I've been working way too much, need to get out and get fucked up. What's going on? Where's it at? Make some calls to make it crack, let's see. I need money, drugs, a riding spot with hot winds and sun. The mission, to get all of the above in a limited amount of time. I can do this and it's done. Like that, we're on our way. Be it acid on the tongue, cocaine in your brain, or some weed that hits your lungs like a runaway train. Hell yeah, from DMT to MDMA. Got all this shit and more, so till dawn we're okay. Fuck a line every time, get in, get a drink, and lose some eyes. All eyes on the dime that makes your dick wanna grind. No, you gotta get what's going, cause everything is flowing. Skirt so short, her ass is showing. And she's looking so you know, and you could get it tonight. But there's so much to rap, let's take your time, do it right.
As you keep getting higher, lights look like they're on fire. Soon all that's left of you is your most primal desires. Ass clapping, dick sucking, lock the door to the bathroom, quick fucking, find a hole and it can happen. But it's nothing, cause you're drunk and they'll be blacking out before you even get a chance to think about what you do.
hello everybody how is everyone oh my god um so hello hello hello uh this is the last stream for the year of 2022 i will be playing soma over the weekend but that will be it i will not be doing any more things until the new year assuming that we make it to the new year
Unknown_03: For this stream since not much has happened and I used to do these way back when I have lined up a list of names that I could think of today. I was uh, I kind of went back over my catalog of Streams and I tried to find some stuff to talk about from what I had talked about in the past and I do have those topics and I'm just checking my bitrate. So hopefully everything is gonna be fine. I
Unknown_03: I played intro music. I can't believe I've never played Death Grips before for the Kiwi farms or for the intro stream. Anyways, so I have a list of like people I kind of went through and I very lazily put together where they were at at the start of the year. Anything interesting that I could think of that had happened throughout the year, where they're at now at the end of the year. And as a little bonus, just to pad things out, I'm going to speculate. I'm going to lock in predictions about where every single person I can think of will be in the year of 2023. Hopefully that will provide some.
This is the appropriate time to retrospect on the year and take in what has happened. This is the first year in a long time where it's felt very long.
Most years fly by these days. As I get older, of course, time becomes shorter and shorter, it seems. But 2022 has felt like a lot has happened. It has been a very arduous year, I think, for most people.
Unknown_03: So there is a lot to actually think about as we approach Christmas and the new year.
Unknown_03: Um, let's see, where do I, where do I even want to do? I just want to like dive in and just start talking about things. I can't bitch about it. Can we look at where the U S is at for, uh, Oh my God. What the fuck?
I've never seen, I think 500 is the largest tip I've ever received. Thank you very much. Kiwi farms. I don't think that's the real Kiwi farms, uh, tipping $500. Thank you.
Unknown_03: Um, so geez, I'll talk about, uh,
Unknown_03: Oh, here, how about this? I figured there was an issue that has put off me restoring the Matt at the Internet site.
And that is required for the patch sale.
Unknown_03: And that is required for me to restore the archive of videos on my main site and is required for me to get the RSS feedback up. So, um, now that I've identified the issue and it's being worked on, I will hopefully in the next week be able to do the patch sale. I'll post an announcement on a post. I'll do it on telegram. I'll do it on YouTube. Uh, as soon as it comes up, I promise like people even like, did I miss the sale? Like, no, everything is fucked. my everything is completely fucked i am restoring everything that i can one at a time you've not missed anything um hopefully my shit will be coming back online soon so i can do the sale uh before christmas like it's almost all ready to go i think i have like 600 700 uh in stock the guy is making the last of them a couple of them won't be there in time for christmas but that's it as far as the birthday silver goes
I'm fucked. I there was a guy that was offering to look into getting a PO box and he would handle it for me I never heard back from him. He probably doesn't want to get involved after thinking about it Doesn't want to get anthrax or whatever. So I don't know If I figure out something and next year I'll let people know but for right now it's it's it's it's hard man
Unknown_03: A lot of stuff that I didn't even think could be fucked over was fucked over this year. Not just the internet stuff, but like losing a mailing address, losing a registered agent for a company, and that shit's hard to replace, because you have to like contact people, because now that they know that that's an angle they can go to, I have to contact people and let them know that they're going to get fucked with, people might go after them, might go after their family, and it's like they don't want to get involved, or if they are, they're like an attorney and they want a lot of money.
But I'll talk more about the form at the end. I'll save that. I'm just griping now.
Unknown_03: Um, so state of the union, what has happened to the United States in the year of 2022? Uh, Joe Biden, the strong, articulate, handsome president that he is, has been leading the United States through economic recovery. We're building back better ladies and gentlemen, and we're overseeing radical changes to our state and federal legislators. Uh, for instance, for instance,
Here in, is that gonna work?
Unknown_03: Here in Montana, the first openly trans, non-binary candidates elected to Montana legislature. So trans and non-binary, and one of the most, because you know, in case you don't know, Montana is close to the West Coast. So when people who have ruined Washington, Oregon, and California take all their big city money, and they go out to the Rocky Mountains. They go to places like Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and they completely fucking ruin it. So all the little safe states that you thought were gonna be based for a long time, the legacy of Ted Kaczynski, no, actually, it's being ruined faster and faster. You can't even keep up with it anymore. It's just all the time.
So that sucks.
Unknown_03: What are you gonna do about it, huh?
Unknown_03: Um, as far as like the U S goes, I can't think of anything too shocking that happened this year. Right. It's been, that's the, that's the thing about, um, when the, when the, uh, the, the chosen ones are elected as a, you kind of don't hear about much that's happened.
Unknown_03: There's still Alaska. Here's a fun fact about Alaska. It is 99% owned by the Bureau of Land Management. And when you go to, you think Alaska, biggest state in the country, massive fucking icebox, tons and tons of land. It is almost entirely owned by the federal government's Bureau of Land Management. You will not be able to find any property in Alaska that's connected to a grid for less than a million dollars. Have fun with that. Um, so
Russia Ukraine. Okay. Okay. I actually, I did think far enough ahead to get this one ready for you because I knew people would want me, would want me to bring this up. So, okay. This is how the year started for the Russia Ukraine war. This is April six and this is how it's going. You may notice that between then and now, absolutely none of fucking thing has happened. Like, I guess there was a little bit of a top bit, but that's all gone now. Entire year of people dying in the mud for literally fucking nothing, and forever altering the course of human history, because now the governments of the world have united to excise everything Russian from culture, memory, and economy, and society.
And it is kind of like a fight to see if countries are sovereign anymore. But I don't know.
Unknown_03: It seems like it seems like the status quo is winning. I don't know what the plan is. Putin is going to try to take these territories and make them a permanent fixture and just be like, well, we won. We got we saved our bros on the shore and we took more of the Black Sea warm water coast.
Unknown_03: So the two week special military operation has become an eight month extended trench warfare because the, as was in the past, the weapons of war have outpaced the vehicles of war, which means that it's harder to move than it was. When Blitzkrieg happened, it was the opposite. The machinations of war outclassed the weapons of war. So tanks could literally just drive over the trenches that people were digging. and take Paris in a couple weeks.
Now it's the opposite again like in the first world war where we have drones that can drop grenades and unmanned stuff that can explode and it makes moving in the conflict very expensive and human casualties so things are just kind of as they are.
Unknown_03: But I don't pay that much attention to it. So if I said something stupid, don't get mad at me. I really, I look at the border every so often. I see where the fronts are. And that's all I pay attention to. I know people study this in depth as like your career, but that's not me.
But more fun topics. I don't want to talk about war. I want to talk about fat people and retards Chantal of course first one up obviously Chantal was Had been fighting over this retarded man named Nadir al-shami a Egyptian Egyptian person Egyptian immigrant in Canada and
And this guy had convinced two fat Canadian women to fight over him and become like his meth whores. And this is a picture of him moments before beating the fuck out of Didi. Just to recap this real quick, because it lasted for two years. It was 2021 and 2022. Now, don't you worry. I'll get to everybody. If I miss somebody, I'll be here probably three hours. I'll try to make this fun and involve the chat a little bit so I can make sure I touch on everybody. But Chantel was fucking with this guy for two years. He did like meth, he did cocaine, he was just a complete fucking loser. Basically ruined her entire life.
uh made her channel like just this disgusting like pit for fat women to be obsessed with and then he managed to convince Didi and Chantal that they were going to be polyamorous with him which is basically him just fucking two fat chicks and then pitted them against each other and then after Chantal had been driven out and Didi had finally won Nadir all to herself the video was posted on facebook of him beating the fuck out of her and this is him laughing because he's like drugged out he just beat the fuck out of didi she's crying and he's like your pussy stank and he's like laughing maniacally to himself as he berates this woman and she fought for him for years years literally years to win him uh and she did win but i think chantal is the true winner because now
She has moved on. She's had to glow up. She's met Salah, who is a Syrian Andy Worsky. I don't know how he looks exactly like fucking Andy Worsky. We've confirmed this to be true. I've scientifically proven beyond a reasonable doubt that this is simply Syrian Andy Worsky. He's also he's like mildly autistic because there are videos of them talking and he just talks about
Unknown_03: Pokemon any chance he can he brings up Pokemon. It's just like super awkward, but he's out of her league So she's very happy to be there with him So good for her, I guess I have a note here. Let me let's see you Married a Syrian Kuwait slaying the unmarried haters of course of course Oh 2023 this is my prediction now everything that I'm saying when I say a prediction is
Don't think that this is just like a guess or a joke. These are my very serious predictions. I've communed with the, the ethereal realm, and these are my actual locked in predictions of what is going to happen. Completely serious.
Unknown_03: Uh, I believe that Salah has kids somewhere out there in the Syrian desert. And, but she's going to say that they're his cousins, his little cousins. And because they're in a war zone, he's going to ask Chantal cause now they're married.
and she can't have kids. Let's adopt my cousins from the Syrian war zone because they're my family. And of course, I want to get them to Canada nice and safe. And Chantal will finally have children that she was denied by having PCOS exasperated by her weight gain. So that is my 2023 locked it in prediction for Chantal.
Unknown_03: Good luck with that. Meanwhile, flip side, her roommate and ex-boyfriend Pete's
Unknown_03: How did the year start for him? Well, he came out. He came out of the closet. He's a beautiful woman named Catherine.
What do you call a man?
Unknown_03: Wait, no.
Unknown_03: Catherine is like his true name. He wanted to go with a different name, like Eugenia or something. Or Ramona, Ramona.
Unknown_03: This was his cross-dressing name. Catherine is his true name. So he came out. He did a little dance. He's feeling gendery for my girl, my girl Ramona.
Unknown_03: um now how is the year ending for peds well not so well he's having issue he's having a little bit of an issue coping with his existence fuck off thursday lane please fuck
While Chantal was out in Kuwait, glowed up, living her best life. Yas queen slay. Peetz is in the Canadian cuck shed and he has completely dropped any pretense. This is recent. This is three weeks ago. He's dropped any pretense of trying to do his transition. He just looks like Peetz. I think he realized that it was a lot of work to do makeup and dress and like look nice and stuff. So he's just like, fuck it. I'm just gonna yell about politics again. He's obsessed with American politics just cannot fucking avoid Politics
Uh, and now he is facing eviction because now that Chantal is married to a Syrian, even though he's autistic, he still has some of the cultural remnants of his, uh, his people, the Muhammad deans and the Muhammad deans, uh, women being moderate and men having dominance is important to them. So he's saying, why are you living with your ex-boyfriend? I don't care if he's a true and that makes it even weirder. To be honest, you have to stop paying his rent. He has to get the fuck out. The pizza is now facing eviction.
Unknown_03: and having nothing but total temper tantrums on live. My 2023 prediction for Pete's, and this is completely serious locking in, he's going to trune out and become a sex worker because he seems to have so much respect, respect for sex workers. I think he will become the sex worker and he will literally suck dick to pay rent. This is my prediction.
Speaking of sucking dick to pay rent, we have Queen Cthulhu, the real champion, the plot driving force of 2022. Started this year, and this is from March, as the undisputed champion of Twitch, able to pull out their sword and behead any foe on the platform. Hey, Steven, they say. I just took away your primary source of income. Please leave me alone and stop bullying trans people for content.
That's how it started. Um, how's it going?
Unknown_03: They have stopped streaming basically entirely if you look at their catalog about three months ago was their last video when they were doing like the the tour in the US They had that fake video about debating King start two months ago and 21 hours ago was their last stream and I'm just like looking at American politics again, by the way, I noticed that there's like these popular clips and This is just the most awkward shit. I've ever fucking seen ever. I'm gonna share it
Number one, I love the, um, the e-thought makeup, like the heavy blush and like nose blush and shit.
Unknown_03: Uh, just really, really awful. And I would have to make an argument like. This is not going to load on my internet. It's probably shitting itself because of the, if I got banned for nip slip here, you know what? Let's pause it. I'm going to reduce the quality as much as I can because the audio is what's important.
I would have to make an argument like.
Unknown_01: If I got banned for nip slip, I would have to be like, okay, but biologically I am a male, so you need to unban me because men can show nipples.
Unknown_01: But then I guess legally I'm female, so legally my nipples are illegal or something. I don't know.
Unknown_03: So, at some point,
Unknown_03: Caffles decided that, because what it was is that all of his friends got burnt out real bad after he decided to try and shut down the forum. For instance, the creepy weirdo sex pest, Bob Posting, who is an Asian pedophile in Canada who tries to sexually be involved in the lives of children to convert them to transgenderism and give them illegal hormones via the post. Uh, they I think a lot of those people cut contact and then they lost the keffels lost the um their fiancee Uh, I don't know why I don't know the story. That's that was all kept very quiet. But I think that a lot of this drama Uh really caused problems for keffel. So he took a hiatus And said I don't want to I don't want to be involved in this shit anymore. And now it's just like Tarted up as much as possible so they can go back to like just being like a Low IQ political commentator. I think they're on drugs or something They're like on painkillers and they're just like out of their fucking mind drooling on themselves. Like yeah, like Coombring Like yeah, I just want to like stream. I just want to stream and have a good time, bro. I just want to stream So, uh, they're burned out
I could talk about Liz Fong Jones. Liz Fong Jones has also gone into hiding a little bit. They shut off all their public presence because the consent accident thing really got to them. They started out really aggressively going after the forum, contacting the wives of people involved in the ISP industry to try and persuade them via the spouses of C-level executives to try and shut down the forum. And then the whole thing about how someone accused him of rape has kind of driven him off. So now they're both just kind of, I don't, I don't, I think Liz Fong Jones is still very active, but Keffels is not. Keffels is like, okay, I had my fun being like an internet vigilante hero, but now that everyone is like very angry at me and constantly involved in my shit and scrutinizing every single person I've ever associated with and trying to figure out which one of them are pedophiles.
My life is now like a living hell and I cannot be because it's like before Before being famous you can run your cat boy ranch. You can groom all the little boys that you want You can send them HRT you can have HRT parties where you like trade nudes and progress pics and stuff and now it's like oh Everyone's up my ass and looking at what I'm doing and I have to be really careful about what I say because if I look like a pedophile then I'm gonna lose my shit I'm gonna be banned and my gravy trains gone so that's that's where they're at now uh did i leave a 2023 note ah my actual prediction for 2023 queen to falls is d transitioning according to my notes so locking that in actual prediction very likely to happen based on the signs that i've seen uh everything is pointing to a d trans kafals in 2023 uh oh life by jen
Another contender, Life by Jen started out the year, I think this is at the start of the year.
Let me see. Four months ago, so tail end of 2021, Gwen is in the hospital. She's attending a weight loss camp. Seems to be really focusing on her health, good for her. However, by February, her newest vlogs are looking like this. She is too fat to sit up.
Unknown_03: literally laying in bed looking up at her phone to record her vlogs about how she's going to lose weight and be the healthiest queen ever yas queen sleigh however by september she's dead life by jen dies from fat i think it was a heart-related condition obviously because they are super super morbidly obese
and uh my 2023 predictions for life by jane is that she will remain dead i'm fairly maybe the other ones were a little bit shaky pretty confident that this one is a lock-in for staying dead um
Unknown_03: I don't know. I really don't like Jen. I'm struggling to say anything nice about her. She was like one of the worst personalities as far as like the three fat people go because she had so much
Unknown_03: reservation like chantel is funny because she is so shameless she's like yes i'm a fat hot mess and my life is an open book and i do not give a fuck and i'm gonna do whatever the fuck i want and i'm gonna broadcast it because that makes me money that enables me to do whatever the fuck i want Gwen, on the other hand, was so reserved and was like, tee hee. I read the Bible every day for motivation on how to lose weight. And I'm making I'm doing keto. I'm taking it very seriously. I'm making waffles out of cheese. And they're called chaffles because they're waffles made out of cheese. You get it. It's a portmanteau. And I'm going to lose weight doing keto tee hee. Praise Jesus. And then, of course, she is eating, you know, food by the ton, just fucking dead. And so
I'm really like whatever. I guess it sucks. I don't want to wish people died or whatever. There's already enough death and misery, but Not surprised
On the other hand, there is death, chat, but there is life. In 2021, Trisha Paytas married Moses, Moses Klein.
Unknown_03: This is them together, I think, after their wedding.
Unknown_03: And in September, wait, that's not a picture of Trisha Paytas' baby. No, that's Ethan Rauch. Where is the picture of Trisha Paytas' baby?
Um, they had a baby Malibu Barbie baby. Hold up. I have to hide my screen Where is it? No, I'm not playing the clip. I'm not talking about. Oh, there it is. Yep Sorry, my slides are out of order. This is very important to how I produce my streams Malibu Barbie Paytas Hackman. It's a hyphenated last name. Trisha Paytas is good, but is now officially Trisha Hackman Paytas Um, so I was wrong. His name is not Moses Klein. It's Hackman
Unknown_03: So this is Malibu, Barbie Hackman Paytas, the daughter of Tricia Hackman Paytas and the daughter of Moses Hackman.
Good for them. I know like I have no negative things to say about Trisha Paytas. I think this is the first time ever I would I've watched like a couple of her vlogs. I'm curious and she Seems to be taking the whole parenting thing down. She's like regretting her OnlyFans career Remember this like hobgoblin woman was like a top 0.1% creator on OnlyFans now she's like I regret it I don't want my child to see that you know I don't want her to see me as like a whore on the internet I regret doing it it's like sick filth and I don't it doesn't set a good example for my daughter and it's like oh you know Patricia Paytas is a really like gross hobgoblin woman it seems that she has taken to motherhood she has recognized uh that this this is what matters
trying her best to be her best when that's all you can ever ask of someone chat it's all you can ever ask of someone all the people all the fucking ethan klein fanboys h3 fanboys on the internet like oh i we need to call cps she's being abused because body body blue there's no way that she she's she must be smoking crack while pregnant we need to call cps to extract the fetus from her fucking wound because uh she's such a bad mother like fuck those people those people are like misery golems i really hate people like that And I've always stayed consistent that I hate, fucking hate people like that. And I can just tell that they're miserable cunts. And I hope that Trisha Paytas being happy eats at them every fucking day. So, 2023, my lock-in for Trisha Paytas is living her best life, slaying the haters, and defending the lives of Palestinian children. I wish her luck on her endeavors the next year.
Unknown_03: No, I'm not playing the clip. We're staying nice. Staying nice, chat.
Easy guess. That's right, boy. That's right.
Unknown_03: I spelled it, but we also could talk about Andy Orski in Pay Pay Pay. Now, for whatever reason, And this is something that annoys me, and I shouldn't say that this annoys me, but whenever I talk about PPP, I clarify, like, I really don't know what's going on with the Keno Casino, I don't watch it, and people get mad at me, and they say, Josh, you're lying. There's no way that you don't spend every minute of every day pouring over the things that people say about you in all capacity. I'm like, no, I really, really, really don't. I don't find it, it's like, okay.
I watched like the first couple episodes, but their streams are five hours long. I do not have the attention span. There is very few things that I would watch for five hours.
Unknown_03: Like I think.
Unknown_03: The Plinkett Star Wars reviews are the only things that I have ever watched, like, that are longer than five hours. It's just not happening. And the, like, I cannot fucking stand Annie Warski. I know that's an unpopular, popular opinion, but like, I just find his entire persona fake as shit. And I, he constantly, constantly interrupts his clips. to chime in with the most bullshit asinine fucking takes ever and say, I cannot fucking listen to this shit. I'm sorry. I'm not just saying that. I literally cannot fucking stand the flow. But I realize that to clarify, you say this once again, as I said with Ethan Ralph, you watch, I don't care. Good for you. I'm glad that you find things that you enjoy. Just not for me.
However, um, it does have to be something we have to be honest here. This is a this is a Year in review and when we retrospect we must be honest from what I remember Keno casino was raking like 3,000 views every day like it like multiple times a week they were doing these streams and Thousands of people were watching they're going for hours a day a thousand dollars peak of streaming success
And then, um, I think the streams started. I actually, where did they start? When did PPP start doing his streams?
Unknown_03: Cause, uh, refresh my memory chat. Cause you guys would know more than I would. Um, this, the Keno casino shit started down, uh, over, uh, the surfer breakup. Right. When did that happen? Was that last year?
Unknown_03: Earlier this year, so they started the streams earlier. Oh, and I can't check to see when they started streaming because he just deleted all his videos. Wait, no, hold up.
Unknown_03: Kino Casino number one was 10 months ago. So they did, they started streaming this month.
And it was after the cold winter, that's right. PPP didn't have any money, Surfer kicked him out. It was the coldest winter ever. And triumphantly, the retarded phoenix arises and they start doing their streams.
Unknown_03: They're bashing on Nick Fuentes, they're bashing on TheGunt, they're taking the easy targets, they're just bludgeoning them to fucking death and everyone's loving it, everyone's eating it. The lack of content is spurring them on, everyone's happy to have it. And then... What was the downfall?
What was the turning point because I know that there was the Andy Warski shit where He got beat by salt papi and it works he Like talked about training for months for like six months and he goes into the ring and he gets knocked out by like a lengthy Filipino kid Flamenco Oh God that
Unknown_03: Was it the Flamenco? Oh, it was Power... Okay, Power Chat, that's right, I was involved in this, I should remember this. So, there was a couple things. Andy Worsky being a retard was one of the things that pissed people off.
Unknown_03: And then, um... There was Power Chat, they were using a very suspicious Power Chat thing associated with Nick Fuentes while shitting on Nick Fuentes. And then I pointed out, very passively, like as I do, saying that it is kind of shitty that they're using this power chat thing, and that is way more suspicious than New Project 2 ever was. And then they went on the attack against me, saying that I was coping and sneeding, but I'm fucking right, and people took my side on that, thankfully. And then there was the Flamenco thing, where they, Flamenco was involved, and I don't have any notes on Flamenco, I guess I could. Real quick. We'll take up. We'll take a Detour flamenco started this year really strong by talking about anime shit And then he continually had these discord gay gay things where he was like I don't even fucking know it was like really suspect pedo shit sometimes And I think he lost a lot of his momentum because of that he was Jim's favorite to succeed the anime throne however because of his handling of the discord drama he has lost father Jim's favor and
I suspect that in 2023, he will marry a VTuber. I'm gonna lock it in, he's gonna meet in real life some no-name VTuber streamer, maybe The Rabbit, Pippa, and they're gonna become anime avatar, and anime avatar, and not holy matrimony because anime, Japan does not fall under the light of God. Some other kind of matrimony actually no matrimony because matrimony means like peace some kind of hellfire some some extremely scorched orange hellfire so that is That's my that's my lock it in for flamenco getting married to an anime avatar look and people saying that I'm Optimistic that flamenco get married who says that it has to be in real life. I that the rabbit lives where whatever and flamenco where it lives whatever they could like look everybody does the long distance thing they'll get married on the internet it's not that big of a thing right just whatever they don't have to actually meet each other you know it would probably ruin the magic if you took the vtuber avatars off just you know he wants the avatar on he doesn't want to see the woman puppeteering this this masquerade he wants the vtuber avatar to be his wife specifically okay
Flamenco will be married to an anime avatar. That's my lock-in for 2023. Yeah, women in quotes. That's my take.
Unknown_03: So, there's my detour. We're going back now.
Unknown_03: PPP had Flamenco on.
Unknown_03: And Flamenco was on the forum defending himself before this.
Unknown_03: Cause what it was, I remember this, he was in a steam group or he was friends with guys. He was friends with somebody who had a very suspicious lollicon avatar. And he was in this German weird German thing called like the Austrian federal police. And like, it was, it was, I think it was actual pictures of kids, like really weird, itchy photos of kids and like leotards and lollicon shit. And people were asking him like why he was in this he said and he floundered hard like on the forum his debate like banter back and forth with people in the forum was horrific he made himself look like a total fucking retard however.
I think what happened is that he had an emergency meeting. He had a Führer bunker downfall moment, whatever, where they got together and said, OK, look, we're going to go on Keno Casino, which I thought was a bad idea. And they debated it and said, how do you react if you get asked this? How do you react to be asked this? And they came up with a plan, and then the Keno Casino thing happened, and PPP was there, and I think Godwinson was there, and they completely failed. They completely failed to take the easiest win ever against Flamenco. They looked extremely unprepared, extremely uneducated. They were arguing in terrible faith.
Which is I don't know why people are surprised by that by Godwin's and Godwin's and argues and nothing but that faith I believe that Godwin said as an Anglo is genetically like you people think that black people are genetically predisposed to be violent I think that the English are genetically predisposed to
to lie. I think that they just don't care what they say. They argue in bad faith. Yellow journalism is the default. The British mind is completely incapable of feeling shame. Like usually you tell a lie about somebody, you feel bad for it because it's not true and you should strive to tell the truth. British people literally lack the gray matter responsible for feeling shame for lying about someone. So Godwinson's arguing and he's just like,
Unknown_03: uh aren't you a pedo aren't you a pedophile can you explain the discord chat for us can you explain while you're fucking children in the other room uh flamenco and he's just like yeah no i wasn't doing that i joined i joined a bunch of groups i joined random groups and whatever uh you know everyone does that everyone joins random groups it's not my responsibility to know like whatever about everybody every all the time and he just he just completely demolished us and people are like wow you guys are fucking assholes for treating him like that when uh and not having any fucking idea what you're talking about um
There were a couple it wasn't like any single thing and now I think the momentum of the stream is down a lot The donations are down. A lot of people are antagonistic towards it.
Unknown_03: I Saw he was streaming and I checked in it was like 700 to 800 viewers, which is I mean, it's pretty good Most people don't get that I never expected to get that in terms of streaming numbers. So it's not that bad. I
Unknown_03: um but where do i expect oh actually i i forgot to mention one thing that i left a specific note for oh i forgot to mention the andy warsky abortion song can i find this actually andy warsky abortion i want to serenade people like this is this it i gotta kill the no this is like an actual like
Okay, if you can find me the song of Andy Worsky singing about abortion, send it to me in chat.
Unknown_03: Okay, look, listen, find me, find me the clip of Andy Worsky singing about an abortion and find me the video of Salt Pappy. I'll look for Salt Pappy because it's fun to beat up on Worsky.
Unknown_03: Worsky is very temperamental by the way. I remember, um,
Unknown_03: I had one interaction with him early on and this is when he was trying to fight Tonka saw and I was in a call with him and geek Thulu and he was talking to that Tara La Rosa woman who could organize a fight and he was just like so fucking spastic the entire time It was kind of embarrassing to be and people were mad at me like why are you ruining the content by yelling at Andy Orsi? I
Oh, this is the thumbnail from Godwinson because Godwinson also turned on PPP and now calls him a grifter. Um, this is, this is the clip. This is all pappy little Filipino guy. I mean, he's kind of buff and then he's like, bam. And that's it. That's the whole fight. He's out. It's like one punch, literally one punch. Um, I think it was like a fake out and then he hits him with the other punch and it's so funny.
Unknown_03: Oh, someone, someone's trying to deliver unto me a YouTube URL from the looks of it. Is this what I was talking about? Where is this?
Unknown_05: What the fuck is your name? Honch.
Unknown_05: Okay. I can't find it. No, I don't see it. Oh, it's a top chat. Why is my fucking thing? Top chat. Honch.
Unknown_05: Here we go. This better be right. Better be right.
Oh, you fucking asshole.
Unknown_03: Fuck you.
Unknown_03: Pizza shit.
Unknown_03: I don't know. Let's see if this... Wait, how about this? Abortion song at 42 seconds. Thank you, Phobingus. I trust Phobingus.
Unknown_03: Let's hope that my trust is not misplaced here.
Bitch, shoot. Am I going to be able to watch this or is it going to be geoblocking me?
Unknown_05: This is about 42 seconds in. Slow as fuck.
Unknown_05: In the chat, they're saying justice for Sneed. Oh, God, it's not going to play, is it? I'm going to be eternally felted by this.
I guess I guess there is a divine intervention for us trying to prevent you guys from getting to listen to the Andy Worsky abortion song.
Unknown_05: OK, I guess I have to give up. It's right there. It's right there. If it could only just play.
Unknown_03: Okay, so let me I'll just move on wait, oh my god three weeks ago I went to my local bar.
Unknown_09: I Met this pretty chick and brought her back to my car We hit it off. She said let's go to your house to be alone. I
I said, I'm sorry, baby, but my parents are at home.
Unknown_09: Plus, I'm drunk as fuck. I've drank way too much beer.
Unknown_09: Let's take off our pants right now and fuck right here.
Unknown_03: Sing along if you know the words, Chad.
Unknown_09: I finished up and I won't lie.
Unknown_09: It was a fun lay.
I said see a pretty lady Maybe we'll talk another day Now about three days ago I get a call from you You say we're having a baby Fuck! I'm so screwed Now listen to me lady And don't take this out of proportion
Unknown_09: But listen now, baby, you need an abortion.
Unknown_09: Abortion. Abortion. I'm sorry, pretty lady, but you're not pretty enough to have my baby.
Abortion. Abortion.
Unknown_09: I don't mean to sound offensive, but a baby is expensive.
Unknown_03: Okay, it's not a popular opinion at this point to like Godwinson. I still think he's entertaining as like a spectacle. He is very performative and I appreciate that about his streams. I think he's very mean spirited.
Unknown_03: And he's extremely British. He said in one of his streams recently that half his viewing audience, according to Google Analytics, is British. And I can believe that entirely, because it's like he has a very British styling to him that very few people outside of the wretched isles can stand.
Similarly to Godwinson, even though Godwinson fucking hates me, I can find him entertaining. With PPP, it was the same thing.
Unknown_03: Like, he didn't like me, but I still found him entertaining. And part of why I could tolerate him, even though he did not like me or tolerate me, is that he had principles. Godwinson has a very firm set of principles that make him a predictable character that you can like. PPP was the same way.
He was a fire and brimstone pastor who does know the Bible very well, and he had an anti-grifting stance, like, okay, things change and you want to make money. I understand. Trust me, I get it. I made fun of Jim for the fucking super chat thing for, like, years, and now I'm doing super chats because guess what? Things got more expensive and I need money.
Unknown_03: But, uh, this is like a, this, him sitting by Worsky and like tying himself to him is such like an ultimate betrayal to the PPP that I liked. Um, like everything that he says about Nick Fuentes and, and Ethan Ralph was always like rooted in a, like a biblical education that he had. and now it's like he needs money so he's not cold during the winter and he's tied himself to Andy Worsky who is like the most belligerent fucking non-religious retard ever and he just has to sit there and he's like ringing his little triangle the retard alert triangle to make fun of Andy Worsky but it's like who is the retard that has tied his financials to Andy Worsky because guess what it's you Uh, who's the real retard? Who's really ringing that fucking truck? You better, you better, uh, shuffle truffle dance and ring that bell for Andy Worsky to make those super chats with.
Come on.
Unknown_05: Um.
Unknown_05: So I predict in 2023, I mean, I like, I don't know.
Unknown_03: They've been through some bad stuff already, like PPP and whiskey. It's hard to say that they will split up with any kind of surety.
Unknown_03: But yeah, probably they'll probably have like a real breaking point, probably over something stupid.
Like, you know what I mean? It won't be like, oh my God, like Andy Worsky did another stupid thing. And now PPP has finally had it. It won't be that. It won't be like, holy shit, I can't believe they did it. It'll be like a stupid, like with surfer and PPP, it'll be like some weird friction over something like strange and passive that you don't really understand. And then they'll have another gay breakup and it'll take people by surprise and like, really? That's what, that's what you guys are going to fight over. Like, okay, fine.
Unknown_03: I don't know if PPP continues to gain, oh god, I didn't even mention. Was this the year where he challenged me to a weight loss competition and then gained 200 pounds? Was it this year? I wanna say, I'm down to like 108 kilograms. Let's see what that is in pounds real quick.
Okay, I'm down from like, it's like 238.
Unknown_03: I'm down from like, I think it was like 260, 270 when I first started doing this, and now I'm down to 238.
Unknown_03: Meanwhile, PvP has gained like literally five times that. So I don't know. It was last year, okay. I'm still fat, yes, I know. next year chat i'm locking in i'm going to be under i'm going to be 80 kilograms lock it in it's coming true uh ppp will be fat and cold that's my prediction for 2023 um it'll either go one or two ways ppp will be so fat that he'll let andy warski wipe him and andy warski will just become his maid his butt maid and they'll continue to be friends forever Or, uh, Andy Warsky will refuse to wipe him. In fact, that would be a pretty funny argument. Where Andy Warsky will be indignant during their breakup and be like, I wiped your ass because you were so fat you couldn't move and wipe your own ass. And people will snap back and be like, yeah, you did, bitch. You wiped my ass. My pink star, my glorious pink starfish. And it'll just be like, whoa, buddy. Don't be a hero.
Lock it in. That's the prediction.
Unknown_03: Um...
Unknown_03: Medicare I do not have a slide from an occurs. I will hide this Medicare started this year by breaking his silence on Ralph It was a long contention of mine that if anyone had fucked up as bad as Ethan Ralph said Medicare would be making fun of him and Medicare remained very quiet about Ethan Ralph and people give me shit for this and said like well you can't like if you like ask him to like make fun of Ralph and he'll just never make fun of Ralph and I said no I think there's something else there and
But in January of this year, Ethan Ralph finally managed to get minikert to start making fun of him, which was a welcomed change of pace, I suppose.
Unknown_03: And then he started streaming. He got off Twitter. He got banned on Twitter by Keffels, so he joined Post. I think he's active on Post still.
Unknown_03: Seems to be having fun doing small streams on Otisneed and talking to people on Post, watching anime.
Unknown_03: Has hinted that he might stop Streaming actually someone said that he went to he offered either offered or someone asked him to play a game of things They would like to play like a Swedish like robot game. I've never heard of called like generation zero or some shit No idea if that's even true Maybe it's not for the next couple weeks but he said he might stop streaming because I presumably because of his health which sucks sucks to hear that and
So I don't really have anything funny to say but actually he had his argument with no the Nick thing.
Unknown_03: He had his argument with Nick Fuentes where Nick was just like, yeah, crime is based.
Unknown_03: Yeah, and and it was like the worst fucking argument and I stayed up to like 4 in the morning to listen to this shit and it was just atrocious but through no fault of his own Nick just didn't take Nick like invited him to have a debate and then just didn't take it seriously and acted like a retard and said stupid shit for three hours. I was like, okay Um
So my, oh, he had the intervention stream with Ralph too. That was, that was the gem highlight of the year. Uh, Jim had a conversation with Ralph Ralph was piss drunk and he literally cried talking about how much Jim meant to him. That was, that was pretty fucking funny. That was, uh, unfortunately, uh, it was not a boulder moment, but it was pretty close and it was, it was pretty funny, pretty gratifying to listen.
Unknown_05: Ralph literally, literally cried.
Unknown_05: Why didn't you call me?
And my 2023 prediction for Jim Medicare is he will find a way to quit anime, which and suddenly after quitting anime, after swearing it off, his health will miraculously improve. There will be no explanation for it. Doctors will be baffled. They never found out what's wrong with him. But for some reason, as soon as he stopped watching anime, he got better and better. And he's back to 100% by the end of 2023. Lock it in. That's my prediction for Medicare.
Unknown_03: Let's go. Oh, and Ethan Ralph. I've been fucking around avoiding the subject, but here we are talking about the big guy himself.
Unknown_03: Ethan Ralph started the year off very promisingly.
He pled no contest to a sex offense in Virginia. The charges that he had illegally shared pornography were dropped against him in 2021 and brought back up towards the end. And in January of 2022, expecting a conviction, he was actually offered a last second plea deal. Um, which would allow him to plead. Meaning that he does not plead guilt, but says that the state has enough evidence against him to secure a conviction. Or the crime, uh, of a sex offense against faith Vickers, his ex-girlfriend and mother of his child.
which he celebrated by getting into the car with, uh, what's her face may. And it was like, it was God's plan. God's plan. God's plan is this black music.
Unknown_03: Like really heavy bass and like God's plan. I told you, yeah. Can't abort the retort. No, God. Brum, brum, brum, black music in the background. Uh, literally celebrating the fact that he, not that he, um,
that he beat the charge because he literally pled guilty, literally pled guilty to a sex offense and is now a convicted sex offender. I don't know if he's on a registry. I don't think so, but he is now a convicted sex offender.
Unknown_03: And he's just celebrating that he didn't go to jail for it.
Unknown_03: And he's as happy as a pig in shit. What can I say?
Unknown_03: So that's how he started off the year.
Unknown_03: And then immediately after this, he decided, I'm on such a one-inch streak. I'm going to go to Portugal. That Andy Warski on that Cuomo casino bullshit. I fuck that. I'm going to go to Portugal where he's always wanted to go but never had the money. I'm going to have the time of my life with my beautiful perma fiance back at home taking care of the baby. Well, actually she was pregnant at the time, so she can just stay back and stay out of my fucking way while I go fuck some whores in Portugal. Then he flies to Portugal and lo and behold, somehow he gets his ass completely fucking kicked.
Now I had warned him in 2021, Ralph, do not go to a foreign country. You are not built for a foreign country. You are built for America where nothing ever happens. And the police intervene to stop retards from you like getting killed. But in foreign countries, they don't do that. And they let you get your ass kicked because you'll deserve it. He ends up going to Portugal, he ends up getting his ass kicked. He says his actual story was that he fended off four people of Moroccan persuasion who were robbing him for... It almost sounds like I'm making shit up. He goes to Portugal for no fucking reason. The easiest thing ever, take a vacation to Portugal to show a guy that you're richer than him. somehow manages to get beat up, says that it was Moroccans, and then says that they were stealing his Louis Vuitton man purse because he bought a $500 man purse in Las Vegas like a fucking retard and the Moroccans took his man purse. It's just unbelievable that this is even like a thing because like when
I remember a reporter talked to me once years ago about Deagle Nation and I was telling him about Deagle Nation and how they had sent people to Israel to assassinate Benjamin Netanyahu with a crossbow made out of paperclips. And he listened to this and he's just like, this is fucking bullshit. This seems as retarded as that. And yet it's not fiction this time. It's actually the real life of Ethan Ralph.
Unknown_03: So it's literally his skull is cracked. His eyes are all fucking googly eyed. Now he wears sunglasses 24 seven, even inside, even while filming, because he looks like a, like, like, I don't know how else to explain it. He's got googly eyes, like, like he's got brain damage because he does.
And then, in May, he decides that he's going back to Portugal because the first time, scuffed it a little bit. A little bit of an oopsie doodle. Scuffs the Portugal trip, but not wanting to be deterred, he decides to fly out to Portugal again. where two North footy club members of England fly out to Portugal to kick his ass live on stream. And this is a picture of Ethan Ruff getting his ass kicked the second time, two out of two, in Portugal.
He has not returned to Lisbon since. I guess he has given up on the idea of conquering the nation of Portugal.
Unknown_03: It seems like it's a bad, just a bad place for him.
Unknown_03: Uh, he has a different man, a gay man, baby purses. So he's, there's just something about him when he's like on the ground like this, that just inspires like hatred and contempt for him. He just looks like a fat gay baby with this stupid ass fucking purse. And it's, it's so hard to feel bad for him. And people have to give me shit for this by the way. And say like, Josh,
Two people fly out to another country to kick someone's ass. That's like a logging. That's like against your rules. That's like, you wouldn't like, you're just a hypocrite because you would never condone this if it was somebody else. But number one.
Unknown_03: Let's lay out the facts here.
Unknown_03: Cog, Cognitive Thought, who got his friend to kick Ralph's ass, does not have a forum account. So this is not like someone on the forum wanted attention from the forum, so he flew out to a local's house and beat the rats. That's not what happened. Number two, even Ralph had been running his fucking mouth about this guy and his wife and I think his kids even. And then he tells his mate in the pub while eating fish and chips about this fucking asshole. And he's just like, oh, if he's in Portugal, that's like a $50 plane ticket. Let's just go over there and kick his ass. And he's like, wow, mate, really? You'd do that for me? And he's like, of course, mate, I would. So they fly out and they kick his ass exactly like that. And it's like, it's hard for me to say that this it's like the Star Trek rules. You can't intervene with the past or with
non spacefaring civilizations.
Unknown_03: I did not cause this. Nobody on my forum did this for gratification on the forum. This is simply nature. This is the natural outcome of Ethan Ralph's own actions and therefore it is funny. And I laughed.
And I told him so. I told him not to go to Portugal.
Unknown_03: So now, nowadays, the Ethan Ralph is in Mexico. He's in southern Mexico on the western coast in the mountains, literally hiding because he's being sued by
Unknown_03: father the grandfather of his child uh dodging child support payments and there is someone in Maryland looking to service him for the medical damages that he has incurred because he had a serious incident where he ran a red light and was t-boned and the person in the other car uh has medical complications as a result of Ethan Ralph's horrific fucking driving which should have landed him in jail
He took community service or some shit for like his 8th, 60, 65.
Unknown_03: Oh, it was dismissed. He, he did community service in like preparation for his trial.
Unknown_03: Um, and then I think they dismissed that charge. He was going like 65 into 30 for like the eighth fucking time. And they just like, well, we don't want to put people in jail because it's like the jails are overcrowded.
Unknown_03: And then, uh, uh, he runs red light and T-bone gets T-boned and causes pain and misery everywhere he goes.
Unknown_03: So there's Ethan Ralph living in Mexico in a shack with his horse fiance who he will never ever be married to. Um, I guess raising his daughter as a Mexican.
Um, and trying to desperately. Desperately trying to suck a dick next day to get this to happen in real life. This man, there is no debauch thing that Ethan Ralph would not do to get Kanye West on the kill stream. There is literally no depraved act that Ethan Ralph would not do to himself for the amusement of Nicholas J. Fuentes to get Kanye West sitting next to him, talking on the killstream. So that's his life now, living in a Mexican shanty, raising his daughter Mexican, dodging child support, dodging servicing in the US, and desperately, desperately trying to suck a dick to get Kanye West on his program.
And in 2023, I predict, lock it in, Ethan Ralph will be dead. I feel in my bones, Ethan Ralph will not survive 2023, he will be dead. That's my prediction.
Unknown_03: Very, very sad to hear that Ethan Ralph will not survive 2023, but what can I say? I feel it in my bones and I have to say it as I feel it. Okay. Jim will outlive Ralph. That's a good prediction right there.
I can believe that.
Unknown_05: a bold prediction yes i didn't what can i say i feel it i feel it um what is this that i had oh that's this is so i guess i can talk about kanye and america first what happened in the beginning of the year for nicholas j falentes
Unknown_03: Want to say it was a rough start right because that's Keno casino got its initial momentum the falling out of Jaden and other high-profile Rice commiserates in in the uber strong feels bunker and Things are just looking really bleak. Okay, the things are things are looking bad for America first and he's on his Platform. All he got is Ralph not much is going on. I
and then out of nowhere as as the cat boys are breaking ranks and uh leaving he starts emulating kanye west because kanye west is having like a mental breakdown he had his divorce with kim kardashian he tried dating jamie foxx in the early early months of 2022 didn't go too well jamie foxx said that she was a fool for even trying to help him
Unknown_03: um there's now another man who's raising his kids and he has all their names tattooed on his body which is super strange stepdad behavior um and it seems to be getting to his head i can't blame him he's been a hollywood golem for his entire life
He dated Kim Kardashian, which is just suffering to even say.
Unknown_03: Now his children are being fathered by a, I think a white guy who has tattooed their names to his skin. And he's just not in a good head space. And then he hears about this hot boy who sympathizes with this cause dresses and OG Yeezys. And he says, that is my man. I'm going to run for president. I'm going to get Nicholas on board and we're going to win, baby. We're going to win very strange, uh, course of events.
Unknown_03: Really the Nicholas Nick like Like wearing Yeezy's and trying to like Get in his crew and then being nominated as like his campaign manager really just shows you that you miss Every shot you don't take If you don't try to do something, you'll never get it. But if you take a long shot from across the court, you might just land it, and everyone might be going, what the fuck is this timeline? So there you go. Always feel motivated to do whatever the fuck you want. Always shoot your shot, because you might just get it. You might just get it, chat.
Someone asked me to play this actually Wolf Tone asked me to play this I should never do it Wolf Tone asked because he's fucking crazy But you know I'll play him so this is now the conversation in the United States all approving somebody like Kanye right cuz Kanye says hey Jewish people have all the power and then he loses everything
Well, look, the insidious nature of anti-Semitism and these tropes about power is Kanye can say these things, Jews have all the power, they're controlling everything, and if we don't get him, if we don't deal with that, the myth spreads and it takes root.
Unknown_03: So, um, it is, so this is what I get real, like, I'm not optimistic for the U S it's not that I don't think that that conversation like change is interesting for the very obvious reasons.
Unknown_03: Um,
Unknown_03: It's that there seems to be a very large gap between the sides in the U.S. now. It really feels like there is no middle ground. You're either on board with everything that progressives say, or you're a Nazi. And when you have a huge rift like this, you cannot reconcile differences. You cannot send people to government to be like, OK, well, you have this position and we have this position. So maybe we could do something to not make everybody perfectly happy, but, you know, make people what they need out of out of government policy. You can't do that anymore. And when you can't do that,
The next logical step is violence and revolution because your government has failed. Literally, that's just how it works. When you have irreconcilable differences, the next step is to shoot each other. So I see shit like this, I'm thinking like, yeah, you know, that's pretty base. But on the other hand, people are going to start killing each other because you can't reconcile these points of views in a productive manner.
So I don't know like I don't know it's really I really I just really hope that Kanye West and Nick Fuentes Do not do anything of note that ends up getting them in the history books because I did not ever want I want people to forget about Nick Fuentes I find him embarrassing and I prefer if he was relegated to the back pages of history where he belongs Because I think he's a fit Anyways so
Let's see, I have some other names that might be worth mentioning.
Unknown_03: Oh Amberlynn Amberlynn as now has gotten blacked she wasn't briefly engaged to her girlfriend Becca and then They broke up Becca came out with some tea mild tea saying that she was She needed to wipe Amberlynn as Amberlynn was so fat She could not wipe herself much like PPP will be when Andy Worsky has to wipe him and then they broke up and she is now engaged to a black woman and
Who is like some kind of I want to say like a dietitian or something, which is very strange He doesn't amberlin doesn't seem to be losing any weight She might have I think she's lost like a little bit, but she doesn't stick to it perfectly um and amberlin's Sorry, amberlin's content is as insipid as ever
Unknown_03: Well, they're not engaged, they're not engaged. She called her wifey for a while, but then everyone started referring to the black girlfriend as wipey because it's assumed that she also wipes Amberlynn's fat ass that she cannot reach. And I think the nickname bothered her so much that she's now simply started referring to the black woman by her first name.
Unknown_03: Oh, okay, so I can't show you any of this.
but as a long-term fan of yourmoviesucks.org I follow him very passively because I think he's a very good movie reviewer and I actually like a couple of his songs and then I occasionally hear something from him that's like I don't know about that.
Unknown_03: He'd probably be handling this better. And what I've just learned is that YMS has a secret Twitter channel dedicated to his nudity and sharing porn. And he just put out a video review of the first part, the first half of the Lion King. Very good review.
Unknown_03: He also put out a very long like three hour long review of Kimbo the White Lion and the controversy between that and the Lion King Very good review. These are very long forum reviews that I enjoy a lot and I wish he was less weird because I really like these videos
Um, in the Lion King, there is a lion called Scar. I'm sure everybody has seen the Lion King and knows exactly who Scar is. Scar is voiced by a British guy, a British guy called Jeremy Irons, who has a very distinct, um, very... I don't know how to describe it without sounding gay. He has a very good voice. He has a, like, typical British villain voice to him. Very sinister sounding.
Unknown_03: And Scar and Jeremy Irons' voice for Scar were an initial event for Adam and made Adam realize that he was both gay and a furry at a young age. So if you go to Adam's Twitter page, you will find pictures of Scar spreading his ass cheeks with like his cock and balls hanging down like from the rear. And it's like, oh, OK, so this is like they're reviewing this movie and I like your reviews. But now I know it's like a sexual thing for you to which is kind of like
Upsetting it kind of taints the art a little bit then There's pictures of him and because he's his first zone is a horse So he's like in a horse costume walking around in public and fur cons and shit. I'm saying okay, that's tame. Whatever It's a furry. I've not seen any porn of this, but I have seen Adam
bent over on a hotel bed on all fours with like weird stretch marks up and down his body getting fucked in the ass by a black man with a very small dick and i'm thinking this shit's gay i never wanted to see adam from ims getting fucked in the ass by a black man i never went to see drawings of scar's anus but
Unknown_03: Alas, he is a gay man and the depths of gay male perversion are literally bottomless. Um, no, no pun intended. I just realized how gay that sounds, but it's truly fucking vile. So Adam started the year by not being a whore and now he's getting fucked in the ass by black men on Twitter. So. That sucks. I predict in 2023, Adam will finish the second part of the Lion King review, but the third part will come out in 2024 because it takes him for fucking ever to finish these things. Lock it in. That's what's coming.
Unknown_05: It just came to me in my head. Let me look this up.
Unknown_05: I find detailed statistics.
Unknown_05: I just want to see
Oh yeah, so it was last year that Jim Sterling came out as an NB Queen Yas Queen slay.
Unknown_03: hemorrhaging subscribers. You can see that he was under 900,000. He was over 900,000 last year, um, December, 2020, he lost 50,000 subscribers plus over 2021. And now he started the year at 85 or 850,000 subscribers. And he is down to 808,000 subscribers. And so
Unknown_03: I once again promise to my chat that if Jim Sterling puts out yet another salty under 800,000 subscriber video, I will do a special stream dedicated to watching it and we will enjoy it together because I bet you this one will be extra salty. I can just feel it. I feel it in my bones.
My prediction for Jim Sterling 2023. Actually, he moved back to the UK. I didn't mention that. Jim Sterling will be under 800,000 subscribers, and he'll put out a extra super salty video, and it'll be a great blast to watch together in January, February. I think February is when, like, based on the projection, he'll hit 799 in February. So looking forward to it, chat. Looking forward to it.
Unknown_03: Shawty just did the interview on no jumper. Um, I'm where I saw that. I don't have much to say about Shawty. I think something happened and she got real. Oh, she got really fucking fat. She got super fat. She got clowned on at the beginning of the year. She got super fat, um, throughout the year. And now she's like shy and doesn't put out as much content as she used to. I think like black people just know her as like that fat whore that has fucked every black guy in Canada at this point. And she's actually somewhat self-conscious about it and doesn't do a whole lot of stuff anymore.
Yeah, well she got boring because she got self-conscious. Fat people are funny when they're shameless. When they're self-conscious, they're just annoying. That's the rule.
Because fat people have this thing where
Unknown_03: like the super morbidly obese. I think that there's a lot in common between opiate addicts and the super morbidly obese. I think that an opiate addict and a super fat person for very, for different reasons, have a extremely low tolerance of discomfort. They do not want to be asked to do anything.
Unknown_03: So that kind of whining entitlement is awful. It's like the worst personality to have.
That's why I'm a Maoist when it comes to how Mao Zedong just executed all the opiate addicts or opium addicts in China. Um, because it's just the worst fucking kind of person to deal with and shoddy in the super fat people, especially like Jen, they're, they're very much like, I don't want to have to do anything. And if it, if it causes me discomfort, it inherently must be bad. If it's something that I don't want to do actively, there must be a reason for that. That is like, I shouldn't be doing that. It's like, if the dieting annoys me and makes me hungry. well you know what that's just it's not meant to be then and that's like a like a i guess like an addict's mind in general not just specifically opiates and food um so anybody else i think i've gone down my list of uh people that i have available to me
DSP? Has DSP done anything this year? Oh, Rikada. Oh, fuck.
Unknown_03: I've been delicate about this because I don't want to cause a shitstorm. Rikada...
Unknown_03: Okay, Rikada started this year. He did the Wakusha shooting. He did the, I think the trial of the little kid from whatever the fuck that shot three guys like in a pedophile, that trial was this year. He's like on top of his shit. He's like one of the biggest streamers on YouTube right now. He's like one of the largest super chat earners on YouTube below like VTubers at this point. He's really high up there. Oh, he did the Johnny Depp stuff too. Yeah. And he has like, he has like big name streamers coming on his stream, donating time to him for free because they want to get exposure. Like really big law channels will just show up on his stream for hours at a time and donate their time, which lawyers don't do because his audience is so big. They want just a piece of that. That's how, that's how high up their Nick Ricada is.
um but he had his issue is is that he's in a 20-year relationship and i don't know what the deal is but he's very like open about like his sex life and you don't have to be people will assume by default that your relationship is good if they don't hear any issues with it if you see people and they seem happy Like, you're not going to assume, oh, there must be deep problems there because they don't talk about how they fuck on YouTube. Like, the opposite is true. If you're constantly having to go out there and say, like, I'm so proud of my body and we don't care if you've seen our ass because I work really hard to, you know, make my ass look nice. It's like when you start doing that, it's like, um.
You kind of feel like there's issues. So then Rikeda goes to Jamaica and he goes to a place literally called Hedonist 2. From what I understand, I think that the consensus is that the photo evidence lining up the photos of the hotel rooms versus where he streamed is very conclusive and very convincing to most people. I don't know for sure if it's the same thing. but he goes to Jamaica he goes to a place called Hedonist too and it's during a week where that that hotel it's like a nudist hotel like free use you can have sex in the lobby kind of thing where it's like you know old couples go to you know mix things up a bit basically but it's like he goes there and he streams from this hotel room during like a cuck week and I don't know if he just wants to be an exhibitionist maybe that's like their thing and that's why they're posting pictures of their ass on discord and shit but it's like
There's a reason why, like, there's the political scandal of, like, the gay Laos Republican getting found out at, like, an orgy. Who was the Hungarian guy who was, like, vehemently anti-LGBTQ, and he got found out at, like, a 40-man gay orgy at, like, an apartment in Budapest? Like, there's a reason why that shit happens, because those people have a professional life, and then they have their gay sex orgies, and they keep them separate, or they try to.
Unknown_03: 40-man gay orgy. Yes in Hungary. I was a big scandal because he was like super anti-homo And then they found out that he was like fucking 40 guys and massive orgies in Budapest It's like just do that you don't like don't do your live streams from your hotel room if you're gonna go to like a thing that's like I think it was even called like a
It was like a racial thing where it's like you're supposed to meet couples who have like Asian or black persuasion and then swap like a wife swap. And he says he didn't he didn't do any of that. He just says he like I think it's purely exhibitionism. This is this thing. It's like.
Unknown_03: Stop it.
Unknown_03: Please stop. I don't ever want to hear about any of this ever again. For the love of fucking God, paint your fucking Warhammer figurines and do your thing and stop watching anime because that shit's cancer. And it's the reason why you're getting called out at like black cuckold hotels in Jamaica at this point. I'm sure of it. The anime is the root of this as well. He's probably watching some weird wife swapping anime and it's giving him ideas to stop.
Oh, and the baldo, him trying to get a spot. He said that he fucked his wife with a dildo that you wear on your testicles. It's the dumbest thing I've ever fucking heard. It's the most retarded. I think Ant Ominous said it. He said it's like the most low-cal sex toy ever. Like who the fuck sees a pretty woman and says, I want to bash my balls into her ass. I want to fuck her with my scrote. Like, are you nuts? Are you nuts? I get that it's a joke, but please stop. Stop nobody wants to hear this this is a funny thing for Ron Jeremy ... and washed up porn stars to talk about on like some sex ... podcast you are supposed to be presentable to the public.
I'm just saying, bro. I'm just saying. So, 2023, I see Nick Rikeda quitting anime, returning to church, not going to Hedonism 3, and not doing any more interracial life-swapping, because I am the unmoved mover. If I wish it into existence, it will happen. It's happening right now, okay?
It's happening. I'm willing it.
Unknown_03: I'm like Samson. I got chains on me, and I'm pulling it down. I'm making it happen. Fuck off, chat. The merge is on. That's right. That's right.
Unknown_05: Cope. I will. I will.
Unknown_05: Some things I'm not meant to deal with, chat. Some things I'm willing to existence to fix.
Anybody else? I'm on a roll. Nice lazy chat. Nice lazy day to end the year too. Again, this will be the last stream for the year besides Soma. I am playing Soma over the weekend. You're not under obligation to watch.
Unknown_03: Yaniv, Yaniv is suing some people in Canada. I predict that in 2023 Yaniv will burst into flame and I won't ever have to hear about him ever again. Boogie1488, his channel is circling the drain for whatever reason, right? He started off by saying that he was like a crypto millionaire this year. I want to say it was, I think last year he came off saying he was a crypto millionaire now. And then he lost all his fucking money. And I was like, I need money. I can't afford my Tesla.
I predict in 2023 Boogie will live forever. He will achieve biological immortality like a sea sponge.
Unknown_03: Patrick S. Tomlinson. Stalker child Started off the year as a fat piece of shit. I was in owing quasi like $47,000 because he sued him and sued and lost He got He got swatted a bunch of times and fortunately he may getting swatted really really funny So, you know people are gonna keep swatting him and then he got into a fight with Elon Musk and he's just having like a perpetual Tard rage on Twitter I predict that in 2023 absolutely nothing about the situational change and And Patrick S. Hamilton is literally incapable of learning from mistakes ever.
Stalker child, no.
Unknown_03: I will not be corrected by the Twitter community. I do not think that what I have to say has to be corrected in any way. In fact, it was probably you who should be corrected by my facts and logic. Stalker child. No, I did not fart into my wife's vagina. That is a lie that never happened.
Unknown_05: I don't know anything about cry acts. I apologize h3h3 I Don't know his shits like dying he lost the podcast with Trisha Paytas and then He keeps saying stupid shit now because he keeps getting he realized that every time he says something like violent and retarded and
Causes people to talk about him again, and he's like not relevant anymore So he's like he found the safe thing to talk about which is to ridicule the Christians Which is the easiest like you can go you can say literally whatever the fuck you want about Christians You can call the Pope a pedophile you can say that every pastor touches kid you can say that Christians are like the most retarded fucking people and on the planet. You are under, you can say that, um, what do you say? I said that Jews killed Christ and they should be thanking the Jews for killing Christ because it was Jesus's prophecy that the Jews would kill Christ. So therefore the Jews are the most faithful or the most, uh, useful. I don't, I forget what he said, but he basically made the thing that Christians should be thanking them for killing Jesus because, uh, they were meant to.
Yeah, Lowe's hanging for it, but now he realized that he can say whatever violent vile shit he wants about Christianity, and it will cause people to be upset, but he won't ever get into trouble because Susan Wojcicki doesn't have to give a shit. He can't say that he wants to gas Ben Shapiro. That's a no-no, but he can say that he wants to kill Christ again, and that's fine. He thinks that's the funniest thing ever.
Is the Pope Christian? There's a bear shit in the woods.
Unknown_03: Destiny was best friends with a couple of pedophiles. One of them turned on him and Destiny is still a gross piece of shit. He published a document which is kind of useful to me.
Unknown_03: He, I mean, he's just like a retard. I really don't know what to say about destiny because occasionally he says something that's like interesting, but he's just, he's just a retard. He's like a really well-educated, well, like sometimes well-spoken and entertaining fucking retard that a lot of people are convinced is like a great logical thinker. And he's really not.
Destiny's a midway. Yes, that's probably the correct response dick Masterson. He got his Twitter back and got banned again. I know that much Did dick didn't do a single fucking thing interesting This year. I think he tried to reboot the biggest problem because in the the lawsuit with Maddox he managed to get a
Unknown_03: I think he managed to get half of the biggest problem in the universe as a brand because that was their fight initially is that Maddox says that he owns the biggest problem in the universe because he owned the best page best website in the universe or what page in the universe and Therefore obviously the biggest problem in the universe should be an extension of his brand which he owns entirely But since the beginning he and dick Masterson ran it together. So when they broke up there was a lawsuit and
And among the, actually, there was two lawsuits. There was the lawsuit over the brand, the right to do the biggest problem in the universe, which the court decided is 50-50 Maddox and Dick Masterson. And then there was the lawsuit, which had expenses that were awarded to Dick.
Unknown_03: And he accepted the other half. I wanna say he accepted the other half of the biggest problem in the universe in exchange for not pursuing fees for damages. So now Dick owns the biggest problem in the universe Exclusively and he decided to reboot it with Vito the pedo and he had destiny on recently and they were they were like Yeah, Max is I'm like Vito will never like shake the the whole pedophile thing because he keeps saying dumb shit and Vito said something like
Oh, it's a great Vito said it was a great time to be a pedophile because people are so convinced if you wear Balenciaga You're a pedophile so you can be an actual pedophile and people won't even notice because everyone is like So miss misdirected and the pedo scare is such a thing that if you are an actual pedophile you can get away with it It's just like a like a horrifically stupid fucking taking destiny just sitting there with like a shitty ingran just like the biggest just like three greasy freaks talking about pedophilia and what's supposed to be a comedy podcast and it's just like okay whatever you guys suck i don't know what to say this this is shit this is really bad uh so that's that's like the peak of the dick masters and stuff over this year
I predict that in 2023, Max Carson and Vito Gestalti will be curb-stomped like in America History X by Ethan Klein. Ethan Klein will redeem himself by curb-stomping Vito and Max Carson. Lock it in, that's what's happening. And Ethan Klein will get away with it, too, because he's Jewish.
Unknown_03: Christian don't even fucking bring it has Chris been in jail deed. Oh my god. Did the Christian happen this year? What or was it last? I don't even know anymore. I'm losing my fucking mind chat Not guilty 2021, okay, it wasn't this year.
I'm not that far behind. Chris started the year in jail, I think, and he's ending it in jail, I think. 2023, he'll stay in jail. I think that they're gonna do something. They can't let him go. There's no fucking way that they're gonna let him out.
Unknown_05: Uh...
Unknown_03: So yeah, Chris is staying in jail. They're going to commit him. They're going to say that he's too crazy to go out into the world and take care of himself, which is true. And I kind of wish they would subpoena me to give testimony because I can test that, number one, he cannot take care of himself. Number two, that he knows that what he did was wrong.
And I would testify that under penalty of perjury. I think that Chris knew what he did was wrong, and he hid it from the public and from me, personally, because he knew it was wrong, and he knew it was not a good thing to do. He may not have known it was a crime, but he knew what he was doing.
Unknown_03: Mr. Girl, I just said what happened to Mr. Girl. He gets his fucking head caved in by Ethan Klein on the curbs of LA, like American Mystery Acts.
Coach Red Pill, I don't know. The war started, he said that he was pro-Putin, and then they immediately took back... It's not Kursin that they took back. What city was he in? He was in a Far East city that was only briefly held by Russia, though.
Unknown_03: Kharkiv he was in Kharkiv and they they took that and coach was like, oh ha ha Russia will collapse Ukraine in two weeks. Yeah, and then The Ukrainians took back our cave and now he's like a prisoner. He's like he's like under detention He's under like surveillance or something. He's not allowed to leave our cave anymore The Ukrainians are watching him
I don't know. Maybe in 2023, the war will end and they will like formally arraign him with charges of like, um, like propaganda. That sounds reasonable, actually. I'm gonna lock that in. He's gonna get charged formally with like being a mouthpiece for Putin and get arrested for it.
Does Bill Clinton win the game awards? Okay, somebody give me the fucking, the Bill Clinton one. Bill Clinton. I think I actually have this on my, my, there we go.
Unknown_07: Okay, this is the kid that trolled game awards, I guess.
Unknown_10: You know, real quick, I want to thank everybody and say that I think I want to nominate this award to my Reformed Orthodox Rabbi, Bill Clinton.
Unknown_07: My reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton. Thank you, everybody.
I like how he's like an actual like Thomas. OK, this is like.
Unknown_03: It looks like a like a mentally handicapped young Israeli boy, and he's like mush mouth. I think he's actually insane. I think this kid's actually insane.
Unknown_03: And he broke into the game where I didn't watch it. Apparently, like 750,000 people are watching it on YouTube.
Unknown_03: And he said, shout out to my reformer, which is just nonsense. Nonsense statement. So people want me to play this. I hope you've enjoyed it.
He does. He's he was wearing Kanye West shoes. It all ties together. It's one great big merge.
Unknown_03: Oh, shoe on head. Shoe on head started the year unmarried, finished the year unmarried, and I predict in 2023, shoe on head will stay unmarried. Lock it in, Josh prediction for shoe on head, formalizing it, formalizing the predictions.
Oh, Armored Skeptic. Armored Skeptic was, I think, was with the Australian woman. Oh, dude, Armored Skeptic is like a piece of shit. I don't think I properly roasted him enough. So he dumps Shu, whatever, moves on with his life, hooks up with like a really attractive Australian woman.
Unknown_03: who's, you know, the Australians have reputations for being like tall and blonde and very attractive. Hooks up with an Australian woman and everyone's like, wow, what an upgrade. Normal woman. Good for, good for him. Good for him to dump Shu and the weird BDSM relationship thing, get into like a real relationship. Hopefully he's going to like not be a retard. She gets breast cancer and he dumps her.
Like the most and you know what's really sad is that women that get cancer get divorced like almost like the men divorce them Like the rates are really high like the moment a woman gets cancer. It's like that's it game over there's like a really really high divorce rate with uh And it's not only that way if a husband gets cancer the divorce rate from the women is much much lower than the divorce rate from the husband uh with a Six times higher I think is the actual statistic Really fucked up. He did that.
And now the wrath of Yeshua, Jesus, has caught up to him. For being such a cunt and for ditching his upgrade because she got sick, he is now facing the cold Canadian winters alone. And literally, the cold Canadian winters. Because he's Canadian. And he's... Oh no, my stream has died.
Unknown_03: Yet again, I predict that in 2023, my streams will continue to have extremely poor performance. Just refresh. You guys are such fucking drama queens.
So he breaks up with what's her face, and I don't even know her name was a very brief relationship, and now he's like facing the cold Canadian winters alone. He's going to he's going to starve. He's talking about how his Bigfoot channel doesn't make the money it needs to and how he's miserable and it's going to die alone or whatever the fuck. Don't feel bad for him. He's an asshole. Such is life.
Unknown_03: I can save show, I don't want to. I'm telling you, you know, show on head.
See, you burn the coal, you burn the coal and that, you know, that, that in and of itself, no coming back from it. No coming back from that. Sorry to say. Uh, so for 2023, I predict that armor skeptic will have to cuddle up with PPP in the cold and they have to conserve their body heat together to make it through the Arctic winters of Canada.
Unknown_03: Someone said Wings of Redemption. Wings of Redemption is so boring now. He's just like zonked out, zombified on fucking Luxor Pro. Getting through each day as passively as possible. Might break up with his wife and that's it. That's all I can say.
Baked Alaska. How does anyone know anything about... Okay, Baked Alaska is going to fucking jail. Doesn't he go to jail in like January? I predict in 2023, Baked Alaska will go to jail.
Unknown_03: like make the last is so fucking boring um he's the most insipid of all the cozy tv people that i that i even know of he's just such a jesus larp is so fucking irritating and he's like so transparent and it's just like bro nobody fucking believes you you're such an ugly piece of shit people only watch you because they like to see bad things happen to you because it's funny that's it
He's only going to jail for like 60 days. He'll probably get half of that on good time or whatever.
Unknown_03: Oh, someone reminded me. Okay. The Kiwi farms. The, this, this is the, the whole site. Uh, let me just pull up my statistics real quick. Cause I'm kind of curious to see where we're at in comparison. Oh, I can't because. Oh, I'm so fucked.
Unknown_03: I'm using a streaming proxy and I don't have the VPN that I need to access my admin control panel. Okay, I can't get statistics. We are somewhat down in activity, I think, just from post. But I think that's because we have so many more lurkers than posters right now. We were briefly over 4,000 a day right before the Keffel shit. So we're coming back to that. And just in terms of activity, we've lost a lot of posters.
But many, many, many, many more returned.
Unknown_03: Um, the site is mostly stable. Things are looking good and things have been quiet for the last month. You know, knock on wood. I need some wood. Yeah.
Unknown_03: I need more wood here.
Unknown_03: I'm knocking, knocking, knocking on the wood shop.
Unknown_05: Um, so I, you know, we've lost everything that there feels like can be lost and we're approaching replacing things with sturdier alternatives and they're holding up well.
Unknown_03: Barring something really unforeseen things are looking good There's there's always risk. I don't want to say what they are. There's some things that I'm nervous about but right now the biggest the biggest threats are like The like the Christchurch call and shit there's a lot of people who want to censor the internet and I just see I think at this point
we may have conquered the government or the free market side of things. I think that now we have a strategy that works in terms of mitigating the risk of even ISPs dropping us to a great extent.
Unknown_03: The issue then is that governments will step in and start forcing regulation. And I suspect that I might have to comply with regional jurisdiction. There might be something like,
Unknown_03: Biden will pass a law saying like, you know, you can host whatever you want to like an American audience But if you get a request to take down requests from New Zealand, you have to censor it for New Zealand Something like that. I can see that passing in the u.s I think that the Kiwi farms will probably be split eventually. Maybe not this year, but in 2024 down the road There will be like a Kiwi farms that you a Kiwi farms.au for Hiroshima
and I'll just have to constantly like up this game of dealing with takedown notices from different countries to try and stay legal even within the United States.
Unknown_03: But as far as the site's doing, the site's doing fine.
Unknown_03: We need new software. I wish I could have worked on Sneed 4.0 more this year.
Hopefully I'll be able to find help working on that, because it sucks working on a big project alone.
Unknown_03: But I'm cautiously optimistic about the site, way more so than before. There was a time where it really looked like this is fucked. This is fucked. If ISPs are clamping down on us, we're truly fucked.
Unknown_03: but we found some support and I think there's like with the I didn't even mention this on the stream, but there's a EFF campaign called protect the Stack I think it's protect the stack org. Yeah protect the stack org It's a campaign by the EFF to depoliticize ISPs, which is a great incentive So if you would want to look into that Protect the stack org is very good to see that Use PHP BB.
Yeah, right
Unknown_03: I don't know, things will probably stay the same. There will probably be a scare, but it will come from the government, I think. The government will be annoyed at some stupid shit that happens. I don't know, Nick Fuentes and Kanye West are assassinated and the government is like, we need you to procure every post and every attachment about Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.
Unknown_03: this is now a matter of super high priority federal investigation under the department the secret department of uh super important globalist matters you can't talk about this to any of them some shit like that uh so yeah site will probably be fine 2023 i feel in my bones lock it in now php bb is shit i'm not fucking migrating from xinfor to php bb like come the fuck on
Any anything else?
Unknown_05: Anything else?
Unknown_05: Trance.
Unknown_03: I think the trenches is now dissolved. The trenches like maybe like two people, I think, watching after the alpacas, but it's basically completely falling apart.
Unknown_03: I mentioned Liz Fong Jones. Liz Fong Jones will consent to accident someone in 2023 and they'll the person will get their story out in the Kiwi farms and I will have my vengeance inshallah.
Unknown_05: Lock it in.
Annie for Christ.
Unknown_03: Sam Hyde. I don't really have a feeling about Sam Hyde.
Unknown_03: Jack Salfoni's arm probably still gimpy.
Unknown_03: idubbbz oh idubbbz and anisa um they got married this year i think and they will have a baby um anisa is definitely getting that settle down energy and she's gonna milk her cuck for um a child i i feel that coming too unless they're gonna try for a baby at least i don't know if they'll get one a cuck baby maybe maybe that would definitely be funnier if it was not idubbbz's actual child
You know actually yeah, he's only get cocked the baby won't be his lock it in that's happening All right, uh Show mode, I guess let's do some shilling start reading the chats someone complained about my About my show mode. I wonder if I can just change the wallpaper. Let's say copy reference
Unknown_05: Filters then I want to do chroma.
Unknown_03: No not chroma key, but color correction You shift Nice green color. Hell yeah, there we go. That's that nice green color and then everything is not all weird then that guy will shut up The green mode floodgates open when if I have my way I will be able to get the patch store up and I will be able to open the site to registrations after this weekend.
Fingers crossed.
Unknown_03: Okay, reading the Super Chats now. Your Janny is a tranny for 10 says, do you post on Friends Chan? No, I do not. And this was from a couple of days ago, but I missed it. I love Joshua Moon did not donate, donated 40 USD. I stand with Ethan Ralph and his righteous indignation towards the turk roach infestation. I'm also selling Kiwi Farm true and honest accounts on eBay. Go to my Only Fan page for more info. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Thank you. I, Joshua Moon, did not donate. Happy Christmas.
Now Mr. Pipe says, wake up, wake the fuck up slobber mutt, we must, this is a hard, hard, stop giving me hard sentences, I can't read.
Unknown_03: Wake the fuck up slobber mutt, we have a big I internet to burn. That's right, we're burning it down. We'll be fine.
Unknown_03: I threatened to go full retard and the ISPs have acquiesced to my demands.
Unknown_03: Cross I mean since that's for like the politics take on like the Britain grinder stuff. There's a gay female Basketball player that went to Russia with a weed vape pen got arrested for smuggling and then they traded her for Like basically the guy from Lord of War like the Nicolas Cage character is like a real-life arms dealer that was involved in selling Soviet surplus to warlords and shit and And the US traded that for like the black woman Very cringe Anyways
Across the World for Two says, hey Josh, I hope you watch the CSI episode I recommended, watching that show from the beginning and seeing how it treated people like Tims, et cetera, back in the 2000s.
Unknown_03: Let me question how we got to now. We got to now through extreme propaganda. Kiwi Farms, I already shouted this out, but Kiwi Farms for $500 says, Merry Christmas, nerd. Thank you very much and Merry Christmas.
Thank you for the, that's a lot of money. That's like my Christmas shopping. The limited Christmas shopping I have to do.
Unknown_03: Irish plug for one says does this work? Did you get your shekel? Yes, I did. Thank you An answer to says no person stream to make up for not doing one for Halloween Understandable, if not given all the bullcrap they had Pope last month. Thanks the trends. I would like to do more stuff I might do something for the gum root people because they deserve it but
Unknown_03: Yeah, last few months have sucked. Like I'm looking at my catalog and all my streams are like unnamed. They don't have thumbnails. It's just been like a miserable stretch the last couple of weeks. Reform Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton for $12.34 says nothing. Thank you. Thank you, Rabbi. Anonymous for $20 says, what's the deal with Ethan Klein buying 150 plushies of an autistic YouTuber? Did he do it because he sucked his ass for a second or because he wanted to get his hopes up? I don't know what you're talking about. Um, he could just like the guy and buy the plushies, I guess. It's not beyond belief. Ethan Klein has a lot of money. Plushies aren't that expensive.
Uh, Twinkle Tart, but thank you. Uh, Twinkle Tart for $100 says Merry Christmas, buddy. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Merry Christmas.
Unknown_03: Uh, Master Doodle for five says second stream. I'm watching live. Thanks for the background audio while I draw. Well, show us what you draw. Hopefully it doesn't suck.
Unknown_03: Hopefully it's something Christmas related, something Christmas and Kiwi related to post on the forum, because I do like the fan art. When a community stops having art, it stops having a community. Gotta have fan art.
Rungle loving Israel smiley face for five says, OK, it's my turn. Shout outs to my reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, Rungle. I'm glad that you're not dead, but the the anime avatars in the discord have not caved your skull in.
Unknown_03: By the way, there's a guy that watches my streams, is a big fan of my streams, that I banned from the forum briefly because he sent out a Discord link. There is some gay Discord. I hope that it's being managed intelligently, but God knows it's gonna cause trouble. It's probably what these weird Rungle tweets are about.
Unknown_03: But I just, again, to reiterate, I do not have a Discord, I do not run a Discord, I do not invite people to a Discord, I do not talk to people in Discord. The Discord account I have is used only for talking to people completely unassociated with the forum in public about programming stuff. I do not talk in private to anyone on Discord. So if someone messages you and says it through me on Discord, it's not me.
All in one for ten says I want to nominate the super chat to my reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton This is the third one you guys really love reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton Thank you all in one hell dog dot exe for five says is there gonna be a purchase cap on the patches? I want two packs, but I don't want to fight scalpers On topic, one of these dumb anime patch sellers wrote Sneed on the back of their business card they sent me. That's cute. You shouldn't be buying anime patches though. That's cringe. No, there will not be a limit, I don't think.
But I don't know. I might.
Unknown_03: I think what I'm going to do is when I do the sale,
Unknown_03: I am going to allow people to buy as many as they want while the sale runs. And if I end up selling 10,000 patches, so be it. I probably won't. But what I'm gonna do when I send them out is send them out smallest to largest. So all the single orders will go up first, then all the second orders, then all the third orders, and so on and so forth. So if you buy like 100 patches, thank you, but you're gonna have to wait, you're gonna be last to get what you ordered. Because I want to make the most people happy. I'm going to try to supply those people first. That's my idea. If you want to put in a bunch of orders.
The Hanch for $50 says Siri and AndyW only want Chantelle because his autism equates her with Snorlax. That's true. I made that joke. I was watching while in the beauty parlor chat. And I said like, does he like only want to fuck her because he reminds her of Snorlax and he's just like completely infatuated with Pokemon? That's how it feels like. Thank you. Namas for 222 says, hey Josh, I'm trying to raise money for my father who was diagnosed with stage four cancer. Oh, Merry fucking Christmas to you too. Am I becoming Nick Ricada?
This is like a joke. No, this is the real cancer fund. Okay Can I replay this? This is the link if you want to donate to a cancer fund of someone who watches the stream Thank you for making this for you Have to be nice and this Christmas after all there's the link I put it back on the stream Is that Jim's long-lost son
Now if you really want to get donations, buddy, you gotta frame it like this. Jim is my father. He's watching anime. He has cancer. I need money to burn his anime collection. Please help. Please go to my GoFundMe to fund my petrol, my petrol thing.
Unknown_03: Haxleet for $1 says, Merry Sneedmas and a Happy New Year. You too, buddy. Thank you. Anonymous for $5 says, Hey Josh, Happy Friday. Thanks for all the streams. Thank you.
Unknown_03: Nick Gers for $5 says, Can you start calling your fan zone the Moon Crickets? Thanks Josh. Much love from Liberia. You're not from fucking Liberia. Fuck off. You would not be on the internet sending $5 to people if you lived in Liberia. No, the fan zone is simply the fan zone. I refuse to change it.
Chimp Lord 1997 for five says did you see the kid who stage-bombed the Game Awards? They're calling him Paul I tried is I don't know the fuck that I tried is but yes I have I have heard about the Israeli kid who stage-dived the Game Awards and said shout out to my Orthodox Reformed rabbi Bill Clinton actually
Anonymous for $75 says Mary Steenmis, happy padaru. I don't know what the fuck a padaru is, but you too, buddy. Unless that's an anime thing, which I just realized it has the syllables of a Japanese word, in which case I want to preemptively say if a padaru is a Japanese thing, I don't wish a happy any of that, but happy Steenmis, my friend. Thank you.
Unknown_03: for the win for 10 says if you put 10 euros actually if you played sports you'd grab every position in the hall of fame keep on winning josh thank you that's that's a bizarre a couple weeks i've never i actually i played a lot of sports i just hated all of them my mom kept trying to sign me up for different sports teams i just i i am not a sporty guy i don't know what to say
Abominable home and for five says my 2023 prediction for Pete's is that he becomes the third chair on Keno Casino And the show consists of Andy and PPP making fun of his reddit neckbeard meltdowns Somehow this makes the show better. That would be actually a pretty good show, but there's no way that Pete's would Would tolerate Nazis or whatever. He would not be down for that. Even if it was lots of money
Unknown_03: Someone in chat is asking me for free to say, thoughts on Christmas being pagan, I'm confused about it. Ignore those people.
Unknown_03: All the holidays are based off other holidays which have been around for thousands of fucking years. It does not matter when Jesus was born. It's a celebration of that. It literally does not matter if it's actually the day that he was born.
Ignore pagans on polder fucking retards hail Odin's Monday for one says time for us to celebrate Australian Pissmas on the ninth day of Pissmas you throw a jar of piss on the nearest Frenchman you can find that is a base holiday Fun fact about Australians the big I think the big day for Australians is like the day after Christmas and that's called boxing day and i think that's when they do all the presents it's weird how like even in like the anglosphere different countries often have different um different like uh customs and shit
Unknown_03: A link for one says, if you didn't see it, Josh, I'll donate $50 and join the game road. When you make the, that inglorious bastards take down a dude. I tried to watch and glorious bastards to do a review. I hate the fucking movie. I can't stand it. The first scene is good, but then afterwards it's just so bad. It's really like, I don't even feel like vitalized now, which I hate the movie. I just fucking hate it.
Melvin Dinkley for 10 says yo, Josh. Do you have any archives that go back further than Odyssey? Thanks for the stream goblin, man Yes, Matthew dot-com or Maddie dot-live which will be up this month, hopefully
Unknown_03: Haunch yawns for one says this is the second time I've Rick rolled you last time was the Anthony Legato stream That was a long time ago. I know what you're talking about though the secret Anthony Legato stream where he does a comedy stand-up routine that involves like in late 2000s or be like pre 2010 going on stage in LA and asking people if they knew Christian Weston Chandler one of the most cringe things I've ever fucking seen and
A new MC Jarbo song dropped during your stream. Well, that's perfect timing because I did not have an intro song picked out. Let's see.
Unknown_03: MC Jarbo on YouTube is what I want.
Unknown_03: The Gunt loyalty one hour ago. Well, that sounds like a winner. That sounds like a good song to close out 2022 with. Um,
Unknown_05: Thank you.
Unknown_03: Uh, anonymous for five says Merry Christmas and thank you for the rules throughout the year. PS, please update the podcast if you can. Yes, I promise. Once I decide order of operations site goes up, patch sale, fix the archive and then fix the RSS feed.
Hello Turkey Tom Pizza day is on Sunday, but yes, I'll get a sloppy nasty holidays pizza I can't like I'm still dieting because I know I'm gonna overeat the second half of the month and I intend to eat a lot and But I'm still like having like soup for dinner and stuff. So I don't gain too much weight during December. I
Um, but thank you anonymous for the five roxanne wool for 41 dollars says bark bark Merry birthday and happy stingmas from your animal control and kennel club for neighbors. Yes. Thank you roxanne I'm, sorry that the I I feel bad for all the for the kennel club and for the um, Dsp people because the downtime really hurt the activity of the chat even the beauty parlor. That's that's the real victim of the fucking
Unknown_03: The downtime is that the people who would nest and chat and keep chat very active and stuff they've all fucked off to discord and stuff and it sucks. But hopefully we'll stay up for longer for the next year and the minimal downtime will encourage people to use the chat again because when people.
I know it sounds like weird and possessive and controlling like no you will post only in the chat for the Kiwi comms You will not post discord chat like I know that sounds like weird possessive, but there's something psychologically manipulative about discord that causes fucking retard drama all the time And it's just better for people to know that what they're saying is on the forum and it's public and people will read it. They don't like them and want to fuck with them because those same people, um, when they're in discord, they don't, they just don't think about it. And it's, but it's the same environment, the same people as on the forum. It's just that they're more comfortable in discord and they'll say things that they regret. Uh, that's what happens.
Jasper kitty, but oh, but thank you Jasper kitty Brunel for five euro says I believe in you reaching 80 kilograms I started fasting just to learn some discipline after listening to you mentioning it long ago currently on a 14 day long straight Good luck Jay. Well, you shouldn't starve yourself I
Unknown_03: I mean, fast fasting is very good. I actually believe in the fasting thing where it's like.
Unknown_03: If you do alternate day fasting, that's a good fad way to lose weight, because you can basically eat anything that you want as long as you like within reason, mathematical reason and seek a.
If you just eat every other day and only eat a little bit on the off days and you count calories, you can easily lose a lot of weight without too much stress doing alternate day fasting. And you feel good if you fast. I don't know what it is. When I was really fat and I just ate constantly,
Unknown_03: especially as a teenager, like I was just super depressed. There's something about being bogged down with carbs and being full all the time and half your blood is devoted to digesting food constantly. You just feel awful. And then you take a day to like just not eat and you feel way better. You feel you have like a clarity to how you think. It helps with depression. It helps a lot of things.
Unknown_03: So if you're a big fat piece of shit, uh, after Christmas, of course, when you start your New Year's resolution, uh, try not eating. Literally just try not eating for a day, you'll feel better.
Uh, Melvin Dinkley for eight says, can you play this five minute clip of DSP? It always makes me laugh. Five minutes is a lot, buddy, but let's do it. Why am I toxic?
Unknown_03: Oh, it's very loud. That's how you wanted me to play it. I see. Five-second clip, friend. There's a 60-60 difference between five minutes and five seconds.
Unknown_03: Have you heard, have you visited any churches in Eastern Europe? I heard, oh, I should read the name. Adept Daniel Fortin says, have you visited any churches in Eastern Europe? I've heard Georgia has beautiful churches that are incredibly ancient. My 2023 Josh prediction is that you will embrace the holy orthodoxy God willing. My issue with orthodoxy is that it's a LARP. I feel like it's a LARP if you are if you don't live in the east to Or if you're like a westerner, I don't know you have to like Embrace a church that's like local to you. I think that's more important than finding because people people have this weird autism about marriage and children and country and religion where it's like
I'm trying to roll an RPG character.
Unknown_03: If I want to save the white race, I have to live in Croatia and I have to find a 6ft tall blonde girlfriend that's completely subservient to me and has 8 children I have to be orthodox. I have to be Croatian and Orthodox that's like the best RPG like if you do this your birth rates higher and you'll be happier and you'll Have the best faith not the least cop face. That's like a probably shouldn't approach everything that kind of perspective. That's I Don't have anything. It's orthodoxy in particular Like it feels like a LARP to try and integrate into Eastern European religion as like a fat white American. I
But yes, I've been to a couple churches. I went to I've been to a couple in Belgrade I didn't I did not visit any in Ukraine. I regret that though I don't think I can think of any off the top of my head and Vanessa and a lot of churches in Georgia were damaged by the USSR because the USSR was a state atheist Regime so they destroyed a lot of churches and renovated them
Thank you.
Unknown_03: A small kitten for 10 says you can only eat one country's cuisine for Georgia, Georgia. Oh, there's lists. The countries to choose from are England, North Korea, and Zimbabwe. Which cuisine are you going with?
Unknown_03: Well, North Korea doesn't have food.
Unknown_03: England food I would pick Zimbabwe. I bet you whatever I bet you they have like dumplings and like fried meat and zebra and shit That's really tasty English food sucks, though So then again, I went to Ireland and I had a full English English breakfast and let me tell you if you've never had a
Blood sausage that shit's good. That shit tastes like bacon. It's like the crispy crunchy parts of bacon. It's really fucking good Unfortunately, I did not have lamb though. I really wanted lamb. I was in Ireland. I mentioned this last time too, but whatever When you go to Ireland, I posted the video On my secret channel, you know
Unknown_03: Um anonymous for five says what did he mean by this context? This is the game awards. Okay, that's definitely gonna be the fucking I don't know bro. I I think he's a fucking crazy person. I that's what I think. I think he's literally mumbling nonsense Um Frog god for five says i'm shooting my shot chat josh. Can you feature the frog the frog thread just until midnight? Okay
be in general discussion. I don't think we have a board for animals must be in general discussion. Maybe it's an art because it's a picture thread frog. Oh, no, it isn't. Okay, I'm gonna feature this.
My site wasn't so fucking slow.
Unknown_03: Depends on what connection you get and where you're connecting from, if it's a fast connection or not. Oh, God wants me to feature this. Oh, shit. Oh, I forgot to, um, I forgot to feature the movie night thing. They're going to be so pissed that I never feature the movie night thing in time. And I think that they've already started or they start like in a couple of minutes. As soon as the stream ends, I'll feature the movie night thing. If you're listening and you're part of those people and you're mad at me because it's not featured.
Um, okay, that's done what's next Danny Ockford who says you have to mention about Ralph's retarded bowling ball tournament where he got swiped proving He was the reflexes of a slug and he can't defend himself for shit.
Unknown_03: Hence the Portugal mountains. I did forget that He had a really embarrassing bowling tournament with Dick Masterson where Dick Masterson fled the scene because it got swatted and he had drugs on him
Heinrich the eighth or ten says as a fellow map game enthusiast and a book Cohen one viewer I think you should know about this clip No No No Why would you send this to me?
Unknown_10: I? Can't oh my fucking god
Unknown_03: God dammit, I fucking hate anime This fucking guy this fucking guy he streams on Twitch Okay, I'll show it. I forgot sorry I fucked it up. Oh
This is Buko1, and he watches anime. He does these map game streams with Victoria1, and he watches anime. Is this the fucking thing? It's called Girl and Panzer.
Unknown_03: And they do this thing.
Unknown_03: Do it!
Unknown_03: On his Twitch stream, he has this thing as his donation alert.
every tip every fucking tip and if you watch his his streams he um like his uh his videos you constantly hear this fucking noise it's drills in your fucking skull it's so awful so i don't know what the fuck happened he got twenty thousand dollars i guess for a cancer charity thing so he did this
Unknown_06: I can't they buck broke my boy.
Unknown_03: Do you understand? Do you know what this is? What the anime does to you chat? You don't understand. This is what the anime does to you You think oh, I'll watch the show about the the tanks the girls driving the tanks. What could go wrong? It has nice music, right? all I know about that show is that fucking clip because it's beaten to my goddamn brain by Bacon one having it on his streams and then their um, I
it's not like a katusha i love but katusha is one of my favorite russian songs and this rendition the the woman that sings this song she's a japanese but she has a um a degree in russian studies so she knows russian fluently and she knows a lot about russian culture and stuff and the song is good it just happens to be in an anime unfortunately um
Unknown_03: But it's like you watch this shit and you think like oh this is a good show or whatever the fuck and then and then they get you and then you're doing this shit and then they get you the the the the the menace has sank its claws into you and you're in your in your you're in a skirt saying pants of fall because you've been buck broken.
Unknown_03: It's just the worst chat and it keeps happening. I keep telling you, I keep telling you not to watch the anime. Don't listen to me. Chat sucks. Everything I like is fucking shitty chat.
That's what drives people.
Unknown_03: Anon4Five says, I need you to make a dwarf fortress without transsexual polyamorous dwarves please and look at restoring the video on white girls fuck dogs site. I will restore the meme sites eventually, it's not a priority though. I know that dwarf fortress is out now and toady1 sucked the chunwang and now there's fucking trans dwarves and shit and it's just everything I have hundreds of hours in dwarf fortress. I've played dwarf fortress
since I played as long as I played block land like I would still return to door fortress every year or so and Make a fortress and go to my usual where I go to a glacier and I build an ice castle and then I build like a drawbridge that has like a 40 layer drop and Goblins just explode against the ground as I pull the lever and drop them repeatedly and now that's ruined too He got cancer, he got a cancer scare, so he started sucking dick and putting up a thing and saying like, I love trannies now, there's trans dwarfs in my game, please donate to me, I'm half cancer. That's how it happens, that's how you get buck broken, you want the money.
Unknown_03: Very sad. Turbo Neal Breen for once says, Josh, how much silver will it take you to meet Chantal at Hedonism 3? You better bring in the whole pirate chest, I'm about to tell ya.
Unknown_03: Jim's autoimmune disease for one says have you seen Adam YNS defending zoophilia and the animals consent? There's a clip on YouTube and a long reddit post to link down if you look in the replies to that reddit post you'll see Kiwi Knoll in the replies and We had a back-and-forth. I had a back-and-forth in the YouTube comments as well. Actually, it wasn't YouTube comments only But yeah, that got circulated quite a bit I've definitely tried to convince him that fucking dogs is never okay and that animals cannot consent to sex but he is firmly
He's very libertarian, I guess.
Unknown_03: Fligoo Gigoo for two says, who is your favorite Necron? Bro, I know what that's a reference to. I don't fucking know. I don't know anything about Necrons. I know that they're like zombie robots or some shit. That's it. I don't have a favorite. Fligoo Gigoo for one says, what's your prediction for Chris's weight loss in jail? I heard jail food can be more utilitarian for budget reasons than prison, so you lose weight faster. I think he'll have you beat this year.
Um, maybe he could just be eating a lot. I think, I don't know. I imagine, I mean, people get fat in jail. Ralph didn't, maybe he'll lose weight. It's hard to say. I don't know enough about jail food to make a real prediction about that.
Unknown_03: Denny Hawk for two says tranche prediction. Um, I've already talked about the trenches. So the it's basically closed down. Um, they'll probably sell off the alpacas for meat knowing how fucking deranged they are though.
Need them feed them for 10 says I curse you, Joshua Moon in the name of my reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton.
Unknown_03: Thank you for the $10. Yes, reformed.
Unknown_03: I wish that he picked a different name. Bill Clinton is like the worst possible, least funny name for that. Like, come on.
Unknown_03: Also called, say Joe Biden or something. Why does it gotta be who the fuck? Who gives a fuck about Bill Clinton? The motherfucker is almost dead. Bill Clinton jokes. Stop being funny. Like 2006.
Come on.
Unknown_03: Can you change the blue? It pisses me off.
Unknown_05: Change the blue for this guy because he's upset. Don't want to upset people.
Unknown_05: He doesn't like, there we go. That's like a nice Shrek for my friend in the chat with the sensitivities.
Unknown_05: Um... Sadboy for one says, you or some mod banned my account during the Keffel Saga because my account was semi-new and had nearly no posts, so it was mistaken for a sleeper.
No hard feelings, though, but are safe and sorry. Well... Um, just make a new account this week.
Unknown_03: Doesn't matter. Purple is great green as well.
Unknown_03: I like this color, fuck off. Mary Tanuki, awaiting the new year for five says, still waiting for the floodgates to be open. Here's the flurry- furry-jama thing that you never got.
Unknown_05: Let's see.
Unknown_03: Self-proclaimed Christian furry Peace Wolf cheats on marriage and leaves her kids for a poly relationship with Jason Fex and their partner.
Proceeds to taunt her ex with whiteboard drawings.
Unknown_05: She still has the Christian icon in her bio. Critical hit.
Unknown_05: This tweet appears to be deleted now, so I cannot view this image.
Unknown_03: There you go. Um, who would have thought that Christian furries are degenerates? Real shocker there.
Unknown_03: Bill Clinton for 10.
Unknown_03: Fuck off. Oh my God. It's like a, it's literally, it's like a worse joke than the sneed thing. Somehow I find this more irritating than the fucking sneed thing.
Bill Clinton for 10 says, since you are making predictions about everyone else, do you have any predictions for yourself and or any New Year's resolutions? I'm going to continue to lose weight and I'm going to, I don't know. That's about it. I don't, I don't really, I want to get stage four made. Um, as far as predictions, not really. I might move again, but that's about it.
Unknown_03: Thank you though. Uh, Cuntimous Prime for 10 says, buy a bottle of booze for New Year's with this. Oh, I'm definitely going to drink. Don't you worry. Thank you. Uh, question mark for one year. It says I get a lady butter whenever you speak German. Oh, um, I don't know how to respond to that. Donka Jesus Christ for $50 as homosexuality is a sin and PPP will burn in hell.
Um, to homosexuality is a sin.
Unknown_03: PPP will burn. I cannot, I can't say that. I have no way of predicting that.
uh but i don't know he definitely i would i would wager that his current path is not righteous because andy warski is like sin incarnate he's like different kinds of deadly sin like rolled rolled up together and ppp is fat and gluttony
Unknown_03: I don't know. I don't like saying that people burn it because hell is like eternal like hell is like According to the the myth of hell. It's like a never-ending like pure agony kind of thing There's not really a lot of people that I would wish that on PPP just kind of acts shitty. You know what I mean? I don't really think he needs to like burn in hell
Unknown_03: Thank you. Uh, anonymous reply says, hi Josh. Merry Christmas. Please consider playing entropy zero one and two.
It's free on steam, but you need to own half life two.
Unknown_05: Um, and I've never even heard of that. Is entropy zero that game that Jim mentioned the robot game?
Unknown_05: No, it's not.
Unknown_03: I'm not like a huge Half-Life person. I don't think I've ever even played the original Half-Life games. I'm sorry, that might be a shocker to people. I know exactly what happens in all the Half-Life games. I've never played through them.
Unknown_03: I don't know, maybe. If I feel like it. Thank you, though.
Mad clock for five says Merry Christmas Josh and fellow viewers of the stream and Kiwi farms spend time with your family and friends and be merry The powers that want to control the world want you to be lonely and demoralized
Unknown_03: Yeah, I agree.
Unknown_03: The thing is I can't speak about too much of anything for what I want to do.
Unknown_03: As a rule of thumb, so me taking time off over Christmas is not like a new thing. I always make an effort to pretend to be busy over the New Year's and over Christmas and stuff. I even thought about shutting down the forum for Christmas Day. Because I kind of feel it's like sad to be on the Kiwi farms for Christmas But a lot of people just don't have anything like and they want to hang out with their friends on Christmas Day and watch movies and stuff so And I've been persuaded against that when I thought But thank you, and yes, it's true the powers that want you to be lonely You have to be optimistic you have to be like a retard and just stay optimistic no matter what and
Shout out to my reformed ortho- ah, my fucking god. Paul Altrides for three says, shout out to my reformed orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton and his favorite film, Dunk. I don't know what Dunk is, but thank you, Paul Altrides.
Unknown_03: Never forget, for once, his predictions on Tommy Tudor.
Unknown_03: Insane tranny, granny? I don't know. He's not going to change. He hasn't changed in like 50 fucking years. Tommy Tudor is staying the same.
Unknown_03: Anonymous for 2 says, Boxing Day is not an Australian thing, it's a commonwealth thing, as well as Massachusetts. I've never heard of it being in Massachusetts, but thank you, that's very strange. It's not a thing in the UK either, is it? I thought it was just Australia.
John Furman for 10 says, Happy birthday and Merry Christmas, thanks for doing the steedful and having a sloppy pizza pie on me. Thank you.
Unknown_03: My pizza pie is expensive though, I don't think 10 covers it, but it will put a dent in it. I appreciate it.
Unknown_03: Yes. Oh, and happy. Oh, not happy birthday. You're not having a birthday. You might be having a birthday.
Unknown_03: If you are having a birthday, happy birthday. I feel like I feel like K. And if you are having a happy birthday, have a happy birthday and Merry Christmas to you. And don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more of me. My name says no Hanukkah stream, no Hanukkah stream this year. I will be featuring something funny on the forum there for the first day of Hanukkah.
Zero for five says, next week KF is up in Romania.
Unknown_03: It should be up. If it's not up in Romania, let me know.
Unknown_03: The only thing I can think of is if your upstream directly is voxility, you may not be able to connect. But if you are, if you cannot connect to the forum, you should be able to. Send me a trace route and make sure that your DNS is not the issue. But if your upstream is voxility, they're probably blocking your connection and you should complain to them.
Poopin' Fartin' for two says, Josh 2023 prediction, Fligoo Gigoo and Rabbi Bill Clinton will live rent free in Josh's head. Rungle's head will be caved in with a brick by Samuel. Thank you Poopin' Fartin'.
Unknown_03: Uh, Wingston Fujimori for Tensei. Someone has a bass take on Fuentes. It's only a minute and a half long.
Unknown_03: I will play like 10 seconds of it if it's not very long. No, fuck off. I'm not playing the fucking anime rabbit.
Almost got me with that, but I saw the anime ears and I'm like, mm-mm. Mm-mm. I know what's coming. Fuck off.
Unknown_03: Turbo Neal bringing for one says Bill Clinton Sneed Bill Clinton Sneed Bill Clinton Sneed Thank You terminal Jesus Christ for $75 says pig pig pig will crackle and That's so mean I can't say that it's like that's like against my my There's like a certain way I make fun of a lot of people, but I try to be like light-hearted about it I never want to like
Say that someone should burn in hell unless I like I really fucking hate them if they're like a like a pedophile if they're like Max Carson, I'll say they'll burn in hell, but PPP people's fat and greedy like most people are But thank you very much the Kurds for five shows, thanks for streaming Josh, I appreciate it. Thank you
Unknown_03: And thank you for watching and anonymous for two says entropy zero is much better than half-life though. Oh, I don't know Maybe I'll get around to play. I'm not like It's like the movies there's a lot of movies that people try to recommend to me, but I I never get around though I will be playing somewhere this weekend. I think that's it as far as I was one more Care humor for $50 says Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Josh and all the kittens and thank you carried you um
that might be the last actually this is the odyssey chats still to read too i don't want to forget them
Unknown_03: Yes there are.
Unknown_03: IMPiano410 says, Hi Josh, recently joined your site. I can tell you put quite a lot of work into it. It's very nice, but the users are mean to me. When I ask them to be nice, they ridicule me further and call me homophobic slurs such as shit slurpee and AIDS fiend. Do you have any advice for fitting in? Well, if you're a homosexual, you should proceed into general chat where all the gays are and you'll fit in, right? You'll just fit in and everyone will be nice to you in the general chat.
Thank you though. Ginka for five says, Josh, do you have any advice for sticking to a budget? I was thinking about just pulling out cash for each week's spending, or do you think it's better to use software like Excel or both?
Unknown_03: for saving money like I don't know if you're like really overspending you should make a yeah make a budget of like where you're spending your money figure out where it's going first if you don't know how you don't have any money you should definitely try to figure out where the fuck you're spending your cash you might be surprised you probably have like 20 different subscriptions that are five dollars a month that you don't even know about
But yeah, that's like the general, like, problem-solving. Before you start to try to fix a problem, try to figure out what the problem actually is first.
Unknown_03: Um... King Schlagpfe says, and stop sending superchats to the streamers, because that's probably not helping. King Schlagpfe says, Merry Christmas! Do you put up decorations in the tree? I did. I do have a tree. I have a very nice tree. Actually, my tree stand sucks and it's dying because the water spills out. I'm gonna have to buy a new tree stand. A lot of money from this, these superchats of this are going directly to my tree stand, so I can get a new one that doesn't suck as much.
Unknown_03: Thank you though. Anton V31645 says, another week, another Erbit ties persistence.
Bro, I promise I'll look into Erbit one day. I swear to you, one day I will look at Erbit.
Unknown_03: Yeah. Okay. That's it. No more super chats. I'm going to wrap up. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching throughout this entire year. I hope that 2022 has been merciful to you.
Unknown_03: not fix oh because the filters are stuck um i hope that 2023 is prosperous for everyone i hope you have a great christmas i hope you have a great birthday if you happen to have a december birthday such as i do i do not have an address for you to send silver to i guess just hold on to your coins until the day that i can actually receive shit in the fucking mail again um and i think that's it thank you for watching uh thank you for supporting me if you are on the gum road or uh
thing in super chats I appreciate it helps a lot and I will be playing Soma this weekend on the better the video game channel I will announce it on telegram it's telegram Maddie on air I think is the URL it's like yeah Maddie on air is the thing
Unknown_03: Um, yes, I don't know how to end this because it's weird because I won't be streaming for a while after this So I feel like I should say something, uh important something uplifting something sneedful something meaningful Uh, shoot your shot I said that don't be a debbie downer nobody likes a debbie downer, um If you believe you can't you're right any other any other broad bloomer bloomer platitudes
um don't kill yourself i know that like january 21st is the most likely day for someone to kill themselves because the holidays are hard um that's it okay thank you uh here's this mc jarbo song i've never heard it before hopefully it's good this is the gunt loyalty uh see you when i see you bye
Unknown_08: paid call from an inmate at the county correctional facility.
Unknown_08: To accept this call, press 1 now.
Unknown_06: ever since the beginning you were just so different to all of these women because you didn't have an opinion you just did what i said in my twisted dominion you're one in a million all these other motherfuckers just act like children oh they love me on the kill street but then they call me trash when i get out the building it's such a disgrace Now they gotta turn around before I fuck up cause they're only nice to my face Bitch you're bugging, I'm nobody's husband I'm nothing, I didn't do nothing to nobody, nothing So how the fuck did I end up in this space? Guess a thumb in the butt ain't worth nothing but 713 days Yeah I whipped your ass like a slave, then the whole world found out you were paid I needed a name, and you had to cost him a mouthful of weed That's what it cost you, and I watched you break down in the courtroom. Ralph could no longer support you. Nigga, fuck the retort. If you'll be my baby, I'll never let them abort you.
Gator, you're low, and I know you want me. Unload those fucking balls on my face. Let me taste your loyalty. Cause it's sweet and salty. Your ass is sweet and salty. Gator, sweet and salty. Mmm, I gotta get that loyalty.
All calls are subject to recording and monitoring except privileged attorney-client communication Your call has been accepted
You may begin your call now.
Unknown_06: Remember my favorite musician? He needs to be gunned down with some ammunition. Find whatever the fuck town he lives in. Pop that bitch nigga right in his kitchen. Hold on, Ralph. You ain't black. Can't say that to Bibble. You ain't black. Leaving off from Memphis, and they gave me an N-word pass before they put the dick in my crack. I'll trade pins of cowboy for broke back. Trade a four-trunk for a coat rack. Depending on how things go, I'll trade southern dingo for a mandingo. I just hope that.
Unknown_06: You won't burn me like kerosene I guess that's the jealousy How they make every effort to laugh at me But your job's never to question me Never to mess with me And shake the pill bottle endlessly Go and fetch me the Hennessy I know her man keeps the edible panties in ketamine Bibble is your autistic energy To follow me to wherever Nick Fuentes be Like a dog on the lead But I do more than take photos of you when you sleep
Lebel, you're loyal, and I'm doing you a favor Me unload those black balls on my face Let me taste your loyalty Cause it's sweet and salty Your ass is sweet and salty Lebel, it's sweet and salty Mmm, negro loyalty Lebel, you're loyal, and I'm doing you a favor Me unload those fucking balls on my face Let me taste your loyalty Cause it's sweet and salty Your ass is sweet and salty Lebel, it's sweet and salty
Unknown_08: To decline this call and block future calls to this number, press 9 now.