0:01:43 Unknown_12: Hello, everybody. It's me again. The designated time frame that I get to crawl from hell and digital hell with my digital pixelated pitchfork and stab at you through your computer. Unknown_12: Oh, jeez. So, where do I, I don't even know what to talk about. I've been busy, so I don't have, like, my notes together. Unknown_12: I've been busy since last week. I have sort of gotten the situation set up so that when it wants to work, it will work. But the situation right now is that it does not want to work, and I will explain why. Actually, I'm probably going to avoid talking about the ongoing drama in detail because, as I would like to shill to my lovely audience, I will be talking to Rakeda tomorrow at, I want to say, 2 p.m. Central Time or something, Mountain Time. I don't know. It'll be on his channel. I'll post it on the Telegram thing, but... 0:02:52 Unknown_12: uh just in general i i i'll go over it in broad strokes because there's not much else there is a little bit to talk about um andy warski is about to get punched in the face today uh ralph is a demon worshiper uh so Unknown_12: Where do I start? I really have no notes. Right before the stream, I got off the phone with somebody who is an upstream provider, and I kind of explained what the problem was, and I'm hoping that they will have a solution, but it's kind of impossible to say. Unknown_12: Vito is snitching. Oh, no. Not another pedophile who's angry at me. The final mad at the internet ever. Well, that's going to suck then, because this one doesn't have any conscience to talk about. 0:03:39 Unknown_12: Uh, so it's just been, it's strange cause it's like the actual complaint, like, okay, so Tranny gets mad at me. Tranny says, I'm, I'm mad as heck. I'm a big angry troon and I'm going to rally my groomed dominions to come after this website. And we're gonna shut it down. We're gonna shut her down right now and joining the forces are people like patrick tomlinson Who although is not a troon does have bitch tits and is fat Then there's ethan ralph who while not a troon wants to fuck keffels really badly And then there's different troons It's just like a lot of fucking people who are like on twitter saying we're angry and we're stupid and we're just gonna scream And that has accomplished absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing that they've set out to do has happened. However, there is currently someone who is denial of service attacking my provider. And the denial of service attack itself is being kind of mitigated, but the upstream is getting pissed off that we're being DDoS attacked. So they're just black-holing our IPs. And that's not uncommon. Providers will do that. If you're being attacked, they will cut you off and null route your IP addresses so that they don't experience any downtime for other customers. So I'm assuming that the DDoS attack is large enough where other customers on their network are being negatively impacted. That's likely the situation. However, what's funny about this is that that's actually a crime. In terms of talking about, oh, you can't do this, you can't say this, this is stalking, harassment, suicide baiting, whatever they say, using compromised computers from around the world and attacking a service to shut it down extrajudicially like that is definitely a crime. So the whole gambit is let's try and remove DDoS protection from this site. 0:04:53 Unknown_12: So that we can DDoS it and get it shut down that way. 0:05:33 Unknown_12: And the really funny thing about that is they intend to do this by having our application layer denial of service attack shut down. Unknown_12: But the issue is, is that I have my own IPs. My network is public. This is why I get all my complaints and they don't go to an upstream provider. So you can just go to Google and type in my hosting company and find the subnet that I have and then DDoS attack it, which is what people have done. Unknown_12: And the issue with that is Cloudflare does nothing for that. The provider that they're going for does absolutely nothing. As long as they know the subnet, then they can just keep attacking it, which is why the site's down right now. If that wasn't the case, then yeah, I guess Cloudflare would be the linchpin. But all Cloudflare does is minor CDN stuff for the Kiwi farms. 0:06:17 Unknown_12: So it would be preposterous for them to kick us off when they don't even really do anything that we desperately rely on that couldn't be easily replaced with DDOS cards or some shit. Unknown_12: So they take credit for this, and they say, look, we've accomplished these great things, the site's down, but it's literally like a criminal who is just attacking not only my network, but every network apparently nearby to piss off ISPs enough to have them black hole us. 0:06:53 Unknown_12: It's very perplexing. So during the downtime, people have come up, they've talked to me, and I said, we have backup plans, we have our own data center. So I have like three different data centers lined up. They're building a fucking, the people I'm talking to are building a data center in Montana. So there's data center A, which I'm at, data center B, which I could be at, and data center C, which is being built by fucking weirdos from the Fediverse, which I'll be at if data center B kicks us off. So, you know, Cloudflare or no Cloudflare, data center or no data center, like I have my IP allocation. And never in the history of the internet has somebody's internet resources been revoked for non-legal reasons. Yeah. 0:07:30 Unknown_12: you get ip addresses and from a company called an rir a regional internet registry there are like five of these in the entire world i cannot think of a single time that a regional internet registry has revoked an ip allocation for because somebody complained and similarly there's domains and stuff like dot com is owned by verisign i've never heard of verisign revoking a domain name for reasons that were not legal Unknown_12: So the issue that they're going to come up against is eventually we're going to find a grounding that works for us again. 0:08:16 Unknown_12: And when we're there, the next steps are very scary for like not for me in particular. I'm not worried about them. But for the internet as a whole, for our collective worldwide web, if they can convince an RIR to revoke my allocations and force me to return the leased IP addresses... they have really up the net they've really up the internet as a whole because now anything is fair game if they can they have essentially forced into the hands of already massive corporations that control way too much of the internet uh who gets to stay online at the most basic level who gets to be a part of the internet who gets to join the internet will become like a controlled group where you have the RIRs gatekeeping who gets an IP address for non-meritous reasons. So if they really do go that route, it's over. The internet is going to be dead. The clear net, the ability for a small business to plug into the internet, get an IP address, host whatever they want within reasons for their local regulations, that's dead. That'll never come back. And we'll never see that again ever in human history. Because in early 2000s, it was a wild west where anything that... Oh, jeez, I haven't muted my fucking thing again. My wings of redemption are whimpering. 0:09:45 Unknown_12: But we'll never have that again if that's what happens, because there was a brief period of time, early 2000s, late 90s, where people could just plug in, host whatever they wanted, and nobody could say otherwise. And then what happened in the 2000s is that DDoS attacks became very sophisticated, and the resources of the net flourished. Unknown_12: kind of merged together, and you had these massive monopolies. Only like the largest companies in the world can really afford to handle a DDO as a tech on their own. When you have tens of gigabytes of data coming in, it's thousands of dollars to mitigate. 0:10:22 Unknown_12: Like per month, you're looking at a bill of tens of thousands of dollars just in bandwidth, never mind like hardware expenses. Unknown_12: So, you know, they think it's funny, but Unknown_12: It'll be bad. It'll be effectively the end of the free internet. If they can convince all the DDoS protectors to fuck off, if they can convince the internet registries to pick and choose who gets to have an allocation, it'll be the end of the build-your-own era. You'll never be able to build your own ever again. 0:11:01 Unknown_12: So that is the situation. Effectively, I'm black-holed because there's a DDoS attack. No service provider is like, we can't do business with you anymore because people are complaining. It's more that you're being DDoS attacked. We can't mitigate. By the way... I would have IP level filtering right now. This is a fun story, and I feel confident in talking about it now. We would have IPv4 filtering right now so that our network is protected because our ISP had PATH. PATH has a very common DDoS protector in a lot of circles, like ByVM uses them, and they essentially do what Cloudflare does but at a network level. And I had that service free, and we used it for a long time. And then suddenly, they started blackholing my IPs. And if I turned on DDoS protection through PATH, my internet would just go down for the Kiwi Farms. And I found out... Months later, because I received a complaint from my upstream saying that I had to remove a thread or censor information in a thread about a Path.net employee named Corey Barnhill, who is a pedophile, who is on record saying that he has forced his girlfriend to watch a little girl be anally raped. Just an open pedophile status attracted to children working at Path.net. 0:12:26 Unknown_12: They asked me to censor this thread, and they said that they had a court order to do so. Unknown_12: And I did censor it, and I said, I want to see this court order in a month. I want you to send me this court order saying I must take this down in a month. I never received it. And my upstream told me that it was a secret court order from a Canadian court that I'm not allowed to see and that they're not allowed to see. But it definitely says that everything about Cory Barnhill has to be scrapped from the Internet. And I said, that's ridiculous. So they then sent a cease and desist to Upstream saying that you have to pull the hard drives of all the KiwiFarm servers and hold them in storage and send them to us because we're suing. And my Upstream said, that's fucking ridiculous. We're not going to do that. And they sent my lawyer's email address to path.net saying, if you want to correspond, you have to do it through them. And that was risky for my upstream to do because if they lost Path.net as a filter, then they would lose that for all their customers. Isn't that lovely? So the work of the Troons right now was first laid by Path.net and their pedophile C-level employee. He goes by Augustus Hart now. He changed his name to the actual comic book character's name from Zoom or whatever the fuck. And so from last I heard, he was a CTO. Path.net will never talk about Zoom or Corey. If you ask them about Corey, they will shut up. They'll say, I've never heard of Corey. He worked a while ago. He's gone now. But they have never spoken to me directly. They sent a CND to my lawyer. And then after we told them to fuck off, we never heard anything back from them again. 0:13:41 Unknown_12: So we lost our DDoS protection from that. And then the truants can come in and just attack. And it's like, we don't have anything to stop them. 0:14:21 Unknown_12: So the solutions for dealing with this are tricky, complicated, and mostly security through obscurity. You just have to kind of turn off the network and find clever routing tricks to prevent the DDoS attack from reaching the server while other sources can reach it safely. Unknown_12: And that's what I've been messing with. I'm happy with the setup that we have now. Unknown_12: But we're black holed again. So I'm working again to find a second solution. And that second solution is probably going to be hosting in multiple places at once. So even if one of our hosts go down, we can continue to stay up regardless of what's happening. 0:14:58 Unknown_12: And there won't be, like right now, if they say we're canceling you as a client, you have to find another host. The physical servers would have to be in transit. So it would be like a week of downtime as the servers physically move from location A to location B. And we could avoid that by multi-homing. But the issue with multi-homing is you say, okay, I'm going to have three data centers that host all your stuff. But that increases the cost of your hosting three times. And it complicates the setup. It exposes new attack vectors and stuff. It overall increases the burden and spreads the one person working on all this more thin. So that is the situation. 0:15:34 Unknown_12: Like I said, nobody has canceled us. It's just that I think that, you know, it's like... Unknown_12: You have all these people yelling at them and they don't want to talk to me because they're being yelled at because of me. They're very angry. They're very upset. What I found is that the normal, in general, people in the world... Unknown_12: They want tomorrow to be like today, and they want today to be like yesterday. They never want to be bothered. They never want to have to do anything. They never want their status quo threatened at all. 0:16:14 Unknown_12: And that's why, as I've inadvertently discovered, the most valuable form of capital in the entire world is the— Unknown_12: is personal capital. It's your reputation. So that's why all these oddballs find themselves maligned against the forum, because they all have a capital stake in the forum going down. Unknown_12: The pedophile sadist Cory Barnhill, the fat sex offender Ethan Ralph, the hulking shemale pervert, They all find common ground in trying to reclaim control over their own reputation. And that's worth a lot of money to a lot of people. 0:16:56 Unknown_12: Uh, so can I cover the PPP Worski party? I really, I apologize. I've not been following, uh, the drama too recently. I will, I will cover this and then I'll move on to what I have been able to gleam by just reading Medicare's Twitter this morning. And that's, that's what I have to talk on to. Unknown_13: Let's see. What can I, what can I show? Let's see. I'm going to hide that. Firefox. 0:17:31 Unknown_12: First news of the day. In China, interesting happenings have happened. Unknown_12: The Chinese courts have sentenced a man to die. The man is melanated and he's in China with his Chinese girlfriend and he had a little bit of an incident in China and he killed his girlfriend. And this has been a very shameful display. And his name is Shadeed Abdul-Mateen. And he, I think, is an American citizen. Yeah, he's an American citizen. Has a traditional American name. And he killed a woman who was Chinese in Ningbo. And I guess the U.S. wanted him extradited because it was like, no, you can't kill an American, a true red-blooded American like Shadeed Abdul-Mateen. And the Chinese were like, nah. Nah, boy, we're killing him. So he is being killed now. 0:18:03 Unknown_12: He's sentenced to die. And chances are he'll die very soon because that is how it goes in China. China. Unknown_12: That's my China news for today. I will continue. Oh, Jesus. 0:18:38 Unknown_12: Chad is very responsive to that. I mentioned Ralph. I find this hysterical. I find this really funny. Unknown_11: Queen Cofalls is about to take down Kiwi Farms. Unknown_12: Hell yeah. Unknown_11: Oh, man. They hated that. Who did they think? I think some people were genuinely surprised that I backed Cofalls. It's like, yeah, of course I backed Cofalls over Kiwi Farms. Shut that shithole down. 0:19:13 Unknown_11: I already said Moon made a lifelong enemy with the lies he's told about me with the tactics he's used against me. And I promised him to his face on air, quote unquote, to his face as I could get, that I wasn't going to stop until I saw him ruined and off the internet, justifiably so. And I'm not ever taking that back. Unknown_12: So much dead air in the show. Unknown_11: That's right. Queen Kefals. That's right. 0:19:44 Unknown_12: Queen Kefals. I was going to, I heard this clip a couple of days ago and I was going to splice it with the fart porn where what's his face went by Queen Clara. And I was going to, I was going to splice it so that he'd be like, oh yeah, this is what you want. And making like the farting sounds and then splicing the Ralph clip of him going, oh yeah, Queen Kefals. Unknown_11: In this mission, it's Queen Kefauz. That's correct. 0:20:19 Unknown_11: In this limited engagement... I have no... I've never talked to Kefauz. I don't give a fuck. Why would I have anything against Kefauz? I don't give a shit. I mean, we could make some comments, of course, if we really wanted to, but I mean... Unknown_11: I don't have any personal interactions with Cavallos. I don't give a fuck. I mean, you know, I thought the Destiny thing from what I saw seemed... You know, I'm going to probably roll my guy Destiny, but, like, that's not my battle. Like, I have no... What, I'm mad at Cavallos? No, I'm not. I don't give a shit. If they're taking down Kiwi Farms, I'm all for it. 0:20:59 Unknown_11: That's not inconsistent. That's very Ralph Amell consistent. That's very Ralph Amell-like. Unknown_06: Smirko fan sent $67. How much for sixth hour fund? Unknown_12: Well, I mean, we might just have to add it. Unknown_12: It's funny. You can just see how excited he is. The sight's down, and at that moment, he doesn't have to be reading it and thinking, like, oh, God, what are they saying about me? And it's just like a weight off his chest. He's like a man reborn, a new... He's got, like, fresh child blood pumping through him, which is pretty funny. It is very funny, because I remember Ralph back in the day, and I remember he... 0:21:39 Unknown_12: Like, he was so much more mild-mannered. Like, he had his wife, and he was just kind of chill, and he was like, yeah, I'm just gonna, like, watch internet shit. I'm just gonna have fun. And now, flash forward, like, only, like, three years later, and he's calling, like, a troon his queen, and is bowing down before the trans... I can't even say the trans penis, because it's like a trans axe wound that he's bowing down and simping for, and be like, yes... Yas, queen, slay. Slay the kiwi farm so that I can have a good night's sleep for the first time in a year. 0:22:14 Unknown_12: Sorry, that's my phone. Unknown_12: Show the tip goal. The tip goal was met like the second week, so there is no tip goal. Everything that you give me right now is just from the bottom of your heart. The tip goal will be higher next month, just so you know. Unknown_12: And I don't have it on this computer. I'm still on Windows. 0:22:48 Unknown_12: There's another Ralph clip because I can't get enough of this. It's just too funny. Unknown_12: Oh, this is him. People are super chatting and asking him, like, you're something for, like, this gross weirdo. Unknown_12: Why would you do that? And he just has to, like, brush it aside. Like, yeah, the child grooming shit. Like, whatever. Unknown_12: Whatever. As long as they're taking down Kiwi Farms, that's what matters. Unknown_00: Oh, the date? Anonymous sent $3. You do know that Keffels has been grooming minors and documented to be flirting with them, right? Unknown_10: No. Unknown_00: And that he's pushing DIY hormones onto minors without medical or parental supervision. 0:23:23 Unknown_10: No, I don't know anything about any of that. Unknown_10: And don't really, I mean, I won't say I don't care. That's fucked up. If true, I don't know any of that. But I want Kiwi Farm shut down. That wouldn't change my opinion on that. Unknown_06: I have to turn off my email. Unknown_12: CloudFlare has received an abuse report regarding one of your customers. Logs or evidence of abuse. Kiwi Farms is a terrorist organization that actively harasses marginalized people to the point of suicide. They can choose not to provide services to this terrorist organization. For more context, see... This is Robert Zadar. 0:23:57 Unknown_15: Oh my God. It's like having like a full blown chump out. Unknown_15: Dude, look at, look at all these tweets. Look at this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 multiple articles 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 oh my god and there's even more and if you don't remember here's a fun thing i think they say something about a job in this uh work 0:24:47 Unknown_12: No, okay. So here's the fun thing about the Robert Zadar Troon. That is Liz Fong Jones. Liz Fong Jones is in a relationship with a trans snake. The trans snake, I've mentioned this before, but I enjoy mentioning this because it's very funny. The trans snake will walk around in public with his arms bound to his side so that he can go feel more like a snake and be like, I'm a snake. I'm a snake woman. I'm a snake. And I think they get led around on a leash by the Robert Zadar Troon. Unknown_12: Liz Fong Jones used their LizF at Google.com email address to send a pointed letter to my VPS provider for my email service. Not like my website. Oh God, I got another one. 0:25:26 Unknown_12: The entire purpose and function of the website is to thoroughly document, dox, and organize harassment of innocent individuals online. They routinely organize SWAT attempts and encourage the suicide of their innocent targets. It is disgusting that this site is allowed to exist. I'll turn this off because I'll just keep getting them throughout the stream. Unknown_12: Um, so they sent Liz the threat to like a VPS provider. I guess they just assumed, you know, they're a Google employee, but they just assumed that my email is like the same server as the, as the rest of the Kiwi farms, even though it's, it's not. And, uh, I posted this and I said, isn't it fucking ridiculous that a Google employee is using their very intimidating at google.com email address to like demand that this shit gets taken down. Cause when, you know, you're a small company and you get like an at google.com, like 0:26:04 Unknown_12: i'm a vps provider i'm a small business my margins are already pretty small and if i get delisted from google for like vps provider in this country then i'm just i'm not gonna get any more business because i need google to to exist and they get and it's just liz uh this weirdo Unknown_12: trying to scare them. And then they complain. They have the audacity to go on fucking Twitter and complain that Kiwi Farms stops literally, word for word, trans bodies of color from getting work in tech. Well, maybe trans bodies of color should not use their fucking work email to send threats to random small businesses to bend your fucking will. Maybe you'll get a job when you handle your work email responsibly and don't use it to pursue personal agendas. But it doesn't even matter because this person is cash-out-the-ass rich. They don't even need work. And their partner is also liking Google or some shit, some big tech company, and making cash fucking hand over fist. So they could never work again and be just fine. But they're still griping about it because they want the prestige of working in some bullshit company that pays them to do fucking nothing. 0:27:27 Unknown_12: That's Liz Fong Jones. They're still very angry about that, by the way. I don't know. Maybe he shouldn't have sent an email to my email provider for no fucking reason. Unknown_12: And it's literally like, it's tips, or tip.manny.live is the donation link. Unknown_12: And it's like, you did this to yourself. You are the one that went onto the internet and said, I support sending children drugs in the mail without parental consent. You're the one that went on and said, I support isolating little boys on my Discord server and encouraging them to cut off their dick. You're the one that sent emails from your work address. I didn't force you to do that. I didn't know who the fuck you were before you did that. 0:28:01 Unknown_12: But they get angry at me and say, oh, it's like an organized SWAT attempt. Like, no, motherfucker. You're the one posting this dumb shit on the internet. Why are people not allowed to talk about that? Unknown_12: And whatever. I'll play the Ralph clip. I need some Ralph. I need some Ralph. It's burning out. So relax. Sounds like fanfic, though. Unknown_11: Yeah. Unknown_06: Hail Gribble sent $3. I love the U.S. government. I would kill, rape, and die for Israel. 0:28:35 Unknown_11: Thank you. It kind of sounds like fanfic, if I'm honest, but also I don't give a fuck, honestly, like Kiwi Farms or Kefals, which is worse, Kiwi Farms. Unknown_06: Smekel fan sent $10 get Kefals a pap smear on that big old pepper ASAP. Who the fuck? Unknown_12: Ethan Ralph. Unknown_12: The Ethan Rell, right-wing Christian male, Krastus Kang. Krastus Kang, I'd do anything for God and country and the white race. Actually, he doesn't say that anymore. He's no longer like a white identitarian because it's really bad optics to be a white identitarian now. So he's just like, Krastus Kang, that's the new grift. And then he's like, yeah, I let a thousand babies get snipped by this troon as long as it brings down kiwi farms. If you really compare the two, I mean, just having a wiener snipped by a dangerous individual pervert like this amounts to nothing like the egregious tactics that they've taken against me and my family. 0:29:41 Unknown_12: Okay, Ralph. Okay, Ralph, calm down. It'll be okay. It'll all be okay. We'll all be okay, chat. Unknown_06: Yes! Unknown_11: I mean, I think Kiwi farms is much worse than Kapos and you can't fucking convince me otherwise. They've been trying to destroy me for years with lies and bullshit. Look at this. Look at this. Unknown_12: Look at Ralph with keffels on the screen that I would do anything for love. So romantic chat. I've never seen anything so, so adorable in my entire life. 0:30:18 Unknown_11: That's what I think. Unknown_14: Bibble's here. Unknown_11: We got to listen to this for a sec now, Bibble. Unknown_14: Oh, no. Oh. Unknown_12: I'm making a copyright shock for this. That's the Ralph of Mail tactic. Unknown_11: I always forget that that cuts it off. Unknown_12: Anyways. Unknown_12: Anyways. 0:30:53 Unknown_12: So this has spurred the ire of the Anti-Defamation League, by the way. I didn't even mention this. Unknown_12: It says here from the Anti-Definition Link, Kiwi Farms is an extremist-friendly forum that has been the breeding ground for countless harassment campaigns, including this recent brutal campaign of swatting, de-axing, and hacking. It is past time for Cloudflare to hashtag drop Kiwi Farms. Unknown_12: I want to know what I ever did to ADL. As far as I know, Jared Holt, Jared Holt, you use my fucking website every day. As soon as something gets posted on the Kiwi Farms that you find funny about Nick Fuentes, you post it on your Twitter account and take credit for it. Motherfucker, you need me. You need me, Jared Holt. Okay, listen here. Hold up. Hold up, hold up. 0:31:31 Unknown_12: Here, wait, wait, wait. Unknown_12: Oh, I can't do it. I was gonna use the, um... I was gonna use the Google, like, text-to-speech thing to say something in Hebrew, but it doesn't let you do that. Very specifically in Hebrew, for whatever reason. I can do it in Russian. Can I do it in Portuguese? 0:32:11 Unknown_02: You know you need me, Jared. Unknown_12: You know, it's only in Hebrew that I can't... Can I do it in Arabic? Unknown_12: Only Hebrew. Very... Even Icelandic, is it? It's just Hebrew. You cannot use Texas... Is that, like, against the law in Israel to synthesize Hebrew? Is that, like, an affront to Yehovah or some shit? Very strange chat found live on the air. Unknown_12: Anyways, you know I need me, you fucker. You don't even have to pay me. Just shut up. 0:32:44 Unknown_12: Shut up. It's a mutually beneficial relationship for Israel and the Jewish people, who we here at the Kiwi Farms have infinite love and adoration for. Um, yeah, that's it. The ADL hasn't said much else besides that. Unknown_12: Uh, so, one of the, I guess, I find it interesting, by the way, Unknown_12: And this has been used against me, saying that I'm a hypocrite, that I can dish it out and I can't take it. 0:33:16 Unknown_12: But I said that, because they, I mean, what's his face? Lucas is literally posting pictures of my mom on his Twitter. And he's like, this is his mom. And she's a terrible person. You know why my mom's a terrible person, according to Keffels? My mom had been arrested for resisting arrest. Unknown_12: That is her most serious charge. The rest is like speeding tickets. Vordrak has a list of all her speeding tickets on a website somewhere. But the only offense that she's ever been arrested for was resisting arrest, which I find hilarious. How is it that someone can be arrested for resisting arrest? There is some bullshit happening when someone is arrested for resisting arrest and nothing else. There's no other charge there. 0:33:53 Unknown_12: in case you're wondering the she okay my mom my mom is is a very interesting person she uh she has issues with authority which i may or may not have inherited from her and she hates the police she hates the police she hates the police because her father my grandfather was a police officer and he is the biggest asshole on the planet i love my grandfather he gave me his work ethic but he is an asshole and my mom does not like cops because he was a cop so she dates she's like a like a legit like strong independent woman Raised me by herself and she didn't date the entire time that I was being raised because I guess she just didn't trust men around me So I never had like a stepfather ever during my but she would like date guys on the side and when I when I moved out She started having boyfriends her boyfriends were all fucking losers one of them burned down her house and killed her cat and And he went to jail for it. I think he only just recently got out of jail. And then she dates this guy who had pancreatic cancer as a kid. And all he would do is lounge around and complain about his fibromyalgia and take like pain pills and shit. And he's still got a warrant out for him one day. And the cops come to her house because that's his assumed residence. And they say, what's his face here? And she says, no. And says, well, we have a warrant to search your property. And she's like, no, you don't. You don't get to come onto my property. So they arrested her for resisting arrest on behalf of somebody else because he was there. He was escaping through the window at the time. This gimpy fuck on pain pills hobbling out the window. Yeah. 0:35:31 Unknown_12: So yeah, that's, that's your greatest defense. That and raising me, God forbid. It's called, um, it's like in the, you know, Trakeffles is a communist, right? Like in, uh, North Korea. So when someone's a, when someone's an enemy of the Troon state, you have to go up the family tree and chop that fucker down. Cause that's where all the problems come from. Unknown_12: That's so white trash. Look, she was straight and narrow her entire life. And then she turned, you know, whatever. I grew up and I got out and she was like, you know what? I'm tired of living the normal life. I'm going to become white trash and I'm going to drink. I'm going to go out to the bar all the time. I'm going to date losers. I'm going to support them. And, uh, now, now she has become, I think she's, she's become more conservative and she's like a gun owner. She has land. She has chickens. She's out in the woods. And if any, God forbid that you go fuck with my mom, they will not find you. Uh, so I don't know. She's fair game now because just so you know. 0:36:42 Unknown_12: For the record, I am seeing actual, like, the Christchurch News article that came out. Unknown_12: News.com.au published a list of, like, a hit piece on me after the Christchurch thing. And they said that I lived in my mother's basement. It's like, number one, I do not live in my mother's basement because my mom is from Florida, and they do not have basements in Florida. And I keep explaining this to them. And now— It's like permeated again. Cathol saying that I live in my mother's basement. Motherfucker, I have not lived in the United States of America since 2018. I moved to Ukraine in 2018. I moved to Serbia in 2019. I have not been... Or 2020. 0:37:19 Unknown_12: I have not been in the U.S. for a very long time. I have not lived at my mother's house since I was like 18 years old. Unknown_12: But they don't... They literally... It's so baffling how... Unknown_12: When they accuse the forum of, like, stalking and harassment and going after people's families and just making shit up and not caring about if it's true or not, they literally do the exact same thing word for word. And they actually know that they do it. Unknown_12: Like, people in the forum know that there are things that are not allowed, that people don't condone. And for them, there is no... 0:37:58 Unknown_12: Opposing zeitgeist. It's like well, we say that you do it. Therefore. It's okay that we do it on the forum It's like I assume that some people Break our rules and they don't get caught but that doesn't make it okay, and I don't condone it But when it's the opposite way around they do condone I just outright like yeah You want to commit a crime to shit on a website go for it's a bad website You want to harass someone's family go for it. They're a bad family It's like okay But that does said like I 0:38:34 Unknown_12: I believe the temperature of society is getting hotter because it's just like, it really does set a weird precedent when someone's just like, yeah, we're just going to openly commit crimes against you and we're going to fuck with your family. And that's just allowed. It's just allowed. It just like floats around on Twitter and everyone retweets it and is like, yeah, this is a great idea. Like, okay, I see what you're establishing here as the baseline for behavior and it's not looking great when you're going to normalize that. Unknown_12: Let's see. I see how things are, chat. What are they talking about? Unknown_12: the idea um anyways there's this i i my my telegram thing uh i said this because the capitals made this statement saying that all they all they understand is fear that's why it's okay because the kiwi farm fascist brown shirts they only understand fear so we have to be we have to strike fear and i said this uh in my response on telegram i said that what i fear more than losing my sight what i fear more than being sued what i fear more than having to deal with police over dumb shit like them saying like oh i'm being harassed by kiwi farms what i fear more than that is to to grow up to have a society to have to raise children in a society where 0:39:38 Unknown_12: A fat, dumpy eunuch who has accomplished literally nothing, a welfare recipient until they got a career streaming on Twitch, can just openly groom children, groom little boys into cutting off their dicks, groom little girls into getting double mastectomies and taking... Unknown_12: testosterone that they will never... A woman that takes testosterone will never undo that damage to their body. Never. And you want to talk about a leading cause of suicide, that kind of regret is enough to kill somebody. And... 0:40:27 Unknown_12: Like we're going to have a society where these people set what isn't is not allowed And then they're going to set it so that you can't even criticize that that to me is more horrifying than being shot by like police I don't want to be chained to a ball like that that I can't even look at and say like this is stupid The fact that I have to deal with this is stupid. The fact that we have people doing this is obscene Like that is the the contention here is that you're not allowed to even say that 0:41:04 Unknown_12: that this is wrong. Because to do so, they equate saying that it is wrong to allow people to do this. It is wrong to send children medication in the mail without parental consent or supervision or medical supervision in any way is wrong. They are equating that statement with violence. They are saying that to even do that is to put transgender bodies of whatever, bodies of gender, at risk. Unknown_12: And through that, they try to outlaw speech. Unknown_12: It's like I would rather be fucking dead than living in your nightmare world where we literally rewrite the history books. I looked up... Because I played that fucking game on the Bad At Video Games channel last weekend. And someone said, oh, why don't you play the David Cage game with Ellen Page in it? And I was like, okay. So I looked it up. And in the description... This game came out like 10 years ago, by the way. In the description for the game, they cite... Elliot Page's wonderful A-list actor performance as this character in this game. It's like this game came out before Ellen Page changed her name. So now when an actor changes his or her name, we have to retroactively go back and rewrite their credits. 0:42:21 Unknown_12: And I guarantee you that movie releases that are being put out after the fact, they will go through the end credit scroll and digitally edit the credits for the characters to be the new trans name. So we're literally in a 1984 situation where we're just rewriting history willy-nilly. Like, oh yeah, Elliot Page did a great job in Heavy Rain. It's scary. It's scary that we have given... Unknown_12: dangerous perverts a a total control over culture to the point where they can go back and retroactively change things that have already happened and how they're presented in in like encyclopedias and on store pages and shit it's like we have fucked up it won't last that's true That is true. I think that the reason why we got to this point is because we all wanted to be good people. Everybody wanted to be good people. I remember the narrative was that, you know, when the gay marriage stuff was a contentious debate in the 90s and 2000s, it was like, they're just people like us. Love is love. They just want to get married and live their lives exactly like we do. But they're gay, and they choose male partners, and that's okay. And when you build like that, it's like, okay, whatever. It doesn't affect me. I don't care. And then this shit comes along and everyone's like, OK, well, they just want to live their life. They want to wear a dress and they want to go by she her pronouns and they want to go by Clara. And that's OK, because it's their life and they can do whatever they want. And then it continues to progress. And it's like, oh, those gay men that that have now cut off their dicks and are marrying like um other other gay men that have cut off their dicks they they want to teach your children about how they can doubt their gender identity and start taking hrt at the age of seven and if you say anything if your seven-year-old says i want to be on hrt and i want to be a girl and you say no you're actually being transphobic and we're going to take your kid away from you like normal people are seeing this now 0:44:20 Unknown_12: and thinking this is fucked up. And then the most vocal advocates for this are just bizarro people. Look at this fucking person. This has been their headshot since they sent that email like six years ago now. This person has never had a better day in their life where a picture has come out looking better than this with their fucking fetish collar. And Keffels is just out there saying, like, yeah, we're going to transgender your children. We're going to push HRT on them. There's nothing you can do about it. And these are the most prominent advocates for the movement. You take any person, any normal, regular person, and expose them to this kind of shit at its... face value at what they're actually saying, and their mind breaks and think, holy fuck, we have made a mistake. And I truly believe that the tides are turning, and they don't see it. They don't see it because they're on Twitter, where everything is catered to them, where their people control trust and safety on the council. So when they're on Twitch and their chat is 100% supportive, and... 0:44:54 Unknown_12: They're getting all these likes and donos and tips and shit. They think, oh, well, this is really up and coming. Things are really going our way. And they go on Twitter and they say things and they get 90% positive feedback. And when they don't, they just report it and they get banned and think, yep, things are really going my way. But the reality is that normal people don't post on Twitter, and they don't post anywhere on Twitch or on any of these platforms, and they just see these people, and they think, what a fucking freak. I would not want this person anywhere near me, and God forbid they're anywhere near my kids. And the sentiment is just growing. And it's not like, especially with the gay stuff, it's not... 0:46:08 Unknown_12: that censorship can fix it. It can stop people from organizing because they feel ostracized when they see that their opinion is wrong and they go to Google and they type something and the first 10 results are all shit about how they're a terrible person or whatever the fuck. They feel ostracized, which is why it's important that there can be no place on the internet where these opinions are expressed. There can't be a Kiwi Farms in any way, shape, or form, and if the Kiwi Farms is down, they'll move on to the next target because there needs to be total ostracization. Nobody can think that other people think the way they do, but the majority do. 0:46:43 Unknown_12: People are becoming aware of that that they are those like guys they are the majority and They don't they don't have to tolerate it and they don't the the acceptance for this kind of shit is Dropping very fast and it's dropping hard enough where like game the tolerance for gay people in general is Is dropping because once you acknowledge that this is bad you look back when other things critically like okay So if we're genuinely in a slippery slope, when did we when did it start getting slippery? When did shit start going bad? And once that that barrier in the mind is broken all hell breaks loose and everything becomes up for her questions And it's Unknown_12: I know a lot of people who listen to my podcast and stuff are very misogynistic. And I have stressed that there have been elections that involved the female majority support. That you would find very based. I don't want to say what specific election has happened in human history that women were a majority of the yes vote in that you would probably enjoy for someone who is generally misogynistic. However, the fact that women, women in particular are critical to this because the mother, the mother instinct is more. 0:47:34 Unknown_12: is stronger than anything else. Hell hath no fury like a Karen scorned. Once Karen realizes that her kids are going to be truned out by aggressive weirdos like Keffels, then things will progress in the right direction. Quote erot demonstrandum. 0:48:16 Unknown_12: I will play this. Unknown_12: This is a gender debate at UC Berkeley, which is a liberal stronghold, obviously. Unknown_09: Trans women should be legally treated as women. Tell me why you strongly disagree. Unknown_07: Because I'm a molecular geneticist. Unknown_07: Being male or being female is a developmental process. You can't go backwards. Unknown_07: So you can't change your sex. You cannot do that. And the truth is that currently in California prisons and prisons in other parts of the country, women are getting impregnated by other women. And there's just no way. This is against the UN. 0:48:57 Unknown_07: When... After World War II, there was like a... I don't remember what body came up with this statue, but it was against... I believe it was the, hey, you cannot house female prisoners with male prisoners because they get raped. And that's happening today. Unknown_07: You know, I go to the women's... I go to the women's changing room at my gym And there's a dude in there, he's putting on makeup and hoop earrings. And this is not something a woman does when she goes to work out. Nor do women beat each other to death, but men do. 0:49:31 Unknown_07: You know, and it's just, it's so sad that women have internalized misogyny to the point where the man's comfort takes precedence over the woman's safety. There's a reason why they don't want to be in men's prisons, because men beat each other to death. Women don't do that. Unknown_08: Audrey, what, if anything, would cause you to move to the disagreeing? Is there anything you heard here tonight that would convince you to move? Her closing argument is not very convincing. She just says no. 0:50:07 Unknown_07: No, I have figured it out. Unknown_12: She says that, she says, and then says she is that, you know, her hand in front of her face is hers and not his. The interesting thing that she brings there very briefly is that being a woman is a developmental thing. And that's true. I want to, because, you know, it's all fun and games to say, oh, you don't have a womb, you don't have ovaries. And it's true that there are women who are born without a womb or ovaries or later become like they have a hysterectomy and they have their ovaries or their uterus removed. 0:50:45 Unknown_12: And it is true that it's not fair to say that that person no longer ceases to become a woman because they've had a hysterectomy, even though I have said that in the past to be inflammatory. And I'm not taking that back. I'm just explaining an alternative theory here is that women are socialized differently and they're treated differently. Unknown_12: Ellen Page, 5'1 woman, growing up, hits age of maturity. Men start looking at her differently. Unknown_12: She becomes defensive because she's thinking, I'm a 5' tall person and men now find me sexually attractive. And some of those men would rape me if they had the opportunity to. And that changes your attitude. That changes your responses to things. Kephels is very aggressive. They get on Twitter and they say bombastic things. They threaten people's family. They say, you'll never take me down. You'll have to kill me first. And those are the behavior patterns of a male. That is someone who is socialized male, who is biologically male, and who has the mindset of a male. A woman would never say that because they do not want to invite physical harm into their lives. 5'1 Ellen Page would never get up in front of a podium and say, Come on, all you men who have 100 pounds on me, come and beat me up. There's no way that you can do that. I'm strong. Because she knows that she's 5'1", and she's a dainty female, and she can get her ass kicked. Keffel is 6' something, built like a linebacker, beefy fucking dude, and very aggressive, like a man is. 0:51:59 Unknown_12: That's why they can posture like this. Same with Liz Fong Jones. It's not like, oh, I'm a strong trans woman. It's like, no, you're an aggressive man. who is angry and it's okay to be an angry man because i'm often angry um but my point is is that let's say for the sake of argument you have a man and you have a machine you have a magic machine called the troon machine the pink pill machine 2000 and you take a man who has an xy chromosome and you put him into the pink pill 5000 and you and you press a button and it dings like a microwave after 30 seconds and boom that person has x x chromosomes and they look totally and completely indistinguishable from a woman that was born a woman and progressed as a woman without hormone therapy or anything so bone structure hips everything indistinguishable from a real woman you would still know if this machine existed you would still be able to pick out the pink pillars Not by looking at, I mean, maybe by looking at them, but especially when you see how they act. 0:52:43 Unknown_12: Because these people who came from this machine would be very aggressive. Unknown_12: very hypersexual and very fetishistic. Like she says, she goes into the changing room and she sees a man putting on pumps and hoop earrings and an abundance of makeup because they're trying to bimbo-fy themselves. A man who had been turned into a woman magically would still be aggressively fetishistic in how they present themselves. They would be a complete and total whore in a level that you would never recognize in a real woman who wasn't like... You know a sexual assault victim or something whose self-esteem was derived entirely from sexual sexual relations unnaturally You can't you can't undo this and it's clear as day and doesn't matter what age it doesn't matter what age they sink their claws into a child and start converting him or her into the opposite sex into the transgender cult There will always be a distinction between 0:53:43 Unknown_12: Easy, effortless, natural beauty and the imposter syndrome that arises from this. 0:54:30 Unknown_12: So that's my thought. And it doesn't matter if I say it. These are things that are obvious to people. I'm not like some 3,000 IQ liberalist, sargonite, mensa patient who's got this all figured out. This is just like people see this and they know something is wrong. And unless you really sit down and articulate it and have a lot of exposure to it like I do, you don't find the words for it. You just know that something is wrong because that's your instinct. Unknown_15: Anyways. 0:55:04 Unknown_15: I think I have something else. I think I have a second tab here. Unknown_12: Oh, okay, so. Unknown_12: I have to thank Jim for once because my site's down. I don't have any notes. Unknown_12: By the way, I want to see if I can find this tweet because now that I think about it, it would be pretty funny to point out in retrospect. Unknown_15: Um... 0:55:42 Unknown_15: Or some bullshit thing where he was like... Oh, I don't know. Unknown_12: I think it might be gone, or it might be hours ago that it was tweeted. He tweets so much, even now. Just, like, constant masturbation. And what I find very funny is that he posts constantly about... Oh, here it is. Unknown_12: Actually, no, this is the wrong one. But he, like, posts constantly, and I never see his, like, likes or retweets breaking specific thresholds. Like, he gets the same amount of retweets and likes and everything that he says. Unknown_12: Maybe it's getting momentum on the Twitter, but I think it's, like, contained in, like, this troonverse of fucking masturbating circle jerk of all these people who know each other and their followers. 0:56:25 Unknown_12: But I made this post because the site was briefly up and I didn't know how long it would be up. I said, it's possible to say how long things will be up. So get it out in this thread and then I'll start. And then I said Sneed and Jim added this to say, I'm a really huge anime fan. I've just been lying about hating it to fit in, which is slander. This is more, this is a greater defamation than I've endured in the entire past week from the Troon Squad. Unknown_12: But Creffles took this post, by the way, and said that I said, get your goodbye messages out because it was going down for good. And he just like he just like lies blatantly. And it's very strange to see someone lie so comfortably. Like, yeah, he says it's totally going down. He knows he's fucked and that the Troon Squad has got this on lockdown and there's no coming back from it. It's like, so the, the, in the, the gambit is that nobody's going to check, right? Nobody's going to double check and see if this is true or not. They're just going to take him at his word and say like, oh my God, yes, queen, yes, queen slay. Ethan Ralph would be like, yes, queen slay. I'll let you fart in my face. Just keep that Kiwi farms down. And that's it. That's the narrative. And that gets you money. It's very easy to make money on Twitter. 0:57:35 Unknown_12: Speaking of Ralph, Ralph has gotten into a spat with Odyssey recently. He says, Odyssey team has decided in their infinite wisdom to strike down one of my recent replays. This is despite all the other garbage about me they let run loose on their platform. As a result, I will be placing my last couple of replays on BitChute News. Unknown_12: Cozy is basically everything Odyssey promised it would be. As soon as they got a chance, they started stabbing me in the back for the phonies who don't even use their platform. I truly have free reign on cozy. Thank God for that. Here's the fun thing about this. Unknown_12: Ralph got a strike on Odyssey because he doxed some dude and his mom. And he said that I was completely justified to dox some dude and his mom because that dude doxed me and my mom. And the reality is that Ralph has basically broadcast everything about his mother himself. He didn't need to dox anybody. 0:58:13 Unknown_12: That's what he's pissed off about. So then he also, by the way, and I do not have, the archives of these are on the forum, so I have to use the Donnie Pesos archive of this. Unknown_12: Um, Unknown_12: So Ralph put this out and then has since deleted it. He said, I didn't want to put this out. I didn't want to put this out because I was so freaked out by it, but now all bets are completely off. Julian Chandra is an actual devil worshiper, and he's the guy who runs Odyssey. Literally, while my mom was dying, he was trying to get me into Satanism. 0:58:49 Unknown_12: I played it off, but WTF. Unknown_12: Ralph says, I don't know. It's a hard day, man. Unknown_12: And Chandra says, you got to talk to my guy, Moloch. I know it sounds fucking retarded. And Ralph, censor the word retarded because he would literally suck a BBC to stay and keep his checkmark on Twitter. That's basically 100% of his net worth right now. He says, I was actually thinking about that the other day because why not at this point? I mean, yeah, it does sound wild. 0:59:26 Unknown_12: I didn't catch that the first time I heard this. Unknown_12: I was actually thinking about that the other day because why not at this point? So he was already on that train. I thought I had I remembered him just kind of going along with it because it's like what a weirdo. It's like you're in a casual conversation. Someone brings up Moloch. You're like, yeah, sure, whatever, bro. But no, he's like, no, I was already I was already thinking about that. I have this fucking baby that I don't like. And I was thinking if I could sacrifice it to Moloch and get some out of it, you know, something equitable for my my sacrifice, I would be totally down with that. 1:00:08 Unknown_12: So Julian follows that up and says, yeah, man, but here's the thing. It's a crazy thing that really only crazy black women in Haiti and powerful people do, like corporate people, celebrities, et cetera, football players. Ralph says, yeah, I'm down to at least see what's up. Well, and then I can't see that because it's cut off in this clip. Unknown_12: Julian Chandra encourages Ralph to write to Moloch, says, try to write to him. He's very empathetic to suffering. And then Ralph says, send me his email again. I had it, but I lost it. But, yeah, I'll write him something tonight. I might just take the night off, to be honest. I don't know. I haven't decided yet. And then Julian sends him an email, MolochSorcery at Geno.com, and says, tell no one or it will not work for you. And then Ralph says, yeah, I'm not going to tell anyone. And then he says, call him now. How old is your mom? 1:00:43 Unknown_12: And then Julian explains that Moloch lives in Ohio. So... Unknown_12: I don't know if there's some kind of like failure of communication here. Um, I was not aware that Moloch walks the earth, uses a Gmail account and lives in Ohio, but I suppose that makes sense. I would assume that he lives in LA. Maybe he has a summer home in Ohio and he just goes there every so often from LA. 1:01:17 Unknown_12: When he wants to enjoy some cooler weather for once. I literally have no idea why the Odyssey guy worships Moloch. I don't know why Ethan Ralph has contemplated worshiping a child sacrifice god. I don't know why Moloch lives in Ohio. I don't know why he uses an email address. All I know is that... Unknown_12: uh ethan ralph got very pissy that he got a strike on odyssey and and posted this and you know to be fair this could be complete bullshit because ralph is a fucking retard uh so who knows who knows 1:02:03 Unknown_12: Oh, and speaking of, I didn't talk about this before I get into this. I'll mention briefly. There is a congresswoman named Marjorie Taylor Greene. I have vaguely heard about her because she's like a celebrity. She's like one of those celebrity politicians who like says shit that pisses people off. And everyone's like, oh, no, we have to get kind of like Matt Gaetz. Matt Gaetz is also from Florida. He's my congressman. So she's like a celebrity congresswoman. She's been elected, so she's a sitting congresswoman. She's running for re-election, and she got swatted. Someone called in with a, from what I understand, a voice synthesizer and spoke to a 911 operative using a voice synthesizer in such a way that it felt like a real conversation and said that Marjorie had shot her husband in the bathtub. 1:02:53 Unknown_12: This triggers a police investigation. Nobody's hurt. But Marjorie goes on fucking television. And, um... Shit, let me see if I have this clip. I definitely downloaded it, I think. Unknown_12: Here. Unknown_04: But also the police report states something else fairly alarming, that the suspect claims that he or she is connected to this website, which is a site that actually supports cyber stalking. The suspect even gave police their username. So basically, as you pointed out, this is a suspect admitted to intending to do harm via cyber stalking. You said you fully want to, you know, prosecute whomever did this. And I'm assuming that suspect is still at large, right? 1:03:25 Unknown_05: Yes, there's an investigation underway and there's an even investigation into whether that's really the person that did this. but isn't it concerning that such a website exists? So like, why does that even exist? That website needs to be taken down. There should be no business or any kind of service where you can target your enemy. That's absolutely absurd. And this is the type of lawlessness that Democrats want all over the country. You know, the Democrats are the party of defund the police, which has created crime that is going out of control all over the country. But it's also failure of our government and failure of our law enforcement to not take down a website like that. Like all of these types of groups need to be completely eradicated. They should not be allowed to exist. They should not be able to abuse police resources like that. And police officers, we need more police officers. We don't have enough right now. They need to be able to respond to traffic accidents as real emergencies and to calls where they've got to save someone's life, not be part of a prank or a potential way to kill someone. So, you know, that has to end. 1:04:50 Unknown_12: Just fucking shit. Unknown_12: It's it's so this is probably the most frustrating thing because it's like you have you have someone who is the victim of a crime and You know that sucks the Marjorie Marjorie Taylor Greene does not have a thread on the forum She has like a politics general thread in articles and happenings. She's not doxxed on the forum Nobody on the forum hates Marjorie Taylor Greene the form does not organize a crime against a random congresswoman but yet It is literally trivial. Anybody could do this. Get a burner phone, get one of those machine learning things to do text-to-speech, and anybody could do this crime. And that's all it takes for... 1:05:24 Unknown_12: To have a fucking congresswoman on television shouting that you have to be eradicated, like a lunatic, frothing with rage at your fucking site. And by the way, none of these people, like the police didn't email me. She didn't email me. Her staffers didn't email me. It's like, hey, what's the deal with this? The website, actually, you know why? Because the fucking site was down. The website was down when this happened. So the website responsible was not even fucking operating at the time that this happened. So there was no way. 1:05:58 Unknown_12: It's bullshit. Unknown_12: The swatting shit is more... I read a post about this, but the swatting shit to me is like, I don't know how to fix this. The victims have political interest right now. Sorry, I lost my train of thought because I saw an urgent message. 1:06:35 Unknown_12: They have political interest in getting this Unknown_12: attention from being a victim. And so the logical thing to stop it from happening is to not publicize it. But the logical thing to stop it from happening is not what benefits them in the short run. Unknown_12: uh is essentially a very effective extortion racket to try and take down the site by random fucking people literally random fucking people could be anywhere in the world could be in kuwait there could be a fat man in kuwait uh doing this just because he can and there's no there's no retort to this there's no response there's literally nothing i can do and it builds up animosity um and legitimizes bullshit grievances to uh to galvanize people against the site when it doesn't do any of this it doesn't do any of this it doesn't encourage people to do any of this and there's no like middle ground there's nothing to take away to fix it you know what i mean there's like literally nothing that can be done to fix them um yeah i am going to there's 3200 people watching this 1:07:21 Unknown_12: I'm debating what to do. Because the Matty site is also down because of the black hole. Unknown_12: I'm aware that Keffels is apparently on Cozy.TV. I don't know who the fuck with. I don't know if they're on Twitch or what. And they're advocating that the Troon Squad come out and flag this stream. So the stream is going down right now. You can continue to watch this stream. Unknown_12: If you go to t.me slash MattyOnAir and join the live stream. You can go to... Actually, I'm going to... I am going to pin this real quick. There's a bunch of... There's the odyssey link There is the vk link and that's the frustrating thing about the site being you know, i'm gonna I'm gonna link people to telegram to odyssey And to vk and the stream is going to end real quick Because i'm don't want to fuck around with that because it's going to have like mass flaggings are effective on these platforms Let's see vk 1:08:17 Unknown_12: Here's the very exciting thing of me trying to find out where my fucking VK feed is. Let's see. 1:08:51 Unknown_15: I had this all figured out, and now I've completely fucking lost it. Unknown_15: Videos. Unknown_15: Live. Unknown_15: Live streams. Unknown_15: Am I not live on Odyssey right now? Unknown_15: My videos aha, okay So there's one there's one link Then i'll link the telegram that will be two links Ah 1:09:37 Unknown_12: And then I'll link the Odyssey. If you want to support Moloch, my boy Moloch from Ohio, our red-blooded American patriot, you can do so here. Unknown_12: I'm streaming directly to Odyssey this time, so I think that the issue of buffering will be gone. Unknown_12: god i posted that and now my chat has frozen so i'm never going to be able to find my mess out there okay okay you have you have a couple minutes i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick 1:11:58 Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_12: You had your chance. Goodbye, YouTube. Unknown_12: Lazy fuckers. Unknown_13: And I will set up the Odyssey thing real quick. Unknown_12: You know, the OBS for Linux has a pause button for streaming that the Windows version does not. Actually, that's because I'm using a different encoder. Never mind. Unknown_13: I'm stupid. 1:12:29 Unknown_12: Let me get the Odyssey chat. This is very exciting. I think that the only thing I have left to talk about even is the Super Chat. So I apologize to everyone who intends to leave immediately. Actually, you know what? I do have a little bit more. I have Gavin McInnes. That also happened. Unknown_12: I was talking about swatting, which is why I pre-enabled it with the Marjorie Taylor thing. I really don't even have a solution for that. If people aren't willing to be proactive and not announcing that things are successful and harassing them, then it's like with school shootings and shit. You need some level of public participation to get that to stop. 1:13:00 Unknown_12: Okay. That's done. YouTube is gone. Apologize to the homies that we lost along the way. Let me get the Odyssey thing set up real quick. Unknown_13: So I can see my beautiful chat. Unknown_15: Pop out chat. 1:13:39 Unknown_15: Foreground. Unknown_15: Browser 180 We care about your privacy, that's wonderful, I'm very happy however, I would love for you to get the fuck out of my way So I can see my chat perfect, okay. Unknown_12: Hello everyone. Thank you for joining me on the side the side of the the stream and 1:14:12 Unknown_12: Lucas is fat and stinky. I agree. You know what's funny? I remember I saw results from a study talking about the aftercare of the neovagina, which if you don't know, the neovagina is constructed through a plastic surgery called penile scrotal flap vaginoplasty. and this is how they cut the penis in half and they make the labia out of it by stapling that back to either sides of a hole which after a couple of months of healing in a best case scenario it looks and feels like a big belly button in your crotch and the study that i saw specifically said that regardless of the quality of the aesthetics of the neo vagina belly button hole It smells. Every single participant, according to the people who conducted the study, said that the vagina hole belly button stinks. And this is interesting. Let's think about why this may be, chap. Can you think of some holes on your body? Chances are they self-clean. 1:14:55 Unknown_12: And like your mouth and butthole. Your pee hole. These are things that have a way of cleaning themselves or have to be cleaned ordinarily. The belly button, however, is more likely to stink because it can't self-clean. And when you have a giant belly button in your crotch, that's also going to stink. And there's nothing you can do to get your belly button crotch hole to stop stinking. 1:15:30 Unknown_12: Isn't that interesting? Unknown_12: It's funny to me thinking just now that this person who really fucking hates me, who is going to do everything, has vowed for the rest of his life, literally said for the rest of my life, I will do everything that I can. It is someone who literally sits in a chair and they stink. Because they have a crotch hole that cannot heal and has fungus growing in it because it's not a self-cleaning hole. It's just a stink hole. And he just sits there and the reek emanates from this person's crotch and gags them. And they, to distract themselves from the nauseating terror of their own existence, has to take it out on me. 1:16:05 Unknown_12: I am a hero for this person. I allow them to evade the terrors of being a troon. 1:16:45 Unknown_12: They're real women? Unknown_12: Nah, son. I hate to be the one to tell you, but that's a man in a dress with a belly button and a vagina. Unknown_12: Shout out to Nigga Cat. That's right. Shout out to Nigga Cat. Unknown_12: Okay, so Gavin McInnes, can someone explain to me, actually, fuck it, I'll read the superchats, or not the superchats, the tweets, and then I'll ask my chat what the fuck, because I really don't know, to be quite honest with you. 1:17:16 Unknown_12: Just got off the phone with our people. And this is in response to this happening live on air. This is Gavin McInnes, Censored.TV, which is the name of his stream. And he's talking to the police here. Someone amplified this and said, like, yeah, I'll get like a lawyer. Do we want to do this here? So the FBI, this is not a swatting attempt, by the way. This is the FBI coming in midstream and arresting Gavin McInnes. It would be on stream when it happened. Very deliberate. There's no way that that's an accident. Unknown_12: And it's confirmed later that he was arrested. He's in jail right now, from what I know. 1:17:49 Unknown_12: And he put out this statement. Unknown_12: Actually, this guy did. I've been getting a lot of people reaching out, and yes, I am aware of the situation regarding Gavin Ryan and the stream randomly getting interrupted. I got in contact with some people, and unfortunately, at this time, I cannot legally discuss what happened. I'm not sure what the coming days will bring, but the rest of us are going to try and figure this out and hopefully keep stuff going as normal as possible until there can be some answers. Things like this are scary and extremely distressing, but we're going to power through it. Keep safe, Crypt Daddy. So this guy is arrested, apparently for his involvement with Jan 6, despite being against it. 1:18:26 Unknown_12: In chat, you have to clarify to me, what the fuck? Like, Gavin McInnes is like a Ben Shapiro type, isn't he? Isn't he like a very super safe, like, trigger the libtards type? How the fuck did he get arrested for Jan 6th? Unknown_12: Maybe, what's his face? Jim has posted an update to this that I can look at. No, he has not. Without the Kiwi Farms, I'm out of the loop. Unknown_12: FBI are retarded. He started the Proud Boys, though. Are the Proud Boys even really a thing? I thought that was like a joke. 1:19:05 Unknown_12: He started the Proud Boys. Unknown_12: I really don't understand that. I really don't know anything about the Proud Boys except that they're like demonized by the media. Unknown_12: Gavin shoved a butt plug up his ass live on air. Fascinating. Unknown_12: They're a glow-up. A lot of them are in jail now. They're in LARPers. Unknown_12: Proud Boys is a joke. They're retarded but convenient enemies for the regime. Okay, so I guess that's why because he founded the Proud Boys even though he's against Jan 6th. You know, this is another example, by the way, of why I would never vote for Trump. I heard people saying, like, Trump might win. I'm not voting for him. He had the capacity to pardon all the Jan 6th people. And unless he campaigns on undoing that damage and pardoning the Jan 6th people, like, I'm not going to vote for him. There was, again, to reiterate, there was a time between January 6th and January 21st when he left office where he had no power. He was literally alone, completely isolated. Mike Pence, even Mike Pence, his vice president, had abandoned him. Everybody had abandoned him. The Congress had completely turned against him. But he had one thing that he could do. He could pardon everybody. And he chose not to. He chose not to do that. The only thing that he could have done that he had the legal capacity to do was pardon those people and it would be double jeopardy. They couldn't undo that. And he chose not to. 1:20:12 Unknown_12: So I don't know. Hey, is the stream on Odyssey working? There's like 2,500 people watching this right now on Odyssey. Is it working? Unknown_12: The fix is that I can't use Restream.io. Right now I'm blasting up from... I'm using a multi-RTMP, so I'm using my own bandwidth instead of using Restream.io. Well, fantastic then. We have a backup. You hear that, Julian? Your child sacrifices to Moloch did not go in vain. Odyssey now works. Congratulations. What a glorious day for Satanists. 1:20:45 Unknown_12: uh all right damn chat is fucking busy right now that is crazy i've never seen so much activity in the honestly chat well i'm gonna the rest of the stream has it really been an hour it doesn't feel like i've been ranting when i when i rant i lose track of time it's felt like it's been a really short stream nothing to talk about but whatever 1:21:28 Unknown_12: Before I get into Super Chats, and that's going to come up in a second, there's a lot of them to get through. I'm going to be here for like three hours because there's literally $1,000 of Super Chats. I'm sure they're going to go after that next, but maybe the Russians can hold up. Who knows? Unknown_12: Is there anything that I should talk about before? Talk about PPP and Worski. The fight hasn't happened yet, right? Has Andy Worski gotten his face caved in yet? I'll talk about that if there's a picture of him in the show. Unknown_12: Stream keeps dropping now. Unknown_12: Russians save us. Ralph has a chat like this on the internet. 1:22:05 Unknown_12: Oh, dude. Ralph's chat is dead as fuck. He's usually streaming right now. Is he on? I'm going to flex on him if it is. Unknown_12: Jimbo Zoomer is streaming. No Ralph, though. Unknown_12: Too bad. Unknown_12: Student loans. Yeah, they're talking about forgiving student loans. Unknown_12: Go for it. I don't care. The U.S. economy is a joke. I'm doom or pill about a lot of things, but if they're just going to start forgiving debt, the Republicans can't win by saying we're not going to forgive student debt because it's retarded. It's like the Democrats are just going to buy votes at this point and say, like, we're going to give you all the free stuff in the fucking world. And the Republicans don't do that. They're not going to win. 1:22:43 Unknown_12: But chances are they're also going to start, you know, the problem of two Santas. They're also going to start offering free shit to get voted. Unknown_12: And it's unsustainable. We're really at that time where it is now completely and totally unsustainable. This process of just printing money and forgiving debts and handing cash out to whoever the fuck wants it. And it's bullshit. That's why they're hiring 85,000 IRS agents to kill on site because that shit is a joke. That cannot, this cannot continue. Yeah. 1:23:20 Unknown_12: literally literally like a fake everything is just fake it's just made up a complete complete meme economy debt forgiveness happened in the roman empire before the fall well there was the jubilees that was a thing um but we don't have jubilees anymore so it just kind of undermines the the government Unknown_12: Anything else? Wiggler clips plus weight loss update. I just got my scale back in. I was busy for two weeks before, and I ate out more often than not. 1:23:53 Unknown_12: So during that time, I did not lose or gain any weight, and I'll be weighing on Sunday. Unknown_12: I'm hoping to be under 210 soon, though. I'm very close. I'm like 1111 kilograms. Unknown_12: Brian Moore Keffels. Let's see what this is. 1:24:30 Unknown_12: He thinks I'm going to get banned off Odyssey. That's so bizarre. Unknown_13: Okay, whatever. Unknown_12: um anything else all right let's i hate to rush into super chats but you know how it'd be there's a lot of them right now if you don't like super chats now is the time to leave but i do always appreciate people to stick around for the outro song and stuff i have to fix my color thing again one second oh geez that's not right 1:25:15 Unknown_15: Okay, give me a second. I have to fix this. Unknown_12: I had this all set up. I'm currently on Windows again because I had to for the video game stream. And now I'm like a lost little puppy trying to get my OBS set up to work again. Why is this so fucking bad? I don't understand. Oh, jeez. Unknown_15: Yeah, that's horrific. Unknown_15: That is really fucking ugly. All right, whatever. 1:25:53 Unknown_12: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the... Ooh, this is nice and green. Sure, whatever. This works. I'm going with this. We'll lose first. Unknown_15: Okay. Okay. Unknown_12: Ruggy for 10 says, I just can't do it. I can't take this shit no more, man. All I wanted to do, I was fucking lonely. I just wanted to have a good website. Maybe just wanted to have a good thread. I just... It's true. This is a true story. This is a true retelling. I just wanted to have a website about Kristen Wesson Chandler and now a bunch of men in drag are trying to kill me. 1:26:24 Unknown_12: uh finner did nothing wrong for five said please pray for my good friend rungle he passed away last night after someone crashed his crashed his skull with a brick if only he had been vaccinated he would not have died of covid 19 in such a brutal manner uh press f for rungle chat Unknown_12: Madclap for five says keffa was lost truans lost ralph lost may lost ppp lost dax lost tour lost comedy girl lost yana have lost his penis vita lost new zealand lost the mountain chosen lost view lost nig Well, not yet. I'm still waiting for my website to come back up Which could happen at any time if they decide to just stop fucking black holing me, but I guess there's some drama in the corporate headquarters 1:27:04 Unknown_12: ToiletDuck410 says, Winston Churchill voice. Oh, jeez. He's just, like, an alcoholic. You have to, like, flub your cheeks around to get, like, that good British... And be like... We shall laugh at the death vats. We shall laugh at the tronies. We shall laugh at the streamers and the foeys. We shall laugh at everything. We shall never surrender. That's my best Winston Churchill. I'm not drunk enough to do a Winston Churchill. There's a... 1:27:45 Unknown_12: Let me try to find this real quick and start oh They got me Interdasting Uh, winston churchill here At any rate that is what we are going to try to do That is an actual Winston Churchill quote. Unknown_12: I'll replay it in case you didn't hear it the first time. Unknown_01: At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. Unknown_12: He is saying, at any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. Unknown_01: At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. Unknown_12: That is British English. This is the language they tell us that we butcher as Americans. Unknown_12: Anyways. Unknown_12: Doug Connor for one says, Keffel should do the thug shaker. Okay. 1:28:40 Unknown_12: Danny for 20 says, Garfield cart stream, please. Also, Sam and Worski win their fights. Thank you and have a good weekend. Pimp. Unknown_12: I don't want to stream Garfield cart. Unknown_12: Worski is going to lose. That's my bet. I don't know about Sam Hyde. Sam's pretty big. He might win. Unknown_12: uh striga for two says hi josh i got you a polish silver coin from 1933 how do i send it to you um hold on to it in september i'll probably have addresses set up so people can send me stuff i appreciate it though is that the polonia one that's the one that i've been after uh poly frog for 64 for 20 says uh i stand with kiwi farms i wish you all luck and jihad against the trune ddos army god's need josh uh judas connor moon for oh i'm gonna say thank you sorry i'm very distracted right now 1:29:30 Unknown_12: uh judas connorman for five says seeking a wealthy 20 to 30 year old single true and honest boyfriend free female no trunes must be jewish have a pile of silver shekels betrayed wife material no niggos it's very racist you can't say that you can well you can't say no trunes either that's also that would get you banned off you can't if you say that like your dating profile you just get banned like you can just x out all the trunes but if you say no trunes then you get banned for discrimination or whatever Unknown_12: Sneedum Feedum for 10 says, the number of hoops one man must jump through just to laugh at retards online. I'm legitimately grateful that you put us put up with all this shit. Oh, you're very welcome. If I wasn't doing this, I'd be doing payroll still and very depressed about it. Unknown_12: Big Black Gentleman for five says, Lucas has a gaping wound between his legs that needs constant dilation to not grow itself shut. Lucas will never be a woman. Sad. That is true. That is literally why he is so angry all the time. 1:30:25 Unknown_12: Anonymous for one says, My cat is in the hospital with cancer and monkey pox. Can I get a shout out from Mr. Mittens? Shout out Mr. Mittens. Unknown_12: Mr. Mittens is probably in the same ward as Jim. They watch anime together. Unknown_12: That's so funny. Unknown_12: claudius for 50 says jersh i demand that you continue your good fight against those that would destroy the last elements of freedom in the lowercase i internet and i implore you to tell reiner he is bitch made and tasteless i have no idea who the fuck reiner is but i promise to do my best for as long as i can cap boy deconversion therapy for 50 says free speech is base and joshua moon is a sweetie pie lucas will never be a woman thank you very much i appreciate it 1:31:11 Unknown_12: Sneed for 20 says, Sneed's feed and seed. Chuck's fucking suck. Get it. Ha ha ha ha. Fucking hilarious because Sneed sells feed and seed, but Chuck sells suck and fuck. Unknown_12: Chuck sells fucking suck. Unknown_12: Thank you, Sneed. Unknown_12: Date the Inferno for $100 says, here's a down payment towards building your own Sneed net. Thank you very much. I'll get right on that. I have to buy quite a few more servers before I have the Sneed net ready to go, though. Unknown_12: Oh, man, Jesus15 says, if Christian goes to trial, you think you might have to testify over Zoom. If so, you should probably head to the Siberian Mountains and do some Rocky IV training so Ralph doesn't dabble in you. 1:31:45 Unknown_12: Maybe. I think that you can also just do audio. I don't have a webcam. They asked me to buy a webcam. I guess I have to, but I would testify. Unknown_12: Rod Collard for 10 says, I weighed the silver meme rounds. The Apotania is 483.6 grain. The Wagme is, we are going to make it as an acronym, is 481.4. The Bog coin is 482.7. And the Quick coin is 480.4. Explain this, Jersh. Anyway, the money is for the war chest. The explanation is that my coin is four nines. Those are all three nines. So it's a little bit more silver per gram. 1:32:20 Unknown_12: which is why it's just slightly smaller. Unknown_12: Vidar Viking for 250 says, I support you in the True Wars, Noel. Do you think Kefals will understand that this is like a Chinese finger trap and won't be able to break the internet because his feelings got hurt or whatever? Unknown_12: Well, I mean, there's been success in the past to have websites booted offline. Unknown_12: The difference is that we're not really like a hate site or anything. I have very strong opinions, but I think we have like trannies on the site. So I'm not advocating anyone be like killed. Like, because... The Daily Stormer got kicked off because they said, or allegedly they said, that Cloudflare endorsed them and that the guy that owns it is like a secret Nazi or whatever. And that, obviously, you can't tolerate that. You have to kick them off if they're going to do that shit. They debate that and say that's not true. But they also, I saw the article. Like, they encourage people to fuck with other people. I've never encouraged anyone to fuck with anyone, even right now, even with Keffels being such a fucking weirdo. I'm not saying like, oh, go out and fuck with them. Because you shouldn't do that because if you don't do that then they can't go on twitter and say i'm such a victim I'm such a victim and i'll never get a good night's sleep as long as this website's up because they're conspiring against me Even now even when the site's down Like just ignore the fucking freak and let him sob alone on twitter because he's completely powerless Unless he has like this victim agenda behind him Uh 1:33:30 Unknown_12: Dandy for 10 says, Gunt has always been living in a world of shit, but just think he's about to pay child support and the pedo horse will likely be back in New York by the end of the year. Maybe. He's going to pay child support, but less child support than he really should be paying because he brags about having so much money or whatever. 1:34:09 Unknown_12: Dan Hacker 5 says, weight off his chest. My guy, we saw his gunted man tits. He's got quadruple the weight on his chest and that ain't ever going away unless he gets lipo. Unknown_12: He lost. Unknown_12: Every time the site goes down, he feels like the gun has just dropped off and fallen to the floor and grown legs and walked away. He feels so much better, better than life. 1:34:40 Unknown_12: Dad for $200. Hang in there, Josh. Thank you, dad, for the $200. Nice to hear from you again. Unknown_12: Uh, anonymous for five says, Josh, you are a stubborn autistic person of technical abilities. You are what they fear most. Never forget and keep your head up. I'm really not that great at what I do. Um, sorry. Unknown_13: I just got a very stranger. 1:35:22 Unknown_12: I got a request to remove something from the site. And, uh, I don't want to say what, cause it might draw, might draw fire. It's very, it's very funny that I can just tell based on the request that I received that they wanted, um, that they are going after everybody, everything mentioned on the site, everything they like vaguely associated with the site. They are fucking flooding with, with, uh, bullshit right now. Very crazy. Unknown_15: Um, anyways, 1:35:56 Unknown_12: No, I'm not that technically capable. I'm kind of a retard, which is why I keep saying, like, if anyone wants to be stubborn and is dedicated enough and has, like, a little bit above average intelligence, you can be the change that you want to see to an extent. The most important thing is understanding your own limitations. If you understand your own limitations, you're much less likely to fuck up. Unknown_12: anonymous for one says i'm getting more of a seared flagu giga on the impossible bite that i'm actually getting on the actual no no no no this is of course a reference to those horrific threads on fucking work safe gif which have become a recurring trend because i complained about them apostle sneed for 50 says absolutely nothing thank you very much apostle sneed anonymous for 838 says keep up a good fight against the true minister still worst case you would either have to go onion only or shut down the farm go together what would you prefer i would prefer the site just go down over the onion because it's like a normal average person should be able to read a thread about somebody without any special computers without anything like that um 1:36:44 Unknown_12: I don't think it will come to that, though, because the content that I host is simply not exceptional enough to warrant this kind of attention. It's literally just that American trannies are fucking retarded and spastic and scream and pitch a fit and American companies are spineless pussies. That is literally the crux of the issue. Nobody's being hurt. There is no law against what I'm doing. It's just they bitch and cry and complain and moan and companies don't want to deal with that. They just want peace and quiet. 1:37:34 Unknown_12: Anonymous for 838, keep up the good fight against the true menace. Jersh, still in the worst case. You will either have to go... Oh, wait, no, I already read that. Vovka E. Noprostotychekai for 10 says, Our uppercase I, Internet Freedom Fighter Null, inshallah, in your will be done. And paradise will be brought nearer to the righteous not far. 50 Sarakov, the letter Kov, 31. Unknown_12: Thank you very much, and inshallah, and such and so on and so forth. 1:38:10 Unknown_12: I guess that's a base Chechen that I keep hearing about. Unknown_12: Rungle, who is dead, says 50, or wait, says for five, I support sending children pictures of Sneed in the mail without the legal guardian's consent. That is probably stalking. Don't send pictures of Sneed in the mail. The child would be confused and scared if he saw Sneed. Unknown_12: Caffles for 20 says, Hi, Joshiwashi. Heart, I want you to massage my fat rolls because I am really fat and ugly and I hate my life and I'll never be a woman. 1:38:43 Unknown_12: Unfortunately, no can do. I don't want to get that stink off my hands. I don't think it will ever come off. Adept Daniel for 10 says, Josh, I can host your site on my Xbox 360. Anyways, love your streams. Buy a bolt action 20 millimeter light rifle bolt action. When you have a true mob, you have to, you have to have a full auto or semi auto at least. Unknown_12: Shinjo Abe for one says, just make sure to ask Rikada if Temple sent his video to MGT's people explaining the Kiwi farms getting false flag. Don't worry, that will be a topic of discussion for sure. 1:39:15 Unknown_12: Just a reminder that I am talking to Rikada tomorrow at 9 p.m. EU time and I think like 4 p.m. Unknown_12: Eastern. I'm not sure. It'll be on his channel, though. Unknown_12: Small Kitten for 10 says, I am a tiny small kitten. Meow, meow, meow. My fur is so fluffy and I love eating my dry crunchies. Meow, meow, meow. My brain is small and life is so easy and good. Meow, meow, meow. Thank you, small kitten. Enjoy your crunchies, I guess. That's a truly fucking bizarre super chat. Unknown_12: Red Color for 5 says, You made it on the ADL shit list, but you're not a real skinhead to eat celeb until you make it on the Southern Poverty Law Center. Well, my boy Jacob will clear up this misunderstanding with the Jewish people. 1:39:52 Unknown_12: Uh... No worries. Ian the Hatch for $75 says, first time I've been able to catch your stream live. I appreciate the work you do for the internet. Keep struggling to achieve. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Try my best. Unknown_12: Herbie Grumpelstein Glitzerberger Steinberg for 10 says, I love the internet website Kiwi Farms and I love the Jewish people. I hope you will prevail over those weird men who cut off their dicks. Good luck, Josh. Thank you, Herbie. I appreciate it. I hope I will prevail too. 1:40:26 Unknown_12: Jared Holt, speaking of, for 15 says, we'll get through this together, best buddy. Just try and stay out of the headlines for a while. Yeah. No, don't worry. I'm going to lay low for a bit. Unknown_12: Small boss for 15 says would you ever play any game in the middle geared solid series? Also, you should start calling this your kittens. I will not do that and I have no interest in Metal Gear I might play the one that has Senator Armstrong, but from what I understand it's like a beat-em-up like near and I really don't find that kind of combat mechanic compelling Savannah is for 250 says how weird how are you be is still an option? Oh, yeah, I 1:41:06 Unknown_12: And he says, I don't know what the fuck that means. Unknown_12: But rub as in the ruble is the only option. Unknown_12: Yeah, that is strange. I have no explanation for this. Anonymous for five says, Well, I would prefer to be loved than feared. I cannot be both. 1:41:39 Unknown_12: Haram Berger for two says all these keffel problems would magically disappear if you just let the genie known as Dynastia out of his bottle. Chinese can silence the farm, but they can never, never the shitposting course of Australia. Well, Dynastia has settled down. He's a family man now. He's raising his shitballs out in the northern territory of Australia. And befriending all the local Avos, from what I understand. Unknown_12: antioch for five says if it's any consolation the other alphabets are getting sick and tired of the trend so much that there's a growing hashtag cut something like lgb without the t the infighting is glorious small smell consolation because i'm sure those people would also complain about the forum i mean really like the libertarian train of thought that's like supposedly american is is on its way out um i don't have much hope for it returning because the the demographics of the us have changed so much that nobody 1:42:31 Unknown_12: There's not many people who are like, yeah, people should be allowed to say what they want. It's always like, we need to, we need to like stomp out dissent so that we can have a more harmonious society where nobody, nobody's unhappy ever by force. Unknown_15: um anime anime for five says i really thought the nukes would drop when pelosi landed in taiwan i've never been more disappointed in your beloved chinks give it time they're sorting out sorting it out when they're gonna drop them hopefully soon though 1:43:05 Unknown_12: Anonymous for five says trailer park boys, a leap of Stan white trash sitcom and Ellen pages for a show. Didn't change her credit. I would shrewd out if Mr. Leahy was my dad. Oh, I'm sure Ellen page got super molested and she got, she got super molested by fucking David cage. David cage, like modeled her naked in this fucking game without her consent or prior approval or our knowledge. Unknown_12: Um, well, that's what causes women to try and become men getting molested. Um, Unknown_12: Small Kitten for 10 says, I want you to groom my fur and not my gender. Meow, meow, meow. Please don't neuter me. Meow, meow, meow. Scratch me above the butt. Meow, meow, meow. Please start calling us all your kittens. That is not happening. I apologize, but that's weird. Your super chats are also weird. Neon Blacks for 2 says, I can't sneed. Dude with makeup and hoop earrings for 5 says, rape time. That's not nice. 1:43:40 Unknown_12: uh twinkle tard for 100 says i'm your huckleberry and i know that's like a i don't know what that expression means but i appreciate it it's like a i've only ever heard that from um the the cowboy man from overwatch we'll say that that's one of his quotes 1:44:21 Unknown_12: Never forget for one says, Hey Josh, I've got to go to the big family, get together full of family and family, friends who don't like me. Any advice? Uh, stay quiet. Don't talk about politics and eat the food. Unknown_12: That's how you survive. Not a mess for $2 says thing with the pink pillar analogy is two is that the guy has never had a period or ever got accustomed to the internal biological actions a woman has to go through growing up. It's a, that'd be a wake up call. I mean, I'm sure that we'd find that very gender affirming. Having a period is not in and of itself being a woman. Unknown_12: I'm not sure I appreciate this exchange of weird shit in my superchats. I appreciate money, but having to read this kind of makes me very uncomfortable. 1:45:17 Unknown_12: Swoon for Trun Poon says for five irreversible damage by Abigail Schreier based Shibu tolerance is weakness and the relinquishment of morality. Reject the very notion of child abuser John Money's gender man and woman period. Unknown_12: Yeah. Um, I know there's like a thing in Israel where there is like a, the Jews and there's like a speech that I heard where a Jew in Israel was saying like the Jews in America and their hyper liberalism is going to cause a second Holocaust because they make us look so fucking stupid with all the dumb shit they pushed in the U S. Unknown_12: anonymous for one says kek over moloch get rekt to force in foreskin slurping jews kek is like egyptian it's like an anubian thing he's a he's kek if kek was real kek would be black okay i'm not sure you want to put your dog in that fight anonymous for two says the moloch tweet makes sense now rosy cozy rosy is to be sacrificed to moloch so that ralph can't be sacrificed to the corn that's true that would cancel it out and ralph would be saved for a while at least 1:46:22 Unknown_12: Heroin Addict Moloch in Ohio for five says, I want you to slobber all over my fur and then call me your tiny retarded kitten. I hope these are not chargebacks because I will be very pissed off. Unknown_12: Milk at Post for 350 says, Great stream so far. You do you. You da man. Thank you, Milk. Milk is one of the best people on Post because the other ones hate me because I'm not a white nationalist. Unknown_12: Or even if I was, I don't support their version of white nationalism. And then when I make fun of them, like I make fun of the pagans and shit, and they say, like, no, you're punching right. 1:47:00 Unknown_12: That's why Paul hates the Kiwi farmers, by the way. I said it punches right. You're not supposed to do that. You're supposed to just accept complete fucking deranged retards in your alignment. Unknown_12: uncritically uh anonymous for 10 says i'm not as hopeful as you like the alphabet mafia has truly suppressed all pushback against them well you can only suppress what's online my friend you can't suppress real life consequences for shit and the real life consequences are emerging in the form of young 20s late late teens uh d transitioners who have osteoporosis because their bones don't fucking have any density to them they literally if you take estrogen as a man your bones are going to be less dense so you have all these people who are growing up and they have serious medical conditions because of their quote-unquote reversible androgens or whatever the fuck and those people are going to be pretty pissed off that society allowed them to to do that to themselves at the age of 12 um the prophet muhammad for five says inshallah may the transvestites and eunuchs all be felled by the thousands and then he posted the bismillah thank you muhammad 1:47:42 Unknown_12: I'm sorry. I am very tired. I'm just trying to get through this at this point. If I sound less interested, it's because, number one, the Super Teds are very weird, and I don't have much to say in response to that. And then I'm also gasping for air at this point in time. BigBlackGentleman for three says, here's another donation in support of internet freedom and the support of all making trainees afraid again. Well, they don't have to be afraid. I mean, I really don't care if Keffels is afraid or not. His emotional state is completely irrelevant to me. I just want to talk about the problems. I want to talk about shit. I don't care how my talking about shit affects people. I should be allowed to say whatever the fuck I want. That's the crux here. 1:48:41 Unknown_12: Zippertits for five says, just give in and start calling us your beautiful Discord kittens. No. Unknown_12: Time Magazine for 25 says, Time Magazine mentioned the farms just now. Cloudflare is one of the companies that quietly powers internet. Researchers say it's a haven for misinformation. Take a look at time. Let's see. I'll do a quick search for Kiwi Farms. 1:49:14 Unknown_12: Chris Stokel Walker. Unknown_12: Oh my God. Kiwi Farms is mentioned like eight times in the list. Unknown_12: Recently, it's been under pressure from activists urging it to withdraw support from Kiwi Farms, an online group that's called the web's biggest community of stalkers. Kiwi Farms is reportedly behind an ongoing harassment campaign. Fuck off. Unknown_12: Insider has reported that in the past, harassment campaigns from Kiwi Farms have been linked to three deaths by suicide. Also bullshit. Fuck off. Although Cloudflare does not host Kiwi Farms and so does not have any control over whether it stays online, it does provide several key services for the site Axios Reports. Critics say that Cloudflare are turning a blind eye to hate and misinformation. 1:49:46 Unknown_12: To date, Cloudflare has declined to comment on the allegations of whether it will continue to work with Kiwi Farms. The company did not respond to Times requests. Blah, blah, blah. Unknown_12: Cloudflare isn't alone in its hands-off attitude. Other companies also continue to provide services that, if denied to toxic sites like Kiwi Farms, would bring those websites down. I wonder at what point, historically, that this became okay for major publications to just go and say people... 1:50:32 Unknown_12: don't deserve to say shit. People should only be allowed to say what we think is correct, what is certified true, and on specific platforms which enforce our standards. What time did that happen? Because it's fucking disgusting. Unknown_12: Farmer for $100 says, hope everything turns out well. Me too. Thank you, Farmer. Anonymous for 25 says, thank you for everything over the years, Joshua, the legionary who nevertheless has left his post Pompeii even as the mountain erupted. Well, I'm hopefully not going to be encased in an obsidian by the end of this. RollPana for 15 says, thank you for the awesome content this week, Josh. I really enjoyed this episode. I hope the site gets back up soon. Have a great weekend. And then the flag of Korea. Thank you, Ropana. Yeah, for the weekend, I'm probably just going to relax and play Dota. I'm not going to stream over the weekend, I apologize, but I'm literally just waiting for shit to come back up at this point. 1:51:06 Unknown_15: Because it's just out of my hands. Unknown_15: Animal Traffic Control for 5 says... What is E926? 1:51:51 Unknown_12: Is this like a furry porn site? Unknown_12: Why are people uploading my fan art to a furry site? It's not a furry thing. Unknown_12: Here's a comment left on what appears to be a furry porn site. Unknown_12: Left on one of my pictures. Ready? After reading the stuff he did to Chris Chan, I cannot hate nor null nor downvote this. The owner of a forum originally made to poke fun at him was also the last one that helped him out the most. 1:52:25 Unknown_12: And then someone replies to this and says, I can still think of many reasons to hate him, in fact. Unknown_12: Pass. Oh, my God. Anything that mentioned Kiwi Farms is, like, super downvoted on this site. There's one that's, like, a really cute pixel art, and it has negative 46. And someone says, what's with the downvotes? I thought this was a site for art, not opinions on certain platforms. And the guy replies, because it's Kiwi Farms. Unknown_12: funny jushua kumar moon for 41 says thank you for the show every week love the intro and outro songs trainees will never be women see them dilate lucas that's true i have a good outro i've been on a jury jury streak i think every week i've had a jury song for the last while i have another one picked out for this 1:53:09 Unknown_12: I mean, I don't know. I think he's left Canada at this point, so we can just do line-crossing harassment and whatever the fuck he wants and not have to worry about being arrested. I concur. Unknown_12: Anonymous for one says, damn, those super chat sections get longer and longer. Yeah, no shit. I might have to start doing the Nick Riccato thing where it's like only $20. Give me $20 if you want your super chat read. 1:53:41 Unknown_12: Sargoyle for five says, cuckold one, we're intercepting gay son five. Come in hot. Unknown_12: Which is a reference to my stupid-ass fucking stream I did last. Unknown_12: Thank you. KettleClubbers4One says, Rakata is 2 p.m. Central Time. There you go. Unknown_12: I will be there, and it will be super late in the evening for me, but I'll manage. Unknown_12: Anonymous for one says, thank you for running your shitty little site. I met my hubby because of your internet antics. Don't let the turkeys get you down, man. I appreciate it. Congratulations on your psychotic arrangement of marriage. 1:54:16 Unknown_12: There are a lot of people who have gotten married from the site. It's scary. Unknown_12: Sneed Posting for 5 says, sorry, had more Sneed to post. Sneed, Sneed, Sneed. Thank you again, Sneed Posting. Unknown_12: And I also, I continue to agree. Anonymous for 2 says, I haven't met an Israeli Jew so far who hasn't wished death upon all American Jews unironically. Yeah, it do be like that. Because if you're just like a, you know, Israel is not like a super rich country. It's very developed, but it's still very much like a Middle Eastern country. So it's very conservative. Israel is a very conservative place. Then they look at the West and 1:54:49 Unknown_12: and they see, like, this unbridled degeneracy pumped out by men in dresses that also are Jewish, and they're like, oh, my fucking God. Unknown_12: Not this shit. Not this again. Unknown_12: MLA for 125 says, Ralph of Mail says, Queen Kaffel's warning, extremely not safe for life. Unknown_12: Oh, is this what I think it is? Um... Unknown_12: I don't know if I want to download this. Unknown_12: I think this is probably... You've been waiting a while for this, you stupid cuck. 1:55:37 Unknown_07: What's wrong with you that you want this? Unknown_12: Cut back now. Doesn't matter to me, though. Cut back now. Unknown_07: I'll give it to you, you little bitch. Unknown_12: This needs more Ralph. Unknown_07: You stupid fuck. Unknown_12: No, there's not enough Ralph in this. Unknown_11: Oh, man. They hated that. Who did they think? I think some people were genuinely surprised. Unknown_12: You fucked it up. Your execution was poor. It should have been like three seconds. And then Ralph saying, Queen Cuffalls. And he's like, what's wrong with you, you stupid cuck? And then the hard cut to the fart. And then Ralph saying, Queen Cuffalls. That's what I call her. And that would be perfect. That's what you should have done. Simple, my friend. Simple. But nice try. 1:56:10 Unknown_12: Leave the memeing to the experts. The Scout 5 says, Josh, when is the next video stream you should play TF2 with your fans on? Maybe one day, but not this weekend. Apologies. Ropana from 5 says, I want to thank you for reading all our super chats, even though those are pretty weird. Stay hydrated. And then the flag of Korea again. Unknown_12: I drink all my water already, which is why I'm so dehydrated now. Unknown_12: RedColor410 says, having four nines in your meme coin doesn't cancel out the fact that your coin is barely 480 grains, one troy ounce, when a aputania is 483 grains, even factoring in one less nine. Please don't make another coin. Okay, don't buy them. 1:56:50 Unknown_12: I don't think you know math, though. Whatever. Well, it's a bit of a delayed one because they're very much not right now, but that's okay. Unknown_12: um and they'll be back i have to i'm gonna have to figure out a way to like decentralize my setup because right now having having no backup is obviously not working out large child for five says rip the maddie splinter server got shut down and the users were purged the bard was always the worst that's weird i didn't know there was a maddie splinter discord i told you discord's fucking shit i don't know why you don't listen 1:57:39 Unknown_12: Lucka42 says, hey Josh, thanks for everything you do, by the way. You also want World War II coins like winter help or grain token coins or only old money. I want silver. It is not old coins that I like. It's silver coins. Unknown_12: But specifically old currency that's silver is what I like the most. Unknown_12: I drew you another thing. Happy Friday. It's from Glepp for $1.00. Unknown_12: It's an anti-cop thing, which I'll throw up on the screen. Mama Moon. Don't turn my mom into a dog. She doesn't even like dogs. She's a cat person. 1:58:16 Unknown_12: Vidar Viking for $6.27. Is this many rubles enough? I mean, there's not like a minimum. Unknown_12: I read everything like it's sent. But yeah, sure. Whatever. Why are you even sending rubles? You live in fucking Norway. Just to send like Norwegian kroner. Unknown_12: Uh, I think that's all. Unknown_12: The super chats are like still coming in. There's like a delay or something. All right. I fucked up somehow. 1:58:47 Unknown_12: Well, maybe it broke the donation alerts. Unknown_12: Alright, that's all. Don't send any more in, please. Unknown_12: I will probably stream next Friday. I will not be streaming on YouTube next Friday. I'll be streaming on Odyssey or in the other backups. Because the heat is too much right now. Obviously, the troon regraded out in force, mass reporting and such. So... So... Let's see... 1:59:26 Unknown_12: I think that's all. Unknown_12: I'll see you then. Unknown_12: Relax. Play some video games. Sight will probably be back up eventually. It sucks that if it had stayed up during this, it would have gained a lot of momentum that has been lost because of the downtime. But it usually recovers in due time. Unknown_12: And I will... Oh, wait. I didn't need to change that back yet. Unknown_12: Okay, I'll see you then. Thanks for the support, everybody. Thanks for the kind words. Thanks for all the money. People have been sending in tons of money through cryptocurrency and shit. 1:59:57 Unknown_12: Finances are not where we're hurting right now, surprisingly. Unknown_12: And yeah, that's all. Bye-bye. Where's my music at? Unknown_13: Before I pass out. Unknown_13: Oh, jeez. Unknown_13: Okay, bye-bye. 2:00:50 Unknown_02: Seems to notice We're still swimming upstream With the best of us Another summer passes by Like water through our fingers Crows feet creep a little deeper Creasing like a piece of paper But origami never seemed so beautiful Unknown_03: It's too tough I'll have it all, maybe I can let it slide I'll have a cigarette, try another time What's the point if you never start from home? Unknown_02: But I'm not keeping calm We were once so young and 2:01:52 Unknown_02: We used to care so much about the pimples on our faces No one ever told us it's the words that stay We used to daydream about the things we've come to call mundane Always keeping our eyes fixed upon the next thing that we think we know Unknown_03: Bye. Bye. Bye. 2:03:54 Unknown_03: But I'm not capable.