Allergy Season 2022-04-29

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)
so so so so you

Unknown_01: I really hate computers. I hate everybody on them. I hate the internet. I hate Windows. I hate Linux. People are making fun of me for using Linux, so I'm not using Linux. For whatever reason, Focusrite, Scarlett, whatever the fuck, decided that it's just not going to detect my mic anymore. I restart it, and it doesn't fucking work, and I end up reinstalling some different driver from their website, and it doesn't work, and I restart with that, and then it's like stuttering. It's just... It's just a fucking mess. I really hate it. And then I finally start streaming. And YouTube creates two streams for no reason. I haven't changed my stream key setup at all. Why are there two streams now? I don't know. Good question.

Unknown_01: Good question, Chad. I don't know.

Unknown_01: I don't know if I sound different to anyone else, but if I do, it is because I am deathly ill with allergies. And yet, despite this, I have decided to come onto the internet and talk to everybody about things that I have noticed on the internet this week.

Unknown_01: Skint as they may be.

Unknown_01: Look at this. Look at this. Look at how fucked up this is. My chat is not even on Top Chat because I've had to restart. Or it's not on Live Chat, it's on Top Chat. And that's the gravest sin of them all.

Unknown_01: So, where's the fursona? What fursona? I'm not making a fursona. I might one day do the VTuber thing once I'm really desperate for money, but that's not the case right now.

Unknown_01: Let's see. I actually saved my notes this time before I restarted, so I'm learning some things.

Unknown_01: If this stream sucks, and there's a good chance that it might, I'm not going to commit this to archive. That gives me the opportunity to talk about things I ordinarily can't talk about specifically. The super chats do work, by the way. The things. They do work.

Unknown_01: But ordinarily, I cannot ever talk about music because...

Unknown_01: uh, the DMCA causes issues and you know how it is. Like here's, here's, I, here's a, my recent DMCA, by the way, let me open up my email. This guy months and months ago, years ago. Um,

Unknown_01: sent me made a post about the far side which is a book by gary larson and a user who's no longer with us made a post about how when when he thinks of the far side he thinks of actually it's not a it's not a book it's a comic strip series that's been in production for a long time And I got a DMCA from that because a guy posted a couple strips of this Farside comic that appears in publications in the U.S. and has for a long time. And his DMCA agent asked that I delete these posts.

Unknown_01: In the post was a story about how this user fondly remembers his grandfather and how his grandfather and him would read The Far Side together. And this DMCA agent, whose name is Kyle Kramers, who is an Ashkenazi Jew, sends this letter saying you have to delete these comic strips. And then I delete them, and I tell him, okay, Moshe, I've deleted the comic strips from my site, along with the touching story of how this guy finally remembers this comic strip in association with his grandfather at your request, because you have the right, the legal right in the United States to command me to do this. And now he's followed this up by saying there are more comic strips elsewhere in this thread that I have not taken care of, and he will not tell me where they are. I'm looking at the thread. I don't see them. He cited page three. I'm looking at page three. I don't see any comic strips from Gary Larson. But Mr. Kramers has decided that I should take them down. So I guess after this stream, I'll pay special attention to what other horrifically infringing content may be on my website.

Unknown_01: Because we live in this hellscape where people are paid to do this. This is like his money. Like, even if, like, nobody cares if there's no loss of income, this guy files, like, his hours. He says to the company that owns the Farside Comics, he says...

Unknown_01: I worked five hours, and I wrote six emails, and now you owe me $700, and this is me protecting your intellectual property.

Unknown_01: Okay, whatever.

Unknown_01: So, Ramstein, speaking of Steens and Steins, they released another song called Angst 30 minutes before my stream was supposed to start, 37 minutes before it actually did start.

Unknown_01: I don't know. It's probably about Nazis or something. I don't know. But the lyrics for their songs are always really shitty.

Unknown_01: I like a couple of their songs, but once you know what they actually say in their music, it's really off-putting. It's like...

Unknown_01: It's much better to not know German and listen to Rammstein because if you have looked up the lyrics to any of their songs, you're like, oh, this is actually a really disgusting, shitty song.

Unknown_01: This is actually not as cool as I thought it was.

Unknown_01: I'll compare two songs to give you very similar songs, actually, as a sort of intro for this because it's what I've been thinking about recently.

Unknown_01: This is a song about Moscow, the city in Russia, by two different bands, the first of which is Ramstein, and the second of which is Dschingis Khan.

Unknown_01: And it's two German songs by two German bands about the same thing, Moscow. So let's listen to what Dschingis Khan has to say. Just a couple seconds of the song.

Unknown_02: End of Geheimnis 3

Unknown_01: So according to genius, verse 1, Moscow, strange and mysterious, towers of red gold, cold like ice. Moscow, but who really knows you, knows a fire is burning, and you so hot. And then in verse 2, it says, Moscow, gateway to the past, mirror of a czarist era, red like blood. Moscow, who knows your soul, knows that love burns hot as fire. Let's see what Ramstein has to say about Moscow.

Unknown_04: A deer with red spots on her forehead. Her teeth are made of gold. She is fat and yet so bold. Her mouth falls to me when I pay her for it. She pulls herself out, but only for money. The city that has me.

Unknown_01: in english this city is a prostitute she has red spots on her forehead her teeth are made of gold she's fat and yet so lovely her mouth falls to my valley when i pay her for it she takes off her clothes but only for money the city that keeps me in suspense not as not as flattering a picture and what's funny is that they actually go to moscow and they sing this song in front of russia

Unknown_01: Yeah, I don't know. I prefer the lyrics of the original. It's a much nicer song to listen to. Pay respects to the capital city of the Russian Federation, chat. Which I guess at the time was the Soviet Union. Maybe that's the difference. When Rammstein sings about it, the song's from, what, the 2000s? So he's singing about Russia. When Dschingis Khan is singing about Moscow, he's singing about the capital of the Soviet Union, chat. Now you have seen how the character of the city has changed over time.

Unknown_01: Ramstein yearns for Weimar.

Unknown_01: Ramstein made a song called Man, Geek and Man about gay sex and a song called Pussy about how German women are stuck up.

Unknown_01: There's a song by them called Auslander, and it's about going to foreign countries and having sex with foreign women. And a lot of that's in English, though their best song is...

Unknown_01: america i think because the entire song uh is about how um american culture has completely destroyed german culture and they hate america i think that's pretty funny that's a much that's a much more poignant song than whatever the fuck they're saying about moscow yeah yeah yeah it's wunderbar

Unknown_01: Okay, Elon Musk, I guess. I'll just talk about the news a little bit. I'll give my freezing cold takes about the news, chat. That's what we'll do for this stream because I feel terrible. I'm like in a cold sweat right now, chat. I'm really not holding up. I need some cocaine like a Ralph Amale.

Unknown_01: Keep my blood pressure up.

Unknown_01: Let's see. Ah, it does want to work. Wonderful, wonderful.

Unknown_01: Jesus, fuck, learn to stream. No, one day I'll learn how to stream, but not today. Not today.

Unknown_01: So, if you don't know, Elon Musk has made a bid for social media for $44 billion. To accomplish this, he has levied his holdings in Tesla. So he's taken a loan, essentially, against his shares of Tesla stock to make a bid in cash.

Unknown_01: for Formerly, now it's just the N-word. If you want to go to Twitter, you have to type in the N-word and you have to press .net and then you can go tweet on your favorite social media platform. Since apparently Elon Musk buying Twitter is an existential threat to our harmony on the internet.

Unknown_01: In fact, just because the bid has been accepted does not mean that it has gone through. As far as Twitter is concerned, Elon Musk does not own Twitter. It has to first be approved by the SEC, the Security Exchange Commission of the United States.

Unknown_01: anytime a large purchase like this happens, the SEC must approve it. I'm not sure exactly why. The SEC is involved in stocks. So I assume that anytime a publicly traded company like Twitter is bought like this, it has to be approved by the SEC. I'm not 100% on that.

Unknown_01: Point is that he doesn't own it, though the mere threat of him owning it has done some changes. Number one, people are really freaking out.

Unknown_01: Um, Sean King, several people deleted their Twitter accounts for less than 24 hours because they're social media addicts and they can't go without tweeting their stupid fucking thoughts for more than 30 seconds.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: However, the big change that people have noticed already is that all banned appeals are being accepted. A lot of people who have been banned in the last couple of years have put in appeals and they've noticed that their accounts have been reinstated.

Unknown_01: The other one is that Nick Ricada says, and I think even Ralph has said this as well, that since the days of his bid being accepted, they had noticed a massive acceleration in their growth of followers. I think Ralph said 2,000, and then Ricada noticed like 6,000 new followers. Now, that could be because...

Unknown_01: that these old accounts are being unbanned, so they're following who they followed before they were banned, and that's being counted towards their follower count.

Unknown_01: Or, as the conspiratorial like to say, they could be doing like an operation, what is it, Klausowitz, where they're burning all the records that they've been secretly suppressing accounts they don't like for years and years. They've been going through and disabling all the brain damage modules on the Twitter core mainframe, just ripping chunks out like, oh shit, we have to stop Elon Musk from knowing that we ever had this installed because he will definitely tweet about it and make us look like retards.

Unknown_01: So that could be funny if it's true. So I'm hoping that it is true.

Unknown_01: everyone knows this well you know what I do a stream once a week and the the news circles the globe before before I get to it so that's just how it is why okay now I find this interesting that people are already threatening him there is the

Unknown_01: Let's see. Politico broke this story, and they didn't feature it very prominently.

Unknown_01: Germany in particular, on the topic of Germany, they have the NetzDG, which is basically a censorship bill that applies specifically to Germany. If you ever accidentally set your proxy to German and you go to Twitter, you'll notice that you have the option.

Unknown_01: You'll see a lot more tweets that are not visible because it complains about this NetDG law.

Unknown_01: um europe has its own so it's like germany is like a sub-level there's like eight different levels of censorship when you're in a european country um there is a specific quote here

Unknown_01: I'm not going to be able to find now, but basically the European Union warned him as soon as he bought Twitter that if he allowed hate speech, he would not be allowed to have Twitter in the European Union. And I expect that to actually, for them to follow through with this. I think that the European Union wants to get away from the U.S. as much as possible. I know that France and Germany are both increasing the budgets of their military spending by a lot because they don't want to be dependent on the U.S., in addition to them buffing up their spending in NATO. And I've said for a while that I think that they want to make their own social media platforms. It is kind of bullshit when you think about it from a national security standpoint, even if you are in good terms with the U.S.,

Unknown_01: They consider how much personal information about European citizens are processed and stored by American social media companies that have absolutely no accountability to European privacy laws. Europe has very strict privacy laws regarding how long a company can keep social media information.

Unknown_01: But those laws don't exist at all in the United States. It's basically free game in terms of personal data. So from just from a security, like it doesn't matter what country it is. If all of our social media was owned by like Singapore, you know, the U S would probably be asking like,

Unknown_01: Why do we send a billion people or however many people to Singaporean websites? And why do we let them sell our data to China and Iran?

Unknown_01: Singapore is very different from the US and their morals are very different. Why do we trust them with this personal information about all of our citizens? So, just because NATO has all these friends in Europe does not mean that they're content with the fact that the U.S. holds a complete and total monopoly over their social media. I'm sure they're very unhappy about this, but just don't know what to do about it. And this is a great way to frame it, too. If you're Ursula, which I think is a very... When you hear the name Ursula, you think of the octopus from The Little Mermaid, probably, but... Ursula von Mayer or something is the president of the EU.

Unknown_01: So if you're Ursula and you're thinking like, how the fuck do we make our own social media websites? This is a great little wedge to lodge in like, oh, we can't trust these American websites because they can get bought by anybody and then they can start allowing hate speech. And we Europeans are very dignified and we don't allow hate speech. And really, we just need our own alternative to these American websites because they're just so toxic. We don't want to expose our children to this hate speech.

Unknown_01: No one is thinking about this.

Unknown_01: You really think that countries don't think about how much data is owned by the United States? You don't think that they are concerned with the fact that their national independence is guaranteed entirely by the United States, which just refused to honor a treaty made with Ukraine in defense of its national sovereignty? You don't think that other countries are looking at this thinking, oh, maybe we fucked up by putting all of our chips in the United States. I don't think so.

Unknown_01: Cool, a digital Iron Curtain. Well, that's what I've said before. I think that you're going to see the Internet split up into little iInternets, and it makes sense. It makes sense from an economic standpoint why that would happen.

Unknown_01: No data, just political speech. I disagree.

Unknown_01: Everything is data now. Yeah, it is. So that's the Twitter update. I don't know...

Unknown_01: I don't know what to expect. Like I said before, I don't like Elon Musk. I don't trust him. I think he's an egomaniac. His habit of fucking retarded women and then naming their kids retarded shit and then dumping them and moving on to the next retarded woman is like a Ralph Amale tier tactic of family building. So... I'm not a huge fan. I don't have any confidence in his character. He's from South Africa, and the only other South Africans that I know are the guys from Die Antwoord, who are now accused of sex trafficking, and Bella Delphine, who's a Jewish prostitute who's ruined an entire generation of men. So I don't like him, and I don't trust South Africans in general. I don't care if they're Boers or Blacks or Zulu tribe men. If you come from South Africa, I don't like you, and you should probably go away. You should go to Australia before you go to the U.S. I don't want you around me.

Unknown_01: That's my hot take on them.

Unknown_01: He's not a boer. He literally owned a diamond mine or an emerald mine in South Africa. I don't know what you... I realize that boers are like the Dutch word for farmers, but I don't care. Fuck South Africans. They're scary.

Unknown_01: Literally, they scare the fuck out of me. I don't want anything to do with anything from South Africa. So, yeah. That's that. There is...

Unknown_01: Should I... How do I want to go about this?

Unknown_01: You know what? I'm going to skip ahead a little bit. I'm going to skip ahead. I'm going to take this. I'm going to go straight to Gab from here.

Unknown_01: So the main Twitter competitor for the last while, there has been... What is it? Getter, which is now like a bullshit. There's that parlor, which sucked. There was, which was Trump's thing, and that sucks. The big standby... that has been around for years is Andrew Torba and Gab. And a long time... Long-time listeners may remember that I hate Andrew Torba. I really fucking hate Andrew Torba. He is the biggest, dumpiest faggot, I think, that I can name. I... Like... I don't like Ralph. I make fun of Ralph. I really, I hate Andrew Torvald because he had a genuine opportunity to go about things intelligently and build alternative platforms that people could actually use. And every step of the way, he has been a self aggrandizing, uh, cocksucker who has fumbled every opportunity that has been graciously presented to him over and over again.

Unknown_01: And it started with him during the 2015... No, I hate Andrew Torba. It started in 2015. He started building a Twitter clone called Gab, which was at originally. And then he changed this only because people pointed out that Gabi is a Jewish Hebrew word for a... Basically, for a...

Unknown_01: A temple goy.

Unknown_01: What's the word for it? There's another word for it. A Gabi is like a non-Jew who works at the temple and assists the Jews. And he had accidentally named his website a Gabi.

Unknown_01: So he bought the .com domain and changed it because people kept calling him a Jew. A Shabbos Goy, that's it. A Gentile who does work on the Shabbat and who works at the temple to assist the Jews in conducting ceremonies by doing things that Jews aren't allowed to do. So that's what a Gabbay is.

Unknown_01: the the name was erroneous it was an accident he's not actually jewish but he took that very close to heart and he renamed the entire site because of it but from the from the get-go he started bootstrapping his platform by advertising it on the donald the subreddit and i was active in the subreddit at the time and me and a lot of other people um

Unknown_01: warned him because at the time the Kiwi Farms was experiencing the censorship that made me have to learn a lot to keep the site up. And I told him outright, I outlined for him, I think like a Reddit DM or something. This is what you do. Here's what's going to happen. Here's what you should buy. Here's where you should put it. Here's what company you should use to buy the domain name. Here's what data center you should use. And here's what you should expect in terms of ISPs and DDoS mitigation and stuff like that. no like his response was something extremely stupid like we know we we know the challenges and we are working on them like a complete non-sequitur just like okay whatever it wasn't just me um he happens to be big fans with andrew anglin and andrew anglin is friends with someone who doesn't exist and he warned uh andrew torba exactly what to expect and what to do and he got ignored and So everyone around this guy told him what to expect and what to do, and he ignored them. And it cost him thousands and thousands of dollars to the point where he was hosting out of the Netherlands at some point, and he was like, oh, I might have to leave the United States to find true free speech. which is a phase that everyone who deals with the infrastructure problems in the U.S. goes through. I moved to Ukraine. I'm not innocent of it. But when people like Nick Fuentes and Andrew Torba are talking about how we can't find true free speech unless we go to China or Russia, like, you're just wrong. I've hired attorneys.

Unknown_01: I've spoken to people. I had a guy on retainer in Moscow to talk about what would need to happen to get the kiwi farms up in Russia. And it's not pretty. And it's not something you want to deal with. You literally have to bribe people. That's the bottom line. You have to find the right people who work in Roskomnadzor and you have to give them money to not shut down your website. That is the gist. So all this posturing about how, oh, true free speech is in the Netherlands. It's in... albania it's in russia it's in thailand it's in vietnam it's in taiwan it's in china it's all bullshit and i told him this and he didn't learn he moved his shit to the netherlands and then they got shut down for hate speech and then he moved it back to the u.s or some shit i don't know i don't know where it's at now i haven't been following him for a while point is is that he could have saved himself a lot of trouble by just listening to people who um korba in ukrainian means bagg

Unknown_01: Isn't that, it's a paket. Well, that's Russian. You mean like a handbag, Zatorba, I guess. A paket is like a thing that you put groceries in.

Unknown_01: Anyways, actually, as far as Muslim countries go, as far as European country goes, Albania, if I had to pick a country not in the U.S. to host the Kiwi Farms in and see what happens, I would pick Albania, unironically. I had a lawyer from Albania send me an email like, hello, I know that I am filthy Albanian, and I am Muslim, and I live in a Muslim country, but we have no Holocaust in our laws, so you should put your forearm here. And I looked into it, and I was like, actually, on paper, this seems pretty okay. Ha ha!

Unknown_01: um anyways point is is that he's a retard and the only it went through phases so we're in 2016 he started setting up his site he clones a php twitter project from github he rebrands it green and then he calls it gab and then as he's bumbling around between platforms he's trying to find a way

Unknown_01: to promote himself and he sets up like Gab TV which nobody uses even Nick Fuentes who's one of Torba's butt buddies even though they had like little spats and slap fights and shit

Unknown_01: Why is Nazis trending in Israel? What's happening over there in Israel, guys? You might want to calm down. I think today is like Holocaust Memorial Day or some shit. I don't know. Anyways, so example, Torba sets up GabTV, and then nobody uses it, not even Nick Fuentes. And then what does he do? So he invests all his time and money into setting up GabTV,

Unknown_01: And then he goes out and I swear to fucking God, I might have to find a screenshot of this because nobody will believe me. He sets up like a hardware HDMI thing for streaming Gab TV.

Unknown_01: Let's see. Is this a thing that I can find a picture of real quick?

Unknown_01: Um...

Unknown_01: Oh, I'm not going to be able to find a thing of him. Because I don't know if he actually went through with manufacturing it. His idea was literally, I'm going to make this cheap, shitty little box that connects to Gab. And you're going to put it on top of your TV and connect it with an HDMI cord. And then you'll get Gab TV piped directly to your TV.

Unknown_01: And of course, like you have an unsuccessful product and then you tack on another unsuccessful product that clones existing successful services. And then you say, I'm going to launch a accessory to this unsuccessful product that relies on another unsuccessful product. It's like the Microsoft line of thinking like.

Unknown_01: There's the iPod, so we're going to launch the Zune. And we're going to launch all these Zune accessories, and everyone's going to love the Zune. And it's like nobody remembers the fucking Zune. I am probably the first person to use the word Zune that you have heard in 10-plus years. And now you're thinking, like, what the fuck is the Zune? Oh, yeah, there was a thing called the Zune. And that's going to be your memory when it comes to Gab. Like, wait, oh, yeah, there was this fucking retard who wasted all of everyone's money to set up...

Unknown_01: to set up this shit that nobody ever used and uh

Unknown_01: Yeah, and then he, oh, then I remember he tried to federate. He tried to join the Fediverse because the Fediverse was this large existing audience that you can effortlessly integrate into your platform. So he spent, here's what happened. He literally scrapped his entire project. He scrapped all of Gab and then cloned Mastodon, which is the largest instance. It's a PHP project that hosts the largest instance,

Unknown_01: which is pretty social justice-y.

Unknown_01: If you've wondered why the Gab interface has changed eight times since he started, it's because he keeps completely scrapping the project and redoing the interface. So he clones Mastodon Social and then integrates into the Fediverse And then all the anime avatar weirdos who are on the Fediverse, dangerous level 100 anime avatars, start bullying the fuck out of Andrew Torba so hard that he defederates. So now he's cloned, decentralized software, completely scrapped his old project, rebased the entire thing on Mastodon, and then shut off the main feature of this platform. because the anime avatars came after him and he was not prepared for this uh and then he blamed it on pornography or some shit but the truth was that it was the fucking anime avatars that that made him cry so uh he just he just has no idea what the fuck he's doing and more importantly he doesn't think

Unknown_01: If you're an idiot, you don't know what you're doing. I've worked for a company where the boss has no idea how tech stuff works, but before he committed weeks of development time to making a new product, he would talk to us and be like, how long would it take to make this feature?

Unknown_01: He would always be surprised because if you don't really know what the code is like or how the code is put together, you might think, oh, this little button on this form to render it in a different way, that would take like a day of work, right, from one person. It's like, no, actually that would take several weeks because it is completely counter to how we have the entire thing set up. and then you would think this other feature would take weeks because it's so complicated but we have all the pieces right there so we take a couple days like if you don't have a technical mindset you'd be really surprised by how how things play out but if you talk to people who know what they're doing you can avoid most of those problems Torben never seems to confide in people who are smarter than he is. And I think it's because he doesn't think that there are people around him who are smarter than he is. He really thinks that he is God's gift to mankind. He was born to be a martyr for free speech. And that's how he sees himself. And that that is why he is so utterly contemptible to me. And it is like some whenever I bring this up, by the way, someone accuses me of being jealous. And to an extent, it's like, yeah, there is there is jealousy because he's made millions of dollars of other people's money to make this shit that doesn't fucking work. And that people don't even want to use. When people from the America First groups talk about using Gab on Twitter, they say, well, we're stuck on Gab. We were trapped on Gab. We don't want to be on Gab. We want to be on Twitter.

Unknown_01: But we had to use Gab because that was the only alternative for us.

Unknown_01: Uh, the, the jealousy aspect is like, if I had a million dollars, I know there's stuff I could do very simple stuff to make, uh, things that people would actually want to use. And you don't have to go about like, you don't have to go about reinventing the will. You have all these, these technologies out there that do work that just need like a proper implementation and the proper face for it. And when you have that kind of insight, you can, you can make it work. Um,

Unknown_01: But you have to actually, like, communicate with people who know what they're talking about.

Unknown_01: You could outsource it for cheaper. When you outsource a project, you get exactly what you asked for. So you go to India and you say, like, I want this done. And I want this to be the output. And I have $5,000 for it. Well, you're going to get exactly what you asked for, but it's going to be complete shit. Because they're Indians and they're terrible at programming.

Unknown_01: Yeah, sneered for real.

Unknown_01: Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I just hate how he carries himself. His tweets are so fucking obnoxious. Like, look at this shit.

Unknown_01: Oh, did he delete this? Did he delete this fucking embarrassment?

Unknown_01: Oh, no, no, no, no. You don't get to. He fucking nukes his timeline all the time, too, because he has a massive histrionic meltdown like a bitch, and then he deletes it afterwards because he's humiliated by what he says.

Unknown_01: The tweets that I'm thinking of. God, I have to find it. Hold on.

Unknown_01: I'm stuck on a captcha. I'm being captured, chat. Maybe this will work. Nobody archived it. Fuck. And I restarted my browser. I would be open if I hadn't have restarted. It basically said that he goes on Twitter, he acts like a retard, he starts up all this controversy, and then his website gets so many new users because of his big bitch fit on Twitter. And he decided to delete that for whatever reason. Oh, he deleted all his tweets. Okay.

Unknown_01: He lost his verified checkmark because he was having a meltdown. And then he sends out this email, which I'm going to try to skim through to the best of my ability. One second. Let me change my layout here so I can see it. So this is his email after Elon Musk buys Twitter.

Unknown_01: Many people have been asking me what I think about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter for $44 billion. In this letter, I'm going to tell you what this means for Gab and provide my analysis of the situation as someone who's been trailblazing free speech infrastructure on the lowercase i internet for nearly six years. Tonight, I'm going to sleep as Peter did in Acts chapter 12, the night before his execution. For those of you who do not know the story, I probably sound crazy, but if you read your Bible, you will see that in Acts 12, Peter is miraculously freed from jail where an angel found him sleeping like a baby. On the surface, Acts 12 looks like a story of Peter's miraculous escape from prison. If you look a little deeper, you'll see that it's actually about Peter's miraculous transformation from the man who denied Jesus three times to a man with enough faith to sleep like a baby the night before his scheduled execution.

Unknown_01: So immediately, right off the bat, I am trailblazing free speech. If anyone says this, if anyone says that they are a murderer, a trailblazer, a maverick, like they say, my name is so-and-so and I am an XYZ for free speech, never trust them. I have never described myself as someone who is a whatever for free speech. If I have, I apologize for ever doing that because the term like that is a pure griff term. Everyone has limits on freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a ephemeral thing it has a specific meaning to everyone who hears it if you say I am pro pro free speech then you will have someone who asks you oh so you support child pornography and it's like no so you can always test your boundaries of where your limit is for freedom of speech and

Unknown_01: If you just commit to that term, then you'll always find exceptions to it, no matter who you are, pretty much.

Unknown_01: There are very few people who can be considered a free speech absolutist. Like Nick Fuentes, or not Nick Fuentes, Nick Riccata.

Unknown_01: Even my attorney has called me free speech absolutist, but that's not the case. uh there are there are very tangible things that i can protest against so uh to avoid confusion i just avoid that term but people who are disingenuous will never admit that to themselves and they'll they'll come up with these mental gymnastics for why um how they how they believe in true absolute free speech but they also are pro banning xyz so i just avoid the issue altogether by avoiding the term

Unknown_01: Free speech equals CP what? Well, it's like sorted. You can always find people who will push it to a limit beyond what you are okay with. And if it's not that, then it's like violence. Should people be allowed to say, like, we should kill Josh Moon? We, on April or May the 5th, should all meet and go to Josh Moon's house and murder him. Like, is that also acceptable freedom of expression? Like...

Unknown_01: the point is that you can always find a limit that nobody will ever agree on that limit it's not a scientific thing so it's best to simply avoid carrying a flag you can't really owe up to yes yes of course sounds like a plan

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_01: Peter was sleeping so peacefully and deeply while being chained to the arms of two guards in jail.

Unknown_01: See, I said the wrong thing, and now the police are after me.

Unknown_01: Then when an angel approached, he thought he was dreaming or having a vision of the fog. I mean, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Unknown_01: As Christians, we are blessed to witness the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in our lives. We can watch in awe as he takes things that are dead and raises them back to life.

Unknown_01: Jesus Christ turns tragedy into testimony. Gab is my testimony. So just like Peter...

Unknown_01: Andrew Torba is a saint and is a true apostle of Christ, and Gab is his testimony to his Christendom.

Unknown_01: Unlike Mr. Musk, I don't answer to anyone outside of God Almighty, especially not money changers. Just say Jews. He really wants to pander to anti-Jewish sentiment on his platform, but you can't say Jews because he'll get deplatformed even harder.

Unknown_01: Um, Morgan Stanley, blah, blah, blah.

Unknown_01: Oh, so he's saying that the Jews liked, um, Elon's companies and then we're praising his stocks, but now, uh, that makes him bad.

Unknown_01: Elon can have Twitter. This is a great line. People falsely assume that Gab is a quote unquote Twitter knockoff, but this hasn't been the case for several years. Functionally, Gab is more like Facebook. We have Gab groups, Gab marketplace, Gab news, Gab TV, Gab pay, and much more on the way. We aren't and haven't been competing with Twitter for years. Facebook users are our core target market.

Unknown_01: The only people I know who still use Facebook are my grandparents.

Unknown_01: And that's what Gab wants. Gab really wants my grandpa on Gab.

Unknown_01: So, yeah, he...

Unknown_01: Uh, I want, okay. Have you guys ever heard of gab groups, gab marketplace, gab news, gab TV, gab pay, uh, you, and by the way, his links are all to shit from, uh, at least some of it was.

Unknown_01: Where is this? He has his news site, and then he has links to the news. Yeah, here we go. This is Gab News. Haven't you heard of Gab News? It's one of those many, many things that Gab has said. Oh, Gab ads. I can go to Gab ads and buy ads from Gab. I want Gab users on Kiwi Farms, so I'm going to buy some Gab ads.

Unknown_01: Look at this guy. How many pictures of this motherfucker can he put up on his own website? That's cringe.

Unknown_01: We quickly realized back in 2019 that the vast majority of people in the United States are simply not on Twitter. The first issue is that over half of Twitter's users are bots, the other half are Democrats and journalists.

Unknown_01: Just say black people. The other half are young inner-city Democrats and journalists. So the N's and J's. They're black and they're Jewish, so we don't want them on Gab.

Unknown_01: The bottom line is these aren't our people. These aren't our people, chat. Come on. The N's and J's don't belong on Gab. This isn't our target market. The majority of people who remain on Twitter today will never use Gab because they'll never survive in an environment with true free speech. That is a fucking poll post. There is an old poll post that says anytime there's free speech on a platform, it becomes right wing because lefties can't handle offensive language. So he's literally like his brain is a cobblestone path of like poll posts and people making fun of him.

Unknown_01: The finite number of conservative Twitter users will make the switch with the tens of millions of Christian Facebook users who want off Zuckerberg's demonic plantation.

Unknown_01: Please, please, Torba, I'm dying already. Please stop calling Facebook a demonic plantation. God, you know, that's June's boyfriend. Call people demons.

Unknown_01: I'm sorry, but they're like the fucking new the neo-Christian right is so fucking embarrassing. I really I could never do this. I was thinking about this, how Andrew Torba, Nick Fuentes, Ethan Ralph, and now like Sam Hyde are like in this, uh, this like weird, like alternative right grift where they just do the crisis Kang shit and they make fuck tons of money. And it's like, I don't have the self, the shamelessness required to start doing this, to start calling shit demonic plantations.

Unknown_01: But there's a lot of money in it. If I did it, it would be a lot of money.

Unknown_01: uh the entire value proposition of these websites was being not twitter none of them even offered a free speech terms of acceptance like okay you know andrew torba has been blocked on gab i can prove this to you hold up here um you know i guess i'll just sign into gab i should be able to let's see

Unknown_01: I never sign into Gabs. I have my password stored somewhere. Okay.

Unknown_01: Okay, here I am. So now if I go to A on Gab, you will see profile unavailable. I can't view his profile because I have been blocked by Andrew Torba.

Unknown_01: Pro life? Is that like a double entendre? Yeah.

Unknown_01: Look at this. This guy really thinks he's the... Look, he... He really thinks he's like a messiah. That's so embarrassing.

Unknown_01: But why? Because my... I have no posts on Gab in several years that are not just calling him a pathetic cuckold. Um...

Unknown_01: Fat retard sped Andrew Torba has me blocked, and the software is set up to lie and just say his statuses don't exist. Less transparency than Twitter. I guess he's changed that in the couple years since I made that.

Unknown_01: Oh, and that was me testing the Fediverse when it was briefly federated before he killed the Federation.

Unknown_01: Anyways, yeah, I'm blocked on by what's-his-face on his website.

Unknown_01: Anything else funny? I'll read the last one. When Twitter gets banned from half a dozen banks, Visa, app stores, hosting providers, email services, and more, they can get on our level with free speech.

Unknown_01: Almost two weeks ago, in my offer letter to Elon, I said this. Twitter operates in countries where mass censorship is required by law. They have offices in these countries. They have no choice but to comply with the censorship demands of those countries or risk being shut down, fines, etc. You can't operate in foreign countries and comply with their laws without just outright censoring shit.

Unknown_01: For everybody.

Unknown_01: There might come a day where I have to, as the censorship shit on the internet fragmenting happens, I'll have to make a different rule set. But you can do that and just filter it on that side, I think, and that should be sufficient. You do that before you start just censoring everything. In fact, that's how Twitter works currently.

Unknown_01: Like I mentioned with the European Union privacy laws and the NetGD or whatever the fuck, German thing, that only works for specific IPs. So you can't operate internationally and not have to comply with local laws also internationally. That only goes one way, and it works with the United States. Any law that the U.S. initiates, you have to comply with everywhere, basically.

Unknown_01: For instance, you can't host in the U.S. and then comply with American copyright law and then also have a Chinese portal that allows copyrighted content. The DMCA affects you no matter where you're at. There's no carve-outs for international content.

Unknown_01: Today, the Financial Times is reporting that Brussels has warned Elon Musk that Twitter must comply with the EU's new digital rules under his ownership or risk hefty fines or even a ban, setting a stage for a global regulatory battle over the future of the social media platform.

Unknown_01: These are things we have dealt with for years here at Gab. Last summer, the German government demanded that we censor content on Gab. Will Elon respond the way Gab did? Get on my level, boyo. Regardless of what Elon did with Twitter, I'll be waking up tomorrow doing the same thing I've been doing for the past six years, building Gab. As long as I'm alive, I'll be building parallel Christian systems and lowercase i internet infrastructure to defend the gospel of my family and and our God-given right to speak freely. I'll also be giving all the glory to God while doing so. Gab's vision and mission are simple. We are building a parallel economy to defend Christian values, free speech, free thought, and free flow of information online.

Unknown_01: Yeah, I still don't want to join Gab. I guess I'm one Gab. I registered Moon. That's my claim to fame. I managed to park Moon on Gab.

Unknown_01: Use holy seed to code. Exactly. I don't know. Does anyone have a genuine defensive gab? Does anyone prefer gab to alternatives like the Fediverse? I'm watching chat. Tell me. And I'll check the... What's it called? The super chats here in a second. While I'm pausing. I have to catch my breath. I'm dying. I apologize.

Unknown_01: Uh, no, I don't have friends. Gab equals ass.

Unknown_01: Can't be a free speech absolutist while Christian calls it blasphemy.

Unknown_01: I prefer gab to Kiwi Farms. Thanks, hamster.

Unknown_01: No, child. We are revolutionizing free speech, child.

Unknown_01: You can bully... It's not like I'm asking for permission to bully him. I'm genuinely curious what the defense is.

Unknown_01: uh let's see oh there are super chats okay let me read these real quick just real quick thanks for the entertainment hey josh you figure out how to actually withdraw donations from the alert site i have the aphids one that's true i've not planted yet once i move i might be able to plant again is richard hart a cryptocurrency locale i don't know sneed i don't know who richard hart is i apologize

Unknown_01: uh i'm glad that someone else's drivers constantly break like mine dude i don't even change anything in my my setup breaks entirely pursuit ambulance says i'm getting closer uh noel is a chair for the dhs disinformation governance board uh that is something that biden just set up where oh i think torba even retweeted it that's why i know this there's some crazy bitch screaming about free speech or some shit am i gonna be able to find this no he just deleted all this shit

Unknown_01: Maybe it was on Disclose. Here, I'll go back over to Gab.

Unknown_01: Can I go to Disclose? No, I cannot.

Unknown_01: Can I find the channel?

Unknown_01: I searched Disclose TV.

Unknown_01: And I do not, I literally just saw this fucking shit on the front page of the site.

Unknown_01: Okay, there we go. Look at that. Six years of building parallel Christian communities and working on Gab every day. Motherfucker, how about a search engine that when I type in disclose or disclose TV, I can find disclose TV right fucking here without the dot. How about that, Gab?

Unknown_01: Okay, here, this lady.

Unknown_01: Anti-disinformation unit.

Unknown_03: Information laundering is really quite ferocious It's when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious By saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet so Disinformation's origins are slightly less atrocious

Unknown_03: It's how you hide a little, little, little lie. It's how you hide a little, little, little lie. It's how you hide a little, little, little lie. When Rudy Giuliani shared that in town from Ukraine. Or when TikTok influencers say COVID can cause pain. They're laundering disinfo and we really should take note. And not support their lies with our wallet, voice, or vote. Oh!

Unknown_01: Death to America.

Unknown_01: My kingdom for a horse. The Shingus Khan was my favorite band of my mother. That's nice. I hope I kindled some fond memories. Go see a doctor. No.

Unknown_01: Moscow ought to be wiped out. It's corrupting the country since 1147. Kill all Muscovites and ho-holes too. From Sneed Vaktik. Sneeden Feeden. Elon is literally Hitler for buying my favorite site filled with retards and coomers.

Unknown_01: To be fair, Bella Dufine ruined an entire generation of men and women. I guess men pretending to be women.

Unknown_01: And women. Yeah, that's true. A lot of people will try to look like her now. Even fucking Chantel had a phase where she was using filters and doing the freckle thing on her face to try and look more like OnlyFans whores. That's very sad.

Unknown_01: The difference between CP and expression is that CP itself is child abuse. It may interpret any action as expression, yet nobody confuses rape with... Like, bro, okay, I understand the point. I agree with you. But we allow videos of all sorts of crimes. I host a video of a mass murder on my website. You can make the same argument that...

Unknown_01: You know, that promotes terrorism. And I'm not going to get into it. There are good arguments, but I'm just saying that people can very reasonably draw the line at many different places in what is and is not free speech. I'm not taking any particular stance in that because that's an hour-long debate if you want to take it seriously.

Unknown_01: I just want you to know the perspective that it's very hard to say I am a free – like I am liberal in many ways. But if I call myself a liberal, people will have their own takeaways of what that means, right? So if I call myself someone who's pro-free speech, everyone is going to have – everyone that you say that to is going to have a very, very different understanding of what you mean by that. It's a completely subjective term.

Unknown_01: So I just avoid it. Like, I don't call myself, um, liberal because I don't want to have whatever, you know, negative or positive assumptions about that, that you may have. You just avoid that when you can, cause it's not worth it. Cause then you say that and you're like, you get asked questions like, Whoa, so you support this? It's like, no bro, I don't.

Unknown_01: Uh, it, If you get into the sphere of arguing with people on the internet long enough, you'll learn these coping strategies for avoiding frustrating conversations.

Unknown_01: Actually, I'm a liberalist.

Unknown_01: Okay, let's see. I think that's it. That's all I'm going to read for right now. Nobody said... Nobody had any... Okay.

Unknown_01: Okay, Libtard.

Unknown_01: Nobody had any defense of Andrew Torba, so I guess I don't get to have a conversation about that.

Unknown_01: I read that. And then in the grift cycle, Sam Hyde, whose avatar appears to be iDubbbz with his pedophile mustache. Is that who that is?

Unknown_01: I don't know what that is.

Unknown_01: Sam Hyde wants to box somebody.

Unknown_01: The needle drop is some guy. I don't know that well.

Unknown_01: Oh, Anthony Fantaine is the needle drop. When Ralph was bragging, people voted for me more than anyone else except for Boogie, which is not true. He came in third, just below Dr. Disrespect and way below Anthony Fantaine because he lost that.

Unknown_01: He apparently has scheduled a second fight because Sam eventually got Boogie to agree to a fight. If you don't know, Sam Hyde is like 6'3", 250 pounds, not fat. He's a big guy. The difference in height between me and Sam Hyde is a little bit less.

Unknown_01: than the difference in height between me and Ralph. So he's like a full foot taller than Ralph.

Unknown_01: And he wants to fight Boogie, who obviously he would just completely fucking kick the ass of.

Unknown_01: Fantana, whatever. I don't give a shit. I had less than zero interest in this guy. If he dropped dead, I wouldn't even fucking notice, okay?

Unknown_01: Boogie agreed to the fight, and he's obviously going to lose, which begs the question of why would you agree to this fight?

Unknown_01: But Ralph, not to be outdone, desperate for money, because as we know, he didn't get that $30,000 contract that he's been bragging about for literally a year now, has agreed to fight Andy Worski, who, if you don't remember...

Unknown_01: If you do not remember chat, allow me, allow me to remind you, uh, let me find this picture.

Unknown_01: So a long time ago,

Unknown_01: Andy Worski and this guy called Tonkasol agreed to have a fight, which led to Nick Ricada, Coach Red Pill, Dick Masterson, whoever the fuck that guy is on the left, a bunch of people. A bunch of people came out. Gator came out to Knoxville, Tennessee, to a boxing ring. I think it was an MMA fight, actually, to see Andy Worski being trotted out in a wheelchair because Tonkasol did not show.

Unknown_01: And this was such a total humiliation to Tonka saw that he never recovered. He lost everything.

Unknown_00: Basically he's now streams to like 50 people.

Unknown_01: It was, it was the end of Tonka saw hosting backyard blood sports or IBS, whatever the fuck he called it at the time. He called it like Tonka, Tonka time, Tonka radio.

Unknown_01: Uh, but that was the end.

Unknown_01: And the only thing, the most significant thing that came out of Knoxville was

Unknown_01: was Ethan Ralph's gunt. In this picture, he is the shortest of everyone there. So to prop himself up, he literally dangles on the shoulders of Dick Masterson and Coach Red Pill like a child would between his two parents. Like if you take a little kid and you swing him by either arm with somebody else, that's what Ethan Ralph is essentially doing to give himself some height. But unfortunately for Ralph...

Unknown_01: He has allowed the charred flesh remains of his stomach to dangle out from underneath his jacket by doing so.

Unknown_01: and this picture allowed a group of trolls from his discord called the plate gang to bully him to tears uh it caused him to start blocking a bunch of people it caused him to start spazzing out his co-hosts dan it basically ruined him he never recovered from this picture

Unknown_01: And now, many years later, Ethan Ralph has agreed to fight Andy Worsky again in Knoxville, though the precise venue has not been determined.

Unknown_01: It will be either MMA or boxing, apparently. Six rounds was suggested. And he will show up, he says.

Unknown_01: And I think that he probably will show up because he's desperate for money. So anything that pays him, giving a head to a bunch of black guys would be something that he's willing to do for the right amount of money. So him showing up to get his ass beat by Andy Worski.

Unknown_01: It's something that's definitely not past him. However, I think that there is a parallel between him and Boogie. I think that Boogie's career has been on decline for years. Every time I hear about Boogie, he's in some kind of new pit where he's losing viewers and his videos suck and everyone hates him. He has no fans left. So he's like, you know what?

Unknown_01: The most attention I got in the last couple of years was getting shooting at the sky and catching a felony for for doing so. So maybe if I take another huge L, like I'm assuming that he made money, maybe even like he made money off the Frank Castle shit. If you subtract attorney's fees from how much money he made from the national attention, he might have made money. So he's like, you know what?

Unknown_01: I will go to this boxing ring and I will allow Sam Hyde to beat the ever-loving fuck out of me and humiliate me in such a way that a normal person could never show themselves in public again. And then I will collect a big fat check. We'll go 50-50 with Sam Hyde and I'll walk away from that and everyone will be happy. And I think Ralph is probably thinking along the same ways. Like, yeah, there is literally nothing that could embarrass me further. Everyone has seen my disgusting body. Nobody watches my show anymore except like weirdos and bots.

Unknown_01: I have gotten my ass kicked. People have seen me beaten, bloodied, and they've laughed at me. What would it matter if I go to Knoxville and I lose a fight to my worst enemy, Andy Worski, the cokehead abortionist himself? And he's like, yeah, that's what I'll do. And he's wishy-washy on a lot of stuff, but he says if it's 50-50.

Unknown_01: If that money is 50-50, no winner takes all. 50-50, then I'll do it. So that's his plan. He's going to go get bullied by Andy Worski for a little bit of money. And my hope is that Andy Worski...

Unknown_01: when he has fallen the gun we'll ride on his back like a child would his father and he'll say now squeal boy squeal like a pig and he'll just do that and so that if we can play this clip of him being sued uh... over and over again and bully ethan ralph to death finally once and for all because i think if that happened

Unknown_01: He would never be able to live it down. And I say that, but of course he would. He has no shame.

Unknown_01: So Andy Worski, please buck break Ethan Ralph is what I'm saying. Take a lot of meth, maybe some ecstasy, and buck break Ethan Ralph live in front of a million people with eight different cameras on you. I want eight different angles of this buck breaking live.

Unknown_01: I'll give you some cryptocurrency for it.

Unknown_01: Boar breaking? That's a buck. Ralph has too much pride? Nah. He has pride about stupid shit. And he's very wishy-washy about what he's proud about. You know what I mean? It's like with Chris. Everyone thought that when Chris Chen's Sonichu medallion was taken and destroyed, he would completely fall apart. But then when it happened, he just said, actually, my high school ring was the true source of my powers all along. um so we just like very dynamically and on the spot changed like the source of his powers from his medallion to his his class ring and ralph would be the same thing he's like yeah you know i may have been butt broken on live television in eight different angles so everyone could see our taints right next to each other but you know at least i got um at least i got um

Unknown_01: At least I got my bog land. At least I got 26 acres down in Louisiana. Nobody could take that from me. Boy, I tell you what. And that'll just be his new point of pride. And it'll rotate. Once he gets sued, he loses the acreage down in Louisiana. He's like, yeah, you know what? I'm never going to fuck about that shitty ass bog. So what the fuck are you going to build in Louisiana, you idiot? That was like $3,000 of fucking Timberland, moron. The real source of my power all along has been my... And then he'll say... Oh, my Daddy Ronnie's famous ring.

Unknown_01: Nobody can take that from me. And if you don't know, what is it?

Unknown_01: Do we have a picture of this ring? Is there a thread for this? The Ralph-a-ring. Oh, hell yeah. Hell yeah, we have a thread for the ring.

Unknown_01: This has been his recent bragging right, everybody.

Unknown_01: Okay, first, I want you to look at the... Pay attention to the ring. Here's a video of it.

Unknown_01: Here is a video of the ring. It is loading right now.

Unknown_01: So he's just kind of tossing around not much.

Unknown_01: 14K CRI.

Unknown_01: So does that mean that? I'm going to check just real quick. CRI 14K. Yellow, white, women's diamond ring, CRK. So it is a mixture of silver and gold.

Unknown_01: Though I would swear, is it solid?

Unknown_01: solid okay it says it's solid apparently though i have a hard time believing it because if it is solid i would say that it's fake or it's just coated because look at this you can see how like scratched up it is from the top so that's either just really poor craftsmanship or it's a softer um base metal that has worn with time

Unknown_01: Or scratched, rather. The gold is scratched off a stronger base metal. So it looks fake, but I guess it's just 14 karat, which is about half gold, I guess. But then we look at the diamond. The diamond is definitely fake. I don't even think that's cubic zirconium. It's an old ring, so I don't think they had cubic zirconium back when this was made. He says his grandfather wore it. um i don't know if you if you've ever seen a real diamond number one these are massive diamonds so they're not going to be real because these would be easy like ten thousand dollars each but a real diamond uh as as over over appreciated as they are they have a beautiful shine in the light you can see the full refraction of the rainbow in a real diamond that you just can't see in these so i think they're they're not even cubic zirconium they're just glass

Unknown_01: But yeah, it looks like shit. I mean, it just, it just looks like shit and he's so proud of this for whatever reason. And then these pictures are so ugly. These legit look like a fucking animal's hands. These look, um, here, wait, let me try and find this real quick.

Unknown_01: There's a, uh, Oh here.

Unknown_01: This meme got a lot of mileage. His fingers look like the meme of the Beyond Sausage things in their packaging, like the soy compressing, because they're propped up like a normal package. Look at this. Does that not look completely identical to his fingers?

Unknown_01: There's no, it's very crazy to me that a human being can take a picture like this and then think like, yeah, everyone's going to be real impressed by my Ronda Rouse ring. This is a true, this is a true own to all the haters and A-logs. And then look, you can see like boogies on his fingers. That motherfucker has a booger right there on his finger that you can see. This yellow fleck.

Unknown_01: and his weird ass soy sausage fingers and then the ring is so tight on his finger you can tell that it's purple it has been cut off from circulation he can't get the fucking thing off and his finger is a different color than the other fingers the rest of his hog hoof is like bright red or pink and then his ring finger is a purple maroon color directly after the ring so he's like yeah I'm gonna put this on my soy sausage my sausage lits and I'm gonna fucking own them And it's like, how do you self-own so consistently, Ralph? Why don't you wash your hands before taking a picture of him? I can see the boogie right there on your fucking sausage, bro. Come on. And his hands look so fucking old. It's so crazy that he's only 36. It looks like he's about to die. Ugh.

Unknown_01: Stop. No, I'm done. I apologize.

Unknown_01: Oh, two more things. Actually, I have a little bit to talk about, I guess. Hopefully my sinuses aren't driving people crazy.

Unknown_01: I'm trying to mute my mic when I have to koof and snoof. I'm trying my best here. No, I don't have full usage of my nose, so I probably sound more nasally than usual.

Unknown_01: I don't have a trance update.

Unknown_01: Look, people ask me for a trance update every stream, but if anything has happened, you have to tag me because I don't follow those threads.

Unknown_01: Uh, there was a shooting by a right wing extremist from pole. He posted his shooting video and I can't show it. It's just like, um, it's really shitty. It's not like the footage from Christchurch.

Unknown_01: And when he posts it, and then he doxes himself on poll, and he says, school, he says, school shooting. And then he corrects himself, his typo, and his announcement that he's committed a school shooting. And says, school, asterisk. And then he says, license. And he says, the license of the video is the WTFPL. And then he says, dear God, please forgive me. To which he gets a first reply from a guy posting a frog.

Unknown_01: And then Anonymous asks, what the actual fuck? Why the fuck? And then he gets a reply, and he replies, waiting for the police to catch up with me. They're in the wrong part of the building now.

Unknown_01: To which Anonymous replies, eternal hellfire awaits you, you piece of shit. And then another Anonymous replies, you should have shot yourself first. And this was all that he got to his thread. I guess it got deleted or something. I don't know what happened. But here we have the report from MSN about the... Apparently this was in Washington, D.C.

Unknown_01: Here's the police response.

Unknown_01: And here's the picture of the shooter. He's Raymond Spencer. I think he's Filipino. He looks full Filipino, but he might be Hapa. So... Really, really poor performance from the Shules shooter.

Unknown_01: elliot jr here i'll do a poll actually we'll do a fun little poll hapa or just filipino hapa filipino are we given are we even half claiming this shooter my fellow whites the leftist trying to be a mass shooter is he a leftist how do you know that he's a leftist

Unknown_01: The votes are coming in, and it looks like Filipino is beating out Hapa 2-1. So it sucks to be a Hapa voter right now.

Unknown_01: He's got the inward lips. He believed in Yakub. Oh, he had a Yakub thing in his room. I think someone posted this later down.

Unknown_01: Maybe not. So lazy with this OP.

Unknown_01: Oh, here we go. The Art Drama guy got it.

Unknown_01: He did, he did have a, um, but it was like a meme. He had like pole memes in, uh, in his room. It wasn't like Yakub actually like the black Egyptian guy. It was just like a meme. I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_01: It was big brains and shit. That's right. Nice try, Mossad. I never understood that. The people who said that, like, Brenton Tarrant was a Mossad agent, that's always, like, I can never buy into that. He was very articulate about his reasons.

Unknown_01: Okay, and one more thing. I just wanted to mention this in brief. Oh, actually.

Unknown_01: Let's do this, actually. Let's talk about this. I have a story to tell. I'll let this play, and then I will play a meme. Then I have a story to tell about it.

Unknown_01: This is a review about Turning Red, which you don't know. If you don't know, it's the new Disney movie about a woman. No, a little girl turning into a woman and getting her period.

Unknown_00: No reason. This film takes place less than a year after the September 11th terrorist attacks. I bring this up because it radically altered the culture of the time and ways to make this movie feel exceptionally ignorant of the time. Even though literally the only reason I can comprehend that this movie is set explicitly in 2002 is because the director grew up in that exact year. Yes, this film takes place in Canada, not the United States, but all over the Western world. Canada, America, the UK, much of Europe. People were paranoid because 9-11 wasn't the only terror attack that had happened. It was the major... So, in this quirky movie about a little Chinese girl getting her period, we need references to a September 11th.

Unknown_01: Because, of course we do. We can't have a movie and not include politics. Though I really appreciate how, when he said that it radically changed the culture of our times, he uses this still. Where the panda, like...

Unknown_01: decides to commit a hate crime against a woman in a hijab. Rah! Get out of here, you fucking towelhead. I never... I didn't watch this movie. I never picked up on the subtle commentary about anti-Arab sentiment at the time because of its proximity to 9-11 terror attacks.

Unknown_01: I like... Here's a meme by Dolan Duck or whatever. Dolan Darker.

Unknown_01: So he, he put the other little edit, which I'll share with you guys.

Unknown_01: I think ER did a review of this movie.

Unknown_01: Yeah, okay. I agree with his sentiments a little bit. I remember watching this and thinking the same thing. ER's point, it's very strange.

Unknown_01: If you don't know, the story of the movie is that the little girl has her first period. The panda is a literal allegory for getting a period.

Unknown_01: And the issue with that is it is an obvious, very obvious one-to-one allegory to getting a period. But then the things that they do to build the plot line with this allegory are very questionable.

Unknown_01: For instance...

Unknown_01: She uses the panda to make money. She wants to go see a BTS concert, basically. That's like the plot of the film. She wants to go see a concert. Her strict Asian mother is basically fucking psychotic. I don't know how based in reality this actually is, but this woman is a fucking lunatic. And I feel bad for Asian kids if they grow up with parents like this.

Unknown_01: So keep that in mind that your base trad wife from China might be fucking psychotic if this movie is anything to go by. But...

Unknown_01: So she raises money by literally prostituting herself. If the allegory is to be continued logically... And I can't imagine an adult watching this film and not completing that allegory on itself.

Unknown_01: But she...

Unknown_01: She goes to school and is like, I'll let you take pictures of my panda if you give me money. And that's how she raises the money to go see the BTS concert is that she lets all the kids take pictures of her panda and to hang out with her panda. and to pet her panda and she gives then they give her money for it and then she goes to the birthday party of a rich little boy and he uh basically hires her as panda entertainment for his room and it's like the thing is like the whole point of this is that she her panda is like her period so it's a it's very strange and i i know it sounds weird to even say that because it's like why are you reading so much into this but i couldn't help it uh that's much more questionable to me than no reference to 9-11

Unknown_01: You didn't put that together? Okay, here. I'll do this. Did you get the same sense watching the movie? Yes, no, and didn't watch. Okay. I'll ask my community about this. I'll check the Super Chat and see if there's one more.

Unknown_01: Uh, have you watched the line goes up by folding ideas? Interesting thoughts in crypto. I'm not, um, though.

Unknown_01: like crypto my thing with crypto is that it's no longer a get rich quick quick stream scheme if you're trying to get rich quick off crypto you're doing it wrong it's a separate um it's a separate thing now bella delphine ate a light bulb yeah her her stuff now from what i see is just like she like caters specifically to like rape and woman torture stuff so uh

Unknown_01: I think that that's deliberate. She's like the most famous porn star in the world now. So now she's like, I'm going to like hurt myself and get men addicted to sadism. Cause I'm a Jewish South African porn porn star.

Unknown_01: Urban, my silver at the noon, Maddie streams. I've been obsessed with King Cobes, JFS and covered. I'm glad that people like, uh, Cobes. He's one of the good ones.

Unknown_01: And, uh, I might have an opportunity to do another coin thing again, uh, depending on how something plays out this month or next month.

Unknown_01: And Richard Hart bought the world's largest diamond, the Enigma, which is 555.5 carat with cryptocurrency, I guess. Good for him. Okay, the poll. 75% of 1,000 voters said they did not watch. 19% of the voters said that they saw it. And then 6% did not get the sense of what I'm talking about watching the movie. So there you go.

Unknown_01: Though I thought the – I'll tell you what my first thought was. When I heard that it was a movie about a Canadian-Chinese family and it was called Turning Red, I'm like, is this a Disney movie about the Chinese takeover of Canada? Is this some subtle political commentary about the future of Canada? But no.

Unknown_01: That would be too funny. And they got to make their money off the Chinese market now. You're going to see that more like I talked about this before, but you're going to see like just outright more, more outright deliberate pandering to the Chinese market because the American market sucks.

Unknown_01: Chinese market, very easy to appease. Nice, nice Pixar movie about period panda. Got it. Perfect. Everyone loves it.

Unknown_01: Make a movie in America, you got black people in it, half the audience doesn't like it because too many blackies. Got no black people in it, half the audience doesn't like it because there's not enough representation. You put a black person in a movie for China, China don't like that. You got to make them all white or Asian.

Unknown_01: Unless that's Canada and then it can be whatever because they don't care. But if you put a black person in China to the Chinese market, they'll be pissed off.

Unknown_01: Bing Shilling.

Unknown_01: Okay. Oh, my story about Mr. Inter, by the way.

Unknown_01: One of the first sub forums we ever opened on the Kiwi Farms was specifically dedicated to Mr. Inter. And that was because the forum was young.

Unknown_01: And there was a huge audience of people who hated Mr. Inter and they needed a place to go. So I opened a Mr. Inter subforum and these kids, I'm forced to assume they were either kids or retarded now, but they joined and they were like the worst fucking users ever. Out of all the people who joined, they all sucked except a handful and they're like still around to this day.

Unknown_01: But it was a big fucking mess. and there was like rivalry there was like a special website open just for mr inter like hate fandom and i think the reason for this is that he mostly reviews like cartoons like i think if you view his thing he views like western animation and i think that reviewing western animation is

Unknown_01: like SpongeBob SquarePants and Rugrats, I think that's a step down below anime reviewers. Like if you're reviewing anime, I guess they make anime for adults, but cartoons are for children. And unless you're like, unless your perspective is,

Unknown_01: is I'm an adult, and I have children, and I'm going to review this movie from the perspective of if it's appropriate for your children. Reviewing cartoons is fucking pathetic. And this guy's entire channel is reviewing fucking cartoons. So I consider that more pathetic than reviewing anime.

Unknown_01: which is not to say that reviewing anime is not pathetic because it is, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you watch anime, but on the pecking order, being a cartoon, Western cartoon reviewer is like seriously demented behavior.

Unknown_01: Please give us your perspective on cartoons again, Josh.

Unknown_01: When I was a kid, I liked the fairly odd parents and, um,

Unknown_01: I like cow and chicken, but the red guy in that show scared me as a kid. He was very weird and gay. I had like a natural, now that I think about it, I had like a natural fear of homosexuals, which I think all children have innately.

Unknown_01: And, um, when I was, oh, and my favorite show, my all time favorite show as a kid was Courage the Cowardly Dog. I still think back on Courage the Cowardly Dog. It was, it was very light horror and it had a lot of stories I remember to this day. It was a good, good show.

Unknown_01: Invader Zim was okay to me I'll tell you this I laughed obnoxiously loud and obnoxiously long every single time in Invader Zim they went to school and school was spelled like S-K-O-O-L school I thought that was the funniest shit ever as a kid because it's like it's a place of education where they would know how to spell school but yet they spell it wrong and that was so funny to me laughing

Unknown_01: But no, I thought Courage was better than Invader Zone.

Unknown_01: Comedy. Autism.

Unknown_01: Baseburg.

Unknown_01: Ed and Eddie was okay. I was not as big a fan of that as I was other shows.

Unknown_01: What was that weird I was raped as a child cartoon you showed us some months ago? I have not a fucking clue what you're talking about.

Unknown_01: Have I followed the DuckDuckGo fuckery? No. I use BraveSearch like a Chad. And I use Bing where I don't have access to BraveSearch. I'm a binger.

Unknown_01: I'm a binger just like on Rikada's show. We all love Bing. Oh, Alfred. Alfred's Playhouse. That's not a traditional cartoon though. That's like a schizophrenic molested woman's therapy video that she did as an art project. Yeah. Definitely don't show your kids Alfred Playhouse. They'll turn out like me. They'll be all fucky-wucky.

Unknown_01: Uh, okay.

Unknown_01: Yandex Chads rise up. Oh, no. That's treason to the great country of the United States.

Unknown_01: Okay, um...

Unknown_01: Anything else chat? Anything I've missed? Let me check the super chats. Make sure I didn't miss anything.

Unknown_01: No. Okay. Good. I actually got through all the super chats. Hopefully it wasn't too obnoxious.

Unknown_01: Talk about H3.

Unknown_01: I know that people have requested me talking about this a bit, but I just know he's having like a little spiral, a little meltdown. Jim Sterling.

Unknown_01: Jim Sterling was being obnoxious last time I checked let's see his last video

Unknown_01: Oh, he got COVID? That's right. And he talks about having COVID.

Unknown_04: Oh, he's just ranting about office space.

Unknown_01: Yeah, Jim's just fat and gay. Oh, he bragged about NFTs being pulled by some company that promised to have NFTs. But then the altcoin market took a shit, so there's no point.

Unknown_01: Play the clip. No, I'm done.

Unknown_01: I think I'm done. I don't want to go on too long. I'm really in cold sweats. I'm like sweating right now. So I'm, I'm, I don't have an outro song though.

Unknown_01: Ooh, fuck. Wait, give me a second. Give me a second. Entertain yourselves while I find an outro song. I'll read, I'll read chat. I'll look at chat while I'm trying to find an outro song.

Unknown_01: This song, this, I like the song, but it's way too long for an outro song. How long is this? Five minutes.

Unknown_01: I'll play it. I don't want to deal with that. That's way too long.

Unknown_01: I'll play a couple minutes of it. If you want to hear the whole thing, you have to go find it on your own. Anything else? No? Bad? Okay. Bye-bye, chat. I'll see you guys next week. Hopefully I'll be feeling better by then. If you want to see your money go tonight, fly over to the east side.

Unknown_02: They got your connections, make your pockets bleed. Come on, they're waiting on the east side. If you want to build real life, good night. You won't find it on the east side.

Unknown_02: Short effort looks up when you're lying on the floor. That's all. There's nothing on the east side.

Unknown_02: point, Charlie. You want to leave it all behind.

Unknown_02: That's fine.

Unknown_02: I'm father to the child