0:00:33 Unknown_00: Oh chat, only the few and the proud who really follow the streams would know about this on a Thursday. On a Thursday nonetheless. Unknown_00: I was gonna do just a normal typical average stream today and then I started taking notes and I started doing notes and I realized that Unknown_00: I had essentially just written a person stream about someone in particular, so I figured, you know what, I'll just do a stream dedicated to this person. A person whose rabbit hole I've basically just fallen down on. I've heard the rumblings, the chaos surrounding Holly Dance and her son. Archie Battersby and then the off chance that you are listening to this and you have no idea who I am and you have no idea what the forum is which is going to be likely because there's a lot of British media attention so there are going to be random Facebook mums who stumble on this 0:01:14 Unknown_00: I run a website about crazy people called the Kiwi Farms and this woman has been receiving a lot of attention on the forum because it's not Facebook and you can say whatever you want about a person and even her seriously disabled child and that is... Unknown_00: That is why so many people are linking to the forum right now. I'm getting like two dozen registrations a day from co.uk email addresses just so they can post in this thread saying, is this kid dead yet? And I will explain why. There's a lot of people who are rooting for a child to die, which seems like a strange statement. 0:02:04 Unknown_00: So I guess let's just get into it. I don't know how long this will take or if it'll be a short stream, but here we go. This is Holly Dance. She is a stripper. She is what's called a ring girl, which I guess is the British way of saying a call girl, which is a very polite way of saying a prostitute. Holly Dance is a prostitute. She has three children, and she's addicted to social media. She has a Facebook account, and her 12-year-old son has a very active TikTok, which we'll get into. 0:02:43 Unknown_00: But here she is, and here is... I mean, she just looks so British. All these people look so British, it's painful. Here's a nice video of her and her middle child. Unknown_06: In the toilet. Unknown_06: I love the word slag because the word slag is like uniquely British and also the most appropriate word for basically every British one that I've ever seen. 0:03:21 Unknown_00: Oh, it's not the first, it's the fourth. Sorry, I can't keep up with anything anymore. Unknown_00: By the way, I should mention, since she was dancing, that this woman's original name was Lisa Pitaway, but she legally changed her name to Holly Dance. That is a name that she has chosen for herself. And though she has three children, her youngest is named Archie. who is a little boy. Unknown_00: He looks so small in his pictures. I'm aware that he's 12 now, but every picture of him, I don't know if they're just old or what, but he looks significantly younger in these photos than his actual age. 0:04:01 Unknown_00: So here she is with Archie, probably her favorite. She seems to really, really adore him. And he has behavioral issues. Unknown_00: He was expelled, or I think they describe it as being removed from school. But he was removed from school, here in eight, so this is 2018, he's having behavioral issues. Unknown_00: And she literally cannot place him in a school. So she has to sue a school to get her poor son, Archie, placed into one of England's finest boarding schools. 0:04:36 Unknown_00: And this is also him. He has that really ridiculous Zoomer haircut, which is like a perm. It looks like pasta noodles. Unknown_00: And I guess this kind of shows off his behavioral issues. Like I said, he looks so small and it's hard to place why he looks so little. I don't know what it is. Unknown_06: You know what I'm saying? How does she look? Unknown_06: Tell him. Unknown_06: Tell him, real members, tell him. Unknown_00: That's one of the things that got posted for him. I guess just to show that if he has behavioral issues, he's probably picking up from his mom. I cannot tell, by the way, where the dad is. The dad is mentioned nowhere. She has three children to two different fathers. Archie is the only child of the father named Battersby, but in all the court filings and stuff, he shows up nowhere. He apparently has no presence in the kid's life, which is sad. Also very strangely this kid is fucking ripped. He's like a gymnast. He's like an award-winning gymnast there's lots of pictures of him doing gymnastics and He is fucking buff and he's good at gymnastic gymnastics, which is kind of impressive So I what I think actually happened is that when he was a littler kid he had more behavioral issues but then as he grew up he got into gymnastics and stuff and Because I think he is small. He kind of like buffed up and Problems resolved themselves because he wasn't so easy to pick on 0:05:57 Unknown_00: So yeah, that's them. And she's not like parent of the year material, right? But at least you can say she's not in charge of anything important. She's not making any life or death decisions, right? So, no worries there. Unknown_00: His, by the way, this has become a point of issue, and it will be obvious why in a second, but this is his TikTok called painhub1679. If you looking for boy, lives UK, age 10, fave color red, fave tang anime, always depressed, laughing crying emoji. And people have said, oh, this child named Pain Hub, with like a Pornhub modified thing, that's like the Pornhub logo, but it says Pain Hub, and he's like 10, and he says he's depressed, and he watches anime. These are all bad signs for Archie boy. I don't know, I think that's just Zoomer humor. I think Zoomer humor is just like, I wanna kill myself, lol. And they all do that, and it's just like a thing they say. I'm not sure if they're actually all chronically depressed, if that's just a product of the environment, or if that is the reality of the situation. I think it is just their humor, though. Their humor is that they are depressed. 0:07:27 Unknown_00: A lot of people think that he was suicidal, but I'm not so sure. I think that's just what kids say these days. Though, I might be a little bit depressed if my mom put a video like this of me on the internet. Unknown_00: He's very young here. And he found her stripper clothes. Unknown_00: And she decided to put him talking on the internet. Unknown_00: So that might be the reason why he's in pain constantly, but I don't know. That's just slag parenting, I guess. And by the way, I found this very funny, but her actual email that she's using on all her court shit is poldantuk at hotmail.co.uk. 0:08:11 Unknown_00: So even as of April 27, 2022, she is still Pole Dance UK at hon.co.uk because she did a pole dancing class. Unknown_00: Her company went under, but she's kept the name apparently. Unknown_00: By the way, what is this? This Archie's ongoing care from the NHS. That's the health care service, right? Unknown_00: Chat, it appears that something has happened to Archie, which may or may not become a national issue in the UK at this point in time. Unknown_00: Unfortunately. Unknown_00: Archie suffered an accident. Unknown_00: And it's hard to describe what actually happened to him. But he is brain damaged. I'll just put that out there. He's brain damaged. He's dead. 0:08:51 Unknown_00: But he's still alive. And therein is the main point of contention for this story. Unknown_00: So, yes, it's very sad. Unknown_00: I kind of want to describe what happened because it's not obvious what happened. Her story has changed many times and has kind of diverged on its own path more than a couple times. So the first story that she told was 0:09:25 Unknown_00: Archie went out of sight for 10 minutes. She found him hanging by a cord. She cut him and he fell down eight feet. I don't know if eight feet is what she said or if that's like someone's guess, but that's what I have been told. She then ran out and got a neighbor for help. The neighbor performed CPR until paramedics arrived. Unknown_00: Number two. This is her second story. Unknown_00: The story was modified so that there was only three minutes of oxygen and she performed CPR herself. So no running out to get the neighbor. She performs CPR on herself, on her son. 0:09:59 Unknown_00: She again modifies her story so that there is now a joke. The story is kind of longer. There's a joke that causes her to leave her room for five minutes. And when she has, apparently downstairs, she comes back upstairs and finds him asphyxiated at the top of the stairs. on the ground and that story has also changed because her reaction to the joke is different depending on when she retells it she says either there was a uh it was a funny joke and she laughed and thought it was great and then there's another story where she was pissed off by the joke it annoyed her so she laughed and then she found him dead so that has also changed that's um 0:10:49 Unknown_00: four different variations of the story. She's also recently told a story where she found him on the floor where the court was next. So the first, sorry, the first time at the top of the stairs, he was hanging still, but now he's on the ground. So that's two different positions of being asphyxiated. Unknown_00: She has also told the story where she has stepped outside and there was CPR performed by her and her going to go to the neighbor. So she has told that story in different ways too. That she went out of the room and then came back and is at the top of the stairs and she performed CPR on him. And then also a version where she went outside to get the neighbor and got the neighbor to perform CPR on him. So that's also different. 0:11:22 Unknown_00: Sometimes the joke that she explains in her room involves a rabbit. What kind of rabbit? This rabbit right here. Very, very cute rabbit. I didn't realize that rabbits could be so fluffy like that, but apparently they can be. So this rabbit has also been nominated as part of a, as a co-conspirator in this at various times. Sometimes the prank involves a rabbit and other times it does not. 0:12:00 Unknown_00: She also says that when she left, she placed a phone call. Unknown_00: And then she sometimes says that when she left, she placed several phone calls. So she's inconsistent about how long and what she's doing and who she's talking to and the time between leaving the sight of him and returning to find him dead. Unknown_00: And her newest story is just also. Unknown_00: different and strange ways. So I want to explore this with you. What I just said is kind of like a mouthful. So we're going to go over this and we're going to try to figure out how many different permutations of this exist, this story. So I have my canvas here and we're going to do some art. We're going to do some arting. You ready? So we have two different versions of Archie being dead. We have him hanging like this. 0:12:42 Unknown_00: And then we also have a version where he is on the ground dead and he is asphyxiated like this. So this is A, this is B. Then also we have two different versions where Archie was by himself. So we're going to draw a room here and we're going to put Archie in it. 0:13:16 Unknown_00: I'm going to say this is the first story is that he was alone when he hanged himself. And then the second version is he was with his mom right before he killed himself. We're going to get to the bottom of this chat. I just want to show you the absurdity of how many different times she's changed her story. And yes, I'm a great artist. Thank you. Unknown_00: Um, so then there was a version where she was at home. So I'm going to draw a nice comfy sofa here like this rectangle sofa. Unknown_00: And then mom is sitting on the couch. 0:13:53 Unknown_00: Kick the legs out, right? That's going to be A. And actually, this was A. And this is, I will draw the bunny, don't you worry. And then there was another version where she is out. This is her nice car. Unknown_00: She's at the wheel, put the wheels on it. And this is B. She was out at the time. And then she came home from dinner and found him dead. Unknown_00: Then there is the version of the story where the bunny, I cannot draw bunny ears, I apologize. I don't know how to do it. But I know they have this weird like Y-shaped nose. 0:14:30 Unknown_00: It's option A. Then there's B where the bunny is in his cage. Unknown_00: Draw a cage here and put the bunny in it. Unknown_00: And his little cottontail. Perfect, okay. So then, additionally, there is the story where she goes out and gets a neighbor who performs CPR for her on her son, Archie. And then there is the version where she on her own 0:15:11 Unknown_00: perform CPR on Archie. And that's what CPR looks like, if you don't know. And then finally, the final permutation. Unknown_00: She is making one phone call like that, or Unknown_00: We're going to go ahead and put a clock here so you can see that she made. I'm going to put her back on the sofa because she's chilling out. She said in her story she was explaining that she was kind of strutting about, strutting about while she was on the telly, talking to several people before she went upstairs and found him dead. So now we have the version where she's really, really passing times. 0:15:56 Unknown_00: As you can see. Oh, and there was another version. I forgot this. I need to adjust it. I need to do an emergency adjustment. Unknown_00: Her final story, which I did not get into detail with, was that he was up at the top of the stairs filming some sort of TikTok video where you asphyxiate yourself as like a blackout challenge. And somehow the rabbit was involved. He was using the rabbit and asphyxiating himself. And so I'm gonna add a C here where he is dead, exactly like that. 0:16:30 Unknown_00: But then we're gonna have Unknown_00: We're gonna have the bunny here with his cottontail, his ears, right? Cottontail. And then also a phone with TikTok. Unknown_00: So now we have many different versions of how this could have happened. Some combination of the boy hanging himself or also strangling himself or also strangling himself with a rabbit while filming himself for TikTok. 0:17:11 Unknown_00: by himself or just after he had an interaction with his mother. Unknown_00: While the mom was either at home or driving to home from dinner. Unknown_00: The bunny is in general a mystery figure. We don't know if he was actually there. Maybe he was just filming the TikTok video by himself. Then there's also the mystery element of the neighbor. We're not sure if the neighbor was there and if the neighbor performed CPR or if she did it all by herself. And then there's also the time element where we don't know how long it took for her to make a phone call. So something here, something between these lines happened. 0:17:50 Unknown_00: And, um, and nobody knows. Right now, this is not being treated as like a murder or negligent, uh, you know, uh, abuse of the child. It's just sort of like a mystery. What happened to Archie? He definitely hangs himself with a clothes wire somehow. Unknown_00: Um, but. Unknown_00: But the specifics only only Archie knows and unfortunately his his brain is dead. So we're not going to find out information from that. Unknown_00: And the really sad thing is. 0:18:25 Unknown_00: is that she's very she's retarded she is like all this is like a huge thing and many people are watching it and she has this huge facebook group with like thousands of mums from facebook following her on her profile as she battles the courts and she is just completely incapable of writing a sentence so i'm going to try to read this as best i can until i get Unknown_00: until I get bored of it. Unknown_00: It's quite long, actually. It's like three different pages. Unknown_00: If you can see it, the spelling is atrocious. She has something on her phone where the word your is spelled capital Y, lowercase r. I have no idea, but every fucking time she writes your, it's like that. The space is just a mess. I'll try my best, though. Unknown_00: I can do my best accent. Oh yeah, right. Unknown_00: I can only advise everyone on this page to do their own research on brain stem death. If a dead person can hold a body temperature, fight off a bug, fight off a chest infection, and fight off sepsis, can urinate concentrated urine, have a rumbling tummy, heartbeat, control his own blood pressure, pick and choose when to reflex, i.e. whose hand to hold, hold sodium levels, change potassium levels, poo or not to poo, That's Shakespearean. To poo or not to poo, that is the question. Open your eyes slightly. Tears. Absorb food. And then she detours to say yes back to 55 milliliter feed hours. Not to your choice, but outside authority overseeing now. Important notice. This is not a problem with the nurses. It's like she can't even carry a train of thought and is trying to explain that she's not combating the nurses. 0:19:22 Unknown_00: But she is, actually. And I'll explain that in a second. 0:20:07 Unknown_00: But generally, this is just to summarize that she is retarded. And she does not believe that Archie is dead because his body has not collapsed. And she claims that he will squeeze her hand, but nobody can see this. And the only video that she's ever put out, she's cupping his hand with her other hand. So it seems pretty obvious that she's clenching her hand and making him clench his hand as a result. 0:20:44 Unknown_00: She also denies, by the way, they do tests where they MRI the child to see if there's any brain activity. And then she can test that because his teeth count doesn't add up. But the MRI scans have barcodes and patient details on them, so there's no way that they got mixed up. Unknown_00: Um, but she has taken this to courts. Does Archie have a rip thing on Tay's TikTok? Yes, but it's his favorite singer Xtonation who died. Did the trolls put too into it? So and she's also blaming the trolls for for making it look like he killed himself when really it was a tragic bunny related accident and stuff and um 0:21:25 Unknown_00: Then she's talking about the finances, which I'll also get back into. But I felt it important to show you, number one, that this has a lot of attention on it. Number two, that this woman is insane. She's a slag, as we've established. Unknown_00: Okay, now, I call this segment the Gathering Storm. We've outlined who Archie is, who Holly is, that something bad has happened to Archie of indeterminate nature, and now the fun is that there is a massive shitstorm all over England regarding this child because Mom does not want him to die, but the government says he already is dead. 0:22:09 Unknown_00: And, in support of this gathering storm, there are, of course, factions. In every war, there's factions. Unknown_00: The primary parties on the internet are entirely comp... Number one, they're all Facebook mums. Number two, there are two different teams, and maybe three, but one's a supporting actor. Unknown_00: The first is Dignity For All. Dignity For All is a Facebook mums group. I keep saying that. I'm sure everyone can join, but only mums care, right? Unknown_00: The Facebook group is Dignity For All and they follow all the braindead kid cases like this. Like if you remember Charlie Gard, which by the way, just to touch on that briefly, Charlie Gard was a completely different thing. He had like a degenerative DNA thing and they They wanted to treat him for his issue in the U.S. with an experimental treatment, and the government of the U.K. said no. They said, you're not allowed to take your child out of the U.K. to go to America to get this treatment that you already have the money to pay for, because when you come back to the U.K., he will need care from the NHS, and we don't want to pay for it. So you are going to let that child die, and he did die. And that, I think, was fucking brutal. But this is very different, and there's going to be enough court documents to prove that as we go over it. 0:23:21 Unknown_00: Dignity for All watches those braindead kid cases. And then there's Archie's Army, which is a rallying of mums of the same caliber as Holly herself, supporting Archie in any way they can. Unknown_00: And there is a publicity element to this, a optics check involved, as there always is. There's an Uno reverse card on the wall. what the fuck is that like a thing in england do you hang uno reverse cards on the walls of critically ill patients to reverse the effects is that like a weird like celtic pagan ritual or some shit anyways uh so she put out this video at some point so as you see it's just gone 10 past midnight here um 0:24:17 Unknown_00: It's very quiet, I can't help you with that. Unknown_07: I'm so sorry that I've kept all of Arch's army waiting for the Court Appeal news today, but once we heard of what was going on from the trail page on Arch's allegedly arse, that we've obviously lost the appeal, we'll be shouting from the rooftops, I couldn't help but let them squirm a little bit longer. Unknown_07: But I want this obviously to go out to watchers only first thing in the morning so you can all enjoy the dance. 0:24:55 Unknown_00: So I think I've listened to this many times. It was important for me to play this I know that because it was pointing out that this was important and it caused people in her camp to be upset I think what it is is it's like She's saying that we lost the the case initially and then we're oh the boy is gonna die how sad I'm sorry, and then she's just like just kidding we won and then she does the thumbs up the big old thumbs up the the British thumbs up and And everyone's just like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Unknown_00: That's really creepy. 0:25:28 Unknown_00: So that's when the tides started to turn, and this became like an all-out war. This was the Franz Ferdinand moment, as far as I've been told. Unknown_00: So this is from Archie's Army. Unknown_00: I just wanted to say a big thank you to the highly trained intellectual bunch of neurologists, close family members, and lawyers who have been giving their invaluable opinion and information on that group we all know and love. As you can see, these people are clearly very, very smart. Seriously, what do us at Barmy Army know? Rolling eye emoji. I'm really glad these people that clearly know Archie so very well are able to educate people for us. Well, on the bright side, at least they are sharing the GoFundMe and all the fundraiser events. Thanks again. Don't you think it's a bit weird that people who think our posts are gross, repugnant, disturbing, are logging into their secret accounts to spy? Hey, spies! So she's saying, uh, fuck all you people who are saying that Archie should be pulled off life support, um, and yadda yadda, because they're taking shots at each other. But they upped the ante. 0:26:05 Unknown_00: Alicia Watkins says, Any that have their place of work, I'd contact them to highlight what lovely employees they have. Abusing and running a hate campaign on a family of a 12-year-old boy. I'm sure Barnardos would love that. If they can highlight stuff that's in public domain, then you can also. Praying hands emoji. I stopped reading it as it was winding me up. Absolute vile people. Ella Carter, the author of the original image or post says, hadn't thought of that. What a great idea. Alicia replies, definitely. I had a friend who worked within the NHS and shared a photo regarding football and Germans in reference to the war. she got pulled into a disciplinary and was basically advised to resign or be sacked they take these things so seriously nowadays and that was a good 10 years ago x what the fuck did she post in regards to germans and the war and football uh but i i don't know i guess nazi jokes and making fun are like advocating for the welfare of a child are comparable 0:27:39 Unknown_00: So in addition to that trying to get people fired from their jobs for being being against the blarmy army Unknown_00: They have also reported the admins of the Facebook account, the Dignity For All account, to the constables. This may not do anything, but worth a try. I've made a report to Met Police about that page, as what they are doing is not dignified, it's online abuse. They may be able to work with Facebook to get the page taken down. If enough people submit a report, they may act on it. as they'll do this to other families time and time again. If anyone else wants to report, you can use the reference number below. So everybody gather around and report the hate mob to the constables so that this can be taken care of and the internet can be censored correctly. 0:28:16 Unknown_00: And every good war needs a financial base to support it. Unknown_00: As I mentioned, this is national news in the United Kingdom, and there are two different crowdfunding platforms for supporting Archie. This one on GoFundMe has £34,000, and this one on JustGiving.com has £10,000. So a little over 45,000 Great British Pounds have been raised. 0:28:57 Unknown_00: for Archie? Because these funds cannot be used for the legal defense, which I'll get into, but they cannot be used for the legal problems going on. and Archie's brain dead, and in the NHS, which if you don't know, the NHS is a single-payer system, so everything is taxpayer-funded already. Everything that he's getting, which I'll cover extensively, is already paid for by the British taxpayer. So where this money goes is Holly Dance, she gets it. Now, she's saying that this will be used to pay for his care when he gets back home, but he's not going to be coming home, probably, which makes it a little bit questionable. But she has definitely received the money. 0:29:33 Unknown_00: And I should mention, although unfortunately I was not able to find a source of this, people said that she had talked about taking a trip to Thailand. And I've not been able to find the source of that, but it's something that gets brought up a lot. So if she's planning on going to Thailand soon, she covered her tracks. I didn't see the original post of that, but people seem to really be thinking about that. 0:30:09 Unknown_00: By the way, like any good fundraiser for a brain-dead child, there's a big raffle! Hi everyone! Just to let you all know, the raffle will be taking place live on Facebook on Saturday 4th, June at 6pm. Please support all you can as this is a list of some prizes. Some are tremendous and very generous of local businesses to donate to such a worthy cause and fight for Archie. £1 a strip. If you buy 20, you get 20 free. Please get in touch with either myself or Tracy for raffle tickets. Thank you for your support. There are over 40 prizes. Please see lists. Please screenshot when paid. I will close the raffle at 1 p.m. Today. So great braindead child raffle, I guess. Well, you think the money she gets from this is not going to be some pale in comparison to the 45,000 she's already gotten. 0:30:44 Unknown_00: And, uh, cause it is a, the, the, the circus, the circus of media nonsense in the UK is on its whole nother level. Uh, here is a, well, this is his older brother, his, uh, rather his stepbrother, um, from a different father, but, uh, his brother has gotten a full back tattoo of that kid, which is fucking crazy. Um, 0:31:30 Unknown_00: I mean, it's not as cool as a Pikachu tattoo. I really hate portraits on tattoos. Like, this guy is obviously a very skilled tattoo artist, but there's something about black on flesh tone that never makes an appealing picture. It's just, you cannot tattoo someone's face into a skin and have it look right. I'm sorry. I mean, obviously the guy is very good at what he does, but it just doesn't work as far as I'm concerned. Unknown_00: By the way, other people have gotten tattoos regarding Archie. Not full back tattoos, but they've gotten little things on their ankles and sleeves and stuff. Very interesting. 0:32:04 Unknown_00: This is Archie now. I showed you pictures of him walking around moving. Unknown_00: This kid is emaciated. And I'll explain when I get into the court documents. I have a segment about his medical issues. He is fucking dead, and he is emaciated. He is starving, and it's really sad when you compare him to how he was. This is when he was younger, a gymnast kid, very buff, and this was him. I like this picture a lot, because he just has such a natural gangster look to him. He's got the tickets around his neck like bling. 0:32:41 Unknown_00: Very charming, not like the current pictures, which are quite unfortunate, very sad. Unknown_00: so I I mean it's just so obvious that he's dead and it's very sad and I understand it's probably very hard but she does she just does not seem emotionally affected I've watched all her videos and she seems fine she seems like oh I'm gonna lead the charge no matter what to get my son that's like yeah don't know how I feel about this 0:33:16 Unknown_00: So, now we're from the Gathering Storm, and we're now in the Brits, the Brits' Creek, not the Blitz Creek, the Brits' Creek. Unknown_00: Here is Holly Dance, pictured as Juicy, out with her family, outside the court system, and she is fighting the good fight to keep poor little Archie alive. Unknown_00: Now I should explain the British court system a little bit, so that when I parse through these, I'm not gonna read any court documents, but I am gonna summarize what they are and what they say. Unknown_00: The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. This is the head of state. This woman technically owns all of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some parts of Africa, a bunch of islands, and also the United Kingdom. 0:33:55 Unknown_00: Most powerful woman, most powerful person on the planet, by some estimates, And she's very busy. She does not have time to oversee her entire domain by herself. So she has allowed the peasantry to assemble a court system. And because she allowed the British people, the peasants, to assemble their court system, it's fucking incomprehensible. Here we have the layout of the court system. You have the lower courts down there, magistrates' court, county court, family court. Magistrates' court, of course, goes to the Crown Court, and all these go into the High Court of Justices, split up between the Queen's Bench, the Chancery Division, and the Family Division, which, of course, these are all accountable to the Court of Appeal, and that is under the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. 0:34:27 Unknown_00: Good luck figuring that out. I don't know why things are named after the queen, but they are. She owns it, I guess. It's important. Unknown_00: It's a good thing that the queen has lived for 90 years because they're going to have to change all this to the king's bench eventually. 0:35:04 Unknown_00: So the first case. Unknown_00: The trust of Archie, which is the government NHS minder, who essentially looks after the child and makes sure that his interests are represented, even against his family, petitions the court, the family court. So here we are, we're down here in the family court. Actually, I think this might even start in the high court of justice. So we just skip the lower courts. We're already in the high court of justice family division, and we're petitioning Mrs. Justice R. Bufnot for a right to terminate the life of Archie. 0:35:37 Unknown_00: So, the hospital. Unknown_00: This is what is covered in this document. This is the initial evidency from Archie's trust to the court system that he should be taken off life support. Unknown_00: Actually, no. This first case is just to get a brain stem test performed. The hospital wants to do a brain stem test. But the mom is refusing to let them do a brainstem test to see if the brainstem is alive in Archie. So the tests initially show, they do what they can from the tests that she allows. The tests show that Archie has diabetes insipidus, which sounds very scary and it is extremely terrifying. It's not regular diabetes. It causes constant urination. Your body no longer has any ability to regulate its own fluids. And it is strongly correlated with brainstem death because when your brainstem is dying, your brain is no longer able to regulate your body in many different ways. 0:36:19 Unknown_00: The MRI scan that was conducted showed global brain dysfunction and it also showed no spinal injury, which is important for later. 0:37:02 Unknown_00: They brought in an independent doctor who found no reaction to pain or light. So he pressed on, basically take your index finger and your thumb and put your other thumb between it and press very hard. It will hurt. Usually, when someone is encountering pain like that, they will flinch, they'll move their hand, they will attempt to stop the pain. In a brain-dead patient, they will not do that. The pupils did not react, did not dilate, did not look around when there was a light source. Unknown_00: He poured cold water in the ear of Archie, and there was no physical reaction to that. He took a suction, like a dental suction hose, 0:37:41 Unknown_00: and put it in his throat and sucked saliva from the back of his throat. In a normal person, this would trigger a gag reflex. Archie did not gag. Unknown_00: The doctor concluded that he was unable to achieve any physical response from Archie. Nothing. Nothing he did caused that boy to twitch or move or react, even involuntarily, from anything. Unknown_00: The brainstem test does have one other component to it. They remove the ventilator. When you are on a ventilator, the ventilator is a giant machine that breathes for you. You have a tube down your neck, it's called an intubation, and they will keep you alive artificially by breathing for you. 0:38:18 Unknown_00: Part of your basic bodily functions, even when you're unconscious, is to breathe. Your brain will try to breathe no matter what happens to you, if it's alive. So they went to remove the machine to test and see if Archie is able to breathe on his own, which is very important. Obviously. And mom said, no. Unknown_00: Mom said, no, you're not going to take my son off inhalation because it could cause more oxygen deprivation and brain death. So she did not consent to it, which caused the trustee to file to the court that I've mentioned before, asking for permission to conduct the test without her consent. 0:38:57 Unknown_00: And on May 13th, so this starts in April, by the way. I think it's April 8th that the accident happens. May 13th, a full month later, the court approves for the brain stem test, including the intubation. Unknown_00: So. Unknown_00: Second case. Unknown_00: The court has issued a censor, because this is already big news. She's gone to the Facebook moms, and now it's reaching Sky, it's reaching Daily Mail. Everyone's paying attention to this case. The court orders a censor of any hospital staff who do not wish to be identified, who do not volunteer or consent, basically, to be identified. So they're protecting the people involved. This is not a thing that happens in America. You can't do this, but they're basically saying, please mind the privacy of the people involved, because this is a big story, and they're just trying to do their jobs. 0:39:39 Unknown_00: Holly lied about the results of the brainstem test, and the hospital confirmed that she was lying. Basically, I think that's the hand thing that I mentioned before that she was lying about. The hospital does the brainstem test and also does a nerve conduction test, which is when you use, I think it's electricity that they use to try and stimulate a reflex from the body, and there is no response, so the trial is aborted. To put that simply, from what I understand, when the nerve conduction study does not yield a response from the patient, they do not have, they cannot conduct the brainstem test because the body is too dead to test on. There is no point. So basically, she managed to stop the brainstem test only for them to conduct the test, only to realize that they do not need to conduct the test because that boy is fucking dead. 0:40:23 Unknown_00: uh... holly then accused the hospitals and the doctors are professional misconduct including mixing up the m r i imaging uh... that was also disproven they were correct they were archie and on may thirty first of final m r i to date was performed on archie which confirms there is no blood flow anywhere in his brain not now is the brain dead there is no blood flow in the brain. It is fucking pooling in his skull. The brain is inflamed. The brainstem is being pressed against the back of the skull and the spinal cord. 0:41:19 Unknown_00: The brain is necrotic and rotting in his skull. 30% of the brainstem had been necrotized at this point. And the doctor said that what they were looking at was more consistent with a decaying corpse than a living child. Unknown_00: So he's dead. He's very dead. It's not even a matter of if he's dead. He is 100% dead, except for the fact that there is a pulse. That is the only thing that's still working in the body. 0:41:52 Unknown_00: Ms. Justice R. Buthnot, on June 13th at this point, so it's already been another month, issues the statement, Unknown_00: that I give permission to the medical professionals at the Royal London Hospital to one, cease to ventilate mechanically Archie Battersby, two, to extubate Archie Battersby, which means to remove the tube, three, to cease the administration of medication to Archie Battersby, and four, not attempt any cardio or pulmonary resuscitation on Archie's Battersby when cardiac output ceases or respiratory effort ceases. 0:42:38 Unknown_00: So, Unknown_00: The state wins. It's time to put Archie down, to let him go. It's a happy ending, Chuck, except it's not. She filed an appeal, and she won the appeal. Immediately, she files with vast financial support that has been given to her. And... Unknown_00: Sir Geoffrey Voss, Master of the Rolls and Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, and Lady Justice King of the Appellate Court, review the appeal and find that, number one, Archie is super fucking dead. However, on technicality, the lower court, which would be the high family court, 0:43:21 Unknown_00: fucked up there was a technical issue the original case should have been a quote-unquote best interest case not a quote-unquote declaration of death case because in a best interest case it is a criminal standard of death and not a civil standard of death which is applied to check and see if the person's dead so they did the wrong test they filed the wrong form and it's wrong so now you get to go back and you get to do it again and you need to send it the right way this time even though The appellate court, Sir Geoffrey Vost, Master of the Rule, Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, and Lady Justice King completely and totally agree that Archie is fucking dead and there's no way he's coming back. 0:43:59 Unknown_00: So case three. We're back to, no, sorry, this is Mr. Justice Hayden now. Unknown_00: in the High Court of Justice Family Division, July 15th. It is now April, May, June, July. We're in month four, right? Can I count? Is this the fourth month since Archie has died that it's still being kicked around in the courts? Unknown_00: He reiterates. 0:44:41 Unknown_00: Archie is entirely unresponsive with absent pupillary cough gag. Oh, sorry, this is from the filings from the hospital. He is entirely unresponsive with absent pupillary cough gag, corneal and ocular vestibular reflexes. He also found that there is no respiratory effort during a two-minute informal apnea test. So I think they did the test which removes extubation and involves extubation, and they found that he does not breathe on his own. Unknown_00: And the hospital also attempts to prove that not only are the continued medical efforts not helping, they are actually actively hurting Archie. And now I would like to go over everything that the NHS and the taxpayer is paying for and doing every day. 0:45:21 Unknown_00: He is under 24-7 observation with one dedicated nurse, sometimes two dedicated nurses, just waiting on Archie. There is continuous invasive monitoring of his blood pressure, heart rate, urine output, and the involved treatments to keep those parameters correct. There is ventilation requiring invasive intubation, which damages the esophagus over time. There is routine care involved in all unconscious patients, such as turning, wiping, suctioning, and physiotherapy of the chest. So basically, if you lay in the same position for too many hours, you'll start to develop bed sores. So nurses, I think every four hours, they have to, four or six hours, they have to roll you over so that your skin gets air so that you don't get bed sores. 0:46:04 Unknown_00: They also have to wipe you because when you have diabetes insipidus, you can't control your urine output. And in his case, he's also, I'll explain in a second, but he has no control over his bowels. They have to suction him because he drools and he can't manage that at all. Unknown_00: That's also required. And I think the physiotherapy of the chest, when you are a coma patient, your muscles start to atrophy. As you can see in that picture of him, there were very skint muscles on him. And part of the work of the nurses is to make sure that the muscles do not atrophy so much that when he wakes up, he's unable to breathe on his own. So they have to exercise the muscles for him. 0:46:44 Unknown_00: Then, there is help dealing with infections, because he will get infections just laying there, not, you know, in a bed. Unknown_00: There is hourly drug administrations to deal with his diabetes insipidus, because the way that that works is, because he doesn't regulate his own fluids at all, sometimes he'll pee way too much, sometimes he won't pee enough, and they have to adjust the dosage of a certain drug to keep him urinating at the correct level. 0:47:29 Unknown_00: And that changes every hour. So the nurses have to check the urine output and then adjust his drug dosage based on that. Unknown_00: The constant fluids due to the diabetes insipidus. The feeding by tube, which is immediately shed out as diarrhea because you need your brain to coordinate with your intestines and your stomach and your colon to make sure that everything is going correctly, that you're digesting correctly. When you don't have your brain to regulate those things, it just kind of slides through. They also have to administer drugs to make sure that the intestines digest correctly at all. The bioavailability of the nutrition in that digested food is very low because it's not being monitored correctly, but it is there. 0:48:03 Unknown_00: That's why he looks so malnourished. It's because he's not digesting correctly, even with the assistance of the drugs. Unknown_00: She mentioned, by the way, that his body produced heat. That is kind of correct. He does not produce enough heat. He's not able to regulate his own body temperature because that's also a function of the brain. Unknown_00: So he's actively warmed like you would warm a lizard in a cage because he doesn't have warm blood anymore. And they also have to give him steroid and hormone therapy, not that kind, because his brain cannot regulate his hormones anymore. Every physical function of his body is manipulated by machines and by nurses. There is not a single thing that he does except his heartbeat, which is a function of his body in and of itself. 0:48:43 Unknown_00: And then recently, this is revealed for the first time in this case, Unknown_00: As I mentioned, he is malnourished, but you could just see that just looking at him. So he's very slowly starving to death over time. So I think that even if they keep him on this hookup, he will eventually just starve because he can't eat. 0:49:24 Unknown_00: And interestingly enough, I actually found, this is like sad and horrifying, but I found this really fascinating. They performed so many tests on him to check for his hormone levels and basically everything. that he requires blood transfusions now because he cannot make enough blood to replace the blood that they're taking from him to perform the hormone test to figure out how many hormones they're going to put back inside of him. Unknown_00: Just incredible, really. So not only is he sitting there taking up all the time of the nurses and all the money and all the resources and the drugs and the hookups and yada yada, he is also taking up blood donated because he's not able to meet the demands of his body. 0:50:07 Unknown_00: The judge approves the removal of treatment and a do-not-resuscitate order. Unknown_00: Which means we win, chat. We win again, chat. We can try, we can try, but in the end, the good guys always win. Unknown_00: Except we don't win, because she kills again, and this time it goes to the Supreme Court. Unknown_00: I'm sorry chat. I forgot that for that one video I Put the gain up by 11 so that you actually hear it and now you're getting fucked in the ears Okay, I guess I can't do that anymore So she appeals directly to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and you will be very frustrated when I read this if you're not already frustrated because I 0:51:03 Unknown_00: Basically, the NHS had to put out a statement yesterday regarding the medical treatment of Archie Battersby. Absolute buffoon. Found the Brit. Unknown_00: What they say is that they cannot cease medical treatment, even though the order is given from the courts to cease medical treatment because she keeps filing appeals. Unknown_00: And they are afraid to allow the boy to die when there is ongoing litigation, even if they are being repeatedly told by the court to allow him to die. 0:51:44 Unknown_00: so here we have appeal number two before sir andrew mcfarlane president of the family division lady justice king and lord justice peter jackson who i think directed a movie in um for lord of the rings he's also now with justice on the supreme court i mean oh no this is a court of the appeal so we're okay we're not the supreme court yet we're down here in the court of appeal in the civil division under uh peter jackson who made a really nice movie once upon a time lord peter jackson that's right he got knighted after that shit Unknown_00: so the new appeal is nothing more than and this is July 25th this is right here so this new appeal is now just a Unknown_00: What's the word? It's a stalling tactic. It's delaying. It's waiting for time. Wasting time. Literally wasting time. That's all it is. The appeal contains no new information from either side. Unknown_00: Holly's Barrister's arguments were mostly ethical and statutory. So, again, relying on court procedure rather than a substantive argument about Archie's condition. 0:52:44 Unknown_00: And Holly's team actually made this statement in their filings, quote, in fact, the secondary spinal cord damage which was discovered as a result of the MRI on the 31st of May was likely to make breathing impossible and thus invalidated the apnea test. So I mentioned earlier that there was no spinal cord damage and I noted that that was important. Unknown_00: That's important because through his care in the hospital, he has somehow broken his neck. That is secondary damage. That is not a result of him hanging himself or anything. He has received a neck injury by virtue of not having any control over his body and being manhandled by staff and not having any muscles whatsoever. So he's broken his neck in the care of the hospital. And as a result, 0:53:24 Unknown_00: of the injury, they're saying that that invalidated the apnea test and we should definitely test again because this time it might say he's not brain damaged. 0:53:57 Unknown_00: The appeal on the 25th was rejected. Unknown_00: So now, can kick down the road and Lord Justice Peter Jackson, actually, it may be a different one. Oh, it's Andrew McFarlane who wrote the judgment. Unknown_00: Sure, Andrew McFarlane, president of the Family Division, wrote that he is to be taken off life support on August 1st, 2022. Unknown_00: So that was three days ago. But I regret to inform you that Archie's heart is still beating. How could this be? Unknown_00: We have now in front of us the tippy-top, as I mentioned, the Corgis, who rule over the entire court system. 0:54:36 Unknown_00: And this is actually a beautiful building, I have to say. Keep that in mind, this is what the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom looks like. Really, really beautiful, beautiful structure, beautiful masonry. Unknown_00: But first, actually, before she appealed to the Unknown_00: Supreme Court, she appealed to the UN. The UN denied that outright, like the same day, immediately denied it. And then it went to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court, showing amazing speed, expeditiousness, got the case out very quickly. I think in, do I have? 0:55:14 Unknown_00: No, it's the appeals again. I don't have, I think that this one might be sealed because I don't have that document. But it got handled in like two days, I want to say. I want to say that this came out on the third. Unknown_00: Or no, the 31st. It got handled on the 31st. So immediately on the 25th, they filed with the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said, after the Supreme Court ruling came out on the 25th, they filed again with the UK Supreme Court. And then the UK Supreme Court ruled, I think, on the 31st or the 29th, one of those days. 0:55:48 Unknown_00: that, quote, Lord Hodge, the Deputy President of the Supreme Court, Lord Kitchen, and Lord Steffens have considered the application for permission to appeal the decision of the Court of Appeal, who have refused permission to appeal to that court, not to grant a longer stay of the orders of Hayden J. dated 15 July, 22, which will result in withdrawal of life-standing treatment from Archie Battersby. So the first date was supposed to stick around, but because of the appeal, it got kicked back to the third. Unknown_00: And then she's taken it one step further. She is now appealing to the European Court of Human Rights. And I pointed out how nice this building is. I want to point out how hideous this building is. This is the human right. This is the highest. What the fuck? This is the highest court of appeals. Why is that happening? I'm getting felted by Firefox here. 0:56:39 Unknown_00: This is the highest court of appeals in the UK. Unknown_00: And it is hideous. It's one of the ugliest fucking things I've ever seen. And it was made by this guy, Richard Rogers. Unknown_00: Let's see. Richard Rogers was born in Florence, Tuscany into an Anglo-Italian family. Unknown_00: Cousin of the Italian Jewish architect, Ernesto Nathan Rogers. Unknown_00: Oh, he's a lord. Lord Rogers of Riverside. Very, very fascinating chap. 0:57:10 Unknown_00: Anyways. Unknown_00: There was also an emergency hearing. Unknown_00: In regards to if the emergency hearing was to stop it until the UN could review, this was also denied. The Supreme Court denied the UN possible review. Unknown_00: And then they submitted to the European Court of Human Rights for requesting the stay on removal of ventilator. That was also denied that was removed that was withdrawn today at 11 a.m.. And now appeal 3 Was submitted to and this is their press release by the way They said that we are not going to look how fucking ugly that thing is We're not going to deal with this. Sorry. Which, by the way, I've only heard of the European Court of Human Rights in regards to Count Dankula's appeal from the Supreme Court of Scotland. Apparently Scotland's Supreme Court is completely fucking different from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, for whatever reason. But they both appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, and the European Court of Human Rights has both times told them to fuck off, so I guess they just don't do anything, and they take a lot of money from the EU. 0:57:43 Unknown_00: But they have again filed an appeal and this one is still waiting an output. 0:58:32 Unknown_00: They are filed for a order to allow them to move to hospice. They just want to take them and put them in hospice and care for them that way. Unknown_00: Think they're waiting on that to come out and I don't think that they're gonna win That's it There there is no there is no ending to this But like I said, I got into it and I laid it all out I thought it was fucking crazy how much they've done and I think that what's gonna happen is they're gonna run out of appeals after this appeal eventually the outrage is gonna be to such a point that they 0:59:13 Unknown_00: maybe under like police escort, remove the intubation. Because at this point, the appeals are happening so fast that it's every day. Every day an appeal is going through and being denied within a couple days. And it's effective in only tying the hands of the NHS so they cannot move through with removing his intubation. Unknown_00: uh... but as far as his condition goes that's not going to change as far as the appeals go i don't see any but i can't like it i i i really feel bad for charlie gard so you know i understand these are touchy cases and stuff but there is no fucking way his brain is literally rotting and the question is at this point uh... is are they going to be able to kick the can long enough for him to die of malnutrition or uh... brain rot Or are the courts in the UK going to actually step in and forcibly remove him from intubation? 1:00:07 Unknown_00: And that's it. I am reminded, by the way, because I am a jaded millennial. So everything that I hear about the COVID death... I'm going to risk a strike for this, by the way. Unknown_00: but every time I think I get one of these brain damage cases like this where Somebody's in a coma and they're fighting about over intubation and shit and the courts involved and like who's like Grandma wants him alive But mom says that he should have died and it's all over the news and then the Christian rights start bankrolling By the way, that's how she's affording all these lawsuits and appeals and shit. It's like the Christian rights group is called the 1:00:59 Unknown_00: a Christian concern and they're funding her, they're financing her, they're giving her money, they're giving her solicitors to file appeals for her. So it's like the Christian rights groups get involved and say, no, thou shalt not kill, you can't remove the intubation. And every time I hear about one of these cases, I think of this, because of course I do. Unknown_05: The biggest battle of all time is about to begin, the battle of the feeding tube, as people on both sides of the argument vie for media attention. 1:01:34 Unknown_01: We want all the country to see that Kenny is alive and in pain. Unknown_03: I believe the people at home can see he's not in pain because he's a tomato. You say tomato, but I say Kenny. You say Kenny, but I say tomato. Tomato! Kenny! Kenny! Unknown_04: Tomato! Uh, excuse me. Unknown_04: I, uh, just found the last page of Kenny's will. Unknown_04: What? I found the page where Kenny specified his wishes about being on life support. Unknown_03: Well, what does it say? Unknown_04: If I should ever be in a vegetative state and kept alive on life support, please, for the love of God, don't ever show me in that condition on national television. 1:02:20 Unknown_01: Ooh. Unknown_01: Whoops. Unknown_00: Whoops. Unknown_00: Whoopsie daisies. Unknown_00: Maybe the interest of the child are not being considered after all by any of the people involved. I don't know. It's hard to root for the NHS, isn't it? Right? Unknown_00: They're but they're not the ones attention whoring. I really think that She is she I mean, she's a literal Prozzie, right? Is that what they call them in the UK Prozzie's? She's she's a ring girl. She's a ring girl. She's a Prozzie and She is a social media whore and she's like, ooh, this is attention. This is like free money. I don't have to work I don't have to suck dick cuz I'm getting tens of thousands of pounds from from simps on Facebook donating to my my son who's getting cared for for free and 1:02:51 Unknown_00: Yeah, I guess I should mention I didn't want to She took this picture by the way, because she accused three of the nurses working at the hospital of malpractice because Unknown_00: Whenever there's a dying child, there are the Grim Reapers. Every time someone's about to die and the conditions are favorable, the Grim Reapers come out and they start talking paperwork because they want your organs. And they will come up to the grieving Mexican and say, oh, we're so sorry about your dead, brain dead wife. And it's so tragic, but you know, five people can be saved with her organs. And the Grim Reapers are all over this and like, look, there are really sick kids who need organs. And if you keep doing this to him, the organs won't be no good. Please give us the organs. And the she's like paranoid saying, look, the nurse is trying to kill him because. The NHS wants to harvest his organs. 1:04:15 Unknown_00: Yes, it's quite so Medicine medicine's a nightmare and these cases are always pretty fucking tragic. I do I think it's just like I Think that you know The kid was like her little boy her favorite and now like her daughter her oldest son is all grown up her daughter is in her late teens and then she has a 12 year old who I Unknown_00: Now, now he's captive. He'll never, he'll never be independent. He can always be mommy's little baby boy forever. And all these people are paying attention to her and giving her money. And it's just like, yeah, this is nice. This is great. It's like she doesn't look bothered in any of the pictures and videos and stuff. 1:04:53 Unknown_00: Talk about the squirrels. What squirrels? Unknown_00: Is that thing on the background? Unknown_00: If I miss a hilarious story about squirrels, I'm going to be pissed off. Unknown_00: I even talked to people. I said, if I mention this, what things should I not? There's no mention of a squirrel. You're fucking with me. Unknown_00: OK, that is the story of Archie. Unknown_00: My streams are usually a little bit longer than this, but this is the whole story. Like I said, I think that it's going to get dried out in the peels, and then eventually they will pull the plug. 1:05:30 Unknown_00: And yeah. It's not very funny, but it's very interesting. It's a very interesting case of crazy people acting crazy. Unknown_00: I will not be streaming tomorrow, I apologize. So, if you would like, I have a song, and then as I do, I play an outro song for all my streams. However, usually I read tips, which do not show up on screen during the people streams. So what I do for people streams is I play the outro song and then I read the super chats. And I would really, really like you to listen to the outro song because it is very sad. You will probably cry if you're at all an emotional person, but I will never have another opportunity to play this song. So you just have to listen to it. And yeah, I will see you after the song plays, but that will be the official end of the stream. See you in a bit. 1:06:08 Unknown_02: Oh, I bid farewell to the port and the land, And I paddle away from brave England's white sands, To search for my long-ago-forgotten friends, To search for the place I hear all sailors end. 1:06:56 Unknown_00: As the souls of the dead fill the space of my mind, Unknown_02: I'll search without sleeping till peace I can find I fear not the weather, I fear not the sea I remember the fallen, do they think of me? When their bones in the ocean forever will be Plot a course to the night to a place I once knew To a place where my hope died along with my crew So I swallow my grief and face life's final test To find promise of peace and the solace of rest 1:07:36 Unknown_00: As the souls of the dead fill the space of my ears Their laughter like children, their beckoning cheers My heart longs to join them, sing songs of the sea I remember the fallen, do they think of me? Unknown_02: When their bones in the ocean forever will be. When at last before my ghostly shipmates I stand, I shed a small tear for my home upon land. Though there I speak of deaths filled with struggle and strife, Their smiles below say I don't owe them my life. Unknown_00: As the souls of the dead fill the space of my eyes And my boat listed over and tried to capsize I'm this far from drowning, this far from the sea I remember the living, do they think of me? 1:08:35 Unknown_02: When my bones in the ocean forever will be Now that I'm staring down at the darkest abyss Unknown_02: I'm not sure what I want but I don't think it's this As my comrades call to stand fast and for John I make sail for the dawn till the darkness has gone Unknown_02: The souls of the dead live for air in my mind As I live all the years that they left me behind I'll stay on the shore but still gaze at the sea I remember the fallen and they think of me For our souls in the ocean together we'll be 1:09:33 Unknown_02: I remember the fallen and they think of me. For our souls in the ocean together will be. Unknown_00: By the way, apparently chat says she lost her final appeal. Now that the song is over, I can take a moment, relax and browse my site. What's happening here? Unknown_00: Got the thread bumped up and like I said, there's so many Facebook moms posting, posting about. Oh, there's the. 1:10:19 Unknown_00: I'm getting bullied for my for my stream. Where is the. Unknown_00: Is it not even on the forum yet that the appeals are out? The appeals are supposed to be coming in at like 3 30 and Unknown_00: There's a case not appeal no news that okay, so I was being lied to They will continue to file daily appeals I'm very sure of it until the literally I literally think that this will end with the constables Walking in the court order and there will be because apparently I didn't mention this but Archie Demanded to be baptized at some point because he felt He felt like he had sinned and he had to apologize for sinning. So he wanted to be baptized She's not religious, but he made a conversion right before the accident apparently very strange so they'll probably like a minister and an Anglican minister for whatever that's worth and then the police and the doctor and they will remove it anyways saved yeah right made it yes okay let's read the hopefully the super chats won't be so depressing 1:11:34 Unknown_00: Anonymous for 10 says get a privacy.com card to donate to your oh, I have to put it on shill mode So everyone knows that I'm that I'm shilling Perfect, right No, that's too vibrant. Yeah, perfect Unknown_00: Okay. Get a privacy.com card to donate to your... Get, oh, getaprivacy.com to donate, you double neighbors. I figured it out, so can you. I mean, it's pretty fucking easy. As long as you're American. If you're British, you can't get a privacy.com card. Unknown_00: Platinum Gaming for five says, if this is your mom, I'm not surprised you have behavioral issues. Yeah, no shit. Well, I mean, he's, like I said, I didn't see his father anywhere. So you have a literal hooker mom and no dad. You're pretty fucked. 1:12:18 Unknown_00: I wouldn't really wish what he's going through on anybody. I'm glad for 15 says I am schizo after reading the Unabomber manifesto leaked the DM wire transfer scripts of my local governor of Puerto Rico and had her arrested this morning by the FBI. I hope the $15 helps. Unknown_01: What? Unknown_01: Was the governor of Puerto Rico arrested? Unknown_01: What the fuck are you talking about? Unknown_01: She was arrested. 1:12:49 Unknown_00: Huh. Well, I don't know you. I have never heard of you before. I have no association with you. Thank you for the $15, Gleb. Unknown_00: Roxanne Wolfer 20 says, Gunt voice, please. Unknown_00: Come here, Alpha Kitty, my little gun guard. Bring Papa Ralph that new bottle of booze. No need for a drinking glass. You know I'm going to finish it whole, simple as. There you go. Unknown_00: Vincent Vincent Bebacoco Mercure says for five. Do you think the dimensional image could save him? Maybe if Sonichu had sex with her after the merge the kid could be born again. No. 1:13:21 Unknown_00: I don't think that's in the cards. Unknown_00: Twigletard for ten says incredible drawing skills. Jersh, thank you. Unknown_00: Toiletduck for three says I always love a good person stream and a bowl of peas. All ducks love peas. Unknown_00: anonymous for 10 says hey jerks been watching chantelle stream any advice for someone trying to get started with web dev dev for freelance work also watch nichijo yuku best girl um i have no advice for someone who likes anime or beyond help uh but generally i would say to anyone wanting to get into web dev is to look make something that you want to use like you shouldn't have like an idea of something that would make something you do a little bit easier and that's like the first step just figure out how to get it working in javascript or whatever 1:14:13 Unknown_00: Member for 12 says why are Anglos like this? You think someone would have pulled the plug already sinking the UK to the bottom of the ocean? I mean Americans do it too. There's tons of like crazy like whenever Like whenever someone's brain dead like the family always says do everything you can do everything you can even if it's a 1% chance that she'll recover do everything that you can and It's like, okay, well, allow me to explain what everything you can means. We're going to perform CPR on a 70-year-old woman. We're going to break every bone in her ribs. Unknown_00: She's going to be in agony. If she comes to, she'll probably be brain damaged, and she'll live like another year. in pain, in a hospice, and then she'll die. I think it's a selfishness thing. For the record, by the way, here are my final wishes. 1:14:47 Unknown_00: If I am comatose, you are to kill me. If I have locked-in syndrome, you are to kill me. You are to fly me to Switzerland and have me killed by the Swiss, by Dignitas. Unknown_00: I am to be cremated, no matter what. My remains are to be shipped in a box. by a trusted person to the United Kingdom. Vordrack, named Samuel Collingwood Smith, is to be identified. You are to take my ashes, and you are to dump them in his face, preferably getting as much in his mouth as humanly possible. And that's it. Then you're done. You can fly home. Maybe get a pizza on your way back. 1:15:23 Unknown_00: Okay, um, Archibald Battersby for five says, Oi mom, stop worrying about me. I got uploaded to the blockchain when I unheroed. I met a nice couple of chaps. They call themselves Bog. P.S. Why did you delete my TikTok? Why did you delete my TikTok, you daft cunt? 1:15:57 Unknown_00: Toast for Two says, thanks for helping me lose weight and get work done, fellow mixed Sub-Saharan African male. Ya cub making white people wasn't so bad, after all, your streams are atonement for Britain existing. I'm not British, okay? I'm more African than British. I'm glad you're losing weight, my friend. Tick-tock is the Antichrist for 10 says hey, Josh. What do you know? I'm writing my last assessment before I graduate from law school while I'm listening 8 Facebook mums 8 family courts love the Queen simple as God Well, congratulations if you actually here's a fun. I mentioned Vordrack. I remember that he he's a 1:16:31 Unknown_00: friend. I forget the word of it. Okay, in the United States, nobody but lawyers can practice law. In the United Kingdom, you don't have to be educated in any way to act as a McKenzie friend. And a McKenzie friend can give legal advice without any kind of law degree. And they're cheaper than actual attorneys. But the catch is, 1:17:09 Unknown_00: It's very, very difficult to become an attorney or a solicitor in the United Kingdom because you have to go under the tutelage of other existing lawyers. So that means that the solicitors of the United Kingdom get to decide who their competition is and how much competition they get. So it's very, very exclusive to get into the guild of lawyers, I guess is what it's called. 1:17:48 Unknown_00: because you basically have to be picked by someone, apprenticed by someone who is willing to accept that you will be their competition in a couple years, as opposed to the U.S. where it's just a school that you get into and you can get a law degree relatively easily. So congratulations if you got an apprenticeship with one of those firms. I know they're very competitive. Vordrack never got into them as far as I know. Unknown_00: Inward for five says Josh, will you play the clip of you bowl decking low tax during his person stream? That was probably the cause of his mental illness. Probably, probably the legendary mythical six hour long low tax stream will definitely happen. Unknown_00: more at SUNY for two says a good person good stream Josh I'm not sure what I feel really on one hand it feels like a desperate mother looking up for a miracle after losing likely the most important person in our life I mean she's got two other kids I hate to frame it like that but like you're there is a 1:18:44 Unknown_00: Opportunity cost here where it's like you could be doing other things you could be Improving the lives of people who are around to appreciate it. You're gonna like dedicate it to Keeping someone alive whose whose brainstem is Rotten is necro necrotic. It's literally like It's falling apart inside his skull and she's like no keep him alive How awful? Unknown_00: The butthole butthole royper knows for five says lost a bet about the streams about Lockheed Martin. Let me down again sad Yeah, a lot happened this week and I will do a stream. I'll probably do a second stream Not tomorrow not tomorrow for sure. But later on maybe over the weekend. I don't know 1:19:24 Unknown_00: Common edible tater for five says send the boy home to Jesus. I agree Black man eating hamburger. It says seared bite Anonymous for five says I wish God would sink England like he did Atlantis. I always say that I say England should have been sank to the bottom of the ocean like the wall city of Atlantis The stress for five says good stream. Please do the stress sigh if you need one. Hope you feel better Unknown_00: Okay, not many. That's okay. They don't show up on stream. It's not really appropriate either way. 1:19:57 Unknown_00: I hope you have been entertained. I haven't like I haven't featured this or paid much attention to this until very recently. I'm like, you know what I should just I should just dedicate an hour to this because it's interesting. Unknown_00: Oh, well, I hope Unknown_00: I hope you guys have been entertained. I hope this will suffice for tomorrow because I will not be able to stream at all for sure. Did I miss anything? Well, I mean, I did miss a lot. There's Gunt stuff to talk about. There's Lockheed Martin stuff to talk about. There's Tranny stuff to talk about. There's, um... There's stuff. 1:20:30 Unknown_00: But, unfortunately, I don't have time right now. Unknown_01: Okay. Unknown_00: Yeah, I'm done. Sorry. You're just doing it. I'm sorry. Unknown_00: It's all over. It's all over. Unknown_00: And I don't think I have another outro song because I don't do that. It always feels so awkward not ending with a song. Unknown_00: could play no no no not today I'll see you guys this sometime I will see you again within the next seven days bye bye