I say maids or a navy, whichever one, I use the same thing. Us. I say BPH, the black person older that transportates.
Unknown_04: Doctor. I say doctor, doctor, whether it's a T or a turd, it's the same word.
Unknown_03: Abortion. I say aborting. A fun thing to do when you're feeling spooty. Lips. I say liops or hoiops, flush trap doors in between my heels. Trap doors? What's that doorway for? Something special, let me tell you, Miller.
Here it comes, chat. Beat drop.
Unknown_08: If you don't know what that song is, consider yourself lucky. It's an old favorite of mine, chat. Walls of Fallout by... I don't even know who made it. It's hard to find though, because the music video is about rectal prolapse, so it gets deleted from whatever it's hosted on.
But it's still around. It's very catchy. It's too catchy for what it is, chat.
Unknown_08: Hello, I am still sick, but I'm high energy chat. I'm high energy I'm ready. I'm gonna smash some box chat. Let's fucking go chat. Let's go I'm feeling I'm feeling macho. I don't I don't even know why I had some ginger tea That's what it is ginger tea is like the onions of the tea world you eat some of that and drink some of that And you're ready to go you're you're you're you're Charged up Wound up. Ready to go.
So, of course, I'm ready to talk about legislation and court decisions. I have an extraordinary amount of notes for today. I have written more notes than I've written in a long time. Probably more than the last person stream I did. I don't even know why, I just woke up early and I got to work on this.
Unknown_08: But while we wait for people to fill in, I got some business, some not so fun things to talk about. And then we'll get right into the fun abortion talk.
much more interesting to people, I think. Just real quick, I'll get this out of the way, it's an interest of mine and we've got some time to kill before we reach our peak cruising altitude and we can start talking about the topics of today.
Unknown_08: There is a bill called the Strengthening Measures to Advance Rights Technology Copyright Act of 2022, and it has a backronym for SMART, so the SMART Act of 2022. In general, as it says here, the Strengthening Measures Act is a deeply troubling proposal that would make it expensive and risky for startups to host user-generated content, Anything from comments to reviews, podcasts, original artwork. While the build is ostensibly aimed at well-resourced internet platforms, it proposes changes to copyright law that would tee up a complex and costly compliance framework for scores of internet startup companies. Big I internet startup companies. Wow, this is a real website, guys. They actually know how to spell things.
So the gist of what it wants to do is make it so that if you host any website that hosts any kind of user-generated content, you must plug in to some kind of API like YouTube has, which will be decided by the Librarian of Congress.
and you must run content on the ID on everything that someone hosts. So obviously this is going to be like a Microsoft, an AWS, or even like a government hosted like copyright.gov website API that everything uploaded to the internet must pass through to check for content ID.
Unknown_08: And if you don't, the penalty for not doing this is you do not have the DMCA protections in place. And you might think, well, the DMCA isn't like a protection, is it? And it is to an extent. The DMCA creates a process where if they don't go through the process, they can't sue you for copyright infringement. They must first notify you. So if you don't use this system, then you don't get the DMCA process and they can just sue you for copyright infringement just for hosting anything copyrighted on your site. So it's a big like fuck you to any small website. And it's a fuck you to privacy too because it forces me, it would force me to run every upload to the site on the forum through like an AWS compliance thing and fuck that. The Copyright Alliance, which is run by Keith Kupferschmid, who, by the way, is a donor to the United States Holocaust Museum and is the CEO of this alliance. So if he's writing about this, it must be very important to copyright. He says, the SMART Act represents a bold, effective,
A bold new approach that aims to ensure that tools to effectively combat piracy are implemented consistently and in a way that address the concerns of service providers, copyright owners, and little-eye internet users."
Unknown_08: So fuck this.
Unknown_08: If you are interested, if you're a busybody, if you're someone who genuinely cares about internet speech and fair use and reviews and that kind of stuff there is act.eff.org and you'll find a link to this and you can harass your congressman and representative in the senate uh to uh try and try and keep this from passing it just got like docketed by the senate and it doesn't have any momentum yet but when things like this happen i like to uh encourage people to harass their senators about it because
I kind of want copyright to be something that people are afraid to touch, you know? Like, oh, we don't want to deal with the copyright law because then we'll get blown up in email and phone calls and stuff. And it's like, I don't really feel like dealing with that. That's what you want. You want to be annoying enough that they don't even want to deal with it.
Unknown_08: And they leave it alone. Like, if they're not going to make things better, just leave it the fuck alone. That's all we can hope for at this point.
Unknown_08: For you Karens out there, you busybodies, you people who like to complain fruitlessly at politicians, this is your opportunity. This is the Strengthening Measures to Advance Rights Technology Copyright Act of 2022. And fuck that. And now, on to the schmeat.
Dave Chappelle got punched as my little intro clip.
Unknown_08: Oh, since somebody asked, it's tip.money.live if you want to do superchats.
Unknown_08: Okay, so here's Dave Chappelle getting punched.
Unknown_07: It's kind of in the distance, you have to squint.
So I'll replay it real quick.
Unknown_08: They're in the bleeder seats in the back, and you can see Dave Chappelle's up there, he's telling his joke, and then this guy, Dave, tackles him.
Unknown_08: Dave takes a second to go down, it's like a poor tackle, he has to grab him by the ankles to even get him to go down.
Unknown_08: Then he gets chased around, like a Looney Tunes shit, and they beat the fuck out of him.
And, oh, I think Dave even says it, right here. I need the best part of that. Wait, I gotta see this.
Unknown_06: Wait.
Unknown_06: I am going to kill that nigger! They said,
Unknown_08: They censored that.
Unknown_08: The first thing he says after he says that is, uh, well, the way that it was reported is the first thing he said after he got back up was, I think that was a trans man, but that's not what he said. We heard what he said. Um,
The Los Angeles Police confirmed to ABC7 that they responded to a call at the bowl around 1045 and indicated the man was taken into custody. He was armed with a gun and a knife, so somehow he didn't get shot. I don't know why you wouldn't just shoot him if you were in the audience that close.
Unknown_08: After the alleged attacker was subdued, removed and taken to a nearby hospital because he got his ass kicked, Chris Rock came up to the stage with Chappelle Rock, who had already performed that night, says was that Will Smith. Jamie Foxx also purportedly came.
Uh, I grabbed the back of that nigga's head, said Chappelle. His hair was spongy. Later that night, the comedian sounded a note of both shock and levity, saying, I have been doing this for 35 years. I just stomped a nigga backstage. I've always wanted to do that. That's very Ralph and Male. I can see why Ralph likes the black people. Chappelle faced criticism and protest last year when his Netflix special was accused of being transphobic. After returning to the stage on Tuesday, the 48-year-old made light of the controversy, suggesting to the audience that the attacker was a trans man.
Unknown_08: And that, of course, is an unforgivable sin. To make a joke at the persecuted minorities cannot go unnoticed by Twitter. On Twitter, they say, all these people leave out the fact Dave Chappelle joked that it was a trans man that ran out on stage to beat him when we don't know who it was.
All we know is that things are about to get worse in this country and have been getting worse for the trans people and Dave encourages it.
Unknown_08: La Femme Patricia says, trans person gets mildly annoyed at Dave Chappelle's first joke after he got tackled on stage.
Unknown_08: Weird Chappelle nerds, how can it make it about me? It's terrible that Dave Chappelle, don't get, if you're like a fan of Dave Chappelle, don't get like upset that people are assaulting him over his fucking comedy. Like that's unreasonable. That's making it about yourself as opposed to like assaulting people for making jokes you don't like. It's terrible Dave Chappelle was assaulted. It's a terrible joke he made about it afterwards that was a trans man. In video footage, Chappelle is seen to recover his composure and joke it was a trans man. Fuck Dave Chappelle says Naomi knife's edge with trans flag and octopus.
Unfortunately, it was not a trans man.
Unknown_08: As we can see with the testosterone and that tackle, there is no way it could have been a trans man. It had to be a real man and it was indeed a homeless wannabe rapper who was taken into custody. Why he cares so much about trans rights is a mystery to everybody.
Okay, I want to talk about abortion now. I wrote a lot about this, and you have to give me some leeway with this.
Unknown_08: So, I'm going to sum up Roe v. Wade, because I know I have a lot of people who listen who aren't from the U.S., and I'm sure many of you don't care. I promise, though, that history has its own locales, has its own interesting weirdos.
Unknown_08: And the history of this decision is pretty bizarre. So if you don't know, Roe v. Wade was a decision in 1973, stemming from Texas, where a pregnant woman with two female attorneys sued the state of Texas for a right to have an abortion. It went all the way up to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court ruled that it violated her 14th and 5th amendments to liberty to not be able to get an abortion. And if you don't know, the text is, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. So they said without a trial, you can't prevent someone from getting an abortion. And that has been the precedent pretty much ever since. Her first attorney was Linda Coffey.
who was unmarried her entire life. She went to Israel, and she's Baptist by the way, not Jewish. She went to Israel for a Baptist singles trip to find a husband, did not find a husband, and 10 years later, in 1983, she responded at the age of 40 to a personal ad from a woman who sought another woman of intelligence and modesty. And they became a couple. I don't think they ever got married because gay marriage wasn't legal back then. And I dug into this because I noticed that it said LGBT people from Texas. And it says nothing about her being gay. I'm like, how the fuck is this in the category? Do you just say everybody who you like is gay and everyone who you don't like is not gay? But no, apparently she was actually in a long-term relationship with a woman, and she never had any kids. The other person was Norma McCorvey, who's even weirder. McCorvey is married, or was married, and had three kids of her own, which seems like okay. So you have a normal woman who was pro-choice, you know, good for her.
The interesting thing about her is that she was born, I think, into a Protestant family.
Unknown_08: and then supported this movement after her first kid. She had one kid and then she had postpartum depression, got really addicted to substances, lost custody of her first kid.
and then as an attorney without custody of her first kid won this case and then converted to Roman Catholicism and became an anti-abortionist and then had two more kids but then on her deathbed rescinded that position and said that people had paid her to be an anti-abortionist. So she like crossed the line like three different times and it's really impossible to say what this woman actually believed at any point in time. I don't think even she really understood what she believed.
So what's funny about her is I've heard of her before because both sides will bring her up. The anti-abortionist will say that Norma had a deathbed conversion to Christianity and became an anti-abortionist. and the pro-choice people will say that she was paid off and she admitted that on her deathbed. So people will conveniently ignore both sides and say whatever justifies her position.
Unknown_08: Oh, and interestingly enough, when she was addicted to substances, let's see, I had it highlighted, McCorb developed a severe drinking and drug problem soon after she began identifying as a lesbian.
In her book, she stated she went to a weekend trip to visit two friends and left her baby with her mother. When she returned, her mother had replaced Melissa with a baby doll and reported Norma to the police as having abandoned her baby. So she was also, like, had a lesbian phase when she was in her 20s. It's very bizarre. But these are the two women who were responsible for bringing Roe v. Wade to the Supreme Court and winning it.
Unknown_08: And as I mentioned, this went pretty much unchallenged until 1992 where Planned Parenthood sued in regards to a restriction in a Pennsylvania law which said that in order to have an abortion, you must notify the father before you have the abortion. And the Supreme Court upheld that that was an undue burden on the mother to notify the father that the fetus was going to be aborted. So they won that and that just broadened the Roe v. Wade decision basically.
And that has been the precedent ever since, all the way up until 2018.
Unknown_08: Trump gets into office and he starts appointing Supreme Court justices. So Mississippi, feeling emboldened by the new appointees, decides to enact a bill which limits the right of elective abortion, just elective. So for no reason at all or any reason at all, you can have an abortion up to 15 weeks in Mississippi. So this was challenged to the Supreme Court in 2018. However, unfortunately for them, Ruth Bader Ginsburg decided to die and burn in hell. So Donald Trump got to appoint another justice before the case actually reached the Supreme Court.
And that justice goes on record saying, what is the exact quote here? I have it written down.
Unknown_08: she said when she before she was appointed as a US Supreme Court oh she's an Irish Catholic and she has said that abortion is never morally justifiable. So now with Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead and this new Irish Catholic woman on the Supreme Court things were looking really bad for this case from the get-go.
And then just recently, Politico received a leak saying that a draft opinion from the Alito, it's a Roberts court, but Alito wrote the opinion, saying that Roe v. Wade was egregiously wrong from the start.
Unknown_08: So that is everything. That's your whole American history education on abortion brought up to speed.
Unknown_08: What's interesting to me though is that the case that we're looking at is Mississippi. See the yellow state down here?
That is the state that has a limitation of abortion to 15 weeks. That is the least restrictive state in the U.S. besides Texas, which has it at 6 weeks, which is when the heartbeat is detected in Texas. The Europeans and Canadians are freaking out about this.
Unknown_08: saying that Americans are going backwards, that we're so insane, and that this is stupid, and Trump is sending the country back in time. Mississippi has comparative laws to every other country in Europe. I think only Iceland and the Netherlands allows abortions after that same amount of time. Every state in the U.S. is more permissive than every country in Europe, which they're perfectly fine with. And in these states, the purple ones, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, and even Alaska for some reason,
Elective abortions are legal all the way up to 40 weeks. So if you can find a doctor who's willing to do it, he will take an ice pick and kill your baby in your wound the same week that it's due, if you can find a doctor willing to do it, and it's perfectly legal. That is legal nowhere in Europe. There is no, unless it's like a mortal risk to the mother, that is not legal anywhere in Europe.
So, but you can say, at least, Pete's saying abortion is a human right. You get all these people who are super upset about this and saying, oh, what a horrible transgression, even though Canada, in his case, has similar laws to Europe, not the United States, which is more permissive. you can at least there's kind of thinking like you won't you probably have a hard time finding a doctor who doesn't have a conscientious objection to um uh killing a 39 week fetus you know you're not going to find that however in europe this is a fun map the green states um allow conscientious objective that's a hard thing to say especially for me who's like a retard In the green states, the doctors can say, I don't want to perform abortions, so I'm not going to perform abortions. If you happen to be a reproductive health doctor in Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Finland, Bulgaria, or Iceland, you don't have a choice. If someone comes up to you and says, I want an abortion, you will have to give that abortion, regardless of your personal perspectives on doing so, which is crazy. I think that people would be very upset about that if they were forced to perform abortions in the US. I think people would probably get shot over that.
So, very, very interesting to me. However, I think more interesting to everybody watching this is the complete and total mental breakdown which has occurred on the internet as a result.
Obviously, this decision which affects every uterus-having person in the country most affects the transgender individuals who have spoken out for the birth givers among us so that they can have their right to terminate a pregnancy at 39 weeks and 6 days the day before being born. So let's go over some of these.
Unknown_08: I hope cis people who have trans friends, family, and co-workers, I hope they know that each and every trans person they know has had to ask themselves, at what point will I flee my state? And in what circumstance am I willing to die? We're friendly, laughing, but make no mistake. I'm arming up, says nerdy vixen. They won't get me and mine without a fight. I'll take as many of them with me as I can.
Drawing Type replies, this is what I live by. If I get got, you better believe I ain't going alone.
Unknown_08: Emery says, I've already accepted that there is not inconsiderable likelihood that my trans identity may lead to violent action against me. I live with it every day. And remember, these are replies to abortion. So somehow this is about trans rights too.
Unknown_08: I've had these thoughts for years as an activist. Now that I am trans, I'm quite aware of it. But I am forlorn and I can't leave. I'm alone and I can't leave. My friends say that they will get me out if necessary. This is fascist shit, make no mistake.
The fear runs circles in my head. Is any state safe now? Not just safe for the next few years, but safe when the GOP take the presidency, Senate, and House again? Violet Bloom replies, we're looking at destinations outside the US. Georgia and Hawaii.
Unknown_08: Georgia and Hawaii were both considerations until it became apparent and obvious that we no longer have privacy protections anywhere when the court overturns the very case where privacy was established to be a right.
Archito says, E, one of my best bros who happens to be trans and I are getting out of this country at some point. New Zealand sounds lovely. Not welcome. Fuck off or fool. Trying to figure out what country to move to, says Rachel Denizzi.
Unknown_08: Transflag. Transflag Leo Flame Mors says, I fear for my life some days when I walk home I get catcalled, I get stalked, but one of those days when a man finds out I'm also a man I fear I might have to actually start running.
Unknown_08: Samus stands with Ukraine, mixture of gay and Ukrainian flags. In what circumstances am I willing to riot?
Chelsea Manning, who was former, I don't remember what his rank was, Bradley Manning.
Unknown_08: If you don't remember, Bradley Manning released documents relating to Afghanistan to WikiLeaks and then was pardoned by Obama after he transitioned in prison.
Unknown_08: Chelsea Manning says, for those of you who are just catching up, if you are able to afford it and if it is safe for you to do so, you should consider arming yourself, then finding others to train with in teams and learn how to defend your community. We may need these skills in the very near future. Chelsea Manning is a felon and cannot own a firearm. I don't know if being pardoned expunges the felony, but if he does have a little armory gun, that would be a crime of his. This is one of my favorite, by the way. This person is fucking nuts. Amanda Duarte says, I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men. Food for thought. Would you allow your daughter to have an abortion if she was raped and impregnated by black men? I should mention now, now that I think about it, that in the original Roe v. Wade,
Abortion was legal in Texas, but only if you were raped, which led to the woman in the case saying, where is it?
she lied to the police claiming that she had been raped by a bunch of black people. And actually I think it's in her profile. Let me just check real quick.
Unknown_08: And then, um,
Unknown_08: black people. Yeah. According to McCorvey, friends advised her that she would falsely assert that she had been raped by a group of black men and that she could thereby obtain a legal abortion under Texas's law, which prohibited most abortions. Uh, so she went to Texas and said, I have been raped by a black, a bunch of black people to which they replied, if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it'll be your fault. So she didn't get her abortion that way and had to go about it the legal route.
Yes, I did pull it up just for that.
Unknown_08: So back to Amanda Duarte.
Unknown_08: Duarte is fucking insane. I looked at a couple other of her tweets because I thought that this one was really inspiring and it gave me a lot to think about and a lot of perspective on this complicated issue. So I pulled up the archives. Amanda Duarte says here, please stop having white children. And I think this one is perhaps
Unknown_08: My favorite tweet of all time. I really can't think of anything more deranged than this. Speaking of finding a doctor who is willing to ice pick your fetus out of you 39 weeks into pregnancy, Amanda Duarte says here, I almost want to get pregnant with Trump's baby and let it get to full term just so I can rip it out, rip it halfway out and cut its fucking head off.
I almost want to get pregnant with Trump's baby and let it get to full term just so I can rip it halfway out and cut its fucking head off." That is amazing. If you're wondering what kind of phenotype that this woman has, this is what she looks like. And if you're thinking, what the fuck is that? The answer is she's half Filipino. Duarte is obviously the last name of the current president of the Philippines. She's half Filipino. She graduated in the University of Manila.
But she has curly hair and a fair complexion. And curly hair with Asians is like super rare. And if you look at that schnoz, I am convinced she is half Filipino and half Jewish. But such things are left to the imagination, chat. We can't really tell for sure. There's no hints in this tweet about ripping off a baby's head as you're halfway done giving birth to it that would give us any insight whatsoever to this woman's psychology and genetic makeup.
Unknown_08: The gigamut.
Bullshit, that's a man in a wig.
Unknown_08: So yeah, this is my issue. When I take really good notes and I'm high energy, I burn through all my content super fast.
Unknown_08: I'm vaccinated and I'm friends with Josh Moon. Thank you, HungryLikeTheGunt.
Unknown_08: Shoutouts to Sneed.Social and TheResidentSkitzo and OneBuckaroonie from OneAnna. Thank you, Anna. That does work, by the way. I managed to get the money out of that, so.
Unknown_08: OK.
There's more actually, there's more to this. There's two other people who have had some good reactions to the Robie Wade stuff. Keffels, if you don't remember Keffels ratioed my entire channel, ratioed my life, ratioed my career, ratioed my entire website, everything I've ever worked for. Valiantly Keffels got on Twitter and ratioed them all into Oblivion.
Unknown_08: The Skoda's blog, which if you don't know is not directly related to the
Unknown_08: the Supreme Court of the United States, it's just a blog that tracks court activity. The SCOTUS blog said after the leak, And if you're wondering why,
You have to kind of think from their perspective that an opinion isn't really an opinion until it's issued. And then once an opinion is issued, you can't just be like, oh, you know, I'm going to go back and edit it a little bit. I'm going to tweak it. I'm going to add some things. I'm going to remove some things. It's done until it gets relitigated. So if they're, you know, halfway through an opinion or almost done with an opinion and then it gets leaked and then people are like, well, you're going to, you know, change this or I'm going to kill your family.
then they're fucked. That secrecy is very important to them being able to be impartial and even-handed and fair and honest about what they want to say. So it being leaked is a serious fucking issue. I don't know if you remember this, but there were justices who have died under very mysterious circumstances in their own home, in their Texas ranch house, that might give some of these people pause to think about their decision making.
Unknown_08: But Keffels says in reply to this, I have always wanted to ratio SCOTUSblog. And you may notice that SCOTUSblog has 27,000 likes and this tweet has 6,000 likes.
This tweet no longer exists. Keffels failed to ratio SCOTUSblog. And more than that,
Unknown_08: caused lefty Twitter to start making fun of him. Four Star General Anxiety Disorder says, fake woman's passes makes her unable to grasp the severity of threat to real women. Ratio me, I don't give a fuck. Your masculinity comes out right out in your desire to joke about the end of women's rights just like it does when you love video games or anime or other guy things too much. So that looks like a TERF post maybe. The hybrid creature says, this is literally the behavior of someone who has severe brain damage from a mortar exploding over their head in wartime, making them unable to process human emotions. Beyond parody, indescribably devoted to clout, genuinely disgusting. There's more.
The Valsh collaborator has logged on, ready to change the world by getting more people to sub to her Twitch channel. This isn't fucking funny or a meme or a joke, shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Pivoting from being mildly annoyed by keffels to hating keffels. So cringe.
The only opinion I'm going to express about this is that I like Keffels, but also feel like 99% of the jokes after genuinely bad things happen can wait. Or this is not 1% of the jokes. I don't know. I literally hate this person so much. Hey Keffels, maybe not the time. Very funny and appropriate for this moment. Haha, wow. Consider that maybe now is not the right time for epic pwnage. Twitter user is crazy. She's just like, how can I use this to get more clout? So even lefty Twitter was like, uh, shut the fuck up. And then Keffels had to backpedal and be like, I can't believe this is happening to me. I can't believe I am being ratioed. I am the ratioer. My entire life is ratioing.
Um, I was far from the only person to clown on the SCOTUS blog tweet. I don't get the issue. No one got this heated when I ratioed JK Rowling. Is transphobia less serious than a woman's reproductive health? Yes.
Unknown_08: Are people mad because they view me as less than a woman? Yes. Also, what's with the people who are seeing this news and deciding it's more important to focus on me rather than what's going on with where we laid? I don't know, bro. You inserted yourself. Why can't you just focus on it instead of focusing on ratios and shit? Please focus on the real issue. I promise dogpiling me is a distraction.
If you don't want people to talk about you, shut the fuck up and go away.
Unknown_08: Great stuff. By the way, this actually was really surprising because none of the Supreme Court justices tend to use Twitter, but Justice Alito put out a message in response to the Keffels ratio fiasco saying, I have always wanted to ratio a mentally ill retard tranny. And this got 114,000 likes. So Keffels was completely blown the fuck out by Justice Alito.
The other person who decided that this was a big fucking deal to them, despite not having a deuterist to make babies with, was Catherine Gibbs, or Kevin Gibbs, or Trans Salamander, also known as Amhole, also known as one of the people from the Tranche. So I have received a Tranche update from the people who follow the Tranche in response to my last stream where I said, like, I don't know what's going on with the Tranche. One of the mods, O1, was willing to give me a write-up.
uh Catherine Gibbs woke up the day of the leak and said well a couple days before but said woke up with the juiciest goddamn pussy this morning shame i'm not flexible enough to eat myself out weary face which is just disgusting because if you don't know amholes can't self-lubricate so whatever the fuck that juice is is not um
Unknown_08: any sort of natural lubricant that is sweat maybe pus i'm not i'm not gonna say anymore i don't want to make people vomit and i don't want i don't want someone driving down the road right now listening to this on their podcast feed to throw up and coat their window and vomit and then swerve and die because that would be that would be a disaster i would feel really bad about this so moving on uh despite waking up in great moods kevin found out that
Roe v. Wade is in danger of being overturned. And as someone who is a trans woman, and this is a woman's health issue, obviously they're very affected by it, Trans Islander says, fun fact, the people in power have names and addresses.
Unknown_08: Oh, here's a fun fact. If you want to speed run any percent your own life and or getting swatted by the police, threaten a Supreme Court justice on Twitter and see what happens to your little gay compound in the middle of Colorado.
Unknown_08: Uh, but Kevin was not, was not, um, abated by this. Not satisfied with one stupid fucking post.
He continued.
Unknown_08: Oh no, is this going to take forever to load up?
Unknown_08: Uh, I know it's kind of cringe to post V for Vendetta in current year, but this is the only thing playing on repeat in my head today. And it's a quote from the movie saying, people should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. And this is in response to the SCOTUS blog.
Unknown_08: Oh, they think they should be afraid of leaks and a breakdown of trust. Cute.
Unknown_08: Implying that they should be afraid of amholes and juicy GD pussies. Neo-vaginas. I'm afraid of that. I don't know what Justice Aaliyah's opinion is on that, but I can probably guess.
Not sorry, but the more rights you strip away from people, the more people are going to realize they don't have much to lose. Seems like you're a supremely dangerous thing to do to yourself as a politician, but what do I know?
Unknown_08: It's still going to be a scary fight that shouldn't have to be fought, but I know for a fact the Supreme Court greatly underestimates the wrath they're bringing up on themselves and anyone who supports them. If they think the system will protect them, that's legitimately hilarious.
Uh, and he continues, you can't roll back bodily autonomy for at least half the population by a century and a half or half a century and expect people to just take it because you're technically kind of sort of did it by the rules. They'd be squint a bit. All this could be 100% above board and they'd still be asking for rights at minimum.
Unknown_08: So very nice. Lots of threats. Um, he's at, he's in the UK right now.
Unknown_08: or Turf Island as he calls it. So when he gets back into the US, he might get stopped in the airport for.
Unknown_08: threatening the Supreme Court, which I would advise against.
Unknown_08: Now, in case you're wondering from all this, what my actual opinion is on Roe v. Wade, I have a handy-dandy diagram to help you understand.
There are the little brain people who are pro-choice. There are the big brain people who are pro-life. But then down here, there's me, the galaxy brain boy, saying, what race is the baby?
Unknown_08: My answer depends entirely on that. I am genuinely worried because we don't know like 80% of abortions are by black people. So their population has stayed pretty steady. I think they've gone down from 13% of the population to 12% of the population because they're getting replaced by Mexicans.
Unknown_08: So I don't know. I hope this doesn't cause like a huge population growth.
And to phrase it,
Unknown_08: in a politically correct manner. I am concerned for the socio-economically disadvantaged and how this will disproportionately impact them and I do hope that our cities are ready for an unexpected growth in those people who are currently impoverished and their families.
Unknown_08: I think that maybe reproductive health services should be continued to be offered to those who are in these poor socio-economic areas.
That is my informed, my galaxy-brained informed opinion about abortees. Abortees, as WallsFallout says. Something to do when you're feeling sporty. 10 out of 10.
Unknown_08: Thank you. Thank you. I accept your praise Paws load my neck hole from pizza sexy Sneed says do not go to Josh's old logs Red-eyes black dragon says hey Josh say toxic or ooh-ooh Oh toxic and frog God says frog ass poo says I want to sniff toilet seat and I want to sniff Josh's toilet seat and he says that over and over again
Where are you? Not a single audible wee-woo. I'm getting colder. It's true. There's been fewer ambulances today. You need to put your boot down and confess your love to Chantal. Why are you letting this woman who are obviously in love with all these Arabs and Cubans? Dude, she's back with fucking Nadir. I'm so tired of the Nadir saga. I want it to end. That's your Chantal update. She's going to see him every weekday now.
Unknown_08: And Sika Lothar says, testing. Remember that Maddy means death in Malay. On that auspicious note, I send cheers from Inner Mongolia. Thank you, Sika. Okay, that's our quick break for superchats. I got to bash those out. I feel bad reading superchats and I feel bad ignoring superchats, but I want money because I need to do things with my life. I'm turning 30 this year, chat. You have to empathize with me a little bit.
I will be settled probably by July, and by July I promise I'll be doing more. I'll be doing extra streams and shit. I'll do the low-tech stream in July if everything works out.
Unknown_08: And that is the full update for the...
Unknown_08: Pro-life thing. Herbie Wade.
I need that money. I just wanted to get this fucking surgery. I wanted it so fucking bad.
Unknown_08: Okay, there's Cynthia the Dragoness. This guy introduced himself to me by emailing me from like 10 fucking email addresses. I kept blocking them and he kept making new ones and emailing me. Kept asking for this thread to get deleted.
Unknown_08: I'd never heard of him this thread had like no post on it before he joined the forum to actively argue with Space Pirate about his thread And I'll just let him introduce himself. He does a pretty good job of it.
Hello everybody The name is Zephyr Wilde I mostly go by the name Zephyr Zenith, but I didn't like the name
Unknown_09: I have been done for pedophilia, unliking cup porn, attacking kids, attacking adults online, manipulating, grooming, and forcing them into relationships.
Unknown_09: Yeah.
Unknown_09: I did that shit. I did it. I did it for power. I did it for
Unknown_09: ragging rights that I had, partners, which I know that just sounds like a fucking mess up. I am a fucking complete fuck up. A lot of people tell me to kill myself. Yes, I know. I accept it.
Now, yeah, you're going to see my face. You're going to know who I am. People who I know are going to find out who I am. I am an ugly little twat. I'm an ugly little fucking cunt. I'm a furfag. Yeah, I know.
Unknown_09: I go by the name Symphia but Dragoness I put on a female voice even though I do go like by the female pronouns This guy's this guy's a woman in case you're wondering Okay, I'll cut it there it's like seven minutes long this video came after his threat, which is very weird I I think he's just like I do think he's like a pedophile but he's like super autistic so this thread gets made and
And I've never seen anything like it where a guy just comes out and is like, yeah, everyone's calling me a pedophile. I totally am. I'm Cynthia the Dragoness. I'm a trans groomer. I'm like, OK, bro. Then he puts up the video with his face, which I don't think we had a recent picture of. And then he decides to just throw that out there for us.
Unknown_08: Super weird and then after his email appeals to have his thread deleted don't go anywhere. He makes another thread and I can't remember what board but I decide to approve it and throw it in locale general and feature it so that everyone could have a a It's called normalization. I think he's too autistic to think that far ahead
Um, but I'll just read this. It says, can't a person have a chance to change? And this, I, I can tell you exactly what I saw in this post that made me laugh out loud and think like, okay, fuck it. I'm just going to feature this and let, I'm going to like ring the dinner bell and let the zombies just mob this person. And that'll be some entertainment and it won't be like, it won't be like a coordinated boxing ring. I'll just, I'll just chime the dinner bell.
Unknown_08: Um,
Unknown_08: But Cynthia the Dragoness says, you know, it is stupid. I am being harassed for bad things that I did. People who harass others should get a life. I have fixed mine. I have changed. I don't want this to continue. I want to live my life in peace. I don't have no interest in kids at all. Like what the fuck? I have a partner that I'm engaged to. Yes, I did do pedo actions. I did like Cub. I don't do that anymore. I have been clean for a good five weeks."
That was the sentence. I saw five weeks. I'm like, okay, fuck it. This is retarded. I'm just gonna throw this on the front page and see what happens. Five weeks. He's been clean from his Cub porn for five weeks, so we have to give him a second chance. that's like Isabella uh Janka uh mindset where it's like surely we must be able to put this behind us
So why just why? I'm actually getting helped and it worked. Why does drama have to continue when I have stopped what I was doing? Just forget about it and move on. Don't waste your time on me. I was doxxed and thrown on the site but yet all my personal info was false. So please I need your thoughts. I know if you hate me so be it but I have fixed myself and nobody will make me go back to my bad ways. I am good again and I tend to keep it that way. I will no longer do bad shit and that is just how it will stay.
Um, it kind of reminds me of Chris a little bit because Chris had this autistic thing where, um, yes, he was like extorting like, like minors for nudes and stuff. He's creepy. Like he's not an empathetic figure at all. He's like a legit pedophile, but he's autistic for sure. Uh, and he has this mannerism that I saw with Chris where when Chris got caught out on like lying or doing something he knows was wrong, if you brought it up to him, he would very quickly like admit to it and be like, I'm sorry. So as if that would like just saying like oh yes I totally did it and I'm super sorry and it won't happen again like if you just say that as soon as you get caught that will like soothe people that will pacify people and they won't raise the issue with you anymore.
So that's why I said it reminds me of Chris just that attitude of dealing with problems is very Chris like.
Unknown_08: Say what you want to say, do what you want to do. For all I care, yes, I should perish for what I did. As long as I am not doing it anymore, it isn't a problem. That is why I posted here. I don't care if you're not on my side. I don't want people to take sides. If it's information on me, then I will not be doing this anymore. Now I will just go about my days living normally, getting married and putting my bad life behind me. Five weeks is not enough. Yeah, I know that. You will see that in a few,
You will see that in a few. You will notice things. I want to be forgotten and left alone. Leave me to it, would you? Thank you." Very difficult to read that.
Unknown_08: So, yeah. I mean, I'm glad that the government should hire us, basically. You can say, like, here we have this convicted, like, child rapist slash murderer. He's like a real threat to society and we don't know what to do with him. Then I can just have a space pirate make a threat on them and then they'll be like, oh yeah, that was kind of fucked up. I'm sorry, I did rape and murder, but I haven't raped and murdered in five weeks. I'm all done and I want to get married now. I want to have a normal life. And then, you know, I saved the government a ton of money. I saved the legal system a ton of time. Everything's better.
Why sweat it?
Unknown_08: Let bygones be bygones.
Unknown_08: I won't even bother. He argued for a couple pages and then he gave up. He tried to delete this post. I guess he realized it was a mistake.
Unknown_08: He made those videos and stuff.
If you're interested in that, the thread is ThePhilipBauer aka CynthiaTheDragonist on the forum under animal control.
Unknown_08: I don't want to sit here reading about pedophiles all day. I'm very tired of pedophiles, to be honest with you. There's a pedophile in particular who is really grinding my gears.
Unknown_08: For whatever reason, high profile, prominent people, people who I can almost like, people I almost respect, just almost. Or just like, yeah, you know, this fucking creepy fuck pedophile who says he's a pedophile, who sings songs about being a pedophile. Yeah, I'll let him be on my stream. I'll promote him. He's a cool guy. He's very honest. I like the way when he's honest about pedophilia. That makes me think he's a genuine person. Fuck off.
So I'm pretty over it. We will move on chat. I'm done with this.
Unknown_08: Nick Fuentes. Nick Fuentes is the current topic, the current obsession of internet drama. And like I said before, I find this very strange how Nick Fuentes has suddenly occupied this paramount, this apex of internet drama because I always had this impression, this assumption that he was above it. He really did give off that vibe where he was like, yeah, obviously I'm doing my thing. I'm making waves and I know people are going to sit there and they're going to pick me apart and they're going to make fun of me and they're going to evaluate everything that I do and they're going to ridicule me.
And it's politics. And you know, I'm above that. I've got my, my fans, I've got my platform, I'm doing the best that I can and I'm just going to ignore all this. And he has like completely ruined that image of him. In like a couple weeks he went from someone who I just I genuinely saw as being above internet drama to someone who was Obsessed with it. He's like talking about it every day. He's like tweeting about it He's going on to like debate live streams and arguing with people about DMCA shit like fucking Monday night It's just like how did how did this happen, bro? I really thought of him as someone above it all. I'm completely wrong.
But, I don't know anything about him really. So I thought, you know what I'll do? Because I'm a nice guy, Chad. I will...
Unknown_08: give him a chance. I will sit here, I'm playing Apex Legends and I will put on a Nick Fuento stream and I will watch it from start to finish. So I watched the Thursday stream, the one before my last stream, so that would be just to get this on the record. I watched the April 28th 2022 stream and I watched it from start to finish and I'll say something nice about it.
Um, I appreciate it's brevity. It's like two hours long and he's done with the content and like an hour and an hour and a half. He reads some super chats and he's done.
Unknown_08: I like that because it's very near and dear to my heart. I try to get everything done in two hours. So it's like, thank you for, you know, not making like an eight hour, like, Oh, you know, watching Tucker Carl, like basically like Ralph is what I'm trying to say. He doesn't do a Ralph where he's like, I, as long as the stream on is on, I'm earning super chats and shit. So let's just keep this rolling for fucking ever and make it into sufferable and vapid and too fucking long. He's like two hours.
once a day weekdays got it perfect um however in in this like i didn't specifically choose this out uh he is very obviously indicated that he has issues and i don't mean that as like a joke he has serious issues with women that he needs therapy for he has some sort of issues with either with his mother or his sister
and I will prove this to you beyond a shadow of a doubt in a couple clips. There is a 12 minute long diatribe that I have dissected into multiple clips and it's entirely just seething about women. And I will play a couple minutes of it, the best parts of this, and then I will justify my position.
Unknown_01: Joe Biden's administration is expanding the US Department of Homeland Security's purview to include fighting speech that the government deems to be disinformation.
Unknown_01: Plans for the new initiative were revealed on Wednesday when DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas said in a congressional hearing that his department has created a disinformation governance board. The board will be headed by Nina Jankowicz, whose resume includes stints advising the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and overseeing the Russian and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute.
Jankiewicz said in a Twitter post, quote, cats out of the bag. Here's what I've been up to the past two months and why I've been a bit quiet on here.
Unknown_01: Although Mayorkas and she... I like how she announces that like she's releasing a new album or something, right? Cat's out of the bag. Here's what I've been up to in the past two months. She's talking about it like she's making a fucking album, right? She's like releasing a new picture. She's releasing a new fan fiction or something. You know, cat's out of the bag. Here's what I've been up to. Creating a ministry of truth, creating the ministry of disinformation.
these bitches, these bitches in the national security apparatus be like, I did a thing. They're posting on Instagram. So I did a thing and they're like decapitating Trump supporters.
Unknown_01: I did a thing today. Here's what I've been up to.
Unknown_01: Waterboarding Trump supporters for wearing a MAGA hat.
Unknown_02: I did a thing. So, cat's out of the back.
Unknown_01: Here's what I've been up to. Oh, I love your work. You go.
Unknown_01: Slay, slay.
Unknown_01: And that's literally what it is.
And I know a lot of people in Washington, D.C. and they'll tell you.
Unknown_01: Like they'll be like, it's only a couple more seconds. And whatever.
Unknown_01: And you'll literally see these like bimbo retard girls on there. Like you see anywhere else.
Unknown_01: but they work at the Department of Homeland Security, but they work at the DOJ.
Unknown_01: And they're on Twitter and they're like, you know, you know, they're doing all the stupid, like, white girl shit, but also they're in charge of the federal law enforcement and they're working for the fucking Juiluminati or whatever.
So that's, like, just awesome.
Unknown_08: That right there. Perfect.
Unknown_08: I have no issues with that. You can say he's seething and stuff. It's true that you have this woman who does fucking glow. She's from some crazy glow-up shit in eastern Ukraine and Belarus. And then she comes back to the United States and they're like, oh, you're the perfect woman to put in charge of our new misinformation bureau, where you're going to tackle misinformation and wrong speech on the internet. Like that's a perfect segue and it's true that you have these women in Washington DC who are just like thoughts, like Instagram thoughts, who just so happen to work for the Department of Justice and it's crazy and it's scary. Uh, perfect. I have like, okay, you can say he went over the top, he repeated himself too much, whatever. Perfect. As far as like a Tucker Carlson-esque like talking about the news and shit, his issue is that this went on. This is two minutes out of like 14. It goes on.
and on and he can't stop himself uh here's a minute-long clip uh like five minutes down the road where he's still fucking thinking about this this tweet where he's like get cats out of the bag he's just so angry swear man remember this remember this because there's going to be a temptation when we win there's going to be a temptation to like be merciful to these people and say like oh
Never forget, this is our enemy. Never forget what they did to us. Never forget this.
Unknown_01: Remember this moment when we win. Because I know there's going to be a temptation to say, oh, well, you know, we're not going to lower ourselves. We're not going to become what we hated. Yeah, we are. Yeah, we are. We're going to be more brutal. We're going to be more merciless than they were.
Unknown_01: I did a thing! I did a thing! She's gonna, you know, hold up the severed head of Q-Shaman. I did a thing!
Unknown_01: Destroy all women. Destroy all women! Destroy all women is really the, uh, is really the motto. Just kidding.
Unknown_08: It's on a cut, by the way. He just says, yeah, destroy all women, destroy all women, just kidding. Just like that, and then he moves on to the next thing. If you're just listening, by the way, you're the person in the car, you crashed your car, and you're bleeding out on the side of the road because you threw up all over the place and you couldn't see, and this is like the last thing you're hearing, I want you to picture this as you bleed out. Nick Fuentes is literally just staring at his commuter monitor and you can see like a profile of his face and he looks like he is filled with a kind of unimaginable hatred just imagining that what I think it is even
is that this is not just a woman, maybe he does, he walks out in the street and he sees little white girls and he gets pissed off thinking about how they're going to get blacked.
Unknown_08: And that's just his prerogative, but in particular this Yas Queen from Belarus is a woman that has power over him. He is subject to this DOJ investigation that's still ongoing as far as I'm aware. So she's not just a woman, she's a woman that has some power over him in particular, and that's what makes him so fucking angry. It's not just that, oh, it's just some broad. It's a woman that has something over him, and he does not like that at all. He would be okay with men having power over him. He's okay being dominated by men, but when it's a woman, no, that's not okay. This part is just completely unhinged. It's three minutes long enjoy like women women are No problem. This is this is continuous by the way. This is not interrupted It's it's like for it's 15 minutes of him just stuck on this I did a thing I did a thing tweet like that has got his like his blood pressure through the fucking room women are no problem Like this is
This is a nightmare. I wake up every day and live in a nightmare world where the female Stasi, the female cop, gets up and says, we need to crush free speech. I shudder about the harm that will be... This is why women were burned at the stake. You know, I know like everybody, whoa, when the Catholics used to kill witches, that was so horrible.
Unknown_01: No, it wasn't. No, it literally wasn't.
Everybody's like, that's so medieval.
Unknown_01: Women were subjected to these things because these kinds of women have always existed. This was always going on. So like it's crucifying a woman upside down or something or like Setting them on fire or whatever like that. Uh, yeah, like that witches are real You're looking at one of them at the department of homeland security Makes me want to go full pagan makes me want to go full pagan like, you know machetes makes me want to go warlord mode When you see this kind of stuff go on not that I like violence. I disavow all violence and everything but
Like this is a sick bitch, okay? This is a totally sick bitch who shouldn't be anywhere near power. This woman should be not in power. This woman should be not heading up a disinformation task force. She shudders at the thought of free speech. This is like... It has everything.
Unknown_01: This story has everything in it.
Elon Musk who is like a genius philosopher king of the world.
Unknown_01: Here you got a genius savant who's building rocket ships to take us to another planet, Faustian.
Unknown_01: and building electric cars to, you know, protect the environment or whatever, that's fine. He calls it Tesla, whatever. The details aren't important. He's a scientific, brilliant, dreamer, entrepreneur, Faustian, and he intervenes to protect free speech and ideas and the truth.
Unknown_01: And a woman is gonna go like, no, no, no, that's terrible. That's terrible. I'm so afraid of the harm that'll be caused to, like, black people.
This is our country now.
Unknown_01: And now she's in charge of the thought police. She's in charge of the secret police, in charge of policing so-called disinformation. She's in charge of destroying narratives on war that go against the government and all the go to war with Russia.
Unknown_08: Oh, there it ends, yeah. So I forgot the second part. Not only is he like seething about how we should kill women, the other half of that is like this obsession. He brings this up over and over again, how Elon Musk, he's like this paragon of virtue, everything good with white people, how white men are the greatest things that have ever happened.
And you contrast that with the ass queen slay lady from the Department of Homeland Security. And it's just monumental, the difference. I mean, I guess that's true. I find it hard to say anything nice about,
Unknown_08: Elon Musk. I made my opinion about him pretty clear, pretty explicit.
But to just go on and on about how much better he is than other people is kind of cringe to me. But yeah, also as cringe as the unhinged fucking obsession with murdering women.
Unknown_08: I wrap it up here at the end by saying, too long didn't read, I gave Nick Fuentes a chance and I see someone too juvenile and traumatized to adequately lead a movement. His hatred of women is all-consuming, removes 52% of the population from his movement, fundamentally damages the family, stops healthy adult men from supporting him. The only people who can get behind this guy are mentally stunted. Nobody with a wife or daughter could continue to support this sort of bizarre misdirected anger. And don't make me tap the sign. And I've said this before, but I will say it again. It's sort of awkward, you know, like not hating women is like the default position in the mainstream. But when you're conservative on the internet, you have to, you have to sort of, especially with like people who browse fucking 4chan, you have to be like, look, I'm not like simping for the queens. Okay. But as I've said before,
Only white women can make white babies. You like white people? You need white women to make white babies. And don't ever fucking forget, the Weimar Republic emancipated women. And yet, despite that, as it says here, it was the women's vote, remarked Herman Rauschening in 1939, that brought Hitler to triumph. Like Rauschening, many commentators have seen a connection between the achievement of the vote for women in 1918 and the victories of the Nazis in the polls in 1932.
Hitler was given his emergency powers that made him the dictator of Germany with the vote of women in place. So it's not like, oh, women have the vote, we're fucked. It's because of women voting that everything is screwed up. Like, no, that's not what it is. Women can be right-wing. Women can be psychotically right-wing. I have seen women espouse that they should be slaves and should have a monarch in control of their country with absolute power, and that's just how it should be.
It's not like women don't have conservative values, because they do.
Unknown_08: The problem is that no conservative woman is going to look at Nick Fuentes and think, yeah, what a Chad, I want to give him eight white babies. They're going to say, why is this little boy wearing daddy's suit and sitting in front of a green screen talking about paganism and burning witches and eating McNuggies? Which is also a thing, by the way. He was talking about how he ordered McNuggies. He's one step away. By the way, he's one Xanax away from just being review brah. Just being like, hello everybody and welcome to the Nick Fuentes America First Show. Today I'm gonna be reviewing the McDonald's six piece chicken nuggies and comparing them to the vegan plant-based nuggies. So let's get right into it. I'm just gonna try it. That's literally just one Xanax away. He's one Smashbox away from being just ReviewBrawl with a shitty mustache. Okay?
Like, maybe he should try it. Maybe he should just try reviewing fast food. It might work out better for him than whatever this shit is.
Unknown_08: Yeah He's in a bit of a pit Oh, by the way after it immediately after I made this post cuz he reads the fucking forum all the time I've deducted he goes out and he says this on his next stream all of that And I don't and I love women.
Okay. I love Michelle. I love Wendy Rogers. Okay, of course
Unknown_01: But this is just one of those things. It's just dishonest people. It's dishonest people for dishonest reasons, distort my position. That is the tool of the devil is lies.
Unknown_01: That's what they traffic in is lies. If you watch my show, you know where I stand on this. It's not even ambiguous. But people don't like me, you know, or they don't like my message or appeal. So they lie and they say, you said something else.
Well, you're a liar.
Unknown_08: I want you to know. I think the rest of this is just him rambling.
Unknown_08: This segment starts at like 48 minutes into his Thursday stream and ends like an hour and ten minutes into it. And I only keep out one minute of footage because it's just him talking about the subject some more without talking about women. But then he accidentally mentions women again and his entire demeanor changes. His composure changes. He starts frowning again and staring at the screen just seething and it's like... Didn't I did not take any of this out of context. It's like from minute to minute It was segues into the next video and I picked a video at random I picked his most recent video when I decided to watch one and see what's the show like so I have not done anything in my anything at all to
and try and make him look like he's saying things out of context. I even left in the whole part where he goes like, we should burn women at the stake. Haha, just kidding. Like, I'm not editing this together to make you look stupid, buddy. This is just what you say on your show.
Which is fine, I say a lot of stupid shit. But, you know, I'm obviously joking when I do it. And if I'm not joking about it, I'll stand by it. Or I'll conveniently forget about it. One of those.
Unknown_08: So, Kino Casino PPP's thing with Andy Warsky. I think it's coming on a couple hours after this stream ends, for those interested. And I bring that up because I think he's having Medicare and Jaden. And Jaden is somebody who was a member of the American First Amendment. I think he lived with Nick Fuentes in his apartment and they just recently had a little breakup. He got a girlfriend and they stopped talking to each other and then he moved out of the apartment. So I guess he found out that Jaden was straight and he got upset by that and they weren't on talking terms for a while. So then Jaden leaves And apparently Jaden's role in America First was he was the treasurer for the whatever corporate entity he has set up for America First. And he has resigned from that position. Jaden says he resigned and was not asked to resign.
Nick Fuentes says that he did ask him to resign. He was fired.
So they're having a little spat about that, and because Nick Fuentes keeps insisting against what Jaden's saying, that he was fired, he did not resign, Jaden has reached out to Kino Casino, who apparently, Nick really fucking hates PPP and hates the show, which I guess makes sense, like PPP has been going after Nick Fuentes for years, like well before he had... the platform that he does now. Nick Fuentes has always been like his little passion project that he's chipped away at over time, playing the long games. I can imagine Nick Fuentes has a bit of a soft spot for PPP. So Jaden knows this and is going to say, fuck it, I'm going to go talk to them and I'm going to spill the hot goss.
Unknown_08: to which the Super Chatter brings this up, pays three dollars to make fun of him and Nick Fuentes reads it.
I can't wait to watch Kino Casino talk with Matokur and Jayden about how much of a sperg you are. You support a man that eats poop and you want to have sex with monkey. You're about as based as Hillary.
Unknown_01: Damn!
Unknown_01: Yeah, okay. Delusional. Delusional niggas be like... Grow up or mount and send $3.
Unknown_00: All of your friends have left you. Have some pity money, you resentful half-breed. P.S. You're nothing like Tony Soprano.
Unknown_02: No!
Unknown_01: No, three losers.
Unknown_01: One traitor, one coward, and one simp. Yeah, there's the door, ass. There's the door, ass. Three useless losers. Bye. Bye-bye.
Seriously. Hey, did you ever notice that like Patrick Casey quit and AFPAC fucking got better? All these people are like, all your friends have left you. Let's see. It's Patrick, Jake, and Jaden. So Patrick ran AFPAC 1, he left, and AFPAC 2 was a thousand times better.
Unknown_01: Jake jumped ship in January 21 and nobody even noticed.
Jaden resigned as treasurer while he was asked to resign. I have the papers on my table over there. If he wants to call me a liar again, it's right there. Dated and everything.
Unknown_01: He's another person. Everybody assumed, just like Patrick, that because we were friends that he was doing things. Literally not one thing will change. He was practically fired months ago. He didn't even do stuff when he was not fired.
Unknown_01: So that's just hilarious that people, you know, before they quit, everyone insinuated that they were useless clones. Then they quit and people say, oh, this was such a big deal. Please.
Unknown_01: But whatever.
Unknown_08: He looks so pissed. But it is what it is. Like his demeanor. There's something about it. There's like a body language there where he's just like furious. I'm sure people did call his friends back in the day like clones and shit.
Unknown_08: you know he has he has like a i guess to his fans he has like an endearing quality that people like right and not everyone involved in your movement is going to be like the next figurehead he makes fun of patrick casey because when patrick casey split
And Patrick Casey was one of the people who was around at the beginning.
Unknown_08: Patrick Casey's streams didn't really pick up or go anywhere. And it's like, well, it's just because he left before Nick Fuentes had accumulated bad blood with his own audience. But also he might just not have that kind of charm in videos or whatever that people are attracted to. You know, an organization is more than one person, and whatever – I just know that when Patrick Casey was around, I didn't hear anything about America First that was not positive. And now, look, there was the Kaplan-Kamey shit. I don't even know. Was that before – I think that was right before Patrick Casey left, because I remember Nick Fuentes being on the Ralph Report to complain about it when that happened. That was during D-Live. That was a long time ago. All I know is that I wasn't hearing all these problems when Patrick Casey was around, so whatever he was doing worked out, regardless of how much better AfPak was in his opinion.
Just my take. Again, I have not followed this closely, which is why I don't want to say too much, but it's not a one-man show.
And just by looking at him, I can tell that he's not happy with what's going on. So that kind of gives it away if you're trying to keep your heart close to your sleeve.
Unknown_08: This is 13 seconds. We'll play this, too.
Unknown_00: Bo sent $3. Charlie D'Amelio just turned 18.
Unknown_01: OMG.
Unknown_01: We're back. OK, we're back. I'm thinking we're back.
Unknown_08: Because that's like a guy? That he's attractive? Who the fuck is Charlie D'Amelio?
Unknown_08: Charlie D'Amelio. Oh, it's a wahmen.
Is that like a trans?
Unknown_08: I don't even know. I don't want to put this on screen. I don't trust it. I don't...
Unknown_08: It looks kind of trans. Trans. No, I don't see trans. I don't know. I don't know what the fuck this is. Maybe he's just putting on like, oh, woman's 18. Women are so hot. I love to smash box chat. Can I get a one in chat?
Unknown_08: Disconnected. Uh-oh.
Reconnection successful. That's what I like to hear. I like to hear. Can I get an F in chat if you like to Smashbox? Can I get an F in chat if you like women and vagina and procreative sex in the missionary position? Can I get an F in the chat if you Smashbox? Excellent. Everyone is on board. The Nick Fuentes.
Unknown_08: Everyone's on board. The Nick Fuentes train here. We're all happy for him. We all love to Smashbox.
Unknown_08: Okay, anyways.
Let's see. PayPayPay then mentioned, Nick is threatening legal action on his show to halt our show tomorrow, LaMal. Good luck, Nick. His hat grows smaller each day, bros. And when I saw this, I couldn't find like any clip of this. And I thought maybe he had just made it up.
Unknown_08: I was just lying. But then somebody found this. I think it's Gaystoner. Great username. Found this clip.
Josh the remover sent $3 Nick after seeing Jaden going on Keno Casino brave, but foolish my old Jedi friend That's a pending legal matter and I don't discuss legal matters Based monkey sent $7
Unknown_08: So I guess he's going to sue Jaden for defamation. He sent him like a cease and desist to not come onto the Keno Casino and shit talk America first. That's going to work out great. That's wonderful.
Unknown_08: Let me tell you this, I can think of not a single thing that would better catapult both Jaden and PPP than to sue one of their guests coming on the show to talk about one of the most unoptical organizations in the entire world. Thin-skinned catboy fascist sues ex-employee treasurer Jaden for going on Kino Casino to talk, like just, I just imagine this in the CNN. fascist organization sues ex-treasurer for appearing on kino casino and just like pvp's and now it's like 50,000 people watching and then his absolute zenith with all this money and attention he just spreads his anus again live stream to all these people watching
Yeah, if you if you want to know what you can do to really help out Jaden and and PPP Desperately try to censor them through the court. That'll work out. Excellent, bro. That'd be fucking that would be genius. That would be a Guaranteed victory for Vic. What is it winner winner chicken dinner battle royale?
Champion Go for it
Unknown_08: Okay, speaking of super chats, let me see what people have to say. Manning wasn't pardoned. His sentence was commuted. So yes, he's still a felon from torrent. Okay, great. Then he can't have a gun. He shouldn't be talking about trying to arm himself. Welcome to ban world buddy from Needham. Koila says arrested by Canadians unlikely.
Oh, is he, uh, is Snowden in Canada? Okay.
Unknown_08: To sneak solution said Josh Ralph said on stream. He wants you to be the man of honor at his wedding Will you accept this great honor to be sure to wear your kids?
Unknown_08: No, I don't want to be anywhere near Ralph I I can solve a great number of potential problems just by not ever going near Ralph in person everyone He's seen just just for my safety everything he seems to go around or near or touch or whatever seems to turn to complete shit immediately
Coilet says, for some reason this guy puts me in the mind of a quote of my favorite comedian. I'm going to kill that n-word. I can't, it's so racist. From Dave Chappelle, don't know why.
Unknown_08: Jenny says, can we see the KF patch design so far? No, you can't. They're not done because I can't find a 3PL. If you know a 3PL that can do WordPress integration and send out fucking merchandise, please get in contact. I've tried everything, I cannot find one to use. And don't just like Google it and send me like eight links saying, I found these on Google and I typed in 3PL WordPress integration. Like, it has to be a company that you work for at this point.
Unknown_08: Uh, Kuriumi sends in kitten emojis. Fortnite Sephredi says, the Ronnie Ralph cock ring is the true source of Ethan's power. Steeler says, Jaden Archive logs for Kino Casino. Take a peek.
Uh, and no child do not fart in my wife's vagina, child. And that is a new random quote on the rotation for the site. Did I die again? Oh, I apologize. It'll be on the, um,
Unknown_08: It'll be on the backlog. That's rude that it died during my superchats, though. People didn't get what they paid for. Oh, well. Such is life, chat. That's my life every day. What was I doing?
Oh, yeah, I was hosting a stream.
Unknown_08: Anyways, OK, last person to talk about.
Unknown_08: is Ralph. Let me let me delineate what I will not talk about versus what I will talk about.
Unknown_08: So Ralph has been swatted or had the police or ambulances calling him like a dozen times in the last week.
Unknown_08: I'm not going to talk about that. I don't feature it on the site. I don't talk about it. It's like whoever is doing that is a fucking faggot and he should be put into pee pee poo poo rape dungeon because it's cancer.
It's just cancer. Um, it's not funny and talking about it, like these people should all just ignore it and not make a spectacle of it when it happens because it's just encouraging this person to keep doing it.
Unknown_08: Uh, but Ralph says, Oh, cause he, he arranged a fight with Andy Worsky.
Unknown_08: I mentioned that last stream, I think, uh, but Keemstar wants to get involved because whatever, it's a shit show.
Unknown_08: Keem asks, how are they going to let you fight, medically speaking? Asking, of course, because Ethan Ralph has had heart attacks in the past. He's fat as fuck. He looks like a pig. He's like an alcoholic. He chain smokes. He just looks like shit in general. And Ethan Ralph asks, why wouldn't they let me fight? They let your old ass, and Ethan's 46 and Keem is like 40. I don't know why. This is literally a thing that Chantal does, by the way. Chantal is like 38.
And she will say to people who are like 40 or 41. You're so fucking old. You're so old as a bro She's like three years older than you keep is like a couple years older than you Ralph He's not old Medicare is not that much older than you are you're gonna be there before you know it Ethan is 36 or 37 whatever he's around that range, but Kim is only a couple years older. I
Uh, he says, they let your old ass talk about kid sh- and that must- you know, every- rule of thumb, everything that Ethan throws at somebody, uses as an insult, is something he's insecure about as well. So, uh, based on this, I think he's- he's tired of being called old, and that's why he wears a hat all the time, because his gray, balding, receding hairline is getting to him.
Unknown_08: They let your old ass talk about kid shit all day, like it's not suspect as fuck, an old man talking about kid shit, you're kind of a fucking weirdo, Keem.
Unknown_08: That's classy. That's classy. Keem talks about like internet drama of people like 10, 15 years younger than him. So he's a pedophile is what Ralph is saying. That's really, that's really classy.
Uh, Keem says, I mean, I mean, as far as I, I don't know Keem's history, but I'm pretty sure that Ralph or Keemstar never talked to somebody when they were 17, like multiple times. I'm pretty sure Ralph has never, or Keemstar has never hooked up with 18 year olds multiple times as soon as they turned 18. I don't think, correct me if I'm wrong, has Keemstar ever had to wait for one of his girlfriends to finish prom so that he could fly her out to visit him? Has that ever happened with Keemstar? I don't know my Keemstar lore, but these would be all things I would think are pretty suspect.
Um, 36 and gray hair. Oh dude, Ralph looks like he's 50. He's, he's only 36. He's only a couple of years older than I am. He's like six years older than me. And the dude looks like he's at least twice my age.
Unknown_08: Uh, Kim says they, I mean they might not let you fight cause your foot is in danger of falling off, making fun of him cause he has gout. And then Ralph says, except it's not, is that more fake news for your dying channel?
Uh, and Keem replies, if my channel is dying, how do we describe your 200 viewer streams? And then Ralph to epically own Keem, the Keem once and for all, uh, he posts his feet. These are the feet of Ethan Ralph.
Unknown_08: Uh, oh my God, chat.
Unknown_08: I have just received horrible news.
Unknown_08: no no no he bought the exact same uh cologne that i have
I have to find another fucking brand because I am not going to wear the same fucking cologne as Ethan Ralph. I am so felted right now. You don't even fucking know how utterly felted I am.
Unknown_08: I just opened up his Twitter to make sure he hasn't said anything stupid since I started streaming and I see this and I'm like, oh fuck.
Unknown_08: It's over it's over Josh bros. I'm never gonna recover from this I need another recommendation from from wham and kind of what kind of cologne to get cuz I'm not gonna I'm not gonna walk around wearing ooh de gunt. Okay, that's not that's not fucking happening I'm not walking around wearing the cologne of these feet these feet smell like my cologne chat I'm in a disaster
Fuck, I have that too. Me and Hamster Eater. Why is your name Hamster Eater? I share a cologne brand with Ethan Ralph and a guy who eats hamsters. This day fucking sucks. My good spirits completely crashed and ruined forever.
Unknown_08: Okay, where was I? I've completely lost my train of thought. Oh, okay. So he had a fight with Southern Dingo, which we all saw coming a mile away because Ethan Ralph just burns through co-hosts. Ethan Ralph's co-host is like a cursed position.
If you want to give me clone suggestions, email me. Noletkiwifarms.net or jcmoon at pm.me. Just shoot me your email. I read through them all.
Unknown_08: I don't reply to everything though. Don't be sad if I don't reply to your email. If you really, like, give me a heartfelt cologne suggestion, like, this is the perfume that my grandfather used, and every time I smell it I think of fond childhood memories. All of a sudden this is my favorite streamer, Josh, so he can smell good and get the wham and kind and Smashbox. If I don't reply to your heartfelt email, I apologize.
Okay, so he breaks up with Southern Dingo, and then he gets this guy on.
Unknown_08: This guy is called Big Tech.
Unknown_08: I don't know anything about this guy, so whatever I'm going to say is probably going to be wrong. But this is what I've ascertained from this post, which is the only post I've read on the matter.
Unknown_08: Big Tech is physically violent towards his wife and children, allegedly, which he has three of. He is separated from his family for the reasons mentioned. He relies on his father for financial support and is already reading his Kiwi Farms thread. And they have already caught him on video reading his Kiwi Farms thread, which he has gotten because of his association with Ralph.
Joshua Moon, not that one, tipped this guy $3, saying, his kids and wife deserve a better husband and father than you. You're a legit psycho and nobody buys the whole I'm the victim story. And that's his face. That is the face of someone who has just associated with Ethan Ralph and has opened the floodgates of being associated with Ethan Ralph. At least he got $3 from it, from this nice guy called Josh Moon. Literally not me, I don't know who the fuck that is. But it's weird, it's so weird when you like, you just see your name in your face and your picture just pop up in random just like apropos of nothing. Like someone said, yeah today I'm gonna be Josh Moon and I'm gonna use this guy's picture as my avatar.
The other co-host, this is contender number one, is Big Tech, whoever this guy may be.
Unknown_08: Contender number two is a guy called Lemen, aka the Gambian Groper. So Ethan Ralph has literally recruited a man from the Gambia. Which, if you do not know, is a very small country. I think the smallest country in Africa. It is completely surrounded by Senegal, but it does have coastline. And it occupies the region right around the Gambia River. It's in West Africa. Very small country.
And Ralph has decided that he's gonna get a African news correspondent from Gambia the Gambia To I guess report on Gambian shit for him because he loves black people so much He wants to literally go to fucking Africa, which by the way a couple of years ago I mentioned in discord that I was thinking of going to Rwanda for a visit which if you don't know was in Africa and I never went to Rwanda and I would be so jealous if Ethan Ralph went to Africa. I've been to so many continents, Chad. I've been to literally every continent on the planet except Africa. If Ethan Ralph went to Africa before me, went to the Gambia before me, damn son, I would be owned. I would be so owned, chat. Press one in chat if you think I would be completely and totally owned if Ethan Ralph went to the Gambia and visited Africa before I, world traveler, globetrotting extraordinaire, did. I am being completely drowned in ones. I am being drowned in a Gambia river size flood of ones. Everyone agrees I would be completely and totally owned and felted beyond all human comprehension if Ethan Ralph went to the Gambia and visited Africa before I did.
I can't believe chat wouldn't take my side on this issue, but here we are. Ethan Ralph started a Give Sen Go to give the Gambian griper, LeMen, some money for hardware. Now, Ethan Ralph, of course, being a millionaire, super rich, fabulously wealthy Ethan Ralph, could afford to buy this guy for his time, you know, doing Africa shit for him, a phone, if he really wanted to. But instead he decides, I'll let my idiot fans buy this random guy from Africa a phone for me.
He says, we met the men a couple weeks ago when he randomly called into the kill stream to talk about his hardships in the Gambia. It is actually the Gambia, much unlike Ukraine, which is not the Ukraine. The Gambia is the Gambia and not just Gambia. Kind of like the Netherlands. I don't know why they have an indefinite article, but they do. In The Gambia, I still have no idea how he found us, Wang Lin, or the show, but that's what happened. I'll go back and add some clips to this page after I get them set up on the Killstream Clips channel for those who missed it. Here's the first stream in its entirety. We're tentatively planning another heel stream for LeMann and his Gambian family. The only problem is LeMann needs some stuff before the show. I've personally given him money for food and a new phone, so I'm not just asking for the audience. I have personally supported this project myself to the tune of about $300 so that he could get a phone and some other stuff. The end goal is to set him up with a streamin' operation there in Gambia, so that he can stream on his own, and as the senior killstream African correspondent. If it works, and I think it would be great, if not, well we'll still give some poor dude in Africa a little bit of money. I think of worse things to go on my karmic record.
i could think of worse things to go on my karmic record lol we'll raise the funds wait we will raise the goal here once the heal stream begins we'll keep it mods for now but nothing to stop in anyone if they want to send more so ethan ralph has decided that
Unknown_08: he loves black people so much he's going to set up an african correspondence in the gambia and give a random black guy a bunch of money uh and he has this guy currently wandering around with like his phone recording um like trees where birds are in and saying that they're like the devil's trees and he's already got he's got this guy trained
He's saying shit like, um, Crisis Kang. They've trained him. They've trained this poor boy. They're like, you want your peanuts, don't you? You want your peanuts? You're going to say Keel stream. You're going to, you're going to make fun of the fucking haters and dingo. And you're going to say Cross Kang, baby. Make sure you say it every time you think about Cross Kang. Hell yeah. Can I get a Cross Kang?
Unknown_08: He's just wondering about, and I don't know if it's just like how people are in West Africa, but him and Bibi, the guy from Senegal, and Gambia is again surrounded by Senegal. Bibi was Senegalese and they have like this very like hush, quiet demeanor where they kind of like mumble.
And they're very quiet, and they seem kind of shy, both him and BB did. And I don't know if it's just like, you know, just how they are, or if that's like a cultural thing there. So it's just like this quiet guy kind of shuffling about, insecurely showing things in like his village, in his river, and being like, they call this the Devil Tree.
Unknown_08: Because you can hear, you can hear the birds, the birds laughing.
Unknown_08: Christ is King.
Unknown_08: It's like, okay. Uh, so I don't know. I don't, I really, I really, this is very bizarre. I guess maybe Ralph is actually doing Coke and this is just like a random thing that he's decided he's going to do.
Uh, in case you're wondering, this is the Gambia. Very, very small. Again, it's like just right down the river, uh, completely surrounded by Senegal and chat.
Unknown_08: This is the flag of Senegal. It kind of reminds me of Chris-Chan's classic t-shirt, like the polo stripes.
I kind of like it. I kind of like it because if you look at the map of their country, you can see that it's like two strips of land on either side of the river, and that's reflected very well in the flag. And I like that it uses the color blue, because most African flags do not.
Unknown_08: Most of them follow the black, yellow, red, and green Pan-African colors. This one kind of deviates a little bit. And the white stripes are unique for Africa. So I rate this an above average flag, at least by African standards. That's my opinion on the Gambian flag. It's also strange that they're independent just briefly apparently the Gambia was settled by Portugal and the rest of that area was settled by England and then England conquered it as the United Kingdom And they've never they've just kind of been it separate entities ever since they were colonized by Portugal
So, big ups to the Gambian Groper. Good luck with Ethan Ralph. You'll need to escort him with diligence because he will try to hire an underage black prostitute if he goes to the Gambia. And they will try to tire him. They will try to necklace him if he does this. And if Ethan Ralph is set on fire in the Gambia, you will no longer get your peanuts for saying Crisis Kang. So you gotta keep your wits about you if you decide to do this, Lemon.
Unknown_08: So.
Unknown_08: Chat.
Unknown_08: I think that's everything.
Unknown_08: Some more superchats. Post in chat if I miss anything as I read these. Have five dollars to keep your shitty dysfunctional website up for one more day. Thank you the n-word. Thank you stump for ten dollars. Hallo er dicken pinner. I don't know what that means.
Unknown_08: I'm assuming it's some fascist shit because it's in German. Ralph got his own baby. I don't want you wearing my clone.
Clone I don't know what that means. I don't want you wearing my clone. Oh my cologne. You just spelled it wrong Thank you, Ethan Ralph And we need you to do a review brush room. I could do that. Maybe one day when I'm really desperate for money I'll eat a pizza or something for you guy and be like hello everybody to What would I call it?
Unknown_08: hello everybody and welcome to the full but still hungry welcome to full but still hungry I'm your host Matt at the internet and today we'll be reviewing some Serbian pizza that'll be my that'll be my review of the week.
Let's see pizza day Chantal was on real stream news yesterday I don't know what that is sorry
Unknown_08: Full but still hungry by the minute, exactly. Perfect. Wartsky fight update? I don't think there is any update on that.
Unknown_08: If there is, I apologize, I haven't heard of that.
Unknown_08: I see some Senegalese nationalist saying, fuck Gambia.
Unknown_08: Ralph is going to D.C. I don't want to talk about that, because he went to D.C. and then he just got fucked with by an asshole. I really don't want to give people that attention. It's like with the pedophile shit. Just ignore him. But Ralph riffs it. Every time this happens to people, they're like, oh my god, I'm a huge victim. Everyone's sending me super chat money. The fucking haters like Fag Minko are fucking with me again. I can't believe it. Send me money. Send me money. Please send me money. I'm a victim.
Donate to my patreon, I'm a victim. It's like bro, it would really if it's like if it's bad And it is dangerous because they could pull up with guns one day and accidentally fucking shoot you It would be wise not to talk about it when it happened to me I didn't talk about it, and I told the police I said like I'm a internet person and people don't like me and just don't shoot my dog And then I didn't post about it after the first time You gotta wisen up if because it's dangerous and let you know give it attention. I
um i don't know i think boogie is still alive i think flamenco is still alive can you do a person stream on ace or thorn i don't know who that is i apologize unless it's like slipping my my mind boogie had an abortion oh no that's tragic
Unknown_08: Uh, okay.
Unknown_08: Okay. I think that's it.
I think that's it. I think that's it. Sorry if I missed anything. Um, I'm going to play a song for you guys for an outro song. So it's a, it's a good song.
Unknown_08: However, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to give a condition to this song.
Unknown_08: It is probably one of my favorite Ramstein songs.
Unknown_08: I reserved the right chat. I'm not going to include this in the feed because it's Ramsey and German people are fucking crazy about copyrights. I'm not going to include it.
It is, uh, Praise Abort, which is very topical because of the news, which is why I'm going to play it. However, I reserve the right indefinitely to use this song again, to double down and play the song a second time. If I ever do a stream or like a documentary thing, uh, you know, a 120 part documentary like Geno Samuel on Ethan Ralph, um, I reserve the right to use this again for that stream because
Unknown_08: I consider this one of Ethan Ralph's theme songs. This song reminds me so much of Ethan Ralph that it's inseparable to me, but I don't want to hold on to this song forever, so I'm just going to play it for the outro today because of the Rovi Wade shit, and I hope that's acceptable. The iDubbbz fight up? Is he also fighting? Who is he fighting?
It's you at my stream? No, I don't play songs multiple times. I'm just saying. I'm just clarifying.
Unknown_08: Is he fighting? I think you guys are just fucking with me. Oh, this isn't Rampstein. This is Till Linderman.
Unknown_08: Linda Mann is a praise abort. I will see you guys.
Unknown_08: on Friday, next Friday.
I don't think I missed any of the Super Chats, last chance checking. Why are people saying you doxed users of 8chan real? Not real. There was a beta, just real quick, there was a beta site and the beta site had access logs visible so people went to like a little girls board on the beta site and their IP was in this log for the beta site for whatever reason and they blamed me for this which is why pedophiles and lolicons and shit don't like me and 8chan users think I fucked up. They really shouldn't have been visiting a little girl board on a beta site that had open access logs. I don't know, I could have made that private, but I was testing shit. It's their responsibility to use the VPN if you're browsing pedophile shit on HM. There you go. How about the Christian update? Christian is now back in regional jail and not in the mental hospital where he was. Okay, I'm done. Bye-bye. Again, this won't be in the archive because it's copyrighted. Till Lindemann, praise abort. Look it up if you're interested in metal music. Bye-bye.
Without the condom The sex is better But every time I get it in A baby cries And sometimes twins I have six kids And I don't like it They eat too much And treat me like shit They only wear
And all my friends, they have big cars Big mansions too, and smoke the fine cigars They have deep pockets, I don't know why I look in my purse
But now French letter goes without kids Life is so much better So in the end I got forced To stay away from female intercourse La la la la la la la la la i hate my