Hey, hey, how are you doing?
Unknown_11: I could have taken you, but you're not mine. I don't know how to count the losses. The sum is zero, I'm dying on the stage. Alone again, I'm walking without a poem. I pour liquor, kiss my neck. Hey, hey, like a drop. The truth is back in the black cascade. I see your look. I could have taken you, but you're not mine.
It's a good song, it's too bad it's ruined.
through and I will explain. This is a song which is only referred to now as the Sigma grind set theme or anthem and it's usually coupled in a meme in a meme where some cringe like you know how like boomerisms are like one-liners that boomers say which kind of makes sense but when you think about it they don't always work out That's like the Sigma grind set thing. It's like they say, here's how you pick up chicks. And it's like, or not even like to focus on chicks is like the wrong thing. You have to like make yourself Sigma. And these are the Sigma rules. I'm going to read the top comments. These are things unironically upvoted by people searching for this song. You ready?
Don't watch the sun rise, get up earlier, let the sun watch you rise. Sigma rule 117, 42,000 upvotes. If the world refuses to shake hands, shake the world. Sigma rule 4, 1.2,000 upvotes.
Unknown_03: Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. Sigma rule 80, 2.3,000 upvotes.
Stepping back is not defeat just a way to make leap two steps ahead signal rule 98 500 up votes Strong man stands up for himself a stronger man stands up for others like this is the kind of shit that like an Indian person would put on their tick-tock video that you know they're like coolie like like something happens and they're in slow-mo and they put on their shades and look away from the explosion all Bollywood so
Unknown_03: And there is a generation of lost young men, fatherless young men, who turn to the internet for idioms of advice on how to not be a complete embarrassment and failure. And they stumble upon the Sigma grind set, where they think, if I only memorize the Sigma rules, it'll change my life. Like this. FireRedGaming, silence is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. So he's like, if I just like don't talk to people, if I just like stay silent and aloof, people will think, God, he's so strong and cool.
The grind isn't over when you've reached your goal. It's over when you're dead. Oh, well, it's a cool song.
Unknown_04: It's in Russian. That's why it's cool. Anything in Russian is cool.
Unknown_04: Bro are you actually autistic?
Maybe. Actually I've been tested, I'm not autistic. Hey shit.
Unknown_03: Contrarian Josh? How am I being contrarian? I'm contrarian, oh whatever.
Unknown_03: yeah read follow your fucking sigma grind set over here i'm on my my um my gamma my gamma coin set what's a i don't know how to make a word play what's a k sound what rhymes with coin is it kappa kappa coin set that's what i'm one i'm getting i'm getting my silver uh i i showed this on my gumroad content but A Jewish guy from the forum went to Israel, and while he was in Israel, he sent me a DM on the forum, and he's like, Josh, I'm in Tel Aviv. Do you want anything? I'm like, yes. Actually, I do want something. And I instructed him to buy me a silver coin that was in the shekel denomination. and he went out to a flea market in Tel Aviv and he acquired a 1974 commemorative Hanukkah token which is 20 grams, 500 silver, 50% silver which means it is 10 grams of silver
dude this is autistic yeah welcome to my streams and i wanted to compare it on the left is another silver coin that one is 13.88 grams and it is uh i think 900 or 90 silver so that one has 12.5 grams of silver and the one on the right has 10 grams of silver so the one is significantly more pure and it has uh you can tell just by the way that it looks that it shines better And that has more silver than the one on the right. But I'm still happy to have a shekel in my collection. And 1388, that's how I remember it. It's very close. It's not exact, but it's very close.
Unknown_03: And that way, if I find one in a flea market in the wild,
Unknown_03: Leftover by the by the them on Belgrade I can I can weigh it on the spot. I'm fucking autistic. I carry like a pocket calculator or a scale I will weigh it on the spot and make a determination if it's real or not. I Because the fucking gypsies will try to steal from you. They will literally sell fake marks in flea markets. And you have to beware of the gypsies. Sigma rule 612.
Always beware of gypsies. That's the one you have to keep in your mind.
Unknown_03: Everything else takes a backseat. Just be careful of gypsies.
Unknown_03: Anyways.
Unknown_03: And now I'm getting it Okay Speaking. Okay. I do have some coins per game. I I have I don't know if I told this story on stream but my 3PL the logistics company that I complained about many times on stream sent me like bills for five dollars for months i'm thinking why the fuck are they billing me five dollars and i looked and i found out i had inventory left i'm like where the fuck did they get six silver coins from so i sent them an email and i said i don't know where these came from but please check because the last time you said i had 180 coins left over i had 90 left over so please make sure they're there and take a picture
And then they said, uh, you have four left. So margin of error, 33%. I don't know what the fuck they're doing with my coins. I don't know if some guy, I don't know if there's a gypsy there stealing my fucking coins. I don't know what is happening with my coins, but I have four left. So I'm auctioning them. I will close this auction. It's already over a thousand for all four. So I'm going to close it over the weekend. Um, cause it's probably not going to get much higher than that. But I tried to sell them on eBay. I put up my auctions. I put up four of them. And I linked people and I said, if you want to bid, here are the four listings. And they were all deleted. And I was banned from eBay in 20 minutes. Not even. In 18 minutes. eBay made the decision that I was a threat to their community. That's all it says, by the way. That my account posed a threat to the eBay community and ecosystem. And there was no appeal process. They did not invite me to challenge it in any way. They did not give a real reason. They just said, no, you're fucked.
By the way, if you, here's a fun thing. Here's a fun silver fact for you. There is, you know what, I'll pull it up. eBay, Carl Goetz, can I find this?
Just real quick.
Unknown_01: I Know I know the name of this.
Unknown_03: There's a very famous Around around the first and second war a medallion artist named Carl Goetz. They made a lot of silver
Unknown_03: silver like just like art pieces made out of metals and they're very interesting and they're very of their time and on ebay you can buy one of these no problem uh right now if you want and this is uh by carl goats and it is a picture of a black black man a black french trooper and a white woman tied to a giant black cock And as far as I'm aware, as a historian of coins, this is the first instance of Nazi BBC posting in the world. So this is a true piece of history, which is why eBay allows actual Nazi memorabilia and BBC coins on its platform. But my Kiwi Farms coin is completely unacceptable and an imminent risk to the community and the platform. Just food for thought. And in case you're actually listening, it is literally a giant cock growing out of the ground that she is chained to, like her arms around it.
And this is the nice profile of the African man that I presume the giant tree penis belongs to. And if you don't know, the reason why this was made is because in the First World War, when the Rhineland was occupied by France, they used African conscripts to occupy the German areas. So that it would be like extra humiliating. So this is a medallion referencing that particular event.
And they went with the giant penis.
Unknown_04: To really put it.
Unknown_04: i guess in your face make it make it known so uh that's enough of that i'm sorry i talked about coins too much again um i have some i have some some news articles the mostly related to trunes but not entirely the fda has officially put a warning on specific androgens um
That that warns that if you take these medications to stop your puberty, if you are a male trying to become a female because of our horrific society, you are at the risk of having.
Unknown_03: Let me see if I can find the pseudo tumor cerebrae, which is a very nice way of saying you will get Like not actual cancer, but you will get like lumps in your brain Your brain will swell and you will get like tumors in your brain as a result of this medication I'll fix my date. That's right. My date is off We got to let people know what the day is I think this is the first time in a long time that I fucked up the date actually
Unknown_03: So just so you know, when they say there's literally no risk and it's completely reversible, I'm not sure if that also applies to the pseudotumor cerebrae that you could be growing as well.
Also in true news, a New Jersey trans prisoner impregnated two inmates before being transferred to a men's facility. I am forced to assume that this is a black person, and he knocked up black women in this facility. It is New Jersey.
Unknown_03: Apparently the relationships were consens- Oh, I'm fucking right. I am so right. Oh my god, look at this.
Unknown_03: Look at this fine, young, uh, black woman.
Unknown_03: Even if it's squash the beef, I ain't touching your hand. Anyways, this guy knocked up two women in a women's facility because he claimed to be a trans male to female, and they put him with the women. And I guess they wanted babies. Like, I don't know what their motivation was. They probably, I mean, they haven't had sex in a while, I guess.
Desperate times call for it. But for, like, the babies, I'm not sure. That's probably, that's probably, like, special treatment for it if you're in the maternity ward in the prison. I don't know, this is particularly ill though, what we are doing, our society. We live in a society, but it's not a particularly good one, is the thing.
Unknown_03: Two different advertisements that I have seen. One on the left is men. They're worth saving. One man dies every 45 minutes from prostate cancer. Men, we are with you from Prostate Cancer UK. This is also a UK advertisement. It says cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer amongst those with a cervix.
regular screening can save lives so we have the two genders men and those with a cervix and i assume you know a maybe like a spectrum of genders in between those two points i do i just love how like disgusting this advertisement look if we zoom in
uh like it's like it's like all black people it's like all black people and muslim women and they're just and then there's like one like redhead on the left hand side of the bench it's like is this like a good cross-section of the uk
Unknown_03: Maybe it's only in London. I'll give the English a benefit of a doubt. They'll air the sensible advertisement on the left, everywhere else, and then on the right, in the big shithole city, they air whatever the fuck that is and target it towards the retards living in London.
Unknown_01: Oh no, Brighton is the same.
Unknown_04: Okay.
Unknown_03: London and Brighton. Actually, it says Northeast London right there. Aha! I figured it out. I've cracked the code. I'm starting to learn the ways of the English people. Know thy enemy, know thyself, right?
Here's another fun news article. This is from... I thought this was also from that.
Unknown_12: Whatever.
Unknown_03: A New York City teen girls, so multiple girls, I think three of them, arrested on hate crime charges for anti-HWAT assault. And because this is Fox News, they also capitalized the HWAT in HWAT. NYPD says black girls shouted anti-HWAT statements and beating of a 57 year old on a Queens bus.
anything okay well here we have you know these hoes let's take a good look at the hoes here the hoes are on the left i thought there was three because there's three in this picture but the two on the left are the hoes in question and they the way the story goes is that they walked up to uh this elderly woman whose picture is not in this for whatever reason but it is on my soapbox so give me a second I posted this here too. I really want you to see what she looks like because it's pretty fascinating. Why is this all fucked up? By the way, you should join the Fediverse at Kiwifarms.cc or Soapbox at Kiwifarms.cc because it's been updated and it's really good. Oh, I can't see the... Okay, there it is. This is the 57 year old who was assaulted by the hoes. And what I found particularly funny about this article is that, yes, I guess it's based that NYC is applying the hate crime shit to anti-white crimes now, because I guess there's so many instances of black people beating up Asians that now they have to apply it to Asians and white people.
The story went that the teens walked up to her and they said, I bet you support Donald Trump or something. There was like an altercation where they said that. And she said, yeah, I love him, like sarcastically. And this went, this caused a level one chump out, the most severe of all chump outs. And they just started beating the fuck out of her. And she told Fox News, after the beating was dispensed and the hate crime charges had been followed, that the New York Post identified the 57-year-old Jill LaCroix, who told the outlet she has three biracial children, is a grandmother of the five and currently works as a bartender. So as they beat her, she said, no, you can't attack me. I, uh, I, I love the BBC and I have three kids that kind of look like you. You can't do this to me. I'm one of the good ones. I'm a good Hawaii, but that did not deter their attack. Uh, very sad, very sad to see this in our multicultural, multi, multi-ethnic, multi-racial society in this day and age, nonetheless.
Oh, well.
Unknown_03: Oh, and someone posted this in chat, and this was funny to me.
This is Senator Scott Weiner, which is a horrific name for a man who looks like Senator Scott Weiner. This is from earlier in COVID. Scott Weiner says, this makes me so angry. Refusing to wear a mask is simply despicable. Members of Congress who don't wear a mask should be prohibited from entering the Capitol, period.
Unknown_03: Yesterday, Scott Weiner follows up with a second, much later post. This is about monkey pox, which as you know, affects mostly gay people and people that gay people molest.
Unknown_03: And he says, lots of sex shaming of gay men around monkey pox. The same shaming we saw in the 1980s regarding HIV.
Lecturing people not to have sex isn't a public health strategy. It didn't stop HIV, it made it works, and it won't stop monkey pox. What will work is vaccination, testing, and education. So, according to Scott Wiener, if you refuse to wear a mask, you should not be allowed to represent the people who elected you in Capitol Hill. You're not allowed to fulfill your duty to the American people. Also, Senator Scott Wiener believes that if you have monkey pox, you should be allowed to have horrific gay orgies with your asshole covered in fucking sores and spread it to everybody as much as possible.
food for thought some some some wonderful lgbtqia p plus affirming firming news to get to get us into the actual uh non-tentative this week because this week has kind of fucking sucked
Unknown_03: I have some follow-ups of things that I've talked about recently.
Unknown_03: Someone has decided to do some investigative work. If you do not know, Discord allows you to view, through their API, all the different channels and their names that exist in a Discord server, even if you do not have access to see them. So in the regular Discord, if you don't have access to see the content of a channel, you won't be able to see the channel.
Unknown_03: And it just removes it from the list. However, that's the thing that the browser does. You can pull all the channels without being able to see them and see their names. So of interest here, as first of all, there's a lot of fucking channels, but.
Keffel's and his.
Unknown_03: uh, in his, uh, whatever the fuck, in his Discord, has like tiers of access. You have the Keffeldome Recruit, the Keffeldome Initiate, the Keffeldome Brawler, the Keffeldome Warrior, the Keffel Crafter, the Keffeldome Champion, and then finally, and most interestingly, the Keffeldome Grandmaster, which has three channels. Selfies, politics, and trans elder advice. Now I'm curious which of the groups have access to the Grandmaster area.
So they can provide trans elder advice.
Unknown_03: Oh my god, there's like 8 million different fucking... I guess it's specifically the Grandmasters here. Why are there like 40 different tiers of this shit? What the fuck?
Unknown_03: is
Can you imagine using that in a in a sentence?
Unknown_03: Keffels is a groomer. Faye loves to groom children into cutting off fair dicks.
Unknown_03: Like that doesn't sound like a language that sounds like nonsense.
Unknown_03: The FIFA films.
Unknown_03: He is a groomer. Oh, thank you. Thank you for correcting me. I got his pronouns wrong. My bad.
Unknown_03: So where's the Catboy channel?
Where'd you see Catboy's at?
Unknown_03: Furry? Oh, that says funny, not furry. Someone said that there's a Catboy's chat.
Unknown_01: And.
Unknown_01: And that side chat animals.
Unknown_03: Charity feel like I'm feel like I'm being pranked here DIY HRT advice. Oh the culture war veteran veterans hall venting DIY HRT advice in the cat boy pin wonderful And we trust, here's the super secret chat by the way, the voice chat. You can trust Augustus, Solio, MTF, Foxtrot, BloodPlusDonuts, Camelspider, Linaresini, which is a non-binary flag thing, Keffels, VelvetDemon, and TransAnarchyCEO.
with your children and the diy hrt advice and catboy pin it's funny because you know he has gone on record multiple times on his chat in his streams and said i uh the catboy thing was a joke it ended it's over there's no more catboy anything and then he still has in his fucking discord he has a place called the catboy pin
Which is something that you would probably want to avoid having if you really are trying to distance yourself from when you sent collars and other kink paraphernalia to underage people that you are grooming.
Unknown_03: Also an update, I posted some Eugenia Cooney content yesterday, which was not well received. Everyone seemed to despise me for putting this into my stream. However, I have an update about this.
Unknown_03: We're going to watch a couple seconds of this. this is from a eugenia cooney fan channel called love eugenia cooney and it's titled eugenia cooney has great memory but even she forgets sometimes so this is between twitch september and october of 2020 so pretty thank you is there music notes of my skirt there are music notes on my skirt actually yeah um i haven't said sorry what am i stepping on oh guys i forgot to move my ring light okay let me move that
Oh, this is what I'm looking for. She moves up.
Unknown_10: I'll explain why this is significant in a second. Bear with me, chat.
Unknown_03: so she has this box of shit right and i know i'm late with this but it was informed to me she has this box of shit and when people donate to her she's like oh my god i have to move this box and then she moves the box again and the box is always in the way every stream and then she moves the box
And then this guy, Love Eugenia Cooney, has taken every instance of her moving this box and put it together, and this is only between two months, and put it together into a montage of her moving the box. And I have been informed by
Unknown_03: the fan zone by the female viewers that this is a Holocaust fetish. The fact that she struggles to move this box is a part of the fetish. Watching her struggle to do daily things, ordinary things like moving stuff in her room, and that box is always in the same fucking space, then it's like arousing to them, which is why when people start tipping her, she moves the box around, because that's what they're tipping for. They want to see her move that box.
Basically, that's real fucking weird. Okay, that's that's strange. That's no good. I admonish this In fact Kyle down here says explanation anorexia fetishes enjoy watching people who are eugenicized struggle with large and heavy objects Because pretty much all of them are attracted to the person's physical weakness very interesting very interesting Now on the flip side, I have an update to the Chantal saga. I mentioned that Nadir says, bitch, I do not scare. I do not scare. I am not a coward. I am not a coward. I am not a coward. I'm not a coward. And then he beat the fuck out of Didi. There have been two subsequent videos of this man beating the fuck out of Didi. And we'll now watch a couple of minutes of it. We'll just skip to any point in this video and watch it a little bit.
Assuming that my voice, there it is.
Unknown_13: Something else.
Unknown_03: Point of view.
Unknown_13: Something else.
Unknown_03: You are culturally enriched. Huh? Point of view. You live in Canada.
To the beating. That's what I'm here for. Huh?
Unknown_03: Look at his face. He looks so fucking clueless all the time. Oh, it's right here, I think. How angry he is. I don't know who's those.
Unknown_03: Oh, there's no video.
Unknown_03: Oh, no, I'm sorry. I was too busy staring at.
You can't see. You didn't miss anything. It's mostly him being angry and staring around wildly.
Unknown_03: I want to see the beating.
Unknown_15: Because nothing has changed. When I come to this point, it's not me.
Unknown_15: Is he on drugs?
Unknown_15: People kill me when I see them eat people. But I'm fucking eat people.
Unknown_15: I am.
Is this just typical Arab behavior or is he on drugs?
Unknown_03: What? Yes.
Unknown_03: He's morbid. What did you say?
Unknown_05: Daddy, please help me.
Unknown_03: Who?
Unknown_05: Daddy, my father.
Unknown_03: Oh, he got angry. He thought the word daddy was like a man's name. Who is this daddy? Where does he live? I fucking eat him. I eat him, bitch. I not scare. I not cower.
He's on drugs.
Unknown_03: Nadir grindset beat lemon.
Unknown_03: Where's the beating at? Come on. He's just staring at her like a fucking psycho, not blinking.
Unknown_03: He says the same thing that Ralph does. When he was in jail, he ran the jail. I ran that fucking jail, bitch. What's the problem with the beating?
Is this like early into it?
Unknown_14: Again, it's the whole fucking country.
Unknown_14: Control the jail with the guards.
Unknown_03: Yeah, that's okay. He controlled the jail. It was the like I didn't take guards Take this fucking bitch out because if you didn't think I was a fucking beat the shit out of him Imagine being Canadian Me Tommy's a good outdoor.
Unknown_15: Oh The beating must have been earlier very bad my stuff Cowards the coward one now you see the coward on
I'll show you how she's fucked.
Unknown_16: This is like the third time, by the way, that this has happened, that this has been like recorded and posted, like in the last, like in the last week, huh?
Totally consensual is that the is that what she's saying that she's such an idiot they literally They literally fought over this guy for like two fucking years, and it's just like this abusive psychotic drug addict It's like what is wrong with women fat Canadian women in particular they have to do something with them and
Unknown_03: He can fix her.
Unknown_03: GD says it's a BDSM thing. Yeah, okay, whatever.
Unknown_03: That's fucking stupid. That's so bizarre. I don't even have any empathy for women who are like, I'm gonna stand by my man, even if he's like an abusive psychopath.
Unknown_03: It's like, okay. I could never be like a cop. If someone says that to me and they're like, oh no, they call the police and say, help, he's beating me. I think he's gonna kill me. And then you drive over there and she's like, no, nothing happened. I overreacted. I'm like, okay, bye bitch. I'll come back with the body bag tomorrow. I guess like I wouldn't I I I couldn't care I could not possibly care if you're that fucking stupid. I don't feel bad for you I if that's not my base turf opinion to have or whatever. That's too bad What if they have kids involved um Sucks to be those kids. I guess fruit from the poison tree. I don't feel bad though. I
josh the cop yeah i would be a great cop i would i would take police duty like i do with the forum where it's like if it's not an imminent issue where i can immediately do something to help you're on your own i don't care i'm not gonna like investigate your fucking bullshit unless it's like a murder or something all right um also i debated i debated chat i debated i pondered over if i should
Unknown_03: I debated if I should talk about this because I don't, anytime there's a SWAT thing, I don't like to talk about it because it's like I don't want to give this guy attention who's like fucking with police and bringing like law enforcement attention onto lolcals stuff because that's kind of retarded. Don't want to give him attention because that's what he wants more than anything. It's just good attention. I'm pretty sure this is a swatting However, it's number one. It's very funny number two. I want to talk about Why I'm very anti swatting which I guess sounds strange. I mean, I thought that's like a That's what everyone thought but my response to this caught flack and I want to clarify Why it's not funny why I don't promote it why I refuse to feature anything swatting related and Why I try to avoid talking about it on stream, but first I'll just play the funny stuff before I get all serious face about it I try to clean this up the best I could with filters and stuff. It still kind of sounds like shit So just kind of bear with it
The police are responding to Patrick's house to shots fired. So they put him in handcuffs at some point.
Unknown_19: None of you have listened in three goddamn years! Shut up!
I'll keep that because that's a really interesting line that is hard to hear.
He says, um, you know, like I transcribed, he says at that point, he says, uh, no, you're not going to tell me, you're not going to tell me anything. I know way more than you. And so he's telling to the police officer there.
Unknown_03: There is no video. I'm gonna fucking mute you. I think you're just spamming that to get people's attention. There is no video It's just audio from a body cam footage or something I do not see the fucking player up here. Does that look like a video player? You can see my screen. It's just the audio
That is just bewildering he has cops there I think he's in handcuffs at this point and he's saying this is where you keep trying to talk when you already admit You don't know anything like brother. You are not on Twitter these people can can fucking you're in um
Unknown_03: You're in Michigan, I'm pretty sure. They can kneel on you, and you can't breathe. And then you won't be able to talk at all, if you're not lucky.
Unknown_19: Because you don't know anything, so I have done everything I possibly fucking can to tell you. And everyone involved, the police department, okay?
Unknown_19: Everything.
multiple times, not even two fucking weeks ago, okay? Just so you know, for the last three and a half fucking years, people have been making false reports to you, to your department, about me, about me personally. That's Thomas, that's my name, that's who I am. At this address, shut up, I'm still talking.
Unknown_03: He made the lady police officer raise her voice because she was so frustrated with this bullshit. When I lived in Florida still, I told my police station what to expect when I got doxxed and I had one instance where I was detained and then after that there was no problems.
If the police in his area are somehow less competent than Florida police officers, he's in for a rough time because Florida cops are the bottom of the fucking barrel. Retard pigs.
Unknown_03: There is no, between the entire Florida police department and every city, between the entire state troopers and the FBI that are in Florida, there is maybe like three pounds of gray matter to share between them. So they figured it out somehow. If his cops can't, then he's in for some problems. However, chances are that he went into the police station and was like,
That would be awesome, because that's where I'm going, because I'm climbing the other end. Do you have any idea how many times I've told you to let you know that this keeps happening? Do you have any idea? It's more than once.
Unknown_03: he's just screaming this part's hard to understand so I will I'll let it play and then I'll repeat what it says from the transcript Running away.
He retells a story just then where a local bar burned down and people reported to the police and to the news that they had seen Patrick Tomlinson at the site of the crime ducking into an alleyway, very suspicious. And he was investigated by the police for that. That was the first time you guys came, banged on my door in the middle of the night
Just to repeat, the first time that the police came to his house, someone had posted a Craigslist advertisement in his name, using his address, offering free pepperoni. Free pepperoni. However, it clarified that the pepperoni had been made from black children he had kidnapped, held in his basement, and ground into pepperoni in his basement. And this invited a police inquiry into this pepperoni and claims of missing black children in his basement.
We've been over this. Never fucking come to this address again.
Unknown_19: Now, if I need any of you, I'll fucking call.
Unknown_19: Don't come here again.
Unknown_19: We've been over this. I've talked to dispatch. I've talked to your fucking, I've talked to your supervisors. I've talked to everyone. And you know what I was told at every point? Well, that's not, we don't handle that. You'll have to talk to this other person, talk to that other person. Well, I'm sorry, but we don't do that anymore. We don't take those kinds of calls anymore. Never fucking come here again, any of you. I'm fucking serious.
This is the fourth time.
Unknown_19: Four. You could have looked it up.
Unknown_19: It's in your notes. I know it is. Go back to your squad right now. Look up this address or that address, which is 2611. This is 2613. Yeah, it's a duplex.
Look it up.
Unknown_19: Do your minimum of your jobs.
Unknown_19: Never put me in custody again, you fucking idiots!
Unknown_19: Leave! Never return! Leave while we talk, I'm your supervisor.
Unknown_19: All of you.
Unknown_19: Never come here again.
Unknown_03: never come back to my abode stalker child uh yes very interesting probably there's a better way to handle that if you want people to take you seriously uh if you don't want people to swat you you shouldn't make it entertaining
He's definitely going to get swatted again just because this is such a funny outburst. I do empathize that it's a very annoying situation, especially in his case. I think he's dragged out of his house in the middle of the night and put into handcuffs because they're investigating shots fired, like a negligent discharge or something.
Unknown_03: Uh, so yeah, that's kinda shitty, um, but Patrick never makes it easy on himself, if at all possible. All you had to- if you don't know, by the way, Patrick's, like, entire, like, troll career started- I would eat the pepperoni. Fuck yeah, I would eat the pepperoni. Especially if the pepperoni was made of Sargon. I maintain that Sargon of Akkad is probably the tastiest person. If he was cooked up, I would take just the nibble to see if it would be something I would want more of.
But pepperoni made from black children is probably fine too.
Unknown_03: But what he did is he said that Norm Macdonald wasn't funny on the Opie and the Anthony Show and people started fucking with him because of that. And he always reacts in this retarded way and it gets more people to fuck with him. and he's just been getting fucked with continuously for years now and he always like makes I don't know he's like tried to sue the Opie and the Anthony forums and he lost I think he owes the guy that runs it quasi like $90,000 or something ridiculous and Yeah, basically that's Patrick Tomlinson
uh though i would say i mentioned i wanted to talk about my perspective on swatting and i condemn it because like i've said before if you if someone is upset over a comment that you make and he like chimps out and makes a video and he's like no stalker child Norm Macdonald isn't funny and you will go to jail like that's funny but most people react very negatively when you like hurt them or trick police into hurting them in the middle of the night
Um, it's the difference between, like, Christian's freakout over Sonic the Hedgehog's arms changing color and walking up to Chris and just hitting him with a bat and, like, recording him after you hit him with a bat. Like, yeah, he's gonna be in pain after you hit him with a bat. You're, like, forcing him to react to something as opposed to...
Unknown_03: trolling him which isn't the same though it's it's I was I was shocked by how many people were just like oh I that's not a fair distinction to make in the thread and it's like okay if you want to be retarded and you want to be like a total like nihilist psychopath who just thinks whatever both of that's funny um
This whole the swatting shit in the locale sphere has been around Has been very like prominent in the last two years Like especially in the last two years at first it was just streamers, but now it's like everybody everybody is getting swatted continuously and I promise you that the federal government is extremely upset over this they are pissed they want to find out who's doing it and And they are probably going to charge that person with multiple accounts of attempted murder, and that person will never get out of jail again. It is the number one thing that I am worried about is that whenever, if I get a subpoena, it is almost always about swatting. There is something happening with that person that they're looking into, and they're trying to figure out who's swatting. They're fucking livid.
Unknown_03: I promise you.
Unknown_03: So whoever the fuck is doing that better be covering his ass very well because they're going to throw the book at them. They're going to throw everything they possibly can with any chance of sticking and put somebody away for life when they find out who it is.
Is this irony? No, I'm being 100% serious. They are they're they're fucking mad They are really pissed and I can't blame them because I I don't think that we should have a paramilitary police force But I'm not gonna get my wish they want their paramilitary police force to To stay around and if they're gonna want, you know The popular assent to keep their paramilitary police force and in every city They're gonna need to do something with people using the police to like get revenge
So, just a word of caution, if you don't give a fuck about my silly principles on what is ethical trolling or lolcow milking if you're a fucking cringelord and you say that, keep in mind that the survival of my community trumps anything. Trumps even it even trumps what normally trumps everything everything is fine if it's funny Unless it threatens the site in which case it is no longer. Okay, that's like the hierarchy and Swatting is in that field of you're really trying to like bring like Bring unwanted attention into what is a wholesome big chungus free speech discussion the corner of the internet Just a food for thought
Unknown_03: All right, that's enough of the catch-up. I now have Ralph and Andy Worsky to make fun of, actually. I haven't talked about Andy in forever. Andy kind of scares me. Not like in a, I think he can hurt me, but I think he would. If he could get away with it, he would.
Ralph is kind of like that too, but I think I could take Ralph.
Unknown_03: Andy Worsky does like drugs and shit. He's like shooting testosterone right into his fucking temple. I don't know. I don't trust that. He's like a roid monkey, like fucking Natter. It's just kind of creepy, kind of scary.
So Andy Worsky has been up to shenanigans this week.
Unknown_03: and it blends into ralph nicely so i will be talking about it uh in this first this is 11 minutes long i've heard some of it i know what's in it i'm not going to play all of it but i will play some of it until i get bored annie warski has been catching flack for quite a while now because
Unknown_03: He aborted his son. I don't know if they knew the gender, the sex of the baby, but it's colloquially referred to as Andy Warski Jr.
And he has always caught a lot of negative attention, especially since there's like this trend of neo religious religiosity, especially like Catholicism, like in the sector. In this sector, there is a upswelling of religious belief in our lost degenerate society. And Andy Warski, contrary to that, is an abortionist. He has aborted his child and people have always given him shit for it.
Unknown_03: And he decided that the best thing to do would be to lean in on it. So he went on this impromptu tirade about his abortion and Andy Jr. And I've listened to like a minute of it, but it's 11 minutes long, this clip. So we'll just listen to a little bit of it.
He needs, he literally, like, some things he does are funny, sure, when he's like, ah, right, but watching him cry constantly and go, oh, Barsky and Aston, his nickname for you is Aston.
Unknown_17: Okay, great three fucking dicks.
Unknown_02: It's very creative, very creative. This guy's fucking talking about like a fucking abortion or whatever.
Unknown_17: At least I had the decency as a fucking drug addict with my girlfriend for me and her to agree and go, we would be horrible parents. Let's end this fucking baby's life. Fuck it. Take it out. I'm not even, I don't even care about abortion. You want to know what my fucking truth about abortion.
PPP his expression, his like dumb shirt. Oh my God. I have to, I have to put this up on screen real quick.
Unknown_03: This is a really weird, um, throwback to kind of reference PPP too, but his like dumbstruck expression where he can't seem to comprehend what's going on reminds me so much of Barb.
I think that the people who abort babies are probably the people that you want to abort babies. Because it's less people who don't go on a green light. It's the people at the bank who, when the person's like, next please, they're on their phone and they're not moving, and it creates longer lines. It's the people who hold you up at the ATM. It's the people who sell crack to your child are the people who are being aborted. You should be happy that people are being aborted.
Unknown_17: What, you think it's like an amazing family parental unit who's like, let's abort our baby. No, they want to have the baby. It's people who have abortions are the people who are like,
I wasn't ready. It was both of our decisions. But at least we had the decency unlike Ralph who brought a baby into the world and abandoned it. And now is not taking care of it and is hiding underground in a fucking bomb shelter from a baby. His own baby.
Unknown_02: AndyJrBros, no!
AndyJr's at least in fucking heaven, fucking rolling around in clouds and shit, but your fucking baby's abandoned, and now your other baby's abandoned.
Unknown_17: Do you think I care about fucking abortion?
Unknown_02: I will say this, going through these IP2 clips, even though I'm against abortion, is probably the ultimate argument for abortion.
Unknown_02: I mean, it's kind of like he's he's saying like yeah Andy Worsky You're the best argument for abortion there is and he's just like yeah, I know
I was like, okay. It is a complicated philosophical issue. I think that people should just not be reckless.
Unknown_03: In an ideal society, that would be the case, right? I don't know. I feel like if I'm saying, yeah, I'm glad that Annie doesn't have a kid, and I wish that Ralph didn't have a kid, didn't have children, It kind of feels like I'm advocating for his kids to be killed. It kind of sounds like the exact same thing and I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm willing to go that far.
I'll play a couple minutes of it.
Unknown_17: Look, I don't think you should have abortions as a mean means of Contraception, you know all that bullshit and I also believe it is killing a baby. I'm not going well, it's just a bundles I know what it is. I know I understand what it is, but I Here's my opinion. I don't give a fuck about
This whole Roe versus Wade thing, I'm like, I don't care. I don't care about other people's babies. I don't care who dies. I don't care who lives. I care about doing this show with Ashton, boxing, playing video games, watching movies, and hanging out, hanging out with the boys and having some beers. Ooh, some black women in Chicago just had an abortion. I'm like, I hope they have a party for it. I don't care.
Unknown_02: It's Kino. This is some Kino shit. I wonder what Andy Jr. would think of this unhinged rant. Andy Jr.
And they're like, oh, you killed your son. Maybe it was a fucking, maybe it would have ended up being a retarded baby. You don't know that. If I, when I was at my co-cat phase.
Unknown_03: He wants to say it, but he didn't want to, to get the argument out there. He's like, there's a guarantee it's going to be a retarded baby if it's related to you, Andy.
Unknown_17: Had a fucking look.
Unknown_03: It was like geek through that fucking piece of shit.
Unknown_17: He revealed this. Now everyone thinks I care about this thing.
I couldn't give a, and then they're like, and then Andy forced her to have it. And then he played Mario where she sobbed. Oh, when she sobbed, you want to know? She's like, I'm pregnant. And I went, what are you going to do? She's like abortion. And I went cool.
Unknown_17: That was the conversation. It was sad, it was weird, of course. I didn't want it to happen. I don't think you should have an abortion if you don't... But we were fucking out of our minds. If we had it, I was stuck.
Unknown_02: I just can't even believe there are motherfuckers out there that said, fire Warski. Like, this is the Warski that we need. No, you know what? We need Andy Ransky back. You know what? Okay, you know what? If you all want him back...
I was trying to be... I don't know what else to say. I was trying to be the nice laughing fucking F slur. You know what? If you guys want now, because everyone's gonna throw tomatoes anyway, I'll just say whatever I fucking think. And my thing is, if you cry about some people's abortions, that's a waste of your fucking time. You know what? How about this? People who cry about abortions, have a kid!
Oh my God, Andy!
Unknown_17: He burned the whole casino down, my God! No, but you want my fucking beliefs? I have to hear this. You killed your baby. I don't care. I literally don't care.
Unknown_17: I have always, I'm not even pro-choice. I'm pro, I couldn't give a fuck.
Unknown_17: Oh my God. I've been in my training today, you know?
I had to lift my hands up and get punched for three, three minute rounds in my ribs. And then I went down and did a plank when my coach was kicking me in the ribs. And I held it strong.
Unknown_03: I've always, I've always heard that Andy keeps talking about his fucking boxing training all the time. It's like, how do you fit this into this conversation? Like that you train who gives a fuck? And then someone's like, did you have an abortion?
Unknown_17: I'm like,
Unknown_17: I'm becoming a warrior. I'm not only going to abort my old baby, but I'm going to abort whoever I fight in the fucking ring. Salt Poppy will have a abortion at whatever age he is right now. 30 or whatever the fuck he is. I don't even know.
Guys, I don't care. I'm not a super, everyone's like, Andy's alt-right conservative. I don't give a fuck. I don't care. I like some conservative values.
Unknown_03: This is somehow more retarded than his edgy teenage pro-death stance.
Unknown_17: But me, I'm more apolitical. Ask Ashton.
Unknown_17: Yeah.
Unknown_17: I will abort people day and night.
Unknown_03: You can't ask PPP because he's currently burying his face in shame at what he's become.
He has like this like painting mural of me eating a baby. I'll do that!
Unknown_02: No, Andy, don't say you're gonna eat my baby. Well, they're gonna say it anyway, so who gives a fuck?
Unknown_17: Who gives a fuck? That's my thoughts.
Unknown_02: What would Andy Jr. think?
Unknown_02: Oh my god, Andy Jr.
Unknown_17: Dad, he can't think.
Unknown_02: Oh my god. I don't know what to say, bros. I don't know what to say, but that was pretty fucking Keno. That was, uh... That was Andy going hard. That was Zargoys putting crowns. People are putting crowns in the chat. They're saying you're the legend. The king.
I'll be honest with you. Sometimes I hold back. You want to know why? Because I used to be crazy and intense and all this stuff. And I was trying to turn over a new leaf and be a nice guy. But there is darkness inside of me, Ashton.
Unknown_17: It's called the more blood. When you have to come face to face with Ralph in your... I have him blocked! He has me blocked! But I still have to see his tweet to the point where I'm like... I gotta say, this is like the best Warski segment that there's been ever on the show. If you want, I'll say all my fucking truths forever now.
I don't care anymore. Andy, this is the fucking best shit ever. We went full on Cronus mode. Cronus Warski. I don't even know. Andy Jr. is sitting in a garbage can in a dumpster.
This is energy between like PPP and Warski where Warski's like dead serious like yeah, I want to fucking murder babies That's so fucking cool and PPP is trying to like promote this and be like this is funny like quality content keno that like the show is known for and it has this really really awkward energy where it's like I'm just picturing in my head like a used car salesman and he's trying to sell this car and the car is just like obviously a piece of shit and he's like sure it might be rough on the outside but once you get her going she purrs beautifully and he starts up the car and just starts choking and wheezing and it won't start and And he's like, you gotta give it a couple kicks here, but once it gets going, it's just the best darn car that we have. And it just refuses to start, and it just keeps choking out, and he's just sitting there smiling awkwardly, and everything is fucking, like, just super tense and uncomfortable.
He was blended by a machine. Oh my god. And then he was little pieces and flushed. And it was done on your orders! It was done on your orders, Andy.
Unknown_02: It was done on your orders. You had him killed.
Unknown_17: It was done on my blessing.
Unknown_17: Holy fuck.
Unknown_16: I am so happy that baby's gone.
Unknown_17: If that baby was here, it was either me or Andy Jr.
Look, my ex, I hope she's doing well. Me and her are cool. We moved on, right? But if me and her were not good for each other, she would say that. Now, I didn't ever want to tell anyone this fucking story, but Geek Thulu is a piece of shit who I can say some words about him if you want me to fucking really go. But if that baby was around and I had to survive in that relationship, I would take a noose.
Unknown_17: I would hang it.
Unknown_02: I would hang it.
He's no longer trying to sell this car. He's realized that the car is on fire and the door does not open. It has locked. The window is not rolling down. The hood is emitting smoke. He smells burning rubber. There's fire somewhere in this vehicle. The glass is not sliding down, the bolt is not coming undone, and I am still in this car. The sale is over, I just need to get the fuck out of this.
I wouldn't be here, I'm not even joking.
Unknown_02: Oh my god. So if I hear Eddie Abortski, yes.
Unknown_17: I'm gonna actually make, you know what? Merch store is coming in a few Fridays from now. I will have a shirt that says Abortski and I'll fucking wear it on the show.
Unknown_17: Abortions! Abortions! I think abortions should be cheaper!
Unknown_02: We're gonna have a shirt, what would Andy Jr. think of this? Beautiful. What would Andy Jr. have done? Of an angel, maybe. A fetus?
Unknown_17: Yeah, but with like a halo on it.
And we'll just photoshop me like this. We'll photoshop me like this.
Unknown_17: And there'd be like a little halo there. Holy fuck. By the way, Ethan Rauch, that fucking piece of shit, he begged Faith Vickers for an abortion. It's true. And I don't blame him.
Unknown_02: Listen, Andy, just because I gave the order to kill my son doesn't mean that I wanted it killed even though I begged to have it killed. I have to give... There's a part, I think, I hope it's in this last minute because I don't know if it was made up now.
I was waiting for it.
Unknown_17: I have to act like I care. Oh, I won't tell people I will only 40 seconds left true. I Like I I won't fucking you know, I tell people I'm not on coke right now. That's the thing. I'm not coke. This is normal Oh, this is just Andy's high energy Listen, Andy.
Unknown_02: There's a lot of crowns. There's tomatoes. Oh
Unknown_17: Uh, dude, stop. How about this? How about you eat my asshole?
Tell him, Andy.
Unknown_17: Abort Andy Senior.
Unknown_02: That's pretty funny. Anyway. Sergeant Sarge for $20. Direct to donations.
Unknown_03: Um, someone made a comment that he should be glad his father didn't think like that. I have come to a realization. Maybe I am a little bit off, but.
Unknown_03: that actually let me do a poll first i just want to get a a head count of my audience do you agree with andy andy warski that abortion is based do a yes or no simple ask the community and while the results are coming in for that let me pontificate and explore an idea with you guys
I have, based on just based on like who you generally assume like is for or against abortion, I want to say, and this was inspired by that commenting that Andy Warsky should be glad his father didn't feel the same way about abortion that he does.
Unknown_03: that the people who are like the most okay with abortion are people who are kind of ambivalent towards their own existence. Because if that logic is, well, what if my parents felt the same way about abortion that I do, I might not be alive. If you don't like, if you aren't, you know, happy to be alive, if you aren't happy in general, then you'd just be like, eh. oh well and that would be like the end of that you know what i mean if you're just sort of like a nihilist pessimist who doesn't really have a reason to be alive you're probably more okay with abortion than other people who are genuinely happy to be alive just my just a thought just an idea that has popped into my head perhaps i'm wrong
Uh, but yeah. Okay. My audience has voted 1,087 votes. Um, 74% of people do not agree with Andy Warski that abortion is base and 25% do out of a thousand. Very interesting. I wonder how many people are troll troll voting in either direction.
Unknown_03: I feel like the discussion about which people should have kids is not a part of the abortion debate. It's a part of the eugenics debate. The way that works to me is that we should just say abortion is wrong.
But also we're not going to allow certain people to procreate at all. We're just going to find some sort of egalitarian way to say you don't get to have, you know, you don't get to have kids, you don't get to have kids. Or you know what even works better than that is if we just take away any kind of social welfare.
Unknown_03: And people will just not have kids, right? So how that works if you're impoverished, the poor people only have kids when they need kids to work their farm or something.
I think I think that the poor urban youth would not have a bunch of kids if they didn't get social welfare.
Unknown_03: They're too stupid to reason. I don't know. Maybe we should just deport poor people to Brazil.
Unknown_03: Maybe need the stem cells. Yeah. Okay. Whatever.
Unknown_03: That's enough of that.
Unknown_03: Uh, Oh, I forgot about this. Um, I have not listened to this all the way yet.
Unknown_03: I know that's bad. Uh, Andy Warski was not content with just going on a unhinged
Unknown_03: rant about abortion for 11 minutes. He also wrote and performed a song, which I will now play for you.
And he's put together a little thing for y'all I'm gonna preemptively disavow the horrible content that's present. Oh, okay For those of you who are good Christians cover your ears for everyone who like and comedy Turn off the show Jesus wouldn't have you listen to this song This would want you to I want Andy to the wolves. Oh
Unknown_17: I want you all to pull out your lighters. Everyone, you're going to float, you know, hold it in the air. I just threw some lighter compilations here for you all because this song is quite magical. I think you'll all enjoy it. Okay.
about three weeks ago i went to my local bar yeah i hate to interrupt it but ppp immediately not even three seconds in to the fucking song is already like in physical pain he is reflinching in response to this pretty chick and brought her back to my car
She hit it off and she said let's go to your house to be alone I said I'm sorry baby but my parents are at home Plus I'm drunk as fuck, I've drank way too much beer Let's take off our pants right now and fuck right here
Unknown_16: Finished up and I won't lie It was a fun lay I said see a pretty lady Maybe we'll talk another day Now about three days ago I get a call from you
Unknown_16: You say we're having a baby. Fuck! I'm so screwed. Now listen to me, lady.
And don't take this out of proportion.
Unknown_16: But listen now, baby. You need an abortion.
Unknown_16: Abortion. Abortion.
Unknown_16: I'm sorry pretty lady, but you're not pretty enough to have my baby.
to sound offensive but a baby is expensive
Unknown_03: That kind of audacity can be a good thing, unless you're Andy Warsky. You need a high IQ to actually utilize it, though.
It's over. Warsky posting his L's. This is some serious cope. Tard tracks. Tard tracks with music notes. Ralph1, hit it as hard as you can, PPP.
Unknown_03: the real abortion is this song this is worse than tux molesting his sister you killed him andy with pictures of a black baby uh why warski the cringe is unbearable isabel you were working on this instead of prep
Okay. All right. That's enough of that. We can segue into the real content. Ralph, uh, what triggered this whole abortion thing, by the way, is Ralph putting out this shirt as a merchandise for the kill stream.
Unknown_03: Uh, I guess Knitter is not going to play nice with me, but it's a particularly terrible design. Uh, all of his designs are just fucking awful, but this is like, it's Andy Worsky's face.
Unknown_03: um it appears to be severed baby limbs to make up like the horns and then it just says abort ski
with the devil's pentagram on his forehead and he's like photoshopped with like a devil face here here actually this is the link from the shop so we can get a better look at this this is at shop.theralfortort.com in case you want to have this wonderful shirt for yourself you can actually get it in a variety of colors here i want i'm thinking about getting the abortski wife beater When I beat my wife, I want to have this wife beater on so that when the police show up they know I am a functioning member of society, my priorities are in order, and I am... Oh, a 3x! I can't get this in a 3x!
Unknown_03: Why can't I get the wife beater in a 3x? Oh, I can get the hoodie in a 3x. The wife beater only goes up to a medium. That's bullshit. Maybe the 3xs are all balled out already. I'm just a little bit late. Oh, we can get this in a ladies relax fit tee 2xl and wow pink and you can go to your book club meeting or whatever you do as a whammon.
And show this off to your friends and be like, yeah Oh, oh my god a child's onesie a baby's onesie We can get this in newborn 6 month 12 month 18 month or 24 month in any color you want do you have a friend expecting why not pick up a abort ski baby onesie and whatever color you want really and Just hook that sucker up fresh out of the womb with an abort ski baby onesie
Unknown_03: Let's fucking go chat. This is quality.
Unknown_03: So Ralph put this out and Andy Worsky did his fucking tarred out shit. $21 for a onesie, that's a lot of money.
Unknown_03: That's a lot of money for, I bet all that goes to Ralph. He's got the premium jacked up to maximum. Anyways, Worsky tarreds out and Ralph is really grilling him and being like, oh, he's a fucking Baby Murderer, I'm going to put out my Abortski baby onesie design, and I'm going to dab. I'm going to dab on the cringe casino, Andy Abortski.
And this caused Faith Vickers, who is, of course, the mother of his first born son, whom he has never met in person.
Unknown_03: to come out and denounce Ralph as encouraging her to have an abortion and denouncing him as a hypocrite and saying that when I was pregnant, he wanted me to get rid of the child.
Unknown_03: And he says,
Unknown_03: She came to me lying about wanting an abortion. I called her bluff while also saying I didn't want her to get one. She doesn't show that text. It was her idea to get an abortion. Sick game she was playing. I've talked about it all in public. Your lies don't work here. Sad game, the mother of my son continues to play about her fake idea to abort him. Mentally ill person, I've talked about it before. And then Faith says, it's a hypocrisy. It is the hypocrisy of it, my dude. Ralph tried to coerce me into an abortion when I didn't want it. It is my body, my choice. My choice was keeping my son. Ralph mocks Borski for a choice that wasn't his, but then he did this. That was my point. This is an absolute lie and will be passed along to my attorney. I'm literally in the text telling her not to get an abortion. She came to me with a fake story about wanting one. Her. This is a complete fiction, which again, I've talked about before. And then Pantsu comes in and says, did somebody say abortion? Oh, she's like, she's like Scooby-Doo. Scooby-Shacks? Abortion? Did somebody say abortion? She only gets more excited when you say lollicon. When you say lollicon, she'll pop through the fucking wall like a cartoon character and leave an imprint hole. That's the exact silhouette of her outline.
Time to unlock my Twitter again and talk about my totally valid trauma so strangers online will make me feel important. It's time to grow up and stop playing the victim. Oh, she's mocking Faith, of course, mocking Faith.
Unknown_03: Pantsu definitely wrote that, by the way, not Ethan Ruff.
I should just read all her tweets in the voice.
Unknown_03: I have somebody pointed out that he has a restraining order from faith and is not allowed to talk about her in public because he is a fucking creepy weirdo. And the courts of California said, you don't.
Unknown_03: get to talk about her in public. We're going through family court. You don't need to make this a public spectacle. It's not in the child's interest for the mother to be stressed out by what you're saying about her on social media. And then Ralph, see in Ralph's mind, because he's a retard, he thinks, surely the judge will rule in my favor even though I am violating my own court order to not talk about Faith Vickers. The fact that she has defamed my good character, once again, I will
Settle this in the public arena and deal with the the legal consequences later And he doesn't realize that that's not how it works when the court says don't fucking do something. They're really dead serious about that
Unknown_03: Oh, yeah, and he did he did try to call her on Skype and He he later backtracked that because that is so direct contact with her is super against his restraining order and much less harder to even Justify like he's doing with this and he says oh, I but dialed her and say okay Ralph I'm sure I'm sure you just accidentally called her He probably talked to his attorney or something or just came up with that on the spot who knows oh
But he follows up again, now clarifying that he doesn't want to talk to her after people point out that he could be in violation of his training order by what he did. He gunt dialed her. He bumped up against his phone, his gunt did it.
Unknown_03: I have no desire to contact this lion woman again. I haven't tried in over a year. Me going through my Skype messages to find the part where you wanted to have your own son aborted is what led to me accidentally pressing call, and now they're trying to trumpet that. I have literally zero desire to ever see this person again, and I wish they would leave me and my family alone. But they continue to lie about me almost daily. I will be seeking my own restraining order tomorrow instead."
Uh, keep in mind I wouldn't even be outing her wanting to abort her own son without her trying to lie about me. It's ridiculously evil and I'm not going to let it stand.
Unknown_03: Uh, to which Pantsu says, it's been two years and she's still melting down trying to ruin him because he found someone better. It's been non-stop drama since she came on board. A sick person who lies about everyone in her life. I'm glad I took my mans away from her. Which is of course a real tweet that Pansy wrote and then Ethan Raff Faith deleted all her tweets and nobody on the forum thought to archive them. However, Blue... Mia Placidas... Mia Placidas...
This guy named Blue archived the actual images that she posted. Let me make sure that all this shit is preloaded as I read through them real quick.
So Ethan Ralph at midnight, and this was some time ago because his mom was still alive, My mom didn't have much money. I don't have that much, like $35,000. She says, I will raise this baby on my fucking own. He says, I'll leave her the information. I don't know what I should do with my last hours, though. And then she's saying, don't fucking go threatening suicide now. And then Ethan says, it's not a threat. I'm not going through all this.
Unknown_03: So he's sad and threatening to kill himself. She asks, through what?
Unknown_03: And then this is a correspondence between Faith and May. She says, I'm just uneasy being around him now, even though I do love him, if he takes what he did seriously at all. May says, of course, it won't be the same. It was really traumatic for you. And I think it was for him, too.
Differences I took the trauma and decided to step away so we could better ourselves I tried doing that doesn't look like he's tried He won't stop drinking and it's kind of what started everything the alcohol makes him very violent and more likely to be angry And it makes me feel incredibly unsafe and may says that's why it's important for the both of us to be there Because the situation is completely different than that night in the hotel I had no idea what's going on between you two and it came as a total surprise and that's when may tried to coax and pregnant woman into having a threesome with her and Ralph and Faith continues saying, well, it came as a surprise to me too, but it's not the first time he's gotten kind of violent when angry, especially drunk and angry. If he did it once, I doubt he would do it when drunk. I mean, every professional mental health professional I spoke to here has told me if I went back, it would be, it would severely worsen my mental state and in turn harm my baby. And I just want my baby to be okay. And I don't know if it'll be that way if I come back and he thinks I forgive him or that's okay.
May says, I know what you went through is not something that you will ever forget. And I'm proud of you for putting your baby first. She says, everyone says that. May says, I really do believe Ralph is trying his best and wants to be a good father. She asked them why. And May says, I want to support you and be there for you. She asked, why does he continue to drink? And May says, because he has problems.
Because he's angry, the plan is getting fucked. I don't know.
Unknown_03: She says that he choked her. May says it got fucked because I didn't listen to you. I should have told him to stay out that night. Blah, blah, blah. If I called the cops, I wouldn't be a victim again. She said you would be the victim. I would not have changed what he did.
Unknown_03: So basically, Faith is just saying that she was getting physically abused and May is saying
Uh, here she says, I already pulled out. I asked.
Unknown_03: May is like defending Ralph and saying like, don't call the cops on Ralph. Cause he'll go to jail and that won't unbeat you. That's literally what she's saying here. If I called the cops, I wouldn't be a victim again, but may says you still would have been the victim and it would not change what he did. So literally if, if Ralph had raped her or something, she would go fine, call the cops. It's not going to unrape you like what a bitch.
Unknown_03: Um,
Unknown_03: Mei says you can't control him, and the fact that you even try to tell him what to do is probably what makes him so angry. I asked if he'd pick the baby over anything else, and Mei says, don't ask bullshit like that. Like, did you ask him just to make him mad? She says, no, I asked him because I've told him everything. I've been willing to sacrifice for the child.
And she says, it's really powerful to say those things, but it's not helpful to make him have to choose to theoretically pick his child over something else. You know he would.
Unknown_03: Oh, pick your drinking or your child. You can't ask him to do that. You can't ask him to pick drinking or his child because you know it's when he's going to pick. It's not fair to him.
Unknown_03: Um.
Run away, I. You think I'm running away when he again assaulted me to talk to trying to figure out.
Unknown_03: I hope you're doing okay. I really look forward to us living together. She's still trying to hook up like a threesome, like polyamorous relation. What the fuck is wrong with May? May is the craziest fucking cunt on the entire site. I don't, I have no idea what her motivations are at any given time. She is either like profoundly retarded or she's trying to get into one of those fatal attraction situations where they can just go kidnap children together. And that's like her longterm plan.
I'm really happy. I met you and right now there's an opportunity for you to take control of your life I want to be there to support you. I don't want to get in the way of a relationship I just want a place where I can work and have independence and be
Unknown_03: Learn to be ourselves and out in the world. You have so much potential and a beautiful heart and I just want to be there for you.
Unknown_03: I just ask that it not be sexual right now. She says, I respect that. Faye says, I still have a clear boundary that Ralph not have sex with you without me. That's like one thing I want to change my mind on. She says, I know. And then she says, I also want you to know if he tries to, that it wasn't agreed upon.
Well, the horse wins in the end, I guess.
Unknown_03: Good luck. You can't you can't beat me. She's conniving. She's gonna get Ralph all to herself. That's the tenure. It's the five-year plan This is clips from Rand stream if you don't know who Rand is I
Unknown_03: Rand is a neo-nazi who is obsessed with anime and like streams for eight hours a day completely shit-faced drunk his wife will come into his room and yell at him at random and he's just like a fucking deadbeat loser piece of shit and it's infuriating to even try to talk to him because he's one of those people who's too stupid to know he's stupid and you realize that almost immediately like in any conversation with him that he's just a fucking liar and he's just a gigantic fucking turd and any any time spent talking to him is a waste of time so naturally that's what kind of podcast gator shows up on to spill the the piping hot tea About Ethan Ralph This clip is nine minutes long. I've not listened to it. I will listen to it until I get bored I guess I could just skip it. I'll listen to it for a minute Minimal and if it's not like interesting then I will skip it So he drives drunk down to Virginia Beach with faith who is pregnant at the time by the way So they get there
And Faith is being smart, and she's not partaking in anything, because she is excited. She's happy to be finally having a baby. It's what she's always wanted.
And she's there, and she thinks that they're all going down there to have a fun time. And that was Ralph's intention, was to go down there and have a fun time. But Faith wasn't part of the equation. See, Ralph had been talking with May and May was not satisfied with Digibro and hadn't been for a long time.
Unknown_09: And Ralph had set up this entire event because Ralph and May had decided they were going to get together.
You know what, Rand had actually called that as soon as Pantsuit Party May said, as soon as she said, I want a baby.
Unknown_01: Oh, fuck. I'm, uh, I'm muted.
Unknown_03: Sorry.
Unknown_03: I pause it here to let you guys know that I was warned that this audio would have what was called a hole, uh, just a annoying hole. Apparently the hole is named pond. Uh, so when you hear this voice, know that it is a hole named pond that Rand has somehow acquired for his podcast.
But, like, oh, yeah, she's gonna break up with DigiBro 100% of the time. We're making fun of her. Of course.
Unknown_09: So, Ralph had set it up. So that he was going to go down there to their place on his birthday.
Unknown_09: And Ralph was going to consummate his new relationship. With May and so they go down there and.
You know, they're all doing all sorts of drugs, getting high as fuck. I think Riley had shrooms or something like that.
Unknown_09: I don't know what other drugs were involved. That's where the... Because the part in the middle is where things get kind of murky, and that's why I was hoping Riley could tell the story about what was going on at that part, because that's the part that I missed out on, that I didn't hear anything about.
Unknown_09: But they were doing drugs, and at a certain point,
Unknown_09: Ralph and May kind of go off on their own and they start fooling around when everybody else is distracted in a way.
Well, apparently someone walks in on them while they're fooling around and immediately
Unknown_09: Ralph gets accused of raping May.
Unknown_09: Immediately. Because May tries to tell the story, tries to explain that, oh, that wasn't what it, you know, that wasn't, that wasn't what it looked like, that wasn't what it looked like, you know, but it was totally what it looked like. And Riley, and, and Digibro, and all the people in their apartment are freaking the fuck out, and Ralph is, immediately is like, I have to get the fuck out of here, I gotta get out of here now. And Riley's fucking screaming at him. So, at this time when this is going on, I just happen to be, like, away from my computer. Like, I'm coming home at this moment, and I get a fucking Discord call from Ralph at, like, 12 in the morning. And I'm like, what the fuck does Ralph want? I thought he was- I thought he was, like, having his birthday party at- at the fucking cuck house or whatever. By the way, I- I fucking hate DigiBro. Even then, even then I fucking hated him. I've hated him for a long fucking time. So I get this call from Ralph, and I hear, like, fucking screaming on the other end of the phone. And I'm sitting there like, what the fuck is going on? And Ralph says, stay on the line, stay on the line. So I'm like, what the hell's going on? And I hear Digibro, I hear Digibro, like, wailing. Just fucking wailing, like, on the front lawn. Kicking and fucking screaming. I hear Riley shouting over the phone, did you rape me? Did you rape me?
Unknown_09: I get the story later, and this is what I've been able to piece together of the events. So, Ralph and May were fooling around. They got walked in on by Riley, I believe.
Unknown_09: May tried to play it off to try to protect herself, which made Riley think that Ralph was trying to force himself on May. Ralph, when they started freaking out at him, tried to get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible. And Ralph, now let me tell you what happened. Ralph grabs Faith.
Unknown_09: Remember, Ralph is drunk and high and on all sorts of drugs at this point, so he literally grabs Faith and starts dragging her out of the fucking house.
Right, because when you're in a house full of people who are convinced that you're raping someone, what you then want to do is give them the impression that you're also abducting them.
Unknown_09: Right. So he fucking drags her out, grabs her so hard that she gets bruised. She kinda starts fighting because she doesn't know what the fuck's going on. She's like, you know, you're hurting me, you're hurting me, what are you- Ralph, stop, what are you doing? And literally grabbed her by the fucking neck!
Unknown_09: And said, flat out, told her to shut the fuck up, we have to get the fuck out of here.
Unknown_09: His pregnant girlfriend!
Unknown_09: Pregnant fucking girlfriend drags her to the fucking car, literally fucking forces her into the vehicle. By this time, Digibro was on the front launch screaming and wailing and just losing his shit, because he's number one, Digibro's high as fuck.
Yeah, I was going to say, like, here's the thing for the audience who's confused, why is no one calling the police? Oh, there's a good reason why no one's calling the police.
Unknown_09: Because everybody's on drugs.
Unknown_08: Yeah, they don't want the police there. They don't want the police attending this domicile.
Unknown_09: So by the time that Ralph calls me, he's already shoved Faith into the car.
Unknown_09: He's yelling with Riley, and for some reason, see, Ralph thinks that something's going to happen, so he calls me to be a witness to this shitshow, so that I could overhear the moment that Riley, like, decks him in the face, or somebody, somebody, like, kills the other person, and so I'm sitting here like, I have no idea what's fucking going on, I had just gotten home, and I'm, like, trying to run to my computer to, like, get to fucking Discord and get on so I can, like, record whatever the fuck is going on, but I, it ended before I even got to my fucking computer, so I'm listening to this happen, and just losing my fucking mind, I'm like, Ralph, what the fuck is going on?
I had no idea it was this bad. I really had no fucking idea.
Unknown_09: So Ralph gets into his car and tries to leave, but Riley fucking stops him and stands in front of it and screams, like, you're gonna have to run me over, you're gonna have to run me over. Did you rape me? Did you rape me? At some point, Ralph managed to somehow talk Riley down and convince him that he was just seeing things, that it wasn't what was going on.
Unknown_08: Hang on, how many times did he have to say, fuck you, bitch, before Riley was convinced?
Unknown_08: Oh, he did actually say, fuck you, bitch, at the beginning of it. He did actually say that.
Unknown_09: Because when they were yelling at each other Riley was like it's like did you read me? Ralph was like but get the fuck out of my way You better get the fuck out of my way. I will move you out of my fucking way. Fuck you bitch, you know shit like that Threatening to threatening he was gonna fucking run him over if he didn't move and then eventually deescalated at some fucking how Because they keep talking and then eventually like I think Riley comes down from his like drug state a little bit and starts to kind of be more chill and
And they start having this conversation, and he's like, no, no, no, that's not what happened, that's totally not what happened at all, you're just seeing things, you're just crazy. Digibro's still fucking wailing in the background. And eventually he gets Riley to move out of the front of his car. And when Riley does, Ralph fucking peels out, he fucking slams on the gas, turns out, by the way, Faith was not wearing her seatbelt yet at this moment, was trying to figure out what the fuck was going on, and Ralph fucking turns and peels out of the cul-de-sac, like the little area
I was leaving them up until he said that. How does he know that Faith did not have her seatbelt on? He said it was a Discord call. How does he know that she doesn't have her seatbelt on? Yeah, yeah. And what happens is it slams Faith against the side of the fucking car door.
Unknown_09: And it's lucky the fucking door didn't break open because she would have fallen out of the fucking car. And Ralph drives drunk, high and drugged all the way back to Richmond from Virginia Beach.
We listen to all that, there's a couple, I'll play this.
Unknown_09: Yeah, the May and Alice stuff. So Ralph decided that he really loves sequels. And so he decided to try the same trick that he tried with Faith with Alice. So he sent May to kind of strike up a conversation with her and try to convince her to join them in a polyamorous relationship. Because that's what Ralph always does, he always sends May in first to try to like strike up the conversation. And see, I don't know if May really was, because May told Alice that she was thinking of leaving Ralph and getting away. But I don't know how truthful that was, or if that was just to like lower Alice's defenses, to like lure her in, to make her think that she- Oh, she's sharing with me this like deep secret, so I should trust her. And eventually got Alice face-to-face with Ralph, and where Ralph decided to shove his chode in her face.
that's consistent with how like female groomers work is like when there's if there there was a case that was really famous in canada where a guy sends out his girlfriend to abduct a little girl and because she's a woman and children trust women more she just walks up and says like hey you want to go see a puppy And she's like, sure. And she holds her hand and she takes her to this van so that her boyfriend can rape this child. So when there are female accomplices to like sadists, like sexual sadists, that's usually how it works.
So I don't know if Gator is smart enough to know that, to make up details like that, or I mean, I can believe it. Mae is like a fucking weirdo.
Unknown_03: I mean, I mentioned it before, the fatal attraction thing.
Unknown_03: Ralph is definitely someone who thinks that he deserves sex with whoever he wants. And Mae is someone who apparently feels gratified by hooking these things up. So I can kind of believe it.
Unknown_09: Yeah, you're right. Chet's right. Mae is acting exactly like Ghislaine Maxwell.
She would she would go out and find the females and talk to them for Ralph.
Unknown_07: She's has her pattern.
Unknown_09: And then would bring them back for Ralph to fuck.
Unknown_07: She has a pattern with Faith, with Alice. Come on. Once was a fluke, but twice is definitely a pattern.
Unknown_03: that woman is the least convincing that's like a true and falsetto why does rand have a true on his on his podcast as nazi pot nazi anime podcast very strange very strange chat very strange
Um, so there you go. That's the Gator story. And Ralph hears this and not to be undid, he trots the horse out to recount her side of the story live. Go ahead, Pansu.
Unknown_12: Can you be heard? I can be heard. Yeah, go ahead. What do you say to this preposterous story being told?
Unknown_00: It's really creepy hearing Gator recount it because you can tell he's like fantasized about it and changed aspects of the story.
Unknown_00: It's just really creepy. You can tell he's totally jealous too.
Just tell, just tell yours what happened.
Unknown_00: Okay. Um, well you came over and, um, we, we probably weren't even going to go do anything, but I like really wanted to fuck you.
Unknown_12: That is vile.
Unknown_12: Go ahead. Just tell the story. Just tell the story.
Unknown_00: From the very beginning?
Unknown_12: Just tell the story.
Unknown_00: Just tell whatever you want. Well, you were going to come over and hang out with us.
Unknown_00: And I was at that time living with Digi, Riley, his fucking weird autistic girlfriend that he's now whoring out on OnlyFans.
And whatever the fucking faggot bird is, right?
Unknown_00: So they were all there.
Unknown_00: You brought over your ex too and that was the night that you found out that I think she was pregnant, right?
Unknown_12: Yes.
Unknown_00: So it was kind of like a very awkward encounter and everybody there was like on acid too at this time. I was not. No, neither of us did acid. And not bullshitting, that's not just me saying that, I wasn't. Riley had some and then I think those faggots all did acid but you came over and I really wanted to fuck so I was like. Faze didn't have any either by the way, the person there.
Anyway go ahead.
Unknown_00: Yeah so we went away in your car um and we like did the deed and we came back um and you fucked me so good that like I don't know some Riley said something like really kind of pissed me off about my relationship with Digi and I just like got really mad and like left the house I went on a walk and then uh I think everybody came and found me and I just like told everybody that I fucked you so I don't know I felt really guilty um and then there was some kind of like weird
uh, telephone game, and Riley, like, somehow thought that you raped me, and he started, like, accosting you, and it turned into, like, this fuckin' fight, and, uh, you and Faith were in the car, and he was, like, just yelling at you, like, screaming at you and, like, not letting you leave,
Unknown_12: He was having some kind of fucking like acid trip or something.
Unknown_00: I don't know. He was yelling at me like trying to fight me in the street.
Unknown_12: Yeah, he was fucking cracked out and like I had to get between you guys and then you left and that was it.
Unknown_12: Yeah. So that's the story.
Unknown_12: And it's one of those things where, yeah, it wouldn't be public, but I don't care. Like it's whatever. I've, I've talked about my life openly anyway. Like it's not even, it's not even a got you. Like you got, I believe I was making shit on that story.
I think that what happened is Ralph may wanted to cheat on Digibro because she is a demon and wants to inflict suffering and cruelty into this realm from Satan's lair.
Unknown_03: And so she hooks up with this tranny, this retard anime artist, and grooms him into being a tranny. And then when she's done inflicting agony into him, she decides, I'm going to latch on to this other retard, and I'm going to cheat when I do it. And so Ralph has found out day one that his girlfriend, his current 18-year-old girlfriend, is pregnant with his child. And they're going to this acid crack house. And Mae has already made up their mind.
There's a meeting of the minds between Mae and Ralph. They're going to have sex because Ralph is a horny pig monster. And Mae is a demon that wants to cheat because it's funny to her. So they meet up and they do the deed and Mae is now sticky with gunt sweat.
Unknown_03: She is coomed in and she is absorbent. She is emitting evil into the atmosphere around her and this makes the occupants of the dwelling that she is next to feel uncomfortable. And since they're on acid, and they're more in tune with the spiritual, her evil aura is causing them to trip bad. And Riley thinks there is something up. And I believe the rest of the story, that there is like accusations of rape and shit that is going on. And Ralph freaks out and he's like, if I get killed here right now by these cracked out fiends, I need there to be evidence. and he turns to his most trusted friend, Gator, and turns on Discord and calls him, just so that there is a witness in case May and Ralph are murdered there. Gator will be able to assist the police in identifying his attackers in any way possible. But thankfully, for absolutely nobody, Ralph and Faith make an escape, and Gator just kind of fills in the gaps in his mind because Gator is an unreliable narrator to his own life. If he were to try and recall a story to you that he experienced firsthand that was a significant turning point in his life, he would not be able to recall it with even, you know, 50%.
accuracy. So that is what I've come to as a fair and impartial moderator in this issue. That is what I believe to be true.
Unknown_03: Yeah, American Psycho Cell, exactly.
So to round off the gunk news, the other update is that we have found out why Ralph has moved. There is a civil court case against him from the guy who had, okay, a couple months ago, Ralph went to D.C. and he got T-boned. He was at an intersection and his passenger side of the car it was smashed the fuck in and he got t-boned at an intersection he was found at fault and i remember this very clearly because he went on twitter and said my fucking insurance payout was so big i just bought myself a new car
And everyone was like, that's not how insurance works. And now months later, he's being sued by the person who hit him because he was, again, found at fault. And I assume that there is some long term physical health issue that he has as a result of being in this car accident.
Unknown_03: uh because you know car accident ralph walked away was just bruising up and down his body and but you know car accidents are like very chaotic here's a fun fact uh patent died one year after world war ii ended because he was in a car accident And even though he was in the backseat, he hit his head up against a window in the backseat and it compressed his spine and inflamed his brain and killed him. It's a very sad story. My point is that even the people you may not expect to get hurt in a car accident can be fatally wounded or seriously life-long injured as a result of an accident.
Sabotage patent was murdered. I don't know this story guys. You have to fill me in Be sure to send me emails with book suggestions about this. So definitely I'll definitely read them
Unknown_03: He also wasn't wearing a seatbelt, aha.
Unknown_03: Anyways, he's being sued and the exact day this was filed, by the way, he moved. He announced that he was moving out of Richmond. He would never declare where he was living and nobody would ever be able to find him again. So now we know why he has moved. It's because he is dodging servicing from this guy who's trying to
call claim damages and what's very funny I don't know if it's I guess it's a few pages back now actually it's gonna be in the great the gun time thread I'll play I'll play a couple seconds of this actually because it's pretty funny I've now called it the the gun bounty hunt because he's trying to dodge servicing
So this happened yesterday, and we'll listen to it. I understand he's going to build a studio in Florida. This is Bibble, the pet black of the killstream talking.
Unknown_06: I understand he's going to build a studio in Florida, whatever the fuck. Honestly, man, I might have to go to Florida. Florida seems like it's a place where all the base people are going. And, you know, also we have to combat all these. I mean, that's where your new place is, right? Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. I'm sorry. Oh, dude, come on. Fuck.
Unknown_06: Fuck I'm sorry, dude. I'm sorry, dude.
Unknown_12: Fuck this. I just I Mean, they don't know where they don't know where I don't worry.
They won't just still they won't fuck It's excited about
Unknown_03: uh-huh uh-huh and the oscar for best supporting actor goes to the token black the token black ladies and gentlemen immediately immediately caused mistake and then you can just see the regret in his performance oh shucks golly gee williker massa i'm so sorry i gave out your new address in florida where all the based people are going Don't don't you worry about that young young Pibble. Don't you worry? Well it no they won't find out people don't worry about it really just tugs at the heartstrings the relationship between Ethan Ralph and his His young servant as they try to throw dis info. I'm not convinced by this at all Ralph was moving into my basement. Yeah, exactly I Won't play this but
I will play the last clip. Um, actually no, I will play this. Fuck it.
I don't know. I'll try to, or at least record some stuff while I'm up there on my phone. I could do that probably. Uh, and do a play by play later on. I don't want to do a lot of, that would be hilarious though. Um, but I need that community service too badly. Um, and now it's not ordered. It's called, we do a little, you know, preemptive community service. That's not,
Unknown_12: That's not crazy. I don't know. Has nobody heard of that. I talked about this yesterday because I just saw the stalkers going crazy over and it's like, well, now I'm just doing it preemptively. Stalker child.
He had kept this a little bit of a secret, but he's facing new legal issues because of course he is. I think he, um,
Unknown_03: He was going 65 in a 30 or something or like 60 in a 30. I think it was 65 in a 30. So he's facing like more fucking driving issues because he can't he can't help himself. And his attorney told him to volunteer for community service before he even goes to trial to try and soften his sentence. So now, Ethan Ralph, the gunted man, is wearing a high-res or high-vis vest jacket on the side of the road in Virginia with one of those pokey sticks, literally sweeping it up for the state of Virginia so that he can hopefully reduce his sentence by the time it goes to trial. he is literally sweeping it up in real time on the side of the road because he is he has a suspended sentence and he has done this so many fucking times that there's a real chance that he will go to jail if so his attorney told him uh just subscribe to community service by the way you might have noticed that the title of that episode was josh moon's long lost dad located it was a real letdown he announced that this guy was my dad but I thought everyone knew that critical was my dad I thought I've talked about that before I thought he had talked about that before I don't really watch his content but I thought everyone knew about it no this this was his teaser you're ready oh he playing music it's a big deal
Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown_12: Stay tuned.
Unknown_03: Or is this the end thing? He really does think he's like a wrestling star.
Unknown_03: I will say this I have not seen my dad since I was before like five years old I literally cannot tell you what he looks like if you showed me a picture of him I would not be able to tell you with any certainty more than a normal person just like comparing how someone looks to how I look if someone is my dad or not so
uh there there is there is like no shame in this there is no own there i don't know him i literally don't know him i don't care uh my paternal figures were other people in my life and i'm grateful for them and they're pretty upstanding so i'm not sure i think he just assumes That because he has very severe daddy issues that everybody has to have severe daddy issues I remember he came out like the the first day that we that he decided he didn't like me He accused me of getting molested and it's like bro. I don't know what the fuck has happened in your life But the considering how often he projects everything and other people it must be some pretty dark shit if he thinks that like a picture of a guy that I that i am related to but i have not seen would would negatively affect me but that's his current hang up i don't he says he's going to try to get him on the show i don't know what he would have to say though i think he's like a mechanic that's all i know or uh maybe critical will adopt me i think critical is younger than me but it's okay it's 2022 we don't ask questions about age anymore
pull up a picture of dead Ronnie I don't have I don't I don't keep pictures of random people's dads on my computer so I can't I can pull I know if you wanted me to pull up a picture of Barb you do happen to have I do happen to have this on hand ready to go for just such an occasion
Unknown_03: oh yeah i think that's it did i miss did i miss anything uh is there this has been a kind of a slow week i don't think anything too consequential has happened just lots of ralph shit oh um i could talk about sam hide briefly this uh this was news that i heard about this morning
Chances are you have seen clip channels on YouTube featuring Sam Hyde's content called like little shit post and the new pill are the big ones and Sam Hyde has done some investigatory work and Oh CWC is on grand grand jury trial right now a grand jury trial despite its name is
Unknown_03: is not some super jury trial. It is a hearing where there is a question that is not a conviction question that the state needs to answer that the prosecutors cannot be trusted with. So in certain cases, the state asks a jury of your peers, not of state lawyers or whatever, not prosecutors, a jury of your peers, like a normal jury, but they're answering a different question than if you're guilty or not. So the question is, do we have enough evidence to indict? Does the jury think that we have enough evidence to indict? Or sometimes, do you believe, do you, a jury of your peers, believe that you are competent to stand trial? So I think what's happening now is they are asking a jury of people in Virginia, do you think that Christian Weston Chandler is criminally insane, or do you think that he can, is competent to stand trial for his crimes? Do you think that he has the, there's a word for it. It means like, does he have the capacity to have an evil mind? It's like Rins Menas or something. Does he have the ability to understand that what he has done is wrong? And the jury, the grand jury, will decide if he does. And if he does have the ability for a criminal think, then it will proceed to trial. And if not, then he will be held in a psychiatric institution because he is criminally insane.
Men's Rhea. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown_03: So That's the update on Chris I've locked down registrations on the forum because it's kind of anything anytime Chris stuff is like big news it goes all over Twitter and reddit and then Lots of people come to the site and they are usually awful awful posters even worse than the tourists that we get from pole and shit So I'll unlock that over the weekend some point after the verdict has come out like a day after the verdict has come out and
And, uh, as I mentioned, Sam Hyde, uh, in his clip channels, he has decided that he somehow come up with a number of $30,000 a month. He estimates that there is $30,000 a month of ad revenue on YouTube for content, which he has created, which clip channels have taken and uploaded and monetized on their own.
Unknown_03: So, he has swung his dick around and told Little Shitpost and The New Pill, which are the two largest channels that clip MDE content, that they are either going to give their channels over to Sam Hyde and accept a payment system, or he is going to use the Content ID system on YouTube to claim their content and their ad revenue. Little shitpost has accepted the offer of something like $4,000 a month or 20% of the ad rev whichever is higher and The new pill has not accepted that offer So I don't know what the plan is with that is I assume that he's gonna try to content idea and the new pill will just fight it and I think that this is a bad idea and
And I'll do my spiel and then I'm kind of curious how my audience feels about this as well. Because I know many people listening are probably fans of Sam Hyde and MDE. I definitely like a lot of the things that I've seen from him. I don't like a lot of his intentional comedy work. And I think that his podcast is kind of shit.
Unknown_03: But there is some funny stuff that like everyone's a big fan of that car salesman guy, and I like him too And I think that they do a good podcast together But whenever he's on the podcast with his fucking sycophants who suck his asshole like Bickleider They are just the the worst most unfunny most uninsightful people ever And I do not understand, besides the fact that they pholate his anus on the reg, why he keeps them around, and why he puts them in front of his audience, because they are just so fucking insipid.
Um, and I have no interest in like his edited content, like hide wars, but I've seen that I, I didn't like, and his, his, his insistence on paywalling his podcast, which is ostensibly the most interesting thing that he does, even though it's the most low effort. It's like, this is why people do podcasts. The podcast formula is very successful because it is relatively low effort and high reward. It's very engaging. People like podcasts, like long form entertainment these days.
two to three hours of, you know, consistent quality once a week. That's what people want. And they have their lineup of shows. And the fact that he like paywalls this, um, is a bit bizarre. It's like, you should be putting this out there and then using merchandise like most people do. And then using your gumroad as a way to, you know, fund your more expensive endeavors, but to get your name out there some other way. And, uh,
Unknown_03: Attacking his clip channels seems like like a genuine blunder. I really don't understand. He said that he tried to give them an affiliate code and then see if he could convert people watching the new pill and Little shit posts to gumroad subscribers and in one month. He said that he got about $700 of new subscribers, but that's after a 20% affiliate cut for those channels. So it's like $900
He says there are $30,000 of monthly revenue from advertisers, and in one month, $900 of that converted to Gumroad subscribers. So I don't know. He's unsatisfied with that because it's not fast enough, I guess, because it would take, you know, at that rate, it would take 30 months to get all that. If it was consistent, it would take that much to convert it to Gumroad stuff.
Unknown_03: So he's decided to just buy it out. And my thought with that is like he's already lost channels to YouTube. They'll just ban him.
because they don't like him.
Unknown_03: So I'm curious, like, is it going to be a thing where he monetizes this channel, he gets the money for the ad revenue, and then he gets banned and he just ruins that little shitpost channel and he loses one of his platforms on YouTube? And in addition to that, in regards to the new pill specifically, I feel that the new pills content is very transformative because what happens is that he puts out these multi hour long podcast and many of them are utter dog shit because there are anyone besides Roquefort in them, which I remembered his name. Roquefort is the guy that sells cars. If they don't have Roquefort in them, then they're utter shit. So clipping out anything funny out of those other episodes is an actual job. You would need to pay me to make me sit through one of those podcasts and listen to those fucking retards and then remove the funny segments and put them on as clips on a channel. You would have to pay me for that. I would not do that for free.
so uh what the new pill does is he takes multiple clips from multiple segments like he's got a genuine fan brain and he remembers anytime sam says something and then when he wants to make a video he'll access like four different clips slam them together put them into a specific order and he'll even take stuff like years and years old like 10 years old from when Sam Hyde was in his mother's house like yelling like a like a psychopath into his Into the mirror of his mother's bathroom while she yells at him for being so noisy Like he has all that material on hand in his brain library, and he makes something out of all of that That's completely derived and distinguished from Sam's actual content, so I think that's fair use I think that if he did try to claim that shit the new pill would be completely in his right to
To fight it all the way to court, and I think he would win because it is transformative And it's like that's not a relationship. You should not be thinking about suing your fans is my point You should not be threatening to sue the guy who has the big brain library of everything that you've ever said because he loves you that much Which is why I say it's a blunder. It really is just completely bizarre. I don't understand the logic of it I don't know if it's greed or what I I don't know I could be wrong, but that's my that's my take on it
So I will ask you, do you think it is a blunder for Sam Hyde to try and own FizzClip channels? Yes or no? And we'll let that fill in. I'll take a sip of water.
Unknown_03: Do I want to? You know what? I'm going to go get a drink of water and I'm going to let that pole play. And I'm going to play some nice African-American music for one minute as I do this. Give me a second.
Unknown_03: A nice little interlude before I get to my shilling.
Okay, okay, I'm comfy I got my water everything's cool chat everything is cool Let's see what the poll says do you think is a blunder for Sam high to try and own his clip channels 1,000 votes 82% agree with me and say yes, it is a blunder but I Very biased, I did force you to listen to my spiel before I forced you to, allowed you to vote.
Unknown_03: Handbook of hate memes, I did that on the Gumroad, speaking of Gumroad, as my thank you for this month is about, I think like three hours long, it was pretty fucking long.
Unknown_03: Did you piss in the sink? No. Why would I do that?
Unknown_03: Let's be the baked Alaska trial. Oh, that's right. You're right. Baked Alaska entered a guilty plea for loitering in a restricted area or something ridiculous like that. I think it has a maximum sentence of six months. And part of his plea agreement is that he will allow federal prosecutors to
look at his phones and other devices and uh his media social media to try and find uh evidence part of their cooperation agreement a lot of people read into that pretty heavily and said like that's that's proof that baked is like an informant and it is pretty sussy baka however the
The cooperation paragraph was very skint compared to other plea deals which are much more involved and are much more clear that you will cooperate fully to help the police identify people. However, they don't really need Baked Alaska to agree to anything for him to be a federal asset because
Unknown_03: Baked Alaska's video footage from the perspective of the protest caught on film hundreds of people who were at that protest, like their faces, what they were wearing, how tall they are. Baked Alaska's IP2 footage of being inside the Capitol building has led to hundreds of convictions at this point, I'm sure of it, or at least arrests or identified suspects.
Jet he's already done if he was working for the federal government there he literally could not have done a better job at it. Cause he went in there he had a alibi for recording he got everybody's face on the internet and he made it public in a way that the government doesn't have to like subpoena it or you know there's no question about how they got access to it like he streamed it. So if he was a federal asset, he already did his fucking job months and months. He did his job that day that that had happened on January 6. So I can believe that they're giving him a license just because he was so retarded that he does more good for the federal government to be out there. Then.
To then to be in jail just based on his track record I mean literal FBI agents did not do as good a job at identifying January 6 protesters as baked Alaska did so Bravo baked. Now he runs this power chat and all these fucking Nick Fuentes people are running their their credit card details and billing address information and through it. Really? He's just he just as a gift that keeps on giving To our brave men and women of the law enforcement agencies of our federal government Just a tard yeah like I said he's better He is a better asset even off payroll as a free man with his fucking webcam turned on
True and lawyer, uh, I'll save that. I'll save that for later. Cause that's, that's a developing thing.
Unknown_03: Weight loss update. I am at one one 0.6.
Unknown_03: Um, though I'll probably probably won't lose weight this week or the next week. Cause I'm, I'm busy. I don't have time to cook. Unfortunately.
Unknown_03: Okay, no Steam forum update. I'm stuck on something and I haven't been able to get around to fixing it. There's a race condition that is fucking up my forum. I'm very slowly trying to figure out what it is.
And what stone? Yeah, right. Convert it yourself.
Unknown_03: All right, race condition means that two things have to execute in a specific order, and when they don't execute in a specific order, it breaks the application in unexpected ways. It's like 40 kilos of weight. Yes, it was twice as much before, but after a while, it has been going down. I don't know. I explain this every time and people are still like, oh my god, well, unless I take a fucking axe and a machete and I just start carving myself like a Thanksgiving Day turkey, it literally will not come off any faster. And I don't need it to.
Alright, um, it is time. It is time to show boys and girls. We have completely decimated the monthly goal for this month, which is extraordinary. I'm very happy. Thank you for everyone involved in supporting the show or whatever.
Unknown_03: uh that sounds very sarcastic but i mean it uh i've been very busy this month and the money is helping out extraordinarily so thank you very much uh i will get to the super chats now uh if you want to stay around i appreciate it people seem to like the super chat so far because it's not It would be different if I liked anime. If I liked anime, every super chat would be like, Hey Josh, what do you think of Oshouji no Choubuwa? And I'd be like, oh my god, the way that Shinji Gakaru was in that, in season two, I almost cried. It was my, it was so amazing. Every time BokuTowaru puts out another one of these Oshinjis, I'm just thinking like, holy shit, that's, that's fucking, that, you don't see that in the West anymore.
Whatever, fuck it.
Or Warhammer. Josh, what's your favorite Necron? I don't fucking know. I like the robot one. I like it when I take my robots and I paint them. I like to paint my robots. It makes me happy. It really soothes me when I paint my robots.
Unknown_03: Anyways, Max for $5. Hey, dude, longtime listener. These streams are a highlight of my week. Did you ever watch the Jesus chat line back in the day or the arc? Maybe they'd give you some laughs. Take it easy, man. Keep it up. I'm glad you like the streams. No, I have never heard of the Jesus chat line or the arc. I apologize. True capital. True. There's some like shows that had prank calls and shit. True Capitalist Radio was the first one of those that I ever got into.
Anonymous for 10 tweets or says very funny joke no come to Hawaii best state in the Union I could not think of a single state I'd besides like Washington DC. Maybe that would rather go to less than Hawaii What a fucking literally like a volcano island in the middle of the Pacific with no guns and tropical heat the fuck that I?
Anonymous for one says actually if they hasn't been used as a singular before a push by post modernists in the 90s The Shakespeare example is only one because the dude invented words all the time and talked about a non-human So what you mean to say is that yes, Shakespeare did use it, but it wasn't common until the gender stuff Yeah, I know I realize that. Singular they is a thing, though. It was still around for many decades, and other words that Shakespeare invented are like eyeball. We use a ton of Shakespearean words all the time.
Unknown_03: Hacks late for five says Sigma rule 51 don't spend time with your newborn dollar daughter holler at e-celebs and have sex with prostitutes There's a lot of Sigma rules that you could come up with around around Ralph Sigma rule When you are accused of rape grab the nearest hoe and shove her into your car then drive away very quickly
Toilet Duck for Five says, I would like to see more bad video game videos. It would be a great feature for the Gumroad. Would you consider giving us a tour of Blockland? Quack. I found, you know, speaking of, I'll show this real quick if I still have it.
Unknown_03: I do not have it.
Unknown_03: I found old code from Blockland for my zombie mod, and I shared that with someone recently. It's in C sharp derivative TorqueScript.
Unknown_03: But I can't play video games until soon. I don't know when. Like I said, it's probably early 2023 that I'll be able to play games again.
IceMexican410 says to quote meme aficionado Joshua Moon black people violent lmao bottom text Yes, it's true. That's a quote from the gumroad exclusive hate memes commentary I was explaining the difference between left-wing memes and right-wing memes and left-wing memes have to explain the complex socio-economic explanations for everything and then black or right-wing memes are just like black people violent lmao bottom text
Unknown_03: Anonymous for five. I listen to these with my two year old.
That's a mistake. Anything you'd like to say to the toddler Maddie listeners? Oh God.
Unknown_03: What's the, the standby is just like stay in school kids, right? Stay in school. But that's, that's the, that's wrong advice. Now you say stay in school and then your toddler will be asking for a sex change operation in two years.
Unknown_03: Um,
Unknown_03: Okay, here's my advice to all the young Maddie listeners. Don't believe anything. Everything that anyone tells you is less than 100% accurate. Everyone says everything with a desire to influence your fragile young mind. And everyone should be questioned. You should think, why does this person want me to believe that? And what is actually true? Always be schizophrenic. Embrace schizophrenia at an early age, as early an age as possible.
Feanor did nothing wrong for 33 34 says Jemson is a pedo Samuel is Anglo overpaid as Chinese tweezy is fat at non-white kill wrangle with brick sneak cord never dies currently viewing thread Chantelle for the beauty It's like a QA post but in the and In the style of my discord which apparently lives on in the memories of everyone there
Kfroxianwolf420 says bark bark oink oink rage pig seeds slobber mutt sneeds yiff yiff moo moo take my shuckles you're a jew along with bday silver you want anything else postcards banana pepper seeds um oh jeez uh i'm gonna have to i'm gonna i'm gonna have to figure out what to do about the silver because there's a fucking vat tax attached to gifts that's like 25 i know some fucking asshole i don't even want to say it
Unknown_03: Basically you should value your if you're gonna send me anything value it as little as possible say that it is an ornamental gift with no Intrinsic monetary value. It's just trash or if it's US old US currency Say it's worth as much as the face value you send like five JFK quarters or half dollars. That's a that's 250 That's the truth
Unknown_03: Kelsu for 10 says would you rather live next to a black Christian family or a white pagan family? If well, that's a trick questions like a Sudoku puzzle you have to think of the surrounding context if I'm living next to a black Christian family chances are I'm in the south and I'm enjoying my Long my ten acres and my rifles if I'm next to a white pagan family I'm in Washington near Seattle and I am living in hell so
I guess I would have black neighbors. I would have literal neighbors living next to me. Can you imagine that?
Unknown_03: whites can be converted dude if you're doing the pagan larp shit nah there's no helping you if you've embraced odin as your as your personal deity uh and you're like walking around with antlers and in like fur coats to celebrate the solstice you're fucking gone i can't help you with that i could i can't beat you over the head with a bible and fix you at that point i'm beyond hope
uh william joyce for 10 says there's a skeleton inside that skeleton it's crazy to think about i always see dog chews when i look at anorexic people like yeah like a dog could just carry you away by your femur and you would be hopeless helpless to resist it
Unknown_03: ice wallow cum ew for five says nothing but he already got what he wanted and then for 20 says sigma rule 561 force your viewers to watch a skeleton when it's not october uh i have to prepare them i have to give them more mental fortitude for the horrors that await
Unknown_03: By the way, I'm working on a special project for October. Stay tuned, stay tuned. When you see it, you'll be like, oh my God, Josh hinted, Josh predicted this. He hinted that this special cool thing that I'm watching is real.
months ago even abominable oh wait frog frog god for one says remember to add the peepo dance at the end of the stream okay you know just just for frog god i'll pull it up abominable ho man for ten says reminder pvp nearly blew a once in a lifetime interview with andy dick because of his low functioning autism and ip2's chicken andy had to salvage it imagine needing chicken andy to save your ass Well, if you're lucky, Chicken Andy won't save your ass, because I think he has HIV, and he probably will get monkey pox- I can't wait for the monkey pox IP2 saga, that'll be great. When Alice is on camera, being like, eh, Ralph gave me monkey pox! And she has, like, blisters all around her mouth and shit. I'll watch IP2 then, that's my promise to you. When Alice has monkey pox blisters all over her face, I will watch your fucking streams. And I'll send in a super chat or two to somebody. Not Alice though, because she's a thot.
tanuki protective hug giver 509 hello josh how's rooforum going here's another song rec as obscure as i can manage stay cool furry savior
when I have free time I can't wait to get back into it.
Unknown_03: I fixed some minor bugs recently but nothing too major because there's a serious issue with the way I do authentication and it's really fucking bothering me and I need to fix them.
Unknown_03: Kings and Bears fade out. Okay, I'll listen to that after the stream.
Unknown_03: Niggers tongue. Oh wait, I fucked that up. Niggers nunge my anus for five says, Josh, you should be a cop. They encourage you to be fat.
I would rather be anything besides a cop. That's.
Unknown_03: That's just a nightmare. Imagine having to deal with black people literally every day. Like, I rate black people who already fucking hate you the moment they see you because you have a badge. Like, no, thank you. I would rather be literally- I would rather be in Hawaii than a fucking cop anywhere.
Unknown_03: Buck Broken Beta for $3.05 says, Please tell my GF you're not interested in her. She's obsessed with you and wants me to use my Josh voice when we are intimate and I'm kinda sick of her talking about you.
That is homies posting their L's right there. Why the fuck would you pay to admit that? That's why she's interested in me because you're pay-pigging me when she's like obsessed with me. You have to pull an Ethan Ralph at this point. Grab her by the throat and throw in her car and drive away like as recklessly as possible. You need to reestablish dominance at this point.
Unknown_03: for $1 that's all you get i was i was thinking maybe you were doing the black people speak but you're doing and that's not acceptable for a dollar
SonicDaItalian42 says, how do you feel about eugenics, Josh?
Unknown_03: Eugenics can be pretty base. I mean, whether you like it or not, we're going to be eugenics.
Unknown_03: People are going to select artificially. They already are. There was a Chinese doctor who CRISPR'd a baby to fuck with its genes, and the baby was born. And nobody knows what happened to it, because the government abducted the baby.
Unknown_03: for the win for 10 says the gumroad thing fleeces me can you fix that if I send you money here as well yes sarcasm email me if you're not getting what you paid for you need to send me an email and tell me what's wrong because you should be able to find everything under content on mad the internet just make sure that you're at the $5 supporter bundle if you're below that
Anonymous for 10 says you're right about pro abortion not caring about their existence My ex was pro and she told me she was she had been aborted so she wouldn't have to experience all her trauma growing up It's fucked Yeah, that sounds about right. It sounds like what I
Unknown_03: That's kind of sad, though. You probably shouldn't air out your girlfriend's or ex-girlfriend's dirty laundry like that. That's kind of mean. My ex-girlfriend was super molested and she wanted to die. You're right, Josh. Thanks, I knew I was right before you sent me that and lowered the mirth level of my stream.
Unknown_03: Danteach for five says but but no what about my rape babies we should have birth capable humans who become rape victims to be able to abort their rapist baby but no what about rape babies we should have birth capable humans who become rape victims to be able to abort their rapist baby um
I'm not sure the rape baby thing is very is very complicated when it comes to like defects and rape I kind of it sounds mean to say it's like I think rape you should just be aborted because if there's like Reproductive abusers who just want to like rape to impregnate women. You shouldn't reward them by forcing them to
Unknown_03: To give birth to it that feels wrong I always want to deny people what what they want if I think that they're an asshole. That's my that's my nature And I don't I definitely don't think that rapists should be entitled to custody or visitation or anything
Unknown_03: Winkletard for $100 says I want to give a shout out to Rye Wrangler an award-winning erotic fan fiction writer whose Work you can find on Amazon LGBT plus friendly Rye Wrangler is a guy on the Kiwi farms Who is?
Like, I think he's, like, chronically addicted to pole. And all he does all day, every day, is post shit he gets from pole in chat. And people bully him and call him an LGBTQ plus fiction writer because they know it bothers him. And he continues to, every day, literally every day for hours a day, post pole shit into chat.
Unknown_03: He is I think I'm I think that on a direct comparison There is a Like a hierarchy of like tolerance in the chat weirdos And I'm trying to figure out if wolf tone is higher or lower than rye wrangler and the the chat hierarchy Wolf tone is very fucking weird. He's not like a poltard though. He's kind of poltard is but he's not like It's not like a complete retard
Very very strange times chat. I mean you you wouldn't know it's just retards from the forum You don't listen to the forum or watch the former use of whatever. You know what I mean?
Unknown_03: Hacks or hacks late for two says the worst you shit physically hurts to listen to and then he throws a bunch of tomatoes and this seems to be the prevailing opinion of chat at that point It is like PPP seems uncomfortable, which I I I think that should tell you something if you're on air with somebody and you're like you've bound yourself Financially to this person and they're like causing you to cringe physically It's probably a problem
Kira Yuma for $50 says tomatoes and this is at the same time so he he was so shocked and appalled by Andy Warski's abortion rant that he gave me $50 to throw tomatoes at him on screen which is pretty based if you think about it
Unknown_03: Torrent45 says, the Tardski song is the opposite of Kino. I see he's learning from the Mundane Matt School of Crisis Management and leaning into this controversy as hard as he can.
Unknown_03: That's a little bit true.
Unknown_03: Mundane Matt is more groveling though. Like Mundane Matt's thing, and I find myself very repulsed by Mundane Matt, because even though he's like leaned into the joke of the boulder string, he leaned into it so much. it's like pathetic again he named his podcast boulder talk radio and shit and it's like bro you're naming your shit after like the biggest humiliation of your entire life um there's there's owning like the joke and like rolling with it and then there's like
like eating it straight from the toilet and covering your face in the joke and walking around in public with the joke smeared on you and debasing yourself endlessly. At some point, people stop laughing at the joke because you've made it so awkward for everybody.
Unknown_03: Red Eyes, Black Dragon for 10 says grey aliens are real. I have no comment to that. I'm not into the grey alien conspiracy theory. I have nothing to add.
Dandy for 20 says Josh you've always reminded me of the character Brian Oblivion from the movie Videodrome Also, shout out to the fuckers that outbid me for the coins big ups BP chat. I'm sorry you got outbidded But I got a hustle. I got a hustle I wish I had six coins and maybe you wouldn't have been outbidded and I've never seen Videodrome so I can't I can't opine how true that is
Unknown_03: Chantal Olive Marie so ralt for five says I wish I had more money to send you But I spent my entire YouTube paycheck this month on nadir and Nash's by the way. Thanks for the Christmas card No one's ever sent me one before I bet you can fix me. Well, you're very welcome for the Christmas card I'm not sure anyone can fix you though. I apologize Definitely not nadir though good lord have some have some self-respect Chantal
Dantiok again for five says can you fill me in on the deep gun lore? Why the hell is Ralph associated with Digibro and his degenerate colleagues to begin with? I mean birds of a feather, but still the answer to that question Dantiok is a guy called Dick Masterson. At some point, early into the Dick Show, like within the first 200 episodes, he decided that he was going to get together what people called his Whack Pack. He was going to have people like me, and Digibro, and Ethan Ralph, and Mr. Medicare. He was going to get all these people together to talk about weird internet stories.
The problem is that Digibro is extremely awkward, and Ralph picks fights with everybody, and you can't really have these people together in the same room. It kind of falls apart. So literally, Ralph met Digibro's ex, May, through Dick Masterson, and more specifically through Riley, I think, who was Dick's producer at the time. However, I don't think Riley's associated with the Dick Show anymore because of
Every literally everybody ever hates Riley there is not a single good thing you can say about Riley and Riley's little peepee gets hard when you talk shit about him because He's like a he's literally shorter than Ralph. He's like an inch shorter than Ralph He's just like a Ralph but not as Confident he's a Ralph that gets off on being humiliated as opposed to a Ralph that becomes angry when he gets humiliated Who is Riley I just explained just explained
dainty inferno for $100 with where was the depends on the race option on the abortion poll it's always there in our hearts it's always there in the heart of hearts we all know we all think it it's like when uh you see a woman who's too close with her dog you don't even have to say you just know
Unknown_03: Ghost Politics for Five says, oh no, oh god, it happened again. I soiled my wheelchair. Engineer, come here and clean it up. That's gross.
Unknown_03: I don't want to think about Ghost shitting himself. You know what? I was going to help Ghost set up the Fediverse, and then he, um, somebody even said, Josh, can you help Ghost set up the Fediverse? I said, sure. Ghost emailed me. I offered to set him up. I said, but, you know, I'm going to charge money for it. And then he, like, said, OK, that's no problem. Never heard from him again.
Unknown_03: Which is the story of my fucking life when it comes to me trying to make an honest dollar as opposed to I make more money just shit Shekel Shekel dancing as opposed to actually trying to set up services for people Anonymous for 10 says how long until the gun board surpasses the DSP board do you think Ralph will die before it happens? Has it not already?
No, wow, I didn't realize that that board is so isolated the the DSP board It's like so isolated from the rest of the site. They really hate that guy It's always unpleasant when I go there because they're one of those people who are just like they have no lines to cross when it comes To DSP. It's like you should probably have some lines Have some limits to what you're willing to do to fuck with a return.
Unknown_01: Hmm By the way brief DSP update I
They wanted this featured, but nobody would care except for DSP people. If you don't know, DSP is what they would call a whale in the online mobile game world. He is hopelessly addicted to some WWE bullshit game.
Unknown_03: He spends tens of thousands of dollars on this bullshit fucking app.
Unknown_03: money which he doesn't have because he's in bankruptcy and they caught him he showed his phone screen on accident in his chair like he put his phone in his chair and you could see the screen you could see the fucking WWE game so he claims when he begs for money that he's done playing this stupid fucking game and the reality is that he definitely fucking still does which is just crazy because it literally bankrupted him
Evan Ralph for five says, Pantsu tried pulling the same thing with the special needs kidnapper. Her and Ralph tried to get sent to my prison. They got caught having sex in the car and claimed kidnapping to cover her ass. While they were trying to rescue poor Evan from the mental hospital that Ralph put him in, they ended up falling in love. I mean, that's a much sweeter story than the reality. Poor Ralph was just trying to rescue his retard brother, and he met the love of his life and the mother of his child along the way, as opposed to going to a fucking drug house, a drug den, to cheat on his already pregnant girlfriend with the girlfriend of a tranny. That's a much less wholesome Big Chungus story than the one that you posited.
Matt for two says Josh. Are you the true man who has gone his own way Sigma male? I'm not even a Sigma male. I already said I'm a I'm a Kappa Kappa coin male I've gone my own I've got a man that goes my own way going my own way. I'm Sigma than the most Sigma
Unknown_03: None of us for five says Joe Josh when is with Christian go to the grand jury? Who will be possessed by the demon at this point the gun will go to jail or be dead so who's next? depends on who goes to to see Ralph at his final moments and the Then it will jump ship to the next person. Maybe it'll be dick dick will be possessed by the demon don't get it. I Ralph will die during like a car accident where they're both like wasted. Ralph will be driving. Dick will be like in the passenger seat. They get into a car accident. Ralph's dead. And then Dick is possessed by the demon. That sounds plausible.
The Nola Toma for 25 says a bruise acquired while reading the forums of your blood enemy while driving And he calls an accident that leaves you battered sued and ashamed. This is true There's a very high probability that Ralph was rage driving while also playing on his phone reading the the Kiwi farms Well before he got to a terrible car accident
Rungle for 10 says shoutouts to Simon S. Salty. Shoutout, Simon S. Salty.
Unknown_03: Barbcheck for two says, Jammie, pull up that picture of Barbelick, which I think is a reference to the bald guy, Joe Rogan. I wouldn't know for sure though.
Unknown_03: Zod is your neighbor for five says can't send more than this amount this time But we appreciate if you take the time to give orbit a serious look I believe it can solve our big-eye internet problem. Is this a cryptocurrency better not be?
your personal server a D Decentralized personal server platform. I Have heard of this before
Unknown_03: I would suggest sending it to Crunklord actually. Crunklord would take a serious look at this. And then if there's something we can do to like help it or something. But I mean, the question that I see looking at this is what is, it's a software stack, a VM programming language and kernel designed to run software for an individual. Well, how do you make money doing this is the question. Cuz nobody's gonna run this for free. They're not gonna run shit that cuz then people are just gonna abuse it And they're not gonna there's not gonna be legitimate services on it Unless there's like some sort of way to have like checks for it
Hack4crack4666 says, are you unable to fly due to expenses, fear, or being served papers, et cetera? Saigon is great. Would love you to fly over here. Cheaper than Eastern Europe, more comfy. Internet is good, too. I just can't travel right now. It's not money, and I'm not afraid of being served paperwork in Ho Chi Minh City. It's just that I don't want to travel right now.
I definitely don't want to meet up with people from the internet. That sounds like a good way to get killed, especially in Vietnam.
Unknown_03: Pseudo for five says watch the EU handbook video. Great fact, the fact that they think the doomers are a threat makes me want to go on a night walk and smoke a copious amount of cigarettes. Yeah, the they list the I mean, I went over the entire thing, but the hate book handbook meme. is like a hundred memes and they're all over the place most of them are not hateful in any way or they're hateful in so much as someone once posted a a version of the meme with like a hitler stache or a swastika in it and then they just declare the entire thing carte blanche is like a nazi thing it's just like it's very low iq very low effort
And I just think it's a cash grab because it's coming from a company that makes in machine learning and I think they're just trying to get money from the European Union Commission to or to a Be like, oh you need machine learning filtering for hate content on the internet You should you know, give us money. Give us a billion dollars will filter Facebook autonomously with machine learning We can read between the lines and know if something is really hateful or not Um
Unknown_03: Goyboy for five says, I'm an hour behind because of work, but so much for our message that Andy and Bleachbutthole are trying to give. I fucking hate the God is King riff so much, and I hate those two faggots. Yeah, I've mentioned this before, but the whole Crisis King shit is so taxing. And I feel really bad for like genuine devout believers because there's that very famous speech if I were the devil and it's like a pastor saying if I was a devil I would put sex in music and I would get everyone addicted to drugs and
I would fill the church with scandalous pedophile shit and all this stuff, and then at the end he just concludes, if I was the devil, I would do exactly what I was doing right now. Hinting that the societal woes are direct works of the devil. And it's just like, if I was the devil, I would make the most prominent Christians people who are fucking retarded and embarrassing so that nobody would ever want to associate with them. And I think that's very effective.
um lucius septimus severus for 20 says if you want an interesting story of silver currency the roman denarius and antony man antony anus antony anus for their decline in purity following the crisis of the third century is a good listen also watch jiro um I can pull this up real quick.
Unknown_03: There is a graph which explains very, very well. Oh, here, this actually.
Unknown_03: This is a chart that I've seen published many times, and it is a explanation of war, civil unrest, and debasement of the Roman silver currency. Every time like you can see that the value of silver per coin really collapsed over time and as it was being debased more and more like Roman Emperors were executed and shit and it's sort of like a causality Association between the basement of currency and Political political turmoil very interesting
Baked Alaska is an NPC for $1, says, the first time I heard of people lacking an internal monologue, I thought of Baked. I can't hate him because I genuinely can't conceptualize him as having a conscious thought, unironically dumber than Rand. Whoa, buddy. Whoa, buddy. Let's not fling that kind of caliber of insult, okay?
Unknown_03: There are very few people I would say are less cognitive than
Rand. He's, he's fucking down there, man.
Unknown_03: Anti Kino for 10 says, LOL. Ralph's new cohost, ex DJ Axel mod, grossly offensive was caught on live stream defending child pornography enjoyers. Why does everyone, this dude associates with turn out to be some degen freak. Um, I don't know anything about that, so I can't comment, but I mean, who the fuck would associate with Ralph besides like,
Unknown_03: people just trying like like completely principle-less degenerates trying to bootstrap their own grift that's all it is fuck you josh for 20 says put effort into it this time b2 guggum b googie goo goo flea goo goo goo flee goo goo ba ba i feel like a fucking retard trying to do this
If I see this Clipped out and one of those fucking you laugh you lose with threads on work safe gift. I'm gonna I Just don't want to okay. I just don't want to see it
Unknown_03: Remember, I'm saying that specifically so that if you do clip that out and post it, people will not enjoy it because I broke the fourth wall and I'm ruining for you preemptively.
Unknown_03: member for 10 says hey josh what do you think of osu genobu that's very good uh yeah every time his his oshinjis really are just the best i i completely agree my favorite anime by far uh mech warrior for five says money take it continue to make me laugh bro thank you very much mech warrior
And finally, anonymous for five says, I support the gumroad, but I don't know how to access new commentary videos because I'm a retard. Where can I find it? Keep up the great content. Go to the product and then you should be able to find videos or something and make sure that you're doing five dollars a month. I think that's the minimum. You shouldn't be able to subscribe for less than five dollars a month. Yeah.
Unknown_03: okay there you go chat i'm all done i'm done with the grift i can rest my vocal cords and call it a day day of hard work like many of you at work breaking your back i'm there right along with you i'm i'm toiling in the coal mine with you earning my my pittance so i can continue to run my site 163% is nice.
Yes, it is very nice It's very nice.
Unknown_03: I hope it lasts for as long as it can apparently PPP losses donation alerts I don't know what the fuck the story is with that. Um, but Allah Allahu Akbar, I know what Oh inshallah inshallah is what they say inshallah God willing inshallah I will keep my My donation alerts for many many more moons to come Because that shit's expensive chat
three hour stream.
Unknown_03: Not today. Not today. I can't I can't inflate it anymore.
Unknown_03: All right. Well, guys, thank you for sticking through the super chat segment. Thank you for watching. Thank you to everyone who is on the road. I will see you next Thursday. I will see you next Thursday.
Unknown_03: because i will be busy friday and i cannot stream on friday and instead of not streaming i will uh stream a day before i think that's fair isn't it i'm trying to find this gif but it's not cooperating okay i think i think that worked i think that got it Okay, I'll see you Thursday. Thursday, Thursday. I will put a community post up to notify people that it will be on Thursday. I will make sure everyone knows that it's on Thursday. And I might put out a stupid video on Friday to make fun of the people who didn't get the memo from the day before. Okay, see you guys later. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, bye-bye. My mama always said I would regret it
If I ever got a tattoo She said I'd never get a job Like I ever wanted one with that attitude
But everything I ever had was an automatic My friends said someday I would make it big But I'm still living in the basement I'm just as broke as the day I was born But I still make it work
Unknown_18: Unless I had a six-pack and smoked cigarettes, I've got a cold.
Everybody knows
Unknown_18: The preacher told me this was only just a pipe dream And I've been burning both ends seven days a week But baby, I just paid the rent Making music with my friends It ain't much, but it could be the start of something better I'm just as broke as the day I was born But I still make it work
It's all just a cruel joke Everybody knows there's no hope you