0:00:46 Unknown_02: Brazilian deaf mute trans woman sings Whitney Houston. Unknown_12: I will always love you. Brazilian deaf mute trans woman sings Whitney Houston. I will always love you. I will always love you. 0:01:37 Unknown_02: What's really weird about that is... I got the echo fix, sorry. Unknown_08: I was wondering why it sounded particularly bad this time. Unknown_06: My audio might be a little bit fucky-wucky because... Can you hear that? Unknown_08: It doesn't show up on my thing, but... Unknown_08: But I can hear myself talk. Unknown_08: How does this happen literally every time? We don't understand. 0:02:13 Unknown_08: What could possibly be? No, I have to fix it because I'm losing my fucking mind. Unknown_08: What could possibly be causing that? Unknown_08: It's because you're gay. Dude, I don't... I have done this literally a thousand times at this time. Unknown_08: And it's still, it's still fucking doing it. And it's not, it's not like picking up advanced audio property. Unknown_08: I've done this literally a million fucking times and I still fuck up. 0:02:55 Unknown_06: Reinstall Windows. Reinstall Windows. Unknown_08: dude it's i'm going crazy i don't even see the reverb on any of my devices and i still fucking hear it wait that's it i fixed it i fixed it Unknown_08: Did anyone actually hear me talking twice? I'm literally losing my fucking mind. 0:03:27 Unknown_08: Your mind? No. I've got it. I've got it now. Okay. There's a second Josh in the room and he's yelling at me. He's yelling at me. Unknown_08: uh okay oh geez um my my retardation is only matched by the brazilian deaf mute trans woman singing Whitney Houston i will always love you what's really funny about that video is that there's like cuts to the judges who are like in stunned disbelief at how fucking horrific this is and then at the very end by the way 0:03:59 Unknown_08: They all stand and clap. They all stand and clap. And everyone was so enamored by the beautiful, wonderful performance of the deaf-mute trans woman. It was truly a sight to behold. Really just beautiful performance. Unknown_08: You don't see the video. Look, you don't need to see the video, okay? Unknown_08: Well, how is everybody now that I've unfucked my audio five minutes in after a minute of being late? Unknown_08: Okay, you really want to see the fucking video that that? Okay, fine. Okay, fine. You know what? I'm a people pleaser. I give the people what they want. And here you go. You want to see a deaf mute trans person saying Whitney Houston, I will always love you. Here you go. 0:05:05 Unknown_08: That part doesn't even show you the stunned disbelief. This guy right here thinking, what the fuck? And this other guy like, wow, this is just horrific. I don't know. This man's face is sitting, I think it's not muted. Unknown_08: Are you fucking kidding me? Unknown_08: I think you're fucking with me. There is no way that, Unknown_08: Oh, it doesn't work. 0:05:38 Unknown_08: Oh, man. I'm about to lose my fucking mind. I'm about to seriously fucking snap. I'm about to go crazy here. Unknown_08: How does that not work? Unknown_06: Okay. Unknown_06: You know what? Fuck it. Unknown_08: I think that the correct solution here is to pretend this never happened. I'm looking at it, I do not see a way to fix it, and I don't care anymore. This is where I'm at. This is where I'm at with the audio issues. I am extremely convinced at this point in time that I do not give a fuck and we are just going to move on and we're never going to speak about this again. 0:06:11 Unknown_06: Okay, so let us continue. Unknown_06: Restructure. Unknown_08: No, I'm moving on. If there's any more audio, I'm sorry. You're just not... I'm gonna tell you what I hear. I'm gonna reenact it. Unknown_08: And we're moving on. 0:06:45 Unknown_08: I got shit to do. Okay. Unknown_08: Let's start with the news, I guess. There's no audio associated with the news, so we can just continue forward. Unknown_08: So, His Majesty's Treasury, so the Department of Treasury for the United Kingdom announced a Discord channel. I don't know what the fuck the point of a Discord channel is for the Department of Treasury in the UK. Unknown_08: But they proceeded on with it, and the first thing that happens, of course, because the UK is such an evil, transphobic country, is that the Discord trainees jump in there and start spreading the good news of 0:07:26 Unknown_08: the uh hrt directory made by our good friend keffels and the other one wow this dude waits until i start streaming before sending me messages thankfully audio is broken and you don't hear anything so we can just keep going right along and he knows i stream too i don't know why the fuck he's doing that what a dickhead Unknown_08: So the the other thing that happened was that they kept spamming Clown emojis and I think Israeli flags on all the messages and the announcement channel, so they disabled it It says here HM Treasury social admin one yesterday at 6 p.m To the rapid growth of today's channel, which has seen over 7,000 numbers join a technical difficulty has led to reactions being paused we are working to get discord to get reactions turned back on so they're like saying Can you add like a filter to what reactions people can add because everyone is clowning on us literally and it's making us upset So you have to fix that 0:08:18 Unknown_08: So I hope you're ready for the dark era of this world where government agencies are participating on Discord. And I guess you're going to see, especially with the fucking English, you know that there's going to be an instance of official government accounts and grooming teenagers like, hi, I'm from the Department of Social Services. And the only way that I can help you get away from your evil transphobic parents is if you send me progress pics when I send you HRT. And that's going to come out. That'll be fun for you guys. Unknown_08: Speaking of fun governments, the San Francisco City Hall has elected to spend their overflowing coffers, I suppose, on trans rights, which includes giving free money to trans people. 0:09:01 Unknown_08: By free money, I mean other people's money. So now if you're a poor transgender person in San Francisco, you can apply Unknown_08: for what is literally free money. It is essentially universal basic income for trans people only. And to, don't spam chat please, and to get onto the thing, you have to fill out this form and you have to select your gender. And thankfully the gender form is very, very comprehensive. There are 97, I think, is that what he says? 97 different genders among which is 0:09:35 Unknown_08: BDSM kink gender and faggot. If you are a proud faggot gender, you can also apply for universal basic income in San Francisco. Unknown_08: He links to the form in case you want to get in on that free faggot money. Unknown_08: And then apparently they tried to report the form by saying that it was in violation of some German law. Which is the weirdest thing, like there's a specific thing you can vote for or report a message for, and you can select like, this is spam, this is advertising, this is harassment, this is violent content, and then it's like, this is German, this is exceedingly kraut, and the police need to take a look at that. And then you'll even get like a message. Because, I think, if you get reported for being too German, the German law that is the same law as being too German requires them to notify you that you were reported for being too German. And then they look into it and they send you this message. 0:10:20 Unknown_08: Very, very interesting times. Unknown_08: Now, I know many of you are big fans of the anime, unfortunately, and you like to say, Josh, Western media is poo-poo pee-pee, and Japanese media is so free-spirited and independent and conservative and trad and based. Well, I'm happy to notify you that the transgender folks have taken to the streets of Japan, and they're marching for trans rights, and Japan is about to be glomohomified. 0:10:58 Unknown_08: Your waifu will become a transgender girl of color. Very soon. I hope you enjoy it. Look, there's thousands of them, chat. They're lined up to march for trans rights in Japan. I like the waifu float up there. There's your waifu. He's a cross-dresser now. I don't know. A lot of you were fucking into that shit anyways. I don't know what I'm saying. Unknown_08: not like this. I categorized this montage in the same vein as anime because there was 0:11:48 Unknown_08: I'm trying to remember this correctly. Unknown_08: There was, I think, a Japanese woman who blocked a male-to-female who was sexually harassing her on Twitter. And the person's name is Satoru Yuga. So Satoru Yuga blocks this person who is trans who is harassing her. And because she's like a real woman, this is the most massive offense possible. You cannot do this. So, the trans person has their own following, goes out and says, I'm being bullied by this evil TERF Japanese person. 0:12:22 Unknown_08: And this was the response. Unknown_08: The message can be summed up here, I think, towards the end. Unknown_08: Full offense, but if you're concerned about radfems talking about wanting to help a victim, who I guarantee you is definitely very traumatized by all the harassment. Instead, the group that did this was threatening to make it happen to other girls in the fandom too. You're pathetic and you hate women. Full stop. Go be a misogynist somewhere else because on this blog we love and respect Sator Yuga. now the response from the trans community on tumblr in regards to this woman saying don't sexually harass me because i'm not i don't want that even if you're trans i'm not i don't want to be sexually harassed is um kill yourself heart emoji 0:13:04 Unknown_08: Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with your response. I mean, it's pretty factual in terms of trans folks did dox and harass, assault Satoru Yuga, but at the same time, if someone tells me to bite a bigot girl, I will bite. Sorry to see you choose to go down this path. You're really young, so honestly, you should just delete your blog and be done with it." This is like the greatest... It's not even like cognitive dissonance. It's just like, yeah, I'm a hypocrite and I don't give a fuck. I'm like so radicalized that I really don't care. Yeah, it does suck that she got doxxed and harassed and assaulted. But when someone tells me to do something and they're on my side, I will do it. No questions asked. Go fuck yourself. 0:13:37 Unknown_08: Um, two later replied a couple times. He said, I already know that I hated Hawaii and Polynesian women look like mud cupboard Japanese women bleach your ugly skin ass bitches. So I guess that's where Yuga is like a Polynesian woman who's also like part Japanese. I don't know too much about this, but the responses are pretty funny in terms of how gross they are. Uh, I think this is like all feminists are bitches. Kill yourself. Um, six times. And he also says, die, die, die, please die. Kill yourself. 0:14:10 Unknown_08: And nut in your puss replies 15 year old girls usually have the ill What the fuck I'm not reading that Kawaii detective 13 says the division between I will fuck you and I will kill you is so blurry lol I guess that's why I call it hate fucking get that pussy nice and wet for all the girls stats are we want to turn on and ruin your life ugly bitch, so this is the very Unknown_08: Oh, assign female at birth. Okay. So these are the very, like, I could just go on. I'll pick one at random. Like I'm going to do the chicken thing. 0:14:42 Unknown_00: Like here's the, here's the full montage of all the well reasoned responses from the trans community in response to someone saying, please stop sexually harassing me. Unknown_08: I'll pick one about here. Unknown_08: um you got this ask sandwich between rape messages you mean love letters wish someone would tell me they wanted to rape me that sounds incredibly erotic and romantic heart emojis let's pick another one at random he he 83739 says let's role play that you're my unruly daughter and i'm your food a mom and i punish you daily by pounding into your pussy every night before so before bed soaking you in my milk until you learn to behave The one below that says, slit your wrist, little girl, too. 0:15:22 Unknown_08: Let's pick one down here. I haven't done this down before. Unknown_08: Chen says, if you're Polynesian with the username Stas Caesar, you have been personally selected to get double penetrated by T-girls. Congratulations. Enjoy the thorough breeding, you baby milk cow. Unknown_08: Very interesting. Um, it's very interesting how they're all very like pedophile, like pedophilically charged as well. They're not like normal rape messages. It's like, Oh, cause the author is young. Someone else says that you're quite young. Just delete your blog. And the rest are just like, um, they're, they're trying to be extremely creepy as possible because they want to drive her offline. 0:15:56 Unknown_08: Very, oh, here we go. Very Vips Slime Girl says, 15 year old begs to be raped online, more at 11. Assigned female at birth, minors are so fucking kinky, man. Y'all gotta quit this. Unknown_08: Wow. Unknown_08: I didn't really, I read like the first column before diving in, like pulling this up and putting it onto like the thing. So reading through it is pretty shocking. Unknown_08: Pretty amazing. Unknown_08: Meanwhile, we have to quell hate speech, and that's why Ireland is debating. They have not done this yet, but it's up for parliamentary debate in Ireland, criminalizing the possession of hateful material. Usually hate speech is one thing, and propagating terrorist manifestos. If you distributed copies of Mein Kampf in a lot of countries, that would probably cause problems. 0:16:38 Unknown_08: But Ireland is taking it a step further. If you happen to own a copy of Mein Kampf, you will be in violation of a hateful material possession charge. Unknown_08: It says, quote, provide for an offense of condoning, denying, or grossly trivializing genocide, war crimes, crimes against, so this is a crime, any kind of material that says provides for an offense of condoning, denying, or grossly trivializing genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes against peace, and so on. 0:17:31 Unknown_08: I think then let me get the name of the bill in case you're iris. This is called the criminal justice incitement to violent or hatred and one line offenses or hate offenses bill of 2022. Unknown_08: So this is what's up for debate outlining how you have to be nice and respectful. And if you if a police has any suspicion that you own hateful material, then they can get a warrant to come to your house and investigate that and possibly put you into jail. Unknown_08: so there you go um read it irish what a beautiful language truly uh truly a shame that's gone completely extinct and it's used as the language of ireland almost as a joke all right 0:18:29 Unknown_08: Well, this is the author's interpretation of it. He says, under this pernicious law, a judge can order the search of a home based solely on the officer's sworn statement that he or she has reasonable grounds to believe that illegal material may be present in a person's home. What I really hate about this language, though, in particular, provides for an offense of condoning, denying, or grossly trivializing genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes against peace. Unknown_08: That's very broad and effectively it makes any kind of speech that the government deems to be these things a crime. Like they can just say like, for instance, they could say like January 6th, recent history, that was a coup of the government, a crime against peace. And anyone trying to reframe this January 6th protest as anything other than a coup, an illegal attempt by Donald Trump to deliberately overthrow the government and assassinate members of the government, That is denying or trivializing crimes against peace. 0:19:07 Unknown_08: And it's like, well, this is recent history and we should be able to discuss it. Unknown_08: But with these kinds of laws, they can basically dictate their own version of history and make it so that you can't say anything about it, which is kind of shitty. 0:19:55 Unknown_08: Oh, you know what? I'm glad I mentioned that, because I don't have that on my slide. Unknown_08: Baked Alaska was recently sentenced. He got 75 days in jail and a $500 fine. And he was the one that went to Nancy Pelosi's office, put his foot up on the desk, filmed everything, and basically was the source of all the news footage that people use. And he got 75 days, which is like two and a half months, and a $500 fine. Unknown_08: So, everybody else who's sitting in jail for 5 to 10 years, they didn't get that kind of treatment. Isn't that very... and Baked Alaska was the one inside Nancy Pelosi's office sitting at the desk. Isn't that funny? 0:20:31 Unknown_08: Oh, I'm sorry. I misremembered. Baked Alaska's prosecutors suggested that sentence. So, it's not that the state said give them 10 years and the judge is like, no, it's 75 days because, you know, whatever, he's been complying or whatever, crisis king, whatever. Unknown_08: I don't wanna get swatted. Unknown_08: The prosecution suggested 75 days and he's yet to be sentenced. So the judge could go actually no he deserves 10 years but probably will not do that. But the suggested sentencing indicates to me that the government has appreciated some qualities of Baked Alaska. And they feel that him being out in the streets is better than him not being out in the streets for whatever reason. 0:21:07 Unknown_08: And maybe a little bit of a sentence to make sure that he can say, look, I went to jail over that. You can't say that I got off scot-free. I got fined. I went to jail. I lost my freedom just like everybody else. But, you know, it's like two and a half months. Unknown_08: Interesting. They like his music. Ah, there you go. Afid, figuring this out. They're all over there singing Kumbaya and we love our police. That's why they love that song about how much, uh, how bad ass they are, how, how everybody loves them. 0:21:44 Unknown_08: Uh, and very briefly on the Twitter stuff, actually, Unknown_08: Let me backtrack just a little bit, because that's a tangent that I want to go through in full. Unknown_08: One other thing I don't really have notes on, but I just want to recount is, in case you don't know, I think it was last year. Unknown_08: there was a uh it might have been 2019 but there was a guy called Daryl Brooks who during a the from what I understand the story is he's like a fucking psychopath he's pimped out his own child and I think his wife as like prostitutes and he was recently arrested and arraigned or at the time of the incident he was arrested and arraigned on domestic battery charges He was put out, the DA, despite the fact that he, um, or, oh geez. I'm trying to remember. I think he was arrested for drunk driving or something. Oh no, no. Okay. I remember he was, he was arrested for domestics. He was put out on bail for a thousand dollars. So he was a free awaiting for trial. 0:22:45 Unknown_08: He was drunk driving, and the police put on their beams. So he was going to get busted on a parole violation. And him having been to prison several times, he knew that if he got busted on DUI while on parole, he would be going to jail. And he decided to evade the police by running into a crowd of people that were conducting a Christmas parade. 0:23:24 Unknown_08: This was the guy who hit the dancing grannies, hit a bunch of kids. Unknown_08: He was charged with 67 different things, including six murder offenses. Unknown_08: And the trial comes around and he makes a clown show of it. He fires his attorney, he goes pro se, he starts doing the whole... Unknown_08: uh... this is this is a uh... a maritime court as you have like a gold flag is that the sovereign citizen thing trying to say that the the court doesn't have subject matter jurisdiction over him because the corporation also to return jet uh... doesn't hold up he's basically a fucking asshole the entire time makes a joke out of it 0:24:16 Unknown_08: The judge is very lenient and basically lets him do whatever the fuck he wants. Unknown_08: He just like acts like a child the entire time And a lot of people turn against the judge and are like the judge shouldn't allow him to get away with everything that he has but I understood In my opinion was that she was just letting him have his say so that There would be no issue there would be no coming back to court because if you try to get through it as fast as possible and you disrupt him and you prevent him from Adequately representing himself and it could go to appeals and then you have the families coming back out to you know deal with the appeals Having to resubmit, you know witness testimony and shit years and years and years, you know fighting it constantly, which would be pain in the ass So she doesn't want that Basically lets him get away with murder inside the courtroom by acting like a retard 0:25:10 Unknown_08: And finally, after weeks and weeks of this shit, it comes down to sentencing. Unknown_08: And a sentencing, like with Baked Alaska, what happens? They find him guilty. He's guilty of every count, I think, 67 different counts, including all the murders. And it's come time for sentencing. So the prosecution stands up and says, I think you should get the max. And then she says, OK. Unknown_08: What about you, Daryl Brooks? What do you think that you deserve? Unknown_08: And this guy gives like a rambling, two hour long non sequitur. And again, she just lets him talk and people are giving her shit. And I'm thinking, I understand what she's doing. She's, he's, even though that this is very disrespectful and you have all these families here and they just want justice and they just want this shit to be over with. Let him say whatever the fuck he wants and draw the case to a conclusion so that appeals come and It gets thrown on instantly He's done after two hours. He doesn't he he recommends civil commitment He says I belong in a place where my mental health is taken care of because I'm mentally ill and that's it That's the the summary of it and Christ is King. He never apologizes never does any he just says the Bible says to forgive So you got to forgive me basically 0:26:25 Unknown_08: Then, I'm thinking, right, so she's gonna sum this shit up real fucking fast. She's gonna bang her, she's gonna say, okay, thank you, Mr. Brooks, for your statement. I hereby sentence you to six consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole. Court is adjourned. Bang, bang. Like, I dead-ass expected her just to let him ramble and then sum it up real fucking fast and just be done with it. Unknown_08: But then, somehow, 0:27:01 Unknown_08: This lady takes all the benefit of a doubt I've given her and just fucking burns it because she starts rambling herself for two hours and I become disgusted listening to her because it's so obvious that she thinks she's Miss Marvel and the bad guy is there and she's delivering the epic monologue. In fact, this is completely true, I'm not making this up at all. The court almost had a mistrial because she fucked up and she almost submitted her sentencing statements as opposed directly to our murdered by words. She thought I'm gonna go get a bunch of karma by submitting my monologue to our murdered by words. And then she goes, oh, I can't do that because then it would fuck up the trial. Let me save it for after, for after it. So she does her R murdered by word speech and she's just like, you're so bad and I'm so, and we've so thoroughly proven that you're guilty and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 0:27:56 Unknown_08: And it goes on and on. Eventually her bullshit goes longer than fucking, um, um, um, I made that up by the way. Don't think that's true. Unknown_08: Um, her monologue ends up going longer and I'm just thinking like, okay, so Unknown_08: The entire time, it's like this shit keeps going on and everyone, like I'm watching the Nickricada stream, and yes, I will get to Nickricada, don't you worry. I'm watching the Nickricada stream and the entire chat and all the people in the panel are like, hurry up and send him to the Negro Poo Poo Pee Pee Rape Box. We gotta get this buck broke, literally saying this buck's gonna get broken real soon. And then like, oh yeah, garnish his wages so he has to suck dick for Twinkies. We gotta break that buck harder than any buck's been broken before. So the entire time, it's just like Mutt's Law. Mutt's Law just being trampled all over everywhere. Every livestream chat, the Kiwi Farms post, the Kiwi Farms chat. It's just Mutt's Law is being fully and completely invoked. And then you have this monologuing Ms. Marvel who's epically owning the bad guy with her brutal takedown. And then she finally says it. I sentence you to life without parole. 0:29:06 Unknown_08: And as if this is not the most American fucking thing ever, you have this black guy who's who's making a mockery of our courts and you have all the Mutz law people talking about how we have to we have to buck break them. Unknown_08: After she says this, the court stands up and claps. they stand up and clap and she's suddenly taken aback with embarrassment and she has to remind the court that this is not the appropriate time you're disrupting the court please please do not clap so she has to do it and nega jeb bush which is um even though it's it's in there it's like the opposite of please clap it's please don't clap it's still embarrassing because she tried to do like a big speech and then she realized oh this is like not the place for a big epic speech like that 0:30:02 Unknown_08: and then um in her infinite in her infinite mercy and was oh that's not even the funniest part she literally bangs her gavel and says after they're all clapping she bangs it and says i hereby sentence you to one thousand years in the pee pee poo poo rape dungeon And everybody stands up and claps. A thousand years, not even a hyperbole, literally 1,000 plus years in jail because we here in the Western democracies are too good to just kill people. We sent them to be raped for 1,000 years. That is her actual verdict. And everyone celebrates this. They literally clap. Unknown_08: And it's just amazing. You sit there and it's all said and done. You're like, wow. 0:30:50 Unknown_08: This is fucking crazy. I thought it was like 600 plus. It's six life years or six lives without parole. And then I think when you add up all the other sentences into that, it comes up to like 1080 years. It's literally a thousand years in jail. You want to think about what happened in the last thousand years. You're talking about the turn of the century. The Byzantine Empire still existed. The Roman Empire was only 500 years. You're talking about two lifespans of the Roman Empire. You're talking about the entire Ming Dynasty in China. 0:31:23 Unknown_08: uh of three three americas like you think about the entire founding of the united states she sentences him to a thousand years three three america's worth of in jail pee pee poopoo rape dungeon it's just crazy and everyone claps and everyone's like wow that's great and then she reads the list of the names of victims you're like yeah this is this is america don't catch you slipping now Unknown_08: It's just one circus and what's I'm gonna be racist. I know a lot of you listen to me You're like, oh, no, I hope he's not racist today I want to hear him talk about things. I like like how much tranny suck and I want to hear him defend women But I don't want to ever hear him be racist plug your ears and go la la la. Okay? Let me explain to you what Daryl Brooks is. And I'm like, I know people are very like viciously racist with him and people are saying like, oh, it's the fatigue. People watching him are becoming more racist. There are crazy fucking people of all of all races. OK, that's not just like, oh, he's especially tiresome. So therefore, black people are bad. The worst person in the entire world, though, I think when I sit and think about it, like the most evil man I can think of is John Wayne Gacy. And that he's not even a lot of shooters are Jewish. 0:32:16 Unknown_08: Even though a lot of killers are Jewish, John Lengacy was like a preacher. He was like a Protestant preacher, evangelical. Unknown_08: And he is perhaps the single most evil, disgusting person that I can come up with as far as serial killers go. 0:32:52 Unknown_08: Uh, so there's, there's crazy of all, of all shades. Unknown_08: However, Daryl Brooks is a good representation of, you have white people that sit down and they're forming a government and they're thinking like, I'm going to look back at like all of white people history and we're going to take these elements of Rome and ancient Greece and recent, you know, tests of trials of democracy and we're going to forge This new country and we're going to give people the benefit of a doubt. We're going to really reign the government in and we're going to make sure that everyone has a fair chance at trial. And if they don't feel like that, their lawyer is is on their side and they can't do, you know, they can't get another lawyer to do better. They can represent themselves. They think they can do better. We're going to give people every chance possible. 0:33:25 Unknown_08: to be free and and to fight government oppression and you build this system you put it out there and it works for 300 years and then you add these people in who are who are not the target audience of this kind of governance this is a white people government in a white people justice system And you give them the tools, the very fancy tools, many, many different kinds of tools for many different specific purposes to be applied with thought and consideration. And he's just like, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. And he's just like banging shit and he's just like knocking shit over and throwing poo. And it's like, um. 0:34:09 Unknown_08: yeah this this was not calculated into the justice system when it was being arranged and now that it happens we're gonna have to take away some of these tools because you can't give all these tools to people that are gonna that if they might throw poo might use it to throw poo at the judge we're gonna have to restrict this for everybody because we can't we can't just say um we can't just be biased in how we do this 0:34:44 Unknown_08: That's my thought. Unknown_08: Extremely racist, I guess. I don't know. I don't care. I'm very tired. I have the fatigue, as they say. Unknown_08: Anyways, we're trying to miss trial. Yeah, that's true. I remember that. Unknown_08: At Twitter, there is mass layoffs, specifically in the human resources department, which I suppose is why I have not been able to get my Twitter account unbanned yet. I'm still waiting for that. Hint, hint, Elon Musk, who watches my podcast, unbanned me. 0:35:15 Unknown_08: Melissa Engel says, just happened to me in regards to being fired. I worked in content moderation and political misinformation. So Melissa Engel, this beautiful woman, intelligent, educated woman, real woman working in political misinformation, no longer gets to fight for the truth out there. No longer gets to put context warnings under specific tweets. And the platform just can't survive this kind of meddling from the top down. It's really a shame that Elon Musk has decided to fire the gatekeepers who were keeping out the riffraff and the Trump Nazis this entire time. Really just a shame. 0:35:52 Unknown_08: Among those being kept out, by the way, is Ethan Klein. Unknown_08: So you see, Ethan Klein was banned for impersonating Elon Musk and saying that he was a stinky pedophile while verified as Elon Musk. Unknown_08: So he decided to borrow an account from his wife, Hila Klein. Unknown_08: and he left these bizarre, disgusting, like not even like trying to make it secret like this is Ethan you fucking loser at Elon Musk at Twitter support I'm bannivating lol stop me now bitch ass loser Elon Musk and he just kept doing this from Hila Klein's verified Twitter account 0:36:41 Unknown_08: and what's really a lot people have talked about this and they made fun of this like oh isn't that kind of dickish for him to steal her account and and ban it like this I guess they're probably not gonna get the official teddy fresh in h3 podcast Twitter accounts ban because they know that would be a stupid fucking mistake while it's still being used Unknown_08: But what a lot of people aren't talking about is Elon Musk's response to this. In a really shocking display, Elon Musk tweeted this out in regards to Ethan Klein's or Hila Klein's account being banned. Unknown_08: Oh wait, there's no audio. Okay, I'll narrate it. Gunfire, clickety-clack, clickety-clack, gunfire, bass hit, clickety-clack, clickety-clack, and then there's like flashing sounds, oh my god, it's so PTSDing. No, I'm just joking by the way, Elon Musk didn't tweet this, though that would be really funny. 0:37:36 Unknown_08: What the fuck, is this real? Yes, it's real. You know what else is real? Unknown_08: This is also true, believe it or not. Unknown_06: This is also real. Unknown_08: Elon Musk also tweeted this out. Unknown_08: This is completely, this is completely true. He said that this is real and the Twitter moderators couldn't couldn't do anything about it. They couldn't put a little note saying that that's not real. So therefore it is true. No, no, no, no, no autoplay. Fuck off office cats. 0:38:11 Unknown_08: Lola. Unknown_08: Okay, Chantal. Here's a little Chantal update. Unknown_08: She's still in Kuwait. She's in the anime dungeon of Salah. My boy Salah. 0:38:47 Unknown_08: Showing her all the fine fast food that Kuwait has to offer. all pork free of course because she's now trad and halal certified halal with salal and uh he they've been doing cooperative streams together and salal made an oopsie doodle by saying this oh no figure figuratively kill yourself Unknown_08: see that this is like normal gamer talk and she doesn't she he doesn't realize that youtube like i'm sure in arabic youtube you can tell people to kill yourself all the time nobody gives a fuck because arabs don't give a shit uh but when you say it in english she's like oh no oh that's right you can't hear 0:39:38 Unknown_08: Okay. How am I going to do this? Unknown_08: What is, what is wrong? Okay. For real. What is wrong with my fucking audio? There has to be, there has to be some explanation for what this is. I don't, I don't know. Unknown_08: We're fixing this right fucking now. Chat. Why? Why is my audio broken? Unknown_08: Speakers focus, right? And that's right. There's Firefox. Mute unmute. I'm going to do the slider up and down. It's going to work now. No, it's not going to work. 0:40:09 Unknown_08: What if I restart Firefox? This is what we're doing now. Unknown_08: Okay. I've restarted Firefox. Can I do it now? Unknown_08: No, it's still broken. Unknown_08: There is nothing I hate more than a computer telling me it's not going to do what I want it to do. Motherfucker, I built you. I can unbuild you. I can unbuild you out the fucking window. You're going to tell me that you're not going to play the fucking audio so that OBS can hear it? You motherfucking piece of shit. You broke ass. Fucking... I hate it. 0:40:45 Unknown_06: Chat. Unknown_06: Okay. We're gonna fix this. I don't get it. I do not get it. 0:41:20 Unknown_08: How are you gonna tell me what you are and are not going to do, computer? Unknown_06: What about this? What if I turn these off? Desktop audio. You know what I'm doing? No. Unknown_06: Chat. Unknown_08: Okay. Okay, I'm gonna continue to voice the sounds. You ready? Unknown_08: Don't even talk. Just kill yourself, please. She laughs awkwardly and surprised and says, Unknown_08: not literally but you know she says it's just a saying and then he then he says he says yeah as in yeah actually do it and she's like no and she also laughs again awkwardly and scratches her nose which is a sign of uh stress because she knows that this is her fucking her milk her milk and she needs it and she needs this motherfucker to not fuck it up okay she then apologized 0:42:22 Unknown_08: She then apologized, and I'm not just clicking videos to test the audio because I'm still fucking with it, that's not happening. She says, rolling eyes emoji. Unknown_08: He said that because of haters. People were sending in super chats, and they were using her nudes as YouTube avatars and shit, because they were streaming together and he could see the screen. Unknown_08: they were trying to piss him off and it didn't work and he just told them to kill themselves and so he didn't give a fuck and it pissed a lot of people are like angry that Chantal is happy which is strange to me I am in no way like inconvenienced by other people like having relationships I don't know 0:43:07 Unknown_08: Especially from their point of view, why are they upset that Chantal has a husband now? Why does it have to be a malicious thing? There's no sign of that yet. Unknown_08: She doesn't apologize. She says Drama Queen's making a bigger deal than usual out of a joke to remind you you all say horrible things and do invasive things on the daily. Yes, this is a non-apology. I don't like apologizing for every potential thing that could offend someone. It was clearly a joke. Context matters and saying this is common in the gaming world here. Got it now, angels? I was right. He was a gamer, bro. He likes Call of Duty. Unknown_08: The voice synthesizers can't transcribe Arabic and ban people for saying the N-Scribble word yet, so they get to do things still. They get to have fun. 0:43:51 Unknown_08: Isn't that nice? Unknown_08: I'm gonna find you, motherfucker. I'm gonna find the setting that I turned off. Unknown_08: What if I do this? Hold up. Unknown_08: Volume mixer. Disable this. Is it going to play back? No. Unknown_05: Chat. Unknown_08: Listen, I don't know how muting the output of OBS stops the audio from working, but that's fucking stupid. Okay. Do you understand? I, I really hate it. I really, I really hate computers. I hate it. Oh, great. 0:44:27 Unknown_06: We have audio for this. Unknown_08: Hi. Unknown_08: Oh yeah, I really should have some. Unknown_09: FUCK OFF, THURSDAY LANE! PLEASE FUCK OFF! Unknown_09: Please stop being a terrible person! 0:44:59 Unknown_09: Please stop being an awful, garbage, shitty-ass fucking person! Unknown_09: Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Fucking PLEASE! Unknown_09: Christ, fucking please! Unknown_09: What the fuck do I need to do to get the fuck rid of you? Unknown_09: Like, I just, I don't even fucking know what the fuck to do at this point. It's every fucking time I go live. Every fucking live. It's every fucking time. Fuck off, get a better fucking hobby than being an obnoxious sack of shit. Get a better fucking hobby than trying to ruin everybody else's good time. Like, Jesus fucking hell. It's just every fucking, for three fucking days. 0:45:35 Unknown_09: three fucking days now it's just and it makes it fucking impossible to read the chat because it's just that one comment thousands of fucking times like it's just that one comment a dozen fucking times and then more and more and more and blocks out every other fucking comment yasmeen do not use the r slur 0:46:09 Unknown_09: that word is a slur do not use that word so you know Pete's Pete's raging while Chantal is out in Kuwait reminds me of this really fucked up 4chan copypasta and Unknown_08: it's like it's like this okay i'll try to sum up this story because it's kind of it's fucked up but it's kind of funny and it makes sense when you'll understand um it's a guy and he has an issue with a rabbit in his backyard he's trying to to grow a garden but this rabbit keeps destroying it and he has this passionate hatred of this rabbit so he finds it and he traps the rabbit and the rabbit's hoe and then he goes to the pet store now that he has captured both the rabbits and buys the biggest blackest rabbit that he can find at the pet store that's like way bigger than the other rabbits that he has And then he lets this male rabbit have at it with the rabbit's hoe that he captured. And he said the other rabbit would like gnaw at the cage and freak out while the rabbits were having sex. And he made them like have rabbit babies and shit. And then he released the rabbit back into the wild somewhere else now that it was traumatized. And this is Peach freaking out. Reminds me of the rabbit. 0:47:01 Unknown_08: The rabbit wasn't black. I may have, I may have mudslawed that into existence. 0:47:40 Unknown_08: That is cruel. Yes, it's cruel. It's also fake because it's from fortune. Everything from fortune is fake in case you need that clarified. Unknown_08: Oh, and this is also completely. Unknown_08: Completely an aside. Okay, hold up. Let me I meant to organize this before the stream, but I just thought of it today I want to kind of do this impromptu. Let me see if I can real quick Maybe hard, but I'm gonna try So Let me slap this together real quick 0:48:21 Unknown_08: Assuming I can find... I'm looking for a specific picture of Keffels. You know what? I'll save it. Unknown_08: I'll save it. I have a little bit more left before I get to Keffels, and that will be the appropriate time to bring up the theory that someone has pointed out in the thread, which I find very fascinating. Unknown_08: Anyways, this is the show on head thread, but it's actually also armored skeptics thread And we haven't bothered to make a new one for just armored skeptic because it doesn't matter his channel is kind of dead Because I think he just doesn't put out videos anymore so He's also not being suggested in the algorithm, so he's kind of like moping and saying that He's he's I'll just quote him 0:49:10 Unknown_08: I am completely lost and alone. I don't know what to do and I have nowhere to go. I hate that this is the only place I can even share this. Unknown_08: It's all gone. I burned myself out the last two and three years fighting to get to the end of this. Unknown_08: I had hoped there was something waiting for me, but there's no light at the end of this tunnel. Now I'm broke and hungry. I won't even be able to afford lowercase i internet access soon. 0:49:45 Unknown_08: Every time I pour my heart out about this, all I get is, you okay bro? Unknown_02: No, I am not okay. Unknown_08: I no longer have the strength to dig myself out of this. Unknown_08: So Armored Skeptic, kind of interesting. Unknown_08: That's almost the Patrick voice. Yeah, this is the sad Patrick voice. Armored Skeptic is really hard to feel sorry for. Unknown_08: And I will explain why. If you don't know, he was the long-term boyfriend of 0:50:24 Unknown_08: shoe on head and shoe on head frequently made disgusting like embarrassing like posts or comments about how she was his cock slave like dedicated full-time bdsm sex animal and she worshipped his penis and it's just like the most humiliating groveling things ever to make online as a thing and i think Unknown_08: That shoe-on-head doing this ruined this man psychologically. I think after he did this, he thought, I am a YouTube personality. I have a bright career. I have a bright future ahead of me. Unknown_08: And my own girlfriend cannot stop debasing herself. Why would I fulfill this engagement that I have with her? Why would I not simply elope? She even lives on the other side of the Canadian border and lives in her mother's cup shed while I'm out here in my bachelor pad in an open relationship. I can go and conquer the world. I am basically Genghis Khan. I am king. So he dumps Shu, which is a humiliation to her. And she has been trying to do the trad thought thing and find BF ever since. I think she's dating like a weirdo Catholic, like trad cath guy. And I think that's been going on for a while. Um, but then he goes on and he dates this Australian woman and she's very attractive, but then she gets cancer. I think she gets breast cancer. And then like in the early stages of her having cancer, he dumps her. 0:52:01 Unknown_08: So this woman who was more attractive than June, he also thinks, ah, she's got cancer. Fuck her. I don't want damaged goods. And he dumps her. And now years later, or a year later, I think, he's now depressed and hungry and alone. And I think he realized that he's not Genghis Khan. He's a fat atheist YouTube LARPer. And he probably shouldn't have squandered two really good relationships over random bullshit, two good relationships for him, over stupid bullshit because now he'll probably, now that this is like recorded online and women can get an idea of how he treats women that he's dating, he may probably never find anything that good again and he's really sad about that. 0:52:49 Unknown_08: It looked like the the win was basically handed to him After the shoe breakup because she turned 30 without any kind of relationship and after saying that women who turn 30 are like useless in prior tweets Now now she know it Why would you post this what the fuck is this? Unknown_08: Is this a picture of Dunkey's foot face girlfriend? Unknown_08: Cutting a sausage that looks like done Dunkey's girl Unknown_08: Why would you post this in my chat? Unknown_06: What is this? Unknown_08: I've completely lost my train of thought now because of Dunkey's foot girl cutting a wiener. Unknown_08: Anyways, so there you go. Armored Skeptic is very sad. Unknown_08: Probably deserved. 0:53:42 Unknown_08: I think he makes conspiracy videos now. Unknown_02: And that's about it. That's all I have to say on him. Unknown_08: boogie boogies i have three people who are internet famous who are having a bad time this week boogie has cancer as he says Unknown_08: Hey, so I debated not sharing this, but I got my official diagnosis today, so why not? I do in fact have a type of blood cancer called polycythemia vera. It's extremely slow moving and many people live with it for decades. No big deal. I guess if you're going to get cancer, this is the one to get. It might lead to stroke or heart attack, but that's easily managed. 0:54:21 Unknown_08: It could eventually lead to leukemia, but we can stay on top of that and make sure it doesn't. So at the end of the day, I don't think you should be that worried about it and I'm not going to be worried about it. I'll just do what my doctor tells me to do. People question this because Boogie lies all the fucking time and he says, if I see you leave a comment accusing me of this, I'm blocking you from leaving comments and block you here. If you are a YouTuber and you make a video saying that I'm faking it, I'll do everything in my power to make sure it's taken down and I might fucking sue. 0:54:55 Unknown_08: Boogie's faking it. Unknown_08: I'm just saying that based off the information available to me, in particular, chat, in particular, the Boogie faking it backup story. Unknown_08: He says here, all right, man, you do you, I'll do me. But after two professionals tell me that I have it, I believe them. Just because I haven't taken the test yet doesn't mean that they're both wrong. Unknown_08: So what the fuck does this mean, boogie? Do you have, like, if you went to a defamation court based on what information exists at this point in time, could you actually prove that you have this cancer? Like, okay, so two doctors said, oh, you might have cancer. You probably have cancer. We'll have to do a test for it, and he hasn't done the test. So how the fuck do you know? When you say, I have cancer, like, you were literally unable to contain yourself, your excitement to let the world know that you had cancer and pity me pity me oh poor boogie he has the cancer wancer and uh he just literally couldn't wait for the fucking diagnosis to actually officiate yet so as far as i'm concerned unless we see this test boogie you are faking it fuck him off he's also fat and to add insult to injury 0:56:19 Unknown_08: The specific type of cancer that he has is apparently a known side effect to taking testosterone supplements. His testosterone is low because he's so fucking fat and he's getting old. So his testosterone's low, he can't get it up to fuck all the call girls that he pays to live in his house. So he starts taking testosterone supplements, which give him cancer. And he's right. The type of cancer that he has does take a long time to kill someone, and a lot of people go their entire lives with the cancer and never die from it. But the issue is that it gives you blood clots and raises your chance for stroke. So if you're at an elevated chance of having a stroke because you're a fat fuck, then you might die in two years and not 20 years from this cancer because you are already at an elevated risk of complications due to your weight. 0:57:09 Unknown_08: I'm sorry, I accidentally flashed chat. But yeah, this is the Boogie thing. Fuck Boogie. Boogie is so tiresome to even listen to his shit. It's just the worst thing. Unknown_08: So, moving on. Number three, and I think people already saw it, and they already know what that is. Unknown_08: Nick Riccato, for whatever reason, I like Nick Rikeda, and people already speculated I'll stop talking to him after this. That's not true. This is extremely stupid, and I don't like his rationale behind it. And if I ever try to tell Rikeda anything, he seems like, no, I have it under control. So I don't even bother. I don't try to give him suggestions, because he doesn't give a fuck. 0:57:44 Unknown_08: But he has a private Discord for his sponsors. Unknown_08: And in this, he has porn channels. Unknown_08: And his Discord has been like a long-running source of drama in his life for years, because Discord is fucking cancer. And I'll explain why. He posts these pictures of him and his wife, and they are like holding a whiskey bottle clenched between their buttcheeks. And by the way, I was literally woken up by messages saying, hey, you have to go see Nicrocada's thread, he has a whiskey bottle in his ass. Whiskey bottle in your ass sets up my expectations for a type of image which Whiskey bottle clenched between two butt cheeks does not answer. Okay, there are there is a difference between these things So the pictures that he posted were him and his wife clenching a glass bottle with their glutamate gluteus maximus There is no rectal insertion, which I was led to believe 0:58:18 Unknown_08: And then also, there's a picture of, and his wife is like in lingerie and shit in this, and there's a picture of them naked from behind on the beach. So I've seen Nicrocade's ass, I cannot show you the picture, but I can show you an artist's recognition of what this looks like in case it's not, it's hard for you to understand. Many, many people have pointed out that Nick's posterior is small and sagging because he is a scrawny, scrawny Polish boy and he does not do any squats so his bum bum is smaller than some people would prefer apparently. 0:58:59 Unknown_08: However, it's very frustrating because it's like, yes, the argument that two consenting adults can do whatever the fuck they want is true. Privacy of your own bedroom. Yes. Nobody gives a fuck. And then he admits in his, in his video, which is six minutes long, I'm debating if I should even play it. He just handles it and he's like, yeah, you know, I don't care. I don't care what people have to say. Oh, and there was razor burn. That's what the red dots are for. I forgot to mention that he shaved his butt for some reason for this picture, which is strange. Um, 0:59:41 Unknown_08: The issue is that he has kids, and his wife has kids. They have kids together, and he's an internet celebrity. And his kids are on camera and stuff. When I was watching the trial, his daughter comes out and says hello in the office. And it's like, OK, so you're out there. Your wife's out there. Your kids are out there. And you're also publishing nudes of yourself. So there's a near 100% chance that these kids are going to see pictures of you and your wife naked. 1:00:14 Unknown_08: And I don't think people want to see that. I don't think kids want to see their parents naked. And it will be used against you. Muddy Waters, when people file complaints, they will put it in their complaints in the future. It's going to cause you problems that you don't want. So the correct solution is not to put these things out on the internet. However, he did it in like a discord channel specifically for posting nude selfies and is and is like Lost by the interwebs discord for like premium fans. It's like why are you doing this? Why do you have a discord that allows porn? Why are you encouraging people to dox themselves and post their nudes in your discord? It's like it's really 1:00:57 Unknown_08: stupid like i don't have i've managed to avoid a lot of drama by not having that um i really hope there's not like there's not gonna be a time in a couple years from now where it's like Unknown_08: Nick Ricada sent me pictures of his penis when I was 16 and I was on his discord and he knew I was underaged and he sent me pictures of his penis and he said oh you're so smart and you're so adult for your age and it's like I really hope that that doesn't come at any point because I would be extremely pissed off I'd be legitimately I would feel betrayed if that if that happened he better be a good boy 1:01:48 Unknown_08: His explanation's like, well, adults, when you're married for 20 years, adults do things. They go out and they have fun together and shit. It's like, yeah, that's, okay, that's true. Unknown_08: They do not necessarily have to post that on the internet. Unknown_08: There's a difference. Go out and have fun, but why do I have to see it? Unknown_08: You know what I mean? Unknown_08: Yeah, it's like, the Discord is fucking gay. Unknown_08: It's fucking gay, and the reason why is the false sense of security and privacy. There is literally no privacy on Discord. I hope you people realize, who use Discord to talk to your friends, even if it's just like you're on no channels and you only talk to your friends, do you realize that they record every message? Do you realize that when you delete your account, your private messages are not deleted? They keep a record of every single thing you say and it never gets deleted. They use that to farm data. They use that to stalk you. They keep that on their servers. If Discord ever gets leaked, it's going to be like one of the most mind-blowingly tragic things that has ever happened for a lot of people because the conversations that people think are private on Discord are fucking not. 1:03:11 Unknown_08: Um, like stop using it and stop thinking that you have privacy on it. You don't. I have signal and I have telegram for talking to people. I have like one week message history on both of those things. And if I have to talk to someone in private, I use that because they don't keep records there. They, even WhatsApp, WhatsApp is end to end encrypted. Unknown_08: Private messages on Discord are not end-to-end encrypted. Your two-person conversation is not encrypted in no way, shape, or form is your conversation encrypted. There is no private key. It's not even like the private keys are kept on the server. There is no encryption. If that database gets leaked, it's out there in plain text. And for some reason, people treat it, literally, it's not private. And the word private, it is less than public, I suppose. 1:03:48 Unknown_08: So I don't know. I really don't. I don't understand the Discord fascination. I use it when I have to. Unfortunately, there are a lot of communities, especially in development related, that are only on Discord and video game stuff. And it's like, if I want to do that, then I have to use Discord. But it's like, I don't have the app on my fucking phone. I don't have the app installed. I use the web browser because it's like I don't it's spyware It's literally you guys hate the fucking Chinese so much you guys realize that it's owned by Tencent It's literally Chinese spyware. You hate epic games. You don't play fortnight cuz epic games is shit, right? Discord is Chinese spyware. Who do you think it's the data? Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping is reading your furry fanfic in your DMS. Okay, you get it. It's bad. Oh 1:04:23 Unknown_08: Uh, anyways, so, uh, there's more, I'll play like a minute of it. His response, just so you can get like a feeling it's, it's quite long, but it goes on and on. It's just like, eh, you know, who cares? 1:04:58 Unknown_01: Feeling like doing a show today because I've done four shows in the past two days that have totaled out to what a lot of hours, a lot of fucking hours. Unknown_01: And I was tired. Unknown_01: But then everything fell Rome collapsed and, uh, and I have died or whatever. Unknown_01: So I now have to address, I now have to address what has happened and, and explain it. 1:05:43 Unknown_01: Let me get the first thing out of the way. What's up Kiwi farms. How you guys doing? You guys have made a critical miscalculation. Unknown_01: You think I'm mad at you, or ever have been. I'm not. I think you have some retarded takes sometimes. Unknown_01: Particularly around the exclusivity deal that I've been talking about lately. Unknown_01: because you've kind of got the story backwards on that, but that's okay. You can't possibly know. 1:06:15 Unknown_01: But no, I'm not mad at you. And the post I made the other day was not mad at you. It was doing what you do, which is fine, by the way, and I've always endorsed it. I was pointing and laughing at something I found funny, and you guys immediately took it as mad, which, or some of you did, some of you didn't. It doesn't really matter. You're not a monolith, I know. I've said this a million times, but You gotta understand, like, I found something funny, I decided to post about it, it doesn't mean I'm mad. And I know you know that, because when you find something funny on KiwiFarms and decide to post about it, it doesn't mean you're mad either. 1:06:50 Unknown_01: But that's okay. Getting that wrong is just fine. It doesn't really bother me. Um, and I, I've read through the 15 or so pages today. You guys know, I read my thread, so it's fine. Um, but I read through the pages today and, uh, pretty good stuff. Unknown_01: I like it. I like it. Uh, it's fine. Unknown_01: Let me just, uh, let me clarify some things. Um, Unknown_01: Uh, I don't, I don't know. What the? Hold on. Doors open. Just a second. 1:07:22 Unknown_01: Oh, and you can escape the prison. Unknown_08: The, uh, you can see people are expanding pictures of it and shit. And the, the side chat, I think people post are spending pictures of route. Unknown_01: Anyway, I'm some fat guy that I don't know the name of. Unknown_01: All right. Unknown_01: I don't know what there is to, like, admit or deny. So you tell me what inquisition I need to answer to, and I'll tell you the same thing. 1:07:58 Unknown_01: I do a bunch of shit in public. Unknown_01: And it's in public. So, okay. Unknown_01: And people will always take what you do. Unknown_08: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no chat. I did not fuck up. I did not caught myself. It's a one syllable name and I caught it. Okay. Fuck you. There's if there's no F sound, if there's no pH, uh, Unknown_08: You can't give me a ball egg. There's no, there's no F. You must confess. I don't know. I can't do a Johnny Cochran for that, but you know what I mean? Fuck off. 1:08:30 Unknown_01: Moral compass on it and make a judgment. That's how humans live. I'm good with it. Unknown_01: So it's fine. Uh, I did not know, like, I did not or something. Do you want me to be angry? Um, at, uh, at, at someone taking pictures that were posted publicly and like making them more public. I mean, I prefer obviously to be able to have fun with stuff and like not have everyone become a colossal like raging vagina about it. But that's not how the internet works. And so some people will take something fun and make it mad. And that's okay. But I'll take something fun and make it mad. 1:09:05 Unknown_08: Like, okay, yeah. Unknown_08: I suppose in what he's saying is, but that's like, people will take this reaction and say that he's angry, which considering that this is, that's the second reaction. You make a video and say like, I don't give a fuck, who cares? And then when people continue to harp on, you say, well, people are trying to say that I'm mad and I don't care. Like that's the reaction to the other reaction. 1:09:39 Unknown_08: That's not the reaction to the initial incident of people finding out. It's just, I don't know. Unknown_01: I don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix that. If I could fix that problem, the internet wouldn't be interesting anymore. So not really interested in solving that for humanity. Unknown_01: But yeah, guys. Unknown_01: What do you want? Unknown_01: The interesting thing about me is I'm very, very Unknown_01: open about who I am and have talked about it forever about who I am. Um, that's, that's like such a bad thing to say though. 1:10:18 Unknown_08: You're like a father, you're a father and a lawyer and a devoted husband, right? So you should not be posting illicit images of your own in a Catholic. You should not, or not a Catholic, but a devoted Christian. You should not be posting images of yourself and your wife on there. Like, Unknown_08: Yeah, it's it's like it's like okay if Jim Sterling if Jim Stefani Sterling post a picture of himself with a gigantic Massive dick up his ass and he's just like what did you guys think that I didn't take dicks up the ass? Why are you so surprised? I've always been open and honest about who I am. It's like yeah You know, he's right No surprise actually it's different when you're like um the the wholesome big chungus dad lawyer of law tube and you're like uh don't i think even i'll wait for it i think he specifically contradicts himself in this sentence but people always decide to impose upon me a some other value system and then judge me based on that which is cool uh which is cool but that's that's how the world's gonna be so 1:11:39 Unknown_01: I don't know what to say or what people are expecting or whatever, but I'm actually just here to talk about this for about 10 seconds and then go on and just have a regular local stream. I hope you're not expecting too much. Unknown_01: It's all OK. Unknown_01: Nothing, nothing that has happened today or has been talked about is not part of the exact same rumors that have been going on for years. Um, let me reiterate the position that they're right there. Unknown_08: The rumors that have been going on for years, the rumors have been going on for years is that she fucked, uh, Drexel. That's the rumor. That seems like a slip up. Like, yeah, Nick, we know that you have sex with your wife. 1:12:29 Unknown_08: That's not a surprise. We know that you and your wife have an intimate relationship. That's not like, is that a rumor? I don't think so. Unknown_01: Guys, don't be a cuck. Don't do that. Unknown_01: Oh, and he immediately corrects himself, too. Unknown_08: The rumors have been going around for years. Don't be a cuck. Unknown_01: Rumors that have been going on for years. Unknown_01: Let me reiterate the position. Guys, don't be a cuck. Unknown_08: Don't be a cuck. So he catches himself and thinks, oh, fuck. Let me reiterate that first of all. Unknown_01: Don't do that. Unknown_01: Don't record yourself naked. And don't sell your nudes for money. 1:13:03 Unknown_08: That! Unknown_08: Don't record yourself naked? Unknown_08: That's always been your position for years? Unknown_08: Hello? Hello? I've seen a bottle between your buttcheeks, Nick. Unknown_08: How do you say that? I'm holding up to my positions. I feel like I have brain damage trying to process this. It's weird. Unknown_08: Um, how does this fit together in your head when you're saying it? Unknown_01: There you go. 1:13:37 Unknown_01: Uh, if you- if you do make nudes, don't post them online. Wha-ba-ba-ba-ba! Unknown_08: What? Unknown_08: What? Is this just advice for other people? Learn my- learn from my mistakes? Like, what the fuck are you saying? Unknown_01: Done. Unknown_01: There. There's my official statement. I feel like a president. Now. Unknown_01: or Pope or whatever. Unknown_01: But yeah, so to everybody who has discovered publicly posted stuff and thinks it's a gold mine, cool. 1:14:13 Unknown_01: Have fun with that. Unknown_01: There you go. And it's with that said, what's going on, guys? Unknown_08: It's not even like it was OK. It's one thing if like an account of his gets hacked, like an email account and that people find like pictures of him and his wife. That's one thing. And that sucks. But he post he got drunk and he posted them. The liquor bottle was empty in the butt cheek. So I think that he drank that before he got posted. Unknown_08: Between him and other people in the sector, alcohol really seems to be... I'm glad I don't drink. The only time I've ever drank on stream, I posted pictures of my toes and my awful cooking. 1:14:49 Unknown_08: That's one of the deep Lord Josh images that only the true Josh Aficionados have on hand because it was on stream.me. Unknown_08: It was the zinc vodkas, the rakia. Unknown_08: When I lived in the old apartment, my friend who was the landlord had family made rakia that was just home fermented and I drank that and I posted a picture of my toes. Unknown_08: Chestos are out there. 1:15:26 Unknown_08: If you have the image now, it's a solemn responsibility of yours to maintain its value by not reposting it. Because if you post it, it'll become less and less valuable. Unknown_08: That's true. I do have hobbit feet. My feet are very hairy. Unknown_08: like a homin. Rocky based. Yes. Ottoman, Ottoman friend. Uh, it's, it's our Kia though. It's the Serbian kind of the Turkish kind. I have had Rocky though. I had Rocky cause when I flew to Ukraine, I took a very long trip and um, the, I flew with the, the Turkish airlines and they offered Rocky for free. And I was like, well, I've never had Turkish liquor, so I guess I'll try it. And the best thing about Rocky is it has a very pleasant aftertaste. It, uh, it lingers. after you're done drinking it like hmm this is quite tasty actually that's my uh my alcohol review i don't do many of those but i i do i'm not like a total prohibitionist i'm here's my thing okay you ready here's my thing about alcohol i drink extremely infrequently So when I do drink, I hit the right amount of like very few drinks is all it takes to make me socially buzz to the point where I feel very good and I'm having a good time and I relax and like stiffness and posture and stuff melts away. So I don't need much alcohol to enjoy an afternoon if I decide to drink. 1:16:50 Unknown_08: But I don't drink often. And as far as I'm concerned, that's the appropriate level of alcohol to have. You only want to have enough to have fun and talk to people. If you start drinking every day and try to achieve that every day, I don't know. Not for me. I like to be cognizant of what I'm doing. I don't want to ever wake up and find out that I posted pictures of a bottle up my ass. 1:17:24 Unknown_08: Anyways. Unknown_08: Actually, I will talk about keffels, but I want to have... I'll talk about... Actually, no, I'll talk about keffels first. Unknown_08: So one of the largest articles written about the Kiwi farms was written by the NBC, by a man called Ben Collins, who wrote for the NBC, anti-trans stalkers at Kiwi farms are chasing one victim around the world. Their list of targets are growing. A trans streamer and a Republican congressman, congresswoman were targeted at their homes in the last month. Experts warn this is just the beginning. And then in the article, he goes on to say the Kiwi farms is synonymous with swatting. So he's just making shit up. He doesn't give a fuck about the truth. He's explicitly trying to take down the site through his writing. 1:17:55 Unknown_08: And sure enough, months later, we get this little clip. Unknown_08: And it's so weird. Unknown_04: New automatic payment from Ben Collins. Wait, Ben. Unknown_04: Wait, I shouldn't have said that out loud. 1:18:29 Unknown_04: Whoever whoever you are inch. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just outed. Oh my god. Unknown_08: I Wrote the editor-in-chief of NBC News and said hey the article the guy that wrote this article accusing me of crimes I did not commit and accusing my community of crimes that I commit happens to be Fundraising this person who was an alleged victim isn't that funny? It's not interesting how there's like a conflict of interest there and then afterwards Unknown_08: It explained that this has definitely been Collins based off my email. 1:19:03 Unknown_08: And then act independently. Journalists should be free of obligation to any, I think this is just like a journalistic, yeah, journalist resource code of ethics, but this is not like specifically the NBC's code of ethics. Avoid conflicts of interest perceived to remain free of association and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility. Do not favor treatment to advertisers and special interests to resist their pressure to influence news coverage. Unknown_08: And then Ben Collins has built a brand around targeting citizens who work against Democrats and labeling them domestic terrorists. For the most part, he targets the poor and middle class, the weak and people with no resources, no way to fight back or clear their name once smeared. 1:19:37 Unknown_08: But again, Ben Collins gets to be a private person. His parents' address, his personal private life are protected from public view. You don't get to know about the wealth and privilege he grew up in. And if he targets you, everyone will know what you had for dinner. Unknown_08: Let's see, this is a tweet from Frederick, who had a falling out with Keffels. Unknown_08: And he says, I need to make clear that drop Kiwi Farms movement aware of something I think there's possibly a danger to reputation and good people who've opposed far-right websites and personalities for years. Keffels is engaging in tactics much like those of Kiwi Farms. She is an optics poison. And this is a quote from Keffel saying I know that you weren't involved when HM was dropped But us talking to each other is optics poison. I want to work with you I want the site taken down by any means necessary that said the ace up my sleeve is my press connections Hmm, and I cannot afford a blunder of this magnitude. I wonder what press connections Keffel's is referring to when he says this And 1:20:12 Unknown_08: Let's see, this is Keffel saying, so after that happened, I got a message on Discord from one of my viewers who was freaked out because I said their old name on stream and they were unsure how I got it. We both had a laugh afterwards because of how silly the situation was. The automatic cash payment was a $5 sub. When people subscribed on my website, it goes through PayPal and they hadn't updated their PayPal name yet. I was kind of shocked because there is no way in hell you would watch my streams lol you aren't part of the demographic that watches them Ben Collins reply is saying no offense and I can't even listen to podcasts because the ego oozes out of them but I cannot imagine being really into any twitch streamer it's just a constant drum on bullshit blah blah blah so they're really they're actively working together to shape the public narrative that it was a paypal transaction from a sub though I don't know I don't think Keffil's reads out every other fucking paypal donation 1:21:36 Unknown_08: Um, that they get like that. And you could just post it and prove it was just a $5 donation. I guess you could edit the HTML. It's not really proof, but... But Ben Gollin's tweets, I would like, and I'm seeking some clarity on if manually deleting our DMs does anything at all in terms of retention on Twitter's end. I've heard conflicting things. Jeff Valetti replies saying deleting them on your end doesn't even delete them on the recipients end so I'm fairly confident they'll be staying in a box somewhere. He says that's exactly my worry. Unknown_08: Another person replies saying just clarifying this would be the name of protecting journalistic sources right and he says it's in the name of protecting anyone doing anything at all but yeah sure also that. So Ben Collins is in a hurry to figure out how the fuck to delete a bunch of DMs because I'm sure that if someone were to sue NBC or Ben Collins and take it to Discovery and then subpoena Twitter for their records of conversations between them and Keffels, you might find a lot of actual conspiracy to inflict malicious harm to a person's reputation. Just a thought that he might be thinking. Should I just email Elon Musk and be like, hey, bro, 1:22:18 Unknown_08: Hey, do me a favor, bro. Unknown_08: I'm curious about something, bro. You're gonna help me out here. 1:22:53 Unknown_08: By the way, Twitter also doesn't encrypt any of your messages in case you're curious. Much like Discord. Do it? Dude, I don't have the money to waste on bullshit like this. If I won the lottery and I had a billion dollars to kick around, I would start fucking suing a lot of people just because, but I don't have the money. Unknown_08: I can't even get my patch sale up yet. Unknown_08: That leads me to something I wanted to show you. I mentioned this before, right? There's this picture of Keffil's that's really funny. 1:23:25 Unknown_08: And I compared it to the picture of, or the episode of South Park where Gerald Brofowski becomes a trans dolphin. Unknown_08: And this was way before like the trans stuff happened. The trans dolphin shit was like late 2000s. Unknown_08: And then also very funny, if I can find it. Unknown_08: may not be in the OP but there's that picture of Liz Fong Jones at the Cloudflare convention and he's doing like the virgin walk like his head is faced towards the ground virgin walking past the Australian Cloudflare thing actually this is a pretty good picture showing the dolphin hump all right we got this 1:24:25 Unknown_08: That might be the best that I have to work with right now because Liz Fong Jones is very like every angle of Liz is taken from this extremely like careful perspective to be as flattering as possible. So the most unflattering one we have is the one where he's at Cloudflare. Unknown_08: So Liz Fong Jones keffels have this hunch to them as they walk. Unknown_08: And there is this really old picture. Ooh, I might have to dig it up out of the thread. Sorry, I'm completely unprepared to talk about this, but... Someone found this just as a... 1:25:19 Unknown_08: at a there's an old photo of the from China so like a person goes to China like in I would assume the early 1900s probably before the Cultural Revolution and shit and there's this phenomenon of eunuchs in China at the time they're castrated so there were the Byzantine castrates and stuff and old medieval castrates but this was a very modern Unknown_08: instance of a eunuch caste in China and this person who was a you know tourist or whatever an old-timey tourist learning about Chinese culture before the Cultural Revolution decided to take a picture of these eunuchs. Unknown_08: I would love to be able to find this. 1:26:18 Unknown_08: This is really gonna kill me cuz I I Saw it in the Kiwi farm certain now when I try to Google for it. I can't find the image I Would hate I would hate to spoil it without just showing you um what I'm talking about I Suppose I don't have a choice though cuz I can't find it cuz I didn't think about think about putting it into my notes before I Unknown_08: before it got to this. Unknown_08: The eunuchs all have the slouch. They have the exact same kind of dolphin posture as Keffel's and Liz Fong Jones does. And I'm aware that like hormone replacement therapy for both men and women releases your bone density. So they can prove this, that when you are on HRT, you will develop osteoporosis. Your bone density will just fade away. 1:26:59 Unknown_08: And it causes long term health consequences for both men and women, but especially female to males from what I understand. Unknown_08: And this is also true with the Chinese eunuchs that they have this. So the dolphin hunch. Unknown_08: is like a real thing. You can identify a trans person who has been trans for a while based on how shitty their posture is. And I find that very fascinating, which is why I want to share it with people. 1:27:41 Unknown_08: It's a shame that I do not have this image though. I think someone in chat's posting it. Unknown_08: Oh, this guy. Unknown_08: No, that's not the right. Unknown_08: It's like a random picture of sincere. Oh, here's the picture of the hunch. Unknown_08: Someone took stills of this from the, um, Unknown_08: The tech top, he, like for real, look at how fucking insulting this shit is. He's at a, he's at a conference called lesbians who tech. Lesbians who tech and the speaker is a fucking tranny. It must be the most obnoxious thing ever to be like a lesbian in modern society. Cause you are just the lowest rung on the totem pole. You're just at the fucking pits in terms of like people who are going to, um, 1:28:15 Unknown_08: In terms of like social respect or whatever, like nobody gives a fuck about you if you're actually a lesbian. I'm still desperately trying to find this. 1:28:49 Unknown_08: There's also this great thing of Liz saying that his vagina smells like a rotten lemon. Unknown_08: Decrease in T levels can happen pretty fast within days of HRT and can result in less genital related dysphoria immediately. And did I mention the smell? If I go off estrogen even without a testosterone factory in me, my sweat smell and skin quality changes. I don't know how to describe it. Like my sweat stops smelling normal to me and instead smells sharp or sour to me like a rotting lemon. So this dude, Unknown_08: This hunchback is out there giving actual lesbian speeches for lesbians who text, smelling like a rotten lemon. 1:29:32 Unknown_08: And here we have it, chat. Figure A, the Chinese eunuchs. I have found it. Unknown_08: This is proof that it is not like a meme. It is the destiny of all these people. And I always thought it was like a tech thing. They're just like incels on the computer all day, and they just have bad posture. No. Unknown_08: They have osteoporosis early in their life and they develop a hunchback because they don't have any bone density. Unknown_08: It is a perfect match. This is the Chinese eunuch of 2022 is Liz Fong Jones. He comes from a long line, a long history of Chinese eunuchs with the exact same fucking posture. 1:30:06 Unknown_08: You will be... Fuck hands. Fuck the voice. Fuck the Adam's apple. You will be able to pick these people out of a crowd without even looking at them, you know, from a distance because you'll see the Chinese eunuch hunch and you'll know that motherfucker has osteoporosis and is probably on HRT and has been for a while. Unknown_08: Just... Just amazing, chat. Simply amazing. 1:30:44 Unknown_08: And with that, that is actually the end of my prepared notes. Unknown_08: Did I miss anything that anybody would like me to talk about? I'll give you this opportunity to bring it up. We'll listen to some music as I read chat for a bit. Unknown_08: F females to male get osteoporosis even worse than the male to females They get it worse women Like a man can stop taking estrogen and walk away from being a tranny pretty much at any time They want to women cannot it's true that women female to males pass better but at the same time They also, like, they completely fuck up their body and they can't go back. In the same way that a man can't transition into a woman passably, a female to male to female does not pass either. They are completely fucked up. 1:31:24 Unknown_08: So it is extremely tragic that you have women who are, you know, depressed, lonely, isolated, they're teenagers. and they're preyed upon by trannies into taking testosterone that completely deprives them of womanhood basically and they can never go back and they have to live this this like life as basically nobody's fetish nobody has a fetish 1:32:02 Unknown_08: I say nobody, but most people. There is a fetish group for people interested in trannies. Tranny chasers are a thing. There are very few people, I think, relatively in comparison, who have cunt boy fetishes. That opposite end of the extreme is less there. They're really in a bad place, and it's really sad. Unknown_08: Graph and post. Unknown_08: god what happened he he he posted keno shay's email address or something graph graph really frustrates me because it's like i i don't want to i don't want to like 1:32:46 Unknown_08: I do not want to look a gift horse in its mouth. However, I have been reluctant to move off of posts even though a lot of people have asked me to because the the cool kid instance is now chudbuds.lol and Graf continues to have these blow-ups at people where he's just like, fuck you, you know, your fake friend. and then he's talking about how he's crying and shit and how people are making him cry and it's like and then he doxes random people when he like tries to to look at ip records that he says he doesn't keep to try and like id people's geography and it's like 1:33:25 Unknown_08: You know, if I handled things like that, the Kiwi Farms would not have made it as long as it has. Nobody would trust me with their billing information and billing address. Unknown_08: It's not a way to run. Sometimes you just have to let people get away with shit. I learned this lesson really early on in the Kiwi Farms. There was a guy who has long since moved on. He did not like me. His name was Obamatron. Unknown_08: He really he tried to make like a Josh wiki and an anti quickie forums He tried to like make me into like a little cow or whatever and there were a couple people on a site and the thing was is that he Donated to me to buy true and honest through PayPal back when we had PayPal to give you an idea of how long ago This was like nine years ago 1:34:14 Unknown_08: So me having his PayPal means I have his name, I have his phone number, I have his email address, I have his actual mailing address, because they give you all that information when you buy anything off PayPal. Unknown_08: And I knew even then, as a 20-year-old running a forum for the first year that I was around, that if I use this information against this guy, even though he's being a total asshole to me, people would not trust me with their billing information, because why would they? you know they would think well if he does it to this guy you know why wouldn't he do it to me if something else happens so you can't do that to people you can't betray the trust even if they really really deserve it um in your mind at least because it's it's it's a total fucking blunder and if you want to be selfish about it if you don't really care about you know the the ethics of doing that You have to look at it selfishly too. From a selfish perspective, it's a good idea to recruit the goodwill of people and be like, um, I could do this, but I choose not to. Even if you're, even if you're, if you don't really believe, like if you're a, um, a Max Stirner, moral relativist, moral abolitionist type, and you think whatever, whatever's moral is whatever I can get away with. 1:35:09 Unknown_08: It would still behoove you to act in what is considered an ethical way because the long-term benefits of that are immense. 1:35:44 Unknown_08: So Graf has issues. He is bipolar. Unknown_08: He has a poor approach to diplomacy. Unknown_08: He watches anime, and I think he probably drinks too much. So these are all bad ingredients to being in a position of power over people. And me saying that might get my account deleted, which I've been cautious to approach this topic at all until we were in a more stable position, because if Telegram goes down, then I'd be on post. And I guess now I would have to redirect people to chudbuds.ol if he bans me. He was threatening to defederate the kiwifarms.cc instance. 1:36:18 Unknown_08: And his stated reason for doing so is that one of the the users on the site is Married to is like a alt-right type Like he post alt-right memes is like an alt-right guy, you know, just whatever he Uses like alt-right Twitter, you know how that's like during 2016. There are all these accounts that were conservative and Unknown_08: And he was married to a woman who had a big nose. So ha ha, isn't it funny that this woman that he's married to has a big nose and has curly hair. She looks very Jewish. And Krunklord, who adds every fucking image that you ever ask him to as an emoji to the kiwifarms.cc instance, adds nose, which is just a picture of her nose. And with no context, you would have no idea what this is except a nose. But it was the nose of this woman who was married to a guy who was a poster in post. 1:36:52 Unknown_08: And Post has a no-doxing rule. So he says, I have to defederate the Kiwi Farms for having the nose emoji because it doxes the wife of one of my users. And I tell him, like, bro, that's fucking dumb because nobody would know that Borzoi was doxed 1:37:25 Unknown_08: and his wife was an emoji, unless you made a big deal out of it. Just ignore it. Why would you ever confirm this information is real? You can't- like, look at Rambot. We have- we have this motherfucker dead to rights and he still denies it, and that's the smart thing to do. Just keep fucking denying it over and over again because, you know, that leaves a little bit of a benefit of a doubt. Go at this like a convicted murderer. Just deny it until you're to the grave. Why would you ever come out and confirm the information is true by freaking out about it? 1:38:07 Unknown_08: But what's even crazier than that is that, um, Unknown_08: At the time that he literally banned, not only did he ban Kronklord from post, he de-federated Kronklord's instance, which was just his instance. Like, he banned, Kronklord had his own single-person Fediverse instance, which is popular among tech people who want like a vanity domain. Unknown_08: He bans his, he de-federates his one-person instance because he hates Kronklord that much. And Kronklord is the nicest guy. Like, 1:38:42 Unknown_08: Krunklord is so nice that when we started using the Fediverse, he managed to get Kanini, the freaky Swedish bunny tranny, from freaking out for months and months by playing Diplomat to try and keep the Fediverse from splintering. Unknown_08: And somehow he was not able to talk Graf Unknown_08: Out of the shit and the fact that our fucking instance has been down for months now months months And he's still angry about it because there's a possibility that when it comes up Krunklord is not going to remove this instance So he's defederating an instance that has been dead for months Because it it has it has this threatening image. That's inaccessible It's it's just crazy, man 1:39:30 Unknown_08: And this is also a good explanation of why I don't give a fuck about the doxing shit. Because what happens now, people go on to posts and they try to tempt people into doxing them because then they'll report the people doxing them and get them banned from posts because it's a rule. Unknown_08: There's so much gay drama and infighting that comes with such a rule that you have to protect people against themselves. It's hopeless. Unknown_08: He reversed himself. Well, he broke up with Borzoi. Borzoi gave up and left the instance, so now Graf doesn't like him anymore. And then he reverses on it and says, now the nose is fine. It's like, you have to be consistent. Is it doxing or no doxing? It's not just doxing people you don't like. That's not a rule, because then it's like a parallel system and it creates inequity and it creates problems. When you have inequity, you have problems. So either you have to be consistent. A rule has to be bullion. Is it against the rule or is it not against the rule? A person of average or below, especially below average intelligence should be able to figure out if what is, if something is against the rule or not below intelligence, people are the users of most websites. Okay. They have to be able to take a post and analyze it against a single sentence that represents a rule, a concept, and you can't litigate it. You can't say like, 1:40:37 Unknown_08: You can't go to a rule court and be like, hmm, well, the language of the rule does not explicitly prevent, like, no, it's a feeling. Is this against the rule? Is it not against the rule? What are you trying to accomplish with a rule? What kind of environment are you trying to create with a rule? The rules do not represent a law. It's not like a law where you go to court and you have lawyers and you discuss, you know, the actual written law. It is a feeling. It's an expression of what kind of community you're trying to have. 1:41:20 Unknown_08: So when you have a rule that you don't enforce evenly, then what you're saying is that this community is my bitch, they will do what I like, and they will not do what I don't like, because when I don't like something, I'll ban you for it, and if I do like something, I'll promote you for it. And that's not the kind- like, most people are not going to want to promote or be a part of a community where there's such a clear delineation between the cool kids and the not cool kids. Like, nobody has time for that shit anymore. We got out of high school when we were 18. We're adults now. We don't want to play favorites. 1:41:53 Unknown_08: uh so like and that's like that's that's shit that you learn when you when you host something it's stuff that you should be figuring out and saying like what am i trying to do i'm trying to create a community for people who like anime and who want like a easygoing comfy you know comfy is the word that people like comfy friendly things like okay well if that's the case then don't have so much fucking drama If you're trying to create a comfy server where people talk about their hobbies in a way that's not moderated by social justice warriors, then do that. But you have to litigate your, you know, moderate your policies in such a way that it creates that atmosphere and you have to lead by example. 1:42:28 Unknown_08: And that's the hardest part. It's one thing to create rules. It's another thing to show people what kind of posts you want them to have. And the biggest thing that I rule break on is I love to post shitty reaction images. And I have to say, I'm posting a reaction image, but you don't get to do this. Unknown_08: If I see a reaction image post that I don't think is funny, I will delete it. But when I post it, it's always funny, so fuck you. 1:43:06 Unknown_08: You know what's a pedo-friendly community? Yeah, the lollipop shit is like... Unknown_08: It's a whole other thing. It's a whole other thing. It's very annoying. It's very annoying. I like Raf. He's tried to help, and he has helped, but there are things that he should be rapidly learning at this point in time. He should be understanding how people react to being treated a certain way, when the appropriate time to post a message is, if he should be drinking. 1:43:42 Unknown_08: If he should be doxxing Keeno- Like, Keeno-Sei is one of the least likable people I have ever seen. He exudes this sort of arrogant, smug bullshit. He thinks he's really fucking funny, and he's not. This guy is a midwit who thinks that he is just God's gift to man. And it's just the funniest person to ever exist. And you're just like, who the fuck are you? Why are you posting like this? Why do you think people care about you? You're a nobody. Please fuck off. Unknown_08: So I can understand why people fuck with him. It's just like, if you're an admin on a big website, you can't. You just can't. 1:44:19 Unknown_08: It's an ironic thing. You make a website and you think like, I want to make a website that I want to use. I want to make a website that's fun. I want to make a website that has the stuff that other communities are missing and that I enjoy. But then in doing so, you end up making a community that you can't fully participate in because you have to set an example and you have to use it correctly. And part of using a website is shitting all over the place and making a mess. Unknown_08: But you can't do that yourself as a moderator because then people are going to... If you don't have respect for your own website, why should they even pretend to? On the best of times. 1:44:52 Unknown_08: Keynote was misunderstood. Unknown_08: Kinoche makes a lot of people mad. E-celebs hate him. Wonder why. I don't know. Every time I see a post from him, I think, wow, what a faggot. And then I ban him. It's two for two on that one. Unknown_08: Okay, this guy gets banned and then he comes back on the forum. He's like, ha ha. My name is Kinoche-sama and I am Kinoche's Japanese friend. Ha ha. Get it? Just like Jim. Just like Daddy Jim. Ban evading on Twitter. Ha! It's just like Jim! It's just like the time Jim did that! And he said, my friend Jim! Oh my god, that's so funny because Jim also did the exact same thing. Wow, you're not a faggot at all. You're so clever and original and funny. 1:45:24 Unknown_08: Promoting your fucking, your friends. I laughed just thinking about it. Your friend's Twitter account. Wow, that's funny because it's not you, but it is you. Haha, I get it. Fuckhead. 1:45:55 Unknown_08: I hate e-celebs. More than e-celebs, I hate wannabe e-celebs. Unknown_08: I give hot takes on Twitter. I'm going to be the next e-celeb and everyone's going to love me. I'm going to be just like Jim. I'm going to say, my friend Jim. It's a lot of kicking Chantal video, please. Okay, I'll play that. He just like kicks her knee though. He's like, stop being, you're embarrassing me in front of Allah. Unknown_08: Hey, Breezers, I'm watching school. I'm sober. My daughter's out of school. Like, um, just control, bitch. I don't care. 1:46:28 Unknown_05: I don't care. Kiss my big butt. And I'm raging. See the kid? No. One more time. My reply to that is I don't care. Kiss my big butt. And I'm raging. He does kick her. He's like, don't talk about your butt. Unknown_08: Inshallah. Unknown_08: By Allah, I give you a taste of my shoe. OK, there you go. 1:46:59 Unknown_07: Bitch, I do not scare. I do not scare, bitch. I do not scare. Unknown_08: When is kiwifarms.cc coming back? Never ever. By that, I mean not soon. Unknown_08: I have an issue, and I am working on it. Unknown_08: I don't have much to say in regards to the hosting situation. Things are stable, but I do want you to know that Liz Fung Jones, Liz Fung Jones deleted all their Drop Kiwi Farm shit off of, um, whatever the fuck, Outcast or Outcry or whatever the fuck the platform was called, but they're still active. Liz is in like a discord or something and he's still sending bitchy fucking emails and shit. So don't you think that, 1:47:38 Unknown_08: They're not still doing it. They just have like no presence anymore. And they're they're they're becoming desperate. I received an email. I will say this. The big T1 company that still blocks the Kiwi farms is GTT. Unknown_08: If you work with GTT, you should send a complaint to GTT saying that their moderation of the Internet is completely fucking unacceptable. Unknown_08: I don't know if I'm supposed to say that, but I will. Unknown_08: GTT is in bankruptcy. They're insolvent and they're doing this shit like fucking with the internet. 1:48:15 Unknown_08: Maybe they should go bankrupt. If you're in a position to make them go bankrupt faster, maybe you should consider if you should do that. Unknown_08: They still have not unblocked the Kiwi farms. And what's interesting is that the reason why they did this, from what I understand, I heard this in an email, I don't know if it's actually true, but someone said that they, that Liz Fong Jones called, the company's owner is European, but his wife lives in the USA. Unknown_08: And Liz Fong Jones called up The wife at 6 a.m. America time thinking it was EU time and said let's have a girl talk And I can't the only reason why I would mention what some random email says is that that sounds so true that is so true to how the tranny thinks that it that I can't imagine someone would have the the wherewithal to make up something that pitch-perfect and Call up the wife because of course they always call up the wife they never call up the husband because the husband can break your fucking hands with a hammer the wife will never hurt you and They hate women. They love intimidating women. It's actually thrills them. But then it's also like let's have a girl talk Because I'm a woman exactly like you and you should trust me more because I'm a woman And that's apparently why GTT is refuses service with us. So I 1:48:50 Unknown_08: We live in an era where spineless pussy men are unable to do the right thing because they are intimidated by trannies. Trannies who should be in fucking jail. If this is true, that should be considered harassment, that should be considered intimidation and extortion, and that should be a crime which sends somebody to fucking jail. 1:49:46 Unknown_08: But no, they get to do whatever they want. Unknown_08: I haven't seen any of the Godwins in the PPP stuff. I really, I apologize. Unknown_08: Okay, on that note, I'm going to go to chill mode and we are going to, if you want to stick around, I always appreciate it. And if I talk any longer, I'll have too many super chats to get through this in three hours. 1:50:18 Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_08: Genka for five says Josh. What do you think? Oh, yeah, I just read that I think that it is faking gay PPP took out once and back to the keynote casino would be just a shitty people He is unwatchable. Um, I really don't have strong opinions about the keynote casino I thought that the keynote casino had ended and then someone was saying that they were that Andy Worsky and PPP were streaming again like normal so I don't know if the coke thing was like a meme or what and I did find it interesting that apparently perspiricity was co-host for a while and then outed that PPP Vetoes any topic about the Kiwi farms like even the Keffel stuff. He didn't mention at all because Apparently he just does not want to talk about the Kiwi farms at all. So I don't know what caused that but he's not That's just what I've heard 1:50:54 Unknown_08: Now Gankinfor20 says, I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Go get some KFC or Thanksgiving pizza. I don't know what my Thanksgiving plans are. I probably will get something nice, though, because I'm fast. I'm doing keto, and I'm doing keto throughout November. So I might break my keto for the holiday season starting on Thanksgiving. I'm not sure, though. 1:51:34 Unknown_08: Johnny good for five says start start using an openly anti-semitic OS like open soos or soos a and you will never be cursed with audio issues ever again inshallah Well, I basically give up on Open source operating systems at this point in time. I'll try it again and get frustrated in a little while. I'm sure Unknown_08: Polyfrog6445 says, stick a whiskey bottle in your ass to own the libs to trigger the libs. 1:52:05 Unknown_08: You just, you don't understand Polyfrog. It's a, uh, it's just the thing that adults do. And he's always been honest about it. And it's not hypocritical at all. Unknown_08: James Boone for five says Nick seems to stop watching anime or he'll get so much worse and I'm more inclined to think the Drexel stuff mightn't be true I don't want to say that but yeah I mean I I think anime is like fucking brain poison just look look at what look find an anime avatar and you will find a tranny basically 1:52:37 Unknown_08: I understand he's made a lot of money off the anime shit and he has to appeal to that community, but I don't think he does you any good long-term. Unknown_08: Iampiano says, hi, would you be interested in buying or promoting some guy named Raul's Gamer Goy Bathwater? One in 300 buyers has a chance at winning an empty vape cartridge, or if you're lucky, a human tooth. This product is FDA approved. Unknown_08: no i would not i heard that the water is all icky and mexican in those anyways lord lord jane kobe or cob for 25 says on the greg shoe thing i think he's shooting up to a flare to get her back well she's in a different relationship so good luck with that by the way i try to avoid 1:53:30 Unknown_08: these kinds of of man games like smash or pass however this topic arose in uh in conversation yesterday in the internet celebrity chat on the kiwi farms and i feel compelled to ask my chat my live audience right now i wish there was a way to do a poll actually there is i'm gonna do a poll real quick Unknown_08: This might get me in trouble. My dedicated female audience may not like this. Unknown_08: Okay, now fuck the poll. I'll just see your responses. You ready? Unknown_08: Fuck, marry, kill, Britney Venti, Aiden Paladin, Unknown_08: I'll read the next super chat, but I want your responses to this because it created very very lively discussion in the Snead chat. 1:54:34 Unknown_08: Snoot Game is a 4chan parody of Goodbye Volcano High Life is Strange Furry Edition. Obviously this parody has caused a lot of seething from the game's soy devs. I demand you play Snoot Game for a video stream. Okay, I'll open that. Unknown_08: Pass. Unknown_08: Mary Aiden? God. Unknown_08: Kill all of them and then myself says the anime avatar. Kill Shu, marry Aiden. Why do people want to marry Aiden? She's literally barren. It's not like a no eggs meme. She's literally barren. Marry Aiden. You people are fucking crazy. 1:55:09 Unknown_08: Fuck Shu, marry Shu, kill the rest. You can't do that. Unknown_08: Okay, I will tell you the correct answer for this, you ready? Unknown_08: The chat was very lively and I have scientifically proved this. Unknown_08: Brittany Venti, even though she is a mutt, la gablina, you must marry her because she is the only actual trying to be trad person. Shu is a pretender. 1:55:40 Unknown_08: Now the real toss-up between, and people will get mad because she's like a bling up, but that's the only, that's the only, I'm sorry, that's the only way. If you want to have a clean, if you want to have the prospect of a house that is not a total disaster, that is your only option. Unknown_08: The toss-up is the other two. And you have to kill Shu because she fucks black dudes. Unknown_08: That's what we decided on. Unknown_08: Josh has 15, no, please no, I'm just saying. 1:56:14 Unknown_08: I never seen the chat so lively before this question. I'm never just saying this is a one-time thing don't ever try to Any of these people do not talk to me. I'm not throwing out a message just fuck off Do you want to live in Phil I'm sorry, but you think the other two were clean no All right, I lost my place there it is Um Unknown_08: I read that, sorry. I was looking at chat, so I lost my messages. Okay, Snoop Game, Polyfrog for 64 for five says, thoughts on Godwinson versus PPP. Will PPP be cold this winter? I don't know. You've asked me this like three different times, I'm pretty sure, bro. I don't know what the Keno Casino deal is right now. 1:56:47 Unknown_08: And then Lord Jane Cobb for three says, just even out the donations. And Sneed for one says, Blowbacks is a tranny loving spit. I have no idea who Bowbacks is. Sorry, it's hard to see. I only try to do the dollar donations and the whatever, the tips on them. Because the library tokens are like one each, like one cent each. It's like worth nothing. 1:57:21 Unknown_08: I feel bad for the library token. Unknown_08: Uh, Club Siberia is not Krunk's personal instance. It belonged to my friend Slugbert. Thank you, God bless. Oh, there you go. I did not mean to defame Slugbert. 1:57:58 Unknown_06: Mary Aiden. People are fucking crazy. Unknown_08: Not to be mean or anything, but you know, you know I'm right. Unknown_08: Okay, this is on donation alerts now Liz swamp face dong-dong for five says trans rights are human rights have sex and sell act Thank You Liz swamp face dong-dong 1:58:35 Unknown_08: Near for 2 says, play Metal Gear Solid 1 Dwarf. Those stripes are always fun to watch and everyone has their own unique way of playing through those games. Also, leak specs, no. I have no interest in the Metal Gear Solid franchise. However, I will shill a video game stream at the end of this stream for those interested. Unknown_08: I read these before. Unknown_08: okay sorry now on the right place a turf for ten says first amendment is gone women have been gathering to speak about the rates and have been physically and verbally assaulted the police are doing nothing is a turf once again so i know there's no video in the parking lot and they're screaming get out of here uh... they're no longer screaming first go home 1:59:26 Unknown_00: Um, but there seems to be some difficulty transpiring with somebody getting out of the parking lot and they are chanting, turfs go home. Unknown_00: These people are really book traders. They are not the oppressed. Unknown_08: This black lady does not like these trans people protesting. I was hoping that there would be some physical assault on camera. Unknown_00: Wait, let him go right ahead and do it. Go ahead. Enjoy yourselves. Unknown_08: I know, I mean, obviously women are going to get assaulted by dangerous troons. Like, I'm sorry if that's news to anyone. I wish this video had some kind of poignancy to it. Like the police are not going to disrupt a trans protest. 2:00:06 Unknown_08: Uh, like stay away from protests in general. No good will come out of being there. Unknown_08: Frog God for 75 says, Hey Josh, please do a sponsored segment talking about the return of the Harlequin frog. Hope this is enough to actually persuade you. Unknown_08: Okay, I guess I'll show this on screen. He paid $75 for it. Unknown_08: The Harlequin frog, ladies and gentlemen, has returned. This frog is not dead. Rumors of this frog, it's actually not this green, it's like yellow. Rumors of the frog's death are greatly exaggerated. So this is November 9th, this is recent frog news. 2:00:39 Unknown_08: This guy really likes frogs. Unknown_08: I don't understand the appeal. I did give him a frog picture like he asked last time. Unknown_08: Fritz Patrick is very dramatic. We were all spanned out in the days, but nobody thought we were going to see this frog. Then one of our collaborators shouted out in Spanish. I found one. 2:01:13 Unknown_08: Is he like, I don't know. What's so special about him? Unknown_08: He's from Ecuador. Unknown_08: I'll leave the picture up. This is the Harlequin frog. Unknown_08: Sorry if this is not, like, I don't know. I don't have, I don't share your passion for amphibians, friend. I think it's a very cute, like, autistic thing to like frogs as much, but I'm more of a mammal type of guy. I like cats and dogs. Unknown_08: StalkerShotAlpha5 says, uh, here's the leak I tried posting last week. Okay. 2:01:45 Unknown_08: Let's see it. Unknown_08: is my site dead? Has my site died in the process of me going through this? Oh, there it is. Unknown_08: Seven, oh. Okay, I'll let, okay, this is like shock jocks talking about Patrick. I'll just skip to like the middle of it, because I don't want to play through all this. Unknown_08: Assuming that it wants to load at all, which may or may not happen because of it being my dead gay website and all. In other news this morning, , 2:02:19 Unknown_08: I will try to get back to it before the end of the stream though You guys are killing me with the links and the videos and shit like I'm I try to bust through these quickly and keep it Entertaining you're like what about this? What about this article read this article about frogs? What about this minute-long video where a black woman is at a protest? What about this? seven minute long clip for for five dollars about Patrick Thompson like bro keep it snappy for the benefit of the audience and 2:02:52 Unknown_08: Deputy dog crap for five says thanks for all the great work Josh BP chat best chat That's true it said that BP chat is on the decline right now because all the the BP girls have moved to discord where They will remain until drama splinters them apart, and they will come back to the the Kiwi farms chat Sika loather for ten says it's the curse of the gut news network GNN no lousy audio video doesn't play at least you don't have to take in colors that echo like demons pronouncing your doom 2:03:36 Unknown_08: I mean, lousy audio. That's always my issue. Audio is such a pain in the ass, because I have... I simplified my setup. It just breaks constantly. It's such a fucking nuisance. Unknown_08: David's 877 for 96 says, I was going to crowdfund this, but it was too much work. Once Musk fixes your account, here's your first year of being a Twitter blue check. I have something special planned. I really hope that he does unban me, because it would be very funny. Unknown_08: I appreciate it. I will definitely put that towards the blue check once I can get it. 2:04:11 Unknown_08: Twitter Tyrone says, thank you Moloch for protecting us from that awful video. Unknown_08: Which one? This one? This is early in so he must be talking about this one. Oh wait. Unknown_08: The fact that they applaud is like, don't applaud this. Don't promote this. What are you doing? Unknown_08: uh pia deke for 20 says i think it's time to go back to the u.s and kick nick's ass his wife is apparently posting nudes on the uppercase i internet uh well we've been through this yes she's posting not nudes yet but that's it's i don't know it's just like there's no point if you want to have fun and do like adult things like your your discord chat room is not the living room of your best friend's place where it's like there's three couples they've known each other for 20 years and they're gonna wife swap like okay you want to do that and you know do it I guess have a couple beers and do it you do not have to like share you do not have that expectation of privacy with the internet 2:04:57 Unknown_08: And I feel bad for people who are like, like in the past you could do stupid stuff with your friends and you could have fun and it would never be recorded. The stupid stuff that you did as a teenager would just be a memory and there would be no issues with it long term unless you got like arrested for public urination or public nudity or something. But even then it's like that's just an arrest warrant and you have a funny story to tell about it. Now it's like you fucked around with your friends and then you have your nude images online forever because some asshole took out his phone and recorded it while everyone was drunk. It's like there are so many people who are never going to have like fun stupid times in their life that they don't suffer for like forever. 2:05:55 Unknown_08: Wait, no. I'm just saying, like, in general, like, okay, in the broadest way possible, that there used to be an expectation of privacy where theoretically people could get together and do stuff and make fools of themselves and be embarrassed and have regrets and it wouldn't be on the internet and not everybody would be able to find it instantly. Unknown_08: And a boomer like Nick Riccardo, I remember this time, called the 90s and the 80s and every other decade and century before then, But we're now in the worst time of human history, we're in the new millennia, and that does not exist. And everything that you do, especially if it's directly on the fucking internet, will not be some stupid thing you did. It will be publicly catalogued. And especially... 2:06:34 Unknown_08: Especially on Discord. There is zero expectation of privacy on Discord. Unknown_08: They are not your fucking friends. It does not matter if they're paying you 40 bucks a month. It doesn't matter if they talk to you every day. They are not your fucking friends. They are stupid assholes and they are not. 2:07:12 Unknown_08: You host the site that holds up the historic baggage though. The Kiwi Farms is just the broadest swath of that. It still exists regardless. Like, there are still individual callout posts and all this other shit for everybody. Unknown_08: And it doesn't have to be like a Kiwi Farms format post. Unknown_08: There are tons of videos that get circulated that are like non-consensual and that has nothing to do with the Kiwi farms because we don't even allow that like just purely for the sake of like revenge porn and stuff. Unknown_08: I'm just saying there was a time you could fool around and it wouldn't cause problems and it wouldn't be public discourse but that time is over and you can't treat discord like it's you and your friends in a living room or whatever. 2:07:57 Unknown_08: Nil for a dollar says on October 3rd, you should post the Feddy Absolute Kino Ukraine war montage. You know, the original uploader or author, where did you find it? Could you remind me what meds you recommend and what is the daily dosage? Unknown_08: I don't know. I think I found that on like, um, the Kiwi farms thread for the Ukraine. I don't, the Ukraine war. I don't remember where that came from. Sorry. As far as meds go, I only, I only take the caffeine. Anonymous for five says Josh DSP wants to interview. 2:08:34 Unknown_08: wants an interview to say his piece. You are the best man for the job. DSP will never talk to me. If you can, if DSP offers, I will talk to him, but I will not reach out to him because there's no point. Unknown_08: John Doe says for 10, where are my patches? No, I want my patches. And when will registrations for the site be open? I want to post on the forum. Where is your archives? I need to watch more. No, uh, it's on Odyssey. You're watching it right now. Unknown_08: for the most part the patches are up when they're up i don't know what to say about that i'm working on something i was hoping to have it done today but everybody is very slow and everything moves so slowly and so torturously sorry when me for one says i didn't think japan's suicide rate could get any higher look at george floyd coin made out of twenty dollars and fake seller um 2:09:31 Unknown_07: George Floyd coins like oh I think this is what he's referring to hell yeah no that's a silver medallion fit for your treasure box and when me for one says too much power and post a discord link Unknown_08: I'm not downloading. I'm sorry. I'm not downloading discord shit to play it. It's missing it for $1. I'm like, you've done this before. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it. I'm not downloading your shit from discord. Unknown_08: Cool. Yeah. Dante for 15 says Josh as punishment for making me hear those tranny rape fantasies. I'm clipping the part where you read them aloud. We'll go for it. I don't care. There's no such thing as bad publicity unless you like to have a bottle up your ass. Unknown_08: Audio error for one says, erm, don't feel like leaving. Yeah, thanks, asshole. I fixed it. Joke's on you, motherfucker. You gave me a dollar to be wrong. 2:10:24 Unknown_08: Helldog for five says, you built a whole new fucking internet, but you can't unmute your browser in OBS. I fucking love Maddie in the mornings edit. You fixed it as I was typing this, and I'm so proud. Look, you know what else I couldn't do? This is true. I bought a monitor stand. I'm fucked with my monitor stand, and it's crooked. And I'm fucking with it and I'm unscrewing it and I'm literally like sweating because I'm holding up the monitor on the stand awkwardly trying to screw it back in and unscrew it. I do this like eight times. I'm like, why? I even go to Amazon and I buy new bolts to put on or new nuts to put on because it's not mounting properly. And I'm like, this is fucking insane. And it wasn't just like a little bit off, it was like way off. I'm like, this has to be broken. And then I realize, 2:10:57 Unknown_08: that you just grab it and you adjust it manually. You just tilt it forward a little bit and it's fine. Unknown_08: So that's the level of debugging that I'm at sometimes. 2:11:30 Unknown_08: It's unfortunate. Unknown_08: Secretly a homo erectus pretends says netcast please with all the wrong you have done in your life not even sacrifice of not even the sacrifice of Jesus Christ enough to tell him for it fucking start by word filtering out all mention of ziggers and or Ukraine Netcast is the telegram guy right is there like telegram drama that I don't know about like what the fuck Please don't create like weird telegram drama. I really don't need more of that in my life 2:12:02 Unknown_08: How do I undonate from this retard? No refunds. Unknown_08: None of us for five says according to dubs, boogie isn't going to die. Unfortunately. Um, there's an image or album, but I've already covered that. He, um, Oh, this is stupid. 2:12:36 Unknown_08: Um, dubs and boogie is terminal on Christmas get 77 guy replies saying digits and you carry that weight instead and he also gets in, uh, gets dubs. So I don't know. I don't find those dubs very persuasive. If they were trips or quads, maybe I would be thinking that boogie is going to live forever, but, uh, for just doubles, it doesn't happen. Unknown_07: Let's see. Unknown_08: Sneedum Feedum for 10 says Raul won. He sure did. Actually, yeah, Raul. Okay. I'm okay with Raul. I'm okay with Raul. 2:13:16 Unknown_08: Karyuma for 20 says another win to the one that should not be named. Raul, look, there's nothing wrong with him. My boy Raul can be talked about. I have not lost though. Unknown_08: Bot or not for 25 says, hey Josh, happy Thanksgiving. Glad you're not talking about the one who must not be named. I love more schizo content on your streams or tranny dating profiles. Unknown_08: I'm trying to, I would love to stop talking about trannies to be honest with you. I do like schizo content. Schizo shit's pretty fun. The other thing that I can think of that I didn't even mention on the stream is that Holly Dance, the woman that was that cheated on her husband with pro Jared and caused the whole pro Jared fiasco that he somehow managed to limp away from is apparently accusing her ex-husband from Game Grumps of raping her like throughout her entire marriage to him. So I think she might be like histrionic insane and I did not feature this because it's like 2:14:08 Unknown_08: Uh, she's already did this with ProJared, I think. I don't want to, like, continue to exasperate this. Holly Conrad, you mean? Yeah, that one. Unknown_08: Yeah, Holly, sorry, not Holly Dance. Holly Conrad, the woman that fucked ProJared. Unknown_08: Sorry, sorry. There's so many people to keep track of. Seekalother4one says, are you going to highlight the Raketa thread and pin it to the top of the site? No, I do not do that with porn shit, because I don't want to make the site into a revenge porn site. Unknown_08: A bow for $100 says, thank you for keep fighting the uppercase I internet should interpret censorship as damage and route around it. Well, you have to route around GTT right now. 2:14:51 Unknown_08: I have received a lot of communique from people in the industry and people are paying attention to it. And, uh, it is, I think there is a chance that things may reverse. There is an opportunity for things to fix themselves because a lot of people are very unhappy with these developments. Unknown_08: Capital I Internet for two says, I like when you asked on post what kind of nut you needed for your monitor arm and the picture clearly showed it was an MA bolt. Thank you for the stream. Okay. That's, that's another part of the story is that the instructions said it was a four millimeter Allen wrench, an M eight bolt, and then it just said nuts. 2:15:32 Unknown_08: I'm thinking, well, I need to replace the nuts. What size are the nuts? It lists the sizes of everything except the nuts. Um, apparently there are M8 nuts that you get because it's an M8 bolt and they have their own M8 nuts and that's just supposed to be implicit in the instructions and you don't have to like, you don't have to specify that. Unknown_08: I don't know. I don't, I don't think that's very, I don't think that's very straightforward to someone who doesn't play with nuts all the time. Unknown_08: Numbers for five says God gives you Chattis jawlines to God gives the Chattis jawlines to trannies for the lulz. That's a that's a fun thought. That's the that's the right take Seek a low there again for one says if you want image of famous Chinese, you know, Google Lee Lee Google Lee Lee and Ying Um 2:16:15 Unknown_08: from what I understand China has like this thing going on right now where they're like trying to fuck with the gender shit this is in Chinese I can't read this oh good this this uh this let this article is available in Ming Deng 2:16:59 Unknown_08: Li Liangying was a Chinese imperial eunuch who lived in the late Qing Dynasty. He was a eunuch during the regency of Empress Dowager Cixi, who was the de facto ruler of China from 1869 to 1908, throughout the reigns of the Tangzhi Empire and the Guangzhou Emperor. Unknown_08: There you go. He's a eunuch. Unknown_08: Eunuchs had a useful purpose in medieval history because you could trust them to not fuck the women in the court. So they were a little bit, they were like, there were men. So you could trust them to do stuff, but they didn't have a penis. So you could trust them around women. 2:17:35 Unknown_08: Ruggedy for five says, let me see them toes with emojis. No, thank you. Question mark for two says, buy a donor, punch a bear. I will probably buy, I don't know. I haven't had donor in like forever. It's not my favorite, Unknown_08: Actually, I lied. I did have a donor recently. But it was like a... It was keto, so it was just the meat. Unknown_08: Just a plate of meat. Unknown_08: Iman Iger for 10 says, fun history near the end of the Han Dynasty, a cabal of eunuchs got uppity and seized power. However, a warlord took offense and killed them and the eunuchs in general and Dan castration after. 2:18:14 Unknown_08: Very, very familiar story. Sounds, sounds kind of imminent. Unknown_08: MadClock5 says, hope you enjoy some tasty zinc vodka for Thanksgiving. What's the chances of getting the patches done early enough to get them shipped before Christmas? If they do go before November, you will get them by Christmas for sure. I have timelines from the company about the shipping stuff, and it's like December that they, but they're almost all made. The guy has made like 600 of them, and the final 400 are still getting made, and it's like if they just fucking, if I can get the shop set up, they'll sell them a weekend, and they'll ship instantly, and it'll be no problem. 2:18:51 Unknown_08: Sika Lowther for one says, if you ban everyone except for lolliposters being consistent, your stand is going to be a haunt for your paydos. My advice, ditch posts, defederate unless you want to be thought a paydo. Um, fuck you? Don't tell me what to fucking do, Sika. Don't give me your fucking money and then think that's an excuse to make demands and shit. Like, I'll stop reading your messages. Unknown_08: Yeah, don't use don't use post or you're a pedophile. How about you kill yourself Sika? How about that? Ropana for far for 450 says hi Josh great show next week millions of Americans will dine on delicious turkey and other yummy food What's your favorite Thanksgiving treat? Have a great weekend and a great Thanksgiving Republic of Korea flag My favorite Thanksgiving, um, I do like turkey 2:19:33 Unknown_08: I like, okay, when I was a kid and my grandma was making Thanksgiving dinner, I was a stupid kid so I could not be trust with much. However, I could be trust with the mashed potatoes. So every year I would take over mashed potato duty. I would peel the potatoes and I would mash the potatoes and I would add in the condensed and sweetened milk, which is what my grandmother used. Unknown_08: And lots and lots of black pepper and lots of butter. So I very strongly associate making mashed potatoes with Thanksgiving. Unknown_08: I do really like mashed potatoes, especially when they're all buttery and stuff. But as far as like Thanksgiving food, that's like, oh, fuck. I love pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is the best shit. I changed my answer. Pumpkin pie is great. 2:20:18 Unknown_08: Milkatpost.org for $14.88 says, great stream, king, you're the man. Looking forward to buying those patches. Thanks for all the words about Post. I'll consider everything you said. You're always welcome on Post. Godspeed. Godspeed. Is Milk an admin there? I always assumed he was just some fucking guy. Thank you for the monies, though. Unknown_08: Turkey pizza. I think I can get that. I think there's a place that sells turkey on pizza, but I don't know, man. That conflicts with my hollandaise sauce. 2:20:52 Unknown_08: I'm gonna do it for Thanksgiving. Fuck yeah. I'll get turkey and hollandaise sauce. I don't give a shit. Unknown_08: I'll destroy pizza for my own selfish purposes. Unknown_08: Milk is an admin, okay, well that shows what I know. I really don't, like, people giving me shit about Posts, I really don't give a fuck. I don't pay attention to it, I see, like, the bystander effect of, like, people arguing with each other and getting mad and saying, like, oh, it's Lolicon, oh, Posts' graph is having another histrionic fit over some shit, and Borzoi, and The Nose, and Deep Federation, and it's like... 2:21:28 Unknown_08: i'm just here to like make a message to shout into the void and get an answer every so often i do not give a fuck leave me alone i just need a place to like talk to post messages when there's downtime and shit or i just need a quick answer to something like Unknown_08: It's a fucking Twitter clone. I don't care. As long as I can open the site and there's not like a lollicon on my page, like in my header that I have to look at. I do not give a fuck. I never see it in my timeline. I never see anything that I give a fuck about. Unknown_08: If I see an account posting shit I don't like, I block them. I don't give a fuck. And then they can post the block message. Ah, Josh blocked me on their timeline. Don't care. I don't want to see your shit. Brag about it. Don't give a fuck. 2:22:17 Unknown_08: I just want to tweet about my broken monitor stand, okay? Unknown_08: It changed its color from green to yellow? Unknown_08: What? Unknown_08: What the fuck are you talking about? This guy is like spamming big text messages about how the site changed from green to yellow and I have no fucking idea what he's talking about. I feel like I'm going crazy. 2:22:53 Unknown_08: The frog. Unknown_08: What frog? The Harlequin frog? Is it changing colors? Unknown_08: Oh, okay. Unknown_08: Okay, fine. The frog can change colors from green to yellow. That's very cool. I'm glad that he's still around. He's very cute. I'm sure he's even cuter when he's yellow than he is when he's green, and he's especially cute when he's in between, like this. Okay. It's very cool. 2:23:24 Unknown_08: I turned off Shilina. You guys are driving me fucking crazy. I don't know what you want. Let me get through the Super Chats, please. I'm gonna be here forever. I feel like I'm going crazy. Unknown_08: Call us your kittens for 518 says drink some sync vodka and consent accident BP chat heart emoji Consent tax that's that's the greatest thing that has ever been said by the training. It's a such a such a perfect meme Really just amazing stuff I'll probably drink over Christmas. I'll have eggnog as is traditional Keith for one says, when do you start working on the, when do you start working at the Southern Poverty Call Center? The audio system is broke. It just needs a real nasty version of Afro Man. 2:23:57 Unknown_08: I know a lot of people miss SPCC who came about during the stream.me saga to steal my bike and then disappeared into the ether. Unknown_08: Re-upload for the win says, when is lowcal.email coming back and are you going to make some Christmas merch soon? There will be no Christmas merch. It will just be patches. 2:24:30 Unknown_08: However, I will do something special for the February 10 year anniversary. And lowcal.email will come back as soon as I can figure out a permanent arrangement for it. But I can't give any promises before then. Unknown_08: John for two says VTuber Josh win. Unknown_08: Never probably. I don't know why you keep asking that. I get like eight messages saying the same thing every stream. VTuber Josh win. It's very strange. Anonymous for 10 says, Hey Josh, I was watching the Mighty Ducks movie with my wife. You kind of look like the main kid, Charlie, and in many ways much loved by the Mighty Ducks. It's been a long time since I heard that name. That's one of those movies that they would play all the time on like kids' TV shows. 2:25:06 Unknown_08: I'm looking up the Mighty Ducks. I don't see anyone who looks like me. Unknown_08: Unless this is supposed to be like an insult or something. Unknown_08: Oh, you're just saying that because his eyes are so wide. Unknown_08: That's why. I understand what you're doing. You're being mean, saying that my eyes are wide. 2:25:39 Unknown_08: Savarian for three says, fuck, marry, kill, only use me, blade, boogie2988 in the wings of redemption. Unknown_08: don't know who only use me blade is so I can't I can't accurately respond to this I will say that boogie oh god that's hard I can't decide who I'd want to kill more between boogie and wings of redemption they're both really insufferable and they have that personality type of like fat people who are like Unknown_08: really indulging in self-pity which is I mean to me it's a turn-off I don't know about you guys plus they're 500 pound men and one meat for one also sends again this video I will play this if this is a fucking actually let me scan through it I don't trust that this came from discord okay 2:26:45 Unknown_10: Niga ket niga, niga ket niga, niga ket, niga ket babe. Unknown_08: fun fact he is saying feeding feed the cat i think i'm pretty sure he's just saying feeding the cat feeding the cat and it just so happens to be nigga nigga cat speaking of can i find this yes i can 2:27:36 Unknown_06: I've shown this before but it's still funny. It's one of the funniest things. Unknown_08: There's a Chinese guy that I watch sometimes called Uncle Roger. He's like a comedian, and he has like a stereotypical Asian accent to like people making fried rice. He's really, really popular, so I'm sure a lot of people know who I'm referring to. Unfortunately, he's a retard, and he likes K-pop and likes to splice in obnoxious fucking K-pop shit. This is the only kind of K-pop I will accept, is the Nija Nene guy, okay? 2:28:13 Unknown_08: Everything else can eat shit. I know that they're from Taiwan. K-pop does nothing when Taiwan pop. Because they drop the n-word and they don't give a fuck. Unknown_08: Okay. I think that's all. 2:28:49 Unknown_08: a couple more actually plutonium gaming for 275 library things is great stream thank you call peter says good job glad the site is back up thank you uh it should apparently it's been down for americans for a while so i i was i was not gonna lie i was kind of sad because i was seeing the numbers under like um Unknown_08: like under 3,000 people at peak and that was sad to me because it's like oh man it sucks to lose like that much of the active users but now it's backed up with over 3,000 during peak because i fixed the internet on the american side so the americans can actually use the internet now Unknown_08: It would have sucked to go through all that effort and then not have the site bounce back, but it's down a lot in terms of activity, but it's not so bad. And it will recover quickly if it can stay up, which is why they're trying very desperately to keep it down, because they know that. 2:29:44 Unknown_08: And I am piano for five says would you rather eat Skittles or peanut M&M's from Chris Chan's butthole. That's fucking gross. I say I refuse to answer questions like these people say would you rather is like no fuck you. Unknown_08: Mr. Kate always asked would you do you like your fuel with or without penis or without testicles and like I just say no. I'm sorry if that makes me a bad sport or whatever but it feels like the basement to be like no or to play along because there's not like a Unknown_08: There's not like a rhyme or reason to it. You know what I mean? It's not like there's a intellectual aspect to that where it's like, oh, well, one would definitely be worse or one would be better or they're, it's just like stupid. And the food thing is the same. It's like, and in no situation are you forced to have sex with an imaginary like cock girl. Like, you know, that's not, that's not a thing. Never do you have to eat food at a Christian's ass. Why would you even entertain the idea? 2:30:27 Unknown_08: It's very degenerate and spewed from anime. That's true. It was brewed in the bowels of anime. Unknown_08: And I apologize, I don't see anything on Rumble. I really don't know how to check for like Rumble chats, so I can't even like to see if there has or has not been anything on Rumble, but anyways. 2:31:08 Unknown_08: Anyways, that's it. I think last call. Nothing coming in. OK. Unknown_08: So thank you for sticking through two and a half hours. I hope you have enjoyed this episode. If. Unknown_08: If you would like to see me play games, I am going to use my brand new computer to play Outlast, a game from 2014. I did not get to do anything spoopy or fun on Halloween or throughout October because I was dealing with issues. So I'm going to go ahead and do some spooky Christmas stuff. I'm going to try and play through a couple of anthology games that are like 2:31:39 Unknown_08: you know eight to twelve hours each and go through them and uh... yeah it'll probably be over the weekend and maybe every day i'll try to let people know and schedule them in advance uh... i don't have like a proper schedule i wish i could like a stream on twitch kind of but i'm not even gonna fucking bother so i'm gonna stream as much as i can i'll try to keep everyone up to date about it it'll all be video game stuff but it will be like 2:32:14 Unknown_08: Walking and I played through the the Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque game, which is pretty surprisingly funny for what it is So just as like a test, but these will be more like less Shootery, I'll be more what I'm used to doing Unknown_08: And I've been really pushed to do the horror stuff because I do not handle horror well. Unknown_08: And I am very easily startled. So I've never been a big horror fan. I've never been like a big scary game, especially scary games fan. Unknown_08: But whatever. I'm going to have fun on the internet while it's still around. And then I'll Twitch ban Speedrun. I should. I should. 2:33:03 Unknown_08: I wonder how long it would take to get banned from Twitch. Unknown_08: I bet you it would be like one stream. I've never played any of the horror games. The only horror game I've ever played is Dead by Daylight. That's not really a horror game. I've never played Outlast. I've never played Alien Isolation. I've never played... Unknown_08: Any of them really so I'll just uh, I'll just try it Already have an account it's Matt at the internet. 2:33:46 Unknown_08: Oh God I went through two and a half hours without getting a fucking email and then I got an email Okay, okay Unknown_08: I am done and I will see you guys on the weekend if you want to watch the video game stuff. Unknown_08: If not, I will see you on Friday for sure. Unknown_08: Take it easy. Where's my song? There it is. I've been also coding again, so I've been a busy boy. I'll see you when I see you. Bye bye. Unknown_08: Codemonkey get up get coffee codemonkey go to job codemonkey have boring meeting with boring manager Rob Rob say codemonkey very diligent but his output stinks 2:34:43 Unknown_13: Functional or elegant? What do Code Monkey think? Code Monkey think? Maybe manager want to write goddamn login page himself. Code Monkey not say it out loud. Code Monkey not crazy, just proud. Code Monkey likes Weedos. Unknown_13: Code Monkey likes Talon Mountain too. Code Monkey very simple math. With big, warm, fuzzy secret heart. Unknown_13: Code Monkey like you. 2:35:24 Unknown_13: You say no thank you for the soda cuz soda make you fat. Unknown_13: Cold monkey have long walk back to cubicle, he sit down, pretend to work. Cold monkey not thinking, so straight. Cold monkey not feeling, so great. Cold monkey like Fritos. 2:35:58 Unknown_13: Cold monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew. Cold monkey very simple man, big warm fuzzy secret heart. Cold monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew. Unknown_13: Thank you. 2:36:39 Unknown_13: See your soft, pretty face. Unknown_13: Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake, take bath, take nap. Unknown_13: This job fulfilling in creative way, such a load of crap. Code Monkey thinks someday he have everything, even pretty girl like you. Code Monkey just waiting for now. Code Monkey says someday, somehow. Code Monkey likes Fritos. Unknown_13: Cold monkey like Talon Mountain Dew. Cold monkey, very simple man. 2:37:10 Unknown_13: Big, warm, fuzzy, secret heart. Unknown_13: Cold monkey like you. Cold monkey like you.