0:00:00 Unknown_00: Hello, chat. I don't have a chat right now, but I'm going to be talking about this. I've not read through it yet, but I've been told by reliable sources that it is funny, so I'm going to hope for the best. This is Ethan Ralph's response to the restraining order filed against him by Faith. This response was in September of 2021. Unknown_00: and it has just now been posted. This response is what led to the full five-year restraining order being granted to Faith, so whatever he says in this must be pretty fucking stupid. 0:00:39 Unknown_00: The person who posted this correctly points out That when you file a document like this by yourself or pro se in a legal avenue, you cannot then hire an attorney later to do a do-over, basically, barring extraordinary circumstances. There's a reason why they always tell you to get a lawyer. Unknown_00: And the reason is that when you start submitting things under perjury, it's very difficult to undo those things. So you want to make sure that you get it right the first time because the court does not appreciate its time being wasted. And the court is also aware that when you start proceedings like this and start filing motions, the parties are paying a cost. 0:01:18 Unknown_00: Vickers had an attorney, so his money is being wasted to deal with this. And the court knows that if one person is just filing garbage and the other person's paying for it out of pocket, it's not really fair to them if the person then gets a completely second chance to redo what they're doing. So always get an attorney is the bottom line. And as we can see here, this is proof of service. So because Ralph can't contact the person who's asking for the long-term injunction against him in this restraining order, Amanda is the person who mailed the letter to Faith by placing it in a sealed envelope, which is how the court seems to prefer a restraining order being handled, so that there doesn't have to be direct contact between the parties, which would defeat the purpose of the request, while not also infringing on Ralph's right to a fair trial. Note that his email address is theraff at theralphretort.com. It's a bold new nickname for him. 0:01:59 Unknown_00: Here on page 6 out of 14, we start getting Ralph's actual message. Unknown_00: Really, really poorly placed on the page. I've read this paragraph, this first paragraph, and I'm convinced that Ralph is fucking drunk. No, I think Ralph is completely wasted in this letter. I have no desire. OK, actually, let me read the header so that you know what's actually being asked. 0:02:57 Unknown_00: Reasons I do not agree with the orders requested. Explain your answer to each of these orders requested. Parentheses give specific facts and reasons. Unknown_00: If there is not enough space below, you can attach it to the document. Unknown_00: Ralph writes in response to why he does not agree with the order requested. Unknown_00: I have no desire to see Faith Vickers or any of her family. They have decided to steal my child from me. It's no doubt, and he didn't put a space there, it's no doubt a tough blow, but am not going to play into their legal games and drain my bank account. My son will see me someday and will laugh about all this. In the meantime, I'm having another child now with my fiancée, which is the male spelling of fiancé, I'm pretty sure. I've mixed those up all the time, so I could be wrong. 0:03:35 Unknown_00: I'm much more focused on that than I am anything to do with the Vickers. So his reasons for why he does not agree with the request, right out the gate, I have no objection to this. I have no reason whatsoever to see, communicate with, or talk to any of these people in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely washing my hands of them. But he continues, I wish they would just leave me and my family alone. I do take issue with them trying to silence me on social media since they talk about me almost every day. 0:04:10 Unknown_00: I know that you didn't include that in the original order, but I stopped saying her name anyways. In the meantime, she's made at least 50 posts about me with her father right behind her. This is a waste of the court's time, but I thank you for reading this anyways. It's a court filing, bro. Chances are they're going to read it. That's their job. Unknown_00: That's his beautiful signature. I mean, for a pig hoof, that's pretty good. 0:04:47 Unknown_00: Legit, that does not look like any kind of fucking lettering at all. Unknown_00: Signed on the 27th of November. No lawyer signature, so this is completely per se. Unknown_00: Continuing on, page 7. Uh... Unknown_00: Number of pages I have attached to this form, if any, eight. So I don't see how this directly ties in. I guess this is a continuation of why... Like, okay, so... Yes, if you want to write more than what is provided in the space here, you can attach something here. But I don't see him fault... Like, it's not labeled this. If this is like a continuation of this, it specifically says... uh put your answer on an attached sheet of paper and write dv 120 reasons i do not agree as title no such title so this is just like some shit he stuffed into the envelope and didn't really follow the instructions and they're not complicated instructions even for someone who doesn't have a lawyer but uh let's continue 0:05:27 Unknown_00: Your Honor, Ms. Vivkers makes several criminal accusations in her complaint. Since I am facing a case here in Richmond now due to her wild accusations, I will not be weighing in on any of those accusations. I will simply say that I expect to be fully exonerated and my attorney feels the same way. So, Your Honor, I disagree with this restraining order because I'm currently in court for criminal behavior in another state. 0:05:59 Unknown_00: Off to a great start. What I will do is note a few things. Ms. Vickers... Oh, he spelled it right this time. Ms. Vickers... Unknown_00: in conjunction with others, has decided to try and tie me up in legal proceedings and drain my wallet. They didn't count on me representing myself, I suppose, but when you have so much material to work with, a lawyer isn't necessary. 0:06:40 Unknown_00: Like her father, who has repeatedly broken a civil agreement that I had with him, which will be taken up relatively soon in another courtroom, she cries about my public position and how afraid of me she is. Yet she talks trash about me almost every day online. Here's a pinned tweet at the top of her profile. Unknown_00: Quote from Faith on September 12th, which is a couple days before this was filed. Unknown_00: I have been afraid of this quote-unquote man for far too long, and after this tweet from Ethan Oliver Ralph, I'm tired of letting this piece of trash bully me. Make no mistake, this tweet was absolutely directed at me as another boyish flex, so he could make sure I knew how much better his new 0:07:25 Unknown_00: guess fiance is than her ralph says uh in this quoted tweet instead of bogus charity fundraisers nobody supports pansu just keeps posting bomb meals delicious and then there's her cooking which is always uh truly truly magical Unknown_00: Her father, despite being barred from talking to or about me, continues to do so, and he does it on Kiwi Farms, a gossip website that both him and his daughter cite as so scary and dangerous, and where everything I do is chronicled, including many things I don't do, and by the way, they are dangerous. 0:08:13 Unknown_00: The fact that these people... Oh, here's your ambulance intermission. The fact that these people keep putting their family in harm's way to settle some petty score is ridiculous. I will still be Alexander's father no matter how much legal nonsense they try to put me through. Unknown_00: There is, like... Unknown_00: There is some truth to what he's saying. I agree very much with Ralph on the fact that Vickers and Faith continuously posture in their legal filings that they're terrified of Ralph and that he shouldn't be allowed near them. But then they ruthlessly antagonize the fuck out of him wherever possible. And if there was a, like, coherent legal mind helping him write this response, like a lawyer, he could probably articulate that in a pretty convincing way. Instead, like, you know, you're a lawyer and here you have all this evidence that, you know, the person asking for protection is going on Twitter and then, like, saying shit about him. 0:08:51 Unknown_00: Typically, the person asking for protection is going to be hoping to forget that this person even exists. But unfortunately for Ralph, he decides to open this up by saying, reasons I do not agree on the order requested, quote, I have no desire to see Faith because of her family. They've decided to steal my child from me, and I'm not going to do anything about it. Yeah. So there's basically no reason to not grant the restraining order just to keep, you know, the peace, even if they're being two-faced about this. 0:09:36 Unknown_00: But he continues, they're trying to fool the court into gagging me. Oh, no. That's not pleasant imagery. Unknown_00: Gagging me so that they can continue to talk trash unabated until my court case. It's my view that this is unconstitutional. 0:10:09 Unknown_00: um citing nothing it is my view that this is unconstitutional well it's my view that the constitution grants us free gatorade free gatorade motherfucker free gatorade that's my view Unknown_00: Here's Matthew Vickers explicitly breaking the order we signed last month. The post itself is much longer and goes into some hypothetical about my relationship with his daughter. But he mentions my actual name right here at the top. And keep in mind, he's posting to a forum that's explicitly dedicated to messing with me life. So now he's Irish. He's Irish. Come out, you black and tans. The messing with me life. 0:10:43 Unknown_00: The title of the forum is literally my name and the name of my show. He is 100% breaking the order he signed with me. He also tried to obtain the quote-unquote docs of one of my co-hosts, which Ethan Ralph has subsequently provided to him. It has challenged me to a debate. No, I'm not kidding. Oh, thanks. Thanks for including that detail. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that this wasn't a joke, Ralph. 0:11:20 Unknown_00: I'm sorry for the sniffling. I have allergies, as I mentioned last night. Unknown_00: These aren't the actions of a man who is afraid for his safety. He plays games with the court. I feel like I've read this before. Unknown_00: This could just be, like, identical to his previous filing in content. Unknown_00: Now, this is a quote from Matthew Vickers on the forum. It's clear to me. I guess I should read this in the Ralph voice because they're basically the same person. It's clear to me, given Faith's current disposition on matters, that if she had any other legal ammunition that would play to her benefit, she would use it. 0:11:59 Unknown_00: And then he links the post. Now, why do I waste so much time talking about him? It's because he's working in tandem with my daughter. She's also been leaking stuff to Kiwi Farms every chance she gets, all the while trying to claim victim status. Unknown_00: I remember when I was in fifth grade, I think it was fifth grade, I remember that we had to prepare for the FCAT test, which was the standardized test that they have in Florida for all students every couple years. 0:12:33 Unknown_00: And one of the things I remember my writing teacher telling me to help with my expository essay, which was a part of the writing test, Unknown_00: was to avoid any superfluous statements like, now, why do I waste so much time talking about him? That kind of question distracts from what you're actually writing. You can just skip that. You can literally just skip that and answer the question and say... i uh detail matthew vickers because he's you know her father they live together and i have a pending restraining order from him as well so these matters are similar like you can just answer the question uh you can you can ask the you can present what the question is simply in how you answer it um which i mean to say that sounds ridiculous like of course most people understand this but Ralph, who, again, is an editor for a serious news site, apparently, just doesn't get it. Which has always been the strangest thing to me, is how weak his writing is. In this message, she talks about leaking things to Kiwi Farms so that it isn't tied to her. And this is Faith saying... 0:13:27 Unknown_00: Besides Ralph, everything else in my life is great. That's also why he did it. I'm not pining after him. I'm not putting my love into him. I'm with a good man who loves my son. My parents love their grandchild because I'm doing good. He can't let that happen. I mean, fuck, I designed a tattoo for him in dedication of his mom. I could go on a... Oh, God. Can you imagine Ralph getting anything that Faith drew tattooed on him? What a disaster. 0:14:05 Unknown_00: I could go on a rant about all the petty thoughts in my head, but I know it makes me look worse. I'm just going to calm down. If anything further leaked comes from you, I'm not going to let him make me back down though. Unknown_00: Um, he fucked with my, Oh, if I need anything leaked further, I'll come to you. So she's like conspiring with this guy. I'm not going to let him make me back down though. He fucked with my kid and that's where I'm making it end. Unknown_00: The person who's the leaker responds saying, you really put a lot of effort into that relationship and you never reciprocated. I didn't know you designed a tattoo in dedication of his mom's recent... She's just asking that shit. Simp. And then Ralph decides to emphasize that last statement in bold. If I need anything leaked further, I'll come to you. Faith Vickers to a Kiwi Farms user. 0:14:41 Unknown_00: I guess what he's trying to say is that... Unknown_00: she's violating, like, she's talking about him, and therefore he should not be restrained from talking about her. Unknown_00: But you have to, like, present this with, like, a legal precedent for this. Like, oh, she's knowingly trying to circumvent a order to not talk about Ralph, so therefore she should not be granted, you know, the restraining order. But he doesn't stretch to do that. 0:15:16 Unknown_00: Basically, he says, this isn't a trustworthy source. She also taunts me about not seeking custody of a child. They will do everything in their power to keep me from seeing. I don't see much merit in playing them every month to see my kid for four hours a year. My son, Alexander, will know his father and his upcoming sibling soon enough, and there's nothing the vindictive vicars can do about it. Why does he... 0:15:55 Unknown_00: Why does he think his Trump, like his Trumpism, his Trump, what did Scott Adams call it? The linguistic kill shot nickname for Vickers is appropriate in the legal document. Unknown_00: Usually just say defendant or petitioner's father. That suffices, Ralph. Unknown_00: Note that it says Vindictive. Vindictive. Unknown_00: which is a particularly unusual way of spelling that. I am forced to assume this man is completely fucked off alcohol writing this shit. It will be impossible for him not to know I'm his father. 0:16:32 Unknown_00: Because you put it all over the fucking internet, you retard. They can explain to him why they committed one of the most evil acts on the planet, separating a child from its parent. Unknown_00: I almost forgot how she game-planned with one of these Kiwi Farms trolls in order to make it easier for her to steal my child. Unknown_00: This is an email from Faith, he says to him. Well, if you wanted to bring more legal issues that could face him if he decides to fight for custody in any capacity, which he has yet to do, being anti-vax will eliminate any fight for visitation. But yeah, you didn't hear it from me, except from my iPhone. 0:17:09 Unknown_00: This was actually to the Spectre reporter. Unknown_00: Great job, Spectre. Unknown_00: Oh, and they released the last agreement to Kiwi Farms as well. So I fully expect this one to follow the same question. You know, I just remembered where I remember reading this before. It's very similar to the filings that he sent to the Nevada... 0:17:51 Unknown_00: county court for Vickers because I think Vickers just posted that directly. Keep in mind, she's supposed to be in fear from me and wants to stop me from speaking out about her. By the way, according to the current order in my reading of it, I'm not gagged at all, but they seem to think I am. I've not mentioned her name in any way just to be safe. Unknown_00: I heard a rumor that your dad was in contact with a Kiwi Farms user named Burger Fox still Burger Fox is one of the moderators for I think just the beauty parlor not even like Ralph section I don't think Burger Fox has rights in that area 0:18:34 Unknown_00: That might have changed between then and now, though. From what I was told, he seemed fairly supportive of your father and his efforts, so I'm surprised you go through him. Unknown_00: Go through other people like me you are less sure of to get info passed to the farms. Unknown_00: And Faith clarifies that she has no personal contact with BurgerFox, so she has no way to do it. While me and my dad are working together, I'm still my own individual who doesn't have all his contacts. Unknown_00: Um... Unknown_00: he continues that much is obvious but he's breaking a court order and you're playing games with another court this woman does not fear for her life she's the biggest liar i have ever known she's falsely accused her parents of beating her um that's another discord log from faith about her father beating her 0:19:24 Unknown_00: she's made up three rapes at least she's also falsely accusing me of something similar to another ex-boyfriend she was lying to this is all going to come out in the criminal cross-examination so i'm not going to spend too much time on it here parentheses i have to go to work sorry anna i can't write my filings out as i need to because i have to turn on my live stream and holler at the kiwi farms right now that's really pathetic You have to know your audience when you write, right? So it's like, I'm going to write this paragraph like I'm sending a text message to somebody. And I'm just going to assume that the judge is going to interpret that in my favor. Unknown_00: But basically faith Vickers is an unreliable witness who alive drop of the hat. She lied about why the ADA here in Virginia dropped her bogus charges last time. It's because she emailed them and told them to drop the charges. 0:20:28 Unknown_00: this is an email from Faith Vickers to Police Davalia, and she says, I would like to stop pursuing any charges. I feel mentally unwell to do so and don't think I can pursue this and go into Virginia. Please keep this between us before I can tell my father. Thank you. Well, that doesn't say, like, I lied. That just says I don't feel well enough to pursue this, which is why it was dropped, no look in Tangeray, and was brought up later. Wait. No, no look in Tangeray was his plea out. Unknown_00: They dropped it in a way that they could bring it back, which they did. Unknown_00: Now she has an entirely different story. She's not just lying about me. She's lying about officers of the court in bold. 0:21:09 Unknown_00: Um, Alison Martin was not the original ACA on the case. It was brought up after I repeatedly called and begged them to reconsider after I had not been contacted. Kelly Burnett, the original ACA on the case had claimed to my own father. She reached out. I sent letters, made calls, et cetera, saying this wasn't the case. Unknown_00: My belief is that she did something she wasn't supposed to. Unknown_00: That is not clear enough for me to really make a determination of she's lying about anything. That's a, that's a stretch. Unknown_00: Oh, but he explains, he elaborates. This is a whole page of text. She is 100% lying about the above tale, which is why she released to a rival broadcaster. Spectre is his rival broadcaster. That's his face on the screen because he S broadcasting it live. Did he literally write this on a phone? He S broadcasting it live. It's like he texts that out on a phone, hit the S button, and then the keyboard assumed it was a capital S. And he just didn't go back and correct. I'm forced to assume that he wrote his court filing on a cell phone keyboard at this point. Like, that's crazy. Oh, and I have the receipts to prove it, which I posted. Honestly, Your Honor, I don't have enough time in the day to write out all her lies. She personally accused me of trying to rape her to one of her ex-boyfriends and said we weren't even together. Also, she could manipulate us both among many, many other lies. This is an unstable girl backed by an unstable family trying to use the courts and the nature of my job against me. If only there was a whole group of people who warned Ralph about dating a BPD 18-year-old from California. Fortunately, no such charitable organization existed. I want nothing more to do with any of them. They claim they want the same from me, but the truth says otherwise. 0:22:58 Unknown_00: I want nothing more to do with any of them. They claim they want the same from me, but the truth says otherwise. Okay. The truth being, like, their actions say otherwise. It's a very weird way to phrase that. Unknown_00: I may have my fiance, Amanda Morris, here with me on Wednesday. Obviously, I will not answer any of Faith's bogus criminal allegations. Unknown_00: That doesn't make any sense. Unknown_00: May will be with me, so I'm not going to answer. I'm not going to even answer the allegations. Okay. Okay. 0:23:32 Unknown_00: I have many more Snapchat messages where we talk about raising the baby in peace and they're all sweet to each other. Bad relationships that have abusive elements never have any sweet messages. Abusive relationships are 100% bad all the time. Everyone knows this. So there's no way that these messages would exist if the relationship wasn't abusive in some way. Unknown_00: That all changed when her father learned of us talking, so he decided it would be better to mess up a kid's life in order to win a grudge against me. Now, that's his choice, and he still isn't going to win, except you just told him, you just told the court that you have no interest in being involved with this kid until he's an adult. 0:24:07 Unknown_00: I apologize for the breezy nature of this response. I literally work about 19 hours a day in between shows. I'll tell you more on Wednesday. Thank you for your time. This barely scratches the surface of this thing. That is so fucking unprofessional. You know what you can do if you're working 19 hours a day and you have a ton of fucking money? You can hire an attorney and you can make that their job to type up this document in such a way that you can contest this court order in a competent way if you're so busy. By the way, I have no issue with agreeing to never see these people ever again. I don't want to and I have no desire to. When Alexander is of age, he will seek me out and I won't be hard to find. I want absolutely nothing to do with the Vickers family. I'm focused on my up-and-coming baby in April. 0:24:52 Unknown_00: If only they would take the same stance with me instead of leaking. Who knows if they leaked in the past in an effort to own me. In an effort to own me. In a court document. 0:25:27 Unknown_00: Sir, sir, they're not filing for custody of you. They're not filing for the right to put you in the fields and whip you. Unknown_00: We're confused what you mean by owning you, sir. Unknown_00: I wouldn't put anything past them. I can answer and show more when the court comes, but I have to go to work now. Trust me, there's a lot more, but I don't have a ton of time. Thank you for sparing some years. Unknown_00: Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Ethan Ralph sent from my iPhone. Unknown_00: That's crazy. If I was a judge, I would feel so horrifically disrespected by this. I'm not a judge. I can't really say. 0:26:02 Unknown_00: From my experience with pro se litigants, the judges are very lenient, very permissive. Unknown_00: But you probably have to think about how the vicar's filings were. They're probably itemized. Unknown_00: We deserve this protective order because Ralph said this. Evidence. Ralph also said that he was going to do this. Evidence. Ralph claimed that he was going to break the law to do this. Evidence. In brief. Just point by point, this guy is a menace and we need him to be restrained from us because we need that first line of protection to say, look, he shouldn't even be here because he knows it's menacing when he's around us. and we need help, and we have an order to prove it. 0:26:35 Unknown_00: And then you compare that to him, and he's just sort of like, well, fuck y'all, I don't want to see that boy anyways, and you fucking liars, sons of bitches. All she does is run around accusing people of rape, and let me tell you about those Kiwi farms she's leaking all over. 0:27:12 Unknown_00: It's just a fucking clown world the most unpersuasive shit possible in a professional setting and it's really really confusing to me what it is about him that persuades people like Nick Fuentes to Batten down with him and give them access to their shit because it's like He just comes across as an ineffectual retard constantly, and I can't even imagine what it is about him that is Enables him to keep getting allies Unknown_00: Um, yeah. So there you go. Uh, now if Ralph is fighting for custody after filing this, he's, he loaded their guns for him basically. So his statement is that, ah, aha, they're trying to drain my bank accounts by making me hire an attorney. Well now, uh, in his stroke of genius, Unknown_00: Now that he's decided that he actually does want some custodial rights to Xander, he's going to have to hire an attorney to not only win the case, but to undo the damage he's already done to his own case by filing this garbage. 0:28:22 Unknown_00: Really just the gift that keeps on giving. We're going to miss him when he's gone, because there's not many people quite as fucking stupid as Ethan Ralph. Unknown_00: And on that note, I am done reading this. I hope you have enjoyed this reading. I hope you guys are having a lovely weekend. Unknown_00: And thank you for supporting on the Gumroad, if you are listening from the Gumroad. Take it easy. Bye-bye.