Ah, such is life. Biggest frustration, tech-wise, in my life right now is getting OBS to work. Funny how that is, huh?
Unknown_17: Um, by the way, Ralph is sniping right now, so if anyone wants to give a shout-out to Ralph in the chat, you can do that now. He thinks it's very funny that the .net is not up.
Unknown_17: uh this man this i told you guys uh a while back that ethan ralph would get on all fours and suck nigger dick if it would get the kiwi farms taken down but i'd never in a million years would have imagined that he would be on all fours eating out tranny gash to try and get the the site taken down really bringing bringing himself down to new lows i could not have possibly imagined
Daily reminder that Ethan Ralph did in fact lose to Adrian Blair, who he is legally bound from saying the name of because he was found guilty of stalking or some shit, as he accuses me of being a stalker of his.
Unknown_17: Let's see.
Unknown_17: What are we talking about today? I have no idea. I have Firefox open with some tabs and some grievances, some updates on the ongoing war.
Unknown_17: The ongoing conflict between, I don't even know what to call it, a bunch of attention whores on Twitter. And not even really against me, but against the infrastructure of the internet in general. It's weird because I know that there are a lot of people who are watching this and they are on the sidelines. They don't want to get involved at all, but they're very interested in how it plays out because how it plays out will directly impact the broader internet community.
If a website that is completely legal within the United States, which has no, like, um, the Daily Stormer had a judgment against it by the ADL or something. And 8chan had the issue with Brenton Tarrant and the QAnon shit.
Unknown_17: And they really had issues only after January 6th.
Unknown_17: But we have no such drama. It's literally just people complaining. So the question is, can people complain loud enough that nobody anywhere can tolerate a service? And we're putting that to the test, and it's an interesting test and one I feel is worth testing, even if it's at my expense.
I will put it through every possible avenue before I give up on it because...
Unknown_17: there's really no reason for me not to. The site's not illegal. What I'm doing is actually very cheap. A VPS is only like $100 a month. So I'm at my liberty to continue on and play around with this and tweak software settings and try new hosts and so on and so forth, literally indefinitely until I completely and totally run out of options, which I'm not...
Not yet. Close to doing. I will explain what the status is, where we're at, and how I'm proceeding.
Unknown_17: So we lost Cloudflare.
That was unexpected just because of how quickly the turnaround was from them saying that they would not succumb to a mob attack.
Unknown_17: Pre-recorded, yeah, right.
Unknown_17: So just the turnaround was surprising.
Unknown_17: Then we went to DDoS Guard, and the most interesting thing about DDoS Guard was that we had been a customer of theirs for over a year, and they said that we were only a customer like last Saturday, which is not true.
Unknown_17: We just didn't point all of our traffic at it until last Saturday. Then I get an email saying, hey, ask my friends. They run, like, a DDoS corporation out of Portugal. And I talk to them. I say, you know, CDR is an issue and this and that and stuff. And they start talking about how it may be a good idea to handle things from a certain PR perspective. And I'm thinking, like, I don't know, this sounds kind of wishy-washy. And then they get into a chat with me and they're, they're upset about a couple of things, which I'll get into later. But, um, very quickly, like they just get sat down on daddy's lap and Keffel's like, okay, now you're either going to drop the Kiwi farms or I'm going to ruin your life. I'm going to destroy your business. I'm going to go after your families. And they're like, okay, well, why don't you just write my, um, my letter, my blog posts for me. And Keffel's does that. And, uh, They said it was only spell-checking because they're Portuguese native speakers, but then Keffel says that he helped draft it, too. So whoever you want to believe, I'm liable to believe them because Keffel is a chronic narcissistic liar. But they put out their narcissistic, or not narcissistic, but groveling PR letter. Like, we didn't know. It's only been a couple hours. Please don't kill us. It's like, okay, well, that's expected.
Um, it's not in these situations, the DDoS guard shit was like 20 bucks. The, and they're refunding me the, the Portuguese guys. I can't complain too loudly. I'm just trying different stuff.
Unknown_17: And, uh, you know, it's like, whatever the site's still available. I wish that the spam would stop and chat though. It's kind of annoying. It's okay. I can't like, um, only mute people.
Unknown_17: temporarily too, so if I have to mute you in chat for spamming, you're just muted from the channel. Apologies.
Let's see. Where was I? Sorry, I was distracted. I like to read my chat. I don't like spam because spam... Oh, I can time people out. Okay, I see how it is.
Unknown_17: So, okay, DDoS filter. The next step is, right now on kiwifarms.st, we have a proof of concept of a more complex filtering system.
Unknown_17: And the way that what I'm doing is, it's very simple to set up a small VPS that has the bandwidth limitations that I need.
And just tunneling that traffic to the main servers. Or rather, it's like multiple layers now. There's like five different VPSs at the front. And then there's two different DDoS handling Nginx servers. And then there's actually the Kiwi Farms. And I would like there to be two Kiwi Farms that are defederated. But that's happening slowly.
Unknown_17: What is the audio keeper one? That would be... I can't fix it. That's just their end. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Try Telegram or BK.
So, you know how it is. I'm sorry, this is like week four now. If you can't figure out how to switch over to VK or another domain, then you're retarded. I literally can't help you. And it's funny how much our traffic drops just from being on .st. .st works almost flawlessly. There's little hiccups because of how it's put together, but... Um, like people just want it to be on .net and they won't settle for .st. It's very strange, but it is up on the clear net now, which is, which is nice. The site is recovering pretty quickly from the downtime.
Drop your quality.
Unknown_02: Okay.
Unknown_02: I can't. Okay. Hold up. Odyssey. Modify.
Unknown_02: Bitrate is 2,000, bro.
Unknown_17: If it can't handle 2,000, there's not a fucking point. Switch to VK. I'm not changing it from 2,000 kilobits per second. Come the fuck on.
Unknown_17: ST is down. No, it's not. If you get an error page, all you have to do is refresh. If you have a VPS, change your VPS to a different thing. The reason why it goes down is because of the way that it works. The way that it works is that there are six different servers on the front end. They each have a time to live of one minute, which means that every minute... Let's see if I can draw this or something. Hold up.
Let me put paint up.
Unknown_17: And I'll go to the studio. I'm going to explain to you kids how the internet works so you have a better understanding of what I'm doing. And I'm going to outline this pretty fearlessly because this is all shit that you can figure out on your own. Yeah, okay, that is that. That's the DNS.
And that's all known. Okay, this is
Unknown_02: paint right so i'm going to explain real quick uh you have dot st right that is our domain name then you have two two different name servers and all their jobs are are to make sure that when you type in kiwifarms.st this is you the client your computer i'll put it right here
computer right here you type in kiwifarms and you connect to one of the two name servers and this replies with the ip address that you're going to use like one this is ip address looks like this right and it gives you a time to live and usually the time to live is much higher than 60 seconds it's like five minutes at a minimum right this this num the kiwifarms.st domain is completely meaningless to a computer a computer has no idea what kiwifarms.st is but it does know what this ip address is so when it goes to the name server and it gets this record then it shoots that off um to it knows how to connect so it connects directly to this and then it connects to the kiwi farms and this is how i like to draw the logo like this
Unknown_17: Okay. The thing is, the magic that's happening right now is with this. Because I have five different servers, actually six, and they can all handle a connection to the Kiwi Farms.
They are all on different hosts.
Unknown_17: Now, the issue that we've been having is that a host will drop the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_17: So I have bought VPS servers from so-called bulletproof hosts. And every time you connect to the Kiwi Farms, you get a different record because it only lasts for 60 seconds. So every minute your computer has to ask what it's going to connect to. And this changes very rapidly. And it can be any one of these six different IP addresses over here. And the provider that I'm using is actually pretty clever because what it does is it can automatically detect if any of these go down. And if they go down, then they simply stop providing that name as a resolution for the domain name. So let's say number two, let's say that number two cucks out. And they said, we're not going to host the Kiwi farms. That's way too much drama. Well, the name servers automatically recognize this, and they'll send you a different one when you connect the next minute. So you might get a minute of downtime if that server goes down. If it's being DDoS attacked or any kind of attack that makes it unavailable, if it's made unavailable by the provider or if it's made unavailable by a DDoS attacker, that one gets removed from the circuit, and then you reconnect. And it continues on as if nothing has happened. To fortify it, there's some stuff which can cause dropouts, even if you're not doing anything wrong.
But in general, that's how it works. So I've set this up. and i'm testing it and i'm making sure that the kiwi farms like the um the actual like the firewall server that's in in the middle our servers rather so we have two different servers here and we're gonna make that look like a brick wall because that one's the wall you got two of these
Unknown_17: And then, actually, these are what connect to the Kiwi farm. It's right here.
Unknown_17: So, if these drop out, and I'm hoping they will, basically what I'm saying is, hello, Trannies, we're right here. These are all of our hosts. Would you like to complain to them? And then we'll complain to them, and we'll figure out which of those are worth keeping service with over time.
That is the gist.
Unknown_02: So, that's the plan.
Unknown_17: So far, I have gotten six servers.
Unknown_17: All of them are up.
Unknown_17: I was expecting a little bit faster turnaround. I assume that what's going to happen is once we change this over to not .st, but we bring it back up to .net like this.
Then, children, it will all turn red. It will turn angy mode, and it will light up, and my theory will actually be put to the test. Because right now, I'm not sure that these six boys right here in the middle are getting the attention that they will get if we are on the top-level domain name.
Unknown_17: So...
Unknown_17: uh, yeah, right. Infiltrated, not everywhere. There are good companies out there and we're going to find them. And if there are no good companies out there, then gosh, golly, we might just have to build them ourselves because I guarantee you that there is some demand out there for what we're, in fact, I'm looking at with the DDoS mitigation in particular. I am. Okay. So here's the thing. Uh, I will show you what I'm using actually. And I feel bad for this guy cause he's probably getting yelled at by a bunch of people right now.
Unknown_02: Imagine unironically spamming Ralph one.
Unknown_17: That's bizarre to me. Okay. I can imagine being like a tranny and like liking, um, calf holes. Cause you're like a porn addicted weirdo, but liking Ralph is just bizarre to me. He has no redeeming qualities.
um so this is the script it's made by some guy called khan long and it's actually doing pretty good when you connect to the kiwi farms right now you'll get i think i can just show you this actually
Unknown_02: um you will get this i know oh it has to be https if you try http it won't bother connect at all see if it works if i'm going to humiliate myself there we go this is the script it's free i downloaded it off of github and it appears to be working and the the benefit of this is that even if it's not the best it's free and they can't tell me i can't use them so it wins by default
The alternative is if we really need higher level DOS protection and the script isn't good enough, we can make our own. I'm just convinced at this point, like, it can't be that fucking hard to set up this shit. It really can't be. Because I have college students and... Why is it, like, recycled?
Unknown_17: Never seen that before. I bet you it's because of the privacy extensions on Firefox. That I have for Firefox. It's not letting me through.
Unknown_17: Oh, I've been embarrassed, chat. Touched as it is. Anyways, there are college students in fucking Portugal setting up DDoS protections. I can probably figure something out.
That's just how it be's.
Unknown_02: yeah so i'm working i'm still working in the back end i'm trying to get things set up and i'm trying to find a way to move forward in general i'm testing out multiple theories and i'm trying to get things stable uh so that is how it is are there any questions about my presentation chat
Unknown_02: Thank you.
Unknown_02: Make your own CDN. It's not even a CDN. It's like...
It's just a web application firewall that protects against bots. That's all.
Unknown_17: Cost. Cost. I don't know.
Unknown_17: Just tip what you can, really. It's not like a hard cost. If there's a money issue, I'll let you know. The money issues are things that you can't solve. It's like I get quoted for a DDoS mitigator, and they want $6,000 a month. Like...
No, I can't afford that. I literally cannot afford that. I get quoted for something, and it's like a 10 gigabit clean traffic, and they want $17,000 a month. I could not possibly, in my wildest dreams, bilk you fuckers for $17,000 a month. It's just not happening.
Unknown_17: Um, and for $6,000 a month, I can hire people at $2,000 a month to build me a firewall that I can host myself on random Ukrainian VPSs that will work just fine for my intentions.
You know what I mean? Uh, Tor, okay, so the Tor is working very well. The main issue with Tor is that the DDoS mitigation on it, um, does not synchronize between the circuits, right?
Unknown_17: So to load balance, I have three different nodes, and when you connect to the Tor, and sometimes while you're connected to the Tor, your circuit changes. Your circuit, because of how Tor works, it can't be shared between the nodes, at least very easily.
Unknown_17: So, um, there's another free open source software called end game by dread, which is a, um, a drug like subreddit on tour and they have published their DDoS mitigation as open source software. And I'm going to try and get that set up. Crunk Lord has been working on that, but he's not installed it himself. So, um,
I am. I'm hoping to get that installed at some point. But there's a lot of stuff I have to fix. I have to fix the email server. I have to figure out how to deal with the... Like, I mentioned that they're using bot traffic last week to try and log in. They're still doing that. And I need to find a way to deal with that that doesn't involve breaking the login page, which is what I've been currently doing. I'm going to have to make a custom extension for, like, FriendlyCaptcha or something. But FriendlyCaptcha is from Switzerland, and they're probably going to say, Oh, no. How do Swiss people talk? They talk, like, really nasally and high-pitched. They're going to be like, oh, no, we can't be associated with you. And then all my time building that extension will be for fucking nothing. Because reCAPTCHA barely works, especially with Tor, and hCAPTCHA banned us. Because CAPTCHAs ban people now.
So don't change your voice?
Oh, okay, because I got you. I got you. Saying I have a high-pitched voice. Very funny. Very funny chat.
Unknown_02: Ah, let's see. I have some general news things to go over, and we can go over that, I guess.
I'm very distracted right now.
Unknown_02: So, good news for everybody around the world.
Unknown_17: But Joe Biden has found a man to deal with the monkeypox epidemic. And this man is a leather daddy, as they are called in the HIV plus community.
Unknown_17: I didn't mean to say it like that, but that's a pretty funny...
Unknown_17: Instead of just saying LGBTQ, just go HIV. In the HIV plus community.
This is him. This is his Instagram. Joe Biden took one look at this guy and thought, fuck yeah, I need him. I need me some of him to help with this ongoing crisis that we have. Is that like a pentagram on his... I don't know what that is. It looks like a pentagram from afar.
Unknown_17: Oh, it is a pentagram.
Unknown_17: pentagram leather straps wow very impressive the gay the hiv plus community is in good hands with this man uh he's also into the pup pup community i guess maybe not him he just fucks the pups that's creepy the dog thing that the gay people do is one of the creepiest fucking thing uh ever so yeah that's that's fun that's exciting
Um, I think I have nothing more to say about this. Except that it's really cringe. I didn't even pick up on the pentagram shit. That's funny.
Unknown_17: Yeah, I'm like a gay thing. I like to have gay butt sex with pups. And I like to get HIV. And I like to spread the HIV. And thank Satan, but there's a new virus around called monkey pox. And I get to get that and spread that too. With all my pups.
Unknown_17: This is a person in a position of government authority now in our dead gay country. Fantastic.
This is post-chat. Chinese cheese. What's Chinese cheese saying?
Unknown_17: Okay. Speaking of Ralph, I have some shit to say about Ralph. I don't know if he's still listening anymore. Let me see. I need to know how much to make fun of Ralph. If he's listening, it's going to be more.
Unknown_17: Josh Moonsnipe. Is he still listening?
Unknown_17: Oh, perfect. He is. Okay, wonderful. He might immediately mute us as soon as... I have four times his numbers on Odyssey, and he's on Cozy with Nick Fuentes' shit. How does he cope with that?
I don't think he does. That's why he's always so angry.
Unknown_17: This is Ralph apparently telling people that they should not make fun of the Jews on Cozy because it's not a good look. Can we get an optics check? Optics check, everybody. We have to get an optics check about these super chats coming in.
Unknown_13: This is me telling you personally.
Unknown_13: Don't send in ridiculous super chats about the Jews to me ever again. I'm telling you that now. If you do, I'm going to ban you from the chat. I'm going to ban you from the super chat. And I'm going to ban you every fucking time I see you. Do you understand me, fucker? I appreciate the support, but I'm done. I'm 100 million percent done. Do you fucking understand? That's funny.
If you can't hold the same type of decorum as all the other super chatters, then you need to get the fuck up out of here.
Unknown_13: Don't send in any fucking questionable super chat ever again, fucker.
What if this guy is super chat? I'm telling you now.
Unknown_17: Okay, Ralph, I'm unmuting you. What if they super chat?
Unknown_13: i mean i'm funny i can't help it josh ralph ralph i'm listening what did they say and by the way shout out to jskc because he's actually he's actually been a pretty good super chatter since then and we have some oh he's reformed he's a reformed jew chatterer thank god this guy is super telling you now okay ralph i'm unmuting you what did they super chat
Unknown_13: I don't know. It was something about... I don't remember now. Jews and semen.
Jews and semen. Okay, you can't say that Jews love semen, I guess. That's against the line.
Unknown_17: It reminds me of... There's this really famous thing from a movie called Guess Who's Back. Let me see if I can find this real quick. It's on the...
Unknown_17: I swear it was in general. Oh, no, it's in mass debates. It's in mass debates. Deutsch. I put it in the thread for the Germans to yell at each other in.
It's definitely not worth the amount of effort on spinning and getting this file.
Unknown_17: But I definitely I want to share. I feel compelled to know because I'm very much reminded of it. There's a moment where the gist of the movie is that Hitler has come back to life and he's walking around in Germany and everyone thinks that he's just like a Hitler impersonator. And they find this very funny for some reason. So they want to put him on television. But it's like the real Hitler. And right before he goes on television, he's talking to this very icy network executive who has a request for him regarding the content of what he's going to say on television. She says one thing is off limits for Mr. Hitler.
Only one thing, Mr. Hitler. We agree that the topic of Jews is not funny. You are absolutely right, Ms. Berliner.
Unknown_17: Says, say anything you want, but don't talk about the Jews. And it's like that. I guess. Ralph has learned his limit. Can people make fun of Queen Kefals, though? That's the real question. Okay, I want to continue to hear him yell about this guy. By the way, Ralph yelling at him completely fixed him. Now he knows that the topic of the Jews is not funny. And how right you are, Miss Ralph.
Do it! And change your name as well. Yeah, that's right. Change your fucking name. No, I don't want to hear it. So he's changed his name from Jews Stay Killing Christ to JSKC.
Unknown_17: And now it's kosher now.
Unknown_13: Oh my God, Ralph. Change your name. Anytime I see you with your name, I'm going to skip the super chat. I'm done. It's over. I'm done.
It's over and I'm done. Change your fucking name or get the fuck up out of here. Do you understand me? It's over.
Unknown_17: Either like, donate, or get the fuck out. And I don't want to see any of y'all with that horrifically offensive name chastising and slaundering God's chosen people. This is why the Anti-Defamation League was formed to begin with. Because of fake narratives, fake news, fake news farms like you saying that the Jews killed Christ. The fact of the matter is, and you listen to me. You listen to me when I tell you this. It was the Romans. You hear? It was the Romans that killed Christ. Jews ain't had nothing to do with it. The Pharisees were just knocking on them to the Romans.
You picked the wrong fucking time to come in with some bullshit. Don't fucking come up in here with that trash again. I'm telling you right fucking now.
Unknown_13: It was fun at first. Somebody in chat said, it's not fun anymore. It's fucking retarded. And if you want to be a retard, you need to get the fuck up out of here. Do you understand me?
You annoy me. You annoy everybody else in the chat. We don't like you. So you need to shape up or you need to fucking ship out. Do you understand? That's it. That's all I got to say to you, fucker.
Unknown_17: Nick Fuentes can talk about Jews, right? I'll listen to the rest of it because there's only 20 seconds left.
Unknown_13: Stephane says it was never fun. Yeah, you're actually right. It was never fun, but that's what somebody in chat said. It was never fun.
Unknown_13: I don't give a fuck about your $3. Get the fuck up out of my chat.
Or get right, one or the other.
Unknown_17: Okay, I have Nick Fuentes on Telegram. Let me look this up because he posted this just recently. Yeah, he was streaming.
Unknown_13: This is me telling you personally.
Unknown_17: He was streaming about the fight between the ZOA and the ADL because there is a question. What is it?
Unknown_17: Does ZOA just literally mean Zionists of America?
Unknown_17: coa jews zionist organization of america um and the argument is between the jews is that in all these two specific jewish organizations is that um
The ADL, I can't remember who's who, but one of them is against teaching, like, woke anti-white shit in school, and the other is not. So that's, like, raised some eyebrows in the wonderful anti-Semitic community, which I find myself forcefully injected into by the news, by the way.
Unknown_17: I don't know. Nick seems okay with it. I would be surprised that Ralph isn't.
Unknown_17: uh other other i guess i'm gonna be making fun of ralph with jim on saturday maybe i should say no i'll go through there'll be more people watching on saturday by the way that's still on as far as i'm aware uh tomorrow saturday the 17th um jim and i should be should be you can watch ralph he'll probably stream swipe it too he has to make that money he needs jksc throwing more tree fitties at him to make ends meet
Well, I'm old, but I'm not cringe.
Unknown_03: I'm turning 37 later this month.
Unknown_13: I can't even believe that.
Unknown_13: I did not think I would live to be that old, honestly.
Unknown_05: Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty surprised, too.
Unknown_17: There's so many, like, he likes to do this now where he has nothing to say and he has to fill, like, four hours. So he'll just, like, put on a song and then just, like, yell over it. Like, hold up. I can imitate this perfectly.
Here, you ready?
Unknown_03: That's right, chat.
Unknown_17: We stay winning, chat.
Unknown_03: Send me a super chat, chat.
Unknown_17: I sure love being on Cozy. And we're staying winning. And my boy Nick Fuentes.
Unknown_17: And Baked Alaska. Price is Kang. I made it to 37.
You have to find a nice black people song. I've been listening to that song, actually. I don't know what it is. Probably because it's nostalgia at this point. It's so old. That's right, chat. That's right.
Unknown_17: Pretty good for melanated music.
Unknown_17: One more thing. What's this? Four minutes long. What is this? Let me consult my notes. Why did I save this? It's very worth it.
Unknown_02: Listening to Ralph was grueling.
oh he's mad about the okay he's mad about the forum that makes it worth of them it was an actual thing in my life and so these people lying about that and making that a thing what's their lies by the way like there's no ifs ands or buts about it like they literally took glee and lying about my mother's death it's on um vimeo because the site was down
Unknown_13: and acting like I didn't see her by my own volition, and it wasn't CDC guidelines that kept me from seeing her, and try to make up shit about me not taking the vax and all this and that. It had nothing to do with the vaccine. There was a 10-day waiting period, courtesy, should I say, of the CDC, which didn't let you in to see anybody in a nursing home the first 10 days they were in there. Well, my mother died on the 10th day. And so they have this whole fucking... And they know it's not true, by the way.
But they put this shit out there about my mother.
Unknown_13: and about her death, you know what? That in and of itself, there wouldn't have to be anything else for me to say, burn it to the fucking ground. Fuck Josh Moon. I wouldn't care what happened.
Unknown_13: And you can take that however you want. I wouldn't give a fuck what happened to him at any time of day or any time of night. Him or his website or his family or anybody else. And that's what I really think. And that's my real position.
I don't think I've ever said that. I know how shitty the CDC guidelines are. I can believe that.
Unknown_17: The thing that I've made fun of Ralph for is that when he was doing his pill stream, he left the mic on overnight. His mom comes by and she says, I need you to drive me to dialysis. And he says, walk or something. And she's like, I can't walk. And he's like, it's not even hot outside.
And then he says, get a cab or an Uber. I'll get you an Uber because I'm still too drunk to drive at this moment. Like, that's what people make fun of him for. It's like his mom died shortly after that. It's like her last memories of him or him being like a pathetic waste who can't even drive her to dialysis because he's such a fat, useless piece of shit.
Unknown_17: um that's that's just the reality of the situation though that's not a hyperbole we have audio recordings of that my my basis of saying this is not you know speculation that's literally what happened i don't give a fuck about kiwi farms survival i don't give a fuck about josh moon's survival on this fucking earth
That's what I really think. You want to desecrate my mother's grave? You want to desecrate her memory? You want to fuck with my family, my children before they were even born? You want to fuck with my business? Fuck you. Burn in hell.
Unknown_17: hell you know what's really funny is i remember um he said he wasn't going to put any picture like the narrative on this changed randomly spastically and it's hard to say why but ralph after the first demon baby was born um he he said that he it was a mistake to put that information on the internet which it is you should never put that information about your family on the internet And he said that there would be no information about the second child. The second child would grow up in the privacy that a child deserves in the digital era. And I thought, well, that's a good thing.
And I was kind of wondering, I wonder how many months it will take for Ralph to backtrack that and to start posting pictures of a kid online.
Unknown_17: Like you said, he wasn't going to say the name. He wasn't going to say what gender it was. He wasn't going to post pictures of it. There would be no information about the second child ever. The fucking day of, he posts like a picture of the baby, one of the worst pictures made that's on the internet. And then like the baby's full name. and i i can only imagine that it was may the entire time like let's you know let's be smart about this let's not put this on the internet and then ralph is just like i have to prove haters wrong i have to get a leg up over the haters in any way possible and i'm going to use my own child to do this and then he gets mad and says that i'm hurting his family like bro you are the one who is putting your, your everything out on the internet. And then you get upset when people make fun of it. And it's like, yeah, people are going to make fun of you for everything because you're, it's, it's really funny when you chimp out like this.
That's what I fucking think. Fuck you.
Unknown_13: Fucking earth.
Unknown_13: That's my position and it's never going to fucking change.
Unknown_13: Fuck Josh Moon. Fuck Kiwi Farms. And fuck the horse they rode in on. And fuck any horse they try to ride from here on out.
Unknown_17: My dude, don't bring up horses anymore. Hold up. I still have this meme. I still have this meme to share. Where is it?
Don't do it, Ralph.
Unknown_17: Everybody, when you start talking about horses, one thing comes to mind and one thing only.
Unknown_13: That's what I think.
Unknown_13: And it's never going to change. And they made it that way.
Unknown_13: It wasn't me who did that.
Unknown_13: It was them who did that.
Unknown_13: And I will never regret the words that just came out of my mouth. And I will never change that position. I don't give a fuck. Yes, it's worth it to me. I don't give a mother fuck.
I hear people and they're like, oh, well, what if they come after Coach? First off, they're not.
Unknown_13: Second off, that's a risk I'm willing to take. I'm not gonna fucking defend a shithole that tried to destroy me, that tried to destroy the memory of my mother, that tried to fuck with my family. I don't give a fuck about some nebulous bullshit idea of internet goddamn fucking freedom. Fuck you. I wanna see you in the goddamn ditch. That's where I wanna see you.
I don't give a fuck.
Unknown_17: He's saying this because people made fun of him on the internet, just to refresh. And that's exactly the same complaint that fucking Keffels has. Like him and Keffels are, I don't, he needs to just fuck. He needs to fuck Keffels. I ship the Keffels Ralph thing. I think that ship should sail. The raffle ship. i think that that uh ralph and keffels are really soul mates uh much more so than may may is just like a come dump baby breeder for him uh okay the raffle ship would be a power couple for sure period burn in hell that's what i think of kiwi farms and it's never gonna change and they made it that way
They made it that way. They radicalized a nigga like me and it's never coming back.
Unknown_13: Piss on their grave. Piss on Josh Moon's grave. Fuck his drunk mama. Fuck his daddy. Why did he, I want to see him hollering.
Unknown_17: Why did he put the cozy thing on top of it? I really want to see him like red in the face screaming my name.
Unknown_13: Cock sucker, who we know who it is. By the way, they banned me when I went into their chat, posting that, posting his Facebook. Fuck you, motherfucker. You talk about a family emergency? Good. I'm glad. I hope you have more family emergencies. I hope your family fucking has the worst. Let's just put it that way. I don't give a fuck about you. I don't give a fuck about any of these people. Fuck all you motherfuckers. Burn in hell.
That's very funny. Imagine what it must take to drive someone like that to say those kinds of things.
Without even doing anything, I've done literally nothing to Ralph besides make fun of him on the internet. And he's that mad about it, just impotently screaming about me. To the point where now... he has to like to even drum up content for his fucking to feed himself and to feed to pay alimony or child support he has to like watch me make fun of him so that he can get super chats from jews jews keep killing christ or whatever it sounds like this it really it really reminds me that
Unknown_17: I have a really funny, magical site where silly things happen every day, and it's worth preserving, and it's worth getting up to keep fucking around to find a way to make it work, because if I don't...
Magical things like this will stop happening, and the world will be a poorer place because of it. So even though times are hard, chat, we must sally forth. We must ride in on our high horse, on Ralph's high horse, and we have to find a way to make it work because it's worth it, chat. It's worth it.
Unknown_17: Speaking of, this is the last Ralph thing, kind of.
Unknown_17: PPP and Andy Worski posted pictures of them, or posted pictures of gear, like outdoors gear, and I thought that they were going to, like, go out in the Canadian wilderness, and they were going to, like...
uh just go camping or something and do like an andy warsky camping trip with ppp and that sounds like real content that sounds like it would turn into some blair witch shit real fast out there in the the woods of alberta or wherever the fuck um unfortunately it's slightly less interesting uh ppp took a fucking drone and went out to the swamps of the united states Which means, in case you're wondering, unless the border guard didn't check, that means PPP and Andy Worska are both vaccinated if they went to the U.S. because there is no way into the U.S. without being vaccinated. So I don't know. People keep saying that the border guards just don't care, but I don't know how verifiable that is.
Unknown_17: But here you go.
Unknown_17: I'm maternally owned. This is going to be hard to get past. Crying laughing emoji, lol. I own property in multiple states, and this fat fuck can't even keep the heat on during the winter. By the way, be careful posting that to YouTube, guys. I'll be sure if you don't know this or not, but that's against their terms of service.
It's amazing to me that the cozy people...
Unknown_17: are so shameless about flagging. Because that's how Ralph made his career. Like, if you don't know this, Ralph made his entire career on a stream with Jim where his co-host Zidane humiliated a man named Monday Matt for flagging people's videos. And Jim made Monday Matt grovel for forgiveness.
In years later, he does the same shit and worse just constantly. He's unable to tolerate people making fun of him or making fun of the fact that his claim, like he keeps saying that he's well off because he owns Swampland out in fucking Mississippi, like the worst goddamn state in the entire country in terms of like, do you, I mean, it's perfect for him. It's full of black people. It's hot as fuck and it's full of black people. So whatever. I guess he would be happy. I don't know. You know what's funny? I think... I want to say that Nick Fuentes has been one of the least antagonistic people towards the forum in this entire process. So I don't know... I don't know why... He would think that he would be celebrating. He's never made it ambiguous in the past if he liked me or liked the forum or not. So it's strange to see him so reserved. Correct me if I'm wrong. I could be wrong. Only Ralph is really super happy about it.
Nick has been smart enough to mostly shut up. Yeah, I think that's mainly because it's not even that he's not happy that the site is down. It's that I think that he doesn't want to be in that Ralph position where Ralph is just gobbling up the axe wound, and it's really embarrassing. to be someone like Ralph and to be, like, on all fours for a tranny. And Nick doesn't want to look like that because it's embarrassing. So he's kind of trying to take a higher road and to not look like he's completely co-signed tranny shit because that would be pathetic.
I don't think it's, like, a free speech thing at all.
Unknown_17: Because Nick Fuentes isn't free speech. He's basically outlined that he only supports free speech insofar as it helps him accomplish a monarchy. I don't think he's a monarchist. He wants to be in a theocratic state where the Pope is king or some shit. Some retarded shit like that. He wants to be in Saudi Arabia, but for Christians or something.
So, yeah.
Unknown_17: Whatever. I don't know.
Unknown_17: It has made me think maybe Nick is smarter than I used to think.
Unknown_00: Maybe just a little bit.
Unknown_17: Because... Though, I will say, Destiny's, I said this before, but Destiny has, like, fake supporting. I don't think Destiny gives a fuck. He's just saying, like, maybe I should donate to the Kiwi Farms, or maybe I should help out the Kiwi Farms. Ha ha. But it's mostly, like, he's just saying shit that has no commitment attached, no money attached, no actual value attached, that will still cause people to freak out and drive viewers to his streams and shit. I think it's mostly just, like, outrage.
Raking and shit Catholic Yeah, that is the Ralph stuff I do have another tab on my Firefox Oh, okay, so in regards to Trying to think of how to word this right now because it is I
It's strange. You know, before I get into that, let me post this, because I think this is a softer introduction than... You know, I'll just get it straight from the source. I'll break my rule for a second, and I'll give attention to someone who I usually don't, because I know they want attention, but it's very interesting.
Unknown_02: Why did this not work? Oh, there has to be a slash there for that to work.
Unknown_02: Okay.
Not said anything since then.
Unknown_17: But this got 25,000 plays. A lot of people looked at this, including, by the way, Vice Media. I've been busy. This is Jim Watkins. By the way, if you want to know what's happened to Jim Watkins, this footage to me is like surreal. This guy is on like a zero viewer live stream on something called Tiger Network, the night owl news with like two fucking nobodies. on like the worst podcast ever and he just looks like a mess in a hotel room and it's so bizarre like this whole thing it's like these are the people that he's now associated with um it's kind of striking to me but this is a very short clip that i'll play yes i did oh i went to the airport picked up a network card that somebody delivered to me physically then then i went to uh
and i went to here here i am now here here i am then then wow collected a lot of dust on my laptop ah then um
Unknown_17: And here I am. No, Hot Wheels is Frederick Brennan. Jim Watkins is the guy who is an ex-pornographer who owns a pig farm in the Philippines that bought it from Frederick and did the hostile takeover of HM.
Unknown_04: Postings should come back today. We're just figuring out what the problems are.
Unknown_04: We're having some horse issues.
Unknown_01: Hmm.
Unknown_04: And it might be because I purchased Kiwi Farms over there and Banwa is so busy.
Play that again. We're having some horse issues.
Unknown_01: Hmm.
Unknown_04: And it might be because I purchased Kiwi Farms over there and Banwa is so busy now, you know, so what have you. Okay.
Unknown_04: You made Van Wartek very busy, so get out there and go, go, go, Van Wartek.
Unknown_04: Go.
Unknown_01: That sounds like go, go, gadget.
Go get it Can you like tell there's like maybe ten brain cells between all three of these fucking people the the dude operating the livestream doesn't know what the fuck he's doing I'm looking at like a random page and then He's talking about like technology and shit and the woman has nothing to add to this and says go go gadget and then he just repeats that and laughs and
Unknown_17: It's like all of these people are high on pills or something. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but it's a sad state of affairs.
Unknown_17: I actually got reached out to by Vice because of this, and I'll read this story. This guy contacted me, and I gave him a line because I hadn't seen the video, and I thought it was interesting.
Unknown_17: I knew what it was going to be about. It was going to be about 8chan and not me, so...
Unknown_17: i gave him a message uh he by the way i told him that this is wrong and he still ran it so whatever the fuck uh this is from vice news from david gilbert qn and celebrity and eight-gun owner jim watkins claims he bought kiwi farms kiwi farms a props to him for making it two words instead of one
Matthew Prince couldn't figure that out. Kiwi Farms, a far-right hate site whose members viciously target and harass people online, was taken offline earlier this month. Jim Watkins, the owner of Acorn and one of the people who facilitated the rise of QAnon to become a global conspiracy movement, claims that he has purchased Kiwi Farms. Watkins made this claim during an episode of a conspiracy-filled internet show. Sigh. I'm going to send this to him in the email right now. Let's see. There is David Gilbert.
It should be. Oh, there it is. I'm looking at it.
Unknown_02: But hey, hey, I just wanted to let you know that the internet is a proper noun.
Unknown_17: Thank you.
Unknown_17: All right. Watson made this claim during an episode of a conspiracy-filled internet show where he regularly makes appearances. On Thursday night, Watkins told those watching that he was busy trying to bring his own site, ItCon, back online after he'd been knocked offline earlier this week. He also claimed that some of the issues ItCon were experiencing could be because I purchased Kiwi Farms. Watkins offered... What's this a link to? Oh, it's a link to the Frederick tweet.
Watkins offered no further details about his claim. Kiwi Farms, a far-right hate site whose members viciously target and harass people online, was taken offline earlier this month after a high-profile campaign by trans activist Clara Keffel Sorrenti, who had been harassed, doxxed, and swatted by members of the Kiwi Farms forum.
Unknown_17: Friday morning, when asked by Vice News if Watkins' claim was accurate, the owner and operator of the farms, Josh Moon, simply said no. He added that Watkins was just trying to cause me problems and described him as a failed pornographer and turned free speech grifter, which is true.
He also addressed the issue on the Telegram channel while making fun of Watkins. To the evil person who accepted Bitcoin from this elderly person and sold him a piece of napkin with owner of Kiwi Farms written on it in crayon, you should be ashamed of yourself. It's not fair to take advantage of our society's most vulnerable.
Unknown_17: So, I am unhappy about this, just in general. Because, if you don't know, VanWa is like a DDoS mitigation company.
Unknown_17: owned by a guy called nick the limb and i have strong negative opinions about nick the limb and one of those opinions is that i never feel like i'm talking to a person when i talk to him he's very he's a very strange guy and when i talk to people from other companies and i mention him they all know who he is and they all say yeah he's a weirdo so i know it's not just my my weird opinion about him and i don't i don't mean to be too rough because he is providing services right now but um
If his other customer is saying that he owns my site and he's also on VanLaw and he's also saying that he owns VanLaw, then it puts me in a precarious predicament because I don't want to have anything near Jim Watkins.
Unknown_17: so I was going to show a video where Nick is there was a debate between him and Martin Shrelly years and years ago before Martin Shrelly went to jail he was still fighting that case in federal court and Nick joins and he's like I have to find it I have to find it and show it to you because it's very bizarre Nick clip from Jim no no that's from
No, I swear Oh this founder and see what does it say founder and ceo of athena Say whatever you want.
Unknown_15: I mean, so i'm curious what kind of a company i'll come in here. I'll bring some truth to it. So basically What kind of company is a female there?
Unknown_16: If you want me to talk and let me talk i'm going to show you something Oh a little saucy. What kind of company is that?
Unknown_17: Shrelly is the guy who's like kind of laid back and assertive and the guy who's like, let me talk. Let me talk I want to bring some facts and logic to this. That's nick. That's the family guy So we're going to So basically I'm just going on linkedin i'm looking for
employees of this company, AthenaWare.
Unknown_15: Huh. Well, let me talk. I'm making some critical points. So we have this guy who goes on national TV. No, no, I'm asking you about, let's talk about AthenaWare first.
Unknown_16: Let's talk about AthenaWare first, Nick. How many people work at AthenaWare?
Unknown_15: Hold on, real quick.
Unknown_16: Let's get the head.
Unknown_14: This is very long, and I think the intro is kind of harsher. And that, after listening to both sides, fairly, both sides present their case. And I think that a rational person would expect...
Unknown_14: Regardless of your opinion, but a large rational person would expect to make their decision after hearing both sides. You talk about objectivity. That is why we do a trial neck.
Great. I'm really glad that you touched on that topic, because actually what I did is I came in here advocating for you first, but then once I did both, we just had to find out both sides of the case.
Unknown_14: I've never presented my side.
Unknown_15: It is in favor of the government. Nick, I've never presented my case. You know what? I'm really actually very, very glad that you made that point, because the first time I came in here, I was actually an advocate of yours. Nick, I've never presented the defense to my criminal case.
Unknown_15: Well, you said I came in here, I asked for your points, and I actually gave you favor to doubt on this. I came into the situation giving you support, advocacy, without even looking at the government's case. So what I did is I took your case first, I supported it without rationale. Nick, when did I defend myself?
The entire argument, it's an hour and 45 minutes where...
Unknown_17: Martin says, you haven't seen my case because I'm building my case and it will be presented at trial. And I can't give you any information right now because I'm in legal issues. And then he says, I can't support your point because I've come in here fairly and objectively and I disagree. And I think that you're in the wrong. And Martin says, again, how can you be so sure if you have not seen my case? And he says, show me your case. And he says, I can't because it's going to trial. You'll have to wait for it to go to trial. And then Nick will also say, I have looked at this objectively and fairly, and I think that you are in the wrong. And this is how it goes on for an hour and 45 minutes. And that is the guy who is keeping 8chan alive right now.
He's also providing a server for the forum, but I don't know.
My issue with Nick is that he's Chinese, and I don't know where he gets his business sense from, but I come to him with an issue. I say, I need a Layer 7 DDoS mitigator.
Unknown_17: And what does he tell me? He says, you need to sell your hardware and move the Kiwi Farms onto our cloud. I say, I'm not going to do that. I like my hardware. I like my data center. I like having my own internet resources. I just need a Layer 7 DDoS mitigator.
Unknown_17: And he says, you shouldn't sell your internet resources and all your hardware and move everything completely onto Vanua because we have a global CDN and you should put everything on our servers. I keep telling him I'm not doing that. And then he says, you should also move your kiwifarms.net to my domain registrar because we have a bulletproof domain registrar. I say, I'm not going to do that either.
I just need a layer 7 DDoS mitigator. And he just says, again and again, you should sell everything that you have and move everything onto my computers. And you should move your domain onto my registrar. And you should also sell your internet resources.
Unknown_17: And then I start yelling at him and I get racist and I call him Chinese. And I say, your chink business negotiation skills are not impressing me any. You're trying to upsell me when you haven't even made your initial sale. And he doesn't respond to this at all. And he just says, yeah, you should definitely move on to our global CDN. And I'm like, am I talking to like a fucking helper bot that shows up on the bottom right hand screen when you're on a website? Like, what the fuck are you?
But eventually I managed to get a computer.
Unknown_17: Found the right numbers and again, it's very helpful because he his VPS has something that I need right now And it's difficult to find But not too difficult Not too difficult. I can't replace it So it really needs to yell at Jim and say hey stop saying that you own Vanua and stop saying that you own Kiwi farms you fucking demented Pill head what the fuck are you what the fuck is wrong with you? So was the site fucked I think the sites up right now, you know, I
Yeah, sites up right now. You might have some issues connecting to it every so often because of how the KiwiMeshTM is working, but that's the situation.
Unknown_17: So Frederick runs a podcast, by the way. I don't know if Bad at the Internet is the other one that he does or what, but I think he does a podcast with a guy called Naya Ukami.
Naya Ukami. Naya goes a-woo-oo.
Unknown_17: this this is the guy i shit you not this is the guy who did the meme where he says on all layers except physical i am the wolf it's the same person it's the exact same guy from that meme he's still a wolf he goes a woo apparently um and he is or was involved in drop kiwi farms and he's a friend of frederick breman and does a podcast with him as i said so he says here
Unfortunately, Kiwi Farms is back online somewhat reliably. If you're engaging with the .ST registry, please contact me to be provided a document regarding violations of the law by Kiwi Farms and its owner for use in such communications. CC Brennan, I'm actively working on a solution to keep them offline. Please bear with me. If you have contacts with any other providers interested in what laws they've violated, who will generally take a look at evidence, reach out to me.
Unknown_17: I'm aware of multiple violations of U.S. federal law, of laws abroad. I've contacted relevant law enforcement agencies, I'm in registrars, registries, blah, blah, blah. And the complaint that he lodged, which I got a copy from one of the people he sent it to, is that years ago there was a saga of the zoo sadists.
If you do not remember, there was a telegram leak from a group called the Zoosatis.
Unknown_17: That's what they called themselves. And it was a group of people who shared and produced original animal torture videos. They were either interested in or aroused by videos of animals being killed. The outcome of that was that the furry fandom, one of the people in it was a high-profile furry named Kiro the Wolf.
He was basically shamed into nonexistence.
Unknown_17: A pedophile animal torturer named Snake Thing, who is one of the worst, he would see an animal being tortured, and he would go, ooh-woo, that's totes adorbs. Literally, like a fucking monster. Genuinely mentally unwell. Has no place in society, monster. Replying to videos of animals being bisected, saying, ooh-woo, so cute, ooh-woo.
Unknown_17: Um, he got arrested for molesting his nephew and that was something that we found on the forum. And, uh, also for the production of animal torture shit.
Uh, I think animal cruelty charges. It's on his thread. I can actually just show you this. Um, cause I blocked the URL. We host an archive of the, uh, zoo SATA shit.
Unknown_17: Because people were pouring through it and looking at the text logs and stuff.
Unknown_17: And it did have the videos. But now if you try to access it, you will get a message.
Unknown_02: This is what the message looks like, assuming that the site wants to load for me this time.
Though it may just get stuck in the loop again. Yeah, if it's stuck, it's just, if you just go to archive slash zoosatism, it's 403 denied. And it explains what the content of the archives were. Actually, Levi Simmons, I can link that in, I think. No, oh, there it is. 403 access denied. You're seeing this error because you accessed the zoosatism archive, which is a copy of Telegram group. The content was reviewed. It led to several arrests, including Levi Simmons and Ruben Pernas. And Ruben Pernas was wolf. He was even worse. He posted pictures of himself with a wooden stake covered in ants, and he raped a puppy to death with it. And then years later, this fucking guy, and he's out of the Drop Kiwi Farms thing now, and I'll explain that in a second, but it's like you look through this and you use this as a point against us to try and take down the site, and you know that it resulted to a fucking pedophile being arrested and an animal torturer being disappeared by the Cuban government. The wolf shit, he was Cuban, and we thought there's no way that a Cuban national is going to get in trouble for anything. But people reported it to an animal rights group in Cuba who gave it to government authority, and he's just gone. Nobody knows what's happened to Wolf. Chances are he's probably in a hospital on Thorazine. He's never going to wake up from that, but...
It's like, how fucking dare you try to use this to shut down the site? So I did block it because it's like, I don't want to disseminate the video footage. But nobody pointed that out to me before I started to use that as a thing to try and shut down the site.
So that's one thing. And the other one, I actually have a copy of this somewhere.
Unknown_02: Let's see. Complaint example PDF.
Unknown_17: Let's see. 1, 2, 3, 4 are all... Zeus hates himself. 5 and 6 are... Oh, and 7 and 8 are all related to manifestos and videos from shootings.
And then he just says vaguely that...
Unknown_02: It harasses people.
Unknown_17: So besides, because as you said, it was a fair point that video stuff can, like all the Telegram stuff has been screen capped and posted into regular thread, so there's no point in having the archive up anymore, besides to give people a way to download the videos. So I disabled that with that knowledge. But the other stuff, it's just like whatever. It's just people complaining.
and then He removed this from the copy he sent me so but this was the document by the way that had The Medicare bathtub boy to video and I can just show you this If I go to the archive I should be able to just pull this up this he removed this from his later copies, but I
Unknown_17: Go to Mr. Medicare.
Unknown_17: And then Bathtub Boy 2.
Unknown_17: Electric Molestaboo is what I think it's called. Yep, it is.
Unknown_17: And all it is is it's fucking Jim talking about Ross, Jonathan Ross. There is no child abuse in this fucking video. It was hosted on YouTube for years. But he uses it just by the name because his expectation was that someone was going to read the name Bathtub Boy 2, Electric Molesteroo, and not even bother to look at it because it's like, oh, my God, that's blatantly child pornography when it's really just a video of Medicare talking about shit that's completely safe for work.
That's like on its face a fucking lie but he took that out because it was bullshit and Yeah, that's that's like the complaint levied against the forum at this point But this guy has
Unknown_17: And I don't know, this could be bullshit. I'm not going to like put too much thought into it. He's contacted me and he said that Keffels is just, and Frederick has said this in public too, but he said that Keffels is just in it for money and for clout.
Unknown_17: And it's like, yeah, you think? Like every time, every time, without exception, anytime anything happens to the forum, any service drops, I say anything on Telegram, Keffels posts some shit on Twitter and says, we did it. I did it. I got this taken down. I got this taken down. It was me. And it's like, it's the funniest shit. Because you have this movement of dozens of people, maybe even hundreds of people. You've got people who are Jewish, you've got people who are black, you have Mexicans, you have Indians, you have Asians, you have all sorts of people, all walks of life, who are much more technically competent, legally competent, politically connected, press connected, who are helping Kefals accomplish this. But anytime anything happens, it's, I did it. All the money and all the credit from all the journalists goes to the fat white Italian dude who loves the smashed MILF box. Basically a fat white straight Italian who just so happens to have no penis is the guy who gets all the money and all the credit. And it's like, yeah, surprise, he doesn't give a fuck about you. You mean nothing to him.
Kefos would take a child by the nape and drown him in a bathtub of HRT if it would get his thread deleted from the internet. He does not give a fuck. A trans child, nonetheless. He does not give a fuck. It's all about money. And it's been obvious forever.
just his behavior his attention sinking mannerisms his narcissistic posting behavior like he would crush your skull under his boot to get you out of his fucking way even if you're on his side if you were obstructing him in some way so congrats on figuring that out I guess um but yeah it's like yeah told you
That's why we have a giant threat on them.
Unknown_17: But, you know, it's strange to, like, renege on this and say, oh, well, we don't support this anymore. It's like, why?
Unknown_17: I thought that I thought we had this document here that says that, you know, we're hosting animal torture shit and we're killing people and we're harassing minorities. We're a far right hate site and we host child pornography under the Mr. Medicare bathtub boy to name. Is this all wrong now? Because it's not because Keffels is incidentally a psychopath who is just trying to make money off your dumb asses. Is this undone or does it not matter anymore? Did it only matter when you had the potential of getting money and clout from protesting the site?
It's so frustrating.
Unknown_17: At least Ralph is consistent. Ralph just hates me. He hates the site because it makes fun of him. And he says, yeah, that fucking Kiwi Farms makes fun of me and says shit about people that I like. And I don't like them. Simple as that. I want it taken down. Meanwhile, everybody else is like, actually, it's like really problematic about like the HIV plus community and the people of gender and.
It's caused 87 suicides and has executed one by guillotine. It's really quite terrible. It has to be taken down. Kind of gay.
Unknown_02: Never matter. No. Never matter.
Unknown_02: But, yeah.
Unknown_02: HIV plus two. Six thousand. Six million HIV suicides. I don't even know. I feel like I've lost all the momentum to even complain anymore. Because it's stupid. It's so stupid.
Oh, and one more thing.
Unknown_17: If there's one thing that Troons hate more than anything, besides women, it's female to males. Female to male transsexuals are something that, and you'll see this a lot. There's one person in particular who is, I've done a stream on them. They hate the forum. They've been talking and trying to bring down the site all throughout this, and they receive zero credit. For anything. Kefals doesn't even mention this person. Because. They are female to male transsexual. And people. The truant community hates. Female to males because they pass better. They get all the implicit advantages. Of being trans gives you. In terms of like public sympathy and shit. And they're still real women.
So it's like a triple whammy. It's like you are everything I hate. You're everything I wish to be. That I fucking hate.
uh so they they get ignored yeah begs it's one thing well yes but the the fact is that they're women and they also um are trans but they pass is the thing female to males pass better which also pisses them off
Unknown_17: It's funny. I was reading stories about... It kept getting posted on the Telegram group, I think. But it was a female to male. And they were complaining because... I think they're like an older teenager or something. But they're female to male. They took testosterone. And now they pass perfectly. But...
They're like 5'2 or something.
Unknown_17: And they just get treated as like a feminine little boy as opposed to like a man. But they're in the kitchen with real men, right? And the real men are like being gross and chauvinistic as they are. Like, oh, look at her. She's a nice piece of ass. And it makes this female to male really uncomfortable because it's like, wait a second. Is this how men talk to each other? Is this what they do? They just like point out random women on the street and say, yeah, I would like to have sex with her. And they're like scared by this. This revelation has intimidated them. And I think a lot of female to males just expect like.
their their life as a man is like their yaoi comics where like the men are like intensely passionate for one another and they're they're sort of like smooth and romantic and they wine and dine each other and it's just like the intensity of like two um
like i don't know spanish like you know the meme about like the spanish dancer who has like the rose in his mouth and that's like the icon of like intense passion and romance they they're yaoi comics are like that you have these two spaniards who are like into each other and they're both super super romantic and fiery and and intense and then they become a man and they try to get into one of these relationships and the guys are just like gross perverts and then they hook up um with a guy who wants to actually have sex with them and they're either gay and don't want to fuck them because uh they're not into vaginas at all or they're like a gross redditor who they don't want to have sex with anyways and that's life that's life and as funny as it seems What? I can't talk about Spanish. It's like a trope.
Unknown_17: It's like a trope that Spaniards are really intense and passionate and shit. I know what they're thinking. I know what they're thinking when they think of what gay love is like. But no, gay love is going to a club and drinking piss and getting monkey pox and shit. It's not actually two Spanish guys with a passion so hot it can melt metal. It's like...
a bunch of dudes in dog leather masks getting fucked in the ass and drinking shit out of like a cup it's like it's gross they they eat shit they get shit on their dick they get drunk and they have anonymous sex in glory hole bathrooms the average gay male has 80 fucking partners in their life it's not romantic it's gross it's vile that's how they like it
Those poor fem cells becoming femtoms.
Unknown_02: Fems.
Unknown_02: Tragedy chat.
Unknown_02: Basically rough.
Unknown_17: Spaniards are very gay. You're correct. Okay.
Unknown_17: Alright, fuck it. I'm done. Did I miss anything? Oh! I have good news, actually. Let me find this real quick.
Unknown_17: Ralph is still watching me. I'm impressed. I thought he would tune out by now.
Let's see.
Unknown_02: Let's see if I can find this.
Unknown_02: Let's see if I can find this. I said allowed.
Unknown_02: Animal control.
Sorry, dead air. I'm trying to find a specific video.
Unknown_17: I didn't intend to talk about this, but I figure I might as well, because it's a little bit of uplifting news, and I think people would enjoy hearing about this.
Unknown_17: We all need some uplifting news right now.
Unknown_17: So during the downtime, I've been browsing poll because there's been like 40 million fucking threads made about Kiwi farm stuff. And one of the things that I saw that was interesting to me, I won't say funny because it was not, but there's a thread on the Kiwi farms about the monkey torture people. And I mentioned zoo sadism, sadism already, which reminds me of this, but there's a group of people called like 1 million or something.
uh million pity baby monkey hate zero chan they hate they i i am convinced that these people are pedophiles because the only because like there's a link between the monkey torture shit and the the child porn groups that jim talked about and
Unknown_17: it makes sense because like pedophiles are really about hurting people they like innocence and they're like hurting innocent things and like having total control and you get that with a child and you get to a lesser extent you get that with an animal but with a monkey it's like nobody's going to know their kids missing and it's just an easier thing to have control over so a lot of these people it's easier to share these videos it's hard to share child pornography but it's easy to share monkey torture they do it on the clear net by the way speaking of websites that are just fine on the internet There is zero chance of a place to share your monkey torture pornography with each other. Is that even hosted by Cloudflare? Let's look that up real quick. Who's hosting the monkey torture site, I wonder?
Let's see.
Unknown_02: That looks like a Cloudflare IP to me. Let me double check.
Unknown_17: I don't want to be wrong here.
Unknown_17: Oh, Cloudflare, wonderful. So the worst site that Matthew Prince has ever seen is the Kiwi Farms, but they just stand by the monkey torture people. Isn't that fascinating, Chad? If you want to talk about trannies, uh-uh, that's terrorism. That's an imminent threat to human life. Torturing monkeys and sharing groups to child pornography, well... If there's no court order, I guess we can't do anything about it. Isn't that wonderful? Maybe the tranny should invest their time into chasing. No, that would be too useful to actually do something about like people who hurt innocent people. Then they would implode. If they did that, if they weren't to chase down people who are hurting animals and children, they'd have to fucking eat each other at the neck. Huh? Interesting.
Um, but these people hate us because, uh, people on the forum are trying to dox animal torturers and they don't want to be dox because they're freaks and they don't want to be exposed to the public for being, uh, animal torturing freaks and pedophiles. So they don't like us. And there were a lot of people on poll, I noticed, who were posting in the Kiwi Farms thread saying, this is a leftist hive of doxing and communism and trannies, and we should not support them. And they were posting monkey torture shit in the thread. So I know that in the house of cards that I had built up, there are the winds of the trannies.
Unknown_17: The journos and of the band people and then there's also people like the monkey torture people and all these people have the same Common goal to bring down the site. So I know for a fact That these people are stirring up shit. They're posting on fucking posts to try and get people to hate the Kiwi farms They're posting on poll trying to get people to hate the Kiwi farms and they're probably involved in some of the the tech stuff against the site too, but all that While it does reaffirm my commitment to keep the site up, I do have... Oops, that is not what I wanted.
I meant to post a video that I had. It happened this week, I think.
I can't take direct credit for this like I could with the um or we rather I had no part of this but the foreign people were watching this closely this happened on Wednesday and the monkey torture stuff is mostly in Southeast Asia because that's where the monkeys are but here we go where is it I'll show show their faces there they are
Unknown_17: to people who torture monkeys and post videos on the internet because they either get off to it or they make money doing it and they are going to jail i think the term for what they've been arrested for is eight years in jail but they're going to jail in like indonesia so monkeys are in chicago different different different uh species sir they like the little monkeys
Unknown_17: They're currently awaiting trial, but if they get sentenced, it'll be eight years in Indonesian jail, and let's assume that they even lived through it, which, to be fair, to be honest, I kind of hope they don't.
Why are monkeys being tortured, bro? Come on, man, because it gets people off.
Unknown_17: It's very sick people who do not belong in our society off.
Unknown_17: Their faces have been on TV. Yeah, I'm sure that's intentional. They're not protecting them in any way.
Unknown_17: So it's all worth it. Oh, the screwdrivers? Yeah, that's fucked up. They're showing the devices and stuff that they confiscated that are present in the videos. Yeah, that's real fucked up.
Unknown_17: Good on the Indonesians for doing something. Even in the third world countries, they don't tolerate this shit.
I understand why the monkey torture people are really, really bothered. I can't believe the Kiwu farms are so upset about tree rats. Fucking leftist commies.
Unknown_17: Boohoo chat. I'm crying big boohoo sob sob tears for all the niggas out there complaining about shit.
Unknown_17: hope they file some more reports to my host in memory alright that's it on that note I have I'm gonna go through the superchats I don't think I have anything else to say I've been working I've been busy trying to keep my shit up and yeah I'll go through the superchats oh jeez they changed their thing
position filters green okay um yeah let's see on the stream as far as like the regular content is so if you want to stick around for the super chats and the outro song i do appreciate it uh let me just make sure actually did i miss anything chat would anybody at this point like to bring something to my attention that i might have missed you can still super chat it's not over yet
Unknown_02: Josh, you should stop being fat. Maybe one day.
Unknown_02: It is... Cloudflare hosts so much fucked up shit that it's so embarrassing they have to pretend that the Kiwi Farms is, like, especially bad by any standards.
Uh... Oh...
Unknown_02: Actually, there is the Trisha Paytas baby.
Unknown_02: Actually, I did miss stuff.
Unknown_02: Sorry, my brain was scattered.
Unknown_17: I have notes everywhere. I do not get the opportunity to organize as much as I would like to these days.
Unknown_17: Let me... Here, I want to watch a video with you guys. There is a TERF... Sorry, this is not Super Chat time anymore. I backed out of it.
There is a TERF who makes fun of trannies.
Unknown_17: In particular... Actually, do you guys remember? I talked about this. There was a...
Unknown_17: There was a particular tranny who is named like Daniel something. And his TikTok videos are like, this is my first day as a girl and I bought a purse. So now I'm a woman.
Unknown_17: This person has like 7 million followers on TikTok. And this person... There is a TERF in particular who makes fun of this guy and puts out videos on like 8 million different alt accounts that are just... It's her in like reverse drag. She's like in...
She's, she's a real woman who's dressed as a man dressed as a woman. And you'll see what I mean. Cause there's a couple seconds of it in this video, but this has been going on and on and her fit. She's been docs. She got fired from dominant. I actually, I did mention this. I mentioned that she got fired from dominoes and, um,
Unknown_17: Her family doesn't talk to her anymore because they all support trans rights, and she's just on the internet doing her troll thing. And the guy finally responded, and it's like five minutes, but it's pretty funny, so we'll listen to it. This is her act, by the way. You can see she contours her face and adds tone to it, adds facial hair, and basically just tries to look like a man. It adds lots of different contour shadows so that...
She looks more masculine, but also like a man trying to wear too much makeup to look like a woman. This is pretty good, actually. Oh, the video's not showing. Okay, my bad. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. I'm fixing it.
Unknown_17: Uh, okay. There you go. My journey as a trans woman and does skits making fun of what's his face and what's his face actually responded. And it's a, it's a pretty terrible response, which is why I'm showing it. It's like five minutes long too, by the way.
Hey guys, it's day four of being a girl.
Unknown_11: Hello. First of all, I would never open my video saying, Hey guys. So you got that part wrong. Second of all, I don't know your name and that really bothers me because when I talk to someone I like to know their name. And third of all, I know that this is what you want. You want me to respond, you want me to react, you want attention. And I've seen your videos for a few weeks, if not months now. I didn't have time to respond to those. I was really busy, you know, auditioning to be in movies and now I actually just walked as a model in New York Fashion Week on a runway. So sorry I didn't get to you sooner.
That is the most, like, pathetic fucking thing I've ever heard. You can tell... I can tell without...
Unknown_17: Any context, any context whatsoever, I bet you $100 this person lives in L.A. because that is the most L.A. thing you could ever possibly fucking say. Sorry, I was too busy auditioning for movies. Like, okay, yeah, so is everybody else in L.A., buddy, buckaroo. You better get fucking lying because so is half your miserable fucking city.
Um, but what you're doing, I think is comedy in your mind. It's, you know, I see that you're putting a lot of time and energy and, um, you know, maybe even money. I saw you buy some of those heart shaped sunglasses that I love to wear. So obviously I influenced you to buy something. Um, but you're doing all those things to mock me. Um, more specifically, you just kind of, I think lived in LA now lives in New York.
Unknown_17: Easy, easiest, easy game, easiest game in the world.
Unknown_11: trans people which you can make fun of my voice or my outfits or you know my personality as much as you want but you don't get to mock my identity um yeah we do yeah we do chat yeah we do you don't get you don't get to mock my identity i do it every fucking day and you'll have to shoot me in the fucking head to get me to stop making fun of your gross masquerade bro I think you believe that I'm taking away from your womanhood when babe I am here to support you in any way I can and that's why I wanted to give you some advice on you know this career path of you being a comedian or maybe you want to be on SNL I don't know what your whole gimmick is but the fact that all of your comedy is so lowbrow and it's sort of the low like the la mindset is or what i guess they're both in la and that's the worst la and new york you're just fucked then it's like are you trying to like be a comedian you're trying to get on snl like no i'm making fun of you because you disgust me but you're not going to get into a movie doing that adam sandler is not going to put that in his movies like you have to you have to think long term what kind of movie you're trying to get what kind of movie you're trying to get into
This form of comedy, in my opinion, and you have a few people that enjoy your videos right now, but that's not going to last for very long.
It's actually it's gotten old already. And I'm actually I'm very glad that you're doing it to me and not to another trans person because I'm OK right now. I really my life is going very well. I feel pretty happy. But if you had made this video while I was maybe depressed or, God forbid, suicidal, that could be really effed up. And that would be on you. That would be evil.
Unknown_17: No, no. If you kill yourself, it's your fault. That's why it's called suicide and not murder, you dumb fuck. This is also like a thing. I'm so glad it happened to me and not to the other poor trans people with weaker support than their life. And you keep the crossfire on me because I can handle it. And I'd rather it be me than the other poor people out there that can't handle it. That's also like a humble brand. I'm such a great person, Chad. I'm such a great fucking person, Chad. I'm the greatest fucking person in the whole fucking world, Chad. That's the truth of the matter.
Evil of you. It is evil. And I can't have you making these videos about other trans people. That's why I'm glad it's about me and not about them because I don't know how other trans people's mental health is right now. So I'm okay. I don't know about them. So I'm glad it's me and you right now. I'm glad, I'm glad we're doing this. Um, but here's the reality this world is so messed up right now Yeah, no shit.
I'm listening to a man and look at this. This thing is talking to me With the proportions of like a of a kin doll this skinny little fuck with this giant ass head That's like that's like a barbie doll Hey, like four times as big as it should be is lecturing me like the seven million people. Yeah, everything's a little bit screwy, bro Things that are happening
And, you know, we could all go away at any moment. Like, who knows what's going to happen, asteroid. But how sad would it be if you left this earth, God forbid, if you left this earth as the woman who hated trans people. Like, that's kind of a sucky title. You know, maybe that would make you happy. Oh my God, hold up, I have to find something.
Unknown_17: That doesn't sound good, doesn't feel good.
Unknown_11: And I really find it so wild that you think That all I see in girlhood is wearing dresses and makeup and hair. Because that's not what I'm doing here. And if you actually... Okay, don't let me down, iFunny.
Oh, where's the audio? Oh, there we go. There we go.
Unknown_17: No! No, that's not the right one!
Unknown_17: Oh, you, you, you fucker.
Unknown_02: I'm so pissed off.
I'll keep playing. I have to find the right one.
Unknown_11: If you knew who I am and why I'm doing all this. you would know that those things really don't have all that much to do with it.
Unknown_11: And that kind of makes you also a bad comedian or a bad imitator because you're not actually doing what I'm doing and why I'm here. You don't know your subject. You don't know who you're playing.
Unknown_11: But I will tell you that I'm a good person. I have a good heart. I'm a woman. And I'm not going to say I'm more of a woman than you are. I know that that would make you scoff. Because I see us as equals. I'm a woman.
And I don't know what else to tell you. But I appreciate your time and energy that you're putting into this. I really think that you should find something else to put this energy into. Maybe something that can be enjoyed by more people than just... transphobic people. I'm so pissed I can't find this video. I don't know if that's how you're going to get on SNL.
Not everybody in this country wants to be on fucking SNL. Oh my god, I hate people from LA. I should make fun of Dick too. Dick said something stupid. Dick is trying to get attention again. I'll show you in a second.
Unknown_11: I don't know what your dreams and desires are, but my dreams are happening right now. And the world... Sees me for who I am, which is a girl. And I know that's just driving you absolutely crazy. But we're going to have to get over it, okay?
Unknown_11: I really, I wish you no ill will. And I would love to see you use your time in a more productive way.
But that's it. I'm going to go.
Unknown_11: Order some room service now and get ready for a whole day of Fashion Week tomorrow. And maybe I'll go text some friends that make me feel good. I recommend you find some friends who make you feel good and maybe that will help you and convince you to stop doing what you're doing.
Unknown_11: Okay? Okay.
Unknown_17: Odyssey chat. Okay.
Unknown_17: Does nobody have this video?
I'm gonna die. I'm looking through fucking TikTok trying to find the exact one.
Unknown_02: Maybe this one.
Unknown_02: Just give me a second. I'm gonna find it. I promise, chat.
Unknown_17: It's so worth it. It's so worth it. It's my favorite one. No! God damn it.
Unknown_02: There's one more from iFunny. Maybe this is the one.
Unknown_17: No, it's not Field Marshal Zhukov. It's the brown kid. It's the brown kid one. That's the important one. If this is not the brown kid one, I'm going to be pissed off.
No, it's not the one with Zhukov.
Unknown_02: I'm depressed now. I thought I even saved it, but...
Unknown_17: Look, I'm gonna be looking in the Odyssey chat. If you find the one with the brown kid... Wait, is this it?
Unknown_17: I have to... No. Oh, this is it. Okay, yes. Okay, one second. I'm gonna download this. It's in my video directory. And when it's done downloading, you are all gonna laugh. I don't give a... Actually, I don't even know if I can download it from YouTube because... Oh, I can. I can. Fuck yes.
Where is it?
Unknown_17: Me every day, baby.
Unknown_17: I'm saving it now. That one's going in my directory. It's never leaving.
Our base Brazilian boy. He saved the day.
Unknown_17: Okay, um, she was next.
Unknown_02: My notes are in disarray. I've been routed. I have more links here.
Unknown_02: Should I play more? Let's see.
Unknown_02: Let's see.
Oh, this is another one of her videos.
Unknown_10: day three of being a girl are you a male and you're having a hard time did you understand what was happening in that video yes what happened so the guy or girl was dressing up and he was making fun of people that have
Unknown_08: that look like a girl or a boy are are just like that kid's brain is fucking melting why i don't know do you think that's kind do you think that's kind no no how old are you seven would you make somebody feel that way no on purpose no and if you did i'd kill myself
No, but you would apologize, right?
Unknown_17: She has ingrained the guilt.
Unknown_10: How old are you again? Seven. Just making sure. She has ingrained the guilt into this child's brain.
Unknown_17: He has now determined that if he offends the Troons, he must commit seppuku because it's dishonorable to his family.
Unknown_17: Okay, so the lady got fucked with because what's-his-face complained, and he has like 7 million followers. By the way, the Kiwi Farms is the worst site ever, and anytime you talk about someone on the Kiwi Farms, I'm inherently responsible for everything that happens as a result, as opposed to Dylan, who can do whatever the fuck he wants, and it's just fine.
This is the lady, by the way. Real women.
Unknown_17: Name is Jess. S-L-X-T-H-6-6-6. In case you want to look up her body of work in making fun of trainees.
Unknown_02: Oh.
Unknown_02: Oh, I didn't even know about this one.
Unknown_17: uh nick ricada called serenity to be lined up against the wall and shot uh video was taken down and then ricada denies that this that was not the exact quote he's uh lying
This is Alejandro. This person is a retard. They are from Puerto Rico. They work at the Harvard Law Cyber Law Clinic. I don't know what the fuck that means. I don't know if they're actually like an attorney or what.
Unknown_17: But they think that if I make fun of trannies on the Kiwi Farms, I inherently lose Section 230 protection, which isn't true. I am only liable for what I say myself. So, yeah, like every post I make is my own words. So I'm liable for what I say on my own site. But me being liable for some things does not mean I'm automatically liable for everything. And if this person wasn't a fucking nut job, they would know this.
So Rikada, by the way.
Unknown_17: He's having some issues with YouTube after my appearances. And I told him that he could expect some issues after my appearances. He's got two strikes now. I think he's chilling off. I also have two strikes, which is why I'm not streaming to YouTube until December.
Unknown_17: But he's on Rumble right now. If you want to go support Rakeda. If you haven't heard about where he's at, he's on Rumble. And he's just now... His two weeks are up, so he can actually make community posts again. He has community posts about how...
about his situation and how it won't be on YouTube for a while.
Unknown_02: People are freaks. I really mean it, man.
Unknown_17: I can barely bottle my contempt anymore. And I think a lot of people are getting there.
Unknown_17: I'm always like a cool cucumber, right? I'm a cold-blooded lizard man. My heartbeat doesn't go over 55, usually. And it frustrates me when I see people who are more emotional than I am about stuff. So I know if I'm getting fed up with shit, people are already way past that line. They're already looking at this thinking, this is bullshit. This is retarded. I don't know. It really does feel like the tide is turning, though. Kethel's disagrees with me. Kethel says that the trans movement is stronger than ever, but...
When your front men are people like Keffels and this weirdo, it's like, how could it possibly move forward if it's this retarded, if it's this blatantly retarded? The only reason why it's not completely falling apart is that nobody can talk about it.
Literally nobody can talk about it unless you're on some obscure platform like I am. And my obscure platforms get taken down, so the frustration is kind of like mounting. You can't even really talk about it.
Unknown_17: And this, my friends, is Malibu Barbie Paytas Hackman, born September 14th.
Unknown_17: One of the newest little people in the world. Trisha Paytas' baby. Malibu Barbie Paytas Hackman.
Which is very, very bad name.
Unknown_17: I wish Trisha Paytas all the best.
Unknown_17: Actually, okay, can I do a poll on Odyssey? Does Odyssey have polls?
Unknown_17: Yes.
Unknown_17: Surely there is a way to do a poll. I can post stickers.
Unknown_02: No polls. You know what?
Unknown_02: I can do a poll on Telegram.
Unknown_17: I'm going to do a poll on Telegram and the Matty on the Air Telegram channel. Let's see. Create poll. Who has better
chances at life at a good life i'll say malibu barbie peyton hackman or cozy rosie i don't know that kid's full name it's like rosanne susan summers or some shit
Unknown_17: i don't know uh okay let's go come on chop chop chat vote vote who's got the better life better odds i see i see two votes already this is in um 22 votes are in on the on the telegram 65 votes 77 britney venti got pregnant no no no no why am i showing this i want to show the baby
By the way, their whole relationship is really weird. If you don't know, that's Trisha Paytas. She's a porn star. I think she did porn while she was pregnant, which is a bit fucked up. But then the guy on the left is Ethan Klein's brother, Moses.
Unknown_17: And...
Unknown_17: I think Moses secretly hates his family, which is why he got together with the ex-co-hosts of Frenemies that Ethan Klein worked with.
Unknown_17: Oh, she's ugly, you think? I'll have you know that Trisha Paytas is one of the highest earners on OnlyFans. She makes more money off OnlyFans than she does off her YouTube, off her Frenemies, off all of her other stuff put together. She makes millions and millions of dollars doing pornography chat. Isn't that wonderful?
So that baby's future is paved for with OnlyFans 7 bucks.
Unknown_17: Surely we live in Sodom and Gomorrah, don't we, Chad?
Unknown_17: The results with 300 votes in. 72% of 300 people believe that Malibu Barbie Payton Hackman has a better chance at a good life than Cozy Rosie does. Only 28%.
Unknown_17: Very interesting chat.
Unknown_17: Oh, Hila's brother. My bad, not Ethan Klein's brother. Hila's brother, who is...
If you don't know who Gila Klein is, it's this person.
Unknown_17: By the way, apparently I don't point this out. This animation is made by a very talented, I don't want to call him alt-right because he's not alt-right. He's just like out there. He's a weird dude. He makes weird animations. His name is Daft Jest. He has a real name. Let me look this up actually. Sven Stoffels is his other trade name. I don't know if this is a real name or a trade name. but he has lots of stuff out there he has a channel he does drawings on live streams and stuff on youtube so if you're interested in that go check him out um i have commissioned from him a special project by the way which i may air uh tomorrow for the gem stream just as a little teaser it's not done yet but it was a bit it was a big project um so i'll just play what i have when it happens But he asked me to give him a shout out because apparently he's a little bit upset that I play this clip every day for every stream. And I've never once acknowledged the mastermind behind this piece of internet history.
So, Sven Stoffels.
Unknown_17: And he does, again, he has a YouTube. I'll play it. Fuck it. I'll find it real quick.
Unknown_17: Uh, SvenStoffels.com, and then he also has this YouTube channel. Show up real quick.
Unknown_17: See, he does live streamings where he talks to people.
Unknown_17: He makes his animation. Oh, he also did this, which is like really famous too. You've definitely seen this one. I put that on the front page of the site. Oh, and he made this. This is also one of the greatest animations ever made.
Where is it? That's not what I clicked. Give me this one.
Unknown_17: Is it, like, deleted? Can I not open this? Copy link?
Unknown_17: Is it, like, banned from YouTube and YouTube doesn't know how to ban shorts? Oh, there it is. Okay.
Unknown_12: The greatest man I never knew Came home late every night He never had too much to say
The punchline's at the end.
Unknown_17: George Floyd, 1973 to 2020, the greatest black man to ever live. When I first saw this, I about fucking died laughing. Cause it's, it's like, it's, it's weird. It's, it's, it's the, it's the most intelligent kind of humor. When you say something nice that when you actually think about it is actually an extremely devastating statement. That's, that's the kind of a fine comedy that a true genius can come up with.
Anyways. There's enough shilling for my boy. I'll play what I have from my commission tomorrow, I think.
Unknown_02: Anyways, anyways.
Is that it? I think I know. One more thing, actually. I didn't... This isn't in my notes, but I'll cover this real quick. I don't know what the fuck is happening. Wait, is Destiny banned?
Unknown_02: Oh, no. Oh, no. Breaking news chat.
Unknown_17: Level six, at least. Level six breaking. The OmniLiberal from Twitter has been yeeted deleted by QueenKafalz. QueenKafalz said, YouTube, strike down that account. And YouTube, or not YouTube, Twitter. So Twitter...
Fetus Deletus, the Omni-Liberal. And they were like, yes, Quincifiles, we shall. And they struck the killing blow betwixt Destiny's tiny little arms straight through his little heart. And he is now off the Twitter.
Unknown_17: Will he make a Fediverse account? Will he return to Twitter on a different name and get deleted again? Who knows, chat? Anything could happen from this point in time. It's a real mystery.
Rest in power. The greatest midget to ever live. Destiny.
Unknown_17: Okay, I was making fun of Canadians before I got distracted by this level 6 happening.
Unknown_17: There is a Canadian...
Unknown_17: uh crisis right now canada has lost its fucking mind and it needs my help it needs my help to make fun of it and it's weird shrooms because if you're a canadian they make fun of trainees you get arrested so i'm gonna help you guys make fun of your trainees real quick this is redux.info i posted them before in regards to the antevalence thing they're like a feminist site but you're not gonna read about this on whatever
like a normal blog this is you may say this is like a bimbo fetishist and you'd be right the problem is that they work at a ontario high school as a teacher and shop so last year this guy was a dude and he uh was okay being a dude and this year he now wears gigantic triple g breast plates and walks with with erect nipples constantly perpetually plastic erect nipples
Unknown_17: That go through his shirt and he hangs out at shop class teaching how to work with power tools to Canadian children and Everyone just has to be okay with this This is real if you send your children to a public school This is their teacher at shop class, okay?
Unknown_17: so
Unknown_17: I know for many Europeans it's already too late, but never. If there's any kind of, like, I think more important than anything else, more important than the fucking guns issue, is if they try to get rid of homeschooling in your state or area, you have to fight that. You have to, like, actually protest. You have to go out and demonstrate and, like, physically confront your congressman. Oh, you can't see.
Unknown_17: Okay.
Unknown_17: Let me do it again. This is your shop class teacher in Canada. If they try to get rid of homeschooling and force your kids to go to these fucking schools where their shop teacher is a man wearing a massive breastplate that has permanently erect nipples, you have to protest. You have to figure out a way... To protest this, to physically confront your fucking congressman at the coffee shops. This is not a joke. I'm not making this up. This dude walks, shamelessly walks around in public with these fucking fake tits on, with giant erect nipples around children, around teen students. And everyone just has to be okay with this. You don't have a choice.
And the students who aren't okay with it, so they can't talk about it because they'll get banned. He can't get fired because he's protected as a sexual minority in Canada, but the children can get expelled for being a bigot. So they just have to eat shit.
So like I said, if you send your kids to public school, you're a fucking retard because this is your teacher. You're basically dooming your children to be molested at that point. This is fucking insane. And you think that the government is going to do anything about it? You know who works in fucking government? This guy. This Satanist wearing a puppy mask and a pentagram leather strap is your government agent who's working tirelessly to oversee critical family issues like this.
No, I was not exaggerating. This is not a joke. This is real life. This is a person who works in Ontario. This is the same state that Keffels lives in, where he's afraid for his life because the police are going to gun him down in the street in cold-blooded anti-trans rage. Those policemen who work for the London police, their kids go to these schools and have to take shop class with these knockers, these fake plastic tits in their face. I guarantee you that there's no threat against your life unless... this shitty i don't know province no state really where in ontario um oakville trafalgar high school in oakville ontario trafalgar means that they're very close to trafalgar um the the waterfall right am i thinking of something else
Yeah, close to the waterfall. I was right. Toronto.
Unknown_17: Halfway between Hamilton and Toronto is this place, and that's where one of the teachers are. So it's not like, oh, the middle of the big city. It's like this is a small area in between, you know, it's like a suburb area. This isn't like the huge city, I don't think. I could be wrong, but it doesn't look like it's a part of Toronto.
Unknown_02: South of some place called Mississauga. So there you go.
Um Okay, I think that's the last thing to be angry at I have a video of a pigeon taking a bath but from a fire hose you want to see that guys I'll play that Check it out
Unknown_02: The pigeon's hot, and he says, man with hose, wash me.
Unknown_17: And he was washed, and it was good. If I was a pigeon, I would... Hey, look, he drank from the water, too. This is a smart-ass pigeon. You guys don't believe me when I tell you that pigeons are smart. Look at this fucker. This guy knows exactly what he's doing. He knows what a water hose is and how to drink from one and how to bathe in one.
Unknown_02: Chantel update. She's fat. I don't think I have any update on her.
I'll put that on loop. Okay. Last chance chat.
Unknown_17: Anything that I missed?
Unknown_17: I'm now reading. Okay. That's up.
Unknown_17: Um, Oh, Serbia. Okay.
Unknown_17: In Belgrade, they banned, um, Euro pride because, uh, they don't want gays and Euro pride has, has, uh, vowed to seek every legal means possible to get gays marching in the streets of Belgrade again.
Unknown_17: Oh, the Dick Masterson thing. Okay. I'll just very, very briefly. Cause there's not much to it. It's just like, I know he just wants attention, but I'm, I'm, I'm so sad. I'm so sad. Even I, like I have, I have the most minimal expectations of people. Like, you know, I assume that someone like Ralph at some point, like back in the day, I was like, okay, Ralph could never sink to that glow. It could never be that pathetic. And then he is. And it's like, oh, okay. So he's just that pathetic. Okay. I guess I got it. And like with Dick, it's like he always kind of just stayed distant and didn't eat too much shit. And it was never like he was still friends with like fucking weirdo, like gross pedos like Vito and Mr. Girl.
That's like, you know, it's like he's like a libertarian and shit. You know, it's like he's just he's just trying to like be open minded, I guess.
Unknown_17: And then I said, just going to suck ass right now.
Unknown_02: I can get the thing if necessary.
Unknown_02: He says... Uh-oh. I think my site's choking, chat. That's the issue here.
He says, and this is on his new Fediverse account, I think it's Sperg.city, and Ralph has moved on to this. So Ralph's Fediverse handle is literally the Ralph retort at Sperg.city, which is very apropos. But he says, Kephels is virtually dragging Null's head around her city like Achilles did Hector. Depravity incarnate. And then he goes on to say, assuming that it wants to live, which it probably does not.
He's trying to get Keffels onto his show now. So I don't know if he's just like desperate for attention or if the LA brain rot has released that. And he's saying, tell Keffels to call into the dick show this Sunday.
Unknown_17: Um, someone says, you know, she hates that stone tough stuff. She went crazy over Ricky Berwick having it. And then, Oh, cause his avatar is a stone toss NFT. And then he says the more offensive that he it's more offensive that he has. I don't know what that means. And then Ghostworks says, Keffels isn't open to Discord, only pushing his narrative. And although great for content, I'm not sure interacting with him would be in your best interest. And Dick corrects him to say her.
So he's just, like, completely lost the plot. I don't know what to say about Dick. He's now, like, he's now on all fours sucking the trundy. And I don't know if he's just trying to get, like, a spurg out on his show or what. I don't know.
Unknown_02: It's just really sad.
Unknown_02: Maybe it's my fault, chat.
Unknown_02: Maybe it's what I do. I drive people insane. You know, you had Ethan Ralph, and he was just like a nobody.
He did his little podcast, and a lot of people listened and thought it was quite nice once upon a time. And then I started showing up, and what happens? Loses his channel. Goes insane. Knocks up a 19-year-old. His mother dies while he's drunk.
Unknown_17: uh knocks up a horse that is a lollicon pedophile has just completely lost his fucking mind dick masterson top of his game on the dick show writing off the coattails of the success of uh the biggest problem one of the most successful podcasts in history And he's just like, yeah, I'm going to have this null guy on. We're going to talk about trans lifeline. A couple years later, what's happening? All his friends are pedophiles. Stuck in the LA mindset, calling trannies her, trying to get their attention for a little bit of clout. Is it me, chat? Am I doing this to people? Is my toxicity so strong that I'm just rotting everybody around me, like turning them into feral ghouls because I'm radioactive?
I don't know, chat.
Unknown_02: Josh finally admits that he's the herald of ruin and well.
Exactly. Oh, probably. Thanks, Chad. You always have my back during these trying times. Hopefully.
Unknown_17: Harbinger of Troon. Virile toxicity.
Unknown_17: His friends were... He wasn't friends with Digibro and shit before. That was something that happened after he met me.
Unknown_17: Cloud of Miasma. King Midas exceptional. Everything I touch turns to shit.
Well, Rikado's about to get pegged by animes.
Unknown_17: I can already see. He's guarded by the Big J. He's got some Jesus energy around him. It's going to take a while for my evil magic to work its way to him, but it's happening. He's getting on the anime train now.
Unknown_17: One Man Apocalypse.
Unknown_17: Oh, Life by Jen is dead. She's fat as hell. I didn't even mention that. You want to see her? I wonder if this will get blamed on the Kiwi Farms too. Why not? They blame fucking Chance Carmichael. 600 going on 700 on this. Why can't they blame Life by Jen? She was like 650 pounds and bed bound.
And she died because she didn't move or do anything. She died because she was fat as hell.
Unknown_02: But that could be my fault too, right?
Unknown_02: Let's see My VPN is just eating shit right now
Why is the site... This, like... Funeral home site's not loading.
Unknown_17: That's fucking weird. I just want a picture of this fat woman to show my chat. Come on, now.
Unknown_17: Lost one of his... I hated... Jin... Oh, God. Jin was one of the most annoying ones to me.
Unknown_17: Because...
Unknown_17: She would just make these videos where she's like, I'm totally going to lose weight by making waffles out of cheese. I'm on keto. And I'm going to eat bacon. And I'm going to lose all the weight. And just haters are going to make me famous. And I'm going to do it. And it was just like this. And everything was super manicured. And she had to make everything in her life sound like it was the best thing ever. And she was super boring. She never put out content. She wasn't interesting. She never like... Um talked about the shit going on in her life. She just pretended that everything was perfect all the time Uh, and now she's dead because she was fat and He never did anything about it despite what she was saying Not a big surprise This is the archive, uh, jennifer gwen armstrong died september 10th 2022 and her obituary
It said... Keep getting emails, sorry.
Unknown_17: Stop sending me emails.
Unknown_17: It said something really piss-weak, but that wasn't it. It said something like...
Unknown_17: she's remembered as being an active part of her her apartment complex like body government like where all the people who live there get together and decide on things and uh for her crocheting and that's like her obituary that's all they had to say about her because she was fat she didn't really do anything oh here it doesn't show up in the archive for whatever reason i don't know if they made that private or if it doesn't
There's a lot of trolling in the obituary, by the way, which is very rude. That's mean. She's, like, actually dead, you know. Posting mean shit in her obituary is a bit unnecessarily cruel. But you can't really stop people from saying what they want. Okay, her obituary says this. Jennifer Armstrong, age 46, of Wheeling, passed away Saturday at the hospital. She was born October 26 in Wheeling, the daughter of the late Glenn. Jennifer enjoyed crocheting, was instrumental in the community council at the Garden Park Terrace High Rise. She was a Presbyterian and had many friends and was loved by all. Survivors include her fiancé, who fed her to death. It says who cared for her unconditionally, but that's them saying he brought her McDonald's until she literally died.
uh and then they provide a west virginia how many weirdos in virginia west virginia do you live near beanie man can you believe it that's it i'm done wheeling because she couldn't walk hey that's a joke good job all right all right i'm done i'm done now i have to end this at some point it's been like two it's been two hours and we don't even get to the fucking super chats jesus christ
Oh, boy.
Unknown_02: I'm going to bash these out before I lose my voice.
Unknown_02: Assuming I can find it.
Unknown_02: Assuming I can find it.
Unknown_02: Recent donations, is that what I want? Oh, there we go. OK, filter.
Unknown_02: Date, it's last Saturday.
Unknown_02: okay here we go the grill cast podcast for five says hey jersh is your email still up or do you have another form of contact that works better for a non-urgent matter also thanks for being the only good repel you my email is jc moon at pm.me thank you uh gene now phyllis for five says install gen 2 no gen 2 is a pain in the ass i'll install arch next
dick the birthday boy for five says today's my 30th birthday so i'm gonna go miss the live show and my friends and chat get yourself a nice slice of birthday pizza with this donation have a great weekend thank you very much i will be getting pizza um i don't know when it won't be at my usual time this week i'll be busy but i'll get pizza again thank you uh with me for one says farm will go down when the heavy update drops never made a kiwi kiwi patent for the sneedsters p.s i love nigga cat is this the flag
Unknown_02: I don't know. Google's being, oh, oh, I see. That's nice. I'll download that.
Unknown_17: I'll show people that on the screen. It's going to be colored weird because of the filter, but there you go.
Unknown_17: Actually, I'll turn it off. This is a nice thing that someone has drawn.
Unknown_17: It's tessellated even. I could tessellate it if I felt inclined to do so.
Unknown_02: Boom. There we go, Chad. That's called tessellation in case you didn't.
Uh, I like the foreground to be ahead of it. There we go.
Unknown_02: Uh, okay. So I'll put the shill thing back on.
Unknown_02: Anime for five says, I know why you've had so many hosting issues is because lane is real and it's hard to be trashing her.
Unknown_17: Yeah, right. Fuck off. And lane is such a shit fucking show. I can't believe that people watch that. The G-Man for 11 says, Mr. Moon, I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for heart-to-heart, but I had to wait until the trainees were otherwise occupied. In all seriousness, I appreciate your work. Thank you very much, G-Man.
They're very occupied now. They seem bored and are just yelling at each other, trying to figure out who deserves the most credit.
Unknown_17: Uh, enough of us for five against us for getting to mix, make the official Kiwi farms Linux Israel. Well, thankfully I can't get banned from open source software or I'd have to at this point. Remember for 16 says I have regained my sight just in time to blurly read out the car details to throw money at your face. I'm not sure if you read my comment, but I do hope that you will write a book on the Kiwi farm someday. Uh, yeah, maybe I'll definitely have to write like an article at some point. If this, if I make it through this, maybe I'll publish a book to recoup some of the money.
It wants my sights down. It'll become a New York Times bestseller.
Unknown_17: Pato for 10 says, Duck fact, World War I slang cooties came from coot, a duck-like bird known to carry lice. Trailer for the all-new Quiet on the Western Front movie. It looks great. Thank you for all your hard work.
Unknown_17: It's all quite on the Western front. I'm sure that's a joke. I'm not seeing that, but I'm sure that like, they love to make all the French resistance fighters like Jews and black people and be like, Oh no, we have to smash the fash and they do it through the elegant style that you would expect from the HIV plus movement.
Uh, but thank you. Uh, pay though for 10 says duck fat. Oh, I heard it with the promise for five says sneed at last need at last. Oh Lord. Sneed at last. It's true. I will. My people can sneed finally, uh, hopefully more stably in the near future.
Unknown_17: You should play that Finnish song about HIV you post on post in honor of the HIV community.
Unknown_17: I think I tried to find it. I did play that on stream, didn't I? Maybe one day.
Unknown_17: I'll save that for Pride Month. I don't know the name of it, but it's a Finnish song about God hates you because you have HIV plus. It's in Finnish. It goes pretty hard, as they say.
Gator for 10 says, Lowell Ralph is pro-pedo training and pro-Jew. He's a glow negro informant.
Unknown_17: Now, the feds probably wouldn't trust him to deliver any real information.
Unknown_17: Mad Clock for 5 says, Stop super chatting about sperm guzzling Jews. I am 6 gorillion percent serious. Long pause. Fucker. You got to play some rap music for that.
Unknown_17: Stop tweeting about jews chat. I love the jews nick fuentes loves the jews We get on all fours and we love the jews chat and I never want to hear you say anything about jews ever again That's that's how that's how we do he he does it much slower though So it fills up more time because he's gonna make every second count Rungle for 25 says I don't I just don't
I just don't want to see all these trannies. They disgust me. Gross. Ew. Can you see this as my true and honest title payment? I'm too much of a neighbor cattle to handle crypto. Very sad. You have to figure that out. You have to un-neighbor cattle yourself. It's very easy. You'd be surprised. You can figure it out. I believe in you.
Unknown_17: The Anti-Defamation Link for 5 says, Thank you, Ralph. Your fellow-Semitism is noted. Keep it up, big man. That's all. True. Big ups to big man Ralph wearing the tiniest hat.
Unknown_17: Where's my picture at? There we go. I got a nice collage going right now. It's true. It'll be 109 DDoS mitigation survivors, and it will be 110 soon. Yeah.
It shouldn't be anything personal between you and him, though, right? You would assume so, because that's how it usually is. The problem with Ralph is that he keeps pissing off people. He challenges them to fuck with him, and then when he does, he goes, oh, no, they fucked with me again. I can't believe it. Them fucking pedophiles on that fucking pedophile fake news farm. It's like, well, maybe if you were just a less violently obnoxious gorilla all the fucking time, people wouldn't fuck with you so much, bro.
Member for two says BS taking a few hours to learn how to use a computer without video output. When you have vision can pay serious dividends. If you find yourself in a tough spot, permanent or temporary eyes or needs.
Unknown_17: Um,
Unknown_17: Yeah, I imagine so. I try to take care of my eyes.
Unknown_17: They're pretty important. Avira for 1341 again says, Josh, it may seem redundant, but pushing the fact the forum is user-generated content. You're not a board cube that agrees on everything. That's my biggest issue with this drama. I mean, they say it's a far-right site, but half the site is, like, women who are, like, making fun of Trump and shit. Yeah, it is kind of perplexing how one side says, oh, they're, like, feminazi turf, you know, liberals over there. And the other side's like, no, they're a far-right hate site.
It's frustrating. Destiny, for once, says, here's all my support. Don't spend it all in one place. Thank you, Destiny. Good luck getting a new Twitter account.
Unknown_17: Oh, no. My Superberries are not loading.
Unknown_17: Have I been suddenly and unceremoniously banned from donation alerts?
Unknown_02: No, my proxy is broken. That's what's happened.
Unknown_02: I'm going to have to reset up my donation page, probably.
filter saturday time and date down age three never forget for once is when all this is over i hope there's a massive stream we get to take a biggest victory lap and failing that i hope we get out on the biggest of bangs uh yeah no matter what it'll be fun i'm probably not gonna take a victory lap though i never want to never want to attempt tempt fate
Unknown_17: medic or fin bot for 50 says no don't don't know link in the odyssey descript josh you need to take drifting lessons all about looking forward to the gem and you stream tomorrow if it's still going too busy with you need to keep up keep get nick on uh yeah nick jim would be a fun combo i don't probably not next saturday though but maybe
Unknown_17: Uh, yeah, I'm trying to keep everything kind of low right now on the grifting angle. The next big rift I do will be the patches, which I think are still in production. I have to get in touch with that guy again. I think we're up to like 300 in stock, which is nice. I ordered a thousand, but they get like a hundred a week.
uh vr viking for 134 says thank you for streaming to vacay vk that works very well well i stream to like five different sites there's post and um telegram as well carryuma 15 says damn josh i never expected you to know so much about yaoi i'm just assuming because what else would a woman find interesting about men fucking it has to be like they imagine it being like a super romantic thing you know
Unknown_17: Just obvious. And then when they get into the real world, they realize that men are just gross. The gay men just eat shit and the straight men are just like, yeah, I'd like to fucking get up in her if you know what I mean. And that's not, that's not what women fantasize about. They don't fantasize about like rednecks talking about like having sex with passed out women.
more tuna for two says how does it feel that people who are aiming to bring down the site are ontologically evil and there is no act against them which is wrong sir i sleep very well at night knowing that my enemies are ontologically evil and there is no act against them which is wrong uh hacks elite for two says if you look at the youtube comments for the monkey torture videos half of them are posted by people who have middle-aged white men and women as their profile pics in disguise or sick whitey people um
Uh, I don't know what that's a reference to.
Unknown_17: That's a really weird comment. I'm assuming, I don't know. I guess Pagetes?
Unknown_17: Oh, you're asking if the people with middle-aged white men and women as the profile picture of Pagits in disguise are sick white people. Probably just weirdos using fake profile pictures. I would imagine, because they know that they would get doxxed if they put their shit out there.
Unknown_17: As Spagondi, pronounced Spagondi for five, says, any recommendations for book besides your favorite good doctor? There is Dr. Theodore Gensky's The Industrial Society and Its Future. I also like The Stranger by Albert Camus.
I find absurdism to be a very approachable subject. And I suggest in terms of absurdist philosophy, The Stranger over The Myth of Sisyphus. The Myth of Sisyphus is his actual philosophical essay about absurdism.
Unknown_17: However,
Unknown_17: Unless you're, like, really big into philosophy, there is nothing that you'll glean from the myth of Sisyphus that you won't understand from The Stranger. The Stranger is nonfiction, kind of like 1984 in terms of length and difficulty, and it's much more enjoyable than the myth of Sisyphus.
CowboyDog420 says, B-jams. Love you, Josh. Always make my day with the Tim shit. Thank you very much. Where is he getting his money from? Ah, B-jams. I like how the Israeli flag is red when I have the green filter on. It really makes them look intimidating.
Unknown_17: Vidar Viking for 628 says, You are a great person, Josh, and what a great point. It's called suicide and a murder. People can't take themselves hostage and extort people. How dumb is that a concept to begin with? Fuck. Fun fact, in Space Station 13, you have the Asimov laws, and the first one is, like, do no harm. Like, don't...
Don't allow people... I can't remember it off the top of my head anymore. But it's like, don't cause harm. And the order is important. First is do no harm. Second is through inaction, do no harm.
Unknown_17: Don't be inactive when you could do something to save a human life. You must do something to save a human life. You cannot allow a person to die through inaction. And then the third is always do what a human asks. It's like, you must... you cannot hurt people you must do things to help people and then least importantly you must take orders so you can't take an order to kill to kill someone um but there was in space station 13 there was always this gimmick that people did that pissed me off both as an admin and as someone playing the ai they would say open this door or i'm killing myself And that's like an ethical preponderance that challenges the Asimov law. Should the AI listen to someone who is saying, I'm going to kill myself if you don't do X, because theoretically that should be law number two, right? I always just ignored those people because they annoyed me. I let them die. Fuck them.
And then they say like, oh, you should be banned from AI because you didn't take my order that I was going to kill myself. Fuck off. Cheese and fuck.
Unknown_17: uh medical fembot for 10 says skip if it ruins outro but hope you caught the song i posted to you called why chromosome all titled you'll never be a woman on youtube um i might have saw that oh that's um by foundering i think i played that before
He does good music. Found Ring is like a pianist and he sings problematic songs. I would recommend looking him up. Found Ring is when I found a ring on the ground. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog and I run around and I found Ring on a slope.
Unknown_17: keffels dead dad for six says thanks for the comfy streams best of luck with the site thank you keffels dead dad for the six and the support constantine romanov for 20 says when they say such vile stuff about the site and change their mind either they were lying then they're or they're lying now and neither is respectable i agree i think people should just fuck off if you're at one of my genuine opinion uh but i think they're all they all know they're being disingenuous
And it's kind of like in Fight Club when the narrator... Because everything has to relate to Fight Club because I'm a millennial.
Unknown_17: But in Fight Club when the narrator is going to all those support groups for ovarian cancer and shit. And then... he's in the one for testicular cancer and there's that woman there and he, he can't enjoy the support groups anymore because there's another faker. It's like that with virtue signaling. It's like, there's another faker in this, this grifting movement. My, my grift is disturbed by the presence of another fake grifter. How could this be? But Kefals is the biggest and fakest grifter of them all. Zero, zero genuineness in anything that they do.
member for two says PPS is always completely telegraphed and obvious when you bring out the Hilla clip and it never stops being funny love you well I do it for a reason I do it because it brings me joy and I don't care what other people think about it uh Glep for one says this is a shit poster on but involved into a masterpiece unfinished but I hope it gives you a laugh let's see why does this not always seem 404 not found.
Oh, you forgot the G at the end. That's why.
Unknown_17: Oh, that's pretty good. I'll throw that up on the screen for everybody.
Unknown_02: Transform. Hit the screen.
Unknown_17: This appears to be an attempt at my request to have the Teletubbies work in a plantation with the Asian sun baby smiling and laughing as they toil in the cotton fields.
That's exactly what I had. Oh, look, I'm there too. I'm a slobber butt right in front and center. Enjoying the sunny day.
Unknown_17: Basking in the warm glow of the Asian child.
Unknown_17: Haramberger for two says, Shout out to longtime A&N enthusiast user JambledUpWords for continuing to find and post great articles during these trying times. All satisfied mummies may just posit coming in his tummy. Beep boop. That's very gross. I think JambledUpWords is a woman.
Unknown_17: Here's a life hack on the forum. If someone has a pretty girl as their avatar, that's a man. If someone has a fat, ugly woman as their avatar, that's a woman. That's how you know. I'm just letting you know. That applies everywhere. Hacksleet410 says, please play this in honor of Obersturmführer Destiny. Make sure it's sound on.
Unknown_02: It's a clip of Destiny. Let's get this bad boy loaded up, shall we?
Unknown_02: That'd be worth it.
Because I have so many things on my screen now. Getting them off is like a pain. Okay. That'd be good. It's better not just be the N-word.
Unknown_09: I don't need to go and study biology to know that niggers are fucking stupid. I don't need a PhD in criminal background to know that niggers just fucking commit more crime and do more drugs. I don't need a background in whatever to know that faggots are fucking unnatural. I don't need to get a biology degree to know that fucking faggots are just weird as fuck and don't belong in the internet. I don't need to go and study biology to know that niggers... Thank you, Destiny.
Unknown_17: Very inspiring words for our overstorm feeler.
Unknown_17: Again, sometimes you want to like Destiny, but then he's like, yeah, let my girlfriend fuck other guys. I know she's coming home at the end of the day because I'm a cool fucking guy. Like, oh, you're actually cringe.
Unknown_17: Very sad. Large Child for two says, Dick Masterson's show has lost $4,000 in Patreon support from 2021 to 2022. Also, he said in his previous episode that he still likes you and he no longer talks about Digibro Mr. Girl anymore. Well, apparently he doesn't still like me because he wants to, I don't know, maybe it's just, maybe it's a 10 million IQ play to get this troon on and he has a decisive blow that he's going to strike and end the drop Kiwi Farm's business. my defense and be like josh i did it just for you maybe that's what's happening i don't know my brain is too small to figure such complex tacticians out mr wook gang for 10 says please keep making the trone and rage piggies seethe keep up the good work thank you i will try my best
Mr. Cook and Kozak for 25 says non-specific shout out to the Kiwi Farms movie night. If you know where it is, show up. If you don't, then fuck off. We're full. Uh, the movie has still been going on, um, on, um, side tube, I think, uh, despite the downtime in case you're trying to find it. Hopefully at some point soon I will have my actual fucking, uh, network up and I can have my sister services working again. But yeah, until then they're stuck in the cup shed with everything else that's it that's it i'm running out of breath i'm running out of steam chat i gotta bail out it's been like three hours um that's it i will see you guys tomorrow with jim and uh the next week at the usual time assuming i'm
I don't know what my availability will be next week. I might be gone next week, to be honest. Just all week. Fair warning.
Unknown_17: But if I can on Friday, I'll try to put together a stream regardless.
Unknown_17: Okay.
Unknown_17: Take it easy. Bye-bye. so
i could never pretend that i don't love you you could never pretend that i'm your man that's exactly the way that i want it it's exactly the way that i am and you call me in the morning with your troubles taking it downtown every night i could never place the stars
It's a coffee standard every time it happens.
Unknown_07: Lavin' up honey, it ain't that bad. Any empty dog rolls to recognize. Like every other coffin that I've And you'd be with broke down and with a muck. You'd follow your names and you'd pray to the Lord. Baby, take a look at the politics. Nothing happens in this burnt-out town anymore.
Unknown_06: You wait so long. You wait so long. You wait so long. You wait so long.
It all goes on like a frozen freight train You know that I help you if I can But I'm just a raindrop in a river Just a little itty bitty grain of sand And you know that I'm doomed to repeat this With all the bad habits that I learned But it's better than your fiber and fornication And all the dirty money that you earned And you wait so long You wait so long You wait so long You wait so long
Unknown_06: You wait so long. You wait so long. You wait so long. You wait so long.