0:00:00 Unknown_05: Hello everyone. You know who this is. Unknown_05: Yet you have absolutely no idea. Unknown_05: Of course. Unknown_05: Wow. Somebody gonna be famous. Unknown_05: Real famous. Unknown_03: I sit here writing to you now with my exceptionally long penis buried deeply and warmly into my vagina butt. Unknown_04: Isn't that neat? Unknown_03: You have a bully event. 0:00:45 Unknown_05: You don't find people being bullied into suicide on 4chan. Unknown_06: I mean, this is ridiculous. Okay, if he says any more bad words, I'm going to hang up on him. He doesn't own Key Farm, and he's idolizing me. Unknown_05: A little kid named Moon owns Key Farm. Unknown_05: How do they make this more and more epic every time? Unknown_11: I'm sorry, I'm a soy-filled pigeon. Unknown_06: If we get Donald Trump just to tweet out, I mean, you know, just a tweet that mentions the hashtag game again, it doesn't even mess with me. Man, the blue check marks are going to shit their fucking ass. 0:01:24 Unknown_06: It's 2019, I can't believe anybody believes I'm a fucking ball of water. I bet you when Jim finds out, he's going to just give me so much shit. Unknown_03: One never knows when the homosexual is about. I've had over 1,000 rejections in real life. 2,000 rejections online, so that's 3,000 rejections posted on that. Unknown_03: I aim as low as possible. I aim for obese women, ugly women, ideally ugly and obese. I would do anything just for a 300-pound ugly white girl. 0:02:01 Unknown_11: I said it's not even possible. Unknown_01: You are not allowed to bring her to the hospital. No. You get no permission to fucking do it. Unknown_11: You've got to be kidding. Unknown_03: It's just a declaration. It's a declaration, right, of male violence. Unknown_11: Put that in your pipe. I definitely cheated on Super Mario with Sonic the Hedgehog. Unknown_06: Stop doing this stuff! Unknown_11: He's like the blue seductress who takes me out into the night and does wonderful things to me. Unknown_05: Enough! Stop! 0:02:36 Unknown_05: How can a Yorkshire Terrier live in the wild? Unknown_05: It's in plain sight, but you just don't see it. You know what I mean? Unknown_07: Hello, everybody. I have a special guest today, but before I get into it, actually, we don't have a plan, just in case you're wondering. I do have to give props in case you were watching the intro. I have conscripted the work of a very talented artist named Sven Stoffels. He does streams. He live streams himself making the art, such as the one that was in that. You can find his streams at svenstoffels.com or svenstreams.com. check him out he also did like the george floyd um greatest black man to ever live animation the hila klein animation he's a great guy definitely check him out he did those um he's still working on them there's more um that i wanted to do i want to do my own like mix of people that i talk about and find interesting and he's working on that for basically nothing so um help him out find him where he can be found because the uh the internet's getting smaller and we have to we have to make some friends chat we have to make some friends 0:04:03 Unknown_07: uh so uh jim if you want to unmute i again i have no plans for this stream so it was just gonna have to play by ear neither neither do i so it should be fun to wing it what do you mean it's nice to be on odyssey i mean it's nice to be able to stream on odyssey isn't it it's great it would suck to be banned from odyssey i couldn't imagine somebody being banned from odyssey it's pretty fucking hard to get banned from odyssey you can say pretty much anything you want you'd have to be a massive fuck up to do that i don't know Unknown_12: I emailed Moloch and he's like, come on by. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling ready to go. Unknown_07: Is he still in Ohio? Has he gone back to LA? Unknown_12: He changed his email. He was at Gmail, but he was like, Yahoo provides better security. Unknown_12: Now he's routing all his demonic incantations through Yahoo. That's how I got a hold of him. I don't know if he's in the Midwest anymore. He said he was looking out east maybe. Unknown_12: Like, you know, I don't know, like a Georgia or something said something about liking the weather better. 0:05:06 Unknown_07: Maybe Japan. You know, Japan has Yahoo is still the most popular search engine in Japan. Unknown_07: Is it really? Really, really. If you go to Yahoo.co.jp, you'll get like a very old looking website because the Japanese are like super autistic and they don't like change. So they've stayed with Yahoo on pretty much the exact same interface for almost 20 years now because they can't they can't handle it. Unknown_12: I thought Yahoo got fucked into the dirt by that chick that took over. Wasn't there a woman that took over their company and then just fucking carpet bombed it into relevance? 0:05:37 Unknown_07: Maybe, but you know how it is. The Japanese usually have their own branch of the company that works pretty much independently. The 7-Eleven does that. 7-Eleven has this huge, huge presence in Japan, and it's basically independently managed over there. Unknown_12: Yeah, that makes sense. So, you know, I thought, I mean, I guess since we're winging it, you've had a busy couple weeks. Unknown_07: Yes, I have been nonstop working on shit for the last three weeks. I'm actually a little bit stressed out. A tiny bit stressed out? 0:06:09 Unknown_13: Yeah. Unknown_07: Yeah, I usually handle stress pretty well, but usually it breaks after a little bit, but this has been nonstop. And every time it looks like there's a breakthrough, there's always something else that happens that's a bit more challenging. Well, I mean, I heard like to calm your nerves and stuff. Unknown_12: People have been telling me like if you ever get too anxious or paranoid or just, you know, stressed out, you have a little trune shine. apparently calms you right down. It takes the edge off, but I've been scared to make any of my bathtub. I don't know. 0:06:40 Unknown_07: many many software developers and other people in the i.t field are actually uh large consumers of the trend shine it's it's it's almost an epidemic in the i.t field you walk into you know uh office and open open concept office space with cubicles and you just see that half of them are on it at that at the exact moment that they're that they're working even so it's a seat now Unknown_12: I have a theory about the IT field. You know, when the pandemic hit, everybody wanted to work from home. And I know a lot of like the IT guys could do like remote work. And my thought is the reason so many people in like IT want to do remote work is if you gathered them all in one central office space, the smell of ax wounds would make everybody vomit to death and pass out. Does that sound accurate? 0:07:12 Unknown_07: I've actually never worked in an office. I'm sure nowadays it is. That's why people are more productive when they spread out. You put them in their homes. Yeah, you want them to spread out at home, not in the office with their legs open because the smell of the decay would probably drop you to the floor. Probably choke you out. That's actually their secret weapon. That's how they get what they want. They say, we're going to go sit on your furniture in your office. You'll never get it out. 0:07:46 Unknown_12: It's time to talk about arrays. Let me open my legs a little bit and let's discuss my hourly rate. Unknown_07: if not i can just sit on all the upholstery and you can have fun with that shit so do you want to outline like i i think a lot of people are familiar with obviously how it all started right with keffels and everything like that but just like your last i don't know week week and a half of dealing with these different companies and what what's gone on because i mean you had redundancies in place you had backups and stuff but 0:08:22 Unknown_12: It seems like either their reach of these people was greater than anticipated or people buckled quicker than most would expect. But it seems like you've been kind of running around trying to get stuff set up and having, you know, getting kneecapped by people left and right. I mean, do you want to talk about that or can you? Unknown_07: Yeah, I can. Because it's basically... Unknown_07: how do i want to word this just just as a vegas timeline uh this person keffels who's like the spearhead of it it's there's so much to talk about in regards to it too because it's it's almost um inappropriate to say that it's keffels because keffels really hasn't done anything keffels biggest accomplishment has been to take credit for everything and to coordinate well yeah i i absolutely agree with that it feels to me like they're a figurehead you know yeah 0:09:12 Unknown_12: Or the mask that other people are wearing. You get that feeling too? Unknown_07: There's a lot to say about that. But just for the sake of the timeline. Capitals has a spat with Destiny. I don't know what the fuck the issue is with Destiny that they have. But it's like a long-standing, contemptuous relationship between the two. Unknown_12: He didn't want to suck the trans clit, I think is what it came down to. Unknown_07: He does, though. I think he fucks femboys. I think that he cheats on his wife with femboys. Unknown_12: Here's the great debate. Now, is Destiny into fucking traps, right? Which would just be boys playing pretend, and then they're guys afterwards. Or is he into axe wounds? I don't think he's into axe wounds. I think he just wants a trap. Nobody is. I think he just wants a trap. 0:09:47 Unknown_07: God, this is a callback. Remember The Amazing Atheist? Unknown_12: How could I forget him pouring oil on his dick? Unknown_07: He did like a movie review about the human centipede. And he said, you know, there's probably people who would want to be at the head of the centipede. And there's probably people who want to be at the bottom of the centipede. But there's probably nobody who wants to be in the middle of the centipede. Like that touches nobody's kink. I think that's the way that the post-ops are. It's like, you got people who want to fuck traps, and you got people who want to fuck women. Nobody wants to fuck the Akron. That's not a thing. That does not exist, that fetish. 0:10:21 Unknown_12: Right, because everybody has like this, I mean, like the video I did, how the sausage is made, like everybody has this preconceived notion of what, it's like a fantasized, fetishized version, right? They really think it's like anime or something else where you know, some magic bullshit happens and suddenly I'm a pretty girl. But like when you see the results of the surgery, no, no, no, that's not at all what it looks like. Especially for the female to male ones, man, they get butchered to shit. 0:10:55 Unknown_07: Oh, well, I mean, it's terrible for everybody because it works both ways. With the male to females, the act of neutering actually reduces their sex drive. And since the sex drive is the cause of the autogenophilia, a lot of them immediately regret it because now they don't have the sexual urge to cross-dress and to play as a woman. uh but the the female to males they have i i went on about this on my last stream but they have like this romanticized concept of what a homosexual relationship is and it's just it's men who get shit on their dick is that is the reality being a man is gross and you know they when they are accepted as men and treated like other men they're repulsed by it because men like the the the mental headcanon of what a gay relationship is like and what actually hanging out with men is like and dating other men is like is is not what they had in mind um so it really it's it's a nightmare we're going to be dealing with the repercussions of what we've done to thousands of kids for for decades we have really fucked up there's gonna and i guarantee you there's like a like you know how the 70s and 60s had like those headlines of continuous serial killers who were like the you know the street walker that shit's coming back in forest we're gonna have so many fucking serial killers who are like castrated and can only get off by murdering women that that's all coming back well it's gonna be even worse because yeah because they're not gonna have an outlet for the rage usually like there's some kind of weird sexual psycho uh violence thing like those are all components but it's gonna be pure vengeance right i mean it's gonna be people that are are butchered and they're gonna feel like society and their parents and doctors and everybody 0:11:49 Unknown_12: was just okay with it, and they have no way of reversing it. 0:12:44 Unknown_07: Yeah, and don't forget, if you've ever read The Industrial Society and Its Future by Dr. Theodore Kaczynski, he actually had a gender identity crisis and ended up in a gender clinic way back when even, decades ago. And he saw all the other people around him who were in the various stages of transitioning, and he thought, this is fucking disgusting. And that was one of the key factors that played in him becoming the Unabomber. Unknown_12: God, do you think that was far enough back that he could have run into John Money? Unknown_08: Maybe. Dr. John Money was the guy that did the experiment with the twins where he's like, oh, I'm going to transition one of them, and then the kid killed himself, and then the other one killed himself. Unknown_07: You can find this out for certain because he actually names the clinic. There was only a couple of them, and this one was in Colorado, I'm pretty sure. 0:13:32 Unknown_12: Yeah, I could imagine Kaczynski looking around at that and being like, yeah, I think I'll stick to my mail, to mailing people letters. Yeah. Unknown_07: But, okay, so Destiny, I don't know what the issue is with them, but they wanted to get Destiny banned from everything. Unknown_07: Oh, yeah, okay, I'm sorry. Unknown_12: I do remember this. Yeah, so, I mean, essentially it boils down to Destiny disagreed. Yeah. Yeah, he disagreed. I mean, anybody that's watched a Destiny stream, knows he's not on there, you know, screaming death to Troons and shit like that. He disagreed over something. And that's, I guess, was enough to send the ratio squad after his ass. 0:14:13 Unknown_07: Yeah, it was. I can't even remember specifically. It was like a general disagreement about something extremely benign. It was probably the fucking HRT for kids thing. Cause that's the band. Unknown_12: Right. I think we can all agree at the end of the day. destiny this is all destiny's fault yeah it's falling apart it's all destiny's fault remember that chat it's all his fault when the internet collapses we're gonna be looking back at destiny there's gonna be pictures of him all greasy with his hair like matted to his forehead and shit and that's gonna be what we teach kids yep this is a man that killed the internet 0:14:49 Unknown_07: um but we i made fun of uh keffals for that because i i'd never heard of them before i was like what a weirdo like gloating about deplatforming people is this where we're at now and it's like i little did i know that yes that's like how they derive all forms of validation in their life oh that's that's their dopamine hit yeah So, months pass, there's kind of like a back and forth, a thread gets started. People find a lot, a lot more than I expected. With the Catboy Ranch shit, and the porn career, and the allegations of embezzling money from the Communist Party of Canada. Just lots of little shit like this, and it builds up. And then eventually, there is the swatting thing. And... Unknown_07: I think I, have you talked about the swatting thing at all? Like in depth about what's happening? Cause it's been like, is it just me or has it felt like the last two years? Everybody, everybody has gotten swatted. I can't name a single person who has not been swatted. 0:15:41 Unknown_12: Yeah. I'm, I'm convinced it's probably just a third party group doing it for laughs in regards to like multiple communities. But yeah, no, I, I, the thing that always got me about Keffels is like Keffels, you know, it's like, oh, I got swatted. And then their story changed three times. Unknown_12: I mean, I got swatted and I got over it in five minutes. I don't know why they had to flee the country to fucking Ireland. Unknown_07: Well, I got swatted. I got detained by the police. Very similar circumstances. My friend from England wrote a bomb threat to the high school that I went to from my email server. 0:16:22 Unknown_07: And I got detained over this. And I was in custody for like two hours. Unknown_07: um before they decided that it was a hoax and they just let me go and then there was two more incidents where the police showed up and they asked there's more emails from your from your server and i eventually after the second one i stopped um telling anybody about them because i realized that if i told people about them then people could write about it and it would encourage them to continue doing it So, like, I figured that shit out pretty fast. But the thing is, the difficult thing is, is that the people who are being swatted have a financial interest in playing victim. Like, Tim Pool has been swatted 17 fucking times. If he just shut the fuck up about it, it would probably stop. But he likes to go out there and say, just to say that this is not something that's, like, one side, the left versus the right. 0:16:54 Unknown_12: Yeah, but that's what I don't get, right? Okay, from my personal experience, initial swatting happens. Unknown_12: sell a few hats, talk about it, whatever but you talk to the police department and then it's not a fucking issue afterwards so I don't know how Tim Pool is getting swatted 17 times because you'd think he'd talk to the police and be like hey it's obviously bullshit, give me a ring up and I can prove that I'm not strapped with fucking Tannerite or something so I don't know how people are repeatedly swatted extremely over and over and over and over again Is it just an inept police department or are they just giving into it for a couple of bucks? 0:17:48 Unknown_07: Both. I think that it definitely depends on your police department because when I dealt with the Florida FBI versus the New York, west side of New York State FBI, the people from New York State were much more on top of things and they understood what I was telling them in regards to people intentionally provoking them. So it probably does depend on your your local law enforcement, but it also depends on how you handle it. And I think that especially in Temple's cases, like if it's happening 17 times, you have to change something at some point unless you just enjoy it. The police and then you can say, oh, I've been swatted. 0:18:27 Unknown_07: And I think people misuse the term swatting. It's like the police door knock to be like, hey, we got this call again. We have to go see your basement to make sure there's no black kids being turned into pepperoni down there. Yeah. You just say, okay, yeah, sure. Here's the basement. And then they leave. And it's like a five... The biggest crime there is the taxpayer money that went to the gasoline, right? Right. Unknown_07: So, yeah. People ham it up. The first time was definitely a swatting. They got detained, all that stuff. But, yeah. It's a... 0:18:59 Unknown_07: Point is that that happens and then from what I understand after that happens a cabal of people from what I understand 20 strong contact keffels and say we have a PR person we have tech people we have people who know like Unknown_07: how to use a booter to bring down services. And we're going to collaborate to put together a press package, a press kit. We're going to contact all of our friends and various journalistic agencies. And we're going to push this narrative and we're going to bring KiwiFarms down. Unknown_07: Yeah, that's the interesting thing. Unknown_12: And I wish I had saved it, but there is a Archive Keffels tweet where they talk about, oh wait, I'm not on YouTube, where he talks about, where he talks or Keffels talks about Um, having press connections and, and they're gonna use them. 0:19:44 Unknown_07: Yeah. But I think this is, but that's like from months ago. Unknown_12: So it makes me feel like this was like, this was ready to roll out and they were waiting for an opportune target. Unknown_07: Yeah, for sure. Unknown_07: For sure, and I've received from providers some of the documents that they're sent, and they're very professional, and they look very intimidating, and they have markings of NGO groups and stuff that they probably don't even have authorization to use, but it's all very well presented and very surgically directed so that it has maximum impact. Something Keffels would be familiar with, surgically. 0:20:20 Unknown_12: They'd be familiar, yeah. Unknown_07: direct yeah it's um so it's it's um it's more because like vordrek the guy from england who's given me most of the shit for years does very a lot of the same things and the issue that he has is that he is a deranged lunatic who's completely unsympathetic and the only people who have ever helped him were two people in the porn industry who then immediately turned on him because they're also insane uh keffels keffels is deranged and a pervert but not as not literally demented like vordrek has early on said to mention his family he'll lose his mind by 45 and he's getting there and you can tell just by the things he says that it's happening um so he's he's actually like teetering on the brain keffels is still young and they're insane but they're not like 0:21:18 Unknown_12: Has he said anything about any of this? Like, is he watching it, cheerleading it, or is he, like, stunned that somebody's doing it? Unknown_07: He's putting out fucking articles, but nobody wants to, you know, re-mail him. God, he sent me a fucking email. Let me see if I can find it. Oh, asking me if Ann Ominous, a guy with 40,000 posts on the forum, was Matthew Prince. Unknown_07: He's lost it. He's lost his fucking mind. And it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Unknown_12: Yeah, I didn't know. And I was kind of curious, too. I wondered, like, have you noticed? Has there been like a collective of people that have had threads that have like gone over to Team Keffel's 0:21:56 Unknown_07: Not just cheerleaded, but tried to weasel their way in and be like, let me help. Frederick Brennan tried. Unknown_07: Ralph tried. Not Matthew Prince, but Vordrak tried. All these people try to get in, but Kefos has a really good team put together and doesn't want any of these people. And Flatout tells them that you're not useful to me and I don't want anything to do with you. Unknown_12: Oh, see, it would be funny to me because, you know, a lot of these people, you know, the ones with the threads that would try to get cozy with keffels have so much baggage that if she were to present them as victims of Kiwi Farms, people would be like, wait a minute. 0:22:34 Unknown_12: Yeah. These people are really fucked up. What are we really talking about here? Unknown_07: Yeah, that's how it would naturally die. That's how it's like when Vordrak tried to do that. That's how it died because the people that were willing to work with him were, you know, insane. Like there's a reason why they have threat. It's not because they're great people and we're just trying to smear them because they're actually fucking nuts. Uh, but Keffles has managed to keep it on message. And I think this is something that they decided together that they were going to make it entirely about trans issues. So everybody who they put out as a victim, you got Brianna Wu, you have, um, Bob posting, you have Anna Valens, you have Liz Fong Jones, you have, um, 0:23:15 Unknown_07: uh the the mother of that trans kid from the national geographic uh cover um i i saw her tweeting but i don't even know who the fuck she is like she's obviously an attention whore yeah no what happened is in 2016 national geographic put out in a horrific cover cover that said something like the the gender revolution and it was a picture of like a nine-year-old eight-year-old boy in drag with like pink hair and it was it was ghastly it was like upsetting and stomach-churning especially in 2016 people aren't used to seeing this um so they they got talked about on the thread or on the forum and it's like an eight-page thread mostly about the you know the actual issue not the boy in particular But they find his Facebook, his mom's Facebook, because his mom is aggressively pushing this kid out there to get on the fucking cover of National Geographic. So she's got a huge fingerprint. And then she comes out years later and says, I was also doxxed. My nine-year-old was doxxed by Kiwi Farms. Like, we didn't fucking doxx him. You're the one that put him on National Geographic, bro. 0:24:08 Unknown_12: You went on the press tour. Do you kind of, you know, the feeling I get with a lot of this trans shit and the fad that it's become, it feels like it's become like the evolution or the second step of pageant moms. Unknown_12: It really does. Like, instead of like, you know, taking my four-year-old daughter and I don't know, you know, putting 48 pounds of makeup on her and making her tap dance in front of a, you know, a panel of judges, I'm going to take my son and put a dress on him and that'll give me more attention. 0:24:42 Unknown_07: There is that, and it's frustrating because you want to put a nice ribbon on it and say, this is the core issue, and this is the way to cut the Gordian knot. But the more fascinating and unfortunate aspect of the trans shit is that it's very multifaceted. There's a lot of different interests at play. that are completely different but coincidentally align and you see this with like the takedown of the forum is that you have people who don't communicate with each other but who find themselves on the same page because they benefit in their own ways from having the site taken down and with the trans stuff you have you know you have pageant moms you have people you know single moms who like um have this fatherless boy and they want a girl or they want special attention they want to be the you know the mom at the pta saying my daughter is trans and we need gender affirming blah blah at our school like that's what they live for because they don't have a fucking hobby um you have those people you have people who are genuinely just sick disgusting perverts who want to walk around in a dress and jerk off in the woman's restroom and then you have people like keffels who 0:25:21 Unknown_07: i think is just like a like a misogynist like they put out tweets and saying like being trans to me isn't about imitating women it's about being better than women and there's more to and then you know the the global interest i think that the trend to the corporation apparatus to the government the trans person is the ideal outcome of what the left would call the end stage capitalism you have people who are predominantly white from middle and upper class homes who are cutting off their own dicks and becoming infertile. And then their life is a menagerie of consumer interest, wanting to see themselves represented in their consumer interest, buying pharmaceuticals to maintain their pain levels and to maintain their estrogen. And then to replace them as they get older, you have to import labor from third world countries. And then that perpetuates the cycle of completely destroying the makeup of the demographics of the United States. I think that's the top down interest. But then you have all these useful idiots who have narcissistic personalities who are trying to enrich themselves either monetarily or sexually gratify themselves or get some other kind of attention from it. 0:26:21 Unknown_07: It's a rat king. It's one of the terms that we used to describe it years ago. It's a very bizarre phenomenon. 0:27:04 Unknown_12: So it's kind of a serendipitous conspiracy of different groups aligning because the interests happen to benefit them either financially or through retaining their power or feeding their narcissism, giving them the dopamine hit. And it just becomes a clusterfuck for everybody else that's left to deal with this shit in the wake of their actions. Unknown_07: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Unknown_07: And, you know, I know kids at school, it's cool. It's cool to be trans. It's cool to be queer. And since it's so broad now, you can fit in without actually having to commit to anything. Like they say that like one in five kids at school identifies as LGBTQIAP plus now. But that's like, you know, you ask a guy is like, what do you identify as? And he just wants to be with it. and he's just saying oh i'm queer i'm non-conforming and it's like he's just a straight dude who wants to bang chicks who likes all the pretty girls in his classroom but he also wants to appeal to them sensibly you know and say i'm you know i'm queer i'm non-conforming and it's like there's no commitment there but the the the you know the campaign of media and shit has made it so that that's that's the invoke thing to do it's like playing fucking pokemon that's what everybody's doing they're changing their gender 0:28:22 Unknown_12: Yeah, but the crazy thing to me is, you know, back in the day, if you were to identify as gay or lesbian, whatever, there wasn't a physical commitment to it. To this shit, there's a physical fucking process that takes place. If it's just taking pills or chopping shit off, like it's a commitment you can't unfuck. They talk about people detransitioning, but that's just going to leave you as, you know, you're closing the hole up, but you're not replacing the dick, right? So you're physically butchered and fucked up and chemically fucked for the rest of your life. And it's kind of a scary thought to think of a bunch of kids going through elementary and junior high thinking this is what I want. And then they transition or whatever and fucking high school and college. And then five years later, like, oh, this was a big mistake, but there's no way to ever fix it. 0:29:05 Unknown_07: uh yeah that's some of them because what hap also what happens is you have lonely people who go on to discord and they're looking for friends and it used to be back in the day if you were lonely looking for friends you fell into one in two categories you join the anime club or you join the furry fandom and uh both of those groups are generally accepting of basically everyone Nowadays, it's like you're online and what do you do? Oh, you join like the LGBTQ plus. They're always looking for new people. You know, they're chatting, they have events going on, they have funding, they have all sorts of stuff that you can get involved with. And then they end up in these discords and they end up under the tutelage of older people who are attracted to children. And that's one of the other interests is they have genuine pedophiles who are just aroused by turning little boys into little girls and basically people into making eunuchs out of out of children. and they get told, oh, you're not just queer. I think that you are actually, did you ever play with a Barbie? Did you ever play with a Barbie? Do you like the color pink more than the color blue? It's like that kind of shit. And then they say, well, I think that you were always meant to, I think you're a little girl trapped in a little boy's body. And I have all these resources. And if your parents don't consent, don't worry. I can send it to you in the mail. I know how to make it myself. I love the contradiction too, because for like the last three or four years, right, the big push for gender equality and, you know, the anti-sexism talking points was, 0:30:15 Unknown_12: Boys can play with girls' toys, and girls can play with boy toys, and that's not indicative of whether you're a boy or a girl. But now it's being used as a diagnosis, right? So, oh, no, if you do play with a Barbie, you're definitely a girl, and we need to cut your dick off. And, you know, if little Susie likes a Transformer, it's time to, you know, put some silly putty in her crack and then stick on a snuffleupagus nose made out of her arm tissue and call her Timmy. 0:30:57 Unknown_07: Well, that's another interesting thing. Did you watch that Matt Walsh movie about what is a woman? Unknown_12: Oh, no, no. For a second I thought you were talking about the guy that does, was it Unsolved Mysteries? Who is the dude that had his kid disappear and he fucking made it a career hunting down pedophiles and criminals? Wasn't his name Matt Walsh too? Unknown_07: I have no idea. No, I've never heard that. Unknown_12: Oh my God, no. Let me just double check and maybe I've gone fucking crazy. Okay. But no, like his son got kidnapped out of a store by what is this? Oh, it's John Walsh. John Walsh. Sorry. Okay. My mind blanked on me. No, I haven't seen that. For a second, I was wondering if it's the same guy. 0:31:31 Unknown_07: it's it's kind of like a it's it's okay it's interesting it's probably a good like entry point to people who are like already kind of skeptical well it's not a great documentary um as far as like basically it's a movie that you'll only like if you're if you'll already like it you'll not be swayed by this i don't i don't think but um he poses kind of as like a meme he goes up to politicians and people in gender reform and care and he asks them what is a woman and they have no straight answer to the point where that's the comedy is that you can ask any of these people what is a woman and you will not know you'll you'll glean nothing by talking to them all they say is a woman is a person who identifies as a woman But then when you look at the people who identify as a woman, their concept, the men who identify as women, their concept of what a woman is, is like this bimbified, fetishistic idea of like, what is a woman? A woman is having long hair and fingernails and makeup and pumps and tits and an ax wound. And that's like, that's it. That's all it is to them. And, you know, if you try to suggest, is it reproductive? Are women supposed to be mothers? They say, well, what about women that can't have kids? Are they less of a woman? And so on. And it's like that end is messy, but it's always like the most bimbified concept possible. 0:32:20 Unknown_12: Yeah, it's become ridiculous. 0:33:06 Unknown_12: It does seem very fetishistic. It does seem very fad-like to me. Um, there obviously is a push. Um, I wouldn't doubt pharmaceutical companies love it cause they're going to make money gangbusters on this, not just from supplying estrogen or pills or whatever, but, uh, comforting, you know, palliative medical care for the disaster that follows the rest of your life. Unknown_07: You're going to be on some kind of pain management if you take, have the surgery. Unknown_12: And the government probably likes it because they're going to have a voter base that is, uh, you know, uh, a self, a self crippled minority. That we'll always need to use them to make people stop laughing. Right? So it makes them more reliant on Big Brother. Yeah. 0:33:41 Unknown_08: You can see that with Keffels. Unknown_12: I mean, you know, the first thing they do is they run to any government institution they can to make the mean shit go away. Unknown_07: Yeah, they have a friend in Harvard. I don't know his name. He's also trans. And he proudly states that he's involved in Harvard, but I don't think he's actually an attorney. And his thing has been for years, since the Buse stuff is when he started paying attention to the forum, is that we should lose... Section 230 protections, which if you don't know very, very, very broadly, I am not liable for shit you say on my site and I'm not liable for deleting shit that you say on my site. That's Section 230 in a nutshell. 0:34:21 Unknown_07: But he contends that because I post on my site, I'm not protected by this. And it's true that for my posts, I am not protected by Section 230. I am liable for what I say, but he's tried to swing it so that I'm liable for everything everybody says because I post on the site. And that's just not true. I mean, that would be, you know, that's a can of worms that that idiot probably doesn't want to open because then that means that everything Jack Dorsey's ever said on Twitter, anything Mark Zuckerberg has ever said on Facebook, you know, anything these people have ever said, if they've made one post, now they're suddenly liable because they're not a platform, they're a publisher, right? 0:34:58 Unknown_12: All these sites are now liable. Even Susan Wazowski or whatever her fucking name is. Unknown_07: Waziki. Unknown_12: Yeah, she made a YouTube video. So, I mean, if she's posting on the site as a user, she's now liable for all the other users. Unknown_12: Could you imagine her getting sued for all the Nazi shit she tried to get rid of? It'd be funny as fuck. Unknown_07: Yeah, well, that's why Google, Facebook, and all the big companies end up on the right side when it comes to net neutrality in Section 230, which is unfortunate because when Google starts proudly promoting something like net neutrality, people say, wait a second, this has to be evil incarnate if Google's promoting it. Uh, but no, the, the reality is that it's the thing that's useful to us, but it's also very useful to them, uh, which is why they want to keep it. It's a, it's like, it's implicit. It's like, if you host a website, people can say what they want and without doing anything, without filing any forms, without seeking a certain type of incorporation, you're not liable. It's a great thing to have. Um, but it's not just that, that they're trying to get rid of. It's they're, um, looking at, uh, very briefly. 0:35:32 Unknown_07: On the internet, there used to be a private company in the United States called ICANN, the Internet Consortium of Assigned Names and Numbers. ICANN was taken by Obama and given to the United Nations, so now it's an international organization. That was a mistake. That was a huge fucking mistake, one that we will definitely see repercussions for in the coming decades. It was safer in the United States. Very smart. If you were intentionally trying to fuck everything up, moving ICANN out of the U.S. was a brilliant move. 0:36:12 Unknown_07: If I was Satan and I was trying to fuck everything up, that's exactly what I would say to do. Unknown_07: So ICANN distributes IP addresses to the five different companies called RIRs, Regional Internet Registries. There are five of them. There's one in the US for North America, there's one in South America, one in Africa, one for Europe, and one for Asia and the Middle East. 0:36:43 Unknown_07: I have one in APNIC, which is Asia Pacific, and my IPs come from APNIC. apnec is based out of australia australia after christchurch passed um internet regulation and censorship so now liz fong jones who i think is chinese australian is trying to get apnec to get rid of my ips basically this has never happened in the history of the internet there has never been the political censorship of resources how dead in the water i like i've known i know you fought with like uh hosting and server space and uh ddos protection but 0:37:24 Unknown_12: if they pull that off, right, and they pull your IPs, how dead in the water are you? Does that really fuck you? Is that like a final death knell kind of thing? Unknown_07: no um if that happens i will move it basically i i have a layered network on 10 different companies if i lose my ips i simply have to hide the kiwi farms and i actually having my own resources is a benefit in some ways and a detriment in others because now that people know where my networks are They can probe them. They can attack them. If I had to hide my things again, then it would be more resilient to DDoS attacks. However, the upside of having my resources is that I can venture. I can counter offense. Basically, I can set new things up on IPs. I can fortify my network. I can have multiple ISPs. I can have DDoS filters on the network level. I can do more. But if I was forced to hide, I would still be able to keep the site up. 0:38:03 Unknown_12: See, what I find fascinating about this, especially watching people who have been cheerleading this on, the destruction of the site, is it feels like a proxy for what's coming, right? We're watching this, obviously, between, you know, Keffels and Kiwi. But the bigger picture to me is, you know, five years from now, 10 years from now, what if it's some kind of actual insurrection against the government? What if there's some crazy shit going on and people are trying to keep a website up to get information out? They're watching this. essentially what's being done to you is going to be done in that instance. And it's weird watching, you know, the people that I've seen before talk about internet freedom and, you know, the right to speak and have a place to go cheerlead this shit on because it baffles me that they don't see that, you know, later on, this is going to be used against sites that they would probably want up or that might serve, you know, some kind of a benefit. Like, I mean, they're chasing you around the internet all over the world, trying to rip you apart. And they're going after everything that's connected to you in a way to make that happen. And it's, it's like this cat and mouse game of, can you escape it? And if you can't, that's got a really bad connotations for what the future of the internet's going to look like. Cause what, what, what are people going to do? Have wireless mesh nets? You know what I mean? They're going to run a fucking second internet from the back of their truck, driving around the countryside. 0:39:20 Unknown_07: Uh, ham radios probably. Unknown_12: Just copy 10-4. What was that URL? It's going to be good. Unknown_07: The onion... Tor will probably be resilient. However, the government basically... In the same way that I have contingencies for everything, the government also has... things that they know how to take down that they don't do very often because they don't want them fixed uh my personal conspiracy theory is ddos attacks are such a universal problem that if they wanted to fix them they probably could i bet you that there is a way right now that could be set up in a week where if you are under a ddos attack you could communicate to the internet backbones of which there's like only like seven internet like tier one providers in the world and say i'm being attacked this is my source and this is the the destination of the attack and i bet you that it would be possible to coordinate with companies for free not resource intensive at all to end gdos as a threat however i think that the gdos attack is so simple and so useful to the government that they intentionally do not provide the service and they've been asked by the government not to provide the service And I think that's true with other things as well, that they know how to fix and they choose not to. DDoS attacks have been around for 30 fucking years. They've always been there. And they for sure know how to fix it by now. 0:40:55 Unknown_12: Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it. I'm sure there's a lot of shit they could patch up and take care of that they never do. I mean, you're talking about, at least with the U.S. government, that uh knows about like just zero day exploits they'll let sit there because it might be beneficial a year from then i mean with all the nsa shit and well here's a fun story about that there was a pedophile who was arrested who was identified as exchanging child pornography on tour 0:41:34 Unknown_07: The lawyer for the pedophile asked, I want to know how you identified him. We need proof before we take any plea deal or take this to court. I need to know what you did to identify my client as the person who transmitted this information over toward an encrypted network. And I said, we are not going to disclose that. So the charges are dropped and he walked away. So whatever the fact they had that was working, um, that was so important to them that they would have let literally anything walk so that they can continue to do espionage. Um, I think that that was, that was patched eventually they figured out what that was, but, um, our, our government is evil. Our government is pure evil run by very like, um, like most people listening to this will probably be familiar with the Christian fucking his mom thing. One of the people that he was talking to at the time was Isabella Yonca. Isabella Yonca is the daughter of an ex-CIA contractor named Michael Yonca. If you Google Michael Yonca Cloudflare, you'll find a video of the father of the woman that was talking to Chris while he was raping his mother. sitting next to Matthew Prince talking about how the internet needs more censorship. And considering that Isabel Ianka had a 3,000 page long thread on the Kiwi Farms, it really does raise some fucking eyebrows about what influence comes from where. 0:42:08 Unknown_07: I don't think that Michael Ianka is a part of Kefla thing at all. I think that in the time that it took for the Kiwi Farms to lose Cloudflare, 0:42:49 Unknown_07: uh there was that statement by matthew prince about their policies and how they handle abuse and yada yada and their commitment to free speech and that was on thursday and then that saturday two days later on a three-day weekend it was labor day weekend he drops the kiwi farms and puts out this much more rushed shitty statement that seems like a like panicked And saying like, this site is the worst site that we've ever seen. We're dropping it right now. It's an imminent threat to human life. We've contacted law enforcement already because it's such a big deal. And I've not received any communique from any law enforcement anywhere regarding any imminent threat to human life. So he lied and he lied in a way that I can't sue him for, but he lied. to appease his shareholders, probably, because something happened. Either his payment processors threatened him, his board of directors threatened him with having him being forced to resign from CEO position, or someone like Michael Yonka got to him in his ear and said, you need to find a way to drop this site. And what is extremely pissy about that is that he said it was the worst site he's ever seen. It was an easier decision to make than the Daily Stormer or 8chan. And right now on his site are websites dedicated to drilling holes into the skulls of monkeys that... 0:44:04 Unknown_07: Proudly hosted by Cloudflare. ISIS websites proudly hosted by Cloudflare. DDoS protection in the works for $200 a month. And it's a joke. It's a bad joke, but it's going to go right over people's head. Unknown_12: Do you think part of the problem, and I've always kind of wondered this, on how people like, let's say, Keffels or that group would have any kind of reach at all, is that the ones most drawn into this shit, or at least I guess the first ones most drawn into it, because now it's kind of a fad with younger kids, came from highly affluent families. It seemed like they were coming from families that were rich or well-connected, and so they had the money and time to give in to this kind of bizarre, fetishistic, I'm going to become a woman thing. 0:44:38 Unknown_07: You mean like Jazz Jennings? Jazz Jennings was on the first one. Unknown_12: Yeah, but I'm talking about people like, what is it? Unknown_12: I guess what I'm getting at is I don't see this having started with kids living in the ghetto, right? Poor people. Unknown_09: No. Unknown_12: I see this having started with kids that went to the really nice college because mom and dad have a fucking six-figure job because mom or dad work with the government or an NGO or whatever. And do you think that these people have undue influence because of that? Because they're midway through their journey of tying a noose around their neck. 0:45:16 Unknown_12: So they see Kiwi Farms and this big fight happened and they're like, we need to make that go away. And so their parents or people that know their parents have a voice that can reach somebody like Prince on his three-day weekend and be like, you need to take this down. Unknown_07: Yeah, I mean, I'm sure that a lot of people who are involved in complaining on Twitter and shit are opportunistic. They've been quiet for years because they know that it's not a good idea to draw attention to it because the site gets more views to their threads if they talk about it. But now they see this as like the last chance to take down the site. 0:45:52 Unknown_12: Oh, now did you see that little pop-up? Unknown_07: Yeah, I just heard the notification. So it's 45 minutes. That's all they give us to talk? Unknown_12: Free group calls have a limit of one hour. We get one hour. We got 10 more minutes. Then you'll have to resend the link. Yeah, this very much confused Andy when I was a guest on his stream. And it took him like 20 minutes to figure out what that meant. Unknown_07: That's bizarre. Zoom doesn't do that, does it? Unknown_12: No, no, I think Google's doing it to push you to like subscribe or pay some kind of fee, but you can still use it for an hour for free and just start a second one up and use that for free. So why would you ever pay? 0:46:29 Unknown_07: that's bizarre discord does it for free too i can't believe that that google can't that's bizarre they want that paywall up maybe this is the way they keep out like you know discord groomers and shit they're like we put our time limit on it it fucks their game up it's they they've completely ruined the the the discord daddies making discord kittens keep it on overnight while they're sleeping because that shit just turns off they can't wake them up to say give me a new fucking link Unknown_10: They fixed the problem. 0:47:02 Unknown_13: Everybody thought Google was evil, but they've been thinking outside the box for a while now. Unknown_07: Oh, geez. But yeah, it's a rich people thing. I mean, one guy's about to have a fucking epileptic fit in chat, unless I mention Jews. Jazz Jennings, I pointed out, very specifically because he's Jewish. Unknown_07: Jazz Jennings is a great example because what happens is they put him on pills. Unknown_12: Yeah, they put him on pills. We're going to transition you, Jazz. We're going to transition you. Take these pills. Take this estrogen. You'll block puberty. And then it comes up to surgery day, and the doctor looks at him and says, Yeah, you don't have enough of a dick for us to make a fake pussy. 0:47:38 Unknown_07: Yeah. Cause you didn't, you didn't go through puberty. Unknown_12: You don't have enough genitalia for us to butcher it up. Unknown_07: That's that is the jazz Jennings things never gets mentioned. I try to bring it up. I'm glad that you know the story. Cause that's yeah. Basically jazz Jennings transitioned, um, early in life. The, the, the best example of what exactly what couples want says you can go on these, these hormone blockers. You can take estrogen anytime you want. It just stops puberty so that when you are an adult, you look more feminine. uh yada yada yada the issue is is that for jazz jennings and this is a middle centipede thing for sure because you take those those puberty blockers as a kid you start taking estrogen as a teenager you go through like a fake um fake puberty and you can look at jazz jennings jazz jennings does not pass at all and then they reach adulthood well the issue is that when they you know split your your cock down the middle and make labia out of it um you need you need the shmeet you need shmeet to build the new thing out of so when you have a little baby dick you can't take that and make a vagina out of it um even anything because jazz jazz was literally stuck at like i mean based on what the doctor was saying you're talking like you know the the physical features of like a fucking nine-year-old yeah and they've got to like they've got to invert the penis to make um you know depth for the vagina but if you've got like a two-inch dick 0:48:35 Unknown_12: And then you've got to cut stuff open and make other pieces. There's not enough to do stuff with. Unknown_07: Yeah, it's like a horror story. And then they go through it, and there's complications, and they're in pain. And now you look at Jazz Jennings. Jazz Jennings is fat. Oh, God. Unknown_12: Yeah, they're the size of a dump truck. Yeah, I'd be eating all the time, too. What else are you going to do? Right? There's nothing else to do. Unknown_07: There's literally nothing else to do. There's no way to get off. And that's like, okay, now you're really fucked. You're 20 years old. You have two options. You can either, A, make a vagina out of your intestines because you don't have any penis to make it out of, or, B, you can stay stuck with your baby dick. Now, who the fuck is into... 0:49:41 Unknown_07: actual like intestinal lined vagina or a baby dick like your your romantic life is destroyed you have no hope whatsoever of even maintaining an illusion of a functional relationship you have fucked your life yeah well there's no recovery i mean that's the thing they're stuck with right they can't even if even if they detransition right um there wouldn't be anything to reassemble because you'd still be stuck at the point of being a nine-year-old right 0:50:14 Unknown_12: So there's no sex. There will never be any sex for Jazz Jennings. They'll never have an orgasm. That's completely gone. Unknown_12: Now Jazz looks like a fat man. And I'm sure is fucking miserable. I remember watching when they got the surgery and stuff. All their stitches popped. Shit was rotting and fetid. Unknown_12: Again, because not enough material to work with. Now imagine all those little kids that are being told drink the Truneshine. are going to grow up in that same fucking situation specifically for boys. Yeah. It's so they're not even going to get to the point of transitioning because they're going to hit a brick wall and then they're going to be stuck as undeveloped adults. And I can't even, I mean, look how mad Ralph gets when you talk about how small his dick is. And this is like, this is even worse, you know, like they're going to be rage hogging. Like you wouldn't believe. 0:50:54 Unknown_07: I mean, they don't have the testosterone for that though. They're just going to sit there on Twitter and, and, and, you know, see and de-platform people. That's what happens with those. It's going to be an entire gen- it's going to be a baby dick brigade, an entire generation of them, uh, fucked over by the medical industry, unable to give into their, to their fetish, I guess. Unknown_12: I don't, I don't know what the end result of that's going to be, but it ain't going to be pretty. 0:51:30 Unknown_07: Yeah. So it's like literally watching tragedy because it takes years. It takes years for the tragedy to complete its story, its story arc. And you just know that it's fucked up and you try to say something about it and you get banned. Unknown_12: You get really fucking mad if you bring it up. When I did a video on it, all the comments and especially the subreddits and shit dedicated to this, anybody that brought up even like in the nicest way. Like, hey, I'm having issues or I'm having doubts or maybe this isn't for me or maybe I want to go back. They were just told that they were the fucking incarnation of Satan. And that they weren't doing it right. And that they were... What's that fucking term they all like to use? TERFs? 0:52:06 Unknown_07: TERFs. Is that it? TERFs are like... Yeah. They're women who are feminist. And they exclude... Trans or exclusionary radical feminists. Right. Unknown_12: Like they were accusing them of being like undercover TERFs. Unknown_07: Yeah, like LARPing. Yeah. That's a funny story too. If you want to know... If you want to know why... Unknown_07: uh i i i feel bad for for women for women kind right now to the point where a lot of people call me like a simp or like a male feminist uh you should see what happens to any oh geez i have an email um you should see what happens to any women space like a website for women about women's issues on the internet These places are routinely co-opted, and it does not matter what it is. It can be a group for talking about ovarian health or uterine health, uterine cancers, ovarian cysts. It can be a place for pregnancy. It can be a place for mothers. It doesn't matter. They always routinely get co-opted by... You know what it kind of reminds me of? 0:53:00 Unknown_12: Trannies remind me of... What's that female character from Fight Club? The one who would fake shit to go to the group therapy sessions? Unknown_07: Oh, Martha, isn't it? Unknown_12: Is that it? Yeah. So they're all a bunch of Martha's, right? Like they, they sneak in by saying they're that, and then once they're, but they take it farther than Martha would, then they take over the group kind of basically. 0:53:39 Unknown_07: Yeah. A Marla Singer. I should know this. Fight Club is my favorite movie. And you caught me off guard. Yeah. Marla. Yeah. It is like that. Unknown_07: But it's not. Actually, I take that back. It's completely different. That's like a voyeurism thing. Voyeurism is what we do. Kiwi Farms. You're seeing people in various states of emotional conflict and suffering. Unknown_12: Kiwi Farmers are the good Marlas. and the trannies are the bad marlas the trannies are it would be different it would be like if marla was there in the testicular cancer club because she wanted to speak all the time and say how bad her testicular cancer was and if anyone said hey maybe you don't have testicular cancer because you're a woman they got kicked out of the club and they don't want to get kicked out of the club because they're depressed because they lost their balls and they're going to kill themselves and they need the club they need to stay in the club 0:54:31 Unknown_07: So everyone just politely ignores the fact that Marla speaks for half the time and they can't say anything about it. That's the correct interpretation of that situation. Unknown_12: We need to – this entire book needs to be rewritten now. And Marla needs to be a trans character just to show this – now I want to see that plot line play out. Unknown_12: of them subverting every fucking group they go to and his dead name was Robert Paulson that's why he's got he's a detransfer perfect let me give you a link actually because it's time oh we got under a minute yeah okay I'll jump out of this send me a link and I'll pop back in okay alright let's see new meeting start instant meeting 0:55:25 Unknown_08: I'm now in a new meeting. Unknown_08: Microphone works. Send this over on post. Unknown_07: Now we wait. Actually, you know, I spent the chat, I spent all this time setting this shit up and I've actually not used it at all. I have a very fancy thing that I've completely neglected to use throughout this. Unknown_08: Still waiting on Jim. 0:56:00 Unknown_09: But now, chat, I do have... I could have this working. Unknown_07: Hello. Oh, it looks uglier than I imagined. I had this whole thing planned out to have... Unknown_07: Hangouts look cool on my screen. I'm just all fucked up. You can see his rage pig avatar. Is there a reason why you keep the OBS logo on top of his face? Unknown_12: No, I'm just technically inept. I don't know how I'm making the fuck up. So it's like a black hole of white. It represents him well because he'll shovel anything in that fucking mouth of his. So technically, technically is, you know, on point. But yeah, it's stuck there. I don't know. I don't know what the fuck to do with it. 0:56:41 Unknown_07: Okay. Oh, I never got to finish my timeline of events. We got distracted for an hour. Unknown_12: Yeah, so we had Keffels and Destiny have a row. Keffels starts talking about getting Destiny deplatformed. and starts doing the I'm going to ratio everybody on Twitter shit. Unknown_07: They make a testicular cancer support group. Yes, yeah. Okay, and then we got to Matthew Prince. I mentioned that we got dropped by Cloudflare on Saturday. Cloudflare is very important because Cloudflare offers something that you cannot, basically with any other service, you can do it yourself. 0:57:18 Unknown_07: You can get your own IPs. You can get your own servers. You can make your own fucking data center. You can literally. Unknown_07: Put a server in your house and buy your own router and convince your ISP to give you a BGP session so that IPs route to a box in your fucking home. I could do that. I could be my own data center. Unknown_07: And ISPs are very resilient because they have to be. You know, cross your fingers that ISPs will stay resilient because that's next. But... the one thing that you cannot do and you can find open source software alternatives to all sorts of different foreign like forum software has open source alternatives to zenfuro i have to replace them because they canceled our license about a year ago um however 0:57:57 Unknown_07: application layer and you can find network layer ddos mitigation you can pay for that application layer ddos mitigation is difficult that is something that actually almost nobody does uh makes their own ddos mitigation it is because it is such a cat and mouse thing with technology that you basically need around the clock staff looking at the different threats that are popular online figuring out how to combat them what what you know 0:58:40 Unknown_07: networks are the most compromised and when to throw captures like that all that shit is extremely complicated and more complicated even the network level filtering so almost everybody uses cloudflare the only companies that don't use i think 80 of websites use cloudflare the only ones that don't use cloudflare are sufficiently large corporations like microsoft that can do their own application level filtering or scale up enough that they don't have to worry about it Unknown_07: So it must be, I mean, it has to at some point be profitable for them, even with the amount of work put into it. Unknown_12: So why do they have such a monopoly on it? Unknown_08: Good question. Unknown_12: Why is everybody still beholden to Cloudflare? I mean, if it was a money pit and he was losing money all the time, he'd drop it eventually or somebody else would find a better way. But if he's bringing in the money doing it, there's got to be Unknown_12: Why aren't there other companies saying, fuck, 80%, give me 20%, I can make money off that. 0:59:40 Unknown_07: I think that what it is, is a size, it's an issue similar to like with YouTube. Because it is such a cat and mouse game, the issue is that if you make a company that offers a DDoS mitigation service, if you grow large enough, people will start tailoring their attacks to your software suite. And CAPTCHAs are a great example of this, by the way. um text captchas are very broken so but when you make your own captcha which you can do i made um i worked with frederick to make one for infinity next uh those are actually good if you make them yourself and they have like your your own choice of fonts and and you know distortion and stuff they work very well but if you were to publish your own captcha as like this service and then millions of people started using it You would very quickly find yourself targeted and your captchas would be continually busted because it would be profitable for Darknet interests and hackers to find ways around your captcha. And people will just start doing it for fun. Like the Kiwi Farms gets fucked with by people who are literally just saying like, hmm, this is a website that has trouble going down. I wonder if I can bring it down. And they have no other interest in the site beyond that. They're like... You know, from Kazakhstan, they don't give a fuck. They're just playing around. So captains fall under that. But with DDoS mitigations, it's the same thing. And you can see, like, the Dayan Mall people, there are two college students in Portugal. They're thinking, fuck, we can make a great DDoS service. It's not that hard. They set it up. And it's like, oh, there's actually a lot of shit eating that's attached to being a DDoS mitigator. 1:01:12 Unknown_12: What happened with them in particular? Was that the one that Keffels wrote a PR statement for them? Unknown_07: They claim that Keffels just spell checked it because they're Portuguese. They don't speak English as a first language. However, Keffels claims now that he helped draft it. So I don't know. Keffels lies about everything. So I'm willing to believe them, but yeah, basically what's frustrating about them, and this is skipping ahead a bit from the timeline, but Uh, this was Monday. I want to say, and I emailed them and I say, this is what's happening. Here's a PR statement. I give a, I was suggested to them by somebody. And, uh, they said, yeah, we can handle it. Thinking. Okay. And we're, we're confident. This is like, we offer a great service. I'm like, well, what about the GDPR? You guys are in the EU. Like, nah, we can handle it. We're just a pass through. I'm like, okay. Turning on one hour later, we had been contacted by 15 different journalists. 1:01:44 Unknown_07: There's an issue. We did not expect this. And you weren't completely honest with the content of your site. I'm like, well, I linked you to the articles and shit. The main thing that they had an issue with was that one of the dockets floating around referenced a lot of the content from the Zeus status links. um so i've actually restricted access to the old archive because all the chat logs and stuff have been copied and pasted into threads and stuff shouldn't they be thanking you the zoo sadist leaks and all of that ended up leading to the arrest of snake thing well that's actually if you try to go to the zoo sadist archive right now you get a message uh calling journalists scum because and links to those threads and stuff yeah i mean if you were if you were honest about like the the site you would you would have to mention that but nobody does and snake snake thing was the worst one he was the one talking about um 1:02:22 Unknown_12: molesting his five-year-old cousin and raping him and, you know, killing and fucking dogs. Unknown_07: Yep, and he's still in jail. Unknown_12: Yeah, and he went to prison. Unknown_07: I mean, Wolf was, as far as, like, I mean, it's hard to compare him. The snake thing was disgusting because he was talking about animals being tortured in, like, a way that, like, I guess, like, a furry would, like, say, ooh-woo, what a cute fursuit. Like, ooh, what a nice torture video, ooh-woo. And it's, like, like... Unknown_07: bizarre bizarre unhinged um but wolf was the one who like he was cuban and he like staked puppies with like a thing covered in fire ants he was a grueling sadist and the the government of cuba disappeared him but nobody brings this up of course they just bring up they have you know zoo sadist shit on their site and it's like well yeah because people were uh trying to find them and they did 1:03:47 Unknown_12: Yeah, it's bizarre. Well, I mean, I saw what happened with even with like Post, you know, because you guys came over and then all of a sudden there's a, was it a Huffington Post journalist just suddenly decided to make a fucking account and start talking to people? On Post? Unknown_07: On Post. Unknown_12: Yeah. Yeah. They banned them. Unknown_07: Uh, yeah. I mean, maybe cause it's like, you know, people are on post now they're on, on the forum and they're, they're definitely looking for the next target. Somebody said that, um, I don't want to name drop them because they won't appreciate it. They get mad at me if I talk about them, but it's a website that's similar to the Kiwi farms and it's mostly women talking about women, little cows. Uh, they've been down. Yeah. 1:04:20 Unknown_07: Yeah, that one, uh, they've been down all weekend or like for the last day or two. And I don't know if that's like related to other attacks. Cause I mentioned this in one of my early statements that I know if this site goes down, they will immediately start target targeting women's websites. Um, cause that is what's exciting for them. You think that it's exciting for Keffels to do a victory lap on the Kiwi farms. It would be literally sexually gratifying for Keffels to say, I took away your space for, you know, a thousand women that would be, 1:05:00 Unknown_07: Bring him the closest he can get to to orgasm. Yeah. Unknown_12: Well, yeah, I mean, it's clear it's not going to just stop with Kiwi. I mean, they're going to start hitting other sites. They already went after archival sites. I've only seen one or two people ever pull that off to getting archives wiped. Unknown_07: yeah it's it's archive the way back machine that's the one they were trying to get archive.is archive.today to to pull theirs as well but as far as i know they haven't um it's because they have they have friends in tech man that's the issue they can get my google voice number dropped i can't make calls uh to or from my google voice number i can't receive text messages and it's like I talked to their support agent and they're going through the checklist. Like, you know, can you tell us what area you're in, what software you're using? So it's like, there's not like an obvious flag on my account that says I'm banned. I guarantee you some fucking troon, you know, software contractor just did something to break my account as best he could and then walk away from it. And it's like, it's not, it's not even like I'm banned. It's like someone broke my Google voice number, so I can't use it. 1:05:39 Unknown_12: Right. Didn't that... What is the Fong one that's working with Keffels? Unknown_07: Liz Fong Jones. They worked at... Yeah, he worked at... They worked at Google. 1:06:14 Unknown_12: Yeah, right. So they probably still have friends there, don't they? Unknown_07: Yeah. Yeah. He... I don't remember what he did exactly. Unknown_07: He's really... He had to replace a living hell, probably. Unknown_07: He was very active in the Google internal forum for LGBT issues, he said. Yeah. so i'm sure yeah he was that guy um he's really funny because he's hideous number one he's like usually asians have like a like a racial perk to passing when they when they transition but not him not him No, he's got a strong jaw. I call it the Robert Zadar jaw. He's got a fucking meaty face. And his trans boyfriend, speaking of snake things, is like trans snake. And he walks around in public with his hands down behind his back in like a... So you're telling me you're walking... I'm just trying to picture myself as like a Google employee when they were still employed there. 1:06:50 Unknown_12: And I'm walking across campus to go fix some fucking issue on a server or something. Yeah. And the here comes Asian Jay Leno. With some guy slithering behind them on the ground, sticking his tongue in the air. 1:07:26 Unknown_07: Not, not on the ground. He walks around in like a sleeveless champagne dress with like a, and they all wear fucking fetish collars, like animals and like walks around on a leash in public. And they're just like, I don't know. I'm a snake. I'm a snake. I'm a snake girl. I'm a snake. And that's just how they live. And it's fucking weird. And these are the people who decide if I get to make phone calls. Yeah. Unknown_13: That's the person with the final say on whether or not you can dial a number. Unknown_12: Yeah. Unknown_12: Do you think they feed him live rats? Is he that dedicated for the snake roleplay? Is he eating mice and shit? 1:07:58 Unknown_07: I hope not. Maybe he just eats all the dongs when they get cut off and they just feed it to him. Gobbles it up? Unknown_12: Literally. I didn't know this was a Jewish snake. Okay. Unknown_07: Oh, no. Unknown_07: No, no. This is... They only take the tip. We're talking about the whole dong is going to bag here. Unknown_13: Well, he's thorough, right? He's very thorough. He doesn't want to leave anything behind. Unknown_07: It's for a total circumcision. 1:08:33 Unknown_12: Absolute. We're going all the way. Unknown_07: Um, yeah. Unknown_12: So, so, so, okay. So, um, Prince, uh, does a reversal on his, uh, statement three days ago, comes out, gives you a bunch of bullshit saying we're dropping you. Unknown_09: Yeah. Unknown_12: Um, and then what was your next step after that? You can still be vague about it, but I mean, like what, what did you decide you were going to do? Unknown_07: um i've worked okay so by my first step is i'm trying to find i mentioned that there's a difference between application ddos attacks and network ddos attacks i'm working on getting network ddos filtering i've been working on this since december i have an isp that i'm working with to try and get them to filter traffic for me it has not been going well they are terrible at answering tickets and they're only the literally the only reason i have not given up on them and told them to fuck off and cancel everything Is that if they're that bad at answering emails, they're probably exactly what I need. 1:09:21 Unknown_07: Not a fucking thing is going to be heard at all in that company. The bombs could be dropping and they're going to be working just as they did yesterday because they didn't hear shit inside that facility. Unknown_07: But it's so close now, but it's like now it's, I hate the weekends because I'm always anxious and I have a thousand things in my head. I got to get this done. I got to do this and I have to fortify this. I have to change this. I have to tweak this. This is not working. I have to get that working. That's urgent. I know I have a priority list and then the weekend comes and I'm sitting on my hands. I'm thinking there's not much I can do. I can fuck with my servers. I can stream, um, 1:09:59 Unknown_07: i can play some eu4 i can watch a movie but that's about it i have to wait until next week to get anything done so i'm i'm sitting on my hands right now still waiting for the thing to get done from last week that was pretty close but that i've been waiting on for since december you know and it's so frustrating one of the things is i'm upgrading to a 10 gigabit connection and i need a special port you have a one gigabit per second ethernet connection if you want 10 gigabits you have to have an sfp plus connection Unknown_07: My router did not have an SFP plus connection. So I- Oh, is this a router replacement you were talking about? Yes. So I bought a new one months ago and I sent it to the facility and I said, this is the new one for when they get their shit set up. Plug it in. It has an SFP on it. I said, okay. It was a $1,600 router. 1:10:33 Unknown_07: Uh, time rolls around where I'm really cracking the whip. Like I gotta get the shit done. I gotta get the shit done. Install my new router. They're like, we can't find it. It's been like months. I'm like, so you just lost my fucking router. I'm like, yes. So they offered me a new one that is more expensive, but half off. It's like a $3,000 router. They're selling to me for 1500. So they basically cut the price in half for me. Unknown_13: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What kind of scam is this? We lost the $1,600 router you sent to us, but we'll tell you what, we'll sell you another one. We'll sell you another one you can buy directly from us. 1:11:05 Unknown_07: I am not in the position to make demands. I will take your fucking router. Unknown_12: I bet you it's the same fucking router, and they're just telling you it's a different one. They're selling you your own router back for the same fucking price. Unknown_07: I wish, because that one has a user interface, and the one that I have no longer does, so I have to figure out the command line for a completely different system I'm unfamiliar with. 1:11:39 Unknown_12: Why are you sending your routers to Israel, Josh? What are you doing? Unknown_07: Because over there in the greatest country on God's green earth, the blue and white flag that I would gladly lay down 10 million American lives for, they protect me for the right price. And right now that's the best I can ask for. So that's what's happening. And if they want to sell me a new, better router. Unknown_13: It would be a real shame, Josh, if the second router had an accident too and they needed to sell you a third one. 1:12:12 Unknown_07: Hey, you know, I'll take it at this point. Whatever. As long as it fucking works at this point, I will buy whatever. That's another one of the things. It's frustrating because people are like, Josh, I want us to do money. I want to send you like $5,000 in crypto. Where can I send it? And I'm like, well, you can send it here if you want because I like money. But it's not a money thing. If it was a money thing, it's like we have to reach this, like that South Park episode where they keep having to shill on the Christian Broadcasting Network to upgrade their network. Unknown_07: spaceship to fight the aliens and shit it's like if that was the issue i would be on the cbc marathon saying we need a hundred thousand dollars to upgrade our laser to fight the aliens um but it's not it's i i need people who have um a spine to stand by their product and say unless you have a court order we are not taking anything down and that shit is worth way more than money right now uh to all you little kids out there have you found some 1:13:07 Unknown_07: I have a lot of good people in my, in my, my part, a lot of people who want to help, but you know, they, they have small companies or they're, you know, small time professionals and they can't stick their neck out directly, but they're throwing in, you know, what they can in terms of like information. Cause you were laughing at me before the stream started. Cause I couldn't figure out how to turn my fucking microphone on and Google hangouts. I need intellectual capital surrounding me at this point. I need people. helping me out because when I get a new router that I've never looked at before and I have to get the website the websites down until I can figure out how to set up this new router having somebody who is in networking helping is a godsend it's worth more than than anything so have you made like a list I mean there's so I know that you tried um Unknown_12: going the Russian route and that didn't work. And then the Chinese route and that didn't work. Is there like a rogue nation out there that just doesn't give a shit about trannies? Like some African country that's like, fuck it. 1:13:55 Unknown_07: Well, it would be inappropriate to say that Russia and China failed me. Cause what happens is that one private company, each of those, those websites failed me. there are there are considerations for every country on earth and there was a time when the kiwi farms was uh stable i was looking at different places to host and i was i literally i have i have paid a lot of money for solicitors and attorneys and um 1:14:27 Unknown_07: uh advocates as they say in russia uh to review the laws and the kiwi farms and tell me what they can do what their country can do i've talked to people in finland denmark italy switzerland liechtenstein uh iceland i'm talking like zimbabwe okay i'm talking like let's go to the heart of africa shit where you can send them a bag of grain they'll let you put your fucking website up It's not so simple. And like, okay, I have found a data center in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Would Ulaanbaatar be a good place? No, because they have a 10 megabit per second router there. And if you don't know, I need at least two gigabits per second, which is 20 times, 200 times faster. Unknown_07: So those places have their own issues, like Seychelles and Maritas have good reputations as being bulletproof, but they have very limited networking because they're a fucking island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and they don't have that great of a connection to the rest of the world. 1:15:23 Unknown_12: How about North Korea? Have we looked at North Korea? Unknown_07: I have looked at North Korea. Nobody replied to my emails. Unknown_07: um so okay okay russia russia has blocked kiwifarms.net in russia roscomnadzor has the the you know censorship authority internet authority in russia uh said that this pic and this is not a joke this picture of adolf hitler dressed as santa saying ho ho holocaust is offensive to the christian values of russia 1:16:03 Unknown_13: sorry so the russians didn't like that one no they actually blocked the kiwi farms over the hoho holocaust if you don't know kids uh holocaust denial is illegal in many countries such as israel the entirety of europe and also russia Unknown_13: I want to hear that discussion. I want to hear him talking with his boss about that particular fucking picture. Unknown_07: Well, it's less funny when you know how it is. They have a list of images that are banned, and they see it, and they send a complaint, and if you don't complain, they block you. That's all there is to it. Unless, now, Russia is a land of opportunity, and if you have the ruble, you can have your way with Raskin, Azor, and whoever... um like davichka which is two two chan two ch.hk that is an image board in russia that probably and especially with vk you can see some fucked up shit on vk which is like russian facebook problem is that those people are you know those websites belong to people who are in the know who are paying the right people and they get the protection that they need um you know i have you you've got to meet some russian uh mobsters basically Yeah, and I theoretically could. I know some people. But I'm not... Like, when we were briefly hosted on DDoSGuard, there was some fucking asshole from MSNBC or CNN or some shit. Half a million followers. Who was the former assistant to the FBI. I don't know who the fuck he was. He had some Italian name and he was like, interesting. The Kiwi farms is now hosted out of Russia. Could this be a setup to use the Kiwi farms as a disinformation campaign against the democratic party in 2022 Congress elections? 1:17:49 Unknown_07: And it's like, okay, I already see what's going to happen if we go the Russia-China route. And I think that going that direction would draw the ire of the feds, and it would give more people a reason to hate the site in, like, a general public sort of way. And I'm not there yet where it's like – because it feels – because, you know, what happened to – Unknown_07: to Snowden, is that he's now basically Putin's bitch. He lives in Moscow, and that's where he'll live, and that's where he'll die. He'll die in Russia. And it's like, I'm an American. My website is legal in the United States of America. I just need some Americans to stand by their fucking service and say, no, not without a court order. It should be the easiest thing in the world. No, fuck off. We don't give a shit. Bring us a court order. All you gotta say... Um, but the, the, the campaign and the pressure and the going after clients, you know, people who are saying that they're going to start targeting the largest clients of cloud flare and the people that. 1:18:24 Unknown_12: Could you create like a software solution and like do a Pachinko thing? You know, the Japanese get around Pachinko being gambling by having the businesses separated. Uh, could you come up with some kind of a software where, uh, when you're posting on the forum, it's all innocuous and there are no private details and nothing mean is said, but then there's software on your desktop that translates it to what is actually being said. So technically your website's not hosted. 1:19:06 Unknown_07: There's a lot of like creative solutions. The issue is that all those require like a complete forum software relay. And the thing is, is that I firmly believe that what is hosted on the forum should be accessible to a regular person and a regular browser on the internet, the big I internet that exists that connects all of us across the world together. um like the moment that it becomes like okay let's just host on tour only let's you know use special browsers let's become invite only it's like well why even fucking bother then you can host anything if it's invite only on tour you know what i mean um but my website is a discussion forum between adults and we should be able to say what we say and people should be able to read it without an account and without bullshit you know protecting it 1:19:53 Unknown_12: I know, but I think we're getting close to the end days of that. I mean, if you look at the demographic shift of users on the internet, right, everybody is essentially mobile now. Unknown_12: Forums are going the way of the dinosaurs. And the only sites that are interesting where you can really speak and say what you want are a handful of image boards, a handful of forums. And it seems like people are dead set on making it so you just can't fucking use them. Unknown_07: Yeah. I mean, the thing is, though, if it gets to that point where it's like, I have tried literally everything. And, you know, something, let's say that the government just steps down. The NSA comes down and says, Josh, the CIA knocks on my door and says, hey, we have an attache in Serbia, in case you didn't know. Hello. We're the CIA. And if you don't shut down this website, we're going to frame you like Al Capone. And we're going to find some bullshit reason to have you extradited back to the U.S., and it's like if it gets to that all i'm going to do is i'm going to zip up everything there's about eight terabytes of data on the site and i'll just give it out to people i'll anonymize the user data so there's no like email addresses and passwords and shit or usernames left on the site and i'll hand it like a final a final fuck you yeah and that information will find what i suggest to people if that happens is they should split split the become more focused and make a website dedicated to one board or one group of threads or whatever don't try to make kiwi farms too that won't work um it would be stomped out like you know like a like a newborn it would not even don't even try um but that information will be out there so people can find it on you know a web torrent and download it and re-instance the site and delete everything that they don't need Well, yeah, I've been used to watching shit get subverted, right? 1:21:10 Unknown_12: That used to be the play, like NeoGAF or something awful. They'd come and take over the mod team admins, change the roles, and everybody has to behave. But there was like a switch up almost around election time with stuff like 8chan or the Daily Stormer and now Kiwi Farms, where it's not like we're going to subvert it and change it that way. We're just going to fucking wipe it out and make it go away. And it makes me, I guess, worried for what's left. I mean, once Kiwi Farms is gone, What websites are left that are still large? You've got 4chan, and then you go to the smaller size, like your female forum you don't want to specifically name, or Cow, or Encyclopedia Dramatica. I mean, they're not going to stop. Any place somebody says something they don't like, they're just going to get it yanked, and it'll be easier because they'll be dealing with people that aren't going to put in the effort you're putting in. 1:22:12 Unknown_07: Yeah, I mean, it's true. The answer to this is federated content. Things like the Fediverse will probably become the new norm because, you know, the biggest nodes like posts will always be targeted and stuff. But the actual... Unknown_07: requirements in terms of money and time to set up a single Fediverse node is actually quite small. And the more people on it, the easier it will be to one-click deploy your own Fediverse node. So I think you or Graf or somebody should make that an 1:22:48 Unknown_12: a business. I, a lot of it, they're working on that, but you know, that's the thing. Unknown_07: It's like, if you have a, a server, you know, farm in whatever country and you say, you know, one click deploy a Fediverse node, well, that's still centralized. I'm talking about like, you know, build your own shit that is independent. No, no, no. What I'm, what I, what I'm saying is, um, yeah, build your own shit's good. Unknown_12: But I, I think a lot of people are, uh, just technically inept. If you could sell a package, You know, if somebody said, hey, I want my own instance. 1:23:25 Unknown_07: It'll be free. I know that the hosting aspect of it, this is how it works in open source software. The software is free. You get the attention. You get people putting in time and smarts improving it. for free because they use it. And then also you have a premium company attached. It's like we sell Fediverse nodes to businesses. So if you want to have, you know, a Fediverse presence for your company, you can pay us for our enterprise suite, the best of the best. But the software that it runs is free and anybody can download it and set up their own shit posting node if they want. That's how it usually works. 1:23:58 Unknown_12: Yeah, yeah. But I'm saying people are so fucking stupid and lazy doing that too much. What I'm saying is you create a template where somebody says, I want my own instance or whatever. And you're like, yeah, five bucks. They pay the five bucks and it's set up for them. And they just basically run it. Unknown_07: There is nothing that they do. Unknown_12: Yeah, everything's set up. It's just it's prepackaged. It's an end user product. There's no work that you do. It's custom. It's ready to go. And then you go to the big companies and fuck around if you want to make it bigger and better. Unknown_07: Yeah, but, I mean, yeah, I mean, sure, why not? But people do that for free right now. It's like Dick Masterson says, I want to know. 1:24:35 Unknown_12: I'm saying they shouldn't. I'm saying if you guys want a war chest for future shit you're going to deal with, people like Graf or you or whatever should make that a business and then, you know, appeal to people's, I mean, you're dealing with the laziest group of people that's ever used the internet. Everybody puts their first name and their address on every fucking account they have. If it's not explicitly written on how to do something, they're fucking retards. So, you know, making it retard proof will make you profit and expand the Fed at first. 1:25:08 Unknown_07: Yeah, I mean, I get what you're saying. There's, there's like tears. You have the open, it's not that hard. I'll say that, but like the average person will just join a node. Like they don't, you'll have three kinds of people, crazy people who want to set up their own shit and have people on it, or just make it for themselves. You'll have businesses that want to pre a point of presence. You'll have large nodes that may also have centralized systems that they set up for people who just want to rent a domain name. And then you have, um, the end user who will just join the majority of people who just joined. So. like the business applications are already there but federation in general is where it's moving uh people want to get off discord they're joining xmpp which has been around for ages but it's making a comeback i've had i've never heard of xmpp and now my xmpp list has like 10 people on it from the last two weeks i'm trying to talk to people like add me on xmpp i was like okay fine Um, that's sort of like decentralized, uh, instant messaging. You have people trying to make services like matrix, which is decentralized, um, like discord, but it's not very good. So that's, that's sort of the issue is that the free stuff is not, not as great. And that's how it always is. 1:25:58 Unknown_12: That's a eternal story, isn't it? Unknown_07: Um, but it's, it's there and it's getting better all the time is the thing. The Fediverse is doing great. It's, it's really working. It's, it's impressive. And I've been trying to tell people for years now that no, really it's out there. You have Twitter that doesn't suck and there's a lot of people on it and you just got to join and you got to tell people about it. Um, so, but I haven't, I haven't had any issues with it on the instance I'm on so far. 1:26:35 Unknown_07: And hopefully that will become everything. Email is like this too. Email is decentralized and it's worked fine for decades, literally for decades. And we'll have that. Unknown_07: And hopefully, my big fear is, especially with the Russia shit, um i don't want to see the internet break apart uh i know that china has their own literal little eye internet their own network for their country uh north korea has that too and i just see that being the the inevitable future is that russia will be on its own thing with belarus and the eu will have its own thing and the only people like within china who can communicate outside their internet are companies that have a license to 1:27:31 Unknown_07: Which is why it saddens me to see people like Liz Fong Jones deliberately trying to strike blows at the central points of weakness. Because if APNIC, which by the way includes China as their service region, decides we're going to start dropping services that are politically misaligned with Australia, well, who do you think is going to file all the complaints to APNIC going forward? It's going to be China. China's going to file a million complaints on the first fucking day that that happens. So it's a really bad present. To get rid of all the Winnie the Pooh pictures? Unknown_12: Is it going to be a purge of Australian Poohs? Unknown_07: Yeah, all the poos, all the, I mean, they have a lot of shit. Especially, like, just capitalist things. You know, you have so many people already who are just trying to get in to China as a market. Like, Zhang Shina talking about the Zhongguo, well, Hen Hen Hao being chilling. Are you having a stroke or are you talking Chinese? I'm talking Chinese. That's real Chinese. I'm talking as he started. 1:28:10 Unknown_13: I don't know if it's like a racial joke, I go bing bong, ching chong, or if you're like stroking out on me for a second. Unknown_07: That's what the language sounds like. It's just sounds. Unknown_13: Point of the stress got to him. He's finally stroking out, folks. 1:28:48 Unknown_13: You do know the John Cena thing, right? Unknown_12: Where he did the fucking commercial like a whipped puppy. Didn't he do an apology video or some shit? Unknown_07: All he said was Taiwan. I was like, I love Taiwan or something like that. And he like said it in a way that made it sound distinct from China. So the WWE, who has a huge business in China, cracked the whip and he put out like a TikTok video because they have their own TikTok. They own TikTok, but they have an internal TikTok. That's something else. um and he put out a thing on tiktok and he goes and he's eating ice cream and he's he's speaking chinese and he's like ho ho i really love the chinese people but i also love ice cream and that's what bing shi ling is like ice cream it's like frozen cream or something in chinese and he's like oh ice cream and i love china holy shit okay yeah and i thought you were having a medical emergency i was a little right there for it I think they send an elite squad of troons to get you and they inject you with a little troon shine when we weren't watching. I'm very fascinated by China and Russia, so I know a lot about them. And I see where it's going. Even the EU, though. The EU, people don't even know this, in the US, but the EU is actually really fucking tired of America. and they see they literally see americans as the biggest fucking retards and our political election cycles are like trash tv to them and they just like scoff at us and they want to make their own shit they want to have an eu internet that has different rules with more privacy and more regulation and stuff and the average person in the eu would support that and um i see that the eu will have a trade union internet the russians will and belarusians will have their own internet and 1:30:33 Unknown_07: the app what's the African thing called the African Union will have its own thing what's the African internet called I don't know dial up Africa I mean Africa's where all the innovations going to come from mark my words because they still use shortwave they still have shortwave in Africa it's still big there oh I bet I bet yeah I bet they're just they're innovating like crazy down there Unknown_07: Well, I mean, you're talking about moving to Africa. Daily Stormer is on .rw, which is Rwanda. And Rwanda has had a bit of an economic miracle because it's called billions of dollars of foreign aid has really revitalized Rwanda into a paradise under a dictatorship. And you can get away with a lot of shit in Rwanda. Unknown_12: Now, have you tried reaching out to the Rwandan dictator and be like, hey. Unknown_07: White people are fucking crazy. Yeah. 1:31:31 Unknown_07: these people they're cutting off their dicks nigga they gay and they cutting off their dicks you need to send them like a test picture in the email of uh of uh hitler saying ho ho holocaust just to see if he's cool with it they don't know who hitler is so you've already you're already in good Look, Namibia, okay, this was a famous story, but Namibia, which was a former colony of Germany, like way back when, 1800s, elected someone to a position called, and he was literally named Adolf Hitler. He was like a black dude. And they asked him, like, why did your parents name you that? And he's like, they like the name. Don't they know about Hitler? Who? I'm the only Hitler that I know besides my family. I just really like, they love the name. They thought I just rolled off the tongue. It's very catchy. It's very memorable. um so no the africans are blessed in a lot of ways they really are poised to take over well i mean that that sounds like the the next innovative i i'm looking forward to what would the what would the uh what would the url be if you went to rwanda it'd be what rw rw and what would um 1:32:44 Unknown_12: what would be another good one down there everybody i keep seeing your chat saying niger because they just want you to call it nigger net that's what they want you to call your fucking website well there's niger there's nigeria there's uh seychelles the central african republic namibia namibia's na south africa is i think just says sa or um you have botswana i think that's bw Unknown_07: I know all the top level domains. Uh, it's been ingrained into my, my memory at this point. Um, but no, Rwanda would be a good choice because it has, um, it has some infrastructure. Seychelles also has some infrastructure. Uh, but I mean, a lot of Africa is just very undeveloped. Nigeria is people. A lot of people don't know this, but Nigeria has some like 600 million people living in it. And oh, it's a big country. It's, um, it it's a yeah it's an up-and-comer in terms of like population and resources uh and it's a big shithole but they have internet there so that in ng i think is nigeria and ni is niger are they going to give the uh indians a run for their money with uh tech support scams you think I mean, they probably already do. They speak English there, I think, is part of the reason why they're so developed is because they were an English colony instead of a French one. Don't quote me on that. I don't know for sure. I do know that China is trying to set up shop in Africa, though. 1:33:52 Unknown_12: Oh, they've been doing that forever. Yeah, that's that new neocolonialism. They know where the resources and consumers are. Yeah, they're going to sweep down there and make a pretty penny. Unknown_07: They want to make Africa their China. They want to start exporting shitty jobs to Africans. Unknown_12: Put the suicide nets outside of their phone factories? 1:34:26 Unknown_07: Exactly. They want to be the old US, and they want to make Africa their factory workers and stuff. Unknown_12: So how do you feel about it? I mean, it's been like two weeks of all this hectic shit going on. Obviously, it's stressful, but do you feel like you've got a handle on it? Is it still really up in the air? How confident or comfortable are you with everything that's going on? Unknown_07: My greatest concern is about a frame job. I'm concerned about the legal implications. Even though I know the site doesn't do anything illegal, that doesn't mean that the government can't find a reason to go after you. Um, but I have four lawyers right now and I have a lot of attention on me and a lot of goodwill from, uh, people who would help me out in that situation. And I know from, from H hand, Jim Watkins, after the insurrection, after the QAnon shit, walked into the Congress and walked out a free person. And I know. Yeah, but let's be frank here. 1:35:03 Unknown_12: Watkins was running server space to the fucking CIA. So he probably had established fucking relationships. Unknown_07: Well, I don't know if that's the case. I've not heard anything. Unknown_12: That is. Hot Wheels talked about it on a video they deleted. Unknown_07: Are you referring to the IPs? Because the IPs that they had with the Department of Defense, that's a common misconception. 1:35:44 Unknown_12: No, no, no. They were talking about renting server space, giving server space. Unknown_07: I don't know. Unknown_12: I know I heard it. I know I heard it. And I know somebody's got a copy of that video that's out there somewhere. I bet you fucking Frederick would probably confirm it too because he hates Watkins now. Unknown_07: I mean, maybe, but the site is so much less political. And that's a big thing that's favorite. That's another thing that's like a huge sticking point in this is like, it's not a political website. We're not trying to enact political change. The trainings that we're making fun of, we're not making- To be fair, Josh, what about the sub-forum you run that's called Insurrection? 1:36:20 Unknown_12: Let's overthrow the government. It seems to be the most popular one on the site. Unknown_07: If you go directly to the .ru version and scroll down, there's that board in all Cyrillic text that says meddling in the 2020 election. Unknown_12: Oh, your chat is annoyed. It's a throat lozenge chat. That way I'm not coughing all the time. They're wondering what I'm chewing on. Not potatoes. Potatoes would be delicious though. God knows I've got enough of them. But yeah, so you're worried about like a frame up. Are you worried it'd be a frame up on you personally or on the website? 1:36:53 Unknown_07: On me. I think that I am the one that keeps the site up. There would be no replacement for me. So the clear, if you, if you had like safeties off and you can do whatever you wanted, then that would be the obvious answer. Unknown_12: No. Are you concerned at all? Cause based on how Keffels and all of them are acting and based on how these journalists are acting, are you concerned at all that they're going to try to find you in real life, that they're going to start Josh hunting, um, to try to get like, uh, some ambush interview. Of you walking out of, I don't know what the fuck you have around you, a pizzeria, whatever. 1:37:26 Unknown_07: Oh, there's a really good KFC that's near the university in Belgrade. I go there. I go there sometimes. Unknown_12: No, see, what you should have said is you should have picked the shittiest gang territory and been like, this is where I am. Unknown_12: This is where you need to come and wear these colors and say these things to find me. Unknown_07: When the Bloomberg journal shows up and, you know, with his rainbow flag pin and stuff, it'll solve itself no matter what, what gang territory you find yourself in Serbia. Um, yeah, I mean, like, that's a concern. Like here's, here's a, here's a true story. Unknown_07: My lawyer called me and I shit myself because I see his number and it's like 201, which is the Washington DC area code. And I'm like, oh, this is the call from the CIA to shut down the site. 1:38:04 Unknown_07: I pick it up and I answer and I go, hello. And it's my lawyer. And he's like, Hey Josh, I just want to let you know that there's a Bloomberg journo digging through my trash right now. And she's called up all the, uh, all the people that I've represented in the past. And I'm not, I'm just letting you know, it's not an issue, but that's happening. Unknown_13: seriously digging through his trash no i made that part up because it's funny but she was calling she was calling up all the old it's like marjorie maggie or something with with bloomberg bloomberg journal not like some weird independent schizoid fucking shithouse you know newspaper bloomberg journal 1:38:50 Unknown_07: uh harassing my attorney because they don't want him to represent they don't want me to have legal representation that's how far gone they are they don't need like forget freedom of speech versus like hate speech you don't deserve to have a fucking attorney because we hate you have they tried um going after what you now you have like kiwi and all your companies separate entities have they tried personally going after your bank stuff Unknown_12: Like, are they trying any underhanded shit with finances or the law or any of that to try to, like, fuck you where you are? I mean, I'm sure that they could. Unknown_07: I'm sure that they've thought about it. Because all I hear from little Nick Fuentes is how the government, when it's angry at you, will take away everything and shut your bank accounts down. Unknown_12: So I'm wondering if, like, that's actually going to happen, you know, to somebody and not be a make-believe story like his, where, like, Keffel's, I don't know, calls up, I don't even know what a Serbian bank would be called. Let's call it Serbia One. 1:39:46 Unknown_12: I was like, excuse me, can you shut this bank account down? Because this guy called me a fucking troon. Unknown_07: I mean, they would have to call up, uh, Satoshi Nakamoto and be like, hello, moshi moshi. You have to shut down this crypto wallet. Cause that's where the money goes. Unknown_07: Uh, yeah, they have, there is Frederick is actually the Frederick is the one that goes after the money all the time. I know he's tried. I know what he's tried to do. Unknown_07: Um, but I mean, so far it's just like, it's legal, it's a legal website and, uh, 1:40:20 Unknown_07: It's not politically aligned, so it's harder to say, like... You know, when the January 6th shit happened, there was a lot of momentum to get 8chan shut down. They got hit in a lot of different ways, but... As far as, like, what I do, I'm squeaky clean. And I'm sure... This is what... Unknown_07: satisfies me to a great extent is i know i have done nothing illegal i know that i've done nothing illegal i have no dirt out there that's not already out there and i know that those are searching everything they can find going through like leaked passwords trying to log into my trying to figure out if there's like something somewhere that i left behind that they can use to try and like humiliate me in some way and i just i know there's not 1:41:02 Unknown_07: And that, that, that is funny to me. Uh, like when I get login attempts and shit, that makes me laugh. Unknown_07: Um, but yeah, financially, no, uh, thankful, like people have really stepped up with like donations and stuff. And I'm sure if I check my super chats right now, there's probably a lot that have just come in through that. But, um, yeah, so you know, you don't, you don't fund yourself like I do with hats. Unknown_12: You use, uh, what is it? You've got your, uh, your donation thing down there, but you've got like a, uh, you take crypto too though. Yeah. Unknown_07: It's mostly crypto for the Kiwi. Well, let me, let me word it like this. I stream and my stream income is completely separate from the Kiwi farms and come back. 1:41:39 Unknown_07: The Kiwi firms only makes money through. Unknown_07: Crypto and I occasionally do I twice a year I do merchandise runs. Um, and I, I guess I'll just show this very quickly. Unknown_07: It's in production. I do have these, um, already and I didn't get an opportunity to do merchandise. Unknown_07: Earlier this year, but I'm doing a patch run and I have a bunch of like, so on patches for when the bomb has dropped and everyone kind of, everyone can identify themselves cause we need to identify a true nor friend. Right? So here are the Sue on patches. Um, these are getting shipped out to my fulfillment center. And when I have everything fixed up, I will sell them. Um, and I'm not sure. These are these that you need to tell your customers, cause these are like a giant bullseye for trainees to hunt them in public. 1:42:16 Unknown_13: you put this patch on and you're gonna be tranny hunting through the mall I hope that if you have this patch on it's sewed on to your gun holster or your carrying case that's my next last year I did the coins this time I'm doing patches a little bit easier small business out of the United States where's the patch of Chris Chan fucking his mother laughing 1:43:00 Unknown_07: I decided based on – there's a long story attached to this, but when I did the silver coin run last year, there was a lot of problems, and I have decided that Christian Weston Chandler is cursed by God, and his image shall not be placed on any merchandise moving forward. Unknown_12: Yeah, his curse has really affected a lot of people, hasn't it? Unknown_07: Yeah, it's pretty funny. I mean, you think about it, the entire Kiwi Farms is a direct curse from Christian. His first Curse of Ha Meha had reverberations that resulted in where I am today. Unknown_12: And I'm still convinced that Ralph had the evil spirit that was inhabiting Chris. You know, jump on him when they cross paths during that fucking film. Unknown_07: Yeah, you saw him in real life. If you, like, analyze it, like one of those ghost hunters, you can actually see the specks of, like, light and dirt from Chris flying around in the ether. And it's looking for a host and then just sees this, like, plump target standing there. barely barely stable on like the the toothpick legs holding up a selfie stick and it's thinking that's it that's my that's my boy right there and now with your your patches uh when you do the run how would people get them because you got to tell them you know tomorrow you could get nuked off the internet how do they buy these patches if they need to when you're not around it will be on mad at the internet.com don't go there right now you'll just get the cloud flare error 1:43:53 Unknown_13: okay there you go uh it will matty or mati.live.live um i will be selling them when i have the opportunity probably won't even like they're still in production i'm getting a thousand of them 400 are done so far um so hopefully at some point october is my favorite month of the year hopefully by then i'll have the stability to put up the patches 1:44:46 Unknown_07: uh the merchandise runs have been very lucky and that i've had no issues despite ralph ralph tried to get me fucking the platform from woo commerce selling shit on a wordpress blog so i've been lucky with that you know knock on do i have any fucking wood to knock on here knocking on my table um yeah hopefully that'll stick around what uh what are you selling them for what's the price Unknown_07: i'm not sure yet probably i'm thinking of doing 25 for the lot and having like a button to press for like a gratuity like if you want to add 10 just because you want to i think a lot of people will do that because a lot of people are encouraging me to like some guy is like i i sell patches at my store and they'll go for like nine dollars each so you should sell them for like 50 each but then i you know i know how much they cost to make so it kind of hurts to be like yeah you should pay me like way more than they cost to make um so probably be about 25 add 10 if you want to 1:45:42 Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_12: And that's the, those are all the designs or are there more designs coming in? Unknown_07: Oh, no, that's, that's the final designs. This, um, these nine and you get all of them in the bundle. Unknown_12: Well, there you go. So if everything, if somebody comes to Serbia to hunt you down and you're running through the alleyways and you need that cash, uh, go to MITI dot live, uh, to fund his escape from the Troon squad. Unknown_07: Don't go there right now though. Cause it's down. Unknown_07: You just get a message saying that this website's an imminent threat to human life. 1:46:18 Unknown_12: Are you going to print that out and put that on a framed wall? Unknown_07: Yeah, I guess I could. Unknown_12: Call engine imminent threat. Yeah, every hour it does that. You want to start up one more? Unknown_07: Yeah, in about 10 minutes. Unknown_07: I guess I could do it now, actually. Unknown_07: Yeah. Now would be the time. And then we'll move on to whatever the next thing is. Unknown_12: Sure. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_12: All right. Let me hop out. You want to just send me the link? Unknown_09: Yep. 1:46:57 Unknown_07: My takedown list. I guess I can make that merch. Is that copyright Cloudflare? Are they going to sue me for copyright infringement if I print their fucking blog post and throw that up on a merchandise site? Unknown_09: Talk about Gunt. Maybe. Unknown_09: Find some reason to make fun of him. 1:47:30 Unknown_09: Ask him about the SIGs. Unknown_07: He's commented on that before. I don't know if he wants to talk about that. He said that he smokes because they can't say it's even smoking related. So he doesn't care. Why stop now? He's already sick. Unknown_07: They publish that post to your domain. That's a good counterpoint. Feels like it's my copyright. If they put, put it to my domain without my permission, which is the biggest bullshit thing ever, by the way, I'll save that. Unknown_09: Kalua. 1:48:01 Unknown_09: Ah, there we go. Unknown_07: Someone mentioned a good point. Someone suggested that I sell the Cloudflare error as a merchandise. And then I said, if I did that, they'd probably sue me for copyright infringement. Unknown_07: Which someone else replied saying that it was put on your domain, so shouldn't you have the copyright? I don't think that's how copyright works, but... It is interesting that Cloudflare's decision to take down the site was also met with replacing the site with a PR statement. And I think when they took down Daily Stormer and 8chan, they didn't do that. I want to say that we're the first site that they've taken down to replace with a statement explaining why they did. I could be wrong about that, but that's like... It's ridiculous that they felt the need to run damage control for their, their brand using my domain name. All of my domain names, by the way, not just that. 1:48:34 Unknown_12: That was weird. Cause I don't think I've ever seen them do that before. Yeah. It didn't it redirect to their statement. It wasn't just that they, they didn't redirect, but it left, it left a message with like a brief statement and then like a blog post to their official blog. Unknown_12: blogging on your website about how dangerous you are you know and i i said good things about matthew prince there's a zero hedge article about called um where the sidewalk ends that i wrote and i said that um matthew prince was like one of the only people in big tech that was like worth a shit i mean more people like him and then a year later he hijacks my domain name and writes redirects it to his fucking live journal with an explanation of how he's feeling and how evil besets him on all sides. 1:49:32 Unknown_12: Well, I mean, now he's, he's fairly independently wealthy. I mean, he runs his company and everything. He's probably super rich. Uh, I I'm just curious, like if you had to make your best guess, who do you think it was that spooked him over the weekend? Unknown_07: Um, Unknown_07: Okay, so you have a couple options here. You have either A, it was suggested to me that the payment processors were threatening to stop processing payments for Cloudflare unless they drop the site. That's option A. Option B would be Michael Yonka and the federal government. um option c would be um general pressure from the outside and or and i want this together the the campaign and or actually seeing something on the site that made him want to take it down and then option d is the shareholders 1:50:14 Unknown_07: And I would actually wager that he was that they held like an internal poll with the largest shareholders regarding removing him as CEO if he didn't take down the site. And that is what was the threat because Cloudflare is publicly traded. And if you don't know this in the United States. If a company is publicly traded, they must do what is in the best interest of their shareholders. A company cannot make decisions legally in the United States that are against the financial interests of the shareholders. They are legally obligated by the violence of the government to do whatever is as avaricious as possible for the shareholders. So all they have to do is say, we will take you to court. If they couldn't even, you know, you remove him, let's say he owned 51% of his company. They can say, we will take you to the sec and say that you are not doing what's in the interest of the, the, um, the shareholders, uh, the stock went down, but you know, all it stocks went down, but that doesn't matter. They can say this happened. And then coincidentally it aligned with the stock drop dropping. So we can make the prima facie case that he's not making a, um, 1:51:04 Unknown_07: uh, financial, uh, decisions that benefit the shareholders. And that's, that's criminal. That's criminal in the United States. 1:51:46 Unknown_12: So you think that maybe like, uh, what is it called? Uh, is it caucus belly? You know, the looking for a reason for war thing. You think some of the stockholders, there we go. You think some of the stockholders had a previous issue with them and we're looking for like, Hey, this is a great way to fuck with them. Unknown_07: I mean, it could be, I'm sure, again, it's probably like everyone had their own reasons, but it could just be like, you know, IT sucks are going down and it's like, we want line go up, unga bunga, line go down. Unknown_12: Like option A doesn't work for me because the payment processes themselves are plugged into a bunch of websites that would have to use Cloudflare. So they'd be, just for their own services, they'd be fucking themselves over by kneecapping Cloudflare. 1:52:22 Unknown_07: well let me rephrase that not the payment processors the payment gateways mastercard visa card amex discover okay they they are more powerful and more active in censorship than anyone could imagine if i if i had one wish i would make it so that those companies could not interfere with with transactions at all and make decisions like that Because if we could make it so that two people can exchange money over the internet without the government, or especially without... I mean, fuck, I'm okay with the government at this point, because I can sue the government and say that my rights are infringed. I have no recourse whatsoever against financial institutions. They are private companies, and the reasons why they deplatform people is a trade secret. And there's nothing you can do to even get them to tell you why you're banned, because it's a trade secret. um if i had one wish that that would fix the internet overnight because i would be able to make money i would be able to do whatever the fuck i want i could lay my own fucking fiber optic if i wanted to like if the site was genuinely making the money that it should be with the traffic that it gets i'd be making probably twenty thousand dollars a month and i could i could do literally whatever the fuck i wanted to and nobody could tell me otherwise but because i have to operate cloak and dagger and accept you know uh crypto bucks that nobody even wants to buy because they're afraid of them uh it's it really like only five percent of people bother to learn crypto i get more donations in the form of visa gift cards bought at walmart than i do from cryptocurrency and and it's a it's a shame but you know people don't want to deal with it what if this wait okay here's my conspiracy theory what if this is the big hustle um visa wants to sell their shitty gift cards So they fuck with your ability to make money so people can only pay you with their shitty gift cards. They're making five bucks a gift card. They're raking it in. They found a way to do it. Off my suffering. 1:53:51 Unknown_07: yeah it's incentivized yeah i mean that that's if you're listening to this and you're like oh i want to i want things to get better i'm not like blackpilled um find a way to force payment gateways to process money any legal ordinary transaction between two private entities should be uh should happen without the consent of any third party Um, and I don't know if that's ever going to happen. There's a, there's a government service coming out literally called fed now, which is like the worst name ever for anything. Um, but fed now is a federal reserve service, but the federal reserve is a private company. Uh, in some ways it's like owned, but owned in part by the government in part by the bank. So it remains to be seen that the fed now will operate the same way that the payment gateways do, but it will be a bank to bank service, uh, So I will just, it's kind of like how Europe has IBAN numbers and BIC numbers for banks. It'll be bank to bank transfers. So if that works out, that would be a game changer. You would see so much innovation and new websites and new things coming out overnight if people could just accept fucking money from people who want to give them money. That's the biggest damper on freedom of expression right now. It's not even service providers. It's the fact that you cannot give people money that you want to give money to. 1:55:25 Unknown_12: Yeah. I mean, that's been a, if this happens, would you, would you set up the bank of Josh? Is that, is that what the, so they could send directly to you? Unknown_07: I could, I could literally like between, okay. We have 16,000 people who logged into the site the day the, the, um, .net was seized. Um, I think it's, you only need like $7 million to, to start a bank in terms of initial investment. So let's see, 7 million divided by 16,000. 1:56:04 Unknown_07: four hundred thirty dollars each i could do it i could get a bank together if i really wanted to um there's more people who don't even have accounts who would chip into so that number is theoretically much lower and some people would invest like 10 000 or 50 000 some people would invest 50 it would even out i could put together a bank is what i'm saying i cannot put together kiwi card because i've looked this up to make your own visa a payment uh gateway it's 70 million dollars to just for licensing to get licensed in every state in the u.s to be a payment gateway like mastercard or visa card is you need 70 million i don't even think you get that back as opposed to the initial investment for you know a bank or a credit union so yes i will make a fucking bank i don't give a shit i'll figure this out but uh i need i need this whole you know discover can say you don't get to process money anymore bullshit to die and the sooner that that dies the better we will all be 1:57:04 Unknown_12: So we talked a lot about the Kefl stuff, which I'm sure is the most prescient, right? And all the other stuff going on. But I figured for like the last hour, you want to talk about something more upbeat instead of a deranged tranny trying to hunt you down and destroy you. You want to talk about, I don't know, some of your favorite personalities from running the site, some of the shit that you've liked the most. Unknown_07: And recent. Oh, geez. Uh, I, you know, I'll, I've talked about how I've locked the threads on Keffels and a lot of the people in the drop Kiwi farm stuff. Cause I realized at some point that Keffels read his thread so much that if somebody posted something, it would get retweeted by him in minutes, every time. Like so fast that I don't, I can't even believe that someone in his discord sent it to him for him. Like this has to be him screenshotting shit. His himself, uh, 1:57:38 Unknown_07: however there is one thing from the from everything that keffel said that actually made me laugh out loud because it was so funny and it was he was getting they're fighting with each other now because the thread's locked so they can't and the site's down so it's like they can't argue against the site anymore keffels got called out for calling people retarded and keffels came back i swear to god by saying i'm mentally disabled and i'm reclaiming the word literally came out and said i'm retarded so i get to say retarded 1:58:27 Unknown_07: that was the funniest fucking thing i've ever seen uh it's like yeah that sums it up you you're a retard they're they're absolutely starting to eat each other uh i think i saw the retard thing uh didn't they make like some previous statement about fucking a retarded girl and that's what started it all oh geez probably they dude oh yeah keffel said something like i i like fucking retarded girls because they're dumb enough to do it there's some weird Unknown_12: Some statement that somebody dug up and got really mad about that started the whole retard shit. Unknown_07: If you look up all his tweets from like, just like in 2021, he is the most sexually violent person you could possibly imagine. Like the words he uses to describe sex are just like, like, you know, feminists say this, like sex is violence. All sex is violence. Like he is literally using, you know, sexual innuendo in a way that sounds like he's killing people. It's like saying, I'm better, you know, I want to normalize fucking hot milks, and I want to fuck your mom. It's something that he goes to all the time. And then, of course, he also is obsessed with my mom. So it's like, okay, that's pretty obvious what you're doing there, buddy. 1:59:22 Unknown_07: He also... Unknown_07: I said something really disgusting. Like real women are jealous of me because I have a vagina that you can smash your dick directly into my prostate and I'll have an orgasm. And it's like, yeah, I saw that one. Unknown_12: I saw that one. Yeah. Yeah. Which is just, I never got it. Like the thing with the tranny shit that always amazed me was that it's lifelong dilation. Like it doesn't stop. If you don't keep the hole open, it closes. Like you're committing to like two hours of ripping a hole open over and over and over and over again. Like that's gotta, that's gotta drive you crazy. I'd go fucking insane. 1:59:56 Unknown_07: Supposedly it becomes less painful and less frequent over time to the point where they do it like once a month after a couple of years. But yeah. Unknown_12: Yeah. But see every, every training I've seen talk about it always complains that If they don't maintain this, you know, rigorous dilation schedule, they lose depth. They lose, you know, lose structure. It tightens up too much to use. So, like, I don't know. But, like, even if it was just two years, right, I don't know if I could do it, man. If I had an open wound that I had to keep digging into every day for hours a day, I'd fucking, I'd somersault off the roof. 2:00:30 Unknown_07: Yeah, it seems to be the popular opinion. It's like an, um, an earring piercing, you know, a woman who get earrings, if they don't wear earrings every so often, it closes up, it scabs over and then, um, eventually it becomes too narrow to put an earring into and they have to get it re re pierced. 2:01:06 Unknown_12: Oh, do you know what would be the most horrifying thing? If you're a tranny right now, you just got your transition surgery and you go to test out your new bits and parts, right? And then you get monkey pox. Unknown_12: Can you imagine dilating with monkeypox? Unknown_09: I'm sure that's happened. It has to have happened somewhere. Unknown_13: It must be so bad. Unknown_07: Oh, okay. Favorites. Unknown_07: This year. Ralph is consistently entertaining. He's really stepped up to lighten the mood. 2:01:38 Unknown_13: He really has, hasn't he? Unknown_07: he um just just like his he's set himself up so that he has he has to be yelling constantly at something because he considers himself like he copes about how everyone finds him disgusting even the people who tolerate him like nick valentes like make fun of him for being a fat piece of shit Unknown_07: So he just says that I'm the heel. I'm like a real life heel. And it's like, no, that's like a wrestling thing. That's like men playing pretend to make money by making entertaining television. People just hate you. And he doesn't seem to understand that. So he acts like a cartoon character, but in real life. 2:02:11 Unknown_12: The transformation over the last year has been really stunning. I mean, he went from a guy that wanted to fight anybody, right? And got two beatings. To the point where he wouldn't even go, the aquarium guy, right? He wouldn't even go to the aquarium to confront him after seeing he was going to. He'd always call people out, be like, you're scared to have your name out there. You're scared to be known. And now he's like in hiding, like witness protection in Mexico or wherever the fuck he is. It's just, it's, it's, he's like, he's, he's turned into this like a caricature of a character. You know what I mean? And it's like that Sam Kinison yelling that he does. You're right. That like wrestling bullshit. Um, It's really, it is entertaining. It's just very weird to watch. I don't know. I don't know what he must, I think he's stuck in that mode. He must be like that off stream now too. 2:02:45 Unknown_07: I'm sure he is. I'm sure that he's just awful to live with. Um, I don't even want to think about, I don't like may at all. Cause she's like a pedal horse, but, uh, like I'm sure that her life is just a living nightmare that never ends. And every day she wakes up and she just stares at the ceiling and you know what I mean? It's like waking up in jail and not having any reason to get out of bed. There's, there's, uh, some complications going on there. So, um, uh, 2:03:22 Unknown_12: I mean, outside of big stuff, like, you know, like I know Ralph has his own sub forum now and stuff, and he kind of blew up with all the stupidity and stuff like Chris or TSP or Wings, because they're kind of bigger names. But I mean, just throughout the history of the site, what would you say was like some of your favorites, like people that you came across and you're like, oh, man, that's fucked up or, you know, something like that, like that really caught your attention? 2:04:02 Unknown_07: throughout the entire history of the site um way back when i the deagle nation stuff remains some of the funniest stuff that ever happened on the site and the funny thing about that it was that the guy behind it jan rankowski he was like a mde wannabe he wanted to he was in the area in massachusetts near sam hyden stuff and he wanted to get in with mde and he put on like this fake locale thing but it was so funny that even though I think all of us kind of knew that a little bit, that it was just a little bit too good to be true. It was still hilarious. And it was, uh, I did a, I did a stream about it. It's really hard to sum up. It was like a guy who, well, yeah, I know he is like that. Unknown_12: I always found it to be like, it was a bit, but the one thing that did confuse me about that, um, was a Brianna Wu thing. Cause, didn't they like have an incident where their car flipped and then they decided to just film next to it? Unknown_07: Okay. So in short, this was during Gamergate, which if you don't know, was a thing like 10 years ago that nobody, nobody cares about anymore. And so I went, anybody else may say, um, it was a thing about games, video games, and, a tranny that has to this day, not come out as a tranny named Brianna. Lou, um, was, was one of the big players in, in Gamergate. So, uh, Jace, who went by, um, 2:04:59 Unknown_07: Oh, God. What was his... Parkour Dude. Parkour Dude was his name. He was doing a thing where he's super cool. Super cool deagle guy. He's got airsoft pistols and he skates and shit. He's a gamer and he smokes weed. Unknown_07: He had a spat where he kept making videos kind of like how Sam Hai does with... What's his face? Hasan Piker. Just trying to get Rihanna Wu to react to his thing. And he did. He accomplished that when he had a real-life car accident. He was driving, and it was cold. It was Massachusetts. The road was iced over. His car flipped. And he instinctively gets out, pulls out his phone camera, and in character starts screaming about how Brianna Wu sabotaged his mom's Prius. And got him driven off the road during an illegal street race in his mom's Prius. And how Brianna Wu was going to get it. Street race to the grave, he said. And this got reposted onto the Twitter. And Brianna Wu ended up on a show called The Internet Ruined My Life. Where they played this... 2:06:12 Unknown_07: they played this footage of, of Jan Wienkowski in character, pointing a camera at his mom's Prius, screaming about street racing to the grave. And Brianna Wu had, had to do the line. Cause it was the thing they all had to say during the, during the show. After this ridiculous footage plays, uh, they had to look at the camera and go, the internet ruined my life. And it was, it was beautiful. Was that, was that, was that the same episode? 2:06:45 Unknown_12: Uh, was she also, or was he also the one that had, um, Unknown_12: the bit about snipers outside the Gamergate snipers outside their house on rooftops and shit maybe I don't remember that part there were a couple episodes of this if I remember right but I guess sticking with the car thing that I was like oh it's a bit and then he's at a car wreck screaming about Brianna I was like what the fuck Unknown_07: Yeah, I can't remember. It's been so long now. I remember that I had an interview. Because after the car accident thing, I had an interview with a journalist. And we were talking. And I could hear him. It was on Skype. Just set the stage for how long ago this was. It was on Skype. And he was writing. And I could hear the pen grinding against the paper as he was physically taking notes about... Because, again, this was 40 years ago. This is an old man who still writes on pen and paper. 2:07:20 Unknown_07: Physically taking notes. And I'm describing the Declanation stuff. I'm procedurally going through it and itemizing it. And I remember exactly when he stopped. Exactly when he stopped taking notes because he knew that it was bullshit. And he got Brianna Wu to not talk about it anymore. I mentioned that Jace's friend... went was Israeli and he had gone to Israel with, um, the intent of assassinating, uh, BB, the prime minister of Israel with a, um, with a crossbow that shot paper clips. And that was the moment that the journalist stopped taking notes because his, his suspension of disbelief had ended. And everything I said after that was not recorded by him on that pen and paper. I very distinctly remember this. 2:08:35 Unknown_12: Yeah, I remember that video was stuck in my head because he was screaming so loud next to this car wreck. And I think at the time he had a fucking motorcycle and he was like, didn't he? Unknown_13: Oh, fuck, man. Unknown_07: Yeah. Yeah. He had a, he, he did a lot of, God, that was good times. And the funny, the real punchline is, is that, um, he had a, like a troll Sona that he also, cause the easiest way for him to play off, uh, information about the character was to have a fake troll. That was just him, you know, relaying things that had happened and stuff that would not make sense for, for Jace to say himself. Um, and his name was deagle dad for 20 and I really liked deagle dad and he was an admin of the site. His op went so far that I made him an admin of the site for a very long time. And I still miss him. He was a great guy. Uh, here's, here's the sad ending to that. Uh, after the car accident, when he was a child, he had seizures and he hit his head and the seizure stopped. And after the car accident, he hit his head again. He started having seizures again that were very debilitating. uh so it kind of put a halt in everything it's really sad it's like some fucking um it's like gilligan island silence or a gilligan island uh science right like an old tv show bet where like oh yeah you got a problem bonk them on the head and then get bonked again and it happens again yeah it's pretty rough brain is mysterious and that i know for sure is not a um like a joke or whatever because i hear that it's like that sounds like bullshit but he stood by it for you For years. Now watch. 2:10:09 Unknown_12: There's going to be a video of a car wreck of him screaming about Josh Moon and the fucking Kiwi Farms. Unknown_07: Oh no, did he transition? Is that Keppel's? Unknown_12: Is it the 10-year op? He's so dedicated, you never saw it coming. Unknown_07: That would be funny. I would laugh. Unknown_12: So aside from Deal Nation and that shit, I guess, what was the worst? If you had to pick a threat on a person that's been on the site, what would you say is the absolute worst piece of shit you've ever come across? Unknown_07: Worst piece of shit? I mean, the Zuseida stuff is too easy. I haven't mentioned him in the stream, but Nick Bait. 2:10:40 Unknown_12: Yeah, fuck, that's an old name. Unknown_07: Nick Bait, in case you're a little zoomy-zoom listening to this and you don't know what I'm talking about, Nick Bait was a guy who had really, really fucked up teeth. And he was obsessed with anally raping this girl named Anna. Unknown_07: And he was someone everyone thought was a troll. uh and this person actually had a lasting impact on how i i treat people because he he would go on the internet and say i'm a pedophile i'm a pedophile i want to rape anna i want to have sex with children and he sang songs about like dissecting children and wanting to them to death and and everyone just thought like this is like a really bad like attention horror and he had these really up teeth that were like rotting out of his head 2:11:25 Unknown_07: um he was just he was genuinely disgusting in every way shape and form but everyone kind of blew him off as just being like an attention seeker and then he gets arrested for molesting his uh his nephew or uh niece yeah and it goes to trial and we have people from the site who go to attend the the trial and they say that uh her testimony Unknown_07: was worse than anything anyone had speculated um in regards to what he had done to her because some people because he had said that he made he kissed her butt cheek or something or ate her poop it was like really weird shit like that and it was but the people that went there said that her testimony was like it was way way worse than anyone knew well yeah because like nick nick bay was like a i don't know what you call like a fecophiliac like he was he was a Unknown_12: corporate feel like he was obsessed with shit so here's this guy with like yeah all his teeth were rotting and they weren't even just like um you have a bad cavity right or the tooth looks like it's going to come out like these were teeth were like disintegrated and open like um you know roots and shit and he would eat poop and play with poop with his teeth like that so i i you know when you when i remember when i found out like oh you know he'd done this stuff to his niece or whatever I couldn't imagine. 2:12:40 Unknown_07: I was corrected. Unknown_12: Half sister. Yeah. I couldn't imagine, um, the kind of like horror show shit that she had to endure with this sick fuck. Unknown_07: Like there's pictures of him like in dresses and God speaking of, I have completely forgot about that. I've erased this from my brain. He also cross-dressed. Unknown_12: Uh, yeah. It's a real interesting, isn't it? Oh, that's super interesting. Unknown_07: It's a common, common fucking thing that seems to pop up. Unknown_12: Um, Didn't he also film a video? Wasn't one of his legal defenses? Cause I did a video on this. Well, at least legal defense was I couldn't have molested her. I'm obsessed with shit. And didn't he film a video of him playing with poop and send it to the court? 2:13:15 Unknown_07: Yes, his defense was literally that the story was inaccurate because he is so into poo that there was no poo involved. So therefore, it could not have been a real molestation because if there was molestation, there would have been poo involved. In fact, I've seen this video. Unknown_12: I almost included it in the video I did, but there's no way YouTube will let you put a video of a dude playing with shit up on the fucking site, even back then. Yeah, I vaguely remember this. 2:13:47 Unknown_07: He got 20 years. He's still in jail, by the way. Unknown_12: good i hope he uh i hope he has a fucking rough time in jail um yeah he's he's bad obviously um and i can't even take credit for that that was all encyclopedia germanica that like passed the torch of all those logs and stuff from before the site existed the zoo say this stuff was bad that doesn't need to be mentioned um yeah i think by default everybody uh understands the zoo say this shit is terrible yeah Unknown_07: Like recently two people that were like killing monkeys on Indonesia got arrested and they're facing like eight years for animal cruelty in Indonesian prison. And they put their faces out there. So they might, might die in prison. Uh, if the inmates know about that. Yeah. 2:14:23 Unknown_12: There's a weird, like I stumbled on that on YouTube like three years ago. There's this really fucking weird group of people. Unknown_12: It's all monkey torture videos, though. It's really fucking bizarre. Unknown_07: It's pedophiles. That is how they meet each other. Because at the heart of pedophilia is sadism. It's about having control and inflicting pain on something that is defenseless. and it's um they like the children more because it's a more complex brain but they will do it to monkeys because monkeys are more like humans um and it's easier to put out monkey torture shit and say hey join our telegram group and that's where the the cp gets gets shared it's a pedophile thing that's even more disturbing yeah i couldn't figure it out because and it was so open too like you you see the shit that gets flagged out on youtube and then there are all these monkey torture videos and you're like what the fuck is going on this website Oh, I mentioned that Nick Bate changed how I treat people. I no longer – I never assume that if someone says that they're a pedophile, I always believe them. There's no joke. People don't joke about that. 2:15:21 Unknown_12: See, with the – I learned that lesson, I guess, after Amos Yee. Unknown_12: The thing that confused me about him, right, is I thought it's way too over the top. And with Amos Yee, he had this weird thing where – I can't remember what they call lawyers over there. But he's over in America saying all this outrageous shit about advocating for baby fucking, right? Unknown_12: But when he was over in whatever country, what country did he come from? 2:15:58 Unknown_00: Singapore. Unknown_12: Singapore, yeah. He tried to say that his lawyer molested him. Unknown_12: Yeah, he made an accusation that the lawyer molested him and he was going to sue him. And I was like, okay, this all has to be bullshit because there's no way if he's an advocate for baby fucking that he's going to be upset that the lawyer molested him. The lawyer, by the way, I don't know what he did, but he had a conversation with Amos and that was the end of it. I'm sure he said, I'm going to sue the living shit out of you. Unknown_07: Yeah. And if you don't know, if people don't know this, because this is also a long time ago, he was a Singaporean guy that came over to the US and he said, like, the age of consent should be abolished and adult child relations should be legal. He got evicted from his apartment immediately after he made that video because it went viral. And a lot of people, myself included, thought that it was just like an attention whoring thing like Nick Bate. But sure enough, months later, he's arrested for possession of child porn. 2:16:38 Unknown_12: Yeah, he was so over the top with it. It was really hard to believe somebody would be that outrageous about it. I couldn't imagine a pedophile actually going, because he wasn't even saying stuff like, oh, I want to date an eight-year-old. He's like, I want to fuck babies in the crib. That's how over the top he was. And I was like, there's no way anybody is that insane. But apparently fucking Amos Yee is. Yeah, his ass is in jail now, isn't it? Or deported, one of the two. 2:17:12 Unknown_07: I think it's in the U.S. jail because it was a U.S. crime where he got convicted. Don't quote me on that. I don't know. It's a thing, and I learned this while hosting 9chan, is that they really get off on telling people the truth. And that's why I hate Vito and Mr. Girl. I will never have anything to do with them or anybody that has anything to do with them because they come out and they say, I want to fuck kids. Just kidding or whatever. And it's like, no, you're telling the truth there. And then when people get pissed off, it makes you laugh because you know that you're not going to get shot for it. And then you reverse when it's like, haha, I'm just, I'm just pushing the boundaries of free speech. I'm just an expression artist. Haha. It's like, no, you're, you're playing a game because it excites you. I know what you're doing. I see through this shit. 2:17:44 Unknown_12: Yeah. So explain the veto stuff to me. Cause I see people, I know Masterson, but I'm not super up on veto, but I see people shut on them literally every day. So is he out there making those statements or what is he doing? Unknown_07: Okay, Vito is an Italian Jew that lives in L.A., and his Jewish friend, Max Carson, also known as Mr. Girl, is another L.A. 2:18:20 Unknown_07: L.A., by the way, if I had a button, I've said this, if I could destroy L.A. and everyone living in it, I know there's some good people in there, but it's a measurement thing. If L.A. was just gone, the world would improve overnight, and we just have to make some sacrifices. I'm sorry, good people living in L.A., but... Unknown_07: you're too close to the beating heart of evil itself it's a sacrifice you have to be willing to make we all appreciate it yep Anyways, so Vito put out a video saying I'm a pedophile. I like to fuck kids. And it's just a song. And he's done some stupid shit after. He put out a video saying I hate pedophiles and I want to kill them. And he's like, haha. Am I being serious? Am I just trying to make people upset? Is it art? Haha. I'm a Jewish artiste. Avant-garde. Vito was his friend. And they've known each other since before Vito started appearing on The Dick Show. But The Dick Show, he started ending up on. After his claim to fame, by the way, Vito. 2:18:56 Unknown_07: He made one video reviewing Star Wars Episode VII that did very well. And he also vaped Bella Delphine's bathwater. And that made national headlines for whatever fucking reason. Unknown_12: See, I didn't even know all of that. I thought Vito was just like somebody Masterson knew or associated with the show. But I swear to God, every fucking live stream I ever see, it doesn't matter who's hosting it. If Vito shows up, the chat will suddenly become kick-fucking-Vito. 2:19:29 Unknown_07: It doesn't matter what group it is. Yeah. Mr. Girl also did a review. His thing before even the song, sorry, I forgot, is that he did a review on Cuties, the Netflix show that was about African girls coming of age and whatever. And it was just very... The shots, the way that the camera focused on the genitals of the children dancing and stuff made it so that this was not a movie about... 2:20:09 Unknown_07: Coming of Age Girls, this was a movie about focusing in on the genitals of children dancing. Unknown_07: There's a huge fucking difference. Unknown_13: This was on Netflix? Unknown_07: This was on Netflix, to the point where Texas tried to indict Netflix for child porn. Unknown_12: You're telling me I can't get a fucking second or third season of Marco Polo, but they're going to put this shit up on Netflix? Unknown_07: That's right. Unknown_12: That's such bullshit, man. Unknown_07: But Mr. Girl, Max Carson, did a movie review about how the show was about challenging sexuality and how he was sexually attracted to all the 12-year-old girls in it. But that's the point of the movie is to challenge your perceptions. 2:20:46 Unknown_07: And this caused a lot of outrage because it was a gross and decent statement, obviously. and then it caused him to have like this spiral where he was making videos like rapping about how he wants to fuck kids and shit and he's like haha it's all satire I'm just like a crazy dude and I say wild things like Eminem did and then he ends up on Destiny streams and Destiny's like grooming this guy to be his fucking protege which is why I will not talk to Destiny because he's fucking gross um but his friend he in veto and mr girl knew each other like a long time before this all happened veto at around the same time is vaping belly dolphins bath water ends up on the dick show as a guest because of the bath water should and he hits it off with dick because they're both la weirdos now uh then he gets invited on again and again ends up becoming like a third co-host and now they reboot the biggest problem in the universe with dick masterson and veto uh veto is repugnant he is one of those people who has a personality that everyone hates and part of the and he's a huge huge attention whore he will show up if i'm talking to nick ricada 2:21:29 Unknown_07: he will be in that chat for three hours straight just saying terrible things about me trying to get me to even acknowledge that he's in chat um and everyone is just like ban veto kick veto and he has a verified check mark and because he has a big youtube account from that one video he did years ago and that's like his claim that's what he likes to do and then he goes on twitter and says i'm a pedophile and i i want to i don't touch kids and so i'm you know uh oh is that that shit that ross was in virtuous pedophile yeah he's like as long as they as long as you don't touch kids or you know do child porn or whatever then it's okay and then he walks it back and shit and it's just like i know what you're fucking doing it's it's bullshit that passes in the la club but the normal people they're you know, who, who have intuition about this. It's like, we see what you're doing and it's not funny. 2:22:34 Unknown_12: And so Mr. Girl is so, okay. So that's Vito's relationship, but to Dick, I guess, but so Mr. Girl and Vito were friends then they know each other. Unknown_07: They're friends. They're still friends. Unknown_12: No, no. But I mean, they knew each other before, like these two guys that just, okay. I didn't even know that. I thought I saw Mr. Girl pop up and suddenly started doing debates everywhere. But I didn't know, I guess who he was. Unknown_07: Yeah, well, that's the origin. He did the cuties review. Before then, he did weird videos about beating his girlfriend or whatever, and he says they're all like art or whatever. 2:23:08 Unknown_07: But I think Vito promotes Max because they're friends. They have some kind of weird nepotistic relationship that's hard to explain. Unknown_07: But Vito got his gigs first, so he's trying to promote Max while he can. Unknown_12: Do you think there's a third one that's even worse that nobody knows about? They're like, oh, this is our buddy. Unknown_12: uh baby fucker 29 i mean don't worry it's irony it's gonna be fuck it i mean at this point it's like it it's either gonna be dick or destiny they gotta get the fuck away from these people and dick is like swinging the other way now where he's like actively like trying to get keffels on and shit with the show and correcting people misgendering keffels and it's like oh 2:23:52 Unknown_12: Oh, I don't, I, the one that confuses me the most, I guess would be destiny, but that's less to do with, I guess, Vito and Mr. Girl, but more to do with like Fuentes. Um, trying to be like a fucking intellectual. Unknown_07: Like look at this guy. He's really pushing the boundaries of free speech by talking about fucking kids. Isn't interesting how angry people get when he talks about how he wants to have sex with children. It seems like he fucked himself though. Unknown_12: Cause like, uh, from my understanding, like destiny was friends with sneak. Oh, destiny was friends with, um, Mr. Girl and shit. Uh, but it seems like, uh, all of those people are getting like a copy struck or fucking struck off their platforms and shit. And it feels like that's coming from Fuentes' camp. It feels like, it feels to me like Fuentes is grooming Destiny to be like a replacement Jaden. And I don't think Destiny's aware that this is happening. 2:24:33 Unknown_07: I think that there's a lot of things that is coming from America first that will come out over time and much more than just trying to groom destiny. I think that because, you know, what's his face? Nick Fuentes' position is that crime is based and shit. I think that they're doing more than people know. Unknown_12: I would agree with that, yeah. Unknown_07: You think so? Unknown_12: I think it's them. I think AFers are up to some shit behind the scenes, yeah. 2:25:07 Unknown_12: But nothing proof positive. I'd have to talk to Bake's handler. Unknown_12: You have to file a Form 32J with Baked Alaska to get that handled by the proper OIG. I'll have to go through my contacts, yeah, and be like, hey, can I talk to this handler? I have some fucking questions I need to I need to get answered, you know, cause I glow in the dark too, right? So I should be able to speak to all the glow in the darks. Unknown_07: That's just because of the uranium rockets. Unknown_13: That's my undercover costume. They never saw it coming. It's perfect. 2:25:39 Unknown_07: You walk into the room and they don't even think like, why else would he be glowing? Unknown_12: Most people don't know this, but if you go into an FBI office or CIA, there's a black room at the entrance. And you're not let through the second set of doors unless you literally glow. So that's my way of getting in. Unknown_07: They walk in and you're glowing, but he's like, that's weird. He's glowing, but he's not black. And he's like, well, he's Irish. And they're like, oh, that makes sense. Let him through. I mean, the guy's glowing and stuff, but I suddenly have a really bad stomach ache and my hair is falling out. 2:26:11 Unknown_12: Are we sure this is the right kind? I don't know what's going on over here. Unknown_12: Uh, so I, I, I guess, uh, Unknown_12: Aside from the horrible shitty people, has there ever been a thread on somebody... Was there ever a thread that made you laugh every time that you went into it where you're like, this is the most ridiculous shit? Unknown_12: Um... Unknown_08: Yeah. Unknown_07: Somebody that would literally put a smile on your face based on how dumb they are or the shit they would engage in. Oh, I'm going to get shit for saying this, but Chantal. You don't know anything about her because she's a fat girl, but... Are these the fat feeder girls you like to cover? They're very silly. Okay, like the female locals, they're funny and they're harmless is the thing. They're not fucking kids. They're not like a danger to anybody. They're just... Like they're smoking weed and eating 4,000 calories of pizza and saying that they don't know why they're losing. They're not losing weight. They can't understand it. It's like, I'm, I'm looking at all the reasons I understand why you're not losing weight. 2:26:45 Unknown_07: How popular is she? Unknown_12: Doesn't she have a sizable following? Unknown_07: Huge. Dude, there is a fucking ecosystem. Chantel is the big whale shark floating around getting up all the pizza money, but there's a whole ecosystem of little feeder fish around her that are there just to poach her drama and stuff. 2:27:16 Unknown_12: It's really become that big of a system around her? Unknown_07: Dude, the channels that make fun of the fat girls that are like YouTube safe, you got like Charlie Gold and then there's like the gay guy. They have like 200,000 followers. Unknown_12: And it's just laughing at fat women eating pizza? 2:27:50 Unknown_07: Yeah, it's just a gay guy going like, girl, you do not fit into that. Unknown_07: Like everyone claps and they run advertisements on it and they make a shit ton of fucking money. So it's just like an offshoot of the mukbang shit? Unknown_12: Yes. People are just, is that when it became popular? Unknown_07: um they're okay so the mukbang amberlynn reed is one of them but she she was og drama she's like tame now because she doesn't like being embarrassed so she doesn't share anything embarrassing about herself chantal is utterly fucking shameless she will say the most vile repugnant repulsive like off-putting things imaginable every stream and just laugh about it um so people find her like really fascinating just because they're especially with like you know like really lowbrow people who like the jerry springer crowd they they feel better about themselves because like holy shit at least i'm not her and that's like a huge part of her her audience both like her actual fans and people who follow this um but yeah they're just silly and they're good fun and they say stupid things and every so often a clip comes out that's like hysterical so like 2:28:31 Unknown_12: Is she making, like, really good money off this? Is this, like, a career now for her? Unknown_07: She makes, like, $20,000 a month. Just eating. Unknown_12: Just being fat on YouTube? She's making $20,000? Well, she does a whole lot more. Unknown_07: She gets knocked around by Egyptian men now. Unknown_07: Look, her life took a little bit of a tumble and oopsie doodle. She started by eating some cheese on YouTube and then she had cancer because when you're fat as a woman, the estrogen causes complications. It increases your risk for cervical cancer. And when you're that fat, they can't just remove the cancer. They usually do a total hysterectomy and remove all your sex organs or reproductive organs. So she had a total hysterectomy and then, you know, she's depressed because she's hitting menopause all of a sudden due to medication and she can't have kids and that's like a hard thing to reconcile with. 2:29:25 Unknown_12: She must have like ballooned up even more then, right? Unknown_07: Yeah, she started smoking weed because she was depressed and weed makes you hungry. So she starts eating out every stream. She gets really fat and she gets really depressed. and then she ends up with um trying to fill the void with like a dude and she meets some egyptian guy called nadir who's like a crackhead wife beater and she gets addicted she's fat as fuck but she gets addicted to coke and is doing meth and shit and it's just like it's fascinating because she started literally just started going hey guys today i want to be trying some chicken poutine and then three years later she's crying like hey dear punched me 2:30:18 Unknown_12: so is this like a race are people like doing betting pools on whether uh the uh Overeating or the meth is gonna win. Like what do you think the end weight is gonna be which which sides? Unknown_07: There's there's there's death pulls for it. Um, we actually Just recently one of the fat ones died life by Jen died. She was very fat and she she was like 615 bed-bound and She was obnoxious because she would kept she kept making these fucking videos where she was like, hey guys I'm losing weight and you're just gonna have to trust me I'm not gonna do any videos on it and I'm losing weight and I'm only eating 600 calories a day like I like I said I would and And you're just going to have to trust me. And she's been making videos like that, like despite gaining weight for three years and then she just fucking dies from being fat. And it's like, yeah, well, we kind of figured you weren't losing weight eating your, her, her meme food was that she made waffles out of cheese. Cause she was always on keto, which just means eating a ton of bacon and cheese instead of anything with bread in it. So she called them chaffles, cheese waffles. Everyone made fun of her for stupid. 2:30:54 Unknown_12: The whole thing is made out of cheese. Unknown_07: Whole thing made out of cheese. It's keto. So it's healthy. Unknown_12: So it's just, she's just eating cheese. Unknown_07: Yes. Unknown_12: How, like a pound of it? Unknown_07: Yeah, I think. It's just a bunch of cheese melted into a waffle shape and then she eats it because of the chaffle. It says it's healthy because it's keto. That's why it's funny. 2:31:32 Unknown_12: Oh, I'm just like the smell of it. Like I can't, you know, there's certain things when you talk about them, you can kind of picture like an associated smell. And I'm trying to imagine what a 600 pound bed bound woman who doesn't bathe eating nothing but fucking pounds of cheese smells like, and it must be hell. Unknown_07: Yeah, probably not that great. The sad thing about that is that her alcoholic boyfriend, she was with this really, really skinny guy. And he was like in a halfway house. He had issues with drinking. 2:32:05 Unknown_13: Was he halfway out of the house because her fat ass took up the whole amount? Unknown_07: He was halfway out of the house because he was going to McDonald's. He was like the enabler that brought her the food that kept her fed and she couldn't move. Unknown_12: There's always one, isn't there? There's always somebody that wants to be helpful. Unknown_07: I mean, if you can't fucking walk, someone's feeding you. Unknown_12: He could have, like, you know, helped her, like, get a harpoon stick and put, like, broccoli on the end of it. I mean, like, this is your meal. As he stands ten feet away, you can't really do nothing about it. 2:32:37 Unknown_07: Yeah, that's a shame. Unknown_07: The world is less funny without her and her chaffles. Unknown_12: Now, did they make a sandbox out of her ashes? Because if you're 600 pounds, that's a lot of fucking shit, right? Unknown_07: See, that's mean. That's just mean-spirited. Unknown_12: Are there children playing in her remains that don't know that? Unknown_12: I hope not. Unknown_12: So you're big into the theater scene, huh? Unknown_07: Yes. I like the women who are just silly and they're not hurting anybody. It's a change of pace. That's why I like the beauty parlor and I like the girls there and I try to keep them segregated from the vile shit that surrounds them because they have no other place to talk about these things. They can't be mean anywhere else. They get banned. 2:33:10 Unknown_12: So the chick, Chantel, is with an abusive Egyptian. Unknown_07: Is he actually from Egypt or is he just Egyptian? No, he's from Egypt. Unknown_12: Oh, is he like an immigrant? Unknown_07: Yeah, first generation. He barely speaks English. Unknown_13: So she's with him and he uses coke, you said? I think he did meth and coke, yeah. 2:33:44 Unknown_07: And it's really obvious because he does that thing where he pokes at his nose. Unknown_12: So some methed out Egyptian that barely speaks English stuck with this fat woman and are there like, are there fight videos? Do they have fight videos that are up? Unknown_07: No, but there, okay. Oh God, this is so hard to explain. Unknown_07: Nadir has this old friend named Didi. Didi and him obviously fuck. This has been obvious from the first time that Didi has ever been mentioned, even offhandedly by Chantal. People tell Chantal he is fucking her and she's in denial for months. And then eventually she finds out and, you know, there's like this breakup and get back together shit that happens all the time. And then eventually says, hi guys, I'm bisexual and I'm in a polyamorous relationship with Didi and Nadir. and then um that that falls apart because they she hates dd there was one time she she took a vacation to cuba and got wasted off cuban rum and was just like screaming drunk into the cameras hey i hate td i hate that bitch so much just like seething about her so there is no reconciling this with some weird polyamorous threesome um happening uh chantelle finally finally finally breaks up with nadir some time ago and then weeks after there's a video of some guy some guys on facebook face talking to nadir and then um dd says something to him and he takes that as an insult she's she says something about him being a coward or something and he goes bitch i am not scared bitch i don't scare i don't scare bitch i eat people bitch, I don't scare. And he gets, gets up and starts beating the fuck out of her. And you can just hear her screaming in the background. And it's horrible. And it's like, if that's what he's willing to do on camera, like imagine how that is behind scenes. 2:34:55 Unknown_12: Was it like that Indian talk show where he bitch slaps the fucking female host and it's like, how can she slap? Have you ever seen that? Unknown_09: No. Unknown_12: It's this woman insults him and he just backhands the fuck out of her and everyone rushes the stage and all he does in a broken Indian accent is scream, how can she slap? How dare she slap? How can she slap? 2:35:49 Unknown_12: Oh, it's a woman that hits the anchor and he freaks out. Yeah, yeah, but then he returns the favor. And that's what everybody's like, oh, that's over the line. Unknown_07: I mean, it's a woman. She can't hit that hard. Unknown_13: He wasn't having any of it. He's just right back at her. Unknown_07: It's Pakistani. You know how they are. Unknown_12: So you like the fatties and the fatty world that exists. But, I mean, isn't that going to, like, that's self-limiting entertainment. Aren't they all going to die from a coronary in, like, two years? 2:36:20 Unknown_07: No, there's plenty of fat people willing to debase themselves on YouTube for money and fame. That's a renewable resource. Unknown_12: And this is you stalk the channels watching them? Unknown_07: um i i catch sometimes i watch them but uh i mean okay i will say this like chantal just sitting laying on the the bed looking at her camera and like mumbling about stupid shit while high is legitimately better background noise than ralph like ralph streams are just insufferable to sit through i i can't i can't watch them i have to watch people clip them they're way too fucking boring it's a lot of dead air and a lot of just blank stares That's why I ended up relying on the IP two people who are insane. Cause they can sit through like literally days of content to find like the 30 seconds of shit worth watching. And they do that with Ralph. And like so much of his stream is just filling up time, waiting for super chats and shit. 2:36:54 Unknown_12: Yeah. Like he's doing like 10 or 12 hour streams now. I don't, you know, and like, I don't know how fucking Clippers sit through it. I like the IP two stuff though. Unknown_12: Cause they, they, they are. Just a never ending. I'm still waiting for Blade's fucking leg to fall off, which I'm sure eventually is going to fucking happen. Unknown_07: The last of the IP2 stuff I heard about was Andy Dick butt fucking some dude. 2:37:31 Unknown_12: Yeah, he raped a dude. He butt fucked a guy when he was like half drunk and asleep and then it became a big thing. um but he's still around and then i mean andy dick also was like held hostage by a crazy guy that had a gun you know it's like all ip2 shit and then blades out there with his leg rotting off and you've got um attila and i can't remember her fucking name the crazy bitch that got uh pregnant and had a kid yeah i know who your friend too that's attila's girlfriend yeah Yeah, they've had fight videos where they're just screaming and beating the shit out of each other. 2:38:03 Unknown_07: Well, CPS took their kid. See, this is my thing. Chantal is incidentally funny, and Ralph is incidentally funny to what they're doing. These people are only on stream because they know that their life is a train wreck, and people financially support them to continue to ruin their own life. It's literally like bumfights. It feels kind of dirty to enable this ecosystem to... Unknown_12: Well, there was one guy that I don't even know if he's still around. I watched a little bit of it, Tommy or whatever. That was the one that Gucci's made fun of because he was like a mama's boy. So they kept making fun of him saying Tommy's mommy. 2:38:37 Unknown_12: But like there were like, he would like do live streams in the desert where he'd take his broken car and just drive around in the middle of nowhere. Unknown_12: I guess hoping it wouldn't like shit out on him. And then he'd get back home and his mother would yell at him for taking the car out. And I always want, I kind of wonder like, Unknown_12: what happened in that dude's life where like, he can't do anything without his mother up his ass every second of the day. Oh, he didn't get a job and move out. Unknown_12: I don't know. Unknown_07: That's what happened. He didn't get a job and he didn't move out. He's probably not going to die. He didn't have work ethic. He doesn't click. I can literally just go work at Taco Bell and I can get the fuck out of here. For some people that never clicks, I'll tell you this. If you're a loser and you're listening to this stream, get a job. When I was 19, I worked... 2:39:10 Unknown_07: If you're a fucking loser, get a job. All right. No, literally. It's good advice. I got a job at Whataburger. It was a shit job. I didn't get paid enough. It was a 45-minute commute each way. But I have some of my best memories is working at fucking Whataburger and hanging out with people there and the stupid shit that happened and all the interpersonal politics. I went from being like... A mute, shy autist that couldn't raise his voice to running around with friends and having a girlfriend and screaming out orders and stuff. It really changes your worldview. If you are a sad, lonely person and you're angry and bitter, get a fucking job. I like how you threw the girlfriend thing in there. 2:39:48 Unknown_12: So now they're all going to think that Whataburger is a pussy palace. Unknown_12: Like, if I get a job at Whataburger, I'm going to get laid. Unknown_07: I mean, clearly that only happens at Denny's. 2:40:19 Unknown_12: You should stick to the right restaurant. Unknown_07: I mean, there's, I was a teenager. That's where teenagers work. Why not? You know, if, I mean, I guess if you're like 30, don't, uh, it's already too late for you to get a teenage girlfriend. Yeah. If you're like, if you're like 24, don't try to date like a 16 year old that's working at whatever. It was a bit creepy. Um, what happened to your job, Bob? Unknown_13: Well, Unknown_13: I tried to date the teenage fry cook and they all threw me out of the fucking front door. I don't know why. 2:40:51 Unknown_07: Yeah. Unknown_07: Yeah. I don't know. If you're a teenager, it's not too late. You can then fuck your life. If you're over 30 and you have nothing, just don't try to hurt anybody on your way out. Unknown_12: Is your advice find a bridge overpass? Is that what you're telling them? Unknown_07: Not a bridge that's over traffic, though, because that'll hold up people going to work. Unknown_13: Don't inconvenience the commuters. Oh, you're so thoughtful. Unknown_07: Like those Japanese people. You know how rude that is? There's a reason why they fine their families for holding up the fucking train. People got to go to work. 2:41:22 Unknown_12: God, could you imagine? There's a knock on your door and your fucking kid or your husband or wife or whatever killed themselves and it's a cop. Unknown_07: It's not even the cop. It's the train authority that beats the cop. The cop's on the elevator coming up. I ran up the stairs. Here's your bill, bitch. Unknown_12: Yeah, that disposal fee plus tip. Yeah, it's going to cost a lot. Unknown_12: Oh, speaking of dead people in Japan. Unknown_12: So this deer thing I've heard people going back and forth on. Unknown_12: So your contention is that the Japanese government releases a list, right? of any foreigner that dies in the country. I mean, that's confirmable, isn't it? 2:41:56 Unknown_07: Yes. Okay, real quick. Guy, emulator developer, BU, also known as David Kirk Ginder, I want to say, which is very close to David Kirk Johnson, who many other people also may know. I think that's his name. Anyways, he is in Japan. He's an emulator developer. He has lots of money. Emails me one day and says, take down my thread or I will accept $100,000 cash to do so or I will kill myself. Unknown_07: I tell him no. And then I wake up and there's a huge thing because some guy, Hector Martin, published a suicide note saying I killed myself because of the Kiwi Farms. And he lived in Japan. And this was published as fact. And NBC News contacted his employer who lived in Hong Kong. And the guy had an urn with his name on it. and so nbc says this is confirmed true there's no reason that this guy can lie and he does have an urn so it's true and therefore in the way that the the circle of journalism and wikipedia and shit wait wait a minute wait a minute didn't this exact same thing happen with crp didn't somebody send an urn with his fucking uh quote-unquote ashes no that was views urn with uh coach's name photoshopped on it oh was it you really really yeah okay 2:43:14 Unknown_07: Deep lore. I remember that because that did get circulated as being his earn. Okay, so yeah, earn, fake, or like true, everyone accepts it as true. We're talking about it and people are saying, some genius comes out of nowhere and says, I happen to know for a fact that the Department of State publishes a biannual report of all the deaths of American citizens living overseas for each country. So we think, okay. we'll wait six months six months comes and there was a suicide in japan that month but it was before the emails so it wasn't view and then after there were no deaths of american citizens in japan for that entire period another six months come by and the the narrative then is this is like a clerical error didn't get reported they'll update it next report next report comes by no deaths of any americans for the entire calendar year after bue said that he was going to kill himself 2:44:12 Unknown_07: And they say, well, that's preposterous. Americans had to have died. There's no way that no Americans died in Japan for that entire period. It's just a paperwork thing. There is no fucking way, and anyone who's ever dealt with the Japanese will know this, there's no fucking way that the super anal retentive paperwork monsters of Japan would fail to report the death of an American citizen to their counterparts in the Department of State. There's no way that that's going to happen. um so as far as i'm concerned that's not he's not dead the other thing is that they um use an urn as proof that he was dead and the urn went to his boss like a co-worker that did contracts with him and not his common law spouse in pennsylvania and the other thing is that if you don't know this um 2:45:01 Unknown_07: Hong Kong is a big city, and it's also south of a really, really, really big city called Shenzhen. Shenzhen is the one. Unknown_12: Wait, wait, wait. Actually, a second. Wait, wait. If he has a common-law spouse, right? Unknown_07: Mm-hmm. Unknown_12: Wouldn't she have to report as being widowed if he was dead? Is she still reporting as being married? Unknown_07: He was gay married to another non-binary, and I think that they had separated before he died. So I don't know exactly what the details with that, but it did go to his co-worker, and there was some excuse why the other person didn't receive any news about it. um but shenzhen is just north of hong kong it's one of the biggest ports in china it is a city the size of a warehouse the size of a city you can get anything that you want in shenzhen uh not that urns are particularly hard to get anywhere um they're not like a regulated thing that you need a license to have an urn printed but uh now i'm pretty sure that not only could you find like an urn and get it engraved whatever the fuck you want in shenzhen i'm pretty sure you could probably find like real human cremains to put in the urn to make it look super authentic Uh, so there's no fucking way that this guy is dead. He's laughing at me and he got away with extorting me basically. 2:46:04 Unknown_12: So what is he doing then? Uh, cause wouldn't he have to lay low, not to draw any attention to him and be quote unquote dead. Unknown_07: He said that he had like, like a lot of money. He had like a hundred thousand plus dollars in savings. He's, um, uh, uh, basically a genius when it comes to low level programming and assembly and shit. Unknown_07: Like he can just rebrand as somebody else. I'm pretty sure he probably already had an ID lined up way before the suicide so that he could just start using that immediately. 2:46:39 Unknown_07: Um, and, and by the way, nobody had any picture of him and nobody had his name. His, his thread was just. Or near the developer. We had no idea who he was. And then he published his own picture and his own name. He did not give any government ID to confirm that this was him and his picture. Uh, so that that could be scrutinized, even though he promised that he would do so in his suicide emails. And then he just disappears. So as far as I know that that picture could be, you know, this person does not exist.com. It could be a fake name. And he's just rebranded as some other shit and is doing something else and laughing at the drama. He could be Keffels. I really don't fucking know who he is. 2:47:14 Unknown_12: Do you think this is like a, a, a, a Vordrak debop? Do you think he's top to the identity of a Vordrak is not smart enough to, uh, to back backwards engineer the Nintendo 64 CPU. Unknown_07: This is definitely a weird guy, weird, like super committed and you've just not getting the credit he deserves. I mean, it's possible. I'd be very impressed if that was the case. Unknown_13: I'll teach you, Josh. I'll show you this fucking learning shit. Unknown_12: You never thought. Unknown_07: Yeah. Unknown_12: And so if it comes out like a month from now and somebody is like, Oh, he's alive. This is him. What do you think that's going to do to Keffels and all their bullshit? 2:47:48 Unknown_07: Nothing. Unknown_07: Nothing. Unknown_12: They'll just ignore it? Unknown_07: They will say that this person was so traumatized by the Kiwi Farms he faked his own death to get away from it. Unknown_12: Ah, yeah, anything to switch it up, right? Unknown_07: Yep, and they'll keep chugging along. That's an acceptable narrative. That's like, fuse blown, pull the fuse out, plug a new one in, machine keeps turning. Unknown_12: And didn't they also, wasn't one of the suicides they attributed to you guys one that was at the hands of the trans community? Wasn't one of them driven crazy and lit herself on fire or something? 2:48:20 Unknown_07: there are four five four that are attributed to us um there's view there is chance carmichael who also goes by 600 going on 700 he was a person who aspired to be the world's fattest person he died of obesity related complications his family blamed us go figure um Unknown_07: i don't know how that works were you sending him oreos how did that work no i i don't think so i in fact everyone liked chance because he joined the forum and said like i'm a fat dude i eat whatever the i want and i'm super happy and you losers are just sitting here watching me and everyone thought that was like the best possible thing ever everyone everyone liked him from that response um he was completely untrollable so i don't know how the we got blamed for that Um, the other one was the one that you're referring to, uh, during, there was a saga where there was a charity called trans lifeline and trans lifeline was basically a scam. It was ran by Nina Chabot and Greta Gostava who were both trans. And it was supposed to be like a, a emergency hotline for suicidal people who were trans, um, and basically they kept posting about taking trips and going to places and buying all this shit they i mean they were living very luxuriously so people were tracking this and reporting about how the operate the the operators were not trained i got documents from trans lifeline from people in there defecting saying we are not being trained there's nobody on the calls this is our our our 2:49:52 Unknown_07: our training material for helping someone back away from the ledge is a powerpoint presentation we have no idea what the we're doing and this all came together we put it together we put it out there nobody gave a because it was from the kiwi farms that was brushed aside as transphobic and all this information about nearment and embezzlement was getting put out there nobody cared until the real enemy of the trans community came out buck angel a female to male transsexual said this is up and you guys have to answer these questions and that literally caused nina chabal and greta gassava to get kicked out by their own board of directors and they reported to the they reported under penalty of perjury under oath to the irs that greta gassava and municipal inured 350 000 of charity money into their own personal accounts Unknown_07: Uh, and through other expenditures. Yeah. And we were all right. The Kiwi farms is right. They changed everything up. I think people now actually answer the phones at trans lifeline. And it was only because a female, the male who was not going to play, you know, ball with their, their bullshit called them out on it, using that information that that happened. Um, however, one person who was a frequent caller who did complain actually about how there was nobody who would answer the lines. And sometimes the operators would just be, get frustrated because they didn't know what to do and hang up on you. If he, you're gonna kill yourself and they left a suicide note saying I don't want to live in the world with Donald Trump as president and Kiwi farms around and that was that was their statement Greta Gassaba tried to push this and say that we were responsible for their deaths and the widow who was also a trans said don't you fucking dare use my my spouse's name as a weapon against the Kiwi farms because you you guys are more responsible and And Greta actually ignored that and kept trying to use them, uh, for, for weeks after the fact to the point where the widow got blocked on the trans lifeline Twitter or Facebook page for continually calling them out for it. 2:51:29 Unknown_12: But that, that was the one that didn't, they, they lit themselves on fire. Unknown_07: No, that was Chloe Segal. Chloe Segal had severe problems. They were basically ostracized from the trans community because they did a GoFundMe for like their father's cancer or something. And they got like $35,000 and then they just lied about the whole thing and they got a sex change operation with it. When this came out, it made a lot of people really angry. um they wanted their money back and shit like that and uh they basically had no friends they were basically ex communique by the trans community and uh they they brand from what i understand they brandished a machete at their roommates at some point and their roommate said why don't you commit yourself for 72 hours voluntarily which chloe did and then when chloe returned to the house they had changed all the locks on the building um and left their shit outside So Chloe was homeless for about two weeks. They put out more fundraisers asking for help because they were, they were homeless. Nobody gave them anything like literally zero dollar fundraisers that, and like Chloe was like yelling at people for help, got zero likes, zero retweets. And then they set themselves on fire in a park. And the witnesses for the statement said that their last words were about houselessness and mental health care in the U S nothing about the Kiwi farms, but Chloe Segal gets brought up to this day is a thing that the forum calls homelessness. 2:52:32 Unknown_12: So how are any of these really pinnable on you guys then? Unknown_07: It doesn't matter. They're dead. They can't correct the record. 2:53:04 Unknown_12: You have one that's not confirmable, one that's obviously related to just being overweight, right? And then two that seem to be involved in some kind of embezzlement that led to a situation that brought about their suicides. Unknown_07: Yeah, and the other one, and this is more iffy, is Julie Terryberry. Julie Terryberry, who, by the way, people in mainstream publications like fucking AP, they say that Julie Terryberry was trans. Julie Terryberry was not trans. Julie Terryberry was a real woman. 2:53:36 Unknown_07: Julie Terryberry hung herself with a belt. Unknown_07: and her story is very sad um she she was adopted i want to say and she only had good relations with her grandmother she lived in a shed with in canada with her boyfriend who was 10 years older than her and they started dating i think when she was 16 which is like as young as you can be um to have sexual consent in canada uh with this guy older than her and he puts her into porn and shit he's putting her on porn hub and like pimping her out as a cam girl to make money and then you know because she's in porn and she doesn't have anybody else when he says that he wants to leave her or threatens to she says if you leave me i'll kill myself and one day he left her and she killed herself and he joined the forum and blamed us for it how the fuck does that work Because he felt guilty, so he tried to shift the blame on the forum, and it worked, because more people are angry at me than him. 2:54:29 Unknown_12: Yeah, this isn't... This is all pretty weak, man. Unknown_12: You'd think that some journalists would be like, I don't know about this. Unknown_07: Jesse Signal, the only one. Unknown_12: Was that the one that did the podcast with a woman? I think I heard this on a Destiny stream where he was listening to it, where he talked about trying to track down the person that went outside of Keffel's apartment. Unknown_07: Yes. Unknown_12: Yeah. Yeah. I listened to that. He seemed to not to buy a lot of the shit either. 2:55:06 Unknown_07: Yeah. His, his, his like the most high profile journalist who's countering any of the signal, but it's like, I don't know how much it's going to help. Um, it is interesting to see, uh, that there is some integrity out there in the journalism sphere. I don't even think Jesse, I don't know much about him. I think he's like left. I think his cohost is trans even please don't quote me on that. Cause I don't know. Unknown_12: I have, I have no idea who either of them are. I just, I heard his reporting when he was talking about, I'm trying to track all this shit down. And saying that like, you know, Keffels has his history of being a shitty person. And a lot of this didn't add up and it doesn't seem like it's related to Kiwi Farms at all. And the big thing he brought up is why is Keffels going after Kiwi Farms about docks when the docks related to Keffels showed up on a secondary site first? 2:55:38 Unknown_07: Yeah, I mean, the whole thing about how we're swatting them is just wrong, demonstrably wrong. There's no proof. I would not condone it. Nobody would condone it. Nobody finds that funny. Nobody on the site finds that funny. Unknown_12: Yeah, but again, what about that subsection you have called, here's how we swat people? It's only visible to members. How do you explain that, Josh? 2:56:12 Unknown_07: It's like nauseating to read the articles where it's like Kiwi Farms, a website synonymous with swatting. We're synonymous with swatting because you keep publishing these fucking articles lying about us. That's why we're synonymous with swatting. It's not because of anything. There's not a single fucking post that any of those motherfuckers can put into their article that back up what they say. They just say it and that becomes the truth as far as like the public is concerned. Unknown_12: So do you think it's starting to peter out? Unknown_12: You know, like with Keffels, it's like this figurehead or this mask or whatever. Unknown_12: I seem to see that most people find them fucking obnoxious. Do you think it's starting to finally lose steam, or do you think they're still chugging along? 2:56:46 Unknown_07: Number one, it's splintering. It's splintering, and I've noticed this firsthand, is that a lot of people are unhappy with the fact that you do have a broad rainbow coalition of people of all walks of life who are trying to take down the site because they find it offensive for various reasons. But who is the person who makes the money? It was the person who gets the clout. Who's the person who takes credit every time it happens? Cuffles. Ironically, you have a coalition of people who are women, female to male, male to female, black, Jewish, all over the board. And it's the fat white Italian dude who's sitting around getting all the fucking money for it. uh so a lot of people are offended on on that regard is that like you have people who have literally tried to take down the site for years who have actually accomplished something while keffels has done literally nothing besides take credit uh taking credit for it uh and they i mean that's like a natural human instinct you don't want to feel like you've been swindled that your effort was worth nothing because someone else just stole it from you so that's a natural fragment in the the movement Um, it's petering out because there's only so much you can do. The site, the actual scenario, the situation that we're in is that the site is not illegal. My companies are in the U S my bank accounts are in the U S my servers are in the U S if the site was illegal, the federal government can march into my data center and take my shit anytime they want. In fact, they've already marched into my data center. uh so i know i know that they're around i know they're paying attention and i know that if there was something that they can indict me with they probably would have already done it uh and now um they are going down the list and they're trying to figure out who can i who can i uh like annoy into taking something down that the site actually needs to stay up and they're running out of options the site is uh has found like right now on the front end of the kiwi farms there is 2:58:45 Unknown_07: five five or six different servers on five or six different hosts and i put them up and that's how if you access the site you access them through them and it's very easy if you just type in nslookup you get a list of ips you put one of those ips into a whois database and you will see uh who owns it and you can send them an email if you want to And so far to my surprise, I bought six because I thought that all of them would drop in an hour. Um, I have like a Shinjuru, which is based out of Malaysia. I have Alex host, which is based out of Moldova. I have visas, which is based out of Ukraine. I have one in the Netherlands and one out of the U S um, and they've all stayed up so far. And I'm, I'm, I'm keeping, I know that anything I put on.net will get the most shit. So I, um, Unknown_07: I haven't put.net live yet. I'm kind of like testing it and fine tuning my setup to make sure it's ready. Um, but I'll be interested to see what happens with that. The main, the main issue is simply the application level filtering. I need to figure out a good way to do DDoS filtering for, for, um, 2:59:37 Unknown_07: or just like regular attacks on the network and i need to get my network fortified so i think once that happens once i'm happy with my my router setup then i'll move i'll put it back on dot net and see what happens with the proxies and stuff well it's going to be interesting to see which way it goes i know you've been fucking running all over the place the last two weeks dealing with all this shit and it's been it's been weird to watch um 3:00:23 Unknown_12: I think it's pretty telling, uh, to watch who's come down on each side of this. You know what I mean? Um, cause there are some people before they were like, I love Kiwi farms, but now they're, they're like, this is great. Fuck them. You know? Unknown_12: Um, I just don't want to see who could possibly be like that. Uh, Unknown_12: Well, he's probably rage picking right now as we speak. Unknown_07: Well, he, he, I mean, that was way before the Keffels. He's always been like that. Unknown_12: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, you know, it's just that there are people like that, you know, that seem to fucking flip on a dime. 3:00:59 Unknown_12: But to me, it's just, I don't, like, what else is there, right? Like, how sanitized does the internet have to become? Unknown_12: You know, they literally want to like, you can't watch what you want to watch anymore. Say what you want to say anymore. Like everything is so fucking squeaky clean now. I used to be able to go on YouTube and fucking, you could enter the term nigger fight. You would get 400,000 fucking hits, but I can't do that anymore. Unknown_12: So you type fight. You don't get any hits. Try looking up a road rage video. You don't get really any hits. It's all filtered bullshit content. And it's just really depressing. Like the videos and the fucking outrageous shit's gone. And there's so few sites that provide that in any form or context. And yeah, if you guys go down at 4chan and fucking Ed and 8chan, well not 8chan but Cow and the sister site you were talking about, just all that shit is going to get swept away. And it's going to just be this corporate shit, this Mickey Mouse sanitized internet where nobody can say what they want. I mean, everybody's something like the Fediverse or Um, use some kind of alternative that somebody hopefully sets up. I don't fucking know. 3:02:09 Unknown_07: They, they want it so that there is no place where people can talk about certain issues. Candidly that they don't, it's not just how sensitive sanitizer they want it. They want it so that there is no place. And if there is a place that comes up, it gets pushed back down. Unknown_07: Cause they, I think they may not know it in like a direct coordinated way, but if I, if I'm ever able to dig in, there's an awareness that I will not stop with the Kiwi farms. Once I have something set up that works, I'm going to share it. If the people from like mom's net need hosting, cause they get banned in the UK, I will host them. 3:02:45 Unknown_07: I will find a way to make it work. I'll find a way to accept money from select few people who need special services, and I will create an umbrella for these sites. Unknown_07: And they don't want that. They want it so that if you have specific opinions, they can only be shared in, like, shitty little holes that nobody can find. Unknown_12: Well, even the shitty little holes now are getting fucked with. Like, I think BitChute's a good example, right? BitChute pops up. People are uploading videos of all sorts on it. And then because of where they're hosted or whatever the exact situation they're dealing with, they've got government intervention fucking with them now on what can be up there and what can't be and what has to be taken down and who gets blocked and what country can access it. 3:03:20 Unknown_07: yeah um even the alternatives are getting you know get fucked even the shitty little holes get fucked well bit shoot is hosted out of the uk and that's their first mistake what happened with them is that they realized when they started getting a lot of nazi shit they basically emailed the adl and said uh what do we do to stay online and the adl wrote them guidelines And some of their strategy is not too stupid. The, I've thought about this myself and it may be easier to have like geograph access to the site. But as a caveat, if I have things like the EU or EU access is limited, if I just keep the onion open and people, you know, we'll, I'll have a screen that says when you join from the dot onion, please select your, your region. And you can just say, you know, I'm from the U S and how would I know? It's just your, it's scouts honor. Um, 3:04:06 Unknown_07: but yeah bit shoot's done a lot of stuff to to um stop their growth and it's hard to put a finger on what i think the the main issue that people have was the lack of streaming and they didn't have a search feature that worked whereas odyssey has both um so honestly yeah their search feature is kind of uh fucked or it was at least for a while there i mean i did test out streaming on there but um 3:04:53 Unknown_12: I don't know who coded it because somebody basically spammed the entire Bible in chat. Unknown_12: The whole fucking thing. It's just over and over again. Unknown_12: Somebody was sending panic messages. Jim, fucking turn your chat off. I don't know what to do. Unknown_07: That's where it's at right now. That's the whole saga. In truth, we haven't lost that much. We lost the .top domain that we weren't using anyways. IceNic from Iceland is for some reason checking my passport with the U.S. Embassy in Riazgov or whatever the fuck. Uh, cause they don't believe me. I don't know if they're, they're trying to force me to like docs myself to them with like a new secret name that I have or what, but my, my shit's all legit. Um, so we lost the dot is domain as well. 3:05:27 Unknown_07: And we lost. Unknown_12: Why don't you fuck with them and send them a fake passport with a, uh, near his picture and just say you're him and see how they react. See if, see if they understand what you've done. Unknown_07: Because I lost my Google voice number too, right? And I told you this. But I also complained to the FCC about it. I said that my phone number was illegally stolen from me by Google. And the FCC responded and said, we've submitted this to Google and they have to reply as to why they've done this in 30 days. So it's like, I'm going to fight for everything. I'm going to keep my dot IS domain. I'm going to get my fucking Google voice number back and I'm going to meet them on every one of these challenges. I'm going to litigate this in the most Jewish way possible because everything that I do is completely legit. And if they disagree, they can point to the statute that says otherwise. 3:06:09 Unknown_12: And you're going to fund this fight with those patches. Unknown_07: I'm going to fund the fight with a complicated network of proof of stake and proof of work cryptocurrencies and also patches. Unknown_12: And the patches. Remember, MITI.live? 3:06:43 Unknown_07: Yes. But not right now because Cloudflare is putting up how dangerous you are. MITI.live like two weeks from now. You'll have like a week before they're all sold out. Unknown_12: Well, this has been entertaining talking about the Troon Saga, the Troon Shine Saga. The death of the internet. The death of the internet. It's always a fucking happy, fun topic, isn't it? Unknown_07: Yeah. If you find a way to laugh about it, it's still funny. Unknown_07: There was this great interconnected network of every computer in the entire world. And everyone, even people in Russia and China and Malaysia and Rwanda and Brazil, they could all get together and play Dota 2 and scream obscenities and racial slurs at each other. And it was a great fun time had by all. How did it die, Dad? Well, one day a bunch of mutilated dick snippers got together and got really offended that nobody would call them a she. So they petitioned to all the different agencies in the world in mass until they revoked services and the internet fractured down the middle. 3:07:15 Unknown_12: And now it's gone forever. Unknown_07: Now it's gone forever. Now we communicate by shortwave radio again. Unknown_12: Yep, and we have to buy porn at the gas station in magazine form. It's really a fucking dark time, son. It's really a dark time. Unknown_07: The Chinese took over the post office, and now when you import your hentai from Japan, you have to pay like a 200% tax that goes directly to the HRT fund from social services. 3:08:00 Unknown_12: They renamed it the post op office. Unknown_12: You need proof of packaging received. You have to show them your genitals. It's really an embarrassing fucking situation, son. Unknown_07: Okay. In the name of grifting, I have super chats. It is now 1 a.m. I have to bash through them. Unknown_07: Do you want to stick around? Unknown_12: No, I'll jump while you do your grifting, you know, so you can get to your chats. Besides, I got to go eat dinner. I forgot the time zone difference. So I thought, oh, 3 in the afternoon would be great, you know. I forgot you're halfway around the world. Okay. 3:08:34 Unknown_12: When you grift, don't forget to show your patches. I'm telling you, hat funding is amazing, and patch funding is probably amazing too. Unknown_07: Do the hats actually do that well? Are you being serious? Unknown_12: The hats have done fantastic. Unknown_12: I mean, they're made by little Chinese girls in some factory halfway across the world, so I can't really speak to the best of quality, but I'm not making them. I'm just selling them. But no, the hats, people like the hats. I don't know, you know, hats do well, mugs do well. Unknown_12: Maybe you could make a Truneshine mug and sell it to people. I'm sure people would love that. 3:09:07 Unknown_07: See, my issue is not, like, selling them. It's, like, I have to do the logistics. I can't have a storefront. I have to do everything myself. Unknown_12: Yeah, you're stuck with that, like, dropshipping retail arbitrage shit. Unknown_07: Yeah. All right, man. Unknown_12: Well, take it easy. Thanks for having me on as a guest. Fuck Keffels. Fuck Ethan Ralph. Fuck Nick Bate. Why not? You know, he's in prison. He'll never hear it, but fuck him anyway. Fuck AMOCE. Unknown_12: And I'm probably going to go watch a fat girl get beaten by an Egyptian now. How do you spell it? 3:09:39 Unknown_07: C-H-A-N-T-A-L. And Nadir's name is spelled N-A-D-I-R. And I think if you just go to YouTube and type – here's what you want to do if you want to see the beating footage. Just type in Nadir Didi, D-I-D-I, hits Didi. I think you should find some videos where he does the, bitch, I don't scare, bitch, I don't scare. Unknown_12: I just want the audio clip. I want to hear the voice. It sounds so much like, how can you slap? So yeah, that's what I'm going to go check out. I'm going to watch an Egyptian guy beat an obese woman. 3:10:12 Unknown_12: Oh, I love the internet. As long as it lasts. See, that's the fun kind of stuff you can go check out. But take it easy. I hope everything works out for you. And yeah, I'm going to go watch some fatties get hit. Unknown_07: Good talking to you. Unknown_12: Yeah, bye. Unknown_07: Bye. Unknown_07: All right. All of you who are just here for Jim, that is the end. Thank you, Jim, for joining me. Thank you all for joining me. I'm now going to honor my blood tithe to the merchants who have tipped during the stream. I apologize if any of them are directed to Jim. He did not want to stick around for him. So yeah, you'll just have to deal with me instead. 3:10:47 Unknown_07: All right. Uh, let me actually, I, for this, I put my screen into griff mode. This is what griff mode looks like. And, uh, I will try to knock through these as quickly as possible so that I can sleep as quickly as possible. Unknown_07: I Mr. Moon for free for 25 says, as am an 80 L respecter and love fat shakes. Ethan Ralph is my best friend and will thumb any anus to prove my devotion to the gun. Step aside, Chantel. You've been replaced. Grr, B jams and shit. Heart emoji. Thank you. I Mr. Moon for free. uh not gaytard beta bottom quartering for five says nothing at all thank you uh dingus mcbingus for five says godspeed josh also space station 13 server ever coming back if not why it was the best server ever played on the space station 13 server was more work to manage and moderate than the kiwi farms was um it's a special kind of autism i don't have the time or energy or money to dedicate to i apologize it was a great time while it lasted though i have fond memories of space station 13 and it was the best server that we that that was around 3:11:46 Unknown_07: Full test for 10 says you listen to just a single podcast about the farm who is pretty fair. I heard some of it. I mean, he seems like he's been fair the entire time. It's interesting. I don't know what his angle is or what his audience is, but I'm glad that someone is eating the shit required to defend the Kiwi farms in incapacity. Porky nigg for 1488 says beehams Bibble. I'm scared this front hole smells like my poo thumb beehams Thank You porky Nick Hex one hex lead. I don't know how to pronounce. It's a hex lead work hex lead for 10 says obligatory destiny clip sound on I Was this um, the one about how his wife is is how he's a cool fucking guy and that's why he trusts his wife to fuck other woman, but like other men 3:12:32 Unknown_01: I'm in a poly relationship. The reason why I'm in a poly relationship is because I don't give a fuck if my girlfriend goes and fucks another guy because I know she's coming back to me at the end of the night. Because we love each other. Because I'm a cool fucking person. I know that. If I'm not going to gatekeep the fuck out of who my girlfriend fucks, do you think I'm going to chase you around? It's such a weak state. Unknown_07: It's so embarrassing. I've heard this a thousand times, but I still get secondhand embarrassment. Trixie is best pony for 30 says anime is cancer. Well, that's strong words coming from MLP III will admit I was expecting a lot more like weird anime jokes and I I wouldn't even know how to play along with it because I don't know anything about anime the last anime I watched was Lane and before that it was a lot of mote and then before that it was like 2008 I watched Lucky Star So I my expert my experience here is very limited. I remember Shin Chan on TV. That's my extent with the animation 3:13:21 Unknown_07: By the way, for one says I literally figuratively allegedly hate Josh Moon. Oh, thank you. Um, I guess for $1, by the way, uh, Barack Hussein Obama for five says this is for Jim say milk six times fast. And then answer me this. What mature cows drink milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, and mature cows drink water because this was done to me before on the Cricada stream. And I know what the fuck is happening here. Motherfucker. Barack Hussein Obama. BFF4E4 for 5 says, Now that you are best friends, Josh can share his magical healing necklace with Jim. I'm sure he can spare a finger or two. He has to get pretty high on the Masonic order to get access to the finger necklace. 3:13:54 Unknown_07: Lucas's gaping maw for 10 says absolutely nothing, which is very contrary to Lucas's actual gaping maw, which never fucking closes. Serious McNegative for 10 says, Jersh, give Jim the tip so he doesn't have to sell another hat. So is Jim stealing content from farms for e-fame or is Jersh getting content from the hog wrinkling? 3:14:28 Unknown_07: I never had issue with Jim taking stuff from the forum. I just wanted the shout out is all for the site. Give credit where credit was due. And he did. So I apologize if I ever sounded salty about that. I'm not. Ice Mexican for 20. Cause I know a lot of people do use the content as a, on the forum as a primary source of information. They don't say shit because they have to make their squeaky clean YouTube channels, advertiser friendly, and they can't give credit where it belongs to the people who actually found that shit for them. And they make a ton of fucking money from doing it. That I am bitter about. 3:15:03 Unknown_07: ice mexican for 20 says gentlemen the people want to know ass or titties i'm an unrelated question hot dog or hamburgers i like hot or hamburgers way more than than hot dogs and i like both in in a balance you can't have like some super bottom heavy girl with like no boobs or like all boobs and no butt it has to be like a proper hip to waist ratio Unknown_07: I do know that song. I'm glad you enjoyed. Hopefully it was everything that you paid $5 for. 3:15:52 Unknown_07: anonymous for 35 says it's always good to see my favorite people brought together even when it's about or even if it's because of some attention whoring cowboy ranchers hashtag kill not to buy this hashtag you'll never be a woman uh yeah it's been a long time in the making i'm glad that uh jim fills my little websites worth preserving uh not a federal agent for 75 says as someone who has always lurked but now once in on the action is there a way to get an invite code Unknown_07: For 75. Oh my God. Okay. Actually I, I can't, I can't give you an invite code. Um, because the email server doesn't work and it can't dispatch your registration code. Uh, I will, I'll find a clever way to get invitation codes out to people. Um, don't you worry. Cozy farms for $2 says, Hey boss, please tell Jim. We love him also. I mean, another one of those things for you. I hope you don't mind. I hope you like it. It's a hashtag to telegram. Unknown_09: Oh, geez. It's very loud. 3:16:47 Unknown_07: It's a picture of a kitten saying Joshua Norman walking up to the UN podium to give a speech after putting keffels behind bars. Unknown_07: Very cute cat. He's doing like a proper strut too. Sorry. That's an on stream. Just, just take my word. It's very cute. Uh, sips for five says, I appreciate your commitment to internet, lowercase I internet freedom. Good to see you streaming with Jim. Can't believe how fucking corporate the lowercase I internet has become this last decade. Very centralized, very corporate, very depressing. 3:17:18 Unknown_07: Like I said, if people had a way to give money to each other that the payment gateways, the very centralized non-government agencies that they are, could not regulate, you would see a boon of creativity and freedom that you would not think is possible today. Unknown_07: uh internet friend for five says hey josh and jim sorry that the your internet son ralph cannot be corn sacrifice aborted due to the last supreme court ruling maybe his new waifu queen kafal's truncheon will serve him better uh ralph truning out would be the the next big funny thing that he could do that would be fucking hysterical i co-sign that though then again i don't know it's nice to have someone who's not a tranny to laugh at because right now they're they're hogging up all the fame depriving the honest hard-working locales like ethan ralph of their attention 3:18:05 Unknown_07: Trapo for five says real name, Joshua Coon. Also, thanks for keeping the tranny hate side up. You're welcome. Uh, Trapo. I'm glad you're enjoying. So, uh, it is, it is up. It is kind of jank right now. I'll fix those issues eventually. Don't you worry. Don't you worry. I'll figure it out. Unknown_07: The Hanch for 70 says, my girlfriend and I are going to California for a couple days. How do I remain base and uncorrupted in the modern Sodom and Gomorrah? You can't. Every second that you spend in California, it drains you based and red-pilled. Unknown_07: I don't know. Maybe blast, kill all the gays. 3:18:40 Unknown_07: Can't bump this at a red light. That would work. You'd probably get arrested though in California for hate crimes. Unknown_07: The Hatch again for 50 says the Jurchish League versus the Legion of Troon. Unknown_07: Legion of Troon. We caught the old one, the Vordrak one, Legion of Doom. Unknown_07: Yeah. Unknown_07: I'm very thankful for my friends, my internet friends that are helping me out through this. Unknown_07: Not gate hard beta bottom quartering for five says nothing again. Thank you. Not gate hard beta bottom quartering. Polly frog for five says, Josh, I'm pretty sure Keffel's fled Canada because the cops found CP on their computer. Ireland is a safe haven for trones and they don't extradite to Canada or the UK. That's why Keffel's fled there. Um, that would be, I mean, that's an interesting theory. I've heard it before. If Keffel's got arrested for something on his hard drive, when he, if, if, and when he gets back to Canada, um, 3:19:12 Unknown_07: That would be funny. I think that is the funniest possible outcome ever. Unknown_07: The world of all possibilities, Kefals having something on his computer that actually got him arrested would be hysterical. I would never stop laughing. 3:19:48 Unknown_07: hit two for a dollar 25 says trans kids are like the cats we all know who's really making the decisions there no argument for sure they're getting groomed by their even it's especially said once their mom who's just like a fucking munchausen's by proxy you know histrionic cunt doing it Anime for five says, this is like when Sasuke and Naruto fought Kaguya, except Sasuke is a dying boomer, Naruto is a fat homo, and Kaguya is a guy in a dress. Yeah, I agree. And what's funny is I bet you I pronounced all those names right, and people are going to get really sussy baka about that shit. Dandy for five says, hi, did you see Richard Jordan was streaming earlier while wearing a wig? Pretty sure Lucas Roberts has turned wings over to the truant side. No, no, Jordan, don't do it. 3:20:24 Unknown_07: You got so much to live for, I think. Unknown_07: churn out we've had too many already uh ice wall oak oakum for 25 says you just want you both to read my username out loud thanks fiam for real for real no cap on god the stream slaps thank you sorry that jim can't do it but thank you ice wall oakum Unknown_07: Oh, I see. Oh, very clever. Uh, hit her too for a dollar 25 says on the topic of via ham radios, a X 25 is exactly that can't go faster than 9,600 BPS though. So Kiwi farms have to become text only BBS. Huh? 3:20:59 Unknown_07: fascinating 9600 bits per second so eight kilobytes that's not much good luck with that slower than dial-up buddy let's get fucked um anonymous for 25 says wow my two favorite shivers together truly didn't have that on my 2020 bingo card i'm glad you're still putting up the fight and making people see hey gun and lucas you guys are both neighbors 3:21:40 Unknown_07: I'm not feeling that risky. I think I've said it before. I don't know. I don't like to say it from super chats. Unknown_07: I have to, the thing is when I say it, I have to mean it. I have to really mean it. I'll say it when I mean it. Unknown_07: Not before. Uh, Lucas wishes he was black. So does Ralph. Unknown_07: Oh, that shit's never coming out. When's the fucking feminist frequency books coming out? That shit is never happening. We salute you. Thank you, man. 3:22:11 Unknown_07: Anonymous for five says, Hey Josh, remember, Hey, remember when Josh went on Ethan rough stream and said, Jim basically hates you. LOL. Unknown_07: Uh, I still don't know what Jim's opinions of me are. I didn't really ask. He could hate me. Who knows? A lot of people hate me now. Mr. 50 says, take my money and keep up the good work. Exposing those training partners. Thank you very much. And on this $50 King Cobra J that's like one of my servers that are a monthly server bill in case you're wondering. 3:22:42 Unknown_07: king cobra jfs for three says can you take the shekel without eating the goy slop also what are your thoughts on erbit you are bit i've heard that before Unknown_07: Um, it's like a decentralized server thing. I have not looked into it. I've heard of it before though. 3:23:15 Unknown_07: Um, I mean, decentralized, anything is worth worth, you know, exploring and promoting though, from what I understand, that's just like decentralized computing power. So I don't know how that works in terms of like an internet service. Uh, TF for five says you're the only two returns I would trust with two. Sorry. Uh, I am swelling here at this point. TF for five says you're the only two retards. I would trust to retard proof, the lowercase I internet. Thanks for a great show guys. Appreciate them. Trying my best to retard, retard proof. I guess I'm kind of like doing the opposite. I'm like retard exacerbating the internet. 3:23:47 Unknown_07: uh it's hits were two for a dollar 25 says archive everything so that when the internet the proper case i internet becomes splinter net you'll have a lifetime splinter is such a good term to coin the splinter net i like that that's good now you'll still have a lifetime's worth of entertaining yes there are people who are like becoming like proper skits in terms of like archiving terabytes of now like entire channels and stuff 3:24:22 Unknown_07: Terry a Davis for five says the routers went wrong when he made them for neighbors. That's what I went wrong. It's like how many people are like, Oh, it's a command line. Fuck you, man. White people don't mind it. Okay. I am a neighbor when it comes to shit like this. I need a UI. Just give me a fucking thing to drag and drop with the love of God. Don't make me type out everything, especially in networking. It's such a mess. I need to see the topology. It helps a lot. Unknown_07: Spasticus Autisticus, for one, says kiwifarms.kiwi takes you to the DIY HRT site. You need to buy farms.kiwi. Farms.kiwi was never available. Kiwi is owned by Registrar New Zealand. We would lose it instantly if we had it. 3:24:57 Unknown_07: They bought up a lot of ones, but they bought up shit like kiwifarms.de, kiwifarms.fr, kiwifarms.co.uk. I would never put anything in those countries to begin with. You got to buy shit like kiwifarms.africanrepublic or some shit. Unknown_07: A humble farmer for five says nothing. Thank you, friend. Kiwi cow for five says how long before patches on it gets done. It's docks and hunted by trunes. Probably never. Cause he's doing it for crypto and shipping it anonymously. Glep for two says my fave internet daddies. Enjoy this pick. Oh, geez. 3:25:32 Unknown_09: Aww. Well, I like this. This wasn't what I was expecting at all. Unknown_07: I'll throw this up. I'll put this up on the fridge. Unknown_07: Look, this is fine, I say. I'm getting glared at by a troon with a pigeon on his head. My pizza's down there getting eaten by kiwis. I have a box of silver coins. My computer has hamsters in it. This is all very accurate to life. And then there's Jim back there. He's holding on to dear life to an IV line. And there's Ralph. And then there's Piss Bear. How wholesome. 3:26:06 Unknown_07: Truly, we are the library of Alexandria in terms of art and creativity. Unknown_07: Ludwig for 20 says hey Jim and Josh big fan made a slobber VTuber model and blood-borne. Oh Look, this is Ludwig world order. I didn't know you made the VTuber model And the the Perry Caravella big ups and sorry for annoying you that one time. Yeah well, I This guy posted something and talked to staff that made me really indignant and I snapped at him and he was like, oh I'm the guy that did the the Ludwig video that you said was your favorite dark side fill video and I felt kind of bad and That I was such an asshole to him. 3:26:48 Unknown_07: Thank you for the 20, though. Unknown_07: And sorry. Hit number two for $1.25 says, I think we should go a little easier on Ralph. Laughter is the best medicine he's been trying his hardest this year to be his soul. Keep his soul remaining daddy alive. It's true. jim jim i mean hopefully he has more to wake up for than to laugh at ethan ralph but i'm sure that helps it's one of those things that i look forward to like ah i wonder what ralph has fucked up this week uh nikocado's butthole for 15 says loving the stream my two internet daddies in one place but no seriously i have nothing but respect for you josh for going to the ends of there so we can shit posts about gross weirdos I have received many, many emails of support like this from many people throughout the last few weeks. So many that I can't reply to them. So if you sent me something and I didn't reply, I apologize. But I literally get so many emails now that I can't keep up. I'm like YandereDev. 3:27:27 Unknown_07: But I do appreciate all the kind sentiments and encouraging words that have been sent. Unknown_07: I call for $20 says Josh, your favorite piss bear priest sends you $20 in Russian value. So I can suggest to have true and honest fan badge. So Kiwi farms will see you and I will be able to smug post more. Take care of man. I can't mix the money between my streams and my Kiwi firms. I apologize. Um, learn how to do crypto. You're in Russia. You should know how to do crypto by now. You got fucking sanctioned by the entire world. Figure out crypto. 3:28:04 Unknown_07: It's not banned yet. Unless you're like in government. Unknown_07: In which case, find me a server that I can host on. Unknown_07: Neil Holstein for 10 says, this is like when Yang Wenli and Reinhard von Mussel from The Legend of the Galactic Heroes met. Soy face. 3:28:35 Unknown_07: Not only am I not into anime, I don't know anything about Marvel movies. I'm very thankful for this. I'm glad that you have soy face over this wonderful stream, though. Unknown_07: Medicare Fembot for five says, can we agree that Keffel's lore is a little too close to Rico to be a coincidence? Unknown_09: Um, is that a anime? Unknown_07: I searched Rico mortal combat wiki. Unknown_07: Rico is a character in mortal combat. He made his debut in mortal combat for, um, this guy looks like a man. Did this guy's dick get cut off on a search for castration? 3:29:12 Unknown_07: he's not castrated so i don't i can only imagine how close their arcs actually are i apologize maybe jim would know more anonymous for two says josh do i need crypto to buy the patch merch no you do not uh hopefully knock on wood anonymous for 10 says it's disgusting how many things go unnoticed on twitter whenever lolly trends these freaks show up and promote they cp torture grape fantasies like the sugar sucka page with sick drawings Unknown_07: uh yeah um and i know people get mad at me for this but the lolly con is a thing imbibed by pedophiles and it took me a while to come to grips with that but it's true and if you're like i understand the libertarian approach but they they're trouble they are trouble 3:30:03 Unknown_07: anonymous for five says how much for you to, to sing a, just an RPG song as outro, um, much more than $5. I have a, I have a song picked out. Actually. It's a, it's another hit by MC Jarboe that came out today. Unknown_07: A large child for two says, I'm going to burn the stream on DVDs and place them around my city. Also, when is the impossible Whopper Gumroad video happening? Unknown_07: I don't know. This week, I guess. I'll get around to it. I did promise that. Unknown_07: Spasticus Autisticus. Oh, and good luck with your DVD burning. Don't get arrested for hate speech. Spasticus Autisticus for five says, have a look at this article and the short video on it. And then a link to BBC Pigeon. So I'm assuming that this is going to be some gobbledygook. Butt lift surgery. Why? Butt lift surgery. Why? I want to come out my fake bum bum. 3:30:42 Unknown_07: I don't think anyone actually reads this shit. Unknown_07: um one blogger from norway and tv peasant sophie elise day 20 years old when she decides she wants big bum bum sophie described herself as woman weighed 10 and small but she been just want do small lift that area of her body influencers everywhere and everywhere it's been spelled e-v-r-i-w-i-a from her instagram bende promote places and doctors when they bum bum enlargement in bbl 3:31:25 Unknown_07: brazilian butler okay here i'll listen to this for like 30 seconds nigeria 600 million of those people walking around you know that Unknown_07: anonymous for tens what do you think of lucas's appearance on h3h3 i didn't watch it i don't pay any attention to him or what he has to say uh true facts like when i say i don't pay attention to somebody i really don't i don't give a fuck i deal with what happens and i don't pay attention to what people are saying roll panna for 11 hi josh i really enjoyed your collab with jim this weekend i hope that not.net comes back up soon thank you for your hard work behind the scenes long live the farms and have a great weekend republic of korea flag thank you roll panna i'm glad you enjoyed the stream i'm glad it lived up to people's expectations uh poly frog for 10 says josh can you end the stream with this trune song um is this the one that i'm thinking of 3:32:06 Unknown_07: No, this is like an anime thing. Oh, this is, um, ginger male market failure by Amy. That's a really good song. Ginger male market failure by Amy. That's a, uh, trends. That song is pretty funny. I'll play like six seconds of it. Unknown_07: It's pretty good. Uh, I like the other version better though. So that's a contentious opinion. 3:32:58 Unknown_07: Uh, okay. Unknown_07: Show us for 10 says, God bless y'all. Thank you. Show us senior Lobo for five says, hello, Mr. Noel, who is Ethan Klein's wife? And does she care about Palestinian children? Great question. Um, I actually remind people again, cause I promised that I would plug this and I did at the beginning of the video, but I'll plug it again. Um, the animations from the start of the stream are being done by Sven Stoffels. That's Sven Stoffels.com. Also the author of. Unknown_07: Let me see if I can find his YouTube is at the bottom of this. 3:33:30 Unknown_09: Oh, jeez. I really fucked this up. Unknown_09: Firefox, right? Unknown_09: Is this not going to work? Oh, what? Unknown_07: Oh yeah. Okay. That works. So then stuff was that calm. And then he made a wonderful video, which I would like to share with you all, um, about Hila Klein, who is the wife of Ethan Klein, uh, who Keffels did a podcast with recently. Unknown_07: Oh, it's in green mode. It's in shekel mode. Heal has gone crazy for the shekels. 3:34:01 Unknown_07: SvenStoffels.com, he really asked me to plug his thing because he did the animations for basically no money. Unknown_07: Kira Yuma for 20 says, nice show. Thank you very much, Kira Yuma. Unknown_07: RollPana for five says, hi Josh, you've owned and operated KiwiFriends for a long time. Is there any advice you can give to anyone who wants to start their own forum? Thank you. Unknown_07: Never make, okay. This is the, in general purpose, like forum advice, don't make moderators out of your friends and don't make moderators out of people who make content, make moderators out of people who are like aloof, interested in promoting the site. Interesting. Like they have an interest in the community growing, but they're not like super invested into producing things themselves. 3:34:41 Unknown_07: Because when people are moderators, they get stressed out. And you don't want to stress out people who are generating the content that your site needs to survive. Unknown_07: So don't make those people mods. And don't make people mods that are like sycophants. If someone's sucking your ass, you don't want that person to be in a position of influence around you because it will distort your judgment. You want people who are critical and even-handed and not afraid to object to you. 3:35:19 Unknown_07: Uh, Cole Cole for five says, we'd love to donate more, but your stream right now is at the end of my shift on Friday, but you always make that day better. Also, does the DDoSing mean my email sent to the SH email is lost forever? No, I still get emails to that, but you can email me at jcmoon at jcmoon at pm.me as well. winston fujimori for five says i want you to know josh and ghost that ghost politics the capitalist army and the anime right have your support also ghost gave his shout out a few shows ago he likes you also ghost likes anime by the way uh ghost did invite me onto his podcast maybe if i'm doing a media blitz i'll uh hit him back because i i owe him um 3:35:56 Unknown_07: A girl that I used to know used to watch ghost politics with me. Uh, that was my, probably my first locale in terms of like weirdos that I like the, the radio graffiti stuff. That was hours of entertainment. I remember watching that on, on GMOD theater and like throwing popcorn at the screen years and years ago. Unknown_07: And Medicare Fembot adds $1 to provide context to Rico's trap harem. Rico. Oh, this is the, this is the R9K grooming discord. I know this. There's a know your meme page on Rico's trap harem. And it's a really weird thing from a long time ago that happened on 4chan where all the incels were like being groomed into taking HRT because of some fucking weirdo was trying to get people to do it. 3:36:41 Unknown_07: And Ganka, this will be the last one, so don't tip anymore. Ganka for 20 says, thanks for the stream. Go get some KFC on me. I think I will. Thank you. Unknown_07: All right, that's a wrap. Thank you guys for joining me. I hope you've had a good time. I hope you found this entertaining or enlightening, educational, not depressing. Don't get depressed. Don't ever succumb to depression, chat. You must always find reason to prevail. Because they want you demoralized. Kefals wants you to be sad. It makes him happy when you're sad. So always be happy. Always deal with problems logically. With a cool temper. Don't get angry. Especially about things you can't control. 3:37:14 Unknown_07: And that's it. I will see you guys on Friday. If you are a regular watcher, I do my streams every Friday at 6pm EU time. Noon. Unknown_07: noon eastern time meg for five says great stream just also thanks for the hard work on the farms thank you very much that's the last one please don't say anymore god never mind sorry i yelled for no reason um that's it uh t.me slash maddie on air m-a-t-i on air is the only channel that i have up right now or just subscribe to whatever the fuck you know what to do right i'll see you this is a new song by jarba the hut um it's a rap that he's done that's his own voice it's not like a character uh but it's kind of relevant so i'll play it out with that uh thanks bye is 3:37:56 Unknown_04: Flipping them digits, I do my due diligence But I need 22 minutes just to get my true feelings To the pencil and the pad During any invasion, our ancestors attack 3:39:13 Unknown_04: Denial of services, denial of the pictures attached. I got a right to have views. I have a right to defend. It's my right to defend against. Let's draw a line in the sand and bring life to the pen. Because we can fight to the end with you. And if you tell us we're not allowed to get in, then you can ban us again like some bitch ass widows. Because when I pray, I look around me for strength. But nowadays, I see nothing but bitch ass widows. I'm a nemesis you don't really want to go head to head against. Going out of my mind, been a while up on my meds. Unknown_04: I've invented some lies and I don't make you no Edison. Don't underestimate the love of a dad when you're in bed. Post-op and he's there holding your hand. You got your ass Botoxed. Open the trench. You got yourself a post box. Now the mail can fit in. I'm the dad trying to keep his kids away from this sin. You in my shop and you didn't use a lot to get in. Go and suck a cock. You and your journalist friends just trying to get this wit lit and make it burn at both ends. Respect should be earned. It ain't just to be given. You don't respect my work. 3:40:27 Unknown_04: Show me where there's one. We're talking seven appendages. Mystic percentages that you can't even mention. It's like the shit is contagious. And I'm sorry you don't see it, but the dude's an embarrassment. And his destiny is just to get sued for damages. I got a right to abuse. I have a right to defend this. 3:41:13 Unknown_04: Bitches Take back what's yours?