2:11:35 Unknown_05: This is apparently a U.S. Congress person representing New York's 3rd District. Unknown_05: They're all thieves. They're all thieves. Unknown_05: They're all fucking retards, too. There was a clip of Tim Pool talking to Matt Gaetz, who, of course, is my congressman. And in this, like... 2:12:09 Unknown_05: He gets a super chat asking Matt Gaetz, I'm British. I live in the UK. I want to come to the United States. There's a vax mandate for all foreigners wishing to immigrate to the United States. Could you lift this? Could you bring this up in Congress to lift this vaccine mandate for travelers? Because again, the United States is the only country in the world besides China that still actively requires a vaccine just to visit the country or to get a green card. Completely preposterous. And Matt Gaetz's response is something like, we don't want any immigrants. Ha ha. So it's like we have 250,000 Mexican immigrants coming in every month right now. And they come in illegally. I don't know what the fuck their vaccine status is. I don't give a shit. But he's going to, like, simp and hold the line on this vaccine thing, which is only keeping out, number one, law-abiding people, and number two, people who are anti-vax. Like, those are the people you want to keep. And it's like, what a fucking retard. The people in government are fucking morons. the only people who go into congress are fucking idiots that can be easily manipulated and controlled by people because there's no excuse for this it's just like how fucking embarrassing you know it's just like a quip like oh we don't even want you because you're british haha and like i understand wanting to like kick british people like like i i get that completely um but what a fucking idiotic thing for for my representative in particular to say it's really embarrassing 2:13:40 Unknown_05: Uh, jerseys Sneed and ladders for five says, dear leader, please help. Can you explain to my friends why social media platforms are so cancer AIDS and the Fediverse is a good option. Thank you. And Sneed there. Um, number one, they are all centralized. Unknown_05: Uh, so that means that they have an absolute authority to decide who gets to stay on it and who doesn't, as opposed to email where there are multiple providers. So you can always find a different provider or make your own provider to stay in the email system and send mail to whoever you want. Uh, number two, the people that own these social media companies use them to put things in front of you and to take things away from your vision that are designed to influence how you think they are actively malicious. They're actively manipulative and you're doing yourself a disservice if you're using them. 2:14:23 Unknown_05: Um, Unknown_05: That's that's the gist. And as far as like social media in general, they are literally designed like slot machines. The way that they hold your attention and keep your attention so they can put ads in front of you is exploitative of the way the human brain works and the reward centers that we have. And you should read Dr. Theodore Kaczynski's Industrial Society and its Future for an explanation of what he calls the over-socialized male. And the over-socialized male is a direct product of shit like Reddit and Twitter and Facebook. Social media as a whole is basically fucking cancer AIDS. 2:15:00 Unknown_05: Tyman O'Reilly for 216 says, Josh, since last stream you said you enjoy a salmiakki, you should try a pre-mixed liquor, liqueur, salmiakki vodka. Americans say it tastes like cough medicine, but you would probably like it. I mean, is that not just Jägermeister? Jägermeister is fucking great. I don't know how people don't like Jägermeister. I can, I can get, I can get fucked up off Jägermeister. Unknown_05: I don't know if I want to tell the story. Unknown_05: I was with a—surprise, surprise. I had a date once, and she took me over to her friend's house, and I had Jagermeister. 2:15:34 Unknown_05: And I had just moved from a city, and for some reason, the public transit at the city, if you ever put in money, it would give you change in— dollar coins which are if you don't know in the united states dollar coins are peculiar they're they're strange they're uncommon it would be like finding um you know like a large denomination coin that's uncommon in your country uh just for whatever reason dollar coins never caught on in the us so when you find them they're peculiar and you and you tend to collect them instead of spend them so i had with me a big pocket full of dollar coins 2:16:18 Unknown_05: And, uh, me and this girl, we, we got really drunk and we, and we got kind of handsy and her friends got pissed off at us and told us to leave. And cause I was drunk. I apologize by giving her money, uh, And I gave her money in the form of taking a fistful of dollar coins that I had with me. Cause I just flew from across the country and pelted her with these coins. Unknown_05: Like just threw her a fistful of dollar coins at her as hard as I possibly can. I said, sorry. And then I left. Unknown_05: This is a true story. I'm not making this up. And that was brought to you by Jagermeister. I'm pretty sure. 2:16:59 Unknown_05: um i hate knickers wait anonymous for 216 says wish more men here were like you yes i wish everyone had a fistful of coin story i hate knickers for one says last week you said that if you donate more the text limit increases this does not appear to be true on donation alerts 200 characters no matter how much you donate um 2:17:34 Unknown_05: uh i i will look into that then my dude i'll i'll tweak it a little bit to encourage the big the big money that big money that everybody wants everyone wants to see that big money um can i let me just see it real quick i'll see if it's super easy nation settings actually i'll do it after the stream hold up Unknown_05: Watch Jinro. It's a work of actual art for $10. It says, Something to get about animation is that every line and motion and character detail is more money. Thus, it's been optimized into soullessness because studios are risk-adverse and lazy slop is standard. Unknown_05: Yeah, I mean, I completely get that. And the thing is, I'm not like a huge... Obviously, I'm not super educated about film or especially animation. Unknown_05: But... Unknown_05: The human brain knows when something is shit. And you're watching something and it's like, even if you don't know exactly what the fuck is wrong, when you're watching it and it's like, this is shit, even without any understanding of animation, 2:18:26 Unknown_05: You just look at it and you're like, this is shit. And you don't need a fucking CalArts degree to know when something's shit. You just look at anything. There's no love. There's no soul. Nobody who made this gave a fuck about it. And that more than anything just shines through somebody's work. When you just don't care. Even if someone doesn't know exactly why they don't like something, they know why. They know that it's bad. Unknown_05: Question mark for 2016 says, Josh, I get around with Josh talks German Haas postings. I made a, that's a reference to, I got a message from Germany saying that they want user details. And this was like from the Haas postings postings. branch of the polizei saying that they were looking for user details because someone said that trannies are all gross or predators or something and it's like i i still i still haven't gotten around to blocking germany from the site but i really feel like if you're using the site from germany you're actively putting yourself in danger because your government is hunting you down like a fucking dog for thinking things that they don't like that's where it's really fucking vile um let me guess the message came from hessen 2:19:48 Unknown_21: Yeah, I think that's right. Unknown_05: I think it was Hessen. Unknown_05: I know their flag, and I think the flag was used on the signature. I'm pretty sure it was the Haas postings. I even replied to them, and I said, this is fucking retarded. You shouldn't be embarrassed. And then I linked them to that Christopher Hitchens video about hate speech. um that i have on my my personal youtube channel i said you should really reconsider your career because you're actively involved in shit that will embarrass your people yet again in like another 50 years i even i even called her like i said you're like the fucking stasi i hope you realize that and i'm sure i'm sure that the the police love being called the stasi i'm sure that made her day i'm sure she was like oh yeah this guy makes some salient points about freedom of speech i really respect his opinion 2:20:37 Unknown_05: uh haramberger for two says are gaming mods ban people for harry potter wrong thing kiwi farms not banning people to get a laugh death to reddit death to velma death to dungeons and dragons big ups to transformers i hope we're not banning people to get a laugh be nice now don't don't abuse the broom it's a it's a sacred it's a sacred duty you have to take you have to take uh seriously now Unknown_05: Red Tail for $50 says, in my mind, the patches I order from you will be like the ghost shirt when I'm in combat versus the Chinese or whomever. Bullets will bounce off me. I'm in the ghost dance religion now. Unknown_05: You have to make sure that you're... I would love to see the patches on like... Unknown_05: uh an actual uh um uniform from either like ukraine or russia that would that would be really funny to me i don't think that i think that i had to ban people from russia from ordering i i'm not a hundred percent on that but i'm pretty sure that i can't ship things to russia right now i think that it's not allowed to sell things to russia's i think i blocked them i apologize 2:21:43 Unknown_05: waiting your patches um there will be an update on that i'm gonna they they are sending out the current inventory and then i'm doing the final order it'll be like another 750 patches and it'll take a couple weeks to get made so if you're not if you don't receive an email in like a couple days um saying that you're on the back order you should you should have gotten a make sure to check your spam too you might have gotten it into in your spam uh their tracking number rungle parentheses supporting jk lawling for 540 says i have pre-ordered hogwarts legacy now if we do the math let's say i pay full price for it 60 euros a tranny charity asked for five euros for donations you're usually technically you killed 12 trannies per copy Unknown_05: I don't know if that's how that works out, but I do know that there's this new trend of pole jack posting, where it's like an animation. It's usually very crudely animated, and it's just the pole face guy, and he's fucking murdering the troon jack. Number one, the troon jack character scares me. The purple tongue and the way he's drawn is just really unsettling to me. 2:22:42 Unknown_05: and then um gem gem gem posting i don't know what the fuck it's called but it's really unsettling it's very dark and it's it's it's kind of like a base like okay it's really funny because like the poll character is depicted as like a weak beta but then the trunjack like the one i saw recently was trunjack gets his meta facebook virtual reality thing and And he goes into virtual reality and he's met by all the anime characters, all the femboy anime characters that he loves. And they're all like... Oh, and he in the metaverse, he's also like an anime trap. And they're all like, hey, welcome to the metaverse. You're finally a real woman here. Isn't this great? And then the pole face guy, he hacks the guy's metaverse from his Nazi swastika computer next door and uploads Dante's Inferno as the simulation, so he's burning in hell instead. And then he dies from the... 2:23:21 Unknown_05: physiological trauma of this virus it's very strange it's very avant-garde animation and it kind of unsettles me because it's it's it's so rough around the edges that it's almost like uncanny and unsettling millions i'm just saying it's very weird and there's a lot of them and i keep seeing them posted in the telegram and it's kind of scary 2:24:19 Unknown_05: I have noticed in general... This is my last aside before I kind of wind back to the donation stuff. I've noticed that... Unknown_05: violent rhetoric in general is really rising like people just actively saying like these people have to die these people have to be hurt we have to make transfer like on both sides people saying that these people have to die these people have to live in fear these people have to be afraid for their lives like the the on both sides everyone is is like dropping the the fed posting shit and just going straight for yeah we need these people to like actually live in fear Unknown_05: It's just something I've noticed. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone. I'm saying all around, I'm saying the violence has escalated. 2:25:00 Unknown_05: Saber Ratlin. That's a good word for it. Yeah, people are angry. People are very angry. Everybody's angry. Unknown_21: Not just my side. Unknown_21: Truengard for $50 says, New Truengard protects your websites from trannies. Unknown_05: Look for it in your local supermarket's feminine products aisle. And the aisle is spelled... Unknown_05: With an A. Is that normal? Is that like a British spelling? I feel like I'm losing my mind. Okay. Thank you, Tringar. I need Tringar for my website, so I'll head to my local feminine products aisle and look for Tringar. Thank you. 2:25:33 Unknown_05: Anonymous for Five says, do you know of Cameron Bess? He's the son of a billionaire who went to space on a Blue Origin rocket while also doing Twitch streams and OnlyFans shoots in a fursuit. Unknown_21: Wow, that's pretty amazing. Unknown_05: I imagine that the children of billionaires coming of age these days is the most fucked up shit possible. Wow, he is in a fursuit. That's cool. Unknown_05: Hopefully this is safe for work. He uses all pronouns, he, she, and they. Here's him in space in a fursuit, I guess. 2:26:05 Unknown_21: Yeah, buddy. Unknown_21: Yeah, buddy. Unknown_21: It's a space pin. Wow. Wow. Unknown_21: Wow. Wow. Wow. Unknown_21: Fascinating stuff. Oh, I didn't show it. Okay. My bad. Unknown_21: Here's him in space. Unknown_21: Here's him. Unknown_05: Here's some fan art of him. 2:26:39 Unknown_05: Here's his Happy New Year's thing. It's like a VTuber. I guess he's like a VTuber thing. It says VR chat. Unknown_05: Here's him eating and doing some gay shit. Unknown_21: That's a nice art style. I really like that art style. That's pretty good. It's a shame that the artist is a creepy word furry, though. Unknown_21: Okay, that's enough of that. Thank you for ruining my day. Unknown_05: Anonymous. Unknown_05: albert al pazar for five says thanks for all you do josh you're the fucking man thank you very much appreciate it eat dirt drink bleach for fire says in your opinion uh wh does the holy land actually oh who does the holy land actually belong to how would you solve it israel palestine conflict um 2:27:29 Unknown_05: Obviously, it belongs to the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem. I didn't know that this was a topic up for debate. It's rightful... It's rightful... It's the rightful clay of Jebus. Unknown_05: Right? Unknown_05: I mean... i honestly if okay listen jokes aside jokes aside i'm you know being serious here um i love israel and the jewish people and i wish i could settle palestinian clay with akimbo desert eagles i wish i could walk out with my my big ass 50 caliber handguns going blam blam and then build an enormous throne To Yahweh and hoist a 100-foot flagpole with the Israeli flag so that everyone in the Palestinian territories around me could see it from miles away. 2:28:08 Unknown_05: Just being serious here. And you've got to make like a million Jewish babies, too. That's the obvious, no-jokes-about-it answer to the Israeli-Palestinian question. Unknown_05: uh anonymous for one one one dollar one dollar coin to be thrown at random women uh try going to wgo gu fully accredited Unknown_05: Um, this is, I've heard mixed things about WGU. I've heard that, um, either that some universities accept them and some do not. So you have a specific opinion about online courses. Uh, go ahead and send me a email about it. But I looked at Thomas Edison and someone else suggested, well, I don't want to name them cause I don't know if people are going to try to fuck with them or what, but, um, 2:28:52 Unknown_05: I've heard that it's not fully accredited. I'm not sure what the issues with that though. Their cybersecurity thing for WGU is like 27 months. Most people finish it. That would be fucking amazing. Cause I have my AA. If they accept all my credits, what's that? 12 months. It's one year to get the, the, the bachelors. That'd be fucking great. 2:29:29 Unknown_05: um anonymous for one dollar says have you listened to the six minute audio drama of nathan mazari's audio sancho s garfield oc fighting dsp to save the west is on the farm no i have not heard that i also didn't look into that drama with the the guy that's like a pedophile called brie larson fan 2004 or some shit he seems too attention whorey to me and i've not heard anything about the garfield oc i apologize maybe i should look into that because it sounds kind of funny 2:30:06 Unknown_05: uh vdar which i assume is vr viking uh for ten dollars says can homo shea please die strong opinion i might i i don't know if i can co-sign that but i might do it anyway if you know what i'm saying thank you uh cereal best buy refunded for Unknown_05: for one dollar says retailers figured out that scrutinizing refunds cost more than refunds when my stuff breaks off warranty i buy a new one in order to return the old one keep trying i guarantee you'll get a refund now that that's some next level white trashing it just i mean yeah i'll i'm gonna fight it um i'm really pissed off about it i don't like being because it's like Unknown_05: I don't want a nickel coin. I'm not going to send my friend fucking nickel, and I'm not going to keep fucking nickel in my box where I keep all my silver. So what do I do with it? Do I just throw these 40-year-old coins in the fucking trash? Honestly, what am I going to do with these coins? I want them to take it back and refund me my fucking money. 2:30:58 Unknown_05: It's not China, dude. They're British. They're British. The guy receiving the gift is China. I tell people this story and they're like, you got chanked. You got chanked, bro. You got chanked. Them fucking chanks. All they fucking chanks can do is steal from the white man. I did not get chanked. I did not get jewed. I got teabagged. Some fucking British bitch teabagged me with her fake ass fucking coin. and let's not fake it's real it's just nickel and it's not silver and she used the word silver in the description specifically because she knows that people won't think british people fucking lie like fucking chang does and you shouldn't be wary about them but no they do in fact fucking lie because they're british british british 2:31:32 Unknown_05: Anonymous for a well lubed dilator for two 16 says, make sure to remark that destiny is a woman's name. I know that reference, the Jordan. It is a woman's name. Unknown_05: It's true. Unknown_05: No, that's for five says a little nice YouTube premium, bro. I've explained this before. I was a legit subscriber to Google music. It was a very good service. You could upload your own music to the library and listen to it as much as you want and download it to other computers as much as you want. And then they rolled it. Then they gave you YouTube red for free. And then YouTube red became YouTube premium and they got rid of Google music. So I've been a subscribe to Google music for like literally 10 years now. And it's just become YouTube premium. 2:32:23 Unknown_05: Um, and I don't regret it cause I don't have to see ads when I watch stuff on my TV. Um, cause otherwise, cause you know, they bake these fucking apps into your phone, into your TV so that you see ads even, and you can't install ad blocker anymore. Which is fucking bullshit. I think you have to use Piehole. But you can't even use Piehole to get rid of ads because they block the Kiwi Farms on it for being a suspicious website. There's lots of issues with that, by the way. If you have issues using DNS resolving because you use Piehole, you have to hunt from ProtonVPN. Their DNS service doesn't resolve KiwiFarms.net. You have to complain. If you're one of those people, you have to find and complain as loudly as possible. You're literally being told by some fucking faggot who runs a DNS block list. You can't access the site and you should make as much a stink of it as possible. 2:32:55 Unknown_05: um haramberger for five or for two only two says took off my headset and stepped away to take a at the top of the hour i was worried i might miss super chats but i could see the screen was not yet green so i could dump at ease your system works i'm glad thank you for all that information i appreciate it whole mining enjoyer for three says at what height does the male have to go to frederick and move to east asia to find love i mean 2:33:54 Unknown_05: Even in the East Asia. I mean, all Ralph just bought a horse. I think you can just buy a horse. Thank you. Even if you have enough money, here's the thing, right? If you're short and pathetic looking, you have to make a lot of money. And then once you have a lot of money, uh, you can, you can find someone willing to tolerate you and your shortness. Unknown_05: And if you have tons of money, you can select out all the male sperm that have short rickety legs, and you can abolish your manliness forever. 2:34:25 Unknown_05: anonymous for two says the more you look at ralph from the side the more plainly obvious he has cushing syndrome and it's just a disgusting or 10 ton mutant uh yeah he does have cushing syndrome i believe that Unknown_05: Because he has all the hallmarks of it. GenerousiderCO42 says, sent info and accredited university. Hopefully it is helpful. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm developing a little list and then I'll send my transcript into a bunch and be like, can you accept all the credits? And then I'll do like a way off of credit acceptance versus the programs and how good they look. And then I'll decide based on that. Unknown_05: Anonymous for five says, did you ever get into the fan made Tom's GF made of you care to share it here on stream? No, I will not be sharing that. Um, I don't think he would appreciate if I shared that. Uh, Davey is Dave for five says, will you play this? Uh, please. Um, and there's a YouTube link. 2:35:10 Unknown_05: someone named cj canton has just gotten to the part of the stream where i say that indian girls are hideous and he's um he's throwing a fit in chat everybody laugh at him this is a confederate song tennessee early forward sing songs of the civil war 2:35:46 Unknown_14: i have heard this before you know what this song reminds me of hold up Unknown_21: I think this is it, let's see 2:36:41 Unknown_15: Um... Unknown_05: So this is a French song called Song of the Onion. And this actually has an interesting story to it. In French, apparently Austria and onion has a very similar name. So they called the Austria-Hungary soldiers in the First World War the onions. And this is a weird song about the French thing about dipping the onions in oil and how the Austrians would be denied onion soup and stuff. It's a very avant-garde reference, but it kind of reminds me of this because of the peas. I want to see a mashup of the Goober Peas song and the Onion song. 2:37:11 Unknown_05: Sneeta Ho for one says did you hear that Nick the Oreo blocks people calling him fat on Twitter does he block people for saying that he sucks tranny dick and he can deep throat as much girl cock as he wants to but he'll never be popular because he's an insipid fat piece of shit that looks like he orders wings at Buffalo Wild Wings in a suit and his YouTuber avatar is the fucking gayest thing ever and he looks like a fat greasy piece of shit even in his fucking cartoon version of himself Because that's how I feel about Nick Diorio, and I don't know anything about him. 2:38:15 Unknown_05: Anonymous for 10 says, I've seen people say on the forum that we shouldn't treat laughing at locales like team sports bullshit. Rooting for team sports is fun, and the next merch run should be locale-themed sports jerseys. Unknown_05: Geez, I'm thinking about what to do for the merch run. I'm thinking about doing plushies for the 10th anniversary, but it'll be kind of months after the actual anniversary. Or playing cards or more merch, or like apparel. I've not decided yet. Unknown_05: I don't think there's enough customers for sports jerseys to, to warrant the expense, to be honest with you. 2:38:51 Unknown_05: Anonymous for five says, Hey, Josh, new game alpha for hyenas. Just started game has a drag queen and a corset and bikini bottom as one of the heroes. They're a special ability is called heckle shield. It stops damage. Lol. Unknown_05: Hyenas. Unknown_05: That's weird. That's like a reference to like giant hyena clitoris is, I guess if this is like super woke. Unknown_05: hyenas play hyenas available on all platforms sign up to the alpha we're hyenas a new multiplayer sci-fi fps from creative assembly join the pack in the alpha and help us build the fps of tomorrow today yep not interested thank you i've not i played valorant like for two rounds and i'm just like this is fucking shit and then i was done with it 2:39:49 Unknown_05: Orcan the diviner for five says time flies like any other if nothing else I can simply wait for my foes to rot Yeah, it would be nice if the boomers died but they seem to be biologically and more immortal unfortunately Unknown_05: I mean, that's what they're doing in China, what I've been told. The young people in China are just waiting for Xi Jinping's generation to die, and then they'll be more liberal because they have access to the internet and shit. I don't know how true that is, but... It's definitely the popular tactic right now, but I think they'll just pass. The thing is, okay, here's the thing, right? Here's a little history fact for you. Unknown_05: If you look at empires... Unknown_05: really big empires the roman empire prussia's um uh growth from prussia to the unified german empire and uh many other countries there is a rule of threes sometimes even four where you have three good long-lived rulers and england for that matter uh you have three good long-lived rulers one after the other 2:40:52 Unknown_05: And that is usually what it takes to build up a country from even like an insignificant origin, like Prussia was to the, one of the most significant continental powers in the world. Unknown_05: Um, and that was because they had three, uh, rulers in a row, three monarchs in a row. And then to, to top it off, they had Otto von Bismarck, one of the greatest rulers in the history of the world, uh, to unify Germany for the first time in, in, you know, forever. Unknown_05: uh so what happens after the third or the fourth in the case of like Otto von Bismarck was a staunch monarchist so he put in another monarch as like his successor and that guy was a fuck up and he ruined he ruined Germany in the first world war 2:41:38 Unknown_05: And that's kind of how it goes. So you have someone argued with, like, Xi is technically the fourth, I think, of long-lived Chinese rulers. You had Mao Zedong, who fought the Cultural War, beat back the Republic of China, survived the Japanese invasion, and then unified China. Then you had Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping was an industrialist that brought agricultural, the peasants' revolution to industrialization. I forget who the third guy is. He just basically did more industrialization and he brought about the internet. And then Xi Jinping is fully embracing artificial intelligence and trying to solidify power in the party. And chances are once he dies, the torch will fumble. like just historically based once you have four long-lived rulers one after the other after three or four it usually fucks up and then the empire crumbles and that's what happened with the holy roman empire in germany in england and i think also the us but the us it's a little bit different you had um as moldbug likes to say we're now like in the third stage of the american empire we have the original 13 colonies that became a republic And then after the Civil War, we had a much stronger federal government. That was the Second Republic. After FDR reorganized the country with its bureaucracy and the departments, that was the Third Republic. And then after, I would say after JFK was assassinated and after they ousted Richard Nixon, who was going to challenge the CIA as well, I think now we're in the Fourth Republic. And the Fourth Republic is what's falling apart in our hands. And we're going to see a collapse of the empire because of that. 2:42:54 Unknown_05: uh so just in general there's usually to say that there's usually three passings of the torch sometimes a fourth and then but not usually then it then it usually falls apart something happens and it just doesn't last after that and then part yeah 250 years that's that's the number so we'll see uh what was i even talking about 2:43:50 Unknown_05: Okay, I see this. Anonymous for 540 says, considering her previous interest, Mae's life is like a Japanese hentai that is now the ugly bastard fetish stage, considering Ralph's physique. Unknown_05: I do not want to think of Mae in a hentai or as a sexual entity at all. I like to pretend that Ralph's baby was made by spores and budding as opposed to sex. Unknown_05: for one says josh you seem like the type to drive a hellcat and she it and run from the cops yeah bro if i could if i had the money i would drive a hellcat hellcat through the streets of mexico but unfortunately i simply can't you just know how how it is and she it 2:44:31 Unknown_05: hacks elite for five says thoughts on sunsberg leaking restricted documents about the f-16s weapon system to win an argument about game balance on the war thunder forums i think that's fucking base i think government secrets are fucking gay i think the government's fucking game i think everyone who leaks government secrets is based on red pill and said accident for two says please watch this video about you it's barely a minute long um probably not give me two dollars let's see Unknown_21: okay let's see i guess i'll watch this it's like a clip of me talking with some clip channel wasn't all wrong about nick ricada from pepsi man with a hundred i don't i don't think you fully appreciate Unknown_04: what you're doing to yourself and not just to yourself but to people who associate with you when you talk about the lollicon shit and you make jokes about jerking off to lollicon and you're tagging in people like doug tenable and and ricada who are conservative christians who would not appreciate that you don't understand that this never goes back into the box it's like a chernobyl event 2:45:40 Unknown_08: I'm not afraid of getting canceled for comedy or getting canceled for thought crimes. I'm just not afraid of it, man. At this point, I don't know what they're gonna take from me. It's nothing and everybody who supports the show knows that I will absolutely always draw a line between thought and action, always. Unknown_05: i never noticed this but he's so loud that his voice is picking up on um sean's mic that's why you can hear like a kind of echo because it's actually both mics are active and and specifically specifically you said the christian christian guys like doug and nick i promise you that the most christian thing to do with actual pedophiles is to realize that they're in a tremendous amount of pain 2:46:27 Unknown_05: but he says and replies someone what's kiwi farms problem with you and this is something like his he has gone and said that the kiwi farm says awful things about me but i still check up on it and i know there's some idiots there but whatever um i find it useful uh and i believe that they have the right to freedom of speech that's that was his position before but now he says this they want me to be their trad con dad because i need guidance and direction but i like tits and being naked and talking about sex and not pretending pretending to be an insult Unknown_05: this is cope i don't get it he's saying that i'm wrong because i said that he's a christian man he was a christian man he still is um he's obviously become less conservative over the time and i think that i mean i was definitely right when i said it i i don't know if that's supposed to be like an epic gotcha or what i don't know i'm supposed to glean from that um i still i i think i made very strong arguments with dick and i don't regret any of that Unknown_05: uh newbie do for 216 says i may stick around to hear this prob not though well if you're still around thanks for sticking around buddy rungle for two says did you know that danny brown the guy who did a song with k-flay that you love so much took a bunch of dick pills and now his dick doesn't work anymore don't you want to meet her or something um someone brought this up that danny brown actually talks about sonichu and other locale stuff and there's a very high percentage that chance that he actually listens to the or has used the kiwi farms or has listened to my podcast so if danny brown if you're in the audience I apologize for saying that you were hot garbage and should be set on fire for ruining a K-Play song. 2:47:54 Unknown_05: I meant it, but, you know. I mean, I don't actually want to see you set on fire, I guess. But you did ruin that fucking song, and that really sucks. Unknown_05: Maybe you can try again. Make a Kiwi Farms theme song that doesn't suck, and I might forgive you. Near for $1,000 for 216 says, this Keemstar going down on his knees thing is so transparent. Can you imagine either him or Ethan Klein allowing their children to shoot up HRT? No way in hell would happen. Well, I think that Keemstar doesn't have any kids. He was a stepdad for a while, and that girl dumped him, so now he's just by himself dancing on TikTok and sucking tranny dick. The most pathetic way to enter your 40s ever. I truly pity Keemstar. It's actually fucking sad. 2:48:30 Unknown_23: Bang my head against the wall. Unknown_05: This is from mirror for 216. I don't know what the song actually is. It's another king star remix Thank you. It's not that good. So I won't play it Unknown_05: Have you heard about the 230 case the Supreme Court is hearing? I have heard. Unknown_05: I'm actually saving this for when the verdict is reached or the decision is made. But there's some shit about Section 230 in the Supreme Court and they're questioning if the suggestions and content algorithms somehow violate Section 230 or cause it to lose protections. um and this is in the case about like if suggesting like white supremacy content is somehow makes you liable for it i really don't know what the argument is but um in the supreme court reddit moderators as a class have filed an amicus curiae i think is how you pronounce that but it basically means friend of the court they have filed a a federal with the Supreme Court, a front of the court brief that says we have an opinion about this decision. 2:49:58 Unknown_05: We are Reddit moderators, and they specifically say we do it for free. So it will be considered by the Supreme Court of the United States and entered into the docket for all eternity as a part of case law that the Reddit jannies filed a amicus curiae saying that they do it for free. They do it without compensation. And that will be a part of the United States case law forever and ever and ever. Can you imagine such a thing? Unknown_05: Mr. Man for $21.61 says, thanks for everything, Josh Man. Thank you, Mr. Man. I appreciate it. Unknown_05: And Crew Sadist for $100 says, listen to the song, Fuck You. That's Why by the Smut Peddlers, also Neighbors. He uses the other N-word that I cannot say when I want to keep my shit up for a little bit longer than one day on YouTube. 2:50:38 Unknown_05: uh listen to the song what song what the fuck are you talking about i'm really sorry but if there's like a song that's supposed to be attached to this i do not have it i like i apologize Unknown_05: uh anti-anime abva for five says uh how much would i need to pay you to compromise the promise to never touch games like genshit neighbor pact or pedoho um i can proudly tell you that i have never literally never played genshin impact or tohu boohoo 2:51:28 Unknown_05: um 10 million dollars empty your savings account give me all of your money and i i'll make a solemn swear to you that i'll never play those games i appreciate it though appreciate the concern haas delgado for one says i should have specified that reddit is filing a section 230 brief for google section 230 case today and then that's the link to the they do it for free thing but i already knew i already knew my man i already knew Unknown_05: Floyd's Feed and Seed, formerly Alive for Five, says, my husband is so good at riding motorcycles with no helmet. That's true. Dude, the guys that ride motorcycles are so fucking cool, especially when they do it in Mexico and other places with big open roads, especially with no helmet. A helmet is basically a cuck bucket, if you think about it. All those dudes riding around with cuck buckets on, it's really sad. Especially when they pay all that money for their nice hog, you know what I mean? Unknown_05: for 216 says try to redeem the bday salty licorice friend i did um someone sent me a voucher for um a licorice company in sweden and i tried and i tried to get them to send me licorice but their checkout process is so bad i tried with three different browsers i tried with all my credit cards it just does not work it's the worst thing ever i apologize 2:52:43 Unknown_05: icwiener42 says when is ezpz coming back ezpz is dead unfortunately he was killed defending israel yahweh bless him namus42 says a tech destruction youtube channel got found out for following anti-trans account the trainees were mad there's a link to a trainee sideshow thing y'all not gonna believe this shit plainrock124 follows trans people in quotes taking l's or valid people taking l's Unknown_21: They're so angry. I love his content. Unknown_05: Oh, then he made a tweet saying, damn, all the Hogwarts legacy collectors editions are sold out everywhere. What a fucking Chad. What a Chad. Unknown_05: That's amazing. Unknown_21: This guy. Okay, here I'm going to show him. You ready? Unknown_21: Um, Unknown_21: then he mocks him even further he says it's been a bad week i accidentally dinged my macbook oh my god he's laughing at him he's mocking the valids i can't believe this plain rock 125 he's asian he's asian that's why he doesn't give a fuck you can't make asian people play these fucking pretend games with you they don't care that's awesome see i'm telling you man chinese world order you can hate me all you want but i'm right i'm right motherfucker 2:54:08 Unknown_05: Show us. It's plainrock124, okay? Go look it up if you're interested in tech destruction stuff. I'll give him a shout-out. I'll give him a shout-out from the boss of transphobes. Unknown_05: anonymous for one says me a poor fag donating one dollar to joshua no moon he's awesome and he will read my super chat well it's true i have but if you're poor fag you should not be giving me your money i feel really bad when people say like hi josh i'm completely broke and i have no prospects and no job and i want to kill myself here's a dollar please read my super chat i would like you to reinvest that dollar into um into your education future my friend my good friend not into bullshit Twinkle Tard for $100. On the other hand, this man is a billionaire, secret billionaire funding the Kiwi Farms. Not the Kiwi Farms, my podcast. I don't mix the money. I can't legally do that. Twinkle Tard for $100 says, I watched that stream where you played Minecraft and was pretty upset you didn't finish your build. 2:54:47 Unknown_05: Okay, this is... This is a true story. I did not finish my build on that Minecraft stream. I felt bad about it. The next day, early in the morning, I logged on and I finished my house. And I left a little sign saying, I felt bad about not finishing my house. Signed, Josh. 2:55:21 Unknown_05: I'm not even making this up I literally did this because I felt bad about not I felt bad leaving it unfinished so I honestly went back and fixed it up bing ching wahoo for two says nothing thank you bing ching wahoo Unknown_05: ice mexican for 15 says hey josh can you please play the skeleton nigga clip i saw in your post one time and thought it was dope also declared jihad on keno casino already and take their financiers of their own um geez i'm not sure i want you know casino's audience stick a little there pays me his time i'll accept that it's just skeleton nigga you just type in skeleton again and it's the first result 2:56:11 Unknown_23: I just like that clip. Unknown_15: I like that song too. It's pretty good. Even though it is rap music. Unknown_05: Hey Josh, could you bring up that retarded hate speech bill that was brought up this week? Okay, I made a post about it just real quick because I don't want to do one for too long. Unknown_05: It was put forward by one black woman from Illinois or some shit. 2:56:48 Unknown_05: And you can read it for yourself. It is HR 61 because we're so fresh into the new year. HR 61 from the 118th Congress. Unknown_05: It's called to prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crimes and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crimes tend to amend title 18. Um, so miss Jackson Lee wants to amend the bill. And what it says is basically, uh, Unknown_05: A person engages in white supremacy-inspired hate crime when white supremacy ideology has motivated the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of actions that constitute a crime that were undertaken in furtherance of that activity if effectuated would have constituted a crime. 2:57:31 Unknown_05: It is conspiracy when... It's a conspiracy to engage in white supremacy-inspired hate crime when two or more people... Unknown_05: at least one of whom published material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonizing based on race replacement theory or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-white person or group. Or such published material was published on social media platforms or by other means of publication with the likelihood that it would be viewed by persons who were predisposed to engaging in action in furtherance of white supremacy-inspired hate crimes." So what this says is, if you make a YouTube video about white supremacy, or if you make a YouTube video about the race replacement theory, and then your video is liked by someone who then goes on to kill a bunch of black people in what's considered a hate crime, you as a video producer are now guilty of conspiracy to commit white supremacy-inspired hate crimes. 2:58:32 Unknown_05: And it will be a criminal offense. Unknown_05: And I'm not sure what the sentence is. I think it's like, I think in conspiracy, like if it's a mass murder, I think it's literally like you're guilty of conspiracy. Like you're guilty of the actual crime yourself. So you can get, um, the death penalty, uh, theoretically, I think. Unknown_05: So, uh, obviously, obviously this was bullshit. I don't think it'll go anywhere. Um, it has no co-sponsors introduced in house on the ninth. There's no actions. This is just bullshit that they do all the time. 2:59:09 Unknown_05: I always try and dump this fucking garbage into Congress because they're retards. Unknown_21: But yeah, they're trying. They would like that to pass, I'm sure. Unknown_21: oh there it is uh check jim sterling social blade okay i will uh for one dollar says jim sterling has lost about 1k subs per week if this continues like this he'll be below 800k by february 17th um this has been the trend for a while he is indeed losing a couple thousand subscribers a month 2:59:53 Unknown_05: Every basically every time he uploads a video he loses another thousand plus subscribers. So yes, he's at 803 right now He'll be at 799 the next four weeks. I'm very excited for it. I can't fucking wait Ran bots only fan for three says what do you think of Godwinson's hypocrisy and calling out Kino Schaefer doing gay ops? Unknown_05: I actually did I yelled at him in this chat. He didn't respond and Unknown_05: Basically, Godwinson has done two things. He's said that it's okay to lie and to do kayfabe if it's funny. And he's also called out Keanu Schafer for doing gay ops. Um... 3:00:29 Unknown_05: I mean, I think that's pretty obvious. I would say that you should not lie whenever possible. But he says if it's like the lie is extraordinary enough. I mean, I kind of understand it. Like if he's just saying bullshit, that's like obviously fake. And it's just funnier to word it that way. Then, yeah, I guess that's fine. But sometimes it does really cross the line. Like it really becomes ambiguous if he's lying or not. And I think he should avoid that. But he's British. I don't think he cares about lying. 3:01:01 Unknown_05: I'm not even saying that that's like a personality fault of his. I think that he is British and he literally does not have the ability to feel bad about lying about shit because he's British. I just I think I literally I literally believe that British people are just genetically predisposed to not being able to feel shame for lying. It's just something in their nature that is deeper than a cultural thing. It's literally a part of their their fiber. 3:01:33 Unknown_05: uh winston fujimori for five says are you ready to do an interview talk with ghost politics if so i can talk to him tonight in voice chat and hopefully you two can schedule something looking forward to it you both have the same view on anime um sure i guess i'm being a social butterfly he wants to reach out with a time um 6 p.m eu noon eastern time is what works for me um pretty much any day seven reach out Unknown_05: uh absurd absurdist chuckle fuck for two says you only get two dollar because i spent the rest on patches thanks for what you do thank you appreciate it irish pug for one says when you get in the kiwi farms that cc back online i need to cyber bully kanko more i there's a problem with that um once the patch sale is done i can move the hardware again and i'll i'm trying to figure out what to do about it i really don't know Unknown_05: Um, I'm look, I'll just say what I'm doing. I'm looking for a place in an IX. I'm looking for a place in an internet exchange. If you have a contact in a U S internet exchange, particularly like in Texas or in a good state, um, reach out. I'm looking for to get into an IX. Um, cause then I'll have a bunch of peers. I it'll be harder to de-platform me and I can save money on hosting expenses that I currently have. 3:02:26 Unknown_05: Winston Fujimori for Pi says, you probably know this, but whatever you do, don't go to a for-profit university. They're all scams. There's a good frontline documentary on for-profit colleges. Yeah, I'm looking at public colleges, basically. Unknown_05: I want to send you this from the Conadrum, but I couldn't catch you live, so here you go. There's a link to a YouTube video. Unknown_18: We're hearing from the cabbie who hails Hitler. He says it's his right hand. 3:03:07 Unknown_05: I'll play it on one and a half. Unknown_18: New at 11 now, we're hearing from the cabbie who hails Hitler. He says it's his right, hands down, to wear a Nazi armband, even if the TLC says otherwise. CBS 2's Lou Young has the only on-camera interview with this hateful cabbie. I am, I am, I'm a national soldier. Unknown_10: I am, I'm a believer of it. The unlikely Nazi spoke outside his family's Bronx home after being suspended for wearing a swastika while driving a New York City cab. Not just once, but multiple times. Photos sent to the Anti-Defamation League and to the Taxi and Limousine Commission sparked an investigation. 26-year-old Gabriel Diaz tells me he knew the symbol would offend some people, but denies being anti-Semitic. 3:03:43 Unknown_11: I don't hate Jews. I'm critical of them, but I don't hate them. That doesn't mean that I'm anti-Semitic. You wore a Nazi armband. That doesn't make me a hater. Whoever said you have to be white to be a National Socialist? You don't have to be white. It could be anybody. You know six million Jews are killed. I have no comment on that right now. There's no indication that National Socialism is as fair as because he's wearing a swastika on his forearm, held up so it mostly offended people on the outside, passers-by. Unknown_10: And while it's not illegal to wear a swastika in public, it is against TLC rules to wear one while you're driving a cab. Unknown_09: TLC responded right away when we came to them the other course of action we felt was really appropriate and expedient of his hack license for acting against the best interests of the public Hopefully he realizes that this is wrong. Hopefully he learned from this mistake If and when he returns to a New York City cab Gabriel Diaz has promised to leave his Nazi armband at home We're in Frogs Neck in the Bronx Lou Young CBS 2 News if you want to see what else he had to say watch lose full interview with a it's funny Yeah, the the golem is gonna rise up one day I 3:04:16 Unknown_05: British eBay seller for one says, Lamal get fucked. That's basically what they wrote me. I don't know if that's like a direct quote from what I said, but yeah, basically. Fuck the British. Nonymous for one says, Hi Josh, I'm an antique seller by trade. Next time you want to buy coins, try the platform Catawiki. I use it a lot myself. Sellers have been approved by professionals first, so it's pretty safe to buy. Thank you. I will take that into consideration. Unknown_05: Eat Dirt, Drink Bleach for five says, Ralph hates Mae. Mae hates Ralph. They're both too invested in pretending they're willing to admit they made a mistake. Who will kill who first, Ralph or Yeet himself first? Cheers, fam. um Ralph will probably die I don't think he'll kill himself directly he'll just like do stupid shit like take benzos and alcohol and then die from it and that'll be it I don't think that either of them have the um wherewithal to kill each other and I don't think that Ralph has the balls to kill himself he'll just he'll kill himself like in a passive-aggressive way with with alcohol 3:05:05 Unknown_05: Now, Mr. T says, have you ever heard of sleep paralysis or had sleep paralysis seen Benadryl spiders? What's the spookiest thing that's ever happened to you? I've never had sleep paralysis. I've never had seen Benadryl spiders. 3:05:37 Unknown_05: Um, I mean, as far as spooky shit, I think my, my old house had like weird wiring, I guess. Unknown_05: And, um, Unknown_05: the lights would come on while I was talking about my cat. It really felt like anytime I mentioned my cat that I died, the lights would come on and it kind of spooked me and my mom out. Cause we just mentioned his name, Stewie and the lights would just flicker on or flicker off. It was really weird. 3:06:08 Unknown_05: Um, Unknown_05: The other one is, this is a true story. When I was living in Buffalo and I was moving out, the landlord was showing tenants the apartment. Unknown_05: This big, big black guy is inspecting the apartment and he has a wife. Unknown_05: And he's asking some questions. He takes me aside because he wants to ask questions without the landlord being there. And the building was right across from a cemetery. If you looked out the window, you would see this big, beautiful old cemetery literally right across the street. And he took me aside and he asked, is this house haunted? 3:06:40 Unknown_05: And he said, I am sensitive to the supernormal. And the house is next to a cemetery. Is the house haunted? Unknown_05: And I said, no, it's not. It's not. I've never had any weird encounters here. I've never had any electrical things with the lights or anything. I've never felt washed or anything. And I told him that... Unknown_05: Because this was a thing that they said on Red Letter Media once, Mike did, that cemeteries are not as haunted as people tend to suspect. Because if someone's interned in a cemetery, they're given a proper burial and respects and stuff. So there's usually not any kind of restlessness with the spirit. And he disagreed with this interpretation of ghosts, and he told me that actually cemeteries are very spooky. Okay. so i just had to tell him like no i've never seen any ghosts never seen any apparitions in like the cemetery across the way or anything but he was very concerned he was literally he was a he was like six foot six he had these massive fucking like baseball glove size hands and shit and he was super spooked about ghosts in the house i was just like nah man Uh, everything, everything's cool here. And, you know, of course I would have said that even if I, even if I had like a million paranormal encounters there, cause, uh, that landlord was probably was thinking about suing me before. Uh, because, uh, uh, my roommate skipped out on rent and she tried to extract the full rent from me and I told her to go fuck herself. so she already hated me. So I was, I was trying to be nice and help her out by getting the apartment rented. Um, but the black guy did buy it. And he also, one of my roommates left behind a ton of plants and he asked me if I could leave behind the plants. So he was a big, big black guy that was concerned about ghosts and he wanted to have some greenery in his, in his apartment, which I respect. Um, so no, no, never, never been spooked myself. 3:08:40 Unknown_21: Uh, Unknown_05: crusade is for five says here's the link for the song okay you gave me like a hundred dollars or something i watched it let's see this better be this better be fucking good i mean i feel like this is dragged on enough Unknown_05: It's called Fuck You, That's Why by Smut Tiddler. 3:09:33 Unknown_05: This reminds me of a song that's much much better than this here Um The collectors of taxes funnel the majority of funds to policies and institutions counterproductive to spiritual advancement Unknown_05: i like why is this so anti-semitic that is taxes are stealing my corporate avenger and the other song was um fuck you that's what i think fuck you that's why by smut okay all right play the song a red tail for 20 says shouldn't you run a pizza day shirt i mean that would be a merch just for the the podcast that wouldn't be like a thing for the the forum which is what i usually do the the merchandise for 3:10:40 Unknown_05: me for 25 says neighbor go ahead read this on youtube my dude i'm trying to be the goodest boy for susan okay i'm trying to strike that balance where i can keep my streams up for two days without them because i noticed if i keep my streams up for like two days they get like 40 000 views so it's like fuck i need to try to keep up for at least a little while um that means sacrificing a little bit i suppose Unknown_05: einbrecher2 says when does the next batch of patches go live i missed this round was too slow thanks for the if you haven't gotten your order in yet my dude you gotta fucking do it um like i need to fix the ssl cert um today but then after that uh i'm done for sure like i'm not i'm not getting anymore i apologize that's it i think i've read all the super berries i appreciate everyone who's the the 2000 plus people that have stuck around for the extra hour of bullshit and 3:11:38 Unknown_05: bantering with the chat um i will see you guys tomorrow if you're gonna be interested in the um destiny thing i will stream it on the regular channel because it's not a video game thing the last one wasn't really a video game thing so it didn't really belong with the other one at all i'll probably remove that soon um but it will be at the same time i will announce it on the telegram on the the forum in uh and on post Unknown_05: and uh wish me luck if you have some special insight on destiny that i need to know definitely email me it's not a debate i'm just trying just trying to get a message out there is all Unknown_05: So with that said, I'm done. I'm parched. I need to resign for the night. I will see you guys when I see you. Like I said, tomorrow for Destiny Friday, I'll be streaming it normally. Unknown_05: And this song I dedicate to my boy, Ethan Oliver Ralph. Take it easy. Bye-bye. 3:12:35 Unknown_02: I'm gonna need someone to help me I'm gonna need somebody's hand I'm gonna need someone to hold me down I'm gonna need someone to care I'm gonna rise and shake my body I'll start pulling out my hair 3:13:22 Unknown_02: I'm gonna cover myself with the ashes of you. And nobody's gonna give a damn. Unknown_02: Son of a bitch! 3:14:05 Unknown_02: Now for 17 years I've been throwing them back. 17 more will bury me. Unknown_02: And somebody please just tie me down. Somebody give me a goddamn drink. 3:14:58 Unknown_02: My heart is breaking, hands are shaking, bugs are crawling all over me My heart is breaking, hands are shaking, bugs are crawling all over me My heart is breaking, hands are shaking, bugs are crawling all over me Unknown_25: My head was aching. My hands were shaking. Mud was crawling all over me. Unknown_25: Son of a bitch!