0:01:40 Unknown_06: Thank you. Unknown_06: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 0:04:27 Unknown_07: Look, I just liked the video. Stop reading it. I didn't even make it. Stop reading too much into it, okay? I'm allowed to like things on the internet. Unknown_07: It's an occasional hobby of mine to read the internet and to find something that I like. Doesn't happen often, but sometimes it does happen. 0:05:00 Unknown_07: Um, not everything that I agree with, but, uh, I mean, I think that at this point we all have more in common with like a black family than the South, the South African families, you know, just saying, I feel, I feel more, I feel it's not very strong, but I feel more connection towards the Arabs and their struggle than the South Africans and their struggle. If you catch my drift. Unknown_07: um that is called the oh god i downloaded it forever ago i'll look i'll link the video in the description so you can peruse it at your own time uh let's see this week sucked i'm getting that out of the way so that when it's three hours long um you know why it's one of those weeks before um people are already super chatting but Unknown_07: I just want to bring this front and center because now that I have lit a fire, which I'll get into in a second, I promise, because I know that is in demand right now. 0:06:10 Unknown_07: Um, people have, have raised some criticisms of donations alert, which I use because it is Russian. And as we all know, Russian is very scary. Whenever I see this relic alphabet, uh, I, I freeze. I, my, my, my intestines not up, my skin crawls. So if you are afraid of Russians, but you want to super chat, I would encourage you to look at privacy.com because it's a way to like make fake gift cards using your credit balance that work with any name and any postcode. And I would also suggest privacytools.io for like a general suite of basically everything you could hope for. Like, for instance, I would suggest making either alternate ego email addresses using one of these providers or using an email forwarding service so that you don't have to have two different email addresses. But then I would also suggest a password manager like Bitwarden or whatever they suggest. 0:06:59 Unknown_07: Not giving me money? That's okay, Punished World. You don't have to give me money. Unknown_07: Your endless time and adoration is more than enough. Unknown_07: In case you're wondering, no, I'm not particularly blackpilled this week. It's just the motive I'm going for. I watched this video, and I actually suggest it even if you don't play video games. It's called The Immoral Design of Diablo Immortal by a guy called Josh Strife Hayes. And I've never watched this guy's channel before, but it's a very interesting 45-minute look at the monetization practices 0:07:43 Unknown_07: of a mobile game for the Diablo franchise that came out last month. And this video is a month old. I missed it, but I just saw it. So whatever. Unknown_07: It is actually mind-boggling the amount of deliberate complexity in the mobile game monetization suite. He goes over how there are 23 different currencies which obfuscate the way that they take your money and encourage you to spend money to get the legendary items out of it. and how they bypass Belgian anti-lootbox systems by using the game element almost as just a shim to make the reward mechanism and the payment mechanism just far enough away from each other so that they don't qualify as lootboxes. It's really, really interesting, and it makes me... More sad than that video does, it makes me really sad because when I grew up, I remember... 0:08:18 Unknown_07: My next-door neighbor was a kid my age, and he had two parents that were, like, cool, I guess. They played video games. They were huge into World of Warcraft and Diablo II. And I remember playing Diablo II at his house and thinking how fucking cool that game was. And it was a thing where you pay $60 for a video game, and you own that game forever, and you can play it as much as you want, and there's no problems. And today, like... 0:09:11 Unknown_07: People have always tried to say the current trends of video games being shittier and shittier doesn't matter because the good ones will be out there. But I think the Zoomers and the Alphas, I don't know what to call the Zoomier Zoomers, the Alphas, they have never even seen a good game in their entire life. I think the closest thing that a kid would see as a good game is Breath of the Wild. You know what I mean? They have no fucking idea of what it's like to own a video game on a disc. Unless they have a Nintendo Switch and exclusively play Switch games, they have no fucking concept of a video game as we have it. And, um... 0:09:44 Unknown_07: i i i don't know i guess parents raise their kids by giving them like a ipad or an iphone like at like a year old or they have their own iphone and they end up watching like bella pregnancy spine surgery videos on youtube they have like four trillion views because they get marketed toward kids and then they download diablo immortal and they pump a hundred dollars a month into uh premium boxes and shit Unknown_07: I don't know. 0:10:21 Unknown_07: It really is. I feel bad for people becoming parents like right now because it's like, what do you do? What do you do with your fucking your little shits? How do you keep them occupied without getting them into the into the YouTube algorithm and being brainwashed by crazy, creepy pause shit and having them addicted to your cell phones? Unknown_07: It's a luxury to have like a stay at home parent. So what the fuck do most people do when they have a kid? Unknown_07: Have you heard of Star Sector? Uh, yeah, Seth did a video about that. Look, I don't play that many video games, and I probably shouldn't. I got too much to do, and I can't be playing video games. But, like, I remember a lot of games very fondly growing up. It's like, you know, kids play video games. And nowadays, they're so exploitative. They're genuinely exploitative. And I think that there's, like, a huge sector of people who are genuinely depressed... And they just want to be good at something, so they end up picking up one of these games and they just dump $20,000 into it. The way that this game in particular works is that when you party with people and you put in your legendary crests to up your loot for that run, everybody in your party gets a small bonus from each of your crests. So if everybody in your party puts in a crest, then everybody gets a massive bonus to their loot finds at the end of the run. 0:11:38 Unknown_07: So if you're someone who's pouring in hundreds of dollars to get cool items, and then on top of that, because your cool items make your run times faster, but then you're also giving them crests and shit so that they get cool items too, then that's like buying popularity in this video game. It's something that exists exclusively to prey upon people who have some disposable income and basically nothing else going on for them. And it's very sad. 0:12:16 Unknown_07: I don't want to talk too much about it. I guess I already did. Too late for that. Unknown_07: Love me some gacha. People are comparing this to gacha games, which I vaguely know. And then there's this one game which is inexplicably popular. It's like you're a little anime girl and you just run around and you kill big black bigfoots that wear a mask. And that's all you do. And from what I understand, nobody plays the actual game. And it's just like a thing that everybody seems to know about it. Genshin. Yeah, Genshin Impact. All you do is you run around as a little girl and you kill Bigfoots. 0:12:51 Unknown_07: But everybody is more about, like, I have to put money into this to unlock more little girls to kill Bigfoots with. And it's like a social game or something. I have no fucking idea about the animes. But apparently that's very exploitative. And then Diablo Immortal is somehow even worse. Unknown_01: Okay. Unknown_01: Ah. 0:13:22 Unknown_01: Oh, God. Unknown_07: That's basically the end of my filler. After this, I have to talk about flamenco. I'm really trying to put that off. If I can talk about Diablo Immortal for a little bit more, I don't have to talk about flamenco chat. Isn't that lovely? Unfortunately, I think I've run out of things to throw in my way, obstacles to put in my path to avoid talking about flamenco. Unknown_07: All right. Everybody hates flamenco, and I have a take on why, but I don't want to play through these in their entirety. I will play this clip. It's about two minutes long. It's between Augie RFC and flamenco. So we'll just play this clip, and then I'll talk about it a little bit. Can you play the clip that I DMed you? 0:13:55 Unknown_07: The Sava one? By the way, just to give you a little crash course in Augie, I don't know anything about him, but apparently every time Flamenco has a little spacky, he has to go on Augie's stream, and Augie dresses him down and says, Flamenco, are you going to apologize for being a retard again? And then Flamenco's like, yeah, you know what? Now that I've had time to think about it, I am being retarded, and I'm sorry. And this just is a thing that happens every month or so. Augie... uh presents flamenco to his audience to apologize for some other retarded shit that he's done recently and this just keeps happening over and over again correct me if i'm wrong but this is my interpretation of events all right you guys remember how on let me go live so you can see it are you there yeah i goddamn hate i hate flamenco and i hate sonic dd 0:15:11 Unknown_06: And it's coming from a place of pure and honest vitriol. I genuinely hate him. And I hate everybody talking about him. Unknown_10: And I hate how people are acting like he's cool. And that grown men should be watching him on the screen. Unknown_10: I want him dead. Unknown_10: I want him to burn in hell. Unknown_10: I want to rip that motherfucker apart. And I mean that. I want to kill him. I want to stab him repeatedly. I want to make him feel pain. 0:15:47 Unknown_13: So I'm curious, like, this is like open season now. Anybody can say that they want to kill somebody live on air like that? Unknown_11: Do you think this clip is serious, Fulmica? Unknown_13: No, but does that mean that like people are able to just do that whenever they want now? Unknown_11: Do you know what he's about to do? Unknown_13: Yeah, he stabs himself in the hand like a fucking retard. Unknown_12: This is what he does. He fucking rips up the Sonic doll. Do you think this is, like, this violates some, like, grounds of internet ethics? Unknown_13: Uh, no, I'm just saying that if it were, like, anybody else, they were saying that they wanted to kill somebody. 0:16:26 Unknown_07: Okay, listen, listen, listen. Aji, this is unacceptable. What the fuck is the point of the text-to-speech donation thing on your fucking screen if you're just gonna talk over it anyways? Make that shit manual, bro. Like, this is... Unknown_07: Streamers are like nightmares. They have no they have no like respect for their audience listen to this shit Like why is why is there three different feeds of sound coming in more from the video one from the text-to-speech? and then one from from you and flamenco talking to each other like Two of these have got to go the video has got to be paused and you got to make that text-to-speech shit like either something that happens when you're not talking or you have to actually press a button to get it to show up because what the fuck and And I've watched several clips from this guy now, and it's a recurring thing where he has the text-to-speech on, but then he just doesn't acknowledge it, and he walks over it. Like, what the fuck? Literally, what is the point of even having the text-to-speech if you're not going to acknowledge it at all? Even Ralph. Ralph will be sitting there. He can have an interview with Joe Biden, right? He's got the president of the United States and the kill stream headquarters and the compound and an unknown location and a mountain bunker somewhere. And Joe Biden will be talking like about a trade deal or vaccine mandates or some shit. And then a $20 super chat will come in and he'll be like, Mr. President, hold on. I need you to hold on there. Hold that thought. I've got a super chat coming in. That's very important. And then it'll be some guy just saying the N word. And then, then the corn pop is allowed to talk again. Uh, you gotta figure something out. Cause when Ralph is doing it better, that's unacceptable. 0:17:46 Unknown_13: No, no, it wouldn't. Unknown_12: Everybody would laugh. And anybody that would get upset at that would be a fucking idiot. Right? Like that's what people would say. What do you mean, dude? Are you good? Like you've lost it. Like what the fuck? It's just like, what? 0:18:17 Unknown_13: okay i'm like confused like so he's just you're cool with anybody in your chat saying that they want to kill somebody yes i don't give a fuck okay i don't care and you don't care either you used to not care but now you care when it's against you now you care when it's against you Unknown_07: Okay, here's... Okay, recap. This guy, Salvo, who... I mean, he looks like Andrew Torba with a bit more autism, and he's tearing up a Sonic plushie and saying that he wants to murder Flamenco. 0:18:56 Unknown_07: I don't know how anyone can take that seriously, but Flamenco did. He finds it very upsetting. As somebody who has had many very seriously autistic people threaten to murder me, you just have to laugh at it. I don't know why Flamenco decided to take it like... I guess because he keeps getting dressed down. People are like, no, you can't fuck with. Unknown_07: Oh, God. Flamenco has like this retard vendetta that I touched on very briefly where he wants to like. Oh, Xander Thaw. Unknown_07: He Xander Thaw accused his mom of abusing him at some point in a live stream. So he got into trouble a while ago. And I did talk about this when it happened. But he said that he was going to like send clips of Xanderthal shit talking his mom to his mom because he had a personal unsubstantiated, unfounded theory that his mom was bankrolling him because Xanderthal doesn't make that much money in super chats. And when he pitched this idea to his chat, his chat got really upset and told him that he was a retard. And then Audrey had to do his dress down and say, like, Flamenco, you're being retarded again. He's like, I know. I know I'm being retarded again. I shouldn't fuck with Xander Thal's mom, even though I really hate him. 0:20:05 Unknown_07: And now it's like, why do other people get to tear up Sonic plushies and say they want to kill me when I can't even send Xanderthal's mom clips of him saying that he doesn't like her? Where's the fairness in this? Where's the equitability in our situations? Unknown_07: I don't know. You should just ignore retards in general. That's my tip. There's a second component to this. Unknown_07: I'm not going to play any of this. I think I've made fun of this guy before, Nicolas D'Orio. I keep hearing his name. I find him insufferable, and I don't know anything about him. This is just like... I've seen his face, and that's all it takes. Look at this. There's one more thing. He has this avatar that shows up. Look at this. What the fuck is this? Why would you... 0:20:47 Unknown_07: I have a personal thing against YouTubers who, like, make, like, a cartoon thing with their avatar and then then edit videos. It's like, they put that picture up and he's, like, crossing his arms as he's taking it seriously and then he's, like, there's, like, four different pictures they keep switching. It's like, okay, look... I hate this. Unknown_07: Number one, you're trying to look like Sam Hyde. And you have one of those freed slave liberty caps. I just fucking hate this. And he has another one at the beginning that I also just fucking hate. 0:21:21 Unknown_07: This. Look at this. What are you a king of? What throne are you sitting on? He looks like... Unknown_07: a a uh like a the the owner of like a minor league baseball team and he has commandeered some kind of throne at like a buffalo wild wings and he's just sitting there and he's waiting for his buffalo wild wings order to come and he's just overdressed because he He has to look professional when he does his minor league baseball coaching or whatever. This is just my headcanon. I know literally nothing about this guy except that he's fat and he has the word Oreo in his name. And I'm just sick of him. 0:21:55 Unknown_07: never watched any other of his videos. I got about 45 minutes through this. And I just got... And it's just like, I don't know what point he's trying to make. It's just a bunch of clips of Flamenco making an ass of himself. Unknown_07: And it's titled, Why I Hate Flamenco TV. And there are like four different videos like this about why... I wonder if I can pull them up if I want to make a fool of myself. Hate Flamenco. Do I get... 0:22:27 Unknown_07: Okay, here's why I hate Flamenco TV five days ago by the Buffalo Wild Wings band. Flamenco TV confronted me, and he decided to use a soy jack in his thumbnail for some reason. This is also by Nicolas D'Orio. This is called Everyone Hates Flamenco, and it's just video game footage. Unknown_07: I'm aware that that's Ralph, but I'm just saying. Unknown_07: Why people are done with flamenco TV homeboy our experiment with guests call and salvo pancakes from a homeboys got receipts That is just awful. That is the worst channel name I've ever heard in my entire life and then there's a video about gypsies So I guess YouTube knows that flamenco TV is actually secretly a gypsy Okay Look, there's more of this. There's like eight different videos about why these people all hate flamenco. I don't think I have even that many videos about... Look, watch this. Hate Kiwi Farms. Let's see. 0:23:08 Unknown_07: Oh, Flower Gothic. I did a video on her. Unknown_07: Kiwi Farms doesn't hate me, but y'all don't understand sarcasm. Kiwi Farms by Wiki for All. And then Archie Luxury famous on Kiwi Farms for... These results are actually bizarre. Oh, Kiwi Fruit Harvesting... Okay, look, this is off topic. My point was is that people are angry at Flamenco. And I know why. And you don't have to watch a two-hour long video by the Buffalo Wild Wings man to understand this. And in a nutshell, Flamenco, here are your issues. 0:23:51 Unknown_07: Number one, Flamenco wants to be Daddy Jim. Flamenco, like many people, have decided that they actually want to eat Jim Medeker's heart and inherit his powers as Internet Daddy on the TV. Number two, I have notes. I actually wrote this down, my explanation of why everyone hates Flamenco. okay so he's 30 years old he's from a he's from a different era of the internet where like everything goes but then conversely he's 34 i apologize uh conversely on the other on the other hand his audience is like vtubers vtuber animes and they're all very sensitive and like the zeitgeist and the vtuber candies that you're not allowed to dox any of the vtubers 0:24:25 Unknown_07: So doxing is wrong. So he's like trying to simultaneously make these three conflicting stances work in harmony. A, he has to be an anime person. B, he's from a different era because he's old and kind of related. He wants to be like an aloof, cool internet father. And when you have like the cool aloof person, but he's also very insecure about himself and he's trying to like play up this character to make people like him more. You're going to have instances where he just embarrasses himself because he's trying to be too many things at once instead of just doing what he wants to do. But chances are, if he was just himself genuinely, he would be appalling to people. So there is like a mask there that has to be maintained. Whereas everyone knows that I'm a horrible cunt. 0:25:22 Unknown_07: I'm terrible. And you should not trust me. Well, actually, it's the other way around. Everyone thinks that I'm a terrible cunt, and they watch my streams, and they realize I'm just lovely, and everybody should give me super chats. Unknown_07: Anyways, that's enough of flamenco for one day. Unknown_07: Because there's not that much to talk about today, I've separated all my notes into two categories. I have internet celebrities and then the degenerates. 0:26:11 Unknown_07: I've got a row of internet celebrity stuff here. And the, the very minor Ralph update, Ralph has been quiet recently because Ralph has, um, been witnessing the, the aftermath of, uh, the power chat stuff, which I, I promise I will talk about at the end of my internet celebrity stuff, but. Unknown_07: Foodie is single again. Ah, trust me. I got Chantel on this too. She's in the degenerate column. Unknown_07: Um, so Ralph, Ralph moved and he says, uh, regardless if I have to share my address to see my son parentheses doubt it and let those people dox me again, put my daughter in danger. Then I'll show him the same record one day down the line. I will never share my new address and there's no one who can make me. so ethan ralph has moved to location unknown and it has started the great gunt hunt the the greatest gun hunt that has ever been everybody's trying to figure out where ethan ralph lives because he's he's basically i mean he made it he gamified it he went on the internet and said y'all will never find me Oh, now it's like fun. You've made it fun. You've whipped out the Monopoly board, set up all the pieces, and said y'all will never beat me in this game of Monopoly. And it was like, well, fuck it. I'm going to sit down because all the pieces are right here. I'm going to start playing. I'm going to pass go, motherfucker. Watch me. So it has been six days since this announcement. I have taken the timestamp of this tweet. And I have put on the Kiwi Farms a timer counting the seconds from this tweet. And when someone makes a post that is his actual address, when we confirm it's his address, I will stop the timer at the timestamp of that first post. And we'll see how long it took for us to beat Ethan Ralph and find his address again. And I bet you it will probably be by the end of this month, given how fast things in the Ralphiverse move. 0:28:07 Unknown_07: But that's about it as far as Ralph. The speculation is that Ralph has broken up with May because she is nowhere to be seen. The baby is nowhere to be seen. And... Unknown_07: That's quite suspicious. Unknown_07: I think the story is that they still have the old apartment in New York, but we last saw May in her father's kitchen, because she posted a picture of herself in her father's kitchen. So we think that she just went up to her dad's place, and Ralph has moved with his uncle. He's either moved to his uncle's house, which we know he has several houses that he's fixing up, or he moved to Florida. There was a very convincing post where you could see the corner of Ralph's room and it had like a kind of electrical fuse box. And then in the layout of the uncle's house that we have pictures of, there is a electrical hookup to the house on the corner of the house from the outside. And someone said that it would make sense for the fuse box to be in that corner if the electrical hookup on the outside was on that side of the house. So he might have already found it. We just have to prove it. But after that post, Ralph has put up a green screen so that you can't see anything in his room anymore. But we'll see. You said she wasn't pregnant before. Okay, it's not my fault that the malnourished horse does not even look pregnant when she was like nine months pregnant. You could not see a baby on that woman. She did not... She never developed like breastfeeding apparatuses on her chest. She never looked. She looked like she she she did not look different before or after giving birth. If you were to tell me now that May pulled that baby out of a hospital and ran out with it, I would not be surprised. Let's say, yeah, that sounds about right, because it never looked like she was pregnant to begin with. 0:30:01 Unknown_07: Anyways, that's enough about me. Unknown_07: I have not listened to this clip all the way through. It's three minutes long, and it's very disgusting. I gave it about ten seconds in. For your entertainment and or disgust, I will now play all three minutes of it. Unknown_08: Sonic Boom says, that's too bad. I like Nora. Too bad she turned out to be a backstabber. Well, you know what? Unknown_08: I liked her too. I took her virginity. Unknown_07: So just to clarify, Nora has never said anything about Ralph publicly in like the three plus years that they've been separated. And for some reason, Ralph has been seething about her for a while for reasons completely unknown to everybody. 0:30:35 Unknown_08: In that hotel room many years ago. That was still enjoyable though. Unknown_05: I remember her saying, oh, I said, oh, you know what? Unknown_08: Well, maybe I'll say this. I'll remember her saying, that's too big. That's too big. There's no way. She was wrong. Might have hurt a little bit, but... And... 0:31:13 Unknown_08: Again, I'm not saying I made every right move and that I always treated her the right way because I didn't. And I can sit here and think about some things that I did the wrong way, too. But I'm saying I should have just ended it because there was no reason whatsoever to continue on in a relationship like that. Unknown_08: Bitch, you don't have the balls to come out here and talk shit about me, but I'll say whatever the fuck I want about you, whore. Nora, you bitch. Unknown_08: Stop me. Come out here and say something about it then. If you don't like it, if you don't like it, why don't you go on the casino then, bitch? 0:31:48 Unknown_08: Fucking whore. You want to send all your minions out here to talk shit? Unknown_08: I'm not scared. I will fucking dominate your ass just like I did that first time we met in the fucking hotel room, you dirty skank. Unknown_09: Bring it, bitch! Oh, and I literally dominated the ass, by the way. 0:32:22 Unknown_08: But I can tell you what, bitch. I know who you've sent out. I know what you've done. Unknown_08: I dare you. I fucking dare you to come on one of these shows. I dare you to fuck with me. Unknown_07: She has said nothing. If he knows something about her talking about him, nobody else knows. Literally nobody else has any clue of her talking bad about him. It looks like from all records, it looks like she wants to completely and totally forget that he ever existed. 0:32:54 Unknown_08: You won't. Unknown_08: Because I'll absolutely bury you under the fucking ground. Unknown_09: Figure. It kind of goes back to point number one. Unknown_09: This is why we... Oh, you want to talk all this shit? Unknown_08: Bitch, you weren't brainwashed, you fucking dumb whore. Unknown_08: You were a collaborator. You wrote article after article for my website. You ran my website while I was in jail. Unknown_08: There's nobody on this earth who's going to believe the shit you're selling. 0:33:29 Unknown_08: I double dog dare you to ever open your fucking mouth about me, bitch. Unknown_08: God, I want that to happen. I want it to happen. I'm talking to you, whore, right fucking now. I want you to do that. Unknown_08: Because I got a lot to say. Unknown_09: who we should disavow. I'm sure. Unknown_08: One of the co-founders of the kill stream. Unknown_07: Actually. Unknown_07: It's so bizarre how he keeps... He's, like, so angry he can't let that Nick clip play, because he just keeps screaming again. I also like how you can tell that he's in a house that no woman has ever been in, because it's so echoey. 0:34:11 Unknown_07: Like, you put a woman into, like, a bare-bones room, the first thing she's gonna do is throw some upholstery on some shit. Put up... Put in, like, a rug. Unknown_07: Puts, like, a sofa in or something, so that you don't have that reverb in the mic, but... um no he's just like in an empty room by himself screaming about about his ex-wife like he's trying to to larp as a bill dotry he's just he's just alone and angry about lenore um i don't know i found i found this clip uh disgusting and very sad too there's nothing that he hates more than women by the way uh here here's an example of this and it's up here too it's not on the shoulder 0:34:54 Unknown_08: which would be one thing. It's like, okay, she's got her hand on his shoulder or whatever. It's up here. This is a more intimate spot than here. You know what I mean? Like this versus this are two different things. Unknown_08: First off, don't put your fucking hands on another man. First thing. But second off, this is different from this. You know what I mean? Like this is, oh, we fucked. Unknown_07: This is a Twitter clip by, I'll call it out, me and I cannot pronounce this name. I'm sorry. I tried to give you a shout out, but you have picked the worst fucking username ever in the history. For those that couldn't hear it, there's a clip of someone, I think that girl related to Lauren Southern, like her little sister that Ralph has been openly thirsting about since she was 17. 0:35:31 Unknown_07: Who may... I don't know. There's a non-zero possibility that the Ralph saga ends with him trying to creep on her and him getting shot in the process. Because he's been after Jess Southern for literally like five plus years at this point. But she has her hand on a guy's shoulder and he's saying that... That's Lauren? Oh, that's right. She's accusing... There was a... I'll get to that in a second. 0:36:07 Unknown_07: But... Unknown_07: Oh, oh, the guy is someone that she's related to. So they're like cousins or something. And she has she has a hand on his shoulder and he's trying to call her a whore because she has a hand on her cousin's shoulder saying that they fuck when I don't know. OK, here's the question, chat. I'm going to put the poll up. Who's the bottom? Ralph or CRP? Because we know from Ralph of Male Logic that CRP and Ralph have fucked based on the, I don't know, I guess it's kind of like the crotch face inward, crotch face the world thing that guy came up with, the MGTOW guy. So this is like hand on shoulder. They fuck. And now I asked, I asked my, my audience, who is the bottom in this relationship between Ethan Ralph and coach red pill? And the votes are coming in. We've got about 500 votes right now with the 81% of people saying that Ralph is the bottom. Which is just disgusting because we know that Ralph doesn't wear underpants and his ass cheeks are probably caked in shit, if we're going to be honest. There's no way that proper hygiene. I guarantee you that where Dick is standing, you can smell it. You can smell the eau de gunt coming up from below. 0:37:32 Unknown_07: But yeah, at 800 votes, 83% of people say that Ethan Ralph would be the bottom in this position, this relationship. Unknown_07: By the way, Lauren Southern actually responded to this and pointed out that, like I said, that what's-his-face is a cousin. I'm pretty sure. Slutty Southern vid. Because she has... That's bizarre. That's his angle. He really hates Lauren Southern because of her relationship with Odyssey, I guess. He really hates women in general. By the way, I've not watched this. I'm just going to recap it because I don't care. Lauren Southern put out a video where apparently she's been gone for a while. I didn't know about that either, which is why I... 0:38:09 Unknown_07: Oh, she made fun of his sex tape with Venti. Oh, Venti and her made fun of the sex tape. Okay, there you go. They made fun of his little thumb penis, and that's why he's angry at her. It's boring. I bet it is. The key talking points are this, and I'll just read this. Milo Yiannopoulos defrauded a charity he and others set up to benefit white trash and blackmailed multiple people within the conservative movement to save his own reputation and did a lot of projection and tried to save himself. I think that that's referring to the... 0:38:43 Unknown_07: privilege grant he when he was famous briefly he set up a college fund for white people white males called the privilege grant Unknown_07: That got like several, like $200,000. And I don't think a single guy got money from that. So I guess he just stole the money, allegedly. Tommy Robinson would frequently hang out with people he had very heated political feuds with, implying there's a lot of kayfabe. More controversially, he is... as the allegation that he invited someone of an opposing view to the Day for Freedom event, which was centered around free speech in the UK, only to turn on the person as soon as they showed up and claimed he never invited them, which upset the entire event. Tommy Robinson was the guy in the UK who got arrested for trying to report on Julian Assange. That's the only thing I know him for. 0:39:50 Unknown_07: Paul Joseph Watson lost his shit when he got turned down by Lauren while they were together at some event. Most of this is already known, but Lauren revealed she will drop more embarrassing shit about him if he doesn't leave her alone and quit lying about her. Paul Joseph Watson is the guy who's British, also British, and very obnoxious. He says, imagine my shock. And he has this horrific... Unknown_07: I don't know. His mouth gapes open when he says it. That's one. Imagine more shock and let that sink in are two of my least favorite boomer expressions. Unknown_07: He got arrested for reporting on grooming. Oh, that's it. he um the uk court told him not to go near a court proceeding um that was happening regarding those the asian the asian groomer gangs in the uk and he went there and he got he not only got like arrested though but they black bagged him like they like hushed him aside and because arrests are not public in the uk like nobody knew what happened to him he just disappeared for like a couple days And then they finally let him talk to his attorney and he was still in jail. 0:40:56 Unknown_07: The UK is really just a lovely place. But imagine my shocking let that sink in or like my least two favorite boomerisms because I always think of Paul Joseph Watson doing that stupid face he does when he says it. And then let that sink in. I just think of like a sink knocking at the door like, hello, hello. And I think of that expression, if you're cold, he's cold, let him in. And it's like a thing where if it's like snowing outside, you should let your dog inside. But it's the sink. He's outside and he's cold. He needs to be let in too. So you gotta let that sink in. I don't know. I just, I just fucking hate that expression. I guess that's like a uniquely autistic thing that I have. 0:41:30 Unknown_07: So I don't know. Good for Lauren Southern, I guess. I don't really have anything against her, surprisingly. I can usually make up a reason not to like someone. I don't know anything about Lauren Southern. Except that her name would be better as Laura Southern. Unknown_07: Which I called her for two years before someone corrected me. Unknown_01: Okay. Let me get a sip of water before I talk about this. 0:42:01 Unknown_07: She's phony. I'll give you a hint. They're all phony. She's alt-right, but she's married to an Asian guy. Like, okay, whatever. What's funny is that the Asian guy she's married to is Australian, I think. So there's a lot. Unknown_07: Every Australian I know is Chinese. It's very bizarre how that works out. Unknown_07: Well, she was aligned with the as by like other people aligned her as the alt right. I think she might have even said that she was alt right before the media started saying that that was like a neo-Nazi thing. Because there was a very brief period in time in 2015 or 2016 where being alt right just meant that you were like. 0:42:39 Unknown_07: conservative but not a retard and then they ruin that the frog lady ruined that by saying that the alt-right is a new threat to democracy and then she shouted out Pepe the frog in a political rally and ruined that forever too Unknown_07: Anyways, this is a guy on Twitter. His name is Husar. Unknown_07: I debated showing this because I was torn at first that it could just be a thing intentionally designed to humiliate Nick Fuentes. But now I'm pretty sure that this is just real. If I was a federal agent, I wouldn't be able to come up with something like this on brand for America First. Hussar, 1776, American nationalist, America first, 100% Bavarian, Christian Zoomer, Teutonic supremacist, 6'7", 140 IQ, anime head. 0:43:28 Unknown_07: I don't even want to guess what AJG4L is. Founder of Rustwaffen. That better not mean like Rust, the programming language. I'll be pissed off. But he says down here, 0:44:01 Unknown_07: Undying loyalty goes to, in this order, number one, Cunny. Number two, Child, Chest, and Tummy, Erotic. Number three, Nick Fuentes and America First and The Aryan Race, number four. Unknown_07: And his entire profile is just like dedicated to how much he wants to fuck kids and how much he loves anime. Unknown_07: And, uh, he's, I would say like, look, this, how many quotes and retweets does a post have to get before it just becomes like, yeah, this is just like the America first audience. Unknown_07: So following, uh, this, me finding this, I, uh, someone pointed out that Nick Valentez has something stupid in his last broadcast. So I went and checked it out, downloaded it, clipped it, and I'll play it for now, uh, for your edutainment. 0:44:44 Unknown_07: Do I have to explain this? Okay. Cunny is a word used exclusively by pedophiles. Exclusively by pedophiles. It is a term to refer to the vagina of a child. If you hear the word cunny, you know the person saying it is a pedophile. No exceptions. It is not used by anything else. In fact, I'm going to block this guy because this guy is definitely a pedophile. Okay. Just so you know, it's like a fun little dog whistle that they use. 0:45:22 Unknown_09: hunter biden in some kind of green he's in some kind of green pool hunter biden is currently in the back rooms hunter biden has been transported to a liminal space right now everybody's complaining and crying well the president's son can't just be having sex with his niece and and uh and i'm drugs all the time and and he's just in a liminal space at the moment with an ambient green lighting Unknown_09: So I don't really see what the fuss is. They're Keno. I don't care what you say. The Biden family is Keno. Unknown_09: You know, you can say whatever you want, but they're Keno, okay? And if you disagree, it's kind of like a bitch energy. No offense, but if you disagree with that, it's kind of like a bitch energy. He's smoking crack. You know, imagine like being so uptight about that. Unknown_09: It's Keno. 0:46:22 Unknown_09: Sorry. Unknown_09: Some things are just some things are just based and you just either you get it or you don't. Unknown_07: Some things are just based either you get it or you don't. This was made after leaks of Hunter Biden's iPhone or whatever were made public. Unknown_07: And they include several pictures like this. This is a real picture of the president's son. And any other timeline, if the president's son had pictures like this on his phone with a pillow hiding his boner, there would be beheadings. You would literally be dragging your elected representatives out of their homes and executing them for allowing this to continue on. But in Darkest Timeline 2022, our president's son is openly... That's literally not Hunter Biden. Okay, whatever. There's... 0:47:02 Unknown_07: There's, um, well, there's, there's pictures I can't show where it's literally pictures of, um, Hunter Biden's cock being grabbed by little girls. Unknown_07: Uh, and they're, they're Asian. So it's like ambiguous of who they are. And they compare the birthmarks of kids and his phone with the, uh, the crop pictures of the other pornography of Hunter Biden. And they, they match up and it's just like any other timeline people would be throwing a bigger fit. 0:47:49 Unknown_07: But it doesn't even care, which I guess is his point. His real point, hopefully, is not that being a flounder that does crack and go see Ukraine and fucks kids is base. It's that isn't it funny that they're just so aloof and above it all that it doesn't even matter. And literally anything can happen and they suffer no consequences for it. Isn't that wonderful? Unknown_07: Is it legit real? I don't know. I've been intentionally avoiding it. I've only shown what I've seen. Someone said that that's not Hunter Biden, which if it's not Hunter Biden, it looks a lot like him. 0:48:23 Unknown_07: Those kids, I think, match other pictures that Hunter Biden has from previous leagues. Unknown_07: It's not? Okay. Well, okay, that's great then. I'm very happy to hear that. Unknown_07: Our elected representatives are normal people just like us, and they don't engage in any horrific acts against humanity. 0:48:57 Unknown_07: That was good to know. Unknown_07: I have two different anime advertisers telling me two different things. Unknown_07: I'm fine, Anime Avatar says that it's not him. And then Comfy Wizard, also an Anime Avatar, says it is him. Now I don't know what to believe. If even the Anime Avatars disagree, there's no hope for me to figure it out. Unknown_07: Okay, and then to catch up on a thing that I mentioned last stream. 0:49:31 Unknown_07: I brought up, which I think collectively my statements about this totaled 12 minutes, 15 minutes of my entire runtime of my stream. I brought up that I had a grievance with PepePey, who... Unknown_07: tried to accuse me wrongly of foul play pay for play with dick masterson in the project too and then years later he starts up his program which is very successful good for him and he collects super chats through power chat system which is reckless with user information Unknown_07: And my entire point was that it's very hypocritical that he would try and cause problems for me. Try to, by the way, he was not the reason why New Project 2 went down, but he tried to cause problems and did cause a kerfuffle. 0:50:16 Unknown_07: And then years later, he would basically do everything that he was against the entire time. I just pointed out that's hypocritical, and I don't appreciate that, and I don't think most people would either. And then since that, in part because Jim pointed it out, in part because I pointed it out, and in part because Godwinson made a sudden return. He uses the Jim name, but it's Godwinson. Unknown_07: Godwinson comes out of nowhere and releases a 45-minute long video of him condemning PPP for the Super Chat thing, the Power Chat thing specifically, because Power Chat has connections to identity fraud that has been complained about, both directly related to PPP and not related to PPP, because IPT uses it too. 0:51:08 Unknown_07: And when I first saw this, I thought, well, you know, Godwinson and PPP have been close friends for a very long time. And I assumed it was kayfabe and it could still be kayfabe. But PPP's reaction was just to try and ignore it. And Andy Worski blocked people who brought it up to him. Unknown_07: And they banned a bunch of people in chat. And so I don't know. I don't know if it's kayfabe. Maybe not. Unknown_07: My intention, not that I'm taking credit for it, but my intention is not to ruin his show for anyone. I don't care. If he makes money, good for him. And the money that they make, when you take off the fees and you split it between PPP and Andy Worski, it's not as much as it seems like, so... 0:51:52 Unknown_07: It's not like they're making bank, like, what's his name? Unknown_07: The communist on Twitch or whatever. It's just like, it's a good amount of money, but it's not like an inconceivable amount of money. Hassan. Anyways, the point is, is that I was just airing my grievance with that. And all the subsequent drama is, seems to be, I don't know if you would say that it's something that I started or not, probably not. Unknown_07: Uh, but PPP responded with like a 45 minute response. And it's like, bro, I don't even want to hear what you have to say. Like it's literally not a discussion. Um, I'm not trying to just sort this out with you. I don't want to talk to you. My entire point was that you're, um, you're, you're very bad faith. I don't think there's a single thing that PPP has ever said that was in good faith. 0:52:28 Unknown_07: It's just sort of like, I'm going to throw whatever shit I can, and I hope it sticks, and if it doesn't stick, whatever, I'll move on to the next thing, and then I'll do the exact same shit that I call people out on, and nobody will care, because as long as it's entertaining, then whatever, right? As long as it's funny, who gives a shit? Unknown_07: It's like, fine, go for it. If that's your MO, go for it. More power to you, but I'm not going to be a part of it. 0:53:01 Unknown_07: Uh, and that's it. So I think that they're trying to like bait me into some kind of like huge response. And to be honest, I didn't even listen to the, to his response. And for some reason, when I say that people get like, of course you listen to every Kino casinos. I really don't. Um, there's a reason why my streams are two hours long tops. Cause I like brevity and the shows are very long and, uh, I don't have the, the, the inclination to listen to six hours of stream. I just can't. 0:53:35 Unknown_07: Uh, and. Whatever he has to say in response to my first point, I don't care to hear it because it's going to be wrong. Unknown_07: I know what's right. Unknown_07: Why would I listen to something intentionally designed to try and piss me off? There's no reason to. I don't know if that's the wrong thing to do and not the popular thing to do. Unknown_07: You're not going to change my mind. I'm not going to change your mind. So why gauge it at all? 0:54:07 Unknown_07: Anyways, I think that's it. I'll look at chat for this. Is there anything in regards to PPP or Keno Casino that I should explicitly mention that I've neglected in this? I will defer to chat for this. Unknown_07: Someone posted tomatoes. There was a lot of tomato spam, and they brushed it off by just saying that it was Ralph raiding his chat. Which I don't think is entirely true. I know that Ralph was rating his chat, but Ralph doesn't really have any viewers. So that's not going to be it. 0:54:41 Unknown_07: New Project 3. Oh god. Dick Masterson says he's going to make another new Project 2. I have no idea what that is, but I will have no part of it. Whatever it is. I promise. Unknown_07: Am I going to cover Warski Boxing when it happens? Absolutely not. There is nothing that I could be less interested in. Unknown_01: Surfer 1. Oh. Unknown_01: Is it time to sacrifice PPP to the corner? Unknown_07: I mean, when I said that about Ralph, I meant that in a way of, like, if all these people are going to come after Ralph, and Ralph is not going to do anything to make his situation any better, and he's just going to, like, continually blunder through, like, then he's the weakest link. And I can't, like, you know, I can't eat shit for Ralph. I'm not going to eat shit for Ralph. I don't have any association with PPP, so that's not really my call to make. 0:55:23 Unknown_07: Orski wants to make a payment processor. Well, good luck. Opening a bank requires about $5 million of capital, and to get licensed as a payment processor in every state in the U.S., you need about $40 million just for the bureaucracy of getting licensed as a payment processor. Unknown_07: So have fun with that, Orski. Unknown_01: Just become Visa. Yeah, exactly. 0:56:01 Unknown_01: Okay, I think that's it. By the way, Godwinson... One other thing. Unknown_07: Godwinson really doesn't like me, and it breaks my heart, because I like Godwinson, even though he's Anglo. He's at the list of Anglos that I have. Godwinson is up there, right at the top. Unknown_07: Um... Unknown_07: she doesn't say much she's still anglo he's got like a serious debuff to his uh his likability but he's up at the top he does hate me i know that's okay a lot of a lot of people hate me if i limited who i liked by uh who liked me there would be a circle of maybe like four people tops and that's about it and i just gotta deal with it i gotta cope sneed uh about uh about who likes me 0:56:48 Unknown_07: Anyways, moving on. We're now into the D-Gen column of my content for today. Unknown_07: Yanev, who I did a stream on. In case you're curious, you have to find that on Odyssey because I'm sure that gets taken down on YouTube at this point. Unknown_07: Um, so many, many eons ago when Yonav was more active in the suing people department, uh, rebel media got involved cause he was like international news for a bit. You had like, he was such a great trope cause he was this fat Jewish Canadian tranny exploiting the fuck out of liberal Canada's human rights tribunals to just utterly humiliate people and ruin lives and shit all over the Canadian flag and He was like everything that everybody hated, like a walking refutation of trans rights as a whole. Everybody wanted a big piece of that ass because they were like, ooh, this guy is like a golem. This man exists specifically to validate my worldviews against trans shit. So when he was out and about, everybody was trying to capitalize on the Jonathan Yonem shit. And one of those people trying to capitalize on Jonathan Yonov was a group called Rebel Media, which I do not like much because everything I've seen from Rebel Media is grifting and humiliating and embarrassing, amateurish. They are just completely unlikable. um but they got up in yanov's face and he like assaulted them i think and he got convicted of that which was like his uh second second criminal conviction but then he sued them for defamation and the british columbia court system has thrown that out and what i want to write about here 0:58:14 Unknown_07: is uh or read here out of all this document is page two because the judge essentially says jonathan yana cannot be defamed because he's such a piece of shit so lauren southern actually had a story about rebel media grifting for israel in her video that's very funny uh 0:59:02 Unknown_07: How sad of that, then, for them to go after one of their own. Unknown_07: Hebrew on Hebrew violence. Truly, I condemn that in the strongest possible terms. Only, that is behavior I would expect from the goyim. Anyways, paragraph 5 here in the Human Rights Tribunal verdict between Simpson v. By the way, his name is literally Jessica Simpson now. The government of Canada allowed him to change his name from Jonathan Yonah to Jessica Simpson. Unknown_07: And by the way, the judge is kind of base, but he lives in Canada, so he's also a cuckold. And the pronoun for Jonathan Yanib is her throughout the entire thing. 0:59:40 Unknown_07: The tone of her online rhetoric is often highly combative. She has been critical of individual businesses, governments, and other organizations for perceived wrongs against her will and will often publicly announce or threaten the commencement of legal proceedings. Often, she follows through on those threats. She has been a prolific litigant before this court, the provincial court, and the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. parentheses quote hrt using her name uh using her current name her previous name jessica yanov or her birth name jonathan yanov oh the judge is like just sitting there like her name her birth name jonathan yanov based he wants to but he can't he's he's bound by the the throne of cuckoldry that is the the seat of the judge in british columbia 1:00:44 Unknown_07: Paragraph 6. The following are some examples. B. Unknown_07: See? 1:01:20 Unknown_07: A small claims action commenced by Jessica Simpson in provincial court on August 26, 2020 against the town of Langley and the Langley RCMP seeking $35,000 in damages for the following wrongs, among others. I, a failure to respond properly to her 911 calls. II, I guess II, addressing her following her arrest using male pronouns and birth name. And III, a failure to accede to her demand that she be strip searched only by female. Unknown_07: a failure to so they told him to fuck off a failure to accede to her demands that she be strip searched only by female rather than male police officers that's so funny i did not know that 1:02:12 Unknown_07: D, a small claims action commenced by Jessica Simpson in provincial court on January 18th, 2021, alleging an unlawful release of her personal health information by employees of the Fraser Health Authority seeking $35,000 in damages and other release. Unknown_07: I believe, by the way, that this information was released because he sued them, which authorized them to use his medical information in court cases to defend themselves. So if he hadn't have sued them to begin with, they wouldn't have had to release any of that information. Unknown_07: E, a small claims action commenced by Jessica Simpson in provincial court on March 23rd, 2021, against her Strata Corporation, alleging various discriminatory acts, including, among other things, one, a refusal to allow her to use one of the two disabled parking stalls in the building, and two, requiring her to remove a rainbow flag from her balcony. And finally, F, an action commenced by Jessica Simpson in the court of May 21 against the Attorney General of Canada and the Ministry of Justice of British Columbia and two RCMP officers alleging various wrongful acts committed by the police officers against her mother and other relatives. 1:03:16 Unknown_07: Ms. Simpson has also been very active in advancing complaints before the HRT. That is such a funny name. It's truly like divine programming. The Human Rights Tribunal is just coincidentally HRT. Unknown_07: um in early 2018 she filed a complaint against a hair salon we are no we know this and that's just uh going into more details about the human rights tribunal and that they were all dismissed because remember in case you don't remember very briefly um 1:04:20 Unknown_07: Yaniv became famous because when he was first transitioning to the beautiful woman that we all know him as today he wanted to get his balls waxed so that he was as smooth as a baby's bottom and he went to a waxing salon and in many cases of the five waxing professionals that he visited they were all women who just operated out of their car So, you know, you said I want I want like a Brazilian and they'll be like, OK, well, we'll come to you with our kids or you come to our house. And then it's like it's not like a studio. It's just like a person doing waxing. So then Yanov shows up and he's like, I need you to wax my balls. And it's just a woman living by herself in her home doing this out of her house. And this guy shows up, this Jewish ogre shows up and is like, you got to wax my swamp. And she's like, no, sir, I will not wax your balls, your female balls. And then Yaniv sued all those women for refusing to wax his balls. Which is what started the circus. But the circus actually had a little bit of a rough opening weekend because naturally the first people to report on this were feminists. They were like TERFs and shit on Twitter and they all got banned. In fact, I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again. There was a feminist blog on WordPress, WordPress.com. So, you know, WordPress has like a free open source thing where you can host your own site, but you can also host on WordPress.com directly for free or for premium package. Anyways, WordPress is actually very strict when it comes to not taking content down. And when various weirdos were fucking with my family, my family could not get outright defamatory things and Photoshop porn of people in my family taken down from WordPress because WordPress just refused without a court order to take anything down. So their standard for taking shit down is really, really high. It's like almost Kiwi Farms tier in what they refuse to take down. 1:05:59 Unknown_07: But for some reason... Unknown_07: uh yana was able to uh get anything about him on wordpress taken down and he was able to get anything about him taking out on twitter uh and he got the kiwi farms thread about him taking uh taken down and when they started kind of spreading in like the alternative news circles he um 1:06:55 Unknown_07: I did a stream on him. I did a stream on him in December of 2019, I think. Maybe even 2018. It's been a while. Unknown_07: And I was talking about him, or I was going to talk about him, and I used a picture of him in the thumbnail. Unknown_07: He didn't get the forms are taken down. He got it taken down from Google. So you couldn't find it on any kind of search engine. Unknown_07: But I was going to talk about him on YouTube and I use the thumbnail including him and he like got my my stream taken down and I got a strike for copyright shit just from the thumbnail like before it even started. 1:07:32 Unknown_07: And I only scheduled it like a couple hours in advance. So he was able to get this shit pushed through in record time. It was really crazy. And then only after the news broke and it was an international circus and all this shit was happening, did he stop having the power to just curate the internet. Unknown_07: So here's a picture of him with the co-founder of Twitter, AtBiz. Unknown_07: And I don't know how he did this. I don't know what kind of rabbinic spell he cast, but he had like direct access to very high profile people in Silicon Valley who were more than willing to delete whatever the fuck he asked for on the Internet. 1:08:14 Unknown_07: Um, and people should never forget that, that when you wonder, what did those Jenny trannies that run Reddit look like? Who are the people curating content on YouTube? Who are the people handling privacy takedown complaints on Google search? They are literally people like Jonathan Yanov that have control over what you see every day in your life. And they have access to your private data and they don't give a fuck. And they're going to do whatever it takes to get HRT into the hands of kids. Cause that's what gets them off. And everybody should be disgusted by it, and they should be ready to behead media executives at this point. When the Skywriter puts the signal in the sky, you have to be ready. Otherwise, we will have a futurist nightmare Matrix world where all the robots managing the Matrix look like Jonathan Yonov. 1:08:53 Unknown_07: Truly disgusting. The deer thing on Twitch? Yeah, exactly. Okay. Unknown_07: Speaking of Twitch, Keffels, by the way, I got a copyright strike. I mentioned this last stream. Unknown_07: My counter was forwarded to Keffels. I sent him an email saying, reinstate my video, you fat piece of shit. And he didn't respond. Unknown_07: But currently the Kiwi Farms is making him very angry. And I'm waiting for YouTube to reinstate my video so I can very quickly delete it. Ha ha ha. 1:09:35 Unknown_07: um mckeffell's decided that he was going because he's still having a spat with the quartering and he decided that he was going to talk to someone defending the quartering called stardust um who apparently is like a twitch feminist streamer or some shit i don't know i don't know anything about them oh it says here context lucas is hard raging over stardust association flamenco everybody hates flamenco today except for stardust Unknown_07: Basically, Lucas decides that he is going to try and get Stardust to denounce the Kiwi Farms. And Stardust refuses, which is kind of base. I don't know anything about them. I hope that they're not like secretly a creepy weirdo. But they refuse. And this is the resulting chimp out from Keffel's. 1:10:12 Unknown_04: It's kind of hypocritical to be blaming him for being part of a forum. Unknown_03: Oh, shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch. Really? Blaming him for being part of a threat that is engaged in so much harassment that my fucking mother's address was leaked and they went after my family. How fucking discourse-brained are you that this is actually something that you would say? Holy... 1:10:46 Unknown_03: This is why the... She takes that so well, by the way. Unknown_07: He just flies off the handle and calls her all these slurs and calls her a cunt and a bitch. And she's just like, yeah, so anyways. And just moves on to the next topic. Apparently she's Pakistani, which is bizarre. Unknown_07: but this is why I always say that America First people remind me so much of incels because like Kefels is the perfect example of an incel to trune and with the right push I think Nick Fuentes would become a trune too that would be a great arc he'd probably make a lot of money if he truned out I was always so unhappy because I was secretly a woman deep down inside and now I realize that and my name is now Nicole Fuentes he would make so much fucking money It might happen too. You never know these days. 1:11:38 Unknown_04: So I'm not trying to get you mad or anything like that. Unknown_03: Okay, then actually be a fucking person. Unknown_04: Right. I've expressed to you that I don't approve of doxing. Unknown_03: He's in your chat. Tell him you don't approve of him being in Kiwi Farms. Unknown_04: He knows that I don't approve of doxing, but Kiwi Farms is separate from that. Unknown_03: But you're okay with people who engage in that in your community because he's there right now. Unknown_04: I mean, I don't think people in my community engage in that. 1:12:12 Unknown_03: Is Flamenco not part of your community? Is he not in your chat, just like you said? Unknown_07: Okay, look at that AGP rage. He's so angry that she just went flat to announce the community. And she's like, I don't support doxing, but the Kiwi Farms is different than that. And he's like, no! You have to apologize correctly, femoid. Unknown_04: He has a much bigger community than I do. We had this platforming discussion five minutes ago. We had the platforming discussion five minutes ago. Unknown_03: He's in your fucking chat. You're not doing anything. You don't care. This is just fucking content to you. Unknown_04: Unless you have screenshots. I'm willing to ban him if you have screenshots of him posting. 1:12:46 Unknown_07: Look at this face. What is this face? Just in silence. Look at this. Okay. Unknown_03: engaged in the fucking thread he engaged in a group harassment campaign how are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that this is the issue the issue is that he engaged in a group so again yes because people hate on me right and yes and i can say the same thing about when people have been directed hate towards me i just because they've engaged in it doesn't mean they're also responsible for every single thing that happens as a result of that hate 1:13:28 Unknown_03: he's part of the group that is responsible directly. Unknown_03: He directly encouraged it. I... Unknown_07: I assume no responsibility for Flamenco. Grr. Grr. Don't you dare. Unknown_07: Don't you dare, Cuffles. Grr. Don't you say that he's a part of the Kiwi Farms, you fucker. Unknown_03: I've seen the shit he said about me. I've seen his fucking, like, cozy stream where he uses memes that use content from the fucking thread. How is he not culpable here? 1:14:05 Unknown_04: what kind of content does he use from the bread oh shut the fuck up you want me to like pull up the nazi site and look over his memes i mean flamenco uses the kiwi farms show me his show me what content he uses from the kiwi farms shut the fuck up who asked you i did not say something that i could easily prove if it was true i don't the reason why i'm asking is because i don't know i haven't paid you don't know Unknown_07: By the way. Unknown_04: I came here to talk about you and me, not about him. By the way, by the way, by the way. This is why I'm mad. Unknown_07: By the way, by the way, by the way. Take a little detour. We're halfway through. Unknown_07: So we are in the Caffles thread. I'm going to go up to the search feature. I'm going to say this thread by Flamenco. Unknown_01: There he is. Other upholstery. Unknown_01: Oh, he is active. 1:15:01 Unknown_07: How many posts is this? This is at least 20 some posts. Unknown_01: I see. I see Doxing. Unknown_01: I don't see. I don't see him saying anything. Unknown_01: He says white women get fucked by dogs. Unknown_01: I don't think Keffels is a white woman, though. 1:15:35 Unknown_01: I don't see anything from him. Unknown_01: Docs and Keffels. Unknown_07: Hmm. Unknown_07: Do Nazi sites have frog threads? Exactly. Not a Nazi site. Exactly. Okay. Unknown_03: Because you have no morals. You have no principles. You're willing to just stand by people who engage in group harassment on a forum that multiple trans people have fucking killed themselves over. Name one. Unknown_07: Name a single one besides BU because that doesn't count because he's still alive. Alive and well. He's living in that bunker with Tupac in Serbia. I met him. I went over there with cookies one day. 1:16:08 Unknown_03: Group harassment? Group harassment. Do you have anyone who has to fucking lock their door at night because they're scared because they get fucking like hate mail directed to their house just because they're associated with me? You said that. Unknown_03: That's not right, but you won't do anything about the people in your community, who you interact with, who you call friends, because you're a fucking snake. Unknown_04: Okay, but I need screenshots of him actually posting docs. Unknown_03: All right, I'll get all of those fucking... He didn't post the fucking docs. He engaged in group harassment. 1:16:40 Unknown_04: If he encouraged... He encouraged other people by engaging in group... Do you know what group harassment is? Unknown_03: You have more than two fucking brain cells? Jesus, Stardust. Unknown_04: I know, I understand what group harassment is. I've had people on Cozy direct their entire followings to come hate raid me. So I understand what that is. Unknown_04: Stardust isn't the one that does politically provoked, right? Unknown_07: No, this person is not retarded enough to be the politically provoked person. Unknown_04: Still need to see, like, more than somebody just participating and being, you know, antagonistic towards somebody, right? Unknown_03: In a fucking thread, in the same thread on a site made for group harassment that multiple people have killed themselves over. Are you fucking, how stupid are you? like how do you post you made a spreadsheet of of content creators who are all smaller than you that you wanted melina was on that spreadsheet what are you talking about gappy and i gappy and i are smaller than you i know gap yes and gappy and you both defended destiny who also engaged in my kiwi farms thread and i have the screenshots for this did he post docs of you No, he doesn't need to. It's a fucking group harassment threat. 1:17:20 Unknown_07: This is great. Look at how upset he is. Like, this is like when Pete's rages. Like when Pete, when Pete says something like he, he has this preconception, whatever it may be, he has any preconception in the world. And he says it like fact. And he just expects everyone to be like, Hmm, well that presupposition is true so i guess your following logical sequence must also be true you're totally right like that's just what he expects because that is in line with his entire world view and then when people don't agree with him and say no actually you're wrong and that presupposition is wrong itself he's just like what 1:17:54 Unknown_07: You got no two fucking brain cells to rub together, you stupid cunt. You bitch. Fuck you, bitch. I don't need to prove shit. And that's exactly how Pete gets frustrated when someone doesn't agree with him. Because in his mind, it's like, the Kiwi Farms is inherent evil. Anyone who uses, posts, or looks at the Kiwi Farms is also inherent evil. How don't you get that? And then she's just like, no, I don't agree with that. And he's just like, what? Huh? What? Huh? 1:18:30 Unknown_07: How do you not agree with me when I say this? This is inherently true. Everyone I talk to believes that it's true, and you disagree with me. 1:19:02 Unknown_04: What? I already told you, you stupid fucking cunt. Unknown_03: Jesus Christ. Unknown_04: You have slandered me as a white nationalist, as a white supremacist, as a neo-Nazi. Unknown_03: I literally do not give a single shit because you were part of this to begin with. Unknown_04: I was- I am such a smaller con- I- I don't care. You know what? This isn't- You know, this isn't doing anything. Unknown_03: I really fucking hope the worst for this fucking bitch. I just banned her. I'm done. I'm literally done. Fuck her. Fuck you, mom. Absolutely fuck her. 1:19:35 Unknown_07: Aw, jeez. I'm gonna need a double strength shot of the HRT after this. Unknown_03: What a fucking snake. Unknown_03: literally comparing my so angry that she just wouldn't condemn the kiwi farms carte blanche that's great that's great that just shows you like where the how easy it is to piss people off all you have to do is just say well you know i see some posts in the kiwi farms that i like and then the people will just flip out at you it's so easy it's so easy to troll people oh god why is my chat on the screen completely fucking ruined i'll fix that 1:20:19 Unknown_01: Oh, Oh my God. My, my thing is my, um, okay. Unknown_07: Get this. My, my OBS is broken. Unknown_07: And it doesn't update when I click anything, but it appears to still be working. So I'm going to have to continue this broadcast without using OBS at all. I cannot click anything anymore because my computer wants to 41% itself after this lethal exposure to HRT on my screen. 1:21:05 Unknown_07: Oh, speaking of 41%ing myself. Unknown_07: So this guy is named Arturus and he is the co-founder. Oh, I shouldn't be showing all that. That's a nice Google Maps picture. I don't know where that goes to. Probably to a Taco Bell because I love Taco Bell. People like to post Taco Bell on my website. But Arcturus said on the Twitter, and this is the co-founder of E621 and one of the former admins of Fur Affinity, which if you don't know, and unfortunately I do know this, it is those two sites are like. 1:21:44 Unknown_07: Like the House and the Senate for the entire furry community. They're at like the tippy top. They're the two most important sites because they're both where furries go to get their porn and to commission pornography. Unknown_07: And if you don't know anything about the furry community... It is entirely dedicated to pornography and anyone claiming otherwise is fucking lying to you. They're not even wrong. They're lying. It is about porn, the creation of porn, the transfer of porn, the sharing of porn. That is the furry fandom. So on that note, 1:22:20 Unknown_07: uh this guy i think he's sold e621 there is a guy who who is extremely rich and i i don't know his name and i'm sure as soon as i talk about this someone's going to start throwing the name out there but he owns bad dragon and he made so much fucking money selling horse cock to furries that he then took his horse cock money Unknown_07: Varka immediately, Mobambo Mobubu knows who the fuck I'm talking about. Varka then took his horse cock money and bought E621 from Arcturus. And he now owns E621 and he's trying to make a new replacement to Fur Affinity because Fur Affinity is just shit and it's ran by retards. Unknown_07: Now, I know this because of my furry correspondence on the Kiwi Farms. They've given me a rundown over what is essentially the government structure of the Kiwi, not the Kiwi Farms, but of the furry community. You have the House and the Senate, which are E621 and Fur Affinity. 1:23:22 Unknown_07: And then you have essentially Varka, who is the Elon Musk of the furry community. And he's using his bad dragon Tesla money to buy out the government and control it wholly so that he will be the god king of the furry community. That is, Varka is a man who managed to make a fortune because he could not find a horse cock big enough to shove in his ass. And now he made a he literally made a dildo company to make sufficiently sized horse cocks to shove inside of himself. And then he filmed himself using his own products and basically stretching out his anus to the human limits. And then he posted that on the Internet and his company made millions of dollars. And he's now reinvesting that into the furry community. 1:23:59 Unknown_07: so this is this is the um this is the lore anyways the guy who made e621 attempted suicide or did like a fake suicide attempt his name is currently mix juniper system and by mix i mean like mister but the r is an x because he is a multiple system he never grew out of that tumblr phase where he's like i'm multiple people and he's also like not non-binary he's a non-binary multiple system 1:24:44 Unknown_07: And as he says here, hello, Twitter. It is with deepest sadness that you are ending up reading this our suicide note. So when he writes his suicide note, he says that it's our suicide note because his system is committing suicide together. It's a suicide pact between the multiple personalities living in his head. Unknown_07: He continues, "...know that this is not because of anything anyone has done. No, it is the world that has led us to this, a world which does not care, a world in which the rich does not care for the lives of the poor, of making people flee where they are from to be who they are, that forces them to be a burden on someone already shouldering an unimaginable burden." Every day we have lived in the U.S. has been a burden on our wife, Mau. Mau, who is now on dialysis and needs a kidney transplant, is still forced by society to provide for us. We cannot take this burden any longer. I don't know how much Varka gave him for E621, but he should give him more. It seems like he's really fucking poor. He's probably got the fibromyalgia. He can't work anymore. He's too busy hurting. 1:25:28 Unknown_07: Uh, he says to our loved ones. Now we will always be with you. Mini slash. You didn't believe us when we said we were sexually coerced, but we were you and your friends defending someone who abused us. You contribute to this and we hope it haunts you. 1:26:00 Unknown_07: That's not petty at all. Unknown_07: this is not because of anyone in particular but fuck you mini slash you fucking rapist enabling piece of shit I hope you burn in hell we hope you burn in hell all of us hate you fucker um Unknown_07: to s'mores draws we know that your life was as fucked up as ours and we assign no blame to you whatever whatsoever we wish you the best to fink and jackie wherever you are fuck you both fuckers to a yaza bun you have been so wonderful and introduced us to such wonderful things thank you for improving our life To Kulix Kupric and Bastion the Wolf, two of you who have stood by us, we love deeply and are so closed to our heart. We wish you could have done more to help both of you. You are both amazing and deserve the best. 1:26:54 Unknown_07: And finally, Mau. Mau, you carried us these 15 years and you sacrificed some of your life and one of your eyes for us. What the fuck? Unknown_07: You sacrifice some of your life in one of your eyes for us? Why the fuck are you ripping out this dude's eyes? We cannot let you sacrifice anything. How do you lose an eye in service of a furry system? 1:27:37 Unknown_07: You can't just throw that out there. I need the information about how this happened. Unknown_07: Roto some will take care of you. We have made sure of it. You'll get your kidney transplant. Unknown_07: I guess he lost an eye to his kidney disease. That would make sense. Renal failure has a result of a kidney failure. That's a thing. A real failure is kidney failure. I meant like the capillaries in your eye falling out. I really don't know. It could be anything. It could be a dragon dildo related incident. Unknown_07: Our body, what of it is still viable? We leave to science. Our kidneys go either to Mao or to someone who can. You cannot take a kidney from a suicide victim. You are wasting it because you don't want to encourage people to commit suicide. No doctor in the U.S. will take a kidney from a suicide victim. 1:28:10 Unknown_07: Our kidneys go to either Mau or to someone who can cross-match a donation, and on to speculation and doxing and harassment. Bees, hazel derg, the corpse, people like that. You suck others in and break them. Lapinus malus, you made Haze worse, and you're a sick, twisted fuck who deserves what he will surely get. Our dying breath will curse your name. We are or sexual assault survivors. We have been raped a be- How long is this? Okay, almost done. 1:28:46 Unknown_07: abused, nearly murdered, and almost kidnapped, survived cancer, and we are spent. We have nothing left to offer this life, and we don't want to live in a wheelchair crippled by an uncaring society. If you're reading this, we've already taken a fatal overdose of Depakota. Depakote. The deed is done. Oh, yeah, because you can't just pump a stomach or whatever the fuck. I'm sure this was a lethal blow. The deed is done. To our fellow members of the IWWFJU, thanks for the solidarity against Jason Kirpan, who has been harassing us and making our lives miserable. Solidarity, please share this wide. We hope that the hospital allows us to die a pain-free death as our liver fails. Yeah, that takes, like, fucking two days to finish. 1:29:21 Unknown_07: Blah, blah, blah. Unknown_07: this is the juniper system signing off from the world born 1983 hopefully died 2022 uh whatever of us remains will be with you all forever furries wobblies queers friends family we love you all and the deed is done all that's left is to wait to die anyways he lived here he is here's a um 1:30:10 Unknown_07: Here's Juniper System from a communist furry named Mau. Unknown_07: And he wants to sing a song for you. I want to be like the people are. Unknown_02: Not with scales, but with real genitalia. Rolling around between the... What do you call them? Oh, sheets. Unknown_02: Flippin' my fins, I can't get too far. Cunts are required for nearly everything. Selling myself on the, what's that word again? Street. Up where they bang, up where they bone. Up where they stay up at night all alone. I've never come, wish I could have a vagina. Not celibate. 1:30:46 Unknown_02: Wish I could have a vagina. Bravo, bravo, encore, bravissimo, wunderbar. 1:31:36 Unknown_14: I'm fairly certain Disney already knows about it. I'm pretty sure they already know about it. Unknown_07: Anglo. I should have suspected. And he wears a cat collar. Unknown_01: Oh, jeez. Unknown_07: I didn't expect that to be so funny. Unknown_07: Okay. Oh, jeez. Chantel. It's time to talk about Chantel as the show ends. Unknown_07: Chantel has... Oh, God. I'm losing my voice. How embarrassing. Making fun of that man singing and then my voice cracks. You know, I'm almost 30. I was told that my voice would stop cracking by the time I was 15 and yet it still cracks. 1:32:10 Unknown_01: Chantel... Unknown_01: Has been. Unknown_07: The wall, yeah. Empty milk carton. Eventually when I coom, it's just going to be a little puff of dust. Unknown_07: Anyways, Chantel is in a endless cycle that will never ever finish. She has been dating this Arab loser, cokehead, piece of shit, wife beater, alleged rapist named Nadir Akshami for like two years now. And they break up and get back together and then she cries about it and then they get back together again. And then she's like, oh, if I'm back together with him, it's none of your business. I just want to bees and I want to do what I do and blah, blah, blah. And they break up again. And then she's like, oh, he was such a dickhead. I can't believe I ever trusted him. Oh, I'm such an idiot. He never loved me. And then they get back together and she's like, if it's my business, it's my personal stuff, blah, blah, blah. They've been doing this for literally two fucking years... Which is why Chantel has been absent from my streams... For months and months and months... Except for small clips... Because I'm fucking sick of it... I can't stand it anymore... It's just so fucking obnoxious... So what I bring to you... In terms of Chantel updates... Right now they're currently apart... Because I think... Chantel has accused him of rape... And then someone else came up and accused him of rape... So now he's in legal shit... And he's very angry at her for basically ruining his life, what was left of it. 1:33:44 Unknown_07: And he's fucking around with his side hoe, Didi. If you don't know, if you don't follow the Chantalverse, for as long as she has known Nadir, he has been in a friendship with Didi, who is like his actual girlfriend. Unknown_07: And it's been very apparent the entire time that he's been cheating on her with Dee Dee. And she was in denial. And then he was like, I want to have two girlfriends. So she came out on stream and literally announced that she was in a polyamorous relationship with her, with Dee Dee and Nadir. And then she had a mental breakdown and said, you made me eat her gray vagina. It was so fucking gross. 1:34:23 Unknown_07: And, uh, yeah, I get tired just thinking about it. I really am. I'm sick of it. Unknown_07: Uh, and she really hates duty. Uh, she will see the duty. She, she doesn't see the about Nadir cheating on her and being a fucking loser, but she will see the about duty because she stole her man for whatever reason. Anyway, she accidentally said this and it was very funny. Unknown_00: She was a desperate... I am not getting this story wrong at all. 1:34:59 Unknown_07: At fucking all. I have gotten every detail right. Unknown_00: She was a desperate, sad old lady watching my streams just like all the other sad old ladies. Unknown_00: There's a lot of lovely old ladies who watch me too, but these ones are sad. Unknown_07: She accidentally just shits all over her fucking audience and calls them sad old ladies. Now... Unknown_07: I have a picture of Dee Dee. She looks like a Karen. If I say, Josh is a sad old lady. If I say Karen, the person that you have in your head is exactly what Dee Dee looks like. 1:35:34 Unknown_07: And here's this lovely picture of Dee Dee that was screen captured. She was hiding from the camera. She's been on stream with Nadir a lot recently. But she was hiding from the camera recently, and it's because, uh-oh, someone has a black eye. Someone has a black eye. Ooh, I wonder how she got that. Could it be that the abusive Muslim Arab Egyptian meth head beat the fuck out of her like he beat the fuck out of Chantel? Probably. 1:36:10 Unknown_07: Good for her, I guess. At least she got the man that she was fighting for all along. Unknown_07: And that's the Chantal update. Pete just sits in his room and seeds all day, every day. Unknown_01: And nothing has changed. Unknown_01: Oh! Unknown_07: You know what? I already talked about that. Unknown_07: I've already talked about everything. They share custody of Nader. No, Nader owns both of them. He's just mad at Chantal right now. He's like, give me more money, and then I'll talk to you again, bitch. And she's like, yes, Nader, I will get you more money. 1:36:41 Unknown_07: Chantal should just give us money. Just give the Kiwi Farms money. I could probably get her money, but then I would have to bang her, and I don't want to do that. I think I'd rather die. Unknown_07: just uh food for thought everybody she was told twice yes yes she was it could be heroin heroin cheek you deserve a cut of her i do deserve a cut of her fortune it's true i made her when i found her she was a nobody eating cheese and now look at her she's on top raking in the super chats putting even pay pay pay to shame with how much fucking money she makes off those people on youtube like 20 i think she said 20 000 a month 1:37:35 Unknown_07: I deserve a cut, Chad. I deserve just a couple thousand of that, just a little bit. Unknown_01: All right. Unknown_07: I think that's it. I've managed to make this last for as long as I have. Unknown_07: OBS is broken. What do I want to do about this? Can I move this around? Can I move it around? Unknown_07: literally okay here's how it works um my obs does not update when i click stuff i have to unless i move it if i click something and then move my my thing around it will update the frames but if i just um click it doesn't show up until i move my screen around it's very bizarre can i do this ah that's too no that's like gray i want it to be greener 1:38:21 Unknown_07: I just want it to be green, you know? Come on now. Now I'm afraid if I fuck around with it, it's gonna break the thing. Fuck it. Oh wait, this works. Unknown_07: Does this work? Okay, yes, this works. Now in super chat mode. As always, you are invited to stick around for the super chats. I try my best to make them not shit. Unknown_07: Then I have a special song picked out. It's pretty good, actually. Like I said, I've been listening to Alternative Country, as cringe as that sounds. It's pretty good, actually. 1:38:53 Unknown_07: did i forget anything uh in terms of of content is it it is cringe you're cringe don't shit on my music taste baked alaska's trial is next friday uh cool what gray's anatomy song i have never watched gray's anatomy song Unknown_07: Tim Pool. Oh, he got mentioned by January 6th, but it wasn't like a big thing in terms of him getting mentioned. Barbara Barbussi. No, I did not. Unknown_07: That's lies and slander. I usually have my chat on my OBS so I can see it, but now I cannot see it because my OBS is frozen. Unknown_07: Such is life. Unknown_07: Where the fuck is my thing so I can see my messages? Aha. 1:39:49 Unknown_07: Okay, give me a second. I'm sorry. I'm all over the place. I'm a bit scatterbrained. My vitamin D has been deficient recently. I need to go outside. I need to go touch grass so I feel better. Unknown_01: All right. All right. You ready? Everybody's strapped in. Unknown_07: If you like dark country, check out woven hand. Maybe I only listen. I listen. I don't know. Unknown_07: Everybody keeps suggesting all these country, uh, groups to me. And it's, it's a weird thing. I'm like this with all music where like, I will listen to one song by a band. It's very unusual that I like multiple songs from the same group. Uh, and it's very, very rare that I care enough about somebody to listen to like their whole discography. 1:40:20 Unknown_07: Acerthorne. Did I not talk about Acerthorne? Unknown_01: I think I have a... Wait, hold up. I have a note for this somewhere. I thought I did talk about him. Unknown_01: No? Who the fuck is Acerthorne? I don't have him in my notes. 1:40:55 Unknown_07: I heard that name, though. Unknown_07: Okay, chat. You have my undivided attention before I start reading the superchats. Well, who the fuck is Acerthorne? Unknown_07: Autistic nine-year-old's taste in music. Thanks. Unknown_07: Oh, the copyright guy. He sued and he lost, which is good news, I guess, but it's so expensive to deal with lawsuits. Unknown_07: If America was not the most free country, I would just expatriate because the lawsuit shit in the U.S. is ridiculous. 1:41:29 Unknown_07: he um yeah i'm not i'm not the patches are coming through um they're they're getting i'm getting my first patches done right now if you invited me to your wedding would you come no i would not sorry even if it's in serbia okay okay uh let's get through these shall we Unknown_07: Torrent for five says, who would have thought the last week's Maddie would result in the return of Godwinson and the downfall of the casino? Kiwi Farms always wins. Godwinson probably was planning on doing anything about PPP for a while. I think after, I know that his appearance against Flamenco was not well received because he was in very bad faith against Flamenco. But I think his experience there, if this isn't like kayfabe, I think his experience there was like so negative that he thought, fuck it. I really don't like this. 1:42:24 Unknown_07: Anonymous for One says, congratulations to the People's Republic of Luhansk for finally being free from the oppression and getting their own sovereign state. They've been de facto independent for a while, I think. Unknown_07: The war is really slow to a crawl, and I don't hear that much about it anymore. Unknown_07: TwinkleTard for 100 says, why do you want everyone to send you silver for your birthday? Because I like it. Simple as. Unknown_07: I will have a forwarding address, probably in either Latvia, Denmark, or the Netherlands. And I'm just going to have people send... Unknown_07: I'll explain it later, like, exactly what I want. But I like old currency that is made of silver. And I'm hoping that people will just send me, like, some old coins from their country that happens to have silver content. And if they do, I think my plan is... 1:43:04 Unknown_07: By the way, I'm going to put all of this shit that people send me into a fairway bag that doesn't transmit radio. And then when it gets to my house, I'm going to have a giant magnet, and I'm going to run that thing over with a magnet. So if you send me any electronics, it will be destroyed. Just to give you a heads up, before it even gets open, I will have this destroyed. Don't even fucking bother. Okay. Unknown_07: But I like silver. That's my thing. 1:43:43 Unknown_07: Silver is foily. That's right. Unknown_07: Dreamy Bull for five says... I don't know what that means. Hopefully it didn't summon a demon by accident. Unknown_07: Roxanna Wolf for 20 says, it has been found out that the common food additive E621 causes birds to swell. Figured you'd want to know to keep your pigeons safe. To learn more, visit E621 and search avian inflation. 1:44:20 Unknown_07: How very coincidental that we talked about E621 and then you submitted that. That's too late. I ruined your joke on accident. Unknown_07: Nicker, for one, says, Hey, Joosh, is adnauseum.io worth using? It works with uBlock and indiscriminately clicks all ads behind the scenes to fuck with ads. My instinct is that it's actually too easy to actually be effective. Wrong. um i use ad nauseam everywhere it's it is actually like hard broken in chrome and in brave because brave forks chrome and you have to install it as a developer extension to get it to work um ad nauseam was so effective at with adsense that not only did they ban it from the chrome store but they had to reimburse like two billion dollars worth of uh 1:45:09 Unknown_07: of uh ad adsense like money to their publishers because of all the fraudulent clicking fun fact Unknown_07: Fun fact, I strongly encourage actively fucking with these systems because these companies are evil. And the more money they have to spend to have Indian programmers fix it, the funnier it is. IceMexicanFor10 says, After last week, I did a deep dive into your lore. Besides being an angry team, you just seem depressed, both of which I can relate to. I hope you're fulfilled and happy now. No homo. Um, I've talked about this before, but when I was a teenager, I was very socially isolated and I was very angry. And then I got a job working at Whataburger and I made my first real friends basically ever. And I got my car and my mom moved out. So it was on my own. And I lived in a double-wide trailer with my friend, his mom, his mom's third husband, his sister, his sister's baby, his sister's baby's daddy, and his long-term girlfriend, and a feral cat. And I had fun, and I changed a lot during those years. And I remember the cat would scratch the fuck out of me all the time. And then one time it got into heat, and it would sit on my shoulder like a parrot. And it would rub its butt up against me and I'd be like, cat, get the fuck off of me. And then if I tried to touch the cat, it would then immediately freak out and claw the shit out of me again. And then it would sit on my shoulder again when I got horny again. I'm just like, cat, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get off of me. 1:46:30 Unknown_07: yeah that was fun it was fun up until his brother had a schizophrenic episode and tried to stab me Herbert Monglestein Gunterberg Grunbel says for 10.02 Ishasa den Gigan Jesus I hate oh I hate the antichrist this must be what it says what else would be a Gigan Jesus it wouldn't be like a giant Jesus 1:47:14 Unknown_07: mongolstein dantiac for two says is anyone else finding it weird how gunt has been referencing gamergate and how was an og for it lately it really comes off as desperation to cling onto any relevancy he has left now anyone who even says the the etag ramag word is a fucking degenerate parasite on society i refuse to acknowledge this question further There is no God for $1 says, I met a man just like Pete. He was an anarcho-communist who hates the word foreigner because it's racist. Hates the Republican because he has T's in his family. He's not American, but loves consumer talk. Well, consumer talk distracts you from everything. Unknown_07: There's no pain and suffering in Star Wars. You just cut him the latithor and then you kill Hitler. Hitler in a bucket helmet. Evil. Bad guy. Maybe the bad guy could have done that thing. 1:48:13 Unknown_07: ch mod ch own maddie josh my hard earned cash.tgz for 777 thank you why is josh why is maddie a member of josh and josh and a member of kiwi farms food for food for thought black hitler Unknown_07: There is an Adolf Hitler who's from Namibia. Unknown_07: Josh calling anyone else a degenerate. Fuck you, Chuck Mangione. I'm sick of seeing you in King of the Hill. You have no role there. Unknown_07: There is no God for $1 says, so Ralph can no longer claim Southern pride due to his family being on the Union side. How long until he loses his white trash pride? Ralph will be white trash whether he likes it or not for the rest of his life. Unknown_07: John Redcorn for 19 says, here's an ounce of silver. Are you buying the dip? Oh, fuck yeah, I am. I'm going to buy silver real soon. I haven't bought silver in a while. I'm itching for it. I need it. 1:49:03 Unknown_07: Anonymous for 5 says, Josh, please say this quickly. Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, toy boat. There you go. I feel like I did that pretty well. Unknown_07: Annan for 20 says, Ralph and Nails can't stop winning. That's right. Ralph always wins. Over a long enough timeline, we all lose to Ralph. Unknown_07: uh, never forget from one says, how come people give everyone like Flamenco and Gator pass despite everything they did or stood by with Ralph? Um, I don't give either one of them pass. I, I like, I get, I think I mentioned this on stream. Um, but Gator posted something on the Fediverse where he's like, I now apologize to Joshua Moon for calling me, calling him a pedophile. And it's like, he didn't do that as soon as he broke up with Ralph. Um, And he stood by the pedophile shit for, like, two years along with Ralph. And the only thing that made him, like, apologize was the fact that Ralph started calling the author of Berserk a pedophile because he drew, like, horse-rape Lollicon shit. And made comics explicitly defending Lollicon. And then Gator was like, oh my god, calling people pedophiles is actually really damaging to their reputation. And it's not very fair to do that without reason. And then he apologized. It's like a... It's a bit late, mate. You should have came to that realization a bit sooner. It's like... It reminds me of... There's this really old meme from the early 2010s where it's like... There's a picture of Rainbow Dash photoshopped into a concentration camp with a bunch of Jews. And she has the pajamas and the star on. And there's a comment by some fucking insane person going, Oh my god. I didn't realize that the Holocaust was bad until I saw Rainbow Dash in a concentration camp. The juxtaposition of the pony with the real suffering makes it so much more real to me. It's like, well, okay, hold up. Why was that the last straw? Like... why did it take that for you to realize that this is what's going on why is it the anime drawing the guy getting caught a pedophile that's when you're realizing that doing that is is you know not a not a good thing to do without evidence like why why was that the realization and come on you gotta you gotta people are looking at me like i'm retarded i have to pull this up rainbow dash holocaust see what we get yeah perfect exactly what google just knows what i want here we go 1:51:38 Unknown_01: I'm sorry I fucked it up. Here we go. Unknown_07: Okay, look. Here's a picture of Rainbow Dash and they're rounding up all the Jews, right? Unknown_07: And then the guy says, this is an amazing work. As a student of history, so as a student of history, I can say that I've seen hundreds of pictures like this and I've shown little to no emotion. The pictures were just windows to a past I've never lived in. People who I will never know or would never ever know. But this picture made me stop and evaluate. Putting Rainbow Dash in it made me actually look at what is really happening and Putting something that everyone is familiar with in a situation that no one knows and to make people feel those emotions well, that takes talent. Thank you. 1:52:17 Unknown_07: So Gator wrote that post. In case you're wondering when I'm getting it, Gator was the author of that post. Believe it or not, this is deep lore that you may not have heard until now. Unknown_07: Anyways, you got way more than $1 worth for that super chat, my friend. Unknown_07: MechWarrior10, have some money. You thought about growing your own herbs. Well, I could grow renara weed if I wanted to, but that's a lot of money. I don't feel like practicing my farming. Though as a serious answer, I can't. Not for a while. I grew dill and stuff. I still have a mint plant because I put mint and lemonade and stuff to improve it, but... 1:52:48 Unknown_07: You know, I'm moving soon, so I can't really dedicate to farming. That's why my pigeons haven't come back this year. There's no pot for them to sit in and make more eggs. Unknown_07: Anonymous for Five says, I can't watch your live today. My internet is stuttering more than Andy Worski reading Super Chats. I apologize. 1:53:20 Unknown_07: Hopefully Elon Musk will fix this, Starlink, and you can watch my streams. Unknown_07: Five Star Days with Ethan Gunt for five says millions of grown men spend their life on discord. There is nothing tangible in their life. No friends, no hobbies. All they have is a fucked up self image through the lens of online drama. That's true. A lot of people are like that. Unknown_07: I think that's why people get so angry at politics and shit. I would suggest to everybody before they get angry, when you get angry, you should be angry at something you can change. If it's something you can't change, there's no reason to get upset about it. If it's out of your control and there's nothing you can do about it, don't even fucking invest the energy into being upset about it. 1:54:01 Unknown_07: Anonymous for 20 says, did you ever see DSP turn down Keemstar's $50,000 sign-on bonus offer to do a podcast with Boogie and Wings of Redemption? I heard about that, and I heard people joking that $50,000 wasn't enough to get DSP to do anything. But it's like, I don't know. 1:54:34 Unknown_07: I can understand his logic, though. Like, if you have self-esteem, if you have any dignity, you're not going to sign up to be on a retard podcast. Like, here's all the laughingstocks. You want to be the third laughingstock on this laughingstock podcast? Like, no. I really don't. I don't want to debase myself. Go fuck yourself, Keemstar. It's a pretty chat answer, actually. Unknown_07: anime for five says my name is josh and i hate japan because i am a communist party shill literally bought and paid for by glorious leader xi zhang and our benevolent communist state true facts nothing to add taiwan is an integral part of china as is hong kong but that goes without saying gloy boy for five the way ralph talks about his ex lets you know he's a huge fucking beta bitch also lol saying him saying his dick was too big dude is five inches at most tiny dick bitch 1:55:30 Unknown_07: Yeah. Like I said, if you like shit talk your ex, all that shows is that you have shit taste. At best. At worst, it just shows that you're not over them and you still cry and fuck yourself with Nora's dildo. Unknown_07: SneedumFeedum410 says it's incredible how Ralph is more vitriolic than your standard BPDX. I guess all that estrogen from his gunt. Also, if you want to talk about scummy games, look at Destiny deleting paid content. I've not heard about that at all. Unknown_07: Why would Destiny delete paid content? Unknown_07: Oh! Oh, the video game. Yeah, well, Activision, Microsoft, Blizzard is like pure fucking evil. I don't know why anyone would ever give them money at this point. You've got to be fucking crazy to give them money. 1:56:02 Unknown_07: Saul T. Dogg for 20 says, we all know the only men Coach Red Pill Bottoms for are hard as fuck Chechens. Unknown_07: That's a hard sentence to say. We all know the only men Coach Red Pill Bottoms for are hard as fuck Chechens. Unknown_07: Well, he's in Ukrainian custody still, I think. I don't think they ever took that Harkiv, did they? What I'm saying is that Coach Red Pill wishes he could get bottomed by Chechens, but right now he's only getting bottomed by the Ukrainians. 1:56:38 Unknown_07: built for big bcc striga for five says josh visit poland someday we have pierogi i would love to visit krakow um but i've never had an excuse to visit krakow i actually applied for a job this is true i applied for a job with gog um which is owned by the company that made witcher And I got to, like, the second or third stage of interview with them, and they didn't hire me, unfortunately. But I did put in for a job with them just because I wanted no money. No money for them programs. And if I did get hired by them, I would have ended up in, I think, Krakow. I think Krakow is where their office is. CD Projekt Red, that's it. 1:57:14 Unknown_07: GOG got compromised by pink hairs. Well, they must be in Warsaw then. If you ever want to see gay in the Eastern Europe, go to Warsaw. The gayest city in fucking... West of Germany. Or East of Germany. 1:57:49 Unknown_07: Anonymous for 10 says, Hey, Josh, I told someone that bothered me to kill myself or to kill himself, but he said no. So now I can't escalate or deescalate or double down. And it's very awkward. What do I do? Big ups. Cool show. Unknown_07: I mean, you should just ignore him. If he bothers you, why would you interact with him? Just ignore him. And if he talks to you, just say, fuck off. Why do you have to escalate it or de-escalate it? Just ignore him. The awkwardness is good. You should just not let it get to you and let him be awkward. 1:58:20 Unknown_07: Haxleet42 says, imagine my shock when I let that sink in. Absolutely not. Unknown_07: Truly the worst boomerism. Unknown_07: I always get that picture stuck in my head every time I see it too. The sink at the door. He's cold. He's outside. He needs to be let in. Unknown_07: Seek a loather for 10 says Godwinson and Gahool, I believe. 1:58:55 Unknown_07: I think, believe donation alerts is a Russian scam. Any comment? Also, Margaret McLennan was chased off the internet by Milo. Yes, does this exonerate my friend Kenny Jones? I don't know what happened with Mogwit. Unknown_07: Kenny Jones is not exonerated by any stretch of the imagination, though. He's very weird. Unknown_07: um godwinson is going to hate anything that's like people making money donation alerts is russian i would encourage people not to use paypal and to use um privacy but i advise that with everything like why would you give people your information if you don't have to 1:59:36 Unknown_07: By the way, there was people who brought up that sister projects related to donation alerts is sketchy because all the English reviews for them are poor. But it's like people go to those sites to complain about shit. You never go to Trustpilot to say, I had a great experience with this company. You only go there to be like, this company is absolute shit and fuck them. But none of the complaints had anything like they were just saying, like, I use donation alerts and I didn't get money out of them. And if that happens, that's my problem because they're not paying me. But I didn't see anything alleging that they mishandled user information, which is what I am more concerned about. If I lose a couple hundred dollars, that's my that's my shit to eat. But if they doxed like if like Nick Fuentes doxed a bunch of people that donated to me, that would be like that's unacceptable. 2:00:16 Unknown_07: anonymous for 20 says I don't understand why Ralph tempts fate when talking about Nora she's the ex-wife I'm sure she could claim harassment and get what Adrian Blair got she could also get his address via legal means Ralph needs like feuds and his audience hates women and it's like if a woman was after him again he could just be like He's not afraid of women and he likes being angry at women because men scare him. Men can fly to Portugal and kick his ass and stick their thumb in his mouth and there's nothing he can do about it. Women don't tend to do that. 2:00:55 Unknown_07: IP man for $2 and 22 cents as your gay streams are the highlight of my week. Thank you. Pizza day is the highlight of my week. Unknown_07: toilet duck for five says thanks for pointing out of pathetic and insane all this zoom or social media trashes uh i went to a thread on 4chan called on worksafe gif and it's called like you laugh you lose right which is a very common thing you know it's like you watch you laugh you lose and um 2:01:32 Unknown_07: And it's like every website, every community has one of these threads. And I'll just play one of these videos because it's the most nightmarish thing I've ever fucking seen in my entire life. And I want to share this with you. Unknown_07: It goes on for like 15 seconds and there's like four minute montages of these. And there are hundreds of posts on this thread. It's reached the bump limit. And people post this like every day, this kind of shit. I'm just like, is this like a joke that I'm not in on? Is this like deliberately irritating? What the fuck is this? Why are people replying to this? I don't get it. But I think like the alpha generation humor is just like depression and nonsense and noise and like meta humor. And it's just, I really don't understand it. And I feel like Gen Alpha and the Zoomers are going to be insane, violent psychopaths who will attack and kill people. 2:02:08 Unknown_07: It's bots. It's not funny, but I understand the reference. I don't get it. LOL. Bro, I lost it. 2:02:41 Unknown_07: Zoomer, I am suicidal, lol. Yeah, every time. That's it. The joke is that I want to kill myself. I have nothing to live for. La mal. And then they add like a fart sound effect and the dong thing from black people videos. They just laugh hysterically at it and there's like no joke. Okay, I guess we're all mentally ill now. This is the end of society. Uh... 2:03:15 Unknown_07: xyzdude0 for 5 says, Raiden, I'm playing Genshin Impact, but I've run out of credit card debt to purchase Ganyu. That sucks. Maybe you could offer sexual favors to businessmen in Japan. That's how you get more Genshin Impact Ganyu. Unknown_07: Polyfrog for 10 says, okay, I don't dislike PPP, but I think it might be time to sacrifice PPP to the gods so the tomatoes won't be a bountiful harvest this year. Unknown_07: uh i don't know i don't think ppp is going to get sacrificed i think him and andy are like too comfortable and their support base is like too extant and genuine and i think that things get too bad you know ppp is not going to burn out like ralph did i think ppp has the capacity to get like a job again 2:04:01 Unknown_07: ching chong nip nong for one dollar says josh did you hear that insulting people on the internet is now illegal in japan as far as i'm aware not even phrasing that in bad faith it's literally the letter of the law i've heard that um japanese culture is weird but all that's going to happen is like pornography is banned in japan they're just going to off-source their their cyber bullying to other websites Unknown_07: Uh, anonymous for one says, have you seen Cecil McFly's boobs? Does she have any? I don't, I don't know what, what, what color pill you got to take for that. Unknown_07: Let me sit on your face. Josh for five says cozy. Rosie is a karma baby for all the shit talking. He says about women and that's why he abandoned her. Also, you can tell he wants to talk to Nora so bad and beg her to come back. Uh, Yeah, I think that he's gonna look for a third woman because he wants a son and that's why he's fighting for Xander He really doesn't he it's like that copypasta. Is there anything more cocked than having a daughter? That's his mentality It's like I don't want to raise a dollar just so she can get fucked by that big black bull I need me a son to raise me some heirs Um 2:04:58 Unknown_07: And yeah, he knows he'll never get a woman better than Nora. Dantioch42 says, On his question, how the fuck has Jonathan Yanov not killed over yet? Didn't their penis rot off their stink ditch? I can't imagine someone with a walking open gangrene sore between his legs live for that long. Well, with modern medical magic, even people with rotten crotches can get around. He is in a wheelchair. He's not walking. 2:05:33 Unknown_07: And what you're thinking of is that his clitoris made from the head of his penis rotted off and a dog ate it. Unknown_07: God keeps him alive because he's in pain. Unknown_07: Concerned weatherman for one says a while ago, you played a clip of Nick Fuentes from America first talking about how we should burn women at the stake. And now that chips come back to haunt him with people using that to go after him. Well, I'm sure it's like a really horrific thing to say. It makes you look like a demented retard. 2:06:11 Unknown_07: Even if you agree that men and women have different roles in society, you don't say stupid shit like that. How unattractive can you possibly make yourself unless you're just trying to get mentally ill rape victims on Discord to like you? The only women who would like Nick Fuentes are women who are attracted to serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer. No normal person is ever going to find him a suitable sire for their family. 2:06:46 Unknown_07: Medicare Fembot for $100 says, Keffel is a pedo that is all. Well, the shoe fits. Unknown_07: I am glad that there are so many people shitting on Keffels now that it's pretty funny. It's like I did my little stream on them, and now I think the Kiwi Farms is the unmoved mover. Nobody wants to admit they read it, but they all do. Unknown_07: Spagondi says, for five, the final twist is that Stardust is secretly Nora and only Ralph Knows. Unknown_07: Stardust. 2:07:20 Unknown_07: Oh, the Pakistani woman arguing with Kefla. Yeah, could be, could be. Unknown_07: Nora's back with a vengeance. Unknown_07: Dantioch45 says, I swear to God, the rise of the Trin movement in the past couple years feels like some form of population control or eugenics or besides the obvious being an immense scam that Big Pharma is all in on. Unknown_07: There is an article that I wrote. If you go to Google and you type in Mad at the Internet and then Brave New World is the name of the article. You'll get an article from 2020. And that sums up my thoughts on the Trone movement pretty well. I would encourage you to read it. That's something you're interested in. anonymous for five says keffel's going instant misogynist is the funniest thing and his rage makes me happy thanks for improving that morning josh yeah all tranny is instantly flipped to misogyny because like i said it's a 24 7 fetish for being degraded they hate women there's nothing more degrading than being a woman and they want to be degraded so that's why they become women it has nothing to do with like being jealous of women or wanting to honor women it's usually gay men who want straight men to like them who also want to be degraded 2:08:36 Unknown_07: An offer you can't refuse for $5.01 says, how much money would you need in order to do a Let's Play a Bully scholarship edition? You're a cyber bully after all, so it would be great fun. P.S. This is a serious question offer. Unknown_07: I don't know. I don't like making offers like that because someone offered me like $1,000 to play Sakura. Sakura? Unknown_07: I don't remember the fucking name of it now. It's the Souls-like Samurai game. And I played like a couple hours of it. And I got nowhere near the end. And he still paid me for it. Unknown_07: Sekiro. Sekiro, that's right. So I don't like taking money for video games. I don't want to have to commit to finishing them. 2:09:14 Unknown_07: And if I start taking money for that, people are going to offer me money to watch anime. And I definitely don't want to do that. Unknown_07: uh carrie for 25 says nothing thank you carrie colia dante for 15 says josh magnetizes his mail note to self put pipe bomb on that trigger well it gets remailed it's going to go through several international borders you're not going to make it through that Unknown_07: anonymous for one says lock picking lawyer had people track down his po box by sending gps trackers luckily he discovered it before he brought it to his house yes i know that that's why i'm so cautious uh neck warrior for two says what is your favorite pokemon it's a tough one you can't say pikachu i'm also fond of mew i liked mew as a kid um 2:10:09 Unknown_07: I like Mewtwo, too. Unknown_07: But you can't say a legendary Pokemon. It's like your favorite. Unknown_07: Oh. Okay, this isn't Gen 1, even though I'm a fan of Gen 1 overall. I like... I like... I think it's been so long. I think Pupitar? No, Pupitar is the second form. What's the name of the first one of the Tyranitar that Pupitar comes from? Unknown_01: Larvitar. Is that it? Larvitar? 2:10:41 Unknown_07: Larvitar. That sounds like a stupid name. Larvitar. He is a cool looking Pokemon. I would say Larvitar. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: N word for five says Ralph might have AIDS. Don't remember if you mentioned that. It sounds kind of fakey fake to me. It would be very funny if he because it's like he would only have AIDS if he got if he mouth raped Alice and got AIDS from her. That's it. Gaya Murgate says for 10,000 year old vampire cunning. Very gross. 2:11:13 Unknown_07: uh that's the plot of a movie and with um brad pitt in it though fligu for one says josh the joke with the nightmare webm is fligu posting there's a genre of unfunny tiktok that's just shit up every you laugh you lose with these very unfunny posts it's been going on for like a year yeah i don't know that's too meta for me okay Unknown_07: Oh, someone else posted the exact same thing. Unknown_07: Hacks Elite for two. It says, Okay, there you go. 2:11:56 Unknown_07: I don't know where it gets fliggy-giggy from, though. All I know is that a black man is very convinced that the Impossible Whopper has more of a seared bite than the Burger King Whopper. And then he goes in for another bite, and he's like, yeah, I'm getting more of that seared bite from the Impossible Whopper than the regular Whopper. And he's just amazed by this. And... Unknown_07: ReviewBrawl would disagree. He seems to hate all the vegan shit. Alright. Imagine my shot. He eats the bugs. 2:12:32 Unknown_07: Seared bite? Unknown_07: I've gotten the brain worms from it because now I'm laughing and I don't even know why some black guy said seared bite like in a very inquisitive way oh god alright listen chat I gotta go it's been too long um did I miss anything did I fail to mention anything I don't know bye Josh alright 2:13:16 Unknown_01: All right, I'll see you guys next week. Unknown_07: Take it easy. And this song is called Give and Take by Poor Man's Poison, which is a group that has several good songs, actually. Unknown_07: Take it easy. Bye-bye. They're coming for you Unknown_05: Somehow they found us out. No sudden moves don't make a sound. They're out for blood this time around. 2:13:49 Unknown_05: We gotta burn it all down. Unknown_05: Today's the day. Revolution's on its way. Our time is now. Hold the line. This is how Unknown_05: Look around, what do you know? This whole damn place is about to blow. Look around, what do you see? I see the wolves at bay coming out. 2:14:23 Unknown_05: They tried to hold us down They tried to hold us down They can't control us now Can't control us now Today's the day Revolution's on its way Our time is now Hold the line This is how 2:15:12 Unknown_05: Give and take only works when both sides really give and take The revolution's on its way Look around, what do you know? This whole damn place is about to glow Look around, what do you see? I see the wolves at bay coming after me Unknown_05: Inside the door Wake us down more They want it all They're gonna try to take us more They wanna see us more 2:16:04 Unknown_05: This whole damn place is about to blow Look around, what do you see? I see the wolves at bay coming after me Oh, oh, oh Oh, get ready for the war They're coming now, yeah, they're right outside the door Look around, what do you know? This whole damn place is about to blow Look around, what do you see? I see the wolves at bay coming after me Oh, oh, oh Unknown_05: Ready for the war