Back 2 Sneed 2022-09-30

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_06: Hello everybody! It's that time of the week. Not counting last week. That was not the right time of the week. This is the right time of the week. This is the moment where I say hello to everybody and cover what I can remember because my mind right now is like a bucket full of holes. Everything just goes straight through. I can't keep track. So much is happening so fast I can't keep track of nothing. No way, no how.

Unknown_06: Um, I

Unknown_06: I've been so busy that I wanted to do a thing for the gumroad people and I literally had no time for it so I got I Literally got Burger Kings. I mean I was traveling through a place that had Burger King and I thought you know I'm gonna do a review of the the impossible Whopper the the vegetarian Whopper alternative just because of the seared bite meme which is my favorite of the nonsense from you laugh you lose one fortune and So if you can stand eating sounds, you were able to listen to everything I'm about to explain in this stream a little bit early.

Unknown_06: But for everybody else which I assume is the majority of people who didn't listen to me Two hamburgers one hamburger and one burger that kind of tastes like a bean burger This this is you're gonna be getting the same information pretty much as everybody else right now actually I Had the good sense of mind to mute this before I went live, but someone just tried to DDoS the Kiwi farms and But yet, if I go to right now, it is up.

Unknown_06: Imagine that, Chad, imagine that.

Unknown_06: How should I approach this? This is one of those days where it's just like, fuck it, I'm not gonna take any notes, I'm just gonna talk. So I'm trying to think about what I could, how I could move this.

Unknown_06: See, I have my Firefox up. My Firefox has some content on it that we'll go through.

Unknown_06: I'm debating if I should talk about Kiwi Farm stuff first, or, you know, I'll go through the Kiwi Farm stuff first. I think everybody, everybody who deserves to hear this live is already here hearing it live, so everybody else can just eat shit, I guess.

Unknown_06: Actually, no, wait, no. Let's wait a bit, give people a bit of time. I don't wanna, I don't wanna be that mean. Can I can Firefox work Firefox gonna work There we go, okay, perfect, that's right Okay, so we're gonna do some some filler content and I'll talk about key for myself Which is what most people wanna listen to I imagine So interestingly the the

Unknown_06: The Dylan guy who's he's a really like a like a feminine gay man, and he just decided this year I'm gonna do a thing on tick-tock and I've never watched like a tick-tock video on tick-tock I can assume that everybody who's on tick-tock is mentally ill a child or a pedophile Which I guess falls under the category of mental illness, but I want to kind of make that its own thing falling into multiple categories is Dylan Mulvaney who is not

Unknown_06: Technically a woman he still goes by Dylan. I don't know if Dylan is supposed to be like a gender-neutral name now But I played a video I think I played a video of him last time I streamed where he was like doing a clap back on this this girl Who's making fun of him? Relentlessly saying like I'm famous. I'm famous and I'm like Going to movies and stuff and I'm I'm just like so important like doing all my important stuff he

Unknown_06: You got featured in Forbes women, which is really funny at this point I'm assuming that the media is just trying to see like is there a level that we can push women? Can we just like Strip can we just like ritualistically humiliate womankind?

Unknown_06: And see if they actually ever do anything about it, or are they just gonna let us get away with it forever?

Unknown_06: So Dylan who is just a dude he's literally just a dude who puts on makeup and stuff and does a daily thing where he's like this is day 180 of me being a woman uh today I'm gonna douche my butthole for for anal sex because uh gay sex you have shit on your dick so I'm gonna try to get all the shit out of my asshole so I can take it like a woman And that's uh, you know like a woman does and then they're like, oh my god, that's so brave We want to broadcast this to every child on tiktok and feature you in uh forbes women So, uh, this is what he was bragging about by the way, this was really big to him from kick foosball tables And this western maple craftsmanship I'm surprised price is right. It's even a thing a deluxe accessory kit is included made in the usa by golden west Did you know that Price is Right is owned by Coca-Cola, in part?

Unknown_03: Price is Right used to, um... Used to be owned by Coca-Cola.

Unknown_06: They had their own media venture at some point.

Unknown_03: Show him! Oh my god, there he is!

Unknown_06: He's so famous! Oh wait, this is... This was him, um...

Unknown_06: in January 2021. That's funny. So this is before he transitioned. This is what he's bragging about now. He's really set his career up. He was a contestant on the price is right. And now this is film. I'm pretty sure price is right. It's film though to LA. So when he's in New York now, cause he wants to be on Broadway, but he was from LA and I knew it. I knew the first time I saw him talk, this motherfucker is from Los Angeles. Only a person from Los Angeles could be so soulless anyways.

Unknown_06: Um, that's it. I just want to make fun of this guy some more because uh He's really gross and he's one of those people that's like Really contemptible people find it very easy to hate him. So he's become like a a talking point Uh, also this the the the national circuit circus has picked up on the the fake tits tranny teacher in canada for whatever reason

Unknown_06: They're protesting the school now, right? So all these people are pissed off that there's this fucking weirdo teaching at the school. And then when you read the response from the school, they basically say like, we can't do anything about it, it's the law. So they're out there protesting the weirdo tranny teacher at the school, but it's like, you're protesting the school, who legally can't do anything about this guy.

Unknown_06: So why are you even, why are you not protesting your government? You know what I mean? PPP went to the protest. That's pretty funny.

Unknown_06: I'm tempted to make a mean joke. He went, he went there to put the teacher to shame. He's like, check them, check them out, bitch. I own you. And these are real motherfucker. These are not, these are not some, some prosthetic strap on. Oh, would you like to mute my, uh,

Unknown_00: I downloaded XMPP so I don't have notifications muted.

Unknown_06: That's when all the cool kids talk when everything is collapsing these days.

Unknown_06: Anyways.

Unknown_06: BGNs.

Unknown_06: This, by the way, this is his voice. The titty lady. Titty dude.

Unknown_01: And one of the first things that you can learn with Tinkercad is that you can take a look at different Views of your of your objects, so this is the viewcube so if we hit top view We can take a look at the top. You know who else has a degree in CAD Christian Christian had a degree in computer-aided graphic design I

Unknown_06: Just a weird coincidence. He's showing you how to make cones He's like now you can 3d print these gigantic cones and you can strap them to your face Or to your chest and then you can scare the fuck out of everybody Oh, he doesn't he didn't graduate he um It was a two-year degree. He spent like five years I want to say trying to get it and then he dropped out or he got kicked out rather by that evil, bitch

Unknown_06: Mary Lee Walsh it was just trying to obstruct his love quest. That's why he got expelled If he if he had gone ahead he could have gotten a a career as a teacher as a tomboy teacher

Unknown_06: Then also in trans stuff, this is just a collection of trans stuff that I have. Um, God, I meant to get some stuff from Ralph. I'll talk about that too. I'll pull it up and then I'll collect my thoughts.

Unknown_06: I found this post and then, uh, it's very funny. Killer Kukri says she won't stop nutting in our towels.

Unknown_06: Just what the title says, my 31 non-binary, my, so 31 non-binary is Killer Kukri, spouse, 35 trans woman, has a habit of masturbating anytime I leave the house, and rather than finish literally anywhere else, opts to finish in our towels. And I love how you can read this and you instantly know, okay, this author is a woman, and her husband is the tranny.

Unknown_06: He says I am so or she says rather. I am so sick of it. It's so disgusting and gross. I've asked her multiple times To stop doing it and offered alternatives But she doesn't care her current defense is that she only does it in dirty towels But dirty or not if they're not washed right away some have ended up with big bleached out spots which is funny to me because

Unknown_06: I have always thought that cum smells like chlorine, and I guess it does have bleach in it, which is strange. I don't know what the fuck the purpose of that is. How does your body make bleach and then shoot bleach and not, like, sterilize yourself?

Unknown_06: Body is strange, chat. Not to mention, it's me that does the laundry, so I'm peeling these crusty little love deposits apart. If it's not a bath towel, she'll use a hand towel and hide it. I have found them under our bed, under our couch. Every time I'm so appalled by it, and every time she's embarrassed and offended, I would call her out. I'm now at a loss of how to get, of how I am to get my spouse to stop trying to impregnate the towels.

Unknown_06: And what's really funny about this, by the way, is that I pulled up this guy's account, this woman's account. I went to post and I went by, I'm gonna do my new. This is a historical catalog of this woman's adventures on Reddit. You ready?

Unknown_06: They post on three subs, just know, and then mother-in-law, family, and SO. So these are like rant subreddits about mother-in-laws, family, and significant others.

Unknown_06: Three years ago, she says, mother-in-law has moved in next to us. Then she says, my mother won't accept, my mother, so not my mother-in-law. My mother won't accept my apology for making her feel unwanted at my daughter's party.

Unknown_06: Then back to just no mother-in-law. How my mother-in-law nearly made me lose my daughter. So they have a kid, the cum sock person, and this non-binary fella has a child.

Unknown_06: And then back to just no mother-in-law. Unsure about North Carolina after, oh, no contact. Unsure about no contact after mother-in-law arrested.

Unknown_06: And then that was a year ago. And now two days ago, she's back to just no significant other to complain. She just won't stop nutting in her towel.

Unknown_06: This woman has been driven insane by the circumstances of her life The no contact one is really interesting by the way the mother-in-law is really insane threatened somebody with a knife got arrested and so she and her husband made a no contact rule with the The

Unknown_04: I'm sorry. I get distracted the note with the mother-in-law, but then the mother-in-law Went missing because they got arrested and now the the spouse that can't stop coming in towels is on the hunt even though they have a no contact thing and She's stressed about that really interesting stuff sucks to be her I guess

Unknown_06: This was a response to the nutting in the towels question.

Unknown_06: Eating Ganesha with 23 upvotes says, I would buy a pack of towels in a color not used in the bathroom and then I would buy a diaper genie so he can dispose of her nutted towels into the bin so that it wouldn't smell. I would then also put my foot down and tell her she's going to use her own nutted laundry from now on, and any use of the household towels for that task will result in all the towels except hers being locked away. There's no shame in calling out this disgusting behavior. Trans doesn't matter here. This is hygiene and respecting your partner 101.

Unknown_06: My partner is also a trans woman.

Unknown_06: and is such a pig that we recently bought a duplex so I would never have to pick up after her again. I stay on my floor, she stays on hers. I can often smell her gross kitchen and moldy laundry in the hallway we share. That is amazing.

Unknown_06: How do you know that trans women aren't women? No woman lives like this, at least when they're married.

Unknown_06: Unless they have a histrionic personality disorder, I guess.

Unknown_04: Imagine having enough disposable income you can just buy a duplex so you never have to see your significant other again. Oh, and this is a little bit of a teaser I guess.

Unknown_06: This is one of the, this is, there is a person who runs a Twitter account called Drop Kiwi Farms and they have like no followers, no traction.

Unknown_06: They tweet a hundred thousand times a day. And for whatever reason, despite my protest in the telegram chat, I've told the fucking retards in the telegram chat, which is under anime avatar fatwa. Um,

Unknown_06: Nobody should give this guy attention because he's obviously an impotent attention whore, but yet they screencap and have like one-on-one conversations with this fucking retard constantly, despite my wishes, because they just want attention.

Unknown_06: Now this person claims to be completely anonymous, but it's 100% this guy called sincere.

Unknown_06: They are almost 50, and they are on HRT. And that's not even the worst thing about them. Sincere is famous, famous as like a little cow, because they have 17,000 hours in Fallout 76.

Unknown_06: Who plays Fallout 76, you ask yourself when the game was released? This person. This is who plays Fallout 76 for 17,000 hours. And then they get bored. I can't remember why they stopped playing it. But they um Then start up a twitter account to start bitching about the kiwi farm So I guess they are upset that they got bullied on it for playing fallout 76 for that long I'm gonna drop kiwi farms um And that's it. The only other thing that's happening right now kind of like that i'm paying attention to at least I don't know my sites did again. It might just be a bad node though Let's see. Can I resurrect it?

Unknown_06: The way that it works is that the site has a bunch of different forward nodes and then some middle nodes and then The actual back end So when it's not one because what the guy is doing right now because right now I'm streaming he knows that so that's why he's attacking right now because otherwise I would just fix it

Unknown_06: But he sends a network level attack against the front ends one at a time. And then he also does a layer seven against the Tor. So the back, the middle nodes lock up. The back end is doing just fine, but the middle nodes in the front ends are choking because they're being hit with two different kinds of attacks.

Unknown_06: Yeah, that's just a lot of HTTP. Because what I would like to do is play a clip of Nick Fuentes. You know what, can I? I'm gonna be sneaky here. I'm gonna try to open Tor and see if the Tor node actually works. Because I'm vaguely familiar that the, or vaguely aware that the Tor node likes to work when the main site doesn't, but he is using Tor to hammer it.

Unknown_04: Let's see.

Unknown_04: If not, that's fine. I'll just talk about that. I'll use that as an excuse to segue into the Kiwi farm stuff and then I'll save the If the Ralph stuff for later if I can manage to get it All right, um now I suppose I will just talk about the Kiwi farm stuff so last week

Unknown_06: Did not stream did not stream. I was busy. I was doing stuff. I could not Have a nice sit down to talk to you guys as I enjoy doing so I instead Made is very I mean I did very little with the the forum. I should explain that before actually I

Unknown_06: I had my stream with Jim, and then the next day, I think, it might have been two days later, it was on Sunday, I'm pretty sure, everyone's avatar on the Kiwi farm starts changing to the post logo, and

Unknown_06: I'm confused about this and my first idea is let me check and see if I can actually verify that the avatar is changing because there's so many moving parts now I thought maybe they compromised or found some way to fuck with the image cage.

Unknown_06: so that they could just make everybody's avatar look like the post logo. So then I go up and I pull up the image out of the server, and sure enough, the avatars are actually changing. So I know that whatever they're doing is actually instructing the server to make a change, which is a more serious compromise than fucking with the mid-level image caches.

Unknown_06: So from there,

Unknown_06: I start looking at the logs, and then as I'm doing that, I notice that the forum actually starts getting deleted. One node after the other, they start getting deleted. So I say, that is definitely somebody in the admin control panel deleting the nodes. The site has been compromised, probably session hijacking, because that's usually what it is.

Unknown_06: And I shut down the site.

Unknown_06: The next day or throughout that day and into the next day I start looking at what it could be and my initial assumption was that one of the forward nodes had been compromised because, which is a Ukrainian service, had announced that they had a compromise the day before. And I thought, oh, what they probably did was they got access to that forward node and they found a way to man in the middle it and extract session tokens. So when I coincidentally connected through that node, my session token was intercepted. And that would be pretty bad because

Unknown_06: It would mean that passwords could also be exposed Basically any information could be intercepted That's what that was my initial assumption and that's why I told people initially To assume that the password had been had been stolen because as far as I was aware that could be the truth That was not the case the truth is a little bit simpler What happened is is that? on Zen for oh

Unknown_06: There is no kind of media validation. So you can take a HTML file, a web document, and you can rename it .mp3 or in this case .opus and the server will accept this and think it's an opus file and allow you to attach it as a audio file.

Unknown_06: And this is, in and of itself, a pretty big security risk.

Unknown_06: But it's not the payload injection.

Unknown_06: They needed something else for that.

Unknown_06: So in the chat, there was a bug where someone could insert an iframe

Unknown_06: and reference a script.

Unknown_06: And they had to do it like this because the way that the chat worked is that it would only accept scripts on the same domain name or ones that had a token attached to them. So they couldn't just inject a script and have that run because unsafe inline wasn't allowed. They had to find some way to upload a script to the site so that the iframe could then be executed bypassing security rules. So that's why they had to upload it as an Opus file using Zen 4.0. And then they used the iframe in the chat to actually run it. And this did a couple things. First of all, it sent your session token to the attacker. And the attacker could then use that as a cookie on their browser to log in to your account. It then automatically sent a request to the avatar page to change your avatar to the post logo.

Unknown_06: If you were an admin, it also sent your admin token and then a copy of the PHP info, which is a printout of server information that PHP creates on certain pages in 4.0 in the admin panel.

Unknown_06: from there he was able to log in because I open chat he was able to log in through my account and Then I tracked what he did in the server logs and what he tried to do was go to the user page To download all the user information However, he tried to download every record at once and that caused it to just break and he did not manage as far as I'm aware He did not manage to get a copy of the user list. He also tried to download information from the add-ons page

Unknown_06: And I don't think he got any useful information from that and Then when he I don't know what happened I don't know why he decided to delete nose because that tipped me off the the admin panel was compromised I shut down the site cuz I knew what was going on and

Unknown_06: And while it was a very, you know, especially because of the timing, it was very serious, and it was very, you know, even if nothing leaks, it had the potential to cause a big leak, and that's upsetting, and I'm not happy with that, obviously.

Unknown_06: It could have been worse because the day after I had my family emergency, if it had happened at a different time, if it had happened during that week, I would not have been able to respond at all. It would have taken me hours and hours to respond as opposed to me actively investigating it while things were actually going on.

Unknown_06: So as far as that went, it happened about as well as it could have for us.

Unknown_04: so uh I'm thankful for that um and it's annoying because it's like a juvenile mistake there were so many different ways that I could have uh prevented that and I've really gone overboard now I've um gone through Zenforo and I've tried to clean it up as best I can I've configured the web server to be as god fucking damn it

Unknown_06: To be as aggressive as I can possibly get it so that there is no further risk With cross-session scripting I'm gonna have someone review that eventually probably soon So that is the issue with

Unknown_06: The hack so when the hack happened I shut it down and then while I was investigating I got my my call I went out to deal with my issue, and I just left the server down. I let it to cool off. I let it Let it to see where the chips fell to see where everything landed and

Unknown_06: Then after a week I took the weekend off to I could have brought serving things up on the weekend But I decided against it. I did Some minor work. I was reformatting everything all the servers. This is a precaution I'm kind of tinkering with my config and I started bringing them up

Unknown_06: So Monday I was busy setting everything up and then on Tuesday I was able to bring the site up. Tuesday went pretty well, Wednesday and Thursday went pretty well, but now there is the DDoS attack again and I'm dealing with that.

Unknown_06: The the main issue is not network attacks the main issue is Application later attacks. So we have a open source thing right now that we're working on Someone in particular, I don't know if he wants a shout out or whatever is working on it. I

Unknown_06: and It's working pretty good. There are some issues with it that can I don't want to say right now because it would be a pain in the ass. It's not like security issues. It's just like effectiveness issues but there There are ways to deal with it and that's just gonna get done over time Right now what they're doing like the attacks are just like stupid. It's just bashing your head against the wall

Unknown_06: Extremely juvenile unsophisticated easily mitigated it's just a matter of having enough computer to to mitigate it and You don't need much. I don't think because what they're doing right now is Not as a not so effective So I'm working on that. There's more more computer. I can throw at it very easily and When I have time, that's what I'll do

Unknown_04: When I say application layer attack, that's DDoS attacks.

Unknown_06: In computer tech terminology, there are layers to a program. Layer one is the physical hardware. So a layer one attack would be me taking a hammer to my computers. That's a layer one attack.

Unknown_06: Layer three and four are network level. So when somebody is sending in a flood of bandwidth to a server that is a network level attack, a three or four attack, and then in a layer seven or application layer attack, it's designed to, it's kind of like,

Unknown_06: The attack is designed so that it's low bandwidth, but high impact. So, for instance, when you request a web page, the server has to spend a great deal of time, not a great deal of time, ideally, but a amount of time, even if it's only milliseconds, but that's much more time than it takes for you to make a request. It takes nanoseconds for you to send a request. So you can send 100 requests every 100 milliseconds easily, and then it's probably going to take more than that amount of time for your web server to respond to those requests. Just because even if it's a very efficient application, if it doesn't have any kind of scrutiny in regards to what requests it serves, it's vulnerable to being overloaded by simple

Unknown_06: By simply asking too many times so an application level filter as one that provides some sanity to how you handle requests and right now the application level filter is doing a very good job and making sure that the web server itself is not impacted by any fictitious requests

Unknown_06: That's why you get the little bot page It's open source, so it's gonna be a game of cat and mouse unfortunately depending on how dedicated they are but

Unknown_06: Any effort spent breaking this is pretty much dedicated towards hurting the Kiwi farms alone And I don't think that the people against us are particularly intelligent. So they're at a disadvantage by default and Over time I can just you know, I can dedicate more resources to it. I can build proper servers I can get something like a

Unknown_06: You know a set of server like all it takes to handle this is a little bit of CPU and more importantly threads over processing power So you can get a CPU that has 64 threads at a low clock rate like 2.1 gigahertz for very little

Unknown_06: And then you can get three of these. You can fit three of these into a single, you know, one unit rack in your data center. So it's very space compartmentalized. And then all they do is they apply a very, you know, quick set of rules to each request to see if they're valid and then discard the ones that aren't. It comes down to that. I'll do that. I'll build my own. I'll build my own everything. I don't give a fuck I'm so tired of being told by bullshit faggot companies that I can't do things and it's like I absolutely can what you're doing isn't is not like Is not impossible for ordinary people to replace it's just difficult it just requires effort and I

Unknown_06: So and the more localized a solution is the more impractical it is to defeat it When you have something like a recapture or cloudflare There's a lot of money being able to defeat recapture and cloudflare because everybody uses them if you find a way to break Recapture or break cloudflare you actually have something you can sell to the black market for a ton of money if you Spend you know a bunch of hours breaking the Kiwi farms DDoS mitigation service who the fuck is gonna buy that The people who would want to bring me down are like insane trannies, you know what I mean? There's not as big a market for that kind of mitigation bypass. So it's, uh, the serious black hats who are in it for the money, who are the people you should be afraid of, the people who are going to ransom your computers are not going to be interested in bypassing something like that.

Unknown_06: Uh, so.

Unknown_06: I think that's the roundup, as far as the technical stuff goes. The site was hacked.

Unknown_06: I don't know of anything, I have yet to see any verifiable information that anything has come out from it. When we're not under DDoS attack, the site works very well. The issue with a DDoS attack is mostly lateral. It's a matter of getting enough computers, enough bandwidth, and enough mid-level mitigation so that the attack is not as effective as it would like to be.

Unknown_06: Then also oh one more thing that I've set up When I was hosting on the dot st kiwi farms that st. I was using a DNS and if you don't know a DNS is a way of resolving a domain name a domain name server and And the way that DNS works is very complicated. It's a bunch of different layers owned by different companies. But basically when you type in, that means nothing to your computer. Your computer doesn't know what the fuck that means. It knows what an IP is, but it doesn't know how to turn a domain name into an IP address. So there's levels to it. Your computer asks your own personal DNS what that means, and usually that's provided by your ISP. It can often be Google or Cloudflare's, Google's, but usually it's your ISPs or it's your VPNs.

Unknown_06: So that server actually doesn't know where the Kiwi Farms is either.

Unknown_06: To resolve that, they look in a zone. So .NET is owned by a company called VeriSign. And VeriSign keeps track of another kind of a record called an NS record. So when your domain name server wants to figure out where is, it asks VeriSign what the registrar is and where the NS records are. And then that provides the name servers and IPs of that record. And then your domain server takes the NS servers for the domain and then asks those servers where that record is located. And then the DNS servers that your domain is pointed at will return the A record. Sounds very complicated, but in general your DNS is managed by another company because who the fuck would want to run something like that? That sounds like hell. Cloud DNS was one that I used for a .ST because it's very useful for this exact purpose. What I'm doing is not actually that unique. There are a lot of companies, a lot of websites out there that are resilient to takedowns because they are pirate websites.

Unknown_06: So when you go to pirate a movie or you know, you go to look at some what's the other bit? Oh the the porn sites that pirate like only fans content when you go to a pirate You know only fans content those sites are hounded with abuse complaints constantly. They're very resilient to complaints because of how much Bullshit they get for hosting only fan shit so

Unknown_06: What they use is very similar they have a Domain name server that and they usually use cloud DNS. That's how I got referred I think the pirate may use them So what you do is you have 20 front ends and you plug them all in to cloud DNS and you tell it I want you to do a health check on each of these every minute and and set a time limit so that you're you know when you make a request you usually keep that response like what's it's this IP you keep that response for a TTL time to live usually five minutes but it can be up to an hour up to a day depending on how confident the source is that that record will be unchanging.

Unknown_06: Cloudiness is the opposite and says set it for 60 seconds. We have no confidence that this record will be alive at any given time and we want to set it for as little as possible. And we want to do a health check on each of those. So every minute it does a ping, it gets a pong back, then it keeps the record up and serves it out. if it doesn't then it drops the record so this is how you keep a bunch of front ends that are being attacked by DDoS attacks and Complaints and they're getting service yanked and yada yada yada all this shit That's how you keep it nice and snappy for the end-user. It's very important cloud DNS dropped us

Unknown_06: The trainees complained to cloud DNS, and then what's really funny, what's hysterical about this, is that when cloud DNS dropped us, they hijacked our name server records and redirected it to a parking page, because that's what everyone does. They take our DNS and they point it to some bullshit that advertises their fucking garbage.

Unknown_06: However, cloud DNS's hosting is actually provided by something called like Imprivio or Hosterion. And when was just pointing towards the CloudDNS parking page, the trannies still complained to Hosterion saying that they were providing a parking page for and they made CloudDNS take down our parking page because they didn't want the heat from that. That's fucking, that's nuts to me. I got pinged and I was like,

Unknown_06: Who is Hosterion? Do you use them? Because they're talking to the trainees on Twitter. I'm like, I've never even heard of Hosterion. What the fuck do I use them for? Are they like a parent company to one of the DPS providers? No, they were Cloudiness's parking page provider, which is hysterical.

Unknown_06: So I'm after that I said okay epic epics domain epic is our domain registrar epics has its own name servers however epic does not have the really fast Time to live records with the health checks and stuff I told them that would be a great thing to add to their service They may agree with and add that later, but for right now. They don't have it, and I need it so

Unknown_06: I've set up my own domain name servers and I'm going to have to fortify those as well. And the really funny thing about how domain name servers work is that they're very, very small. So I can rent a $5 VPS and a million different places and have 20 different name server records and, um, shit these out basically as fast as I want and just have them scale horizontally as, as much as I want.

Unknown_06: I'm looking at that the issue is is that right now the Rotation doesn't work as I want I'm using power DNS and for whatever reason the if URL up Lewis script thing does not work I don't know if I'm using it wrong. I don't know what the fuck the issue is However that is

Unknown_06: Where I'm stuck at currently and I'm hoping to get that resolved because um, it was with cloud DNS It was actually working really fucking great, and I would love to get that Operating as it was before And I think that's it Does the class have any questions for me regarding the bullshit hoops that I've been jumping through the last two weeks?

Unknown_04: I mean I'm talking about the website nerd house fedora been for you.

Unknown_06: I've been on Windows I've been on Windows. I didn't feel like I had to deal with a bunch of shit I didn't feel like importing all my settings and stuff. So I just switched back to Windows I found I found a nice console thing with tabs on it What will my DNS be called oh god when I start offering all these different services I'll have to brand them and stuff I might as well at this point

Unknown_06: Uh, let's see keep it up josh. Will this be on the test? Absolutely. It will be how are you still saying i'm having fun? Um, i'm not gonna lie, you know, I know a lot of people are like aren't you stressed out? It's like yeah, it's a little bit stressful and sometimes I get anxious about stuff but like

Unknown_06: You know, you just deal with shit. You just deal with shit, and I enjoy the game, and I like setting up. If I had to pick a job, I would just want to set up servers all the time. I like deploying stuff. I like playing with new computers. I like trying out. Right now, I'm using FreeBSD on a lot of my servers, and it's like, well, I'm setting up 10 servers a day. I might as well try out FreeBSD. I'm having a lot of fun with FreeBSD. FreeBSD is great. I'll probably use that for more stuff in the future. I've had some experience with it, and I'm trying it again, and I like it. It's all a learning experience, and I genuinely enjoy playing with computers.

Unknown_06: I have fun.

Unknown_06: And I I don't let what people say get to me I really I just I just don't care and I remember when I first started hosting the forum I was really afraid of people finding my picture because I thought like I never wanted to be one of those people that that had their pictures floating around and getting photoshopped and stuff and then it happened and people Photoshop you into horrible things and you're just like oh I was afraid of literally nothing this does not fucking matter at all Um...

Unknown_06: Just and I think that has to do with a lot with like the Blockland stuff like when because people said terrible things about me You know as a teenager and a lot of it was true and a lot of it wasn't and you just kind of build up a tolerance to it's like The people who I like and who I need in my life Trust me and they know who I am and they like me and the people that I I don't need in my life believe whatever bullshit they want and It doesn't bother me

Unknown_06: It's only frustrating when it's like It's like a service provider or something then it's like, you know, I'll just replace you Cloudflare wasn't offering anything unique. It was the Most available easiest to get set up. It's like it's at the end of a day. It's just a fucking web page that Checks if it's human traffic it's a comp it's like it's complicated open-ended question, but it's not

Unknown_06: This mystical, unattainable thing, it can be replicated. Maybe not as well for its purpose of serving 80% of all websites on the internet, but it can be replicated to some extent.

Unknown_06: Let's get them banned from FreeBSD, oh geez.

Unknown_06: Speaking of, while I was setting up the Kiwi Farms, and thank you for reminding me of that, I had an issue. Right now I'm still having networking issues, and a lot of my computers are stuck behind IPv6.

Unknown_06: So I need shit to work with IPv6. If it doesn't work with IPv6, it's a bigger pain in my ass.

Unknown_06: Thankfully, IPv6 came out 10 years ago. IPv4s have been completely depleted worldwide for like five years now. We are out of IPv4 addresses. They're a finite number, and when the IPv4 standard came out in the 1980s, 90s, a long time ago, they were very willy-nilly about delegating

Unknown_06: Subnets so at you know when you look at an IP string you have four sets of numbers between 0 and 255 many of those IP addresses are

Unknown_06: Special purpose it's like the entire like the number 10 the first number 10. That's called a slash 8 that is 1 250 fifth of our 256 of all IPs that exist is special purpose local network 192 168 is a 16 special purpose local network 0 0 0 I'm pretty sure the everything that starts with the 0 is special purpose. I think 255 is also special purpose so that's like

Unknown_06: for 256 of the entire IPv4 range special purpose and then the Department of Defense asked for IP addresses and they gave them like more than an eight they gave them like a multiple eight so then like a huge chunk of the internet just got patrician to the Department of Defense and they don't even fucking use them their IPs are like completely internal they don't use them at all for public facing purposes and they're just gone So we've known for a while that we are running out of IPs, which is why in 2012, they released the IPv6 standard. And for a lot of countries, like in APNIC, they told Japan at a very early point, you will get no more IPv4 addresses. You're one of the richest countries in the world. You're one of the most technologically developed in the world. You have no fucking excuse. Get your people using IPv6 now. We're not giving you anymore. So they said, fine. So now if you go to Japan, There's a 100% chance that no matter what computer you're on, if it's a desktop computer or a mobile phone, it will be an IPv6 range, of which there are quadrillions of these IPv6 ranges. It went from a slash 32, is the most precise, to a slash 128. It's like a factor of a factor of a factor. It's an immense amount of space allocated to IPv6. My point was that almost everything uses IPv6.

Unknown_06: Except, on Debian, there is a repository, and in open source stuff, the way that code works, and this is why people like Linux a lot more than Windows, is that you don't download a .exe and run it to install a program. You just do apt-get, whatever the fuck I want, and it downloads it from a repository. And there are many repositories, and they're managed by usually pretty big, serious organizations that take their job seriously and make sure that their packages work for the distributions that they're targeting.

Unknown_06: Except for PHP. PHP, the programming language that runs Zenforo, that I use for my fucking website, is managed for Debian by, which is like one fucking faggot at a check. The Czech Republic, a man who cannot stop sucking dick for a nanosecond. A guy who sits on the board of the CZ NIC for the top level domain CZ.

Unknown_06: This guy, a literal incarnation of the Swayboy meme, like single-handedly manages the Surrey repository for PHP.

Unknown_06: And it doesn't use IPv6. So I leave a comment on this four-year-old ticket on GitHub saying, why is there no IPv6 support? And the faggot is just like, LMAO, I don't wanna use IPv6. And this is the only repository that does this. It is trivial. It is trivial to set up IPv6 support. They want you to use it. They'll throw it at you. They'll help you set it up. It's real fucking easy. So they really want you to use IPv6, but he's just like, nah, you know what? I don't feel like it, which is literally the case. He has a CDN and the CDN has IPv6. All he has to do is plug the fucking IPs into his domain name server and it has IPv6 support like fucking magic. It just works.

Unknown_06: Doesn't have it.

Unknown_06: So, I leave a comment saying, this is unacceptable. It is 20, for God's sakes, it's 2022. The IPv6 standard has been out for a fucking decade. It would be in middle school right now if it was a person, okay? It's time to get IPv6 support working on your fucking package repository, because a lot of computers use it, and a lot of networks, especially in developing countries, have no option but to use it. So you have no excuse. From a woke standpoint, it makes sense. From a modern technological standpoint, it's absolutely necessary. And he replies to me and he takes the quote, this is unacceptable, and goes, la mal. And then some guy says, have you ever donated to Surrey? Have you ever given money to support the wonderful free source project that you use on a daily basis? Like, just fucking mush-mouthing me. So I'm like, okay, motherfucker. I find his Bitcoin wallet. And I sent him $250 in Bitcoin from the Kiwi Farms public address, which a bunch of fucking weirdos are stalking right now. So I gave that motherfucker money so everyone would see that I gave him money. And I said, look, I just gave you money from the Kiwi Farms address, just like you fucking liked. I want my IPv6 addresses to work. And then afterwards, he's like. you neo-nazi you neo-nazi murderer you terrorist i know of your php applications this is unacceptable and then liz no dong liz dong gone jumps in and says sir i have a list of all his ips you can block him and then he's like what who what trans what trans group can i give this money to to really piss off those yahtzees who can i give this 250 dollars to i don't need it I'll give it to the trans children and then he and then I assume that he's blocked my IPs so I can't download PHP on fucking Debian which means chat I'm going to have to add a proxy to my apt My apt config so that I can download php Through ipv4 because I'm assuming the dumb motherfucker hasn't figured out how to add a triple or quadruple a record to his dns yet And download it secretly Smuggle that code into my kiwi farm so that my people can sneed It's just it's just crazy. It's nonsense lunatics run open source and then on the flip side is that more and more often

Unknown_06: I am researching something, I'm searching a problem, I'm searching a solution, I'm searching for a new open source project, and guess what I find?

Unknown_06: Find it in Chinese. I find an interesting idea executed and with documentation 100% in Chinese and that is why chat this is a prime example of why I I caution people not to just say all them Chang's can do is steal from the hot man all them yellow BUG MEN CAN DO IS STINGLE AND STEAL ON THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE HOT MAN. And what's funny is that even the liberals do that. You say, hey, what about China? Don't you consider China to be a threat? And oh my god, the fucking thinky slant eyes can't do anything that Whitey can do. Our liberal democracy makes the best open source code.

Unknown_06: And I was like, okay, I guess everyone has just agreed that China is no fucking threat. Meanwhile, in the open source development department, we got trannies who can't figure out how to do IPv6, telling soy boys how to block my IP so I can't download PHP, as if I can't just fucking use a proxy to get it anyways. And then in China, they're like actually building shit. They're using their communist state propaganda to proliferate the communist ideals and the mechanisms of free open source software. It's a terrible state of the world. I'm being serious about that.

Unknown_06: This the writing is on the fucking walls the them Chanks, they've stolen all they can steal from the hot man And now they're turning heel and dig it in and they're pointing our own guns back at us on one day They'll have bigger and better bullets than our guns do and they'll have better websites to have their own cloud flare I won't suck any dick

Unknown_06: Anyways, so there's this fat, fuck, there's this fat retard.

Unknown_05: There's this dude, and he lives in Mexico, and his name is Ethan Rauh, and he is a fat fuck idiot, and he has moved his daughter and his wife, or not his wife, sorry, his fiance,

Unknown_06: to mexico for whatever fucking reason to own the a-logs i guess to not pay child support to see zonda um and so now that he's moved to mexico

Unknown_06: I don't know what the fuck has triggered this but my boy my of course I've always I've always been a big fan of America first I really like Nick Fulentes. He's got some good takes on stuff. I don't know women Israel the Republican Party, what else does he talk about anything else?

Unknown_06: Fortnite and he has this to say about about Ethan Ralph. Oh

Unknown_02: That's funny. That was such a weird gay thing though, cuz I was the whole time I'm like, why does everyone hate this guy? What did he do? What's even the problem? They're like, well, he's fat I'm like, okay, but that's not a reason you hate someone. That's something you say about someone after you hate them So what's the real and they're like, well, he's like a scumbag. He like Had this hit thing with his girlfriend. I'm like seriously who cares about what he does at the seriously and

Unknown_02: There's no real answer. It's just some I don't even get it. I don't know some weird lore Michael Alberto's got to get to the bottom of it. Can we get I'm I am authorizing the Alberto Commission I'm passing a law. We're creating the Alberto Commission And I am appointing him to get to the bottom of this. I am appointing Michael Alberto as the top prosecutor, the top investigator. And he's going to author the Alberto Commission. And he's going to owe us a report at the end of the next fiscal year. And we need to know how all this happened. Because we don't know. We need to get to the bottom of it. I don't know. I still don't know. I don't know the lore. I don't know the drama.

Unknown_02: I don't know how all this happened. They were all friends at one point, now they all are obsessed with Ralph and hate him. I don't know how that happened. I'm a zoomer.

Unknown_02: So I'm appointing Alberto to lead a commission to investigate and deliver a final report and a decisive judgment on explaining what happened here because nobody seems to give me a straight answer.

Unknown_06: You can really see how the lack of the Kiwi farms is a loss to the world all over. Poor Nick Fuentes has no idea why people don't like Ethan Ralph. Now, there used to be a place where people could go and figure out why he didn't like somebody, but unfortunately, it's being DDoS attacked right now. And availability is extremely limited.

Unknown_06: So he has to leave it up to Michael Alberto who if you don't remember it was and I don't blame you for not remembering this it was the weird guy who tried to moderate the The Nick Fulentes and Medicare discussion and it was kind of awkward and weird Just food for thought

Unknown_06: That's it. There's a picture of what's-her-face, the horse, and she's out in Mexico. And it's obviously Mexico because it's like she's under a corrugated aluminum roof and their clothes are hung up to dry by string. So Ethan Ralph is currently in a place where they don't have Washing machines or Roofs they don't have ceilings So next I don't know why he chose like a hovel and And then like in the middle of Mexico, but whatever I Guess so that I guess he's hiding from both Baby mama baby mama data and also the cartels and

Unknown_04: called solar panel drone.

Unknown_04: Mexico isn't all fucking slums.

Unknown_06: Okay. Well where he's living apparently is sir. I Understand that if you go to the rich people areas of a really poor country, it will still be very nice You can go to fucking Liberia and you can go to like one of the resorts and it will feel like you're in America still It'll have like big fat American toilets and everything. But when you go outside of your resort, it'll be a fucking dump Mexico isn't as bad as Liberia but there is definitely what we would call a a Wealth discrepancy between the richest people there and the poorest people there It's the travel lifestyles and no running water exactly I'm just saying okay.

Unknown_04: I'm not trying to Suspect badly my Mexican listeners, okay, I'm just I'm just explaining my perspective on this I

Unknown_04: There's a really weird thing where See I was under the impression I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna look at my DDoS in real time.

Unknown_06: I was under the impression that the reason why I

Unknown_06: The DDoS attack was hitting Tor was because Tor uses three nodes that The the front ends do not and those three nodes are maxed out, but the other one is not The fourth that I use is doing fine, but I think it just might be the other one is like really fast So I'm gonna fix this I'm gonna fix this from real time. I'm gonna bump the weight up of that just a little bit and

Unknown_04: And I'm gonna see, I'm gonna see what happens, chat. Set those to 30.

Unknown_06: Could be a mistake. Who knows, chat? And then after this, I'm gonna talk about Keffels just a little bit.

Unknown_06: Just a little bit, because they've not been having the greatest week. See, they made a mistake. They've declared me dead eight times. So now if they continue to talk about me,

Unknown_06: Continue to talk about the Kiwi farms people are gonna be like wait a second. I thought that website was dead I thought you I thought you buried it. I thought we've already done the victory pride parade like eight times now why are we still talking with the dead website and He'll either have to swallow his pride which would be immense and admit that he hasn't done shit because really if you think about it I

Unknown_06: The only thing that we've lost so far is the dot is domain which we didn't use and we have 8 million replacements for and Cloudflare which is a big loss.

Unknown_04: I'm not gonna lie but It's not the end of the world you know what I mean

Unknown_06: There's other things like, I don't know, I'm just saying that in terms of like the totality of what the Kiwi Farms is and all the moving parts that are involved in it, Cloudflare in and of itself is not such a big deal.

Unknown_04: Let's see.

Unknown_04: It's a really weird thing where when I restart HAProxy, it doesn't like to,

Unknown_06: to kill the old task correctly. Let's see if that works. Let's see if that works. And then if it doesn't work, I'm moving on. If it does work, I'm also moving on.

Unknown_04: So therefore, I'm committing to this.

Unknown_04: Interesting, it doesn't work.

Unknown_06: Actually, they turned it off. They literally just turned it off.

Unknown_06: What are they turning it off so that I can't see if the results of what I'm doing are effective?

Unknown_06: What the fuck is that for? What's the point of that? Oh, you know what it is? I think it's one of those coin-operated rent-a-booters that you pay like $100 for like access for like a week to your booter. But the downside is is that it only gives you like an hour of DDoS attack at a time. So when it runs out, you have to manually press the button again. Hey, retard, press the fucking button again. I'm trying to see if what I just applied worked.

Unknown_04: You have to go to your booter and then press start because it just turned off.

Unknown_04: I guess they're not going to do it.

Unknown_06: They're not going to do it at a protest now. Fine, if you want me to DDoS you, I'm not going to do it.

Unknown_06: What an asshole.

Unknown_06: These people are the rudest... Push the whopper button. Yeah, these people are the rudest fucking assholes.

Unknown_06: See what I deal with, champ?

Unknown_06: Okay, whatever then. I guess we're not going to get DDoS'd while I'm actively looking at it.

Unknown_06: So I made a joke a while ago that this was a comment left under the Ars Technica or hacker or Y Combinator, I can't remember what website it was that that had this post.

Unknown_04: Let me throw it up on screen.

Unknown_06: But, basically they say, I didn't know about this site until yesterday, referring to the Kiwi Farms. After reading the thread that got them taken down, I know one thing, I will not be letting my children near Discord. I made a funny haha meme, which I'm pretty sure is like the most liked thing on Fediverse at this point, saying that it was all worth it, chat. It was all worth it. One child will not be exposed to Discord. We've saved the life of one child. It was literally all worth it. However,

Unknown_06: I can add to this. I can be doubly sure it was all worth it because Okay, so this is the statement this is Bob posting if you don't know Bob posting is the Asian groomer who ran the DIY HRT directory and on the 20th of September so 10 days ago and

Unknown_06: Bob posted me this statement. Recently, I have received a significant ramp up in the harassment I've been facing. The situation has escalated beyond what I'm able to deal with. I will be shutting down my Twitter and I will no longer be involved in the DIY HRT directory. Me and the current team, the current team and I, I know they're ching chong ding dong, but come on now, you've been living in Canada your entire life.

Unknown_06: Uh, me and the current team of people who have developed it so far will no longer be contributing in any capacity to the site. Ownership of the site will be transferred to the new owner within the next few days. Which sounds like bullshit to be honest. It sounds like they still run it, but... They're just lying.

Unknown_06: As a result, we have talked to Keffels and our teams have made an agreement to end her sponsorship of the DIY HRT directory. This Twitter account will be wiped and privated within the next few days, so my username cannot be taken. I will no longer be active on any social media platforms. This post isn't to garner sympathy, nor am I seeking anything from you. I'm just clearing up these few things before I go offline so people know what's going on. On a final note, just to be clear, Caffles has never had any say in the development of the site besides the design of the sponsorship banner and how it would be run. Any changes made to the site were decisions made by our team only. So, after all this huff and puff, and just to re-clarify,

Unknown_06: This is from Keffels, I am donating thousands of dollars a year to a resource so people affected by hysterical anti-trans laws can access hormone replacement therapy before the age of 18. I do not give a single shit what you think. I am doing nothing wrong, nor will I ever back down. And then recently, I think the same day as this, Keffels announced that they would not be sponsoring the DIY HRT directory anymore. Because, if you don't know,

Unknown_06: This website was a way to basically instructing children how to, explicitly, not even like, oh, this is what they're doing, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. No, it's literally, hey, kids, you wanna buy HRT, you wanna buy it from Brazil in the mail discreetly without your parents knowing? Well, don't use their credit cards. Here's how you buy cryptocurrency, to buy drugs from Brazil that you inject directly into your muscles so that you can become a tranny.

Unknown_06: Literally word for almost word for word from their website This was the crowning achievement of Keffel's was supporting this fucking directory And it was basically the only way that it was it was if you read the thing from Bob posting That's like their entire life is like bragging about how many children they helped get on HRT every fucking day

Unknown_06: I made a comment reply to the saying seeing the sending this pedophile freak into hiding and drawing fire and police attention To the grooming hub made this all all this bullshit worth it There's going to be fewer teenagers with needles in their arms trying to fix normal teen depression with hormones at the advice of this menace That is a calculable Calculable objective good and I stand by that I am very pleased by this

Unknown_06: I mean my sites been fucking down for two weeks, so if they're gonna blame me for any harassment I don't know how the fuck they're gonna pull it off. They managed like People people don't like this People do not like creepy weird sex perverts and drag actively trying to get children to inject drugs into their muscles so that they can irreparably cause harm to their physiological health and

Unknown_06: That's it and it's all like here's caps from 4chan and shit like People just hate you. They hate you because you're disgusting and you're a fucking pervert and you probably want to fuck kids In case you're wondering this was this this was famous by the way this oh jeez my site's down again Did it start up now? Oh now it starts up It's a little bit better but actually you know what I bet you I can Just as a little a cheeky little hack

Unknown_04: I can change it real quick.

Unknown_04: Does that work?

Unknown_04: If it doesn't work, I wanna show people the brand name of this HRT was Otoko Noko, which apparently is like a Japanese fetish thing.

Unknown_06: I think it means daughter, son.

Unknown_06: So it's basically like Femboy, the Japanese version, but Femboy is just boy in Japanese, so they call it daughter, son.

Unknown_06: but The the branding as you can see is like the kind of see is like visible lollicon shit So It was like it It's just so weird and fetishistic and there's even you can see the hand of the person holding it down here this appears to be the guy that runs the

Unknown_06: Tokunoko pharmaceuticals, and I think that what they're advertising here And this is clearly like a Brazilian man's hand with like nail polish and shit. It's pretty fucking gnarly But it's called like skincare oil, so this is like an intravenous Bottle of hormones, that's disguised as skincare oil so that your parents won't find it in your room It's like I don't know how you can look at this and say anything except that this is like grooming This is trying to get kids to take drugs for their stream

Unknown_06: Or for their fetish.

Unknown_06: The other interesting thing about this was that now people are really, really, because obviously it's not going away, right? So Bob posting, one less tranny fucking pedophile is not actively involved in public, publicly bragging about how actively involved they are about sending drugs to children. That doesn't mean that Otokonoko is down or this fucking weird Brazilian tranny is dead or whatever.

Unknown_06: So people are looking into the distribution line of it and of course the drugs are being manufactured in China So we have literal people who speak Chinese. I don't know what you would call those probably Chinese people calling up the sources of estrogen in China and overseas development places asking about What what their supply looks like and we don't know exactly what their supplier is from what I understand, but these people have found out that

Unknown_06: that the composition of their estrogen that they're selling is something like 98% estradiol, but 2% benazine, 2 to 3% benzyl alcohol, I think. I'm gonna say this wrong, but

Unknown_06: Actually, maybe my post chat, but from what I understand this, this additive that they have, uh, which would be filtered out correctly in like a actual medical environment as a carcinogen, like a serious carcinogen. So they're not just like injecting estrogen, which also increases cancer. So they're injecting this by-product that exists within the vial. And that is also itself a serious carcinogen.

Unknown_06: Extremely extremely cancerous this neither Benzene that means gasoline in German. I know this because there's a Rammstein song called benzene You probably don't want to inject gasoline into your veins either because they don't because that shit's expensive you don't want to waste it by injecting gasoline into your veins because It's at a premium right now in Europe

Unknown_06: If you're speaking Germany, you definitely wouldn't be wasting no benzene Let's see

Unknown_04: Rammstein is gay.

Unknown_06: Yes, they are. Yes, they are. They're too fashy looking so they have to suck dick every so often so that Germany doesn't execute them for being neo-nazis. It's an unfortunate byproduct of denazification and saving the world from Hitler or whatever the fuck. Oh, speaking of!

Unknown_06: That woman won in Italy and everyone's calling her a fascist because she loves Israel and the Jewish people and wants to send billions of dollars to Ukraine or whatever the fuck which were You know when when the Nazis rose to power that was their big thing You don't know Hitler was a huge huge proponent of Zionism. He wanted to create a Jewish state in Madagascar and Let all the Jews live there all freely and peacefully. That's a cornerstone of National Socialism and

Unknown_06: Fascism because if you don't know Mussolini didn't really like National Socialism you like fascism, but that's autistic So someone said Alana Mastro long Mastro Lungo Says calling her Mussolini because she's Italian is racist to which Keffel's replies in this now-deleted tweet I have always wanted to ratio Mussolini

Unknown_06: To which Keffels also replies assuming that because their last name is Sorrenti This means that they're allowed to like be racist against Italians on like Twitter I mean you can be racist against Italians. Don't get me wrong As someone who is like 25% Italian I'm called the n-word constantly by that nastia who insist who insists that Italians are POC's so I mean this is doubly risky because Keffels is being racist to a POC

Unknown_06: But they deleted this because they got caught races. Hold up. I have to show you this video I played this before on stream, but now Now I have to On Ocean Road a Muslim tries to escape a crowd of Africans by running out into the sea when the crowd overtakes him he is drowned The Africans feel that the Arabs now exploit them as pitilessly as the whites used to because of this they demolish Arab shops and houses

Unknown_00: Dozens of Arabs have put to the wall. Someone has killed three mutineers, so now there must be a reprisal. But we're not welcome at the execution. They scream at us and threaten us with machine guns. When we stall to get some good shots, one of the soldiers loses his temper.

Unknown_00: One of us is cut by the flying glass, but there's no question of treatment. The mutineers jerk us out of our car and haul us to the wall. They're about to execute us when a rebel officer sees one of our passports and shouts, wait, these aren't whites, they're Italians.

Unknown_06: And that's why I get to say nigga, because I'm 25% nigga and if that's good enough for

Unknown_06: Rachel Dolezal or whatever the fuck is good enough for me. Oh, geez. Autoplay is on. Fuck off. Dating beyond borders. Truth or myth. Italians react to stereotypes.

Unknown_06: Fascinating, YouTube. I'm so glad you decided to play this on my computer without my permission. Really fascinating. I mean, if those motherfuckers think that I'm black, then I'm black, as far as I'm concerned.

Unknown_06: I meant to play this when I was talking about how they failed to ratio Mussolini and so I was gonna put the picture of Mussolini and play this.

Unknown_06: Where is it? Here we go. Yeah.

Unknown_06: Big head wins again boys. Italy can't stop winning.

Unknown_06: Racking up the jubbies for days boys Never heard the Italian fascist song I

Unknown_06: No, this isn't the fascist one. This is Italian Socialist Republic. That was the fucking Civil War side. Oh, this is not right. Italian Fascist Anthem. What was it? What was the anthem during the... No, it was the fascist one.

Unknown_04: Oh, the Italian Social Republic was the puppet state by Hitler, right?

Unknown_06: That was, but Italy, okay, whatever. I don't know. I don't know anything about Italy. Fuck Italy.

Unknown_06: They used to be important but now they're not. That's all I know about Italy. And they make nice pizza. Everyone likes their food. Nobody hates Italians except for Keffels for some reason. Very sad chat.

Unknown_06: It's called Facchetta Nera?

Unknown_06: No it's not. I know that Nera means black in Italian.

Unknown_04: What?

Unknown_04: Marching song of Kingdom of Italy.

Unknown_06: This sounds inappropriate it sounds like carnival music Doesn't sound like carnival music

Unknown_06: Introducing that's your history lesson for the day show don't hate your heritage Trust me.

Unknown_04: Okay. I got it. Okay. I played a flight from we're done.

Unknown_06: It's It's not this song Wait, you need to see that. This is like the most like greasy Perverted music video of all time. So I need to actually play it

Unknown_06: This is why I thought that Nero meant black because I know that Vedo Nero means black or something. Look, I don't know. I don't know anything about Italians, okay?

Unknown_06: I don't know anything. I'm done. I'm rambling at this point. I need to fix my fucking psychs. It's being DLS attacks. I'm delaying. I'm delaying work that actually matters. That's the reality. Um, let's get the super chats up and bash the room.

Unknown_06: So I'm putting, um, did I miss anything? I failed to mention something super important. I'm going to be yelled at in the comments. If I don't talk about, get it out of your system right now because we're moving on.

Unknown_04: They don't look white to me.

Unknown_04: I don't know what happened with Nick.

Unknown_06: Oh, he got banned. Yeah, he got banned. He got like two strikes, then he got banned from Twitter.

Unknown_06: Fakata Naram in small black places about Italians going to Arisha Somali to bleach local women and colonize them.

Unknown_06: Okay.

Unknown_06: That was right.

Unknown_06: Vorderak's forged police letter. Oh someone posted a stupid letter saying hello This is the British police and you're under arrest for being on kiwi farms and it's bullshit, but Vorderak doesn't give a fuck

Unknown_06: Do I make pizza at home? Very rarely. Only when I'm feeling crafty. Feeling like cooking something crazy. Elon Musk, I have no idea. The Feddy Odyssey marriage. Graf and the guy from Julian Molok. Molok and Graf are in talks. Graf is currently mad at me because

Unknown_06: On the Kiwi firms that CC which has been down for like a month now. There's like a emoji That's a picture of someone's nose and that's like the nose of some Jew woman that's married to a like a popular FedEvers poster

Unknown_06: And he says that's doxxing, so he's gonna defederate the over it, apparently.

Unknown_06: So that's the update. Oh, and Ranbot's mad at me because somebody pretending to be me made fun of his son for being dead or something, and he just took the bait for it. I think it was Britbong, actually. Speaking of Britbong, he sent a complaint to one of my hosts. Here, I'll read it for you guys. Hold up.

Unknown_06: He's very he's very angry at us still I don't know why the only reason why he's relevant really

Unknown_06: This is from Dominic Vanner from VannerUK at I have endured years of harassment and stalking at the hands of Kiwi Farms and my address being swatted to false pedophile allegations to my underage nephew being posted on the forums and rape threats posted and the owner refusing to remove it.

Unknown_06: Remove to remove it. They don't pronounce the T's. I don't know. I don't look I'm tired Okay, why are you not removing them? They clearly criminally harassing people he says and then he goes on post and he makes fun of But son says he's dead

Unknown_06: Good times I'll miss the site if it ever gets destroyed by trainees. This is very funny Okay, let's catch up on things yeah, we're now we're now on the show mode chat I gotta go I gotta fix shit

Unknown_06: Uh, okay.

Unknown_06: Anonymous for two. I'll have a drink. Wait, I'm having a drink and this is from the 18th. I'm having a drink. If I were to, if you were here, I'd offer you one. Here's the money for the drink friend. $2 is on the for a beer. I'm pretty sure, but thank you very much. Anonymous.

Unknown_06: On the 21st. Thank you for 25 says I've seen your post I'll support you in any way I can the last person standing for free speech and selfless sacrifice and it's a reward. Thank you very much.

Unknown_06: I Appreciate people getting super chats and while the option is available a turf for 2895 says dear Josh. Thank you for everything you do. You're very appreciated. Let's love from turf Island XX Thank you, British woman. I appreciate it

Unknown_06: For a spicy This is from the 27th for a spicy donor kebab at for $5 Hope you have a nice kebab place nearby. I have many many different Turkish options available Though you always eat like a donor and then you get like greasy feeling because it's so greasy I

Unknown_06: MonkeyHater46 says, Joshua Potter, we heard what you said on your last podcast, and as a representative of the monkey-hating community, I hereby inform you that we declared a fatwa on you, or as we like to call it, a chimpwa.

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_06: Some bastard for 11 says hey, I know it sounds kind of gay But the way you just keep doing your own thing despite the shit that's on you has been genuinely inspiring for me Wishing you good fortune in a smooth sailing. Thank you very much. I'm glad that I've somehow inspired people to keep doing what they want to do It'd be self-motivated. It's very important as external motivation tends to wane pretty fast. I

Unknown_06: dandy for twenty says hi richard i mean josh i took a couple weeks off the internet and came back to dot net and the onion being back up thank you for all your hard work also patches soon big ups liquid moon uh the pat the okay so now that things are kind of working there's obviously more work to be doing because they're still able to bring the site down through their uh very very trivial ddos shit

Unknown_06: However, once I get that more sorted, I'm gonna start turning heel and protecting other services like getting the many many that live meant site back up and then I can start selling patches Sudo for five says shout out to Josh the chat and telegram game glad to have you back. Thank you, Sudo

Unknown_06: Enerobang for 4.83 says, do you even get a donor kebab for 5 euros down in Serbia?

Unknown_06: Yeah, food can be real fucking cheap in Eastern Europe. Serbia is a little bit more expensive than Ukraine though. It's more developed. Never forget for one says are we sure that Ralph didn't go to Mexico for the donkey show? I'm sure may would like to see top billing PS Remember when you told Ralph not to go to Mexico because the cartel would kill him. I do remember that I don't know I don't May doesn't seem like the donkey type. She likes she likes other things then I'll Abstain from mentioning for right now because I'm feeling generous. I'm not feeling too mean I

Unknown_06: Toilet doctor for says PPP and Warski made a goofball home video on the backyard for videos a couple of rascals and Ralph goes ballistic I did see that PPP went to

Unknown_06: Ralph's home in Mississippi, which means that he's definitely vaccinated because he's traveling to the United States and you can't do that unless you're vaccinated But yeah, I imagine Ralph will get pretty pissed off at that because he likes to get he's in Mexico and his his land is undefended and people are going there and making fun of him for being a fat retard

Unknown_06: Twinkle chart for $100 says big shout out to prehistoric jazz and Zyklon PD looking forward to Jewish getting chat back so I can spam fart over and over again to you gentlemen again God the chat the chat is lower on my to-do list because I don't just want to fix the issue that caused the XSS

Unknown_06: Exploit I want to fix it in such a way that no matter how badly busted it is it cannot leak credentials again which means finding a different mechanism for authentication besides the CRF token and moving it to its own domain so that has to wait

Unknown_06: Three for four for five for five says your pronunciation of cache is atrocious. It's called the Australian pronunciation. I know most people call it cash, but in Australia where my first tech job was, it was pronounced cache and I prefer that. So take two fucking bad. Anonymous for 20 says I trained an AI to talk like Christian. I would be honored if you gave it a try. I sent the link to your proton mail email because it's only guaranteed to work with one user at a time.

Unknown_04: Okay. Let's see this.

Unknown_04: Okay, I have typed my message.

Unknown_04: I'm waiting. Hopefully I didn't... I pressed it twice.

Unknown_04: I might have fucked it up already.

Unknown_04: Maybe my message was too long and I've completely... I've fucked it up.

Unknown_04: It says up to 50 seconds.

Unknown_04: I don't think what I wrote is more than 50 seconds, chat.

Unknown_06: My interest is how do you extract audio of Chris talking? Because his audio is so fucking bad. It's always him with a PlayStation webcam or an old 2000s webcam. It's just the worst recording ever.

Unknown_06: Okay, I have pressed the submit button.

Unknown_06: And should I ever receive a reply, it will play.

Unknown_04: But I will move on for now.

Unknown_04: I've got it going in the background, let's see.

Unknown_06: Jew on the Moon for 5 says, is homosexuality part of nihilism? I have a theory that homos that say they weren't groomed physically as youngsters are at the very least groomed by pornography that stimulates nihilistic thoughts. I think that the kind of homosexuality that's like very feminine is just like gay men that covet being coveted by straight men. They want to be fucked by straight men. I guess you're talking about like root causes.

Unknown_06: I'm not too sure. I'm sure that there are people who are just quote-unquote born gay particularly what is the theory that the youngest boy of several boys by the same mother is more likely to be feminized because each boy is more attacked by the female body and because they don't recognize the testosterone or something.

Unknown_06: I'm sure things are multifaceted, which is why it's difficult to paint everything with a broad brush.

Unknown_06: But in general, I'm pretty sure that most gays have a developmental issue.

Unknown_06: I think it's a combination of two things, nature and nurture. I've never believed that gay was entirely...

Unknown_06: nature and not entirely nurture because people exposed to the same problems don't all become gay. And you have cases where identical twins have one twin become gay and the other twin become not gay. And it's like a 50 50 split that if an identical twin, if one turns gay, the other does not. So if it was, um, purely nature, it would be closer to a hundred percent. If it was purely nurture, then, um, it wouldn't be, it would be closer to the, the, the, you know, the average of like 13% or whatever.

Unknown_04: Right.

Unknown_04: Um Supposed to be his voice, right? It didn't give me his voice it finished but it didn't give me his voice I'll just make it very short.

Unknown_06: Okay, this one's like one sentence

Unknown_06: Anyways, um, in all surprises, I guess Internet Juche isn't dead after all. Well, despite my best efforts, it's not.

Unknown_06: Near for two it says you're a legend mate not needing permission for Matthew Prince's cuck investors. Keep up the good work I'd give you more if I wasn't dealing from with furnishing my own place. Yeah, that's usually the story Like I said, it's not just like I don't need individuals it's probably like Credit card processing. I'm really curious to see how Fed now plays out. I'm wondering once Fed now is done I can just like do business like a normal person and

Unknown_06: I wonder if that's their goal, is like, can we prevent a civil war by just having like a payment processor that works? But I don't wanna hold my breath and suffocate.

Unknown_06: Striga for 250 says, hi Josh, glad to see you back. I'm hunting for Polonia again next week. Let's hope the Jewish postman don't smell it this time.

Unknown_06: That was another one that got turned around. God, what the fuck is, I got a coin in the mail and I think I forwarded it to me and I don't know if it ever got here.

Unknown_06: Maybe it's still in the way that that remailer sucks, and they're so expensive Kindle clubbers pretends as Josh any updates on patches and how to send you bidet silver also don't want the silver mark as something specific to avoid import taxes like the GUR you rock thank you for your efforts Obviously, I'm still trying to figure out a way to forward fucking mail to myself Though you should market at the if it's like US currency you should market at the value of the currency And they can't even say anything about that

Unknown_06: You can have thousands of dollars of silver, but if it's all like American half dollars, you can just say, oh, it's $200 of coins. It's worth $200 because this is extant U.S. currency. What are you going to do? You know, it's that silver has value that is implicit besides the face value of the coin. You can't do that.

Unknown_06: Care you left 50 says love hearing you talk about infrastructure in your adventures as a sysadmin Thank you so much for being hard-working and stubborn. Thank you I'm glad that you enjoy my rambling if you enjoy me rambling about tech stuff while eating hamburgers. That's on the I WTC IRD for $100 has happy pizza day. Have a good Friday. Thank you very much pizza day is on Sunday as I've mentioned before But today is a good day

Unknown_04: I think that this message just generates without his voice.

Unknown_06: It says voice, but it's not like generating a message. I typed in, Ethan Ralph, it's me, Gator.

Unknown_06: It has a block of text saying and then I'm making this video onto YouTube account You have a lot of people in person is the internet and you are able to make it MK are 1 1 2 1 0 8 9 aqua diamond 8 some chewing quick fill. It's just like nonsense. It's all like Chris related stuff I was expecting it to be like a voice synthesizer. I'm a little bit disappointed Good luck on your your machine learning adventures, though. I

Unknown_06: That clock provides us a justice once a I'm glad you're back my cat Cooper Purposefully was purposefully ran over a few weeks ago and has a broken pelvis I'm hoping for a shout out and prayer group also fuck pitotrants. Oh my god. I'm getting the pet things I have had a cat that was hit by a car and their pelvis was broken They went to the vet and the vet said they'd be fine and then they died and it was very sad But my cat was stupid It was a black cat and it loved to sleep on the asphalt where it was nice and warm and we knew that it would get hit by the fucking car eventually because she would never It's a black cat. It would sleep on the road at night. Obviously was gonna get hit eventually So thoughts and prayers for your cat my friend, even though it's very awkward to do anything. Sorry about my cat.

Unknown_06: Oh IPv6 Chad also says for $1. My cat Duncan McCochner is sick. Shout out and prayers, please shouts and prayers for Duncan McCochner

Unknown_06: Uh, glup for two says my power has been out so I haven't been able to finish this but here's what I got Thank you all for your hard work. Josh glup is an artiste. Oh, this is quite good. I like all your stuff I'll even um, take it out of show mode for a second trying to transform fit screen There we go Isn't that lovely chat She's done a few um, I like there's

Unknown_06: Oh, it has a decomission thing. That's great. So many details.

Unknown_06: Medicare is back there being pecked to death by aggressive Kiwis. Oh, and the silver. That's the most important detail.

Unknown_06: Okay, thank you never forget for one says did you hear Keno casinos take on the attack on the farms all I heard about that was that PPP says they they stored the They stored the passwords in plain text They stored the passwords in plain text and the reason why he thinks that is because the Keffel said that so PPP knowing nothing and like openly parrots Keffel's because it's just like haha and own on the Kiwi farms that I in that darn Josh moon that I will use against him and If it's correct, who cares? I'm just gonna say it anyways cuz that's how I do That's PPP's thing is it just says whatever the fuck and hope it sticks hopes it cause problems if two or three people ask me about why PPP says I store things in plain text even those in for OB crips and I can't turn that off because it's in for a core functionality I couldn't make it plain text if I fucking wanted to doesn't matter. It's just a matter of causing me issues. I

Unknown_06: True and Shine for two says, oh wait, for five says, Josh, thank you for your tireless hard working in the forum back up. Your dedication is truly admirable. Also, I'm an annoying cow, asking about the patches, merches, shipping to Australia, oh wow, heart emoji.

Unknown_06: Shipping to Australia will be expensive, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry you live on a fucking island in the middle of nowhere.

Unknown_06: That's just how it do be. Sunshine for two says it's my birthday today, and I couldn't be happier that you're streaming Josh. Well. Happy birthday my friend I'm glad you're I'm glad that I am somehow your your thing to listen to on your birthday Anime for Fox has definitely proven that trainees are a Chinese plot animes have been vindicated animes are never vindicated ever Jeff I'm I just noticed that there's a piss bear thing in the background. I'm not happy about that. I fucking hate that I'm

Unknown_06: It's so annoying. It's so, like, weird and, like, just how it, like, opens its mouth so suddenly. It's, like, scary and unnerving and unnatural looking.

Unknown_06: No, fuck anime. I'm mean for fives, or I am mean for fives says, hope you're doing well with all the shit that's going your way. We all want to see you succeed. Ralph lost, Kefla dilated, Boogie still somehow lives. What's your favorite Pokemon, though? I've answered this before. I said Pupitar from Generation 2. I liked the Pupitar evolutions.

Unknown_06: Because I thought it was interesting how the game is over, but you're still finding these little Pokemon at the end, right before you battle Red and Gold and Silver. That's always stuck out to me for some reason, that discovery, like, wait, there's this cool thing at the very end of the game that's really strong. You can only find it in a de-evolved state. And then you breed it,

Unknown_06: And you make little Pupitars and then you hand them out to all your friends who just got the game. Like here, I'll give you this as like a starter Pokemon. And then they have a Tyranitar as like their starter Pokemon. Actually, I think I even traded those for like Bulbasaur and not Bulbasaur, but the other ones. I traded for their starters for the Pupitar.

Unknown_06: Anna Purna for 10 says, keep on ooperating, dear Snead, or hope the rest of your day is comfy. It's almost orange theme time. Oh my fucking, tomorrow is October. I'm so excited. It's the best month of the year. You bet my fucking side's gonna stay up. Through blood and fire, chat, I will keep my fucking side up through October. Mark my words. I don't give a shit if they, I don't wanna say that, that's violent. I'm keeping it up.

Unknown_06: Make no mistake. Spare no expense, chat.

Unknown_06: Kozak15 says, it's fair to want to separate grievances from gotchas when it comes to Ralph. My basic summary would be his habit of paranoid falling out with everyone he talked to. I never liked the guy forever.

Unknown_06: I mean, look, my thing with Nick Fuentes and his whole like, we need the Alberto Commission to figure out what's wrong with Ralph. All he's doing, I guarantee you, he knows what's wrong with Ralph. He wanted Ralph as a pet retard on his platform to get more eyes on his streamers there. Fair play. dangerous play it's like i need to warm my house why don't i put a burning log in the middle of my living room that can't go wrong and now of course there's a little fire little timmy got cooked alive because the fire got a little bit out of hand and now he's going to have to have his friend alberto the the fire commissioner do a report on what started the fire and um

Unknown_06: Alberto is gonna come back and says well garish. I don't know what could have started the fire It seems to be a freak accident little Timmy self-immolated. This really is a Divine intervention, there's no other explanation You're completely blameless in this house fire that burned little Timmy and it's just him way his way of saying like oh I'm resolving response. I couldn't have known you know I want to give Ralph a fair shake yada yada, but everyone told him this is the biggest fattest fucking retard and by the way

Unknown_06: By the way, Ralph knows that his days on Cozy are numbered because he's already found two backup platforms. When he left Odyssey because he got a DMCA strike for being a fat retard, he moved to Cozy and just said, I'm keeping Cozy. And he stood that way for months. And now all of a sudden, Nick Fuentes saying hmm Alberto you have to look into why little Timmy just got eaten by a hog down in a bog Ralph's like I'm gonna spread out a little bit. I'm gonna try these other two backup streaming sites I'm gonna put my cards on different tables now. I wonder why Ralph could it be that you can smell you can smell With what the Nick has cooking for you cuz nobody can fucking stand you for any length of time. I

Unknown_06: Ruggy45 says, I used to disagree with your stance on Japan, but today I saw an anime movie trailer where a teenage girl falls in love with an older man who turns into a chair. I am now convinced that we need to nuke it. Well, we did nuke it. That's why. What, you think it was a mistake? We didn't know what we were doing? We nuked it for a reason. We set anime back 100 years, and now it's catching back up to us. We have to nuke it again. We have to, like, trim the anime down like weeds.

Unknown_06: Sayleth45 says, hey Josh, have you heard of OpenBSD? It's like FreeBSD, but made by Schizos.

Unknown_06: Wow, what a pitch.

Unknown_06: I have heard of OpenBSD. I've heard of FireflyBSD, which apparently is used by routers and stuff. I don't know the differences. I'm just kind of playing around with the ecosystem. I find FreeBSD very cozy. I like the way that the commands run. I like its environment. I like FreeBSD, and I think it's very efficient and very safe. Because I remember when they got hit by,

Unknown_06: Those issue, what was it? It was the the two big processing like Meltdown and Spectre I think they were called and FreeBSD wasn't affected by that at all because they had very intelligently written their kernel so I think that my experiences with 3BSD have all been excellent It's just a matter of not not too many, you know things support it and that's a good thing If it was a huge massive project, it would be a sprawling nightmare like Linux shit is But 3BSD is nice and comfy cozy. I'm sure that that will be ruined in the next 10 years. I just said that Bjams for 10 says hi Josh now that September's done with over here's hoping that October will be a comfy month this year Oh, you fucking bet you fucking bet

Unknown_04: That October is going to be comfy.

Unknown_04: I will, I will see to it.

Unknown_06: Moments for two says it's text only Josh. It's a predictive algorithm. I deleted the Q now it should work.

Unknown_06: Well, I thought was gonna be a voice. That's what got me excited. Um, it's it's it's it's not very refined because it's like It's um, it's mostly like it Nonce logical non sequitur, which I'm sure it's just like you're you know, you take your your open source protocol and you jam in like the transcripts from the quickie and Into it to build up the machine learning protocol, and then that's just how it works, and that's not your fault Good job training it and stuff ML is the way to go if you want to make a lot of money because it's it's it's like the cloud You know everyone the government is like hmm. We need we need to boost our spending in the cloud We need some of this cloud that they're talking about we got to have more cloud than the Chinese and the Russians do for our Department of Defense And then Jeff Bezos was like, sure, I'll sell you a cloud for a billion dollars a month. And they're like, sign me up. Give me the paperwork. I'll buy that for a dollar. A billion dollars a month. It'll be like that with machine learning. We need more ML. In China, they're using ML to spy on all the people. We have to use ML to spy on people, too, so we don't fall behind China.

Unknown_06: Jeff Bezos will be like hey, we can send it sell you ml for two billion dollars a month and give me give me that paperwork right now I'll sign it today That's the that's the United States in a nutshell shoot-and-choose for $20 says in I don't know what he could be saying could be in anything And Collier Dante for 25 says I'm surprised how quiet most of my cows have been during the doubt time poor guys must have been Lonely without the attention isn't that true? We are the reason they wake up in the morning. Some people just can't get out of bed unless they're angry.

Unknown_06: Okay.

Unknown_06: I'm done. I'm sorry if this has been a quick stream. I got shit to do.

Unknown_06: I might, however, tomorrow. No promises. No promises. However, if I can, tomorrow, I would like to play Dead by Daylight and stream it. No promises. No idea if that's going to happen. I'll try my best. No promises. Um, dead by daylight tomorrow and I'll do it on the map, the internet, YouTube channel too, just because I can. All right. Um, that is that I have fucked up.

Unknown_04: I fucked up. I do not have an outro song picked out.

Unknown_04: Hmm.

Unknown_04: See, I have some options. I do have my... I do have my music playlist.

Unknown_06: I can... When I'm desperate for a song, I don't have one picked out.

Unknown_06: You know what? I put this on the... Oh!

Unknown_06: Did I play... Okay, remind me. Did I play... The latest Matt Jarbos? I didn't. I didn't. I'll play... That's what I'll play. Shout out to Matt... MC Jarbo.

Unknown_06: Great guy. Makes music.

Unknown_06: He did usually usually like he does his MC Jarbo thing where he just like raps in his own style And usually those aren't that great Sorry, sorry disappoint. This one is I like it. This is by Jarbo the Hut MC Jarbo and It's just him is rapping. It's kind of There's a there's quite a few Rap songs that are like in this vein of like actual actual counterculture not like gay niggas with sagging pants and gold chains and shit Um actual counterculture like in the 90s, uh, so I like it. Um, i'm gonna play it It's a b-a-n bitch-ass niggas, which I can say because i'm italian I will see you guys tomorrow. Maybe probably not and next friday. Bye-bye Is

Unknown_07: I do my due diligence, but I need 22 minutes just to get my true feelings to the pencil and the pad. During any invasion, our ancestors attacked.

Unknown_07: Let me be frank, denial of service is denial of the pictures attached I got a right to have views, I have a right to defend It's my right to defend against BITCH ASS NIGGAS It's draw a line in the sand and bring life to the pen Cause we gon' fight to the end with you BITCH ASS NIGGAS And if you tell us we're not allowed to get in Then you can ban us again like you BITCH ASS NIGGAS Cause when I pray I look around me for strength But nowadays I see nothing but BITCH ASS NIGGAS I'm a nemesis, you don't really wanna go head to head against Going out of my mind, been a while up on my medicine

Unknown_07: I'm the dad tryna keep his kids away from this sin You in my shop and you didn't use a lot to get in Go and suck a cock You and your journalist friends Just tryna get this wick lit And make it burn at both ends Respect should be earned It ain't just to be given You don't respect my work

Unknown_07: where there's one we're talking seven appendages mystic percentages that you can't even mention it's like Mercedes contagious and I'm sorry you don't see it but the dude's an embarrassment and his destiny is just to get sued for damages

Unknown_07: See nothing but bitch ass niggas Nothing but fucking bitches Take back what's yours