You know, streaming used to be a lot easier when I could just do one output and not have to look at four different ones and figure out if they're all working or not, but... So as it goes. You don't have much choice these days about what you're gonna do. Ah, jeez.
Let's see.
Unknown_01: I have to be at high energy today. I have to show a stoic face because I know that the forces against me are listening right now. My audience grows mostly in the direction of people who absolutely hate me. I bet you right now, for sure, Keffels, Vordrick, and a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from the United States of America are listening to this live, along with all of you fine folks listening. who tune in just because you enjoy listening to the insane ramblings that I have to offer.
So, let's see. I have junk to talk about. I actually have some things to talk about not related to people yelling at me, so I'm actually just going to talk about that for one. I would like to request... Actually...
Unknown_01: I want your opinion on this, Chad. How violently outraged does this make you? Here's a tweet by Denver7News.
Unknown_01: When thousands of Excel customers in Colorado tried to adjust their thermostats Tuesday, they learned they had no control over the temperatures in their own homes. And this is a picture of the EcoPlus electronic digital Internet of Things thermostat displaying an error message saying,
Oh, this is a studio. Okay, here we go. Now you can read along with me.
Unknown_01: Temperature locked temporarily during energy emergency due to a rare energy emergency that may affect the local energy grid. Your temperature slider has been changed from 8 p.m. to 8 p.m. because you enrolled in a community energy savings program. Then there's a way to opt out. You can email xcelenergycentral at ecob.central at xcelenergy.com. I wonder how many furiously outraged emails these people received over the course of their plan. And while I typically do not endorse email campaigns, if you are a customer of a program who is refusing to service you because they've Somehow tricked you into by rule of thumb. If anything says eco plus op the fuck out. Like you get an eco plus dishwasher and the dishwasher just runs at like one 10th capacity for five hours to wash a bunch of plates. And it's like, uh, I would rather just, you know, destroy the planet. I don't care. I'm not going to wait that long. You're just going to have to deal with it.
This is a testament both to the evils of ecology, the so-called ecology that exists today, and also the evils of an Internet of Things. I want absolutely nothing that I own besides a computer that I can take and smash against the ground whenever I need to to be connected to the Internet that there is today.
Unknown_01: Actually, here's the most bullshit thing I own that's connected to the internet. If you own an Alexa, I hate you. I think you should fucking die. You're a piece of shit. You know that shit listens to you all the time, right? My mom told a story where she was working with a bunch of people and they had an Alexa or something. They had some kind of, like, phone or, like, new device, and they were talking, and they decided that they were just going to talk about new cars around this thing. And sure enough, all of them started receiving new car advertisements. It's like your phone listens to you, especially your fucking Alexa listens to you and tries to advertise to you. advertisers are a blight they're not things are a blight and if you legitimately own an alexa you are fucking stupid like how do you listen to this to listen to what i have to say and you think i'm going to own this literal piece of fucking spyware i want this thing to listen to me to listen to my kids to listen to my friends listen to my family all the time and it's just good And it's not even like it understands what you're saying. It has to translate that shit. It has to literally send clips of your voice to Amazon to figure out what you're saying. Cause it's not like it has anything of value stored on it. It just uploads your voice to, um, to the, the Amazon center. And then they, it tells it how to respond.
So, um, let's see. Apparently the, uh,
Unknown_01: They had to throw it in a lake.
Unknown_01: Yeah, no, fuck that. Fuck Internet of Things. I want mechanical things. The Germans had it right. They didn't have computers because at the same time that the British and shit did because they were looking at mechanical engineering. They didn't want, like, electronic engineering. That's the way to go. Everything should be mechanical.
Speaking of faltering basic services in the United States, there's a bit of an outrage over a town called Jackson, Mississippi. I don't know if it's a small town. I assume it's a bigger town based on this website.
Unknown_01: Apparently, the black folk down in Jackson, Mississippi don't have no water. Usually, water is an essential service that most people expect to have ready access to. Fortunately, in the third world of the United States of America, if you live in a black state like Mississippi, you can expect to have no essential services.
So they were told, the people of the United States were told that the sanitation plant had been disrupted and had been destroyed. They would need at least a billion dollars to fix it, and it could not be repaired. So the United States, not wanting to see a big city in the U.S. go without water, sends in the Army Corps of Engineers, which, if you don't know, is a military department. that was responsible for the Panama Canal and other things.
So they send out the Army Corps, and the Army Corps flips the switch and starts working on it, and sure enough, it could be repaired, and for less than a billion dollars. Water is flowing in the city of Jackson. Let's go there.
Unknown_01: head of public works, the director of public works, a man named Marlon King Jr., I'm pretty sure. And an interesting thing about Marlon King is that he has absolutely no background in anything related to public works. I think he has a degree in humanities or something. He works in a library. And then they said, let's make this guy the head of all of our water and shit, because that will work out. And then they have to fire him because he completely fucked up. If you are the public works director and your city no longer has any water, it is safe to say that you have failed in your main prerogative as a public works director.
I'm pretty sure water should be pretty high up there. And they replace him with... a lot of people, specifically a lot woman. And I know she's a woman because thanks to LinkedIn, her pronouns are right there for me. What's funny is that when I first saw this page, I opened it up and I had my VPN set to Israel. And I noticed that there was no pronouns. But when I had it opened with my account, my LinkedIn account, or if I looked at it with an American VPN, I did see the pronouns.
So I did confirm that you can supply your pronouns, uh, on LinkedIn and they choose where to display them based on your geography. Cause as it turns out, uh, that's pretty fucking stupid. And I cannot believe, I can't even believe that's the thing. I bet you, if you complain about it on LinkedIn, they just ban you. And then you're banned from LinkedIn, which is like the primary way of like getting hired these days.
So I don't know. That's something that's also disgusting. I honestly think all this is disgusting. I don't know how people aren't demoralized. And I feel bad for pointing this out because there are some people out there who are optimistic, who have no reason to be optimistic. And I'm slowly whittling away their sanity and faith in their country by showcasing this shit.
Why do I say water? Oh, like water. I don't know. Water? That's how I say it.
Unknown_01: What's wrong with that? What's wrong with water?
Unknown_01: Are you English? No, no, sir. It is water. There is a A, the water. Good, sir. Are you a Negro pronouncing it? Water. Do you need some water and some give me that, sir? This is a English speaking area. We speak in, say, water.
Fuck that. Uh, speaking of gimme debts and black people, Lord of them rings, the, the rings of power and shit. Uh, this is a, they've decided to take one of the best movie trilogies ever made. I've watched it. I'm not, I have no fucking clue about Tolkien or Tolkien universe or anything like that. I did watch Lord of the Wings. And I enjoyed it. I remember enjoying it. I remember thinking it was a nice little story about a fat man and his best friend. He's also a fat midget.
Unknown_01: Fun fact, when I was new to hosting the Kiwi Farms and people were trying to bully me, they would call me a hobbit. Apparently I looked like the hobbit in that movie, according to them. And I remember this, and it comes to mind when I talk about Lord of the Rings.
Uh, so, uh, this came out, this is a $1 billion project and it's for whatever reason is, um, uh, deciding, setting to take a trilogy and turn it into a TV series.
Unknown_01: Um, and the first few episodes have come out and the reviews are not as, uh, positive as perhaps you'd want to, as you'd expect if there was a $1 billion investment into something.
Unknown_01: This is this is it for some reason there's no black people and In this picture this initial picture should there not be a black person here? There's a really really funny still and I now regret not saving this I was this woman this woman is so ridiculous looking I don't even know who her stand-in supposed to be I think it's supposed to be like a semi-original story Actually, let me see if I can find this real quick This web M of
I know that there is a black elf in it. Here, this clip is one. Let's go, let's hear it, knife ears. And it's a black elf, and he has pointy ears.
Unknown_01: And there's a white man, a white nobody, speaking up to this fine, melanated elf and calling him knife ears, because that's a derogatory term. And it's also, it's not technically an N-word because it starts with a K, but it is pretty similar to an N-word. I was really hoping to find a picture of the black woman from that cover saying something, but I think I've lost it.
Oh, well, it has about a six on IMDb. But IMDb, if you don't know, here's a fun fact. Here's a fun fact about our society. Right.
Unknown_01: IMDb is owned by Amazon, which is also the producer of the the series. So Amazon shows that this has a 6 or whatever the fuck. It shows that it's doing okay. It's above average. But then when you look at the user reviews for the Rangs of Power Season 1 on Rotten Tomatoes, which is not owned by Amazon, you see that it has an audience score of 37%, which is much lower than both the IMDb review page and also the Rotten Tomatoes critical review, which is a 81%. It's always like that, though.
And you know what?
Unknown_01: I find I'm indignant about shit like this. You take Tolkien, who people regard as a scholar of the English language, someone who is a master of his craft, a master world builder, a master linguist, and they take it and they butcher it and they make a bunch of people unhappy. You have a well... I mean... With that franchise, you have the original trilogy. They already did their thing, and people like it. People fondly remember it. People still watch it. I watched Lord of the Rings for the first time in, like, 2018. Because movies don't... A good movie doesn't get bad over time. It stays good. So it's not like it was outdated or anything. But then they take another rack at it because they just want to make money. And they black it up just because they can. And I would like to compare this.
They changed five directors. The show is shit and fire based. I'm glad that they are suffering. I'm glad that nobody wants to work on them.
Unknown_01: By the way, when I was looking at this, I wanted to compare something.
Because I noticed that... Sorry, that's not what I wanted to say.
Unknown_05: Of course, the front page is like a big advertisement for it.
Unknown_01: But I went to see this, and I saw all the recent movies. It's not going to do it to me now, but it was like all black people. It was like weird interracial shit was going on in the lineups.
Unknown_01: Uh, I did, oh, here, black guy, and, well, that's a black woman hung for Jesus. There's a black guy and, like, a red-headed kid or something. And then there's this white guy with a monkey, which is pretty sus. Uh, there's a black family, black girl. It's all black. It's like, if you watch the black, yeah, that's black. If you watch American shit, you're just going to see black people in Chinaman now because they want to sell it to the overseas market. And white people in the U.S. are too good to be like, no, no, I won't watch that because it's black. Though I did see a black movie that I liked. Just kind of a quick aside.
I like Nope by Jordan Peele. I like Jordan Peele's movies, and I respect Jordan Peele as a filmmaker. I know a lot of people don't. Can I say, like, oh, he's anti-white? I like him because he's actually black, and he decides, like, I'm going to make movies that are completely original, and sure, I might hate on whitey in them, but I'm going to, like, just make my own movies, and they're going to be my own thing, and I'll say what I want to say, and fuck everybody who disagrees with me. I respect that a lot more than being like, I'm going to take Lord of the Rings and blackify it. I'm going to reverse gentrify it into a black people's story, and that's just going to be what you're going to get.
Nope is very unique. It has awkward—I would say it's very slowly paced, and it— The scariest... Okay, I'll spoil something. There's one in particular. There's two scary scenes. One of them is, to me in particular, extremely unsettling is the monster eating... Oh, I don't want to say that. I guess that's a spoiler. People get eaten and it's scary.
And unsettling to me in particular because I have PTSD. The other part is that there is a scene with a monkey. And that scene is fucking terrifying. So if you're scared of monkeys... um there's a very good scene in this for you and also it has glenn from the walking dead anyways i give it a soft suggestion because i watched it and it wasn't too bad and i like jordan peele you have bored ptsd yes i do that's that's the my least favorite thing like a horror movie is like monsters eating people especially whole it makes me deeply uncomfortable i'll probably never get over that chat
ptsd from the anime i watch yeah exactly uh so drew barrymore posted a video of herself walking in the rain and a blacklist god i have a lot of black people to talk about today um i will play this though so for whatever reason drew barrymore walks in the rain and this is like a tiktok trend to post yourself walking in the rain however it's deeply problematic because black people started the trend according to this lady
Unknown_05: According to this lady.
Unknown_05: According to this lady.
Unknown_01: Is this deleted?
Unknown_01: No. According to this lady.
Unknown_09: You and I both know that you are capable of enjoying the rain and frolicking freely without filming it and then posting it to TikTok.
Now, you've just cosigned, okay?
Unknown_09: You've just cosigned at least 3 million 8.5 by 11 front and back people who just go out of their way
Unknown_09: to disrespect and dismiss the boundaries that black creators have set. And now you're one of those people.
Unknown_09: So, I guess my question would be, why?
Unknown_09: Why is it so important to all of you to treat us like we don't matter?
I like how she taps her acrylic nails on the table. Stop black-splaining to me, lady.
Unknown_01: Here's her follow-up explanation as to why it's actually racist, because apparently people didn't get the memo.
Unknown_09: Why is it an issue for me to stand firm in what I believe? Male black creators frolicked in the grass. Female black creators started frolicking in the rain.
Unknown_09: Okay? Oh, poor Drew had a hard childhood, says the white woman to the black woman in America. I'm not picking. Nobody is picking on her. I pointed out the obvious. But what y'all really are not catching is the reactions. Like, okay, say that was a complete and total stretch, right?
Y'all still went out of your way to demean me. Put me down. Call me out my name. Dismiss my opinion on my own TikTok.
But defend Drew and her hard childhood? Because she's the only one who ever had a hard childhood.
Unknown_01: She's the only one who's ever tried to get her in a child. She's got a worse vocal fry than I do. What the fuck is happening there?
Unknown_09: Out and had fun. That's the thing.
Unknown_09: I simply stated she was following in the rain, which meant she opened the floodgates for people who go out of their way to disrespect black creators. But y'all didn't hear that. Y'all just heard, oh my gosh, she's calling us racist. It's not even a race issue. Oh my God.
Unknown_09: So, Lord, I just, I need caffeine. I've not had enough caffeine for this.
Unknown_01: So, You have to be really trying to make your voice sound that bad in a car. Cars are like one of the best, like accidental, it's not even accidental. It's because car acoustics are very important to consumers. So they usually, you know, it's padded with linen and stuff. It's a very, if you want to record, there's a reason why car videos usually sound so great. It's because it's a naturally good place to record a video. It's very impressive to fuck up the audio that bad.
That being said, and I'm really not screaming at you, but this is ridiculous. Y'all are so reactionary. You're so ready to react. Nobody listens to respond.
Unknown_09: Say what I say.
Unknown_09: Thank you. Have a great day.
Unknown_01: This is an, I don't even know what to call it. It's not even like a black people thing. It's not fair to say, because this is like a Keffels thing too. It's like you have somebody who goes out and they say something naturally retarded. They just open their fucking mouth. They say whatever dumb shit comes to mind and they put it on the internet because they expect to be applauded for saying something so brave and yet so stupid. Right. And then the reaction comes, and then the response is, the copium is, and this is, again, this is not something that's unique to this. This is like something that I've noticed as a trend. The copium is the reply, like, yeah, I said something, and you can say it was a bad take, but just look at the level of response. The level of response is everything that I couldn't. The level of response shows that everybody is just hoping to demean a black lady or two.
stalk and harass the poor trans folks for just speaking their mind.
Unknown_01: And it's just, I don't know, it's bullshit. I'm sorry. People legit don't understand this anymore. When I was raised up, I was told that the internet was public and that people can respond to what you say on the internet. And it's just, basically, if you don't want to be challenged, don't say it on the internet. But now everybody feels entitled to a positive reaction regardless of how stupid what they say is.
Unknown_01: And finally, my bullshit. This is... It's almost impossible for me to believe that this is not like...
Photoshop, but President Joe Biden, I don't talk about U.S. politics that much because I don't care, but we're on a cinematography kick this stream. This is a speech that he gave 15 hours ago, according to this. He's in front of the, in Pennsylvania, in front of the Independence Building or whatever the fuck. And he has decided to light this up in such a way, or his handlers have decided to light this up in such a way that his background is bright red and his foreground is bright green.
I just want to show you real quick what this looks like in motion.
Unknown_01: So you can see that he's saturated with this sickly green background. And then in the back there's like the bright red and then there's like military people i'm like I know there's a marine corps and shit But it's just like a very stark image of like you have armed guys in the background Bright red lighting and then they they like over saturate him with this green hue Please if you have a seat, thank you I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in america
Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Unknown_00: This is where America made its declaration of independence to the world.
Unknown_01: I will sum up the speech, by the way.
Unknown_01: Democracy is sacred. Trump is evil. MAGA Republicans are evil. I am the leader of all. And that's about it. It's very brief and kind of rambling. He sort of, like, tugs on his accomplishments and says, like, I passed all this legislation, and I'm very proud of it. And the MAGA tards are trying to undermine democracy. And it makes me wonder if like if they're expecting to lose the election really bad in the midterms and they're already planning to like fix it. So he's just sort of like giving a speech like, oh, expect an insurrection. It is literally like the kind of speech someone would give before an insurrection where they're just like, you know, there are there is an active, powerful threat against the status quo of our democracy and everybody should be on guard.
because I'm actually really fit to be leader, and just expect it. It's coming. That's how it comes across to me. If you want to listen to it, you can go listen to it yourself, but that's my take.
Unknown_01: And since I have worked myself up into a storm... Hold up.
Unknown_05: Hold up, chat.
Unknown_05: I have a coin.
Unknown_01: That's bent a little bit.
Unknown_01: and it doesn't sit flat which is why i've made it my fondle change to uh ting when i choose to very relaxing i encourage everyone to get a uh a nice nice ting nice nice fondle change to relax with it's very important these days josh asmr Jewish asmr
Now the exact opposite of relaxing. I'm getting punched in the face. I had the distinct privilege and honor to announce during my stream with Rikado last Saturday where we talked about the Kefl stuff. If you want to go find it.
Unknown_01: Apparently a very good stream. Lots of positive feedback to it.
Unknown_01: During the stream I was told by the Telegram chat that
Unknown_01: Andy Worski had been punched in the face and had been immediately knocked out.
Unknown_01: And sure enough, in 29 seconds, Andy Worski, after months and months of telling his... This I know because I read the thread about PPP and the Keno Casino on the forum, is that his audience has complained for months how much Andy Worski brags about his eight hours a day constant physical training to get ready for this fight.
And then he gets into the ring and he gets punched in the face and he just flops to the floor. And the referee, erring on the side of caution because apparently the Filipino guy he's boxing is like a real boxer, just says, you're not going to get back up. This is it. You've already lost. So let's watch that three-second clip of him getting punched just for posterity's sake.
Unknown_01: Bam. That's it.
Unknown_01: he walks over and then one, two.
Unknown_01: And the ref is like, okay, that's enough. Look how fast the ref reacts. He's just like, nope, nope, nope. Because he knows after that first punch is thrown that Andy's out already. And...
That's excessive. Anything else is excessive. You see, this guy is obviously like a professional, and he really knows his shit, because the moment that Worski gets punched, he freaks out and is running like, no, no, this must end. I mean, this must end now.
Unknown_01: The other interesting thing was this.
Unknown_02: Oh, you know it, lad. You know that.
Unknown_01: Carefuls.
Unknown_02: I'm coming to kill you in Los Angeles at your house.
or in the ring no in real life i'm going to stalk him and become obsessed with him wait that's the wrong clip this is after sam hyde won the boxing the boxing match i don't know what this one is or where it came from this is the original you got anyone you want to call out in the heavyweight division oh you know it's not you know that hassan parker i'm coming to kill you in los angeles at your house
Unknown_02: Or in the ring. No, in real life. I'm going to stalk him and become obsessed with him and wear his makeup and his dresses and use his skin as a coat like the ancient Irish did. Well, that's your winner, son. Hey!
Unknown_01: I really don't know what his take is with, like, I'm going to do, like, a weird Irish accent and talk about Irish shit. Like, he's in England. I don't know who that's supposed to piss off, if it's supposed to piss off anyone.
By the way, if you've not seen pictures of this, Sam Hyde looks like a fucking clown. He looks like the Riddler before this. And then he just looks like a maniac. I don't know why, like...
Unknown_01: He's always been kind of weird looking and he wore those circle shades before um, but now like his unkempt hair just makes him look Like disgusting not even like crazy. He just looks legitimately revolting to the human to the eye
Unknown_01: This is the current apex of months and months and months of Sam Hyde trying to get Hasan Piker to fight him or to even acknowledge his demands that he fight him.
Hasan has been ignoring him, and he has not managed to ignore this one. People in his chat managed to get a reaction out of him.
Unknown_05: Now, don't fucking hide.
Unknown_05: If you're a sub, you're not getting unbanned for that.
Unknown_04: I'm just letting you know. Look, dude, if you have, if you see a mentally ill Nazi, okay, on the internet, be like, I'm going to kill Hasan Piker, okay? I'm going to come to his house and murder him. And you go, oh, this is some information that he should probably watch. Like, he should, he should watch and address this, okay?
Then, honestly, just don't post.
Unknown_04: And get the fuck out of the community. Be normal, dude. What the fuck's wrong with you?
Unknown_05: That's it, I think.
Unknown_01: No, he's just... He's thinking. Does this motherfucker really chew gum and drink on stream? That is disgusting.
Unknown_05: Think before you link.
Unknown_05: Oh, look.
Unknown_01: Look, that's Sam Hyde. That's when he was... Is it like a picture of him? Oh, yeah. I want to see what he looks like. Look at this motherfucker. What the fuck? Oh, he's wearing the Irish flag around his neck. Does he not look disgusting? Why does he not... Somebody hold him down. We need to find several people to hold down Sam Hyde. To shave his fucking head because I hate that rat's nest on his fucking tongue. It's just so gross.
Oh, he's the candy man. I thought he was the Riddler because that's the spicy racist meme right now is the Riddler. Oh, well, he looks homeless. Yes, he does.
Unknown_01: I guess that's what he's going for anyways.
Unknown_01: Uh, anyways. Okay. That's the fight. And now we can talk about the, the other issues that now plague me.
Unknown_01: So, uh, since, uh, so last time I talked, I was, the site was up and
I was discussing my plans and the outrage mob and what our situation was. And then shortly after, I believe shortly after my stream, the site went down and I did not come back up until Monday, Monday afternoon, Monday evening in Europe.
Unknown_01: And
Unknown_01: The the the it's very frustrating because it's like in my situation, nothing I say matters. I can say literally anything and doesn't matter. People people have no people pick sides. And this is it's hard for me to say if this is like a thing that's recent or if it's just like a part of human nature that's always been around.
But people have no interest in reality, and they're always just trying to promote their side, whatever that may be, at expense of reality.
Unknown_01: But the truth is, is that the site was...
Unknown_01: The site does not benefit too much from Cloudflare. Cloudflare is an application-level denial-of-service attack mitigator, and that does help. There are certain instances and certain things that Cloudflare does help a lot in. However...
I have to be my own host to a big extent. So we have our own IP addresses.
Unknown_01: Our IP addresses are public. People can track them. They can see which routes are announced. They can find out what data centers are those routes announced to.
Unknown_01: And they can do a lower level network, layer three or layer four, as opposed to layer seven, which is higher up. They can do a network level DDoS attack to bring the site down. And I do not have too many options to deal with that. So at the time we were experiencing DDoS attack, And that is what caused my hosts to mitigate the DDoS attack on their own. And that involves shutting off parts of my network. And I could not recover from that until I had outside help on Monday. Which is why we had to wait until the next business day. So now...
I am planning to open a second node so that even if one of the nodes goes down, the site can stay up and there will be replication and I can potentially even open a third node so that there are two things that can fail at once and the site stays up.
This is not this isn't too expensive, but it is more money to spend. It's not something that I want to spend but I Basically should be doing it. Even if the careful shit wasn't happening. I should be doing it an ideal situation I would be doing it anyways because most people would I
Unknown_01: However, Kefals basically took credit for this, which is perplexing because Kefals had nothing to do with it. As far as our hosting situation goes, it has not changed since Kefals started complaining.
Now, it could change. It could change. Something could happen. There could be like a tipping point. Who knows, you know? Things are always up in the air. But as far as the downtime is concerned, the downtime could have happened at any point. There were points after December, after the BU shit that we've been down. And truth be told, I have not been able to do a single thing to improve our situation since the BU. What happened is that they just got bored.
Unknown_01: And I was able to lean on different networks enough to get the site up. People got bored and they stopped over time and now they've started again. It's the same exact issue that I've been having since basically since September of last year because I'm having extreme difficulty getting anyone to actually help, even if I'm offering them a lot of money to help. It's very frustrating.
So that's the situation with that. And for whatever reason, they're very, very focused on Cloudflare.
Unknown_01: I think because in the case of the Daily Stormer, the Daily Stormer hosts legitimate neo-Nazi content.
And it is much harder for a neo-Nazi site to stay up than it is for Kiwi Farms to stay up because there are actual laws against neo-Nazi content in a lot of the world.
Unknown_01: And to make things even more complicated, in Andrew Englund's instance, the Daily Stormer has a judgment against them in the United States. So normally you would host something like that in the United States because there's freedom of speech.
Unknown_01: But in the case of the Daily Stormer, there would be legal action placed against them by the ADL. I think it's the ADL who has like a $2 million judgment or some shit against them.
So that is the situation.
Unknown_01: And right now they're planning on protesting both in San Francisco and Australia. Let me see where my tabs are.
Unknown_01: Well, before I explain that, let me just explain this. They released a statement, and this was by Matthew Prance, the CEO. I don't know who Elise Starzek is.
Unknown_01: And it's also in Chinese, so I can actually read this version here. I have to read my notes to understand the Mayo Monkey runes on the other tab. But this is the version that I went through. This version, I'm pretty sure, is exactly the same.
Basically what they do, but they also explain Their desire to avoid abuse of power
Unknown_01: and says that some argue that we should terminate these services to content we find reprehensible so that others can launch attacks and knock it offline. This is the equivalent argument in the physical world that the fire department shouldn't respond to fires in the homes of people who do not possess sufficient moral character. Both in the physical world and online, that is a dangerous precedent and one that is over the long term most likely to disproportionately harm vulnerable and marginalized communities. Today, more than 20% of the web uses Cloudflare security services. When considering our policies, we need to be mindful of the impact we have and precedent we set for the Internet as a whole, the capital I Internet. Terminating security services for content that our team personally feels disgusting and immoral would be the popular choice, but in the long term, such choices make it more difficult to protect content that supports oppressed and marginalized voices against attack. And the reason why they say that is
is because down here they explain that when they terminated, both times when they terminated the Daily Stormer and then later 8chan, and both in deeply troubling responses, "...after both terminations we saw a dramatic increase in authoritarian regimes trying to have us terminate security services for human rights organizations, often citing the language from our own justifications back to us." so what they're saying is every time that we have in the past terminated a high profile website because of complaint volume uh dictatorial regimes and other organizations have tried to get other websites taken down by using uh similar logic so that's why their official reason is that they will not be terminating services to the kiwi farms and that is a extremely good response
Unknown_01: And in fact, I mentioned last stream that one of the things that I am particularly, I'm not even worried about it, it's just something that I'm observing, is that we, I mentioned my IP allocations. My IP allocations come from an RIR. And most people don't know this, but the entire internet infrastructure is basically owned by private companies. You have the ICANN, which is the Internet Consortium of Assigned Names and Numbers. And then you have the Regional Internet Registries, which disperse ICANN's IP addresses, because all IP addresses in the world are essentially owned by or managed by ICANN. ICANN gives them to the Regional Internet Registries. There's five of them for the different regions of the world, basically for each continent. And then those RIRs disperse ICANN's IPs to companies there.
It is theoretically possible that a regional internet registry could revoke network resources and say, this IP address that you're using to route A to B no longer belongs to you. We're taking it back. And in fact, their website, and I'll just pull up the archive. Let's see.
Unknown_01: um just so you know drop kiwifarms.net this is the website but they track ip addresses so you might want to be careful with that they also use cloudflare in case you're wondering despite saying drop drop cloudflare we're going to talk about getting rid of cloudflare they do in fact use cloudflare as 20 of the internet does um I want to say there was a comment about Liz Fong.
There's not. None of this that I can find. Liz Fong Jones, who's the ex-Googler who used their corporate email address to try and scare a small provider into taking us down, is interested in trying to find a way to revoke our IP address allocation.
Unknown_01: And if you want to talk about setting a dangerous precedent, that has never been done for political reasons. And there is, furthermore, an interesting caveat that ARIN, the Regional Internet Registry for the United States, and RIPE, the Regional Internet Registry for Europe, did not have IPv4 addresses. So... With the help of some people in Australia, and this has been talked about now, so I get to talk about this, I was able to get internet addresses from APNIC, which is the Asia Pacific Network Information Center based out of Australia. And if you don't know, there was a little incident in New Zealand called Christchurch, and that had a big impact in Australia as well. So now there are laws in Australia that Liz Fong-Jones and other eunuchs in drag are trying to use to convince APNIC, which is based out of Brisbane—and I've been there to their headquarters in person, in case you're wondering—
uh to have our ip allocations revoked if they were to accomplish this it would be completely devastating for the internet and to the point where i wouldn't even be mad great you revoked our ip allocations in apnic which is based in asia and if you don't know China is also based in Asia. So now that you have made it possible for APNIC to cave in to the demands of certain groups to revoke resource allocations, you have really, really opened the floodgates for very, very strong and influential organizations to get other resources revoked at will.
Unknown_01: If that happens, like I said, I can't even admit that at that point. Like, you've really fucked up. You have pulled back the skin of the internet, and now it's just open to infection, whatever happens.
So, very interesting times. I prognosticated this, by the way, in a post that I wrote, and I'm going to show my sub stack again, called mattatheinternet.substack.com, because the main site is down.
Unknown_01: then if you go i think it's where the sidewalk ends is the one where i talk about the yes it is so where the sidewalk ends is the one where i talk about all the different things that you need to keep an internet website up and i talk about um
RIRs as well and it's never it's literally never happened. It has never happened that an RIR has rejected Resources based on complaints and if it does start happening that's it that is the end of the big the big I internet as As cloud player says and let's say you can tell the difference between a scumbag journo and a real human being Oh God
Unknown_01: I got a notification that someone subscribed to my stuff stack. A scumbag journo gets the AP News style guide rulebook and is like, oh yeah, it's now lowercase I internet. Meanwhile, technical professionals who work in the field knows that it's a proper noun because it is a very specific thing. And it's very unique. And if it dies, it cannot be replaced. The little I internets that would make up the void, should the big I internet die, would not be the same thing. It would not be the same network. It would be different. It would never come back. It would be the end of a global network where people can talk to each other regardless of where they are. So that's where they're at right now.
The response to this, by the way, was, as you would expect, on Keffel's side, the cope and sneed is split into two. There's two different fronts on the cope and sneed.
Keffel's, of course, doesn't really care if the site goes up or down, besides the benefit of not having the shit about them being a creepy weirdo on the internet anymore. So they get to keep grifting. In fact, I don't even have this pulled up, but I will absolutely pull this up now that I think about it.
Unknown_01: Um...
Unknown_01: No, I do have it up. If I don't, I'll find it in a second. Nick Fuentes, I'll stay on the pro side first. Nick Fuentes says, really good to see Cloudflare's response to the pressure campaign against Kiwi Farms. I just wish they would restate Andrew England if they had this epiphany about deplatforming. Obviously not a fan of KF or Josh Moon, which is... My name is Joshua, in case you're wondering. For whatever reason, Ralph has made Josh Moon my moniker in that sphere.
By any stretch, but if Cloudflare starts deplatforming, then it's over for everyone. Ultimately, America First is the only viable movement that opposes deplatforming, and the kind of insanity coming from Keffel's, there's a lesson in this. Meanwhile, Ethan Gunt Ralph was flagging just this weekend. It's really disgusting.
This is the only viable movement protecting deplatforming and freedom of speech on the internet. You ready?
Unknown_04: Have you had this before, Laura? No, I haven't. It's a delicacy.
Unknown_01: The official drink of America first. To the hostile takeover of the Republican Party.
Unknown_01: Only with base Jews like Laura Loomer can America First oppose deplatforming.
I think she lost her campaign again, but Nick Fuentes was supporting her, which I find very interesting. I guess she's one of the only people that is willing to talk to him anymore, so she has something to do with what's done. Ethan Ralph is caught between two daddies, or two mommies in this instance. I can't tell which is funnier, to say two mommies and then make Keffel one mommy and Nick Fuentes the other mommy, or to say two daddies because Keffels is a man.
Unknown_01: But Ethan Ralph is caught in this awkward divorce where Keffels is Queen Keffels, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to take down the Kiwi Farms. But Nick Nichols is his real daddy and holds his leash, so he can't really defy him in open.
But Ethan the Gunt Ralph says, I've been pretty open with the fact that I support Josh Moon and Kiwi Farms going down. It's about the attacks on my family, the stalking of my underage children, and the personal animus from the hacking of Killstream.tv. I agree in principle with what Cloudflare laid out in their statement, but my feelings on Moon and his criminal operation outweigh that, even though I realize that position would also possibly harm myself in the long run. I like it when Ralph just is just like, yeah, I'm a fucking retard. What are you going to do about it? I'm fucking stupid, your honor.
However, the statement has been made. Now that Cloudflare is once again such a champion of free speech, they should immediately reinstate Andrew Anglin, who's done far less than that Josh Moon ever has. Even if you hate him, he's without a doubt one of the most influential voices online of his generation. Moon is just an obsessive stalker. Reinstate Anglin.
Um, so this is the Andrew England that they're talking about. I really hope that this is like a fake tweet. Just, I haven't seen it on his website. So I'm just clarifying that I have not seen this like as an archive or as a direct, like primary resource, but this is England on his, uh, forum.
Unknown_01: And he says, I meant 18. Nah, I didn't. You can get married in most states with parental permission at 16. And just as a basic rule, I would prefer a girl be as young as possible. In fact, I've argued for child marriages to be consummated at first menstruation. So I don't think saying I'd prefer to marry a 16-year-old is even close to as extreme as what I've already said. I'm not going to apologize for any of that. Why are none of these people normal?
I think I've even brought this exact same thing up before, but why are none of these people normal? Why are none of these people who are like, let's bring down the con, let's help white people, you guys. Why are none of them like...
Unknown_01: Normal. Why do they all have really severe issues with their mommy? Why do they all have this absurd hatred of women? And why do they all want to fuck kids? I really don't understand it. I do not understand this obsession with purity. This obsession with like, I need a woman that has never even laid eyes on a man before. I need her to be an innocent, pure virgin who will never know if there was better out there for her because she's only been allowed to have me. I really don't understand it yet.
They are over socialized. I don't know.
Unknown_01: It's like, you know, I've agreed with some of what Nick Valentis has said, and I wish, it's the same with Destiny. It's like, I wish I could like you, but you're not likable. You're just not likable.
I'll take a little detour. Oh, there's an archive.
Unknown_05: Hold up.
Unknown_01: Let's bring up the Daily Stormer online. That sounds like a good idea. So this is gameruprising.to, which is the Daily Stormer forum, but it's disguised as being a whatever. We're talking in the gentleman's parlor, 215 on Cozy TV.
Unknown_05: Talking politics and shit. Let's see. Those are so long.
I'm pushing 40 and I'm interested in the same girls that I was 20 years ago. 16 to 19.
Unknown_01: That shows a lack of emotional maturity, if you ask me.
Unknown_01: Oh, here it is. Okay, so it is real. He did say that. Okay, I guess.
Unknown_01: On the same I mentioned destiny is like equal vain disappointed. Let me show you this as well Destiny destiny has recently had a kind of falling out with the pedophile mr. Girl aka Max Carson who was a pedophile he lives in Los Angeles and he wants to fuck kids and there are people on his like comments in response to this shitty debate that he had with the pedophile Max Carson and uh who was his protege or maybe still is his protege and he's like wow you know this max carson guy he's like a really manipulative creepy weirdo he's like he like gaslights you as you talk and he seems to be like um extremely dishonest intellectually why is this i'm just sitting there like yeah because he's a pedophile and he wants to fuck kids and he likes having power over over people he fucks that's why he wants to fuck kids And so I told you that he wants to fuck kids and he's a pedophile and he just ignored me and said, no, he's actually like a genius troll. And now you're like, oh, he's actually like a creepy weirdo because it's like, yeah, he wants to fuck kids in case you're curious. And I have a good inclination because pedo or Vito the pedo has said that he also wants to fuck kids. Vito is probably a pedophile and a manipulator the exact same way. And if you were smart, you wouldn't associate with any of these people, but for whatever reason, destiny associates with both of them. It's made one, his protege. And now when he talks, he is kind of letting his mask slip again. He's not like a refined intellectual who's challenging the boundary of what's okay to say not. He just wants to fuck kids. It's really uncomplicated. Um,
But Destiny's been cringe lately. He said, Trans girlfriend, no pregnancy, no periods, always horny for sex. Cis girlfriend is the sad doggo. Cis girlfriend might get pregnant, can't get abortions on her period multiple days each month. And I don't know if this is like a troll, because...
Unknown_01: You would assume so. See, I'm such a nice guy that when I see shit like this, I just assume that it's trolling. But then it's brought to my attention that, no, they're actually just a fucking weirdo, disgusting person. Destiny unironically wants to suck dick because he's a faggot, in case you're curious. Other Destiny cringe is this.
From recently, from last month, on the 4th... Actually, I can't read that date. I don't know if it's on the 4th or the 8th of whatever. I'm assuming that it's...
Unknown_01: That's from the 4th of last month because usually it is in that format. But he says, A pedophile refers to people with attraction to prepubescent features. Is an older person fucking a 16-year-old creepy, weird, exploitive, disgusting? Sure. Any of those work. A pedophile? Probably not.
He is technically correct. If you want to split hairs that way, they are an ephephile if they're attracted to very, very young pubescent girls. However, this is the exact kind of, like, weird hair-splitting where it comes across as, like, obstinate. By the way, Destiny, who is a cuckold because his wife fucks other men, refuses, refuses, refuses, refuses, refuses, no matter how much you press him to admit that he is a cuckold, because in his mind, he has convinced himself that the definition of a cuckold is someone who is sexually aroused by, um... having their wife fuck other men. So the fact is that he gets no fulfillment out of his wife fucking other men, but tolerates it anyways because he gets to fuck retarded women on the side and protests that he is a cuckold because he gets no gratification from it, as opposed to the original intent, which was that it's an insult and that people who are cuckolds...
Um, just have an unfaithful wife, but he says, because he allows it, it's not unfaithful. It's still faithful because he tolerates it. And it's just like, it's like, you know, again, you want to like destiny because he sometimes says something that's like funny or interesting, um, or sides with you in some way. But then on the other side, he's just like an embarrassing freak who can't face reality and is stupid and likes to die on stupid hills. And his wife fucks other men. And his wife wants to fuck Nick Fuentes too because he keeps calling her mommy and she gets turned on by that because she's not allowed to have children because Destiny is a manlet who is afraid of pregnancy and forces his wife to have an abortion and she got pregnant because he doesn't want to have to have responsibility in his life. He wants to be fed by mommy GF.
Very sad all around. I hope Destiny gets well soon because he's very sick and he needs our love and prayers and support. Yeah.
Oh, that's why it's his son, even in his life though.
Unknown_01: Like for real, does he have any involvement in that kid?
Unknown_05: No, I'm waiting. I'm waiting for a response.
Unknown_05: Thoughts and prayers. No. You get a cock as much as Ralph.
Unknown_01: No. Sad. He says he does. Okay.
Unknown_01: Well, I'll reserve a judgment. But he clearly is never going to give Melinda, Melania, whatever the fuck her name is, a child. So she's going to have to beat it out of a stallion. Maybe Nick Fuentes. That would be funny. And that can be his beard. He can pretend to be straight by saying, look, I got Destiny's wife knocked up. And then she'll have a baby, which is just what she wants, probably. She's getting old.
Oh, the male pregnancy sticker.
Unknown_05: Very topical.
Unknown_01: Oh, that was a detour.
Unknown_05: I'm going to go back to what I was talking about, the cloud flagship.
So after Cloudflare said they would not be dropping, in a roundabout way, they would not be dropping services because it doesn't benefit anybody for them to do so, Cathols has announced that they plan to protest on the 8th of October.
Unknown_01: So it's coming up, Chad, six days away. Cloudflare is having a convention in Sydney, Australia. Let me say that real loud in case anyone's listening. Sydney, Australia. Now, I would never want anyone to go to Sydney, Australia during the time of this protest and act awkward or cringe. But if someone wants to take candid photos of the gross weirdos there, that would be perfectly fine by me. I just don't be. Awkward, don't be confrontational, don't be embarrassing. I will disown you. I will make fun of you if you are.
But they can't stop people from taking pictures, because everybody will be. Just a thought chat. You thought it was going to be in San Francisco. That's phase four. This is simply phase three. They're going to be taking a moment of opportunity to protest in San Francisco. So...
Unknown_01: By the way, I like this. Notice of intention to hold a public assembly. And then they say, a public assembly, not a procession of approximately 50 people will assemble. 50 base gamers in Sydney. I'm very curious to see how much the turnout will be and what kind of weirdos will turn up to Cloudflare in Sydney.
Very interesting. They're going to be there for three hours. They're getting there at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m., and they're getting out at noon.
Unknown_01: Three hours of protest. That's their plan to shutter Cloudflare is three hours of eunuchs and drags standing outside of some convention center in Sydney going, drop Kiwi Farms. Drop Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_01: Actually, that's like that's the wrong voice and to be like drop Kiwi farms mate. They're Australian you get it Yeah That's a that's their grand plan their website by the way, I'm curious drop Kiwi farms We're in positions
My god, oh my god, please tell me that's not just because of my browsing history. Hold up.
Unknown_01: Oh No traffic lights come on I got people watching Okay, first result is Twitter Twitter
Unknown_01: Drop kiwifarms.net and then hashtag drop kiwifarms on kiwifarms. And then you click this.
Unknown_01: And you get my post explaining how all these people are fucking weirdos. Oh my god. I wonder how long it's going to stay up. Because last time I checked, if you just type in kiwifarms...
The main page for Kiwi farms does not show up on Google at all. I don't know what they did, but you'll get, um, all the other boards on the site will show up in a group, but the actual Kiwi farms that net never does. So I don't know what the fuck happened.
Unknown_01: Uh, but that's funny.
Unknown_01: Uh, okay. Next, uh, Pete's gives his informed opinion on, on the whole topic. I mean, I'll say that you probably, I'll say that mixing hormones in a bathtub just seems weird to me.
It just seems weird to me to be mixing that hormones in the bathtub.
Unknown_03: I know nothing.
Unknown_03: What about mixing him in a bathtub?
Unknown_03: Probably a bathtub is probably not where you want to be mixing hormones.
Hope things get better for Lucas Roberts then.
Unknown_01: You can see that Pete's has taken a very conservative trajectory in his politics recently.
Unknown_03: Oh, them black people love fried chicken. Them black people sure love their fried chicken.
Unknown_01: It's an actual quote. It's not edited. I like that he's gotten very fat recently.
Unknown_01: I shouldn't say it like that because people are going to be mean. He has gotten very fat recently. It's very obvious to me as an independent spectator of this.
And the other... I have nothing more to say about Pete. He went to a pride parade in...
Unknown_01: in canada near where they lived and it was very sad seeing like little kids being paraded around and like rainbow clothes and shit with like obvious like people in full fetish of gear and then he's like public kink if a-okay and it's just i don't know i can't wait if i ever have kids they're just going to be sheltered
Unknown_01: I'm just going to lie to them. No, there's no such thing as a homosexual. That's a myth. No, we're not going to go outside today. We're going to stay in our mountain bunker, and we're not going to go outside. We have to wait. There's radiation outside. You can't go outside. The bombs dropped 10 years ago. Other weird thing is that a game called Dominus...
changed its name to Domina, and this was because of Drop Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_01: They announced on their update,
Unknown_01: We're out of ideas, mentally unstable, totally degenerate, and desperate for clout. Let's pretend we're a completely different game to regain relevance. Dead name Domina. Please don't mention it anymore. We only mention it here to say don't mention it anymore. It's totally normal to change the sex of a video game and not confusing to anyone. Please don't be a bigot. If you are confused, please simply stop being confused and remember that Domina doesn't exist anymore, but Dominus does, and always has, and you just didn't know you were playing a man who was dressed as a woman, but now that we reveal it to you, you have no right to feel deceived the same way.
The poor drunk dudes who transvestites like Keffels had sexual intercourse with, without disclosing that they were a man, had no right to feel wrong, and you're a bigot for being confused or even mentioning something like that happened, let alone having an opinion about it.
Very, very bizarre that a small indie game on Steam has decided to put out this kind of a statement. But it has caused the Troons to be outraged. Negative reviews, thousands of them. And you can see the Troon bombing coming in hot.
Unknown_05: Let's see. They're all lying. Where are the funny reviews? I saw funny reviews of them complaining about Kefals. Yeah. 902 negative reviews.
Another 310. Posting political crap in the patch.
Unknown_01: Apparently he wanted to reject reviews.
Unknown_01: Because Steam usually marks these kinds of off-topic reviews as off-topic reviews. They don't count. And then...
They decided to allow this, and that's what he's complaining about, I guess.
Unknown_01: However, just be aware that by purchasing this game, you'll be supporting a homophobic, transphobic, anti-vaxxed nutjob who posts his political views in his patch notes, had I known my money would have gone to more deserving projects and developers.
Unknown_01: Very funny. Alt-right nonsense. Here's a direct quote.
Some men won't fight. They're weak. There's no accounting for weak men. Weak men lack character. Strong moral fiber is hard to come by. It's earned through hard work and sacrifice, and it cannot be had via OnlyFans or shit.
Unknown_01: Nothing those faggot things are demonic possessions waiting to show you a succubus titty and hope that you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learn a new language or how to program a computer. Listen kids, get off them porn tubes and do something with your life because no one is going to give you a fucking thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. We need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard to implement those solutions. Masturbating to e-girls isn't going to solve the energy crisis as it get to work. Or play video games and have a relax and then get to work. Fresh tomorrow. I can't possibly know what's best for you in your individual situation.
Very... Just take off the fucking mask.
Unknown_01: Next time you're in a grocery store, try showing a woman your face. Be confident. Unfraid to the lies. You might get a girlfriend. Women don't like dudes who cover their faces in fear. What are you afraid of? Getting laid to grow up. There ain't no way that John McAfee killed himself. Highly dubious. Highly fucking dubious. Did John Galt kill himself? No, everybody at the motor company wished he would. In a fictional novel, Atlas Shrugged by Iron Man. What the fuck? That's very funny. I love schizophrenics. They're the best kinds of people. They're my people.
Dolphin Barn Incorporated. Hopefully he's not keeping a bunch of dolphins in a barn somewhere. I think of that.
I already talked about this.
Unknown_01: I already talked about this. Oh, one more thing. I've been getting a lot of press inquiries, and I just replied by saying the press are scum. However, I did have one very interesting revelation as a result of the press that
Unknown_05: this there's so keffels uh actually before they're currently in ireland in ulster and we know this because keffels announced exactly who he would be staying with and that person was already doxxed so when he started streaming in that room it was very obvious to compare the room in places that the other streamer had been in versus where he had been in it was obvious that that was the same place
So a post gets made on poll, which of course we are blamed for because we are the root of all evil in the world. And it's a picture of somebody standing outside of Keppel's new apartment in Ulster with a note that says,
Unknown_01: Loyalist against Troons, Lucas Roberts out of our community, Kiwi Farms, all Troons.
Unknown_01: This was the date. Ulster Kiwi Farms Force and Sneed and Ulster. Hail Josh, the corn lord. Ethan Gunn-Ralph told me to do this. So despite the fact that Ethan Gunn-Ralph told him to do this, and despite the fact that it was posted on poll with a message saying, careful as this Troon pedophile fuck thinks he can come hide in the Loyalist community. Uh, is my fault. I've literally never encouraged anyone to do this. I mentioned as the corn Lord in this bizarre note, uh, that white potato hands held.
And, uh, that's just, I just have to deal with it. This is somehow my, my responsibility. Um, Now, this is a clear and imminent threat against Kefals, something that must be taken seriously and that the police have been notified of. And don't forget to like, donate, and subscribe to Kefals so that they can continue to live in fear safely.
So, literally after this is posted...
Unknown_01: Catholic says, my NREL live streaming backpack is finally built. Can't wait to call my chat a bunch of stupid idiots while I'm exploring the Irish countryside.
Unknown_01: Stupid, stinky wigglers. Stop wiggling in my chat, morons. Please stop freaking out. I'm traveling around with locals. The police gave me a number to call if I need to. I'm not going to live my life in fear and stop working. That's literally what they want. So this dude...
Unknown_01: gets all this money by saying that he's living in fear. He says that he flees the continent because he is so afraid of imminent threats to his life. He gets in Ireland, and a dangerous Ulster loyalist shows up by direct order of Ethan Gunt Ralph, a known sex pest, convicted revenge pornographer. And is so afraid that Keffel's caused the police to ask for help. And then buys a camera to strap to his chest so that he can drive around Ireland and broadcast his every waking moment and precise location to the entire internet. And it's just like, yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry about it.
I don't know how anybody.
Unknown_01: Now, anybody at this point can fall for this, but the journalists, the journals, they just write whatever the fuck they want, and nobody is going to see this tweet, and nobody's going to care, and they're just going to be like, oh, my God, this poor soul is a victim of Kiwi Farms terrorism. After all, it says Kiwi Farms right here, blah, blah, blah. Isn't that wonderful? We live in a society, don't we?
People join IP2, whatever.
Unknown_05: Go to Turkey.
Unknown_01: Caffold is rooting out to all his attention. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Just money, money and attention. I have gotten, by the way, contacts from, I'll just look at my list.
This is insider.com from Kieran Press Reynolds.
Unknown_01: Vordrak sent me a threatening email that I didn't really read because I don't care what he has to say. Oh, and I'll explain that in a second.
Unknown_01: Day six, Canada Broadcast Radio, or CBC Radio, asked, news team from the Associated Press reached out.
Unknown_05: And then there's another one, I think.
Oh, the, um... It was on my other email.
Unknown_01: I had another one. It was, like, from Bloomberg as well. And they ask, like, the most asinine questions, too. It's...
Unknown_01: Here's the Associated Press's. We'll be publishing a story on the campaign to get Cloudflare to drop KiwiFarm. Please let us know if you have further comment on this beyond what you have posted on the site. Do you feel like the descriptions of the KiwiFarm is a far-right hate site or fair and accurate? If not, how would you describe the KiwiFarm within its purpose? You said that you don't condone SWAT planks, but in that case, why are people with home addresses posted on your site? Lastly, are you still in Serbia?
Do you want to know where I live? You want to post that in your article?
Unknown_01: Oh, and NBC News from Ben Collins. Ben Collins was the worst one. We're doing a story on Kiwi Farms and the campaign to get booted from Cloudfire. First, do you have any comment on Cloudfire's most recent statement? Second, we have talked to Clara Thorinty, who has noted that three trans people have committed suicide after being harassed by Kiwi Farms' user base. Julie Terryberry, Chloe Segal, and David Nierginder. Number one, David...
But Bew was not trans. He was at some point non-binary, but he regressed from that. And Julie Terryberry was never trans in any way, shape, or form. She was born a woman. And Ben Collins doesn't fucking know that, but who gives a shit?
Unknown_01: We also want to note that the Q-Form user base has descended on trans people's suicide notes online, which has made it harder for families to grieve. Do you have any comment about these suicides or the harassment of those people at Faith? Do you expect Kiwi Farms to remain online? Also, do you believe the playbook deployed by Kiwi Farms, rampant docking and harassment of those with different political beliefs, is good for society? Do you think that it will be expanded upon as the culture war goes on to include more private citizens? Thank you for your time. Ben Collins, Senior Reporter, MP3 News, whatever. I just said the press for scum. These fucking people.
He might as well just be saying, like, on a scale of 5 to 10, how much do you love murdering trans people with your own bare hands through the immortal, incorporeal evil that is your website? Do you believe that hell will be particularly hot for you or extremely hot for you? Okay, come on. Fuck off.
Uh, and the other thing, Oh, more drag there. Here's, here's the trend that they're going for, right? Cause Andrew England didn't get the deal is allegedly this is, this is what mark my fucking words. This is what you're going to see from them. Cause they're desperate at this point.
Unknown_01: Um, Andrew England didn't get the Kiwi farms kicked off or, Oh my God, my brain just melted. Andrew England did not get the daily stormer kicked off of cloud flare until allegedly he had said something about cloud flare or specifically Matthew Prince being secret Nazis. So Vordrick has come up with this narrative that, uh, one of the users on the site is Matthew Prince secretly and useful idiots on Twitter are also parroting this to try and say like, look, Look, Matthew Prince is secretly on Kiwi Farms, and I think what they're hoping to do is to get people on the site to start repeating this because that will piss him off. So I'm basically stuck between a rock and a hard place with this. I'm just going to have to say, like, look, if you say that you're Matthew Prince or if you say that you think somebody is Matthew Prince or you know somebody is, I just have to ban you because you're trying to get the site in trouble as a whole, and I can't tolerate that. Sorry.
So... I'm gonna have to be extremely anti-free speech meant to be a total janitor right now But you know, you don't get to fuck with my shit. I'm on the site. Sorry, but but not sorry to be honest with you Dude trunes listening to bordrick if you go to the original here watch i'll just show you Let's see Things have escalated and now i'm in the hiding
this video you go to their very conveniently located press kit down here and then uh you go to the kiwi farms brief right and you scroll down past all this bullshit
Unknown_01: All this bullshit, 28 pages of bullshit. And what does it say right here down at the bottom? With many thanks to Samuel Collingwood Smith for his over-obsessive archiving, making that part significantly easier for me. There are things word for word in this document which are copied directly from Sam's blog. If you don't know, Sam's a conservative in the UK. He was a former conservative politician. He was a part of Gamergate. And for whatever reason, people just take his word as gospel when they don't like the site. For instance, one thing made up word for word in this is that Keffel says that my mom had a forum account. Because what happened is that Vordrak registered an account called My Mom's Name. And then immediately took a picture of that account and posted it on his blog and said, look, Candace Potter has a forum account and directly participates in the Kiwi Farms, even though it had zero posts. And now Keffel's, six years later, after the fact, also parrots this as true. And I guarantee you that there will probably be a fucking journo who reports that as well as true. And then that'll end up on Wikipedia because that's just how they are. They just lie. They don't give a fuck about the truth at all.
My family's name is Potter. Moon is my dad's sign. I don't know why people are surprised by that.
Unknown_01: Did I miss anything in my coverage? I have had limited capacity to prepare for this stream and the last stream because I've been busy.
Unknown_01: Such is life.
Unknown_01: Everybody trying to hate on a nigga. All I'm trying to do is live my life in shit. Trying to be real. Trying to keep it real, dog. Shit, man.
These motherfuckers. Bitch-ass niggas being like, you're going to have to wear that dress. You're going to have to wear that mask, boy. I ain't wearing no fucking dress, bitch. I'm a gangster. I'm a nigga.
Unknown_01: she uh oh i was waiting for a reply did i miss anything this week that i should talk about
duncan btfo'd by nick i don't know who duncan is he went on a stream with nick ricado and ricado basically just fucked around with him for like three hours and he was like what so you don't you don't believe in the facts and science but the the facts and the science the facts and they're scientific they come from esteemed organizations here in in england and they are peer-reviewed, and I have a PhD in biochemistry, and you don't believe you can trust your own intuition over the facts and the science? My God, you are a fool. It's like, nah.
Unknown_01: Fuck that shit. Fuck your facts. Fuck your science. I don't give a shit anymore. I don't care if something is regarded as scientific law. I don't trust anything that anyone tells me anymore. You're all fucking liars.
Unknown_01: Everybody has lied. Everybody will continue to lie until people are just assumed by default that what they read in here is bullshit. We are doomed to this death spiral.
Hormone blockers have no effect on a child, completely reversible, except for if you take hormone blockers as a little boy to become a little girl later in life, you will have a small baby dick and you will not be able to make a fake vagina out of your teensy tiny baby dick and people will be repulsed by you. Even trans chases will be repulsed by your tiny baby dick. Just look at Jazz Jennings. She looks like a sack of potatoes because she has a tiny baby dick and cannot have sex. Very sad. And the only people who'd want to have sex with her on her tiny baby dick... Or pedophiles. Or pedophiles. Sorry.
Nonsense. Nonsense. Nonsense. Let's put kids on hormone blockers so they have tiny baby dicks and kill themselves. That's great. That's wonderful.
Unknown_01: You know my rule. Jazz is like a female name. It's awkward to say Jazz, he, Clara, he. If I say Clara, I'm going to end up saying they or she. If I say Jazz, I'm going to say she or they. That's just how it is. You have to fucking deal with it.
Before Medicare, he did a stream and he kept saying they for keffels. And everyone in chat was like, no, Medicare is cucked. Medicare is cuckaronied for the troon menace. It's like, bro, we live in a society.
Unknown_01: And they is the happy medium. They has been used as a gender neutral pronoun since Shakespeare. And you just have to fucking deal with it. I will say he... when I remember and it's convenient as that is the point of language but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna cuck out to other people screaming no you must get the pronouns wrong you have to get the pronouns wrong stop getting them right or semi or different than what I want them to be nah boy nah fuck you too use it that's just confusing use it for objects your brain's not gonna assume it's a person
Listen, I agree that people should just not be freaks, okay? You haven't lost me. However, at the same time, we're trying to have a conversation, trying to talk about shit, and you get banned if you misgender somebody. So on YouTube, here's the thing. You people listening right now,
Unknown_01: Those of you listening live or on the archive, not on YouTube. If you're on YouTube, you're part of the problem. The problem is that YouTube is the biggest platform. Everything's on it, and everybody uses it. And if you refuse to get off YouTube, you're part of why Medicare has to say they. You're literally part of the fucking problem. Right now we have 1,800 people listening on Odyssey, which is great. And then on the Telegram, there's another 100 people listening. And it's like, okay, so 1800 people have about 2600 people have the presence of mind to look off site for, for their entertainment.
Um, but you know, that large margin is, is not insignificant. And that's why someone, especially if you want to grow your community, you have to be on YouTube. And when you're on YouTube, there are certain things that get you insta banned. I deleted my stream last week, by the way, before it got a strike and it's still got a strike. They still put a strike on it. So now I'm, I'm basically at a commission on YouTube until, um, December.
Food for thought. You're on Odyssey? Well, thank you, Webphoenix. Grouper, man. There's a little left on YouTube? Yeah, that's true. You look at YouTube and you just think we're a pile of shit.
Unknown_01: I mostly use YouTube for music, and that's about it. I torrent everything that I want to watch.
Unknown_01: And I don't watch too many videos.
I will continue to stream on YouTube because that's how you grow your audience.
Unknown_01: That's how you get found. Oh, and in regards to Medicare, Medicare said he would probably want to talk to me if I would be open for it. And I said next Saturday, so not tomorrow. Next week. Because by next Saturday, some more shit will have happened, and there will be more to talk about. so that's my um there's google chat which is like the successor to hangouts and i know he uses hangouts so it's like that that should work if you want to do google chat and let's do it next saturday not this saturday that would probably be okay i don't know what his medical schedule is i know that people on chemotherapy if he's on chemotherapy i don't know that for sure but i know that chemotherapy has there are times of the month where uh you're you're not able to do anything because you're tired from the the poisons but
just in general, at least next week or any time after, I guess.
Unknown_01: I've always thought that me, Jim, and Rakeda would probably be a good stream, but we'll see how this goes. If it goes okay, we can maybe do something with Rakeda. That would be a good-ass podcast.
Unknown_01: In a perfect world where there's not weird censorship, I bet you me, Rakeda, and Jim could do a good-ass podcast that people would tune into en masse.
Unknown_01: Just a thought.
Unknown_01: What did Rikada get suspended for? He got suspended for this week? What? What is it? Rikada Media on Twitter?
What happened to Rikada?
Unknown_05: Ricada caught a strike. What did he get a strike on?
Unknown_05: He says that he was going live last... Oh, no, that's legal.
See if it's a different channel. Exclusively on Rumble. Oh, fuck.
Unknown_01: Trying to find the tweet. I'm really interested in hearing what he got a strike for.
Unknown_05: So, September 1st.
Unknown_05: he was on rumble and odyssey okay i don't know what did he get a stream on a strike on because he didn't get it for he doesn't know how do you not know it should tell you what video so he got a strike and he doesn't know
that's bizarre he did call that guy a faggot but if that was the reason then the video should be down but it's not huh that's really funny
Unknown_01: Oh, man, I fucking hate them. I hate them more all the time. There is literally there is literally a group of people you are not allowed to criticize because they cut off their dick. Like, OK, I understand the whole Jewish thing. At least they have the Harlem cost to say, like, look, you have to be careful with these guys because they can get Harlem costed at any time. There is no tranny Holmcast. They have just cut up their dick. And for whatever reason, we have collectively decided that you cannot say anything about that. You cannot make fun of that. It's fucking ridiculous. Okay.
There's no like tranny Israel. Okay. There's no like, like tranny elite cast. What has happened to enable these people to be so powerful in our culture? Oh, man.
Unknown_01: Is it literally that our culture just feels bad for them? Everyone just feels bad for Keffels and like, oh, that guy cut off his dick and now he sits around and like his own crotch belly button stank all the time. Man, people have to learn their manners and not say bad things about this person because they're at 41% risk of killing themselves at any given moment. We have to make sure that that does not happen and we have to remind our manners around these very delicate, sensitive, mentally fragile people. Is that it? Is that the entire thing? For real? Come on now.
Tranny Israel is San Francisco.
Unknown_01: Tranny Israel does exist. It's Canada. Oh, no. We figured it out. What is the issue with Canadians, by the way? Chantel, Pete, Yaniza Joma, fucking Idubz's cuck girlfriend.
Unknown_01: Who else is Canadian? Start naming Canadians that you hate, chat. Come on. Let's get them goading.
Unknown_01: tradu yeah tradu sucks i'm talking about like lolcows though andy warski ppp come on we got more uh yanev yeah yanev is from fucking canada
Unknown_01: It is a thing.
Unknown_01: Despite making up—what's the population of Canada? It's like 20 million, right? Population of Canada. 38 million. So despite being one-tenth of the population—actually, you know what? It's closer to about 13% of the population in the United States. Despite making up about 13% of the population between the two countries— They make up 50% of the locales. This is a statistic that requires further examination, perhaps by a bureau particularly good at evaluating statistics like the FBI. We should look into this.
Unknown_01: Lawrence Southern. What? That's not true. That's not true.
Surrey, Canada. What the fuck?
Unknown_05: What? Truly bizarre. You know who else is Canadian?
Unknown_01: Ted Cruz. Wasn't he born in Canada? He was born in Canada on a military base, so people call him American. But we all know that once you go maple, you don't go back. He's got that sticky maple syrup stank on him for the rest of his life. Steven Crowder is Canadian.
Mick Evans, the Proud Boy guy, is Canadian. Steven Crowder, American-Canadian. He was born in Michigan, though, so he's an honorary American-Canadian.
Unknown_01: There's something wrong going on here, chat. We've been looking at the wrong enemy this entire time. As the greatest ally of Israel, I have proven that our true enemy is actually our own hat this entire time. It's like spike proteins coming down into the U.S., filling us with retards, secretly controlling our politics and our digital media this entire time.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: Fuck it. Let's do the super berries. Let's do the super berries chat. I'll put it in green mode. I got green mode ready to go today. So we're already ahead of the curve.
Unknown_05: Look at.
Unknown_05: Now. Date and time. That's right.
Unknown_01: Anonymous for five says, enjoyed the stream leader with Rakeda. Thanks for the four hours of extra content and congrats on getting the farm back up. Thank you, Anonymous. And I'm glad you enjoyed the stream.
Unknown_01: anonymous for one says how much money would it take for you to watch and review the original video of the fat dude doing the impossible seared bite whopper I'll do a review for you actually I like the video he's a big guy he likes food I don't care if he's black he seems friendly when it comes to food I am the most anti-racist when it comes to food I enjoy going to different places with different people and trying their delicious food. Almost every culture has great things to share in terms of culinary stuff.
But I'll share with you guys actually a secret shameful tidbit. I have tried all the vegan shit from Burger King.
Unknown_01: i i maintain that the vegan chicken nuggies at burger king are indistinguishable from the real the real thing because they've already modified the chicken stuff like so much that you that it's not even chicken um the the chicken the the fake like the soy nuggies at burger king are perfectly fine and less greasy the uh
The burger itself is okay. It's good.
Unknown_01: The only thing that you really miss is the animal fat. Animal fat has a very delicate taste to it that is very good. And you miss it when you have a replicant. But like with the chicken nuggies, it's not even... You don't even taste that because it's so processed.
Unknown_01: It's just so you don't...
Unknown_01: I'm my most shameful, like...
Unknown_01: anti-base position is I do not oppose vegetarian diets. I do not oppose that. I do not oppose soy in general. I'm not like afraid of soy. There's people who are like, if you have like a soybean, if you have soy sauce in your rice, you will have bitch tits. You will start sucking dick. Like since I've cut down on meat, like someone asked in the chat if I had a hairy chest. Since I've cut down on meat, I have meat. Almost every day, but not like a lot of it. It's like a salami on like a lunch sandwich and something with a meat as like a main course once a week. My hair on my chest has grown a lot. Like I'm now like a fuzzy wuzzy. Okay.
I think that maybe... People don't even think about this.
Unknown_01: If you're really going to have meat, you should try to find it organic. Because if you're eating just meat from fast food, you're getting soy. You're talking about estrogen. You're getting estrogen that way through the hormones they pump into those cows. You talk about vaccines. You know how many vaccines a cow gets in its life? It's pumped full of vaccines from the second it's born to right before it dies. And then you talk about the milk, and that shit all has estrogen in it too. So if you're on a...
Unknown_01: continuing to be a carnivore and more power to you you should definitely look for more responsible sources of meat because the giant plantations are not giving you anything that's more healthy than a soybean anyways um you gave me one dollar and i gave you i was shooting pearls i was shooting pearls for one dollar
My Discord Kitten for $1 says, message received. Dear Leader Josh, standing back and saying goodbye. Thank you, Discord Kitten.
Unknown_01: Be alert. Always be on guard.
Unknown_01: Sneed for $1 says, literally two days ago was thinking, I wonder how long it'll be before smart thermostats start forcing you to endure the heat because of climate change panic. Thank you, Hellworld. Yeah, it does. There's no fucking way. When I bought my TV, I made sure I said, I do not want Alexa. I do not want it installed. If you give me a TV that has Alexa on it, I will not buy it. You can't buy a TV that doesn't have smart apps on it, like YouTube and shit. But if there's Amazon on it, I will not buy this fucking piece of shit. I do not want to fucking listen. There should not be a microphone on a television. A microphone on the television was described in 1984 on those three minute hates when they all went into the big room and there was like a screen with Big Brother on it and pictures of enemies. And then there was like a two way recorder so that they could see your reaction and make sure that you were hating enough.
No fucking no recorder on my TV. Thank you very much. Bye bye.
Unknown_01: Twinkle Tart for $100.
Very proud of how you handle things, Josh. The difference between the situation in England is that you didn't spurge out like a fucking retard. Well, I try my best. I know that what we have is a blessing. Cloudflare could kick us off at any time. Our host could kick us off at any time. Abnett could refuse our allocation at any time. So every moment that we can stay up and continue forward is a given thing. It's not an implicit thing that... As in, it's given to us by the tolerance of what remains of our free society as opposed to something that can be relied upon.
Nick Gurr for $1 says, remember when you said Google wouldn't compromise their core product? Has it gotten way worse recently? Now when I look up a game mechanic, I get journos instead of wikis and forums. Google is fully compromised.
Unknown_01: It is still the best search engine for a couple things, but I can usually find it. Like Brave is my default search engine, and I have Bing on my phone as my default. And they're not great. Like they're not as good as Google, but...
Unknown_01: Like I know is for sure. Like I had, um, I'll show you actually, there were these two pictures.
Unknown_01: I was looking for these two pictures cause they are great copy pastas about trannies and, um,
I, the, the, the one with the little kid, I was having a really, really hard time finding this picture and I was on Google and I was trying every, every combination of words that I could think of to try and find the, um, that copy pasta. And I'll just read it. Um, in case you're, in case you're curious.
Unknown_01: That's a picture of the little kid on the top right looking at a drag queen, and he looks very scared. I actually know the source of this image. It's from the Drag Queen Story Hour that was related to the elected judge who was arrested for child pornography because he was using his position as judge to download child porn from the court computers.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: But that picture was used for this caption. I think because of that incident that they use this picture someone replies
Jesus says,
Unknown_01: Look at this kid. She, hard to tell because of the progressive mom, is absolutely terrified. She knows what she is looking at smells and sounds like a man. But the clownish application of makeup and the ridiculous hair and dress make the man sinister and foreign. The drag queen is deep into the uncanny valley and the little girl knows that what she is looking at is not what she... is not what it is trying to look like. She doesn't have the intellectual capacity to understand gender-critical theory, so all she sees is a deception. Her instincts are kicking in, telling her that this thing in front of her is not what it claims to be. She can't comprehend what's going on, so all she can know is that something is attempting to take the form of a human woman, and she knows that it is in fact not that.
Look at her face, look at her apprehension. She is deep into the Uncounty Valley, and she doesn't want to step any further in. Her coulrophobia is kicking in, and all she can recognize is that she is witnessing something that is grotesquely non-human. And her mother is just blindly smiling behind her, gleefully pushing her into the belly of the beast. And I had this picture, and I was desperately trying to find...
Um, the, that quote, cause I, I had found the picture on, um, looking at the drag queen story hour page. And I remember there was a copy pasta attached to this image. And I threw that thing into Google and I, I being, I could not find it. I could only find it on Yandex. Yandex, um, included the version that had the copy pasta on it. So definitely the core product is compromised to hide information from you, but it's only a certain kinds of information. So unless it gets significantly worse, um,
People won't stop using it. But people do want to get off of it because I know with the boomers, they really hate Google now, which is very base, actually.
Unknown_01: anime for five says to thank you or one of us all along i bet your favorite anime is lane oh fuck off yeah it's very funny i like anime what a clever and original joke my favorite anime is shen chan in case you're wondering from what i remember it was a good i watched that my mom liked that show a lot when i was on adult swim uh kurayuma for five says it's victim mentality that's true
Anonymous for $100 says, I just want to tell you your forum has helped quite a bit of people, including myself. I would probably be an age-ridden furry if you hadn't put the zoo status stuff on full display. Good luck, man. Well, I'm glad that you decided fucking animals was wrong after you saw animal fuckers fucking animals, I guess.
Unknown_01: You would think that wouldn't take. I don't know. Like, the furry stuff is all just porn. Like, you can look at every furry and make the safe assumption that they're just like a chronic masturbator.
Unknown_01: Yeah. They're hypocrites. Nobody takes America First seriously. It's a shame because he had good momentum and now he's just like so insecure that it's ridiculous.
Animal Traffic Controller for 10 says, Kethel's seething because the Kiwi Farms has a true and honest furry troon.
Unknown_01: Please come home. We miss you. There's a link.
Unknown_01: It's been uncomfortable. What is this? Oh, Jesus Christ. What the fuck?
Unknown_05: Really, dude? Come on.
Unknown_05: This appears to be a screenshot of a user logged into the forum.
Unknown_01: He has an alcohol prep pad, a bunch of syringes, and then 8,000 blue pills. I don't know if that's Viagra.
What is that on the injectable thing?
Unknown_05: Let me zoom in real quick.
Unknown_05: I don't know.
Unknown_01: I can't make out the text.
Unknown_01: Estradiol? Estradiol. Oh, that's a hormone. Oh, my God, dude. Come on. What the fuck's wrong with you? Thank you for your $10, weirdo. Uh...
Unknown_01: Here, Yuma for 10 says, why aren't terminally online people normal? Because you are over-socialized. Read The Industrial Society and its Future by Dr. Theodore Kaczynski. Small Kitten for 10 says, sad you won't call us your smitten kittens, but at least take my money and buy pizza with it. Speaking of which, what kind of toppings do you like? And how do you feel about pineapple on pizza? Meow. Pineapple pizza sucks. And I like pizza with hollandaise sauce.
And jalapenos. And spicy salami. That's what I like. I like hollandaise sauce on my pizza. It feels good to say it, chat. I know people are going to be mad. Stay mad. I don't give a fuck. It's good. I don't give a shit what you think. Pineapple pizza sucks ass.
What the fuck is that? Yeah, Marombots don't even know. They don't even know.
Suffer, chat. Suffer.
Unknown_01: I'll smash your gay pepper pizza. No, fuck you, bro. Fuck you.
Unknown_01: I can't even show pictures of my pizza because it looks disgusting and I don't give a fuck.
Unknown_01: Uh, AIC for 15 says, Simp Crew has been debating on whether you have a hairy chest. Please settle it for us. I have already settled that I am very hairy, and I'm getting hairier. I am a true mutt, but my dominant mutt genes, I think, are Italian.
Haram Burger for two says, Keffels is going to stream hiking while Jersh sits in a Slavic cell inhaling pizza carbs. It is clear who the real heavyweight is in this conflict. Oink, oink, oink. Mukbang with Rakeda Lin.
Unknown_01: God, I guess if I meet Rakeda, we can go out for pizza and I can embarrass him with my order.
Unknown_01: Hey, oh man, I can't tell you. There's something I want to brag about, but it would be my OP sac. I have to be very careful these days.
Unknown_01: um so i've shown my vacation footage to china in china everyone knows that i get around
Red colored for 20 says you spend all that time killing trones and only managed to get three get good I'm pretty sure if you take the number of people who have died who have a forum thread and you cross reference that To like the death rate of Americans in general I'm pretty sure we're under quota in terms of like if you have a forum thread You're statistically more likely to not die or kill yourself Red colored for 20 says you so wait now I read that carry Yuma for 10 says you're a wizard Josh
Unknown_01: Look, Jim had a very funny thing about the name, but he didn't recognize something that I didn't even recognize until after. But maybe one day he'll point it out.
Unknown_01: Never Forget for Five says, I know it's not, but I hope it helps.
Unknown_01: I know it's not, but I hope it helps. $5 helps. $5 is a lot.
Unknown_01: Uh, I mean, not in the grand scheme of things, but that offsets like, you know, a server or a little bit.
Ruggy for five says Josh Potter, the grand wizard is unstoppable and eradicate all the rainbow muggles.
Unknown_01: The rainbow muggles. What do you think wizards would do to transsexuals? Do you think there's like transsexual magic to like cut off your dick?
Unknown_01: I'm so glad that J.K. Rowling is a TERF and that will never be canonical until she's dead and Disney buys Harry Potter and makes true magic a thing.
Unknown_01: Pope Julius IV for 5 says, Name this stream something about Canada. Blame Canada has a ring to it, doesn't it? Because I played that song.
Here's my latest work in progress. We love you, Jerush. There's a picture. Oh, that's nice. I'll throw this up. There's a...
Unknown_01: There's another thing, actually, that someone made and that I intended to show on stream today but completely forgot. I might include this in, like, if I ever get mad at the internet backup online. I might show it.
Unknown_05: Where is the art at?
Unknown_05: I think this is it.
I made two. I'm not sure what to do with one of them.
Unknown_01: Check out this pixel art. The colors are off. I'll change the colors real quick.
Unknown_01: Ain't that nice, chat?
Unknown_01: I don't think that's a penis. I probably can't show a penis. I probably should have asked them to remove the mushroom that's flopping about. That's a bit harder to show because mushrooms can look like penises and people have issues with penises.
I will leave the safer workup.
Unknown_01: The more obviously safer workup.
Unknown_01: We're almost done.
Unknown_01: Winston Fujimori for five says, the best thing to come out of this whole saga is we found out beyond doubt that you love anime. Hashtag anime right.
Unknown_01: Animes always try to bring you down to their level. It's like with Keffels, trying to make people into shrooms. The animes are like, oh, bro, you should just watch Okudokujan. That's a really good anime. It's totally based. It's not like other animes. It has robots and shit, and anything with robots in it is inherently not fucking retarded and super based and masculine, so you should watch it.
SomeDumbHo for 25 says, How much to bribe you to play Clown Song by P-Control for an outro? I don't take bribes to manipulate my music. It's always to taste, dear sir.
Unknown_01: Apologize. Thank you for the money, though.
Unknown_01: Ropana for 1776 says, Hi, Josh. It's good to see that the Kiwi Farms is back up. Thanks for all your hard work getting the site back online. I enjoyed your show this week and hope you have a great weekend. And then the flag of Korea. Thank you, Ropana. I'm also very glad that the site is back up. It's very stressing for me when the site's down.
Hopefully, God, I can't believe it's already Friday. I've spent this entire week trying to figure shit out, and it's just like...
Unknown_01: Pain in the ass. I'm hoping that next week I'll have some better footing than I do right now.
And Chad for 50 says, Maddie, Matrix Room will never be forgotten. Initiate Project Cage Moon. Look, I'm trying my best, okay? I would like to have an XMPP server up as well eventually, but these things must be put on hold until the fundamental issues here are resolved.
Unknown_01: okay that's all i'm done don't send any more super chats please i'm done for the wait no i love i josh moon for five says i talked about how i faked not liking anime when it comes down to these stupid memes but that i want it to be popular and that sort of thing look i just i don't like it i don't like it and i think that posting pictures of your waifu on 4chan is cringe
And in particular, that one brown little girl means that you're a predator. And we're done with the Super Chess, because now people are just going to tweet anime shit at me.
Unknown_01: Hold up. All this anime slander.
Unknown_05: Jeez.
Unknown_05: It's got me worked up.
Unknown_05: You know what's funny, chat?
Unknown_01: I was given a gift...
Unknown_01: of a um the silver coins in the mail to a free mailer i haven't made it public yet but someone i knew offered and he sent it to me and i got a notice from my remailer that i had received something and they charged me eleven dollars to get this mailed to me and i assume it's eleven dollars because it's got coins in it and that's why it costs so much
And then it arrives to me and it is a notice from the post office that they have the package and they need somebody to come pick it up.
Unknown_01: And my remailer deadass fucking mailed me the notice that they're supposed to go pick it up. And they charged me $11 for it, chat. So now my coins are sitting in a post office in some shithole country. And I don't have them. And I have the notice to go pick them up. If you believe this, nobody can do a job anymore, chat. That's the sad reality of our sad world.
Unknown_01: All right, I'm done.
Unknown_01: I will see you next Friday. And hopefully my site will still be up. We will see.
And if not, then we will fight them on the beaches. We will fight them in the streets. And we will never surrender.
Unknown_01: And if we shall fall, which I do not believe for a second should happen, it will fall on the new world to free us from this oppression.
Unknown_01: Whatever. Fuck Winston Churchill. Bye-bye. We'll be singing when we're winning.
We'll be singing. I get no doubt.
I get no doubt.
simp moon for five says after i very clearly asked people not to to donate anymore says the lamins are now swooning over your chest hair in our private messenger that's very weird but i'm i'm glad i'm glad that i'm finally popular on the internet after all these years so strange everyone has hated me since the part of back of their member in fact they still do but such is life