Baked Alaska Hearing (May 11th, 2022) 2022-05-11

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_07: Hello, any gamers? Can you hear me? Can you hear the sound of my voice? I have been notified that there is a happening.

Unknown_07: And, um...

Unknown_07: I'm going to make sure that I'm not piping any of my voice to the courtroom. I don't think I am. I think I'm a listener.

Unknown_07: I have called the line. It's a publicly available thing. I'm not like a hacker or whatever.

Unknown_07: And I've decided to rebroadcast this because I tuned in for 30 seconds and it was very entertaining. Basically, here's all I've heard so far.

Unknown_07: Baked Alaska is in a thing where he wants to see if he can get a plea deal. From what I understand, the feds can offer him a plea deal, but then the judge can go, no, we're going to prosecute this. I'm not going to accept a plea deal from the prosecution here because I think that this should go to trial.

Unknown_07: I think that he has that discretion. So the hearing does Baker to accept a plea deal with the federal government. And from what it sounds like, the black guy who's the judge is not very keen to this. Baker was speaking to him, and the first thing I heard was the judge saying, Mr. Giannette, you have a lawyer to speak for you. Which is like the, you have a lawyer to speak for you, sir. Which is the...

Unknown_07: most professional way I've ever heard someone say shut the fuck up ever so oh geez so very very entertaining in that so far so right now they were talking and then Bake shut up real fast after that and the judge said, if you want to speak to your client, we can put you in the other line, and you can stay there as long as you want to. And he was kind of laughing about it, like, yeah, you probably should have a word with your client, because you seem to be a bit of a fucking retard.

Unknown_07: So that's why there's dead silence right now.

Unknown_07: I just kind of pressed the play button for people who wanted to hear this, or might be interested in hearing this. I'm going to share it with the...

Unknown_07: For a more quick, I would have been listening to this the entire time, but my website is dead and gay. So, my website is actually dead and gay right now. It was up for a couple minutes, but it no longer is. Yeah, that's the attack again. What I'm actually going to do...

Unknown_07: is I will share the link to this stream on my Twitter account.

Unknown_07: And we'll listen to the Big Alaska thing.

Unknown_07: I'll talk. I'll rift with my fan zone while we wait for this. Baked Alaska is in a pre-trial hearing to see if he can get a plea from the feds.

Unknown_07: And I'm restreaming the public hearing.

Unknown_07: While the site is down, I shall add.

Unknown_07: Still, I'll put a little note, makes sure people know I don't forget. Still waiting for replies from network carriers.

Unknown_07: Okay.

Unknown_07: Okay, and with my site dead and gay, this is the only thing I can do at the moment, I think.

Unknown_07: So how are you, chat? It's a lovely Wednesday? Wednesday the 11th?

Unknown_07: good morning slick on top what uh where are you that it's morning i guess like the the west coast right west coast it's like before noon work is riding my ass well that sucks i wouldn't know that feeling it's been a while um kiwi farms 41 percent yeah kiwi farm super fucking dead at the moment It's really, it's so annoying. I have, like, ways of dealing with these attacks. And then for whatever reason, my shit just breaks on, like, two different ends at once. And it's just like, okay, well, I have to wait for somebody to say something, so.

Unknown_07: Where's the tip jar link? It's Let me make sure that all works.

Unknown_07: It should be working.

Unknown_07: And I will change this real quick. May 11th.

Unknown_07: Again, we're just waiting. I'll put that as a little note so people know that I'm not just fucking around on livestream.

Unknown_07: Baked Alaska hearing. And I'll make that thing so people can see it.

Unknown_07: And I'll put the note up.

Unknown_07: Let's see. Baked is currently talking to his attorney in private.

Unknown_07: There we go.

Unknown_07: Oh, now that's mingled.

Unknown_07: to his attorney in private all right excellent excellent chat everything everything's going well happy birthday josh thank you thank you happy pizza day maybe maybe that's the the thing if i have pizza out of season i have to stream why do you want me to come to oklahoma so bad there's nothing in oklahoma except uh the engines red people

Unknown_07: Okay, here's a cool theory about him being a Fed, by the way. Let me know if my mic is blowing up.

Unknown_07: Someone suggested, and I like this idea, that if Baked is a Fed, all they had to tell him for that conspiracy to be true, and it makes a lot of sense when you think of it like this, is just like his handler can say like, well, if you're going to go to the Capitol or whatever, you're going to be with Nick Fuentes.

Unknown_07: Um, just keep your camera running like the entire time, right? Like that's all I have to say. Make sure you film everything. You get everybody's face. Like how many people were identified as being present on the Capitol Hill and inside the building, uh, as a result of baked Alaska's footage, like direct footage. Like, and he, he didn't just keep it on him. He panned it around and he got all these people. It was facing and stuff.

Unknown_07: Keep your GoPro on. Uh, was it a GoPro? No, it was, like, just, like, a selfie stick. Like, he was just streaming like normal.

Unknown_07: So... Oh, the... Play Hoey for it now. We're waiting on... We're waiting on Bake to come back. I'm just killing time. I'm waiting for my email.

Unknown_07: I know that, um... I'm still on the line because occasionally I hear police sirens and shit in the background.

Unknown_07: I was actually hoping, um, I wasn't going to stream, because, you know, it's a pain in the ass to be on stream and have to, like, make conversation and talk to people and stuff. That's a, you know, I'm not an extrovert. That's my idea of exhausting. Um...

Unknown_07: But, what was I going to say? Oh, but unfortunately, my choice of streamer was just Flamenco. And I was just like, eh.

Unknown_07: I don't know if I can put up with anime. I don't know if I can put up with Baked Alaska and anime at once, so. I'll check out what Ralph's doing. I'll see if Ralph is streaming. I'll just watch him. And he's, I swear to God, on Cozy, he's not live streaming this and talking about it. He's like seething about Laura. Sorry, that was a video about World War I that I was watching.

Unknown_07: He's just looking at Laura's Southern videos and crying about her.

Unknown_07: I really don't know what's up with him.

Unknown_07: Your friend's in court. You don't want to talk about that and support him and stuff? I don't know.

Unknown_07: Maybe defer her and say, no, you can't do that. You have to keep things optical. You can't talk about him being in trial.

Unknown_07: The Great War Channel, yes. I don't know how you picked that up from half a second of him saying something, but yes, that is the Great War Channel.

Unknown_07: Actually, it wasn't World War I. I'm watching about the Spanish defeat against Berber tribes in 1921. So that's like the end of colonialism and the colonial powers losing the last vestigial remains of their colonies that they had.

Unknown_07: Check messages. What messages? On Twitter? Do I have messages on Twitter? I might have messages on Twitter. I don't really check my messages. I don't think people can message me on Twitter.

Unknown_07: Where else would I check messages? I'm not playing Hoi 4. I'm going to be watching Baked Alaska. I haven't played Hoi 4 in a while.

Unknown_07: Boring doc.

Unknown_07: I disagree. It's pretty interesting.

Unknown_07: The DDoS stuff, there's really not that much to talk about.

Unknown_07: I can only see that my receiving line is maxed out. It's pretty consistent, but it's not blotting out my back doors. So it's probably not too, too big. Probably between 1 and 10 gigabits per second, but that's all it takes.

Unknown_07: I'm not sure why...

Unknown_07: It's not being mitigated, which is sort of what my email reply is asking for clarification on that.

Unknown_07: It is a huge pain in the ass to constantly have to wait on other people to fix shit.

Unknown_07: I just don't know why it's so hard. I'm actually waiting on another reply from a different company. I have a way to get the site up without solving the DDoS attack.

Unknown_07: But the way that I do that is not working right now, which is...

Unknown_07: unfortunate, which is why it's down, and usually that works, I just wait out the DDoS attack by switching to my backup plan, but that's down, so I just get to check my email every couple minutes, and I was hoping to listen to some Baked Alaska getting chewed out by the judge, and now I'm just talking to myself. Jersh, crypto is tanking.

Unknown_07: From what I understand about that is that BlackRock did something to crash the price of Tether, which is like a cryptocurrency that's supposed to be tethered to the US dollar. And they did something tricky to crash the value of Tether, which caused a panic sell and pretty much across crypto, which is why it's way down right now.

Unknown_07: Gunt would never date. Exactly. Imagine dating Laura Southern when you could have May.

Unknown_07: Just imagine.

Unknown_07: Luna, not Tether. It's Tether, too. It was UST and then also Terra Luna. Both crash.

Unknown_07: Unless UST is... I thought maybe I'm confusing UST with USDT. Is UST Terra Luna? No.

Unknown_07: NFTs crashing was bound to happen. Even I, as a crypto fanatic, I'm looking at digital art sales and thinking there's no practical use to this.

Unknown_07: UST is Terraluna. Okay.

Unknown_07: My bad, then. I'm not terribly informed. My green line has been going down for some time, so I'm not exactly paying a lot of attention to crypto. I'm just kind of checking on it once a month.

Unknown_07: Josh, come to KFC. I'm at the Taco Bell.

Unknown_07: Play Genshin Impact. I would rather shoot... Okay, here. We're killing some time, right?

Unknown_07: If you play Genshin Impact, explain to me...

Unknown_07: What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like a loot box.

Unknown_07: It's just like a mobile skinner game, right? Where you just put thousands of dollars in to buy characters so that you can play the shitty-ass game.

Unknown_07: Right? It's like Darkseid Phil's WWE game, right? But with anime girls. Is that it?

Unknown_07: It's like Zelda Breath of the Wild. I don't believe you.

Unknown_07: Yes.

Unknown_07: If I had to choose between In-N-Out and Dunkin' Donuts, what would I choose? I've never had In-N-Out, but I would... Dunkin' Donuts sounds good.

Unknown_07: Yes, it's a total gacha game made for retards. But it's, like, so popular. What the fuck's the deal? What's wrong with anime people?

Unknown_07: You can put anime on fucking anything and sell it to retards. Fuck, that's why I need to make my VTuber avatar. If I make myself an anime boy dog, then I would receive a thousand times as much money in like super chats and viewers and shit. People would just be like, oh my god, he's so kawaii now. Now that he's a dog. He's an anime dog. Josh, no.

Unknown_07: Play Roblox?

Unknown_00: No.

Unknown_07: I'll never, you cannot convince me to switch from Blockland, the superior game, to Roblox.

Unknown_07: Sorry, I'm just logging into my other thing. I literally just pressed the play button to start streaming and this is the result of it.

Unknown_06: Please become anime. I don't think it's a good idea.

Unknown_07: Toontown Closed. I can't play that. I used to play Dota. I have... Okay, my thing with video games is that, like, I'll start playing a game, and then I'll play it continuously for, like, a week tops. And then I will simply be done with that video game. And sometimes it's longer, sometimes it's less than that, but...

Unknown_07: I don't usually stick with a game forever. I get bored of it. What happens is I figure out how it's played, then I'm just done playing it.

Unknown_07: I can never force myself to play it until completion.

Unknown_07: What do you think of the autistic data shit going on with Cozy on KiwiFarms right now?

Unknown_07: I'm not personally convinced by it. Like, people are drawing graphs. I mean, all they're doing is they're either reading public front-end data and they're extrapolating, like, assumptions about multipliers and stuff based on what they've heard. And then they're looking at shit like SimilarWeb, which is not reliable at all. Websites like SimilarWeb and formerly Amazon's Alexa, they literally just look at shit like how high your website ranks on Google and then make assumptions on how much traffic you have based on that. The data for Kiwi Farms versus what I can verify is just completely off by orders of magnitude because the Kiwi Farms is penalized in search engines

Unknown_07: basically across the board, just like a flat negative penalty across the board.

Unknown_07: And I can go back on my Google Webmaster and I can see exactly when they plugged that in because it shows like how many impressions I have. And it would be like a climbing number of like 10 million impressions, 11 million impressions, 12 million impressions. And then it's just like 3 million impressions the next month. Like, okay, so you've pressed a button between then and now to hinder the search prevalence of my site. And that's exactly the same time that Amazon Alexa and similar websites are saying, oh, this isn't one of the top 10,000 sites of the entire world. This is one of the top 95,000th place website in the world. So all it's doing is looking at search prevalence and making very broad assumptions based on what it knows. Because, you know...

Unknown_07: If a website is getting 10 million hits, and they know for sure that it has 10 million hits, and it appears X prominence, and then a website has a little bit more prominence than that, well, you can safely assume, in most cases, that that website has around the same number of daily users, something like that.

Unknown_07: But yeah, not to go on too much of that. Baked Alaska hates the Jews almost as much as Gunt loves his food. I don't know if I believe that.

Unknown_07: Update your podcast feed already, you lazy shit.

Unknown_07: Sorry, the reason I haven't updated the feeds is that I can't touch my site yet. I'm waiting on something to finish, which has taken a while. It basically has to do with the coin sales. Once all the coins are out and I don't have to touch that again, then I can roll it back to what it was before, and I can start updating it and catch up on what I haven't placed on it.

Unknown_07: your site isn't working yet and all yeah I'm aware thanks let's see I'm making a new test and see maybe one thing is working I still hear yeah I'm hearing definitely hearing noises of like the courthouse

Unknown_07: I don't know what the fuck his attorney is saying to him.

Unknown_07: How many times can you repeat shut up, shut up, shut up? Shut the fuck up. Have you played some TFT?

Unknown_05: What is TFT?

Unknown_07: Has he maced the judge yet? No, he dramatically at one time reached for his mace to spray the judge, but he had been disarmed on his way into the courthouse, so he just awkwardly grabbed at his belt buckle.

Unknown_07: Team Fight Classics. No, I'm not going to play Valorant or Team Fight Classics or whatever. Or Tactics or League. Riot Games is shit. And other games are shit. I can't play Valorant. It's like picking up speed. Do you really want to play? Dude, I was playing Apex. I just can't get over how paused that game is.

Unknown_07: There's a character called Lifeline in Apex. And it's like... I swear to God, it's like a, she has Asian eyes. She speaks with a Jamaican accent. She's black, but has like blue eyes and red hair. Like how, like you're, you're not just talking about like mixed race at that point. You're talking about taking the human genome and like making it your bitch to make this Jamaican Blasian ginger, which is not fucking possible.

Unknown_07: But yeah, this is like EA's idea of what diversity looks like.

Unknown_01: I'm not playing Hoi4, stop asking.

Unknown_07: Tracer is straight in China.

Unknown_07: There's like a fake Asian Tracer in Apex too.

Unknown_07: I think she's gay in that too.

Unknown_07: I just say, like, oh, she's got short hair. That means that she's gay. That's just how it works.

Unknown_07: Play God Hand.

Unknown_02: Yeah, hello, we're going to see if we could try to get Miss Aloy in a breakout room, if anybody... Okay.

Unknown_03: That's okay. Okay. Okay, it's going to be the three of you, or it's going to be all of...

Unknown_03: Excuse me, is it going to be the three of you and Mr. Lloyd? No, just the attorneys and Mr. Lloyd.

Unknown_04: Okay. Hold on one second, Anthony. Hold on one second. Mark, whatever the attorneys want to do is fine with me.

Unknown_04: You may want to tell the attorneys for the 2 o'clock matter that I'm going to be delayed. Okay.

Unknown_04: Let me just ask these attorneys, how much time do you need to talk, counsel? Maybe I can do the 2 o'clock matter. It's just probably a reschedule.

Unknown_02: I think probably five minutes is really not going to take us long.

Unknown_04: OK. Then, Mark, just tell the attorneys in the 2 o'clock matter that I'm going to be delayed. I don't think anyone's detained, is it? No, no, not for the next matter. No, young. OK, let's do this, Mark. Let's tell them that we're going to postpone them. I don't want them just sitting there. Just tell them that I'll see them at 2.45. 2.45, OK, I'll let them know.

Unknown_04: yeah yeah all right regardless of what happens in this case 245. thanks mark take whatever time you need council i've just kicked that other matter take whatever time you need thank you thank you judge and look if you need to come back another day to talk about this that's fine too i'm not trying to rush anyone to doing anything well well candidly judge that's kind of where this is going which is why i don't think it'll take but maybe five minutes with me okay another day That's fine with me. Maybe you can talk to Mark. He can let you know what's good on my calendar. And then we'll talk again whenever you're ready. All right?

Unknown_05: Sure.

Unknown_04: Thank you, Jeff. All right. Okay. I'm just going to mute out Mark, okay? Okay. Sure, John.

Unknown_07: Such a Southern accent. What's that country boy doing in D.C.? Are they still talking? I don't want to talk over them.

Unknown_07: I guess I have to talk again.

Unknown_07: I really hope that I didn't just boot this up just so that they will continue it. But that's usually how it goes with court stuff, is that it's continued endlessly.

Unknown_07: Is it on radio? No, it's a teleconference by phone.

Unknown_07: Corin testifying.

Unknown_07: Is Kiwi Station like this? No, it hasn't existed for a while.

Unknown_07: Snipe Ralph.

Unknown_07: That's really scraping the barrel there.

Unknown_07: What's Ralph up to?

Unknown_07: Oh, I see Laura Southern's boobs.

Unknown_08: I gotta retweet that, don't I?

Unknown_07: He's face mixing Tucker Carlson with an Asian guy and make him look Chinese. And he's really amused by this.

Unknown_08: Yeah, that is a real tweet. Somebody just tweeted me and said, is that a real tweet? Yeah, it is.

Unknown_07: I can't believe he has a viewer. So it's really baffling to me.

Unknown_07: Do I think baked will get any time? Uh, it's very possible.

Unknown_07: I'm hesitant to ever say that I think the court will do something, though, because I'm always wrong with that. You know, you expect something to go a certain way, and it just doesn't.

Unknown_07: Xi Jinping, please play Genshin Impact. No.

Unknown_07: Okay, Snigger said I don't like his data. I worked on that project. It's just that... I don't know, like...

Unknown_07: I don't know if he'll be able to prove, like you're hoping, that he is manipulating his numbers, but I don't really know.

Unknown_07: Oh, apparently Laura Southern told Ethan Ralph that her sister Jess thinks he's creepy. Um...

Unknown_07: And Ralph says, I never cared what a dumb hoe thought before, so I won't start now. Your sister shows her ass on the internet. If you don't know, Ethan Ralph has had pictures of Jess Southern's ass on his livestream since she was 17. He has just put a little butt sticker of this woman's sister on his streams since she was... I guess that's the age he likes. He likes to talk to all of his girls when they're 17. Sight is down. Bro, I know.

Unknown_07: I'm waiting. It's not a new thing. I made a tweet about it.

Unknown_07: Can we watch some Cooking with Kay? No. Just letting you know now, I will never do anything with Cooking with Kay again because she is a DMCA abuser, and I've told her that she needs to stop abusing the DMCA because her entire channel is built up by word of mouth, and she's actively harming that, and she's opting to ignore me.

Unknown_03: Give me one moment, everybody.

Unknown_07: Yeah. I've told her before, like, I sent her emails and I sent her a Facebook message. I'm just like, you need to stop because it's not okay. And she doesn't want to, so it's just like, okay.

Unknown_04: Okay, count. So how would you like to proceed? Wait a minute. Have we lost him to GNA?

Unknown_03: Okay, here we go.

Unknown_04: Am I pronouncing your surname correctly?

Unknown_06: GNA, Your Honor.

Unknown_04: GNA. All right. Great. Got it. Okay. How did the attorneys wish to proceed?

Unknown_00: Your Honor, we discussed it with the attorneys and the government has agreed that if we set a trial date of next March, that we will agree to hold the plea offer open for 60 days, at which point it will expire. So we ask you to set a status for 60 days out and a trial date. Oh, OK.

Unknown_04: All right.

Unknown_00: So we have a trial date.

Unknown_04: And Mark, you wonder, how can we accommodate the attorneys 60 days, Mark.

Unknown_03: Okay, we're looking at the month of July. July 11th.

Unknown_01: Let's see what's going on down that time. How about July 12th at 2 o'clock p.m.

Unknown_03: if parties are available?

Unknown_00: Your Honor, I'm scheduled to be in a trial before Judge Walton that week, but I will have somebody from my office stand in.

Unknown_04: Well, no, no, we can accommodate you to council. Maybe the next week. Yeah. How long is that trial going to take, do you think?

Unknown_00: I think we will be done by the latter half of the next week.

Unknown_04: Okay. By the next week. Okay.

Unknown_00: Maybe let's look at, what about towards the end of July, council?

Unknown_01: Let's see, Mark, it looks good here.

Unknown_01: May I suggest the 29th of, oh, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. How about the 27th, 28th, or 29th? That can be flexible.

Unknown_01: Actually, the 29th's a good day. I have one matter at 1 o'clock.

Unknown_04: to take some time. The 29th is a bad day for anyone?

Unknown_02: That actually is a bad day for me. I'm going to be out of town on the 29th.

Unknown_01: Let's see here.

Unknown_01: Mark, is that correct? The jury trial is scheduled for July 25th?

Unknown_03: Um, that's a continuation and your honor, um, they, while this hearing was going on, they actually filed a motion to continue the jury trial.

Unknown_04: Oh, okay. All right.

Unknown_04: Um, council, um, what about the, this may not be good for, uh, just a little way. I don't know. Um, the, let's see.

Unknown_07: From what I understand, they can reject a plea.

Unknown_00: I think it's likely they will be done by then.

Unknown_07: For any reason at all, the judge can't.

Unknown_04: That's not a bad date. Let's try for lunchtime, 1230. If it's a bad date, you're in trial. We'll just postpone it. Let's be realistic. I'm trying not to schedule matters in August for a host of reasons.

Unknown_04: Suppose we were to come back right after Labor Day, first week in September. Any problems with that, Jensen?

Unknown_00: Not from the government. But I would want to note for the record that we can't make any assurances that the plea will remain open longer. All right. Well, let's keep it.

Unknown_04: I don't want to interfere with that. Let's keep that open. Let's try and pick another date before the trial starts.

Unknown_04: Mr. Lawyer, I need some guidance from you.

Unknown_00: Yes, Your Honor. I am available. The trial schedule starts July 7th, so any time the prior week in June would work, the last week in June would work.

Unknown_04: Fine with me. I can be flexible. I think that would be shorter than the 60 days, though, wouldn't it?

Unknown_04: All right. Do you guys need to go back into the room?

Unknown_00: I guess don't have the calculation right now. I guess precisely when 60 days is, but wherever that falls is when we should schedule the hearing.

Unknown_04: I don't know. I don't have my abacus. I mean, what happened the 22nd was a quite a good day over here.

Unknown_02: I think Mr. Lord is in trial, I think, right?

Unknown_00: No, I think I'll be out by the 22nd. All right.

Unknown_04: July 22nd. Let's do that, Mark. What time do we have? I'm showing that jury trials no longer is going to disappear, right? I have a sentencing at 2. How about 1 o'clock on July 22nd?

Unknown_00: Yes, Your Honor.

Unknown_04: Actually, let's go to 1230. If you're still in trial, it's lunch break.

Unknown_04: So casual with that. Let's go to 1230 on July 22nd.

Unknown_07: Yeah, I'm sentencing some guys.

Unknown_04: I'm going to determine how long they stay in jail. Again, there's no obligation on you to consent to excluding time from speedy trial calculations. Your attorneys have indicated that you have no objections to excluding time from speedy trial calculations from the day you stayed up through. I just told it through the trial date. We have a trial date. We also have a status hearing date. Do you agree with your attorney, sir?

Unknown_06: Yes, your honor. Thank you for the additional time. I appreciate it.

Unknown_04: Yeah. Yeah. You know, we weren't, I wasn't born yesterday. These things happen. So, uh, the corporal maker finding that all the reasons discussed, uh, exclusion of time until March 7th is certainly consistent with the fair administration of justice. And, and, uh, it's certainly a knowing one involuntary one gift to outstanding attorneys.

Unknown_04: Um,

Unknown_04: So, the document will reflect that the time between now and March 7th is the exclusion and speed of trial calculations. And we have a status hearing on July 22nd, I believe, at 1230, Mark. Is that correct?

Unknown_03: That is correct, Your Honor. July 22nd at 1230 P.O.

Unknown_04: All right. Everyone be safe and healthy, and we'll talk again in July. Thank you, Your Honor. Thank you, Your Honor. Thank you all. Okay, bye-bye.

Unknown_07: In July? I can't even tell what happened. They, um...

Unknown_07: So baked baked was like being yelled at by the judge and then they take him aside and then they come back and they say like, I guess we're going to do this again on in July.

Unknown_07: And, uh, yeah, sorry. I'm still mouth breathing. Cause I'm, uh, I'm, I'm sick still. I'm going to be sick for the rest of my fucking life, I guess. So a continuance. So I guess they, I don't know. They decided to just kick it back to July. Um, and then the, the government warned that they might retract their plea offer before July. And it sounds like the trial for bake to set in March of 2023. That's crazy.

Unknown_07: Did you catch COVID? No. Renny knows there are not symptoms of COVID. Fuck. Well, that sucks. I was hoping for some entertainment. I was hoping for at least something of substance. But now you get to see... I actually...

Unknown_07: I had mediation for one of my trials yesterday, and it lasted four hours. It was a four-hour long teleconference just like that.

Unknown_07: And we went into it knowing that there was no way we would ever reach an agreement. And I was misinformed about what the offer was. And by the end of it, they're just like, okay, so you're not going to accept that. I'm like, no, I'm not going to accept that. And then it was over after literally after four hours of back and forth. So it's just like, well, what about this? And what about this? No, I'm not going to accept that either.

Unknown_07: and, uh, I don't know, it was, it was extremely underwhelming, because I thought, the, like, the whole point was to have all the parties, like, there to talk, but, there was very little, you know, like, talking, actually direct communication, it was like a back and forth, um, so, I don't know, which party was it, I can't say, it's mediation, I was supposed to talk about mediation, even what I said was probably a bit much, but,

Unknown_07: Why are you trying to... Dude, I'm not going to play an auto-chess game. Like, I should be working on stuff. I'm really not... I'm not playing any of these games. Fuck your games.

Unknown_07: Baked postponing the inevitable to avoid losing cap-way cred. Yeah. I mean, maybe he'll leave. I'll just flee the country before him.

Unknown_07: I haven't been watching the Johnny Depp trial.

Unknown_07: Yeah, I've seen links to all the Fuentes stuff on the internet right now.

Unknown_07: Okay.

Unknown_07: I think that's it. Sorry. I'm sorry I wasted everybody's time by turning on my stream to talk about a calendar here. Anything else?

Unknown_07: Josh, you have Twitter. It's just It's all spelled out. Can we leave now? Yes.

Unknown_07: Bye-bye.