Thank you. 0:01:02 Unknown_00: chat chat i had a terrible dream and i woke myself up get this i dreamed that i was a pickle i was a pickle rick it woke me up from the sound slumber in time to to orchestrate this stream Unknown_00: It's been a long time since I listened to the Bastion soundtrack. Don't worry, if I sound awful, I'm not going to talk much, so you don't have to worry about it. Unknown_00: Nick Fuentes is already live with Michael Alberto, who will be hosting from Cozy TV. I will be restreaming it from Cozy TV, so you do not have to be on Cozy TV, because I realize not many people want to do that. Unknown_00: Let's see if this works. 0:01:51 Unknown_00: There it is. That's the chat. 4,500 people watching, 2,000 on Ralph's channel, believe it or not. So let's just tune in and see where we're at. Unknown_15: I think ultimately that's really what this is about. And then, like I said, the other areas are that I said that I report people, which is true, and I do, mostly on Twitter, though. I'll just say that mostly on Twitter. And I also said that Medicare is aloof and smug and acts like he's above it all. And I think that he's not above it all at all, actually. So, so those are the other areas, but yeah, so that, I mean, that's my position. And then Medicare was like, Oh, Nick said this. And then with the usual Kiwi farm stuff and, uh, 0:02:23 Unknown_00: Oh, he mentioned this. Unknown_15: So I'm just sort of curious. I want to know what Medicare's position on this. I want to hear is it could be funny or not funny, whatever you like. But I'm just curious what the beef is. Unknown_09: What the beef is? Unknown_09: I think you're a histrionic cunt. Unknown_02: OK. Unknown_02: Is that supposed to be funny? Unknown_09: Well, I mean, you are the arbiter of humor, saving behind a block button and banning shit that makes you upset. 0:03:02 Unknown_09: Do I seem upset? You seem pretty pissed off for the last week. Unknown_09: Did you watch my stream? Let me read some of your words, King. Malicious, life-ruining scum that will dox you, swat you, report you, deplatform you, spread lies and gossip, retaliate in any way. Seems a little ass-mad. Unknown_09: No, I think that's just true. Unknown_15: Don't you think that's true? Unknown_09: I didn't know getting laughed at on the fucking internet was malicious, life-ruining things. Unknown_09: Swatting, laughing? 0:03:34 Unknown_15: Who's swatting you, Nick? Oh, we're about to find out very soon, actually. Would you bet your life that it's not somebody who is on a website of one of your associates? Would you bet? Well, I would say bet your life. I would say bet your life because that's not a lot to bet. One of my associates. Which associate? Who do I say? Oh, you associate with lots of people. But would you, I mean, how much would you bet that it's not somebody that you know? Unknown_00: Who owns a website that he knows besides me? Just say me. Why is he angry at him and not me? Unknown_09: I don't think I can match you. 0:04:09 Unknown_15: Don't you have a trust fund, right? Unknown_09: I remember you telling Louis Thoreau that you're a millionaire, which is weird because you always bitch about being debanked. So I don't understand that, I guess. Unknown_02: Well, my money's not in the bank. Unknown_09: Oh, so where do the stream chats go? Unknown_02: Stream chats? Unknown_09: Well, I actually do have a bank account. Oh, you do? Most of my money's in crypto. Okay, so you can get money through a bank account. Unknown_15: Well, yeah, but I'm banned from Bank of America. Unknown_09: I'm banned from U.S. Unknown_15: Bank. Unknown_09: But you do have a bank. Unknown_15: Yeah, an A bank. Unknown_11: Nick, did you ever get the... You always... I what? I was going to ask about the 500K. 0:04:44 Unknown_15: If the joke is like I'm a millionaire, yes, my net worth is north of a million dollars. Unknown_11: What about the 500K? Did you ever get that back or is that just gone? Unknown_02: No, I don't want to comment on ongoing legal matter. But I've made at least that much since it was taken. I'll just say that. Unknown_02: OK, because it's weird because that's what you're going with. Unknown_09: Well, yeah, because you present yourself as this Mexican martyr. Oh, my God. Well, you know, woe is me. Unknown_02: I am Mexican. Unknown_09: But you but you seem to be making money just fine. Unknown_15: Well, I mean, yeah, I would like to have the money that the FBI took from me. Yeah, I mean, is that, am I not supposed to want that back? But the difference, here's what's funny about this, which I pointed out the other day. What's funny about this is when things happen to me, I basically just take it in stride. No, you don't. 0:05:20 Unknown_09: You would admit it on stream that you get ass-mad, and then you go after people. Really, Cliff? It's on my fucking timeline. You've commented on it. Unknown_15: Well, why don't you watch the clip when I got swatted? When I got swatted, did I come back on my show and go... That's not getting swatted. Unknown_17: ...crossed a line. I mean, I was just making jokes on the internet. I said, oh, well, yeah. Unknown_09: How does a guy bitch and whine about being deplatformed? How does a guy bitch and whine about being deplatformed? Oh, poor martyr me. And then he's like, I'm going to take down people laughing at me on the Internet. That's the difference. That's the difference, because I'm not I didn't come on the stream like telling people, hey, you should you should take my side and feel bad for me. 0:05:54 Unknown_15: I mean, I go on my show and say, yeah, like this is what's up. It's not right, but it is what it is. I stepped in the arena and I pay the price. And it seems like and that's that's your issue. You and these other people. You mean most people on the Internet when somebody's out? No, I mean, like flamenco, like flamenco is going to go on a show and he's going to call Ralph a rapist and send people to his event to sabotage. 0:06:31 Unknown_09: So when he's sabotage his event. Yeah, that sounds familiar. God, I wonder who else did something like that. Unknown_15: That's what I don't know. You're referring to Charlie Kirk. Unknown_09: You don't remember that. Unknown_15: That's a little different, though. Unknown_09: How is it different? Unknown_15: It's different because, well, I mean, we could talk about Charlie Kirk, but let's know. Unknown_09: I mean, how is it different? Unknown_15: Well, the difference is we're not crying about what Charlie Kirk does to us. We're not going around saying Charlie Kirk crossed the line. That's what you're saying. Unknown_09: Flamenco did. Unknown_15: Yeah, that's exactly what he did. Unknown_09: So cross the line. Hang on, hang on, hang on. We're talking about what's fair. We're talking about what's fair. What the fuck do you mean what's fair? 0:07:03 Unknown_15: Well, here, because you're going out there and you're saying that DMCAing is like crossing a line or something, right? Is that not your position? Unknown_09: I said, I said. that if you're going to be a whiny little cunt and say, oh, if people make fun of me on the internet, I'm going to flag them down. I'm going to get them banned wherever I can. Unknown_15: But that's not what we said. That's exactly what you said. Unknown_09: Exactly. Nearly verbatim what you said. Not quite. Unknown_15: Not quite. It's literally on my timeline. So let's return to the original point here, which is the DMCA between Ralph and Flamenco, right? Sure. We can talk about that. 0:07:40 Unknown_09: That's fine. Unknown_15: Okay. So I enter into the equation. And then we could get into – because I said there's three areas here, right? I said there's the – dmca ralph and flamenco there's me and my reports which we could get into that and then there's also the uh you and your attitude you're you're i'm so above it all yeah yeah you're you're i think you're the biggest faggot on the internet honestly right back at you yeah i know haha i know but i think you're your whole like yeah yeah i know i know oh my god here we go with the youth movement you know when i first talked to you five years ago when you were 19 0:08:17 Unknown_09: You're 23, 24 now. How long are you going to go with this rift? Unknown_02: Get it all out. Unknown_09: I'm a young zoomer. I mean, that's not going to really be very marketable in another two, three years, is it? Unknown_02: I'll still be a zoomer. Do you know how that works? Unknown_09: You're going to be older. Wait, wait, wait. Unknown_15: But I'll still be a Zoomer. You think I'll stop being a Zoomer when I'm 30? I'll still be a Zoomer. Is he even a Zoomer? Unknown_00: I think you'll stop saying the same shit when you're 30. Unknown_09: Okay. I mean, you're like, oh, Gen X and Millennials. I hate them. As you literally surround yourself with fucking Gen X and Millennials. Unknown_18: I'll still hate Gen X. Beardson, Baked, and Ethan are all in their mid-30s. 0:08:52 Unknown_09: Yeah, and I hate him for it. Unknown_15: I hate him for it. And I hate him for it. And they know that. They know I hate them for that. Absolutely. But anyway, so, but that's the final point, Medeker, is that I think that your whole, like, aloof routine where you say, like, I'm I just like to peck on the internet like I think that's cringe, but is that I said cringe I'm being told I do that does fucking live streams of him building Star Wars Lego kids. Unknown_09: What the fuck are you on about? Unknown_12: Yes. Yes. You are being called by that guy You are being called cringe by that guy because I went on your whole Twitter timeline yesterday. 0:09:24 Unknown_15: Like I'll give you a perfect example My Twitter timeline sure. Go ahead. Give me an example. Okay, I Unknown_15: Oh boy, man, this is good stuff. So like, this is a perfect example. So you and Ralph are going back and forth. I went over the whole thread. And so you're talking shit about each other and he's saying, you're saying like, oh, you're fat. And he's saying like, I'll fuck your wife on stream, whatever. And then you quote tweet his tweet and you say this, you say, Unknown_15: He called me childless. And you say it truly is heartbreaking that I'm childless. If only I had a son, I'd hug him every day because that way he'd know I'd love him. I couldn't imagine not doing so. Yeah. And like, yeah, I read that. And like, is that is like, do you think that's funny? Like, is that supposed to be fucking great? 0:10:01 Unknown_09: Yeah, because that's a shot right at his ass for, you know, being a terrible dad. Unknown_15: Yeah, see, and that's where we're getting to. It's like your whole mission, you pretend like you're all the way over here pointing and laughing, but what you're really saying is like, you're a bad person. You should know you're a bad person. Unknown_09: Everyone thinks you're a bad person. Did I make fun of Ralph in his fatherhood position as he rambles on about literally anybody's family he wants to? He called your sister a nigger-loving dyke. 0:10:34 Unknown_12: Yeah, I know. And I'm not over here. Unknown_09: She's a race mixer, right? And a lesbian? Unknown_10: That's what he said. Yeah, I know. Unknown_15: And me and Ralph squashed that a long time ago. Anyway, but you're getting away from the point. You're trying to like, this is what you do. You barrage with these like cheap shots. How are these cheap? Because these like have nothing to do with the point. And these are things everyone's heard a million times before. And it's just like the first thing. Unknown_09: Oh, they've heard it a million times. It's like the first thing that you can get. Unknown_15: And you take the first thing you can get and go, and then I'm supposed to be like. Unknown_09: Should I just say wash 80 times in a row? Wash, wash, wash, wash. Cringe, cringe, cringe, cringe. I mean, that's your shtick, right? 0:11:06 Unknown_15: No, not really. My shtick is ending your career right now. Unknown_08: And anyway, still this tweet. Unknown_15: I know it is. Unknown_08: It's going to be terrible for you. I'm so ended. Little Nickers is coming to get me. Unknown_16: Little Nickers, is that? Unknown_02: Yeah, Little Nickers is coming to get me. And there it is. And there it is. Unknown_15: Little niggers. Yeah, boomers call me that on Gab, and they think it's hilarious. Like, old people on Gab call me Nicky, and they think it's, like, the funniest thing in the world. Anyway. I mean, you could call Ralph, like, a pig or whatever, and it's, like, stuff that's just very, like, lowbrow. This is, like, so here's the thing. 0:11:42 Unknown_09: Oh, it's not at the level that Nick Fuentes likes. Unknown_15: That's true. You usually go into these streams. Unknown_09: How would you know what good humor is if you're banning and blocking and flagging it, Faggot? Unknown_15: Because I'm funnier than you. See, you're getting mad now. I'm funnier than you. How am I getting mad? That's how I'm going to arbit it. And here, like you go into these streams and you're the smartest guy in the room, but you're in a room full of dumb people. Unknown_09: That's what I am right now, Nick. I'm the smartest guy in the room. Unknown_15: Cheap, cheap shot. Unknown_12: First thing I thought of. Unknown_09: First thing I thought of. If I want to go cheap shot, I talk about your gay 70s porn stash. 0:12:17 Unknown_15: 70s porn stash. Unknown_09: Gay 70s porn stash. Lab track. Unknown_15: Lab track. Unknown_09: I don't know why you don't come out of the fucking closet, Nick. Unknown_15: Lab track. Unknown_09: I mean, all the Catboy shit, the looks. You know, your hands, you have this very effeminate, swishy thing you do with your hands where you wave them around. It's like a mating... Like this? Yeah, you do that quite a lot. This is me slapping you. Unknown_15: This is me slapping you around. Unknown_09: No, that's a mating call. That's a mating call for queers. That's a little bit of tranny Tourette's. Unknown_15: That's you out in public basically putting a mating call. Unknown_09: This is me slapping you across the face and saying, you're not funny. Unknown_15: You're not funny. You're not funny. And anyway, so, but the point I was trying to get at with that tweet is like. 0:12:52 Unknown_09: Oh, you had a point. Okay. Unknown_15: See, that's what I'm talking about. It's like the point I was trying to talk about with this tweet is like that tweet is a good example of what you're really about, which is you're not the guy that's laughing over here. You're a guy that like cares deeply about like saying that Ralph is like a bad person. Unknown_09: This is the weirdest fucking psychoanalysis over a tweet. You know you sound like a fucking retard, right? I think you sound like a retard. I think you sound like a retard when you post something like that. Unknown_16: Yeah, I am. Unknown_15: I am going to psychoanalyze you. I am going to psychoanalyze you. Oh, OK. OK. It is deep. See, see, this is what we're calling deflecting. And like, you know, this is mocking you because you're a fucking retard. No, no, this is at the end of the day, you're literally a bitch that. 0:13:22 Unknown_09: flag shit down that makes fun of you yeah and I laugh at I flag shit down and then I laugh and I laugh at how mad that makes you Jim I laugh when you go on Twitter and say America first is a mess you're a mess this is pathetic I fucking die laughing not die like you literally I die laughing because of how mad that makes you Unknown_18: I don't think so. I think I'm a millionaire. 0:13:56 Unknown_09: I think you're a bitch. See, there we go. See, I love how arrogant you get about it. I know. I love how arrogant I am too. Unknown_18: A small amount of power because you have a, what, a minor streaming platform? Unknown_15: No, because I'm a cool genius. Unknown_09: That's the funniest thing you've said tonight. Yeah, I know. Jim, why do you think Nick's gay? Unknown_11: Are you fucking kidding me? I want to hear your answer. Unknown_09: Oh, okay. Let's start with the physical features. He presents himself as very gay. He has a look that's very gay. That mustache, that's a very gay mustache. The hand thing, very flamboyant. He's got this thing where he does with his neck where it kind of pivots back and forth. Like you think maybe if the internet career didn't really work out for him, he could become like a fucking metronome or something. It's that kind of head bob that a cocksucker would have. Then you've got all the Catboy Cammy shit, the lolly socks date. Jaden and his rumper dumper. So, I mean, there's a lot of shit out there. There's a lot of gay stuff around Nick that just makes me think he should just come out of the fucking closet. I mean, it's fine to be gay. There's nothing wrong with it. But I don't know why you're so scared to admit it. 0:14:59 Unknown_02: That's right. Unknown_15: That's great. See, like this is I was actually disappointed because you have this reputation of being like the Internet aristocrat and like, oh, you can't fuck with him. And everything that I just heard is like, again, this is like appealing to the lowest common denominator. You like basically went on kiwi farms. and scooped like the worst insults that have been around by the way for like four years and then you think that if you like say them all next to each other that that constitutes like some kind of talent or something and i'm here to tell you like that's not a talent like you're just you're not as funny as you think am i am i am i breaking up here or is nick uh no he's sounding fine on my end okay yeah You are breaking up. You're breaking up. You're cracking up because I see right through you. I don't think you're that funny. I don't think you're a good content creator. And the other thing is, I think that, you know, once again, you have this facade of like being the guy that's Like, oh, I just like these laughs or something. But when I read a tweet, like I just read, it's like this concern trolling. Like you're, you're the biggest, ironically for a nihilist. You're like the biggest concern trolling moral fact on the internet. 0:15:47 Unknown_09: I literally got on stream and cried. You got on stream and cried talking about toxicity and how you guys are real human beings. We are real human beings. 0:16:23 Unknown_15: Yeah. Unlike you. Unknown_15: I'm an authentic, real human being. Unknown_09: These drama streamers, they're so toxic. It's so malicious. You sound like a fucking fag. Unknown_09: What internet have you been on up until now, Nick? Unknown_15: I'm on the internet where we're reporting you and then you're crying about it. It's so ironic. Unknown_09: You're reporting because you can't take banter. You're literally can't handle banter. Unknown_15: It's funny. No, I can handle it. I'm right here taking it all day long here. Unknown_15: You can cry about any person who talks shit about you. 0:16:56 Unknown_12: Oh, yeah, right. Okay. I mean, I'm right here. You do it. I hate 4chan. Unknown_09: I hate Kiwi Farms. I hate Ad. Fuck Twitter. Fuck YouTubers. You just want your little hug box with your little fucking yes. Hug box. Catchphrase. Unknown_12: Catchphrase. Catchphrase. Hug box. Hug box. Cringe. Cringe. Cringe. Catchphrase. Catchphrase. Catchphrase. See, now you're just. You said it for the last week like a juvenile. Unknown_15: Yeah, your content is bad, dude. I'm not just saying cringe. It's always yours. I'm psychoanalyzing and I'm breaking down. Unknown_09: You would have more than 6,000 watching if you had good content. nick if you had good you sound like you're getting kind of stressed right now you're kind of getting pressed right now because basically i'm winning this debate like this tweet put out against ralph is moral fagging when you go out there and say like you literally i would hug my kid because i'm a because i would be a good father like that's just like a moral fagging 0:17:30 Unknown_00: Why is moral fagging a bad thing? How does a man write on Telegram when you cry like a bitch? Unknown_09: Malicious, life-ruining scum. Why won't you engage with what I'm saying about this tweet? Unknown_15: You keep evading to these other things, but why won't you engage? Because I'm saying something very serious here. I'm attacking your credibility. Unknown_09: So you're having difficulty understanding the tweet. You want me to... No, no, I understand it. Unknown_15: I understand anything more than you do. I want to know where the funny is. Tell me why this is not just like a faggoty, passive aggressive, feminine, like moral fagging tweet saying you're a bad dad. Like it's calling someone a bad dad in itself. He's just moral faggot. I mean, if there was like a punchline here, that would be different. But you said, it's truly hard. You're right. It's heartbreaking that I'm childless. If only I had a son, I'd hug him every day. Because that way he'd know I love him. I couldn't imagine not doing so. I'm sorry my tweets aren't up to the Nick Fuentes standard. It's just like, yeah, yeah. 0:18:27 Unknown_09: Could you provide me with one of your tweets so I can compare it? It's just the most snarky. Unknown_15: Okay, how about like... George Floyd blown to smithereens with a grenade. Like that's, that's like just not caring. That's like just saying random shit, but telling somebody like, I couldn't imagine not hugging my son. Like that, that's not funny. And like that, but that's your whole MO. Your whole MO is like, it's not necessarily being funny, but it's like this, it's a very self-conscious kind of like status conscious thing. You're trying to tell Ralph in this like snarky, passive aggressive way, like you're a bad dad. And, and so that, that's really what I'm saying here is you, I need to, I need to kick it up a notch. 0:19:03 Unknown_09: I need to say little white girls that got killed in the parade. We're just going to grow up to fuck niggers like you, right? I never said, would that be funnier? I never said that. I covered that. 0:19:38 Unknown_09: You went on stream saying, oh, what, you guys don't think that's funny? It's irony. What the fuck's your problem? Unknown_15: Well, do you want to read me the quote and tell me what I exactly said? Unknown_09: You were talking about the fucking parade where the black guy drove through it and hit the little white girls, and then somebody had tweeted out about this, and you're like, why are you guys getting so mad about it? Who fucking cares? It's funny. It's irony. Unknown_02: It sounds like you, right? Unknown_15: Isn't that your thing? Unknown_15: Are you the jokes guy? Unknown_09: No, I'm saying I want to emulate you. That's fucking hilarious, man. Are you? Okay. Be a millionaire. Unknown_15: You want to emulate me? Be a Zoomer millionaire. Oh, wait, you can't because you're going to die. Anyway, wait, wait. But so anyway, but you see what you just did? Like you just keep going like, oh, I know this thing will work. I'll grab this thing. This thing will work. This other thing from Kiwi. Oh, this thing. 0:20:13 Unknown_12: Remember when you said this? And it's like. Yeah, okay. You want to go to deep dive analyst. You want to go to deep dive analysis of a tweet. Unknown_15: Yes, yes, yes. I am going to deep dive analyst. I'm going to deep dive. Unknown_09: And that's what I was saying on Sunday. Hit me with your next shot. I want to see more of this. psychologist nick fuentes please hit me with the next one that's right md psychologist nick fuentes md bitch i think that you again i think that you have this like a loop smug attitude because you follow around like ethan ralph and ethan ralph has this sordid life a lot of fucks i follow around ethan ralph okay yeah yeah you live tweet his streams 0:21:05 Unknown_15: I went through your Twitter timeline for a week and every tweet is, Ralph said this, Ralph said that, Ralph said that. Not for a whole week. Not Ralph said that, not Ralph said that. A whole week? Unknown_18: Yeah. Unknown_09: A whole week? Oh my God. Yeah, like 20 times a day for a week. Laughing at him and fucking with him. Unknown_16: How long did you follow around Charlie Kirk? Not really, not really. Unknown_09: How long did you follow around Charlie Kirk, Nick? Unknown_15: Like two or three months or something. Unknown_09: Okay. Unknown_15: Yeah. But so anyway, so you follow around a guy like Ralph and you think you're like better than him. Unknown_09: is what it comes down to. Just like you thought you're better than Charlie. I am better than Charlie Kirk. Unknown_15: You follow around Ralph like you're better than him, but if Ethan Ralph is such like this cringe guy, you're the biggest loser of all because it's your job to follow this drama, live tweet the live streams. 0:21:49 Unknown_09: Oh, it's not my job. It's my pleasure. Unknown_15: No, it's your job. That's how you make money, right? Unknown_09: It's my pleasure. Do you have a job? I make money off a ton of shit, but it's my pleasure. Unknown_15: Like what, though? You make money off this, though. It's your job. Unknown_09: oh yeah, I stream about this and other people, but it's also my pleasure. Unknown_15: And that's just sort of like pathetic and sad. I mean, you could go around calling Ethan Ralph pathetic, but you're the guy that follows a pathetic person for a living. Unknown_00: You gossip about a pathetic person for a living. Unknown_15: And I just think that that means you're just as bad or worse than the people that you follow. That's all I'm saying. I just think like- Okay, so I just want to make sure that I'm- I want to make sure I'm following this hot logic. 0:22:21 Unknown_09: Okay, yeah, go ahead, go ahead. Okay, so- Unknown_09: My one tweet, terrible joke. Not up to the Knickers standard. Unknown_02: No, it wasn't a joke. It wasn't. That's my point. Oh, no, not even a joke. Unknown_09: Oh, my God. Not even a joke. Yeah. Not even a joke. Yeah, exactly. And laughing at Ethan Ralph for a week. That's just over the fucking line. Unknown_15: No, I didn't say it was a line. Unknown_09: What would be the appropriate way? What would be the appropriate way to make fun of Ethan Ralph? I said it indicates. Give me some examples of what would the appropriate funny ha-ha way of being to make fun of Ralph. I don't know. 0:22:56 Unknown_15: You're the expert. I'm a political guy. Unknown_09: You just told me. You just told me. You just told me I'm not funny and you're the expert of humor. So tell me. Yeah, but my. Teach me, master. Unknown_15: I will. Thank you. Yeah, you should call me that. Call me master from now on, okay? Yeah, yeah, no, no, teach me, show me. Call me master. What's a good way? Wait, wait, call me master. What's a good way? Excuse me, excuse me, servant. Call me master Nick from now on. Unknown_09: Hey, I'm not Jaden. Okay, put your hands up so I can see them. Unknown_18: And another one, and another one. Unknown_09: Put your hands up so I can see them, Mike. I'm floundering, I'm floundering. 0:23:27 Unknown_18: Let's grab something. I'm floundering. Let's grab something from KiwiCard. Unknown_09: Oh, you're grabbing something, all right. Unknown_08: You're grabbing something, all right. Unknown_18: Oh, and this is what we came here for. This is what we came here for. Unknown_15: So, so here's what I'm trying to say. I don't go around gossiping about people for a living. I'm just funny. I have a funny way about me. I have a good sense of humor. Your job is sort of like this malicious slander and gossip. And I just think that makes you, yeah. Well, I don't know if you're a bad guy. 0:23:58 Unknown_09: You're not the guy you think you are. Unknown_09: Help reform me, Nick. You don't have enough time. You don't have enough time. Unknown_12: I would, but you just, there's not enough time to fix. We all know there's just not enough time for you. Unknown_09: Why is that? Why is there not enough time? Because you're on your way out. Unknown_12: I mean, you're on your way out. Unknown_09: Why am I on my way out? Why am I on my way out? Unknown_09: Yeah, it's probably deserved, right? Like when a dude gets cancer, he deserves it. I don't think it's deserved. I think that's true. I think that's true for women, too. I think if you're a woman and you get cancer, you're probably a cheating whore and you deserve it. 0:24:30 Unknown_15: That's a horrible thing to say. I would never say something like that. I'm just saying I can't help you because time is not on your side. That's all I'm saying. I know. Unknown_09: I feel bad for you. Give me a quick lesson. You're so witty and sharp. Give me a quick lesson. Unknown_15: OK, well, like if I were to attack Ethan Ralph, if I were really to go after him, OK, I think the fat jokes are played out. Like, I think that's too easy. I think that's sort of lame. So I would I would maybe go. Well, it's actually kind of tricky because Ethan Ralph doesn't really care. You could I mean, basically everything's been said about this guy. He's fat. He smelled his finger. He did that, whatever. Like that's already kind of all played out. If I really want to go after Ethan Ralph, I don't know. I mean, I wouldn't do that because the guy's my friend, first of all. I don't know that I would actually maliciously make fun of him. 0:25:02 Unknown_09: You can't give me an example? It's weird. Unknown_15: If I were to make fun of Ethan Ralph, I would probably go after the sunglasses. I'll admit, when he got beat up in Portugal, that was a little bit funny. It was funny when you made fun of him for that. I'll say that. See, I would stick with something like that. But when you start and go into, like, if I had a kid, I would hug him. I couldn't imagine not doing that. That's not funny. So I think you should maybe go back to like the other stuff where it's like you make fun of him getting beat up in Portugal. 0:25:36 Unknown_01: Like classic shot in Freud. Unknown_15: That's a good one. Unknown_01: But I'm trying to help you understand. Oh, no, no, you keep going. I'm the master. Unknown_15: I'm the master. So please do take notes. This is a lesson. No, you called it. You said I was the master, right? Didn't you just say that? I'm your master. Unknown_01: I mean, those are your words. Unknown_15: Unless you're going to, you want to walk that back for me, bitch? 0:26:09 Unknown_01: You want to walk that back? Huh? Unknown_01: Do I want to walk backwards? Yeah, you want to walk backwards. You called me your master. Unknown_09: I don't want to walk backwards towards you, no. I don't want to be part of Ask First. I know that's what you like. Unknown_15: There it is. How about Dumper Pumper? Say that one. Can you say that one? Dumper Pumper? Unknown_15: Everyone will laugh. Unknown_09: I just listened to the clip of you talking about it. No, no, no. Unknown_15: Everyone will laugh. Unknown_09: For like 10 minutes long. Unknown_15: Wait, wait. I like when you said something like flapjack boobs to Ralph. That was funny because it was like silly. It was like scatological and silly. His boobs are like flapjack. 0:26:41 Unknown_15: If I were like 80 years old, I would think that's the funniest thing in the world. Unknown_10: Yeah, I know, because it's not funny that he literally has double tits like a fucking animal. Unknown_01: You wouldn't talk about him eating shit out of a woman's ass, Nick? Not really. Not really. Sounds kind of gross. Sounds kind of disgusting. I know. It is. It's fucking reprehensible. Unknown_08: But you wouldn't talk about it? Unknown_01: Can this guy not turn off his fucking super chats? Yeah, it's disgusting. I can't believe he ate shit out of a woman's ass and then put it up on the internet. Unknown_09: It's so weird. Unknown_15: yeah didn't you like have sex with your wife though on the internet too so oh yeah no i finger banged the shit out of her yeah yeah so i mean it's all pretty gross i think you're gross i think ralph's a little gross with that i think it's all pretty gross a little gross so you think figuring a woman is uh is is worse than eating shit out of her ass i i think it's all very gross frankly i think it's all very gross actually but in any case um does that sum up does that sum up america first now shit eaters What sums up America first is inevitable, unstoppable, killing the older generation with hilarious content every day. 0:27:39 Unknown_09: If it was unstoppable, you could still fly in a plane, couldn't you? Unknown_15: No, I think that indicates how unstoppable we are because then I get in a car and drive. It sounds like you were stopped at the airport, Nick. Unknown_02: That's true. Unknown_15: That's true. Unknown_15: I did get stopped at the airport. But nevertheless, we're still able to perform our activities. And we have this platform. Unknown_09: What activities is that again? Showing up late for live streams to do the news? Unknown_15: How about building a censorship-proof platform? How about hosting a conference? 0:28:16 Unknown_09: A censorship? You didn't build it. Unknown_02: Zimmerman did. Unknown_15: Probably with Munster. Zimmerman didn't build it. Again, did you get that one from Kiwi Farms? Do you know why they say he did? Because he works at the domain. Unknown_09: So you don't have people from Epic? You don't have people from Epic working on your website? Unknown_15: No. Epic is our domain registrar. Unknown_09: But they didn't help you set anything up? Unknown_15: No. Unknown_09: Okay. What about your privacy policies? Try something else. See, try something else. Unknown_12: Throw something else out. Unknown_09: I'm asking about your website. The one thing that worked, now try something else out. You literally just opened the door. You said, I built a successful censorship-free platform. 0:28:47 Unknown_12: That's right. Unknown_09: So I'm asking you about your platform. Unknown_12: What about it? Unknown_09: So is it two 30 compliant? Unknown_15: Is what section two 30 compliant? Yes. A hundred percent. Unknown_09: So you have a DMCA registered agent to take complaints? Cause I don't see it. Unknown_02: We have everything. We have everything. Where, where is it on your website? That's on the website. Unknown_02: Where? 230 compliant doesn't make sense and registrations are required. Unknown_00: So if I go there, there's a button that says DMCA compliant. Yeah, it's right there. Unknown_01: Oh, is it? I don't think so. Okay. So anyway. So this is, again. I'm looking at the bottom of your website right now. I don't see it. 0:29:19 Unknown_09: It's there. You just got to keep looking. Unknown_01: Oh, do I? Yeah. You're fun, Jim. You're very fun. Do you like it? I do like it. I think this style of comedy is fun. Well, this isn't comedy, remember? I'm unfunny. No, you're a comedian, aren't you? You just told me I wasn't. 0:30:04 Unknown_09: I'm trying to take lessons here. Unknown_15: Are you a comedian? Isn't that what you are? Or pretend to be or something? Unknown_09: I'm a person on the internet like pretty much anybody else. Unknown_09: Me too. Unknown_09: This is so gay. Nick, can't you just admit that it was fucking stupid that Ralph was going around bragging about DMCing people and maybe you went overboard? Unknown_15: So if we could get back, yeah, that's the original point. No, I think it was funny. Unknown_09: So you think it's funny just to abuse the legal system? Unknown_12: Yes. Unknown_12: And I'm tired of pretending. He abused the legal system and you're laughing. Yeah, I am laughing. I think it's funny. Are you not laughing? 0:30:37 Unknown_09: I think it's kind of gay. Why are you not laughing though? Unknown_09: Well, I mean, if you can't take a joke, right, Nick? I mean, that seems like that makes you the sensitive one. If you've got a flagged on shit making fun of you. I don't think it's got to do with not being able to take a joke. Unknown_01: Okay, I'll pause it there because of the TTS. Unknown_00: He should be asking what the point is. Like, you can abuse the legal system to accomplish something, but this is just to, like, fuck with random people. Like, why even bother? To Ethan Ralph's event and sabotage the event. 0:31:12 Unknown_15: And if his job is to accuse Ethan Ralph of being a rapist and then Ethan Ralph knocks out a stream for a week. Unknown_09: Well, I mean, let's be clear about that. Let's be clear about that. Alice accused Ethan Ralph of being a rapist. okay the the woman that said she was sexually assaulted accused ethan ralph do you believe all women medicare do you hashtag believe all women do you do you disbelieve them if your sister said i was right i believe no i believe no i believe no women ever so if your sister came to you and said as a rule no i as a rule i believe no women do you believe all women jim 0:31:49 Unknown_11: Hold on. I got to turn off TTS. There's too many people. I've raised it to like $100, and people are still throwing it at me. Unknown_15: Medica, do you believe all women? Unknown_11: It's gone. Unknown_09: I don't necessarily disbelieve them, Nick. It's weird. You're taking the polar opposite of position. Yeah, I don't believe any women. Unknown_15: I think everything women say is a lie, and I think all women are pedophiles. Unknown_09: Well, that's a very gay answer. Unknown_09: again yeah zing that's a gay that's good that's a good answer i thought jim was the like your insults and shit but like there's just nothing you do a voice and that's and then say cringe where is it come on hit me with the fire yeah anyway um so do you believe alice do you believe all women 0:32:36 Unknown_09: No, I said that she's IP2 thought, so who knows if she's telling the truth or not. Unknown_15: Okay, so Flamenco's amplifying a rape allegation. You're being semantic about the semantic difference. He accused, he aired it, he platformed it, he hosted it. He's insinuating himself in Ethan Ralph's life and accusing him of being a rapist. And that's my point is, you say, oh, I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. It's just lulls. And but accusing someone of being a rapist is not the same thing. Unknown_09: Should he put it through, Nick? I mean, do you have like a list of when it's acceptable to talk about something on the Internet? Is there like a Nick Fuentes approved list of we can talk about it now? 0:33:11 Unknown_15: Is accusing someone of being a rapist like just for laughs? Is that just like a hilarious joke? Unknown_09: Because I honestly- It would seem like a topic of conversation people would be interested in considering there are DMs between them. There's a relationship between them. Unknown_02: Why do you care? Why do you care? Unknown_09: Why do you care that I care? Unknown_15: I don't care. I actually don't care. Unknown_09: You're the one that cares. Unknown_15: I'm asking why you care. Why do you care so much about DMs and this and that? Unknown_09: I don't care, Nick. 0:33:47 Unknown_15: All right. Well, then I guess the question would be for Flamenco. Why would he care? Why would he care to- You said that people might be interested. Why would people be interested? Why would people care? Unknown_15: what some thought that Ethan Ralph talked about. Unknown_09: Okay, so you're asking me why would people care about a dude that's already got convicted of revenge porn for eating shit out of a woman's ass, rages out all the time, flew to Portugal, got beaten with pipes for his fucking purse. Why would somebody be interested in this train wreck that keeps fucking going and going and going and going and going? 0:34:18 Unknown_15: I don't care at all, actually. Unknown_02: Because here's the thing. Unknown_09: I have a life. Unknown_02: I have my own life. Unknown_15: And by the way, if I made someone else's business my business, I would expect something in return. That's what I'm trying to say here. You're trying to say, oh, you're thin-skinned. You can't take a joke. We're laughing at you, and then you're coming at us. It's like... OK, well, sending someone to another person's event to fuck with you, platforming a rape accusation against somebody. That's that's again, it's like I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. Oh, you literally did that. 0:34:49 Unknown_09: You've literally done that. You've platformed Flamenco on your website. What the fuck are you talking about? Unknown_15: Yeah, but I didn't have somebody on my show to accuse Ethan Ralph of being a rapist. That's the difference. Unknown_09: When did I have Flamenco on my show? I'm not talking about you. We're talking about Flamenco and Ralph. Unknown_15: Can you follow along? Unknown_09: Well, then who are you talking about? Because Flamenco is the one that got DMCA'd. Unknown_15: Flamenco is the one that got DMCA'd. And Flamenco is the one that was platforming, whatever, accusing Ralph of being a rapist. Unknown_09: So Flamenco is reporting on a woman accusing Ralph of raping her. 0:35:26 Unknown_15: But see, that's just it. It's like he's insinuating himself in Ethan Ralph's private business. Ethan Ralph's DMs are not like breaking news. Unknown_09: Ethan Ralph's rapes are his own private business. Unknown_15: uh yeah yeah this is the guy that's a good one this is the guy that cares so deeply about interpersonal drama with other people i know that's like your line of work but i don't actually care about that i don't care about ethan ralph's dms with some girl or ethan ralph's crimes i know you accepted all you love it i don't love it it's just not my business you know getting drunk and screaming and all that shit that i think i think all that stuff is gross but it's just not my business You know, I don't care about it. 0:36:04 Unknown_09: Just turn a blind eye to it. Don't ever talk about it. Keep it a secret. Is that the Catholic in you coming out? Unknown_15: It's not about turning a blind eye. It's just, it's not really something I'm interested in. I have my own life. I have my own priorities and objectives. And if Flamenco is going to get involved in that situation, you can't go crying to everybody when you get DMCA. And like, that's really the bottom line is we're all over here laughing that he got his channel taken down and you're going to come in and say, can't take a joke. And so it's like, You're saying that, but at the same time, you're also saying like it crosses the line. You're also saying like, oh, you just can't take a joke. I'll so pathetic. How could they do that? 0:36:37 Unknown_09: I think it's pretty terrible. What did I say that in relation to, Nick? Was it the DMCA or was it you? In relation to what? Did I say it in relation to? Unknown_15: You tell me. What tweet are you talking about? Unknown_09: The clip that you seem to be so pissed off about. I'm not pissed off. Unknown_09: You seem to be pretty mad about this. You got really hostile on Telegram the moment I put up that clip of you literally saying, I fight people and go after them when they make fun of me. That's what we're talking about. Yeah, and I'm making a point. 0:37:10 Unknown_15: I'm making a point that what you're saying doesn't make any sense. Yeah, I am making a point. I'm making a point that you're trying to obfuscate what's really going on. If it was just laughs, that'd be a different story. But Flamenco is a guy that's over there accusing someone of being a rapist, which is, by the way, could be defamation. If it's malicious and if he knows it's not true. Unknown_09: How would he know if it's true or not? He's just reporting on what the woman said. Unknown_15: I don't know. I mean, he may know it's not true. Unknown_09: So it couldn't be defamation, could it? Unknown_15: It could be or it couldn't be. Unknown_15: But the point is, this is something. No, and neither is Flamenco. 0:37:44 Unknown_15: And the point is, there's a guy who's about there. No, no, no, no. Unknown_09: He's out there. Oh, it's defamation because you secretly know what he thinks. Unknown_15: Hang on, Jim. No, I'm saying that it could be defamation. It could not be. But we're talking about something that is actually a pretty serious accusation. Is accusing someone of being a rapist a joke? Is it breaking news or is it a joke, Jim? You said it's just for laughs. Now you're saying it's a public interest. Well, which is it? Unknown_09: Well, I think it's top tier humor right up there with running over little white girls at parades. 0:38:15 Unknown_15: See, there it is again. Now we're just going to grab something and go. Again, is it just for laughs when you send someone to another person's event to sabotage the event and accuse them of being a rapist? Because in my opinion, and here's the bottom line. Unknown_09: Oh, it has to be those. It has to be those together, right? Because if you just said send somebody to an event, then you'd look like a fucking hypocrite with the Charlie Kirk shit, right? No. Unknown_15: No, not at all. We could talk about the Charlie Kirk thing, but because what you're saying is a DMCA claim is disproportionate because they're like, we're just laughing. And I'm saying, well, you're not just laughing. You're sending people in real life to fuck with an event that he set up or Flamenco is. 0:38:47 Unknown_07: And he's platforming someone accusing the guy of being a rapist. Unknown_15: And then when Ralph responds to that with the DMCA, then Flamenco is going to go and say, oh, that's not fair. You broke the rules. I think that... at a certain point, you're basically hiding behind this idea that, oh, like, again, I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. We're just laughing. You're just, you know, it's like, really? I don't think that's just laughing. Unknown_09: I don't think that's harmless. He's hiding behind, you know, legality is what you're saying. He's hiding behind legality. No, I'm not saying that. Because he was mad. And Flamenco could countersue. 0:39:23 Unknown_15: Flamenco could countersue all day long. And if he thinks that he was aggrieved, then he should. And then that's fair. And then it's all fair. But you're the people over there that are crying and saying, oh my gosh, this DMCA is beyond the pale. Unknown_10: You and Flamenco and Porcelain and Augie and all these YouTubers. Unknown_15: Okay. That's why did you want to flag down porcelain? Unknown_09: By the way, Nick, why did you want to flag down porcelain? Because the guy's annoying because the guy's annoying and his content should be. It's annoying. His content sucks. 0:39:55 Unknown_15: So it shouldn't be online anymore. And I get to say that. Okay. And I get to choose his content. He calls himself a documentarian. Give me a break. He's not a documentarian. Unknown_09: Are you telling me the irony bro can't detect sarcasm? Unknown_15: Oh, really? He's not being sarcastic. The guy thinks he's a documentarian. Unknown_10: And I think that's hilarious because it's stupid. Unknown_15: But no, his content sucks. And so his content, I think we should flag you because your content sucks too. 0:40:27 Unknown_09: Sure. You sure you're not going after, you know, porcelain because he did a baked Alaska documentary and your friend got made fun of? Unknown_15: When was that, Jim? Was that like? Unknown_09: I mean, let's say you got angry. You got you got angry because Ethan Ralph got fucked with. You got angry because, you know, baked Alaska got fucked with. It sounds like you're just a little bitch running around protecting your friends. Unknown_15: Not really. I just hate his content. I hate his content. I think it shouldn't be online anymore. Unknown_15: And you're the little bitch that's crying about it. I mean, you keep saying like, you're so mad. You're so mad. I said like, oh, you got DMCA'd. I don't know. It seems kind of funny. And everybody else is like, oh my gosh, you can't DMCA. Like if you got DMCA'd, I would think that was hilarious. I'm just telling you. If you got DMCA'd and your content got banned, I would think that's very funny. 0:40:59 Unknown_09: I wouldn't be angry. You are the humor expert. Yes. Yes, I am. Unknown_09: I am. And I just love that you're just so open about it. Your content's bad. You're like, I flag people because they make fun of me. I flag people because they annoy me or they go after my friends. 0:41:30 Unknown_15: I didn't say because they make fun. I said because their content's bad. Unknown_09: jim no no you're upset it's a lot as people are making fun of people i think you're the one i think you're the one that's upset actually i'm not i think you're misreading it again i think you're misreading it jim because like i said i thought it was funny that flamenco's channel got dmc8 if i'm being honest i thought it was kind of funny and i'm tired of pretending it's not Unknown_15: He's abusing the legal process and you're laughing. Unknown_09: I mean, you literally just said that earlier. You've used that line three times. Yeah, because it just goes to show. I know. I saw it ten times in the theaters. 0:42:02 Unknown_15: And it's because you have this attitude of like... I've got to put up with it seven more times in this call. Unknown_12: You do. You do. You do. Absolutely you do. Because you're my bitch. Unknown_09: Any other zingers you want to throw at me, Nick? Unknown_00: Now you're stealing my jokes. Now you're stealing my jokes, pal. Unknown_15: So... Unknown_00: He sounds so much like Ralph now. The reason why he's saying that is because you're going to stand there and say, like, or sit there in a wheelchair or whatever, and you're going to sit there and say, like, oh, you're just mad or whatever, and then you're going to turn around and say, he abused the legal process. Unknown_15: That is not a joke. Legal process is a joke. The whole thing is a joke. Who cares? DMCA, no DMCA, who cares, bro? I mean, this is just how these things happen. 0:42:33 Unknown_09: So then why do you want people to pity you when you get fucked with by the government? That's the thing, I don't. Why do you cry on Twitter? Unknown_15: I'm not. Unknown_09: There are actual archives of you crying on Twitter. Okay, let's see. Unknown_15: Let's see. Show them. Unknown_09: You want me to pull them up right now? Yeah, please. I'll pull them up on screen. Please do. All right, give me a second. I'll send you the link. Unknown_11: I'm sorry about TTS. I didn't realize how loud it was. So hopefully you could check and keep up with everything. It's all fixed. 0:43:05 Unknown_09: Yeah, I'm not hearing your TTS. I'm good over here. Good, good. Unknown_11: They were complaining, but it's all fixed. It's all fixed. Unknown_00: Okay, thank you. Should I read a few? Keep talking, Nick, while I look. Unknown_11: Thank you for your review, bro. Unknown_00: Let me read a few. Unknown_11: This one guy named Rapet Ralph sent me like $500 because the TTS was set to like $100 and he kept just saying like Ralph is a rapist over and over again. Unknown_11: Kezer for $100. Ralph is a fucking fag and shout out to my boys Kilgore and Avor, I don't know how I say it, and the Emerald Idiots. Hey, Nick, wasn't Jaden a scat fetishist? 0:43:40 Unknown_15: Do you have an answer? I think that one's funny because it's scatological. I think that one's funny because it's dirty. That's a dirty joke. Do I just put it in private chat then? Unknown_11: Is it like a secret link because it's showing on screen? Oh, no, no, it's not. Oh, yeah, then put it on there. Unknown_09: It should just be an archive. It's an archive link. Unknown_11: I just want to read one more. $200, last chance, faggot, Ralph is a faggot, revenge, pornographer, rapist, deadbeat dad, America first, by the way, Ralph is a fu- Yeah, it's just that over and over again. 0:44:14 Unknown_15: Yeah, see, that sounds like you're mad. That's like seething, Ralph is a rapist, Ralph is this and that. And then they have the audacity to turn around and say that that was like a joke. You're a rapist. We're not mad. We're just kidding around. It's like you obviously care about our lives so much. You care. You're the number one Ralph fan in the world, Medicare. You're like the number one Ralph fan club president, basically. and um the number one the fan club president while yeah you're the president of ethan ralph's fan club you care more about ralph than i do i don't know all this lore about ralph you do i i care more about ralph than than you do you've literally come on stream to defend him and you've spurred out for a week i didn't come on to defend him i came on to kill your career bitch don't i saw you with your gay little knife wristed hold oh i'm gonna kill them all look at me i got a knife i'm a joker I am. Oh, I'm scary. That's right. I am scary. 0:45:06 Unknown_09: Look at that shit. I am scary. I'm surprised you can lift it with one hand. Unknown_15: Look at me. Look, I can lift it. Look. Unknown_15: This is me killing you. This is me killing your career. This is me killing your career, epic style. That's great. Nick, can you get up? Unknown_00: He's trying to be like Sam Hyatt. It is great. It is great, isn't it? Unknown_00: It is great. Unknown_15: I only own this one. I only own this one. This is the one that I'm coming after you with. This is the one that you're going to taste. This is the one that you're going to taste right before you light the dust. I'm cutting your IV with this one. 0:45:41 Unknown_08: I'm cutting your IV. Unknown_15: I'm going to drink up your chemo. Unknown_09: I'm cutting the cord and I'm drinking it up like Bane. Why would he not want me to talk about what he does with a can? Unknown_15: No, no, go ahead. Go ahead. Drink it. Say it while I drink up the chemo and I grow stronger every day. Unknown_09: Okay. I was going to say it'd be a good thing if you had two knives. That way you won't, you know, pick your nose again and eat it on screen. Unknown_14: Oh, five-year-old joke. Unknown_18: funny button that's what a five-year-old does smash the funny button chat remember when you smash the funny button and chat remember when you ate remember to laugh nick i know i know you want to talk over it but do you remember when you ate snot yeah i know i picked your nose and you put it right in your mouth yeah is that like you have like a deep spiritual connection with ralph he eats shit you eat snot you guys are like bodily stuff yeah oh yeah it's funny because it's scatological is 0:46:37 Unknown_09: Is the mustache like a breaker for you? You feel like the texture of it? You're like, I can't eat right now. I'm on camera. Unknown_15: The mustache is for being handsome and cool, actually. Unknown_13: Do your boyfriends tell you that? Yeah, they do, actually. They do tell me that. Unknown_00: He should just get Nick to admit to anything. Do you have those tweets? Because he'll just say, like, yeah, that's true. He should just get him to keep doing that to everything. Unknown_15: I'm kind of tired of those, frankly. So let's get this straight. Just for the record, let's get the bingo card out. Sure. We got Nose Pick, Cab Boy. Have you brought up the Fed thing yet? Let's do the Fed one. You going to hit me with that one? 0:47:09 Unknown_09: What's the Fed? Hit me with it. What's the Fed? Unknown_15: No, you implied I was a Fed on Twitter. You said that I would say that federal agents are based or something. Go. Hit the funny button. What's the catchphrase on that one? Unknown_09: That was talking about Baked Alaska doing a plea deal on mail. No, you said me. Unknown_15: You said Nick Fultz is probably. Unknown_09: Because you'll defend your friends. So when Baked Alaska takes his plea deal, I'm sure you will say something like that. Right on cue. Right on cue. Unknown_15: There it is. Unknown_09: So I think that's all of them. If Baked takes a plea deal, will you be like, that's awesome? Unknown_15: I'll read the plea deal. I have to read the plea deal, actually, and see what's in it. And if it's bad, I'm going to kill him. If it's a bad plea deal, I will personally see to it that he's killed in prison so he doesn't squeal on me. 0:47:42 Unknown_15: But if it's good, then I'll probably pick his nose. Unknown_09: What's a good plea deal? Unknown_15: I'll probably pick his nose. Unknown_00: That will definitely be used against him eventually. How much money do you sell out for a good plea deal? Unknown_15: I have to look at it, Medicare. I have to look at it. Okay. If it's bad, I will have him killed in prison. Unknown_15: No, I don't have, I didn't get indicted for anything. Do you know how plea deal works? Dipshit. I didn't get indicted for anything. No, you don't. Cause I didn't get indicted. You can't get a plea deal without an indictment. Stupid. So if baked Alaska's plea deal is bad, I will personally see to it that he dies in jail. 0:48:16 Unknown_15: Because I have to protect my own dumper. Your friends. My own dumper, so to speak. No, no. You have to protect your friends. No, I'll kill my friend if he squeals on me in jail. But if it's a good plea deal, I'll slap him on the ass, pick his nose. I'll ruffle his hair and all that. Unknown_09: God, this is so fucking weak. Unknown_15: And all that. But that's your material, isn't it? That's your material. Nose pick, cowboy. 0:48:46 Unknown_09: I'm listening to the fucking comedy expert. Unknown_15: If you're not impressed with the material. Unknown_08: He quotes the Joker movie and then pulls out a knife. Unknown_15: I'm sorry to tell you, but that's your material, this whole conversation. That's really all you've offered. Unknown_09: I've seen the differences. The reason why they call me... It's fucking sad, really. The only thing sad is that you're on your way out of planet Earth. Unknown_15: The reason why they call me Nick the Knife is because I'm incisive. Unknown_09: When I die and I go to hell, I'll make sure to kiss a boy first so we can end up in the same section. 0:49:21 Unknown_15: Very good. The reason why they call me Nick the Knife is because I am... Unknown_09: You could tell if it's ironic. Oh, I knew we were missing something. I knew we were missing an irony bro joke. Unknown_15: I knew you could find it, Jim. You got to give me something I haven't heard before. Irony bros have jokes? You got it. Unknown_18: Oh, there's another. This is why we like you, Jim. Irony bros have jokes? Unknown_15: Oh, they don't because they don't have jokes. The reason why they call me Nick the Knife is because I'm incisive. And so I came on this debate and I said, you're not funny. You're aloof. You're cringe. Okay. Your content sucks. Nobody's heard of you. And I basically proved to everybody what a moral fagging concern troll you are, that you care more deeply about this than anybody. You're the number one, Ethan, like you might as well be sticking your fingers in Ethan Ralph's wife's ass and sniffing it. Cause like, that's what your career is. 0:49:53 Unknown_00: It's like sniffing Ethan Ralph's ass. Unknown_15: And so I came on here and said all that and you're, and you're like just giving us stuff that we've all heard before like that. You're dull. If I'm a knife, You're a spoon. Okay. If I'm a knife, you're a bitch made nigga because you come on here and you just give us like, again, the greatest hits that are literally like five years old. The greatest hits. 0:50:30 Unknown_09: Yeah. Five years old. That was funny when Owen Benjamin said that three years ago. Unknown_15: Okay. Unknown_09: And now it's funny when you said it, it was funny when you said it, when you went on stream and told Jamie, you wanted to spank his dumper and put them into bed at a great time. And I do. And I, I talk, I talk my friends in, I talk my friends in, I, which leads me to a question. Unknown_15: You said something at one point. You said you don't have any friends or something. We don't have any friends on the internet. Can you tell me what that's all about? Because Ethan Ralph was like, you're my friend. And you were like, I don't have any friends. This is the internet. I don't have any friends. Can you elaborate on that a little bit? 0:51:02 Unknown_09: Yeah, friends are people you meet in real life and do shit with. Unknown_11: Hey, can I bring on a special guest? Unknown_00: No, no. Unknown_11: It's a surprise. Unknown_00: Don't. I'm in the middle of something here. I'm letting you know right now that if any fucking weirdo pedophiles join the stream, I'm cutting this shit out and I'm going to fucking bed. I'm just telling you right now. Unknown_15: Destiny is my best friend. Yeah, bring him on. He's always welcome. Unknown_00: Jim, do you agree? 0:51:36 Unknown_11: Do you want him on, Jim? Or do you want to go for a bit longer? I need some moral support. That's fine. Unknown_18: Hug box. punchline punchline catchphrase i'm not i'm not asking to bring people in but nick sure seemed excited i'm not i didn't ask i literally said who is it and then you just said bring him in because i found out it was my best friend dude my best friend in the whole world destiny stephen bonnell the third literally told you that who told me what that he's your best friend Unknown_15: Uh, it's obvious and no one can take us apart because we're BFFs. Not even you, Jim. Sorry, pal. He's my best friend. I'll try my hardest. Yeah, you better. You better, you little bitch. You little dying bitch. 0:52:09 Unknown_09: You know, I got to say, Nick, I don't feel any real hostility here. So was this just a gimmick to get views for your website? Unknown_15: No, there's real hostility. I genuinely don't. Unknown_09: Yes. I genuinely don't. I really don't feel any of it. It just feels like you just wanted views for your website. Unknown_15: No, no, I genuinely think you're not funny. That's 100% sincere. No irony, pausing the irony. Yeah, you're not funny. And that's what I said on Sunday. That's how this started. I said, I think you're aloof. I think you pretend like you're above it all, and you're not. That's what I said then. That's what I say now. 0:52:41 Unknown_09: It started with me clipping you, talking about flagging people you don't like, and then you try to equate that with me doxing and swatting you. Unknown_15: I didn't try to equate anything with anything. On Sunday, I just said, like, I don't have- You literally quoted it and then said, the drama YouTuber cries out in pain as they swatch you. Unknown_09: And you put my tweet there. So it seems like you're trying to you know, insinuate that I'm- What are you, Nick Rikita? Unknown_15: What are you, some kind of lawyer? Hi, Nick Rikita. Hi, I'm Nick Rikita. I'm a mediocre, average IQ lawyer. I'm just asking you a question. 0:53:12 Unknown_09: Okay, you don't like Nick Rikita, great. The lawyer cries out and he swats you. Unknown_15: It's a joke. It's a joke. But what it- That's a joke, really? Yeah. How it really started on Sunday is that I just said, that's how it started was on Sunday. I took a shot at you. I said, I don't have beef with you. Unknown_09: That was Easter Sunday, right? Where you were drunk on stream? Unknown_15: What are you saying? I was what on stream? Unknown_09: Drunk? Drinking out of a bottle? Straight from the bottle? Unknown_15: I don't drink alcohol. I've never had a sip of alcohol in my life. 0:53:44 Unknown_15: I'm a real human being. Unknown_09: I get high on life. Unknown_15: I love life. I cling to it because we don't have an infinite amount of it. Unknown_03: Quite like you. Because Unknown_15: it's it's slipping away from you every second but it really it's like that with all of us but yeah on easter sunday i was high on life and i was saying that i think you're not funny and that was sincere and that was that's how all this started so it is real hostility it's not just to get views on my website we have how many views 7600 that's a little bit more than i get on my show every night we had 500 on d live until they nuked my my account because the metacast were a restream on there We have 7,600. I mean, no offense, Michael, but I get like 7,100, I think, is what I got yesterday. You're not counting the restreams. I think like Keno Casino's got like 4K right now. 0:54:20 Unknown_11: Yeah, but Matt, he's like... Yeah, how are those restreams doing? They're going down. Unknown_11: I'm not taking them down. Yeah, you are. You're my hitman. Unknown_15: Remember the deal we made? Unknown_11: PPP, my best friend. Unknown_15: I'm kidding. We didn't do that, but seriously, they're going down. That kid's smart enough to be like, no, I'm not cosying that because that's fucking gay. 0:54:53 Unknown_00: They're all my hitmen. Unknown_15: I'm the Don, and they're all my capos. All your sycophants? Yeah, it's like the godfather. Unknown_15: It's like the end of The Godfather, I remember. Unknown_11: Ralph agreed he's not going to take anything down. Unknown_15: No, he had his fingers crossed behind his back. Unknown_15: Classic Irony Bro move. Unknown_15: He had his fingers crossed up his wife's ass behind his back. Unknown_15: And then he smelled. See, Jim, now that's funny. Now, see, Jim, that's a funny joke because I haven't heard that one before. 0:55:29 Unknown_09: That's a new one. I made those jokes, though, Nick. As opposed to like, flapjack nipples, flapjack nipples. Unknown_17: Did you hear me, guys? Unknown_09: Have you seen his tits? Yeah. Nick, have you seen his tits? Unknown_15: I've gone Google Images and looked at it. Unknown_09: What do you think of the physique of that? What do you think of the physique of that? Do you think that's normal? Unknown_15: It's a rough physique. I'm not going to lie. Unknown_09: But you know what? Unknown_15: Do you think that's even normal for a fat person? It's not healthy. He doesn't look very healthy. But, you know, I'm not really one to talk. What? What's not looking so good? 0:56:00 Unknown_09: I said he's not looking so good with that physique. Unknown_12: No, pray for Ethan Ralph. Pray for Ethan Ralph's swift recovery. Unknown_09: So what would your suggestion for him be? Because you don't like the whole gym thing, right? You're like, no, gym bros, don't do that. Oh, I thought you meant like Jim Medeker. Unknown_12: I'm not a fan of either. Oh, that's a zinger. Unknown_08: Wow. That's that sharp neck when I fucking win. Unknown_15: God, I'm laughing. Jim and Jim's homophone joke. I would just tell him, stop, bro. Stop eating. That's what I do. I eat like one meal a day. 0:56:32 Unknown_12: But if he stops eating, his skin is going to say even more. Unknown_15: That's how I keep my cowboy form. How you keep limber? That's right. Unknown_00: Nick only eats once a day, so he doesn't have to poop often so he can take it up the ass. Pro tip. Unknown_15: Friendly advice. Here's a little friendly. But I love Ethan. He's my friend. And see, it's very sad, Jim, that you say that you don't have friends online because unironically, when you say like, oh, you just go out to bat for these people. Friends in real life. Well, Baked Alaska is my friend in real life. I've met him many times. Unknown_09: That's great. That's two different things, though, isn't it? 0:57:06 Unknown_15: Not really. Unknown_09: I'm talking about relationships with people purely online. No, no, no. That's fine. Jake Velasquez is your friend because you've met him or whatever. I'm not disagreeing with that, but I'm just saying, you know, when you meet people online, it's this weird pair of social shit. Why would they be your friend? They're just somebody you fucking talk to online. It's not the same as when you meet people in real life. Unknown_15: I agree. It's not the same, but you don't think that there's some camaraderie there with spending time with somebody, even if it's not like. I mean, you could, yeah. Unknown_09: An acquaintance, an associate, however you want to describe it, but I wouldn't say it's like friendship. 0:57:37 Unknown_15: I think it is. I don't think this is even really something to it seems like a weird argument. No, I don't think it's weird at all, because, again, I think it gets at your kind of like detached persona. I love my Internet friends and I agree that an Internet friendship is probably inferior to a physical friendship, like in principle. But I consider them friends. And, you know, why do I go out to bat for Baked Alaska? I said this this week, you know, Baked Alaska is one of the warmest. If you ever did meet him, he's one of the warmest people you'll ever meet. And when I met him, he let me stay at his house and everything. And he was nice to me when, you know, he didn't have anything gained from me. And he was just like a totally real human being. And like that, that's why I'll always defend him. 0:58:11 Unknown_15: yeah you can laugh at that because you're cynical i am yeah but he's but that's a real human being yeah i've known him for five years he's always had my back and uh you you have your friends backs and that's why when you went after ralph and go like oh well we don't have any real friends on the internet again i think that's like it's like i was right about porcelain then you just said you always have your friends back so that's why you 0:58:47 Unknown_09: Earlier on, you're like, I want Porcelain Flake because he's not funny. And I countered saying, no, it's because he did a Baked Alaska documentary. Now you're telling me, well, I've got a really warm, close relationship with Baked, and I've always got his back. Yeah, I got his back. That doesn't mean... No, the Porcelain documentary came out years ago. I think you slipped up a little bit. I think you slipped up a little bit. Unknown_15: Not really. You can say that. But when did the Porcelain documentary come out, Jim? Do you know? Unknown_09: Does it matter? Yes, it does. Were you aware of it? I have no idea. Unknown_15: Yeah, it came out years ago, Jim. So... Like if you're if you're I know you're trying to do like this drive by thing, but like, OK, let's pause. 0:59:21 Unknown_09: No, I'm literally talking because because if anybody because if anybody actually would stop and think about it, what you're saying doesn't make any sense. Unknown_00: Meanwhile, poor destiny is literally down there in the car waiting to be let on. Now you're interrupting me. Unknown_15: I reported the stream on my stream last night or I reported Twitter on my stream last night because I don't like his content and he's annoying. The Baked Alaska documentary came out years ago and it's got nothing to do with that. And anyway, and this is, this is deflection. Unknown_14: This is, this is another, okay. Unknown_15: See, I mean, this is just like very cheap, cynical, like diversionary. See, I mean, again, you can act like you're, this is above it all condescending mentality, which just doesn't impress me. 0:59:59 Unknown_09: Do I need to give you ass pants? What do you need? Unknown_15: no it's just you're such a fucking egomaniac like yeah i am i am an ego no i'm i am an egomaniac but i'm just trying to tell you that you the kind of content you put out is like impressive to stupid people and that's all i'm trying to say as a smart person i don't really find you why would i care about why you don't have to care about your sense of my content You don't have to. I'm just telling you. Unknown_09: Who would give a shit if you find it entertaining or not? Unknown_15: You don't have to. I'm just telling you. I think that smart people would think you're an idiot. And I'm telling you that as a smart person. And you could care or not care, but that's what it is. It is what it is. You're, you know, this whole like, you know, internet friends aren't real friends. I don't have any real friends. I'm totally detached. I'm cynical. I'm above it all. It's like, I remember like people in eighth grade. 1:00:32 Unknown_09: I do have friends. Unknown_15: I remember people being like that. Unknown_09: I do have friends, but again, they're, they're in real life. It's not an internet thing. It's right. You're above the internet. Unknown_15: You're, you're on the internet, but you're also above the internet, right? You're, it's very much a part of your identity. Unknown_09: That's such a weird, that's such a weird, that's an effeminate response. 1:01:09 Unknown_15: You're, that's a weird saying. Unknown_09: It's a weird leap. Unknown_15: Yeah. That's like a very effeminate, like you're not engaging with what I'm saying. Unknown_09: Your logic jumps from, you know, having a, you know, seeing a differentiation between real life friends and people you talk online to and saying like, oh no, that's your, that you must be detached because you don't have online friends. Unknown_15: No, I'm saying you, you act, even though you're on the internet and the internet's part of your identity and everything, you act like you're above the internet. Unknown_09: Are you friends with everybody in your, are you friends with everybody in your fucking neighborhood because you live there? 1:01:43 Unknown_15: Are you going to engage with what I'm saying? Unknown_09: I am, retard. You're telling me because I'm on the internet. Now you're getting mad. And now he's getting mad. Unknown_15: Now let's walk it back and pretend like I didn't get mad. And now let's walk it back and pretend like I didn't get... Unknown_15: Like, I didn't get upset. Unknown_09: It sounds like you're getting worried because you made an ass of yourself. Not really. Unknown_15: No, because this is what you do. Unknown_09: So you're telling me because I'm on the internet, I need to have friends. Don't answer a question with a question. Unknown_15: I'm telling you. Unknown_09: Are you friends with people in your neighborhood just because they're in your neighborhood? Unknown_15: You're saying that you're above it all. You're saying that internet friends aren't real friends because the internet's like you're above the internet, but yet you're on the internet. That's part of your persona. 1:02:16 Unknown_09: You're on the internet meeting random people like you'd meet a random stranger on the street. Are they random people? You know these people for years. You see a guy at a bus stop a couple of times. Are these people? Is that what you're telling me? Unknown_15: How long have you known Ralph? You've known that guy for years, right? Unknown_09: I've been on his show before, yeah. Okay, so that's not, well, you've known him for years. Unknown_15: Talked to him for years. That's different than a guy you meet at the bus stop, isn't it? But you're going to say, oh, I don't have friends. Unknown_09: I don't have friends. Oh, you met that guy at the bus stop every day when you took the bus. You talked to him for five minutes a pop for years. Yeah, yeah. He must be his best friend. 1:02:53 Unknown_15: And that's called like kinship. It's called like actually being a real human being and having like a connection with people in real life around the internet. Unknown_08: You keep going back to real humans. yeah yeah because your your whole every your whole persona is based on again this smug smarmy above it all detachment it's just like i'm just telling you it's lame like god i thought you were gonna take me down but this is so fucking gay you're so you're you're upset that i don't have internet friends i'm not upset you don't like my one tweet and you don't like my content okay wow those are zingers i'm really fucking devastated 1:03:30 Unknown_09: It's over for Jim. How is he coming back from this? Unknown_13: It is over for you. It is over for you. Unknown_09: Oh, it's fucking done. It is. Ring the funeral bell. Well, hey, that's more of it. Unknown_16: I'm going to jump in the grave right now. Unknown_15: That's more of it. Don't joke like that, Jim. I'm just going to jump right in the grave right now. Unknown_09: Don't joke like that, Jim. Unknown_15: You've got plenty of good years left, okay? Don't even joke like that. Unknown_09: I've been devastated. I've been devastated. Nick doesn't like my content. Unknown_12: Yeah, you are devastated. Your internet career over. Unknown_18: It's true. Unknown_12: Yep. Say goodbye, Jim. Bye-bye. Unknown_15: Internet career is buried. Done and finished. Nice wave. And that's why, yeah, thank you. It's because you can't engage on a level. 1:04:02 Unknown_09: I like how you're holding your hands. Yeah, see, I'm like, I'm gesticulating. Unknown_15: It's pretty shit. Yeah, I know. You can't engage above a, like, sophomore, juvenile level, like that we saw on the internet from 20 years ago. It's not mature enough. Unknown_09: I'm not being mature enough for Nick Lentis on the internet. I'm sorry. Unknown_15: I'm the master. Unknown_09: I'm sorry. Unknown_15: I'm the master. Remember, she better listen to me. It's time for you to grow up, pal. You're 40 years old. Unknown_10: When are you going to grow up? When are you going to grow up? 1:04:35 Unknown_15: When are you going to, when are you going to grow up and learn how to engage and actually say something authentic and real and interesting as opposed to it's like, I'm not authentic enough on the internet for Nick. No, you're not. You're fucking devastating. The content you make is just like hollow throwaway, like easy, easy peas stuff. And again, like, I'm just, I'm just telling you on a live stream to cry about my, like, that's it. Unknown_09: That's what we've got. Unknown_15: Well, I mean, we both agreed to do the stream, actually, right? Yeah, I know, but I thought you had something when you asked me to do the stream. Unknown_09: I thought you had something. Unknown_15: Yes, I did, which is to tell you that your content sucks, and it's cheap, and it's easy, and anybody could do it. Anybody could do it. 1:05:18 Unknown_00: I can't understand. Unknown_15: You know, you've done this for years and years and years. Unknown_00: I woke up for this, Chad. I woke up out of bed for this. Your legacy is garbage that I shit all over. Unknown_09: Okay, Phil. Unknown_09: My internet legacy. Oh, God. How am I going to live with that one? Unknown_01: Real. They're not going to remember me next to big people like Fred and the Angry Orange. I'm glad that you see it that way. I'm glad that you see it that way, that your content is forgettable. My internet legacy. I'm glad that you say it that way. My internet legacy. My legacy? 1:05:50 Unknown_13: Well, after I become Hitler II and take over America, I think they'll just write about me in the history books, basically. Something like that. Unknown_13: And yeah, that's, that's going to be my legacy. My legacy is going to be basically Hitler two, three, and four in America. Unknown_15: Yeah. And your legacy is like, you're this guy that makes doo-doo on the internet. You're this guy that makes forgettable sort of like popcorn trash that isn't funny. Unknown_13: And I just, I wish that you didn't come out of retirement basically. Unknown_09: Are you saying, are you saying that like, I need to be concerned about my internet legacy? 1:06:30 Unknown_12: Yeah. Unknown_09: I am. God, you're a fucking fag. Unknown_07: Wow. Unknown_07: Let me know when you want to let the others in. Unknown_02: We're not finished here. I'm not finished with this guy yet. Just let me know when you two want to bring in Flamenco, bring in Destiny, maybe Ralph. Unknown_11: I sent him the link. Unknown_11: The other thing I wanted to say is this. Unknown_09: Nick is welcome to. Unknown_15: Go ahead. The other thing I wanted to say is this, is, you know, you and these other people are always saying like, oh, like we don't flag, we don't flag Nick. Why is he flagging us? 1:07:05 Unknown_09: Give me some specific shit. Like other people who, who am I, when you're putting me in this group, like what group am I in? Unknown_15: Like you and Kiwi Farms people and like Flamenco and like, you know, this, this crowd. This crowd in this current conference. Unknown_09: How am I connected to Kiwi Farms? Unknown_15: Are you friends with like Josh Moon? Unknown_01: Last chance faggot sent $200. That's not true at all. Who told you that? Who told you that? I thought that was the case. Is that not the case? Not at all. Who told you that? I mean, you could say that, but I think we both know there's some truth to that. There's no truth to that. Okay. 1:07:39 Unknown_09: Well, in any case. It's literally on record on Twitter. Well, in any case, I'm talking about people that share the same view. Unknown_15: You say you don't report people, right? Unknown_09: Say that again? It roboted. I don't what? Unknown_15: You're saying that you don't flag people? Unknown_09: No, I don't go out doxing and flagging and swatting. I don't know why I've been given this moniker. I mean, you said my internet legacy, right, is just shit humor. I think I'll stay in my lane and just stick with the shit humor. 1:08:13 Unknown_15: Yeah, I'm going somewhere with this. Unknown_15: And they say, oh, Kino Casino doesn't flag people and Kiwi Farms doesn't flag people. And they're arguing that there's like the standard. Unknown_09: I never made any. I'm not saying you. I'm not saying you, dummy. Unknown_15: I just want to make it clear. Unknown_09: I just want to make it real clear. Unknown_15: Yeah, congrats. And the point is that that's because there's a parasitic relationship here. Unknown_15: which is to say that, of course, the people on that side would not report the people on this side because the people on that side watch our content for a living. So it would make no sense for them to report. And I just wanted to say like that. So people are always like, oh, well, they don't report all their streams. It's like, yeah, because they need the streams. That's their blood. Their content is reacting to those streams. And so, of course, they wouldn't report. Of course, they wouldn't get rid of the content. That's their content is reacting to the other content. You have a really high opinion of your streams, don't you? 1:08:50 Unknown_09: It's what it is. It's what it is, Jim. Unknown_15: That is a fair point. Unknown_09: Why do you get such low numbers, Nick? Unknown_09: On your own platform you built for yourself. 7,200 is low numbers on an alternative platform? 1:09:23 Unknown_15: Yeah, that's small. Unknown_09: Yeah, that is. Unknown_09: Yes. Unknown_00: Okay, Jim. That's not small. Well, in any case, whether that's small or not is really besides the point. Unknown_15: If it's small, then honestly, that just makes them more pathetic. If it's such a small stream, why do they do all their content about it? You understand how that doesn't really work? Unknown_00: It's not small if it's real. Who's doing all their content about it? You know, Casino. Unknown_13: About you specifically. Unknown_15: You know, Casino. That's every week. Their show's about me. Unknown_09: If you're upset with Kino Casino, why didn't you bring PPP on? Well, because you came on here to defend the position about DMCA-ing. 1:09:57 Unknown_15: I came on here to talk about you. You're just derailing fundamentally the argument. Unknown_09: Well, no, no. Unknown_15: You're trying to put me with them. Unknown_09: No, no, no. You're saying you've got a problem with them. I'm not trying to put you with them. But you won't invite them on. I'm not trying to put you with them. Unknown_15: I'm not trying to put you with them. I'm saying that you have said, I don't flag. And they say they don't flag. And so-and-so says they don't flag. And I'm saying that you all don't flag because all of you do your content about the people in question, about Ethan Ralph, about me, about whoever. You do your content about Ralph. Why would you flag Ralph? Your content is about Ralph. 1:10:30 Unknown_09: So of course you wouldn't flag out. And my response to that would be, I'm not flagging anybody, Nick, because I'm not a hypersensitive bitch. Unknown_15: That's what I'm saying. It's not because you're, no, it's not about who's sensitive and who's not sensitive. It's about benefit and interest. The YouTubers don't like the flagging because they can't retaliate. They can't respond. So they have to resort to cheap moralization and say, oh, this thing that is disallowing me from doing what I'm doing. Nick, your argument falls apart. Unknown_10: See, why do you have to interrupt me? Why do you have to interrupt me? Unknown_09: Because you're wrong. You're afraid of what I'm saying. No, because I'm right. You're wrong. Unknown_15: That's why you have to derail it. You're absolutely wrong. 1:11:02 Unknown_09: By responding directly to your misinformed point. Unknown_15: What about this thing? Unknown_09: No. If there was any truth to what you said, why am I not streaming myself right now? I could make a shit ton of money, right? Isn't that what you're saying? But I'm on Michael's stream. Unknown_09: So Posey has a bunch of streams up. You're making money off it, but I'm not streaming about this. Unknown_15: What does that have to do with what I'm saying? Unknown_09: You're saying it's parasitical. Oh, I wouldn't go after you because I make money off you. If that's the case, why am I not streaming right now? It is parasitical because you do your April recap or whatever. 1:11:34 Unknown_15: You look on your Twitter timeline. Unknown_09: Do you really think you're interesting? Do you think you're interesting enough to make it? Unknown_15: Ralph must be because Ralph is all you've been tweeting about for the past week. Unknown_14: And I'm all you've been tweeting about for the past week, too. Unknown_15: Okay. But, but do you see what I'm saying? Unknown_14: So, so you're not, now you're just saying, well, why would I stream this? Unknown_15: It's like, well, you're literally saying you're going to stream it later. So that's why you're, you're all your Twitter content. Unknown_09: You're assuming you're interesting enough. You're assuming you're interesting enough for me to include you. 1:12:06 Unknown_15: I know. You're interested in shit. Unknown_09: I know. The narcissist can't handle it. Unknown_15: All right. Unknown_09: I know. You're interested in flapjack nipples and fart sniffing. Unknown_15: I know. You're very serious. Unknown_09: You're fucking right I am. Who doesn't love a circus sideshow? I know. I mean, I don't own it. Who doesn't like a circus sideshow? Unknown_15: But that's the point I'm trying to make. That's the point I'm trying to make is that your content is dependent on somebody else. So of course- Unknown_00: Do you guys think there's anything Jim could actually say to make this guy look bad to his own audience, or are they just too far gone? Unknown_15: Yeah, we know. And so the point is that a DMCA claim is counter to your interest. I don't think there's anything ethically... There's no standard that's being violated. The YouTubers don't like the DMCA claims because it disallows them from doing what they do. It's not because there is some standard. It's not because it's gay. It's not because someone's mad. It's because... 1:12:41 Unknown_15: Flamenco is mad and Flamenco has no recourse because he doesn't want to sue because suing costs money. So he's got no other recourse than to say, oh, well, a rule was broken. That's a point because Flamenco is going to he's going to engage in things which are in terms of legality, potentially spurious. Unknown_15: And it's not just lulls. It's not, I'm just, I'm not touching, I'm not touching. He's going to engage and insinuate himself in somebody else's life and parasite off of somebody else's life for their content. Then he's going to get shit on for it. And then he's going to go because he can't respond because he can't retaliate. He's going to go, oh, a rule was broken. And this is classic. This is what people do. 1:13:17 Unknown_15: People, when they don't have any way to respond, they're going to come up with a reason why the thing they can't respond to is against the rules. We have to take that out. That's against the rules. And it's not because you fucking care about rules. It's not because the thing is wrong in itself. It's because it's something that is against your interest. 1:13:49 Unknown_09: A fundamental misunderstanding of what I'm telling you. I'm saying it is a weak, thin-skinned bitch move. to try to remove stuff when people mock you. It makes you look like a bitch. Unknown_15: I'm telling you that's a cope. Unknown_09: That's not a cope. A cope is what you do. Crying like a bitch and flagging shit to get it off the internet. Unknown_14: Flamenco is crying all over the internet about how it's DMCA. Unknown_15: He's probably asked her literally for the fucking package. So when you go, oh, you're just mad. It's like, okay, and you're not streaming, bitch. And we're all laughing. 1:14:23 Unknown_09: Because we're talking about you. We're all laughing. We're talking about you. No, we're not. We're talking about Flamenco and Ralph. If we're talking about Flamenco, why was it life-ruining scum? Well, Doc Swatton reports you. Why'd you quote tweet me then if we're talking about Flamenco? Unknown_15: Because you tweeted about me. Unknown_09: Because I clipped you. Yeah, because you tweeted about me. I clipped you saying you flag people because you get upset when they make fun of you. Unknown_15: And that's a separate issue. Are we talking about the DMCA or are we talking about me reporting people on Twitter? Because those are two separate things. And again, you're pivoting and moving things around because you lost on that point. Unknown_09: Don't try to make it vague. Don't try to make it vague. Literally, you're the one that's on Twitter. In that clip, don't try to make it vague. You said, I report people. I go after them and get them banned anyway. 1:14:56 Unknown_02: I do report. Unknown_15: On Twitter, mostly. Unknown_09: Anywhere. Unknown_15: I've done one or two reports on YouTube, but mostly on Twitter is what I was talking about. And I do report people on Twitter. Unknown_09: That's not what you said in the clip, though. Unknown_15: Okay. I didn't know I was on the record. I didn't know I had my hand on the Bible. Are we streaming with Nick Rikita? I'll have to dumb it down. Unknown_08: I didn't know your religion allowed you to lie when it was convenient. 1:15:31 Unknown_09: That's okay. Unknown_15: It's not that it's a lie. It's that I didn't have the necessary specificity. Again, I'm not denying that I've reported people. It's just that I don't even really know how the YouTube report system works. I think I did it once, and it's a lot more complicated. Unknown_09: I don't know how it works. It's true. Unknown_15: On Twitter, you press a button. On YouTube, you have to give a timestamp. I've done it once or twice. But that's a separate issue. The issue that we're talking about is the DMCA. And we could talk about me. If we could talk about me reporting. Unknown_09: I mean, I've already responded to your DMCA thing. Ralph took it down because he was up to that. Not because he legally was allowed to. 1:16:03 Unknown_15: That's a fucking cope. Why? You care about the law? Unknown_09: In essence, it's the exact same. But do you care about the law? In essence, it's the exact same. Do you care about the law? In essence, it's the exact same thing. Unknown_15: No, it's not. Unknown_09: Do you care about the law? Yes. I would think so, yes. Unknown_15: Well, that's fucking gay. Unknown_09: Yes, I care about the law. Unknown_15: Okay, well, you're a faggot. Unknown_14: You care about the law? Unknown_15: You're a fucking faggot, dude, because the law is broken. Unknown_15: The law allows people to be mass deplatformed on Twitter and YouTube, mass demonetization. And then people are going to cry about DMCA. The defamation standard is ridiculous. But Nick, I thought you told me that's funny. 1:16:36 Unknown_09: But then you're going to hide behind the law. Nick, wasn't it funny when you got fucked? It was funny for the people that did it. When you got DMCA'd or when you got deplatformed and all, that's funny, right? Unknown_15: Yeah, it was funny for the people that did it. And then I adapted to the situation. I didn't go and try and convince people. Unknown_09: By turning into them. You adapted by turning into them. Yeah, that's cute. Unknown_15: No, I adapted by they banned me from being live. Unknown_00: I'm looking at the poll thread, which would be more like Fuentes friendly. And even they're not like on the side. They don't really understand what he's doing. He's going to try and go around convincing people that, oh, what happened to me was horrible and wrong. 1:17:09 Unknown_15: And people should not do it. And people should be ashamed, which is totally different. That's totally different. And again, you're getting away from it. You're getting away from the fact that you said you're like hiding behind the law. Unknown_00: They hate Fuentes. Unknown_15: You say, oh, GMCA is gay? Hiding behind the legality of a false DMCA claim is gay, frankly. I think that's gay because the law doesn't work. Unknown_09: What is your fucking argument? So you just want what? I just stayed in my argument. I stayed in my argument. What is your overarching point, Nick, that you want to be able to take down people you don't like who say things you don't like in any way you can? 1:17:41 Unknown_15: You're restating what I'm saying in an incorrect way because you don't know how to answer my argument. Okay, make it correct. Unknown_09: Make it correct. Unknown_15: I will make it correct. Unknown_09: You're going to have to use your ears because you don't. Unknown_15: Um, you have to really focus in on this one. I know this is tough. Unknown_09: Hold on. Let me take the cat ears off. Let me take the cat ears off. All right. I can hear you clearly now. Perfect. Unknown_09: The point is that there's no hands where I can see them. You look like you're getting a little turned on and another one and another one. I like that. 1:18:15 Unknown_15: I know. I know. Unknown_00: You don't smile when he gets all gay. Unknown_15: Persistent theme throughout the show. The argument that I'm trying to make. Okay. In case you can't understand is this. DMCA does not violate any kind of unwritten rule that exists between streamers. People are not being DMCA because feelings are being hurt. The only reason that you and Flamenco and others say that a DMCA is you're doing it because you're hurt. feelings are hurt or I care about the illegality of it so deeply. You don't really believe those things. You're saying those things because DMCA is death for a YouTuber. So you're speaking out of interest and you're wrapping your interest around morality. And you're saying, well, it's not good for me if people start DMCAing me. So you're coming up with this rationalization by saying this violates some rule. Or people are doing it because they're mad. Ha ha. It's like, well, they're not doing it because they're mad. 1:18:51 Unknown_09: It's so easy to turn that around. And you don't care about DMCA's because your fucking website's not 230 compliant. I don't care about DMCA's because I'm not on YouTube. Unknown_00: He needs to stop bringing up 230. He has no fucking idea. It doesn't make sense when he brings it up. Your website's not fucking compliant. 1:19:23 Unknown_15: I don't care about DMCA's because I'm not on YouTube. Unknown_15: That's why. That is why. And people on YouTube care. And they care because the DMCA affects them and it doesn't affect Ralph. In the same way that they can't get a channel taken down on Odyssey for the same reason. Because if we got a DMCA claim, we would review it just like Odyssey would. And we don't automatically take things down like YouTube. Unknown_09: How do you get those claims, Nick? We get them from all over the place. Trust me on that. No, no. I mean, what's the mechanism of how you get them? 1:19:55 Unknown_15: You send us an email and you say, hi, I'm Jim. Unknown_09: An email where? What's the email? What's the email address? Unknown_15: Unknown_15: where you send that one so if you want to send a dmca claim you'll send it to dmca dot at i care about the law dot faggot and we review the claim unlike youtube unlike youtube where you get taken down instantly and and the reason why i say that is because people want to really draw an arbitrary line calling someone a rapist does not cross this arbitrary unwritten code uh sending someone to ethan ralph bowling event uh you know that doesn't cross the line to sabotage the event oh but a false dmca claim oh stop the presses now you broke the rules it's like you don't there's no standard there's no rule you want to do so when you were on youtube fucking with charlie kirk if he had dmca'd you for showing up and he did he did he did dmca me he did and what was your response what was your quote tweeted and said lol right 1:20:29 Unknown_09: So no, you weren't upset at all. You thought it was cool. That was funny. Unknown_15: I said, LOL. Yeah, that was it. I said, LOL. He DMCA'd my video. I didn't go around saying, this violated a principle. I'm supposed to be able to go to Charlie Kirk's events and him not be able to respond. They pulled all kinds of shit during Groyper War. That's a perfect example. I'm glad you brought that up. When we did Groyper War, And we sent people to, and by the way, we didn't sabotage. We sent people to participate in the event. It was a Q&A. That's true. 1:21:25 Unknown_07: So did Flamenco. So did Flamenco. No, that's different. Unknown_15: He sent someone to sabotage. Unknown_07: We sent people to ask questions. Unknown_11: How did they sabotage it? In the event. You guys want to keep going? Oh, God. It's up to you. Unknown_08: We can talk about woody horses. Unknown_07: All right. Unknown_03: By the way, Fomenko. No, Michael, let them fucking finish. Unknown_15: Yeah. Unknown_11: So the point is, when Charlie Kirk did any number of fuckery after that, we didn't go out there and say, oh, this violated a rule. 1:21:57 Unknown_15: We care deeply about the law. When Charlie Kirk false DMCA claimed a video that I posted on Twitter, and Twitter was my biggest platform, I was on my way out, excuse me, on YouTube. Unknown_09: Wait, was it on Twitter or YouTube? It was on Twitter. Unknown_09: Oh, so it wasn't YouTube. Unknown_15: No, but it was a DMCA claim on Twitter. Unknown_09: Yeah, yeah, but I'm asking you if that had happened to you on YouTube, what would your response have been? Unknown_15: Well, I got banned on YouTube. I didn't get DMCA'd. I got banned on YouTube because of Greg. Unknown_09: I know. This is why this is called a hypothetical. If you had been getting bullshit DMCA. No, but I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying the reality, the reality was worse than the hypothetical because a DMCA takes your channel down for 10 days. 1:22:36 Unknown_15: My channel was banned as a direct consequence of griper war permanently because Arthur Schwartz, a fixer for Don Jr. Put in a call at Google and had my account shut down. That's, that's how that happened. And by the way, and JF reported my channel too. And when JF reported my channel falsely, when he did the same thing that I said that I do, do you know what I did? I didn't go around saying that was really not cool of him. I said, whatever, we're on DLive anyway. And when my YouTube channel got banned, I said, well, we're on DLive now. And when I got banned from DLive, we built our own platform. And I said, well, we're going to be on here now. And I didn't go around to, and again, the point is not to say, 1:23:14 Unknown_15: um you know oh sabotaging event and rape accusation is the worst thing ever it's not to say that a dmca claim isn't a false dmca claim isn't frustrating and isn't in a certain sense yeah it's it's an abuse of the law if you buy that by definition a false dmca claim is an abuse of the law i'm not saying it isn't i'm saying that there's only one side that when something bad happens then they're going to come out and say oh the rules the rules the rule book it's like there are no rules really Unknown_15: And when you try to draw these arbitrary lines and say, oh, I'm going to trash talk you. I'm going to fuck with you. I'm going to call you a rapist. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that. Oh, you responded. Oh, well, that was not cool. It's like we can't really say. Unknown_09: Yeah, because you don't. Yeah, right. Because he had no response. So what you're saying is he's going to hide behind the skirt of this because he can't banter back because he's hypersensitive, much like you are when you flag shit down that upsets you. Unknown_15: You're just not getting it, man. You're just not getting it. Because you're fucking retarded, Nick. Oh, you're mad. You have like 10 responses. You're mad. You're literally retarded. Punchline. Let's say hug box. 1:24:12 Unknown_09: Is this coming from the guy that just screams cringe and washed for fucking 10 minutes straight? Unknown_15: No, but that's not just what happened. I didn't just scream cringe for the past 10 minutes. I just explained to you. Unknown_09: It's the last week. That's what you did. Unknown_15: OK, yeah, that's really impressive, Jim. For the past five minutes, I just explained why it's hypocritical, why it's hypocritical to be the one. Unknown_09: And I'm retorting to you. I'm retorting to you. I get it that Ralph is fucking dumb. And I don't. Yeah, I don't believe you. And I think you're thin skinned and hypersensitive and that you're just kind of hiding behind this shit. And I think you and Ralph have that in common. 1:24:43 Unknown_15: I think that's your easy go-to. Because, yeah, because you're the, I mean, when you put out a tweet. Unknown_09: Am I going to leave? Am I going to leave this, you know, stream and start crying? No, but I think you care more. I'm going to flag it because this is really upsetting. Unknown_15: This is really upsetting. Because you're the one that really cares. You're the one that cares about the law. You're the one that cares about the rules. You're the one that cares. I care too much. Ralph is smoking a cigarette. Unknown_09: I believe you're a real human being. 1:25:15 Unknown_15: See, and now you're just hiding behind sarcasm. Now you're just hiding behind sarcasm. Unknown_00: But he's been doing that the entire stream. No, I'm mocking you. Unknown_15: You're the one. Okay, you can mock me, but you're the one that said five minutes ago, I care. Unknown_00: He should point out that Fuentes has been doing that the entire fucking stream. Unknown_15: Fuck your law. Nobody cares about your law, nigga. That's what I'm saying. Unknown_09: Oh, you're so badass. Okay. Hey, Spartacus, did you slip on your sandals? Why was it that Bates went into the Capitol? Spartacus slipped on my sandals? Unknown_15: What is that? Unknown_09: I thought leaders lead from the front, but not from the back. What slipped on the sandals? Why did Bates... Wait, wait, no, no, wait. Unknown_07: Before you go that way, explain that one. Unknown_15: What's Spartacus slip on your sandals? 1:25:48 Unknown_07: Yeah, I don't know what that means either. Unknown_15: What does that mean? Unknown_07: I said, did you slip on your sandals? What does that mean? Why did Baked go in? What is that? Unknown_15: What is Spartacus? Slip on your, what does that mean? I thought you were smart. What is that? Unknown_02: No. Oh, God. We're Zoomers. Unknown_09: What's slipping on your sandals? Feign confusion to avoid, feign confusion because you don't want to, you know, address it. I don't know what it is. Unknown_15: You may say I'm feigning it. Unknown_09: I'm asking you. I know you're embarrassed. I'm asking you. I don't know what that means. What's it mean though, Jim? Unknown_11: What's it mean? Unknown_09: Yeah, what does it mean? Unknown_09: Okay, Nick presents himself as this little Mexican martyr, the leader. I'm fighting against the deep state, guys. Oh, look at me, Spartacus, Spartacus, Spartacus. So did you slip on your sandals and fall on your ass? Oh, because like... Why did Bates go into the Capitol? Does Spartacus wear sandals? 1:26:20 Unknown_15: Like, because he's ancient times? Unknown_16: Why didn't you... Yeah, is this a fable? Unknown_15: Is this an illusion? Unknown_00: He needs to not embellish his stories when he does that and not make jokes. If he wants to make a serious point, he should just make a serious point without trying to insult him because he'll always defer to the insult instead. Unknown_15: He got waved in. I didn't go in because I knew it was a bad idea, actually. Unknown_09: Because, you know, fuck the law, right? Fuck the law, fuck the law, and all that. No, no, fuck getting charged. 1:26:53 Unknown_15: Fuck getting charged with seditious conspiracy. Unknown_09: No, no, you just told me, don't care about the law. Unknown_16: That's so game cringe. Why didn't you go in? Unknown_15: Because I care about my life. I don't care about the law in itself. Do you think that I didn't go in because I care about the sanctity of the law or because of the consequences of the law? Unknown_09: Dipshit. I think you didn't go in because you're a pussy. Unknown_15: Okay. Yeah. I told that to the people that are going to be willing to let baked go. Unknown_09: Willing to let him go. He wasn't, he wasn't with me when we were on the Capitol grounds. 1:27:25 Unknown_09: Yeah, I know you were standing outside while he went in. Unknown_15: Yeah, but the Capitol complex is big. There were 500,000 people there. I didn't, I didn't let him go in. I had a whole group with me and we didn't go in and he was on the other side of the Capitol. Unknown_09: Very brave. Unknown_15: It was brave. It was brave. We stood up to the government that day. That wasn't... Unlike you... By standing outside. Unknown_15: Yes. Yes, actually. Unlike you. And yeah, Baked Alaska is brave for having done that. Absolutely. Because unlike you, we're actually out there in the world trying to do something. And we're not just being nihilistic. 1:27:57 Unknown_08: Working on a legacy. I know. Unknown_15: Yeah. No, I know. Nothing matters, right, Jim? You're just nihilistic above it all. Your real life doesn't matter. Your internet life doesn't matter. Nothing matters. It's all just... Unknown_09: I know I need to care. I need to care more deeply. I don't think you need to care. I'm just saying that I'm just saying that that's the real cringe thing is this above it all aloof nihilistic mentality. Unknown_15: Yeah, it was brave. Baked Alaska is a patriot. We tried to stop the steal and we could have worked. It didn't. And that is sad, but we tried, I went out there and you know, I had a bulletproof vest on because people legitimately said it was going to be, people were getting tips all day long from law enforcement on January 6th. That wasn't going to be safe, that there were going to be problems. And yeah, then somebody got shot. Ashley Babbitt got shot and killed and three other people got killed too. And, um, No. And so stop the steal was a very like that was a big that was an unprecedented thing in history because the integrity of the election was being challenged. And you see the consequences. Now, I easily I could have been one of the people in the Capitol. Thank God that I was in a group that wasn't sort of thrust in there because some people got there early and some people, you know, there were a lot of reasons why some people wound up there. Thank God that I wasn't. 1:28:37 Unknown_15: but yeah it does take real bravery to to stand up to that and i got subpoenaed by the government and i've got put on no fly list and i'm probably under surveillance by the government i'm sure and so on because i stick my neck out there because i i stand for what i believe in and so you can say oh you're because you're not courageous or something well i mean that's a lot of talk coming from a guy that as you said you're you're an internet guy and you don't even care about your internet legacy 1:29:33 Unknown_09: I know, but you're the brave guy out there. You stopped at the finish line, didn't really cross it. Unknown_15: Not really, because you could see what was going to happen there. It was clear that that wasn't going to end well. At least it was apparent to me. Unknown_13: but um but yeah so you i mean you could say and you could say oh you're not courageous you're not courageous but i mean you're a guy well you don't even have your face on this on this stream so you really have no right to say that and that's really where that's how this whole thing started it's the fucking internet and i i just yeah it's the internet it's the internet i know i know you're a fucking gen x i know you put so much stock in it internet legacy yeah i got you 1:30:09 Unknown_15: No, no, because you have such a blasé, nihilistic attitude about the whole thing. It's the internet. Who fucking cares? Oh, but when a DMCA claim comes down, I don't care. Unknown_09: A YouTuber doesn't care enough. I'm not upset. Unknown_15: I'm not upset. I think that that just makes you, like I said earlier, the biggest faggot here because you don't care and you should care. Everybody should care more, actually. And honestly, I get it. Yeah, I think people should care. I care about good content. I care about Internet freedom. I care about the country. I care about. Unknown_00: But he doesn't care about Internet freedom. Unknown_15: Yes, I do. Yes, I do. No, you don't. 1:30:44 Unknown_09: Yes, I do. You flag people down because they upset you. You don't give a shit about Internet freedom. Which is the result of the system that we have. Unknown_15: Which is the result of the system that we have. Unknown_15: Which is the result of the system that we have. You know, and people can sit there and say that, but I'm banned from everything. Unknown_09: So you're a prisoner to the system, right? Yeah, he's literally crying like he's forced to DNC people. Unknown_00: It's the government making you flag people because they're annoying. Unknown_15: They're not making me. But if I'm banned from everything, there's not a level playing field. Unknown_09: Oh, I see. So if you get fucked with, everybody should be getting fucked with. 1:31:15 Unknown_15: That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that that means the rules are different. It's very easy to talk about internet freedom when you're on YouTube and you're on Patreon and you're on Twitter and you're on all that and you're talking shit about other people. I'm not on Patreon. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about anybody for that matter. It's very easy for people that have access to all the platforms to gripe about, oh, a DMCA claim. DMCA claim. They DMCA'd my fucking right to fly on a plane. Unknown_09: Sounds like fucking sour grapes. It's not sour grapes. It sounds like you're mad that people have access to shit you don't. And now you want them to suffer because you do. Unknown_15: No, they want me to feel bad about them. And I don't feel bad about them. That's not sour grapes. 1:31:48 Unknown_09: It's just, this is the reality. You're bitter and angry that they're not fucked over. And you want to make them feel the taste of it. Unknown_15: No, it's reality of the internet ecosystem. It's not about making them feel anything. It's just about if you're going to go on the internet and you're going to spread lies and rumors and everything and you're afforded platform access because I'm the person, I'm the constituent, I'm the subject of a lot of the drama. I'm the subject of a lot of the streams. That's how, because I'm the one involved in it. Unknown_09: This isn't a continuation of Flamenco and Ralph and the rape allegation? We're talking generally now. 1:32:22 Unknown_15: We're talking generally now. We're talking about, we're talking generally because you said, I don't believe in internet freedom. And you said, oh, well, you strike down people that lie about you. So yeah. So now we are actually. Unknown_02: I didn't say lie. I said make fun of you. Follow that preamble. Unknown_15: Okay, whatever. I said make fun of you. Okay. But that's just it. It's not making fun. When Porcelain goes out there and says, Nick is a coward, that's not making fun. Unknown_13: True statement. Unknown_15: Whatever. When Porcelain goes out there and says, makes claims, when he doxes Baked Alaska's parents, that's not making fun, is it? 1:32:55 Unknown_15: Would you say that doxing somebody's parents is like just jokes, bro? Unknown_15: Would you say that? Okay, can you show me? Unknown_15: I don't have it in front of me, but it's in there. Unknown_09: I mean, how did he dox them? Unknown_15: Porcelain admitted to it. Because somebody said, oh, Porcelain, you doxed Baked Alaska's parents. And he's like, well, technically, I didn't dox him. I just showed a published article in my video with Baked Alaska's parents' identities in it. Unknown_09: A published article on the internet from a news source? Unknown_15: Yeah. Unknown_15: And so he can, and again, he can say, well, I didn't technically dox. 1:33:30 Unknown_15: But isn't that the same excuse Ralph gave? Unknown_09: That's the same thing Ralph said. I'm not talking about Ralph right now. Unknown_15: I'm not talking about Ralph right now. Unknown_09: Oh, I know. I just want your condemnation of porcelain is applicable to Ralph. I just want to clear that up. See, that's just it. Unknown_15: That's just it. And this is where people are all getting confused. I'm not condemning him for it. I'm saying you can't go out and say it's just laughs when that's the kind of, you're saying, oh, you're just thin skin and can't take laughs. Unknown_09: I literally can't because for me it is laughs. Unknown_15: Okay, well, that's you. But Flamenco was the one that was DMCA'd, and Porcelain is the one that was reported. And what Porcelain's putting out there isn't just for the lulls. He's putting out doxes. Wait, no, no, no. I'm confused. 1:34:03 Unknown_09: I will absolutely engage with that. You're terrified, and you're just furious. I will engage with it. Unknown_15: Okay, then go ahead. Engage with it. Is it dox? Just lulls? Unknown_09: As we're talking about Baked Alaska... And we first started talking about him and we first started talking about why did you want to get rid of porcelain? More and more information. You just keep letting out. First it was, he was annoying. And then I said, oh, it's because he has a documentary on his channel. And you said, no, that's not it. And now you're saying, well, he docks, bakes parents and that shit. So it seems like you're a little bit fucking mad and want a little revenge, but you just can't fucking say it. 1:34:38 Unknown_15: Okay. So anyway, is it just lols if somebody docks somebody's parents? Unknown_09: I would not dock somebody's parents. Unknown_15: Answer the question, though. Is that just for the lulz? Doxing somebody's parents, is that just lulz? Yes or no? Simple question. Unknown_09: In what form did he dox them? Give me some context. Why is it so hard for you? Unknown_15: Why is it so hard for you? 1:35:12 Unknown_09: I'm asking you, what's the context? How did you say he doxed them by putting a article up that was already public? Unknown_15: Let's just say hypothetically. Is doxing somebody's parents just a joke? Or is that not a joke? Unknown_09: Yes or no? Simple question. I would not do that. That's not an answer. That's not an answer, though. I just fucking followed it up. I said I would not do that. No, I wouldn't think that was funny. Unknown_15: Okay. So, see, now we're getting somewhere. We're not talking about people. Unknown_09: Well, no, we're not, because you're not answering my question. How exactly did he dox them, though? If it's already out there in a fucking news source, you're acting like he went digging for it, right? Like he hired a private investigator to find out Dake's parents and put it out there and nobody knew, or... Are we talking a CNN article? What are we talking about, Nick? 1:35:46 Unknown_15: He put an article. Unknown_09: Was this Baked Alaska? Unknown_09: Okay. Unknown_15: He put an article. This is what he says. This is from his own Twitter. He says that, oh, a docs isn't when you put a published article with Baked Alaska's identity is a parent's identity in the article. Unknown_15: That's in the stream. 1:36:21 Unknown_15: And so, again, you're sitting there saying, oh, well, the reason that they're using these tactics is because they're thin-skinned and they're reporting people who make fun of them. Well, you just said that doxing someone's parents isn't just making fun of somebody. And again, and by the way. Unknown_09: I said, no, I wouldn't. And I wouldn't think it was just funny. You said, no, it's not for the lulz. Unknown_09: Okay, so you evaded the question. You completely evaded the question. You asked me my personal subjective opinion and I gave you an answer. Unknown_09: unlike you who will dance around it and try to pretend yeah like you did a lot of good porcelain back for going after we all we all see we all see i really like how it keeps i like how i like how it keeps i like how you can't answer no porcelain porcelain is just annoying well maybe he did a video on my friend well he went after his now you're now you're floundering now you're floundering why can't you just be honest dick 1:37:13 Unknown_16: Now you're floundering. Why can't you just be honest now? Unknown_15: I am honest. You're not. See, I'm an honest person. Yeah, I am. I wear my heart on my sleeve. You don't. You're a cynic. You're above it all. You're too good for that. But I am an honest person. You're going to sit there and say, it's just jokes, bro. And then you're going to say, well, I wouldn't think it's funny. It's nothing but sour grapes. You're the one that's complaining about the DMCA. We're not sour grapes over the shit that's been done to us. We go on road trips. We do conferences. We cheer for Vladimir Putin. 1:37:45 Unknown_15: You're the one that's out of rates over the DMCA. You're saying the law, the law must be respected. Fuck you. Fuck your law. Fuck your YouTube channel. Your bad sense of humor. Your content sucks. Okay. And people see right through you. Unknown_15: You have nothing to offer other than these sort of reflexive. Get the easiest, most obvious thing and reflexively throw it at somebody. You're fucking 40 years old. Unknown_09: You're right. It is the most obvious thing. That's why I came in here talking about how you're gay. And I just don't understand. And I just don't understand. You're right. It's the most obvious thing. I go for the most obvious thing. That's why I started with you're a fucking fag. Thank you for admitting it. And there it is. Did Nick Wentz just come out of the closet? There it is. 1:38:18 Unknown_09: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Catboy Supreme. I go right for the obvious. You're right. That's what I dig into. Unknown_15: And that's all you got. And that's all that you have. All you have, like I said. Unknown_09: That's all I need is you admitting it's your flag shit because you get upset and you defend your friends and Ethan's your friend now. The emperor has no clothes. Unknown_15: The comedian has no funny. Unknown_09: I bet you love it. I bet you love it when the emperor's naked. I bet you love it when he's naked. 1:38:50 Unknown_15: And see, and there it is. Unknown_09: Just on cue. Unknown_15: Right on cue. Yeah, it is. Unknown_09: I'm smiling because. I bet they love those pearly whites at the glory hole, huh? Unknown_15: There it is. See? Right on cue. And you're flouting around because that's all that you can offer and you know that. You have one speed. Unknown_09: You're so fucking boring, Nick. We've talked about the same shit. I know. I know. Well, I don't know. I think it's pretty entertaining. Unknown_15: I think it's pretty entertaining, actually. You got one speed. Unknown_09: You got one thing to say. And that's it. This is why I'm not devastated when you say you don't like my content. You're not devastated because we're not on the same level. 1:39:25 Unknown_15: We're not on the same level, you and me. Unknown_09: You and I are not on the same conversation. Unknown_13: You're right. Unknown_15: I'm not 5'8". You're right. Unknown_13: I don't need a stepladder. Unknown_15: And that's all we have. Unknown_13: That's all we have is reflection. Unknown_15: And I could do it right. Oh, you're vaccinated. You're dying. I'm not. You're pro-COVID. Your wife is ugly. That's the second thing. I could go for the cheap. That's the second thing you've gotten wrong. We could all do that. We could all do that. Oh, you're short. I'm friends with Josh Boone, and I'm vaccinated. Unknown_08: But you are quite literally short. Unknown_15: I know, Jim. I know, Jim. Unknown_09: 70s porn stash, you're sure, this and that. 1:40:00 Unknown_15: Yeah, I know, I know, Jim. You should let Milo at least teach you how to fucking present yourself a little better as a gay man. Unknown_15: Yeah, thank you. And so the point is, this is all you've got. This is what your whole YouTube channel is about, your whole career is about. Unknown_09: I don't need any more than this, Nick. Unknown_14: And basically the people that find that funny, the people that find this funny are stupid. Unknown_15: Did you get upset? I'm not sour grapes. Unknown_11: Can I interrupt for a second? Unknown_15: I'm not sour grapes. If I were you, I would be sour grapes. Unknown_11: Can I interrupt? Because I feel like we're going in circles for a little bit. Sure. I just wanted to read a super chat. Can I bring in Keemstar? Unknown_02: Nice laugh. Nice chuckle there. Can I bring in Keemstar after I read a super chat real quick? Totally not mad, by the way. Yeah, go ahead. 1:40:31 Unknown_11: If I get your agreement, I don't want to bring somebody in. Unknown_00: Just mute them. Just mute your mic and read the fucking Super Chat. Jesus Christ. Oh, Keemstar! Unknown_11: Yeah, Keemstar. I missed the big Super Chat, though. I want to read it real quick. Unknown_09: make your money man yeah 200 ralph is america first somebody told me he's probably charging back but he keeps saying ralph is a revenge pornographer uh 200 from signal boost not gonna lie i'd sip i'd simp for brit uh ethan ralph also dm'd me he said uh baked alaska's uh parents he got the docs from the website so it technically wasn't uh like from a news article according to an ethan ralph dm i got 1:41:19 Unknown_11: People kept telling me to check my DMs, and that's what he wanted to say. You ready for me to bring in Keemstar Flamenco? I'm ready. Unknown_03: Just Keem. I don't need to be in here until the end, dude. Fucking hell. Unknown_03: Yeah, I don't really have much to say. Unknown_06: I got COVID right now, so I'm just going to say a few things and then take off because I'm pretty sick. But I was watching this thing, and Nick, I'm telling you, you're getting destroyed, man. I mean... It's just, it's really embarrassing, bro. You come across as this like little bitch that you're mad and upset that someone was making fun of you and you're over there crying in the corner. And then every time in this debate where you were like, I'm not the one crying. I'm not the one. I'm like, yes, you are. That's why you flagged him. So, dude. 1:41:55 Unknown_15: Well, this is the guy that reported Baked Alaska to the FBI. So, I mean, it's pretty rich for you to get in here. You snitched to the fucking pigs, dude. You're going to come in here and say that? Unknown_06: Yeah, dude. Drama alert, nation! Unknown_15: More like fucking Jewish. Unknown_06: That dude would go around in public. More like you're a fucking Jew that snitched to the pigs. Unknown_10: Can I finish? Unknown_06: That dude would go around. and literally fuck with people on the streets, and then pepper stray just random innocent people. I've seen this happen, like, multiple fucking times. So the dude's a fucking criminal. He needs to be locked up. Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo, nigga! I respect the laws. He's a fucking criminal. 1:42:29 Unknown_06: I mean, you don't think Baked Alaska is a criminal? I do, and criminals are based, dude. Based, bro? So you like your swatters? But he's a criminal. You like your swatters, Nick? No. He deserves to be in jail. Unknown_09: No, that's not based. Those are the wrong kinds of criminals. No, but you like criminals, so that's based. I like criminals that are funny. 1:43:02 Unknown_15: Unlike you, you're neither a criminal nor. Unknown_09: I thought they fought it hilarious when they swatted you, Nick. Why don't you like the joke? Unknown_15: I'm sure they did. Unknown_17: Well, in my subjective opinion, it's not laws. In my subjective opinion, I wouldn't do that. Unknown_15: Isn't that your move? So you're both. I love criminals, but not when the crimes are against me. Unknown_12: Yeah, that's right. I'm an outlaw for the white. Unknown_15: Yeah, you can say it. Unknown_12: I'm an outlaw for the white, man. Unknown_06: You're so cringy, bro. Unknown_15: You're so cringy. You're with Susan Wojcicki on YouTube, bro. You literally eat shit for the New World Order. 1:43:34 Unknown_18: I eat shit for the New World Order? Unknown_14: Yeah. Unknown_14: oh my god where did 2011 alex jones come from everybody knows you said all right why are you still on youtube then huh hey hey the new world order is currently trying to kill me with this covet so i gotta take off yeah it's hilarious Unknown_06: Oh, did we get baked in here too? Unknown_11: Well, Medeker, why didn't you grill him? Unknown_15: He snitches on Baked Alaska to the federal government. Isn't that a butthurt? I thought that's based in funny, man. 1:44:08 Unknown_15: No, not when it happens to me. Not when it happens to us. Unknown_15: It's only funny when it happens to other people. Unknown_09: Right, sour grapes. Sudden silence is the correct response to that. Just let it sit optimally. Unknown_11: Oh, he just left. Sure, bring him in. If he rejoins, I'll bring him in. And if Destiny rejoins, I'll also bring him in. He sat for like 20 minutes and then he left. So if he still wants to come in, I'll bring him in. 1:44:40 Unknown_03: Kick me out real quick. Unknown_11: Leave me for the ended. Okay, you should have told me that. Yeah, I told you that three times now. Unknown_09: Did you? I don't know. Oh, no, you know, I was going to say, keep him in here. Can we just talk about the fucking pegging and wooden horses and be done with it for the night? I don't know what the Flamenco talk is going to be. I'll bring him back in. Flamenco! I think they might have me on for when Ralph comes on. Unknown_11: No, don't ruin that, Flamenco. Unknown_09: Nick, do you got anything for him? I guess that he's fucking here. For Flamenco? 1:45:14 Unknown_03: I guess to clarify a few things, I've sent Michael the DMs from the guy that was at Ralph's event. I didn't know that guy was even going to the event the day after. And when I fucking clarified that to Ralph, he's like, oh, well, you should have called me. And it's just like, dude, you're fucking... Unknown_03: blowing up my shit saying like oh I fucking hate that guy why would I fucking do that it's not like Tux was saying I'm gonna go and I'm gonna shoot up even Ralph's event like then I would have probably fucking told Ralph but like why the fuck would I I don't get where Ralph like gets this idea that I don't know people that he's in fights with are owed his fucking loyalty I don't know 1:45:59 Unknown_03: I just think you're pressed about the DMCA. I've told you that. Not really. I fucking literally tweeted about it. Lol and eat shit, Ralph. Unknown_15: Yeah, and then you're going around crying to everybody about, oh my gosh, I think that was just terrible or whatever. Unknown_03: You told me you're like, I lost $500. Unknown_14: I lost 10 days worth of income. My income, they're coming for my income. Yeah, I think it's thin skin and I think it's gay. Unknown_15: So you didn't say like, oh, I just said LOL. No, you went and cried and said, I lost $500. When did I cry? When did I cry about it? On the other stream the other night. 1:46:31 Unknown_03: Yeah, I complained about it because Ralph is a thin-skinned bitch who can't take anything. Sounds like you're thin-skinned and you can't take anything. How am I thin-skinned? Because you're going around crying about, I lost $500. Did I tell people after that to flag his shit? Unknown_03: I don't think that you not flagging him doesn't make— No, I didn't, because I'm not a thin-skinned bitch about it. Unknown_15: Yeah, you just went and cried about losing $500 to everybody who would listen. Yeah. Other than that, other than that, you didn't cry. Unknown_03: Did you complain when people struck your channel? No. No, I didn't, actually. You didn't complain at all? You didn't try to contest it at all? Not at all. Unknown_15: Not at all. No, when JF flagged my channel, I just said, yeah, whatever, literally. You can go back and watch the show. Pull the tape. Michael, pull the tape. What tape? Pull the tape when JF banned my channel. 1:47:06 Unknown_11: If I can find it, I'll try. Unknown_15: Flag my channel. I said, yeah, whatever. Unknown_15: But you went around telling people, he went for my income. That's why it's pretty rich. Medicare goes like, oh, you said wife ruiners and blah, blah, blah. Unknown_14: And it's like, and you guys are going, my income, you're coming for my income. Unknown_09: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me clarify that life ruin shit. because that's disingenuous as fuck, and you know it. Unknown_15: I don't think so. When I talked to Ralph about life ruination with Ralph, he wanted to take his co-hosts. 1:47:42 Unknown_09: Why do you talk about Ralph so much? Unknown_18: You can't get Ralph's name out of your mouth. Unknown_15: All you talk about is Ralph, Ralph, Ralph. Unknown_09: Wow, you're scared. Unknown_15: You're like Ralph's wife. Unknown_18: Does Ralph stick his fingers up your butt? Unknown_09: Does Ralph stick his fingers up your butt? We don't have a relationship like you and Jaden. Unknown_15: I think you and Ralph should join each other's fan clubs. Unknown_09: More specifically, I think you should be the president of Ralph's fan club because all you talk about is Ralph. 1:48:16 Unknown_15: Hold on. Unknown_09: Nick, hold on for a second. Ralph this, Ralph that. I'm getting a message. Unknown_02: But Ralph is a Ralph of mail. What the fuck is Nick doing? Unknown_09: They're telling me to take Nick down. And they said to bring my secret agent Keemstar back because we both work for the New World Order and we need to take down Little Nipples. Michael, was that funny? Unknown_15: Was that joke funny just there when he said Little Nipples? I like that one. Unknown_11: I always see that one. Where does that come from? It comes from Kiwi Farms, like all his jokes. 1:48:47 Unknown_12: That's where it comes from. Unknown_09: No, it comes from the fact that his name is Nick and then Nicker. Unknown_02: Yeah, I know. Bottom of the barrel trash. I love how you're spazzing out. I like how you don't want me to talk about what you want to do to Gator. Unknown_09: I'm not spazzing, dude. We're in a debate. I know you don't want me to talk about what you do to Gator. This is a SmackDown, bro. Unknown_15: This is Friday Night SmackDown. And you're not funny. Yeah, it is. I'm smacking you down. Unknown_09: There's no SmackDown happening. I'm smacking you down like this. Unknown_09: Look at how limp-wristed you are. You'd break your fucking hand. 1:49:20 Unknown_15: I'm smacking you down because your content isn't funny. You're literally taking stuff from Kiwi Farms that you read like last night, and then you're promulgating this on the show like this is some kind of an own. Will Nipples, yeah, I saw that one on Kiwi Farms like two years ago, bro. It's hilarious. Unknown_09: Oh, so you've been reading Kiwi Farms for two years, have you? Unknown_15: Yeah, the people that talk about me obsessively every day. Yeah, kind of like how you talk about Ralph for the past week. That's like how you tweet 20 days. That's why you tweet 20 times a day about Ethan Ralph, dude. Unknown_00: I don't want to have to deal with 10,000 high neck posts every single day. We have to know. 1:49:53 Unknown_16: We have to know for the chat. Unknown_09: Nick reads his thread every fucking day for two years. Unknown_18: And on the Bible. Unknown_09: I know. Got to run to the chat. And on the Bible. Got to run to the chat. And on the Bible. You got a hug box. Hey, fellow cat boys. Catchphrase. Catchphrase. Am I winning? Catchphrase. Am I being based in Redfield? Unknown_15: Hug box. There it is again. But I want to know. I want to know. Did Ethan Ralph ever stick his fingers up your ass? I have to know that. Unknown_09: Just the once. 1:50:26 Unknown_09: Just the once, Nick. Unknown_15: Fucking disgusting. Both of you repulse me, frankly. Both of you. You having sex on stream. Ralph sniffing his fingers. Unknown_13: It's an entirely sordid affair. Unknown_15: It's honestly disgusting. Unknown_12: Nick, you should join us. No, I'm not into that. It's safe and comforting. You don't have to hide it. That's not my thing. You know my thing. You know my thing is the cats. Unknown_15: Your thing is loud. You've got the crush on Ralph. That's not me. You know who my crush is on? Cammy. Unknown_00: Keep doing this. Keep getting him to say that he's gay. I don't know what you're into, man. Unknown_15: Sorry. At least Catboy Cammy. 1:50:57 Unknown_09: I just told you. I was sticking my fingers up. Ethan Ralph. I'm sticking my fingers up Ethan's ass. I mean, you talk about the nipples and all that, and you're like all over him, man. Unknown_15: You're fucking Flabjack Buffet. Flabjack Buffet over there. The way you talk about Ralph every day. Ralph said this. Ralph said that. Unknown_09: This is a great monologue. Unknown_15: Ralph, blah, blah, blah. Unknown_09: This is high quality shit. You should get a talk show. Don't interrupt him. It's your Twitter timeline. It's my what? Unknown_07: It's my what? Unknown_15: I said Twitter timeline. It's your whole Twitter timeline. Every single tweet on your timeline is about Ethan Ralph. And some of them, it's just like these status updates. You'll never guess what Ethan Ralph just did. It's like, we don't fucking care. Breaking news. I know you don't care. 1:51:30 Unknown_18: Ralph just said this. Unknown_18: That's great. Unknown_15: Oh, my God. Nick Fuentes doesn't find it funny. Unknown_18: Don't you have a job? Yeah, it fucking sucks, dude. Pick something else, man. Ethan Ralph just said this. Unknown_09: Why would I care if you like it or not, Nick? Why would I give a shit if you like it or not? And it's funny to me that you want to start a streaming platform. I know, you don't give a shit about anything other than the law. You're fine fucking with streamers. I'm going to make it the law. My name's Nick Fuentes. I'm so smart. I'm going to make a streaming platform and then tell everybody I like to fuck with streamers. 1:52:05 Unknown_15: That's a good impression. Unknown_09: Is that the game? If I made it a law that you weren't funny, then maybe you care about it. I guess I have to tell. If a police officer knocked on the door and said, Mr. Medeker, you are not funny. You would be like, officer, I'm sorry. We need a cop. 911. Unknown_18: You force them on your platform. Mr. Medeker isn't funny. Unknown_15: And they're going to come. They're going to be like, hey, listen, pal. We got some reports that you're not funny. And you're going to be like, the sanctity of the law. Unknown_18: The sanctity of the law. 1:52:37 Unknown_18: We don't care about your law. Unknown_16: And this is the guy that cries about swatting. Unknown_09: We don't care about your law. Unknown_18: This is the guy that cries about swatting. Unknown_14: And this is the guy that cries about swatting. Unknown_09: Don't cry about Ethan Ralph. Unknown_14: Don't cry about Ethan Ralph. Unknown_09: No, no, no, Nick. Don't cry. Life-ruining scum will not swat you. Unknown_14: We don't care about your domestic affairs. Unknown_09: Everybody heard it. Nick Suarez thinks it's fucking basic. I do not want to imagine Ethan Ralph. And he co-signs him. Unknown_15: And the chemotherapy. Unknown_09: Because he hates the law. It's disgusting. Unknown_15: It's honestly what you and Ralph do is your business. Unknown_09: I can't believe you're so dumb that you're going on a stream saying that you're flagging, DMCA. It sounds like you're getting kind of upset because we found out. The true obsession, the true villain all along. 1:53:13 Unknown_15: You're the number one Ethan Ralph fan. You're the one that's sweet about him every day. Unknown_09: You've run this for five minutes. I'm the guy. Yeah, you're the one that keeps responding. I'm really impressed. You're the one that keeps responding. You're the one that keeps, Gish Galab? Unknown_15: I think it's Gish Galab, actually. Unknown_15: Well, a Jew would know better. I would, because I'm smarter than you, you fucking idiot. It's Gish Gallop. Gish the lab. Unknown_07: You're a fucking idiot, dude. Unknown_15: Retire. Unknown_07: A Jew would know better. Unknown_15: Flank this on the roof. Another Kiwi Farms. And another Kiwi Farms zinger. Guess what? Guess what? When we are in charge, we're making against the law, and then we'll be in full agreement, you and I. okay once you're done licking the cops boots once you're done sucking on the cops boots and we're the cops then i think we'll be in total agreement there'll be no beef because then we'll be the law and you'll be sucking the cops dicks and licking their boots because you love the law and then there'll be no problem sucking the cops dicks when you cry about swatting nick 1:53:46 Unknown_15: I don't know what one would have to do with the other. Crying about swatting, liking the cops. Those two things don't even make any sense. You're just floundering now. You're just floundering now. Wait, wait. If I was complaining about the cops, why then would I like the cops? That doesn't even make any sense. That just doesn't even make any sense. You did on Telegram. 1:54:18 Unknown_09: I'm just trying to get it. You like criminals. You just have nothing. So Nick Fuentes likes criminality. He doesn't like the law. I'm getting to you because you're not even making any sense anymore. Unknown_15: You're saying gish the lab. Unknown_09: You're saying things that don't even make any sense. Unknown_15: I'm, oh, I'm just dumb. See, this is, you're mad, bro. Unknown_13: Sour grapes. You're mad. You're bad. You're mad because you're bad. Unknown_15: You're mad because you're bad, and you're old, and you're slow, and no one even knows who you are, frankly. Everyone on Cozy was like, who? Mr. Medeker? Is that like Mr. Rogers? I've never heard of that. I'm like, I don't know either. 1:54:52 Unknown_09: Was that the 10 users or the 3,000 bots? Which did you pull? Unknown_15: It's the 10,000 people watching this right now, actually. Unknown_09: Well, you're almost getting close to a stream I do. Unknown_15: And the people, well, yeah, I mean, you're on YouTube, so... You're on YouTube because you love the law so much and you don't. Sounds like Sahar Graves. Unknown_02: Yeah. I mean, once again, you're just spamming the same thing. Spam, spam, spam. I'm sorry. You're shitting me. Hug box. Hug box. 1:55:25 Unknown_09: Hug box. I'm sorry. I can't hit good numbers. Unknown_15: Hug box. Unknown_09: Buy more bots. Unknown_15: Is it working? I'm pressing the funny button. Oh, wait, wait. Let me try another one. Unknown_09: No, I'd say it's not working, Nick. I've been listening to you for an hour and I haven't laughed once. Unknown_04: I love how Flamenco just like impulsively responded to that. Unknown_18: Back to Gator. Unknown_09: Back to Gator. Unknown_15: Back to Gator. Right back on track to life ruination. Back to your fingers up Ralph's ass. Back to your fingers up Ralph's ass and you're smelling. Unknown_09: I like how scared you are. 1:55:57 Unknown_15: And you're licking him around. And you're licking them up. Unknown_09: I love how scared you are, Nick. And you're licking it up. This is a very unimpressive show. And you're licking it up. I've got to be honest. Unknown_15: And you're licking it up. I like it. Somebody, I did this joke on the Destiny stream. Somebody's like, you're Ethan Ralph. Is this a joke? I like that. And then Medica comes in. Unknown_09: Is that a joke? Unknown_15: You're going to love me. Because you're all about Ethan Ralph. Unknown_02: Get it? Unknown_09: All I hear is silence. Why isn't anybody laughing at your jokes? Unknown_15: Because everything that you tweet about is about Ethan Ralph. Unknown_09: Nick, it's so silent in here. Unknown_15: Where is the laughing? Unknown_09: It's silent. It's silent because I think we should bring Ethan Ralph in the stream so you guys can, like, tongue each other or something. 1:56:28 Unknown_11: Is that the real Ralph in the thing? We could get live updates right here. Unknown_15: We could just put out the middle. Unknown_11: No, it doesn't. I guess the link got leaked, so we have a few randos. Unknown_09: Wait, wait. Unknown_09: Nick, are you acting as the metal man? Is that what you mean? Unknown_15: No, I'm saying your Twitter is the middleman. We could cut that out and we could have Ralph say things and then you could just tell us what he said. Unknown_09: We could bring Ralph in and then you could just tell us what he said because you're like the Ralph News Network. Will you stay here for his emotional support? So it's like when Ralph says something, you could just be like, Ralph just said this. 1:57:06 Unknown_15: And then I'll be like, it's funny because he called him a pig again. Get it? Because he did a juvenile name call. Unknown_11: Well, I don't see Ralph, but I see Baked if you want me to drag him in. Unknown_11: It's up to you guys. Unknown_09: He wanted to come in earlier, so drag him in. Destiny, if you're still listening, Destiny left a while ago because I guess I waited too long. Unknown_03: If you're watching this... Yeah, I DM'd him again. I don't know if he's watching it still. Well, if he wants it, I'll bring him in. And Flamiko... Unknown_03: Are you done? Have you made your point? I don't even know why Michael brought me in here, honestly. I thought, like, maybe when the Ralph shit happens or whatever. Well, he's supposedly coming in soon. 1:57:40 Unknown_11: I sent him the link. I want him in here. I want the Ralph email in here. I'll put on the cowboy hat, whatever. I mean, because I've got a limit to my charity of how much traffic I'll drive to the shitty statement site. Unknown_09: So let's try to keep it, you know, we've got a timeline here. Unknown_11: Yeah. Unknown_09: Well, hello, can you hear me? Crickets, say your lame joke. Unknown_15: Well, I actually... That wasn't a joke. That was a statement. That was a joke. Everything you say is a joke, right? You're a comedian. Unknown_04: Well, I actually came in... Hey, shut the fuck up, dude. Okay, I came in here to say Keemstar... Are you going to interrupt me? 1:58:11 Unknown_04: All right. I came in here to say Keemstar is a fucking faggot snitch. Unknown_04: Okay. He's saying that I'm a criminal because I stood up for something amazing. Even Jim, even Jim said I was brave, right, Jim? Unknown_04: January 6th. Much braver than Nick. Yep. Okay. We're all thankful. I meant that. I meant that. I literally meant that. Yes. Hey, in all seriousness. Unknown_04: Keemstar's a piece of shit. He ratted me and Nick and other people out to the FBI. Who the fuck does that? Like, you guys want to act all above everybody, but you're literally snitching to the federal government, okay? And a plea deal doesn't mean you're a federal informant, Jim, by the way. But, you know, you guys, hey, listen. Hey, listen, listen. You guys attacking January 6th Patriots doesn't mean you're a federal informant. That's shameful, dude. That's fucking shameful. 1:58:47 Unknown_04: I just got to say that, man. That's fucked up. Unknown_11: Hold on. Unknown_04: Is that the real Ralph? What were you saying, Jim? What were you saying? 1:59:20 Unknown_05: I don't know. Yes, it's the real Ralph. Unknown_04: You don't know what you're saying. Can you, like, answer anything seriously? Or is everything just some, like, ironic joke to you? Were you asking a question? I thought you were making a statement about Team Star. Nick's been asking you questions over and over, and you can't answer anything, it seems like. Unknown_04: I've answered pretty much everything he's asked. What about doxing my parents? Do you think doxing is okay? Unknown_04: I literally answered that question when he asked me that. 1:59:54 Unknown_04: You said it was a public news article, which is not true. He just DM'd me and he said it was true. That's what he said. Unknown_10: Well, it's not. Unknown_04: You didn't answer Nick's question. You didn't answer Nick's question if you thought it was okay. Look, the bottom line, Jim, the bottom line, it's been a while. What's up? But the bottom line is they play dirty and then they get pissed when we play dirty back. And we don't think about these people. We just want them to, like, we don't care. I don't care if people make fun of me, dude. Straight up. I don't. I don't. I don't flag anyone. I don't give a shit. what if people are doxing swatting that sort of and then they're like oh my gosh my video got flagged do you not see like the irony there dude i'd answer you like this is in my entire talk with nick tonight when this has been going back and forth between us he told me uh it's gay for me to respect the law who gives a and then you know if that's his stance if he really believes like that then you can't start and crying about getting swatted and getting doxed can you what 2:00:29 Unknown_04: That doesn't make any sense. We're talking about oppressive laws against white people that are retarded and gay by a faggot, globo, whatever, homo country versus people actually trying to hurt you. Jim? Unknown_04: Quadding is trying to kill someone. You're both missing the point. Unknown_15: The point is, Unknown_15: There's dirty stuff going on on both sides. And there's only one side that is saying that, uh, like, dirty stuff is off limits. That's the point. Is, uh... 2:01:32 Unknown_15: You could say like, oh, well, you said about life ruination. It's like, yeah, I'm saying that because if there's life ruination going on, then you can't come back and say, oh, my income got banned. It's like, yeah, there's a lot of casualties going on. But there's only one group of people saying like, oh, well, that's part of the unwritten code or something. Unknown_15: And then they're going to try to hide behind the law. Unknown_09: So Ralph started it so he shouldn't complain when it comes back at him, right? I don't think he is complaining, is he? No, but I just want to be clear. He can't complain about it, right? Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. 2:02:05 Unknown_09: So then why would Flamenco be in a bad position talking about the rape thing? Unknown_02: What do you mean? Unknown_09: Well, Ralph started all this life-ruination shit by wanting to Docs people put their posters up around neighborhood labeled white supremacist at their university. They're both involved. But he started that. He started it. Unknown_15: He started it. And everyone's a participant. Unknown_09: Ralph does something. Flamenco does. So then why are you trying to go after Flamenco? 2:02:37 Unknown_15: I'm not going after him at all. Unknown_15: I'm saying that he's the one that's going out there. Unknown_03: I'm the embodiment of all this terrible content, me and Augie and other drama YouTubers. Unknown_15: I'm saying that Flamenco is the one that's going around saying, my income, my income, my income. Unknown_03: I'm the embodiment of all this terrible content. Unknown_15: All right, Ralph. I love how Ralph is fucking it up. Come on, buddy. So again, you seem to be missing the point. Unknown_05: King Fag. It's not. How's it going? 2:03:08 Unknown_09: What's up, Rage Pig? Unknown_15: Can they hear me? Let me just say this, and then I want to see Ralph. Unknown_05: Holy shit. I can hear them. Okay. I can hear him. See, I can't hear him. Unknown_15: Can you mute your stream, Ralph, or something? Unknown_15: So the point is not to say, oh, like, I'm coming out here and calling out the hypocrisy on your side, saying that you're going to go around, you know, like Flamenco. Unknown_05: My side. Unknown_15: We're at war. I do have it. 2:03:39 Unknown_05: I do have it now. Unknown_15: The point is Flamenco is going to shit on Ralph. And it's not just lulls. It's just a variety of shit flinging. Shit comes back the other way. And then he's going to go foul. Unknown_03: No, you know, they not crying foul nigga. Unknown_15: You can't cry foul. Unknown_03: Can I ask you a genuine question then? What is the difference between what I do and what Ralph does on a daily basis? i don't that's what i'm saying i don't well i don't watch either because like ralph ralph is complaining that i'm apparently accusing him of rape he literally fucking went on about how jim raped his wife on stream i mean that was that's what i'm saying is it's like this is all just stuff that goes on and there's only one side that's saying like oh but that thing i'm going to draw an arbitrary line and say that thing went too far it's like 2:04:24 Unknown_15: If everyone's being accused of rape and all the shit's going on and you're going to go there and say, wait a second, I'm actually injured. That's like when you fight with someone. You're like a kid and you wrestle and then one kid starts crying and then tells on you. That's what's going on. It's like, okay, well, you can't cry. I don't give a shit when Ralph does it to me. Unknown_03: Dude, Ralph has fucking made his, one of his stickers, my fucking face docs. I don't fucking care. We can hear you, Ralph. okay yeah okay i'm just making sure i like i literally don't fucking care youtubers talk shit that's what it is what i want to talk about is medicare just making up that i eat shit like you literally just make that up out of thin air you do you eat shit no i've seen the porn tape what are you talking about i don't you literally shut your thumb up or ass and then suck the shit off why are you watching we did 2:05:16 Unknown_05: I don't eat shit. Like you literally, you were married to some fat Korean nasty bitch. You know, I mean, you're just literally ate shit out of a woman's ass. No way. Unknown_00: Oh, here we go. Unknown_05: No, no, no. There is literally no evidence for what you're saying at all. Yeah, is there evidence? There's video proof of it. No, there's not. There actually is video proof. Okay, okay, show me the video of me eating shit. I'm not posting revenge. I'd rather not look at that. It doesn't happen in that video. It doesn't happen. Let's put it up on the green, Michael. Yeah, let's do it. Michael, Michael. It's Cody.TV. I can't get rid of it. I don't want to see that. No, it's fraud, though. Like, he's just making shit up. Like, the other day, he's like, oh, Ralph's sobbing. Ralph's sobbing on air. Like, it's just bullshit. You're just lying. 2:05:47 Unknown_09: You literally put your thumb up her ass, you sniff it, and then you lick it. Somebody send it to me. I'll review it. Unknown_18: Send it to me. 2:06:21 Unknown_18: I'm an independent auditor. Are you really that concerned, by the way, whether I did either one? Unknown_05: You have to get to the bottom. Either one. No, not you, Nick. Not you, Nick. But it's like neither one of those things happened. It's just some fan fiction. Pull it up on screen. Let's see it. You just made it up, dude. Like you're literally like some old guy dying of cancer just fucking making up stories in his head. Well, if you're like two years younger than me, what are you talking about? We're both old. you're a pathetic guy and the sooner you're dead the sooner we smile dude like i'm you're so mad this is why they call you rage pig it's not able to smile with the facial damage oh yes i'm raging yeah i'm totally totally worked up jim is it true you got the vaccine i'm like i'm just curious i literally haven't gotten the vaccine so why did you chill why did you shill the vax and like all the covid shit 2:07:10 Unknown_04: where did it point me to it where did i show the uh it was your whole personality on twitter for months i explicitly remember him saying that he was waiting for the like regular vaccine are you pro-vax Unknown_16: Provax for COVID or just Provax in general? Unknown_02: Oh, you know what we're talking about. Unknown_16: No, I don't. Unknown_04: He might be completely anti-vax. Unknown_02: I don't know what to make of that. I am anti-vax, but which one? Unknown_05: What about the flu shot? What are your fucking vaccine takers? Unknown_16: Yeah, yeah, I would take a vaccine. Unknown_04: Yeah, we got you marked out. Hey, remember when you're like, hey, how's my career going to be over? Right there, bitch. Taking the vaccine. Fuck you. You're going to die, bitch. You can't even walk around the block without fucking killing nobody. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep drifting off right wingers when you take vaccines, you fucking faggot. You're talking about me, fat. What the fuck? Holy shit. You can't even walk around. Keep killing COVID, buddy. You fucking bitch. I... 2:07:51 Unknown_09: I love how everybody predicted this was how it's going to happen. As Nick was so weak, he would need three people yelling for him. Unknown_09: I won on my own. Unknown_08: Here we go. Unknown_09: I won on my own, and now Flamenco was in here first. 2:08:22 Unknown_07: I told him to wait. Unknown_12: I don't want this to happen for that reason. Unknown_05: Don't even talk to me. Open your mouth, you fucking fag. You don't even have the right to speak. You should be thrown off a roof, you fucking fag. Shut the fuck up. Unknown_12: True. Unknown_14: Well. Unknown_03: Rage more. Rage more, Piggy. Unknown_05: Oh, yeah. Rage more. Oh, I'm so funny. Oh, kill yourself, bitch. Unknown_03: Raging is been a fucking laugh riot. You like burned like what? Five bridges this week? Unknown_05: I'm so funny. Dude, you literally like to get fucked up the ass. Not only that. Ralph, Ralph, real quick. Unknown_03: Say I will never win $10 million. Please do that for me. We already got you marked out, dude. 2:08:56 Unknown_05: Like, don't even try to front. We know what you are. You're a faggot. Unknown_03: Tell me I'll never win $10 million. Don't even try to talk. Unknown_05: You're a bitch made motherfucker. Shut up. Unknown_05: Shut up. Shut up. 33 year old trying to play all your predictions. Ralph is just mad that Flamenco got a $30,000 contract with Odyssey. Unknown_09: Well, I mean, they saw my YouTube numbers and they're like, damn, you're getting more. Unknown_03: And they're like, we need you. $30,000. Unknown_05: To fuck him up the ass with that money. So good luck. I hope you enjoy it. 2:09:29 Unknown_09: Hey, why didn't you post a contract, Ralph? You were like, I'm going to teach Julian and Odyssey a lesson. Unknown_09: What happened, Ralph? Why didn't you post a contract? Unknown_05: What contract? Unknown_07: The Odyssey contract. Unknown_05: The contract you kept bragging about. Unknown_07: I don't know what you're talking about. Unknown_09: I'm going to teach you less. I'm going to... Wait, what contract are you talking about? You said you had a $30,000 contract. Unknown_05: I don't know what you're talking about. What contract? Unknown_09: Okay, Ralph. Do you have the screencast? Unknown_05: Do you want to post it? Unknown_05: Do you have further information on it? 2:10:03 Unknown_09: You want me to go dig it up? Unknown_04: Are you still butthurt about me banning people out of my chat, Jim? Are you still crying about that? Because you had a whole little... I think it was really gay, yeah. Hey, fair enough. That's cool. Hey, for real, Jim, look, we're all content creators here. It's like... Unknown_04: You have to admit, if people are playing fucking dirty, if they're doing doxing, swatting, maybe not them specifically, but they're encouraging it. They're not disavowing it. You can understand how people would play dirty back, right? Like, that makes sense to you. Like, just leave me alone type thing, you know? I don't hate anybody. I don't hate you, Jim. 2:10:35 Unknown_09: It's part of the new world order. I agree with Nick that swatting is fucking based in Redfield. Unknown_04: You can't answer a single question, bro. Like you want to come after Ralph and Nick all day and me and, you know, moral grandstand. But then we try to have a good faith conversation, and you won't do it. Good faith, sure. Wait, wait, wait. You talk about sex tapes. I have to use fake laughs, Nick, because your jokes are funny. 2:11:09 Unknown_08: I've been practicing it all stream. I've been going for two hours. Unknown_00: Okay, they're just talking over each other. I think that Nick Fuentes should also wear glasses and then make them call themselves, like, Lieutenant Snakes or something. America First will just be the Shades gang. Unknown_05: You fucked your bitch on air. Look at the green guy. Wow. You're the more trailer park dude of anybody here. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? You flew her out from Gamergate. She was 19 years old. You were, like, 34, 35. 2:11:42 Unknown_05: You fucked her on air. She wasn't 19. Unknown_08: She's fully doxed. Unknown_05: You fucked her on air, Jim. Who the fuck are you trying to act better than? She's fully doxed. I know you, bitch. I know you and I know her, fucker. And you fucked her on air. She was fully doxed. She's not 19. She was completely uncomfortable with it, fucker. I know it confuses you what a woman sounds like when she comments. You got a lot of nerve talking about me, motherfucker. You flew this young girl. You eat poop. Unknown_08: You literally digging out asses. Unknown_05: No, listen. You won't let me talk. She's completely trashed on the stream, drunk, out of her mind. You're fucking her on air. She says stop. She says stop on air. So, like, and again, you're married to her, whatever. Of course, I'm not going to call the FBI. But I'm saying you're a fucking creep, dude. Oh, no, I want you to. You have a lot of fucking nerve. I want you to call the FBI. You creep on a young girl live on air. I want you to call the FBI about me making my wife cum. 2:12:14 Unknown_08: You creep on her live on air, dude. Unknown_05: I'm on 911. Unknown_08: Somebody sexually pleased a woman. I'm on 911. Unknown_05: 35-year-old man fingered a woman against her will on air, and now he thinks it's funny. 2:12:47 Unknown_00: If Jim was smart, he would mention that there's a complainant against Ralph, who is Alice, and there is no complainant against him. Unknown_05: Say she did agree with it. It doesn't matter. Like you're trying to say I'm trash for a sex tape. You've got a sex tape that's way more famous than mine. And it was live during the middle of Gamergate. So I succeeded in making her come. You fucking phony faggot. Unknown_09: You're just mad that you uploaded a sex tape of you eating coke. Unknown_05: No, you're pathetic, dude. Like, you're just a phony. There's no way you're walking around this. Just admit to who you are, dude. Speaking of which, what happened with that two miles? Unknown_04: Let's all stop acting high and mighty like we all haven't eaten ass here, okay? Can we stop? Ew. It's me. honestly everyone but nick because nick is a virgin he's a virgin virginity rocks nick is a virgin and that's awesome i wish i was too but i'm clearly not i know jim has eaten a little bit of asian ass like don't lie come on bro 2:13:26 Unknown_04: I know you have the yellow fever, Jim. No, like Nick said, it's me and Ralph. 2:13:57 Unknown_09: I've been sticking my finger up there. He's been sticking his up by it. Don't act like you didn't promote me. Unknown_05: You've gone down there. There is no me. You know that, right? You've gone down the yellow river, Jim. Unknown_04: Come on. We know what you do. I love old Medicare videos where he's promoting the right. Unknown_05: I don't know. Literally. Hey, I made Jim laugh. Let's go. Unknown_09: I don't know if it's just like a joke about Asians or if it's like a piss joke. It's like one or the other. It was both. It was both. 2:14:31 Unknown_04: Oh, man. Hey, we made the funny man laugh. There we go. Unknown_02: Well, because it was a dirty joke, of course. Had to be a piss joke to make the funny man laugh. Unknown_09: I'm sorry it's not highbrow enough for you. Unknown_02: True. It isn't. Unknown_02: yeah it's not oh yeah i mean i don't even i don't even know what in there i don't even know what we're debating this is retarded because it's like okay some faggots play dirty doc swat so then we're like okay fuck you back that's it like why is this even an argument this is retarded 2:15:07 Unknown_04: who's like advocating for swatting who's saying like oh wait wait do you wait wait let we're talking about doxing too so okay so you support on his stream and made it a sticker i like how michael is just playing with his obs while this is happening he's just completely tapped out post that up myself it doesn't matter you could have left the stream if it was unacceptable you should have left the stream Unknown_03: I didn't even realize that was on the stream. If you posted that publicly, why don't we talk about how PPP doxxed my priest? Unknown_04: Is that okay? Unknown_16: Is that okay, Flamenco? Unknown_04: We're getting off topic. Unknown_03: Who is condoning swatting? Unknown_04: Kino Casino? They're condoning doxxing people when they doxxed my priest? Unknown_03: Wait, no. Do you want me to send you the video, Flamenco? Unknown_09: Yeah. Who has the link? Unknown_09: I actually think I know what he's talking about. Are you talking about when they said that you were funneling donations through the church? Yeah, yeah. Jim knows about it. 2:16:02 Unknown_04: So that's an example. Do you think that's okay, saying I'm funneling donations to the Catholic church? Unknown_03: No, that's not swatting. I know we're talking about doxing, you idiot. Unknown_04: Can you hear? I said doxing. I'm just asking you. I said doxing and swatting. And right now we're talking about doxing. Unknown_09: Yeah, that's why. Did you funnel donations through the Catholic Church? Hell no, of course not. That's insane. 2:16:37 Unknown_04: What the fuck? Like, of course not. That's where I heard it in context. I don't know. No, he did. No, exactly. No, just tell him the truth now. Okay, guys. I gotta come clean. I can't lie anymore. I can't. Unknown_04: Put on the charade anymore. You got me, Jim. You can't hide it from the New World Order. I'm funneling money to the Pope. Baked Alaska is the Catholic deep states. He's funneling it onto online gambling. 2:17:09 Unknown_15: Are you fucking kidding me? Baked Alaska sending the money to the Catholic Church is the least believable accusation. Unknown_04: What the fuck? funneling it on the online poker. But the facts, and Jim knows this clearly since he saw the video, the facts are my priest was doxxed. The Diocese of Phoenix had to have this whole investigation trying to determine if that was true. People were trying to, you know, report me to the IRS and all this shit. And that was all a fucking lie made out of their ass. But I don't even care about that, honestly. But the fact that that priest... had to go through that my catholic priest his face was put out there his name was put out there his parish was put out there and there had to be an investigation that was very stressful and he had to take his catholic website down that is shameful okay and i'm not like i'm fine dude it's not even about me like what i care about guys and i'm just being honest is like that catholic priest my parents people that have nothing to do with what i do and like I'll be the first to admit I've done retarded shit on the internet. I already know that. Duh. And it's like, you can attack me all day. I'm not going to get mad over that. Like straight up. You can, you can make me your content every day or whatever you want to do. Make me your law cow, law cow uprising, by the way. But you know, it's, it's just too far when you're targeting other people, you know, good people. Look, I'm not here saying I'm the best moral person in the world. I try. I am Catholic. I have a relationship with God, but to target my priest and make his life a living hell and have all these weirdos come after him, that's fucked up, man. And it's like, you know, any rational person would agree with that, obviously. So it's like when that sort of behavior happens and it's encouraged and it's laughed about. I mean, that video is still up on YouTube. You can go look it up. I can link it if anyone hasn't seen it. No, I agree. 2:18:39 Unknown_09: I think it's fucked up. You know, I would have sprayed him in the face with mace. See, there we go. There we go, Jim. Unknown_09: content spray right babe he's talking shit no no we're talking about this catholic priest we're talking about this catholic priest why can't you have a he's a piece of shit real conversation jim he's a loser i don't believe you're real people any of you i think you're all fake grifters oh yeah no friends on the internet right you're the one who gifted off the right wing when you're getting vaccines up your ass you faggot 2:19:35 Unknown_04: Holy shit. Oh, guys, I hate SJWs. I'm Gamergate 1.0. I started Gamergate. Oh, yeah. Get the facts, guys. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. Unknown_00: Can I just point out that he has a Russian flag behind him? That's so cringe. He literally did a video crying about the right wing and how he's going to be like the left wing now. Unknown_09: Remember that? Unknown_05: I'm really amused. I'm using my amused voice and that I was like fake laughing. That never happened. Jim used to say, Jim used to say, I would not get a paycheck. Unknown_04: You need three of you faggots at once? Unknown_05: Nick, you're so weak. You need three people. Unknown_09: What a little bitch. Three people. 2:20:07 Unknown_08: Look at Nick Fuentes. Little bitch in his hug box. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fake laugh again. Fake laugh again. Look at Nick. Look at little Nick Fuentes. Why don't you try the fake laugh? I'm so confused. Look at you. I'm laughing. Unknown_18: Such a little bitch. Unknown_04: Hey, you're flamenco. Unknown_04: You were just saying, what types of people condone that shit? Jim does. We just asked him about it, and he won't give a straight answer. There we go. Unknown_03: I asked you about swatting, Biggs. Why would I give straight answers in a room full of gay men? 2:20:38 Unknown_04: I said doxing and swatting. I can't hear you over your cheerleading swatting. Unknown_04: So for the record, you don't care about doxing, Flamenco. Unknown_03: I don't care about doxing as much. You don't care about my priest getting doxed. Unknown_04: Yeah, we can hear you, Ralph. Okay. Hey, good to know, guys. On the record, Flamenco does not care about doxing. Unknown_03: Yeah, I was doxed. Unknown_04: I don't fucking care. Okay, good. Hey, at least we know. Unknown_03: But I'm asking you. So guess what? I don't care about flagging your faggot ass. Oh, okay. 2:21:10 Unknown_04: Ooh. Unknown_03: So you are mad about it. Just like Ralph. Unknown_04: No, I'm not. I'm not mad at all. Unknown_03: And why would you go through the effort of flagging if you're not fucking? I didn't flag you. Unknown_04: I'm saying I don't care about it. Just like you don't care about doxing. Yeah, because you're above it all, right? Unknown_04: No, I'm not. I'm having a genuine conversation. I know. They say the catchphrases over and over. Unknown_05: He used to say he would never have a Patreon. He used to say it was all grift. He changed his entire fucking personal life. Like, this guy wants to talk shit. Like, he's full of fucking shit. He talks about people having positions that they've changed. I know, Ralph. I am full of shit. I guess that's making you hungry. You used to be anti-name fag. You used to be anti-converge. Should I spread my cheeks so you can get some dinner? Dude, I know your history, dude. You want to trouble hunt my ass? 2:21:41 Unknown_08: I have you caught. Unknown_05: He just never forgets you ate poop out of someone's ass, Ralph. That didn't happen, though. Unknown_08: I absolutely did. Unknown_09: Well, I hope Nick watches that. Unknown_05: If I ate poop out of somebody's ass, I'd come on here and say it. You ate shit, Ralph. I would sit here and say it was delicious. See, I'm not a coward like you. I don't have to run from things I've done in life. You understand? 2:22:14 Unknown_09: You're not a coward on a stream. Unknown_05: No, I'm not. I'm just not. It's just some shit you made up because you're a sick fuck. Probably some shit you read in your hentais. I don't know. Uploaded a porn video. Uploaded a porn video of you eating shit, Ralph. You used to say having a Patreon was a grift. You used to say super chatting was a grift. Okay, well just admit it. Okay, tell me I'm right. But you ate poop. Well, that didn't happen. You ate poop, Ralph. You absolutely ate shit out of a woman's test. Okay, show me what happened. There's no way you're ever going to escape it. It didn't happen. You can keep saying it like it doesn't happen. 2:22:50 Unknown_09: And then you got convicted for revenge pornography. Unknown_00: Ralph literally just joined us tonight eating shit. That's all he cares about. A very minor misdemeanor. Unknown_05: A minor misdemeanor of revenge pornography. Very minor. So what does this have to do with flagging? Nothing, of course not. Nothing. Unknown_05: Who cares? Unknown_05: I've done my charity time for this dead website. Unknown_09: What else do you guys need? You want to bring on fucking Soywinson too so we could just have the fucking trifecta retards? 2:23:25 Unknown_05: You're the greatest. Nick, how many more cheerleaders and yes men do you need? Unknown_04: If you guys want to go back at it, I can get out of here. I don't need to be here. I didn't really want to. I will let myself out. My name was brought up, so I thought that was fair. Unknown_04: That's fine, man. Have a good one, guys. Unknown_05: Yeah, I'll go ahead and leave, but I can't. Yeah, I just think the – okay, yeah. Unknown_03: Bye, Ralph. Adrian Blair won. All right, Flamenco, do you want to fuck off too? Yeah, I just want to say one more time, Adrian Blair won. I don't know who that is. 2:23:59 Unknown_09: Fantastic. Yep. All right. Yeah. Okay. Can we close this? I want to do, like, the last ten minutes here, because this is, like, two and a half hours, and this is just... Yeah, unless Destiny comes in. Unknown_12: I want to hear from my best friend forever. Unknown_09: If you want to... Oh, that's... Oh, Jesus. Unknown_07: Okay, well, Michael, is Destiny here? Oh, Jesus. Not anymore, but if, uh... If Omega wants to get him back in... He's probably like, what the fuck? Unknown_08: I don't want to bring fucking Flamenco back in. Jesus, man. Well, it says do not. It says do not. 2:24:32 Unknown_11: It says do not. Well, all right, all right, all right, all right. I'm trying to be a good host. I hope I'm doing a good job. Unknown_09: Everybody on Gab is, like, telling me to kill myself right now, so... Oh, shit, man. Unknown_09: It's 1022. Nick, do you want to do like four minutes? I'll do four minutes and we can fucking- Closing statements for our debate? Closing statements? Yeah, for this amazing debate. Unknown_08: Autism Fest. Unknown_15: Yeah, sure. All right. Unknown_15: Well, yeah, I went first first. So I guess I'll give my closing statements. I don't know how it works. 2:25:04 Unknown_09: Do you want me to go first? Unknown_15: No, if I went first in the beginning, that means I go first at the end too. Because the first and the last are the coveted ones. Okay, so- Yeah, so I guess there's three separate issues here. Unknown_15: And we were all over the place on all of them on a serious note. And the first thing about the Ralph DMCA is I think that, you know, it's, it's not just, I don't think it's just jokes. I think that we all know that there's a drama community that exists and it's malicious. You know what I mean? It constitutes in some cases, slander in some cases, harassment. It's not thin skin to say that, Oh, someone's fucking with me. I'm going to fuck with them back. That's how I view it. It's got nothing to do with hurt feelings or anything. It's, You know, sometimes it goes beyond jokes. And I think that as long as one party is going beyond just jokes, then it's perfectly acceptable for the other party to go beyond jokes. And I don't think anyone has the right to cry about that. I think YouTubers arbitrarily are drawing this line because that's something that specifically affects them. And, you know, Porcelain and others come out, Augie come out, out of insecurity because they fear their YouTube channels being collateral damage. And so... I think they're backwards rationalizing that saying, well, this is some kind of moral position. I think that they like to talk a lot of shit, but then they don't like shit coming back their way. So they say, oh, well, you just had to go further. It's cheap. It's not fair. So that's what I think that is. As far as me reporting people, I report people because, you know, for the same reason I'm out here trying to achieve a political objective. If people are lying about me and smearing me and trying to cause problems for me, I'm going to interrupt that. I don't report everybody that makes a joke about me. I report people that lie about me, wake up every day, and it's their mission to lie about me. And to pretend like that doesn't exist just isn't true. I like jokes as much as the next guy. But to wake up every day and do a serial harassment every day, interference we're talking about something totally different um again people like to talk shit then they don't like getting shit back i think that's all fair and it's appropriate and by the way saying that as somebody that's been deplatformed from everything so i don't i don't really appreciate people crying to me i have it so hard my income was compromised yeah okay welcome to my world and that's not sour grapes it's just to say that's the game that's what it is you sign up for it And there are no rules. That is the rule. The only rules, there are no rules. And then lastly, and this is the bigger point about you and I, Medicar, is I find your sort of detachment, aloofness above it all. I just don't like it. And I never said you had to care about that. I don't care if you don't care about that. I said that on Sunday. I thought that was what this was about. But that's what I said on Sunday is I think that you... chase drama, but you also think you're above drama. You're on the internet, but also you think you're above the internet. I don't think you're above the internet. I don't think you're above at all. I think you're passive aggressive. And I think a lot of it is deflection and coping, fake laughing. If you pretend like you have an amused tone all the time, like that's somehow an own. I don't think it's an own and I don't think it's funny. And I've just never been a fan. That's all. You don't have to care. I mean, why should I care? You don't. That's what I said on Sunday. That's what I'm saying now. I don't, I don't like the content. I think it's a, I just think it sucks. So that's my closing statement. That's my closing statement in the serious debates. And hey, thanks, Michael Alberto, for putting this on. 2:27:57 Unknown_11: Hope I did a good job, Nick. Hope I did a good job. Unknown_15: Yeah, it was okay. It was pretty good. It was all right. Unknown_11: All right, that's good enough. That's good enough. Unknown_09: All right, I'll do my closing statement, I guess. Yeah, Jim Medeker, his cancer man, will do his closing statement. I think it's rich to try to start a streaming platform and then be like, it's cool to fuck with streamers. I think it's sour grapes. I think you guys are hypersensitive. Um, this whole, it's a war shit, uh, because people laugh at you on the internet. It's pretty fucking gay. Um, I also legitimately think you're homosexual, man, uh, which I don't find a problem with. And I hope you come out of the closet one day. Um, as for Bakes and Ralph, I don't fucking know. I could have hear them when they were going off. Um, and this just feels like it's just been a really boring waste of fucking time. Uh, but Michael, uh, 2:29:03 Unknown_09: I hope you made some money off it, I guess. Unknown_05: Maybe make some fucking superchats. Unknown_09: I don't know. Oh, nicely done. Thank you. And there we go. All right. Well, this has been... It's been an honor. Unknown_09: It's been an honor. All right. Have a good night. Have a good night, Michael. Unknown_11: Have a good night, Nick. Unknown_09: You too. Unknown_11: So long. So long. Do you want to talk for a minute or... What do you think? Unknown_15: Well, he left. I'm not going to go on after you. Unknown_00: Okay. I'm going to need it. But hey, you know, I'm just... I want to... 2:29:38 Unknown_00: to exit out actually it's uh I don't know I feel like the issue the main issue is that anytime that Medicare tried to make fun of him just like throw in a you know casual attack on whatever call him gay Nick would immediately deflect to that so Jim should have just cut that out and tried to pin him on something some kind of hypocrisy and he couldn't Unknown_00: For whatever reason, he just could not, like, make a point without also calling Nick gay, which would derail the conversation. And, you know, that's, like, forgivable. But after, like, an hour and a half, he should realize, like, oh, this isn't getting anywhere. I should change my approach a little bit. Unknown_00: And he didn't. Meanwhile, on the other hand though, Nick didn't really, like his stated purpose was that he wanted to ruin Jim's career and he didn't, I don't think he did that at all. 2:30:37 Unknown_00: In terms of just like benefiting himself, I don't think he made himself look good. I think he made himself look really juvenile. He comes across as an actual child. Unknown_00: um so he didn't really do himself any any favors the main thing here is that he like brought people over to his platform and i think that's actually just what he wanted to do he just wanted to get people over to cozy tv so if that was his mission he succeeded in that no that's that's my general thought um i feel like this was a huge waste of time um To be honest, I kind of regret waking up at 3.30 a.m. 2:31:13 Unknown_00: Though I will... Not really, because I woke up because people, you know, donate to the Gumroad and stuff. I just want to appreciate that. Be with the fan zone during these events. Unknown_00: Yeah, I don't know. Ralph joined literally just to say that he doesn't eat shit. That's all he had to say. Baked Alaska is really fucking annoying. Though I have a small opinion about that. Unknown_00: I've heard about the PPP thing, where PPP and Porcelain, like, accused him of funneling money through, like, the diocese of Arizona, and if that was just, like, a bullshit thing that they spun up for no reason, that's really, really gay, because you have... all these innocent people you have bakes parents you have the diocese and the um the catholic church and the u.s having to investigate this serious claim of fraud that people were no doubt like hounding them with and if that was just like unfounded rumor mongering that is pretty pretty awful to do to someone for no reason but if it's i mean if it's true then whatever you know investigate it but you should be pretty confident when you start making accusations like that 2:31:55 Unknown_00: Uh, no, it's based in Keno. Okay. Unknown_00: This was so fucking morning. Yeah, I agree. Um, though, I don't know. I'm going to start working on being a morning person, right? Unknown_00: Typical tricks. Thanks for the restream. No extra views for this vid. Yes, fun gossiping. That's the other thing. Like, how can Fuentes say that he's above it all and then he's, like, associating with people like Ralph? He's literally embedding himself in this drama. And I thought that he wanted to be, like, a serious person who was taken seriously. And it's hard to imagine taking him seriously after he, like, dances around on his screen saying, like, I'm going full Joker mode, bro. Here's my knife I'm going to cut you with. Like... Like, okay, here's your future fear of the Americas. 2:32:52 Unknown_00: Just not seeing it. I'm kind of disappointed. Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_00: I hope that is a succinct explanation of my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed. Pikachu says that Nick1 is posting knife emojis. Respect to the... Actually, you know what? I'll do a poll right at the end. Sorry to the people who left. Who won? One last one. Final. Parentheses. Final. 2:33:30 Unknown_00: Jim, Nick, or neither. Keep it consistent. Unknown_00: Let me find a nice song. Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_00: Um. Unknown_00: I was trying to find a nice sleepy song, but I couldn't find a nice sleepy song. 2:34:02 Unknown_00: Throughout this debate, or whatever, I have noticed it started at like 90-something percent for Jim, and it's dropped to about 67 percent, with 30 percent being the second majority. nobody seems to think that nick won i think nick started at like four percent went down to two and then got up to three uh so there you go people are i guess people are disappointed for the reason that i mentioned he should have changed his tactics and taken a more serious approach i guess but um that's not funny man business Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_00: Take it easy, my friends. I'll see you guys later. What's this song? Deep Poyo. I searched Kirby Lullaby. I just remember Kirby music sounding really relaxing. Let's play a couple minutes of this. 2:34:47 Unknown_00: I'll see you guys on Friday. Unknown_00: I'm going back to bed. Night-night. Bye.