The CEO's Bedroom 2022-10-14

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_05: Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to say. Is this microphone on?

Unknown_06: I said fuck jennies and fuck juice and fuck all of these journalists telling us to listen to fake news it ain't gonna be 1984 no more better get your memes ready we're already at war I said fuck jennies and fuck juice and fuck all of these journalists telling us to listen to fake news it ain't gonna be 1984 no more better get your memes ready we're already at war said we don't need any more illegal immigration so fuck you and your unlawful gun confiscations are you gonna go and It's unusual I try to avoid a lyric song in the intro and it's unusual I have a gift and I was a little bit late but I have a good reason for it. I have been waiting 10

Unknown_15: Months I contacted a company for DDoS protection in December. I have complained about this many times and There were delays and there are problems getting in touch the right people Problems getting people set out and then once people got set out the fucking fiber optic was bent and they had to send somebody else Out to fix that and then I'm like, okay. Well now I need to route To this new new place and it's like well, you have to do a BGP session. You didn't ask for that. I So then it took another week, but literally right as I started getting set up, like three minutes ago, I got an email saying that that's set up now. So I will hopefully be able to fucking announce all my shit and get everything back online, which means that next week should be the patches. It should be the .cc coming back up. I should be able to get locale email set back up. I'll go through all that in a second, but I am fucking overjoyed. I have been waiting so long.

Unknown_15: It's so long for this and it would have come in handy like a lot, uh, to have this set up, you know, months ago, but you know, whatever, you can't be a begging chooser over here.

Unknown_15: So let me go through everything properly. I have my notes, actually, for the first time in forever. I'm going to hit you with a news blast. You ready? I'm going to go through a couple things really fast just because I feel like they're worth mentioning, but I don't actually want to have anything to say about it.

Unknown_15: Let's see. I just want to read the headline of this. You ready?

Unknown_15: America is facing a diaper crisis and the anti-abortion movement is making it worse. That is amazing.

Unknown_15: You can't really say that about anything else except Americans, right? You can't say like... If Africans are running out of food, maybe they should stop fucking. Maybe they should stop having kids. It would be a lot easier to feed all these Africans if they just stopped reproducing.

Unknown_15: If the Africans, instead of reproducing, just took an ice pick. Well, they don't have ice picks in Africa. It's not very cold there. If they just took a hatchet and just started hacking up children, they wouldn't have to worry about diapers anymore. Why don't they do that? I mean, they probably do in some areas, but not enough to impact the diaper crisis or the food shortages in Africa.

Unknown_15: Very funny.

Unknown_15: Conversely, White Pill News, Nick Urqueta is back on YouTube. I don't know if he actually expected that, but he's not streaming on YouTube again. I think he's temporarily banned. I don't know what his situation is.

Unknown_15: He was over half a million, wasn't he, at some point? No, he's lost some because his account was deleted.

Unknown_15: But I think he intends to fully rediversify into Rumble and shit.

Unknown_15: Everybody is. Jim's streaming on Odyssey. Nick's on Odyssey and Rumble.

Unknown_15: Everyone, even the people who really make their homes on...

Unknown_15: On YouTube, we're looking to diversify. And funnily enough, I noticed that on Rumble, there was fucking Stix, who I like to bring up anytime I think about decentralized tech, because he's the biggest retard. He, of course, was a shill for BitChute for forever. And then once BitChute had problems, and they didn't fix any of them, because they realized that they're British, and they would probably end up in jail if they continued to host BitChute without, like, fucking it up.

Unknown_15: He's now on Rumble. So just jump in between centralized services. Oh, let's try Gab. No, Gab sucks. Let's try Mines. Oh, Mines isn't on the Fediverse. But whatever. They like me because I'm the biggest name on their platform. So that's one you should use. Use Rumble Odyssey. That's stupid. Don't use the Fediverse at all, though. Fediverse is the worst.

Unknown_15: Poor Styx. I think he just likes to be special. That's his problem. He wants to be the special boy on a small... He wants to be the big fish on a small pond. The most specialist boy with the biggest crown of all the kingdom. And that's his main issue with YouTube, is that he's a little boy with a small dainty crown on YouTube. He's trying to find the right cock to jump on to get his ego inflated.

Unknown_15: Uh, let's see.

Unknown_15: Sixth lacrosse dresser, yes, that one.

Unknown_15: Unrelated to Patrick Tomlinson, whose name I also think is Sean Patrick. Let me look this up, actually.

Unknown_15: Patrick Sean Tomlinson. Sean Patrick Kraza is a different person unrelated to Patrick Sean Tomlinson.

Unknown_15: Sean Patrick fucks dogs.

Unknown_15: And he has been arrested, or rather he turned himself in after an warrant was issued for the crime of fucking dogs.

Unknown_15: And he is now out on bail. I think not even on bail. He like just promised to come back for court. Like when you get like a, like an assault charge or whatever, you just walk and you come back later.

Unknown_15: Wait, is the graffiti not working on this page?

Unknown_15: Why is my graffiti not working on this page? It works on brave, the better browser, but it doesn't work on this. Whatever.

Unknown_15: Pure white pill stream. Yeah.

Unknown_15: He's on Twitter. He's already back on Twitter with his fucking zoo file. The Zeta icon is like a zoo file symbol on Twitter. Here for the zoo says, man, on one hand, I know quantum was a controversial figure with some serious problems. On the other hand, it makes me so mad that you can get so fucking mad that you can get arrested for giving a dog a blowjob.

Unknown_15: Quantum D replies, was, bruh, I'm not dead, y'all. And he continues, I don't know what aunties are celebrating. That's a red flag. Anytime you see someone referring to people as aunties, they either fuck dogs or children. I've never seen the term aunties used outside of, like, anti-lollycon, anti-pedophilia, or anti-zophilia. It seems to be a go-to term for people who are, like, into really deviant shit.

Unknown_15: He says, I don't know what aunties are celebrating. I'm not going anywhere, Lamal. By the way, I turned myself in and I was there for five hours and I got out without paying a dime. So he's on the promise of returning to court for the crime of sucking off a dog.

Unknown_15: Interesting.

Unknown_15: This post was sent to me. I mentioned before that there's a couple of subreddits that I haunt because really, really, really funny shit gets posted to them. And unfortunately, I'm going to have to disclose what one of them is that makes me laugh hysterically. This is our dead bedrooms on Reddit. This is one of many, many like personal relationship subs on Reddit that are plagued. with the most mentally ill dysfunctional people that our society has to offer this is a long post i'm going to read all of it because it is one of the funniest fucking things you'll ever read ever um and it gets it gets funnier and funnier as it goes which makes me think like is this a troll post but like it's in like this very small 382 i guess it's not that small but

Unknown_15: There's a line. I'll get to it. There's a line that convinces me that's real.

Unknown_15: From you, one time post 2000 in our dead bedrooms.

Unknown_15: My husband thinks my race led to our quote unquote dead bedroom and wants to open the relationship. Am I overreacting? Hashtag seeking advice.

Unknown_15: My husband and I have been together for 10 years. I have always had a higher sex drive. It's been this way with every partner I've ever had. So at this point, it's nothing new. The deal in our relationship for my husband and therapist is I can initiate once a week and all other initiations must come from him. It's been like this for about five years. We have sex maybe once a month under this deal. At a doctor's appointment a month ago, my husband apparently found out that he has a micropenis. He has been incredibly upset since that day and has been getting angry with our one-year-old dogs and I in a snap, punching holes in walls, yelling until veins in his temple bulge, etc. I've done my best to ensure that he understands this diagnosis is not a concern and just because he has learned this term does not mean anything has actually changed and he is still the man he always was. Last week, he mentioned that my animalistic sex drive makes him feel emasculated. I let him know how sorry I am for this and that I would stop initiating going forward while we work through all the new emotions that have recently come up.

Unknown_15: I made sure he knew that I understand and accept our current setup and that I have no concerns, especially with everything he's going through. He mentioned that he hates he can't make me orgasm. I have never once had one with him. I tried to make sure he understood that this wasn't an issue on me and not a reflection of him. Just because I don't reach the peak doesn't mean I enjoy the hike or I don't enjoy the hike. My husband stated that he knew I wanted to have sex far more since my people are so quote unquote animalistic and sexually driven. When I asked what he meant by my people, he said everyone knows that black people are more sexual beings than other races. He said that black women have vaginas that go deeper than any other race of woman, and so they can only be sexually pleased by men who have an extra large penis. I was speechless. I have never heard any of this type of talk from him before, and I thought it was a terrible joke, but he just kept going. saying how my being biracial slash black makes it so we can't connect correctly and that women have a masculine energy that makes them harder and needing of a harder partner. He has requested that we open our marriage so he can have the opportunity to go to a relationship with someone of his own thinking, sex drive, and background. And thinking, sex drive, and background is a quote from The Husband.

Unknown_15: When I asked what he meant by background, he said he wanted to try dating a хват woman, but clarified he didn't want to separate because he loved our life otherwise. When I clarified, so you're saying that you want to have an open relationship but not divorce so you can have sex with someone else because you think my race makes us sexually incompatible, he began yelling at how I did this to us, how he never had these problems with his previous relationships.

Unknown_15: parentheses who both cheated on him now this wasn't the life he wanted and that he knew i was cheating on him i told him that i have never cheated on him and offered my laptop and phone to review he said he didn't believe me and didn't want to waste this time or time on this anymore i have avoided him as much as possible since he is so upset all the time he refuses to see the couple therapists since we aren't a real couple anymore he barely looks at our child and won't do anything else with him even when he calls or reaches for him When I asked why he accused me of cheating, I offered to get a paternity test and again offered up all my electronics for him to look through. He said he didn't care anymore. Confirmed this morning that he now has set up a dating profile to attempt to find a woman to commiserate with and has encouraged me to find a black man, as they're apparently the only type of individual who would want someone who craves sex like I do, and would be able to, quote, break through the hard shell of my ancestors' trauma. What does that even mean? We have never discussed any ancestors I may have on the black side of my family, as I have never met my black parent. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Unknown_15: I forgot that part.

Unknown_15: He asked if I had set up my dating profile. And when he realized I hadn't, he said he would sit down. We would sit down and do it tonight. I do not want an open marriage. I want my husband who didn't know he had a micro penis. I want my husband to recognize that I keep the... Okay, this is an important part. I keep the house spotless, take care of our one-year-old every single day, and at the same time, I work a full-time job from home that makes three times what he does, pay the bill, and never ask what he's doing with his earnings. So the reason why this guy wants an open relationship, this is a real story. I think it is. I choose to believe it's real. I want to believe UFOs spinning over.

Unknown_15: If he wants an open relationship, it's because he wants her to keep paying for shit because she makes more money.

Unknown_15: Okay, this is the time I realized that this woman was not just a black woman with a husband that had a micropenis. I opened her profile, and behold, she has that really big, poofy, curly hair on her Reddit avatar, which means that she is the CEO. And if you don't know what I mean... Wait, wait, wait.

Unknown_15: black woman curly hair stock photo if you open up the you've seen this a million times if you open up any kind of like business page like i'm i i want to have a small business service i want a bank account i want a telephone number you see her this woman this is all the same woman she's the ceo uh she operates 215 small businesses in every state in the u.s

Unknown_15: in multiple different countries. However, each one of those businesses only employs one to ten people each, so she's always a small business owner. She makes lots and lots of money. However, they're all in different companies, so she's still a small business owner and not like a mega rich person. But she has many different bank accounts, many different phone lines. She loves coffee. She loves to work on her Macintosh laptop in coffee shops. She's very important, very busy. She's managing 250 companies all over the world. Small businesses, my dear. So that's why she makes so much money.

Unknown_15: Just in case you're wondering. Unfortunately, her husband has a micropenis and hates her child now.

Unknown_15: Because he unfortunately made a quadroon baby who's going to have the world's tiniest dick. So that kid is completely fucked for life. That kid's going to be an incel.

Unknown_15: Anyways.

Unknown_15: I want him to understand that I desperately want to have sex every single day, multiple times a day, in every way imaginable, but haven't mentioned it in over five years because his feelings have been more blah, blah, blah. What this entire thing tells me is even though he's going through something I can never understand, instead of working through it together, he wants to find someone else to work through it with in a romantic capacity.

Unknown_15: Oh, this is the weird part. I shared this information with a couple of friends and they both say I'm overreacting and should let him get this open relation thing out of his system and I should have sex with as many men as I want until it's done.

Unknown_15: um the rest is not worth reading it's just the the rest is like her kind of whining which makes it give it lend some credibility but this is probably one of the funniest things i've read in a while someone sent this to me by email um coincidentally from one of the subs that's funny as fuck

Unknown_15: Josh reading Jewish fanfics. Why is this? This one guy is like receiving in chat that I'm reading cuck shit. It's like, I'm sorry that I find the spiritual decline of Redditors to be hilarious. Actually, I'm not sorry. Fuck you. Shit. I have great hobbies. I like to read about people who are going to kill themselves before they do it.

Unknown_15: How is it cuckolding? I don't understand. They're not cheating on each other. He just has a tiny dick and he's upset because of it.

Unknown_15: You got your priorities out of whack if you don't think this is funny. Okay. Is her husband Jewish? I don't know. He's a tiny dick. She didn't specify if it's circumcised or not. But then again, he's in the Merrimut, so who knows. So this is more like cuckolding I have this lined up I want to talk about fin doming today because uh, apparently fin doming has made it to twitch So this is the kind of by the way, if you ever go to the front page of twitch It's basically just like a soft core porn site now. I don't know what the fuck they're doing Maybe they know exactly what they're doing. They're just making a ton of money No hard don't be a pussy you be first come on let's go

Unknown_15: Is she Latina or Asian? Oh, that's Asian. Now that she leaned forward, she's obviously Asian. What kind of Asian? Is he going to do it?

Unknown_15: Oh, I get denied knowing if she actually bans him or not. Whatever.

Unknown_15: You would really... You guys have no dignity. Asia Pacific. La chinks. La chinks.

Unknown_15: Looks Mexican. I'm saying Asian. That's like...

Unknown_15: or something. Whenever I think someone's from South Asia, I always go for Cambodian. People seem to hate being called Cambodian.

Unknown_15: Vietnamese and Laotian are less bad guesses. If you say Cambodian, they're going to be pissed off no matter what.

Unknown_15: And the chances are they're not actually from Cambodia. Because if they were from Cambodia, they would be dead.

Unknown_15: Uh, no, Thai people are usually paler. Anyways, I have a lot of Fendom content for today. Boogie is also getting into the Fendoming. He has an important ask of all his loyal followers. I'm excited to do it again.

Unknown_13: The bad reason is I'm finally in a position where I have to get back to work.

Unknown_13: And I'm not making any excuses here. You know I spent a tremendous amount of money on dumb, dumb things.

Unknown_13: But the biggest issue is that I had a nice big nest egg. I took some financial advice from a friend and I'm not pointing fingers necessarily. I took the advice, but I put my money in the crypto market in the wrong section and I pretty much lost most of everything.

Unknown_13: That sucks. That really sucks.

Unknown_13: It is what it is though. I mean, like I've come to terms with it, but I need to get back to work. I have some savings, but they're going quickly. And if I don't,

Unknown_13: start live streaming and making content and getting ad revenue and stuff again i'm gonna lose everything i love how firefox randomly decides to stop playing fucking videos in the background because it just decides to why did i do this film um i wish i had recorded what he invested in because it's in this thread it's like uh

Unknown_15: It's a cryptocurrency I've literally never heard of before. It was some kind of weird acronym ending in a J. Does anyone in chat know what the cryptocurrency was that he invested in? It was like Shringe or something.

Unknown_15: Ethereum. No, he put money into Ethereum, but that wasn't... Storage! Storage, that's it. Thank you, bald man. It's spelled like stork, but with a J instead of a K, and it's pronounced like storage. Storage. I've never heard of this. And I'm someone who pays a lot of attention to cryptocurrency. I don't know what the fuck the cryptocurrency is. That shit is obscure as shit. Um...

Unknown_15: So I don't he apparently received some advice to put all his money into this fucking bullshit and he lost it So now he needs you to but he's obviously like dude's eaten Let's look at him again, where's he at so he's like 400 over 400 pounds people compared him to when he was losing weight

Unknown_15: He posted a video of himself. Oh, that's it right there. Posted a video of himself, like, just sitting around like this. And...

Unknown_15: And he says, like, oh, I'm under 400 now. And he looked thinner than he does now. So he's back over 400. He had stomach stapling. That's really impressive, to undo your stomach stapling. Because you have to, like, physically stretch out your stomach again to fit that much fucking food into you. Oh, here it is. This guy right here. He's got it.

Unknown_15: So you can see that when he just was losing weight and was under 400 pounds, he looked thinner than he does even now.

Unknown_16: So he's getting chunky again. I know where that nest I get when he ate it.

Unknown_15: Also, I want to discuss something.

Unknown_15: I do use Brave, but I'm not a retard. So for streams, I screencast Firefox, which I don't use for anything except for my streaming. And it doesn't have like browser history or anything. And a lot of people, people need to figure out how to fucking do this because it's a pretty...

Unknown_15: Oh, I guess I can't show that. It's just a butt. That's not too much. Boogie had trouble... I can... I already did, whatever. He had, like, a video of, like, two thoughts kissing at, like, a party. And that got posted online, and Boogie got blamed for, like, non-consensual pornography or something with those thoughts. And then he put out... He puts out these videos where...

Unknown_15: He's like talking. He's like, he puts them out on Tik TOK and shit, which if you're over 20 and you use Tik TOK, um, you're a fucking creep. Tik TOK is for people who are like children. Uh, now that I mentioned that I can't find it, but he's like shirtless and all these videos. And he just posts like this vertical phone cam videos of him explaining like retorting people live. And, uh,

Unknown_15: Oh yeah, this was him a year ago saying, I am rich, how crypto made me rich. And then he said, I need your help.

Unknown_15: That's 2021 in a nutshell for everyone into cryptocurrency. Rest in peace. I thankfully did not lose everything that I had, but I lost a significant chunk of stuff and I'm still holding on to it.

Unknown_15: It's only a theoretical loss until you actualize it. I also didn't invest in stupid shit like storage.

Unknown_15: Where is the fucking video of him shirtless just sitting around? Okay.

Unknown_15: It'll be on this page on the next page. I want to show it to you. I want to show you Boogie shirtless. This is an important part of my narrative.

Unknown_16: I should have just used the highlight feature like a smart person would have.

Unknown_16: No, come on It's not the next one I give up unfortunately This ah Ah right where you need it.

Unknown_15: Um This is what this is. I don't know what the fuck he does with this shit He puts up videos and then whenever he does like a twitter reply or a tick tock video He just does it shirtless like this It's so fascinating to me seeing some of the responses to the video.

Unknown_13: I posted the e-bagging one It's very similar to the response that the I Am Rich video that I posted last year had. People see the title, people see the thumbnail, and they don't click on the video to get the actual context. And if you do, you'll know, like in the I Am Rich video, I said that I have enough money to protect me for a few years, which is great.

Unknown_13: But certainly, I just don't want your money or your time. All I want is you to watch the videos, right? And then in this new e-begging video, I go on to explain that I no longer have that money to protect me for the next couple of years. But I still don't want your money unless you're extremely well off. What I want is your time, your attention, and your clicks. But people don't give a shit about context. People don't give a shit about reality. They just want to see the thumbnail and title and make up their own bullshit and use that to dunk on me. And I get it. I understand why people want to dunk on me. But it just, it's so hilarious because there's two reasons here. Number one, their ignorance is showing, right? Their prejudice is showing. Their projection is showing. And I love that. But secondly, it all benefits me in the end.

Unknown_15: Dude, they all do this. All fat people are basically the same in their mentality, their coping mechanisms. It's like, I say retarded shit, and then people make fun of his retarded shit.

Unknown_15: If they think negative things about me after I put out my video, that just means that they're faking it. They're just lying. They didn't read the context of what I said.

Unknown_15: If you know the context of me being a retard that that wasted my fucking money Then you know that i'm not just begging i'm actually hurting here and I need your help and then it goes on to say like oh They're prejudiced against me because i'm fat i'm pretty sure if if anyone made a video like this Like shirtless because they're too lazy to put on like a t-shirt for the fucking tiktok video like they'll get made fun of I don't know Also boogie does this really weird thing that's really contemptible where he has an issue where he wants to be like a strong person. He wants, he has like an ego, um, but he's also like a groveling beggar. So he has to grovel. And then when people call him out for groveling, he then has to like counter that by saying like, no, actually I'm not groveling. I'm, I'm doing okay. Everything is going according to plan. Uh, and it's like a weird, like a dichotomy or cognitive dissonance.

Unknown_15: But on the continuation of the subject of Fendom, Yee, which is apparently Kanye West's legal name, he's legally changed his name to Yee, and that's it.

Unknown_15: He says...

Unknown_15: I'm a bit sleepy tonight, but when I wake up, I'm going DEFCON 3. Not to be confused with DEFCON 3. On Jewish people! Oh my god. The funny thing is, I actually can't be anti-Semitic because black people are actually Jew also. You guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone who ever oppresses your agenda.

Unknown_15: Now, this was taken, as you can imagine, very poorly by the media.

Unknown_15: In particular, due to the vile, disgusting, anti-Semitic remarks that he made about the Jewish people controlling the banking infrastructure, Canvas Owens, a friend of Kanye West, reported that JPMorgan Chase Bank North America said, Announced that they would not be doing business with Kanye West, in particular his businesses, Yeezy, LLC, the merchandise brand that he has. And Kanye will have to find a new bank because they can't associate with someone who alleges that Jews control the banks. That's just not acceptable in today's day and age. Completely understandable on JPMorgan Chase Bank's side.

Unknown_15: And by the way, there's no reason listed. It just says fuck off, and that's it.

Unknown_15: So this was sort of like an interesting wake-up call to a lot of people.

Unknown_15: That, oh yeah, the banks are like a bottleneck in our freedom to say things. Even more so than tech is. A website called The Federalist put out a kind of corresponding parallel issue that's been happening in the last week. Um...

Unknown_15: And this is talking about PayPal's policy. They put out a policy where if you use PayPal for a company, or not even for a company, for just a regular user, and then if you spread misinformation, they can deduct money from your bank account. And I remember very clearly when Count Dankula had his Nazi pug trial going on with...

Unknown_15: The the united kingdom particularly scotland, I guess they have their own court system apparently Count dankula was arraigned for hate speech because uh his dog did the the hitler greeting Uh in response to gas the jews is like a command dog command. So he gets arranged for for A hate speech it goes to trial. He's found guilty He's asked to pay a fine. And then he appeals it all the way up to the Supreme Court of Scotland. And then at that point, he appeals it to the UN Human Rights Commission. But while he's appealing it to the UN Human Rights Commission, the money is literally taken out of his bank account. It was a small fine relatively to the amount of money that he spent actually fighting it.

Unknown_15: But it was like several hundred pounds. So they just took the money out of his account and they considered the issue resolved. And that was it. So...

Unknown_15: I think that

Unknown_15: and I've mentioned this before, but I'll reiterate, you're not going to have, like, a world where there's martyrs anymore. Like, the government, like, look in the U.S. You don't have martyrs. If someone says something that, you know, or does something that the government doesn't like, they don't ever kill you anymore. Even Nicholas Cruz, this week he was sentenced, the jury recommended against the death penalty in the case of Nicholas Cruz, who killed, like, 20 children. So there's really nothing that you can do

Unknown_15: to die in the United States anymore unless you just kill yourself. What they do instead is they send you to the melanated monkey cages, and then you just get raped forever. You do something the government doesn't like. You protest at Capitol Hill. You walk into the Capitol building. Oh, that's 10 years in the neighbor rape dungeons. And it just sent me there. And that's not like being a martyr. There's no heroism in being raped by black people in a federal prison. And less than that, even less than that, it's like, okay, well, we're not going to fill up all the prisons with like people who are protesting because people will protest against that even more.

Unknown_15: And there's like a human resource element to that. You have to have police willing to do it. You have to have space. You have to fill up the courts with all this bullshit. It's much easier to make it, instead of like an actual offense, to make it a fine.

Unknown_15: To say, oh, you're saying things in public that we don't like? Well, that's a $300 fine. You can all show up and have this unauthorized protest if you want, but we're going to use IRS facial tracking technology, which is a real thing. The IRS knows how to use facial recognition with your driver's license IDs to identify you. So we're just gonna take like a picture of the crowd and we're gonna identify everybody in the crowd and never gonna just find you all $300 for you showing up and there that's like it's like I

Unknown_15: It's like orgasm denial. You're not a martyr. You don't instigate any change. Nobody has to arrest you. You don't get to have a cool arrest for like protesting like Bernie Sanders or Bill Gates have. You just lose the money. And that's like enough of an inconvenience that people will be deterred from doing stuff and not like martyrdom enough to encourage people to fight against it because it's just like an inconvenience.

Unknown_15: I think that's the future.

Unknown_15: That's the present, actually. That's the reality that we're currently in. We're heading towards very fascinating stuff, Chad.

Unknown_15: Back on a lighter note, a lighter note chat. Actually, no, this is still dark times. I have negative things to say. I've always been a fan of The Daily Show. I have very fond memories of Jon Stewart and The Daily Show. And apparently this is a controversial opinion now. You're not allowed to like Jon Stewart. But I always kind of liked how right before the 2016 election, he kind of bowed out. And I kind of had a feeling that he just knew that it was going to get like insanely retarded after that point. Something tipped him off and thought, I don't want to be involved in U.S. politics after this election. This election is retarded. Like they're going to expect me to say all this stupid shit to try and hurt Trump. And I just don't want to do it. I'm going to bow out. But now this motherfucker is coming out of retirement to debate like Congresswoman from Arkansas about trans kids and I'll play about a minute of us because it's all I can stand Why would the state of Arkansas step in to override?

Unknown_10: parents physicians psychiatrists Endocrinologists who have developed guidelines. Why would you override those guidelines? I?

Unknown_01: Well, I think it's important that all of those physicians, all of those experts, for every single one of them, there's an expert that says we don't need to allow children to be able to take those medications. That there are many instances where... But you know that's not true.

Unknown_10: You know it's not for everyone there's one. There's... These are the established medical... Well, I don't know that that's not true.

Unknown_01: I don't know that... Then why would you pass a law, then, if you don't know that that's true?

Unknown_10: Well, I know that there are doctors and that we had plenty of people come and testify before our legislature who said that, you know, we have 98% of the young people who have gender dysphoria... Right.

Unknown_01: that they are able to move past that. And once they have the help that they need, no longer suffer from gender dysphoria. 98% without that medical treatment. That's an incredibly made-up figure.

Unknown_15: This is the entire thing. He's just condescending. And his rebuttal was always like, but what about the statistics from the verified Wikipedia sources and the studies and the doctors and all the statistics and numbers and facts and logic? What about that, huh? And he just does that over and over again. He's like, I trust the pediatricians with the verified truth-based organizations from the WHO with my numbers. All you have to say to that, I think, is I don't fucking trust them. I don't trust them. My constituents don't trust it. We don't like it.

Unknown_15: It didn't exist before the fucking 1990s. There was no such thing as a trans kid before 2007, before Tumblr existed. So fuck off. And maybe you can throw in a case there, too, if you're not looking to get reelected.

Unknown_15: I don't know, that's the entire thing. It's just like, wow! You know, for the guy that ran the Sanity March with Colbert, you know, like a decade ago, he sure has lost his fucking mind. I'm sure he wouldn't be okay with any of his kids turning out, but then again, I don't know. Sacrificial lambs and such.

Unknown_16: It's, uh...

Unknown_15: Since I've gone to uni, I can safely assure you that half of all papers are fucking garbage. We know this. But speaking of facts and logic, you can look up a facts and logic-based Wikipedia article called The Replication Crisis, where something like 90% of all studies in sociology cannot be replicated. Like, if you go to a...

Unknown_15: like a peer review site and you find like a random sociology report and you try to replicate it, you do your own study and you try to replicate their model, there is a 90% chance that you will not be able to do it, that you will get completely different or contradicting results than the original article.

Unknown_15: And, by the way, sociology, that is the field of study of the trans kid shit. It's literally, source, I made it the fuck up. Source, peer-reviewed publications from the sociology department of the University of New York. Oh, well, you know what? Source, I made it the fuck up, basically. 90% chance I made it the fuck up.

Unknown_15: Source, I was paid by the U.S. government to lie.

Unknown_16: Uh, yeah, you know, it's all fields, but in sociology, it's like unbelievable.

Unknown_15: Like, I think it's like 50% and even hard science fields, but in sociology in particular, it's just fucking wrong.

Unknown_15: And this is my trans segment. Jon Stewart sucking the D. And then Kefals decided to pick a fight. Kefals, by the way, in fear for his or her, it's they, them's life, went to TwitchCon.

Unknown_15: Don't worry, though.

Unknown_16: Actually... This article got published about Kefals going to

Unknown_15: Twitch con and it's really it's sort of like a kiss-ass biography page By the way, the title of the title of this by the way is a perfect perfect perfect Perfect example of how the news lies by omission Imagine if you didn't use the Kiwi farms The last you heard is that it went down because a cloud flare and then you read this article just the headline and

Unknown_15: Trans Twitch streamer Keffels ready to return home after Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_15: That's it. That's the official headline in the thing. If you just go to it.

Unknown_15: Kiwi Farms is not in the, it's in the slug, the URL slug. So the original title of this article and the active like page title includes after Kiwi Farms in the title. But the actual article says nothing about Kiwi Farms like at all.

Unknown_15: Sorrenti spearheaded the campaign to take down online farm Kiwi Farms. Cloudflare Black Kiwi Farms. 23 matches.

Unknown_16: Before taking down Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_16: Uh...

Unknown_16: Let's talk about destiny serenity shortly after q from users and that's that's basically It just says after q from what the fuck does that mean?

Unknown_15: It like tries to lead you to fill in the blank like automatically like a fucking ad lib, but there's There's no truth to what what they're saying

Unknown_15: um anyways so after kiwi farms trans streamer keffels decides to pick a fight with a female to male and a d-transitioner so uh casey miller tried to transition ended up getting male pattern baldness at 21 so this is a young woman this is a young woman um basically at her peak and her life is completely ruined

Unknown_16: Because of, uh, she fell for the trans meme.

Unknown_15: Uh, oh, I guess they've just, like, spammed their fucking timeline with garbage. I want to see if I can find this video.

Unknown_15: Many, many videos. This is how I know it's a woman.

Unknown_15: Many, many videos of cats. I want to find the fucking thing that Kefla's is briefed on.

Unknown_16: Oh, here.

Unknown_11: Yeah, so I got a 21-year-old woman, by the way, out of my haircut because my hair was driving me nuts. And I shaved it because I'm tired of watching my hair thin out, and it's less distressing if I shave it. So when I talk about being too far gone, I don't really know what else to call it. This is what I mean. This is how deep my voice is.

Unknown_11: It's gotten deeper over time. and it's settled.

Unknown_11: This is what I mean by hair loss. And it just keeps getting worse, it keeps thinning, it keeps receding backwards.

Unknown_11: you know, and I'm not exactly sure that's coming back. Those are the main things when I talk about being androgenized to a point of no return.

Unknown_11: I really don't see those being fixable.

Unknown_11: So that's when I talk about, you know, just kind of staying how I am regardless of how I feel.

Unknown_11: That's why just because I don't really see me personally being able to come back from what's happened so far. So I hope that's a little explanatory just to kind of give a little bit more of a

Unknown_11: um like kind of the so that's a very sad thing in case you don't know just in general you should feel bad for this person because they got fucked up because basically the government and every mainstream institution on the face of the planet lied to her about uh transitioning

Unknown_15: This tweet obviously went pretty big, 10,000 retweets, 10,000 additional quote retweets, almost 40,000 likes, 6,800 replies. Keffel's verified Twitter user, the new type of detransition over the main complaint is they look like a creepy uncle instead of a gigachad is very funny to me.

Unknown_15: Crying myself to sleep because 11 years of hormones didn't make me look like Amaranth, despite not putting very much effort into looking hot.

Unknown_16: Uh...

Unknown_16: This person replies, you think that's the basis of their complaints about the medication for the rest of their life?

Unknown_15: And then Kefla says, 131 million Americans are on prescription medication. The vast majority of people who require medical help throughout their entire life grow up.

Unknown_15: We have literally a third of our country addicted to prescriptions. And this freak is just like, let's make it 100%. Everybody should be on prescriptions their entire life. We should be chronically unhealthy. All of us should be addicted to big pharma.

Unknown_15: And this is also another deleted tweet where they're just, again, they're making fun of somebody for regretting ruining their body. He started transitioning when he was 16. Now he's 17. Retweet if you think that's inspirational. And then, of course, it's a picture of Putin. It's very funny because they both are bald. Oh, my God. They're both bald, chat. They look exactly the same.

Unknown_16: Crazy.

Unknown_15: It is, it is genuinely unbelievable how, like, spiteful and malicious Kefals is. And, like, nobody gives a fuck. Everyone just gives this fucking freak, like, a free pass to be the most spiteful, malicious hobgoblin that has ever lived. And they're just like, yes, queen, slay. That woman has, that woman, biological woman, already a strike against them. But now they're a detranser? That's like not even being human. Step on them, queen Kefals.

Unknown_16: They both lack a chin Oh, it looks like she's got a bigger chin I don't know Um also on the true news So there's basically two people left who have admitted that the kiwi farms is not dead forever Keffels is just ignoring it because they're trying to move on to something else and make more money Liz fong jones puts out this tweet chain, which I find funny

Unknown_15: Busy day. I have a day job, and it's used 100% of my cycles today. Oh, no. Oops. No spoons. No more spoons left to tweet today. I'll summarize the current technical state of affairs for the fruit site. However, they stand, but tomorrow rather than today. Breaks are important to take. Literally, I need a break from obsessing over the kiwi farms. I need a couple more hours to get my spoons together to tweet about this.

Unknown_15: Real quick before going back to work.

Unknown_15: Host slick a hosting provider is back in rotation Polish host host team is new Write to your congressman about how they're violating the GDP are whatever the fuck Vsys is still serving and if you don't know I'll show them because I'm a big fan at this point Vsys at V like virtual systems Vsys dot host

Unknown_15: um was the first hosting provider that i leaned in on uh after we lost cloudflare after we lost cloudflare i bought an 18 a month uh vps with visas and i just threw up a static error page uh base it was the error page that explained what had happened And also provided like a quick rundown with archives of all the freak trumes from Drop Kiwi Farms that were tweeting about us. And that pissed them off real bad. The entire site had just become like an expose page on all of them. So they sent in a lot of complaints. They posted the address of the company in Kyiv. And they said, like, Ukrainians do your thing, as if to imply that the Ukrainians should fucking suicide bomb this data center or whatever. And then someone else said, I'm a trans person in Ukraine fighting Russia, and I have contacts with the Ministry of Defense and the Ukrainian government. And we're going to use an anti-Russian propaganda law to try and force them to take down the Kiwi farms. And that didn't work. It's almost like they're fighting a fucking war or something, and they don't have the time to worry about your dumb bullshit. So Vsys has been in rotation since August, late August.

Unknown_15: And if you're looking for a VPS in Ukraine or the Netherlands, is there the location, then I would strongly recommend them. Give them some business. If you want to support Ukraine in a real way, that's a real company. And then he continues to say, Nice IT that was being used for IPv6 yesterday but was broken anyways out for now. Nice IT wanted a lot of money. They didn't cuck out. They just wanted money for DDoS protection that I didn't want to pay for because I was setting up the other thing that I mentioned at the beginning of the stream.

Unknown_15: Um...

Unknown_15: is serving off Terrahost, and Terrahost is a VPS company associated with Epic, and using the Epic name servers. But crucially, this is the big crucial part of this plan against us. You ready? Crucially, the domain is registered with Google domains.

Unknown_15: Registrar abuse at should be a pretty easy avenue to deal with that.

Unknown_15: They want, so Liz Fong Jones has systematically taken, looked at every single possible avenue for taking down the Kiwi Farms or just inconveniencing us at this point. He wants my domain name. He thinks that if, the Jesus bolt holding this shit heap together, if I lose, that's it. It's GG. It's game over for all of us.

Unknown_15: By the way, you can actually email me at josh at locale.loc. Only business inquiries, please. Only business inquiries to josh at locale.loc. That's my business email. That's where the important shit goes.

Unknown_15: Um, overall though, the prognosis is that, is that the current set of hosts, like hosts, they have the worst name, that Polish company. It's hose team, like host team, but hose team. It's the hose team. It's where all the hose, it's the team of hose. It's the Polish hose and the Polish hose team are keeping the Kiwi firms up at a, at a pooling.

Unknown_15: O's team and Vsys are going to be able to keep the site up and stable, as it has been for the past 40 hours, until at least one or two of them pull out. I always share honestly, even when it's bad news to share. He continues, I would not expect any dramatic changes for the next week. It is going to be a protracted regulatory siege for the foreseeable future, with limited value to continued blow-by-blow analysis of what I can determine is happening. Which means...

Unknown_15: I'm not going to tweet about this anymore because I'm getting fucking 10 likes a tweet and there's no point.

Unknown_15: Here's the actual damage done, the real damage.

Unknown_15: As it turns out, Liz Fung Jones has an autoimmune disease that eats away at his face and eyeballs.

Unknown_15: And if you don't know, autoimmune diseases are flare up sometimes to certain factors such as Stress. If you are sitting at a computer all day desperately refreshing a DNS server to see if that dang darn Kiwi Farms is up and that dang darn Kiwi Farms is in fact still up, you may in fact surge your body with a stress chemical that that spikes your autoimmune disorder and causes you to have breakouts on your face, to have your eye strain, and that eye strain causes damage. I think Liz Fung Jones has said that their eyes are going to go out in their lifetime because of this disease.

Unknown_15: So with the limited time that God has given them to use their eyes and see the beautiful world around us, Liz Fung Jones has dedicated that time to going to... and typing in and seeing that it does in fact resolve with different different uh ips all over the world fascinating stuff fascinating use of time now the other the other person still actively involved in this nonsense is

Unknown_15: Sincere sincere still denies being dropped Kiwi farms, even though drop Kiwi farms is posting screen caps of YouTube comments that include a reply box with their YouTube avatar in it and The fact that sincere is sending email complaints to my host with their like sincere at email address and shit just like bizarre retarded shit and then still denying it and they put out a 10 minute long video talking about drop kiwi farms we're not going to listen to all this and you're going to find out why real fast hi i'm hope sometimes i make things sometimes i break things today i wanted to talk to you about a little bit of a problem called kiwi farms

Unknown_00: The people who use Kiwi Farms will often tell people it's just a gossip site. Nothing is further from the truth. Kiwi Farms is a site dedicated to stalking and harassing people online. They target many people. The mentally ill, autistics, transgender people, basically anyone they find... You could have just stopped at mentally ill.

Unknown_15: That will cover all those other things.

Unknown_00: ...or terminally online.

Unknown_00: They will target, stalk, dox, and harass even the families of the people they hate, including their children. In case you're wondering, actually, I don't know if that first page is safe for work.

Unknown_16: Let me check.

Unknown_16: Oh, it has a porn site. What the fuck?

Unknown_16: Ew.

Unknown_16: Technosexual?

Unknown_16: I just want a picture of him.

Unknown_15: I want a picture, okay, listen, I know the Telegram chat has like eight million fucking pictures of Sincere saved. I need post pic of Sincere. Sincere, thank you. And I'll see, I'll see. Ew, ew, he posted videos of him and his wife. That's fucking vile. This dude's like 50, by the way. The guy that made this squeaky ass anime, ah, yes!

Unknown_15: Here, I found it.

Unknown_15: This is him. This is the guy who posts about the Kiwi Farms on Twitter 8,000 fucking times a day and who's behind this avatar of this horrific imbu Bratz doll with the squeaky voice. This is him. He's much older now than in this picture, I think, but yeah.

Unknown_15: Ooh, this one's even better. It looks worse than this.

Unknown_15: Hold up. I'm switching the picture. Give me a second. I got one where it looks worse.

Unknown_15: hello gamers i'm gonna teach you today how to spend 17 000 hours in fallout 76 and then 17 000 more tweeting about kiwi farms as it stays up and they keep making fun of me and the fact that i'm a retard help give me your money give me your attention please

Unknown_15: uh the one okay the one big win actually the one well it's not like a big one because i have archives of it uh but the one like pain in the ass thing that i have to deal with um is they took down which is why i had to move my email server over to the the prestigious locale llc email server um

Unknown_15: So if you have a locale email account, you won't be able to use it for at least another week. I'm trying to get it set back up. It's a fucking irritation, though.

Unknown_15: The main thing, the main irritation is that

Unknown_15: I have had that email server set up and running fine for literally seven years now. I bought a VPS with them when they were called Cloud VPS, and then Cloud VPS was bought by Trans IP. And I've stayed with Trans IP even for another four years.

Unknown_15: And they suddenly decided that they had to take us down because, and this is their official reason for it, is that I was being DDoS attacked too often. So therefore, I violated their terms of service, and they were kicking me off without warning even. I asked them to give me a couple hours to make a backup, like a final version backup instead of one of the automated backups, and they said okay. But it was down for three days because they waited until Monday so somebody in the legal department could authorize it.

Unknown_15: And then I got my backup and now I have a backup of it and I'm deciding what to do. Um, I, I'm thinking of if I can, this is really cute. Um, I use something called I read mail for the locale email stuff, but there's a new one called mail cow, a new, a new do yourself email thing called mail cow. And it's so fucking cute. And the, the gooey and stuff is really nice. So I'm considering trying to figure out a way to import my iRedmail installation into MailCal because it's really cute. And it works. It works excellently. So I'm debating that.

Unknown_15: Mailcals, well, if you are some, okay, by the way, the results of my car talk from last stream, I'm looking for a 2000 Toyota Tundra. When I have my land and my chickens and I'm looking for my truck, I'm going to get a 2006 Toyota Tundra. Now, my request to the stream fan zone, if you are like a soulless person who works in email and you know how to import iRedmail into Mailcal,

Unknown_15: Yeah, I would love to hear from you.

Unknown_16: Anyways.

Unknown_16: Uh... So yeah, that's the... That's the Trone update.

Unknown_15: Basically. And now, to wash it all down, we got some Ethan Ralph. We got some good old-fashioned Ralph shit. Ralph catch-up to do. Because every week is the worst week ever for Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_15: Uh... Now, I want you to listen very carefully to what Ralph has to say here. Uh...

Unknown_04: Why does he talk like he's gone with the wind? Let me know that Ralph is muting me every time I mention that Faith was 17. And then he ate her shit on camera. She wasn't 17.

Unknown_04: Ralph, look it up. Find the sex tape, Groypers. I know you'll probably jerk off to it. Well, she was known to be 18.

Unknown_03: This 18-year-old girl's rectum.

Unknown_04: just sniffs the shit that didn't happen either and then he just sucks the shit right off by the way i was talking to pants about this the other day i don't know if anybody not speaking about anything in particular so the topic of the mother of my child did my ex-fiancee ex-girlfriend

Unknown_15: Mentally ill girl that I groomed on her prom day came up with my current fiance and the topic of Sniffing shit and sucking shit off the thumb of course came up as it frequently does with my fiance and We discussed the logistics of it basically well while she fed my child from a formula bottle because she has she has my tits worse But the whole idea what do they think?

Unknown_03: That, like, people just have, like, a shitty asshole at all times? Like, what are they talking about? Your ass is not supposed to have. I know maybe these sick fucks are used to that. Your asshole's actually supposed to be clean. I know that this might be a shocking revelation for some of these people. But your asshole's not supposed to be shitty. When you stick a thumb in your ass, it's not supposed to come out with shit all over it. I don't know if this is this revelatory information. I was talking with pants. I had this whole rant. I was going to do a bit on this all week. And I was I literally wrote it down. I was like, I got to write this down. I was like, they've been talking about this the whole time. You don't just have shit in your ass unless you're PPP or Medicare. He's dying of cancer. He can't even get up and take a shit. He just shits all over himself. I don't know. Maybe they're used to having the shitty asshole. I'm just not sure if this has been thought through because that's not how it's supposed to work. Spoiler alert. So, uh, Jaden can.

Unknown_15: Zoomers we have to talk Anal link this is a meme. The only people eating shit off the thumb are people like Ralph Dear little boys and little girls growing up in this dark twisted time You do not have to eat ass or have your ass eaten to have to have sex that is literally just a meme from tik-tok and from from discord You don't have to do it Don't don't listen to ralph. He's a retard. He's a fat retard Okay, but we're just gonna get this out out of the way and also wash I guess wash your ass, but You can die from yes you can get yes, that's not

Unknown_15: analingus is reserved for homosexuals um and if you read 4chan copypastas you will find what happens if you try to reenact this in real life on an unsuspecting person it does not work out well for anyone okay just saying uh in regards to other things that ralph has done besides eat shit uh he's having a dispute with moloch uh julian chandra the i guess chandra sounds like a

Unknown_15: Indian thing so I'm assuming the Indian guy that Runs or helps run Odyssey Julian is I'm assuming that he's talking Yeah, canvas Owens cuz Anna's canvas Owens if you don't know canvas Owens had like this weird trajectory where canvas Owens came out of fucking nowhere with this video about how I

Unknown_15: Um, it was, it was like, oh, she wanted to open a website to dox trolls. She wanted to make a website, literally just a website that was like a name and shame, like a hall of shame doxing of anyone who was like an internet troll or something. I guess she got called the N word and she thought, God, there'd be, it'd be great if there was a website that, uh, called nigger where they just made fun of all these people who, uh, and dox all these people who said the N word on, on the internet. Um, So she got made fun of by, by us, by the Kiwi farms for this. And then she goes on some like, like news thing and is talking about how the dark net went after her for this idea. And she said the lines, yeah, I think the Kiwi farms is pretty dark net.

Unknown_15: Uh, and that was kind of like, that was like her foray into shit. And she got like picked up by Gamergate as like a literally who or whatever. And then at some point, uh,

Unknown_15: She becomes very conservative and gets, like, brought up by, like, Donald Trump. And now she's, like, a mainstream conservative black person. It's really weird. It's really weird how... Like, if you're a woman and you're black and you want to be in politics, all you got to do is say, like, yeah, I vote Republican. And then if you're not, like, a complete retard, you'll be as famous as Candace Owens. But Candace Owens was around... I think she even talked to people like Ralph during the Gamergate shit. Um...

Unknown_15: So this is what Julian Chandra is making fun of him for. You'll never get an opportunity to talk to Candace again. She'll never acknowledge that you even existed.

Unknown_15: And Ralph says, wrong. I like you and Odyssey. Candace is 100.

Unknown_15: I wonder if all the brothel workers in China that you told me you frequently paid for sex remember you or the porn stars you creepily assess over.

Unknown_15: Uh, as if to imply that Candace Owens is a Chinese sex worker that I paid to have sex with, which is why she'll remember me. You just guaranteed I'm dumping all that, Julian. You should be smarter! Exclamation point.

Unknown_15: Wow.

Unknown_15: Tech guys in Southeast Asia are pretty fucking creepy. Then you go to brothels, just in case you didn't know. As if to imply that Ethan Ralph does not have sex with the dirtiest, nastiest fucking skank hoes in Las Vegas every time he goes there. He'll never know the sweet... I don't know how to complete that sentence, because nothing I want to say is actually sweet, and I don't want to say that it's sweet. But Ralph will never know the rare...

Unknown_15: There's a rare taste that await him in Las Vegas because of something else I'll mention in a second Actually, I'll mention it now This vicious Vickers Matthew Vickers baby mama data and North California who is currently engaged in legally trying to troll Ralph by spending all his silver coin money by fucking with them and

Unknown_15: Had a stream which I did not watch but thankfully other people did and they broke it down for me basically Ethan Ralph had an agreement with Matthew Vickers and His daughter who is the mother of his child his first child his son Zonda and the agreement was something like this, I believe that if he came over to visit it had to be under supervision and

Unknown_15: if he came over to visit there would be no pictures posted to social media may was not allowed anywhere near the child at any time and he would pay child support of i want to say 800 a month something like that and ralph agreed to these terms um but

Unknown_15: He broke his stipulation somehow. I can't remember exactly how. But that's what triggered it. He said something on social media or whatever the fuck. So Matthew Vickers is like, Aha! En garde!

Unknown_15: Repost! Reposte! I will now go on YouTube and do a stream. And I'll air out all this dirty laundry onto YouTube. And this has Ralph quite upset because...

Unknown_15: I think I'm pretty sure at this point he's in Mexico for two reasons. He's hiding damages from the auto accident that he caused in Virginia.

Unknown_15: And he doesn't want to pay child support to Matthew Vickers. So he's just going to live in Mexico and get beheaded before he's 40, I guess.

Unknown_16: We're past, I think, yeah. 800 a month, that's like nine prime Las Vegas stakes.

Unknown_15: That's fewer than nine. It's like eight.

Unknown_15: Oh, my God, he didn't return the property. That's right. And the property of Faith Vickers that he still owns is like a couple notebooks and some Disney dresses. So I'm wondering, did he like fucking bring this shit to Mexico? Did he like bring the Disney dresses of Faith Vickers with him as like...

Unknown_15: uh like a burden bargaining chip to mix it like what the fuck is he doing with disney dresses i don't i don't even want to know this man has like a a collection of personal affects belonging to previous women that he's dated he has nora's dildo he's got faith vickers disney dress i don't know what the fuck he's going to take from may but i'm assuming that he's building like an ultimate perfect woman out of this stuff and he's going to use nora's dildo as like a penis because obviously ralph's perfect woman would have a dick

Unknown_15: He's working on it though. He's gonna have to steal some some panties from Mexican girls living around them, I guess Ralph LaTruin arcing I'm a he's working on it, bro mark my words

Unknown_15: Amanda, she's not a complete retard. She's actually a super genius, and she's working on the 100-year Troon arc to flip Ralph. She'll do a Digibro thing with him. She'll become the Ralph-a-male, and Ethan Ralph will become Pantsu.

Unknown_16: Pantsu Party. That'll be his new name.

Unknown_16: Oh, well.

Unknown_16: I think that's all. That's all I have. Let's see. I'm sure I missed something. Let me recheck my notes. Maybe I did skip over something.

Unknown_15: Oh, here. I do have a tweet from May I can show you guys in regards to the rough stuff.

Unknown_15: This is Pansu's retort of Sad and Tread. And this is, of course, Pansu speaking, which is why I'll do my Pansu voice. There's a provision in Ethan's child support agreement that forbids him and Faith from discussing the case online. So what does sick Vickers do his best to torpedo that by making a spectacle of his own grandson for YouTube likes? Genuinely one of the sickest people online.

Unknown_15: So that's his retort. I guess it's true. It is kind of weird how Vickers makes all this shit like public spectacle. But I guess that's like in his mind, that's like his genius 9000 IQ move to make Ralph squirm or whatever is to make it public, even though that's all just content from his show.

Unknown_15: Sounds like me. OK, I see how it is.

Unknown_16: Let's see, did I miss anything?

Unknown_16: Everything is pinned on over that. Oh, there was a shooting.

Unknown_15: That's not even worth mentioning though. Some other fucking retard. This guy, this is, I really don't even understand it anymore. Like, okay. I think I always assume that guys who like kill a bunch of people, but they have like political motivation for it. Just wants to make their manifesto heard. This guy in Slovakia, he kills two people and they're just like two random gays at like a bar. But he's like, he's like, he opens his manifesto by saying it's the Jews. That's all the Jews. And they have names and addresses. and then he goes off and kills like two gay people and it's like it's it's it's weird because it feels lazy to me you know what i mean like okay i'm not encouraging anyone to kill anyone i'm just saying that it just seems like so weird that you say this is my enemy and then you kill like two random like slovak gays enjoying a drink how how does that further anything

Unknown_15: But if it's like, that's like your final action before you kill someone. That's like your going out strategy. Why the fuck would you just kill, like, two gay guys at, like, a pub? I really, I really don't understand it.

Unknown_15: Look, I'm just saying, I really, I don't understand the logic of it. And I'm only expecting logic because it's supposed to be, like, an action. Like, I just, I don't understand. Hello, Josh, and they're white, yeah. It does feel like, I'm just saying it feels lazy.

Unknown_15: Like Brenton Tarrant wasn't lazy, I guess.

Unknown_15: I'm not saying that. I'm just saying I don't understand the point of it. Why write one thing and then action another? There's like a cognitive dissonance there.

Unknown_16: The guy that assassinated Shinzo by making his own gun.

Unknown_15: Yeah.

Unknown_15: That's true. Japanese are different, though. Political assassination is a part of their culture.

Unknown_16: Can I play the clips of TwitchCon when he's confronted about the Sam Hyde thing?

Unknown_16: Maybe? Do you have a link to that offhand? I'll look at it.

Unknown_16: Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do.

Unknown_16: That's a low brown, though.

Unknown_16: I mean, Hasan, like, is it actually good?

Unknown_15: Is it actually worth playing?

Unknown_15: When's the next person stream? End of the month. Let's see, when's the last Friday of October?

Unknown_15: The 28th. I might do it on the 28th, or I might do it on the 31st, as is tradition.

Unknown_16: Okay, let's see this. This better not be stupid.

Unknown_18: Alright. Thank you, everyone.

Unknown_07: You got some weird fucking deadbeat loser comedian who has completely fucking lost all of its importance on the world by fucking himself over, by giving Andrew Anglin $5,000 in his fucking Nazi defense fund. And you're going to come to me and be like, it's so funny. Yeah, it's not funny, is it? Do you like that? Do you think it's funny?

Unknown_07: I would like to see the fight between you two. There's no explaining it. I don't want to be around these fucking losers. And you should probably conduct yourself a little bit better.

Unknown_18: Hi, can I take a porn picture with you?

Unknown_07: I would never do that, of course. I would never whoop someone's ass.

Unknown_14: He immediately corrects himself.

Unknown_16: Wow.

Unknown_16: Just say no. Just say no. I'm not interested.

Unknown_15: Why doesn't he do that? Has he ever done that? Has he ever just said, like, no?

Unknown_15: Just say, like, sorry, no, I'm not interested.

Unknown_15: I think that would, like, deflate a lot of the tension, right? Like, you know, people are giving him shit for it. I'm not interested. Why not just do that?

Unknown_15: Why is he so mad?

Unknown_15: I mean, I just don't get it. That's what I would say. Someone challenges me to a fight and I'm not interested. I just say, no, I don't want to. I don't want to.

Unknown_15: he's a princess okay maybe yeah always oh always punch a nazi okay that's why it's funny yeah i mean i can see i can see like i i see why it's an effective troll because he's like he's one of those people who like threatens violence and then when he has an opportunity to back that up he's like no but i mean still people are weird man

Unknown_15: He's like, he's what's funny is that he's so angry. It's this part is at the end is the funniest thing.

Unknown_07: And you should probably conduct yourself a little bit better.

Unknown_15: Like he, a fan walks up and it's like a girl and she's like, Hey, you want to take a picture together? And it's like, that's why you're there. Right. To interact with your fans and stuff. And, and he's like, so angry about it that. This confrontation doesn't dislodge his thought. He's still so angry that a fan asking for a picture just has no effect on him whatsoever. He doesn't even seem to acknowledge it.

Unknown_15: Very funny.

Unknown_15: Oh yeah, then he makes a threat and he gets in trouble. That's also funny.

Unknown_15: I love it. I don't like it when... Okay, let me word this carefully because I know there might be someone from the DSP board listening. I do not think it's a... I do not like it when people narc. I don't like it when people narc on someone like Keffels or Liz Fung Johns or the Drop Kiwi Farmers people. Like, Sincere's been losing his Twitter account and people have been bragging about mass reporting him and shit. And Sincere's like, just stop. Stop doing this. That's fucking gay. If you want to report him, go for it. But you should feel...

Unknown_15: My rule is if you want to report someone to the police or if you want to call animal services or child protective services or you want to report someone to YouTube, you should feel strongly enough about that opinion that you are willing to do it without posting it to the Kiwi Farms and getting upvotes for it. That's just how I feel. If you really feel so inclined to make a report, you should be able to do that without getting positive affirmation from the community for doing it. So I don't like seeing posts like, haha, I reported him and he got banned. Haha, like that's just fucking gay to me.

Unknown_15: However, in the same kind of...

Unknown_15: organically when when shit like this happens and someone like hassan were just if he were to say i'm gonna i just want to beat that fucking guy's ass like violent like in the middle of the twitch conscious yells it and then he's banned from twitch for a week and gets thrown out of the convention that's hysterical that is people being hosted by their own petard and that shit is fucking funny to me i love that but when it's like inorganic and people are like sending you know fake fake clips or out of context clips to twitch staff to try and force it that's fucking gay

Unknown_16: This guy really wants me to play these clips. Let's see. I want to give you respect for that.

Unknown_18: Oh, thank you.

Unknown_07: And I have another question. I think Sam Hyde, he called you out on like a podcast.

Unknown_15: I think this guy Sam Hyde, he said something about you. Sam Hyde's a comedian, MDE.

Unknown_07: I don't know why you guys are so into this shit. He's a Nazi. What's happening right now? It's so whack, bro. I don't understand why all you motherfuckers have to run around with this shit. What's going on?

Unknown_13: What's going on?

Unknown_07: Nothing. Get the fuck out of my face, bro. You fucking asshole. Yeah, what do you mean, damn, bro? What the fuck do you mean, damn? What do you mean, damn?

Unknown_15: Oh, he's got like half a foot on this little fucking Asian guy. That's the one that he's going to square up with and get up in his face. Fuck you. What do you mean, damn?

Unknown_07: And he's keeping it calm, too.

Unknown_15: He's like being on, yeah, you know, MDE, World Peace, comedian, boxing match. And that's the guy. Fuck, what a pussy.

Unknown_07: I'm asking questions, bro. You're not asking questions. I'm asking questions, bro.

Unknown_07: Yo, chill, bro.

Unknown_07: Get the fuck out of here.

Unknown_18: Pussy. That was whack.

Unknown_15: Fuck that guy. That was whack.

Unknown_06: Fuck your mom.

Unknown_15: Fuck your mom. What an asshole.

Unknown_16: Okay, this is one more apparently.

Unknown_16: Come on, post, and then you can do it.

Unknown_15: Check it, check it, check it. Now, for the first time, for the first stream ever, ladies and gentlemen, the Kiwi Farms did not buffer at all. My video was played just fine, and now I go to a different site to play videos, and it's buffering.

Unknown_07: I sprayed him. I was like, yeah, you want a reaction? Here you go. I fucking sprayed him in the face. Wow.

Unknown_18: What are you looking at, bro?

Unknown_07: Do you want to get kicked out? Is that what you want? Is that what you want? A reaction? Do you want to get kicked out?

Unknown_15: How is he getting dressed so hard by a fucking little Asian guy? I'm not going to feed it. I'm walking away, chat. Sorry.

Unknown_15: That's great. That's really funny.

Unknown_16: All right.

Unknown_16: That's the Hassan update.

Unknown_15: I think that's it. Okay, I will look at chat. The Hassan thing was funny. Anything else that I should mention that people will yell at me if I don't mention? I mean, he's got millions of dollars. He can be unhinged for a little bit if he really wants to.

Unknown_15: Talk about...

Unknown_15: Oh, no, I did. I talked about Chantel having a job last week. I even played the...

Unknown_15: That one. I played that video. One of the best videos ever made.

Unknown_15: Putin nukes.

Unknown_15: I mean, my official stance in the Ukraine-Russia war is I'm pro-Ukrainian because they have servers that are beneficial to me. And the Russian DDoS guards shit themselves at the first sign of trainees sending complaining emails. What's the point of even having a fucking country if American trainees can get you to deny service to people? While the Ukrainians just could not give less of a shit. I'm sorry. As simple as Ukraine hosts us, Russia doesn't. I'm supporting Ukraine. Slava Ukraini, everybody. You heard it here first.

Unknown_15: No zisters. No ziggers. This can't be happening. Unsubbed.

Unknown_16: Oh, no.

Unknown_15: exactly i'm just saying i'm just saying one's useful to me when's not i know who i'm supporting i know which city i i know which capital city i don't want level to the ground right now moscow gets leveled to the ground i'm not affected kiev gets leveled to the ground i have to find another host or plays visas so simple as you know i'm being egalitarian here

Unknown_15: uh let's see okay so that's ukraine i don't think anybody's gonna nuke anything i did like just real brief political the nordstrom thing there's a pipe that goes in the baltic sea to germany full of natural gas germans want natural gas because germans are retarded germans uh despite being you know 9 000 iq aryans are horrifically afraid of natural uh nuclear power and are actively shutting down nuclear power plants they already have built and working right now Because they would rather just import Russian natural gas forever. Because that, for whatever reason, appeases the Green Party in Germany. So that's what they're going to do. Fucking retards. I don't know what to say about that. But Nord Stream gets cut. And Sweden, I think it's apparently close to Sweden. So Sweden controls the investigation panel. And denied having Denmark and Germany join their investigation. into what the fuck happened. And I guarantee you that if it wasn't the United States sabotaging Nord Stream 2, they would have already come out a thousand times by now and just said it's Russia.

Unknown_15: Like, there would be no hesitation. And now it's like, oh God, the fucking Americans are literally sabotaging our infrastructure to make us more reliant on them. And we can't say anything about it because now we're NATO vassal states and we're just going to have to figure out how much shit we're going to eat here. And the fewer that know about this, the better.

Unknown_15: The German Green Party might be the most retarded political party in the world. What's funny is that you have a party called the Green Party, right? What do you do? You support ecological causes. What do they actually do? They support trans kids and refugees and shutting down the cleanest source of power that humanity has available to it in favor of reliance on Russia, which we're actively at proxy war with. like germans are fucking nuts you know you know and if i knew more about like other countries maybe i could like compare them to each other and say like which is more retarded but um yeah that's from what i've heard from german from all the surprisingly i think germany is the biggest english non-english speaking country that browses the kiwi firm so i hear a lot about it

Unknown_15: They wanted to, no, they did not want to join NATO until somebody, not naming names, leveled their entire country to the ground and rebuilt their government and told them what to do.

Unknown_16: Probably the Dragon Lord.

Unknown_16: Anything else? Any other comments I should give?

Unknown_16: Amber? As an Amberlynn read? Oh!

Unknown_16: I can mention that really briefly.

Unknown_16: How long is this video that I have?

Unknown_16: Eleven minutes. That's too long.

Unknown_16: I can't pull this up really quick though.

Unknown_16: Okay, so this video is called something bad happened and i'm scared not clickbait I wonder if there's like can I like see Oh, I can't see like the most played Maybe if I browse it on No, I can't see the most played thing That I don't talk about with you guys um out of fear out of like a timestamp like stuff like that and during my whole

Unknown_09: ankle debacle all of a sudden literally out of nowhere I was having tremendous shoulder pain to the point of I couldn't move my arm it was very scary it radiated to my neck

Unknown_09: And I was feeling it in my back, especially when I would breathe in. This was a couple weeks ago. I have had a EKG and no heart attack, no heart problems, none of that. So we don't have to worry about that. I just wanted to make that very clear. Um before I kept going because I know that sounds very like okay heart attack symptoms Um, but it has nothing to do with that So I was struggling with that for a little bit and I thought it was because of how I was I'm trying to find a precise moment in this.

Unknown_15: I don't want to I don't want to like Spoil it Um Does she actually god I wish I had a time stamp for this I apologize

Unknown_16: oh here in my x-ray and for some reason at the hospital they didn't tell me part of my lung god i just feel like it's never ending i don't know part of my lung is collapsed

Unknown_09: the bottom of it and it's like is that what's causing all this and my doctor said if your breathing gets worse then that could be a bad thing and she said if it doesn't then we might be okay but it's like why wouldn't the ER tell me I don't understand that like partially collapsed lung like a collapsed lung is kind of a scary thing you just said the bottom of it is collapsed that's terrifying and I just don't know what to do with that information she's referring me to the CT place so I can get a CT scan so I actually have to call today and make an appointment myself I'm just really like this is so much on top of what I'm already fucking going through already gone like what

Unknown_09: When it rains, it pours. Like, I want to believe in, like, tarot readings and whatever. Like, I was on TikTok scrolling through, like, a week ago. This is, like, the biggest dumb bitch moment ever. ...scrolling through, like, a week ago. And it said, if you find this, it's meant for you. You're going to be coming in with lots of good luck. Good things are going to happen to you. The tarot cards lied to her chat.

Unknown_15: How could this happen?

Unknown_09: Like, obviously not tarot reading. Like...

Unknown_09: Oh, I just feel so scared. And I don't even think I've processed collapsed lung.

Unknown_15: So we don't know. I haven't talked about Emberlyn Reed much in a while. I did a video on her many years ago.

Unknown_15: Emberlyn Reed has had, I believe, a total hysterectomy.

Unknown_15: Um, this, this is, she, she, she had ovarian cancer. Uh, I, it was Chantel that had a whole hysterectomy because she had polycystic ovarian syndrome where the cysts in her, her ovaries were so painful that she had to just have it taken out basically. Um, so with Amberlynn, she did have cancer and it, that is one of the few cancers that you can, um,

Unknown_15: I'm sure there are many types of cancers, but that one is like explicitly

Unknown_15: Fat-related. At her age, because what it is is the fat cells in your body, regardless if you're male or female, produce estrogen. So if you are a woman and you are very fat, the estrogen that your body produces affects your normal hormone cycles and body regulation of that hormone and can cause cancer in your reproductive organs as a woman. So that's what happened with her. She had a total hysterectomy due to ovarian cancer at, like... 30?

Unknown_15: I want to say she was when it happened.

Unknown_15: Now, fast forward a couple years later, because I think it was 2020 when that happened, and she has a collapsed lung.

Unknown_15: And her body is only holding up as well as it is because she's so young. But she will definitely die from her weight. She's fat as hell. She's not losing any weight. She might have lost a little bit. I think she lost about 100 pounds, which off of her is not much, but... um and that's because she's dating a black woman who is like a nutritionist i want to say so she's trying to help but you know how they are like at that weight they'll just like order pizza behind your back and shit and eat themselves to death regardless of what you try to do anyways yeah so that's the the amberlynn update anything else i forget

Unknown_15: Who will die first her or chantelle chantelle for sure? God chantelle does so much more shit to her body and she's got a head start in terms of age, too Just eat paleo

Unknown_16: Fringe.

Unknown_15: Oh, if you just eat fucking nuts. You know what, motherfucker? I bet you I could gain weight just eating pistachios. You know how much I like pistachios? That's paleo. That's just like cracked nut. That's paleo as fuck. I would still gain weight if I wasn't counting calories.

Unknown_16: What the fuck is this?

Unknown_15: Toe update. Hold up, hold up. ip2 serial groper diabetic alcoholic ex-call of duty content creator um am i clicking this so ew ew what the fuck that's like a diabetic toe and he's accepting five dollar tips from ip2 to show his diabetic rotting toe fuck that

Unknown_15: IP2 is the worst, man. That's like actual bumfights. People are psychotic and are into this shit.

Unknown_15: Yeah, okay. Blade's toe is rotting off. There you go. Last call before I go into show notes. An hour and a half in.

Unknown_15: Josh, will you ever stop being disgustingly fat? I'm probably going to be under 110 kilograms by the end of this week.

Unknown_15: I don't know. I'm still losing weight. I plateaued a bit when I was eating out more because of the DDoS attacks and stuff, but I'm back on it. I don't know why people are so impatient. I'm not going to fad diet or crash diet.

Unknown_16: You're just going to have to wait.

Unknown_16: Jim Sterling is almost under 800 subscribers again. 800,000.

Unknown_16: I don't eat pizza on Friday. I tell you guys less.

Unknown_15: I eat pizza on Sundays because if I eat pizza today, then I have to eat it just before my stream because of when they open. Um, and that's not good. I feel bloated and gross during the stream if I do that. So I do it afterwards.

Unknown_15: I have zero willpower. I really don't. It's so weird when you're like, I'm losing weight. I'm losing weight consistently. I've been losing weight all year.

Unknown_15: then people are like that's not good enough for me i'm i'm i'm this guy i'm a guy i watch your streams and that's not good enough for me like okay i guess you're gonna have to kill yourself then because i don't know what to tell you i'm not gonna do anything else my goal is like 70 i want to say hold up let me get the exact number i think i want 175 is my goal and that is 80.

Unknown_15: Yeah. 80 kilograms is right. There you go.

Unknown_16: Okay. Show mode. Let's see.

Unknown_16: We are now in the show mode.

Unknown_15: Um, my outro song is kind of gay. So if you want to stick around for my kind of gay outro song, I, I like a lot of like, kind of like Celtic and, uh,

Unknown_15: neo folk stuff for halloween this year so it's kind of in that vein and a lot of people are going to say that's gay when it plays but i don't care i like my music uh okay let's see let's get into it the shilling milk at for 10 says god bless you josh i'm playing for your good health and all our dreams to come true to chat chuck's need thank you milk

Unknown_15: Milk is a big fan. I always see such positivity from him on the Fediverse. Frog God for $60 says, this episode of Manny is brought to you by the Frog Thread. It's slash threads slash 84078.

Unknown_15: Enjoy the stream. Thank you, Frog God.

Unknown_15: Is there like a recent picture of a frog I can put on? You did pay a lot of money just to say that.

Unknown_16: Here.

Unknown_16: Wow, there's a lot of... People post a lot of pictures of frogs in the thread.

Unknown_15: That's very weird. Frogs scare me, because they're kind of like vor monsters. I think I've said this before, but they do have that kind of uncanny, like, vor fetish-looking thing to them.

Unknown_15: Anonymous for 20 says, Thanks for the years of nice streams, Josh. Also...

Unknown_15: oh that's the it's the n-word but in russian which uh i can't there you go i think that's you have to russian is very precise and like it's written exactly how it's pronounced so when you add two g's like that you have to very precisely i think pronounce it for it to be right for people understand what you're saying

Unknown_15: H-T-R-T-U for $1.18 says, is there a chance of .is mirror coming back anytime soon? There's a good reason to bring it back up.

Unknown_15: Maybe, yeah. I'll try to bring up the alternative domains eventually. It won't be .is, though, because the fucking retards in the Icelandic NIC are dragging their feet. They're literally getting the embassy in Reykjavik to verify my passport. So I figured out what he's doing. It's just a waste of time so that we don't use .is. What a total fucking faggot that guy is.

Unknown_15: Um, a suck crack for Dick for three 50 says you talked about liking nonfiction. So I recommend the book called little golden America about two Soviet writers road trip across the U S in 1937. It's both informative and very funny, especially now.

Unknown_15: Um, God, I still have a lot of terms like Russian writing to get through. I want to read the, um, the gulag or page Leo as well. That's a kind of a Russian writing about. So we dare them and meaning to read.

Unknown_15: His book recommendation for anyone listening was Little Golden America.

Unknown_15: Kate Hikes, for one, says, Have a bottle of vodka on me. You can't pay for a bottle of vodka for one dollar, my friend. Only in Ukraine. Holy smokes, is Ukraine cheap? Well, I don't live there right now. Don't know why you leave. Could you probably pay for itself by mining crypto with how cheap the electricity is? Well, a lot of people do. If you're going to mine cryptocurrency, you might as well do it in a place where electricity is very cheap. And... electricity is so cheap in ukraine because they're one of the largest uh producers of nuclear energy in the world they still maintain many nuclear reactors and um it is like per capita like as like a portion of their total energy grade i think ukraine is like the number one behind only france or something like number one or number two and like total energy output versus consumed electricity they actually sell electricity to their neighbors

Unknown_15: uh toilet duck for five says proof josh is a vampire number two florida basements do exist they're extremely rare josh stores the key to his invulnerability his coffin in an exotic florida basement probably with alligators as guards that's an interesting theory i've never been to transylvania though if that's what you're alleging i've never been to romania thankfully only moldova which some people would argue is romania

Unknown_15: Brian C. He made a nice diagram about this in the Mad of the Internet thread on the Kiwi Farms, by the way. His Florida basement deduction.

Unknown_15: Brian C. for 10 says, Hi, Josh. As you know, I am locked up in my...

Unknown_15: I am locked up in my basement with poor internet access because my parents used Baidu and found my thread. And you teach me how to set up my own internet so that I can find a job. This guy emails me every week. His name is Brian C.

Unknown_15: His parents he complains that his parents even though he's an adult his parents have grounded him because of his kiwi farms thread He calls them tiger parents and he complains that as long as that kiwi farm start is up He is not allowed to go outside And I don't know if this is like a running joke or what his thread didn't have like a post in it for over a year And he keeps fucking emailing me. So I don't know if this is like a joke that i'm not in on or what but that's what's happening he and then he sent me like a picture of his parents i'm like bro you sending random people who don't have your best interest in mind pictures of your family and probably why you're under house arrest by your tiger parents very strange guy yeah um who's in control animal control for 10 says why is nearly every outspoken christian a raging degenerate some of them have even some of them even more so than the people they love to shit on uh

Unknown_15: Probably because they have guilt about it, I imagine.

Unknown_15: I think that's a bit of a meme, though. Like, people focus in on that. When someone's a hypocrite... And, um... Then, you know, it's like religion and stuff. Then it gets pointed out. And then you only... Like, you only hear stories about, like, the preacher who's, like, in gay bathrooms cruising for oral sex in the glory hole or whatever. He's never... You never hear about, like...

Unknown_15: Preacher faithfully adheres to the Bible and works his entire life in dedication of Christ. News at 11. Like, that story never gets aired. The story about the preacher fucking the little boy, that one goes, you know, on every news channel.

Unknown_15: So it's a little bit of a confirmation bias when you hear shit like that.

Unknown_15: same with like low-cost republicans too polia dante for 15 says boogie's friend strikes again apparently he's never done anything of his own accord because every time he fucks up it's always a friend told him to do it yeah boogie is an expert at dodging accountability in any way shape or form and he's very like manipulative and you can hear that when he talks to people how manipulative he is

Unknown_15: Fligu Gigu seared bite for five says, answer my email, you spurg. I need to sneed. If you emailed me saying that you're a retard and you locked yourself out of your fucking account, I'm not helping you. Sorry. You can email me your best Fligu Gigu and your favorite Kiwi farmer thread, and I might give you an invite if I don't think you're a retard.

Unknown_15: Stop Moss for 10 says, Kanye is what Tariq was too scared to say. No, Tariq fucks a Jewish woman. That's why he doesn't call out anybody of particular nose size.

Unknown_15: Just in case you're wondering.

Unknown_15: Tyrone for 10 says, Thank you, Tyrone.

Unknown_15: Anonymous for five says, I don't know what to do with my life. Not smart enough for college or computer networking. What job trade should I get into that you think won't be made redundant?

Unknown_16: um service like service industry is never getting replaced uh especially like high-end service like rich people want to be catered to if you can find a way to like suck ass as like uh someone in um like like the service industry you will always have a job because rich rich like even if there is a theoretical future where mcdonald's employees are replaced by robots rich people are gonna want to have slaves so

Unknown_15: And they'll pay pretty well because they need you to keep secrets about them fucking little boys and stuff.

Unknown_15: So service probably won't ever be replaced.

Unknown_16: I wouldn't get into trucking or flying airplanes.

Unknown_16: Too dumb. Get into agriculture. Agriculture.

Unknown_15: Yeah, agriculture. Learn how to farm. Food's always going to be important, and even if they add technology to farming, they're still going to need people to manage farms and stuff. It's probably too hard to completely and totally automate hecta acres of farmland. Get into farming. You're like a retard.

Unknown_15: Women are attracted to men who work with their hands, too, so you won't be an incel if you're a farmer.

Unknown_15: um let me check the can i like easily check the the super chats and the odyssey thing i don't really like an easy way to do that huh let's see oh god i have to like hover over it this is a terrible interface for this how long until registrations are open again secret

Unknown_15: I posted a list of games you could play for bad at video games in the mouth. The internet's right. Any idea when you do another bad video game stream? When I have more time. Simple as. I'm very busy right now.

Unknown_15: Jersh, play Morrowind. Oh god. That would be an incredibly long playthrough. I don't know if I would be up for that.

Unknown_15: Uh, World Wide Web for five says, and then that guy was iracy for five. Uh, World Wide Web for five says, can't wait till Liz Fong Ching Chong's eyes run out of his eye sockets and he kills himself because he wasted what limited time he has crying about a website and chopping his dick off.

Unknown_15: Okay, I've read a statistic that people who suffer like an injury and become disabled, they...

Unknown_15: uh, return to the same baseline of happiness. Like if someone loses their legs, they'll be depressed for about a year. And then after a year, they'll return to their same baseline as happiness. Do you think the suicide rate is higher for being trans or for being suddenly blinded? It's something to think about yet.

Unknown_15: And WorldwideWet for 10 says, keep up the base work, Josh. You are my nigga. Thank you, my Neezy. I appreciate it. I appreciate the tenor, my friend. Oh, God, there's chats on Rumble, too. Oh, God, I don't know how this works.

Unknown_15: Moctezuma's Revenge for 5 says, thank you for all you do. Long live the God Emperor Josh Merrin. Lucas Roberts is a dickless man and always will be. Thank you, Moctezuma's Revenge.

Unknown_15: God, I didn't even know you could do super chats on the fucking Rumble thing. I'm on so many platforms now. I hope nobody's sending me, like, rubles on VK. Okay. I would never know that.

Unknown_15: Fox's for five says stalking sex workers. Are we sure he's not talking about Greer?

Unknown_15: Oh, the true. Yeah, the drop. That's true. Greer does. Should I say that I'm being sued for defamation by Russell Greer? Allegedly, Russell Greer stalked sex workers.

Unknown_15: He is convicted, pled guilty, to stalking a woman, but I don't think she was a sex worker. Though, allegedly, he does stalk sex workers.

Unknown_15: Though they tend to deal with creeps a little bit better than random women do.

Unknown_15: Cynical42 says, If you could humor me, please by playing the intro of the Sunrise Productions intro.

Unknown_15: Okay. Aw, I look like Josh Boone's penis.

Unknown_15: just that part he says that like that's in every intro uh brad for 25 says hey josh your streams keep me sane with how shit the internet is today my childhood friend my childhood best friend true doubt so i've seen how fucked up it is firsthand have a pizza on me keep on sneeting i'm very sorry to hear that um

Unknown_15: It does suck. And they always talk about how, I've read posts about how Troons talk, like, when they transition their friends, refer to them like, was, were, like, oh, yeah, he used to be a great guy. Like, I'm not dead, I'm just a disgusting pervert right now. I'm still here, guys.

Unknown_15: No, everyone's like, oh, he's, like, lost his fucking mind. Sorry. It does suck.

Unknown_15: Anna H for five says being a teenage girl is awful. I'm not surprised telling them what they can opt out magically is popular but quickly regretted. Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. I'm sure that's why a lot of them do it because it's like you're a teenage girl and you're becoming a woman. You have boobs now. Men are going to look at you very differently. They're going to look at you in a predatory way and you're going to feel uncomfortable. People are going to treat you differently. Um, it's awkward. Your hormones are running high. People at school treat you like shit. There's like horrible clicks that are all over the place. And I think, fuck, if I was just a man, everything would be so much simpler. And then they transition and they're like, Oh, I'm not really a man. Um, I've just ruined my body. And then they regret it. It was very sad. it's very sad because it's like a it's like a false it's like a false hope like you don't want to deal with this shit we'll just become a dude dude it sounds like you're it sounds like you're all if you don't like the if you if you're not happy in high school chances are you're actually meant to be a woman and or man depending on what you're born as if you're not happy I mean everybody's happy cis people are happy in high school everyone's happy in high school but if you're not then you're probably transgender and if you just take these magical pills you'll enjoy high school and things will be alright and you won't be depressed anymore and they take it and they're like oh I fucked up my whole life I'm gonna kill myself now wow this sucks

Unknown_15: Hurt to hurt hit her too for one says he sounds like doodle tones Doodle tones a troon from an old Medicare video Who I don't know who this is directed.

Unknown_16: Oh the the troon since here again.

Unknown_15: I don't know who that is. Sorry I Steen them feed them for 10 says why does sincere sound like toggle the rat? Oh

Unknown_15: what's funny is that people dug up old videos and you can see that he's like adjusted his voice thing over time and it used to be less obnoxious and now it's just like completely insufferable so this is like his his favorite like compared to all the others it's his his ideal form

Unknown_15: Anonymous for five says, when I think of these people wanting to hurt kids with a trans shit, I see red. How do you keep it from getting to you? Genuine question. I have bradycardia, and my pulse never goes over 60, even when I'm heartlessly running down people of gender in the street. No, it's the serenity prayer. You have to remember that you have a finite amount of control over the world around you. There's very little that you are directly responsible for. and if things are out of your control you just have to remember that they're out of your control and if you want to actually genuinely effectuate change you have to think of a way to do that um but there's no there's literally no point getting upset about things you have no influence over at all and if you feel motivated to to try and change things go for it um but don't sit there and be you know be angry about it it doesn't do anything

Unknown_15: Antioch for five says, are you still planning on doing a person stream this month? Yes. I feel like doing one on Shadman, as you mentioned a while back would be pretty apropos. I don't even know what the creep is up to right now. It would not be Shadman.

Unknown_15: Um, I'm still, cause he's still on trial and shit. First name, last name for 10 says, I curse you, Joshua moon. I curse you in the name of you, you Haka show.

Unknown_15: Okay. I'll buy it. You pay $10. I'll figure out who the fuck this is.

Unknown_15: Yu Yu Hakusho is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. The series tells the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent who is struck and killed by a car while attempting to save a child's life. After a number of tests presented to him by Konma, the son of the ruler of the Afterlife Underworld, Yusuke is revived and appointed the title of Underworld Detective, in which he must investigate various cases involving demons and apparitions.

Unknown_15: The manga becomes more focused on martial arts battles and tournaments as it progresses.

Unknown_15: It has 175 chapters.

Unknown_16: Are you fucking kidding me?

Unknown_16: Wow, that's crazy. Japan sure is a country.

Unknown_15: true and shine for two says jerse i need advice on a reasonable price to pay for a non-circulated 2021 quick coin please uh i mean what does non-circulating mean are people using this for currency in some place i don't know bro like probably like 60 bucks would probably be fair uh i the last ones i sold went for like 55 and then people paid like hundreds for the last four that i had

Unknown_15: uh kiwi enthusiast oh kiwi enthusiast i got you uh for five says john stewart is a jew are you really surprised he's disingenuous ps have you heard about the factorio dev putting his game on to 10k rubles for russians since the invasion of ukraine began yes i have heard of that dick move kind of pointless russians will just pirate your stupid fucking game anyways so what's the point i guess it's just like virtue signaling

Unknown_15: I think that virtue signaling like that is only okay if you're Russian. Or not if you're Russian, but Ukrainian. Like the guys virtue signal pretty hard, but one of their devs is Ukrainian. If you're Ukrainian and you want to virtue signal and do stupid shit like that, that's completely pointless. Go for it. But if you're like a fat American neckbeard autist, shut the fuck up. Your opinion doesn't matter. Literally nobody cares. What the... Why are you going to deprive Russians of a video game to virtue signal against Putin? Do you think Putin plays Factorio? Do you think Putin's children or grandchildren play Factorio? Do you think that if Putin or his children or his grandchildren play Factorio, they could not afford 10,000 rubles to buy the fucking game? Do you think that any of them would not just pirate it to begin with? No, that's stupid. It's completely retarded. It's just for attention.

Unknown_15: Um, as far as Jon Stewart goes, I don't know. I mean, he seemed to make sense when I was a kid, you know, uh, I, people blame him for popularizing the format of making news into comedy, uh, which is a fair, fair thing, but he did it the best.

Unknown_15: No, uh, now it's people like John, uh, John Oliver, who's just fucking horrific to listen to just the worst.

Unknown_15: Low-tax stream win, says Reggie, for five. Maybe this month. Who knows? Near for two says, do you know Ethan Klein is married? Did you read that? Yes, actually. I did know that. Fun fact, in case you did not know this, but Ethan Klein is married to Hila Klein, who is this lovely woman.

Unknown_15: People are just going to donate money so I have to do the Daft Jets video.

Unknown_15: That's going to get annoying fast. It has to be organic. It has to be organic. Question Mark for 250 says, what is your favorite sauce for donor kebab? Kebab.

Unknown_15: Um, I always get like a different one. I don't have like a favorite. I like, um, like garlicky sauce a lot. I like spicy sauce. I get whatever. I usually, if I don't know what anything is and I get something, I just get whatever it says spicy on the menu. I'll get that.

Unknown_15: Yeah. For two says you reminded me, uh, also how apparently that potato face Gremlin Greta Thunberg spoke out recently, how Germany fucked up on not going all in on using nuclear energy.

Unknown_16: Really?

Unknown_16: Well, I mean, hindsight's 2020.

Unknown_15: I didn't see Greta Thunberg out there saying, how dare you your over-reliance on Russian or Russian natural grass deprives my generation of a future.

Unknown_14: How dare you? It should have been nuclear 20 years ago. It should have been nuclear.

Unknown_15: I didn't know. She wasn't saying that she was, uh, being a fucking fat potato and not doing anything of use to anyone.

Unknown_15: Small kitten for five. If you had to choose one, would you rather live in the UK or India? India. Namaskoward for one says, funny how Hasan... To clarify, I would never live in the UK ever under these circumstances.

Unknown_15: If I lived in India...

Unknown_15: God, I don't know. I don't even know. It's such a shithole. It doesn't even matter. It would be like how I lived in Manila. I would just find a nice apartment someplace and live away from the poverty. You know what I mean? Not to shit on Indians or Filipinos too bad, but...

Unknown_15: anonymous coward for once we can't escape england anonymous coward for once says funny how hasan the egomaniac whines at the six foot dude you should conduct yourself better but immediately squares up with a small asian dude he said indian but he's asian yeah that's what i said he's a coward

Unknown_15: Kolya Dante for 15 says a Twitch streamer who spurts out in public and yells about fucking people's mothers. Hassan's is just a shorter Keffels, probably a weaker one too. I bet you a Keffels could kick Hassan's ass. That would be the funny one. If he, if Keffels just came out in the deadpan voice and was like, Hassan, I'm going to fuck your mother. In the ring? No! In real life! I'm gonna fuck your mother! Just like that.

Unknown_15: Me and Keffels were on the vocal fry short bus together so I just have to do my voice but louder and more emotionally dead to achieve a Keffels voice.

Unknown_15: Ropana for four says, hi, Josh. I've enjoyed your show this week. Thank you for protecting Kiwi from some DDoS attacks. I hope the VPS providers will help you keep this website up. Thank you and have a great weekend, Republic of Korea flag. Thank you. Yes, I'm trying my best. I am going over this weekend. I'm going to start cooting again. Because I have something that I want to build, and hopefully in the future I will have a DDoS protection that I can use for multiple websites, and my setup will just be more slick and put together, and something I can maybe share with people and provide protection to other websites. But yeah, actually I'm curious, because I sent...

Unknown_15: No, not yet. Still waiting. I was hoping that maybe that thing I've been waiting on would be done by the end of the stream, but it's not. It might be done by tonight, though.

Unknown_16: We'll see.

Unknown_15: um near for one actually kira yuma for 15 says eat the pizza while streaming no i my mukbang career as short-lived as it was is now over i now have time to do other things besides eat burger and fix my website so i will i will simply eat my pizza privately and enjoy it as i do near for one says speaking of gulag literature a will depart a memoir of the gulag by gustav hurling

Unknown_15: That's a Polish name. Gustav Herling Grudzinski was a mandatory read at our school, and it was really, really good. Author fought at Monte Cassino. There you go. A World Apart, A Memoir of the Gulag.

Unknown_18: Yeah, there's a lot of books I could read.

Unknown_15: I would definitely want to read the Gulag Arpeggio first. If I could read anything right now, that's probably what I would read.

Unknown_15: PPPooPooMan for five says, First stream I ever caught live. Love your work, Josh. Or Jersh, keep it up. The Gulag Arpeggio was a literal life-changing book for me, so get to it. And we'll speak of... Fuck, maybe I have to now.

Unknown_15: Neighbor Rape Camper, number 69420. What the fuck? Neighbor Rape Camper. What the fuck does that mean?

Unknown_15: Number 69420 says, Autistic people are fascinating. Thank you for keeping a wonderful catalog of them and their antics.

Unknown_15: I try my best.

Unknown_18: Okay.

Unknown_15: Let me double check the other ones as well. No more Rumble. No more on Odyssey. I think I'm done.

Unknown_15: Thank you everyone for your support. I appreciate it both your kind words of support your letters I get a lot like I'm sorry if I don't reply to emails. I get a lot of emails I don't have time to reply to all of them. I do read I do read all of them So I think for everyone who sent me letters of support emails of support advice offered help offered money and

Unknown_15: The last few weeks, I've seen a lot, a lot, a lot of different kinds of offers being thrown at me, so I do appreciate it. I hope you've enjoyed the stream. The Mad at the Internet site will be up as soon as I can. I'm waiting on that thing that I've been waiting on since December before I can pick a deck up without Cloudflare, but once it's up, there are...

Unknown_15: I think 500, I will have 500 patches ready to go. Just ready to go, sitting at a 3PL, ready to sell. I will have that up as soon as I can because I like money.

Unknown_15: So on that note, I appreciate it, everyone. I hope I covered everything. I appreciate the super chats and stuff. Make sure, last check, make sure that I didn't miss any. Nope. Okay. I will see you guys next Friday. Bye-bye.

Unknown_02: There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword. He will tear your city down. Olé! Olé! O Lord!

Unknown_02: Olé! Olé! Olé! O Lord! He will tear your city down. Olé! Olé! O Lord!

Unknown_02: There will come a poet whose weapon is his word. He will slay you with his tongue.

Unknown_02: Oh, yeah.

Unknown_08: The greatest man I never knew came home late every night. He never had too much to say.

Unknown_08: Too much was on his mind.

Unknown_08: Now it seems so sad Everything he gave to us, to the girl he had