0:00:43 Unknown_03: Penis. J-Flat. Unknown_03: Phone jumping off the chain like what's the business? I'm a pull up with the A like what's the business? Eating lunch with the blood like what's the business? AR double drum like what's the business? What's the business, what's the business, what's the business? What's the business, what's the business, what's the business? What's the business, what's the business, what's the business? 0:01:15 Unknown_03: Hello Unknown_19: That's the song that was made by that guy that killed all those people with his car. And I still hear, I still think of the song every so often. It's like, I don't know, black people music is like very repetitious and sometimes it's catchy. 0:01:48 Unknown_19: Like it's embedded into your brain. Unwillingly. Yeah, that is Daryl Brooks. Unknown_19: Drinking a fody bout of finna, not bouta. Drinking a fody finna drive through 80. Unknown_19: Or drive 80 through a school zone. Or through a parade. Through the dancing grannies. Unknown_19: Yes, I am going to talk about the English. Don't you worry. I got that lined up. I got that ready to go. Unknown_19: Well, first of all, happy Black Friday. If you're from... 0:02:21 Unknown_19: Europe, if you're outside the United States, we call the day after Thanksgiving. Unknown_19: Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of the month, so Black Friday is the last Friday of November. Unknown_19: We call it Black Friday because it is the day that black people trample each other to get a TV at half off, as opposed to when they trample each other to get it for free. Unknown_19: uh is is actually the the story of this is very fascinating it's that apparently most retail businesses are in the red all year uh until the the christmas season starts which officially starts after thanksgiving in the united states and then um they call it black friday because that's when they start making money i don't know how true that is i don't think it is true it doesn't sound very true to me it sounds like bullshit to be quite honest with you um 0:03:14 Unknown_19: That is where the name come from. I hope everybody has had a good Thanksgiving. I did. I had, I'll actually show you this in a second. Um, I had a very nice Thanksgiving. It wasn't very, it was very nice outside. And I, uh, got to talk with people. I, I got, I acquired a pie. Actually, fuck it. Let me just show you what I ate. Cause this apparently offends people and I want to make sure that everybody is offended. Unknown_19: Oh, I have to show it like this. Unknown_19: This is a pizza with hollandaise sauce, jalapenos, and turkey. And I don't know where the fuck else turkey is on their menu, but I got turkey on my pizza. 0:03:54 Unknown_19: and i ate it i ate that entire thing then i had a pie and i um i had a little kiwi logo on the pie so that you know you know that this is not bullshit you know that this is not a fake pie this is not a fake pizza this is a real this is the real deal it's as real as you and me and i actually ate both so uh if this if this causes you suffering um oh sorry you can't see it here we go Unknown_19: I've got to make sure that you see it. Sorry, I was in studio mode. I still have not mastered OBS. 0:04:29 Unknown_19: Stay triggered, libtard. You can even see it. You can see the yellow from the hollandaise sauce on the pizza. People thought I was dipping it. No, it's actually on the pizza. It's not like a replacement base, though. There's still tomato sauce on it. Unknown_19: That is a real pumpkin pie chat. Unknown_17: You can definitely see it. Unknown_19: You can definitely see it now. Unknown_19: If you're not, sorry, I repressed OBS. Anyways, enjoy. 0:05:04 Unknown_19: Looks tasty. It is tasty. It's really good, actually. I like my pizza very sloppy. I call it my slop pizza because it is very sloppy, but Unknown_19: All thanks to a given. Unknown_19: It is a Kiwi logo. It's a real pie. It's not fake. It's not photoshopped. Unknown_19: But yeah, I even put a little video for the Gumroad as a special thank you for everybody who's been on the Gumroads despite the complete and total lack of content for the last while. It has been appreciated. It has battened down a couple things for me that I otherwise would not have access to. 0:05:39 Unknown_19: Though... Unknown_19: I don't know. The patch sale is such that, just as a quick update, because the Man at the Internet site is not back up. I wanted it back up this month. Unknown_19: I am very frustrated with that. I'm hoping to get it back up, and then I have to process the backlog of all the episodes that I've done. My work is never fucking over. It's really never over. I'm slowly losing my fucking mind at this point. Unknown_19: Goyslop pizza. It's all homemade. I mean, the pizza's not homemade, but it's not like frozen pizza. That's like actual ingredients that you buy at a grocery store. Goyslop is like processed foods that are made as cheaply as possible. You don't know what you're talking about. Things that you don't like are not goyslop. The term is like a month old and people are already ruining it. Stuff I don't like. That's like slop for the goy. 0:06:12 Unknown_17: Anyways. Unknown_17: Anyways, I hope they didn't argue politics with your fucking your fucking I forgot that they're um that people watch football People watch football ubiquitously there's football in the rest of the world and then there's football in the u.s Remember there's an episode of the rugrats like 30 years ago now where? 0:06:53 Unknown_19: The plot is that it's Thanksgiving, and Tommy's dad is trying to set up this huge, like, TV system, like, satellite TV system with 8 million different televisions so they can watch every single football game at once. Unknown_19: And I never realized until I was an adult how shockingly Jewish the Rugrats are. There's so much, like... Unknown_19: subtle Jewish stuff in that show that you don't that you don't pick up on as a little kid but then you watch as a daughter like wow this is like really Jewish this is like a Jewish kids show for like a fit for in in Israel it's like straight out of Tel Aviv soccer isn't real Unknown_19: I avoided my family by watching Jim's stream. Well, that's one way to do it. Isn't Tommy Jewish? Yes. The main character's family is Jewish. He has a dreidel. The seasons are a big thing. 0:07:37 Unknown_19: It's hard not to notice how Jewish the Rugrats are. Unknown_19: examples their family is jewish the the the grandpa is jewish the grandpa is also like a pervert i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure he's like a philanderer in the show it's like a kid show but there's like a ever ever every jewish person i've ever talked to they're they openly admit that either their parents or their grandparents are like man whores they just try to fuck everybody and like cheating was like an open part of their relationship that they just got ignored it's i'm not saying i'm not using it as like a pejorative it's a very jewish show i'm saying that it's literally a jewish show that tommy is jewish um and i get to talk about this because hanukkah is coming up and uh it's it's tis the season it's a happy holidays for everybody i'm um they got them just i don't know just use rumble i don't know what the fuck is happening with with odyssey it's always some bullshit 0:08:24 Unknown_19: I don't know what it is. Like what's his face streams. No problem. Can I just like change this like midstream with, with Odyssey? It's always some wow. That's a feature. I really appreciate when it starts buffering and then refreshes and automatically unmutes itself. So I can't watch my chat while I'm streaming because I'll let you hear myself talk every song. That's really innovative. Cool. Unknown_10: Anyways, I tried changing Odyssey. Unknown_19: Maybe that will be better. I don't know if it will be or not. If not, there's like eight different options. Just pick one. I don't know what to tell you. 0:09:18 Unknown_19: Okay, so let's talk about the bullshit that's happened over the last week. Unknown_19: First up, sports ball. What band of mercenary melanated individuals representing whatever country is paying them will win the big cup? It will be decided in Qatar. But there's a problem, ladies and gentlemen. Qatar... Unknown_19: is islamic and unfortunately all the all the nice western europeans going to qatar to vote for to root for their melanated individuals kicking the ball uh must abide by the local ordinances set forth by the qatari uh whatever the fuck i'm assuming it's a kingdom or a sultan or whatever 0:10:12 Unknown_19: Um, so that has caused some conflict. Originally they were going to have these lovely gay and black armbands. I like it when guys are marching around with armbands as much as the next person, but that's a little bit homo homosexual. They were going to be wearing this one love bullshit, but the Qataris said, no, fuck off. You're not doing that. So they were like, yes, sir. inshallah i will take off the armband to comply with the ordinance fifa was like take that off take that off don't you with this money boy with this money they'll never find your body and they're like okay we'll um we'll take off the armbands and we'll just make this about sports for once This has caused some drama. There was big drama with even having I remember when this was decided that they were going to have the FIFA Cup in Qatar. It was like this is obviously a financially motivated decision because if you don't know Qatar is hot as fuck and it gets like 110 degrees in Qatar. So obviously this is a really terrible decision to have to have this in this hot as fuck country. 0:10:51 Unknown_19: Okay. For real. Don't spam. 0:11:23 Unknown_19: Like, okay. You want to, you want to like post the shuttle, the how, whatever the fuck, just like do it one time. I really don't like my chat has to be legible by future generations. Unknown_19: Grant's wall says just now security guards refusing to let me in, into the stadium for USA Wales. You have to change your shirt. This is not allowed. And here he is on the verge of tears. My man is, he's not able to physically handle this. Um, Unknown_19: He's about to cry, and unfortunately for him, nobody in Qatar cares, as evidenced by the fact that this Qatari man replies to him saying, and this is Banahar, as a Qatari, I'm proud of what happened. I don't know when the Westingers will realize that their values aren't universal. There are other cultures with different values that should be equally respected. Let's not forget that the West is not the spokesperson for humanity. and then this one has 750 000 likes and that guy looks like uh like middle eastern version of some other like character i don't know what the fuck his name is who am i thinking of he's like a guy that does like a podcast like a like a facts and logic type podcast and uh you know what i'm talking about Who is Matt Walsh? 0:12:45 Unknown_17: Yeah, he looks like Matt Walsh, but like Muslim. Unknown_19: Is this not Matt Walsh? Unknown_13: Oh, it's just translated. Unknown_19: It's just translated into Arab. I was like, why? He had the beard. The beard really threw me off. I'm thinking like, is this guy like trying to look like Matt Walsh, but he's Arab? Like, what's the deal here? No, it's just Matt Walsh looking Arab. Cool. Unknown_19: Oh, also, they tried to show up in Crusader uniforms, and I guess they didn't realize that Jerusalem was like, oh my god, all the fucking ads. Ad Nauseam, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you not blocking this shit? 0:13:26 Unknown_19: I'm genuinely pissed off by this. I hate ads. I hate ads more than I fucking hate life itself. I really do not like advertisements. Anyways, these guys are not allowed in either. I have to get off this page because the ads are making me see red. Unknown_19: ben collins um conversely is must have a very special hatred in his black black icy heart for the kiwi farm because he cannot stop talking about us he said the last facebook post before the shooting at the lgbtq plus club in colorado springs uh 0:14:08 Unknown_19: promoted an all-ages drag brunch for the next morning. Drag brunches have been the target of incessant threats and harassment of anti-LGBTQ groups and accounts over the morning. So his initial thing, and this was everybody, by the way, everybody was saying after there was a shooting at a gay bar or whatever the fuck, And they were saying immediately, this is like a hate-motivated thing. This is designed to intimidate gay people from not being gay. Unknown_19: And then it comes out that the person who did it was non-binary. That's a bit of a spoiler because he continues to go on and say, I talked this morning about an inflection point in the country right now specifically for reporters. What are you more afraid of, being on Breitbart or saying that trans people deserve to be alive? Or are you more afraid of waking up to the news of more dead people? 0:14:41 Unknown_19: I do want to say though, am I doing something wrong here? Unknown_01: Here are some headlines that I wrote the last six months. Unknown_01: Fueled by internet's far-right machine, anti-LGBTQ threats shut down trans rights and drag events. Remember, there was a drag event happening in Colorado. Anti-trans stalkers at Kiwi Farms, which is an anti-trans website that stalks people, are chasing one victim around the world. Their list of targets is growing. That was a couple months ago. 0:15:23 Unknown_19: It brings it up because this is like his headline. He's reading off his hit list from recent history and he's like, oh yeah, I also... Unknown_19: I also wrote about this anti-trans website. And then he says here, So this is him also trying to go after Encyclopedia Dramatica. Unknown_19: And then, of course, it turns out that the shooter is non-binary. This was not a hate-motivated attack. This was like an ornery, sexless weirdo killing people. And then, incredibly, CNN comes out and they try to do damage control for this and say, actually, no true non-binary would do this. And they had this disgusting-looking freak come out to explain why. 0:15:55 Unknown_12: Natalie, when we started the show... Natalie. Natalie! We just got... We got a little bit of news earlier that the attorneys for the shooter, um, are now saying that the shooter is nonbinary. And the shoon... the shooter... Unknown_12: uh what a fucking childish reaction is non-binary and the shooter the shooter oh my god like that's that's so pathetic imagine it's like we just like what's the reaction supposed to be can you imagine like a guy being told we just discovered that the shooter was white and then the guy is like a conservative white guy he's like ah no true white guy would do this would like to use the pronouns they, them. 0:16:51 Unknown_12: This is for the court, in all court papers. And that's what Anderson Aldrich's attorneys... Why are they so fucking juvenile? Unknown_20: This is bugging me so much, like how pathetically juvenile this guy is. Unknown_19: It's like a little kid. It's like a little kid trying to talk to a principal he doesn't respect or something. Unknown_12: Do you have any thoughts on that? Unknown_15: I think that's... Unknown_15: complete ludicrous complete ludicrous ludicrous as a noun is a black guy who sings if something is completely ludicrous that's different i believe they're just saying that because they want to have um the easy way out on this um but are you really really are you saying that 0:17:45 Unknown_19: Being non-binary, being a member of the LGBTQIA+, Pete, is somehow easier than being a straight white male? Unknown_15: Offending, especially being a transgender woman myself. Unknown_15: A male, which it was obvious with the mugshot, that's a man. That's not a... We have received blessing. Unknown_19: Chat from Natalie. If it looks like a man, you don't have to give a fuck what it thinks about itself. They're a man. We have received scientific analysis from a CNN correspondent that if it looks like a duck, you are free to treat it like a duck. Let it be set in stone here at this moment that we have been liberated from our bondage of having to give a fuck. 0:18:24 Unknown_15: Non-binary person because in no way, shape, or form could they appear as a woman the next day. It's really offensive. But they're non-binary. But they're playing that role. Unknown_15: And if they're non-binary, why would you go after the club where you feel safe at? Unknown_15: Why would you do that to a community where you are welcomed in if you are non-binary? Unknown_12: Excellent question. Unknown_19: Because he is mentally ill just like you, period, period, period. 0:19:04 Unknown_19: So yeah, that's the Colorado shooting. Not allowed to be gay because it would make us look bad. Just FYI. That is now logic that can be quoted, pulled up, and used whenever you feel like it now. Unknown_19: And a very brief tangent that I have been demanded at gunpoint to include because it makes China look bad. And I'm pretty sure that this is China. That this is Mandarin. Looks like it's Mandarin. Unknown_19: um time to examine some trunes on the chinese side of the bird app uh and this is him explaining that he is not able to take estrogen because as it says here um increases your risk for breast cancer and breast cancer as uh if you have a history of family history of breast cancer that means that you would be at a higher risk um 0:19:55 Unknown_17: This one is doing estradiol by injection. Unknown_19: That is definitely Mandarin, that's not traditional, I don't think. This isn't like Taiwan. Unknown_19: This guy has lined up boxes and boxes of this shit. Unknown_19: And he's saying that, oh, he's saying that he hopes that if he takes enough estradiol he'll become pregnant, which is mentally ill. Unknown_19: And then this is, Unknown_19: He has a home lab set up to evaluate the toxicity of the estradiol that he has acquired. 0:20:30 Unknown_17: Let's see what this is. Unknown_17: looks like an order summary 38 days on diy oh it was a 17 year old um 38 days on this uh diy hgi oh and that this is the change of his testosterone testosterone is down his estrogen is up so he's 17 years old he's 38 days into taking estradiol he's low on it though um 0:21:07 Unknown_17: Apparently, when he posted this, he decided to censor his gender. Unknown_19: The top one says gender, and he chose to censor that. But this number over here is the number of his doctor's professional ID, and you can actually look that up as public information. So this is the lady who has poisoned the youth of the People's Republic and the glorious future of China with her malicious hands. Unknown_19: uh this appears to be chinese boy and drag that is like an anime thing uh japan's perfidious influence over the chinese youth is being documented here triothaniline amine tri what is that triethanol amine 95 pure alcohol and carbopol polymer um so he's injecting what's called a bioadhesive i guess because there is some estrogen and 0:22:01 Unknown_19: this guy is calling himself a troon the diy uh ocherectomy which i think what is that when you cut off your own dick and balls that's one right or correct to me is a surgical procedure to remove one or both testicles okay so this is a diy uh ball removal guy named naomi which is popular with a true name he's asking any mexican trunes follow me no it's easy to travel to america with diy hrt i don't want to get held up at customs at the airport when i go up there next month Unknown_19: So he's asking for travel advice regarding his HRT. Unknown_19: Very sad stuff. I hope that the People's Congress will address these concerns and help eliminate the scourge of homosexuality that is proliferating amongst the youth of the People's Republic. We are with them at this trying time. However, the people's options may include killer robots to take care of the troon menace, as San Francisco has preemptively beat them to the punch and has authorized deadly force with robots in specific situations. 0:23:12 Unknown_19: san francisco police department is proposing a new policy that would give robots the license to kill a draft policy which outlines how the san francisco police department can use military style weapons states robots can be used as deadly force option when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officer is imminent and outweighs any other force options as reported by mission local Unknown_19: A member of the city's Board of Supervisors rules communities have been reviewing the new equipment policy for several weeks. The original version of the draft didn't include any language surrounding robots' use of deadly force until Aaron Peskin, the dean of the city's Board of Supervisors, initially added that robots shall not be used as a use of force against any person. However, the San Francisco Police Department returned the draft with a red line crossing out Peskin's addition, replacing it with a line that gives robots the authority to kill suspects. Unknown_19: According to the mission local, Peshkin eventually decided to accept the change because there could be scenarios where deployments of lethal force were the only option. San Francisco's Rules Committee unanimously approved the version of the draft last week, which will face the Board of Supervisors on November 29th. So there we go. I think that they already used this, though, right? Because... 0:24:07 Unknown_19: Remember that there was that shooter in Texas and he holed himself up in a parking garage and Texan cops rolled out a little drone like this. It looked a lot like this, but instead of a gun, it had a big ass bomb on it. Or like a grenade. And it just rolled right up to the guy and detonated itself and killed the perpetrator without the police needing to deal with the guy who was barricading himself in the parking garage. That's a little different. I mean, the use of the word robot here makes it sound autonomous. That it would make autonomous kill decisions, which should probably be rectified in the speech. They're going to pilot drones to kill suspects. That's one thing. But if they're going to have... 0:24:50 Unknown_19: Tesla kill bots patrolling the streets of San Francisco. You might want to, okay, here's my suggestion to San Francisco. Unknown_19: Instead of automated kill bots, make robots that have pooper scoopers attached first. If the pooper scoopers work fine, if the robots manage to clean up all the shit on the sidewalk in San Francisco without murdering any homeless people in the process, then we can maybe step it up to kill bots. We got to take these things one thing at a time. Give the robots the pooper scoopers first. the little poo vacuums and if they manage not to vacuum out the insides of a homeless person in the process of employing them then maybe we can start giving them more and more responsibility up to and including uh police in the streets for trunes in the case of china oh one more thing this thing has like three good posts in a row i have this on three different tabs but they're all on the same page funnily enough 0:25:34 Unknown_19: Melissa from NBC News, I don't know what it is about NBC News, but Melissa was a former contractor with Twitter and has spoken out against the horrific abuses of Elon Musk, which I will talk to or talk about in depth here in a second. 0:26:15 Unknown_00: In her San Francisco home with some moral support from her dog, Biscuit, Melissa Engel follows the rapid fire changes at her former employer. Unknown_11: On the current path, I just, I'm really, really worried about Twitter's future. Unknown_00: On November 12th, she learned she'd been let go first by losing access to her accounts. Oh my God. Unknown_19: I didn't even notice this the first time. Watch the hunch, chat. Watch the hunch. About Twitter's future. On November 12th. Look, look. the hunch watch how it like it has like a disability to it like cobbles well she learned she'd been let go first by losing access to her accounts then an email she says other former full-time employees have told her they had to sign an nda to get their severance benefits but because she was a contract worker that doesn't apply to her so she's speaking out 0:27:01 Unknown_11: I'm not giving a severance package. I can't, they can't take that away from me. And I think people need to know about this situation. Unknown_00: The layoffs, followed by an employee exodus, came just days before Elon Musk reinstated former President Donald Trump's account Saturday evening. Cal State East Bay professor Grant Kien says the move appears strategic. Unknown_10: He gets to say that he's rescuing democracy and reintroducing a certain type of political discourse on Twitter. Unknown_10: even while it overshadows for the moment some of the really tough news that people at Twitter have had in the past couple of weeks. 0:27:40 Unknown_00: While the focus might be on Trump's account now, Kian notes that the absence of employees like Engel who checked content will shape users' experience on Twitter. Unknown_19: This person was the content moderator. Literally, when you're wondering what fucking retard is deleting shit and deciding what stays and goes, who gets banned, it's people like this who can't even bathe. This person cannot even fucking bathe themselves. They know they're going to be on the news, and they cannot be bothered to wash their face and clean their fucking hair to show up on NBC and fucking news, and this is who gets to decide what you get to say. Like... like absolutely disgusting truly vile like beyond parody genuinely disgusting uh just fuck these people losses of personnel are going to be felt just over time these things look at this can't fucking bathe can't even do the bare minimum to take care of their own personal hygiene but yet feels enlightened enough to make decisions on behalf of an entire society like fuck off and the site will become more abusive more extreme and less reliable over time alyssa gord today in the bay from still in san francisco bay too jesus i gotta get the fight i have to get out of the news cycle um but the video kind of spoiled it donald trump was unbanned from twitter and i don't have the video i saw a clip and i could not find it trying to find it again intentionally Um, but Donald Trump said like, he sounded so fucking old. He announced that he was running for president again. Nobody cares. 0:28:46 Unknown_19: Um, I'm not going to, I'm just going to say like, I don't support Trump for president. I don't think that I would not vote for him. Even if it was between like Biden, Trump, I'm not voting ever again. I have no interest in Trump. Uh, participating in democracy. I think I've said this before, but I'll repeat myself. My logic is that in the Soviet Union, it was a one party state and they would often run only one candidate per region because they don't want to show like disharmony within the party. 0:29:48 Unknown_19: However, they still had voting because if few people turned up to vote, you could take a guess that people there were not pleased with who they were presented with as an option. So it was basically I support the status quo and I do not support the status quo. And the only way to vote against the status quo was not to vote. I believe that the current setup is basically the same thing. You have one party disguised as a choice of two parties, and the only way to participate in democracy meaningfully is to simply abstain from democracy. Because once our turnout rates are—even if they say that turnout is like 50% and everybody in the country is voting and is so excited to vote, they know internally that the turnout rate is low and that— 0:30:31 Unknown_19: They may have other metrics that they pay attention to as well. For instance, if in September people are buying guns and ammunition and the voter rate is going down, but the self-defense industry is doing very well that month, they may say, well, people aren't very happy. Maybe we should loosen the constraints a little bit. Unknown_19: So I'm not voting ever again. Unknown_19: Vote locally. Yeah, if you're going to vote at all, vote locally. But as far as, like, the charade, like, Trump, there was one, like I said before, there was one week where Donald Trump was completely ostracized from power. He had no friends politically. Even, what's-his-face Pence was out and made an enemy of Pence. He had no friends in Congress, no friends in the Senate, no friends locally, no friends with Pence. Completely alienated from any kind of meaningful change. Not enough time to do anything. But... He had one week where he had a unilateral power that nobody could intervene with called the presidential pardon. And he did not pardon the January 6th protesters. They're being tortured. They're locked up. They're being hunted down like fucking animals. You have independent Jewish reporters working for NBC pretending, LARPing as like Nazi hunters who are like trying to identify these people and ruin their lives because they participated in something that Donald Trump led. And Donald Trump could have prevented this manhunt, but he opted not to because he wanted to save his own ass. I would never vote for Trump again, just to say that. 0:31:48 Unknown_19: So they talked to him. He sounded like an old man about to die, and he's like, I'm not going back to Twitter. I have Truth Social. Unknown_18: It's a great platform, the best platform. I see wonderful things for Truth Social. I'm not going back to Twitter. No reason to with Truth Social. Unknown_19: Okay. Nobody cares. Unknown_19: But people on Twitter do. Just the fear. 0:32:24 Unknown_19: Nobody's perfect. Yeah, fuck off, cock rider. Do not buy a Tesla product ever. Boycott. I cannot possibly stress how much Elon Musk is a stupid fucking person. Elon Musk can eat a dick. Vox Populi deez nuts. Elon Musk just fucking loves coups and people who do them. Unknown_19: I am off Twitter as of today right now, and Elon Musk is literally not as smart a man as he claims. What you see below is a corrupt piece of shit garbage platform that used to be great until someone tried to make it great again and failed. Elon is a trailblazer holding massive insecurities. His desire to be funny, cool, and is loud to me. He is seemingly moved most by literally people just liking him. It seems like a disease to me, but supporting this racist treasonous fuck makes me want to vomit. 0:32:58 Unknown_19: there's more to this there's lots of ceiling actually about the trump stuff he's back in hell no trending in the united states and california breaking elon musk has reinstated trump's twitter account the former president used this platform to attempt a violent and illegal seizure of power after losing his reelection campaign donald trump 0:33:39 Unknown_19: I can't say what I want to say about Elon Musk without my account getting deleted, but just know that I am thinking it. Elon Musk faked a poll to fool folks into thinking Trump will be welcomed on Twitter. He faked it. Yeah, right. Musk is a con artist and now he doesn't care if you know it. Musk will not last long on Twitter and neither will Trump's access. Mark my words. Donald Trump is back on Twitter and let me take a moment to say text notes. Unknown_19: He checks his notes so that he can remember what to say. Unknown_19: Fuck you and fuck Elon Musk. Unknown_17: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There's lots of this. 0:34:14 Unknown_17: As far as what Elon Musk did, who cares? Let him come back. We have the block button. Unknown_19: People are mad. The journos tried to go over to the Fediverse and then they were all called the N-word, so that's pretty funny. Unknown_19: I have another, oh, and this is the results of the layoffs apparently. So this is the Twitter staff that did a group photo before Elon Musk laid off everybody, and this is it now. Now you can see a huge difference, and I'm sure many of you would be happy about this difference. Unknown_19: The Asian representation, the Asian representation between the two photos is way higher. Many more people from the Orient are now represented in Twitter. And that's the kind of demographics change that we should support. We should support our local Asians tech industry. 0:34:50 Unknown_19: He's such a goofy looking fuck. I don't know what it is about him. Unknown_19: He looks very old. He looks like he probably has old man boobies. You know what I mean? He just seems very fragile. I still don't like Elon Musk. Unknown_19: i don't like him he made paypal he seems like a fuckhead he has like eight different kids with eight different women and he names them all fucked up shit and then tries to dodge alimony he's just like a huge asshole i can't this is my problem um i'm gonna talk about nick falantes in a bit but it's like i have real issues taking picking aside because i 0:35:44 Unknown_19: you're supposed to like in, in the world of politics, you're supposed to pick sides and you're supposed to like make strategic alliances. And then you're supposed to like forgive people for their, their, their problems when they benefit you and then like make alliances and shit. And it's just like, I see, I really see people for, for what they are. And they're all gross monkeys that eat and shit. And they, they don't have any introspection. And that's like, I just, I don't want to be friends with you. Yeah. Unknown_19: the same goes with next one does but i'm not there yet yeah also also in the news i'm blowing through my points too fast is my issue i have it all laid out i have my notes laid out nice and uh neat and that means that i'm going to get through everything that i have extremely fast 0:36:30 Unknown_19: Hila Klein looks dead. I don't know what the fuck has happened to Hila Klein. Unknown_19: But this woman looks... I don't even know what to compare her to. People compared her to Narcissa Wright, Cosmo Wright. I mean, kind of, but she just looks dead. She's been dead for a long time. She's dead inside. What the fuck has happened? Unknown_19: Here's another picture of her. Unknown_19: Like, she doesn't have the ability to smile now. I've always said that she likes the skinwalk guys that Ethan Klein wants to fuck, because she's married to him, and because he's Jewish, he has that Jewish grandpa thing where he's just, like, openly philandering and trying to fuck other women. And now she tries to, like, she's like a 40-year-old mother, and she tries to look like an OnlyFans thot. And I guess they don't smile, so she doesn't either, or she's, like, too autistic to know to smile, but she looks like a corpse. She looks like reanimated death, and I don't know, um, 0:37:02 Unknown_19: I feel really, honestly, I feel really bad for Hila. Unknown_19: As far as, I mean, she's been in the IDF, but I have no reason to hate her. I have a lot of reason to hate Ethan Klein. But as far as Hila Klein, she seems like the victims of her own ambition. But then again, she's a woman. So I'm more inclined to feel bad for her in general because of my male brain, which makes me naturally more empathetic towards women than men. 0:37:44 Unknown_19: Don't feel bad for her. She killed millions. She looks miserable. She looks like Marilyn Manson. That's a good one. That's exactly it. She looks like Marilyn Manson. That's who it was fucking exactly who it is. Like when he's naked and in white body paint for some of his, um, his album art. That's exactly who she looks like. Good call. That's a good call. 0:38:16 Unknown_19: Cherish something for Israeli cause. I would never do so. Never. Especially after her husband made such disgusting comments about bombing the Vatican. Unknown_08: We have to do whatever we can to protect the kids. And if that means shutting down the entire Catholic Church and bombing Vatican City. That's not good. Unknown_19: Look at his face. Look at his face. This guy is like, my boss is the biggest. He has like a one-eyed wink at some point. He's like, my boss is the biggest fucking idiot on the planet. That's not good. 0:38:50 Unknown_14: Parody, parody, parody. Unknown_19: Of course, bro. They're, like, covering their face in shame. She's, like, embarrassed. Unknown_08: Of course, bro. What the fuck's wrong with you? I don't own an army. Unknown_08: I don't have a military at my disposal. I don't know what sounds these are. Let me just play them. Unknown_00: What does this do? Unknown_08: No, I mean, like, with an army, not, like, a terrorist attack. I meant, like, it's the whole city. The whole city. This kind of works. 0:39:24 Unknown_08: I didn't mean like an act of... They're like genuinely shocked and upset that... Because this... If you don't know, the H3H3 podcast is live streamed. Unknown_19: So they're all thinking, holy fuck, this is all live stream. We can't put the genie back in the bottle. He is really fucking up here and risking our jobs by being such a loud, stupid cunt. And they're just like, oh, I don't want to be on camera with this guy. I don't want to be in this conversation. Like, if there's a terror attack in Vatican City after this, like, it's going to be linked back to us no matter what the causality actually is. And I'm going to be on the fucking news because my fucking idiot boss decided to say that bombing Vatican City would be awesome or whatever the fuck. It's like, oh, Jesus Christ. Come on, it's a joke. 0:40:00 Unknown_19: He's, like, embarrassed because nobody's laughing with him. Literally nobody's on his side as he says this. And what's really funny is that all the simps for the H3 podcast on their Discord are, like, um... Let's see. Unknown_17: I can't believe people are telling Hilla... Wait a minute. Unknown_17: Oh, they're talking about the Hilla thing. I don't know what the context is, but they're saying that they need to add a, uh... Oh, they're talking about Hilla. 0:40:45 Unknown_19: There was a bunch of clips where it's like... Unknown_19: They were talking about how they're desperately needs... Oh, they probably did the episode. I guess they're going to clip that out, but too late. It's already a live stream. And they're complaining about how the... Oh, here it is. It's time to tank the subs with peace and love. Put the show on delay. It will not ruin the show. There's a reason live events do this. It was shitty to see the crew stressed out today. And I'm just the random on the internet when it comes down to this. Please fill all that's left of the holy. Put a delay on the stream. Live needs to be delayed or not live anymore because Ethan Klein is too much of a fucking retard to contain himself. And then people are putting out... This guy has said multiple times, bomb the NRA. Bomb... Or gas Ben Shapiro first in the second Holocaust. Bomb the Vatican City. Bomb a Walmart. Like, how many more places need to be... Like, if anybody... Okay. Okay. 0:41:17 Unknown_19: The Kiwi Farms was framed for a threat on poll, and it got us kicked off Cloudflare. Ethan Klein has said, and it is a joke, like eight fucking times as the sole owner of his company, kill these people, and they're still on YouTube. like crazy it's really crazy what being a personal friend of susan waziki uh gets you in terms of of staying power on platforms how uh they have payment processes for all their shit they just get everything they want they get to say kill whoever in then they get to laugh about and say just a joke bro damn i wish i could be jewish i wish i'm already circumcised why can't i be jewish joshua joshua stein moon let's let's i need like a yiddish word for moon hold up let's look this up real quick 0:42:29 Unknown_19: moon in yiddish ibn what why is there no pronunciation for yiddish stuff pronunciation i want to know how this is pronounced do i get a pronunciation on wiki wiki whatever the Unknown_19: No, I don't. I don't get to know how to pronounce this. Levona. Unknown_19: Okay. Levonastein. Levine? Levine? That sounds similar. Joshua Levine, that's my Jew name. Unknown_19: That's the name that would let me have a credit card processor to make money with the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_19: Or rather, the Kiwi Farms West Bank dot IL. Unknown_19: I'm 0.5% Jewish. That's different. 0:43:27 Unknown_19: And let's see. Oh, Nick Fuentes. Actually, before Nick Fuentes, someone submitted a really funny idea of how Ethan Klein could pull off the Vatican City bombing. Unknown_19: If you couldn't tell, if you're just listening, that's Photoshopped to be the Vatican City with the Pope and the Cardinals. I wanted her. She's also dressed in Teddy Fresh now. We're going to continue to evolve this until it's something magical. Just as a joke. Just as a joke. 0:44:00 Unknown_19: Shout out to Vince Duff. But he didn't make the edit. He didn't make the original clip. Unknown_19: He probably really regrets making his thing daft jest on this clip. Because that's the one that I use all the time. And he doesn't go by that anymore. He just calls it... Why is my mic stand fucking dropping? I do not... You're going to stay put, motherfucker. You're going to stay put. You're going to stay exactly how I have you set. And you're not going to fucking move. 0:44:35 Unknown_19: Death Jest is back on Twitter. I must be on some special list for manual approval because my account is not unbanned. Unknown_19: But everybody else is. Unknown_19: Though I I better I better get fucking a band or like for real because my um, I have a I have a tweet in my head It's a perfect tweet. It's the funniest tweet that has ever been composed in the human mind and it's ready to go Second, I get in a band that tweet's coming out and it's going to cause problems and people are going to be laughing And people are going to be not happy about it. And it's going to be it's going to be the best tweet It's going to be the greatest tweet. It's going to be like a tweet. Nobody's ever seen before And ban me you're still banned. 0:45:11 Unknown_17: Okay Unknown_19: Anyways, Nick Fuentes. There were some rumblings on Wednesday, I think on Wednesday, yeah, on Wednesday, that Nick Fuentes and Yeezy, Kanye West, now known as Yee, was spotted in the Miami airport together. 0:45:52 Unknown_19: Nick Fuentes was seen in the back of Kanye's house, but it was too blurry to be identified as Nick Fuentes, but there were rumors that it was Nick Fuentes, and Nick Fuentes kind of hinted that it was him. Then he's seen in Miami, and people are thinking, what the fuck is Nick Fuentes doing in Miami with Kanye West? They thought, Trump. He must be there to see Trump, but that's too silly. How could he be there to see a former president of the United States? Sure enough, Kanye West met for Donald Trump on Thanksgiving Day at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Unknown_19: And supposedly Nick Fuentes was there as well. And Milo Yiannopoulos. So we have Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes, and Kanye West having Thanksgiving dinner with Donald Trump. 0:46:36 Unknown_19: Politico comes out swinging, of course. According to a source, far-right extremist Nick Fuentes was spotted with Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. West tweeted last night he met with Trump at the club. West and Fuentes were also seen together at Miami airport. Unknown_19: Daily Beast ZT Patrizio confirms Fuentes was spotted at the club and adds, a source familiar with the matter, which is, I hate that sentence. If you ever write the phrase, a source familiar with, and you don't elaborate, because that is like the most meaningless fucking sentence in the entire world. Like, kill yourself, for real. A source familiar with the matter told the Daily Beast that while West had dinner with Trump, Fuentes was not present. This is contradicted. uh later on trump was not given a heads up that kanye would be there would be bringing fuentes with him tomorrow lago and trump did not meet fuentes while he was there according to her permission familiar cassandra mcdowell says milo yiannopoulos confirms to me that nick fuentes was at the dinner with trump and that trump was dazzled by him despite this reporter claiming the contrary um 0:47:14 Unknown_19: Ralph says that this is fake news and tells Jason Miller, the person familiar that we're coming in hard. Trump himself tries to lie about this, but that would be the worst. I don't know what the fuck. And I think Meredith deletes it. Yes, she does. So she deletes the tweet. And then Tim Cass, Tim Pool, launches exclusive details. He brings Nick Fuentes and Karen Giorno to dinner with Trump. 0:47:45 Unknown_19: He and the former president have announced their intentions to run for White House in 2024. The dinner between Yee and Trump had been previously arranged, but the additional guests were brought on by author and political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, who has been named by the fashion entertainment mogul as his campaign director. On Thursday evening, Yee shook up the Thanksgiving video featuring discussion between himself and Yiannopoulos about the meeting. 0:48:17 Unknown_19: He said that he thinks Trump was most perturbed by him asking, this is actually kind of interesting, by asking the former president to be his vice president. But the former president was really impressed with Nick Fuentes. And Nick Fuentes, unlike so many of the lawyers and people, he was left on the 2020 campaign. He's actually a loyalist. When he didn't know where the lawyer is, you still have your loyalist, he said, seemingly ad-libbing a line that would have fit perfectly into one of his songs. this is like dick sucking this is this is my issue with all these people is that they are dick sucking so fucking hard like little Nick Fuentes and his puffer jacket and Kanye West merchandise like dancing in the dark to Kanye West music like oh this is so this is actually how I feel bro it's like can you guys get off your fucking knees and stop sucking this guy's dick for real 0:49:13 Unknown_19: Just like he was there and he was black and he was in his custom merchandise. And the way he spoke, it was like he was drafting the next platinum record in front of me. I could feel the creative juices flowing into my mouth as I as I was on my knees. It's like this is fucking gay. Can you not just write what he said and not, like, polish it while you're going? Like, is that necessary? He continued. Wait, next line. A rap icon explained that he questioned the former president about the not pardoning people who were arrested for the. Hey, thank you. 0:49:54 Unknown_17: Kanye West. Wow. Unknown_19: Kanye asked not pardoning people who were arrested for protesting January 6th and suggested he bring back the people who worked on the 2016 campaign but have since been canceled. He said that Trump attempted to change the subject to his pardoning of Alice Johnson, a grandmother who had been serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a nonviolent drug offense. The woman's freedom had been the passion project of Kim Kardashian. Unknown_19: Trump, according to he, had said that pardoned her for him, not Kardashian. 0:50:29 Unknown_19: um so trump's like what about this other person i pardon you know surely there are you know dozens of people whose lives have been ruined because of me but what about this black woman you black people like things like this right things at the dinner began to unravel when trump insulted kardashian the mother of these children when trump's basically started screaming at me at the table telling me i'm going to lose i mean has it ever worked for anyone in history uh Unknown_17: So someone... Oh, they're talking about who the guy is. I told Nick to tell the former president that Nick hated his speech. I don't know what the fuck any of that means. Unknown_19: According to a source familiar with the events at the dinner who asked to remain anonymous, he had arrived at the dinner with Giorno, who served as Trump's Florida chief strategist in 2016 and later a senior advisor for his campaign. 0:51:25 Unknown_19: as a power move to show that he was serious about his campaign. He had worked for multiple presidents and is regarded as highly formidable at running campaigns. Though several reporters are citing anonymous sources to claim that Fuentes was not president at dinner, multiple people have confirmed to Timcast that he was, including Yiannopoulos and Giorno. Nick attended dinner and said across the president. I sat to the president's right and he to his left. You know, I said the president was by himself for, you know, if Kanye West's name is legally ye. How do you make a how do you make like a campaign poster for that? 0:51:59 Unknown_19: Like, you use the last name. Like, Trump Pence 2020. What is the sign for 2024? Ye Trump? And you put Ye in front of any name. It's going to sound stupid. Ye Moon? Ye Trump? Ye Fuentes? You need to find somebody who has the last name Ye Olde. Ye Olde. Unknown_19: Then you got some memes. You got some meme potential in your campaign. Surely there's an old with an E at the end. Somewhere out there that you can prop up as your VP. 0:52:34 Unknown_20: Ye olde watermen. Unknown_20: Do you miss ye olde days? Unknown_19: Vote for ye olde. Well, we're going to rewind all this progressive stuff back to the ye olden days. Unknown_19: Gianno said that there were at least seven other tables with people having dinner nearby. Giannopoulos, according to the source, sent Gianno as a signal to Trump that he is serious about it. We just said this. Unknown_19: halfway through dinner, Trump gets a call. When he comes back, the whole tenor of the dinner changes. He starts ranting about Kim Kardashian, saying that she's disgusting, and he just looked around the table and said, that's the mother of my children you were talking about. At this point, the whole meeting was becoming a disaster. Trump's starting getting edgy, antsy, and fidgety, and angry. He can't get them out of there fast enough, the source said. When they get up to leave, there's an enormous line of people who want photos with Yi. Not a single one of them asked Trump for one with Trump alone. Trump was just kind of allowed to join in with some of them. By the end, Trump was like, is the car here? Is the car here? Where's their car? 0:53:07 Unknown_19: The source said that the evening began with Trump seemingly trying to neutralize Kanye, but the mogul was in the mindset of, you don't have anything for me. You're not offering me anything. So I don't know what we're doing here, but thanks for dinner. Trump allegedly flew off the handle at Yee. He was dazzled by Fuentes. Yiannopoulos told Timcast, Fuentes wants an avid Trump supporter. It's rumored to be in line to serve as the communications director for Yee24 campaign. 0:53:47 Unknown_19: What a fucking joke. Unknown_19: I'm sorry, but okay. Unknown_19: Like, Kanye West, black bipolar guy for president. Communications director is Nick Valentez, a closeted homosexual who is the head of basically a cult of personality on an obscure internet platform. 0:54:24 Unknown_19: And then campaign manager is Milo Yiannopoulos, a ex-gay who now dresses like Richard Spencer. Unknown_19: Like Christian Tradlarp, ex-gay grifter, whose only claim to fame in 2016 was that he was a gay Jew who sucked a lot of black dick and therefore was like... a shield for any criticism like no i can't be uh i can't be racist or homophobic because i suck black dick and i also support gamergate so gamergate is not racist all my fans are gamergaters and they know i suck black dick as a gay jewish man like how does that fit like okay like the 0:55:10 Unknown_19: crazy but I mean that's all like this is what I mean I can't make friends with any of these people because I would have I would have to sit there and pretend that Nick Fuentes did not embarrass himself by the Yeezy puffer jacket shit and the the the date with Catboy Cammy I would have to sit there and pretend that Milo Yiannopoulos is definitely not gay anymore, and he has found God. He's a Jew for Jesus, and he found God, and he's not gay anymore. I would have to toe that line of these people and their charade, and that's politics. That's basically all of politics. I'm not fit for it. But, however— If ye wins and wants to appoint me as FCC director, I will roll heads. I will become the least... Make me the scapegoat. If you appoint me as FCC director, I will be such an infamous member of the government that any other criticism towards anybody else in your cabinet... and your government, and other agencies, will be completely nullified, because everybody will be too busy hating me, and the terrible things that I say, and the aggressive things that I do, and the name-calling, and the demanding that random ISPs go bankrupt, and that they're... I will submit to Congress, I will unironically draft laws... and submit them to Congress, attempting to arraign every member of the Federal Reserve for treason and demand that they be executed by hanging. And I will just do this every week. I'll put up a new name on a bill and say, this person is guilty of treason. I want the Congress to deliberate on it and to vote, and we should hang them if it passes. I'll do this every week. And it will never get another vote. It will have zero votes. My resolutions will have zero votes every time I do this. But I will still do it because it will get news titles. And I mean it. I mean it. And you know it. And it'll just be great, and I'll get at least one of the things that I want. And I said, look, I'm trying to get some neutrality here in a meaningful way where people can access websites that they want to access, and the websites that want to be online that have not broken any U.S. laws can be online. And if you don't submit to this, I will submit to Congress that you should be hanged for treason. I'll find a middle ground there, and it will work just fine. Okay, this is my negotiation strategy. 0:56:54 Unknown_19: Just know I mean it. Exactly. That's it with the Nick Fuentes shit. I mean, it's not the end of November yet. I did break the rule. But there are some implications for this. Somebody's going to get a really big head if they get roped in. 0:57:25 Unknown_19: And he sucked enough Nick Fuentes dick. He's been sucking that dick for years now. He's been the most loyal... man on his knees sucking that dick for years and years and they've made fun of him they've humiliated him and he's just there sucking that dick and he knows one day it's going to pay off and now might be the time now might be the time we need a we need a campaign manager in uh west memphis arkansas you can work directly directly under kanye 0:58:17 Unknown_19: And my payoff and if it does somebody's going to get a real big head and it's going to be really fucking funny when when the pressure actually starts rolling up and the big head big head can't handle it and it all falls to shit. Unknown_17: Hasn't he been disavowed? Unknown_19: We'll just save all that for December. I'm on a roll. I don't want to get too much into it, but that's my initial thought. Unknown_19: I don't know. People make fun of Trump. I don't want to be like, oh, he'll never win. It's like a joke. Unknown_19: Honestly, even with Milo Yiannopoulos and Nick Fuentes, I would vote for Kanye over Joe Biden, but I'm not going to vote for 0:59:06 Unknown_19: i'll change my mind i'll vote if i'm um the fcc director you put me on the team fcc director or fcc chairman rather is the official title i'll do it i'll vote i'll even endorse him Unknown_19: I get to be chairman. I mean, I already have, when I, when I, when I do my official, my official portrait for the FCC, I'm going to, I'm going to shrug. I'm going to shrug like whatever, you know, hands up like cartoonishly, like whatever, I guess I'm FCC chairman now. And it'll be, I'll be the only person in history to ever shrugged an official portrait. It's all in my head. It's all laid out. I want it. Unknown_17: Anyways, that's all I can look at of that for now. Hopefully it will be a continuing source of entertainment throughout the year. 1:00:01 Unknown_19: Destiny made an announcement, a quick announcement. Unknown_14: All my big fights are, I think Kefals got her cease and desist yesterday. I don't think she's tweeted about it yet, but I know she got it because I was CC'd on it. So that's probably going to be a thing that'll be upcoming. Unknown_19: Destiny has accused Kefals of defamation and has sent a cease and desist. If his original claim has not been changed, the cease and desist is asking for defamatory materials to be taken down and for a public apology to be issued, or Destiny will supposedly engage in a lawsuit against Kefals for defamation. 1:00:42 Unknown_19: I guess I'm Team Destiny. Good luck. Unknown_19: If you sue Keffels, then guess what? That money, all that Canadian grift money, up in smoke. Up in smoke. If Keffels was smart, just do it. Just grovel. Unknown_19: It's so much cheaper. It's so much cheaper than a lawsuit. If you take it to trial, it's $75,000. Or you can just be like, oh, I'm not American. I'm not going to fight it. It's going to be funny when he spends almost no money to get a default court order against you and then garnishes your wages through Twitch and YouTube, which is both American companies and both easily garnished by a court order from the United States when you choose not to reply. And then he gets a cut of your money for the next X years while you shuck and jive for much less than he earns. 1:01:23 Unknown_19: Careful to the tard. I don't know. I imagine that he will apologize. He'll make it quick and brief. He'll be like, you know, three minutes, like, hey, you know, I was traumatized, and I was very sad, and I called Destiny, you know, a rapist, and that was wrong of me. I shouldn't have made such an allegation. Like, this is what you say, okay? I was under my mentals. I was being terror murder doxxed by an infamous murder cult... anti-trans murder cult on the internet and i was so stressed that i lumped destiny in there because they were defending destiny and i made an allegation that he was a rapist and those allegations of course should never be made without abundant evidence um which i did not have so that was wrong on me and i apologize to destiny i do not think that he's a rapist and then boom you're out of it blame shifted everything apologize everyone would be like oh of course we understand it was those fucking kiwi farms terrorist murderers they did it and then boom you save yourself seventy five thousand dollars on taking it to court so fucking smart put me in the fcc kanye i got that i'm i'm a i i got that 200 iq problem solving shit going on man for the job 1:02:16 Unknown_19: Um, yeah, I think that's it. The other, the other small tidbit is that Aniza Jomal has ripped out her fake tits. It says exclusive. I'm going on secret for many months. I got my implants removed. Surgery happened two and a half weeks ago. I'm very happy to be back in my normal body. It was a heart surgery though. Unknown_19: I don't know what the fuck happened to this lady. She is busted looking. She is busted. I don't know. Apparently that's misogynistic of me to say based on some conversations I've seen. I think she looks properly fucking busted. Maybe it's just because I know she's such an awful cunt that she looks uglier to me than I guess she is. 1:03:08 Unknown_19: the implants were ugly and now that she's taking them out she looks even more busted i don't know what it is um so this remember this is the thing that idubbbz ruined his entire life for and became a cuck cuck nice elliott page cosplay yeah that's probably that's probably like the next thing is uh she will probably uh turn out go female to male and idubbbz will still have to defend it 1:03:51 Unknown_19: is that it oh and one other thing uh tammy slayton who uh tlco has been money because they definitely found tammy slayton from the kiwi farms and made her into a um reality tv show star has married a crippled black Unknown_19: They're now married. They both have hoses to breathe with. But under the matrimony of God, I think in Kentucky, they are now married. Can you believe it? Unknown_17: And you know who's not married? Unknown_17: Nay. Unknown_17: Aniza. I don't think they're married. Unknown_19: I think they're just engaged, right? Unknown_19: Who else is engaged but permanently engaged and not married? Chantel actually did get married to the Qatari guy. 1:04:41 Unknown_19: her eyebrows are front. If you've never seen Tammy Slayton, she had, you can't even see this there cause Photoshop, but this part of her, uh, her forehead is bulbous. It's like, um, if you ever hear, let me just like the head of a beluga whale is like this booby and that you can press the booby and it's like squishy. Her, she has like a beluga whale booby bump on her forehead. That is very, um, very prominent and very strange. How it's not like a normal thing that fat people get. It's like unique to her. 1:05:15 Unknown_19: 80s girl still isn't married to Dick. That's true. Tammy Slayton got married before 80s girl and Dick did. Chew on head, not married. That's true. Pantsu, not married. That's true. Oh, I-dubs did get married to an 80s girl. Oh, jeez. Oh, jeez. What a disaster. Ladies and gentlemen, what a disaster. Unknown_17: There's still hope for me. Yeah, right. 1:05:47 Unknown_17: Yeah, right. Unknown_17: Did I miss anything? Unknown_19: I have burned through my content so fast. I guess a little bit of Chantel would be warranted. Chantel has been in Qatar. Or not Qatar. Unknown_19: I said Qatar twice. I'm wrong both times. She's not in Qatar. She's not dating a Qatarite. She's in Kuwait dating a Syrian who is in Kuwait on a work visa. And the theory is that his work visa as a Syrian has expired and he doesn't want to go back to Syria. So that's why he's married Chantel. But 1:06:20 Unknown_19: It remains to be seen what his actual intentions are. He seems mildly autistic. I've watched their live streams together. It's very awkward. Unknown_19: They don't have really good synergy. He's very awkward, and for some reason, he likes to talk about Pokemon a lot. He's a big fan of Pokemon Go, so he walks around Kuwait with Pokemon Go out all the time, and he'll break into conversation about Pokemon for no fucking reason in their live streams. It's very strange. They don't have good energy together at all, but... He does seem harmless compared to nadir or natter who is like fucking like psychopath Here a fish attack Chantal she dips her little sausage fingers in the letter and then Either a fish or a manta rays like oh my god. That's the chunkiest little sausage worm. I've ever seen tries to eat it Here fishy fishy Now 1:07:07 Unknown_19: I wish, I wish I had a, I wish I had a sound effect from that, um, that earthbound game where it's like, there's a mystery, something happens and it's like, it's a mystery. Hold on. Earth bound mean song. 1:07:40 Unknown_17: That's it. Unknown_19: That's it. The fish bites and that's what you hear. Unknown_19: It's in my head in my head I'm seeing it in my head I have to explain this So she gets she goes to an aquarium with this guy They were like on the most boring fucking dates ever and they they don't really like talk to each other in a way That's pretty engaging. But um the fish bites her what else happens? I have very brief time stamps for this courtesy of the beauty parlor on the forum It's hissing at us 1:08:23 Unknown_19: Oh yeah, and then there's Big Floppa. Big Floppa sees this bitch and is like, what the fuck? Fuck off. Get the fuck out of here. Don't fucking touch me. Unknown_19: I've never seen such an aggressive Floppa in my life, especially when he should be accustomed to seeing people on the other side of that glass. Unknown_19: He's like, fuck you, lady. Get the fuck out of here. Unknown_19: The big floppa not liking her is pretty funny. She doesn't seem to get along with any of the animals. The African penguin. 1:09:02 Unknown_18: Hello, my friends. Unknown_18: Let's catch you from the top. I don't think penguins belong in Kuwait. Unknown_18: I think they are waiting for something. Unknown_09: Maybe dinner. Some fish. They want some fresh fish. Unknown_18: Nice. Unknown_19: I don't know what happens in this one. Unknown_09: Did you know penguins can't fly? Unknown_19: Did you? Okay, that's why this was clipped. Did you know? 1:09:34 Unknown_19: Did you know that penguins cannot fly? How cute are they, huh? Those penguins seem fucking bored. That's way too small for them. They all seem really bored. They can't fly. They can't even entertain themselves. They're super bored. I feel bad for them. They really don't belong in Kauai. They're obviously Antarctic animals. Unknown_19: This is a clip. The nutrients found in all foods and drinks provide nourishment for the body. Nutrients are from a wide variety of foods. 1:10:05 Unknown_19: By the way, I looked this up because I was curious because everything's in English. And when they were in restaurants and shit, I'm like, they're just speaking English, like American English. Why do they speak so much English in Kuwait? And then I found out Kuwait City's population is 70% immigrant background. They have a ton of Asian people there. They have a ton of immigrants from all over in Kuwait. And it's like the actual Kuwaitis are like a minority. So Kuwaiti Arabic is the official language, but almost all of them speak English and they all learn it in school. So it's like very strange. 1:10:43 Unknown_19: It's like it's basically just one big shopping mall with oil money that is ruled by, you know, a Muslim, probably a king. I'm not too sure. Unknown_19: But the population is majority immigrant. Unknown_09: Make a meal. The nutrients found in all foods and drinks provide nourishment. Unknown_09: Okay, let's make a meal. Unknown_09: We have to make the most nutritious meal. So, you have to take the gun and scan what you think is a nutritious meal. 1:11:23 Unknown_19: He scan- scanned water? He scans Coke?! Unknown_20: What? ! you have you're tasked with identifying healthy foods and your first one is like coke like really there's one meal french fries is this for real 1:11:56 Unknown_19: And then she can't make up her mind which one she wants. She looks scared eight different things. Unknown_19: Wait, so there's no, okay, there's more to this. Unknown_19: Do they discuss? Unknown_19: They don't, okay, no, this just goes on, but they don't discuss like the horrific meal that she picked out. She's getting everything on the thing. None of it was healthy. Oh, I like this one. Cause she's in the, like a fun house mirror. Unknown_19: She looks fat, but then when she switches to the fat Funhouse mirror, she looks like a Roblox character. Look at that. That's like a proper Roblox character meme. 1:12:31 Unknown_17: They just have like bullshit shitty like royalty free music because when they're in the shopping mall, they play like pop music and shit and she can't play that. Unknown_19: So she just like blotted it out with her own royalty free stuff. Unknown_19: reaction time i like in a museum and then this is like the worst part of the museum is that they're seeing how much water there is in their body but the thing is fixed you would think like you stand on the scale and the water comes out and it's like actually how much water is in your body based on your weight but it's like the same exact number for both him and her so it's like a fixed amount of water like that just the average person has in them which kind of sucks 1:13:27 Unknown_19: Anyways, let the Chantel update. Unknown_19: People... I don't know what's wrong with people in the beauty parlor. It's like the beauty parlor and her community, but they're both like... They want her... They're openly wishing that she gets stoned to death in Kuwait. And it's like... Unknown_19: Why are you so angry? Why are you hoping that Chantal gets beheaded by ISIS? Why do you think that she's at risk of being beheaded by ISIS just because she's in the Middle East? You realize that Kuwait is one of the safest places in the Middle East for a tourist to go. Even if you're a fucking retard that goes to Qatar and dresses in a rainbow flag shirt or crusader armor, they're just going to ask you to go home because they're not going to execute you. 1:14:11 Unknown_19: um like infidel style that's only in syria but yeah uh chantal responds to the haters as she does saying seething oh bright one you are the one seething with jealousy it's very obvious in your projection calling me chins making fun of every aspect of my life you are the one who has used my content to get any views that would make me feel like quite the nobody if i were to you You still get more views than you have subscribers and already more people are sick of your repetitive petty crapola Which proves that people don't sub to your channel for you. They tune in when you're talking about me Unknown_19: It must bother you that without being such a hateful hypocrite, no one will gather to watch you. Reality is that you only, the only reason you have such a big community is that you give people a place to circle jerk for that free circle jerk for, for free over the reason. Oh, maybe take that. You give people a place to circle. She doesn't use paragraph breaks, so I don't know. It's really hard to follow this. A place to circle jerk for free over the mutual hate for me. Your audience calling me chins. LaMau, I barely have one anymore. Like, yeah, you do. You just hide it with the hijab, Chantel. You're not fucking fooling people. Look at this. I need to find the Roblox again to show you the chins. 1:15:12 Unknown_19: Look, I see it. I see the chins. You don't need to lie. Just because you're wearing a hijab, you're not 300 pounds lighter. 1:15:49 Unknown_19: um maybe they should start calling you that because karma has given you one it looks like now body shaming also balding balding shaming some more karma actually always looks like this thus the projection part differences i was never ashamed of my body or chins you and your childish moronic audience think it's funny uh but just look at charlie mold aka charlie cole aka charlie gold aka felon uh you look stupid and hypocritical making fun of someone someone's looks when you look like this heck all reaction channels all resemble the mutants from table nine from the wedding singer i have no idea what that reference is and have the nerve to keep projecting for views anyways it's clear you will soon be the new lol cow so enjoy laughing crying reggie which is probably true all these people are fucking losers 1:16:42 Unknown_19: Chantal about to feed the farms. Unknown_19: You are so jealous because no one will touch you. You smell like an ashtray and cheap laundry detergent as if you got lost at a sketchy laundromat in downtown Montreal. Unknown_19: I don't know why she wrote it like that, but I hit that perfectly. downtown montreal probably looking for nad turd since you have been obsessed with him from the beginning now back to eating noodles in my poor house with no bathroom idiots oh and yes i am a changed woman to a point calling out others on their bs when they have been doing to me for years is warranted i also think that uh i will start reacting to your crappy little videos about me and see what all the hype is about hey if you can't beat them join them ew no still rather than lol anyways back to living my life instead of picking those apart yalla She says y'all a lot that is arabic or kuwaiti arabic for let's go. It's like los gates or uh, vamos vamonos vamonos Yalla every language has one. I guess so. Let's go The english one's the most awkward though The money is drawing out yeah, uh, her last video was called, um eating noodles because I only made 600 this month or something She's not making uh 1:17:25 Unknown_19: uh the monies like like she thought she won it's just arabic in general yalla the only arabic i know is now yalla and habibi a bb and i like it because it sounds like hey baby in english looking good it's fun to say i can i can see why they say it 1:18:20 Unknown_17: um and that's the chantelle update she had a good thanksgiving even though it's not thanksgiving in canada inshallah that's also true that's true infidel uh well it's sort of like that's different though knowing religious words in arabic is like knowing military terms in german like everyone knows what blitz is and creek and panzer and uh Unknown_19: Sturm. What's another one? What's another German? They got Fuhrer. They got lots of fun German words that you only know because of like military history. And knowing Arabic words because of Islam is also cheating. Unknown_19: Kefir, exactly. What about Pete's? Pete's has been in the cuck shed. I think I played the video of him stepping on the scale and showing that it was like 100 pounds adjusted to be. Jawohl. 1:19:15 Unknown_19: Juden. Panzerkampfwagen. Unknown_17: Kubelwagen. Arbeit. Unknown_17: Flammenwürfen. Unknown_17: When you do German, you have to try to sound as gay as possible. That's the word. Unknown_17: Lugenpress. That's another good one. Unknown_19: Volkswagen. 1:19:46 Unknown_19: My grandmother did German in high school. And that was like the first... I don't know why. She was obsessed with the fact that in German, Volkswagen is pronounced Volkswagen. Unknown_19: She brought this up as like a fun factoid and multiple times. I remember this very very distinctly Comp yeah, exactly mine Unknown_19: I saw a meme a while ago about how we got rid of child labor, but then all the kids play Minecraft anyways. The children yearn for the mines. That's a very sticky memetic quote. The children yearn for the mines. 1:20:27 Unknown_17: Your grandmother had autism too. Unknown_17: Toho is for pedophiles. Unknown_19: Is that German? Unknown_20: Is that a German expression? That comes out of nowhere. Unknown_19: Okay, I think I am done with what I have. Did I miss anything? Is there anything that I've crucially avoided? Oh, I should mention this just for funsies. Just for a little bit of funsies, actually. Uh... 1:20:59 Unknown_19: Play Rammstein. I do have... Ironically, I was going to play a Rammstein song, but not a do... Unknown_19: I'm accepting art submissions for Christmas. I've changed the logo to one made by Horse Girl Supremacy, who made a lot of art for the Telegram channel and stuff. She's very good. This is the first time I'm ever doing anything Christmas-related for the forum, so I'm accepting Christmas cards. The dimensions are laid out on the forum. It's featured right now. And then hopefully by December 1st, I'll have enough of these that I can make a background like what we usually have for the forum in the back and do something proper for Christmas for once. 1:21:30 Unknown_19: What's the deadline? December 1st is when I would like to have them. You can either make them horizontal or vertical. I will be much more forgiving of my quality if you do a vertical because I can fit two of those in the space and I can do a horizontal one. But if it's a really, really good one like this one is, I will allow it to be horizontal. Just make sure that it's very good because you're taking up two people's spots otherwise. 1:22:04 Unknown_17: You're working on something great. Can't wait for it. Unknown_17: Okay. That's enough of that then. Unknown_19: Uh, I will now move us into show mode. This is the end of the actual stream. I don't think I have any important enough. Oh, um, I have been doing video game streams more frequently. There is the YouTube channel, bad at video games, um, that I'd stream to. I'll probably stream one game a week until I get bored of doing it. I streamed outlast plus the DLC over the weekend. I will probably stream alien isolation this weekend. Uh, I stream for about two or three hours at a time. 1:22:41 Unknown_19: and uh i will continue because i didn't get to do anything for halloween so as long as i have time i'll continue i'll try to play a couple games for for um or uh to make up for it ricada update i don't think anything's happened i did i made i poke fun at the baldo stuff right 1:23:17 Unknown_17: you wish you could watch that. Well, the archives stay up and in December, I, I, my strikes for YouTube have expired. Unknown_19: So I will also simulcast to, um, YouTube again, just, uh, cause I need, it's a, it's a good way to get like fresh blood flowing into your podcast and stuff is to be on YouTube. So I'll try to do that. But, Unknown_19: The archives will remain on Odyssey, and the YouTube videos will be short-lived for the main channel. But for the video game stuff, it's usually tame enough that I can leave them up. 1:23:53 Unknown_17: Download isolation before you play and limit the frames. Unknown_19: Yeah. I did a playthrough of the Knights of the Al-Assad Mosque and he didn't cap the frame limit. So it kind of broke OBS because I booted up and I was getting like 800 frames in the game and OBS couldn't process that. So I had to like manually set the frame limit with the NVIDIA control panel. Unknown_17: Remember, Chad, don't slouch. Yes, that's true. Don't slouch. 1:24:27 Unknown_19: It's bad for you. You'll look like a Keffels. Unknown_19: All right, show mode. Let's do the Odyssey people first, because why not? Unknown_19: Genka for 20 says your Thanksgiving pizza was funny. What was with the guy spamming you with your post pizza post? Why was he so mad at you? I have no fucking I know exactly who you're talking about. That guy did send me like 40 messages. I blocked him and I because I couldn't understand what he was saying and I got tired of seeing his messages. So I just blocked him. um i will block you if you are annoying and stupid on whatever platform just fair warning i don't have like on the forum i i can't block people so i have to deal with idiots um but on post i will i will fucking block you if you're like a total fucking retard menace in my my notifications 1:25:17 Unknown_19: Sneed for once says the Mexican cartel aren't really Mexicans that'll make us look bad oh that's a quote that's like yeah that makes us look bad technically I think a lot of them are from El Salvador isn't MS-13 from El Salvador they're not really Mexican I guess you know Unknown_19: Mexicans have a rich history with silver and gold. Fun fact, because the mountains in Mexico are very rich in electrum. So when the Spanish colonized the area, they harvested a lot of precious metals from the mountains. Unknown_19: And Mexico actually is one of the few sovereign states which put the fineness of their silver and gold currencies on the coin itself. It would say like 0.39's fineness in silver. And I've never seen another sovereignty do that with their actual issued currency. 1:26:07 Unknown_17: uh sunik for 25 says what is your opinion on poland and travel there i know you said one should know someone from there and lay low but even still would it be worth it for an outsider to come at the current moment or a year later i've never been to poland my travel advice in general is if you want to live in a foreign country you have to know somebody it really helps to know a local if you if you're like forced for whatever reason to move to a foreign country you should quickly establish a local friend like as soon as possible like meet somebody online Unknown_19: Um, cause it, it really, really sucks to be alone in a country and not know anybody there. Um, and it makes, um, figuring out what, how the fuck to do things really difficult. So if you know somebody who speaks the language has lived there like their entire life, um, that helps a lot. Cause you have a question you can't really ask Google like on how to do something, but that person will know, um, And especially if it's like the, if the, the real way that the locals do something is bribing somebody like they'll never, you'll not find that on Google. 1:27:08 Unknown_19: If the official way to like the real way that people locally actually managed to accomplish something is to slip someone 20 bucks. Um, you will never find that information on Google. I don't think people accept bribes in Poland. I'm sure they do it like a higher level, but like you don't have to deal with like day to day bribery in Poland. But anyways, the point is, um, you can go to poland i would recommend probably going to warsaw or krakow instead of like a small shitty village because they'll definitely speak english in those cities but if you're gonna move to like danzig in poland and you're not and you don't know anybody from there you're probably gonna have a hard time because from what i understand the poles are pretty xenophobic even to like um white people 1:27:54 Unknown_19: Um, Snead for one says we'll see the H3 employees on the streets after the Jew boss says something about bombing the about bombing niggas. That's true. But I don't know. I don't think you think Klein would ever say something that stupid. He hates white people. He doesn't hate black people. He doesn't hate the niggas. Okay. He's not going to bomb niggas. Unknown_19: uh gank up for fives also says josh i'm glad you found a good thanksgiving can you say pizza post on post five times fast pizza post on post pizza post on post piece of it's not like a hard one for a hundred library things which is worth like 30 cents i think take my oodles thank you plutonium gaming uh that's it for the what i think 1:28:47 Unknown_19: backstory i met someone else tipped us i met the sorrows in the kiwi farms and in 2012 i'm that's fia i married him partly to escape escape my toxic family in a rural area partly because i genuinely quite taken with him um some of you might remember the star says a racist political extremist who would leave pizza boxes out overnight and then finish the pie in the morning fast forward seven years later it turns out suffered from latent schizophrenia and the psychosis was triggered by sexually massive amounts of dxm cough medicine last week he went insane due to dxm plus heroin plus marijuana usage came to the conclusion that he was the messiah he chose my god to lead a communist revolution in america after writing up a manifesto and giving it to his boss's daughter he was fired and later investigated by the fbi on suspicion of being a terrorist sadly the drug abuse got worse in the past few months he last week he tripped so hard on dxm that he kept claiming Unknown_19: that God was communicating with him via light bulbs and fortune cookies after he repeatedly barricaded me in our bedroom and began destroying things in our apartment. I had no choice but to call 911. They forced to open the door and arrested him on charges of false imprisonment and criminal mischief. In the hospital, he spat on a cop's face and was charged with aggravated assault. He will likely be deported. Remember us, AMA. 1:29:50 Unknown_17: I think I know who this is. I want to say... Unknown_19: In 2012, this is blueberry ragamuffin. Blueberry ragamuffin had her nudes. She like posted her nudes to the forum and she was dating this fucking guy. I can't remember what, whose name was like Osmo or something. It was an O name, but she also had like a beta cuck orbiter named Mew. 1:30:27 Unknown_19: And Mew was like this disgusting looking gremlin guy. Unknown_19: And I just remember that when they got banned because they were starting drama. This was on the Quickie forums before I even managed the site in 2012. Unknown_19: I remember that they made their own splinter. Unknown_19: It was very unsuccessful. It's just the three of them. It was just her. Um, the guy and Mew and it died eventually, but they, this is, this is actually true. Um, 1:31:04 Unknown_19: When I started hosting the forum, I was not Docs. I didn't start hosting as Joshua Moon. They sent me a ban appeal message very early into the forum. And the email went to my personal email address at the time. And I replied and I said, like, you know, I talked over to the admin because at the time, Champlin was like the final authority on bans and stuff. and he doesn't want to ban you he says you're full of drama and stuff and then she replied like really manipulatively saying you have the authority to unban him you can take control and make things right and she's like trying to tempt me into like dividing the community and stuff and i i didn't i told her like no i'm not gonna like cause a schism right now like that's stupid 1:31:51 Unknown_19: Like, the users of the site barely know who the fuck I am. Why would I do this for you? Unknown_19: And then she doxxed me because of that. Because I said, no, I'm not going to unban you. And I replied to explain, like, I'm trying to help, but I don't think I'm going to be. Like, right now, I definitely can't unban you. And my thanks for doing that was she doxxed me. Unknown_19: So there you go. Unknown_17: That's who that person is. Unknown_17: okay donation alerts rookie miss well i didn't think i had any reason to hide anything it wasn't it was just the christian forum it wasn't like the encyclopedia dramatica forum or anything um i didn't realize that that would be such an issue i mean in retrospect it makes sense but at the time it was uh 1:32:43 Unknown_19: In retrospect, I also think it was a good thing because at the time, I was pretty unpopular in the first year of hosting the forum. Unknown_19: I was very angry still. I was still in the block land phase of my life where I was still 19. I was turning 20. Unknown_19: and i hadn't like sorted out my shit yet i was still in my first job i was still involved or talking to the uh the war girl and i was still very very angry and if i hadn't been docked early on i'm very certain i would have used my my position more aggressively to try and intimidate and with people and i might have made very serious mistakes that i never did because i i was basically always accountable for everything Uh, on a personal level, because people knew who I was almost immediately after I started hosting the site. So in retrospect, I think it was probably a good thing that, that things worked out the way they did. Um, because I never, I never felt like I was in a position to like extort people, even when I was young and angrier. 1:33:32 Unknown_19: I miss this lore. This is old. This is only a couple dozen people in the entire world. I can remember the forum back at this phase. It was a very, very small website until I started hosting it. It wouldn't even get to triple digits. There would never be 100 people on the site at once. When we started breaking triple digits, I was very happy, and then we started getting to 200s. 1:34:08 Unknown_19: We went from 100 active people to including guests, 200 active people. Then we had over 100 registered users on at the same time. Then we had 1,000. And the next year we had 2,000. And then we're touching 4,000 this year. Unknown_19: But at this time, it was literally just a couple dozen people. Unknown_19: Oh, I just realized that the Rumble stream hasn't been working at all. Oh, God. They really need to fix that. They need to fix how the Rumble stream token changes every fucking week. That's so annoying. 1:34:42 Unknown_19: anyways let's continue get through these today filter um ben for one said 17 hours before the stream started deagle nation anime made this a while ago with deagle nation not realizing who he was until recently maybe a little extra content in these art times 1:35:15 Unknown_16: Now in theaters It's like 14 minutes long this is like nonsense I'll look through this and post it somewhere if it's like I need to know that what the fuck this is though character art Unknown_17: Yeah, you really, from 2019, you really have to explain what the fuck is this name, bro. Unknown_19: I don't know what this is. Haramberger Vertu says, attention audience, would the owner of a blue Pontiac Bonneville please move their car or illegally park on top of a Palestinian child? Lot D, blue Pontiac Bonneville on top of a child. Lot D. Thank you, Haramberger. Unknown_19: Striga for five says, hey Josh, I stream Dead by Daylight sometimes so I can stop badgering you. New map is fucking awful and I want to watch other people suffer like I do. Also, fuck Jannies and fuck Juice. Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you, Striga. I haven't played Dead by Daylight in a while. I've just been programming and working mostly. 1:36:10 Unknown_19: Sneedum Feedum for 10 says, next Friday is December 2nd. Are you excited or dreading it? Unknown_19: uh excited i guess what's what's wrong with december 2nd am i missing something is there something about december 2nd that i should be aware of i feel like i'm missing something um christmas stuff is already starting up so you know if that's the hesitation whatever it's not it's not my birthday that's what you're thinking 1:36:48 Unknown_19: anonymous for 1040 says i disagree with 75 of your takes but i've enjoyed the show for a year thanks for the entertainment could you see a kiwi farms that doesn't host shit like phone numbers even with it being illegal take care no um never at any point has anyone ever said to me josh you could totally host your site and have credit cards and do whatever the fuck you want but the phone numbers bro the phone numbers that's the line it's never been that way Unknown_19: never it is always some inexplicable inexplicable associate like just like it's the complaint volume these people do not want to be talked about they do not want their shit hosted on the internet they do not want the internet to be forever they want things to be ephemeral they want to be forgiven and they want to be able to be creepy weird sex pests in the dark and get away with whatever the fuck they want to that's it the fact that voradrak fuck with kids on a Evanescence forum and intimidated little girls and went after them like a creepy weirdo, almost a 30 year old man, you know, harassing, literally scaring 15 year old girls into submission and then accusing Evanescence of being child pornographers. That shit that he wants the internet to forget. Cause it was like what? 10 years ago, more than that. But it doesn't cause it's on my fucking site. That's why they do it. It has nothing to do with, oh, a phone number, oh, a nine-digit number. I want this information gone, and it's only on one place, and I can get it taken down everywhere else. 1:37:55 Unknown_19: Haram Berger for two says, what do you think of, what do you think the bathing states of your jannies are, Josh? Grub-a-dub-dub. I get the dick cheese off my nub. Also, I have been scooping poop very well. Plus, upgrade me. Unknown_19: Your messages are very esoteric. I have to get more jannies, though. Thank you for reminding me to get more jannies. I'll upgrade the bathing facilities, too, I guess. Gadik for 10 says, democracy is fake and gay. Trump basically entrapped his own voters, and people will still vote for him. Sad. Very true. 1:38:27 Unknown_19: I would never vote for him because he should have taken the fall. Unknown_19: I actually do believe that his intention was to reverse the ratification of the vote. People don't remember this, but the Senate was doing the thing 1:39:00 Unknown_19: where pence like it's like a formality now because nobody ever challenges it but back in the day when men read horses and telegrams weren't a thing which was when the country was founded there was the um the confirmation hearing you have the vote in november then all the votes are like ratified or whatever the by the by the you actually send the electors out Unknown_19: In December, then they cast their votes. And then in January on the 8th, the Senate gets together and formally ratifies the electoral votes as the vote for the president. And then the president is officially decided. Unknown_19: Trump hosted that rally when they were doing that vote, which isn't something that people really even think of. It's literally just a formality from the days when men rode horses and people had to actually physically congregate in order to ratify an election. Nowadays, it's all instantly tallied up and people know the day of. But Trump held this thing, and his intention was to reverse the electoral vote, I'm very sure. But then he does this, it fails, because the boomers just meander around in the White House, or the Capitol building, and nothing happens. And then they all get charged and booked, because the government wants to make sure that this never happens again, because it's the scariest thing that the Congress people have had to deal with ever. 1:39:55 Unknown_19: And he just shits himself and says, well, that didn't work, I'm not going to take the fall for this, I want to run again. Unknown_20: i was like okay whatever uh fine be a fucking bitch i ain't voting for you though 1:40:36 Unknown_19: uh lumen shin for 5198 says there's a new dark pictures game out and would be a fun stream instead of a cozy forum for people to effort post about their hobbies sheepish sheepish patio.net in the name server upgrades are due play nice am i getting advertisements now like nick or kata are you using gay like i know what this is the softwares wait Unknown_19: I don't know. If you want to join a forum, there's Sheepish Patio. The guy seems to have an anime avatar, though. Unknown_19: Whatever you want to say about that. People are going to start using my Super Chats advertisement. I have to think about what to do about that. What's Ricada's thing? I think when he gets an advertisement, he just reads it, and then he considers that his... Unknown_19: like when they want to like advertise a website they or whatever or like a commercial product they just like he just considers that his bit and he moves on like immediately instead of like discussing it baldo ads win uh anime for five says sorry josh anime chads win again there's a link to a youtube video that has eight minutes eight seconds so if we started a gofundme to buy a hundred books you would live stream you watching a season of anime 1:41:56 Unknown_19: Yes. Unknown_19: What is with it? Anime people are a cult. Someone says they don't want to watch anime, and then the next question is, how much would I have to pay you to watch an entire season of this weird show where a little bunny boy gets tortured and sexually abused? It's like, um, fuck dude. I don't know. Like $50,000. Fuck off. I'm not, I don't want to watch your, your creepy shit. 1:42:30 Unknown_19: Egg sauce pizza with Turkey equals. Oh yeah. Could done. Unknown_19: um i guess that's a egg sauce pizza with turkey is oh yeah i don't know what that means for ten dollars says public service announcement for women eyebrows serving an important purpose and conveying expression if you shave your eyebrows you look like an alien eyebrows are attractive just clip the unibrow um i know this is a reference to this is a reference to gila klein Unknown_19: uh well she really looks like an alien when she's green like that um her eyebrows are not shaved in this you are correct she does look very strange because her eyebrows are not prominent they're dyed blonde um so that is what this guy is referring to the eyebrows are dyed blonde they're not shaved though thank you egg sauce pizza with turkey equals oh yeah 1:43:21 Unknown_19: Well, yeah, Dante for 15 says, Far-right extremist Fuentes, don't these journalists know about Nick's impeccable optimism? He loves black people. They're an integral part to the fundamentals of America. True. Unknown_19: Nick Fuentes has been on the knees paying tribute to the real Americans all this time. He knows. But he's a far-right extremist, of course, because he says the J word, and that is not acceptable. We're a civilized society, and that's an old and antiquated form of... Unknown_19: Of hate that we do not tolerate any. Unknown_19: Sick. Hello there for 10 says I'm asking for a friend of a friend. What microphone are using on this stream? Thanks in advance. I'm sure my friend of a friend of a friend will be grateful. That's right. Secret. Hello. There wants to start up a anti. Anti, um, 1:43:57 Unknown_19: maize fiance podcast himself i am using the same thing that every single person on the internet uses it's a meme microphone i think it's called the at2020 no it's not the at2020 what the fuck is it it's um it's a sure it is a sure sm7b everybody uses this microphone it has a focus right and a um it's called a cloud preamp uh that provides um the boost that it needs because the shirt does not have a high whatever the fuck itself everybody it's like if you just google what what what um microphone do you throw a podcast you'll get this because that's what i did and that's why i bought it everyone else does the same exact thing seek hello there his name 1:44:34 Unknown_19: lynchian eager for 10 says hang them high thank you lynchian uh pia dick for five says carl benjamin is unbanned on twitter.com is going to get trump to tweet gamergate to finally win the 2024 election it can still happen it can still happen gamergate 3 can still happen though i think i think if let's let's face it chat if donald trump tweeted hashtag gamergate would that cause as much of an of a hilarious outrage out as a hashtag kiwi farms 1:45:27 Unknown_19: Sorry, Carl, but your Gamergate thing is dead. The new cool thing to be angry about is hashtag Kiwi Farms. Unknown_19: Never forget, for once, have you heard of the alleged tapes of Bake the Fed Alaska giving methed out handjobs to Milo? I'm assuming this meant methed out handjobs to Milo. I've never heard of this ever in my life. I apologize. Unknown_19: The lowercase I, internet, with an uppercase I for five, says, hope your Thanksgiving went well. After reading the low text, I decided to try out those gold belly pies. And I gotta say, I can see why he skipped out on his alimony and child support payments. 1:46:01 Unknown_19: I have not had a gold belly pie, but one day I will try it, I suppose. As a webmaster, I feel obligated, in the great tradition of webmasters, of forum administrators, to try out the gold belly pies and the big cookies they have. Unknown_19: I don't understand the bullying Rungle thing. He's just a Dutchman. The Dutch never did anything wrong. And they killed a lot of British people over the years. We should be thanking them. And there's a link to a YouTube video. 1:46:51 Unknown_13: ...properly started. See, when this originally came out on PC, it had witchcraft levels of optimization. I didn't have a good computer at the time, but I could run it on high with a good framerate. Even friends I knew with overheating toasters could still play Alien Isolation pretty decently. So nowadays, you can push settings to the max and still easily get triple digit framerates. Now, typically, that's usually... Why did you link me to the Mandalore Gaming talking about framerates for Alien Isolation? Unknown_19: What the fuck, dude? If there's something funny there, I completely missed it. Unknown_19: The abominable home and for tense as much could really go full something awful.com on Twitter. Let people play to be unbanned pay to change people's profile pictures, et cetera. 1:47:23 Unknown_19: The main issue with that is that the money comes from the governments. Like you really want government agencies to use Twitter as a form of communication. Cause that gets people to like check out your site. Um, the celebrities there also get people to check out your site. Like, and fuck like that would scare away the like legitimate organization. So you can't do that. Unknown_19: And Docums for 10 says, Hey, I love your stuff. I look forward to seeing, I look forward to working every Friday because of your streams. Keep it up. Also, would you ever stream the alligator game? It seems pretty up your alley. 1:47:57 Unknown_19: Um, the alligator game. Unknown_19: point and click adventure game I've never played I'm not like a huge point and click guy um maybe I don't know I hate questions like that would you ever probably maybe it depends how bored am I what year is it do I have anything else going on I don't know uh I want to do horror first because that's like I think more interesting to people more interesting to me at least 1:48:32 Unknown_17: uh this oh god german people are so fucking autistic okay this is an end of stream rant i'm checking the forum and i see i got a a dm and it distracted me because it had like a really aggressive title Unknown_19: And there is a thread for German politics on the forum. Unknown_19: And in the thread, I say very accurately, I make an observation. Like, look, I'm hesitant to have a German politics thread on the forum because you're fine to go out and, like, if people are speaking English and they're saying dumb shit and they're saying offensive things, a German police person or EU officer or whatever reading that is going to think, like, Unknown_19: This is just like a stupid American who gives a fuck what they say. But if it's in German, they're going to be way more angry. Because, like, what countries speak German? Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria, right? That's it. Maybe there's a couple in Namibia, but that's it. But chances are, if someone is denying the Holocaust in German, they're doing it from a place where it's illegal to do so. And I say this. I say, like, look... Shut the fuck up if you want to like if you're going to have politics discussions on the forum Can you like not be a fucking weirdo that draws attention because I guarantee if it's in german It's going to draw attention to the site Which is true because i've gotten emails from the police from the group called like the hate postings division of the hessa police Asking me for identifying information about users who said, um that trainees are gross. That's all they said trains are gross But because it's in german The hate postings department of the police and whatever bullshit city, whatever Dorf little village shithole in fucking Germany sees it actively scanning the Internet for hate postings for them to complain about is trying to get information, which is why I'm thinking. 1:50:00 Unknown_19: of just blocking Austria and Germany as a whole. Because if you're browsing the subnet that I have, 103.114.1911, and you are in Germany, they can see that you're connecting to the website because it's going to that IP as opposed to a Cloudflare IP, which is a proxy. It's going directly to my fucking website from your domestic IP. And then... If there is a hate post made at precisely 11.36 p.m. and that is the time that your connection was made, they can safely assume that you maybe made that post. They have other reasons to think that you might be posting that. So it's literally a security risk for you to be accessing the site from Austria or Germany without a proxy or from using Tor. So I'm thinking about blocking them. And then in my forum thread where I'm talking about 1:50:37 Unknown_19: how germans should be careful what they say in the in in general because i don't want like the eu to launch some sort of investigation into kiwi farms meddling in their elections or far-right politics or whatever the fuck um i i have i have as a joke i have like a list of guidelines um i'll translate this real quick because i can't read it i know what it says um 1:51:30 Unknown_19: I'll give a list of examples of what you should not say, literally should not say, because it would probably drill the ire of the government. I say bad as a bad example, the Holocaust did not happen. And then conversely, as a good example, I say, instead say this, the Holocaust happened exactly as it says on Wikipedia. And it was very bad. So like, that's clearly like, you can believe whatever the fuck you want, but like, can you not like turn your politics thread in German language into like a nonstop, like neo-Nazi rally? Because that way the people understand, uh who monitor these things will be drawn to the forum and i just don't want to deal with it and you shouldn't want to deal with it either 1:52:10 Unknown_19: Um, this guy, he replies to me on DM and says, as a German, I think there's a bloody good reason denying a historical event of such magnitude in a body count. We're speaking of millions here for crying out loud is considered a felony. And your claim that freedom of speech or freedom of opinion, as we call it, is limited restriction. That is a straight up lie. A narrative commonly spread by far right internet users, AFD voters. Those are the people who call it censorship. Once others start calling them out for their bullshit. Lastly, I got to admit something. There was a time when I was still into locale stuff where I looked up to you. I really did. But as that time went on, some stuff you did, i.e. doxing people over the petties and things, your response to the police of New Zealand, or what I just wrote above. This guy joined in April 2022, so I don't know how he even knows all this shit. That admiration sadly starts to fade. Two more things. If you think being edgy, politically incorrect automatically makes you cool, let me tell you it doesn't. You're at least stopped having that mindset by age of 14 or 15. Just because I use Kiwi Farms doesn't mean I'm going to be a butt kisser for you. Germans are so fucking autistic. They just can't handle that other people believe different things than them. And they can't handle it. They literally cannot fucking handle it. 1:52:52 Unknown_19: fucking and they're so they're so smug about it you fucking talk to these people and they're like they're supposed to be the most humble pie people on earth and go yeah we have the best democracy we have the best healthcare system and we got the best pension system we're the most friendly open and open-minded country in the entire world and they're like oh so deutschland deutschland overall right and like no nine nine oh nine we know we don't say that anymore that's an old healthy thought process we're just better in every conceivable fucking way and we've got everything figured out so perfectly but you know we're not the best I'm sure theoretically someplace maybe you know I don't know Malta or Andorra or something I'm sure that's also you know fairly well it depends on what your tastes are the country's the best country I mean you can't really say logically objectively if one country's better than the other it's just it's my preference I think it's a good place I wouldn't want to be anywhere else I can't say it's the best though it's like are you fucking retarded 1:53:42 Unknown_19: Man. And he locks it. He locks the, he sends me this bullshit and then he locks it. Like, so I can't even, I'm going to reply to this motherfucker. His name is Falk Maria Schlegel on the forum. I'm going to reply to this motherfucker. I'm going to say you are a faggot. I'm going to hate speech. I'm going to hass postings this motherfucker. Unknown_19: You are fucking faggot. Unknown_17: Kill yourself. Well, there we go. Unknown_17: Fuck you. 1:54:43 Unknown_17: i think i need to fix my german block it's not done yet it's just it's so pretentious it's so pretentious like he really thinks that he has the most objectively correct opinion on these matters and that anyone thinking otherwise are evil afd voters it's like oh number one the afd voters in your country are like muslim converts Unknown_19: They're like the most mentally shattered freaks meandering about pretending to be a political organization on the entire planet. And somehow you still malign them as being neo-Nazis. But they don't have a cool uniform. They don't have cool helmets. They don't say cool things. They just worship Allah and suck dick. As long as it's German dick. Then it's fine. Fuck you. Fucking kraut. Alright, I'm done. Here, I have another stupid... Actually, you know what? I'm changing it. I was going to play Till Lindemann. I was going to play Till Lindemann's, um... Unknown_19: alfresa because of my pizza my pizza and inspires some fond memories of alfresa but instead you know what i'm going to cause physical pain if you speak the german language 1:55:50 Unknown_19: I'm going to inflict agony on you. All right, motherfucker, get ready. I'm about to holocaust the Germans with this music video. I'll see you next week or this weekend. Bye-bye. Unknown_06: Wake up, Deutschland sleeping beauty Can you hear your call of duty? The world has gone completely nuts That's why we're back to help mine shots Achtung, Germans on the rise But this time we are fucking nice 1:56:22 Unknown_06: authoritarian nationalist dorks so tough with your torches and pitchforks you are not the people you are the past through germans come for you better run fast 10 million bicycle helmets inside jack bull skin jackets marching through the night Birkenstocks stomp the grout munching kebab and muesli earth shattering sound 1:57:17 Unknown_05: Good day, the true Germans are here. We are xenophobic's biggest fear. You call for storm leaders, fences and... Unknown_17: I fucked it up. I dragged the hamster onto the music video. Unknown_19: Let's fix this real quick. Unknown_20: Where were we? Where were we? There we are again. 1:58:04 Unknown_07: Say it not, we are proud of not being proud. We are here to remind you that we have once been stupid too. Unknown_06: Maniacs with thicket hair, yeah, yeah, yeah We have already been there Trust our Teutonic expertise We know where assholery leads Have an election to vote for the best But we see it more like an IQ test We've learned our lesson, so take our advice Hold together, try to be nice 1:59:02 Unknown_07: We are proud of not feeling proud. Human dignity is unimpeachable. Unknown_04: You will learn even if you're teachable. We are no longer murderers and murderers. We come for you in socks and sandals. In your fun loungers with our towels. Vegan sausages. This is the best part. Unknown_02: This is the best part. This is the best part. 2:00:28 Unknown_06: not you fun fact manta was invented by the nazis bye