0:02:37 Unknown_01: josh it's not october you can't spook us like this with the spookiest of all music when it's not october but my friends if you look at the clock you'll notice the skeleton is inside you already and it's too late it is indeed friday the 13th of january 2023 in fact Unknown_01: In fact, I forgot to do my text thing at the bottom that I was doing for like a very limited amount of time before I fucked it up. Mad at the internet. Unknown_01: And this is last November 26th, last time I updated it. January 13th, 2023. There we go. Right now we're up to date. We're current. We've checked the time. We've shivered down our spine and we're ready to go. Unknown_01: So, oh my god. This week was kind of boring. I will try my best to talk over everything and fill up some time for a boring week. There's some Ralph stuff, there's some Chantel stuff, the usual suspects. 0:03:26 Unknown_01: Not that much, though. Not that much. Unknown_01: The funniest stuff is actually not even like low-cal related, believe it or not. It's just something that I've paid attention to. Let me check my notes. Let me see. Where am I going with this first? Oh, I should let people know. 0:03:58 Unknown_01: The patches are still for sale. I will be ending the patch sale in the next week. I'm going to round off my next order. I'm going to put in what I'm going to put in. with a little bit of margin and that's it i'm not going to sell anymore after that so if you've not gotten gotten the patches don't think that you missed them oh you can still get a couple more before i finally totally close sales on on the patch stuff maddie.live Unknown_01: Um, she, she, chat, let's just get into my favorite thing. I mean, usually there's some drama to get into, some funny stuff from the forum itself. 0:04:36 Unknown_01: This is just something I'm kind of witnessing unfold in real time and enjoying that I just happen to get notice of. Unknown_01: And that is... And that is... Unknown_01: um a video game that is driving people insane the right people which is why it's funny to me here we have hogwarts legacy there we go yeah yeah it's the book of the wizarding it's the book 0:05:19 Unknown_01: uh hogwarts legacy interestingly produced uh by or developed by warner brothers games the actual developer is avalanche software which i've never heard of um warner brother games put out the shadows of mordor which was generally received as a very good single person rpg except for i think people bitched about the micro transactions but Unknown_01: Fact of the matter is that every game that comes out has microtransactions. Unknown_01: Hogwarts Legacy is, shockingly, it's a single-player RPG, which people always say they want more single-player RPGs, so this is what it is. Unknown_01: It's pissing people off, of course, though, because J.K. Rowling is a horrible TERF. Unknown_01: She only retroactively made Hermione Granger, who has freckles, into a black girl, and... Unknown_01: I think that there was some controversy over the goblins at Gringotts, the banker goblins being Jewish, which, I mean, that's your mind, not mine. And then Harry Potter was briefly libertarian, and he had a fling with, like, an Asian girl, and her name was, like, Ching Chong or something. Harry Potter Asian girl. 0:06:21 Unknown_10: Cho Chang, which... Unknown_01: I want to say that Cho Chang is the name of a horrific lizard monster from League of Legends. Unknown_01: Oh, that's Cho Ga. Okay, listen, I'm going to clarify this for everybody real quick so we can figure this out together. Unknown_01: This is Ching Chong, also known as Cho Chang, played by a girl, a British Asian named Katie Leong. 0:07:05 Unknown_01: And this is Cho Goth, a horrific monster that eats people. So Cho Chang, Cho Goth, no relation. I don't even think that Cho Goth is Asian. Just clear your mind of this coincidence. Unknown_01: I think Cho'Gath's the boy, so there's no monster girl stuff going on with him. Unknown_01: It's been a while since I played League of Coomer, though, so I wouldn't know. I'm more of a Dota man myself, as many people know and respect me for. It's just the same image. That's mean. Be nice to Katie Leong. I'm sure she's very nice, even though she is a libertarian. Broken branch. Grandparent cry. 0:07:42 Unknown_01: So here's some here's some there are 852 active topics. I know for a fact that they've been deleting them and many of these threads are completely just rolling. I think that there's more troll posts than there are like actual posts. Unknown_01: uh post buying this game is not transphobic can we make the first black trans wizard ever with the character builder um adding to the lgbti plus discourse all allow the kids to have tattoos hogwarts has so many stairs in so many places it's a little accommodation i'm sure it's a joke why i shall buy this jk appreciation thread coming soon transform a game buy this so this guy is encouraging people to support a base world by a based writer 0:08:35 Unknown_01: I wouldn't go so far as to say JK Rowling is base, but I'm sure her heart's in the right place, as with all people. Unknown_01: many of these threads are talking about the nouveau, which if you don't know, the nouveau is an anti piracy thing. That's like completely ineffective. And when the nouveau was first introduced, it apparently would scan your entire computer. Like when you activate the nouveau, I think the original license was that we can basically monitor your entire computer to try and figure out if you've stolen this game or not. Unknown_01: Um, so when it scans your hard drive constantly for looking for piracy software, it, uh, 0:09:14 Unknown_01: kind of where's your hdd or something i don't know how much of this is accurate to this day however i know that this guy hates denuvo and he will actively like say don't buy any game with denuvo denuvo is the worstest it makes me so angry and all these people are like i don't buy games with denuvo and when i hear that i'm just thinking so you follow this guy Unknown_01: This guy with 20,000 curator follows, and you take his word as virtue. This is him. His name is Ko. He's a trans anime. Someone looked into Ko before on the Kiwi Farms, and his shit is just like... He's obviously someone who's saturated in dopamine because he jerks off 24-7. So when you all are saying, I will never buy a game that has Denuvo, you are actively masturbating this trans anime in real time. And it's quite disgusting, to be quite honest with you. I would rather support my hardworking EA executives and their anti-piracy measures than I would masturbate this disgusting freak. That's my perspective on Denuvo. 0:10:06 Unknown_01: This is another interesting query. Ukrainian localization. In the times of continuing efforts of Ukrainian culture and language genocide, you are releasing a AAA game without Ukrainian localization while support for language of the aggressor, because it has Russian language support. that is just depressing please support ukraine and at least provide text localization you don't have the resources for that let me know and i will organize a fundraiser to cover the translation for you very funny By the way, the triple a, this is a joke by the way, but it is funny to imagine like Ukrainian soldiers in the trenches of the Don bass playing Harry Potter. Like, Ooh, I'm going to make my Harry Potter a six year old black girl. Uh, and I'm going to make her a Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw is my favorite and they have their crows. So she's black. She goes, every black person is a Ravenclaw automatically. 0:10:53 Unknown_10: Wait, I have to ban someone real quick. Unknown_01: Just watch in real time. Guess who it is I'm banning from chat before it happens. Where is it? I don't see it in my chat. Oh, there it is. Okay. 0:11:32 Unknown_01: See, I see the name and I ban them automatically. I'll leave it up to your imagination what has made me ban them. Unknown_01: I'll give you a hint. It's an anti-Hufflepuff. Unknown_01: uh okay ukrainian localization oh this one this one got deleted tickle me chelmno uh says you will never are y w n b a w 0:12:08 Unknown_01: He continues, You will never be a real wizard. You have no wand. You have no mana. You have no spells. You are a LARPing muggle twisted by nostalgia and schizophrenia into a crude mockery of nature's perfection. All the validation you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back, people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you. Your friends laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Sorcerers are utterly repulsed by you. thousands of years of evolution have allowed magic users of all types to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency even muggles who pass look uncanny and unnatural to a mage your bone structure is a dead giveaway and even if you manage to get a drunk 0:12:54 Unknown_01: Toma Turgis, home with you. He'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected, mundane nature. You will never be happy. You'll wrench out a fake smile every morning and tell yourself it's going to be okay. But deep down inside, you feel the depression creeping up like a weed. ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually, it will be too much to bear. You'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you heartbroken but relieved. They no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Muggle is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Muggle." This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no going back. 0:13:27 Unknown_01: I don't know what the fuck that means, but it's very well written. And I applaud this author. He could have been more creative. He says it creeping up like a weed. Obviously weed could have been devil's snare. Cause that's like in the first movie, the best one of all the movies. I'm just saying there was, there was more of more, you know, more to do with, with the, the writing that would have been better, but. It's okay for what it is. It got deleted, and that's what truly... In the end, that's what matters. It made people laugh, and it got deleted. 0:14:08 Unknown_01: all downhill from the first movie. The first movie captures that, like really that real magic of like when you're a kid and you read the books, you're like, Oh my God, what a cool idea. I wish I was a wizard. And then you see it and it's like all that CGI, which was a novel at the time that comes in and you're like, Ooh, that's cool. Um, but it is, it is only a book chat. That's not at the meaning of life. 0:14:40 Unknown_10: Wait, Warner brothers, uh, Unknown_10: No, this is Hasbro. Someone asked me to talk about this, and I suppose I will. Unknown_01: For the record, I want to make sure I'm on track with my notes. I am. Okay. So for the record, I have no investment whatsoever in anything related to this. I play no Wizards of the Coast games. I have never played Dungeons and Dragons. I think I played like, I think Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh or Wizards of the Coast card games when I was a kid. That's it. That's my knowledge of these franchises. 0:15:12 Unknown_01: However, Unknown_01: um from what i understand dungeons and dragons are was bought or wizard of the coast was bought by hasbro and dungeons and dragons was owned by wizard of the coast so for decades i would imagine Unknown_01: based on how long-running the success of Dungeons & Dragons has been, Wizards of the Coast, and presumably whatever company created Dungeons & Dragons, because now it's all one megacorp, but it used to be every little thing was owned by one company. 0:15:57 Unknown_01: Or it's by its own company. But I assume that they've been releasing these games under what's called the open gaming license for a very long time. And what that means is that Dungeons and Dragons puts out the rulebook. They test things. They think it through. They tweak things to keep the game fair. Um, I imagine that when you have a role playing game like that, it's a mix of trying to give the players the leeway to, um, you know, explore whatever, whatever plot that the, the game master has while trying to keep it fair that, you know, it's not like one specific path is, has a meta advantage over the rest. I really don't know how it works, but yeah. 0:16:34 Unknown_01: uh basically they put out the rule book i don't know if they put out anything else i'm assuming that there's a huge line of like official merch and accessories and um all sorts of stuff for people to play the game but it's released into this open gaming license which allows third parties to put out their own stuff so if you have your own idea of how you want to uh if you have like a cool idea to augment the rule book or you know provide players with accessories to play the game and have more fun with it then you can do so 0:17:06 Unknown_01: However, under Hasbro, they're releasing their own open gaming license, and it basically completely spits in the face of the spirit of the original. So the Open License 9, or the Open License... 1.1 so they when they released the original open gaming license uh it was just 1.0 and it's been that 1.0 for forever and now they're releasing 1.1 so this should be a minor update this is like minor word changes or a new sentence or a removed sentence 1.1 is three ten times ten times the length of the original so now it's nine thousand words instead of nine hundred and this is the minor update that they're sneaking in as a one point one 0:17:55 Unknown_01: Oh, it's already canceled? Really? Okay, I'll just go... Someone's saying that 1.1 is already canceled. So I don't know if this is like... If you're wondering why I would even talk about this, it's because I hate the monocorp. I hate the fact that there's like three companies that own fucking everything and they inject their tentacles into it and ruin it because they don't want anybody to have any kind of creative control. And when they do... say like okay well there's an open license for this uh intellectual property it's always like with blizzard it's always um because when they put out uh warcraft then when they remastered quote-unquote remastered warcraft they put that out there and said if you make a game mode for warcraft we own it By necessity. And you have to give us options to buy your game mode if you decide to develop it into a real game. And that came about because IceFrog, who made Dota on Warcraft, sold Dota to Valve. And obviously they make shit zillion tons of money every year off what was a Warcraft game mode. So now all these... 0:18:36 Unknown_01: All these franchises, which, I mean, Hasbro didn't even develop. Hasbro bought. They bought. They had corporate theft of this intellectual property, and now they're dictating the rules for how it can be run. And then if you do anything with it, they own it. If you create something based off of it, they effectively own it. They say... 0:19:11 Unknown_01: For instance, if you want to create anything D&D based, it cannot be an NFT explicitly, and it cannot be bigoted content. So I'm kind of curious what specifically it says that would classify that. So if you want to be a bigot, you can't do it in Dungeons & Dragons. Sorry. If you decide to play a game of Dungeons & Dragons and you decide to put some goblins in your bank, you may be banned from Hasbro. 0:19:49 Unknown_01: Print and PDF only. It says it prohibits apps and video games and, uh, Unknown_01: pantomimes says including but not limited to things like virtual tabletops or vtt campaigns computer games novels apps graphic novels music songs dances and pantomimes so these are things that you can no longer do with anything dungeon dragons related it deauthorizes the previous open gaming license 1.1a is no longer an authorized license agreement so retroactively they're trying to invalidate the previous contracts with everybody else that has already done stuff with dnd 0:20:25 Unknown_01: um so they said they were going to come out with it on january 13th which i suppose is why someone is now saying that this is canceled this article was written eight days ago um i'm kind of curious if that person's right it does sound illegal but who knows um open gl 1.1 cancels dungeons and dragons open gl news Unknown_01: io9 reports that plans have been scrapped yeah well good good i'm glad i'm honestly glad because if you look at what it says it says they want royalties they want you to use kickstarter specifically so this fucking open this license which usually is one paragraph saying do whatever the fuck you want with some limitations or um waiver of liability now says you must use kickstarter and then you must put a their logo the wizards of the coast badge and all that you do And I think you have to send them a copy of what you make. If you make anything using Dungeons & Dragons that you intend to sell, you have to give them a copy. And I'm glad that people pushed back enough to get them to fuck off on this because, like I said, I hate the Unicorp. 0:21:22 Unknown_01: Though, on the other hand... Unknown_01: I'm always really torn on accelerationism. Like, I would love it for things to become so shitty and awful that people are just forced to build new stuff. Like, fuck Dungeons & Dragons. We're going to build our own thing, and it's going to have blackjack and hookers. But the thing is that when people try to do that, it almost never succeeds. Like, these things are often inconvenient enough that they piss everybody off, but it never inspires anyone to actually get off their ass and build things and migrate over. It's always the Unicorp... 0:22:03 Unknown_01: pre-existing franchises that they bought into just wins automatically. So, um, this year, last year was the year of the Karen or the Chud Bud. This year will be the year of the Karen. Everyone just needs to fucking complain. It's like, it needs to be like, you think that these, these trannies are fucking annoying. You think that these gender freaks and the fucking LGBTQIA plus pedo shit is fucking annoying and having to deal with that on Twitter is annoying. Wait until you find out that not most people agree with them. Wait until you find out that most people don't actually support that. 0:22:34 Unknown_01: I would love it if people just became violently frothing at the mouth, spastic with rage at corporations that do not shut the fuck up and get out of their way. That would be amazing. Unknown_01: But I don't know. I think people are too suppressed for that. Unknown_01: Um, so that's the, the Hasbro thing that someone requested by email that I look at and I did kind of, um, get the noggin jogging just because it's like, it is like a, a, it is a company Hasbro that has no investment in this product beyond making money off of it. Trying to figure out how do we take this existing thing that people already like and have been using for literally decades and how they want to, because it is a role-playing game. People are encouraged to use their creativity to enjoy this thing. How do we take that and increase our ESG score by banning bigots and get people to pay us royalties and also a direct partnership with Kickstarter? 0:23:12 Unknown_01: It's fucking disgusting. I hope Hasbro burns to the fucking ground with all their executives trapped inside. That would make me laugh. Unknown_01: Speaking of human compost, human composting, this was also requested. 0:23:49 Unknown_01: you don't want to bury your body anymore. You don't want to get cremated. You can now become compost. I support this. People think it's like, oh, this is like eat the bugs level. I support the composting. I think if you want to be compost and you want to be composted in your backyard, I think that's totally cool. I don't understand what the upset is. In fact, in fact, Jim, Jim Medeker, Jimothy Medeker, Unknown_01: shaughnessy oh shaughnessy that's his last name right not anymore jim jimothy medicare shaughnessy the noted ef nft salesman from way back when since so many people want to to to wear jim's skin and so many people want to eat his heart to inherit his courage 0:24:40 Unknown_01: I suggest that you deny those people the privilege to harvest your skin, compost yourself. However, now this is a true Jesus-level miracle that could be pulled off, right? You have one body. You don't have enough meat to go around to feed all the gym walkers, all the people that want to inherit the medical throne. However, if you compost yourself, Unknown_01: You can take a potato seed. I do suggest a potato seed because Irish. Unknown_01: And you plant potatoes in the compost. And then a bountiful potato plant will grow in the compost. And you can divvy up the potatoes amongst all the gym walkers. And you will have enough potatoes to give everybody a taste, a bite, so that the courage can be split manifold. I think that this corn and potatoes, you can make a nice rye out of it for a keto, too. I'm just saying that this is the way to go. 0:25:19 Unknown_01: That would be really funny. People would talk about that shit for a long time. If someone decided to compost themselves and then grow potato plant out of the compost and then feed their internet fans with the potatoes, each potato that came from this compost would be, would sell literally sell for a thousand dollars each minimum. I'm talking minimum. I don't know what kind of lifestyle Jade has, but you're talking a gym vodka ounce for ounce would sell for a fuck ton of money. 0:26:00 Unknown_01: so this is my thought i'm sorry if it's morbid it is january the 13th i have a license to be more morbid than usual i'm not i'm not even joking it would be really funny and everybody would think it's awesome just saying just uh throw what did i say last stream shoot your shot every shot that you don't take you miss i'm shooting my shot I would eat a Jim potato. In fact, I have that Perry Perry sauce that I love so much with French fries. I would make French fries and I would put Perry Perry sauce on it. I already, I already have this planned. I already have a plan. I already have the meal in my head mapped out and prepared. Okay. 0:26:36 Unknown_10: Just saying. Unknown_01: just like jesus i mean i'm saying that jesus took like a fish and a loaf of bread and fed a thousand people do you can do the same if you if you're creative about it okay anyway joshua 0:27:16 Unknown_01: banana oh dude potatoes and banana peppers now you're talking that yeah yeah yeah just one plant i only i get the banana peppers that one's from me all right um and i have i have a a commercial break here from our sponsor gatorade someone wanted me to watch this before i talk about locale stuff i've never seen this before but it's only 30 seconds so it can only be so bad let's see gatorade fit fitness starts from the inside get healthy real hydration and no added sugar artificial sweeteners or added colors 0:28:12 Unknown_17: Gatorade Fit. Healthy, real hydration today helps you fuel tomorrow. Unknown_01: So I guess I was asked to watch this because of the big fat bitch that's rolling around. You know what's funny about her is that she reminds, look, I'm sure she's very nice. Okay. I feel bad saying big fat bitch because that's a real person. She wanted to be a model, a plus size model. And then she got cast in this embarrassing advertisement by Gatorade. And you have to remember because Amberlynn, you know, our favorite, our locale Amberlynn is obsessed with 0:28:46 Unknown_01: um not adkins the other one weight watchers she is obsessed with weight watchers as if uh eating something called weight watchers in and of itself will make you lose weight it's just the branding they sell candy bars that are weight watchers and they're obviously supposed to fit into a diet that uses a point system but people will buy weight watchers brand candy bars Unknown_01: Not because they taste good, not because they're good for you, not because they're doing the diet properly, but literally because the branding insists to them that they will lose weight eating this candy bar, which is obviously bullshit. Unknown_01: But Gatorade's like the same thing. Subway is the same thing. Subway... Made a made billions of dollars somehow convincing the public that a loaf of fucking bread, a full foot long loaf of bread with deli meat in it is a weight loss food. Deli meat and mayonnaise sauce is a weight loss food. They're geniuses. They convince people that a loaf of bread, meat, and mayonnaise is how you lose weight. Gatorade is the same thing. It's a sugar water. And they're like, you want to lose weight? Well, it starts with the inside. Put the right things in you. And here's your fucking sugar water. Here's your... uh you know something that a hummingbird would get high off of drink this and you'll lose weight it's just it's just marketing they want people like her who are you know january 1st losing losing weights for the new year to think ah gatorade i'll replace my soda with gatorade and then i'll lose weight but it's the same amount of calories obviously don't mean to to preach to the choir there um 0:30:29 Unknown_01: When your options are burger or Subway, there's good options at Subway. Bro, you can go to Burger King or McDonald's or even Whataburger and you can get a junior Whataburger or even like a single patty Whataburger and you can eat that. And in fact, fuck it, motherfucker. Unknown_01: You want to throw down? Unknown_10: You want to throw down, motherfucker? We're doing this. We're doing this. Sandwiches. Unknown_01: uh i'll do a six inch i'll do a six inch we're gonna get we're gonna get the italian herbs and i'll just show you what i always get at a uh at a subway and then i get um what is it i get the spicy i get the spice it's like a pepperoni or something yeah that's it and then the other one well what comes out there's two different kinds of uh 0:31:30 Unknown_01: Of meat that is on a spicy italian. Fuck it. Can I go to the actual subway cow? There we go We're gonna figure this out. We're gonna figure this out because someone challenged me and I know what i'm talking about. I can't access that. Okay Start order I don't want to start my order Here, you know, can I just do this? spicy italian six inch calories 480 calories 480 calories you're eating half a loaf of fucking bread that's it okay so for a six inch and then we do what a burger burger calories 590 so that's that's for a regular if you do a 0:32:15 Unknown_01: That's only 100 more. 310. If you get a Burger Junior, that's 310. That's even less. So you can get, like, a small fry with that, and you're still not going to go over. My point is that they tricked you motherfuckers into thinking that a loaf of bread, and that doesn't even include the spicy Italian. Like, if I get the Chipotle Ranch, that's obviously, like, another 5,200 calories just for that. So I'm just saying. Okay. You know what I'm saying. Here, wait. Hold on. I want to show you guys something else, too. 0:32:46 Unknown_01: I got an email from Amazon at some point encouraging me to get Amazon Prime. Has Google censored this? I am finding memes, but I do not see the original. That is funny. Unknown_01: That's really funny. They have censored this fucking picture from Google. If I go to Bing, do I get it? Amazon Prime Black Woman. 2021. Unknown_10: Where is this picture? Oh, my God. I cannot believe that I cannot find this picture. 0:33:34 Unknown_01: It's I will describe it now because I can't find it, which is pissing me off incredibly. Unknown_01: in 2021 amazon had an amazon prime like advertisement and it's this really really intensely unsettling image of a black woman looking into a box so from your perspective you are like a tiny tiny person inside a box that this horrendous this ugly fat has opened and looking into it gives you the sense that you're like character an attack on Titan and a giant or a Titan or whatever the fuck has opened has just looked over the wall and is about to pick you up and eat you it Triggers me it triggers me timbers It makes me scared and I don't like it and it was a meme and now because it was such a horrendous marketing decision They appear to have paid lots of money to completely and totally obliterate this picture from the internet and I cannot find it Okay 0:34:38 Unknown_01: yeah jump scare exactly but she looks a lot like it but not i mean this lady looks a lot a lot better than the black lady from amazon the amazon primes like like holy shit you see it you're like oh my god you just freeze in your seat because you're like i just got spotted by a monster and i i i am now my flight or fight instincts are kicking in i have to make a determination what to do here Unknown_01: But that said, that is our advertisement from Gatorade. Thank you, Gatorade. Unknown_01: We're now doing the locale of the year stuff. Unknown_01: This was community organized. I played no role in this. There was some stuff I was disappointed to see, but I went along with it. Unknown_01: Several categories here. I'll go down to the categories and nominations first. Unknown_01: Locale of the Year categories were for the number uno, numero uno of the entire thing. It was Chantel, Nick, Ethan Ralph, Liz Fong-Jones, Taylor Lorenz, Ethan Klein, Kefals, and Patrick Sean Tomlinson. 0:35:38 Unknown_01: The other rewards were best for a main cow, queen in the beauty parlor, breaker of scales, best animal control locale, best internet famous locale, best stink ditch or rat king locale, and fresh meat for the new ones. And then best put to pasture for those that we've lost on the way. And best media. Unknown_01: So the winners of this are, I guess I can just look at this, Kefals, which is obviously bullshit. Kefals is not funny. Unknown_01: I guess some of the funny stuff, but the funny stuff, I didn't vote for Kefals as like locale of the year because they're just a creepy, gross, weird Italian pervert that probably wants to do bad things to women because they seem to have severe issues with women. But I don't find them funny. And all the funny stuff about him happened before 2022. So it's like, how can I vote for Kefals before that? uh ethan ralph would be number two but but i guess that's deserved it feels bad because he's like a huge re he's such a monumental level of that he would take basically in a year um but i think like the the ralph fatigue has set in with a lot of users which is why they voted for keffels patrick tomlinson is pretty funny So his people are pissing me off, because he keeps getting swatted, and people on other sites are, like, leaking over that they're taking credit for this. And it's like, um, you guys are retarded. I don't think you realize how pissed off the FBI is by all the swatting shit. I would not, uh, I would not fuck around with that. 0:36:59 Unknown_01: So that's Locale of the Year to Caffles, I guess. Only thing that Caffles... Unknown_01: Best main forum locale went to Kanye, or Ye, which is the worst fucking name. The fact that anyone obliges that shit. All these people who are Kanye supporters don't support fake gender shit, but then they do call him Ye. They honor his... They don't deadname him with Kanye. They call him Ye, spelled incorrectly, as Ye... 0:37:36 Unknown_01: Fucking stupid. He came in first by a long shot. Second in place was Holly Dance, the mother of the poor British boy that was not allowed to die, who had already had necrosis in the brainstem before they pulled the plug. Unknown_01: And then third in place was John Dimitriadis, or Sincere, the creepy weirdo who runs Drop Kiwi Farm's Twitter account. Unknown_01: In the beauty parlor, Aniza Jomaw won. The thing is, I don't know any of these other people, so it's hard for me. I know Amaranth, I guess, but I only know her because she's like a whore and I hate her. I don't know the empathetic nutritionist. Aniza is trying to like trad wife now, so I gave my prediction for her trying to have a kid with what's-his-face ideas, but she won because she's such a colossal, greasy, creepy fuck-up. 0:38:08 Unknown_01: For the fat person locale, they gave it to Shani for Christ. Unknown_01: I think I voted for Gwen. I didn't vote in this one because I didn't know most of these people, so it wasn't fair to vote for anyone. And I didn't want to vote for Niza in any capacity, so I just skipped her. 0:38:47 Unknown_01: for breaker of skills they voted for gwen because she died which as far as i'm concerned is the biggest uh testament to her fatness that you could possibly ask for but they gave it for shanning because i think she lost her kids this year so that she could be with like her creepy boyfriend that he's not because he keeps beating the kids so they allowed her to be or they um gave her ultimatum between uh rev the baby carrot dick person or uh her kids and she's like Unknown_01: Well, um, I guess my man, and then they tried to frame it by saying, I'm not, I'm not losing my kids. They're simply going to a better place until I can get care for myself. I have to get my mental straightened out. Unknown_01: So I lost my kids, but I'm going to cope and see about it because I don't actually give a fuck anyways. Unknown_01: Okay. Animal control went to tempest storm. I'm going to be honest with you. Unknown_01: I don't know anything about any of these people. 0:39:46 Unknown_01: I don't know anything about anything except for Million Pity. I voted for Million Pity, I guess. By the way, the Million Pity site, the people who take a power drill and drill through the skulls of monkeys that are still alive and torture baby animals, they're fine on Cloudflare. I want to reiterate that. The monkey torture site, which exists solely for torturing baby monkeys... is on Cloudflare, and Matthew Prince and his shareholders sleep fine at night. They don't give a fuck. You could take a million monkeys and crush them in a trash compactor, and you could laugh, and you could set people... You can be ISIS, setting people on fire. They don't give a fuck. It's the Kiwi Farms that's the worst sight Matthew Prince has ever seen. 0:40:23 Unknown_01: Cloudflare-approved monkey torture site. Unknown_01: Also, what I believe is a pedophile front. I think that... Because remember, pedophiles are sadists. I think that they network by showing animal torture stuff to meet each other. Because they really get off on fucking with kids. Unknown_01: But this guy won. I don't know anything about Tempest. Sorry. Unknown_01: Internet Famous... Unknown_01: Nick Rikada won by a long shot. He almost got twice as many votes as Boogie, the number two. I voted for Rikada because I knew he would want to win. I love this picture of him with the creepy uncle mustache. That's pretty funny. 0:40:55 Unknown_01: I can't stand it. When my facial hair gets so long that it goes past my top lip, I can't stand that shit. I'm constantly chewing it off. I have to groom my mustache so that it doesn't go past my upper lip. It drives me fucking insane. I don't know how people live like that. Unknown_10: um but he won good for him oh okay so this is best stink ditch in uh rat king capitals for some reason was not nominated twice for this so the winner went to dylan mulvaney who won by a long shot the next one next oh actually not even uh caravello caraballo gave gave him a run for his money 0:41:49 Unknown_01: I actually I think I voted for Mulvaney the days of a girl. Look, I think I voted for him over Carabello because Carabello getting butt fucked in Congress was really funny. But Mulvaney is just like such a gross creep. And more importantly, Mulvaney is so forced, so obviously inauthentic and so offensive to normal people that. as a caricature of troon shit that him being this icon is a really good thing because you look take one look at this freaking as eskimos and uh to borrow a word from earlier pantomiming of what he thinks a girl is and by the way notice that they never say x days a woman it's always x days a girl like i want to be a 12 year old girl in high school again it's never i want to be a 29 year old woman at the prime of my life i want to be a 12 year old little girl 0:42:41 Unknown_01: So big ups, my boy Dylan, for leading the Wolfpack and showing everyone what a fucking monster your whole thing is. Unknown_01: Uh, fresh meats and new locales from this year. Uh, also went to Dylan Mulvaney, uh, only just recent Keffels and Dylan. I mean, literally what's funny about Dylan is that he, he a hundred days, it went from a hundred days, mid 2020 to being in the white house, being interviewed, interviewing the president of the United States. That is how fucking AstroTurf and how fast his whole bullshit went. This tick tock channel of saying like, Hey guys, it's me today. I'm wearing pump. I'm put the girl. that's like just fucking madness to me so well deserved I believe Nader came in second um for uh beating the fuck out of Chantel I guess and then uh Holly Dance came in third honorable mention for some reason to this lady called uh gender surgeon I don't know what honorable fourth actually Orson Zedd came in fourth 0:43:19 Unknown_01: you know what i wish the forum supported ranked voting because i would be more interested i would be interested in seeing the results if we if we had like australian style ranked choice yeah for votes because sometimes it's harder to like figure out who you want to vote for And then out of dead locales, we had Aaron Carter, who overdosed. 0:44:05 Unknown_01: Anna Hendricks from the Tranny Sideshows died of being fat. Unknown_01: Life by Gwen died by being fat. And then David Baldwin, I've never heard of, who died. Reasons unknown. gwen laporus one uh dying for simply being so fat and having an entire channel dedicated to how you're gonna lose weight eating chaffles whatever the fuck that means doing keto constantly insisting in like the stupid sickly sweet curated low bmi voice of 0:44:42 Unknown_01: I don't care what the haters say. I'm doing keto. I have Jesus on my side. And I know what I'm doing is right. So you don't have to believe me. I love my husband. And we're working through things together. And the haters... Unknown_01: Sorry, I'm living my best life. And then she fucking dies because she's a fat piece of shit and she never actually tried to improve her situation in any way, shape, or form. Well-deserved death and also award for dying. Though I'm assuming that Mother Jones contacted me, by the way. Here, I should read this, by the way. I want some through with this. I'll read through it. 0:45:16 Unknown_01: And this is best media. Ethan Ralph getting his ass kicked by Dan the Man and Dosser Cog in the streets of Lisbon, Portugal won. I actually did not vote for that. I think that the suck dick for cock guy was way funnier. I don't see how many votes that got, but Ethan Ralph got 232. Unknown_01: um also in the running was the 800 page manifesto um by matthew harris i i still voted for i suck dick for cock that is so like condensed insanity that it's hilarious i'll play this actually this is what i voted for i'm not gonna play everyone's seen the portugal thing but i'll play this 0:45:57 Unknown_13: faggot. And you know what? I suck dick for cock. All right? I suck dick for cock. And what do you do? Unknown_14: A tech job? Hey. Unknown_14: Pressing charges. Pressing charges. Pressing charges. Pressing charges. Hey. You attacked a disabled trans people person. You piece of shit. You big man. Come and get me, bitch. Unknown_00: Come and get me, bitch. 0:46:30 Unknown_01: Every five seconds of this has some beauty. Unknown_01: My favorite part is still the aggressive dog scratching his ass, crippled butt scooching that he's doing towards the guy. Like, I'll still fight you from the ground, bro. And he's rubbing his itchy butthole on the carpet as he goes along. Unknown_01: The fact that a cripple got suplexed by this tech bro is also hilarious. However, what I just noticed watching this, I don't know if I pointed this out the first time, but I think this is the first time I noticed this. This guy, he says, I suck dick for cock, right? 0:47:04 Unknown_13: And you know what? I suck dick for cock. Unknown_01: Right then, the camera pans out to get a more full picture of this insane person in the wheelchair. Watch the elephant chat. Watch the man in the elephant costume in the left. I don't know if you can see him. Might be a little bit blurry, but there is in fact a man in an elephant costume. Watch him real quick. Unknown_01: When he says, I suck dick for cock, the man in the elephant costume literally puts his elephant hand to his elephant face and hides his elephant face in embarrassment for what he cannot take it. He's a man in an elephant costume at a gay sex party in the middle of the open park, and he is unable to withstand the humiliation, the self-inflicted embarrassment that is happening directly in front of him. and in fact he's so actually he's so embarrassed the second time he thinks i can't handle this and he walks away he very slowly walks away and doesn't even notice the the man being suplexed behind him because he's just thinking i gotta get the fuck out of here i can't take it anymore um so big ups to my my bro elephant man back there 0:47:43 Unknown_01: And I guess I'll play, because actually this did one. Where is it? Let's get the part where Ethan's getting his ass kicked. That's the funny part. Am I psyched going to be able to load this video in time for me to showcase what I want to show you? It's a mystery. Do-do-do-do-do-do. 0:48:27 Unknown_01: What did I get, chat? I should have preloaded this. I didn't even think about it. Because it's like, why would I want to show this again? Ethan Ralph is a punching bag. He exists only for people to beat the fuck out of and for other people to laugh at. Do I even need to show this a second time? I think the answer is no. 0:48:59 Unknown_01: Oh, here, now it loads. Bam. Unknown_01: Wait, I want to see it again. Hit him. Unknown_01: Hit him. God's punching bag. Yeah. One more time. Thumb in the mouth. Bam, bam, bam, bam. So satisfying. Unknown_01: Dosser Cog. Damn, man. Streets of Portugal. Winner of the Best Media 2023. Wholesome Big Chungus Entertainment. Unknown_01: Um, best research. I went to O2. No surprise. He's a good guy. Best new OP. Uh, this is actually funny. The Liz Fung Jones, uh, OP was written by OT and it was very good. The Keffel's OP is really, really good. And it wasn't even mentioned in this. Um, I would actually say that the Keffel's OP was better, but I didn't raise the fuss about it. Cause it's like, it gives a fuck about Keffel's. 0:49:33 Unknown_01: And there we go, that's the shout outs I guess to genocide or CEO I'm just a worm and useful mistakes for their contribution. I don't want to skip over that. It's not like a dickhead. Unknown_01: I Mentioned the mother Jones thing. I'll read this to you guys right before the stream. I got a Email from some Arab dude from writing for mother Jones, which I don't know anything about mother Jones. I'm assuming that they're not a reputable or good 0:50:08 Unknown_01: uh publication in any way shape or form says hey josh uh doing a story on the kiwi farms had a couple questions a couple questions a couple means two Unknown_01: A couple is a pair. When you learn the English language and you become a writer, you learn that couple is A and B. Man and woman is a couple. Unknown_01: This is not a couple. This is about 100 different questions. So that would be about 50 couples if you're having trouble keeping up. If you write for Mother Jones, you may be confused. 0:50:43 Unknown_01: Yes. If you'd like to respond, E, you know, because in the English language there exists a first person personal pronoun, E. When you say E like cheese is how you say that you like something. Does he need a response? Responses by Monday end of day. So I have a TikTok sweat coming off my forehead like, oh my God. Allie Breland of Mother Jones needs me to answer a couple questions before Monday. 0:51:22 Unknown_01: I might have to get a PR guy. I might have to give him handfuls of cash to make sure that all of these couple questions can be answered in time to meet his strict reporting for Mother Jones. Unknown_01: Very important to me. Unknown_01: So I'll just read through this because it's kind of funny how quickly and obvious the malice is in this. Unknown_01: He says, here are the questions. Unknown_01: Were you a poster on the website Something Awful? Unknown_01: I'm not going to answer, by the way, because I don't want I don't want I'm not like I'll let you fill in the blanks. I'm not going to say anything in response to any of these questions, because in the off chance of this motherfucker has the mental capacity to do any kind of reporting at all or investigation at all. I don't want him to actually be able to quote me on anything on this. 0:51:55 Unknown_01: So here's the questions from E. Were you a poster on the website Something Awful? Do you own the website Inform Kiwi Farms? Do you run the business 1776 Solutions? Is it accurate to say that 1776 Solutions began as Final Solutions? Unknown_01: Is there anyone else who shares primary responsibility of the site with you? Why do you run the site? And how would you describe the purpose of the website? Do you moderate the site? Do you have examples of stopping behavior on the website? With the knowledge that Kiwi Farm has been blamed for harassing people to the point of suicide, why do you run the site? Is it accurate to say that Kiwi Farms kept any kind of kill count formally or informally by users in posts that referenced suicides and helped encourage? Do you do anything to discourage this kill count? Do you do anything as a moderator to stop users from posting information about users and further harassment that leads to suicide? What is your response to the Kiwi Farms alleged encouragement of the suicide of Chloe Segal? Same thing, Julie Terryberry. Kiwi Farms worked to get her social media accounts shut down while mocking her mental health struggles. Question mark. There is no question here. If you ask, if you post this as an answer in, um, 0:53:11 Unknown_01: Jeopardy, you would immediately be tinged because you did not ask a fucking question, you retard. If you tried to submit this to Quora, it would flag you as not asking a fucking question. Unknown_01: What is your response to the Kiwi Farms alleged encouraging of suicide of David Ginder? Did Kiwi Farms relentlessly bully Ginder for being non-binary? Did one thread went on for more than a dozen pages before Ginder's death? This motherfucker cannot read or write. Like, how lazy and sloppy is this? 0:53:45 Unknown_01: Users on the website have celebrated the death of so-called lolcows. How would you respond to this? Depends on who. Unknown_01: Experts and targets have said that Kiwi Farms users have systematically attempted to cause suicides. How do you respond to this? You take part in harassment campaigns on Kiwi Farms. What is the start of the forum? Did you take part in discussions that helped establish the purpose of the website and its tone? Were you involved in discussions about Chris Chan? You posted on Kiwi Farms and other forums information about Christian that has been described as abuse. Do you deny this? Did you write a response to the New Zealand police and others saying the forum Kiwi Farms should be able to keep up videos of the Christchurch shooting? The Kiwi Farms user attempted to swat Marjorie Taylor Greene. The Kiwi Farms user attempted to swat the Twitch streamer Keffels. An anonymous target of Kiwi Farms claims that the forum's user simjacked them, among other abuses. Do you deny that the Kiwi Farms has used this technique? Kewy Farms users have reported to have stalked, harassed, and swatted, defamed, cyberstalked, sent messages, incurring self-harm, and doxxed people. Is this accurate? Kewy Farms users target specifically the vulnerable and marginalized, homeless, transgender, and neurodivergent people. Why is that? A Twitter biography of the Kewy Farms describes the website as such, gossip and exploitation of mentally handicapped for innocent purposes. Why does the website describe itself this way? 0:54:54 Unknown_01: Here's my favorite, by the way. These three are my favorite. Do you live in Pensacola? Do you live with your mother? Is your mother a nurse and or a realtor? Hmm. Just throwing that in there in the middle. We're keeping track on where your mother lives and what she does. So just keep that in mind when you're answering these fucking questions that we're paying attention to that. Like, fuck you, piece of shit. Have you ever interacted directly with, and this is after, by the way, him saying, do you talk, do you laugh people? Do you dock and stalk people? Do you, Avi, motherfucker, Ali, Abdul-Muhammad Jalik, Berland, have you considered that maybe you're a fucking pest? Have you ever interacted directly with the Kiwi Farms targets? Do Kiwi Farms users ever target journalists who report on the website? 0:55:29 Unknown_01: Maybe that should have been your first question and then follow up on it. 0:56:04 Unknown_01: Do you... Unknown_01: Do you take part in harassment campaign against Greta Martella that occurred on Kiwi Farms? Unknown_01: Did you file a police report when a person named Greta Martella visited your house to demand you and the user of the Kiwi Farms stop harassing her? You operated the null account, correct? You posted on... What the fuck is this obsession with something awful? You posted on... Listen here. 0:56:36 Unknown_01: I will, I break my vow. I want you to know one thing and one thing only, Ali Berlin. I have never posted on something awful, but I did post on a forum called Blockland Forum, and that is my inspiration for the Kiwi Farms. Ali Berlin of Mother Jones, this is my official statement. The Kiwi Farms is directly inspired by Blockland Forums, owned and operated by Eric Hartman, Badspot is his nickname. Eric Hartman is my personal hero. Everything that I do, I do to respect the memory that I hold so fondly in my heart for Eric Hartman, aka Badspot, the founder of Blockland and the operator of the Blockland forums. Everything I've ever done has been done to impress Eric Hartman of Bad Spot or of Blackland Forums, also known as Bad Spot. eric hartman okay i just want to i just want to get that out there as much as i can everyone press f to pay respects to eric hartman uh who now does uh softcore pornography this is a true story he now does softcore pornography as satin minions in case you want to jerk off as some lesbian uh what do they call it cheesecake 0:57:19 Unknown_01: My boy Eric Hartman, operator of children's website Blockland Forums, has got you covered on your lesbian bondage cheesecake imagery. 0:58:10 Unknown_10: Where was I? Unknown_10: Are you worried about causing them any mental anguish? Unknown_01: He's talking about Chris now. You began on that form tracking Christian, correct? Why have you spent years tracking Christian? Are you worried about causing them any mental anguish by relentlessly documenting and commenting on their life commentary on their life? Why did you find the material Chris Chan posted on the lowercase I internet interesting or funny? In 2013, you said that part of the reason the Kiwi Farms name was to avoid naming it something directly related to Chandler to avoid problems with domain hosts. What did you anticipate being the issue? 0:58:42 Unknown_01: That's just wrong. Unknown_01: How are they so fucking dumb? These people get paid. These people get paid to write articles and they have no fucking idea. Unknown_01: They had not a fucking clue. Something that you could easily be, like, you can go to Google and you can type in Kiwi Farms and the domain name itself is actually blacklisted. You'll never find Kiwi Farms, searching Kiwi Farms. Unknown_01: Like the index page kiwifarms.net slash is totally blacklisted from Google. But if you go there, you'll see that the name, let's see. 0:59:17 Unknown_10: The forum was originally called Quickie Forums before Kiwi Farms was coined in 2014. It used to explain that this was because Jace couldn't pronounce it. Unknown_10: Or just because they added more people to it. 0:59:55 Unknown_10: This was the first one, by the way. This New York Mad by Margaret Pless. Unknown_10: It's the only thing she's written? This is the first one. Unknown_01: They all reference this one. Margaret Pless has a thread, and she complains about it still, I think. Unknown_10: Oh, spoiler alert. That's a head. Unknown_01: um it's accurate to call your politics far right if not how would you describe them i i don't even want to make a joke any joke that i say in response to that will be taken out of context what's the funniest thing i could i i am a i'm a pro lgbtqia plus far-left anarchist i believe in a world without identity I think that we should all work in a big factory under the people's dictatorship, making Funko Pops so that everybody should have a Funko Pop. I believe in a world where every man, woman, child, and when I say that, I'm of course including the non-binary folks with an X and the trans men and the trans women should have access to the Funko Pops 1:00:37 Unknown_01: that we produce. Unknown_01: This is a necessity. This is a necessity. We have enough technology, enough money, enough resources to put in the hands of everybody on this planet a Funko Pop. That's what I believe. 1:01:20 Unknown_01: Kiwi farms, crypto addresses are linked to stake.com suggesting you're using Kiwi farms money or your crypto accounts to gamble. Is this the case? Are you using Kiwi farms donations to make these bets or under the money? Stake.com. That's a new one. Who would have thought that your bullshit tracking software, the track where money goes in crypto wallets is a complete fucking garbage and doesn't actually work. Unknown_01: Between 2019 and 2021, you received over four Bitcoins and donations in Ethereum worth tens of thousands of dollars, correct? What other sources of income do you have besides Kiwi Farms donations? Why do you think Kiwi Farms disproportionately targets and discusses trans people? What's the current status of the website? 1:01:57 Unknown_01: Uh, I'll answer this one. Actually, there's like eight questions. I'll answer the second class. Why do you think Kiwi Prime makes fun of trans people? Because they're fucking lunatics and they're really funny and they're stupid. What's the current status of the website? It's fucking up. Do you want me to link? Actually, here. Um, I'll actually say this. Let's see. Mother Jones. Unknown_01: Uh, what's the current status of the website? Control L or Control R, just to quote this. 1:02:34 Unknown_01: i'll actually answer this one it's up retard quote me on the and then i will link the thread and i will send that uh what do do you think users of kiwi farms targets trans people and other people who are marginalized because they see themselves in people who are lonely and struggling Unknown_01: no it's kind of hard not to answer these like reflexively because it's like uh what accusers on kiwi farms describe themselves as autists why do you think that is do you deny that kiwi farms users have cheered the targets dog to die Unknown_01: Was this in hope that someone would commit suicide? Has Kiwi Farms ever harassed someone for supporting a hotline for trans people? Unknown_01: It's so frustrating. It's like any level of research. Even the fucking Troons don't bring up trans lifeline anymore. Even they fucking know. And this dumbass still thinks like this is... 1:03:33 Unknown_01: A hill to dive for. Do you deny that much of the harassment Kiwi Farms users engage in is criminal? Yeah, sure. Do you want to implicate yourself in criminality by answering my questions? Unknown_01: Kiwi Farms' warrant canary came down in 2019. Has the Kiwi Farms been investigated by government agencies, received warrants, and if so, by what government agencies or agencies? I don't even know what he's talking about. I said the answer to almost all your questions is written by an unbiased third party. It requires reading, which may be too much to ask for for a professional journalist pretending to do research. I linked to the Destiny Manifesto. Please be sure to mention that all attempts to destroy the web of trust that makes up the internet have failed, and we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary on February 3rd. Consider changing careers. If you're hoping to do good, you will never manage to do so while being a corporate journalist. You are fed narratives and paid to lie. That's no way to live. Cheers, Josh. 1:04:07 Unknown_10: So... Unknown_10: So that is the Mother Jones thing. Very funny. 1:04:41 Unknown_01: I'll continue. I didn't even mean to read that. There's a documentary on speedrunning coming out. This is my boy Narcissa Wright. Unknown_01: You can see that Unknown_01: what's funny is that whenever you see narc from like a stream it's just this like this is all you get so it's up to the imagination to fill in like how he looks in his picture um you don't expect like a really really like tall lengthy dude he's like wide shouldered and everything there's no chance in hell of of narc ever passing you know what he kind of reminds me of 1:05:25 Unknown_10: um here here we go people are going to get mad at me for saying this because they're they're going to like this person he reminds me of toki from uh death clock doesn't he just a little bit he's got a better jaw than the narcissus does so that's what i think of Unknown_01: I don't know. I don't know what Narcissus is up to, but they're in that documentary. I haven't watched it. I'm assuming that's great. Unknown_01: Oh, and just real brief, Ezra Miller, who is like a famous, like an actually famous person, got into trouble for breaking into a house in Vermont. Unknown_01: And I think they've copped a plea deal. They've dropped the felony burglar charges and shit. 1:06:19 Unknown_01: And he's getting charged with trespassing, which is like a 60-day, 90-day offense. Unknown_01: At the top. For most. At most. Like 90 days. And like a $500 fine. So that's his plea deal. He gets out basically scot-free. Unknown_01: Baked Alaska, by the way, has been sentenced for a second 60-day jail sentence. This time federally. He got 60 days for the macing a bouncer at a club in Vegas. Or Nevada. I'm not sure exactly where it was. Arizona, I think. 1:06:55 Unknown_01: And now he's been sentenced for 60 days for trespassing on federal property. If you don't know... Unknown_01: Baked Alaska was one of the only people who went into Nancy Pelosi's office. He kicked his feet up on her desk and he live streamed the entire thing. And he got 60 days. There are people in jail for like eight years right now over the January 6th stuff. However, the federal government has extensively used his footage to put those other people in jail. So they've given him 60 days because he was more of a benefit to the U.S. federal government than he was a detriment. by being in Nancy Pelosi's office. He documented absolutely everything for them to make a quick buck, basically. He sold out. He documented the crimes of hundreds of other people and put those people in a facial recognition database for the rest of their lives to get super chat money, basically. So he gets 60 days. 1:07:29 Unknown_01: And... Unknown_01: From what I was told, if you go to jail for 60 days, the other prisoners know there's something weird. Apparently, 60 days is like a mean sentence. And people know if you get 60 days for something, you copped out. You did something. You're either a celebrity or you are a narc. Or they think that you're undercover. They think that you're undercover police because apparently when police do stings in prison, they do 60 days undercover. So... 1:08:02 Unknown_01: I don't know. Have fun with that. I really hate bait. I hate people. I hate more than anybody. I hate people who are disingenuous. That's why I don't like people like Amberlynn Reid. That's why I don't like people like Gwen. Why I don't like Nick Fuentes. Why I don't like bait. It's like you have a persona. That is so completely fictitious about how you actually feel. You're an entirely self-centered person and you try to pretend otherwise. And you really hope the worst for them. Even if it's just secretly. You never want to think that good things are happening to these fucking people. Because it's just a charade. Their entire life is just a put-upon. And it is angering to see someone behave like that. 1:09:08 Unknown_10: Jail doesn't not equal fed pen baked is going to a hard place. Unknown_01: Um, I don't know if the federal government has a difference between jail and federal prison. Unknown_01: Cause prison is for people who have long sentences, but I don't know if jail is a thing that the federal government has. I really don't know. I don't, they do. I imagine they do. Unknown_01: You can't put people who are there for, like, 60 days in with people who are there for 60 years. Because they're just going to get killed. 1:09:47 Unknown_10: You know what I mean? Unknown_10: Kills one year and one day max. Unknown_01: I'm sure he'll be fine. The annoying thing about the baked Alaska thread is that everyone's just like, BBC, BBC. He's getting 60 days. They might not even put him in a jail. They might just put him in a holding cell for 60 days. What's the point of sending someone on a... Unknown_01: bus out of state to a federal jail just for 60 days by the time he gets dressed and gets into his holding cell his time's gonna be up especially when he already has time served for shit like what's the point you might as well just put him in arizona for you know 120 days consecutive oh goodness with boredom if i went to jail i'd probably do okay because i would just read i would i would just get law books and stuff and i would read for the entire time i would or um 1:10:48 Unknown_01: Yeah, I would mostly just read. I would probably study a language, too. I would probably study a language and read. Unknown_10: That's it. Unknown_10: That's about it. Unknown_10: That's right. You give some people gel time, they write with it. Unknown_01: Those are the dangerous people. Unknown_01: We're already an hour in. I can't believe I'm going so slow through what I have, to be honest with you. But... Unknown_01: I have to give a rare W, chap. A rare W to the worst place on my website. 1:11:22 Unknown_01: I've said that about pretty much every thread on the Kiwi Farms, but... The VTuber people... Unknown_01: They did something that's sort of commendable, I suppose. Unknown_01: A man joins the Kiwi Farms, and he starts posting about how he's personally going to murder Pippa Pipkins, the bunny character. The heir, the sole heir to the gem throne, besides Rambot, for whatever reason, the heir to half of the gem throne, Pippa Pipkins. Unknown_00: And he says, I'm going to behead this bunny. Unknown_01: I'm going to fucking murder this bunny. I hate this fucking bunny. and of course the vtuber people being the mega autists that they are start immediately working to uncover uh what's going on with with this guy it turns out that this guy is of course he's an anime fan you can see him back here and his trump hat is his deplorable thing 1:12:00 Unknown_01: There appears to be a pregnant Pippa Pipkins at the bottom. I'm really nervous to click around. But you can see he's a big fan of the Japanese. That's like a Dragon Ball Z shirt. I recognize the Dragon Ball Z shirt. Unknown_01: And it says, Make America Great Again. This man is a 40-year-old animal fucker who wants to make women fuck dogs. Unknown_01: And he's decapitated a dog for Satan in his 30s. He is a literal dog killer. And he hates Pippa Pipkins. And they doxed him for assaulting their waifu, their oshi or whatever. Oh, you know what? I didn't even have a thing for this, but... 1:12:50 Unknown_01: This also reminds me of that woman. There's like a woman on Twitter who's posting pictures of herself fucking dogs. Unknown_01: And I think that this is the first time I get to play this song in years even, Chad. Is it the day that we get to play this song again? I think it is. And they're all alone White girls fuck dogs and their big red bone They don't do it cause it's good for their health It's just the way white girls express themselves, yeah White girls fuck dogs They fuck up White girls fuck dogs They really fuck up White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck dogs 1:13:37 Unknown_01: I think I stopped playing this song because I didn't need to give my... Look at this. Unknown_10: I just noticed that in this guy's avatar, he has put the bunny in the background behind my dog. Unknown_01: I really don't know how I feel about this. Actually, two of them. There's two bunnies in the background. Unknown_15: Anyways. Unknown_01: I stopped playing that because I... 1:14:38 Unknown_01: I had a whole thing about how white women are necessary to make white babies. So I had to stop saying white girls fuck dogs because it would make people who are socially maladjusted actually think that. Unknown_01: As we all know, Latinxs can also fuck dogs. Unknown_10: As we've seen. We've seen the evidence of that. Unknown_15: Anyways. Unknown_10: That's the update with that. Good job, YouTubers, I guess. Unknown_01: I'll never say that again. Unknown_01: Uh, by the way, this guy died too, too early for, or too late for the awards, but David stay who hosted the state of mind podcast and also did like eighties children's TV and was like a huge conspiracy theorist. He has died. I do not know if it's known how he died. 1:15:23 Unknown_01: Presumably the government has killed him. I will play a short clip of, um, this video though. Unknown_01: He was interviewed by Medicare, and I think a lot of people who know him know him from Medicare because I'm aware that when Medicare was on. I want to say streamed on me. Unknown_01: I can't remember what era it was, but he watched a lot of 80s children TV shows and nostalgia binges, and a lot of people watched that along with him. So I think that's where a lot of people know David Stay from. 1:15:56 Unknown_01: So I'll play like 30 seconds of this guy talking at Jim, basically. Unknown_06: My goal, if I fulfill my life's goal, I will be fucking assassinated. Unknown_01: I'll give you all fair warning. Was this put out after he died? Three years ago. So that's how he starts off this video. And it's already a pretty long point. I'm going to lose your minds, some of you. 1:16:31 Unknown_06: Okay? Unknown_06: Listen. Unknown_06: Do not look up to any A-list celebrity. They're all fucking demons. I give you my word. I'm telling you this right now. I've been a student of numerology and symbolism for a very long time. I'm a huge truth seeker. That's my mission in life. Because I know everything you've been told is a hot damn lie. Unknown_06: And most of your freaking actresses you guys jack off to, they're guys. They're dudes. They're all dudes. Let me explain something to you. 1:17:03 Unknown_06: You want to be an A-lister, you name one of them. Look, I'll give you a perfect example of symbolism. I want you all to think of your favorite actor, your big, the rock, fucking Bruce Willis, you name any fucking one of them, and I guarantee they've been in a fucking dress. Every single one has been in a hot damn dress. So that's your job. Unknown_06: You think they make any decisions, these people? They're all fucking puppets. Most of them, all the women, look at them all. Julia Roberts is a fucking dude. 1:17:36 Unknown_06: Scarlett Johansson, dude. Jennifer Lawrence, you guys jerking off to her all the time. You're jerking off to a hot damn dude. You understand? It's fucking hot damn some in the city. All right, I gotta take a deep breath, because I get very passionate about this shit. Unknown_05: That's what people want to hear, man. They want to hear that passion. I mean, when you're... Are you saying that a lot of these female actresses, I mean, you mean it, right? They're literally dudes in dresses. Unknown_06: No, yeah. That's the game. 1:18:10 Unknown_06: See, you have to work. You want to be in the $20 million club? If I told you what you had to do, your skin would crawl. And I want you to think of the worst shit you can think about, including feces. Look, let me tell you something. All the guys that are guys, most of them are guys or girls. You fucking got to wake up, man. Unknown_05: Wait, when you say feces, like I'm picturing Scarlett Johansson with an erection eating shit. Is that what we're talking about? Easy, easy, easy. 1:18:43 Unknown_06: That's what you have to do. Unknown_06: Illuminati. Unknown_01: I'll pause it there. If you want to listen to the whole 12-minute clip, it's on the first page of the David Stay thread, which is currently featured. It's in the La Casa History Board if you want to. Very interesting. I had not heard anything about him, but sort of in preparation for this stream, I was listening to this and I was thinking, this is pretty fucking good. This guy's pretty funny. Unknown_01: um and i think he also was involved in the industry so i wouldn't be surprised if what he's saying is true i like i i hate i hate those people i hate those famous people you can tell that there's something going on they're all skull they're all traumatized look up any of those pictures of um 1:19:26 Unknown_01: Emma Watson with that fucking guy. Who's the old fat Jew Weinstein? And it's just like you don't hold someone like that unless they're like your property. You wouldn't even hold your wife like that. You only hold someone like that when you can throw them under a bus like discarded trash because you own them. It's truly sickening. I fucking hate them all. I hope they burn in hell. Put up the picture. I mean, you just go to Google and you type in Harvey Weinstein and Emma Watson. Oh, it's, it doesn't say, I like that. You put in, say, and, and then say Emma, oh, no, Emma Watson. Why would Harvey Weinstein, Emma Watson ever be together? Emma Weinstein. 1:20:00 Unknown_01: Look, this is a normal way you hold someone. You hold their arms, their elbows behind their back. That's like how you apprehend someone. This is Agent Weinstein escorting Prisoner 0641 to her holding cell because she is now a ward of the state. This is not like normal people hanging out together. 1:20:33 Unknown_01: Uh, so that's david's day ezra miller already covered that baked alaska already covered that bbc built for bbc Everyone's talking about he's gonna get both fucked um, dylan mulvaney, by the way got facial feminization surgery and someone said that his fate he hasn't posted like a proper picture of himself because uh His face is still swollen from the surgery, but someone said that he looks like me in this picture, which I I take offense. Yeah Unknown_01: uh i don't know facial feminization just thinking about it ekes me out because they take a razor and they literally shave down your bones to like make you make you look more feminine and it is so awful it makes my skin crawl 1:21:21 Unknown_01: That's the Dylan Mulvaney updated. Unknown_01: Uh, oh, and poly frog, poly frog. Uh, I don't, okay. Listen, all I know about poly frog is that he streamed with Dosser cog way back when, and Dosser cog told him to fuck off. Unknown_10: So, uh, he has like his own stream now and the FBI came to his house. Unknown_01: I don't have timestamps for this. It's just kind of awkward. Unknown_07: No, I'm not I'm not talking That's the Fed that's a federal agent on the the bottom on the right and that's his mom and His mom has invited this friendly FBI agent into their house or a quick chat of her own volition 1:22:17 Unknown_01: And Polyfrog is freaking out. He immediately pulls out his phone. And of course, when you are a clout chaser and you want clout and there's an FBI agent involved, you pull out your phone and you immediately start live streaming your own mother talking to an FBI agent to the Internet. And he invokes his rights. He says, I invoke the fifth. And she's just asking, where were you on the 6th, January 6th? Unknown_01: And his mom answers for him and says, he was at home in my basement on January 6th. And someone had apparently tried to swat him by saying that he was like an insurrectionist on January 6th at the White House. And that wasn't true. And when the FBI came to investigate this, his mom just alibied him by saying, oh, he was in my basement at the time. He wasn't anywhere near the Capitol on January 6th. And he's like freaking out saying, uh, don't ask for an attorney. Don't talk to the feds. 1:22:50 Unknown_01: I am kind of on his side through this. You should never talk to the... You should treat FBI agents and other agents of the federal government like scum. Like, if you have them in your family, you should openly berate and humiliate them at any given chance. You should treat them like fucking scum. You should treat them like you caught them fucking the family dog. 1:23:30 Unknown_01: Don't invite them to your dinners, to Thanksgiving, or to Christmas. You should completely disown these people for supporting this bullshit. Um... Unknown_01: If you listen to this and you work for any branch of the federal government, I I don't like you personally I think that you should reconsider your career choice. I know that 20-year pension sounds really promising uh, but you're undermining the the constitutional rights that Were supposed to be in place for everybody by supporting the shit and then people think like well if we don't have our guys in the government Then they'll just put Africans and mexicans in the government and it'll be even worse bro That is the best thing you could ask for. You think if the FBI was a hundred percent staffed by Mexicans and Nigerians, they would be cracking down. They would be like, I think it's stop. Oh, a high efficiency surveillance apparatus. That would be correct. Motherfucker. They would be sleeping in. They would be eating tacos. They would be chilling out. This guy comes to your house and says, Hey, we heard you were at January six. You're like, Oh, you heard that by the way, I have 50 bucks. And he'd be like, Oh, don't come on. Thank you, man. And he would leave. That's how you want. Our society should run like a second world shithole like Ukraine. That's how you want things to work. 1:24:45 Unknown_01: You don't want this fucking Uber Karen with the full force. Look at this fucking bitch. You should be working at a Starbucks. If this bitch is listening to me, you should be working at Starbucks. You should not be having a fucking badge with the full force of the US federal government behind you. You should be at a low level managerial position at a fucking coffee store. But instead they gave this woman a fucking badge and a gun and told her to harass people's moms for alibis of what basement they were in on January 6th. truly disgusting makes my fucking skin crawl i can't even i can't even bash polyfrog as like a meme because i really i i have nothing but scorn and disdain for people who have sold out our entire country and everybody who lives in it for a fucking 20-year pension and i hope to god that you never get to collect I hope to God that fucking pension, you're 19 years into your fucking pension, having worked hard every day to sell out your countrymen. And then the government just says, sorry, we have no more money. We're declaring bankruptcy. There's no more pensions and you never get to collect. And then you quit your fucking job because they downsized the FBI to the last 10 people. And you have to go work at a fucking Starbucks. And you're 80 years old. And you have to work for the rest of your life for fucking pennies. Because that pension never comes. They never give you anything. You have to beg on the street. And you have to hide from people. Like those Vietnam vets who lost a leg and had to beg on the street for money. You have to hide the fact that you fought in Vietnam. You have to lie and say it was World War II. or the Korean War or something. You have to lie and say, actually, I never worked for the FBI. I did something else. 1:26:12 Unknown_01: I tarred roofs for 20 years, and then my company went bankrupt, and now I need bread. Unknown_01: FBI, never heard of it. Never even heard of the FBI. I tarred roofs for my entire life. Unknown_01: That's what I think. Unknown_01: But this was the best part of the stream. 1:26:47 Unknown_01: Because his mom dressed him down at some point and said, like, I'm not going to hire a lawyer for you. And then she said, maybe you should get out of my house. And then he got really pissed off because his mom humiliated him on livestream. Unknown_07: Jesus. My mother is so fucking stupid. Unknown_01: Yeah, fuck those ornaments. See it again. Seven seconds. Unknown_07: Jesus. My mother is so fucking stupid. Fuck you, mom. Stupid. 1:27:27 Unknown_01: good stuff we need more of this classic content we need more of this is there anything else oh god okay so Unknown_10: Ethan Ralph listened to me on my last stream of 2020 and said, what the fuck you say to me, boy? Unknown_01: You think I won't marry my horse? You think that it's in our interest, both of our interests, mutual and exclusive, to not marry each other? You think that would be the dumbest fucking idea ever? Unknown_01: boy you ain't seen shit you don't know me boy you didn't heard what i said boy because i'm the ralph man i'm gonna marry pansy i'm gonna marry dj bros x and this is a picture of him in las vegas 1:28:33 Unknown_01: may is being walked down the whatever the fuck that is by elvis presley um who i've met in person he's alive and well in serbia uh to ethan rao they were too cheap i think to um buy actually there's an explanation for this uh to buy the water watermarkless version they are confirmed married now there's there's a lot of different things to cover in regards to this uh first off They bought, like, this is the middle one is this dress, the dress she's wearing. It's just in white. Unknown_01: And so Ralph saw this and thought, oh, this is a nice lady with the curves. I'm going to buy my horse this dress. And then she wears it. And unfortunately for May, even after giving birth, she somehow has the figure of an eight-year-old Chinese boy. I have no fucking idea how she's accomplished this. Unknown_01: Her dress looks complete trash. It's really embarrassing. And it's kind of sad. I don't like May. I have a million things to say about May. I'll hold my tongue because I don't want to get into it too much and be seething about it. 1:29:33 Unknown_01: Inside of May... Unknown_01: There was once a little girl. Unknown_01: She had dreams. She had aspirations. She wanted to get married, have a family probably, because apparently she tried to get a baby out of Digibro, but that never happened because Digibro has the testosterone level of an 80-year-old grandmother. So she had to settle for Ethan Ralph, who was the first person she could find on zero notice to knock her up. 1:30:09 Unknown_01: but it's just sad to think that's someone's daughter who did not you know all little girls have their wedding dreams they don't necessarily have like a man in mind when they're that young they just have like he's a handsome prince he's got money and our wedding is going to be in a castle or it's going to be in a big church it's going to be in a yada yada and everyone my family will be there and my wedding dress will look like this that's what little girls think about right and And that girl is still inside of May. And at no point ever did that little girl think, I want to be married to a pig. Walked down the aisle by Elvis in a cheap whore dress. A $180 whore's dress. It does not fit me. 1:30:45 Unknown_01: With no family on either side. There's not a single person related to either of these people in this wedding. Unknown_01: And it's really just the saddest fucking thing ever. Unknown_10: know probably exactly what she deserved actually you know what i'll save it i'll save that so ralph says here um because he's accused of i think no that's foodie beauty um don't worry i'll get to that that's i have all this lingerie and sexy pictures of foodie beauty on my tabs don't worry this is all part of the show you're not seeing things you shouldn't be 1:31:39 Unknown_01: um harry morris amanda's dad or accused her of stealing his credit card and ralph retorts to this saying amanda used her dad's card to buy the plane tickets after he said she could use it it was saved on her account this has somehow turned to me using it not sure how that flies legally actually i am a don't fly at all lol she had the right to use the card in the first place but regardless you can't just put me in the act because you don't like me ha ha ha ha ha i didn't order any plane tickets or use any card that wasn't mine fact oh yeah harry morris is the same guy who stole thousands of dollars on my property and sold it all online he destroyed a two thousand dollar belt he has been the one behaving criminally pretty hilarious to see the big law and order clowns who support that to try and attack us absolute jokes so uh from the last week harry morris has started selling all the all the abandoned garbage that he's found in his basement and this has upset ralph um including that was like the the belt for the ralphamania has been destroyed the really hideous merchandise um has been sold on ebay ralph got his ebay flagged but then harry somehow magically recovered his ebay that's the most impressive fucking thing about any of this i cannot believe that he managed to recover his ebay account um after it got flagged down so good on him um i suppose and now he's because may use her emergency credit card to buy the the wedding stuff um 1:32:33 Unknown_01: Harry has like personally filed charges against Ralph for credit card fraud in New York. So, um, now if Ralph tries to go to New York to get his shit, uh, the police will show up for the credit card fraud. 1:33:34 Unknown_01: So also the Vegas speculation, this is sort of an interesting thing because now I have to explain why I was wrong. My prediction, people are going to give me shit for it. If I, if I, um, Unknown_01: I don't explain my bad prediction. Unknown_01: So first of all, I believe that Ralph literally decided to marry May because I said that he would not marry May. Unknown_01: I am sticking to this because in New Jersey, he planned to have the wedding ceremony when he said in New Jersey. Unknown_01: However, New Jersey has rules regarding marriage. Unknown_01: because it takes it takes a while to file for the application and get the venue selected and stuff it has like a formal procedure in new jersey in vegas you can just there are literally drive-through weddings you can go to a drive-through speakerphone and get a marriage signed um so my thought is that when he decided that he was going to spite mary may and then actually looked into it getting married in new jersey where the wrestling thing is taking place was impossible Simply put, the amount of time it would take to get the bureaucracy taken care of in New Jersey would be too long for him to actually pull it off in time for the marriage ceremony to be at the Wrestling Mania. 1:34:37 Unknown_01: Or the marriage signing to be at the WrestleMania. So he's driving from the Yucatan Peninsula, the southernmost part of Mexico, to Vegas with a baby in the fucking car. And they're driving from Vegas to New Jersey. Massive road trip. That's why he's not been streaming or anything for the last week. And I think that he decided to take that detour up to Vegas only because he realized that he could not figure out how to get the... Yeah, they drove. They drove. It's fucking insane. 1:35:17 Unknown_01: uh so that's why uh now actually i i've not looked this up before i want to find let's get ready you're going to hear my voice i'm trying to figure something out Unknown_01: on i do okay completely failed they completely failed where i'm trying to find my own take i'm trying to take my my own take on ethan ralph oh here it is here's ralph getting beat to another country to kick someone's ass $50 nature this is payment took community service we're crowded next day to get the next where's my take at Jim will outlive. What is high profile? No, this is Kanye West. And trying to never, ever. Wait, here it is. 1:35:56 Unknown_01: He runs red light and gets T-boned. This is a pain in the misery. Unknown_00: What did I predict? Unknown_01: So there's Ethan Ralph living in Mexico in a shack with his horse fiance. Get to it. Who he will never, ever be married to. I guess raising his daughter as a Mexican. 1:36:27 Unknown_01: to suck a dick debauched than the kill ethan ray west sitting next to him i wouldn't doubt oh man get kanye west on the station for his trial as the maybe we can't find it because here's what i think here's what i think i think that i said i am mad at myself i'm trying to figure out the exact part i said that Unknown_01: She would start the year unmarried, and she would finish the year unmarried. I believe that was my exact wording. So... chat, anyone hoping to catch me on this prediction being wrong, to catch me in 4k taking an L, I got news for you. I got news for you. My prediction was not wrong so far. She has started the year unmarried and there are 11 months of matrimony left before my prediction can be true. You see, if they get divorced or if Ralph dies before 2023 or 2024, it's 2023 now, 1:37:26 Unknown_01: I win still. I, you can, you can bitch and say that this is cope. I pulled out my 0.5% Ashkenazi and I went full force at this. And I have found the way out. If Ralph dies or if they divorce, but before the new year, I still, I'm still right because she would be a widow or there'd be divorce. So now I'm, I'm here. 1:38:04 Unknown_01: You can try to catch me all you want. But I already win. I already found the solution. I found the loophole. And my prediction for Ralph was that he would fucking die. So I can still come out aces, okay? I can come out aces by .5%. Unknown_01: He's got this all figured out. Don't even try me. Unknown_01: Alright, that's the Ralph shit. Foodie Beauty update! Unknown_01: Foodie Beauty is being revenge porn by Natter, because she keeps... She keeps... Ew, this makes me want to vomit. Like, yeah. 1:38:38 Unknown_01: Um... Unknown_01: Nadir is releasing pictures of her giving blowjobs, I think, as thumbnails for his videos. Unknown_01: And she's very upset by this, and she's threatening to have him put in jail. And it is a crime to revenge porn in Canada, so she has some ability there. Unknown_01: However, the best part was that people accused her of saying that when she went back to Canada, she would fuck him immediately. And then she said something like... 1:39:16 Unknown_01: I don't remember, but she didn't deny it. That's my point. And now he's posting revenge porn and she's getting all angry about it. That drama is kind of boring. The more interesting side of the drama is the Pete sign. Unknown_01: She absolutely will fuck him. I agree. Unknown_01: I've actually, I did manage to timestamp this one for you. Okay. So get ready. I'm going to timestamp. Unknown_01: Uh, I'm going to, this is a tart out, uh, to give you some background on this. Unknown_01: Pete's is alone in Canada and he doesn't have any money because he doesn't work and he refuses to get the job. So he lives off like handouts and super chats for his boring ass live streams. 1:39:53 Unknown_01: So he's learned how to cook. Unknown_01: He doesn't have any money so he can't eat McDonald's every day. So he's learning how to cook. Unknown_01: And if you don't know, he's also been taking care of the cats and stuff in Canada. Unknown_10: And Unknown_10: Her cats are very, very old. Unknown_01: In particular, she has a cat named Casey, or BBJ, as she tends to call him, who is 21. I have never heard of a 21-year-old cat. That cat is so old. 1:40:28 Unknown_01: It could have died at any point in the last eight fucking years. And that would have been a perfectly acceptable lifespan for a cat. But of course, when a pet is sick or about to die and that news hits the forum, you have the pet Karen's come out who are like a gas, like, Oh my God, the animal abuse calls CPS, yada, yada. And they are giving Pete so much shit for not taking the cat had like the shakes. It was just shaking and, And he thought maybe this is like a seizure or something, but apparently it was standing up. It was just shaking. And it's like, it's probably just losing balance because it's an old cat. You know, it's ears probably are not so great and it has balance issues and it shook a little bit. And now people are like, when are you going to schedule the doctor's appointment? When are you going to do this? And it's like, the cat's not meowing. It's not in pain. 1:41:04 Unknown_01: Seems to be doing just fine. 21 years old. If it starts meowing, if it's an obvious pain, if it can't get up to go pee anymore, then we'll schedule the bed appointment and we'll take care of it. So I believe that Pete's is not doing anything wrong to put my cards on the table. But when you talk about pets, and we talk about animals on the internet, people are very, very, very, very emotionally invested in animals. And they are very upset with Pete's for not calling a vet already, even though he doesn't really have the resources to before the cat is an obvious like harm, right? 1:41:35 Unknown_01: So, yeah, I feel I feel really bad for the cat, but you know how it goes. This is why if I ever had kids, I would buy my kids a pet because I think it's important that you buy like a hamster that has like a one year lifespan. And because we have to learn early how life is. Not every not everything in your life will be with you from the time you're born, from the time you're dead. Very few things in life are like that. 1:42:10 Unknown_01: So some people have attachment issues and they're very upset about the pet thing is my point. So they're giving him lots of shit. And Pete's, of course, being an autist who in this case isn't really doing anything wrong, but doesn't know how to handle his first mistake, by the way, was that he told people. He should not have told people that the cat was sick because now people are going to freak out and they're really going to hawk him on the pet shit. He should have just not told people on the street. And now that he has, he's made it a public thing. And as I've said, when you make things public, you have to deal with the fact that people are going to be invasive. They're going to have opinions. They're going to have commentary. They're going to have criticism. They're going to involve themselves in what you've made public about your life. So the best, the best, um, 1:42:45 Unknown_01: what's the what's the expression an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure the best way to handle that is just don't make it public but he did so this is him after being this is a 12 minute clip but he's been berated by people for the first nine and a half minutes and now he's getting pissed off shaking it was like five seconds like she was shaking for a few seconds and like 1:43:35 Unknown_04: I kind of think that it may have actually just been a balance thing. Unknown_04: That she was having trouble... There can't be tendies. You can throw onion in. Unknown_04: There's no reason you can't throw onion into a carbonara. Unknown_01: He's making a spaghetti carbonara. That's why he's talking about food. Unknown_04: Oh yeah, like I said, I honestly think that it is just that Unknown_04: He's having trouble balancing on the footrest that I use. Other than that... He's still truning. 1:44:11 Unknown_01: He ditched Catherine as his true name. I think he wants to go with Nicole now. But he has made, obviously, no effort to actually looking more feminine. Unknown_03: Just shut the fuck up, people. Unknown_11: For fuck's sake. Unknown_03: The cat is fucking fine. Unknown_03: Jesus fucking Christ, you fucking people are just goddamn tedious. Like, Christ, just shut the fuck up. 1:44:56 Unknown_03: She's fine. The cat is fucking fine. She's fucking fine, you idiot. Fuck off. Unknown_02: Hey, Rara. Unknown_02: Just leave it. Just fucking drop it. Just fucking drop it. Unknown_02: Drop the fucking thing. Unknown_02: Just fucking drop it, alright? 1:45:31 Unknown_10: Fuck you. Unknown_01: Fuck you. It ends abruptly. Unknown_01: Poor Pete. Unknown_10: He's only brought it upon himself. You know how it do be like that sometimes. Unknown_10: um yeah that's it that's all i got hour an hour and 45 minutes pretty good uh i do feel bad for baby j you know how it is little 21 year old cat we can't expect how many how many years can you really hope that a cat would live at what point does it become like this cat has lived a full and natural life um well i know it's hard to lose a pet i do know how it would be 1:46:13 Unknown_01: If people... I don't know. The whole thing about how vets... These cats are the most well-taken care of animals on the fucking planet. Don't bother humane resources. Unknown_01: Saying that these animals are in torture conditions. Unknown_01: I know it sucks to think that an animal might be neglected, but... Unknown_01: the cats are literally the bar for animal abuse is very very low um you have to you have to really actually be abusing an animal so uh if they took the cat all they would do is put it down anyway it's a 21 year old cat it's not getting adopted sorry so just hope you know people can nag him and stuff but it is funny that he jumped out over it and that's i'm pretty sure a lot of why people are fucking with him is because he is jumping out over it but 1:47:00 Unknown_01: uh if you yourself have found yourself emotionally invested in this cat Unknown_01: promise you that it'll be okay the cat will live on for a little bit longer and then what happens the cat either just doesn't wake up one day which it can happen or it runs away which animals do or i think it's an indoor cat even so it won't do that or it uh just one day it wakes up and it's just in pain and you haven't put down it's just how it is it sucks You feel like that was fake rage? No, you don't understand. Pete's is a turbo autist. He's very, very autistic. And he's a pure form soy boy Redditor in his rage. So he's yelling because what makes him yell is frustration. Because he tries to employ his Reddit skills, all the skills that he's learned on Reddit for de-escalation. 1:47:35 Unknown_01: And more importantly, for persuading people. So all the times that he chimps out, it's like he's talking to someone about some bullshit like J.K. Rowling or trans rights or some other bullshit that he cares about that doesn't really matter to anyone except weirdos like him. 1:48:08 Unknown_01: And he'll go down point by point all the Reddit explanations. Like you can literally see in his head the Reddit post with all the bullet points for how to tackle this topic that he liked and enjoyed and gave an upvote to. Unknown_01: And then he talks to a real person and he goes through his bullet points verbatim, like regurgitates them word for word. And then the other person was like, nah, I don't agree with that. And then he doesn't have a backup plan. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't have the mental flexibility to accept that someone doesn't agree with one of his precipices or presuppositions and then just breaks. And the only way that he knows how to handle frustration like that is to scream. and in this instance what it is is that he the cat is taken care of he's looked up online how to make sure the cat is not in pain the cat seems fine it's doing well but yet he goes online and everyone is telling him that he's a cat killer so he goes down the bullet points and says i've checked the cat i think that it doesn't have pain but or seizures but instead it has a balance issue that seems more likely um the cat's not in pain it's not meowing in pain it only meows when it's hungry it's eating it's not losing that much weight um it's 21 years old i don't know what you want me to do about it but people keep hammering him you're a cat killer and that's his reaction is the frustration going fuck off you fucking you're so tedious that's why he says that word tedious it's like you're not complicit with me as i try to hold your hand down this this line of thought you're you're tedious to me 1:49:43 Unknown_01: and that's why he can break character and say like hey hey person who super chats me and go right back to it that's pure autism um very very in line with what i know about autistics so no it's not fake it's just how pizza is sometimes so in that that note i think that um is there anything i forgot i like to ask that because sometimes people surprise me Unknown_01: um talk about justin roiland i know i don't even know who the that is to be quite honest with you okay so who victoria 2 open source someone asked me about this um they're trying to recreate victoria 2 open source because victoria 3 sucks and apparently trannies are already involved so it's gonna suck oh Unknown_01: God, what was it? Okay, the co-creator for Pickle Rick has been caught on domestic violence charges. That's what it is. 1:50:40 Unknown_01: I'm pretty sure that's what you're talking about. Unknown_01: He's currently facing DV because he got into a big fight about because what happened is is that he came into His his his bedroom and his wife and his wife's boyfriend were there and he was wearing a pickle suit and he said I'm a pickle Rick and his and his wife's boyfriend who actually prefers to go by Richard and not Rick said this is the seventh fucking time you've done this and I swear to fucking God, we do this shit again. I'm going to beat the fuck out of you. And he looked, he looked them dead in the eyes and he said, Rick, I'm a pickle. And he was prepared. He knew that rich Richard would not take this and down. So before he even got up to fight him, uh, He moves forward and socks him in the fucking face as hard as he possibly can. So he can't even claim self-defense. The guy goes out cold and he looks, looks at his wife and he says, Hey babe, I'm a pickle. 1:51:55 Unknown_01: and they fuck right next to his passed out body it's the most attracted to him she's ever been seeing him actually stand up for himself and then it turned him off again because he said immediately after after he finished it was horrifying it was the worst thing ever so she filed the domestic violence charge against him for assaulting her that's that's the true story and Unknown_01: what happened i don't even know i just saw the headline i couldn't care less uh in my head that's the only plausible uh narrative i could go for that's the learn out okay perfect i'll believe it that's what matters that's what matters as long as long as somebody believes it then it's more true than than not true Unknown_01: The Kiwi registered agent, I'm still looking into that. I don't know what to do. It really frustrates me. I'm trying to replace my registered agent. I'm trying to figure out a way to get a corporate agent in Wyoming or South Dakota. And my options for this are literally either someone lives there and owns their own house and is willing to be my registered agent, or... 1:52:50 Unknown_01: I have to like buy a house for someone or, or what I really like, like, and then rent it to them. I really don't know what to do for the registered agent thing. I've had a couple offers from a bunch of people who say I own my own property in this other state, but those other States have like a corporate gains tax for, um, even one person LLC. So I'm hesitant to say, cause then I have to like file shit with the state and, and pay state income taxes for money or prove that I don't have any income for those LLCs. It's a real mess. And I have to do this because the registered agent for Locale LLC resigned because someone said that I briefly put the site behind DDoSGuard on .ru, and there's a thing that says registered agents can't incorporate for Russian citizens. So the person freaked out because people were obviously harassing him and probably his entire family. And he said, I resign as agent for locale LLC because, um, citing an executive order that he can't do business with Russian affiliated companies or some bullshit like that. And I told him, I said, my site is hosted currently in Ukraine, not Russia. I don't know if you know the difference, but, um, I promise you that I don't have any association with Russia. 1:54:11 Unknown_01: But that didn't work, so now I have to figure out what to do with the LLC. I've tried contacting lawyers and stuff for my registered agents, and they don't reply. I would probably have to offer a lot of money that I don't have for a registered agent. Unknown_01: So I don't know what to do. The best bet is to find someone who's willing, who basically, like I said, owns their own land, has a gun, is a calm, level-headed person, and is trustworthy enough to do mail and scanning for me and forwarding. But that's a big ask because you're going to be swatted constantly. You're going to have freaks show up to your house. You're going to get shit in the mail that you don't want. 1:54:47 Unknown_01: It'll be a nightmare. And I can't compensate you for that, you know, dealing with that shit. Unknown_10: I don't know what happened with Nostalgia Critic and Ralph. It didn't cross my radar, sorry. Unknown_10: um i talked about ricada last stream i don't think anything's changed he's gonna open his discord i cautioned him that the he's involved in is going to cause like a massive nuclear fallout eventually even the stuff that's already happened is probably going to blow up in his face even if he like completely 1:55:38 Unknown_01: disables locals entirely and his discord it's probably the damage is already done i think and it's just going to be a matter of time before shit comes out or the people involved have hurt feelings and start going after nick really really hard um but i said publicly and in private i said this is a really really this setup of having like a sexual sexually charged fan audience base is is a recipe for utter and total fucking nightmare um that Unknown_01: And I use Dick as a reference because... Unknown_01: Dick had, I looked this up recently. Dick at his peak was making like $25,000 a month. I don't know how much of his Patreon stuff is true, but he had like 5,000 subscribers on Patreon making $25,000 a month on Patreon. And that was in August, 2020 cuties. The movie came out August 19th, 2020, and it has never stopped dropping again. 1:56:40 Unknown_01: That was his absolute peak was the the first of August right before cuties came out and now it's down to like 16,000 and he's lost like 20% of the scripts are ever based and I don't know how much of what's left is actually like a genuine Random thing. Oh god. Okay. I will show the tattoo because the tattoo is ugly I have this saved somewhere. Unknown_10: I don't think too much has changed on the ricada stuff besides I Unknown_10: this. Okay, it's gonna be somewhere here. I swear to fucking God I saw it. 1:57:38 Unknown_10: okay i don't know how the fuck i don't have to save but he got a tattoo and it is really bad it looks like it looks like the album art for my my chemical romance or something where the fuck is this i have to i apologize and i know a lot of people listen um and don't watch them can't even see this once i do oh this is it Unknown_01: I can only find the edited version. I can't find the original. Oh my God. Oh wait. No. Okay. I do find it. I found it. I found it. I found it. I found it. Give me a sec. Check. Give me a sec. I'm pulling it up. Unknown_10: This is the tattoo. Unknown_10: Um, it says I will. And then it says they do. 1:58:31 Unknown_01: that's supposed to be like them getting married but it's all sketchy and inky and it's i'm i don't know i'm not a tattoo person the only tattoo i would get is obviously a pikachu tattoo everybody knows me but it looks like a my chemical romance album art this is what everyone thought of when they said this is like this looks like my like the the sketchiness of it reminds them of this there's another one though that looks even more like it Unknown_10: That doesn't show up. Wait, this, here. Unknown_10: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. This is like a drawing of it. Oh, wait, here. Unknown_01: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. That's like a shitty... Where is... Oh, no, this is it. This is the actual... This is like a shitty DeviantArt cover, but this is the one. This is what everyone was reminded of immediately. It's very similar. I don't know if he's a big MCR fan or what, but it's very similar to this. Unknown_01: Someone else, however, made this edit... 1:59:32 Unknown_01: Which I Google searched Nicricata tattoo and it was the first result. So I have to give it props, I guess, because it's very funny. Unknown_01: It actually takes a second for you to figure out where the edit begins and where it ends. So that's the, that's the best part of it is trying to, the lines are so blurred together. It's a bit of a thrill. Unknown_01: I think I can't even tell. It does look like the guy actually drew this. Like he pulled out like a Wacom tablet and drew this on, which just makes it even better. It's high quality. 2:00:07 Unknown_01: I shouldn't dab on, on located too much with me, but from what he, from what he said, I've heard his explanation and it's still like, um, I'm not certain about this, but it's like, he says that he's just now, he's got to a point in his life where his kids are a certain age where he is free to do more stuff. So he is manually, uh, Unknown_01: creating his midlife crisis he's gonna get a tattoo he's gonna have a mustang he's gonna go to to clubs with his wife he denies swinging um however like i said before and i don't want to repeat myself so i won't but if you want to go out and you want to do stuff go for it doesn't even matter truly it really doesn't even matter if it's like weird cuckold shit However, the issue is don't make it public, number one, and the locals and having people post nudes and locals in Discord, not allowing that is not being prudish, not allowing that is a self-preservation instinct because these people are going to get, they're emotionally attached. If people are exposing themselves, no matter what anybody says, you cannot have sexual encounters with people, even over the internet, without some level of, 2:01:16 Unknown_01: like emotional investment even unless you're a total fucking whore and you're just like selling your asshole on only fans to a million people um like there's gonna be hurt feelings there's gonna be people who go fucking crazy there's gonna be bpdp and there already are people who are obviously very mentally unwell in that local chat and i'm just like i'm looking at this thing and this is a fucking this is i am like it's like if i was sitting at a train station Unknown_01: And I'm looking at my left and I just happen to notice that there's a big thing. And let's say I could read Arabic, right? I'm looking at this package and I'm squinting at the Arabic written on it. It's a really suspicious looking package. And it just says, um, I, it says in Arabic, it just says dirty bomb, nuclear fallout, dirty bomb set to go off at this time. And I'm just like checking my, my watch. I'm thinking like, okay, um, This is a bomb filled with nuclear dust. And when it explodes, it's going to destroy this entire building. 2:01:57 Unknown_01: Many people are going to die regardless of what happens. 2:02:31 Unknown_01: What's the next course of action? I can get up and just start fucking running as far as I possibly can. Maybe I can try to defuse it for some reason. Maybe I should just sit on it. Maybe I should throw it to the fucking ground and see what happens. I don't know. There's different things. All I know is that bomb is probably going to go off. No matter what you do, it will probably go off. And the smart thing to do if you have self-preservation instincts is to fucking run very far away. And if you're feeling generous, maybe call the police along your route and be like, hey, by the way, there's a bomb at this train station that you might want to take care of. I can read Arabic. It says, and then it has, like, the nuclear fallout somewhat. I'm pretty sure it's a bomb. Anyways, I'm out of breath. I'm fat, and I'm running as far as I possibly fucking can through midday traffic. See ya. Peace. Let me know if you have any questions, but text it. I'll reply once I'm three miles down the road. Bye-bye. 2:03:11 Unknown_01: That would be my option, okay? Unknown_01: Don't talk to cops. Unknown_01: That that is the chat answer. I'm sorry. I just don't talk to police. You know how it do be like that sometimes What are you gonna do about it? Not shit. There's no it is unconstitutional to say I have to call you and tell you about that fucking bomb I saw while I was hauling ass out of the train station. Fuck you Um, okay. Anyways super chat has been two hours. We're going on three already. 2:03:43 Unknown_01: I Will put us in less your mood. I Unknown_01: And I really have to pee, but there's no fucking point of interrupting the stream to go pee before Super Chats. Nobody will stick around. 2:04:15 Unknown_01: So I just gotta stick it through, chat. I just gotta stick it through. Or I can pee in a bottle. If you guys hear any suspicious peeing sounds, that is definitely not me peeing in a bottle. Unknown_01: King Clover for five says, do you support or condone the parentheses war crime or farting on your enemy's balls? That's a South Park reference. That's a reference to the video game Stick with Truth. You can't get no South Park reference past me, boy. Unknown_01: But no, of course, I would never condone that. 2:04:50 Unknown_01: The Own Zone for five says, are sufficiently own, are you, this is what he's trying to say. Unknown_01: Are you sufficiently owned, Joshua Connor Moon? My name's spelled wrong. I would say you are quite owned, possibly even epically. This is in reference to May being married, but as we've discussed, she may not remain married throughout the entire calendar year. That is my bet. That was always my prediction, actually. Unknown_01: Skookerman for five says, hey, Josh, I found this painting by an artist called John Picacchio. It's titled La Luna. It looks oddly like you, which is pretty apt given that it's a moon. What do you think? 2:05:28 Unknown_01: um well first of all this is obviously a woman woman's face because it's la luna as in a uh that's the wrong picture la luna as in la like female um i don't know if it looks like me though it looks like a moon with a face on it i can't really tell you if it looks like me i'll let other people decide the eyes probably aren't far enough apart Unknown_01: Crazy buck tooth Asian dad for two says, where are you at? Where are you at? I come get you. Where are you at? 2:06:02 Unknown_01: that's a reference to an Asian girl I briefly dated while at Whataburger where we had like one date one real date and then I was driving her home and I guess she told her dad just then that she was on a date with a boy and he literally calls her up every two minutes to check like literally every two minutes and she would just answer it and go Durka Durka Muhammad Jihad and fucking Vietnamese or whatever the fuck I think she was Thai I don't remember And then we'd hang up, and two minutes later, not even two minutes, it was probably like seconds, like 30 seconds apart, he would call up again and just keep doing that over and over again until literally we met halfway. I was like halfway to her house, and he had pulled over, and we had like a prisoner exchange where she had to get out of the car and walk because he was on his way during the process. I was... 2:06:37 Unknown_01: I want to say I was 18 or 19 at the time. And no, I only dated her for like a brief period of time because she was fucking like insane. Or her dad was insane. And then I got sick and she didn't text me for like a week. So I was like, you know, why are we even like monogamous if you're not going to text me while I'm sick? And then we just kind of like, eh, whatever. 2:07:19 Unknown_01: ToiletDoc45 says, fellow hamster appreciator, let's watch Mountain Hamsters. This is a video. Never going to get through these if they're all videos. Unknown_01: appears to be some sort of weird rodent that i've never seen before it looks very sickly in green but american pika oh it's a it's a pikachu that's what it's based off see very cute now mr five says the mutts law posting will continue until morale improves or until um josh makes a mutts law rating for the site no that's not going to help people just do it for the rating 2:08:01 Unknown_01: Schizo Dilbert for two says, what's your thoughts on a law in Louisiana now requiring a driver's license to view pornography? Hashtag legalize gay marijuana. Unknown_01: Those laws don't work, I believe. If you want to have any hope of curtailing the pornography industry, you have to actually go for the film studios, the Jewish porn film studios. And you have to go after sites like OnlyFans that allow people to profit off of it. That's why. Unknown_01: when they target child pornography, they go after financial arrangements. They go after the Johns because when the Johns buy it, it creates demand. If all the pedophiles are dead or in jail, there's no more market demand for child pornography. There's no more studios. It's the same thing with porn. You have to like curtail the industry. 2:08:40 Unknown_01: nope for 20 says i hope i'm happy anthony kydus has found true love i don't judge him for calling for falling for a rage hog the penis does the picking after a while is anthony kydus like a funny name for amanda morris that i've never seen never i'm literally never gonna get through these if every single one requires me to pull up 2:09:17 Unknown_10: I don't know. I guess this kind of looks like me. It's got like a proper jaw, though. I don't see the resemblance to be quite like the hair is long. Unknown_01: That's about it. Unknown_01: He doesn't. He kind of looks more like the crazy guy that does movies more than Amanda does. Unknown_01: Sorry, but thank you. Cole Cole for five says, I just got into contact with my ex-GF by talking about anime fanfiction. Wish me luck, everyone. Oh, my God. Well, press F for Cole Cole, who's going to fucking die because he got into contact with his ex by talking about anime and fanfiction. That's a recipe for disaster. 2:09:54 Unknown_01: Silvio Dante for one says, Hey, Josh, have a bit of a belated birthday gift. I hope you enjoy it. Unknown_00: Why are you doing this? I may not see this and think this is edited. 2:10:29 Unknown_01: I would immediately throw this away. I would immediately recognize that this is edited. Unknown_01: Stop trolling for local news companies. They don't need to be implicated in your dirtiness, your filth. Unknown_01: Twinkle Tart for $100 says, Happy belated birthday. Your 30s are a little better in some ways than your 20s, but remember when you hit 40, be prepared to buy Mustang and Baldo if you haven't already. Unknown_01: um i don't know man if i had what ricada has i would probably go into gardening to be quite honest with you i'd probably start farming instead but thank you very much uh danciak for two says muggles kermit 50 oh i see muggles commit more than 50 percent 2:11:16 Unknown_01: And you know what's funny? Actually, this is a real true statistic about the Harry Potter Wizarding World, is that it's true that muggles commit 50%, but most people don't know this, that... Unknown_01: Muggle phobia is more common in the cities and places where, you know, like the ambassadors of the wizarding world who have to like live amongst muggles. Those are the people who are the most muggle phobic. But when you live in the wizarding world, surrounded by wizards, you think, well, there's not, you know, muggles can't be so bad. You know, they're just like us. You think, well, surely, you know, they're just, just like you and me. They just don't have magic. But then you talk to these people who work in the muggle realm and they come back and they are always the most muggle phobic every time. 2:11:48 Unknown_01: true story, uh, eat dirt, drink bleach for five, says, I like anime, but I'm too fat and lazy to turn out, I guess I'll die like a man, also, I put in an order for patches, but I don't know if my order is confirmed, how'd I know, thanks, church, you should get an email for it, um, if not, feel free to email me, you should also get a confirmation, like, on your, your card, buddy, uh, I'm definitely getting, like, email notices about orders and stuff, though, 2:12:27 Unknown_01: Um, yeah, just email the email on the front page. If you have a question, Terry for 10 says, Hey Josh, come back to the matrix room. We missed you. I have to, I still have to figure out what to do with my hardware. Hopefully I'll do that. Um, this month, uh, Pia Deke for five says, forgot to say Merry New Year. Droog as in my droog as in my friend, a fun fact in Russia, drug means friend. Oh, well, there you go. I, I, I know something and then I explain it and it's already explained to me in the super channel. Thank you. anonymous for five says the nerds went out and farted on the balls of hasbro and wtc thus forcing them to roll back their bad policy it will face the the the n1 nerds are rising up and committing hate crimes against hasbro and since hasbro is a megacorp i i endorse this 2:13:14 Unknown_01: um and i'll suffice this stop with the reddit talking points talk about queen amberlynn reed oh my god amberlynn has done nothing of interest in forever she just buys legos and and draws in her fucking diary i she's so insipid and awful i fucking hate her turbo neil green for two says you should fart on hasbro's training boss why is everyone talking about farting on balls today do you like organize this in some weird fan group or some shit Unknown_01: thank you the cornering for five says josh please stop stealing my shtick i don't talk about chris chen or ethan ralph well i don't watch the quartering so i don't know what he talks about it was asked of me and i find it interesting because i'm interested in the license and stuff mango cobra for one says wt didn't cancel it they leaked it was leaked they're waiting for the outrage to die down however the company um however the company paizo and other companies made their own license and system 2:14:11 Unknown_01: I think that someone else has more to add to this, too. That's right. Someone else superchats later on to say something about Pathfinder. But if you're into D&D, I guess you should try out Pathfinder if you don't want to support Hasbro being gay and shit. Unknown_01: I suppose I can do that. It raises if you donate more money. Fun fact. I don't know anything about Dungeons & Dragons, so I can't really, like, commentate. I... 2:15:02 Unknown_01: I find roleplay too cringe. I can't get into it. It just makes my skin crawl. Like pretending to be shit. I don't know why. It's too dense a form of escapism. Where you're literally pretending to be somebody else. Unknown_01: It makes me very uncomfortable. Unknown_01: Abominable Home, the same with anime. Abominable Home Man for two says, PSA, you should only drink sports drinks that get irritated if you're actually exercising. The extra electrolytes they add can mess you up if you drink it casually like soda. I did not know that. 2:15:35 Unknown_15: Thank you. Unknown_01: Uh, Rex to net Rex, 10 Rex, 10 doors for four 81 says, imagine the bog hog got composted. It would feed the human civilization from Williams. But if Ralph got composted, you know, you know, for a fact we'd be making some, some, uh, corn. And I imagine that there's corn based liquors, right? So we'd have to make some corn based liquor out of that corn too. They do it proper justice. Anonymous produces Amazon fired on their own balls with pseudo anime advertisements. 2:16:09 Unknown_01: I have no idea what you're talking about. I apologize. Thank you, though. I imagine they didn't. I remember that there was a trend of commercials having Hatsune Miku, the Vocaloid, in them, and people thought that was cringe and gay. Unknown_01: Whopper Lover says, I've been craving a seared bite. Which burger do you recommend to get a seared bite? Unknown_01: I would suggest, if you have Whataburger, get number four. That's still number four, the jalapenos. Whataburger's the best. Whataburger's what got me eating beef again. I didn't eat beef for like 10 years. And then I had a Whataburger, and I was like, fuck it, this is good. 2:16:42 Unknown_01: Best Wiggler on the Farm for 10 says, what should I draw Slabbermunt doing? Parentheses, I'll draw it. Unknown_01: We want direct input from me. Does chat want to provide commentary on what Slabbermunt should be doing? Unknown_01: um i don't know how about celebrating the 10th anniversary of the site i was thinking i have to do a merch run for the 10th anniversary i'm really torn on what to do i'm either torn and don't vote because i'm not i'm not going to base my opinion based on chat feed deck but i'm thinking of either doing plushies or uh 52 card deck 53 card actually because it has jokers on it 54 because there's two jokers um and just having every card be based off a locale i would probably do chris as the queen of hearts 2:17:32 Unknown_01: Elliot Rodgers the king of hearts and then I would probably make like the spades or the clubs all trune affiliated um and do install stuff for the hearts and do um different stuff for I would find a theme and I'll get them to work I put like the most important people at the top of the of on the face cards but still do little person themes for every every uh number card too I think that would be really fun for like a 10th anniversary of the site Unknown_01: spade spades that's a great that's a great marketing name they can call each one like the the lonely hearts the spade spades that's a that's funny i'll probably go with the cards i'm kind of stuck on the idea i've been thinking about it for a long time um anonymous for two says shanny left carrot dick and g-man because they let they let her fart on their balls you know it wasn't even funny in south park 2:18:33 Unknown_01: I'll put it that way. John Doe for 15 says, have a drink on me or pizza. I will. Thank you very much. Pizza day is on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you. Unknown_01: Sergeant Fraggle Rock for 10 says, keep fighting the fight. Thank you. Unknown_01: uh uppercase i internet for 101 wait no it's 101 dollars one dollar and one cent says hold on i was right it is 101 sorry chat i'm a bit sussy today thank you uppercase i uppercase i uppercase internet who gives 101 and says nothing thank you anonymous for 11 47 says love you jerish you fat curvo doesn't that mean like bitch in polish 2:19:17 Unknown_10: Curvo in Polish. Unknown_10: Oh, I have to unlock unsafe content. Yes, Curvo means bitch. Unknown_01: That is an awful language. I feel really bad for Polish people who have to speak that shit just to get, like, apple juice at a grocery store. Okay. Unknown_01: You use it like hello. 2:19:49 Unknown_01: Ferretta, I'm pretty sure this is the prime image, but the bugged out eyes are really disconcerting. Ouch. Unknown_01: People are sending me so many fucking links today. I need a limit on that. Unknown_01: no this this is an edit making fun of it bro nice try this i googled this and i saw this too it's not this black guy this black guy like runs a youtube channel is making fun of the ad prime thing the real one is like a really really scary black woman um you'll know it if you see it though Unknown_01: Thank you, though. Hacks Elite for five says, do you like kale juice? I've never had kale juice, but kale is very good for you. Kale is one of the most nutritious vegetables that you can eat, you know. Thank you. Doink the Clown for five says, I gave a friend a quick coin and his house was robbed recently. The coin was part of reparations or something. Do you think the poverty stricken black man understands when he sees the coin? 2:20:25 Unknown_01: um if that man has that coin he's he's living a cursed life anyone who would steal a quick coin lives a cursed life a half life um but chances are he was probably gangbanging himself into a graven to begin with thank you black them is prime for 107 so they found an amazon creepy black woman on my phone you mentioned at the start of the stream enjoy yes this is it this is actually it look at this shit 2:21:13 Unknown_01: i mean it's like a meme but this this i opened my email one day and i saw this trying to encourage me to buy stuff with amazon prime and i'm like what the fuck is your marketing team doing i think that it's like a meme now where they try to find the most unsettling people possible to be stock photo actors because it like gets your eye like you see a fat crippled black woman with curly hair you're thinking what the fuck is that and it gets you to pay attention to like sheer shock value uh to to the product i think that's the intention like i'm talking about amazon prime i think that's the intent is like scare people into looking at what you're doing let me take this off so we can focus on the super chats again but thank you black them as prime for actually finding it because i would i suffered trying to i'm pretty sure like i i swear to god they nuked that shit off the internet though i really searched for it Unknown_01: anonymous for one says shitty limerick journals are much like a moth kiwi farms is the flame that they want send josh an email no way this could fail so no response back fuck off right very good thank you very much no nowadays i just say quit your job because you're a part of a media empire that doesn't even tolerate you to begin with um frog god says it will be way too late by the time you're reading this but i found the picture on nine gag 2:22:36 Unknown_01: Oh, this one's a different edit, so I'll show it because it's funny. Unknown_01: Look. No, literally, this is how I felt when I saw this image. I felt like I was being stared at by an evil monster that was going to attack me. It really scares you. Unknown_10: Thank you, though. King Child Lover. Oh, jeez. Unknown_01: king child i'm very tempted to just not read this that's so sussy that it sets off my alarms i'm gonna pre-read it actually no i'm not gonna read this one off sorry dead zone professors my friends and i played blockland as kids and i can wholeheartedly attest that playing that game is worse for the mentals than being molested kiwi farm is blockland server when it would actually be banned i think i don't know if it's fully uh peer-to-peer 2:23:31 Unknown_01: um i think you can de-index people from the uh from the server list at least kind of like they did on uh space station i think we got the remove from the the station list dainty's archipelago for 107 107 dollars i should clarify mongoose eggs here's for another year of laughs thanks for all you do josh thank you dainty is archipelago for 107 dollars um Unknown_01: know what i meant though it was a very clear image of what that parasite type person is like though i was the the women the council of ephemoids responded to my mongoose egg thing where i was saying that there are some women that don't seek out proper relationships on their own they look for existing relationships to inject themselves into because they already know that that man is a good man if he's in a relationship so she just wants to get into the nest kill the wife and eat the eggs so that she can lay her own eggs into the nest with that man um and it kind of was like a mix of like a cow bird and like a mongoose is what i was coming up with however the wahmen said that actually women that want to get into a relationship like that aren't actually interested in stealing the man and having kids with them so much as they are trying to prove that they're so attractive that married men who have a lot to lose by having an affair with them would still have that affair because it's just like an ego trip thing where it's like haha i can get your husband to try and fuck me because i'm so hot basically is what they said it's still a bpd thing but it's like not what i was describing that's what the that's what the beauty parlor girls said 2:24:29 Unknown_01: thank you though uh anonymous for 22.95 says 100 for pizza fun and show baby pigeon photos ps fuck you keffels you bald fat motherfucking prolapse ugly tranny get section t get action t forward or strung up by your mutilated nut cycle please it's very violent uh i just want keffels to go away just play your fucking video game shoot up your hrt don't fuck around with kids like how hard is this you nobody knew or cared about keffels just just do that literally just play your fucking video games and leave them kids alone um the baby pigeons they've they've all flown away they left the nest a long time ago they're all doing fine i'm sure they have their own eggs by now it's been a full season since then 2:25:38 Unknown_01: Thank you. Haramberger42 says, Josh, you have made a second Steam account so you can partake in the Hogwarts legacy without your trans friends being alerted. Please put my $2 for your Onyx Hippogriff pre-order amount Hufflepuff. Unknown_01: um no i'll just play it on my main i've never heard of a steam account getting banned because of outrage if i i mean if my steam account gets banned like whatever it's a lot of money tied into it through like dlc and items and like dota and shit but i'm not gonna like live in fear of that i'll just say that like this is what happened i'll post about it and people can talk about how shit valve is but i i don't think valve is that shit 2:26:42 Unknown_01: um winston fujimori for five says last week you were talking shit on me for liking vtubers but now the vtubers anime viewers save the day total anime right victory yeah not quite they dox one dog fucker because he liked he had the wrong ocean he wanted to be head peppa pipkins or peppa pig peppa peppa peppa peppa peppa pipkins Unknown_01: that's not a win okay that's just that's just like in the world of karma the japanese believe in karma right it's like the yin and the yang have to be balanced out it's just it's just a little bit of the equalizing effect going on there uh ruggy for fire says scuba guy is cooler anyways i have no fucking idea what that means thank you the rug Anonymous for Five says, Amazon Prime Day pick is on post. Well, too late, motherfucker. Everybody else gave it to me. Thank you, though. Anonymous for Five says, talk about the OnlyFans whore who got kicked off for fucking a dog. A good opportunity to play the song again. That's why I played the song, to talk about the fucking, the footer girl going out and saying, like, dog sexuality is a new frontier in human sexuality. Like, fuck off. 2:27:34 Unknown_01: Thank you. Yeah, right. That shit's not going to last. Don't even try. Nice joke. Well, his mom's house, his mom's rules, which is why it's kind of embarrassing that he's living with her still. The internet celebrity route doesn't work out for everybody, unfortunately. 2:28:21 Unknown_01: absurdist chuckle fuck for five says disappointed elephant man sticker please yeah that's disappointed elephant man sometimes i read a post i'm thinking you know what this reminds me of that time that elephant guy in that furry convention was disappointed and i really wish i go for the sticker i'm like how do they not have this rating on on the post on the kiwi farms i can't believe ventard 10 for 10 74 says accelerate here's some shekels to rent time in a sauna to relax oh i have um Unknown_10: I have bought this, actually. Unknown_01: I'm going to give you guys a preview. There exists that is sold in stores a fine import from Finland. One of the only things that I know actually comes from Finland. It is called Samiaki. Samiaki chat. Let me turn off the color filter here so you can look at this. Unknown_01: um salmiakki is a black licorice chocolate it is a chocolate with a black licorice core and i like it i like it a lot actually i have bought this this is sitting in my kitchen and on sunday chat i will be getting my slot pizza that is my hollandaise sauce ground beef pizza and I'm going to take a picture of my slot pizza and my bar of salmiakki next to it, and I'm going to put this on post. I'm just going to completely pull out my cock and balls. I'm going to put it on the table and take a picture of it and say, here is my hollandaise sauce pizza and my black licorice chocolate to wash it down with. Internet, do you have an issue? Is there a problem here? It appears that my superiority has caused some discussion, some quarrelsome discussion on the Internet. 2:29:33 Unknown_01: We thought sir. I mean like a fucking king. I don't know what go is live you're talking about You're just jealous that you don't get to imbibe such wonder such wonders. You know that you know how that kid and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe sells out his his his own flesh and blood for Turkish delights which are just shitty gelatin cubes with sugar and You would sell out your flesh and blood for some Turkish delights. I can imbibe the salmiakki and hollandaise sauce pizza and not have to sell out anybody for it. 2:30:12 Unknown_01: That's what's going on here. Unknown_01: um oh there it is rabbi herschel lieberman berg blatchstein for 15 says josh so is the bbw folder absolutely fucking not don't even joke about such things rabbi thank you though i i can't believe i got paid to read that tweet that's the real surprise here or that uh the message 2:31:07 Unknown_01: Sika Lothar for 17 says you played 37 seconds of the Gunt News Network last week, so I owe you $17. Thank you for airing 37 seconds of the Gunt News Network. Remember to tune in and like and subscribe. Thank you, Sika Lothar. Good luck with your Gunt News. Unknown_01: Dante 14 says Pete's is now caring for a cat literally named after the black dude chant how he cucked him with those true That's why people think that he's like murdering the cat But it's like that's why he calls it Casey by the way not BBJ because BB was the black guy that she fucked after and cheated on him with and She started calling it BBJ out of nowhere after she got with the black guys servants like why are you calling your your dark gray cat? the same name as your boyfriend and But let's just face it, Pete still calls it KCN. 2:31:49 Unknown_01: um bacon's here for two says thoughts on backed dot buy so first of all um i only became aware of this today and it is allegedly by dick masterson it's a new like crowdfunding platform a success for a new project too it has art by that he he funny guy which is very recognizable however i'm only guessing that it's by dick because i've been told it's by dick it has the the he he funny guy artwork on it however i've checked the about page i've checked the information page i don't know anything about any of that um so i i really don't know anything about it however my first sorry my first concern like looking at it is that the dot by domain name do you know what country dot by is chat just i want to see if anyone knows off the top of their head besides me i know what every top level domain name is for some reason i wonder if anyone else does 2:32:27 Unknown_01: voice crack yeah i'm getting there super 107 has it belarus by is the top level domain name of the state of belarus the only dictatorship in europe uh currently the only ally of russia which puts it in a very precarious situation where that domain might be seized like at random like if especially especially to have like a money a money site that involves like Unknown_01: um collecting funds and disbursing funds on behalf of people in the most regulated industries in the entire country to have that on the dot by domain name i would not go with that i would say right now if it's really early into the project it's a nice domain name maybe use it for like a link shortener or something Don't stick with I would not stick with dot bui or for the top level domain Maybe i'm just being like overly cautious, but that's um your two dollars worth of advice Do not put your fucking financial website on a belarusian top level domain because that is controlled by the government in the belarus And I guarantee you that there's going to be issues that come up with that in the next few years Um question mark for 107 says 2:33:37 Unknown_01: I can guess what that means. I don't think so, buddy. You have to go find your god king somewhere else. You have to become your own god king. Sigma male grind set. Unknown_01: You gotta got konig yourself, homie. Unknown_01: You mentioned earlier some woman on Twitter showing off that she fucks dogs. What the hell is that about? Exactly what it sounds like. She's like Whitney, Wisconsin, saying, I fuck dogs. Ain't nothing wrong about that. It's consensual dog sex. And then she says, I'm actually trans dog. I was born dog, and dogs are just my real identity, so... 2:34:32 Unknown_01: um yeah it's it's a mix i would say that it's like purely attention seeking except for the fact that there's pictures of her fucking her dog so it could be like intense uh like attention seeking but also be a real thing at the same exact time but yeah you know how that be that's pretty fucking gross anonymous for oh now it's for five says virgo rouge is homeless take her in please oh that's right she was like in a 2:35:12 Unknown_01: in a like being evicted unfortunately her her her channel changes like constantly so i can't i i don't know it offhand maybe i'll look into that for next stream that could be funny or it could be sad or it could be funny and sad Unknown_01: But I didn't know that. DZ from 20 says, please, please, would you consider incorporating some of your cute adages into the designs for your next shirt runs? I have ones that say, be the change you want to see. Make more, please. Unknown_01: Well, I mean, those are just like boomerisms. I didn't come up with those. Unknown_01: I don't think. Maybe I did. Maybe I put my own twists on them. But. don't know i'm i'm hesitant to ever make merch any kind of like politics or philosophy because i want them to have broad appeal because that's the goal is that you should be able to buy them and wear them in the street not be assassinated uh or shunned by your by your friends and family but maybe uh piedique for five says justin roiland is another male feminist that has beaten a woman that has ruined red letter media justin roiland was in red letter media 2:36:23 Unknown_01: Oh, they, they hid that. I remember they, they hit, um, the fucking, the videos with that other creepy fuck that, um, that, that utter queer, I forget his name. They unlisted all their videos involving him. And I guess they would Max Landis. Yes. Uh, all the videos involving Max Landis, he was accused of sexual assault or harassment or some shit. And they unlisted all their videos with him. And I think they, if this guy was on it, they also did him. They have some other unfunny fucking guy. That's like a real Hollywood producer. Um, and I'm sure that he's going to get accused of sexual assault too, because he's not funny. And he had some big drama recently where he was acting like a retard on, uh, on Twitter. 2:36:58 Unknown_01: What's his name? What's the name of the guy that's like a producer? Macaulay Culkin is fine. Macaulay Culkin is fine, and he's the only one that says Michael Jackson didn't molest him. Everyone else says that he got molested by Michael Jackson. He denies it. So I'm liable to believe him because he seems like a nice guy. No, not Neil Bream. Patton Oswalt. That's it. That guy's going to get accused of sexual assault eventually, too, based on how things are going. Not because I know anything. A cool fellow for five says, Josh, if I can find a house that isn't insanely overpriced, doesn't have an insane mortgage rate, I will take your mail. I am heavily armed. If you live in Wisconsin or Wyoming or South Dakota and you have a house that you own outright, I'll let you. I'll let you. You have to send me all your docs. I have to know who the fuck you are. I have to be able to sue you if you fuck with my mail. 2:37:35 Unknown_01: But I'll let you. short trumba for 10 says i'm sorry for annoying you please unban me i missed c chat this motherfucker every time i came into chat she said fuck you and get away go away josh and then i started talking about eight chance moderation policies and she implied i was a pedophile and i was like bitch who the fuck do you think you are where the fuck you're in my chat 2:38:16 Unknown_01: And I can't even like talk about 8chan when the topic is brought up without you calling me a pedophile in my own house, chat. Can you fucking believe that? Unknown_01: He has a crush on you. That's why he believes you. I think it's a girl. It's either a girl or a tranny. They're all trannies. I don't know. You did pay $10. That's more than what most people would. I will unban you from chat because you paid me $10. Unknown_10: better not be a annoying man okay it is done you can now sneak chat refresh the page ruggy for one says racket ricketts tattoo reminds me of the green day 21st century breakdown album cover which makes it gayer and funnier well let's see it oh yeah this is very similar too 2:39:12 Unknown_10: This is also very similar to, uh, I guess, I mean, I guess the embrace thing is like not that unique a concept for like art, but it do be like that. Don't know. Unknown_10: No, I fucked up my place. Unknown_11: Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. Fuck. Unknown_10: okay found it again don't worry fork spark for 215 says how do we reset our kf account if we just use a throwaway 2:39:54 Unknown_01: You can't. That is why when you register on the page, there is explicit information saying do not use a throwaway email address because you will need it. It has been the same message for several fucking years. There's flashing red letters. There's a video. There's two paragraphs that says read, read this. And people still don't fucking read it. How hard is it? Get a password manager. Make an alter ego email address. That's it. You should be doing that anyways. It shouldn't be a Kiwi Prime specific thing. Learn how to use a password manager and a fucking alter ego. Come on. 2:40:25 Unknown_01: TomPillowGamer45 says, when will Bad at the Video Game Stream come back? Those are my favorite. If you go back to streaming video, you should play Vampire the Masquerade Bloodline. It's a short, quick, and fun RPG. Like I said, I'll do the Harry Potter thing in February, and then if I have time, I'll start doing it on the weekend. Actually, I should mention this while I have time. I will be doing a special video game stream on the weekend. TurkeyTom has, against his own better judgment... 2:40:58 Unknown_01: and uh caution invited me on to play minecraft with him tomorrow it will just be me and him playing some minecraft together talking about stuff with his audience i suppose um but that's my plan for tomorrow i will post it on the community tab when i have a more strict understanding of when that's supposed to go down I told him, apparently he streams on YouTube. I told him, do not just stream this on Twitch. You will be banned from Twitch if you do. Unknown_01: So I look forward to that. I'll post it everywhere when I have a more set in stone time. But it should be tomorrow, I think, or the day after on Sunday. Unknown_01: Haas Delgado for five says, channeling my positive energy tonight to win the billion and help you start the Kiwi ISP. I give you my energy, bro. Get that fucking cheddar. Let's do it. We're going to be business partners. Year of the Rabbit is our year, my boy. We're going to make some bank. We're going to trigger the libs, own the libs. 2:41:50 Unknown_01: LIC Wiener for two says, I'm looking for an old Maddie stream where you covered an Onision clone who groomed his fans. Been looking for it since last January, but cannot remember the name. Unknown_01: Are you talking about the spooky voice guy? The guy who did the gravelly voice thing and read creepypastas and had like a bunch? That's the only thing I can think of as far as an Onision fan goes. 2:42:22 Unknown_01: I don't remember his name offhand, though. Unknown_01: Does anyone know what I'm talking about with the corpse husband? Yeah. Unknown_01: I don't know offhand, but the corpse husband is probably who I would guess is what you're referring to. Unknown_01: Has Delgado for five says channeling my positive. General Mal for 1074 says can you unban me and I won't be a dick in DRL chats and all that shit. I promise I won't be a complete dick anymore. I'm actually a huge fan. General Mal is like a weirdo from Encyclopedia Dramatica. He has his... Is he banned? 2:42:57 Unknown_01: I thought I just had his account on every restriction possible because he's so fucking annoying. He is banned. What did I ban this guy for? Unknown_01: Banned. Unknown_01: Ends never. Okay. Actually, he was not banned manually. He was banned because he got warned. He has six warning on his counts. Unknown_01: Trombonista gave him a warning for wanting to dox miners, which isn't warnable, actually. 2:43:32 Unknown_01: I guess, let me see that post. Is that post really creepy? If it's really creepy, I won't ban you. Unknown_01: Well done. She is a clown. I approve of your work. What do you know about her family's kids? Look for schools, go for teachers reports if you can get them. Unknown_01: I think that is a joke. Unknown_01: That reads like a joke. I'm going to hold it to a poll. Sure, why not? I'll read it again before I do the poll. He says in reply to someone posting information, well done, she's a clown and I approve of your work. What do you know about her family's kids? Look for schools, go for teacher's reports if you can get them. Is this a joke? I will ask chat, was this a joke? 2:44:05 Unknown_01: If the answer is yes, I will delete the warning which will automatically unban your account. Unknown_10: We'll see. Okay. Unknown_01: Waiting for it. 18 votes are in. 98 votes are in. 80% of them say no. 220, 80% say no. It does not look like you're getting unbanned, General Mill. The people have decided that you are a creepy weirdo, and I should not expire that warning. 2:44:42 Unknown_01: I apologize, but you of all people would know that this is a people's dictatorship, and I always go by my polls when I do them. Unknown_01: Sounds like a spurg. Never leave a Dan world buddy. Okay. I'll call it there. Not going to change near for three for five for two, one, two 15. That threw me off for two 15 says, looking forward to more of your video streams. Unknown_01: Uh, little cows have been boring lately. Well, they've been okay. Unknown_01: um yeah i'd like to stream more it'll be fun playing the harry potter game like i said i'll probably stream it for three days once it's like brand new before the general release and then hopefully that i think a lot of people who watch my streams will just watch that because it'll be like is this game actually worth getting it's already like the top seller because so many people are gonna trigger the libs on the libs but uh hopefully i'll provide some insight if the game's actually fun and i'll uh uh 2:45:35 Unknown_01: i'll hold polls if i should be black if i should join hufflepuff we'll have fun apparently the character creator is very flexible i'm not sure if they allow trans or not that's something that's like a big ass right now if they can do that Unknown_01: Ice Bank Mice Elf. That's pretty good. As far as like a mnemonic goes, that's pretty good. Ice Bank Mice Elf. Because it sounds exactly like him, but you can't figure out what you're trying to say. Unknown_01: For 322 says, Josh, my GF wants you to say her name, which is Maria. She won't let me have sex with her. Unknown_01: unless i pretend to be you i hate my life sorry for involving you in this piece that's that's a that's a fucking joke i mean i did say maria i'm not gonna say it again though hey that's kind of weird i'm debating if i should say it should read those because it's a bit strange chat a bit strange 2:46:33 Unknown_01: um pure blood wizard for 537 says on muggle and wizard violence my cousin was pushed off her broom by muggle for no reason a few months ago yet said not all muggles are like that she lives a coddled muggle free community yeah it is frustrating when you have people who have like nothing but negative experiences but then they're so brainwashed that they um are gonna believe whatever they want to believe about muggles and shit Unknown_01: I have experience with these people. It's so depressing. It's like... Because they think that allowing... It's a modern complex that people who believe being selfless at a deficit... to give up your own security and stability for the benefit of other people is itself a virtue and to not do that is selfish and being selfish in any way shape and form is inherently a bad thing and it's not you have if you want to help people you must first have yourself a secure foundation you cannot help anybody without first having yourself on solid footing and when your community has gone to shit when your life is shit when everything sucks you can't help other people you can't help them by giving what little you already have and it's a it's a modern mental illness that people have adopted in mass to like be selfless to a fault to the point where it's not like a virtue it's like a sickness 2:47:34 Unknown_01: Koliadante15 says Pathfinder and other D20 games were built under the 1.0 OGL license. That's what it allows. Under 1.1, Paizo would have been litigatively raped until their eyes bled if they tried to build their own. Unknown_01: Well, good luck with them trying to deal with Hasbro for trying to retroactively change the license. Unknown_01: Sounds like a pain in the ass. Unknown_01: um u.s citizenship and immigration service for 20 says thank you for all your do all you do josh here is money 2:48:31 Unknown_01: What the fuck is that a reference to? Is this saying that I get people to go to the United States? Is that the takeaway from this? Has anyone ever felt compelled to move to the United States because of my podcast? Or maybe I'm just really hurting immigration numbers by talking about the U.S., that now they have more time and money because nobody's visiting the U.S. anymore. Unknown_01: I mean, here's the fact. If you want to visit the U.S. and you're not in the Merrimont, you have to be vaxxed. And the question is, how many fucking people are really going to get vaxxed to visit the shithole that is the United States? How much do you really want to go see the fucking Grand Canyon? And you're going to go shoot retard juice into yourself to go see it. Nobody. Nobody except the buggiest of the bug men chat. People who already got the retard juice. 2:49:04 Unknown_10: um lira prashi oh that's like a pony sex twitter reference pretends is that you should play chub chomp chill by solitary scribbles for a stream and make your waifu chantelle soral or your husband ethan i have no idea what that's a reference to um Unknown_10: It's a game. 2:49:38 Unknown_10: Okay, maybe. Oh, for like an after game stream. Unknown_01: Maybe. Unknown_01: I'll try to remember that. Rambot's only fan for 3. Unknown_01: I can't believe people listen to Rambot. He's such an insipid fucking retard. Unknown_01: For 3 says, can you please say Pregamen? I laugh when I hear you say that. Pregamen. Did you know that... Unknown_01: ran bot wants to impregnate a retarded anime girl called megaman who is then when pregnant called pregnant and he thinks that this will save the white race somehow by having pregnant with a swastika flag on his stream very strange person very funny very sad too xxx vomit your soul xxx for five says i'm gay fart on my balls daddy josh anonymous for five says always enjoy the streams thank you anonymous he's barry for 537 says did you know keno casino's frontman ashton's original pseudonym was actually p but his co-host speech impediment eventually decided to rename himself ppp that andy sounded less retarded that would be funny if i didn't know that it was the people's populist press was his old nickname i guess the new fags don't know that though uh funny joke though 2:50:21 Unknown_01: Billy Evans for three says, Josh, please shout out my recently incarcerated friend, Scar. He defended himself against his girlfriend after she farted on his balls. Absolutely mortified. Justified beating IMO. I can't believe he was arrested. Unknown_01: That sucks to hear for your friend, Scar. Now Mr. Five says thoughts on AI being used to create working malware. That's base. I hope everything. I hope that computers start building malware faster than computers can build antivirus and all computers everywhere are just ruined forever in a perpetual malware lockdown. Is it psych? It's schizophrenic and it keeps making its own malware. Master Doodle for two says, I miss out on some of this, but I'll listen later tonight when I'm animating. 635 frames of animation for an assignment. That sounds like a pain in the ass. That's also very expensive once you try to hire an animator to do anything. 2:51:14 Unknown_01: UltraNiggy for two says, Happy New Year, Josh. By the way, remember that black Amazon woman from Leonardo, a biz YouTube video at 157. Sorry, one more clip. Unknown_01: Oh, yeah. Unknown_01: Oh, yeah. This guy does use a lot. The reason why it sticks out in memory, by the way, is that it was... 2:51:45 Unknown_01: This guy uses, like, a lot of stock photos to create his videos. Unknown_01: They're very good, and it's used in those. That's the You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy guy is, like, the main character of this. Unknown_01: And then his supervisor is a scary black lady. Vice Deputy Senior Second Assistant Will Manager, HR Department. Unknown_09: waging number two twenty one seven seven new transfer yes this video uh all leonardo of business videos are pretty good i like um here we go some party rockers this is the last the last videos of quality actually the best one is um 2:52:46 Unknown_10: actually it is you will be happy i think you yeah it's you will be happy watch this one by leonardo it's a good video sorry i got distracted um curves for five says i appreciate your friend keep doing what you do a smiley face thank you short shrimp for 10 says thank you you're welcome none of us for five says frederick knudsen down the rabbit hole has turned into the disgusting gay furry Unknown_02: Would you not? Would I date a shark with two cocks? Unknown_02: Would you not? Unknown_10: Yeah, that makes sense. Unknown_10: That makes sense, to be honest with you. 2:53:41 Unknown_01: Dainty's Archipelago for 1074 says, would you go on Drexel's podcast if he invited you? Oh, God. Maybe. I don't know. Probably not. I would disagree with him on everything, and I would just attribute it to him being black. I don't really think that there's a productive conversation to be made between me and Drexel. I apologize. Unknown_01: Has it really been? Oh, I thought it had been four hours. I was like, holy shit. What have I done? Okay, that's all. Don't dip anymore. Ah, fuck! There's more. There's Odyssey. I keep forgetting about the Odyssey chat. Unknown_10: um i'm gonna be stuck here for it am i am i gonna like get so many super chats i'm just gonna have to be like i can't i can't do this i can't do this anymore now there's only one on odyssey okay good i am piano for 10 says was it a horny pirate's worst nightmare what is a horny pirate's worst nightmare a sunken chest with no booty 2:54:41 Unknown_01: That's pretty good, actually, as a joke goes. Very nice. Thank you very much. Okay, that's it. I'm done. Thank you, everybody. Thank you for watching. Thank you for sticking around through the Super Chat slogs. I know a lot of people, I hope, and it's my true hope that I make the Super Chats worth listening to because I was very, very reluctant to start doing them. So I would be a little bit dismayed if it's like everyone hated the Super Chat part, but I really don't know. Unknown_01: I have this song picked out. It's by Burger Child. It's called Sneeze, Feed, and Seed. Enjoy. And I'll see you next week. actually i'll see you on the weekend uh if you watch the turkey tub thing i'll see you next week uh regular time ralphamania is next week it's tomorrow actually so that should be a lot of fun see you bye-bye you'll get all you need that's needs feed and seed it's a mystery what this place used to be this story is more than just a funny sign 2:55:14 Unknown_16: It's a place worth spending your time. Get out, you city slicks. This place is run by hicks. To get here, you must go far. In your fancy German car, we don't sell those. Guess you're out of luck. Go call Chuck. That means we just got beaten seed. 2:55:50 Unknown_16: We don't sell those guests you're out of luck. Don't call Chuck. I'd say it's we just got even seed. 2:56:34 Unknown_16: He knows the bore What happened at his store The old sign above the door He feels a whole lot more Meet and sell those guests you're out of luck Go call Chuck That's neat, we just got beaten soon Meet and sell those guests you're out of luck Go call Chuck That's neat, we just got beaten soon Unknown_16: There's what you want.