Discord Pride 2022-06-03

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Unknown_01: Hello, chat. How's everybody's June doing? This song is from like a weird movie I watched.

Unknown_01: And it's Thai, and I have no idea what... It's called Paradise Bangkok Mullum International Band.

Unknown_01: It's pretty groovy. I think it's a 70s song. It sounds like it.

Unknown_01: So, hello, how is everyone doing? I almost had an emergency where my audio wasn't working, but thankfully, Stallman prevailed, and I was able to sort it out before the stream started. And now I get to be on time. In time for Pride Month, I get to be on time.

Unknown_01: I tried doing this with the forum and everyone yelled at me because they said they couldn't read and that there was no contrast and that the text was impossible to see. So I'm making my stream black and white instead. You're just gonna have to fucking deal with it. Unless it's actually really bad. Then I'll just turn it off for next month or next week or whatever.

Unknown_01: But that is the plan. I'm just going to keep it nice and gray. I'm going to keep it old school.

Unknown_01: So what do I want to hit you with first? I usually have my little time fillers so that people have an opportunity to get into the

Unknown_01: Why was farms black and white? Because it's pride month. And I have straight pride, because I'm a straight guy. So I wanted to share my pride using the white and black color scheme. Talk about talk, because I will definitely get to that.

Unknown_01: um because i not because i have any interest in in like giving giving ralph any sense of of happiness or joy just because i want to once again tell everyone that i told you so and you should have listened uh which i guess i mean there's not like a an issue but it's just a it's just a funny coincidence that i said i didn't that he kind of skeeved me out and then he skeeved everybody out

Unknown_01: Oh, Wings of Redemption got interviewed by the New York Times about cyberbullying. Can you believe it? I wonder if he gave us a good word, because he's kind of ambivalent about the forum. He seems to like me, at least, because I gave him a fair shake in my stream about him and his trolls.

Unknown_01: But I don't know if he actually likes the forum.

Unknown_01: it would be very funny if there is a new york times piece for you said actually the key funds in the bad and sees fucking weirdos on discord there's a lot of shit to say about discord today actually uh... and i i i'm actually working very hard to deal with the discord menace and uh... in my in my own backyard i have uh... but i'll get to that in a second i'll save that

Unknown_01: Actually, no, I'm going to talk about that right now, because I have been busy dealing with my development work here, which you can see I've been committing all week, multiple times a day, many, many hours of work here, presenting the changelogs.

Unknown_01: I'm happy to say that the chat is kind of working. It took a lot of time to get this to integrate to the actual site, but this is all code that I've written in the last week.

Unknown_01: So that there is a, I think if I do a test right now, it should, there it is. And to help me test it, I'm actually going to put an announcement on the Kiwi forums and direct everybody to this chat. And I want to see if it breaks immediately. there should be horrifically racist messages pouring into this uh in in the next few minutes oh there there's shlomo silverblatt lards and lasses oh no there's so many n-words just pouring into my chat i can't believe i spent all this time uh developing this just so that that people can say the n-word

Unknown_01: This is actually really exciting. I've not done a real test. I did a little test yesterday with a couple people But it's very nice to see it working and you can see it's so fast. It's like such a fast thing And it's all Websocket based there's no there's no more fucking Ajax HTTP pinging. It's holy shit. That's crazy That's crazy that it's so fast

Unknown_01: Very, very exciting. That's wonderful.

Unknown_01: God, it's just it's just pouring in So yeah, it's it's web socket based so it's much faster It doesn't require Ajax like if you look at this this actually sends the messages to the other chat And I think if I if I just pull that up I can actually show you the difference and how this loads Let me make sure that's correct first Okay, here. Actually, yeah, perfect. I can show you. This is the Ajax HTTP chat, and you can see that it's only polling, like, every second or so. So the updates come in in, like, batches every second, whereas this is real-time. This is when a message hits the server, it sends the messages back out, and you can just see how much more fluid it is compared to the old style of polling for messages, as it's called. So this is actually really really fucking awesome to see this working like it is very it's um Gratifying you put a lot you put literally like you put like, you know, 80 hours into writing something and then you press the button and it fucking It just pours in and it's crazy

Unknown_01: So, that's what I've been up to this week. Everybody else has been up to gay Discord drama.

Unknown_01: And my hope is that, I think, I'm kicking things around with the staff, because I want to kind of resolve off-site drama. And I think that if I make it so that content on the forum, like these chat tools work well enough, people won't go off-site.

Unknown_01: So my hope is that the chat will be a suitable replacement for off-site stuff. It kind of sounds control freaky to say it like that, like, oh, I don't want people talking to each other. It's more that when people isolate themselves in little Discord servers and they reinforce each other's weird gay behavior, It creates problems like we'll talk about later in the stream. So thank you everyone who is spamming the n-word in my brand new chat, my new Kristen chat.

Unknown_01: I'll take that notice down now and then I will navigate away from this page.

Unknown_01: Okay, wonderful, excellent, hug boxes, yes.

Unknown_01: You have to let people criticize you if you don't want people to go off site. People can say whatever they want. I just ask that you don't make my life difficult. That's it.

Unknown_01: I really don't care what you think. Not to say I'm above it all, but if you want to levy criticism, if you want to make fun of me, don't make it so that it's fucking difficult to be around you on my own platform. I can't have that. If you're going to make me choose between dealing with you or enjoying my site, I have to get rid of you. I'm sorry.

Unknown_01: Okay, the other thing, speaking of criticisms.

Unknown_01: Nick Fuentes and Ethan Ralph had a big spasm about the Kiwi farms being directly cited by the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League. Now the Southern Poverty Law Center, a sort of foil to, not really a foil, it's not like an opposite, it's more of a, like a compliment.

Unknown_01: They used to be like a really good rights organization, now they're just like woke bullshit. But they put out a new article in June 2nd saying pro-Trump white nationals group facing key desertions. And it goes on to talk about Nick Fuentes, but then down here.

Unknown_01: Throughout May 2022, anonymous posters on the forum Kiwi Farms, which is dedicated to harassment of internet personalities, seized the opportunity to exasperate the effects of these defections. In the days following the defections, the volume of posts created on Kiwi Farms in response to the infighting inside America First became so high that the administrator created a separate area of the site to hold those discussions. This area of the site now contains over 47,000 messages heaping derision and accusations of hypocrisy on

Unknown_01: Fuentes and his followers. So now, Nick Fuentes, you may go to your audience and tell them that not only are we being cited by the ADL, we're also being cited by the Southern Poverty Law Center. And yeah, 47.7, that's almost 48 now.

Unknown_01: That's a lot of posts in one thread. But to be fair, a lot of those posts existed before the board was created.

Unknown_01: The other thing

Unknown_01: Let's see. Do I want to get into that? Let me see what I have in store.

Unknown_01: No, I'll save that for a bit. Let's just talk about Pride Month a little bit.

Unknown_01: I promise I'll do some more like profile reviews and stuff later on, but for now, let's just talk about just something that I happen to notice personally.

Unknown_01: Okay so this is the new pride flag and it kind of doesn't work with my filter so just for one second I will disable it so you can see that the pride of Ireland has decided to add a new component to the already new

Unknown_01: uh uh like inclusive pride flag by adding the colors of the the nation of ukraine's flag to the shades are great no they've added ukraine's flag to their pride no this isn't like adopted anywhere uh this is just something that they've come up with to show solidarity i guess not for the refugees but for the gay refugees only the gay ones they feel bad for

Unknown_01: Which, as I mentioned in my post here, I feel jubilee for. I'm not fully trans-Ukrainian, I'm more like Ukrainian fluid. Because some days I'm eating borscht and I'm enjoying salo spread over rye and I'm having a good day and drinking that kvass with it. And I'm feeling very Ukraine-phoric. Other days not so much. Other days I'll eat kebab or something. I won't feel so euphoric because I'll be eating Turkish that day.

Unknown_01: But no, I find this a huge slap in the face, obviously. Someone pointed out something immediately that I didn't even notice. It looks a lot like the flag of Guyana, which is a South American country next to Suriname in Venezuela and France, nearby France, of course.

Unknown_01: and um it doesn't kind of look like it doesn't it and they suggested that the reason why that they chose the Guyana flag as like a template is because uh Guyana is the only country in South America that uh has banned homosexual homosexual sex is illegal in Guyana so uh they they think that this is a despite it Which is very avant-garde flag warfare, to be quite honest with you, if that's what's going on. That's a little bit highbrow, I think.

Unknown_01: So, that's that. One other thing, actually a couple of things. I want to show you the Bethesda logo. Bethesda has always made their logos gay, except for the Russian and Saudi Arabian Twitter accounts for Bethesda. They don't, for whatever reason, I think the China one too. for whatever reason they choose not, maybe they just forget, you know, maybe they send the intern to the Saudi Arabian guy who manages the Saudi Arabia Bethesda Twitter account, like, hey, make sure to show your pride colors, and he just forgets to do it, you know, it happens, and the China guy, the Russian guy also forgets to do it, but for some reason,

Unknown_01: They don't have the rainbow flag, Bethesda's main does, and this year they've really gone all out to make their logo look like this techno-colored butthole. Square, rectangular butthole.

Unknown_01: it's kind of like it's not even like a butthole it's like a spread butthole and you're like staring into it and it gives it depth like the way the flags like zone out it's like a perspective so it's like you're staring down a butthole or a hallway or something just coated with these stripes of paint and it's extremely

Unknown_01: extremely disorienting and they even have the the little the stupid like they have the the New one the newest intersectional flag and then they have like all the different pride flags around it It really is just a mess

Unknown_01: Is this what gay people want? I don't even know anymore. Why do I think about buttholes when you say it? Because it's gay pride, bro. It's a gay pride flag. I think the first thing that comes to mind are people eating shit, people getting molested, people getting fucked up the ass, bed death, cheating on each other. These are all things that I associate with the pride flag. It's not really like a conscience effort to include buttholes in my everyday conversations.

Unknown_01: I see the rainbow pride flag, and I'm just thinking like, yeah, they eat shit off each other's dicks. It's just part of the natural life cycle of being a homosexual man.

Unknown_01: So that's interesting to see. I've noticed that Xbox did the same thing.

Unknown_01: What the fuck?

Unknown_01: We aim to create a safe spaces in gaming where everyone is invited to play as their authentic selves. Join us in celebrating the LGBTQIAP plus communities and pride this month and beyond.

Unknown_01: And they also have like a strange butthole avatar.

Unknown_01: Why? Oh, Microsoft owns Bethesda. I'm like, how the fuck would they both come to this baffling decision to have this stupid shit be on their display picture? I was like, oh, of course, because Microsoft owns everything. Microsoft, Activision, Blizzard, all hyphenated. One giant monolith that owns every goddamn fucking thing on the planet now. I hope you... Hmm. I wonder why video games are so shit. You know, I've been playing one game recently, and that's Team Fortress 2. I've been enjoying Team Fortress 2 at 200 frames per second on my Linux gaming computer, and I've not missed any brand new titles coming out for whatever reason they've just eluded me. Could it be because every video game company is owned by Microsoft, Activision, and Blizzard, and they make gay buttholes their fucking avatar? Does this have anything to do with it? These people run the entire gaming industry.

Unknown_01: All I've been playing is Cf202. Yeah, and I'm getting good at Sniper. I still hate Sniper. I hate people who play Sniper, except for me. But I do pretty good at Sniper, so I play Sniper. I can play Scout too, but it's annoying when you're running around and you get exploded by a Sentry, so I play Sniper.

Unknown_01: Anyways.

Unknown_01: There's also this. I'm at Amazon's Seattle headquarters where about 30 Amazon employees are staging a die-in during Amazon's pride flag raising ceremony in protest of the company's continued sale of what they say are transphobic books. So we have proud lgbtqia p plus warriors laying down during their um raising of the the allied flag above amazon headquarters for pride and um they are protesting the sale of books at a book company because the books say things that they don't like which is crazy like

Unknown_01: I don't know are we back to I guess we are like unironically back to book burning I got a couple books we could burn unfortunately all the media is digital now and all the the digital media that is getting burned is held by Amazon Corporation and AWS S3 buckets and they just empty that shit out whenever they want to So we don't really have a say in it. We can't go burn their books back anyways because their books are distributed as PDF files by PDF files and Discord servers to children by people like Keffels.

Unknown_01: The employees are affiliated with the internal employee activist group No Hate at Amazon, which Eugene Kim profiled in March. What appears to be Amazon security attempted to halt the protest, which is taking place in a public breezeway between two Amazon buildings. Protesters refused to leave. This is a really tense situation here. As you can see, their rights are being trampled on. This is a police state where they're at a supreme disadvantage.

Unknown_01: Employees have publicly called out the sale of what they say are transphobic books in the past. At least four employees have resigned over the issue, including Celine Zinnia, what the fuck ever, who I profiled this spring.

Unknown_01: Human rights are my pride. Amnesty International refugees welcome here.

Unknown_01: Truly depressing to see this bullshit. They're never happy. No matter what you do for them, they'll never be happy with like,

Unknown_01: your appeasement. They'll always want more forever. Just so you know.

Unknown_01: Speaking of, I might as well show this.

Unknown_01: This is by Sophie LaBelle. I don't know if I ever did a stream on assigned mail. I don't think I have, but that might be an interesting topic. I should stop saying shit like that, because at this rate... Oh, I said I would be moving this month. That fell through. Just so you guys know, I'm not moving, so I can't do a person stream this month. I'm extremely fucking annoyed by this.

Unknown_01: This comic comes out by Sophie LaBelle, who is the author of Assigned Male, which is a comic book about a little child, a little boy, who has been mutated by society into a unique, castrate boy in a dress, and that represents Sophie LaBelle, apparently. Here's their awesome comic about corporate pandering.

Unknown_01: Welcome to the Pride Month's hypocrisy tour. First off, this phone company still donates to politicians who are pushing for homophobic and transphobic bills. I feel sick to my stomach. Despite all the flags, you can find books that promote transphobia in this bookstore. This is evil. It's a degenerative kunst. We have to find all this evil and burn it. We have to make a nice bonfire and just burn that shit.

Unknown_01: This streaming service app is covered in rainbows. Guess what? They all just gave millions to some comedian to vomit transphobia in front of an audience. All this newspaper is running articles on diversity for Pride Month. Their usual transphobic op-eds will need to wait for the other 11 months of the year.

Unknown_01: So here is in a nutshell what they want and what they're eventually going to get, at least in the Internet.

Unknown_01: You will not be able to donate to politicians and keep your job. You will not be able to have gainful employment and also support politicians which support things that they don't like. You will not be able to have books in a bookstore which say things that they don't like.

Unknown_01: You will not be able to listen to comedy shows which say things that they don't like. And you will not be able to publish your op-ed in the fucking newspaper that nobody fucking reads if you say things that they don't like.

Unknown_01: uh... really just horrible and what i love about this is that so like they can even contain their seething hatred enough to make a joke like you could you could make this a comic like stone toss does this kind of stuff all the time like this kind of commentary where he points out something hypocritical

Unknown_01: And he does it in a way where like the comic actually benefits the like the medium benefits the message like you can say Like have someone doing something and then there's like an obvious hypocrisy happening in the frame No, just like draw a bookstore then have a little bubble that says actually this bookstore is very problematic You know like fucking completely uncreative like intellectually vacuous bullshit

Unknown_01: That's why everybody on the forum loves to A-Log assigned male, because... I mean, worst of all, they're French-Canadian.

Unknown_01: Right? Fuck them. They deserve nothing.

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_01: Okay, um... This might be a short stream, I warn you. Because there's not really that much that's going on. There is the Johnny Depp trial, which I've avoided like the plague.

Unknown_01: um and i will continue to avoid like the plague but uh someone clipped this for me this is from nick ricada's stream uh on the second and he warns people who are earning super chats um on youtube you go but you're you're absolutely right of course no one could have been on johnny depp's side it's just that's where the money is

Unknown_08: What economic purpose? Well, follow the money.

Unknown_08: By the way, a friend of mine got a request from a media personality today asking to they're doing a piece on the super chat function and creators interesting uses of it.

Unknown_02: Oh, that's lovely.

Unknown_08: So, hit piece on Nick Ricada incoming.

Unknown_08: And it's not a legal creator. It's not a legal creator because they're not going to ask the legal creators about it. They're going to ask other people to develop soundbites for their hit piece on the legal creators who, you know,

Unknown_08: Honesty is is critical in all this Anybody who covered this even in one live stream made a disproportionately high amount of money Versus any other time that that you do YouTube. That's the reality of how much public can we go? But you're you're absolutely right, of course, and no one could have been on Johnny YouTube desperately wants to be fucking tick-tock with these auto playing videos and one-minute clip caps It's so fucking annoying that and say that we're all motivated by money, rather than just incidentally ending up on on the thing and that that is bad for public discourse will be the follow up conclusion, and they'll try. The push will be, you know, a media ite article.

Unknown_08: Oh God. Absolutely.

Unknown_01: You know, last time I debated, Dan Abrams... I mean, what are the complaints about in chat? Like, it's a minute and 50 seconds of him saying that he got contacted and there's going to be a hit piece that challenges superchats again. This already happened with the... After Ethan Ralph very intelligently decided to stream a Holocaust denial debate in the guise of raising money for a charity, there was a huge hit piece that came out that basically stripped away superchats from most people.

Unknown_01: So, the whole thing of making money with Super Chats by covering legal cases, which are not going their favor, because you have all these eyes when people who are like,

Unknown_01: Watching the This case and the other case that I saw the very tail end of the the kid that in Kenosha that shot Like three people in self-defense Those are like really high profile losses for the lab so presumably the intention is to get less people paying attention to shit like that so that there's less hope and By the way, you should be paying attention to at least Nick Rikeda because he happens to be the founder of the new Gamergate. Jeff Sparrow says, the DREP trial has become the new Gamergate. Moira Donegan says, the DEP v. HERD trial is clearly a new Gamergate. Misinformation, misogyny, hate, and resentment against Me Too are being wielded to draw people into the far right. If there wasn't so much cowardly hand-wringing about how complicated the case is, this would be obvious. One of the recurring misogynist fantasies that animated the fear of Me Too was that men would be ruined by false allegations specifically from jilted ex-lovers. But between Hearn and Gamergate, it seems like people most likely to be victimized by a vindictive ex are women."

Unknown_01: So, Daniel Binks adds,

Unknown_01: The fucking dropkicks making out like it's Believe All Women when it's always been Believe Women. That's been dismantled here, and they don't even realize it, but gee, I sure hope they pick you. Oh, that's talking to women who condemn false abuse and rape allegations.

Unknown_01: For whatever reason, the left, women on the left, who like this person really hate women who are like conservative or neutral and who are just like let's not go full retard you know the sixth wave feminism where we're trying to like

Unknown_01: completely destroy the family in favor of like weird trans polycules is probably not working out they call those pick me's because they're like oh you're trying to be anything besides a strong independent woman so therefore you're just trying to get picked by a man

Unknown_01: which is a kind of avant-garde misogyny if you're if you really think about if you really want to pull the whole democrats are the real misogynist card but she continues this is like gamer gate times a thousand it's like gamer gate made out with release the snyder cut on january 6 2021 oh shit that's fucking serious that's that's really serious emily crockett says um

Unknown_01: Ahalyo Mano perfectly expresses what I found so maddening and terrifying about the case. It's about so much more than these two people. It's like Gamergate merged with Skynet to create the worst possible weaponized backlash against Me Too.

Unknown_01: Adam Davidson says, I should have paid more attention to Gamergate. We now live in a Gamergateocracy. So here we are, a full 8 fucking goddamn years later, and we now live in a gamergateocracy. I was there, I saw it live, when the gamergators stormed the White House and overthrew the Congress. and violently executed all the elected representatives and installed a new autocracy of hardcore gamers to dictate the fate of our country.

Unknown_01: And the guy who got the top score in

Unknown_01: What's like the most Coomer, Gamergate thing? Oh, Toho. Isn't that a game with a score where it's like a bullet hell game? The guy who, they pick the new president based off who has the highest score in Toho, and they become the chief, the leader of Gamergate, as they went by before.

Unknown_01: So only the top two hoohers can lead the country these days, which is why Trump lost. Biden's actually really good at hoohool. So, okay, that's enough of that. I have no opinions about the Donnie Depp trial. Actually, I didn't even mention what the outcome was. The outcome was Donnie Depp, okay, just as brief as humanly fucking possible, Amber Heard was dating Donnie Depp. They're both like retard LA degenerates who smoke and do hardcore drugs and are just fucking reprehensible. Amber Heard has a borderline personality disorder, not to be confused with bipolar disorder.

Unknown_01: Women who have borderline personality disorder are to be avoided like they are avatars of death. Do not ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever be involved with someone with borderline personality disorder.

Unknown_01: Johnny Depp did not listen to his mama and stuck his dick in crazy, and when they broke up, Amber Heard went to the tabloids and accused him, I think anonymously, kind of, about being an abusive asshole. So he ended up losing his contract with Disney and sued Amber Heard for defamation, which as a public figure is an extremely hard thing to do in the United States because you have to prove actual malice. It's not enough to say something that you know is false and that is defamatory, you also have to really mean to do damage with it. And that's very difficult to prove in a court of law.

Unknown_01: Amber Heard retaliated by saying that Johnny Depp defamed her, so the counterclaim and the original claim went to court. The jury heard the facts over two weeks, I think three weeks, three weeks of non-stop, 24-7 fucking coverage every goddamn where about this stupid fucking trial. And the result was that Johnny Depp was owed $10,350,000 in defamatory charges.

Unknown_01: damages and Amber Heard was owed $2 million in damages from Johnny Depp. So the net was $8,350,000 to Johnny Depp, which is the greatest accomplishment that Gamergate has managed since we took the White House.

Unknown_01: Just in case you're curious.

Unknown_01: Six, seven weeks, fuck that. No, I don't even wanna think about it.

Unknown_01: That's one of those things where it's just like, I somehow managed to avoid paying attention to any of it, and then I read the CliffsNotes after it was all over, and I feel like I haven't missed anything. I feel like my life has been saved many hours of watching court footage and reading tabloids, and I have come out the winner in this situation.

Unknown_01: Right. Anyways.

Unknown_01: Anyways, chat.

Unknown_01: Yeah, I will do this. I will do this.

Unknown_02: So there was a big protest outside the NRA meeting, which was good. Do we have any insight into what they're actually talking about there at the NRA meeting that's today in Texas? Someone should bomb that building.

Unknown_01: So, Ethan Klein says that someone should blow up the NRA meeting building. And then someone complained that this was taken out of context.

Unknown_00: You guys really are the ones bringing up mental health? Care provider. Or aimed toward. I literally don't know what to do and I feel hopeless.

Unknown_02: Okay, don't. I'll roll that back. Roll that back immediately.

Unknown_00: Everything but violence. She's really sorry.

Unknown_02: Let me.

Unknown_02: Can we cut back? I got a little carried away there. Nobody bombed the building, alright? I take that back. Thank you. It's a ri- it's a- I took it a little too- I got a little passionate there. Let's roll it back.

Unknown_01: He has- he has a wonderful follow-up to this.

Unknown_02: Yeah, uh, let's protest that building.

Unknown_02: Let's bomb it with emotional protest.

Unknown_02: A love bomb. In Minecraft.

Unknown_02: Say it.

Unknown_06: Let's love vomit. Let's love vomit.

Unknown_02: Yeah, what did I say? Silent. Where is it?

Unknown_01: A building.

Unknown_02: Let's just... He keeps going on and they keep cutting him, and that's like the joke, but... Every single one of those motherfuckers with protest and... He also says to shoot up a Walmart.

Unknown_01: I don't know if it's in this clip or the other. In case you don't know, the person on the left is Hila Klein, who served in the IDF. Here's a video of her serving in the Israeli military.

Unknown_01: Now she's retired. She has retired from shooting Palestinian children. Now she serves on this terrible podcast where her husband embarrasses her constantly. And she has to pretend that everything is okay, even though every day is suffering. And he invites porn stars onto his show and ogles them in front of her, and she can only just sit there and seethe about how much she fucking hates this dumb idiot who continually decides to issue bomb threats. And by the way, he completely means it. Oh!

Unknown_01: The other wonderful thing that they did is that I should probably hide this is Ethan Klein's ass is hiding there Do I not have an ability to hide this thing at the bottom? I guess I don't you just have to look at Ethan Klein's ass They promised to donate money to the families of the survivors of the shooting in Texas Which I didn't even talk about because I don't give a fuck And they did and at some point I

Unknown_01: That donation disappeared, and nobody knows what happened to it. So they donated this money that they raised, and they said, we go to this charity on GoFundMe.

Unknown_01: Now the donation has just vanished. So it kind of seems like they took it back, and they don't actually intend to give this money to anyone. So I'm not sure what the deal is with that, or if they're just doing it through a different avenue. But I have not seen any proof that they've actually received this money.

Unknown_01: By the way, in case you're wondering, Ethan Klein says on Twitter, question for all the fragile, pant-shitting losers who have been reporting me to the police for my very credible bomb threat. Were they supposed to have interrogated me by now? Nothing still. It must be pretty damn obvious to them it was a joke. Dang, that's crazy. And to everyone who's been lobbying to get me banned on YouTube for being a domestic terrorist, try harder, losers. I am enjoying my one-week vacation though, slept in today.

Unknown_01: now actually if I told you that these were not tweets from Ethan Klein that they were tweets from Ethan Ralph you probably would believe me because this is just like this is like Ethan Ralph tier though he knows he's untouchable because he's like he's friends with Susan Wojcicki so he doesn't give a shit he has absolutely nothing to be afraid of

Unknown_01: Tells you there is a picture of him and I tried desperately to find it, but you can kind of see it in this video where He's looking so much like Ralph now because they're like the almost like the same age and now that he's like Batter and has that same curly hair that Ralph does they're kind of like becoming the same person and it's kind of impressive Look at this

Unknown_01: Come on. Come on, now.

Unknown_01: Look, his fingers are short and stocky, too. He is becoming Ralph. He's like Jewish Ralph. They're merging into each other.

Unknown_01: It's pretty crazy how life be like that, chat. There's like a low-cal phenotype.

Unknown_01: Maybe Ronnie Ralph had a thing for Jewish women, too. I dare not say such things, though.

Unknown_01: Might wish it into reality.

Unknown_01: The only difference is that he can see his son. I kind of did not want to even mention this because it's kind of beneath notice.

Unknown_01: Because I have a rule, right? I try not to say, like when I talk about Ralph, which I do every week at this point because he is a phenomenally fascinating person, I try not to call him out on being a hypocrite because it's very easy.

Unknown_01: Ralph is continuously a hypocrite, he constantly contradicts himself, he makes no effort whatsoever to be consistent, and when he is inconsistent, he does not apologize for it. So it's like, why would I even spend time trying to point out that somebody is a hypocrite?

Unknown_01: Why would I spend my time trying to correct him, to correct the record? There's no point. Nobody cares. His audience doesn't care. He doesn't care. My audience doesn't care. But in this instance, I will correct Ralph because it is so wrong that it leads me to hypothesize about his mental state, Chad.

Unknown_01: There is a user on Twitter called VHS Archive, and I don't know too much about them. I think they make little video edits making fun of Ralph. I think Jim has retweeted him.

Unknown_01: But Ethan Ralph decides, now that I have gotten my ass kicked in Portugal, and I am now stuck in a hotel room, and I refuse to leave my room and go do anything because there is an imminent risk of me getting my ass kicked again.

Unknown_01: I'm going to spend time doxing the A-logs." And sure, okay, go for it. So he does. He goes to VHS Archive's YouTube channel and he pulls up the business inquiry email address, which is lunabux at gmail.com.

Unknown_01: which is a very kind of generic name, because if you don't know, it is a My Little Pony reference, I'm pretty sure. Because Luna is the name of one of the god horses, and Bucks is like a horse. So just like a brony email, which is kind of embarrassing to have on your ALOG channel.

Unknown_01: Ralph, being a genius, decides to go to Google. And this is the behavior you would expect to find. Someone submitting their first thread, their personal army fail docs thread to the forum.

Unknown_01: Someone who just does not give a shit and just lazily goes to Google and types in whatever. And then they find any other person called that and they just assume this has to be the same person.

Unknown_01: So he does this, and he finds Luna UK, who is a, as he says, hello VHS. Now this appears to be like a gothic woman from the UK. And he says, I have 100% confirmed this is them, BTW. Someone who really doesn't like them hit me with the current and completely accurate info. Ha ha ha.

Unknown_01: I love being me he adds and then this is the discord message that this incredibly Reliable person has and now this is also the same person according to them This is like a cam whore in an interview showing off their shitty art If it wants to load which it may not Oh

Unknown_01: So this person is, according to Ralph, VHS archives, who is the same person as Luna UK here.

Unknown_01: But then he continues, because Ralph is a genius.

Unknown_01: he continues to search Luna Bucks and oh no this is the person I'm sorry this is the person who put the person in Muslim hijab who put pork rind on this thing that's not VHS this is VHS but then he continues and he decides that I'm gonna Google this Luna Bucks and find more so he finds a brony with a Japanese name

Unknown_01: and decides that this person is also the same Luna Bucks. The issue with this though, I'm going to zoom in real close, get a nice picture of Ralph with that sunburn, and go over here.

Unknown_01: Manda Ho-Yong.

Unknown_01: Magda Huyong, that is a very interesting name for a British town. And because it's not, because they're not from, uh, this weeaboo named Luna Box with a Japanese name is not a British woman. They are, uh, from the Philippines. As you can see here, they post in our Philippines. It looks hella scripted as fuck. So for whatever reason, Ralph very lazily assumes that this person is a Filipino. This is a Filipino woman in the UK living in the UK town of

Unknown_01: man mandalu youngshire which is a very popular it's very quaint in there uh but he continues he's on a roll right so he googles luna bucks again and finds that there is a youtube user by the name of luna bucks who has a instagram called kitty gets claws who is trans

Unknown_01: dun dun dun so this this nail this trans nail artist is also luna bucks uk who is also filipino and there we have that ethan ralph the smartest man in the entire world who loves being him so much uh has docs one of the most prominent a logs in the sector and Finally, to top it all off, he comes up with a true genius conjecture. He accuses the notorious, because VHS Archive doesn't have a Kiwi Farms account as far as I'm aware, so he has to tie this to his real A-log enemies at the Kiwi Farms, and who could be the Filipino-British transgender person on the Kiwi Farms? None other

Unknown_01: than gay stoner who is a gay man well i mean i guess they're a transgender filipino uh british woman so being gay ties into that perfectly and i i'm not even like shitting you he says that this person who is a gay man is also all these other people who are like eight different luna bugs and then he says he he he remembers aha

Unknown_01: I can prove this," he says during his stream. The Kiwi Farms got hacked. I can just go and find what email address he used to register his account and chances are it will be Lunabucks. The problem is that the hack happened in 2019. He registered a year afterwards. And the other thing is that he is definitely not from the Philippines or the United Kingdom.

Unknown_01: So if that's his current conjecture, he is completely wrong.

Unknown_01: My schizophrenia is ripping off on Ralph. I'll give you a little opinion. Actually, now that I brought up the fucking pork rinds thing, I have to show his weird thing about the pork rinds. This was the content for his show. This is what people paid him. I think that says $80. He made $80.

Unknown_01: to to to go through and fail docs VHS archive as a transgender British Filipino.

Unknown_01: And it's it would and this is why I don't bother to even point this out unless it's like independently funny like this is because his audience doesn't care. His audience is like.

Unknown_01: I guess the audience for WWE because that's what he thinks of himself. He thinks of himself as like a heel. So his audience doesn't care that it's all bullshit as long as he's hollering and reminding them of their dad who watched CNN and would holler at the TV.

Unknown_01: And as long as he just pretends that he's winning in their minds. They're perfectly satisfied by this They don't actually need any kind of like substance from this to be Satiated there's no intellectual curiosity from the people who still follow Nick Fuentes and Ethan Ralph So this this suffices which is why I don't really bother to like correct the record in general But in this instance it was funny He's been going on about

Unknown_01: this uh... this is uh... i don't know if i say it i'm gonna be wrong this is the person who's in this video i think it does look like them so this is a lot more convincing than than um... than the luna buck shit you can just look at them and tell they're the same

Unknown_01: So this weirdo and his weird thought girlfriend, I guess, goes to Gunt Mecca with the offering of pork rinds. And she literally says a prayer and they walk off.

Unknown_01: And then Ralph says, some fat nasty bitch in a hijab came up to my house, spurred out. I guess she didn't know I had my own cameras out there. Definitely doesn't look like a sane individual.

Unknown_01: Which kind of reminds me of Drakkenlord. Because Alogs would go to Drakkenlord's house and fuck with them, because he would spray them with a water hose and shit. It's just going to become a thing where people pay tribute to Gunnsville, Virginia. And he's just going to have to holler and make a scene every single fucking time. And that'll just be his life.

Unknown_01: Well, not his life, actually. Because I mentioned last week. That he is staying for two weeks overseas. He's already gone to Madrid because he's already done everything that there is to do in fucking Lisbon And now he's in just like

Unknown_01: Hanging out in Spain, he says that the nightlife is great, so I guess he's fucking more whores in Spain. Meanwhile, May is with the newborn baby girl back at home, dealing with pork rinds being offered at their house like it's a fucking shrine. Like it's the Black Cube in Mecca. What's that called? It's a K word.

Unknown_01: Caba. They're going to the Caba to offer pork rinds at. And he has already said,

Unknown_01: He's already said that he intends to extend his vacation. He's only a couple days into it and he's already planning on staying there. The Buffalo Cube is gonna stay there even longer so I don't even know what the fuck he's planning to do but it's like

Unknown_01: Just whatever it takes whatever it takes to stay away from me and by the way, I just received word That as I'm talking about him, he has retweeted something funny

Unknown_01: this white king watch right retweet this to guard ethan ralph and it has 16 retweets my child will stalk swat and gossip about ethan ralph but then jesus my man jesus on the right hand side saying my child will gun guard so the children of christ will defend this fat piece of shit and meanwhile the devils will be will be making fun of them

Unknown_01: I have to say, like, I really want to know, like, how do I phrase this?

Unknown_01: I feel like the biggest threat to faith in the United States is the fact that the most loud and out there advocates of faith are people like Ralph in Baked Alaska and Nick Fuentes and it's truly embarrassing. It's like I feel really bad for people who are like lifelong Roman Catholics from families with like they have eight brothers and sisters. Then the only Catholics they see on the internet are like Ralph shouting crosses Kang and baked Alaska going Press P and chat to pray guys. We're gonna do a rosary stream and the next one says I Don't know molesting choir boys

Unknown_01: to LARP as his Roman Catholic, I don't know, that's so, it's like there's nothing that, you know, Ben Shapiro could say or whatever, whatever Jewish philosopher could say to denigrate

Unknown_01: religion worse than the the tv evangelist and the modern day tv evangelist like ethan ralph it's just so much it's so much more embarrassing when it's coming from inside the house i guess pray for ralph to go to hell you can't pray for someone to go to hell nick says they went to a church recently he goes every week

Unknown_01: No.

Unknown_01: Christianity is the new internet atheism. It is true. It is the counterculture today.

Unknown_01: Okay, that's the Ralph Wynn segment. No, there's still more. There's still more.

Unknown_01: I wish that more people fucked up more consistently, besides just Ralf.

Unknown_01: His thing now is that he just yells about the Kiwi farms all day. I wake up, we're in the same time zone, off by like 2 hours I think. I think he's in UTC 0 and I'm in UTC 2.

Unknown_01: So when I wake up at 8 a.m. and I see that he's been tweeting about the Kiwi farms at once an hour at least every hour for the last eight hours I'm just thinking like so he's been up all night browsing my website while in a hotel in Madrid and just being angry and I'm kind of curious

Unknown_01: what the tactic is with this because um when he started it he would tag Dick Masterson into it and I remember when that happened uh Dick Masterson would also well

Unknown_01: Years ago, when I still talked to Dick, he picked up this trend when PPP first started trolling him and he was kind of losing his grip on the cool guy status.

Unknown_01: I told him, you need to stop arguing on Twitter by replying to people on the Kiwi farms on Twitter. Because you're doing two things. Number one, you're pissing off people and getting them to come after you. You're feeding the trolls, basically. And number two, you're causing problems for me. Because when I know you, and you're deliberately provoking the shit out of my own community, you're going to force me to stop fucking talking to you eventually, which is exactly what happened.

Unknown_01: But I told Dick this, he didn't listen. Then eventually he did listen, because he no longer replies to people in his thread very often. But now, Ralph is doing this, and he's tagging Dick when he starts doing it. And it's like, my schizo, like, paranoid side of my brain is thinking, like, did Dick tell him to do this? Like, you should really own the A-logs. Just, like, argue with them. Like, screencap their posts and, like, say that they're faggot on Twitter.

Unknown_01: If Dick is like a secret genius troll trying to get Ralph to destroy himself, that's what you would tell him.

Unknown_01: Is that what's happening? Is there like a secret long game redemption arc going on behind the scenes? I doubt it, but it's a theory because nothing I see refutes it yet.

Unknown_01: That's the thing.

Unknown_01: Dick blocks everyone like Ralph, pussy Pedro. Yeah, but he doesn't do the, he doesn't respond to everyone like Ralph's been doing. So I'm going to get a drink of water.

Unknown_01: He's been working with Ponoffel.

Unknown_01: So Ralph says here, May 30th,

Unknown_01: In response to Vickers, they're literally posing my son on Twitter in the style of Kiwi Farms memes. Never forget how sick my enemies are, I know I never will. The hatred is my fuel for life.

Unknown_01: The sick guy behind it all just posted some long-ass rant justifying his behavior. Fact is, you're using a one-year-old child to score internet points.

Unknown_01: Lowercase i, internet points. And you're fucking evil. I'm not mincing words. Everyone sees how sick you are, even the ones cheering.

Unknown_01: He's upset because they put up like a wish list for birthday presents because Xander just turned one.

Unknown_01: And I heard that a lot of people were big fans of me singing happy birthday to Xander. but some of the presents that he received for his birthday was a kiwi plushie and a corncob plushie which on one hand completely innocuous there is literally nothing wrong with these plushies a little kid would love them kiwis are very very cute they're the most adorable bird and that corncob is cute too but

Unknown_01: There will come a day where little Xander turns 13 and he decides to Google his dad's name, who unfortunately passed away. He was beaten to death in Paris in 2022 by melanated gentlemen, by melanated West African French people.

Unknown_01: And he looks himself up and he finds out that all the corn and kiwi shit in his room that he's had his entire life are weird gifts from internet people who bought these things just to piss off his dad. And that's a bit of a weird realization I think that most normal people don't go through.

Unknown_01: So there is a slight point to be made there.

Unknown_01: Not that I care much.

Unknown_01: It's really hard to feel bad for Ralph, because he just doesn't give a fuck.

Unknown_01: He took credit for it. I don't know if he actually did anything. My KiwiFarms.net Twitter account was suspended, and then he took credit for it. He unironically posted this fucking video of himself. Hold up.

Unknown_01: Oh, God.

Unknown_01: It's just him letting up another big black dick and then puffing on it.

Unknown_01: With horrible black people music playing.

Unknown_01: And I don't get it. And that's like his, his happy, his like happy happy joy joy that we got, um, suspended. I appealed it, but I don't know.

Unknown_01: By the way, uh,

Unknown_01: Text15 also took credit, yeah. The Brazilian furry. I mean, I don't know. Apparently it's for ban evasion, but I don't think I've ever had a Kiwifarms Twitter account. If I did, it must have been like 2016 or something when I had that, and it's like, how fucking nuts is it that...

Unknown_01: You get banned your site gets banned in 2016 and then they ban you for it like six years later So they're they just like have this completely purified platform where you are never forgiven of sin ever All I did was post like a little transparency reports and occasionally like a tweet or something Very nuts I

Unknown_01: So I don't know the details of this, just two things. PPP and Andy Warsky are both Canadian.

Unknown_01: I guess they're in Vancouver, because that would make sense, I guess.

Unknown_01: But they have announced that they're going to go. They have been invited by Matthew Vickers to fly to California.

Unknown_01: Ontario Toronto, I'm getting different opinions about this. I don't know. They're from Canada. Canada is a small place It's a big country, but there's like four cities. I know that people actually live in but Mr. Vickers has invited them PPP and The other one Andy Worsky out to California to see Xander and on top of this

Unknown_01: This DM, leaked by a very credible source, Cringe Mama, says, from Faith, so do you think it would cause a problem? What do you mean, replies the recipient. I don't want to cuck my boyfriend, he is so wonderful, but I think it will be the only time Andy and PPP are in town.

Unknown_01: Which the person replies, that is kind of between the four of you. I know, but I really need advice on this. If I don't go for it, I will never know if it could happen, you know. So Faith Vickers is planning to fuck, allegedly, from very reliable source, Cringe Mama. Planning to fuck either and or PPP or Andy Worsky. And what I imagine is, can you do it with four people? Yeah, I guess you have a butthole. She could take three at once. Though I don't know, PPP would have to be in the front. He's probably too big to fit in the back of somebody.

Unknown_01: I don't know if PPP could enjoy sex that wasn't anal.

Unknown_01: I feel bad for that. I'm not putting in past faith to want to fuck people that Ralph hates. That seems to be her MO at this point.

Unknown_01: This is just pathetic at this point. Dude, this is like white trash 100%.

Unknown_01: My baby mama fucked my worst enemies and just sitting there saying, Mari, I need you to test and see if that baby's mine.

Unknown_01: And she's like, no, it has to be yours. I only fucked three people, but I know when my cycle is.

Unknown_01: And then Marge does the dramatic reveal.

Unknown_01: Ethan Ralph, in the case of Little Xander, you are not the father. And then he does the back walk thing, where he moonwalks and dances. And then there's the picture of the baby in the back on the widescreen TV, just looking lost and confused.

Unknown_01: Oh, wow. Okay, what's this?

Unknown_01: Oh, that's right.

Unknown_01: Ralph says, Burger King in Europe is fucking great, actually. It's weird, lol. They seem to treat it as a premium burger place.

Unknown_01: So he goes to Portugal, he gets Burger King. He goes to Madrid, he gets Burger King. He is like a fucking, like a trope, an American AmeriShart trope. Goes to foreign countries, East McDonald's. And then he's like, it's so much better over here. It's like 80% beef instead of 60% beef like it is back home. Those EU regulations sure are good for something. They treat it like a premium burger place. I have eaten, I'll tell you, this is a true story.

Unknown_01: Was turned around at the gate of Switzerland. I went to Geneva once And I was stopped by By Swiss people I told this on stream before Let me tell you a little bit about Switzerland from my experience in Switzerland, which was at the airport entirely in Geneva all the women there were have short haircuts and

Unknown_01: All the women there have short haircuts.

Unknown_01: They speak in the most obnoxious high pitch ever.

Unknown_01: Just hearing Swiss German gave me a serious migraine.

Unknown_01: They speak four languages, none of them correctly.

Unknown_01: And the Burger King at the Geneva airport is 25 Swiss francs for a meal. For a burger, fries, and a regular soda, that will be 25 Swiss francs. And it was not any better than Burger King in the United States.

Unknown_01: So, I don't, like, and I've had burger, like, I don't know, I've had fast food in a couple different places.

Unknown_01: And it's not that much better. I'll tell you what, the best Burger King I ever had was in the Philippines. They had like this four cheeseburger with jalapenos on it. I don't know if that was like a local or just like a time-sensitive thing. But I got fat eating burgers in the Philippines. But that was, I have an excuse for this chat. I was programming the very successful software suite, Infinity Next, for the very successful ImageBoard H hand at the time. and i did not have time chat to to actually prepare food for myself because i was so busy which is why i ate a four cheese uh burger king meal every day for like six months and i gained like 50 pounds if any ever oh jolly bees oh man if it was like late at night i would get some fucking jolly bees those burgers are so tiny so you just get like four of them

Unknown_01: Sorry, I'm having a Marishark flashback to when I didn't restrict myself in eating in any way and I would just order a bunch of Jollibee's late at night. Frederick loved Jollibee's too, by the way. The little cripple guy who owned 8chan.

Unknown_01: He had soft teeth because his bones were shit and that included his teeth. So he couldn't eat anything hard.

Unknown_01: But he liked their applesauce and their french fries at Jollibee's. And if you don't know, Jollibee's is a burger chain in the Philippines. McDonald's isn't very popular in the Philippines because they have Jollibee's and their logo is like a little ant, a little smiley ant and they serve little burgers and they're okay. What's my excuse for being fat now? I'm still losing weight, bub.

Unknown_01: Anyways, there's a Jollibee in Texas. They're spreading. When I looked it up back in 2016, there were no Jollibees in the United States except for California, where all the Filipinas live.

Unknown_01: Bug burgers. No, not the bugs.

Unknown_01: That might be all I have for this stream, just so you know.

Unknown_01: Let me check my notes.

Unknown_01: That is all I have for this stream. Such is life, chat. Thank you, Ethan Rauh, for your sacrifice of continued and perpetual failure for occupying half my stream. Oh, shit, the Tuck stuff, you're right.

Unknown_01: I completely forgot. Thank you. I even have this open right here.

Unknown_01: Ooh, okay, here's the, here's, okay, listen chat.

Unknown_01: Should I play the three minutes and 33 seconds of Discord Autism Ear Rape?

Unknown_01: And I'll let you decide, and podcast listeners who are listening to this in archive format, if I end up playing this archive, this audio, and you hate it, you can blame chat, and I'm absolved from my sin. 83%, okay, fuck it.

Unknown_07: I think most of the chat right now was not here.

Unknown_01: It's in mono, it's only in my left ear. Okay, give me a second, let me.

Unknown_01: let me make my output mono so that i will have to put up with it in my left ear and you all will get to hear it in mono earlier for the for whatever the fuck happened i know i wasn't and i think so and i want to i want to hear in a kind of impartial view i'm a bit of an impartial i never

Unknown_09: but the short of it, but there was like doctor that was played, you know, like when kids are unattended and they're close in age, sometimes shit happens. And, uh, I'm autistic and it was kind of used a little bit also as like, she kind of used it as ammo, emotional, like ammo against me for years. I mean, I'm not saying like it was sus on both sides. Like neither of us should have done it. Like dude, years after this happened also, like,

Unknown_09: If I made her mad, she'd make me feel like nothing, like two feet tall. There was this one time, my dad, my sister and I, we went vacationing in Ocean City, Maryland, right? We had a hotel room.

Unknown_07: I know that place. Dude, I fucking love OCMD.

Unknown_09: Okay, so we're in one of those little hotels, right?

Unknown_09: So she's taking a shower. My swimming trunks are hung over the door, right? I'm looking away. She's like, just pull the swimsuit off the door. She goes off on me. I thought we had been good for years.

Unknown_09: And like, she fucking, like, she's like, oh, you're the, like, she was in a bad mood that day. So she, like, called me, like, all those things, like, oh, you're a pervert, this, that, blah. Like, what the fuck? And so, like, I, like, I was, like, I'm staying at the hotel. You guys do your thing on the beach. And, like, I immediately go on the grinder, and I find, like, the first person that matches with me. And I try to get him, I almost succeed. I got him to come over.

Unknown_09: I he was pussied out, but I was gonna have him like I was gonna fuck on her her bed I was mad cuz like so she'd be so so let me go the straight she had a bit of a meltdown because you were hanging the door of Listen, this is not the thing that happened. This is a example relationship and how it like was you know like and like up until like literally up until like a couple years ago she would like i'd be in the kitchen she'd grab my ass and she would fucking like call me a slut all the time like this is my sister like okay like yeah but i oh my god like this is it's retarded like it's

Unknown_09: Like, I was mentally fucked, because I have a crazy sister.

Unknown_09: And she was fucked. I don't know, you know, I mean, it's like kind of a two-sided thing.

Unknown_01: Hmm, yes. I'm listening. This fucking guy, I don't know who it is who's recording, but like, he's sitting there, like, Tux is saying, I fucked my sister. And he's like, munch, nom, nom, nom. Hmm, yes. Tell me more about you fucking your sister. Like, he's, like, in an oblivion conversation.

Unknown_09: Neither one of, but like, it was like shit that happened in our childhood, and she kept making me feel guilty about it.

Unknown_09: And I've been,

Unknown_09: Seems like I'm very, you know, I think that, you know, that was, I think, one of the reasons I, I mean, I was always, like, bisexual, but then, like, fucking, uh, you know, feeling all this, like, guilt and shit, because I just felt so guilty about it, and also, like, at one point, like, a bishop found out about it, and he made, you know, me feel like shit, and made my parents feel like shit, you know? Yeah, I bet. And then, like, you know, somehow, I think she told my cousin, and, like, extended family thought I was, like,

Unknown_01: Okay, if you don't know, that is a recording between some guy called Flashlight?

Unknown_01: What was his name?

Unknown_01: Flashbang. I like Flashlight better.

Unknown_01: And Tux. And I told you guys weeks ago that Tux did that SuperGun64 thing and he sent it to me on ProtonMail before anyone else saw it. He sent it to me as an exclusive and I completely ignored it because

Unknown_01: When we briefly had the Sneedcord, the only good Discord server that ever existed because it had two channels and no voice chat, and it was all public and deleted itself routinely, he tried to become a mod and slide into my DMs and was very aggressive about offering to help me code the forum. And my senses went off and I thought, this guy is a fucking weirdo. He's doing some real weird shit and it's kind of creeping me out. So I just kind of put him on my brain's ignore list, which I have. I've gotten very good at ignoring people. I can tell when someone's crazy. And I'm just like, nah.

Unknown_01: Nah, just not going to do that. And then it became a thing. So I talked about it very briefly. And I recounted the story. And I said, he kind of weirded me out. So I didn't want anything to do with him. And now I know why. Now that I've heard this story all the way through, because I didn't even listen to it to be honest with you, if his sister is sexually promiscuous at the age of 8,

Unknown_01: that means that she was molested um not necessarily by tux because that that's unusual and like for actual incest to happen spontaneously uh but by somebody probably if she's hypersexual at like eight years old that's according to him anyways he could just be lying he could just be a sister fucker that's lying about it but yeah that's sad

Unknown_01: Not something you want to tell people on the internet and I don't know what like Okay, I showed off my little disc my little My chat app and it looks like discord a little bit and part of my motivation in Making this putting in all this effort to write a proprietary. We're not proprietary, but it's a custom chat app for my own forum

Unknown_01: is that I would prefer if the tools on the forum were good enough so that people would just use them and they wouldn't feel the need to add each other off-site. And like I said this before but it's not like a control freak thing where I just like I need everybody to be on my forum and only use my tools. It's like I don't want people to like isolate themselves into these weird echo chambers where they think that they have friends with people who are fucking with them and they have these embarrassing conversations that come out and they make everybody look bad. Thankfully, despite Ralph's protest, Tux was never a forum user and our policy of not getting into gay discord servers has mostly paid off.

Unknown_01: but there's another recording where which i'm not complex that is just like autism white noise where he's in that he's he's like a like a fucking local therapy group he's in a group with like elaine miller who's a psycho british check who allegedly post child pornography to local farm to try and get them in trouble uh... and who's stocked account on the forum like over and over again and post basically uh...

Unknown_01: Posted in her own thread and tried to like befriend me and become like a co-admin of the site and all sorts of weird shit And then there's also Jaydanks who also spams the site and spams the Fediverse and is now like the biggest Ralph ass kisser on the internet like he is here and

Unknown_01: Oh, it's the one right before my account gets this one. He's the one saying Ralph Amell win. So Jadank says recording this conversation with Elaine Miller and like a couple other people and talks and it's like so these people have like established like a low-cal group therapy session on fucking discord where they talk to each other and they jerk each other off and they secretly record one another and it's like okay, so

Unknown_01: Discord is truly a tool for absolute faggots to like Find each other and isolate each other and fake befriend each other so they can secretly record each other and Then turn on each other later and make a scene out of it. It's like yeah, that's kind of fucking Autistic and I don't really want anything to do with it

Unknown_01: So, that being said, did I miss anything else? Anything else you want to yell at me?

Unknown_01: Discord is digital purgatory. It is.

Unknown_01: It's genuinely a very scary thing because you have a lot of people coming of age now who are all on discord and they're definitely like getting like sectioned off into um like these little groups where they're just being groomed by people like keffels giving them like oh you would be so cute if you truned out haha and I still grow and plant stone I intend to move soon so I haven't had the opportunity to plant anything

Unknown_01: Only join discords where you know people in real life. That's basically it. I'm in a couple like very close friend discords on like an account not associated with anything and a couple programming discords which is just unavoidable. I only use it for talking to people about programming issues.

Unknown_01: Have I chosen a new clone yet? No, I have a bunch of suggestions and I still have a lot of my old ones so I'm just gonna like save my list somewhere and decide on one.

Unknown_01: Though... Oh, man, I should've written this down.

Unknown_01: I wanted you guys to help me with something.

Unknown_01: And I cannot remember what now.

Unknown_01: That's gonna drive me fucking crazy.

Unknown_01: Um... Fuck, I don't know. I don't think I even talked to anyone about it, so I won't be able to... Oh, it's gonna drive me crazy, because as soon as the stream's over, I'm gonna know exactly what it was, and I've just completely forgot us. Let us help you from hurt.

Unknown_01: I'm not going to Jamaica.

Unknown_01: No, it's not, it's not a request. It's like just the thing I want to bounce ideas off of people. And I forgot about it.

Unknown_01: Jim Sterling. Ah, fuck it.

Unknown_01: Fuck it. Um, I will, I think I will do the super chats now and I know

Unknown_01: As I say, you're now free to leave, but I do appreciate people who stick around. Okay, yeah, if I remember it, I'll ask you guys.

Unknown_01: Invitation codes. No, that's gonna sit there. I've made a post about this in the mod board the site has like doubled in size since 2021 it's really big and there are there are some issues that I that I have and I want to talk to the mods first before Dedicating myself to it before especially before I reopen the the registrations because I'm concerned about it

Unknown_01: Okay, here, I'm gonna make the filter green. Can I do this?

Unknown_01: Color add green.

Unknown_01: And I'll fix the... There we go, perfect. Now you know I'm in the money zone now.

Unknown_01: Okay, I will try to bash through these with some grabby toss.

Unknown_01: Unfortunately, in donation alerts, it's kind of... The way of presenting the messages is not the best.

Unknown_01: Here's five dollars, that's a lot of money in Oklahoma. Red pill me on Oklahoma, ICF Dave.

Unknown_01: It seems like every place in the U.S. is a hot, humid shithole and I don't know how people live in the U.S. I've been spoiled by pleasant European climates and now I don't know if I can live in a hot, humid shithole. $10 a cent for 10 says I can't stay and watch, hope you have a good one though.

Unknown_01: Thank you. Rungle for five says I for one love our grayscale overlords. Me too. Even though nobody, nobody else can keep up with my, my great sense of humor.

Unknown_01: Anonymous for one says if every viewer gave Josh $1 a day per show, Josh would have enough money to save the lowercase I internet. And that is true. Let me show you guys actually.

Unknown_01: Um, I got my first bill for DDoS protection and let me just show you.

Unknown_01: How much this fucking thing is?

Unknown_01: This is for two months, keep that in mind, and it has a one time service fee added.

Unknown_01: But here you go, that is the fucking damage, and that's what the super chats are for. And I really need to do a merchandise run because I didn't do one for spring, and this shit is not cheap.

Unknown_01: It is what we call pain and suffering chat.

Unknown_01: If GraceGale in honor of Commander Rob Monochromatic is not the Jesus Christ. Commander Rob, monochromatic is not problematic. Pike, I assume you've switched from Rust to Go and realized the error in your ways with Syntac highlighting. No, I did not plan to switch to Go, sorry.

Unknown_01: Saul T. Dog for 20 says, you've been a while, here's more for the theater fun. Thank you. Sergeant Wizard Fist for 10 says, not stream related unless you talk about it later, but there's a huge gun control bill in the Fed right now, so you fuckers better write your senators and stock up on guns and ammo. Oh, thank you, chat.

Unknown_01: Two guns. Shotgun. Rifle. Give me your suggestions.

Unknown_01: Nullatkiwifarms.net. Tell me what to get. I will have a trustee acquire these weapons and secure them for me so that when I return to the United States, I will be armed and safely medicated, of course. That's what my request was. Two sidearms, one shotgun, one rifle. Send me your email.

Unknown_01: Especially things that I should buy before they become legal Okay, uh wings of hidden grannies He says Portugal is in South America homie. That's true. There's a big Portugal right there Horrible for 20 says I remember you playing tally Hall on stream last year. Tell me what you think of this mean edit Thanks, and I will post my reply in the for the music video

Unknown_01: SPLC says, SPLC is an organization dedicated to the harassment of internet personalities. That's true. I feel very harassed. They owe me an apology. And to be fair, they didn't say that we were an extremist right-wing organization this time. So I guess we're moving up in the world. ChinesePursuitAmbulanceFor20 says, I'll find you. Stream needs more WeWu. And I guess he did find me, because I've been hearing it all day today. though jangle jangle s's says for 25 hi josh hopefully this will help you get your own butthole avatar or pizza or dados mitigation or litter or petrol or great up for my dog or fluffy house slippers or a fraction of silver dust 25 dollar reduce is a whole ounce of silver right now my friend

Unknown_01: Parasocial relationship from 100 says how do I delete this? I'm not gonna with computer help. No, you're doing it. Just right. Keep doing that. It's working out just fine Anonymous for seven says I know you're not a Sonic fan But how do you feel about ugly Sonic and the shitty who framed Roger Rabbit ripoff? He was featured in the Sonic movie really has gone through a bizarre ride. I vaguely know what you're talking about there's like a crossover movie with Sonic the Hedgehog and who framed Roger Rabbit and um i mean that that franchise is dead they're just milking it for nostalgia at this point uh cal poly for five says i decided to announce that i am transgender congratulations cal poly we all support you constantine romanov for five says faggots are retarded thank you constantine me says minor era minor high mott

Unknown_01: Su... I don't know what that means. Su27flickrp410 says, I can't hold Don Paz.

Unknown_01: That whole war thing is, like, ground to a standstill. I can't even say that. Dude, the autism on the forums between, like, people who are just like, oh my god, Russia is the last bastion of whiteness versus, like, people who are like, hey, maybe we shouldn't invade other countries. It's just ridiculous. I don't even want to touch that shit. Even what I just said is, like, controversial, because it's like, no, it's not an invasion. It's a special military operation to liberate Luhansk and Donetsk. You can't call it an invasion. That's illegal in Russia, literally. Very, very frustrating times, chat.

Unknown_01: Harper for five says the last people you want to try to get real with our melanin deficient liberal millennial women. It's in their world and they're all I Don't know I think you'd be surprised at how reasonable people are like and people who are not reasonable Well, you know you say like well, I disagree with you. I

Unknown_01: to a woman that's either very attractive in a man just to say like i disagree with you and i i don't care what you think i'm well not like that but i just i disagree with you like that's not gonna drive people away and the people that it would drive away probably don't need to be around anonymous tips five dollars thank you dan teal says the alphabets had mental illness that go unchecked and challenges they are never truly happy doesn't help either that they all secretly hate each other in world unity it's just for surface optics

Unknown_01: Um, I'm not sure if that's true. I would say that there's a lot of self-loathing, especially in, like, the white progressives.

Unknown_01: Steenumfeedum410 says, whenever Ralph does something retarded, I'm always surprised that almost no one outside of our little corner of the internet talks about him. He's just such a big train wreck. It's incredible. He is definitely the kind of person who will have those weird YouTube-like documentaries done about him eventually.

Unknown_01: uh backspace dill says glad to see bmw supporting game month considering they used to be nazi mobiles well that's why they have to celebrate it they have to double down extra hard they used to have a swastika in their logo so now they have to put the pride flag there to prove that they extra super mean it

Unknown_01: Anonymous refined says your trad social views are pretty gay, but I appreciate your fight against censorship. Keep it up Let's gag it about my perspective that people should be pursuing nuclear families and like self-preservation Self-reliance, I think that you'll warm up to them when you get older champ

Unknown_01: I'm a loser who reads comics, but I read them digitally so no one knows my shame. Anyways, Amazon bought a digital comic store and removed the ability to buy and read them. How do we secure digital media? You don't.

Unknown_01: There is, like, Laserdisc and stuff will last like 20 years, allegedly. but or there's like one format that supposedly lasts 700 years but it's like a read-only format digital media is cannot be preserved it will decay it decays quite quickly almost every if you go back and try to play pokemon cartridges in your original gba it's not going to load because the battery is dead in them like all those old forms of media die very very quickly and it's actually kind of shocking and sad just how fragile things are and then you consider digital media today oh how much of what we what we keep is stored on the cloud how many of our video games never released physically at all and that you never download anything but a client copy of a game it's all online services there's not going to be like

Unknown_01: People who nostalgically look back on the 2010 games are like, oh man, I haven't played, you know, GTA San Andreas in forever. I'm gonna pull out my old PlayStation. I'm gonna play GTA. Like, you can't do that. You want to go play, um... What is it, like, Battleborn? To relive Battleborn or something? Or Diablo... Diablo 3? I'm gonna go replay Diablo 3. I remember liking that game as a teenager. Oops, the servers are shut down. I don't get to play anything ever again.

Unknown_01: Remember when Fortnite was a thing? Fellow Zoomers? Too bad Tencent got banned in the United States after the war happened. Now I can't play Fortnite anymore. A lot of things that people enjoy right now are just going to be gone forever.

Unknown_01: Sika Lothar for 10 says I'm now working on my Pajit thread. I promise I won't behave like the other manifesto writers after I'm done with it and I promise I will send you a thousand dollars so that it can be highlighted. Okay, everybody keep your eyes open for Sika Lothar's. Sika Lothar's. I thought it was loafers. I've said his name wrong for a very long time. Look out for his Pajit thread, which I have offered to highlight as a recipient of money from the Communist Party of China.

Unknown_01: Abominable home and for 10 says PPP should kidnap Pete and make him be the new surfer Pete's no pizza's insufferable. I can't stand him any not Pete Animal for one says you should make a separate thread for bitching linting about you or your forum and make it a rule that posts only go there PS Springfield Hellcat is a good business. I mean, there's like four different threads about me. I I'm not gonna stop I just asked all I asked about people is that you don't like specifically like antagonize the fuck out of me by tagging me into a bunch of different threads and posting my profile and and like annoying me in chat like I have to be able to use my own site that's that's all I'm asking people um

Unknown_01: Sneet says you should do a facecam if you hit your donation goal so that you hit 2 grand a stream. Fuck no. It would need to be a lot higher than 2 grand a stream. It's just, I don't want to be like Ralph and make my face a part of my content. That's just ridiculous.

Unknown_01: Evan Ralphertoo says Tux was nice enough to visit me at a West Memphis home for the insane my brother abandoned me at. He steals my disability checks and informed me that Flamenco happens to have two underage monitors.

Unknown_01: Oh.

Unknown_01: Yeah, there was like some scandal where some guy was like sending cum tributes to 15 year olds in his Discord, which might be another right along our theme of never use Discord. Nothing good ever happens in Discord. If a strange man invites you to his Discord server, you say no, and you get out of there.

Unknown_01: Anonymous says, for 20, thanks for the stream, Josh. It's not much, but I hope it helps. Thank you very much. I appreciate it, everybody. I hope I got through that in as tolerable a fashion as possible.

Unknown_01: I will now turn off the green, and we'll go back to black and white. Or not to black and white, to normal mode. Last chance chat, anything I missed? Secret in-stream content.

Unknown_01: What are you going to do for Pride Month? I'm going to look for apartments. Thanks for asking. Same thing I've been doing for a long time now.

Unknown_01: Message I sent about some ordinary game. I looked through it. He did send me a bunch of clips, but it's like it's like some guy playing like a like a Minecraft first-person shooter and they're talking to flamenco about the groomer and his discord and

Unknown_01: I like you, I'll play one of these. If I can actually download the video, I will play one. Just as a secret thank you to everyone who sat through the Super Chats. Let's see, that one's a minute, that one's 30 seconds.

Unknown_01: Well, this is just some ordinary gamer shitting on... Okay.

Unknown_01: The process doesn't have tags.

Unknown_01: I may not be able to play this.

Unknown_01: I'm trying to download from my site and that's a monumental task. Because I can't play it because it's in a private conversation.

Unknown_01: This one's a minute, I'll play this. Because I did listen to this and it is flamenco joining and people are calling him a pedophile or some shit.

Unknown_01: I don't know who some angry gamer is. Chat, that's the issue. I have no emotional investment in this character. Hey Flam, aren't you one of the creepy pedophiles like Chill did?

Unknown_06: What's up dude?

Unknown_05: Wait, what?

Unknown_06: What the fuck?

Unknown_05: I heard, like, tux came onto your thing. Like, what the fuck happened? I don't know.

Unknown_06: Is that guy, like, your fan or something? Because I think that guy's fucking weird as shit, dude.

Unknown_05: I have like talked to him like a couple of times and I thought like the gun thing was kind of funny so I kind of tried to involve him and stuff but like I think we talked like three times or four yeah like what the fuck happened he called in to my fucking apparently he was all about fucking siblings or something he's into that shit yeah well he's not into it what is this block game

Unknown_01: Is this a- is this another- we got Roblox, we got Minecraft, we got BlastClan, this is like a mix. It's like... It's like Cube Space. Cubeland. Cube Earth.

Unknown_06: He was ashamed of it, but he was openly- I mean, according to him at least, I don't fucking know, like- That game sucks.

Unknown_01: It was fucking wild, it was weird.

Unknown_06: Crunker.

Unknown_09: That sister pussy hits different, alright? No knock until you try it, alright?

Unknown_05: Defend my adjacency. Yeah, I'm apparently his father and his, uh, and his, like, lieutenant. He's my lieutenant, apparently, in the Flamingo Mafia.

Unknown_06: I was just saying, like, oh, he's your friend to, like, throw Flamingo down the line.

Unknown_05: Like, I'm making fun of Ralph just as you are. Like, the fucking, the fucking schizo post that I'm, like, I don't know, like, did I tell Tux to do it?

Unknown_06: This guy said he was gonna sue me for libel once, then he teased out, like, aw, you stupid- I feel like I've had enough of listening to people's Discord calls, chat.

Unknown_01: Please tell Hima that he's the N-word and not the Dark Elves. I don't know who Hima is. I apologize.

Unknown_01: Counter- Okay, I'm done. I'm done, chat. I will play my outro song. Um... Hmm...

Unknown_01: yeah this one will do i will see you guys next week make sure to uh email me your gun suggestions and uh uh yeah yeah i think that's it take it easy bye

Unknown_03: I am Steve. There are many other Steves, but there is only one that is me. I am Steve. I could have been a David or a Gene, but then I wouldn't really be me. And I am Steve in the morning, Steve in the eve, Steve in the mirror looking back saying who is me.

Unknown_03: I am Steve.

Unknown_03: And they say, run Stevie, run Stevie, do what you can. Get you a house and a car and some happiness. Go Stevie, go Stevie, be the best Stevie you can be. Run Stevie, run Stevie, do what you can. And if it doesn't work, just try it again. But if you do it right, you'll be kicking back at night saying, yes, I'm living the dream. I am Stevie.

Unknown_03: I am Steve.

Unknown_03: I am Steve. I'm still working on myself. But Steve still needs a little help. What's it mean? Why should I get out of bed? Am I the only Steve with a voice in my head singing? Run, Stevie, run, Stevie, do it. You can get your house and a car and some happiness. Go, Stevie, go, Stevie, be the best Steve you can be.

Unknown_03: And if it doesn't work, just try it again. But if you do it right, you'll be kicking back at night saying, yes, I'm living the dream. I am Steve.

Unknown_03: Steve in the ocean, Steve in the sea. Stevie looking for the meaning of Steve. Steve feeling lonely, but Steve ain't alone. There's a million other Steves in the little Steve homes. All singing, run Stevie, run Stevie, do what you can. Get you a house and a car and some happiness. Call Stevie, call Stevie, be the best Stevie.

Unknown_03: But if you do it right, you'll be kicking back at night saying, yes, I'm living the dream. I am Steve. I am Steve. I am Steve.