Hey, what's up, guys? Welcome to Lawsplaining the Interwebs. I'm your host, Nick Riccato of Riccato Law, a small law firm in central Minnesota. And today I have a very special guest returning to the show after a decent hiatus. Welcome, Mr. Josh.
Unknown_04: Hello, I'm Josh. I used to be the owner of the Kiwi Farms. Now I'm the owner of an error page.
Unknown_01: You sure are the owner of an error page. I keep trying to go there and I keep getting various stages of like white screens, dark screens, screens with some text, links to archives, links to nothing, statements by you, descriptions of weird communists. I don't know what the hell is happening anymore.
My error page is devolving and evolving in complexity. I could explain why it has gone through these various phases. They're not accidents. I was hoping just to get the site back up, but I think the weekend has struck and everyone who I would be emailing for support right now has decided that they are thoroughly checked out and we'll deal with this shit on Monday when hopefully it's cooled down a little bit, but it probably won't cool down by Monday, but hopefully they'll restore service.
Unknown_01: So I thought for the weekend, I'll just leave a message up. I think you've got a dedicated hate brigade going, like a full-on... It's like that weird March of the Light Brigade song or whatever, but it's the March of the Troon Brigade or something.
Yeah, I'm not even sure how to describe this because I've dealt with like organized stuff before, but I've never dealt anything with anything that was both organized and high profile because the BU stuff was high profile, but it wasn't organized. This is both. So it's it's new territory.
Unknown_01: Yeah, so what I was thinking we would do, I reached out to talk. One, because I like talking to you. It's been a long time. And I feel like, you know, a week goes by and the level of like weird degeneracy that happens around the world just goes off the fucking charts. So I wanted to just generally talk. But then, of course, this...
Unknown_01: crusade against your former webpage cropped up and was trending on Twitter for days. The level of dedication to this activist lifestyle is fascinating to me. So I kind of wanted to talk through the story of what's been going on, if we can do that, and then just kind of
i guess just address what's up i found uh i caught a marginal amount of um of ire yesterday uh on twitter and man like i just i just muted the conversation and let him go to town but i don't even know how many likes and retweets it is of of me being uh me being told that i should be killed or whatever which is fine like i don't care that people say it but it's uh it's it's just kind of funny how it always works out like this person hates so and so which isn't true uh but we should murder them it's like oh okay well i guess that's the next logical step then yeah it is it's strange because they're they're very angry and they're trying they're doing a lot of things that they accuse the form of doing even though the forum does not do these things it does not encourage these things it outright bans people who encourage people who do these things
so it is it is strange to see like the the cognitive dissonance and that it's yeah well it's it's like exhausting to even try and unwind
Unknown_01: Right. And I did want to talk about that because I think that that is something that most people don't seem to realize because Kiwi Farms gets this reputation as one, as if it were a monolithic entity or even an entity at all, rather than just being a web forum. And then the forum actually does have a set of rules. And if you touch the poop, you're gone. And it's kind of funny because on one hand,
Kiwi farms is a very free speech place. And on the other hand, like threads become authoritarian hell holes when things start to get out of control. And so it's like not quite free speech. It's like free speech, but there's rules because it's this private place. So it's, so I was hoping like you could help explain that too, because I think that's an interesting aspect of the farms, but, and it also runs in direct contradiction to most of the accusations against the site.
yeah i think that there is i avoid the term free speech because when i um when i was involved with 8chan and i tried to do 9chan i went the whole quote unquote free speech route and i tried to build it as that uh the work there as that and what i learned is that everybody has a very different idea of what free speech is and to some people you know child pornography is free speech and you know death threats are free speech and pornography is free speech. So, you know, if you just say free speech, well, you're gonna get people who are really testing that boundary and posting, you know, posts like non-nude or nude pictures of children that are like innocent on the beach and say like, well, you said that this is a free speech site and this is constitutionally protected, so you must be okay with me posting my folder of naked children on the beach. And it's like, well, no, I'm not.
Unknown_01: Yeah, not really.
Unknown_04: Yeah, I I avoid the the the term freedom of speech I go with freedom of expression and there it is a site and it has a purpose and it has a Community and it has a zeitgeist and it is not just you know, whatever you want There's there's certain certain rules in place to keep the site in
First of all, hands off.
Unknown_04: We're not an activist community. It's just a place to talk about people.
Unknown_04: So anything encouraging people to go off site and fuck with people is unacceptable and it's not even tolerable within the community. It's not something that I enforce because I have to and it's like tongue in cheek.
Unknown_04: Definitely don't order pizzas to this person's address. Haha, wink, wink. No, literally nobody wants to deal with this shit. So...
Unknown_01: right one because it brings out this nonsense uh with um dedicated uh spam attacks ddos and and whatnot and and two like the the ultimate outcome is it when you when you understand the culture of of what kiwi farms is and kiwi farms is not like this unique website like they're it's a dying breed i think of website um they're this idea that you can just go on and maybe say something offensive and not be banned for offensive speech but um but it's it's not like unique it's a place where people go and gossip about stuff like that gossip sites exist all over and they can get pretty offensive too but the whole purpose of it is to talk about uh the the way i analogize it is it's like you're watching the tiger in its natural habitat except the tiger drools on itself in a diaper and it's like you don't want to go into the tiger cage and mess with the tiger because that's not really interesting like it might be funny for just a second but then it up the whole the whole habitat like you want them the way i describe it is yeah it's it's like when when someone does something stupid and it bites them in the ass that's funny if you go to somebody's house and you hit them with a baseball bat like that's not funny you're just observing like inflicted human suffering there's there's no there's literally no humor in that um you can if you're like there are people who are complete sociopaths who will go out and just beat homeless people in the street and it's like that that is not it
or we like there might be we'll see a homeless person and he's talking to himself he's schizophrenic he's having a great old time having a conversation one-on-one and we can discuss that and say like oh he talks about these characters but to like try like there's literally no reason to go over there and with somebody and and beat up the homeless person there's zero reason it's not funny nobody's interested nobody wants to see it uh so but they have to care they have to in order to push this agenda of saying that this site is not freedom of speech and it deserves to be shut down they necessarily must characterize it as violence they have to say that merely posting this posting a picture of a house or something posting an address uh posting a phone number that is um violence in and of itself that is it it it's only there to cause fear it's only it's like no there is no
Unknown_04: we do not care what your reaction is to your thread. If you have no reaction, if you never mentioned it all ever, ever, that's fine. There are people who have never acknowledged their forum thread that have huge threads like shoe on head. I don't think she has ever acknowledged her forum thread, but it's still very large. So whether you have no reaction,
doesn't matter as long as you have a persistent internet presence that people want to talk about that is what drives the thread if you choose to have like a huge war with your thread then you'll have a careful situation where your thread has 2,000 pages in six months if even that I think it's been like three months
Oh, yeah. And that's you can you can certainly you can gain some very quick notoriety or whatever. But the funny thing is, so many of these people don't want the notoriety that they get. But I mean, the forum is really just a visual representation of what already happens all the time in real life. And this is what I don't think people understand. Like if if you're out there in public in some way, somebody somewhere is talking with somebody else about you the farms is just a place where people happen to do that it is the water cooler like gossip occurs absent anything it has for as soon as there were three people two of them were talking about the other one right like and it was probably adam and eve making fun of their one dumb kid or whatever uh
like that but then there's somebody in chat who says i sound like i'm about to cry i hate to break it to you i sound like this all the time he's about to cry all the time this is what his life has become no no um no it's it's it's not just that okay okay if people want if people want to talk to each other you can't really prevent that i think it's more that
Unknown_04: it accumulates over time it becomes like a fossil record that you can go back and you can say this is what was being discussed there here's clips of it here's a screenshots of it yeah and the the baggage baggage sort of um uh just builds up over the years and it's like you especially with like keffel's thread you go to the forum thread it's archived you can read through it um it is very compelling it is it is properly like categorized there's evidence of everything that's said it's like the the the author of that thread of that post Their words are like a glue that just organizes the material that's provided there. So when somebody says that Keffels ran a Discord server called the Catboy Ranch that had miners in it and Keffels was openly flirting with a 16-year-old, 10 years younger than them, And people in this ranch were receiving animal collars to wear that said they were property of the Catboy Ranch and shit. That's not an empty claim based on secondhand information. You can go and see that this was a thing, that people were openly talking about this.
Yeah, tons of screenshots, archive links to all of the stuff. The crazy thing is some of the stuff that is in Keffel's thread that is particularly concerning, like the claims that Keffel's has made, about supporting uh hormone replacement therapy for minors right from 12 to 20 years old without their parents knowledge or consent uh for example like that tweet that's tweet still exists it's not even like yeah from the internet you don't like you find out about it on there and then you can find it on Twitter and go oh dear God like this is a this is a horrific sort of thing.
It's undiplomatic to like an extreme. Usually people have to hide it and say like, Oh, well, we only support, you know, transgender therapy for children who have been in, you know, have seen a doctor and have been diagnosed by a medical professional. then gender affirming care is a necessity but with couples it's like nah if your nine-year-old says i wanna i wanna get some hrt i'll tell them how i'll send it to them i'll give them a book on how to brew it out of plastic bags in their sink like i'll hook them up and if you disagree you belong in jail because you're a transphobe and it's like whoa buddy calm down there too far
Yeah. Cause see, and I, so to, I'm to bring this back to me, which is always the important subject. Um, what, so I, I had my bit about Keffels the other day or whatever, and I strongly disagree with doing exactly what you just said, like doing this outside of consent of parents for, for me, uh, under the age of majority and, and, uh, you know what like i didn't set the age of majority but it is the age of majority we as a as a society or whatever got together and some point and just were like no this is where we think it is it might move it someday or another right now that's where it is and so if if you're doing that to kids life-changing um drug exposure and stuff like that to children like i i will never think that that's uh correct uh that's that's just not in my my playbook i also don't think you should give kids cocaine for example
So I say that and then people are like, you're transphobia, trans people. But in the same sentence, I'm like,
Unknown_01: When they're 18, they can make their decisions and do whatever they want. Like, I don't care if you go transition. I don't care if you inject yourself full of hormones or steroids or, uh, meth or sweet tea, like, like what I'm drinking right now. Like I, I honestly, once you turn 18, go do whatever you want to your body. That's not fucking around with someone else's. And I'm not sure why this is such a controversial position, but it is apparently.
Yeah, well, specifically with couples, they admit and on their Twitter that they had a relationship with a groomer who was their age, exactly their age. And they met them when they were 13. And then they by the time they were 15, I think I don't know exactly the timeline, but it was around this time around the time that they said they say in their own words that they've met a groomer, a man, actually.
Unknown_04: i want to say that they were trans don't quote me on that they met a groomer 13 years old by the time they were like 14 they were transitioning by the time they were 17 they were in porn and then uh there's like a timeline for this but they immediately got into porn they did the t-girl canadian porn when they turned 18 and that porn studio i'm pretty sure because they did before and after porn paid for them to go to Thailand and get the penile scrotal flap vaginoplasty to turn their penis inside out and make it into what resembles a female sex organ. And then they did the after with the neo-vagina. So I'm pretty sure that he turned 17, and he says he did porn, but that's not the Canadian T-Girl stuff. He turns 18, does Canadian T-Girl, does before and after, and I'm pretty sure they pay for it. And then he's post-op, and he's involved in communist politics for whatever the fuck for a couple years.
and then the cap boy ranch stuff happened only like two years ago um and then he started up his twitch in 2020 and that's where he's at now and see the okay like the grooming pipeline that got to 18 i like i obviously disagree with all that but i frankly don't care uh about like the transition surgery and stuff at 18. like i like if once you hit that age like we that's where
Pretty much for most decisions, the world has decided you are of legal capacity to contract your body, your property right in yourself to whatever you want to do. Now, granted, obviously, there are laws against consuming certain drugs or whatever, and I generally oppose those.
Unknown_01: But for the most part, we just say this is where you can do this so long as you're not messing with someone else. And I'm fine with that.
Unknown_01: most people are like in general we might might not be for me right like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get transition surgery that's not my my role but that's fine like I don't care what what other people do but the I know the concern thing oh but yeah go ahead yeah is that with that in particular okay because you have to remember that keffels is anatomically he's a full-grown man
and men have a part of their brain that is high sex drive. No matter what you do to your body, you're probably going to have a part of your brain that's sex drive, unless you're taking something specifically to target that, which I don't think they are. You have a full grown man who has a part of the brain that's hardwired for sexual gratification, and they completely lack the capacity for sexual gratification.
Unknown_04: Then they themselves were turned onto being trans in their teens, probably by an adult trans person themselves. And I genuinely believe that the only way that this person can receive sexual gratification is by going on to Twitch and finding people who are in the same position that they were at that age and alerting them to this lifestyle and saying and like because their friend Bob posting Bob posting is especially gross. Bob posting is someone who actively goes out. and talks about how specifically like counts how many miners they say they have on HRT. And they say it's like in thousands now or number of people that they have gotten to take HRT.
And that's a homebrew HRT. If I if I read that correct, is that that kind of allegation? i think that bob posting brews hrt but i also think that um the directory has ways of getting it from ukraine and brazil in particular there's a there's a factory in brazil that's really famous because they send hrt with like um anime characters on like a hollow foil cardboard box
And that's really popular with people. They just get it through the mail ordinarily, imported from Brazil. And the directory that Keffels is very proud of explains how to get this and explains how to, especially how to get it when your parents don't consent, how to do it in secret. It even outlines, and again, Keffels is quite proud of this. If you go check his Twitter, he'll probably clip this and say, yes, queen, I'm slaying when I do this. not not contradicting at all and we'll totally agree uh what he does the directory not only outlines how to buy hrt not only how to uh brew it not only how to conceal that you're buying it from your parents but very specifically how to purchase crypto for the purpose of buying it so there are no financial records that your parents can't find out at all so that you can start injecting it into yourself and begin your transition whenever you want um as a child
there you go that's and and to me that's that's kind of a horrific thing but um i i want to address something real quick and i'll do this one time in the in the chat because i know there's some new viewers uh out there who might um who might be curious about this this show uh this chat is as free as it gets within the YouTube terms of service guidelines. You are responsible for what you say. My mods do not delete messages typically unless there's some sort of like unlawful content, I guess, which is really hard to
Unknown_01: I don't even know what that would be because YouTube censors stuff on its own. And you're not allowed to post links unless you're a mod. So it's really hard to actually violate anything. I also have slow mode on to 10 seconds, which is where I consider non-spam. to occur so i got rid of the spamming issue so if messages are being deleted in this chat it's almost always one of two sources the messenger or youtube's auto sensor going through my mods are instructed not to delete messages i don't care how retarded you are or how stupid your message is like you you say what you want you can talk about me that's fine it doesn't matter to me um smarter people than you have said far worse things and i didn't care about that either uh
But like what you say is on you and that can, you know, jeopardize your YouTube account. And that's that I don't care what happens to your YouTube account. So I'm not here to police your speech. I literally don't give a shit. And I get better interactivity and stats from you saying stuff than from silencing you. So any of those weird accusations like I'm deleting messages doesn't happen when I don't have time. uh i'm having a discussion and two i don't care three it benefits me monetarily to let you say your stupid spiel and as everybody knows i'm a grifter in this solely for money and nothing else at all um so with that said i just little psa to the weirdos out there and you can keep saying it over and over and it'll be fine because it helps uh the metrics but other than that uh i i won't do it i won't delete your stuff say whatever you want
Okay, so we've got this. Let's walk back the story because I think there's some interesting aspects to this story. And I know it's like a really twisty and turny convoluted thing.
Unknown_01: I want to kind of get it from my perspective, and you can tell me if I missed the starting point.
Unknown_01: uh the for me the the starting point of this where it became weird i come back from vacation uh i think i was back from vacation when this started and there's someone is talking about how this there's this weirdo out there named ethan ralph who also has very popular thread on the forum and he is handshaking with this keffels person who i've never heard of because i don't care about leftist activists uh or and i'm not into t-girl part porn or whatever is being done i i just don't give a so suddenly though people like ethan ralph and keffels have teamed up against kiwi farms and i'm like wait what the is going on so then i start looking and this is when kiwi farm starts trending on twitter for like days at a time
And I'm like, what the hell? And then Marjorie Taylor green gets swatted and blames Kiwi farms because she was too mentally deficient to figure out that typically if you're swatting someone, you don't announce where you actually are from and can be found like, cause that's counter, you know, antithetical to the whole idea of the SWAT thing, which is supposed to be anonymous because it's a crime. and so she like blames the farms that's where i like really like start to focus in on what's happening and that's that's when everything starts uh to really ramp up on the ddos and and everything like that and so now we've got ethan ralph paired up with keffels
and then joined in some weird disgusting threesome by marjorie taylor greene is that like somewhat accurate of a timeline or did i miss something in there yes except that queen falls uh completely rejected his advances
Unknown_04: Of Ethan Ralph he yeah, he got up there and he started slobbing some some true knob and he was like Queen Falls I don't care what she's been up to she's Queen Falls if she's trying to shut down Kiwi Farms and Queen Falls completely and totally ignores Ethan Ralph and leaves them in his little his little shed on cozy and oh that's sad now i feel bad for ralph getting rejected by by the woman of your dreams is really terrifying people started immediately like shipping them i call it the the raffles the raffle ship that's uh they're the otp and you look at ethan ralph's taste in in uh in women uh like like may and you look at uh keffels and you see that swarthy italian complex just shining through and you think oh there's some energy there there's some chemistry i i had not uh delved that deep like that that's too much thinking for me about
that subject like like i literally just most of my day is spent not thinking like most of most of my life is spent not remembering that ethan ralph exists until like something funny happens and i start seeing a bunch of tweets about what's going on he's hollering at this or hollering at that and it's like oh okay well this is funny and then yeah i see this i see this union proposed of of Alliance against against Kiwi Farms I'm like oh my God uh this this could get funny and and then it kind of doesn't ever get funny it's just sad like over and over that's that's the depressing thing about um about this keffels person is like the more I hear the story I'm like this isn't like this person isn't funny it's like they're just weird and and and like depressing
um yeah they're they're not there's a lot of mirth with ralph when you talk about ralph there's like all these funny things that you can recall that he's done all the hijinks that he's been involved in it's a good old time when you're talking about ralph uh he's entertaining like he's weirdly entertaining like you got to give that to ralph i mean as as much as like in ralph ralph and i are not on great terms as people probably know but like whatever it is he he's right like when he says like i'm entertained i do that he's right like i i sometimes you can't stop watching it because it's kind of funny and he does like ridiculous like dances in parking lots and stuff and that's that's like the only times where i get really like where i find ralph to be like just pathetic is when he's like threatening to fight people and do weird like that's like just just be funny like that in and go do that. And I think that's great. But the Kevils person is, it's one of these people who's like way too fucking serious about everything.
And, uh, you know, everything is the last hill to die on.
Unknown_01: But if you suggest, uh, that, that maybe, um, maybe I die for my principles, then, uh, how dare you, even though that like, that's, it's the crusade. But if you suggest that the crusade might fail, then you're a monster for, uh, possibly believing that someone else might not just take up the crusade for you and win it or whatever i don't it's not it's an inapt analogy but i think i think my point comes through well kethels's issue is that um they they take themselves very seriously and they are i would say that they're probably a dangerous person just in general like if you're somebody that they end up having power over
um i think that keffels is probably a very uh exploitative and uh dangerous person to be in the position of weakness against and there's a very there's a very stark um sort of strange energy to how he behaves and how he talks and how he ramps himself up And just generally how he's obviously in love with himself and the way he postures on Twitter and saying that we have the momentum. We have the strength and plan two is coming. Phase two is coming on Monday and you will submit. And if you don't, Joshua Moon, you're going to go down. You'll regret it for the rest of your life. I will destroy you starting Monday. And it's like, OK, so this is obviously like a psychopath. who has inured this sort of position of power by exploiting a trendy thing, which is the trans shit right now. And they really don't mind kind of flaunting that. And I think that they're sick, unironically. And I noticed that on Twitter just recently, they started digging into me. Because I put up on my note, I just gave a brief rundown of who Keffels is for people curious, because the site's down. And after that, he went in and he found this stuff that I had said a couple years ago, that when I had sex, I couldn't finish. And this is the thing that Ralph has been on for years. He says that I have a broken thing.
Yeah, broke dick Joshua Moon. right exactly so he's posted this and it's sort of like he's going to try to sexually humiliate me because i make fun of his neo vagina so it's like a weird sexual energy to it too that makes me very uncomfortable and he says that explicitly like how do you like your privacy violated it's like bro i've been around the block for a long time people have tried this before uh in case you're wondering it works just fine
Unknown_01: It's not really your privacy, right? Like because you know, I said that I said that on the fucking discord.
Unknown_04: Like, yeah, you're allowed to talk about it.
That's that's the thing that that. OK, so I want to get to this aspect of the farms because the topic that always comes up is doxing. But let let me preface it with this. I have a multi hundred page thread on Kiwi Farms, right? And yes, that's true. Yeah. People say stuff. about me that is both true and untrue. It just happens. The interesting thing is all of the true stuff that people say about me, the only way they know about it is because somebody, almost always me, has made that fact public.
either typically through the show that I've been doing for almost five years now, where I just very frankly discuss like everything. Cause I, I'm just who I am and I'm not, I don't really fucking mind being me because I'm getting, I'm getting old now. And it's weird to like try and be anything else. And I worked, a long time to get to the place where I could just be me and not be beholden to some boss or whatever.
Unknown_01: Still working on getting further down that road as I can, but for now, I'm in a pretty fucking good spot. So if you see something about me,
Unknown_01: It's either true and it's found out because I've usually said it, or it's not true, but it's based on one of two things. It's based on a misunderstanding, intentional or not, of something I said or made public, or it's just based on some inference that someone made about something someone else said.
none of that shit really at the end of the day bothers me. I mean, you could get mildly frustrated that someone gets something wrong or that they like lately there've been people giving social media business advice, right? Like, and it's like,
Unknown_01: I get what you're saying, but you guys don't do this for a living. So some of the advice is not so great. And you kind of go, God, this person just literally doesn't fucking understand what they're talking about. But at the end of the day, it's like that doesn't matter beyond a minor frustration. When people say shit about you that isn't true,
like who cares i mean they're just talking about it now there is like a level where someone goes and they uh you know they try and take something that's untrue and try and like ruin you but if they're just talking about it on a forum and they say something it's it's really not that big of a deal uh i think a big problem that people have is so much of what is said about them that is offensive and and horrifying and hurtful or whatever is true yes like because because that's the stuff yes like because because that's the stuff yes like because because that's the stuff that would eat at you is like you that would eat at you is like you that would eat at you is like you actually did do this thing actually did do this thing actually did do this thing it's not it's something that eats it's not it's something that eats it's not it's something that eats of them keffels is not capable of of them keffels is not capable of of them keffels is not capable of that kind of introspection that kind of introspection that kind of introspection what what what for instance there are some pretty for instance there are some pretty for instance there are some pretty terrible things that have been floating terrible things that have been floating terrible things that have been floating about me for years and just
Completely wrong literally made up. There's one quote in particular I'm not gonna repeat but it was literally added to Encyclopedia Dramatica in 2014 and it's as heinous as it gets to completely fabricated chat log and the guy that added it tried to remove it and he said in his edit message and i'm sorry i made this up and the edit was reverted by an ed sysop and has stayed and circulated for almost 10 years now it's been around for a long time and i still see it crop up and the thing is the thing about you liking eating at denny's i mean that was all fake then yeah completely made up i've never even eaten i've literally never eaten out of denny's my conscience is clear and um
This quote has been used only Has been used only by people who already Fucking hate me.
Unknown_04: Nobody on the fence sees this and goes. Oh, this must be true. What a terrible guy It's always like this sounds like total bullshit but then On the flip side. I can show you the tweets where keffels has said xyz I can show you the the fart porn I can show you the tweets of him flirting with a 16 year old transgender and I can just show you this I don't have to say shit and It's not that it eats at them because keffels doesn't care I'm sure he could if he could do whatever the fuck you want he would without any without any remorse whatsoever um, but
it bothers him that he starts up this grand crusade and then he has very prominent people saying i'm not backing this you're like a weirdo why would i ever hitch my cart to your insane ass wagon like that's not happening
Unknown_01: yeah i i wasn't uh when i made the statement i wasn't really talking about keffels because there are people with no shame and no remorse or whatever and to some extent like i applaud people who are just proud of who they are like and willing to be that urgent urgent oh gandhi warski was uh knocked out in two punches this is extremely important oh man who was he fighting again
I don't even know some dude who trained a little bit more than him, I guess.
Unknown_01: You trained two punches more shit. Oh, that sucks for Andy. I mean, good on, good on him for getting out there, but that's the puncher's chance, man. You, you take one on the button and you're it's game over. It doesn't matter who you are. Uh, sometimes other times it does. Um, damn. How did, uh, Sam hide do, or is that fight still to come? um I I I I'm talking to you so I don't get to watch it but I see Sam Hyde he looks um he his fight's already finished oh he might I didn't know if so he might have won because he's given a speech oh probably yeah so someone said salty Pappy was the uh
Salt Pappy. Sam won.
Unknown_04: Sam won. Okay.
Unknown_01: Sam Hyde won his speech. Andy got... Andy got... Two KO'd. Taste that mattress. Or that mat.
Unknown_01: God.
Unknown_01: Fighting's the only way it's game. Yeah.
Unknown_01: But I was saying, like, to some some extent, I have respect for people who have no shame. I mean, unless what they're doing is horrific and then my respect for them decreases dramatically. But what I was generally talking about, though, is it's all these other people who bitch about kiwi farms, like kind of the general lull cow or whatever, that that they do have shame. They hate what they have done or are or they hate that it's out there or whatever it is.
and they're the ones who start getting mad. It's like, but how are you getting mad about what you made public? And if it's just like a fabrication or whatever in this weird corner of the internet, it really doesn't affect you that much unless you keep telling the world where they can see all of the things that are bad about you.
Unknown_04: Oh, well, that's why they freaked out so much is that the site's down. It's like, oh, the millstone is gone. I can just say whatever I want. And there's no way that Josh can just publish something in response. He's like, he goes to Telegram and we're going to report his Telegram. He doesn't get to have a Telegram account to talk to people on the sites down. and then i i can just rent a vps in ukraine and i can prop up a html page that can serve you know a hundred thousand requests a second because it's just a static page it's like oh and after i did that he got real pissed he's like i'm this is this isn't protection by section 230 anymore this is josh's own words i'm talking to my lawyer today and like fucking live it and it's like you can talk to your lawyer all you want these are my own words I can back up every single thing that I've said with screenshots to prove it definitely the cornerstone of defamation is that it has to be incorrect has to be a lie to sue for it yeah no I mean and that's what uh people do forget that part but oh hey we've got um
we've got it do you want to see the warski 22 seconds of andy warski absolutely let's watch that's the name of this porn tape here uh okay here we go i'm like i'm i'm kidding uh like andy and i have no no issues with each other or whatever i know he's talked some about me at some point and i last time i thought i don't i don't give a
Unknown_04: are you okay to show this because they're reporting it and this is like pay-per-view or is that always a paper view oh that yeah okay i'm not oh i'm a hero nice try guy you're not gonna can't get past me no thanks uh thanks for pointing that out yeah that would probably end up uh that probably end up bad i'll i'll do it on locals or something i'll watch it later but uh no it's um
Yeah, and by the way, yeah, here, Troll Slayer says, God damn it, Josh. There you go. You got to blame him. You got to blame him. It's his fault. I was willing to do it, but Josh told me as my lawyer to not post it. As the copyright expert between the two of us.
Unknown_01: Oh shit. That's going to get clipped.
Unknown_01: But anyway, no, it's, it's this, the, the, the Streisand effect is real on the farms. It's, it's where everything goes, but really like without the farms, all of this stuff still exists. It still happens. There's, there's everywhere else in the world. What is it about Kiwi farms that brings so much vitriol and attention? Cause I never hear about people like complaining. Isn't it like there's lolcow.farm or something? It's like another type.
Well, those sites are smaller and they are more focused on women.
Unknown_04: Women are more defensive. They're not likely to put up this kind of an assault. And the trans stuff on them is much muted because there is disagreement even in their community and especially in their moderation. in regards to trans stuff and if pronouns should be mandatory and all sorts of stuff. Make no mistake, the websites like Mumsnet, Localfarm, and TattoLife are all next if the site goes down. Because like I said, there's like a weird sexual energy about the need to try and dominate and control this website. And that would be amplified times a thousand if it was directed at women. It would be the most exciting thing possible.
it's the it's the website um but it's that and i think you originally mentioned this that that sexual desire to dominate is is to anybody and everybody and that's uh i i guess i don't know that it's particularly sexual although it makes a ton of sense that like need to have control is a pervasive issue going on in society right now where if you don't like something some other entity be it person business or whatever does your crusade becomes to remove them from everything and it's it's relentless right like because because there is no sexual payoff there is no ultimate orgasm there is no final ejaculation it's just a relentless pounding and pounding and pounding
There's um there was a movie. I watched that was it was quite nice. It was a French millionaire, and he had a Spinal issue he was paralyzed from the neck down So he paid a guy and this was based off a true story to be his like helper And he wanted specifically like a cool young guy and not like a nurse like a hospice care nurse So the story is just about like this young punk kind of developing a relationship for like this older millionaire who needed his help for like physical care and It's revealed at some point in this movie that because he's completely paralyzed from the next down he can still have intimacy through his ears his ears are very sensitive and it's all sound based and he could get released from that so if you think about somebody amaranth exists like did he create the asmr genre on twitch single-handedly with this move possibly i mean the ears are sensitive to everybody but when you don't have you know anything below the neck your ears are probably the most sensitive part of your your body But that's revealed. And my allegory was that if you imagine somebody who has no penis and especially somebody who's like terminally online, like how can literally how can they sexually gratify themselves? And it's through this like domination and control. It's either taking a confused young boy and pink pilling him, as I like to say, or it's you know finding somebody that you don't like and and using your mob of confused young boys to try and uh dominate and control and it is probably especially gratifying when it's a woman who's a target
that that it makes sense in a horrific way it makes yeah i realize it's pretty early on based on like like what his messages were to me because he would he talks to me constantly like when i was like i never oh yeah i never tried to like i tried to like
paint this with like broad strokes and be like, you know, they get the opposition, the opponents, the mob, the harassers, whatever. I use like a vague vague to refer to the mob collectively. But Keffel's is always like, well, they just I mean, that's polite of you. yeah well i'm just like because the the enemy here isn't even keffels really because it's like because keffels hasn't accomplished anything the diaz attack is completely unrelated they don't know how to launch a d-loss attack it's some weirdo uh so yeah it's like keffels really hasn't accomplished anything as far as his mob is concerned it's the the network threats
So I use they. But Kefla's is very personal. It's always direct messages. He takes my old post and he says, Josh, you can still have a family if you give up right now. Josh, your penis doesn't work. How does it feel to have your privacy invaded? Josh, Josh, here's a picture of your mom, Josh. Josh. It's like, okay, dude, dude, calm.
Unknown_04: I don't want to know you. I want nothing to do with you. I will never fuck you. Your belly button vagina smells like fungus. Not interested.
Thank you for ruining my entire day. I'm glad I didn't go to lunch. You're welcome. That's what I do.
Unknown_01: Oh, Jesus.
Unknown_01: Are they messaging you through the farms or something? No, it's on Twitter.
Unknown_03: If you go to his timeline and scroll down, my name appears 57 fucking times in the first 10 messages.
Unknown_01: Oh, OK, OK, OK. I thought I thought you were saying so you're saying they're tagging you or like directly talking directly messaging to me. Right. There's even like in his video, he says like the the violence has escalated.
Unknown_04: The last minute of that is just a direct message to me about how bad things are going to get for me. And it's like a constant ramping up of like threats and and personal vendetta. And it's like, bro, you're just like another gross dude. You're just like another Christian. You haven't raped your mom yet, but like yet. Yeah, I'm just like, you're not special to me.
I want to acknowledge something real quick.
Unknown_01: Brandon Lesko in the chat has gifted like 300 subscriptions out today.
Unknown_01: Thank you, you absolute kang.
Unknown_01: you was kang's you is kang's uh i really do appreciate that i'm not trying to ignore it thanks for doing that i and to all of the all of the weirdos who may have just gotten a gifted sub plus all the regular viewers you know congrats all the regular viewers all the weirdos enjoy it make sure you put a bunch of like nick crying emojis and and stuff in their chat for you it'll make you feel better um so so thank you for that but yeah it's um
this this kevils person is is so weird because i've never heard of them but it seems like um their influence as i'm starting to look it's this thing i've noticed about twitter
Unknown_01: These, these literal who's can get massive traction and I'm not really sure how it goes. Like if it's, if it's organic or, or if it's Twitter's algorithm or if they just have like the right fucking weirdos to retweet everything that they post, but. what what is the mix that does this because i i noticed this particularly with leftists uh leftist activists that like they'll have like 2 000 followers or whatever they'll tweet something suddenly it's got a hundred thousand likes and you're like wait what the just happened there like how did that even come about what what is the what is the magic brew that they've got and how much of it is bathtub hrt
it's well with twitter specifically it's like a weird thing where so many prominent people use twitter so a lot of normal people are like actively you know looking at but i think they have a study where it's like the incredible minority of people actually post anything on twitter So you have, like, this very strange, like, slanted demographic that's actually active on Twitter.
Unknown_00: But then there's, like, a huge number of people who are exposed to it.
Unknown_04: So it creates, like, this astroturf where you think certain things are extremely popular when they're not as popular as they would lead you to believe. The audience for Keffels is, like...
Unknown_04: shared in like this circle of LGBT shit. And yeah, I think that's what I was kind of getting at.
Cause I noticed like, so when Keffel's posted, when Keffel's posted a completely fabricated quote, and also a video clip that shows that the quote that keffel's posted was completely fabricated like when they did that about me some random like blue check harvard lawyers like direct threats of murder can be disbarable it's like well good thing i didn't do that i guess i'll have a funny bar complaint coming or whatever but they pose this i'm like what what is this and this thing starts getting this huge traction and i'm like well thanks for advertising the show but who who the hell are these people like why is this thing getting blown up because i've probably said way worse stuff than i said on that stream but you know like not no matter how many other people get mad about it doesn't blow up in that way
uh yeah well it's because okay so there's this book that i've advertised a couple times on your on your show called um the industrial society and it's and its future and there is a couple paragraphs here that explain what uh the author dr theodore kazinci calls the over so over socialized male And all the behaviors that you are seeing can be adequately explained with the theory of the over-socialized male. These people receive gratification in not only being noticed, given attention, but they like to participate in that and show that, yes, they are on the side of the status quo. Yes, I support the current thing. I'm active in it. I'm going to like it. I'm going to retweet it. And his most successful tweet, I think, is this one. Where I say that the trans shit as a fad, and I'll just send it to you. The trans shit as a fad is losing steam. Normal people are waking up to the fact that this is a fetishistic lifestyle. And it's at the disadvantage of women and more and more over time children.
And he retweets this and say, like and retweet this if you think. So if you support the campaign to remove kiwi farms from the internet and this has 13 000 retweets and 43 000 likes and I think that's like the extent of this particular circle of over socialized males The um is is that number so a lot of his tweets will each easily break between one and ten thousand likes And it's just the same people, you know boosting the shit over and over again and it creates this illusion that there's like millions of people who are watching and engaged in this. And it's really not. One of his tweets got, I think he published the statistics and said that it had like 140,000 interactions or something. Oh, here it is. 1 million impressions, 128,000 engagements. And then only 19,000 detail expands. Only 19,000 of the 1 million people who saw this actually clicked to see what he was talking about.
And it was actually the statistics for this one tweet. So you can actually see exactly what his reach is. This is the maximum of his reach.
Unknown_01: Okay, yeah, that makes sense. So what you're saying is there's this dedicated base, which is somewhere in the 10,000 range. And once it gets beyond them, it drops off dramatically.
So yeah, here's this, what you're saying. So 1 million impressions, engagement 128K, detail expands. Can you explain what detail expands even means? Like I- It means, okay, impression is every time a tweet is rendered on someone's screen. The engagements are likes and retweets.
Unknown_04: And the detail expands if someone actually clicked the tweet. So that detail expands probably includes the people who actually bothered to read the message. So all those engagements are empty. Like someone saw that and went, beep, boop, I will click retweet, yes. And then that's it. Only 20,000 people out of that demographic even bothered to like click it to see what was going on.
And by the way, he compares it even... I think engagement is even less than that. um i think uh because if you look at the numbers you've got 43 000 13 000 and then 393 which like again these two numbers and then this number make no sense that might include all likes and retweets for sub tweets like any response to it as well okay that that could be i the other thing i was thinking is i know that some of these sites have
like they have a render, like you said with the impressions, but then they have this subcategory where if a tweet or if the render is visible for more than a particular number of seconds, it's considered that they looked at it, you know, more than just scrolled past it. And then the detail expands might be when they actually like engage the tweet itself. But I don't know if that's the case. I'm just looking at the numbers and it might be what you said too. It might be with the sub tweets and all that stuff. But that's, yeah.
Unknown_04: There's a funny if you scroll down a little bit read a reply to that He says every single one of my tweets has been seen by more people in one day Then my thread has had views and half a year. That is wrong. That's actually incorrect He's thinking that the number of replies to his thread which was 30,000 at the time the site went down Was all the engagement the threat had 5 million views. So 5 million people have have read a page or opened a page and the not people but Yes on any page so not directly the OP it's not that specific It's very it's very dumb. I don't have the cool Twitter metrics to look at but Yeah, it's one and here but this is the message like this is the message Every single one of my tweets is seen by more people in one day than my threat.
Okay, let's take let's take keffels at his word like
Unknown_01: then why the fuck are you worried about it like then what's the problem like you you can out engage the kiwi farms every time you drop a shit because they're violent and they're swatting him there's no evidence of this whatsoever but yeah you gotta trust them That's true. I did forget about the swaddings that happen all the time. Oh, Keffels did the Brianna Wu thing. Who was it? They've now migrated to Europe or something.
Yeah, well they're speaking of Brianna Wu. They're actually retweeting Brianna Wu Brianna Wu has been silent about the forum for years and now because of this they feel emboldened because they've You know been relegated to obscurity after Gamergate in their stupid fucking game The whole like proof that they were manipulated they were like behind the lines that they were using it's just completely Fabricating the bullshit against them which Yes
that's that's interesting prospect there but um it is what's really interesting to me right is that so keffel's keffel's um is detained they take all his hardware he spazzes out goes on twitter says i you know i'm a victim of you know whatever the
Unknown_04: Actually, now that I think about it, that's a funny lie that they were caught in, is that they said various times that A, they were woken up in bed with assault rifles in their face, that B, they were met in the hallway by armed police, and then the police put out a statement that said, no, actually, we knocked on your door, and you answered the door, and there was never a gun pointed in your face. We had our guns out, our weapons out, but they were not pointed at you, because that would be ridiculous. Sure. So they were outright caught on the line on that. The second one that they said that was a complete lie was that they were misgendered by police while in custody. And the chief of police for the city of London went through all the audio, the footage of the inmate holding area. And I said, at no point during this, were you ever misgendered by our staff? So I don't know. He's not outright calling Kefl's a liar, but he says like in the time that I looked at, I personally went through it. I sat through it all. Never once were you mistreated by or misgendered by London police on tape. So and because Kefl specifically said that while being processed, they referred to me as like Mr. Roberts or whatever.
That's a lie because the police chief uh could probably release the foot if they get sued they're for sure going to release the footage but right they take the hardware and it becomes a big thing they go on the news and say oh i'm being harassed by the police and why the police take their hardware uh because they were because it was an email threat sent to congress or parliament members in canada so they were taking the hardware to scan for evidence they had sent this email
They were warned that it might take months to process the hardware. So the outrage comes out. The London, Ontario police promptly return the hardware, but they image it first. That's standard practice. You know what that is?
Unknown_01: No. Imaging is when you take... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So basically I can take a hard drive and then I can make, even without looking at any of the information, I could just flash that image. I could just take the data directly onto another hard drive. Like it... correct so they have like big you know teraflops of storage in these facilities and they just take a copy of your hard drives and then they want to go through it later months later that you know they don't need to have the drive anymore and it can't be tampered with because they when they look at it they take a copy of the copy so that even if they around with it it's still they're going to have the original right because storage is so damn cheap it it's it's simple to do this and it's uh they can also have they have a digital chain of custody to show that this this file existed at this point it was moved the metadata follows the you know the files and you can say this thing hasn't even been opened uh from this original copy that we have or the second copy or whatever okay but they post this and then they start blasting and saying joshua moon the police are reading your form right now
And I thought, oh, great. So I put up a notice on the top of every page in their thread saying Kefals has been sending drugs in the mail to children. Here's evidence of it. And then immediately afterwards, Kefals says, I am fleeing Canada. I'm going to a safe place in Ireland and they'll never find me.
Unknown_03: And they blame me like, oh, I'm being doxxed all the time in my hotel room. Even when I green screen, I'm being doxxed.
Unknown_04: But it's like immediately after this message goes up, they're like, I'm out of here. Bye bye. OK, wait a second.
the one that i liked was the uh because because i actually believe that this might have happened because it was it was too funny to like not be true they're like i posted a picture of whatever and it had the bed sheet of the place that they were staying and they're like they went through and they matched the bed sheets and found the hotel it reminded me of the he will not divide us flag it's like
Unknown_01: what they match they match the bed sheets and then they were able to dox your hotel one like i i wish that's true because it's funny but two i doubt it's true because most hotels just use white sheets like it's not true oh that's true that that actually happened
Unknown_04: That was a woman, by the way, Keffels, get angry. It was a woman who did that. It wasn't even like a regular Kiwisburg. It was a true and honest natal female who did the sleuthing on that.
Imagine being bullied by a woman.
Unknown_04: That's a poor show.
Unknown_01: Let's talk about doxing because this is a controversial topic, even amongst people who are like, no, I like freedom. I like whatever. But doxing, though, is really, really bad. It's not free speech. It's this thing.
Unknown_01: the reason i want to talk about it we've talked about this before uh we had a whole stream me you and uh m specs i don't know whatever happened with m specs but we dropped off the face of the planet yeah but we had a stream talking about doxing because doxing actually is is a it's an over broad term that encompasses a whole shitload of different activity Yeah, I would agree. Because there's the common parlance doxing of today is someone's address gets posted somewhere. And I went on a big rant the other day about how you do not have a privacy interest in your address because traditional notions of US privacy law suggests that the moment that you involve a third party, you have no more interest in your privacy. This is why when you transact business using a bank account, you've now involved a bank account in that transaction, which means you told a bank about what you did, and they have a reason to know because they have to take the money from your little digital ledger and put it in their digital ledger, or they have to send it to another bank who holds the digital ledger of that person. So now you're involving another entity. So you don't have a privacy interest. You don't have a Fourth Amendment right to privacy in your bank account because the government can just go to the bank and say, please turn over these files. We have a reason to look at them. And the bank will say, sure. And you don't have an expectation of privacy because you decided to share it with the bank. I think that's a ludicrous position, but it is the position of the Supreme Court. It is the position of US law. When you involve anybody else, your privacy interest diminishes greatly. And once it's like a second person's ad, it's definitely gone.
But your home address is given away to everybody all the time. The fire department, the police department, emergency services, your utility company has to know, the garbage man has to know, any lawn care that may happen. Anything you do that involves somebody coming to your house or needing to know where your house is, is an immediate diminishment of any privacy interests that you had. Plus, when we go back, I mean, obviously, like phone books used to just dox everybody on the planet. They don't do them as much because it's too expensive to publish a phone book. And they found out you could charge people for to use the white pages online.
Yeah, like Spokio and stuff. right i i would like to i i like to sum up my position on this very quickly yeah yeah go for it back in the day a couple years ago i i had sort of relegated control of new threads to a group of people who were very good at digging up information And these people had kind of built a rule themselves that a thread could not be published unless it had docs. And I, I fought with, I tried to, to find happy mediums with these people and it didn't work out. One of them to this day fucking hates me. And you know, I really don't understand why. And I just kind of did the role. And I said,
Think I remember when this happened because I think I remember when there was an exodus of some prominent people That was the hack that was right.
Unknown_04: That was around the same time, but that was the heck that caused.
Unknown_01: Okay. Okay. Gotcha.
Unknown_04: Yeah so
Unknown_04: there is there for the record there is zero requirement that you dock somebody to make a thread and some of our best threads longest running threads on the site are years old and have an op that's like has anyone heard of this retard i want to make fun of them and that's it that's the whole that's the whole op um nowadays we we want a little we want the op to be a little bit more interesting so people can read it but there is no require we don't need anything we just need like what's funny about this topic
Unknown_04: But we allow posting what people would consider private information. And this breaks down into a couple categories because and this is my defense of why I don't I don't ban it because the what is considered docs to different people.
Unknown_04: Is very different like for instance you have someone like dream dream is a high-profile Minecraft youtuber dream is pseudonym pseudonym pseudonymous He doesn't have his neural names not out there. It's not public information So to him even his first name would be Doxing if you told people what his first name was he would probably defense of that and if he had the ability to he would retract your information there are some people like nick ricada who operate you know go by nick ricada that have revealed their bar association information and let you know that they come from a small law firm in central minnesota and that information is all public and saying that that's not doxing so uh it's it's it's what is considered doxing is essentially a kind of control and when you say i'm going to delete docs then you're essentially deferring to somebody some level of control of what they can and cannot delete on a website and that's why i don't delete it because capitals would contend that their pornography career is doxing and not something that is appropriate to be republished or talked about. We contend that their birth name is something that is, you know, doxing and not worth talking about and so on. So I
it is allowed but it's sort of like tolerated i really um i i don't understand the obsession that some people have with getting it every time right um and i absolutely under no circumstance again like not in a wink wink nudge nudge way i don't i don't ever condone people with people in real life sending pizzas to their their place to swatting i i just don't like cart because you've had this done to you
Right. Like, I mean, even if it hadn't been done to me, like, yeah, it's been done to me.
Unknown_04: And I understand that. I understand. I can know for sure how much it sucks and how much of a pain in the ass it is to deal with it. And I know that it's very frustrating when someone's doing something to you and you can't talk about it because you know that that's what they want and they would continue to do it if you talked about the problems that you were you were going through. But that is just a symptom of having a government that has a paramilitary police force that can be dropped down on you like a fucking kill streak ward in Call of Duty. They can just phone it up and be like, hey, this address, I'm being held hostage. And then, boom, you got police at your house. That sucks. But there's nothing you can do about it besides control your own privacy, your own anonymity, and your own reaction to it. That's all you can do.
But even if I hadn't been exposed to that, I would still not condone it because for the homeless people, you know, analogy is that it's not funny. It's funny when someone trips and falls. It's not funny to kick someone in the calf until they buckle over. It's just two completely different things.
Unknown_04: And what I what I find interesting what got me into like Chris early on that made me take on the site Is that I find abnormal psychology extremely fascinating because in our society there is no random like novel ideas are very scarce and the concept of random is just like accessing things randomly like pop culture references or things that are just kind of like like holds up sport like just
The that is it's predictable and when it tries to be random, but crazy people are legit random. And it's extremely especially schizophrenics. It's extremely fascinating to try and sit down and figure out what the fuck someone's talking about when they're talking about like a dimensional merge and shit. And and that that kind of thing is organic and it's rare and it's fascinating and it can't be replicated just by, you know, sending police to someone's house. There's no mirth in that. There's no joy or discovery and that kind of thing.
Unknown_01: Right. There's a there's a bunch of super chats that I'll get to eventually. But there's one I wanted to address because it pertains to me.
And it's on this topic. Nope. Hell nope. Says what if you placed your home into a trust to obscure your residence and had your address fixed to a pseudo privacy P.O. box, which has a unique street address, which is not quite what I did, but pretty, pretty similar. It doesn't.
Unknown_01: It still likely doesn't matter because you still have a fire number. You still probably get some sort of delivery at your house. Someone has come to your house, right? Like your brother, sister, parent, child, friend. I mean, there is...
some theoretical way where your address could be completely private, but are you on the internet? Do you have internet service? Do you turn off your location sharing when you get towards your house? Like what do you do? I can actually tell you how to be completely private.
Unknown_04: Don't be a public figure on the internet and you will never be doxxed.
Unknown_01: Nobody will ever doxx you.
Unknown_04: Nobody will ever talk about you on the Kiwi farms. And I guess, I don't know, some people say like, that's like intimidation and trying to scare people and not talking. It's like, if you enter the public arena, then there are certain things that people are gonna do, like it or not, if it's against the law or not, or if it's against common decency or not, it's like there are certain things to expect. Like I know what I was getting into when I started allowing what I do on the site. It's just a natural consequence of that. And they try to constantly portray my response as being like, saying like, oh, I didn't know what to expect. Like, yeah, I think I'm handling it okay.
Yeah, and you know what? Like, I'll say that I don't think anybody is completely prepared
Unknown_01: for entering the public arena, because there's always something that you didn't think about or you forgot or whatever. But in general, you make some choice to say, I'm going to go public. Now, someone like Dream, who has worked very hard to obscure who he is, right? And at some point, there will be some slip up, I'm sure, and someone will figure out who Dream is. Or Dream will realize how much money he'll make off of a face reveal and do it. That'll be kind of the...
one or two turning points or whatever that does it.
Unknown_01: But you might overlook things. But that is the trade-off. If you want the benefit of the publicity, you're going to have to take on some of the pitfalls of it. But there is a different type of doxing that can occur. And it used to be the more...
i guess uh common meaning of the word and that was to publish things that actually maybe shouldn't be published at all right that was to maybe illegally procure some sort of material and put that up online no like the original like term of doxing is what it is now it's just finding like addresses and stuff Really? Because I've seen definitions that include like surreptitiously or illegally gathering, you know, information that that's not just like that can be a part of it.
But that's not right. I would not say that's the traditional definition. The traditional definition is that so and so says something on the Internet and then people find out where they live and post it.
Unknown_04: There is there is kind of in the old especially like old image board stuff. There's like a fear component, but I would never I wouldn't I would legit never want someone to be afraid of seeing like a post on the form I really
Unknown_04: reaction of someone to their thread is a non-factor how they react and I do not allow especially if it like because there's certain situations where someone says like oh you shouldn't make a thread because then they'll just delete this or you should make this like secret and private and it's like I don't let someone's reaction or potential reaction alter decisions everyone is treated pretty much in the same way
yeah and uh i i agree people shouldn't be uh afraid of their thread but i i think there are two reasons uh i've seen for a doxing you mentioned that some people are really obsessed with the doxing thing yeah they just they just love to do it it's like a game to them like a sudoku puzzle or something yeah well I I've seen two main reasons for it um and I'd like your input on it one is the idea that the person thinks that they shouldn't be doxed because uh and so uh and this well actually this is the Genesis of both of them person thinks doxing is wrong so then they dox the person to prove one of two
Unknown_01: One, yes, I can do it and there's nothing you can do about it. And the other one is that,
it'll make them mad like like that's legitimate it's like it'll make them mad oh no no it's it'll make them mad and it'll also show them that uh you'll also live through it though like it it's not that big of a deal what do you think about those two things um i think the first is one of the most especially with catholes because what happened is is that
Unknown_04: when how they got found out as like a person was that destiny got banned on twitch and he got banned on twitch and he went to twitter and he said um there was he retweeted or posted a screenshot of kefl saying ha ha ha ha i took away your primary source of income ha ha ha ha you know suck my neo veg or whatever the it was like word for word not i mean that second part was made up but it was basically bragging that he had the platforms destiny and was bragging about the fact that he took money from his pockets and destiny retweets this and just said yo this shit's whack and uh i i featured that on the forum and then i talked about it very briefly on my podcast i just said it's like with this fucking weirdo uh
Messing with people's money as they do and you know, whatever moving on It was literally like a two minute long comment and keffels goes on Twitter and says they the final boss of transphobes has found me because of the destiny thing and is coming after me with full force and it's like Whatever. I don't know you and there's like this weird back and forth where he started reading his reactions and the the destiny thread on the forum and he basically started bragging like you can't find anything on me my my my conscience is clear my history is squeaky clean i'm a trans activist and there's nothing that i'm afraid of so naturally through the gauntlet down yes and any like i say any time you tell the internet internet Or I don't say the internet say anytime you tell the world world. You can't fuck my shit up You will be astonished you will be amazed as the world bends and contorts to fuck your shit up immediately So it throws down the gun says you can't you can't do nothing to me thread goes up and then it's just an astonishing rate of how quickly Keffels is deleting shit how quickly stuff gets found out and then there's Revelations of like the the porn shit that comes weeks after the fact the cowboy rant shit comes out after the fact and um then like his old roommates from college join and say like yeah he's always been like a weirdo and it's like all this and it's like you you told us you specifically told us and authorized us to dig through your path saying that there would be nothing of interest to find and you were completely wrong and then on twitter he he uh he posts pictures of my mom from when i was like a teenager like the picture that he posted was me and my mom in a house that no longer even exists because her boyfriend burned it down And he's he's accusing her of being a terrible woman because she she was arrested for resisting arrest, which is the funniest thing in the world. How do you get arrested?
I was supposed to ask you about this.
Unknown_04: Yeah, I'll explain. Yeah.
Unknown_01: But it's hilarious.
Unknown_04: And he's just like like ranting and it's like of course because anytime, you know a deranged pervert like this pixel fight They will always like with Ralph Ralph always tries to find the nearest woman to start beating one because that's that's his That's his boxing weight.
Well, I got these hands Josh.
Unknown_02: I Got these hands you broke
Unknown_04: But then I pointed this out and like a telegram message is like, of course, the incel in drag is going to find the closest woman, the only woman that he can find in association with me. And he's going to go after her instead of me, because that's like what they do. And he says, like, well, you laugh when my mother was doxxed and forced to close her Facebook account. Like, no, dude, I just pointed out that you ushered a threat to the world. And then when people found out, you know, who you were through your mom's Facebook post, that's just how it was. I didn't laugh at that. I wasn't like, like frolicking and joy that the mother dies.
I got to push back a little bit because I can tell from the way you use your voice that you frolic constantly. But this wasn't a joyful frolic. It was just your your standard issue frolic at how you travel normally.
Unknown_04: yeah i was just skipping through the field as i usually do but there was no like there weren't pixies there weren't any kind of you know deer or magical creatures in the field with me as i frolicked no it's just like bro i don't have any beef against your mom i'm not telling people to do this it's like you're deliberately provoking people and then when people like push back or anything bad happens to you you use this to further your victim campaign to try and shut down the site and i guarantee you this is this is the ultimate crux of this Is that I don't think for a second that keffels gives a fuck about the kiwi farms I'm sure that he would wish that some of that information would go back into the memory hole But as far as like effect on my life, no, probably not much at all I think that all it is is that if the site were to go down? Keffels would wear that as a badge of honor for the rest of my life. I shut down a hate site You should really listen to me. I'm a serious trans person and I do serious things I'm I'm like a um
I'm like a gray hat activist, like anonymous and shit. And I got this site shut down. And it's like, he doesn't give a fuck about whatever he says he does. It's purely like a political maneuver. Like I was involved in this great thing that you should really find impressive. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Well, it's performative activism because that activism is the currency, right? Like, one, it's legitimately turned into currency through YouTube and Twitch for Keffels, right? Like, that shouldn't be a mystery.
You can make a decent amount of money on social media. He made $100,000 off it already.
Unknown_04: Right, like...
Unknown_01: that just yeah so was that like a gofundme or is that just through donations to the like uh so that's not even counting like twitch subscriptions and stuff like that that people may have done that's a it's amazing because kevles has a twitch channel that is it's pretty decent size, 47,000 people and a YouTube channel, about 30,000 people. But like Tate, as someone who knows, like you can make decent money with that size of channel, depending on if you have an engaged user base who wants to support you. And so that the currency of this person is this activism, because that's where they built their audience. And so, yeah, I mean, going after you and then, of course, the other currency is victimhood.
So I'm definitely going to do an I'm under attack video because I've learned from the quartering that that's how you make money and get a million followers.
Unknown_04: It was so transparent because when they did these videos and they put out multiple ones, each one had like a Google Drive with like a proper media kit. like proper media kit and and assets and statements and quotes and like pull quotes and it's like so this person like contacted somebody in the media who knows how to do like a press release this got put out and then of course it's the the narrative of lgbtq plus victimized by a far right whatever the and they just pull this and they they run with it and this person makes a literally i mean it's just it's like a it's like a scam They put it out there and then they make $100,000 off it for some bullshit. And the GoFundMe isn't like it was like pitched as I'm going to sue the London Department. I'm going to get my life back together. I need this. But like the money wasn't going to a trust or anything. The name receiving it was Clara Sorrenti. So this person receives the money, you know, directly and they can say, oh, I'm setting it aside in general for my legal avenues. But they don't have to sue the London Department. If they sue anyone, it's probably going to be me. because they keep threatening to that sounds like um mars girl did a similar thing as like raised money to do a legal thing like against yellow flash and then she suddenly got a new computer it's like well where's your and then like someone's like wait you said this was for like a legal fund can you post anything and they just posted what looked like an excel spreadsheet that said 1500
Paid $1,500 zero balance. It didn't even say what it was from It didn't have a picture of like the law firm's letterhead or anything like that never mentioned a law firm, but it was like Well, you just you just took money and just took it like that's what you did with it And I actually read up on that.
Unknown_04: It was a really they went to a really reputable law firm called Alienware and yeah they they handle a lot of cases usually immigration cases that's why they're called alienware but they do other stuff too legitimately uh i don't know if you know much about alienware but when they first started like they were headquartered in miami and i think it was miami because i i used to buy alienware computers back when they before they were bought by dell
And they had really cool, like they had high standards. They would test the computer. It had to hit certain benchmarks. They took like 72 hours after they built it of all the stress testing. They sent you the results of everything. They put together this nice binder, but it was clearly like done by some random person with like a piece of paper and scissors and glue. And they like literally would glue shit, like the picture of your graphics card into the spot where a graphics card would be on their template paper. They couldn't just print out a new thing. But they were a great company. But yes, everybody there, I was pretty sure, was Cuban. Like, I don't know. It's all like immigrants who work there. Every time you called any support. But no, once they got bought by Dell, now they're just garbage. Like, they're literal shit machines. I wouldn't ever buy one again.
My favorite story is that I think it's um Sticks and hammer. It's either sticks and hammer. I think it sticks in there He doesn't have a phone because he has like a really weird stance that phones are only used by the government to track you Okay, yeah
Unknown_04: But he doesn't know how to build his own computer, so he just buys Alienware laptops. And there's a video of him in his yard, and he's filming because he doesn't have a phone. He's filming holding up his Alienware laptop and using the webcam to record. That's my favorite stick story. It's the first thing I think of when I hear Alienware.
Oh, damn.
Unknown_01: That's, that's great. It sticks. Just get just get one of those private crypto phones or whatever that you can get the like, you can even advertise those and get affiliate bucks.
Unknown_04: I'm pretty sure.
Unknown_01: Oh, that's a good idea.
Unknown_01: Always, always be grifting, Josh. Always be grifting.
Yeah, I wish.
Unknown_04: I give free endorsements and I get DMCA's to take my endorsement off my fucking site. Like, okay, fine. We don't want you to sell our product.
Unknown_02: Please stop, for the love of God.
Unknown_04: Literally, I got a DMCA while the site was down from a company saying, we do not want your endorsement. We have to take our logo off your site. It's like, okay, fine.
Unknown_01: I will. Did you say you had something to show or share or something? Yes. I have a friend who has requested that you read this and I will present this to you in the private chat for StreamYard. Here we go.
Oh, here we go. Let's.
Unknown_01: All right.
Unknown_01: I'll pull it up and read it.
Unknown_01: So this is posted by this this guy.
Unknown_01: Ew!
So is this where you got that?
Unknown_01: Yes.
Unknown_01: Oh, and the male body that goes with it still feels male. You never really realize the texture of a woman's skin and the shape of her skeletal frame is so important to the sexual experience. But it really is. There are a thousand different physical cues and sensations that say male, male, male, even with your eyes closed, or maybe especially with your eyes closed. Well, again, thank you for ruining my day.
Unknown_01: welcome it's my specialty i'm sure that'll get flagged as as some sort of hate even though uh like i didn't write it i don't i direct i've never had sex with a trans um with a male to female trans i have not done it i um
I'm trying to Decide how to word this but I was I was trying to keep myself in high spirits one of those tweets
Unknown_04: where Kephels was was seething at me again. And I, I thought this person is literally sitting there and they got that belly button stank often up and they're just sitting there and they're stewing at me. And this thought became so irrationally funny to me. I just started laughing like a fucking lunatic, thinking that like that, that's the opposition. That's what I have to deal with now due to my due to my own life choices for no fault other than my own.
I have you made this belly button stank monsters screaming at me on Twitter. oh jesus what's a depressing place to be in in some ways well you would distract yourself too by uh trying to take down websites if you had to deal with if you had no dick and you must comb oh my god uh no i i don't think i would though because i don't i just don't I don't believe in deplatforming. Like, I really... I just... Like, the things that I want deplatformed, I want the government to stop child predation. Right? Like, that's...
and there's really not much else where i'm like like if there's a website that's hosting a bunch of child pornography i want that taken down because i i also want all of the people involved in its creation distribution consumption arrested and convicted of for all of their heinous crimes like that's what i want i i never want a website taken down because it says something that i don't like like ever like i just don't care
And I don't get why people get so hell bent on this thing says something that I don't agree with. It can't exist anymore.
Unknown_01: Why is that the thing now?
Unknown_04: Look, we all talk about the Supreme Court decisions that we want repealed. I want Kennedy v. Louisiana repealed. Do you know that one off the top of your head?
Unknown_01: One second. One second, Josh. Sorry.
Unknown_04: Oh.
Unknown_04: Uh-oh.
Unknown_04: Do I have to entertain again? Is it one of these? Oh, no, it's not. Okay. Nope. Oh, okay.
They do four minutes.
Unknown_01: Sorry. I thought you got swatted again. If you get swatted, make sure to make me full screen so I can show a presentation to the class. No, it's much less interesting. My daughter is cooking ramen in the microwave and needed to figure out how long to do it because it's a different type of ramen than she's used to making because they were out of the one I normally buy. So I bought a new one and it's four minutes instead of three minutes.
Unknown_04: know they make really fancy ramen now i had a lot of ramen in ukraine and they have like really fancy bowls that you can like mix and match and put eggs and like chives in it's good stuff well ukraine's a known supporter of um of trans rights actually hey don't don't drive i like ukrainians i like russians the conflict brings me no joy i wanna i wanna see brother and sister
Yeah, they're like dug in the fucking trenches and shit. It's gonna go on forever until everyone's dead That's so that's so sad um the uh, who was it someone just was it uh,
Unknown_01: Was it Ryan long who just, they went to like the pride parade and we're asking if they supported Ukraine and then to the trans people, if they supported Ukraine and then they would tell them like, like, do you know about Ukraine's position on trans rights? And they tell them and watch the horror wash over their face.
Unknown_04: Yeah. Ukraine has been billed as like a beacon of liberal democracy defending against Russia. Ukrainians are typically very, very conservative people, even even like the Jewish population. And Ukraine is very conservative. They are. They are.
Unknown_04: It was Elijah Shafer, not Ryan Long.
Unknown_01: Yeah, yeah. Okay, sorry, go on. In capital cities like Kiev, you're probably going to find more LGBT stuff.
Unknown_04: It was the same way in like Serbia and Belgrade is that you occasionally see like an office for like the local LGBT association or whatever. In general, the Orthodox, the Slavs, they're not they're not they're not on this bandwagon, which just goes to show that, like, you know, I don't I like Ukrainians and I want the Ukrainian people to have self-determination. um but i i do see this as like a regional conflict that's propped up to like a be a proxy war and it's like they they bill it as like oh you got this cool like like um you know like metrosexual jewish guys like the president but everybody says i look like zielinski so you can't say it that way like you you can't do that dance around in hot pants because he does yes but you're probably metrosexual then nick i'm sorry to break it to you i'm not jewish though like you can't bill him it's the same thing that's right i'm i'm the jews of eastern europe no you have to you have to you have to just leave it at that cool president guy like you can't do the metrosexual dances and hot pants thing because i don't want that out there and now it's going to be on kiwi farms so
uh i'm very frustrated with you for making that happen like you forced me to say that so therefore it's your first me to make fun of you when you get stepped on by by women in the anime convention you have to stop i don't condone this
Unknown_01: Do you want to know the story behind that? Because it's mildly funny. No, I don't. I've seen the video. No, but you don't know that the backstory wasn't on the video. There is no backstory which adequately excuses this behavior, Nicholas. No, you misunderstand. I don't need to excuse behavior. I'm telling you the story because I think it makes it even funnier. Well, you obviously want to tell the story, so get it off your chest. Yeah, I'm going to tell the story, but I just want you to buy into it. Like, I want you to consent. I'm forcing you to consent to me telling the story was what I was doing. No, so a couple years ago when I went to Matsuri, that girl, Shrimp Faye, she had the sign that said, we'll step on you for free. And Attorney Tom got stepped on. Like of his own free will volition, he lays down on the ground and gets stepped on. So I made fun of him relentlessly.
this year uh he calls her up in advance of the convention says hey are you going to this thing she's like i'm not really thinking about it he pays her a significant sum of money for the sole purpose of coming to the anime convention to step on me which is why she had on the sign the nick ricada experience on the other side of her step on you for free sign so that's the that just makes her a hooker you got something by a hooker that's even worse you know one of the people stepping on me was my wife though right like that's that doesn't matter i don't look i'm i am a real trad calf okay i don't support polycule stepping circles i think you do i'd see because i know this is a larp because i saw that you posted on your own forum how much you love anime and you've been just lying to fit in so i know you're i've been called out like i can't i can't even disprove that screen cap is is uh fake because there's no original source anymore Yeah, no, it's it's real. It's in the cultural zeitgeist. We know it to be true because it always was true. It makes sense anyway. And so we know it's just a few minutes away from finding out that you get stepped on by your cat boy harem.
What's really funny is that there are that's Like a lot of replies to Medicare's tweet that has the I love anime quote and that are like, I knew it. I knew it this entire time. And it's like there are so many like jokes that exist because Medicare Medicare literally just made them up and people thought it was funny. And it's become like a thing that people just accept as true.
Unknown_01: Here we go. Do you see the deflection, guys? Oh, you just made them up. That's not real. It's not real. It's not real. Josh, it is real. I have endured many great slanderous lies against my character in person, but none so grievous as this.
yeah no it's uh yeah i heard about you talking about me getting stepped on and guess what i'm gonna i'm gonna just hire some strippers to four-step on you or whatever i'm done that's the tracks battery that's called sexual assault some big dude grab you and pin you to the ground there's just gonna be stiletto marks all over your stomach
Unknown_01: anything but my gun it's so delicate oh but it's never has wait i i have to ask though because i haven't gotten to ask you this um have you ever been beaten on the streets of portugal i have never been beaten on the streets of portugal or any country for that matter surprise surprise so you've never like been out in public had someone show up beat you up and had your bifurcated guns like laying out like in photos or anything like that
Unknown_01: I have I have never been recognized in public.
Thankfully, really, really, really. I think I look because the pictures that are out there of me are like, so I don't even look like the same person in many of them. And they're very old. And I'm doing that intentionally.
Unknown_01: Did you go the Nicky Avocado round? Are you like 600 pounds now?
Unknown_04: No, I went the the Nicky Cage route and I took my face off.
Unknown_01: That's why you moved to a third world country. You're like, I need a faceoplasty or like a... I got a face off with Epstein.
Epstein's walking around with my face.
Unknown_01: I'm alive and well in Israel.
Unknown_01: okay do you think john mcafee's still alive did you do you see the report that he's faked his own death did you do you see that no i've not i've not heard about his ex-girlfriend uh came out and like did an interview and said he faked his own death he's just living the sweet life in texas apparently like that'd be funny how would you do that because he was in like a spanish prison
Unknown_01: You pay them. Oh, yeah, that's I forgot.
You just give them money. And yeah, we had a decent amount of it, man.
Unknown_04: That's why that's why I told that to Ralph. I said, you don't understand, man. The US has like no concept of low level corruption or corruption is very real, but it's like high up there in other countries. It's normal. It's like expected that public servants will just take a bit of money to make life a little bit easier.
Unknown_04: Americans can't even fathom that.
Unknown_01: I've heard that about Japan and specifically with the medical system, that they have some level of socialized medicine, but if you want actual care quickly, you pay. oh i'm sure you pay directly to the doctor and get to the front of the line that's how it works everywhere they really only have like a single pair system where everyone's treated the same in japan i i don't know if it's if it's fully socialized that's why i said some level of it but that's that's just what i've heard about it but i don't know i've never i've never been there it's fascinating um no yeah i mean that's the same everywhere and there's like points where people they'll like i
you'll be stuck. Okay. You're at a terminal. You're trying to get through from whatever country to whatever country you're in central Asia. And you're sitting around and you're, you've got a us passport. You hand it over to the border guard and he's like talking, his buddy comes over, they're talking to each other. And then you're just like, you're there and you're stuck. And then you ask, is there like a fee I can pay? You know, I can give you guys twenty twenty dollars to pay a fee and like, oh, yeah, that'll be fine. And then you're right on your way. And that's how these countries work. And it's just it's literally just an expected part of their culture. So I absolutely believe that you can pay, you know, a jail guard and whatever the fuck the Dominican Republic to fake your death.
Yeah, I got a I had a mild brush with it, and it was when I remembered that I was traveling to a third world country on this recent trip that my wife and I took.
Unknown_01: I thought when I booked our stay that I had booked transportation from the airport to the resort because I I did book for this like
Unknown_01: uh waiting room where you wait for your transportation like it was extra and they also would do like a you have a private escort through customs and skip the line and everything right into the can because there's clearly you could just pay to skip customs effectively is how that worked and i was like oh this sounds sweet
So I pay the money and then we get to the airport and it turns out there was some extra step I was supposed to do. I was supposed to send them information about my flight and stuff like that. They had my flight information, but I was supposed to follow up and I missed it. So we get there and we didn't get the special customs thing, even though I paid for it. And then we didn't have transportation. So I walk up to the counter and I'm waiting forever. And they're like, so what do you want? I'm like, well, I want to go to the resort. And they're like, you're not on the list. like okay well how do i get on the list like how do i get transported to where i want to go and the lady looks at me and she says okay it'll be 50 bucks uh and i'm like all right and i pull out my credit card she's like no no we're gonna go outside and you pay me in cash and so we go outside give her the 50 bucks and then she just you know me and my wife she takes us over to her friend who's driving the bus that way and just says yeah they're good and so it's like oh okay well it was just this is how she made fifty dollars for herself it was completely uh fine and it was and i was like oh yeah that wouldn't happen really in the us you just pay through the thing and have to wait longer or whatever it's it but you know over in these other places it's com It's customary for these sort of like bribes and microtransactions effectively everywhere you can go because they've got to squeeze money out of whatever they can because they don't get paid anything. They see an American and they're like, oh, you have unlimited cash for me. And so they just take it. It's great. I fully support it, by the way.
Yeah, it can be nice. I, you know, it is. I think it's I think every American should go to a place that has abject poverty. I think everybody should be exposed not to like American, like Detroit poverty. I mean, abject poverty, like corrugated tin poverty. housing poverty because it really changes your perspective of things and it makes you more grateful um like i i took a trip i took to a trip to moldova and i visited uh pre-nostrovia which is a breakaway state between ukraine and moldova
And I landed in Chisinau, and I was driven by someone related to my touring agency from Chisinau to Tiraspol, which is the capital of Perinastrovia.
I know you're not pronouncing any of these names correctly, but the bad part is I don't know how to actually pronounce them. I just know that you're wrong.
Unknown_04: No, I think I'm right. It's like Chisholm and Tiraspol. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure I'm definitely pronouncing pretty correct, at least as far as an American can pronounce something like that. But I visit and on the way back, I gave him like the equivalent of like five dollars or something as a ticket, like a one hour drive each way.
Unknown_00: and i had to pay just for like the gas and stuff but he was like so grateful for five bucks because like preakness trophy is a very poor place um i i went to like the the library there and they still had like the the card catalog in the library for their their books and stuff um
well but yeah my my parents went uh to africa a couple years ago because there was a there's a hospital that they were supporting um and so they went to go visit the hospital and then they did like the the safari thing or whatever not like the shoot stuff safari the the go look at animal safari and um uh it was it was interesting because uh it's it's all about that perspective that you're talking about because these countries have like cnn and stuff
Unknown_01: coming through when they go to, I don't know, restaurants or airports or whatever. So they'll see reports about America and they'll hear about poverty issues in American cities. And so my parents are in this car being driven by the driver and they're told immediately, do not tip, don't do any of that stuff because you will skew the income of these people so heavily that that it messes with stuff and it messes with their lives like this i think their driver made like 20 bucks a week or something was was the income and the driver is driving my parents around and turns around to apologize for how bad the state of american poverty is and like they drive past a village and children are wearing like ripped up bed sheets or towels like just wrapped around them that are dirty and disgusting and like that's that that's it and they're like they're like no you don't get it like american poverty is like you're rich people it's it's a crazy thing like people don't i saw some people mentioning like you said not like detroit some people mention like alabama and other places where in by american standards they're very poor but when you get into actual abject poverty it's it's horrifyingly different than than what we think of as poverty and um And yeah, it's like, again, my parents bought me a shirt, a soccer jersey from Uganda. They were in Uganda for part of the trip. And the shirt was 20 bucks. And all I could think was that was the dude's weekly income. And he was well paid. It's like, oh, my God, it's crazy. it's crazy how uh the the monetary difference between the first world and third world is um moldova is as uh poorer than ukraine it's the poorest country in the world ukraine might be worse off now but when i was there it was the poorest country in europe um
So, yeah, it's it's very stark and it's it's very it's strange because you go there and you can tell that the buildings are like being taken. It's where they they can't like modernize buildings.
But the people living there take care of like their their old Soviet built building like as well as they can.
Unknown_04: And it's it's very clean. It's very safe. And it's like things are run down. But I never I never felt like I was in danger in Ukraine. I can't say the same for like America.
Unknown_01: Well, the worst places I've been to in America, this sounds funny to me when I say it, but it's true. There are two places that I felt unsafe. One was downtown Miami. I did not feel safe in downtown Miami at all. Like Miami was shady as shit.
The other place was just outside of downtown Amarillo, Texas.
Unknown_01: um i was i was looking for an atm and and that neighborhood got really shifty but like i've been to you know chicago uh atlanta la or whatever never felt really unsafe in those cities but man for whatever reason amarillo texas and uh and miami like in miami i thought it was going to either get hit by a car or stabbed by a cuban or stabbed by a cuban driving a car
Unknown_04: Miami is a disgusting city. It is truly disgusting. It's one of the worst places in the US that I've been to It's just so weird. You see like you have like all these fat Mexicans walking around without like a bra on it's like They're just swinging around in their shirt and they're walking around with like a flip-flops and and the completely disgusting nipples protruding disgraced yeah can you not get dressed to get the out of your house like i know it's hot but come on uh so i i wanted to go back to one thing and then i'll i'll probably do super chats and we don't we don't have to
I don't know if we have to do too much more of the show. We can maybe do a quick sum up of the situation again. But I did want to ask you about something because you mentioned you don't like to use the term free speech because of kind of historical experiences trying to run a free speech website or web forum or whatever. Yeah. gets gets messy and and this is something it reminds me of something that i had talked to uh dick masterson about and i think it was on a stream but it might have been on his show or it might have just been a personal conversation i don't remember but it was during the uh the stream me and d live days uh the halcyon days of streaming and d live um
But Dick was talking about how when you try and set this up, like you try and set up a place where you can just say whatever, and people are possessed to immediately go there and just spam the absolute worst shit that they can possibly think of because they can, not realizing that that is the reason that it's so fucking hard to set up this stuff it's because like you go oh by the way this is a free speech area immediately just like 50 000 n words pop up and it's like can we can you just use it like once like an hour or something like not because you're restricted but because like you just want to try and have a place where you're not going to get destroyed for saying something not that you should intentionally try to exploit that ability to say things uh immediately like do you have any like thoughts on that is that true is that false it seems true um yeah well it's it's very it's extremely difficult to strike a balance between letting people get what they want to say out and also
uh keeping things on topic and this is the moderation uh difficulty on the forum because it's like i never want a thread to be like a pure echo chamber because oftentimes the zeitgeist in a thread is wrong right before the site went down i was pissed off at the the dsp i hate the dsp people man they're so dumb because they they go they go not they go hard They want DSP to literally be like homeless. They I think as far as like places on the site go, the wings of redemption people and the dark side fill people want those people dead. And it's like, why? Because they I think it's at its core, it's jealousy because they play video games and that's their living. And you probably have people who work very hard or, you know, jobs that are not well paid and not well respected. And I thought like, fuck, I wish this motherfucker has no talent, no charisma. And he's, he's fat. He gets to sit around and stuff his fucking face with Wendy's chili and diet Pepsi. And he makes more money than I do. Uh, actually Josh, I got to correct you.
I, I don't quite make enough money. Uh, we're going to need you guys to pick up the donations a little bit here. Uh, we're, we got a vest in waiting and they've been really slow today. And if you want us to keep doing the show, um, uh,
Unknown_01: We're going to need we're going to need you guys to participate a little bit more.
Unknown_04: But people hate him.
Unknown_01: And it makes me so frustrated because it's like, I'll get in there and they'll be like, because they're trying to get them like banned from YouTube.
Unknown_04: They got like a ban from Twitch. Like, wouldn't it be funny if he lost all his money? Like, no, it wouldn't, motherfucker. And they say, well, he's grifting. He's scamming people. He says that he needs money and he doesn't need money. He spends it on WWE. So he's a scammer. He's using deceit. He doesn't deserve to make money. It's like he's making money by saying that he wants money so he can keep making streams. How he spends it is his fucking prerogative. And then people say, well, he defrauded the government because he didn't pay taxes. Good. Fuck him. What are you going to do for the IRS now? You're going to walk around like like a Randall for the fucking IRS, the beating heart of Satan on planet Earth. pumping pure fucking evil throughout the world. You're going to stand up for the IRS.
How bad is dark side bill? This motherfucker could be trading and like harvested child body parts and he wouldn't be as bad as the IRS. You gotta, you gotta cool off buckaroo. You gotta look at this rationally.
Unknown_01: i i had to give him so much praise the other day because i was reflecting on his bankruptcy i was telling someone who had no idea who he was about the bankruptcy and i was like this man he just walked in there and he just found a way to somehow convince all of his creditors to ignore
everything wrong with his bankruptcy proceeding like you could show that he made way more money than he said you can show that he like double counted his business expenses it's in the ledger that he provided it's like you can show all of the things that he did wrong where this man is making well north of 10 grand a month from one source, not listing any other sources of income, just ignoring the fact that like some of the things he comes in, he just calls them donations and pretends he's a charity. Like they just ignored all of it. And we're just like, yeah, you're bankrupt. And he didn't even have like he had a good amount of debt. But his payments weren't ludicrous. And the debt that was getting discharged wasn't like a massively impactful thing because he had the main problem he had was he had the two different houses that he was paying on and one was in foreclosure anyway. But he took the opportunity to time everything out just right to discharge a whole bunch of private debt. And the court gave it to him. And you're just like, how did you do this like how did you convince any one of his creditors could have pulled up his farms thread they could have listened to like uh analysis that i had done they could have read analysis that other people did talking about all the ways that he makes money they could have looked at his twitch analytics they could have asked for them in discovery and all of them just said yeah whatever who cares he's amazing he does have a degree in business you know
I have no idea. I think so. I think he has like a bachelor's degree in business accounting or something really mundane like that.
But on the same hand as you just said, though, it's like, wait, so he convinced a bunch of banks who lent him too much money that he spent to not care about the money that they lent him? I mean, you go, go do it. I mean, I'm so damn proud of you. I'm a little disappointed in the bankruptcy court system, but I mean, you can't blame DSP for nobody just filing a motion. It's like, all you have to do is file one motion, say, prove your income, or we want to look at your bank statement. And that would have solved everything. And they just didn't. It was amazing. It was masterful. And I got to give them so much props for it. But yeah, I do agree with you. The people who go at Wings of Redemption, I've never encountered them because I don't talk about Wings. But some of the people, when I talk about DSP, will come like that Superhound guy or whatever. And they try to really fuck with you because you're not sufficiently fucking with DSP or you're going too hard on them. I don't know. And they get really into it. It's kind of wild. Yeah.
Yeah, and there's another one, Patrick Tomlinson. Like, Patrick hates me. He's on fucking Twitter. He's saying the same shit.
Unknown_01: The sci-fi writer guy?
Unknown_04: Yeah, and he's, like, blaming me for swatting him. It's like, whatever, dude. But then I read his thread, and people are saying that he's a pedophile because he's in, like, a sci-fi writer's guild or something.
And a lot of people in that guild have been convicted of, like, sex offenses against children.
Unknown_04: So they say, oh, his friends are pedophiles, so whether it's smoke, there's fire. And it's like, can we not? Can we not? Can we just be... like okay if he's a pedophile i'll let you i'll let you say whatever the you want but that's not enough you have to exercise some restraint not everybody who you know you don't like is the scum of the earth wings of redemption i i have i have trouble saying good things about any of these people But I know what the appropriate level of emotional investment is in them. And I know that they're not the worst people to ever live. They're just losers. And that's okay. They can be just losers. If you have to justify what you do or say about someone by lying to yourself about the severity of their behavior, then it's probably time to really retrospect on what you're doing. Because you clearly don't feel okay about it. If you have to rationalize it to yourself. Sure.
Your original question was something about free speech, by the way. Yeah, I was about to bring it right back and just say, assuming that we're stuck, at least on this current pendulum swing for a while, that free speech will be harder and harder to find a home for.
um what what is the guidance like how do we how do we balance uh someone's need to compulsively spam like uh n-word towers or or just the n-word itself or like pick you know uh ascii art of hitler and and swastikas like i get that and they're they're funny like i laugh because because it's funny when that pops up but like there is a point where it's not communication and you're trying to make a place where like i said And this is me self-servingly trying to figure out a way to moderate my discord in some way, because like there's too many anime posts or whatever.
Unknown_01: It's like, I get that it's funny, but you're trying to facilitate a place where people can communicate without the fear of being silenced. And that is always sacrificed on the altar of that one guy who just really needs to say ninja a whole bunch. Right? Like, so how does that get moderated? What is it? Because the moment you take action and even slow down the ninjas to one per 10 minutes, you are now the government censoring people. So what's the medium? How do we fix it?
I tried to post a picture of the Among Us guy with the penis asking, but it got all messed up in your chat.
Unknown_04: Motherfucker.
Unknown_04: Okay, that's what got me on my tangent is that, yeah, you have to strike a balance because I was saying that you have to
Unknown_04: try and find a balance in letting people say what they want to say and also keeping things on track. So like with the DSP people, there are, there are times when I feel that the prevailing wins and the threat are wrong and they need to be balanced with a perspective that's not often seen. So I will go in and I will yell at people and mods will get mad at me because I'm the one derailing the thread, but I feel it needs to be done. But sometimes it'll be someone else joins the thread and says something that is a very, uh, against the winds. And I feel that it's necessary to try and protect that and let people say what they wanna say, but wrap it up, get it out there. If you know that you're walking into enemy territory and what you're about to say is going to be very unpopular,
Get it out, but don't don't like don't overstay your welcome. And if it is something that's going to go on for many pages, I'm trying something new. I made a new board for that. I called the mass debates and it's in the the like the off topic area. So anytime a thread is derailed, I'll ask the mods that when I clean it up, take those posts that are off topic and then make a thread, split them out to a new thread in the mass debates board so that they can have that conversation And it's not mitigated, but it doesn't the thread doesn't become about them as a consequence. So it's something that is very it's a very human thing to moderate. And that's always the most complicated. It can't be litigated with a bully. And this is against the rules. This is not against the rules. It's a feeling. It's like, what are things appropriate? When are they not appropriate? That's something that only a human human mind can really differentiate.
The thing that we get, and so that sounds similar to an answer that came up in the chat from Crunculus. He said, honestly, it's threads. You can say this here. You can't say this here. And then, you know, people just kind of go into whatever. And in my Discord, and it's probably because I've said this over and over, my Discord is terrible. like you think you think like the the derailing chats and stuff on the forums like my discord is not a doxing discord or whatever that it's accused of being i don't think i i'm not aware of it uh and i'm pretty sure it's that's all just fabricated but um
What my Discord is is cancerous because despite there being very clearly labeled threads for specific activities, because Discord is horrible, but you can post a bunch of horrific stuff in Discord so long as it's in 18 plus threads and stuff like that because they have their own verification for accounts and they don't want kids to stumble across something that they shouldn't see, right? Well, the FBI disagrees with that assessment of Discord because they're in quite a bit of trouble right now. Oh, good.
Unknown_01: You know what? If the FBI takes Discord down, I don't want them banned, but my God, it'll be so much easier to live my life without having a Discord ever again. There was a thing that Discord published recently where they said something like 80% of all their bans on Discord were related to the dissemination of child pornography.
Unknown_04: holy shit and you think about how many people get banned on discord that you know about and you think like five times that is related to child porn like oh my god what are you doing well discord someone asked me about discord once i said it's a company run by furries and pedophiles like legitimately furries and pedophiles it's funded by the Communist Party of China because they don't give a fuck how it's ran, but they're going to take all that data and they're going to slurp it up and run it through their machine learning protocols to figure out where the weaknesses in the West are.
Right. But so getting getting back to the point, though, is like we have all these forums like if you want to talk about anime, talk about it in here. If you want to post anime pornography or whatever, you post it in the anime pornography thread like so that it's not shitting up everywhere else and without fail. there will be like a coalition of Spergs who just have to post it all somewhere else to like test the rule or push the rule. And then when they get like timed out or whatever by the mods who are like, this isn't supposed to be in here, they get fucking angry. And like, everybody's always mad and I'm like, Why are you like this? What more do you need? My brother in Christ, how many anime pornography threads can I give you? What do you need? Do you just need one more for Futa? I'll give you some brief things.
Number one, if you just completely ban porn, like porn is a topic, it solves a lot.
Unknown_04: People complain about pornography being free speech or whatever, but it's like, this is not a porn site. There are literally... But see, you're...
Unknown_01: i agree that that can be done like locals for example locals does not allow any pornography at all on the website and they i think it's a lot related to their position being able to be on the app store um i think that's a big part of it but locals will just even though twitter can be twitter is full pornography on twitter and they're allowed on the app store but uh i digress um
so like i'm fine with that except if you the same problem will still arise if you're like yeah uh by the way there's no porn and people will just post it in the regular thing and then that puts the entire discord at risk because they just have a compulsive need to post pornography i mean i think the issue is it might be a little bit too lenient
Unknown_04: Well, when you have this mindset, like, I'm going to be super libertarian about this, you end up becoming a victim to other people. And those people just don't give a fuck about you. They don't give a fuck about you. They don't give a fuck about your Discord. They don't give a fuck about your community. You have to recognize that some people are just malicious, and they deserve the opportunity to participate in your community. But your Discord community is not going to be... the the entirety of um the the open you know the open what do you call it the open platform the the the the town square where everyone yeah it's just a smart part of it yeah and it's like you you can't you can't accommodate absolutely everybody all the time you have to say like this is a safer workplace where we're going to talk about things and people can say what they want But if you want to go jerk off, there's literally... And this is uniquely a Discord thing, by the way, that people are obsessed... Here we see authoritarian janny jerks.
This is why you're the janny of the internet. Here you are. I'm going to ban... Well, we're just going to ban this topic that you want to engage in. Yeah, porn. Because I'm Stalin.
Unknown_04: you can go to google type in big booba and you will see two billion big booba okay this is not a complicated thing but it's not like there's an uh an abs an absence of safe places to acquire pornography on the internet you can't get away from it you go to you go to 4chan and even on the safer work boards everyone's like how does this woman farting uh benefit me financially it's like no okay this is stupid And but it is a uniquely a discord thing the people in discord are retarded and they are obsessed with that I have no it doesn't matter. I mean like I have I have a secret discord No, you would ever know what my discords called is only used for like a couple programming channels and a video game thing and I am totally I don't talk to people on it and but he's lying. It's full of food and pornography. I've been for two years now.
Every, every time I joined like a thing, there's almost always like a porn thing.
Unknown_04: And it's like, why does this need a dedicated porn thing on it? Even with, I talked about this with flamenco channel, flamenco is a channel list leak. And he had like five different discord channels for pornography, for different categories. And it's like, this is excessive. Like, even if you want to allow not safe for work it's excessive and you can just tell like the the coomers that post and share porn together get upset when like weird shit gets posted so they have to keep splitting the hair it's like no dumb easiest thing you can do is just say this is a safe for work discord and if you want to post not safe for work it has to be spoilered or whatever the and that's what it is on the forum if you post porn has to be spoilered and it has to be relevant to the topic and that has worked for us
it would discord you can't do the spoiler thing because the like that put again yeah it has to be 18 plus yeah that's when i had the sneed cord i'll tell you how i ran the sneed cord and why the sneed cord was the best discord that has ever existed or will ever exist because now discord is getting shittier and shittier so i can be confident in saying so how how quickly was the sneed cord banned
It took a year. It stayed around for a while. It took a literal janny tranny to sit in our state court and record the chat with a video and send it into the furry pedos to get it done.
Unknown_04: So here's what I did. You ready? Two channels.
Unknown_04: Message history of 200 messages each. And voice chat only when there was a mod to sit in and make the children behave. Wow.
Unknown_02: That's not a bad idea. It was 18 plus.
Unknown_04: Both channels were. You weren't allowed in if you were underage. And then there was like an announcement channel that only I posted in. And that worked for a year.
You know, the chat history thing might be a good idea. Absolutely. Get that shit set up immediately if you haven't.
Unknown_01: yeah well i don't i don't fucking like i have someone who administers my discord because i can't it is of all the things that i do it is the number one source of like complaints drama i'm i'm like i'm just gonna one day i'm just gonna hit the button and i'm going to take my ukrainian nukes that i stole during the conference and i'm going to drop them on the the one server that hosts my discord wherever it is i'll have to take out all of discord's offices i'm sure but the i'll get the one where my server is actually stored and and i will i will then i will ascend like christ into the heavens afterwards just up into the clouds
One important detail to mention that I forgot.
Unknown_04: The reason there are two channels instead of one is that one had a very brief slow mode. It was like five seconds or three seconds or something really small. But people really some people really hate slow mode, even if it's like two seconds. so the other one had no slow mode at all and they would vary in activity because some would prefer one to the other um but that was the only difference between the two other other than that they were uh they had like the same message history by the way um since this will be your last stream on youtube because the the queen falls will be will be stomping on you anime boy
If you need help setting up your forum, your video site afterwards, let me know.
Unknown_01: I will reach out immediately.
Unknown_01: We had talked about this a little bit.
Unknown_01: Someone had said, are you sure you can have Josh on? I was like, well, I think so. I mean, I don't see any problem with it. And then people had talked about, you know, this stream being flagged like crazy, which I already assumed it was going to be because Keffels has got an inverted erection anger at me. And so, like, to get that thing to stop poking into their lungs or whatever, they have to, like, report my channel. I'm sure. I'm sure of it. But... Um, I mean this that's the way it's gonna go it was that was gonna happen whether or not we had a discussion But uh, I I do think that our very very dangerous talk here Uh is is probably going to get flagged by crazy But it's like yeah, it will be flagged by the way. I want to interrupt just real quick.
Yeah, queen queen falls have been trying to get uh Medicare and destiny ban from from twitter. Yeah this this tweet was from six months ago and i find it very funny um destiny said something about how he was thinking of donating to the site which is pretty strange because i rail on him constantly because i like like very unabashedly i say some pretty terrible things about destiny like as he's on the site and i said i would never talk to destiny because i don't want to be associated with him and he's just like casually floating the idea of donating to the site so that's pissed off a lot of people which is probably the intent of saying that to be honest he's not gonna give me any money um but he wants to piss off people for free which is very easy to do right so um people are reporting him for ban evasion and and kefl said this uh six minutes ago we can use this moment to send a message about the consequences of financially supporting joshua moon in his efforts to keep kiwi farms online people should feel scared to stick their neck out for murderers like joshua moon if this site stays online for another trans person will be murdered By Joshua Moon and the users of his forum, if we can get Destiny's account clapped, there will be a chilling effect on people who are willing to show public support for Josh and his legion of sociopaths. This is not just a retard and his crusade against a lot of retards on the website, okay? This is life and death. This is the life. Destiny holds the life of an innocent trans folks in his hands, and he is just willing to snuff it out like the little goblin he is.
destiny is such a monster such a monster oh my god uh yeah no it's maybe i should uh maybe i should talk to destiny again it's been it's been a hot minute since i have but like this that's what that's what all of this stuff always comes down to it it is life and world ending consequences but of course
uh i i do want to talk about you know we've we've left the elephant sitting in the room dead on the floor and they ignored it uh kiwi farms murdered view near murdered oh do you know the story to this just out of curiosity yep i do know the story to this uh which is it's an amazing story because one second of thought about it goes oh Oh, okay. I got it.
Unknown_01: There was a non-binary person named Bu or near who is pretty well known in emulator circles because he was responsible for doing a, making a Nintendo 64 emulator, which was a,
Unknown_04: Very popular. Nintendo 64, in case you're unaware, is notoriously difficult to emulate because it ran on a proprietary CPU, which was never used in anything else. So to emulate... It was an awesome CPU that was custom made for Nintendo.
I remember reading about it. At the time it came out, the N64 and the PlayStation came out,
Unknown_01: It was a 64-bit system in the era of 32-bit, and it ran on this, I think it was like a specially customized Pentium or something. And it was so much faster than everything around. You're like, how did they accomplish this?
Unknown_04: He made a Super Nintendo emulator, but he also was working on an N64 emulator, and it was extremely impressive because I think he had to reverse engineer the architecture of the N64 to figure out a way to make this frame perfect, if I'm remembering this correctly. so he was well respected and well liked um in in that in that circle and he had a thread he had a very brief thread because he was a very dramatic fella and he is a very dramatic fella and he liked to um like threaten to drop support he would disappear for a long time um
he was like a non-binary furry there was some weird controversy over his avatar being like a cub fur or something like potentially he was a diaper fur i don't know something like that um and his thread over over years had six pages So I think that's like 45 posts in the entire history of this thread. And more interestingly, we had a moderator who was definitely a weird, mentally handicapped person, but he did a good job moderating. And his name was CIA neighbor, though I cannot say his actual username, but if you know, you probably know what I mean.
And CIA neighbor suicided his account one day. And I had no idea. I was cleaning up the mods and I was like, this guy hasn't logged in in like a year. I wonder what's up with that. So I go to the admin log. I check what he last did. And the last action he did was he deleted a thread thinking huh that's weird so i restore it and it was view's thread and uh view sent me an email months later and his email was basically like this i will give you a hundred thousand dollars to delete my thread
If you don't delete my thread, I will kill myself. Which, if you don't know, is called extortion. You cannot send an email like that. That is plain by the letter, clear as day, unambiguous extortion. You cannot say this. If you don't do this, I will do X is extortion.
Unknown_01: Yep. That is a federal felony offense in the United States. That email would be a federal felony offense.
Unknown_04: so i i replied which probably i don't know if it was a good idea or a bad idea in retrospect but i told them because i felt that and i said like look dude i'm not going to delete your thread and i think it's illegal for me to accept your money so as much as i would like a hundred thousand dollars um it would be wrong for various reasons for me to accept this money however if you give me a moment if you wait a little bit um i'm gonna make you a counter offer so i um i go to bed i'm you know in a completely different time zone he's supposedly in japan
I'm in Ukraine at this time, I think, or Serbia. And he sends me a couple of emails saying like, no, really, I mean, if you don't do it right now, I'm going to kill myself.
Unknown_04: I wake up and the last thing I see is him is waking up to the news that Hector Martin had published a suicide note.
Unknown_04: And I reply and my reply is simply, I will not be extorted. And that's the end of that. And then people start trying to rally to get the site taken down. The only consequence of this is DreamHost, a company I've been using as a domain registrar since I was a teenager. I think I got my account with them when I was 16 years old, decided to tell us to move immediately all of our domains. They're closing my account, which I did. um so that was the the outcome of that and what i find very frustrating about this is that i reading his emails i really felt like what he needed was like people to work with and i was going to offer uh to to um give him something to do i wanted i wanted to work with him on something because i felt like he was a very talented person and i thought like it would be great if i worked on you mean like a programming project for example Yeah, I was just thinking about starting my forum software stuff. And I thought, God, that would be great to have someone like this to work with. And he would probably feel better if he was working with somebody. And I never had to make that offer because he terminated the conversation overnight.
Unknown_04: By terminating his life.
Unknown_04: Allegedly. But he puts up this note and someone says that they verified that he committed suicide. The first thing they say is that we verified he committed suicide because we called the Tokyo police and they confirmed it. Which is a ludicrous statement. A ludicrous statement. Literally saying, hello, moshi moshi, Tokyo police desu. Is Buu dead? And they go, hello, she, hi, very dead desu. And okay, thanks, bye. And there's no recording of this, of course. It's just a statement by someone in the know that they definitely confirmed it. and then a week later um i there is a a posted picture of an urn that has his name on it and the data this is his co-worker and he says it's true and even abc news published that co-workers confirmed it with the picture so this was the the the evidence confirmed 100 that bue had killed himself because the picture of this urn existed and
the guy in case you're interested uh lived in hong kong a little bit north of hong kong is a city called shenzhen shenzhen is the largest one of the largest port cities in the entire world it is a massive warehouse the size of a city you can find anything in shenzhen you cannot just find that urn and engrave it with whatever the you want you could find probably cremated human remains to put in the urn to show off So I do not believe for a second that this guy in Japan killed himself. It was verified over the phone to an anonymous person. And then his ashes were immediate. His body was immediately cremated and sent to a random fucking guy that he's not related to only by work in an urn. you know by the japanese police and then the kicker was when this was being discussed and people were thinking can we debunk if he's actually dead someone said oh i know that the department of state releases a list of um a a like a count like a tally of people who american citizens who died overseas right so we'll just wait for this periodic six-month statement about people who have died overseas and see if there's a suicide there and i'm thinking like oh man Japan, you know, probably lots of Americans kill themselves in Japan. They all fucking kill themselves over there.
But sure enough, this report comes out and there was a suicide the month of but before the emails were sent. And then for the entire year, we've looked at two of these now. There has not been a single American death or suicide after abuse emails. So we know for a fact, because the Japanese are fucking psychotic about their bureaucracy, that this guy did not kill himself in Japan because it would have been reported to the Department of State. And it would have appeared on this this report that they put out. So 100% he did not kill himself and he tried to extort me. And when that didn't work, he put on this fucking campaign to try and get my shit shut down by lying. And the only evidence of it, the only evidence to come out of this is an urn bought by a man in Hong Kong where I could I could fly to Hong Kong and you could give me 20 bucks and I could cross the border to China and find you a fucking urn and put your name on it and it would be out. By the end of the day, okay? It's just ridiculous. It's so frustrating. You know what's also frustrating?
I don't know if you even need to go to Shenzhen to get an urn with some ashes in it. Oh, I could get you a good-ass urn in Shenzhen.
I could get LEDs on that fucker because he's a gamer.
Unknown_01: Get some LEDs on it. i feel like you could just get an urn engraved like at any like you know certificate to get like an urn made you try to buy an urn they're like uh sir can i see your paperwork for this urn this is a regulated urn well these are these urns are reserved for uh verified dead it's like well what if i just want an urn like if i want to make a movie prop or whatever literally any reason you could just get an urn it's not like it's special And of course, there's never been a death certificate. No one, if I'm not mistaken, view slash near was never actually quote unquote doxed. So no one knows who this person was. So all you have to do. Nobody knew his name.
Nobody. We didn't. Speaking of threads that didn't have ducks, we didn't have his fucking name. We didn't have his address. We didn't have a picture of the motherfucker. He posted all that himself in a suicide note. And by the way, in his email, he said that he would publish like his passport and other government IDs. And that never came out. so this guy is alive and well in serbia i met him when i was doing my face off with epstein to be fair to be fair he would have published the passport but he forgot that he had to do that before dying and he tried after death and it didn't work no no but see of course and it's uh it's it's one of the most convenient things because this has been the clarion call of every single person since this incident
notorious website bullies uh mentally disabled person into suicide is is the run and it's always view near that they talk about i mean i know there's some like uh allegations but nobody nobody bullied near he even joined the forum and people talked to him and we said like bro you know you're fine like just yeah you know just move on like people respect you people like you
Unknown_04: And he decided to pull this shit. And it's fucking bizarre. The other people, by the way, I get blamed for usually three suicides. I get blamed for the view thing. The first one, the first suicide that happened for a person that had a thread was close. Not close to go.
Unknown_04: uh terryberry julie terryberry killed herself and she she um was in an abusive relationship with a much older man who posted on the forum and she would routinely threaten to kill herself if her boyfriend left her because her boyfriend uh put her into pornography with himself that got published online so she's thinking you know she's young i'm in porn now with my boyfriend and if i if he dumps me nobody's gonna want to be with me because i've already you know done porn And there's other things to it. You can't blame suicide on one specific thing, but she routinely threatened to do this. And he left her one day and she killed herself. And it's like, I'm pretty sure the fact that she didn't have any family cause she was adopted and she had been in porn and her boyfriend was leaving her was the reason that she, cause she didn't leave a note. She didn't blame the forum. Her boyfriend blamed the forum and he had reason to blame the forum. So I don't, I don't think that Julie Terry Berry killed herself because of the form at all. The other person is Chloe Segal. Chloe Segal was transgender, and Chloe Segal had been evicted.
Was that the Instagram before the? No, no, no, no.
Unknown_04: They did like small indie video games. But they got evicted from their house, by the way, of other LGBT people. They got evicted because Chloe Segal had severe behavioral issues and made enemies constantly. They were completely isolated in the LGBT sphere. They were sort of like excommunicated by it. And then they got evicted because they couldn't get along with their roommates. They committed suicide by immolation, which is crazy. Holy shit.
And before.
Unknown_04: Yeah. And before they set themselves on fire, they gave a speech where they said America has a serious problem with homelessness and mental health care that people heard it. And that's what they reported. Did not say anything about the Kiwi farms. And if they had, they didn't they didn't post about it. I think the fact that they were literally homeless. and they had nowhere to go and they had no money and nobody was willing to support them their gofundmes had zero dollars contributed to it i'm pretty sure that was the the factor that led to them committing suicide and then when you feel alone in the world and then you try and prove yourself wrong and prove yourself right because no one will support you at all that's got to be really depressing Yeah, there's like a trend there, isn't it? The third one, this one doesn't get brought up as much because of something I'll mention, but this happened during the Trans Lifeline stuff. Greta Gassava, who was removed by their board of directors for Trans Lifeline for inurement of charity money, blamed us for the death of a frequent caller to the Trans Lifeline suicide hotline. um because we were explicitly mentioned in their suicide note problem is that this person did not have a thread and they had not been mentioned anywhere except in passing in one post and the suicide note said i do not want to live in a world to the effect of i do not want to live in the world with websites like the kiwi farms and our president being donald trump So like in the same breath, Donald Trump was equally to blame for the suicide. And then they were in a relationship with another transgender person who said that Kiwi Farms had nothing to do with it and blamed it squarely on Trans Lifeline because they had an issue where they had no operators. And if you called them, you wouldn't get anyone to pick up.
They said that Trans Lifeline didn't help and frequently didn't answer and blamed it on them. And then the director of Trans Lifeline blamed me and the spouse was going on and saying, don't you fucking dare use this person's death as a weapon against your enemies when you had more to do with it than them. And that's the reason that one doesn't get brought up as much.
that makes sense um but the the one that i see uh tossed about the most right now is probably probably because it's most recent time of course is view near and every time i'm like yeah but i i know this story and i know that there's no i mean the the closest evidence we have abused death is this random note posted by someone else says i totally defo know that this happened because of this which doesn't make any sense and then uh i didn't really know about the urn thing but the urn thing is it's the same quality it's it's a literal nothing there's nothing here and so it's like okay uh there's but there's a there's a distinct lack of any official record or evidence of this person's existence there's no pictures from a funeral there's nothing like like you said this person was actually really liked in several circles that would be happy to have celebrated their life, right? And mourned their death publicly. And that's why Bew gets brought up all the time. It's why they get brought up as the thing because they were relatively liked. But like you said, the forum post for it was really not very long, like 41 posts or pages.
Nobody was harassing Bew because of the thread. No, no, no. No, I wasn't thinking so. No, just to reiterate, it's not even that how long it was.
Unknown_04: It could be super long, but I can tell just by reading the post that nobody had any any ill will towards them at all, which just makes which makes the behavior even more bizarre. And I've heard a conspiracy theory, and I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories. If you didn't know that view because it was in 64 emulation was in trouble with Nintendo. You don't know. Japan has some of the strongest copyright laws, probably stronger than even Germany, which is already fucking crazy with copyright laws. Japan would really go after you for copyright theft. So there was the allegation that he had stolen code for his N64 emulator, which is why it was so good.
And Nintendo was after him for criminal copyright issues. So it would be very convenient if he simply disappeared and everyone thought he was dead.
Unknown_01: yeah no kidding like especially if this person like i don't know how much money they have but if they're offering to legitimately pay you a hundred thousand dollars and you take them at their word they have it then they have some level of resource to go ahead and disappear uh and and just when when disappearing literally means shedding your online identity to just be you like that's
that's not that hard it's not like you're it's not like you're going into protective custody or having to having to physically relocate necessarily uh you know to do this or even if you do if you've got a hundred grand to say take down my forum uh posts instead you could convert that hundred grand to moving just literally anywhere other than Japan and avoiding a whole lot of of trouble
Unknown_02: Oh, and then you can move to whatever you can move to Thailand with a different name.
Unknown_04: And then you can say, Oh, hello, I'm a new Thai developer. I'm very interested in continuing the legacy of this brilliant trans programmer. I'm going to start contributing to it. And that has not happened, has it?
Unknown_04: I think there's some speculation. I don't know. Maybe he's waiting a little bit longer. I haven't looked into it.
Unknown_01: I have been that's what I'm assuming will happen eventually. yeah because that's what i thought too i was like oh the project's gonna be picked up by some person you know uh who was a big admirer or something like that and studied their work and found out how they did something they had the key right like they they cracked the code that that let you be so smart or whatever they eat all the wheaties um
Okay, this has been great. I want to read the Super Chats.
Unknown_01: I don't want to force you to stay for them, but you're welcome to stay for them. Knock them out. All right, here we go. Dragon's Treasure says,
Unknown_01: in honor of keffels and the enormous amount of groomers amongst his ilk use code against the wall to get 10 off at the wholesome anime themed tea store the dragon's treasure support brands against them so that's at the dragon's treasure.com a haven For tea and anime lovers, if you go to dragonstreasure.com, which they do make very fantastic loose-leaf teas of all different varieties, and use the promo code AGAINSTTHEWALL, you get 10% off of your order. So check that out if you want.
I will personally vouch for this as a tea and anime lover, well-known anime fan who knows everything about it. uh that uh so much so that i get stepped on that their tea is great uh and and it would be a great thing to get 10 off all right mattis matt stiffer says dropping my chat now because i'll be asleep by the time you're live want to express my appreciation both for generous jersh for his herculean efforts and for yourself nick for lending your blade slash nose against transgressors
Well, you're welcome. All I did was try to make money by doing a show. Matt Perkins. It does feel like that.
Unknown_01: Matt Perkins says, hope you called the local PD ahead of this stream. We all know Lucas and or his minions are going to be trying to pull something to interrupt this stream. The only person who would have to worry about me getting swatted is Drexel because he's black and he's here.
Unknown_01: small town minnesota they're not going to come in and shoot a nice white family but if they find a black man in the house they may put him down really quickly like it's very dangerous So anybody who were to swap me during this show must hate black people. That's true.
No, I do want to say something, though, like because I made a joke about the the grifting, the money thing for the show, which is it's that's only a half joke. Like, this is my business. And when I talk about topics that are interesting, you know, there's a revenue thing that's part of the calculus. But at the same time.
Unknown_01: I very openly have stated that I think the Kiwi Farms is a place that should exist forever. I just think that it's a necessary part of essential liberty to have a place where you can go and talk about stuff and not have it censored into oblivion by people who just don't like what's being said by users on a forum. It's one of our earliest sort of disagreements is over
Section 230 and its purpose. And one of the things that I struggle with on my Section 230 position is balancing how much I fucking hate Twitter and want them to be liable for what they do versus how much I fear that if 230 goes away, places like Twitter and Facebook will be fine, but it's places like Kiwi Farms that'll really bear the brunt of it. And that's one of the big points you've made is if this goes away, like people will just destroy anything like kiwi farms 4chan 8chan everything will be taken down immediately except for the big titans if section 230 goes away i will close up overnight like immediately no questions us i'm not even bothered to try and run around and do things in other countries like nah it that's it um section 230 is very important there's one paragraph i've written about this by the way okay because you brought it up um i'll show it again i wrote this for zero hedge um oh people hated so much when you published that article on zero hedge
Yeah, it's Okay, the title is section 230 is in the problem payment networks are and I have written. Oh, it's archived on zero hedge. And I can't link it to you on my man at the internet.com. I have a sub stack. Actually, wait, hold up.
Unknown_01: Okay. Do you want me to throw in the chat?
Unknown_01: For people to check it out?
Unknown_04: Yes, I actually I have it. I have it. Um, it is Matt at the internet.substack.com and I'll post in the chat. And I have written
Unknown_04: about section 230 twice one is section 230 is the problem payment networks are and where the sidewalk ends the death of the internet both of these talk about section 230 if you are critical section 230 I would advocate reading them where the sidewalk ends proposes some legislative changes and And the main one is, is that there are what they call the sword and shield of Section 230. You have the right to say, you know, people can post on your website without you being sued. That is your shield. And then you also have the right to ban and disconnect services without being sued. So you can ban no matter what your business relationship is, if you decide to discontinue an Internet service. You are completely immunized from any civil action as a result. And that is probably the part that can go. You can probably take away the sword or reword it or twist it. There's proposed legislation that has all been stalled. But in general, that's what you want to fix if you want to fix it.
Yeah. We went through if I remember right, we did a stream and went through a lot of that proposed legislation. And like it was shocking that some of the proposals from coming from legislators were, yeah, had thought behind them like they might have needed a little bit of refining and fine tuning. But the basic concepts were like, no, no, no. This is what you want. Like there's there's you like you said, you take away the sword from it, but you leave the shield up for the businesses. And I love what Clarence Thomas has talked about. He's like, in in all of these other places where we we protect uh through the the common carrier doctrine for example which which uh the not telegram the website but original telegram services used was they were just considered common carriers of information and unless they had specific knowledge of an illegal message or a defamatory message shown to be defamatory unless that specific knowledge was given to them they were required to publish whatever the other person said but by publishing i mean take the telegram from one person and bring it to another person and tell them you know what was in there uh and and they were immunized from liability but that immunity from liability came at the price of them having to do business with everybody unless very very specific things occurred that would prevent the business from happening and that's that's where i think uh that that we can start to draw this is is find out what that common carrier distinction is and there's a category that gets you there and and defining that i think is is a way around it but yeah i mean the yeah but with this government we're never going to get anything done i'd rather it just be left alone at this point and just yeah at this point i'm with you uh at this point i'm with you on that like nothing will get done so nothing needs to be done like and uh and criticism of my my past position on it where i thought you know it i do think it would be kind of funny to see it go down just to watch the storm of lawsuits that would hit twitter and facebook like the next day i'm i'm not vindictive enough for that i i just i i just know i just know that if
there was a way if there was a way for normal people to do business if mastercard and visa were required to process every legal transaction it would solve everything overnight the amount of competition that would flourish it would be indescribable you would be shocked how much things would be repaired in a single year if mastercard and visa card were required to equitably process transactions for all legal uh venues
Unknown_01: The critical a critically missing factor from the United States Bill of Rights is the right to access currency in any medium that it exists. Like they couldn't even fathom this before.
Back when money was silver, we didn't have a concept of digital money. So the only thing I will mention this again because I brought this up is my fault. There is a thing called Fed now. Have I mentioned this to you before? I don't think so. It is a U.S. Federal Reserve equivalent to the IBN transfer process in the EU. It is a federally controlled bank to bank instantaneous process that will be competing directly with payment gateways. And I'm very interested because if it's Fed now, if it's the Federal Reserve and its banks, then theoretically there should be no problems. It should be like a government thing then.
I'm really, I cannot believe I'm shilling for FedNow, but I am completely on the FedNow train. I am glowing as bright as I can.
Unknown_01: Stop, I don't have my sunglasses. But no, what people may not understand is that the answer is always open your own bank, do your own thing or whatever. But if you want to run a successful banking institution,
Unknown_01: Legitimately, you have to have access to the ACH clearing, the automated clearinghouse ACH system that banks use to do intra bank transfers because that's how you get money from Wells Fargo to U.S. Bank. So if you want to transact with anybody else in the planet, you have to be a part of the system. Well, the automated clearinghouse system is a private network of banks who have decided on a list of rules that you have to follow to be able to participate in it. And on that list of banks that are controlling are places like Wells Fargo, US Bank, Bank of America, MasterCard and Visa are also on there.
They determine the rules for the bank. So you can't be the based bank. You have to adhere to all of the other provisions that they have about acceptable uses of currency that MasterCard would use on like credit card, like the credit card banning and all that shit. It's all baked into the systems that are beyond the bank's interaction with you. It's the bank's ability to interact with another bank. So you can't just make your own. We don't have a free market banking system. We have a banking cartel.
And to get licensed to make like, okay, you want to make your own like Kiwi card or whatever. That's like a $75 million barrier of entry. Like you could theoretically maybe scraped it. If we work together, work really hard to make Kiwi bank, we could probably get the two to $10 million that you need for your starting capital for a bank. it the the card and getting people to actually process your gateway and just not happening so yeah um if it's not crypto then something needs to be worked out so that people can can give money to each other without any intervention from a third party that has no business actually intervening
the this the the problem with the crypto is that of course governments immediately are moving to control crypto at any point possible yes they they really like the traceability of it so much so that uh i was being told about tornado um which i'm sure you may have heard about the the service that basically scrambles up crypto transactions so they can't be traced those guys are all if i'm not mistaken they're all getting arrested for creating this this demon that makes transactions anonymous
yeah yeah and so like the the problem is like uh people want to put a lot of faith in crypto but remember that the amount of freedom that crypto uh potentially promises is so damn threatening to the people who hold literally the the nutsack of the world in their clawed hands um they're not gonna let it just happen easily
Unknown_01: And that's that's the scary part. But if there is some sort of a fucking constitutional amendment would solve it all in the United States. It just says, no, you have to have the ability to transact currency in any medium, digital or not. I have I have this word in my head.
Unknown_04: It goes something like the government, no government or sufficiently sufficiently large private entity shall obstruct. the private exchange of currency any legal and ordinary exchange of currency that's how i had it in my head the only the only issue is sufficiently large and i think defining that would be the the one hitch leave it to the courts it'll get it'll get hammered out in the courts no possibly uh but it might get hammered out the way you don't like
but no i can always be overturned 50 years later you literally just say any corporation can't interfere like any corporate entity or or like non-person entity uh fictional entity fictional person cannot interfere with that maybe that's enough but but no i i agree that's that's the type of language that needs to occur um rick nakeda says the galaxy is the emperor's and anyone or anything who challenges that claim is an enemy who must be destroyed Martin, I just want to say that to the YouTube algorithm and to the FBI that I'm only here for research purposes.
Unknown_01: Not Brandon Lesko says shout out to all the groomers in the chat taking time out of their day to get roasted live.
Unknown_01: Get up and get on the wall.
Unknown_01: MW sent a black cat. Dirty Dan, I have returned to sell Null some ball cream. Mario Carter 13 says, Keffels, hey kid, want some bathtub truncheon?
Unknown_01: Wait, truncheon got me. That was funny.
Hakaida Wilson, I have the need for Sneed. I'm going to blow my own rectum up with Sneed seed. uh nge fan daytime rackets that i'm not stuck in civ pro or towards steering unbelievable hokkaido wilson kiwis always win christopher nicholson does anyone else smell necrotic axe wound tissue in the chat phoenix lord asserman hope the farms go back up soon i miss laughing at the gunt board sorry you got to put up with this insanity josh uh i also missed the gun board Do you have any updates on the status of the farms? I saw your post or the splash page that basically says, hopefully after the weekend, but do you have any updates that you want to share?
The basis of this is that we have not been thrown off anything. We are technically in the same exact position that we were before Kefla started getting very angry at me. All that's changed is that we are being hit the DDoS attack, which I believe is causing enough problems that the upstream has decided to black hole our routes so as not to affect other customers.
Unknown_04: And so I am working on resolving this. And I think that because it's the weekend, nobody wants to do anything. But I know a large business that occupies the same data center that I do. And I've been very irritated that they're not answering my emails.
I contacted somebody who is a professional network engineer and he looked at my emails and said, Josh, you come off as a total prick. There's obviously a reason why they're ignoring you. Let me write your fucking tickets for you because you're a retard. I'm like, okay, fine. You can write my fucking tickets for me because I'm a retard. And then someone else says, well, you know, I think this other guy, he runs a very large business. He's in the same data center, reach out to him. And I did. And sure enough, he replied and said, don't worry. I contacted the guy that owns the entire data center. And he says that he might look at it. So lots of like, like messages being passed around, no action, but I am, I'm confident like the people the people around me are great i don't have many supporters and i don't have many people sympathetic to me but the people who are are like real real real like masters bros yeah real bros um and we we may not all align on the same things but um
No, like I said in my message, the tide is turning against this shit. Everybody's fucking done with it. We're all just tired of being bossed around by frumpy men in dresses with no dick. The era of the dickless dictator is fucking done. Everyone is over this.
Unknown_01: Because that's the thing that these people seem to forget is that in all of their crusading against whatever, they are powerless and usually poor.
Unknown_01: They must rely on the commanding of someone else's labor to accomplish their personal crusade. Cause they don't have the ability to do any of this on their own. They're, they're completely beholden to people who believe that they're actually beholden to the, the complainer. And once that goes, you know, your boss tells you one too many times to, to sweep the shit out of the laundry room or whatever from the homeless guy. And you go, you eventually just go, you know what? Fuck off. You sweep it up yourself.
And, uh, hopefully that, that day comes really soon because
Unknown_01: as they lose allies in positions of power due to more and more progressively unreasonable demands they're gonna they're gonna just lose the ability to force someone else to do their bidding yeah and like i said one of my telegram messages i am not like an educated person i i went to college i have i think i have a i have an associates of arts is what i have um i'm not like a phd in computers i barely know what the i'm doing at any given time
But I'm very stubborn. And when people tell me I can't do something, something in my brain just starts popping off. I'm like, I got to figure out a way to do this because I really want to now.
Unknown_04: So I would just tell people, if you are like, you know, you're not the most... influential person in the world, but just be stubborn and just be loud. Don't be ashamed to say, no, this is bullshit.
Unknown_04: Look at how much one very stubborn person has managed to piss off the opposition to free expression. If I...
Unknown_04: Don't know how motivating I can be but in general it doesn't it literally does not take much from anybody to Obstruct this agenda for a very long time, you know, it's crazy So Glenn Beck people have different perspectives on him But back when I listened to him years and years and years and years ago before he was crying and doomsaying on literally every single broadcast
um he he was talking about what the tipping point is and i think he had read some book maybe the tipping point or whatever but basically it was the only thing for complete societal overhaul is what he was talking about the tipping point is 10 of the population
Unknown_01: And it's when you go back and look at like revolutions and you go through history and find out just how much underlying public support there was for this stuff. The tipping point is when you hit that 10% number. The number of people that we need to just say, hey, fuck off, we don't care. is lower than 10 by a huge amount to stop almost all of this deep platforming stuff it's like it because it's happening now it it's a small world like i i keep recognizing people people like hey do you know this person like yeah i know this person i i've talked to them before like the the the people who are fed up are
Meeting each other, there is the social capital of the connections of knowing people in these circles and it's building and people can join up and they can just support this. I advocate for joining decentralized networks. There's websites like postpoa.st and that runs on a website called the Fediverse or a software type called the Fediverse, which is decentralized Twitter. You need to get on the Fediverse. The Fediverse is popping.
Unknown_01: I was on there. i was yeah dick masterson's verified as fuck thing went down um you got to find a new one yeah i think i think posts offered to verify me on there um get on post graph graph i i don't like his takes on on certain anime related topics but he's a very cool guy as far as oh so graph must not like anime but you do okay got it
Look, he's as decent as a Leaf can be, okay?
Unknown_04: I think he's an honorary AmeriMut at this point. So get on something. Make your own CF deal.
Unknown_01: I just waited for... I might just make a Rakata.law one if I can figure out how to. But I was waiting for, like, to see if Verify.af was coming back up or anything like that. It appears to not be. So I was going to get back on because I like the Fediverse. I think it's a great idea. I wish that Twitter were the Fediverse. Like, I wish that that's... what it was and so i want to see it grow so i'll definitely be popping on something there's several there's also no agenda social which i'm obliged to give a shout out to there was kiwifarms.cc but they're having some technical difficulties i've heard so your options right now i think right off the top of my head
Hello, Peppa. Thank you. Hello, everyone. Bye-bye. Thank you.
that it just helps get his noggin jogging along with his glass by his side if his kids are sleep tight we'll hear some lost explaining tonight With his microphone muted, we'll laugh at this bloomin' Till he explains it's all part of the plan Watch his face become redder, yes, he becomes madder Raging at idiots from Twitterland From the white shores of Newark to the hills of Glenlivet There's no one who explains the law better than Nick So pour out a glass for the ones who have passed Make the law what we have now Oh, his lady is fair, and she handles herself with the grace of one who has borne many children. As the wife of a lawman, she makes sure that he has the time and the place to provide for them there. So pour out an art bag of Balmore and Loughbrook. Spirits flow as the ones who get on a new launch. So pour out a glass for the T-post on Twitter, as we hear laws pending tonight. From the wide shores of Nam to the hills of Glenlivet There's no one who explains the plot better than Nick So pour out a glass for the ones who have passed To make the love what we have now Oh, the guests are all plentiful Some dirty to drag solid Bring their perspective and spice to the mix But the reason we're here and the one that we cheer Is the one who is showcasing us his career
So pour out an art bag of Balm or of Laphroaig. Spirits flow as the ones who get unemployed. So pour out a glass for the T-post on Twitter. As we hear love's flaming tonight. From the white shores of Nant to the hills of Glenlivet. There's no one who explains the throne better than me. So pour out a glass for the ones who have passed. To make the love hope we have now.