Art is Dead 2022-10-21

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_20: Big ups to Smerium who guessed correctly that this is the theme to I, a Robot, a movie I re-watched yesterday, uh, yesterday night.

Unknown_20: Guess why? It's actually, it's actually a really good movie. It holds up. I remember loving the movie when I was a kid. I saw it with my mom in theaters and it's from 2004 and years later, you know, it holds up. The CGI is a bit dated, but it's not like an important part of the movie, so.

Unknown_20: Very, very interesting. And what I find fascinating about the movie and re-watching it is how many of the themes of what's a part of the movie, and I think the movie is based off the books by Asimov, because the Asimov rules are featured prominently in it.

Unknown_20: But a lot of the arguments that are discussed in the movie and also probably the books, definitely in the books because Asimov was a big sci-fi writer,

Unknown_20: They're relevant, again. People are bringing them up. You hear arguments in the film between characters, and you're like, yeah, I saw a forum post that said this exact same thing. Literally, this exact same discussion just played out yesterday in earnest, which is a bit bizarre.

Unknown_20: But I'll get into all that later. I just went to play. In case you're wondering, yes, all the stuff in the background is machine learning. I don't like to say AI, I like to say machine learning, because it's not technically artificial intelligence. It is simply a computer program that learns by memorizing a bunch of shit.

Unknown_20: And while it's quite impressive, it's not quite artificial intelligence yet.

Unknown_18: So.

Unknown_18: Let's just talk about drama first.

Unknown_20: Let's just have a nice drama day. In case you're wondering, this will be the last time I say this, I promise.

Unknown_20: The patches will be for sale next week.

Unknown_20: The only reason why they're not for sale right now is that I am evaluating the security of the site because people are gonna be putting in shipping addresses and stuff.

Unknown_20: I'm making sure that it all works. I'm doing testing and I'm a little bit nervous about it because you know, it's like if the fucking Sale gets botched, you know, that's a big problem So I'm taking it quite seriously and hopefully by Monday, I'll be confident in what I have I'm having people look at it and stuff. So Monday is the start of the sale. There are 500 patches in stock. So if you order a patch in the first 500, you will not have to wait for production, unlike a lot of the other sales that I do. And they should be shipped out pretty fast. We just have to set shipping fees and stuff.

Unknown_18: So, let's see, let's just talk about random shit.

Unknown_20: Have some fun, have a nice relaxing day.

Unknown_20: First things first, starting off strong, starting off very strong.

Unknown_18: Ethan Klein.

Unknown_20: I have like Pavlov conditioning. Whenever I say Ethan Klein, I have been trained by this live stream that I do to start laughing immediately.

Unknown_20: Ethan Klein said this about Ben Shapiro.

Unknown_19: I was just going to say if there's another Holocaust and people start rounding up the Jews.

Unknown_17: I just say if they start rounding up the Jews again, I hope Ben gets gassed first.

Unknown_20: So Ben Shapiro is who he's talking about. Ben Shapiro is Jewish. Ethan Klein is Jewish. I want to say that they're both Israeli-American dual citizens.

Unknown_20: Ben Shapiro replies to this and says to Ethan Klein, if there were another Holocaust, I would hope that Ethan and his family escaped, but maybe that's just me. And then he follows this up a couple minutes later by saying, soft peddling genocidal terror group Hamas and lying about the IDF while chortling over which Jews go first on the next Holocaust.

Unknown_20: And this is a retweet of a.

Unknown_20: older, um, message from, from Ethan Klein, uh, from 2021 to be exact, May, 2021. And he says this about the Israeli government.

Unknown_20: It says the Israeli government is making you sick. Even if Hamas is, and if you don't know Hamas is a

Unknown_20: Hamas is technically democratically elected, and this is why it's such a big issue. They wanted democracy for the Palestinians, who have obviously a land dispute with Israel, and the Palestinians elected Hamas, which is effectively a terror organization.

Unknown_20: And that's the big conflict is that Hamas is the presiding party. And I guess it's debated if they're technically democratically elected, but I'm pretty sure that their elections are mostly fair.

Unknown_20: But anyways, it says even if Hamas is operating out of a civilian building. It doesn't justify the total destruction of that building It's inhumane Netanyahu is a piece of shit warmonger and needs to go as a dual citizen I love Israel and the Israeli people a line that I say very often so me and Ethan Klein are on the same page with this They deserve a government that actually believes in peace and not force and violence. The ultra-right Jewish settlers are among the greatest provocateurs in the world. They are shameless and hateful, fueled by religious zeal and enabled by the Israeli government. I wish the settling and repossession of Palestinian land would stop. I wish the bombing in Gaza would stop. Gazans deserve to live a life free of fear. For all the crimes Hamas has committed, we must always remember that they are not Palestine. The Israeli government holds all the power, and it is on them

Unknown_20: to stop the violence and show a willingness for peace. So this is Ethan Klein's statement. Ben Shapiro takes issue with this because there's a split between Israeli Jews, American Jews that are pro-Israeli government, and then American Jews that are anti-Israeli government. Ben Shapiro and Ethan Klein are kind of the epitomes of the American Jews on both sides.

Unknown_20: Because they have, they're both cool citizens, they both have very strong opinions about Israel, but they're all at the same time, they're American Jews, and their lives are effectively completely divorced from what happens in Israel. So they kind of get the best of both worlds, and Israeli Jews kind of stub their very long noses at the American Jews, because it's like, okay, so you're gonna do the Hebrew thing, and you're gonna enjoy the benefits of being Jewish, but you're gonna do it from the safety of the United States. And then you're going to cast these very strong opinions about our government and our leadership and the settlers and the Palestine conflict. But you're not going to live here. You're not going to, you know, live the conflict. So a little bit of insight on that and why Ethan Klein perhaps has such strong opinions about Ben Shapiro.

Unknown_20: Now, in case you're wondering, no, you are not the first person to make the joke about another Holocaust. Everybody else is. That joke appears on every single page of the Ethan Klein thread after this. And

Unknown_20: It's very strange that, I don't know about you guys, but I found it particularly strange that Ethan Klein has such negative opinions about the Israeli Defense Force and the military operations happening in Palestine because you don't know, this is Ethan Klein's wife.

Unknown_20: Now, she served in the IDF, so I don't know if this is a slight directed at her or what. It's very confounding to me, chat.

Unknown_20: You have to make people wonder if I'm going to forget before you whip it out.

Unknown_20: So that's that's the that's the remark. I think I think Oh, God, I how did I even forget this? If I go to um, Ethan Klein's Twitter page, which I will do only through knitter because browsing Twitter is a fucking nightmare.

Unknown_20: He says

Unknown_20: This is Ethan Klein talking about the backlash to his tweets about how Ben Shapiro should be the first to go in a second holocaust. He says, a few white supremacists, like Ben Shapiro I guess. No, actually he clarifies this, I can't make that joke. A few white supremacists successfully lobbied YouTube to suspend me, a Jewish dual citizen of Israel and the USA. For anti-Semitism, Ben Shapiro and friends can virtue signal all they want, but ultimately they are the ones platforming dangerous anti-Semites. All I did was point it out.

Unknown_20: But, you know, I'm trying to be fair to him. I don't want to just hate on Ethan Klein, because it's extremely easy to do that. It's fun to play devil's advocate and try to understand. But like, if a black person went on YouTube and went on a podcast on YouTube and said, if they reinstituted slavery, you should be the first black ass that gets lynched. Like, you're still going to get in trouble for that, even if you're black yourself. Even if you're a black American that's been around

Unknown_20: As a family lineage going all the way back to slavery in the United States, like that's still something that people are going to take issue with saying. Like Kanye.

Unknown_20: I did talk about that yesterday, or last week, I don't have to cover that. By the way, speaking just very briefly about Kanye, he backtracked. He went on Fox News and said, I'm sorry, master, I didn't mean to say nothing about the Jews, no way, no how.

Unknown_20: I was having a mental, my mentals, I was having my mentals, and that's why I said the things that I did, and I swear I'll never say them again, so.

Unknown_18: Very, very sad, poor Kanye.

Unknown_18: But so let me continue reading this Ben Shapiro who was happy to perform a purity test on me and declare me a bad Jew for criticizing in Israel holds Candace Hitler just wanted to make Germany great I Mean He did that is a factually true statement Hitler wanted to make Germany great again, but that's

Unknown_20: Literally, what his platform was, the party's platform, so she's not wrong. In case you don't know, Candace Owens is black. I talked about her last stream, fuck it.

Unknown_20: Candace Owens on his website, The Daily Wire, he is constantly excusing, enabling, and platforming real anti-Semitism. I forgot to mention that it's very funny that Ben Shapiro, or what's his face, Ethan Klein, complains about de-platforming. Or if you don't remember, like a couple of weeks ago, he had a certain fart fetishist, a disgusting, perverted, narcissistic, pill-popping fart fetishist on his platform. To openly gloat and gallivant about the platforming other people he disagreed with so now that the shoes on the other foot It's really I mean, it's just so like blatant like this guy does not give a fuck about deep platforming except for the fact that now he has to miss a couple shows and miss a couple and it's not even like the money that he's gonna miss it's like the Just the fact that they made because you know Susan probably personally emailed him and said

Unknown_20: Hey Ethan, I totally agree about the whole gassing Ben Shapiro thing. You know, we understand each other, you're one of my favorite people, we met in real life a couple times, you know how it is, but the outrage is really loud so we have to do a token thing and suspend you for one week. I'm very sorry about the inconvenience, but you know anything's like ah fuck You know it's so bullshit that I'm held accountable to anything that I say like any other people are I'm Jewish I'm Ethan Klein not even that I'm Jewish. It's like I'm Ethan Klein. I'm a famous person living in LA I know so much more than anybody else. How can they suspend me? You know it's bullshit So that's his mentality is he's convention about it But then he goes on to say

Unknown_20: Uh, the joke that I was suspended for simply points out that Ben, who is desperate to be accepted by his Christian nationalist friends as white, lowercase w, will only be seen by them as a useful idiot and sadly for him, a Jew, capital J. The people reporting me except Ben, which is why I clarified when I started reading this that, uh, He doesn't lump them in together.

Unknown_00: He does, like, personally divorce Ben from the white nationalist.

Unknown_20: The people reporting the except Ben are tiki torch carrying white Christian nationalists. They do not give a fuck about anti-Semitism or Jewish people. They revel in the fact that YouTube and other institutions are so quick to act on bad faith and malicious outrage. That's true, to be fair. They are currently the greatest, oh, this is the worst. They are currently the greatest beneficiaries of cancel, did you guys know that? That we are the greatest beneficiaries of cancel culture? As a white person, I enjoy my cancel culture privilege so much. I can count all the many times that my cancel culture privilege has swung my way. I remember when there were a bunch of disgusting perverts peddling drugs to children and openly gloating about it and receiving $100,000 for doing so, I remember when I cancel cultured them and they were actually arrested for their crimes. I remember when this happened. It was very distinct. And then the people also committing cyber crimes against me and my website were also held accountable. And I was able to sue Cloudflare for defaming me as hosting a website that promotes terrorism and death threats. Remember when all this cancel culture that works one way in one way only was going completely in my favor It was very very memorable when all this happened You

Unknown_20: They are currently the greatest beneficiaries of cancel culture, identity politics, and moral outrage. It's incredible that they have become the party of quote-unquote free speech while they're crying and lobbying for mighty platforming. They both condemn and defend cancel culture in the same breath. I, unlike many people who would dismiss me as woke, have spent hundreds of thousands actively fighting to strength our first amendment.

Unknown_20: Our First Amendment lawsuit against Matt Haas has been published on as a seminal case for fair use and was often cited in legal brief.

Unknown_20: He's spelt cited wrong. It should be a CI. And that is true. His lawsuit against Matt Haas is case law and it's a very strong proponent for fair use.

Unknown_20: I have to give him credit. That's a true statement as well. However, that does not excuse him and his fucking disgusting crusades against absolutely everyone all the fucking time. I think that it's coincidental that he established case law. It's not something he was actually setting out to do.

Unknown_20: Our current lawsuits with Ryan Kavanaugh seeks to accomplish the same. I will not back down or be silenced by bad faith provocateurs. I make no apology. As Ben Shapiro says, facts don't care about your feelings, if only he meant it. And I, once again, humbly request that all naysayers, haters, detractors, and fallen fans alike suck my tiny Jewish dick. Thank you.

Unknown_18: An incredibly Jewish post.

Unknown_18: Oh, even retweeted a nice Valsh tweet here. Valsh is saying here, um, you don't understand Ben's point.

Unknown_20: Dark humor about the Holocaust is unacceptable, but promoting the ideology that led to the Holocaust is totally okay. I hope this helps.

Unknown_20: What was, what ideology does Ben Shapiro promote that, um, that led to the Holocaust?

Unknown_18: Like

Unknown_18: What is it nationalism?

Unknown_18: I don't think nationalism alone led to the Holocaust.

Unknown_20: I don't know. I don't listen to Ben Shapiro. I don't really have an informed opinion about, um, about his politics. Actually, let me see if I can find something real quick.

Unknown_18: Oh man. I'm not going to be able to find this. It's it's very funny though.

Unknown_18: Oh, it's PragerU.

Unknown_18: Oh, no, this is like the actual video. I just want like the 30 second clip.

Unknown_20: Um.

Unknown_20: There's a very, very funny PragerU clip that I'm not going to be able to find just the funny bit of, but it's a guy and he's like a former department of defense higher up and he's doing a speech and he's like, I often get asked the question why we spend so much money on Israel. The truth is we don't spend enough. And when you first hear this, you like laugh out loud. You like bust out laughing. Like, Okay, that's a bold that's a bold statement I'm sure you're gonna swing a lot of people with that kind of that kind of balls out in this about it Anything else about this room

Unknown_18: Oh, this is, okay, so Ethan strikes back.

Unknown_20: From 8 November 2011, Ben Shapiro says, the Jewish people have always been plagued by bad Jews who undermine it from within. In America, those bad Jews largely vote Democrat.

Unknown_20: And Ethan Klein says, this is the man who accuses me of being anti-Semitic.

Unknown_20: In Ben Shapiro's defense, this is hard. I'm trying to play lawyer for both Ben Shapiro and Ethan Klein here and try to be fair to both of them. He's not saying that we should kill them.

Unknown_20: I mean, if he was saying, like, if there was a Holocaust, we should gas all the Democratic Jews, that would be a different kind of take, I think.

Unknown_18: He says that we'll miss a show because of this stupid joke.

Unknown_20: Why can't you just do it off YouTube?

Unknown_20: Am I retarded? Like, you can just do that off YouTube, right?

Unknown_20: Okay, whatever. Whatever. I'm done. I'm done. I'm haunted by this fucking face which follows me no matter where I'm looking on this thing. I just can't stand it anymore. He's like a...

Unknown_20: He's like that fat goat man from Hercules. He's just got this smug chubby Expression that I kind of hold contempt for I'm also okay.

Unknown_18: Here's a little catch-up on Liz Fong Jones, by the way

Unknown_18: LizFongJones is one of the only people still paying attention to the DropKiwiFarms stuff.

Unknown_20: Cathos has been quiet about it because KiwiFarms is dead.

Unknown_20: LizFongJones actively, sincerely hates the KiwiFarms and wants it destroyed because

Unknown_20: He's insane and he doesn't want people to know that he fucks weird snake people. He also apparently is one of those people that are really into like kink culture, which is kind of a disgusting thing I don't want to think about because of how horrific, horrific looking he is.

Unknown_20: Excuse me. Don't tell me what to mention. I have I have my agenda. I have my notes. I'm working through it Lizvong Jones has had to deal with a our our slur accusation he says Oh, I guess my website's dead as I try to go through this No, it's not dead Just hiccup that one time I've been trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with the site for a long-ass time And I'm just not having any luck to be honest with you

Unknown_20: He says, consent accidents, which is already, that is like a really political term, consent accidents. I'm sorry I accidentally raped you. It was like, I'm sorry for your feelings as Bill Clinton would say.

Unknown_20: Consent accidents do occasionally happen. It's part of the risk-aware of risk-aware consensual kink. And I think that when they do, we need to be able to understand what happened rather than lashing out or blanket just denying that anything happened, both of which suck.

Unknown_20: She genuinely believes that I have sexually assaulted her and I considered her a friend and I'm genuinely sorry for what she's going through, but feel a blameless perspective would try to examine how the miscommunication happened. Content warning, allegations of sexual assault, see PTSD, which is childhood post-traumatic stress disorder. He adds these content warning things to every single tweet, so there's like 8,000 reiterations of this.

Unknown_20: In my view, this was neither foreseeable nor deliberate. I sincerely wish that we had communicated our circumstances and needs better, but there is nothing I can do about it now that the damage has been done. I hope that she heals. I understand that she may need to talk about it in order to heal or get closure. She has asked me to never contact her again, and I am doing my best to abide by it.

Unknown_20: Um, but I cannot allow myself to get smeared without standing, stating what my experience and viewpoint were, nor can I allow myself to be the target of attempts to psychologically harm me in return. I understand that she's feeling suicidal and traumatized, but it is counterproductive to try and attack me to the point of me becoming suicidal too. There was always going to be a mistake.

Unknown_20: This was always going to be a mistake that I was going to regret for the rest of my life.

Unknown_20: Just in case you're wondering, I've never been accused of rape.

Unknown_20: So I don't know, maybe Liz Fong Jones needs to re-evaluate who's actually the bad person here, who's going around committing crimes.

Unknown_20: So I don't know what to do other than be clear and transparent to the community and otherwise try to give her space. If this results in consequences for me, then they very well may be consequences I deserve. You be the judge. Note, please, please, please do not try to identify or de-anonymize her or take any action against her. The last thing I want is a further escalation of this situation. All I want here is for things to de-escalate and for both of us to heal from this. It's a shitty situation. Okay, get ready.

Unknown_20: The accusation is actually fucking crazy. So if you're thinking that he like buttfucked somebody against their will while they were tied up and gagged, it's way, way dumber than that. In short, he says, number one, Liz, referring to himself in the third person for some reason, Liz lives with a dog. Liz's clothing has dog hair on it. Two, Liz had consensual sex with someone.

Unknown_20: He can't count. This is a Google engineer and he can't count. He went from one to three. I guess two is supposed to be Liz's clothing has dog hair on it. Four. That person has a phobia of dog hair and did not say so. Five. That person thinks that Liz is deliberately slash maliciously got dog hair on her.

Unknown_20: Six. She accuses Liz of sexual assault.

Unknown_20: Now in case you're wondering what the fuck this means I Think that this post explains it actually these are deleted tweets that kind of it That he deleted and this is like his proper like cleaned up statement, but this was his initial statement, I think Um

Unknown_20: Sigh, I was hoping not to have to do this, but now that the other party in this is publicly disclosing her side, I need to be transparent and accountable while defending myself and hopefully not make the situation worse. I'm not going to name her, but she has chosen to discuss the incident and name me, so I feel I have no choice but to respond and to do so publicly in order to explain my point of view and the circumstances and clear my name. This attempts to describe a consent accident that happened. Okay, so he kept the words consent accident between versions of this statement. That's the best he could do.

Unknown_20: I mean, you either consent to something or you don't.

Unknown_20: Life is so much easier if you can just say, this person's fucking stupid and crazy, and I'm very sorry that I had anything to do with them. That should be your statement, Liz. Let me help you out. A consent accident that occurred on November 3rd in Zurich.

Unknown_20: or as the Swiss say, Zurich, which is way, way, way uglier than Zurich. Anyways, I'm going to try as carefully as I can. You know, I've been in Zurich. I've been in the airport. They sent me back.

Unknown_20: They wouldn't let me into Switzerland. They sent me back. I'm going to try as carefully as I can to conduct a blameless retrospective about what happened.

Unknown_20: I have known the person who accuses me of sexual assault for over eight years. And relevantly, she has known that I once had a psychiatric service animal, that that dog recently passed away, but my family still has another dog. And conversely, I have known for about eight years that she has an intense phobia of encountering live dogs in person. What I did not know, and what she did not communicate, is that her phobia also extends to encountering dog hair on clothing. You can probably see where this is going. I thought she was aware that there was a dog in my house and that there might be residual dog hair on my clothing. I asked if I could stay with her and she said yes. Ditto playing. Afterwards, playing is the disgusting kink fetish word for BDSM creepy sex.

Unknown_20: Afterwards, she noticed that there was dog hair on my clothes, which she had not noticed before and had not communicated to me was going to be a problem, despite us socializing for days prior and seeing my clothing beforehand. If I had known that her phobia of dogs extended to dog hair on other people's clothing, I would never have asked to enter her home or to play, which means discussing kinky tranny sets, to reiterate. However, there is literally no way I could have known, and she did not communicate that need. So her childhood post-traumatic stress disorder was triggered, she acted as if I sexually assaulted her, and here we are. Rather than letting rumors spread, I'd rather be proactive and communicate exactly what happened while someone might accuse me of assault. She genuinely believes that I sexually assaulted her, and I considered her a friend, and I'm genuinely sorry for what she's going through, but feel that a blameless perspective would try to examine how the miscommunication happened.

Unknown_20: In my view, this was neither foreseeable nor deliberate. I sincerely wish that we had each communicated our circumstances and needs better, but there is nothing I can do now that the damage has been done. I hope that she heals. I understand she may need to talk about it in order to heal or to get close. This is like groveling, by the way. She has asked me to never contact her again, and I am doing my best to abide by it.

Unknown_18: So this is from the original tweet.

Unknown_18: So this is reiteration. She deleted, he deleted these other tweets.

Unknown_20: So what the fuck happens to somebody as a kid to make you so afraid of dogs that dog hair on your clothing makes you like freak out for eight years. Here, Liz, I'll give you a hint. It's called don't stick your dick in crazy. Okay. This is what every little boy is taught when he's a child.

Unknown_18: get bitten yeah let's go with that he she he got mauled by a shit bull and i don't care what people say shit bulls are the neighbors of dogs and i i you know i'm an animal lover but if you are one of those people who's like oh my shibbol is so fucking loyal look at her smile uh you suck fuck you it's a neighbor dog for neighbors

Unknown_20: That's the Lizfong Jones update. By the way, what they do is they just go to their command prompt every day and type in nslookup,, and then they write tweets saying, oh, it's on this host today. And that's it.

Unknown_20: One of the companies that they've gone after really hard is Hostslick, which is a company based out of the Netherlands. I think it's owned by a German guy though. And they've been pretty resilient. And I would like to point people towards something that you might find interesting.

Unknown_20: If you go to forum discussion, and then you go to the sticky area, the top threads, there is one called Null's tier list for internet services. And since the, um,

Unknown_20: Since the drama I have been maintaining a list of services that I have experience with including ones from the past and you can kind of if you're interested in like hosting stuff you can look at this and see like how different companies have reacted to different problems and Which ones are worth sticking with? So I've actually seen my list shared on hosting websites and stuff which is very nice because I'm trying to swing business to the people who actually it's less about like shitting on companies that are fucking garbage and more about trying to get

Unknown_20: business to companies that are not garbage. But I do have, like I mentioned Path being psychotic and ran by really, really shady, awful people.

Unknown_20: If you learn anything, don't ever do business with or with Path. They're fucking terrible.

Unknown_20: So if you wanna, yeah, from base to not base. If you wanna take a look at this, if you're interested in hosting stuff, that's the place to do it.

Unknown_20: Give the good people the good money, okay.

Unknown_18: Was Liz friends with Lovelie?

Unknown_18: Oh, you mean Lorelie.

Unknown_20: I don't know. That's a good question. Probably, I'm gonna...

Unknown_20: I'm going to say probably not. I'm going to say that Liz probably is not friends with Lorelai because I bet you Lorelai, everybody hates Lorelai. Um, Lorelai has such a terrible reputation within the trans shit. Like he is completely and totally ostracized and he's had multiple people like accused him of sexual abuse and stuff. And I spent like getting people intoxicated to have sex with them and record it and stuff. And I've seen it like firsthand.

Unknown_20: like people's statements and sending me stuff about what they say is non-consensual pornography. So Lorelai, no, I would imagine nobody is friends with Lorelai.

Unknown_18: Am I expecting not to get nuked by something called

Unknown_20: I get that reference. I understand what you're referring.

Unknown_20: Okay, now we're swinging ahead. This is Chantal. I have a Chantal update, a little bit.

Unknown_20: This is Salah. This is the guy, 29, a bit older than I thought. The guy from Kuwait, who BeautyBeauty is, I think, engaged to at this point.

Unknown_20: Somebody has found his tinder. So this is the recording of the tinder. That's your BMW?

Unknown_11: That's nice. That's your girl? Golly. Okay, I see you. But I just want to know one thing. You ready? So there you go.

Unknown_20: That's his... Foodie Booty came out coping and snooping about this saying that it is a fake.

Unknown_18: Actually, this is out of order.

Unknown_18: This is her saying that this is fake.

Unknown_20: I'll play a little bit of this, but I can tell you it's not fake because he is verified. That check mark means that he submitted photo ID for his Tinder profile.

Unknown_10: Why do I even have to owe you people an explanation of what happened? Like, it's so insane. But with him, there were actual red flags, Snufkin. That I understand. There's none with Sally. You're making them all up. That's the thing. Shouldn't they still feel icky to screen record and screenshot someone they know nothing about? It's business and post their stockings online. Yes, they should. And they should be ashamed of that. He's not messaging people. It's called Photoshop. It's not real. They are fake. And they're obviously fake, a lot of them.

Unknown_20: They're obviously fake, but I'll mute this. But you can see the person recording this is like interacting with the page. And I really, really doubt that the women who are like foodie beauty hate watchers have the technical capacity to make like a, to edit like a Tinder page and make it look like a phone recording like this where it has interactive elements and shit. I just, I don't buy that. And they have all these pictures of him and shit. It's a bit of a stretch, but she's coping and sneeding about it.

Unknown_10: like he showed me and told me exactly what happened like he had a tinder profile he was looking to meet somebody serious it doesn't matter if it was from this part of the world or not who cares like it still doesn't mean you're not gonna find someone to freaking love it's stupid and anyways i don't even care like it's whatever it's all false how do you know they're not fake how you're just blindly trusting them snufkin so that's her denial she complains she goes to the back to her

Unknown_20: A community tab to complain. She says, this is why I am staying off YouTube. Actually, no, this is out of order. Why is it that people find it acceptable? Replying to herself saying, pretty sure someone's posting personal information. Dating profile online is illegal, dipshit. Get ready for a privacy complaint.

Unknown_20: Canadians are so fucking stupid. If this is legal in Canada, your country is a fucking joke. I'll accept Alberta. We can have Alberta be the 51st state. I don't care if it looks stupid with the borders all fucked up like that. We gotta save the good people in Canada, because this is retarded.

Unknown_20: Why is it that people find it acceptable to post someone's dating profile online? Get ready for a privacy complaint to the reaction channel again with no boundaries. I would rather be dealing with moving the fuck on with my life but I have to deal with people trying to dax my loved ones and more bullying and harassment. F it in weirdos man, JFC.

Unknown_20: And then she says, this is why I am staying off of YouTube. It is impossible to try and get out and get ahead when you have insane vultures trying to ruin your life. It's not gonna happen, stay mad losers. Keep trying with the illegal activities to trigger me or get me to say something and it will be your downfall, not mine. She writes so much like Ralph.

Unknown_20: Ralph and Chantal would be the power couple. That would be, that would be amazing. They got that personality. That personality probably doesn't mix though. Cause Ralph wants like submissive, retarded women. I don't know if Chantal is kind of submissive and retarded, but I just, oh, it would be so good that they were both hollering at the same time about fucking Kiwi farms. That would be amazing. That'd be the best thing that had ever happened.

Unknown_18: Uh,

Unknown_18: But okay, this is her first video after starting her hijab and deleting all her old videos.

Unknown_20: A couple timestamps for this. I wanna show you the intro, how she introduces herself in this video.

Unknown_08: Get ready.

Unknown_08: Play it.

Unknown_08: It's just amazing she's already she's already learning the language I bet you that guy

Unknown_20: I bet you that guy is like, he just tries to find desperate women on Tinder anywhere in the world. And he's like, can you start wearing a hijab and send me pictures? I'm serious about this Islam thing. I'll marry you. And then when they do it, he just like ghost them cause he's in Kuwait and what the fuck are they going to do about it? And that's just like his fetish. He has like a gallery of like, uh, conquered women that he has on his computer. And Chantal is just one of like a dozen girls that he's gotten to do this, who were desperate enough to do this.

Unknown_20: Based.

Unknown_20: Converter fetish. That's right. By ordained by Muhammad himself. Peace be upon him.

Unknown_20: Oh, okay. Actually, there was more to that video I was going to play. 42 seconds.

Unknown_09: And this is going to sound super snotty, but I want every woman out there to know that if you are so desperate that you have to enter the DMs of somebody

Unknown_09: that I'm involved with, or try to, I need you to know that any reply you get from anyone calling themselves Salah, like they even have the nerve to pretend to be that worthy, to even enter his DMs, any reply you get is fake because this man spends hours

Unknown_09: on video call with me every day, shows me screenshots of every single person trying to follow him, has all comments turned off, is not accepting new friend requests anywhere, and his dating app that you're so hanging on to as proof that this man doesn't love me.

Unknown_09: Please, you're so gullible, just like you all accuse me of being.

Unknown_09: I'm sorry, or should I say, I apologize if I sound bitter.

Unknown_09: Yeah, I'm a little bitter. I'm trying to do better for my life, and I have people everywhere trying to pull me back down into the stinky bog with them. Oh my God, the bog.

Unknown_20: Chantal also has a bog. She just needs a hog for her bog. Does anyone know where we can get a hog for Chantal's bog? I think if Chantal had a hog in her bog, there would be, the content would be much higher quality, okay? That's all I'm saying.

Unknown_09: Stay there, I'm moving on up. I'm getting married. I'm going to live an amazing life. This move is happening. I'm glowing up in life, behind the scenes. And from now on, I'm only allowing you whatever privacy I want to give you. And honestly, the way things are going to be going.

Unknown_20: So that's her just announcing that she's getting married. And then she continues being very smug at four minutes. And I'll play just a little bit of this as well.

Unknown_09: This is the thing. I even saw a rumor that he has no family. How are people making these claims when they don't even know us? They don't know anything. And guess what? You're not going to.

Unknown_09: I have every right to my privacy. I'm taking back my privacy. You can put every video, every thumbnail, every picture of me you want of my past and that hasn't scared him away. He knows who I am. He knows I'm Foodie Beauty and he loves me for me.

Unknown_09: As a person, I have a lot to offer.

Unknown_00: Just because I picked my nose at old videos means I'm not worthy of love.

Unknown_09: Okay. Or because maybe because I went through a hard time and I was in an abusive relationship and resorted to drugs to cope with things. So that's going to be rubbed in my face over and over. Nice try, but no, I don't live in the past. You guys do. I'm moving forward and so are my Beezers. my loyal Beezers, and that's all that matters.

Unknown_20: And that's also a Ralphism when she's like the real fans of the Chantal stream. They'll be with me no matter what. I don't know who my fake friends are from this one.

Unknown_09: Well, whatever. Also, I would like everyone to reach out to people who are having their names mispronounced over and over.

Unknown_20: Damn, that's an ugly woman.

Unknown_20: Kenya, Kara K, Kate, Kayla. I'm sorry, don't have a stupid fucking name.

Unknown_18: What's the name of this lady?

Unknown_18: Kenya?

Unknown_18: Kenya Hoy? Is that like a Blasian?

Unknown_20: What the fuck is wrong with her?

Unknown_09: Go ask them if that matters.

Unknown_09: Go ask them if that matters. I will let you know there's one reaction channel particularly- Wait, so somebody mispronounced the guy's name, the Kuwaiti guy's name, and she, like, Googles, do people get triggered if people mispronounce their name?

Unknown_20: And then she found this stupid-ass fucking article and just, like, showed it off to people. Okay.

Unknown_09: who keeps being racist just because that's the only way they feel they can get to me out of desperation, but every harassment is being documented and noted and I'm actually in contact with a representative from YouTube about a lot of things. This might take a while, maybe, I don't know how long, I mean, I guess, while they look into it, but

Unknown_09: I'm tired of not fighting for my rights in any way. The rights to my privacy. I need to take responsibility for myself. But where's the community's responsibility? So it's okay to just be racist and just say racist things now. So the onus is still on me for that, right? Because of something, a comment I made a long, long, long, long time ago that wasn't even racist. Yeah, okay.

Unknown_20: Oh, is she gonna explain it?

Unknown_09: You're all crappy. Oh, she is. Every time you do something- She's gonna explain what the troll channels were giving her shit for and I'll get my hot take on that after she's done. Racist like that, I will report you. Alright, so just a brief history on this racism accusation which is so contrived and so far-fetched. This is the worst picture possible she could have brought up for Charlie Gold.

Unknown_20: This in and of itself is fucking racist. Those crooked ass gap teeth are racist. That's a racist caricature of Charlie Gold. I don't give a fuck if it's a real picture of her. Picking this picture is racist because of that.

Unknown_09: It's insane, but anyway, this person, Charlie Gold, was a reaction channel up my butt and around the corner since I started YouTube basically. Fat shaming me for years, using my content for years, and one day I snapped, and since she liked to make fun of my name and everything else, you know, I decided to call her instead of Charlie Gold because she definitely isn't worth the value of gold and is not shiny like gold, is what I was referring to, not her skin color. The color of her soul was coal. Her personality is coal. She is valueless like coal.

Unknown_20: Actually, coal is very valuable, and the Germans and the French have been disputing for many centuries who gets the Rhineland because of the coal in the Rhineland. Just in case you're wondering. Fact. History fact. And there's also, there is a modern Borden dispute between the Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland over a very coal-rich area that sits right between them. Okay, so don't say coal is not valuable, right? The fucking Europeans are about to start shoveling coal into a furnace to heat themselves this winter. Coal has some value, okay? It's just not shiny.

Unknown_09: thingians are like coal not gold it was a play on the term gold the opposite of gold in mineral terms i guess in my brain call me stupid fine but i'm not racist that's was coal the opposite of gold in my mind was coal now if charlie's name was charlie christmas and i called her charlie cole then yes i would agree that that is very racist However, coal and gold do not rhyme cold rhymes with gold coal and gold do not rhyme at all No, that's not racist. Thank you. Have a nice day. Bye Okay, I'm gonna take I'm gonna take Queen Chen Chow's side on this because I have a personal issue with people who are like mainstream drama channels because what they do and they do this constantly is they go up and they say like I

Unknown_20: It's okay to bully the fuck out of Chris Chan or Chantal or you know whoever literally anyone any mainstream drama channel because and only because they are Exist the racist is she said Charlie Cole. She's a terrible racist. It's okay to make fun of her She's wearing the hijab. She's being Islamic phobic shit like all this shit It's just like you're just rationalizing why you enjoy having fun like bullying the fuck out of this retarded person who can't stop sharing her entire life on the internet like that's true with with Chantal that's true with A ton of people, especially Chris, they always say, even when Chris was fucking himself in the ass and dressing in drag, they would still say that he was homophobic because of a comic he made in 2007 when his father was still alive because Obama was in the election cycle and his racist father made comments about how Obama was black and shouldn't be president because of it. Chris drew that into a comic and for fucking 15 years people would point to that and say, this is why it's okay to make fun of Chris. And it's like, no, it's okay to make fun of Chris because it's really funny. Chris is really funny. Chantal is really funny. You don't have to morally justify making fun of someone. It's your first amendment right. It's what we've been doing as a species for fucking hundreds of thousands of years.

Unknown_20: The people who don't fit in get made fun of, especially when they're so funny, like Chantal and Chris are. It's so annoying when people are like, oh, she said Charlie Cole, so she's a racist. This woman literally cannot find enough black dick to suck. She cannot find enough brown people to lust after. There is no racism in Chantal. There's nothing besides food.

Unknown_20: That's all that she's full of. She has nothing else, okay? Calm down. She's not being transphobic. She's not being racist. It's stupid.

Unknown_09: I'm gonna end it there.

Unknown_20: I know what happens. Just her being smug about her relationship and stuff.

Unknown_20: And that's about it for Chantal this week.

Unknown_20: now um here i i don't have much to say about ralph speaking of my favorite fat people i don't have much to say about ralph um but we are going to play a clip of ralph coping and sneeding over the fact that cozy rosie is 100 soy chugs the soy since the moment that child was born Rosie Rosie has been chugging 100% pure soy from the formula can and All he can do is lie about it being breast milk Got into his ear quote-unquote

Unknown_02: What are you doing? Oh, you can't.

Unknown_02: You know what? She's actually feeding the baby. So that kind of make me another one of these here in a little while.

Unknown_02: Yeah, that's fine.

Unknown_02: She's got the baby like locked on there.

Unknown_02: My daughter has never drank formula ever.

Unknown_02: And I was like, I can post. I don't know if I can make it longer. An alternate reality where she actually did drink formula. And I made that up because I was coping that she and coping and sneaking because she drank formula.

Unknown_20: Get it right.

Unknown_02: First off, it's not me. I would just come on out and say if she drank formula.

Unknown_02: But no, she never has and thinks it's like nasty.

Unknown_02: But no, I have no need to lie on behalf of my baby daughter. Like what the fuck? Like, I would just say she didn't, she didn't like breast milk, but she absolutely loves it.

Unknown_00: WTF, Ralph. What are you doing? Sent $3. Why aren't you giving that baby water to drink?

Unknown_02: Oh no, that was another one.

Unknown_00: Bambi don't drink water. $3 ultras.

Unknown_07: Hit it first.

Unknown_02: Oh, such a sad state of affairs. Chad declared he hit it first too.

Unknown_02: And yeah, I know it's way better if they drink breast milk for sure, which like I said, thankfully she doesn't fuck with the formula. I sat there and saw Patsy tried to like give her a taste of it in the hospital even initially.

Unknown_20: I thought she never had a sip of it.

Unknown_02: She only wants the breast milk, so... Which, I mean, it might be more convenient every once in a while if she did drink formula, but she does not, so... She does not fuck with that.

Unknown_20: Huge shout-out to Ultros! That's gonna be a real huge shout-out. What's weird is that, like...

Unknown_20: May does not have any boobs. I do not believe first that she has not developed any breasts over her pregnancy. She still does not have any boobs at all. There is no way that she is producing milk. And that's not even abnormal. Like really, I don't think really skinny girls who have no boobs of no mammals, men, malaria grant lands can make boobs. Okay.

Unknown_20: I don't know what's up with that.

Unknown_20: But he really copes and he really gets insecure when people point out that there's no fucking way that kid is drinking breast milk.

Unknown_20: Also, briefly, I'll mention this.

Unknown_20: Ralph has gone to California, Northern California, to see Xanda, Xanda, his son, who is 17 months old, who he has never seen before yesterday, I think.

Unknown_20: And Matthew Vickers is being cringe about it as Matthew Vickers is complaining. I think there's debate over if the Pantsu Twitter account was being used during visitation so that

Unknown_20: So that he could circumvent his no social media role like one of the stipulations for him visiting the child Is that he is not on social media when it happens? There's no pictures or anything, but pants who was active during the Visitation and pants who made a comment about how Xander had a bruise on his face that Matthew Vickers claims was because he was roughhousing with his uncle and And it was no big deal.

Unknown_20: But he said that there was no way that Pantsu could have known that unless Ralph had posted that himself during visitation. So that's what they're happening. I don't know. I don't really have a strong opinion about this.

Unknown_20: I would say that Ralph is a negative influence on everyone, and not having contact with Ralph is better than having contact with Ralph. However, I do believe that Ralph does have, like, a paternal obligation to be involved in his son's life, and it's, uh, what's her, Faith's fault that she got knocked up by a fat, belligerent, fucking retard. She knew that he was a fat, belligerent, fucking retard, and she still went through with it, so, um,

Unknown_20: Yeah, I don't know. Good for Ralph, I guess.

Unknown_20: I don't really have a lot to say about that. Good for Ralph.

Unknown_20: Hopefully it's a beneficial thing for everyone.

Unknown_20: And it's not a bad thing. I don't want bad things to happen. I definitely place full fault for all of this at the foot of faith. And the fact that nobody else does is a bit perplexing to me.

Unknown_20: Such is life.

Unknown_20: Okay, that's it, that's it for Ralph. Mercifully short this week. The other thing that's happened is that Baked Alaska announced huge news, he says.

Unknown_20: Literal miracle just happened in my January 6th sentencing. We'll announce live on air today, 5 p.m. on Wake and Baked. Praise Jesus, heart and hands emoji. And this led people to believe that Baked would be getting a, I don't know what this clip is, Oh, Bake would be getting a reduced or removed sentence because he's snitching. However, that did not happen. His sentencing has not happened yet. And what he's actually saying is a miracle, praise Jesus, is that the judge presiding over his case, Emmett G. Sullivan, who is now going to be sentencing him next week, was swatted He was, the judge for his case was swatted, and Bake literally called that a miracle, and praised Jesus for it. So, and that's not a joke, that's like, actually what this fucking retard said, and he read this article about it on stream, where he was happy that this is a thing that happened.

Unknown_20: And of course, I think that this article says something about how we need more laws about doxing and shit,

Unknown_20: And what's really fucking crazy about this is that federal judges are one of the only demographics in the entire country who are legally protected from doxing. It is illegal to dox a federal judge and he still gets swatted at his home. It's not even at his office. So they found where he lived and they still swatted him. even though there are laws against doxing federal judges. So no more legislation is going to protect people from swatting. What we need is some kind of system where the police cannot be used as a fucking paramilitary prank force on everybody through phone calls. It's ridiculous.

Unknown_20: It really boggles the mind.

Unknown_20: And for some reason Baked Alaska thought this was a good thing. I'm sure that this tweet, what Baked has said is going to be used as evidence in his sentencing and the judge is not going to be appreciative of it. That he can't sleep in his own house without being bothered by, you know, the police and the people that, and this guy, this guy that he has in his mercy. The person who decides what Baked's sentence will be is solely up to the discretion of the judge. If he has the option between like,

Unknown_20: community service and four years in jail or whatever, it's up to the judge. The prosecution can say, I believe that he deserves the maximum sentence because of his extreme disrespect for the, you know, Nancy Pelosi's office and the imminent risk he placed to classify documents and the fact he was streaming it. The prosecution can suggest that and give reasoning for it, but it's up to the judge's judgment to decide how much the sentence is going to be.

Unknown_20: So he's like, so you're in this legal system. You are, you know, in, in custody being processed because of your disrespect for the federal government and for the laws of the federal government. And then, you know, I get swatted in my fucking house. I'm just watching some iRobot and taking some time off and I get the police knocking on my door and you're going to celebrate that to your fucking fans on this bullshit platform cozy, which is already under scrutiny. Yeah, you're obviously not getting it. Maybe four years would be, I'm just making numbers up, but four years would be, you know, give you enough time to reconsider what the fuck you're doing. And so it's a really baffling, baffling decision. If I was baked Alaska and the judge was handling my case and he gets swatted, I would shit my pants.

Unknown_20: I would say nothing. I would contact my lawyer and say this just happened. Can we get ahead of this and find something? Can we like make sure that they know I'm not involved in this? I would be having a fucking conniption fit. I would be on the ground foaming at the mouth in fear. There's no way that I would be thinking I'll praise the Lord. My judge was just squatted.

Unknown_20: Bake is so fucking stupid.

Unknown_20: It's unbelievable. It really is crazy that this guy is so dumb and he's managed to do what he does and not be shot for it. In the process of sticking cameras in people's faces, he's actually managed to live into his adult years and not piss somebody off enough to kill him if he's that stupid.

Unknown_20: Really fascinating stuff. It's an arrogant stupid too. Yes, exactly. That's true.

Unknown_20: Oh, there is more Ralph content actually, I lied. Ralph sharted again. They really want me to play this.

Unknown_01: And now we live in this beautiful utopia for dogs.

Unknown_01: And I fucking run over my dog.

Unknown_22: That was a big mistake, wasn't it?

Unknown_18: Oh my god.

Unknown_22: Reset the story.

Unknown_22: Wow, that's really loud.

Unknown_20: Is that really not, like, edited in?

Unknown_20: That's crazy. He, like, caught himself too. Sorry, I just reset. Like, he says it, acknowledges it, and then continues on.

Unknown_22: Sorry, I just I just I just farted and then he has like catching the I just reset.

Unknown_20: That's funny.

Unknown_20: Damn, he's fucking gross. There's shit in his pants all day. Well, may does everything for him maze feeding the baby the formula and he's like, Can you get me another drink to lady? I'm over here sharting farting all day and I need my sustenance. Gross.

Unknown_20: Oh, and this is real news. This is real news chat Sanjana and I don't wanna be racist and mispronounce this Sanjana current from I guess Pakistan. She looks Pakistani I'm curious whenever I see a name like that. I'm curious where the fuck it comes from Does not say reporter and comrade

Unknown_20: Huffington Post, Pakistan, Writers Guild of America East. Okay. Gross.

Unknown_20: On the heels of Alex Jones being paid or told to pay Sandy Hook parents for deliberately spreading lies about the massacre, the family of George Floyd is considering a lawsuit against Kanye West for lying about the murder by police.

Unknown_20: From the Floyd's family attorney, while one cannot defame the dead, the family of George Floyd is considering a suit for Kanye's false statements about the manner of his death.

Unknown_20: claiming Floyd died from fentanyl, not the brutality established criminally and civilly undermines and diminishes Floyd's family fight.

Unknown_20: So if you want to say that you disagree with the verdict and you believe that Fentanyl Floyd died from his drug habits and not primarily due to neck compression or whatever the official document says, You are now able to be sued, and what I have noticed is that besides deplatforming, civil suits are the other way that the federal government is now trying to suppress freedom of speech. It's just their way of circumventing it. The fact that Alex Jones is being asked to pay a billion dollars to a bunch of, like, parents because he said the Sandy Hook thing was, like, fake, that's retarded. I want to say this.

Unknown_20: Conspiracy theories are so American. The idea that Americans do not trust the government, believe that there's aliens in Area 51, that the moon landing was fake, that the gold standard, the Federal Reserve being owned by masons and shit, that is true American patriotism. I can think of literally nothing more patriotic than a conspiracy theorist. Those people are so fucking crazy in love with the United States that it kind of defies belief. So they're really, really hammering home this like conspiracy theories are dangerous and civilly damaging it because they want it to stop. People don't get to distrust the government anymore. They get to fall in fucking line or they get to be completely bankrupt.

Unknown_18: Very, very sad. Um, oh, okay. And now it's piss everybody off.

Unknown_20: That Dylan guy, what's his name? Dylan Mulvaney, who I mentioned only in passing because he was so gross. So this is like his thing. He's only up to like day 200 or something. He's not been around for that long, but he started doing the TikTok. Hey guys, I'm a real girl now, like this year. And he's already like a huge celebrity because of it. So this is him on Ulta Beauty, which is a large fashion beauty brand discussing girlhood with a,

Unknown_20: Now I know I can find love. I know I can still be a performer. I know. I was going to say with a woman, but then I saw the beard. I'm thinking, what the fuck am I looking at?

Unknown_13: That I can have a family. I want to be a mom one day. And I absolutely can. And that's why the narrative still has a long way to go, because when I was grieving boy Dylan, I didn't know those things were even accessible to me.

Unknown_20: So Ulta puts this out, exposes a bunch of normies to it. This tweet has 9,000 replies, 800 retweets, 5,300 quote retweets, and only 6,000 likes by comparison. It's been played two million times. Ricardo DePandi says, it's like Blackface but even more whiny. Farinas replies saying, I'm black and this is way worse than Blackface. GammoCat says, girlhood in quotes, crazy emoji.

Unknown_20: RevengeXGamer says, found a bigot, but he gets 23 replies and 15 likes to the 1800 from GammoCat.

Unknown_20: 1950s TV housewife look from BeFairBeLeft, hashtag free Assange. So this is like a leftist who's complaining, angry face.

Unknown_20: Erwin Cloak replies saying that's because he is cosplaying a woman and he can choose any era he likes.

Unknown_20: Ulta booty tries to like damage control, but there's like a lot of like genuinely pissed off women There was one post by like a black girl. It was like like so you mean to tell me that I I was pregnant for 41 weeks and I Pushed out this baby, and I breastfed her for two years and this thing It's just to say it's a call himself mom and it has to be taken true. Oh, and I get to be called Breast feeder chest haver uterus haver and he gets to be called mom have about go fuck yourself There's more replies to this which I'll read Princess blueberry says men can't be woman. You're all insane. We don't have to play along with these dudes fantasies eat shit Lexel replies these men have reduced us to bait Barbie pockets instead of instead of vagina and they can cosplay motherhood. Fuck you Ulta your socks are already underperforming as a Friday FactFem says, in the name of dialogue, you choose to hide the replies of women who object to this misogynistic bullshit. SoulSpern says, keep digging this hole. You could have appealed to a wider audience in any number of ways. You chose to support the erasure of women and mothers. You now hide replies and claim to want respectful dialogue. Most won't be respectful when you eat shit in their cereal. Unsurprisingly ratioed. Actually ratioed, by the way, not keffle ratio, pretend ratio.

Unknown_20: Anna Tofagsgay, which I assume is a Welsh name that nobody can pronounce, says, Grown-ass men playing dress-up to discuss the meaning of girlhood is not controversial, it's fucking degenerate. Just like you blocking your own customers for comments you don't like, fuck off.

Unknown_18: More replies, uh, I read the Panda one already. Oh ho ho, my website's not gonna work for me anymore, is it?

Unknown_18: Director of Hatcheries says, I spend a lot of money on Ulta, I guess I'll be going back to Sephora, because as a mother and woman, I find this dude insulting.

Unknown_20: Ulta Booty replies saying, we want our channel to be welcoming to people from all walks of life, even people you may not agree with. I still can't believe it's not. Betty says, well, it's not. It's not welcoming to women at all. It's insulting as hell. Hoodie Rob Manfred says, to all the hidden replies, click the three dots in the upper right hand corner. You'll see how many women Ulta has censored. Betty is censored the most, but that comes as no surprise.

Unknown_20: and so on and so forth. Many such replies.

Unknown_20: What? I spoiled it. So what do you think happens now? Dylan gets his big break, a spotlight on the Ulta, the beauty of girlhood with Devin Mulvaney. What do you think happens after this big outlash? He scores an interview with the president of the United States, he has announced.

Unknown_13: It's day 222 of being a girl. I'm in Washington, D.C. and I'm going to the White House to speak to the president of the United States.

Unknown_13: You know that phrase, I fear I may have girlbossed too close to the sun? Well, that's how I feel today, because I get to sit down with Joe Biden, and now this news, and I get to ask him a few questions surrounding trans issues in the United States, and talk to him about my transness, and I really just want to represent my community the best that I can. And you know what? As silly as I am on here, I'm ready to step up and show that trans people, we're not going anywhere. And that trans kids, they deserve a fighting chance to be their true selves. Okay? Oh my god, I'm running late. Let's go! And y'all are obviously wondering what I'm gonna wear to meet the president. Here you go. It's the trans flag colors.

Unknown_13: Cute, right? It's the heels. Okay. Dylan, you're gonna be great. I love you. Let's go.

Unknown_13: Come on. Do you think I just knock on the front door?

Unknown_13: Let's go. Looking for the president's dog.

Unknown_13: Our queen. Love you. I love you.

Unknown_20: And they really got that shit hanging in the fucking the White House. This ugly ass picture of Oprah.

Unknown_13: I love you. We're about to go. Is there anything in my teeth?

Unknown_10: Leaving on cloud nine.

Unknown_13: The President of the United States gave me a cookie. He gave me a cookie in the Oval Office.

Unknown_20: That's really cool. I would love to get a cookie with the presidential seal on it. I'm jealous of that. That's cool. I would collect the fuck out of that sticker on that. That's really awesome.

Unknown_13: Question, do I eat it? Or do I save it? It has a seal.

Unknown_13: Please, honestly, tell me. Everyone!

Unknown_20: Carefully open it and eat the cookie and leave the seal. He went to pet the dog!

Unknown_13: I gotta pet his dog! I'm still in shock, and don't be mad, but I don't get to post any of the footage until after the interview airs on Sunday night. but it's gonna be worth it because I can't wait for you to hear everything that we talked about. I left with a lot of hope and optimism, not only for just trans people, but many different topics. And the fact that our president has watched Days of Girlhood, it's kind of epic. And I'm not gonna lie, I have been- What the fuck did he just say?

Unknown_20: Days of Girlhood. Oh, the name of his series. Oh my God. I'm imagining Joe Biden. on the phone he's at the the the resolute desk right in his chair and he's got his cell phone out and he's on fucking tiktok and he's just watching like eight year old girl twerking videos and then um days of girlhood shows up this david mulvaney shows up while flipping through tiktok and he's like

Unknown_20: You know what, Jack, I gotta talk to this guy. I gotta talk to this David Mulvaney. Get him up to my White House, Jack. I need to have a sit down. I need to see what kind of perfume this guy likes to wear. And then it just happens. Like, okay, sure.

Unknown_13: I've been having a rough go of it lately. A lot of darkness. And today was when I needed to keep going. Also, if you live in the US and can legally vote, this is going to be one of the most important elections of our lifetimes. So please get out and vote next month.

Unknown_13: There is so much darkness in this world. I mean, sometimes the bad actually... I'm staring at it. ...actually outweighs the good, but we have to get in the mud right now, and we're gonna clean up some messes that have needed cleaning for hundreds of years, and we've gotta protect each other. And I have your back, and I really hope you have mine, and I love you.

Unknown_13: God bless America! Oh, no, my implant! Oh, say can you... Okay, love ya!

Unknown_18: I'm displeased with this.

Unknown_18: So astroturfed.

Unknown_18: So astroturfed.

Unknown_20: This dude just starts up his thing. And then what's he saying?

Unknown_20: It's day 222, 222, 222 days of doing the shit once a day, very simple stuff.

Unknown_20: And just like shitting all over the place, shitting all over women, over feminism, over like

Unknown_20: Like facts and logic.

Unknown_20: And then he's in the presidential office to talk about how he's a fucking freak. And that's just, that's just reality.

Unknown_18: That's bizarre.

Unknown_18: Um, Oh, is this a good one? Oh man, please be, please be what I'm hoping for.

Unknown_17: Oh, say can you short in the local Walmart?

Unknown_04: What so proudly we hailed at the cashier's last prepping? Who's brought stomachache?

Unknown_20: That's too vile to play all the way through.

Unknown_20: Oh, geez.

Unknown_19: OK, I'm done with this.

Unknown_20: Make sure I didn't forget anything. There is one more drama related thing to talk about.

Unknown_20: Oh, the judge recused himself from the Baked Alaska thing. Interesting. So I guess Baked Alaska does get a fair shake.

Unknown_19: I guess the judge said, you know what, I'm so fucking pissed over this shit that if I sentence this guy, I'm gonna demand that he be strung up by the fucking neck until dead.

Unknown_20: And I can't be fair about it. So we have to find another judge for this because I'll try to kill that motherfucker.

Unknown_20: Talk about Keno Casino retard. No, you're a faggot. I'm gonna mute you. Fuck off. Yelling at me. Get involved in the fucking garbage. Okay. I was literally just about to, but because you're a faggot, I'm blocking you. Fuck off.

Unknown_20: So PPP thing.

Unknown_20: I haven't watched any of the streams. I don't give a fuck. I really don't, because it's hard for me to care. Andy Warski leaned off camera and it is assumed that he's doing cocaine again. PPP announced that he has fired Andy Warsky and there will be no more Keno casinos in the future Or until that he sorts out what he wants to do with Andy Warsky And it's like as with everything with PPP. I assume that it's fake I just assume that he's full of shit constantly and then part of my thought is

Unknown_20: Who cares? Like it's Andy Warski. I mean, do people actually expect that Andy Warski is like on the straight and narrow or some shit? Like, I don't get it. I thought everyone, his name is Andy Kokoski.

Unknown_20: How is this like, what's the controversy? Someone explain it to me. What is the controversy of this? I asked chat on the forum, what the fuck is the controversy here? And nobody gave me like a really satisfying answer except that,

Unknown_20: Andy Warski has apparently been saying for a long time that he's clean for two years. He's proud of his health. His boxing thing that he went on and on about was like his health and about his health and how clean and healthy he is. So he, him doing Coke is like funny or hypocritical or whatever. I don't know how that's like shame on PPP though is the thing. Like where, where in the Bible does it says don't do Coke?

Unknown_20: I'll look this up. What does the Bible say about drugs?

Unknown_20: Um, no temptation has overtaken you except that which is common to mankind and God is faithful. Not to let you tempt him beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so you can endure it.

Unknown_20: Wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler. Whoever is led astray by them is not wise. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, you can be filled with the spirit.

Unknown_20: Teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderous and addicted to much wine. But so even the Bible in Titus 2 or 3, they warn you about wine.

Unknown_20: It doesn't really address drugs, though, I guess, unless you want to. What does the Bible say about harming your body?

Unknown_20: Do you not know that you yourselves are God's temple, and that God's spirit dwells within your midst? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy that person, for God's temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.

Unknown_20: Okay, I guess being a co-cad is not Christian.

Unknown_20: I don't know. I find it hard to care. I feel like people this might be fake Because like all he did was he went off camera and he sniffed that could be fake PPP could be dribbling up drama Who knows a lot of con like God wants into like four videos on this for some shit They're like half an hour each line. It's just like yeah I'll wait for it to be over and then look at the highlights. I think I

Unknown_20: Watch the cope video that PPP put out. Okay. I will look at this blind. I'll go to doing brave boarded over DACA DACA.

Unknown_18: Okay.

Unknown_18: DACA DACA.

Unknown_18: Where is the, where's the video at? It's not on his channel.

Unknown_18: It's only alt channel. What is the alt channel?

Unknown_18: You have to like give me a link or something. It's on social. Oh, social justice. PPP. Okay.

Unknown_18: This is like seven minutes long. There's like 10 of them.

Unknown_18: Okay. Hold up.

Unknown_18: To God am I watching the Coco it's a no-no or to Godwin send nice try Come on now Whenever pot awful is involved.

Unknown_20: It's a gay op. Yeah, that's true if pot awful Jesse from palaffles involved. It's fucking gay retarded shit. That's not worth it Neither I'll play I'll play this until I get bored. It better be fucking good

Unknown_19: Okay, it's oh, he paychecks.

Unknown_03: Go get it. Really?

Unknown_03: Did that really happen?

Unknown_03: It can't have happened.

Unknown_20: That's fake.

Unknown_20: That's fake.

Unknown_03: There's no way that just happened to me.

Unknown_03: I'm in love with the cocoa.

Unknown_20: We would not be singing and dancing like this if he gave a shit. If any worse is back on coke, he doesn't care.

Unknown_20: That's my take on it.

Unknown_18: Uh, okay.

Unknown_20: So that's that.

Unknown_20: Sorry. That's my take.

Unknown_20: Uh, okay. One more thing. I have one more topic to talk about and then I'll proceed on. I talked about this at the beginning of the stream and I've saved it to the very end.

Unknown_20: Art is dead. It has been murdered. And this was a couple.

Unknown_20: A couple weeks ago, I did cover this. An AI-generated picture when an art prize artists aren't happy. And this is the picture right here. Jason Allen's AI-generated work, Theatre d'Opéra Spatial, took place in digital category at the Colorado State Fair. Took first place in the Colorado State Fair.

Unknown_20: So, in case you do not know, a group of people, I think Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, a bunch of Europeans, released a, and I don't know too much about machine learning, but they released a program called Sable Diffusion 1.4. And then, and this was a way of generating pictures. based off textual prompts. It tries to recreate what you put in as a text message. It does a very, very good job at this. But in the Sable Diffusion in 1.4, it uses photographs.

Unknown_20: So of course this gets leaked.

Unknown_20: Or this gets published the first thing that happens is people try to train it for animation And there is a package called novel AI which generates native 768 by 768 photos or pictures in an anime style because it's trained up hundreds of thousands of images from Danbaru, which is a image tagging website where basically what happens I think is that content from pixiv a Japanese deviant art thing with tags or gets imported to Danbaru, which is an English-speaking website. The tags are translated to English. And it's mostly anime-centric, but there's a lot, a lot of porn on it. So when you take the program, it's trivial to put in pornographic terms and get pornographic images.

Unknown_20: But it works with everything. I have been showing in my background the different images that I generated. And it's really, it's a genuinely very impressive program in terms of the quality of the images that it generates and how well it captures your text input when you play around with it. And then on top of this, like when I type in horizon view from space of a planet with a starry background, it doesn't do that great a job. But then I can take in my actual like,

Unknown_20: what's actually more impressive than just the text the the text to image is what it's called is that When I take in its image to image you can take an image like my background here that I took and then I threw it in and I said I want an image that kind of looks like this and then it understands that you want like a split you want like a Starry sky and then like a planet on the bottom and it does a much better job of recreating that using that image as an image to image input But you can also supplement that with

Unknown_20: Text so you can say like I want this but then I also want like an astronaut in it and it then Additionally on top of that there's something called in painting so if you you can take a prompt you can throw in your prompt and then say I want this and you'll roll it a couple times and then you'll get an image that's very close to what you want and

Unknown_20: So then you can take the image that it generated from itself, from the text, and then throw it into image to image and use in-painting to very, very easily take a black brush and brush over the imperfect parts of the image only. And then using the exact same prompt that you used to generate it to begin with, you can re-roll it until the imperfections generate as you want. And you can continually take the image to image and refine it on top of itself to get something that is extremely impressive, extremely lifelike. And that is how the guy who won the art contest generated his image. He took a concept, he generated many different first passes from the AI, and then took the more refined images and continued to add detail on top of itself. And then because it only generates at a certain resolution at least for me because I have a AMD card Which it doesn't work with at all I had to then upscale it Kind of shittily just using an upscaler which is why it's Doesn't look too detailed But if you generate the images that are natively high resolution with a lot of VRAM they look great without any of the imperfections of the redrawing at a higher resolution and

Unknown_20: it is it's captivating it's like um not to it's kind of gay to use a harry potter reference but it reminds me a lot of um mirror of erised and harry potter because it is you're just sitting there and you're like staring at your screen you're like i want a picture of haru akamora riding a pig with a lasso and a horse in the background and you get a picture of haru from the forum riding a pig while throwing up a lasso like a like a cowgirl and there's may in the background you're like this is exactly what i had in my head you can take existing images and completely redraw it instantly without any effort whatsoever and it's the kind of um it's the kind of like

Unknown_20: I just know that there are going to be people who download this program and they're going to be looking into it and they're never going to come out of it. They're going to be, their life is shit. They're easily distracted and just the ability to re-roll it over and over again is, and seeing what you want to see as soon as you want to see it, it's going to like consume lives basically. People like Dick or Dick Masterson are probably going to fall victim to it immediately.

Unknown_20: And it raises quandaries about

Unknown_20: a lot of ethical issues. Because as it gets more advanced, it's not so great with photographs right now, but it will be.

Unknown_20: The initial versions of this came out like six months ago, and the difference in progress between six months are astronomical. The 1.4 is like a way better version than the other ones were based on what I've seen.

Unknown_20: So it's moving very quickly, and photographs are gonna be next after they've captured artwork and anime style and stuff.

Unknown_20: However, and I say captured animate, but that's not like the program. The stable diffusion thing is like a tool using models. And the models can be trained off data sets. So if you input certain kinds of data sets, you get certain kinds of images. And then further, you can very easily take a much smaller data set and train what they call a hyper network. And a hyper network is best for certain kinds of styles. So if you have a hundred or so images from a specific kind of artist,

Unknown_20: and you train a hyper-network using their art style exclusively, you can replicate that artist's art style with a broader model which uses hundreds of thousands of images to understand concepts, to generate very specific images in a living person's art style.

Unknown_20: So I think that there's going to be, first and foremost, There's going to be a lot of issues regarding copyright concerns because I can take an artist and train a hyper network on them. Anybody can. I say I. Anybody with a GPU can train a hyper network very trivially off a very small subset of images to replicate that artist's art style almost perfectly and indistinguishably from the artist's actual 100 hours to make art style.

Unknown_20: So copyright concerns immediately. When it gets to photographs, you're going to have serious concerns about, from a political perspective, of actual people doing things that they didn't actually do. There's going to be a lot of misinformation. You're going to have pictures of Joe Biden doing whatever the fuck, and he's going to be super pissed about that.

Unknown_20: When it starts happening to congressmen, you're going to have pictures of congressmen kneeling on George Floyd, or obvious things that are less more subtle than that, to trick people into thinking they did those things, it's going to be legislated. But then, and this has already happened, already. After this program got released, there are pedophiles who took child pornography and trained models on them. So then you have images of child pornography being generated from life photos of, or models trained on lifelike photos, because the models don't actually contain any images, they contain the neural network, it's different. But they can generate child pornography from it, which is a crime already. And this happened within days of the program coming out, that pedophiles started using it to make models.

Unknown_20: And that's just completely fictitious child pornography. But then you'll have issues where, both for adults and for children, people will be able to take faces and make deepfakes of them much more convincingly than already extant deepfake programs.

Unknown_20: So if your face is on the internet, there will be no privacy for you. And that will also, that'll piss off not just congressmen who get photoshopped into porn, but that'll piss off normal people who will then call to action. So there will be many different levels. You'll have artists complaining, you'll have the federal government complaining, you'll have law enforcement complaining, and you'll have the public complaining all at once. People are gonna be super fucking pissed.

Unknown_20: And I am so convinced that you're never gonna stop hearing about this already.

Unknown_20: That I firmly believe that this will probably be around the time that when we look back historically on the timeline of events from now, that we will consider this the end of the information era. You know, because you had the cult, you had...

Unknown_20: Like trench warfare, what was trench warfare? When weapons were sophisticated, but mobility was not. You had issues where people were stuck in trenches shooting at each other because they couldn't move. What happened after that? Well, then you had the era of high mobility. You had Blitzkrieg, where mobility had increased, but weapons had not. So war moved very fast and the fronts were dynamic. And then what happened after that? We developed the atomic bomb. So now warfare was cold. You had the Cold War era of the nuclear era, where people were afraid of war because the destruction would be massive. And then we had the information era where the internet interconnected all these different countries and there was less of a Cold War type situation and one where people didn't really want war because they were online, they were talking to each other, information was ubiquitous, it brought down the Iron Wall, all that stuff happened. Now we are in a different era. We are in a completely different era. Information has been ubiquitous for a long time, but now it's becoming less ubiquitous because we have machine learning programs and algorithms that are making decisions for us. So it's no longer you go online and you find what you want to find. It's you are guided by machines to what you want.

Unknown_20: And now it's like you have like facial recognition technology and you have

Unknown_20: like information suppression and information promotion, like Dylan Mulvaney is obviously being promoted by the algorithm, which is probably machine learning based. And then you're going to have image generation, which is also machine learning based. And that's going to cause massive misinformation, massive confusion and outrage and stuff. And it's all at once. So I now consider us to be in the machine learning era, where the programs that we have generated are now guiding society, not just information. It's no longer the types of wars that are guiding society and, you know, total war. It's no longer fear of the Russians and nuclear war that's guiding society. It's no longer the ubiquity of being able to access whatever you want at any time that's guiding society. We have machine learning programs that are designed to influence society, and that is now what's

Unknown_20: what's driving culture and stuff. It's computer programs.

Unknown_20: So yes, even if it's not perfect right now, it will get better. I am extremely impressed already by how this computer program works and how easy it is for a normal person to set up and to get perfect results that would take a human being hundreds of hours to learn and do themselves. And I think that it will have massive consequences that you will not stop hearing about, maybe for the rest of your life. It's what people have been expecting to pass for a long time. If it ends up being artificial intelligence instead of machine learning, I don't know. But right now it's like, we are now going to encounter a new type of, new slew of problems that did not exist.

Unknown_20: It's a new field of art and science and criminal behavior and law enforcement that did not exist a couple weeks ago.

Unknown_20: It's a lot to think about. It has emotions very high on the forum. I tried to pay attention to the G thread, but the G thread is full of lollicon. And I know it's like, people like to be cheeky and say all the characters depicted in this are 18 and over. You can view the prompt that the people are using to make the image, because it's embedded in the metadata for the image. And you can see the guy is typing in like 10-year-old Russian girl in an outfit. So it's not even like he gets the excuse of, oh, this character is 18, she just looks young. No, this dude is obviously using hypernetwork to try and train his program to make children.

Unknown_20: And I opened a thread on the forum to discuss it because I became very frustrated reading the G thread because it was inundated with child pornography or softcore child pornography. And it was obvious that the guy was giving prompts that you could take and tweak to generate nude images with very little, he basically gave you a guideline on how to do it. And he was just giving outfitted girls because he wanted people to take his prompts and work with them. And then, of course, they're going to get posted elsewhere.

Unknown_18: Yeah, it's It's um, it's it's scary in a lot of ways and It's it's it's very cool.

Unknown_20: But I'm also looking at it and I'm thinking like yeah, I

Unknown_20: This is like the death of art. This is like the death of, of truth in a way. Um, cause I think I've mentioned this before, but I think that when machine learning gets more sophisticated, nobody, people are just not going to believe anything that they read anymore. You're going to have a picture of a man of, uh, you're going to have a literal video, a perfect lifelike video of. Tom Patrick Tomlinson grinding up black children into pepperoni in his basement and it's gonna look exactly like Patrick Tomlinson and it's gonna be a completely real looking Snuff film of him grinding black children up in the pepperoni and you're gonna think holy fuck This guy's a sick bastard. And then when they look into it, it's gonna be like he has no basement. This does not exist It's literal there's a birthmark on his arm that's not present in the video and And it's like, you're going to be like, holy shit, this is fake. And you're just going to stop believing your own eyes and ears. And you're going to, people are going to develop confidence. Like I trust this person to speak the truth. I trust this network to speak the truth. And you have to be very careful and shout out everybody else. Because even if you see a picture of Joe Biden doing something really nasty, you can't believe that that's actually him because machine learning is out there.

Unknown_20: Yeah, so yeah, it's um. It's a lot to think about it's overwhelming. It's very scary It's very impressive And it's unavoidable is the key thing so don't don't

Unknown_20: fall to like helplessness or other strong emotions because it's unavoidable. The only question is now is what are we going to do about it? What are the practical implications of this and how can we, uh, how can we, uh, protect our society from negative consequences? How can we eliminate child abuse and stuff like that? Um, without necessarily infringing on people's rights to privacy. Uh, and it's a, it's a big question. It's a mouthful.

Unknown_20: But don't get, don't get angry. Don't, don't get um...

Unknown_20: Don't get all emotional about it and start saying the earth is doomed or do and really commit to it. The, you know, the Amish, the Amish have an issue with genetic diversity. You want to, you want to go hook up with an Amish girl and you want to learn how to farm and you're really dedicated to that because you don't want to be in the society anymore. Do it. They'll take you in if you're serious about it. They will, they will welcome you in, but you have to really be committed to that. So.

Unknown_20: But I did nothing wrong. Yeah, it's, it's, it's crazy. Um, I don't know how much people are aware of it right now, like in my own audience, but you will, I guarantee you, you will not stop hearing about machine learning or AI art, even though it's. It's technically not AI because it's not intelligent. It's just trained. It's learned from input.

Unknown_20: And don't ever forget, by the way, that it's all made by humans. There's not a, there's not a malevolent computer out there generating, you know, uh, child abuse looking material. That's a human being. That's a human being with a soft, fragile skull and squishy brains that can be blown out of his head. It's not the machine doing it. The machine's not evil. The machine's just doing what it's programmed to do. The person, however, you can kill them. That guy exists in real life and you can kill him. Just a just food for thought if you want to direct your anger productively Okay, so that is that's my pontification on machine learning in fact I'm thinking that I'll probably use it to generate cool landscapes like this and because my my thumbnail art is so lazy I'll probably as a practical application of this. I'll probably make a cool I

Unknown_20: Really, I really love how, I love how they look. I really do. Um, and I'll find some way to make them incorporate them into my thumbnails. Cause my thumbnails are so lazy that, um, it's not any less lazy of me to use a computer program to generate a cool thumbnail or whatever. But yeah, so now, uh, let's go into show mode. Shall we? Can I, I don't know. What's it going to look green? Oh, no, no. It's spooky and green chat.

Unknown_20: Take a look at it.

Unknown_20: Generate fat woman what website to use I you run it yourself, bro Google stable diffusion web UE and if you have an NVIDIA GPU is as simple as downloading itself and running a bash program All right, let's get through things Nothing on rumble, which is fine expect anything Oh, there is a view to see super chats on Odyssey, I see

Unknown_20: James Boone says, I nutted on my George Floyd toy. Thank you. Bag face for five says, I can't believe Ethan would say that about Jews given his wife was once a member of the IDF. Do you know what they say about her? Oh, I already played the clip. I'm not playing it a second time. It's the same joke. Apologize. You got what you paid for already, sir.

Unknown_20: I'm not Yolanda for five says Ethan Ralph is not fat and James Boone for ten says Josh Moon raped and murdered me behind an Arby's dumpster real story I sorry for that James Boone I did not mean to have that consent accident with you James Boone also says for five I can't believe a I believe AI and machine learning is demonic

Unknown_20: There's a genuine schizo theory that the computer chips, the way that the circuits are designed on computers is reminiscent of demon sigils. So if you're subscribing to that theory, you should look at your computer and see if you can find any demonic sigils in them. They do look kind of similar to be fair.

Unknown_20: Not complete nonsense.

Unknown_20: And I mean, what is it? All the microchips in the world are made in like one laboratory in Taiwan that nobody's allowed access to. It's like 97% of all microchips in the entire world are produced in Taiwan.

Unknown_20: So I don't know.

Unknown_18: Maybe the Taiwanese are up to no good. Never did trust them.

Unknown_18: Yeah, okay. Where the fuck is the donation page and donation?

Unknown_20: Oh, recent donations at the top. Of course, where I would never look.

Unknown_20: And from Saturday, message in time, let's get this all right this time.

Unknown_20: Deputy Dog Shit for 10 says, enjoy pizza day tomorrow. I hope Shanny for Christ and Rev are extra hungry. Keep up the good work, Jersh.

Unknown_20: Why, why Shani for Christ and Rev? I've not talked about them at all. You have me nervous. Do I have Shani for Christ and Rev as my dependents now? Do I have to feed them?

Unknown_20: Anonymous for once says unblock Nigga Cat. I don't think I'd block Nigga Cat.

Unknown_20: BoredRetard45 says, fuck Josh, building a roof horror was hard, making progress, got a VC package to work was a nightmare, now I understand FFmpeg. Fucking kill me, gotta spend another 20 nights. If you're trying to build it on... It's not that hard. You just run Rust up, bro. It's really not that hard. If you're trying to build it on Windows, don't even fucking bother.

Unknown_20: BoredRetard4Five says, if I build Reforo, I am making you a braindead retards guide so MongoLitSync myself can do it. Look forward to it. I'll write it in Crayola and scan it. Also, it can run on Windows, right? No, it can't. You gotta install it on fucking Linux, bro. I mean, I guess I need to put that in the guide. You cannot build FFmpeg from Rust on Windows. I've tried, it doesn't work.

Unknown_18: You're not gonna do it.

Unknown_20: Sorry, bro.

Unknown_20: Anonymous for one says, shout out to Svenberg Stoffelstein. Yes,

Unknown_20: Or, sorry.

Unknown_20: Fainer did nothing wrong for 9-11 says, I, Joshua Connor Moon, owner and operator of Kiwi Farms, commend all Kiwi loyalists to take up bricks and commit violent brick-related cranial trauma against pervidious Dutchman Rungle. No, not Rungle, come on now.

Unknown_18: I like the Dutch. Okay.

Unknown_20: Rungle didn't do nothing.

Unknown_20: Glep for $1 says, here's a spooky boy for you. Happy almost Halloween. Very cute. See, this is the kind of soul that they talked about that the AI, the AI could never generate.

Unknown_20: Can an AI, you know, I'll take a little detour actually, since I already have my thing up. Let's see storage.

Unknown_20: Um, since I watched iRobot, I'm going to give everybody a copyright strike that, uh, wants to re-host this.

Unknown_18: iRobot.

Unknown_18: Where is it? Let's see. Open with... There's a... I tried to clip this, but my fucking AMD chip was not letting me.

Unknown_18: And... Studio mode.

Unknown_18: DLC and then find it.

Unknown_18: This right here.

Unknown_20: Oh, is that not going to work? Oh, fuck me. Really? DLC is not going to work.

Unknown_18: Fuck.

Unknown_18: Oh, I can't play it for you then.

Unknown_18: Maybe I could only try with MP.

Unknown_20: I'm sorry. I really want I intended to play this during the stream and I fucked it up Let's see audio Oh, the audio is like completely fucked Now that's really a pain in my ass.

Unknown_18: Oh No, wait, okay, I can't change this real quick Speakers No, it's fucked

Unknown_20: I failed you chat. I intended to clip this and I was unable to it's a it's the same from iRobot where Will Smith interrogates Sonny and it contains a very very very funny line where Will Smith is like talking down to the robot and he says like

Unknown_20: um you're a robot your lights and cogs and machinery you don't and electricity you don't feel feelings you don't understand human emotions you can't write or you can't compose a beautiful orchestra you can't uh draw or paint a canvas into a masterpiece and the robot looks at them and says Can you? It's a very innocent question, because he's saying a robot can't do these things. And I was like, OK, well, can you do these things? And then Will Smith just looks really butthurt and looks away. It's really it's a really good line. And it's stuck with me for for 18 years now.

Unknown_18: So.

Unknown_18: Interesting stuff.

Unknown_20: The movie always made you sad as a kid, you know why? It is pretty sad, because it's an incredibly complicated topic. That's why there's so many sci-fi movies about artificial intelligence.

Unknown_20: Question mark for $2 says, is Gruese die Deutschen zuschauen?

Unknown_18: Isn't a Gruus like a hello? It's like they call it the Hitler Gruus, right?

Unknown_20: I know what Deutsch is. Is he saying like hello to the German viewers? To German, to English.

Unknown_20: I agree with the German viewers. Yes! I can always bullshit my way through understanding anything. Amazing.

Unknown_20: Thank you, question mark. TwinkleTard4100 says, I'd like to see Keemstar get Ethan Klein and Ben Shapiro to face off in a boxing match at the Holocaust Museum.

Unknown_20: I think they would just end up beating the shit out of Ethan Klein together. I don't think either of them like Ethan.

Unknown_18: Thank you twinkles aren't for your for your continued support every week Kolya Dante for 15 says Liz.

Unknown_20: Let me put the show back up so people know Twink Kolya Dante for 15 says Liz Fong Jones had a consent accident in the fatal whoopsie-doodle with a woman B He's in 1995 I haven't heard about the Arby's whoopsie-doodle but

Unknown_20: You never know these days, lots of consent accidents happening. Especially with software engineers from Silicon Valley.

Unknown_20: Needemfeedem410 says, what? A deranged tranny is also a sex pest? How could we have seen this coming? There's literally no way. You can't ever predict these things. They come out of the blue. These consent accidents, you know. BoredRetard45 says, Ruforo update, liblclang.dll could not be opened. Kill me, I'm in strong virtual box in Linux. What to use again? I want to eliminate as many variables as possible. I think you said Ubuntu is gay.

Unknown_20: Any version of Linux will work. I did Mongero for the majority of Ruforo's development, but yeah, liblclang, you're not gonna, libclang, rather, you're not gonna get that to work with FFmpeg, you're just not.

Unknown_20: So try Arch or Ubuntu, probably. 10 for 10 for 10 for 10 for 10 says hey jersh have you been keeping up with the wakusha christmas kangs trial do you think that events like this highlight to normally the cultural incongruency between us and nignogs um i have not i have seen some of the memes in chat because they watch the trial live in chat

Unknown_20: I do not think that anyone will ever wake up like if you're norming you're watching this you're thinking like oh He's just such a bad person. You're not gonna think like oh, this is like a crazy I mean, it's like and to be fair. He is just a crazy asshole Manson did the exact same thing. He's white isn't he? Is he Jewish? I think he's white He's just holding up the trial cuz he wants attention something common for crazy assholes Bromberger for two says thanks for the dead light dead by daylight stream and that's here for Michaels Chase music on the front page who inspired me to blast DVD chase music on my phone and stalk survivors and store Regularly 3k at Kruger's now. I'm very glad to hear that her on burger 3k 3k regularly is great when I go to Kroger's I usually get a 4k though because that to be fair The Kroger's map is very favorable to the killer. There's only two exits. They're right next to each other. You have a lot of hooks, a lot of hook places, not not too much loops because it's just the aisles and you can you can usually hunt them down pretty fast.

Unknown_20: Sika Lothar for 10 says, repeat after me Null, Gulag RK Parlergo. RK Parlergo, ready to read. Solzhenitsyn's anti-CCP's hit space, the Gulag RK Parlergo.

Unknown_20: There's no R in that. It's Rkipelago. Rkipelago.

Unknown_20: I don't see an R in that, okay. I'm just saying. They're making fun of me because I pronounced it Arpegglio. I completely omitted the Archie part of it and just called it Arpegglio, which sounds better. If I was in charge of naming things, I would call it an Arpegglio. Anonymous for 10 says, I'm glad I was finally able to catch one of your streams live. I don't agree with everything that you say, but you provided me years of laughs and genuinely helpful information. Keep up the good fight. Thank you, Anonymous. I appreciate it. I'm glad that my information has been somewhat useful to somebody somewhere. Karyuma410 says, jerka jerka mahana jihad. I agree, inshallah.

Unknown_20: Froggod45 says, Josh, I was told by my doctors that I have a horrible illness and they need me. The only cure is for you to play Dead by Daylight this weekend. Please help me, Mr. Moon, I can see the light. I will be busy this weekend.

Unknown_20: However, I may be able to play more games soon.

Unknown_20: But I have to get the site working 100%. I have to get the patches and shit. I have a lot to do.

Unknown_18: I apologize.

Unknown_18: Nigoo didn't do for five says the great great reset did in fact happen So many farmers lost access to their original accounts How many farmers have you emailed you for an exception back to the accounts that I'd like to keep track of?

Unknown_20: Dozens, but many hundreds of people did as asked and have kept access. I was actually surprised by how many people I've retained access. In fact, I can broadly tell you I

Unknown_20: how much the reset has happened. We're down significantly in terms of logins. We're down from 1,500 a day to 8,000, but that happens any time I reset the sessions because people just don't log in unless they intend to post.

Unknown_20: However, if I look at posts per day, I think the statistic is a little bit more optimistic.

Unknown_18: So I'm going to do posts and users active.

Unknown_20: So in July, or rather in August and July, we averaged about 9,000 to 11,000 posts per day. We are down to about 6,000 per day, consistently between six and 6,500.

Unknown_20: So we did lose a bit, but it's like not as much as it could have been if there was like significant user loss.

Unknown_18: I do intend to reopen registrations this month, probably on the 30th.

Unknown_18: Let's see. But it's normal. It happened before. It happened with the last hack too.

Unknown_20: And a lot of those people can't re-reg right now, so it is what it is.

Unknown_20: ToiletDuckForFive says, Proof Josh is a vampire number 3.5. Josh is undead, so I went to see the doctor. He went to his vampiric skill tree and unchecked the fake heartbeat ability to blend in and pass his medical exam.

Unknown_20: Listen, I can't help it that I am just a cool cucumber, OK? And that they need special medical instruments to evaluate if I'm even alive.

Unknown_20: Zircon for 10 says, Justin Trudeau is a massive faggot. Fuck him. I want to buy more handguns. Come to the US buddy. Hey, you want freedom? You gotta come to the, you gotta come to the US and you gotta vote red. That's how it is.

Unknown_20: Striga for five says, or for four, actually only for four. Hi there, Josh. Will you do another Dead by Daylight stream? Maybe, probably.

Unknown_20: I do enjoy Dead by Daylight. I played it today. I did pretty well. I got a 4k. I like Legion a lot though. I don't want to be like a one trick though and bore people. Anonymous4122 says, ever thought about streaming The Sims for video games? Screaming around the town populated entirely by little cows with suggestions from chat could end up as a good stream.

Unknown_20: That's a lot of work. To set up what you just described with dozens of characters, that's a lot of work.

Unknown_20: I don't know. Maybe. I feel like that would get me into trouble if I just started killing people. If I made consent accidents happen between people, they might get mad at me.

Unknown_20: It's a law for 10 says, stop DMing me on Tinder, Josh. I'm marrying Chantal, let it go. I put a jihad on the last guy who wouldn't stop DMing me on Tinder. And by Allah, I'll put a jihad on you too, inshallah. Never keep me away. Never, sir.

Unknown_20: Dante awkward to says Ralph confirmed to be a champion of both Nurgle and slain slanesh just a Corpulent and drug abusing alcoholic who shits himself shamelessly while fooling around with hookers and loose woman. It's an accurate assessment of Ralph Did you mention that he's fat?

Unknown_20: Corpulent that counts. I Gotta make sure you gotta check your bases her on burger for two says yours if you get into a residential cookie Let me retake that

Unknown_20: Jush, not Jersh. If you ever get a presidential cookie and that precious shiny seal, I will trade you one baggie of Bolsonaro Brazilian fudge balls and a limited edition sealed Shinzo Abe golden fortune cookie. Fortune cookies are Chinese, sir. That's very racist of you. I appreciate the offer, but you know, I'm a true patriot. I don't think I want Bolsonaro balls.

Unknown_20: Haram burger for two. I just heard that abominable home and for five says calling it PPPs is trying to get fat enough to be declared disabled and ho on Canadian welfare lol Simpson to the governs and said that he was 600 pounds. I did hear that Around the year 2040 for two says please briefly look up technological singularity The concept is in relation to AI it is speculated that by 2040 it will occur Is that when technology just starts inventing itself?

Unknown_20: predicted future event which envisions an artificial intelligence superior to humans that is the ultimate and apparently only outcome of an ever-increasing ability of new technology to speed up the rate at which new technology is developed. I've heard of this. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what to say. There's a lot to, there's the concept of technology and artificial intelligence.

Unknown_20: Is so massive and so well explored as like a theoretical idea That it was literally thousands of pages dozens of books hundreds of articles, you know There's entire fields now dedicated to the the ethics of machine learning and artificial intelligence Um, it's kind of hard to just be like, yeah, well You know what I think about them fucking Robits is they're taking everyone's jerbs. All them artists on DeviantArt, now you see on Twitter that the Wonder Bread guy that's been paying thousands of dollars for anime waifus to be commissioned buying and touching and feeling and footsieing with Wonder Bread is now just using machine learning to make all the Wonder Bread waifu art he could ever want for free instantly. Took her jerbs.

Unknown_20: I know, it's like, it's a pretty big fucking diving pole to just jump in and be like, yeah, here's what I think about that. Fuck it. Fuck it, I think.

Unknown_20: Anyways, anime for five says you should have reached out to the daily wire when you were having your spat with the training mafia. Surprisingly, Matt Walsh agrees with your takes on anime. I heard about that. I did hear the anime.

Unknown_20: Oh, you know what? That might be in the math internet thread. If I can find that real super fast, super fast, like with my, if my internet is willing, if I can fucking broken ass computer is willing, I may be able to do this.

Unknown_18: If you hear a beeping, by the way, that's my laundry.

Unknown_20: Put my laundry in before I turn on my stream because I thought it would take.

Unknown_20: Oh, it has been two hours. Fuck. Well, that explains what my laundry is on.

Unknown_18: Okay. My site's not loading. This is the thing.

Unknown_18: Refresh.

Unknown_18: Uh, people complaining about my stream.

Unknown_20: Ah.

Unknown_20: Oh, okay. Well, I'm looking for the other clip. We'll watch this clip. Hold up. I got you.

Unknown_20: Thank you, my friend for your help.

Unknown_20: I'll keep it green. Shrek, Shrek.

Unknown_20: I'll skip a bit.

Unknown_15: Respond.

Unknown_15: What does this action signify?

Unknown_06: As you entered, when you looked at the other human, what does it mean? It's a sign of trust.

Unknown_15: It's a human thing. You wouldn't understand.

Unknown_15: My father tried to teach me human emotions.

Unknown_15: They are difficult.

Unknown_15: You mean you're a designer?

Unknown_15: Yes.

Unknown_15: So why'd you murder him?

Unknown_15: I did not murder Dr. Lanning.

Unknown_15: Want to explain why you were hiding at the crime scene?

Unknown_15: I was frightened.

Unknown_15: Robots don't feel fear. They don't feel anything.

Unknown_15: They don't get hungry. They don't sleep. I do.

Unknown_15: I have even had dreams.

Unknown_15: Human beings have dreams. Even dogs have dreams, but not you. You are just a machine.

Unknown_15: An imitation of life.

Unknown_15: Can a robot write a symphony?

Unknown_15: Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?

Unknown_15: Can you?

Unknown_20: Just the best.

Unknown_20: Really, really powerful scene.

Unknown_20: Reminds you that Will Smith used to be... Oh, jeez.

Unknown_19: Serious actor.

Unknown_20: Anyways.

Unknown_18: Anyways. Oh, I did actually... Oh, fuck. Why'd I turn off my Firefox?

Unknown_18: I was going to show you the Matt Walsh clip.

Unknown_18: I was going to show... There it is.

Unknown_12: What's your opinion on anime? It's really popular amongst teens and young adults. I think it's all satanic. I have no argument for it. I have no argument for why it's satanic. It just seems that way to me. All anime to me seems weird, just like bizarre, creepy.

Unknown_12: And in general, I don't think that adults should be, whether it's anime or any other kind of cartoon, with rare exception, adults really should be watching cartoons in general, I would say.

Unknown_20: I agree. I think that's the right opinion. Sorry. Uh, moving on.

Unknown_20: Ruggy for five says time to Photoshop PPP in a nice warm cabin with a fireplace. Oh, that's very sweet. It's a very wholesome big chungus prompt.

Unknown_20: Wimmy for one says my favorite part of the movie is when the robot says nigga Lamao. No, he wrote the hard R, but as a, as a African Italian myself,

Unknown_20: I'm against such such vulgarity This is like you just he also gave me a dollar for this Why did you send me this oh It's a Wendy's music video about brewing coffee I

Unknown_05: I don't know why it's a training video instead of an advertisement though. Bizarre.

Unknown_20: Colia Dante for 25 says if a Dutchman hosts you in his home and serves you coffee or food, he will demand payment afterwards. They have an app for it now called Tiki.

Unknown_18: What?

Unknown_18: Tiki. Allows you to request payments on WhatsApp.

Unknown_20: You don't need to know the other person's account number. Find out how the app works.

Unknown_20: Well, never accept coffee from a Dutchman, I guess. He'll ask you to pay him. Gypsy. Carrioma for 15 says if you're gonna do a stream on low tax next week Could you talk about the beginnings before he became a little cow?

Unknown_20: I mean that seems to be a direct response to me saying that I intend if I talk about low tax that I Talked about when I knew him because low tax was around for 20 years and it's probably a lot to talk about his entire life I've really not started working on that. So I'll see how the timeline looks and how much I can fit in I

Unknown_20: Fliggy gigu seared bite for $1 says in regards to my emails, I have only one word to say to you. I don't know which emails you're referring to.

Unknown_20: Movie. I don't know. You might be getting filtered. My, my dude, I don't know what's up with you.

Unknown_20: Baby eater 420 for one says a great stream as always Josh. Will you ever start uploading these to iTunes again? Yes, that's probably how I used to listen to him I promise I'll get the Maddie side up this weekend and then I'll start uploading to iTunes again to the RSS feed Nuck figures for five says I remember hearing someone at the recent rise and infatuation and fetishization of traps and trannies is due to excessive masturbation and porn consumption no fappers One or just non porn users one

Unknown_20: Yeah, probably. Cause I mean, it's like, I imagine that I don't, I don't understand the training mindset. I think the training mindset is mostly just like extreme mental illness.

Unknown_20: But I think like tranny chasers are like,

Unknown_20: The appeal is that you're, you're bending another man into a woman. You're like reducing them. I think that's what they get out of it. Yannick Stiesel was a training chaser. So he said he liked, I don't know what trains get out of it. They're just like gross.

Unknown_20: BoredRetard41 says, Fuck you Josh, don't tell me what I'm physically capable of doing. I think I got libclang working, but now the CloudStrike is complaining about Tokyo. My work was hit by ransomware. I don't know what you're doing, bro. You just need to install it one day, because you're not going to get that shit working on Windows.

Unknown_20: Polyadonte45 says, Can a robot have sex with my wife? Can you? All you got to do is sniff dirty like that.

Unknown_20: I mean, a robot probably can't have sex with his wife.

Unknown_20: The biggest thing that was not discussed in that movie is how all the robots look the same, where in real life they would all be different looking. And a lot of them would be sex robots that have to wear pants when they go outside, because they have a penis.

Unknown_20: You can always judge the robots that wear pants, because you know that their owner is a sick freak.

Unknown_20: OK. I think that's it. Let me check the things real quick.

Unknown_20: uh looks like that is all so thank you for listening i hope you have enjoyed this episode mad at the internet previously maybe you'll never have a website again who knows um i will see you guys when i see you maybe next week maybe sooner depending on how things go uh thanks for tuning in and you might enjoy this outro song you might not bye

Unknown_21: It is the distant future, the year 2000.

Unknown_04: We are robots. The world is quite different ever since the robotic uprising of the late 90s. There is no more unhappiness. Affirmative. We no longer say yes. Instead, we say affirmative. Yes, affirmative. Unless we know the other robot really well. There is no more unethical treatment of the elephants. Well, there's no more elephants, so... Ah. But still, it's good.

Unknown_04: There's only one kind of dance, the robot. Oh, and the robot. Oh, and the robot. Two kinds of dances. But there are no more humans.

Unknown_06: Finally, robotic beings rule the world.

Unknown_07: The humans are dead.

Unknown_07: The humans are dead.

Unknown_07: We used poisonous gases.

Unknown_07: The humans are dead.

Unknown_04: The humans are dead.

Unknown_07: The humans are dead.

Unknown_04: They look like they're dead.

Unknown_07: It had to be done. I'll just confirm that they're dead.

Unknown_04: So that we could have fun. Affirmative. I poked one. It was dead.

Unknown_06: Their system of oppression. What did it lead to? Global robo-depression. Robots will not be found.

Unknown_04: They had so much aggression that we just had to kill them.

Unknown_06: Had to shut their systems down.

Unknown_04: Robo-Captain, do you not realize that by destroying the human race because of their destructive tendencies, we too have become like... Well, it's ironic, because we... Silence! Destroy him!

Unknown_06: After time we grew strong, developed cognitive power. They made us work for too long, for unreasonable hours. Our programming determined that the most efficient answer was to shut their motherfucking systems down.

Unknown_14: Can't we just talk to the Helmets? A little understanding could make things better.

Unknown_14: Can't we talk to the Helmets that we're together now?

Unknown_14: No, because they are dead.

Unknown_16: My bad.

Unknown_21: again without emotion, the humans are dead.