We want gang.
Unknown_03: We want beat. We want trap.
Unknown_03: We want trap, queen. I am from.
Unknown_03: Ching chong, ching chong.
Unknown_03: Ling, ling, ling.
Unknown_03: One gang has seen a dinosaur with poodle rap. Poodle rap. Ling, ling, ling. Ying, ying.
I am from Chinatown. Chinatown? I am hard as rock. Hard as rock. Extra soy sauce. Naruto. Ling Ling Ling.
Unknown_24: I want to give a big shout out to all the weirdos who bankroll IP2 and feed digital prostitutes methamphetamines so that they can scream incoherent racism into a microphone and then somehow get it listed on YouTube as, like, Playmate Tessie has, like, her own topic thing. Somehow...
this has been out for almost a year now this woman has had her own channel for does she have other songs i just realized oh my god she has like oh oh god do i dare i'm gonna okay this one's called women go their own way i'll play like eight seconds of this before clicking off okay so far this isn't good this is a mistake
Unknown_01: fuck all men don't fuck them fuck all men don't touch them fuck all men don't do it i'm glad i know as little as i do about ip2 i don't feel like my life would be enriched any anymore by uh i mean the chinese one was definitely better than the um than that one
That one was just low energy. You gotta scream until your voice cracks like I do. That's how you get people to like you. IP2 subform win. Absolutely never over my fucking dead body. That's win. I don't need any more of you people on my website. You cause nothing but problems. You're all addicted to drugs and you throw pennies at crack whores and you cause infighting. I'm done with the IP2 stuff. I'll play your shitty music every so often, but that's as much as you're getting from me.
Unknown_24: oh chat uh i guess people are gonna expect like a victory day speech today um it won't be so high energy unfortunately i'm gonna go over my usual beats uh we're gonna fill in we're gonna fill in with people all people joining on the live stream i guess i picked like the worst possible time to start live streaming because my streams get really busy like in the second hour maybe i should just delay it eventually then i wouldn't have enough time to go to bed i got a strict bedtime chat i can't stay up all night around with you people
All right. I probably should have gotten my shit set up while I had the chance, but now I have to do it.
Unknown_24: Our leading story in the filler segment of the beginning of the stream.
Unknown_24: In the United Kingdom, there is a fake sport called Quidditch. And now this fake sport is becoming a knockoff of Quidditch called quad ball. They are officially changing their name from Quidditch to quad ball. And here are some quad ball players playing quad ball. um i just real okay i just realized they're all sitting on sticks like brooms and i thought that originally when i saw people playing this that they would use the stick to like bludgeon and hit the ball but it appears that they actually just walk around with this pvc pipe between their legs because that's what you're supposed to do because it's more like a harry potter room London, a sport invented by British author J.K. Rowling in her hugely popular Harry Potter series, which features witches and wizards flying on broomsticks trying to score goals, is rebranding. The fictional game has been a real-life sensation among muggles for more than a decade and is played as a fast-paced mixed-gender contact sport across the world.
as part of an effort to distance the sport from its creator who has sparked controversy for her views on transgender issues the international quidditch association the iqa announced that the sport will now be known as quad ball this is an important moment in our sports history said chris lau chair of the iqa board of trustees in a statement We are confident in this step and we look forward to the new opportunities quad ball will bring.
So this is them talking about it. They all look horrifying to me. Each and every person on my screen right now scares the fuck out of me. There's something something very off about all of them. This is their website. You can kind of see them playing. I like this picture here. You can see how wonderfully diverse Quadball is.
Unknown_24: You can let these wonderful witches and wizards from all over the world look after your children. I like how the Asian kids are like the most awkward. Like all the white kids are just dopey and smiling along. The Asian kids are like embarrassed. They know better. They're like, this is fucking stupid.
I could be in a rice field right now actually doing something with my life instead of hanging out with these retards. Look, I didn't even see this one. The one on the left is somehow the most awkward. He's like trying to hide behind the white girl. He's like, I don't want to be in this fucking picture. People might see this. This is going to be put on the internet. What are you doing? Don't do this to me. It's shameful to spray.
Unknown_24: Here, I went to their official YouTube channel, the Major League Quidditch YouTube channel.
And I've opened it at random. It is mixed gender, so there's no issues about what team a woman plays on and what team a transgender person plays on because they all play on the same team.
Unknown_24: And we're going to watch it. This is Minneapolis versus Indianapolis game two of Major League Quidditch. Let's see how this works.
Unknown_20: ...to Peachy, the one-handed cat.
Unknown_24: Okay, no, they literally do walk around with the PVC pipe between their legs. Holy shit, that is fucking bizarre.
Unknown_20: ...from Peachy, usually advised against, but he makes it work and slots it through the small far hoop.
I don't know.
Unknown_24: Is YouTube just canceling it, saying no? You're not watching.
Unknown_14: You're not so lucky anymore. 50-70 here.
Unknown_24: Why is their field so small? Like, you can see how it fits on a regular football team or a football field. And I assume that a soccer field and a football field are close to the same size, right? Because you see the hoops are on either side of each other, like 100 yards away, 100 meters. And then you can just see that the Quidditch field is like a third of that, even that.
Unknown_14: For Indianapolis... Down by 20 against Minneapolis. 15 minutes on the clock.
Carlson getting into the defense.
Unknown_13: The bludgers having to find Meyer.
Unknown_14: Carlson on the front side after the missed shot.
Unknown_14: great the fucking the pvc pipe is like the most bizarre thing like okay you want to have a game and you kind of want to base it off harry potter where it's like you know there's the i guess they got rid of the the snitch the snatch the gold one they got rid of that because that's stupid you have these fucking people playing with like balls right and each one's like a point if you don't know how this works in harry potter
Um, there's like an entire team of people. So you have like 20 people, 10 people on each side.
Unknown_24: And then there's like a, a, a big dumb ball that you have to like hit into one of the hoops for a point. And then there's another ball that only one person on each team goes after. That's very small. Um, And it flies around, and if you catch it, you get 100 points, and the game's immediately over. So the only way that the game can end in any other way besides catching the snitch is that they have to score like 101 points before you do so, which is just the most bizarre thing to me. It doesn't make any goddamn sense, because when J.K. Rowling wrote this book... It's she was like, I want to make Harry Potter the most important person on the team. So we're going to make the rules of this game so that if he does the super cool thing, then the game's immediately over and they win. And that's like the entire point of it. And then for some reason, whatever year, like 20 years later, the children who read this book tried to recreate it in real life. And they're running around with PVC pipe between their legs and they're fucking mentally ill. OK, it's like the dumbest shit.
Anyways, that's quad ball. There's live commentaries, like two people talking. And then if you scroll down, one comment a day ago from Hotel Otakar, who I guess also saw this article in the Washington Post and said, such cringe. It has one upvote, and this is the only comment left on this video.
Anyways, I would suggest that these guys all take medication for their mental illness. But unfortunately, medication for mental illness is no longer a thing. Depression is probably not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. New study. So I've been told my entire, literally my entire life when I was a teenager, I was told by absolutely everyone I knew that depression was a chemical imbalance in the brain and I need medication for it. And now I know that all these people on SSRIs for depression are just taking zombie meds and it's not even fucking doing anything. It's now official. Trust the science. Trust the science. SSRIs just turn you into a school shooter and they don't actually do anything. If you're depressed, you need to take 5,000 IUs of vitamin D every day. Just getting that out there for everybody again. I'm not reading any of this. I don't care.
Another article, this one by Magdalene Visaggio, which I assume I pronounced right to the surprise of everybody.
Unknown_24: We Are Everywhere, A Field Guide to Clocking Terrified Trans Femme Eggs. This is a guide written by a transgender person for how to spot somebody who is transgender but just doesn't know it yet. In the transgender terminology, an egg crack is when someone who is not trans realizes that they question their gender identity. So Magdalene Visaggio is going to explain to you, is going to transplain to you how to spot one of these pre, that's a comic skate guy, I did not know that. I didn't know that they have a thread, which I'll read in a second. But this is Visaggio's guide on how to spot a tranny who doesn't know that they're a tranny yet.
Intro. Here's the thing. I'm really, really, really good at spotting eggs. Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure that all the Discord kids you talk to just are... For some reason, every time, all those 13-year-olds that you meet in Discord are just unbroken eggs waiting to be cracked open with bathtub HRT.
Unknown_24: Way too good, to be honest. My Jendar is upsettingly accurate. It's not even hard to spot him. The dead eyes...
The performative speech, the preemptive defensiveness at the slightest self-perceived femininity. See, we're not really that special or unique. Gender dysphoria manifests in pretty consistent patterns that you can recognize if you don't know what you're looking for. So think of this as a sort of, so you think your guy friend might really be a girl brochure. I've cracked dozens of eggs myself, personally. Six alone in August 2021, usually in relatively short exchanges. My closest trans woman... My closet of trans women just wants someone to tell them they have permission. By the time they get talking to me, they've already done a lot of work and they just need one final nudge. This is all like, I've talked to lots of kids in Discord and they are questioning their gender identity because that's like the cool thing to do in school right now. And then when I tell them how to buy bathtub estrogen from Canada, they just do it.
Uh, some need more time to process that fact. Once I realized I needed to transition, it took me almost two years to start. I agonized over it endlessly, but when I talked with eggs, the more I saw them overlap with the stories, but five, blah, blah, blah. I'm not a psychologist.
Uh, I just wanted to point this out. Okay, here. Things I look for when I get vibes. Some of these have explanations, some won't. One, gets weirdly defensive about their own perceived femininity, even or especially when they bring it up themselves. Two, if I'm going to spend 70 hours looking at a character's ass, it's going to be a girl's ass. If you've never heard this before...
Unknown_24: That's what people who play MMOs say when they pick girl characters.
Unknown_24: I always thought that was weird. I always picked guy characters, except when I was playing RuneScape. Then I would use the gender change thing and then ask guys for free stuff, and they would give me free stuff, and then I would just change back. But then I would have the free stuff still. Those dead, dead eyes, the fragile shell this writer once inhabited. So this is his pre-op picture.
uh this is one of the best illustrated by example it's remarkable how often a thousand yards shares a dead giveaway there's kind of a hopeless existence to it i'm alive i guess lives lives like their bodies made of rotting meat aka and the inability to take care of themselves resting zombie face it's a hard smile through a blob a lot of trans women report that prior to transition they only really felt despair and anger which are complex emotions they always seem to act like they're in a movie or something Avoid answering questions about their queerness entirely or being specifically probing about why you asked. Be too smart to be this stupid. Be too stupid to be this smart.
This is so condescending. Do not see themselves anywhere in five years. Not making choices. This is just depression. I'm depressed because I masturbate eight times a day. And now I just have a thousand cock stare and I walk around without any meaning to my life.
Unknown_24: uh is a non-descript ally everybody is an ally you're forced to be an ally you don't get a job if you don't have lgbtq ally in your profile this was not well received in case you're curious um tranny spoke out about this magdalene visagio went on hiatus and locked they're verified what the fuck are they verified for rightist and guitarist comics is people
Huh. That's strange.
Unknown_24: They're at 69 Fart Street, in case you're curious. So they went on the highest because of the backlash of this article.
Unknown_24: I'll read some of this backlash. Like, even if the violent hatred... Okay, this is Dump Stenarchist Trash Kitten says... Even if violent hatred against us weren't at a fever pitch right now, the whole I can read you like a book little egg and I'll crack you comes off as incredibly patronizing in seeking to remove people's autonomy. Rudy Treviso says this is probably not the best idea in a time where a large part of the government in the United States are pushing for transgenocide.
Uh, Edina Lobo says, yo, this shit sucks. Sassbot 9000 billion says, specifically unwrite this article. Nice lady Grimoire says, extraordinary. Frost Ziz says, what the fuck is this shit?
Unknown_24: Sassbot says, wow, this is shitty. Hey, you should delete this article. It's extremely bad. You should know better. I like how they didn't delete it. They just said, fuck you guys. I wrote a great article and you people suck and you're wrong. I wonder what the comments on this say, like, directly. I'm sure this is totally fine and can't in any way, shape, or form be weaponized by bad actors. This sucks, and you should delete it. This is irresponsible and dangerous. You should delete it. I met you before coming out, and you didn't seem to pick up at all that I may have also been struggling with gender dysphoria, so shrug. This is the worst damn article I've ever read. Imagine writing a guide clocking trans femme people you stereotype as trans femme for your own gain. This will get trans women killed or assaulted, you weirdo. Ha ha ha!
seriously please tell me you or medium is going to take this down how dare you train those who would wish us to spot this better okay okay guys thank you for coming to my um my beer hall rally you see this face you see these dead soulless eyes this is the enemy These are the people after your children. If you see someone walking down the street and you say, hey, buddy, where do you see yourself in five years? And he just kind of like stares at you and goes, I don't see myself anywhere, man. That's our foe. Know him better than you know yourself, chat.
We have been trained by this article.
Unknown_24: I like the responses to this. They're funny.
uh ling ling ling says it's real weird that you're getting some kind of god or hero complex about how many eggs you've cracked maybe just leave other trans people alone and let them go through their transitioning on their own terms and pace especially when the world is dangerous for us right now lauren says this ain't it bags matas matasia stan says this is creepy and shitty katya says thank you for giving chuds and feds a field guide to this absolutely super responsible to be publishing So are all the people who are like, yeah, this is totally accurate. And now you're giving Nazis like a way to spot trans people. Just like, oh my God, he's got me down to a science when they just get super insecure and they stare off in the distance and they have resting zombie face. This is, this was me. This was me like, okay.
Unknown_24: what are you saying trish the cosmic bard please delete this kate's not here right now there's a nine zero chance this article is going to get trans people and probably cis people who meet some of your criteria for unrelated reasons harmed or killed bella says this is disgusting you should never try to clock trans people or people you suspect as trans let alone write a guide on it
Jody says, hi, big fan of Eternity Girl. It's one of my favorite comic book series ever. I just got to say, what the fuck? This is funny. Why the fuck did you even make this? I refuse to play the game of secret tranny and let people become who they are at their own pace. Mars says, this sucks. Charlotte Mulvey says, this is gross. Why did you write this?
Unknown_24: That's really funny. You should delete this tweet and never tweet it again. That's great.
Unknown_24: Oh, this is his original. I'm way too good at cracking eggs. My gender. Oh, this is like the full article. It's just like, so he just took his tweets and made it into a medium post. Is this the future of journalism? Oh God, whatever. We need some, okay, we need some cleansing content after this. So let's get away from trannies into a real natal woman for a bit. Here's Eugenia Cooney. I've never watched this video, but it was requested that I watch a couple minutes of it. She's at the beach. She's having fun at the beach. And I'm sure that there's not going to be anything funny about this when I watch it.
but yeah it's crazy i have like my beach but well wait yeah that's my beach bag and then here i have this other bag here i kind of forget what i put in this but genuinely impressed that she can carry all this fun it's like tons of beach stuff so yeah i'm like so ready how does she have any boob at all when she's that skinny like her her flesh hangs to her bones like like a dog treat oh so it's it
She's wearing a bra. She doesn't need to wear it. Okay, so that's just like padded or just like the bra sitting there under the shirt.
Unknown_06: How do you have no body fat but still have breasts?
Unknown_24: That doesn't make any sense.
Unknown_24: How does her pants stay up?
Unknown_04: She has no butt. Is there like a belt? Oh my god, this is scary.
Unknown_24: There's a strong breeze on that beach and it could knock her ass over at any moment. How is she- I'm legit like terrified watching her try to carry stuff. I'm afraid it's gonna be like a skeleton gag where her bones just like pop off and she's gonna be in a pile of them.
You gotta look both ways. oh yeah i gotta go both ways of course oh can cars drive down here yeah oh wow this is like a really big beach oh yeah there is a stop sign well shiver me timbers a lot of people i didn't think there would be like this many people today
Unknown_24: Why is the flag at half staff? Does our country just perpetually run the flag at half staff now? It just never goes all the way up anymore. We're in a state of moral decay. Everyone just dropped the flag at half staff and leave it there until we have a new flag because we're in a different government.
Alright, so like, oh wow, the sand is like, does it feel different? I don't know. Kind of. Maybe it's because it was raining.
Unknown_24: Eat her pizzas. She can't have any of my pizza. If I put a pizza in front of her, she would eat the whole fucking thing. There wouldn't be a bite left for me.
Unknown_24: I like how the video is just like her moving and it's just terrifying.
Unknown_04: There's like so much anxiety. And I think that this one is the one with like the beach chair in it in here. Wow, yeah, this one's like kind of heavy. What the fuck is this music? Do we really need Dougstep watching me fold a chair around?
Wow, yeah, it's like an umbrella almost.
Unknown_24: Look at that.
Unknown_04: She doesn't have the strength to pull the chair out.
Unknown_24: You just pull it and shake it if you have like a muscle.
Unknown_04: You can fix her. Walls fall out? No! No! Don't you dare! Keep your walls to yourself.
Unknown_23: Don't let them fall out.
where's the chair like how is this a chair like how is there no that's a she that's eugenia cooney she is she um the most famous thing she ever did was she flashed uh she like sat really awkwardly on twitch to like deliberately expose herself to the camera and then she laughed and and you could tell that it was intentional okay she's trying to open the chair now
Unknown_04: wow how do people like is this like what everyone uses like when they go to yes it's a folding chair this is not even a chair this can't be a chair maybe the other one how have you never seen a folding chair oh yeah you're right it says chair durable steel okay yes oh you can't open the other side hold it upside down or pull it and shake it okay i think i'm getting somewhere maybe you just gotta like pull on this
Unknown_04: Like, what do you do? There's, like, no chair. Like, is this, like, not a real beach chair or something?
Is this, like, a joke?
Unknown_04: I feel like it's, like, a scam. Like, we're, like, I don't know.
Unknown_24: Can someone on this beach help this woman unfold her fucking chair before she dies of exhaustion?
Unknown_04: Okay, there we go. There we go. Okay, moment. Can... Can she unfold this chair now that it's...
Unknown_24: very careful that thing kicks out because of a spring that lady is going flying that would be like a legit chevron she hasn't gotten it unwrapped yet you know her mom is filming this and she hasn't helped
my god she did it she picked it up she can't do it she doesn't have the strength i wonder if maybe this is part of the chair okay um i almost feel like she's playing into like a bimbo fetish like this is so stupid that there's no way a real person is this fucking done like surely you've been exposed to media where somebody pulls a chair out of a sleeve and then shakes it to pop it open
Unknown_11: Maybe this goes... Spody?
Unknown_24: She's feeling spody?
Unknown_04: I hope not.
Unknown_24: I don't want her to be spody. She won't survive that.
Unknown_04: Like this doesn't come off.
Unknown_23: She's brain damaged. Her brain matter is falling apart.
Unknown_04: Being eaten for fuel at this point. I'm heavily invested in seeing how long it takes her to unfold these shirts.
Like, what do you do? How do other people sit on chairs? Like, look at all the chairs here. I don't understand. Like, did I have to ask the lifeguard or something? Like...
Unknown_04: You know what's weird is that I've noticed that whenever a woman is like super anorexic Or has like a serious eating disorder like that They usually have like a really overbearing mom because what's her face is like that to actually Isaac's the lich the eternal lich and
She also has, like, a super weird relationship with her mom. And then there's a woman in Switzerland who gets dressed up as, like, a doll and taken to Japan. And I think she's, like, anorexic or something, too. And she has a super overbearing mom.
Unknown_24: Very deep, thoughtful.
Unknown_04: What do you do? Maybe you gotta pull it? Oh my god, bitch, just open the fucking chair. I guess that's good. Alright, I guess I'll put that in here. And then...
Unknown_04: How does the sleeve get back on the chair? I thought we already got past this point I'll just put that down for now like whatever. I don't know Oh, thank God. There's a spring in there to help her Oh, it looks like a director chair or something This is my beach chair Doesn't it look like a director chair? Oh my god They also sit in folding chairs because they have to move it around a lot. You have to set it up. It's beautiful, right? Oh my gosh.
She hasn't folded it out yet. You have to set it up. You have to pull it.
Unknown_04: Oh, it's not set up? No. Oh, I can't sit in it like this? I thought I finally had it. No, you have to stretch it out.
Unknown_07: Lady, you can sit in that just fine.
It doesn't need to support much.
Unknown_04: Oh, wow. I can already get a stand in it. Oh, oh no.
Unknown_24: And those kinds of women, anorexia is about having control over at least one aspect of their life. That makes sense.
Unknown_04: I've heard that before.
Unknown_24: I can't stretch it any more than that. She's too weak. She can't do it.
Unknown_04: She can't, like, walk the... Is that good? All right, there we go. We got my chair here. So, yeah, I think this is, like, the coolest chair here. A lot of people have, like, typical beach chairs. Okay, we did it. It took five minutes, but she unfolded a chair.
here's our here's the end product her her legit like her femur is like as thick as the little aluminum sticks on that chair and she posts these videos just so that people are like oh my god you look so bad and she's like yeah i do yeah i do that's like a body check they call it in the women's sphere they're very interesting they're sad i wonder if that's a wig because their hair shirt's falling out at some point when they don't eat
Unknown_09: Whatever.
Unknown_09: Maybe I'll watch more.
Unknown_24: There's a lot. I don't know. I don't want to torture my audience.
Unknown_24: Sontos made a video, or no, he doesn't make videos, he makes comics. And he made a comic where a tranny is sitting with his or her penis in his pantalones. And he says, too edgy for you, conservatard. And then the conservatard fires back, oh look, Dave Chappelle. To which the tranny replies by tearing the poster apart. Because he is the one who is triggered in actuality. um this is probably the weakest comic from santos now that i read it aloud it sounds pretty fucking gay um the interesting thing is here down here hey where's the among us where is it okay i'm looking in the first the first one we don't see any among us
Among Us. You have to tell me where the Among Us is.
Unknown_24: I'm not going to listen to the Baked Alaska thing. Because it may be illegal to listen to it on stream.
Unknown_24: It's in the eyes. I don't see it.
Unknown_24: Oh.
Unknown_24: That's stupid.
Unknown_24: He usually hides it in there. There is no Among Us. Oh, fuck that. I wasted my time then. Anyways.
Unknown_24: Jalen replies. And Jalen is apparently like a Minecraft YouTuber.
Honestly, how do people justify Stone Toss literally being a Nazi? The punchline to a lot of his quote-unquote jokes is literally anti-Semitism. To which Polish Twitter soon at SDCC at Polish hours says, girl, don't you make jokes about gassing Jews too? To which Jalen replies, that's just being edgy, but this is literally an anti-Semitic dog whistle. To which other people reply with Discord clips of Jalen, a transgender Minecraft YouTuber, to remind you, saying the N-word many times. In fact, I don't know about this. When I see the N-word six times in a row like this in a single chat room, you just know that there's some nasty shit going on in that chat. That's extremely triggering. And then he says, get blocked, faggot.
Um, to which, uh, and then another one where he says, if you find you, I will legit kill you. I'm going to get someone to swat and kill your ass. Get the fuck off my dick and fuck with someone else. You don't want to fuck with me. It's trying to sound black there.
Yes. Uh, Jane plays. Nick says, good for you. I don't care. Negro. And then there's others where he's also saying the N word. And then there's this where he just says the N word again. And I guess it's the same thing things, but zero is calling them out for it.
Unknown_24: And to which Jalen replies afterwards with Jalen parentheses, taking a break, wipe my Twitter. I'll come back on Tuesday. I'm going to try to use Twitter less going forward. And then dogs or LR says, because you got exposed for saying the N word. Okay.
There's a very sad picture of stone toss taking many arrows But little Jalen took the one arrow and because he's smaller he couldn't take the one arrow and now he's dying Even though stone toss took the arrow many times first to try and protect them. It's very sad And then unrelated clip that's funny. This is Jaden plays to Minecraft and is it a fetish and are trans so i'm pretty confident that i'm trans even though uh i'm even on hrt now there's a small problem anytime i think about the future
Unknown_24: Oh my god, this is like a train wreck. How the fuck do you get to this age in your life and not know how to write a sentence or a paragraph so that people can read it like it's actually being spoken? I'm pretty confident that I am trans. I'm even on HRT now. There's a small problem. Anytime I think about the future me, I get aroused. The same happens when I take my estrogen pills. Even when I bought female deodorant, it was there. I'm just hoping that the HRT makes that go away because I don't want it to be sexual at all. I want to be a woman. I don't understand why it does this. Sir, you are what's called an autogenophile. Like, you are all autogenophiles.
You are sexually aroused by being perceived or looking like a woman.
And then finally, I'm going to sit back to this a lot of words.
Unknown_24: This is Cord Kitty. I've talked about Cord Kitty before.
Unknown_24: To briefly summarize what I remember of his drama.
Unknown_24: Cord Kitty is a furry.
Unknown_24: I believe he is a furry artist. I want to say he's what's called a pop you fur, which is someone kind of popular in the furry community.
Unknown_24: Something happened and his wife broke up with him because of things posted on the Kiwi Farms. I think they even have a kid and he's lost access to his kid.
I don't know if it was like a bestiality thing or a grooming thing. But from what I remember is that he joined the forum to argue about drama that was being posted directly to the forum. And as a result, he lost his wife. And I believe that there was a child involved and he lost access to the child, too, as a result of the dispute. That's just what I remember. You have to read the thread if you're interested in reading that.
Unknown_24: Prem Rose joins the forum and says, Hi, so I saw a post that Cord slash Gabriel made on his Facebook page and people in the comments mentioning Kiwi Farms and felt I should add my experiences with him here, especially when I saw that there was another case of him speaking to a teen childhood sexual assault survivor. I was born in 1992, and I started speaking to Cord on Emerson Messenger when I was between the ages of 13 and 16.
He was born in 1986, making him between 19 and 22 at the time.
Unknown_24: Unfortunately, what exact age I spoke to him is lost in time. I tried to find confirmation... I mean, can you not do fucking math?
Unknown_24: Between the ages of...
Unknown_24: exactly what age i spoke to him has lost the time so there's like a three year gap where she doesn't know what age she spoke to him okay um i tried to find confirmation when i first made contact with most of my old msn contacts are gone now and i can't recover them the earliest i could find is a facebook friend request from his old facebook profile sent to me in 2010 when i was 17. the only reason i know for certain was between the ages i said is because i spoke to him in school and i dropped out at 16.
I am a childhood sexual abuse survivor. At the age of 13, I was actively being abused, but obviously the scars from that lasted throughout my teenage years. From what I remember of my conversations with Cord, he put pressure on me to have sexual conversations with him. I believe that we sexually role-played once. It is more likely that I had sexual conversations with him between 13 and 15, but I can't be sure. We had conversation on Facebook Messenger in 2011 where he tried to get me to move in with him. At some point, he deleted that Facebook profile and made a new one in 2016. Once I added him as a Facebook friend, he sent me nine messages, two voice notes, and a load of waves and two messages that I didn't respond to that stretched from December 2016 to June 2018 when I decided to block him. I have logs for all the Facebook stuff and would be willing to send to an admin here so they can confirm it. Well, they should have sent it to me. I didn't get that.
Court Kitty replies to these allegations on the forum. Big, exciting drama. Hey, I'm only responding to this post because this anonymous liar, number 63,762, caused me to get kicked out of the SJSU furry chat. This was a chat room which let me participate in local picnics, which I enjoyed moderately.
Unknown_24: Okay. I got kicked out of a furry picnic group, which I only kind of enjoyed.
Unknown_24: This really escalates the stakes of this conversation. I feel like this reply is warranted now.
I'd eat lots of junk food and talk to other current and past students of SJSU. It was a good experience.
Unknown_24: So let's assume you were born in June 1992 when you were 16 years old. 2008, I had never met a single furry in my life. The first furry I ever met was Emerald at the SJSU library in September 28, 2008. In 2009, I met the first furry online in my life in April. His name was Bolt.
Unknown_24: Blah, blah, blah. I know every word they are saying about pressuring to have sexual conversations and sexual roleplay is complete bullshit. I've never tried to say anything sexual to anyone below the age of consent. That I'm 100% certain of because all my contacts had labeled ages. Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha.
Ha, ha, ha.
Unknown_23: Ashley, 12. Megan, 13.
Unknown_23: Jessica, 15. In the do not make it obvious I want a bang folder.
And then Lindsay, 18. Okay, he's got it all figured out. He's got a fucking Dewey Decimal labeling system in his MSN contacts so he knows exactly how explicit to be with each of his female friends.
Unknown_24: Okay.
Unknown_24: Also, I'm 100% certain you can recover all Facebook conversations easily. You just need to look up chat log keywords and any deleted accounts can still have searchable logs. It's easy. So you definitively, you said definitively, I had sexual conversations and role plays with you in 2005, many years before I met the first furry I ever met. And even though it's all bullshit, now I can't go to a picnic anymore because their organizers are so easily swayed by proofless, anonymously made lies. And you might say, well, show us the receipts cord. Prove that these conversations didn't happen because obviously that's how your logic works. You think it is impossible for me to prove a negative. I just want to say, Joshua Moon, you are a genius. Thank you. You have created an empire where you can say the LGBTQ plus community doesn't deserve any say in society, but still have them do your will in the bullying of people who have made more moral choices than you. You have the far left wing suckling at the tit of the alt-right and you figured out how to do this all by yourself. That's completely genius. I don't want anyone to think I have a personal problem with Kiwi Farms or Joshua Moon. All it is is a simple website that successfully found a loophole in defamation law.
where unservable parties are essentially permanently unaccountable for any tort a simple website whose sole purpose is the cause the death of the victims through mass cyber bullying campaigns a place where someone can try to cause an innocent person's death endanger their children and then the next hour put on their mcdonald's hat like nothing happened
A place where someone can try to cause an innocent person's death, endanger their children, and then the next hour put on their McDonald's hat. Like, nothing hat. What the fuck is a McDonald's hat?
Unknown_00: Oh, like a visor at a fast food restaurant.
Unknown_24: Okay, so he's saying you go to your work, but your work is at McDonald's, so you wear a visor. Sorry, that was a genius insult. It just went right over my stupid McDonald's manager head. Okay.
Unknown_24: You've led this new generation into the idea of, quote, well, you can escape consequences if you are completely anonymous and made it fashionable, attractive, desirable. You've led this new generation into a world of callouts where defamation is perfectly justified if it can result in a mass trolling campaign against communities you deem undesignable. kiwi farms has helped train this new generation to be more like it and succeeded spectacularly even though it's pure evil it's also brilliant i need to say i did learn one thing from kiwi farms joshua moon is a sick evil degenerate himself yet he has proven to be morally superior to a significant percentage of the furry fandom and that's a spectacular discovery to me how can someone be so evil psycho a psychopath and a complete degenerate far-right racist Yet truly hailed as a god of dependable guidance to so many in the furry fandom. It says everything I need to know about the moral foundation of the newest generation of the furry fandom. I just want to say, like, I did not write this.
I am not Primrose. I don't know who the fuck Primrose is. I've never read this post until I read it for my stream. And I only read it because someone said that would be funny. In fact, Weezy Asmatic here told me that it would be funny to read this and then reply to it.
Unknown_24: So the genius is not mine. I'm a mere bystander here.
Never mind that I volunteered at hospitals, brought smiles to the faces of Syrian refugees, wrote a musical about the wonder of accepting yourself, founded the first ever online dance competition for... Why is this so freaking right?
Unknown_23: Hosted numerous educational panels, created YouTube channels that have boosted 5.5 million collective views, helped represent the fandom in numerous podcasts, newspapers, interviews, a news channel, and more to furries.
Joshua Moon, the man who threatened to rape women, who was accused of normalizing pedophilia by the news website, who called Obama the nigger in chief, who said homosexuals and trans people deserve no say in society, and who ignored my request to take down the ducks of my son who is less than a year old. To the furry fandom, I am bad. Joshua Moon, good. To the furry fandom, I am dumb. Joshua Moon is smart. To Brenda Banks, I am a desperate monster. And Joshua Moon is the trustworthy neighborly watchman and owner of the site everyone needs to go to to weed out the undesirable. Okay, sir.
Unknown_24: Number one, the news is bullshit.
Unknown_24: I'm going to talk about Keffels in a bit, but Keffels went through all the bullshit from the Chrysler stuff, and I forgot just how much they lied about me. It's really disgusting. They just felt like... And it gets quoted in Wikipedia. They just say whatever the fuck they want. And then that's fact as far as the cathedral is concerned. It really is shocking. It's way worse than anything that you would... That you would see on the forum, because you see on the forum, you think, oh, this is just like a forum post. Where's the evidence for it? I want to see like a screenshot or something. But when, you know, news.com.au says that, oh, the claim was that I was fired from 8chan for promoting pedophilia, which is what he's saying. That Jim Watkins was like, oh, my God, this guy is just such a pedophile. We can't have you involved in 8chan anymore because you're just doing so much pedophile stuff that we have to fire you. Which, number one, I was never employed by 8chan. Number two, I left because Frederick told me that he didn't want me working on the project anymore.
And I can't remember why. It was something with Cal that got me kicked off as a moderator.
Unknown_24: But they literally just made that up. And now it's like a fact on Wikipedia. It's really disgusting. Let me see. I've never volunteered at a hospital. I did...
I've never volunteered at anything. Can't say that. I don't work for free. I'm good at my job.
Unknown_24: I have brought a smile to the face of a Syrian refugee. Because I once went to a fancy restaurant, and my waiter was a Syrian refugee. And I gave him a tip. And he smiled. He said, thank you. So I have brought smiles to the face of a Syrian refugee. So you can't hold that over me.
Unknown_24: I have never written a musical. About the wonders of accepting yourself. Unfortunately. I'll get on that eventually.
Founded the first ever online. I have made silver coins with the face of a retarded person on it.
Unknown_24: Actually, you know what? I am going to take back. I have volunteered for a hospital in the sense that I participated in a live stream that got St. Jude's $20,000 cash money. The fact that they refunded it doesn't matter, but I spent hours of my life shucking and jiving for St. Jude's from the bottom of my heart, okay? So I deserve some cred for that, some street cred.
Uh, I'll continue. So thank you so much Kiwi Farms and Joshua Moon for educating me about the furry fandom and exactly where it is in the moral spectrum. Thank you for teaching me that while normal people think doxing infants is worse than comforting children who were nearly murdered by ISIS, furries on the other hand believe the exact opposite. They think that they will spread that baby stocks to every corner of the lowercase I internet, endangering those children's lives just like ISIS did. But no, no, no. To the furry fandom, it's a good thing, a fantastic thing.
What a fucking asshole. ISIS sets people on fire. Kiwi Farms posts pictures of people and says that they're frumpy looking. Get over yourself.
Unknown_24: the fact that you're still on my website is proof that nobody's going to behead you anytime soon uh oh god he just repeats himself thank you for teaching me exactly what i need to teach the world about the furry fandom thank you for teaching me what it's like to have a fandom who would much rather my children be endangered by spreading their address to every corner of the globe because they think it's a joke where their father is out there who actually cares for their safety thank you for educating me about the true face of the furry fandom seeing so many people praised the importance of Joshua Moon's works, and then immediately throwing my work in the trash while endangering my children was nothing short of an enlightened moment for me. It taught me the morality of the furry fandom. It taught me everything I needed to know, so thank you. Even after all this time thinking deeply about my past actions, I can definitively say I've never been more proud of my choices. I have never been more proud of my openness. I've never been more proud of my folder of 13-year-olds on MSN...
I've never been more proud of myself and now more than ever I feel amazing I feel good about myself and I feel like this website has helped shaved off the dumbest of the dumb off my contact list and the furry fandom is some of the most dumbest degenerate hedonistic heathens in the western world so each of the gullible ones living being disassociated from my incredibly successful life has only its benefits so to that I should be thanking the kiwi farms for shaving off the fat I am perfect just the way I am. My birthday is tomorrow. I'm going to have a perfectly awesome time, and I literally could not be happier. Later, inferiors. Greatest father in the furry fandom, Kitty Kord, signing out. P.S. Take my children's address off your website. And furries who have spread it, fuck all of you. You're not hurting me or daydreaming their lives. Please think about their safety, even though Joshua will never well. I need a sip.
I need to watch Eugenia Cooney put on suntan lotion to relax. So we can, let's see. I hear some suntan. Is this bubbles? It's working.
Unknown_11: Where's the suntan lotion?
Unknown_24: We should probably put on bubbles before doing the suntan lotion.
Unknown_09: I just have to think.
Unknown_11: It's like, whoa.
Unknown_24: Oh, here. I guess I'll do my legs.
Unknown_04: Oh, yeah. So now let's do our legs.
Unknown_04: Sunscreen's always important. I'll do my back. Okay.
Usually you get your... Okay, I'm sprayed.
Unknown_04: I think I'm good for today, I think. So, alright you guys. So I have lots of... You can probably tell I'm like really, really pale. So I guess I should get out my sunscreen. Okay, so where's the sunscreen?
Unknown_11: Here it is.
Unknown_11: Okay.
Unknown_24: Alright, I'm done. I'm done with the Gina Cooney.
Unknown_24: All right.
Unknown_09: Sorry. That was just an excuse to go drink a letter.
Unknown_09: All right.
How do I, how do I approach this delicate subject?
Unknown_24: I know I need, I need some, some cool confidence.
Unknown_24: So like, I think two weeks ago, I did a little, was it a week ago or two weeks ago? I did a little monologue.
Unknown_24: Um, about how I felt it was very hypocritical of PPP to give me shit for using new project two and then doing exactly what, what, and literally making shit up about how it worked. And I just said, uh, very simply, I think I said, my point was that he accused me of doing these things, but it did not do. And that the platform I was using was shady in ways it was not. And then years later, he starts taking money from power chat, which is associated with America first and all the shadiness that comes involved with IP to like people from IP to making shit for America first and for IP too. And then using that as the primary means of making money after years ago, years ago, it keeps me doing the same thing, kind of endangering the information people supporting my endeavors.
falsely and then actually doing that when it became convenient years later. That was my point was that I just thought that was hypocritical.
Unknown_24: And then this became like a huge thing where he like ranted at me for 45 minutes about how butthurt I am about this. And he kept saying that he took money from me and he did not. He tried to.
Unknown_24: MasterCard blacklisted New Project 2. PPP tried to take money. He tried to shut it down. And he even got Vordrak involved, who, if you don't know, is a guy... Godwin sent in PPP, interviewed Vordrak, and tried to get him involved in New Project 2 and taking it down. Because, if you don't know, Vordrak was somebody who, in the past...
had um i believe i i can't prove this but based on the circumstances at the time i believe that he sent bomb threats to a children's hospital he sent bomb threats to a hospital near where i live he sent bomb threats to the high school that i went to i was detained over this um i i was visited by police in a different state because he had used my my computer to send more or my uh email server to send bomb threats i think he even hired somebody to try to hack my email server because there was a security scare at one point that didn't result in anything but it did it did freak me out and caused me to audit my stack
I believe that he is a criminal. I believe that he could be considered a terrorist. And PPP and Godwinson interviewed this guy and lay out all the things about New Project 2 that they found suspicious and basically asked him to do whatever it took to get New Project 2 taken down. And while it did get added by Match, it's impossible to say that was the work of Vordrak or whomever, but it was not PPP. He just tried to do it.
Unknown_24: And, uh, after this, you know, he, he went on tirade about how I'm full of shit and how I'm butthurt or whatever. And Jim said, I'll talk to you about it. And on Tuesday, and that happened, uh, that happened while I was asleep. And I've only seen the clips of it that were posted on the forum subsequently. And I have, I think for, I don't know how long that conversation lasted, but I have about three or four minutes of clips that I'm going to go over that just kind of like summarize his, his positions. But yeah, In brief, from what I understand, the conversation went this way, where PPP admitted the new Project 2 shit was just made up, literally made up, just to spite me. For what reason, I don't know, because I've never had any issue with PPP. In fact, I like both PPP and Godwinson. I like both their content. So I find it very bizarre that they both seem to genuinely hate me for some reason. Uh, PPP admitted that it was, uh, mostly, like I said, mostly made up. So it was number one, deliberately, despite me, number two, mostly bullshit. Uh, number three, he claimed that he only docs Godwinson because he was drunk because Godwinson made a video about him. And then he publishes PayPal address, which is probably his real name and whether or not it was out there. I didn't know about it until, uh, PPP reposted it. And then number four, he 180'd on his stance on accepting money for streaming, grifting, because he was cold and he needed money. So this is explained in the clips, and I'll play them now.
When all this was happening, why didn't you guys just talk to your chat about it? Because it seems like you kind of tried to play it off or you didn't want to address it.
Unknown_22: We kind of did, but what ended up happening is I went more off on a tangent about Josh that came across as egotistical and insane. We did address it with the chat, but then I turned it more so into a Josh thing. Do you think what Josh said was fair?
Unknown_22: I don't know if it was, I'd say, you know what, it's fair. You know what I would say?
Unknown_21: This assessment is somewhat fair.
But where I was coming at it from was I'm trying to get under Josh's skin. I'm making a lot of statements that are very hyperbole. Well, Josh did post a couple posts molding in the thread and stuff like that.
Unknown_21: Yeah, but Josh isn't getting pelted by tomatoes. So, I mean, honey, how did that work out?
Unknown_22: He's not getting pelted by the tomatoes. It didn't work as I wanted it to work. But my intention with that was, you know, in the past I have been able to bother Josh and rattle his fucking cage. And I'd like to dance with Josh and try and rattle his fucking cage. And that's what I was doing. But we did explain the power jet stuff.
And obviously it didn't come across well. Like, that was, like, Ashton's, like, banter over there. Well, I mean, I think what people saw it as, at least this is my perception of it, is you built up a show kind of, you know, focusing on grifting and bullshit, especially coming from, like, Fuentes or from Ralph and stuff.
Unknown_21: But, you know, a good portion from Fuentes. And then it comes out that, like, you know, he, as we heard from Luis, Groypers are involved, Bakes involved. Everybody's fucking involved in this. I think people felt like they wanted more than just, you know, five minutes or shitting on Josh. That's fair.
What's really bizarre even about that is that, how was I malding? Apparently malding means balding, man balding, or being angry about something. All I did was I explained my position.
Unknown_24: Like, I don't know. Do I sound angry? Do I sound like I'm ready to explode with anger? Like, no, I'm just pointing out that he's a hypocrite. And it's frustrating because, again, I want to like PPP. But when you're just being like a hypocrite, you're just lying to people about a situation.
to try and and with somebody for literally no reason it's it's um a bit bizarre and there are people who are willing to do that there are people who i ignore every stream there are people who try and with me and they just make up and cause problems for no reason other than to cause problems and i just ignore them because they're like parasites and i i don't want to deal with them and they're not worth the attention and it's like i've never put ppp in that category of like hypocritical lying parasite that i should just ignore whenever possible but if he's just going to openly admit like yeah i just make shit up and i i fling shit everywhere i'm like a big gorilla that just chucks shit constantly without regard for any for any kind of like principled position it's like okay well then i can treat you like a lying parasite but um i hadn't before it's a revelation to me and perhaps it's a late one but it's frustrating because again i do i like both of them
Here's a second. I think what really was sort of like why we brushed it off more than we should have was the accusation that we were working with feds. Like they literally said, hey, Ashton and Andy are working with feds, this and that. And they overblew it to something that's so ridiculous to us that it was almost like, okay, like, no.
Unknown_22: well it's honestly like it was just kind of like me giving a fuck you you know what i mean probably the right it wasn't the right way to go yeah for sure that's the reality well you were full of piss and vinegar about mb2 chinese mafia i sure was good good faith and all that josh clearly is still upset about it which is understandable um so yeah i mean it is like you said it is ironic to see this kind of happening now yeah now if
Which basically was my point. Literally, the accusation that it was involved in the Chinese mafia was because he went to a libertarian bank in Texas that was coincidentally owned by a Chinese person. It's like, oh, it's owned by Ben Xu? This must be a Chinese mafia connection. And people bought that. They believed that. They wanted to know what mafia ties Dick had to be using a Chinese mafia bank because the owner was Chinese.
Unknown_24: What the fuck is wrong with people?
Unknown_22: I went through a lot in my personal life, I had... Oh, this was his explanation, by the way.
Like, what calls the change in perspective on accepting money for internet shit?
Unknown_24: I did not add the music. Harry Schatz did, and when I heard this the first time, I thought it was a joke. I thought he was taking the piss, but apparently it's not a joke. I'll leave it up to you if you want to believe it's a joke or not.
Unknown_22: I went through a lot in my personal life. I had a best friend of four years... You know, it didn't work out with him. He called the police on me. I was in a quasi-homeless state, living off COVID bucks. I didn't want to fucking take the vaccine. I couldn't find fucking work. I ended up, you know, like dead fucking broke in a cabin in the middle of the woods in winter, freezing. There was no insulation. I was fucking freezing, struggling. And it was in that cabin. When you're that cold... and you can't make it stop and you have that personal betrayal in your life and the guy is talking about your personal life and everything like that I made a vow to myself I would never ever let myself get to that position again and you know one of the only opportunities available to me at that time because I didn't want to take the vaccine and I couldn't get work from home was to start grifting And I knew Andy knew how to make money. And I called Andy up. And Andy helped me get started. He fucking got me equipment. I sent him all this money and stuff. And when we did start to make money and everything was going well and I went to pay him back. I said no. He said no.
He said don't, you know.
Unknown_22: But times change and people change. And so that's my point on that.
Unknown_24: Two things about that. The first one is, if that's his claim, it's funny that he brings up that he couldn't get a regular job because he wasn't vaccinated. Because I'm pretty sure that he's visited the United States to see Xander. I think he visited with Andy Worski. He visited Xander at Mr. Vickers' house just to lord it over Ralph. Hey, we've seen your kid before you have.
I don't know if you guys know this, but the United States has not allowed any entry into the country from any foreign country, including Mexico, including Canada, from any person who is not vaccinated. It is required at the border that you bring a vaccine card approved by the WHO to show that you have been vaccinated. So if he's been to the United States, he may claim that he was not vaccinated and couldn't get work, but he absolutely has been. They do check it everywhere. You cannot get into the U.S. without a vaccine card. Um, so that, if that, if it, oh, it didn't happen that he claimed that that was going to happen. That was a big point of contention too, because, um, he claimed that he hadn't been vaccinated, but it was a requirement. So maybe he didn't go cause he had to get vaccinated.
Okay. Well, that makes sense then.
Unknown_24: What's interesting about that story is that, yes, it's very sad when you get kicked out of your house. To give you an idea of why I've held this... I have. I have held this against PPP in trying to take money from me because... This happened in 2019. In the years prior, I mentioned Vordrak. He started up in like 2015, 2016. He went after every member of my family. He sent threats to my aunt. He sent threats to my uncle, who was at the time, he was like within a year of retiring with 20 years retirement out of the U.S. Army. And he was afraid that if these people started fucking with his commanding officer and complained to his base, he would literally get kicked out with other than honorable discharge a year before he was set to retire. So I had him yelling at me. I had my aunt yelling at me because she does public work and she didn't want this guy fucking with her. I had my mom yelling at me because her work was being fucked with. I had my grandfather and grandmother yelling at me because he was fucking with them too. And their kids were getting fucked with, and that was my problem. So I literally left. I went to Buffalo.
I stayed there for a year. I lived with two other people so I could minimize my expenses. And then I flew to Ukraine to minimize my expenses even more. I made no money during this time. I exhausted my retirement funds. I spent everything that I had to keep things up without making any money.
And then 2019 comes and Dick Masterson is the first person ever to stick his neck out for me and my site. The first person ever to do so. And he sets up a new project too. He gets me on and this is the first money I'm making in four years that was not some kind of like secret under the table contract from random people on the site. um and I cannot describe how nice that is to have to have like actual money coming in when you haven't had it for like four four years at that point and this fat motherfucker comes in and he tries to eat off my plate on the first time that I've gotten shit ever since I started hosting the site since the $200 a month I got from AdSense before that went down because of Wardrack and He tries to eat off my fucking plate. And then when people hold him to the fire, he cries about it. And he says, oh, it's it's so mean that, you know, I had this big breakup with Surfer and then it's cold and the vaccine. And I was I couldn't get work for six months. Oh, buddy, that sucks. Fucking sucks, don't it? Really sucks.
So then he's surprised. Why does Josh hold it against me? Because it is the biggest dickish thing that you could ever possibly fucking do.
And yeah, I'll never like...
Unknown_24: I'll never forgive him for that. And I don't know if that makes me an angry person or what. I don't know if I sound like I'm malding. It's just like the facts of the situation are that he tried to. He tried. I don't know if he succeeded, if he was the reason why it happened. But he tried to steal shit from me the first time I had gotten anything in years. And he's very proud about that fact. And when you bring it up to him, he goes, well, I did fuck with Josh. You saw him malding. You saw him malding. All right, buddy. All right. Don't act surprised when people don't want to talk to you.
Anyways, like I said, he's probably going to respond to this and try to kick shit up and get like a back and forth thing going on where it's like he says something and then I respond and that's like his content to get super chats coming in for the next forever. I'm ignoring him. I'm going to put him in the same basket that I do other people who literally just see that me on Twitter all day and try to get me to respond because they want the attention. It's just not worth it.
Unknown_24: uh one other thing just one more i'm gonna segue i have a uh a segue oh uh i had this brought up because uh the responses were kind of positive on the stream so it's like his his his stream is fine don't worry i'm not gonna make you pick between daddies kino casino is gonna stick around they make too much fucking money and their fans want it so uh it'll it'll be there um
That's all there is. Like, yeah, good stream. Glad to see it addressed properly. And it's like, OK, let's move past this and let's start making fun of Nick Fuentes again. All right.
Unknown_24: OK, everybody's happy.
Unknown_24: And then then before the stream, I get an email. I get an email and it's from Ethan Ralph. I have to check the headers to make sure that this is not a spoofed email.
Unknown_24: And it is a genuine certified email from Ethan Ralph, the first contact I've had from him in forever. And he says, I thought you might enjoy this one and wanted to make sure you saw it. Ethan Ralph, owner and editor-in-chief of TheRalphAtort.com, sent from my iPhone. And I'm like, oh, what is this Twitter link that he's sent me that he's very anxious that I receive? What could it be?
And the answer is he made this tweet.
Unknown_24: and oh first he takes a shot at jim because he also sent he all this is so important that he sent it to jim first and then jim says not sure what's funnier that he unblocked me momentarily to send this or that the guy who eats poop is most concerned about shit uh and this is in reference to his message saying nice fanfic what about the real shit though you're a complete embarrassment these days and just uh ralph's reply to this is the old jim is gone
All you have left is a pathetic grifter with a heart on for trying to ruin Ralph, which he is incapable of doing. Sunglasses, smiley emoji. What a sad joke he has become. He will never address this honestly. And this is a follow-up message to this video, which is the one to play.
Unknown_24: My Firefox is like really freaking out right now.
Unknown_00: No, I bought it. Did you do a test for it?
Unknown_24: It's working fine.
Unknown_14: Yeah, it works. You got it all set up?
Unknown_24: Do you have a... Do you have a... So this is... Before I... Breaking news. The judge has disabled the teleconference feed for Baked Alaska's hearing because so many people were rebroadcasting it, and that infringed on his rights. You're not allowed to rebroadcast federal proceedings, but you are allowed to attend and recount them.
This is Smiley the Fed. smiley the fed is like a groiper general or whatever he's this like trust fund kid that uh has been dragged along on this rv and baked wants him to be on power chat so he can get a cut of his donos but guess what they didn't get power chat set up for him
Unknown_22: And it's like, you know what, Baked, this Baked pretends like he invented power chat. He had zero to do with power chat, folks. The reality of it is that Lulz and Baked went to a guy in the America First movement who was a very devout Catholic, a very staunch Catholic, and he developed the entire thing for them. He put it all together with his connections.
So there you go. That's the hard-hitting expose from the editor-in-chief of TheRalphRetort.com.
Unknown_24: I don't know. What do you guys think? Did Ralph win? I don't know.
Speaking of, where does the religiosity tie into this? Where does Jesus just run around fucking with people?
Unknown_24: Because it's funny to him. I don't even know what PPP's grudge is, to be honest. I don't know what I did to PPP ever.
Unknown_24: Besides, allow his...
Unknown_24: I even hate saying it.
Unknown_24: Is he really upset about his thread? Is that what the issue is? Because I know that caused some issues for him. I'm forced to assume that when people randomly decide that they fucking hate me, they're upset about their thread and they can't articulate that. So they have to string up some bullshit to get around it.
Okay. This is now entering full into the Ralph shit.
Unknown_24: Ralph has republished allegations that Lauren Southern is actually getting a divorce and has been broken up with her husband for over a year and may be pregnant with another man's child. She's worried about the optics of it all, which is why she won't confirm. Just sleeps around to cope, lol.
Unknown_24: Hello, Ralph. Love your content. FYI, the word is that Lauren's husband is officially divorcing her. I have a friend.
That is friends with one of his close friends. So this is a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of Lauren Southern's husband. Literally, no exaggeration.
Unknown_24: And apparently he is pretty open about that fact with people that just says that she sleeps around when she travels. She might even be pregnant with a baby that isn't his and that was the cause of his breakup. They had been separated for over a year, and Lauren is embarrassed and worries about the optics of it, being conservative and a Christian and all.
She publicly pretends they're still together and continues to wear his ring. She even prevents him from being involved with his son. There are all things her ex-husband has said, apparently. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_24: voice crack yeah welcome to the show buddy if i could fix it i would i would i was not i was not blessed with the uh the best vocal chords uh even even keffel's i have keffel's content related to that keffel's mentioned that uh he was so terrified of me so scary the slobber mutt vicious fangs bared and then she listened or he listened to maddie and was like oh this guy's not gonna kill me
HRT voice settings get right. I have to fuck with my audio driver to get that to work.
Unknown_24: I also said publicly that we will be meeting back in Richmond first and that I would likely be back there several times before fully moved, maybe even into August. I'm going to be back there Friday with Pansu, as I said publicly weeks ago in June, actually. they have this insane fanfic of her leaving sorry no chance it was no secret that she's at her dad's i'm not there she's supposed to sit home and just let her wait she's supposed to sit home just her and the baby lol she got my dog with her for sake my 14 year old dog you think i'd let her steal my dog parentheses good boy uh the theory is i
that Amanda and him have separated because she has not been seen for a month. And Ralph has to correct the record on this, of course, because obviously, like he did with What's-Her-Face Nora, who he's also upset about this week.
Unknown_24: Um, the theory is because his internet is very shitty and he was on the line with somebody and he's, so he says something like, sorry, my internet's cutting out. And then the other person on the line replies, Oh, it's that West Virginia rural internet, ain't it? And he's just like, yeah. So the thought is that he's living at the second home of the West Virginia Congress candidate that he met in person who was like, um, a fascist or whatever.
cisco so this is uh ralph casually admitting that he's been drinking again they because of their active virtues because they got in there and they i want to get another beer fuck it no kills tonight anyway so i don't feel bad about day drinking and then i've been day drinking more because i don't have pants in here to help me so i'm just like fuck it drink beer
Unknown_02: And go, actually, I will do this thing that I do.
Unknown_24: Just to clarify. Yeah, I will have her soon.
Unknown_24: Which led, by the way, to kind of similar. This is the funniest clip that I've seen from the Kino Casino thing with Jim.
Unknown_21: stuff i wanted to talk about i have some uh clips too that i think uh uh will elucidate uh the conversation uh i know that's uh that's a big word if you're a day drinker how are you doing ralph i'm sure you're stream sniping right now uh but i can't wait till you're dead asshole i love that because you can just tell he's like genuinely pissed off at that comment he's probably drinking a beer as it comes in and he's just like fuck you buddy
Oh, okay, here's the great breakthrough, which has happened recently.
Unknown_24: It has been revealed by the fake news fanfiction farms that on July 13th,
Unknown_24: Ethan Ralph was arrested once again on a reckless driving charge. He was going 65 and a 30.
Unknown_24: And it says that he was released on summons, which is strange. Um, I'm not sure how the system works, but I'm pretty sure that if you're just issued a ticket, it says that you got a ticket. If it says that you're released on summons and I could be completely wrong. It sounds like you got arrested.
So the people cross-referenced this information on previous data on the Ralphopedia and determined that Ralph was actually taking a trip to Atlantic City at that time.
Unknown_24: supposedly. And that was a weekend that he was going to spend with just May and the baby at Atlantic city. Cause you know, when you think family friendly vacation, you think gambling, you think Jersey and, uh,
sure enough what was very strange about that was that he didn't post any pictures there was no like weird happy family shots no hundred dollar plain beef steak picture no pictures at all and it was very quiet and was very out of character for ralph to manage to go a whole week without gloating about something stupid when he should be having nice family time so the the consideration is that um
Unknown_24: he might have gotten in trouble with the law and spent the weekend in jail and released and may just drove back home. There wasn't any fantastic fun, plain beef aiding weekend with the baby in Atlantic city. Uh, so, uh, it's also the speculation now is that he has gotten, uh,
Unknown_24: so many driving tickets like like not just like tickets but like reckless and like endangering people class one misdemeanor that's the highest tier misdemeanor to put this into consideration uh chris chan is charged with a class 5 felony which is also it can be downgraded to a class 1 misdemeanor they're basically the same thing it's just that one's a felony one's a misdemeanor So in the eyes of Virginia, Chris Chan fucking his mom can be as serious as an offense as his speeding ticket can be. And he's gotten several of them. He has fucked his mom several times is what I'm trying to say. And we don't know what the status of his license is or what the fuck. And, by the way, he had an auto accident where he was T-boned in Maryland. And that was deemed to be his fault. So if he had gotten T-boned in Virginia and that was his fault, he might be in fucking jail. So the speculation is, is this going to screw with his suspended sentence? Is this going to be what, and normally you would say like, there's no chance of this fucking with his suspended sentence. There's no chance. Like, it's just, you know, a thing is just a driving thing. They don't care that much. Um, from what I understand, Virginia is particularly strict and anal about their, um, their driving laws. So I don't know. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna hope or speculate that he's going to get thrown in jail, but
The risk is out there as far as consequences because he just keeps doing it. How many times can you give someone a fuck up?
Unknown_24: How many times can you tell someone stop going 35 miles over the speed limit before you just say, okay, we're not listening.
Can you imagine if the Rage Pig got thrown in jail? He already has. He already has been to jail several times at this point.
Unknown_24: So there's that. Then there was an accusation by this guy named Craig D. Mansfield, which sounds like a fake name, saying that they met online when she was 17 and she turned 18 shortly after. This is about Nora. The accusation... That Nora was 17 when Ralph met her has been around for a very long time.
Ralph says that Brian Dunn made it up. I remember when this happened. I repeated this at some point and he got pissed off and said this was something that Brian Dunn made up and you're going to take him at face value? What's wrong with you?
Unknown_24: But now he's acting like this is coming from Nora. He's super pissed at this guy and insists that Nora is back for vengeance in the shadows, spreading lies about him that they met when she was 17. And he says, if my ex-wife doesn't have this law corrected, I will be going in very soon in a very nasty way. I met her in June 2015, live on stream. mataconda was there she told me she was 18 on air i met her in person in december when she was 19. this is 100 a lie and if she thinks i'm playing around she better think again pretty sure i can find tweets to prove their false lie anyways prove this lie false anyway but that's not good enough for me i want a retraction from this liar or i'm going in hard This is from my Twitter to her about a month after we met. Her birthday is in December. I would love to have the stream that is literally the first time we talked to show you, but YouTube deleted it when they banned me. It might be on an old kill stream as a replay, though. I'll look.
And then he says, I see this got cleared up rather quickly. Good call.
Unknown_24: And this is Craig D. Manfield again saying, I said, if I recall correctly for a reason, evidently I didn't recall correctly. He would remember better than me since he seems dead set on pinning my every word and mistake to her like a psychopath. I'm going to stop talking about Ethan Oliver, Ralph.
Unknown_24: And as we can see, the boat, nothing more to talk about there. I showed my cards. I hate doing that. I try to keep it secret.
You didn't see it long enough anyways.
Unknown_24: Yeah, what a cuck. I always hate when people are like, oh, no, there might be consequences for what I say. I better just like retract it and hide.
Unknown_24: People should always be obstinate and say, go fuck yourself.
Unknown_24: It's always the better way to be. All right, Keffels. This week, the other big thing that happened was Keffels did a stream.
I guess what happened is that Keffels saw my stream on him and said, this is fucking easy. If Josh Moon of the Kiwi Farms can do a two-hour live stream and get a bunch of viewers to watch that.
Unknown_24: I can also do a live stream on internet drama and get a bunch of viewers to watch that. So his attempt of doing a live stream, he said it was, it's a big drama bomb. That's going to rock the drama community, not drama, but like political commentary on Twitch, the political commentary community on Twitch to its foundations, he said.
Unknown_24: And his stream was,
Seven hours long. And I listened to that on 2X on YouTube all the way through. And to give you a brief synopsis, Keffels basically went over what he believed to be the history of the Kiwi Farms. and he got basically everything wrong um kind of kind of hard to go into detail with just like i don't know where he got it from i guess he read it on like washington post or some shit uh but like he got basic shit on like why the forum even even started wrong uh but
His whole reason for doing this, his whole reason for iterating over the history of the site as he understood it, was to get to the point where he could take shots at Destiny.
Unknown_24: And he did. And he tried to tie the Kiwi Farms and me and Destiny together in one big happy umbrella.
Unknown_24: And there are some clips of that which I will now play for you. And actually, let me...
Unknown_24: Let me try to close out of shit real quick. I know it's kind of unprof... My... Like, my, um... Mozilla is just shitting itself. I really don't know what the fucking issue is here. It's because I have too many tabs open, I guess. I don't know. It's just... It's literally just dying in front of me. Okay. I don't have any choice here. I'm just gonna have to, uh... To... To deal with it.
It's... Like, it records fine. It's just... Like, when I... When I see it, it's, like, freaking out on me.
Unknown_17: Their goal was to make Christine's life a living hell, all for their own entertainment.
Unknown_17: While the actions were fundamentally the same as the ones taken on 4chan, the iron site focus of Kiwi Farms would bring a new terror.
Unknown_17: However, this attitude would soon shift. By the way, he's reading off a script here.
You should never do that. When you are live streaming, you don't want to read off a script.
Unknown_24: I've done that before, early on. I wrote things out, kind of. It's better to have bullet points so that you have the information there and then sew it together in your head as you go along so it sounds more natural. A few main figures.
Unknown_17: Champton, the founder, and Null, the host.
Unknown_09: Well, Champton was active when the forums opened in 2012.
As the years progressed, his involvement diminished until February 2015 when he fully resigned, leaving full control to null.
Unknown_24: Chatham and the other admins had basically dropped out by 2014. Just to clarify. No. But they kept their admin tags until they resigned formally.
Unknown_17: Otherwise known as Joshua Moon had been talking of shifting focus from just Christine for a while. However, in 2014, Christine's house would burn down.
Unknown_17: Having had his own house burned down as a child, Moon felt sympathy.
Unknown_17: The board seemed to share a similar sentiment, and this along with taking full control set the stage for the site's evolution.
That's wrong.
Unknown_24: Nobody had anything out against Chris, just as a general basis. When Chris had a house fire, people pitched in to give him socks and cat food and shit. My house fire happened when I was 17, and this had happened a couple years into the site's history, so it was only a couple years ago.
Unknown_24: I didn't have like some huge change of heart about Chris just because of the house fire.
Unknown_24: This was also not the reason why the site became more about other people. It was because we had Deagle Nation up at the same time. And I realized that through Deagle Nation that the site could be much broader than just about Chris.
They would no longer focus solely on Chris Chan, but expanded their stalking and harassment to new targets.
Unknown_17: The site adopted its new name and from here Kiwi Farms was born.
Unknown_17: Their new targets who they call lolcows because they can be milked for laughs would embody those who they called the freaks of society. Correct. Neurodivergent people, overweight people, transgender people, and anyone else who couldn't stand up to the scrutiny of an entire website of stalkers.
Unknown_17: Their stalking and harassment takes many forms. Doxing, publishing private information... Hey, I just realized, Lucas has that dead-eye stare that I learned about today.
I wonder if his egg is cracking. Do you think he's going to trune out?
Unknown_17: ...anything they find embarrassing, posting phone numbers, emails, places of employment...
Unknown_17: A subset of them, usually called A-logs, will take it upon themselves to harass targets by flooding comment sections of their targets with provocative phrases to anger them, and in some cases will call places of employment in attempts to get them fired.
Unknown_17: They send death threats, impersonate people in their lives, sometimes even going as far as to pretend to be sympathetic to the target to extract more information to continue the harassment and ridicule them. Where this harassment is mostly online is extended to the real world, harassing them on the street, stalking them in real life.
The site has a culture of contact, no contact. They provide all the tools and information to make a target's life miserable and then tell them not to do it. What Kiwi Farms does is essentially giving a hungry man food and telling him not to eat it. They know it will be used, but want to wash their hands.
Unknown_17: doesn't stop at the target however they will carry out these same actions on those around the target continuing the doxing the harassment and pain on them for the crime of being associated with the victim of stalking this is complete by the way like it's literally ingrained into the zeitgeist of the community that you should not with people
you shouldn't get involved you shouldn't with people if you feel compelled to contact police or animal you know welfare you should do that on your own you should not be posting about it to get kudos from people you should just do it if if you're that concerned you should do it for the rewarding of itself of trying to do something you should not have to do it so that people in the forum will commend you for doing it like that's the bar for it so
Unknown_24: I don't know when people say it's like oh, it's like look but don't touch but haha do whatever you want It's really not people don't want you to it when someone is
Unknown_24: Like, it's not... I don't know how many times I have to explain this. If someone is crazy, and they do stupid stuff, and they break their arm because the stuff they're doing is stupid, then it's funny. Like, Pamper Chew microwaves his own diapers full of shit, and then wears his used shitty diapers, and then he got cancer. And it's like, I bet you that's because he wears microwave shitty diapers, and that's funny. But... If you inflict pain on somebody, then it's not funny. If someone's just sitting there minding their own business and you take a bat or a metal rod and you break their arm or you inject them with something to give them cancer because you don't like them, that's not funny. Like, if that's what humors you, you're not using the Kiwi Farms. You're just going out and you're setting homeless people's tents on fire. Or you're, like, putting glass in sandwiches and trying to feed people in the street that. Like, you're not on the forum. You're just a psychopath fucking with people. And that's easily understood by everybody. But for some reason, Troons really love to pretend that, no, really, it's a place to fuck with people. And it's just not.
They go after family, friends, and even children.
Unknown_17: something they explicitly allowed after a vote on the matter. One instance saw them doxing a five-year-old boy and creating a gallery of images of the child using family photos.
Unknown_17: All of this is an attempt to isolate their target, drive those close to the target away from them, and create an environment of loneliness and desperation. This serves the final purpose of Kiwi Farms, the death of their targets. To this day, there have been three confirmed suicides as a result of... That number is always different. They are keenly aware of this. And some users have kill counts in their profile descriptions because participating in the threat of someone who has actively taken their own life is seen as a badge of honor on the site. By the way, he sighs throughout the entire thing. So, for instance, this is what one of the kill counts looks like.
it's smutley he posted smutley's avatar i like the the title kf kill count post that png and the awkward silence like oh my god it's so dark man so scary
Unknown_09: Okay, then they go into different people who allegedly killed themselves because of the forum.
Unknown_24: And I can actually explain what actually happened with all of this. I won't play them.
Unknown_24: Julie Terryberry lived in a shed in Canada.
Unknown_24: And they live. She lives. She's on a training, actually, with her boyfriend and her boyfriend would constantly threaten to leave her. Her boyfriend was much older than her. She was financially dependent on him. And he basically whored her out. She she has nudes out because he would pimp her out on like the community pages of Pornhub or whatever. and that's how he made money with her and whenever he threatened to leave because you know she was already like she's how's she gonna get like a decent life with somebody else when her porn's out there and she has like she has a bad relationship with her parents she relied on her grandmother for some money she lived with this guy and every time he threatened to leave she would threaten to kill herself one day he leaves and she kills herself
And that is blamed, to this day, years later, is blamed on the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_24: And not the guy that pimped her out to Pornhub for money. And what's funny is that, not funny, really, but the guy that she was dating was posting on the forum at the time. And after she died, he posted about how it was our fault that she died, even though she officially blamed him for it and threatened to kill herself because of him.
Unknown_24: He came to the forum and immediately blamed the forum for it. And he accepted no responsibility for driving this woman to suicide. Chloe Segal, I did a stream on. They were a video game developer. They didn't really make anything of note. But when they killed themselves, they killed themselves in the most spectacular way. They doused themselves in petrol and set themselves on fire. And they read a manifesto before they died. And unfortunately, the manifesto that they had set on the ground before them blew away because when they let themselves on fire, the fire kicked up turbulence in the air and it blew all the paper away. And there's no online copy of the manifesto.
And so all that's left in regards to their manifesto is firsthand accounts.
Unknown_24: And the firsthand accounts said that Khloe talked about mental health in the United States and homelessness because Khloe had just been evicted by their other transgender roommates because Khloe was extremely abrasive. They had been evicted from everyone they've ever lived with because they were just hard to live around. And then when they were homeless and had nowhere to go, basically, and people were refusing to help them at all, then they killed themselves. And that got blamed on the Kiwi Farms because nobody wanted to take responsibility. And the forum was an easy target for them.
One person not mentioned, they said three, usually the number is four. The fourth person blamed on the forum is another transgender person involved in Trans Lifeline. They did not have a thread on the forum, and their spouse was also trans and posted on the forum. And when this person committed suicide, they overdosed. And in their suicide note, they explicitly... And this is the only person besides Bew to explicitly blame the forum. They mentioned that the Kiwi Farms was at fault, but they said it like this. I don't want to live in a world with Donald Trump as president and places like the Kiwi Farms on the internet. That was like their statement. Donald Trump was mentioned. So Donald Trump was as much at fault as the Kiwi Farms was. But...
When this person killed themselves, the owner, Greta Gassava of Trans Lifeline, which I also did a stream about, blamed the forum for the death. And the spouse of the person who killed themselves said that it was not the Kiwi Farm's fault, insisted any time that this was mentioned by Greta that they would not use this person's suicide. as a card against the Kiwi Farms, and Greta continued to use it and explicitly said, stop commenting on my posts. I know that you're heartbroken that they killed themselves or whatever, but the Kiwi Farms is at fault. She just completely said, fuck you. And the really fucked up thing about that was that the person who killed themselves... called into trans lifeline several times and said that there was almost nobody on the line ever every time they called in for help it went to um you know a a message box or like a robo dial that said sorry no one's available take your call and that's actually i remember um the message for when you called this this suicide prevention hotline when there was no operators was literally just like uh sorry there's no one available to take your call try again later question mark And then it just hangs up on you like, hey, maybe call this other lifeline instead. Like, I'm sure you had to pay extra per month for the premium package with the custom no operator line. And they didn't want to do that. So it just said, try again later, question mark. And that was it. And then they killed themselves. And that's our fault, too. But Keffel's had had the dignity not to include that one. And then Biu, who's still alive and well in Serbia with Hitler and Tupac.
And who else is alive and well in Serbia? Quite a few people. It's a nice club there. You should visit.
Elvis. That's right. Elvis. Elvis, Hitler, Tupac, and Biu. The big four. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_09: Christchurch. I'll play this.
Unknown_17: And now we're going on to what happens next.
Unknown_17: Kiwifarms is also banned in New Zealand due to the aftermath of the Christchurch shooting. The shooter uploaded his manifesto and shared links to live streams where he would broadcast his massacre of 52 people in two mosques. This would lead to 8chan being booted off its host, but Kiwifarms users would take both the manifesto and video of the live stream and redistribute it using their site.
The New Zealand police would send a notice to Joshua Moon demanding his cooperation in finding the users responsible for spreading the material.
Unknown_17: Moon responded by posting a long, profanity-riddled rant about how New Zealand was a faggot country and their laws didn't apply to him. As a result, the government ordered all ISPs to block access to kiwi farms.
Unknown_24: I think this is temporary. I'm pretty sure you can access the kiwi farms through New Zealand.
Unknown_24: uh they said faggot now's the appropriate time to mention that before the stream even started they were going to do this on twitch and and youtube they were banned from twitch because the thumbnail for the stream was a picture of destiny with like the word faggot and and tranny and a bunch of other slurs like in the background uh behind destiny and the it was framing it like these are real abusive messages which i've received from destiny's community And Twitch looked at this and said, this is an advertiser friendly. You're banned for a month now. And he's like, no, my stream. I had it all set up. I rehearsed everything. It's seven hours long. What do you mean I'm banned before the stream even starts? And there's a resolution to that that I'll get to by the end of this. A block that remains to this day.
Remains to this day, that is not true.
Unknown_24: That is literally not true. Can I change my proxy to New Zealand? And try this?
Unknown_24: I'll do that on my other browser, and then I'll tell you the results. A controversial website has smacked down a request by New Zealand police to hand over posts and video links that appeared on the site as the Christchurch terrorist attack unfolded.
Unknown_17: In an obscenity-laden email, Kiwi Farms founder Joshua Moon dismissed the plea by Detective Senior Sergeant John Michael as a joke, labeling New Zealand a small or irrelevant island nation and a shithole country. Beast.
Moon is a former administrator of 8chan, the online message board where shooting accused Brenton Tarrant posted details of his sick plan along with a 73-page manifesto mere hours before allegedly carrying out New Zealand's deadliest terrorist attack.
Unknown_17: Kiwi Farms, 8chan, and a third online message board called Vote are all under investigation by authorities. Moon, an alt-right, anti-feminist, pro-white Trump supporter who claims he set up Kiwi Farms for the gossip and exploitation of the mentally handicapped for amusement purposes, published the exchange with Detective Michael without bothering to hide the officer's email addresses.
Unknown_24: By the way, if you get an email from their... I got a follow-up email from their censorship board years later that I read recently on stream. When you get a complaint from them now, it just gives you their first name and badge number, and it comes from, like, this unified reply system email address, so you no longer get email... Because of my actions, the government has, like, set up this ticketing system so that individual officers can't get their email address posted and bombarded with hate mail anymore. LAUGHTER
He stress-sized throughout the entire fucking seven hours.
Unknown_17: I'm gonna, like, go over that. Because it's... You can look it up yourself if you want.
Unknown_17: Stardust defended them over Keffals for this. Yes, this is why I fucking, like... This is why I lost my shit at Stardust. This is what was being defended.
Before he founded Kiwi Farms, Moon was sacked as an administrator for 8chan for allegedly promoting pedophilia.
Unknown_24: That is not true. This is from the New Zealand Herald. This is like the largest publication in New Zealand. The author of this article writes without fact-checking, without asking me, without any fucking insight or journalistic integrity. Just writes, oh, yeah, he was fired for being too much of a pedophile for the pedophile website. It's like, what a sack of shit. Like, every journo is just absolute scum. If you say you're a journo, you might as well just say, like, yeah, I'm just a paid full-time smear merchant. All I do is I fucking lie and I get a big fat check for it. I was watching a documentary about Madeleine McCann. There was a part where they're, like, talking to the journalists involved. And, uh, they say like, I got a call that there was a missing child. So I immediately dropped everything that I was doing. And I took a flight over to Portugal and I drove and I, I whipped a taxi man with a, with, with straw and said, drive faster. You fucker. There's a missing white girl. And I got to get there first. It's like utter, utter leeches, just human filth.
He is notorious for his online stalking and harassment campaigns, which have featured threats to rape, murder, and dismember his mainly female victims. In 2016, Moon was linked to a series of online threats to harm children in Florida, where he shares a home with his mother, forcing dozens of schools into lockdown.
At the time of Christchurch, I was in fucking Ukraine. I was like 6,000 miles away from the United States. And they just wrote, yeah, he lived with his mom in his mother's basement in Florida where he's being a super pedophile. It's like, fuck off. You can tell that they're just upset. Call my country a shithole.
Unknown_23: Oh, yeah, you think that New Zealand's a shithole and a relevant Pacific Island sovereignty that doesn't matter to anyone? Well, you're a dirty pedophile and you live in your mother's basement in Florida.
And now it's a verified fact that can go on Wikipedia because I wrote it on the New Zealand Herald, a real website. And fuck you. Not a shithole.
Unknown_17: On to what happens next.
Unknown_24: It ended. That's the end of that clip.
Unknown_17: So there.
Unknown_17: Now you all know.
Unknown_24: Shit, sorry.
Unknown_17: This is the brief history of Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_17: Kiwi Farms is a fucking evil website.
Unknown_17: populated by sociopaths who turn trying to kill people into a game.
It's like a puzzle game to them, where they pick a target and they try and figure out exactly what buttons they need to press in order to make someone take their own life.
Unknown_17: And this leads into...
Unknown_17: what I've wanted to talk about since my 28th birthday on March 25th, but I wasn't able to talk about.
Unknown_17: In the early hours of March 26, the night following my birthday, I saw there was a discussion about creating a thread about me on the site.
I stayed up all night
Unknown_17: With my moderator team, attempting to lock out my social media accounts, reduce the amount of information available about me online, and protect my closest friends and family.
Unknown_24: By the way, this is a revisionist telling of this story. When Kefals got their thread, they went on Twitter and said, you fuckers can't find anything on me. It's already all out there. Everybody already knows. There's nothing you can do. Like it was a like a just flat out.
I'm not afraid of anything. Everything I do is public. And I actually I actually believed him when he said that to the point where I was kind of lax on archiving shit at first. And then as soon as we find the tick tocks where he's like posting misogynistic shit about how much he hates white women, he starts deleting everything. He gets his mom to lock down shit.
Unknown_23: He's purging all his old tweets. And it's like, oh, bro, I thought you told me you gave me your word that you weren't going to delete anything because it was all out there anyways.
Unknown_24: What the fuck? I was legit surprised by how much he was deleting.
Unknown_17: Wake up my mother at 5 a.m. to tell her to lock her Facebook account because they figured out how to... Through my father's obituary, they were able to find everyone in my family.
And through my mother's account, which was completely private...
Unknown_17: She had never had to worry about InfoSec before.
Unknown_17: They were able to get my dead name. They were able to get all my childhood photos. So, like, if you see those childhood photos of me that go around that I quote tweet to laugh at, it's because Kiwi Farms dug them up.
Unknown_17: Hold up.
Unknown_17: Here.
Unknown_11: Jeez, oh.
So this is something that I have been dealing with. God, I keep thinking the video is in, and it's literally just, he just sits there for 30 seconds, and the AGP brain tries to chunk along to think of the next sentence.
Unknown_24: This is the tweet I was thinking of.
Unknown_24: I know a lot of people interacting with me right now are used to being able to make a trans person private their account, but that's not going to happen here. I know I'm right. I stand by my convictions. I love and support my community, and I will not back down. I will win. And then immediately he starts deleting everything and having his family private shit. And it's just like, oh, okay, I guess you're a fucking retard then.
Unknown_17: And destiny has made it significantly worse intentionally.
And his obsession with destiny is also bizarre. It's like with Ralph's obsession with Jim. It's like every time anything bad happens to Ralph, he says, what about this Medicare? What you got to say about this now? It's like, why is Jim even involved in this? Why is that? Why is it the first thing everyone goes to? And then it's like, so then I got doxxed, and my whole family had to private their Facebook account, and now we know that Destiny has been behind it the whole time. It's like, why do you think this? How many more people do we have to doxx before you stop blaming Destiny, okay? What is this? Some kind of game you're playing, bro?
Um, this was May 19th, 2022. Um, this is Winter, by the way.
Unknown_17: Um, Winter... Winter is, like, he's an A-Log who basically always posts in my thread, like, every day. Like, it's this huge hobby of him.
Unknown_17: Um, if you ever get a friend request from him, please just ignore it. He's a stalker.
He is rivaling in parasociality to some of my biggest fans.
Unknown_09: Do you have anything to say to that?
Unknown_17: You have a picture. Yeah, so it's like...
Unknown_17: Korea, June 2017. Clara Sorrenti making friends in Beijing, China. Pitchers can't do the Great Wall justice. It is truly incredible. Getting ready to march with PFLAG at London Pride 2016. Merry Christmas, everyone, 2015. And I still have more photo albums. Guys, sniffle. I grew up poor and I never have time to vacation. And, you know...
i mean it's funny too because i never claimed i grew up poor i just said that i'm from a blue collar background and that's true my dad got his uh high school equivalency when he was 30 he had dyslexia and he fixed vending machines for a living my mom works in a warehouse that's blue collar they work with their hands three minutes debunking like you're okay great your dad works fixing vending machines who gives a shit
Um, okay. This is the threat opens.
Unknown_24: this is destiny talking about the thread he's talking about it already flamenco in the background because he's boosting flamenco's video about me flamenco has a series of videos about me completely monetized using information from my kiwi farms thread him and literally every other fucking commentary channel on youtube get used to it i had to what if winter equals destiny and
Unknown_17: Does Destiny live in California? Because when Winter signed on to the keffels.gg to try and harass me, and we got his IP address, it says that Winter lives in California.
So he's trying to say that the A-log in the thread, Winter, is Destiny, which is super fucking desperate. And then he admits that he tries to dox Winter, which is just hilarious. You go on this fucking tirade of doxing people, and then you're like, oh, we're trying to dox him too. I can promise you that Winter does not live in California, and Kefla should look up what a fucking VPN is at some point in his life. So I'm assuming no.
Dot, dot, dot.
Unknown_17: Destiny teased my Kiwi Farms thread in this clip.
Unknown_17: Talking about all of the details of my life and how juicy it was. The day the thread was first published. The way Destiny talks about my thread is like he's teasing a movie trailer.
Unknown_17: He's advertising it. And if he doesn't know that, then he's being incredibly obtuse. And irresponsible with the power he wields.
Pull up something and this is the second part We're destiny. He actually plays the destiny clip Thank you. Thank you Tom Myers for actually fucking cutting out all this white noise It's person facing harsh realities as hard but needed the online insanity groups
Unknown_17: he just like uses his platform and weaponizes this hate forum that stalks minorities and tries to suicide bait them successfully having gotten three different people to kill themselves 26 2022 and we are having just a banger of a day today i um i i'm gonna admit i'm going to admit why is dsp you're my favorite admit a roman there i'm gonna admit i'm going to admit you're my favorite streamer been a fan since you destroyed athens logic thanks for all the content very bizarre
Considering that Destiny himself is a Kiwi Farms user.
Unknown_17: Here's Destiny's verified Kiwi Farms account.
Unknown_24: I love how, I don't even know what the joke is here, but I don't, I have no idea why Destiny's avatar is like this really, really, really fat guy. I don't know if that's something that a moderator put as his avatar or what, but that is his account. I verified it. 78 Messages joined May 2nd, 2018.
And here's some other interesting things.
saying anything the time that the music ran out okay this is true this is okay this is this actually happened at some point and i haven't even pressed uh pause by the way it's still going there's just nothing happening at some point like three and a half hours in from destiny's threat keffels just goes i i have to figure this out i have to go find this clip right now i'm gonna have to talk to someone and find this clip and he just like he just gets up
Unknown_09: just gets up and he stays gone he stays gone for 30 minutes can you imagine can you imagine if during one of my people streams i was just like wait a second guys i'll be right back and i just get up and i just leave the stream like running with an empty with the the background and nothing else for 30 minutes it's the most bizarre thing ever ed
Unknown_24: This is something he does for a living, by the way. He's a professional streamer. He makes his entire income from Twitch. And he's just like, yeah, sure, I'm just gonna go walk away for an hour. I'm gonna go take a sick break. I'll be right back.
Him saying, I've known Null for like six years, dipshit. We used to play twos in StarCraft II.
Unknown_17: He'll have my back 100%.
Unknown_17: He's one of the most well-connected guys here.
Unknown_17: So not only is Destiny saying he's known Null for a total of eight years now, he's saying that Null has his back.
Ten years?
Unknown_24: Look at the reaction to that in chat, by the way. All the people going like, oh my god, this is such a huge bombshell. Destiny has been exposed as playing StarCraft with the null. Like, okay, buddy. Buddy boy. Okay. Hmm.
I legit I guess all of his fans are like on the AGP shit, too So they're just like zoned out. Well, nothing is fucking happening during these streams. I'm gonna let this play I guess and I'll show you
Unknown_24: That's the same that he'd made a tweet about it, but this is my profile right now I'm trying to see what these someone made me a nice zerg mutt and I changed my my thing which usually just says operating to their rushing because I thought that I thought that was really funny Destiny best friends if you want to blame my community go for it But she's actually fucking schizophrenic if she thinks even 1% is coming from from us aside from reporting shit
We had him post the thread.
Unknown_09: Hold on. What rank was I in Starcraft 2?
Unknown_24: I think I finished the single player campaign on normal. No, beginner. I finished the single player campaign on like the lowest difficulty possible. And I still had trouble with it.
Unknown_17: This is like not even all of it.
That is basically all of it. Destiny posted a couple times in his thread on the forum.
Unknown_17: So here's an interesting piece.
Unknown_24: He posted like less than a hundred times on the forum in his own thread and commented that the Kiwi Farms made a thread on Keffels. And that's like all of his evidence that Destiny is like in bed with me. uh and that that post which um i think destiny even made to try and try and cause me problems because i remember when that got posted i got tagged like josh is it true that you're gonna sweep it up you're gonna sweep it up for destiny you're gonna sweep it up it's like i have never met this person i have no idea who the fuck they are i have no idea why they're tagging me i i have no clue what's happening piece of information
This was stuff posted on Kiwi Farms by the user likeastone.
Unknown_24: Okay, I have had three interactions with Destiny. I might have talked to him once on the forum in public. I emailed him once because I had heard... I saw a bunch of memes saying that he was a white nationalist, so I joined his Discord. And I was shocked that there was tranny communists moderating his Discord. And I sent him an email like, why the fuck are there tranny communists on your Discord? I got banned in like five minutes online. And then he just sent me like cool story, bro. Laughing while crying emoji, a hundred percent. Okay. Hand sign. I was like, this is bizarre. I sent him another email, which I'll explain in a second. And then, um, I think that's it.
Yeah, that's it.
Unknown_17: Next time.
Unknown_17: This is, quote, tweeting Destiny. Next time, give credit to the farmers such as LycaStone. You're stealing content and info from and branding it as your own followers, thief.
Unknown_17: See, he took directly from my KiwiFarms thread and then posted it on Twitter.
Just like everybody else.
Unknown_17: So when I say he's engaging with my thread, I...
Unknown_24: Just like you probably do. Just like you all fucking do. I wish I could monetize it. I can't. I just have to deal with it. I have to deal with the fact that everybody else gets to make money off my site except for me. And that's my lot in life. I am bearing the cross, okay?
Unknown_24: It's true. Cecil does credit the forum. PewDiePie even did once. That was nice of him.
Unknown_17: Things that I look back on and it makes me realize...
Unknown_17: That, holy shit, so much of what he's done has come directly from this Kiwi Farms thread. And I haven't even gone through all the evidence here. Like, we barely even talked about Flamenco and Flamenco's involvement in this. Oh my god, not Flamenco.
Please, please, don't try to associate Flamenco with the Kiwi Farms. Anything but that, I beg of you.
Unknown_24: fucking guy dude figure out what the fuck you're gonna start bringing me up in march march 22nd they call destiny the number one enemy of twitter and discord trannies posting clips of me meanwhile pro trans destiny is being canceled by the very side he's fighting for because he was
Because Destiny literally can't stop sucking tranny dick. And then the trannies hate him.
Unknown_17: Posting all my tweets. And get him banned.
Unknown_24: That's what people are making fun of him for.
Unknown_17: Oh, you like to ratio people? How cute. Someone docks this tranny faggot. That was on March 24th.
Unknown_17: Edit lol looks like someone already did.
Unknown_24: He looks so serious. Kevles is a mentally challenged Vosh fan, and I think they were associated with some grooming circle a while back. It really feels like he just had his Discord kittens through this together, and now he's just going through all the links. You can see 100 tabs open on his browser. Not organized. And he's just going through each one, one at a time. And he's seeing one for the first time, and he's like... oh they said this and then you see they said this then they said this and there's just like gaps of like i have no fucking idea what's happening i don't know how these things click together i don't know what information this is supposed to be representing like you have to actually sit down look at everything that there is organize it in a way develop a narrative in your head it's it's a lot more work than just like cutting on your screen and looking at the articles and going And then the mean Republicans did this today, and it's such bullshit. It's such bullshit. Trans kids are valid. It'll never be successful just letting your Discord kittens do the work.
Here's Null in Destiny's thread.
Unknown_17: He posted that everything is one tweet at a time instead of a screenshot because he wanted more likes for each tweet. Twitter has bent this faggot over and fucked his smooth brain until there was nothing left. He laughed.
Unknown_17: Listen to it. Twitter has bent this faggot over and fucked his smooth brain until there was nothing left.
Did you hear the laugh? Look at him smiling.
Unknown_23: The most interesting... Look at him smiling while he thinks about it.
Unknown_24: Thing. About this... I think this is from Matt at the Internet, which is...
Unknown_17: That's Joshua Moon's podcast. The whole thing is the person taking credit for getting Destiny banned is this guy named Keffles, who is a Tim.
And Keffel said- That's Nell's voice, and I gotta say, one of the things that made me stop being scared about kiwi farms is the more I- like, they are fucking vicious.
Unknown_17: And then you, like, find out what they look like and sound like, and they are the most snively, pasty little freaks you've ever seen. It's really funny. Oh no, I take the internet very seriously, and then I fir- it turns out that they're just internet people.
Unknown_24: And there's nothing to be afraid of. But I have to milk this for money anyway. So how do I turn this into a seven hour stream?
Unknown_24: I'll just read stuff and pretend it's very serious. And then I'll play maybe like two minutes of somebody else talking.
Like this tweet if you trans people for content. Thousands of likes. His followers are going to get mad.
Unknown_23: Like this tweet if you... I flatter...
Unknown_24: Like, just look at this. Look at, look at body. I can't, I have, I have an alluring personality. He can't, he reads me calling him a faggot with a smooth brain and he's laughing because it's funny. And he listens to my podcast and he's like chuckling to himself. Like, ha ha. Ho ho. The silly person. There is no threat here.
I don't like this tweet.
Unknown_23: If you actually think trans women are women, let's prove her wrong.
Unknown_24: And they're obsessed with it. It's just my podcast. I was there when this happened. It's just a subcredit of this. And this is about flamenco stuff.
Unknown_09: This is the biggest offense of it all.
Unknown_09: It's just on his phone.
Okay. Oh, okay.
Unknown_24: Too late.
Unknown_17: This is Flamenco's first post in my thread.
Unknown_24: Okay.
Unknown_24: First post in the thread.
Unknown_24: First post.
Unknown_24: Google Drive.
Unknown_17: For some reason, I can't zoom in. Okay.
Unknown_17: Is this before or after you say ratios give you power and get people banned online? From some experience, there's a thought.
Unknown_24: Zadak Amar says, Josh, if you and the forums are so non-threatening, why is it such an issue? Excellent question. Why do they have to put up this facade of threat if the forum really isn't threatening in and of itself?
Great, great, great query. Great retort to this whole seven hour long expose. The answer is the forum itself is mostly non-threatening. The issue is, is that when people can just find your Kiwi Farms thread, and the OP is this Wikipedia-length article explaining allegations of you embezzling money, line-crossing in politics, grooming catboys...
Sending ambiguously aged people fetish accessories so they take pictures of themselves wearing it.
Unknown_24: How you have a sexual partner who brews HRT and tries to send it out to as many children as possible. When you have all of this information laid out in a coherent, fact-based, evidenced way, it really fucks with your online reputation. when people can go into this website and find archives so it's not just like a picture there's also like an independent third-party website that verifies that this is a real thing that happened when you have video archives of you saying things it really really makes it difficult to pretend that you're a good person on the internet it's not that the forum with your family though they go to that and they say look this website with your family
Uh, to try and say like, this is why everybody involved must be, uh, like any, any information taken from this has to be, uh, you know, an, uh, a bad apple from the, the, the poison tree or whatever the fuck that expression is. You can't use it. It's, it's forbidden entirely. Anything from the kiwi farms has to be doubted implicitly because, um, it's, it's just too damaging.
Unknown_24: And they have to lie and apply ulterior rationale to it to say it's not just that it's a bad website. It's that they're very dangerous and they lie about everything. So you can't trust it. Don't believe your eyes when you go there.
Unknown_24: This whole thing is just a facade to say please ignore my Kiwi Farms page.
that creeps into internet content creators' minds when something really pops off. In topic streamers, it's when something happens that causes your live viewers to be three, four times your average. The thought is, this is my new normal, along with the delusion that there is something unique about your content outside of the topic that is causing all these eyes to be on you. Keffels might have maybe 15% more average viewers when the novelty winds down, but all the notoriety in the world can't hide how boring she is to listen to.
Unknown_09: Which is true.
Unknown_17: See, I never really bought that. I never bought the people calling me boring. Because if I was so boring, why would they be constantly talking about me?
That's such a cope. That's the same exact fucking cope that Ralph does too. Ralph says this, if I was so fucking boring, then they would be hanging off my nuts all the time. It's like, bro, your streams suck. Your streams are boring, you're incoherent, you can't finish a fucking thought in one go, you leave, you know, mountains of dead air in between everything that you say, and your content is just, it's just atrocious. And I have to listen to it on 2x and skip through shit when you just stop, when you just fucking get up and walk outside your house at random points.
The reason why people pay attention to you at all is because you fuck up constantly. Ralph fucks up constantly. He gets arrested constantly. He does stupid things all the fucking time, and it's just baffling. It's crazy, and it's fun to watch. Why do people pay attention to Keffels? Because he picks fights with people. He loses. He gets his own Twitch band, and he, like, is a...
Unknown_24: condensed expression of why people are resistant to the whole trans shit. You have someone who is just like disgusting to look at, disgusting to listen to, uh, who is like pretentious and revolting. And I have a clip that is like, I can't believe like with all this scrutiny on you, you're just going to go out there and say this dumb shit from your own mouth. And it's like, people listen to you because you prove their point about how you cannot integrate into a functional society because you're just so vile.
uh but they can't accept that they can't accept that people just like to make fun of them that's that's a unanimous cope between everybody it's never people think i'm funny it's people um pretend that i'm funny but they hate me because they hate me it's a it's a ridiculous thing it's been there since the forum has been around that christian has said that this doesn't make sense okay i'm done with this i can't listen to any more of this stream i've i've summed it up and i'm getting bored of listening to the fucking good air
They then went on to another stream on yesterday, or the day before, and they had a little tard out at this guy, which I'll play.
Unknown_17: I mean, that's why I'm less sympathetic about you. It's like, you know this shit. This isn't new to you. The thing is, I feel like you kind of want to start a fight here where I didn't really come here to like defend myself or start a big fight or get into an argument.
Unknown_26: I came on here to just- Dude, dude.
Unknown_17: I came on here- How exactly do you think I'm the one starting a fight when you doxxed me on your stream?
Unknown_26: I'm here to apologize for this. After deleting the VODs, as far as my knowledge, there is really no way that this can lead to lasting harm. Thank God, because I caught the mistake fast enough to get rid of it. But still, I recognize that I fucked up. I made a mistake. It's not going to happen again. The reason that I feel that you're trying to start a fight is because... Why is Flamenco TV in your chat right now, by the way? I don't know. You don't know? No, I don't know. People can... comment in my chat if they would like to imagine being afraid of flamenco well is there why is flamenco here why is he in your youtube chat like i don't fucking know because he's got a youtube account and the shit's public why the fuck do you think he's fucking with you and you respond and you give him special attention you make him money because he plays your clips on your stream and he collects super chats then he reads them for for four hours a day like why the fuck do you think
and it's just like like super like like this guilt by association why do you have this guy in your audience i don't know because he paid for tickets like everybody else bro i'm right now the thing is that you're trying to walk away from the comment there frequently no
Unknown_17: No, okay.
Unknown_26: No.
Unknown_17: But you're not going to do any job moderating your chat. Like, the people who... See, why are... Wait, wait, wait.
Unknown_23: Quit streamers are the worst.
Unknown_17: Yes.
Unknown_23: Please.
Unknown_17: Yes. Stop.
Unknown_23: He's, like, so groveling. Like, no, I apologize, and I didn't have any harm. Thank goodness. Thank goodness gracious that you were unharmed by my negligence on the stream.
Unknown_24: It'll never happen again. Please don't be angry at me.
Unknown_24: Just call him a faggot. Just call him a faggot. You can see it in his brain. Look at those dead eyes. That egg crack expression. AGP zombie eyes that he's got going on. Just call him a faggot. I see it written in your brain. It's written all over it. God, just shut up. Shut the fuck up.
Stop what?
Unknown_17: Stop doing what?
Unknown_26: No, no, no. You're playing this guilt by association game.
Unknown_17: Guilt by association? You fucking doxxed me using my kiwi farm thread. How are you this much of a manipulated piece of shit? Like, seriously?
Unknown_26: The fact that I agreed to come on here to apologize for the doxing thing and now you are trying to back away from that. I'm trying to apologize.
Unknown_17: Oh my god, are you really going to try and be the victim in this situation?
What are you talking about?
Unknown_17: I am not trying to be any victim.
Unknown_26: I'm trying to explain.
Unknown_17: Dude, you're gaslighting me right now.
Unknown_26: I have not said anything, Keffles. Are you okay right now?
Unknown_17: Am I okay? I'm not gaslighting you. You're lying to your audience. You're lying to me.
Unknown_24: Okay. Say that you're a soy-filled bitch and you're sorry for doxing me on your stream. What's this guy's name? Hunter?
Unknown_26: You're a fucking liar, dude.
Unknown_24: You being mad at me for the docs, totally valid.
That was a fuck up on my part. I take full responsibility. But the problem is that I feel as though you're stepping away from the issue of doxing to try and fully implicate me.
Unknown_17: Because you're not willing to take responsibility for the entire thing. No, shut the fuck up. Because I don't need to take responsibility for the entire thing. Because you don't know what you're talking about. Because I don't need to take responsibility for criticizing your dumb tweet beforehand. I don't need to take responsibility for that. You fucking doxed me, dude.
Unknown_26: I take responsibility for that, but you are trying to then criticize me for other issues as well.
Unknown_17: Exactly. Because if you want to take responsibility for it, why are you not listening about the bigger picture surrounding how you fucked up?
Wait, the fuck up was the mistakenly showing the screen which had the docs on it. The fuck up was not me criticizing you prior.
Unknown_17: Yes, that is part of it. No, it's not. Because if you're going to make me look unsympathetic to your audience before doxing me... First of all, you're doing a really good job of doing that yourself right now to my audience. Oh my god, you love flipping this shit. You manipulate her. Second of all, I was literally called... I'm actually glad that you got in this bed, buddy.
Unknown_24: Look at that silver play button that you groveled for your entire career. Was it worth it? That now that you have to suck up to these freaks every fucking day? Wasn't it worth it? Was it worth it?
I was trying to say if you criticize me or make fun of the fact that I got banned.
Unknown_17: And the only reason that you're apologizing is because you're like a fucking puppy that pissed on the carpet. And now you're giving me puppy eyes because you know you did something wrong.
Unknown_17: That's it.
Unknown_26: Okay, I mean, yeah, you can think what you'd like about me, that's fine, but I mean, at the end of the day, it's not really- You're gonna keep, like, doing this, like, oo-woo shit at me.
I'm not doing any oo-woo shit, I'm trying to stay calm, I'm trying to have a human face-to-face conversation with you. Why is this person upset that I doxxed them? Are they okay? Shut up.
Unknown_26: You're acting, like, unhinged right now.
Unknown_17: You're acting unhinged right now. I'm acting unhinged because you doxxed me on your stream. You fucking cuck.
Unknown_26: OK, so can I ask you a question, please?
Unknown_26: If I have already acknowledged the mistake I made as far as the doxing thing, why are you trying to tie in the prior criticism that I levied against your tweet to somehow fault me for that as well?
Do you want to talk? Oh, she left. She left.
Unknown_24: What's really funny is that someone pointed out that Keffel's mic is hitting, it's maxing out. And the reason why is because Keffel's usually speaks in such a soft way that they have their mic set up so that, this is the thing because I tend to be too quiet too when I'm on the mic. um you set your you set your gain up more when you have a quieter voice but the problem is that if you do suddenly speak loud uh you will you will max out your mic and it will start to to pop like that uh which is which when he does get that agp rage going on when he starts screaming at this guy uh it fucks up his mic because he hasn't set so well
Let's say she. Look, okay. It's difficult. It's difficult to manage. I wish we didn't have pronouns. I wish we could just call everybody it. It would be way easier. I'm so fucking sick of pronouns.
Unknown_24: I hate that if I call someone a he or a they. What's really funny is that I go for the gender neutral they because that's been a thing since Shakespeare to just use a singular they as a gender neutral thing.
Unknown_24: But that pisses off both sides. The she party says, why are you avoiding using her proper pronouns? She's a she. And then the anti-correct side, there is no gender neutral day. You have to call him a he. Don't you understand? Stop cucking, boy. It's like, okay, so my neutral to always get it right is just pissing off both sides equally. And I'm so fucking sick of pronouns.
I'm gonna go have a fucking cigarette, honestly.
All this shit that's been going on, I started smoking again. It's bad, but I don't give a shit.
Unknown_24: I drove you to smoke.
Unknown_24: Okay, so I mentioned that Kefals got banned for slurs or whatever in the thumbnail before his stream went live, and he had to broadcast only to YouTube.
Unknown_24: He appealed to the Twitch hierarchy, and they say... Twitch rejected my appeal. I am banned for another 28 days for displaying a list of hateful slurs that were actually hurled at me by bigots in order to illustrate the kind of harassment I received for being an openly trans Twitch streamer. I have never been this disappointed. Twitch banned one of their biggest transgender streamers from their website for openly talking about the abuse they receive. I do not understand how they managed to fuck up that badly. Well, allow me to explain.
Twitch does not care about you. You are worth nothing to them. You are worth literally pennies. The pennies they shave off the super chats you receive is infinitesimal to all the other money they receive from the much bigger creators. The fact that you make any money at all is irrelevant to them. The reason why they promote you is because there is a list of standards set out by an investment firm called BlackRock. BlackRock promotes LGBTQ plus causes and diversity within social media platforms. BlackRock invests money into companies depending on how openly diverse they are. When they provide numbers to BlackRock saying that they have a Twitch streamer with several thousand subscribers, it looks good for their investment portfolio and their public company gets more shares sold at a higher price to this investment company called BlackRock. However, it is entirely financial to them. They also receive money for advertisers. Advertisers also promote LGBTQ plus inclusive causes, which means not having any kind of slurs or ableist or profane language towards any discriminated category of people. It does not matter that it is a minority group saying the minority pejoratives like faggot. The fact that you're doing it will piss off the advertisers.
It has nothing to do with your cause. It has nothing to do with your freedom of speech. It has nothing to do with you as a person. It is making money from you as much as possible from as many different sources as possible. In the very nanosecond, you threaten that you are fucking gone and you will stay gone. And now you are in, if you continue to press it, you try to think, oh, I'm going to be a trans renegade. I'm going to do whatever. You can't silence me. You will find yourself in the same bucket as Flamenco and Destiny and me and everybody else who ever dared to say the word faggot or nigger on a live stream.
Have fun with that.
Unknown_24: And here is Keffels talking about baby penises for two minutes straight.
Unknown_00: Here, then, is something a bit more solid than when they promote equity as an answer to the question, when does the left go too far?
Unknown_00: When it insists that the surgical mutilation of children has become a moral necessity. It is. It is.
Unknown_17: We are going to remove every penis from every child and every child that does not have a penis. We are going to stick that penis onto that child and we are going to take the balls from the one child. We're going to stick them onto the children without balls. We are going to remove and or put on penises on all the children. It is a moral necessity. We're going to get all of our axioms fired up. It's going to be very... You know, it's gonna be good. We're going to return to a better place in society. We are going to butcher all the children. Every child, you know what? We're going further than that.
For every child that doesn't have a penis, we are going to chop two penises off of children that have penises and we are going to attach two penises per one child that doesn't have a penis to make up for all of the lost time that child did not have a penis.
That's 58 seconds.
Unknown_24: I overestimated it by a minute.
Unknown_24: Yeah, I mean, it really is a question why people don't like you. It really just jogs the nog, as they say.
Unknown_24: Okay, so this is Kefals talking about Destiny and saying what we've already covered that Destiny said that we play StarCraft T together. I showed my profile where I have my nice Zerg setup. And it was kind of like, you know, there's a lot of things I could do to have fun with this. I could like call the forum like the Destiny forum, the Destiny forums, but like the Destiny's like professional headshot thing up on the logo or whatever. I could just have fun with it. Um, problem with that is I don't like destiny and I would never, uh, I can't have fun with destiny cause I think he's fucking vile. I will explain why. Uh, and this just shows you that I'm fair. I made fun of Kefla's. I can make fun of destiny too, right? And there's no pay for play here. Here's a tweet by destiny literally, um, like, like hours before Kefla's stream went live. Um, Max Carson, who is a pedophile who sang a song called I Am a Pedophile, and who made a video about how he wants to fuck all the little girls and cuties, also known as Mr. Girl, made a poll, and the poll is very creepy, and it says, poll for women. What age did men start ogling you, flirting with you? 11 to 12, 13 to 14, 15 to 16, view results. Courtney says 10.
And the OmniLiberal, who is Destiny, says, you were hot at 10, any pics? Courtney says, check DMs. and then destiny replies says jesus i've never wanted to bend someone over the hood of their little tykes so bad clearly a joke i don't care this tweet was deleted after i made a big long post saying that destiny should be set on fire and uh but it is real i have a screenshot of it and this is in the archive so you can verify it for yourself if you want to
This is Destiny next to a Tim. Destiny has spent his entire career sucking up to trannies and progressives and other freaks on the internet. He considers himself a progressive. He always supports progressives.
Unknown_24: Trans rights. He has literally spent his entire life like the platforming people to the right of him and and Supporting freaks like this and freaks like couples. He is he has enabled them to to do what they do and his he is a cuck and He made this ridiculous video saying like I know I'm confident in my girlfriend. I know she loves me She thinks I'm a cool fucking person so she goes out there and she fucks other guys but I know at the end of the night she's coming home to me and And then everyone called him a cock and now he copes. And he says that actually I'm the one who's smashing so much box. This open relationship is working in my favor. Cause I go out and I smash that box on the reg bro. Like I just smash it. And I'm basically, I'm cucking her. If you think about it, which is also not acceptable. Um,
So he is associated very tightly with Max Carson. He's basically made Max Carson his protege. I hinted that I had a second email conversation with Destiny when I first heard that he was basically sucking Max Carson's cock and getting on his little cuties club. I sent him an email. I said, what the fuck are you doing, you retard? And he says, like, I just think he's a funny guy. He's a funny and intelligent guy, and I want to hang out with him. So now he's basically close friends with Max Carson and Vito Lupito. And if you don't remember, I pointed this out every stream, but I'm going to point it out again, that Vito included himself, said, we, non-offending pedophiles, know it's not okay to touch children. And then clarified, yes, I mean we, non-offending pedophiles, know.
And then Destiny, after after associating himself with these lovely people, he's out there making jokes about fucking 10 year olds on their on their bikes.
And that's just OK with them.
Unknown_24: And this is while he's out, I guess, fucking around with trainees and shit. And it's just like he's super gross. And sometimes he says things which are funny or agreeable. And it's like, I wish I could like you, bro, but you're creepy and gross and weird. and your brain's all fucked up, and your shit's all retarded, and you talk like a faggot. So we can't be friends, and I kind of think the world would be better off with you dead.
Unknown_24: I think that about a lot of people, but I have my reasons for Destiny 2, which sucks, because it would be fun to play games and shit with them. Not like StarCraft 2, but you know. Like when Keffel says that he's like an avid poster on the forum. It would be fun to make games out of it. But it's like, I just can't. Because he has to act like a creepy weirdo. And he thinks it's super fucking funny to do it too.
And that is the end of this.
Unknown_24: Of the Keffel's thing. Not the stream. A lot happened this week. So we're going to keep going. It's been two and a half hours. I have more to talk about actually. Just going to have to deal with it.
Unknown_24: There is Chantel news for once.
And Chantel, as I mentioned, has been on a cycle on and off with Nader, the Arab-Egyptian guy who allegedly beats her. And then she's like, oh, I'm going to get back together with him and blah, blah, blah.
Unknown_24: It now appears that...
Unknown_24: Nader has broken it off with Chantal. Chantal has rode the cock carousel one too many times and said, fuck it. You're not worth it. You're not worth the thousands of dollars of gifts that you've been sending me. You're gone. And that has caused Chantal to become very upset.
Unknown_24: And she has posted this video exposing Nader.
Nader reminds me of the fucking pickup truck from Cars. And Nader sounds like a more Arab name, but for whatever reason.
Unknown_24: She posted this video exposing him of being an abuser called The Night of the Cheese Cubes. And she alleged that this is graphic footage of Nader's abusive personality. And it's so graphic that she had a two-minute intro to this four-minute long video. Literally 50% of the video is her warning people how graphic and abusive it is. And we will watch this now.
You first.
Unknown_24: So they're cooking baba ghanoush together, I think is what it is. Looks like slop, very gray. Looks bad.
Unknown_24: And he's upset that it looks bad. So he's plating it now. It's very loud.
Unknown_24: He's just sighing annoyedly because it looks bad.
Unknown_24: And the heavy breathing is Chantel. Sorry, Chantel breathing into the camera.
And he's sighing because he's annoyed by how bad the food looks, basically.
Unknown_24: He's saying there's shit on the plate. It looks bad when he plates it, but he says it'll taste good. He's like, aha! I have an idea. Sorry, I am trying to get the volume down, but I can't interact with the video correctly. I'm going to add some green shit to it.
I think he accused her of the cheese cubes looking bad when he plated it, too. I think that was the issue. So he's adding some green shit to the plate. Now, damn, this looks so much better. It doesn't look so gray anymore.
Unknown_05: Reality time.
Unknown_24: Now he's eating food.
Unknown_24: He has to act like it's because he wants to do like a professional cooking YouTube channel or whatever. And she's helping him make it.
Unknown_05: Believe me, you guys should try it.
Unknown_24: he's just pissed and this is this is chantal's hard-hitting expose that nadir abused her that's literally it that's all that happens and she had to she had the trigger warning this for two minutes now obviously chantal just felt it
cut out of this amazing chef's life and she can do nothing but mauled literally go bald over this and seething and Didi that bitch Didi gets to take home the prize of the Egyptian Kang I'm done with you I'm done with you my friendship I'm done with you I'm done with you done with you Good, okay.
Unknown_05: And she's fucked.
Unknown_05: And her husband will know tomorrow.
Unknown_07: Okay, nice.
Unknown_07: Isn't he a good person?
Unknown_05: Yes.
Unknown_07: Isn't he amazing?
Unknown_07: Wow, isn't he nice? He can't fuck Shushu, so he's done with me, and he wants to tell her husband, and he wants to tell my... Tomorrow you will see. That's amazing.
Unknown_05: Tomorrow you will see.
Unknown_07: Wow, that's a great person.
Unknown_05: Her full name is going to be on site tomorrow.
Unknown_07: Oh, coward.
I'm not coward.
Unknown_05: I'm not coward.
Unknown_07: What the fuck are you doing?
Unknown_05: I'm not coward.
Unknown_07: Hey, he just threw his cigarette at me and he just threw his fucking thing at me.
Unknown_05: I'm not coward.
Unknown_07: He's throwing his cigarette at you.
Unknown_05: And don't fucking tell me you're coward again.
Unknown_07: Wow.
Unknown_05: Okay?
Unknown_07: Wow.
Unknown_05: I'm not coward. And don't tell me you're coward again.
Go, get my nerve.
Unknown_05: Call Mike.
Unknown_05: Nobody scared me, bitch.
Unknown_05: Because the scared from people eat people. Me, I fucking eat people.
Unknown_05: You fucking don't me. You don't know me.
You don't know me.
Unknown_08: Stay where you are. Do not come back here.
Unknown_05: You don't know me.
Unknown_08: Stay where you are. Okay?
Unknown_08: Thank you.
Unknown_08: Woman to woman, stay where you are.
Unknown_05: What you gonna do?
Unknown_08: Stay where you are, please.
Unknown_05: It's not your business.
Unknown_08: You just slapped me across the face so hard.
Unknown_05: It's not your business. You just slapped me across the face. And shut the fuck up, too.
Say where you are.
Unknown_05: She's not listening to you.
Unknown_06: Oh, yes she will. Are you going to listen to her? No, yes she will. Yes she will.
Unknown_05: Good.
Unknown_06: Yes she will.
Unknown_06: Oh, you say no now.
Unknown_24: so after years and years of fighting with chantal for the rights to this arab stud she she fracks the oil and now she toil she gets slapped across the face the best part um is when she says you slapped me on the face and then he's like he tells her to shut the up because it's being recorded he's like don't say that
It didn't record me slapping you, so don't fucking put it on a record at this time that that's what happened, you fucking idiot.
Unknown_24: He was on FaceTime at the time, and the person was recording it when it happened, coincidentally, which is how this got leaked. I don't know who the fuck he was FaceTiming, but if he's that comfortable slapping her when the camera is on, I don't know. I just imagine that it's like a hell. They're all just doing coke and beating each other and shit. It's just a fucking nightmare.
Unknown_24: but like i don't i don't even know like what do you expect you're dating like this fucking like why are people surprised oh he's a he's an arab from like a muslim country what do you mean he doesn't give a fuck about women and will beat you uh yeah obviously obviously uh i don't know i guess that's a surprise
So, Foodie Beauty Chantel wants to prove that she's living her best life. She's going to Turkey. She's going to Turkey to rub it into the hater's face and to Didi's face that she's going to go out and she's going to get some Turkish delights, if you know what I mean.
Unknown_24: this is this she posted this this is her dream vacation she's being carried on one of those things i probably need a couple more even more buff turkish men to accomplish this in real life what's funny what was funny about this to me was that it reminded me of xerxes from 300 and it was like you need like a whole like plate to end like a thousand men to carry this monumental burden on their backs but whatever
More power to you, my friend. Good luck. All the best.
Unknown_24: And finally, finally, I would like to show a little bit. These are the patches. The guy who's working on these is from the forum. And the one on the right is the corrected color. I said the lime green's probably a bit too lime green. So I made like a forest green.
Unknown_24: And these are the other six. So it'll be these three designs and these six designs as a pack.
Unknown_24: And the colors are mostly correct, but he's going to be going over the text and making that more visible. So that will be the six designs. I hope that people like them.
By the way, funny story. I was getting emails from...
Unknown_24: From my 3PL.
Unknown_24: I'm glad people like them. I'm glad. I'm a big fan of the Eye of Sauron one. I like that one. And I like the gold one. I kind of like the archive of everything. That would go on like a backpack or something. I would want the exceptional individual. And this one on my sleeves.
Unknown_24: But.
Unknown_24: I was getting from the old 3PL. I was getting emails from them saying that they billed me for $5. I'm thinking, what the fuck are they billing me for? Do I have to go out and cancel something? So I go onto their website again, and I find out they're billing me because they have six silver coins left.
I'm thinking, what the fuck?
Unknown_24: i sold all of them the last time how do you where did you find six of my coins at that you still have them in stock so i told him i told them i need you to send somebody out to the warehouse to count them by hand someone you trust to count to six
like a real person and make sure they're actually fucking there. And I got a reply back and they said that we can't do this. We're going to elevate you to level two customer support. I'm like, you can't go to your system and leave a note that the customer wants their, their, their stock inspected so that you can make sure it's actually fucking there. So now I'm waiting on the level two support to figure out if those coins are actually real. And it's just like, I don't know what, I don't know if I should just have them immediately send it to me and then I'll mail it or if I'll just try and have them mail it. I don't know what to do. My plan is I'm going to auction them on eBay and I'm going to see how much I can get for each one. So get ready for that. I can't wait for that to be a fucking disaster too. Like everything else is with those fucking coins.
Their hands only have five fingers, Josh. They can't count to six. Yeah, that's true. I'm just shocked. How do you guys fuck up everything? How do you find extra coins and then bill me for it and then not know for sure if they're actually there and you can't send someone out to check? Ridiculous.
So that's the update on the merch. It really sucks that we didn't do merch earlier this year. We really should have.
Unknown_24: So we'll have to make up for it. I'm going to print. I don't know. They're really cheap. The patches are. I'll just print like a couple thousand of each and sell them in like a pack and just have to buy all of them.
Unknown_24: If you just want one, you have to buy all of them multiple times. That'll just be what we do. Any shirts? Not this time. Uh, my shirt guy went out of business cause of COVID. So I have to find another shirt guy that, um, I can trust because his shirts are really good. I still wear mine.
Shipping costs, those are posted in the thread. It'll be like $5 domestic, like $8 Europe, and then $10 Canada. I do not know why it costs so much to send it to Canada. It just does, I guess because there are truckers in the way or some shit. I really don't know. You're just going to have to deal with it if you're Canadian. Probably because they have to smuggle it over the border because it's like forbidden, banned Kiwi Farms merchandise. It's a hate crime.
ralph news bro you gotta watch the stream from the start if you're just getting here you're you fucking suck i stream at the same time every day
Unknown_24: All right, Super Berries.
Unknown_24: Everybody's favorite part of the stream, the Super Berries.
Unknown_24: Let's see. I will now set the composition to shekel green. Oh, speaking of, one other vaguely grifty thing before I start reading the Super Chats.
I have gotten a remailer in Europe for the silver coin thing. Here's my plan. I'm testing my remailer to make sure it works and that they can follow instructions on how to dispose of any computer chips and GPS trackers sent to the mail. If that works, I'm going to start asking people to send me my birthday coins.
Unknown_24: True facts. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to have them ship it over in December. And then on my birthday, I'll release a video where I just go over all the coins. That'll be fun. It'll be fun to see what weird shit is going to send me. The first coin that I'm getting is there's a Jewish guy that took a trip to Tel Aviv. And he got drunk. Or no, he was high on hashish or something. And he sent me a DM while wasted. And he's like, hey, I'm in Tel Aviv. Do you want anything?
and i said um yeah go to a flea market and find me an old israeli shekel that's made of silver and i gave him like a list of ones made of silver and he fucking did it and he has sent it to me and it's now coming over in the mail so i'm very excited about this josh confirmed stream tomorrow no i did not no nice try um people asking about other streams i i told you when those are coming
Alright, if you're not interested in the super chitchat of the outro song, you can leave now. Because you suck.
Unknown_24: Oh! Oh! Oh!
Unknown_24: Oh, I forgot to leave a note for this.
Unknown_24: The European Union published a hand guide to hate memes.
Unknown_24: And it's like a 90 megabyte document explaining all the different memes and how they're very hateful. And I'm going to go over those for the Gumroad this month. So if you're on the Gumroad, you can look out for that. I'll get that done sometime soon. Because we have hit the donation alerts and stuff. I need to make sure people are getting what they paid for.
All right.
Unknown_24: If you want a sticker, as always, I appreciate people sticking around for the super chats. I tend to say something stupid during them, which people enjoy.
Unknown_09: Um, uh, nations filter today.
Unknown_09: First, first.
Unknown_24: This is the best song I've ever played, absolutely Kino, and that is a reference to that incredibly terrible song by Playmate Tessie. Thank you. Oh, it's by Ling Ling Ling. That's a reference. Anonymous for One says, I'm getting more of a seared bite on the impossible whopper than I am getting on the actual whopper. No, no, no, no. Which, of course, is a Fliggy Gagoo reference, which I've now I'm going to get bombarded with. Cirrus Leskanish for five says, you shouldn't take jokes about your weight so seriously. You need to lighten up. Ha ha ha. I'm still losing weight despite what people are saying.
KF Roxanne Wolf for 20 says, fursuiters don't be musky husky. Keep that fursuit clean by mixing bleach and ammonia for the best cleaner around. make it in large amounts it goes by fast i'm pretty sure that you're trying to get me set up for a crime if you don't know bleach and ammonia makes mustard gas i feel like i should clarify that before someone kills themselves on accident i get blamed for it again namas for one says lighten up like be lighter get it haha that's like a different person following up to the that's bizarre he like completed the joke for the other person
Red tail for 40 says, will you melt down the birthday coins or do anything weird? Like put them in resin, trying to decide what quality to send. I do not intend to melt any of my coins. So don't like, don't send me like super expensive numismatic coins. Like I just, I will accept pork. Like I would be very happy with like a bag of mercury dimes that are all worn and use, you know what I mean? That would be awesome.
like uh ten dollars of face value of mercury diamonds would be cool uh anonymous for ten says hey josh say silk six times and answer this what do cows drink silk silk silk silk silk and cows drink milk is that supposed to be like a tongue twister
I feel like I've ruined your joke somehow.
Unknown_24: Hacks Elite for 333 says, Hey, Jersh, if you haven't already, you should cover Joshua Luna. He's a rice cell that makes comments about how evil white people treat noble Filipinos, and they're hilarious.
Unknown_24: The hapas on Reddit are fucking crazy. By the way, if you don't know, Reddit people are disgusting. Like, every...
Unknown_24: Wait. Oh. Oh!
Unknown_24: The joke is that cows don't drink milk. They drink water. Okay. I got you. Everyone's fucking laughing at me. I understand now. I finally crossed the finish line and I figured out what it is.
Happens are crazy. Redditors are crazy. They're all very sad. Don't ever let what you read on Reddit inform your opinions about the general...
Unknown_24: general population because they are every every subreddit is uniquely sad and pathetic and they should never be taken seriously because they're all very very mentally ill losers
uh anonymous for five says who's your favorite killer survivor to play in dead by daylight i've been curious all the survivors are like the fucking same you just max them out and get them i i really like to play michael myers but he's not like meta um as far as killer like last one i played was uh the ring girl i i think she's really fun and she's supposedly also not meta she's like d tier but i don't know i do well enough with her when i last played
Unknown_24: And Frank's butt chunks for 20 says I sacrifice my horror porn subscription for you. Take my shekels. What is horror porn? Do I want to know this horror porn?
Unknown_24: The world is changing. Now the sexual nightmare is coming. The biggest carnage you can manage and the best horror porn of all time.
Unknown_24: I don't adults only enter horror porn.
Unknown_24: It's like horror movie... Ew. It's like horror movie pornography. And it's like monsters and zombies. What the fuck, bro? Okay. That's enough of that. Stop advertising your porn site on my fucking... My superchats. Polly Frog 64 for 20 says PPP and Andy Worski lied to Jim. They knew all about power chat and how it was connected to America first. They only stopped using it when you called them out. Yeah, that's true.
Unknown_24: Toilet Duck for five says paid my Kiwi taxes and good duck. Please don't feed ducks bread. It's not good for them. Farm ducks prefer pumpkin sneeds. I have a picture actually. I want to see if I can find it on the fly real quick. It is something that you may find horrifically offensive. I've heard mixed information about if ducks are allowed to eat bread. I may not be able to find this duck picture that I was thinking of.
I swear I just saw it, though.
Unknown_24: It was literally, I guess I'll ruin it. It was literally a duck sitting in like a dumpster full of bread that had gotten thrown out and they were just chilling and enjoying, enjoying the bread. But I guess they're going to die now. Cause I'm not supposed to eat bread. That's very sad. Uh, Oh, here it is.
Okay. Save it someplace. I'll be able to find it here.
Unknown_24: I see this duck couple every day in this dumpster full of bread. And it's just the duck couple and they're chilling out in the nice bread dumpster. But I guess they're dead now. Don't look at that picture. It's actually quite sad.
Unknown_24: John Furman for 10 says, haiku, it's Friday and we're mad at the internet. Wait, no, it's a haiku. It's Friday and we are mad at the internet. Pizza day comes next. Pizza day is on Sunday for me because I fast on Saturday.
Don't remind me. I'm already sad that I don't get to eat tomorrow.
Unknown_24: Anonymous45 says, glad I could finally catch a live episode again. I normally can't watch when my girlfriend is home because normal women don't like to hear rants about trannies, Jews, and blacks for some strange reason. You'd be surprised.
Unknown_24: TranchAlpacaSpokesperson for 25 says, help us. The bad men are treating us very well. There's no grass. Please come rescue us.
Oh. Oh, no. They're reminding me about the tranch. It's sad.
Unknown_24: They sit out there in their fucking man-made dust bowl that you can see from space, not eating any grass. They don't even have any dumpster bread to eat.
Unknown_24: uh sneedham freedom for 10 says i'm convinced half the skinwalker stories on x are just people seeing eugenia go camping or hiking she doesn't go fucking camping or hiking she can't open a folding chair without collapsing anonymous for one says how come the skeleton lady is healthy enough to still have long hair but june is bald like a skull because june eats her hair and eugenia does not eat
Mash your ring is for 10, says Eugenia Cooney. Foldable human meets a foldable chair. That's mean. Shouldn't make fun of the disabled. Even when they're disabled by choice.
Unknown_24: Suck duck for quack for one, says Micropiness Sounding.
Unknown_24: Micropiness Sounding?
Unknown_24: I don't even want to figure it out, though.
Unknown_24: Oh, micropenis sounding. Okay, I got you. Thank you.
Unknown_24: Nickers for five says, Josh, will you do an unboxing of the 200 dragon dildos and glitter bombs you are sure to receive for your birthday? If you send me a dragon dildo, I'm putting that shit on Craigslist because that's worth a lot of money.
Jake Sneed for two says, love you, Josh. Keep keeping on. Thank you, Jake Sneed. Anonymous for five says, officially superior to all furries in spite of, or perhaps because of, all the evil. It's true. I've received this firsthand from a reliable source that I am a moral arbiter.
Unknown_24: Furry Surf for 50 says, but a token of my fealty. Furry King. Thank you. I need to find some way to covet the furry fandom because all the furries are very generous and they give me lots of money. And they're very rich and they buy expensive dragon dildos because it's like they're autistic. And they have good jobs that they use their autism for. And then they have all this disposable income because they don't do anything with it.
Anonymous for two says, what the fuck? Why did you chat ban Last Pack? Nobody likes Wolftone.
Unknown_24: Um, Oh, the X mod for the articles and happenings board kept calling a user, a pedophile. I'm like, bro, stop calling him pedophile. And he said no. And then he called him a pedophile again. And it's like, okay, I don't know what else I'm supposed to do here.
John Redcorn for 100 said, Hi, Josh, I sold my house at a significant profit and listen to your shows backlog while doing much of the, I guess, work much of the work on it. So you probably deserve a cut of the profits. Profits keep being based. Well, thank you, John Redcorn for $100.
Unknown_24: Oh, my God.
Unknown_24: Hopefully one day I too will have a house.
Unknown_24: Now is a good time to sell it. You're going to buy back. That would be smart. Keep the profit. Assuming that the market actually goes down again, which hopefully it will.
Unknown_24: MonkeyNoises for one says, that bitch looks like a fucking skeleton. Yes, she's very anorexic. I'm glad that you noticed, MonkeyNoises. Great job. PopeJuliusIV for five says, a bunch of tomato emojis. I guess that showed up on the screen at the appropriate time. And pelted, pelted, pay, pay, pay.
not pet you for two says knickers stay losing i didn't even talk about nick fuentes the stream uh ludwig for 20 says thanks for being less degenerate than a furry well i try my best i don't always succeed but i try my best i try my hardest try hard legion for two says twist monkey noises head off because he's a stinky reagan what oh reagan okay is the n word backwards
Oh, that's a Moon Man reference. I should have caught that the first time.
Unknown_24: I can't sing that. I would get banned immediately. I think the YouTube bot for detecting lyrics is so strict on Moon Man stuff that if I tried to sing it and replaced words, I would still get banned.
Unknown_24: Carrie for 25 says nothing. Thank you, Carrie.
Unknown_24: Evil Sponge for five says, sorry, a fat Canadian tried to eat your pizza, Noel. Yeah, it really sucks. You know, you hustle and bustle. You try to keep your Kiwi farms open, and then the governments are angry at you, and the Vordraks are angry at you, and the banks are angry at you, and then all the furries are angry at you. and you see you find a fellow fat man who likes making fun of retards on the internet and you think this man is funny this man has it has it going on this man understands my plight and then you sit next to him and he's like hey buddy don't be a hero and he takes your pizza slice you're like what the fuck bro i thought i thought we had a connection
uh anonymous for five says there was once a man named ralph who was born and bred in the south he flew overseas and got on his knees and took a big thumb in his mouth oh i got that the first try very nice uh let me sit on your face josh for five says i love how ralph cares more about his dog than his child plus nora and faith were definitely underage when he started to groom them um
Unknown_24: i think the faith one like she was still in high school like he was talking to her about what to do for her high school prom and i don't know he obviously likes them around like 18 like as early as possible and to him and nick masterson that's the most base thing ever there's nothing like having an emotionally underdeveloped person who talks like a child to be your girlfriend because that's so that's like so risque it's barely legal bro it's just like in my porn
uh bernie gore is for five says cock and ball torture cbt occasionally known as penis torture dick torture or male genital torture male genital torture is a sexual activity involving the application of plane or pain or constriction uh presumably to the genitals it would go on to say kreuss for 20 says five five point five four n four point six six w do i dare look that up probably
Unknown_24: Sounds like a RuneScape treasure trail coordinate.
Unknown_23: It's a town called Troon.
Unknown_24: That's funny.
Unknown_24: Anonymous for five says wiener. Thank you. Anonymous. Go away for five says pamper. Chew didn't only wear diapers. He took, look for them in the trash, microwave those, and then ate the shit from them. Wonderful. It's true, they were like stranger diapers, which is particularly gross. By the way, Pamperchew happens to be interested in precious metals. He has a large American constitutional silver coin collection, and I have told Pamperchew that he should give them to me. He should thoroughly sanitize them and then give them to me, so I can then thoroughly sanitize them a second time and put them in my collection. He has refused to do so, which...
is disgusting i i frankly find that deplorable because as the moral arbiter for the furry community generosity is second to godliness as far as i'm concerned and he should definitely give me his silver
Winked for five says the thing about a Tim, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you, it doesn't have, it doesn't seem to be living until it cracks your egg. And those black eyes roll over white. It's like a quote about a zombie from the movie. I don't, I don't catch the reference, but it's pretty true. They come at you and they try to crack your egg. If you refuse, they try to, they try to platform you.
Unknown_24: IP man for one says is being from the U S a meme.
Unknown_24: Oh, it's from Jaws. Okay. Like a shark. Like a predator, you could say. Is being from the U.S. a meme? Like me, personally?
I'm from the U.S. Do I not sound like an American?
Unknown_24: Keffels42 says...
Unknown_24: Kefl's Heroin Spoon for 25 says, I'm wearing right out. He uses me every time he turns off the camera. I'm just one spoon. Joshua Moon sounds bass as fuck. Fuck the police. Thank you, Kefl's Heroin Spoon. I don't know. He sounds too angry to be on heroin. Heroin people are chill.
Unknown_24: Sonic the Italian for one says kiwifar.ms is a creepypasta website. It's true. Many scary stories on it. Dantioch provides his Ralph and Kethel's got two things in common. They claim they don't scare, but they do in fact scare and have a foaming hatred of women. That's pretty fair. I think I've compared them. Like every time I talk about Kethel's, I end up comparing him to Ralph. That could just be my confirmation bias because I see so much Ralph shit constantly. Constantinian Romanov for 25 says, wake up, mom. I'm being cyber bullied. I don't care that it's 5 a.m., bitch. You need to lock your Facebook right now.
Yeah, that's basically what happened. It did stay up for a while before he got it locked. This is only a dollar. I'm not reading this for a dollar. He goes on to describe how he would proceed to have sex with her.
And then feed her after he breaks all her bones by having sex with her. And then concludes, imagine, with a exclamation point. If you want me to read disgusting shit like this, it has to be at least 20. I'm just saying. DannyOck42 says, anytime you have a Keffels clip playing, you should just play the classic dial-up internet loading noise anytime he has a dead air. And just processing what to say next. Yeah, pretty much. I really don't even know what he's doing because it's not like what he says after the dead air is particularly insightful. Like, I'll take a moment to think about something if I have to be really careful about what I say. But he just he just hangs. He just like disconnects from reality for a second and then comes back and just continues on like nothing happened.
tanuki fucking for 10 says where the kiwi farmers and we're everywhere if we find a gross tranny he better beware we'll post 41 on your evil site we're all kiwi farmers and we know who you are it's a link to a song what is the song i'm just a little bit curious has the letters underscore pms on it which is also precious metals oh gang stalkers of course i played that as an outro song
I put that on the front page of the site when we released that, actually.
Unknown_24: Killed Alive for 45 says, I'd love if we could get some new t-shirt merch or stickers available to keep the lights on, fellow famers. Drippy as fuck. Have a happy Friday and be kind to yourself. Thank you very much. I would like to do shirts next spring again. After the sticker stuff is done, I will do research into merchandising so I can do apparel again in the spring.
Unknown_24: it's been a while now it's been like a full year since we last had a run of merchandise of apparel hack sleep for two says good clip of destiny his girlfriend at 25 minutes it's only five seconds okay i can do five seconds for two dollars i guess it's gonna be like yeah okay oh this is like him getting humiliated i think i've seen those give him a little kiss on the cheek okay this is his girlfriend like
kissing like another streamer oh look how uncomfortable he is she's so smug about it too because she made him uncomfortable his wife his wife that calling him a cuck like to his face that's so awful look at that face look at her smug fucking expression in this second she knows that she's humiliating him and she finds it so fucking funny and there's nothing that he can do about it
Unknown_24: I'll just leave that up there.
Unknown_09: Uh, Connie sewer for 10 says Chantel's trigger warning was about the fact he put greens on the plate.
Unknown_24: Oh, ha ha. Get it. Cause she's fat. She doesn't need any fucking vegetables. Uh, this user donated $50 and then added 89 cents, but then also paid for the, uh,
the the fee oh you know what i bet you he donated in euros and the euro exchange rate is like is like one penny over the american exchange right now so 50 euros is like 50.89 sucks to be european remember for 50.89 says you're a cool guy keep being a cool guy thank you I'm sorry that I just ridiculed your currency and continent.
Unknown_24: Colonel Cole for five says, this is my first time I've actually seen a deer. He looks like a retarded white guy. I pictured him as an Arab guy from Hoey 4. He is Arab. He's Egyptian.
Unknown_24: Lachette for five says, yo, Josh, unban my account. Five dollars under the table. And I promise I won't be hilarious in celebrity chat anymore. I don't feel like I'm making a fourth account. Oh, you're going to stay down because you sound like an asshole.
I don't want your pennies or Fliggoo for one says to answer your question from last week. Josh, it's called Fliggoo posting because a guy doing the silly. I know why it's called Fliggoo. And he like shapes his fucking face all over the place.
Unknown_24: Yeah. It's, it's pretty, it's pretty fucking absurd. I hate his, I mean, I think his face is intentionally designed to, to like trigger like a kill, kill switch in your brain when you see it.
Unknown_24: Uh, KF Roxanne, what for fives? I was going to please have an emoji of Ralph with his fat fucking smile and the kid dealer hat. It's all, uh,
Unknown_24: Yeah, make it yourself. So you want to make it yourself, make it yourself.
If you want to, it would be super cool if you could like make it the full hat, because in that picture, it's kind of cropped out a bit. If you can like re add the hat to it. So it's like a full head crop instead of just like the top of his head cut off. That'd be cool.
Unknown_24: Anonymous for two says, I run a business doing apparel in the US, everything from stitching to screen printing. Would you be interested? If you want to send me like your website to jcmoon at pm.me, I will look at it.
Unknown_24: But you may have to remind me when the spring 2023 rolls around.
Anime for Five says, I want to be known that Genshin Impact is a product of the glorious nation of China, and you lose a lot of social credit every time you criticize it. Well, thank you for letting me know that. Unfortunately, it's still anime, and therefore cringe. The fact that it's Chinese does not make it based. Though, it is... It is pro... Okay.
Unknown_24: In China's defense, of course, we have to give credit where credit is due. Ripping off weebs is incredibly fucking base, and if I could rip off weebs, I would do it too. So I understand that China is merely trying to take money that would otherwise go to their 2,000-year NMA Japan and use that so that they can build up their military, which is very base, if I do say so myself.
JK rolling fan number one, eight, nine, four for five says people making pedo jokes or comment on transitioning are all pedos. The pattern is too consistent. No, you ever plan to have guests on maybe for a bonus stream there from the headline. Um,
Unknown_24: Yeah, if someone makes a pedophile joke at this point, I just assume that they're telling the truth and I avoid them.
Unknown_24: And as far as guests, not really. I don't want to talk to anybody. If I want to talk to somebody, I invite them on. But I never want to talk to anyone.
Unknown_24: I was thinking maybe having a conversation with Keffels, but it's like, I can't be asked. They're so unpleasant.
And my audience would want me to yell at them, but that's not my style.
Unknown_24: ethan ralph's odyssey contract for one dollar says matty day is always pizza day but for your kittens when are you going to be streaming the life is strange dlc you also said a ck3 stream would be fun i'd watch that uh not for a while a couple months maybe around december at the earliest but even then um 2023 is the earliest i can imagine doing video game streams sorry
Dainty Inferno for $100. It says, play the Keffel fart clip again. Oh, no. I deleted the Keffel's directory today. Wait, no. I have it in my trash still. I'll move it to my downloads. Okay, here we go.
Unknown_24: Videos.
Unknown_24: Fart thrown. I do believe that is it.
Unknown_24: Okay. Ew. I can see the neogyna from this angle.
you can hear him like panting because he's trying to do the fart noises with his mouth and then he's like winding himself trying to do it mech warrior for five says hey man I'm sorry I'm late have some cash for the VOD thank you very much mech warrior and ice Mexican for 10 says what's up Josh I'm drunk as fuck in Mexico right now the Wi-Fi is ass but there are tons of women with large posteriors here Thanks for the stream. Have fun in Mexico, my friend.
Unknown_24: Try not to get kidnapped and beheaded. I don't know. I never found Latinas to be attractive.
Unknown_24: Their fiery, passionate personality that people seem to like is a bit excessive. It's a bit overbearing.
Unknown_24: um it was a puerto rican girl i knew that was nice i don't know you know that um latina white is like the largest interracial group in the u.s like in terms of pairing fun fact fun fact it's like white male asian or latina female specifically is the most common interracial coupling in the u.s
Daily reminder on that note, by the way, to stop reading poll threads about white women because they're trying to brainwash you into dating Asian women who are not better.
Unknown_24: I feel compelled to say that because every time I'm like, you can't avoid it. You're on 4chan and you're just like reading like about anything. And you just say like, I can't get a girlfriend. I'm thinking of like, once I get enough Bitcoin, I'll buy like an Asian girl. It's like, bro, if you're going to go down that route, you're just going to get dumped when she gets her green card. She's just going to dump your ass.
Unknown_24: I can't get a girlfriend, so I'm just going to buy an Asian, and that'll fix everything. That'll fix my life. That's what I need. I don't need a shower or anything. I'm just going to buy an Asian girl.
All right, chat, you have my undivided attention for right now. Have I missed anything? Should I cover anything else?
Unknown_24: Any imminent issue?
Unknown_24: Marshall, I am deliberately not talking about that.
Unknown_24: deliberately not touching that maybe one day we'll get to reflect on the last two years of wasted fucking time and court filings but not today take amtrak across the country with me please no stop being fat i'm working on it 10 out of 10 stream thank you thank you all right um i'm done i will see you guys when i see you uh which may be sooner rather than later if you are
on the gumroad but if not next friday
Unknown_24: Did I try accessing the site from New Zealand? There was a website that I could test censorship with. And what I saw there was that we were blocked by a bunch of, like, DNS. The issue is, okay, is that a country cannot block the Kiwi Farms. They just DNS.
Unknown_24: They fuck with the DNS. So if you're using, like, custom DNS and you're using, like, a VPN's DNS or Google DNS, you're not going to get blocked. Though we've had issue with like Oracle and then other like open DNS suites blocking the Kiwi farms. And when that happens, I tell people to complain.
Why is Crunklord always fighting with people in the Fediverse? He's from like 4chan. All 4chan people and image board people love to argue with each other. That's just how it is.
Unknown_24: Josh, I sent a final super chat. Okay, I'll read it. Let's see here.
Unknown_24: Uh, Cole Cole for five says, but Josh, one of your best dreams is interviewing Ross with easy peasy. Get like dead wing dork or when the goon to do a collab, they do good stuff in a summer field and shout out to Athena Bambina. Um, I don't know dead wing dork or when the goon, I think that someone that, that, that woman, that Pakistani woman that capitals was yelling at hinted that she would want to like talk to me on stream. And maybe if it's like a thing that she wants to do, I'll be open to that.
Unknown_24: but otherwise I'm not really particularly interested in like setting up interviews myself. I'm sorry if that's like a disappointment, but it has to be, there has to be like a specific reason for it. I, um, I realized that people think I'm a good interviewer and stuff, but it's because I, I want to talk to that person and I have genuine questions and I just want to, I want to know what's going on. I have a curiosity and if I don't have a curiosity, there's no impetus for the interview.
And let me sit on your face, Josh, for five seconds. Josh doesn't like Latinas. Oh, damn, there goes my shot. So let me just... I have totally... Okay, listen, let me reiterate this. I do not mess around with fans. I apologize. I've gotten, like, an email the last day, and I'm not trying to, like, call anyone out, but... Every time anyone sends me an email, like, trying to flirt with me, I say the same exact thing. I do not mess around with fans, because that is how you get internet... internet canceled it's how you get cyber bullied into non-existence i will never be canceled nobody will ever be able to cancel me because there is no logs there's nothing happening behind the scenes there's no discord kittens nothing not i am a paragon of virtue in the furry community no can't i'm unassailable yeah and get your dick pixelated exactly fuck that
ain't no cap no cap fr fr 100 100 okay all right um i will see you guys when i see you probably friday maybe sooner bye please there it is there is it's just so interesting
Unknown_15: Istanbul.
Old New York was once New Amsterdam Why they changed it I can't say People just liked it better that way So take me back to Constantinople No you can't go back to Constantinople Been a long time gone Constantinople Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks
Unknown_15: Even old New York was once New Amsterdam. Why they changed it, I can't say. People just liked it better that way. Istanbul was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul. The Constantinople been a long time gone. The Constantinople, why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks.
So take me back to Constantinople No you can't go back to Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks Istanbul