0:01:55 Unknown_07: I really, I really don't know what the fuck to do about my audio chat. You know, I've tried everything and it still doesn't work. Unknown_02: Why is there a monitor monitors off? Why did you guys hear a loop back? I'm going to, I'm going to blow my fucking brains. I'm going to take this intro again. Cause I like this song and I, I think people deserve to hear it, but I can hear my, I can, I can hear myself come back and I can even see it coming back. Unknown_07: Oh, it's from telegram. 0:02:28 Unknown_02: Telegram is the biggest piece of shit Okay, I'm redoing the intro We're going to give more people time to come and chat We're going to play the intro song again 0:03:16 Unknown_00: To nic, że długi jest marsz Słońce osuszy twarz Idziesz i liczysz naboje ostatnie trzy And you won't get lost anymore, you know Unknown_02: i put special effort into making sure that this intro for the first time in weeks went off spectacularly without any hiccups or upsets whatsoever because today is polish day i don't know what they call their polish day it's poland day i guess freedom from the communist and also the fascist 0:04:03 Unknown_02: The staunch not that. Staunch not monarchy either. I think they got rid of their monarchy. Staunchly Polish with no strict definition for what that is. Unknown_02: But today is Poland Day. And to celebrate Poland Day, Poles have taken to the streets in the thousands to burn torches and to wave flags, which they have done. This is being decried as a... Unknown_02: A nationalist movement with marked by violence. So they're on high alert for Polish violence today as the Virginia tiki torch incident of their time. Look at how happy those girls are in the front. This is like the violent Polish extremists. 0:04:45 Unknown_02: A large number of police officers were deployed to avoid the violence of past years, which included riots, clashes with police, and destruction of city infrastructure. It's pretty fucking hard to destroy Poland. You go to Warsaw and it looks like bombs dropped yesterday. Okay, so listen up. Listen up, kids. When when Polish people go to Poland and they march in the streets, they are violent right wing nationalists and they have to they have to up the the fortifications just in case there is something horrific that happens. And when it happens in the US and it's BLM, then it's a fiery but mostly peaceful protest. I realize it's a passe thing to say. It's like, oh, look at how the media treated BLM versus how they treat literally everything else. 0:05:26 Unknown_02: I don't know. It's still funny to me. It's funny how, like, blatant... I don't know how people don't know this shit like that, but I guess they just, like, are masters. The average person is now, like, a master of doublethink and can perfectly harbor these ideas that A is bad, but B is okay because it's good. It's the good people. It's like the... Unknown_02: The ontological evil thing. There are people who can do no wrong because they are good. And there are people who can do no good because they are evil. And that's just how these people, the average NPC, goes through life thinking. And there's no way to dissuade them from being retarded. 0:06:03 Unknown_02: uh anyways good luck pool and um australia's having it bad this is my my news roundup for a bit i'm doing like a proper stream for once it's been weeks since i did like any kind of prep work on a stream australian police blame russian hackers for medical records leak hackers have demanded 10 million dollars in bitcoin to stop releasing sensitive medical information on the dark web dun dun dun it must be from russia because it's from the dark web when you go to the the internet in russia it's like shadowy and bleak and mysterious like the rest of russia so you just know they're on that dank web they are fucking russian 0:06:43 Unknown_02: But the medical records include things like abortions. So if for whatever reason, if you have an abortion, then people will know that you've had an abortion. If you have AIDS, those medical records are coming out. So I think Australia. I should know I should know this because I worked in Australia and I have some intimacy with their tax system. No, actually. Unknown_02: I'm wrong. I remember the taxes had superannuation and basically instead of a federal retirement account, you have to set up a retirement account with your bank called a superannuation account. I don't know if their social system is like that for medicine. I don't know if they have private payers. I'm assuming they have private payers, but there's like a global option. So there's like a global database of... australian medical records keep a track of all your boardies all your sporty boardies and all your hiv and all your monkey pox the russians now have that and they um would prefer not to have this weird database of all your abortions and would rather have 10 million dollars in bitcoin i think me personally speaking that's a steal if i was australian's government i would do it i would just give them the bitcoin the fbi recently just sees like a ton of bitcoin 0:08:14 Unknown_02: If you don't have $10 million of Bitcoin, ask America. I mean, how much is $10 million to a government, really? How many $10 million worth of whatever the fuck have we shit out to give to Ukraine? We can spare $10 million of federally seized Bitcoin to hand over to Australia so that they can keep all their boardies and all their HIV and monkeypox and shit in check. I'm just saying. I don't think we need that out there. I think that the U.S. could help out with this money. Unknown_02: Optus hacker wanted only 1 million. Oh my God. Well, you know, with inflation these days, blackmail is also going up. They got to make ends meet. You know how hard they worked on this hack? They worked like for, you know, a year and now they need their payoff. They can't just like, you know, they gotta, they gotta feed their kids too. Times are rough in Russia. They're under 8 million. They're under 6 million different sanctions. You can't just like, you can't just get by on a nine to five these days. If you're over, over yonder on the far East. 0:08:49 Unknown_02: Subcontractors. Yeah, just give them the money. I'm one team. Give them the money. They need the money. They worked hard on it. Maybe ask them how they did it. We'll give you 12 million if you tell us how you did it too. 0:09:23 Unknown_02: And then you go to the Pajits who actually designed the system. They hired a bunch of Pajits who are living in Unknown_02: uh melbourne and you say hey pg you fuck this up we it cost us 12 million dollars of bitcoin that we had to beg the americans for because the other ones that keep stealing all the bitcoin and hiding it in the fbi for various i'm sure that i'm sure that the us government finds a lot of useful reasons to have bitcoin uh cia keeps asking for bitcoin for some reason and really nobody knows why the cia keeps asking for that bitcoin but they do and they need it so we can spare a 0:10:08 Unknown_02: Uh, let's see. Okay. Here's an interesting one. Drachenlord, also known for whatever... I always find issue with people translating Drachenlord to, um... Unknown_02: Dragon lord for the same reason. I find it preposterous when people translate din hog to the hog Like I can figure I can figure out what a draw him Liz and I can figure out what din means when you say din hog I'm not like a fucking retard. I don't need to spell it out to me And what does this does knowing that it's the hog? Disambiguate it from other hogs are there like a couple other hogs that everyone knows about that you have to specify No, that's the hog Not to be confused with Dan Hogg or Dose Hogg. It's THE Hogg. It's the important one. Also, is there other lords? We have to remember that this is the Dragon Lord. Not to be confused with the Drake Lord. No, fuck off. 0:10:40 Unknown_02: Just spell it with the CH. This is stupid. He's a big boy. He was walking by what appears to be an Italian coffee place. And... 0:11:18 Unknown_02: I guess they're looking for food. But they're pointing out that the guy he's with is probably this dude, who, as he spells out in the post, is Nils Bokamp, who is the director, who is allegedly a director for a Netflix documentary. So there's a little video of it, too, which I'll play. Unknown_02: Oh, that's them in the far distance, I guess. Unknown_02: Oh, are they meeting up? No, he's just walking past. Unknown_02: But, yeah, here's my question for you, Chet. Okay. Why is Drakkenlord getting a documentary but not Chris? I thought about this for .3 seconds before I decided that the reason Drakkenlord must be getting a documentary but Chris is not is that Chris is trans. And you can't have, like, this fucking asshole that is Christian Weston Chandler represent the trans community. Whereas Drachenlord is a proud heterosexual white male. German, in fact. So he's the prime target for a Hasidic humiliation ritual. And Christian is an inopportune candidate for such a thing. 0:12:24 Unknown_02: The dragon lord is getting a documentary or i'm assuming they'll probably be a little bit fair to him i'm assuming that they'll be nice and say like oh he's I mean dragon lord has been legitimately victimized by like the people pilgriming to his fucking house and fucking with him and his tiny little shithole dwarf and and uh, bavaria, it's like Unknown_02: that's a bit fucked up people didn't even do that with christian a couple people went to christian's house but it wasn't like the the frequency that that the germans would would travel dozens of miles hundreds of miles just to see the shithole and get sprayed with a fire hose in front of jacqueline lord's house um but yeah i mean besides that it's like a one-to-one in terms of like his story and chris's story in terms of how much they got fucked with 0:13:21 Unknown_02: But, yeah. He's not as nice a face, I suppose, to... So you can kind of just unload and say, well, you know what? He is an asshole. Actually, I'm curious. Is anyone in chat, like, German that's, like, a huge follower of Dragon Lord? I'm very curious about something that only someone who actively follows this guy would know anything about. Is he... Unknown_02: right wing at all? Like, I know retards don't have any concept of politics, but, like, does he wear, like, the Wehrmacht hats and shit? 0:13:58 Unknown_02: He is right wing. Oh, he's fucked. They're gonna tear him in the asshole. This is your average neo-Nazi living in Germany today. His name's Drachenlord. He thinks he's the Lord of Dragons. He shits himself and gets fucked with online on the reg. Unknown_02: Uh... Unknown_02: I'm sure there's pictures of him doing the Hitler salute thing. Because if you are a politician or a prominent figure and you wave your hand, you will be 100% captured in video. And they will find the precise frame where it looks like you're doing a Nazi salute. They will always do that to you. 0:14:32 Unknown_07: Very strange. Okay, let me check chat. Unknown_07: Nine. Unknown_07: um i'm swiss in a follower oh geez my apologies i really hope dracon lord kills someone that's mean no he's not really but i'm sure they'll frame it that way he's pro internet blood sports there's a picture with him in the buzz cut oh no all right so he's fucked good luck to my boy dracon lord uh i don't know where the fuck this is i don't see like a sign that says welcome to munich 0:15:19 Unknown_07: I don't know. Unknown_07: Anyways, next up, something I vaguely know about, which is always the best kind of content. Unknown_02: There is an account on Twitter, as many sad stories begin, and this account is dedicated to transphobes posting their L's. Now, if you have ever looked at Twitter, you'd probably notice that there are a lot of meme accounts that just like post other shit from other like Twitter timelines. I think like the most popular one is dudes down bad. And it's like a guy, you know, it's like when a guy is like his girlfriend's unfaithful to him or whatever. And they catch like a glimpse of that and they post it and they're like, oh, this dude's down bad. It's like that. 0:15:52 Unknown_02: So, like, that's the caliber of shit. But then there's also, like, a ton of right-wing ones. I know there's one guy who's really, really, really dedicated to, like, Vouch fans posting Ls. I think he's, like, active on Fediverse and shit. Unknown_02: There's more, though. There's, like, a ton. The libs of TikTok is basically an Ls account where they're basically just posting dumb shit that someone said from TikTok and, like... 0:16:26 Unknown_02: lives of tiktok posts and there's but this guy wants to counter that signal he wants to have his pro trans thing showing the dark side the dumb side of the transphobic community and what a diverse and wonderful and merry a little group of misfits that we are chat so uh unfortunately for them they had four moderators i think two of them are vaguely um or not vaguely but are involved in 0:17:02 Unknown_02: What's the word? Zoo-philia. They want to fuck animals. Unknown_02: So after a little bit of a shitstorm, perhaps rightfully earned, they had to come out and say, hey, Axe mod here. So each of the mods had like an emoji that they were associated with. This is Axe mod. Unknown_02: want to make a statement i made this account to fight off an anti-trans account on my own accord no coercion no pretending nothing i made this account because it was a passionate passionate about what i want to fight for i came from a very dark place i came from the anti-community whenever i read anti i think of ants like on image boards the pedophiles who are like um posting lollicon They call anti-Lolicon people anti's. And now I'm just seeing anti everywhere. Like anytime someone wants to like is against something, they're now an anti, which is deeply unsettling to me when you say I'm from the anti community. 0:17:50 Unknown_02: I came from helping kids get out of grooming situations. I came from investigating the zoo status leaks. Oh, what a fucking hero. I'm sure. So basically, this guy, AxeMod, he's one of us. He's a Kiwi farmer. Big ups to my boy, Transphobes, posting L's AxeMod. I came from investigating the Zeus Hades leaks and investigating Kiro the Wolf and Sappho, etc. I've done fed shit. Yeah, it's scary. It's terrifying. I've had to live with the shit I've seen every day. It's in the back of my mind and it never leaves. This account was a respite from that. This account was a safe place where I could get away from that shit. The account was made to be bigger than just a gimmick account. It's my home. Now y'all got people tearing this shreds saying dog mod is a zoo ax mod is a zoo Stonehead mod is a zoo. Everyone's a zoo pedo sadist rapist transphobes, baby fur, etc Etc, etc. You're all fighting each other I don't know why i'm getting like black and southern as I read this because it's like i'm just imagining like A really buff black dude trying to like like a wise old black dude in the south trying to to teach 0:19:03 Unknown_02: Some sense to all the whippa snappers who are causing problems in the hood when they shouldn't be. That's how I'm imagining this. You're all fighting each other trying to cancel shit over someone who's not even here anymore. I hope you're happy. Now I'm going to make another statement. I'm seeing young teenagers, kids, start anti-Zoo accounts based off the drama from this account. These are kids who want to expose predators by exposing themselves to predators. Please do not. You don't know what you're getting into. Anyway, they've been removed. 0:19:46 Unknown_02: That's his big dramatic thing. I don't know who the fuck else I watched that was vaguely related to this drama. There's... I think it is this guy. Yeah. Unknown_02: Elite Shark Maniac. Because there was a guy... Is it right here where I get tagged? they make like a stream and it's two people and it's like a deeply autistic woman and um yeah that's it that's it's these two like a deeply autistic woman and her friend and they're all they're both trannies and they're like 0:20:26 Unknown_02: This drama sucks. And we're exposing this other guy. Who got us into trouble. And the way that they talk about it. It's like. I think that they're both. Unknown_02: Zoo files. Unknown_02: But. Unknown_02: they're um quote-unquote recovering zoo files in the i think it's close up on this page but like the way that they talked about it they were explaining like all this drama is so stupid because we're the antis we're the ones that are fighting zoo files we're believing in recovery 0:21:02 Unknown_02: and we believe in in uh getting people away oh in auto pedophilia the guy is an auto pedophile which means that he's a lollicon this is the digibro gambit as i say here he's not actually a pedophile because that wants to fuck kids when he jerks off the lollicon he's imagining himself as the little girl and it helps him with his trauma i'll play like a second of this because it's just so you can imbibe the autism without context Unknown_01: ...love her and I can't even fucking keep her. Oliver was gonna... Oh, this is him talking about how he wants to murder his cat. Unknown_02: Um... Oliver, this guy. Yeah, he was talking about how he wants to murder his cat. For whatever reason. I forget why. Unknown_01: And, um, couldn't keep the cat. I'm gonna skip ahead. Unknown_02: This is boring. Unknown_01: I... I do not like my ex. Unknown_01: Oh, boy. Unknown_02: Oh, she dated him. And he's like, yeah, I want to fucking murder animals. 0:21:59 Unknown_01: They're listening to, like, furry IBS. Unknown_02: I don't know how else to describe this. There's 48 people in a Discord yelling on top of each other and screaming the N-word. Wait. Unknown_02: Wait a second. What's that name I see dead on my screen in a Discord channel? Cedric Feedman. As in Cedric right fucking here on my forum. Cedric, why are you in a furry IBS Discord channel? Would you like to have an explanation posted as to why you're participating in a furry IBS Discord? That's a little bit sussy baka to me, Cedric. 0:22:34 Unknown_02: I don't know what you're doing up in there, but it's probably no good. He tagged me into this and said, look, this is a next Maddie topic. Because, like, furries are yelling at each other and shit. Unknown_02: I hope you're satisfied with my coverage. I really don't care. These people are all fucking gross. It is like I'm a recovering zoophile, and I'm now anti-touch zoophile autopedophilia, and I'm one of the good ones. I'm one of the good ones. I've only been super molested, and now I'm all fucked up, and I'm one of the good ones. 0:23:14 Unknown_09: Oh, geez. Expose the IP. Moving on. Away from the furry stuff. Unknown_02: oh and but i guess this is worth uh posting and reply to the cedric uh followed it up with a an image that the the cat killer posted i got fan art of me eating knoll and then it's like his weird gay furry thing like voring my my retard dog uh high quality art right there um This is actually a precursor to something else I'm going to read, which is really fucking weird and unsettling. 0:23:53 Unknown_02: Moving on. H3 has had a bad week this week. So Ethan Klein is a big anti-fan of Trisha Paytas. And he had the brilliant idea of basically setting up a... Unknown_02: a podcast like the original the biggest problem in the universe where which is you know dick and maddox made a ton of money hugely successful uh podcast i listened to i think all of it now i think i've gone through the entire um archive of biggest problem in the universe 0:24:41 Unknown_02: And it was a good show. It was a good show because basically Dick was the straight guy. So he would just like... All he had to do in that program, to be funny, was to goad... Unknown_02: Maddox into saying ridiculous shit and I kind of feel bad for Maddox because when I listen to it I pick up on the sense that he knew it was Retarded at least that's how it comes across. Apparently everyone says that no, he's actually just that retarded But it really feels like he was playing up a character like yeah, I'm the manliest man It's like a soy boy trying to say I'm super manly and all the opinions that I have are the most masculine opinions ever and he kind of plays into that so he's like he knows that he's playing like a retard character and leans into it. But those are like his actual opinions that are just a little bit more retarded than they actually are. But it was a good dynamic and it was very successful. And then H3 comes out and he puts out this podcast with Trisha Paytas called Frenemies, which was also massively successful. I think the most successful thing that either of them have ever done. 0:25:23 Unknown_02: And it was very much the same kind of thing where Ethan Klein, all he had to do was shut the fuck up and let Trisha say stupid shit. And that was the show. And it was always in a kind of. 0:25:58 Unknown_02: exploitative type of show because trisha is legitimately low iq she definitely has fetal alcohol syndrome her mother is an alcoholic um you can tell in her the way that she behaves she has um multiple personality disorders not as in multiple personality disorder but multiple uh disorders of the personality Unknown_02: And she's just dumb. And when Ethan and her talk, she just starts saying stupid shit about everything, especially about Jews, because Ethan's Jewish. And her husband now, Moses, his name is Moses. Unknown_02: And Moses, it's sort of like a weird dynamic where they started dating during the program. And it was really awkward because Moses is the brother of Hila Klein, who's Ethan Klein's wife. If you don't know who Hila Klein is, it's this. 0:26:59 Unknown_02: so trisha paytas married the the brother of this blank-eyed soulless automaton that runs down children in the street and i i recently played a game about this so it hits very close to home uh Unknown_02: And I think that the reason why Moses got with her to begin with is that her family and, and Ethan hate Tricia. 0:27:35 Unknown_02: They really fucking hate Tricia. So I think he just kind of got with Tricia because he wanted to piss off his family. That's the only thing I can think of. Cause he's like a super chill, mellow guy. And so it's just like very blase. Oh, um, you know, I don't like Hila in a way. Unknown_02: Um, Unknown_02: But then Trisha is just like this fucking psychotic crazy lady that just screams and blabbers on it like a thousand words a minute. Just completely insane and low IQ. 0:28:08 Unknown_02: But they got together and now after the show ended. Unknown_02: Because it was always very obvious that Ethan was just exploiting the fuck out of Trisha Paytas and how retarded she is to make money off of her through the program. Unknown_02: Supposedly it was 50-50, but it was like the profits were 50-50 and Ethan drew from the funds to first and foremost pay his own employees and stuff. I don't want to get into details about the financials, but there were some arguments about that. Unknown_02: Um, and then after the show ends, Trisha becomes like his, his real enemy. That's where the show, like they didn't like each other to begin with when the show started, but they both want to make money. So they made frenemies, but he's always kept tabs on her. And he always kept tabs on her through Trishy land, which is one of the, uh, most mean-spirited places i've ever seen and that's like i don't know i guess that sounds crazy coming from me but i mean it the people in this suburb and i can't even show you this but i've shown them before they legitimately want this bitch to fucking die they hate her they hate her fucking baby they hate her husband when she was posting pictures of her ultrasounds 0:29:21 Unknown_02: They were talking about how it's all fake, it's all staged. They were posting pictures of L.A., Hollywood sets of hospitals that you could rent. Everyone said, look, she just rented one of these, and she's just faking it. You can buy positive tests on Etsy. All this conspiracy shit to make up for how she's not pregnant. Even when she announces like, oh, my God, she she's so unfit to be a mother. She's probably already doing drugs and drinking right now and taking prescriptions that she shouldn't be while pregnant. We need to contact Child Protective Services. They were literally advocating contacting Child Protective Services on a fucking fetus. What are the CPS going to do about a baby in the womb? They cannot take that shit out. State mandated abortions are not yet a thing. So I don't know what the fuck they were expecting. But since the inception of that child, they have wanted to find a way to remove it from Trisha. 0:29:55 Unknown_02: And it's just insane. So she went back and DMCA'd, I guess, like a ton of shit and Reddit banned the account. So, Ethan Klein, let me say this wholeheartedly. Welcome to my world. This motherfucker has these dumbass sex workers on his fucking show. He brings up, like... uh people like bella dolphin onto his fucking program and then i fucks her while gila is sitting right there looking at him getting getting depressed having her spirit compacted into dust and he supports he supports the sex workers wholeheartedly and this is what happens they exploit copyright law to bring down a bunch of shit because nobody wants to fucking deal with an irate horse sending dmca complaints constantly dumbass And then of course, Tricia Lynn gets taken down. So now he's bored as fuck. And he decides to use, uh, his verified check mark to, uh, impersonate Elon Musk. And what, what funny, this is parody account right there. Ha ha. Very funny. Very obvious. A parody account based off, uh, if you actually open the profile and look at it and then you'll see it's a parody account. What is, what hilarious comedy does he decide to put out while disguised cleverly as Elon Musk? 0:31:09 Unknown_02: Um, Unknown_02: here gislaine maxwell is an extremely decent woman who i had the pleasure of meeting several years ago it's a shame how she's been demonized and ran over by the press hashtag free gislaine people are going to say the n-word on twitter that's the sacrifice i'm willing to accept for the cause of free speech which is pretty fucking base 0:31:50 Unknown_02: Elon says, yes, I could have ended world hunger instead of buying Twitter, but people don't understand the importance of having a free and open forum. If somebody dies of starvation in Sudan, it won't affect the world. But being able to say the end world on Twitter is a right we all deserve also incredibly fucking base. But this is the problem, like the obviously stupid one coming out. He also said some shit about Jeffrey Epstein, I think. Unknown_02: Yeah, even though Jeffrey Epstein committed horrible crimes, I still do miss him on nights like this for his warmth and camaraderie. Rest in peace, old friend. Dove with olive oil, olive branch emoji. Unknown_02: So he gets suspended for this, for impersonation, which is like the one thing that you cannot fucking do if you're a verified account. 0:32:34 Unknown_02: So, um... Unknown_02: I don't know what he's expecting. And then I think he goes off on his second account. Yeah, the H3 podcast is a second verified account. And he's crying. Comedy is dead on Twitter and Elon Musk killed it. And I can't help but feel that this is. Unknown_02: A trend now. When leftists do stupid shit and people hate them for it, they just say, oh, it's comedy. Like, literally, it's just a joke, bro. Like, that's it, but, like, twist it into, like, a poetic explanation. It is mere comedy, comrades. Why must we frown? Because Vito the Pedo does it, and so does Max Carson, Mr. Girl the Pedophile, because they... 0:33:05 Unknown_02: Uh, they say, haha, I'm a pedophile. Nope, just kidding. And then you get mad at them and you're like, well, I don't want to fucking be, I don't want anything to do with you if you're a pedophile. And you're like, it's just comedy, bro. It's just comedy. Calm down. Is comedy dead? And then, uh, Matt Carson does the same thing. He literally sings a song saying I'm a pedophile after he puts out a video about how he jerks off to the fucking cutie girls. And then, um, he's like, oh, take offense. So this is just comedy, bro. This video is about me, like, physically abusing my girlfriend. Like, comedy. Uh... I don't know. 0:33:43 Unknown_02: Is that the last free speech thing? I mean, I agree that it's free speech. I just don't think it's funny. I can totally understand why someone would ban you from their fucking platform. The Kiwi Farms bans people for impersonating people. If you join my website as Elon Musk, I'll probably get you to change your name and ask you to stop gimmick posting. If you try to pretend to be H3, you're probably going to get banned. 0:34:17 Unknown_02: This is like BBS 1.0 formals. It's not like impersonate people. I don't think that's too much to ask for. They always do this now. That's their version of freeze peach. Comedy is dead when they try to be abusive towards someone or to say the quiet part out loud and just backtrack it by saying, no, bro, it's just comedy. Unknown_07: Schrodinger's joke. Unknown_02: did you hear that destiny and mechs had a falling out they had like eight falling outs i don't know the one time i tuned into destiny's stream it was like him and stardust who was the lady that uh keffels had a melty at and called her a stupid fucking cunt or whatever and i thought oh okay fine i'll listen to destiny play starcraft because the site was down i was super bored and kind of sad and i thought um 0:35:10 Unknown_02: Fuck it, I'll listen to Destiny. I'll see what he has to say, if it's any interest. And it's just sort of like, he has Stardust on, and they're musing about drama. And it's kind of like, unless you know who all these people are, you don't care. Bausch is in there, I think, and he chimes in every so often. But then I start hearing the fucking voice, and I'm like, that's the pedophile. his pet and he just joins in on their private discord and that's how all this shit works it's through discord and he just like joins in it's like i started us i want to ask you questions about this other person's feelings it's like can we have this conversation without the fucking child molester and and in the mix is that like can we can we do that and then i emailed destiny i said destiny can you like stop being friends with chomos and didn't reply so 0:35:55 Unknown_02: Actually, I got banned from his Discord because I said Max Carson's a pedophile. And they thought, is that comedy, bro? Is that comedy? Are you being a comedian right now? I said, no, bro. No. No, they looked up that I had just joined that day, so they banned me. Unknown_02: Such is life. Such is life. Unknown_02: I just try to meet people, try to give people a chance, and I'm never rewarded for it. My infinite mercy is never rewarded for trying to give people a shot. I should just stop fucking trying at this point. Everyone lets me down. I fed up with this world. Everybody betray me. 0:36:31 Unknown_02: And then Elon lays down the law. Any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying parody will be permanently suspended. Unknown_02: I've appealed my kiwifarms.net suspension, and I hope it goes through. Not because I'm, like, desperate to get on Twitter. Unknown_02: I am desperate to make a joke. Unknown_02: Elon. Unknown_02: Let's all gather hands and pray. Dear God, I have a really, really funny joke to make. And if you just make it so that my account is unbanned and I can buy the verified checkmark, I will get $8 worth of joke out there into the world and the net joy of the entire collective human spirit will be raised. 0:37:06 Unknown_02: This is an ephemeral push that can be accomplished and I believe deserves to be made. So thank you. Thank you guys for your consideration. Please unban my Twitter account. Unknown_02: Oh, Nick. Unknown_02: Oh, okay. I'm going to find a clever way to say something without going too deep into it. Nick Fuentes is a big fan of this, so I heard. It would be funny if Nick Fuentes was allowed to have a Twitter account and be verified, as I believe he should be because he is a... 0:37:56 Unknown_02: Political entity, uh, been cited in many publications. I think that it's important that he be able to identify himself on a public platform and have a verified check mark. So, uh, Nick Fuentes is a big fan of these changes and I can imagine why. Um, however, I'm aware that certain other people who are already verified, um, Unknown_02: Are not pleased. Just hypothetically speaking. It would be funny. If Nick Fuentes was your friend. Who is supporting these changes. And you do not support these changes. But you have to pretend like you do support these changes. Anyways. Even though you're really fucking butthurt about it. And do hour long screaming segments on your show. About how upset you are. In a purely theoretical world. That would be fucking funny. 0:38:30 Unknown_02: To hear about. But thankfully, Nick Fuentes has chosen good friends, sane friends, who are, of course, going to be truly supportive of these changes because it benefits everybody and not just them. 0:39:03 Unknown_07: Would you consider interviewing DSP? Unknown_02: I should make you pay for this, but I just saw your comment. I've asked to interview DSP before. He said no. Unknown_02: Now for the the true meat the true quality content of this of this stream Um, I was I was asked I briefly talked about this last stream But I didn't have any notes for it and i'm glad that I didn't because it's funny enough to go over in whole chantal Who for the sake of 0:39:37 Unknown_02: For the benefit of those who may not know, just for the fewest words possible, Chantal is a Canadian. She started YouTubing like three or four years ago. Her content was mukbangs. She would eat. She had a black husband who was from Senegal. Unknown_02: And she was, besides the fact that she was very fat and married to a Senegalese man, very normal. Unknown_02: Just that. And ate on camera. Unknown_02: And then at some point her entire life fell apart. Unknown_02: She, um, she broke up, her husband broke up with her. 0:40:18 Unknown_02: She lost her, her reproductive organs. She had a phase where she just ate like multiple times a day and smoked weed until she could not think or do anything. Then she got into an abusive relationship with a Egyptian man called Nader who did methamphetamine and they just smoked crystal meth together and Unknown_02: She had an extremely abusive relationship with this guy who wanted to have multiple girls. He co-hosted her into a threesome polycule with him and some other fat bitch named Didi. She went on about this for a fucking year. Could not get over this retard. Broke up and got back together eight times. And then spontaneously this month she converted to Islam. 0:40:51 Unknown_02: And now she is streaming in a hijab. She has met a man in Kuwait. She has flown to Kuwait. And she has met... Unknown_02: who appears to be Andy Worsky. Now, I always thought that Andy Worsky was a Portuguese man living in Canada. I am wrong. Andy Worsky has been living in Kuwait this entire time, and he's a chubby chaser. Now, we knew that part already from his previous hookups with other women, but now we know that Andy Worsky is actually Kuwaiti. This has been the greatest ruse ever played, and he has met Chantal in the Middle East, not the Far East. 0:41:22 Unknown_02: So they met up. That's her. That's her in Kuwait. That's them at the airport. Unknown_02: From what I understand, the Kuwaiti airport is one of the largest in the region. And she put out a blog, which I will watch a couple minutes with you guys. Because it's pretty funny. Let's see here. Where are my notes? Notes! 20 seconds to 40 seconds. Unknown_02: Oh, perfect. This is just them talking, I guess. 0:41:59 Unknown_05: Also, here's the surprise you've been waiting for. Unknown_03: Hello guys, how are you? Hello friends, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? I hope you will enjoy our video today with a nice view. So, get ready. Unknown_02: Let's go. A Kuwaiti man speaking French and German. Is there anything... Unknown_02: name name a better duo than that come on now uh so she meets up i mean in his credit the guy looks very normal if he speaks that many languages he looks well dressed um if he speaks that many languages he can't be unemployed he can't be uneducated 0:42:52 Unknown_02: Seems fine. It's and that's why like a lot of people like for people on the forum are coping and sneed and say no chant out can't possibly met somebody who wasn't trying to wear her as a coat or whatever, but He seems chill. There's more to this actually. Oh He's Syrian That explains the French. We don't know the Syrian mandate was I broke the stream 0:43:24 Unknown_07: The stream is not working, is it? Unknown_07: Chantal nuked us. Unknown_02: Let me try rebooting Odyssey. The Odyssey people are the special needs. Unfortunately, it's also the most popular format. Let me see if I can do... We're back. Okay, fine. Just F5. Sorry. Unknown_02: So he's from Syria. The Syrian mandate was historically French, which explains why he knows French. As far as knowing Spanish and German, I assume it's either business or he just has a love of language, which is perfectly understandable. I wish I could learn a bunch of languages. Unfortunately, I'm a retard. I'm American. I do not speak any language. I speak English, kind of. I speak American, kind of. So I'm a little bit jealous of that. 0:44:01 Unknown_02: There's more to this that I wanted to show. There's about a couple minutes at the end. Awesome. Just them and their little date. Unknown_02: Their little talking on the road. If you wanted to go to Bubian Island, it would be that way. 0:44:36 Unknown_04: We'll do it another time, but it's the biggest island in Kuwait. Unknown_02: Wrong time stamp. Wrong time stamp. I'm going to return. Unknown_02: Want to show you the um roundabout that they end up at Oh my god Sorry, I did not time stamp this I thought that I would show you the part where they're like in the um The thing that's spinning around Someone else's I i'm very embarrassed because I know what's coming in this right now at this stamp And you're gonna think i'm a fucking weirdo for showing you baby 0:45:11 Unknown_05: So I'm excited to try some Kool-Aid Burger King So so now he's filming he comes in is like hey, baby Pepe here's your Burger King and then he gives him the Burger King and now he's just gonna sit there in his car filming her as she eats Burger King and Unknown_02: Now, why would this nice-looking, young, multicultural, multifaceted Andy Worsky man possibly want to hook up with Chantel, who is this? Unknown_02: Could it be? Unknown_02: Could it be that my man has a particular kind of inclination that compels him to bring Burger King to Chantel? Could it be? Unknown_05: So, I mean... 0:46:05 Unknown_02: Now, you all make jokes about me, but I do believe that, in seriousness, my man here is a feeder fetishist. Unknown_02: And he's in the right place, too, because, if you don't know, Kuwait is the fattest country in the world. It is a country where you have nothing else to do in the sweltering hot desert, where you have a decent amount of money to sit inside and... Unknown_02: And eat. And that's basically it. Just food for thought, chat. Not to feed you or anything. Unknown_02: Oh, also, they got married. They've already gotten married. You can see the ring there. Interesting. To kind of give you an idea of how... 0:46:47 Unknown_02: What's the word? Unknown_02: How angry, how jealous even maybe the Karens of the beauty parlor are. They started like picking the jewelry. Like I'm not like a jeweler. Okay. I know a little bit about silver, but that's about it. Um, the ring looks fine, I guess a little bit gaudy, but they started saying like, he can't wear a ring. He can't wear a ring. Cause that's white gold. 0:47:19 Unknown_02: It's true in Islam. You're not supposed to wear yellow gold as jewelry Because it's considered feminine and it is against the Quran to to dress feminine if you are a man very interesting commandment it's also in the bible but it's very explicit about yellow gold being a woman's metal um so they're saying that's yellow gold and that's or white gold that's haram he's not being a very good muslim it's just like um that could just be silver and it's not so much that it's made of gold it's that it's um 0:47:58 Unknown_02: It's not wearing yellow gold is what's immodest for a man in Islam. Just to clarify, another gold fact for everybody. Yes, she met this guy this weekend. They're already married. I don't know. I guess under Kuwaiti law, they're married. Very interesting. Unknown_02: I'm sure that will come to fruition. Unknown_02: She also posted a video a vlog is kind of embarrassing This is before she flew out I believe and she's talking about nadir about how she's become a modest Muslim Queen and she has moved past the bad parts of her life question for Salah What do you enjoy about Chantal after meeting her in person? 0:48:41 Unknown_02: Oh? No, they're streaming together. I'm sorry. I Think he's eating Unknown_03: what did i enjoy everything it's simply thank you honey you're most welcome i know he's eating and just what did you most enjoy everything they're trying to press her for he'll answer he sees it sofa 0:49:22 Unknown_02: For a good answer. I don't know. They're saying that's awkward and he doesn't have a real reason for liking her. Unknown_02: But sometimes guys are bad at compliments. I'll let you be the judge. I'm not going to read into that 50 second clip and try to figure out their relationship. It's kind of stupid. I only do that with other people. Unknown_02: They are going to kick Pete's out though. Spoiler alert. Unknown_05: Hi. Unknown_05: So here's the thing. Yeah, so here's the thing with that like They're asking because she's being modest now and pete's wasn't allowed into her room because she's he's a man That's not related to her They're asking how is peace going to continue to live with you if you're married and also you're not related to him or married To him it's as a friend. Um It was never my intention and he's aware of this to ever live with him ongoing like to never 0:50:09 Unknown_05: My priorities in life have changed like to the point where I I found love i'm Married, I want to have a family. I want to be I want to do different things with my life So yes, it's not about being mean. It's not about being a bad friend. It's not it's not about i'm Sorry every time I see him. Unknown_02: I just think that's andy warsky. That is andy warsky That looks exactly like andy warsky. I need to find a picture of andy warsky to put side by side at all 0:50:47 Unknown_05: Good to see a new wedding gown. Langley. Um... Maybe. Pizza's not Chantal's husband. Yes. Unknown_05: Yeah, I'm not responsible for like a, you know... Unknown_05: Everyone's responsible for their selves, and life changes, circumstances change, and I can assure you everyone is doing fine, you know. A married woman should be living with their ex. Doesn't make her a bad friend. Exactly. Things have changed. It's time for Pete. Yes. Yes, exactly, Aisha. 0:51:18 Unknown_03: Very good answer. Unknown_05: Yes, Aisha's answer, yes. Unknown_03: Because it's logical things. No need to ask that question. Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_03: How a married wife talks with an ex-boyfriend. Unknown_03: Doesn't make any sense. Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_05: I mean, like, Pizza's been my friend for many, many, many years, so it's a different situation, and Salah's understanding of that... We all have friends. Yeah. 0:51:52 Unknown_03: With full respect. Unknown_02: I mean, okay, look. Unknown_05: Exactly. I... Unknown_02: I know it's fun to hate on Natter especially because he had an anti-Pete's thing going on. But I cannot even fucking imagine dating a woman living with her ex. I don't give a fuck if he's the most pathetic, down-bad, transgender, what the fuck ever. That is a level of complexity in your relationship that should not exist. Like, that is just asking for trouble. It literally does not matter who it is. That is asking for fucking problems and arguments that nobody, and she's especially like, no, I'm not going to, like, move out. Like, that's a red flag right there. What the fuck do you mean you're not going to move out? Why can you not move out from your ex-boyfriend's house? Why can you not remove your ex-boyfriend from your house? That's stupid. So, yeah, good answer is what he says, and I concur. 0:52:24 Unknown_02: Now there might, it is possible, right? It is possible that he's just upset for completely reasonable grounds, or this could be a conspiracy. This is plan B. This is the more fun option because Pete's has exposed Chantel. 0:53:02 Unknown_02: Pete's has been living a week by himself. Unknown_02: He is unable to feed himself in any way, shape, or form. He has no idea how to function. He is a completely socially inept person, unable to clean or feed himself without Chantel's help. And he decides to weigh himself on her scale. Of course, he doesn't have his own scale. So he says, oh, I'll just get Chantel's scale. I'll weigh myself because someone asked, how much do you weigh? And I'll tell them. So what has happened? 0:53:39 Unknown_02: Yeah, there's no way I'm a hundred pounds 109 pounds Pete's weighs 109 pounds or Unknown_02: Or, chat, could it be that Pete's weighs 209 pounds and somebody has set their scale 100 pounds lighter than it should be for whatever nefarious purpose? 0:54:15 Unknown_02: Hmm. So therefore, is it that Pete has accidentally exposed the Gunt for being 100 pounds heavier than everyone thought it was, and now he is being evicted for his crimes, his terrible crimes against the hand that feeds, which would be Chantel's hand. Unknown_02: Stop the scale. Stop the count. Even the scales lie. Unknown_07: Okay. 0:54:46 Unknown_02: Jersh, how much do you weigh? 109.4 kilograms. Unknown_07: Oh, dude. What is... What is the... What are the odds? It's the exact same number. Unknown_13: It's 109.4. I weighed in this morning. That is fucking crazy. Unknown_02: Unless my brain has been like... But no, I remember it was a big deal because I was under 110 for the first time. That is fucking obscene. It's the same number. The odds of that are astronomically incalculable, okay? Do you fucking understand? 0:55:22 Unknown_02: Everyone get those louder numbers. Synchronicity, exactly, exactly. Now the bridge collapses. Yeah, 109.4. I will not be under 100 kilograms. I will not be under 100 by the end of the year, probably. Because once December rolls around, I'm obviously going to fucking eat as much as I can. But I've been good. I was bad when things were rough with the site. I ordered out more because I didn't have time to cook or go grocery shopping. I literally just ate out like four times a week. 0:55:57 Unknown_02: Thankfully, I didn't gain too much weight because I just had like one big meal a day, but... Unknown_02: Now I'm doing like a hard diet for November so that when December comes and all the tasty winter stuff has been rolled out, I may eat and regain some weight and prepare to lose more weight next year. As is tradition, as is tradition. Unknown_02: So, The Other Fat. The Other Fat put out this very interesting TikTok video and... Unknown_02: Oh, no. TikTok video gone. I can't believe it, chat. I guess Amberlynn will not be roasted today because she deleted the video that was very hysterical. And now I have no way... Actually, chat... 0:56:31 Unknown_02: I clipped it. I myself saw this video and laughed out loud so fucking hard that I immediately decided to download and clip it. Unknown_02: So this is the only TikTok video I've ever seen that made me laugh out loud. And I hope you enjoy. I clipped it in such a way you can see the title. Unknown_02: Rarity Cat posted, relapse is painful. So this is a video about relapse. I hate the tears that I ain't come out. 0:57:10 Unknown_02: She's crying, chat, she's crying. It's very emotional. I don't know, she's reaching for the hard stuff. Ah, no! Not the cookies! Not the chips, ahoy! No! Unknown_02: You can imagine why she deleted this, because it is unintentionally comedic gold. Probably the funniest fucking thing she's put out in years at this point. I got laughed when I saw it. 0:57:45 Unknown_02: Soft Chips Ahoy is disgusting. I like the soft one. Soft Chips Ahoy reminds me of my grandma. Unknown_02: That was her favorite. My grandma was so bad to try and lose weight around, because she would always have these snacks hidden everywhere. She had... Unknown_02: Soft Chips Ahoy were some of her favorite. Unknown_02: She also had those little Ritz crackers that were super buttery and flaky. Those were always in the cabinet. Unknown_02: If I was a hungry boy living in that house, I would tear down some fucking Ritz crackers that I knew were around somewhere. 0:58:20 Unknown_02: A couple other Pop-Tarts and stuff, too. Always, always sweets hidden. Unknown_07: Chips Ahoy among them. Unknown_07: Anyways. Unknown_07: What's next? Unknown_02: This will be a... For the last couple weeks, I've been talking a lot about the Troon shit. And this is kind of an update to it, but there's not much to say. I'll save it for the end. Just real briefly, I'd like Keffels and Liz Fong Jones, Liz Dong Gong, are up to. Keffels has basically... Unknown_02: gone quiet they put out this video i think i might have played it where they not even they put a video like this weekend where they're like this is an update i'm real sad i want to kill myself it's been real dark um they tried prettying up they're wearing like fake eyelashes and they're wearing makeup again and keffield usually doesn't wear makeup 0:59:14 Unknown_02: And that is to his benefit as far as I'm concerned. Because when I see Kefals in makeup, I think of Queen Kefals, the fart dominatrix. So made up Kefals just looks like, reminds me of someone holding a machete. Unknown_02: But he's basically hiding on Twitch to very dwindling views and is in like his Discord hug box. But he said this in one of his streams that someone clipped and I thought it was interesting. Unknown_02: Something awful who is a very good user, by the way. Unknown_06: I have lost basically all my faith in the idea of there even being any sort of coherent trans community because I've realized that trans people are incredibly vicious and they eat their own and at this current moment I am being bullied worse by trans people on Twitter than I am by kiwifarms. They are actually more vicious towards me. 1:00:10 Unknown_02: Actually, can I find this? This is a really when I hear this something just goes off in my head Ah, I can find it from a very old Comedy Central show Just like trans people are vicious Trans people are mentally ill and difficult to be around Trans people are giving me more grief than the Kiwi farms is now. Oh 1:00:44 Unknown_02: Like, yeah, idiot, you're surrounded by fucking lunatics who cut off their own dick. You think they're sane? You think they're going to form a cohesive union and work together towards a common goal? Unknown_12: What the fuck? Unknown_02: I really wish I could find the autoplay button and just fucking break it forever. Unknown_09: Whatever. Unknown_02: Yeah. Yeah. No shit. I hope you're happy. You want it to be a famous leader of the trans community. And now everybody, guess what? You want to talk about crab in the bucket crab mentality. What do you think those people are? They want to be famous too. They want to have the Patreon that makes thousands of dollars a month without having to do anything. They want to play their video games and make money doing it. They want to get $100,000 and be a professional victim. Those people want what you have, nigga. And if they can make you look bad, then guess what? That makes them look good. That makes them a paragon of virtue in a community by taking down one of the bad ones. 1:01:47 Unknown_02: one of the bad ones and you got you got a lot of fucking dirt and maybe more maybe more than most people so they're gonna try to take you down and then say like look i cleanse the i'm one of the anti's the anti kid i'm i'm an anti-groomer in the trans community i'm a better looking face for the trans community than you are and they're gonna try to like fucking climb on you crab bucket your ass climb on top of your crab bucket ass and then climb out themselves because they want what you got motherfucker Uh deal with it. Those are your homies. Those are your peoples You got what you wanted. I hope it was worth it um conversely with liz fong jones who is now like I guess keff was kind of realized that the news cycle had moved on and they're not happy in their current position They're just like fuck it. I'm just gonna play video games and try to move past like the kiwi farm shit There's no point dwelling on it anymore and it's like at this point if you try to like Unknown_02: Like, you got Cloudflare drop, that's like a huge win, right? Might as well take the win and fuck off. And I know that Kiwi Farms will probably continue to make fun of me for however long, but whatever. 1:02:45 Unknown_07: Liz Fong Jones is like... Unknown_07: I would say that Liz Fung Jones is probably as bad. Unknown_02: It's hard for me to say because I don't know the extent. I know Vordrak for sure is like a dangerous, dangerous psychopath who has no problems tormenting children, has no problems going after families of people you have a business relationship with, calling random people pedophiles, and for some reason nobody has ever taken a hammer and smashed his hands. Like Vordrak, I don't know how the fuck he gets away with that because he chooses his targets really well. 1:03:26 Unknown_02: But in a more like any other time in history, if you tried to be Vordrak, you would have been fucking killed for it. Liz Stone Jones, I don't know. Unknown_02: Liz Fong Jones is like... Definitely... I would classify him as a sadist. He has a BDSM kink. He likes to do anonymous BDSM kink master shit. He's real fucking creepy and weird. Unknown_02: And... Apparently... Uh, his spouse and his friend, apparently when he either, I don't want to say the details, but there's some weird thing going on with his friends and the company he's working for called honeycomb. There's some weird shit with that, that people have talked about, but I don't want to try to repeat it cause I'll get it wrong. And it's involving the, the GR, the GR slur. So, uh, I want to be careful in saying that. 1:04:08 Unknown_02: Um, but yeah, I get vibes that he's like a sadist. He just wants to like fuck with people. And the fact that there's a site with women on it that he can't fuck with, uh, pisses him off. So now that he's on Twitter and he's no longer in power on Twitter, um, his little weasels in the Twitter company have been fired for being useless bureaucrats. He's privated his tweets and moved his campaigning to a obscure platform called co-hosts. 1:04:45 Unknown_02: where he now talks to himself and in this he's outlining um what he calls literally the current state of the kiwi farms deplatforming campaign um also it was written under the prior headline um how i commit tortuous interference and get away with it but he changed it because he thought this one was better sounding and then basically goes over how he's systematically going down the list of peers to try and break the internet and he's not having any luck Unknown_02: Um, and there's not much more to say about that. Uh, there are, there, I'm still, it's kind of like in Victoria three. Okay. And Vicky three, when you declare a war on someone, you have to say what you want. And then there is a diplomatic phase where parties have the chance to back out, you know, chance to get allies and get together and stuff. And there's a chance to resolve things without actually going to war. Um, Unknown_02: That is basically what we're doing right now. The allies have been drawn up. The ISPs are deciding whether or not to back down or to continue to full-scale retard war. And if the order is given, if I deem it beneficial, I will progress this play to full-scale retard war. 1:05:41 Unknown_02: I'm talking about getting people to phone ISPs with exact write-ups of how to do so, how to find out if you're impacted by the downtime and who to contact and what to say on the phone to get to network operations so that you can file a correct, accurate complaint and get things done. How to contact your state congressman, how to contact your federal congressman. I'll contact media and stuff about it because if... 1:06:17 Unknown_02: Liz Fong Jones is at the precipice of accomplishing something which has never happened in human history, which is to have tier one providers organize to remove a website from the internet. Unknown_02: And that is a retard war worth going to full scale retard attack over. And I mean it. It's something that I believe can be won too, very easily. Even for a retard website like mine, I think that the retard war can be won. It's like the famous quote from Oldboy. 1:06:54 Unknown_02: Even though I am no better than a beast, don't I have a right to live? Unknown_02: That's how I feel. It's a retard website. It's no better than a beast. But does it not have a right to live? And at this point, if the backbones say no, then it's like you don't get to live. Unless you go to full-scale retard war and win. And that is the only option available to us. um like there are tens of thousands of people who visit the site every day i'm sure and and like three fucking retards who read this blog and give a fuck about what this gross tranny freak has to say i guarantee you that when push comes to shove the retard war will end up in our favor especially once isps realize that if it does go to full to national retard conflict with retards in the street yelling at each other it may eventually be legislated and they are terrified of um congress legislating the internet they don't want that so i guarantee you that once we end up in the late scale retard diplomatic play and war is about to break out the great nations of alphabet and meta and twitter and what have you will side with us because we are the side that says fuck off and that's what they want more so than anything else card con one exactly so 1:07:44 Unknown_02: I mean it. You know I mean it. Unknown_02: If my site goes down, I have nothing else to do besides go to Retard War. I'll put it up on tour, and in the final months before the 10th anniversary of the Kiwi Farms, I will prepare the march on Washington. The million retard march to the steps of the White House. I will give an exhilarating speech about how I fucking hate the internet and everybody on it. 1:08:42 Unknown_07: anyways uh so that being said that's the update on the the tranny conflict the diplomatic play things are heating up but things are very very optimistic um uh things are very optimistic because i i have received words from various um Unknown_02: from networks and there, there's been some back and forth and there's a liberation and there, there seems to be in an, uh, an understanding, a hesitant understanding that this is retarded. Like in the actual sense, this is fucking stupid to try and capitulate on this level. So I remain optimistic that things will unfortunately end with a full scale retard conflict. 1:09:37 Unknown_02: And on that note, I owe everybody a little something something. Unknown_07: A little something something. Unknown_07: Actually, no. Hold up. Before I do that. Unknown_02: There is something that I meant to read. I hinted at this a while back, but I'm going to read this now. This is a fan of Liz Fong Jones who writes comments about how, literally sexually charged comments about how Liz Fong Jones is so sexy and dominating, how Kiwi Farms and Josh Moon are so sexually dominated by Liz Fong Jones. It's really weird energy from this guy. Um, but unfortunately for us, the, the trunes have acquired the death note and you know what that means. So I'm going to, I'm going to read you a fanfic about me by, um, Steven Veach, who is Liz Fong Jones's only fan. You ready? 1:10:12 Unknown_02: Stephanie Wong, I am very glad I gave you the Death Note, he finally said. Then he decided to get to the heart of the matter. Now, you have attended to my needs. Over the last four days, you have asked me unceasing questions on the property of the Death Note. I admire your cautiousness and intelligence, but I must ask, who will be your first kill? You must use it eventually. Without hesitation, Stephanie Wong walked into her computer room, pulled up Wikipedia, and looked up the entry for, quote-unquote, Kiwi Farms. sir she said seriously oh sorry sir see she said seriously that's like a alliteration sir she said seriously as she got the death note out from her drawer here is my first kill taking out the pen she quickly wrote the following into the death note joshua moon decapitation a perfect target ryuk said pleasantly surprised oh because ryuk ryuk says trans rights 1:11:27 Unknown_02: You know, if you have Shinigami eyes, you see a Trani's dead name on their head. Unknown_02: Over the last few days, he had learned that Stephanie was an American leftist and a strong supporter of LGBT rights. This was a logical, reasonable target. He approved of her judgment. Now, Stephanie Ryuk said ominously, watch. It was hard to go out in public these days. Everyone hated him. Keffels completely destroyed his life, and now he could barely go out in public without watching his back. Still, at least he could get a pack of cigarettes. Yeah, I got the voice of a smoker, if you can't tell. There he is. As he walked out of the gas station, three people rushed towards him. Before he could even respond, two of them hit his legs with baseball bats and forced him to his knees. well well well joshua moon's eyes widened in horror as he realized the man who said that was slowly walking towards him with what looked to be a katana sword all while two other people had forced him to his knees and held his arms out to keep him immobile joshua moon the man said with the the sword or with the sword said slowly then he raised it above his head as if to strike this is for my trans sister that killed herself scumbag no no please i i guess i say but he doesn't actually denote that any further protests from joshua moon were cut off as the katana slammed into his neck severing his head from his body and abruptly ending his life 1:12:56 Unknown_02: Ten minutes later, Stephanie Wong found a delightful message from Keffel's Twitter account. Holy shit. Wait, wait. Holy shit. Someone just executed Joshua Moon with a sword. Not kidding. Also not going to lie. Unknown_02: He deserved it. Thoroughly. Sir, she said, returning to Ryuk and smiling. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I know a lot of people hate the 2017 movie, but I think it's fun to turn... Oh wait, this is like an epilogue. So that's the end of it. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I know a lot of people hate the 2017 movie, but I think it's fun and it'll turn your brains off straight away. Thanks for inspiring me to make my first kill decapitation. Also, if you're reading this, Joshua, you deserve worse than decapitation. I was being kind. Review, please. 10 out of 10. Would read again. Thank you. Steven Veach. 1:13:31 Unknown_02: I hope that your dreams will come true and Liz Fong Jones will fuck your ass with a strap on. Good luck with that. Unknown_02: Now we can progress to the thing that I owe everyone. Because I keep bringing it up, but I never get a chance to get to it. 1:14:03 Unknown_02: Trans lesbian dating profiles. Unknown_02: Classic. Unknown_02: A classic chat. Everyone loves it. Let's read some. I stole this from Locale Farm. Thank you, Locale Farm, for letting me steal your content. Name, May, age 37. Sexuality, bi... Four out of ten. I read it. Steven, I changed my mind. I rate that a 4.1. Unknown_02: Sexuality, bi, lesbian. Gender, androgyne. Bi, gender, man, woman, and salmacean. Salmacean. 1:14:36 Unknown_02: Dalmatians desire a non-conforming genital configuration usually achieved through surgery or other body altering procedures. Wow. Unknown_02: Yeah, just... Unknown_02: You walk into the gender reassignment clinic in Thailand and you say, yeah, buddy, just fucked my shit up. And then you come out, you got three dicks. All of them look like shit in a, in a am hole. And you're like, yeah, now I'm a proper Salmation. 1:15:13 Unknown_02: Pronouns. She, her, he, him. Shit. He or he. Unknown_08: How is this real? Unknown_08: It's so much funnier when you try to say it. 1:15:57 Unknown_09: It's like I'm trying to do a really, really racist Chinese accent. Unknown_09: Oh, that's excellent. Unknown_02: Relationship status. Very openly poly relationship with five amazing partners. Unknown_02: Location, Toronto, eh? Unknown_02: Favorite color, purple and red. Will you reply fast? Probably, but I get hyper-focused. Unknown_02: Favorite things to do. Gaming and metal. Horns emoji. Cat. Horns emoji. Guitar. Reading it. Watching stuff about my special interests. 1:16:33 Unknown_02: Fears. Afraid I'll be stuck in my bigender dysphoric hell forever. Conventional social dysphoria is non-existent, but my body dysphoria is. Dead emoji. Unknown_02: I am also Cat Enby. I don't really consider myself a furry. I'm more like an anime Neko Mimi while Neko Enby... Holy fuck, this is mentally ill. Unknown_02: Many pictures needed for my full range of presentations, and yes, I often dress very feminine and refuse to talk. Also refuse to bind when presenting masks. Not that I have much to bind. Holy shit. Is this... 1:17:06 Unknown_02: Are we that far gone where this is not a joke? This is not like... He looks like the retarded kid from South Park. You know, Mimsy and the other guy. Unknown_07: You know who the fuck I mean, though. Hold up. Unknown_07: This guy. Oh, is this not going to play because I'm on a proxy? Fuck off. 1:17:40 Unknown_07: I got like a, ah, this guy. Yes! Come on, please work. I just want to show people, someone they obviously probably know. Unknown_02: This guy. This is definitely him. It's the same fucking person. He's now, um, especially when he has his sunglasses on. Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah, this one. When you put the sunglasses on, you got a dead ringer right here. That is, that is dead ringer. Nathan, thank you. 1:18:12 Unknown_02: Okay, let's go over to the next one. I have to be careful how I read these. Unknown_02: Name, Riot. Age, 42. Sexuality, pan, poly. Gender, gender fluid. Unknown_02: Pronouns, they, them. Relationship status, single. Location, Jersey. Joy-Z. Favorite color, black. Will you reply fast? Depends. That's not... What the fuck does that mean? If I think you're cute, I will reply fast. If not, fuck off. Unknown_02: Favorite things to do. Listen to music. Hang with my doggy. Says a 42 year old pan Polly. They, them doggy success. There's a fear letting my guard down, letting people get to know me. Image description. I hate doing these. So picture instead. 1:18:44 Unknown_07: Nice. Unknown_07: Nice. 42 year old. Unknown_07: Luck riot. Um, I'm not sure if this is a part of rights bio or below, um, Unknown_02: This person says, I've been struggling a bit with my mental health recently, being in B, poly, and on the tail end of divorce. Wow, this guy is a winner. I've been struggling a bit with my mental health recently, being in B, poly, and on the tail end of divorce, and being a full-time single parent has really made dating difficult, and I haven't really connected with too many people in the past two years. The people who I do connect with often live far away, and I'm somehow the romantic guy to help them find the next partner. I really hate being the epicenter of the Bible Belt, y'all. 1:19:19 Unknown_07: I think that one's the part of the next one. 1:19:53 Unknown_07: I always felt like I wasn't fully female and not a male, but just me. Unknown_02: Pictured in June. Pride month I came out. Pan and poly. I have a cis male partner and a cis female partner and a trans male partner. And they all support and love me. Oh, so this is the... Okay, this is the trans... The trans woman, I guess. Okay. Unknown_02: Wow, those filters are cranked up. Look how different they look when the filtered version versus the real version of them. Unknown_02: This is a person who's probably in her late 30s, early 40s. Unknown_02: Probably mid-40s. And they're like, yeah, I'm finding myself. I'm in my 40s and I have two kids, but I'm finding myself. I live in Oklahoma. Take that Oklahoma guy who keeps telling me to buy a house in Oklahoma. 1:20:28 Unknown_07: Okay, this is the black guy, I think. Unknown_07: um hi i'm hd they i don't know what hd means they them mostly but he and she are acceptable from other queer and trans people oh so they them unless you're also a fucking weirdo and then you can say whatever you want what does hd mean huge dick thanks brontosaurus 1:21:09 Unknown_02: Um, 36 pan polyamorous. I've been lurking for a bit. I'm an artist and a creative in Michigan. I recently discovered most of myself through my own work retroactively Lamal, but I really love meeting and learning about other non-binary folk. And I'm so, so happy to be here. If there are certain guidelines you have to meet for introductions, hopefully this doesn't violate them. Unknown_07: It's a very white post. Unknown_07: You know what I mean? It sounds like a white guy made that. Unknown_02: But that guy has the same kind of facial hair as Boogie. You think Boogie is like 1 16th black and it's just his facial hair that he got from black people? 1:21:48 Unknown_07: The world wonders. Unknown_07: There you go. Unknown_07: The absolute state of trans people. Unknown_07: And that's it. Unknown_02: That's my roundup. Did I miss anything? Unknown_02: Talk about Boogie. Is he dead? Oh, no. Poor Boogie. Rest in peace, dead guy. Unknown_02: Patches. Patches will be up when I can get them up. That's all I can say. Hopefully this week. Probably not. It's the weekend already, so no. Next week, maybe. I'm trying my best. A lot of bullshit. Boogie got an OnlyFans. Yeah, I don't know what the fuck's going to be on that. He's just an attention whore. 1:22:19 Unknown_02: Talk about Chinese GPUs. I haven't heard anything about them. Unknown_02: Better versus when, when I can. Unknown_02: Like, I have to figure out what to do with my old hardware now. Because it's literally doing nothing. So I'm trying to figure out. I might have to move data centers or something. 1:22:52 Unknown_02: Didn't Yaniv do something interesting this week? Unknown_07: Yes. Unknown_07: Yes, he did. You're right. I remember this. Unknown_07: Let me see if I can find it real quick. Unknown_07: He's, like, getting sued or something. Unknown_02: Or he's, like, threatening to sue more people. Here, I can pull this up real quick. Unknown_02: In case you're wondering, if you haven't already, you should subscribe to the Data Video Games channel on YouTube. I will do streams on those. If you're not on the Telegram, you need to be on the Telegram. I can actually announce. 1:23:26 Unknown_07: Let's see here. Unknown_07: Okay, so. Unknown_02: Hopefully this page will load. I've been having some issues getting this to open on Firefox, and I have to look into that. Unknown_02: Yanev Ran for VP of Equity and Sustainability at the Simon Fraser Student Society. Unknown_02: He got 17 votes. I don't know what the fuck those people were. I would feel really bad if I was Thomas and A. Lewis and I lost to fucking Yaniv. Helen Sue, that's getting disowned from your family level bad. You ran for an election, you got as many votes as fucking Yaniv. 1:24:03 Unknown_02: But he says in response to the election outcome, stop the steal, stop the count. One word to Farhan Sharia Alan Wong, Tanush Veer Singh, Nadia Ahmed, and Cheyenne Bomble. Lawsuit. Unknown_02: And he lounges that he will be suing them, I guess, for winning. Unknown_07: Actually, 1:24:40 Unknown_07: Oh, they're just not people who ran, but people involved in the election. Okay. Unknown_07: Wow. Unknown_07: Oh, you know what? Here. Unknown_02: I know the U.S. just had an election. I don't care to talk about the U.S. election at all. Hold on. Unknown_07: Let me find this. 1:25:15 Unknown_07: It was Alaska, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, here. Unknown_07: Here, it was Alaska. Unknown_07: So Mary Peltolia from the Democratic Party gets 47% of the vote with 100,000 votes. Unknown_02: Then Sarah Palin and Nick Begich, both from the Republican Party, collectively got about 108,000 votes. So I don't know what the fuck happened where the Republican Party ran two congressional candidates in Alaska, which is a sure win for them, and they lost to the Democrats because they ran two people who each collectively got more votes than the Democrat. So I don't know what the fuck is happening in the U.S. I thought that we had like a fake like uniparty, but now like the Republicans are just not even trying and they're just fucking up everything. Very interesting times. 1:25:59 Unknown_02: to be in a Merrimut and to suffer. I suffer remotely. When I feel a disturbance in the force, I also suffer. When I pay a visit to McDonald's and I meet my ambassador at McDonald's, I suffer. Unknown_02: Real fucky-wucky going on there. 1:26:36 Unknown_07: Florida sucks. It's hot as shit. Fuck that. Unknown_07: All right, I am now going to go into the shill mode because it do be that time. Unknown_02: So let us begin. Let us begin with the super barriers. I'll read the, let me check and see. Actually, I feel bad. I can't check rumble. Unknown_02: I can't check rumble because it doesn't let me access it without turning on the VPN and then I would fuck up other shit. Look at Georgia. Okay, I'll look at Georgia. 1:27:07 Unknown_07: Get this one for free. Unknown_07: Um What am I looking at looks like the republican lost The libertarian party won enough votes to swing it if they had voted for The other guy, but they didn't is that what i'm supposed to be looking at? Maybe it's the senate race No 1:27:44 Unknown_07: It's just two black guys, whatever. Alright, what's this? Unknown_07: Um... Sorry, I can't look at the Doom drama. Unknown_02: It's like too late into the stream to do that. I'm just gonna wrap up. If it's that good, I'll look at it next week. Unknown_07: Okay... Unknown_02: Roman salute emoji for five says tired of waiting on for the archives on YouTube. So here for the source. Thanks for entertainment Yeah, I can't host my shit on YouTube. I apologize. I just can't the slobber mutt archive guy has tried to keeps getting struck I've considered Depending on, like, various factors of having a clips channel and paying somebody who already, like, does clips to, like, go through and clip, say, for, like, say, for YouTube stuff that doesn't have anything to do with trannies or whatever and put that on YouTube and try to keep clips up that way. I might kick the idea around, but I don't have enough time to, like, organize something like that. Everything's so fucky-wucky. It's a pain in the ass. 1:28:52 Unknown_02: Genka a for 25 says hey Josh. Do you see the donation from honesty without a message? Hope you have a great weekend I think so. I don't think it needs a message I'm not sure though. Unknown_07: I Just now like recently figured out how to do the Odyssey things Okay Filter and 1:29:24 Unknown_07: near for two says happy poland independence day be sure to visit krakow at least once in your life you'd be fucking love that goddamn city yeah i might i would like to i would like to visit poland who's in control animal control for 10 says excuse me sir can i see some id and then there's a picture of something from the kiwi farms uh Unknown_07: I mean, the joke is that they have shitty makeup on their license photo. Unknown_02: I don't know. If I was in the DMV, I wouldn't raise a fuss about this. I'd just say, oh, this is like a retard. Whatever. Enjoy. Here's the picture. Unknown_07: Here's the picture. The color doesn't change that much. Unknown_02: It's blue hair, and that's it. Unknown_02: Stalker Child for 10 says this got lost in the training-related downtime, but Pat Tomlinson got mentioned on the Dave and Chuck in Freak Show. Okay, I will look at this. 1:30:26 Unknown_02: Actually, your thing cuts out. I don't have the post. I apologize. Unknown_02: If you want to post it in chat, I'll try to see it. Unknown_02: Anonymous for 420 says, learned about the Kiwi Farms through the Cloudflare incident, and I'm going down the rabbit hole of threads, binging Maddie, and setting up a Fediverse instance. Thanks for sneed-pilling me, Jer. Well, thank you for investigating, I guess. I imagine that there are some people who are watching it from the outside and are kind of curious about what could possibly be on this fucking web forum to be so offensive. 1:30:58 Unknown_02: I have noticed that our numbers are basically back up to what they were, depending on exactly how performant the site is. But I saw 3,600 a couple days ago, and that was really nice to see. Like, imagine if I went through all the work and then people just didn't come back. How fucking depressing would that be? But I do... Unknown_02: I do hold a monopoly on this shit. Every other site about internet drama sucks. That's just how it do be, you know? Nobody can say, oh, well, I'm going to boycott the Kiwi Farms and go to some other website. It's like, I'm sorry, I won this. I am the only retard dedicated enough to win the fight of best internet drama site and all the bounties that it entails. 1:31:39 Unknown_02: the haunch for 50 says can't catch the whole stream today but want to stop by and throw some shekels at my favorite internet retard lowercase i internet retard well i am now a lowercase i internet retard because i am on the kiwi farm side of the internet and everybody else can eat shit thank you the haunch sneedum feedum for 10 says now wait a minute cedric no that's right cedric what are you doing what are you doing bro stay out of discord Unknown_02: anonymous for five says i saw someone wearing a shirt from hila's clothing line immediately had a flashback to the video i have ptsd from your streams thank you for being a mirthful little internet cherub josh well thank you i'm glad that you uh i don't know how the fuck you recognize teddy fresh out in the street i don't think i would recognize it and she steals all her designs allegedly anyways so um you may be mistaken a non uh palestinian blood infused clothing line for for hila's teddy fresh Unknown_02: Kino Roberto for five says, I'll never forgive the gross trainings who denied me the superior low-tech stream I earned. Yeah, that's the real outrage. Fuck those people. 1:32:36 Unknown_02: salah for five says okay josh i held up my end of the bargain i trained chantal to stop chewing feud like a cow as to not trigger a mesophilia and i'll stop messing with me on tinder i mean that's the best thing ever he got that he taught an old cow how to chew with her mouth closed can you believe it that's that's a real man right there it's a man of my imagine being a feeder and also turned off by like mouth noises though what the hell Unknown_02: Salah, again, for five says, seriously, I need that Tinder account to find my two incredibly, two more incredibly morbidly obese women to marry. I'm trying to pitch a show for A&E. 1:33:13 Unknown_07: Good luck with that. You should try TLC. Unknown_02: They'll accept whatever fucking garbage to play on their bullshit network. The Learning Channel, a proud sponsor of The Honey Boo Boo Show. Unknown_07: Sika Loather for 10 says, Hello, Josh. I'll be streaming soon on the YouTube channel. Gunt News. Unknown_02: I guess I have to. It's $10. $10 is $10. This is not my words. This is his. 1:33:45 Unknown_02: Shall be streaming soon on the YouTube channel Gut News, November and around 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. If you're entertained watching me screw up OBS with a lousy mic, this is the show for you. You should not schedule your show at 2 a.m. Belgrade time. I will definitely not be watching anything then. Unknown_02: But there you go. He wants to shill his channel and advertise for the CPC like any good person would. 1:34:17 Unknown_02: Carrie Yuma for 10 says, I'm sad the internet because Josh X Chantel is no longer canon. Good. Finally, move on. It's been like eight years now. We can get past this joke. Rungle, death be upon who opposes me for five says, Hey Josh, two question. Since trainees are now leaving Twitter, do you think their bullshit will be less coordinated? And do you think Chantel will revolutionize the new ISIS movement? Inshallah. Answer to one is you don't really need that many people, and they have associates with journalists and shit, and that's all that you need really. Twitter is just a bystander. Unknown_02: As far as Chantel revolutionizing ISIS, ISIS is pretty much gone. You would need a lot of money, more than she makes even, to bootstrap ISIS. 1:34:54 Unknown_02: You're picking, like, the worst possible fucking time to show for gun stuff, dude. I'm not gonna be, like, this is the month where you don't talk about the fat retard. Unknown_02: And you're like no I'm gonna start up my news channel dedicated to him in the middle of this time where everybody is on board Everybody is doing it and you're like I'm gonna break I'm gonna break ranks from this to do my my thing like why Doc scant scranton for 50 says all furries leaving the furry fandom Do not look back lest you become a pillar saw you cannot leave the furry fandom. I 1:35:44 Unknown_02: Good luck with that. I don't think that's possible. Like, it's... The only reason... Like, I don't know. Supposedly a lot of people have left it because, like, of the politics and shit. They have ruined it, but... I don't know. I don't think you can just undeviate yourself. Unknown_02: Toilet duck for five says regarding Z Carlo. Can you please play the audio where they're all laughing? Like it's a joke until one of them screams at them and they panic freeze and start crying. They are mentally ill. Eight pens. Unknown_02: Um, if you wanted me to play that part, you definitely should have like timestamped it. Cause there's no fucking way I can find what you're talking about in a three hour long stream. 1:36:16 Unknown_02: Sorry. Uh, PPP for 10 says, Andy, I know you're on the rebound after I dumped you, but you can do better for this. I really don't think he can. Chantel is a pretty good pick for him. Unknown_02: Well, there's your good angle. There's your media savvy angle to that. Unknown_02: uh piedique for 25 says i'm so glad the site is back up so i can keep up with shannon chamois downfall and the transition from cocaine addict to hrt addict and actman being a complete faggot in real time um i'm only vaguely aware of who the act man is and i do not have any fucking clue who chamois is i apologize that i cannot uh give more insight on that but i'm i am also happy the site's back up friend 1:37:12 Unknown_02: Twinkle Tart for $100. It says, patch, give me patch. Patch, give me patch now. Give patch now. No, no, no. As soon as I can. I have to rescue old hardware or figure out what to fucking do with it. Unknown_02: Sorry. As soon as I can. Unknown_02: Anonymous for One says, would you ever consider being on Sven's show? Sven Stoffel's? Sure, I guess. Maybe. Maybe. Unknown_02: If there's something to talk about. My issue with like showing up, it's like, would you ever do X with Y? It's like, do I have something to talk about? You have something to talk about that you want to do like a discussion about. That sounds like a way better pitch than, hey, do you want to like talk with X? 1:37:44 Unknown_02: I don't know. It's like saying, do you want to talk to Joe Biden? About what? Do I get to choose the topic? Do we get to talk about what children smell like? Or is this like, does he get to choose? Is it going to be like a congressional thing? What sounds like an interesting pitch, do you want to talk to X, is kind of uninteresting or complicated if you don't really have a subject in mind. Unknown_02: Frog God for five says, Josh, please stream video this week. I'll be able to watch live. So do it or else frog emoji. Unknown_02: This Sunday, probably I'll be able to stream a video game. So again, bad at video games on YouTube and Maddie on air for telegram updates. And I will try to get the word out. 1:38:20 Unknown_02: Less than an hour before I go live this time, if possible. Unknown_07: Lung for five says it's my birthday. So cheers. You've inspired me to scroll. I love Israel and the Jews. Unknown_02: on every feasible surface at work. It should be the Jewish people, not the Jews. The Jews sounds offensive. I remember very distinctly that, um, for some reason, Trisha Paytas and Ethan Klein were talking about slurs and they're talking about like the F slur and the R slur and how those words are owned. 1:39:05 Unknown_02: And Ethan says something about how the slur for non-Jews is goy. And she's like... Unknown_02: She's like, that's, that's offensive. Imagine if we just called you the Jew. And then he took a back like that. Like, no, it's not offensive. It's not like a slur like that. And then he said, well, the word Jew is complicated. It can be both like people are Jews, but to call someone a Jew is offensive. It has like an implied offensiveness with it without being any difference in, in statement. So it should say Jewish people. If you want to disambiguate weird nuance there, pickiness. 1:39:43 Unknown_02: uh big and bitchin for five says turf king thanks for keeping me keeping up the only place i can bitch about trainings without fifis dudes rock and not and come back to maryland so i can give you that sloppy ew anytime sex is described as sloppy i am uh disgusted by it i i am a tidy person i i am a person of organization i did not i did not want sloppy anything in maryland maryland i probably will never return to maryland sorry to say Unknown_02: Thank you, though. I'm glad you enjoy the site. Mad Clock for five says, Destiny orbiter pedophile and literal confirmed rapist Max Carson, a.k.a. Mr. Girl, is now backstabbing Destiny and getting women to come forward with her own rape allegations against him. Well, you'd reap what you fucking sow, and I hope that Destiny eats shit forever. None of us for five says, link to Instagram. This video is funny. It really exhibits neighbor culture. Well, I like people being neighborly. 1:40:42 Unknown_07: I should clarify when I say tidy, I mean like Unknown_02: And no other way besides that. Okay, whatever. I'll play this. Unknown_07: This better be fucking good is all I got to say about this. Unknown_07: What? Oh, fuck you. Bibliogram help. Unknown_02: Helpies. Bibliogram. Unknown_02: I am not signing into this shit. I hope that fucking Instagram burns to the fucking ground. I hope that Twitter fucking burns to the fucking ground. This bullshit where you have to fucking do this stupid shit to see a fucking post on the fucking internet. 1:41:15 Unknown_08: This is my house. Look. What are you filming, lady? Unknown_08: Holy shit. Unknown_08: That bitch that shot fucking bitch, you... Unknown_08: Oh, yeah, yeah, she down like I'm gonna get off this leg What the fuck Wow You heard 1:42:08 Unknown_07: I'm kind of speechless. That's a bit, that's a kind of fucking crazy. Unknown_02: Carrie says, I saw this in the off topic section. I was wondering your south on this. Unknown_07: Well, let me see. That's just cute. That's a nice logo. Unknown_07: uh kiwi creations bespoke carpentry and joinery i mean i like it i like the logo very nice wait a second wait a second they stole they stole the font did they steal the font wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up come on site i know you're slow but come on 1:43:12 Unknown_07: no it's not wait it is hold up the k is a little bit differently no it is a different font no it's not it's very similar the k is different but that's it it's very very similar the kiwi is Unknown_07: That's crazy. Unknown_02: This is like the second time there's an actual Kiwi farm in Nepal that uses the same exact logo that we have. It's a good fucking logo. Unknown_07: What can I say? Unknown_02: Cause they Googled like Kiwi logo and they saw this and then they took it and they took the Kiwi out and then, um, had a fiber or a fiber guy, rather a fiber guy took it and made it into this and similar. Unknown_02: Call Rakeda. 1:44:04 Unknown_02: I might have a task for him, actually. Unknown_02: Okay, I think that's it. Unknown_02: Okay, so look. There's a lot of shit that I have to do still. The site is up. The site is stable. It will probably continue to become more stable. However, everything else that I have is down. I have gotten the Sonichu. Anybody who is still hosting with me for whatever reasons, like Sonichu and the Onward Zealandia, I think was hosted with us, according to people on Twitter. I got their shit to them so they can re-host. I think Sonichu is back up. Now it's just my shit, and my shit's all down. So I'm trying to figure out what to do. The networking situation that I have set up right now is extremely, extremely complicated. 1:44:39 Unknown_02: I have to figure out what the fuck I can do to make it so that shit actually goes back up. It's very arduous, and it sucks. I want to do the fucking patch run, and... I want to do the patch run now so that it's not so close to the... I mean, it's already going to be so fucking close, but I want to do another run of something special next year because February is the birthday for the site. So it's like if I'm going to do plushies or something or something really cool to commemorate 10 years of the site being around, I have to really do the fucking patches now so that people... Trying to do a run early next year after Christmas and shit, it's just like a big pain in the ass. So... i'm really i'm really frustrated it really sucks um things are stable but there's so there's still so much to do and it's so much like fighting uphill but thankfully um i will i don't want to name names yet like the trannies already know who they are but i don't want to like 1:45:22 Unknown_02: And say who or what. I have found good friends. The forum now is in good company. Unknown_02: We have found sane people. We have surrounded ourselves with sane people and sane companies. And when a bridge goes down, like still happens because they complain and shit, we find another one ran by sane people. And the prospects are looking good so far. 1:45:57 Unknown_02: Um, and it will probably just get, I think this is, I think we have now survived the murkiest of it. I think that things will continue to get better and I'll continue to piece things back together so that I can have a proper fucking network with all my shit on it and then fortify it and keep on going. Unknown_02: So that's it. That's this week. Thanks for tuning in. I promise I'll try to get Matty up. And when I get Matty up, I'll finish processing all the streams that I haven't. I got a lot of streams back up on the site, but I do not have all the audio process for the last couple months. 1:46:33 Unknown_00: So there's a lot of work to do. Unknown_02: Probably take me until next year to get everything zipped back up to how it was. Unknown_02: i've rested on the laurels of cloudflare for a long time and even though nothing too important is down it is cumbersome to manually reconfigure everything up as complicated as it has to be now so that being said uh thank you for listening thank you for your support i hope you have enjoyed this i will see you next week unless you want to watch a gaming stream in which case you should subscribe to better video games on youtube i will be doing a stream this weekend at some time and i'll try to announce it a couple hours ahead 1:47:10 Unknown_02: uh so until next time i will see you when i see you and i have a particularly upbeat uh upbeat outro song for the stream uh take it easy bye-bye partner keep on rolling baby you know what time it is Unknown_12: now i know y'all be loving this shit right here l-i-n-p 1:48:15 Unknown_12: Biscuit is right here. People in the house put them hands in the air. Because if you don't care, then we don't care. One, two, three, times two, two to six. Chosen for your fix of the Limp Bizkit mix. So where the fuck you at, bro? Shut the fuck up and back the fuck up while we fuck this track up. Unknown_12: Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. 1:48:53 Unknown_12: We got the game set, so don't complain yet. 24-7, never begging for a rain check. Old school soldiers blasting out the hot shit, that rock shit. Putting bounce in the mosh pit. Tell me what you're gonna do now. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. 1:49:40 Unknown_10: Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. Unknown_12: Hey, ladies. Hey, fellas. And the people that don't give a fuck. All the lovers. All the haters. And all the people that call themselves players. Hot mamas. Pimp daddies. And the people rolling up in caddies. Hey, rock. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling Bye. Bye.