Hello everybody! 0:00:54 Unknown_15: It's that time again. Unknown_15: Can't stop the signal. No matter what happens, I have to do my mental health evaluation once a week and shout it at my monitors. Unknown_15: As people react very far away, flood the chat with their insanity, their nonsense. 0:01:30 Unknown_15: Oh, geez. Should I stay? I'm tempted to just, like, dive in to my complaints for this week, of which I have many. I have a substantial number of complaints. Unknown_15: I could also cover nonsense, just the regular bullshit, for fun. Unknown_15: I will say this, because I assume that the people who are listening at the very beginning of the stream are the most interested in random shit that I do. I'm again not going to stream video games this weekend, probably. I don't know, who knows. 0:02:03 Unknown_15: The funny thing about weekends is that weekends are the most frustrating time for me, because... When there's issues and I'm trying to fix them. Nobody works on the weekend. So it's like Who you gonna call? Nobody's nobody's like everyone takes the weekend off. So you're just like sitting on your hands for two days But you still want to fix things so You know, you're just not very productive. You don't really have much outlet however this Unknown_15: No, not this weekend. The 17th. Next Saturday. I have messaged Jim, who is now on post, by the way. It's just post... 0:02:41 Unknown_15: think it's just jim right yeah at jim poa.st slash at jim or at jim at poa.st if you're already on the fediverse um he's there because what's what's his face scott medicare banned from twitter so he finally finally finally finally has opened a post account my fediverse account um and i believe that ricada is also going to open a fediverse account i don't know if it will be on post i know that dick wants to get back on the fediverse 0:03:16 Unknown_15: I don't know I guess people are finally waking up to the fact that they should have they should have made a fucking Fediverse account years ago and The Fediverse has been fine has been functional for years at this point and people are just like yeah Well, you know, my audience is already baked into um It's a Twitter. I don't want to try and force people to adopt a new technology however, I will say Unknown_15: based on the fact that 2100 people are watching an odyssey and a couple hundred more sprinkled throughout the the other options um it appears that everyone has finally realized that yes we do in fact need alternative technology to the mainstream Everybody, for years, even during Trump, when people were being mass censored during the Trump shit, everyone was just like, Facebook and Twitter, YouTube, they're the biggest. I mean, it doesn't work on my TV. I can't put Odyssey on my TV. I can't cast it to my TV, so I'll stay on YouTube. I think it's setting in to everyone now at this point. Yeah, this shit's kind of fucked. This is pretty retarded. It is now time to get over the fact that you can't, you know, cast your shit to chrome on your television set. Spoiled, flossing, curly pasta-haired zoomy zooms are like... I mean it's funny if you're like someone who is very young like if you're 18 right now I want to like contextualize how spoiled that sentiment is when I was growing up and I now get to say this it's been so old I had dial-up so when you download a movie right now on the internet you probably have a connection that's like 20 megabytes per second we had I think it was like 32 kilobytes a second. 0:04:44 Unknown_15: So you have a connection speed which is approximately a thousand times faster than what I had, and that's all I had to download shit. I had to download MP3, five megabyte MP3 files for if I wanted to listen to Tub Thumping or All Star by that one band. I had to wait like four minutes for it. You have no fucking clue the agony. And now it's like, well, you know, here's a streaming platform that works perfectly well, but it doesn't cast on my television. Fuck off. Still with it. Fucking Zoomer. 0:05:41 Unknown_15: ah geez smash mouth that's right um okay so that's that the queen's dead in case you've not heard queen elizabeth is dead which means which means which means they will stop putting her fucking face on all the coins so i can finally get some coins from british territories that uh i would actually want i don't want anything with a queen on them i find her repulsive i don't know why I watched a movie once about the Queen. It was like a 2017 movie about Princess Diana's death and how the royal family reacted. And it made me realize that although I don't like the Queen, I do think she's the best of the English. And now that she's dead, the English are collectively worse off because their peak has dropped significantly. 0:06:12 Unknown_15: So, however infinitesimal that is with the number of English people still alive, the fact that she's dead has worsened the condition of their phenotype considerably. 0:06:46 Unknown_15: uh now you have king charles who is going to die soon there's speculation that he will simply pass the throne on to um the next one his son i guess uh which uh because they they think that it would be better if the monarch ruled a long time like if king charles dies the next year or so then the the republicans will get their way and the monarchy will be disestablished Unknown_15: very very strange times my website dies and so does the queen maybe there's some correlation there uh okay so that's that um what do you guys think should i talk about the forum stuff first or should i talk about locale stuff first i do have a little bit of like miscellaneous fun things to go over i'll leave it up to the chat the chat queen sargon sargon the queen 0:07:43 Unknown_15: Forum. Okay, let's talk about the forum. Everyone seems anxious to hear about the forum. Unknown_15: So last week, if you are listening to this podcast as a podcast and you don't have any idea about what I do off the site, then last week you would have heard me talking about Cloudflare and how they published a very strong statement in defense of the Kiwi farms and how they wrote about their policies and how they leave things up to the justice system and how it's a bad precedent to 0:08:15 Unknown_15: allow a social media campaign to remove DDoS protection from websites that the website can be subject to DDoS attacks. Unknown_15: Very strong statement. Unknown_15: very very uh galvanizing it uh left a good impression it seemed very sensible seemed very professional uh you would be then shocked to hear that the next day at 6 p.m on saturday on labor day weekend matthew prince pushed out a much less professional much less sensible much more defamatory statement that looks like this called uh blocking kiwi farms with kiwi farms uh stylized incorrectly it is in case you're wondering it is two words both words proper case and it's also a um like the netherlands it has a v there an indefinite article Unlike Ukraine, which is not the Ukraine is simply Ukraine Kiwi farms is more like the Netherlands and Ukraine anyways Matthew Prince put this out and interestingly and I do want to point this out If I have the capability to do so I just want to see the blog just do this I 0:09:08 Unknown_15: There's no way to go back and forth. Okay, so if you look at this article, which was put out first, and this was what I read last stream, you'll notice that this woman named Elisa Starzok, who I believe, I don't know, she looked kind of Asian, but she is the PR person for Cloudflare. Unknown_15: and this article is very professional very well written very easily understood flows into each other correctly and is all around a logical statement this one without elisa unlike all the other posts that matthew prince put out uh does not flow it does not make sense it does not come across as rational at all it is um 0:10:16 Unknown_15: kind of kind of bizarre so this is the message i think i could even no i can't i moved all the domains off um the message that you got for any of my domains not just kiwi farms for over a week has been a blanket statement just says we blocked this website due to an imminent threat to human life and it links to this page which states states very roundaboutly how they are not hypocrites and how they've not backtracked their own uh their own statement right Unknown_15: They don't backtrack their previous statement. How this is in line with their policy, they're totally not panicking, this is not Matthew Prince shitting himself, and they're totally in the right. And they do this by citing imminent threat to human life, which they do not elaborate on. Unknown_15: I kind of wrote about this, but I want to elaborate a little bit. Unknown_15: It has been a week since that this message was posted. I have not been contacted by any law enforcement. I was not told by Cloudflare what the threat was. I was not given any indication of what this actually is. And it's basically left up to the imagination. 0:11:16 Unknown_15: Your guess is really as good as mine in terms of what they saw that they are now claiming is a threat to human life. Unknown_15: the roundabout way that they go they talk about this uh sort of makes it so that i can't prove them wrong some something somewhere out there uh gave matthew prince the inclination that there was an imminent threat to human life and i that is not a legally challengeable um statement i can't say no there's not look over here it's sort of like he thinks that and that's good enough 0:11:56 Unknown_15: um and it's it's uh the only thing i can think of the only thing that i found was that there's a guy and at first i thought that this was an intentionally like distressing statement that he was trying to make to scare people um someone said hey you know they they said that they're going to go to a poutine shop and there's 14 poutine shops throughout northern ireland so some smart ass anime avatar fuckhead makes a post that says Unknown_15: Um, I know a couple of IRA boys that live up in Belfast where they're at, and we're going to bomb all those poutine shops and we're going to station IRA guys out there to try and find this person. And then he deleted his post 14 minutes later with the deletion message being retarded as in my post was retarded. Uh, probably cause it was pointed out by eight different people that it was a retarded post and was reported seven times. So every two minutes, somebody reported this post until the user deleted it. And then, um, 18 minutes after. 0:12:56 Unknown_15: Ride responded to the reports. So 32 minutes after the post was made, Ride actioned the reports, which it was already deleted at the time, but he probably would have deleted it because he said that he didn't have to delete it because it was already deleted in the message. Unknown_15: And I think that this is what was the cause's belly of taking down the site because it was down minutes later. So this post, 14 minutes of lifetime, was screencapped, posted onto Twitter, and resulted in Cloudflare taking action on a Saturday, on Matthew Prince personally on a Saturday. uh after a day after their previous statement which was um a recommitment to not being the moderator of the internet and contrary to that statement this one actually explains that they are the moderator of the internet because not only did they um report the the content to authorities autonomously they also decided that authorities would not respond fast enough to this imminent urgent danger which apparently only they could stop by blocking access to the site and he also stressed i think it was in this statement or in a press statement that the blocking kiwi farms was easier to him as a judgment call than blocking the daily stormer or hn so he which is a lie uh obviously like it's one fucking post on a site that was deleted by the time matthew prince did anything uh imo In my opinion, something happened and there's speculation. Someone told me that they have an insider. I don't know if this is true. This is just like fourth-hand information. He said that MasterCard and VisaCard threatened Cloudflare. So he had to come up with a bullshit reason to justify this erratic response, this whiplash from his second post. 0:14:31 Unknown_15: And this is what he came up with. that there was that it was the kiwi the kiwi farms and keep in mind that cloudflare is a site that uh hosts terrorist websites literally they host like isis affiliates that host videos of people being decapitated and set on fire actual terrorists uh matthew prince said that the kiwi farms was the worst site he's ever seen and it was an urgent threat to human life that was never explained to anyone uh nobody ever talked to me about i was never identified to me by matthew prince but you think you know if it was such a huge issue then i i should be notified right so that i can correspond with law enforcement um no that didn't happen uh the other thing by the way was that someone took a picture outside of keffel's apartment with a note and they mentioned the kiwi farms 0:15:09 Unknown_15: Problem is that this post was made on poll, on 4chan. Unknown_15: So either he deleted service for the Kiwi Farms for over, what was effectively a joke that lasted for 14 minutes, was up for 14 minutes. Deleted quicker, by the way, than Facebook deleted the Christchurch shooting video. 0:16:05 Unknown_15: Or he revoked service over a post that was made on a different website. And I really don't know which is worse in terms of bad judgment calls. But it makes much more sense to me that he simply got threatened by something. The other fun thing, and this was pointed out to me. I don't even have this on Firefox. Unknown_15: This is an interesting video and the content of it is kind of boring. It's basically like a talking head thing. Enterprise Summit, it's called, from 2015. 0:16:42 Unknown_15: And we have a nice lineup of three intelligent gentlemen here. One of them, the one in the green, is Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare. Unknown_15: And the other one, I think it's the guy on the left. His name is Michael Janka or Janka. I don't know how you pronounce that. The interesting thing about Michael Janka is that that is the CIA ex CIA. I don't know if he's ex CIA here. the cia or ex-cia agent who is the father of isabel loretta jonka the woman that coaxed chris into raping his mother and boils small animals alive and brags about it on discord 0:17:21 Unknown_15: They're related. That person who does those things is related to one of those guys sitting on the couch and they know Matthew Prince. Isn't that an interesting chat? I really don't. It's a small world. Yeah, small world. 7 billion people on this planet, but there he is. Ex-CIA officer, contractor, whatever the fuck he was. Father of somebody who basically was a psychopath, a soulless... You know, it's funny. You can look at... Pull up a picture. Watch. I'm going to show you something. 0:17:54 Unknown_15: Really, the gateway to the soul really is in the eyes. Unknown_15: This won't translate to people who are just... Who are just listening. Unknown_10: But I do want to show something. Unknown_15: You look at... Unknown_15: You look at like his daughter and you look at like her dead soulless eyes, like literally like psychopath. No, it's like, um, in the, the thing, the, uh, the horror movie by what's his face. Anytime a character was possessed by the thing, he would digitally edit out the, um, the backlighting and the eyes. 0:18:28 Unknown_15: so there was no glint of light in them and that was sort of like his director's cue that that person was no longer who they were you can kind of see that with this they don't really look like a person with a soul um same same kind of vein you look at uh Unknown_15: you look at keffels and you just look in the eyes and you're just like there's nothing there these these people are like skinwalkers they're like aliens hobbling around in flesh suits making decisions that impact real human beings but there's just not like a thing going on behind those eyes see what i mean it's really stark to me the fluoride stare yeah pretty much 0:19:22 Unknown_15: So there's lots of fun theories about why the site went down. Unknown_15: You know, I don't know. Unknown_15: I'll tell you what it might have been. This is a really good one. I mentioned that... Unknown_15: liz fong jones the weirdo who was like in a relationship with a snake a snake tranny uh threatened to have a protest at cloudflare sydney in australia and 50 people were planned to go to this convention center in sydney to protest for three hours Unknown_15: And this actually happened, even though Cloudflare reverts over. And you can see that it's 1, 2, 3, 4. 0:19:59 Unknown_15: The guy said that there were seven strong at their peak. And they're having a nice little picnic over here. And then you can see Liz Fong Jones doing the virgin walk away from... There were little protests. It's very scary, very terrifying. If I was Matthew Prince and I knew that these forces were after me and my livelihood, I would properly shit myself. Thankfully, I don't have to deal with these incredible shows of power. 50 fun. 0:20:32 Unknown_15: Also really funny is that Liz Fung Jones bought a tranny cake. Unknown_15: Um, and from what I understand, most of it went into the trash cause there was only like three people there. So here's the tranny cake. They posted this on Twitter. Um, I can't, I can confirm the tranny cake did not get eaten and didn't go into the trash. I think, I think, um, the estimate given was about 41% of the, of the cake, uh, was eaten and the rest went into the trash. Unknown_15: Uh, 0:21:03 Unknown_15: uh so okay that's that's cloudflare cloudflare dropped us uh so on and so forth and the big thing that that that caused was that all the dns was um all the domains that i own not just kiwifarms.net were suddenly not being routed correctly and that's still not fixed uh like the kiwifarms.cc instance went down everything went down the email server became inaccessible Unknown_15: uh my email i i still can't send emails because my dns is not fixed and because cloudflare decided to cut service without even giving me like a day's notice i couldn't use the old dns records as a um as a reference setting up the new ones so i just kind of have to reconfigure all that manually and look up references one other time to figure out what they should be huge pain in the ass not looking forward to it but what can you do 0:22:01 Unknown_15: The other interesting thing that happened was that after Cloudflare dropped us and it was brought to my attention, I think hCaptcha is a subsidiary of Cloudflare. Unknown_15: We use hCaptcha to protect logins. So if you tried to log into any account too many times, the account would be protected by hCaptcha and you would have to complete a captcha anytime you try to log in thereafter. And this is just to stop automated login attempts to brute force old accounts that have weak passwords. A lot of users created accounts with their password being their username. So those got broken into. Bit of a pain in the ass. 0:22:42 Unknown_15: uh one such immediately after cloudflare dropped each captcha also dropped us which is just hysterical that a captcha h api can revoke your service so you can no longer have a captcha on your website to give you an idea of how centralized the internet is um but i had to take that down and i replaced it with a much weaker locally hosted text capture and soon after that there were hundreds and hundreds of attempted logins a second um on the alternate domains that i had uh picked up right now the site's on kiwifarms.top it's on van one tech van was the same company that hosts hn um they're not doing too well you can only access it directly through um through Unknown_15: uh ipv6 so if you don't have ipv6 particularly if you're not on a mobile network you will not be able to access kiwifarms.top but before that situation before it became ipv6 only there were hundreds of login attempts a um a second and then after that another account which had been inactive for over a year because the other one was inactive for like two years before it came back online uh another account comes back online and makes a a similar threat So I'm pretty convinced that there is a coordinated effort to log into old accounts, bring them back online, and then post violent threats that cause us technical issues because no service provider in the world will tolerate violent issues. Yes, Tor is working. So one of the things that I managed to get set up is Tor. 0:24:02 Unknown_15: So I can't give you the tour URL because it's quite long. But if you manage to find it, for instance, if you go to t.me slash kiwifarms and you look at my recent post, you'll see a long URL that starts with U-Q-U-U-S-Q-S-A-A-A-D or the UQ Sad Chads. The UQ Sad Chads are the ones who are active even though the site is down. It's all gone to shit. 0:24:52 Unknown_15: I will like to explain actually briefly how to access the site via Tor because it's I think a lot like we get a lot of traffic despite being Tor only right now, but I just kind of want to Explain to people how it works And it's it's quite easy Oh, I don't know if I can do that I can do that. Okay. Hold up. Let me try to do this real quick. See if this works. I 0:25:33 Unknown_15: I hate OBS I click somewhere and it dropped my microphone to like negative 60 so it looked like my thing was enabled but it had me my voice was crushed I hate technology I hate technology so much Unknown_10: external website yeah no shit it's just so fucking annoying anyways that was the I will I'm gonna cut that out so just to reiterate what you do very simply I'm gonna cut this I'm gonna get rid of this again and restart it it's because I have to close out the browser so very simply alt shift n instead of ctrl shift n and then I 0:26:30 Unknown_15: what you will get is a on brave if you just download the tor browser you don't have to do that and then you just paste in the url once it says tor connected connected successfully it will take about 15 to 60 seconds to find a circuit so the first time you load a page it has to figure out where that page is in the onion and that takes a little bit so once you open it and connect and paste in the url you're gonna have to wait just a little bit for the site to load up you're gonna get this interstitial page which helps with bots And then once it verifies you as being not a bot, you will be forwarded to the actual site, which will load also a little bit slowly the first time because it has to download all the assets as if you've never visited the site before because it's on Tor. But once you do that, the site loads very fast. And it took me a long time to get it working so well on the Onion. Unknown_15: So make use of it. Super, super simple. That's all there is to it. Unknown_15: Okay. Unknown_15: so that is that is your explanation of how to use tor uh especially on brave core bros are now so cocky yeah i mean it's really simple it's just a pain in the ass and it does drain like your battery really fast on um on your mobile phone if you're on your mobile phone you have to download the tor browser but you cannot use brave unfortunately for that where the fuck is my firefox executable 0:27:57 Unknown_15: I want to show people the Firefox again. Unknown_10: It's dead ass just fucking gone. I really, really, really hate technology. Maybe I have to open it. Unknown_15: Where's my tranny cake? I just showed everybody my tranny cake. Okay. Let me try restarting it. Unknown_15: I'm never going to be able to. Okay. Unknown_15: So, okay. I mentioned that we're now on tour. That's great. I got my training cake back up. Everything's fine. Um, so the other issue is that basically everything is kind of broken right now. Um, 0:28:39 Unknown_15: I have been fighting with my internet service providers for months, literally months since December to try and get something set up so that, um, we have a stronger upstream and I can do more robust things with networks. Unknown_15: I've not been able to get that set up. I managed to get that half set up this week and it coincidentally, by the way, shit out this week. So we were down for like a full two days completely across the internet. Unknown_15: just because of routing issues then there were other issues with the route there's still issues with the router like um it's just so tiring and it's so tiring because i can't get anyone to talk to me uh i follow support tickets and and takes forever i i but things are on the up and up i had i mentioned i've been complaining about the networking for two weeks now i managed to get that working the site is up um 0:29:36 Unknown_15: I just can't stick my neck out too far because it will get whacked again. DDoS attacks will come in. Unknown_15: We'll lose service providers. So I'm kind of laying low and I'm mostly focusing on getting the site working with Tor. Unknown_15: But I'm bringing things back online slowly as I can. I managed to get into contact with people who are very pro free speech and who are now trying to help me get set up. Unknown_15: Have our situation be stabilized There is someone Very very very promising that I've gotten into touch with two days ago. I had a phone call They did this guy emails me and says I want to talk to you. I I want your phone number so I can call you and talk to you. And that was the first person who has ever done that in regards to the Kiwi farms. And like, usually I can't even get an email. I didn't even get a fucking email from Matthew Prince explaining like what the issue was and what, what I should do or whatever, or what the, you know, what, what he's upset about. No emails ever. 0:30:12 Unknown_15: this guy emails me and he says we should talk i talk it's like him and the assistant and the prognosis is very good there there are resources being committed to getting the site back up right now um but they're in the work and the weekend's coming up so chances are it won't happen before next week but next week is probably where things are going to start turning around uh i don't regret you know it's frustrating it's frustrating that the site has been down for the week but 0:31:08 Unknown_15: i think that um it is a good thing ultimately because i i i realized probably too late that the weirdos on twitter are just like upset like there's no such thing as negative attention to them they don't exist they have felt neglected like their entire life so they don't exist and they they want to be important they want to have their life have some kind of meaning And then when there's this back and forth with like people in the forum constantly and the people in the forum are emotionally invested for whatever reason they, for whatever reason, like I'll, I'll give, I'll, um, I'll say something a little bit personal, right? Uh, I went to a doctor for a checkup, just a routine checkup. And he said that I have, I think Bradycardia, my heart rate doesn't go above 60. I'm like, um, Hannibal Lecter. Unknown_15: If you read the news articles about me, I'm apparently murdering trannies every day. But for some reason, my heart rate never goes above 85. 0:32:07 Unknown_15: When you listen to me and I sound very chill, I am literally cold-blooded. I do not... Even when I'm stressed out, I have a breathing thing that I do. I keep my pulse very low at all times. So I'm not... you know i i'm i'm relaxed i'm okay i'm perfectly fine uh i i did a test today actually i'm not dying my heart's fine i'm just chill i'm very chill so everybody who's emotionally invested in this are like i can't believe that these trunes are getting away with this and so on and so forth you got to be a little bit more like me you got to embrace the pizza lifestyle the chill lifestyle you have to relax and realize that Being upset and getting angry on the internet isn't going to cause them to back off. It's just going to galvanize them. In the same way that the forum would look at someone who's like a locale and the spurging out they do on Twitter about the Kiwi farms, this mob is predatory. It's an inverse of roles. They are ideologically aligned to removing, become a reptile. They're ideologically aligned to trying to kill the site. And they want you to be upset. When you're upset, they're happy. You know, they want to... Like, there was... 0:33:35 Unknown_15: a tweet that someone showed me and it was an author for Haratz, which is the Israeli publication in Hebrew. And this guy who's like a real editor, a journalist for Haratz is sitting on Twitter and he's writing in Hebrew about how he can't say what he wants to do to me because it would get him banned from Twitter. So these are people who are like, it's like they can get away with saying whatever they want. The forum has to be lighthearted. Its purpose is to be lighthearted. But you also have to be. It's a place of humor. But on Twitter, it's like they actually want you to die. If they could kill every single person on the Kiwi Farms, they would. So they want you to be upset and they want you to be angry. And it's just like, don't. Just don't. And if you are upset, which, you know, you can't control how you feel, but you can control how you react. You're upset. Don't don't let them know. Why would you show your hand? Go play a video game or something or embrace the Bradycardia pizza lifestyle and chill out a bit. 0:34:12 Unknown_15: Because you don't want to give some sicko who writes for her at a big, big circumcised stiffy about how upset you are. That's not gonna do any good for you. 0:34:46 Unknown_15: Um, so that's that I could mention any, I, I have, um, I'm gonna just look on Google actually at my, my Gmail real quick. Unknown_15: If I go to Gmail and I go to my email. Unknown_15: I have a bunch of Google Alerts. Unknown_15: The Kiwi Farms has been scrubbed from the Internet Archive, The Verge. Online cesspool, Kiwi Farms finds new host in bandwidth tech, Gizmodo. Inside Kiwi Farms, the hate-filled platform that just had its worst day ever, news.com.au. 0:35:19 Unknown_15: Anti-trans hate forum Kiwi Farms dropped by providers as owner rants about site's demise, the Latin Times. Whoever will stand for the bigoted hate mongers behind Kiwi Farms? Glenn Greenwald, of course, from the Daily KOS. Unknown_15: cloudflare blocks hate-filled platform kiwi farms that mocked new zealand cops over mosque attacks new zealand herald lots of fun headlines there those are only hits for my name by the way there's a lot more that are uh more generic this is my favorite though i will show you this where is that 0:36:12 Unknown_15: Pulled it up and everything and of course, I'm not gonna be able to find it now because that's just how hey guys Oh, don't sorry. That's Amberlynn Reid. I have I have a fat woman clip for today Just to keep just to make sure the ball is rolling as it should be Okay, I apparently did not have the the foresight to bring this up There we go, oh actually I did have this I was just looking for the wrong thing cuz I'm an idiot I Unknown_15: This is my favorite. This is from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. This is a crowned corporation. This is owned by King Charles out of Canada. And it says, founded by Joshua Moon in 2013, Kiwi Farms is the forum where the 2019 Christchurch mosque gunman revealed his intentions hours before carrying out the attacks. 0:36:53 Unknown_15: I remember it just like yesterday, chat. I remember when my good buddy Brenton Tarrant logged into his verified kiwifarms.net forum account and told everybody that he was going to shoot up a mosque in the articles and news board hours before it happened. oh wait that's not what happened he posted it to 8chan and carried out the live stream on facebook and never had a fucking account and everybody knows this but for some reason the government of canada is able to print this about me and there's literally no recourse whatsoever really really just fucking nuts isn't it chat uh 0:37:52 Unknown_15: i mean you want to talk about defamation i think that's defamation i feel defamed i feel like if if i said if i said the things that these people say about me to anybody else i would be facing defamation charges i'm pretty sure in canada that's like criminal defamation i'm like they're accusing me of a crime that i like conducted a terrorist attack it's nonsense and what's funny is that they this was pointed out by the way this is days old now I have an archive of it, but I loaded the real version up because I want to show you that this was pointed out to them and they have left it up. They don't give a fuck. The guy that wrote this just does not give a fuck. Neither does the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or King Charles for that matter. Unknown_15: Oh, this was published by CBC Radio. So the fucking tranny that works for CBC that published this didn't want to put their name on it because it's bullshit and they know it's bullshit and they don't want people to say anything to them that would hurt their feelings. So they hid behind the editorial title. Very fascinating. 0:38:51 Unknown_10: So... Unknown_10: That's that. That's the new shit. Unknown_15: Basically, I've just been working on the site the whole week. I haven't had much time to enjoy much. Do I have any other tabs related to this? Not really. Unknown_15: I have a lovely picture of Count Dankula in a femboy basement. You want to know why Count Dankula doesn't like this site? It's because he's friends with that weird Thai tranny. And he gets fucked in the ass by people like this. In the most disgusting dungeon ever. The patches of cheese. 0:39:26 Unknown_15: I'm going to try to get... I'm really hesitant. You know what? I could start it now. Unknown_15: Maybe I'll do it next week. I'll get the site up and safe, and then I'll do it once I have some security. Unknown_15: Poor Dankula. Poor Dankula's wife. Poor Dankula's kid. Daddy's in the tranny basement getting fucked. 0:40:02 Unknown_15: Looks like the goblin from Harry Potter. Unknown_15: Could be more goblin-esque, if you ask me. Unknown_15: Speaking before I get into the I'll play a little bit of the fat play the I'll play the fat for the end Actually, I'll put this towards the end There is a user on the Kiwi farms named winter and winter is one of the most like prolific posters in the keffels thread and Unknown_15: Uh, and he sent a DM to capitals on discord, which I don't condone at all. 0:40:38 Unknown_15: That's the stupid move. Unknown_15: Uh, cause you're like, what are you going to do? You're going to like, just yell at them. Cause that's what, if you look at the chat, this is like the chat logs that he posted. He like did like a live recording of his chat with capitals to prove that it's real. Unknown_15: it started like august 10th so i don't think he's i don't think this is fake actually no careful sent a message to him first thank you for being my biggest fan if you ever need someone to talk to i'm always here for you friend and then he makes fun of him for a little bit but then he stops on august 16th and on september 5th keff will start sending him pictures of what he thinks is winter's mom he thinks that he's like a little uh mexican boy uh 0:41:24 Unknown_10: And that's about it. Unknown_15: Keffles continues to say, I have your face and name. I know what schools you went to. I know every member of your family. Excited to see how they all react when your information gets sent to them. Unknown_15: Winter continues to say that you have no fucking idea who you're talking about. Keffles says, glad you confirmed your identity. Thank you. You're laughing now, just like Josh did. We saw how that went. You have a choice. Your life is on a diverging path. You can walk away or you can see what comes next. and he says is that a threat and he goes no that's a promise didn't you learn your lesson after getting sent to military school you need to make better choices kid you're shitting your life away you're powerless in the real world so he's basically just like threatened him and his mom oh and then he says he has a pi i know the pi will get me more though not really in talking interested in trash talking sanchez i want to help you 0:42:23 Unknown_15: So the PI is talking to his family and school officials. Unknown_15: I don't want you to shake. This isn't a threat or anything. Except when he says that it was, I guess, a promise. This isn't a threat, is it? He keeps saying, look at Josh. Look what good that did him. Unknown_15: I think I'm fine. I'm too fine, even. Unknown_15: Downfall, let's not take this guy is such a fucking egomaniac This is how you know, it's not a woman like you did not know anything else about this person No woman talks like this. This is like a fucking dude You already know I have insomnia what a surprise I 0:42:58 Unknown_10: Blah, blah, blah. This is like a huge conversation. Unknown_10: Vic is Victorian now. Unknown_15: So that's like his dad. He literally docks some random Mexican and is insisting that it's winter. Unknown_15: Winter is like not taking him seriously at all. Unknown_10: And that's like really frustrating to him. 0:43:51 Unknown_15: That clip of keffels like openly like I don't know what the fuck they're doing They're like digging fingers up in their belly button and their pants after a stream It's just like back and forth Unknown_15: It's crazy. So this is also like, I can't believe that someone would try to fake a conversation this long. Unknown_15: You're just trying to make it incriminating enough that people would want to read it. I doubt you have a girlfriend. So docs, the Catholics, you got to leave doxing to the professionals. You're a novice. Even when you hire a private investigator, you have no fucking idea what you're doing. A true expert would know. Look, it's like the thing clicks open and you can see that it's a verified. 0:44:42 Unknown_15: What a weirdo. Must be frustrated that people are making fun of him now on Twitter. Unknown_10: Help the sites down. Unknown_10: Okay. That's enough of the Trun stuff. Unknown_15: Jennifer Lawrence said that Tucker Carlson gave her nightmares because he's conservative. She also says that there's like no room. How does it say here? I'm going to get this correct. 0:45:14 Unknown_15: Okay, this is from Jennifer Lawrence. I can't fuck with people who aren't political anymore. You live in the United States of America. You have to be political. Unknown_15: It's too dire. Politics are killing people. like how they word this it's true that our politics are killing people the actress known for dramatic turns um it breaks my heart because america had the choice between a woman and a dangerous dangerous jar of mayonnaise and they're like well we can't have a woman let's go with a jar of mayonnaise would you guys vote for a woman or a jar of mayonnaise be honest chat 0:45:54 Unknown_15: picture you know okay so apparently tucker carlson might have done a thing on the forum i haven't seen that or heard that but it was like a rumor i really hope it doesn't happen because if he wants me to be on the check across i'd be really tempted and i it's a bad idea i know i like knowing my heart of hearts it's a terrible idea to go on national television but at the same time i would be very tempted to accept because i would want to Unknown_10: uh such is life oh that's the daily mail they're currently crying because the queen's dead uh also from the daily mail is does it Unknown_15: Oh no, did they delete this? Do I have to pull up an archive of this image? Hold up. Hold up chat, I'm not letting this go. This trans activist, um, post, oh they did delete it. 0:46:59 Unknown_10: There's no, nobody archived, are you fucking kidding me? Unknown_10: Oh well, let me see if I can get the archive. Unknown_10: Cause I know the archive exists. Unknown_10: It's a, it's, it's a picture of like, oh, here. Okay. Hold up. There's a Alex sharp 64. Unknown_10: Let me see if I can find this. Unknown_10: Here we go. 0:47:36 Unknown_10: the the it is a new god twitter is the worst piece of shit on the fucking planet now like you can't even scroll down the fucking page without some nag thing saying sign in i don't want to fucking sign in you banned me i don't have an account i'm not signing in jesus okay trans activist left over 60 bottles of piss outside the um Unknown_15: the oh the human rights commission or whatever the fuck the european human rights commission and the funny thing is that their group is called pot or pissed off trannies which last time i heard uh tranny is like a derogatory term but i guess they deleted this video of them pouring piss on the ehrc Unknown_15: Oh, wait. Ew. They're pouring pee-pee on themselves. They're in like a... Ew. They're in like a dress with like... And they're pouring... Tranny pee-pee on themselves. Gross. 0:48:33 Unknown_15: We live in a society. Unknown_15: I can't help it. Unknown_15: Okay. Unknown_15: And speaking... I'm just going through my little stories. It's a fetish? Yeah. You think so? Unknown_15: J.K. Rowling got in trouble because, um... Unknown_15: spitfire audio which i don't know what the fuck that is if it's like a podcast company or what but the co-founder of spitfire audio christian henson recently tweeted support for graham line glinum graham linem and jk rowling now the company ceo has apologized for the hurt that this tweet has caused and announced that christian's going to take a break as we reflect on how to move forward can you imagine 0:49:32 Unknown_15: What does this say? Apparently I can no longer keep track of this. I like Glinner and JK Rowling. Bro, okay, I'll show you this post that I made that I'm very proud of. I was reading messages left on Hacker News after Cloudflare dropped us. Unknown_15: And my favorite message was this one, which I'm now reminded of. And as far as I know, this is like the most liked post ever on the Fediverse. I've never seen one with over a thousand likes. So I'm taking my crown for that, my W. I said, Kiwi Bros, it was all worth it. Quoting this guy, Thomas Thomas, saying... 0:50:07 Unknown_15: I didn't know about the Kiwi Farms until yesterday. After reading the thread that got them taken down, I know one thing. I will not be letting my children near Discord. Unknown_15: I may have lost my sight, but at least one child will not be allowed on Discord. And it was all worth it, chat. Everything was worth it. Unknown_15: I last 10 years was building up this one. This one kid is going to be a giga Chad. He's going to be president. He's going to fix everything. Cause I managed to keep him off discord. That's the, that's the butterfly effect. Chad, you gotta, you gotta be optimistic about things. 0:50:41 Unknown_15: Uh, but JK Rowling points out that this is fucking stupid because it is extremely stupid. It's so pathetic. So like mind numbingly pathetic. It's such an innocent tweet. Unknown_15: Uh, it's like, I don't want my kid to be groomed into being a tranny. That's it. And they're like, Oh my God, this is so problematic. This is so problematic, bro. And it's not even like a crime. Like I can understand like when China gets pissed off and tells the WWE that John Cena, I wanted to call him John Sheena, but I knew that wasn't it. 0:51:24 Unknown_15: When John Cena said Taiwan, that really hurt the government's feelings. So now he's like, oh, I get that. Unknown_15: Um, but this is like, nobody is forcing these retards to do it. They'd like internalize this, this narrative that they feel the, the urge to repent for all the time. It's so stupid. Unknown_15: Uh, but this guy, Ramey Guerrero says you shouldn't be surprised when you're outwardly hateful to an entire community, which JK Rowling replies receipts, please. And Guerrero replies, LOL. Look at your past tweets. I'm not going to waste my time. And at this moment, Guerrero goes over to his timeline and says, hashtag writing community. Can you direct me to the tweet I'm thinking of where the Harry Potter lady was being ugly about the trans community? I don't know how to search for it. She's been promoting her children's book right before. Thanks. I just want to win an argument. So he immediately flip-flops over to his own timeline and says, help, help. I don't know what I'm doing. 0:52:01 Unknown_15: And JK says, which of my past tweets show hatred towards a whole community? And Guerrero says, you don't tweet about the trans community. And Rowling says, show me the tweets that demonstrate hatred towards the trans community. Should be easy. Sounds like there are loads. Guerrero says, I don't know when you said it, but I bet you do. You've been promoting your children's book. Then bam, random hate speech. You don't need to have loads. You show your character with a single tweet. And JK Rowling says, okay, so show me which of my random hate speech. I'll take a single example. 0:52:35 Unknown_15: He says, I don't know how to find an old tweet, but there are a few. Unknown_15: The tweets that were in this article, by the way, are just her saying that 0:53:08 Unknown_15: obviously there is such a thing as biological sex you can't like you can't undo that it's just true and to say that it's not true since people like to say you know you're you're silencing the the stories of people you're silencing the stories of people who have already lived those those experiences and that's should be antithetical to your mission statement um and jk says that Unknown_15: They love trannies. They have tranny friends or some shit. That's necessary. Do I have tranny friends? I had one. I had Katsu. My boy Katsu. He's no longer with us though. Unknown_15: He's gone away. He's gone to the ranch. Where all the cats go when they die. I don't know. KamiDickGirl likes us. Unknown_15: Is KamiDickGirl our friend chat? Should I hoist that one? 0:54:07 Unknown_15: I think I have a press statement coming out in regards to the thing that I was talking about before, the optimistic thing. Unknown_15: And I quoted Kami Dickerill on it because they've been pretty vocal about supporting the site. Speaking of supporting the site. Unknown_15: There is an article, because this whole tweet thread is about Graham Lynam, whose name I cannot pronounce because it's exceptionally English. On Graham Lynam... Unknown_15: On the glinner update, which is a sub stack, there's a, uh, expose from his perspective about the careful shit, which is very sympathetic to, uh, the forum and the timeline, as opposed to simply saying that the Kiwi farms is like a hate site or whatever the fuck. So props to him, I guess. 0:54:56 Unknown_10: Very interesting Sorry, I have to stop myself from like reading comments and shit everywhere because there's so much there's so much noise that if I tried to be Exhausting poll has had like eight different threads up at any given time about the Kiwi farms Redux oh, yeah, that's right Redux. Unknown_15: Oh Unknown_15: uh kiwi versus predator redux side info that's also like the the people most on our side are like very turf turfy because it's like and it is hard to take the side of the kiwi farms the site is very can be very mean i don't ask people to hold a particular narrative i don't expect people to be nice or whatever so people are often not nice and 0:55:53 Unknown_15: they say mean things they say mean things about whole groups of people i say very mean things about everybody all the time because uh i have i just do because i i find it funny and that makes me in particular extremely indifference sensible however uh this this whole thing is driven by one person's desire to suppress information about them Unknown_15: It's really scary because it's like there's like I mentioned they're trying to go after APNIC and get APNIC to revoke our internet allocation and that's never happened before in like the history the only time that an RIR revokes an allocation is that it's like they're not using it there's trying to squat resources or they're Using it for technical abuse purposes like hacking and spam and you know malware and shit like that and It's always, it's always like a, a threat to the network as opposed to a local law. So it's like this person is so upset that I make fun of them for being a snake tranny or for having like a fake vagina and for being a fart fetishist that they're trying to undermine the internet as a whole. And it's from that perspective, it's very scary. It's like, why are these people so galvanized? They're just like freaks. 0:56:56 Unknown_10: yeah transphobia is worse than hacking god uh yeah it must be because a lot of people are threatening to hack the site right now oh and this is the teletubbies i have this too this is funny this is the new teletubbies remake from netflix the the sun has been turned from a white baby to a chinky baby because they're racist and they somehow found a black guy to put into this 0:57:51 Unknown_15: That guy's soy face is pretty scary though. Did they even have a human in the old Teletubbies? The baby face was like the only human, right? Unknown_10: There wasn't like... Unknown_10: Yeah. Yeah, in old pictures, there's not, like, a human being. Unknown_15: So they've just, like, inserted this black guy into the Teletubbies for no reason other than the fact that they want a black guy in the show. Unknown_15: Can the Teletubbies... The Teletubbies were always already gay. Do they need to be molested by Netflix, too? I don't understand. 0:58:23 Unknown_15: Black guy's the house cleaner. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Unknown_15: I'm imagining like the Teletubbies own like a plantation and then the sun the chinky baby sun rises over the cotton fields and all the black people are picking cotton and the Teletubbies are on the porch drinking iced tea the world could be so much funnier than it is chat if it was only allowed to be 0:59:08 Unknown_15: This is what I mean. This is why nobody can defend my stupid shitty site. Because I started thinking about slavery and I laugh. Unknown_15: I have that Amberlynn clip. I'll play that. Unknown_10: Let's see. 4.30 to 7.00. Okay. We'll listen to some Fats to calm down. Unknown_07: Things that you see in stupid romantic movies. Unknown_15: This is an explanation of how Amberlynn met Becky, or proposed to Becky. Because they proposed, but I don't think they ever got married. And it was like a cheap Walmart ring. So we're going to listen to Amberlynn for just a second. Like, for old time's sake, for old time's sake. 0:59:47 Unknown_07: That's what I want. But how I was proposed to, I was sitting in the living room. It was about 2 a.m. And I was in a muumuu. I was like actual grandma chic. I had my floral muumuu on. Oh yeah, that's right. Unknown_15: Becky proposed to her, according to the story. You're right. Unknown_07: and living my best life don't think i showered that day i can't tell you what i was doing probably binge watching some youtube moment who knows and i remember it being january 13th because my partner thought that she wanted to change that day for me because 1:00:34 Unknown_07: Years prior that's a day that I got broken up on like where my heart broke So she wanted to change that day for me into something special which Unknown_07: I get where your mind frame's at. It's a good mind frame, but it's also kind of weird all in the same. Your heart was in a good place, but it was in a place that I don't know. I don't know. It was just weird, okay? So I'm in my muumuu, not showered, hair greasy as per usual, and all of a sudden, like, she comes out. Like, she's also in her pajamas, like, just living her best life. We both got the greasy hair. Just living our actual... Unknown_07: separate lives in the same home. I don't know. There was definitely a disconnect, especially when she walked out of the bedroom with something in her hand and it was like this clear box and it was small and I could tell something was in it and she just sat down across from me and handed it to me and I looked at it. 1:01:18 Unknown_07: You guys, Unknown_07: This is embarrassing, but it's like an actual true situation type thing. It's food. It was a tiny pink vibrator with an engagement ring wrapped around it. Like, it was like, say this is the vibrator, it was like on it, like that. 1:01:49 Unknown_07: And she looked at me and said, will you have sex with me for the rest of my life? Unknown_07: And I said yes. Unknown_07: um we hadn't had sex we had sex one time in the last like three years so it was it was a definite i don't know it was very like disconnected um i don't know but that's how i was proposed to i know a lot of people have been asking about that i thought i shared it before what time what time did she talk about the forum i didn't know that was in the school i just have this one clip 1:02:42 Unknown_10: Is there like a comment that tags it? Unknown_10: The German magazine published a picture of me with pedophile written on it. Unknown_15: Oh, is that the picture from Vordrag's blog? Unknown_15: Let's see. Unknown_15: Tagesschau. Oh yeah, they posted a picture from Vordrag's blog that has the pedophile on it. That's interesting. Unknown_10: They explained that... What lazy shit, Jesus. 1:03:17 Unknown_10: LGBTQs are the main target of Kiwi Farms. Unknown_15: The whole like media talking about, um, how the, like the NBC news published an article saying that the Kiwi farms was synonymous with swatting, which is not true. It is demonstrably untrue. It has always been untrue. And anybody who's ever come out in support of like a specific swatting, I've always struck down and they just lie and they get, they, they have no accountability whatsoever. 1:03:53 Unknown_10: It's very tiring Yeah, whatever nobody cares what Germans think Where's the Kiwi Farms for that I didn't get a time stamp from anybody in chat So I'm assuming that I don't get to see this is 24 minutes long Let's I don't expect the journalists to tell the truth but the Unknown_15: lot of people do a lot of people are astounded by how exactly how much the journalists lie and uh they expect there to be some modicum of truth like there's no way that a journalist could lie about this on national news but yeah they just lie the fact that this continuously happens where you guys come at me for a subreddit being taken down about me Unknown_07: when I had nothing to do with it, goes to show that you are bullying. What you are doing in that subreddit is not okay. It is harassment. It is doxing. It is bullying. It is gross. It is clearly not allowed on reddit.com. Same goes with Kiwi Farms. That has been taken down. Why? 1:04:50 Unknown_07: Well, I looked it up and it's because it is actual bullying. It can hurt people. Unknown_07: There is doxing. It is harassment. Like, are you guys delusional? Are you delusional? So no, it wasn't me. It wasn't wifey. It was a higher power. okay i'm not talking about god or the universe or freaking buddha crisis kang queen falls and crashes kang shut down the kiwi farms they heard from everyone read higher it's someone bigger it's not allowed keffels is pretty fat but they're not bigger than you amberlin come down it's not allowed so maybe you should look at your actions so 1:05:55 Unknown_15: okay that's the end of that i guess very funny uh i think that's it as far as like content that i have queued up i'm sure that i've missed a lot this week but i've been um my head has been firmly buried in the sand have i is there anything that i should talk about i'll just rift off chat for a bit before i do before i look at any super chats it is allowed Unknown_10: Busy boy. Yes. I have been very busy very busy I just wanted to play a game of venice on eu4 last week and I never I didn't get to finish Ralph versus post. Unknown_15: Oh, yeah Graf had like a melty at ralph and said something like he was gonna sue he sounded drunk like his his messages were not so coherent Um, so I don't know 1:06:55 Unknown_15: What the deals with that, but what's his face Ralph is like taking shots at graph on, on Twitter for some reason, Ralph really hates graph. I don't understand. Unknown_15: So Graf might be suing... What's his face? Ralph at some point. And just to reiterate, in case you were not here when I started the stream, I'm doing a stream with Jim on the 17th, assuming that nothing happens. The family emergency that I talked about hasn't... The other shoe hasn't dropped for that yet. So the week that I will be taking off is still upcoming this month. I don't know when. But I'm hoping that I will be able to do that stream with Jim, regardless. His... 1:07:33 Unknown_15: his availability is pretty limited because of his health issues so hopefully the stars align for that graph bullied ralph off the site Unknown_15: Did you know, you know who else is never going to join the Fed over us? Uh, that guy sticks eventually, like he's going to get banned from Twitter and he's going to be like, I'm being censored and I, you can find me on the free speech site, gab and parlor in minds. Unknown_15: Uh, though I think minds is going to federate at some point, which they should because the Fed versus great. Unknown_15: Oh, destiny. Yeah. Destiny. Um, destiny is just stirring shit though. He's not, he's not going to do anything. He has no reason to. 1:08:15 Unknown_10: Sticks, Trump and hammer. Unknown_10: DSP. It's worked out. Um, DSP actually, this is on the site. Unknown_15: I have it on the tour. I may be able to find it. Unknown_15: Um, Unknown_15: Though maybe not. Hold up, let me sign in. The only frustrating thing about Tor is that 1:08:48 Unknown_15: The captcha is recaption now. And, um, the captcha for, from Google for Tor users is like psychotic. It's like the most difficult captchas in the entire world. You have to, it gives you those really slow ones where like the single frame reloads and over and over again for like five minutes. And then it gives you like six of those in a row. And then it just decides that you're going to do it all over again anyways, because fuck you. It's really maddening. Unknown_15: Um, Unknown_15: But let's see, internet famous. 1:09:22 Unknown_15: I actually made a post about that, about DSP, so I should be able to find it pretty easy. Unknown_15: I want to say it was a quote, but I don't know for sure. He talked about the forum, and I think he obviously doesn't like his forum, because they really hate him there. Oh no, I'm thinking of Jordy. Unknown_10: Here, I have the audio here. 612. Unknown_10: I haven't seen DSPs thing, but the forum I'll play this though. I've not heard this. 1:09:57 Unknown_02: Do I have an opinion on Kiwi farms getting taken down? I do. I do have an opinion on Kiwi farms getting taken down. Unknown_02: I. Unknown_02: I felt like Kiwi Farms was too loosely moderated, to be fair. And let me put it this way. Joshua Moon has never been unfair to me. 1:10:31 Unknown_02: Most people do illegal stuff and things of that nature. But I feel like Noon basically let too many people run the asylum. that means sad because like you had people like one of my favorite things growing up as a kid was like the playstation uh one emulator x psx x you know and the guy who created and coded that ended up like you know self-deleting because of like flack he was getting from kiwi farms and i i 1:11:06 Unknown_02: And to me, stuff like that, you shouldn't be able to sit there and be a cesspool of hive and villainy to the point that people are literally taking... What are those words you just said? Unknown_09: What the fuck? Unknown_15: Let's see. Unknown_15: That's the end of that. What's the... This is from two days ago. Unknown_15: don't know let's see is there a time stamp for this this is on wait this is on his channel what's going on everyone kiwi farms ends the game entertainment and humor is that it lasted Unknown_05: next week when i play again overall had a hitting and charging not respond no jump and you know you just die it's still kind of annoying wow late stream well slow this is this is every dsp streaming ever just in case you're wondering he just like he takes so long to explain anything and it never gets around to it won't be like that from like 380 some memberships all the way up to almost that's excellent p gaming if that's the case or not youtube says a lot of things to clear up i'm going to tell you to clear it up because obviously when they're cleared and once they're done it's all right tomorrow's main gameplay car carnales plotline the rollers that way so 1:12:15 Unknown_15: where's the kiwi farms talk phil that just gets better and better literally every time i play it even though it gets tough today friday now i'm finding collection on the late stream but if we it looks like he's lost weight his cat is he like not able to buy food anymore does he just hate cats cooking how is he losing weight he's always a like big fat guy i thought Unknown_05: There is no mention of the Kiwi Farms anywhere. 1:13:06 Unknown_15: this video phil you put it in the title it's the first thing that shows up when i type in dsp kiwifars and it's not in the fucking video why would you do this at some point what the fuck uh okay let's try this one looks like it's edited to shit we'll see Unknown_15: Oh, Snort Brunel. This one's great because watch this. I want to show you this real quick. We're at zero seconds. This is his intro. 5, 11, 17, 22, 28, 30, 37. Okay. It's like 37 seconds of just intro. It was just Phil dancing. Unknown_03: Okay. 1:14:08 Unknown_15: This is the same fucking thing? Unknown_04: Where's the Kiwi Farms chat at? What the fuck is this? Unknown_10: Why is Velma in Smash Brothers? Wait, why is Superman in Smash? Unknown_14: What the fuck is this? Unknown_15: So one thing that would help tips to pay these bills is all the idiots went over there right all the dumb fucks So I guess that would make sense. Come watch me This video is hell. Is this where's the? Where is the fucking why are you lying to me? I watched your intro respond You can support it with tips that'd be great 1:14:44 Unknown_04: Where is the time stamp for like the shit he's talking about? Unknown_03: Why? 1:15:27 Unknown_15: Jesus Christ. DSP people, you are the worst. You have no redeeming qualities. I'm glad the site's dead because fuck you. Unknown_15: Two days ago. Oh my God. Okay. What's this guy? Snort Hogan. 30 minutes? How is this 30 minutes? Why are there no timestamps for this video? I don't understand. Unknown_15: What the fuck? Unknown_05: Thread to exist because that's what the content that I'm putting out publicly on the internet to be criticized. If you want to... Wait, is this it? About the shit that these guys say and do. 1:16:02 Unknown_15: Oh wait, this is it. Unknown_05: Right? Am I the person they say? Unknown_05: Page after page after page. Unknown_10: Oh my God. Unknown_05: Evidence that I had insane... In my content. That's all fair game. But the moment you... Where does he start about it? Unknown_15: Is this it? This must be it. Please. Unknown_05: Oh my god. Wait, okay. Wait, no. Unknown_15: I think... Wait, no. Unknown_05: Okay. This doesn't... Where does it start? 1:16:36 Unknown_05: Is this... Wait, is this entire thing... Unknown_15: Is it like a 30 minute long thing where he's talking about the forum? Does it start at the beginning? Oh my god, this is all about the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_05: Anyway, um... Yeah, I got funny emails here. Unknown_05: I think someone else might have paid. Um, so... All that being said, there's something I want to address publicly, alright? I've been talking about it on and off, as people mentioned it during my gameplay streams, but I haven't dedicated a set time to talk about it. I'd like to talk about it today, just to give my formal thoughts on it out of the way. 1:17:11 Unknown_15: Click on the Twitter. Okay, I'll click on the Twitter. What's this, uh... Unknown_15: oh okay this here we go a two minute clip okay fine i'll watch this one from spec purr purr which is perspiricity apparently anything at least with kiwi farms out of commission in the way that it was there's no more centralized place for the harassment to take place okay i'm not happy that it's gone i honestly wish that instead the owner would have learned like what he's doing is wrong it's never gonna work 1:17:52 Unknown_05: And it's too idealistic. It's too ignorant. It's too gullible. He's gullible to think that that kind of an idealistic thing could work on the internet and that people would not take advantage of it to hurt others. And that being said, if it comes back in another capacity, I just hope that they learned their lesson. Not that it comes back, oh, right back to business as usual, harassing people and making people's lives miserable and trying to make them kill themselves. Unknown_05: You know? Unknown_05: But I guess we'll see. Anyway, that's my take on it. I'm not against free speech, but I'm certainly against unlimited power to do whatever you want at the expense of everyone around you, which then causes people to have their lives ruined. I've definitely been a part of that experience. Am I breathing a sigh of relief because Kiwi Farms is gone? No, I'm not. I'm not. The online harassment will continue. I'm not stupid. I'm not gullible. I'm not ignorant. I know it's always going to keep going and going and going. But the fact that the centralized place for those people to be is gone is a win. In reaction to that, you know, essentially... 1:18:32 Unknown_05: I don't think the level of shit that's happened will continue to happen. You know what I'm saying? Like, I'll be honest, the biggest thing that's been ongoing for like fucking two to three years has been the mobile game conspiracy bullshit. And the fact that there's no centralized place for them to continue to put out their junk, their bullshit, that's all fake, is a good thing. 1:19:08 Unknown_15: That was real, though. Unknown_05: I don't think that these people who make the YouTube videos are going to go out of their way to try to find that information. They always went to Kiwi Farms and stole it from there and made videos based off of that. So now that that's gone... now you can focus on making fun of me again tell me that i'm a bad content creator tell me that i'm a bad person i'm an e-bagger do all that the wwe was in his bankruptcy documents wasn't it his public he like publicly filed that he was in debt because of wwe wasn't i'm not like full of when i say that right like that was true 1:19:47 Unknown_15: Like he, he, he filed under penalty of perjury that he was in debt because of his micro transactions. Right. I'm not making that up or I'm not misinformed. Okay. Yeah. I don't know. That's strange. Unknown_15: Um, Unknown_15: dsp dsp has acknowledged too that i've given him a fair shake both him both wings of redemption and dsp have acknowledged because dsp's people in particular they don't know how to laugh those people really those people really think that ds this guy is like the worst guy in the world and he doesn't deserve to make money and that's just ridiculous like if people want he deserves to make money because people want to pay him You know, I'm not for saying, oh, dear people who want to pay this guy for his videos and his live streams, you don't get to do that because he's deceiving you. That's retarded. 1:20:24 Unknown_15: Like, fuck it. I wouldn't care. Like, I can't get mad at how people spend their money. If you were to get mad at how people spend their money, you would be upset all the time. Like, Amarath or whatever makes, like, $3 million a month from her, like, OnlyFans career. Unknown_15: you know how do you even that to me is more offensive than dsp dsp makes a couple thousand dollars like a month from his live stream and what do you fucking do what about all those weirdos who are like on only fans and then they like file dmca complaints and shit and their entire life is just getting guys to jerk off to them 1:21:15 Unknown_15: Or people like Bella Delphine who do like rape porn and shit like that's weird That's that's worse than DSP. But yeah, she makes a they make a ton of fucking money They make an obscene amount of money and their negative impact on everything far more than DSP is DSP is at least funny sometimes he's funny when he's taught he's going on a five-minute story about ants and little bugs and the the crouton packets in the back of his cabinets and when he tries to cook that's all funny and Unknown_15: Here's the TYT clip. Okay, this is what this stream will be for the second hour. I'm just going to react to all the shit that has been said that I didn't get the chance to watch during the week. Seven minutes. Oh, jeez. 1:21:55 Unknown_06: Trans streamer Keffels has been doxxed repeatedly for weeks by users of a hate forum known as Kiwi Farms. Unknown_15: It's so sad when you have Anna Kasperian next to Kefals. Look at that. Real woman, right? Fake imitation. Soulless dead bug eyes on the left. Unknown_15: Anytime you put real woman versus trans on the screen right next to each other, it's just like any kind of deception of passing or womanhood melts instantly. 1:22:30 Unknown_06: But she chose to fight back, and guess what? She won in a big way. After engaging in a long pressure campaign, she successfully shut Kiwi Farms down. And it's incredible that she was able to do this, especially because it feels impossible to do away with these types of forums. But Kiwi Farms has had a long history of hate. In fact, at least three people have died by suicide after being targeted, by, you know, Kiwi Farms harassment campaigns, and that's according to Vice. Oh, according to... God! 1:23:02 Unknown_15: It's so intellectually dishonest. It's so dishonest when they say, like, it's a swatting forum or whatever the fuck, and then they just say, well... Well, NBC News said it, so it must be true. Why would Ben Collins lie to me? But then when someone says, like, this person is like a fart pornographer who transitioned directly from a pornography career to being a streamer for kids who tries to get little kids on HRT and publicly flirts with 16-year-old boys on Twitter. I'm like, we can't prove it. It's right here. It's on this website. There's archives to everything. That's a cube of thumbs. You can't prove it. It's like a hate site. They lie. No, there's archives for everything that's in this. You don't even have to read the text. Just click the archives. There's archive sites or hate sites. Then, meanwhile, on the flip side, Vice News said it, so it must be true. 1:23:34 Unknown_15: i sleep very well knowing that my enemies are ontologically evil and there's no there's no thing that i can perpetrate perpetrate perpetrate upon them which is which is wrong suicide lizzie waite uh was harassed by kiwi farms trolls uh for weeks after uh even after her death after she uh had taken her own life 1:24:18 Unknown_06: And Keffels was targeted by Kiwi Farms, as we've reported on this show before. And she's a fierce advocate for the transgender community, being trans herself, of course. And that's why she became a target. Now, Keffels is a fighter, and this story is— Pretty sure Keffels was a target because they went on Twitter and said, Ha ha, Destiny, I took away your primary source of income. Unknown_15: Ha ha ha ha ha. Unknown_06: pretty sure that's why piece of evidence to prove that she began the hashtag drop kiwi farms okay now let's just take a recap the majority of the people they farms is called 1776 solutions before 2017 it was called final solutions llc a direct reference to the holocaust the best thing about that is it's true 1:25:08 Unknown_00: my company i named it final solutions rc and i changed it Unknown_06: Note that Joshua Moon is the founder of Kiwi Farms and Keffels applied so much pressure to Cloudflare's social media accounts that the company often deleted or hid any comments that pointed out that Cloudflare had this relationship with Kiwi Farms. And in the end, her efforts paid off. So let's take a look at the next tweet because it shows you the kind of impact it had on the stock for Cloudflare. 1:25:45 Unknown_15: Oh, that's such bullshit. The fucking thing about the stock ticker Unknown_15: every every stock was dropping at that point like if you compare it to the the market um averages for tech stocks like cloudflare was in the same basket flair has lost nearly three billion dollars in market cap in the last week since clara's campaign to drop kiwi farms i hate that its name is clara 1:26:17 Unknown_10: it's very it's very triggering channel let's just think oh tank yogurt now you now we're canceling uh people who have said these kind of things yeah well look guys you think uh trans people are bad whatever the hell that means you're allowed to have that okay if such a big boy let's go dox that person Unknown_15: It's such a beefy, such a beefalo. It's like a big, big buffalo. I want to make them into a burger. Unknown_08: Put them in physical danger and threaten them physically. That's illegal. That's completely different. I mean, I don't know if you would ironically join the far left in saying no there should be no laws there should be no prisons no one should like it's okay to physically threaten people uh and what are prisons they're they're it's canceling someone just because you physically assaulted someone you're supposed to go to prisons you're canceling their freedom hashtag freedom right uh no yes you there are things you are not allowed to do that break the fuck is he saying they did that so there you go if you think there should be no responsibility for that there's something wrong with you 1:27:29 Unknown_06: absolutely now uh keffil's even planned a protest uh for september 8th at the cloud flare connect conference and um i really hope that the the the next protest happens in australia but that protest uh won't be necessary and uh since that is simply allowed to operate it will become a fractured shell of itself like 8chan that was such a great post that post was such a great post Unknown_15: They all celebrate it as being a total capitulation. Unknown_15: We'll lay low chat It's it's it's for the best. Just keep the site kind of hankering Hank hampered kind of there but not just so people who really want to can still post but It's definitely this is the way to keep it aligned for right now And then when something more stable is is available you can move on to that and I have to worry about it Um 1:28:30 Unknown_10: Yeah, I don't know. This is just like a recap and a conspiracy. Unknown_15: Look at that smug fucking face. Unknown_08: These people. You did the exact opposite. She's offering you a lifeline. Maybe she can give you five or ten bucks for it. It's more than you should ever get. Unknown_15: Oh, that's the other thing. Keffles just lied on Twitter saying that I tried to accept $50 for the site. Unknown_15: My ProtonMail account is not KiwiNull at ProtonMail. Unknown_15: Just so you know. People kept asking me about that. Like, why are you... Unknown_15: Why are you trusting like a dangerous pervert? Like when they say things on the internet, it's, it's, it's clearly bullshit. Uh, exercise some judgment there. 1:29:01 Unknown_15: Uh, okay. Anything else I should watch in regards to this? They want you dead and think it's funny. Yes, it's true. Unknown_15: I want smug. Anna Kasperian is my, my frame. There we go. Perfect. Look at that smugness. Unknown_15: Linus Tech Tips made a video about us being dropped by Cloudflare. 1:29:35 Unknown_15: Oh, okay. That's a good thing to bring up. We briefly used DDoS Guard. We used DDoS Guard so briefly that I completely forgot about it. Actually, that's a lie. We were on DDoS Guard for years. DDoS Guard said that they were made aware that we used them or whatever. No, they said that we joined them on the day after Cloudflare dropped us, but that's not true. uh cloudflare i had dot ru set up with a host uh ddos guard for years before cloudflare dropped us around the time that a-chan dropped uh got dropped by cloudflare um but because we were on dot ru there was some guy on twitter he has like half a million followers and he's like he's like he was like a former assistant to the fbi director 12 years ago for one year and then he retired 1:30:25 Unknown_15: got involved in the media as like an expert on the fbi and he made some really stupid posts about how uh on the eight hours that we were on the dot ru domain with the ds guard how we were a russian asset and the website existed to to like influence the election that was coming up in september um Unknown_15: Really bizarre shit. So this is Linus Tech Tips apparently talking about that, that angle of conspiracy. Unknown_01: And network infrastructure company Cloudflare, they have blocked trolling forum Kiwi Farms after specific targeted threats were seen escalating on the site in a 48 hour period. Cloudflare had been under intense pressure to drop support for the forum by the hashtag drop Kiwi Farms social campaign, which highlighted the forum's contribution to online and real life harassment and bullying, which in some cases led to suicide. This is bullshit. Such a coward. It's so frustrating. I wonder if someone pointed a gun at him or if he's just like a coward. 1:31:28 Unknown_01: are we the baddies because we're on a russian domain russia uh is inhospitable to the forum it's only the the u.s that can support the site i even say that in my post 1:32:13 Unknown_15: Are we the baddies? It's true. We use the Ukrainian hosts. Unknown_15: You know what? When I have the opportunity, I want to reflect on... I'm tempted... I don't know. It's like I don't want to shine a light on any of the providers we use, but at the same time, I want to make a list of reputable companies that are not retarded. Unknown_15: All the hosts that we use are out there, but I don't know. Maybe my endorsement would be unwelcomed. Unknown_15: What incredible cutting out? I'm not cutting out. 1:32:45 Unknown_15: Might be your end, bro. But yeah, I'd like to make a list of websites and services that you should actually use. Because they're not shit. Unknown_15: The list would be so small. Yes, it would. But you would know that everything on there is very good and worth using. The Ukrainians, by the way, the service that we were using briefly that I'm still using for the KiwiFarms.net error page, which is a 418 I am a teapot error for no reason. That is VSYS at VSYS.host. 1:33:19 Unknown_15: And they're based out of Kiev in case you're interested in supporting a Ukrainian company They also hosted an error message at some point before we were kicked off Cloudflare They have been pretty good and people have been really going after them that fucking Liz Fong Jones tranny tried to get some Contractor in Ukraine to complain to the ministry defense to get the Kiwi farms taken down. We're using them for an error page It's ridiculous Unknown_10: Uh, okay I mean, it's not like It's known they know all the providers and they're going after them. Unknown_15: So it's like I should just Make that a valuable thing to them I mean they like I said, they know you can just look it up one of these 1:34:16 Unknown_15: Kiev. They're out of Kiev. The funny thing about the Kiev versus Kiev shit is that if you're in Kiev, chances are you're Ukrainian and you speak Ukrainian and you spell it Kiev. So the whole, oh no, it's Kiev, Slava, Russia, Blyat. It's like the people in Kiev don't call it that because they're Ukrainian. It's one of the, it's very, it's very Ukrainian up there. Unknown_15: Very fucking annoying controversy. People who like... People who correct the spelling of a name of a city that they don't even live in and speak neither language. Amerimuts and like neo-Nazi LARPers who don't know any Russian and don't know any Ukrainian who are miscorrecting the name of a city that speaks Ukrainian because they don't like Ukraine for whatever reason. It's like... 1:34:55 Unknown_15: What a fucking... That's why I find it hard to be energetic for any form of politics. People on the right are also fucking stupid. Unknown_10: Boogie die, check Twitter. Unknown_10: Poland has it easy, Kiev. Yeah. Unknown_15: Poland doesn't have it easy. Warsaw is spelled like different in every single language in the world. 1:35:42 Unknown_15: It's just that it's like the Russians spell it Kiev and the Ukrainians spell it Kiev. That's it. That's the only difference is that it's spelled differently in different languages like many other cities are. Unknown_15: Like Belgrade and Prague and Warsaw. All those cities have different names and different languages. It's very normal. It's not like a political side, you know, to spell a city a different way. Unknown_15: But everything has to be super political. Unknown_15: Anything else? 1:36:23 Unknown_15: Yeah, I got it backwards. Whatever. I don't know. Look, I'm trying to pronounce it, but I don't... I barely speak any Russian. So, trying to distinguish... Like, nobody can understand me. I go to a... I go to a bar, and I want... I say... I want... I went to the same place, and I ordered the same fucking thing when I lived in Ukraine over and over again. Taco... Unknown_15: Bieli Ruski. I want that. And they could never understand me. They could never fucking understand me. Ever. The first time that someone actually understood what I was trying to order, I was happy. So don't try to look at me as an expert in pronunciation. I'm just saying that that is the distinction. One language this way, other language this way. Both are correct. It just depends on what language you're saying. 1:36:57 Unknown_14: Uh, anyways. Unknown_15: Odessa. Yeah. You know, you know how, okay. Odessa is spelled like this, right? O D a O D E S S a in Russian. It's two S's it's, uh, in Ukrainian, it's one S. So if you spell it like this or this, that is also a, a massive, um, uh, political statement because you're, you're spelling it in a different language, even though the difference is one S in the name. 1:37:29 Unknown_10: It's truly bizarre. Unknown_10: And they, they even inside Odessa, they actually have it different on all the different, like, um, like road signs and shit. Unknown_15: Like the welcome to Odessa. It'll say like Odessa 10 miles. And then it has it with one S and two S is like nobody on the face of the fucking planet is not going to, cause they're both in Cyrillic or Cyrillic or whatever too. So it's not like they're in different texts. Nobody's going to be confused about what city they're going to. But for whatever reason, if you go to, like, poll or whatever and you spell it with one S, you're going to get a Vatnik correcting you with two S's. It's like, what the fuck ever, man? 1:38:17 Unknown_15: Anyways. Unknown_15: because ukrainian is barely a different language narcissism with small differences uh if you ask a russian if they can understand ukrainian they're gonna tell you no like technically like bavarian is the same as german technically um irish is the same as english like irish dialect english is the same but they sound very different and gaelic like scottish is incredibly different um and i think ukrainian is even more distinct from russian than gaelic english is from from english so People have very strong opinions about shit that doesn't even fucking matter. And it blows my mind. It's so exhausting. 1:39:07 Unknown_10: oh if you want to talk about like eastern european autism uh talk about serbian and croatian same fucking language almost identical croatians and serbians get very very upset if you refer to their language as the other if you talk to a serbian and you say like oh you speak croatian like no i speak serbian got to a croatian oh do you speak serbian no i speak croatian 1:39:45 Unknown_15: to the point where like the official name of the language is like serbo croat or something because they're both fucking spax about it people are too autistic i am i am the only clear mind slow beating heart on the planet that can sort these things out correctly Unknown_10: Do Croatians also use Cyrillic? Unknown_15: I don't know about Croatians. Okay, just real brief. I don't want to spurg too much about shit that doesn't matter. Unknown_15: In Serbia, the young people tend to use Latin. Unknown_15: and the government enforces Cyrillic. The government uses Cyrillic on everything like money signs and government forums, but the young people all tend to use Latin and I imagine it's probably the same in Croatia. Probably more so that they use Latin there because Serbia has like an alignment with Russia still. They're friendly with Russia so they are more inclined to use Cyrillic to keep their culture distinct from the West. Just a thought. 1:40:38 Unknown_15: Croatia uses Latin like also civilized countries. Yeah, that's what I figured Latin like the regular alphabet they use for English. That's the Latin alphabet Cyrillic alphabets what Russians use and they use it for a couple other Eastern languages Gif I don't say Jeff I Don't want to watch the scene in video. I will say this. I did see the thumbnail and I'll just show that real quick. I 1:41:17 Unknown_15: This still made me laugh out loud. The web of hate. And then there's the Kiwi Farms logo. You know what that... That logo was made by a Sri Lankan man on Fiverr for $20 like eight years ago. And now it's on CNN. Do you know how fucking funny that is? I literally started laughing out loud until there was tears in my eyes when I saw this. I didn't watch the entire thing. I watched like a second of it and just stopped at this part because it was killing me. It was too hysterical that my fucking Sri Lankan Fiverr logo is now on CNN under a web of hate. Oh, and on my post, Mark Campbell, Debbie Jackson. Oh, this is funny too. There's little funny things that I forgot to coagulate. Okay, so Debbie Jackson complains that we doxed their nine-year-old. 1:41:52 Unknown_15: They are referring to a thread that was made in 2016 about this, this cover, which is a meme on like image boards and stuff. So this person waited for years and years to complain about how the Kiwi Farms ragged on her for truing out her kid. And then when she made this tweet, it went to the front page of Reddit and got like 21,000 upvotes. And then fucking Mark Hamill came out and said, ignore the haters, Debbie. Hashtag support trans kids. 1:42:31 Unknown_15: So I said, 2012, I should host the Chris Chan Forum. I love the quickie. 2022, Mark Hamill thinks I am a terrorist. Unknown_15: It's like, it's too surreal. It's too stupid to even get upset over. This is just retarded. 1:43:11 Unknown_15: Everyone is retarded. Nobody cares about what the truth is. They're just going to say whatever the fuck they want because we're all insane. We've all lost our mind. Patches will roll out when I have the site stable, which might be next week if I'm lucky. Unknown_10: How long till Holly Dance comes out and complains? That would also be funny. Unknown_10: Yeah, we docked somebody on a magazine cover. Go figure. A little countdown to the Joshua Moon story, yeah. 1:43:42 Unknown_15: You know what's funny is before that Mark Hamill tweet, I had called Keffel's Luke Bathwater at some point because of the bathtub HRT and the fact their name was Luke. And then the real Luke Bathwater comes out and tells this random person to ignore the haters. It is a small world, Chad. You can will things into existence if you think about it too hard. 1:44:22 Unknown_15: All right. Anything else? Or can I start reading the super chats? Unknown_15: There's a, I have a, I have a great outro song. Um, I don't want to spoil it, but if you know what it is, you probably already guess any interest thing between you and comedy girl. Um, comedy girl supports the forum. So I use them for a quote for my press statement. That's what I was reaching out for. Unknown_15: We're all artistic at this point. Yes, you are. Okay. We're going green. We're going shill mode, chat. Buckle up. 1:44:53 Unknown_10: Buckle up, buckaroo. Um... Bungaloid from last Friday or Saturday or whatever gave $25 with no message. Unknown_15: Thank you, Bungaloid. Unknown_15: Frog God for 75, says 75 bones. Hey Josh, I hope you're doing okay. Those fuckers took my frog thread away from me and they will pay for it. If they do this again, this is to make sure your head stays up. Oh, and play Schizocraft, lol. I don't know what Schizocraft is, but I'm sorry about your frog thread. You know, I could, um... I have a domain that I've not used. I have a very short domain, dmz.hk, like demilitarized zone. And I was thinking maybe I should just get a version of the site up on dmz.hk that has only the off-topic boards and try to keep that up until things settle up. But really the issue is the networking. So I can't promise that it would stay up even if I did that. 1:46:00 Unknown_15: I'm just, I really, I'm not, I'm not in a super big rush to get the site up. The onion is working very, very well. And for right now there's, there's nothing to take down. So the Spurgs are on Twitter, uh, kind of petering out. Unknown_15: With me for $1, it says, thank you for everything. Wrapped up your birthday coin. Sneed and all hail Nigga Cat. Oh, that's right. I have to get my coins. I'm testing out my remailer. My remailer failed at the first hurdle, so I don't know what to do anymore. I'm waiting for another coin, but it hasn't come in. I might just get an American that I trust to receive them directly. Someone who's already doxed or whatever, and who doesn't mind getting weird shit in the mail. 1:46:35 Unknown_15: anonymous for one says i had a great ideas for posts to make on the fediverse this week but it was down i am owed at least seven likes what an injustice we got the kiwi phones that cc up finally um and as long as the note but you know it's not protected from ddos or anything so who knows if it will stay up it's up right now Unknown_15: Feener did nothing wrong for five says absolutely positively None of this would have happened if tweezy was still mod Q predicted this the sneed core never dies kill Rundle, etc It's true. Maybe tweezy had the insight to avoid all this drama. Yes for one says I like steaks me, too By the way, for one, says, PSA, URL to tip, tip.maddie.live. That is true. 1:47:11 Unknown_15: Somefaggot, for $100, says, Thank you for putting up with all the bullshit, Josh. You are a real nigga and a hero. A lesser man would have given up long before now. Whatever happens, I hope you have a nice life. Well, me too. I also hope I have a nice life. Thank you for the support. I have received so many supportive emails. I would like to apologize if you sent me an email that you thought was... 1:47:47 Unknown_15: uh extremely nice because i would not be able to get back to you because just because of how many emails i get oh cool the guy that wrote the ddos protection thing for tor um sent me an email offering support cool Unknown_15: Great. Wonderful. Sorry for peering out there. Yeah. Unknown_15: I don't know. I just think the site should exist. It's silly. It's a silly place. It shouldn't be taken down because people don't like it. Unknown_15: And especially, especially not for the political agenda that they're obviously pushing for. Unknown_15: Uh, torrent for five says, good luck, Josh. I, if I had to guess why Prince changed his mind, maybe you calling for people to photograph his event last week had something to do with it. No, I don't think so. I think it has to do with that post. Cause it happened right after it. 1:48:39 Unknown_15: Uh, but I'll never know because he never told me what it was. He never communicated anything. I even sent him two emails after the site was taken down saying, you know, this is bullshit. And he didn't reply to those either. So it's a mystery. I will say this though. I did, um, I did reach out to the Irish guard and I received the replies about the threat. So I reached out to cover my own ass. Um, and quite frankly, fuck anyone who posts anything on the site. That's like a violent, actionable threat like that. Cause it's, it's not funny and you're causing me problems and I don't feel bad for you. 1:49:10 Unknown_15: uh some people on poll were complaining like josh talks to the feds like yeah when i get a subpoena or you're like posting like psychotic bullshit on my site that causes me problems i'm not gonna feel bad for you how hard is it not to do that you stupid fuck uh kira yuma for 10 says the queen died because she couldn't lurk anymore it's true uh i have this image actually Unknown_10: Oh no, I lied. I do not have this image actually. I'm going to download it and put it on the screen. Cause you brought, you gave me, you gave me money. Unknown_15: So I suppose I should put in the little bit of X effort. Unknown_15: Save as go to this downloads. Unknown_10: Is it there yet? There it is. 1:50:03 Unknown_10: Polly Frog for 10 says, here's some shekels for the war chest. Unknown_15: I stand with Kiwi Farms. Good luck with the true noise. Thank you, Polly Frog. I need all the luck I can get. Unknown_15: Base Ford Fiesta Enjoyer for $1 says, does it help you if we donate Odyssey coins to you? Unknown_15: thanks for being anti-fragile and standing up for your principles josh much love have a nice weekend um there was somebody who donated odyssey coins i suppose i should acknowledge that it was quite a bit uh plutonium gaming for 600 odyssey points i don't know how much that's worth i think it's like three cents per token so 20 bucks plutonium for 20 says and working great on torrent brave thanks for all you do keeping the forums up josh you're welcome Uh, the odyssey points that I receive, I put towards, um, pinning new videos. So it does help in that way. And if they ever moon, I guess I'll have that money to cash out, but I don't cash them out right now though. I do use them to support the archives that I have up. 1:50:50 Unknown_15: spagendi for five says with the forum down queen elizabeth ii truly had nothing left to live for and sadly passed this week i can't wait to see her on the list it's true as we've acknowledged queen elizabeth passed away from boredom literally died from boredom in her castle which could not connect to the kiwi farms at that time 1:51:25 Unknown_15: Polyfrog, again, for 10, says, Josh, you need to take responsibility for creating Troon Gate. They're now throwing their piss everywhere in protest of the forms. I accept no responsibility for the behavior of deranged perverts in real life. Unknown_15: Herbert Steinsteinsteinbergsteinstein, for 10, says, thank you for keeping this gay, dead, and Chinese internet webpage. It's not very Chinese right now. We had brief... Okay, so this is true. The registrar for .top, if you go to NIC.top, it's a purely Chinese webpage. And that's the registrar that we were using for VonWatek at his suggestion, Nick DeLim's suggestion. And that had brief routing issues that he identified coming from the NIC. And I said, maybe because they're Chinese, I should take down all the Chinese meme stuff I have on the page. 1:52:00 Unknown_15: Which is why I did that, because I figured they've rerouted us, so I don't know if they changed their mind, or if they passed it by a censor who said, no, this is fine, don't worry about it. But I took it down just as a precaution, because I don't know what the fuck happened, and I don't think we got a word as to actually what caused the... Unknown_15: NIC is a network information controller. It's the people that own the domains. Like VeriSign owns .com and .net. The NIC.top owns the .top domain, which is what KiwiFarms.top is using. And they're Chinese, so I think they freaked out because of the Chinese stuff. They didn't know if that would cause issues with the government. 1:52:34 Unknown_15: Nicholas Gravanovich for 10 says, Hey, Nick, Nick Gurr, keep up the good work, by the way, what's a good VPN you recommend? Thanks. Jush fuck trunes. Unknown_15: If you go to privacy tools that IO, you'll get a list of VPNs that are suggested. I still use private internet access, even though they got bought by cyber ghost. They just recently passed an audit or their, their zero log policy. Um, but cyber ghost is very untrustworthy in general, which is why I stopped advertising them, but I do use them myself. 1:53:08 Unknown_15: The G man for 11 says the right side in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So wake up, Mr. Moon, wake up and smell the asses. Gross. Unknown_15: That was, um, he, that's a reference to this real quick. 1:53:43 Unknown_15: Uh, Unknown_10: to this video rise fine Unknown_00: Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste. Unknown_15: This was my... When I was in high school, this was my alarm clock. Because when it starts out, it's like that really long, loud banging, crashing sound. 1:54:18 Unknown_15: So I have... Unknown_15: That reaction that you get from hearing something. I get very unpleasant feelings when I hear that sound because I've trained myself to hate it because it was my alarm clock. Unknown_15: uh anime for five says the farmless has returned to its ancestral homeland now all anime lovers can be sent to re-education camps the anime the anime's got me in trouble this week it was because of you fuckers if i never welcomed the v i bet you that mother well no he didn't he posted it once in the christian thread but if i had just banned all anime avatars would be fine 1:54:55 Unknown_15: toilet duck for five says i sneed for the day that people can stop screaming and start listening to each other maybe we will have peace in our time may you feast upon subway banana peppers and may denny's welcome you i don't want to listen to people anymore i want people to shut up i've changed my mind i'm tired of hearing people they're too loud and noisy Unknown_15: You are great for 10, so it's going to get an F for my dog who died. A very good boy. I see that I've reached that part of my super chat life cycle where I now get the dead pet messages unironically. Maybe it's ironically, I don't know. F in the chat for the poor boy, the dog. Rest in peace. I know that it sucks to lose an animal. It is very painful. Unknown_15: They're always there for you, aren't they? Unknown_15: twix nigs heads tough for 20 says do a playthrough of sengoku rants uh no that sounds like a bad idea isn't that like the rape game is that the joke go play the rape game no spaghetti's a good ass name for a dog for 25 says never nothing clever to say i just appreciate you everything you've done thank you spaghetti's a good ass name for a dog i appreciate it 1:56:08 Unknown_15: Kendall Clubbers for 1776 says, you got this Mr. Moon and there are still good people who will help us fight the good fight and keep the site alive. Also envision the silver that awaits. We believe in you. The site will definitely not go down before February 3rd, 2023. Cause that it's its 10th anniversary and I will do everything that I can to keep it alive until then. But yeah, I, at some point I rely on other people to keep the site up because you can't, you can't have a one man internet. That's just not how it works. Unknown_15: And high row for five says to the commies cheering the demise of the Kiwi farms. Once you hand the powers to the banks, corporations and slate, they won't hesitate to come for you to speech is free for everyone or it's free for no one. That is true, but they don't care. Like the people, like you look at how smug these people are when good, when things they want happens more, more specifically when they get control other of other people. They're so smug, unbelievably smug because like forward thinking isn't their, their prerogative. It's like, I just want to be gratified instantly. It's like a coon. 1:56:46 Unknown_15: Three for four, four for five. 1:57:19 Unknown_15: Their name was three for four, number four, four. So three for four, four. And then I have to say four, five, uh, says you'll never be a real woman. You have no womb. You have no ovaries. You have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature's perfection. Uh, I agree. Thank you. Three for four for four. Unknown_15: uh anonymous pretend says for your disgusting pizza oh man i ordered it last week and i forgot the hollandaise sauce and it's so bad without the hollandaise sauce it's necessary you don't understand uh i will definitely put your money towards my hollandaise sauce thank you um 1:58:03 Unknown_15: nick ger fey got for 1488 says how about some good news for a change i agree i have my coins still actually i keep it it's gonna i'm gonna make it lucky if i have to no king there we go i'm bouncing on my thumb the smaller the serve the contact areas the more vibration you get it's a nice coin but it's bent a little bit so that's why it's my fondle change now Unknown_15: Uh, Michael for 10 says Kiwi farms is an important deterrent for retards. Hope to see it back online soon. Also, have you heard Israel by wean? It would make a good intro song. Unknown_15: No, I haven't. I've listened to it, to wean's entire discography. When did they make a song called Israel? 2005. Unknown_15: I don't know if I've never heard Shinola the album. I thought for sure I've heard their entire discography though. That's strange. 1:59:02 Unknown_15: I'll listen to it. Anonymous for one says, first they ignore you, then they mock you, then they attack you, then you win. If you kill your enemies, they win. That's the truth. Unknown_15: Holo for eight says, Joshua Legend, keep it up. Fuck Troons. Lucas is a man. Thank you, my friend. I agree. Unknown_15: TwinkleTard for... Oh, God. My page is horribly out of date because this is several... Oh, my Jesus fucking Christ. I didn't realize how many super chats I got during the stream. Hold up. Unknown_15: let me reorient myself um sorry i didn't acknowledge this when it happened on the actual live twinkle tart for five hundred dollars ashton ashton five hundred dollars five haunted five hundred dollars that's a lot of money I was, I was, when I, when I see, when people give me a lot of money like that, I always think back to when I worked at like fast food. I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again. I remember when I got my paychecks, my paychecks were like $300 for the entire week. And that was like toiling over a hot fry basket, making French fries for, for fat Americans chat. 1:59:56 Unknown_15: V-jams. Where does he get his money? V-jams. Unknown_15: He says, the past week has really opened my eyes to a lot of shit. God bless you, man. Thank you. I think it's opened the eyes of a lot of people to a lot of things. 2:00:34 Unknown_15: The message that I keep seeing over and over again, and it's from many different people in many different places, is that before Cloudflare took us off and .NET was still available, was I went to this site, I looked at these threads, I saw a lot of mean things, but I didn't see anything violent, anything terrible, anything that was described in this article. And that is the truth. And the phoenix shall rise. And I hope that when it does... 2:01:06 Unknown_15: The media doesn't have the gas to like double down on this because I'm really it really You know Unknown_15: I don't know if I mentioned this before last stream, but I'll reiterate it. The strongest fear that I have is that the government will just make up a charge to stick to me. But then I think about 8chan, and I think about how even with all the shit that happened on 8chan, and the actual fucking mass murders and shit, and the child pornography, and all the terrible things that happened with 8chan that I saw firsthand... 2:01:40 Unknown_15: Jim Watkins is still free. He walked into the house of the United States of America, the House of Representatives, and he walked out. And I guess he has more resources in a way, but there's nothing illegal about these sites. Unknown_15: And I've always strongly discouraged fucking with people. I've discouraged things that people get upset with me about for discouraging. Like, oh, I'm being a buzzkill. This is just the reality of it. Unknown_15: Uh, so who knows? I try to be optimistic and I think that people are waking up. Um, I think people, cause the prime minister of the UK is like openly transphobic now just saying like, yeah, women are women and trannies aren't, aren't women and they can try to be women that they want. Who cares? But for real, uh, fuck them. 2:02:14 Unknown_15: So I do think the tides are turning. This is, this is so stupid. It, it breaks the suspension of disbelief for a lot of people. Unknown_15: And despite how much you see the fucking journos pushing their lives and shit, what happens when they congregate in real life? There's like three people having a picnic and they can't even eat their tranny cake and they throw it away and they go home and that's it. 2:02:55 Unknown_15: whimsy for 25 says simplified josh been a farmer since 2017 when the schmorky drum has spilled into tumblr shout out to the bitches in the salon and the munch houses by internet thread i love how chill your streams are thank you i try to be chill i never want to i just want to relax and talk about retards on the internet so that's all i ever wanted igor bogdanov for one says you did well to take the call things are in motion Unknown_15: It's true. When your phone rings and you see Bogdanoff on the other side, you know, your phone disables the hang up button. It's just going to keep ringing until you answer. Anonymous for 10 says, appreciate you putting up with all this drama. I wish I had half your stubbornness and resourcefulness. Unknown_15: Well, you can't, I don't know. I think everybody can be stubborn if they want to. Unknown_10: You just have to have a line that you don't cross. 2:03:51 Unknown_10: I mean, the amount of emails I've got of people just saying, like, I wish I could be stubborn like you is strange, too. Unknown_15: It's like you can. Good news. If that's what you actually want, you can very easily. Unknown_15: Lord Child for three says time for chill boy autumn. I better see more low calm down responses on the forum. I'm always calm. I just write like an asshole. I have a vocal tone of like a psychopath who murders people, but I promise you that I just write in a very concise and blunt way. Unknown_15: Anonymous for 15 says, thanks for staying resilient, Josh. Long live the Kiwi farmers. Thank you, Anonymous. Hopefully we'll be around for a bit longer. Member for 15 says, you have a medical diagnosis, terminally chill. That's neat. On an unrelated note, base Ukumers represent tip tops and Rurus can't deal. It's true. The onion is the most stable version of the site now for whatever reason. Because of all the dark magic that I've been doing. By the way, I took off the Seal of Solomon from the bottom of the page because a schizophrenic from the X-Board informed me that the Seal of Solomon is a summoning seal as well as a controlling and repellent seal. So they hypothesized that I might have welcomed demons into my website by putting it there. So I've simply removed it and I put a little ASCII cross because why not? 2:05:02 Unknown_15: Hopefully the demons will now fuck off. I'm done with it So, I don't know if that's true, but I'm not risking it. That's true. Okay soapbox says it's true Swiss Army seal Something still is okay. The schizophrenics have my back on this now the chat schizophrenics. Unknown_15: I Done goofs. I know Unknown_15: just want to keep demons away chat but all what's the saying the road to hell is paved in good intentions do be like that anonymous for 20 says the queen saw a keffel stream and said that's the last straw keffel's ghost uh to northern ireland and kills the the royalty shame shame isn't it 2:05:59 Unknown_15: Fred Figglehorn for five says, I never donate to streamers, but I really appreciate what you're doing. I've seen so many right-wing people call for the forums being destroyed. Even people like England and are crying about harassment. Well, I don't know England. Like I pulled up the screen cap of him saying that he wants to impregnate 13 year olds because it's the only, the only way to save the white race is to, to groom little girls into being breeding slaves with no purpose or education or a sense of fulfillment in life besides having kids. Unknown_15: it's very important to do that i don't know i think they're all retards like i don't i've never seen anything from england that's like yes absolutely that's right uh we should rally behind this and i've i've forced myself to read a lot of the daily stormer because um it was in my sphere for a while so and i heard it was such a good blog so influential i read it and it's just like i don't know he like prints out like four things a day that are all short and full of memes and stuff and it's like i don't feel like i'm gaining anything from this it's very much a blog that reinforces um what people already want to believe and it doesn't challenge you in any way it's just like nbc nbc comes out and says the kiwi farms the stalking swatting website that kills trannies every day and everyone's like oh my god i'm so glad it's dead yes and And then you read, like, the Daily Stormer, and it's just like, the heckin' nignogs raped and murdered again. We need to get rid of black people to save the white race. And everyone's just like, yes, I hate black people. Woo. And it's like, okay, you know, that might be a good opinion to have, or whatever, according to whoever. 2:06:54 Unknown_15: But I don't see it as something that really enlightens you. I see it as something that entertains you if you already think that way. And there's no point to that to me. I don't read things that just soothe and pacify my predispositions. Because I already know that what I believe is right. So I don't need people to tell me that what I believe is right. I'm more interested in what people have to say that's contradicting what I believe. 2:07:51 Unknown_15: Um, anyways, but yeah, Ralph crying about it is a given. Ralph's a bitch. I think Nick Fuentes is probably the only person on the right who has a legitimate reason to not like the forum who didn't say anything particularly about, about how that's a good thing. Unknown_15: So I don't know. Unknown_15: I have a lot of reservations about Nick Valentez, but he was the least. And what's funny is that Nick Valentez said like the least retarded thing in regards to the site going down that he could have in his position. And because it wasn't inherently negative and celebrating that the site was down, Ralph had to find some like weird way to suck Keffel's dick and Nick Valentez's dick at the same time. And that's really funny. So I appreciate Nick Valentez dragging his balls on Ralph's face for us. 2:08:26 Unknown_15: uh poly frog again for ten dollars says the adl used your website like a springboard not only to wipe the kiwi farms archive from the internet but also racist websites as well the adl has made one tweet i think that they know they know that they need us they know speaking of nick valentes how else will they know about cat boy shenanigans if not for us 2:09:11 Unknown_15: Speaking of ADL, Jared Holt, my boy, my boy from Tel Aviv, the Tel Aviv tiger himself says for $25. And as an investigative journalist, I find the very, I find the brave and important Cloudflare picnic being accosted by police. What? Unknown_10: Really? Unknown_15: You're, you're a different guy than the guy who posted the other videos that I use. Unknown_15: this is true okay fine you gave me 25 i will sit here and i will download this fucking video and see what this says um let me make sure that i'm not i'm gonna turn off my audio and my thing i don't want to play this if it's like horrific oh yeah those are police i didn't even notice that hold up 2:10:06 Unknown_10: Let's see. Unknown_10: I'll open this one and... No. Let's see. Open with NPC... I didn't even notice this. No, you're the same guy as before, but... I did not notice this. Look at this. Unknown_10: Look at this, I said, in an increasingly desperate way. Unknown_10: Why does this not work at all? Why does nothing work? 2:10:37 Unknown_10: Okay, let me try the other one. Unknown_10: Ah, that works. Okay, perfect. Unknown_10: Delete this. Unknown_15: Studio mode. Unknown_15: Oh god, the green filters makes all those banners in the background look red with white circles. That's very funny. Look, you can barely see it, but those are police over there in the uniforms talking to the seven trannies who are doing their Cloudflare protest. Unknown_15: Why would they even bother? They're just having a little picnic. 2:11:10 Unknown_15: Can't believe that they're intervening in democracy like this shit. Oh, it's not even playing. Oh, I'm using the wrong player, that's why. Unknown_10: There we go. Unknown_10: Check it out. Can I zoom in? Unknown_10: Zoom, video frame, zoom two. Oh no, now I can't. Unknown_10: Move up. Unknown_10: No, that's the wrong way. Unknown_10: There it is. Unknown_15: There it is, chat. You see him? See my boys? The Australian police shaking down the Troons. Look, Liz Fong Jones shaking his hands in anger. We have a permit to protest. You can't do this to us. 2:11:45 Unknown_15: Very shocking. Very shocking, chat. Those poor Troons were hassled. Exercising their democratic right to... Unknown_15: having a picnic um anyways yeah thank you for recording that jared hall my boy uh medicare masochist for 20 says i am i am scared why is he getting his money this is scary and i don't know why he's doing this bee jams bee jams goes on a bee bomb ah bee jams i am so scared wow last things that andy worski said before getting punched by a filipino 2:12:26 Unknown_15: Anon for 20 says, good luck with everything. Thank you very much, Anon. All Seeing Eyes for $1 says, shout out lithium cactus. There you go. That would explode in contact and moisture. Blessing for 10 says, simplify with a green heart. Thank you, Blessing. notorious nap for 10 says can you play the new mac jarbo song as the outro don't spoil it you head jesus anonymous for one says i'm getting more of a belly button smell on the impossible vagina than i am getting on the actual belly button no no no no no no 2:13:00 Unknown_15: That's fucking gross. By the way, spoiler, for my Gumroad content, I'm going to be doing an impossible Whopper review. No kidding. I'm not going to actually eat on camera, though, but you're just going to get my review of the Whopper. I'm going to eat a burger. Unknown_15: SmallKitten410 says, My cat named Mittens is currently on life support with monkeypox, COVID, and AIDS. Please give him a shout out. Unknown_15: Also, other than hollandaise on pizza, tell us about another weird food habit you enjoy. Okay. 2:13:31 Unknown_15: Um, I'm a very omnivore person. I eat everything. The only thing I don't like is like whole octopus, uh, or even like little whole octopus. I don't like whole things or, um, like eyeballs, just like gross shit. But I, I'm very open-minded with food and I'm very sorry to hear that your cat kittens, cat mittens is a sodomite. Unknown_15: Polly Frog for five says, Josh, you need to go on technical Carlson. This was the start of the next stage of the culture war. This is bigger than you. Please, man, go there and stand up to these oil people. Well, he's not offered, but I'm pondering what I would do because I really don't want my face to be out there. I look quite different nowadays. 2:14:06 Unknown_15: sad thug for one says josh can you please send your condolences to my friend daquan he was thug hunted yesterday and now his ass is on a t-shirt cry his ass is on a t-shirt i've never heard that expression but i know exactly what you mean because whenever a black guy dies all their friends and homies print out the t-shirt with their face on it and they're always like a gangster throwing like gang signs and shit and like the worst photo ever 2:14:37 Unknown_15: um steven freedom for tens says keffels is just upset that winter isn't falling for the same he tried to pull on to groom kids on discord oh he's obviously frustrated that his got called haramberger for two says nice didn't know you would stream today in the few hours keffel zoom be interviewed on the h3 podcast by ethan klein and i will be banned on the internet twice today now match my salary to cat parties you know speaking of ethan klein uh you may not have heard this before Unknown_15: But Ethan Klein is married to a woman named Hila Klein. Unknown_15: And she used to be a member of the IDF. And this is a video of her doing her tour of duty in Israel. Unknown_15: It is my personal headcanon that Caffles has been invited onto the H3 podcast because he knows that I play that video every single time his wife is mentioned. Spine.exe45 says, I put money on JKR having a KF account. Probably not an account, but I bet you they've read a couple threads. In which case, you know, JKRolling. 2:15:45 Unknown_15: cough up i'm doing the lord's work okay you got enough my name my last name is literally potter according to some sources you can't it's meant to be you can't say no uh um 2:16:23 Unknown_15: Cozy farms for two says we love you Josh. Also, please subscribe to my telegram channel t dot me slash cozy from it I've not been there. I don't know what's there. I don't trust it. But there you go He paid two dollars for that. So there's like child porn. Don't blame me Muggsy for ten says God save the Queen Because Because she's dead let's import haste I Unknown_15: There's a funny meme I saw of a British person saying, Queen dies peacefully in her sleep at 96 as the longest living monarch in her palace. And then the picture of all the IRA guys in Ireland doing the soy faces because they're happy about it, even though she lived about as full of a life as possible. 2:16:55 Unknown_15: Gotta step it up, Irish bros. Unknown_15: not looking good your sin fine is is sucking the t-girl peen you know how it is it's quite dire over there in ireland direland more like it small kitten for ten sets top three and dota two characters also do you prefer playing carry offline mid or support if mad i'd probably wreck you in the past on russian or ecu or servers meow Unknown_15: I do not like hard carry or hard support or like kind of like a utility damage dealer either like very high Disables or high damage. I like hoodwinked the most I haven't gotten to play in several weeks though I like hoodwinked and dazzle and That's about it right now 2:17:40 Unknown_15: I also like a pangol, pangolier, but I suck at them. So I don't play them too much, but he's fun to play. Uh, Kate, Kate hikes for 10 says, thank you. China for the many gifts. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Joshua, Connor moon, ching chong, ping pong chinks over Jews. Go bricks. Unknown_15: uh you're welcome from my people in china uh free slave labor to attend says josh do you need any html css js or steam for 100 web assembly it's not web assembly it's um rust uh on the back end But I hate this people want to help lately. I've been coding on the weekend. So I have free time to burn I don't have any need for JavaScript right now. I don't think I Haven't been working on scene for in a while. I probably be able to for a while but when if things calm down I get to like I have to because the Zen for people are fucking like I have to get updates to the forum eventually I don't want to work on the forum to add things that it needs when I'm gonna have to you know I can't update it because they banned us so I'm gonna have to work on it eventually if it stays up 2:19:02 Unknown_15: it's an open source project anonymous for 1316 says stay strong moon it's always easier fooling people than convincing them they are being fooled but you will make it you have truth on your side and it actually matters well hopefully we'll see i'm hanging in there the best i can amberlynn sneed for 10 says leave the leave the l's alone josh get gbt maps are your true enemy what did i say about lesbians Unknown_15: LGBT, okay, you just said GBT map, so everything but the L's. I don't think I said anything negative about lesbians except for Amberlynn Reid, who has lesbian bed death. Unknown_15: Which is a thing. I don't know why you're saying I'm being mean. That's just the reality of the situation. There's no point, to a woman, there's no point having like a sexual relation for long if there's not going to be like a child in the marriage. Unknown_15: never forget for five says when i was a kid people weren't trying to ruin each other they were taught how to deal with mockery we weren't obsessed with politics but now i only have things like your streams to keep me safe thanks yeah it's true the internet has lost its fucking mind and now it's spearheaded by complete retards it's very sad shaggy rogers for five says like joint zoinks josh those trainings give me the heebie jeebies have a scooby snack for btf having the trainees thank you very much i will 2:20:22 Unknown_10: uh kivi kivi what the is that trying to say kivi vav for five says seeing all these doing a victory lap for the death of the kiwi farms is really a dewey defeats truman vibes they can try to rewrite history but they will live on his legends if they want to say this i'd send i'll let them i don't care Unknown_15: it's simple as mom's nender for 10 says rooting for you josh thank you bums nut i know that the turfs are looking from looking on from mumsnet because of the uh implications that it has uh they i mean they're already talking about it basically on twitter people are saying why don't we go after this site next we only go after this site next which sucks uh hopefully by the time mom's that's actually in trouble i'll be in the position where i can actually start turning around and offering help to other people Unknown_15: Anonymous for 10 says, Final Solutions LLC sounds like a company that knows how to get things done. I don't know what the big deal is. That's the point. It was supposed to be a final solution to the hosting question. Simple as. Capwaycumdump for 15 says, Kiwi Farms will never die. I'll never say never. I know a lot of people like to say that, but I've never said that the farm can't die. There are very real loss conditions that we suffer under, and I try not to tempt fate. 2:21:17 Unknown_15: spine.exe for five says if a bunch of discreetly if i made a bunch of discreetly designed kf stickers can i send them to you uh your appeal box i'll email you but i don't want to cut the vinyl and harass you about it if you don't want them um i still have stickers from the last run i haven't planted them anywhere 2:21:54 Unknown_15: Thank you. I would recommend just sticking them up places where it wouldn't amuse you Joshua Connor moon for 12 says well, I love all my smitten kittens heart emoji There you go Spend kitten sounds like it hasn't any window. I don't trust it Tanuki motivational speaker for 10 says keep smiling friends. Even if you're falling, it's okay. There's a trampoline waiting for you Keep having fun. They will never break you. There's a song this tub thumping. Oh Unknown_15: trampoline by kiro kiro bonito it's like british sounds like a tick tock song gives me that vibe something that was popularized on tick tock uh kiro kiro bonito trampoline if you like really light british people singing 2:22:50 Unknown_15: ice mexican for 10 says tuned in late buddy glad you're still preserving though it looks like the literal entire system is trying to take us down i hate the anti-crisp i'm trying my best thank you Unknown_15: knows for 20 he says thank you josh for keeping our autistic outlet i will support as much as i can thank you very much funny enough like i you know i will gladly accept whatever people want to give me right now because i don't know what i'll need in the immediate future but it's really not it's not even a money thing if it was a money thing i would say it's a money thing i need 20 000 to bring the site up i would just say that i would crowdfund it if it doesn't make that money then clearly it's not meant to be. But the issue is more complicated than that. And the issue is that other people who can't really be bribed with any specific amount of money need to grow some balls. 2:23:39 Unknown_15: Carrie Yuma for 25 says, thank you, Jess, for keeping the forum up and bringing back the Fediverse smiley face. You're welcome. That was kind of a thing because people are yelling because post allows Lollicon. So fucking Dick Masterson tweeted out some shit about how I am a hypocrite because I'm on a Lollicon site. And it's like, bro, it's called any port in the storm. So I was thinking, fuck, okay, the network's back up. I guess I might as well bring up the Fediverse because I don't want to eat shit for being on post. Unknown_15: i know they allow lollicon i've chastised graph for it but he's an anime avatar so he doesn't get it he'll get it one day when they start causing problems for him but for right now um that's not my fight it's not my site and i'm doing the best that i can 2:24:21 Unknown_10: It has fucking all that. Yeah, the post does. Unknown_15: Um, and that's why I, I, I don't try to like recommend, like it's an anime instance. So of course it has lollicon. You don't, there's no such thing as anime without lollicon. Unknown_10: Uh, not pet. Unknown_15: Yeah. For five says I'm just here for the weekly slow death of the internet stream. A good luck with the site. Thanks for keeping fat shaming alive. Uh, nep. Yeah. Yeah. Unknown_15: Oh, not pet. Yeah. Okay. I understand. Uh, you're welcome. Thank you. I do try to keep that shame in life as much as possible. I'll do my internet crap out. 2:24:52 Unknown_10: I'm back up. Unknown_14: I'll wait a second. Unknown_14: Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Unknown_15: Um, the poly frog. Oh, geez. That's me. I refreshed the thing to make sure I was still up. Um, Unknown_15: anonymous for one dollar says something that i says hey josh i need you to say something and then say it like you mean it thanks josh what you've asked me to say it's contrary to my nature and you cannot bribe me to say it for one dollar it has something to do with vtubers that's all i'll say if you saw it on screen you saw it but i'm depriving you you have to pay more than that BJ's for 10 says Frederick Brennan is trying to cancel keffels for failed boxing winter right now and keffels just wrote him off as an h-hander ironic I have no comment on that. 2:25:43 Unknown_15: I don't want to give any of those people attention. I really I Unknown_15: Polyfrog for five says in the stream with this new, I will calm down. Stop spoiling it. Okay. Jeez. Lycanthrope for five says I need to give my dog 200 milliliters of saline through my IV twice per week. She's fine. Separate today. I accidentally stabbed myself with a used needle. Is this how I become a furry? Is there a cure? You got dog pox, my friend. You're going to start slobbering at the mouth. That's why you're a lycanthrope. You're turning into a dog already because you stabbed yourself with a used needle. 2:26:25 Unknown_15: Uh, Dahmer for five says, here's your allowance kitten. Smiley face. Thanks Dahmer. I appreciate it. Unknown_15: Jack, Jack Tucson for 10 says, Hey Josh, last week you mentioned how your devices listen to what you say and give it your ads or recommendations based off that. And I wanted to let you know that I'm getting ads for better help after rocking out. Unknown_15: What? Unknown_15: Is better help even still around? That's surprising. Unknown_15: Anonymous for five says, glad that the Josh X Gem stream is going to happen next week. I know you have your differences, but you two really formed my early adult life on the internet. Smiley face. Yeah, it's exciting. I like Gem. I don't have anything against him. 2:26:58 Unknown_15: He seems to have warmed up to me in like the last couple weeks. I'm not sure why. Maybe he's a secret fan of the podcast. Who knows? Unknown_15: That's a welcome change. I never tried to be a dick to him, I don't think. Maybe a little bit. It's not entirely honest, but... Unknown_15: Amen. Articles and news did nothing wrong for 20 says it's a great achievement managing to keep the site alive. Also shout to all the posters and then Jack's column fee for thread has some of the best writing on the site. 2:27:30 Unknown_15: Uh, yeah, I'm trying my best. I've mentioned this. People keep saying complimenting me on keeping the site up. It's like, yeah, I'm trying my best. And when they say that, I always get anxious and I refresh the site to make sure that it's still there on the onion. And it is, I'm very thankful for that. Unknown_15: And there's 500 people about a third of the usual. Yeah. About a third. That's surprising. No, wait, no. A fourth. Okay. 25%. It's pretty good for getting people in onion, but it's hard to, you can't really count like offline users and stuff. 2:28:03 Unknown_15: But yeah, it's okay. It'll be okay. We'll have enough content that when this site comes back up, people spring back and read it all and stuff and it'll be okay. After a couple of weeks, it'll return like it did when Vordrak initially took down the site a couple of years ago. Anonymous for 10 says, thanks for everything you do, Josh. Also, what are the odds I can get Barb to send me my Sneed commission? Unknown_15: You're fucked. Are you the one that commissioned the picture of the Sneed speed and seed? And you got, like, a weird story about how Sneed and Chuck were fucking each other and Sneed had died from, like, obesity-related complications. It was really weird. The store was, like, run down and the car was, like, on cinder blocks and shit. Truly, it was very weird how... 2:28:44 Unknown_15: You know, I took that, and I thought it was funny. I posted it on TV, and I said, this is a drawing from Chris, and it's Sneed's seed and feed, and I thought you guys would like it. And someone replied about the incest that Chris had written about in association with the commission, that it's very weird how whites are self-hating, and they latch onto the incest shit. But now, in retrospect, now that I think about it, that was like projection. He was projecting incest onto Sneed and Chuck, and that's like the weirdest fucking thing ever. uh now that i think about it so here that's some deep cut quick lore for you for anyone interested since the quickie's been down as well you have to get what you can at this point dean winchester for five says instead of the seal of solomon put the devil's trap on the page btfo the homo demons what is the devil's trap i've never even heard of this devil's trap 2:29:19 Unknown_15: That looks satanic though because it has the I know it's the right side up but it looks It looks sassy baka it's also people would immediately think that it's a reference to supernatural because apparently that was in that show I Was I will stick to my little ASCII crucifix at this point. I 2:30:09 Unknown_15: TurboNeilBreen for 10 says, Hey Josh, my wife would like to make you an Amigurumi Kiwi. Is that something you would be interested in? I looked this up because you sent me a message and I didn't reply. Sorry, that's very rude of me. But it's like a thing where you sew beads on together. I don't know. I can't accept gifts is the hard thing. I can't have people mail to my address. Unknown_15: I don't know. Maybe if I find a way to do the silver thing, um, cause my box idea sucked. I'll just have people send stuff to some guy in the U S and, uh, he'll mail it as like a thing for me. Who knows? 2:30:40 Unknown_15: Um, no, like no promises though that I can do that. If that's like, if me receiving it is the, is like a determining factor if she makes it. Unknown_15: Kiryuma for five says the queen reincarnated as the child of Trisha Paytas. That baby has not been born yet. Don't you dare say that the baby, by the way, the baby's been conceived for months now. So Trisha Paytas' baby is not the reincarnation of Queen Elizabeth. Unknown_15: Fumio Kishida for three says, what are your thoughts on splinter sites such as the onion farms? The onion farms is the Kiwi farms on the onion. I don't know what you're talking about. 2:31:20 Unknown_15: Roll Panna for 10 says, Hey, Josh, thanks for everything you do to keep the Kiwi Farms running. Is there anything else I can do to support you and the farms beyond donations? I enjoyed Maddie this week. Have a great weekend. Republic of Korea flag. Unknown_15: No, not unless you have some kind of connection in the Korean data center industry to get me back online. I'm looking for a place to broadcast an IPv4 range in case you do have that. 2:31:54 Unknown_15: But I think South Korea has strange laws about privacy and stuff that probably wouldn't work. But if I'm wrong, let me know. I don't know too much about Korea, except they are trying to make movies now, and they're sometimes good. Unknown_10: Not always, though. Unknown_10: Um, I think that's it. There's a lot of donations. Unknown_15: This is probably the record of donations, which I really appreciate for a very stressful week. So I'm counting this as a paycheck. Unknown_15: And that's it. I'm done. My voice is breaking now. I have to stop. It's been two and a half hours. Mostly because of how many fucking superchats I got. Hopefully I don't turn this into a superchat stream. It's already... That's what I was afraid of when I started doing superchats. 2:32:30 Unknown_15: But as people repeatedly spoilered throughout the stream, there is a new MC Jarbo song about Ethan Ralph and Kefals, Queen Kefals, as he likes to say. Unknown_15: So I will be playing that for my outro song. This is Da Gunt No Woman To Me featuring Notorious H.R.T. Perfect. 2:33:05 Unknown_15: And what's funny is I've listened to this a couple times. It's actually a really good remix. And Kefla's super monotone vocal fry is perfect for remixing into songs like this. Unknown_15: Here is DaGunt featuring Notorious HRT, No Woman To Me. And I will see you guys next week, assuming that I am not hit with a nuke or a drone strike before then. Unknown_14: Take it easy. Bye-bye. 2:33:43 Unknown_13: This shit. This is my love song. Wait. Unknown_13: Hold on. Wait. What's wrong? You're not mixing it up properly. Unknown_09: What? Come on. Unknown_13: Girl, come out of hiding, cause who the fuck would even go fly to Ireland? When there's such a thing as Epstein Island, where you can get as much drug, sex, and violence. And we can crash there, girl, that's decided. And you can hit the bathtub if you can find it. Yeah, the bar is open now, it's ruined, drinks provided. To every kid, turn them all into some weird cross-gender hybrids. Am I short-sighted, or does your body look like a blind first-year college student designed it? I hope they put us super excited. I only smash puss with a visible hymen, but I'm so excited. Girl, we can fuck rough. You'll never have had as many kids as I did with all the anxiety. Jacked off to your CNN shit. That was just impeccable timing. Look at the facts, dude. I got my battle scars. Luke, you got your axe wound. So to transform, that could be a bad move. Plus, if you can be a bitch, I could learn to be a man, too. Rip off the band-aid, drag your trans ass to the ballet, and then put my in your man cave that's clearly fan made but maybe go get checked cause it seems you're in a bad way 2:35:21 Unknown_13: So you say you got wrecked, son, but I just want to show you love and affection. Now let me spread the word for an inspection. You're my kind of car crash. Hit and run in that place that you ain't get wet from. The cold place that you ain't never bled from. That place that you off to shit the bed from. Cause it was once probably part of your reg. Tell the bitch, get your legs up in the air. Yeah, I'll dump to the rear. Like, thank you, Alaska's in here. And we invited Blair, invited fucking Sophia. Now, let's bring back my garbage career. Stand with you in the clouds. Fight off the flair. Get these bitch-ass clowns the fuck out of here. Then take you out to the seaside for some ice cream and some cream pie. Yeah, west side to the east side. They call it true shine. I never knew why. Ha ha. I used to be known as a poop guy. Now I'm known for sticking my bone up in two guys. Because you ain't no woman. 2:36:31 Unknown_09: With the firm's fucking lands to this water Josh, you can cancel that order How many dads that thought it was just a bath full of water Ended up with a goddamn man for a daughter Ethan, I know you want it Before I start talking about all of this pedophile shit I can hear your lips smacking a bit And it's really obvious you wanna suck my dick Eat my mutilated balls and the bean that don't flick If you like everything you're seeing, nigger, don't trip Cause I get ahold of preteens waiting for a sip Unknown_09: Pile of kids, that's the only way that this Twitter hypocrite could ever hit a lip, penis, or tits. How the fuck do you pick? Decide quick before the good doc goes sniff. You ain't no woman, you ain't no woman to me. Unknown_13: That's why you love me. My fart.