Thank you.
Oh, friends, I hope you have enjoyed this calming, classical Victorian music, because I've been playing Victoria 3, which is very bare-bones and kind of unfinished, like all Paradox games are when they're released. But I am a big simp for the games that are just staring at a map for 24 hours straight, trying to figure out how to make Germany do something.
Unknown_03: Um, let's see. Today's stream is going to be very short. I apologize.
Unknown_03: I have not been able to follow anything because my site's been down.
Unknown_03: I'll just get into it because fuck it. On Sunday, I was very fed up because last week the site's performance was very poor. So I made the decision on the weekend to try and switch over to Zayo, which is an ISP that I have mentioned for months now that I've been trying to get set up, configured, properly cross-connected, announcing my IP addresses, and so on and so forth, because they have DDoS protection. There's only a couple ISPs out there that offer DDoS protection. Zayo was charging me $2,000 a month to have DDoS protection. That was the contract that we agreed upon.
So I say, fuck it. Let's just try and figure out ZDAL's protection. I switch to Zayo. I point the IPs, the kiwifarms.net, directly at the IPs that I have. And within 12 hours, Zayo had terminated service. And that was because, literally just because, Liz Fong-Jones, who is a disgusting square-faced tranny who has been accused of sexual assault at least twice now,
called up a friend in Zayo whose name is Blake Willis, a 20-year veteran of the company. He's from... I want to say he's from...
Unknown_03: washington state he now lives in paris so he's like a french abu which is the most disgusting kind of of abu even worse than being a we abu uh he says basically i think we should drop this website because it violates our aup he forwards it to basically everybody in the company and they make the decision to drop us 12 hours after it starts announcing
Unknown_03: Liz hails this as a huge victory. And the Kiwi Farms has been without internet ever since. I've been waiting, basically sitting on my hands waiting for various support people and multiple different companies to either respond or to get something set up so I can move about it.
But basically I'm just waiting right now. I have...
Unknown_03: Waiting on dedicated provisions.
Unknown_03: I waited for an emergency internet backup line so I could pull the latest copy of the Kiwi Farms stuff from the server. I have gotten that now for the most part. And now I'm waiting on getting everything else set back up so I can try again.
Um, I was a little bit shocked at how quickly Zayo folded because Zayo is a tier one internet service provider. I think they're tier one, either tier one or tier two. And basically what that means is that a tier one internet provider has, um,
Unknown_03: free exchange with other tier one providers.
Unknown_03: And they're one of the few companies that are in ISP that provide layer three and layer four DDoS protection. As I mentioned before, there are three different layers that you're usually concerned with. Three and four are related to direct bandwidth, and layer seven is related to overwhelming your service directly.
So it's pretty important for someone in my position to have some way of mitigating traffic that's malicious. And my options for doing so are extremely limited. Either I find an ISP that can do that, and they usually charge a lot like Zayo did, and obviously that doesn't mean anything to them. They'll drop you instantly. Or you can buy enough routers and computers and figure out a way to do that yourself.
Unknown_03: And that's assuming that, for instance, if you peer with a major, like Hurricane Electric is the largest in the world. If you peer with Hurricane Electric, they still might drop you.
It's hard to say now because I've never even heard of this really where an ISP will drop an individual customer.
Unknown_03: Especially without notice, especially without any kind of like heads up, like we're going to drop your service. We're going to have to ask you to leave is usually what happens for a company just to be like, yeah, we're going to just like terminate you now. And you can't really do anything about it. And there's no appeals process.
Unknown_03: I had an escalation rank. I had my account manager, I had some other guy, and then I had the senior vice president. And this is like, if you have a serious problem, you're supposed to escalate it. My senior vice president was a guy who graduated from Berkeley, which if you don't know, is a university in California, which is infamous for being one of the most militant progressive organizations in the entire country. You go to Berkeley, you will cut your tits off if you're a woman. You will cut your dick off if you're a man. And you will wave the Antifa flag and protest various fascist movements that don't even exist. And that's who my account manager was with Zayo. So...
The other one that's pretty big is a company called Voxility. Voxility is based out of London. Oh boy, my favorite, the English. And they are unfortunately the only DDoS provider in Eastern Europe. They have a headquarter out of Romania. And if you are a ISP in Eastern Europe and you want DDoS protection, chances are you're going to be using Voxility.
Unknown_03: So I mentioned before the Ukrainian company that has been tolerating us, VSYS, Virtual Systems, VSYS.host. They've done a great job. They've done everything they can. I don't know why they're so dedicated to keeping my stupid site up for basically no money. But they've tried everything. And when the site went down, I put a 503 page that basically explained everything.
how Liz Fong Jones and Blake Willis from Xeo had conspired together to shut down my service and the site would be coming back up when I could figure out what to do next.
Unknown_03: Voxility, who was the upstream DDoS protection for Vsys where I was hosting this error page,
Then decided to terminate, or not to terminate service with Vsys, but rather to black hole that IP address.
Unknown_03: And stated that they would black hole my other IPs if I did announce them through their service. So essentially an ISP unilaterally decided on behalf of Vsys that they were going to stop providing hosting for this company, or for me.
Unknown_03: without any sort of appeal process involved, which is fascinating. Again, I've never heard of it ever happening. So we are, as I've mentioned in articles and stuff, we are pretty much in a worst-case scenario where the fabric, the tendons, the matter that makes up the Internet is actively resisting hosting things now, and that is the ultimate kind of deplatforming.
And usually, uh, this is also kind of like Cloudflare is so important in and of itself because Cloudflare is a huge network. They have their own fiber optics. They're an ISP on top of a domain registrar on top of a layer seven protection, kind of a one of a kind company. So the, um, Cloudflare dropping us was not just like losing layer seven protection, which it was, and it's a big fucking deal. It's very hard to do layer seven protection by yourself.
Unknown_03: Um, it was also.
Unknown_03: losing a really dependable isp and was losing a dependable domain domain registrar so now the press and before you know liz was just sending complaints to hosts and figuring out that the polish people the dutch people and the ukrainians and themselves would not drop us
Now, after Xeo, they kind of learned, oh, I can just throw a huge bitch fit, and I can fucking complain, and I can find friends in high places in the ISPs directly, and they will censor the internet on my behalf.
Unknown_03: And by the way, neither Voxility nor Xeo pointed to a specific page and said... Um, yeah, we're going to like, uh, haven't, we have an issue with this content. The guy, Blake Willis, who internally was complaining about the Kiwi farms, literally linked a Wikipedia page and said, read this Wikipedia page. This is clearly in violation of our AAP. Voxility didn't even bother with that. They just said, Oh, the Kiwi farms.net domain is pointing at this IP. Well, now it's black hold and they're not going to be able to do anything about that. Uh, they cannot translate this material across our network.
Unknown_03: so it is both actually like judicially there's no appeal process with the law and then within the company there's no appeal process in the law zao vaguely cited aup even though the only things really against their aup directly are illegal content which we don't host they didn't even try to pretend that we did we do host and voxel didn't even try they just said we're not going to do it end of story um so
Unknown_03: That is the sorry state of affairs, and I have indeed gotten the backup plan. I now have one final backup plan. I am on plan ZZ, Omega ZZ. I am at the very, very fucking end of what we can do to keep this site up on the clear net, and if it cannot... I will be able to get it up on Tor regardless. If it cannot go up on the clear net and stay up with my final solution to the hosting problem... I give up. I do not have a further plan for this. I believe that my site is legal. My site should stay up on the clear net. And I have done everything that I possibly can to make this happen within the budget that I have, which is very small. I cannot lay my own fiber optic. I cannot financially compel these companies to put up with us. I do not have the industry connections to force a company to do its job, basically. And there's no country where
Internet service providers are not permitted to drop someone, so I don't have an option.
Unknown_03: If these major ISPs are going to censor the website like this, then I do not have a choice. I cannot even offload the responsibility onto other companies. I have one group.
which has made an offer a and with um some momentum behind it that i believe they will try their best and i believe that they will have a very good shot at keeping the site up however if i'm wrong if they're wrong uh i don't have a choice i really don't it's like uh
Unknown_03: It's like with banking. It's like saying, like, I'm going to do business. Okay, well, you're not allowed to send money in the mail. You're not allowed to process credit cards. You're not allowed to cash checks. Like, okay, well, you know, that's it. If you're not allowed to do those things, then you're not allowed to do business. That's as simple as it gets.
Unknown_03: So in regards to this, I have done literally everything that I possibly fucking can to And every time I find something stable, every time the data center looks stable, every time I get a stable domain registrar, every time I get a stable site going up, there's always a problem that's higher and higher. And right now, the issue is literally the fiber optic carriers of the internet, the people who have laid tens of thousands of miles of transit fiber optics across the world, who are now making decisions about who they will and will not allow to transit through their networks. And
There's no debating that. They say you're not going to get hosted. You're not going to be allowed to transit through their submarine cables. That's it. You don't get through. The only way...
that um you can circumvent that is if you're hosted behind something even bigger um like cloudflare uh starlink i guess if elon musk wants to host the kiwi farms and i guess there's a there's an option but um so far i can't get my twitter twitter account on ban so i'm not really holding out hope for that basically that's that's it either you find something big enough to hide behind or you don't stay up on the internet at all uh so
Unknown_03: I hope, if nothing else, you have seen how completely futile it is to work within the boundaries of our society. I hope that you are preparing for the worst, because the worst is happening. I hope you have secured your own well-being if things were to go really bad, because I...
Unknown_03: Can't imagine that people are going to be able to live like this for long There will become a point in the very near future or you will simply not be able to connect the things that you That you want to because other people have decided that you're not adult enough to access that material. That's simply as simple as it gets So
That's it. Basically what my plan is, is I'm going to keep, once I have the back end fixed again, I think once it's fixed again, it will never go back down. I have a very secure solution in the works, and I think that I'll be able to keep the site up and on tour no matter what, and I will play around with the clear net, but if the clear net is impossible, I'm not going to keep it up on tour only. I will then commit to my exit strategy where I will package everything up in a torrent and give it out and I'll provide some commentary along with it to help people out because I do have some ideas of how if people are hoping to have any success like taking that content and making something out of it there are some things to keep in mind so I'll write down my thoughts with that as well um so yeah there you go
If you're looking for a political solution, things that won't happen, Section 230 has to be modified. Section 230, I think a paragraph 2CA is the one that says that you can take down information without, or take down anything that you want as a computer service provider with impunity. It has to go.
Unknown_03: the the other paragraph is the one where it says like you can host things without um being liable for it civilly that one has to stay it should only be a shield it should not be a sword anymore so 230 has to be changed um and we need to make isps uh neutral carriers like we did with um telephones there was a point in time where bell south uh i forget what it was called originally but they basically decided that we're not going to connect certain phone calls That's obviously a big fucking problem government stepped in and said you will connect phone calls all the time You'll be common carrier and then later they broke it up. I imagine that in the future that
We will pass common carrier restrictions on ISPs. And then Hurricane Electric will probably also be broken up at some point because they are the largest. And if they start moderating the internet, which is a possibility directly with the site, then that cannot be allowed to happen because that will ruin everything.
Unknown_03: I'm not going to try IPFS. I'm not going to try LokiNet. I'll support Tor as an option. I'll support LokiNet as an option. But my site is legal in the United States of America. I have never been contacted by law enforcement telling me to remove content from the site. I have never been tried in civil court and found against. I've never done anything wrong. my site is completely illegal the only reason why it's having these problems is because a bunch of trainees are upset that there is evidence that they do bad things on them and those trainees have friends in tech they have friends in press and those things work together to drop a curtain on the internet so i refuse i refuse i will not do that i will not uh sequester myself to um to tour
I will not do whatever weird, like this guy emails me peer to peer Kiwi farms. No, I'm not doing it. I'm not going to write a, I'm not going to sit down. I'm not going to write a fucking protocol to distribute my forum so that people can spam child pornography on it and all this other shit and, and, um, not be and have it so that there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not doing that. I'm not going to spend hundreds of hours pioneering a hair up here. Fucking website. Um,
Unknown_03: For no reason. Like, I can't afford that. If I don't run the site, if I'm not able to benefit from the site, then I can't afford to continue on like that. I have to move on.
And then it's like, okay, so peer-to-peer, like, I don't know.
Unknown_06: I don't think that's going to fix anything.
Unknown_03: um if like if if backbones are breaking the internet it's it's over it's over the internet's dead um sorry that's just how it is uh if hurricane electric and fucking cogent decide they're gonna start censoring shit that's it that's it uh bye-bye it's over
All right. Sound the bell. Contact who? I'll give you a hint. The fucking people you would talk to are the press. What are the press saying? The press are lying. The press literally lie. And they say that Bu is dead because we have proof because there's an urn. They lie and they say it's a site synonymous with swatting. And the only reason why they say synonymous with swatting is because other fucking bullshit journos lied and said synonymous with swatting. That's it.
Unknown_03: Um, the press is not on the side of like freedom of speech. The electronic frontier foundation is not going to stick their neck out for me. The, the issue is, is that the pro these things work in tandem. The press works to isolate when the press puts out lies and Wikipedia can print those lies as fact. And then Blake Willis can take those lies in the form of Wikipedia consensus and push them forward as a reason to drop a site to his coworkers who will then simply read that and go, okay, the EFF, okay, they come out and they defend a site. What do you think happens? They're going to look at the Wikipedia page. They're going to say, we're not going to defend this. This is a site that swats people. Why would we defend this? This is why they killed people. Why would we defend this? Even if they know better,
People who are looking into supporting the EFF are going to look at Wikipedia and say, wait, why are they defending criminals? I don't want to defend criminals. I just want to defend the Internet. And it's like, that's it. That's how it works. The press lies and then other private organizations can act on it.
Unknown_03: It's like how Facebook and Twitter and all these social media sites decided, hmm, how are we going to get away with censoring people? We don't want to just like censor people we don't like. I know we'll have the ADF or not the ADF, the ADL. We'll have the ADL and all these different anti-hate groups get together and make a completely non-biased regulatory board that makes decisions on what is and is not hate speech. And that way we can just offload all responsibility on them. And since they're a completely fair, well-respected organization like Wikipedia, we can just trust their judgment implicitly and it's not our fault.
What are you going to do? You're going to say that the anti-Semite council is not doing a good job? That they're biased? Are they some kind of fucking Nazi or something? Come on now. Don't be stupid.
It's like, there's no, like I said, there's no political solution to this. You can't look at this and be like, oh, this is really, it's like a Gordian knot. You're going to look at the Gordian knot and be like, hmm, maybe if I pull it this, or if I take it this, if I bend it this way at the same time as I do this, and it'll... unfurl for sure it's like nah that shit's locked up bro they spent the last 80 years working on this you think you're gonna to look at it and do a big thunk and figure it out and undo it unspool it all careful like oh no sir not happening really the fact that they're
So easily spooked by emails and shit really proves that nobody has anything to worry about anymore. If the worst thing that you have to fear is people making fun of you or some fucking email, people sending emails and shit, we have a really, really good, really comfortable as a society, and there's nothing to be afraid of. I don't know.
Unknown_06: Because you're black.
Unknown_03: Yeah, it's true. They're keeping a nigga down. I never did nothing. I'm a good boy. I'm getting my life together. I'm going to church.
Unknown_03: I never did nothing wrong. And the fucking white supremacist Asians and the white supremacist Italians keeping me down.
I don't know. Maybe it could I mean I could reverse I guess it could get better Elon Musk bought Twitter the savior of the white race Is an African you can believe that?
Unknown_03: bought Twitter and now people are saying the n-word the in or the real n-word on Twitter directly on Twitter and It's causing chaos. People are crying literally shaking in fear and
And Elon Musk changed the... Here's... I'll show you what dashed my hopes for Elon Musk right off the fucking bat.
Unknown_03: You ready? Here, let me see. Elon Musk.
Unknown_03: I have nothing prepared today, by the way. I'm just going to ramble a bit. I'll try to circle it back.
Unknown_06: Let's see. Does this work? Yes, it does.
Unknown_06: Oh, Elon Musk is like fucking around with his profile, look at this.
Unknown_06: Spoiler alert. Is that the first thing that he's added, this spoiler alert? He walked in, oh my god, he's tweeted so much. Wait.
Did he delete the tweet?
Unknown_03: Oh, here it is. Oh my god. Elon, you gotta fix this shit. This fucking bullshit that pops up on my fucking screen when I'm just scrolling up and down is the most annoying goddamn thing in the entire fucking world. It's more annoying than Tranny's, the platform on my fucking side. I just wanna scroll.
Unknown_03: Look, he moves in, the first thing he does, he brings in a kitchen sink and says, let that sink in. The first thing this motherfucker does is he makes the worst joke, the one joke that I fucking hate more than anything, let that sink in. The most boomer fucking, the most boomer, boomerism to ever boomer. It's really unforgivable.
I don't know.
Unknown_03: That made me groan, because I saw this video, because it was on Disclosed. They said something like, Elon Musk walks into Twitter holding a sink. And then I'm like, is the joke, let that sink in? Is that really what he's implying with this? And then I go to his fucking profile, and that's what he's saying, let that sink in. It's like, no. All the good in the world will be is lost. Because he's so much of a fucking boomer. I don't know.
No, the one thing that you can do logged out for some reason is search.
Unknown_06: I wonder, uh, Ethan Klein.
Unknown_03: Oh, and, uh, the New York post got hacked and someone released a bunch of articles saying we need to assassinate Joe Biden. Ethan Klein is first in line for the Holocaust.
Oh, my God.
Unknown_06: It's happening.
Unknown_03: The Elon Muskification. Let's just keep it short and simple. The Muskiness, the Muskification of Twitter is really, really high. It's quite pugnant indeed.
Unknown_03: Oh, man. If only I had my Twitter account. I submitted my appeal for getting unbanned, and it's like KiwiFarms.net account, and my appeal was just saying, Elon Musk owns Twitter now, and you're going to be fired anyways. Unban my account, please. So I'm waiting to see if that will be the undoing here, if I'll be able to get my account back.
A research institute published this fucking graph. Evidence suggests that bad actors are trying to test the limits on at Twitter. Several posts on 4chan encourage users to amplify derogatory slurs. For now, over the last 12 hours, the use of the n-word has increased nearly 500% from the previous average.
This is the kind of... See, Twitter's privately owned now, so you don't have any stonks. So the stonks of Twitter are measured in N-words, and right now we're up 500%. My boy Elon's turning in N-word profits hand over fist right now. The easiest turnkey profit he's ever made.
Unknown_06: Makes sense. So many anime profile pictures.
Unknown_06: Animes are troons, though. They're not based.
There's so many. It's like one every minute now.
Unknown_03: Oh, black transgender activist, but look at his handle chat. Very racist indeed. I was wondering why that showed up.
Unknown_03: Yeah, that's a cool Pepe. Pepe Askey. I'm going to paste that Pepe Askey into my chat too. Hell yeah. Oh, they're going to spam that for sure. I just wanted to paste it.
Unknown_03: You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-cop. You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-democracy. You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-American.
I'm glad my country's going to die. You know what I mean? I can't wait. I hope I see it in my lifetime. I just want to see it fucking die. I hate all these people. I hate what's become of my United States of America. It's just so fucking dead and gay. I want to see it break apart into a million pieces and scatter to the wind so something new can grow.
Unknown_03: Was the other thing Kanye black also known as the American version of the African Elon Musk Because it's black He's a death con three of the Jews and then by the way, I have to issue a formal apology to Kanye Because I said last stream that he already apologized and he did not Let me find this actually
Did I already mention this last stream?
Unknown_03: Oh, you know what? The clip that I want to play of him and Piers Morgan is on the kiwifirms.cc. So, I'm not going to be able to find it, unfortunately. Maybe it's cash on post, and then I'll be able to find it.
Unknown_06: But if not...
Unknown_06: He basically made a statement saying that he doesn't apologize for saying death count three to the Jews.
That was it.
Unknown_03: And then Piers Morgan pressed him and said, like, but don't you think that's being racist? Isn't that a little bit cringe? And he's like, nah, man, that's just what they do to me and shit. Fuck them. And he was like, Piers Morgan had no idea how to process this. So you're being racist. You're being racist for reals. Sad, isn't it? And he's just like, nah, fuck you. I was like, okay, so I guess he doesn't apologize. As a result, though, he lost his deal with Nike's, I think. And then he tried to go to Skechers. He physically went to the Skechers headquarters, and they kicked him out immediately. And apparently Skechers is owned by Jews. And the Jews were on Twitter being like,
Kanye, Kanye, you think you can say Deathcon 3 to the Jews and come into our headquarters asking us for handouts?
Unknown_03: Oh, how naive. You poor, melanated man. You simpleton. You cannot do that.
Unknown_03: So now, now people are like, oh my God, Kanye West is making everybody anti-Semitic. Him saying death come three to the Jews has caused way more anti-Semitism than everybody was saying. What the fuck happens when you say death come three to the Jews? That's, that's the real issue here.
If only he just didn't say these things, it wouldn't matter.
Unknown_06: Oh yeah, Kanye lost money.
Unknown_03: I think he's no longer considered a billionaire because he's lost so much money. And they're making fun of him for that too. He said death come three to the Jews. Now he's no longer a billionaire. Easy come, easy go when you fall off to the good graces. Melanated man. Simpleton monkey.
Don't bite the hand that feeds, chimp.
Unknown_03: What? Oh.
Unknown_03: I'll play you my favorite...
Unknown_03: My favorite Kanye song. It's called Black Skinhead.
Unknown_06: Play a second of it.
Unknown_03: I like the way that it's like really guttural. It's like gasping for air as it sings.
It's pretty good as far as black people music go. It's really my favorite Kanye song. I like the way that he's gasping for air as he sings. He's got his mic attenuated in such a way that the highs are really prominent. So he's like... Really, you can tell there's a physicality involved and screaming his rap music. It's like, yeah, that's masculine.
Unknown_03: I do like the name of the song too, Black Skin.
Unknown_03: Yeah, it's it's funny listening to like kanye fans like oh my god, I love kanye But his mementos his music is so good But his mementos if only if only he could take care of his mementos and not be an anti-semitic It's not even like he's a bad guy. He's just got he's got mementos and he needs to take care of them Are you part of america first, uh, no though, I mean
Nick Fuentes and Ethan Ralph, they've been talking all week about how Kanye West is going to fucking join Cozy and start streaming on Cozy and bankroll Nick Fuentes. Nick Fuentes literally thinks that he just sucks enough dick. Enough of Kanye West's dick. Kanye West will come and bail his dumb ass out and make everything right again. It's like, nah, man. You're too fucking gay for that. shit that's a bit of a long shot I think no Nick Fuentes and Ethan Ralph really thinking that Kanye West gonna ride in on a on a black horse on a white woman and just bail their asses out give them all the money they can want it'd be like just like groveling to Elon Musk Elon please stream on Kiwi Farms that TV give me all your money Elon yeah it's very sad it's very sad
Kanye West becomes an ISP and hosts Kiwi Farms. Kanye, what made you want to lay submarine cables between Europe and the U.S.? Well, man, let me tell you about this. There's this site out there called Kiwi Farms, man. I saw them Kiwi Farms. I saw this port I was getting from Kiwi Farms. I was thinking like, shit, man. What's happened to them is a travesty. You heard? I gotta lay some fucking cables. I gotta lay some Yeezus cables and get that shit hooked up. I mean...
not you dot you domain um okay so gtlds can't be two letter but and they can't have numbers so they so yeez yeez yeez is possible he could um it's only like 265 000 to become a gtld provider too so he could get dot e e with two e's like this couldn't be just one either it has to be three letters
Unknown_03: .DE. DE, I mean, those are country codes. The two-letter codes are reserved for country codes. And some very old domains like .TV, .CC that belong to VeriSign. But they don't make any new two-letter domains. It has to be three or longer. DEFCON 3. Well, that has a number in it.
Unknown_03: Dot Y-E-E. Ooh, Y-Z-Y. Yeezy. That's perfect. Dot Yeezy. KiwiFarms.yeezy. I like it. I like it. I'm going to communicate this to my boy Nick Fuentes and Ethan Degunt and Ralph. And we're going to put together an action item agenda. We're going to put together a portfolio, a business proposition to Kanye. Kanye, we're going to start up Yeezy ISP. Dot Yeezy. Y-Z-Y. We're going to get that done with the ICANN. We're going to lay some submarine cables. Whatever fucking bougie city in Europe you want. You want to go to Paris? You want submarine cables to Paris? What about Lisbon? We all love Lisbon over here. How about DC to Lisbon? Submarine cable, ISP. We're going to make it happen. It's only going to cost a couple hundred million dollars. But at the end of it, we'll have Kiwi Farms up again. Kiwi Farms are easy.
Niggas in Paris. Yeah, that's right.
Unknown_03: ICANN will deplatform us.
Unknown_03: We heard what Kanye said. We cannot accept the dot Yeezy proposal. As far as we're concerned, that's like saying dot Third Reich. That's anti-Semitic. That we cannot stand by. It's politically charged, that dot Yeezy.
Linking with AF as a suicide by cancer? Yeah, probably.
Unknown_03: Yeezy link. Yeah, yeezy link.
Unknown_03: Don't do it the hard way. Do it the yeezy way. I got you. I got you a whole business package, Kanye. Save SOS. Save my shithole.
Unknown_03: We need Elon Musk to unban Donald Trump and then Donald Trump can tweet the hashtag GamerGate and then everything will be fixed. We'll be back on track.
I guess I'll show this. I heard about this.
Unknown_03: Someone went to where Ethan Ralph got his ass kicked and laid flowers there. Like, it was a... I just want to see it. He's just walking... Oh, okay, this is it. He finds it.
Unknown_03: Look, he's paying his respects. Oh, that's a nice picture of him.
Here we memorialize the brutal attack, the vicious aftermath, and the plight of Ethan Ralph.
Unknown_03: What's funny is that people are probably going to think that Ralph died there. Like people walking by like, hmm, flowers in a picture. Someone must have gotten struck by a drunk driver here or something. Like when you see a cross on the side of the road.
Unknown_03: Oh, well.
Unknown_03: How nice, chat, how nice that people patronize the Portuguese.
Unknown_03: Ralph died spiritually. Ralph's been dead for a long time. Whatever he's up to now is not Ralph. It's like zombie Ralph.
There's some updates with Chantal, by the way. I'll play through this.
Unknown_03: So basically, Chantel is still in the Allahu Akbar mode. I don't know what the fuck is happening with her. I don't know why she suddenly decided that she's going to be Allahu Akbar-ing.
Unknown_03: But...
Unknown_03: She is now facing the other side of what it means to be good with the law. She has a personal story of horrific discrimination that I would like to share with you all today.
scammed no it's not a scam because I didn't give any money no you saw the thumbnail what they the excuse they gave me I went to the house today and they gave me the lease and everything like I have the lease in my email and he's like sign it when you move in Saturday and I was like okay everything went so well but then like
Unknown_01: maybe the only thing i can think is his son was there this time and he was probably like he was like what do you do and i'm like a bit of everything and he's like me too so i'm thinking maybe they looked me up or something and found out that i'm a messy youtuber for the first time i really don't know like they installed this like freaking mirror for me they know i do so i do social media why would it be so late in the game and then like i had the he made the lease out today and everything like with the government
so like what the hell I don't know I don't know a scam I actually transferred some rent like some money to them today and then I cancelled it so I was able to cancel it they're stealing your money watch I don't they don't have any of my money oh you think they're gonna take my deposit money I don't know man I hope not I don't think it's a scam I think they're gonna give me I have their keys like they gave me the keys today
Unknown_03: She hasn't, I guess the timestamp's a little bit off. She, um, or it was like implied in the title of the video. She is going, she's moving. I can't remember exactly why she's moving. I think she wants to get the fuck away from Pete's. I can't really blame her. But she goes to, uh, she, you know, proves her income, meets a landlord, is scheduled to move in.
Unknown_03: Goes, uh, to show up to pay, to sign the lease and to, uh, give her deposit for the first month's rent or whatever.
And they say, no.
Unknown_03: They say, no, we're not going to rent to you anymore. And she doesn't know why. And her personal theory is that they looked her up on the internet and saw her YouTube channel and decided, no, we're not doing that. We're not letting you live in our house.
Unknown_03: Or, which is strange, because if that's the case, then you can't blame the Kiwi Farms. The Kiwi Farms is down. It's completely off Google for right now, because it's been down for so long.
Unknown_03: But then...
I mean, her YouTube channel is up and shit, so I guess they could have seen that. Or my personal theory is they see this fat white bitch walk up in a hijab and they're like, no, sorry, not happening. She should inquire for housing discrimination. I mean, I guess they could just fall back that, you know, they don't want their play stocks and fucked with. But I would make the claim that it's religious discrimination and sue for money.
Unknown_03: see if there's anything funny in the last 30 seconds of this i gave money oh yeah i sent money in like an e-transfer and uh right after i sent the money in an e-transfer i said here's the rent money you know whatever and then i sent the money i'm living in the key of these well i'm just gonna try to find other living arrangements somebody already made me another offer so i might do that one hi monica
I don't know if the house was a scam because I didn't give them any money unless they don't give me my deposit back tomorrow when I go get it. But in the email that I showed you on the thumbnail, it says that I can have my deposit back.
Unknown_01: Because I like portrait mode. You're not going to take her money.
Unknown_03: That's stupid. Someone said I'm Jewish for suggesting that she sue. Let me tell you a story where I became a nightmare tenant for a very short time.
Unknown_03: I, um...
Unknown_03: When I was in Buffalo, I lived with a lady who was, like, 20 years older than me. She was, like, a crazy, crazy super manic Italian who was also, like, an alcoholic. Her story was fascinating. She...
She had a rich relative. She had a kid, two kids, and she had a rich relative that died. And her relative died right after she got a divorce. So she basically takes her inheritance money and travels the entire country.
Unknown_03: Until her money is gone. And her kids are living with the father in Buffalo. So she settles down in Buffalo to try and get closer to the kids. And she rents out an apartment to me. We meet at like a...
Sorry. I mean, the wrong thing to cough, which is rude to me. Um, we meet at like a, like a bed set. I don't know what you call this. It's like one apartment with four rooms and each one has a different tenant. We meet there. She says, why don't we move out of here? Cause this place sucks. And, uh, I'll rent out a spare bedroom to you and say, okay. And then she rents out a second spare bedroom to a Puerto Rican guy. Never live with Puerto Ricans. I don't know how else to explain this. As nicely as possible, they're fucking loud. And in Puerto Rico, you can't flush toilet paper. So when they wipe their ass, they put the doo-doo paper in the bin next to the toilet because they are trained not to flush toilet paper because the septic system in Puerto Rico sucks. Don't live with Puerto Ricans. That's all I'm going to say.
So, living with her for a while. She's very fun. She knows classic Italian cooking, so I eat a lot of Italian food during this period, which is why I fondly remember living with her.
And then she leaves.
Unknown_03: She just mysteriously ups and vanishes one day. We don't know where she's at. She doesn't even take, like, her furniture.
Unknown_03: So I'm living with the Puerto Rican guy. We can't make the rent. And we don't want to move because we like it there. So we find a third person who's, like, a half-black mutt. Okay, this woman is like Brittany Venti to your mutt. And she's a co-worker of his at a fancy hotel that they work at.
Unknown_03: She moves in, takes up the old bedroom.
And this woman, despite looking like a fat Brittany Venti... fervently denies that she is black she says she has two white parents and um she's 100% white and I'm looking at her I'm thinking there is not a fucking chance in hell that you are 100% white you're not even like 50% white I don't know what the fuck is happening I don't want to pry into your family business but you're you are delusional and probably your father is also delusional too so we um sign a lease
Unknown_03: And the landlord is this Polish-Jewish woman.
And she drafts the lease in such a way that it's like $1,200 a month. I'm making no money right now. And she's like, you'll all be mutually and independently liable for it. So if two of you flake on the lease, then one of you has to pay it. And I was like, okay, well, you know, I trust what's his face and he trusts her. So everything will be fine. Um, the first week, literally the very first week after we signed this and we're moving into a new pay schedule, he leaves, he gets fought. Well, he actually, he gets fired from his job. Um, cause he forgot to bill, uh, like a bunch of people, like a whole party came in and he forgot to build them. So they lost like several thousand dollars. So he's instantly fired and he just takes off back to Florida. Um, And then the girl, she doesn't know me, so she just leaves too.
And then suddenly I'm there by myself. And the landlord sends me like a Venmo for $1,200. And he's like, you're going to have to pay this. And she's threatening me, by the way. She's like, I'm Polish. And literally, literally, word for word, I'm Polish and I'm Jewish. And I know all the lawyers in this city. We're all friends. We all know each other. We're all Jewish. And, um, I tell her that, like, I have to, I, I, she, cause she's trying to like threaten me into paying like three times what I can afford. I said, I will pay $400 a month for, and I will leave in two months when I can. And that's when I, right till I moved to Ukraine. And, uh, I tell her, I am not a lawyer and I don't know any lawyers. I am, but I'm a goyim.
But I know enough about law to file motions on my own without any help. And I know that I'm in New York, and I have some of the strongest tenant protections in the entire country at my disposal. And I know that your bullshit about being mutually and individually liable is not going to hold up. So you can either wait two months and accept $400 a month, or...
You can try to take me to court and spend eight fucking times that in the time that it takes for me to leave.
Unknown_03: So she continues to try and bill me for $1,200 a month for the next three months, and I pay her $400. And to this day on my Venmo, if I open up my Venmo, I see the payment requests of $1,200. All three of them just sitting there looking at me, and they've been there for six years.
Have paid her back? Fuck no. Why would I do that?
Unknown_03: Truly, truly, the time that I spent in Buffalo was very short, but I have many memories of being in Buffalo. I don't know why. It was a fun dynamic time of my life, surrounded by very weird people. $1,200?
Unknown_03: What do you need $600 for? What do you need the whole $120? I can't believe it. $12? The best I can do is $12 to settle this here debt that we have together. We can get ourselves out of the muck if you want to accept the $12.
uh oh there's more there's more foodie booty she also has been trained the the based muhammadin who is now her her handler has trained her how to eat sorry look at her eat he's covering her mouth when i'm chewing now and like who's got time for that oh my god jeez
If something happens while I still wear the hijab, yes.
Unknown_03: Her voice is modified because this is like a clipping channel that's trying to get past content ID.
Unknown_02: I hate chewing. I don't have... I'm even too impatient to chew.
Unknown_02: Like, I better... Look, I don't know what's real. I try to respect everything just in case. I mean, honestly, what if reincarnation is real? You never know. Like, what if that was real? Imagine if reincarnation was real and you come back as a cow and you have to chew all day. What do you think you have done in a previous life to warrant...
Unknown_02: Chewing cut all day long.
She thinks that she was reincarnated from a cow Well go ahead I guess basically I'm just turned off by pretty much every single thing about my old life I don't know why
Unknown_02: I feel like but like I can still keep my essence of who I am and not I'm feeling some of the things I'm feeling some very strong settle down energy and I'm not you know me I'm a militant feminist uh so settle down energy is not usually a term that I would go to but I'm getting some undeniable Elon Musk whiffs of uh settle down energy I used to like right I mean would you mind if Stella got a second life wife yes I would
I would murder her.
Unknown_02: I got them before I converted. Yeah, exactly. And I'm not saying, confirming if I'm a full convert or what, but fat people, it's still acceptable in society.
Unknown_00: It's still funny to bully fat people.
Unknown_02: And that's why there's locales. That's why there's locales.
Unknown_03: Exactly.
Unknown_03: It's really funny when fat people think that, like, the word locale comes from them being fat.
Unknown_03: It's only incidental. It's not the main cause.
But good job to my boy Salah from Kuwait who has trained Chantel on how to masticate correctly instead of just open mouth horse chewing like a fucking animal.
Unknown_03: And finally, the only other thing that I have on my roundup.
Unknown_03: People who identify as gamers are more likely to be racist.
Unknown_03: Uh, yeah.
Unknown_03: I can believe it.
A new study reveals that people who identify as gamers are more likely to exhibit extreme behaviors such as racism and sexism.
Unknown_03: Why is this a featured article? I had an orgasm during labor. I didn't want it to stop. And then there's like a picture of her with her kids. Is this an advertisement? Why is this on the New York Post? Andrew Court wrote this about this lady having an orgasm while giving birth. And now she has two kids, I guess. So she came twice. That's really fucking gross to have this article and then have her kids in the article.
Unknown_03: Wow.
Talk about clickbait. I actually clicked on this.
Unknown_03: Anyways, back to gamers. When the gamer identity is core to who you are as a person, that seems to reflect what we call toxic gamer culture. Tends to reflect more on exclusion than inclusion. The things like racism and sexism and misogyny. Research director Dr. Rachel Cowart told Vice Media. So this is like a repost. Rachel Cowart. Search Google.
Rachel girl, PhD research, psychological psychologist, and the research director of take this. She is a world renowned researcher and uses the effects of blah, blah, blah.
Unknown_03: Let's check out that early life.
Unknown_06: I mean, covert protected.
Unknown_03: Oh, she put out that article and now she's getting bullied from Ontario.
Unknown_03: It's a pretty big nose. What's wrong with her teeth? Her teeth are like horse teeth.
That's really weird. Could be. What do you think, chat?
Unknown_06: Why is her fucking page so bad?
Unknown_06: When you are ready, you don't need to check the early... I mean, I'm just curious.
Unknown_03: I conducted my PhD at the University of York under Old Meadow.
Unknown_03: Video games and social competence.
That's funny. Where is she from? Graduated from Dallas, Texas.
Unknown_06: What?
Unknown_06: I don't know. Maybe not, Chad.
Unknown_03: Maybe not.
Unknown_03: All these things that we know exist in gaming spaces seem to be internalized by those who are very closely identified as being part of that community. In 2019, it was revealed by the Anti-Defamation League, speak of the devil, he's shallopea, that one in 10 young gamers between the ages of 13 and 17 had been exposed to white supremacist ideology. According to the ADL research, far-right extremists use gaming communities as a hunting ground, communities such as Steam and Discord.
are allegedly popular with white supremacists. Discord's popular with some boys.
Unknown_03: Oh, they looked at 300 people. N equals 300. Here is a fun mathematical experiment. Okay, we're going to do... How can I do this?
Unknown_03: Hold up.
Unknown_06: Hold up.
Unknown_06: Can I do this?
No, that doesn't want to work. Okay. Why doesn't that work?
Unknown_06: Okay, give me a second, Chet. I want to... I want to find a way to make this work real quick.
Unknown_03: You're going to have to be patient, though. You're going to have to be patient. It's very... What I intend to show you is actually extremely important. It's very, very important that you see what I have to show you.
Unknown_03: It's going to be worth the wait.
Unknown_06: Okay, so...
Okay, we got MS Paint open.
Unknown_03: This is very important. So when it comes to, like, studies in sociology, we're going to learn a little bit of math here. When you do, like, a study, when you're reading about a study, especially a sociology study during this time when the reproduction crisis is happening, and basically every study you read is complete bullshit, you take a sample size, and we call this N as the sample size, number of people involved, and we say 300 like this.
Unknown_03: i'm gonna do math here i'm gonna say if n is less than i'm gonna say you know what i'm gonna say ten thousand that's actually like a real proper study let's say ten thousand then n equals
Unknown_03: And this is true. This is a real mathematical theorem, and it holds up. It's completely fact-based, and it's basically one of those simplified things that they use in mathematics to kind of like eyeball something. You know, like in physics, we're getting precise numbers, like a lot of... of, uh, bullshit. It's like, we'll just use the ideal, the ideal gas law instead of trying to actually compute, um, gas, gas flow and stuff. We'll just simplify it. We'll just round it down. Uh, if the end size is really fucking tiny, like 300, it's complete bullshit.
And nobody should ever print a fucking news article examining what the outcome of that study is because it's fucking bullshit. And no serious study has an incise of 300 people.
Unknown_03: And it's especially bad when it's like a serious thing. Like, I don't know. Like, imagine if they released a vaccine booster shot, right? And they tested it on an N of six. And it wasn't even six people. It was six mice. And then they deemed it fit for human consumption. And now they're forcing people to get that third booster shot. That would be completely fucking retarded and outrageous and dangerous if they actually did that in real life. um thankfully we live in a civilized society where where i fucking loves i fucking love science and we don't have these issues actually oh was it eight that was six my bad eight well i mean that's that's like what 25 better nothing to fear right 33 you see how great i am at math anyways
Anyways Is there anything else I should talk about The warranty would be a short stream Mostly me doom posting most of me just fucking killing time waiting for um What no way Oh my god, I can't believe this someone sent me this by email
The internet is not Facebook. Why infrastructure providers should stay out of content policing from October 13th.
Unknown_03: Cloudflare's recent headline making decision to refuse service to Kiwi farms, a site notorious for allowing its users to wage harassment campaigns against trans people is likely to lead for more calls for infrastructure companies to police online speech. Although EFF would shed no tears, the loss of Kiwi farms, which is still online as of writing Cloudflare's decisions re raises fundamental, still unanswered questions about the role of such companies in shaping who can and cannot speak online.
The deplatforming followed a campaign demanding that Cloudflare booth decipherment services came back online. Eight minutes.
Unknown_06: Oh, I thought this would be talking about, like, the recent ISP droppings.
Unknown_03: Oh, fuck it. I'll write them. I'll say, look. They're going to kill the whole internet. Everything that you've ever worked for as a nonprofit organization is going to crumble before your very fucking eyes because a bunch of trainings got upset. And they still have to, like, suck ass and be like, we would never, like, care if this website went away or whatever. It's like, oh, yeah.
Unknown_03: You know... They always, like, hmm, we're big fans of freedom of speech, and there's one specific demographic which is trying to completely dismantle our civilization so that they can live a life of perversion completely without criticism. But we would never say anything bad about those poor, innocent 20s. Maybe you should.
Maybe you should recognize what parts of our, what demographics are fucking cancer, which produce absolutely nothing of value and are a net deficit in every single way, shape, and form to our society, our economy, our personal liberties, and we should just decide to hate them.
Unknown_03: Why is that not okay? I hate them. I'll say that. You want to call me a hate speech? I hate trannies. I am so fucking done with trannies. I hate them all. I think that the world would be better off without them. I think that they're all sex perverts. I think they're all sex pesters. I want a single one of them that's good. They might incidentally, occasionally say something good or agreeable, but in a net measurement... They fucking suck. They have ruined everything I have ever enjoyed, and I would not shed a fucking tear for them if they were put into a mass grave. I'm fucking done with this shit.
I hope that you all can imbibe my hate, because I have no idea how to...
Unknown_03: How to be like, oh, if only, you know, there's... Because there's not. There's not like a good demographic of them who are using their intense networking and privileged status as a marginalized community to defend anything. It's... Let me look at the names of the people who wrote these fucking articles. Corin McSherry and Jillian C. York. So two women who are...
Unknown_03: Let's see. Jillian, EFF Director, International Freedom of Expression, based in Berlin, Germany. That's why she's got that... Look at this stupid fucking hair. Look at this stupid fucking hair. We call this the Berliner. Do you want to know what a Berliner looks like? This is what a Berliner looks like. It looks fucking stupid.
And it's just by graffiti. Like I want my, I want my picture for the EFF taken by graffiti. I want to show everyone that I live in Berlin with a giant shithole, a big stinky shithole where we all look like shit and our walls are covered in graffiti by Turkish people. And we just tolerate it. Cause it's like, so like urbanized and stuff.
Unknown_03: Uh, her work examines state and corporate censorship and the impact on culture and human rights with a focus on historically marginalized communities. Yeah, we have to end censorship. They're not going to censor the trannies. Don't know what to tell you. They're not going to censor the trannies. They're going to censor your dumb ass. You're the one who's going to be like, wait a second, I was raped by a tranny in the bathroom. And then you're fucking banned from Twitter. That's what's going to happen.
Uh, worked at Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, which is a very prestigious, uh, group. Just in case you're wondering. She coordinated with OpenNet Initiative.
Unknown_03: Center for Human Rights, BA in Sociology. So she doesn't know anything about computers.
She's just a sociologist. I fucking hate sociology.
Unknown_06: Uh, let's see. And then Corin McSherry.
Unknown_03: Specialized on intellectual property, open access, and free speech issues. Favorite cases involve online fair use, political expression, and public domain against the assault of copyright maximalists. This lady is fucking based. This line right here tells me that this woman is fucking awesome.
Unknown_03: And a total badass.
She represented the dancing baby case. That's awesome.
Unknown_06: She's not from Berlin. Where is she from?
Unknown_03: remote snack neutrality very cool she must be one of like the top um section 230 people and uh fair use people on the eff yeah cool i'll email her she's she's she's more likely to be level-headed this woman has dyed her brain with a toxic shade of blue
Irish pride. The dancing baby was an old meme. There was like a copyright dispute over it. It was like, it was like, um, our memes fair use or whatever. Can you like sue people for reposting your image? And, uh, I went to court and apparently she represented the side that won.
Unknown_06: Very interesting.
Unknown_06: Oh, no, that was a, sorry.
Unknown_03: I'm thinking of a YouTube video.
Unknown_03: I can't remember the context it was a oh no no the dancing baby I remember sorry I got that completely wrong dancing baby was a landmark fair use case where a woman's video of her baby dancing she put she's like oh this is cute my baby's dancing she throws it up on YouTube she gets sued by some fucking music executives because in her baby dancing viral video there's like a song in the background that was playing the baby was dancing to and the music executives were like oh this is our property now because she's dancing to the music that we own therefore it's our video and our money That's why IP executives also belong in the fucking mass grave. Those people hate you. They want your fucking money. They want total control over everything. All your devices so they can find ways to squeeze pennies out of you. Fuck them.
Fuck IP people.
Unknown_03: Fuck copyright. I'm a copyright abolitionist. You shouldn't own shit. You make a song, I should be able to take it and steal it and do whatever the fuck I want with it. If you're an OnlyFan whore, you shouldn't expect any kind of money off your images being shared. I just can't fucking stand copyright people.
Journos and trannies...
Unknown_03: Copyright. Big three. You take those out, no more of those, bam. Everything fixed up. Everything fixed up overnight.
Unknown_06: No problems.
Unknown_06: Now what?
Unknown_06: Who invented copyright laws? Good question. I don't know the answer to that.
Probably Germans you want you want you let me take a guess. I bet you fucking Germans. I'm gonna take operate law I'm just gonna say Insurance lawyers, I've never dealt with insurance people so I wouldn't know I'm a man. I'm gonna marry my I don't know anything about insurance Okay, um I think that's it. I got a lot of super chats agreement. So hopefully some interesting things there. I
Unknown_03: I was expecting the stream to be shorter, to be fair.
Unknown_06: Let's see. Login.
Throw it up on shill mode just because we're going to get into that.
Unknown_03: Bam. Shill mode it is.
Unknown_06: I'm having issues signing into donation alert.
Unknown_06: There it is.
Unknown_03: For some reason, they suddenly made me confirm that I was over 13. Threw me off. I thought that I was trying to register a new account or something.
Recent filter since last Saturday. Date and time, sort down.
Unknown_06: okay there we go bought for hire for 25 says nothing thank you bot uh question mark for five says donor time i'm reading this right right yeah i am because i saw that before oh i booted up the stream that's why i saw it earlier uh says donor time thank you question mark nonetheless for 10 says great collab j and j thanks
Oh, that's a super chat for like the Metacurse stream from weeks ago. How bizarre. I am reading this on the right date. He just decided yesterday that would be the time he donates and says thanks for the stream. Okay, glad you liked it.
Unknown_03: The Ralph for 10 says, Josh Moon, I humbly ask for your forgiveness. You're not a pedophile. I was just a log.
Unknown_03: I don't think that's the real Ralph. That's way too reasonable. Thank you. Whoever the mysterious donor was behind that. Oh, I have a nice image. Wait, no.
I thought I had like a color version of this. Am I reading? I am reading the right stuff. I feel like I'm going crazy.
Unknown_03: Like I've seen this before. I'll still throw it up though. I do like it.
Unknown_03: I have so much fan art of my fucking dog now. It's crazy. Someone sent me a big collage of like streamers and my retard dog is in it somewhere. It was quite nice.
Unknown_03: But this is from Glep for $1. It says, my favorite internet daddies enjoy this pic. Heart emoji. Thank you, Glep.
Fairman for $5 says, my anus smells like roast beef and my dad won't stop crying, so I must deliver the hourly reminder that Ralph munches fetid mayo puss, drinks tranny gash, and fucks a literal horse. Gott straffe me.
Unknown_03: That is fucking vile.
Unknown_03: Thank you very much for that.
Unknown_03: Pied Deek for five says, I have been recording your streams onto cassette tapes to hand out to strangers on the street. Well, good luck with that. Nobody has a cassette tape anymore.
Unknown_03: I'll shrink this down so people can see the donuts.
Unknown_03: uh halen k for five says hello say my best wishes to my kitties lentil and gremlin they aren't dying they just deserve a shout out i'll shout out to lentil and gremlin the best kitties of halen k thank you leah for 10 says hi josh thank you for doing the podcast you're very entertaining and you've opened my eyes to some different perspectives over the years i can send my best to you from texas uh heart emoji thank you leah That reminds me that I was reading some comments on Overit, which is like a Reddit for anti-trans women who had been booted off of all the Reddit female spaces because trannies run those and bully the fucking harassed women off those platforms.
Yeah, Josh is real weird. He says some really nice things sometimes, but then he's openly racist, and I think that's cringe.
Unknown_03: It's like, eh, you're too empathetic. It's the folly of womanhood. You have to... Once you get the fatigue, once you understand the fatigue, you'll understand my perspective.
Unknown_03: Can't stop, won't stop, sneeting for five says, we believe in you, heart emoji. If they close the sidewalk, we will roam in the road. Ha ha ha.
Uh, well, you're going to have to, I mean, it's just, it's just a practical thing. Like, you know, hosting the site is more than just keeping it up. It's keeping it stable. It's growing it. It's growing the community. It's, it's building something. And if it's just getting leveled and it's unpredictable and it's always shitty, it's like, oh, it's not really hosting a site. That's just like keeping a site on life support. I don't want to host a dead site. I spent a lot of time building the site up to what it is now.
Unknown_03: All trannies can do is destroy. They don't understand how to build anything. They just take things that are already good and they ruin them or they just destroy shit they don't like.
they take they take their own body and they ruin them and then they destroy them 41 of them try to at least last i heard it might be up to 55 just destroy their bodies but they all ruin them uh power dreadnought for two says josh if you're on a short short on content you owe us some lesbian trans dating profiles well unfortunately the thread that i would read for that has is uh currently offline i'm just i'm literally just waiting for um
my servers to be rolled out so that i can uh bring it back up that's it i farted for one says hope this helps thank you i farted anonymous for one says it's not it's frustrating when services drop you i live in russia so we have to deal with similar shit i think this tactic will be used more in the future as a form of indirect attack against the appointment oh it's it's dead yeah it's dead if this shit doesn't immediately fucking reverse course it's dead um little eye internets regional you know economies big eye internet only for like certain businesses if there's like transcontinental trans network gaming it's going to be on platform for voice chat is converted into uh text and scan for n words and people are just going to be banned and everything is going to be owned by like four companies it's a nightmare um i hate to be a doomer but it's just like this shit's fucking dead unless this immediately stops happening
anonymous for five says josh uh will you keep streaming if the site goes down forever no i will not i will disappear off the face of the planet and you'll never hear from me again uh horizon volk for five says any left on the shipping address for silver sitting no i haven't had no time to do anything whatsoever um i probably also will not do the low tax stream there's no way i can prepare for it in time um everything is just completely fucked
Unknown_03: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. NotUnlessForFive says, what a black pilling intro. Hope you stream even if KF is still over. The song came to mind hearing you. All I say is you might enjoy it later. Let's see. I'll read the name out to it and might listen to it later.
Unknown_03: uh cutthroat from grips of fear and the artist's title has two harry potter lightning bolts in his name so big harry potter fan uh authored this song thank you snakey for 10 says josh i need your help i'm a former trans male and two years old won't leave my room or shut up as i smoke weed listening to maddie what should i do uh 130 minute mark i know who this is
And I know what you want me to do.
Unknown_03: I know what you want me to do. You want me to show this on stream, and I'm just going to be completely honest. Don't send me any more money, and don't send me any more of your videos. I'm not going to play them. I know that you're trying to get me to look at this and to make fun of it, and I'm not going to, and I will avoid reading comments from you in the future. Sorry if this is super awkward to everyone listening, but this person has been trying to contact me for literally months, and I've been ignoring them, and now they're sending money to get me to read it.
Unknown_03: uh Winston Fujimori for five says I'm sorry that you're going through this Josh I've been praying for you and I will continue to do so uh thank you Winston I appreciate I appreciate all the people who are uh sending me nice nice comments and stuff nice emails I get a lot of supportive emails and stuff
Uh, Rolpana for seven says, hi, Josh. I miss Kiwi Farms, but I look forward to it coming back soon.
Unknown_03: Don't give up. You're getting closer to victory. I wish I could do more to help. Thank you and have a great weekend. Uh, Republic of Korea flag. Thank you, Rolpana. I also miss it. Dude, that's the, that's the worst thing. That's the worst thing is that, um,
Unknown_03: Like I've tried to participate in other communities and shit just to kill time while I'm waiting for other shit to happen. And it's like, they all suck. Everything fucking sucks. I really don't know. Like short of just leaving the internet, what the fuck I'm going to do if the site goes down. Cause it's like, I can't, I can't participate in all these shitty fucking communities. I hate these fucking people. I hate anime avatars. I hate lollicons. That's my options. I can either go to these super posh shithole communities or I can go to anime avatar lollicon communities. I'd rather just not. I'd rather just fucking not.
So I guess I'll take up metalsmithing or something in the future. I'll just grow banana peppers and sell them and become Amish or some shit. Fucking awful.
Unknown_03: Frog God, for one, says, so you're saying Mr. Moon is the frog thread is killed if you don't succeed. Yes, the frog thread will be gone. Someone will be able to host it. Maybe they can make the frog forums and just have the frog thread and revive that.
Ninch Liggers for five says Liggers.
Unknown_03: Liggers just reminds me of Space Station 13. That's what they called the lizard people. I think they banned that, by the way, on the TG station. You can't call the lizard men Liggers anymore.
Unknown_03: Why would someone in the year 3000 say the word Ligger? That doesn't make any sense. That's like breaking my immersion.
The solution that Jersh doesn't agree with is founded in reading gothic violence in tandem with the Monkey Ridge King. I have no idea what the fuck any of that means, but I appreciate it. Try not to ninch any liggers. They're important to the morale of the space station crew.
Unknown_03: Dainties Inferno for $100 says thank you and and 35 cents actually Thank you for all you've done and all the lastly provided Josh. Well, I'm glad that you've enjoyed I tried my best Hopefully everything will be okay, but I'll try my best Thank you for the $100 though Maddie archiver 5 says are Lucas Roberts and rad Roberts related I have probably
I mean, that would explain why Ralph is trying to fuck him so bad. They're the first cousins. He's a true southern gentleman, and he always beds the ladies closest to him, if you know what I mean. Claire Bear for five says, we support what you're doing. Here's some comedic relief. ARPA my husband as a love letter to locales, KF, and community culture. Can you find yourself? And then, by the way, I've mentioned that there has been ongoing drama with the Fediverse.
Unknown_03: Oh, this is the picture.
Oh, great. So this is a Fediverse instance called chudbuds.lol. And a lot of people who are like KiwiFarms people have been using that. So if you have been trying to sample the offerings of the Fediverse and are currently unpleased by them, instead of causing problems that I get yelled at for, try chudbuds.lol. You might enjoy that a little bit more.
Unknown_03: But this is an awesome fucking picture of all these different streamers called Where's Locale. Actually, it was called Where's Daddy Jim. They made two different versions of it.
There's PPP. There's Destiny. There's, what's his face? There's the boogie. There's Little Kiwi right there.
Unknown_03: I think that's Styx.
Unknown_06: I don't know who the fuck the blonde thot is.
Unknown_03: There's Chris.
Unknown_03: I don't know who the dog is. There's the, the kangaroo man, the atheist guy who still has atheism is unstoppable. Stone toss, uh, Don Cassatt, but then all the way, uh, Ethan Ralph, I guess the pig is just Ralph, but up here at the very top, who's that? Who's that handsome dog that I think, I think that's supposed to be me. I think that's supposed to be me. Very, very awesome picture. I also like the Vito cuties fun zone. Um,
Oh, and that's Valsh. That's Valsh and Keffel's after the game. Damn, this is so fucking detailed. This is crazy. I didn't notice, like, half of this the first time I looked at it. It's very cool.
Unknown_03: So, yeah, this is by chudbuds.lol if you are looking for a Fetty Burst instance.
Everyone seems to be getting along over there, so I'll show them a little bit.
Unknown_03: Okay, cool. Thank you.
Unknown_03: Uh, Rungwool, threat to everyone's well-being for five, says, I get a lot of question, why the brick end joke? We used to have a schizo named T-Badger on Discord who I would always fuck with a little by saying random users would caress her skull with a brick. Ha.
Unknown_03: I vaguely remember T-Badge. The Rungle stuff in the Super Chats is really weird, because I vaguely remember this shit on Discord, and I guess they're still in weird Discords together, having drama, trying to kill each other.
Anime45 says, Anime doesn't make you turn up, but it makes you gay. It goes, Tomboy, Fuda, Yaoi, chubby form administrators. That's pretty gay.
Unknown_03: So, am I a tomboy? Is that what you're saying? Is that the regression?
Unknown_03: Anonymous for five says, are you going to be doing no Ralph November? I'm actually curious what happens if he legitimately has no one give him attention. I mean, if my fucking site comes back up, I'm not going to hear anything about Ralph. I'm not paying attention to him. It might be no Ralph November just because.
Dante October five says life could be worse for, you know, you could be a five foot one pig man Hobbit. We prefer to say four foot 13. Ralph is not five foot one. Ralph is four foot 13.
Unknown_03: A pig man Hobbit with Cushing syndrome married to a pedo horse woman question mark in Mexico at constant risk of being in a cartel decapitation with them. Yes. Um, I mean, I live pretty comfortably. I wouldn't trade places with Ralph at all. Ralph's life is utter fucking hell.
Unknown_06: Yes, that's very ironic.
Anyone paying attention to that would draw the obvious conclusion, but asking for Merrimuts to draw obvious conclusions is a bit optimistic.
Unknown_03: chimp lord 1997 for one says don't give up josh we have to in a way build our own internet and giving up just makes that more inevitable make the site tour and make multiple clear net gateways to point to it integrate ipfs i can't afford it i cannot afford to host a site that is obscure and dwindling and basically just rotting i i can't i can't do it um the site has to grow it has to be accessible it has to cause controversy and stuff but i can't i can't do that from tour and i shouldn't have to
The G-Man for 11 says, I took the liberty of relieving you of your rights. Most of them were government property. As for the site, I think you earned it. Oh.
Unknown_03: I can't do a G-Man impression or I would try. I used to have the G-Man thing as like an alarm clock. Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Not to imply you've been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. Like that is burned into my head because every every day when I had to wake up to go to school that would play Great my fucking nerves Sneadum feedum for 10 says if this is really all the end all I can do is thank you for the lols and a place to laugh at retards online Snead on you Chuckie Diamond. Thank you Sneadum feedum. We'll see I think These guys that are gonna help out now are Gonna give it a good run. See how it turns out
Anonymous for Five says, I've been reading some of the text exchanges the ONA past have been having with Patrick Tomlinson. I'm almost convinced he has a bot set up that responds to text. No one actually talks like that. Patrick is insane. Like, he's a genuine little cow. Just because of how he cannot let anything go. Like, people just walk up to him and say, Hey, Patrick, you're fat and you have bitch tits. And then he just goes...
No, child. This is you who is going to jail. It is you who has bitch tits, child. It's just like, are you fucking retarded? Has this interaction yielded the results that you want? Why do you keep doing it? It's like he's very lonely and he just has to reply to people. I really don't get it.
Unknown_03: Anonymous for five... Oh, wait, I just heard that. Lol, internet for...
LOL Internet. Is that not the name of the DeHippo's Encyclopedia Dramatica remake? It was like LOL Internet? I haven't thought about that in fucking forever.
Unknown_06: What was the name of... Oh, Internet was... Okay, sorry.
Unknown_03: LOL Internet's a different thing. I thought you were referencing the Encyclopedia Dramatica break-off.
The first group of people that figured out how to use the internet without their kids becoming porn addicts will inherit the earth. Maybe make it a sin to use the internet without someone else's presence. That's true. It's harder to jerk off when you're in your parents' living room. That's definitely true. Yeah.
Unknown_03: Yeah.
Unknown_03: I missed the internet.
Unknown_03: I don't want to be melodramatic, but the internet has been around for me my entire life. I started using it when I was nine. And I'm sitting here and I'm watching it die. And it's not just my sight that I'm mourning. Because I am mourning. I'm watching this old friend die. And it's not just because it's old. It's because it's being poisoned. The crazy dude who lives next to me and dresses in drag and little kids disappear walking past his house. That guy has poisoned my dog and my dog is dying and there's nothing I can do to help it. And it just, it's like the most awful feeling in the world. Like, you know, this was completely avoidable. If I had just done something about my stupid fucking neighbor, if anyone had done anything about this menace living next to me, then my dog would not be dying. But alas, could have, would have, should have.
Bartering Gabe for 50 says, what's next for you? If the Kiwi farm era ends, any other projects you want to work on real job, perhaps I'll probably get a real job under a different name and just disappear for a while.
Unknown_03: N word Elric for 10 says, I hate how everyone is okay with the death of the lowercase I internet just because it's starting with the forum.
Unknown_03: Yeah, it's going to get worse. Like you can like with 8chan and Daily Stormer, it's like, OK, well, this is like explicitly host neo-Nazi stuff. So a lot of people are not going to be sympathetic to it. But the Q farms, it's just offensive. It's literally just offensive. It's no more offensive than Encyclopedia Dramatica was in 2008.
But we live in a different time now where really, really stupid people have gained the reins of large tech companies and people can't stick their neck out for it because then the journos will collapse their business. And by the way,
Unknown_03: It's very important that you never trust a company that is public.
Unknown_03: Companies go public because they can sell stocks to raise money. You sell 49% of your company, you don't really lose anything, but you make a lot of money. But what you do lose is a certain level of independence. You have to make money...
you have to behave a certain way that is profit oriented otherwise you're committing a crime you have to be greedy you have to be short-sighted uh you have to be what makes you the most money and they've made it so that stocks are appraised by certain index funds that are literally lgbtqia plus friendly index funds decide how much money they're going to buy a company like if cloudflare lost um their their rank in these lgbtqia plus stock fund you know indexes then they lose money they lose a ton of money and you can say that matthew prince is defrauding his investors because he's not banning websites that are offensive to the lgbtqia plus so publicly traded companies are like a nightmare never trust them they like matthew prince was probably bent over by um the fact that the cloudflare is publicly traded
Now that Elon Musk owns Twitter outright and it's not publicly traded, he can do whatever he wants with it. He's not accountable to investor indexes and shit. So there is a real chance that things can happen with Twitter. Just don't hold your breath. And the same goes with ISPs.
Unknown_03: They have to do what gets them... literally evaluated for being more lg gay friendly they have to hire gay people they have to hire trans people they have to get rid of stuff that's offensive and causes bad publicity it's um it's it's a nightmare publicly traded companies should never be trusted
Spaghetti's a good-ass name for a dog for 50 says it was a good run wasn't it? It's sad that all this seems to be disappearing because perverted fuckwads simply cannot stop themselves from looking at their own thread It's good. They can't stop other people from looking at their own thread Keffels wants to be like this a hero for trans youth or whatever and then people look at his starting like oh You're just like a sex pervert who's like a groomer Wow, you're disgusting and that makes him mad Liz Fong Jones gets accused of like sexual misconduct twice And that goes in the thread. And then they're like, oh, no, I can't get a job anymore. And everyone thinks I'm a sex pest. And that's what pisses them off.
Friend for 20 says, hope everything turns out well. Me too, friend. Me too. Supreme for 10 says, did you hear about our drama does not derailing the Daryl books trial with their justice for Daryl bait? I, I have heard of that. I've not been following the Daryl Brooks trial. I'm sorry to say. Um, but the judge called for an investigation because someone posted, um, I didn't realize it was from our drama, but our drama posted a thread in justice for Daryl saying like, I'm a juror and, uh, I'm on the, I think that we should do jury nullification. Um, If you don't know it's a really really really big fucking deal in the united states to bring up jury nullification in a court in the united states
You can acquit anybody for any reason. The jury has absolute say in the verdict. The only time that the jury can be wrong is if they convict and the judge disagrees. If the case is laid out and it's so obvious that someone's innocent, let's say it's a racist thing. A black guy is on trial for murder. There is no fucking way, based on the evidence, that he actually did it. The jury comes back with a verdict and an hour says he's guilty, sentence him to death because he did it. The judge can actually say, that's bullshit. There's no way that a reasonable jury could have found him guilty. I'm going to overturn your verdict, and I'm going to acquit him. And the judge can do that. The judge cannot, on the other side, say, there's no way that you found him innocent. I'm going to convict him anyways. That never happens. It only goes one way.
Usually these days the the jury gets what's called an instructed verdict I don't I don't know what case this like arises in but the judge can say To the jury Please find him not guilty because the evidence has been laid forward in such a way that there's no way that you can find him guilty And then if the jury decides we're gonna convict him. Anyways, the judge just overturns that so it's called like an instructed verdict anyways, my point is That the jury can actually acquit for any reason. So if the case is that Dale Brooks is 100% guilty, he did kill those people. We have it on tape. We have evidence out the ass. It's just like the court is like a constitutional thing. We have to provide them a jury trial because it's a capital offense.
um the jury can technically say we know that he's guilty but we don't care and we're going to acquit him that's called jury nullification you are not allowed in any way shape or form anywhere in any part of the trial to tell the jury that they can do that they are not allowed to the point where if you go to a courthouse and you try to give jurors a pamphlet about what jury nullification is, you will be escorted out. You might even be arrested for that because that's like juror tampering. If the defense brings up jury nullification, immediate mistrial no no continuances nothing the jury has to be dismissed they have to find a new jury the defense attorney is going to be reprimanded it starts all over again the jury cannot know that jury nullification is a thing so this guy goes on twitter
or on Reddit, and says, I'm a juror, and I want to nullify the case.
Unknown_03: The judge is going to take that super seriously, and she did. And she said, I want an investigation into who posted this. I don't think it is the jury, but we have to make absolutely sure that this is not the jury and that they're not planning to nullify. Why? It's just a thing. It's just a thing. And different states have tried to pass legislation to make it legal. Or to make it like a jury knowing that they can acquit even if the person is technically guilty. Like a thing. Never happens.
And it's a very powerful thing against the government. For the government to be like... For the jury to know that they can acquit even if the person is guilty.
Just food for thought.
Unknown_06: Brooks did bring up jury nullification.
Unknown_03: Well, I mean, okay, the issue is...
Unknown_03: that makes sense then they're going to try and play that up because her response should be mistrial immediately but um brooks is trying to like make a circus out of the case so she's just trying to be from what i understand she's just trying to be very um efficient about it like we're not going to play this game he's going to act like an asshole we're just going to ignore him and we're going to move on that's what he's that's what she's doing So he brings up jury nullification. She's going to take a chance and say, I doubt that the jury's going to nullify him. We're not going to give him a second trial. This is retarded.
It happened with OJ. It sure did.
Unknown_03: The glove don't fit. The devil don't fit. I'm putting it on and it don't fit, sir. It don't fit. If the glove don't fit, I must have quit. And they did. Just like that. Thank you, Johnny Cochran.
Unknown_03: Best lawyer of 1992. Lawyer of the year. He made so much fucking money off of that.
Unknown_06: Where were we?
Oh, geez. I lost my place.
Unknown_03: Okay, no. Something to end on a high note. Locale, where's Waldo? Well, I have that on the screen right now, but thank you anyways. Anonymous for five. Ropana, again for five, says Rip Jerry Lee Lewis.
Unknown_03: Link in the Republic of Korea flag. I guess he's dead.
Unknown_06: Oh, the Great Balls of Fire guy.
Unknown_03: I know him.
Unknown_06: Why is there no audio?
Unknown_03: Oh, I have my thing muted. That's why.
Unknown_03: Oh geez, it's going to be so loud when I turn this back on.
This is one of my grandmother's, was one of my grandmother's favorite songs. She would always dance.
Unknown_03: Even if we're driving, driving in the car, turn on the radio to the old honky tonk and Great Balls of Fire gets on, she's going to start boogying. Can't help herself.
Unknown_03: uh ice mexican for five says josh a year ago i would have never been able to distinguish between them and white people now i'm about to sniff out the noses with a 90 accuracy is this a curse or a gift sneed uh it's a curse you're better off not knowing for sure like if you don't intend to do anything you don't if you're not like a politically conscious person just don't even fucking bother don't don't get red pilled there's no point just make money
Matt for two says, hi, Josh. How do I become as awesome as you and brutally own retards like you do? Thank you for everything you do, Josh.
Unknown_03: Recognize the limits of your own limits. I try not to be very arrogant. There's a lot of people online who are super cringe. They are in dark, dark, mysterious places of the internet. And they're like, I'm a super powerful hacker man. I run this evil forum. Don't fuck with me. Don't do that shit. It's cringe. You have to recognize your limitations and try to be...
uh very downplayed about it and then then i mean at least in my experience playing defensive has always worked best trying to be offensive never works out it just causes problems
Unknown_03: Animus poster for five says anyone interested in copyright should watch, uh, rip a remix manifesto, not recent, but holds up. It's RIP exclamation point, colon, a remix manifesto.
Unknown_03: Uh,
Unknown_03: I think I can guess what that's about. But yeah, copyright is sure fucking evil. And especially the way it is now where it's like Disney has extended copyright to 70 years after the creator's death. Fucking retarded. A song should be public domain like 5 to 10 years after it's out. People are still going to go see the band live at concert. But the fact that I can't play like... Like if I were to...
uh try and play that black eyed peas song from like the 2000s it's like i'm sorry miss jackson i am for real never meant to make your daughter cry i started to play that on my stream instant copyright strike even though it's been out of style for and you've never you've not heard that song in 20 years nobody cares about it anymore but the copyright is still like an iron grip over that that's stupid it's the dumbest thing
uh outcast my bad not black eyed peas sorry sorry i'm not up to date with my melanated music lunar for two says please try reaching out to the eff i forward you another please don't contact people on my behalf um i will reach out to that one woman because why not uh but yeah ruggy for five says hi smiley face thank you ruggy but yeah please don't like contact people on behalf it's weird
Unknown_03: Re-upload, or if you do, just have them contact me and don't try and funnel messages between us. It's weird. Re-upload for the win on Odyssey for 10 says, TV question, if you haven't seen Tales from the Crypt, what's your favorite episode? I know you hate the British, but I would like to recommend shows Bottom and The Young Ones. I've not seen any of that. I apologize.
Unknown_03: I haven't really had time to watch. I did watch Dahmer. I did watch Dahmer. And...
I think, in retrospect, now that I've finally... I watched one episode every other day for the last two weeks. I think I hate it. I think I really hate that show.
Unknown_03: There were some good parts to it, but...
Unknown_03: The weird obsession that that show has is race. They somehow managed to take a gay man eating people and they turned that into a racial issue. And it's the dumbest fucking thing. You know what? Fuck it. I'll show you this. Watch this. Hold up. I'm going to spoil the show for you. He dies, right?
Unknown_03: And I'll show you the dumbest fucking scene in it.
In real life, he dies by being murdered by, I think, a black guy in jail. And he's only in jail for like a year before he's dead, right? I want to show you how they portray this shit. It's going to cause coverage. I just don't give a fuck.
Unknown_06: If I can...
Unknown_06: Does this work?
Unknown_06: Yes. Okay. So now I can show you this. I have PC player, no Firefox.
Oh, I don't see it.
Unknown_06: Why don't I see in PC player?
Unknown_06: I really, I really, I know it's always those things where it's like, I've sunk so much time to just watch this shit. You ready?
Unknown_06: Why is it in Arabic?
Unknown_06: I don't need Arabic subtitles. Okay, watch this.
Unknown_06: Oh, you can't hear it.
No, you can't hear it.
Unknown_06: Oh, no, you can't hear it.
Unknown_03: Um, okay. I'll just fuck it. I don't need to play it too. There's this big confrontation where this guy is just like, no fucking, you like fucking eight people and you hurt like a 14 year old and shit. And God, I spoke to literally, I spoke to God. I prayed on it. And God told me, I need to go in there and be like motherfucking Bixnude and bash fucking head in and shit because you fucking hurt black people and this is justice and this is what God told me to do. And the father of Jeffrey Dahmer is still alive and he's considering suing Netflix for publishing this shit that glorified the violent murder of his son.
It's a really weird thing where this whole episode, there's a lot of it like in church.
Unknown_03: And Jeffrey Dahmer was baptized as a Christian the same day that John Wayne Gacy was executed. And there's like this weird religious repentance thing to it. And then at the end, they have to make it like, God told me to fucking murder you and it was righteous and shit, motherfucking big snoot. That's the dumbest shit ever. It's literally just some violent prison thug who murdered Jeffrey Dahmer because he thought he was gross. Probably, probably. probably because he was gay and gross uh because if you don't know dominic was like a fucking homosexual so i'm pretty sure that him being gay and a serial killer had more to do with it than some higher cause or somebody the racism theme dahmer was never racist He he obviously loved black people. He kept fucking them and eating them. But for some reason, it was like you targeted the the the poor, unprotected minority class of African-Americans in this community because you're so racist. You took advantage of them. I really don't know how they spun it about race. It's a it was a very fascinating serial killer and they made it about black people somehow. It's fucking disgusting, to be quite honest with you.
Wouldn't recommend if you are interested if you've heard like the the fuss about Dahmer you're like Oh, I want to see like a documentary about Jeffrey Dahmer. There is a good one I think it's called The Jeffrey Dahmer files I want to I want to actually I I want to make sure that this is the right one.
It has a low IMDB rating, and I don't know how. I've always found it very fascinating. Yeah, it is. The Dahmer Files 2012.
Unknown_03: Very fascinating, and they have a lot of interviews. They have interviews with the real people that were, like... Put in this fucking documentary. And they don't line up at all. At all with the Netflix one. For instance, here's a big one. A prominent person they interview in the Dahmer files is the lead detective on the case. The guy who interviewed Dahmer when he was confessing to the crimes. And...
It's mostly just this one white guy having a one-on-one conversation with Dahmer when he turns himself in. And then in the movie, it's one white guy doing cop stuff, but then he has a detective next to him who's black. He's like, you fucking racist boy. You were fucking killing black people and shit, man. That's not cool.
Unknown_03: And it's just, it's just like that person literally does not exist. That is the sway boy authors of this fucking script injecting their anger into it on behalf of the retard low IQ audience watching this fucking garbage. Uh, the Jeffrey Dahmer files, 2012, it has a low rating. I don't know how it's, um, one of my favorite serial killer documentaries and it's very fact-based and it's just like some reenactment, but it's like, this is, this is the story of Jeffrey Dahmer. What more do you want?
I guess racial tensions.
Unknown_06: Okay, anyways.
Unknown_03: Twinkle Tard, for $100, Elon is a patsy like Prince et al. Free speech will always be a myth. You want to know someone who's behind a lot of this shit? Mark Cuban. Look forward to seeing the site back, buddy. Yeah, I don't like Elon Musk because he's abusive towards women. He keeps fucking really young women that are 20 years younger than him and then knocking them up and naming their kid a retarded fucking thing and then leaving. And he just keeps doing this over and over again. He's like a psychopath, Boer, who managed to survive the shithole that is South Africa, and now he's just completely devoid of regular human emotions. He just so happens to be rich and sometimes funny.
Zod is your neighbor for two says, the big I internet sucks, it's dead, come to Urbit, it's the only fun place left, send you an email on the subject. Well, maybe, but I can't host the forum on it and expect it to grow.
Unknown_03: The new key question, ask her for five says, anyone got that clip of Pete's bitching about Republicans to chant out while she rolls her eyes and goes, I hate politics. It's like the perfect clip. It's on the forum somewhere. I know it's exactly what you're talking about. It's a great, great clip.
Unknown_03: Claudia Dante again for 15 says in space station 13, I like to inject people with green new gen to be racist towards them, towards whatever they turn into. They're usually good sports.
Yeah, there's a lot you can do in the space station. That's really fun. When it wasn't completely ran by trainees.
Unknown_03: The good old days.
Unknown_03: Kiriyuma15 says, Thank you, Josh, for the effort you put into keeping the satellite alive and talk about the issues regarding the internet. Hopefully everything ends up well. Thank you. Hopefully it does. Like I said, I'm kind of optimistic, but we'll see.
Unknown_03: Jim Coopier Beans, no caps, for $200 says, the site has changed my perspective on the world since I found it a few years ago. I hope this isn't a farewell, but a thank you. Yeah, me too.
I appreciate that. Like, I've already, like... I've taken the money that I'm saving from Zayo, and I've, like, applied that to new shit already. And it's going to be expensive because part of what makes people want to do business with you is that your contract is worth something. Like, I'm paying Cloudflare $200 a month. They're not going to cry if they lose a million dollars because of, you know, investors and shit. And that's a big deal, more than my $200 a month. So, I don't know. I would like to, if everything goes well, I would like to advertise the people who are worth a shit. I would like to say this network, these providers, you know, this domain registrar, these are the good guys. These are the guys that are worth a shit. Their companies aren't publicly traded. They're ran by people who are like still human beings and not fucking cyber punking their, their genitals and shit. It's like, these are the people to put money into. And I hope one day I get to dig in and, um, put in a good word for the people that are, that are actually worth a shit.
dumb neighbor kike faggot for one says kisses nigga we getting through this homie thank you dumb neighbor kike faggot
Frog God for once says, play Dead by Daylight now. No, I'm playing Victoria 3, Homeslice.
Unknown_03: Russell T. Shackleford for 10 says, if KF goes down for good and they go for mums slash over it, would you lend quiet help and hope they could have more success due to a neo-Nazi racist doxing ER problem? Much respect from Web 1.1 Vet 07 in chat.
Unknown_03: I can't. That's the thing. If this goes down, I don't have any infrastructure. I have no idea who to suggest. I have no idea what to say.
Unknown_03: If I can't trust what's coming up, then that's it. I really don't know how to help. I can provide some good people some suggestions, but if it's a loud enough problem, then I can figure out a way to make it everyone else's issue, too.
the ralph retort for 10 says happy halloween you a-log pedophile josh boone you best not participate in no ralph november i might actually finally die without all the negative attention keeping me alive out of spite is this like a thing that ppp memed no ralph november we're just gonna ignore ralph for an entire month yeah sure why not oh fuck it i'm in i don't care who came up with that if it's ppp or whoever i'm i'm down for a no ralph november uh i'm not gonna mention them at all
anonymous for two says thank you josh for being the highlight of my week for years stay strong heart emoji thank you anonymous i appreciate it john firman for five says i hope the eff gives you the time of day they have a they have to if they stick to their principles right nobody has to do anything especially not lawyers come on now
Unknown_03: Anonymous for 25 says, sorry if you answered this already, but do you plan on making your own version of Archive today? They're going to keep going after that. Yes, I do. I have a long-term plan for what I want to do with that.
Unknown_03: uh but i mean that's like way out in the future and things are not looking so great as it is eliza kassan for one says it's not the end of the internet but you can see it from here that's true frog god for one says speaking of that murderer did thing they did the same thing with the watchers the security boys fucking black and he has a love affair with their six-year-old daughter um that's a comic book movie i think i don't watch comic i don't watch cape shit sorry to poopoo on your your preferences but you know how i'm just keeping it real dog she it
Namas for 10 says, hey, Jersh was wondering if you still listen to Shaky Graves. Went to a concert a while back because of you, and he's slowly becoming a number one spot on my recommendations.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I listen to, there's a couple songs that I like. I've mentioned Roll the Bones is one of my favorites. I also really like Business Lunch. Business Lunch is really a classy, classy song that I enjoy quite a bit.
Unknown_03: and dr kaczynski for two says in the words of dr k never lose hope be persistent and stubborn never give up there are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly so you should not give up i assume he says uh yeah i mean that's the true with the communists in vietnam they were on the brink of defeat and then the u.s just gave up and now they now they run that shit oh i have other super chats too on other sides
um okay hold up jesus christ i'm never gonna get finished sorry i just wanted to do a short stream now half of it's gonna be super chats i've become jim what's happened to me patch still is postponed uh in case you're wondering
Unknown_03: OceanRedux45 says, those motherfuckers will stop at nothing to kill free speech. Jesus fucking Christ. Very specifically, they will stop at nothing to censor shit about them in particular. PlutodiumGaming says, I hate shrooms. OceanRedux45 says, these people are all zipper-tip-tier freaks. Jesus fucking Christ, not to be blackmailing, but Jim warned us for this would come soon. Jim prognosticated this. Oh my God, Jim told us all.
Unknown_03: The end of the internet and free speech is the end of people being allowed to laugh at Chinese on the internet. You said zipper tits. I will respond to that.
I really like this picture of Keffels. Keffels has now silently tried to just forget about the kiwi farms and move on to shit. So he posted this picture trying to be sexy. I love how there is nothing he can do to stop the three boob problem. Because if you don't know, male breasts... Point outwards. You get moobs. They will grow away from the middle of your rib cage. Female breasts point forwards, usually, because it's easier for feeding babies, I would assume. So when a man has augmented their breasticles to try and look more feminine... The breasts still point out. So to correct that, they have to mush them in.
And every time Kefals tries to do this, there is a third boob that grows in the middle because he cannot make his man boobs point forward no matter what he tries to do. And that is the funniest fucking thing ever. And he's too much of like a bimbo fetishist to just cover up the embarrassingly dead cleavage.
Unknown_03: funny i'm so even if the site goes down these people get what they fucking deserve you know what i mean they live miserable fucking lives liz fong jones has some article out there about how horrible his dilation is it's like good i'm glad you're in fucking pain i hope you're addicted to like painkillers and shit i hope you're on opiates and you can't get off of them and the only reason why you do this shit is because you feel something like like um you're just numbed out to everything and then the kiwi farms goes down again you're like yes it's like just a little bit of dopamine that breaks through that opiate barrier in your head and you're like you feel something again i hope that's why you're out there why they're why they're so dedicated to this because they feel fucking nothing uh james bone for 25 says i hate the antichrist and his minions i agree james boone hydroponics for five says i'm sorry jurors friendly face don't worry i tried my best that's what matters
Ocean Medics again for five says this is really bigger than all of us. God forbid you name the people in charge or expose the things they try to push. Yeah, that's true.
Unknown_03: that's how it be i'm not ulana for 15 says last week i sent a super chat saying ethan ralph is a fat which you misread as ethan ralph is not fat i am very upset you would misquote me this way he is very obviously extremely fat and gross my friend i if you i have issues reading as it is if you send me weird shit like is a fat you're you're gonna get some variable results from that i apologize but i don't know what you expected
Have you thought about using Gab payment processor? Would that help?
Unknown_03: I mean, maybe. I don't know. I don't have faith in Andrew Torber to do fucking anything.
Unknown_03: I mean, it's still beholden to MasterCard, Visa Card, American Express, and Discover. That is the truth of it.
Unknown_06: I don't know.
Unknown_06: Maybe I don't know how it works.
Unknown_03: Is it like bank to bank? Like I'll look into it, but they're not going to put us on if, if MasterCard or Visa card say no.
Josh, why does your Kanye sound like Boomhauer? Because they're like mumbling shit, the Dangle. I mean, Boomhauer impression is not Boomhauer unless it's like you say Dangle. Talking about the Dangle. Kanye, man. Dangle.
Unknown_03: Yeezy, man. Dangle. Black skinhead, man. Dangle.
Unknown_03: That's what Boomhauer does. I'm not trying, man.
Unknown_03: Bernie Gores for five says, I said, fuck you, stupid bitch, this morning and got permabanned. Oh, fuck that. Elon, sweep this shit up. Your jammies are out of control.
Unknown_03: I am piano for five says how many legs could you stuff up your anus and why would you need and would you need something phallic to ensure they remained inside I asked because I'm an avid collector of Legos and my practice and practice my Wookiee regularly I mean I assume if you put one Lego up your anus you would be going to the hospital because that shit will tear your insides apart I don't I don't know what the physical limit is one I would I wouldn't say
Josh, safe for stream. Low cowers lotto. I looked at this already, but thank you.
Unknown_03: Moonman says, transgender holocaust. Linking a video on Odyssey. Thank you, Moonman. I don't know if I can play this. I'm not feeling that risky.
Unknown_03: I am piano for five says, Josh, I appreciate the torment you've subjugated yourself. You're my hero. Well, find better heroes. I'm just some guy. I appreciate the support, though.
Unknown_03: Have my dancing, or Cornelius for one says, have my dancing inward tower, and then he uses dancing emojis to spell out the n-word one letter at a time, which is very big on the screen, by the way, for $1.
And chat enabling for $100 says, here's 70 or 80 bucks, Josh, but he gave $100, so I don't know if that's an accident and he gave more than he was supposed to or what, but thank you.
Unknown_03: uh that's it that's it for the money one miller says good luck thank you miller is there anything on rumble i feel like i'm like exhausting myself i feel i feel very um like okay if there are rumble rants i cannot see them i feel like an asshole if that's the case like i don't see anything in the rumble chat
Unknown_06: So because I opened it just opened it late so I if I Hope like I'm not saying like oh man.
I don't see any there little fuck rumble I'm saying like I don't see any chat history at all So I'm really nervous that there were super chats I just don't see because I did not have my thing open as as it was playing and now I can't see them historically because I don't see a chat tab for it at all Which sucks?
Unknown_03: payments referrals transactions no no my yeah i'm sorry if he's donated on rebel i just don't see any messages uh i don't know if anyone did i literally don't have an option to see like super chats on rumble that's really bizarre they need to add that for sure
Unknown_03: Alright, I'm done. I'm sorry. This shouldn't have been two hours long, but so many people wanted to donate because the site's down and they feel bad. They feel bad for me. So they threw money at me.
I have a specific song picked out. I hope you enjoy it. Try not to be too black-pilled. I'm going to enjoy some Victoria 3s. I'm waiting for my fucking servers to get set up so I can set up my fucking thing.
Unknown_03: But that's looking like it's taking forever.
Unknown_03: If I have to wait the entire weekend, I'm going to be so pissed. Why does shit always happen on the fucking weekend, man? So, I'm annoyed. More than anything else, I'm really annoyed. I'm really, like, irritated, and that's it.
Unknown_03: Okay, I'm done. I'll see you guys next week. Sorry there will not be the low-tech stream on October 31st because I do not have the capacity to set that up. My site's down, and I can't research it. So, I'm just fucked.
See you when I see you. Bye-bye.
Unknown_05: Where all the streets end, our life stops. Wherever we turn, the time is still with us. The heart burns, in pain it burns.
So ziehen wir verloren durch das graue Niederland Vielleicht erfolgt uns keiner mehr zurück ins Heimatland
Zum Vater, Mutter, Schwester, dem reiht sich unser Sinn. Beim Kanonenorchester, hier gibt es kein Gewinn.
Unknown_05: Auf Land, wird viel.
Unknown_05: Auf Land, als Ziel.
Unknown_05: So geben wir in Freude für den Kaiser unsern Blut, den blutigen Gewitter der verfluchten Landschaft.
Die Welt ist verschollen, der Schlamm ist Möscheltier. Man ist nur Wurzelknollen, es riecht der Leiche wie. Wir sind verloren, im Wind erfreut.
Unknown_05: Ernst liebste und schon hält bereits sein ganzes Landesjahr. Doch auch im Osten traut der Schutzvorbilder Russen schar.
Die Wolken ziehen nach Osten zum Dörr von stehendem Brand. Wir durften Jung schon kosten, es droht es mit der Hand.
Unknown_05: Wer plant das Land?
Unknown_05: In Hand nur Sand.
Unknown_05: Die Augen flackern, Hand gefüllt von grauenvollem Krieg. Ob ich bald wie die anderen jung im kühlen Kabel lieg?
So ewig auf und nieder, geschaut die Leichen schar, Die Gäste und die Stunde, gesund und wunderbar. Wer weiß wohin, so heiß der Sinn,
Unknown_05: We are lost. We are lost.