Why yes, I have been watching King of the Hill. How can you tell, chat? What gave it away? I have decided that there is no new media made in the last 10 years, 12 years now, maybe 14. I'm going to cut it out. When did Batman come out? Let's see.
Unknown_08: Thankfully Google reminds me when I type in google.com, which is just like a force of instinct I see like this random picture of a black woman instead of Google the logo and that's my cue Oh, I'm an idiot. I typed in Google again I'm not using brave or Yandex or being from the search bar and that's my when I see her face I know to ctrl W and just type it in directly into the search bar. So I When did the Nolan Batman come out? I can't remember the name of that movie. I think it's the Dark Knight, right? The Dark Knight.
Original motion picture. Yeah, this one. The Dark Knight. 2008! Anything made after 2008 just trash. You don't have to watch it.
Unknown_08: So King of the Hill firmly fits into the before 2008 category so I've been watching that and it's very wholesome to see the Like the plot is that the conservative guy in Texas is like, oh, there's a gay guy. That's awkward I'm gonna have to deal with a gay person in my my loving intolerant way. There's an Asian person. He's a little bit different That's okay It's not like, oh, Bobby's being raped by a drag queen in my school, and if I point this out, I'm gonna get arrested for hate speech. It was a heckin' wholesome Big Chungus time back in the day, in the 90s, when these things were just the figments of the imaginations of paranoid people like Dale.
I don't know why they made Dale a cuck. I never even picked up on that when I watched the show as a kid, that Dale is just constantly being cucked by John Redcorn and he has no idea.
Unknown_08: Anyways. Okay.
Unknown_08: This week has sucked. This week has been slow and shitty.
Unknown_08: And I have nothing to show for it, which I guess is okay. I've been working on my Sneed forum. I suppose now is the time that I show you guys the updates to my Sneed forum.
Unknown_08: So the chat, let's see, I'm gonna move my tabs around here a bit. I have gotten, oh, by the way, all my archives are being taken down on YouTube. So if you wanna watch archives, you have to go to mag.live or watch them on Odyssey. Let's see, Firefox.
some reason that has been disconnected is this right yes it is uh oh i don't have my super chat thing i'm trying to reach my goal if i can get another 25 it's tip it's tip.matty.live yeah it's tip.matty.live is the super chats give me interesting super chats i'll probably pay more attention to them this stream because i don't have as much to talk about so i can waste some time But the chat is stable. I got emotes working, kind of. I got bbcode working, kind of. Not only did I get bbcode working last week, I rewrote the entire thing. I spent two full days, I spent like 20 hours combined just completely rewriting the bbcode thing. And as you can see, this is the commit here. I think it's 1,000 deletions and 850 additions.
Yeah, this is what I've been doing the last two days just racking my fucking head over this shit And it's the most writing a parser is like the most miserable fucking thing you can imagine and still not done but as you can see like the actual test if I Bold italics things are cutting off kind of there's certain tags that aren't done yet, but I'm getting there Now that the parser itself is written and adding tags is more trivial. I
Uh, but yeah, uh after after the bb code is done guys, I can continue forward and um Integrate the chat back into the actual forum thing a bit and I can start looking at making it look like not shit Like this kind of looks like shit. I'll probably make it look better and uh Start getting actual features for the forum start built again, but I have to finish the bb code thing and get chat to uh
Unknown_08: to render 100% correctly. But I can say that I've added another chat room for the first time, the Autism Thunderdome. I've added this again and this shows up for all the now four political boards.
And I couldn't have off-topic boards before because the chat was so cumbersome that adding it would literally just choke the server because there's too much shit happening and PHP can't handle it. But now with the new chat, I can watch the actual live load and it's way better.
way more way more functional and it can handle the thousands of connections all at once which is the entire point of doing the rewrite like even now like I wrote all the bb code stuff and I think look at that this page pulls like 10 posts and parses all of them for the bb code and replaces them with you know the actual HTML and And it does it all in less than five seconds. It measures it down. I have it so that under five milliseconds, it's measured in microseconds. So it's 4,700 microseconds to load this page. Compared to this, this page, any page on PHP is probably going to take at minimum 100 milliseconds to load. So 20 times slower at a minimum to load it. So that's the entire point of the rewrite. Is this live? Yes it is. I'm just talking about what I'm doing because I don't have much else to talk about so I figured I'd fill you guys in. It's like my plant update. This is my new plant. I work on it very hard and this is what I have to show for it.
How did I get Discord to look like that? I am literally just stealing Discord style for everything. If I want to know how to make something look, I just borrow it from Discord because they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for UX trainees to make a very accessible chat application. And why would I just be like, oh, I'm developing a proprietary system for me and my users, and we snub our nose on that Discord business over there. No, I'm going to take the Tranny UX work. I'm going to copy and paste that whenever I can. And if anyone has a fucking problem, nobody's gonna have a problem with it. Who's gonna have a problem with that? They can't sue me for that. Are you fucking nuts? Oh, it looks like our chat program. Yeah, okay. I'm sure your chat program is wholly fucking unique.
And it doesn't look like any other chat program. I'm sure that's what's happening. No, nobody cares.
Unknown_08: It's a functional design.
Unknown_08: But I really don't know what I want to do for the main form. I'm gonna play around with a couple ideas and A, B test it and see what works out.
It's Juneteenth. I mean, it is a Juneteenth. It's a day. Is it the 17th? Is that Juneteenth? That's like a made up fucking holiday. You know, here's the story for this. You ready? The Juneteenth thing. For some reason, this is now a national holiday. But after the Civil War ended and slavery was abolished, it took like another week for the guys on horses to get to Texas to tell them that their slaves were also freed. And then when they found out like a couple days later, that's now Juneteenth. And this is like a thing that I have to celebrate as like in the Merrimut. And it's like, I don't care. I don't care that the horsey man, you know, I was,
it says june 10th oh oh that's what you're talking about yeah i don't care about the horsey man taking too long to get there to tell the black people
Unknown_08: that they are now free. This is the first time I've ever fucked up the date. Can you believe that?
Unknown_08: What a mystery chat.
Unknown_08: Anyways, so I'm gonna do something I've never done before. I'm gonna read the news. Riveting, riveting content. I'll try my best to be a funny person and make this work.
So here's some stuff. Speaking of Juneteenth and speaking of the gays.
Unknown_08: If you are on Windows 11 right now, you might notice that there is a gigantic fucking rainbow flag on your search bar. Yeah, it's hacker time. That is because Bill Gates has personally fucked you in the ass because you are a neighbor cattle on the neighbor cattle operating system. Look at this. Look at this shit that they put on your search bar that you have to go into your control panel to figure out how to get rid of. You just have that on your monitor. Now, I, being a Linux Chad who can sometimes get my computer to run using Linux, never has to experience this utter humiliation. And if I ever did, I would just fucking uninstall my operating system and switch to a different one. If you're using Asahi Linux, for whatever reason, you may get molested by them.
But chances are I'm not going to get molested by these guys.
Unknown_08: LinuxKingsley1, exactly. Everyone's making fun of me, like, oh, your Linux doesn't even work. Well, I'm not the one being thumbed in the anus right now by Bill Gates because I don't have that shit on my screen. And when I see a black person or a gay person, I just look away with a moment of being freaked out. And then when the moment passes, I just move on. And thankfully, I don't have to put up with this. There is like a thread on Windows Support like, how do I get rid of this molestation? How do I stop getting molested? And I have to walk him through. Like this guy doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about. I bet you it's only Americans too. If you're not American, you don't get thumbed in the anus by Bill Gates. Unless, well, I mean, unless you take a vaccine, then you're getting thumbed in the anus by Bill Gates. We can't avoid getting thumbed in the anus by Bill Gates at this point.
I do have another tangent related to Linux up ahead. I know everyone loves this. By the way, I went through this thread and there's like the questions and then most of them have like a little comment that says like removed here. Post remove edit my faith-based rationale for this post was removed. So what they'll do, the mods, the jannies for this help board on Microsoft will like leave the original post intact and then just take out anything that's like, I don't want to see gay shit on my screen and just leave that little remove down here. But now it's going into page three and four. The Windows chads are uprising.
There was one where, that made me laugh, it was like,
Unknown_08: Oh, no, they deleted it. It was on page three. They fucking deleted it.
Unknown_08: Someone said something. Oh, here. Did you figure it out? I just woke up and noticed the pride flag on my taskbar. Scared to let the kids use the PC now. So old skinny here has seen the gay and is now sheltering her children from the sight of the gay because, uh, she knows what they're up to. She knows that you, that it says in the Bible, you must reject the antichrist and the devil.
um okay here's here's my hot take there was an election uh in texas the the republicans the red guys they beat the blue guys now you might be thinking which one of these represents the republicans in texas you'll be very confused because here we have a fat guy who's like a 400 pound morbidly obese mexican Whenever I see a really fat man, I think of the word beaner. I don't even know why, but when I think of a beaner, I think of, very specifically, a super morbidly obese Mexican. So we have a beaner. And then we have a woman who looks like a Native American.
Her name is Mara Flores, so I'm pretty sure she's just Hispanic. She's just Mexican. This woman here is the Republican one, and she won, and everyone's like, the Republicans took this Democratic House seat in Texas that is historically a blue stronghold. It's like, who gives a fuck? I want to know like okay so now to make sure that the Republicans can win any elections they're just running oh and by the way the historicness of this woman is that she was born in Mexico so she is now the first Mexican born foreigner who is going to be a US congressperson and uh we're just okay with that like yeah sure people born in Mexico can just hop the border and and represent us in the United States of America this is my federal representative she she knows what's best for me it's like really
Here's my take my thought I'm using for the day. I watched a documentary once upon time about Elections and the Soviet Union and you may think Josh The election the Soviet Union did not have elections because they were a totalitarian Communist state and you would be surprised there were elections in the Soviet Union however, they were one-party elections, which means that there was one person that you could vote for usually and Or if there was multiple people, it would be between two. But they didn't usually run two of the same party, because then it's like, oh, well, now there's conflicts within the Soviet party, the People's Party, when there should be unity. So they would usually only run one person who was the handpicked person from the Communist Party. But they still wanted everybody to go out and vote. To the point where they would have mail-in ballots, I'm pretty sure, and they would go to the hospital, like if you were sick and you couldn't go vote at the booth, the government would bring you a ballot to make sure that you could vote even if you were injured and otherwise unable to. And you might be thinking, well, that's strange. Why would an authoritarian regime with one candidate care if everybody voted? And the answer is, is that they saw that as popular assent. If 70% of an area or 90% of an area would come out and vote for the guy, then you know that 90% of people are probably okay with that pick. So if we view this, this kind of bullshit, as the same thing, and we think that voting for any party is the same as voting for the approved list of party members from the Soviet Union, and whoever wins doesn't really matter, then I'm starting to believe that maybe we should just not vote. maybe at like a local level only, but here's my opinion, right? There's one other thing that the, I mean, there's many things, but in particular, there's one thing that they count in the same way that they count as ballots, and that is firearm and munition sales. And I'm thinking, what if people just buy guns and munitions on the days that the polls are open? And you just don't vote. And they think, oh, well, our turnout is 10% and we sold 2 million firearms and 2 billion rounds that day.
Why is this? This is strange. And that way you can just say, like, I'm not voting. I'm not participating in the Soviet Union system of voting for the one guy. I'm just going to make the ATF shit themselves every single year or every other year. I think that that should be the plan. That should be the plan. Instead of voting, just buy a gun. And that's not like, that's not threatening. It's my constitutional, my, my right to possess a firearm is as enshrined in the constitution as my right to vote. So if therefore, uh, that's why like you only lose your firearm rights the same time you lose your voting rights, right? You have to be a felon. So
Therefore, I should be able to do this. I should be able to vote by just buying a gun. Fed posts. Why is that a Fed post? I'm not encouraging anyone to do anything illegal. If you can legally buy a firearm and you don't believe that voting does anything, why spend your day in the line at the crowded public school voting district when you could just buy a gun instead?
This is my thought, and it's nothing illegal. It's nothing even threatening. It's just saying that I don't think that this system is working anymore. I am going to prepare for alternative scenarios that I believe may be more likely to happen, such as a deer attack, such as a pig attack. You see that Ralph is a pig, and he's flying over to other countries and just attacking people. That could happen to any of us. We could be attacked by pigs in the same exact way. So you have to be ready. That's the federal government has figured out a way to subvert any kind of discussion like this on the internet, where they just have everyone afraid of everybody else and say, oh no, if I buy a gun on November 11th, then that must be a criminal thing that will get put on a list. The government is so powerful. and so omniscient that if you do anything that is even a little bit suspicious, they'll know. They'll just know right away, and they'll track you, and they'll make sure that you have a bad life, and they'll just know. They're so strong. Don't even talk about it. If you talk about it, if you talk about it, then Big Brother will know. They'll know. Once the ideation has left your lips, you've already committed an original sin against Big Brother, and it's like, fuck you.
I don't believe the Fed posting is like very specifically encouraging someone to break the law. If you're not encouraging someone to break the law, it's not a Fed post. And anyone who is sitting there saying you're Fed posting, you're Fed posting by advocating against voting, then that person is a neighbor cattle. They've been completely mind raped by Bill Gates has thumbed their anus and now they don't know what it feels like to not have Bill Gates's thumb in their anus.
Wild boars, they are dangerous. That's why you need a high-capacity magazine. You don't know how many bullets it will take to put down a wild boar that's coming right for you. You know, people think, oh, maybe my five-round snub-nosed .45 ACP will put down that. I'm just making words up. I don't know if any of that makes sense. We'll put down a wild boar. No, no, you need like a 30-round 9mm at the least, at the least.
outposting man hiding in Balkans dude you have no idea I cannot fucking wait I'm gonna go back one day I'm gonna come back one day you watch me motherfucker I'm gonna I'm gonna have my my akimbo desert Eagles straight from the Israeli Defense Force surplus I'll just be firing wildly in the air and I'll be
I have one of those GoPros on. You guys will shit yourselves. One day I'll just start up my stream, and it'll be me putting on a GoPro, and you'll be like, no! What are you doing? But then we'll go out. We'll go out for some friendly ranging. I'll go out to my backyard with the range and just start firing rounds. And it'll be a wholesome big chungus day instead of a scary day.
Unknown_08: Sounds like a threat. Well, me saying I'm going to come to your country probably is very threatening to people.
Unknown_08: Frank Castleman, okay.
You're so ahead. I fired a weapon before I own a weapon. Um, I, I sold it before. Well, I didn't sell it. I gave it away before I left the U S cause you can't take that shit with you, but I've fired. I fired many guns, fired a, uh, uh, H and K VP nine fired a Taurus revolver fired a nine millimeter fired a 22 rifle. I did not fire a shotgun though. Cause it's harder to find ranges that have shotguns cause they have, um,
Unknown_08: a little pulleys that you put the the targets on when you go shooting and those strings that those targets hang on are can be damaged so if you take a shotgun chances are that you're gonna fuck up those strings they don't let you but one day one day I will
Okay, next one. Psychologists say a good life doesn't have to be happy or even meaningful, from the World Economic Forum. Thank you for this uplifting message. What does a good life look like to you? For some, the phase may conjure up images of a close-knit family, a steady job, a Victorian house at the end of a street arched with oak trees. Others may focus on the goal of making a difference in the world, whether by working as a nurse or teacher, volunteering, or pouring their energy into environmental activism. According to Aristotelian theory, the first kind of life would be classified as hedonic, or based in pleasure, comfort, stability, and strong social relationships. The second is eudaimonic, primarily concerned with the sense of purpose and fulfillment one gets by contributing to the greater good. So, chat, listen here, okay?
Close-knit families? Steady jobs? Victorian house? Oak trees? Come the fuck on. Look, WEF wants you to know that if you want to have a good life, you don't have to be happy. You don't have to have any of these things. Fuck your oak trees. You want to be eudaimonic. You want to make a difference. Here's things that you can do to make a difference that the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates would approve of.
A. Sterilize yourself. Very easy. If you're a woman, it's simple outpatient procedure. They just cut the tubes and you're in and out one day. For a man, you just get the tubes tied and then you can have all the box smashing days with yellow people that you want. Strange, foreign, exotic horrors. You can go to Portugal and smash box there and do drugs and it's completely consequence-free. so get sterilized number one uh number two stop being a a uh comfort creature with your possessions um downsize really you know you know how much
Greed. Greed is a folly of man. It's a deadly sin even. So don't be greedy. You don't want to be greedy. You might think, why is the World Economic Forum promoting poverty? Don't you worry about that. Live in a box. Have all your possessions in a backpack and then you can go wherever your spirit takes you. You can live cheaply in the hustle and bustle of the big city.
Unknown_08: It's all cool.
Unknown_08: fuck yeah you know a house who needs a house you know a house is wasted space you could fit four or five ukrainian and middle eastern refugee families and pods stacked on top of each other in the space that your victorian house would take and oak trees are a privilege not an essential oak trees belong and you know you take those down you grow food there grow food there so that you can feed all the mexicans who don't live in the united states And by sacrificing, by giving up these things that are hedonistic, you become a eudaemonic person. You become fulfilled. And you, without even being happy or having a meaningful life, such as carrying on your genetic legacy and teaching children and having memorable moments with your family, you still have a good life. And it's better to be good than to be happy, chat. Thank you, Bill Gates, for this inspiring message.
Speaking of good but not happy or meaningful, I was linked to this by the guy who does the rDrama site. He posted it on the forum.
This is a feminist news and opinion. And interestingly, in the state of Norway, well, it's not a state really, it's more of a country. I think it's a kingdom even.
Unknown_08: They have banned Shinigami Eyes, a Mozilla Firefox extension.
Unknown_08: I mentioned many many streams ago that there was this extension for Firefox called Shinigami Eyes and it's a reference to an anime which unfortunately I'll talk about more in a bit.
And it's a browser extension which will color links red or green depending on if they're transphobic or trans-friendly.
Unknown_08: And because it was specifically like Twitter accounts and stuff like JK Rowling would be considered a transphobe.
Unknown_08: It fell under, according to the Attorney General of the country of Norway, the Kingdom of Norway, it fell under the GDPR data processing rules. Because you can't just make a list of people, of private individuals on Twitter, and then pass that list around. That's considered data processing by Norway. So, they have made a decision to tell Mozilla to stop offering Shinigami Eyes as a browser extension to customers in Norway, which is a bit strange. That may apply to all EU citizens, actually.
Eventually. I'm not sure if it will apply to just Norway or the EU. And what's funny is that this person who wrote this article decided that Lorelei Bailey would be mentioned. It has been rumored for quite some time that the Shinigami Eyes extension was written by Lorelei. I've mentioned Lorelei a couple times. This is a real picture of them. But, um,
this is a fun it's not really a fun fact but it is a true fact many years ago in the early days of the forum um we had a thread on Lorelei and Lorelei was a big advocate in the early days of the trans stuff before anyone knew what a fucking tranny was uh was a big advocate and they are like a genuine deranged sex pest Lorelei is named after the Elite Four Pokemon gym trainer who has the Ice Pokemon. I just realized that. It's apropos of nothing in this story, but just food for thought. They inherited a house from their grandmother and told
Unknown_08: at-risk trans youth that if they needed a place to stay, they could come to their luxurious villa under the oak trees at the end of the road. And one person directly told me in private message and provided a link to the video even, that they went as a at-risk trans youth to meet Lorelai and stay at their house and Lorelai got them fucked up on booze and then his roommate slash boyfriend fucked this guy in the ass and Lorelai is in this video trying to get a blowjob and he's like bouncing around and like trying to like do a reach around and like the most awkward threesome that has ever been put on tape and this was under like lorelei.info slash fun slash sexy stuff as like a video with all these other pictures of him in lingerie and stuff so Lorelei has been alleged to be a rapist for a long time now and whenever it gets their reputation in even in the trans community is utterly utterly like they're reviled
Everyone knows that Lorelai is is a fucking repugnant and nobody will associate with him Which is why he has to publish it like Shinigami eyes under pseudonyms because if it ever came out that Lorelai Bailey wrote something It would be dead in the water because nobody nobody likes Lorelai And this is just them ranting about turfs as they do There are one of the most hideous people I've ever seen like unapologetically ugly
Unknown_08: Now, speaking of trans people, as always.
Unknown_08: Trans kids treatment can start younger, new guidelines say. A leading transgender health association has lowered its recommended minimum age for starting gender transition treatment, including sex hormones and surgeries.
Unknown_08: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said that hormones could be started at age 14, two years earlier than the group's previous advice, and some surgeries done at 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance. The group acknowledged potential risks but said it's unethical and harmful to withhold early treatment.
Speaking of, Fox News recently announced that they are celebrating Pride Month. And right now, across the country, there are boomers who are sitting there in their Lazy Boys in their Victorian houses at the end of the street, covered in oak trees, who are now for the first time seeing things on Fox News, which are hopefully reminding them that they caused this. that they had the option to end this in their lifetime, and they chose not to. They decided to burn their bras in the fires to protest war, and they decided that communism is actually pretty cool, and they decided to leave their kids, to give all their trust to the Federal Reserve, to get off the gold standard, and to just completely ruin the entire country. and now for the first time many of them are sitting on watching Fox News and coming face to face with the fact that it's their fault.
Pride Month continues as we highlight the story of Rylan Whittington whose journey of transitioning at age five has been seen by seven million people in a family YouTube video. Ryan Yanis has the story about that family that hopes their experience can help others. Watch here.
Unknown_06: If you saw me walking down the street, you wouldn't think anything different.
14-year-old Ryland Whittington is a typical Southern California teenager.
Unknown_05: And the Whittingtons, along with mom Hillary, dad Jeff, and sister Brinley, are a typical family. The only difference, though, in Ryland's eyes is what this family can mean to the tens of thousands of kids under 18 who identify as transgender.
Unknown_06: We put our story out there so people could
Unknown_06: see that there's another family out there that is going through what we're going through, or there's another family who's proud of who they are.
Unknown_05: Before Ryland could even speak, he managed to tell his parents that he is a boy.
I could just see it. It wasn't him trying to be a brat, it was like painful. It was truly painful for him to have to wear feminine clothing and for us constantly telling him that you're a girl. And unlike some trans kids, when Ryland came out at age five a few years later, he had the full support of his parents.
Unknown_05: Initially, there was some pushback from us in trying to understand this.
Unknown_01: We were confused like most people are. We thought that gender and sexuality were the same thing. It took us a while to figure out that those two things are different and that children actually do recognize their gender identity very young. Some of them, not all.
But they listened to Ryland and to Hillary's conservative faith.
Unknown_01: For me, it's just a deep spiritual belief that you believe in God and he, you know, created us the way he wanted us. Well, then, yes, he created Ryland just the way he is.
Unknown_08: there is some boomer literally out there who watched this and thought everything everything i've done in my life was a horrible mistake and i should have been out there with like molotovs instead of Instead of protesting the Vietnam War, you know It's it's like number one. It's so fun. Number one. This is Fox News reporting. This is a great thing That's great. Number two. It's so fucking obvious that this woman is responsible for this She said oh it was so obvious to me when before he could speak when he was a toddler walking around with a pacifier in his mouth or her mouth at this and That that this was meant to be a boy like no bitch you fucking crazy and you live in california and you want to talk about how your kids transgender. And you're fucking starbucks groups and shit and then at the end to top it all off just just a whole a little wholesome big chungus. Blasphemy spiritual belief that you believe in god and he you know created us the way he wanted us well then yes he created violin just the way he is. We believe in God and God created us just the way he wanted us Which is why it's important for my daughter to dress and act like a boy and take artificial hormones even though he was Good job boomers he did it again knock that one out of the park Wonderful
I could have prevented this, but alas.
Unknown_08: So segueing from the trans issue to my next topic, there's a little bit of some sinew holding this together.
Unknown_08: If you remember, some time ago, a person who may or may not be named Bew allegedly killed him and or herself in an act of revengeance against the Kiwi Farms, which was revealed to the world. But I'm not talking about Ezra Miller. I don't fucking care about celebrities. I really don't. Oh, what a surprise. What a surprise that some other Hollywood elite molested people.
I'll give you a hint, they all fucking do it. They all do it. Every single celebrity that you can think of, I don't give a fuck if it's Elon Musk or Bill Gates or Ezra Miller, they have either been raped or do rape. Every single one of them. There are no heroes. If they get put onto a silver screen in Hollywood, if they are a member of Congress, if they are in the political elite, like there's pictures of Trump with Jeffrey Epstein. Guess what? That motherfucker went to Epstein Island and fucked kids too. I bet you every single one of them did. I bet you, um, what's his face, Ivanka Trump was whored out from the age of three. They're all evil. It's not complicated. They just want to fuck kids and they want to talk about fucking kids and laugh about it behind your back and there's nothing you can do about it. So yeah okay another celebrity was raping kids and then guess what Vince Vaughn sexually tried to force a woman a female referee to give him a blowjob and then when she said no he raped her I believe that too and Dick Masterson's on Twitter saying this is great who doesn't rape women. so it's like whatever whatever okay you know what if it's a celebrity if they're on the the payroll of some big hollywood studio they rape or they rape or they get raped okay or they do both i'm sure there's lots of women out there who were raped and now they're just okay with it and they rape too and it's just like that's the circle of life you know it's eat or be eaten motherfucker
Done with it.
Unknown_08: Anyways, so there's Hector Martin. Hector Martin was the person who announced to Twitter after Bew allegedly killed him and or herself and is a core developer on the Asahi Linux distribution.
Unknown_08: uh he is a weeaboo he was from madrid but they worked together in tokyo uh and both were a part of low-level development and emulations i'm pretty sure he used to be a developer for pixiv uh and now he just kind of does whatever and collects anime figurines while living in tokyo so we can see here in his reddit history that
He talks about Cerno being the strongest- Oh, remember what I said about Cerno? This person definitely watches Little Ice Fairies get fucking decapitated.
Unknown_08: One thing is that Bew is committed suicide, and then a couple months later he's talking about Cerno. Actually, one month later he's talking about Cerno. Can Cerno become the strongest idol in Gensokyo? I hope she did it. Now...
Unknown_08: He has been shilling a VTuber named Asahilina. Not Linux, this is a VTuber now called Asahilina.
And he has been advertising her, or him, definitely him, on Twitter. And at one point, there was a wacky thing where Asahilina took over Hector Martin's Twitter account, which has thousands and thousands of followers because he was the one who wrote the story about Bew.
Unknown_08: to show their Twitter account.
Unknown_08: And then even Kanini, or whatever the fuck this guy's name is, he goes by Ariadna Connell, but they went by Kanini or Kaninin or something, or Kaninchen, I don't know what the fuck their name was.
Unknown_08: It just means bunny in Swedish or some shit.
And this is what they look like. Now this person, Kanini, said, BGP is a protocol on type length value frames. Microtick is a vendor that hires Muppets for developers because they're, they're slobs, you know, slobs can't do anything right. But what if we send the BGP message to a Microtick with an incorrect length header such as 5000?
Unknown_08: I'm sure a website relating to farming various fruits knows what happens Now we do use micro takes so they're sitting here thinking like how do we shut down the Q farms? Maybe we can do a BGP based attack on them and they're bragging about it on Twitter I guess I don't think anything ever came about from this and this is what they look like when I and by the way They're from Northeast, Oklahoma. Did I mention this last stream? I feel like I mentioned The Oklahoma last stream
because it's like these people are coming out of like this is like the middle of the country and they're ruining it for everybody. West Virginia has trannies, Maine has... Maine elected in Portland a first-generation Somali immigrant Muslim woman as like their mayor. From northeastern Oklahoma comes whatever the fuck this is.
Unknown_08: And by the way, I think they look exactly like this picture of this thingy from Scary stories of telling the dark. It's just pretty much a one-to-one match But this monster is trying to shut down my website and I'm the bad guy
Anyways, so this person knows Hector Martin is my point and they're advertising them and advertising them about VTubers and apparently they're even a part of some big fucking VTuber group of I think Tech related VTuber personalities you have like Asahi, Lina This is lethal. Their group is called Null Pointer Live. This is lethal bit Lina Asahi
Unknown_08: Luna Foxgirl that is the most trans name ever Luna Foxgirl Wow Foxgirl.gay and then K Whatever the fuck so guys. I I don't think I've ever played any of you to actually no I did once shamefully But let's check out a vtuber
from the Hector Martin stream. You ready? Oh no, my computer, my shitty broken computer or web server may be trying to save you guys right now.
Unknown_03: Uh-oh.
Unknown_03: You know what, I even went over here and I clicked play to try.
Unknown_10: Thanks for letting me borrow your ThinkPad. What? I never gave you permission to. You didn't say no. Wait, don't you have two MacBooks? Oh, don't be ridiculous. I have four. Air, Pro, M1 Pro, and M1 Max. But the other three are for hypervisor use only. And do you wonder why you get calls from the credit card company? It's for my job. You're a student. Studying is your job. You're going to fail your classes if you spend all of your time riding drivers. Do you mean that?
Just realized they have a Spanish accent. So this is definitely just Hector Martin's like trune sona, but
Cartman's Little like hand puppet for for Lopez what the fuck is her name?
Unknown_08: Jennifer my name is Jennifer Lopez, and I like tacos a burritos, and that is exactly the voice that
Unknown_11: Oh no, I love you Ben.
Unknown_07: Tacos and burrito flavor kisses.
Unknown_10: Say it, speak more. No, it's not about the beer. Oh wonderful.
So there's a new hot VTuber for you all to check out. If you like taco, if you like taco flavored kisses, check out Linux and enjoy some quality, quality programming streams.
Unknown_08: Okay now this one this one's not a fake fake tranny vtuber I would like to tell you all about a story a true and honest kiwi farm story First of all, I want to do a poll just real quick. How old do you think this character is? How old do you think this character is? under
under 12 13 to 16 i'll say and then over 16 we'll just do it we'll just do a nice little poll here and see what what people think because now apparently this is an unpopular opinion based on the feedback that i've received from my moderation decisions over the last week i feel like i need to ground myself in reality so a little bit of community poll 13 to 15 16 dude under 12 i um so this is what happened
someone i deleted where do i want to start with this i deleted pictures of this character in lingerie and it was kind of like they were positioned sexually and there was like lingerie and i'm just like this is like 3d lollicon i'm just going to delete this because this character this is like a child character model i'm just going to delete this and i left a note and i said something like i want to crush weeaboo skulls with my boot or something that was my removal message so This post I just deleted the softcore stuff. I didn't ban anyone. I didn't you know lock the thread I didn't I didn't even make a post about this. I just edited the message kind of like the mods on the Microsoft Word I just like the message I deleted these pictures because I thought they were underage looking and they're they're kind of sus and I don't know what they are, but I'm not okay with it So I left it there because the rule for that thread is don't thirst posting. There's no porn There's no thirsting over the characters or whatever the fuck I would allow I'll see that for later, but
And then people get mad at me for this and said Josh is spurging out again. He's fucking with the thread I'm just like bro, and I even took because I know that in in art and drawing there's like You can age a character by how many heads tall they are Because your head proportionally grows slower than the rest of your body. So if your head, as an adult, your head is like 7 or 8 heads tall, and then as a teenager you're like 6 heads tall, and then as a preteen you're like 5 heads tall, and then you're like 4 and less as a child. So I did the test. I actually drew it out. This character is 5 and a half heads tall, which is about 13 to 15.
So everyone who guessed 13 to 15, your eyes do not deceive you, because that's what my totally scientific test came out to. And I know they have exaggerated features and shit, but it just looks like a fucking kid. I don't know what to tell you.
Unknown_08: So the poll results were 80% under 16, but 13 to 16 was 42%. It was basically split between under 12 and 13 to 16.
Unknown_08: Um, so, you know, I'm talking about this with them and I'm just like, I'm like flabbergasted that they're angry with me for this. I was like, this shouldn't be, you know, a thing. It shouldn't be a thing that that is complicated at all. This character named Sashi was voiced by this woman, alleged woman, I'm pretty sure.
And I did not know this when I deleted the images, but the pornographic, softcore pornography of this character put out was done by this woman. She had a Patreon for her VTuber shit, because this was a small-time character.
Unknown_08: she had a patreon for it put out the the lingerie photos of the character on her patreon to get money and then sashi graduated which means that they because all of the characters are in high school I fucking guess because they graduate
and then uh they're out and um probably because they they did this and it pissed off the studio released uh ecchi or whatever of their character now they come back as amelia watson so this one is famous amelia watson has like 1.6 million subscribers on on youtube they made over 500 000 uh pounds of income off just super chats not even including anything else So, uh, I've definitely seen this character before. I never saw Sashi before, before that post, but I've definitely seen this one. So it's like, this is one of the big ones that is really famous. And their voice actor is this degenerate freak who releases, uh, lollicon pictures on their, on their Patreon. Uh, and I guarantee you that they retired and moved to Amelia just because, uh, they got into trouble with their, their studio, um, over that. And that's why this character is, uh, more, it looks a little bit older. It's more portion, more like an adult.
So then I, um, I think that's it. I argue with people and said, really, uh, enough's enough. Don't post any porn. And if you had characterized it as this person did this thing and I'm criticizing that, I'm like, okay, that's one thing you can archive stuff. But that the post was like, have you guys seen these before? Here's, here's the porn. It's like, okay, the form is not a porn sharing website. It's not. Um, I don't allow that for anything, even in threads about only fan whores. Um, you have to, you have, if you're going to post something not safe for work, you have to characterize it as a, as a criticism. Um, so I'm going to hold the VTubers to the same standard. It's not just a porn sharing site. You have to actually be saying something with what you're posting.
And I leave it at that and I leave. And then I find out a day later, cause somebody complains and talk to staff says there is a person and one of the community boards.
Unknown_08: who is poking fun at people in the VTuber thread on their Discord. I'm thinking, what Discord? So it turns out that after the first time I yelled at the VTuber people, they made an emergency bunker Discord, and they all crowded in, and there's like 200 people in this fucking Discord, which is just a VTuber Discord for the Kiwi farms. And now there are people in that Discord who are spying on them because they freak out anytime I make fun of them on the site. And I'm like, so you're asking me to protect you and your off-site activity from reprisal on-site from people who aren't doing this gay shit. And I never got a reply from that person, but I looked at it and I'm like, there's five different porn boards on your Discord. Why do you need five different porn boards for your Discord? This one says, lewds not safe for work, which I don't know what the fuck that means. How is something lewd and safe for work at the same time? I guess, like, not explicit. That's, that's ecchi. That's like the lingerie stuff is quote-unquote safe for work. Then you have Lude's not-safe-for-work, which is just porn. Then you have Lude's cosplay, which is real women, I guess, dressed like this character. Imagine being so desperate for attention as a real woman on the internet that you have to dress up as a fucking...
As Watson as like a Watson anime character and then fuck yourself just to get men to pay attention to you like No, actually, I won't your titties in the Goomba did not interest me unless you're dressed like my favorite anime character Could you please dress like this for me, please? And then it gets put into this fucking, it gets shared, it gets stolen. Somebody just steals it and uploads it on some shitty Discord server. Then there's lewds cursed. I don't know what the fuck that is. I'm gonna assume the worst and say it's probably Lolicon or like, Gore or something. And then there's lewds other. So it's not, so lewds other is for lewds that are not safe for work, not safe for work, cosplay or curse. I have, No clue what would fall into that category. It seems like the other four conclusively cover 100% of all possible topics that could exist for any pornographic picture, but for some reason, Something happened. I guarantee you that when they sat down and laid out the boards They started with lewds and then people going to a fight like I just want to post post wholesome ecchi lingerie of 13 year old girls and these people are posting her getting fucked. Okay. Well, we'll make a safe for work And I'm not safe for work version of this board and then in the not safe for work version someone started posting cosplay and then they complained saying can we get these 3d pig disgusting real flesh women out of my my uh lewds not safe for work category nobody wants to see that shit that looks like roast beef all my anime characters have better looking vaginas than that like okay okay fine we'll make the cosplay category for that one and then someone posts some really fucked up shit in not safe work where it was like okay we need a special category for this one guy who's into this really really fucked up fetish and then somebody went to the cursed one and posted something that offended that guy and he says i need another one for this guy because he He crossed the line. I'm not putting up with that. I can't share a space with this fucker. He is crazy. So that became Lude's other. And then somewhere in between this, these people have found enough time to complain about me for 22 pages of search results in this discord, where it's just like, okay, but we need to end this. We need an emergency meeting to decide what to do now that Nola's complaining about our lollicon again. We have to figure out what we're going to do.
It's just a mess. So I make fun of him for that. And I say, look, I never, like, I try really, like, and people keep mad at me for this, and say, oh, Josh is, whatever, is trying to make, force people to be friends with him by keeping them on the site. But it's like, I try to, like, the reason why I work hard to get the chat to look right is because I don't want people to have a reason to go offsite. And I know that there's two reasons that people are driven offsite, primarily. A, voice chat, which I will never offer because the one time the Kiwi Farms had a voice chat,
Unknown_08: User named pine tar threatened to rape somebody because he got too drunk. So since 2015 We've never had a voice chat or a team speak or a ventrilo Because people can't stop raping each other in the voice chat So that's just been even when we had the sneak cord back in the day The rule was that the voice chat was not open unless there was a moderator there because then people are less inclined to be retarded And we would just close the voice chat. Nobody was actively moderating it. So I
Um, so yeah, I know voice chat's a thing that some people want, I will never provide that, and people need a voice chat for whatever reason. I would, trust me, you don't, because people are autistic and annoying, and it's just awkward being in a voice chat with a bunch of people from the forum.
Unknown_08: In general being in one of those discoid voice voice chats where it's like 20 people who do nothing all day But are just like passively plugged into a voice with their mics open so you can hear them typing and like vaping and shit It's just the worst auditory experience you could ever possibly inflict on each other I have no interest in voice chat one saying so then the other one is ban users and that's why I I'm trying I'm thinking about reforming the rule set so that we never permanently ban someone unless they're like actually like a menace because
It is true that when someone gets banned, they'll contact their old friends, they'll exchange discords and shit, and then those people end up in a splinter discord, and they just jerk off each other and become horrific menaces over time, because they get mad that so-and-so is banned, so then they start taking it out on me, and it's like, bro, I'm sorry that your friend's banned, but he's a fucking spurglord. so i don't know i'm probably gonna use i have to i don't know i'll have to think about it i've been talking about it with uh the other staff and i have a i have a vague idea of how to go to like formalize bands and stuff so that they're more lenient um but it's just that's it's one of several things that i've been doing um like for instance the main issue yeah feedback loop it is it is true and it's like yeah you know i feel bad i i i don't like banning people but people like
Unknown_08: Really really try hard once it becomes obvious that they don't want to be a part of the forum anymore for XYZ reason they will like Continuously up the ante of deliberately trying to piss me off until I ban them and then they complain that I'm being harsh on them It's like bro. You got to work with me to a certain extent We have very few rules, and if you could avoid you know deliberately shitting up the place it would help a lot and being able to keep you around but
Yeah, charge them $10. I don't know, man. I'm not going to lie. We've not had registrations all throughout June. And throughout June, the forum has been kind of chill.
Unknown_08: There's not been a bunch of new retards coming in, shitting up the place. The chats have been pretty chill. Everything's been kind of chill.
Unknown_08: So gatekeeping a little bit is working out. And it's giving me time to look at things and kind of take it slow and change the rules a bit, add a board, add some chat, spend some time developing, talk to people.
figure out what to do because with this board and with the political board it highlights two challenges with being a uh please do not open up registrations i i don't know i'm really afraid i guarantee you that the july users are going to be horrific if i do open them up But the issue with running a big site like this is that not all areas of the site, which are big now, are areas that I'm interested in. The political area of the site, I'm not interested at all. I'll look at an article every so often and make fun of it. But my opinions are already... I know what they are, and I don't need to read articles that reinforce my worldviews already, which is almost exclusively what news is. I've noticed that nobody ever reads the news to become educated or informed about a topic. They read the news because it's like, I'm already angry about this, and I want specifically to find more instances of, you know, Republicans oppressing poor trans children, or I'm already pissed off about trans shit, so I'm going to read some articles about how trans people molest each other and kids and shit. And it's like, all you do when you look at the news is you try to find articles that already reinforce what you already think.
So I find the whole exercise pointless and I don't really spend time there. And I don't really care about convincing other people of my opinion because I know I'm right 100% of the time. And I don't really care about having my opinion changed because I already know I'm right 100% of the time. So I have no interest in debating people about shit either. So then...
Unknown_08: If we have a lot of people who want to talk politics, which we do, and it's a big area of the site and it's very active and they have their own culture and shit, it's like, how do you moderate that? How do you keep that good for those people who you don't really have anything in common with because you're on your own wavelength?
So it's kind of like I have to find people I trust to manage an area of the site that I can't personally manage because I don't read it or use it myself. And it's also becoming a thing with the VTuber thread. It's like, so what do I do with them? You know, I can't moderate this because I don't read. I have less than zero interest in VTuber shit. When I see VTuber shit, I get angry.
Unknown_08: Like I have negative interest in this. So how do I like moderate it if I don't want to be involved? Anytime I get involved, it becomes like a huge ordeal.
Unknown_08: Option a is always just get rid of them, which is kind of mean Just to say like, oh, I don't like anime and it's kind of childish to be like, I don't like anime so much I'm just gonna like ban Any discussion of it, you know, that doesn't work, but and that builds up resist Resentment where it's like now these people hate you and they're gonna go out of their way to like fuck with your sight and shit
And then the other consideration is to find someone who can be like a representative of that area and manage it for you and It's not an easy task to find someone like that because I inherently don't trust anyone who watches anime
Unknown_08: So how do I find someone who's both in touch with the VTuber community and someone I trust when I don't trust anyone who watches VTubers? It's sort of like an irreconcilable position there. But, you know, such is life.
Unknown_08: Flamenco. Flamenco for Jani. You know, if only I knew someone who was super into the anime stuff and was one of the best, most loyal Jani's that has ever existed. If only such a person was around to help out and to lend his broom. Flamenco says no. Not Flamenco. Someone else in mind. Someone who's more sweepy. Gator. I need to get Gator to be my official VTuber senator to represent the interests of the the VTuber community Like back in the back in the old days of the Continental Congress. He's arriving by horse with his signed petition from his constituents Yeah, so that's that's the VTuber thing The other and like I said, I I talked to I found a guy for the for the articles and happenings who I really don't even know he's been around for so long and
From 2016, he's never changed his name. It's so strange to me when I see a guy who's like 7,000 posts in, been around for six years, and I don't remember ever seeing him post before. But the community is so big now that it's like that all the time. I see people who have thousands of posts who have been around for fucking years, who everybody knows except me. It's like, how are you avoiding the eye of Sauron for that long? It's crazy.
Unknown_08: um so we changed the rules around a bit and we had a new board and i gave people back their fucking stickers so i can rate people autistic i'm gonna rate you autistic so oh this guy is a neko rights activist i hate the anti-cat girl yeah you're fucking autistic
I don't like this guy's post.
Unknown_08: Now everyone, I'm going to give them a chance. Maybe you can be not retarded.
Unknown_08: Maybe we can work this out. And I hope so. Because like I said, I always prefer this fictitious stature where it's like everyone gets along and shit.
Unknown_08: As opposed to being like yeah, no, we just can't have you around but the main thing is that there's It is a community. It cannot stand divided against itself. So if there are elements in the community Who harm the overall health of the site? I will get rid of them and I'll say I
I probably have already done so with people who are exclusively there to share porn of OnlyFans horrors.
Unknown_08: I deem that the kumar element would probably be more harm to the community than good.
Unknown_08: In particular because some of the best users on the site are in the beauty parlor. And it's like, you can't have a, you know, you can't foster like a community that's like 40% women, but, and also have people who only post to like, post revenge pornography of random whores on the internet. It's like, those things are mutually exclusive. So, and coomers are kind of disgusting and, you know, you don't want them around. Hello, celeb power. By the way, I added a new chat just for the political board, and I might add one for the off-topic boards as well, because now that I have SneeChat running, I can do that.
Anyways. Beauty Parlor, worst board. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's the worst board. Okay.
Unknown_08: Look, this guy has an anime avatar, and his name is BBC.
Just kidding. Unbelievable to me.
Unknown_08: I'm going to shut this off before people start posting images.
Unknown_08: So that's the update on the forum. Now I will delve out to talk about other things. For instance, Zoe Quinn is now fat.
Unknown_08: Here's a picture of Zoe Quinn. As you can see, she's a meaty big chongus.
Unknown_08: If you don't know who Zoe Quinn is, and you're thinking, who the fuck is Zoe Quinn?
Unknown_08: She started Gamergate. This is a true story. Zoe Quinn started Gamergate. She made a quote-unquote video game that was basically an HTML slideshow. It was just a website, like a choose-your-own-adventure, where you're like, I'm sad. Do I get out of bed? Uh-oh, I tried to get out of bed, but I'm too sad. And it's like the laziest shit fucking video game ever. But her game was rated as a masterpiece, best indie game of the year by all these different video game publications. And people were like, hmm, how is this happening? How is she managing to get all these rave reviews for her shit, shit game? And it turns out she fucked them all.
All the journalists, all the guys that were giving her great reviews, she'd fucked them. She'd fucked five of them. They called her Five Guys, Burger and Fries, Zoe Quinn.
Unknown_08: And that is how Gamergate started, because she fucked a bunch of guys.
Unknown_08: And the rest is history, as they say. Well, no, it's still going on all these years later.
Unknown_08: So, Zoe Quinn, who is now fat from all the burgers and fries, says, this strain of COVID is so mild that I, and this is her being sarcastic, is so mild that I have to wear a heart monitor glued to my chest for the next couple weeks along with a ton of other things to see how badly it damaged my heart. Please mask up. I'm vax boosted, barely leave my home, don't socialize, and always was masked. So, I am protected in every conceivable way and now I'm having heart trouble.
Please continue to do these things which are completely ineffective. Note, I was very good. This woman, by the way, note I was in very good cardiovascular health and have always done physical conditioning exercises before this. This bitch trying to tell me that she is in immaculate cardiovascular health and does physical training exercises every day. Are you Fucking for real, I can look at you and tell you that that is not reality, that you are fucking lying to me when you say that.
She says, multiple layers of protection are absolutely critical. Please take care of yourself and your communities.
Unknown_08: And then she complains and says, make sure to report people for misinformation to the Twitter police if they say things that I don't like.
Unknown_08: So now's a good time to tell us, this is from May, but I'll bring it up.
Unknown_08: from the post-millennial. Bill Gates says COVID is a disease mainly for the elderly with a low fatality rate and likens it to the flu.
It wasn't until early February when I was in a meeting with the experts of the foundation said there's no way that COVID could have been contained.
Unknown_08: And he goes on to basically say like, oh, well, we didn't know what to expect. So we took it very, very seriously. And it's like, well, that's a big nothing burger. A nothing burger, which, by the way,
Unknown_08: Is now a mandatory vaccine for anybody according to the the World Health Organization It's on the list of recommended vaccines, which is like used for immigration purposes And if you want to fly into the United States or drive into the United States or take a boat into the United States For instance, I have a friend who's trying to flee the war I'm trying to help him out and there's just no fucking way that he's gonna get into the United States without being Vax Anytime in the next year Because if you want a green card in the U.S., you have to have the COVID vaccine. And if you want to fly into the U.S. at all, you have to have an up-to-date COVID vaccine. And the U.S. is like the only country in the world that still has these mandatory vaccination requirements to get in. You cannot get in, no matter what, to the United States right now unless you are shot. So this is fucking retarded, and everyone knows it, but they don't care, because Bill Gates is going to thumb your asshole whether you like it or not. You have no options.
So I don't know, I don't know what to expect. I'm hoping that if the Republicans, but like Republicans are tough on immigration, right? So they're not going to let in filthy unvaxxed people into the US. So it's very, very, it's very frustrating to try and help someone and be like, Oh, sorry, there's nothing I can do for you. Like there's literally nothing. Even if we got gay married in Ukraine, I can't, I can't bring you into the US cause you have to get the, uh, the neighbor cattle shot right into your fucking eyes twice.
Unknown_08: By the way, someone asked me during the Super Chat big-a-thon last stream if I would help Ghost set up a Fediverse node. And I said, sure, have them email me. And then, for some reason, Ralph and Ghost got into this argument. And it's 15 minutes long of yelling at each other. I'm not going to play all of it. I'll play a couple seconds of it so you get the idea of what this is like, this argument.
Hey, now, you done goofed.
Unknown_02: I mean dude, I I know you think that you're a badass, you know Because you know, they pepper you up a little bit in Lisbon and now dude come down here in Texas again. See what happens boy Dude we'll turn your fucking gun tass into dog meat out here boy Dude, I'll make you look low. Hey, I'll make you look lower than a leprechauns nutsack. All right, I
You'll have to get up out of your wheelchair and do something like that. Yeah, and bring this, like, over-feminized boyfriend you got on the show with you, too. Get this guy, too. I'll beat both your asses.
Unknown_02: So that is the just a bit we just he kind of like goes Up against Ralph like Ralph goes up against everyone He just yells and talks over him and says he's gonna take a shit on his dead mother and it kind of works on Ralph gets angry and he just keeps going back and forth I
I will instead of covering this argument because it's kind of pointless to do that, I will tell you who Ghost is because I do know Ghost. Ghost is or was, I guess he's still around, he was my first lolcow.
Unknown_08: Now Ghost is very performative. But there was for a time that he was widely believed to be 100% authentic.
Unknown_08: And he did this show called True Capitalist Radio. It was about three hours long. And the first two hours was just like talking about stocks and cattle futures and pork futures and all this shit.
And then he would have at the end... Three hours are wrong, yeah.
Unknown_08: At the end he would have a segment called radio graffiti and if you don't remember at the same time that ghost got popular there was this meme that was super popular of people who would call in to prank this auction site and
Unknown_08: It was just like two people trying to sell shit on like an online auction. And it was kind of like a QVC thing where people would call in to place bets on, on stuff that's being aired. And, um, there was all these different jokes that people would have where they would just get on and be like, yeah, how much for the cactus, cactus, cactus, cactus, cactus. And it was just, that would be it. And they would get really irritated and hang up. And it was really funny. And at least at the time and yeah, long,
And that, I think, inspired Ghost to do radio graffiti, where people would come on and they would basically do the same kind of stuff. And it had this whole culture of all these different in-jokes, because Ghost is weird.
I don't know how he does this if it's like a sound effect that he has on a dashboard or if it's he genuinely just has this bucket of old aluminum cans under his desk but every time he gets angry he kicks it and you can hear all these cans bashing around and he yells at people that he's given them great financial advice by saying I'm shooting pearls here I'm shooting pearls before swan and none of y'all take me seriously And he just says all this shit, and then people call in, and it's the same people, and they all sing songs and shit to fuck with him, and they call him Ghostler, and say he's a racist, and then he shoots back, I'm not a racist, I'm a melting pot! I'm a melting pot of friendship! And there's hours and hours of these radio graffitis, and they're fucking funny, in part because of all the weirdo callers who would call in and kind of, like, contribute to the show.
Unknown_08: And again, a lot of it was performative, but I just remember, like, watching these radio graffitis with friends in Garry's Mod theater, which was like, Garry's, it was like, I guess people don't even know what Garry's Mod is anymore. It was like this 3D thing, and you could join these different servers, and one of them was a literal movie theater that could play YouTube videos, and you could watch it with friends in like a virtual movie theater, kind of like Second Life or some shit, but less gay. And it was fun. And this is just an example of what radio graffiti is like.
Though his heart's cold and frigid, Ghost is still our favorite midget and he is a melting pot.
Unknown_12: Wait, just a second, you stupid fruity ass. I'm not a midget. I thought we got that cleared up yesterday. I am not a midget. All right? I mean, let me tell you something, to be honest with you, when I'm driving down the street and I see a midget in the road, I floor the freaking gas pedal. You know what I'm saying? All right, so let's not say that, hey, I'm a midget of sorts, all right? I'm not a midget. And the people are concerned, like, well, wait a minute, Ghost, I mean, if you do that, aren't you afraid about the cops? Aren't you afraid about the cops? I mean, what's the cop gonna say, you know? He's gonna pull me over, he's gonna say, hey, uh, buddy, you just hit a midget.
And, you know, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm sorry, I thought it was a peacock, I thought it was a big freakin' bird or something, I'm sorry, you'll clean that up, right, officer? And, of course, you know, the officer's gonna be like, yeah, you know what? Who cares? Who's looking? Go right ahead, have a nice day. 952, Radio Graffiti.
Ghost's a... Jew. Ghost's a Jew. He's a greasy hambone, too. He talks down to all the bronies, but he's only three foot two. On his hollow round painted teal, called the Capitalist Mobile, he goes rolling all through Wal-Mart, buying kosher for every meal. He hates blacks. He hates wops. By the way, Ghost likes the clops. And the engineer is such a better ho-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
I didn't even mention the engineer. He doesn't do that anymore. He'll be talking to us and he'll be like, it would be like he's not managing his stream or whatever, there's someone helping him. And he would yell, and he'd be like, Engineer, goddammit, turn that off! And then he would get away from the mic and be like,
And he would have a conversation like that with himself doing this engineer voice of like a like a nonverbal retard and Yeah, it was like it was like Gator. It was like Gator and People it took a long time for people to figure out that was even goes it was like Does he have like a retarded autistic son that he has helped him with the OBS? and
Unknown_08: Is it like an actual person? Is it him? And it was like years of speculation. Who is the engineer? And there was one stream where he gets up to go to the bathroom because he always had to take a... He had to pee because he drank so much beer live on air. And Engineer took over the stream and he was just like... For like a full minute before Ghost was like, God damn it Engineer! Get away from there! Get away from... Get away Engineer!
fucking engineer so that inspired the the joke where the engineer was the better host because he took over from it oh it was funny there's literally hundreds of hours of like a hundred not hundreds of like a hundred hours of true capitalist radio radiography is still out there
Unknown_08: and that was new show format he came back and um i tried to get into it and i think in this video uh ralph says something about how he's a he's shit because i like him or something and ghost says back like nah josh is great he watches all my streams
I'm not as big a fan of the new ones cuz he he figured out at some point that if he comes back because it was years of hiatus, and he came back right as trump wanted to tell everyone that he told everyone so cuz cuz back in the day everyone was like super. Liberal it was like progressive he had Project Chanology and all these bronies and like YouTube atheists and shit And that's why people hated him because he was so conservative and then all these people switched back to being super conservative And he's like I told you so so now all like his old like trolls quote-unquote trolls during radio graffiti We're now like unironic fans of his
Unknown_08: And he found out that he could turn radio graffiti into superchats, which is what he did. And that's what the current format of his stream is.
Unknown_08: But no, I like ghosts.
It was my first foray into weird personalities as Hentrix online.
Unknown_08: I think even in the chronology of how I became interested in shit was that someone had linked me to the quickie years and years ago.
Unknown_08: And I looked at it, and I remember thinking, who the fuck cares about this retard? How the fuck can you make a wiki about this shit? That's a waste of time. And then I watched Ghost, and I thought, like, you know, I should revisit that quickie. I bet you that's pretty funny in hindsight. And then I went back, and I read the entire thing, and I joined the quickie forums, and the rest is history. And I ended up taking over the kiwi farms, and so on and so forth.
sort of a weird small world kind of situation, Neil, with Ghost.
Unknown_08: Now Ghost is trolling Ralph. He's eating all my hand bones right now.
Unknown_08: Yeah, and I remember the, um, like his, his current stuff is basically monetizing those people who want to be more prominent on his stream. Whereas before it was just like raw creativity is what got you a pass and like popularity. Now it's like, um, you have to pay money to be in the inner circle and stuff. And those are like the gold star colors. And it's like, yeah, it's not the same.
Um, but it was great. Great at the time. It's great at the time chat. That's what matters. It's the fond memories that you have.
Unknown_08: I think that's oh on the topic of Ralph I meant to play this before this is Dalton Claude Felcher I don't know who the fuck that is but he's a cozy he's one of the cozy TV kids who looks like he's way too young to be streaming and he kind of fits that type of people that that surround Nick Fulentes but he said this so people are thinking there's smoke above a fire on the
cozy tv situation with ralph i guess i'll just play it from twitter because it's not working like ethan ralph who i've said a million times i don't think is a good person apparently he's married to a fat latina i've said that a million times and i don't think that i need to say it over and over again i don't think ralph is a good person and i've got respect for the grind i got the respect for the grind but he's a degenerate i mean like let's all just be honest
Unknown_09: He is a degenerate and and that's and you know, he's doing that i'm just saying like the simple fact is He is a weed-smoking degenerate And there's like a laundry list of things there Like ethan ralph who i've said a million he smokes weed.
Unknown_08: So he's degenerate as opposed to like
Unknown_08: What a weird thing to be upset about. That really shows his age, that he's just like, yeah, of all the things to complain about with Ralph being a degenerate, you go right for the weed. What about when he thumbed a teenager's ass and put the video on the internet to own her ex-boyfriend?
What about when he told his mom to fuck off and the reason why he's so bitter every time Sandra's mentioned is because His last memory of her was yelling at her because he didn't get it he didn't get he did not get an opportunity to make up with her before she died and he blames it on Kobe but really he knows he could have picked up the phone at any time and talk to her when she was in the hospital so now whenever people bring up Sandra he gets really busy that's pretty fucking degenerate.
Unknown_08: What about having a bastard child that's pretty degenerate.
Unknown_08: Yeah, what about the drinking? That's pretty degenerate. What about going to foreign countries? That's pretty degenerate.
Unknown_08: Here's Ralph's current thing, by the way. Remember how, a couple of streams ago, I mentioned that Ralph was talking to Keemstar, and Keemstar said, look, bro, I can get you a fuck ton of money. I can get you fucking paid if you do this stupid fight with Andy Warsky and you just take it, number one, you take it a little bit seriously, you do workouts, you do videos if you're working out, you just take it like a serious thing. And number two, no F slurs or N slurs until the fight is over. Because if you want to get signed with WWE, not WWE, but with different pay-per-view groups, you have to be at least a little clean. During the run, during the promotion, you have to not be saying stupid shit. It's going to get us in trouble. If you can do these two things, I can get you easy your cut of $300,000." And that was Keemstar's pitch to him, and he's probably right.
And Ralph said, I need my papa Jim Medicare to sign my permission slip that allows me to not say the N or the F slur during the duration of this event, because if I don't, then people will think I am bitch made for cucking myself. And that was his literal word for word, his logic about why he would refuse to do this unless Jim explicitly permitted him to do it. So he ended up not doing the event. He told Keemstar and Andy Worsky to fuck off. And now Andy Worsky has decided to move ahead.
We can't see the chat on the screen. There you can.
Unknown_08: So Andy Worsky went ahead with the event and...
Unknown_08: Has matched with somebody else who is more of a you know an amateur boxer than Andy Warski is so any worse He's probably gonna lose but Ralph is now You know like covering this boxing event like Andy Warski is gonna get his ass beat boy. It's gonna be so humiliating It's gonna be worse It's gonna be worse than what happened to me in Portugal both times even this is gonna be the most humiliating thing You couldn't pay me enough blood to get whooped this bad And he's like it's like the most weird perplexing fucking mental gymnastics ever like you got your ass beat um multiple times by like fat british dudes and moroccans because you tried to like peddle underage sex and drugs and then you're trying to say that randy warski getting paid to fight is going to be humiliating wait like an unrecoverable punishment for him like it's it's a sport for money
Win or lose, you get paid, literally. And that's the Ralph and Mel mentality with everything. It doesn't matter how bad I humiliate myself, as long as I'm getting fucking paid, you understand? You understand, boy? I get paid either way. Like, that's his fucking mindset. And he's gonna try and, like, throw stones at Andy Warski because dad didn't sign his fucking permission slip to go to the fight. It's very bizarre. So guess what? Instead of doing that stupid fight and getting a cut of hundreds of thousands of dollars, Ethan Ralph is going to fly out to England, where this is taking place, with Dick Masterson, and they're just going to watch. They're going to put money in to watch this spectator sport and pay Andy Worsky to get into a fight instead of Ralph participating himself. And he's going to say that this is a great epic win and victory for him.
Truly, truly bizarre Ralph-O-Mile logic that I will never understand. And I realized when I talk about Ralph and I'm just like sitting here and I don't have anything to show for it I sound like an insane person. I'm just I'm just making shit up like yeah I think Ralph said that he's gonna go shit in an alligator's mouth and that would be fucking awesome because you know Andy Warsky he's a big fan of alligators and in Gator obviously big fan of Gators so him shitting in this Gators mouth would just be
Unknown_08: The biggest own impossible to him and then he went and guess what the fucking gator bit off his big toe He's lucky you've got away with just as big toe gone like everyone would think that's what's actually happening because it's it's Completely the same shit as what he does day to day He posted pictures of his kid again, and then complain that people are gonna make fun of his kid It's like okay well if you're gonna post pictures of your kid and you've stipulated that all rules all things are off and people can do Whatever they want why the fuck are you complaining about this? All right you do it So that people will make fun of her, so that you can clip it, and then show your paypigs how mean everybody is. They give you fucking sympathy money.
He went to Atlantic City, and he said he was taking May and the baby, and there was no pictures of it whatsoever. He didn't tweet anything about it while being there. And then when he got home, he said, I went to Atlantic City. So I'm pretty sure they didn't fucking go. And what's a baby gonna do at a casino? Goddamn nothing.
Unknown_08: Really just bizarre.
Unknown_08: I'm sorry. You know, I always make a joke that, like, the Kiwi Farms is, is like, not me, like, making a joke, but people say that the Kiwi Farms is a place for people to go to look down on others and feel better about themselves. And isn't that just pathetic? And it's like, yeah, there's some truth to that. And I made the joke that I'm big about web accessibility. I try to make it so that people with screen readers and stuff can use my sites. And even with Infinity Next, I made sure that screen readers and shit worked with Infinity Next to a certain degree. I tried my best.
And I try to make it internationalizable so that it could work in Arabic with right to left layouts and Chinese and stuff like that. Because I believe that everybody, regardless of your disability, should be able to find people who are worse off than you to make fun of. And I really am thankful every single day that I am not Ethan Ralph. Because Ethan Ralph is living what is perhaps the most hellish existence I can possibly think of. He has sold out like every modicum of decency and privacy that a man could expect to have in his life. for a pittance of a couple thousand dollars a month at most.
A salary that you can make managing like a Burger King in exchange for every waking second of his life being absolute fucking insanity.
Talk about Jesse Lee Peterson homo predator documentary. Um, I don't know the details of that. I just heard that Jesse Lee Peterson's like a homosexual sex pest that like groomed underage boys or some shit. I don't know how much of that's true. I've not heard anything. That's just like the headline.
Unknown_08: Um, Josh, who speak is slipping a lot today.
Unknown_08: I'm much mouth today. Cause I'm going, I'm, I'm just rambling. I'm not really following my, uh, my pointers.
Unknown_03: Amazing Yeah, I'm speaking Chinese it's all my Chinese language training that's a slipping in Okay, one more thing as far as stories go and I'll get into the super chats and hopefully there's some content there too
um so just a quick update on the tranche i mentioned yet last stream that and this is the moderator board that this post is in so don't look anywhere except this post chat this is a secret board uh kevin the amhole from the tranche video and wedge the guy who just recently became amhole broke up they were together in the most disgusting union that the world has ever seen and
Unknown_08: Kevin then flew off to England to give a blowjob to what is perhaps the most disgusting looking thing ever. This fish-eyed looking weirdo person right here. He flew all the way to England just to give this person a blowjob.
Unknown_08: he posts on twitter when your heart breaks but it just scabs over a bit so the crying stops but the crying might come back to you at any moment but in the meantime you just feel numb i'm not a very good partner and i often am scared of the day all my wives realize this and then i go making it about me again see what i mean
ASK so they're both in like a polyamorous transgender lesbian relationship which is just a disgusting sentence I think this is about Kevin
Unknown_08: You don't get to just try and be friends and then emotionally manipulate me by drawing my fursona to win me over and make this about you.
Unknown_08: So Wedge then pissed on himself and posted dirty slut toilet as Haley Adams XXX on Pornhub in case you want to see a post-op transsexual piss on himself for whatever reason I was told that this video has been archived for the website.
uh so yeah that appears to be the the update i don't know what any of this stuff is i guess happy tranniversary is this when you celebrate the day that you ruined your life forever apparently what is what is okay i'll read this wait what is what is who is this person
Unknown_08: You can see here that Kindness, the owner of Trance's BPD girlfriend, so that was the schizophrenic person that I mentioned before, has broken up with him because he didn't respect her countless pronouns, and she's one of the headmates people. She claims to be struggled putting her full story since her personas have fractured memories, although her dislikes and understanding of Paul somehow transmits across all of them and she can clearly communicate. So I think that is yeah that's like the really really ugly chick who we thought was a female to male but is actually a male or no the other way around a male female but it's actually just a woman who is f to m and they think they have like a split personality disorder like a fake one. And he says, or she says, or they say, I don't want to tell y'all, I didn't want her to read this tweet, I don't want anyone to bother her, I don't want any drama, especially because of the plurality and fractured memory, it's hard for me, I wasn't there for the actual disagreement, but facts and paper, there are gonna be consequences, because this has to do with my health.
Flam, these are your kinds of people.
Unknown_08: Okay, so kindness says, and their pronouns are fae slash he, so respect that.
Unknown_08: I feel like I was raped. I think it was rape. I found out one of my alters crawled into bed with my roommate last week after his friends visited. I cannot stop shaking. I consider it rape that he didn't tell me he had unprotected oral sex with her and then fucked me raw. I'm not to be clear accusing my roommate of rape right now. Though I'll report things legally. Yes, even I don't think it means shit. I'm not accusing him. So what?
so Kindness thinks that Faye was raped because of Faye's altar got
Unknown_08: eaten out and then fucked by a male-to-female transsexual at the trance. But Faye is not accusing Zim of rape, but they will report it as rape even though Acab, I'm not accusing him, Faye adds.
so never stick your dick in crazy in case you need a reminder and then kind the crippled cryptid adds that one of the people in the trans got a job and kindness the crazy lady does nothing but play bad games all day
Unknown_08: Faye, respecting the pronouns here, Faye pointed out Faye's desire to cheat on Paul because his HRT gives him erectile dysfunction, bringing up his penis is so small that he tried penetrating her in her sleep and she didn't even notice, and for some reason Paul finds her sharing this flattering, okay, to which Paul says, and I guess
Unknown_08: Okay, so kind oh Wait, no, this is just a different Twitter account because they're both kind. I think it's the same person. This is the fae again I'm really really really needing to find someone to keep me company while my partner works I get so lonely and needy and I need to be cuddled and I crave being filled ill I just want to play my switch watch TV and have relaxed cozy sex where I come over and over This is fucking vile. This is particular. I can't this can't be
no this is i really can't follow this because there's like multiple personalities she really just wants me to oh paul is she okay sorry i'm getting confused here paul is she kind is faye paul she kind faye okay i'm figuring this out so paul really just wants me to be taken care of while he's gone and i think I think that would be good to have someone who can take the edge off my neediness, so Paul doesn't have to stay awake all night fucking me just to get to sleep. My poor GF Paul. He does so good, I cum so many times, and yet dry hump her leg at all hours.
Uh, well, I just woke up with my... girlfriend Paul in my butt, so clearly all is right in the world. I'm still so fucking horny, but at least now I can think of the words that aren't just uwu.
Unknown_08: Paul told me my hole is so tight that he can only get inside of it even on days inside of it on Paul's days of waking up harder than normal.
Remember, these people are people just like you and me, and they just want to have nice, healthy relationships where they surprise buttfuck each other with micropenises and go by fey pronouns. Damn, you know I have cancer, yeah. I'm sorry, I don't know, whatever.
Unknown_08: These people aren't even crazy by the standards, though. They're not, like, especially crazy.
Unknown_08: Anime is just HRT.
Unknown_08: Okay, I'm sorry. I tried my best to decipher what the fuck is happening with the tranche. There you go. The tranche update is the Apakas are starving to death in a sandstorm outside while they buttfuck each other while unconscious and have mental breakdowns over alleged rape that they reported even though they're not making any accusations.
Remember, this is taken out in the woods, in the Badlands of Colorado. You'll never be safe anywhere.
Unknown_08: Your favorite band Rainbow Kitten made a degenerate truant, but I'm sure that's because the lead singer came out as true rogue internet, man Okay, so a guy who was like a guy who was discounting Jim got docs and apparently he was grooming people and was like super involved in trolling even though he was reporting like trying to be like Jim and just like report on stuff and And then he got doxxed and he fled the internet. The end. So if you're watching Rogue Internet Man, you won't be able to find him anymore because he pissed himself after he got doxxed, despite doing the same shit to other people and grooming people, apparently.
Rogue Internet Man is cringe. I've never even fucking heard of him. I can't keep up with you zoomy zooms anymore. I don't know.
Unknown_08: Back in my day, the only internet daddy that people had was Medicare. I don't know who the fuck this Rogue Internet Man is or this Act Man Plays shit is, but it's all very confusing and stressful to me.
All right, I will now put the screen into show mode if I can figure out how to do this.
Unknown_08: Okay, that's that's too much. I don't want it to be that much green. I just want like a little bit of green Why is it gonna be so fucking much? No, that's too much, but I don't want to Make and pick a darker color The new chris, I don't read his mail anymore Do not read the mail Sorry, sorry But I can't fucking do it. I can't read chris's insane bullshit anymore
Unknown_08: Because all it is, is it is a conduit for mentally ill people to become internet famous by writing Chris, who has nothing else to do all day, but reply to these letters. So, uh, you know, very desperate, sad people writing a very desperate and sad person and then posting a schizophrenic ramblings on the fucking internet so that they can say that with me, that was me that wrote that letter. That was me. I did join my discord. That was me.
Okay, let's refresh the donation thingy and start bashing through these, shall we?
Unknown_08: Five pages, wonderful.
Unknown_08: Roxanne wolf says for 10. Did you hear about the furry who was followed by the FBI? They were on his tail great joke excellent Sneed marzer says for 15 I've heard weird weird rumors of you being a cat boy shot icon lover on Blockland is is this true collab with Fuentes soon?
No idea how to respond to that except I will not collab with Flint. Oh I did actually no I did a stream on this on blockland shit watch um the couch cook if you're curious about all the The shit I was up to before the Kiwi farms as a wee lad Anonymous for 50 says if you enjoy king of the hill you should check out a show called miss Kobayashi No, I'm not watching miss Kobayashi's dragon maid fuck you I can't believe you would tip $50 as if that wasn't immediately obvious what the fuck you're saying and
Unknown_08: Stoma Liquor for five says, that is disgusting. Mr. Moon, is that your official position on Rhodesia?
I mean... Official position? I mean, to be fair, they were kind of fucked to begin with because they were like 85% black. They should have just got the fuck out.
Unknown_08: though they do make good music and they have a cool flag. I wouldn't mind some Rhodesian coins, but I'm pretty sure I can't find any. If you have any silver coins from Rhodesia, I would love to have them.
Unknown_08: Abominable Hillman for 10 says, Bam Margera escaped rehab. We may have yet get a Bam Andy Dick IP2 crossover. Am I guessing Bam Margera is an IP2 streamer?
I guess. I don't know. I have no opinions on IP2. I don't watch them. They're just like bumfights to me.
Unknown_08: The last thing I heard about IP2 is that that crazy bitch who is married to, or not married, but with Attila the Hun, I think his name is, had all her kids taken away. And she has like two or three because her babies come out addicted to crack. So when they come out, they
Unknown_08: They go directly to CPS.
Unknown_08: Bam is from Jackass. I've never watched Jackass, even as a kid. I had no interest in watching grown men hurt themselves for money. Stop Mosb says for 20, happy Fatherless. Today's not Father's Day, is it?
Is today Father's Day? 19th of June, so two days, it's Father's Day.
Unknown_08: Well, thank you.
Unknown_08: Roxanne Wolf again for 10 says, what is your favorite OS and why is it Guntu? I have no favorite operating system. I do like for servers, I like FreeBSD, but I don't have an opportunity to work with it very often.
Unknown_08: Oh, I fucked up my thing. God damn it. The donation alerts thing for viewing messages is not that great.
Rabbi Minshevitz for five says, Shalom, Joshua. You've been such a good boy this month. Have some sexual shekels. And never forget the six million. I remember the six million at least six million times a day. Don't you worry.
Unknown_08: Kuchiku for 25 says have PPP and Warski invited you on Kino Casino. Would you accept?
Unknown_08: Maybe in the past not recently and no because I I don't PPP is too volatile every time I try to like pal around with him. It blows up on my face So I've learned not to do that Nezumi for 20 says this one's on the house and then they posted this weird emoji that looks like is this looks like a ram I guess
Okay, I'll post this in chat with tell me what this emoji is chat I hope posting that into chat does not get me like automatically banned from from YouTube for Josh scared of a squire. Yeah, right Fake ass a rat a mouse. Oh, oh
Unknown_08: Let me re-read that. This one's on the mouse. Oh, it's a mouse emoji. Ah, right over my head. I'm too retarded to figure that one out. Anonymous1 says, getting married tomorrow. I encourage everyone to buy crypto and guns. You do not want to end up in a situation where you need them but do not have them. Bright shaft, he says. That's right. Always be ready.
Concerned weatherman for one says with ghost and capitalist army join the battle gyms. I like any idea who else will join I Don't know Andy dick he'll be there to sings that's a frog song The fighting is going on. He'll be the the announcer. I'll do the voiceover for the the fight. I Hacksleet46 says Vanu, NC, or BaseRepublic? Also, I'm on Windows 10, and I get a faster taskbar pop-ups showing me leftist news articles. I love megacorporations. When I played it as a kid on Planetside 1, I was in Vanu, and I was a cloaker. I liked to blow up the generators with the mines. You can't do that anymore in Planetside 2, but you could on Planetside 1.
I was very bad at aiming, so I just cloaked around and I blew up generators by myself that way. On Planetside 2, the last time I played, I was just a robot and I was on whatever team, so I don't want to join any outfits or anything. BigGuy45 says, I hate niggardly niggards. What do you think is the final solution to the niggard question? Well, everyone should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and develop some courage. We have to be strong and not afraid in these days. No excuse for being niggardly.
Anonymous for 25 says absolutely nothing. Thank you anonymous Constantine Romanov for 25 says you will eat the butt you bill eats the bugs you bill live in the pod and you will own nothing and you will be happy new update detected happiness removed No, I thought I was gonna be happy if I gave up all my freedom and possessions, but I guess not I guess I'm just gonna be fucking miserable Neil Holstein says for 25. Hey Josh your sight and show are great That being said you should play Morrowind also watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It is aunt. No, I'm not I'm sorry, I'm not watching it. I don't care if you say there are no girls or children or sexplosive. I'm not watching your fucking Japanese cartoons.
And I've never played Morrowind, but maybe if I'm bored one day, I will. I've been too busy cootin'.
Unknown_08: BigBaby412 says, we never got Francis E. Deck persons from the promise on a few times four years ago. What's up with that buster? I don't know. It's a lot to go through. I really don't have time for these things.
Unknown_08: One day chat, maybe one day I'll do the things I promised. SergeantWizardFist for 10 says, these people saying their baby is a tranny should be burned alive. God must be truly disappointed in us. God is laughing his ass off. The greatest joke ever written.
It's also tiresome for 10 says, every stream I reminded repeatedly that the wrong side won World War II. That's not a controversial opinion these days. I think even Douglas MacArthur said that the wrong side won.
Unknown_08: Doc Warlock for two says in the war. I think by World War two you're referring to the war of English aggression Just remember it's not Germany's fault they lost its England's fault that they defended Poland Russell T Shackleford says joke of Dale getting cucked
Unknown_08: Was he's on to the various conspiracy theories, but couldn't see the obvious conspiracy happening under his nose PS computers don't make errors. They do they do on purpose. Yeah, that's true.
I Mean, I got the joke. I'm just saying that it's sad because he's the character I relate to the most and he's a Total fucking coward and he's also a cuckold. So that sucks and VeganCat420 says, it was my choice to become a vegan cat as a toddler before I developed the concept of self or anything. Did you know that black babies can't recognize themselves in the mirrors until they're like five? And white babies can at like age one. And black babies can't until they're like five. And they blame that on cultural differences when they say black kids are just cultured or socialized differently to not recognize themselves, but to recognize community. It's like, no, they just can't recognize themselves in the fucking mirror.
Roxanne wolf again for ten says make an AC chat before a discord is made and they groom each other Other pretty please love, you know, that's an AC Oh animal control Yeah, I guess I could do that I'm gonna get everyone a fucking chat at this point
Unknown_08: Five-star day says jurors you should check out TF2 classic and open fortress and when we are getting more Dang profile reviews anyways take care and fuck glow neighbors I thought TF2 classic was like shuttered by valve. They're not allowing distribution of that software anymore I would definitely play that again because I had a lot of fun when I played it As far as dating profile reviews, I did a big video for the gumroad which will be out on Sunday for everybody I'll be posting that to the library on Sunday But thank you everyone who did subscribe to the gumroad to watch that
I hope it was worth it. CNN Freedom for 10 says, why is the only people who hate you and your site are degenerate coon brains, pedos, and troons?
Unknown_08: Because my site makes fun of them. I mean, it's really that simple. And I'll tell you as a point of experience that I've learned as a site owner, because When you run something that's in the public perspective, it's very difficult. It's a real developed skill that you learn to, number one, take criticism, but number two, learn what criticism to take. And that's the hard one that nobody ever tells you. If you just open yourself up to criticism, you become really insecure and you doubt yourself a lot.
It's a very learned skill to know who to listen to and who not to listen to and how to evaluate criticism and then decide if that criticism is actually valid or useful. Because some people will criticize you and they'll just have no fucking idea what they're talking about and you have to ignore them.
Unknown_08: The first one is often mentioned to take criticism, but the second one is not. You have to also ignore retards. And when people criticize you and they don't seem to be making valid points, oftentimes it's that they have some other point of contention with you and they don't want to bring that up. So they'll try to find other ways to make fun of your efforts without being true to what they're actually upset about.
It's very difficult to read the hearts of men. Sneed them, feed them.
Unknown_08: Dantioch for two says, VTuber graduation as a term meant more so in context of the Japan idol pop industry where the idol is fired or quits. They prefer the term graduated instead of either. Came from the 80s IRC. Well, I'm glad that these great traditions carry over and make things much more awkward to discuss in the West. Striga for five says nothing. Thank you, Striga.
The scout for five says when is the launch of the Kiwi community server? Oh God, I don't, that sounds like a fucking horrific idea to try to set up another video game server. I watched, um, by the way, a game developer conference video by some guy involved in space station thirteens TG station. Um, I forget what his name is.
Unknown_08: Some of my history. So I can't tell you.
Unknown_08: But yeah, he was explaining how the open source development model worked. It was kind of interesting.
He didn't mention that he's paused as fuck though. TwinkleTard for a hundred says, anime is great. I agree very much. Thank you, TwinkleTard.
Unknown_08: Anonymous for 10 says, I've been told the VTuber thread on the forum is the least autistic place on the internet to talk about VTubing and VTuber accessories. So I say it won't hurt to have a firm grip from time to time. That is true. I've known that a lot of them,
Unknown_08: Have various issues like with other ones most like not retarded places like 4chan With the vtuber threads won't let you talk about the people behind the voice actor like that's really frowned upon So the kiwi farms is like the only place that's not like a coombrained hellhole like 4chan But also allows you to talk about the the actors which is why it has like 5,500 pages of fucking bullshit in it now So I really don't know what to do about them. They're throwing me for a loop Brain Ted brain dead retard for one says Josh. Can you or the mods please update the featured content more often? I'm a retard who needs my entertainment spoon-fed to me 90% of my browsing is from future content We try to keep it fresh But there's some considerations like number one you have like the content has to be interesting to someone who doesn't know what's happening like in that thread and number two
We don't feature on the front page threads which would be utterly ruined by an influx of shit posting retards. So a lot of stuff I choose not to feature because I don't want to ruin the thread if it has like a small community and it's like a good thread. I would suggest reading the community happenings thread and I would suggest posting to that more often if you have things to talk about. That's more of a free-for-all. As long as it's like an actual happening and it's a link to the site, I allow it.
I love Israel for three says I just want to let you know Jess that we all appreciate dealing with the factory so that our favorite shitposting site is more bearable. Take care. Thank you Israel. Ghostler for 10 says quit being a bitch and just delete the VTuber thread then new users are just turfs and turkey Tom s7 bees. Nobody will care. Very informed opinion. Born to Sneed for 518 says I have the Jew flu and I need to stay in my pod for seven days. Thanks for making it less boring. You're very welcome. I hope you get over Jew flu well with your foreskin intact. Trigger for two says bring back the Kiwi SS 13 server that is more work than the actual fucking forum running that space station 13 shit It's it's a nightmare. It's a full-time job Which is why only trainers can do it Danny Hawk for two says didn't Zoe Quinn recently stick an online mob on an indie dev She didn't like and harass them to the point where he commit suicide. That was a couple years ago now, but yes, she did She killed somebody she killed more people than the Kiwi farms. Congratulations, Zoe Quinn and
Salty dog for five says tell your friends that when to get into the u.s. Take a flight to Mexico cross illegally across the southern border and you can say shot free That's true But it's like I know If it's like if it's like a woman and we're gonna say like go to the u.s. And then just cross across like a stream no
Unknown_08: Or you're going to tell your friend like, oh, you should come to America. It's great. You just have to cross illegally. It's land of the free and it's full of opportunities. But no, really flying to one of the dangerous border town cities of Mexico that'll cost thousands of dollars to get there. Don't get beheaded and then cross illegally where they're going to be flinging drugs across the border.
I would never recommend that shit to people. It's just like a nightmare.
Unknown_08: Kay for 10 says, keep doing what you're doing and I'll take some of my euro shekels. Thank you, Kay.
Unknown_08: Moritsuna for two says, fuck you, Texas. And he did not continue to say, and your Lone Star beer. Fuck that fucking Alamo and fuck your longhorn steer.
Unknown_08: Anonymous for 10 says, hearing how autistic VTubers are is always funny. Well, it's funny for you. It's not so funny for me. I have to deal with it. Thanks super chat for five says what do you think about the theory that ethan oliver ralph owner and host of the kill stream sends himself fake super chats the pad is as a hundred percent true because. On days where may is mad at him he does not get as many super chats as almost as if the super chats sucking his ass on the day on the regular are all coming from may.
MechWarrior410 says, here's some silver, my dude. $10 is about a little under half a troy ounce, so thank you very much. Strigger42 says, officer, my imaginary fursona got raped.
Unknown_08: OGpaymorehomie10 says, Josh loves the blacks, and blacks love him too. Song. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_08: Oh, this is a mashup between Justice and Gorillaz.
I get recommended mashups by YouTube more often than real songs these days.
Unknown_08: Tranch Alpaca Spokes Alpaca for 20 says, come steal us, no one will notice, come steal us one at a time, bring us to nice homes. There are free alpacas at the Tranch. You can just take them and nobody will care. I have 200 alpacas.
Unknown_08: Medicare Fenton Bot for $100 says, came in late, but hope you have a good day. We need another pigeon arc next year. Oh, jeez, I don't know if I can do that. They keep coming back to my balcony and shit all over the place. I have to shoo them off. I say, yep, you can't stay here. I'm glad that you had a wonderful childhood in my pots, but you can no longer return to my balcony and shit all over the place.
Chilty pin for five says please post banana pepper recipe and rerun banana pepper shirt I would do not rerun designs, but I think the recipe is on the site somewhere or on the forum thread Yeah, it's Maybe I can it's in my email somewhere T. Ranney for five says did you watch the new Matt Walsh documentary to rate deconstruction of transgender identity? And no, I have not I should probably do that Okay I think that's it.
Any others? Last call. Sorry, I was hoping that there would be some articles or something. Well, no, I don't want to say that. Don't send me articles. I'm not going to read them. That was fun. I had more fun doing those than I expected. And people actually stick around for them. I'm shocked. I wonder how many people actually listen to the Super Chats at the end on the podcast. I bet you a lot of people don't.
Unknown_08: Because I don't personally I like when Jim doesn't I don't like it, but then again a lot of Jim super chats or shit like Read this in a voice give me give a shout out to this and it's like yeah, you know It's kind of awkward and these people are like asking me questions and shit so I can bounce off of it a little bit
Anyways, I'm up to 90% for the month's goal, which is awesome, because I'm gonna have to, that takes care of the DDoS shit, and that's like a huge new expense. I'm very pleased that things are progressing orderly. And the housing bubble will pop one day, and maybe I'll have a house, maybe not, who knows.
Unknown_08: But is that it? I think that's it. I will see you guys next Friday. That video I did for Gumroad, which was a review of about 30 different posts from transgender Reddits of late transitioners who have already had kids by the time they start transitioning. And usually immediately after they have kids, they start transitioning.
That'll be out for free for everybody on Sunday, but thank you to everybody who subscribed on the Gumroad.
Unknown_08: two two hours of train talk yeah it's close to two hours uh you can only say so much before your voice leaves like mine's doing right now okay uh i will see you guys next week bye
Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June E-waves been feckin' me out Can't make you happier now Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June E-waves been feckin' me out
And then I say goodbye Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June E-waves been faking me out Can't make you happy, oh now Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June E-waves been faking me out
Unknown_11: I just wonder what you're dreaming of When you sleep and smile so comfortable I just wish that I could give you that That look that's perfectly unsad Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June Heatwave's been faking me out Heatwave's been faking me out
He's been Bye!