0:01:07 Unknown_01: Then it just ends abruptly. Oh, shit. And then I have autoplay on for some reason. Unknown_01: Hello, chat. How's everybody doing today? Today is June. Oh, I have another bell on the screen. June 24th. Well, it's the week of midsummer. It depends on where you're at in the world. Unknown_01: Determines if it's actually midsummer. Unknown_01: um i'm i am hot so if i have a fan on let me just get the let me clear this up first before i get into anything else i'm debating how i how i want to approach the introduction of the stream i currently have the fan on i don't know if you can hear it it's blowing right into the mic but there's a fluffy thing there's a fluffy thing on my mic so if it's not if it's if you can't hear it 0:01:54 Unknown_01: Uh, then that's, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna let it ride and I'm not gonna turn it off because I don't want it to get hot here. Okay, can't, perfect, wonderful, excellent. Everything's just going so well. This is, um, uh, Justice Clarence Thomas, which is the whitest name of a black man ever. Clarence is, is a very white name, which is probably why he's a Supreme Court justice. He has that white boy name, uh, guiding him. And in this picture, he is sniggering at the camera. Now, why is Justice Clarence Thomas sniggering in this picture? And the answer is he has just been on the prevailing opinion of two major landslide decisions from the Supreme Court in two days. Two days, two massive decisions, one right after the other. 0:02:32 Unknown_01: They, of course, know months in advance how this is going to turn out, but they pin the decision over weeks and debate it carefully so that it will hopefully have some longevity to the decision. And the decisions that he has been a part of are, first, he issued a 135-page opinion Unknown_01: on a decision between the NRA and the state of New York, where the state of New York said that in order to get a concealed carry permit in New York, you have to have a specific threat. 0:03:27 Unknown_01: And the Supreme Court has decided that a specific threat is not necessary for your constitutional right to keep and bear a firearm. So that means that probably in the next coming weeks, all states will become shall issue states as opposed to may issue states. Unknown_01: which will broaden gun rights across the country. Very exciting, right? And there's probably no coincidence here with the upcoming riots over today's decision, which happened an hour ago. So many of you listening to this live will actually not know about this by the time I start talking about it. But in the last two hours, the decision has come out from the Supreme Court that Roe v. Wade is no longer the prevailing opinion of the Supreme Court. And it is now up to federal and state legislators to decide when abortion should be performed, if at all. So now abortions are no longer considered a constitutional protection under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment. There is no due process clause required to keep or to have an abortion. Which means that in some states, which I talked about before, these states right here have what's called a trigger law. Which means that 30 years ago, the legislators of these states in red decided that we're going to write a law that will not become law until Roe v. Wade is overturned. So Roe v. Wade has just been overturned and it's happened so recently that I can't even tell you what happens now because... they're probably going to have to wake up and figure out how they're going to implement those abortion laws from 30 years ago. 0:05:02 Unknown_01: And I think that depending on the state, it may be a total ban on abortion. It may be a second trimester ban. I don't know. It's a state-by-state thing, which is what the opinion of the court was, is that these things should be decided by the state legislators and the representatives in Congress. It should not be a... Unknown_01: A constitutional thing, because obviously abortion was not considered even up for debate until, you know, the 70s. So that just happened. These articles came out because, you know, they had time to prepare for this. Roe v. Wade is officially dead. In a historic, devastating decision, the nation's highest court has officially designated the nation's women as second-class citizens. And apparently, when everyone was memeing on the liberals on Twitter saying, read another book, stop referring to Trump as Voldemort, read another fucking book, they all decided that they were going to go read The Handmaid's Tale because now we are living in a theocratic hellscape dystopia where women are now the breeding cattle of the rich white men. And we have regressed all the way back to the 1700s of... 0:06:13 Unknown_01: of the patriarchy, which I don't think is probably close to reality. What we're going to end up with is a country that looks a lot like Europe in terms of its abortion restrictions. I don't think a lot of people are advocating for total bans on abortion. I think that medical necessity and rape clauses are going to exist, and I think that people are going to have no issues whatsoever finding a safe way to have an abortion in the United States, even if it means driving out of state. 0:06:47 Unknown_01: Now, the interesting discussion in regards to this is just if it's a good thing. Because I think more than half of all abortions are from black people. And despite making up 13% of the population, they make up more than 50% of all abortions. So now people are wondering, like, hmm, is this really what we want for our country? But there is a chance that, you know, the states for black... Unknown_01: There is a correlation between states which are likely to protect safe access to reproductive health care and bodies of color. These states seem to intersect where the bodies of color and the necessary access to reproductive health care exist. So I do believe... that the POCs in our country will have safe access to these necessary medical procedures, whereas Whitey is just going to have to fucking deal with it. 0:07:31 Unknown_01: I don't know. And you know what? If it means more Clarence Thomases, maybe there's a hope. Unknown_01: Again, you can take Louisiana. Just take it. Nobody cares about Louisiana. Ralph would be happy if Louisiana was a black nationalist state. We'll just, we'll sort this out over time. I'm going to be an optimistic, a positive Polly for once, instead of a negative. In fact, this decision fucked up my whole plan. I have this great, I made, I didn't make it, but I put together like a three minute long intro segment with dramatic music. And then I had an outro song that was equally doomer and shit. And it's like, well, fuck, I have to find something on short notice to replace this. I'll be a doomer some other day. I'm being a positive Polly today. 0:08:11 Unknown_01: But there you go. That's the breaking news. And of course, the gays are the most affected. These extremely damaging decisions came out during the holiest of months, Pride Month. And, you know, the non-reproductives are literally screaming on Twitter about how this, what is it, Voldemort, pure blood, theocratic nightmare, hands made tails. It's just like in Lord of the Rings with all the black people. This is the country that we live in now, even though they don't want kids at all unless it's to molest them. The CIA, by the way, put out this lovely little notice. I don't know what the fuck to even make of this. For some reason, pride is spelled with the gay black flag, the trans black flag, and it's torn at the edges like it's being eaten away by moths. And then there's the CIA building, and the rainbow is leading directly into the CIA building. 0:09:35 Unknown_01: And I really don't know what they're saying. Is this like gay people are welcome at the CIA or is it that the CIA is the rainbow is shooting from the CIA as if it's a CIA psyop against us? I really because that's the perspective is me sitting here on the lawn and the rainbow is shooting at me, the viewer. So I don't know what it's a rainbow glow in the dark. The CIA on Instagram says. Unknown_01: The Central Intelligence Agency fosters an open and inclusive work environment to ensure all officers can serve the nation, confident that they will be judged by their integrity and work ethic and not by their sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression. We join our LGBTQ plus, oh sorry, I said that wrong, LGBTQ IAP plus officers in the greater community in celebrating Pride Month and are committed to maintaining a safe environment for all. The CIA is a proud LGBTQ IAP plus ally. Hashtag government pride. Hashtag pride 2020. So I guess now we're adding the U.S. federal government to the LGBTQIAP plus USA nowadays. We've got to add the American flag to the other side. And we'll add it next to the Ukrainian flag colors on the left-hand side. By the way, my favorite thing about this is that I went to the CIA's Instagram, just their main page, and assuming Bibliogram wants to cooperate with me, 0:11:00 Unknown_01: Aha, this post made me laugh out loud. Oh, no, fuck. Unknown_01: Ah, this picture in part Chinese with this Hapa woman here. If you can read the foreign language portion of this image, consider applying to be a foreign language instructor at the CIA. As a foreign language instructor, you will deliver programs that equip intelligence professionals with foreign language skills and provide various language support services worldwide. Learn more and apply today. Hashtag discover CIA. Please, if you are Chinese and want to spy on China for us, we need your help. We can't get anybody into their government, and they keep putting people in ours, and it's really not fair. So if you're chinky and you want to help the CIA, hashtag GovPride. Please apply for the CIA today. They're very desperate for your help. Speaking of the Glowies, by the way. 0:11:34 Unknown_01: Um, this is a true story and I'll, I'll save it for the transparency report that I put out at the end of the month, but the FBI, and I don't have a gag order, so I can talk about this, um, freely, but I'm just going to wait for a bit. Cause I don't, I don't want to like intentionally piss off the government right now. Uh, last month there was the shooting in Buffalo. 0:12:11 Unknown_01: And I got a letter about a post in the thread about that. Unknown_01: And it was a voluntary emergency disclosure or request from the FBI. And I said, get a warrant. I think that in this case, this post is unhinged. Unknown_01: And I empathize, but my policy is to ask for a warrant. And I expected a warrant because the post was unhinged. I did not get one. I got in a letter a couple of days ago from the FBI saying we sent you a subpoena last month and you did not reply to it. And it was due a couple of days before this letter. I'm thinking, well, you know, you didn't fucking give it to me and make sure you reply to this to this other email address. But I don't have it. I can prove that I didn't get it. There's no email log for this email, this email that you're purporting that you sent me. on the 18th of last month so i didn't get it and then sure enough i get their subpoena and it says it was sent by email only and it's like there's i i did not get this fucking email so now if you go to the kiwi farms and you go to the bottom of the page i added a a uh note on the contact us area 0:12:46 Unknown_01: Why is Gould in parentheses? It's just the name of the street. Calm down, coincidence detector. But I said, if you're going to send me a subpoena, make sure you also send me a paper copy of the subpoena because apparently your email service does not fucking work. 0:13:23 Unknown_01: Um, but that got taken care of and I don't think it's going to be an issue. Uh, but yeah, look out for that on the transparency report. Like I said, I'm just waiting a couple of days. They don't want to actively hinder anything that's might be followed up with, uh, cause my response included, you know, like the username in the post that was being looked at. Uh, and speaking of, I didn't even think about this. Um, cause I, I got this in the email and I just kind of ignored it, but let me pull it up. 0:13:56 Unknown_01: Um, Unknown_01: Ah, is this it? No, this is not. Unknown_01: Sorry, I get so many fucking things this. Unknown_01: I got a complaint from the Internal Affairs Office of New Zealand asking me to delete shit related to the Buffalo thing. It's like, bro, this isn't even your country. None of this involves New Zealand. Why are you complaining to me about shit from America hosted in America about America? Unknown_01: I got two of these. They wanted a copy of the manifesto down, and they wanted all the videos of the shooting that had managed to go on up taken down. It's like, what the fuck are you doing? Do you just find... I'm debating how much of a dick to be, because I don't want to cause any problems for myself at this point, but... 0:14:30 Unknown_01: I'm tempted to reply in Maori and ask for a translation of these orders in the native, the indigenous language, Maori. So they have to get somebody who knows the indigenous language to transcribe this all into that language. And then they can send it to me. And I bet you I have a fucking right under New Zealand law to ask for that because they are officially a bilingual country. 0:15:10 Unknown_01: And they... Unknown_01: I'll just do that. All my correspondence with New Zealand will officially be... I'll have to get one staff Maori to help me out. Unknown_01: I just find it bizarre. What are you doing? This literally has nothing to do with you. If you're going to ban the internet for your country, you might as well just do it for your country. Not even bother sending these fucking letters. Who gives a shit? Unknown_01: Uh, yeah. Okay. That's enough of my, my legal, my legal issues for right now. Um, I have some interesting news. Actually, no, I fucked the news. I'm going to show you Steve for like, everybody's really looking for, um, 0:15:41 Unknown_01: I am working on, because I got the chat kind of chugging along now. So I'm working on reintegrating it into the site. Unknown_01: And I showed you guys this. And I haven't done too much more with the BB code stuff. Unknown_01: But I have re-added chat to the actual site. And I got like a light mode skin. So now, as you can see, I'm logged in as Chuck. And I'm able to use the chat within the actual new forum software as Chuck. 0:16:15 Unknown_01: i think this should work yep and and as an addition this isn't the the light thing yet which is why it's ugly but i can now delete messages i could technically if i go to here and i say hello and then because i don't have that set up with the new format i can then also delete it and then i can say Unknown_01: i love i don't know i love israel and i go ah i fucked up i can press up just like in discord and say love it and the jewish people and press enter and that will be updated so i've gotten all this done last week and uh 0:16:57 Unknown_01: yeah i'm gonna have to like i said there's issues with the it's not all connected yet the chat and the new software so i want to go back and figure that out and go ahead and we're gonna clean up the code and get stuff because i've got like a thousand lines of the new chat stuff and then i got like 500 lines of javascript and it's just kind of all over the place i need to go back and reorganize that uh and use things that i've learned to you know improve existing code and stuff Lightly stolen for Discord. No, I am ripping off Discord as much as fucking possible because they paid the top UX trainees to design that shit. And it's like, I'm not going to waste my time trying to get it to look right. I'm just going to steal their shit. And by steal their shit, I mean take inspiration from. Because I can't technically steal it in a legal sense because it's just a chat application. Yeah. Now, let's get Roy into the news. 0:17:52 Unknown_01: This is actually a year old, but I wanted to show everybody that this is a real thing. This is from the World Economic Forum, who is now the Antichrist, I guess. Unknown_01: This post says, why do we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems? And it's a big, long post about how they're going to have 2 billion more people by 2050, and we've got a lot of heckin' black people to feed. So we've got to start eating bugs and doing our parts. And I looked it up. This guy's name is Antoine Hubert, and he runs Yinsect, which is a insect. He's also the president of International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, IPIF, and is a board member of the Agro Campus OS and Agro Loops. So he's like really involved in like NGO, UN food solutions. And on Twitter he goes by Ant Hubert. Ant 1 Hubert. Get it? Because he wants to eat ants. He has ants in his header. And he runs that insect thing which is like a French company for figuring out ways to get people to eat insects. Look at their image. Isn't this tasty? You know those protein shakes that you fitizens like to eat? Why not just eat ground up, mulchified mealworms instead? It's all healthy and organic. 0:19:13 Unknown_01: And Antoine is going to make sure that you eat the bugs and you will be happy. Unknown_01: That's enough of that. Here's a white pill. Unknown_01: It's kind of funny. I'm going to have to make fun of Canada while also being happy for Canada. Unknown_01: Yaniv threatened to kill this guy named Billboard Chris. I did a stream on Yaniv. Let me just do a refresher on Yaniv. Yaniv, because I like to remind people of this. Yaniv got my first YouTube channel deleted. He got my Twitter accounts banned. He got my hardware that was co-located in Buffalo, New York in the Colo Crossing data center thrown into a fucking box because he knew high up people he is pictured standing next to. 0:19:49 Unknown_01: the co-founder of Twitter. He knew people who were actively involved in serious decision-making for high-level networks and social media sites, and he was actively involved in litigation against 13 women's-only services for discrimination against them for being trans. And now he's like this complete pariah. And by the way, he's a Jewish immigrant from Israel and his mom doesn't speak anything but Hebrew and can be seen screaming at people in Hebrew in a lot of videos. 0:20:25 Unknown_01: But he is like a fucking lunatic and he keeps threatening to kill people and he keeps attacking people. Unknown_01: And just recently, or this week, he pled guilty to uttering threats against this guy named Billboard Chris. From what I understand, this guy works for some kind of alternative media site. And when he went to go film Yaniv at a trial, Yaniv said something like, I'll kill you, just blatantly, I'll fucking kill you, you fucking deserve to die, you piece of shit. I guess because Yaniv has a based opinion on journalists. But in the announcement, Billboard Chris says, Great news. Jessica Yaniv Simpson has pleaded guilty to uttering threats against me. The criminal trial that was scheduled for June 29th will now be a sentencing hearing. It is a virtual certainty that this will finally result in a criminal record for Jessica Yaniv. This comes on the heels of criminal charges from an incident months ago involving an alleged assault against a man in his mom's senior home. 0:20:59 Unknown_01: So... Unknown_01: This guy cannot legally call Jonathan Yaniv, which is the name on his Israeli birth certificate, because the government of Canada would literally put him in jail for doing so, because that is violence language. In the same way that Jonathan Yaniv saying, I'll kill you, motherfucker, is a violent language, calling him Jonathan Yaniv, according to the government of Canada, is violent language. And that is not a joke because if you watch that documentary about what is a woman by, I forget the name of it, whatever, The Daily Wire, which is okay. I wouldn't actually suggest it. It really sucks in the beginning, but once it gets going, it's okay. He's a shitty interviewer is the issue with it. 0:21:52 Unknown_01: yeah mountain wash he's not like louis thoreau where he can hide his hand while having a hostile interview he's very obvious and very like smug like looking at the camera like smirking like yo look and get a load of this idiot and it's like oh bro you're like disrespecting them in their time and it's kind of like you might as well just jerk off if you're going to do an interview like that you might as well not waste these people's time by asking them questions we're not going to Like, even entertain them for a little while in a clever way. Anyways, my point is, is that during that documentary, he talks to a father in Canada whose 13-year-old daughter decided that... 0:22:49 Unknown_01: I think it was a female to male, but she decided that she was going to take testosterone and cut her tits off. And then he called her by the wrong name. So she went to the police and the police took his daughter out of his house and is forcing him or force force. Yeah. Court appointed like hormone therapy in Canada. And he's trying to fight it, but like he's fucked. He has no, he has no choice in this. 0:23:26 Unknown_01: and he's not allowed to leave the state that he's in because that would be fleeing because he's committed violent rhetoric towards his kid or something. It's all fucked up. Canada is shit, and I don't like Canadians at this point. Unknown_01: Uh, and they're very smug about their country, like whiter than you, mutt. It's like, okay, well, my name is actually mutterina. And if you don't refer to me as mutterina, I'm going to complain to the Toronto police and you're going to fucking lose your freedom, you piece of shit, whatever freedom you have left in your shithole country. 0:24:02 Unknown_01: Anyways, speaking of my kid is going to transition and there's nothing you can do about it. Elon Musk's child from his first marriage, who went by the name of, I have it here somewhere. Unknown_01: Xavier Alexander Musk has changed his name to, I have it here somewhere. Unknown_12: Zonda, Zonda. Unknown_12: No, it's Xavier. Where is his new name at? Unknown_12: I definitely have this song. 0:24:40 Unknown_12: This is the censored version. Unknown_12: Roxanna must. Unknown_01: No, that's not it. Unknown_01: uh vivian jenna wilson which is definitely a true and sounding name but his stated reason for doing so is that number one he wants it to confirm his gender identity and number two he explicitly states he wants absolutely no association with his father elon musk and that's officially in the court record as why he wants to to change his name And if you want to know what, what, what happened, Elon Musk got rich. So he abandoned his age appropriate, like normal wife and his two blonde children to go chase after bipolar disorder, pussy and like 20 year olds, like half his age. 0:25:12 Unknown_01: Cause you know, he's a rich and that's like the Chad bachelor move to set up franchises. So now all his kids are going to turn out just to spite him because daddy wasn't ever in the picture. Unknown_01: Oh, and speaking of South Africans, Bella Delphina is getting black now. So I don't know what the fuck is wrong with South Africans, but you people are fucked up. I feel like there's more to say about that, but I don't know. 0:25:49 Unknown_01: Keyed. Unknown_01: shocking well she's jewish it's not really like offensive to me though it's definitely like a psyop it's like oh i'm gonna become like the most successful porn star for zoomers and then i'm gonna get blacked just to make it like a thing it's like yeah i think i saw this coming no pun intended i would never look at a jewess with lust 0:26:26 Unknown_01: Oh, I showed my hand. I can't show my panorama screen. That's all my notes and stuff. Shoo, chat, don't look. Unknown_01: Okay, so a gigantic demon led a gay pride parade. Unknown_01: Oh, no, sorry. This is not what I meant. This gigantic demon is actually a Donald Trump balloon, and this is in the United Kingdom. I meant this gigantic demon led a gay pride parade. Oh, no, sorry. This is a horribly offensive anti-Semitic caricature of a gay pride parade. What I meant is that in RuneScape, one of the moderators became a gigantic demon and led a gay pride parade in RuneScape. And I'm going to let... I was going to skip past this, but I figured, fuck it, I'm going to let this text-to-speech RuneScape newscaster tell the story. Look at how professional this is, Chet. 0:26:58 Unknown_07: Old-school RuneScape developers Jagex just hosted an in-game Gay Pride March event on World 500. Unknown_01: Look at how he's, like, green-screened himself in with a shout. This is so professional for this weird shit. 0:27:36 Unknown_01: Look, there he is! Look at the giant demon! That's the moderator. The moderator said, I'm gonna lead a gay pride parade. I need to pick, like, a big thing so that everyone can see me and follow me. And it's like, um, I guess this giant demon will suffice for the gay pride parade in my video game. Unknown_07: Document everything. Once again, any of the opinions in this footage does not reflect the opinions of this channel. This channel, by the way, is called 25 Buttholes. Unknown_01: Any vulgar speech you see in the crowd during this pride parade does not reflect 25 buttholes in any way, shape, or form. 0:28:15 Unknown_07: This footage was recorded strictly for educational and documentation purposes. This is the raw, uncut footage of today's event. It's raw and uncut. There were hundreds, maybe even billions of players marching for gay pride. With video game moderator Mod Bruno marching as a giant demon. Unknown_09: I love feet. Unknown_09: Follow me on Twitter at Ellie Enby. Unknown_01: He texts. He sort of like. The deposit box grew an eyeball. He transcribed all the random texts of people shouting. So the demon just marches through RuneScape with all these people in clown costumes to show support. 0:28:55 Unknown_01: And it ended in the Falador party room, I'm pretty sure. Unknown_01: Oh, look. Here we go. He transforms to other gigantic demons now that he's in there. Because I guess this is how you show pride. Unknown_01: So that's what they're doing in RuneScape. Because every time they try to do an official event, everybody shows up in white robes with a noose weapon. And it's bad press for them. So now two moderators just walk through one of the worlds while disguised as a gigantic demon. 0:29:32 Unknown_01: Josh has no content, so he shows RuneScape content. I'm sorry, but if you don't think this is funny, you did not grow up playing RuneScape. I never would have guessed in 20 years after I played RuneScape that the moderators would be walking around as giant demons leading gay pride parades. I did not see that in the cards, chat. Unknown_01: Okay, now... Unknown_01: This might be a short stream, just warning you. I'm going to say that so it lasts two hours like it always does. This is a very quick footnote to this. But politically provoked is like, I need to do research into the guidette to e-celeb pipeline because I don't have a picture of them even. I should find a picture. Let me find a picture of them. 0:30:07 Unknown_01: Was it politically provoked that left bacon on Ralph's doorstep? Unknown_13: I don't think it was, was it? Unknown_12: No, it was not. It was somebody else who did that. Unknown_12: Okay. She, she kind of looks like that other LA woman who, um, Unknown_01: puts colloidal silver in their vagina. So she, I don't know, she looks like mid-30s to 40, and she did a lot of, like, sun... Oh, look, this is a great picture of her. Here we go. This is what I'll use for display purposes. I think this is politically provoked. I'm not sure. They joined the forum because they wanted to make friends, but unfortunately, their middle-aged guidette, who is now an E-celeb, kind of like June, but not as successful at it, And she's hanging out on the forum and people are being mean to her. And, uh, she's saying again, no, not 40. Don't beg for money. Hardly even show for any money, but at least I'm making something. What are you doing? You guys spend all your time just watching other people in line to obsess over them. Don't even stream or do anything. Do you not have a job now? Or are you getting paid by like the ADL or something? which is a popular conspiracy theory put out by America First. Like, anybody who makes fun of me has to be, like, paid by the ADL. Nobody would genuinely find me funny enough to make fun of me without being paid to do so, which is what we call a coperoni. 0:31:24 Unknown_01: This is a fan art that I've received of a politically provoked and a precarious position. Five Clarence Thomases are looking at her with lust in their eyes. 0:31:59 Unknown_01: And Ethan Ralph is like, hey, look over there. Isn't that exciting? Unknown_01: um someone posts a meme oh i showed the meme address this isn't a real address this goes to nowhere this is a meme and somebody says fight me over here and he says why the f are you posting an address like what the fuck are you even talking about psycho i don't give a shit what your people addresses are post your damn pictures stop hiding behind anonymous accounts that talk shit about other people's looks and why are you posting threats seems like that skates on legal territory that you are threatening to kill people Unknown_01: I don't think that's threatening to kill people unless they do show up at that house, according to the statements. 0:32:39 Unknown_01: And then Politically Provoked says, no, I just don't think someone who doesn't show their own face should ever talk about somebody else's looks, which is a very boomer kind of take on anonymity on the Internet. I don't know. I guess Nick Fuentes is just telling all his fans, like, yeah, dox yourself. Go on the Internet and make a big scene and dox yourself, and then you get to talk. Then you're cool. Because he hates, like, Medicare for not doxing himself. Unknown_01: Or his face, at least. And I guess that's just what he wants. He wants everyone to dox himself. By the way, Nick Fuentes has a very different opinion about women. I don't even really understand the connection between politically-provoked Nick Fuentes, but this is a great clip of Nick Fuentes and... 0:33:20 Unknown_01: what's his face beardson they're playing a wholesome big jungles game called vanguard which is made by the league of legends people and it's like the most pause shit you could ever possibly imagine it's just a horrifically bad video game that's trying to ape off the success of csgo dude this sucks i have adhd man come on watch the spike just watch the spike brother just he just gave up wow what a bitch this sucks Unknown_04: Last round before the switch. I'm buying it. Unknown_05: I'm buying it. Unknown_05: I'm gonna go watch, uh... Nice job, guys! Shut up! Shut up! Rape! Rape! Unknown_01: Let's... It's buffering. Let's get an instant replay of that. Woman says, nice job, guys. Unknown_05: I'm gonna go watch, uh... Nice job, guys! Unknown_04: Shut up! Shut up! Unknown_11: Rape! Rape! Unknown_01: Rape! 0:34:21 Unknown_01: That is like an instantaneous knee-jerk reaction. Woman says, nice job, guys, and you can just see it in his fucking face. Like, how much he is upset that his comfy, cozy video game moment has been interrupted by a femoid. RAVE! Wait, where's his face at? I want to see him, like, like, how he, like, lurches at the camera. Unknown_04: Nice job, guys! Shut up! Shut up! Unknown_04: RAVE! RAVE! Unknown_05: women be like, oh, you don't want to talk to me? I'm going to be an annoying bitch anyways. 0:34:55 Unknown_01: Rape. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_01: Rape. Unknown_01: Nick Fuentes' name is Booba. Like, his username in the game is Booba. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_01: Rape. Unknown_03: For sure, kid. Unknown_14: Rape. Unknown_14: Oh, whoops. Rape. 0:35:27 Unknown_14: What if you wanted to be a gamer girl, but Booba said rave? Unknown_15: They don't like to hear that. See, everything else makes her laugh, but watch how she recoils when a man screams rave. Unknown_15: That one seemed long. Let's see. Unknown_01: He's, like, surprised by this. Maybe if you start yelling rape at someone, they stop talking. Oh, B! Oh, no! Unknown_11: B! Unknown_11: Rape! Don't forget that. 0:36:02 Unknown_03: What was that, Sage? Unknown_11: Rape! Unknown_03: Rape? Unknown_01: He likes... Unknown_01: It's so bizarre watching them play this fucking game. It's so gay. Unknown_01: They met in Fortnite playing video games together. 0:36:34 Unknown_11: You can't tell me that they're not gay Unknown_01: Who hates women that much besides homosexuals? Am I wrong? Unknown_01: Homosexuals want to butcher women and harvest their organs so that they can have their own abortions because they're infinitely jealous of the fact that straight men want women and not gay men. Unknown_01: Only a gay man can be this angry at women. 100% right, yeah. 0:37:10 Unknown_13: I'm just going to assume that I'm right about everything, as I usually do. Unknown_13: Um, Ralph, by the way, Ralph is moving to Mexico. Unknown_01: I think, I don't know where he's moving to. He's, he's, he's doing this thing where he's hinting that he wants to go to Mexico, but he's, he's like doing his Joker laugh. Like he, he, who, who, ha ha. They don't, he, he, they don't know where I'm going to move. Ha ha. I couldn't move to Richmond. He, he, I can move to Washington DC. Ha ha ha. I can move to Mexico. Let them speculate on what I'm going to do. And this was revealed because when he was typing in his browser, these results came out. And they're very interesting. All of them are. For instance, Mexican Embassy DC and Mexican Embassy apply for residency. So that's definitely been something he's looking up. 0:37:43 Unknown_01: Another one that's interesting is Unknown_01: And assault on police crime in Portugal. So he seems to be looking up if assaulting police officers is a crime in Portugal. I don't know if this is because he's planning to assault a police officer in Portugal or if he has assaulted a police officer in Portugal. 0:38:15 Unknown_01: It's a real mystery. Also interesting is this Aria Lee Escort, who is like a mixed race woman who does, and I swear to God, black cuckold porn. And for whatever reason, he's looking this up. Unknown_01: I guess he's just into that, as we established with the picture of Politically Provoked. That's something that he's unironically into. But this was established... Like years ago when we found the Jay Caesar Pornhub account that watched black porn. 0:38:50 Unknown_01: Do you think the search history is faked? No, he pulled open his fucking, I mean, no, he's an idiot. He gets like high and then he like uses his streaming browser to look at stupid shit like that. Unknown_01: So I'm going to play some clips of him talking about him moving and also something else that this covers as well. Oh, his issues with child support, which is probably why he's looking to move out of the country. 0:39:28 Unknown_16: By the way, here's the level of commentary from Kitty Farms. She's not a slut, Ralph, you are. And she'd laugh at the idea of fucking you. By the way, that's 100% a female. Unknown_16: They're mad at my acidic commentary because I give no fucks about a bitch and say it all the time. Unknown_01: The context for this, by the way, is that he's literally watching the weather report and just talking about how he wants to fuck the meteorologist. Unknown_01: So I want you to think that the second most popular streamer on Cozy right now is a man who literally watches the weather report and just goes, yeah, I want to fuck the weather lady. And that's the content that Nick Fuentes on the regular daily brags about on Telegram as being an up-and-coming major streaming platform. 0:40:11 Unknown_16: Really makes them angry. Unknown_16: Shut up, whore. Unknown_08: If it is past you, you're still hearing thunder, seeing lightning, also seeing rain. Heavy rain in the eastern half of Hanover County. Mechanicsville, it is pouring down rain. We've got gusty winds that have... They're not being a whore like every other woman I ever knew that denied that lie, first off. Unknown_16: Second off, yeah, you didn't deny the obvious, though, that you're a female. A nagging bitch. 0:40:55 Unknown_01: happened it's like internet randomly fucking died because there's anything else oh seven eight nine killed him okay Unknown_01: She gets her Jew powers to do it. Unknown_01: It's amazing. He can't even watch the fucking weather without breaking his computer. It's incredible. Oh, he... The reason why he was watching the weather is because he went out to D.C. because he's going to try and... He's going to get his ass kicked by a fucking, like, a lesbian troon in the protest for Roe v. Wade. Because the decisions were announced that they were coming out today. So the protests were assembled. And that's why he's looking at the DC weather report. He decided not to go because it was windy. And I guess he got a flashback. So when they had to perform sexual favors on black farmer to get towed out of the weather or the snow. So he's like, fuck it. I'm not going to fuck with the DC weather again. 0:41:38 Unknown_16: Black goat says, Nick has always made fun of the trad wife thing on Twitter. I know you're right. Unknown_16: That's what Pantsu was doing. Sad and trad. Does anybody think that that's fucking serious? Unknown_16: She went from Pantsu party to sad and trad. Unknown_16: And did it on purpose after they were saying Josh Moon, the faggot pedophile who runs Kiwi Farms, came up with this whole theory that I suspect May is going to try to transform into a trad wife to sell to all these groipers. First off, that doesn't even make any sense. And I'm sure everybody wants a good woman, of course. 0:42:23 Unknown_16: But that's not really a good sale in the first place. Unknown_16: Second off, she changed her name after that as a comedic response to that whole theory. Never once, I mean, if you call it, you know, in certain ways she is being trad, cooking me great dinners and taking care of me and my daughter and all that stuff. Yeah, I mean, but she doesn't go out there like, oh, you know, Miss Traditional and, you know, Martha Stewart and, you know, let me... 0:43:03 Unknown_16: Let me preach at you or whatever. Like that's not happening and never has. It's just dumb. Unknown_01: I mean, the obvious it was obvious, number one, that she was going to try to do this. Number two, the whole like I'm going to become like a reformed Catholic and convert to Catholicism. She's a stay at home mom. She cooks and she she has his kids or kid, maybe kids in the future. 0:43:36 Unknown_01: That's all very trad. The issue is that she sucks at it. She's kind of horrific. Ralph lives in trash, and the food that she makes is shit. That's why it's funny. Now he's just trying to dismiss it. Oh, she's not trad. She just tries to fulfill every facet of a traditional female role in a household. She's just not very good at it. So actually, we were never trying that to begin with. And actually, because I never said I was trad, I can go to Mexico and leave behind a second child. 0:44:10 Unknown_01: It's not a boy, so he doesn't care at all, I guess. That's okay. He's still really cut up that the only boy that he has is with Uncle or Grandpa Vickers. Trash wife. Unknown_16: It would hurt so much more. It would be so much more cutting and like right to the bone. With real, you know, real hits, too. I saw that Haru faggot. As weird as he is, he knows it's true. It's like real shit. Of course, he doesn't say much real shit. But he's like, real shit bothers Ralph more than anything. I'm like, well, yeah. You mean fake fantasy? I mean, it bothers me from, like, it gets me worked up a little bit sometimes. Because it's like, well, this is obviously fake. But, and just like, that's annoying. 0:44:43 Unknown_16: But real shit, obviously, hits harder. Why wouldn't it? Unknown_06: yeah beaches are hot but it's very very tolerable and i love it a lot of things haven't changed i should explain that need foro in all its infinite uh glory has a small oversight with the chat that is on the um 0:45:21 Unknown_01: embedded into the Kiwi Farms. You can access the chat without an account. Now, for a while, the Kiwi Farms chat for the Gunt Board was account only. But someone figured out that you can view it without an account now, because it doesn't have any permission checks, besides that you're logged in, and that you're not banned. And Ralph has now made his entire show Unknown_01: reading the forum to the point where he has now on multiple occasions held up something that's reflective and you can see the kiwi farms and the sneed chat in the reflection of the glass for the things that he's holding up this has happened multiple occasions what's really funny is when he did this he muttered to himself like oh shit i didn't realize how clean that glass was because you can just perfectly see like one-to-one the sneed chat in the background 0:46:15 Unknown_01: Because what he does is like he has nothing to talk about ever. He has nothing to talk about. He has like no interest whatsoever besides like black people playing hoops and getting drunk and smoking cigars and masturbating to BBC cuck pornography. So he'll watch like random shit from CNN and just pause it like this and respond to shit in the Snead chat live. And that's his entire show is like, he'll do this. Unknown_06: since we moved here. Unknown_01: That fucking Hyrule, Okamura, Okra motherfucker saying some bullshit. This is what these people believe. And they think I care? 0:46:54 Unknown_01: Can they figure it out? Do you get that, boy? I don't care. I'm the Kang, baby. I'll go to Mexico if I want to. Unknown_01: And they keep saying fake shit. You know, I don't care about fake shit. It's the real shit. I'll go to fucking Mexico. Like, just over and over again. Like, microseconds of random scene and footage followed by hollering at the Snead chat. And this is how he occupies six hours a day every day. And people, like, watch this. And it's truly baffling what the entertainment value is. Unless, it's like I said... It's people trying to fill in that surrogate gap of granddad yelling at the CNN, the C-SPAN on television and saying these fucking politicians don't understand shit. And that's Ralph. 0:47:28 Unknown_01: Oh, so I have some trans news. I'm going to get off the Ralph. He's so boring lately. I hope he gets his ass kicked by a woman at the parade. That'd be pretty funny. 0:48:04 Unknown_01: I can't get my Ralph Amell dopamine hit unless somebody is sticking their thumb in his mouth anymore. I need some violence to excite me because this mumbling at Chaz is so passe. A brave Redditor asked, too afraid to ask on Reddit. Sorry, I fucked up my mic. Unknown_01: He asks, men of Reddit who have had sex with both cis and trans women who are post-op, are there any noticeable differences with the physical feeling of penetration during intercourse? Unknown_01: Veray Dior says, after reading all this, maybe I'll just keep to using the back door. UselessMyNature responds, I had to nope out at the wetness being due to intestinal secretions. That's a lot to take in. Breezy Disaster replies, the answer is a very obvious no. And I think he means he's replying because based on the following message, I think he's replying as if is there is it like the same? 0:48:46 Unknown_01: But it continues. Women have actual vaginas and trans women do not. They're different in literally every regard besides being fleshy holes. They're anatomically different. They look different. They feel different. They have different functions and they have different origins. One is artificial while the other is natural. I do want to point out an implication in the comment that I think is a bit disingenuous. The people saying something along the lines of all vaginas are different or all artificial surgeries are different based on surgery. 0:49:23 Unknown_01: Making fallacious underlying point. Well, yes, it is definitely true that vaginas feel different from each other. They are still vaginas like vaginas. Likewise, while artificial vaginas feel different from each other based on things like surgeries, there's still artificial vaginas. The point is that while all vaginas are different and artificial vaginas are different, there are still two very distinct categories. Just because vaginas feel different from each other doesn't mean that they can be equated to artificial vaginas. It's like saying because women are different from each other, they can be equated to men. It's nonsense. Men and women are clearly different from each other despite the members of each gender being different from each other. That's just how I see it. 0:50:02 Unknown_01: Minimalist12345678 says, yeah, I slept with a post-op trans woman unknowingly. It felt really, really weird. It felt more like a hole in a vagina. My body count is in the 100s. Can confirm that whilst no two vag are the same. Unknown_01: Also, no cis vag felt anything like this at all. She also bled everywhere, which was unsettling to say the least. So, yeah, not all at the same. I only put two and two together the day after when I sobered up and the drugs wore off. So I don't know. I did not know that the actual Coomer meme had a Reddit account and would post. But here he is. 0:50:34 Unknown_01: Mr. Loco 120 says, usually a woman's vagina has muscles that will react to insertion and spasm with pleasure. Compared to that, I imagine a transvagina must feel pretty much like your hand. After all, you're essentially sticking your dick through an artificial hole. So, of course, it's not the same feeling. Unknown_01: here it is in the year 2022 and we still have these horrifically bigoted posts uh being made spreading fallacious misinformation which has been debunked on snoops uh there is no difference still could be worse who is definitely trans says i can find only two real responses in the sea of comments so all these other posts and all the other dozens and dozens of posts and reply completely wrong um still could be worse found the two real ones for for you to read 0:51:31 Unknown_01: God Mode Healing Souls replies, I have had sex with both, and I found little to no difference in feeling, although we did need to use lube. Tightness is the same. Depth was the same. Friction was the same. To which Nuran replies, hey, an actual response. Here we go. Unknown_01: Sub to Female First Time says, I did both and I experienced transgender women to be tighter. And then Naledol says, Finally, someone here who is an actual experience instead of the TERF crap I'm reading here. Thank you. I'm a cis woman who is bi. Lots of jokes on the answers and stupid assumptions. If I had gold, I'd give it to you. So this one got 12,000 upvotes and Reddit Gold and Reddit Platinum and a Starry Award and a Helpful Pro Award and 20 more awards. And this one got 9,000 with Platinum, 4 Gold, and 29 other awards. 0:52:11 Unknown_01: So in case you're interested... Unknown_01: Healing Souls, the first one, is an Antifa... A certified Antifa poster who posts in our... Oh, he's a moderator of Our Normal News, which, if you don't know, is one of the most clever tricks that a man has ever played on womankind. The guy who opened this Reddit is a fucking genius coomer. He has opened a board... For, quote unquote, normal women to post amateur pornography and nude selfies of themselves under the guise of it being a pro-self-esteem subreddit for normal people to get validated on their body types. 0:52:57 Unknown_01: End wage slavery, which I guess is like one of those anti-capitalist words. Unknown_01: But here he is cooming over Stephen Colbert names the dumbest person to ever sit in the United States Senate. Unknown_01: Also posts in old school cool are Wisconsin. So he's up in Wisconsin case you're interesting. 0:53:29 Unknown_13: PMs for sale. Unknown_13: Precious metals. Unknown_01: Oh, he's involved in precious metals. No, I can't believe this. Why do they always want to ruin things? I like chat. I can't believe this. Unknown_01: Anyways, he posted in Antifa. This guy, this other guy, subbed to female first time, if you can believe it, is a member of many different Femdom pegging groups. Here he says, Femdom personals, male for female, online first time sub, looking for a legit relationship. And he posted this also in Antifa. 0:54:08 Unknown_01: week before in BDSM personals and confessions and he went to see a female escort was lied to and I answered in a limited way so he's hiring prostitutes trying to find someone who will fuck him in the ass and he's also having sex with journeys so these are the people that we can trust to provide the real opinions according to still could be worse trust no one less no lesser uh 0:54:45 Unknown_13: And in addition, I played a bunch of TikToks. Unknown_01: Let me let this boo for a second. I played a bunch of TikToks from a while ago. Actually, while this loads, let me load up another video because I kind of want to play this. I kind of want to play this first, this clip, which has been shown to me many times and which I feel the need to air again. Unknown_12: further okay this one's actually in cloudflare so it's going to boot for a little bit further proven but yeah uh there were some things that that have been proven i hope i hope no i miss no i hope he's aware of yeah this it seems like something that he would want to stop i mean i know he doesn't call in and maybe doesn't like me anymore but uh internet's a dangerous place yeah i like no yeah yeah me too um 0:55:50 Unknown_01: This was apropos of nothing in an interview with the admin of 94chan, who is apparently a woman named Mad at the Internet. Not Mad at the Internet, that's me. Unknown_01: What's this one? Internet hate machine. Old style meme. Unknown_01: I still have not concretely found out what the fuck they're talking about, which I need to be aware of because I'm in danger of. I think it's Kurt Tanner. I think they're talking about the 420chan guy. Unknown_01: who is currently addicted to painkillers and lounging around trying to eat burgers while too high to, to manage it. Cause he's in agony every second of every day. Um, but yeah, I don't know. He still hangs out with, with like, I don't like, I just can't, I can't. He still says, it's not even that he just associates with Vito the pedo and fucking Mr. Girl. It's, um, 0:56:27 Unknown_01: It's like he constantly puts out the most dipshit opinions ever on Twitter nonstop. Unknown_01: And grad flow. God damn it. This fucking guy begging me. Grad flow. You can send me an email if you want to know what songs I use. Grad flow. Or just Google common filth song. You'll find it. Unknown_01: What was I talking about? This guy. Yeah. 0:57:03 Unknown_01: I'm gonna hide this guy. He pissed me off. Fucking asking the same goddamn question 90 fucking times. Fuck off. Get swept, motherfucker. Should've just sent a fucking email. Yeah, no, it's like... He's still on, like, the cutie shit. It's like... I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what it is. Unknown_01: He... He is stuck in L.A. Because he has this mindset that all these fucking people in L.A. have. Where it's like... 0:57:34 Unknown_01: He thinks that if I'm physically in L.A., I have a shot at making it. One day my big break will come through. It'll never happen in Utah. It'll never happen if I'm on a ranch in Texas. But as long as I got my foot in the game, one day I can make it big in L.A. and be a superstar millionaire. Unknown_01: And L.A. Unknown_01: is like Dainty's Inferno. There's one of the layers in Dainty's Inferno is like, I think, envy. I think it's envy, but it's described as like crabs in a bucket, kind of. It's a giant pit where millions of damn souls—Dante, whatever, fuck off— Dante, Dante, Dante's Inferno. And on the fourth circle of Dante's Inferno is the pit of naked corporeal flesh. And there are these bodies stacked on top of each other. And they're naked and they eat each other. 0:58:06 Unknown_01: And they eat each other forever. And that's basically L.A. It's this circle of hell where you have all these ankle biters like Mr. Vito and Max Carson. And they're just fucking gross. And they bite at your ankles. Trying to get up, trying to improve their stature. Meanwhile, the ankles that they're biting and gnawing off are attached to a man who himself is eating the ass of a Jewish man sitting on top of them. who him himself as his ass is being chewed by the man whose ankles are being bitten he himself is biting the ass of another bigger fatter jew who sits on him and it's all the way up to the tippy top of this pit it's all these people just gnawing at each other and you will never ever escape the pit by by fighting it this way you just have to get the fuck out yeah 0:59:38 Unknown_01: You'll never win the game in the pit. You have to get the fuck out. And I guarantee you, Unknown_01: Well, I don't know. For Dick, it's probably too late. He's like 41 now or some shit, right? So what's he going to do? He's going to go to Texas with Marie and have a family and be like, oh, actually, all my opinions are retarded. Nah, probably not. So I'm not in a hurry to call back in because I'm pretty sure that there's no approving it, improving his stature at this point. He still has that perspective where it's like, why would I care about anything else except myself ever? Why would I care about my long-term girlfriend? Why would I care about the health of society that I live in? Why would I care about future generations? If it's not me or mine, who cares? And that perspective is fucking cancer. 1:00:12 Unknown_01: Clarence Thomas cares. I don't know. Unknown_01: A lot of stupid things that people say can be forgiven if they're funny. But you know what his response was to the abortion thing that just happened? He put out a tweet saying, hopefully the 19th Amendment is repealed next. And the 19th Amendment, if you don't know, was the one that gave women the right to vote. 1:00:46 Unknown_01: and I realized that you know the comedy is about bending things it doesn't have to make perfect sense if it's funny the issue with that joke is that the Supreme Court is the Constitutional Court and the 19th amendment to the Constitution is a part of the Constitution and The United States Supreme Court cannot say that the 19th Amendment is unconstitutional any more than they can say that the First Amendment is unconstitutional because it is a part of the Constitution. And that joke would not make it onto a tweet if the fucking—the process, the thought process that led there was everything else except— 1:01:28 Unknown_01: boo women boo women women suck that is like the only strain of thought that's allowed to process through the brain unmolested before it gets out into a tweet it's like if you had stopped and thought about it for like even like 10 seconds it wouldn't it wouldn't have manifested but it did manifest into a tweet and i saw it and i rolled my fucking eyes at it because it's like this shit i know it's a joke but it's not funny because it doesn't make any fucking sense Unknown_01: That's my point, actually. No, for real. I hate energy. 1:02:08 Unknown_13: Thank you, Jonathan. Unknown_13: The White Knight. Unknown_01: Look, I'm just saying, if you're going to make a joke, it has to be at least like a little... If you don't ground your jokes in reality at least a little bit, it ends up sounding like... sounding like this. Unknown_14: Babooba said rave. Unknown_14: Or this. 1:02:39 Unknown_01: Rave. Unknown_01: What? Just tweet that, dick. You know, if your jokes don't have to make any sense, just go on Twitter and start spamming rape. Unknown_01: That's what Sam Hyde does, and it works for him, okay? So if that's the comedy shit you want to go for, go for that. Because that has its audience. Unknown_01: Anyways, what was I talking about? Oh, I was going to, um, this. Speaking of me and White Nightingale. 1:03:11 Unknown_03: It's day one of being a girl and I just got my first Unknown_01: So if you don't remember, I played a bunch of TikToks from this guy who was like day one of being a woman. And it was just like the grossest shit I've ever fucking seen. It made me want to jump off my balcony. This is a real woman who has contoured her face and she looks exactly like this fucking dude. Unknown_01: It's really impressive the level of makeup artistry here to add like that depressed Slava face onto a woman's head. I just got home from shopping and I was trying to tuck my Barbie wand into my girl shorts and it wouldn't fit. 1:03:48 Unknown_03: So I started crying and I realized, wait, I just got emotional. Unknown_03: Does that mean I got my period? Unknown_03: So I put on my Unknown_01: So this is a very fair impression of this person. How do you think woke TikTok, how do you think they responded? Oh, they immediately doxed her. Here's this person, this well-adjusted individual who loves and respects women and transgender women. One more than the other replied to TERFs desperately reporting this threat. You should probably be aware that I posted this to my TikTok account and is 12 times larger than my Twitter account. Your fascism is not feminism. 1:04:30 Unknown_01: Fullerton doesn't claim you. So he found her. Unknown_01: She's a sales associate at Domino's in Los Angeles. Oh, well, there's your first mistake. Unknown_01: And so that's her face without the makeup. So he found this guy found her Reddit, her LinkedIn, her real photo. Unknown_01: and he immediately um says that basically threatens her on twitter reports her to tiktok because she's making fun of this fucking freak and then he says here's the attention you ordered turf so there you go woman you don't get to have a dissenting opinion we're gonna ruin your life and then people back it up other men decide yeah this woman by the way 1:05:33 Unknown_01: When I see people like Nick Fuentes and Dick and their whole shtick is just like, yeah, all women are just retards. This is the category that I lump them into. It's like we have these people who are who have just decided that men get to take over all of all of women's concerns. Now it's trans people and gays who are like the leading proponents of abortion rights. Unknown_01: Who are the women that need protection the most? It's trans women. What do we do with women that voice their opinions on the internet? Oh, we dox them and we get them fired from Domino's to protect trans women. It's like... Yeah, this guy, Dinesh and Dick Masterson and Nick Valentes could have, and Beardson Beardley could come and have like a nice big therapy session together about how much they fucking hate women. I bet you this guy would also want the 19th Amendment repealed. Only trans women get to vote nowadays. 1:06:11 Unknown_01: That's the new one. We'll replace the 19th Amendment with a new amendment that says only trans women get to vote. Unknown_01: It's just an interesting thought. Remember, I'm the bad guy because I let people dox, but when they do it, it's okay. I don't get to process credit cards because we allow people to be doxed, but this guy does. This guy gets to have a verified Twitter account, and he gets to post her dox directly onto Twitter. And he's the good guy because he does it to the right people. Okay. 1:06:45 Unknown_01: Here's a trance update. A general trance update. A nice little trance update. They decide to go out and molest the animals. People making fun of them for not paying attention to the animals. So they go out and they just molest them. Unknown_10: Hi, Mama. Unknown_10: How's your little one doing? Hi. Hi, little baby. What are you doing? 1:07:20 Unknown_10: What are you doing? Unknown_11: Who's a good baby? Hi. Unknown_11: You are so cute. So cute. Unknown_13: And that alpaca looks afraid of this. Unknown_01: It's like, what is this? Is this a man or a woman, mama? I can't tell. I'm alive. I'm alive. Unknown_11: Run. Who gave you this? 1:07:52 Unknown_11: Who gave you this? Unknown_01: They're not llamas, I think. They're alpacas. They are alpacas, right? Unknown_01: No, I'm not talking about Ezra Miller. I just want to show the trannies molesting an alpaca. Unknown_01: Oh, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Instant replay. 1:08:26 Unknown_01: Listen carefully, chat. Unknown_01: I don't think that the alpacas are appreciative of the shrooms abducting the alpaca baby. This is what happens when you come out to turf alpaca territory. They'll start spitting at you. 1:08:59 Unknown_01: There is an update with this. Paul, one of the people involved in the trench, broke their tooth, or penny as they're sometimes referred to, depending on who you ask. Unknown_01: Uh, the eternal Penelope says, I just broke a tooth. One of the last ones on my eating side. Now I can't eat solid food, but, uh, now I can't eat solid food, but listen, teeth are a luxury product that are totally frivolous. So it's really my fault for wanting to eat this fucking country. Now, you can usually preserve your teeth by brushing them, but I guess if your teeth fall out of your fucking head, it's the government's job to pay for it. By the way, in case you want to know, this is what his teeth look like. Now, tell me, chat, do these look like the chompers of someone who takes dental care of their body, who deserve the government to pay for their teeth when they fall out of their fucking head? 1:09:39 Unknown_01: I don't think so, chat. Unknown_01: Now, this is only tangentially related to the tranche, but the schizo woman is now posting videos of her fucking herself with a horse cock, a fake one, because she does porn, apparently. I can't read the original tweet because there's porn of it. Actually, I might have this open somewhere, the censored version. I do have it open. I'll read the original tweet. 1:10:14 Unknown_01: So kittens, which is always a bad way to start a message if you don't want to look like a creep. We're trying something new with these fun little clips. Once my tip jar is full, I'll create a fresh, juicy new one to share with you hungry critters. That is... This... Unknown_01: kindness is probably the grossest woman ever. The fact that she's a natal woman is fucking shocking to me. Cause she is so like disgusting. I've never heard a woman's like speak in such a way. That's like nauseating in the way that she does. 1:10:47 Unknown_01: Uh, she says my goal is $20 this time because it's so short, not safe for work, big toy, vaginal stretching sound on, uh, Unknown_01: And then she says the next day, because my ass is plural, I didn't know we did this last night. And I'm amazed I'm not sore. That toy is crazy, though. Now, I was going to play this as an outro song because of these events. But given that I've played it before, my rule is that I don't repeat music for intro outro streams if I can help it. I'm just going to play a couple about a minute of the song now to commemorate this event. 1:11:28 Unknown_02: My neighbors ask me why I'm limping down the way. And who that fellow was who came by yesterday. I quickly turn my face before I start to blush. Because frankly there is nothing I can say. I've always had a thing for pushing the extremes. And I just got a thing you won't find in the magazines. 1:12:03 Unknown_02: This molded silicone has got me beggin' please Give me more of what I really need Cause there is no cock like horse cock Send your asshole into shock You need horse cock, of course cock Grab the lube and slam the day away Unknown_02: my shaft is quivering and my balls are turning someone asked isn't this recorded by a furry not only is this recorded by a furry it's promotional music for bad dragon they like commissioned the song and paid for it um that's uh no cock like horse cock by pepper coyote also known as the vaush theme song the vaush national anthem um 1:13:02 Unknown_01: So she actually did an update after this tweet was made. She updated the people of Twitter. So the decision I've come to after the really dark place I ended up in last night due to pain is I'm not going to walk anymore at all. It is physically impossible to use my wheelchair or scoot. That's what's happening. Walking clearly is too hard on my body. Full stop. I already use a cane and when possible a wheelchair, but it's a transport chair and functionally speaking, not really that great outdoors without someone to push it. I'd love for a better chair, but it's not really financially possible yet. So she is, I guess, fucked herself with a plastic horse dick until she can no longer walk. 1:13:43 Unknown_01: Or maybe that's just like a plural thing speaking. I don't really know. One of her plurals is crippled. I really don't understand. She's schizo. Unknown_01: Schizo, as it goes to say. Unknown_13: someone asked about Ezra Miller, by the way. Unknown_01: Uh, I have no, I'm not following that. It's just another LA. It's like, it's just another LA pedophile. I don't know how I'm supposed to care, Chad. I really don't know. I can't, I can't bring myself to care about Ezra Miller. Oh, surprise. This Hollywood elitist is a pedophile freak. Who's like abducting children and families. Oh, big surprise. Oh, And Hollywood's throwing him under the bus now, too, just like they did with Weinstein and Epstein and all the other Steens and Steins and Millers and stewards and shit. And it's like, OK, whatever. I don't care, Joe. 1:14:15 Unknown_01: Waco, too, should be interesting. OK. Unknown_01: Chantal's Inferno. Chantal's currently... She said she's like $20,000 Canadian dollars in debt because she keeps giving money to that guy, that Arab guy, who abuses her and makes fun of her for giving him money. 1:14:47 Unknown_01: So she's a retard, and I don't want to talk about her until she becomes less fucking retarded, which is never going to happen at this point. She's just going to end up stabbed to death by Nadir, and that'll be the end of it. Unknown_01: I do believe it is a super chat time. VTuber thread drama in Saffronet. And real quick, there is a new thread for arguing if VTubers are for pedophiles. Unknown_01: And longtime user Saffronet, who is a furry pornography artist into lots of weird freaky fetish shit like sentient cocks and sentient intestines... Um, is actively defending B tubers. And then when I hinted that she's probably into lolly con, cause she's been defending it for 20 pages straight. Did I mention that she's black and she's actually like a natal woman? I'm pretty sure. So it's very surprising that she's this weird on the internet. Cause usually black people get beat up and they don't like get this fucking weird. Um, unlike white people who don't get beat up. So they just act fucking weird. Um, But she's been defending it for 20 pages, so I hinted she probably is into Lollicon. She's this passionate about it. To which Venom, who is a pornography artist himself, who does more than just furry art, but he does a lot of furry art too. 1:16:07 Unknown_01: also known as twisted graphics i think and i i know of him because he was in the sneed cord and he's like a white deadbeat dad whose child was taken away from him because he's like a heroin junkie and he wanted to the at a saffronette when the steed cord was a thing And I think they must still talk to each other. They deny being in a relationship together because when I hinted that she was into Lollicon, he immediately busts into the thread and starts accusing me of being a pedophile after not posting for months. Unknown_01: very strange times in the vtuber thread and now there's this other vtuber guy who's trying to convince me to delete the thread even though he's into vtubers probably because if he can't post about his lollicon vtubers in the vtuber thread he doesn't want anyone else to have the vtuber thread on the forum either because it's ruined for him if he can't post about lollicon so he's just trying to like edge me into like deleting the whole thread outright So that's the situation with the VTuber war. It's kind of like the war in Ukraine where it's been at a standstill for a while and people are just kind of shooting artillery at each other. 1:17:07 Unknown_01: Have you talked about Rogue yet? Unknown_01: Rogue Internet Man. He came back and he handed his channel off to people to do it for him. And he's just going to not be involved, but he's going to make money. And he probably will be involved, but now he has people that are going to be the public face for his account. Unknown_01: Okay, and with that, Super Berries. I'm going to put the thing into Super Berry mode. And I do have a special song picked out for those who intend to stick around. We have completely blown past the goal of $1,700 for the month. So I thank everybody for their contributions. Oh, and before I put it into shill mode and start reading the shills, the shill chats... 1:17:39 Unknown_01: I have found the 3PL, I think. I'm talking to him. Passes should be coming out in time for September. Low-tax stream, maybe in October. I'm going to keep putting the carrot at the end of the stick. Low-tax stream, October, because he's fucking dead now. And we're just going to keep kicking this can. Oh, Bew, you're right. 1:18:13 Unknown_01: How did I forget this? How did I forget this? The United States Department of State finalized its records for 2021, and no American citizen died after Bue reportedly killed himself. And that was the last thing. He said that, oh, it was just late. It'll be finalized this year. So... Unknown_01: Hector Martin, if you are listening to this, and you're probably not because why would you be? 1:18:50 Unknown_01: If you are under the genuine belief that Bew has killed himself, I'm afraid that you are also being taken for a fucking fool because he definitely has not. And you can cope and see them dilate about the Department of State all you want. But there is no fucking way that the Japanese government did not report the death of a U.S. citizen to the United States Department of State. And there's no fucking way that they forgot to update the records when this many people are asking them about this death. So, yeah, you just got to fucking get over it that you got played. Boy. Unknown_01: Chill mode. Okay, here we go. Let me get a sip of water. Unknown_01: As always, I appreciate those who choose to stick around through these because it's more fun. It's more fun when you have, you can try to play off them. Fuck you for 20 says, fuck you. Let me sit on your face. Josh for five says, I am seriously considering moving to another country. What is your advice on how to get the process started? Please? This is not Ralph. 1:19:30 Unknown_01: Don't go to any country you don't have a contact in because you will be very alone. Unknown_01: It always helps to have someone there, even if, you know, it's just some guy. Unknown_01: In general, if you have online income, you'll be fine no matter where you go. Europe, it's different because European countries don't really have self-employment visas as a thing. Some countries are starting to get self-employment visas. Like if you have income that you can prove that comes from the internet, they'll let you live there without needing like an actual visa. 1:20:04 Unknown_01: But if you're looking for like a more free or stable country, if you don't have any family or cultural ties to that country, there's no reason to go there. Just stay in the US to be honest with you. Unknown_01: Torrent for five says, thanks, George, for taking your advice and start taking vitamins two weeks ago. Now I no longer feel like I want to kill myself all the time. So thank you. You're very welcome. Vitamin D is important. Unknown_01: Anonymous loser for two says, hey, Josh, not doing well in my personal life. I want to say you're strangely bright in the wake of it. I know it's gay and parasocial, but I appreciate it nonetheless. It is gay and parasocial, but I'm glad you're not going to kill yourself because of whatever. Maybe get a girlfriend. Take vitamins. Lose weight. The usual. Don't just sit there and be like, oh, I found entertainment to distract myself from how miserable I am. 1:20:41 Unknown_01: Anonymous for 1049 says, happy Midsummer's Eve, my dear Josh. Depends on where you're at. Summer Solstice was the 21st, and it's all throughout this week that countries celebrate the Midsummer. But when I get to my outro song, I will do a further explanation of that. Roxanna will for 50 says from the regular users at the animal control and kennel club. I want to thank you for the chatroom We're enjoying the hell out of it instantly to the extreme. Also the improvements to the scene chatter bases. Fuck you rock Josh Thank you very much. I'm glad I added a special board for the furries. So I Guess they're doing their thing. They're not in discord anymore. They're not being rolled over by the cup for the cup furs Tanuki fucker for six says rip Benny Harvey and miss you a big man gone, but not forgotten Who's Benny Harvey? 1:21:13 Unknown_01: I'm going to Google this very quickly. Unknown_01: Oh, it's okay. I got you. It's a meme. Anonymous for nine says, thoughts on Revolver, Josh. It's supposed to be P2P drop-in for Pleroma that releases by July. I have no thoughts on that because I've not heard about it. 1:21:48 Unknown_01: If you guys search freespeechextremist.com and search Revolver, there is a blog post that explains the P2P drop-in. The issue with decentralized technology, though, is that it's hard to moderate. And I know that's, like, the point. But you really, really start to appreciate moderation a little bit when it's all spam and, like, porn and cringe shit like that. Unknown_01: Perry Caravello for 25 says, Hey, Josh, Tommy and I are inviting all LA Kiwis to my hot dog pool party on July 4th. Please come to my place. I'm not reading the address. Sorry. 1:22:20 Unknown_01: It showed up on the screen, I guess, because it was a super chat. If you want to dig through the early stream, it was at eight minutes into my stream. If you want to look at that or seven minutes and if you want to look at the address yourself. Sergeant Wizard Fist for 10 says Supreme Court has been coming in clutch lately. First pro guns down anti-baby killer. I enjoy watching women cry because you tell them they shouldn't fuck every stranger and then kill their baby. 1:22:52 Unknown_01: The Supreme Court is the only good thing that Donald Trump did during his presidency. He picked a lot of good nominees and that will be the most positive and lasting impact of his nomination. It's just that he got good people in the Supreme Court. Unknown_01: carter for 10 says hey josh it's my birthday the 25th birthday and not a and for a birthday donation question i want to know your opinion on low tier god if you don't know anything and check out the great chat videos low tier god i cannot find funny because he's black he's just he's just every black guy ever he gets on there and he's like you should kill yourself i got the bbc 1:23:30 Unknown_01: And that's him, like, every stream. And it's like, yep, that's just a black guy. He's just acting like a black guy does. I don't know why I should care just because he's playing fighting games. He's not Darkseid Phil, but black. He's just a black guy playing fighting games. Unknown_01: Parasocial for 100 says, let's compromise legal abortions for POC only. I agree. Beavis says, for five, love you, Josh. Thank you, Beavis. Unknown_01: Uh, hacks elite for two says, do CIA Negroes glow in rainbow colors instead of green during pride month? 1:24:02 Unknown_01: Uh, it depends. It's, it's personality based. Everyone sees like a radioactive green glow, but in the, in it's actually based on their, um, Unknown_01: On their personality, you know, the ones who are just like sociopaths who want to kill people in foreign countries, they're red. The ones who are all about, you know, stealing money from American citizens, they glow yellow. They each have their own special shine that's unique to them. Unknown_01: TheBurningGiraffe VTuber Discord Senator for $100 says, While you're wrong on most of the facts of the matter, you weren't wrong to clap a horny post in the no horny posting thread. Plus, we know you love the pink rabbit Pipkin Pippa, so no hard feelings. The rabbit seems to have positive opinions of me, but they're still a VTuber and also probably a man, so I don't know if that road goes both ways. Hard R for 100 says, I don't want to live in a pod. Don't want to eat the bugs. Don't want to drink that shit. And I never will wear your chip. That's base. Make sure you use that. Make sure you're not spending your money that you should be spending on guns and ammunition on super chats. 1:24:39 Unknown_01: Patriarchy for 75 says, isn't it terrific being a man? It certainly is. anonymous though that's not a popular opinion these days everyone's like it's so easy to be a woman if only i was a woman and then i could like like incels at r9k legitimately believe that if they could just like get fucked every day and have things paid for them that would be in the life they're okay with which is why they turn out they think that if i just become a woman then i get to be a like a fleshlight and i don't have to actually work or get a job and then they're surprised that it's not that easy and they just ruin their bodies for no reason and they wasted their youth on porn and hrt 1:25:45 Unknown_01: anonymous for one dollar says hope you find a different pizza joint in ching chong land also you mentioned the dead internet theory a while ago every every ever find bots on the forum if not you think you'll have to deal with them someday maybe but with the identities having identities is like a double-edged sorry a double-edged sword it um it does solve a lot of issues and i have to to be able to look at post history and say like yeah this guy's a fucking weirdo Unknown_01: Uh, Neil Holstein for 15 says, read Yoshiki Tanaka's sci-fi series, Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's half a century old, has no anime trips in it. Chat spam, play Morrowind, please. Uh, I try to avoid Japan in all its forms. I even try to avoid Japan when I play Hearts of Iron 4, because I don't like dealing with the island hopping. Unknown_01: Sorry, I hate to disappoint. Unknown_01: I am a weeb for five says nothing, but I guess he tries to get me to say I am a weeb, which is defamatory. Speaking of defamation, the Anti-Defamation League for 15 says, nice work making fun of politically provoked my guy. Here's your check. 1:26:40 Unknown_01: Thank you. I'm glad that you honor your deals, even though I think that I asked for, I think the arrangement was $50. Unknown_01: Maybe you misheard and you thought it was $15. Anonymous for Fox says, by the way, that Falador party room chest was full of robes. The jammies tried to remove them, but everyone kept putting more in. Unknown_01: that's really funny i didn't know that oh my god i love runescape was the best fucking game there's so much like subtle trolling and shit and and not so subtle trolling that people would do to annoy the fuck out of you i remember an old runescape classic Way back when, before people had knees and it was all 2D, if you lit a fire, it would show up as a blue dot on the map because all objects were just dots. They were either red dots for enemies or yellow dots for NPCs, white dots for people or blue dots for objects. And the fires would show up as an object. So you could make certain kind of glyphs using fire, lighting fires that were, you know, in specific patterns, it would show up as a thing in the map. So everybody would spend time making swastikas out of fires. And by everybody, I mean me. When I was like 10, because it was funny because people would get mad and And they would be like, I'm reporting you. And like, what are you reporting me for, you retard? You're going to say that I was abusive to you in chat? The moderators aren't going to see my flaming swastika on the ground, you dumb motherfucker. 1:28:14 Unknown_01: And I never got paid for it. Unknown_01: The cross of friendship. I know, it's rude to not accept. Unknown_01: Steenum Feedum for 10 says, still need to go to Bear Meets Indian Din. Also, is Rust worth learning? You're the only person I know who's actually doing a project with it, but I want to pad my resume. Rust is great fun. And I'll try to keep this succinct because I know people don't care about programming shit, but... The really awesome thing about Rust, unironically, is that it is so strict that you'll spend most of your development time writing code. Because once it compiles, there is a really, really good chance it will work exactly as you want it to. just because you know exactly what's going to happen. Every data transformation that takes place within Rust is accounted for, explicit. And it's really cumbersome sometimes to write something in Rust because you have to be so explicit with how you write it. But when it does work, you know exactly how it's going to work. So if you're interested in getting into load level development, Rust is actually, it has a learning curve because it's so complicated. But The really cool thing is once you figure it out, you actually know exactly how that data transformation is happening, and it makes sense in terms of the memory being used. 1:29:29 Unknown_01: So if you're interested in learning a low-level language, Rust is both very difficult and also very good for that purpose because of its limitations. And when I say limitations, I mean restrictions on the developer. Unknown_01: Anyways, Rungle45 says, shout out to my friend DaBard. I know you lost that MMA fight back in the day, but don't worry, man. It's been four years. Just move on and become wagey. 1:30:00 Unknown_01: There you go, DaBard. Don't become low tax just because you lost the fight, bro. Unknown_01: Carrie B for 25 says nothing. Thank you, Carrie B. Anonymous for 21 says also nothing. Thank you, Anonymous. Unknown_01: Derman and Dermenga for 525 says hurrah. Thank you, Derman. Unknown_01: goyboy for 10 says i'll watch bella delphine when she starts doing double anal until then she just isn't good enough dude you need to disconnect if you can't get off unless there's like two wieners two wienesses in the butthole you have fucked up your brain and you are now um entering like the danger zone you're gonna be truning out you're gonna be thinking oh that'll be my butthole one day and you'll just be ruined for life you can pull back you're not there yet save yourself goyboy 1:30:55 Unknown_01: Frog God for five says, I'm sorry for being a Canadian frog. I forgive you. You can swim to the U.S. when the border collapses. Jewish Caricature for 10.50 says, Groiper is the worst fucking name ever. It's true. It's just based off the frog. Unknown_01: I do coding. Can I help? This is just a random chat message. I don't know why this man is talking about how he does coding. Okay. Unknown_01: Anonymous45 says, My girlfriends and I used to compete to see who could get the most rape threats during Call of Duty matches. That Beardson clip brings back fond memories. Maybe I'll go into Valorant. And just be careful with your... What was it? Your OPSEC. Don't use a name that they can find, like that lady did on TikTok, who's now being threatened with rape by deranged trannies. That's not a comfortable position to be in. 1:31:30 Unknown_01: Jared Holtz for 25 says, thank you for making fun of Nick Fuentes. Your contribution to our shared leftist cause will not be forgotten. Comrade, here is your payment as agreed. Thank you, Jared Holtz. Good to hear from you again, buddy. 1:32:03 Unknown_01: Sonic the Italian for five says, please stop posting trans sideshow posts, please. No more body horror. No, it's great fun. It's fun for the whole family. Unknown_01: Roxanne Wolf for five says, Bew lied, never died. That's true. His other name was like, oh, it was near. He near died. Unknown_01: Bacon here said for two, would you interview internet hate machine? I have no idea who she is. And I don't believe that a woman runs an image board. I think that they're the same with local farm. There's probably mysterious gay man in the background. 1:32:36 Unknown_01: Roxanne Wolf for five says for Negroes. Unknown_01: I read that out of order. Unknown_01: Never forget for one says, speaking of Belle of Delphina, I'm not surprised she did do a Shadman cosplay. Nothing's over the line for her. Yeah, that's true. Never trust. She's got the nose. She's trimmed it down, but she's got it in the genetic sequences. Unknown_01: Whoop for 10 says, is Whooper a good Pokemon? Yes or no? Who the fuck is Wooper? Oh, is Wooper the Gen 2 little blue thing that evolves into Wobbuffet? Sure, why not? That's cute. Wobbuffet's cool. He's got like a cool tail. 1:33:12 Unknown_01: Pen C for one says, I rate the stream 10 out of 10. Thank you. Anonymous for 10 says, I want to hear lesbians and 20s bitch about how school way it is to be gay nowadays. Ooh. Unknown_01: I have to hear lesbians and 20s bitch about how scary, how scary it is to be gays. Oh yeah. Being gay in America is the hardest thing ever. You only have the CIA personally looking out for your interests at all times. 1:33:46 Unknown_01: The impregnator for 20 says we must secure the existence of our people in the future for white children. Make sure you stick to one woman. Otherwise your kids are going to turn out. Unknown_01: Uh, long for five says, thanks for making consistently the most amusing content I've ever watched. Well, thank you very much. John red corn for 25 says, here's an ounce of silver. Thanks for the stream. Well, thank you very much. I do. I haven't bought silver in a while. I really should. Unknown_13: I'm saving money right now. Uh, Unknown_01: i need to i need to buy i need to buy land so i can disappear Unknown_01: oh not from you guys of course I'll do my streams forever don't you worry super chats don't help me disappear evil sponge for five says last need of the month thank you evil sponge matt for two says stay winning stay winning but he spelled it as whining stay whining josh you what you think about the sonic movies um I like the last one I like the live action one that was pretty good it was um surprisingly not shit for anything sonic related and then roxanne wolf said for negros as I ran out of order 1:34:50 Unknown_01: So that is the end of the shill moment. If you put your shill in now, it won't be read. I apologize. Unknown_01: Now, as I said, midsummer is this week. And I looked this up. It's mostly Nordic countries. Oh, God, Sika. Sika should be giving me more money, so I'll read his. He wants to wean off pay-paying Rao, so I have to covet his attention here. He just got his in at the last second. Sika Lother, the trader, for 10 says, we made you quarantine for over two weeks. Lao Ning is part of the Chinese northeast Manchuria. We make it difficult for foreigners to travel around the country. Best finding guide. You can't even travel interstate in China without having a specific reason to. Even if you're a national, even if you have a Chinese passport, you can't just travel between the states and China without passing through internal border security, which is alien in the concept to Europeans and Americans. 1:35:24 Unknown_01: Um, okay. No more shill. Don't, don't send any more money in unless it's like a lot of money. Unknown_01: Uh, thank you for the 2000 people who stuck around to the very end. As I mentioned, midsummer for is mostly for Nordic countries. And I was looking around, I was trying to find a song that's midsummery, right? For these Nordic countries and Finland celebrates midsummer tomorrow. And Estonia celebrates midsummer yesterday. Um, 1:35:58 Unknown_01: But there is a country which celebrates Midsummer today. Unknown_01: And I have a very special song picked out from the great country of Latvia, which I will now play for the outro song of today. And I'm sure many of you can already guess what song this is if you are into certain kinds of music. 1:36:34 Unknown_01: I will see you guys on Friday. However, I may do a special Gumroad thing again this weekend because there is some not safe for work stuff I want to make fun of. And I was going to put it in the stream, but I decided it might be too risky for YouTube. So I might do it for Gumroad. Just something to keep an eye out. I'll send out emails as per usual. And if I send out one the weekend, I'll publish it to the library the next week. So, thank you guys for watching. I will see you. Have a happy Midsummer. Have a nice weekend. And I will see you on... Friday. Or whenever I put out my next thing. If you're on the Gumroad. 1:37:07 Unknown_01: Wait, you made the donation... I did make the donation goal. Unknown_01: So I guess I do owe a video. I made more than the donation goal. I made like 130%. That's a lot. Unknown_01: I did something special. Anyways, see you... Unknown_01: Next month. In July. July... July the 1st. Oh my god. Unknown_01: Okay. Bye-bye. foreign We will come to Latvia, waiting, and we will bring freedom to you, who gave us. 1:37:58 Unknown_17: And we will go, and we will go, and we will go, and we will go, and we will go, and we will go. 1:38:38 Unknown_17: And we go, and go, and go, and run, and run, and run, and run, and run, and run. We have one thought in our hearts. We'll put a fire on the firewood And we'll put a fire on the firewood But the fire will be on the firewood The fire will be on the firewood The fire will be on the firewood And we go, and we go, to the front, so we cry out for help, and we don't want to be.