0:03:20 Unknown_17: Ugh, it's fucking doing it again. I can't really explain how much I hate having to set up OBS. You can hear it. Why is it fucking looping? It does this constantly. Unknown_17: You hear it? Where could that possibly be coming from? Unknown_18: Could it? Unknown_18: Wait. 0:03:52 Unknown_18: Wait, did nobody else hear it? Unknown_18: Wait. Unknown_18: Wrong data. Listen. Unknown_17: Listen. You listen here. I do a lot of shit, okay? I'm a busy boy. I work hard every day. And I don't always have time to get things set up like anything. I think I fixed it, actually. Unknown_17: Can I hear the feedback loop still? Unknown_17: We'll find out. Unknown_17: i've only done this a hundred times literally a hundred thousand fucking times desktop audio output should be like monitoring i should have that disabled okay well i don't hear it anymore okay fine fine we're done with this 0:04:44 Unknown_17: It's Mike Oldfield, by the way. Lots of British shit happening recently. It's the Death Note team. I have split this stream into two parts, basically, in my notes. I have first the good old-fashioned updates on some good old-fashioned boys, and then I have the Tranny War, the continuation of the Tranny War. You still hear it? Unknown_17: You can hear the echo? I don't believe you. Unknown_17: I put it back on, but it's not looping anymore. I can't hear myself talking, and that's what matters. I think the issue is that I had a second thing enabled that I shouldn't have had enabled, and now it's fixed. 0:05:16 Unknown_17: Right. Fascinating content for the people who are going to be listening to the VOD. Unknown_17: Where should I even begin? Unknown_17: Remind me, chat, because I am completely... Unknown_17: I'm completely lost right now. The site has not been up since last stream, right? 0:05:52 Unknown_17: Refreshment, when did the site come back up? It was like September 30th, wasn't it? Unknown_18: Or the Sunday after? Unknown_18: Vodbros felt it, yeah. Unknown_17: News as shit. The 28th. Okay, so my last stream, it's been up for two days. And it's been mostly up for the last week. Unknown_17: So I remember now. So this week has been pretty stable. Unknown_17: I have figured out a system that kind of sort of works and they are testing it. They're testing it at every level and that's okay. Cause it's staying up mostly. And we'll see if that, that continues, that trend continues. Um, 0:06:25 Unknown_17: So just to kind of frame it, yeah, this is the first week since it's been back up. I have secured things. I have brought things back online. Things are kind of working as they should. There's some more stuff that I need to fix. Unknown_17: But the site is kind of continuing on as it used to. So it's not so gimpy anymore. Unknown_17: With that said, um, let's look at some, some happenings, some happenings for, for everybody. Cause there have been a little bit of, of genuine, like, you know, old stuff that I would talk about before, before the true nation attacked. 0:07:04 Unknown_17: Uh, I, I talked about dream a long time ago. Dream had a face docs because he was fat. He was like with a soccer coach or something. Unknown_17: this was a hotly contested thing if this dox was real or not uh here we have dream doing his face reveal i'll play that now i'm dropping it there he is Unknown_17: He has like a pretty boy face. I don't know who he reminds me of. I think he kind of reminds me of Vic Lasagna, Vic Mignogna. He has that kind of like pretty boy face to him. 0:07:45 Unknown_17: People make fun of his chin. I would make fun of him most for his stupid fucking hair. If that's a perm, he needs to fix that shit like ASAP because that's pretty gnarly. Unknown_17: I don't know what's wrong with Zoomers bringing back 80s hair, but it's pretty fucking appalling. Unknown_17: This was his other picture, just to kind of give you a comparison. 0:08:18 Unknown_17: The right was the picture that had been leaked, and the left is the picture of him that just got published. Pretty obviously the same guy. His proportions are different because his face is less fat, so things are less stretched. His nose is less broad. His chin looks way bigger because the rest of his face is smaller. Unknown_17: um but it's definitely him which is i mean he did the smart thing by denying it i guess by coming out and saying like i don't know who this kid is but you guys are really harassing him for no reason i feel bad for him uh but yeah as it goes it wasn't even the kiwi farms that doxed him i don't think it was some random troll group that figured out his uh rent or his residential address based off of like corporate filings and shit 0:09:08 Unknown_17: So that's the dream thing. Apparently people are upset about this, people on Twitter. I don't know who. Everyone has mentioned this because it's like he's a no-face streamer, but he's also like the biggest Minecraft YouTuber, which is why, in case you're wondering why it's a thing to even mention. Unknown_17: Apparently some fangirls were upset that he isn't like a dreamsicle or whatever. I don't know if they're going to make a couch out of him anymore, but we'll see. Unknown_17: My theory is that he was holding off a face reveal until he lost weight. I think that he probably just hired a physical trainer because he's got lots of money to lose weight with. I was like, okay, that's cool. Good job, I guess. 0:09:42 Unknown_17: Couldn't care less. Unknown_17: Well, I do. I find it interesting. Unknown_17: I don't know why. Unknown_17: I guess because it was such a mystery. This I find much more interesting. Foodie Booty has now started wearing a hijab. On this, the first month of the beginning of Ramadan, we'll take a look at her in a hijab. Here he is, just chilling. Unknown_13: Well, honestly, because you know that I have been very overwhelmed with a lot of attention in general, I guess, that I'm getting online. I know that I need to... 0:10:19 Unknown_13: It's very interesting to me that she has managed to wear this hijab, but she has not managed to cover her double chin. Unknown_17: If I was her and I was wearing a hijab, I would definitely take the extra set. Like, okay, she's bald. Now you can no longer see that she's bald. That's a positive. If I was her, I would take the extra mile and cover up that double chin. Unknown_17: She looks a lot like Amy Ramadan, who I don't have a picture of to pull up to compare. I mean, it's just like a fat lady. You can't see anything but her face like her face has no details because she's very fat. So, yeah, she's going to look like any other fat white woman who's wearing a hijab. However. 0:10:51 Unknown_17: I brought this up a long time ago. It's one of my favorite memes ever. I don't know why. It makes me laugh hysterically. And whenever I talk about Islamic stuff, I always like to go, I'm going to convert to Islam. I'm not joking here. And it's because of this fantastic video, which I will now play because I love it so much. 0:11:25 Unknown_03: I was like, hey, F you, F you. They're like, oh, yeah. And then I was like, I want to follow Islam. Unknown_03: I guess that's the dynamic here. Actually, yeah. Unknown_17: I played this before, but I don't care. I really love this video. Unknown_03: I'm not joking here. 0:11:59 Unknown_17: If you're only listening, this is like an intro slide. There's wacky cuts, but it's mostly just Alex Jones sitting next to some guy from the studio talking to him about how he wants to convert to Islam. What you hear is what you get, basically. Unknown_03: Can we go back to Allah Akbar? Allah Akbar. Channing, Allah Akbar. Unknown_02: Oh, yeah. Unknown_20: Oh, Allah Akbar. Oh, God, that's going to be awesome. Oh, God. Oh, God. 0:12:31 Unknown_03: I mean, we're evil folks that think it's weird to call for Islamic jihad and Islamic real law. Unknown_17: I've never listened to Alex Jones' show. I've tried listening to it during the Trump era, but he plugs his shit so much that I can't stand it. He just shills constantly, and I find it extremely off-putting. Unknown_17: Uh, but is it normal for that other guy owen to look so completely tapped out? Like he could not give less of a fuck about what alex is saying And alex is like so dismissive of him and he just talks over him, too This entire attack is on the species. 0:13:04 Unknown_03: Make no mistake. I'm a huge deal. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh Like oh my gosh. Oh my gosh I want to hear more about this Okay, maybe anyways, hey, let's get serious here Unknown_03: I guarantee you God is great. Allah Akbar. You know, and they just scream. And they just scream. Who bought them TVs, bitch? Tell me that. Unknown_19: And they just scream. 0:13:43 Unknown_19: and the truth of the matter is now is the best time to do it because god is great so so there's so many people out there that are taking advantage of this time because god is great in time in history saudi arabia men must accompany women outdoors type that in bingo wait no that's not the bingo oh it's going up bingo exactly that's why he did it so so i mean he looks so annoying Unknown_03: I'm sitting here with literal lesbian dressed like a guy. I mean, this has reached next level. Unknown_19: I mean, you said this yesterday. Unknown_19: I'm dead serious. I was actually thinking about that. Because at one point, I don't really do that. Unknown_03: But if you record me all the time, maybe sometime I'd say something like that. The point is, God is great. Allah Akbar. God is great. Allah Akbar. Beat him up. In your face. Move. 0:14:40 Unknown_19: Get out of the way. Unknown_03: You see them headlights? Unknown_19: You see me knock them curtains down? Hey, you know what though, Alex? Of all the pathetic products, Yeah, we're going to plug. Unknown_03: I see that every time. They say train is off the tracks. Laugh out loud. Hey, they're going to sell out in the next few days. It's the official conversion. High quality. Unknown_17: This is what Chantel bought. One of these. Unknown_03: It's only $9. Unknown_17: They're going to probably sell out today. Unknown_03: I need to make some money. We're making much money on this. Do yourself a favor. Go check out the new Islam conversion kit. They're already discounted. So support us. 0:15:11 Unknown_03: One more. I got to get one more because God is great. Yeah, but you want to see the next level, fund us. Unknown_17: So anyways, Chantel, there's more. I'll cut it off there. I've already played three and a half minutes of it. Unknown_17: So Chantel bought a Islamic conversion kit from Alex Jones, and now she's starting to wear hijab in public, the most baffling display of life. Like, remember four years ago, however long it was ago, that she started YouTube and I started, like, making fun of her. 0:15:46 Unknown_17: The funniest thing about her was that she ate a lot of pizza. Like she pulled out a big old pizza and then she would say, why am I not losing weight? It's like, cause you eat a lot. Unknown_17: And then she would say, no, no, no. You don't understand. Like I'm an expert dietitian. Unknown_17: What? It's over. Unknown_18: I just need has failed me. Oh no. Unknown_18: Um, let's see here. Unknown_18: What's going on? I have just received... Boofers. Okay, I don't want to see that. 0:16:23 Unknown_17: Odyssey is boofering. Unknown_17: Looks like Odyssey has stopped boofering. That's a good sign. Unknown_17: I will link the... I don't know if the... Unknown_17: The other links are doing better. My computer is really lagging. I don't know why the fuck that is, but I'll link the other links just in case. Unknown_17: And if there's an issue, I even set Odyssey to lower settings and everything, so I don't know why the fuck. Unknown_17: Okay, so you can use the rumble, or you can refresh or whatever. And I'll pin this message. 0:17:02 Unknown_17: We have to do this every stream now. We have to stop and fix this stream every stream. Unknown_18: Anyways, let me continue with my reminiscing about Chantel. Unknown_17: So four years ago, Chantel was fat and she sat down and she ate a pizza and she said, Dear Internet, I do not know why I am fat despite my impeccable health and dietary restraint. And everyone said to Chantel, Chantel, you are fat mathematically because you eat too much. To which she replied, no internet, you do not understand. There are good carbs and there are bad carbs. There are good calories and empty calories. And it is through these complex quantum physics of in and out, I will lose weight by eating everything that I want. 0:17:36 Unknown_17: And for years, this was her content chat. And then one day, she had cancer. And the cancer became a total hysterectomy. She lost her reproductive organs. And even though she had never wanted children, and even though she had aborted Pete's child... 0:18:12 Unknown_17: She suddenly mourned the loss of her ability to have children and sunk into a depression where she took a lot of weed, a lot of edibles every day and would just green out and just sit on the bed in a whale position, beach whale position, staring at her camera phone, going, hey guys, I had so many edibles. And she would do that for like eight hours a day every day. And then... Unknown_17: This saga was broken by the introduction of Nader, who is an Egyptian Islam and a meth doer and woman stabber and crack doer. And he got Chantal to taste a sweet, sweet crystal. And she was hooked and she enjoyed the abusive relationship. But she only got out of because her jealousy pushed her out of it when he wanted to open the relationship and bang two fat bitches at once. She was not down for that. A few women are. 0:19:06 Unknown_17: Then, from there, she has become a strong, independent woman who don't need no man. But yet, she actually really does need a man. She cannot feel validated unless she has a boyfriend or something. And she hates white men because she's in Canada. And all the white men in Canada are like Pete's. There are no real men in Canada. There's only people like Pete's. And like most people, Chantel would rather die than be in a monogamous relationship with someone like Pete's. 0:19:39 Unknown_17: So, to find a man, she has to look outside of Canada. And what are her options? Her options are immigrants and brown people who would like to become immigrants. So, before I spoil it, let me go ahead and play this video, actually. This is about two and a half minutes. This is Pete's reaction to the hijab. Unknown_17: This is Piggy, by the way. Piggy is like her only good clipping channel now on YouTube. Unknown_10: i think she's i think the plan is for to only wear it whenever she's actually talking to the dude something like that she only wants to wear it when she's talking to men okay uh i hope she doesn't move to kuwait let's go it's not just for the it's not just for views 0:20:29 Unknown_10: It's because she... How is she not losing weight with the help of meth? Unknown_17: Asked pandas live in caves, which I don't think is true. But the answer is she eats a lot. She does a lot of meth and then she eats a lot. You would be surprised at the fat meth heads you see in Florida. Unknown_10: Is very impulsive. Unknown_10: I disagree that that's really what she's doing, Zoe. Chantel is a very sincere person. She's just not... She just doesn't really think things through fully. She's sincere, she's just impulsive. Akira, I mean, I've got accounts on a couple of dating apps. Millennials have significantly lower homeownership than baby boomers at the same point in their lives. 0:21:03 Unknown_10: Every fucking... It's the only fucking thing that people like you know can think of. gender studies oh it's gender they're all studying gender studies all the degrees in gender studies they forgot about theoretical basket waving and interpretive dance Unknown_10: always always always fucking gender studies every fucking old ass jackass who's trying to who's trying to complain about the youth today or the kids today every fucking time every single goddamn motherfucking time gender studies 0:21:59 Unknown_17: I don't know if this has to do with head attire, but I like it. By the way, he's exhibiting something I pointed out before, but I enjoyed pointing it out, so I'll point it out again. When you talk to somebody who has only received information from a single source, like someone who's never had their opinions challenged critically at all, or who doesn't have a good response, usually Redditors, because they read a completely filtered view of the world through the front page of Reddit, when they are confronted on what they believe, Unknown_17: they just do this like they'll yell at you and they'll mock you and they'll just say like what oh you're such an idiot that's the thing that they mostly do you're such an idiot you're so ill-informed you're such a dummy you don't know like i can't believe you believe that and they'll just like repeat that over and over again 0:22:47 Unknown_17: Without making any kind of attempt to, like, address the criticism at all. And Destiny kind of pointed this out in one of his streams. And I'll talk about Destiny in a bit because he's relevant. But he pointed out how people on both sides have, like, this media bubble that they live in where they only see, like, a very select, like, understanding of the world. um and when they they meet each other if they ever bump into each other they'll just think like the other person is the most misinformed retard on the planet because it's like how do you not how do you not know the things that i know 0:23:23 Unknown_17: That's like a real midwit giveaway. To not understand the compartmentalization of information and how A doesn't necessarily know what B knows and how those people might not know what you know and shit. Unknown_17: Not even midwit. I don't know. Unknown_17: take maybe a midway because you would just if you're like if you're like 100 IQ and you partake in the news the news cycle and read it and shit you think that you're super well informed and then you just assume that everybody else is and everybody else who doesn't know what you know is immediately a retard do dumb people think like that though like really dumb people I imagine they do huh I don't know I feel like if you 0:24:10 Unknown_17: If you like asked a redneck about something, he wouldn't be surprised that you don't know something that he knows. Unknown_17: Cause he'd be like, Oh, of course the city slicker doesn't know how to fix his fancy German car. Why would he? He's a fucking city slicker. Unknown_17: Yeah. Dumb people do. Okay. Maybe dumb people don't think at all. Unknown_18: The Scott Adams reflex. I haven't listened to Scott Adams in forever. Unknown_17: I tried to like him during the Trump shit too. Unknown_17: But he's like real... He thinks he's... He's like a Sargon. He thinks he's smarter than he is. He really thinks he's like a seer. And he's not. He's just like this old guy. Did he break up... 0:24:47 Unknown_17: wasn't he fucking like this trophy wife and then uh did they break up he and his trophy wife because i remember that was like his claim to fame was like i'm an old guy but i'm fit and i bang i smashed the young box i need an update on my uh my scott adams lore are they still together caught adams your mic cracks a little bit i can cut it up a little bit i really don't know what to say about that 0:25:27 Unknown_18: She left him. Wonderful. Unknown_18: No, Keemstar was the one that had, like, a stepdaughter, and she left him. Unknown_17: Can't have Chantel. Anyway, actually, let me play this. I like Pete's getting mad. Unknown_10: Gender studies! Fuck off! Hey, Alicia. It's harder to get on. Unknown_17: She dumped the kids on him? For real? That's funny. You have a high-paying job if you don't go to college? Unknown_10: You have a minor in gender studies? Great. So it's a minor. What's your fucking name? Like, having a minor in something is fine. Well, no, I don't work hard at all. Unknown_10: The fuck is this Like a foodie booty white knight, he looks like Patrick Tomlinson No way 0:26:24 Unknown_17: Scott Adams' wife divorced him and took his dog? Are you fucking kidding me? Is that a joke? Unknown_17: I have to do some reading up on Scott Adams. That sounds really funny. I have his book, actually. Or my mom might. I don't know if I left my book behind when I moved to Ukraine. I had his book. Not How to Win Bigly, the one before that. How to Fill Out Everything and Still Come Out Big. I have that book. Unknown_05: That's just a fat guy I understand Okay, one more one more foodie booty update. This is the the legendary a 0:26:59 Unknown_17: This is the reason why she wears the hijab now. They found him. His name is Al-Satan Salah. And he's a Kuwaiti that she has met on... Your beauty is irresistible. Ooh, my dude. 0:27:30 Unknown_17: That's what passes for irresistible down in Kuwait, huh? Unknown_17: I mean, go for it, I guess. He has a suit. That's a step up. Unknown_18: I don't have a suit. Actually, I do have a suit somewhere. It's not a nice Applebee's suit, though. Unknown_18: In abundance in the... 0:28:10 Unknown_17: Anyways, he says, you know, you have to be modest. Islam is all about modesty, and that's what she says. She says that she's being modest now. She's going to continue to run her OnlyFans, but she's going to be modest while doing it. Going to be modest for Allah and for her new boyfriend, and then she's going to do what she has to do to make ends meet by showing her butthole on OnlyFans. Unknown_17: Now, for something completely different. This is a guy that I've never talked about before and I don't know anything about, but I'm going to make fun of him because this is really, really funny. This here is a crippled furry at a furry convention. From what I understand, the wheelchair is not necessary. He just chooses to wear it because he wants to be identified as crippled. And here we will have a genuine, hard fight at a furry convention, which I will break down in a second and watch because it's only 30 seconds. 0:28:45 Unknown_09: faggot. And you know what? I suck dick for cock. Alright? I suck dick for cock. Unknown_07: And what do you do? Unknown_09: A tech job? Hey. Unknown_09: Pressing charges. Pressing charges. Pressing charges. Pressing charges. Hey. You attacked a disabled trans people. Piece of shit. Man. Come and get him. 0:29:18 Unknown_08: Come and get me bitch! You faggot! Come and get me! Unknown_17: Okay, for those listening, I will now break this down. I need like an intermission slide here. Unknown_09: Bag it. Unknown_17: Here we have a zoom in. It's TikTok. We're in vertical mode in the obnoxious hellscape that is TikTok land. Center Tech says furry convention canceled for being transphobic. 0:29:50 Unknown_17: We have a very scrawny man in a wheelchair wheeling up. He is yelling the F slur. Oh, geez. At an unidentified individual. Unknown_09: And you know what? I sucked it for fuck. Unknown_17: He is now yelling at a man in an elephant costume that he sucks dick for cock, to which the audience repeats back in disbelief. Unknown_17: He is now wheeled over to a third person in a blue shirt and indignantly asked, are you working some kind of tech job? Because, you know, Silicon Valley homosexuals. 0:30:27 Unknown_17: Not as base as the trans body of fur, which sucks dick for cock. Unknown_17: Now, he turns over and I think he, let's look, I don't know, I can't say this for sure. Let's look back at this. Unknown_17: The guy in blue is holding... I didn't notice this because it's a blue phone. He's holding a camera phone in horizontal landscape mode, so he's getting more of the picture. Unknown_17: um suck dick for cock walks up and which sounds like a text speech name like a donation alert name and uh he does he uses his balled up fist to knock uh tech guys blue phone out of his hand uh to which uh i uh he does not respond well at all he's very upset about this 0:31:20 Unknown_17: he grabs suck dick for cock by the by the nape and by the back of the wheelchair and i think that's called a suplex like when you sit down to drag someone down with you and this effectively flips suck dick for cocks wheelchair over um tech guy now stands up and walks away he has he has floored suck dick for cock who is now his wheelchair is upside down But he is still on his butt, so he's not really, like, as far as his posture has gone, he is still upright, as far as he can be. Unknown_17: Now this is my favorite part of the entire thing. So Suck Dick for Cock is out of his wheelchair, and he is pointing at Tech Guy, and he now starts to yell, I'm pressing charges. Unknown_09: Pressing charges! Pressing charges! Pressing charges! Unknown_17: The crowd is indignant, shouting, you started it. 0:32:20 Unknown_17: He attacked a disabled trans people and then he realized that he's not multiple people at least not right now Corrects himself trans person, but he is not done. He is right. He is ready to get revengeance on this guy. So Unknown_17: He starts to aggressively butt scooch towards Tech Guy. Unknown_17: If you're only listening, imagine a dog wiping his ass on the carpet. His butthole itches badly, and he needs to scratch it, but he's also trying to fetch a ball at the same time. This is what is literally happening with this retarded person on my screen. Unknown_09: Big man! Come and get me, bitch! Come and get me, bitch! 0:33:01 Unknown_08: You faggot! Come and get me! Unknown_17: In the background looking on in disbelief is a man in a dog costume in BDSM leathers, like a muzzle and shit. And he's just like, holy fuck, this is retarded. Is he wearing a diaper? I don't know. He's wearing a skirt, though. There's a second video I've not seen, so I'm going to go check that out and see if this one is any different. This is a minute long, so twice as long. 0:33:33 Unknown_17: This is the same recorder. So this might not be the same incident. This is it might be a the preamble You know, it's real good when the the trans cripple starts signing statutes at you in the middle of a fucking forest Unknown_17: Liz-Lizania Bobitz says, I'm a cripple and there's no way a cripple can scoot around like that. That is what many people believe. I think a lot of people look at his legs and say there's like so much muscle mass on those. There's no way that he's actually crippled. 0:34:06 Unknown_09: ...shit to me! Unknown_09: Well, yeah. Well, fuck them. Fuck FC! You ableist pieces of shit! Unknown_09: You bigoted, transphobic pieces of shit! Fuck you! Unknown_17: From what I understand, this guy has like a history of having meltdowns at furry conventions. And everyone in the thread just like... Their main draw to the thread is that they like to see this guy have meltdowns in public at furry conventions. So they're getting their money's worth here. 0:34:39 Unknown_19: Bring it home! Unknown_09: Stare, bitches! Take the veil down! This is your fandom! You pieces of shit! Unknown_09: Shut up, bitch! Unknown_17: That makes him angrier more than anything. Getting suplexed by tech guy, eh, whatever. The woman? The woman saying, continue what you're doing and ignore the freak of nature? How fucking dare you say to ignore me? I am a trans person and you are but a lowly wench. Silence thyself. 0:35:12 Unknown_09: Yeah, fuck you. You white cisgendered piece of shit. Unknown_17: You're white. Is he not white? Is he white? How do I do an echo effect without like a voice thing? Unknown_17: Is that effective to do that? I think he's white, Chet. Unknown_09: Fuck you. You're what makes a fandom miserable. 0:35:53 Unknown_17: This woman's like I'm sorry that you that something bad happened to you and he's just like angry face shut up winch I don't I don't stoop. I will not ordain myself from my throne to notice you Yeah, fill me all you want motherfucker. Unknown_09: Come here. Unknown_17: Come here I paid Unknown_17: Oh, that's like right before the confrontation. There's a tech guy over there. Okay. Unknown_17: That's the last thing a glow neighbor sees before his untimely demise. There's a man in a wheelchair rolling at him saying, I paid taxes. It's the cavalry. It's the Panzerkampf. 0:36:33 Unknown_17: It's much more familiar. We have Ethan Ralph. This is 10 minutes long. I'm not sure. I'll play. This is just the intro. I'll play a little bit of it. I'm not sure what's going on here. So what happened is a long time ago when Mae was still pregnant, I think, Ralph was driving. He was driving to Texas. This was when he was having his big bowling event with Dick Masterson that got swatted, I think. 0:37:13 Unknown_17: But he drove from Virginia to Texas and drove with May, who was very pregnant at the time, like eight months pregnant. Unknown_17: And he filmed himself the entire time, so he ended up filming multiple grievous traffic violations. Unknown_17: He might play it here. Unknown_17: One thing in particular was submitted to a Like a retards driving youtube channel that just posts videos of retards driving. So ralph gets his word in He's telling behind two semis right now He's very angry he's now driving on the shoulder 0:38:03 Unknown_17: Uh may remember may is pregnant. She's the one filming this so she's eight months pregnant Ralph is driving on the the shoulder of the highway going about at least 80 He's now pulling back from the shoulder to the left lane and I believe he starts to break check the semi the 18-wheeler behind him And he starts shouting I bet you won't fucking hit me as he does this now you see that semi tractor trailer 0:38:50 Unknown_06: in the left lane, endangering everybody on that road by driving so slow on the left-hand side. He is bottling up the entire highway. He's making traffic. bumper to bumper thereby increasing the odds of a wreck this guy increases the odds of a wreck listen to me listen to me if you listen to nothing else from my show ever if you're in the left hand lane and you're going slower than somebody else get over Unknown_17: He's angry just thinking. Look at it. Look at that pig face. He's angry just thinking about it. 0:39:33 Unknown_17: Try driving in Florida. You want to see some bad drivers? Go to Florida. Driving in Florida is the most hellacious thing you'll ever go through. I routinely took trips from Atlanta to Pensacola. You have about a six-hour drive. You have about an hour or two going through Alabama. You have about an hour or two going through Georgia. You have about another hour or two going through Florida to get back to Pensacola. And you are going 80-plus the entire way. Like the spaghetti junctions and shit in Atlanta, going 80. Going through rural Georgia, going 80. You hit Alabama, my God, if you're not going 80, you're now going 80. Um, then you hit the border between, uh, or Alabama and Florida. You see the welcome to Florida sign. And the first thing that you noticed immediately after you come in from Alabama to Florida is that the road is no longer asphalt. The road is like concrete with patches on it. So it automatically, it feels like shit. Your suspension's getting torn up the second that you hit Florida. Um, You'll then notice within 10 minutes of entering Florida that there are now four-way streetlights on the highway that you must come to a complete stop to get around. There's no, like, people in Florida can't figure out roundabouts or whatever the fuck. 0:40:49 Unknown_17: They can't figure out any of that. So you're on a concrete road, and it takes an hour or two to get to Pensacola from Alabama because the road is shit. That's it. That's the only reason. Nobody can fucking drive for shit. So here's my recommendation, Ralph. Don't ever go to Florida. Stay in Mexico, and I'll get to that. Unknown_17: Because you will die. You will be found dead on the side of the road because if you can't manage your temper in Florida, you're going to fucking die in the traffic. Unknown_17: um but yeah i want to hear him continue to holler get over to the right hand lane now there are one or two occasions where you can say well you're waiting for this truck to go past or whatever you're trying to get over past the truck you know there's one or two occasions where you can make a legitimate case for why you didn't get over immediately or sometimes you just miss it but if somebody passes you and you just weren't paying attention to what you're doing what's happened 0:41:49 Unknown_06: Okay, get over now. Alright, you know what? One guy already passed you. You're going too slow in the left-hand lane. Somebody just passed you. You need to get over. You need to get over right now! Unknown_17: It's just like angry just thinking about it. That's great. Unknown_17: No, I cannot drive a manual. I would like to learn how to drive a manual. I might do that while I have the opportunity because everyone here drives manual. If I, for whatever reason, I have to Unknown_17: Make a road trip which has happened a couple times. I haven't driven too much, but I have driven since I've moved I have to go to the The renter car I have to explicitly try and find the Amerimut section where they have automatics though from what I understand automatics with new like computers in them are more efficient than the manuals are even in terms of like gas mileage and shit and But they're more – I think automatic cars are always more expensive because it's like a completely different new part in your vehicle. 0:42:22 Unknown_17: So it adds to the – whatever. I'm not like a car expert. Unknown_17: I know that when I – if I ever come back to the U.S. – and here's something you can email me about. If you are a car person, something I've never asked before of my audience – Um, if you are a car person, you love cars, you know, everything about cars. I want a car that the CIA can't use to drive me off the road. I was told that during the 2020 microchip crisis, Ford put out a bunch of cars that don't have any kind of electronics in them. I do not want electronic seat warmers. I want absolutely nothing that has firmware. I do not want an electronic vehicle. I do not want any more electronics in my car besides a radio, if even that. Tell me what I have to buy, because from what I understand, you have to go all the way back to the 1980s, and you have to buy a specific kind of car that's in good shape. 0:43:20 Unknown_17: Like, I'm just saying, like, I just don't want to be driven off the road by the NSA, okay? That's my, that's my, so I want as few microchips as possible. I do not want any fucking conveniences. Like, I refuse to buy a TV or anything that has Alexa on it. Like, fuck that. I do not want smart anything. If it has smart in the name, fuck it. Burn it. I don't want it, okay? 0:43:55 Unknown_17: Email me what vehicle to get. It can be a manual or automatic. I don't really care. Unknown_18: But if it's a manual, I'll learn. Unknown_18: God, how does he yell? The thing about Ralph is that he has to stretch everything as long as possible. Unknown_17: So it's like five minutes of just him going. Unknown_17: Hollering continues. Okay, let's skip ahead. 0:44:26 Unknown_06: trucks but they they drive orderly to the right side of the road what the is wrong with the truckers you shouldn't be in the left lane idiot you're driving the 18 wheeler get the out of the way stay on the right side it's not revolutionary Unknown_17: Yeah, this is just, like, performative. This is like his show. It's so irritating to even listen to him. He just goes, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. And then he pauses. And then he says, yeah, well, you know. And he mumbles something that's supposed to be, like, poignant. Pauses. Rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. Unknown_17: Pauses. And it's like every fucking thought has to be stretched out so he has time. He has to like stay online for four hours so he gets enough super chats to make it worth his time. 0:45:27 Unknown_17: So I mentioned this last stream. I did not show anything about it. Unknown_17: Ralph posted this picture which led to speculation that he was in Mexico combined with the fact that he had outages, power outages at his residence around the time that a earthquake happened in south central Mexico. Unknown_17: leading people to believe that he was in south central Mexico and I do not have this tab open which makes me look like an idiot 0:45:58 Unknown_17: Let me go yell at chat real quick because I brought chat back up. I'm sure it'll get hacked again soon. Yeah, that's going to be celebrity chat. Hello, chat. Please give me the post link to the thing graph posted. Thank you. Unknown_17: Maybe I will get a response. Unknown_17: Because basically, if you don't know, Graph is the owner of Post, which is a Fediverse instance, which I've been using. Unknown_17: Which Jim has moved to. I've showed it a couple times. There's definitely things about its moderation style that I disagree with. Graph is threatening to defederate us because even though the kiwifarms.cc instance has been down for like two months now, it has like a picture of a poster's nose as like an emoji, and Graph doesn't like that. But despite that hard and fast rule on doxing... 0:46:32 Unknown_17: Ralph has like fucked with graphs family or whatever. So he's been using logs in the um In the graph thing to like find ralph Geographically based on what profiles he went to and there's one ip that he's identified from south central mexico 0:47:13 Unknown_17: in guadalajara which is way down on the west coast in the mountains basically uh far south um mexico before the yucatan peninsula and he said that this account that is in guadalajara or this ip which is coming out of guadalajara um is this it no this is not Unknown_17: There's also an instance called chudbuds.lol, which a lot of people in the Kiwi farms are using. I don't know who runs that, but if you're interested in the Fediverse, you might like chudbuds.lol. Unknown_18: Let's see. Unknown_18: Okay, so they're tracking. This is them going through and talking about what kind of phone he uses and stuff. Unknown_17: Um... Unknown_17: And he's found an instance of a logged out user on a Windows 10 desktop browsing only a couple of accounts. He was only going to, I think, specifically Jim, my profile, the Zanny Berries ALOG account, and a couple other people. 0:48:09 Unknown_17: So, no, not Guadalajara, Puebla. Unknown_17: So he's in Puebla, Mexico. And there was a video where Unknown_17: Somebody caught him out on this, I think. Unknown_17: And he had a really, really strong reaction, like a strong negative reaction to this on live. It was RPG, some guy I don't know from Cozy. Unknown_06: I appreciate that. Isn't that the Mexican place in the UK? Yeah, it is. I've been to Oaxaca in the UK. It's a restaurant. I remember eating there. Okay, so... So I have a... 0:48:51 Unknown_15: Yeah, at one time. There's two in Mexico. Actually, I think we answered twice. On an Android 12 phone and one in the other area. I circled on a desktop, Windows 10, both same area. Unknown_15: I don't see the IPs, just the geodata, sorry. Unknown_15: He did mention that he has a post account the other day. Well, he does. I know he does, but wasn't going to say who he was. Maybe he registered on his phone just so he could view on mobile. 0:49:24 Unknown_15: Okay, there's one in the area... Look at that poker face. Unknown_17: It's a good thing that they fucked up his face so he has to wear sunglasses indoors because otherwise you might see his eyes widening. Unknown_15: ...where Circle is now unauthenticated user, Windows 10 desktop. Unknown_15: Ah, okay, okay, I see. Okay, so that's the... Person's lips. Unknown_17: Interesting. What's this about Puebla, Mexico? Windows 10 desktops? Only looking at Jim, Zanny Berry, Josh, and Graf on post? Oh... 0:49:57 Unknown_15: If he's in Mexico, that's probably him because he went directly to that account with no authentication. Unknown_15: Still close. Really? It's a good circular area around the epicenter of the earthquake. Unknown_15: This is crazy. Anyway, on my map, the green circle. Unknown_17: Well, his face getting redder. Oh. Unknown_17: Might be. I'm not an expert at... He's always kind of red. He's, like, sunburned and he's fat. So he's, like, a diabetic. He's hopped up on Mexican Coke. He's showing, like, by the way, he's holding in his hands, like, a Mexican Coke bottle, which is very distinct. I know that you can get those in the U.S. because Mexican Coke has, like, this weird, like... reputation in the US as being super good so they just sell what they call Mexican Coke in the US now and people buy it because it has cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup that's it every country in the world besides the United States gets cane sugar in their Coke besides the United States because in case you don't know 0:51:09 Unknown_17: There was a president named Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was our president in the 1930s when he was a communist. He murdered our country, chat. After FDR, we never had the United States as an entity. We had this mangled socialist country. And one of the things that he did during the New Deal was to give failing farmers subsidies for their crops. And one of the crops which is subsidized as much as possible is corn. Unknown_17: so they've never cranked back the subsidies on corn they just continue to hand them out so you have all these farmers and this is true you um to control the prices of produce in the united states the government will pay you not to plant stuff so if you own land in the middle of nowhere you can tell the fda i'm going to plant this and you just know that that's going to be a product that they're telling you they're paying you money not to plant because they don't want to crash the price of whatever the So you say, I'm going to plant this. And then the FDA pays you not to plant. And then they say, I'm going to plant this next season. And the FDA pays you not to plant. So you have like a fallow field that you never do anything with. But you can collect money from the FDA by just lying that you're going to plant shit there every year. And there's nothing they can do about it. This is a common swindle that is perpetrated against the taxpayer and the U.S. government constantly. But also they plant lots and lots of corn. And they have lots of corn. And it's like, well, it's subsidized. I get paid money to plant corn regardless of how much corn there is. So what are we going to do with all this corn? Which is why you had ethanol for a while. 0:52:37 Unknown_17: Delano, whatever. Delano, whatever. I don't know. Look, I don't give a fuck. I hate him. I hope he's burning in hell. If I ever get FDR coins, silver coins, I will melt them. Give me the JFK coins. That's all I want, okay? Anyways, so that's why you had ethanol. That's why you had all these weird like biogas crazes because they pay people to make, they have corn and they have all this money coming in to grow corn. So it's like, fuck, what are we going to do with corn? Let's find a way to make gas out of it. Let's find a way to make natural gas out of it. Let's find a way to make petrol out of it. 0:53:09 Unknown_17: Let's find a way to make food out of it and put it in absolutely fucking everything. So if you've ever wondered why do Amerimots eat high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar, it is because we give people money to grow corn that we do not need. And then when they have all this fucking corn, we have to find a use for it. And one of the uses that we found is using it as a sweetener in bread and basically every single fucking thing you buy in the U.S. Unknown_17: So then you go to Mexico and you have a Coke and you're thinking, wow, this doesn't taste like shit. How could this be? And the answer is that the Mexican government doesn't pay to grow corn. 0:53:46 Unknown_17: Fun fact, right? Goyslop. There you go. That's the word. Word of the day. I've seen that posted around a lot. Goyslop. I like it. It's got a ring to it. It's got a bite to it. It applies to all sorts of stuff. You don't just have to eat the bugs. You don't just have to eat the beans anymore. It's not just high fructose. It's all of it together. It amalgamizes to a... Unknown_17: To maggots that are cooked up and caramelized in high fructose corn syrup, served on a plate of soy, and call it goyslop. And you gotta fucking smile and thank the government for it. Sorry. We've already watched this. 0:54:17 Unknown_17: just want to cover this also her hands are gigantic and it is genuinely sad how much that little girl looks like ralph it's all sad i don't want to be mean but that's uh it's it's rough um okay we segue into the trune scape so here we here we go hour two the trune the trune menace 0:54:56 Unknown_18: Nick first our loss Nick ricada has been Terminated from YouTube, which I kind of I kind of warned him would happen I'm not happy about it, but I'm just saying like I'm surprised he didn't take a break during after a second strike I mean, that's what I did. Unknown_17: I got my second strike and I um, I Just stopped streaming on YouTube. However there why is that guy's avatar Unknown_17: This anime girl being like murdered What the fuck is this? 0:55:43 Unknown_17: Is that haru is that the haru character that haru uses as his avatar Is this her just being fucking murdered? Unknown_17: By a really long arm? What the fuck is happening? It's from Bloodsea. Unknown_17: Anyways, so there's a chance that Nick Fuentes, not Nick Fuentes, Nick Cricada intended to be banned from YouTube because he's moved to Rumble. He's already pulling like 26,000 viewers. And he's already made like over a million just off Super Chat. So chances are his money's locked in. He's got that all squirreled away in intelligent investment decisions. And now he's looking for like an exclusivity contract with something like Rumble, which just went publicly traded. high to the people on rumble by the way uh odyssey had a hiccup and a bunch of people switched over so we got 1500 on on odyssey and 850 on rumble that's not bad that is not bad at all but um 0:56:21 Unknown_17: was i gonna say so it could have been intentional and it's like his channel is really high profile half a million subscribers and uh a hundred thousand people watched him during that johnny depp trial it was crazy so i don't know maybe he's taking one for the team and saying like look at the censorship and shit and it could just be like he didn't think he would get banned off youtube for whatever reason um 0:57:15 Unknown_17: But I don't know. It sucks. If he needs anything, I'll help him to the best of my ability. Unknown_17: I wouldn't mind helping with a larger project. Unknown_17: I want to say things, but I don't want to show my hand too much, a little bit. Unknown_17: Oh, somebody, by the way, somebody found that you can donate directly on Odyssey now. Someone gave $5 through Odyssey, which is nice. Unknown_17: I'll try to remember to read that at the end. Yeah, it's weird. I can feel the tension right now, like in the culture war. It's a very dynamic front. There are people who are stepping up and trying to do their best. And then there's also still people collapsing to cancel culture and shit. But I do see more people who are willing to test their limits and stuff these days than before. 0:57:46 Unknown_17: I don't know how to feel, but I think that's the word for it, dynamic. There's shit happening. There's shit changing, and people are very fed up, so I'm cautiously optimistic. 0:58:30 Unknown_18: Oh, okay, so that's Dipper Kata. Unknown_17: I wish him well. If I can help out in any way, I will be glad to. Unknown_17: I might have mentioned this last stream, but here's a follow-up to it. Unknown_17: kevin kevin gibes also known as trans salamander made a tweet on the 29th of august saying my new and this is this is an actual quote this is not fake Unknown_17: My new vaginal canal is going to be partly made of alloderm, which is made of the sterilized tissue from human cadaver skin, which is so fucking cool and cyberpunk, question mark, question mark, question mark, which means that even if you die, the trannies will harvest your skin and blend it into a sterile mix and then spray it on a tranny to heal their neo-vagina. 0:59:25 Unknown_17: Um, I'm sure that a lot of people like this, this got a lot of traction, this, um, tweet that he made. Cause it's just so viscerally disgusting that you can't help, but feel nauseated reading it. I'm sure that like this actually inspired people to take their names off the donor list. And I'm considering taking my name off. Like my, um, driver's license says, uh, I'm an Oregon donor. Unknown_17: I'm considering taking it off. And I'm wondering, like, at what point, like, surely at some point people are going to be fed up with this. Like, oh, we don't have any troops for our country because nobody wants to serve in our dead gay military. Like, U.S. recruiting was 25% below objectives. And this is during a time when you have a hot war with Russia coming up. Um, potentially in a, in a hot war with China. So we have two big enemies. People should be feeling really patriotic and like, I want to, you know, defend democracy abroad. I want to like serve in the military. Recruiting is lower than it's ever been ever. 1:00:01 Unknown_17: So that's, that's one thing. Um, people aren't serving in the military voluntarily. Uh, people are probably going to stop being organ donors that they, if there's a fear of your skin being used and neo vagina or, uh, 1:00:37 Unknown_17: Your body being blown up by the Department of Defense and the weapons test, which is a thing that happens, or your uterus being harvested for a transgender person to give birth to a baby. When we start doing that stuff, the fabric of society is just going to completely fall apart. People are just going to withdraw. That's a good thing. I'm for societal collapse. Just give it a year or two. I have to get my land and my chickens and my microchip-less truck Unknown_17: And a creek. Unknown_17: And then the bombs can drop. Just give me a bit. I'm not done. I'm not ready yet. I have to get more silver too. I have to get more silver. I only have like a couple, I think like two kilograms of silver in loose change. 1:01:25 Unknown_17: I still haven't figured out a way to get Colleen Jim, whatever. Unknown_17: He follows this up, by the way, people complaining about him harvesting human flesh for his neo-vagina, and he says, his second neo-vagina, by the way, he's already got the amhole, but the amhole is disgusting. I did a thread about the, or a video about the trench, and I've shown everybody in my audience the neo-vagina already. Unknown_17: But he's getting a second one because the first one is so bad looking. And he has this to say about people being upset that he's getting a Neo vagina made out of human flesh. 1:01:57 Unknown_17: TERFs are losing their shit in my mentions over the idea that their skin, if they're organ donors, could end up in alloderm, and some of the alloderm might be used in a neovagina. Even though they sterilize it pretty thoroughly, my own skin replaces it over time. Let's be real though, none of the TERFs are organ donors. Even if alloderm didn't exist, they'd be horrified at the thought that a trans woman might get a heart transplant from them or something. Unknown_17: I'm a retard, so correct me if I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure that women and men cannot donate organs to each other. Am I retarded for thinking that? I'm pretty sure that because of the chromosomes, you can't donate cross-gender at all, no matter what. How retarded am I for thinking that? Because that's what I believe for some reason. I could be completely wrong about this. 1:02:39 Unknown_17: Um, honestly, with how much they just immediately assume I have anus skin in my badge, I should start saying the same thing about their vagina since it's equally true. Um, no. Unknown_17: You are retarded, says Awormo Pinkus. Mostly yes, says Gangster Computer God Communism. I don't know, says Shapes. Thank you for your input, Shapes. Unknown_17: You're a retard. They need to match. It sounds logical. You're retarded. They can. Okay. So I am retarded. That's okay. We're all a little retarded. Even Alex Jones, who's the genius. 1:03:11 Unknown_17: Um, I think post-op, we're to say as a revision and I'm already post-op and I can't think of a better phase. So post post-op, that's just, that's, I've never heard of a second Neo badge. That's so fucking like wild to me. Unknown_17: Really can't overstate how much Aladrim isn't that, and can't be that, but saying it will be satisfying. 1:03:45 Unknown_17: I can literally see society die in real time. It's weird to say, but I really feel it when I read shit like that. I'm just like, why would I ever want to do anything for anybody ever again? Unknown_17: I would literally rather help black people. I can say that. I can say that I would rather donate, have my organs go to black people, even though they legitimately can't receive their organs, than to the chatroon shit. Unknown_17: I wouldn't want to give my testicles to a weirdo autistic woman who draws Sonic the Hedgehog inflation art and considers herself a man. I would rather black people have my liver than Elliot Page. 1:04:19 Unknown_17: Is that bad? That's just how I'm feeling, chat. I feel like I have more in common with a... Because I remember one of my last things I saw in the U.S. was I went to Mississippi for fireworks because you... Unknown_17: Not even Mississippi. Okay, here's the fun thing about Florida. Fireworks are banned. Anything that flies as a firework is banned. So that means nothing that comes up off the ground, nothing that shoots up into the sky and explodes. 1:04:55 Unknown_17: None of those things you put into the tube and you light the wick and it shoots up. None of that. That's all banned in Florida. Unknown_17: However... Unknown_17: However, it is not banned in Alabama. So you can take a hop, skip, and a jump 30 minutes west of Pensacola to Alabama. And as soon as you cross that border, there will be a giant fireworks warehouse. Massive, massive warehouse. Completely by itself. Isolated on the side of the highway. Giant fucking warehouse of fireworks. You can buy whatever you want. So every year it is traditional for everybody in Pensacola to take a nice long drive over to Alabama to the warehouse to stock up on fireworks to light up so that the police can complain that you bought illegal fireworks and then promptly ignore them because they don't really care. 1:05:29 Unknown_17: This is a true and honest Florida tradition, which if I lived in Florida, I would pass one to my own children. I would teach them the way of the great pilgrimage to Alabama to get to Mobile, Alabama to get some fireworks for a proper fucking Fourth of July. 1:06:04 Unknown_17: But I went there, and of course, Alabama is a very black state. Unknown_17: And you go to the firework depot, and there's, you know, black people, and they're buying fireworks, and they're going to have a good old-fashioned Fourth of July, good on them. And I just remember, like, this is one of the last things I saw before I went to Ukraine, because I left, like, the week after, or the week of Fourth of July. And we're stocking up on fireworks, me and my mom and her friends. And there's a black guy and his son. And they're spending time together and they're picking out fireworks. And I got a big old cart of 4th of July fireworks. I remember thinking, that's wholesome. 1:06:37 Unknown_17: That's wholesome. If we had more complete nuclear black families, there would probably be less horrific violence in the United States. Unknown_17: I feel more, definitely a thousand times, a thousandfold, I feel more connected to that father and his son than I do to weirdos like Trans Salamander or Luke Roberts. I feel nothing for these people. I would donate literally nothing to save their lives. 1:07:10 Unknown_17: That was my 4th of July story. Unknown_18: Um... Yeah, lots of coping. He was celebrating with his side stud, by the way. Unknown_18: Random tweet. Unknown_17: I can't wait till I get to my crone stage where I can start casting curses on cis people for minor inconveniences. Unknown_17: I just don't like them. I don't like the stupid shit they say. It's a Pilatus shot. Unknown_17: Anyways, that's right. I am Italian. I am a POC. I'm trans. I'm not even trans. I am 25% North African, also known as Italian. 1:07:43 Unknown_17: You know, what's especially shocking is that my family is from Naples. It's from the southern part of Italy, which is effectively North Africa. If we're being honest, if we're being honest, chat... Unknown_17: Since the day, you know, Carthage, Delinda S., was a long time ago. Naples, that is where the OG homies, OG POCs live. I'm subbed. 1:08:18 Unknown_17: Vic's nude. Unknown_17: The Africa part of Italy. Yeah, exactly. Unknown_17: Rome had African colonies, but now Africa's got colonies in Rome. Unknown_17: Turnabout is fair play, Chad. Unknown_17: Anyways, so there's a woman named Carolyn Farrow. Unknown_17: Carolyn Farrow is a name that is very familiar to me because she has been around for several years now. She is one of the very few people on the Kiwi Farms who post with her real name. I think her avatar is a picture of her. Right now, it's like a picture of her wearing a Kiwi Farm shirt. Here you go. This is bootleg merchandise, by the way. She decided to print the logo out on a T-shirt and wear it herself. Oh, that worked. So I can't be blamed for this. I did not sell this. 1:08:52 Unknown_17: It's technically piracy if you want to. But whatever. She's a Catholic. She's pro-family. Unfortunately for everybody, she's British. British! 1:09:28 Unknown_17: And she had a little bit of a run-in a couple years ago with someone named Adrienne Harrop and Stephanie Hayden. Both are trans. Both don't like her because her Catholic organization is pro-family and anti-trans. I don't know if they're officially anti-trans, but they're called anti-trans by the people. So they've been sued, of course, because they're British, with vexatious litigation in the British courts. Vordrick, Samuel Collingwood Smith, someone I've mentioned only in the Juche stream and a couple times in passing, has acted as a McKenzie friend towards these people to help sue Carolyn Farrow because she is a user of the Kiwi Farms. You don't know what a McKenzie friend is. I've explained this before, but I'll explain it again. In the United Kingdom, unlike everywhere fucking else in the entire world, you do not need to be a lawyer to practice law effectively. There are certain things that are reserved for solicitors, but in the United Kingdom, solicitor law firms explicitly get to decide who becomes a solicitor in the UK. You have to be apprenticed. Once you get a master's in law... You have to be apprenticed by a solicitor firm in order to become a solicitor. So in a roundabout way, solicitor firms get to decide who their own competition in the law industry are. So they're very, very, very selective. And people like Vordrak, who are menaces to society, completely unsociable, just disgusting fat pieces of shit who are better off dead, they will never, ever, ever, ever be solicitors because nobody can stand someone like that. So they have a law degree that they worked very hard for and they'll never be a solicitor. So what they end up doing is being relegated to the McKinsey friend. McKinsey friend is someone who gives legal advice and acts in some capacities as a lawyer, but is not a lawyer and never will be if their name is Samuel Collingwood Smith. 1:11:26 Unknown_17: So what happens is that Vorjak, with his master's degree, he gives some legal advice to these insane trannies, basically, who are suing someone for complete bullshit just to make the litigation more expensive. Unknown_17: Now, this insane tranny has basically accused Carolyn Farrow of posting. Now, Carolyn posts with her own Kiwi Farms account. Unknown_17: And every post by her is easily identified by the verified fucking blue checkmark Carolyn Farrow account with a picture of her attached to it. Very, very recognizable. Unknown_17: But the insane trannies then go to the Bobbies in the UK, and they say, these other posts by these other posters on the Kiwi Farms belong to Carolyn Farrow, and she is harassing me. So the police literally arrest her. They come to her house, and they tell her, we are seizing your electronic devices, and we are taking you into custody, and we are interrogating you for electronic communications abuse on the Kiwi Farms. 1:12:20 Unknown_17: And she's put under notice, which means that she knows... It's not like you have the right... You don't have the right to remain silent in the UK, basically. Unknown_17: But when you're under notice, that means that they're telling you that things you say can and will be used against you. You also don't have the right to remain silent. And you can lawyer up. You can get a solicitor if you want. 1:12:55 Unknown_17: So... Unknown_17: She gets arrested and she talks to him. She says the police are embarrassed or whatever, as if to apologize for him. Don't apologize for the fucking police. If they're embarrassed and they're still enforcing it, fuck them. They're still bad because, you know, police have discretion in the UK and elsewhere. If I was the police officer and someone told me you had to go arrest someone for posting on the internet forum, I would say no. You can find some other slack-jawed, donut-eating son of a bitch to do your dirty work for you. I'm sitting right here. And if they fire me from being a cop, good fucking luck. Who are you going to replace me with? You're understaffed, motherfucker. You don't have any cops to replace my ass with. You're going to go to London and recruit some... 1:13:27 Unknown_17: Some some melanin individuals to come up here and take this job. No, you're not. You don't want that. I'm not going to go do it. Fuck you. Simple as I don't I don't know. People need to learn how to say no is what I'm saying. Anyways, I don't feel bad for the cops. They're embarrassed, but they still do it anyways because they want their pension and their fucking. Unknown_17: But that's it. 1:14:00 Unknown_17: That's the gist of it. Of course, Vice News has spun this as a, in the, you know, how they do. I think the headline for this read, JK Rowling friend Carolyn Harrow arrested for harassment on transphobic Nazi site Kiwi Farms. Like some ridiculous shit like this. Unknown_17: And of course, they write it in such a way to implicate the real target, J.K. Rowling, and also assuming guilt automatically, not based on reality. 1:14:34 Unknown_18: Let's see, that's her. Unknown_17: I'm going to circle back to this in a second. But just keep in mind that if you live in England, you're a retard. Just get out. Go anywhere. Go literally anywhere. Can English people move to, like, the Netherlands or something? Actually, don't move to the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a very nice place, and they don't need any more British people. Okay. Move to a shithole. What's a good shithole to move to? Move to France. You have to set aside your differences. You have to be like Gordon Ramsay. You have to learn French and go to Paris. And go, oui, oui, oui. 1:15:08 Unknown_17: viva la france republic the sixth french republic as all the other french republics did not be there for very long and then you can just live there and uh shit that up instead of the netherlands portugal ukraine Unknown_17: Lots of British people do go to Ukraine they um Odessa is like a hot spot for tour or was it was a hot spot for British tourists who wanted like a really cheap vacation when some surf and Sun you want to Have a nice beach to relax by and pay fucking nothing go to Odessa But nowadays they just go to Bulgaria or Romania or some other Balkan state that's not currently at war technically in a state of war and 1:15:56 Unknown_17: Sexpats, well, I'm sure a lot of I mean if you're a sex-pat you wouldn't go to Odessa you're gonna like Kharkiv or Kiev I can't remember I can't which one which one pisses people off the most Kiev or Kiev I want to say the one that makes the most people angry from what I think it's Kiev is how the Ukrainians pronounce it right and since Kiev is like 80% Ukrainian and they speak Ukrainian Kiev and therefore be called Kiev and all the fucking that that Nick ziggers can can eat shit and Unknown_17: The Russian one pisses people off the most. It's one ass in Odessa chat. That's the secret way to pissing everybody off. Because they do speak Russian down there. Unknown_17: Anyways. Anyways, anyways, anyways. Unknown_17: Okay, so my buddy, my good friend, Stephen Bunnell, who is a... We go way back. Me and Destiny, 10 years of history meeting this guy. 1:16:56 Unknown_17: I remember, um, he got me into, actually, he got me into StarCraft, and he's always been better at StarCraft than I am, but, you know, we got up to, like, the Grand Masters together and shit before he went out to try and be, like, super competitive, like, in the big leagues and stuff. So, me and Destiny, friend of the show, yeah, exactly. Unknown_17: Um, I'm, I'm, obviously, I'm a huge, um... Unknown_17: Zerg, I'm a big fan of the Zergs. I like to Zerg rush. Unknown_17: Though I know that it's been so long since I played StarCraft with my buddy Destiny, Steve Vanell II. I think now it's the Baneling. Baneling rush is the new meta for the Zerg players into the key, key, key. 1:17:41 Unknown_17: But it's been a while, so to speak. So he's published a manifesto about... Unknown_17: Keffals. Unknown_17: He has noticed a disturbance in the force, and as my dear friend, he has come to my assistance once again. Unknown_17: Back when we played 2v2s on StarCraft, he would toss my Zerg every so often. He would be pro-tossed, and he would toss the Zerg as needed. Unknown_17: Here he tosses my zerg by writing this manifesto, and it's just it's just the same shit We already know it's a step-by-step Deconstruction of how everything keffel says is bullshit how all those fucking suicides are bullshit to try and blame the kiwi farms is fucking ridiculous and not only ridiculous but insulting to the 1:18:27 Unknown_17: To the people who died. Because they all had very serious issues. And they all had very serious grievances. And they died for serious reasons. And then you're going to say oh the Kiwi Farms did it. They didn't want that. They didn't say that. And then there's Buu who's not fucking dead. Unknown_17: So it just outlines this. And apparently now that Destiny has come out and said, oh, we're being retarded by blindly supporting this fucking narcissistic, Machiavellian, dark triad, weirdo, kid, pink pillar, like, freak of nature. Now we can come out and say, oh, I never liked Keffels to begin with. And it's unspooling itself. Keffels is getting shit on by everybody because now it's okay. 1:19:03 Unknown_17: The main contention was that people in Docspin were the ones who actually went after Keffel's family. Unknown_17: I won't say that because I have my own speculations, and I've talked to the guy that owns Docspin at least once. Unknown_17: And I don't think that his website does illegal stuff, but they definitely put together the compilation of... 1:19:38 Unknown_17: Of information before the forum. Because the forum is just laughing at him. For being a retard. Unknown_17: So that's his manifesto. It's like a three hour long video. And if you want to go pull it up here. It's on destinygg.substack.com That is destinygg.substack.com And it's called. Kefl is a case study on internet terrorism. And mass media manipulation. Unknown_17: Good luck with that. I mean he might be cancelled too. 1:20:10 Unknown_17: Top-kecking all the way to the bank. I don't know if he's making that much money. He's already made his money. He can retire. He doesn't have to care. Unknown_17: Supposedly, Destiny also sent a cease and desist order to Keffel, so if that turns into litigation, who knows? Unknown_17: Yeah, that's all I have to say about that. Unknown_17: Oh, and Destiny's wife fucks Blackman and he fucks Trannies, so I can't like him. Oh, and he's friends with Mr. Girl and Vito, who are disgusting nonces. Oh! Unknown_17: Thank God. Thank God me ragging on Destiny reminded me of something I totally was going to forget to play. If not for the happenstance here. 1:20:41 Unknown_17: I have a song that's not worth making an outro song because it's too short. Unknown_17: But it's by my boy, MC Jarbo. He put out another banger, an all-time banger from the MC Jarbo collection. MCJarbo.com if you want to see his full discography. But I'll play this because it's about a minute long. Unknown_11: A rope would be way too easy. Hanging right where the trees be. I just want to make the greasy fucking Guido Giussini. Lure him in with the promise of 50 gigs and no CP. He just shows up to greet me like I'm here handing out freebies. A midget, a fucking Harvard thinks he's fit for the TV. Mom and dad was a dream team. Ashkenazi with VD. Sucked off a weenie belonging to the late Gandolfini. And the kid comes out a faggot looking equally skeevy. Little fucks like you fucking end up In prison, drinking gallons of AIDS, rid of Mexican prison jism. Out of a fucking toilet, having sex with a different fist in your ass every day of the week. If this is depressing to me, then I'm guessing it's probably exciting to you to have something other than pine cones inside of your shoe. Chili cheese burritos, explosive hydrogen poops. Dude, jacking your meat to cuties ain't no sign that you're cute. But I got the pedophile litmus test, put on cuties. Watch a reaction to seeing 10-year-old booty. Get groovy, unduly The fucking faggot starts to drool through the movie Started off moody, unruly Now he's asking for duty Saying it's a shame that they only filmed the movie in 2D And if he'd have done it, it'd be in a jacuzzi With nudies, do this to me The straight up clearest case of a loony That I've seen in my two weeks of doing God's honest duty. But he's a fag and I'm an adult so I know he won't do me. And for sure a 300 plus pound body can't sue me. Set alight a little bundle of sticks and dump his arm in a mix. Then watch the flabby shit burn to a crisp. Now he's screaming and crying. Tears never work on me. Put on the best of the faulty while I dismember just Wally. I got acid bases that dissolve a pedophile's body. No traces. A party to the sound of the search party. I'm sorry but... They ain't never gon' find ya. They'll never find ya. I sent you on a one-way trip to the one who designed ya. Yeah, say hi to Jesus, and I guarantee the truth. You wanna bleed, but let me remind ya. Don't cry, don't whine, I don't give a fuck. No, you ain't coming back. 1:23:02 Unknown_08: You ain't coming back. Unknown_17: What a hero. What an all-time banger. Unknown_17: Maybe a little bit too violent for what I would go for if I was commissioning a song, but, you know. Not gonna stifle his creative endeavors, chat. 1:23:38 Unknown_17: Anyways, I'm glad I thought to play that because it made me laugh. Unknown_18: Okay, what's next? Unknown_18: Oh, this was late breaking. This was late breaking. Do I have this? Unknown_18: So... Someone named Tulip Richie made this tweet only a little while ago. Unknown_17: And he says... He... I think that's a he. Look, I don't know. It's a person of gender. We're going to be nice because the message is important, not the person posting it. Former victim of keffels has been in touch as brave as this kid is. I'm absolutely enraged They've been blocked at every turn bringing this forward There are more wishing to speak out but are looking for a safe landing to do so I think this is the entire thing down here. I 1:24:12 Unknown_17: So the DM saying says, uh, they say I was 16 and 17. I'm 18 now. Uh, Tulip asked what happened when you were 16 and the person reporting or the person messaging says Keffels encouraged me to transition. And I basically like ended up sending her quote unquote progress picks, which I now realize we're just underage nudes. Tulip continues saying victim is in Canada. Now I see why Keffels fled, uh, 1:24:46 Unknown_17: If my site's not dead, which it might be or it could just be a really really massive phone screenshot Which is several megabytes big for some fucking reason I'll just read the thumbnails Unknown_17: The person posting says she lies there. She lies in saying that there were no minors in Capoe Ranch. And like I posted literal private messages with blank where she confirmed she was there, too. And it's like nobody cares. Tulip replies, trust me, people care. And the anonymous person says, 1:25:27 Unknown_17: I think it's called pink pilling. 1:26:00 Unknown_17: Tulip corrects him or her and says grooming. And the person continues like the stuff she did for me, I thought was help. I realized now it was just a sexual urge. Unknown_17: And now Kefals, when replying to anything literally about this, literally just used this meme or it's just like a person like laughing, saying when I purposefully spread misinformation on the Internet, why do my images not fucking work? Unknown_17: If I refresh this page, it's not going to come back, I don't think. 1:26:35 Unknown_18: Cath was also decided to retweet this and just say, this literally never happened. Unknown_18: I would like it for my website to work, Chad, but you can't always get what we want, huh? Unknown_16: I did open Newtown. Unknown_17: I mean, you can see what I'm saying. This literally never happened, replying to Tulip. Unknown_17: I am curious to see what the traction is on that, to be honest. That's like a new tweet that he made. Oh, by the way, he's now at TwitchCon. He's very loudly announced that he's at TwitchCon. I am 100,000 million percent certain that Keffles is hoping that someone will do something at TwitchCon to give him a reason to complain. 7,000 upvotes. 1:27:10 Unknown_17: Whatever happened? Literally, whatever happened to believable victims? Unknown_17: I mean, what reason does this Tulip person have to make this shit up? Unknown_18: Look, and they're memeing about it. Unknown_17: What happened when you were 16? Careful is encouragement in transition, and basically, like, I ended up becoming Italian, which I now realize I made it the fuck up. Oh, I see. Very funny. 1:27:49 Unknown_17: This is the hilarious meme. It's crazy that people... I mean, I was told to believe victims, chat. I don't know about you. Unknown_18: It is funny how that goes, though. Unknown_18: Tulip R. I want to see the original. Unknown_17: D transitioning adult male. HRT is toxic. JK is based on ironic eunuch. D trans and questioning visit RD trans. RD trans, mark my fucking words, this subreddit is gone. 1:28:22 Unknown_17: I'm going to lock it in before the end of the year. RD trans is way, way too powerful. Unknown_17: They're going to have to find some way to delete it immediately. Unknown_18: So this is 2,000 upvotes versus CAFO's 6,000 upvotes. Unknown_17: Sorry, but you're ratioed. What you have to say doesn't matter. Goodbye. Won't even last until Halloween. 1:28:56 Unknown_17: Deleted. I'm going to say gone. Unknown_18: They don't want people to post on that. Unknown_18: Anyways. Unknown_17: One more thing. Unknown_17: Let me think about how to word this. I know I want to talk about it, but I don't want to... I don't want to say too much. People will be able to figure out what I'm talking about if they look into it at all, but... So... Unknown_17: Liz Fong Jones, in collaboration with Vordrak, who without any exaggeration is a terrorist, Vordrak is someone who has been going after my family for six years. And in relation with Liz Fong Jones, they mostly pick female targets. They don't ever go after men. 1:29:37 Unknown_17: because men fight back. A man can snap. If you take everything from a man, he might kill you. You can do whatever you want. Women are never going to kill you, basically. Unless you really, really tip them over years, they're never going to take a kitchen knife and stab you. So trannies and abusers like Vordrick, they will always prefer female targets over male targets, especially women that you know, because they... 1:30:15 Unknown_17: Can't put up with the same kind of things that a guy can, and they're like a weak spot. You can't go after a guy, go after his wife, go after his kids. That's Vordrak's MO, and Liz Fong-Jones has co-signed this. Liz Fong-Jones has helped identify women that Vordrak can go after and smear as pedophiles, and he has gone after somebody and gotten them fired from... A real estate agent, exactly like he did with my mom. He called up the CEO of Keller Williams, and he told the CEO of Keller Williams, you will either fire this random, low-level real estate agent in Florida, or I will go after you, I will go after everybody in your company, and I will defame them as pedophiles, which if you don't know, in real estate agencies, reputation is everything. Reputation is very important. You can't have people going after your reputation on the internet and keep your job as a real estate agent. You will be ruined. 1:30:54 Unknown_17: So my mom got her real estate license revoked from Keller Williams. And recently a person who is a woman had her real estate license revoked because Vordrak and Liz Fung Jones think that this woman is a C-level executive at an ISP that they're pretty sure I might use for something. 1:31:28 Unknown_17: And that's it. Unknown_17: They are completely unhinged, completely desperate. Unknown_17: Once again, I'm reminded of the Sam Hyde quote where it's like, Unknown_17: They literally want you dead. They don't want you to see their way. They want you to fucking die unless you do what they say. Unknown_17: And I've offered to help. I'm not sure if that will be accepted. I might be told to fuck off. I might lose whatever it is that I... If I have anything... 1:31:59 Unknown_17: I might lose whatever it is that I have hosted there. And that would be annoying, but I can replace that. What frustrates me is seeing really completely innocent people be targeted for defamation, extortion, and terrorism. It's literally terrorism. Because now they're posting her address saying, why don't you send pizzas here? And when they're posting their address saying send pizzas, they're talking about swatting people and shit. Unknown_17: Nowhere on the forum do people post addresses and say, send pizzas to this address. That's also banned. When they do this shit, they are literally everything that they accuse the Kiwi farms of. They swap people. They dox innocent people. They get people fired from their jobs. They try to socially isolate people. And in the case of Vordrak, the whole reason why Vordrak hates the forum is because we have... 1:32:33 Unknown_17: information exposing that when he was in his 30s he was participating in an evanescence fan forum and he wanted to be the top moderator of an evan of the official evanescence fan forum and he was feuding with like 13 year old girls that were moderators at the fan forum already 1:33:11 Unknown_17: And he literally doxed and scared off these little girls who to this day, like someone came out to talk about him and explain what he was doing at that Evanescence Forum and how he was weaseling his way in and how it was known. How he basically ruined it by falsely reporting that teenagers were trading nudes and the private messages and shit. And then when this information got leaked, he immediately knew who it was that would know this information and went after her. And she just said, I can't say anymore because he's going after me and I don't want the nightmare to come back. Unknown_17: I don't understand. We talked about Carolyn Farrow and we talked about how she gets a door knocked because someone alleged that she posted something under a different name on the Kiwi Farms. And yet this guy can go around and do whatever the fuck he wants. He systemically goes after innocent women and like teenage girls. Who get in his way of trying to censor shit on the internet. And then he files litigation to get shit censored on the internet. He files fake court documents to get things deleted off of Google. And nobody gives a fuck. I've told the FBI every time they've come by my house. Because of a bomb threat to a school or to a hospital. I said, it's this fat retard over there. Because every time it happens, the day after, he publishes an article about it. And he threatens that it will continue to happen. And then just says, well, we can only assume that it will continue to happen. Because the Kiwi Farms is such a bad place. And Joshua Moon is such a bad guy. But he knows as soon as it happens. The emails will include like... Faculty at the hospital, the local police, the FBI, and then CeCe and Vordrat. And that's how he says, well, this person is ceasing me in to these messages where he's threatening to blow up children's hospitals because he knows that I'm the only journalist willing to tackle this issue. And it's like it could not possibly be more transparent. 1:34:36 Unknown_17: And it could only happen from someplace like England, because if it was happening in someplace like fucking Turkey or Russia, someone would have broken this guy. Someone would have cut off his fucking hands and made it so he could do no more evil. But in the UK, even with the extremely strict libel laws and all the bullshit they have, like inhibiting people's freedom of expression in the United Kingdom, for some reason, he just gets away with it. And that's his greatest claim to fame as far as, like, being an expert legal mind, as he likes to say, is that he's managed to keep his own ass out of jail where he fucking belongs. He belongs in, like, an oublé in the king's dungeon where he can be fed, like, chicken tendies through a grate and just be forgotten about. 1:35:49 Unknown_17: It really just boils my blood. I don't know how the fuck someone can do what he does as blatantly as he does it, as transparently as he does it, and nobody... Unknown_17: Nobody nobody can do anything about it. I reported him to the the the UK police have reported him to the FBI I've reported him and every time he comes up I tell people who he is what he does how he does it and what to expect and Nothing happens. Everyone just wants it to go away. That's the main thing that you can take away Everyone just wants he wants it to go away. It's not their fight. They don't want to deal with it Oh, he commits a little bit domestic terrorism Well, maybe if I just give him what he wants, he'll delete the shit that he says about me on his site It's like he just he just gets away with it constantly. 1:36:26 Unknown_18: I Unknown_17: Amazing pronunciation of oubliette. Thank you. I don't know how how do I pronounce this? Unknown_18: Let's see French to English oubliette oubliette You actually pronounce the T's in that? Unknown_12: oubliette You don't ever pronounce the T's in French shit. Unknown_17: oubliette. Okay, whatever Unknown_17: I tried to be fancy and not pronounce the T's because that's usually how it goes. But no, when there's two T's in the E at the end, apparently you do pronounce it. Okay, fine. Whatever, whatever. French people. 1:36:57 Unknown_18: Frustrating. Unknown_18: Anyways, if you're one of the many, many law enforcement officers assigned to listen to my podcast, there's a guy named Samuel Collingwood Smith. Unknown_17: He lives in Welland City Gardens. He is a fucking terrorist. If you want to drag him away and interrogate him about the shit that he says online every fucking day... Um, the people he's going after the random innocent bias centers that have absolutely zero connection to anything that he smears as pedophiles. If you want to interrogate him about that kind of electronic communication harassment, go for it. How about you leave the fucking women alone who are trying to get perverts out of their bathrooms and you focus on people who have been literally for 10 plus years now, he's been doing this for basically his entire adult life. He's had this little shitty blog on HostGator saying whatever the fuck he likes. 1:37:29 Unknown_17: and For some reason nobody has nobody has ever paid him a visit For the awful like in terms of like financial damages he's caused to people all over the world I cannot fucking believe that he's allowed to continue by by any means Fascinating Fascinating shit, that's my thoughts. I 1:38:18 Unknown_17: Like I said, it doesn't even put the site in danger. You know what I mean? If I lose new shit because of his... Like, for instance, we lost vShield.pro. That was one of our front ends. We lost that. Okay, replaced. This gets lost. I'll replace that too. Let's say that I lost my hardware. Let's say that I can no longer keep hardware up. You know what I would do? I would sell it. I would sell it. I would get about $10,000 to $20,000 in hardware fees back. Unknown_17: I would sell my internet resources, get about $12,000 to $20,000 for that back, and then I would just submerge it on the cloud. I would put it on some random fucking cloud server. I would route it exactly like I'm doing, and you would never know. That's the next step. That's how a lot of people do their shit. How do you think Encyclopedia Dramatica stays online? How do you think the Pirate Bay stays online? It's just nonsense. 1:38:57 Unknown_17: I really can't even fucking stomach it. Unknown_17: We have these people in our polite society, and we trust our government to keep these elements of our polite society out, of our polite society. And they completely fail, and they focus in on shit like Carolyn Farrell for no reason because the people of gender complain. 1:39:32 Unknown_17: He doesn't go after people with status. Exactly. Exactly. If he went after a tranny, it would be over immediately. He would literally be in handcuffs in a week. If he did the shit that he does to white people in the United States, to some random Muslim man in London, he would literally be dragged out of his fucking house in handcuffs, and they would never let him out. Unknown_17: But nobody gives a fuck. Unknown_18: Not in England. 1:40:03 Unknown_18: See, Reason. That's a Jewish. Oh, my friends in Israel are talking back. Unknown_17: Let's see. Unknown_17: Free mines and free markets. I thought Reason was the Jewish site, wasn't it? It doesn't look Jewish. Unknown_17: The return of the trollish forum demonstrates the futility of bans on bad speech. By Elizabeth Nolan Brown. It's been a little over a month since the internet's lowercase i internet services company Cloudflare terminated its relationship with Kiwi Farms. A web forum accused of fomenting harassment campaigns, but today KiwiFarm seems to be back and doing just fine. After Cloudflare canceled KiwiFarm's domain registration and DNS mitigation services on September 3rd, the forum was temporarily inaccessible via its main URL, though it could be accessed on alternative domain names during that period. If you're curious about all the technical twists and turns, see this thread. 1:40:37 Unknown_17: Oh, he links to my Telegram. Unknown_18: That's quite nice of her. Unknown_18: Thank God for Telegram, by the way. Unknown_17: I don't know what the fuck Telegram is. I don't know how they've managed to... Because they've gone after Telegram hard. 1:41:13 Unknown_17: And it's been very... It wasn't necessary to have Telegram as far as getting the site back up, but it's so nice to be able to touch base and say, trust me, I'm doing this, I'm doing this, this is what the issue is, this is what I'm working on. It's just a nice relief to have that avenue of communication. Really, really thankful for Telegram. Unknown_17: But by September 15th, the main Kiwi farm zooming was back up, and the forum now seems to be operated normally. The situation showcases once again how campaigns to rid the internet of supposed hate speech or any particular type of speech are doomed. From pirated literature and academic papers to sex worker ads, MAGA organizing, or fringe forums, where there's a will and a pluralistic global internet... a pluralistic global internet... I guess in that instance, it is a internet, which is also pluralistic and global, but there is a different way to refer to that, a pluralistic global internet succinctly. There's a specific word that you can, proper noun that you can use to refer to that. There's a way. 1:41:59 Unknown_18: This is undoubtedly a good thing. Who is this? Unknown_18: This is a good thing. Unknown_18: Is this like a real news site? Unknown_17: No group has ever gotten less radicalized by being driven underground, and no economic sector has ever gotten safer by being driven into a black market. If you're worried that adult advertising platforms, fringe right forums, et cetera, are harboring actual criminal actors, it's better for these sites to be accessible and hosted in the U.S. This way people can keep tabs on them, and the platform operators are subject to subpoenas and other law enforcement requests. That's true. That's very true. 1:42:40 Unknown_17: And if you're worried... No, I've never heard of this site before. Unknown_17: And if you're worried that certain platforms are hotbeds of hate and disinformation, it's better that those who would counter them can actually see what's being said. It's hard to challenge information or ideas that are only exchanged more privately. Unknown_17: Those are the utilitarian reasons why the campaign to drive dangerous speech off the internet is misguided. Of course, there's also a more ideological or symbolic component. In a liberal, pluralistic society, trying to deny entire groups of people the right to speak or associate is not great. Private companies like Cloudflare are certainly within their rights to terminate services to platforms that they deem dangerous or offensive, and they have reasonable incentives for doing so, given the drive to hold all sorts of internet intermediaries legally and professionally liable for third-party content. But the now-popular online pastime of pressuring companies into these decisions is a bad form of culture or free speech standpoint." In a slippery slope standpoint, as Cloudflare itself pointed out in an August 31st blog post, the company's private decision to terminate services like 8chan and the Daily Stormer were followed by a dramatic increase in authoritarian regimes attempting to have us terminate security services for human rights organizations, often citing the language from our own justification back to us. 1:44:10 Unknown_17: We already have ways of dealing with relatively small amounts of actual illegal online content without banning whole web forums or trafficking in guilt by association. And the speedy return of the Kiwi Farms demonstrates that the latter is not just illiberal, but also futile. Unknown_17: That's quite nice. Unknown_18: And a woman wrote it. Unknown_17: That's crazy. Well, there you go, chat. An actual post from, uh... From Reason.com. Unknown_17: That's nice. How, um... Unknown_17: I'm white-pilling. The end of this tyrant. Unknown_17: Sliding the DMs. Last name is Brown, though. But she's white! That's racist! You can't be named Brown and then be white. That's unbelievable. 1:44:50 Unknown_17: Um, speaking of, I have an interview today with somebody who claims to be a writer for certain conservative outlets. So I'm interested and I'm probably going to do that as soon as the stream ends. Unknown_17: Um, I'm curious to see how that lines up. Cause right now, you know, I, I put her off for so long to get this, um, interview done and I feel kind of bad cause you know, the Kiwi farms stuff has been happening for a while and it's already out of the media cycle. But with Nick Ricada getting banned and, um, the Keffels manifesto and shit, it's, um, 1:45:27 Unknown_17: Might be a good time. There's lots going on. So, I don't know. We'll see. Oh, I didn't even... Sorry, I didn't show my screen during the entire time that I read that article. Unknown_17: How... Sorry. Streaming... Streaming when you're distracted is very frustrating. Unknown_17: Okay, it's been almost two hours. Let me start bashing out the Super Chats. I'm going to go into show mode here. Unknown_17: um if you're not interested in the super chats i understand but i do always have a song for the end for those who manage to stick through and i appreciate people who stick around i try to be try to be entertaining even during the uh the shill mode 1:46:08 Unknown_17: I'm going to read the couple donations that came in through Odyssey, which I just set up today, and people just realized, apparently. Unknown_17: Let's see. How do I read these? Unknown_17: Eco000 for five says, Happy birthday, Vladimir Putin. Blow out the nuclear candles. Is it his birthday? Unknown_17: Let's see. I'm curious now. Vladimir Putin birthday. Hey, October 7th. Happy birthday, birthday boy. 70 years old. Unknown_17: Great Loner says, for five, take the thermonuclear war pill. Let the fires cleanse the earth of all the degenerates. It does feel like that some days, don't it? 1:46:45 Unknown_17: Though I don't have my potassium iodine pills yet. Or iodide pills. Sorry, sorry. Don't want to confuse the two. Unknown_17: Warp Dust Attic for five says, at least nothing newer than 2004. Most still had cap or rotor ignitions before that point. Oh, about the cars. Okay, so nothing before 2004. Unknown_17: Though I remember, if you haven't sent your email yet and you want to write me an email about the car thing, tell me what the deal was with Ford making cars that didn't have computers in them for COVID. Can I find those? Do those have good aftermarket value attached to them? I imagine so. 1:47:24 Unknown_17: I bet you that those cars are out there. They're worth, like, they hold their value way more than the ones with the computers in it because everyone, nobody wants a car. Like, surely there's a market for, like, inconvenient vehicles. Unknown_17: Like, all I want is power windshields. I don't need the rest of that shit. I don't need your fucking firmware seat warmers. That makes me see red. When I think that they, like how John Deere uses firmware to lock farmers out of their farming equipment, and how you have these cars that now do rolling updates, and you have to pay money to unlock seatwormers in your fucking car that you already have installed. They literally are right fucking there, but they won't turn on unless you have the computer shit set up. That, that. Literally makes me see red like that's that's what I'm thinking. Like how are people not violent yet? How do you own a car that tells you you can't turn on your fucking seat warms that you already have installed in your fucking vehicle? Unless you pay them money and not immediately want to start like like strap on something Okay, I I don't fucking get it. I if if my like I I can't okay I get ralpha male tear retard rage when I'm in a vehicle and that tells me I have to put my seatbelt on I put my seatbelt on when I like basically all the time but you don't fucking beep at me to tell me to put my seatbelt on I will put that on when I want to put it on I don't need to be reminded to put a fucking seatbelt on but my fucking vehicle which I own piece of shit fuck I hate cars man so it literally nauseates me fucking bullshit 1:49:05 Unknown_18: Ting ting ting ting. Unknown_17: Where's your seatbelt? Unknown_17: I know I'm your property, but I'm going to tell you what to do because the government says that I can. Oh, I guess you're going to be, you're going to get hot wired. You're going to have me going under the hood and rip shit out from Leo. Cause fuck that retard. Unknown_18: Uh, let's see. Unknown_18: Anonymous for $100 says, nothing. 1:49:37 Unknown_17: Thank you, Anonymous. Short and sweet. Twinkle Tard for $100 says, Josh, you did it. You brought back the chat. Well done. You're a boss. I would slam beers with you and possibly chicks at the Holiday Inn Express. I'm not Luke Bathwater over here. I'm not trying to run trains on retarded girls at the Holiday Inn Express, okay? Unknown_17: Thank you. Hopefully the chat won't be exploited again. By the way, if you're listening and you're a hacker man, you take security seriously, I would be interested in having you look at my chat to try at least the CSP, the content security policy headers, to see if you could think of a way, any way, theoretically. 1:50:18 Unknown_17: You don't even have to figure out an XSS. If you could theoretically think of a way to get a session token off my site using the CSPs that I have and the way the forum is set up. If you can theoretically think of a way to inject a script or reference a script that can reference another script to get a session token outside of the domain to an attacker's hands, let me know. I'd be very interested in hearing that. Unknown_17: Never Forget for Two says, I have just got a raise, so have an extra shekel on me. Thank you. 1:50:51 Unknown_17: Nate Higgers for 25 says, Do you have tips for being a digital nomad? I've experience with working remote from Romania, and I'm also considering Serbia and the Philippines. Getting and keeping social love life can be difficult now. Unknown_17: I'll be honest with you. I did not like sex, Pat. Unknown_17: In the time that I was in the Philippines and Ukraine, I did not date. Like, I did not meet women. I did not go to brothels. I remember Frederick and the 8 Chain guys took me to Japan, and they wanted to visit, like, a... 1:51:27 Unknown_17: like an eight like a soap house they call it which is basically just like a word for like a whorehouse but they bathe you first because i guess the neats that come in need to be washed before they can have sex because otherwise they'll get stds um i i was the only person in the group who passed up because i did not want to have secular prostitute so i can't really give advice on that um there are there are websites like inner pals i think for meeting women local though Unknown_17: Like if you're living abroad, okay, this is more general advice, but I think it also plays into women as well. If you're living abroad and you're going to stay there for a length of time, you have to make friends there. And that's, that's the secret to the meeting women in general is that you have to be involved in some kind of real life thing because women are not, are generally not going to like good women are not going to be on dating apps and shit. Right. So you have to be involved in like the local church. You have to be involved in like a shooting club. Like Serbia has shooting clubs, um, maybe tech clubs though. There's going to be less women there. Obviously. Um, you, you have to, you have to get your foot in the door. You can't just be like shut in all day if you want to meet people. 1:52:21 Unknown_18: Um, though I also, as just a warning, I'm not attracted to Asians and the Filipinos are, I don't, they're very short and they usually are very petite, but they got Asian face real bad. 1:52:58 Unknown_17: I'm just going to say, uh, Unknown_17: There are... There's a type... I forget the name of it, but there's a type of Filipino that's like half Spaniard and half Filipino. And they're usually... They have... They can have a better face. I'm just warning you. If you're not into Asian face, the Filipinos, they got real bad Asian face. Unknown_17: The Serbians... The Serbians are very... If you're... If you're intimidated by tall women, don't go to Serbia. Unknown_17: And just be aware that the women in places like Ukraine and Serbia are very cold and they will call your shit out very quickly. Like if you have like a Ukrainian girlfriend, if you don't pick up after yourself or something, she will yell at you. She will call you a slob, she'll call you a fucking pig, and she'll demand that you get up and pick up after yourself. They have no bullshit, because they know their dads. Their dads were alcoholics almost all the time, and they were assholes. So they learn from their mothers and their fathers that they have to yell at men. And they're very emotionally distant. I'm just saying, that's the main issue with dating overseas, is that the women there are from a different culture, and they have different expectations, and they behave differently, and you might think, oh, well, they're so trad. They want to have eight kids, and they want to be orthodox and stuff, but... 1:54:07 Unknown_17: They're Slavic, and Slavic women, you know, there's lots of supermodels that come out of places like Moldova, but they're very cold. They're very cold and very distant, so be sure you know what you're getting into. Unknown_18: Anyways. Unknown_17: Uh, Rainbow Ray for 10 says, hope you're having an excellent day. Jersh, take some shekels. Thank you. Unknown_16: I appreciate it. Unknown_17: I am having a good day. Kind of. I'm a little bit stressed, but I mean, I'm doing fine. I'm doing fine. That's what matters. Guybrush Threepwood. Unknown_17: Guybrush Threepwood. 1:54:47 Unknown_17: Guybrush Threep... Is that like a joke name? Is that supposed to sound like something racist? Guybrush Threepwood. Unknown_17: I'm just assuming that's a weird name. Every sight you make, every laugh you fake, every shroom you take, every buck you break, I'll be watching you. Thank you, Guybrush3point, for your lyricism. FrogGod for $20 says, Your weekly frog visits are now back in session, Josh. Everyone type frog in chat, please. And that's frog with colons on either side like an emoji. Thank you, FrogGod. The Haunch for $50 says, Thank you for the stream. Josh, hurry up and get those patches available and you may have a happy best month of the year. I will have 500 patches in stock soon. I will try to get the Maddie site up as soon as I can, I promise. Because I need some money. We're not making enough money here. The Islam Conversion Kit, the Kiwi Farms Patches. 1:55:21 Unknown_17: Toilet doctor five says absolute proof. Josh is a vampire. Number one has nomadically lived across Eastern Europe for years. Never staying in one feeding spot for too long. His territory is an 8.5 hour drive from Dracula's castle. Uh, pretty convincing. I've never been to Romania though. I've been to Moldova. 1:55:56 Unknown_17: Um, that's pretty close. That used to be a part of Romania. In fact, many, many people would say that it is rightful Romanian clay, but that's a different conversation. Unknown_17: uh tim spergling for 483 says trunes keep seething neighbors keep nigging lucas keeps dilating kiwi farms keeps winning well i hope so i hope i hope the trend continues because i'm a little bit tired i'd like to take a break for a bit and enjoy some video games 1:56:30 Unknown_17: uh josh let me sit on your face or sorry it's the other way around let me sit on your face josh for five dollars says hey josh can't watch the show stuck at work but my birthday was wednesday and it would be just swell if i can get a birthday card from you it will make my heart happy also ralph is a faggot um i can't send birthday cards i apologize happy birthday though even though your name slightly uncomfortable Unknown_17: Yeah, sorry. I can't like send cards out. I don't know what the opposite. You might get like a thumbprint from me. You might be a fed. Can you send this to my address in Arlington? Oh, my gosh. My address. Hold up. Unknown_17: Can you send this to 1000 Colonial Farm Road, Langley, Fairfax County, Virginia? I would totally love a postcard from you. Make sure to sign it and use your hands when you touch the card to sign it. Thank you. 1:57:24 Unknown_17: Chantal's hijab mouth, whole crumbs. Unknown_17: Number 25 says, Chantal ate the gray vagine of Didi Dudu twice. Please don't ever forget this. Inshallah. Also, gender studies is a legitimate major for serious people like Pete's. All these things are true. She did have mouth hole crumbs around her hijab. She did eat the gray vagine of Didi Dudu twice, in fact. And gender studies is a thing you can spend your money on to put yourself into debt if you are a serious person like Pete's. All facts. 1:57:54 Unknown_17: Sneed him feed him for 20 says double for missing last week. I long for the day that Pete's reaches Jonathan Ross levels of re. Oh, oh, yeah, like he's too self-aware now. He's gotten better at like containing his hard rage. Unknown_17: But I do like his hard rages because he tries to be ironic about them. But you can tell it's like genuine seething anger. Unknown_17: Um, sport pay the go get for a four 83 says for your weekly donor kebab. Oh, thank you. Inshallah. I shall, um, pizza days coming up. I will put this, you can rest assured that your money will go towards my, uh, my schmitty pizza. 1:58:31 Unknown_17: anonymous for five says hi josh i hope you're having a nice week i have an exam next week so here's my offering for luck what are you tithing to me i'm not moloch you have to send that to to julian if you want if you want pay for play in terms of uh of luck and and favors but uh good luck on your exam and your gender in your gender studies course that's why you're listening to this podcast while you're studying because you gotta you gotta know all the right words to pass your theoretical gender studies class 1:59:14 Unknown_17: Hacksleet45 says, That furry troon wheelchair guy legit talks and sounds like the wheelchair guy from Scary Movie 2. These people's lives are a comedy. Unknown_17: Well, tragedy and comedy are the same thing, right? They're very closely related. I know what you're talking about. Unknown_17: No, not Durfee. No, I don't know what you're talking about. Those movies are so trash, they don't really hold up if you try to watch them 20 years later, the Scary Movies. Unknown_17: Danny for 525 says, send Zupa chats to Josh before he ends the stream abruptly. I don't end it that abruptly. 1:59:52 Unknown_16: I hope not, at least. Unknown_17: Oh, it looks like Odyssey died again. God damn it, Julian. I didn't mean to upset you with my Moloch joke. Come on now. Unknown_17: Turtles Panda for 25 says, Hi Josh, I wanted to resend this in case it got lost in the mail. Oh, don't send anything to my fucking mail. That's not coming back. Oh my god, that's adorable. Holy shit. Oh, you mean my email. I did see this. I forgot to save it though. I apologize. I'll throw this up real quick. I'm trying to... I've gotten so much fan art over the DDoS shit that I'm trying to put it together in a place where I'm not going to lose it. I will... 2:00:25 Unknown_17: I'll decolor this for a second. This is awesome. You have a great style. The cartoon style to it is really, really, really cute. Unknown_17: Good job. Unknown_18: I appreciate it. Unknown_18: Anise Liquor for 25 says, I've only been to Florida a couple of times, but it can't be worse than South Cali. Unknown_17: Traffic, the roads are good, but the people there drive like they want to kill you and themselves. Actually, insane people. 2:01:02 Unknown_17: I've never been to South Cali, but my mom has. And I know from her stories that the road, like the thing about LA and the, that area is that the, there is no public transport. It's one of the, like people don't, don't really know like how spread out LA is. Like if you don't, if you've never been there, you don't look at it on the map. It's really, really far apart. It's like rows and rows and rows of buildings, but none of them are too tall. Um, Unknown_17: And it's in earthquake zones, right? So you can't really build too tall in LA. 2:01:35 Unknown_17: But because there's no public transit, there's tons and tons and tons of vehicle traffic. To the point where you go on the highway and you have like a four lane backup on the freeway and like traffic light control to get onto the freeway because there's so many fucking cars. Let me tell you this right now, chat. Unknown_17: I would rather fucking die. If I had the choice to commit suicide or live in Los Angeles, I would rather be fucking dead. I have seen what that city has done to people. My mom lived there for like a year. Worst year of her entire life. She got arrested in fucking LA. She almost lost her job in LA. Her boyfriend murdered one of her cats in LA. And then he comes home and he sets the house on fire after living in LA for a year. And then for one week he comes back home and he kills another cat and sets the house on fire. 2:02:10 Unknown_17: She had nothing good to say about LA. And now I see people go to LA. I see people like Destiny living in LA. An otherwise articulate, educated, smart dude lives in LA. Wife fucking black guys. He's fucking men and calling them women. And he's doing a dossier on a fucking pedophile. And he keeps going, she grooms kids. And it's like totally not cool. And then he's like... He sucks the D, the trans D, so hard, and then he can't believe, why are they so mean to me? Why do they all hate me? I suck the D so good. I've sucked it as hard as I can. I've lapped up every little dribble of girl juice that there is from the girl penises, and yet they still hate me. How could this be? And that is like the dark, looming, ominous cloud of L.A. seeping into his very fucking soul and ruining him. And it got Dick, and it got Vito, and it got... Well, Mr. Girl was... He was of a certain... He's Italian, and therefore he was already doomed to begin with. And Vito's a part Italian, from what I understand. 2:03:17 Unknown_17: So he was also kind of doomed. But Dick... Unknown_17: Funny guy, wants to pursue a comedian career, goes to L.A. He's whipping his dick out in comedy clubs. He's bombing on the Ralph show. And then he's hooked up with people like Vito and fucking Mr. Grill. And it's just a mess. And then he's sucking up to Keffels. Sucking up to Keffels, just like Destiny. It ruins you, man. I remember when Dick was shouting at Maddox, get out of L.A., go to Utah. Go back home to Utah. You'll be happier. You can't make it here. It's like Dick... 2:03:56 Unknown_17: It's time to go back home, buddy. Mexico needs you. Your family, your Mexican brethren, they miss you, buddy. You gotta get the fuck out of LA. I might even talk to Dick again. He moves out of LA for a year. The retard cloud will lift up and he'll think better. He'll smell the air and be like, holy shit. Is this what air smells like when there's no exhaust? Is this what quiet is like with no cars honking? Is this what life is like outside of LA? And he might become not retarded again, Chad. Possible. It's possible. 2:04:28 Unknown_18: Anyways, um, cynical for three 87 says hypothetical scenario. Unknown_17: You meet the woman of your dreams. Who's everything you want in lifelong partner, but she's British. Does that strip her of her wife material? No. Um, I mean, the, the, the question is, could such a woman ever exist out of a place like the UK? And the answer is probably not, but it's like, I don't know. 2:05:03 Unknown_17: It depends on her teeth. You don't want to get anything bitten off. Guntling Goon for $250 says, you can find it. That is a sweet ass car. Oh, he left me to a car. A Skoda. Unknown_17: Fun fact chat. The Skoda was a World War II automobile group. Skoda Octavia 1 Combo Tour Facelift 2000. That is a nice looking car for an old car. 2:05:39 Unknown_17: Okay, if I see this Skoda, I will buy it. Unknown_17: Hurricane Ian Brandon. Unknown_17: Hurricane Ian Brandon Anderson for $5 says, buy yourself some Goyslop Americunt corn products as a treat. Smiley face. Well, thank you. I will. I will definitely buy some corn syrup to wash away all the healthy produce that I've been eating recently. Unknown_17: Anonymous for five says Guadalajara is in Jalisco, which is home to one of the most powerful cartels today. Ralph would be on a timer if he moved there. 2:06:12 Unknown_17: If Ralph really is in Mexico, he's not going to live. This is my other prediction. You can lock in. If Ralph is in Mexico and he stays in Mexico, he will not live to be 40. Unknown_17: Lock it in. You can attribute whatever the fuck you want to that prediction. If he's literally in Mexico, he is not capable of living overseas and getting along with the natives. He will fucking die. He will not live to be 40 if he's in Mexico. 2:06:44 Unknown_17: Lock it in. Clip it. Post it on the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_17: That's the case anywhere. Nah. Unknown_17: Nah, we got the, uh, we got the medicines to keep fat fucks alive until they're 60. Diabetic, 600-pound fucking waste of space like Ralph. Keep them alive until 60. Not gonna happen in Mexico. Unknown_17: You really don't understand that the white-oid aversion to violence is like baked into all the Europeans, all the Americans, all the Canadians. It is not baked into the Mexicans. The Mexicans have a philosophy that is different from the white-oids that live in civilized first world countries where sometimes the most violent and direct approach possible is the best solution to a given issue. You have a fat fuck retard American that nobody would miss fucking around with your daughter. You can simply kill him and then bribe the police and the issue solves itself. No questions asked. It's very cheap, very efficient, very prudent. It doesn't happen in the U.S. because in the U.S. it's like, oh my God, it's a murder. And even if it's justified murder, it's not okay. You're going to... 2:07:52 Unknown_17: to neighbor neighbor rape torture dungeon for the rest of your life for the murder of this innocent this innocent man who didn't do nothing and was a good boy no such thing in mexico he said hey why'd you kill him i say he's like hey policia fucking me kid oh her Unknown_17: ah i understand that i didn't see nothing that's a keep on keeping on and then that's it everything everything gucci everything bueno as they say as the mexicans say um 2:08:39 Unknown_17: Bartering Guy for $50 says, you'd probably enjoy driving a stick. It's engaging and tactile. Unknown_17: I've tried once. My uncle let me drive his Beamer. He had a two-door Beamer, and he tried to teach me stick on it. And he nearly shit himself because he thought I was going to drop the gearbox out of the engine mid-drive. So I did not learn stick that day, but I will soon reattempt it. Unknown_17: Aniza Liquor for five says, you know what's made of corn and is nice? Made of corn and is nice? Bourbon. On that subject, do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? No judging if you don't for whatever reason, but you can like it for taste and not the poison. 2:09:17 Unknown_17: um there was a brand of very very smooth vodka in ukraine that was like 30 krivna for a liter of the and i i would take i'm a very i i am i'm very gifted in my alcohol consumption i'm not i don't like to consider myself a lightweight because it takes a lot of alcohol for me to get properly drunk but I can drink very little and feel a buzz. So I drink very infrequently, and if I want to have a drink, I don't need that much to get drunk. So when I lived in Ukraine, I would keep around a liter of this very cheap, very fine, very nice, very smooth Ukrainian vodka. 2:09:51 Unknown_17: And if I wanted a drink, I would have a shot or two, and it would be nice. I actually gave one to, there was an old guy that worked the land, and he would come up and fix my stuff every so often. He fixed a really big issue for me once. There was running water that was causing damage, and he came up and fixed it. And I gave him one of these bottles, and it's like so cheap. It's like less than a dollar for this fucking very nice bottle of, Vodka and I gave it to him and he was like so appreciative of it that it made me feel embarrassed like maybe I'd given him too big of a gift by giving him this vodka, but Let me see if I can find it actually I Would recognize the label immediately because it's like gold I have a different favorite drink, which is also funny that I really did like oh this I 2:11:00 Unknown_18: Not that one I like just the regular I think it's this No Unknown_18: Sorry, it's driving me crazy now. I want to see if I can find those. Unknown_17: I want to say it's Nemiroff, but I don't think it is. It might be Nemiroff, actually, looking at the bottles. Unknown_17: Nemiroff was, I think, what I got. It wasn't expensive, but it was very good. As far as a mixed drink goes, I like White Russians. I think they're very tasty. I'm like the dude. I just want to write Russian. They got the flavor and they got the vodka and you don't really need anything else to have a nice drink and relax. 2:11:38 Unknown_17: Not to spurg about alcohol, which is a cringe in my opinion. Unknown_18: Let's see. Unknown_18: Milk at Reddit drink. Fuck off. Unknown_18: I can't enjoy white Russian. Unknown_17: Such a shame that everything is ruined by Reddit now. I can enjoy my belly risky phone, too. 2:12:14 Unknown_17: Alice for 10 says, shout out to the Josh Simp crew, even though he hates us and ignores us. Know my rules. I say I do not mingle with the fans. Fuck your fans. Your life is ruined. That's how it goes. Unknown_17: I think my personal theory is I get a lot of like playful stuff now because of the recent drama. Unknown_17: My personal theory is that because I don't like flirt with people, that makes me safer to flirt with. You know what I mean? Because it's like if you're a girl and you want to be, like, playful and flirt with somebody. If you flirt with, like, a guy, he might think, oh, she's into me. I'm going to go fuck her now. And then it's, like, really creepy and awkward. But if you know somebody won't flirt back, then you can do whatever you want. And it's not going to cause issues. But I can't, like, encourage it. It's hard to disappoint. 2:12:50 Unknown_17: The Gman for 11 says, time to trune. Please don't do it, Gman. You have so much to live for. Unknown_17: Anonymous for 20 says I made a bootleg Kiwi coin out of silver solder. Let's see this. 2:13:24 Unknown_17: You have privated your fucking tweets so I can't see it. I'll keep the tab up. Unknown_17: I'm private your fucking tweets so I can see it and I'll show people what you link me. But I cannot right now based off the fact that you've privated your Twitter. Unknown_18: um fin or did nothing wrong for five says rungle detected in jet all kiwi loyalists are hereby commanded to secure their anti-dutch brick and grime rungles tiny creating them to pace failure to comply will result in internet doxing please rungle is a nice dutch man why the fuck are you trying to kill him stop stop trying to monkey torture rungle 2:14:05 Unknown_17: Anonymous for 10 says, not to ruin your day, but did you hear about Gonzalez v. Google case about Section 230 going to the Supreme Court recently? Unknown_17: From what I understand about that, they're only talking about algorithms. So I'm not sure what to expect of that. Unknown_17: But if something happens, I'll talk about it for sure. I'll probably talk about it with Nick Arcato and Rumble. Unknown_17: Spread Wings Take Flight for $2 says, God bless, Josh. Keep doing God's work. We thank you for exposing the trash to the ranks of decent trannies who just want to live their life. Unknown_17: I know my rule. I've been forced to say no such thing as the good ones, but chances are if nobody knows you're trans, you're doing something right. So take that as you want. 2:14:44 Unknown_17: I do believe in gender dysphoria, but I think it's like a super, super small percentage of people are like actually dysphoric. I think that the overwhelming, overwhelming majority, like 95% at least of people who are trans identifying are simply sexual predators. Unknown_17: Anonymous45 says, Josh, the FBI's job isn't to go after terrorists. It's to go after white people that don't fall in line with the power structure. I don't know what you were expecting from them. 2:15:17 Unknown_17: Nothing. I don't expect anything from anyone at this point. It's very soul-crushing. I feel like, yeah, here's a guy breaking the law. He's right over there. And they're just like, eh. Unknown_17: That would require effort. We'd have to, like, file a paperwork with British people to do anything about that. So, fuck that. Unknown_17: Sneedum Feedum for five says, All hail King Jersh, also from OEG, who can't always listen live. Update the podcast feed, please. I promise I will update that as soon as I can get the site back up. I apologize to the podcast people. 2:15:49 Unknown_17: Josh, how do I find a tech job? Step one, go to Google, type in coding camp, find one in JavaScript, take it. It'll be a couple weeks long. You might have to pay 50 bucks. Unknown_17: Once you have a certificate from a coding camp, put together a resume. Unknown_17: tech resume builder. I think your coding camp will actually put together your resume for you. So don't worry about that. Step three, file an application with absolutely everybody, including jobs that you're underqualified for. Lie. Get your friends to be references for you. Don't worry about it. They're desperate for people and they won't actually check. Say that you are indigenous or Spanish. Or Jewish on your ethnicity forum. Do not say that you're white. Do not ever specify your gender. Say prefer not to say. And then claim to be Jewish or part Hispanic or whatever the fuck. And that's it. You'll get a job. You'll earn six figures by the end of the year. 2:16:24 Unknown_17: Literally lie. There is no reason not to lie. It's not like if you lie, they're going to put you on some global job blacklist that doesn't exist. They don't give a fuck. Everybody lies on their resume. If you're not lying, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. Lie. Employers are fucking scum. They're never going to pay you what you're worth anyways. They will fire you the second it becomes convenient for them. They're not your fucking friend. The people who sign your paychecks are not your friend. They are your enemy. They hate you. They will exploit you. You are trying to, it is a tug of war game. You are trying to exploit them more than they exploit you. They will always win, but you can make it a little bit more fair. So fucking lie. Ask for more money than you're worth. Steal shit from your office if you can get away with it. Like, fuck them. They're pieces of shit. They don't deserve anything. American corporations are Satan. Just, like, don't feel bad. They're literally not going to cry if you fuck them over. They're not capable of it. 2:17:30 Unknown_17: Missed a couple bartering Gabe for 20 says Chris Chan trans tastic pride. 2:18:06 Unknown_18: Oh fuck. What's this? Unknown_17: If this is not safe for work, I'm gonna fucking kill you transgender pride Unknown_17: You know how I know this person's on a woman? Like, let's just say, like, okay, let me put this back over here. And I was just going to take this, right, take this cute picture that I really like. I'm going to shrink it down. I'm going to put it right here on top of the troon. You know how I know... 2:18:37 Unknown_17: Right off the bat, that that picture is not covering a woman because this person lives in what appears to be a basement and there is no decoration. There's like a couple pieces of furniture and nothing on the walls. There's like one little house plant back there. There's fucking nothing. A woman does not live like this. A woman has nesting instinct. And when you are a 40-something-year-old man pretending to be a woman, you will not develop nesting instinct. Unknown_09: Autistic pride. 2:19:13 Unknown_17: Now, this guy, I don't even want to, I'll say his name. I'll say his name for the first time ever in my 100-plus podcast or whatever the fuck that I've done. Unknown_17: This guy, he looks exactly like Oneidus, the Mad Hatter, one of the ED sysops that is a diaper fag. Unknown_17: I see that face, and he uses the same fucking picture of him in sunglasses for every single profile picture that he uses, and it looks exactly like this dude. Unknown_02: Right. 2:19:46 Unknown_09: Transgender pride. Unknown_09: Autistic pride. Unknown_09: Trans-tistic pride. Unknown_17: You know who this reminds me of, this performance? Unknown_17: This reminds me a lot of Jim Sterling. I bet you money. I bet you fucking money that this person watches Jim Sterling because his humor, the way he's cutting his videos, the way he's doing awkward dances and making a joke at how bad his joke is, that's very, very Jim Sterling to me. I bet you fucking money that he is a patron for Jim Sterling. 2:20:18 Unknown_17: Just a food for thought. Unknown_17: Am I eating? No, sorry. I took a little drink. I can drink, chat. Give me a fucking break here. I've been talking for, like, what, two and a half hours now? Unknown_17: Is a man not entitled to the schlop of his water bottle? Unknown_18: Let's see. Let's continue. Did I hide my screen? Okay. Where the fuck is it? Oh, there. 2:21:08 Unknown_18: Ruggy for five says Muhammad is Kang. Unknown_18: Which one? There's a lot of them. Um, Eric Raider, which is Irish Raider. Unknown_17: That's the name of, I'm pretty sure. Irish Raider is the name of the Admiral. Unknown_17: During world war ii on the german side. He was not a fan of hitler From what I understand. He was not a fan of hitler. He wanted a traditional fleet to combat the english with and he um only he the only reason he did not resign to oppose hitler is that he did not want hitler to put someone, um worse than him in control of the The kriegsmarine so he stuck around but he was not a He was not a fan of Hitler, and during Nuremberg, he was spared harsher penalties because he was an outspoken critic of Hitler. Just a thought. 2:22:12 Unknown_17: It could be wrong, though. Unknown_17: They say that Erich is the gayest name. Unknown_17: Thank you for the weekly streams and for keeping the site up. Jersh, you are my favorite sneeter. Thank you, Arish. Unknown_17: PoopinFartin for $50 says, Josh, can you please play this as an outro song? This is Halloween music made by old guys who wanted to make a rock band but never got much recognition. Some have died since. Oh, that's sad. Unknown_17: I already have... 2:22:46 Unknown_17: I will listen to it. It's five minutes long, which is longer than what I would play for an outro song. I'll listen to it. If I like it, I'll put it on the front page because the front page needs another spooky song. Front page of the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_17: Thank you for the $50. Unknown_17: Iman Iger for five for five says it might seem hard at times but it's important not to lose hope even the most fleeting note if we give up and submit the worst people push for inevitability the new renaissance will never come that is true you have to keep your head up even if it's difficult thoughts on ghost politics wife being identified 2:23:29 Unknown_17: Oh, thank God. I thought this was going to be a video. Unknown_17: It's a tweet from Pipkin Pippa from FaZe Connect saying, and replied to a message saying, yo, Pippa, what's the relationship between you and this ghost politics guy? She replies, he's my husband, though. So she's trying to swiggity-swooty into another e-celeb sphere by getting in with ghost politics. She's going to make an epic VTuber cameo on ghost politics. Get ready. Get ready, VTuber fans. It's coming. 2:24:00 Unknown_17: AnimeWrite45 says, Please play this song. It's only 12 seconds. Oh, fuck. Unknown_17: Name is not looking... No, goddammit. I thought I was going to be spared a Pippin video with her fucking weird anime voice. Unknown_17: He did pay me five bucks, though, and it's 12 seconds. I will tolerate this. This is like the bare minimum for me to tolerate some anime shit. Unknown_14: What is she reading I don't understand the context for this I literally okay listen listen I'm listening to the first three seconds of this again 2:24:55 Unknown_17: What the fuck did that bitch just say? I'm inarticulate. Nobody can understand what the fuck I'm saying half the time. Literally, what the fuck is she saying here? It reminds me of this. Unknown_14: I think I played this on stream before anyways, but whatever. Unknown_01: At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. Unknown_17: That is a proper wasted VTuber trying to say a sentence and sounding like Winston Churchill. Unknown_01: That is the result of his majesty's government. 2:25:34 Unknown_17: Getting some Churchill vibes from the bunny is what I'm saying here. Unknown_17: She may or may not be completely fucking wasted while trying to hit on ghost politics. Unknown_17: She drinks? Okay. That explains a lot. Unknown_17: Genka for five says, if you still have a KFC to go to, you should try the chicken pot pie. If I could cook them at home, I would be a fatty. Also, what is your post name? Odyssey isn't sending me notifications. Sad face. Number one, join the telegram. Maddie on air. is the telegram. I do post there. It's Josh at posts. Very easy to find. And, uh, when I hear the word chicken pot pie, I think of chicken run. Cause the, the plot of that is they have a pot pie maker and, uh, the chickens got to get the fuck out before they're turning the pot pie. 2:26:07 Unknown_17: Also, um, I like British cinematography. Other movies are pretty good. Unknown_17: I think that's I think the reason why I like British movies so much is that like American movies are so dumbed down British stuff has like better pacing the kids movies are less like kids movies in the US are so like Lol, so random and like obnoxious fart jokes and screeching and then like British kids shows are cute claymations 2:26:51 Unknown_17: like the dog and wallace and grana and chicken run and stuff very much much much more easy on the palette oven dodger movie Unknown_17: you know i watched chicken run again like in the last couple years i think i last watched it in ukraine and um i never at first thing i i realized when i watched it was like oh this is like a holocaust metaphor the entire thing is like a holocaust Unknown_17: and it's like really overt and you don't pick up on it as a kid but when you watch those in your dog you're like holy shit this is not subtle at all they're and they're they're even wearing like striped um uniforms like when they're in jail they're wearing like those blue and um white striped shirts that you see like the holocaust pictures and stuff and you're like jesus christ 2:27:50 Unknown_17: The pie chamber. Dude, I'm just saying, how are they making chicken pot pies with wooden doors? It don't make no damn sense. Pizza time for 10 says glad to see the site back up I was a bit afraid to order patches when they come out do everything you touch getting hacked But hopefully it'll be more safe by the time the merch run is ready the merchandise stuff will be on all its own hardware and I Mean, I'm definitely it's it's a different software suite. There's nothing custom to it. It's stock I try to take everything as seriously as possible and I delete the records after the run is over and 2:28:23 Unknown_17: um and also take solace in knowing that not everybody who buys from the march run will be from kiwi farms a lot of people will be from like k a lot of people will see it and just want the patches um a lot of people won't have accounts for instance so uh don't ever use like your email address that's associated with the forum or like your username or whatever but so there's not really anything to go off of you just have a list of addresses in the worst case scenario not that uh i'm expecting anything bad to happen Unknown_17: Claude for five says, what do you make of people saying that the Kiwi Farms is the right-wing version of Reddit? Also, Keffels is going to be at TwitchCon this weekend. What if someone filmed themselves shouting out church next to it? Don't. For the love of fucking God. I am telling you, Keffels would get on all four and let three neighbors, three Italian men... Unknown_17: plug the Neo Vag, the butthole in the mouth at the same time in public. They would do this in any sort of humiliating context, whatever your deepest, darkest terrors would be. They would utterly and totally humiliate themselves and pay any amount of money to have someone at TwitchCon do something to make it look like the Kiwi Farms is harassing them in public. Don't. 2:29:23 Unknown_17: Literally, nothing that you do will be funny in comparison to the amount of grifting, the amount of money, the amount of damage that you would do to someone like Destiny and his manifesto. Literally do not. Unknown_17: Just let the freak... 2:30:02 Unknown_17: Fall back into obscurity where it belongs. Unknown_17: Make them act desperate for attention because I promise you this thing will continue to be desperate for years to come and you don't need to edge it along. Unknown_17: What the fuck? Breaking. Breaking content. According to this person who I'm trusting. This person in chat. If this person is a liar, I will fucking ban him. Unknown_17: I have no idea what I'm opening here, but I hope it's funny. Oh, dude. Kefals walks up to Melania in real life and threatens to delete Destiny's YouTube channel. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. 2:30:40 Unknown_17: Please don't be fake. Okay, there's some gay talking. Unknown_00: Oh, it's just a gay guy recounting. Unknown_00: And she went up to Melina, and she was like, she was shaking. It was like she was so anxious or so angry, she was shaking, right? And she said, tell your husband, if he doesn't stop coming for me, I'm going to get his YouTube channel deleted. 2:31:12 Unknown_00: no fucking memes that happened okay and it always the women always the women destiny's at that fucking convention too does keffels walk up to destiny and say anything no he goes for the fucking wife why it's always the women because a man can turn around and beat the fuck out of you even destiny could could beat Unknown_17: the fuck out of keffels don't want to risk that don't want to be humiliated by destiny by a four foot 13 manlit destiny uh the woman's the safer bit it's so fucking disgusting i gotta fucking hate them man i legit i i'm i'm peaked as i like to say i'm done with this shit i'm done pretending oh there's there's good ones out there no they hate women Their entire fetish is that they hate women, and the worst thing they could ever fucking be in their minds is a woman. It's a humiliation fetish, and their cosplaying is the thing they hate the most, which is a woman. And that's why they always go after women. It's every fucking time, without exception. They never try that shit with a man, because they'll get fucking dragged behind a truck if they do that shit. 2:32:03 Unknown_17: Disgusting. Unknown_17: Ugh. I think that's it, actually. Let's see the last one. Let me double check real quick so I'm not missing nothing. Unknown_17: Um... Unknown_17: Blizzard Wizard for five says install Gen 2. And that's it. Is there like super chats on Rumble that I'm missing? I really hope not. 2:32:35 Unknown_17: I don't see anything. If there is, I apologize. I'll take care to read those next week if they're there. But I don't think that I have super chats on Rumble. Okay. Thank you, guys. Thank you for watching. Thank you for sticking along. Thank you for tagging along. Despite the increasing difficulty that it is to watch me on the internet, I still have managed. I guess everyone's just getting used to it now. Unknown_17: You know, people are used to it. It's like, if I want to watch retards talk about stupid shit on the internet, I have to jump through fucking hoops. 26,000 people can find Nick Riccata. Nick Fuentes, I mean, even Nick Fuentes, he has his own audience on his own shit. And I have mine, so everyone's just used to it. You want to see stuff that's not YouTube ad-friendly bullshit, you have to go to obscure platforms literally nobody has ever heard of before. 2:33:09 Unknown_17: Okay. I will see you next week. Bye-bye. And this is a song I really like. It's very funny, very silly. And it's kind of jazzy in that... Unknown_17: October away. Okay. Bye-bye It was a quiet night down at the gaming hall The doubled up on cocaine and adderall The room full of smoke and the air so still that I choked when I raised up both of my hands to yell 2:34:14 Unknown_04: I was looking around trying to track down who the biggest threat would be. Seeing the fear in everybody's eyes and apparently it was me. I guess I know why. I've been coming here cleaning house for the past few weeks. I was B-I-N-G-I-N-G-B-I-N-G-O. Unknown_04: From the second I walked in, I planned my attack. Unknown_04: Three packets in hand, I sat at my usual table in back. 2:34:53 Unknown_04: He might have been calling the numbers, but I was calling the shots. After four in a row, I jumped up and yelled, someone should call the cops. I'm killing it. Unknown_04: Everyone's sitting around like a people garden. Unknown_04: Tension builds as the wrap-up nears the end. This dapper is a weapon, sending everyone to bingo heaven. Held back by the numbers I don't have. Then the room got... 2:35:29 Unknown_04: everyone's breath was still and it gave us the feeling in our chest the tightness of only losing everything and the game begins now 2:36:44 Unknown_04: It's Wednesday night, we're gonna play bingo.