0:00:01 Unknown_08: The internet is not a big truck. The internet is not something that you just dump something on. The internet is not a big truck. The internet is a series of tubes. The internet is not a big truck. The internet is not something that you just dump something on. The internet is not a big truck. Unknown_08: Streaming stuff under the internet. Why? Tubes. The internet is tubes. Connections. Consumers. Massive commercial purposes. Big truck. Long distance. It's tubes. Tangle of tubes. An enormous series of tubes. Your own personal internet. The World Wide Web. The internet is tubes. Tubes. Tubes can be filled. And if they're filled, the internet is going to be delayed. A series of tubes. 0:00:35 Unknown_08: The internet is not. Unknown_04: I have done it again. I have somehow found a way to loop my audio back, but only to me. I really don't know how I'm accomplishing this ever. Maybe a monitor. 0:01:09 Unknown_05: I'm going to drive myself literally fucking insane because I don't see it. Oh no. Unknown_05: Maybe I should just play this song on loop, because I know I'm not broadcasting it to you. Unknown_04: It's just like, just some madness that's fucking happening. Okay, I think I got it. I think we're good now. Unknown_04: Sorry, I didn't have time to prepare anything today. I'm just gonna rant again I guess I'll look at some news and shit afterwards because there's been some stuff that has happened in the the broader sphere of the Of of of goings-ons besides my my small world, but So last week just to pick off where we where we left off last week I imagine that today's stream is going to have way fewer viewers than usual because everyone expected to be at noon eastern time It's actually at 6 p.m. European time and the Amerimuts and their infinite wisdom have Daylight savings time and at a different hour so 0:01:55 Unknown_04: It is starting at 1pm this week for them, I think. Unknown_04: They're not expecting it to be starting at this time. That's okay, they can watch the replay after I manually process it and re-upload it. The Meramuts suffer in many different ways this week. They can't access my glorious website, the greatest website I've ever created. The only website worth visiting anymore. 0:02:38 Unknown_04: Because they have found themselves on the wrong side of the internets, the lowercase i internets that we currently exist on. It has finally happened. Unknown_04: I am watching the uppercase I, capital I, internet die in my hands, literally falling apart like paper, wet paper in my hands. 0:03:13 Unknown_04: So let me explain what what internets exist. Unknown_04: We have a provider. They are Terrahost. They are a subsidiary of Epic. Epic is dedicated to not censoring without court order. They told me that they were confident that the site could stay up and therefore I believe them. It has stayed up. They have not capitulated to Unknown_04: any kind of de-platforming campaign. Unknown_04: However, if you are on the Merrimite internets, you cannot access my website because between the United States and the servers that point to the actual backend, There are a couple companies only that route through the Atlantic Ocean. They lay submarine cable and these companies are very big. They're called tier one providers and they have free transit with other tier one providers. 0:03:57 Unknown_04: So usually an ISP like, I don't know, Cox Communications is what exists in Florida, has a peer with one of these tier one ISPs and they are the ones that communicate to the rest of the world through the fiber optic cables. Unknown_04: If your ISP happens to use a very specific provider which I am not naming and shaming as of yet because we're in the diplomatic phase of the play and there is still a chance that these people will see reason. I don't want to instigate any kind of email campaign against them even though they've already because they've already dealt with an email campaign I guess. 0:04:44 Unknown_04: But that can change in the future because I think that the reaction to what's happening would be to have people complain to their ISPs to spur change. But basically this ISP, which is a mediary that has a relationship with Terrorhost but not me, has decided that they will black hole my own, my own subnet, which means that more than just refusing to provide transit, they are actively, at least from my understanding, my understanding of how this works, they are actively lying, and they are telling transit providers through their autonomous systems that there is no path to the QE forums. So if you have multiple options, but one of them is this host, 0:05:39 Unknown_04: You may not get any transit at all because the first one they asked could be the one that lies and says We there is no way to do this when there is so Unknown_04: There are a couple options in regard to this, and none of them are very expedient. Unknown_04: The one that I'm working on right now, that I have the freedom to work on right now, is I am getting my own exchanges, which means that I am talking to smaller ISPs, and I am having them locally route me, which means I am negotiating small IXs, 0:06:24 Unknown_04: with many different ISPs as opposed to the one bid ones. So, if you happen to be in Moldova, Kiev, or... what's the name of this? Khmelnytskyi in Ukraine, you happen to have total free access to the Kiwi farms right now if you're dug in in a trench in the eastern Ukraine. Unknown_04: You will have no problem whatsoever logging on to your computer and assuming that you have power and access in the Kiwi forums because I have IX with every ISP basically in Ukraine. 0:06:58 Unknown_04: Isn't that great? Unknown_04: And there's another provider which is giving me access to some ISPs in Germany. I think that if you're in Frankfurt, you can also access the Kiwi farms just fine. For the rest of you, you have to be lucky because there's a big bottleneck. Now I can work around this slowly over time, and I will. If it means getting a cheap VPS and 100 megabits of transit with a thousand different companies, I will absolutely do that. I'm going to get one in Malaysia next that has potentially has ones or has transit to Australia because I know Australia is also suffering. 0:07:34 Unknown_04: And that is a possibility. I'm looking at that. Unknown_04: Because, and what's fascinating is that this ISP has essentially made this decision to not permit traffic to my U.S. legal service autonomously. Unknown_04: They have not responded to any inquiries as to what the fuck is happening. They are lying, from what I understand, to their own employees. Unknown_04: If you know tech stuff, you can find the name of this company very easily. Unknown_04: It's not a mystery. Liz Fong Jones and them found it and tweeted about it, so it's not a complete mystery as to what's happening. And if you're an employee in this company and you try to raise a ticket asking what the fuck, your ticket will be closed without any response. So there is something very mysterious happening. 0:08:10 Unknown_04: I've heard from somebody else that this company is essentially insolvent and they're selling their own infrastructure to other larger providers. Unknown_04: So I don't know if that's true. This person could be bullshitting me, but it sounds like they don't know what's happening in their own company either. It's up in New Zealand, really? That's funny. It's up for everyone if you open Tor. I don't even mean like typing in the hidden service because, of course, every time that we have to rely on the hidden service, the trannies boot up their DDoS attack and they attack the hidden service. 0:08:59 Unknown_04: You don't need that, though. If you boot up Tor and you just type in kiwifarms.net, you will have access to the Kiwi farms because the way that Tor works, Unknown_04: is that it actually finds a ISP, or it finds a connection. It doesn't take you to an exit node that doesn't have a connection. From what I understand, it seems to work every time through Tor. Unknown_04: Maybe I'm just lucky because it's mostly Europeans providing exit nodes, but if you just go to Tor and type in kubeforms.net, it works without any issue. Yeah, if you have a VPN, that also works, usually, especially if you're out to like the Netherlands. The Netherlands has good connections. 0:09:31 Unknown_04: but that's mostly because The exchanges that I have points in our data centers and VPS is are located in data centers. So if you have a VPN You will probably end up in a data center that has a direct connection without having to go through a specific bottleneck So that's why that works It does not work in America America's the most effective I can show you this for sure. In fact, I wait a little one second So my subnet is 103, 104, 191, 0. 0:10:04 Unknown_04: You can see it up here, 103, 114, 191, 1. It's a 24 subnet, so the entire range. My AS is down here, 397702, and the name has changed. I removed the US prefix, so now it's just SSSS. Unknown_04: for 1776 solutions, in case you're curious what the S's stand for. So you can see where the connections are failing. This is what I mean. There are literally two internets right now. You have the internet that can access, the lowercase I internet that can access the Kiwi farms, and you have the lowercase I internet that can access, that cannot access the Kiwi farms. 0:10:37 Unknown_04: So it really depends on where you're at. I noticed that Canada and at least on both sides in Quebec and in British Columbia has been able to the British Columbia one changed which makes me think that someone contacted their ISP in British Columbia and I guess Shaw changed the route because now it doesn't go through the bottleneck anymore. Unknown_04: But yeah, it's mostly the u.s. That's affected across the continent and then most of Europe has access If you're in the UK It's like the u.s. It's a hit or miss if you actually have a connection and then from the rest of the world It's also hit or miss so but the EU is the one that usually has the good connection so 0:11:25 Unknown_04: I'm just kind of monitoring this. I'm talking to a couple companies. The good news is that I think I will have, I may have direct transit from Dallas soon. There's a huge data center in Dallas. I think it's an Equinix exchange. And there is a friend in Dallas who is trying to get me a announcement set up there on a dedicated server so I can announce from Dallas. And if I have access from the Equinix data center, I may have access to the entirety of the U.S. very soon. 0:12:07 Unknown_04: So then, what Lizfong Jones is going to do then, is he's going to go to my peers list, and this is kind of outdated, there should be a third one I think. Unknown_04: He'll type in this, this is my AS, this is all public information. Unknown_04: And he's gonna go, oh, I have to complain to these, well, he's gonna go, he knows that there's no point talking to them. The Ukrainians are gonna tell him to eat shit. He's gonna go to their thing, and we might not do this with them because they are only doing Ukraine. And he's gonna go look at all their upstreams, all their peers, and he's gonna complain to every single one of them. And he's gonna say, did you know, did you know that you're hosting a Nazi site that's responsible for the death of four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 11, T, 11, T different trans women of color? 0:12:43 Unknown_04: And, um, it's probably illegal cause, um, I said though, and it denied the Holocaust and stuff. I'm going to go here and, uh, going to go to peers and complain down the list, yada, yada, yada. And this is how he is trying this one, this. Collective of freaks of a gently mutilated sex perverts who have been accused of rape are going to try and split the internet down the middle. and make it so that there is a internet that can access the kiwi farms and which cannot access the kiwi farms and this is a US legal website that I have never received any petition from the US federal government to remove any post from which has never been found guilty of anything in civil court Which is operated by an American who has all his bank accounts in the United States still it was not in a Country that does not have like extradition laws This this website which has done literally nothing wrong is going to be Reduced invisibility on the internet which should never ever ever ever ever ever Happen and as far as I know has never happened ever 0:13:41 Unknown_04: I can't think of a single time ever in history in the 30 years of history that the internet has been around that a US legal website has been cut from The the web it's it's just never happened So this this is like make this is why I'm not even like angry. Like how can I be angry? I've done literally everything possible I've gone to absurd ends. I've paid an absurd amount of money with very little budget to essentially replicate the infrastructure of the internet to the best of my ability. And it's like if that doesn't work because some fucking freak says I can't do it and writes really loud complaining emails, okay. 0:14:46 Unknown_04: Okay, I guess. Whatever. I did my best. Sucks that everything is ruined forever and it will never go back to how it was before. Unknown_04: But I played no part in ruining it. I tried my best to prevent that. Unknown_04: It's not really like... It's not even like a sad thing. It's like funny. How absurd. It would be something like that. We invented this tool that revolutionized the entire world and changed the human race forever. It was a gift of knowledge to every single person alive. Accessible to everyone all over the place in Africa, China, Russia, and then we took it And we put it in the hands of rapists, pedophiles, just the most, literally the lowest rungs of humanity. And we said, okay, this is the most precious thing that has ever been created by mankind and has revolutionized every facet of the human existence. Be very careful with it. It's quite important and then 30 years later It's it's torn. It's broken. Welcome to the room the vase is on the floor and it's broken That's just like, you know shattered to a thousand pieces. Yeah Damn, maybe we shouldn't have trusted the rapist pedophile freaks with with you know, the mutilation fetish with this precious gift Of technology, maybe that was a mistake. Uh, I don't I don't know. Do you think we'll get that? We'll have that revelation. I was like, oh we actually made a mistake by tolerating these people and not putting them in like mental hospitals where they belong because they have severe untreated illnesses in the brain I think that revelation will come to us or is it is it just gonna be like, oh, this is fine 0:16:50 Unknown_04: Fucking deserved it. I mean the internet was a problem that they got it's got misinformation on it You know, there's like a couple websites that have good information, but everything else is just like people talking and that's like a bad thing This is fine, it's too far gone, okay Unknown_04: Maybe, maybe, we'll see. So, um, I'm going to continue to try and find ISPs that will tolerate us and I will network with them and they will network with their networks. Um, and I will build, I will build my own internet. I will literally build my own lowercase I interconnected networks. And I will put this up and to those of you lucky enough, fortunate enough to be on my lowercase internet, there may still be a Kiwi Farms. And everyone else can I guess grovel to their ISP to join my lowercase I internet, the Kiwi Farms internet. 0:17:21 Unknown_04: But good luck to you. Good luck convincing Comcast to let you join my internets. It's mine. They may not, they may find it problematic. Someone, some, I don't know how many people are contacting their ISP to complain about the outage because it is something that an ISP can correct. And in particular if your ISP has a direct relationship with the bottleneck who is 0:17:57 Unknown_04: Perhaps illegally black holing my IP addresses because it's lying to the network about and it's harming the web of trust by saying that my my IPs don't have a route because I do They can change that route they can file a ticket on there like a company to company exchange and say this is stupid why are you doing this people are upset and And I think if enough ISPs do that, which is a long shot, but if there's a significant complaint volume, they may simply reverse course. 0:18:40 Unknown_04: Or, I don't know, like I'm not trying to get Terra hosts in trouble by having this company drop them. You know what I mean? I don't want that to happen. So I'm not trying to say like, here's the company, you know what you need to do, go, go, go. It's like, nah, I don't want to cause problems. I just want this company to realize what they've done, the significant damage that they have caused, that will never be reversed if this precedent is set. It will ruin Everything forever even for their company in particular you have accepted an abuse report from a fucking weirdo Who's like a danger to society like a menace? Why is this fucking noise happening? 0:19:17 Unknown_04: And Let me mute my is my system notification. I thought I've muted my system notifications I have Unknown_04: literally what the fuck oh oh it's my terminal telling me that there's broken internet connections yeah i fucking know you don't have to ding and let me let me know that the internet doesn't work i'm very i'm very aware that the internet does not work okay computer okay console okay server i understand i understand there's connection issues thank you don't need chimes for that 0:20:09 Unknown_04: But yeah, again, I think the company is insolvent and they're selling shit. So do you really want to cut off ISPs? Do you really want to make your company the shit-ass one that's randomly destroying infrastructure? Unknown_05: And, uh, yeah, I don't know. Unknown_04: I just don't know. And I'll find another one. Here's the big one. I'll tell you this for sure. I will find by the end of this, I will find a way to peer with H E H E is hurricane electric. H E is the largest ISP and basically in the world, as far as like 0:20:49 Unknown_04: That goes and for instance, I reached out to gab I have never said anything nice about Torba and I will continue to not say anything nice about Torba that may change in the future Depending on what happens with this, but I reached out to gab because I noticed They have their ASN. They have an IPv4 and it peers with Hurricane Electric I'm like can they announce and peer me directly with HE because that would be great. That would be the internet Nobody is going to black hole 0:21:26 Unknown_04: He you don't have internet if you don't have hurricane electric on your network So if that happens like if hurricane electric black hole is my IP Unknown_04: That's it. Like, that is not just Kiwi Farms, that is a death knell to the internet. At that point, the next step is legislation. You need net neutrality, you need to remove Section 230, and you need to legislate the internet, and you need to force these companies to stop being fucking retarded, because HE owns the fiber optics. They own the cables that run through the world. They have more point of presences in more countries than any other company ever. And they will remain in that position for the rest of your life, probably. They will continue to own the internet for as long as you live. So if they're deciding that certain websites for no reason whatsoever, because some fucking tranny complained to them, don't need to be on the internet, then we got a serious problem. And the next step is to force them at gunpoint to do what you want them to do. And that however you want to accomplish that by state legislator or federal legislator or whatever the fuck If he says you can't have internet and we're gonna decide this by ourselves Now that is the time to bring out the guillotine and be like, okay You're gonna fix this shit or we're gonna fix you and we're gonna like take your company and we're gonna break it apart Like bill south and you're gonna get fucked. We're gonna um Force you at gunpoint to provide transit. We're gonna we're gonna Communize your company as a subsidiary of the u.s. Federal government like either fix it or fuck off essentially 0:22:47 Unknown_04: So, that is what I'm looking at. I'm gonna build my internet. I'm gonna build it nice and strong with a thousand different ISPs. I'm gonna find my ways around these problems and I'm gonna try to get on HE, because I think if Gab, for instance, were to just give me a server with an announcement and have me route through. By the way, if you're listening, you know, I don't even know who the fuck runs it. I try to go to their abuse page and it's just, 0:23:23 Unknown_04: admin at gab.com or in andrew andrew torba and Rob monster are listed as the contacts which and i'll show this my screen actually Rob monster was the ceo of epic And he stepped down so i don't know if he's just strictly involved with um gab now or if this is the wrong information Unknown_04: Then there is Torba. And that is, I think that is a Dutch or Norwegian phone number. So I don't know why the fuck his company contact information is in the United States but using a Dutch phone number. 0:23:56 Unknown_04: I don't know why his IP address is Norwegian. I don't know why the fuck his AS is in Switzerland. I really don't know what the fuck he's doing. Unknown_04: But he's got one peer that's Hurricane Electric and I want that HE. So. Gab I commend it Turn a cheek to your neighbor who has said terrible things about you for many years And he'll probably continue to say terrible things about you probably much quieter though Unknown_04: Give them transit because I want I want what you have Okay, and what's funny is I've tried contacting HV directly and I say like hi, you know, this is my ASN I need this IP announced. I'm looking for a direct uplink at this data center. I'm looking for this much transit Let me know what your quote is. I don't get a reply. I think I Think that they're not going to peer me directly. They're not going to give me a cross-connect They're not gonna physically plug my router into their network, but I'll find a way 0:24:39 Unknown_04: Too many. You got too many data centers. You got too many connections, HE. I am inevitable. I am going to peer with you whether you like it or not, motherfucker. I'm coming. I'm coming for that ass, HE. I'm coming for it. Can't get away. 0:25:12 Unknown_04: So that's my plan, boys. And if HE is like, you know what's coming down, you gotta go. We're gonna break the internet. We're gonna kill this dead gay internet debtor. That's my Samson option. I'm fucking everything up for everybody. I'm bringing this temple down. You're all gonna come with me. You're all gonna be buried alive in the ruins of the internet, and you're gonna hate me for what I've done, but I don't care. Unknown_04: We're taking this to the extreme. We're taking this as far as it will possibly go. We should have stopped six years ago, but we have not, and we will continue down this path until the path ends, and then once the path ends, we'll continue to go until we hit a fucking mountain, and then we'll stop, because I'll be hungry by then, and I'll have to find some place to get some pizza. We have not. Sorry, I pressed the play button on my screen. I was reading chat. 0:25:44 Unknown_04: That's the plan. Unknown_04: interesting times chat by the way for elon musk give me that star link give me give me some of that star link boy looking for trouble you're looking for problems you want to piss off the twitters the twitter people give me that star link boy just hand it over give me i'll rebrand it it'll be the sneed link and it'll piss off everybody 0:26:38 Unknown_04: Give me that. Yeah, give me that. I ain't do nothing. I'm a good boy. So that's the depth of my plan. We'll go out kicking and screaming. Unknown_05: Oh, I have just received word that interesting. Unknown_04: Interesting chat, I may not need to destroy Mount Zion and bring down the temple anyways. 0:27:23 Unknown_05: Interesting. Sorry, I got distracted. Unknown_04: I was, I was interested in the interesting thing, which I cannot, I will refrain from, from discussing throughout this stream. Unknown_04: Anyways. Unknown_05: Anyways, let's see No I should clarify when I say force at gunpoint. Unknown_04: I mean, that's like when when the government tells you to do something It's using violence if that's what that means. The government is literally saying We have enacted a law You will carry out the law to the letter of the law. And if you don't, you will be sent to prison. And if you refuse to go to prison, we will literally take a gun and we will point it at you. And if you do not escort yourself to prison, we will shoot you dead. That is every law in existence. It doesn't matter if it's a parking fine or net neutrality. You either obey the law or you allow yourself to be arrested or you be shot. That is the force of violence which is monopolized by the government. 0:28:35 Unknown_04: I don't know someone raised an issue with me. This is like don't say at gunpoint Well, you know everything that the government says is literally at gunpoint You will obey the law or you will go to jail or you will be shot so What I'm advocating for is a law which will prevent ISPs from dropping people they have no business relationship with or be forced at gunpoint by the government to do so and I don't think that is extremist speech. I think that is how functional society has worked for literally thousands of years to be quite honest with you. 0:29:09 Unknown_05: Anyways, so there is a guy and he has a girlfriend and her name is Brittany Vente. Unknown_04: Oh, you know what? I think I can bring up the, can I bring up the Kiwi Farms on this browser? Unknown_05: If not, I will, I will stream from tour a shocking turn of events. Unknown_05: Okay, here we go. Here we go. I can actually, I can actually connect to the Kiwi farms. Can you believe that? Unknown_05: Where is he there? This guy, I don't think before you simp. 0:29:55 Unknown_04: Wait, no, it's the other one. Unknown_04: think before you sleep now they're making fun of him he has acquired the mutt gf and i wish the best for him i guess uh i don't know i don't know i don't if future why oh come on now Unknown_04: Stinky. Well, I shouldn't be too mean to Venti. I'm really on the fence with Venti because on one hand, Brittany Venti is often one of the least retarded people in the room when it comes to like, e-celebs and shit. On the other hand, 0:30:31 Unknown_04: I think her voice is very annoying. I think it's a fake voice and it's kind of weird how it's like It's kind of hypocritical. I often feel that Venti is like don't be a trad thought but then Venti is a trad thought That's just how it feels Unknown_04: But now she and Shuwu have found a simp husband. And I wish them luck in their adventure. I have never heard of this guy before, by the way. I think before you sleep. I don't know if it's official yet. I'm just congratulating them. I'm just talking shit. 0:31:03 Unknown_04: All internet thoughts aren't worth shit. Do you mean lowercase i internet with kiwifarms are all the lowercase i internet without the kiwifarms? You have to be suspect there is no such the internet does not exist anymore. We have to we have to talk kiwifarms internet or non kiwifarms internet or maybe I don't know maybe just all internet lowercase i internet thoughts are not worth shit even those on the kiwifarms side of the internet. 0:31:38 Unknown_04: Minty is a cautionary tale of thoughtery. Unknown_04: She hasn't been too much of a thought though, has she? I mean, I guess everyone, like her boobs are like what everyone knows most about her, but she's never like, like done porn or anything. She's never shown them off. Unknown_04: You can't say the same for, uh, what's her face? Show on the head. Unknown_04: She did that like years ago, like, um, early, like late 2000s and shit. Unknown_04: Ooga. 0:32:13 Unknown_04: No, please, please do not ship. Listen, do not ship me with Britney Venti. I'm just asking for them. Unknown_04: One thing. Unknown_04: Um, I can talk about Elon Musk. I did mention Elon Musk. I can talk about his adventures and trying to run an internet thingy. Unknown_04: Someone else is having issues. Unknown_05: That's not me for once. Unknown_05: Elon Musk says that Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue due to activist groups pressuring advertisers even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists. 0:32:50 Unknown_04: Extremely messed up. They're trying to destroy free speech in America. I learned from Unknown_04: From twitter that apparently Elon Musk is being sued because he is uh firing a bunch of people But he's not apparently in the u.s There's a law before you do mass layoffs that you have to give 60 days notice before you fire people Like if you're intending to lay off a lot of people you have to give 60 days notice so um He's fired a lot of people and they're saying that he violated like the layoff act of whatever the fuck he was being sued 0:33:24 Unknown_04: and the twitter people that have not been fired are like trying to unionize which i imagine i would just fire them all like what at twitter cannot be replaced easily you mean to tell me that like these these fucking drones in san francisco can't be replaced i'll give you a hint there's a lot of people who know everything that they know about computers living in india and china that would love to work for twitter and accept way less money for doing so And then in the process, you don't have a bunch of fucking weirdos from San Francisco moderating your platform. That's like a win-win. What are you gonna do? Unknown_04: You just beg Elon to fire you. Guess what? You're replaceable. You decided that there shouldn't be any such thing as migratory laws, and you decided that the H-1B visa should be available to absolutely everyone. So now you're just disposable because you're a fucking retard. Try to unionize. You're gonna get fired and then replaced by Pajit. 0:34:23 Unknown_04: Chen, Mr. Chen Chong from Guangdong and he'll sit in your comfy seat. He'll do twice as much work for half as much money and he won't say stupid shit about Black Lives Matter and the world will be better off because of it. Go for it. Unknown_04: They're all Indian already, no they're not. It's a bunch of white people. It's a bunch of fucking white people from Berkeley and technical institutes from California who are like, no, you can't lay us off. We're very important, we moderate. Unknown_04: Uh, oh, and since my IP is always from Brazil for some reason on Twitter, it's not, but Twitter always thinks it's Brazilian. Should I mention that Bolsonaro lost the election to like a socialist who was in prison for a bunch of years for like fraud or something? He's a socialist that like stole money from the government and they elected him, supposedly. I don't know, people are saying that it's fraud and the Brazilians I know are saying that there's no way. 0:35:05 Unknown_05: Lost and people I don't know People are gonna doubt the outcome of every election now I don't think like even if he did lose and it's hard to say like I don't know too much about Brazil I don't think that anyone has any confidence in democracy anymore. 0:35:44 Unknown_04: It's like an institution so Yeah Unknown_05: I don't know what to talk about, to be fair with you. Unknown_04: I thought I was gonna rant a lot more about internet stuff, but that has not happened. I mean, it's just like stating a fact that the internet's been down, and I've been working on fixing it. Unknown_04: What's there to talk about? I'll interact with you, chat. Give me half an hour of content before I start reading superchats and shit. For free, I'll do it for free. I will interact with my lovely audience who has managed to figure out that I don't have daylight savings time today. 0:36:22 Unknown_04: Chantal in Kuwait, that's true. That is true Chantal has flown to Kuwait. She has not put out any kind of real announcements about it though. She's like there but she put out like a very Unknown_04: Brief vlog she's in like an airport or whatever. She's in her job her job his job And uh, that's about it. We haven't seen anything. So she's in kuwait. She's all wrapped up like a good islamic woman And she's just uh chilling out 0:36:56 Unknown_04: Josh, should we have, okay, my moderator is now yelling at me in chat instead of sending me a DM on the Kiwi Farms, even though I know he can access the Kiwi Farms because he's in the Middle East and they have access to the Kiwi Farms there. Hey Josh, should we have a detransition thread in Stink Ditch? Two people are complaining. I'm surprised that we don't. I know that Local Farm has like an M2F and F2M detransition thread. Unknown_04: Like yeah, sure, why not? That seemed like the right place for it. Unknown_04: Boogie died. Well, rest in peace, Boogie. You'll be missed by probably nobody, to be fair. I can't imagine a single person who would cry over Boogie dying. Unknown_04: Oh, this is a popular one. Here, I'll show this. 0:37:40 Unknown_04: I cannot speak to the authentication of this material, but I will aggregate it unquestionably regardless. Unknown_04: Gaze posting their L's online says TL2DongLongRead. He did not spell that correctly. It took one month for one of the people running transphobes posting L's to be outed as a zoophile. Unknown_04: So this person trans people are better than zoo files, which is a contentious statement, I guess I guess transphobes posting L's is a furry based on this avatar Trans rights are human rights love and care for each individual and respect a person's own body autonomy Moderators and then there's like four different things. This is 50,000 followers. So this is a popular thing and 0:38:36 Unknown_04: I say, they were following people who claim to be proud zoophiles, meaning they are accepting of their paraphernalia and do not want to change and get better. They want to stay as zoophiles. They followed children, young children, barely turned 14, and this grown-ass dude is talking to them while they're interacting with naps. He shouldn't be anywhere near a child. Would you trust a no-contact zoophile to babysit your pet? Unknown_04: They follow an account that has been proven to support pro-contact pedophiles. I don't know why they call them maps. That's a child fucker that wants to fuck children. See this is like, even this guy is like, like using their language. You have a pedophile who wants to fuck children, and you have a fucking zoophile who wants to fuck animals. You can say that. You can say that these are creepy weirdos and that they should be set on fire. There is literally no issue saying that a pedophile should be set on fire. I'm helping you understand the English language. 0:39:08 Unknown_04: Trans people are better than zoophiles, which is a, I now understand why they're using that language. I remember. They're retarded. First pick, has been proven to support pedophiles and zoophiles, was proven to be receiving nudes off children and then even cause one to commit or attempt suicide. 0:39:39 Unknown_04: The account is Sappho. Unknown_04: Sappho is a word for lesbian shit. So that is also a tranny a tranny lesbian quote-unquote So there you go transphobes posting their L's is allegedly a one of the moderators are a zoophile pedophile Trans being Surprise. Oh my god. I'm so shocked by this revelation. This is not complete with every single thing I've ever learned about trans trans people 0:40:15 Unknown_05: Okay, now what chat? I've read the thing. Unknown_04: Literally closer to killing someone than the forum has ever been. That's true. Very true. Unknown_04: Kathy Griffin has joined the Fediverse. The comments are fun. Unknown_04: Boy, so and to get off Stinky stinky musky Twitter Kathy Griffin has gone to the safe haven of Mastodon on the Fediverse Which is at war with the anime avatar nation Kathy Griffin at Mr. Dot social says thank you all for following me. I don't know how verification works I'm just going to put out a completely unretouched photo from my photos and my damn iPhone. I mean, I'm the only one who has those And there's a picture of a very old lady who should not be on a website called misden.social Replies are welcome Kathy from stocks Your legend sending love and optimism your way Welcome you think Jerry Seinfeld's the devil Kathy Griffin replies more than ever Open to see more anime avatars making fun of her done here 0:41:50 Unknown_05: Germany banned spreading of Nazi propaganda, so I chose a German hosted server. Okay. Unknown_05: So Jack, oh, here's an anime. Unknown_04: Oh, thank God, an anime avatar. The only time I'll ever say this. Jack who at Goyslop Cafe. Unknown_04: Jack who at Goyslop Cafe says this app that isn't how this technology works. The end user interface is an app that accesses a distributed communication platform. To put it as simply as I can. It's like email that with a publicly visible inbox. That's also how I describe it. 0:42:25 Unknown_04: When some email hosts may be run by a psycho white guy in a Montana bunker complex, others are run by comedy hipsters in Seattle, and every other type of person in between. Unknown_04: Well, she's not being bullied as much as I would like. Unknown_04: During a good instance. Unknown_04: Speaking of the Mastodon, actually, there is a guy who runs Mastodon.tech Mastodon.tech And he switched to Pleroma, which is a competing implementation of ActivityPub that's not related to Mastodon. And now the owner of Mastodon, Eugene, who is a 0:43:05 Unknown_04: How do I put this? How do I describe Eugene in a way that my chat would understand? Unknown_04: Ah, he's litigious. He is a person of litigation and he is threatening the guy that owns mastodon.tech to relinquish the domain name to him because he has a trademark for the name mastodon and he considers them using Pleroma to be a violation of his trademark. and I believe the law may be in support of that. So I've encouraged the person to find a new domain name, move their instance to that, but do either one of two things. Sell it to Eugene, because taking it to court would be tens of thousands of dollars, sell it to him for a good chunk of money, like $10,000, on the condition that he does forwarding for at least a year. So that way he has the domain, he will have it fully in a year, But if someone tries to access the URL, they will be redirected to the new instance and everybody is happy, right? And everybody saves a little bit of money. That's a very reasonable compromise, I feel. And he really shouldn't want to be on that domain to begin with, because he shouldn't want to promote a technology which is ran by a person of litigation and who wants nothing to do with him. And we obviously found the software to be bad enough to want to replace it with Soapbox to complete the circle. 0:44:20 Unknown_04: Or, if he refuses to buy it, move anyways, and then make mastodon.tech a critical write-up of why mastodon sucks. Because then, even though the domain may be a sharing of the name of his trademark, it is a criticism of his trademark, and criticisms are the most protected form of speech that there is. So that way he'll still be pissed off, the person of litigation will have no recourse, you will have your domain, and he can cope, seethe, and dilate about it. 0:45:06 Unknown_04: Trademarks for shit, I agree. I am a copyright abolitionist at this point. I think people should just fucking deal with it. So sick of him. Unknown_04: It's an open source software protocol called Mastodon. It's not a protocol. The protocol is called ActivityPub. Mastodon is a backend and frontend for ActivityPub, which in this instance, Mastodon.social is using. I think that's their premier instance. But he is complaining that they're using Mastodon while using Pleroma and the Soapbox instead of Mastodon. So that's why he wants to, the person of litigation would like to sue. 0:45:41 Unknown_04: Just my thoughts. Um, from what I understand, he's German, which is always unfortunate. Uh, Germany has some of the worst trade copyright laws in the world. In fact, if I had to guess, I'd probably say that Germany invented copyright, another blight released on this earth from Alamine, whatever the fuck. Unknown_04: Okay chat, what next, what next? Let's knock them out. My free attention to my user base for this week because I have nothing else to talk about. There is something that I would talk about but this month I will not be talking about the thing we don't talk about. 0:46:18 Unknown_04: We are participating in a social experiment to see if we go an entire month without talking about something stupid and fat, if he will wither and die like Tinkerbell because he's completely forgotten about. Patches As soon as I can that's all I can say we have a 600 inventory now. They're still working on them I've ordered a thousand as soon as it goes up like as many as I have will be for sale and They will ship out like the same week. So it'll go real fast. I'll try to let everyone know Patrick he is still fat and has bitch tits from I understand The Microsoft flag. I think I talked about that on the stream 0:47:02 Unknown_04: Patrick Tomlinson got exposed for having a tiny penis. Really? Unknown_04: Is he still fat and has bitch tits? Can you clarify this? Unknown_04: What do you think of Factorio? Have some Goyslot tokens. I don't like it. I like Factorio. Unknown_04: The other one, the 3D one better. Sorry, I forgot the name of it. Unknown_04: I haven't played it in a while. My issue is that I played it before it was like fully done. So I've kind of burned myself out all night without experiencing all the cool stuff they have in it now. I'm also way too much of a perfectionist to play those type of games. Cause I always want to build things right the first way. And they are very much a game where it's like, you have to build things at all and then fix it later. And I hate doing that. 0:47:37 Unknown_05: Satisfactory that's the name of the one that I like better That is not a wiener stalker that is the side of one of the cops heads you swatted our home with six times Okay, I want to see this wiener Sorry, I'm wait the people in the Patrick Tomlinson thread don't understand how to thumbnail so the images load very slow 0:48:22 Unknown_04: Where is the penis? Unknown_04: I'm watching chat for links if someone has the post, because I want to see the stalkers. Oh my God, he's having like a proper meltdown over this. Where? Oh. Unknown_05: Hold up hold up. All right. I'm literally reading a kiwi farm start trying to figure out where this penis is Okay, this is it you get ready you can't see much so I'm confident in showing it on screen It's like an outline as opposed to an actual Venus 0:48:55 Unknown_04: I think he's being arrested naked? And he published this on Twitter. Oh, and you can see the outline of a little weenus. And people are... See it? 0:49:28 Unknown_04: See the weenus chat? Unknown_05: And apparently he's having like a proper meltdown about this. Unknown_04: Someone... He's been on Twitter arguing about his penis all day. Unknown_04: Let's read some of these. I love doing my Patrick Tomlinson voice, though. Unknown_04: Let's see. Unknown_04: He had no argument to rebut, Stalker. I've had many tweets go far more viral than that one, Stalker, and all Ben did was shit himself over it. Yes, Stalker, that is one of the many felony crimes you are going to prison for. It's very obvious you never have and never ever will, Stalker. 0:50:00 Unknown_04: Ben conceded my point immediately and then fought a straw man because his only talent in life is sounding smart to stupid people just like you, Sulker. Wow, glass house with that one. Unknown_04: That's one of your many delusions again, stalker. Yes, stalker, you have. This is your entire life, stalker. Every waking moment, you'll never have anything outside your pathetic obsession with me ever again. How sad is your life that you've spent every waking moment of it for the last hour, or four hours, or four years, rather, anonymously and cowardly stalking, harassing, and lying about a complete stranger you've never met? Stalker no stalker. It really isn't and no stalker You're not going to subpoena me ever for anything unless you want to drastically hasten the day you're placed in prison You've committed several today stalker. You're not the general public Stalker the general public doesn't know what a local even is and when explained to them They immediately recognize anyone who uses locale unironically as a dangerous sociopath like You! A normal person wouldn't spend multiple days in banned accounts pretending to see a glimpse of another man's penis in security camera footage from the swatting attempts they have sent against a total stranger, stalker! 0:51:20 Unknown_04: Run on sentence, stalker child. Wrong twice more, stalker. I lie, not at all, and don't have an echo chamber, stalker. That's you again, a clinically obsessed cyber stalker who lives his entire life in an echo chamber surrounded by other mentally ill criminals. Too stupid to recognize they've cornered themselves into a doomed cult. don't owe any stalker yes stalker you will for many years no stalker it isn't that's not where a human penis grows from you're just a very very stupid and very very desperate to believe you've seen my penis and yes stalker you did and you are going to prison for it i'm assuming that he's addressing two separate points there not saying that actually yes you have seen my penis and going to prison for it that's not a wiener stalker that's the side of the cop's head you swatted our home with six times the photo of the side of the cop's head that you swatted my home with half a dozen times stalker no actually i want you put in prison for it because swatting is the felony tell the other federal inmates all about your memes once you've sentenced to prison stalker i'm sure they'll be very impressed 0:52:49 Unknown_04: Her real dad is right here and always has been, Stalker. No, Stalker, I don't remember things which never happened. Enjoy your prison cult, Stalker. That's not a penis, Stalker. That's not even where a penis would be on a person. Congratulations, Stalker. You've circled the side of a man's skull. My wife is a beautiful woman and she's still not my penis. And that's still not my penis, no matter how weirdly desperate you are to see it, Stalker. wrong in so many different ways stalker that's not a penis stalker that's not even where a penis would be on a person no wait it's the same thing wrong in so many ways stalker yes stalker you really really are no stalker i didn't know stalker you really can't 0:53:33 Unknown_04: You aren't and don't stalker. We're going to enjoy your sentencing hearing stalker. Our home is not located in a ghetto stalker. It's on the East side of Milwaukee or a deeply mentally ill person and facing prison. Unknown_04: I am neither stalker. These are your delusions again. So I don't know if you want to believe that's the peony of, uh, Patrick Tomlinson. Unknown_05: It doesn't look like it's attached to his head. 0:54:05 Unknown_05: Maybe. Unknown_05: No, I don't think that's his head. Unknown_04: I don't know if that's a weenus though. That's pretty grainy, Stalker Children. I don't know if that's actually the weenus. I can't say with any certainty. Unknown_04: You know, I will reiterate that he should probably just fucking stop, like, posting about being swatted on the fucking internet constantly. Unknown_04: Okay, here's another request. This is from chudbuds.lol, which is the instance I'm gonna be shilling now because everyone's mad at me for shilling posts and posts is apparently having lots of drama. I don't feel like fucking dealing with it. So chudbuds.lol if you don't have a Fediverse account yet and you don't want to wait 10 years for the kiwifarms.cc to be back up. Zannyberry says, Nick Fuentes, parenthesis deranged faggot, shits on white people before going on a long rant about defending black people and their culture. 0:54:39 Unknown_01: As you know, I'm not an outdoorsman. I can't go hunting and fishing. And I'm a Catholic, not a Protestant. Lately, I've been trying to have a little bit of understanding because I've been talking to Sneko and I talked to these other guys and I've been talking to black people and 0:55:15 Unknown_04: I've been talking to black people. Oh fuck that man is that guy right there? He's cultured Let me tell you he talks to black people a lot of things and we come from very different walks of life And although I'm not gonna go full leftist mode about it. Unknown_01: It is important. It is important Generally generally Unknown_01: to listen to other people and to try to understand where they're coming from. Unknown_01: I can't fully understand though because I'm not black. Unknown_01: You all know that for better for worse. But in spite of that, I will defend their identity. I will defend their heritage. I will stand up and speak out even though it's not mine. They are 0:55:48 Unknown_01: completely apart, obviously, of the American fabric, cannot remove them from the American fabric. And it is important for white people to recognize their story, their history, their culture, their way of life, their heroes, their struggle. And those are the things that are worth preserving. You know, I'm not an outdoorsman. Unknown_04: He had me going for a while. I mean it's like I don't mind like different cultures are interesting from a like purely like objective standpoints where it's it's interesting hearing like the folklore and Traditions and look especially the food. That's the best part about traveling the world is like eating everybody's food Going to different niggas countries and eating their food. That's like that's the whole reason why you get on a plane You know I'm saying um but to say like it's important that it's like black people are critical to the american way of life i don't think that's true uh as far as like it's important to it's important for to understand black people specifically why 0:56:36 Unknown_04: They hate you. Unknown_04: Now we understand each other. They don't like you. They don't want you to govern them. And if you are smart, you don't want them to govern you either. So now we're at an understanding, correct? Maybe we should have some sort of system where we don't govern each other anymore. I don't know. That sounds a bit radical maybe. 0:57:12 Unknown_04: I do stand by that. I like black people more than trunes. I think that I have more in common with black. I have more in common with anybody than than trannies. Trannies are just like an alien species. They don't reproduce. They're like viruses. They reproduce asexually by injecting themselves into living cells and exploding them into another freak tranny. Like, like literally like a virus says. And a virus can't even be classified as life, you know? 0:57:48 Unknown_04: Black people are normal, you know? They have sex, they have wives, they have children, they raise their children sometimes. Not usually in the U.S. they don't, but it's much more similar to my understanding of the human experience than a transgender person's understanding of the human experience. Or it seems like the transgender person's understanding of the human experience is 0:58:21 Unknown_04: non-existent. What is it? And usually a person says life is about like, about what? You know, it's about having a family. Unknown_04: Sometimes, you know, providing, usually that's what most people would say. Well, it's the meaning of life. You ask somebody who's in Vietnam or Nigeria or Poland or I don't know, Brazil. Like, it's family. So that's like the go-to. Yeah, it's like a tranny. What are they going to say? They're not going to say family. They're going to say like doing whatever you want, you know, having dickless lesbian sex with a woman and BDSM gear and smoking weed and playing video games, I guess. And that's about it. 0:59:03 Unknown_04: Can't, can't be me. Can't relate to that. Unknown_04: Alright, what else? What else? I'll do another thing. Catch my attention and then I'll read the super chat. Sorry if I'm being boring this week. I've been busy, unfortunately. Unknown_05: I'm not doing the training day. I don't have that ready. I usually have that ready when I do those. Unknown_05: Boy slop, yummy. 0:59:37 Unknown_04: Like stop spamming it bro, for real. I just don't have it ready. I have to find it Slovakia passed an internet censorship bill. I predicted the Poltards shooting would happen. It just kind of happened Well, that's Slovakia. Someone from Slovakia told me that Bratislava would told me that I might get notifications from Slovakia for internet censorship shit And I don't know if Tarek ever passed, but that's the EU law where it says like if any member of the EU Does that you have to take something down you have like a couple hours to take it down or you face like a huge fine Which is essentially the same as in China China says like 15 minutes though not a couple hours, but 1:00:25 Unknown_05: Josh, this is very important. If you talk to Ghost Politics, press him on Pippa Pipkins. Oh, that's a big ass, my brother. Unknown_04: I don't know if I'll be doing that. Unknown_04: Why would the farms be down in Australia but up in New Zealand? It depends on your ISP. It is very arbitrary. It's not strictly political or geographical. It's based on your, on what transit you happen to have. And certain countries are more impacted by it than others. 1:01:04 Unknown_05: Farms are down on their China Unknown_05: Crying about China. It's an impulse. Unknown_04: I'm simply comparing that before before this legislation tarik and the West we had no sort of like standardized takedown process in China when you get a business license if you want to have user-generated content on the internet and You have to have a business license, you have to have a registered incorporation, you have to have a contact number that is available 24-7, and you have to be able to respond to a government takedown notice through a specific protocol within 5 to 15 minutes depending on how important your platform is within China. 1:01:54 Unknown_04: And in the EU, they're passing TAREG, or they may have already passed TAREG, I'm not entirely sure. And it's going to be the exact same thing. And the only difference is I think it's an hour or something instead of 15 minutes. So it's a four times more accommodating than than China as opposed to just not being a thing that you have to worry about because it's fucking retarded. Unknown_04: Why is the EU so stupid? Because it is a unelected bureaucracy operating out of fucking Belgium and nobody has any say about what happens there. It's literally a meme. It's like a bureaucracy that owns everybody in the EU. 1:02:31 Unknown_04: I don't I don't know how I don't know conceptually how people in the EU even tolerate it I think they're kind of guilt-tripped into it. They're like well War is bad, and if we're all under one government, then I guess we won't have any more war and that's a good thing But then it's like the government that you've assembled for this is just a trade union. That's like bloated into a fucking full-fledged operation Unknown_04: So it's not really like a real government that represents the interests of the people in those countries It's just a fucking mess and but you know European Union people are stupid They're almost as stupid as Americans We're pretty fucking stupid. Everyone's stupid Except the Chinese and Xi Jinping. 1:03:16 Unknown_05: They're the greatest Um Unknown_05: Would you truning out solve all our issues? Unknown_04: No. People who are like trune, people who trune out and then are like anti-trune agenda are the most ostracized people on the entire planet. Those people are miserable because they're not accepted by normal people fully and they're ostracized from their own community that would accept them. So they have nobody essentially. Being like an out being a true and there's like Excommunicado from the true Church during fraternity Is one of the most lonely people on the planet? 1:03:50 Unknown_04: All right, I will now read the super chats, I'm sorry That has come to this already. I'll try to keep it entertaining because this will be the content for the stream I 1:04:23 Unknown_04: I don't know. Sorry, I feel really bad about how lazy I've been in terms of streams and stuff, but... When my sight's down, I can't focus on anything else. It's very difficult for me to like... Unknown_04: to multitask. It becomes an all-consuming anger. Like, how do I bring this up? I can't even really focus on, like, video games and stuff when the site's down. It's like, no, this has to be fixed first, and then once it's back up, I can focus on whatever the fuck else. You know what I mean? 1:04:56 Unknown_05: Just don't get fat. I am a stress eater. I have not gained any weight, though. I've been watching it. Unknown_05: Um, let's see. Unknown_04: Belly at one for 20 says so frowny face I've been thinking thinking emoji all morning and I'm getting really worried if Philbert is eating tongue fat cats pussy after his power muscle emoji walk but before his shower a water bottle isn't there a good chance of his a greasy drop sweat filled stubble will cut knife and blood emoji cat on her clip that infection would be robust shocked emoji 1:05:42 Unknown_04: That is grotesque. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Does that dark side feel? Oh, that's fucking vile. I don't want to think about dark side Phil having sex. Thank you. We'll tell you I'm gaming for 100 glory slot bit says you can file an FCC complaint and they request a response in three days. I've done it before and I will do that again, but there's something else in the works now. Unknown_04: I am piano for five says Josh. Can you add only holds and plaster casted dildos to your merchandise store? I need them for a project I'm working on. It's scientific. No, I cannot. I apologize. I have to deny your request. 1:06:15 Unknown_04: Trune cells are a menace for eight says trainees and their chasers are working in it. Broke the internet. Trainees are past that a drain on society. There are no trans rights, only trans wrongs. Trainees are worse than China. Chinese trainees are the worst of them all. Thank you. Trune cells. Unknown_04: SpaceAlien for $100 says PizzaEmoji. Thank you. Oh wait, it's not SpaceAlien. SpaceAllen. I thought that was a lowercase i. I apologize for getting your name wrong when you gave me $100 to say pizza. Thank you SpaceAllen. Unknown_04: Polyfrog for $64 for $10 says Josh. 1:06:52 Unknown_04: Have you heard the rumor that Britney Venti had a Saudi oil baron pay her $100,000 to shit on her chest? She was sent 40k superchats on YouTube asking for contact details. If you ask her about it, she will ban you or block you. I have not heard that, but I would expect that Britney Benteen makes enough money where you would probably need a lot more than $100,000 to hire her to let you shit on her. I think that she does fine. She doesn't seem like that she would need money for that. I think that's just being a cyber bully. Unknown_04: Shroom cells are a menace for five again says do corporate with fan artists on the site meant to make do Cooperate sorry completely much for that with fan artists on the site to make new merch The Kiwi farms needs official mascots and merged with mascots. I need for a reason. It's a matter of survival This guy is very weird and his super chats are weird XMR for ten says win Manera chat. I don't know. I might set that up. I might not depend on how much time I have 1:07:41 Unknown_05: Um, I don't know how much 25 library tokens is like a couple, like not even like 25 cents. Unknown_04: I don't think maybe it's a couple of dollars. Okay. Whatever. Vianney Moynin says for 25 boy points going into another niggas countries and having the Negras's eat your food is where it's at nigga. I agree Sneed for five says rap music is probably better than training music Well, we can okay. Let's let's do a toss-up. We're gonna do a poll you ready chat. How do I do a poll? Oh 1:08:18 Unknown_04: Can I do a poll on Odyssey? Can I do a poll on Odyssey? Unknown_04: Okay here I'm trying to think of what I consider like the best black person like quintessential black person a song that's not like a meme Here you know what fuck it fuck it I'll pull out I'll pull out the obvious winner here 1:09:01 Unknown_05: Okay, tell me which one you like more. Unknown_04: Okay, that's our representation for the black race in their music. Unknown_03: I now have a song for trans people in their music. You ready? Unknown_08: And fuck you trans people Trans people are my friends Transcombs gon' catch these bands Trans people are my friends So respect them but we're going in Trans people are my friends Transcombs gon' catch these bands Trans people are my friends So respect them but we're going in 1:09:57 Unknown_04: okay are we voting are we going black going trans black or trans chat i'm seeing a lot of ones i don't know i'm seeing a lot of twos oh no oh no it looks like i don't know i guess trans trans people are my friends is winning over over six seven nine which is a really as far as like Unknown_04: chill listening rap music is a pretty good song i wasn't like deliberately choosing the worst black people music i could think of um i don't know i mean there is like Unknown_04: Hold on. There are a couple rap songs that I'm unironically like. Sorry, I'm losing my fucking mind. Who's the guy that got shot, Tupac? He got shot, quote-unquote. Not living in Serbia, quote-unquote, Tupac. 1:10:50 Unknown_04: There's a song that I like by The Pock. Unknown_07: I see no changes, wake up in the morning and I ask myself, is life worth living, should I blast myself? I'm tired of being poor and even worse, I'm black, my stomach hurts so I'm looking for a purse to snatch. Cops give a damn about an hero, pull the trigger, kill a n***a, he's a hero. Give a d*** to the kid, who the hell cares? One less hungry mouth on the welfare. 1:11:24 Unknown_04: I like, I like those. Okay. If I have to choose like a category of black people, music, I like, I like, um, what's called an introspective rap. I like nineties, like critical music about black culture and also like the black place in society. Um, Tupac falls under that, um, pretty well. Most stuff falls into that pretty well. Uh, there's a few different artists who are considered introspective rapists from rappers, rappers from the nineties. Unknown_04: Better than, uh, better than this shit. 1:12:05 Unknown_04: Wonderful. Anyways, okay, I'll look at the donation alerts now. Unknown_05: That was the, uh, Odyssey people. Unknown_04: Aus Delgado for 10 says the lottery is probably fake, but if isn't I win 1.5 billion tomorrow I'll probably personally finance the Kiwi ISP. Okay Sure, sounds like a plan. I'll write you a business plan. I have my my IX is already chosen Indignant retard for $100 says Josh. My question is too long for the super chat, but isn't long but isn't too long Um 1:12:36 Unknown_04: Is there any, so he wants me to read this for $100. It's a long thing. Josh, my ISP's Pajeet call center struggled to comprehend the issue. It was not on my end. Can you give me some vocabulary to help get my point across? I already tried transit issue. I'm not a network engineer. I need to explain the issue to the next Pajeet in such a way that makes them think, oh fuck, this is way above my pay grade. Let me transfer this call to someone more important. Also, I will be writing a letter to my congressmen. They're all democrats. So i'm considering placing emphasis in the letter that the kiwi farms catalogs The actions of right-wing extremists such as nicholas j. Fuentes and anathime joseph g and a And the reason that isps can do this is that donald trump removed net neutrality Um, you don't have to focus on the kiwi farms, but you can say that it's the thing that like net neutrality I guess if you want to try and get that together 1:13:16 Unknown_04: Like I said if it comes time to complain to consumer level ISPs, I will put that together and A guide on how to complain correctly you don't have to if you don't know what you're doing. Don't worry about it right now I will definitely communicate to people what to do if that happens. However, it seems like They actually want to 1:13:59 Unknown_04: They want to fix it, which is good news and what I'm hoping for because I don't want to I really don't want to destroy the capital I internet even though it has currently been destroyed. We can still fix it We're on the brink of being able to fix it to wind back. So yeah, just pay attention to the telegram I'll let you know what's up. No, I won't leave you hanging if I ask people for help. I'll explain what to do Stenum feed them for 10 says just build your own lowercase iron that fucking already went there. Oh Working on its need them feed them for 10 because it's always for 10 for whatever reason Roxanne wolf for 10 says is there any template or scripts that we can? Share that we can use for emailing or calling our state representatives. This was the exact same question as He also says appreciate you smiley face Thank you. This is the same question. But yeah, like I said, I will I will definitely let people know what to say right now it's just 1:14:41 Unknown_04: Whatever it suggests if you if you want to do it right now, you don't want to wait But looks like things might pick up already is if you just send the ping look the URL Is this? 1:15:23 Unknown_05: Uh, it's Firefox ping.pe slash 103-114-1911. Unknown_04: That is the IP. You can find this. Don't worry. Oh my God, he's exposing his network. If you go nslookup, kiwifarms.net, you will see this IP. Look, I'll show you this. Unknown_04: dnschecker.org. Unknown_04: kiwifarms.net 103-114-1911. That is public. A BGP announcement is called an announcement because you're announcing it. It's not secret. Don't worry about that. Link that and say like it's a upstream. Did that break? Oh my god, did that break Odyssey? Hello? Hello chat? 1:16:02 Unknown_04: Sorry, I broke OBS. I don't know how I did it. Unknown_04: I had to reboot OBS, I'm sure that's gonna break. Oh, Rumble's dead. Oh god, you can't restart the stream with Rumble, it just fucking dies. Okay, well Rumble's dead. Rest in peace, Rumble. Autosneed is working, so we're gonna continue on with the superchats. I apologize to those who are reconnecting who will not hear their superchat, but whatever. Unknown_04: Rungel drop nigga balls for 488 says Josh about yesterday I was willing to teach you the language of deceit my language of deceit and lies Dutch for true and honest if you come to my gay flag yet free countries speaking like this you'll be turned into tulips I was talking about Amsterdam because the Dutch are usually where a lot of our transit comes through. And I was making fun of him because I say that Dutch is just German with like double vowels for everything. You just say like ik, ik bin. 1:16:48 Unknown_04: It you know, it's just it's just it's a very silly language here watch I will translate this into Dutch and I'll say it English and you'll hear how fucking stupid this language sounds Josh, overgesteren, ik ben bereid je mijn taal van Deadrug in Lugens Nederlands te leren waar in er ligt als je zo naar mijn My talk vry lan kompt, vod ye farandard in droopin. Dumb language, okay? 1:17:39 Unknown_04: You understand this? Unknown_04: Those people are fucking weird. They speak that shit, that's why they're so crazy. They're willing to host the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_04: Stroke English. Unknown_04: ToiletDuckForFive says, thank you for your hard work, quack. Thank you, ToiletDuck. MichaelDragonStormForTen says, hi Josh, I'm from Mississauga, Ontario, and the site runs better than ever. I'm glad that the Canadians have risen the fuck up, and now they have Kiwi Farms, and the lowercase i internet from America does not. We're gonna be okay. Also tell Richard to stop being an antisocial faggot. Dear Richard, please stop being an antisocial faggot. Your friend Michael Dragonstorm from Mississauga, Ontario is very concerned about you. 1:18:17 Unknown_04: Koya Dante for 15 says, mad at the Josh's lowercase i internet. That's true. Well, I'm not mad at my lowercase i internet. I'm mad at the stupid idiots over on the other shitty lowercase i internet who doesn't want to talk to me. Unknown_04: Jerk on pretend says hi. Josh is the Liz Fong Jones. You're talking about the same person as Liz hold is there down tighter? I'm a consent accident provider Hold Oh holds. I thought it was like a German accent. But no, it's a It's just there isn't like a fake pronoun Liz hold sir down tighter I'm a consent accident provider fun Jones. Yes. It is the same consent accident provider as a as that was fun Jones. Oh 1:18:59 Unknown_04: anonymous for once says just email my ISP it's super small we're run by like two old people so I don't know if it'll help don't be a lazy fuck and email anyways do whatever you want if I need help I'll reach out but right now it's just like 1:19:36 Unknown_04: I don't know. Right now it's like, apparently they have specific issues they want fixed with the site that they consider AUP infringing, which is a shock, I guess. I guess I wouldn't be told this if I didn't have people going to bat for me, but I'm being told that there is specific issues that can be addressed, so I can't wait to see what those are. I'm sure they're gonna be riveting. Unknown_04: Pia deke for $14 and 88 cents says hope you had a nice and spooky Halloween and hope you'll have a good pizza Sunday I'm doing keto right now. Laugh at me. I'm not eating any pizza this week. I had a time At a time where I most need and deserve a good pizza. I am instead doing keto Such as live chat just for this month lose some weight 1:20:09 Unknown_04: Wimmy for one says the Leonardo Abyss videos are works of art also sneed. And then there is a Discord link which means that Wimmy for one is on Discord and sending me his fucking Discord links. Says niggacat.webm. I'm not downloading your... What is this? I'm gonna look at it. No, I have to... I don't trust it. I'm not playing this. I don't trust it. Sorry Wimmy for one. With your fucking Discord link. 1:20:41 Unknown_04: Anonymous for 10 says, how do I convince my ASP that kiwifarms isn't down and satire when ISP calls in the downtime customer service is blaming the kiwi farms for being unable to access the site The ping P page is the one that I provided say that it's an issue with their their peers. They're upstream It is not an issue with the site itself Lunar for one for two says the world's first copyright law the statute of an was enacted in England in 1710 1:21:23 Unknown_04: Actually, you know, it's funny. I think I looked this up and said origin of copyright Then there is history of copyright on Wikipedia and it says something Okay statue to ban is the first one where the words of like copy comes from Unknown_04: But modern copyright law has been influenced by an array of older legal rights that have been recognized throughout history, including the moral rights of the author who created the work, the economic rights of a benefactor who paid to have a copy made, the property rights of the owner of a company, and a sovereign's right to censor and regulate the printing industry. The origins of some of these rights can be traced back to ancient Greek culture ancient roman law and ancient jewish law so the statute of ann is an amalgamation of ancient greek roman and jewish components and i'll leave you to discern which parts are which 1:22:06 Unknown_04: Coal coal for five says Josh since we're looking for a topic Can you give us an update on the season one Maddie locales ADF King over gurus and one to Scott and coach red pill, please Thank you for all you do coach red pill is currently in Harkin Harkin as a prisoner of war Melinda Scott's husband is dead, and she's still suing me, but keeps asking for delays, which I'm more than happy to allow. 1:22:43 Unknown_04: Virgo Rouge occasionally puts out a weird-ass fucking music video on YouTube, but is otherwise, like, completely silent. Kingle runs a clone version of the Kiwi Farms, where he allows complete fucking lunatics to operate and do whatever the fuck they want, because he wants to get revenge on me, not knowing that those people are taking advantage of him and will eat him alive when it becomes useful to them to do so, or entertaining to them to do so. Unknown_04: and ADF is I think like a sex slave of some weirdo tranny in Portland I really don't know what happened to ADF he disappeared 1:23:28 Unknown_04: Collier Dante for five says 15 says you mentioned that transphobes posting L's turned out to be run by a true named Sappho who was a zoo file Is this the same one as? hypnotist Sappho You talked about a few streams ago No, I don't think so. I think that The word Sappho Is based off sapphic which is a Unknown_04: A fetish word for like lesbianism, but it's like mostly like co-opted by trannies now. Like his name is Sappho at yes mommy dot love. This is like a weird fucking creepy thing. It's not like, I think it's like a concept. 1:24:08 Unknown_04: It could be wrong though. Unknown_04: Axel845 says, is it possible to download an entire Kiwi Farmer starting with all the attachments in case the site goes down again? If yes, can you show me how? No, it's not possible, not right now. You can archive them through archives.az if you want. Then you can download those zips as archive files. Unknown_04: You can also use archiving tools like ArchiveBox, which has a archive format that might be useful. Unknown_04: Haxleet for five says for again for five Foxtrot uniform Charlie kilo break November India golf golf Echo Romeo Sierra over how copy? 1:24:53 Unknown_04: We're in the world where repeat we're in the world is asked for is 44. I know what you're saying though It's not it's not it makes more sense when you can see the capital letters of each word But you can probably guess what it says Unknown_04: Dainty's Inferno for one says butt ass naked covering oil which which little cow is winning the twerk off Unknown_04: God Probably momo-kun, but she's he's already like a whore and she's really fat She's probably when the twerk off people seem to think that they call her like thick Samus and she gets liposuction But she gets liposuction like in her belly fat. So she has like this bizarre fat distribution like squidward after eating all the The Krabby Patties. She has like limited body fat, but she's got like extremely morbidly obese legs. 1:25:35 Unknown_04: Haramberg produces, what is your preferred term for male ejaculation a splurge become see monkey butter G D jizz II Guy glue f spunk. We need a common terms that Jim Stefani sterling can be fed 20 That's fucking vile 1:26:17 Unknown_04: I don't know How about coom? Coom will be our official word It's not on your list though. I guess I make I'm going my own way and go their own way choose their own term Unknown_04: MadClock5 says, here's 5 bucks to support the lowercase K KiwiNet and the Tranny Titanic pipeline connecting Nowhere USA to Serbia. Would you consider going to the Sitch and Adam show to discuss the farm's also fucked TRA? I don't know who that is. Unknown_04: For some reason, everyone, I've been suggested to go on the regular show with the moist guy on it, but they've never invited me, so. 1:26:57 Unknown_04: I know one guy on that show is a likes the forum, but he's also never invited me. So I don't know. Sorry, that has nothing to do with such an Adam, but I'm not sure what, I think I'll want to start talking to more people soon. Just like let out how fucking ridiculous this all has been, but not right now. Unknown_04: Lunar for two says the first world's first copyright law that such a man was not in England 17. I've already read this. Am I losing my mind? Did I reload the page and fuck up my place? 1:27:34 Unknown_05: I might have. I might be losing my mind though. Unknown_05: Yes, I'm losing my mind. Unknown_05: I'm like really losing it. Yeah, I'm losing it. Unknown_05: Okay, I've read through it again, and I cannot see anyone that I missed, which is to be expected. 1:28:06 Unknown_04: This is a very small stream with no content, but that's okay. Unknown_04: Steven Crowder had Rikada in, might be, like, yeah, I'll reach out to, like, if I really wanna do, like, a PR thing, I'll reach out to the usuals, like Tucker Carlson and Ladder with Crowder and that shit. Vax moment. Unknown_04: Joe Rogan Joe Rogan look we gotta get Elon Musk to unban Donald Trump so Donald Trump can tweet out Kiwi Farms and start Gamergate 3.9. Okay, we're gonna do this. We're gonna get revenge. 1:28:41 Unknown_04: Going Tucker look, I'm not invited to any of these things. So I don't know why you're yelling go go on this show It's like I don't know maybe if they want me to we'll start with that. Maybe if they want me on their show, I'll consider it In here you read mine. Was it a donation? Was it true and shine? Unknown_05: Since 30 Unknown_05: Roxanne will of toilet duck Michael Kolya zircon anonymous Podiacal Vimy and in lunar Mad clock I've definitely read all these Yeah, I see the new ones coming in ruggie for five says nothing. 1:29:35 Unknown_04: Thank you. Ruggy this nigga eating beans for five says I hope this is enough much as his I made this from a stream a couple weeks ago and I thought you might find it funny Unknown_05: Let me scan through this. Unknown_05: I know this song. I recognize those chords. Unknown_04: It's like a music video. 1:30:15 Unknown_04: this is benzine that's why I don't know why you sent me like a whole song and then replaced one word but I knew what you were I scammed through it I knew what you were trying to do you could have like clipped that part so I don't get a copyright strike for it that's why I recognize that song I had talked about that song Unknown_04: Okay, anything else anything else I should mention I'll shoot I'll talk for a little bit it's been not even two hours Anything else that I should mention I feel like nothing's happened this week except the internet dying And what's-his-face Elon Musk buying Twitter And didn't Biden do something stupid is there some drama with him didn't like sniff another child or something I want this message to go away 1:31:18 Unknown_04: I guess it's not going to go away. Unknown_05: Okay. Okay. I see how it is. Don't even have an outro song picked. Unknown_04: NBA player Kyrie Irving got suspended for anti-Semitism. Oh, I already mentioned all the Kanye West stuff about like sketchers and shit. Unknown_05: He claimed an executive order pass with votes. Unknown_04: Yeah. Um, I don't know. Everything he says is kind of, he said that is like his son died in Iraq, but his son didn't die in Iraq. He died of like cancer, like in the United States. So I don't know where that like, I don't know. He's, he's just like out of it. And it's obvious to everyone. I don't know how anyone's like, Oh my God, he says I'm stupid. Like, yeah, he's obviously like incompetent. 1:31:50 Unknown_04: Yeah. Kanye lost his billionaire status or got replaced by some other black dude. Unknown_05: Who's like a good boy. 1:32:26 Unknown_05: Yeah, I can't do shit over the weekend. Unknown_04: It's true. I might stream a game. Unknown_04: He posts about black Israelites and whiteness of anti-semitism. Unknown_04: I saw, I think it was, I don't know if it was a real tweet, but it was from Kanye West and he said something like, um, anti-Semitism is a synonym, anti-Semite is a synonym for n-word now. It's like anytime you say anti-Semite, you really mean black guy in like a vulgar way. I don't know if that's a real tweet or if that's like fake. Unknown_04: Is Kanye registered on the farms yet? That was a real tweet. Okay, great. 1:32:59 Unknown_04: I'm telling you, we'll get YeezyNet. YeezyNet. YeezyISP. Do it the Yeezy way. It's coming soon, I promise everyone. Unknown_05: We'll be free again. Unknown_05: Oh wait, there was like more things from the library side. Unknown_04: Premium Gaming, thank you for the streams and the work on the site. Crown and Kiwi Emoji. Thank you for the bits. I don't like cash out my library tokens, I just use them to like peg my videos with more, with like 100 points each so they stay up. Because that's how that system works. So I just recycle that. And it's nice to have more, I was running out. 1:33:30 Unknown_04: I'm a piano for my goal in life is the transition they make obese tranny porn with Christian I write this to ask if you would pay for the pay-per-view I think it would be hot and alert people to many of the social issues that are plaguing America today your thoughts If you're fucking Chris, he should be paying you as far as I'm concerned do whatever you want my dude. I don't care My hands are completely off of the Chris thing at this point I can't even be mad if someone's fucking them Irradiated meat supply says untreated depression and the leisure of modern life may cause an increase in sexual tendencies The urban environment is the incubator for all sorts of undesirable behaviors. However Much as trans degeneracies discuss us. He may actually consider himself a heroine. I doubt it These people do not I am a hundred percent convinced that Liz Long Jones is just a sexual sadist 1:34:16 Unknown_04: He's into BDSM. He does like dominatrix shit, which is really fucking creepy. Like he looks like a sex pest and then you know that he like puts on like a leather mask and like ties people up and that gets him off. I fully believe that he is a sexual sadist and he would like kill and eat women if he could get away with it. 1:35:05 Unknown_05: Would it be best for Chris to join his OCs? Unknown_04: No. He should just be in like a hospital. You know what I mean? He just needs to be taken off the internet. A lot of his life would improve if he just had no internet access. I'm sure that jail has been good for him actually. No internet access whatsoever and having to contact real people. I think, I bet you, I would bet you money. Unknown_04: Even if Chris is upset that he's not like free, which is understandable, I bet you that he is more like psychologically healthy in prison. Even if it's just like his letters are fucking insane bullshit, but... Like on a day-to-day basis, I think he's probably doing better. 1:35:51 Unknown_05: It's unbelievable how many normies are just going along with all this. Unknown_04: I think that they don't feel like they have a choice. Unknown_04: You know, the real side effect of the censorship in social media is not that people can't say what they want. It's that they can't hear. Unknown_04: The audience is deprived of hearing a diversity of thought. They only get the monoculture that's allowed. Unknown_04: So if you're a normal person and you look at Twitter, you will be deluded into thinking that we are one good election away from like a Marxist takeover. 1:36:26 Unknown_04: And you know, all this shit and you hear all these opinions that are just not a reflection of common mentality. You watch the news and it's the same issue. Like a normal person who is just like getting by day to day and isn't like politically active and isn't socially conscious at all. Unknown_04: They, um, they have no idea. They have zero fucking clue what the actual consensus is. Unknown_04: All right, Chris Hitchens. Yeah, well, I am. I uploaded that video. Um, I would actually suggest this to anyone. I, I'm afraid to bring up Firefox again, cause it'll crash my OBS. But if you just go to YouTube, I uploaded a video, that's a clip and you type in in defense of unpopular speech. 1:37:04 Unknown_04: And you'll get a Christopher Hitchens video from 2006. He's been dead for 11 years now and this video is five years old when he died. But it's him in Ontario and he's speaking in regards to a anti-hate speech bill that was being discussed in Parliament in Canada. Unknown_04: And his debate about free speech and in that Unknown_04: Whatever the fuck you want to call it. That lecture that he gives is one of the most like concise. 1:37:44 Unknown_04: Uh, defenses of hate speech and genuine free speech that has ever been put out. It is an extremely, uh, good. And I saw it when I was very young and it influenced me quite a bit. It's a, it's extremely intelligent and it's so good that he has 20 minutes to speak. Unknown_04: and he dedicates half his time to bashing religion and he's done with his free speech thing halfway through because there's nothing more to be said. He explains how hate speech should be defended, how speech in general should be defended, how when you create laws to censor people you're doing yourself a disservice even if you don't think that you are. It's an extremely intelligent argument and it covers many different bases all at once. So if you 1:38:19 Unknown_04: Listening at wanting to listen to some big brain content go ahead and listen to him and I understand that not that Christopher Hitchens wasn't like the best person but The beauty of ideas is that when they're right doesn't matter who's saying them It's still true. So even if he is, you know, you don't like him for whatever reason what he says is still accurate 1:39:04 Unknown_05: What's the video called in defense of unpopular speech Christopher Hitchens 2006 or free simply free speech by Christopher Hitchens in 2006. Unknown_04: It's an excerpt from a Canadian debate. I recommend watching it's only about 13 minutes long the relative part. Unknown_04: To like say that Hitchens shouldn't be listened to because you don't like a lot of what he says It's very ironic because of his point about how people should be listened to even like he explicit like he explicitly mentions Holocaust and all in fact if I go to Go to the video and play a specific part hold up You'll really like this 1:39:53 Unknown_00: if everybody in North America is forced to attend school. Unknown_00: training in sensitivity on Holocaust awareness and is taught to study the final solution about which nothing was actually done by this country or North America or the United Kingdom while it was going on. But let's say, as if in compensation for that, everyone's made to swallow an official and unalterable story of it now, and it's taught as the great moral exemplar, the moral equivalent of the morally lacking. elements of the Second World War, the way of stilling our uneasy conscience about that combat. If that's the case with everybody, as it more or less is, and one person gets up and says, you know about this Holocaust? I'm not sure it even happened. 1:40:30 Unknown_00: In fact, Unknown_00: I'm pretty certain it didn't. Indeed, I begin to wonder if the only thing is that the Jews brought a little bit of violence on themselves. That person doesn't just have a right to speak. That person's right to speak must be given extra protection because what he has to say must have taken him some effort to come up with, might contain a grain of historical truth, 1:41:06 Unknown_00: might, in any case, give people to think about why do they know what they already think they know? How do I know that I know this, except that I've always been taught this and never heard anything else? It's always worth establishing first principles. It's always worth saying, what would you do if you met a Flat Earth Society member? Come to think of it, how can I prove the Earth is round? Am I sure about the theory of evolution? I know it's supposed to be true. Here's someone who says there's no such thing, it's all intelligent design. How sure am I of my own views? Don't take refuge in the false security of consensus and the feeling that whatever you think, you're bound to be okay because you're in the safely moral majority. One of the proudest 1:41:45 Unknown_04: He then goes on to describe his defense of a Holocaust denier who was arrested in Austria, not even for doing anything, but because they were afraid that he might deny the Holocaust in Austria, while he was in Austria. Unknown_04: And he found that particularly offensive. Unknown_04: It's a very interesting speech, and I see a lot of people responded well to that, which is why I played that part, because I figured a lot of people, like, yeah, he had really shitty takes on a lot of things, that's okay. But when you listen, it's like 10 minutes long, it's so concise and so well thought out, and it's so multifaceted in how it defends speech from different angles that it's undeniably true. 1:42:29 Unknown_04: You know, regardless of who's saying it. Like, I think his way of talking is extremely pompous. He's fucking British, so he sounds like he's constantly sucking on dick when he talks, but can't be helped. Unknown_05: Yeah, Mr. Bond, yeah, he was arrested for... Well, he wasn't arrested for rapping about Hitler. Unknown_04: He was arrested for promoting national socialism. Because his songs are explicitly pro-NSDAP, which is unconstitutional in Austria, but yeah. It is ridiculous that songwriters and shit... Because a song is like a form of art. 1:43:06 Unknown_04: So it's a bit strange that art is explicitly unconstitutional. Unknown_05: Anyways Alright, I think that's it and I don't want to ramble on for too much of that much to say I Don't do I have an outro song. Unknown_00: I do have an outro song Yeah, I'll play this I'll play this part. Unknown_04: Okay guys, I will see you when I see you that maybe next Friday maybe sooner I don't know the site might come up for everybody soon If it's not up for you right now, you can use tour to access it today. Hopefully we'll get some good news soon. I'll see what happens And take it easy. Bye. Bye 1:44:25 Unknown_09: In the heart of the Holy See, in the home of Christianity, the seed of power is in danger. There's a foe of a thousand souls, they've been abandoned by their lords. Unknown_10: The fall from grace will pave their path. For the grace, for the might of our Lord For the home of the holy For the faith, for the way of the sword 42. is 1:45:21 Unknown_10: In the service of heaven They're protecting the holy line April 1527 Give their lives on the steps to heaven They will be done For the grace, for the might of our Lord For the home of the holy For the faith, for the way of the sword Give their lives of holy For the grace, for the might of our Lord 1:46:10 Unknown_10: Come and tell the story again Unknown_10: With dedication, no capitulation Annihilation For the grace, for the might of the Lord For the home of the holy For the faith, for the way of the sword Give their lives so boldly For the grace, for the might of the Lord In the name of His glory For the faith, for the way of the sword Come and tell the story Give their lives so boldly Come and tell the Stray Scout story again