You know if I say something, I mean it.
Unknown_14: These things happen.
Unknown_11: Yeah.
my advice to ralph is don't leave the us ralph ralph doesn't understand uh that he he is a wigger he is a product of the united states he is a in america he is in america he he cannot function outside the united states We live in a nice, safe, comfy country where there is a strong rule of law and the government is basically Jerry Springer and will separate people from killing each other. In Mexico, if you piss off the wrong people, they will literally have a dog eat the insides of your of your penal cavity where your scrotum used to protect you. If Ethan Ralph treated any woman in Mexico with the same kind of bullshit that he does to women in the United States, he would literally be fed to dogs, and I would have to close his board with a parting thread that features a video of him being cut to pieces. Literally. Unironically. Ralph, you are not made for anywhere else. You cannot live anywhere else. And the places you can bribe yourself into will fucking murder you. I don't think he understands. And in the interest of protecting this person who I find phenomenally fascinating and very funny, stay in the U.S. and just do your fucking gives and go and get a little bit of money.
If I didn't give myself credit every so often, nobody would chat. Nobody would.
Unknown_10: If I didn't give myself credit every so often, nobody would chat. Nobody would. I'm just going to keep adding to this. It's going to be a cycle. Every time he goes back to Portugal and gets his ass kicked, I'm going to have to add another layer to that montage until it's like 10 layers deep, like painting on a wall or something.
Unknown_10: Anyways, oh god, can you tell what this stream is going to be about?
Unknown_10: I'm going to have to diversify it a little bit because two major things have kind of happened.
And I want to talk about it.
Unknown_10: Though, you know, I figure I might spend a little bit of time just kind of talking about little stuff as people continue to fill in. Because I know everyone would want to hear me talk about Ralph getting his ass kicked again. And my hot take on if it's morally righteous to kick Ralph's ass.
Unknown_10: We'll get to that.
Unknown_10: But first, let me talk about some fun stuff.
Unknown_10: This is a web browser for TempleOS, and I'll just show it to you because it's kind of cute.
So this is the guy booting up the application and typing in a 4chan URL.
Unknown_10: And it'll pop up, it loads up. It loads the image and it processes it. I think it processes it because there's a specific image format that's available on TempleOS. And look at this.
Unknown_10: Look at this.
Unknown_10: A brand new web browser just for TempleOS.
Unknown_10: And truly, it was ordained to be released this week because... Why is my autoplay on?
Unknown_10: Two interesting things have happened. Two interesting disclosures have been released to the general public. First of all, two CIA officers have been killed in the line of duty published on Tuesday. Or on Monday, actually. So I don't know. I'm assuming that the special military operation in Russia and Ukraine have nothing to do with why these CIA officers are dying.
You can press S or F in chat now at your leisure. I'm not going to direct you to which one you should press. It's up to you as a free-bodied individual to decide if the CIA officers are valuable members of our society.
Oh, well, I see that chat's very biased against the central intelligence. You know, they keep us safe. They pimp out children in Colombia so that we don't have to, here at home, pimp out children.
Unknown_10: The other interesting thing is that apparently a retired federal agent, I think FBI agent is what they say later, but a law enforcement officer was in contact with the Buffalo shooter.
Unknown_10: and they were in like a discord literally like in a a retired fbi agent was in a discord group with this guy and a couple others where they just talked about how much they hated jews together and he was just like keeping tabs on them and he knew about this this uh allegedly he knew about this uh shooting that was going to occur and the shooter had been arrested previously for threatening to shoot up a school he told them that he was going to shoot up at school when he turned 18 and they arrested him. I don't know if he got charged with anything, but they let him go. So I really, I mean, I want you to understand what really sickens me about the United States is I have to file taxes. I have to file taxes. The United States is one of the only countries in the entire world. The only other one in the entire world is Arisha, where if you don't live in the U S you have no, you have nothing. You don't participate in the U S you still have to file taxes. Um,
Like, no other country operates like that. And the majority of our taxes, no matter where you live, are going to go to the federal government. And you think about the federal government, you think, what does the federal government do? Does it pave roads? Nope, that's the state. Does it support the school?
I mean, there's grants to schools, but most of your school's funding comes from the state and from your city. Does it build the jails? No. Does it pay for the police force? No. Does it pay for the fire department? No. It literally does nothing. Nothing that you think of as a civil service is a federal service. Most of what the federal government spends money on is housing and urban development, which is just giving people money because they're poor to buy housing. And then, like, Medicare, Medicaid. And that's it. And then a huge amount of it goes to the Department of Defense for military contracts and to agencies like this that literally coax children into shooting up schools so that they can deprive us of our rights. and keep us on edge and hating each other. And I just hate the U.S. government so much.
So blessed be Terry Davis and for these gifts of knowledge this week.
The other thing is I have been working on Sneed Foro. I've been working on Sneed Foro like a maniac, actually. Let me show you. I've been working every day for, like, the last week very intensely to get this set up because we really do need new forum software, and I don't want to put any more time into...
Unknown_10: Zen 4.0 and its ecosystem.
Unknown_10: So if we go to commits, you can see that I've made like 20 commits over the last week. After a three-month hiatus, I've been back at it.
Unknown_10: And if you want to participate in a little bit of shitposting right now, if you go to https.sneed.kiwifarms.net, you can post right now. Just be aware that the attachments don't work correctly.
It's an environmental thing. It doesn't work on my end. But... I don't know. I want to be gratified in seeing people post on this bullshit, even if it's very, very, very, very, very bare bones and not ready for anything. If you want to go and shitpost a little bit, you should be able to right now.
Unknown_10: And I'll read your posts before I completely shut this little instance down and destroy everything.
Unknown_10: Learn to code. I'm trying. Rust is very difficult, but it has a lot of things about it that I like that are technical and I don't want to get into.
Yeah, I am working on it. And the repository is open. I get emails every so often like, hey, can I get access to the repository? And I'm like, here it is. We also have the matrix and the kiwifarms.cc instance in case you want to talk about it.
Unknown_10: Is it a safe space? Will my pronouns be respected? Maybe. Oh my fucking god, holy shit. I don't think that this page will paginate the threads page, so it will just continue to add threads forever. Shortwave update. Sneed. Josh was queer. This is a very important thread. You know.
Slav was here. Oh, hi Slav power. Smiley face. That's the right. What a nice message. this guy says that he loves uh the the melanated people well that's nice of him wow what a great website already i'm so i'm so happy i'm so happy to see all my work go into it and what's great is that um you can see the the rendering time five milliseconds to to load this page and it varies just a little bit just because of how processes work but we're measuring that in microseconds i'm so happy Has a basic page loading time on the Zinfora will be like 130 milliseconds at the base. So this is a magnitude of order faster. And I know it's much less going on, but that won't go up by too much, even as you add stuff to it.
Excellent. I'm very happy. Thank you for helping me test this. I super glued my penis to my leg. That sounds awful.
Unknown_10: Okay. Anyways, that's the little fun stuff that I have for today. Now we have to talk about Ralph.
Unknown_10: Ethan Ralph, my mensch, my endless content generator, went to Portugal and unannounced, just completely unannounced, apropos of literally fucking nothing, decided today's the day. I'm going to Portugal. And he announces it after he's landed. On Monday of this week, he announces to the world, I have arrived in Lisbon without...
Any kind of context whatsoever. And this leads to speculation.
Unknown_10: Why the fuck is Ralph in Portugal?
Unknown_10: So theory number one that a lot of people had was that he's trying to get away from May.
Unknown_10: may and his two-month-old infant daughter uh roseanne rosanna uh he wants to just get the fuck away from them and i really feel like in my head this makes a lot of sense because i can just imagine it like may's in there and she's doing you know woman stuff like saying why don't you help with the baby why don't you do anything why don't you clean up after yourself um
why do you just sit there and yell at people on the internet all day and he's like fuck you bitch you know what bitch whore let me tell you I can leave anytime I want in fact I can go online and book a ticket to Portugal right now and get the fuck out of here and we'll see how well you do by yourself and then he just does that he leaves her alone and it's just like bye bitch I'm gonna go fuck whores in Portugal and he even says as much just to let her know
Unknown_10: He says, do people not understand that anything you tell a bitch to get her to fuck you or do what you want doesn't matter at all? Oh, very, very eloquently worded. So you can just say whatever you can lie, however you please to get laid, basically. This was just common knowledge among every guy I knew in real life who wasn't a simp. Reverse head games, fake stories, lies, etc. All part of the game. To which his fiancée, who will never be his wife, May,
hoes literally be doing the same thing to get with Chad. This is a completely organic message that may wrote with her own two hoofs. And there is no way that Ethan Ralph wrote that for her, uh, to maintain the, cause it's like, if, if he just said that he says whatever he does to fuck bitches, then people would be like, wait a minute, Ralph, aren't you cheating on your girlfriend? Your, your fiance who will never be your wife ever. Um,
Unknown_10: So then it's like, actually, you know what? I'll add a second message from Pantsu that verifies that what I'm doing is actually totally based and allowed.
So that's his theory one, that he flew to Portugal because fuck that bitch Internegan. And what's additionally crazy about this, by the way, is that he booked two weeks. Two weeks. I have never taken a two week long vacation. You can go to a place and see all the sites in a week. Easy. easy like five days is the appropriate length for like a normal vacation after five days you're gonna get fucking bored no matter where you're at you cannot spend every day for two weeks on your feet like walking around looking at like churches and shit in portugal um so that that's really crazy uh the second theory was that he's trying to dodge legal servicing so he says uh the day after he's arrived in portugal
Apparently, they want me to stipulate to a $1,100 a month in child support before they will sign the visitation agreement to let me see my son supervised once every other month. Not happening. So we'll be in mediation and then probably full custody court very soon. After contact was cut, I was in contact the entire pregnancy and four months afterwards.
Unknown_10: Completely unjustly, I'm supposed to submit to some arbitrarily high number when I also have to pay travel before I can see him. No. No financial documentation was submitted, by the way, just the number. I've done what I can to avoid a full-on court battle, but I'd much rather do that than cuck myself by accepting this trash, especially in light of what's been done and what's said to me this calendar year by parties involved. So,
Ralph says that this is an arbitrarily high number. It is not. This is apparently what the state of California has decided is the monthly expense of a stay-at-home mom. A stay-at-home mom with a child needs at least $1,100 a month to get by. So the number is not arbitrary. It comes from the precedent in the family courts, which means... That when he pays for his family court attorney, who I will remind you, family court attorneys, I have one in my family. They are vicious. They do not give a fuck about you. They will laugh about you behind your back. They will gossip about your shitty fucking life. I have heard many stories about many people with shitty fucking lives in family court.
Unknown_10: He's going to pay money for that, and they don't care. They're trying to win, but they don't give a fuck about you. You're going to go there. You're going to pay them tons and tons of thousands of thousands of dollars, and then you're fighting the default. You've been offered the default for this situation. Now, visitation once every two months supervised is a bit extreme, but that's usually something that they give for violent convicted offenders, felons, and people who have been convicted of a crime against the spouse or the child, which, Ethan Ralph says, has done. Ethan Ralph has been convicted of a violent felony. He is a felon, and he has been convicted, convicted, he pled nolo contingere, but that means that he is guilty, found guilty by the state of Virginia for a, what is a sexual, basically a sexually motivated offense against Faith. And unlike in civil court, because I mentioned before that usually no contest, no locum hindre pleas mean that it can't be brought up in civil court as a guilty plea or as evidence of guilt.
Family court does not operate that way. Family court, from what I understand, operates in a very much the judge has almost exclusive discretion over what's happening. So she or he, probably she, because you know,
Unknown_10: women and such uh always always you know looking out for each other as women do it's gonna look at this and say oh so you're a violent felon who has been convicted against uh for beating a female police officer and then you release revenge pornography of your uh fiancee okay clearly you have to be supervised because you're violent and dangerous And I guarantee you if he gets anything, it's going to be exactly what that plea is, just in my mind. But he wants to make it expensive for Vickers too, I guess. So we'll see.
Okay, Nick. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, Rosanna. Very strange. Very strange name. You shouldn't be able to type yet. You're only two months old. Okay, so this is the second one. He's trying to duck a legal servicing by being in Portugal.
Unknown_10: So he goes to Portugal and he's there and he's live streaming because, you know, he spent a fuck ton of money and apparently has rented a five-star hotel for two weeks, which is
probably at least $3,000 for probably more. For like two weeks, that's a lot of money for a hotel, especially one that has any kind of merit to it. And then you have a plane ticket, which is probably like $500 each way. So that's a lot of money. So he's live streaming because he has to make that money back, and he's going to justify it as a business expense because he's there to live stream his trip and yadda yadda.
Unknown_10: And he goes to a church, as you do. If you are in Europe and you're seeing old stuff, chances are a lot of the old stuff you're going to be seeing are churches because they tend to survive war a little bit better than castles do. So Portugal hasn't really been to war in a long time. So a lot of their historic stuff is still up. And they're Catholic, so they have these wonderful cathedrals and stuff. So, of course, you're tourists in Portugal, you're going to go see some churches. He goes to a church, a Catholic church. And you know what he does? I'm sitting here watching this because, you know, why not? I'm coding. I need some huffing and puffing to help me focus. He goes to one of these Catholic churches where you light up candles. And usually it's like a thing because, you know, the Catholic church has saints. So they have like some saints along the walls and they have some wax candles there.
And generally, it's an honor system. You pay like 50 cents a euro for a candle. And then you light it and say a prayer with the saint. Ralph stole a 50-cent wax candle from a Catholic church and lived it and then left and said Christ is King. And I remember when this is happening, I'm thinking, if the Cathedral Bell crashed through the roof and killed Ethan Ralph right now, I would be forced to publicly announce Crisis Kang. I would have to rename the Kiwi Farms to CrisisKang.net or something. And I would have to do that on the spot. But lo and behold, that didn't happen. COG...
As in cognitive thoughts, as in the guy that I made fun of like a couple streams ago announces that he's going to fly to Lisbon with his buddy and they're going to find Ethan Ralph and fuck with him. In fact, actually, I didn't leave a note to play this, but I just reminded myself.
Unknown_01: I honestly want to get to fucking Portugal tomorrow. And if we can raise the money to get there, it'll fucking happen. This money is only going to get me there for one fucking day to gun hunt. Find the fucking gunner. I've got a friend who will happily kick the shit out of him. I'm happy to say this on stream as well. Ralph, you'll probably get the shit kicked out of you again in Portugal if I have anything to do with it. And if people get me to Portugal, it will fucking happen. That's just how it is. I know for a fact. 100%. 100%. Get to Portugal. Gun hunt. That's it.
So Cog announces that he has a friend, and they're going to go to Portugal together. Apparently it's 50 euros per person to fly to Portugal from London, from Heathrow Airport. So that's what they do. They fly to Lisbon, and they announce right before they're going to Lisbon, we're going to Lisbon, and they say we're going to go fuck with Ralph. So they do. And they're there, and everyone's waiting. It's like, is he going to get pressed? And Ralph sits down at a restaurant preparing to eat. He orders, like, one thing. He orders a glass of wine, and we expect him to eat because he's talking about how If y'all donate $100, I'll eat the octopus. I've been really looking forward to that. So he's like begging for money so that he can eat at this restaurant. And then he hears that Cog is on the way. And he gets up and leaves. And he's hustling down. He's like, I don't want to eat there anyways. They didn't have any alcohol. They didn't have any mixed drinks. And he's running down the street.
He didn't tip. And he's running down the street.
Unknown_10: And meanwhile, on the other end of the camera, we have this.
Unknown_10: Let's see.
Unknown_10: That's the wrong one. Okay, this is the right one.
The way that he's talking, too, it's like, Crikey. Now, what we have here is a rare hollering hog. endemic to west memphis arkansas but now they've become an invasive species in portugal now this here's a heifer 350 kilograms and and with a powerful bite of one ton per square inch so let's go over there and with him and stick our fingers in his mouth and what we get is this amazing fight
Oh, wait, there he is. He's looking at him right there. And Ralph is reading the chat at that exact moment thinking, reading the message saying, like, he's right to your left right now.
Unknown_01: So he's shorter than my mate.
Unknown_01: Let's just say that.
Unknown_01: Pressing? No, we're too public right now.
Unknown_10: Press them. We're too public right now. It would be a shame if Ethan Ralph started hollering.
Hey, what's up, bitch?
Unknown_10: Hey, dick, how you doing?
Unknown_00: Hey, what's up, bitch?
Unknown_10: What are you doing, bitch?
Unknown_00: Get the fuck out of my face, bro. Get the fuck out of my face.
Unknown_10: So there's a little bit of argument here. He definitely gets pushed or something. Though apparently Ralph spit on his buddy, who's also right there. And I don't think Ralph is aware that the steroid, the guy who's like a proper Napoleon complex, he's also really short like Ralph, but he's built like a fucking Roblox character. I don't know how else to describe Dan.
Unknown_10: So Dan gets spit on at some point and Kai gets pushed.
Hey, what's up, bitch? What are you doing, bitch? Get the fuck out of my face, bro. Get the fuck out of my face. Fuck you, you prick.
Unknown_10: Never get you in shit. Dan's ass. So Ralph, right there, quarrel one ends. Ralph is already pushed down. You piece of shit. He laughs. He gets back up.
Unknown_10: Cunts.
Unknown_09: Be the thief. Be the thief. Fucking cunts.
Unknown_10: Okay, wonderful, wonderful thing.
Unknown_10: So Ralph and him and Dan have another quarrel, and Dan has, once again, very easily, with one push, has put Ralph to the ground and put fingers in his mouth. So when I did my little crocodile dundee... like let's let's stick fingers in his mouth ralph is now being treated like a prostitute he now has someone a man has pushed him to the ground and and sexually uh stuffed his mouth with his fingers like they're in some kind of bdsm click and ralph is completely i don't know how to describe this he's completely helpless here
He's on the ground. His gut is spilling out. He can't even, like, compose himself. Look at this. Look at the way he takes the punches. He has no defense. He can't even stop himself from, like, getting punched in the fucking face. He's already completely dated.
Before you were a little dickhead.
Unknown_09: You fat little gun shit.
Unknown_10: And now, okay, this is my favorite part. Watch this. He's sitting on the ground. Dan has walked away. Yeah, that's right. Bleeding. And what's Ralph doing? He's flicking him off. Because you think, what is the normal thing? You're pushed to the ground and someone is, like, punching you. Like, what do you do? You usually get back up. But the problem is that Ralph is fat as fuck. He cannot raise himself to his feet without looking, you know, completely...
uh like unagile in doing so so what's the most immediate counter attack can come back up oh i'm just going to flick you off with my my dainty little sausage fingers okay he is now in portugal they're making fun of them they're singing they're screaming sui at him
and he yells out to the portuguese people around him somebody called the cops on this guy now i don't know if you know this chat in portugal they speak portuguese they don't speak english i'm assuming that a lot of them do but he's just like shouting aloud somebody called the police on him like i like i said like the police do not give a fuck about stupid like uh
Unknown_10: But he needs the help. He's like, call the police. Because now in his mind, he's been humiliated. I need to take their freedom. I need to do something. And by the way, this is the appropriate time, I think. I pulled this up. I completely forgot about it. I sent it to myself, and I didn't save it. But I'm going to find it now. This. This is Ethan Ralph. A couple...
Unknown_10: couple about about a year ago you ready ethan ralph uh 28th of march 2021 i don't call the police on a fight only do that which they were also claiming they were doing while all this was going on lol so we're going to go back to the fight here and we'll listen to this again
Call the cops on this guy, Ethan Ralph, 2022. So at some point between 2021 and 2022, Ethan Ralph has become a giant pussy. And now, according to his own rules of gangsta thugness, he is now a pussy.
Unknown_10: I don't make the rules here. Ethan Ralph does. Go ahead. I want to get some fucking smoke. Are you really going to get it?
Unknown_10: So they walk away and turn the corner. Ralph is following them. And then Dan again starts bludgeoning him. So let's catch that again. You're really going again.
Ralph, you're going to get fired if you keep squinting.
Unknown_10: Look at this.
Unknown_10: This man considers himself a badass. He considers himself like a wrestling superstar. This guy is like the same height as him and probably the same weight, but just not so fucking fat. And what happens? He's immediately taken to the floor. He's sitting on the floor like a big... Ralph, you're going to get... Big fat gay baby if you took a baby sitting in a diaper full of shit, and you just made him much bigger He would look a lot like Ralph Ralph is now taking blows again if you keep square and all he can do is wave his Why are you square don't turn your fat corner
We're walking away. Now fuck off. Fuck you, bitch. Fuck you, we're walking away.
Unknown_10: Now walking away, and Ralph is approaching them again. Because I don't even know. I guess if he can't win a fight, he's just going to lose over and over again to show that he's so cool. Look at me. I can take blows to the face like a fucking champ. I can just get punched over and over again, and I don't even scare, bitch. Fuck away, I love you.
So now at this point, the Portuguese people who have not seen war in many centuries are thinking, holy shit, how is this happening in our peaceful country? What are we going to do?
Unknown_10: So a woman has decided that Ethan Ralph must be like a retarded man that these people are beating up on for literally no reason. And she comes to the rescue.
Unknown_10: on ralph's stream by the way he dropped his camera phone on the street a while back and a woman picks it up so there's like two women attending to him at some point and i remember i don't have a clip of this but i remember um uh super chats were still working on ralph's screen and uh she kept the the camera on just pointed at the ground until the camera started playing um what's that british song where they chase each other
You know what I mean, though. It's that song. And then afterwards, she's like, what the fuck is wrong with this phone? Why does it keep screaming at me and playing music? So she presses the button to smother it to death. Yakety Sax, she smothers it to death with the power button, and that's the end of it. But Cog is still streaming. Walk away.
Unknown_07: Walk away, you fucker.
Unknown_10: Now the cars are like, get out of the way, please. We have places to be that doesn't involve being in white trash fights. Ralph is standing here in the middle of the road like, are you not entertained? Like he's Spartacus or something. And by the way, Spartacus won his duels until he got stabbed in the liver or whatever before his last fight. Walk away!
Walk away, you fucker! Oh no, big bitch! Fuck you!
Unknown_08: Fuck you, we'll leave.
Unknown_10: Oh, you're going to follow?
Unknown_13: Yeah.
Unknown_10: He's still following. And that's the woman, by the way, who has the camera phone. I'm pretty sure. I'm not 100% sure. There might be another one with the camera phone. But she's like, why are these two people abusing this mentally handicapped fat gay baby? You just followed. Come on. Maximus. Sorry. Maximus.
I'll video it, I'll go for it, I'll run away, show it to us.
Unknown_09: No, we're not.
Unknown_09: You've come at me first, it's on my fucking camera, you retard. We literally stood around the corner, you fucking... Shut up. Yeah. Come on, let's go, Ralph. Um...
Unknown_10: I can't remember who it was, but someone thought that that woman was Ralph's wife. Because you would think, oh, this guy's a tourist from the U.S. He must have a wife. That's either Portuguese or they're just visiting together. Completely random woman who has taken sympathy on the fat gay baby and needs to mother him so he doesn't get murdered in the street. Listen to me.
No, no, no.
Unknown_09: Yeah.
Unknown_09: Stop, you bitch. Stop. Stop, you bitch. Stop. Stop.
Unknown_10: Now one more time Ralph's backing up Dan's look at look at him run look at him run He follows them like it's so fucking cool. Like he's so fucking tough And then oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit, and you can clearly see that they're like the same height probably the same way It's just that he's above he's like on fucking steroids like a mule and he's like Ralph is shitting himself Done
Now Cog has to stop. Dan hasn't met Ethan Rowe for the first time, and like most people, he wants to kill him. Come on, man.
Unknown_10: Oh, shit. God.
Unknown_01: Leave him.
Let's go. Leave him.
Unknown_09: Leave him. Get the fuck out of here. Policia have arrived. Alright, see you later.
Unknown_10: Ralph's shouting orders, go get him.
Unknown_10: Arrest him.
Unknown_10: Arrest him. From their side of the story, Cog and Dan get held, and they get patted down for a knife. Because apparently Ralph told them that they had a knife. They did not have a knife. They were not armed, so they were free to go.
And they went to have a beer, and I think they're already back in the UK.
Unknown_10: Ralph is losing his fucking mind. He is in the U.S., or he's communicating with attorneys in the U.S.,
Unknown_10: And he's saying, like, they committed a felony. Stalking, harassment, assault, battery. They're going to get extradited from the United Kingdom to Portugal to serve their sentence. Because I am pressing charges. Are you fucking retarded?
The UK isn't going to extradite. I am aware, by the way, that the UK and Portugal... have a uh the longest lasting alliance in history that is still ongoing they have been allied since the 1400s because history time uh the united kingdom did not like france or spain and uh portugal was afraid of spain because spain's much bigger so the united kingdom portugal were like okay we're going to be friends because we both got boats we have no conflicting interests in our uh endeavors and we both don't like the French or the Spanish. So they have been friends for hundreds of years. And in this instance, you can see that the British have honored their alliance and have flown in to Portugal to beat the fuck out of an invasive hollering hog that could cause some trouble for them.
And, yeah, that's the fight. I will leave it to you to decide...
Unknown_10: If this is morally justified... Fuck it, I'll do a poll.
Actually, before I press this poll, I want to clarify that the reason why Cog was so set on beating Ethan Ralph's ass was that apparently...
Unknown_10: Ralph had been basically putting up pictures of his wife and kid on his stream.
Unknown_10: And Cog was pissed. I don't know what the machinations of Cog's mind are. I have a theory, actually, that I'll explain in a little bit. But let me ask my question with that context in mind. Was it morally righteous to fly to Portugal and beat Ralph?
and i will i will ask i just want to guess it was okay okay let me explain my position here because the people have been moral fagging and stuff and that's fine kiwi farms is it's nothing but but moral fags on a general basis i know that i am uh guilty of of asking the question uh is is this okay more than most people would like um
Unknown_10: I believe, and apparently most people, 85% of people also agree with me, that Ralph has basically opened him up to everything. He has okayed, he has personally signed a document and said, to whom it may concern, I will fuck with you, there are no limits, and you can fuck with me back because I'm in it, bitch. I'm fucking tough as shit. Nothing you can do can slow me down unless you kill me. So unless you kill Ralph, you've not crossed the line by his definition.
And in this instance, I look at it and I think like, you know, if this would have been a forum user who's just like, for instance, I will compare this to something I would say is not okay. If someone who only knew DarkSidePhil from the forum was so angry at DarkSidePhil because of the forum that he decided to fly to Seattle and just beat the fuck out of DarkSidePhil on the street, that is obviously not okay.
Unknown_10: Cog does not have a forum account.
Unknown_10: Cog was directly harassed by Ethan Ralph, and as far as the damage done to him, his face has been beat a little bit. Ralph collects that as a badge of honor at this point. He even says right here in this tweet,
I'll do, I do it all again. Winky face. So clearly this is okay. If you want to go, if you want to, according to Ethan Ralph, if you want to go and kick his ass on the street for whatever reason, but especially if you fucked with him on the, uh, if he's fucked with you, you're perfectly okay to do so. Just be aware that he'll cry and, uh, and ask for the police as soon as it happens.
I don't know. I know that Dick Masterson is fucking crying about it, but I don't know. I don't think anything Dick says is even true anymore. I don't think he even believes his own shit. He just says whatever to get attention, so I'll leave it at that.
Unknown_10: Nick Fuentes is also saying it like, hell, this is so terrible. This is actual stalking and assault and stuff like that. I mean, he threw down the gauntlet and said, you know, if you want to come meet me on the street, come meet me, bitch. Fuck you. I'll kick your ass, motherfucker. And then, of course, when he actually meets up somebody, he's literally just sitting on the ground, like holding up one hand like, no, no more, please.
Completely, he's literally unable to defend himself in any capacity. Look at this.
Unknown_10: Bam, bam, bam. And it's just like holding up a hand like, no, please, please.
Unknown_10: I'll tell you, by the way, that somebody, maybe Dick, I think it was Dick, Dick said something like, I don't know why people expect friends to say, that's okay, that's not okay anymore. Like, why is there an expectation that a bro should tell another bro that he shouldn't do something? And he goes on to say, I believe that this is the insidious influence of women. That women have said that we should be more in touch with our feelings and have more bro jobs with each other. And therefore, it is women's thought that
Men believe that we should hold each other accountable in circles of friendship. And I can tell you, I believe a friend would tell another friend that they're fucking up. Like, there are people who I trust who, if I was fucking up, I would want them to tell me that they believe that my current trajectory is unsustainable. Um, I don't know how you all feel about that. The other, the other kind of friend is like on the same coin, like there are friends where you're like, if he killed somebody, you would help him bury the body. If, if he came after your wife and kid, you could fly together to Portugal and beat his ass. And I actually believe that it's Dan's idea. Dan's this fucking roided up Napoleon. And he said, you know, cog is like smoking, smoking on what they call cigarettes. Fags. I was smoking a fag at the pub, drinking a beer, and I was like, ah, mate, not doing too well recently. I got this hollering hog that's down in Portugal right now, and he's fucking with my wife and my kid. And Dan's like, ah, mate, we can sort him out. I know that it's 35 quid to fly down to Portugal. and I know that we can go down there and kick his ass and fly back before they can arrest us. And in my head, that's what happened. That was the setup to this fight, which is definitely a real bro.
You think that... Actually, you know what? I can't say the same for Nick, but I know you think Dick would fly out to Portugal. Dick wouldn't even fly out to Portugal to go see the sights. You think he would fly out to Portugal to go kick Cog's ass? Not happening. Not happening, amigo.
So that's the Ralph update.
Unknown_10: Oh, one other thing. I did not leave a note for this, but let me pull it up, actually. Oh, no, no, no, no. I had that down the line. Let me talk a bit about Nick Fuentes first, and then we'll cycle back to Ralph. I mentioned that Nick might be a real friend to Ralph because, as you can see here,
Nick told Stu Peters, who is apparently like an AFPAC attendee, American First AFPAC attendee. From what I heard, he wasn't well received during AFPAC. But Nick told Stu Peters that his mensch, Ethan Ralph, had just been humiliated in the streets of a foreign country. And Stu Peters says, no worries. I'll fly out there.
Unknown_10: I will go to Portugal.
Unknown_10: and wipe away those tears for uh for your mensch so while i don't think that dick would lift a finger to help ralph and it's clear that dan and cog is tight they homies it's clear that nick fuentes is a true friend and when ethan ralph has a very bad day he will pull a string and get some guy to go out to portugal to spend time with him at this at this venue so that he isn't so sad He isn't just sitting and seething the entire two weeks that he's stuck in Portugal, constantly afraid that some other British dosser will turn the fucking corner and start beating the shit out of him.
So good on you, Nick Valentez, for being there when Ralph needs you the most. Now, Nick also, unfortunately, his act of kindness was immediately returned with some unfortunate events.
Unknown_10: I'm tempted.
Unknown_10: I could go about this one of two ways. There's a video that was deleted from Twitter because the Groypers flagged it. You know what? Fuck it. I'll play it. And if I feel like I have to add anything, this guy is like, I don't even know. Maybe he has a signature. I'll play this because it got deleted and it's a little bit funny.
And then I'll fill in any gaps that I feel like should be added.
Unknown_03: It was late in the evening when my phone buzzed with a Twitter notification that Nick Fuentes was caught red-handed looking at tranny porn. I couldn't believe it. I laughed. Soon after, the Groypers were doing damage control, claiming Mr. Krabs 9000 was a fake account. Naturally, I had to get to the bottom of it. Nick Fuentes and his followers claimed this account, Mr. Krabs 9000, was forged by a disgruntled white nationalist to smear him.
Nick posted screenshots to his newly created Punished Hoopla account. I questioned Michael Alberto, and he claimed the account tricked him. that he wasn't a member of Nick's private chat where he drops his new Twitter alts. But he wasn't the only one tricked. You had Dalton Claudefilter, Kai Klips, several Groiper generals, Groiper accounts, and even Ethan Ralph himself, all fooled by the supposed fake account. Either this was the best forgery in history, or it was Nick's account. I compared the archived tweet to the video and it was a match. I compared the tweets to older posts by Nick. Nick would always choose a Spongebob themed account. It was all starting to fit. Nick went live and his chat was in full revolt. All mods were assembled. Nick spent several minutes live on air checking his phone and then the account was gone. Before you discount my investigation, let's go over some key pieces of evidence that point to this being real. Nick chooses Spongebob themed accounts. He has said having sex with women is gay.
Dating women is gay.
Unknown_05: Having sex with women is gay.
Unknown_05: And having sex with men is gay. And, you know, it's really, it's all gay.
He has been caught looking at aesthetic boys on Instagram.
Unknown_03: He went on a date with Catboy Cammy, also known as Lolly Socks. Ultimately, it is up to you what you choose to believe. I have no smoking gun to show you, but based on what you've seen, Nick is at best an asexual weirdo, and at worst, a closeted homosexual. For now, the case remains open, but I will solve this mystery, because I am the Come Detective.
I'll add that to the OP of the thread I thought that was really well put together and it covered basically everything saving me my voice so I could take a nice drink of water during the playing the one thing I would like to add to this he covered almost everything except the aftermath and what added credibility to the discovery beyond the where is my firefly there it is this right here
Unknown_10: is that in the clip, it was a video where he was thumbing through bullshit about how people that have left America first were less successful than him. And while he was slipping through the tabs, you could see this blowjob.
Unknown_10: But below that is the UNS review, an alternative media selection.
Unknown_10: Nick Fuentes has talked about reading the UNS review, which is kind of in passing.
Unknown_10: So it is a very interesting detail to add if you're trying to add credibility to your gay op, if you're doing this as a gay op, to have him have this other thing open. The other interesting thing is that the pornographic video they selected is like...
From what you see, it's not explicitly gay or trans. Someone had to look up the video to confirm that it was transgender pornography. It was like Femboy X Trans Blowjob or something. So it kind of doesn't look too gay at first, but then if you pull it up, then it's like trans and femboy. Okay.
Unknown_10: So it's like, if you're trying to set them up, why would you not just have something explicitly pornographic? Instead of relying on people to find the video, that's a sort of subtlety that lends credibility, but it's not proof in and of itself.
And then there is the pizza. The pizza...
Unknown_10: um this is what nick had the what was posted to the account and this is what was posted to instagram i i think two hours before and then nick mentioned that he had pizza on pepsi before his stream so it was a pretty it's pretty good if it is a fake but i'm i'm like 50 50 on it i could believe because it like it happened to alex jones and shit too um
Unknown_10: And now Nick is calling it like a CIA Jewish humiliation ritual or something. I don't know. It's very strange. And some guy joined the forum and here, here's the cover here. Nick says that he is completely vindicated, completely vindicated. And his verification for this is that some guy joined the forum.
and all he did is say i did it i made it up and he posted no evidence whatsoever after like 20 pages he said sorry i deleted everything there's no evidence and the one screenshot of like a group chat was like hey we should totally make nick look gay by making a twitter account with like a fake pornography video on it
That clip had the timestamps blotted out, so you can't even see that this happened. This theoretical conversation theoretically took place before this video, but he's hailing it as total vindication. Ethan Ralph has retweeted this as total vindication. This has 239 likes. Clearly, he's completely vindicated.
Unknown_10: I don't know like I don't see enough here to like say with conviction like beyond a shadow of a doubt the US justice system style that it's him but I can I can kind of I can believe it I mean I think he's gay so it's not like it's a question of do I think he's like stupid enough to do this Yeah, kind of. He seems like a fucking idiot now. Do you believe that Mr. Krabs9000 was Nick? We'll do a simple yes-no. Ask my community.
About the situation.
Unknown_10: And the results are... Almost one... 96% yes so far God you guys don't give him any benefit of a doubt.
Holy shit over 90% close to 95 That's that's fucking nuts. That's way higher. That's why I would be to be honest I thought it would be like closer to 50 50. I guess I'm the one that's giving him too much of a benefit of a doubt based on this Nine hundred nine thousand percent. Sure. Okay. I
Unknown_10: You know what's sad? This entire thread, by the way, is degenerate as fuck. And makes me lose faith in my community. Because there's a bunch of people saying, like, I'm ex-gay. And this is the kind of gay porn that I look at. And this is how I think about this gay porn. There's, like, unironic people saying, I'm an ex-coomer. One guy said that...
He masturbated explicitly to gay pornography so that he could still be attracted to women. Because in his mind, if he jerked off to gay pornography, it wouldn't ruin sex with women for him. So that was like his 8 million IQ move to have his cake and eat it too, I guess, so to speak. Completely bewildering. Someone said that the femboy that was being sucked off by the tranny...
couldn't maintain an erection, and he said that's because straight actors get paid to do scenes with trannies, and they just have to deal with it. They have to take Viagra to stay hard and stuff.
Unknown_10: So I'm glad that the male counterparts to porn stars are also suffering, as they literally have to take drugs to maintain an erection to fuck other men that they're not attracted to at all.
Unknown_10: Good stuff. I'm glad to see that hell exists on Earth, too, for those people.
Unknown_10: So I'm closing it out. 1,400 votes, 94% say that they believe that Mr. Krabs 9000 was Nick Valente's. The most damning evidence, I personally, the most damning evidence, I'm not even being like an asshole by saying this. The fact that Ethan Ralph followed the account and liked tweets and shit from it is like, how would he fall for it? They're like actual friends. He can just ask, like, hey, what's your Twitter account? And find out. How would he fall for this? When he can just ask Nick directly, what is your Twitter account? And they're like in a group. They're like in private groups where he can share his Twitter account so it lasts a little bit longer.
it's just crazy if ralph really is that stupid i'm nick is getting exactly what he fucking deserves i'm gonna let this idiot in my inner circle and he's gonna like uh a troll account tweets that make me look like a fucking homosexual to my white nationalist audience it's just amazing um
Oh, by the way, Nick hates Gab. He was paid like $20,000 by Andrew Torba to his political action committee, which if you don't know, PACs in the U.S. are just like slush funds. There's almost no accountability whatsoever to how a political action committee's money is spent.
Unknown_10: So...
Unknown_10: Andrew Torba basically donated $20,000 to Nick Fuentes, and Nick briefly was on Gab, and the Gab Boomers made fun of him, so he's back on Twitter again, and it's just like, just set up, just literally just set up a fucking Fediverse account, and plug into the Fediverse, and therefore, then you'll have Nick Fuentes at Cozy.cc, and... There will be no mistaken identity. And you have a built-in group of people there. I'm sure you'll get trolled and stuff, but, like, you get trolled on Twitter, too. You can just block people. I really don't understand it. I've been saying... Like, I post... Okay, I have suggested things to people before... that I don't use. I'm thinking like, this is all technology. We're looking into it. I'm going to try it out a bit. And then I just don't use it because it doesn't work. At the time and place, it does not work. I use the Fediverse every day, multiple times a day. I only boot up Twitter to look at tweets. And even then there's like proxies on the Fediverse now. So you don't even have to do that. Like I follow a couple accounts on Twitter and I never have to look at Twitter. And I'm so glad I don't have to look at Twitter because when I look at Twitter, it's just the worst shit possible.
It's so bad, the shit they put in your face. I don't understand why you would be on a platform that is so fucking bad that does not want you around, that you cannot maintain an audience on when there are working alternatives. And yet you continuously see people like Styx and Nick Fuentes and Ethan Ralph reject something that is actually viable because they're retarded. I guess I should count my blessings. I don't need any more retards on the fucking Fediverse, but...
It's just really baffling. It's because I say it, really. Styx will never admit that I told him years ago about the Fediverse, and he could have been on the Fediverse building up a Fediverse, his own node, his own node called whatever the fuck he wants, like godisdead.com.
Unknown_10: what's a funny dumb lgbt there we go god is dead.lgbt and he can be building up his own little fediverse community there and milking his pay pigs even harder and it's eventually going to happen eventually he'll be like oh this is a good thing i want to make up my own instance and they'll never say josh was right they'll never say a chat so i have to call it in advance so that when it happens i can say that i'm right they are addicted to the blue check mark it's the mark of the beast
Yeah, I really don't get it. I have fun on Twitter like once a month, tops, where something happens and I'll make a little Kiwi Farms tweet and try to stir up some controversy.
Unknown_10: I don't know. Maybe I'm hypocritical, but I really don't check Twitter that much. It just sucks.
Unknown_10: dot aids it's true there is a dot aids there's a dot hiv it sticks dot hiv perfect set it up motherfucker that's short and memorable i'll remember that one um okay that's enough of nick flint's
Let's go back to Ralph real quick. There are some other things about Ralph besides the fight worth mentioning.
Unknown_10: And I will cover them, chat.
Unknown_10: So, last stream I made fun of the fact that a senior extremism correspondent from the Anti-Defamation League was browsing the Kiwi Farms to verify things about Nick Fuentes as a primary source. Which is still very funny. uh ethan ralph decides to number one take a shot at the forum for the katherine devs controversy which i did mention but i didn't mention her by name i've since released a statement which you can find on the kiwi farms and also on the twitter account i published it there basically um katherine devs and sorry if i'm pronouncing her name wrong she made a tweet in 2011 or 2021 rather
because time is flying and we're all going to be dead soon saying that the Kiwi Farms is a good place to read about trannies basically is what she said she is from the Australian Liberal Party which is a conservative party funnily enough in Australia and she's a TERF so not much surprise in this Deeves says potato chips okay fine
Unknown_10: Catherine Deaves. She deleted this tweet when she went on a couple of journos, found out that she had positively mentioned the Kiwi Farms, and all these news articles came out saying that she was associated with an alt-right forum with links to Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch shooter, which is bullshit. There was no fucking link. We told the police to fuck off. He did not have an account on the forum. He probably never heard of my fucking website.
Unknown_10: But because we didn't delete the video, he's linked to the Kiwi Farms. And now she's linked to the Christchurch shooting. Oh, my God. Journalism is so scary sometimes.
I wrote a brief post in defense of her because... My point is basically that if you don't want normal, ordinary people to browse my website, you should not ban normal, ordinary people from mainstream platforms. If you really don't want people turning to extremist websites, quote unquote, you should definitely not prevent them from saying non-extremist things, which they can then only say on extremist websites because that's where they'll fucking go. That's what happens. It's the pipeline.
but nobody cares this is all intentional it's it's not like i'm my message is more towards like people in general not like journals you're never going to convince a journal that they're a retard because they know they're a retard they don't believe what they say but rob comes out swinging in defense of the um the mainstream news taking shots at katherine deeves saying liberal australian member of parliament already wrong she was never an mp she ran for mp
Unknown_10: Liberal Australian Member of Parliament Catherine Deebs praises Kiwi Farms for being an invaluable tool in their research against right-wing figures. Now do you believe me when I tell you that this site is really all about... And there's a very funny response to this by this guy called Austin Fabry Jenkins. It says, number one, she's not an MP. She was a candidate. Number two, the Liberal Party is the conservative party in Australia. And number three, the unsavory characters she's mentioning are trannies, not right-wing figures. So literally, this fat retard sees Liberal and Kiwi Farms and thinks she is an ADL card-carrying member that's researching right-wing opponents to hurt them in Australia. And it's literally a conservative woman who does research on transgender abusers
and using the kiwi farms to support right-wing causes and now she's being lined as a fucking nazi because of um she at some point said that she reads the tranny sideshow freak thread on the forum and ralph blissfully unaware doesn't give a fuck cannot possibly care that he that he's wrong uh post this out
Unknown_10: And then he decides to play this clip of me from last stream saying, here's Kiwi Farms owner Josh Moon laughing about helping the ADL shut down Nick Fuentes, the ADL literally using the Kiwi Farms as a primary source to deplatform American Nationalists. And I'll play the last few seconds of this. 300 pounds.
Unknown_10: That ages statistics for our metrics on the forum. Israel, 99% of traffic ages 40 plus 300 pounds. That is the demographic that I see the most of. Literally me. I know, right? I feel right at home. He's a senior research fellow, center on extremism anti-defamation league, expert on right-wing extremism. I like the word extremism more than extremism.
That's his proof that I'm literally working with the ADL to bring down Nick Valento. If that is the case, what's your name?
Unknown_10: Mark Pitkovich, you owe me a check. My address for mailing checks is at the About Us page on the Kiwi Farms.
I have many, I have many.
Unknown_10: Anti-Nick Fuentes campaigns in mind, but they require the financial support of the State of Israel and the Anti-Defamation League. You can make your checks out to that address.
Unknown_10: Joshua Moon is fine. Also, Locale LLC is also fine. Matt the Internet LLC is also fine.
Unknown_10: And one final Ethan Ralph thing. Happy birthday to my son, Alexander, who turns one year old today. Unfortunately, due to malevolent forces, I haven't been able to see him in person or at all since he was two months old. So this is the best I can do.
But one day it won't be. And I plan to tell you all about it, son.
Unknown_10: So let's do something that Ethan and Ralph can't. And let's sing happy birthday to Xander. You ready?
Unknown_10: Happy birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey. And you smell like one too. Yay! Happy birthday, Xander.
My poor child, yes, we all live in hell. Oh, look at the happy birthday from chat. Everyone's so DS positive right now.
Unknown_10: meaning no no i actually i i learned that version of happy birthday from uh my friend in elementary school he was he was half filipino he was really short and uh half filipino and he was very very funny he was like the class clown and he really loved monkeys for some reason so that's why he always sang the monkey version of that song because he really loved monkeys Now that I think about it, I haven't thought about this guy in so long. His dad was US Air Force and his mom was Filipino.
So he's one of those libertarian US military boys that bagged a Filipino wife and brought him home to the US.
Unknown_10: That's funny. I've literally never thought about that before.
Unknown_10: It doesn't occur to you as a child, the nuances of relationships and stuff.
Unknown_10: I heard that from Madagascar. Madagascar came after when I was a kid. Sonny, listen here. All right. There's the iDubbbz fight, which I'm not going to talk about for too long because I honestly don't care.
So iDubbbz hosted a big fight event.
Unknown_10: What even happened?
Unknown_10: Like Sam Hyde has been trying to get people to. OK, there was the the Logan Paul fight or the Jake Paul fight. I really don't care which one is which, but Logan Paul and Jake Paul had their thing. And that was like a big deal that people talked about. So afterwards, Sam Hyde really tried to get people to fight him. He challenged like a bunch of different people to fight him and they all completely ignored him. And it's like a running meme now that nobody will fight Sam Hyde.
So iDubbbz, after his little fight with Sam Hyde over the release of a documentary, Getting Away With It, I think it was called, decides, I'm going to host my own boxing event. And from what I understand, he lost really embarrassingly. Like, the fight sucked is what I heard.
Unknown_10: I'm sorry if it sounds like my eyes are rolling to the back of my head as I talk about this. I really don't give a fuck about sports. I don't know if that's ever come across my personality and my complete and total aversion to anything physical ever.
But I just don't care about boxing or wrestling or whatever. But whatever. He gets beat up, and he writes off the loss and says, like, whatever, you know.
Unknown_10: The punches didn't even hurt that bad. It's funny. When your face is so swollen from getting punched, you look the same. He looks like Ralph here with his face all swollen, like from the first Portuguese trip.
Unknown_10: The only interesting thing, as far as I'm concerned, are two things. Number one, an interviewer presses iDubbbz on why Sam Hyde was not allowed to attend. Sam Hyde was banned from the convention.
And you can see that when asked about it, iDubbbz is extremely uncomfortable giving an answer.
Unknown_02: And one being like me, and I have no interest at all, or ten being how you felt on Saturday night going out, how interested were you in boxing when you did the documentary last year?
Unknown_14: Like when I started documenting the boxing process?
Unknown_02: No, but when you did the documentary where you were sparring out in the woods. Oh, you were just saying?
Unknown_14: Yeah.
Unknown_14: um uh look at how offended he is by that he's like he laughs at it like he thought um he was confused at the question and then when the guy made it clarified were you inspired by the play fighting that you did with sam hyde he's like like pissed it's like fuck i have to talk about that guy um uh yeah probably a zero
Unknown_14: Yeah.
Unknown_02: That was just like an activity that was suggested to you, not something you were like seriously considering.
Unknown_14: No, no, not at all. I mean, Sam messaged me. He was like, yeah, we could do like go kart racing or boxing or, you know, he had a couple of recommendations. And, you know, boxing under the overpass was like the easiest thing to do.
Unknown_02: But no one was banned from the event, is that right?
Unknown_14: No, Sam was banned. Oh, he was banned?
Unknown_02: Okay. I don't want to get into it. I didn't mean to... Yeah. I mean, it's just one of those things.
I just want to make it clear that he's just... I mean, he's a super difficult guy. He likes to f*** around at events and stuff. And I just... It was... I was main event. The last thing I wanted was something to go wrong.
Unknown_14: And, you know, we we refunded him his money. But that was that was my decision. He just he's just been super difficult since I got done filming the documentary with him. So I just I couldn't I couldn't risk this event, you know, getting getting with it anyway.
You can understand why I banned Sam.
Unknown_14: Yeah, maybe.
Unknown_10: Maybe I would too. I don't know.
Unknown_10: So that's the bit of it where it's just so obvious how deeply uncomfortable he is to even talk about Sam Hyde. And that is extremely funny to me.
Unknown_10: After the fight, Aniza and iDubbbz got new tattoos.
Unknown_10: Here's iDubbbz's tattoo. He decided to get...
Unknown_10: this really terrible, uh, cartoon tiger looks like boxing gloves. It looks awful. I think it's like Japanese inspired, but it just looks like, it looks like it looks shit is what I'm trying to say.
Like imagine like a Japanese or Chinese like tiger drawing, but it's wearing boxing gloves and it's just, it's terrible. And these are the got one too.
Unknown_10: So now I don't even know her tattoos are so fucking bad. All of them are just terrible.
Unknown_10: I don't even know which one she got.
Unknown_10: Oh, a mosquito. She got the mosquito. That's so shit.
It's really crazy how much that woman has completely and totally ruined him.
Unknown_10: Someone drew this for the Kiwi Farms, and it's great, so I'd like to share it with you. Here's Anissa in her final form saying, this is the life you wanted because I said so. And she's kind of taunting Idobs, who has now entered a metaphysical realm of suffering that we can only understand. I appreciate, by the way, I'm going to font spur here a little bit. I appreciate how strange the decision to make everything capital letter except the I is to that font. Like, the way that they write it, it makes it seem so deranged to have a lowercase I when everything else is capitalized. It's so arbitrary.
It really adds to the piece is what I'm saying. It's a very nice touch.
Unknown_10: The boob stitches, yeah.
Unknown_10: Like, her and...
Unknown_10: The Oompa Loompa Woman.
Unknown_10: Uh, Tricia, Tricia Paytas.
Unknown_10: They both have terrible boob jobs where you can see like their nipples, like sit on top of their boobs and point in like weird directions. Uh, cause they've, they've been stitched back on like arbitrarily, not in a natural way by the doctor. And then the boobs are like some of the most, like throughout your life cycle, uh, as, as a woman, your, your boobs will change a lot. So they stretch and look different and get bigger. Um, And, like, whatever looks good from a cosmetic surgery like five years ago is not going to look good after five years of, like, gaining and losing weight and stuff and getting older. It just looks awful.
So that's the iDubbbz update. I'm sorry. I want to know from my wonderful fan zone, did I misrepresent this fight? Because I don't know what the fuck has gotten into internet people, but now they're all like, let's fight. I didn't even mention. I completely forgot to mention that Ralph's Ralph is angry at Jim again, Medicare, for whatever fucking reason. After his humiliation in Portugal, he's pissed at Jim, who did not tell Cog to go beat the fuck out of him in Portugal. So now Ralph is threatening Jim.
And saying that he's going to fly back to the US. And when he flies back to the US, he's going to drive to Minnesota and camp out for a week outside his house to try and get a picture of his face. That's what he has said. And he says that he's for sure going to do it now.
And PPP says that if he does that, he's going to go down to the U.S. and camp out by Ralph and fight him. So I don't know if the PPP protecting Father Jimbo is going to save Father Jimbo because now I doubt Ralph will ever go out to someplace he thinks PPP will be at because he will never live that down.
Unknown_10: I don't know if this happens in my head. I imagine Jem in full hazmat suit and then Jade. What is Jade? I always thought she was Vietnamese. She's not Vietnamese, is she? She hates the Cambodians. Who really hates Cambodians? I think she's Vietnamese. So I'm just imagining like a guy that looks like the smoker from Left 4 Dead 1 in a hazmat suit and then like a Vietnamese woman beating the fuck out of... She's not Hmong.
She's Chinese. Okay, she hates the Hmong. She's not Hmong. Don't say that. I don't give a fuck.
Unknown_10: She has like a psychotic hatred of Cambodian Hmongs.
So I'm just imagining them beating the fuck out of Ralph. And now I'm imagining PPP and Andy Worski, and they're just throwing punches. And I guess, I don't know.
Unknown_10: Maybe I'll show up. We'll do like that. There's that fight of the Joshes where they all fight with pool noodles to see who can be the last Josh.
Unknown_10: we'll all show up and we'll all just fight each other it'll be like one of those cartoon tasmanian devil fight clouds where there's like fists flying out and you can't really see what's going on and then at the end of it everyone's just beat up and they have like those cartoon bumps on their heads and shit and we'll fight and we'll see who gets to who gets super chats winner take all all the super chats big among us
Okay, now that I mentioned that, I think I'm done with Ralph for now.
Unknown_10: I have some general tranny stuff to talk about for a little bit of fun.
Unknown_10: Ricky Gervais released a special on Netflix called Supernatural, which I watched. I acquired this video, this special, without needing a Netflix subscription. There are ways to do this, and I would encourage you to use non-Netflix ways of acquiring a copy of the special because you should never give money to Netflix because they are evil.
Gervais okay whatever and I watched it and it was okay I would give it if I was being generous I would say like a 6 or a 7 out of 10 just but I mean that's like with the with the appreciation that it was released in 2022 it follows the format of the Dave Chappelle comedy a lot where it's just like he'll hit every topic that has like a sensitivity around it and just like rip on that And the gist is just like, I'm going to make fun of everything and nothing's off topic. I'm going to make fun of transgender people. I'm going to make fun of this and that. I'm going to make fun of God. I'm going to make fun of everything. Nothing's off the table for me. And that's like tried, you know, tried, tried, whatever, and done.
Unknown_10: But it was pretty funny, even if it was very, very typical of like a comedy set. And to his to his credit, he did piss off trannies like a lot.
Uh, Ricky Gervais new Netflix special is nothing more than an anti-trans garbage fire. It takes Ricky Gervais less than two minutes to crack cheap jokes about trans people in this new Netflix special.
Unknown_10: The worst thing you can say today is women don't have penises, right? Gervais says in his special. Now, no one saw that coming. We didn't think we fucking had to. Uh, in the context of that quote is actually funny. Um,
Unknown_10: Like, he opens with this. He says, like, there's a lot of homophobic shit that people get in trouble for. Like, the guy who ran the Oscars was what he was talking about. Like, there was a tweet he put out that was homophobic, and when that got found out by the Oscar Academy, they, um...
I said, you have to delete it and apologize.
Unknown_10: And he did. And his point was that there's not going to be any tweets that crop up now from like the mid 2000s where people are saying really offensive things like women don't have penises because nobody at that time even thought to make a joke like that wouldn't be funny. Like in 2008, if you said women don't have penises, like everyone's like, yeah, obviously. So there's not going to be those embarrassing things where people were mildly homophobic in the 2000s that now get uncovered with the context of the Internet and the way that it's become. Because as he says, we didn't think we fucking had to. And that joke was actually funny. And it's kind of weird. He has like one joke at the beginning and then kind of another joke towards the end. And I think he opened with that because he knew that, you know, the fucking the Communist Party censors would watch this special, see that joke. And then every article will be written about it and get people to watch the special. But it worked. I mean, I fucking watched it because I was curious to see what people were upset about. And I watched the Dave Chappelle special, too, because I was curious to see what people were upset about. Um, in no way can you say that he was being transphobic though? Cause he literally gets out there and says like, I don't care what you identify as. I think everyone should be allowed to live their best life.
I don't have anything against trans people. I so it's just It's just like lip service It's just I'm gonna say something offensive and get attention for it and that's gonna be my special and it works as people are Especially the trainees are like psychotically obsessed with censoring people saying things like this I will put it like this. This is how I did my review on the Federer's for the special and The special is about as funny as an atheist Reddit dog father can be. Because he says he doesn't have kids. He and his wife just have dogs. So he's like a cat mom, but he's a dog father. It's literally probably as funny as someone like that could possibly be. And that's my review of the special.
Um, now how have, how have the trunes, uh, responded to this in general and see that now that Dave Chappelle has made it okay to do standup specials where you make fun of women for having penises, Danny G German.
Sorry for Germany says at this point, trans people should be allowed to call Dave Chappelle the N word. And I completely agree.
Unknown_10: uh it says in a follow-up i feel like people are misunderstanding this tweet i'm not saying that trans people can call all black people the n-word just chapelle as a way of holding him accountable it's not even racial i fully support trans people calling jk rowling the n-word as well
Unknown_10: That's great. I'm all for this. Let's do it. Everyone boot up Twitter and call Dave Chappelle the N-word in solidarity with Danny G. German. Let's show that we support the LGBTQIP+.
I'm actually pretty sure that this account is a troll account because of this tweet. Ian Miles Chong, who if you don't know is Indonesian, I'm pretty sure, says in reply to that tweet, So this is where discourse is at now. And Danny G German replies, Oh wow, I can't believe that people are talking about my tweet all the way in China.
That's, like, too funny. That has to be a troll account. Like, oh, it's In Mas Chong. I can't believe the Ching Chong is out in China talking about my amazing take on Dave Chappelle.
Unknown_10: Malaysian. Oh, sorry. Sorry to the Indonesians I offended by associating In Mas Chong with you.
Unknown_10: Okay, and now a little touch base with Foodie Beauty. Not because I care about anything that she's been doing lately, because she's been doing this shit where she goes back to Nadir over and over and over again and rants about it, and I'm almost convinced it's just a play-pretend thing for money. But I do want to play a couple seconds of Foodie Beauty talking, because I, unlike Nick Fuentes, I have been actually vindicated.
Unknown_04: and i don't want that i want i want my own child i want to be pregnant with someone that i want to i want to i don't know i just have this like weird instinctive feeling to like get knocked up and have a child and a family you know what it is i get the feeling to like give love to something like take care of something like not animal human
maybe someday i might do that i mean i'm 38 i mean maybe if i get my really get my life together that's something i really want i would clean my life up for it i would have to do it by 40. if i get healthy i really feel like my mental health is bad but i also feel like it's also spiritual health that's just been
Unknown_10: I don't know what the fuck that means. I just wanted to play the baby clip. If you don't know, she had untreated polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Unknown_10: You cannot operate on someone who's less fucking fat. So when they say you have urine cancer, you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, all they can do is just take out the entire sex organ. So she does not have no eggs. She's not an empty egg carton. She is no egg carton. She is like a little tuft of egg carton that's left on the ground.
Unknown_10: So don't you worry. There's no chance of this actually happening. Though... When I said that she would want kids eventually, everybody on the B-Pro said, Josh, that is so sexist to assume that all women want to have kids. Some women are perfectly happy going their entire life just taking care of animals and working a career and yada, yada, yada. Not everybody wants kids, you stupid, you stupid scrote. You, you, uh.
You just, you dumb man. And I am right. And I'm sorry if you don't believe me now, but you should believe me sooner rather than later, beauty parlor whammon, because I am right. And one day you will realize that. And it may be too late for you by the time that you come to accept this as truth.
Now, chat, I have something that I've not seen before, but which was requested by a person who helped me with my stream today because I am busy working on Steam 4.0. So they asked me to look at this. I have never seen this before.
And I'm just going to go in cold. You ready? Are you ready, chat? You ready?
Unknown_10: Day 75, a trans take on tampons. Amazing still image right off the bat. We were on TikTok, which is Satan's portal to hell on Earth. The demons actually migrate from the depths of hell to this planet through TikTok.com.
Unknown_06: Day 75 of being a girl, and I've been carrying around tampons and pads for the past two months, but I've actually never opened one up, so let's do it, woohoo! I thought the letters stood for small, medium, and large, based on the size of your Barbie pouch, but after a Google, I found out it's actually the level of your flow, so they're super, regular, and light. I guess my question is, which one do I carry around, the super? Because maybe if you have a light flow, you can still use a super? I don't know.
You don't need one.
Unknown_06: Here goes nothing. It's pink. It's kind of adorable, and it kind of looks like a butter churn.
Unknown_06: You just go like that. Ew.
Unknown_06: Ow. That's scary.
Unknown_06: Where does the string go? You are getting sleepy.
Unknown_06: Now for the real magic, I've got a glass of water in the tampon. I almost put red food coloring in there, but I thought that might be too much. And we're going to see how this works.
Oh, it kind of looks like a butterfly.
Unknown_06: How long does it take to get to this? One looks like it would do the job. I feel like I'm in science class. Oh no. Okay. The pad didn't expand. So maybe this is for a light flow. So this is like the second person.
Unknown_10: Like Jonathan and Eve also believe that like random women would solicit him for tampons. Like no woman is going to ask a tranny for a tampon. Cause they know that you have no reason to have one. That's a very weird, like wish fulfillment thing.
Unknown_10: This is day 66 of being trans a nature girl. Hashtag trans.
Day 66. I want to point out that this, I don't see how many, this has 865,000 likes and 14,000 comments. Holy shit. Being a girl and today I'm in nature. Trees, I love them.
Unknown_06: Water, lakes, I love them.
Unknown_06: Heels, they're my hiking heels. I love them.
Unknown_06: This is just a gay man.
He has all the mannerisms of a gay man.
Unknown_06: Bridges, love them.
Unknown_06: Coconut water, love it. Not mad, just love it.
Unknown_06: Wind turbine, love it. Meadows, love them.
Unknown_10: I will never, ever,
Unknown_10: Allow my children to use this.
Unknown_10: This is disgusting.
Unknown_10: What the fuck is this? Why do people use this shit?
Day 74.
Unknown_10: Normalize the bulge? Are you fucking joking?
Unknown_06: Day 74, being a girl, round of applause for the makeup. And I wore this outfit shopping today. And I thought that these might be my new shopping shorts. But I was walking around and everyone was staring. And I was like, oh, okay, what's going on? And they were all staring directly at my crotch. And I went, oh, I forgot that my crotch doesn't look like other women's crotches sometimes.
Unknown_00: Because mine doesn't look like a little Barbie pocket.
And I thought, okay, Dylan, you have some options here. Number one, you can stop wearing clothes that fit like this and just find looser fitting items. Number two, I can do a tuck, which is going to have to be a whole other video, but it's very painful and involved. Or number three, I just normalize it. And I wear clothes like this and we all just normalize women having bulges sometimes. because we're coming up on bikinis get rid of these people i'm ready to die for these to get rid of these people i don't know about you guys but in my head i'm ready if there's ever a cause in every moment i'm ready for it we can't we can't let these people take over day 72 podcast comment if you'd listen
Day 72 of being a girl, and how cute is this wallpaper?
Unknown_06: But, oh, I've been getting these haters, and I'm like, where are they even coming from?
Unknown_10: No, no, no, no. You do not get to play Here Comes the Sun. You do not get to do that to that song.
Unknown_06: It's from podcasts. I did a deep dive, and there's all these conservative podcasters that love to talk about me and how mentally ill I am. How rude. and it got me thinking that i want to have a podcast that does the opposite of that i want to raise people up and spread joy and laughter so i i want to host my own podcast ah and if you could do me a big favor and comment on this video and just say i half a million likes a hundred and one thousand comments i most definitely wouldn't listen 30 000 likes thank you smiley face
This is taxing. I have like three more. Day 42. Sexuality. Hashtag trans. Hashtag dating. Hashtag queer.
Unknown_06: Happy weekend. It's day 42 of being a girl. And now that I'm transitioning, the question is, has my sexuality changed? Oh, here's what I do know. I used to be very gay. Like, very, very gay.
Unknown_00: A quick if there ever was one. And now that I'm a girl, someone asked me if I'm straight.
Unknown_06: And I was like, what?
Like, did not compute. I never thought I could be straight. Now that I have explored my gender identity, I do see myself looking at people very differently than I did before. And marveling at humans romantically that I didn't before I transitioned. If someone were to run up to me right now and be like, what is your sexuality? I would be like, I'm queer. I'm queer, queer, queer. I don't even really know what queer means. Does anybody really know what queer means? But it feels good. It feels right. And that's what matters. So have a great weekend. I love ya.
Look, this is like a little kid with like an anime thing, anime furry thing, and trans flag replying. Four followers. Point of view, you're looking in the comments to find what queer means.
Unknown_10: These are like kids being exposed to this.
Unknown_10: i this has to be a chinese thing they have to be promoting this to to ruin us they're gonna come for us because they've turned like what like 30 percent of how many what's the statistic of like how many kids in public school identify as like non not straight now it's like 30 percent of teenagers no longer identify as straight
Day 64 of being a girl. These are the differences between Los Angeles and New York City from the perspective of a trans woman. Number one, the men here in New York City are like ready and willing to kiss me way more so than Los Angeles. And I don't know if there's something in the water, but just all of these men have been like presenting themselves to me. And I haven't taken up any of the offers, but I just think it's like... He has like an Irish ginger beard with that makeup on. For interesting, like what is it about New York that like they're just on the trans Dylan train? I think what I've noticed about LA is that a lot of the guys might be interested in me, but aren't really willing to pursue me, especially publicly because they really care what their image looks like and being judged and all of those things. Whereas maybe at New York, people are just like, screw it. I like what I like. And we love that. Number two, I feel a lot safer in Los Angeles than I do in New York. And that's simply because I'm not used to walking around as much as I do here in New York. I think... It's the last one.
Sex in the city main theme. Trans writer, sex in the city, Carrie Bradshaw.
Unknown_10: Sorry, Carrie. She took off your skin and is wearing it.
Unknown_06: And just like that, it's day 60 of being a girl and I'm having a sex in the city theme day. Woohoo!
Practicing my Carrie run. I hate this.
Unknown_06: Sex in the City is my comfort show. You know, if a trans person did kill Carrie Bradshaw and wear her skin, she is Jewish, so it would be a hate crime. Pre-episode like 20 times, and I think we can all agree that I'm a Charlotte York. But today I'm done with this.
Unknown_10: I'm angry and I cannot continue. I do not have anything to wash that down with. I didn't put anything after this because I thought I would just play this until I got bored and that would be the end. And now I have absolutely nothing to chase. Oh, I have super chats. Thank God. Oh my God. I was stressing out. I can't end the stream on that.
Jesus Christ. Nobody would ever listen again. Okay.
Unknown_10: Jeez.
Unknown_10: Oh, my God. We have met the goal of the month. I'm very happy about that. Thank you, guys. The goal is for the DDoS fund, which is still getting set up. There's something about CrossConnects and the new fucking router that I'm waiting on. It's taking forever. And then they're closed on fucking Monday, so it's going to be Tuesday by the time it's done. I really just wanted to get over with, but I'm just sitting on my fucking hand as always.
all right let's see if you'd like to stick around for the super berries i would appreciate it i would try to make them entertaining for normal people and i do have i have a special song picked out for um for cog uh in support of my minch cog how do i what can i show more than like five donations or whatever
Unknown_10: Are you doing shout-outs? It's Cal Poly's birthday. Please wish her a lovely day. It's also the birthday of our Xander Vickers. Happy birthday, Cal Poly. And we already did our happy birthday song for Xander Vickers. Thank you for Pursuit Ambulance. The ambulances have been quiet today. They must be listening to the show.
Unknown_10: Can we count on your support at the battle for Medicare's driveway? Absolutely. I'll be there. I never thought I'd be fighting alongside a pay, pay, pay.
Unknown_10: Going to sit down and eat some corn chips. Well, congratulations.
Off With Your Head says, Ethan Ralph is too poor to go take a trip to Brazil. In fact, he's so broke he probably couldn't take a trip to Mexico or any other totally non-dangerous taco country. I agree. Ethan Ralph does not have chutzpah to show up in Brazil or Mexico. Uh, I, I don't think that you could spend two weeks in, in, uh, the, the border cities. I mean, he doesn't have the balls. You see how he handles being in Portugal. He couldn't do it. He couldn't go to Mexico and spend a week there.
Unknown_10: Nina on 42 says, thanks for the debt. Deebs response and letting us turf freely. Well, you're very welcome. Uh, I hope that one day you won't have to rely on my shitty little website for that. But until then, it'll be around.
Frog God says, so happy to hear you again, Philip Carvel. Hope you had a good week in frog babies. Who the fuck is Philip Carvel?
Unknown_10: I have no idea what that means. The J says, do you think Ralph getting humiliated by the eternal Anglo and Fuentes getting caught looking at training porn on the same day is due to the merge? No, it's due to divine wrath as we established. Big Dave says, Ralph is one hit. Strike him while he is down. I mean, he doesn't have to be hit. You just push him down, and then he's in big gay baby mode sitting in his diaper, and you can just wail on him. John for 20 says, would you ever take a trip to Peru? I've never been to South America, but... uh if i had to pick a place i i looked at um curita curibata in brazil probably argentina to be honest with you uh we want to go close to antarctica uh climate says have you seen the five star days comic it is a work of art no i haven't i'm sorry
Rosanna says, How has May not murdered Ralph? Newborns are adorable, but do need the tiniest bit of effort, time, and money. Her self-esteem must be even lower than Ethan's gun. I assume that May's life is a perpetual state of fucking misery. I am forced to assume that every single day she is unhappy. And I don't feel bad for her because she seems to be a terrible cunt. And this is what she fucking deserves, to be honest. Dad, for $200, says corn emoji 100 times. Thank you, Dad, very much. I do appreciate it.
The support from Gumroad and the Super Chats has allowed me to focus on coding and stuff this week, and I really do appreciate it.
Unknown_10: uh rafa male for 50 says are you not entertained uh that's a reference to to maximus as we learned no really he he gets he gets his fucking lights knocked down he just stands up and is like uh oncoming traffic take me out now i don't i don't want to wake up tomorrow tanuki fucker says so happy that you're continuing to work on rufora i believe it'll be great here's a kind of sad song that you might like thanks for your stream um
Let's see. Just real quick.
Unknown_10: The delegato is coming in from cold. Oh, this seems hipster enough. I probably will like it.
Unknown_10: If you send me a song, I might review it on the Maddie site. Or the Maddie thread on the forum. I did that with the last song. Oh yeah, that's also true. They're all saying like, oh, it's no rules, no...
Unknown_10: was it no rules barred like there's no rules here we're gonna do whatever the fuck we want crime is based and then ralph could say like no you can't do that that's actually a crime arrest them arrest them but calling them hypocrites is so tiring at this point it's just like they're blatantly hypocritical all the time um
I loved your super accurate English accent. Thank you. I tried to do Australian that time, though. Choi Minator says, pizza's ready and I'm enjoying the shit show. I'm glad. The population of Croydon would be zero if the Portuguese police jailed people for a bit of argy-bargy.
Unknown_10: It's also true. In England, yeah, they get drunk and fight each other. Thank you, Annan, for $1. Thank you, Mask, for $10. Thank you, Annan, for $1 again. You would know this idiot has a stupid Rocky quote playing in his head as he keeps going back for more. I don't think he has anything going on. I think after the first time where he's just sitting there staring, getting hit in the head, he's just lost it. He doesn't think anymore.
How broke does Ralph have to be before he can be persuaded to go to an IP2 RV? He deals with being oppressed so well.
Unknown_10: Probably very broke.
Unknown_10: You have to be Andy Dick broke before that happens. Pursuit Ambulance says, history null is best null. I'm glad you think so.
Unknown_00: I think a lot of people tune out when I talk about flags and history, but that's too bad because I do like those things.
Unknown_10: uh rainbow rave says the corn harvest was bountiful this week the battle of jim's driveway will be epic i would love that ppp and ralph fought like literally like i don't know nobody's seen a picture of ralph or not ralph ralph but of jim if he if jim got his face stocks because ppp and ralph had like a white trash fight and it's that'd be pretty great Ice Mexican says, Ralph's voice. Now, are you listening here, Joshua Connerman? I wasn't getting my face pummeled to a pump. I was merely punching that man's fist with my good eye socket. Well, you only have two, so be careful. Not a Chapo says, good work at the site, Josh. Thank you very much. Ninja says, Ralph attacked Cog first. He's the one that rounded the corner. I believe so. I believe that he attacked him first.
Vidal Ghetto Boy says, when did you start supporting the ghetto violence to settle the score on the internet? Doesn't this open some Pandora's box you don't want opened? I mean, I...
Unknown_10: i mean i'm pretty sure that if ralph saw me on the street he'd attack me i don't think that me saying anything has anything to do with how he would react to that uh cure yuma donates $20 thank you retard for $20 says money to make bullying retards on the internet sustainable thank you the felted gun for $10 says show me some disgusting trainees well i hope you got your fill with the last one because i'm not doing anymore knicker says we had a furry shooter now a tranny shooter what's next
I don't know. What would be the logical conclusion of that?
Unknown_10: A tranny furry shooter? Like, in a fursuit. Like, in a transgender furry costume. And then your kids are dead because of it. Wonderful. Welcome to America, bitch.
Unknown_10: And then for $1, says, nice show. Thank you. Evil Sponge for $5, says, sneed. Thank you. Danteok for $3, says, Nick Flint says, being caught looking at tranny porn is the perfect timing since Pride Month is just around the corner. Happy Pride Month, Catboy Nicky. Oh, yeah, we're going to have to do something special for Pride Month.
Uh, Iris, Iris plug for one says patch update. Um, I am talking to a 3PL that someone suggested me and, but that's about it. I have a printer ready to go. I just need fulfillment. Um, until then I can't sell anything. Ghost for three says, thank you, Josh, for the great stream. I love the queue forms and I love anime. Thank you. Ghost. I've been a big fan of ghosts. Ghost is probably my first person that I ever listened to. I love radio graffiti, but I got into that way after it was like past its prime. Um,
Unknown_10: Um, if there aren't as many people this week, it's because everyone wants to hear the closing arguments from the depth that heard depth trial. Not because we don't love you anymore. We do love you. Thank you. Um, I mean, I've not been following that at all. So you're not going to get an update from me. It won't be like last time where I tune in. People have been watching the fucking trial with what's his face for the entire week and they tune in and I get the verdict live like at the last second.
uh blank for 50 says cap boy felted um it is it is interesting he is losing his support structure and i don't know i'm gonna have to figure out what to do with the nick felintes board though the the cap boy deconversion therapy board there are people joining who are fans of nick who are doing concerted things to disrupt the board and that's a bit unique because um
uh we've just never had a board like that before so i'm not sure i'll have to probably get another mod and decide on something how we can deal with that mr crabs 187 not to be confused with mr crabs 9000 says god i fucking love her penis well maybe actually they were the same person big dave for 10 says i don't care if nick is gay just own it bro i mean at this point would be less embarrassing for him just to say that he's gay Nick is for five said you hit your donation goal. You have to talk about trainees. Now I already did that. Oh, the bliss for, uh, says 1776 donation goal hit. Did literally anything happen with path.net? No, they threatened me. And that was the last of it.
Unknown_10: Rage Pig Handler 5 says, will you be returning to the States to the Battle of Jim's driveway? Yes, as I've established, I will be there with my pool noodle ready to fend off Ethan Ralph for Daddy Jim's honor. King of Pole for 2 says, hey man, good stream. Ralph threatening to DMCU. I think now we'll, well, he can try. I will counter that. 29 for 29 says all roads lead to Jim's house.
It's true. It's another another Rome reference. All paths lead to Rome. All roads lead to Jim's driveway. Mech warrior for five. Thank you. Chalice for 11 says cheers to you. Thank you. jake sneed for eight says hey daddy josh will be watching the replay of the stream tomorrow but once you give you some money before i head out see you next week xxx thank you very much uh and enjoy i hope i've lived up to your expectations jake sneed bother or not for 20 says all women want something to take care of not especially kids uh-uh women want kids hardwired into the brain otherwise we would not exist ever women would be taking care of pet rocks or some shit and we'd we'd just die out
Why are we here just to suffer for 10 says notice he never called a vagina a vagina. He called it a Barbie pouch. I want to believe it's because deep down he knows it's wrong. Anyways, here's my money home slice. Yeah, it's all a fetish to Chinese. There is zero authentic element of being a woman involved with being a tranny. It is 100%.
Unknown_10: a sexual fulfillment thing which is why when you're like a keffels and you get your dick cut off um you're you can no longer masturbate so you have to fulfill your sexual desires by being in discord channels and providing uh legal ways to get hrt to to minors
uh infinite evil for 10 says that kid the kid that identifies as non-binary in school do it as an act of rebellion so it's just a huge larp also my little bro told me that anyone that in the genders let me reread this the kids that identify as non-binary in school do it as an act of rebellion so it's just a huge larp also my little bro told me that in any gender shit he'll put he identifies as a choo-choo train that's face I'm just going to start lying on things. I'm going to say I'm black. I'm going to say I'm Native American. I'm a Jewish Native American. What are you going to do? I know a lot of Native American shit. I know a lot of Jewish shit. You want to quiz me on it, motherfucker? I'll beat the matzah out of you. Notachapo420 says, can you review my new kitten? He's the first ever pet. I'm very proud of him. I posted him on your Steam website. My dude, I would love to review your cat, but I'm pretty sure that site is completely flooded with bullshit now.
Unknown_10: And the attachments don't even work because of environmental issue. I apologize.
Some guy has been spamming it this entire time. Ha ha.
Unknown_10: Because there's no captcha, you see. I apologize. I cannot review your kitten. Matt, for one, says Chip and Dale, Josh. I don't know what the fuck that means. More instances, Ralph sharted, and I agree.
Unknown_10: Okay, that's the end of the Super Chat. I appreciate the support, my friends. I appreciate those of you who have decided to stick around as I read those. I hope I've made it somewhat entertaining. If it works like this, I'll keep doing it like this.
I'm very self-conscious about the Super Chat stuff. On one hand, not doing it feels like leaving money on the table, but on the other hand, doing it is kind of like...
Unknown_10: I don't know. It doesn't feel like I'm doing the right thing for whatever reason.
Unknown_10: So who knows? It's working. Okay.
Unknown_10: You should play this at the end of the string. No, lunchtime. I already have. I said I wouldn't do it anymore. That's the last one for real. I have a song picked out. This song is extremely racist. I'm not joking. If you are at work, if you're in a public setting, you don't want to hear an extremely racist song. Just do whatever it takes to violently disconnect your speakers right now because I am going to play it in a couple seconds. This is, I dedicate, this will not be in the archive either. Like the Libsyn or whatever archive. This will only be in the video archive.
Somehow this is not banned on YouTube because it's British and old.
Unknown_10: But I was trying to think of what I could play to outro my Dosser Cog. What kind of British music, once in a lifetime, endearing British outro music.
The numbers just dropped by 100 people as everyone violently dismantles their computer to get away from me. What kind of British song I could play? I was listening to patriotic British music. It's a long way to temporary. I was thinking, no, no. I need something trashy. I need white trash music to honor the cog correctly. And I thought, you know what? I know a song. I know a horrific white trash racist song about fighting and sending people back home where they belong. And I will not play that for you now. And I will see you next week. By the way, I am moving next month. I don't know when.
But after I move, I promise I will do more stuff for the Gumroad and shit.
Unknown_10: But until then, see you next week. And bye-bye.
Unknown_10: Oh, no. When I double-click this, it opens Audacity because I'm using Linux and nothing fucking works correctly. Okay, bye-bye. Take a sip from anyone's house.
Great return rules. We will fight the communists as communists offer.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.